
89 lines
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2015-10-09 Paul Schneider <paul@pschneider.fr>
* totem-banner.png:
* totem-banner.xs.jpg:
* totem-banner.xxs.jpg: totem custo
* style.css: yastyle
* AccountController.cs: - Fixes route usage with n ovalue for
- better code at getting the avatar url
* BlogsController.cs: Fixes a Post request without user name
in the route
* YavscHelpers.cs: Implements a file list html rendering
* App.master:
* UserPost.aspx:
* Profile.aspx:
* AssemblyInfo.aspx: yahtmlstructure
* Edit.aspx: Displays a list a attached files
* UserPosts.aspx: yahtmlstrucure
* Web.csproj: new images
* instdbws.sql: returns to the flat list of properies (groups
are not working)
2015-10-08 Paul Schneider <paul@pschneider.fr>
* Contact.aspx: a form background color
* Index.aspx: A link to the credits page
* HomeController.cs: A Credits page
* Credits.aspx: A page title and H1 links
* AssemblyInfo.aspx: A relevant title
2015-10-08 Paul Schneider <paul@pschneider.fr>
* style.css: yastyle
2015-10-08 Paul Schneider <paul@pschneider.fr>
* BlogsController.cs: implements a method to update the photo
* style.css: yastyle
* AdminController.cs: refactoring the notification:
Introduces a static `Notice` method, server side, to populate
an array
in `ViewData`, used in the paster page.
* BlogsController.cs: Controls the photo update
* YavscHelpers.cs:
* yavsc.circles.js:
* HomeController.cs:
* GoogleController.cs: notification refactoring
* App.master: - notification refactoring
- html structure in the `nav`
* hallo.js: event 'hallomodified' now also occurs at image
* to-markdown.js: ?Fixes? html images alt text and title to
* yavsc.js: implements the photo in database
* Edit.aspx: A nicer bill edition, with a photo
* UserPost.aspx: Displays the photo
* UserPosts.aspx: Fixes the new usage of `ResultPages`
* Web.config: totem custo
* instdbws.sql: adds a `photo` field in the `blog` table