Commit Graph

28 Commits (58839ab69cf88b5905b82ef61e712fa08998f020)

Author SHA1 Message Date
Paul Schneider e8bf2dd8fa Documentation et fiche préstataire
Une nouvelle page de doc : la page des fonctionalités, [](,
au format Markdown.

* p8-av4.jpg:
* p8-av4.l.jpg:
* p8-av4.xs.jpg: p8-av4

* Performer.ascx: Implémente la fiche préstataire, avec son éventuel
  lien vers le blog

* ITContentProvider.csproj: ...

* NpgsqlBlogProvider.cs: implémente le compteur de billet en base de

* Presta.csproj:
* TestAPI.csproj:
* YavscClient.csproj:
* fortune.csproj:
* WebControls.csproj:
* SalesCatalog.csproj:
* NpgsqlMRPProviders.csproj:
* NpgsqlBlogProvider.csproj:
* NpgsqlContentProvider.csproj: ...

* mise à jour des priorités

* Yavsc.sln: ajout du fichier "" à la solution

* BlogProvider.cs: doc xml

* BlogManager.cs: implémente un accès au compteur de billet
9 years ago
Paul Schneider a99232ba2b Implémente un formulaire simple
de réservation d'un préstataire

* p8-av4.xxs.jpg:
* p8-av4.xxs.png: inutile

* NoLogin.master:
* Entity.cs:
* OAuth2.cs:
* ApiClient.cs:
* PeopleApi.cs:
* MapTracks.cs:
* SkillManager.cs:
* Skills.aspx:
* EntityQuery.cs:
* CalendarApi.cs:
* SimpleJsonPostMethod.cs:
* GoogleHelpers.cs:
* EventPub.aspx:
* GoogleController.cs:
* Notification.cs:
* UserSkills.aspx:
* BackOfficeController.cs:
* BackOfficeController.cs:
* Notification.cs:
* MessageWithPayLoad.cs:
* MessageWithPayloadResponse.cs: refabrication

* IContentProvider.cs:
* NpgsqlBlogProvider.cs: xml doc

* NpgsqlContentProvider.cs: implemente un listing des prestataire du
  code APE en base.

* NpgsqlSkillProvider.cs: implemente un listing des domaines de
  compétence du préstataire en base.

* XmlCatalogProvider.cs: Le catalogue de vente implémente mainenant
  l'interface d'un fournisseur de donnée comme les autres.
Il pourrait par exemple vouloir définir des activité et des
Pour l'instant, il n'est pas activé par la configuration, et reste le
  fournisseur du catalogue legacy (voir </FrontOffice/Catalog> ).

* FrontOfficeController.cs: format du code

* Global.asax.cs: Une route customisée pour le Front Office : /do
  (genre, ici, ça bouge.)

* activity.sql: implémente en base de donnée le modèle des activités
  et compétences,
ajoute aussi deux activités : l'edition logicielle et "Artiste"

* style.css: changement de mes images de fond ... tombées du camion de
  Xavier et

* p8-av4.s.jpg: changement de taille

* AccountController.cs: Met le code MEA à "none" quand il est spécifié
  non disponible.

* BlogsController.cs: fixe un bug de l'edition d'un billet

* FrontOfficeController.cs: implemente le contrôle booking simple

* HomeController.cs: ajoute l'assemblage du catalog dans le listing

* YavscAjaxHelper.cs: Implemente un outil de representation JSon des
  objets côté serveur

* parallax.js: deux fois plus de mouvement autout de x dans le

* yavsc.rate.js: imlemente un callback JS pour le rating

* Activities.aspx: Des labels au formulaire de déclaration des

* Activity.ascx: un panneau activité descent

* Booking.aspx: implemente l'UI web du booking simple.

* EavyBooking.aspx: refabrication du booking lourd

* Index.aspx: supprime le panneau du tag Accueil, affiche les
  activités en cours du site (avec au moins un préstataire valide pour
  cette activité)

* Web.config: Implemente une cote utilisateur, par une nouvelle valeur
  de son profile (Rate).

* Yavsc.csproj: refabrique du code API Google, qui part dans le model.

* MarkdownDeep.dll: le tag <p> ne convenait pas, le remplacer par le
  tag <span> non plus.
Maintenant ça devrait être correct, c'est un div, mais que en cas de
  tag englobant non défini.

* BookingQuery.cs: Le booking lourd devient une commande basée sur des
  activités concernée par l'intervention

* ChangeLog: nettoyage

* CatalogProvider.cs: implemente l'interface d'un fournissseur de

* PerformerProfile.cs: implemente le profile prestataire

* SimpleBookingQuery.cs: Les besoin sont exprimé sous forme d'un
  tableau de valeur du parametrage de la commande

* LocalizedText.resx:
* LocalizedText.Designer.cs:
* internationalisation

* Profile.cs: implemente un accès à l'id d'enregistrement Google GCM

* SkillEntity.cs: La compétence appartient à un domaine d'activité, on
  lui associe un et un seul code APE

* SkillProvider.cs: Fait chercher les compétences à partir d'un code

* WorkFlowManager.cs: implemente l'accès à la liste des préstataires
de telle activité

* YavscModel.csproj: refabrications

* Skills.sql: vient de passer dans activity.Sql

* T.cs: la traduction est faite plus simple à appeler (sans cast vers
9 years ago
Paul Schneider d89b6c39df nouvelles configs
* Makefile:
* Yavsc.sln:
* pkg.mdproj:
* Presta.csproj:
* TestAPI.csproj:
* YavscModel.csproj:
* YavscClient.csproj:
* fortune.csproj:
* WebControls.csproj:
* SalesCatalog.csproj:
* ITContentProvider.csproj:
* NpgsqlMRPProviders.csproj:
* NpgsqlBlogProvider.csproj:
* Yavsc.csproj:
* NpgsqlContentProvider.csproj: nouvelles configurations de

* LocalizedText.resx:
* LocalizedText.Designer.cs:
* internationalisation
9 years ago
Paul Schneider 029a80e2c4 Fixes the Site wize skills page,
makes use of Mono.Web.Xdt at deploy time

* PayPalController.cs: implements a Paypal controller

* Abort.aspx: Paypal paiement aborting page

* Commit.aspx: Paypal paiement commit page

* IPN.aspx: Paypal paiement notification page

* Index.aspx: Paypal paiement form page

* WebTasks.dll: thanks to he Marcelo Zabani's coding blog:

* .gitignore: ignore my new config transformation sources

* pkg.mdproj:
* Presta.csproj:
* TestAPI.csproj:
* fortune.csproj:
* SalesCatalog.csproj:
* ITContentProvider.csproj:
* NpgsqlMRPProviders.csproj:
* NpgsqlBlogProvider.csproj:
* NpgsqlContentProvider.csproj: adds a build target named "Lua"

* Makefile: instead of `deploy`, start Xsp, in the `dist` folder

* Yavsc.sln:
* YavscModel.csproj:
* WebControls.csproj:
* YavscClient.csproj: Lua config

* yavsc.rate.js: refactoring, still needs a cleanning

* RateSkillControl.ascx: give it the `rate-site-skill` `data-type`
  html attribute

* RateUserSkillControl.ascx: cleans an obsolete code chunk

* Web.csproj: Fixes the missing RateSkillControl at deploy time,
adds my deployment config
9 years ago
Paul Schneider 7bf9b6a771 a note on billls,

* instdbws.sql:
* BlogsController.cs:
* NpgsqlBlogProvider.cs: Implements the note

* robots.txt:
* Web.config:
* Web.csproj:
* Catalog.xml:
* Global.asax.cs:
* pgsql.xcf:
* p8-av4.png:
* pgsql.jpeg:
* logoDev.png:
* logoDev.xcf:
* debian-pb.gif:
* apache_pb.gif:
* theme.css:
* style.css:
* apache_pby.gif:
* apache_pbw.gif:
* Book.aspx:
* jquery-ui.css:
* Login.aspx:
* debian-powered.png:
* BlogManager.cs:
* FhHRx.gif:
* pgsql.png:
* TagControl.ascx:
* jquery-ui.min.css:
* BlogProvider.cs:
* theme.css:
* p8-av4.s.jpg:
* test-domain-TestAPI.config:
* noavatar.png:
* p8-av4.xxs.jpg:
* apache_pbw.png:
* debian-logo.png:
* TestCatalogInit.cs:
* Mono-powered.png:
* helix-nebula-1400x1400.l.jpg:
* star-939235_1280.jpg:
* animated-overlay.gif:
* star-939235_1280.s.jpg:
* sign-in-with-google.png:
* star-939235_1280.xxs.jpg:
* sign-in-with-google-s.png:
* helix-nebula-1400x1400.jpg:
* helix-nebula-1400x1400.s.jpg:
* helix-nebula-1400x1400.xxs.jpg: removes the /images folder from the app root folder,
  all images are moved to /App_Themes/images
9 years ago
Paul Schneider 0a91d3935b * packages.config:
* App.master:
* datepair.js:
* Book.aspx:
* datepair.min.js:
* LocalizedText.resx:
* jquery.datepair.js:
* jquery-ui-1.11.4.js:
* jquery.timepicker.js:
* BookQuery.cs:
* jquery-1.11.3.min.js:
* jquery.datepair.min.js:
* WebCatalogExtensions.cs:
* GoogleController.cs:
* LocalizedText.Designer.cs:
* jquery.timepicker.min.js:
* jquery.timepicker.css:
* Text.cs:
* Euro.cs:
* Unit.cs:
* Link.cs:
* Note.cs:
* Brand.cs:
* Label.cs:
* Scalar.cs:
* FrontOfficeController.cs:
* Period.cs:
* Option.cs:
* Service.cs:
* Catalog.cs:
* Product.cs:
* CheckBox.cs:
* Currency.cs:
* SaleForm.cs:
* TextInput.cs:
* FormInput.cs:
* FilesInput.cs:
* SelectItem.cs:
* FormElement.cs:
* SelectInput.cs:
* RadioButton.cs:
* StockStatus.cs:
* ProductImage.cs:
* CatalogHelper.cs:
* CatalogManager.cs:
* ProductCategory.cs:
* PhysicalProduct.cs:
* ui-icons_ffffff_256x240.png:
* ui-icons_cccccc_256x240.png:
* CatalogProvider.cs:
* ui-icons_a83300_256x240.png:
* ui-icons_222222_256x240.png:
* ui-icons_4b8e0b_256x240.png:
* ui-bg_glass_20_555555_1x400.png:
* ui-bg_glass_40_0078a3_1x400.png:
* ui-bg_glass_40_ffc73d_1x400.png:
* ui-icons_222222_256x240.png:
* ui-icons_a83300_256x240.png:
* ui-icons_cccccc_256x240.png:
* ui-icons_4b8e0b_256x240.png:
* ui-icons_ffffff_256x240.png:
* ui-bg_glass_40_0078a3_1x400.png:
* ui-bg_glass_20_555555_1x400.png:
* ui-bg_inset-soft_30_f58400_1x100.png:
* ui-bg_inset-soft_25_000000_1x100.png:
* ui-bg_glass_40_ffc73d_1x400.png:
* ui-bg_gloss-wave_25_333333_500x100.png:
* ui-bg_highlight-soft_80_eeeeee_1x100.png:
* ui-bg_inset-soft_30_f58400_1x100.png:
* ui-bg_inset-soft_25_000000_1x100.png:
* ui-bg_gloss-wave_25_333333_500x100.png:
* ui-bg_highlight-soft_80_eeeeee_1x100.png:
* CatalogProviderConfigurationElement.cs:
* CatalogProvidersConfigurationSection.cs:
* CatalogProvidersConfigurationCollection.cs: Date pairing at booking,
 Fixes the client side ui, concerning the dates and times

* MyClass.cs:
* WorkFlowManager.cs:
* IContentProvider.cs:
* FrontOfficeController.cs:
* XmlCatalog.cs:
* NpgsqlContentProvider.cs:
* Price.cs:
* XmlCatalogProvider.cs:
* PriceOnItemCount.cs: refactoring: a dedicated name space
  for the catalog

* ChooseADate.aspx: WIP

* Web.csproj: date pairing : includes the javascript modules
9 years ago
Paul Schneider 87edbaffe5 * cldr.js:
* Web.config:
* ListItem.cs:
* styles.json:
* globalize.js:
* event.js:
* Auth.aspx:
* Book.aspx:
* Login.aspx:
* jquery-2.1.4.js:
* map-load.gif:
* Book.aspx:
* Circle.cs:
* Auth.aspx:
* mapstyle.css:
* date.js:
* Login.aspx:
* mdd_help.htm:
* BlogHelper.cs:
* fit-bounds.png:
* unresolved.js:
* jquery-2.1.4.min.js:
* mapstyle-ie.css:
* FreeDate.cs:
* BookEdit.cs:
* number.js:
* BlogManager.cs:
* plural.js:
* jquery.googlemaps.js:
* supplemental.js:
* BlogProvider.cs:
* mapstyle.min.css:
* pin-pink.png:
* message.js:
* ChooseADate.aspx:
* pin-azure.png:
* currency.js:
* jquery-2.1.4-vsdoc.js:
* pin-green.png:
* MarkdownDeepLib.min.js:
* flag-azure.png:
* flag-green.png:
* needle-pink.png:
* ChooseADate.aspx:
* niddle-green.png:
* ChooseCalendar.aspx:
* current-location.png:
* jquery.googlemaps.min.js:
* ErrorMessage.aspx:
* ChooseCalendar.aspx:
* relative-time.js:
* GoogleErrorMessage.aspx:
* popup-template-marker.html:
* popup-template-circle.html:
* popup-template-polygon.html:
* popup-template-polyline.html:
* popup-template-rectangle.html:

* Web.csproj:
* YavscModel.csproj:
* YavscClient.csproj:
* fortune.csproj:
* WebControls.csproj:
* SalesCatalog.csproj:
* ITContentProvider.csproj:
* NpgsqlMRPProviders.csproj:
* NpgsqlBlogProvider.csproj:
* NpgsqlContentProvider.csproj: Moves to Mono framework

* NpgsqlCircleProvider.cs: Makes Circles private, or not

* OAuth2.cs:
* CircleController.cs:
* AccountController.cs:
* NpgsqlContentProvider.cs: Impacts htmldoc

* NpgsqlMembershipProvider.cs: Makes possible to change the UserName

* NpgsqlRoleProvider.cs: Drops this SQL code, which is actually
  maintained in Web/instdbws.sql

* PeopleApi.cs:
* GoogleController.cs:
* PaypalController.cs: Refactoring

* Global.asax.cs: Dropped an useless url mapping

* MarkdownHelper.cs: Package update

* App.master:
* NoLogin.master: Site's favicon update

* Circles.aspx: TO BE FIXED :-D

* UserPost.aspx: Comment only when logged in

* instdbws.sql: Circle public

* packages.config: package update
9 years ago
Paul Schneider 721b11eba3 Google date quey,

* Yavsc.sln:
* Web.csproj:
* YavscModel.csproj:
* OtherWebException.cs:
* ProjectInfo.cs:
* IValueProvider.cs:
* CalendarApi.cs:
* HomeController.cs:
* TemplateException.cs:
* WorkFlowController.cs:
* NpgsqlWorkflow.csproj:
* GoogleErrorMessage.cs:
* ITCPNpgsqlProvider.cs:
* NpgsqlContentProvider.cs:
* ITContentProvider.csproj:
* FrontOfficeApiController.cs:
* NpgsqlContentProvider.csproj: refactoring

* App.master:
* WebApiConfig.cs: New Web api configuration architecture

* SalesCatalog.csproj:
* XmlCatalogProvider.cs: using MVC to get the catalog xml filename 

* WorkFlowManager.cs:
* FrontOfficeController.cs:
* CatalogManager.cs: No more extra argument to get the catalog

* DateQuery.aspx:
* AskForADate.cs:
* GoogleController.cs: Google Date new query model

* style.css:
* BBCodeHelper.cs: Doc page responsive design

* Service.cs:
* SetPrice.cs: xml doc

* WebApiConfig.cs: refactioring
10 years ago
Paul Schneider 7b0dd0c1e2 * Price.cs:
* Service.cs:
* Price.cs:
* PhysicalProduct.cs: Billing

* SetPrice.cs: Billing

* MyClass.cs:
* ResultPages.cs:
* NpgsqlRoleProvider.cs:
* NpgsqlProfileProvider.cs:
* NpgsqlMembershipProvider.cs: xml doc

* SalesCatalog.csproj: cleanning

* YavscModel.csproj: coding policies
10 years ago
Paul Schneider b505ad90e7 * YavscModel.csproj:
* NewProjectModel.cs:
* ITContentProvider.csproj: refactoring

* WebApiConfig.cs: Web Api Config

* IModule.cs:
* RssFeeds.cs:
* IRenderer.cs:
* Blog.cs:
* ITagHandler.cs:
* ViewRenderer.cs:
* Comment.cs:
* IViewRenderer.cs:
* People.cs:
* SignIn.cs:
* BlogEntry.cs:
* AuthToken.cs:
* BlogHelper.cs:
* DataAccess.cs:
* Estimate.cs:
* BlogManager.cs:
* Writting.cs:
* AskForADate.cs:
* RestoreQuery.cs:
* Basket.cs:
* BlogProvider.cs:
* CalendarList.cs:
* Commande.cs:
* StatusChange.cs:
* WebFileInfo.cs:
* WorkFlowManager.cs:
* Euro.cs:
* Unit.cs:
* Text.cs:
* Profile.cs:
* Note.cs:
* Link.cs:
* BlogEditEntryModel.cs:
* FindBlogEntryFlags.cs:
* NewProjectModel.cs:
* CalendarListEntry.cs:
* CalendarEntryList.cs:
* IContentProvider.cs:
* CommandStatus.cs:
* Label.cs:
* Price.cs:
* BlogEntryCollection.cs:
* Period.cs:
* Scalar.cs:
* BlogEditCommentModel.cs:
* Option.cs:
* NpgsqlContentProvider.cs:
* Product.cs:
* LoginModel.cs:
* Service.cs:
* Catalog.cs:
* Currency.cs:
* NewEstimateEvenArgs.cs:
* CheckBox.cs:
* SaleForm.cs:
* FileSystemManager.cs:
* FormInput.cs:
* TextInput.cs:
* NewRoleModel.cs:
* FileInfoCollection.cs:
* FilesInput.cs:
* NewAdminModel.cs:
* SelectItem.cs:
* SelectInput.cs:
* RadioButton.cs:
* StockStatus.cs:
* Provider.cs:
* DirNotFoundException.cs:
* FormElement.cs:
* ProductImage.cs:
* WebFileInfoCollection.cs:
* CatalogHelper.cs:
* CatalogManager.cs:
* RegisterViewModel.cs:
* InvalidDirNameException.cs:
* PhysicalProduct.cs:
* CatalogProvider.cs:
* ProductCategory.cs:
* OrderStatusChangedEventArgs.cs:
* ProviderCollection.cs:
* WorkflowConfiguration.cs:
* BlogProviderConfigurationElement.cs:
* BlogProvidersConfigurationSection.cs:
* BlogProvidersConfigurationCollection.cs:
* CatalogProviderConfigurationElement.cs:
* CatalogProvidersConfigurationSection.cs:
* CatalogProvidersConfigurationCollection.cs: 
xml doc

* SalesCatalog.csproj:
* XmlCatalogProvider.cs: Maps the catalog using System.Web

* BasketController.cs:
* FrontOfficeController.cs: a Basket controller

* Global.asax.cs: Session in Web Api

* App.master: WebApi bas url as Javascript var 'apiBaseUrl'

* Index.aspx: !!not sure of this change.

* Web.csproj: compiles now includes WebApiConfig.cs

* style.css: link background color

* FileSystemController.cs: a file system controller
10 years ago
Paul Schneider 0ec856db45 * NoLogin.master:
* StaticPage.master: StaticPage is not the good name for this file

* YavscModel.csproj:
* WebControls.csproj:
* fortune.csproj:
* YavscClient.csproj:
* SalesCatalog.csproj:
* NpgsqlWorkflow.csproj:
* ITContentProvider.csproj:
* NpgsqlMRPProviders.csproj:
* NpgsqlBlogProvider.csproj: .Net framework 4.5.1

* Global.asax.cs: a favicon
ignore route to robots.txt

* App.master: document formatting

* favicon.ico: a favicon
10 years ago
Paul Schneider 3dbf0265db * SalesCatalog.csproj: clean an unused reference
* TestBrands.cs:
* Service.cs:
* PhysicalProduct.cs: clean an obsolete reference

* TestCatalogInit.cs: cleaner

* XmlCatalog.cs:
* XmlCatalogProvider.cs: suppressed some xml doc warnings

* Estimate.aspx: new jQuery version 

* Web.config: removed a section dotNetOpenAuth at using the .Net
  framework 4.5.1
10 years ago
Paul Schneider 3c6c3f19aa Refactoring: moving
the Catalog manager and model into the Yavsc.Model.FrontOffice 
* Web.config:
* Catalog.xml:
* MyClass.cs:
* Note.cs:
* Euro.cs:
* Unit.cs:
* Text.cs:
* Link.cs:
* Price.cs:
* Label.cs:
* Brand.cs:
* Scalar.cs:
* Option.cs:
* Period.cs:
* YavscModel.csproj:
* Catalog.cs:
* Service.cs:
* Product.cs:
* YavscClient.csproj:
* CatalogManager.cs:
* Currency.cs:
* CheckBox.cs:
* SaleForm.cs:
* FormInput.cs:
* CatalogProvider.cs:
* TextInput.cs:
* SelectItem.cs:
* SalesCatalog.csproj:
* FilesInput.cs:
* FormElement.cs:
* SelectInput.cs:
* IValueProvider.cs:
* StockStatus.cs:
* RadioButton.cs:
* Commande.cs:
* ProductImage.cs:
* WebCatalogExtensions.cs:
* TemplateException.cs:
* ProductCategory.cs:
* PhysicalProduct.cs:
* Note.cs:
* Link.cs:
* Text.cs:
* Euro.cs:
* Unit.cs:
* WorkFlowManager.cs:
* Brand.cs:
* Label.cs:
* Price.cs:
* Scalar.cs:
* FrontOfficeController.cs:
* Period.cs:
* Option.cs:
* Product.cs:
* Service.cs:
* Catalog.cs:
* SaleForm.cs:
* Currency.cs:
* CheckBox.cs:
* TextInput.cs:
* FrontOfficeApiController.cs:
* FormInput.cs:
* SelectItem.cs:
* FilesInput.cs:
* XmlCatalog.cs:
* FormElement.cs:
* SelectInput.cs:
* RadioButton.cs:
* StockStatus.cs:
* ProductImage.cs:
* CatalogHelper.cs:
* CatalogManager.cs:
* CatalogProvider.cs:
* ProductCategory.cs:
* PhysicalProduct.cs:
* XmlCatalogProvider.cs:
* CatalogProviderConfigurationElement.cs:
* CatalogProvidersConfigurationSection.cs:
* CatalogProvidersConfigurationCollection.cs:
* CatalogProviderConfigurationElement.cs:
* CatalogProvidersConfigurationSection.cs:
* CatalogProvidersConfigurationCollection.cs: 
* CatalogHelper.cs:
10 years ago
Paul Schneider 1b7b3595e2 * Makefile: creates two targets "xmldoc" and
"htmldoc" to generate
  the documentation

* Web.csproj:
* YavscModel.csproj:
* WebControls.csproj:
* YavscClient.csproj:
* SalesCatalog.csproj:
* NpgsqlWorkflow.csproj:
* NpgsqlMRPProviders.csproj:
* NpgsqlBlogProvider.csproj:

* AssemblyInfo.cs: makes "en" the assembly culture, and normalize my

* HomeController.cs: modifies the xmldoc

* Web.config: Modifies the owner email

* ITContentProvider.csproj: Activates the documentation generation

* App.master: adds a <meta charset=> in the head section
10 years ago
Paul Schneider b835053e5f * Makefile:
* CatalogManager.cs: Let the catalog manager ensure all command form
  are instancied

* PhysicalProduct.cs: A better ToString method

* SaleForm.cs: doc

* NpgsqlContentProvider.cs: registers a command

* FrontOfficeApiController.cs: Set the catalog referer uri in each
  command form found in the catalog

* FrontOfficeController.cs: creates the catalog with referer uri

* instdbws.sql: the command has got a client, as registered user

* Commande.cs: The command has an id and a product reference

* IContentProvider.cs: new RegisterCommand method

* WorkFlowManager.cs: yavscModel/WorkFlow/IContentProvider.cs
10 years ago
Paul Schneider 8301159645 * Web.csproj:
* App.master:
* IModule.cs:
* IRenderer.cs:
* DataManager.cs:
* ITagHandler.cs:
* ViewRenderer.cs:
* ResultPages.cs:
* BBCodeHelper.cs:
* IViewRenderer.cs:
* Entity.cs:
* YavscModel.csproj:
* OAuth2.cs:
* Calendar.cs:
* Profile.aspx:
* ApiClient.cs:
* MapTracks.cs:
* SalesCatalog.csproj:
* EntityQuery.cs:
* AdminController.cs:
* BlogsController.cs:
* GoogleController.cs:
* SimpleJsonPostMethod.cs:
* JsonReaderError.cs:
* AccountController.cs:
* JsonReaderError.aspx:
* GoogleErrorMessage.cs:
* GoogleErrorMessage.aspx: 

* Catalog.cs: refactoring

* Makefile: preprod is from local domain, and prod is for
10 years ago
Paul Schneider c7f81699a4 * avatar, username, city from Google profile
* refactoring
10 years ago
Paul Schneider edd160ae75 A successful OAuth2 token
* TestCatalogInit.cs and TestBrands.cs: do build unit test only when TEST is defined.
* Web.csproj: useless change to .Net 4.5.1 framework
* GoogleController.cs: A successful OAuth2 token from Google! thanks
  to curl.
10 years ago
Paul Schneider 3f41636719 * minor changes (like an [em] BBcode)
* Trying to use OAuth2 Google Login
10 years ago
Paul Schneider f157c6edb9 * Web.csproj:
* jquery-latest.js:
* IITContent.cs:
* ITContent.csproj:
* YavscModel.csproj:
* Write.aspx:
* jquery.tablesorter.min.js:
* AssemblyInfo.cs:
* NewEstimateEvenArgs.cs: 

* jquery.metadata.js: ajax call Write

* jquery.tablesorter.js: Estimate table sorting

* Catalog.cs: Find a product by reference

* NpgsqlContentProvider.cs: Npgsql provider could not get the
  Postgresql data type "money"

* Yavsc.sln: Removing an empty project

* MyClass.cs: implements IModule

* fortune.csproj: uses Configuration

* FrontOfficeApiController.cs: Url: GetEstimate/5

* WorkFlowController.cs: debugging ajax call

* RemoveUserQuery.aspx: no more "head" place holder

* Estimate.aspx: Ajax call to add a line to estimates

* Web.config: using the "Deploy" target

* IModule.cs: Install & uninstall using a System.Data.IDbConnection

* IContentProvider.cs: refactoring

* WorkFlowManager.cs: an event at creating an estimate (NewOrder)

* Writting.cs: ProductReference is a string
10 years ago
Paul Schneider 886bb31882 * Yavsc.sln:
* Web.csproj:
* Edit.aspx:
* MyClass.cs:
* Restore.aspx:
* SalesCatalog.csproj:
* RemoveUserQuery.aspx:
* RemoveRoleQuery.aspx:
* AssemblyInfo.cs: 

* fortune.csproj: a test plugin

* App.master: The site name as suffix in titles

* AddRole.aspx: Form action fixed

* CreateBackup.aspx:
10 years ago
Paul Schneider 83ac08cfd4 being an abstract class, I add a Type property, show at Json
serialization (thought it could have been done automaticaly)
10 years ago
Paul Schneider 8254336767 * CatalogHelper.cs: Configuration loading
* Web.csproj:
* CatalogManager.cs:
10 years ago
Paul Schneider c22be7f6b5 * Estimate.aspx: from backoffice
* CatalogManager.cs: Uses GetDefaultProvider

* Catalog.cs: the Catalog object now should support a unique id in the
  system : UID, exposed as one of its properties.

* AccountController.cs: new static method te get an user profile by
  its name.

* AdminController.cs: Uses the Yavsc.Admin namespace (refactoring)

* Web.csproj:
* BlogManager.cs:
* BackOfficeController.cs: refactoring

* BlogsController.cs: Fixes the Blog title

* FrontOfficeController.cs: Changes on the go for the Command object

* AddRole.aspx: minor syntax change

* UserPosts.aspx: show the blog title

* style.css: black transparent for the background of posts

* Profile.cs: Method FromProfileBase became a constructor

* Commande.cs: nothing

* Estimate.aspx: moved to the frontoffice views

* CatalogHelper.cs: Writting GetDefaultProvider
10 years ago
Paul Schneider b5d19c5da6 refactoring 10 years ago
Paul Schneider f3a2efa244 refactoring 10 years ago
Paul Schneider 301dbdcb6d Added a "Type" property to form inputs.
Fixed the second "title" section found in web page heads.
10 years ago
Paul Schneider 04804b89a9 Initial import 10 years ago