Commit Graph

20 Commits (c23b737144a2db37535759547c1ccaf6e09f2214)

Author SHA1 Message Date
Paul Schneider 948fc64ce1 Les activités
* BackOfficeController.cs: Impléménte un accès à l'API back office
  pour l'envoi d'une notification aux mobiles des cercles séléctionné
  de l'utilisateur

* NotifyEvent.aspx: Implemente un formulaire d'envoi d'une
  notification mobile

* NotifyEventResponse.aspx: initie une page de resultat à la
  notification mobile

* NpgsqlContentProvider.cs: reccupère la photo activité en base de

* BlogsController.cs: En attendant mieux, les billets de blog sont
  noté par leur auteur, ou un admin.

* CalendarController.cs: Les fontions de notification GCM et de
  declaration d'enregistrement GCM
partent dans le controlleur back office.

* activity.sql: ajoute la photo activité dans la definition du modèle
  de données Npgsql

* style.css: La fonte de caractère "Open Sans" (Google fonts) pour le
  thème "clear"

* style.css: La fonte de caractère "Open Sans" (Google fonts) pour le
  thème "dark" aussi

* style.css: pas de fonte de caractère dans la feuille de style

* BackOfficeController.cs: Impléménte un accès web back office pour
  l'envoi d'une notification aux mobiles des cercles séléctionné de

* BlogsController.cs: Fixe la page de garde du blogspot en cas
de billet à publier publiquement.

* FrontOfficeController.cs: la fontion booking est maintenant censée
  conerner uniquement une activité,
dont le code APE est donné en dernière partie de la route de l'Url, ou
  en argument `id`.

* HomeController.cs: La page d'accueil présente maintenant les
  activités mises en oeuvre par au moins un utilisateur enregistré,
  validé et non vérouillé.
Le titre de l'activité est un lien vers la methode de reservation

* GoogleHelpers.cs: recoit l'implementation de la methode de
  notification mobile

* SimpleJsonPostMethod.cs: Fixe l'envoi en UTF-8

* App.master: fonte de caractère pour le lien vers "Vos billets"

* parallax.js: fixe la différence de traitement entre l'horizontale et
  la verticale

* Profile.aspx: ajoute le sommaire de la validation

* Index.aspx: initie un index pour le back office

* Activities.aspx: nettoye la console de log javascript

* Booking.aspx: ajoute le champ caché au formulaire de resa

* Index.aspx: affiche les services fournis sur le site, par des
  utilisateur enregistrés validés non bloqué.

* Web.config: rends l'id Google d'enregistrement GCM accessible au
  utilisateurs anonymes,
qui voudraient commander ou interagir avec l'application, sans avoir à
  créer de compte sur le site.

* Web.csproj: ajoute le contrôleur du back office, et le formulaire de
  notification mobile

* EventPub.cs:
* BaseEvent.cs: internationalise l'évennement (la base d'une

* YaEvent.cs: les champs fournisseur d'une notification ne sont pas
  requis. On peut en avoir de la part du site lui même, qui ne soient
  pas à l'origine d'un evennement tiers du workflow. Dans tous les
  autres cas, ils devraient être renseignés ... à suivre.

* Circle.cs:
* CircleBase.cs: ajoute une methode de construition des destinataires
  à partir d'un tableau d'identifiants de cercles.

* Activity.cs: implémente la photo activité dans le modèle

* SimpleBookingQuery.cs: refabriqué

* MessageWithPayLoad.cs: accuse aussi le champ `to` en cas d'absence
  de destinataire.

* LocalizedText.resx:
* LocalizedText.Designer.cs:
* internationalisation
9 years ago
Paul Schneider 9a2652739b Merge from booking branch 9 years ago
Paul Schneider 7bf9b6a771 a note on billls,

* instdbws.sql:
* BlogsController.cs:
* NpgsqlBlogProvider.cs: Implements the note

* robots.txt:
* Web.config:
* Web.csproj:
* Catalog.xml:
* Global.asax.cs:
* pgsql.xcf:
* p8-av4.png:
* pgsql.jpeg:
* logoDev.png:
* logoDev.xcf:
* debian-pb.gif:
* apache_pb.gif:
* theme.css:
* style.css:
* apache_pby.gif:
* apache_pbw.gif:
* Book.aspx:
* jquery-ui.css:
* Login.aspx:
* debian-powered.png:
* BlogManager.cs:
* FhHRx.gif:
* pgsql.png:
* TagControl.ascx:
* jquery-ui.min.css:
* BlogProvider.cs:
* theme.css:
* p8-av4.s.jpg:
* test-domain-TestAPI.config:
* noavatar.png:
* p8-av4.xxs.jpg:
* apache_pbw.png:
* debian-logo.png:
* TestCatalogInit.cs:
* Mono-powered.png:
* helix-nebula-1400x1400.l.jpg:
* star-939235_1280.jpg:
* animated-overlay.gif:
* star-939235_1280.s.jpg:
* sign-in-with-google.png:
* star-939235_1280.xxs.jpg:
* sign-in-with-google-s.png:
* helix-nebula-1400x1400.jpg:
* helix-nebula-1400x1400.s.jpg:
* helix-nebula-1400x1400.xxs.jpg: removes the /images folder from the app root folder,
  all images are moved to /App_Themes/images
9 years ago
Paul Schneider b8446c2d3e Improves notification system
* ICalendarManager.cs: WIP booking TODO a calendar provider

* NpgsqlProfileProvider.cs: Fixes the defaultValue specification from
  config file

* BlogsController.cs:
* AccountController.cs:
* CalendarController.cs: refactoring : the Yavsc controller name

* instdbws.sql: a new profile value : a boolean, `AllowCookies` :'{

* style.css: a class to display notification

* HomeController.cs: Notifies users this site uses cookies (what for
  an information!)
If authenticated, at dimissing this notification, the user's profile
  is updated,
and he'll not mess up anymore with the info.

* App.master:
* YavscHelpers.cs: adds usage of click_action value at
displaying a notification.

* yavsc.js: Implements the notification `click_action`

* Web.config: * enables anonymous profiles
* adds a new `allowcookies` profile property

* Web.csproj: Yavsc controller refactoring

* YaEvent.cs:
* IFreeDateSet.cs: WIP booking

* LocalizedText.resx:
* LocalizedText.Designer.cs:
* implements the message "uses cookies"

* YavscModel.csproj: refactoring

* Notification.cs: The Yavsc otification will start as a Google one
many properties are not yet used, but all seems usefull.

* Web.config: code prettying

* YavscController.cs: Gives Yavsc a concrete base controller
9 years ago
Paul Schneider c466aed242 Merge from totem 9 years ago
Paul Schneider 352a950755 a tag panel 9 years ago
Paul Schneider 1805cb3e17 big refactoring, and more
New routes, new juice flow, the tags on posts
9 years ago
Paul Schneider d04a68db01 Bug & layout fixes
* Index.aspx:
* Title.aspx:
* YavscModel.csproj:
* BlogEntry.cs:
* yavsc.scrollnotif.js:
* AccountController.cs:
* BlogEntryCollection.cs: refactoring

* yavsc.tags.js: Implements a js call
to the tag & untag methods

* PostActions.ascx: a better html structure

* BasePost.cs: refactoring:
allows the "PostActions" user control to use a common base object as
  post reference

* NpgsqlBlogProvider.cs: implements the tag methods on db

* ResultPages.cs: A multi-pages result meta info when one page only

* yavsc.circles.js:
* AccountController.cs: code formatting

* BlogsController.cs: Untag a post

* style.css: yastyle, yet a better one.

* BlogsController.cs: View the Title after edition

* App.master:
* UserPosts.aspx: a nicer html structure

* yavsc.js: Fixes notice & dimiss js

* Login.aspx: refactoring

* Edit.aspx: better html

* UserPost.aspx: A promess to be allowed to tag.

* Web.csproj: Adds yavsc.tags.js and yavsc.scrollnotifs.js to the
  project decription.

* BlogManager.cs: Makes the blog manager expose of the new `UnTag`

* BlogProvider.cs: introduces a method to `untag`

* FindBlogEntryFlags.cs: Find post entry by tag

* LocalizedText.resx:
* LocalizedText.Designer.cs: new translations: - "Tag"
- "Edit"

* nouvelles traductions: - "Tag"
- "Edit"

* Profile.cs: a nicer stack trace at buggy usage
9 years ago
Paul Schneider 721c0f9e7f Debugging the last merge ... 9 years ago
Paul Schneider 53325b7e6c merge from Yavsc 9 years ago
Paul Schneider 424bb157e3 Fixes the avatar Url from the menu 9 years ago
Paul Schneider 9494d6f353 Hallo now edits my images,
and each post can display a dedicated photo.

* NpgsqlBlogProvider.cs: implements a blog post photo storage

* BlogsController.cs: implements a method to update the photo url

* style.css: yastyle

* AdminController.cs: refactoring the notification:
Introduces a static `Notice` method, server side, to populate an array
in `ViewData`, used in the paster page.

* BlogsController.cs: Controls the photo update

* YavscHelpers.cs:
* yavsc.circles.js:
* HomeController.cs:
* GoogleController.cs: notification refactoring

* App.master: - notification refactoring
- html structure in the `nav`

* hallo.js: event 'hallomodified' now also occurs at image

* to-markdown.js: ?Fixes? html images alt text and title to Markdown

* yavsc.js: implements the photo in database

* Edit.aspx: A nicer bill edition, with a photo

* UserPost.aspx: Displays the photo

* UserPosts.aspx: Fixes the new usage of `ResultPages`

* Web.config: totem custo

* instdbws.sql: adds a `photo` field in the `blog` table

* BlogEntry.cs: defines the photo in the model

* BlogManager.cs: a new method to set the photo on a blog post.

* BlogProvider.cs: the blog provider now also gives some photo

* Reordering the french localisation

* Reorders the french localisation resource
9 years ago
Paul Schneider c10a78841b Fixes some part of the hallo ui
* App.master: Use local copies for jquery & jquery-ui

* BlogsController.cs: Defines a search method targeting blog attached
  files and other user files.
9 years ago
Paul Schneider 9912d0cbb2 Markdown video and audio, supported at client side
* BlogsController.cs: Fixes the Markdown usage of the uploaded
Files are now renamed by dropping invalid characters and replacing
  spaces by underscores.
An existing destination file is removed at upload.

* showdown.js: Renders audio and video at client side

* to-markdown.js: converts html audio and video to Markdown

* TestByteA.cs: adds a prefix, an underscore, to the test table

* Edit.aspx: Uses the new `showdown` javascript module (that
  previously was named `Showdown`)

* Web.csproj: cleaning

* MarkdownDeep.dll: Renders video an audio

* GruntFile.js: Was pollution
9 years ago
Paul Schneider 77149697dd * font-awesome.css: an awesome css
* hallo.js: Use a forked Hallo.js

* showdown.js:
* to-markdown.js:
* mdd_gripper.png:
* mdd_toolbar.png:
* mdd_modal_background.png: The client side Markdown is now
  implemented using Hallo.js

* FontAwesome.otf:
* fontawesome-webfont.eot:
* fontawesome-webfont.svg:
* fontawesome-webfont.ttf:
* fontawesome-webfont.woff:
* fontawesome-webfont.woff2: awesome

* MarkdownDeep.dll: a modified version to render video and audio tags

* NpgsqlBlogProvider.cs:
* CalendarController.cs:
* WorkFlowController.cs: refactoring: The `UserName` property from the
  `BlogEntry` class is renamed to `Author`

* InputUserName.cs: formatting

* BlogsController.cs: * refactoring: The `UserName` property from the
  `BlogEntry` class is renamed to `Author`
* Fixes pandoc process on file named with some spaces

* BlogsController.cs: UserName became Author on BlogEntry objects

* Global.asax.cs: route /fonts is now ignored.

* MarkdownHelper.cs: transform Markdown using a given base url

* App.master: jquery was not needed on all pages.

* Edit.aspx: using Hallo.js

* BlogEntry.cs:
* UserPost.aspx:
* UserPosts.aspx:
* BlogManager.cs:
* RemoveTitle.aspx:
* BlogEntryCollection.cs:
* UUBlogEntryCollection.cs:
* UUTBlogEntryCollection.cs: refactoring

* Web.config: ?

* Web.csproj: * use my local assembly for MarkdownDeep.dll
* fontawesome integration
* Hallo.js, to-markdown.js, showdowwn.js integration

* packages.config: Now use forked MarkdownDeep

* MarkdownDeepLib.min.js:
* MarkdownDeep License.txt:
* MarkdownDeep Quick Reference.txt: using my local revision

* mdd_ajax_loader.gif: The client side Markdown is now implemented
  using Hallo.js
9 years ago
Paul Schneider 9eff4b0749 * mdd_help.htm:
* mdd_styles.css:
* LocalizedText.resx:
* all.css:
* jquery-ui-1.11.4.js:
* tabs.css:
* menu.css:
* core.css:
* base.css:
* theme.css:
* slider.css:
* button.css:
* dialog.css:
* spinner.css:
* tooltip.css:
* jquery-ui-1.11.4.min.js:
* sortable.css:
* LocalizedText.Designer.cs:
* resizable.css:
* accordion.css:
* draggable.css:
* selectmenu.css:
* selectable.css:
* datepicker.css:
* progressbar.css:
* autocomplete.css:
* ui-icons_888888_256x240.png:
* ui-icons_cd0a0a_256x240.png:
* ui-icons_454545_256x240.png:
* ui-icons_2e83ff_256x240.png:
* ui-icons_222222_256x240.png:
* ui-bg_flat_0_aaaaaa_40x100.png:
* ui-bg_glass_95_fef1ec_1x400.png:
* ui-bg_flat_75_ffffff_40x100.png:
* ui-bg_glass_55_fbf9ee_1x400.png:
* ui-bg_glass_65_ffffff_1x400.png:
* ui-bg_glass_75_dadada_1x400.png:
* ui-bg_glass_75_e6e6e6_1x400.png:
* ui-bg_highlight-soft_75_cccccc_1x100.png:

* BlogsController.cs: implements the access control on file upload to
  blog entries

* style.css: nicer appmenu

* BlogsController.cs: Enables the input validation at posting blog

* MarkdownHelper.cs: enables ExtraMode transformation parameter

* App.master: Error and message html divisions must exist in the DOM
  to display Ajax messages and errors

* yavsc.js:
* yavsc.circles.js: refactoring

* Circles.aspx: removes a DOM element that already exists in the
  mastyer page : the message box

* Edit.aspx: submits files for import as Markdown text

* Web.config: Disables the local trace

* Web.csproj: jQuery.UI addition

* packages.config: adds a ref to jQuery.UI Combined
9 years ago
Paul Schneider b45f681ae9 * BlogsController.cs: * refactoring
* implements a file posting, in a directory named with an user's post

* BlogManager.cs:
* BlogsController.cs: Any user may edit any title
9 years ago
Paul Schneider 3355f9fed0 * bg.gif:
* asc.gif:
* desc.gif:
* style.css: moved to App_Themes

* style.css:
* bg.gif:
* asc.gif:
* bg.png:
* rect.png:
* asc.png:
* desc.gif:
* jquery-ui.css:
* mdd_styles.css:
* croix.png:
* desc.png:
* style.css:
* jquery-ui.min.css:
* mdd_gripper.png:
* mdd_toolbar.png:
* jquery.timepicker.css:
* mdd_ajax_loader.gif:
* mdd_modal_background.png: moved to /App_Themes

* NpgsqlBlogProvider.cs: * Remove post by id
* Manage collections of entries on a couple (user,title), not a single

* NpgsqlCircleProvider.cs: Fixes the "Match" method.

* IDbModule.cs:
* Edit.aspx:
* Estimates.aspx:
* WorkFlowManager.cs:
* NpgsqlContentProvider.cs: refactoring

* NpgsqlMRPProviders.csproj: new NpgsqlUserName provider

* NpgsqlRoleProvider.cs: simpler init method

* NpgsqlUserNameProvider.cs: impements a UserNameProvider

* MyClass.cs: refactoring from Yavsc.Model

* BlogsController.cs: access control simplified

* FrontOfficeController.cs: Pdf generation made public ni case of
  formatting exception

* mdd_styles.css: Theme -> App_Themes

* style.css: yet another style impact

* AccountController.cs: Fixes the user name modification

* BlogsController.cs: * Fixes the removal process
* On a title and user name, we get collection of posts, not only one.
* Implements an Access on circle

* FrontOfficeController.cs: * implements a new Get method.
* ensure a membership existence before delivering an estimate.

* GoogleController.cs: Fixes the user name modification on a Google

* ErrorHtmlFormatter.cs: nice error message in html (using Markdown

* FormatterException.cs: formatter exception exposes error and
  standard output of the process

* TexToPdfFormatter.cs: * generates temporary files in the folder
  returned by Path.GetTempPath()
* throws FormatterException

* Global.asax.cs: new route map:

* App.master: * refactoring: Theme moved to App_Themes
* a link to the logged user's blog

* NoLogin.master: refactoring: Theme moved to App_Themes

* Circles.aspx: refactoring : circles now are given as select items

* Login.aspx: fixes the html presentation

* Register.aspx: Fixes a Typo

* Index.aspx: Implements a blog index, due to M&C changes with this

* RemovePost.aspx: links to the new route to the "RemovePost" action,
  giving it a post id

* RemoveTitle.aspx: fixes a not yet linked page to remove a post
  collection under a given title

* EventPub.aspx: code refactoring

* Writting.ascx: cleans the code

* Web.config: fills the config with new names in the space

* Web.config: configures the new NpgsqlUserNameProvider

* Web.csproj: refactoring and others

* BlogEntryCollection.cs: implement the BlogEntryCollection

* BlogManager.cs: the manager helps to filter on access

* BlogProvider.cs: The title is not unique anymore, and one can modify
  it, post a lot under it, drop all posts under it.
A Post is deleted by id.

* UUBlogEntryCollection.cs: implements a collection of post under a
  given user name.

* UUTBlogEntryCollection.cs: implements a collection of post under a
  given couple (user name, title).

* ListItem.cs: ListItem is declared obsolete in this model, helpers
  can build MVC SelectListItem on data returned by the manager.

* LocalizedText.Designer.cs:
* autogenerated from xml

* LocalizedText.resx:
* new labels

* ChangeUserNameProvider.cs: xml doc

* Profile.cs: the UserName property is read only, and comes from
  authentication, to change it, we set a Name and validate it agains
  the "Profile" method

* UserManager.cs: simpler code a init time

* IContentProvider.cs: implements the new IDataProvider interface

* IDataProvider.cs: defines the new IDataProvider interface

* YavscModel.csproj: includes new classes

* UserPosts.aspx: adds a link to remove a post

* UserPost.aspx: now uses the new BlogEntryCollection object
9 years ago
Paul Schneider 53930befd3 * AccountController.cs: Register and reset passord
from Web API

* GCMController.cs: initial creation, will host GCM calls and related

* ResetPassword.aspx: Html view to reset the password

* LocalizedText.resx:
* new String form circles

* Web.config:
* Web.csproj:
* YavscModel.csproj:
* LocalizedText.Designer.cs:
* Profile.cs:
* Profile.cs:
* LoginModel.cs:
* Publishing.cs:
* CalendarController.cs:
* LoginModel.cs:
* GCMRegister.cs:
* Publishing.cs:
* GCMRegister.cs:
* NewRoleModel.cs:
* NewRoleModel.cs:
* RegisterModel.cs:
* NewAdminModel.cs:
* RegisterModel.cs:
* NewAdminModel.cs:
* LostPasswordModel.cs:
* RegisterViewModel.cs:
* RegisterViewModel.cs:
* ProviderPublicInfo.cs:
* RegisterClientModel.cs:
* ChangePasswordModel.cs:
* ProviderPublicInfo.cs:
* RegisterClientModel.cs:
* ChangePasswordModel.cs: Fixes a typo (in the namespace :-/)

* NpgsqlCircleProvider.cs: Fixes the Circle creation

* Global.asax.cs:
* AdminController.cs:
* NpgsqlContentProvider.cs: code formatting

* BlogsController.cs:
* CircleController.cs:
* WorkFlowController.cs:
* PaypalApiController.cs:
* FrontOfficeController.cs: refactoring

* AccountController.cs: Adds the way to reset the password

* FrontOfficeController.cs: xml doc

* T.cs: Make this class an helper to translation

* YavscHelpers.cs: Implements the e-mail sending

* style.css: style uniformization

* Circles.aspx: Implements the Html interface to Circle creation
  (modifications and deletions are still to implement)

* Register.ascx: Allows the error display in case of lack of power of
  the user at registering another user.

* Estimate.aspx: use the partial view to register from the Account
Cleans the useless reference to ~/Theme/dark/style.css, that was for
  using the "tablesorter.js", no used anymore.

* Web.config: Trying to have all the Index pages to work...
9 years ago
Paul Schneider 597b674b74 fixes the circle creation 9 years ago