
88 lines
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var CirclesApiUrl = apiBaseUrl + "/Circle";
function editNewCircle() {
if ($('#fncirc').hasClass('hidden')) $('#fncirc').removeClass('hidden')
$('#lgdnvcirc').html("Creation d'un cercle");
$("#title").val( '' );
function selectCircle() {
if ($('#fncirc').hasClass('hidden')) $('#fncirc').removeClass('hidden')
var id = $(this).attr('cid');
$('#lgdnvcirc').html("Edition du cercle");
// get it from the server
$.getJSON(CirclesApiUrl+"/Get/"+id, function(json) {
$("#title").val( json.Title); });
function onCircleChanged()
{ $('#fncirc').addClass("dirty"); }
function removeCircle() {
var id = $(this).attr('cid');
url: CirclesApiUrl+"/Delete/"+id,
type: "GET",
success: function (data) {
// Drops the row
statusCode: {
400: Yavsc.onAjaxBadInput,
error: Yavsc.onAjaxError }});
function modifyCircle() {
var id = $('#id').val();
var circle = { title: $("#title").val(), id: id} ;
url: CirclesApiUrl+"/Update",
type: "POST",
data: circle,
success: function () {
$('#c_'+id+' td:first-child').text(circle.title);
statusCode: {
400: Yavsc.onAjaxBadInput,
error: Yavsc.onAjaxError
function addCircle()
var circle = { title: $("#title").val() } ;
url: CirclesApiUrl+"/Create",
type: "POST",
data: circle,
success: function (id) {
// Adds a node rendering the new circle
$('<tr id="c_'+id+'"/>').addClass('selected row')
$('<input type="button" value="Remove">').addClass("actionlink").attr('cid',id).click(removeCircle).appendTo('<td></td>').appendTo('#c_'+id);
statusCode: {
400: Yavsc.onAjaxBadInput
error: Yavsc.onAjaxError});