Commit Graph

39 Commits (c5ae4a5c67791149795f0ceaf6f369e39c244b86)

Author SHA1 Message Date
Paul Schneider bb5e34a61d refactoring 9 years ago
Paul Schneider 1805cb3e17 big refactoring, and more
New routes, new juice flow, the tags on posts
9 years ago
Paul Schneider d04a68db01 Bug & layout fixes
* Index.aspx:
* Title.aspx:
* YavscModel.csproj:
* BlogEntry.cs:
* yavsc.scrollnotif.js:
* AccountController.cs:
* BlogEntryCollection.cs: refactoring

* yavsc.tags.js: Implements a js call
to the tag & untag methods

* PostActions.ascx: a better html structure

* BasePost.cs: refactoring:
allows the "PostActions" user control to use a common base object as
  post reference

* NpgsqlBlogProvider.cs: implements the tag methods on db

* ResultPages.cs: A multi-pages result meta info when one page only

* yavsc.circles.js:
* AccountController.cs: code formatting

* BlogsController.cs: Untag a post

* style.css: yastyle, yet a better one.

* BlogsController.cs: View the Title after edition

* App.master:
* UserPosts.aspx: a nicer html structure

* yavsc.js: Fixes notice & dimiss js

* Login.aspx: refactoring

* Edit.aspx: better html

* UserPost.aspx: A promess to be allowed to tag.

* Web.csproj: Adds yavsc.tags.js and yavsc.scrollnotifs.js to the
  project decription.

* BlogManager.cs: Makes the blog manager expose of the new `UnTag`

* BlogProvider.cs: introduces a method to `untag`

* FindBlogEntryFlags.cs: Find post entry by tag

* LocalizedText.resx:
* LocalizedText.Designer.cs: new translations: - "Tag"
- "Edit"

* nouvelles traductions: - "Tag"
- "Edit"

* Profile.cs: a nicer stack trace at buggy usage
9 years ago
Paul Schneider c962998aaa totem custo: new routes 9 years ago
Paul Schneider e540aed51c Fixes the avatar Url from the menu 9 years ago
Paul Schneider 424bb157e3 Fixes the avatar Url from the menu 9 years ago
Paul Schneider 303aaa5e1b Starting to test some controller
* BlogUnitTest.cs: Should test the user registration

* NpgsqlBlogProvider.cs: Fixes usage of Npgsql upgrade to latest

* TestAPI.csproj: switch to .Net framework 4.5.1

* AccountController.cs: refactoring password validation

* CalendarController.cs:
* WorkFlowController.cs: SendActivationMessage became an extension

* style.css: menu items already have a background and color, since
  they're `<A>` tags

* Unregister.aspx:
* AccountController.cs: refactoring user registration

* BlogsController.cs: Fixes a confusion between Author and reader ...

* YavscHelpers.cs: refactoring the password reset

* App.master: no more <div class="menuitem">, they're hyperlinks

* Login.aspx:
* Profile.aspx: refactoring the user registration

* BlogEntryCollection.cs: implements a method to filter a given post
  collection in order to be displayed tu a given user or anonymous
9 years ago
Paul Schneider 5f40448890 Fixes profile edition,
refactoring profile property names, because of
of weird NpgsqlException about the property group name.

* style.css: more space

* Web.config:
* YavscHelpers.cs:
* OAuth2.cs:
* AccountController.cs:
* Profile.cs: refactoring

* BlogsController.cs: A new page, to become a media chooser

* App.master: nice small parralax.js, could work on android browers

* Web.config: unix line endings
9 years ago
Paul Schneider 5da977daef A new presentation, using parallax effects
* style.css: Makes a better style

* Banner.png: Made obsolete

* Profile.cs: Groups profile properties

* ChangeLog:
* ChangeLog: Must not exist in the source tree

* Web.config:
* instdbws.sql: Groups profile properties

* App.master: A better Html structure

* AccountController.cs: Fixes the Profile edition

* MarkdownHelper.cs: Adds an extraction of an introduction from a
  Markdown text

* Edit.aspx:
* Index.aspx:
* UserPost.aspx: a better html structure

* UserPosts.aspx: * a better html structure
* post previews

* Web.csproj: Adds and removes images
9 years ago
Paul Schneider ab4471e974 * Global.asax.cs: ignored routes are revisited
* YavscApiController.cs: implements a default web api response

* Web.csproj: bask to net451

* AccountController.cs: refactoring

* Web.config: removes the app setting "ClientValidationEnabled"

* Web.config: Makes true the clientValidationEnabled app parameter

* packages.config: retargeting Paypal api to net451

* AccountController.cs: xml doc
9 years ago
Paul Schneider b7fa996dbc * yavsc.js:
* yavsc.circles.js: js refactoring

* Credits.aspx: A credit about to add

* CircleBase.cs: The Circle base

* NpgsqlCircleProvider.cs: * refactoring
* updates the circle

* InputCircle.cs: using the new CircleBase class

* ResultPages.cs: Using a new "None" attribute

* CircleController.cs: refactoring : drops the NewCircle class The
  `List` method now resterns collection of circlebase

* style.css: * a new `dirty` css class, could be used to tag data to
  validate ala ajax
* removed quite all of the `float` usages

* AccountController.cs: xml doc

* BlogsController.cs: Avatar method moved to the Account controller

* YavscHelpers.cs: An avatar url

* App.master: Login div moved up

* Circles.aspx: a new `private` filed in the `Circle` object, in order
  to keep circle names from being published as user's information,
should be true by default

* Profile.aspx: removed the tables

* Index.aspx: Un message plus explicite

* Web.config: nothing to view

* Web.csproj: * new page : Credit
* new script:

* instdbws.sql: circles are uniques for a given user against a given

* Circle.cs: Now inherits CircleBase to implement a member list

* CircleProvider.cs: implements a circle update method

* LocalizedText.resx:
* LocalizedText.Designer.cs: no content!!!

* pas content

* YavscModel.csproj: a new CircleBAse class
9 years ago
Paul Schneider 9748c9d7e4 * Adds client resourses for Markdown.js
* Implements a part of the client UI at editing Circle collections
9 years ago
Paul Schneider bdbda2a21f * Presta.csproj: A first class
* AssemblyInfo.cs: initial commit

* NpgsqlCircleProvider.cs: circle members are now stored in bd upon
  their user's name

* InputCircle.cs: fixes the new CircleManager interface usage

* Yavsc.sln: Adds the `Presta` project

* CircleController.cs: * Authorize some Http methods
* Lists circles as circles

* style.css: Fixes the missing "hidden" css class

* AccountController.cs: using the new Circle provider interface

* BlogsController.cs: * using the new Circle provider interface
* do not test blog entry collections in order to group them by a
  unique user name or title, it's too bad,
instead, keep user's request id as guide to model and view.

* YavscHelpers.cs: Adds a Circle Html formatter

* Circles.aspx: List of circles is now given as a list of `Circle`

* instdbws.sql: fixes the db in order to store user names in circle
  member's records.

* BlogEntryCollection.cs: ConcernsAUniqueTitle and ConcernsAUniqueUser
  are now Obsoletes

* UUTBlogEntryCollection.cs: Drops a useless ctor

* CircleProvider.cs: The `CircleManager` now delivers the user's
  circle as a `Circle` object collection.
9 years ago
Paul Schneider 3355f9fed0 * bg.gif:
* asc.gif:
* desc.gif:
* style.css: moved to App_Themes

* style.css:
* bg.gif:
* asc.gif:
* bg.png:
* rect.png:
* asc.png:
* desc.gif:
* jquery-ui.css:
* mdd_styles.css:
* croix.png:
* desc.png:
* style.css:
* jquery-ui.min.css:
* mdd_gripper.png:
* mdd_toolbar.png:
* jquery.timepicker.css:
* mdd_ajax_loader.gif:
* mdd_modal_background.png: moved to /App_Themes

* NpgsqlBlogProvider.cs: * Remove post by id
* Manage collections of entries on a couple (user,title), not a single

* NpgsqlCircleProvider.cs: Fixes the "Match" method.

* IDbModule.cs:
* Edit.aspx:
* Estimates.aspx:
* WorkFlowManager.cs:
* NpgsqlContentProvider.cs: refactoring

* NpgsqlMRPProviders.csproj: new NpgsqlUserName provider

* NpgsqlRoleProvider.cs: simpler init method

* NpgsqlUserNameProvider.cs: impements a UserNameProvider

* MyClass.cs: refactoring from Yavsc.Model

* BlogsController.cs: access control simplified

* FrontOfficeController.cs: Pdf generation made public ni case of
  formatting exception

* mdd_styles.css: Theme -> App_Themes

* style.css: yet another style impact

* AccountController.cs: Fixes the user name modification

* BlogsController.cs: * Fixes the removal process
* On a title and user name, we get collection of posts, not only one.
* Implements an Access on circle

* FrontOfficeController.cs: * implements a new Get method.
* ensure a membership existence before delivering an estimate.

* GoogleController.cs: Fixes the user name modification on a Google

* ErrorHtmlFormatter.cs: nice error message in html (using Markdown

* FormatterException.cs: formatter exception exposes error and
  standard output of the process

* TexToPdfFormatter.cs: * generates temporary files in the folder
  returned by Path.GetTempPath()
* throws FormatterException

* Global.asax.cs: new route map:

* App.master: * refactoring: Theme moved to App_Themes
* a link to the logged user's blog

* NoLogin.master: refactoring: Theme moved to App_Themes

* Circles.aspx: refactoring : circles now are given as select items

* Login.aspx: fixes the html presentation

* Register.aspx: Fixes a Typo

* Index.aspx: Implements a blog index, due to M&C changes with this

* RemovePost.aspx: links to the new route to the "RemovePost" action,
  giving it a post id

* RemoveTitle.aspx: fixes a not yet linked page to remove a post
  collection under a given title

* EventPub.aspx: code refactoring

* Writting.ascx: cleans the code

* Web.config: fills the config with new names in the space

* Web.config: configures the new NpgsqlUserNameProvider

* Web.csproj: refactoring and others

* BlogEntryCollection.cs: implement the BlogEntryCollection

* BlogManager.cs: the manager helps to filter on access

* BlogProvider.cs: The title is not unique anymore, and one can modify
  it, post a lot under it, drop all posts under it.
A Post is deleted by id.

* UUBlogEntryCollection.cs: implements a collection of post under a
  given user name.

* UUTBlogEntryCollection.cs: implements a collection of post under a
  given couple (user name, title).

* ListItem.cs: ListItem is declared obsolete in this model, helpers
  can build MVC SelectListItem on data returned by the manager.

* LocalizedText.Designer.cs:
* autogenerated from xml

* LocalizedText.resx:
* new labels

* ChangeUserNameProvider.cs: xml doc

* Profile.cs: the UserName property is read only, and comes from
  authentication, to change it, we set a Name and validate it agains
  the "Profile" method

* UserManager.cs: simpler code a init time

* IContentProvider.cs: implements the new IDataProvider interface

* IDataProvider.cs: defines the new IDataProvider interface

* YavscModel.csproj: includes new classes

* UserPosts.aspx: adds a link to remove a post

* UserPost.aspx: now uses the new BlogEntryCollection object
9 years ago
Paul Schneider f25aa8ff97 adds access by circle to blog posts 9 years ago
Paul Schneider 9da7064791 * AccountController.cs: Fixes the canonical login
* App.master: Cleans the code

* NoLogin.master: Fixes the canonical login (broken with last master

* style.css: yet another footer style

* UserPost.aspx: puts links in a "aside" block
9 years ago
Paul Schneider 53930befd3 * AccountController.cs: Register and reset passord
from Web API

* GCMController.cs: initial creation, will host GCM calls and related

* ResetPassword.aspx: Html view to reset the password

* LocalizedText.resx:
* new String form circles

* Web.config:
* Web.csproj:
* YavscModel.csproj:
* LocalizedText.Designer.cs:
* Profile.cs:
* Profile.cs:
* LoginModel.cs:
* Publishing.cs:
* CalendarController.cs:
* LoginModel.cs:
* GCMRegister.cs:
* Publishing.cs:
* GCMRegister.cs:
* NewRoleModel.cs:
* NewRoleModel.cs:
* RegisterModel.cs:
* NewAdminModel.cs:
* RegisterModel.cs:
* NewAdminModel.cs:
* LostPasswordModel.cs:
* RegisterViewModel.cs:
* RegisterViewModel.cs:
* ProviderPublicInfo.cs:
* RegisterClientModel.cs:
* ChangePasswordModel.cs:
* ProviderPublicInfo.cs:
* RegisterClientModel.cs:
* ChangePasswordModel.cs: Fixes a typo (in the namespace :-/)

* NpgsqlCircleProvider.cs: Fixes the Circle creation

* Global.asax.cs:
* AdminController.cs:
* NpgsqlContentProvider.cs: code formatting

* BlogsController.cs:
* CircleController.cs:
* WorkFlowController.cs:
* PaypalApiController.cs:
* FrontOfficeController.cs: refactoring

* AccountController.cs: Adds the way to reset the password

* FrontOfficeController.cs: xml doc

* T.cs: Make this class an helper to translation

* YavscHelpers.cs: Implements the e-mail sending

* style.css: style uniformization

* Circles.aspx: Implements the Html interface to Circle creation
  (modifications and deletions are still to implement)

* Register.ascx: Allows the error display in case of lack of power of
  the user at registering another user.

* Estimate.aspx: use the partial view to register from the Account
Cleans the useless reference to ~/Theme/dark/style.css, that was for
  using the "tablesorter.js", no used anymore.

* Web.config: Trying to have all the Index pages to work...
9 years ago
Paul Schneider bacd124a78 * AccountController.cs: Code formatting
* Web.csproj: cleanning

* Web.config: Yavsc.Model.Circles in imported namespaces

* Circles.aspx: Allow Circle view to handle null model
9 years ago
Paul Schneider 7fc21f1056 refactoring 9 years ago
Paul Schneider b918d9ff03 * Makefile: target set clarified
* Profile.aspx:
* AccountController.cs: Fixes the avatar display at edition time.

* style.css:
* UserPost.aspx: the users avatar as the page logo, floating at left

* Web.config:
* Global.asax.cs: Uses a new application parameter named
  "DefaultController", usage defaulting to "Blogs".

* Web.csproj:
* web.config: 

* Profile.cs: Fixes a default blog title using a null user's full name
10 years ago
Paul Schneider 8e2c21a3db Fixes the Profiles administration
* Web.config:
* web.config:
* Web.csproj:
* Global.asax.cs:
* ValidateAjaxAttribute.cs:
* Profile.aspx:
* HomeController.cs:
* BlogsController.cs:
* WebCatalogExtensions.cs:
* GoogleController.cs:
* AccountController.cs:
* Profile.cs:
* EstimToPdfFormatter.MSAN.cs: 

* Makefile: Removes obsolete target "rsync-all"
Adds the new target "allrsync"

* FrontOfficeApiController.cs: Makes the code smaller and a better
  output in case of exception generating the Pdf or Tex outputs

* WorkFlowController.cs: makes code cleaner

* App.master: Gives the Profile method call an id parameter

* Estimate.aspx: Fixes the estimation id parameter name at querying
  the Pdf or Tex documents

* Estim.cs: see

* Mo more exception at transforming null values from the
  contact section of the client profile
10 years ago
Paul Schneider 0755dd62b3 * New features:
- New Client at estimation, ala ajax 
- Admins can now edit user's profiles
10 years ago
Paul Schneider d31383d83b * YavscHelpers.cs:
* YavscModel.csproj:
* HomeController.cs:
* AccountController.cs:
* RegisterModel.cs:
* FrontOfficeApiController.cs:
* RegisterViewModel.cs: refactoring

* Web.csproj: deploy robots.txt
10 years ago
Paul Schneider 944009936d * IValueProvider.cs:
* TemplateException.cs:
* Login.aspx:
* Profile.aspx:
* WebApiConfig.cs:
* MyProfile.aspx:
* IValueProvider.cs:
* BlogsController.cs:
* BasketController.cs:
* ModuleController.cs:
* AccountController.cs:
* TemplateException.cs:
* WorkFlowController.cs:
* BlogsApiController.cs:
* PaypalApiController.cs:
* BasketController.cs:
* BlogsApiController.cs:
* WorkFlowController.cs:
* PaypalApiController.cs:
* FrontOfficeApiController.cs:
* FrontOfficeApiController.cs: refactoring

* jquery-ui.js: may be usefull at taking a date

* Web.csproj:
* WebApiConfig.cs: 

* App.master: added a spacer for a better rendering

* style.css: better style

* DateQuery.aspx: may use the jQuery "full calendar"

* FreeDate.cs: refactoring
10 years ago
Paul Schneider e676d2fdbf * Web.csproj:
* Profile.aspx:
* MyProfile.aspx:
* AccountController.cs: renamed the Profile method to "MyProfile",
  could avoid issue at migrating to MVC5

* favicon.png: favicon now displays a ~"Yavsc"

* BlogManager.cs:
* BlogsApiController.cs: The authorisation for removing a post is now
  implemented at Manager's side

* BlogsController.cs: Removes this odd call to a static method from
  the Api controller

* CalendarApi.cs:
* GoogleController.cs: no more json output for the calls to the Google

* WorkFlowController.cs: sorted using clauses

* Basket.cs:
* Commande.cs:
* EstimToPdfFormatter.cs:
* Brand.cs: adds xml doc

* RssFeedsFormatter.cs: modifies xml doc

* TexToPdfFormatter.cs: refactoring

* Global.asax.cs: Document formatting

* BBCodeHelper.cs: encapsulates the url display from the BBCode in
  starting and closing characters : "<>"

* OAuth2.cs:
* SimpleJsonPostMethod.cs: using System.Runtime.Serialization.Json
  instead of Newtonsof.Json

* App.master: updating the favicon

* RegistrationPending.aspx: fixes the returnUrl usage

* AssemblyInfo.aspx: better explanation for this list

* Web.config: tried to migrate to MVC5 (using NuGets)

* Estim.cs:
* ChangePasswordModel.cs: adds xmldoc

* BasketController.cs:
* BlogProvidersConfigurationSection.cs: cosmetic change

* GoogleErrorMessage.cs: - adds xml docs
- renders ctor from JsonReaderException obsolete

* MvcActionValueBinder.cs: not used

* web.config: no more used, gave it up to migrate to MVC5
10 years ago
Paul Schneider f54336852b * ResultPages.cs:
* NpgsqlBlogProvider.cs: PageIndex is now one based

* AccountController.cs: Fixes a typo in the registration mail

* AdminController.cs: Should fix a 500 at Registration validation

* BasketController.cs: WIP

* BlogsController.cs: page indexes are now one based

* FrontOfficeController.cs: cleanning

* GoogleController.cs: code formatting

* Global.asax.cs: Default route data to "controller" "action" "id"

* BBCodeHelper.cs: Allows not closed "url" BBcodes 

* InitDb.aspx: StatisPage.master was renamed

* packages.config: Google references require System.Web ...
10 years ago
Paul Schneider 630ddee841 * styles.json:
* map-load.gif:
* mapstyle.css:
* fit-bounds.png:
* mapstyle-ie.css:
* jquery.googlemaps.js:
* pin-pink.png:
* mapstyle.min.css:
* pin-green.png:
* pin-azure.png:
* flag-azure.png:
* flag-green.png:
* needle-pink.png:
* jquery.googlemaps.min.js:
* current-location.png:
* niddle-green.png:
* popup-template-marker.html:
* popup-template-circle.html:
* popup-template-polygon.html:
* popup-template-polyline.html:
* popup-template-rectangle.html: GoogleMaps related add

* AccountController.cs: Fixes the conflict between external and custom

* BasketController.cs: (Revert to revision

* BlogsController.cs: Removes unused statment

* style.css:
* UserPost.aspx:
* UserPosts.aspx: an Avatar

* Web.csproj: Google Maps references and resources

* packages.config: Adds GoogleMapsHelpers, JQuery.GoogleMaps and
  MVC.GoogleMaps references

* NpgsqlWorkflow.csproj: The project now references Newtonsoft.Json

* NpgsqlContentProvider.cs: Saves the command parameters
10 years ago
Paul Schneider ae38718dd9 * Makefile: builds the doc & htmldoc folders
* DataManager.cs: Doc generations

* T.cs:
* Global.asax.cs:
* Export.cs:
* Estim.cs:
* TaskOutput.cs:
* FileInfoCollection.cs:
* RegisterPage.cs:
* BBCodeHelper.cs:
* MvcActionValueBinder.cs:
* YavscHelpers.cs:
* ValidateAjaxAttribute.cs:
* Entity.cs:
* IOrderInfo.cs:
* HomeController.cs:
* SimpleFormatter.cs:
* BlogsController.cs:
* AdminController.cs:
* SimpleJsonPostMethod.cs:
* WebCatalogExtensions.cs:
* GoogleController.cs:
* ModuleController.cs:
* BasketController.cs:
* AccountController.cs:
* TemplateException.cs:
* BlogsApiController.cs:
* EstimToPdfFormatter.cs:
* WorkFlowController.cs:
* FileSystemController.cs:
* BackOfficeController.cs:
* FrontOfficeController.cs:
* ThanksConfigurationSection.cs:
* ThanksConfigurationElement.cs:
* FrontOfficeApiController.cs:
* ModuleConfigurationElementCollection.cs: 

* Web.csproj: cleaning an obsolete IOrderIfno
10 years ago
Paul Schneider 85346d0e00 * AccountController.cs: Fixes the Profile edition view, regarding
the avatar

* Product.aspx: a CommandForm property for a Product will never be
  served null to a view,
le page code is simpler.
10 years ago
Paul Schneider 8301159645 * Web.csproj:
* App.master:
* IModule.cs:
* IRenderer.cs:
* DataManager.cs:
* ITagHandler.cs:
* ViewRenderer.cs:
* ResultPages.cs:
* BBCodeHelper.cs:
* IViewRenderer.cs:
* Entity.cs:
* YavscModel.csproj:
* OAuth2.cs:
* Calendar.cs:
* Profile.aspx:
* ApiClient.cs:
* MapTracks.cs:
* SalesCatalog.csproj:
* EntityQuery.cs:
* AdminController.cs:
* BlogsController.cs:
* GoogleController.cs:
* SimpleJsonPostMethod.cs:
* JsonReaderError.cs:
* AccountController.cs:
* JsonReaderError.aspx:
* GoogleErrorMessage.cs:
* GoogleErrorMessage.aspx: 

* Catalog.cs: refactoring

* Makefile: preprod is from local domain, and prod is for
10 years ago
Paul Schneider 1264bf2cbd code format 10 years ago
Paul Schneider 6809e3dfe2 many changes 10 years ago
Paul Schneider c7f81699a4 * avatar, username, city from Google profile
* refactoring
10 years ago
Paul Schneider b39a444cf0 * Estimates as Tex or Pdf
* Estimate edition [mix Mvc&Ajax]
* Billable&Bankable properties on profiles
10 years ago
Paul Schneider c22be7f6b5 * Estimate.aspx: from backoffice
* CatalogManager.cs: Uses GetDefaultProvider

* Catalog.cs: the Catalog object now should support a unique id in the
  system : UID, exposed as one of its properties.

* AccountController.cs: new static method te get an user profile by
  its name.

* AdminController.cs: Uses the Yavsc.Admin namespace (refactoring)

* Web.csproj:
* BlogManager.cs:
* BackOfficeController.cs: refactoring

* BlogsController.cs: Fixes the Blog title

* FrontOfficeController.cs: Changes on the go for the Command object

* AddRole.aspx: minor syntax change

* UserPosts.aspx: show the blog title

* style.css: black transparent for the background of posts

* Profile.cs: Method FromProfileBase became a constructor

* Commande.cs: nothing

* Estimate.aspx: moved to the frontoffice views

* CatalogHelper.cs: Writting GetDefaultProvider
10 years ago
Paul Schneider f3a2efa244 refactoring 10 years ago
Paul Schneider 685c03b37e * Web.csproj:
* T.cs:
* IModule.cs:
* App.master:
* IProvider.cs:
* Error.aspx:
* AOEMail.aspx:
* Login.aspx:
* Index.aspx:
* Admin.aspx:
* yavscModel.csproj:
* WFManager.cs:
* Index.aspx:
* AddRole.aspx:
* Profile.aspx:
* Edit.aspx:
* Register.aspx:
* Index.aspx:
* RoleList.aspx:
* UserList.aspx:
* Validate.aspx:
* RemovePost.aspx:
* Index.aspx:
* BasketImpact.cs:
* Brand.aspx:
* Delete.aspx:
* Create.aspx:
* Backups.aspx:
* HomeController.cs:
* BlogManager.cs:
* Restore.aspx:
* Details.aspx:
* TitleNotFound.aspx:
* Product.aspx:
* AdminController.cs:
* Command.aspx:
* Service.aspx:
* BlogProvider.cs:
* NewProject.aspx:
* Catalog.aspx:
* Restored.aspx:
* BasketController.cs:
* AccountController.cs:
* WorkFlowController.cs:
* BlogsApiController.cs:
* ChangePassword.aspx:
* RemoveRoleQuery.aspx:
* CreateBackup.aspx:
* IContentProvider.cs:
* BackOfficeController.cs:
* FrontOfficeController.cs:
* NpgsqlBlogProvider.cs:
* NpgsqlContentProvider.cs:
* RegistrationPending.aspx:
* ProductCategory.aspx:
* FrontOfficeApiController.cs:
* ChangePasswordSuccess.aspx:
* ReferenceNotFound.aspx: 
* BackupCreated.aspx

Fixes many HTTP 500
Refactoring on the go
10 years ago
Paul Schneider 9fc7f82531 * Web.config:
* Web.csproj:
* Web.config:
* Blog.cs:
* Index.aspx:
* BBCodeHelper.cs:
* Comment.cs:
* yavscModel.csproj:
* BlogEntry.cs:
* UserPost.aspx:
* UserPosts.aspx:
* Estimate.cs:
* RemovePost.aspx:
* TitleNotFound.aspx:
* BlogProvider.cs:
* AccountController.cs:
* BlogsApiController.cs:
* WorkFlowController.cs:
* BlogEditEntryModel.cs:
* FindBlogEntryFlags.cs:
* BlogEntryCollection.cs:
* Comment.cs:
* BlogEditCommentModel.cs:
* NpgsqlBlogProvider.cs:
* NpgsqlContentProvider.cs:
* BlogEntry.cs:
* NpgsqlBlogProvider.csproj:
* NpgsqlMembershipProvider.cs:
* FindBlogEntryFlags.cs:
* BlogEntryCollection.cs: 

* BlogHelper.cs: refactoring: moving code from NpgsqlBlogProvider to

* BlogManager.cs: NpgsqlBlogProvider/BlogHelper.cs

* BlogsController.cs: a successfull confirmed removal

* Blog.cs: refactoring
10 years ago
Paul Schneider 04804b89a9 Initial import 10 years ago