Commit Graph

9 Commits (2fcaa1ded4f5d8506d9676222ee680018ada07ae)

Author SHA1 Message Date
Paul Schneider 2fcaa1ded4 Implemente la gestion des activités
* Activities.aspx: implémente la vue Html de la liste éditable des

* Activity.ascx: implémente la vue Html d'une activité

* NpgsqlContentProvider.cs: implemente la gestion des activités côté
  base de donnée Npgsql

* TestAPI.csproj: ... une référence au framework 4.5.1 en moins ...

* FrontOfficeController.cs: Le contrôleur du FrontOffice gére les

* Global.asax.cs: nettoyage du code

* activity.sql: Typo corrigée sur le terme "MEACode"

* style.css: enlève des images qui n'ont plus rien à faire ici, tant
  ce fichier
concerne maintenant uniquement la disposition ou les éléments de base.

* AccountController.cs: implémente le contrôle par l'utilisateur du
  paramêtre de l'activité principale
associé à son profile.

* FrontOfficeController.cs: Implemente le contrôle de la page des
et simplifie le contrôle de la page des compétences.

* HomeController.cs: formattage du code

* ModuleController.cs: inutilisé

* App.master: Theming explicite en page maître

* Profile.aspx: Propose maintenant l'édition de l'activité
  principalement éxercée

* Skills.aspx: supprime une ligne de log

* Index.aspx: RAZ en home page

* MarkdownDeep.dll: remplace le tag englobant les transformations,
il était un "<p>", il est maintenant un "<span>".

* BlogManager.cs: refactorisation

* Activity.cs: implémente un type de commande à associer à une

* LocalizedText.Designer.cs:
* La traduction de "ne pas publier mon

* LocalizedText.resx: La traduction de "ne pas publier mon activité",
  et de "Votre activité"

* ManagerHelper.cs: refabrique l'instanciation des fournisseurs du
pour avoir une liste de toutes les activité prises en charges par tous
  les fournisseurs de contenu.

* Profile.cs: Implement le code activité de l'objet `Profile`

* ProfileEdition.cs: xmldoc

* SkillManager.cs: Formattage du code source

* IContentProvider.cs: reformattage du code+
propriété "Name" du fournisseur +
definition des methodes relatives à la gestion des activités

* WorkFlowManager.cs: Methodes de recupperation des activités fournies
  auprés des fournisseurs de contenu

* YavscModel.csproj: renommage

* Web.csproj: reference les nouveaux éléments du projet relatifs au

* Web.config: references manquante en cas d'utilisation du
  paramértrage global du thème via la section system.web/pages du
  fichier de configuration.
9 years ago
Paul Schneider fe97f14831 Réorganisations.
La page de reservation par défaut est maintenant la reservation dite simple.

Fonctionnalités en cours de développement:

1) la reservation dite simple
2) la notification à la reservation
3) l'activité principale exercée
4) l'integration d'un premier thème clair

* MEA.sql: définit la valeur MEA du profile (Main Exerted Activity)
  dans la base de donnée

* Booking.aspx: Imlémente la vue du formulaire de reservation simple,
c'etait avant la reservation classique, sur une période plutôt qu'un
La reservation classique est renomée `EavyBooking`.

* SimpleBookingQuery.cs: Implémente une simple commande de
en tant que commande du workflow.

* .gitignore: ignorer les configuration des pré et prod totem.

* SkillEntity.cs:
* SkillManager.cs:
* Skills.aspx:
* SkillProvider.cs:
* SkillController.cs:
* UserSkills.aspx:
* NpgsqlSkillProvider.cs: refactorisation (-Skill+SkillEntity)

* NpgsqlProfileProvider.cs: Fixe un bug introduit avec
  l'implementation des profiles anonymes.

* FrontOfficeController.cs: definit l'interface de cotation des
  compétences attendues

* UserCard.ascx: Imlémente une carte utilisateur.

* Web.config: déclare le code activité principale exercée parmis les
  valeurs du profile authentifié.

* Web.csproj: ajoute les nouveaux formulaire de reservation au projet.

* PerformerProfile.cs: S'assure d'avoir une valeur pour le nom
  d'utilisateur à la création.

* LocalizedText.resx:
* LocalizedText.Designer.cs: "date préférée" en anglais

* "date préférée" en français

* Profile.cs: à la creation d'un profile, on doit avoir un nom
même dans le cas où le profile est anonyme (dans ce cas,
on l'appelle identifiant anonyme).
Sinon, on lève une exception.

* YavscModel.csproj: * refactorisation: le nom `Skill` est celui de
celui de la classe devient `SkillEntity`.
* Creation de la requête dite simple d'un rendez-vous (pour
à une date donnée (sans heure), concernant simplement une activité.

* EavyBooking.aspx: Implémente la reservation lourde
9 years ago
Paul Schneider 9a2652739b Merge from booking branch 9 years ago
Paul Schneider d9d5bb308e Many fixes
* Profile.aspx:
* ProfileEdition.cs: Fixes the username modification

* Book-next.aspx: pollution

* NpgsqlMembershipProvider.cs: xmldoc

* NpgsqlProfileProvider.cs: use default values from configuration

* NpgsqlUserNameProvider.cs: Fixes the username detection

* test-domain-TestAPI.config: profile dates must be returned as

* instdbws.sql: The conversion to a valid .Net DateTime requires a
  credible date time as source value, the null one is not supported.

* style.css: Fixes the new notification style

* AccountController.cs: Fixes the profile edition.
Now using the anti forgery key at login time

* Book.aspx:
* LocalizedText.resx:
* CalendarApi.cs:
* GoogleController.cs:
* LocalizedText.Designer.cs:
* WIP booking

* HomeController.cs: code prettying

* Global.asax.cs: Limits the usage of titles in a route to the blog

* OAuth2.cs: Profile values may be of type DBNull ...

* T.cs: All translated strings will be Html encoded, as expected from
  an html helper

* YavscHelpers.cs: A new method to build a javascript string...

* App.master:
* AppAdmin.master: Notification.body is now a js string literal

* NoLogin.master: sync with the true master

* Login.aspx: Permits the anti forgery key usage

* Estimate.aspx: refactoring

* Web.config: Fixes a later commit on the catalog name space

* Web.csproj: An ajax helper to notify

* ChangePasswordModel.cs:
* RegisterClientModel.cs: A regexp for user name

* LoginModel.cs: A regexp for user name and password

* Profile.cs: A regexp for user name, and profile usage fixes

* UserManager.cs: Checks for username availability before trying to
  modify it

* YavscModel.csproj: `ProfileEdition` class addition

* ChangeLog: should not be indexed

* ChangeLog: useless here

* ValidateAjaxAttribute.cs: Fixes usage of HtmlFieldPrefix

* BookQuery.cs: Start, end hour and role are required

* OtherWebException.cs: useless
9 years ago
Paul Schneider d04a68db01 Bug & layout fixes
* Index.aspx:
* Title.aspx:
* YavscModel.csproj:
* BlogEntry.cs:
* yavsc.scrollnotif.js:
* AccountController.cs:
* BlogEntryCollection.cs: refactoring

* yavsc.tags.js: Implements a js call
to the tag & untag methods

* PostActions.ascx: a better html structure

* BasePost.cs: refactoring:
allows the "PostActions" user control to use a common base object as
  post reference

* NpgsqlBlogProvider.cs: implements the tag methods on db

* ResultPages.cs: A multi-pages result meta info when one page only

* yavsc.circles.js:
* AccountController.cs: code formatting

* BlogsController.cs: Untag a post

* style.css: yastyle, yet a better one.

* BlogsController.cs: View the Title after edition

* App.master:
* UserPosts.aspx: a nicer html structure

* yavsc.js: Fixes notice & dimiss js

* Login.aspx: refactoring

* Edit.aspx: better html

* UserPost.aspx: A promess to be allowed to tag.

* Web.csproj: Adds yavsc.tags.js and yavsc.scrollnotifs.js to the
  project decription.

* BlogManager.cs: Makes the blog manager expose of the new `UnTag`

* BlogProvider.cs: introduces a method to `untag`

* FindBlogEntryFlags.cs: Find post entry by tag

* LocalizedText.resx:
* LocalizedText.Designer.cs: new translations: - "Tag"
- "Edit"

* nouvelles traductions: - "Tag"
- "Edit"

* Profile.cs: a nicer stack trace at buggy usage
9 years ago
Paul Schneider e8ccc67bb1 Totem Prod customisation
* Web.config:
* YavscHelpers.cs:
* GoogleController.cs:
* Profile.cs: refactoring

* OAuth2.cs: refactoring

* AccountController.cs: * refactoring profile properties
* fixes profile edition auth

* instdbws.sql: remove some ownership attribution

* Web.csproj: totem prod custo

* App.master: Totem prod custo
nice and simple parralax effect,
quiet working on my android browser ...

* Profile.aspx: a smaller avatar

* style.css: Totem prod custo
9 years ago
Paul Schneider 5da977daef A new presentation, using parallax effects
* style.css: Makes a better style

* Banner.png: Made obsolete

* Profile.cs: Groups profile properties

* ChangeLog:
* ChangeLog: Must not exist in the source tree

* Web.config:
* instdbws.sql: Groups profile properties

* App.master: A better Html structure

* AccountController.cs: Fixes the Profile edition

* MarkdownHelper.cs: Adds an extraction of an introduction from a
  Markdown text

* Edit.aspx:
* Index.aspx:
* UserPost.aspx: a better html structure

* UserPosts.aspx: * a better html structure
* post previews

* Web.csproj: Adds and removes images
9 years ago
Paul Schneider 3355f9fed0 * bg.gif:
* asc.gif:
* desc.gif:
* style.css: moved to App_Themes

* style.css:
* bg.gif:
* asc.gif:
* bg.png:
* rect.png:
* asc.png:
* desc.gif:
* jquery-ui.css:
* mdd_styles.css:
* croix.png:
* desc.png:
* style.css:
* jquery-ui.min.css:
* mdd_gripper.png:
* mdd_toolbar.png:
* jquery.timepicker.css:
* mdd_ajax_loader.gif:
* mdd_modal_background.png: moved to /App_Themes

* NpgsqlBlogProvider.cs: * Remove post by id
* Manage collections of entries on a couple (user,title), not a single

* NpgsqlCircleProvider.cs: Fixes the "Match" method.

* IDbModule.cs:
* Edit.aspx:
* Estimates.aspx:
* WorkFlowManager.cs:
* NpgsqlContentProvider.cs: refactoring

* NpgsqlMRPProviders.csproj: new NpgsqlUserName provider

* NpgsqlRoleProvider.cs: simpler init method

* NpgsqlUserNameProvider.cs: impements a UserNameProvider

* MyClass.cs: refactoring from Yavsc.Model

* BlogsController.cs: access control simplified

* FrontOfficeController.cs: Pdf generation made public ni case of
  formatting exception

* mdd_styles.css: Theme -> App_Themes

* style.css: yet another style impact

* AccountController.cs: Fixes the user name modification

* BlogsController.cs: * Fixes the removal process
* On a title and user name, we get collection of posts, not only one.
* Implements an Access on circle

* FrontOfficeController.cs: * implements a new Get method.
* ensure a membership existence before delivering an estimate.

* GoogleController.cs: Fixes the user name modification on a Google

* ErrorHtmlFormatter.cs: nice error message in html (using Markdown

* FormatterException.cs: formatter exception exposes error and
  standard output of the process

* TexToPdfFormatter.cs: * generates temporary files in the folder
  returned by Path.GetTempPath()
* throws FormatterException

* Global.asax.cs: new route map:

* App.master: * refactoring: Theme moved to App_Themes
* a link to the logged user's blog

* NoLogin.master: refactoring: Theme moved to App_Themes

* Circles.aspx: refactoring : circles now are given as select items

* Login.aspx: fixes the html presentation

* Register.aspx: Fixes a Typo

* Index.aspx: Implements a blog index, due to M&C changes with this

* RemovePost.aspx: links to the new route to the "RemovePost" action,
  giving it a post id

* RemoveTitle.aspx: fixes a not yet linked page to remove a post
  collection under a given title

* EventPub.aspx: code refactoring

* Writting.ascx: cleans the code

* Web.config: fills the config with new names in the space

* Web.config: configures the new NpgsqlUserNameProvider

* Web.csproj: refactoring and others

* BlogEntryCollection.cs: implement the BlogEntryCollection

* BlogManager.cs: the manager helps to filter on access

* BlogProvider.cs: The title is not unique anymore, and one can modify
  it, post a lot under it, drop all posts under it.
A Post is deleted by id.

* UUBlogEntryCollection.cs: implements a collection of post under a
  given user name.

* UUTBlogEntryCollection.cs: implements a collection of post under a
  given couple (user name, title).

* ListItem.cs: ListItem is declared obsolete in this model, helpers
  can build MVC SelectListItem on data returned by the manager.

* LocalizedText.Designer.cs:
* autogenerated from xml

* LocalizedText.resx:
* new labels

* ChangeUserNameProvider.cs: xml doc

* Profile.cs: the UserName property is read only, and comes from
  authentication, to change it, we set a Name and validate it agains
  the "Profile" method

* UserManager.cs: simpler code a init time

* IContentProvider.cs: implements the new IDataProvider interface

* IDataProvider.cs: defines the new IDataProvider interface

* YavscModel.csproj: includes new classes

* UserPosts.aspx: adds a link to remove a post

* UserPost.aspx: now uses the new BlogEntryCollection object
9 years ago
Paul Schneider 53930befd3 * AccountController.cs: Register and reset passord
from Web API

* GCMController.cs: initial creation, will host GCM calls and related

* ResetPassword.aspx: Html view to reset the password

* LocalizedText.resx:
* new String form circles

* Web.config:
* Web.csproj:
* YavscModel.csproj:
* LocalizedText.Designer.cs:
* Profile.cs:
* Profile.cs:
* LoginModel.cs:
* Publishing.cs:
* CalendarController.cs:
* LoginModel.cs:
* GCMRegister.cs:
* Publishing.cs:
* GCMRegister.cs:
* NewRoleModel.cs:
* NewRoleModel.cs:
* RegisterModel.cs:
* NewAdminModel.cs:
* RegisterModel.cs:
* NewAdminModel.cs:
* LostPasswordModel.cs:
* RegisterViewModel.cs:
* RegisterViewModel.cs:
* ProviderPublicInfo.cs:
* RegisterClientModel.cs:
* ChangePasswordModel.cs:
* ProviderPublicInfo.cs:
* RegisterClientModel.cs:
* ChangePasswordModel.cs: Fixes a typo (in the namespace :-/)

* NpgsqlCircleProvider.cs: Fixes the Circle creation

* Global.asax.cs:
* AdminController.cs:
* NpgsqlContentProvider.cs: code formatting

* BlogsController.cs:
* CircleController.cs:
* WorkFlowController.cs:
* PaypalApiController.cs:
* FrontOfficeController.cs: refactoring

* AccountController.cs: Adds the way to reset the password

* FrontOfficeController.cs: xml doc

* T.cs: Make this class an helper to translation

* YavscHelpers.cs: Implements the e-mail sending

* style.css: style uniformization

* Circles.aspx: Implements the Html interface to Circle creation
  (modifications and deletions are still to implement)

* Register.ascx: Allows the error display in case of lack of power of
  the user at registering another user.

* Estimate.aspx: use the partial view to register from the Account
Cleans the useless reference to ~/Theme/dark/style.css, that was for
  using the "tablesorter.js", no used anymore.

* Web.config: Trying to have all the Index pages to work...
9 years ago