Commit Graph

42 Commits (c23b737144a2db37535759547c1ccaf6e09f2214)

Author SHA1 Message Date
Paul Schneider e8bf2dd8fa Documentation et fiche préstataire
Une nouvelle page de doc : la page des fonctionalités, [](,
au format Markdown.

* p8-av4.jpg:
* p8-av4.l.jpg:
* p8-av4.xs.jpg: p8-av4

* Performer.ascx: Implémente la fiche préstataire, avec son éventuel
  lien vers le blog

* ITContentProvider.csproj: ...

* NpgsqlBlogProvider.cs: implémente le compteur de billet en base de

* Presta.csproj:
* TestAPI.csproj:
* YavscClient.csproj:
* fortune.csproj:
* WebControls.csproj:
* SalesCatalog.csproj:
* NpgsqlMRPProviders.csproj:
* NpgsqlBlogProvider.csproj:
* NpgsqlContentProvider.csproj: ...

* mise à jour des priorités

* Yavsc.sln: ajout du fichier "" à la solution

* BlogProvider.cs: doc xml

* BlogManager.cs: implémente un accès au compteur de billet
9 years ago
Paul Schneider a99232ba2b Implémente un formulaire simple
de réservation d'un préstataire

* p8-av4.xxs.jpg:
* p8-av4.xxs.png: inutile

* NoLogin.master:
* Entity.cs:
* OAuth2.cs:
* ApiClient.cs:
* PeopleApi.cs:
* MapTracks.cs:
* SkillManager.cs:
* Skills.aspx:
* EntityQuery.cs:
* CalendarApi.cs:
* SimpleJsonPostMethod.cs:
* GoogleHelpers.cs:
* EventPub.aspx:
* GoogleController.cs:
* Notification.cs:
* UserSkills.aspx:
* BackOfficeController.cs:
* BackOfficeController.cs:
* Notification.cs:
* MessageWithPayLoad.cs:
* MessageWithPayloadResponse.cs: refabrication

* IContentProvider.cs:
* NpgsqlBlogProvider.cs: xml doc

* NpgsqlContentProvider.cs: implemente un listing des prestataire du
  code APE en base.

* NpgsqlSkillProvider.cs: implemente un listing des domaines de
  compétence du préstataire en base.

* XmlCatalogProvider.cs: Le catalogue de vente implémente mainenant
  l'interface d'un fournisseur de donnée comme les autres.
Il pourrait par exemple vouloir définir des activité et des
Pour l'instant, il n'est pas activé par la configuration, et reste le
  fournisseur du catalogue legacy (voir </FrontOffice/Catalog> ).

* FrontOfficeController.cs: format du code

* Global.asax.cs: Une route customisée pour le Front Office : /do
  (genre, ici, ça bouge.)

* activity.sql: implémente en base de donnée le modèle des activités
  et compétences,
ajoute aussi deux activités : l'edition logicielle et "Artiste"

* style.css: changement de mes images de fond ... tombées du camion de
  Xavier et

* p8-av4.s.jpg: changement de taille

* AccountController.cs: Met le code MEA à "none" quand il est spécifié
  non disponible.

* BlogsController.cs: fixe un bug de l'edition d'un billet

* FrontOfficeController.cs: implemente le contrôle booking simple

* HomeController.cs: ajoute l'assemblage du catalog dans le listing

* YavscAjaxHelper.cs: Implemente un outil de representation JSon des
  objets côté serveur

* parallax.js: deux fois plus de mouvement autout de x dans le

* yavsc.rate.js: imlemente un callback JS pour le rating

* Activities.aspx: Des labels au formulaire de déclaration des

* Activity.ascx: un panneau activité descent

* Booking.aspx: implemente l'UI web du booking simple.

* EavyBooking.aspx: refabrication du booking lourd

* Index.aspx: supprime le panneau du tag Accueil, affiche les
  activités en cours du site (avec au moins un préstataire valide pour
  cette activité)

* Web.config: Implemente une cote utilisateur, par une nouvelle valeur
  de son profile (Rate).

* Yavsc.csproj: refabrique du code API Google, qui part dans le model.

* MarkdownDeep.dll: le tag <p> ne convenait pas, le remplacer par le
  tag <span> non plus.
Maintenant ça devrait être correct, c'est un div, mais que en cas de
  tag englobant non défini.

* BookingQuery.cs: Le booking lourd devient une commande basée sur des
  activités concernée par l'intervention

* ChangeLog: nettoyage

* CatalogProvider.cs: implemente l'interface d'un fournissseur de

* PerformerProfile.cs: implemente le profile prestataire

* SimpleBookingQuery.cs: Les besoin sont exprimé sous forme d'un
  tableau de valeur du parametrage de la commande

* LocalizedText.resx:
* LocalizedText.Designer.cs:
* internationalisation

* Profile.cs: implemente un accès à l'id d'enregistrement Google GCM

* SkillEntity.cs: La compétence appartient à un domaine d'activité, on
  lui associe un et un seul code APE

* SkillProvider.cs: Fait chercher les compétences à partir d'un code

* WorkFlowManager.cs: implemente l'accès à la liste des préstataires
de telle activité

* YavscModel.csproj: refabrications

* Skills.sql: vient de passer dans activity.Sql

* T.cs: la traduction est faite plus simple à appeler (sans cast vers
9 years ago
Paul Schneider d89b6c39df nouvelles configs
* Makefile:
* Yavsc.sln:
* pkg.mdproj:
* Presta.csproj:
* TestAPI.csproj:
* YavscModel.csproj:
* YavscClient.csproj:
* fortune.csproj:
* WebControls.csproj:
* SalesCatalog.csproj:
* ITContentProvider.csproj:
* NpgsqlMRPProviders.csproj:
* NpgsqlBlogProvider.csproj:
* Yavsc.csproj:
* NpgsqlContentProvider.csproj: nouvelles configurations de

* LocalizedText.resx:
* LocalizedText.Designer.cs:
* internationalisation
9 years ago
Paul Schneider 029a80e2c4 Fixes the Site wize skills page,
makes use of Mono.Web.Xdt at deploy time

* PayPalController.cs: implements a Paypal controller

* Abort.aspx: Paypal paiement aborting page

* Commit.aspx: Paypal paiement commit page

* IPN.aspx: Paypal paiement notification page

* Index.aspx: Paypal paiement form page

* WebTasks.dll: thanks to he Marcelo Zabani's coding blog:

* .gitignore: ignore my new config transformation sources

* pkg.mdproj:
* Presta.csproj:
* TestAPI.csproj:
* fortune.csproj:
* SalesCatalog.csproj:
* ITContentProvider.csproj:
* NpgsqlMRPProviders.csproj:
* NpgsqlBlogProvider.csproj:
* NpgsqlContentProvider.csproj: adds a build target named "Lua"

* Makefile: instead of `deploy`, start Xsp, in the `dist` folder

* Yavsc.sln:
* YavscModel.csproj:
* WebControls.csproj:
* YavscClient.csproj: Lua config

* yavsc.rate.js: refactoring, still needs a cleanning

* RateSkillControl.ascx: give it the `rate-site-skill` `data-type`
  html attribute

* RateUserSkillControl.ascx: cleans an obsolete code chunk

* Web.csproj: Fixes the missing RateSkillControl at deploy time,
adds my deployment config
9 years ago
Paul Schneider 9a2652739b Merge from booking branch 9 years ago
Paul Schneider 7bf9b6a771 a note on billls,

* instdbws.sql:
* BlogsController.cs:
* NpgsqlBlogProvider.cs: Implements the note

* robots.txt:
* Web.config:
* Web.csproj:
* Catalog.xml:
* Global.asax.cs:
* pgsql.xcf:
* p8-av4.png:
* pgsql.jpeg:
* logoDev.png:
* logoDev.xcf:
* debian-pb.gif:
* apache_pb.gif:
* theme.css:
* style.css:
* apache_pby.gif:
* apache_pbw.gif:
* Book.aspx:
* jquery-ui.css:
* Login.aspx:
* debian-powered.png:
* BlogManager.cs:
* FhHRx.gif:
* pgsql.png:
* TagControl.ascx:
* jquery-ui.min.css:
* BlogProvider.cs:
* theme.css:
* p8-av4.s.jpg:
* test-domain-TestAPI.config:
* noavatar.png:
* p8-av4.xxs.jpg:
* apache_pbw.png:
* debian-logo.png:
* TestCatalogInit.cs:
* Mono-powered.png:
* helix-nebula-1400x1400.l.jpg:
* star-939235_1280.jpg:
* animated-overlay.gif:
* star-939235_1280.s.jpg:
* sign-in-with-google.png:
* star-939235_1280.xxs.jpg:
* sign-in-with-google-s.png:
* helix-nebula-1400x1400.jpg:
* helix-nebula-1400x1400.s.jpg:
* helix-nebula-1400x1400.xxs.jpg: removes the /images folder from the app root folder,
  all images are moved to /App_Themes/images
9 years ago
Paul Schneider c466aed242 Merge from totem 9 years ago
Paul Schneider 5cb90afe2c * Web.csproj:
* packages.config:
* App.master:
* doxy.css:
* Edit.aspx:
* desert.css:
* sunburst.css:
* prettify.css:
* YavscHelpers.cs:
* YavscModel.csproj:
* lang-r.js:
* UserPosts.aspx:
* lang-n.js:
* lang-rd.js:
* lang-vb.js:
* lang-xq.js:
* lang-ml.js:
* lang-go.js:
* lang-hs.js:
* lang-tcl.js:
* lang-tex.js:
* PostActions.ascx:
* lang-clj.js:
* prettify.js:
* lang-css.js:
* lang-sql.js:
* lang-lua.js:
* lang-llvm.js:
* HomeController.cs:
* lang-yaml.js:
* lang-wiki.js:
* lang-dart.js:
* lang-lisp.js:
* lang-vhdl.js:
* lang-mumps.js:
* lang-scala.js:
* lang-basic.js:
* MarkdownHelper.cs:
* lang-proto.js:
* sons-of-obsidian.css:
* lang-apollo.js:
* lang-matlab.js:
* lang-erlang.js:
* lang-pascal.js:
* run_prettify.js: syntax hilighting in Markdown code blocks

* NpgsqlTagInfo.cs: Fixes the photo retreival

* TagPanel.ascx: displays the photo

* IValueProvider.cs: useless, unused

* TestExec.cs: pollution
9 years ago
Paul Schneider 352a950755 a tag panel 9 years ago
Paul Schneider bb5e34a61d refactoring 9 years ago
Paul Schneider 1805cb3e17 big refactoring, and more
New routes, new juice flow, the tags on posts
9 years ago
Paul Schneider d04a68db01 Bug & layout fixes
* Index.aspx:
* Title.aspx:
* YavscModel.csproj:
* BlogEntry.cs:
* yavsc.scrollnotif.js:
* AccountController.cs:
* BlogEntryCollection.cs: refactoring

* yavsc.tags.js: Implements a js call
to the tag & untag methods

* PostActions.ascx: a better html structure

* BasePost.cs: refactoring:
allows the "PostActions" user control to use a common base object as
  post reference

* NpgsqlBlogProvider.cs: implements the tag methods on db

* ResultPages.cs: A multi-pages result meta info when one page only

* yavsc.circles.js:
* AccountController.cs: code formatting

* BlogsController.cs: Untag a post

* style.css: yastyle, yet a better one.

* BlogsController.cs: View the Title after edition

* App.master:
* UserPosts.aspx: a nicer html structure

* yavsc.js: Fixes notice & dimiss js

* Login.aspx: refactoring

* Edit.aspx: better html

* UserPost.aspx: A promess to be allowed to tag.

* Web.csproj: Adds yavsc.tags.js and yavsc.scrollnotifs.js to the
  project decription.

* BlogManager.cs: Makes the blog manager expose of the new `UnTag`

* BlogProvider.cs: introduces a method to `untag`

* FindBlogEntryFlags.cs: Find post entry by tag

* LocalizedText.resx:
* LocalizedText.Designer.cs: new translations: - "Tag"
- "Edit"

* nouvelles traductions: - "Tag"
- "Edit"

* Profile.cs: a nicer stack trace at buggy usage
9 years ago
Paul Schneider c962998aaa totem custo: new routes 9 years ago
Paul Schneider 53325b7e6c merge from Yavsc 9 years ago
Paul Schneider 30cebd7751 yalook
* totem-banner.png:
* totem-banner.xs.jpg:
* totem-banner.xxs.jpg: totem custo

* Makefile: reloads config after each rsync call

* NpgsqlBlogProvider.cs: - Fixes access on bills
- Fixes usage of bill without photo

* style.css: yastyle

* AccountController.cs: - Fixes route usage with n ovalue for `id`
- better code at getting the avatar url

* BlogsController.cs: Fixes a Post request without user name in the

* YavscHelpers.cs: Implements a file list html rendering

* App.master:
* UserPost.aspx:
* Profile.aspx:
* AssemblyInfo.aspx: yahtmlstructure

* Edit.aspx: Displays a list a attached files

* UserPosts.aspx: yahtmlstrucure

* Web.csproj: new images

* instdbws.sql: returns to the flat list of properies (groups are not

* LocalizedText.resx:
* LocalizedText.Designer.cs:
* a new translation
9 years ago
Paul Schneider ec99edcc4e Bug fix
* style.css: yastyle

* NpgsqlBlogProvider.cs: Fixes last commit in case of DBNull reading
  the photo
9 years ago
Paul Schneider 9494d6f353 Hallo now edits my images,
and each post can display a dedicated photo.

* NpgsqlBlogProvider.cs: implements a blog post photo storage

* BlogsController.cs: implements a method to update the photo url

* style.css: yastyle

* AdminController.cs: refactoring the notification:
Introduces a static `Notice` method, server side, to populate an array
in `ViewData`, used in the paster page.

* BlogsController.cs: Controls the photo update

* YavscHelpers.cs:
* yavsc.circles.js:
* HomeController.cs:
* GoogleController.cs: notification refactoring

* App.master: - notification refactoring
- html structure in the `nav`

* hallo.js: event 'hallomodified' now also occurs at image

* to-markdown.js: ?Fixes? html images alt text and title to Markdown

* yavsc.js: implements the photo in database

* Edit.aspx: A nicer bill edition, with a photo

* UserPost.aspx: Displays the photo

* UserPosts.aspx: Fixes the new usage of `ResultPages`

* Web.config: totem custo

* instdbws.sql: adds a `photo` field in the `blog` table

* BlogEntry.cs: defines the photo in the model

* BlogManager.cs: a new method to set the photo on a blog post.

* BlogProvider.cs: the blog provider now also gives some photo

* Reordering the french localisation

* Reorders the french localisation resource
9 years ago
Paul Schneider 303aaa5e1b Starting to test some controller
* BlogUnitTest.cs: Should test the user registration

* NpgsqlBlogProvider.cs: Fixes usage of Npgsql upgrade to latest

* TestAPI.csproj: switch to .Net framework 4.5.1

* AccountController.cs: refactoring password validation

* CalendarController.cs:
* WorkFlowController.cs: SendActivationMessage became an extension

* style.css: menu items already have a background and color, since
  they're `<A>` tags

* Unregister.aspx:
* AccountController.cs: refactoring user registration

* BlogsController.cs: Fixes a confusion between Author and reader ...

* YavscHelpers.cs: refactoring the password reset

* App.master: no more <div class="menuitem">, they're hyperlinks

* Login.aspx:
* Profile.aspx: refactoring the user registration

* BlogEntryCollection.cs: implements a method to filter a given post
  collection in order to be displayed tu a given user or anonymous
9 years ago
Paul Schneider 303e4fa57b Merge commit 'acd2a473bbf4f3006e40384a45413a4db177b082'
9 years ago
Paul Schneider acd2a473bb Minor changes
* TestAPI.csproj:
* packages.config:
* packages.config:
* packages.config:
* packages.config:
* packages.config:
* ITContentProvider.csproj:
* NpgsqlMRPProviders.csproj:
* NpgsqlBlogProvider.csproj:
* NpgsqlContentProvider.csproj: Npgsql package update

* Makefile: adds a new line to the end of file

* App.master: Indicates that a login permits to comment
9 years ago
Paul Schneider 82de63a0ba Npgsql package upgrade 9 years ago
Paul Schneider 2cae8582f8 Npqsql upgrade, and Blog post visibility edition
* NpgsqlBlogProvider.cs:
* NpgsqlCircleProvider.cs: Fixes the sql command preparation

* App.master: Circles edition needs also this lib, all pages will need
  it ...

* Edit.aspx: Restores the post visibility control

* Web.config: Fixes the new connection string, the `Encoding`
  parameter is no more supported.

* Web.csproj: Nuget packages updating

* packages.config: Nuget packages updating
9 years ago
Paul Schneider 77149697dd * font-awesome.css: an awesome css
* hallo.js: Use a forked Hallo.js

* showdown.js:
* to-markdown.js:
* mdd_gripper.png:
* mdd_toolbar.png:
* mdd_modal_background.png: The client side Markdown is now
  implemented using Hallo.js

* FontAwesome.otf:
* fontawesome-webfont.eot:
* fontawesome-webfont.svg:
* fontawesome-webfont.ttf:
* fontawesome-webfont.woff:
* fontawesome-webfont.woff2: awesome

* MarkdownDeep.dll: a modified version to render video and audio tags

* NpgsqlBlogProvider.cs:
* CalendarController.cs:
* WorkFlowController.cs: refactoring: The `UserName` property from the
  `BlogEntry` class is renamed to `Author`

* InputUserName.cs: formatting

* BlogsController.cs: * refactoring: The `UserName` property from the
  `BlogEntry` class is renamed to `Author`
* Fixes pandoc process on file named with some spaces

* BlogsController.cs: UserName became Author on BlogEntry objects

* Global.asax.cs: route /fonts is now ignored.

* MarkdownHelper.cs: transform Markdown using a given base url

* App.master: jquery was not needed on all pages.

* Edit.aspx: using Hallo.js

* BlogEntry.cs:
* UserPost.aspx:
* UserPosts.aspx:
* BlogManager.cs:
* RemoveTitle.aspx:
* BlogEntryCollection.cs:
* UUBlogEntryCollection.cs:
* UUTBlogEntryCollection.cs: refactoring

* Web.config: ?

* Web.csproj: * use my local assembly for MarkdownDeep.dll
* fontawesome integration
* Hallo.js, to-markdown.js, showdowwn.js integration

* packages.config: Now use forked MarkdownDeep

* MarkdownDeepLib.min.js:
* MarkdownDeep License.txt:
* MarkdownDeep Quick Reference.txt: using my local revision

* mdd_ajax_loader.gif: The client side Markdown is now implemented
  using Hallo.js
9 years ago
Paul Schneider 3355f9fed0 * bg.gif:
* asc.gif:
* desc.gif:
* style.css: moved to App_Themes

* style.css:
* bg.gif:
* asc.gif:
* bg.png:
* rect.png:
* asc.png:
* desc.gif:
* jquery-ui.css:
* mdd_styles.css:
* croix.png:
* desc.png:
* style.css:
* jquery-ui.min.css:
* mdd_gripper.png:
* mdd_toolbar.png:
* jquery.timepicker.css:
* mdd_ajax_loader.gif:
* mdd_modal_background.png: moved to /App_Themes

* NpgsqlBlogProvider.cs: * Remove post by id
* Manage collections of entries on a couple (user,title), not a single

* NpgsqlCircleProvider.cs: Fixes the "Match" method.

* IDbModule.cs:
* Edit.aspx:
* Estimates.aspx:
* WorkFlowManager.cs:
* NpgsqlContentProvider.cs: refactoring

* NpgsqlMRPProviders.csproj: new NpgsqlUserName provider

* NpgsqlRoleProvider.cs: simpler init method

* NpgsqlUserNameProvider.cs: impements a UserNameProvider

* MyClass.cs: refactoring from Yavsc.Model

* BlogsController.cs: access control simplified

* FrontOfficeController.cs: Pdf generation made public ni case of
  formatting exception

* mdd_styles.css: Theme -> App_Themes

* style.css: yet another style impact

* AccountController.cs: Fixes the user name modification

* BlogsController.cs: * Fixes the removal process
* On a title and user name, we get collection of posts, not only one.
* Implements an Access on circle

* FrontOfficeController.cs: * implements a new Get method.
* ensure a membership existence before delivering an estimate.

* GoogleController.cs: Fixes the user name modification on a Google

* ErrorHtmlFormatter.cs: nice error message in html (using Markdown

* FormatterException.cs: formatter exception exposes error and
  standard output of the process

* TexToPdfFormatter.cs: * generates temporary files in the folder
  returned by Path.GetTempPath()
* throws FormatterException

* Global.asax.cs: new route map:

* App.master: * refactoring: Theme moved to App_Themes
* a link to the logged user's blog

* NoLogin.master: refactoring: Theme moved to App_Themes

* Circles.aspx: refactoring : circles now are given as select items

* Login.aspx: fixes the html presentation

* Register.aspx: Fixes a Typo

* Index.aspx: Implements a blog index, due to M&C changes with this

* RemovePost.aspx: links to the new route to the "RemovePost" action,
  giving it a post id

* RemoveTitle.aspx: fixes a not yet linked page to remove a post
  collection under a given title

* EventPub.aspx: code refactoring

* Writting.ascx: cleans the code

* Web.config: fills the config with new names in the space

* Web.config: configures the new NpgsqlUserNameProvider

* Web.csproj: refactoring and others

* BlogEntryCollection.cs: implement the BlogEntryCollection

* BlogManager.cs: the manager helps to filter on access

* BlogProvider.cs: The title is not unique anymore, and one can modify
  it, post a lot under it, drop all posts under it.
A Post is deleted by id.

* UUBlogEntryCollection.cs: implements a collection of post under a
  given user name.

* UUTBlogEntryCollection.cs: implements a collection of post under a
  given couple (user name, title).

* ListItem.cs: ListItem is declared obsolete in this model, helpers
  can build MVC SelectListItem on data returned by the manager.

* LocalizedText.Designer.cs:
* autogenerated from xml

* LocalizedText.resx:
* new labels

* ChangeUserNameProvider.cs: xml doc

* Profile.cs: the UserName property is read only, and comes from
  authentication, to change it, we set a Name and validate it agains
  the "Profile" method

* UserManager.cs: simpler code a init time

* IContentProvider.cs: implements the new IDataProvider interface

* IDataProvider.cs: defines the new IDataProvider interface

* YavscModel.csproj: includes new classes

* UserPosts.aspx: adds a link to remove a post

* UserPost.aspx: now uses the new BlogEntryCollection object
9 years ago
Paul Schneider 87edbaffe5 * cldr.js:
* Web.config:
* ListItem.cs:
* styles.json:
* globalize.js:
* event.js:
* Auth.aspx:
* Book.aspx:
* Login.aspx:
* jquery-2.1.4.js:
* map-load.gif:
* Book.aspx:
* Circle.cs:
* Auth.aspx:
* mapstyle.css:
* date.js:
* Login.aspx:
* mdd_help.htm:
* BlogHelper.cs:
* fit-bounds.png:
* unresolved.js:
* jquery-2.1.4.min.js:
* mapstyle-ie.css:
* FreeDate.cs:
* BookEdit.cs:
* number.js:
* BlogManager.cs:
* plural.js:
* jquery.googlemaps.js:
* supplemental.js:
* BlogProvider.cs:
* mapstyle.min.css:
* pin-pink.png:
* message.js:
* ChooseADate.aspx:
* pin-azure.png:
* currency.js:
* jquery-2.1.4-vsdoc.js:
* pin-green.png:
* MarkdownDeepLib.min.js:
* flag-azure.png:
* flag-green.png:
* needle-pink.png:
* ChooseADate.aspx:
* niddle-green.png:
* ChooseCalendar.aspx:
* current-location.png:
* jquery.googlemaps.min.js:
* ErrorMessage.aspx:
* ChooseCalendar.aspx:
* relative-time.js:
* GoogleErrorMessage.aspx:
* popup-template-marker.html:
* popup-template-circle.html:
* popup-template-polygon.html:
* popup-template-polyline.html:
* popup-template-rectangle.html:

* Web.csproj:
* YavscModel.csproj:
* YavscClient.csproj:
* fortune.csproj:
* WebControls.csproj:
* SalesCatalog.csproj:
* ITContentProvider.csproj:
* NpgsqlMRPProviders.csproj:
* NpgsqlBlogProvider.csproj:
* NpgsqlContentProvider.csproj: Moves to Mono framework

* NpgsqlCircleProvider.cs: Makes Circles private, or not

* OAuth2.cs:
* CircleController.cs:
* AccountController.cs:
* NpgsqlContentProvider.cs: Impacts htmldoc

* NpgsqlMembershipProvider.cs: Makes possible to change the UserName

* NpgsqlRoleProvider.cs: Drops this SQL code, which is actually
  maintained in Web/instdbws.sql

* PeopleApi.cs:
* GoogleController.cs:
* PaypalController.cs: Refactoring

* Global.asax.cs: Dropped an useless url mapping

* MarkdownHelper.cs: Package update

* App.master:
* NoLogin.master: Site's favicon update

* Circles.aspx: TO BE FIXED :-D

* UserPost.aspx: Comment only when logged in

* instdbws.sql: Circle public

* packages.config: package update
9 years ago
Paul Schneider f25aa8ff97 adds access by circle to blog posts 9 years ago
Paul Schneider 282b750d53 * NpgsqlCircleProvider.cs: Refactoring: Npgsql prefix
* Yavsc.sln:
* pkg.mdproj: creates a packaging project

* CircleController.cs: adds a Circle controller

* NUnitTestClass.cs: xml doc

* Web.config:
* Web.csproj:
* TestExec.cs:
* packages.config:
* TestByteA.cs: trying to use xUnit

* YavscClient.csproj:
* ITContentProvider.csproj:
* NpgsqlBlogProvider.csproj:
* NpgsqlMRPProviders.csproj:
* NpgsqlContentProvider.csproj: Helps to fix packaging, and cleans
9 years ago
Paul Schneider 31734da129 * Web.config:
* Web.csproj:
* instdbws.sql:
* packages.config:
* TestByteA.cs:
* App.master:
* MyClass.cs:
* LocalizedText.resx:
* Index.aspx:
* packages.config:
* Details.aspx:
* packages.config:
* packages.config:
* packages.config:
* EventPub.aspx:
* LocalizedText.Designer.cs:
* FileSystemController.cs:
* FrontOfficeController.cs:
* NpgsqlContentProvider.cs:
* ITContentProvider.csproj:
* FileSystemManager.cs:
* Circle.cs:
* YaEvent.cs:
* NpgsqlBlogProvider.csproj:
* NpgsqlMRPProviders.csproj:
* EventPub.cs:
* NpgsqlContentProvider.csproj:
* EventType.cs:
* UserPrefs.cs:
* CalendarController.cs:
* EstablishmentType.cs: 

* ITCPNpgsqlProvider.cs:
* NpgsqlBlogProvider.cs:
* NpgsqlRoleProvider.cs:
* NpgsqlProfileProvider.cs:
* NpgsqlMembershipProvider.cs: Npgsql Command.Parameters.Add is

* Commande.cs: FileSystem ctor needs a format parameter in order to
  use path by membership

* google-services.json: intented to be used to build android
  application able to receive push notification via GCM
9 years ago
Paul Schneider 75fe032822 * Web.csproj:
* YavscModel.csproj:
* Basket.cs:
* Basket.aspx:
* Commande.cs:
* BasketController.cs:
* CommandSet.cs:
* NpgsqlWorkflow.csproj:
* FileSystemController.cs:
* FrontOfficeController.cs:
* NpgsqlContentProvider.cs: implementing a basket

* ProjectInfo.cs:
* ITCPNpgsqlProvider.cs:
* CommandStatus.cs:
* NpgsqlBlogProvider.cs: xml doc

* CalendarApi.cs: document formatting

* FileSystemManager.cs: refactoring

* WorkFlowManager.cs:
* IContentProvider.cs: provides a basket

* WebFileInfoCollection.cs: not used
10 years ago
Paul Schneider 60236ba517 * BlogsController.cs
* NpgsqlBlogProvider.cs: quiet a revert to last 
commit, fixing an  introduced bug, at using default values for pageIndex

* ResultPages.cs: parentesis around the number of results
10 years ago
Paul Schneider f54336852b * ResultPages.cs:
* NpgsqlBlogProvider.cs: PageIndex is now one based

* AccountController.cs: Fixes a typo in the registration mail

* AdminController.cs: Should fix a 500 at Registration validation

* BasketController.cs: WIP

* BlogsController.cs: page indexes are now one based

* FrontOfficeController.cs: cleanning

* GoogleController.cs: code formatting

* Global.asax.cs: Default route data to "controller" "action" "id"

* BBCodeHelper.cs: Allows not closed "url" BBcodes 

* InitDb.aspx: StatisPage.master was renamed

* packages.config: Google references require System.Web ...
10 years ago
Paul Schneider 0ec856db45 * NoLogin.master:
* StaticPage.master: StaticPage is not the good name for this file

* YavscModel.csproj:
* WebControls.csproj:
* fortune.csproj:
* YavscClient.csproj:
* SalesCatalog.csproj:
* NpgsqlWorkflow.csproj:
* ITContentProvider.csproj:
* NpgsqlMRPProviders.csproj:
* NpgsqlBlogProvider.csproj: .Net framework 4.5.1

* Global.asax.cs: a favicon
ignore route to robots.txt

* App.master: document formatting

* favicon.ico: a favicon
10 years ago
Paul Schneider 1b7b3595e2 * Makefile: creates two targets "xmldoc" and
"htmldoc" to generate
  the documentation

* Web.csproj:
* YavscModel.csproj:
* WebControls.csproj:
* YavscClient.csproj:
* SalesCatalog.csproj:
* NpgsqlWorkflow.csproj:
* NpgsqlMRPProviders.csproj:
* NpgsqlBlogProvider.csproj:

* AssemblyInfo.cs: makes "en" the assembly culture, and normalize my

* HomeController.cs: modifies the xmldoc

* Web.config: Modifies the owner email

* ITContentProvider.csproj: Activates the documentation generation

* App.master: adds a <meta charset=> in the head section
10 years ago
Paul Schneider 57a473aff8 Many changes :
* JsonReaderError.aspx: display a nice json conversion error

* CalendarEntryList.cs: new Google data for the calendar entries

* JsonReaderError.cs: Json error model

* Documentation url

* NpgsqlBlogProvider.cs: Update the blog post title

* BlogsController.cs: - Updating the blog post title
- bug fix rendering the avatar

* FrontOfficeController.cs: - the client cannot modify its estimation

* GoogleController.cs: - implementing the calendar entries retrieval

* HomeController.cs: - the home start page from configuration
  parameter named "StartPage"

* Global.asax.cs: - back to a clean global.asax

* style.css: showing the main area with a background transparent color

* Post.aspx: Bug fix: the message was displayed two times (we keep the
  one from app.master)

* UserPost.aspx: the blog title comes from the poster profile found in

* DateQuery.aspx: implementing the date query

* Web.config: the start page now comes from Web.config

* Web.csproj: the Sql db creation script should not be deployed,
  neither as package.config

* BlogManager.cs: updating the blog post title

* BlogProvider.cs: yavscModel/Blogs/BlogManager.cs

* YavscModel.csproj: new cs files to compile

* App.master: returning from the Google login
10 years ago
Paul Schneider c7f81699a4 * avatar, username, city from Google profile
* refactoring
10 years ago
Paul Schneider 1638d9747b Bug getting tags for a post 10 years ago
Paul Schneider b5d19c5da6 refactoring 10 years ago
Paul Schneider f3a2efa244 refactoring 10 years ago
Paul Schneider 685c03b37e * Web.csproj:
* T.cs:
* IModule.cs:
* App.master:
* IProvider.cs:
* Error.aspx:
* AOEMail.aspx:
* Login.aspx:
* Index.aspx:
* Admin.aspx:
* yavscModel.csproj:
* WFManager.cs:
* Index.aspx:
* AddRole.aspx:
* Profile.aspx:
* Edit.aspx:
* Register.aspx:
* Index.aspx:
* RoleList.aspx:
* UserList.aspx:
* Validate.aspx:
* RemovePost.aspx:
* Index.aspx:
* BasketImpact.cs:
* Brand.aspx:
* Delete.aspx:
* Create.aspx:
* Backups.aspx:
* HomeController.cs:
* BlogManager.cs:
* Restore.aspx:
* Details.aspx:
* TitleNotFound.aspx:
* Product.aspx:
* AdminController.cs:
* Command.aspx:
* Service.aspx:
* BlogProvider.cs:
* NewProject.aspx:
* Catalog.aspx:
* Restored.aspx:
* BasketController.cs:
* AccountController.cs:
* WorkFlowController.cs:
* BlogsApiController.cs:
* ChangePassword.aspx:
* RemoveRoleQuery.aspx:
* CreateBackup.aspx:
* IContentProvider.cs:
* BackOfficeController.cs:
* FrontOfficeController.cs:
* NpgsqlBlogProvider.cs:
* NpgsqlContentProvider.cs:
* RegistrationPending.aspx:
* ProductCategory.aspx:
* FrontOfficeApiController.cs:
* ChangePasswordSuccess.aspx:
* ReferenceNotFound.aspx: 
* BackupCreated.aspx

Fixes many HTTP 500
Refactoring on the go
10 years ago
Paul Schneider 9fc7f82531 * Web.config:
* Web.csproj:
* Web.config:
* Blog.cs:
* Index.aspx:
* BBCodeHelper.cs:
* Comment.cs:
* yavscModel.csproj:
* BlogEntry.cs:
* UserPost.aspx:
* UserPosts.aspx:
* Estimate.cs:
* RemovePost.aspx:
* TitleNotFound.aspx:
* BlogProvider.cs:
* AccountController.cs:
* BlogsApiController.cs:
* WorkFlowController.cs:
* BlogEditEntryModel.cs:
* FindBlogEntryFlags.cs:
* BlogEntryCollection.cs:
* Comment.cs:
* BlogEditCommentModel.cs:
* NpgsqlBlogProvider.cs:
* NpgsqlContentProvider.cs:
* BlogEntry.cs:
* NpgsqlBlogProvider.csproj:
* NpgsqlMembershipProvider.cs:
* FindBlogEntryFlags.cs:
* BlogEntryCollection.cs: 

* BlogHelper.cs: refactoring: moving code from NpgsqlBlogProvider to

* BlogManager.cs: NpgsqlBlogProvider/BlogHelper.cs

* BlogsController.cs: a successfull confirmed removal

* Blog.cs: refactoring
10 years ago
Paul Schneider bba917dcc0 * style.css:
* Web.csproj:
* Web.config:
* Catalog.xml:
* Global.asax.cs:
* TestBinding.cs:
* IProvider.cs:
* yavscModel.csproj:
* WFManager.cs:
* BasketController.cs:
* WorkFlowController.cs:
* ITCPNpgsqlProvider.cs:
* IContentProvider.cs:
* WorkFlowProvider.csproj:
* NpgsqlContentProvider.cs:
* Provider.cs:
* ITContentProvider.csproj:
* FrontOfficeApiController.cs:
* ProviderCollection.cs:
* WorkflowConfiguration.cs:
* BlogProvidersConfigurationSection.cs: 

* IITContent.cs: Estimate creation
10 years ago
Paul Schneider 04804b89a9 Initial import 10 years ago