
69 lines
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* Globalize Culture ne-NP
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "ne-NP", "default", {
name: "ne-NP",
englishName: "Nepali (Nepal)",
nativeName: "नेपाली (नेपाल)",
language: "ne",
numberFormat: {
groupSizes: [3,2],
"NaN": "nan",
negativeInfinity: "-infinity",
positiveInfinity: "infinity",
percent: {
pattern: ["-n%","n%"],
groupSizes: [3,2]
currency: {
pattern: ["-$n","$n"],
symbol: "रु"
calendars: {
standard: {
days: {
names: ["आइतवार","सोमवार","मङ्गलवार","बुधवार","बिहीवार","शुक्रवार","शनिवार"],
namesAbbr: ["आइत","सोम","मङ्गल","बुध","बिही","शुक्र","शनि"],
namesShort: ["आ","सो","म","बु","बि","शु","श"]
months: {
names: ["जनवरी","फेब्रुअरी","मार्च","अप्रिल","मे","जून","जुलाई","अगस्त","सेप्टेम्बर","अक्टोबर","नोभेम्बर","डिसेम्बर",""],
namesAbbr: ["जन","फेब","मार्च","अप्रिल","मे","जून","जुलाई","अग","सेप्ट","अक्ट","नोभ","डिस",""]
AM: ["विहानी","विहानी","विहानी"],
PM: ["बेलुकी","बेलुकी","बेलुकी"],
eras: [{"name":"a.d.","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
Y: "MMMM,yyyy"
}( this ));