* datepicker-en-GB.js: datepicker en-GB localization

* datepicker-fr.js: datepicker french localization

* jquery-2.1.3.js: 
* LocalizedText.resx:
* jquery-2.1.1.min.js:
* jquery-2.1.3.min.js:
* jquery-2.1.1.min.map:
* jquery-2.1.3.min.map:
* jquery-2.1.1-vsdoc.js:
* jquery-2.1.3-vsdoc.js:
* globalize.js:
* globalize.cultures.js:
* globalize.culture.fy.js:
* globalize.culture.fr.js:
* globalize.culture.or.js:
* globalize.culture.pa.js:
* globalize.culture.pl.js:
* globalize.culture.fo.js:
* globalize.culture.ps.js:
* globalize.culture.oc.js:
* globalize.culture.nl.js:
* globalize.culture.gu.js:
* globalize.culture.nn.js:
* globalize.culture.no.js:
* globalize.culture.gl.js:
* globalize.culture.gd.js:
* globalize.culture.ga.js:
* globalize.culture.fi.js:
* globalize.culture.sa.js:
* globalize.culture.se.js:
* globalize.culture.si.js:
* globalize.culture.sk.js:
* globalize.culture.sl.js:
* globalize.culture.sq.js:
* globalize.culture.sr.js:
* globalize.culture.rw.js:
* globalize.culture.fa.js:
* globalize.culture.eu.js:
* globalize.culture.pt.js:
* globalize.culture.et.js:
* globalize.culture.es.js:
* globalize.culture.rm.js:
* globalize.culture.ro.js:
* globalize.culture.ru.js:
* globalize.culture.ha.js:
* globalize.culture.kl.js:
* globalize.culture.mi.js:
* globalize.culture.kk.js:
* globalize.culture.ka.js:
* globalize.culture.mk.js:
* globalize.culture.ja.js:
* globalize.culture.iu.js:
* globalize.culture.km.js:
* globalize.culture.lb.js:
* globalize.culture.lo.js:
* globalize.culture.ky.js:
* globalize.culture.lt.js:
* globalize.culture.ko.js:
* globalize.culture.kn.js:
* globalize.culture.lv.js:
* globalize.culture.ml.js:
* globalize.culture.mt.js:
* globalize.culture.hu.js:
* globalize.culture.nb.js:
* globalize.culture.hr.js:
* globalize.culture.ne.js:
* globalize.culture.hi.js:
* globalize.culture.he.js:
* globalize.culture.hy.js:
* globalize.culture.mn.js:
* globalize.culture.it.js:
* globalize.culture.mr.js:
* globalize.culture.is.js:
* globalize.culture.ii.js:
* globalize.culture.ig.js:
* globalize.culture.ms.js:
* globalize.culture.id.js:
* globalize.culture.bg.js:
* globalize.culture.de.js:
* globalize.culture.co.js:
* globalize.culture.tr.js:
* globalize.culture.te.js:
* globalize.culture.ar.js:
* globalize.culture.ca.js:
* globalize.culture.az.js:
* globalize.culture.bs.js:
* globalize.culture.tt.js:
* globalize.culture.wo.js:
* globalize.culture.xh.js:
* globalize.culture.as.js:
* globalize.culture.cy.js:
* globalize.culture.da.js:
* globalize.culture.tk.js:
* globalize.culture.tn.js:
* globalize.culture.cs.js:
* globalize.culture.th.js:
* globalize.culture.yo.js:
* globalize.culture.tg.js:
* globalize.culture.dv.js:
* globalize.culture.be.js:
* globalize.culture.sw.js:
* globalize.culture.bn.js:
* globalize.culture.uz.js:
* globalize.culture.ur.js:
* globalize.culture.zu.js:
* globalize.culture.am.js:
* globalize.culture.sv.js:
* globalize.culture.af.js:
* globalize.culture.uk.js:
* globalize.culture.br.js:
* globalize.culture.ta.js:
* globalize.culture.vi.js:
* globalize.culture.el.js:
* globalize.culture.zh.js:
* globalize.culture.ba.js:
* globalize.culture.bo.js:
* globalize.culture.ug.js:
* globalize.culture.gsw.js:
* globalize.culture.tzm.js:
* globalize.culture.hsb.js:
* globalize.culture.moh.js:
* globalize.culture.prs.js:
* globalize.culture.quz.js:
* globalize.culture.dsb.js:
* globalize.culture.sma.js:
* globalize.culture.syr.js:
* globalize.culture.kok.js:
* globalize.culture.sah.js:
* globalize.culture.qut.js:
* globalize.culture.fil.js:
* globalize.culture.sms.js:
* globalize.culture.nso.js:
* globalize.culture.smn.js:
* globalize.culture.smj.js:
* globalize.culture.arn.js:
* globalize.culture.lv-LV.js:
* globalize.culture.ms-MY.js:
* globalize.culture.zu-ZA.js:
* globalize.culture.vi-VN.js:
* globalize.culture.mt-MT.js:
* globalize.culture.lt-LT.js:
* globalize.culture.zh-TW.js:
* globalize.culture.mn-MN.js:
* globalize.culture.xh-ZA.js:
* globalize.culture.yo-NG.js:
* globalize.culture.mk-MK.js:
* globalize.culture.mr-IN.js:
* globalize.culture.wo-SN.js:
* globalize.culture.zh-SG.js:
* globalize.culture.ms-BN.js:
* globalize.culture.zh-MO.js:
* globalize.culture.mi-NZ.js:
* globalize.culture.zh-HK.js:
* globalize.culture.zh-CN.js:
* globalize.culture.ml-IN.js:
* globalize.culture.sa-IN.js:
* globalize.culture.rw-RW.js:
* globalize.culture.te-IN.js:
* globalize.culture.ru-RU.js:
* globalize.culture.ro-RO.js:
* globalize.culture.rm-CH.js:
* globalize.culture.th-TH.js:
* globalize.culture.pt-PT.js:
* globalize.culture.se-FI.js:
* globalize.culture.sv-FI.js:
* globalize.culture.sw-KE.js:
* globalize.culture.sq-AL.js:
* globalize.culture.sl-SI.js:
* globalize.culture.sk-SK.js:
* globalize.culture.ta-IN.js:
* globalize.culture.si-LK.js:
* globalize.culture.se-SE.js:
* globalize.culture.se-NO.js:
* globalize.culture.tk-TM.js:
* globalize.culture.ug-CN.js:
* globalize.culture.nn-NO.js:
* globalize.culture.nl-NL.js:
* globalize.culture.uk-UA.js:
* globalize.culture.nl-BE.js:
* globalize.culture.ne-NP.js:
* globalize.culture.ur-PK.js:
* globalize.culture.nb-NO.js:
* globalize.culture.sv-SE.js:
* globalize.culture.pt-BR.js:
* globalize.culture.ps-AF.js:
* globalize.culture.tn-ZA.js:
* globalize.culture.pl-PL.js:
* globalize.culture.pa-IN.js:
* globalize.culture.tr-TR.js:
* globalize.culture.or-IN.js:
* globalize.culture.oc-FR.js:
* globalize.culture.tt-RU.js:
* globalize.culture.lo-LA.js:
* globalize.culture.en-IE.js:
* globalize.culture.en-IN.js:
* globalize.culture.en-JM.js:
* globalize.culture.en-MY.js:
* globalize.culture.en-NZ.js:
* globalize.culture.en-PH.js:
* globalize.culture.en-SG.js:
* globalize.culture.en-GB.js:
* globalize.culture.de-LI.js:
* globalize.culture.de-LU.js:
* globalize.culture.dv-MV.js:
* globalize.culture.el-GR.js:
* globalize.culture.en-AU.js:
* globalize.culture.en-BZ.js:
* globalize.culture.en-CA.js:
* globalize.culture.en-TT.js:
* globalize.culture.es-CR.js:
* globalize.culture.es-DO.js:
* globalize.culture.es-EC.js:
* globalize.culture.es-ES.js:
* globalize.culture.es-GT.js:
* globalize.culture.es-HN.js:
* globalize.culture.es-MX.js:
* globalize.culture.es-CO.js:
* globalize.culture.kn-IN.js:
* globalize.culture.en-US.js:
* globalize.culture.en-ZA.js:
* globalize.culture.en-ZW.js:
* globalize.culture.es-AR.js:
* globalize.culture.es-BO.js:
* globalize.culture.es-CL.js:
* globalize.culture.de-DE.js:
* globalize.culture.ar-LB.js:
* globalize.culture.ar-LY.js:
* globalize.culture.ar-MA.js:
* globalize.culture.ar-OM.js:
* globalize.culture.ar-QA.js:
* globalize.culture.ar-SA.js:
* globalize.culture.ar-SY.js:
* globalize.culture.ar-KW.js:
* globalize.culture.am-ET.js:
* globalize.culture.ar-AE.js:
* globalize.culture.ar-BH.js:
* globalize.culture.ar-DZ.js:
* globalize.culture.ar-EG.js:
* globalize.culture.ar-IQ.js:
* globalize.culture.ar-JO.js:
* globalize.culture.ar-TN.js:
* globalize.culture.ca-ES.js:
* globalize.culture.co-FR.js:
* globalize.culture.cs-CZ.js:
* globalize.culture.cy-GB.js:
* globalize.culture.da-DK.js:
* globalize.culture.de-AT.js:
* globalize.culture.de-CH.js:
* globalize.culture.br-FR.js:
* globalize.culture.ar-YE.js:
* globalize.culture.as-IN.js:
* globalize.culture.ba-RU.js:
* globalize.culture.be-BY.js:
* globalize.culture.bg-BG.js:
* globalize.culture.bn-BD.js:
* globalize.culture.bn-IN.js:
* globalize.culture.bo-CN.js:
* globalize.culture.es-NI.js:
* globalize.culture.gu-IN.js:
* globalize.culture.he-IL.js:
* globalize.culture.hi-IN.js:
* globalize.culture.hr-BA.js:
* globalize.culture.hr-HR.js:
* globalize.culture.hu-HU.js:
* globalize.culture.gl-ES.js:
* globalize.culture.fr-CH.js:
* globalize.culture.fr-FR.js:
* globalize.culture.fr-LU.js:
* globalize.culture.fr-MC.js:
* globalize.culture.fy-NL.js:
* globalize.culture.ga-IE.js:
* globalize.culture.gd-GB.js:
* globalize.culture.hy-AM.js:
* globalize.culture.kk-KZ.js:
* globalize.culture.kl-GL.js:
* globalize.culture.km-KH.js:
* globalize.culture.af-ZA.js:
* globalize.culture.ko-KR.js:
* globalize.culture.ky-KG.js:
* globalize.culture.lb-LU.js:
* globalize.culture.ka-GE.js:
* globalize.culture.id-ID.js:
* globalize.culture.ig-NG.js:
* globalize.culture.ii-CN.js:
* globalize.culture.is-IS.js:
* globalize.culture.it-CH.js:
* globalize.culture.it-IT.js:
* globalize.culture.ja-JP.js:
* globalize.culture.fa-IR.js:
* globalize.culture.es-UY.js:
* globalize.culture.fr-CA.js:
* globalize.culture.es-VE.js:
* globalize.culture.fr-BE.js:
* globalize.culture.eu-ES.js:
* globalize.culture.fo-FO.js:
* globalize.culture.et-EE.js:
* globalize.culture.es-US.js:
* globalize.culture.es-PA.js:
* globalize.culture.es-PR.js:
* globalize.culture.fi-FI.js:
* globalize.culture.es-PY.js:
* globalize.culture.es-SV.js:
* globalize.culture.es-PE.js:
* globalize.culture.qut-GT.js:
* globalize.culture.hsb-DE.js:
* globalize.culture.smj-SE.js:
* globalize.culture.sma-SE.js:
* globalize.culture.quz-BO.js:
* globalize.culture.kok-IN.js:
* globalize.culture.sah-RU.js:
* globalize.culture.moh-CA.js:
* globalize.culture.sma-NO.js:
* globalize.culture.zh-CHS.js:
* globalize.culture.arn-CL.js:
* globalize.culture.quz-PE.js:
* globalize.culture.quz-EC.js:
* globalize.culture.zh-CHT.js:
* globalize.culture.sms-FI.js:
* globalize.culture.en-029.js:
* globalize.culture.smn-FI.js:
* globalize.culture.gsw-FR.js:
* globalize.culture.nso-ZA.js:
* globalize.culture.prs-AF.js:
* globalize.culture.dsb-DE.js:
* globalize.culture.syr-SY.js:
* globalize.culture.smj-NO.js:
* globalize.culture.fil-PH.js:
* globalize.culture.az-Latn.js:
* globalize.culture.az-Cyrl.js:
* globalize.culture.iu-Latn.js:
* globalize.culture.mn-Mong.js:
* globalize.culture.zh-Hant.js:
* globalize.culture.zh-Hans.js:
* globalize.culture.iu-Cans.js:
* globalize.culture.mn-Cyrl.js:
* globalize.culture.ha-Latn.js:
* globalize.culture.uz-Cyrl.js:
* globalize.culture.sr-Cyrl.js:
* globalize.culture.sr-Latn.js:
* globalize.culture.bs-Latn.js:
* globalize.culture.uz-Latn.js:
* globalize.culture.tg-Cyrl.js:
* globalize.culture.bs-Cyrl.js:
* globalize.culture.tzm-Latn.js:
* globalize.culture.sr-Latn-BA.js:
* globalize.culture.sr-Latn-CS.js:
* globalize.culture.sr-Cyrl-ME.js:
* globalize.culture.sr-Latn-RS.js:
* globalize.culture.sr-Cyrl-BA.js:
* globalize.culture.sr-Cyrl-CS.js:
* globalize.culture.sr-Latn-ME.js:
* globalize.culture.bs-Latn-BA.js:
* globalize.culture.bs-Cyrl-BA.js:
* globalize.culture.ha-Latn-NG.js:
* globalize.culture.uz-Cyrl-UZ.js:
* globalize.culture.uz-Latn-UZ.js:
* globalize.culture.tg-Cyrl-TJ.js:
* globalize.culture.iu-Latn-CA.js:
* globalize.culture.mn-Mong-CN.js:
* globalize.culture.iu-Cans-CA.js:
* globalize.culture.az-Cyrl-AZ.js:
* globalize.culture.az-Latn-AZ.js:
* globalize.culture.sr-Cyrl-RS.js:
* globalize.culture.tzm-Latn-DZ.js: 

* Makefile: now deploy to yavsc main site

* GoogleController.cs: fixes the bad request to google 

* App.master: fixes a bad html structure introducted in the last

* style.css: input and field validation style

* DateQuery.aspx: datepicker in french

* Web.csproj: JQuery update

* packages.config: using the Nuget Globalyze package

* AskForADate.cs: Validation messages

* LocalizedText.fr.resx: localizaton for the text "Date query"

* jquery-2.1.1.js: jQuery update
Paul Schneider 10 years ago
parent 1264bf2cbd
commit f86404fe85
372 changed files with 58514 additions and 322 deletions

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ VERSION=1.1
all: deploy
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ clean:
rm -rf $(DESTDIR)
rsync-preprod: deploy
rsync -ravu build/web/$(CONFIG)/ root@$(PREPRODHOST):/srv/httpd/luapre
rsync -ravu build/web/$(CONFIG)/ root@$(PREPRODHOST):/srv/www/yavsc
rsync -ravu build/web/$(CONFIG)/ root@localhost:/srv/www/yavsc

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ namespace Yavsc.Controllers
// datetime format : yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:ss
// 2015-01-01T10:00:00-07:00
// private string API_KEY="AIzaSyBV_LQHb22nGgjNvFzZwnQHjao3Q7IewRw";
private string API_KEY="AIzaSyBV_LQHb22nGgjNvFzZwnQHjao3Q7IewRw";
private static string getPeopleUri = "https://www.googleapis.com/plus/v1/people";
private static string getCalListUri = "https://www.googleapis.com/calendar/v3/users/me/calendarList";
@ -41,7 +41,9 @@ namespace Yavsc.Controllers
private static string tokenUri = "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token";
private static string authUri = "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth";
private static string dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.fffK";
private static string dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss";
private string timeZone = "+02:00";
private string SetSessionSate ()
Random rand = new Random ();
@ -406,26 +408,34 @@ namespace Yavsc.Controllers
ModelState.AddModelError ("UserName", "L'utilisateur n'a pas de calendrier Google associé.");
return View (model);
HttpWebRequest webreq = WebRequest.CreateHttp (
getCalEntriesUri, calid)+
webreq.Headers.Add (HttpRequestHeader.Authorization, GetFreshGoogleCredential(upr));
DateTime mindate = model.MinDate;
mindate = mindate.AddHours (int.Parse (model.MinTime.Substring (0, 2)));
mindate = mindate.AddMinutes (int.Parse (model.MinTime.Substring (3, 2)));
DateTime maxdate = model.MaxDate;
maxdate = maxdate.AddHours (int.Parse (model.MaxTime.Substring (0, 2)));
maxdate = maxdate.AddMinutes (int.Parse (model.MaxTime.Substring (3, 2)));
string uri = string.Format (
getCalEntriesUri, HttpUtility.UrlEncode(calid)) +
string.Format ("?orderBy=startTime&singleEvents=true&timeMin={0}&timeMax={1}&key="+API_KEY,
HttpUtility.UrlEncode(mindate.ToString (dateFormat)+timeZone) ,
HttpUtility.UrlEncode(maxdate.ToString (dateFormat)+timeZone) );
HttpWebRequest webreq = WebRequest.CreateHttp (uri);
string cred = GetFreshGoogleCredential (upr);
webreq.Headers.Add (HttpRequestHeader.Authorization, cred);
webreq.Method = "GET";
webreq.ContentType = "application/http";
CalendarEntryList res = null;
try {
using (WebResponse resp = webreq.GetResponse ()) {
using (Stream respstream = resp.GetResponseStream ()) {
using (StreamReader readresp = new StreamReader (respstream, Encoding.UTF8)) {
string responseStr = readresp.ReadToEnd ();
try {
res = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<CalendarEntryList> (responseStr);
ViewData ["json"] = responseStr;
ViewData ["json"] = responseStr;
res = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<CalendarEntryList> (responseStr);
catch (JsonReaderException ex) {
respstream.Close ();
resp.Close ();
@ -437,6 +447,19 @@ namespace Yavsc.Controllers
resp.Close ();
catch (WebException ex)
string message;
using (var stream = ex.Response.GetResponseStream())
using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream))
message = reader.ReadToEnd();
webreq.Abort ();
return View ("JsonReaderError", new JsonReaderError() {Text= message, Excepx = ex});
webreq.Abort ();
return View (res);

@ -1,17 +1,18 @@
<%@ Master Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewMasterPage" %>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<asp:ContentPlaceHolder id="init" runat="server">
<% ViewState["orgtitle"] = T.GetString(Page.Title); %>
<% Page.Title = ViewState["orgtitle"] + " - " + YavscHelpers.SiteName; %>
<head runat="server">
<asp:ContentPlaceHolder id="head" runat="server">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/Theme/style.css"/>
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="/favicon.png" />
<asp:ContentPlaceHolder id="head" runat="server">
<link href='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Dancing+Script:400,700' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/>

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
/* English/UK initialisation for the jQuery UI date picker plugin. */
/* Written by Stuart. */
(function( factory ) {
if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
define([ "../datepicker" ], factory );
} else {
// Browser globals
factory( jQuery.datepicker );
}(function( datepicker ) {
datepicker.regional['en-GB'] = {
closeText: 'Done',
prevText: 'Prev',
nextText: 'Next',
currentText: 'Today',
monthNames: ['January','February','March','April','May','June',
monthNamesShort: ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun',
'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'],
dayNames: ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'],
dayNamesShort: ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'],
dayNamesMin: ['Su','Mo','Tu','We','Th','Fr','Sa'],
weekHeader: 'Wk',
dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy',
firstDay: 1,
isRTL: false,
showMonthAfterYear: false,
yearSuffix: ''};
return datepicker.regional['en-GB'];

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
/* French initialisation for the jQuery UI date picker plugin. */
/* Written by Keith Wood (kbwood{at}iinet.com.au),
Stéphane Nahmani (sholby@sholby.net),
Stéphane Raimbault <stephane.raimbault@gmail.com> */
(function( factory ) {
if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
define([ "../datepicker" ], factory );
} else {
// Browser globals
factory( jQuery.datepicker );
}(function( datepicker ) {
datepicker.regional['fr'] = {
closeText: 'Fermer',
prevText: 'Précédent',
nextText: 'Suivant',
currentText: 'Aujourd\'hui',
monthNames: ['janvier', 'février', 'mars', 'avril', 'mai', 'juin',
'juillet', 'août', 'septembre', 'octobre', 'novembre', 'décembre'],
monthNamesShort: ['janv.', 'févr.', 'mars', 'avr.', 'mai', 'juin',
'juil.', 'août', 'sept.', 'oct.', 'nov.', 'déc.'],
dayNames: ['dimanche', 'lundi', 'mardi', 'mercredi', 'jeudi', 'vendredi', 'samedi'],
dayNamesShort: ['dim.', 'lun.', 'mar.', 'mer.', 'jeu.', 'ven.', 'sam.'],
dayNamesMin: ['D','L','M','M','J','V','S'],
weekHeader: 'Sem.',
dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy',
firstDay: 1,
isRTL: false,
showMonthAfterYear: false,
yearSuffix: ''};
return datepicker.regional['fr'];

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
* Globalize Culture af-ZA
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "af-ZA", "default", {
name: "af-ZA",
englishName: "Afrikaans (South Africa)",
nativeName: "Afrikaans (Suid Afrika)",
language: "af",
numberFormat: {
percent: {
pattern: ["-n%","n%"]
currency: {
pattern: ["$-n","$ n"],
symbol: "R"
calendars: {
standard: {
days: {
names: ["Sondag","Maandag","Dinsdag","Woensdag","Donderdag","Vrydag","Saterdag"],
namesAbbr: ["Son","Maan","Dins","Woen","Dond","Vry","Sat"],
namesShort: ["So","Ma","Di","Wo","Do","Vr","Sa"]
months: {
names: ["Januarie","Februarie","Maart","April","Mei","Junie","Julie","Augustus","September","Oktober","November","Desember",""],
namesAbbr: ["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","Mei","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Okt","Nov","Des",""]
patterns: {
d: "yyyy/MM/dd",
D: "dd MMMM yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dd MMMM yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dd MMMM yyyy hh:mm:ss tt",
M: "dd MMMM",
Y: "MMMM yyyy"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
* Globalize Culture af
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "af", "default", {
name: "af",
englishName: "Afrikaans",
nativeName: "Afrikaans",
language: "af",
numberFormat: {
percent: {
pattern: ["-n%","n%"]
currency: {
pattern: ["$-n","$ n"],
symbol: "R"
calendars: {
standard: {
days: {
names: ["Sondag","Maandag","Dinsdag","Woensdag","Donderdag","Vrydag","Saterdag"],
namesAbbr: ["Son","Maan","Dins","Woen","Dond","Vry","Sat"],
namesShort: ["So","Ma","Di","Wo","Do","Vr","Sa"]
months: {
names: ["Januarie","Februarie","Maart","April","Mei","Junie","Julie","Augustus","September","Oktober","November","Desember",""],
namesAbbr: ["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","Mei","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Okt","Nov","Des",""]
patterns: {
d: "yyyy/MM/dd",
D: "dd MMMM yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dd MMMM yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dd MMMM yyyy hh:mm:ss tt",
M: "dd MMMM",
Y: "MMMM yyyy"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
* Globalize Culture am-ET
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "am-ET", "default", {
name: "am-ET",
englishName: "Amharic (Ethiopia)",
nativeName: "አማርኛ (ኢትዮጵያ)",
language: "am",
numberFormat: {
decimals: 1,
groupSizes: [3,0],
"NaN": "NAN",
percent: {
pattern: ["-n%","n%"],
decimals: 1,
groupSizes: [3,0]
currency: {
pattern: ["-$n","$n"],
groupSizes: [3,0],
symbol: "ETB"
calendars: {
standard: {
days: {
names: ["እሑድ","ሰኞ","ማክሰኞ","ረቡዕ","ሐሙስ","ዓርብ","ቅዳሜ"],
namesAbbr: ["እሑድ","ሰኞ","ማክሰ","ረቡዕ","ሐሙስ","ዓርብ","ቅዳሜ"],
namesShort: ["እ","ሰ","ማ","ረ","ሐ","ዓ","ቅ"]
months: {
names: ["ጃንዩወሪ","ፌብሩወሪ","ማርች","ኤፕረል","ሜይ","ጁን","ጁላይ","ኦገስት","ሴፕቴምበር","ኦክተውበር","ኖቬምበር","ዲሴምበር",""],
namesAbbr: ["ጃንዩ","ፌብሩ","ማርች","ኤፕረ","ሜይ","ጁን","ጁላይ","ኦገስ","ሴፕቴ","ኦክተ","ኖቬም","ዲሴም",""]
AM: ["ጡዋት","ጡዋት","ጡዋት"],
PM: ["ከሰዓት","ከሰዓት","ከሰዓት"],
eras: [{"name":"ዓመተ ምሕረት","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "d/M/yyyy",
D: "dddd '፣' MMMM d 'ቀን' yyyy",
f: "dddd '፣' MMMM d 'ቀን' yyyy h:mm tt",
F: "dddd '፣' MMMM d 'ቀን' yyyy h:mm:ss tt",
M: "MMMM d ቀን",
Y: "MMMM yyyy"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
* Globalize Culture am
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "am", "default", {
name: "am",
englishName: "Amharic",
nativeName: "አማርኛ",
language: "am",
numberFormat: {
decimals: 1,
groupSizes: [3,0],
"NaN": "NAN",
percent: {
pattern: ["-n%","n%"],
decimals: 1,
groupSizes: [3,0]
currency: {
pattern: ["-$n","$n"],
groupSizes: [3,0],
symbol: "ETB"
calendars: {
standard: {
days: {
names: ["እሑድ","ሰኞ","ማክሰኞ","ረቡዕ","ሐሙስ","ዓርብ","ቅዳሜ"],
namesAbbr: ["እሑድ","ሰኞ","ማክሰ","ረቡዕ","ሐሙስ","ዓርብ","ቅዳሜ"],
namesShort: ["እ","ሰ","ማ","ረ","ሐ","ዓ","ቅ"]
months: {
names: ["ጃንዩወሪ","ፌብሩወሪ","ማርች","ኤፕረል","ሜይ","ጁን","ጁላይ","ኦገስት","ሴፕቴምበር","ኦክተውበር","ኖቬምበር","ዲሴምበር",""],
namesAbbr: ["ጃንዩ","ፌብሩ","ማርች","ኤፕረ","ሜይ","ጁን","ጁላይ","ኦገስ","ሴፕቴ","ኦክተ","ኖቬም","ዲሴም",""]
AM: ["ጡዋት","ጡዋት","ጡዋት"],
PM: ["ከሰዓት","ከሰዓት","ከሰዓት"],
eras: [{"name":"ዓመተ ምሕረት","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "d/M/yyyy",
D: "dddd '፣' MMMM d 'ቀን' yyyy",
f: "dddd '፣' MMMM d 'ቀን' yyyy h:mm tt",
F: "dddd '፣' MMMM d 'ቀን' yyyy h:mm:ss tt",
M: "MMMM d ቀን",
Y: "MMMM yyyy"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,457 @@
* Globalize Culture ar-AE
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "ar-AE", "default", {
name: "ar-AE",
englishName: "Arabic (U.A.E.)",
nativeName: "العربية (الإمارات العربية المتحدة)",
language: "ar",
isRTL: true,
numberFormat: {
pattern: ["n-"],
"NaN": "ليس برقم",
negativeInfinity: "-لا نهاية",
positiveInfinity: "+لا نهاية",
currency: {
pattern: ["$n-","$ n"],
symbol: "د.إ.\u200f"
calendars: {
standard: {
firstDay: 6,
days: {
names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"]
months: {
names: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","أبريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليو","أغسطس","سبتمبر","أكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""],
namesAbbr: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","أبريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليو","أغسطس","سبتمبر","أكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
patterns: {
d: "dd/MM/yyyy",
D: "dd MMMM, yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt",
M: "dd MMMM"
UmAlQura: {
name: "UmAlQura",
firstDay: 6,
days: {
names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"]
months: {
names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""],
namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}],
twoDigitYearMax: 1451,
patterns: {
d: "dd/MM/yy",
D: "dd/MMMM/yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dd/MMMM/yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dd/MMMM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt",
M: "dd MMMM"
convert: {
_yearInfo: [
// MonthLengthFlags, Gregorian Date
[746, -2198707200000],
[1769, -2168121600000],
[3794, -2137449600000],
[3748, -2106777600000],
[3402, -2076192000000],
[2710, -2045606400000],
[1334, -2015020800000],
[2741, -1984435200000],
[3498, -1953763200000],
[2980, -1923091200000],
[2889, -1892505600000],
[2707, -1861920000000],
[1323, -1831334400000],
[2647, -1800748800000],
[1206, -1770076800000],
[2741, -1739491200000],
[1450, -1708819200000],
[3413, -1678233600000],
[3370, -1647561600000],
[2646, -1616976000000],
[1198, -1586390400000],
[2397, -1555804800000],
[748, -1525132800000],
[1749, -1494547200000],
[1706, -1463875200000],
[1365, -1433289600000],
[1195, -1402704000000],
[2395, -1372118400000],
[698, -1341446400000],
[1397, -1310860800000],
[2994, -1280188800000],
[1892, -1249516800000],
[1865, -1218931200000],
[1621, -1188345600000],
[683, -1157760000000],
[1371, -1127174400000],
[2778, -1096502400000],
[1748, -1065830400000],
[3785, -1035244800000],
[3474, -1004572800000],
[3365, -973987200000],
[2637, -943401600000],
[685, -912816000000],
[1389, -882230400000],
[2922, -851558400000],
[2898, -820886400000],
[2725, -790300800000],
[2635, -759715200000],
[1175, -729129600000],
[2359, -698544000000],
[694, -667872000000],
[1397, -637286400000],
[3434, -606614400000],
[3410, -575942400000],
[2710, -545356800000],
[2349, -514771200000],
[605, -484185600000],
[1245, -453600000000],
[2778, -422928000000],
[1492, -392256000000],
[3497, -361670400000],
[3410, -330998400000],
[2730, -300412800000],
[1238, -269827200000],
[2486, -239241600000],
[884, -208569600000],
[1897, -177984000000],
[1874, -147312000000],
[1701, -116726400000],
[1355, -86140800000],
[2731, -55555200000],
[1370, -24883200000],
[2773, 5702400000],
[3538, 36374400000],
[3492, 67046400000],
[3401, 97632000000],
[2709, 128217600000],
[1325, 158803200000],
[2653, 189388800000],
[1370, 220060800000],
[2773, 250646400000],
[1706, 281318400000],
[1685, 311904000000],
[1323, 342489600000],
[2647, 373075200000],
[1198, 403747200000],
[2422, 434332800000],
[1388, 465004800000],
[2901, 495590400000],
[2730, 526262400000],
[2645, 556848000000],
[1197, 587433600000],
[2397, 618019200000],
[730, 648691200000],
[1497, 679276800000],
[3506, 709948800000],
[2980, 740620800000],
[2890, 771206400000],
[2645, 801792000000],
[693, 832377600000],
[1397, 862963200000],
[2922, 893635200000],
[3026, 924307200000],
[3012, 954979200000],
[2953, 985564800000],
[2709, 1016150400000],
[1325, 1046736000000],
[1453, 1077321600000],
[2922, 1107993600000],
[1748, 1138665600000],
[3529, 1169251200000],
[3474, 1199923200000],
[2726, 1230508800000],
[2390, 1261094400000],
[686, 1291680000000],
[1389, 1322265600000],
[874, 1352937600000],
[2901, 1383523200000],
[2730, 1414195200000],
[2381, 1444780800000],
[1181, 1475366400000],
[2397, 1505952000000],
[698, 1536624000000],
[1461, 1567209600000],
[1450, 1597881600000],
[3413, 1628467200000],
[2714, 1659139200000],
[2350, 1689724800000],
[622, 1720310400000],
[1373, 1750896000000],
[2778, 1781568000000],
[1748, 1812240000000],
[1701, 1842825600000],
[0, 1873411200000]
minDate: -2198707200000,
maxDate: 1873411199999,
toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) {
var days = hday - 1,
gyear = hyear - 1318;
if (gyear < 0 || gyear >= this._yearInfo.length) return null;
var info = this._yearInfo[gyear],
gdate = new Date(info[1]),
monthLength = info[0];
// Date's ticks in javascript are always from the GMT time,
// but we are interested in the gregorian date in the same timezone,
// not what the gregorian date was at GMT time, so we adjust for the offset.
gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset());
for (var i = 0; i < hmonth; i++) {
days += 29 + (monthLength & 1);
monthLength = monthLength >> 1;
gdate.setDate(gdate.getDate() + days);
return gdate;
fromGregorian: function(gdate) {
// Date's ticks in javascript are always from the GMT time,
// but we are interested in the hijri date in the same timezone,
// not what the hijri date was at GMT time, so we adjust for the offset.
var ticks = gdate - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000;
if (ticks < this.minDate || ticks > this.maxDate) return null;
var hyear = 0,
hmonth = 1;
// find the earliest gregorian date in the array that is greater than or equal to the given date
while (ticks > this._yearInfo[++hyear][1]) { }
if (ticks !== this._yearInfo[hyear][1]) {
var info = this._yearInfo[hyear],
// how many days has it been since the date we found in the array?
// 86400000 = ticks per day
days = Math.floor((ticks - info[1]) / 86400000),
monthLength = info[0];
hyear += 1318; // the Nth array entry corresponds to hijri year 1318+N
// now increment day/month based on the total days, considering
// how many days are in each month. We cannot run past the year
// mark since we would have found a different array entry in that case.
var daysInMonth = 29 + (monthLength & 1);
while (days >= daysInMonth) {
days -= daysInMonth;
monthLength = monthLength >> 1;
daysInMonth = 29 + (monthLength & 1);
// remaining days is less than is in one month, thus is the day of the month we landed on
// hmonth-1 because in javascript months are zero based, stay consistent with that.
return [hyear, hmonth - 1, days + 1];
Hijri: {
name: "Hijri",
firstDay: 6,
days: {
names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"]
months: {
names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""],
namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}],
twoDigitYearMax: 1451,
patterns: {
d: "dd/MM/yy",
D: "dd/MM/yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt",
M: "dd MMMM"
convert: {
// Adapted to Script from System.Globalization.HijriCalendar
ticks1970: 62135596800000,
// number of days leading up to each month
monthDays: [0, 30, 59, 89, 118, 148, 177, 207, 236, 266, 295, 325, 355],
minDate: -42521673600000,
maxDate: 253402300799999,
// The number of days to add or subtract from the calendar to accommodate the variances
// in the start and the end of Ramadan and to accommodate the date difference between
// countries/regions. May be dynamically adjusted based on user preference, but should
// remain in the range of -2 to 2, inclusive.
hijriAdjustment: 0,
toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) {
var daysSinceJan0101 = this.daysToYear(hyear) + this.monthDays[hmonth] + hday - 1 - this.hijriAdjustment;
// 86400000 = ticks per day
var gdate = new Date(daysSinceJan0101 * 86400000 - this.ticks1970);
// adjust for timezone, because we are interested in the gregorian date for the same timezone
// but ticks in javascript is always from GMT, unlike the server were ticks counts from the base
// date in the current timezone.
gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset());
return gdate;
fromGregorian: function(gdate) {
if ((gdate < this.minDate) || (gdate > this.maxDate)) return null;
var ticks = this.ticks1970 + (gdate-0) - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000,
daysSinceJan0101 = Math.floor(ticks / 86400000) + 1 + this.hijriAdjustment;
// very particular formula determined by someone smart, adapted from the server-side implementation.
// it approximates the hijri year.
var hday, hmonth, hyear = Math.floor(((daysSinceJan0101 - 227013) * 30) / 10631) + 1,
absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear),
daysInYear = this.isLeapYear(hyear) ? 355 : 354;
// hyear is just approximate, it may need adjustment up or down by 1.
if (daysSinceJan0101 < absDays) {
absDays -= daysInYear;
else if (daysSinceJan0101 === absDays) {
absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear);
else {
if (daysSinceJan0101 > (absDays + daysInYear)) {
absDays += daysInYear;
// determine month by looking at how many days into the hyear we are
// monthDays contains the number of days up to each month.
hmonth = 0;
var daysIntoYear = daysSinceJan0101 - absDays;
while (hmonth <= 11 && daysIntoYear > this.monthDays[hmonth]) {
hday = daysIntoYear - this.monthDays[hmonth];
return [hyear, hmonth, hday];
daysToYear: function(year) {
// calculates how many days since Jan 1, 0001
var yearsToYear30 = Math.floor((year - 1) / 30) * 30,
yearsInto30 = year - yearsToYear30 - 1,
days = Math.floor((yearsToYear30 * 10631) / 30) + 227013;
while (yearsInto30 > 0) {
days += (this.isLeapYear(yearsInto30) ? 355 : 354);
return days;
isLeapYear: function(year) {
return ((((year * 11) + 14) % 30) < 11);
Gregorian_MiddleEastFrench: {
name: "Gregorian_MiddleEastFrench",
firstDay: 6,
days: {
names: ["dimanche","lundi","mardi","mercredi","jeudi","vendredi","samedi"],
namesAbbr: ["dim.","lun.","mar.","mer.","jeu.","ven.","sam."],
namesShort: ["di","lu","ma","me","je","ve","sa"]
months: {
names: ["janvier","février","mars","avril","mai","juin","juillet","août","septembre","octobre","novembre","décembre",""],
namesAbbr: ["janv.","févr.","mars","avr.","mai","juin","juil.","août","sept.","oct.","nov.","déc.",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
eras: [{"name":"ap. J.-C.","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "MM/dd/yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt",
M: "dd MMMM"
Gregorian_Arabic: {
name: "Gregorian_Arabic",
firstDay: 6,
days: {
names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"]
months: {
names: ["كانون الثاني","شباط","آذار","نيسان","أيار","حزيران","تموز","آب","أيلول","تشرين الأول","تشرين الثاني","كانون الأول",""],
namesAbbr: ["كانون الثاني","شباط","آذار","نيسان","أيار","حزيران","تموز","آب","أيلول","تشرين الأول","تشرين الثاني","كانون الأول",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "MM/dd/yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt"
Gregorian_TransliteratedFrench: {
name: "Gregorian_TransliteratedFrench",
firstDay: 6,
days: {
names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"]
months: {
names: ["جانفييه","فيفرييه","مارس","أفريل","مي","جوان","جوييه","أوت","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""],
namesAbbr: ["جانفييه","فيفرييه","مارس","أفريل","مي","جوان","جوييه","أوت","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "MM/dd/yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,462 @@
* Globalize Culture ar-BH
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "ar-BH", "default", {
name: "ar-BH",
englishName: "Arabic (Bahrain)",
nativeName: "العربية (البحرين)",
language: "ar",
isRTL: true,
numberFormat: {
pattern: ["n-"],
decimals: 3,
"NaN": "ليس برقم",
negativeInfinity: "-لا نهاية",
positiveInfinity: "+لا نهاية",
percent: {
decimals: 3
currency: {
pattern: ["$n-","$ n"],
decimals: 3,
symbol: "د.ب.\u200f"
calendars: {
standard: {
firstDay: 6,
days: {
names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"]
months: {
names: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","أبريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليو","أغسطس","سبتمبر","أكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""],
namesAbbr: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","ابريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليو","اغسطس","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
patterns: {
d: "dd/MM/yyyy",
D: "dd MMMM, yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt",
M: "dd MMMM"
UmAlQura: {
name: "UmAlQura",
firstDay: 6,
days: {
names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"]
months: {
names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""],
namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}],
twoDigitYearMax: 1451,
patterns: {
d: "dd/MM/yy",
D: "dd/MMMM/yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dd/MMMM/yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dd/MMMM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt",
M: "dd MMMM"
convert: {
_yearInfo: [
// MonthLengthFlags, Gregorian Date
[746, -2198707200000],
[1769, -2168121600000],
[3794, -2137449600000],
[3748, -2106777600000],
[3402, -2076192000000],
[2710, -2045606400000],
[1334, -2015020800000],
[2741, -1984435200000],
[3498, -1953763200000],
[2980, -1923091200000],
[2889, -1892505600000],
[2707, -1861920000000],
[1323, -1831334400000],
[2647, -1800748800000],
[1206, -1770076800000],
[2741, -1739491200000],
[1450, -1708819200000],
[3413, -1678233600000],
[3370, -1647561600000],
[2646, -1616976000000],
[1198, -1586390400000],
[2397, -1555804800000],
[748, -1525132800000],
[1749, -1494547200000],
[1706, -1463875200000],
[1365, -1433289600000],
[1195, -1402704000000],
[2395, -1372118400000],
[698, -1341446400000],
[1397, -1310860800000],
[2994, -1280188800000],
[1892, -1249516800000],
[1865, -1218931200000],
[1621, -1188345600000],
[683, -1157760000000],
[1371, -1127174400000],
[2778, -1096502400000],
[1748, -1065830400000],
[3785, -1035244800000],
[3474, -1004572800000],
[3365, -973987200000],
[2637, -943401600000],
[685, -912816000000],
[1389, -882230400000],
[2922, -851558400000],
[2898, -820886400000],
[2725, -790300800000],
[2635, -759715200000],
[1175, -729129600000],
[2359, -698544000000],
[694, -667872000000],
[1397, -637286400000],
[3434, -606614400000],
[3410, -575942400000],
[2710, -545356800000],
[2349, -514771200000],
[605, -484185600000],
[1245, -453600000000],
[2778, -422928000000],
[1492, -392256000000],
[3497, -361670400000],
[3410, -330998400000],
[2730, -300412800000],
[1238, -269827200000],
[2486, -239241600000],
[884, -208569600000],
[1897, -177984000000],
[1874, -147312000000],
[1701, -116726400000],
[1355, -86140800000],
[2731, -55555200000],
[1370, -24883200000],
[2773, 5702400000],
[3538, 36374400000],
[3492, 67046400000],
[3401, 97632000000],
[2709, 128217600000],
[1325, 158803200000],
[2653, 189388800000],
[1370, 220060800000],
[2773, 250646400000],
[1706, 281318400000],
[1685, 311904000000],
[1323, 342489600000],
[2647, 373075200000],
[1198, 403747200000],
[2422, 434332800000],
[1388, 465004800000],
[2901, 495590400000],
[2730, 526262400000],
[2645, 556848000000],
[1197, 587433600000],
[2397, 618019200000],
[730, 648691200000],
[1497, 679276800000],
[3506, 709948800000],
[2980, 740620800000],
[2890, 771206400000],
[2645, 801792000000],
[693, 832377600000],
[1397, 862963200000],
[2922, 893635200000],
[3026, 924307200000],
[3012, 954979200000],
[2953, 985564800000],
[2709, 1016150400000],
[1325, 1046736000000],
[1453, 1077321600000],
[2922, 1107993600000],
[1748, 1138665600000],
[3529, 1169251200000],
[3474, 1199923200000],
[2726, 1230508800000],
[2390, 1261094400000],
[686, 1291680000000],
[1389, 1322265600000],
[874, 1352937600000],
[2901, 1383523200000],
[2730, 1414195200000],
[2381, 1444780800000],
[1181, 1475366400000],
[2397, 1505952000000],
[698, 1536624000000],
[1461, 1567209600000],
[1450, 1597881600000],
[3413, 1628467200000],
[2714, 1659139200000],
[2350, 1689724800000],
[622, 1720310400000],
[1373, 1750896000000],
[2778, 1781568000000],
[1748, 1812240000000],
[1701, 1842825600000],
[0, 1873411200000]
minDate: -2198707200000,
maxDate: 1873411199999,
toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) {
var days = hday - 1,
gyear = hyear - 1318;
if (gyear < 0 || gyear >= this._yearInfo.length) return null;
var info = this._yearInfo[gyear],
gdate = new Date(info[1]),
monthLength = info[0];
// Date's ticks in javascript are always from the GMT time,
// but we are interested in the gregorian date in the same timezone,
// not what the gregorian date was at GMT time, so we adjust for the offset.
gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset());
for (var i = 0; i < hmonth; i++) {
days += 29 + (monthLength & 1);
monthLength = monthLength >> 1;
gdate.setDate(gdate.getDate() + days);
return gdate;
fromGregorian: function(gdate) {
// Date's ticks in javascript are always from the GMT time,
// but we are interested in the hijri date in the same timezone,
// not what the hijri date was at GMT time, so we adjust for the offset.
var ticks = gdate - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000;
if (ticks < this.minDate || ticks > this.maxDate) return null;
var hyear = 0,
hmonth = 1;
// find the earliest gregorian date in the array that is greater than or equal to the given date
while (ticks > this._yearInfo[++hyear][1]) { }
if (ticks !== this._yearInfo[hyear][1]) {
var info = this._yearInfo[hyear],
// how many days has it been since the date we found in the array?
// 86400000 = ticks per day
days = Math.floor((ticks - info[1]) / 86400000),
monthLength = info[0];
hyear += 1318; // the Nth array entry corresponds to hijri year 1318+N
// now increment day/month based on the total days, considering
// how many days are in each month. We cannot run past the year
// mark since we would have found a different array entry in that case.
var daysInMonth = 29 + (monthLength & 1);
while (days >= daysInMonth) {
days -= daysInMonth;
monthLength = monthLength >> 1;
daysInMonth = 29 + (monthLength & 1);
// remaining days is less than is in one month, thus is the day of the month we landed on
// hmonth-1 because in javascript months are zero based, stay consistent with that.
return [hyear, hmonth - 1, days + 1];
Hijri: {
name: "Hijri",
firstDay: 6,
days: {
names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"]
months: {
names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""],
namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}],
twoDigitYearMax: 1451,
patterns: {
d: "dd/MM/yy",
D: "dd/MM/yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt",
M: "dd MMMM"
convert: {
// Adapted to Script from System.Globalization.HijriCalendar
ticks1970: 62135596800000,
// number of days leading up to each month
monthDays: [0, 30, 59, 89, 118, 148, 177, 207, 236, 266, 295, 325, 355],
minDate: -42521673600000,
maxDate: 253402300799999,
// The number of days to add or subtract from the calendar to accommodate the variances
// in the start and the end of Ramadan and to accommodate the date difference between
// countries/regions. May be dynamically adjusted based on user preference, but should
// remain in the range of -2 to 2, inclusive.
hijriAdjustment: 0,
toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) {
var daysSinceJan0101 = this.daysToYear(hyear) + this.monthDays[hmonth] + hday - 1 - this.hijriAdjustment;
// 86400000 = ticks per day
var gdate = new Date(daysSinceJan0101 * 86400000 - this.ticks1970);
// adjust for timezone, because we are interested in the gregorian date for the same timezone
// but ticks in javascript is always from GMT, unlike the server were ticks counts from the base
// date in the current timezone.
gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset());
return gdate;
fromGregorian: function(gdate) {
if ((gdate < this.minDate) || (gdate > this.maxDate)) return null;
var ticks = this.ticks1970 + (gdate-0) - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000,
daysSinceJan0101 = Math.floor(ticks / 86400000) + 1 + this.hijriAdjustment;
// very particular formula determined by someone smart, adapted from the server-side implementation.
// it approximates the hijri year.
var hday, hmonth, hyear = Math.floor(((daysSinceJan0101 - 227013) * 30) / 10631) + 1,
absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear),
daysInYear = this.isLeapYear(hyear) ? 355 : 354;
// hyear is just approximate, it may need adjustment up or down by 1.
if (daysSinceJan0101 < absDays) {
absDays -= daysInYear;
else if (daysSinceJan0101 === absDays) {
absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear);
else {
if (daysSinceJan0101 > (absDays + daysInYear)) {
absDays += daysInYear;
// determine month by looking at how many days into the hyear we are
// monthDays contains the number of days up to each month.
hmonth = 0;
var daysIntoYear = daysSinceJan0101 - absDays;
while (hmonth <= 11 && daysIntoYear > this.monthDays[hmonth]) {
hday = daysIntoYear - this.monthDays[hmonth];
return [hyear, hmonth, hday];
daysToYear: function(year) {
// calculates how many days since Jan 1, 0001
var yearsToYear30 = Math.floor((year - 1) / 30) * 30,
yearsInto30 = year - yearsToYear30 - 1,
days = Math.floor((yearsToYear30 * 10631) / 30) + 227013;
while (yearsInto30 > 0) {
days += (this.isLeapYear(yearsInto30) ? 355 : 354);
return days;
isLeapYear: function(year) {
return ((((year * 11) + 14) % 30) < 11);
Gregorian_MiddleEastFrench: {
name: "Gregorian_MiddleEastFrench",
firstDay: 6,
days: {
names: ["dimanche","lundi","mardi","mercredi","jeudi","vendredi","samedi"],
namesAbbr: ["dim.","lun.","mar.","mer.","jeu.","ven.","sam."],
namesShort: ["di","lu","ma","me","je","ve","sa"]
months: {
names: ["janvier","février","mars","avril","mai","juin","juillet","août","septembre","octobre","novembre","décembre",""],
namesAbbr: ["janv.","févr.","mars","avr.","mai","juin","juil.","août","sept.","oct.","nov.","déc.",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
eras: [{"name":"ap. J.-C.","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "MM/dd/yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt",
M: "dd MMMM"
Gregorian_Arabic: {
name: "Gregorian_Arabic",
firstDay: 6,
days: {
names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"]
months: {
names: ["كانون الثاني","شباط","آذار","نيسان","أيار","حزيران","تموز","آب","أيلول","تشرين الأول","تشرين الثاني","كانون الأول",""],
namesAbbr: ["كانون الثاني","شباط","آذار","نيسان","أيار","حزيران","تموز","آب","أيلول","تشرين الأول","تشرين الثاني","كانون الأول",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "MM/dd/yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt"
Gregorian_TransliteratedFrench: {
name: "Gregorian_TransliteratedFrench",
firstDay: 6,
days: {
names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"]
months: {
names: ["جانفييه","فيفرييه","مارس","أفريل","مي","جوان","جوييه","أوت","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""],
namesAbbr: ["جانفييه","فيفرييه","مارس","أفريل","مي","جوان","جوييه","أوت","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "MM/dd/yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,458 @@
* Globalize Culture ar-DZ
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "ar-DZ", "default", {
name: "ar-DZ",
englishName: "Arabic (Algeria)",
nativeName: "العربية (الجزائر)",
language: "ar",
isRTL: true,
numberFormat: {
pattern: ["n-"],
"NaN": "ليس برقم",
negativeInfinity: "-لا نهاية",
positiveInfinity: "+لا نهاية",
currency: {
pattern: ["$n-","$ n"],
symbol: "د.ج.\u200f"
calendars: {
standard: {
"/": "-",
firstDay: 6,
days: {
names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"]
months: {
names: ["جانفييه","فيفرييه","مارس","أفريل","مي","جوان","جوييه","أوت","سبتمبر","أكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""],
namesAbbr: ["جانفييه","فيفرييه","مارس","أفريل","مي","جوان","جوييه","أوت","سبتمبر","أكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
patterns: {
d: "dd-MM-yyyy",
D: "dd MMMM, yyyy",
t: "H:mm",
T: "H:mm:ss",
f: "dd MMMM, yyyy H:mm",
F: "dd MMMM, yyyy H:mm:ss",
M: "dd MMMM"
Hijri: {
name: "Hijri",
firstDay: 6,
days: {
names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"]
months: {
names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""],
namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}],
twoDigitYearMax: 1451,
patterns: {
d: "dd/MM/yy",
D: "dd/MM/yyyy",
t: "H:mm",
T: "H:mm:ss",
f: "dd/MM/yyyy H:mm",
F: "dd/MM/yyyy H:mm:ss",
M: "dd MMMM"
convert: {
// Adapted to Script from System.Globalization.HijriCalendar
ticks1970: 62135596800000,
// number of days leading up to each month
monthDays: [0, 30, 59, 89, 118, 148, 177, 207, 236, 266, 295, 325, 355],
minDate: -42521673600000,
maxDate: 253402300799999,
// The number of days to add or subtract from the calendar to accommodate the variances
// in the start and the end of Ramadan and to accommodate the date difference between
// countries/regions. May be dynamically adjusted based on user preference, but should
// remain in the range of -2 to 2, inclusive.
hijriAdjustment: 0,
toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) {
var daysSinceJan0101 = this.daysToYear(hyear) + this.monthDays[hmonth] + hday - 1 - this.hijriAdjustment;
// 86400000 = ticks per day
var gdate = new Date(daysSinceJan0101 * 86400000 - this.ticks1970);
// adjust for timezone, because we are interested in the gregorian date for the same timezone
// but ticks in javascript is always from GMT, unlike the server were ticks counts from the base
// date in the current timezone.
gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset());
return gdate;
fromGregorian: function(gdate) {
if ((gdate < this.minDate) || (gdate > this.maxDate)) return null;
var ticks = this.ticks1970 + (gdate-0) - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000,
daysSinceJan0101 = Math.floor(ticks / 86400000) + 1 + this.hijriAdjustment;
// very particular formula determined by someone smart, adapted from the server-side implementation.
// it approximates the hijri year.
var hday, hmonth, hyear = Math.floor(((daysSinceJan0101 - 227013) * 30) / 10631) + 1,
absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear),
daysInYear = this.isLeapYear(hyear) ? 355 : 354;
// hyear is just approximate, it may need adjustment up or down by 1.
if (daysSinceJan0101 < absDays) {
absDays -= daysInYear;
else if (daysSinceJan0101 === absDays) {
absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear);
else {
if (daysSinceJan0101 > (absDays + daysInYear)) {
absDays += daysInYear;
// determine month by looking at how many days into the hyear we are
// monthDays contains the number of days up to each month.
hmonth = 0;
var daysIntoYear = daysSinceJan0101 - absDays;
while (hmonth <= 11 && daysIntoYear > this.monthDays[hmonth]) {
hday = daysIntoYear - this.monthDays[hmonth];
return [hyear, hmonth, hday];
daysToYear: function(year) {
// calculates how many days since Jan 1, 0001
var yearsToYear30 = Math.floor((year - 1) / 30) * 30,
yearsInto30 = year - yearsToYear30 - 1,
days = Math.floor((yearsToYear30 * 10631) / 30) + 227013;
while (yearsInto30 > 0) {
days += (this.isLeapYear(yearsInto30) ? 355 : 354);
return days;
isLeapYear: function(year) {
return ((((year * 11) + 14) % 30) < 11);
UmAlQura: {
name: "UmAlQura",
firstDay: 6,
days: {
names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"]
months: {
names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""],
namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}],
twoDigitYearMax: 1451,
patterns: {
d: "dd/MM/yy",
D: "dd/MMMM/yyyy",
t: "H:mm",
T: "H:mm:ss",
f: "dd/MMMM/yyyy H:mm",
F: "dd/MMMM/yyyy H:mm:ss",
M: "dd MMMM"
convert: {
_yearInfo: [
// MonthLengthFlags, Gregorian Date
[746, -2198707200000],
[1769, -2168121600000],
[3794, -2137449600000],
[3748, -2106777600000],
[3402, -2076192000000],
[2710, -2045606400000],
[1334, -2015020800000],
[2741, -1984435200000],
[3498, -1953763200000],
[2980, -1923091200000],
[2889, -1892505600000],
[2707, -1861920000000],
[1323, -1831334400000],
[2647, -1800748800000],
[1206, -1770076800000],
[2741, -1739491200000],
[1450, -1708819200000],
[3413, -1678233600000],
[3370, -1647561600000],
[2646, -1616976000000],
[1198, -1586390400000],
[2397, -1555804800000],
[748, -1525132800000],
[1749, -1494547200000],
[1706, -1463875200000],
[1365, -1433289600000],
[1195, -1402704000000],
[2395, -1372118400000],
[698, -1341446400000],
[1397, -1310860800000],
[2994, -1280188800000],
[1892, -1249516800000],
[1865, -1218931200000],
[1621, -1188345600000],
[683, -1157760000000],
[1371, -1127174400000],
[2778, -1096502400000],
[1748, -1065830400000],
[3785, -1035244800000],
[3474, -1004572800000],
[3365, -973987200000],
[2637, -943401600000],
[685, -912816000000],
[1389, -882230400000],
[2922, -851558400000],
[2898, -820886400000],
[2725, -790300800000],
[2635, -759715200000],
[1175, -729129600000],
[2359, -698544000000],
[694, -667872000000],
[1397, -637286400000],
[3434, -606614400000],
[3410, -575942400000],
[2710, -545356800000],
[2349, -514771200000],
[605, -484185600000],
[1245, -453600000000],
[2778, -422928000000],
[1492, -392256000000],
[3497, -361670400000],
[3410, -330998400000],
[2730, -300412800000],
[1238, -269827200000],
[2486, -239241600000],
[884, -208569600000],
[1897, -177984000000],
[1874, -147312000000],
[1701, -116726400000],
[1355, -86140800000],
[2731, -55555200000],
[1370, -24883200000],
[2773, 5702400000],
[3538, 36374400000],
[3492, 67046400000],
[3401, 97632000000],
[2709, 128217600000],
[1325, 158803200000],
[2653, 189388800000],
[1370, 220060800000],
[2773, 250646400000],
[1706, 281318400000],
[1685, 311904000000],
[1323, 342489600000],
[2647, 373075200000],
[1198, 403747200000],
[2422, 434332800000],
[1388, 465004800000],
[2901, 495590400000],
[2730, 526262400000],
[2645, 556848000000],
[1197, 587433600000],
[2397, 618019200000],
[730, 648691200000],
[1497, 679276800000],
[3506, 709948800000],
[2980, 740620800000],
[2890, 771206400000],
[2645, 801792000000],
[693, 832377600000],
[1397, 862963200000],
[2922, 893635200000],
[3026, 924307200000],
[3012, 954979200000],
[2953, 985564800000],
[2709, 1016150400000],
[1325, 1046736000000],
[1453, 1077321600000],
[2922, 1107993600000],
[1748, 1138665600000],
[3529, 1169251200000],
[3474, 1199923200000],
[2726, 1230508800000],
[2390, 1261094400000],
[686, 1291680000000],
[1389, 1322265600000],
[874, 1352937600000],
[2901, 1383523200000],
[2730, 1414195200000],
[2381, 1444780800000],
[1181, 1475366400000],
[2397, 1505952000000],
[698, 1536624000000],
[1461, 1567209600000],
[1450, 1597881600000],
[3413, 1628467200000],
[2714, 1659139200000],
[2350, 1689724800000],
[622, 1720310400000],
[1373, 1750896000000],
[2778, 1781568000000],
[1748, 1812240000000],
[1701, 1842825600000],
[0, 1873411200000]
minDate: -2198707200000,
maxDate: 1873411199999,
toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) {
var days = hday - 1,
gyear = hyear - 1318;
if (gyear < 0 || gyear >= this._yearInfo.length) return null;
var info = this._yearInfo[gyear],
gdate = new Date(info[1]),
monthLength = info[0];
// Date's ticks in javascript are always from the GMT time,
// but we are interested in the gregorian date in the same timezone,
// not what the gregorian date was at GMT time, so we adjust for the offset.
gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset());
for (var i = 0; i < hmonth; i++) {
days += 29 + (monthLength & 1);
monthLength = monthLength >> 1;
gdate.setDate(gdate.getDate() + days);
return gdate;
fromGregorian: function(gdate) {
// Date's ticks in javascript are always from the GMT time,
// but we are interested in the hijri date in the same timezone,
// not what the hijri date was at GMT time, so we adjust for the offset.
var ticks = gdate - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000;
if (ticks < this.minDate || ticks > this.maxDate) return null;
var hyear = 0,
hmonth = 1;
// find the earliest gregorian date in the array that is greater than or equal to the given date
while (ticks > this._yearInfo[++hyear][1]) { }
if (ticks !== this._yearInfo[hyear][1]) {
var info = this._yearInfo[hyear],
// how many days has it been since the date we found in the array?
// 86400000 = ticks per day
days = Math.floor((ticks - info[1]) / 86400000),
monthLength = info[0];
hyear += 1318; // the Nth array entry corresponds to hijri year 1318+N
// now increment day/month based on the total days, considering
// how many days are in each month. We cannot run past the year
// mark since we would have found a different array entry in that case.
var daysInMonth = 29 + (monthLength & 1);
while (days >= daysInMonth) {
days -= daysInMonth;
monthLength = monthLength >> 1;
daysInMonth = 29 + (monthLength & 1);
// remaining days is less than is in one month, thus is the day of the month we landed on
// hmonth-1 because in javascript months are zero based, stay consistent with that.
return [hyear, hmonth - 1, days + 1];
Gregorian_MiddleEastFrench: {
name: "Gregorian_MiddleEastFrench",
firstDay: 6,
days: {
names: ["dimanche","lundi","mardi","mercredi","jeudi","vendredi","samedi"],
namesAbbr: ["dim.","lun.","mar.","mer.","jeu.","ven.","sam."],
namesShort: ["di","lu","ma","me","je","ve","sa"]
months: {
names: ["janvier","février","mars","avril","mai","juin","juillet","août","septembre","octobre","novembre","décembre",""],
namesAbbr: ["janv.","févr.","mars","avr.","mai","juin","juil.","août","sept.","oct.","nov.","déc.",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
eras: [{"name":"ap. J.-C.","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "MM/dd/yyyy",
t: "H:mm",
T: "H:mm:ss",
f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy H:mm",
F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy H:mm:ss",
M: "dd MMMM"
Gregorian_Arabic: {
name: "Gregorian_Arabic",
firstDay: 6,
days: {
names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"]
months: {
names: ["كانون الثاني","شباط","آذار","نيسان","أيار","حزيران","تموز","آب","أيلول","تشرين الأول","تشرين الثاني","كانون الأول",""],
namesAbbr: ["كانون الثاني","شباط","آذار","نيسان","أيار","حزيران","تموز","آب","أيلول","تشرين الأول","تشرين الثاني","كانون الأول",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "MM/dd/yyyy",
t: "H:mm",
T: "H:mm:ss",
f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy H:mm",
F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy H:mm:ss"
Gregorian_TransliteratedEnglish: {
name: "Gregorian_TransliteratedEnglish",
firstDay: 6,
days: {
names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesShort: ["أ","ا","ث","أ","خ","ج","س"]
months: {
names: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","أبريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليو","أغسطس","سبتمبر","أكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""],
namesAbbr: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","ابريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليو","اغسطس","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "MM/dd/yyyy",
t: "H:mm",
T: "H:mm:ss",
f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy H:mm",
F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy H:mm:ss"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,484 @@
* Globalize Culture ar-EG
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "ar-EG", "default", {
name: "ar-EG",
englishName: "Arabic (Egypt)",
nativeName: "العربية (مصر)",
language: "ar",
isRTL: true,
numberFormat: {
pattern: ["n-"],
decimals: 3,
"NaN": "ليس برقم",
negativeInfinity: "-لا نهاية",
positiveInfinity: "+لا نهاية",
percent: {
decimals: 3
currency: {
pattern: ["$n-","$ n"],
symbol: "ج.م.\u200f"
calendars: {
standard: {
firstDay: 6,
days: {
names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"]
months: {
names: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","أبريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليو","أغسطس","سبتمبر","أكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""],
namesAbbr: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","أبريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليو","أغسطس","سبتمبر","أكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
patterns: {
d: "dd/MM/yyyy",
D: "dd MMMM, yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt",
M: "dd MMMM"
UmAlQura: {
name: "UmAlQura",
firstDay: 6,
days: {
names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"]
months: {
names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""],
namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}],
twoDigitYearMax: 1451,
patterns: {
d: "dd/MM/yy",
D: "dd/MMMM/yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dd/MMMM/yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dd/MMMM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt",
M: "dd MMMM"
convert: {
_yearInfo: [
// MonthLengthFlags, Gregorian Date
[746, -2198707200000],
[1769, -2168121600000],
[3794, -2137449600000],
[3748, -2106777600000],
[3402, -2076192000000],
[2710, -2045606400000],
[1334, -2015020800000],
[2741, -1984435200000],
[3498, -1953763200000],
[2980, -1923091200000],
[2889, -1892505600000],
[2707, -1861920000000],
[1323, -1831334400000],
[2647, -1800748800000],
[1206, -1770076800000],
[2741, -1739491200000],
[1450, -1708819200000],
[3413, -1678233600000],
[3370, -1647561600000],
[2646, -1616976000000],
[1198, -1586390400000],
[2397, -1555804800000],
[748, -1525132800000],
[1749, -1494547200000],
[1706, -1463875200000],
[1365, -1433289600000],
[1195, -1402704000000],
[2395, -1372118400000],
[698, -1341446400000],
[1397, -1310860800000],
[2994, -1280188800000],
[1892, -1249516800000],
[1865, -1218931200000],
[1621, -1188345600000],
[683, -1157760000000],
[1371, -1127174400000],
[2778, -1096502400000],
[1748, -1065830400000],
[3785, -1035244800000],
[3474, -1004572800000],
[3365, -973987200000],
[2637, -943401600000],
[685, -912816000000],
[1389, -882230400000],
[2922, -851558400000],
[2898, -820886400000],
[2725, -790300800000],
[2635, -759715200000],
[1175, -729129600000],
[2359, -698544000000],
[694, -667872000000],
[1397, -637286400000],
[3434, -606614400000],
[3410, -575942400000],
[2710, -545356800000],
[2349, -514771200000],
[605, -484185600000],
[1245, -453600000000],
[2778, -422928000000],
[1492, -392256000000],
[3497, -361670400000],
[3410, -330998400000],
[2730, -300412800000],
[1238, -269827200000],
[2486, -239241600000],
[884, -208569600000],
[1897, -177984000000],
[1874, -147312000000],
[1701, -116726400000],
[1355, -86140800000],
[2731, -55555200000],
[1370, -24883200000],
[2773, 5702400000],
[3538, 36374400000],
[3492, 67046400000],
[3401, 97632000000],
[2709, 128217600000],
[1325, 158803200000],
[2653, 189388800000],
[1370, 220060800000],
[2773, 250646400000],
[1706, 281318400000],
[1685, 311904000000],
[1323, 342489600000],
[2647, 373075200000],
[1198, 403747200000],
[2422, 434332800000],
[1388, 465004800000],
[2901, 495590400000],
[2730, 526262400000],
[2645, 556848000000],
[1197, 587433600000],
[2397, 618019200000],
[730, 648691200000],
[1497, 679276800000],
[3506, 709948800000],
[2980, 740620800000],
[2890, 771206400000],
[2645, 801792000000],
[693, 832377600000],
[1397, 862963200000],
[2922, 893635200000],
[3026, 924307200000],
[3012, 954979200000],
[2953, 985564800000],
[2709, 1016150400000],
[1325, 1046736000000],
[1453, 1077321600000],
[2922, 1107993600000],
[1748, 1138665600000],
[3529, 1169251200000],
[3474, 1199923200000],
[2726, 1230508800000],
[2390, 1261094400000],
[686, 1291680000000],
[1389, 1322265600000],
[874, 1352937600000],
[2901, 1383523200000],
[2730, 1414195200000],
[2381, 1444780800000],
[1181, 1475366400000],
[2397, 1505952000000],
[698, 1536624000000],
[1461, 1567209600000],
[1450, 1597881600000],
[3413, 1628467200000],
[2714, 1659139200000],
[2350, 1689724800000],
[622, 1720310400000],
[1373, 1750896000000],
[2778, 1781568000000],
[1748, 1812240000000],
[1701, 1842825600000],
[0, 1873411200000]
minDate: -2198707200000,
maxDate: 1873411199999,
toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) {
var days = hday - 1,
gyear = hyear - 1318;
if (gyear < 0 || gyear >= this._yearInfo.length) return null;
var info = this._yearInfo[gyear],
gdate = new Date(info[1]),
monthLength = info[0];
// Date's ticks in javascript are always from the GMT time,
// but we are interested in the gregorian date in the same timezone,
// not what the gregorian date was at GMT time, so we adjust for the offset.
gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset());
for (var i = 0; i < hmonth; i++) {
days += 29 + (monthLength & 1);
monthLength = monthLength >> 1;
gdate.setDate(gdate.getDate() + days);
return gdate;
fromGregorian: function(gdate) {
// Date's ticks in javascript are always from the GMT time,
// but we are interested in the hijri date in the same timezone,
// not what the hijri date was at GMT time, so we adjust for the offset.
var ticks = gdate - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000;
if (ticks < this.minDate || ticks > this.maxDate) return null;
var hyear = 0,
hmonth = 1;
// find the earliest gregorian date in the array that is greater than or equal to the given date
while (ticks > this._yearInfo[++hyear][1]) { }
if (ticks !== this._yearInfo[hyear][1]) {
var info = this._yearInfo[hyear],
// how many days has it been since the date we found in the array?
// 86400000 = ticks per day
days = Math.floor((ticks - info[1]) / 86400000),
monthLength = info[0];
hyear += 1318; // the Nth array entry corresponds to hijri year 1318+N
// now increment day/month based on the total days, considering
// how many days are in each month. We cannot run past the year
// mark since we would have found a different array entry in that case.
var daysInMonth = 29 + (monthLength & 1);
while (days >= daysInMonth) {
days -= daysInMonth;
monthLength = monthLength >> 1;
daysInMonth = 29 + (monthLength & 1);
// remaining days is less than is in one month, thus is the day of the month we landed on
// hmonth-1 because in javascript months are zero based, stay consistent with that.
return [hyear, hmonth - 1, days + 1];
Gregorian_TransliteratedEnglish: {
name: "Gregorian_TransliteratedEnglish",
firstDay: 6,
days: {
names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesShort: ["أ","ا","ث","أ","خ","ج","س"]
months: {
names: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","أبريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليو","أغسطس","سبتمبر","أكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""],
namesAbbr: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","ابريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليو","اغسطس","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "MM/dd/yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt"
Hijri: {
name: "Hijri",
firstDay: 6,
days: {
names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"]
months: {
names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""],
namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}],
twoDigitYearMax: 1451,
patterns: {
d: "dd/MM/yy",
D: "dd/MM/yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt",
M: "dd MMMM"
convert: {
// Adapted to Script from System.Globalization.HijriCalendar
ticks1970: 62135596800000,
// number of days leading up to each month
monthDays: [0, 30, 59, 89, 118, 148, 177, 207, 236, 266, 295, 325, 355],
minDate: -42521673600000,
maxDate: 253402300799999,
// The number of days to add or subtract from the calendar to accommodate the variances
// in the start and the end of Ramadan and to accommodate the date difference between
// countries/regions. May be dynamically adjusted based on user preference, but should
// remain in the range of -2 to 2, inclusive.
hijriAdjustment: 0,
toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) {
var daysSinceJan0101 = this.daysToYear(hyear) + this.monthDays[hmonth] + hday - 1 - this.hijriAdjustment;
// 86400000 = ticks per day
var gdate = new Date(daysSinceJan0101 * 86400000 - this.ticks1970);
// adjust for timezone, because we are interested in the gregorian date for the same timezone
// but ticks in javascript is always from GMT, unlike the server were ticks counts from the base
// date in the current timezone.
gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset());
return gdate;
fromGregorian: function(gdate) {
if ((gdate < this.minDate) || (gdate > this.maxDate)) return null;
var ticks = this.ticks1970 + (gdate-0) - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000,
daysSinceJan0101 = Math.floor(ticks / 86400000) + 1 + this.hijriAdjustment;
// very particular formula determined by someone smart, adapted from the server-side implementation.
// it approximates the hijri year.
var hday, hmonth, hyear = Math.floor(((daysSinceJan0101 - 227013) * 30) / 10631) + 1,
absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear),
daysInYear = this.isLeapYear(hyear) ? 355 : 354;
// hyear is just approximate, it may need adjustment up or down by 1.
if (daysSinceJan0101 < absDays) {
absDays -= daysInYear;
else if (daysSinceJan0101 === absDays) {
absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear);
else {
if (daysSinceJan0101 > (absDays + daysInYear)) {
absDays += daysInYear;
// determine month by looking at how many days into the hyear we are
// monthDays contains the number of days up to each month.
hmonth = 0;
var daysIntoYear = daysSinceJan0101 - absDays;
while (hmonth <= 11 && daysIntoYear > this.monthDays[hmonth]) {
hday = daysIntoYear - this.monthDays[hmonth];
return [hyear, hmonth, hday];
daysToYear: function(year) {
// calculates how many days since Jan 1, 0001
var yearsToYear30 = Math.floor((year - 1) / 30) * 30,
yearsInto30 = year - yearsToYear30 - 1,
days = Math.floor((yearsToYear30 * 10631) / 30) + 227013;
while (yearsInto30 > 0) {
days += (this.isLeapYear(yearsInto30) ? 355 : 354);
return days;
isLeapYear: function(year) {
return ((((year * 11) + 14) % 30) < 11);
Gregorian_MiddleEastFrench: {
name: "Gregorian_MiddleEastFrench",
firstDay: 6,
days: {
names: ["dimanche","lundi","mardi","mercredi","jeudi","vendredi","samedi"],
namesAbbr: ["dim.","lun.","mar.","mer.","jeu.","ven.","sam."],
namesShort: ["di","lu","ma","me","je","ve","sa"]
months: {
names: ["janvier","février","mars","avril","mai","juin","juillet","août","septembre","octobre","novembre","décembre",""],
namesAbbr: ["janv.","févr.","mars","avr.","mai","juin","juil.","août","sept.","oct.","nov.","déc.",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
eras: [{"name":"ap. J.-C.","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "MM/dd/yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt",
M: "dd MMMM"
Gregorian_Arabic: {
name: "Gregorian_Arabic",
firstDay: 6,
days: {
names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"]
months: {
names: ["كانون الثاني","شباط","آذار","نيسان","أيار","حزيران","تموز","آب","أيلول","تشرين الأول","تشرين الثاني","كانون الأول",""],
namesAbbr: ["كانون الثاني","شباط","آذار","نيسان","أيار","حزيران","تموز","آب","أيلول","تشرين الأول","تشرين الثاني","كانون الأول",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "MM/dd/yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt"
Gregorian_TransliteratedFrench: {
name: "Gregorian_TransliteratedFrench",
firstDay: 6,
days: {
names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"]
months: {
names: ["جانفييه","فيفرييه","مارس","أفريل","مي","جوان","جوييه","أوت","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""],
namesAbbr: ["جانفييه","فيفرييه","مارس","أفريل","مي","جوان","جوييه","أوت","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "MM/dd/yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,457 @@
* Globalize Culture ar-IQ
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "ar-IQ", "default", {
name: "ar-IQ",
englishName: "Arabic (Iraq)",
nativeName: "العربية (العراق)",
language: "ar",
isRTL: true,
numberFormat: {
pattern: ["n-"],
"NaN": "ليس برقم",
negativeInfinity: "-لا نهاية",
positiveInfinity: "+لا نهاية",
currency: {
pattern: ["$n-","$ n"],
symbol: "د.ع.\u200f"
calendars: {
standard: {
firstDay: 6,
days: {
names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"]
months: {
names: ["كانون الثاني","شباط","آذار","نيسان","أيار","حزيران","تموز","آب","أيلول","تشرين الأول","تشرين الثاني","كانون الأول",""],
namesAbbr: ["كانون الثاني","شباط","آذار","نيسان","أيار","حزيران","تموز","آب","أيلول","تشرين الأول","تشرين الثاني","كانون الأول",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
patterns: {
d: "dd/MM/yyyy",
D: "dd MMMM, yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt",
M: "dd MMMM"
UmAlQura: {
name: "UmAlQura",
firstDay: 6,
days: {
names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"]
months: {
names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""],
namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}],
twoDigitYearMax: 1451,
patterns: {
d: "dd/MM/yy",
D: "dd/MMMM/yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dd/MMMM/yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dd/MMMM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt",
M: "dd MMMM"
convert: {
_yearInfo: [
// MonthLengthFlags, Gregorian Date
[746, -2198707200000],
[1769, -2168121600000],
[3794, -2137449600000],
[3748, -2106777600000],
[3402, -2076192000000],
[2710, -2045606400000],
[1334, -2015020800000],
[2741, -1984435200000],
[3498, -1953763200000],
[2980, -1923091200000],
[2889, -1892505600000],
[2707, -1861920000000],
[1323, -1831334400000],
[2647, -1800748800000],
[1206, -1770076800000],
[2741, -1739491200000],
[1450, -1708819200000],
[3413, -1678233600000],
[3370, -1647561600000],
[2646, -1616976000000],
[1198, -1586390400000],
[2397, -1555804800000],
[748, -1525132800000],
[1749, -1494547200000],
[1706, -1463875200000],
[1365, -1433289600000],
[1195, -1402704000000],
[2395, -1372118400000],
[698, -1341446400000],
[1397, -1310860800000],
[2994, -1280188800000],
[1892, -1249516800000],
[1865, -1218931200000],
[1621, -1188345600000],
[683, -1157760000000],
[1371, -1127174400000],
[2778, -1096502400000],
[1748, -1065830400000],
[3785, -1035244800000],
[3474, -1004572800000],
[3365, -973987200000],
[2637, -943401600000],
[685, -912816000000],
[1389, -882230400000],
[2922, -851558400000],
[2898, -820886400000],
[2725, -790300800000],
[2635, -759715200000],
[1175, -729129600000],
[2359, -698544000000],
[694, -667872000000],
[1397, -637286400000],
[3434, -606614400000],
[3410, -575942400000],
[2710, -545356800000],
[2349, -514771200000],
[605, -484185600000],
[1245, -453600000000],
[2778, -422928000000],
[1492, -392256000000],
[3497, -361670400000],
[3410, -330998400000],
[2730, -300412800000],
[1238, -269827200000],
[2486, -239241600000],
[884, -208569600000],
[1897, -177984000000],
[1874, -147312000000],
[1701, -116726400000],
[1355, -86140800000],
[2731, -55555200000],
[1370, -24883200000],
[2773, 5702400000],
[3538, 36374400000],
[3492, 67046400000],
[3401, 97632000000],
[2709, 128217600000],
[1325, 158803200000],
[2653, 189388800000],
[1370, 220060800000],
[2773, 250646400000],
[1706, 281318400000],
[1685, 311904000000],
[1323, 342489600000],
[2647, 373075200000],
[1198, 403747200000],
[2422, 434332800000],
[1388, 465004800000],
[2901, 495590400000],
[2730, 526262400000],
[2645, 556848000000],
[1197, 587433600000],
[2397, 618019200000],
[730, 648691200000],
[1497, 679276800000],
[3506, 709948800000],
[2980, 740620800000],
[2890, 771206400000],
[2645, 801792000000],
[693, 832377600000],
[1397, 862963200000],
[2922, 893635200000],
[3026, 924307200000],
[3012, 954979200000],
[2953, 985564800000],
[2709, 1016150400000],
[1325, 1046736000000],
[1453, 1077321600000],
[2922, 1107993600000],
[1748, 1138665600000],
[3529, 1169251200000],
[3474, 1199923200000],
[2726, 1230508800000],
[2390, 1261094400000],
[686, 1291680000000],
[1389, 1322265600000],
[874, 1352937600000],
[2901, 1383523200000],
[2730, 1414195200000],
[2381, 1444780800000],
[1181, 1475366400000],
[2397, 1505952000000],
[698, 1536624000000],
[1461, 1567209600000],
[1450, 1597881600000],
[3413, 1628467200000],
[2714, 1659139200000],
[2350, 1689724800000],
[622, 1720310400000],
[1373, 1750896000000],
[2778, 1781568000000],
[1748, 1812240000000],
[1701, 1842825600000],
[0, 1873411200000]
minDate: -2198707200000,
maxDate: 1873411199999,
toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) {
var days = hday - 1,
gyear = hyear - 1318;
if (gyear < 0 || gyear >= this._yearInfo.length) return null;
var info = this._yearInfo[gyear],
gdate = new Date(info[1]),
monthLength = info[0];
// Date's ticks in javascript are always from the GMT time,
// but we are interested in the gregorian date in the same timezone,
// not what the gregorian date was at GMT time, so we adjust for the offset.
gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset());
for (var i = 0; i < hmonth; i++) {
days += 29 + (monthLength & 1);
monthLength = monthLength >> 1;
gdate.setDate(gdate.getDate() + days);
return gdate;
fromGregorian: function(gdate) {
// Date's ticks in javascript are always from the GMT time,
// but we are interested in the hijri date in the same timezone,
// not what the hijri date was at GMT time, so we adjust for the offset.
var ticks = gdate - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000;
if (ticks < this.minDate || ticks > this.maxDate) return null;
var hyear = 0,
hmonth = 1;
// find the earliest gregorian date in the array that is greater than or equal to the given date
while (ticks > this._yearInfo[++hyear][1]) { }
if (ticks !== this._yearInfo[hyear][1]) {
var info = this._yearInfo[hyear],
// how many days has it been since the date we found in the array?
// 86400000 = ticks per day
days = Math.floor((ticks - info[1]) / 86400000),
monthLength = info[0];
hyear += 1318; // the Nth array entry corresponds to hijri year 1318+N
// now increment day/month based on the total days, considering
// how many days are in each month. We cannot run past the year
// mark since we would have found a different array entry in that case.
var daysInMonth = 29 + (monthLength & 1);
while (days >= daysInMonth) {
days -= daysInMonth;
monthLength = monthLength >> 1;
daysInMonth = 29 + (monthLength & 1);
// remaining days is less than is in one month, thus is the day of the month we landed on
// hmonth-1 because in javascript months are zero based, stay consistent with that.
return [hyear, hmonth - 1, days + 1];
Hijri: {
name: "Hijri",
firstDay: 6,
days: {
names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"]
months: {
names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""],
namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}],
twoDigitYearMax: 1451,
patterns: {
d: "dd/MM/yy",
D: "dd/MM/yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt",
M: "dd MMMM"
convert: {
// Adapted to Script from System.Globalization.HijriCalendar
ticks1970: 62135596800000,
// number of days leading up to each month
monthDays: [0, 30, 59, 89, 118, 148, 177, 207, 236, 266, 295, 325, 355],
minDate: -42521673600000,
maxDate: 253402300799999,
// The number of days to add or subtract from the calendar to accommodate the variances
// in the start and the end of Ramadan and to accommodate the date difference between
// countries/regions. May be dynamically adjusted based on user preference, but should
// remain in the range of -2 to 2, inclusive.
hijriAdjustment: 0,
toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) {
var daysSinceJan0101 = this.daysToYear(hyear) + this.monthDays[hmonth] + hday - 1 - this.hijriAdjustment;
// 86400000 = ticks per day
var gdate = new Date(daysSinceJan0101 * 86400000 - this.ticks1970);
// adjust for timezone, because we are interested in the gregorian date for the same timezone
// but ticks in javascript is always from GMT, unlike the server were ticks counts from the base
// date in the current timezone.
gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset());
return gdate;
fromGregorian: function(gdate) {
if ((gdate < this.minDate) || (gdate > this.maxDate)) return null;
var ticks = this.ticks1970 + (gdate-0) - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000,
daysSinceJan0101 = Math.floor(ticks / 86400000) + 1 + this.hijriAdjustment;
// very particular formula determined by someone smart, adapted from the server-side implementation.
// it approximates the hijri year.
var hday, hmonth, hyear = Math.floor(((daysSinceJan0101 - 227013) * 30) / 10631) + 1,
absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear),
daysInYear = this.isLeapYear(hyear) ? 355 : 354;
// hyear is just approximate, it may need adjustment up or down by 1.
if (daysSinceJan0101 < absDays) {
absDays -= daysInYear;
else if (daysSinceJan0101 === absDays) {
absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear);
else {
if (daysSinceJan0101 > (absDays + daysInYear)) {
absDays += daysInYear;
// determine month by looking at how many days into the hyear we are
// monthDays contains the number of days up to each month.
hmonth = 0;
var daysIntoYear = daysSinceJan0101 - absDays;
while (hmonth <= 11 && daysIntoYear > this.monthDays[hmonth]) {
hday = daysIntoYear - this.monthDays[hmonth];
return [hyear, hmonth, hday];
daysToYear: function(year) {
// calculates how many days since Jan 1, 0001
var yearsToYear30 = Math.floor((year - 1) / 30) * 30,
yearsInto30 = year - yearsToYear30 - 1,
days = Math.floor((yearsToYear30 * 10631) / 30) + 227013;
while (yearsInto30 > 0) {
days += (this.isLeapYear(yearsInto30) ? 355 : 354);
return days;
isLeapYear: function(year) {
return ((((year * 11) + 14) % 30) < 11);
Gregorian_MiddleEastFrench: {
name: "Gregorian_MiddleEastFrench",
firstDay: 6,
days: {
names: ["dimanche","lundi","mardi","mercredi","jeudi","vendredi","samedi"],
namesAbbr: ["dim.","lun.","mar.","mer.","jeu.","ven.","sam."],
namesShort: ["di","lu","ma","me","je","ve","sa"]
months: {
names: ["janvier","février","mars","avril","mai","juin","juillet","août","septembre","octobre","novembre","décembre",""],
namesAbbr: ["janv.","févr.","mars","avr.","mai","juin","juil.","août","sept.","oct.","nov.","déc.",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
eras: [{"name":"ap. J.-C.","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "MM/dd/yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt",
M: "dd MMMM"
Gregorian_TransliteratedEnglish: {
name: "Gregorian_TransliteratedEnglish",
firstDay: 6,
days: {
names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesShort: ["أ","ا","ث","أ","خ","ج","س"]
months: {
names: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","أبريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليو","أغسطس","سبتمبر","أكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""],
namesAbbr: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","ابريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليو","اغسطس","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "MM/dd/yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt"
Gregorian_TransliteratedFrench: {
name: "Gregorian_TransliteratedFrench",
firstDay: 6,
days: {
names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"]
months: {
names: ["جانفييه","فيفرييه","مارس","أفريل","مي","جوان","جوييه","أوت","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""],
namesAbbr: ["جانفييه","فيفرييه","مارس","أفريل","مي","جوان","جوييه","أوت","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "MM/dd/yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,462 @@
* Globalize Culture ar-JO
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "ar-JO", "default", {
name: "ar-JO",
englishName: "Arabic (Jordan)",
nativeName: "العربية (الأردن)",
language: "ar",
isRTL: true,
numberFormat: {
pattern: ["n-"],
decimals: 3,
"NaN": "ليس برقم",
negativeInfinity: "-لا نهاية",
positiveInfinity: "+لا نهاية",
percent: {
decimals: 3
currency: {
pattern: ["$n-","$ n"],
decimals: 3,
symbol: "د.ا.\u200f"
calendars: {
standard: {
firstDay: 6,
days: {
names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"]
months: {
names: ["كانون الثاني","شباط","آذار","نيسان","أيار","حزيران","تموز","آب","أيلول","تشرين الأول","تشرين الثاني","كانون الأول",""],
namesAbbr: ["كانون الثاني","شباط","آذار","نيسان","أيار","حزيران","تموز","آب","أيلول","تشرين الأول","تشرين الثاني","كانون الأول",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
patterns: {
d: "dd/MM/yyyy",
D: "dd MMMM, yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt",
M: "dd MMMM"
UmAlQura: {
name: "UmAlQura",
firstDay: 6,
days: {
names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"]
months: {
names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""],
namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}],
twoDigitYearMax: 1451,
patterns: {
d: "dd/MM/yy",
D: "dd/MMMM/yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dd/MMMM/yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dd/MMMM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt",
M: "dd MMMM"
convert: {
_yearInfo: [
// MonthLengthFlags, Gregorian Date
[746, -2198707200000],
[1769, -2168121600000],
[3794, -2137449600000],
[3748, -2106777600000],
[3402, -2076192000000],
[2710, -2045606400000],
[1334, -2015020800000],
[2741, -1984435200000],
[3498, -1953763200000],
[2980, -1923091200000],
[2889, -1892505600000],
[2707, -1861920000000],
[1323, -1831334400000],
[2647, -1800748800000],
[1206, -1770076800000],
[2741, -1739491200000],
[1450, -1708819200000],
[3413, -1678233600000],
[3370, -1647561600000],
[2646, -1616976000000],
[1198, -1586390400000],
[2397, -1555804800000],
[748, -1525132800000],
[1749, -1494547200000],
[1706, -1463875200000],
[1365, -1433289600000],
[1195, -1402704000000],
[2395, -1372118400000],
[698, -1341446400000],
[1397, -1310860800000],
[2994, -1280188800000],
[1892, -1249516800000],
[1865, -1218931200000],
[1621, -1188345600000],
[683, -1157760000000],
[1371, -1127174400000],
[2778, -1096502400000],
[1748, -1065830400000],
[3785, -1035244800000],
[3474, -1004572800000],
[3365, -973987200000],
[2637, -943401600000],
[685, -912816000000],
[1389, -882230400000],
[2922, -851558400000],
[2898, -820886400000],
[2725, -790300800000],
[2635, -759715200000],
[1175, -729129600000],
[2359, -698544000000],
[694, -667872000000],
[1397, -637286400000],
[3434, -606614400000],
[3410, -575942400000],
[2710, -545356800000],
[2349, -514771200000],
[605, -484185600000],
[1245, -453600000000],
[2778, -422928000000],
[1492, -392256000000],
[3497, -361670400000],
[3410, -330998400000],
[2730, -300412800000],
[1238, -269827200000],
[2486, -239241600000],
[884, -208569600000],
[1897, -177984000000],
[1874, -147312000000],
[1701, -116726400000],
[1355, -86140800000],
[2731, -55555200000],
[1370, -24883200000],
[2773, 5702400000],
[3538, 36374400000],
[3492, 67046400000],
[3401, 97632000000],
[2709, 128217600000],
[1325, 158803200000],
[2653, 189388800000],
[1370, 220060800000],
[2773, 250646400000],
[1706, 281318400000],
[1685, 311904000000],
[1323, 342489600000],
[2647, 373075200000],
[1198, 403747200000],
[2422, 434332800000],
[1388, 465004800000],
[2901, 495590400000],
[2730, 526262400000],
[2645, 556848000000],
[1197, 587433600000],
[2397, 618019200000],
[730, 648691200000],
[1497, 679276800000],
[3506, 709948800000],
[2980, 740620800000],
[2890, 771206400000],
[2645, 801792000000],
[693, 832377600000],
[1397, 862963200000],
[2922, 893635200000],
[3026, 924307200000],
[3012, 954979200000],
[2953, 985564800000],
[2709, 1016150400000],
[1325, 1046736000000],
[1453, 1077321600000],
[2922, 1107993600000],
[1748, 1138665600000],
[3529, 1169251200000],
[3474, 1199923200000],
[2726, 1230508800000],
[2390, 1261094400000],
[686, 1291680000000],
[1389, 1322265600000],
[874, 1352937600000],
[2901, 1383523200000],
[2730, 1414195200000],
[2381, 1444780800000],
[1181, 1475366400000],
[2397, 1505952000000],
[698, 1536624000000],
[1461, 1567209600000],
[1450, 1597881600000],
[3413, 1628467200000],
[2714, 1659139200000],
[2350, 1689724800000],
[622, 1720310400000],
[1373, 1750896000000],
[2778, 1781568000000],
[1748, 1812240000000],
[1701, 1842825600000],
[0, 1873411200000]
minDate: -2198707200000,
maxDate: 1873411199999,
toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) {
var days = hday - 1,
gyear = hyear - 1318;
if (gyear < 0 || gyear >= this._yearInfo.length) return null;
var info = this._yearInfo[gyear],
gdate = new Date(info[1]),
monthLength = info[0];
// Date's ticks in javascript are always from the GMT time,
// but we are interested in the gregorian date in the same timezone,
// not what the gregorian date was at GMT time, so we adjust for the offset.
gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset());
for (var i = 0; i < hmonth; i++) {
days += 29 + (monthLength & 1);
monthLength = monthLength >> 1;
gdate.setDate(gdate.getDate() + days);
return gdate;
fromGregorian: function(gdate) {
// Date's ticks in javascript are always from the GMT time,
// but we are interested in the hijri date in the same timezone,
// not what the hijri date was at GMT time, so we adjust for the offset.
var ticks = gdate - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000;
if (ticks < this.minDate || ticks > this.maxDate) return null;
var hyear = 0,
hmonth = 1;
// find the earliest gregorian date in the array that is greater than or equal to the given date
while (ticks > this._yearInfo[++hyear][1]) { }
if (ticks !== this._yearInfo[hyear][1]) {
var info = this._yearInfo[hyear],
// how many days has it been since the date we found in the array?
// 86400000 = ticks per day
days = Math.floor((ticks - info[1]) / 86400000),
monthLength = info[0];
hyear += 1318; // the Nth array entry corresponds to hijri year 1318+N
// now increment day/month based on the total days, considering
// how many days are in each month. We cannot run past the year
// mark since we would have found a different array entry in that case.
var daysInMonth = 29 + (monthLength & 1);
while (days >= daysInMonth) {
days -= daysInMonth;
monthLength = monthLength >> 1;
daysInMonth = 29 + (monthLength & 1);
// remaining days is less than is in one month, thus is the day of the month we landed on
// hmonth-1 because in javascript months are zero based, stay consistent with that.
return [hyear, hmonth - 1, days + 1];
Hijri: {
name: "Hijri",
firstDay: 6,
days: {
names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"]
months: {
names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""],
namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}],
twoDigitYearMax: 1451,
patterns: {
d: "dd/MM/yy",
D: "dd/MM/yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt",
M: "dd MMMM"
convert: {
// Adapted to Script from System.Globalization.HijriCalendar
ticks1970: 62135596800000,
// number of days leading up to each month
monthDays: [0, 30, 59, 89, 118, 148, 177, 207, 236, 266, 295, 325, 355],
minDate: -42521673600000,
maxDate: 253402300799999,
// The number of days to add or subtract from the calendar to accommodate the variances
// in the start and the end of Ramadan and to accommodate the date difference between
// countries/regions. May be dynamically adjusted based on user preference, but should
// remain in the range of -2 to 2, inclusive.
hijriAdjustment: 0,
toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) {
var daysSinceJan0101 = this.daysToYear(hyear) + this.monthDays[hmonth] + hday - 1 - this.hijriAdjustment;
// 86400000 = ticks per day
var gdate = new Date(daysSinceJan0101 * 86400000 - this.ticks1970);
// adjust for timezone, because we are interested in the gregorian date for the same timezone
// but ticks in javascript is always from GMT, unlike the server were ticks counts from the base
// date in the current timezone.
gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset());
return gdate;
fromGregorian: function(gdate) {
if ((gdate < this.minDate) || (gdate > this.maxDate)) return null;
var ticks = this.ticks1970 + (gdate-0) - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000,
daysSinceJan0101 = Math.floor(ticks / 86400000) + 1 + this.hijriAdjustment;
// very particular formula determined by someone smart, adapted from the server-side implementation.
// it approximates the hijri year.
var hday, hmonth, hyear = Math.floor(((daysSinceJan0101 - 227013) * 30) / 10631) + 1,
absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear),
daysInYear = this.isLeapYear(hyear) ? 355 : 354;
// hyear is just approximate, it may need adjustment up or down by 1.
if (daysSinceJan0101 < absDays) {
absDays -= daysInYear;
else if (daysSinceJan0101 === absDays) {
absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear);
else {
if (daysSinceJan0101 > (absDays + daysInYear)) {
absDays += daysInYear;
// determine month by looking at how many days into the hyear we are
// monthDays contains the number of days up to each month.
hmonth = 0;
var daysIntoYear = daysSinceJan0101 - absDays;
while (hmonth <= 11 && daysIntoYear > this.monthDays[hmonth]) {
hday = daysIntoYear - this.monthDays[hmonth];
return [hyear, hmonth, hday];
daysToYear: function(year) {
// calculates how many days since Jan 1, 0001
var yearsToYear30 = Math.floor((year - 1) / 30) * 30,
yearsInto30 = year - yearsToYear30 - 1,
days = Math.floor((yearsToYear30 * 10631) / 30) + 227013;
while (yearsInto30 > 0) {
days += (this.isLeapYear(yearsInto30) ? 355 : 354);
return days;
isLeapYear: function(year) {
return ((((year * 11) + 14) % 30) < 11);
Gregorian_MiddleEastFrench: {
name: "Gregorian_MiddleEastFrench",
firstDay: 6,
days: {
names: ["dimanche","lundi","mardi","mercredi","jeudi","vendredi","samedi"],
namesAbbr: ["dim.","lun.","mar.","mer.","jeu.","ven.","sam."],
namesShort: ["di","lu","ma","me","je","ve","sa"]
months: {
names: ["janvier","février","mars","avril","mai","juin","juillet","août","septembre","octobre","novembre","décembre",""],
namesAbbr: ["janv.","févr.","mars","avr.","mai","juin","juil.","août","sept.","oct.","nov.","déc.",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
eras: [{"name":"ap. J.-C.","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "MM/dd/yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt",
M: "dd MMMM"
Gregorian_TransliteratedEnglish: {
name: "Gregorian_TransliteratedEnglish",
firstDay: 6,
days: {
names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesShort: ["أ","ا","ث","أ","خ","ج","س"]
months: {
names: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","أبريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليو","أغسطس","سبتمبر","أكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""],
namesAbbr: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","ابريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليو","اغسطس","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "MM/dd/yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt"
Gregorian_TransliteratedFrench: {
name: "Gregorian_TransliteratedFrench",
firstDay: 6,
days: {
names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"]
months: {
names: ["جانفييه","فيفرييه","مارس","أفريل","مي","جوان","جوييه","أوت","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""],
namesAbbr: ["جانفييه","فيفرييه","مارس","أفريل","مي","جوان","جوييه","أوت","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "MM/dd/yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,457 @@
* Globalize Culture ar-LB
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "ar-LB", "default", {
name: "ar-LB",
englishName: "Arabic (Lebanon)",
nativeName: "العربية (لبنان)",
language: "ar",
isRTL: true,
numberFormat: {
pattern: ["n-"],
"NaN": "ليس برقم",
negativeInfinity: "-لا نهاية",
positiveInfinity: "+لا نهاية",
currency: {
pattern: ["$n-","$ n"],
symbol: "ل.ل.\u200f"
calendars: {
standard: {
firstDay: 1,
days: {
names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"]
months: {
names: ["كانون الثاني","شباط","آذار","نيسان","أيار","حزيران","تموز","آب","أيلول","تشرين الأول","تشرين الثاني","كانون الأول",""],
namesAbbr: ["كانون الثاني","شباط","آذار","نيسان","أيار","حزيران","تموز","آب","أيلول","تشرين الأول","تشرين الثاني","كانون الأول",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
patterns: {
d: "dd/MM/yyyy",
D: "dd MMMM, yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt",
M: "dd MMMM"
UmAlQura: {
name: "UmAlQura",
firstDay: 1,
days: {
names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"]
months: {
names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""],
namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}],
twoDigitYearMax: 1451,
patterns: {
d: "dd/MM/yy",
D: "dd/MMMM/yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dd/MMMM/yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dd/MMMM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt",
M: "dd MMMM"
convert: {
_yearInfo: [
// MonthLengthFlags, Gregorian Date
[746, -2198707200000],
[1769, -2168121600000],
[3794, -2137449600000],
[3748, -2106777600000],
[3402, -2076192000000],
[2710, -2045606400000],
[1334, -2015020800000],
[2741, -1984435200000],
[3498, -1953763200000],
[2980, -1923091200000],
[2889, -1892505600000],
[2707, -1861920000000],
[1323, -1831334400000],
[2647, -1800748800000],
[1206, -1770076800000],
[2741, -1739491200000],
[1450, -1708819200000],
[3413, -1678233600000],
[3370, -1647561600000],
[2646, -1616976000000],
[1198, -1586390400000],
[2397, -1555804800000],
[748, -1525132800000],
[1749, -1494547200000],
[1706, -1463875200000],
[1365, -1433289600000],
[1195, -1402704000000],
[2395, -1372118400000],
[698, -1341446400000],
[1397, -1310860800000],
[2994, -1280188800000],
[1892, -1249516800000],
[1865, -1218931200000],
[1621, -1188345600000],
[683, -1157760000000],
[1371, -1127174400000],
[2778, -1096502400000],
[1748, -1065830400000],
[3785, -1035244800000],
[3474, -1004572800000],
[3365, -973987200000],
[2637, -943401600000],
[685, -912816000000],
[1389, -882230400000],
[2922, -851558400000],
[2898, -820886400000],
[2725, -790300800000],
[2635, -759715200000],
[1175, -729129600000],
[2359, -698544000000],
[694, -667872000000],
[1397, -637286400000],
[3434, -606614400000],
[3410, -575942400000],
[2710, -545356800000],
[2349, -514771200000],
[605, -484185600000],
[1245, -453600000000],
[2778, -422928000000],
[1492, -392256000000],
[3497, -361670400000],
[3410, -330998400000],
[2730, -300412800000],
[1238, -269827200000],
[2486, -239241600000],
[884, -208569600000],
[1897, -177984000000],
[1874, -147312000000],
[1701, -116726400000],
[1355, -86140800000],
[2731, -55555200000],
[1370, -24883200000],
[2773, 5702400000],
[3538, 36374400000],
[3492, 67046400000],
[3401, 97632000000],
[2709, 128217600000],
[1325, 158803200000],
[2653, 189388800000],
[1370, 220060800000],
[2773, 250646400000],
[1706, 281318400000],
[1685, 311904000000],
[1323, 342489600000],
[2647, 373075200000],
[1198, 403747200000],
[2422, 434332800000],
[1388, 465004800000],
[2901, 495590400000],
[2730, 526262400000],
[2645, 556848000000],
[1197, 587433600000],
[2397, 618019200000],
[730, 648691200000],
[1497, 679276800000],
[3506, 709948800000],
[2980, 740620800000],
[2890, 771206400000],
[2645, 801792000000],
[693, 832377600000],
[1397, 862963200000],
[2922, 893635200000],
[3026, 924307200000],
[3012, 954979200000],
[2953, 985564800000],
[2709, 1016150400000],
[1325, 1046736000000],
[1453, 1077321600000],
[2922, 1107993600000],
[1748, 1138665600000],
[3529, 1169251200000],
[3474, 1199923200000],
[2726, 1230508800000],
[2390, 1261094400000],
[686, 1291680000000],
[1389, 1322265600000],
[874, 1352937600000],
[2901, 1383523200000],
[2730, 1414195200000],
[2381, 1444780800000],
[1181, 1475366400000],
[2397, 1505952000000],
[698, 1536624000000],
[1461, 1567209600000],
[1450, 1597881600000],
[3413, 1628467200000],
[2714, 1659139200000],
[2350, 1689724800000],
[622, 1720310400000],
[1373, 1750896000000],
[2778, 1781568000000],
[1748, 1812240000000],
[1701, 1842825600000],
[0, 1873411200000]
minDate: -2198707200000,
maxDate: 1873411199999,
toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) {
var days = hday - 1,
gyear = hyear - 1318;
if (gyear < 0 || gyear >= this._yearInfo.length) return null;
var info = this._yearInfo[gyear],
gdate = new Date(info[1]),
monthLength = info[0];
// Date's ticks in javascript are always from the GMT time,
// but we are interested in the gregorian date in the same timezone,
// not what the gregorian date was at GMT time, so we adjust for the offset.
gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset());
for (var i = 0; i < hmonth; i++) {
days += 29 + (monthLength & 1);
monthLength = monthLength >> 1;
gdate.setDate(gdate.getDate() + days);
return gdate;
fromGregorian: function(gdate) {
// Date's ticks in javascript are always from the GMT time,
// but we are interested in the hijri date in the same timezone,
// not what the hijri date was at GMT time, so we adjust for the offset.
var ticks = gdate - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000;
if (ticks < this.minDate || ticks > this.maxDate) return null;
var hyear = 0,
hmonth = 1;
// find the earliest gregorian date in the array that is greater than or equal to the given date
while (ticks > this._yearInfo[++hyear][1]) { }
if (ticks !== this._yearInfo[hyear][1]) {
var info = this._yearInfo[hyear],
// how many days has it been since the date we found in the array?
// 86400000 = ticks per day
days = Math.floor((ticks - info[1]) / 86400000),
monthLength = info[0];
hyear += 1318; // the Nth array entry corresponds to hijri year 1318+N
// now increment day/month based on the total days, considering
// how many days are in each month. We cannot run past the year
// mark since we would have found a different array entry in that case.
var daysInMonth = 29 + (monthLength & 1);
while (days >= daysInMonth) {
days -= daysInMonth;
monthLength = monthLength >> 1;
daysInMonth = 29 + (monthLength & 1);
// remaining days is less than is in one month, thus is the day of the month we landed on
// hmonth-1 because in javascript months are zero based, stay consistent with that.
return [hyear, hmonth - 1, days + 1];
Hijri: {
name: "Hijri",
firstDay: 1,
days: {
names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"]
months: {
names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""],
namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}],
twoDigitYearMax: 1451,
patterns: {
d: "dd/MM/yy",
D: "dd/MM/yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt",
M: "dd MMMM"
convert: {
// Adapted to Script from System.Globalization.HijriCalendar
ticks1970: 62135596800000,
// number of days leading up to each month
monthDays: [0, 30, 59, 89, 118, 148, 177, 207, 236, 266, 295, 325, 355],
minDate: -42521673600000,
maxDate: 253402300799999,
// The number of days to add or subtract from the calendar to accommodate the variances
// in the start and the end of Ramadan and to accommodate the date difference between
// countries/regions. May be dynamically adjusted based on user preference, but should
// remain in the range of -2 to 2, inclusive.
hijriAdjustment: 0,
toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) {
var daysSinceJan0101 = this.daysToYear(hyear) + this.monthDays[hmonth] + hday - 1 - this.hijriAdjustment;
// 86400000 = ticks per day
var gdate = new Date(daysSinceJan0101 * 86400000 - this.ticks1970);
// adjust for timezone, because we are interested in the gregorian date for the same timezone
// but ticks in javascript is always from GMT, unlike the server were ticks counts from the base
// date in the current timezone.
gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset());
return gdate;
fromGregorian: function(gdate) {
if ((gdate < this.minDate) || (gdate > this.maxDate)) return null;
var ticks = this.ticks1970 + (gdate-0) - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000,
daysSinceJan0101 = Math.floor(ticks / 86400000) + 1 + this.hijriAdjustment;
// very particular formula determined by someone smart, adapted from the server-side implementation.
// it approximates the hijri year.
var hday, hmonth, hyear = Math.floor(((daysSinceJan0101 - 227013) * 30) / 10631) + 1,
absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear),
daysInYear = this.isLeapYear(hyear) ? 355 : 354;
// hyear is just approximate, it may need adjustment up or down by 1.
if (daysSinceJan0101 < absDays) {
absDays -= daysInYear;
else if (daysSinceJan0101 === absDays) {
absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear);
else {
if (daysSinceJan0101 > (absDays + daysInYear)) {
absDays += daysInYear;
// determine month by looking at how many days into the hyear we are
// monthDays contains the number of days up to each month.
hmonth = 0;
var daysIntoYear = daysSinceJan0101 - absDays;
while (hmonth <= 11 && daysIntoYear > this.monthDays[hmonth]) {
hday = daysIntoYear - this.monthDays[hmonth];
return [hyear, hmonth, hday];
daysToYear: function(year) {
// calculates how many days since Jan 1, 0001
var yearsToYear30 = Math.floor((year - 1) / 30) * 30,
yearsInto30 = year - yearsToYear30 - 1,
days = Math.floor((yearsToYear30 * 10631) / 30) + 227013;
while (yearsInto30 > 0) {
days += (this.isLeapYear(yearsInto30) ? 355 : 354);
return days;
isLeapYear: function(year) {
return ((((year * 11) + 14) % 30) < 11);
Gregorian_MiddleEastFrench: {
name: "Gregorian_MiddleEastFrench",
firstDay: 1,
days: {
names: ["dimanche","lundi","mardi","mercredi","jeudi","vendredi","samedi"],
namesAbbr: ["dim.","lun.","mar.","mer.","jeu.","ven.","sam."],
namesShort: ["di","lu","ma","me","je","ve","sa"]
months: {
names: ["janvier","février","mars","avril","mai","juin","juillet","août","septembre","octobre","novembre","décembre",""],
namesAbbr: ["janv.","févr.","mars","avr.","mai","juin","juil.","août","sept.","oct.","nov.","déc.",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
eras: [{"name":"ap. J.-C.","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "MM/dd/yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt",
M: "dd MMMM"
Gregorian_TransliteratedEnglish: {
name: "Gregorian_TransliteratedEnglish",
firstDay: 1,
days: {
names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesShort: ["أ","ا","ث","أ","خ","ج","س"]
months: {
names: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","أبريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليو","أغسطس","سبتمبر","أكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""],
namesAbbr: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","ابريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليو","اغسطس","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "MM/dd/yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt"
Gregorian_TransliteratedFrench: {
name: "Gregorian_TransliteratedFrench",
firstDay: 1,
days: {
names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"]
months: {
names: ["جانفييه","فيفرييه","مارس","أفريل","مي","جوان","جوييه","أوت","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""],
namesAbbr: ["جانفييه","فيفرييه","مارس","أفريل","مي","جوان","جوييه","أوت","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "MM/dd/yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,462 @@
* Globalize Culture ar-LY
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "ar-LY", "default", {
name: "ar-LY",
englishName: "Arabic (Libya)",
nativeName: "العربية (ليبيا)",
language: "ar",
isRTL: true,
numberFormat: {
pattern: ["n-"],
decimals: 3,
"NaN": "ليس برقم",
negativeInfinity: "-لا نهاية",
positiveInfinity: "+لا نهاية",
percent: {
decimals: 3
currency: {
pattern: ["$n-","$n"],
decimals: 3,
symbol: "د.ل.\u200f"
calendars: {
standard: {
firstDay: 6,
days: {
names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"]
months: {
names: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","أبريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليو","أغسطس","سبتمبر","أكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""],
namesAbbr: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","أبريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليو","أغسطس","سبتمبر","أكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
patterns: {
d: "dd/MM/yyyy",
D: "dd MMMM, yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt",
M: "dd MMMM"
Hijri: {
name: "Hijri",
firstDay: 6,
days: {
names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"]
months: {
names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""],
namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}],
twoDigitYearMax: 1451,
patterns: {
d: "dd/MM/yy",
D: "dd/MM/yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt",
M: "dd MMMM"
convert: {
// Adapted to Script from System.Globalization.HijriCalendar
ticks1970: 62135596800000,
// number of days leading up to each month
monthDays: [0, 30, 59, 89, 118, 148, 177, 207, 236, 266, 295, 325, 355],
minDate: -42521673600000,
maxDate: 253402300799999,
// The number of days to add or subtract from the calendar to accommodate the variances
// in the start and the end of Ramadan and to accommodate the date difference between
// countries/regions. May be dynamically adjusted based on user preference, but should
// remain in the range of -2 to 2, inclusive.
hijriAdjustment: 0,
toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) {
var daysSinceJan0101 = this.daysToYear(hyear) + this.monthDays[hmonth] + hday - 1 - this.hijriAdjustment;
// 86400000 = ticks per day
var gdate = new Date(daysSinceJan0101 * 86400000 - this.ticks1970);
// adjust for timezone, because we are interested in the gregorian date for the same timezone
// but ticks in javascript is always from GMT, unlike the server were ticks counts from the base
// date in the current timezone.
gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset());
return gdate;
fromGregorian: function(gdate) {
if ((gdate < this.minDate) || (gdate > this.maxDate)) return null;
var ticks = this.ticks1970 + (gdate-0) - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000,
daysSinceJan0101 = Math.floor(ticks / 86400000) + 1 + this.hijriAdjustment;
// very particular formula determined by someone smart, adapted from the server-side implementation.
// it approximates the hijri year.
var hday, hmonth, hyear = Math.floor(((daysSinceJan0101 - 227013) * 30) / 10631) + 1,
absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear),
daysInYear = this.isLeapYear(hyear) ? 355 : 354;
// hyear is just approximate, it may need adjustment up or down by 1.
if (daysSinceJan0101 < absDays) {
absDays -= daysInYear;
else if (daysSinceJan0101 === absDays) {
absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear);
else {
if (daysSinceJan0101 > (absDays + daysInYear)) {
absDays += daysInYear;
// determine month by looking at how many days into the hyear we are
// monthDays contains the number of days up to each month.
hmonth = 0;
var daysIntoYear = daysSinceJan0101 - absDays;
while (hmonth <= 11 && daysIntoYear > this.monthDays[hmonth]) {
hday = daysIntoYear - this.monthDays[hmonth];
return [hyear, hmonth, hday];
daysToYear: function(year) {
// calculates how many days since Jan 1, 0001
var yearsToYear30 = Math.floor((year - 1) / 30) * 30,
yearsInto30 = year - yearsToYear30 - 1,
days = Math.floor((yearsToYear30 * 10631) / 30) + 227013;
while (yearsInto30 > 0) {
days += (this.isLeapYear(yearsInto30) ? 355 : 354);
return days;
isLeapYear: function(year) {
return ((((year * 11) + 14) % 30) < 11);
UmAlQura: {
name: "UmAlQura",
firstDay: 6,
days: {
names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"]
months: {
names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""],
namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}],
twoDigitYearMax: 1451,
patterns: {
d: "dd/MM/yy",
D: "dd/MMMM/yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dd/MMMM/yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dd/MMMM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt",
M: "dd MMMM"
convert: {
_yearInfo: [
// MonthLengthFlags, Gregorian Date
[746, -2198707200000],
[1769, -2168121600000],
[3794, -2137449600000],
[3748, -2106777600000],
[3402, -2076192000000],
[2710, -2045606400000],
[1334, -2015020800000],
[2741, -1984435200000],
[3498, -1953763200000],
[2980, -1923091200000],
[2889, -1892505600000],
[2707, -1861920000000],
[1323, -1831334400000],
[2647, -1800748800000],
[1206, -1770076800000],
[2741, -1739491200000],
[1450, -1708819200000],
[3413, -1678233600000],
[3370, -1647561600000],
[2646, -1616976000000],
[1198, -1586390400000],
[2397, -1555804800000],
[748, -1525132800000],
[1749, -1494547200000],
[1706, -1463875200000],
[1365, -1433289600000],
[1195, -1402704000000],
[2395, -1372118400000],
[698, -1341446400000],
[1397, -1310860800000],
[2994, -1280188800000],
[1892, -1249516800000],
[1865, -1218931200000],
[1621, -1188345600000],
[683, -1157760000000],
[1371, -1127174400000],
[2778, -1096502400000],
[1748, -1065830400000],
[3785, -1035244800000],
[3474, -1004572800000],
[3365, -973987200000],
[2637, -943401600000],
[685, -912816000000],
[1389, -882230400000],
[2922, -851558400000],
[2898, -820886400000],
[2725, -790300800000],
[2635, -759715200000],
[1175, -729129600000],
[2359, -698544000000],
[694, -667872000000],
[1397, -637286400000],
[3434, -606614400000],
[3410, -575942400000],
[2710, -545356800000],
[2349, -514771200000],
[605, -484185600000],
[1245, -453600000000],
[2778, -422928000000],
[1492, -392256000000],
[3497, -361670400000],
[3410, -330998400000],
[2730, -300412800000],
[1238, -269827200000],
[2486, -239241600000],
[884, -208569600000],
[1897, -177984000000],
[1874, -147312000000],
[1701, -116726400000],
[1355, -86140800000],
[2731, -55555200000],
[1370, -24883200000],
[2773, 5702400000],
[3538, 36374400000],
[3492, 67046400000],
[3401, 97632000000],
[2709, 128217600000],
[1325, 158803200000],
[2653, 189388800000],
[1370, 220060800000],
[2773, 250646400000],
[1706, 281318400000],
[1685, 311904000000],
[1323, 342489600000],
[2647, 373075200000],
[1198, 403747200000],
[2422, 434332800000],
[1388, 465004800000],
[2901, 495590400000],
[2730, 526262400000],
[2645, 556848000000],
[1197, 587433600000],
[2397, 618019200000],
[730, 648691200000],
[1497, 679276800000],
[3506, 709948800000],
[2980, 740620800000],
[2890, 771206400000],
[2645, 801792000000],
[693, 832377600000],
[1397, 862963200000],
[2922, 893635200000],
[3026, 924307200000],
[3012, 954979200000],
[2953, 985564800000],
[2709, 1016150400000],
[1325, 1046736000000],
[1453, 1077321600000],
[2922, 1107993600000],
[1748, 1138665600000],
[3529, 1169251200000],
[3474, 1199923200000],
[2726, 1230508800000],
[2390, 1261094400000],
[686, 1291680000000],
[1389, 1322265600000],
[874, 1352937600000],
[2901, 1383523200000],
[2730, 1414195200000],
[2381, 1444780800000],
[1181, 1475366400000],
[2397, 1505952000000],
[698, 1536624000000],
[1461, 1567209600000],
[1450, 1597881600000],
[3413, 1628467200000],
[2714, 1659139200000],
[2350, 1689724800000],
[622, 1720310400000],
[1373, 1750896000000],
[2778, 1781568000000],
[1748, 1812240000000],
[1701, 1842825600000],
[0, 1873411200000]
minDate: -2198707200000,
maxDate: 1873411199999,
toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) {
var days = hday - 1,
gyear = hyear - 1318;
if (gyear < 0 || gyear >= this._yearInfo.length) return null;
var info = this._yearInfo[gyear],
gdate = new Date(info[1]),
monthLength = info[0];
// Date's ticks in javascript are always from the GMT time,
// but we are interested in the gregorian date in the same timezone,
// not what the gregorian date was at GMT time, so we adjust for the offset.
gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset());
for (var i = 0; i < hmonth; i++) {
days += 29 + (monthLength & 1);
monthLength = monthLength >> 1;
gdate.setDate(gdate.getDate() + days);
return gdate;
fromGregorian: function(gdate) {
// Date's ticks in javascript are always from the GMT time,
// but we are interested in the hijri date in the same timezone,
// not what the hijri date was at GMT time, so we adjust for the offset.
var ticks = gdate - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000;
if (ticks < this.minDate || ticks > this.maxDate) return null;
var hyear = 0,
hmonth = 1;
// find the earliest gregorian date in the array that is greater than or equal to the given date
while (ticks > this._yearInfo[++hyear][1]) { }
if (ticks !== this._yearInfo[hyear][1]) {
var info = this._yearInfo[hyear],
// how many days has it been since the date we found in the array?
// 86400000 = ticks per day
days = Math.floor((ticks - info[1]) / 86400000),
monthLength = info[0];
hyear += 1318; // the Nth array entry corresponds to hijri year 1318+N
// now increment day/month based on the total days, considering
// how many days are in each month. We cannot run past the year
// mark since we would have found a different array entry in that case.
var daysInMonth = 29 + (monthLength & 1);
while (days >= daysInMonth) {
days -= daysInMonth;
monthLength = monthLength >> 1;
daysInMonth = 29 + (monthLength & 1);
// remaining days is less than is in one month, thus is the day of the month we landed on
// hmonth-1 because in javascript months are zero based, stay consistent with that.
return [hyear, hmonth - 1, days + 1];
Gregorian_MiddleEastFrench: {
name: "Gregorian_MiddleEastFrench",
firstDay: 6,
days: {
names: ["dimanche","lundi","mardi","mercredi","jeudi","vendredi","samedi"],
namesAbbr: ["dim.","lun.","mar.","mer.","jeu.","ven.","sam."],
namesShort: ["di","lu","ma","me","je","ve","sa"]
months: {
names: ["janvier","février","mars","avril","mai","juin","juillet","août","septembre","octobre","novembre","décembre",""],
namesAbbr: ["janv.","févr.","mars","avr.","mai","juin","juil.","août","sept.","oct.","nov.","déc.",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
eras: [{"name":"ap. J.-C.","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "MM/dd/yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt",
M: "dd MMMM"
Gregorian_Arabic: {
name: "Gregorian_Arabic",
firstDay: 6,
days: {
names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"]
months: {
names: ["كانون الثاني","شباط","آذار","نيسان","أيار","حزيران","تموز","آب","أيلول","تشرين الأول","تشرين الثاني","كانون الأول",""],
namesAbbr: ["كانون الثاني","شباط","آذار","نيسان","أيار","حزيران","تموز","آب","أيلول","تشرين الأول","تشرين الثاني","كانون الأول",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "MM/dd/yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt"
Gregorian_TransliteratedFrench: {
name: "Gregorian_TransliteratedFrench",
firstDay: 6,
days: {
names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"]
months: {
names: ["جانفييه","فيفرييه","مارس","أفريل","مي","جوان","جوييه","أوت","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""],
namesAbbr: ["جانفييه","فيفرييه","مارس","أفريل","مي","جوان","جوييه","أوت","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "MM/dd/yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,458 @@
* Globalize Culture ar-MA
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "ar-MA", "default", {
name: "ar-MA",
englishName: "Arabic (Morocco)",
nativeName: "العربية (المملكة المغربية)",
language: "ar",
isRTL: true,
numberFormat: {
pattern: ["n-"],
"NaN": "ليس برقم",
negativeInfinity: "-لا نهاية",
positiveInfinity: "+لا نهاية",
currency: {
pattern: ["$n-","$ n"],
symbol: "د.م.\u200f"
calendars: {
standard: {
"/": "-",
firstDay: 1,
days: {
names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"]
months: {
names: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","أبريل","ماي","يونيو","يوليوز","غشت","شتنبر","أكتوبر","نونبر","دجنبر",""],
namesAbbr: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","أبريل","ماي","يونيو","يوليوز","غشت","شتنبر","أكتوبر","نونبر","دجنبر",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
patterns: {
d: "dd-MM-yyyy",
D: "dd MMMM, yyyy",
t: "H:mm",
T: "H:mm:ss",
f: "dd MMMM, yyyy H:mm",
F: "dd MMMM, yyyy H:mm:ss",
M: "dd MMMM"
Hijri: {
name: "Hijri",
firstDay: 1,
days: {
names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"]
months: {
names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""],
namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}],
twoDigitYearMax: 1451,
patterns: {
d: "dd/MM/yy",
D: "dd/MM/yyyy",
t: "H:mm",
T: "H:mm:ss",
f: "dd/MM/yyyy H:mm",
F: "dd/MM/yyyy H:mm:ss",
M: "dd MMMM"
convert: {
// Adapted to Script from System.Globalization.HijriCalendar
ticks1970: 62135596800000,
// number of days leading up to each month
monthDays: [0, 30, 59, 89, 118, 148, 177, 207, 236, 266, 295, 325, 355],
minDate: -42521673600000,
maxDate: 253402300799999,
// The number of days to add or subtract from the calendar to accommodate the variances
// in the start and the end of Ramadan and to accommodate the date difference between
// countries/regions. May be dynamically adjusted based on user preference, but should
// remain in the range of -2 to 2, inclusive.
hijriAdjustment: 0,
toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) {
var daysSinceJan0101 = this.daysToYear(hyear) + this.monthDays[hmonth] + hday - 1 - this.hijriAdjustment;
// 86400000 = ticks per day
var gdate = new Date(daysSinceJan0101 * 86400000 - this.ticks1970);
// adjust for timezone, because we are interested in the gregorian date for the same timezone
// but ticks in javascript is always from GMT, unlike the server were ticks counts from the base
// date in the current timezone.
gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset());
return gdate;
fromGregorian: function(gdate) {
if ((gdate < this.minDate) || (gdate > this.maxDate)) return null;
var ticks = this.ticks1970 + (gdate-0) - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000,
daysSinceJan0101 = Math.floor(ticks / 86400000) + 1 + this.hijriAdjustment;
// very particular formula determined by someone smart, adapted from the server-side implementation.
// it approximates the hijri year.
var hday, hmonth, hyear = Math.floor(((daysSinceJan0101 - 227013) * 30) / 10631) + 1,
absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear),
daysInYear = this.isLeapYear(hyear) ? 355 : 354;
// hyear is just approximate, it may need adjustment up or down by 1.
if (daysSinceJan0101 < absDays) {
absDays -= daysInYear;
else if (daysSinceJan0101 === absDays) {
absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear);
else {
if (daysSinceJan0101 > (absDays + daysInYear)) {
absDays += daysInYear;
// determine month by looking at how many days into the hyear we are
// monthDays contains the number of days up to each month.
hmonth = 0;
var daysIntoYear = daysSinceJan0101 - absDays;
while (hmonth <= 11 && daysIntoYear > this.monthDays[hmonth]) {
hday = daysIntoYear - this.monthDays[hmonth];
return [hyear, hmonth, hday];
daysToYear: function(year) {
// calculates how many days since Jan 1, 0001
var yearsToYear30 = Math.floor((year - 1) / 30) * 30,
yearsInto30 = year - yearsToYear30 - 1,
days = Math.floor((yearsToYear30 * 10631) / 30) + 227013;
while (yearsInto30 > 0) {
days += (this.isLeapYear(yearsInto30) ? 355 : 354);
return days;
isLeapYear: function(year) {
return ((((year * 11) + 14) % 30) < 11);
UmAlQura: {
name: "UmAlQura",
firstDay: 1,
days: {
names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"]
months: {
names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""],
namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}],
twoDigitYearMax: 1451,
patterns: {
d: "dd/MM/yy",
D: "dd/MMMM/yyyy",
t: "H:mm",
T: "H:mm:ss",
f: "dd/MMMM/yyyy H:mm",
F: "dd/MMMM/yyyy H:mm:ss",
M: "dd MMMM"
convert: {
_yearInfo: [
// MonthLengthFlags, Gregorian Date
[746, -2198707200000],
[1769, -2168121600000],
[3794, -2137449600000],
[3748, -2106777600000],
[3402, -2076192000000],
[2710, -2045606400000],
[1334, -2015020800000],
[2741, -1984435200000],
[3498, -1953763200000],
[2980, -1923091200000],
[2889, -1892505600000],
[2707, -1861920000000],
[1323, -1831334400000],
[2647, -1800748800000],
[1206, -1770076800000],
[2741, -1739491200000],
[1450, -1708819200000],
[3413, -1678233600000],
[3370, -1647561600000],
[2646, -1616976000000],
[1198, -1586390400000],
[2397, -1555804800000],
[748, -1525132800000],
[1749, -1494547200000],
[1706, -1463875200000],
[1365, -1433289600000],
[1195, -1402704000000],
[2395, -1372118400000],
[698, -1341446400000],
[1397, -1310860800000],
[2994, -1280188800000],
[1892, -1249516800000],
[1865, -1218931200000],
[1621, -1188345600000],
[683, -1157760000000],
[1371, -1127174400000],
[2778, -1096502400000],
[1748, -1065830400000],
[3785, -1035244800000],
[3474, -1004572800000],
[3365, -973987200000],
[2637, -943401600000],
[685, -912816000000],
[1389, -882230400000],
[2922, -851558400000],
[2898, -820886400000],
[2725, -790300800000],
[2635, -759715200000],
[1175, -729129600000],
[2359, -698544000000],
[694, -667872000000],
[1397, -637286400000],
[3434, -606614400000],
[3410, -575942400000],
[2710, -545356800000],
[2349, -514771200000],
[605, -484185600000],
[1245, -453600000000],
[2778, -422928000000],
[1492, -392256000000],
[3497, -361670400000],
[3410, -330998400000],
[2730, -300412800000],
[1238, -269827200000],
[2486, -239241600000],
[884, -208569600000],
[1897, -177984000000],
[1874, -147312000000],
[1701, -116726400000],
[1355, -86140800000],
[2731, -55555200000],
[1370, -24883200000],
[2773, 5702400000],
[3538, 36374400000],
[3492, 67046400000],
[3401, 97632000000],
[2709, 128217600000],
[1325, 158803200000],
[2653, 189388800000],
[1370, 220060800000],
[2773, 250646400000],
[1706, 281318400000],
[1685, 311904000000],
[1323, 342489600000],
[2647, 373075200000],
[1198, 403747200000],
[2422, 434332800000],
[1388, 465004800000],
[2901, 495590400000],
[2730, 526262400000],
[2645, 556848000000],
[1197, 587433600000],
[2397, 618019200000],
[730, 648691200000],
[1497, 679276800000],
[3506, 709948800000],
[2980, 740620800000],
[2890, 771206400000],
[2645, 801792000000],
[693, 832377600000],
[1397, 862963200000],
[2922, 893635200000],
[3026, 924307200000],
[3012, 954979200000],
[2953, 985564800000],
[2709, 1016150400000],
[1325, 1046736000000],
[1453, 1077321600000],
[2922, 1107993600000],
[1748, 1138665600000],
[3529, 1169251200000],
[3474, 1199923200000],
[2726, 1230508800000],
[2390, 1261094400000],
[686, 1291680000000],
[1389, 1322265600000],
[874, 1352937600000],
[2901, 1383523200000],
[2730, 1414195200000],
[2381, 1444780800000],
[1181, 1475366400000],
[2397, 1505952000000],
[698, 1536624000000],
[1461, 1567209600000],
[1450, 1597881600000],
[3413, 1628467200000],
[2714, 1659139200000],
[2350, 1689724800000],
[622, 1720310400000],
[1373, 1750896000000],
[2778, 1781568000000],
[1748, 1812240000000],
[1701, 1842825600000],
[0, 1873411200000]
minDate: -2198707200000,
maxDate: 1873411199999,
toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) {
var days = hday - 1,
gyear = hyear - 1318;
if (gyear < 0 || gyear >= this._yearInfo.length) return null;
var info = this._yearInfo[gyear],
gdate = new Date(info[1]),
monthLength = info[0];
// Date's ticks in javascript are always from the GMT time,
// but we are interested in the gregorian date in the same timezone,
// not what the gregorian date was at GMT time, so we adjust for the offset.
gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset());
for (var i = 0; i < hmonth; i++) {
days += 29 + (monthLength & 1);
monthLength = monthLength >> 1;
gdate.setDate(gdate.getDate() + days);
return gdate;
fromGregorian: function(gdate) {
// Date's ticks in javascript are always from the GMT time,
// but we are interested in the hijri date in the same timezone,
// not what the hijri date was at GMT time, so we adjust for the offset.
var ticks = gdate - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000;
if (ticks < this.minDate || ticks > this.maxDate) return null;
var hyear = 0,
hmonth = 1;
// find the earliest gregorian date in the array that is greater than or equal to the given date
while (ticks > this._yearInfo[++hyear][1]) { }
if (ticks !== this._yearInfo[hyear][1]) {
var info = this._yearInfo[hyear],
// how many days has it been since the date we found in the array?
// 86400000 = ticks per day
days = Math.floor((ticks - info[1]) / 86400000),
monthLength = info[0];
hyear += 1318; // the Nth array entry corresponds to hijri year 1318+N
// now increment day/month based on the total days, considering
// how many days are in each month. We cannot run past the year
// mark since we would have found a different array entry in that case.
var daysInMonth = 29 + (monthLength & 1);
while (days >= daysInMonth) {
days -= daysInMonth;
monthLength = monthLength >> 1;
daysInMonth = 29 + (monthLength & 1);
// remaining days is less than is in one month, thus is the day of the month we landed on
// hmonth-1 because in javascript months are zero based, stay consistent with that.
return [hyear, hmonth - 1, days + 1];
Gregorian_MiddleEastFrench: {
name: "Gregorian_MiddleEastFrench",
firstDay: 1,
days: {
names: ["dimanche","lundi","mardi","mercredi","jeudi","vendredi","samedi"],
namesAbbr: ["dim.","lun.","mar.","mer.","jeu.","ven.","sam."],
namesShort: ["di","lu","ma","me","je","ve","sa"]
months: {
names: ["janvier","février","mars","avril","mai","juin","juillet","août","septembre","octobre","novembre","décembre",""],
namesAbbr: ["janv.","févr.","mars","avr.","mai","juin","juil.","août","sept.","oct.","nov.","déc.",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
eras: [{"name":"ap. J.-C.","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "MM/dd/yyyy",
t: "H:mm",
T: "H:mm:ss",
f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy H:mm",
F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy H:mm:ss",
M: "dd MMMM"
Gregorian_Arabic: {
name: "Gregorian_Arabic",
firstDay: 1,
days: {
names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"]
months: {
names: ["كانون الثاني","شباط","آذار","نيسان","أيار","حزيران","تموز","آب","أيلول","تشرين الأول","تشرين الثاني","كانون الأول",""],
namesAbbr: ["كانون الثاني","شباط","آذار","نيسان","أيار","حزيران","تموز","آب","أيلول","تشرين الأول","تشرين الثاني","كانون الأول",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "MM/dd/yyyy",
t: "H:mm",
T: "H:mm:ss",
f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy H:mm",
F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy H:mm:ss"
Gregorian_TransliteratedEnglish: {
name: "Gregorian_TransliteratedEnglish",
firstDay: 1,
days: {
names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesShort: ["أ","ا","ث","أ","خ","ج","س"]
months: {
names: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","أبريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليو","أغسطس","سبتمبر","أكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""],
namesAbbr: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","ابريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليو","اغسطس","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "MM/dd/yyyy",
t: "H:mm",
T: "H:mm:ss",
f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy H:mm",
F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy H:mm:ss"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,457 @@
* Globalize Culture ar-QA
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "ar-QA", "default", {
name: "ar-QA",
englishName: "Arabic (Qatar)",
nativeName: "العربية (قطر)",
language: "ar",
isRTL: true,
numberFormat: {
pattern: ["n-"],
"NaN": "ليس برقم",
negativeInfinity: "-لا نهاية",
positiveInfinity: "+لا نهاية",
currency: {
pattern: ["$n-","$ n"],
symbol: "ر.ق.\u200f"
calendars: {
standard: {
firstDay: 6,
days: {
names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"]
months: {
names: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","أبريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليو","أغسطس","سبتمبر","أكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""],
namesAbbr: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","أبريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليو","أغسطس","سبتمبر","أكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
patterns: {
d: "dd/MM/yyyy",
D: "dd MMMM, yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt",
M: "dd MMMM"
UmAlQura: {
name: "UmAlQura",
firstDay: 6,
days: {
names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"]
months: {
names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""],
namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}],
twoDigitYearMax: 1451,
patterns: {
d: "dd/MM/yy",
D: "dd/MMMM/yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dd/MMMM/yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dd/MMMM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt",
M: "dd MMMM"
convert: {
_yearInfo: [
// MonthLengthFlags, Gregorian Date
[746, -2198707200000],
[1769, -2168121600000],
[3794, -2137449600000],
[3748, -2106777600000],
[3402, -2076192000000],
[2710, -2045606400000],
[1334, -2015020800000],
[2741, -1984435200000],
[3498, -1953763200000],
[2980, -1923091200000],
[2889, -1892505600000],
[2707, -1861920000000],
[1323, -1831334400000],
[2647, -1800748800000],
[1206, -1770076800000],
[2741, -1739491200000],
[1450, -1708819200000],
[3413, -1678233600000],
[3370, -1647561600000],
[2646, -1616976000000],
[1198, -1586390400000],
[2397, -1555804800000],
[748, -1525132800000],
[1749, -1494547200000],
[1706, -1463875200000],
[1365, -1433289600000],
[1195, -1402704000000],
[2395, -1372118400000],
[698, -1341446400000],
[1397, -1310860800000],
[2994, -1280188800000],
[1892, -1249516800000],
[1865, -1218931200000],
[1621, -1188345600000],
[683, -1157760000000],
[1371, -1127174400000],
[2778, -1096502400000],
[1748, -1065830400000],
[3785, -1035244800000],
[3474, -1004572800000],
[3365, -973987200000],
[2637, -943401600000],
[685, -912816000000],
[1389, -882230400000],
[2922, -851558400000],
[2898, -820886400000],
[2725, -790300800000],
[2635, -759715200000],
[1175, -729129600000],
[2359, -698544000000],
[694, -667872000000],
[1397, -637286400000],
[3434, -606614400000],
[3410, -575942400000],
[2710, -545356800000],
[2349, -514771200000],
[605, -484185600000],
[1245, -453600000000],
[2778, -422928000000],
[1492, -392256000000],
[3497, -361670400000],
[3410, -330998400000],
[2730, -300412800000],
[1238, -269827200000],
[2486, -239241600000],
[884, -208569600000],
[1897, -177984000000],
[1874, -147312000000],
[1701, -116726400000],
[1355, -86140800000],
[2731, -55555200000],
[1370, -24883200000],
[2773, 5702400000],
[3538, 36374400000],
[3492, 67046400000],
[3401, 97632000000],
[2709, 128217600000],
[1325, 158803200000],
[2653, 189388800000],
[1370, 220060800000],
[2773, 250646400000],
[1706, 281318400000],
[1685, 311904000000],
[1323, 342489600000],
[2647, 373075200000],
[1198, 403747200000],
[2422, 434332800000],
[1388, 465004800000],
[2901, 495590400000],
[2730, 526262400000],
[2645, 556848000000],
[1197, 587433600000],
[2397, 618019200000],
[730, 648691200000],
[1497, 679276800000],
[3506, 709948800000],
[2980, 740620800000],
[2890, 771206400000],
[2645, 801792000000],
[693, 832377600000],
[1397, 862963200000],
[2922, 893635200000],
[3026, 924307200000],
[3012, 954979200000],
[2953, 985564800000],
[2709, 1016150400000],
[1325, 1046736000000],
[1453, 1077321600000],
[2922, 1107993600000],
[1748, 1138665600000],
[3529, 1169251200000],
[3474, 1199923200000],
[2726, 1230508800000],
[2390, 1261094400000],
[686, 1291680000000],
[1389, 1322265600000],
[874, 1352937600000],
[2901, 1383523200000],
[2730, 1414195200000],
[2381, 1444780800000],
[1181, 1475366400000],
[2397, 1505952000000],
[698, 1536624000000],
[1461, 1567209600000],
[1450, 1597881600000],
[3413, 1628467200000],
[2714, 1659139200000],
[2350, 1689724800000],
[622, 1720310400000],
[1373, 1750896000000],
[2778, 1781568000000],
[1748, 1812240000000],
[1701, 1842825600000],
[0, 1873411200000]
minDate: -2198707200000,
maxDate: 1873411199999,
toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) {
var days = hday - 1,
gyear = hyear - 1318;
if (gyear < 0 || gyear >= this._yearInfo.length) return null;
var info = this._yearInfo[gyear],
gdate = new Date(info[1]),
monthLength = info[0];
// Date's ticks in javascript are always from the GMT time,
// but we are interested in the gregorian date in the same timezone,
// not what the gregorian date was at GMT time, so we adjust for the offset.
gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset());
for (var i = 0; i < hmonth; i++) {
days += 29 + (monthLength & 1);
monthLength = monthLength >> 1;
gdate.setDate(gdate.getDate() + days);
return gdate;
fromGregorian: function(gdate) {
// Date's ticks in javascript are always from the GMT time,
// but we are interested in the hijri date in the same timezone,
// not what the hijri date was at GMT time, so we adjust for the offset.
var ticks = gdate - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000;
if (ticks < this.minDate || ticks > this.maxDate) return null;
var hyear = 0,
hmonth = 1;
// find the earliest gregorian date in the array that is greater than or equal to the given date
while (ticks > this._yearInfo[++hyear][1]) { }
if (ticks !== this._yearInfo[hyear][1]) {
var info = this._yearInfo[hyear],
// how many days has it been since the date we found in the array?
// 86400000 = ticks per day
days = Math.floor((ticks - info[1]) / 86400000),
monthLength = info[0];
hyear += 1318; // the Nth array entry corresponds to hijri year 1318+N
// now increment day/month based on the total days, considering
// how many days are in each month. We cannot run past the year
// mark since we would have found a different array entry in that case.
var daysInMonth = 29 + (monthLength & 1);
while (days >= daysInMonth) {
days -= daysInMonth;
monthLength = monthLength >> 1;
daysInMonth = 29 + (monthLength & 1);
// remaining days is less than is in one month, thus is the day of the month we landed on
// hmonth-1 because in javascript months are zero based, stay consistent with that.
return [hyear, hmonth - 1, days + 1];
Hijri: {
name: "Hijri",
firstDay: 6,
days: {
names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"]
months: {
names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""],
namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}],
twoDigitYearMax: 1451,
patterns: {
d: "dd/MM/yy",
D: "dd/MM/yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt",
M: "dd MMMM"
convert: {
// Adapted to Script from System.Globalization.HijriCalendar
ticks1970: 62135596800000,
// number of days leading up to each month
monthDays: [0, 30, 59, 89, 118, 148, 177, 207, 236, 266, 295, 325, 355],
minDate: -42521673600000,
maxDate: 253402300799999,
// The number of days to add or subtract from the calendar to accommodate the variances
// in the start and the end of Ramadan and to accommodate the date difference between
// countries/regions. May be dynamically adjusted based on user preference, but should
// remain in the range of -2 to 2, inclusive.
hijriAdjustment: 0,
toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) {
var daysSinceJan0101 = this.daysToYear(hyear) + this.monthDays[hmonth] + hday - 1 - this.hijriAdjustment;
// 86400000 = ticks per day
var gdate = new Date(daysSinceJan0101 * 86400000 - this.ticks1970);
// adjust for timezone, because we are interested in the gregorian date for the same timezone
// but ticks in javascript is always from GMT, unlike the server were ticks counts from the base
// date in the current timezone.
gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset());
return gdate;
fromGregorian: function(gdate) {
if ((gdate < this.minDate) || (gdate > this.maxDate)) return null;
var ticks = this.ticks1970 + (gdate-0) - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000,
daysSinceJan0101 = Math.floor(ticks / 86400000) + 1 + this.hijriAdjustment;
// very particular formula determined by someone smart, adapted from the server-side implementation.
// it approximates the hijri year.
var hday, hmonth, hyear = Math.floor(((daysSinceJan0101 - 227013) * 30) / 10631) + 1,
absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear),
daysInYear = this.isLeapYear(hyear) ? 355 : 354;
// hyear is just approximate, it may need adjustment up or down by 1.
if (daysSinceJan0101 < absDays) {
absDays -= daysInYear;
else if (daysSinceJan0101 === absDays) {
absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear);
else {
if (daysSinceJan0101 > (absDays + daysInYear)) {
absDays += daysInYear;
// determine month by looking at how many days into the hyear we are
// monthDays contains the number of days up to each month.
hmonth = 0;
var daysIntoYear = daysSinceJan0101 - absDays;
while (hmonth <= 11 && daysIntoYear > this.monthDays[hmonth]) {
hday = daysIntoYear - this.monthDays[hmonth];
return [hyear, hmonth, hday];
daysToYear: function(year) {
// calculates how many days since Jan 1, 0001
var yearsToYear30 = Math.floor((year - 1) / 30) * 30,
yearsInto30 = year - yearsToYear30 - 1,
days = Math.floor((yearsToYear30 * 10631) / 30) + 227013;
while (yearsInto30 > 0) {
days += (this.isLeapYear(yearsInto30) ? 355 : 354);
return days;
isLeapYear: function(year) {
return ((((year * 11) + 14) % 30) < 11);
Gregorian_MiddleEastFrench: {
name: "Gregorian_MiddleEastFrench",
firstDay: 6,
days: {
names: ["dimanche","lundi","mardi","mercredi","jeudi","vendredi","samedi"],
namesAbbr: ["dim.","lun.","mar.","mer.","jeu.","ven.","sam."],
namesShort: ["di","lu","ma","me","je","ve","sa"]
months: {
names: ["janvier","février","mars","avril","mai","juin","juillet","août","septembre","octobre","novembre","décembre",""],
namesAbbr: ["janv.","févr.","mars","avr.","mai","juin","juil.","août","sept.","oct.","nov.","déc.",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
eras: [{"name":"ap. J.-C.","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "MM/dd/yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt",
M: "dd MMMM"
Gregorian_Arabic: {
name: "Gregorian_Arabic",
firstDay: 6,
days: {
names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"]
months: {
names: ["كانون الثاني","شباط","آذار","نيسان","أيار","حزيران","تموز","آب","أيلول","تشرين الأول","تشرين الثاني","كانون الأول",""],
namesAbbr: ["كانون الثاني","شباط","آذار","نيسان","أيار","حزيران","تموز","آب","أيلول","تشرين الأول","تشرين الثاني","كانون الأول",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "MM/dd/yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt"
Gregorian_TransliteratedFrench: {
name: "Gregorian_TransliteratedFrench",
firstDay: 6,
days: {
names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"]
months: {
names: ["جانفييه","فيفرييه","مارس","أفريل","مي","جوان","جوييه","أوت","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""],
namesAbbr: ["جانفييه","فيفرييه","مارس","أفريل","مي","جوان","جوييه","أوت","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "MM/dd/yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,457 @@
* Globalize Culture ar-SA
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "ar-SA", "default", {
name: "ar-SA",
englishName: "Arabic (Saudi Arabia)",
nativeName: "العربية (المملكة العربية السعودية)",
language: "ar",
isRTL: true,
numberFormat: {
pattern: ["n-"],
"NaN": "ليس برقم",
negativeInfinity: "-لا نهاية",
positiveInfinity: "+لا نهاية",
currency: {
pattern: ["$n-","$ n"],
symbol: "ر.س.\u200f"
calendars: {
standard: {
name: "UmAlQura",
firstDay: 6,
days: {
names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"]
months: {
names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""],
namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}],
twoDigitYearMax: 1451,
patterns: {
d: "dd/MM/yy",
D: "dd/MMMM/yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dd/MMMM/yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dd/MMMM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt",
M: "dd MMMM"
convert: {
_yearInfo: [
// MonthLengthFlags, Gregorian Date
[746, -2198707200000],
[1769, -2168121600000],
[3794, -2137449600000],
[3748, -2106777600000],
[3402, -2076192000000],
[2710, -2045606400000],
[1334, -2015020800000],
[2741, -1984435200000],
[3498, -1953763200000],
[2980, -1923091200000],
[2889, -1892505600000],
[2707, -1861920000000],
[1323, -1831334400000],
[2647, -1800748800000],
[1206, -1770076800000],
[2741, -1739491200000],
[1450, -1708819200000],
[3413, -1678233600000],
[3370, -1647561600000],
[2646, -1616976000000],
[1198, -1586390400000],
[2397, -1555804800000],
[748, -1525132800000],
[1749, -1494547200000],
[1706, -1463875200000],
[1365, -1433289600000],
[1195, -1402704000000],
[2395, -1372118400000],
[698, -1341446400000],
[1397, -1310860800000],
[2994, -1280188800000],
[1892, -1249516800000],
[1865, -1218931200000],
[1621, -1188345600000],
[683, -1157760000000],
[1371, -1127174400000],
[2778, -1096502400000],
[1748, -1065830400000],
[3785, -1035244800000],
[3474, -1004572800000],
[3365, -973987200000],
[2637, -943401600000],
[685, -912816000000],
[1389, -882230400000],
[2922, -851558400000],
[2898, -820886400000],
[2725, -790300800000],
[2635, -759715200000],
[1175, -729129600000],
[2359, -698544000000],
[694, -667872000000],
[1397, -637286400000],
[3434, -606614400000],
[3410, -575942400000],
[2710, -545356800000],
[2349, -514771200000],
[605, -484185600000],
[1245, -453600000000],
[2778, -422928000000],
[1492, -392256000000],
[3497, -361670400000],
[3410, -330998400000],
[2730, -300412800000],
[1238, -269827200000],
[2486, -239241600000],
[884, -208569600000],
[1897, -177984000000],
[1874, -147312000000],
[1701, -116726400000],
[1355, -86140800000],
[2731, -55555200000],
[1370, -24883200000],
[2773, 5702400000],
[3538, 36374400000],
[3492, 67046400000],
[3401, 97632000000],
[2709, 128217600000],
[1325, 158803200000],
[2653, 189388800000],
[1370, 220060800000],
[2773, 250646400000],
[1706, 281318400000],
[1685, 311904000000],
[1323, 342489600000],
[2647, 373075200000],
[1198, 403747200000],
[2422, 434332800000],
[1388, 465004800000],
[2901, 495590400000],
[2730, 526262400000],
[2645, 556848000000],
[1197, 587433600000],
[2397, 618019200000],
[730, 648691200000],
[1497, 679276800000],
[3506, 709948800000],
[2980, 740620800000],
[2890, 771206400000],
[2645, 801792000000],
[693, 832377600000],
[1397, 862963200000],
[2922, 893635200000],
[3026, 924307200000],
[3012, 954979200000],
[2953, 985564800000],
[2709, 1016150400000],
[1325, 1046736000000],
[1453, 1077321600000],
[2922, 1107993600000],
[1748, 1138665600000],
[3529, 1169251200000],
[3474, 1199923200000],
[2726, 1230508800000],
[2390, 1261094400000],
[686, 1291680000000],
[1389, 1322265600000],
[874, 1352937600000],
[2901, 1383523200000],
[2730, 1414195200000],
[2381, 1444780800000],
[1181, 1475366400000],
[2397, 1505952000000],
[698, 1536624000000],
[1461, 1567209600000],
[1450, 1597881600000],
[3413, 1628467200000],
[2714, 1659139200000],
[2350, 1689724800000],
[622, 1720310400000],
[1373, 1750896000000],
[2778, 1781568000000],
[1748, 1812240000000],
[1701, 1842825600000],
[0, 1873411200000]
minDate: -2198707200000,
maxDate: 1873411199999,
toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) {
var days = hday - 1,
gyear = hyear - 1318;
if (gyear < 0 || gyear >= this._yearInfo.length) return null;
var info = this._yearInfo[gyear],
gdate = new Date(info[1]),
monthLength = info[0];
// Date's ticks in javascript are always from the GMT time,
// but we are interested in the gregorian date in the same timezone,
// not what the gregorian date was at GMT time, so we adjust for the offset.
gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset());
for (var i = 0; i < hmonth; i++) {
days += 29 + (monthLength & 1);
monthLength = monthLength >> 1;
gdate.setDate(gdate.getDate() + days);
return gdate;
fromGregorian: function(gdate) {
// Date's ticks in javascript are always from the GMT time,
// but we are interested in the hijri date in the same timezone,
// not what the hijri date was at GMT time, so we adjust for the offset.
var ticks = gdate - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000;
if (ticks < this.minDate || ticks > this.maxDate) return null;
var hyear = 0,
hmonth = 1;
// find the earliest gregorian date in the array that is greater than or equal to the given date
while (ticks > this._yearInfo[++hyear][1]) { }
if (ticks !== this._yearInfo[hyear][1]) {
var info = this._yearInfo[hyear],
// how many days has it been since the date we found in the array?
// 86400000 = ticks per day
days = Math.floor((ticks - info[1]) / 86400000),
monthLength = info[0];
hyear += 1318; // the Nth array entry corresponds to hijri year 1318+N
// now increment day/month based on the total days, considering
// how many days are in each month. We cannot run past the year
// mark since we would have found a different array entry in that case.
var daysInMonth = 29 + (monthLength & 1);
while (days >= daysInMonth) {
days -= daysInMonth;
monthLength = monthLength >> 1;
daysInMonth = 29 + (monthLength & 1);
// remaining days is less than is in one month, thus is the day of the month we landed on
// hmonth-1 because in javascript months are zero based, stay consistent with that.
return [hyear, hmonth - 1, days + 1];
Hijri: {
name: "Hijri",
firstDay: 6,
days: {
names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"]
months: {
names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""],
namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}],
twoDigitYearMax: 1451,
patterns: {
d: "dd/MM/yy",
D: "dd/MM/yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt",
M: "dd MMMM"
convert: {
// Adapted to Script from System.Globalization.HijriCalendar
ticks1970: 62135596800000,
// number of days leading up to each month
monthDays: [0, 30, 59, 89, 118, 148, 177, 207, 236, 266, 295, 325, 355],
minDate: -42521673600000,
maxDate: 253402300799999,
// The number of days to add or subtract from the calendar to accommodate the variances
// in the start and the end of Ramadan and to accommodate the date difference between
// countries/regions. May be dynamically adjusted based on user preference, but should
// remain in the range of -2 to 2, inclusive.
hijriAdjustment: 0,
toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) {
var daysSinceJan0101 = this.daysToYear(hyear) + this.monthDays[hmonth] + hday - 1 - this.hijriAdjustment;
// 86400000 = ticks per day
var gdate = new Date(daysSinceJan0101 * 86400000 - this.ticks1970);
// adjust for timezone, because we are interested in the gregorian date for the same timezone
// but ticks in javascript is always from GMT, unlike the server were ticks counts from the base
// date in the current timezone.
gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset());
return gdate;
fromGregorian: function(gdate) {
if ((gdate < this.minDate) || (gdate > this.maxDate)) return null;
var ticks = this.ticks1970 + (gdate-0) - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000,
daysSinceJan0101 = Math.floor(ticks / 86400000) + 1 + this.hijriAdjustment;
// very particular formula determined by someone smart, adapted from the server-side implementation.
// it approximates the hijri year.
var hday, hmonth, hyear = Math.floor(((daysSinceJan0101 - 227013) * 30) / 10631) + 1,
absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear),
daysInYear = this.isLeapYear(hyear) ? 355 : 354;
// hyear is just approximate, it may need adjustment up or down by 1.
if (daysSinceJan0101 < absDays) {
absDays -= daysInYear;
else if (daysSinceJan0101 === absDays) {
absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear);
else {
if (daysSinceJan0101 > (absDays + daysInYear)) {
absDays += daysInYear;
// determine month by looking at how many days into the hyear we are
// monthDays contains the number of days up to each month.
hmonth = 0;
var daysIntoYear = daysSinceJan0101 - absDays;
while (hmonth <= 11 && daysIntoYear > this.monthDays[hmonth]) {
hday = daysIntoYear - this.monthDays[hmonth];
return [hyear, hmonth, hday];
daysToYear: function(year) {
// calculates how many days since Jan 1, 0001
var yearsToYear30 = Math.floor((year - 1) / 30) * 30,
yearsInto30 = year - yearsToYear30 - 1,
days = Math.floor((yearsToYear30 * 10631) / 30) + 227013;
while (yearsInto30 > 0) {
days += (this.isLeapYear(yearsInto30) ? 355 : 354);
return days;
isLeapYear: function(year) {
return ((((year * 11) + 14) % 30) < 11);
Gregorian_MiddleEastFrench: {
name: "Gregorian_MiddleEastFrench",
firstDay: 6,
days: {
names: ["dimanche","lundi","mardi","mercredi","jeudi","vendredi","samedi"],
namesAbbr: ["dim.","lun.","mar.","mer.","jeu.","ven.","sam."],
namesShort: ["di","lu","ma","me","je","ve","sa"]
months: {
names: ["janvier","février","mars","avril","mai","juin","juillet","août","septembre","octobre","novembre","décembre",""],
namesAbbr: ["janv.","févr.","mars","avr.","mai","juin","juil.","août","sept.","oct.","nov.","déc.",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
eras: [{"name":"ap. J.-C.","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "MM/dd/yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt",
M: "dd MMMM"
Gregorian_Arabic: {
name: "Gregorian_Arabic",
firstDay: 6,
days: {
names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"]
months: {
names: ["كانون الثاني","شباط","آذار","نيسان","أيار","حزيران","تموز","آب","أيلول","تشرين الأول","تشرين الثاني","كانون الأول",""],
namesAbbr: ["كانون الثاني","شباط","آذار","نيسان","أيار","حزيران","تموز","آب","أيلول","تشرين الأول","تشرين الثاني","كانون الأول",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "MM/dd/yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt"
Gregorian_Localized: {
firstDay: 6,
days: {
names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"]
months: {
names: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","أبريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليو","أغسطس","سبتمبر","أكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""],
namesAbbr: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","أبريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليو","أغسطس","سبتمبر","أكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
patterns: {
d: "dd/MM/yyyy",
D: "dd MMMM, yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt",
M: "dd MMMM"
Gregorian_TransliteratedFrench: {
name: "Gregorian_TransliteratedFrench",
firstDay: 6,
days: {
names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"]
months: {
names: ["جانفييه","فيفرييه","مارس","أفريل","مي","جوان","جوييه","أوت","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""],
namesAbbr: ["جانفييه","فيفرييه","مارس","أفريل","مي","جوان","جوييه","أوت","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "MM/dd/yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,457 @@
* Globalize Culture ar-SY
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "ar-SY", "default", {
name: "ar-SY",
englishName: "Arabic (Syria)",
nativeName: "العربية (سوريا)",
language: "ar",
isRTL: true,
numberFormat: {
pattern: ["n-"],
"NaN": "ليس برقم",
negativeInfinity: "-لا نهاية",
positiveInfinity: "+لا نهاية",
currency: {
pattern: ["$n-","$ n"],
symbol: "ل.س.\u200f"
calendars: {
standard: {
firstDay: 6,
days: {
names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"]
months: {
names: ["كانون الثاني","شباط","آذار","نيسان","أيار","حزيران","تموز","آب","أيلول","تشرين الأول","تشرين الثاني","كانون الأول",""],
namesAbbr: ["كانون الثاني","شباط","آذار","نيسان","أيار","حزيران","تموز","آب","أيلول","تشرين الأول","تشرين الثاني","كانون الأول",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
patterns: {
d: "dd/MM/yyyy",
D: "dd MMMM, yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dd MMMM, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt",
M: "dd MMMM"
UmAlQura: {
name: "UmAlQura",
firstDay: 6,
days: {
names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"]
months: {
names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""],
namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}],
twoDigitYearMax: 1451,
patterns: {
d: "dd/MM/yy",
D: "dd/MMMM/yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dd/MMMM/yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dd/MMMM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt",
M: "dd MMMM"
convert: {
_yearInfo: [
// MonthLengthFlags, Gregorian Date
[746, -2198707200000],
[1769, -2168121600000],
[3794, -2137449600000],
[3748, -2106777600000],
[3402, -2076192000000],
[2710, -2045606400000],
[1334, -2015020800000],
[2741, -1984435200000],
[3498, -1953763200000],
[2980, -1923091200000],
[2889, -1892505600000],
[2707, -1861920000000],
[1323, -1831334400000],
[2647, -1800748800000],
[1206, -1770076800000],
[2741, -1739491200000],
[1450, -1708819200000],
[3413, -1678233600000],
[3370, -1647561600000],
[2646, -1616976000000],
[1198, -1586390400000],
[2397, -1555804800000],
[748, -1525132800000],
[1749, -1494547200000],
[1706, -1463875200000],
[1365, -1433289600000],
[1195, -1402704000000],
[2395, -1372118400000],
[698, -1341446400000],
[1397, -1310860800000],
[2994, -1280188800000],
[1892, -1249516800000],
[1865, -1218931200000],
[1621, -1188345600000],
[683, -1157760000000],
[1371, -1127174400000],
[2778, -1096502400000],
[1748, -1065830400000],
[3785, -1035244800000],
[3474, -1004572800000],
[3365, -973987200000],
[2637, -943401600000],
[685, -912816000000],
[1389, -882230400000],
[2922, -851558400000],
[2898, -820886400000],
[2725, -790300800000],
[2635, -759715200000],
[1175, -729129600000],
[2359, -698544000000],
[694, -667872000000],
[1397, -637286400000],
[3434, -606614400000],
[3410, -575942400000],
[2710, -545356800000],
[2349, -514771200000],
[605, -484185600000],
[1245, -453600000000],
[2778, -422928000000],
[1492, -392256000000],
[3497, -361670400000],
[3410, -330998400000],
[2730, -300412800000],
[1238, -269827200000],
[2486, -239241600000],
[884, -208569600000],
[1897, -177984000000],
[1874, -147312000000],
[1701, -116726400000],
[1355, -86140800000],
[2731, -55555200000],
[1370, -24883200000],
[2773, 5702400000],
[3538, 36374400000],
[3492, 67046400000],
[3401, 97632000000],
[2709, 128217600000],
[1325, 158803200000],
[2653, 189388800000],
[1370, 220060800000],
[2773, 250646400000],
[1706, 281318400000],
[1685, 311904000000],
[1323, 342489600000],
[2647, 373075200000],
[1198, 403747200000],
[2422, 434332800000],
[1388, 465004800000],
[2901, 495590400000],
[2730, 526262400000],
[2645, 556848000000],
[1197, 587433600000],
[2397, 618019200000],
[730, 648691200000],
[1497, 679276800000],
[3506, 709948800000],
[2980, 740620800000],
[2890, 771206400000],
[2645, 801792000000],
[693, 832377600000],
[1397, 862963200000],
[2922, 893635200000],
[3026, 924307200000],
[3012, 954979200000],
[2953, 985564800000],
[2709, 1016150400000],
[1325, 1046736000000],
[1453, 1077321600000],
[2922, 1107993600000],
[1748, 1138665600000],
[3529, 1169251200000],
[3474, 1199923200000],
[2726, 1230508800000],
[2390, 1261094400000],
[686, 1291680000000],
[1389, 1322265600000],
[874, 1352937600000],
[2901, 1383523200000],
[2730, 1414195200000],
[2381, 1444780800000],
[1181, 1475366400000],
[2397, 1505952000000],
[698, 1536624000000],
[1461, 1567209600000],
[1450, 1597881600000],
[3413, 1628467200000],
[2714, 1659139200000],
[2350, 1689724800000],
[622, 1720310400000],
[1373, 1750896000000],
[2778, 1781568000000],
[1748, 1812240000000],
[1701, 1842825600000],
[0, 1873411200000]
minDate: -2198707200000,
maxDate: 1873411199999,
toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) {
var days = hday - 1,
gyear = hyear - 1318;
if (gyear < 0 || gyear >= this._yearInfo.length) return null;
var info = this._yearInfo[gyear],
gdate = new Date(info[1]),
monthLength = info[0];
// Date's ticks in javascript are always from the GMT time,
// but we are interested in the gregorian date in the same timezone,
// not what the gregorian date was at GMT time, so we adjust for the offset.
gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset());
for (var i = 0; i < hmonth; i++) {
days += 29 + (monthLength & 1);
monthLength = monthLength >> 1;
gdate.setDate(gdate.getDate() + days);
return gdate;
fromGregorian: function(gdate) {
// Date's ticks in javascript are always from the GMT time,
// but we are interested in the hijri date in the same timezone,
// not what the hijri date was at GMT time, so we adjust for the offset.
var ticks = gdate - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000;
if (ticks < this.minDate || ticks > this.maxDate) return null;
var hyear = 0,
hmonth = 1;
// find the earliest gregorian date in the array that is greater than or equal to the given date
while (ticks > this._yearInfo[++hyear][1]) { }
if (ticks !== this._yearInfo[hyear][1]) {
var info = this._yearInfo[hyear],
// how many days has it been since the date we found in the array?
// 86400000 = ticks per day
days = Math.floor((ticks - info[1]) / 86400000),
monthLength = info[0];
hyear += 1318; // the Nth array entry corresponds to hijri year 1318+N
// now increment day/month based on the total days, considering
// how many days are in each month. We cannot run past the year
// mark since we would have found a different array entry in that case.
var daysInMonth = 29 + (monthLength & 1);
while (days >= daysInMonth) {
days -= daysInMonth;
monthLength = monthLength >> 1;
daysInMonth = 29 + (monthLength & 1);
// remaining days is less than is in one month, thus is the day of the month we landed on
// hmonth-1 because in javascript months are zero based, stay consistent with that.
return [hyear, hmonth - 1, days + 1];
Hijri: {
name: "Hijri",
firstDay: 6,
days: {
names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"]
months: {
names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""],
namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}],
twoDigitYearMax: 1451,
patterns: {
d: "dd/MM/yy",
D: "dd/MM/yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt",
M: "dd MMMM"
convert: {
// Adapted to Script from System.Globalization.HijriCalendar
ticks1970: 62135596800000,
// number of days leading up to each month
monthDays: [0, 30, 59, 89, 118, 148, 177, 207, 236, 266, 295, 325, 355],
minDate: -42521673600000,
maxDate: 253402300799999,
// The number of days to add or subtract from the calendar to accommodate the variances
// in the start and the end of Ramadan and to accommodate the date difference between
// countries/regions. May be dynamically adjusted based on user preference, but should
// remain in the range of -2 to 2, inclusive.
hijriAdjustment: 0,
toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) {
var daysSinceJan0101 = this.daysToYear(hyear) + this.monthDays[hmonth] + hday - 1 - this.hijriAdjustment;
// 86400000 = ticks per day
var gdate = new Date(daysSinceJan0101 * 86400000 - this.ticks1970);
// adjust for timezone, because we are interested in the gregorian date for the same timezone
// but ticks in javascript is always from GMT, unlike the server were ticks counts from the base
// date in the current timezone.
gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset());
return gdate;
fromGregorian: function(gdate) {
if ((gdate < this.minDate) || (gdate > this.maxDate)) return null;
var ticks = this.ticks1970 + (gdate-0) - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000,
daysSinceJan0101 = Math.floor(ticks / 86400000) + 1 + this.hijriAdjustment;
// very particular formula determined by someone smart, adapted from the server-side implementation.
// it approximates the hijri year.
var hday, hmonth, hyear = Math.floor(((daysSinceJan0101 - 227013) * 30) / 10631) + 1,
absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear),
daysInYear = this.isLeapYear(hyear) ? 355 : 354;
// hyear is just approximate, it may need adjustment up or down by 1.
if (daysSinceJan0101 < absDays) {
absDays -= daysInYear;
else if (daysSinceJan0101 === absDays) {
absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear);
else {
if (daysSinceJan0101 > (absDays + daysInYear)) {
absDays += daysInYear;
// determine month by looking at how many days into the hyear we are
// monthDays contains the number of days up to each month.
hmonth = 0;
var daysIntoYear = daysSinceJan0101 - absDays;
while (hmonth <= 11 && daysIntoYear > this.monthDays[hmonth]) {
hday = daysIntoYear - this.monthDays[hmonth];
return [hyear, hmonth, hday];
daysToYear: function(year) {
// calculates how many days since Jan 1, 0001
var yearsToYear30 = Math.floor((year - 1) / 30) * 30,
yearsInto30 = year - yearsToYear30 - 1,
days = Math.floor((yearsToYear30 * 10631) / 30) + 227013;
while (yearsInto30 > 0) {
days += (this.isLeapYear(yearsInto30) ? 355 : 354);
return days;
isLeapYear: function(year) {
return ((((year * 11) + 14) % 30) < 11);
Gregorian_MiddleEastFrench: {
name: "Gregorian_MiddleEastFrench",
firstDay: 6,
days: {
names: ["dimanche","lundi","mardi","mercredi","jeudi","vendredi","samedi"],
namesAbbr: ["dim.","lun.","mar.","mer.","jeu.","ven.","sam."],
namesShort: ["di","lu","ma","me","je","ve","sa"]
months: {
names: ["janvier","février","mars","avril","mai","juin","juillet","août","septembre","octobre","novembre","décembre",""],
namesAbbr: ["janv.","févr.","mars","avr.","mai","juin","juil.","août","sept.","oct.","nov.","déc.",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
eras: [{"name":"ap. J.-C.","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "MM/dd/yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt",
M: "dd MMMM"
Gregorian_TransliteratedEnglish: {
name: "Gregorian_TransliteratedEnglish",
firstDay: 6,
days: {
names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesShort: ["أ","ا","ث","أ","خ","ج","س"]
months: {
names: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","أبريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليو","أغسطس","سبتمبر","أكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""],
namesAbbr: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","ابريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليو","اغسطس","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "MM/dd/yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt"
Gregorian_TransliteratedFrench: {
name: "Gregorian_TransliteratedFrench",
firstDay: 6,
days: {
names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"]
months: {
names: ["جانفييه","فيفرييه","مارس","أفريل","مي","جوان","جوييه","أوت","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""],
namesAbbr: ["جانفييه","فيفرييه","مارس","أفريل","مي","جوان","جوييه","أوت","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "MM/dd/yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,463 @@
* Globalize Culture ar-TN
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "ar-TN", "default", {
name: "ar-TN",
englishName: "Arabic (Tunisia)",
nativeName: "العربية (تونس)",
language: "ar",
isRTL: true,
numberFormat: {
pattern: ["n-"],
decimals: 3,
"NaN": "ليس برقم",
negativeInfinity: "-لا نهاية",
positiveInfinity: "+لا نهاية",
percent: {
decimals: 3
currency: {
pattern: ["$n-","$ n"],
decimals: 3,
symbol: "د.ت.\u200f"
calendars: {
standard: {
"/": "-",
firstDay: 1,
days: {
names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"]
months: {
names: ["جانفييه","فيفرييه","مارس","أفريل","مي","جوان","جوييه","أوت","سبتمبر","أكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""],
namesAbbr: ["جانفييه","فيفرييه","مارس","أفريل","مي","جوان","جوييه","أوت","سبتمبر","أكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
patterns: {
d: "dd-MM-yyyy",
D: "dd MMMM, yyyy",
t: "H:mm",
T: "H:mm:ss",
f: "dd MMMM, yyyy H:mm",
F: "dd MMMM, yyyy H:mm:ss",
M: "dd MMMM"
Hijri: {
name: "Hijri",
firstDay: 1,
days: {
names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"]
months: {
names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""],
namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}],
twoDigitYearMax: 1451,
patterns: {
d: "dd/MM/yy",
D: "dd/MM/yyyy",
t: "H:mm",
T: "H:mm:ss",
f: "dd/MM/yyyy H:mm",
F: "dd/MM/yyyy H:mm:ss",
M: "dd MMMM"
convert: {
// Adapted to Script from System.Globalization.HijriCalendar
ticks1970: 62135596800000,
// number of days leading up to each month
monthDays: [0, 30, 59, 89, 118, 148, 177, 207, 236, 266, 295, 325, 355],
minDate: -42521673600000,
maxDate: 253402300799999,
// The number of days to add or subtract from the calendar to accommodate the variances
// in the start and the end of Ramadan and to accommodate the date difference between
// countries/regions. May be dynamically adjusted based on user preference, but should
// remain in the range of -2 to 2, inclusive.
hijriAdjustment: 0,
toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) {
var daysSinceJan0101 = this.daysToYear(hyear) + this.monthDays[hmonth] + hday - 1 - this.hijriAdjustment;
// 86400000 = ticks per day
var gdate = new Date(daysSinceJan0101 * 86400000 - this.ticks1970);
// adjust for timezone, because we are interested in the gregorian date for the same timezone
// but ticks in javascript is always from GMT, unlike the server were ticks counts from the base
// date in the current timezone.
gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset());
return gdate;
fromGregorian: function(gdate) {
if ((gdate < this.minDate) || (gdate > this.maxDate)) return null;
var ticks = this.ticks1970 + (gdate-0) - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000,
daysSinceJan0101 = Math.floor(ticks / 86400000) + 1 + this.hijriAdjustment;
// very particular formula determined by someone smart, adapted from the server-side implementation.
// it approximates the hijri year.
var hday, hmonth, hyear = Math.floor(((daysSinceJan0101 - 227013) * 30) / 10631) + 1,
absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear),
daysInYear = this.isLeapYear(hyear) ? 355 : 354;
// hyear is just approximate, it may need adjustment up or down by 1.
if (daysSinceJan0101 < absDays) {
absDays -= daysInYear;
else if (daysSinceJan0101 === absDays) {
absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear);
else {
if (daysSinceJan0101 > (absDays + daysInYear)) {
absDays += daysInYear;
// determine month by looking at how many days into the hyear we are
// monthDays contains the number of days up to each month.
hmonth = 0;
var daysIntoYear = daysSinceJan0101 - absDays;
while (hmonth <= 11 && daysIntoYear > this.monthDays[hmonth]) {
hday = daysIntoYear - this.monthDays[hmonth];
return [hyear, hmonth, hday];
daysToYear: function(year) {
// calculates how many days since Jan 1, 0001
var yearsToYear30 = Math.floor((year - 1) / 30) * 30,
yearsInto30 = year - yearsToYear30 - 1,
days = Math.floor((yearsToYear30 * 10631) / 30) + 227013;
while (yearsInto30 > 0) {
days += (this.isLeapYear(yearsInto30) ? 355 : 354);
return days;
isLeapYear: function(year) {
return ((((year * 11) + 14) % 30) < 11);
UmAlQura: {
name: "UmAlQura",
firstDay: 1,
days: {
names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"]
months: {
names: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""],
namesAbbr: ["محرم","صفر","ربيع الأول","ربيع الثاني","جمادى الأولى","جمادى الثانية","رجب","شعبان","رمضان","شوال","ذو القعدة","ذو الحجة",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}],
twoDigitYearMax: 1451,
patterns: {
d: "dd/MM/yy",
D: "dd/MMMM/yyyy",
t: "H:mm",
T: "H:mm:ss",
f: "dd/MMMM/yyyy H:mm",
F: "dd/MMMM/yyyy H:mm:ss",
M: "dd MMMM"
convert: {
_yearInfo: [
// MonthLengthFlags, Gregorian Date
[746, -2198707200000],
[1769, -2168121600000],
[3794, -2137449600000],
[3748, -2106777600000],
[3402, -2076192000000],
[2710, -2045606400000],
[1334, -2015020800000],
[2741, -1984435200000],
[3498, -1953763200000],
[2980, -1923091200000],
[2889, -1892505600000],
[2707, -1861920000000],
[1323, -1831334400000],
[2647, -1800748800000],
[1206, -1770076800000],
[2741, -1739491200000],
[1450, -1708819200000],
[3413, -1678233600000],
[3370, -1647561600000],
[2646, -1616976000000],
[1198, -1586390400000],
[2397, -1555804800000],
[748, -1525132800000],
[1749, -1494547200000],
[1706, -1463875200000],
[1365, -1433289600000],
[1195, -1402704000000],
[2395, -1372118400000],
[698, -1341446400000],
[1397, -1310860800000],
[2994, -1280188800000],
[1892, -1249516800000],
[1865, -1218931200000],
[1621, -1188345600000],
[683, -1157760000000],
[1371, -1127174400000],
[2778, -1096502400000],
[1748, -1065830400000],
[3785, -1035244800000],
[3474, -1004572800000],
[3365, -973987200000],
[2637, -943401600000],
[685, -912816000000],
[1389, -882230400000],
[2922, -851558400000],
[2898, -820886400000],
[2725, -790300800000],
[2635, -759715200000],
[1175, -729129600000],
[2359, -698544000000],
[694, -667872000000],
[1397, -637286400000],
[3434, -606614400000],
[3410, -575942400000],
[2710, -545356800000],
[2349, -514771200000],
[605, -484185600000],
[1245, -453600000000],
[2778, -422928000000],
[1492, -392256000000],
[3497, -361670400000],
[3410, -330998400000],
[2730, -300412800000],
[1238, -269827200000],
[2486, -239241600000],
[884, -208569600000],
[1897, -177984000000],
[1874, -147312000000],
[1701, -116726400000],
[1355, -86140800000],
[2731, -55555200000],
[1370, -24883200000],
[2773, 5702400000],
[3538, 36374400000],
[3492, 67046400000],
[3401, 97632000000],
[2709, 128217600000],
[1325, 158803200000],
[2653, 189388800000],
[1370, 220060800000],
[2773, 250646400000],
[1706, 281318400000],
[1685, 311904000000],
[1323, 342489600000],
[2647, 373075200000],
[1198, 403747200000],
[2422, 434332800000],
[1388, 465004800000],
[2901, 495590400000],
[2730, 526262400000],
[2645, 556848000000],
[1197, 587433600000],
[2397, 618019200000],
[730, 648691200000],
[1497, 679276800000],
[3506, 709948800000],
[2980, 740620800000],
[2890, 771206400000],
[2645, 801792000000],
[693, 832377600000],
[1397, 862963200000],
[2922, 893635200000],
[3026, 924307200000],
[3012, 954979200000],
[2953, 985564800000],
[2709, 1016150400000],
[1325, 1046736000000],
[1453, 1077321600000],
[2922, 1107993600000],
[1748, 1138665600000],
[3529, 1169251200000],
[3474, 1199923200000],
[2726, 1230508800000],
[2390, 1261094400000],
[686, 1291680000000],
[1389, 1322265600000],
[874, 1352937600000],
[2901, 1383523200000],
[2730, 1414195200000],
[2381, 1444780800000],
[1181, 1475366400000],
[2397, 1505952000000],
[698, 1536624000000],
[1461, 1567209600000],
[1450, 1597881600000],
[3413, 1628467200000],
[2714, 1659139200000],
[2350, 1689724800000],
[622, 1720310400000],
[1373, 1750896000000],
[2778, 1781568000000],
[1748, 1812240000000],
[1701, 1842825600000],
[0, 1873411200000]
minDate: -2198707200000,
maxDate: 1873411199999,
toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) {
var days = hday - 1,
gyear = hyear - 1318;
if (gyear < 0 || gyear >= this._yearInfo.length) return null;
var info = this._yearInfo[gyear],
gdate = new Date(info[1]),
monthLength = info[0];
// Date's ticks in javascript are always from the GMT time,
// but we are interested in the gregorian date in the same timezone,
// not what the gregorian date was at GMT time, so we adjust for the offset.
gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset());
for (var i = 0; i < hmonth; i++) {
days += 29 + (monthLength & 1);
monthLength = monthLength >> 1;
gdate.setDate(gdate.getDate() + days);
return gdate;
fromGregorian: function(gdate) {
// Date's ticks in javascript are always from the GMT time,
// but we are interested in the hijri date in the same timezone,
// not what the hijri date was at GMT time, so we adjust for the offset.
var ticks = gdate - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000;
if (ticks < this.minDate || ticks > this.maxDate) return null;
var hyear = 0,
hmonth = 1;
// find the earliest gregorian date in the array that is greater than or equal to the given date
while (ticks > this._yearInfo[++hyear][1]) { }
if (ticks !== this._yearInfo[hyear][1]) {
var info = this._yearInfo[hyear],
// how many days has it been since the date we found in the array?
// 86400000 = ticks per day
days = Math.floor((ticks - info[1]) / 86400000),
monthLength = info[0];
hyear += 1318; // the Nth array entry corresponds to hijri year 1318+N
// now increment day/month based on the total days, considering
// how many days are in each month. We cannot run past the year
// mark since we would have found a different array entry in that case.
var daysInMonth = 29 + (monthLength & 1);
while (days >= daysInMonth) {
days -= daysInMonth;
monthLength = monthLength >> 1;
daysInMonth = 29 + (monthLength & 1);
// remaining days is less than is in one month, thus is the day of the month we landed on
// hmonth-1 because in javascript months are zero based, stay consistent with that.
return [hyear, hmonth - 1, days + 1];
Gregorian_MiddleEastFrench: {
name: "Gregorian_MiddleEastFrench",
firstDay: 1,
days: {
names: ["dimanche","lundi","mardi","mercredi","jeudi","vendredi","samedi"],
namesAbbr: ["dim.","lun.","mar.","mer.","jeu.","ven.","sam."],
namesShort: ["di","lu","ma","me","je","ve","sa"]
months: {
names: ["janvier","février","mars","avril","mai","juin","juillet","août","septembre","octobre","novembre","décembre",""],
namesAbbr: ["janv.","févr.","mars","avr.","mai","juin","juil.","août","sept.","oct.","nov.","déc.",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
eras: [{"name":"ap. J.-C.","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "MM/dd/yyyy",
t: "H:mm",
T: "H:mm:ss",
f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy H:mm",
F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy H:mm:ss",
M: "dd MMMM"
Gregorian_Arabic: {
name: "Gregorian_Arabic",
firstDay: 1,
days: {
names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesShort: ["ح","ن","ث","ر","خ","ج","س"]
months: {
names: ["كانون الثاني","شباط","آذار","نيسان","أيار","حزيران","تموز","آب","أيلول","تشرين الأول","تشرين الثاني","كانون الأول",""],
namesAbbr: ["كانون الثاني","شباط","آذار","نيسان","أيار","حزيران","تموز","آب","أيلول","تشرين الأول","تشرين الثاني","كانون الأول",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "MM/dd/yyyy",
t: "H:mm",
T: "H:mm:ss",
f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy H:mm",
F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy H:mm:ss"
Gregorian_TransliteratedEnglish: {
name: "Gregorian_TransliteratedEnglish",
firstDay: 1,
days: {
names: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesAbbr: ["الأحد","الإثنين","الثلاثاء","الأربعاء","الخميس","الجمعة","السبت"],
namesShort: ["أ","ا","ث","أ","خ","ج","س"]
months: {
names: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","أبريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليو","أغسطس","سبتمبر","أكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""],
namesAbbr: ["يناير","فبراير","مارس","ابريل","مايو","يونيو","يوليو","اغسطس","سبتمبر","اكتوبر","نوفمبر","ديسمبر",""]
AM: ["ص","ص","ص"],
PM: ["م","م","م"],
eras: [{"name":"م","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "MM/dd/yyyy",
t: "H:mm",
T: "H:mm:ss",
f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy H:mm",
F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy H:mm:ss"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
* Globalize Culture arn-CL
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "arn-CL", "default", {
name: "arn-CL",
englishName: "Mapudungun (Chile)",
nativeName: "Mapudungun (Chile)",
language: "arn",
numberFormat: {
",": ".",
".": ",",
"NaN": "NeuN",
negativeInfinity: "-Infinito",
positiveInfinity: "Infinito",
percent: {
",": ".",
".": ","
currency: {
pattern: ["-$ n","$ n"],
",": ".",
".": ","
calendars: {
standard: {
"/": "-",
days: {
names: ["domingo","lunes","martes","miércoles","jueves","viernes","sábado"],
namesAbbr: ["dom","lun","mar","mié","jue","vie","sáb"],
namesShort: ["do","lu","ma","mi","ju","vi","sá"]
months: {
names: ["enero","febrero","marzo","abril","mayo","junio","julio","agosto","septiembre","octubre","noviembre","diciembre",""],
namesAbbr: ["ene","feb","mar","abr","may","jun","jul","ago","sep","oct","nov","dic",""]
AM: null,
PM: null,
eras: [{"name":"d.C.","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "dd-MM-yyyy",
D: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy",
t: "H:mm",
T: "H:mm:ss",
f: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy H:mm",
F: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy H:mm:ss",
M: "dd MMMM",
Y: "MMMM' de 'yyyy"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
* Globalize Culture arn
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "arn", "default", {
name: "arn",
englishName: "Mapudungun",
nativeName: "Mapudungun",
language: "arn",
numberFormat: {
",": ".",
".": ",",
"NaN": "NeuN",
negativeInfinity: "-Infinito",
positiveInfinity: "Infinito",
percent: {
",": ".",
".": ","
currency: {
pattern: ["-$ n","$ n"],
",": ".",
".": ","
calendars: {
standard: {
"/": "-",
days: {
names: ["domingo","lunes","martes","miércoles","jueves","viernes","sábado"],
namesAbbr: ["dom","lun","mar","mié","jue","vie","sáb"],
namesShort: ["do","lu","ma","mi","ju","vi","sá"]
months: {
names: ["enero","febrero","marzo","abril","mayo","junio","julio","agosto","septiembre","octubre","noviembre","diciembre",""],
namesAbbr: ["ene","feb","mar","abr","may","jun","jul","ago","sep","oct","nov","dic",""]
AM: null,
PM: null,
eras: [{"name":"d.C.","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "dd-MM-yyyy",
D: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy",
t: "H:mm",
T: "H:mm:ss",
f: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy H:mm",
F: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy H:mm:ss",
M: "dd MMMM",
Y: "MMMM' de 'yyyy"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
* Globalize Culture as-IN
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "as-IN", "default", {
name: "as-IN",
englishName: "Assamese (India)",
nativeName: "অসমীয়া (ভাৰত)",
language: "as",
numberFormat: {
groupSizes: [3,2],
"NaN": "nan",
negativeInfinity: "-infinity",
positiveInfinity: "infinity",
percent: {
pattern: ["-n%","n%"],
groupSizes: [3,2]
currency: {
pattern: ["$ -n","n$"],
groupSizes: [3,2],
symbol: "ট"
calendars: {
standard: {
"/": "-",
firstDay: 1,
days: {
names: ["সোমবাৰ","মঙ্গলবাৰ","বুধবাৰ","বৃহস্পতিবাৰ","শুক্রবাৰ","শনিবাৰ","ৰবিবাৰ"],
namesAbbr: ["সোম.","মঙ্গল.","বুধ.","বৃহ.","শুক্র.","শনি.","ৰবি."],
namesShort: ["সো","ম","বু","বৃ","শু","শ","র"]
months: {
names: ["জানুৱাৰী","ফেব্রুৱাৰী","মার্চ","এপ্রিল","মে","জুন","জুলাই","আগষ্ট","চেপ্টেম্বর","অক্টোবর","নবেম্বর","ডিচেম্বর",""],
namesAbbr: ["জানু","ফেব্রু","মার্চ","এপ্রিল","মে","জুন","জুলাই","আগষ্ট","চেপ্টে","অক্টো","নবে","ডিচে",""]
AM: ["ৰাতিপু","ৰাতিপু","ৰাতিপু"],
PM: ["আবেলি","আবেলি","আবেলি"],
eras: [{"name":"খ্রীষ্টাব্দ","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "dd-MM-yyyy",
D: "yyyy,MMMM dd, dddd",
t: "tt h:mm",
T: "tt h:mm:ss",
f: "yyyy,MMMM dd, dddd tt h:mm",
F: "yyyy,MMMM dd, dddd tt h:mm:ss",
M: "dd MMMM",
Y: "MMMM,yy"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
* Globalize Culture as
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "as", "default", {
name: "as",
englishName: "Assamese",
nativeName: "অসমীয়া",
language: "as",
numberFormat: {
groupSizes: [3,2],
"NaN": "nan",
negativeInfinity: "-infinity",
positiveInfinity: "infinity",
percent: {
pattern: ["-n%","n%"],
groupSizes: [3,2]
currency: {
pattern: ["$ -n","n$"],
groupSizes: [3,2],
symbol: "ট"
calendars: {
standard: {
"/": "-",
firstDay: 1,
days: {
names: ["সোমবাৰ","মঙ্গলবাৰ","বুধবাৰ","বৃহস্পতিবাৰ","শুক্রবাৰ","শনিবাৰ","ৰবিবাৰ"],
namesAbbr: ["সোম.","মঙ্গল.","বুধ.","বৃহ.","শুক্র.","শনি.","ৰবি."],
namesShort: ["সো","ম","বু","বৃ","শু","শ","র"]
months: {
names: ["জানুৱাৰী","ফেব্রুৱাৰী","মার্চ","এপ্রিল","মে","জুন","জুলাই","আগষ্ট","চেপ্টেম্বর","অক্টোবর","নবেম্বর","ডিচেম্বর",""],
namesAbbr: ["জানু","ফেব্রু","মার্চ","এপ্রিল","মে","জুন","জুলাই","আগষ্ট","চেপ্টে","অক্টো","নবে","ডিচে",""]
AM: ["ৰাতিপু","ৰাতিপু","ৰাতিপু"],
PM: ["আবেলি","আবেলি","আবেলি"],
eras: [{"name":"খ্রীষ্টাব্দ","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "dd-MM-yyyy",
D: "yyyy,MMMM dd, dddd",
t: "tt h:mm",
T: "tt h:mm:ss",
f: "yyyy,MMMM dd, dddd tt h:mm",
F: "yyyy,MMMM dd, dddd tt h:mm:ss",
M: "dd MMMM",
Y: "MMMM,yy"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
* Globalize Culture az-Cyrl-AZ
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "az-Cyrl-AZ", "default", {
name: "az-Cyrl-AZ",
englishName: "Azeri (Cyrillic, Azerbaijan)",
nativeName: "Азәрбајҹан (Азәрбајҹан)",
language: "az-Cyrl",
numberFormat: {
",": " ",
".": ",",
percent: {
pattern: ["-n%","n%"],
",": " ",
".": ","
currency: {
pattern: ["-n $","n $"],
",": " ",
".": ",",
symbol: "ман."
calendars: {
standard: {
"/": ".",
firstDay: 1,
days: {
names: ["Базар","Базар ертәси","Чәршәнбә ахшамы","Чәршәнбә","Ҹүмә ахшамы","Ҹүмә","Шәнбә"],
namesAbbr: ["Б","Бе","Ча","Ч","Ҹа","Ҹ","Ш"],
namesShort: ["Б","Бе","Ча","Ч","Ҹа","Ҹ","Ш"]
months: {
names: ["Јанвар","Феврал","Март","Апрел","Мај","Ијун","Ијул","Август","Сентјабр","Октјабр","Нојабр","Декабр",""],
namesAbbr: ["Јан","Фев","Мар","Апр","Мај","Ијун","Ијул","Авг","Сен","Окт","Ноя","Дек",""]
monthsGenitive: {
names: ["јанвар","феврал","март","апрел","мај","ијун","ијул","август","сентјабр","октјабр","нојабр","декабр",""],
namesAbbr: ["Јан","Фев","Мар","Апр","мая","ијун","ијул","Авг","Сен","Окт","Ноя","Дек",""]
AM: null,
PM: null,
patterns: {
d: "dd.MM.yyyy",
D: "d MMMM yyyy",
t: "H:mm",
T: "H:mm:ss",
f: "d MMMM yyyy H:mm",
F: "d MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss",
M: "d MMMM",
Y: "MMMM yyyy"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
* Globalize Culture az-Cyrl
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "az-Cyrl", "default", {
name: "az-Cyrl",
englishName: "Azeri (Cyrillic)",
nativeName: "Азәрбајҹан дили",
language: "az-Cyrl",
numberFormat: {
",": " ",
".": ",",
percent: {
pattern: ["-n%","n%"],
",": " ",
".": ","
currency: {
pattern: ["-n $","n $"],
",": " ",
".": ",",
symbol: "ман."
calendars: {
standard: {
"/": ".",
firstDay: 1,
days: {
names: ["Базар","Базар ертәси","Чәршәнбә ахшамы","Чәршәнбә","Ҹүмә ахшамы","Ҹүмә","Шәнбә"],
namesAbbr: ["Б","Бе","Ча","Ч","Ҹа","Ҹ","Ш"],
namesShort: ["Б","Бе","Ча","Ч","Ҹа","Ҹ","Ш"]
months: {
names: ["Јанвар","Феврал","Март","Апрел","Мај","Ијун","Ијул","Август","Сентјабр","Октјабр","Нојабр","Декабр",""],
namesAbbr: ["Јан","Фев","Мар","Апр","Мај","Ијун","Ијул","Авг","Сен","Окт","Ноя","Дек",""]
monthsGenitive: {
names: ["јанвар","феврал","март","апрел","мај","ијун","ијул","август","сентјабр","октјабр","нојабр","декабр",""],
namesAbbr: ["Јан","Фев","Мар","Апр","мая","ијун","ијул","Авг","Сен","Окт","Ноя","Дек",""]
AM: null,
PM: null,
patterns: {
d: "dd.MM.yyyy",
D: "d MMMM yyyy",
t: "H:mm",
T: "H:mm:ss",
f: "d MMMM yyyy H:mm",
F: "d MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss",
M: "d MMMM",
Y: "MMMM yyyy"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
* Globalize Culture az-Latn-AZ
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "az-Latn-AZ", "default", {
name: "az-Latn-AZ",
englishName: "Azeri (Latin, Azerbaijan)",
nativeName: "Azərbaycan\xadılı (Azərbaycan)",
language: "az-Latn",
numberFormat: {
",": " ",
".": ",",
percent: {
pattern: ["-n%","n%"],
",": " ",
".": ","
currency: {
pattern: ["-n $","n $"],
",": " ",
".": ",",
symbol: "man."
calendars: {
standard: {
"/": ".",
firstDay: 1,
days: {
names: ["Bazar","Bazar ertəsi","Çərşənbə axşamı","Çərşənbə","Cümə axşamı","Cümə","Şənbə"],
namesAbbr: ["B","Be","Ça","Ç","Ca","C","Ş"],
namesShort: ["B","Be","Ça","Ç","Ca","C","Ş"]
months: {
names: ["Yanvar","Fevral","Mart","Aprel","May","İyun","İyul","Avgust","Sentyabr","Oktyabr","Noyabr","Dekabr",""],
namesAbbr: ["Yan","Fev","Mar","Apr","May","İyun","İyul","Avg","Sen","Okt","Noy","Dek",""]
monthsGenitive: {
names: ["yanvar","fevral","mart","aprel","may","iyun","iyul","avgust","sentyabr","oktyabr","noyabr","dekabr",""],
namesAbbr: ["Yan","Fev","Mar","Apr","May","İyun","İyul","Avg","Sen","Okt","Noy","Dek",""]
AM: null,
PM: null,
patterns: {
d: "dd.MM.yyyy",
D: "d MMMM yyyy",
t: "H:mm",
T: "H:mm:ss",
f: "d MMMM yyyy H:mm",
F: "d MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss",
M: "d MMMM",
Y: "MMMM yyyy"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
* Globalize Culture az-Latn
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "az-Latn", "default", {
name: "az-Latn",
englishName: "Azeri (Latin)",
nativeName: "Azərbaycan\xadılı",
language: "az-Latn",
numberFormat: {
",": " ",
".": ",",
percent: {
pattern: ["-n%","n%"],
",": " ",
".": ","
currency: {
pattern: ["-n $","n $"],
",": " ",
".": ",",
symbol: "man."
calendars: {
standard: {
"/": ".",
firstDay: 1,
days: {
names: ["Bazar","Bazar ertəsi","Çərşənbə axşamı","Çərşənbə","Cümə axşamı","Cümə","Şənbə"],
namesAbbr: ["B","Be","Ça","Ç","Ca","C","Ş"],
namesShort: ["B","Be","Ça","Ç","Ca","C","Ş"]
months: {
names: ["Yanvar","Fevral","Mart","Aprel","May","İyun","İyul","Avgust","Sentyabr","Oktyabr","Noyabr","Dekabr",""],
namesAbbr: ["Yan","Fev","Mar","Apr","May","İyun","İyul","Avg","Sen","Okt","Noy","Dek",""]
monthsGenitive: {
names: ["yanvar","fevral","mart","aprel","may","iyun","iyul","avgust","sentyabr","oktyabr","noyabr","dekabr",""],
namesAbbr: ["Yan","Fev","Mar","Apr","May","İyun","İyul","Avg","Sen","Okt","Noy","Dek",""]
AM: null,
PM: null,
patterns: {
d: "dd.MM.yyyy",
D: "d MMMM yyyy",
t: "H:mm",
T: "H:mm:ss",
f: "d MMMM yyyy H:mm",
F: "d MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss",
M: "d MMMM",
Y: "MMMM yyyy"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
* Globalize Culture az
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "az", "default", {
name: "az",
englishName: "Azeri",
nativeName: "Azərbaycan\xadılı",
language: "az",
numberFormat: {
",": " ",
".": ",",
percent: {
pattern: ["-n%","n%"],
",": " ",
".": ","
currency: {
pattern: ["-n $","n $"],
",": " ",
".": ",",
symbol: "man."
calendars: {
standard: {
"/": ".",
firstDay: 1,
days: {
names: ["Bazar","Bazar ertəsi","Çərşənbə axşamı","Çərşənbə","Cümə axşamı","Cümə","Şənbə"],
namesAbbr: ["B","Be","Ça","Ç","Ca","C","Ş"],
namesShort: ["B","Be","Ça","Ç","Ca","C","Ş"]
months: {
names: ["Yanvar","Fevral","Mart","Aprel","May","İyun","İyul","Avgust","Sentyabr","Oktyabr","Noyabr","Dekabr",""],
namesAbbr: ["Yan","Fev","Mar","Apr","May","İyun","İyul","Avg","Sen","Okt","Noy","Dek",""]
monthsGenitive: {
names: ["yanvar","fevral","mart","aprel","may","iyun","iyul","avgust","sentyabr","oktyabr","noyabr","dekabr",""],
namesAbbr: ["Yan","Fev","Mar","Apr","May","İyun","İyul","Avg","Sen","Okt","Noy","Dek",""]
AM: null,
PM: null,
patterns: {
d: "dd.MM.yyyy",
D: "d MMMM yyyy",
t: "H:mm",
T: "H:mm:ss",
f: "d MMMM yyyy H:mm",
F: "d MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss",
M: "d MMMM",
Y: "MMMM yyyy"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
* Globalize Culture ba-RU
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "ba-RU", "default", {
name: "ba-RU",
englishName: "Bashkir (Russia)",
nativeName: "Башҡорт (Россия)",
language: "ba",
numberFormat: {
",": " ",
".": ",",
groupSizes: [3,0],
negativeInfinity: "-бесконечность",
positiveInfinity: "бесконечность",
percent: {
pattern: ["-n%","n%"],
groupSizes: [3,0],
",": " ",
".": ","
currency: {
pattern: ["-n $","n $"],
groupSizes: [3,0],
",": " ",
".": ",",
symbol: "һ."
calendars: {
standard: {
"/": ".",
firstDay: 1,
days: {
names: ["Йәкшәмбе","Дүшәмбе","Шишәмбе","Шаршамбы","Кесаҙна","Йома","Шәмбе"],
namesAbbr: ["Йш","Дш","Шш","Шр","Кс","Йм","Шб"],
namesShort: ["Йш","Дш","Шш","Шр","Кс","Йм","Шб"]
months: {
names: ["ғинуар","февраль","март","апрель","май","июнь","июль","август","сентябрь","октябрь","ноябрь","декабрь",""],
namesAbbr: ["ғин","фев","мар","апр","май","июн","июл","авг","сен","окт","ноя","дек",""]
AM: null,
PM: null,
patterns: {
d: "dd.MM.yy",
D: "d MMMM yyyy 'й'",
t: "H:mm",
T: "H:mm:ss",
f: "d MMMM yyyy 'й' H:mm",
F: "d MMMM yyyy 'й' H:mm:ss",
Y: "MMMM yyyy"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
* Globalize Culture ba
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "ba", "default", {
name: "ba",
englishName: "Bashkir",
nativeName: "Башҡорт",
language: "ba",
numberFormat: {
",": " ",
".": ",",
groupSizes: [3,0],
negativeInfinity: "-бесконечность",
positiveInfinity: "бесконечность",
percent: {
pattern: ["-n%","n%"],
groupSizes: [3,0],
",": " ",
".": ","
currency: {
pattern: ["-n $","n $"],
groupSizes: [3,0],
",": " ",
".": ",",
symbol: "һ."
calendars: {
standard: {
"/": ".",
firstDay: 1,
days: {
names: ["Йәкшәмбе","Дүшәмбе","Шишәмбе","Шаршамбы","Кесаҙна","Йома","Шәмбе"],
namesAbbr: ["Йш","Дш","Шш","Шр","Кс","Йм","Шб"],
namesShort: ["Йш","Дш","Шш","Шр","Кс","Йм","Шб"]
months: {
names: ["ғинуар","февраль","март","апрель","май","июнь","июль","август","сентябрь","октябрь","ноябрь","декабрь",""],
namesAbbr: ["ғин","фев","мар","апр","май","июн","июл","авг","сен","окт","ноя","дек",""]
AM: null,
PM: null,
patterns: {
d: "dd.MM.yy",
D: "d MMMM yyyy 'й'",
t: "H:mm",
T: "H:mm:ss",
f: "d MMMM yyyy 'й' H:mm",
F: "d MMMM yyyy 'й' H:mm:ss",
Y: "MMMM yyyy"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
* Globalize Culture be-BY
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "be-BY", "default", {
name: "be-BY",
englishName: "Belarusian (Belarus)",
nativeName: "Беларускі (Беларусь)",
language: "be",
numberFormat: {
",": " ",
".": ",",
percent: {
",": " ",
".": ","
currency: {
pattern: ["-n $","n $"],
",": " ",
".": ",",
symbol: "р."
calendars: {
standard: {
"/": ".",
firstDay: 1,
days: {
names: ["нядзеля","панядзелак","аўторак","серада","чацвер","пятніца","субота"],
namesAbbr: ["нд","пн","аў","ср","чц","пт","сб"],
namesShort: ["нд","пн","аў","ср","чц","пт","сб"]
months: {
names: ["Студзень","Люты","Сакавік","Красавік","Май","Чэрвень","Ліпень","Жнівень","Верасень","Кастрычнік","Лістапад","Снежань",""],
namesAbbr: ["Сту","Лют","Сак","Кра","Май","Чэр","Ліп","Жні","Вер","Кас","Ліс","Сне",""]
monthsGenitive: {
names: ["студзеня","лютага","сакавіка","красавіка","мая","чэрвеня","ліпеня","жніўня","верасня","кастрычніка","лістапада","снежня",""],
namesAbbr: ["Сту","Лют","Сак","Кра","Май","Чэр","Ліп","Жні","Вер","Кас","Ліс","Сне",""]
AM: null,
PM: null,
patterns: {
d: "dd.MM.yyyy",
D: "d MMMM yyyy",
t: "H:mm",
T: "H:mm:ss",
f: "d MMMM yyyy H:mm",
F: "d MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss",
M: "d MMMM",
Y: "MMMM yyyy"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
* Globalize Culture be
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "be", "default", {
name: "be",
englishName: "Belarusian",
nativeName: "Беларускі",
language: "be",
numberFormat: {
",": " ",
".": ",",
percent: {
",": " ",
".": ","
currency: {
pattern: ["-n $","n $"],
",": " ",
".": ",",
symbol: "р."
calendars: {
standard: {
"/": ".",
firstDay: 1,
days: {
names: ["нядзеля","панядзелак","аўторак","серада","чацвер","пятніца","субота"],
namesAbbr: ["нд","пн","аў","ср","чц","пт","сб"],
namesShort: ["нд","пн","аў","ср","чц","пт","сб"]
months: {
names: ["Студзень","Люты","Сакавік","Красавік","Май","Чэрвень","Ліпень","Жнівень","Верасень","Кастрычнік","Лістапад","Снежань",""],
namesAbbr: ["Сту","Лют","Сак","Кра","Май","Чэр","Ліп","Жні","Вер","Кас","Ліс","Сне",""]
monthsGenitive: {
names: ["студзеня","лютага","сакавіка","красавіка","мая","чэрвеня","ліпеня","жніўня","верасня","кастрычніка","лістапада","снежня",""],
namesAbbr: ["Сту","Лют","Сак","Кра","Май","Чэр","Ліп","Жні","Вер","Кас","Ліс","Сне",""]
AM: null,
PM: null,
patterns: {
d: "dd.MM.yyyy",
D: "d MMMM yyyy",
t: "H:mm",
T: "H:mm:ss",
f: "d MMMM yyyy H:mm",
F: "d MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss",
M: "d MMMM",
Y: "MMMM yyyy"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
* Globalize Culture bg-BG
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "bg-BG", "default", {
name: "bg-BG",
englishName: "Bulgarian (Bulgaria)",
nativeName: "български (България)",
language: "bg",
numberFormat: {
",": " ",
".": ",",
negativeInfinity: "- безкрайност",
positiveInfinity: "+ безкрайност",
percent: {
",": " ",
".": ","
currency: {
pattern: ["-n $","n $"],
",": " ",
".": ",",
symbol: "лв."
calendars: {
standard: {
"/": ".",
firstDay: 1,
days: {
names: ["неделя","понеделник","вторник","сряда","четвъртък","петък","събота"],
namesAbbr: ["нед","пон","вт","ср","четв","пет","съб"],
namesShort: ["н","п","в","с","ч","п","с"]
months: {
names: ["януари","февруари","март","април","май","юни","юли","август","септември","октомври","ноември","декември",""],
namesAbbr: ["ян","февр","март","апр","май","юни","юли","авг","септ","окт","ноември","дек",""]
AM: null,
PM: null,
eras: [{"name":"след новата ера","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "d.M.yyyy 'г.'",
D: "dd MMMM yyyy 'г.'",
t: "HH:mm 'ч.'",
T: "HH:mm:ss 'ч.'",
f: "dd MMMM yyyy 'г.' HH:mm 'ч.'",
F: "dd MMMM yyyy 'г.' HH:mm:ss 'ч.'",
M: "dd MMMM",
Y: "MMMM yyyy 'г.'"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
* Globalize Culture bg
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "bg", "default", {
name: "bg",
englishName: "Bulgarian",
nativeName: "български",
language: "bg",
numberFormat: {
",": " ",
".": ",",
negativeInfinity: "- безкрайност",
positiveInfinity: "+ безкрайност",
percent: {
",": " ",
".": ","
currency: {
pattern: ["-n $","n $"],
",": " ",
".": ",",
symbol: "лв."
calendars: {
standard: {
"/": ".",
firstDay: 1,
days: {
names: ["неделя","понеделник","вторник","сряда","четвъртък","петък","събота"],
namesAbbr: ["нед","пон","вт","ср","четв","пет","съб"],
namesShort: ["н","п","в","с","ч","п","с"]
months: {
names: ["януари","февруари","март","април","май","юни","юли","август","септември","октомври","ноември","декември",""],
namesAbbr: ["ян","февр","март","апр","май","юни","юли","авг","септ","окт","ноември","дек",""]
AM: null,
PM: null,
eras: [{"name":"след новата ера","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "d.M.yyyy 'г.'",
D: "dd MMMM yyyy 'г.'",
t: "HH:mm 'ч.'",
T: "HH:mm:ss 'ч.'",
f: "dd MMMM yyyy 'г.' HH:mm 'ч.'",
F: "dd MMMM yyyy 'г.' HH:mm:ss 'ч.'",
M: "dd MMMM",
Y: "MMMM yyyy 'г.'"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
* Globalize Culture bn-BD
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "bn-BD", "default", {
name: "bn-BD",
englishName: "Bengali (Bangladesh)",
nativeName: "বাংলা (বাংলাদেশ)",
language: "bn",
numberFormat: {
groupSizes: [3,2],
percent: {
pattern: ["-%n","%n"],
groupSizes: [3,2]
currency: {
pattern: ["$ -n","$ n"],
groupSizes: [3,2],
symbol: "৳"
calendars: {
standard: {
"/": "-",
":": ".",
firstDay: 1,
days: {
names: ["রবিবার","সোমবার","মঙ্গলবার","বুধবার","বৃহস্পতিবার","শুক্রবার","শনিবার"],
namesAbbr: ["রবি.","সোম.","মঙ্গল.","বুধ.","বৃহস্পতি.","শুক্র.","শনি."],
namesShort: ["র","স","ম","ব","ব","শ","শ"]
months: {
names: ["জানুয়ারী","ফেব্রুয়ারী","মার্চ","এপ্রিল","মে","জুন","জুলাই","আগস্ট","সেপ্টেম্বর","অক্টোবর","নভেম্বর","ডিসেম্বর",""],
namesAbbr: ["জানু.","ফেব্রু.","মার্চ","এপ্রিল","মে","জুন","জুলাই","আগ.","সেপ্টে.","অক্টো.","নভে.","ডিসে.",""]
AM: ["পুর্বাহ্ন","পুর্বাহ্ন","পুর্বাহ্ন"],
PM: ["অপরাহ্ন","অপরাহ্ন","অপরাহ্ন"],
patterns: {
d: "dd-MM-yy",
D: "dd MMMM yyyy",
t: "HH.mm",
T: "HH.mm.ss",
f: "dd MMMM yyyy HH.mm",
F: "dd MMMM yyyy HH.mm.ss",
M: "dd MMMM"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
* Globalize Culture bn-IN
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "bn-IN", "default", {
name: "bn-IN",
englishName: "Bengali (India)",
nativeName: "বাংলা (ভারত)",
language: "bn",
numberFormat: {
groupSizes: [3,2],
percent: {
pattern: ["-%n","%n"],
groupSizes: [3,2]
currency: {
pattern: ["$ -n","$ n"],
groupSizes: [3,2],
symbol: "টা"
calendars: {
standard: {
"/": "-",
":": ".",
firstDay: 1,
days: {
names: ["রবিবার","সোমবার","মঙ্গলবার","বুধবার","বৃহস্পতিবার","শুক্রবার","শনিবার"],
namesAbbr: ["রবি.","সোম.","মঙ্গল.","বুধ.","বৃহস্পতি.","শুক্র.","শনি."],
namesShort: ["র","স","ম","ব","ব","শ","শ"]
months: {
names: ["জানুয়ারী","ফেব্রুয়ারী","মার্চ","এপ্রিল","মে","জুন","জুলাই","আগস্ট","সেপ্টেম্বর","অক্টোবর","নভেম্বর","ডিসেম্বর",""],
namesAbbr: ["জানু.","ফেব্রু.","মার্চ","এপ্রিল","মে","জুন","জুলাই","আগ.","সেপ্টে.","অক্টো.","নভে.","ডিসে.",""]
AM: ["পুর্বাহ্ন","পুর্বাহ্ন","পুর্বাহ্ন"],
PM: ["অপরাহ্ন","অপরাহ্ন","অপরাহ্ন"],
patterns: {
d: "dd-MM-yy",
D: "dd MMMM yyyy",
t: "HH.mm",
T: "HH.mm.ss",
f: "dd MMMM yyyy HH.mm",
F: "dd MMMM yyyy HH.mm.ss",
M: "dd MMMM"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
* Globalize Culture bn
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "bn", "default", {
name: "bn",
englishName: "Bengali",
nativeName: "বাংলা",
language: "bn",
numberFormat: {
groupSizes: [3,2],
percent: {
pattern: ["-%n","%n"],
groupSizes: [3,2]
currency: {
pattern: ["$ -n","$ n"],
groupSizes: [3,2],
symbol: "টা"
calendars: {
standard: {
"/": "-",
":": ".",
firstDay: 1,
days: {
names: ["রবিবার","সোমবার","মঙ্গলবার","বুধবার","বৃহস্পতিবার","শুক্রবার","শনিবার"],
namesAbbr: ["রবি.","সোম.","মঙ্গল.","বুধ.","বৃহস্পতি.","শুক্র.","শনি."],
namesShort: ["র","স","ম","ব","ব","শ","শ"]
months: {
names: ["জানুয়ারী","ফেব্রুয়ারী","মার্চ","এপ্রিল","মে","জুন","জুলাই","আগস্ট","সেপ্টেম্বর","অক্টোবর","নভেম্বর","ডিসেম্বর",""],
namesAbbr: ["জানু.","ফেব্রু.","মার্চ","এপ্রিল","মে","জুন","জুলাই","আগ.","সেপ্টে.","অক্টো.","নভে.","ডিসে.",""]
AM: ["পুর্বাহ্ন","পুর্বাহ্ন","পুর্বাহ্ন"],
PM: ["অপরাহ্ন","অপরাহ্ন","অপরাহ্ন"],
patterns: {
d: "dd-MM-yy",
D: "dd MMMM yyyy",
t: "HH.mm",
T: "HH.mm.ss",
f: "dd MMMM yyyy HH.mm",
F: "dd MMMM yyyy HH.mm.ss",
M: "dd MMMM"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
* Globalize Culture bo-CN
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "bo-CN", "default", {
name: "bo-CN",
englishName: "Tibetan (PRC)",
nativeName: "བོད་ཡིག (ཀྲུང་ཧྭ་མི་དམངས་སྤྱི་མཐུན་རྒྱལ་ཁབ།)",
language: "bo",
numberFormat: {
groupSizes: [3,0],
"NaN": "ཨང་ཀི་མིན་པ།",
negativeInfinity: "མོ་གྲངས་ཚད་མེད་ཆུང་བ།",
positiveInfinity: "ཕོ་གྲངས་ཚད་མེད་ཆེ་བ།",
percent: {
pattern: ["-n%","n%"],
groupSizes: [3,0]
currency: {
pattern: ["$-n","$n"],
groupSizes: [3,0],
symbol: "¥"
calendars: {
standard: {
firstDay: 1,
days: {
names: ["གཟའ་ཉི་མ།","གཟའ་ཟླ་བ།","གཟའ་མིག་དམར།","གཟའ་ལྷག་པ།","གཟའ་ཕུར་བུ།","གཟའ་པ་སངས།","གཟའ་སྤེན་པ།"],
namesAbbr: ["ཉི་མ།","ཟླ་བ།","མིག་དམར།","ལྷག་པ།","ཕུར་བུ།","པ་སངས།","སྤེན་པ།"],
namesShort: ["༧","༡","༢","༣","༤","༥","༦"]
months: {
names: ["སྤྱི་ཟླ་དང་པོ།","སྤྱི་ཟླ་གཉིས་པ།","སྤྱི་ཟླ་གསུམ་པ།","སྤྱི་ཟླ་བཞི་པ།","སྤྱི་ཟླ་ལྔ་པ།","སྤྱི་ཟླ་དྲུག་པ།","སྤྱི་ཟླ་བདུན་པ།","སྤྱི་ཟླ་བརྒྱད་པ།","སྤྱི་ཟླ་དགུ་པ།","སྤྱི་ཟླ་བཅུ་པོ།","སྤྱི་ཟླ་བཅུ་གཅིག་པ།","སྤྱི་ཟླ་བཅུ་གཉིས་པ།",""],
namesAbbr: ["ཟླ་ ༡","ཟླ་ ༢","ཟླ་ ༣","ཟླ་ ༤","ཟླ་ ༥","ཟླ་ ༦","ཟླ་ ༧","ཟླ་ ༨","ཟླ་ ༩","ཟླ་ ༡༠","ཟླ་ ༡༡","ཟླ་ ༡༢",""]
AM: ["སྔ་དྲོ","སྔ་དྲོ","སྔ་དྲོ"],
PM: ["ཕྱི་དྲོ","ཕྱི་དྲོ","ཕྱི་དྲོ"],
eras: [{"name":"སྤྱི་ལོ","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "yyyy/M/d",
D: "yyyy'ལོའི་ཟླ' M'ཚེས' d",
t: "HH:mm",
T: "HH:mm:ss",
f: "yyyy'ལོའི་ཟླ' M'ཚེས' d HH:mm",
F: "yyyy'ལོའི་ཟླ' M'ཚེས' d HH:mm:ss",
M: "'ཟླ་' M'ཚེས'd",
Y: "yyyy.M"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
* Globalize Culture bo
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "bo", "default", {
name: "bo",
englishName: "Tibetan",
nativeName: "བོད་ཡིག",
language: "bo",
numberFormat: {
groupSizes: [3,0],
"NaN": "ཨང་ཀི་མིན་པ།",
negativeInfinity: "མོ་གྲངས་ཚད་མེད་ཆུང་བ།",
positiveInfinity: "ཕོ་གྲངས་ཚད་མེད་ཆེ་བ།",
percent: {
pattern: ["-n%","n%"],
groupSizes: [3,0]
currency: {
pattern: ["$-n","$n"],
groupSizes: [3,0],
symbol: "¥"
calendars: {
standard: {
firstDay: 1,
days: {
names: ["གཟའ་ཉི་མ།","གཟའ་ཟླ་བ།","གཟའ་མིག་དམར།","གཟའ་ལྷག་པ།","གཟའ་ཕུར་བུ།","གཟའ་པ་སངས།","གཟའ་སྤེན་པ།"],
namesAbbr: ["ཉི་མ།","ཟླ་བ།","མིག་དམར།","ལྷག་པ།","ཕུར་བུ།","པ་སངས།","སྤེན་པ།"],
namesShort: ["༧","༡","༢","༣","༤","༥","༦"]
months: {
names: ["སྤྱི་ཟླ་དང་པོ།","སྤྱི་ཟླ་གཉིས་པ།","སྤྱི་ཟླ་གསུམ་པ།","སྤྱི་ཟླ་བཞི་པ།","སྤྱི་ཟླ་ལྔ་པ།","སྤྱི་ཟླ་དྲུག་པ།","སྤྱི་ཟླ་བདུན་པ།","སྤྱི་ཟླ་བརྒྱད་པ།","སྤྱི་ཟླ་དགུ་པ།","སྤྱི་ཟླ་བཅུ་པོ།","སྤྱི་ཟླ་བཅུ་གཅིག་པ།","སྤྱི་ཟླ་བཅུ་གཉིས་པ།",""],
namesAbbr: ["ཟླ་ ༡","ཟླ་ ༢","ཟླ་ ༣","ཟླ་ ༤","ཟླ་ ༥","ཟླ་ ༦","ཟླ་ ༧","ཟླ་ ༨","ཟླ་ ༩","ཟླ་ ༡༠","ཟླ་ ༡༡","ཟླ་ ༡༢",""]
AM: ["སྔ་དྲོ","སྔ་དྲོ","སྔ་དྲོ"],
PM: ["ཕྱི་དྲོ","ཕྱི་དྲོ","ཕྱི་དྲོ"],
eras: [{"name":"སྤྱི་ལོ","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "yyyy/M/d",
D: "yyyy'ལོའི་ཟླ' M'ཚེས' d",
t: "HH:mm",
T: "HH:mm:ss",
f: "yyyy'ལོའི་ཟླ' M'ཚེས' d HH:mm",
F: "yyyy'ལོའི་ཟླ' M'ཚེས' d HH:mm:ss",
M: "'ཟླ་' M'ཚེས'd",
Y: "yyyy.M"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
* Globalize Culture br-FR
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "br-FR", "default", {
name: "br-FR",
englishName: "Breton (France)",
nativeName: "brezhoneg (Frañs)",
language: "br",
numberFormat: {
",": " ",
".": ",",
"NaN": "NkN",
negativeInfinity: "-Anfin",
positiveInfinity: "+Anfin",
percent: {
",": " ",
".": ","
currency: {
pattern: ["-n $","n $"],
",": " ",
".": ",",
symbol: "€"
calendars: {
standard: {
firstDay: 1,
days: {
names: ["Sul","Lun","Meurzh","Merc'her","Yaou","Gwener","Sadorn"],
namesAbbr: ["Sul","Lun","Meu.","Mer.","Yaou","Gwe.","Sad."],
namesShort: ["Su","Lu","Mz","Mc","Ya","Gw","Sa"]
months: {
names: ["Genver","C'hwevrer","Meurzh","Ebrel","Mae","Mezheven","Gouere","Eost","Gwengolo","Here","Du","Kerzu",""],
namesAbbr: ["Gen.","C'hwe.","Meur.","Ebr.","Mae","Mezh.","Goue.","Eost","Gwen.","Here","Du","Kzu",""]
AM: null,
PM: null,
eras: [{"name":"g. J.-K.","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "dd/MM/yyyy",
D: "dddd d MMMM yyyy",
t: "HH:mm",
T: "HH:mm:ss",
f: "dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm",
F: "dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss",
M: "d MMMM",
Y: "MMMM yyyy"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
* Globalize Culture br
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "br", "default", {
name: "br",
englishName: "Breton",
nativeName: "brezhoneg",
language: "br",
numberFormat: {
",": " ",
".": ",",
"NaN": "NkN",
negativeInfinity: "-Anfin",
positiveInfinity: "+Anfin",
percent: {
",": " ",
".": ","
currency: {
pattern: ["-n $","n $"],
",": " ",
".": ",",
symbol: "€"
calendars: {
standard: {
firstDay: 1,
days: {
names: ["Sul","Lun","Meurzh","Merc'her","Yaou","Gwener","Sadorn"],
namesAbbr: ["Sul","Lun","Meu.","Mer.","Yaou","Gwe.","Sad."],
namesShort: ["Su","Lu","Mz","Mc","Ya","Gw","Sa"]
months: {
names: ["Genver","C'hwevrer","Meurzh","Ebrel","Mae","Mezheven","Gouere","Eost","Gwengolo","Here","Du","Kerzu",""],
namesAbbr: ["Gen.","C'hwe.","Meur.","Ebr.","Mae","Mezh.","Goue.","Eost","Gwen.","Here","Du","Kzu",""]
AM: null,
PM: null,
eras: [{"name":"g. J.-K.","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "dd/MM/yyyy",
D: "dddd d MMMM yyyy",
t: "HH:mm",
T: "HH:mm:ss",
f: "dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm",
F: "dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss",
M: "d MMMM",
Y: "MMMM yyyy"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
* Globalize Culture bs-Cyrl-BA
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "bs-Cyrl-BA", "default", {
name: "bs-Cyrl-BA",
englishName: "Bosnian (Cyrillic, Bosnia and Herzegovina)",
nativeName: "босански (Босна и Херцеговина)",
language: "bs-Cyrl",
numberFormat: {
",": ".",
".": ",",
negativeInfinity: "-бесконачност",
positiveInfinity: "+бесконачност",
percent: {
",": ".",
".": ","
currency: {
pattern: ["-n $","n $"],
",": ".",
".": ",",
symbol: "КМ"
calendars: {
standard: {
"/": ".",
firstDay: 1,
days: {
names: ["недјеља","понедјељак","уторак","сриједа","четвртак","петак","субота"],
namesAbbr: ["нед","пон","уто","сре","чет","пет","суб"],
namesShort: ["н","п","у","с","ч","п","с"]
months: {
names: ["јануар","фебруар","март","април","мај","јун","јул","август","септембар","октобар","новембар","децембар",""],
namesAbbr: ["јан","феб","мар","апр","мај","јун","јул","авг","сеп","окт","нов","дец",""]
AM: null,
PM: null,
eras: [{"name":"н.е.","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "d.M.yyyy",
D: "d. MMMM yyyy",
t: "H:mm",
T: "H:mm:ss",
f: "d. MMMM yyyy H:mm",
F: "d. MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss",
M: "d. MMMM"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
* Globalize Culture bs-Cyrl
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "bs-Cyrl", "default", {
name: "bs-Cyrl",
englishName: "Bosnian (Cyrillic)",
nativeName: "босански",
language: "bs-Cyrl",
numberFormat: {
",": ".",
".": ",",
negativeInfinity: "-бесконачност",
positiveInfinity: "+бесконачност",
percent: {
",": ".",
".": ","
currency: {
pattern: ["-n $","n $"],
",": ".",
".": ",",
symbol: "КМ"
calendars: {
standard: {
"/": ".",
firstDay: 1,
days: {
names: ["недјеља","понедјељак","уторак","сриједа","четвртак","петак","субота"],
namesAbbr: ["нед","пон","уто","сре","чет","пет","суб"],
namesShort: ["н","п","у","с","ч","п","с"]
months: {
names: ["јануар","фебруар","март","април","мај","јун","јул","август","септембар","октобар","новембар","децембар",""],
namesAbbr: ["јан","феб","мар","апр","мај","јун","јул","авг","сеп","окт","нов","дец",""]
AM: null,
PM: null,
eras: [{"name":"н.е.","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "d.M.yyyy",
D: "d. MMMM yyyy",
t: "H:mm",
T: "H:mm:ss",
f: "d. MMMM yyyy H:mm",
F: "d. MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss",
M: "d. MMMM"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
* Globalize Culture bs-Latn-BA
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "bs-Latn-BA", "default", {
name: "bs-Latn-BA",
englishName: "Bosnian (Latin, Bosnia and Herzegovina)",
nativeName: "bosanski (Bosna i Hercegovina)",
language: "bs-Latn",
numberFormat: {
",": ".",
".": ",",
percent: {
",": ".",
".": ","
currency: {
pattern: ["-n $","n $"],
",": ".",
".": ",",
symbol: "KM"
calendars: {
standard: {
"/": ".",
firstDay: 1,
days: {
names: ["nedjelja","ponedjeljak","utorak","srijeda","četvrtak","petak","subota"],
namesAbbr: ["ned","pon","uto","sri","čet","pet","sub"],
namesShort: ["ne","po","ut","sr","če","pe","su"]
months: {
names: ["januar","februar","mart","april","maj","juni","juli","avgust","septembar","oktobar","novembar","decembar",""],
namesAbbr: ["jan","feb","mar","apr","maj","jun","jul","avg","sep","okt","nov","dec",""]
AM: null,
PM: null,
patterns: {
d: "d.M.yyyy",
D: "d. MMMM yyyy",
t: "H:mm",
T: "H:mm:ss",
f: "d. MMMM yyyy H:mm",
F: "d. MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss",
M: "d. MMMM",
Y: "MMMM yyyy"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
* Globalize Culture bs-Latn
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "bs-Latn", "default", {
name: "bs-Latn",
englishName: "Bosnian (Latin)",
nativeName: "bosanski",
language: "bs-Latn",
numberFormat: {
",": ".",
".": ",",
percent: {
",": ".",
".": ","
currency: {
pattern: ["-n $","n $"],
",": ".",
".": ",",
symbol: "KM"
calendars: {
standard: {
"/": ".",
firstDay: 1,
days: {
names: ["nedjelja","ponedjeljak","utorak","srijeda","četvrtak","petak","subota"],
namesAbbr: ["ned","pon","uto","sri","čet","pet","sub"],
namesShort: ["ne","po","ut","sr","če","pe","su"]
months: {
names: ["januar","februar","mart","april","maj","juni","juli","avgust","septembar","oktobar","novembar","decembar",""],
namesAbbr: ["jan","feb","mar","apr","maj","jun","jul","avg","sep","okt","nov","dec",""]
AM: null,
PM: null,
patterns: {
d: "d.M.yyyy",
D: "d. MMMM yyyy",
t: "H:mm",
T: "H:mm:ss",
f: "d. MMMM yyyy H:mm",
F: "d. MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss",
M: "d. MMMM",
Y: "MMMM yyyy"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
* Globalize Culture bs
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "bs", "default", {
name: "bs",
englishName: "Bosnian",
nativeName: "bosanski",
language: "bs",
numberFormat: {
",": ".",
".": ",",
percent: {
",": ".",
".": ","
currency: {
pattern: ["-n $","n $"],
",": ".",
".": ",",
symbol: "KM"
calendars: {
standard: {
"/": ".",
firstDay: 1,
days: {
names: ["nedjelja","ponedjeljak","utorak","srijeda","četvrtak","petak","subota"],
namesAbbr: ["ned","pon","uto","sri","čet","pet","sub"],
namesShort: ["ne","po","ut","sr","če","pe","su"]
months: {
names: ["januar","februar","mart","april","maj","juni","juli","avgust","septembar","oktobar","novembar","decembar",""],
namesAbbr: ["jan","feb","mar","apr","maj","jun","jul","avg","sep","okt","nov","dec",""]
AM: null,
PM: null,
patterns: {
d: "d.M.yyyy",
D: "d. MMMM yyyy",
t: "H:mm",
T: "H:mm:ss",
f: "d. MMMM yyyy H:mm",
F: "d. MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss",
M: "d. MMMM",
Y: "MMMM yyyy"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
* Globalize Culture ca-ES
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "ca-ES", "default", {
name: "ca-ES",
englishName: "Catalan (Catalan)",
nativeName: "català (català)",
language: "ca",
numberFormat: {
",": ".",
".": ",",
"NaN": "NeuN",
negativeInfinity: "-Infinit",
positiveInfinity: "Infinit",
percent: {
",": ".",
".": ","
currency: {
pattern: ["-n $","n $"],
",": ".",
".": ",",
symbol: "€"
calendars: {
standard: {
firstDay: 1,
days: {
names: ["diumenge","dilluns","dimarts","dimecres","dijous","divendres","dissabte"],
namesAbbr: ["dg.","dl.","dt.","dc.","dj.","dv.","ds."],
namesShort: ["dg","dl","dt","dc","dj","dv","ds"]
months: {
names: ["gener","febrer","març","abril","maig","juny","juliol","agost","setembre","octubre","novembre","desembre",""],
namesAbbr: ["gen","feb","març","abr","maig","juny","jul","ag","set","oct","nov","des",""]
AM: null,
PM: null,
eras: [{"name":"d.C.","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "dd/MM/yyyy",
D: "dddd, d' / 'MMMM' / 'yyyy",
t: "HH:mm",
T: "HH:mm:ss",
f: "dddd, d' / 'MMMM' / 'yyyy HH:mm",
F: "dddd, d' / 'MMMM' / 'yyyy HH:mm:ss",
M: "dd MMMM",
Y: "MMMM' / 'yyyy"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
* Globalize Culture ca
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "ca", "default", {
name: "ca",
englishName: "Catalan",
nativeName: "català",
language: "ca",
numberFormat: {
",": ".",
".": ",",
"NaN": "NeuN",
negativeInfinity: "-Infinit",
positiveInfinity: "Infinit",
percent: {
",": ".",
".": ","
currency: {
pattern: ["-n $","n $"],
",": ".",
".": ",",
symbol: "€"
calendars: {
standard: {
firstDay: 1,
days: {
names: ["diumenge","dilluns","dimarts","dimecres","dijous","divendres","dissabte"],
namesAbbr: ["dg.","dl.","dt.","dc.","dj.","dv.","ds."],
namesShort: ["dg","dl","dt","dc","dj","dv","ds"]
months: {
names: ["gener","febrer","març","abril","maig","juny","juliol","agost","setembre","octubre","novembre","desembre",""],
namesAbbr: ["gen","feb","març","abr","maig","juny","jul","ag","set","oct","nov","des",""]
AM: null,
PM: null,
eras: [{"name":"d.C.","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "dd/MM/yyyy",
D: "dddd, d' / 'MMMM' / 'yyyy",
t: "HH:mm",
T: "HH:mm:ss",
f: "dddd, d' / 'MMMM' / 'yyyy HH:mm",
F: "dddd, d' / 'MMMM' / 'yyyy HH:mm:ss",
M: "dd MMMM",
Y: "MMMM' / 'yyyy"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
* Globalize Culture co-FR
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "co-FR", "default", {
name: "co-FR",
englishName: "Corsican (France)",
nativeName: "Corsu (France)",
language: "co",
numberFormat: {
",": " ",
".": ",",
"NaN": "Mica numericu",
negativeInfinity: "-Infinitu",
positiveInfinity: "+Infinitu",
percent: {
",": " ",
".": ","
currency: {
pattern: ["-n $","n $"],
",": " ",
".": ",",
symbol: "€"
calendars: {
standard: {
firstDay: 1,
days: {
names: ["dumenica","luni","marti","mercuri","ghjovi","venderi","sabbatu"],
namesAbbr: ["dum.","lun.","mar.","mer.","ghj.","ven.","sab."],
namesShort: ["du","lu","ma","me","gh","ve","sa"]
months: {
names: ["ghjennaghju","ferraghju","marzu","aprile","maghju","ghjunghju","lugliu","aostu","settembre","ottobre","nuvembre","dicembre",""],
namesAbbr: ["ghje","ferr","marz","apri","magh","ghju","lugl","aost","sett","otto","nuve","dice",""]
AM: null,
PM: null,
eras: [{"name":"dopu J-C","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "dd/MM/yyyy",
D: "dddd d MMMM yyyy",
t: "HH:mm",
T: "HH:mm:ss",
f: "dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm",
F: "dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss",
M: "d MMMM",
Y: "MMMM yyyy"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
* Globalize Culture co
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "co", "default", {
name: "co",
englishName: "Corsican",
nativeName: "Corsu",
language: "co",
numberFormat: {
",": " ",
".": ",",
"NaN": "Mica numericu",
negativeInfinity: "-Infinitu",
positiveInfinity: "+Infinitu",
percent: {
",": " ",
".": ","
currency: {
pattern: ["-n $","n $"],
",": " ",
".": ",",
symbol: "€"
calendars: {
standard: {
firstDay: 1,
days: {
names: ["dumenica","luni","marti","mercuri","ghjovi","venderi","sabbatu"],
namesAbbr: ["dum.","lun.","mar.","mer.","ghj.","ven.","sab."],
namesShort: ["du","lu","ma","me","gh","ve","sa"]
months: {
names: ["ghjennaghju","ferraghju","marzu","aprile","maghju","ghjunghju","lugliu","aostu","settembre","ottobre","nuvembre","dicembre",""],
namesAbbr: ["ghje","ferr","marz","apri","magh","ghju","lugl","aost","sett","otto","nuve","dice",""]
AM: null,
PM: null,
eras: [{"name":"dopu J-C","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "dd/MM/yyyy",
D: "dddd d MMMM yyyy",
t: "HH:mm",
T: "HH:mm:ss",
f: "dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm",
F: "dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss",
M: "d MMMM",
Y: "MMMM yyyy"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
* Globalize Culture cs-CZ
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "cs-CZ", "default", {
name: "cs-CZ",
englishName: "Czech (Czech Republic)",
nativeName: "čeština (Česká republika)",
language: "cs",
numberFormat: {
",": " ",
".": ",",
"NaN": "Není číslo",
negativeInfinity: "-nekonečno",
positiveInfinity: "+nekonečno",
percent: {
pattern: ["-n%","n%"],
",": " ",
".": ","
currency: {
pattern: ["-n $","n $"],
",": " ",
".": ",",
symbol: "Kč"
calendars: {
standard: {
"/": ".",
firstDay: 1,
days: {
names: ["neděle","pondělí","úterý","středa","čtvrtek","pátek","sobota"],
namesAbbr: ["ne","po","út","st","čt","pá","so"],
namesShort: ["ne","po","út","st","čt","pá","so"]
months: {
names: ["leden","únor","březen","duben","květen","červen","červenec","srpen","září","říjen","listopad","prosinec",""],
namesAbbr: ["1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12",""]
monthsGenitive: {
names: ["ledna","února","března","dubna","května","června","července","srpna","září","října","listopadu","prosince",""],
namesAbbr: ["1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12",""]
AM: ["dop.","dop.","DOP."],
PM: ["odp.","odp.","ODP."],
eras: [{"name":"n. l.","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "d.M.yyyy",
D: "d. MMMM yyyy",
t: "H:mm",
T: "H:mm:ss",
f: "d. MMMM yyyy H:mm",
F: "d. MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss",
M: "dd MMMM",
Y: "MMMM yyyy"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
* Globalize Culture cs
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "cs", "default", {
name: "cs",
englishName: "Czech",
nativeName: "čeština",
language: "cs",
numberFormat: {
",": " ",
".": ",",
"NaN": "Není číslo",
negativeInfinity: "-nekonečno",
positiveInfinity: "+nekonečno",
percent: {
pattern: ["-n%","n%"],
",": " ",
".": ","
currency: {
pattern: ["-n $","n $"],
",": " ",
".": ",",
symbol: "Kč"
calendars: {
standard: {
"/": ".",
firstDay: 1,
days: {
names: ["neděle","pondělí","úterý","středa","čtvrtek","pátek","sobota"],
namesAbbr: ["ne","po","út","st","čt","pá","so"],
namesShort: ["ne","po","út","st","čt","pá","so"]
months: {
names: ["leden","únor","březen","duben","květen","červen","červenec","srpen","září","říjen","listopad","prosinec",""],
namesAbbr: ["1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12",""]
monthsGenitive: {
names: ["ledna","února","března","dubna","května","června","července","srpna","září","října","listopadu","prosince",""],
namesAbbr: ["1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12",""]
AM: ["dop.","dop.","DOP."],
PM: ["odp.","odp.","ODP."],
eras: [{"name":"n. l.","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "d.M.yyyy",
D: "d. MMMM yyyy",
t: "H:mm",
T: "H:mm:ss",
f: "d. MMMM yyyy H:mm",
F: "d. MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss",
M: "dd MMMM",
Y: "MMMM yyyy"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
* Globalize Culture cy-GB
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "cy-GB", "default", {
name: "cy-GB",
englishName: "Welsh (United Kingdom)",
nativeName: "Cymraeg (y Deyrnas Unedig)",
language: "cy",
numberFormat: {
percent: {
pattern: ["-%n","%n"]
currency: {
pattern: ["-$n","$n"],
symbol: "£"
calendars: {
standard: {
firstDay: 1,
days: {
names: ["Dydd Sul","Dydd Llun","Dydd Mawrth","Dydd Mercher","Dydd Iau","Dydd Gwener","Dydd Sadwrn"],
namesAbbr: ["Sul","Llun","Maw","Mer","Iau","Gwe","Sad"],
namesShort: ["Su","Ll","Ma","Me","Ia","Gw","Sa"]
months: {
names: ["Ionawr","Chwefror","Mawrth","Ebrill","Mai","Mehefin","Gorffennaf","Awst","Medi","Hydref","Tachwedd","Rhagfyr",""],
namesAbbr: ["Ion","Chwe","Maw","Ebr","Mai","Meh","Gor","Aws","Med","Hyd","Tach","Rhag",""]
AM: ["a.m.","a.m.","A.M."],
PM: ["p.m.","p.m.","P.M."],
patterns: {
d: "dd/MM/yyyy",
D: "dd MMMM yyyy",
t: "HH:mm",
T: "HH:mm:ss",
f: "dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm",
F: "dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss",
M: "dd MMMM",
Y: "MMMM yyyy"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
* Globalize Culture cy
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "cy", "default", {
name: "cy",
englishName: "Welsh",
nativeName: "Cymraeg",
language: "cy",
numberFormat: {
percent: {
pattern: ["-%n","%n"]
currency: {
pattern: ["-$n","$n"],
symbol: "£"
calendars: {
standard: {
firstDay: 1,
days: {
names: ["Dydd Sul","Dydd Llun","Dydd Mawrth","Dydd Mercher","Dydd Iau","Dydd Gwener","Dydd Sadwrn"],
namesAbbr: ["Sul","Llun","Maw","Mer","Iau","Gwe","Sad"],
namesShort: ["Su","Ll","Ma","Me","Ia","Gw","Sa"]
months: {
names: ["Ionawr","Chwefror","Mawrth","Ebrill","Mai","Mehefin","Gorffennaf","Awst","Medi","Hydref","Tachwedd","Rhagfyr",""],
namesAbbr: ["Ion","Chwe","Maw","Ebr","Mai","Meh","Gor","Aws","Med","Hyd","Tach","Rhag",""]
AM: ["a.m.","a.m.","A.M."],
PM: ["p.m.","p.m.","P.M."],
patterns: {
d: "dd/MM/yyyy",
D: "dd MMMM yyyy",
t: "HH:mm",
T: "HH:mm:ss",
f: "dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm",
F: "dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss",
M: "dd MMMM",
Y: "MMMM yyyy"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
* Globalize Culture da-DK
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "da-DK", "default", {
name: "da-DK",
englishName: "Danish (Denmark)",
nativeName: "dansk (Danmark)",
language: "da",
numberFormat: {
",": ".",
".": ",",
negativeInfinity: "-INF",
positiveInfinity: "INF",
percent: {
",": ".",
".": ","
currency: {
pattern: ["$ -n","$ n"],
",": ".",
".": ",",
symbol: "kr."
calendars: {
standard: {
"/": "-",
firstDay: 1,
days: {
names: ["søndag","mandag","tirsdag","onsdag","torsdag","fredag","lørdag"],
namesAbbr: ["sø","ma","ti","on","to","fr","lø"],
namesShort: ["sø","ma","ti","on","to","fr","lø"]
months: {
names: ["januar","februar","marts","april","maj","juni","juli","august","september","oktober","november","december",""],
namesAbbr: ["jan","feb","mar","apr","maj","jun","jul","aug","sep","okt","nov","dec",""]
AM: null,
PM: null,
patterns: {
d: "dd-MM-yyyy",
D: "d. MMMM yyyy",
t: "HH:mm",
T: "HH:mm:ss",
f: "d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm",
F: "d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss",
M: "d. MMMM",
Y: "MMMM yyyy"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
* Globalize Culture da
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "da", "default", {
name: "da",
englishName: "Danish",
nativeName: "dansk",
language: "da",
numberFormat: {
",": ".",
".": ",",
negativeInfinity: "-INF",
positiveInfinity: "INF",
percent: {
",": ".",
".": ","
currency: {
pattern: ["$ -n","$ n"],
",": ".",
".": ",",
symbol: "kr."
calendars: {
standard: {
"/": "-",
firstDay: 1,
days: {
names: ["søndag","mandag","tirsdag","onsdag","torsdag","fredag","lørdag"],
namesAbbr: ["sø","ma","ti","on","to","fr","lø"],
namesShort: ["sø","ma","ti","on","to","fr","lø"]
months: {
names: ["januar","februar","marts","april","maj","juni","juli","august","september","oktober","november","december",""],
namesAbbr: ["jan","feb","mar","apr","maj","jun","jul","aug","sep","okt","nov","dec",""]
AM: null,
PM: null,
patterns: {
d: "dd-MM-yyyy",
D: "d. MMMM yyyy",
t: "HH:mm",
T: "HH:mm:ss",
f: "d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm",
F: "d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss",
M: "d. MMMM",
Y: "MMMM yyyy"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
* Globalize Culture de-AT
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "de-AT", "default", {
name: "de-AT",
englishName: "German (Austria)",
nativeName: "Deutsch (Österreich)",
language: "de",
numberFormat: {
",": ".",
".": ",",
"NaN": "n. def.",
negativeInfinity: "-unendlich",
positiveInfinity: "+unendlich",
percent: {
pattern: ["-n%","n%"],
",": ".",
".": ","
currency: {
pattern: ["-$ n","$ n"],
",": ".",
".": ",",
symbol: "€"
calendars: {
standard: {
"/": ".",
firstDay: 1,
days: {
names: ["Sonntag","Montag","Dienstag","Mittwoch","Donnerstag","Freitag","Samstag"],
namesAbbr: ["So","Mo","Di","Mi","Do","Fr","Sa"],
namesShort: ["So","Mo","Di","Mi","Do","Fr","Sa"]
months: {
names: ["Jänner","Februar","März","April","Mai","Juni","Juli","August","September","Oktober","November","Dezember",""],
namesAbbr: ["Jän","Feb","Mär","Apr","Mai","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Okt","Nov","Dez",""]
AM: null,
PM: null,
eras: [{"name":"n. Chr.","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "dd.MM.yyyy",
D: "dddd, dd. MMMM yyyy",
t: "HH:mm",
T: "HH:mm:ss",
f: "dddd, dd. MMMM yyyy HH:mm",
F: "dddd, dd. MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss",
M: "dd MMMM",
Y: "MMMM yyyy"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
* Globalize Culture de-CH
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "de-CH", "default", {
name: "de-CH",
englishName: "German (Switzerland)",
nativeName: "Deutsch (Schweiz)",
language: "de",
numberFormat: {
",": "'",
"NaN": "n. def.",
negativeInfinity: "-unendlich",
positiveInfinity: "+unendlich",
percent: {
pattern: ["-n%","n%"],
",": "'"
currency: {
pattern: ["$-n","$ n"],
",": "'",
symbol: "Fr."
calendars: {
standard: {
"/": ".",
firstDay: 1,
days: {
names: ["Sonntag","Montag","Dienstag","Mittwoch","Donnerstag","Freitag","Samstag"],
namesAbbr: ["So","Mo","Di","Mi","Do","Fr","Sa"],
namesShort: ["So","Mo","Di","Mi","Do","Fr","Sa"]
months: {
names: ["Januar","Februar","März","April","Mai","Juni","Juli","August","September","Oktober","November","Dezember",""],
namesAbbr: ["Jan","Feb","Mrz","Apr","Mai","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Okt","Nov","Dez",""]
AM: null,
PM: null,
eras: [{"name":"n. Chr.","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "dd.MM.yyyy",
D: "dddd, d. MMMM yyyy",
t: "HH:mm",
T: "HH:mm:ss",
f: "dddd, d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm",
F: "dddd, d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss",
M: "dd MMMM",
Y: "MMMM yyyy"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
* Globalize Culture de-DE
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "de-DE", "default", {
name: "de-DE",
englishName: "German (Germany)",
nativeName: "Deutsch (Deutschland)",
language: "de",
numberFormat: {
",": ".",
".": ",",
"NaN": "n. def.",
negativeInfinity: "-unendlich",
positiveInfinity: "+unendlich",
percent: {
pattern: ["-n%","n%"],
",": ".",
".": ","
currency: {
pattern: ["-n $","n $"],
",": ".",
".": ",",
symbol: "€"
calendars: {
standard: {
"/": ".",
firstDay: 1,
days: {
names: ["Sonntag","Montag","Dienstag","Mittwoch","Donnerstag","Freitag","Samstag"],
namesAbbr: ["So","Mo","Di","Mi","Do","Fr","Sa"],
namesShort: ["So","Mo","Di","Mi","Do","Fr","Sa"]
months: {
names: ["Januar","Februar","März","April","Mai","Juni","Juli","August","September","Oktober","November","Dezember",""],
namesAbbr: ["Jan","Feb","Mrz","Apr","Mai","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Okt","Nov","Dez",""]
AM: null,
PM: null,
eras: [{"name":"n. Chr.","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "dd.MM.yyyy",
D: "dddd, d. MMMM yyyy",
t: "HH:mm",
T: "HH:mm:ss",
f: "dddd, d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm",
F: "dddd, d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss",
M: "dd MMMM",
Y: "MMMM yyyy"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
* Globalize Culture de-LI
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "de-LI", "default", {
name: "de-LI",
englishName: "German (Liechtenstein)",
nativeName: "Deutsch (Liechtenstein)",
language: "de",
numberFormat: {
",": "'",
"NaN": "n. def.",
negativeInfinity: "-unendlich",
positiveInfinity: "+unendlich",
percent: {
pattern: ["-n%","n%"],
",": "'"
currency: {
pattern: ["$-n","$ n"],
",": "'",
symbol: "CHF"
calendars: {
standard: {
"/": ".",
firstDay: 1,
days: {
names: ["Sonntag","Montag","Dienstag","Mittwoch","Donnerstag","Freitag","Samstag"],
namesAbbr: ["So","Mo","Di","Mi","Do","Fr","Sa"],
namesShort: ["So","Mo","Di","Mi","Do","Fr","Sa"]
months: {
names: ["Januar","Februar","März","April","Mai","Juni","Juli","August","September","Oktober","November","Dezember",""],
namesAbbr: ["Jan","Feb","Mrz","Apr","Mai","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Okt","Nov","Dez",""]
AM: null,
PM: null,
eras: [{"name":"n. Chr.","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "dd.MM.yyyy",
D: "dddd, d. MMMM yyyy",
t: "HH:mm",
T: "HH:mm:ss",
f: "dddd, d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm",
F: "dddd, d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss",
M: "dd MMMM",
Y: "MMMM yyyy"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
* Globalize Culture de-LU
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "de-LU", "default", {
name: "de-LU",
englishName: "German (Luxembourg)",
nativeName: "Deutsch (Luxemburg)",
language: "de",
numberFormat: {
",": ".",
".": ",",
"NaN": "n. def.",
negativeInfinity: "-unendlich",
positiveInfinity: "+unendlich",
percent: {
pattern: ["-n%","n%"],
",": ".",
".": ","
currency: {
pattern: ["-n $","n $"],
",": ".",
".": ",",
symbol: "€"
calendars: {
standard: {
"/": ".",
firstDay: 1,
days: {
names: ["Sonntag","Montag","Dienstag","Mittwoch","Donnerstag","Freitag","Samstag"],
namesAbbr: ["So","Mo","Di","Mi","Do","Fr","Sa"],
namesShort: ["So","Mo","Di","Mi","Do","Fr","Sa"]
months: {
names: ["Januar","Februar","März","April","Mai","Juni","Juli","August","September","Oktober","November","Dezember",""],
namesAbbr: ["Jan","Feb","Mrz","Apr","Mai","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Okt","Nov","Dez",""]
AM: null,
PM: null,
eras: [{"name":"n. Chr.","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "dd.MM.yyyy",
D: "dddd, d. MMMM yyyy",
t: "HH:mm",
T: "HH:mm:ss",
f: "dddd, d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm",
F: "dddd, d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss",
M: "dd MMMM",
Y: "MMMM yyyy"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
* Globalize Culture de
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "de", "default", {
name: "de",
englishName: "German",
nativeName: "Deutsch",
language: "de",
numberFormat: {
",": ".",
".": ",",
"NaN": "n. def.",
negativeInfinity: "-unendlich",
positiveInfinity: "+unendlich",
percent: {
pattern: ["-n%","n%"],
",": ".",
".": ","
currency: {
pattern: ["-n $","n $"],
",": ".",
".": ",",
symbol: "€"
calendars: {
standard: {
"/": ".",
firstDay: 1,
days: {
names: ["Sonntag","Montag","Dienstag","Mittwoch","Donnerstag","Freitag","Samstag"],
namesAbbr: ["So","Mo","Di","Mi","Do","Fr","Sa"],
namesShort: ["So","Mo","Di","Mi","Do","Fr","Sa"]
months: {
names: ["Januar","Februar","März","April","Mai","Juni","Juli","August","September","Oktober","November","Dezember",""],
namesAbbr: ["Jan","Feb","Mrz","Apr","Mai","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Okt","Nov","Dez",""]
AM: null,
PM: null,
eras: [{"name":"n. Chr.","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "dd.MM.yyyy",
D: "dddd, d. MMMM yyyy",
t: "HH:mm",
T: "HH:mm:ss",
f: "dddd, d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm",
F: "dddd, d. MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss",
M: "dd MMMM",
Y: "MMMM yyyy"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
* Globalize Culture dsb-DE
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "dsb-DE", "default", {
name: "dsb-DE",
englishName: "Lower Sorbian (Germany)",
nativeName: "dolnoserbšćina (Nimska)",
language: "dsb",
numberFormat: {
",": ".",
".": ",",
"NaN": "njedefinowane",
negativeInfinity: "-njekońcne",
positiveInfinity: "+njekońcne",
percent: {
",": ".",
".": ","
currency: {
pattern: ["-n $","n $"],
",": ".",
".": ",",
symbol: "€"
calendars: {
standard: {
"/": ". ",
firstDay: 1,
days: {
names: ["njeźela","ponjeźele","wałtora","srjoda","stwortk","pětk","sobota"],
namesAbbr: ["nje","pon","wał","srj","stw","pět","sob"],
namesShort: ["n","p","w","s","s","p","s"]
months: {
names: ["januar","februar","měrc","apryl","maj","junij","julij","awgust","september","oktober","nowember","december",""],
namesAbbr: ["jan","feb","měr","apr","maj","jun","jul","awg","sep","okt","now","dec",""]
monthsGenitive: {
names: ["januara","februara","měrca","apryla","maja","junija","julija","awgusta","septembra","oktobra","nowembra","decembra",""],
namesAbbr: ["jan","feb","měr","apr","maj","jun","jul","awg","sep","okt","now","dec",""]
AM: null,
PM: null,
eras: [{"name":"po Chr.","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "d. M. yyyy",
D: "dddd, 'dnja' d. MMMM yyyy",
t: "H.mm 'goź.'",
T: "H:mm:ss",
f: "dddd, 'dnja' d. MMMM yyyy H.mm 'goź.'",
F: "dddd, 'dnja' d. MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss",
M: "d. MMMM",
Y: "MMMM yyyy"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
* Globalize Culture dsb
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "dsb", "default", {
name: "dsb",
englishName: "Lower Sorbian",
nativeName: "dolnoserbšćina",
language: "dsb",
numberFormat: {
",": ".",
".": ",",
"NaN": "njedefinowane",
negativeInfinity: "-njekońcne",
positiveInfinity: "+njekońcne",
percent: {
",": ".",
".": ","
currency: {
pattern: ["-n $","n $"],
",": ".",
".": ",",
symbol: "€"
calendars: {
standard: {
"/": ". ",
firstDay: 1,
days: {
names: ["njeźela","ponjeźele","wałtora","srjoda","stwortk","pětk","sobota"],
namesAbbr: ["nje","pon","wał","srj","stw","pět","sob"],
namesShort: ["n","p","w","s","s","p","s"]
months: {
names: ["januar","februar","měrc","apryl","maj","junij","julij","awgust","september","oktober","nowember","december",""],
namesAbbr: ["jan","feb","měr","apr","maj","jun","jul","awg","sep","okt","now","dec",""]
monthsGenitive: {
names: ["januara","februara","měrca","apryla","maja","junija","julija","awgusta","septembra","oktobra","nowembra","decembra",""],
namesAbbr: ["jan","feb","měr","apr","maj","jun","jul","awg","sep","okt","now","dec",""]
AM: null,
PM: null,
eras: [{"name":"po Chr.","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "d. M. yyyy",
D: "dddd, 'dnja' d. MMMM yyyy",
t: "H.mm 'goź.'",
T: "H:mm:ss",
f: "dddd, 'dnja' d. MMMM yyyy H.mm 'goź.'",
F: "dddd, 'dnja' d. MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss",
M: "d. MMMM",
Y: "MMMM yyyy"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
* Globalize Culture dv-MV
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "dv-MV", "default", {
name: "dv-MV",
englishName: "Divehi (Maldives)",
nativeName: "ދިވެހިބަސް (ދިވެހި ރާއްޖެ)",
language: "dv",
isRTL: true,
numberFormat: {
currency: {
pattern: ["n $-","n $"],
symbol: "ރ."
calendars: {
standard: {
name: "Hijri",
days: {
names: ["އާދީއްތަ","ހޯމަ","އަންގާރަ","ބުދަ","ބުރާސްފަތި","ހުކުރު","ހޮނިހިރު"],
namesAbbr: ["އާދީއްތަ","ހޯމަ","އަންގާރަ","ބުދަ","ބުރާސްފަތި","ހުކުރު","ހޮނިހިރު"],
namesShort: ["އާ","ހޯ","އަ","ބު","ބު","ހު","ހޮ"]
months: {
names: ["މުޙައްރަމް","ޞަފަރު","ރަބީޢުލްއައްވަލް","ރަބީޢުލްއާޚިރު","ޖުމާދަލްއޫލާ","ޖުމާދަލްއާޚިރާ","ރަޖަބް","ޝަޢްބާން","ރަމަޟާން","ޝައްވާލް","ޛުލްޤަޢިދާ","ޛުލްޙިއްޖާ",""],
namesAbbr: ["މުޙައްރަމް","ޞަފަރު","ރަބީޢުލްއައްވަލް","ރަބީޢުލްއާޚިރު","ޖުމާދަލްއޫލާ","ޖުމާދަލްއާޚިރާ","ރަޖަބް","ޝަޢްބާން","ރަމަޟާން","ޝައްވާލް","ޛުލްޤަޢިދާ","ޛުލްޙިއްޖާ",""]
AM: ["މކ","މކ","މކ"],
PM: ["މފ","މފ","މފ"],
eras: [{"name":"ހިޖްރީ","start":null,"offset":0}],
twoDigitYearMax: 1451,
patterns: {
d: "dd/MM/yy",
D: "dd/MM/yyyy",
t: "HH:mm",
T: "HH:mm:ss",
f: "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm",
F: "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss",
M: "dd MMMM"
convert: {
// Adapted to Script from System.Globalization.HijriCalendar
ticks1970: 62135596800000,
// number of days leading up to each month
monthDays: [0, 30, 59, 89, 118, 148, 177, 207, 236, 266, 295, 325, 355],
minDate: -42521673600000,
maxDate: 253402300799999,
// The number of days to add or subtract from the calendar to accommodate the variances
// in the start and the end of Ramadan and to accommodate the date difference between
// countries/regions. May be dynamically adjusted based on user preference, but should
// remain in the range of -2 to 2, inclusive.
hijriAdjustment: 0,
toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) {
var daysSinceJan0101 = this.daysToYear(hyear) + this.monthDays[hmonth] + hday - 1 - this.hijriAdjustment;
// 86400000 = ticks per day
var gdate = new Date(daysSinceJan0101 * 86400000 - this.ticks1970);
// adjust for timezone, because we are interested in the gregorian date for the same timezone
// but ticks in javascript is always from GMT, unlike the server were ticks counts from the base
// date in the current timezone.
gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset());
return gdate;
fromGregorian: function(gdate) {
if ((gdate < this.minDate) || (gdate > this.maxDate)) return null;
var ticks = this.ticks1970 + (gdate-0) - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000,
daysSinceJan0101 = Math.floor(ticks / 86400000) + 1 + this.hijriAdjustment;
// very particular formula determined by someone smart, adapted from the server-side implementation.
// it approximates the hijri year.
var hday, hmonth, hyear = Math.floor(((daysSinceJan0101 - 227013) * 30) / 10631) + 1,
absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear),
daysInYear = this.isLeapYear(hyear) ? 355 : 354;
// hyear is just approximate, it may need adjustment up or down by 1.
if (daysSinceJan0101 < absDays) {
absDays -= daysInYear;
else if (daysSinceJan0101 === absDays) {
absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear);
else {
if (daysSinceJan0101 > (absDays + daysInYear)) {
absDays += daysInYear;
// determine month by looking at how many days into the hyear we are
// monthDays contains the number of days up to each month.
hmonth = 0;
var daysIntoYear = daysSinceJan0101 - absDays;
while (hmonth <= 11 && daysIntoYear > this.monthDays[hmonth]) {
hday = daysIntoYear - this.monthDays[hmonth];
return [hyear, hmonth, hday];
daysToYear: function(year) {
// calculates how many days since Jan 1, 0001
var yearsToYear30 = Math.floor((year - 1) / 30) * 30,
yearsInto30 = year - yearsToYear30 - 1,
days = Math.floor((yearsToYear30 * 10631) / 30) + 227013;
while (yearsInto30 > 0) {
days += (this.isLeapYear(yearsInto30) ? 355 : 354);
return days;
isLeapYear: function(year) {
return ((((year * 11) + 14) % 30) < 11);
Gregorian_Localized: {
days: {
names: ["އާދީއްތަ","ހޯމަ","އަންގާރަ","ބުދަ","ބުރާސްފަތި","ހުކުރު","ހޮނިހިރު"],
namesAbbr: ["އާދީއްތަ","ހޯމަ","އަންގާރަ","ބުދަ","ބުރާސްފަތި","ހުކުރު","ހޮނިހިރު"],
namesShort: ["އާ","ހޯ","އަ","ބު","ބު","ހު","ހޮ"]
months: {
names: ["ޖަނަވަރީ","ފެބްރުއަރީ","މާޗް","އޭޕްރިލް","މެއި","ޖޫން","ޖުލައި","އޯގަސްޓް","ސެޕްޓެމްބަރ","އޮކްޓޯބަރ","ނޮވެމްބަރ","ޑިސެމްބަރ",""],
namesAbbr: ["ޖަނަވަރީ","ފެބްރުއަރީ","މާޗް","އޭޕްރިލް","މެއި","ޖޫން","ޖުލައި","އޯގަސްޓް","ސެޕްޓެމްބަރ","އޮކްޓޯބަރ","ނޮވެމްބަރ","ޑިސެމްބަރ",""]
AM: ["މކ","މކ","މކ"],
PM: ["މފ","މފ","މފ"],
eras: [{"name":"މީލާދީ","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "dd/MM/yy",
D: "ddd, yyyy MMMM dd",
t: "HH:mm",
T: "HH:mm:ss",
f: "ddd, yyyy MMMM dd HH:mm",
F: "ddd, yyyy MMMM dd HH:mm:ss",
Y: "yyyy, MMMM"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
* Globalize Culture dv
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "dv", "default", {
name: "dv",
englishName: "Divehi",
nativeName: "ދިވެހިބަސް",
language: "dv",
isRTL: true,
numberFormat: {
currency: {
pattern: ["n $-","n $"],
symbol: "ރ."
calendars: {
standard: {
name: "Hijri",
days: {
names: ["އާދީއްތަ","ހޯމަ","އަންގާރަ","ބުދަ","ބުރާސްފަތި","ހުކުރު","ހޮނިހިރު"],
namesAbbr: ["އާދީއްތަ","ހޯމަ","އަންގާރަ","ބުދަ","ބުރާސްފަތި","ހުކުރު","ހޮނިހިރު"],
namesShort: ["އާ","ހޯ","އަ","ބު","ބު","ހު","ހޮ"]
months: {
names: ["މުޙައްރަމް","ޞަފަރު","ރަބީޢުލްއައްވަލް","ރަބީޢުލްއާޚިރު","ޖުމާދަލްއޫލާ","ޖުމާދަލްއާޚިރާ","ރަޖަބް","ޝަޢްބާން","ރަމަޟާން","ޝައްވާލް","ޛުލްޤަޢިދާ","ޛުލްޙިއްޖާ",""],
namesAbbr: ["މުޙައްރަމް","ޞަފަރު","ރަބީޢުލްއައްވަލް","ރަބީޢުލްއާޚިރު","ޖުމާދަލްއޫލާ","ޖުމާދަލްއާޚިރާ","ރަޖަބް","ޝަޢްބާން","ރަމަޟާން","ޝައްވާލް","ޛުލްޤަޢިދާ","ޛުލްޙިއްޖާ",""]
AM: ["މކ","މކ","މކ"],
PM: ["މފ","މފ","މފ"],
eras: [{"name":"بعد الهجرة","start":null,"offset":0}],
twoDigitYearMax: 1451,
patterns: {
d: "dd/MM/yy",
D: "dd/MM/yyyy",
t: "HH:mm",
T: "HH:mm:ss",
f: "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm",
F: "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss",
M: "dd MMMM"
convert: {
// Adapted to Script from System.Globalization.HijriCalendar
ticks1970: 62135596800000,
// number of days leading up to each month
monthDays: [0, 30, 59, 89, 118, 148, 177, 207, 236, 266, 295, 325, 355],
minDate: -42521673600000,
maxDate: 253402300799999,
// The number of days to add or subtract from the calendar to accommodate the variances
// in the start and the end of Ramadan and to accommodate the date difference between
// countries/regions. May be dynamically adjusted based on user preference, but should
// remain in the range of -2 to 2, inclusive.
hijriAdjustment: 0,
toGregorian: function(hyear, hmonth, hday) {
var daysSinceJan0101 = this.daysToYear(hyear) + this.monthDays[hmonth] + hday - 1 - this.hijriAdjustment;
// 86400000 = ticks per day
var gdate = new Date(daysSinceJan0101 * 86400000 - this.ticks1970);
// adjust for timezone, because we are interested in the gregorian date for the same timezone
// but ticks in javascript is always from GMT, unlike the server were ticks counts from the base
// date in the current timezone.
gdate.setMinutes(gdate.getMinutes() + gdate.getTimezoneOffset());
return gdate;
fromGregorian: function(gdate) {
if ((gdate < this.minDate) || (gdate > this.maxDate)) return null;
var ticks = this.ticks1970 + (gdate-0) - gdate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000,
daysSinceJan0101 = Math.floor(ticks / 86400000) + 1 + this.hijriAdjustment;
// very particular formula determined by someone smart, adapted from the server-side implementation.
// it approximates the hijri year.
var hday, hmonth, hyear = Math.floor(((daysSinceJan0101 - 227013) * 30) / 10631) + 1,
absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear),
daysInYear = this.isLeapYear(hyear) ? 355 : 354;
// hyear is just approximate, it may need adjustment up or down by 1.
if (daysSinceJan0101 < absDays) {
absDays -= daysInYear;
else if (daysSinceJan0101 === absDays) {
absDays = this.daysToYear(hyear);
else {
if (daysSinceJan0101 > (absDays + daysInYear)) {
absDays += daysInYear;
// determine month by looking at how many days into the hyear we are
// monthDays contains the number of days up to each month.
hmonth = 0;
var daysIntoYear = daysSinceJan0101 - absDays;
while (hmonth <= 11 && daysIntoYear > this.monthDays[hmonth]) {
hday = daysIntoYear - this.monthDays[hmonth];
return [hyear, hmonth, hday];
daysToYear: function(year) {
// calculates how many days since Jan 1, 0001
var yearsToYear30 = Math.floor((year - 1) / 30) * 30,
yearsInto30 = year - yearsToYear30 - 1,
days = Math.floor((yearsToYear30 * 10631) / 30) + 227013;
while (yearsInto30 > 0) {
days += (this.isLeapYear(yearsInto30) ? 355 : 354);
return days;
isLeapYear: function(year) {
return ((((year * 11) + 14) % 30) < 11);
Gregorian_Localized: {
days: {
names: ["އާދީއްތަ","ހޯމަ","އަންގާރަ","ބުދަ","ބުރާސްފަތި","ހުކުރު","ހޮނިހިރު"],
namesAbbr: ["އާދީއްތަ","ހޯމަ","އަންގާރަ","ބުދަ","ބުރާސްފަތި","ހުކުރު","ހޮނިހިރު"],
namesShort: ["އާ","ހޯ","އަ","ބު","ބު","ހު","ހޮ"]
months: {
names: ["ޖަނަވަރީ","ފެބްރުއަރީ","މާޗް","އޭޕްރިލް","މެއި","ޖޫން","ޖުލައި","އޯގަސްޓް","ސެޕްޓެމްބަރ","އޮކްޓޯބަރ","ނޮވެމްބަރ","ޑިސެމްބަރ",""],
namesAbbr: ["ޖަނަވަރީ","ފެބްރުއަރީ","މާޗް","އޭޕްރިލް","މެއި","ޖޫން","ޖުލައި","އޯގަސްޓް","ސެޕްޓެމްބަރ","އޮކްޓޯބަރ","ނޮވެމްބަރ","ޑިސެމްބަރ",""]
AM: ["މކ","މކ","މކ"],
PM: ["މފ","މފ","މފ"],
eras: [{"name":"މީލާދީ","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "dd/MM/yy",
D: "ddd, yyyy MMMM dd",
t: "HH:mm",
T: "HH:mm:ss",
f: "ddd, yyyy MMMM dd HH:mm",
F: "ddd, yyyy MMMM dd HH:mm:ss",
Y: "yyyy, MMMM"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
* Globalize Culture el-GR
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "el-GR", "default", {
name: "el-GR",
englishName: "Greek (Greece)",
nativeName: "Ελληνικά (Ελλάδα)",
language: "el",
numberFormat: {
",": ".",
".": ",",
"NaN": "μη αριθμός",
negativeInfinity: "-Άπειρο",
positiveInfinity: "Άπειρο",
percent: {
pattern: ["-n%","n%"],
",": ".",
".": ","
currency: {
pattern: ["-n $","n $"],
",": ".",
".": ",",
symbol: "€"
calendars: {
standard: {
firstDay: 1,
days: {
names: ["Κυριακή","Δευτέρα","Τρίτη","Τετάρτη","Πέμπτη","Παρασκευή","Σάββατο"],
namesAbbr: ["Κυρ","Δευ","Τρι","Τετ","Πεμ","Παρ","Σαβ"],
namesShort: ["Κυ","Δε","Τρ","Τε","Πε","Πα","Σά"]
months: {
names: ["Ιανουάριος","Φεβρουάριος","Μάρτιος","Απρίλιος","Μάιος","Ιούνιος","Ιούλιος","Αύγουστος","Σεπτέμβριος","Οκτώβριος","Νοέμβριος","Δεκέμβριος",""],
namesAbbr: ["Ιαν","Φεβ","Μαρ","Απρ","Μαϊ","Ιουν","Ιουλ","Αυγ","Σεπ","Οκτ","Νοε","Δεκ",""]
monthsGenitive: {
names: ["Ιανουαρίου","Φεβρουαρίου","Μαρτίου","Απριλίου","Μαΐου","Ιουνίου","Ιουλίου","Αυγούστου","Σεπτεμβρίου","Οκτωβρίου","Νοεμβρίου","Δεκεμβρίου",""],
namesAbbr: ["Ιαν","Φεβ","Μαρ","Απρ","Μαϊ","Ιουν","Ιουλ","Αυγ","Σεπ","Οκτ","Νοε","Δεκ",""]
AM: ["πμ","πμ","ΠΜ"],
PM: ["μμ","μμ","ΜΜ"],
eras: [{"name":"μ.Χ.","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "d/M/yyyy",
D: "dddd, d MMMM yyyy",
f: "dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm tt",
F: "dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt",
M: "dd MMMM",
Y: "MMMM yyyy"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
* Globalize Culture el
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "el", "default", {
name: "el",
englishName: "Greek",
nativeName: "Ελληνικά",
language: "el",
numberFormat: {
",": ".",
".": ",",
"NaN": "μη αριθμός",
negativeInfinity: "-Άπειρο",
positiveInfinity: "Άπειρο",
percent: {
pattern: ["-n%","n%"],
",": ".",
".": ","
currency: {
pattern: ["-n $","n $"],
",": ".",
".": ",",
symbol: "€"
calendars: {
standard: {
firstDay: 1,
days: {
names: ["Κυριακή","Δευτέρα","Τρίτη","Τετάρτη","Πέμπτη","Παρασκευή","Σάββατο"],
namesAbbr: ["Κυρ","Δευ","Τρι","Τετ","Πεμ","Παρ","Σαβ"],
namesShort: ["Κυ","Δε","Τρ","Τε","Πε","Πα","Σά"]
months: {
names: ["Ιανουάριος","Φεβρουάριος","Μάρτιος","Απρίλιος","Μάιος","Ιούνιος","Ιούλιος","Αύγουστος","Σεπτέμβριος","Οκτώβριος","Νοέμβριος","Δεκέμβριος",""],
namesAbbr: ["Ιαν","Φεβ","Μαρ","Απρ","Μαϊ","Ιουν","Ιουλ","Αυγ","Σεπ","Οκτ","Νοε","Δεκ",""]
monthsGenitive: {
names: ["Ιανουαρίου","Φεβρουαρίου","Μαρτίου","Απριλίου","Μαΐου","Ιουνίου","Ιουλίου","Αυγούστου","Σεπτεμβρίου","Οκτωβρίου","Νοεμβρίου","Δεκεμβρίου",""],
namesAbbr: ["Ιαν","Φεβ","Μαρ","Απρ","Μαϊ","Ιουν","Ιουλ","Αυγ","Σεπ","Οκτ","Νοε","Δεκ",""]
AM: ["πμ","πμ","ΠΜ"],
PM: ["μμ","μμ","ΜΜ"],
eras: [{"name":"μ.Χ.","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "d/M/yyyy",
D: "dddd, d MMMM yyyy",
f: "dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm tt",
F: "dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt",
M: "dd MMMM",
Y: "MMMM yyyy"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
* Globalize Culture en-029
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "en-029", "default", {
name: "en-029",
englishName: "English (Caribbean)",
nativeName: "English (Caribbean)",
numberFormat: {
currency: {
pattern: ["-$n","$n"]
calendars: {
standard: {
firstDay: 1,
patterns: {
d: "MM/dd/yyyy"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
* Globalize Culture en-AU
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "en-AU", "default", {
name: "en-AU",
englishName: "English (Australia)",
nativeName: "English (Australia)",
numberFormat: {
currency: {
pattern: ["-$n","$n"]
calendars: {
standard: {
firstDay: 1,
patterns: {
d: "d/MM/yyyy",
D: "dddd, d MMMM yyyy",
f: "dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm tt",
F: "dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt",
M: "dd MMMM",
Y: "MMMM yyyy"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
* Globalize Culture en-BZ
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "en-BZ", "default", {
name: "en-BZ",
englishName: "English (Belize)",
nativeName: "English (Belize)",
numberFormat: {
currency: {
groupSizes: [3,0],
symbol: "BZ$"
calendars: {
standard: {
patterns: {
d: "dd/MM/yyyy",
D: "dddd, dd MMMM yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dddd, dd MMMM yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dddd, dd MMMM yyyy hh:mm:ss tt",
M: "dd MMMM",
Y: "MMMM yyyy"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
* Globalize Culture en-CA
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "en-CA", "default", {
name: "en-CA",
englishName: "English (Canada)",
nativeName: "English (Canada)",
numberFormat: {
currency: {
pattern: ["-$n","$n"]
calendars: {
standard: {
patterns: {
d: "dd/MM/yyyy",
D: "MMMM-dd-yy",
f: "MMMM-dd-yy h:mm tt",
F: "MMMM-dd-yy h:mm:ss tt"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
* Globalize Culture en-GB
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "en-GB", "default", {
name: "en-GB",
englishName: "English (United Kingdom)",
nativeName: "English (United Kingdom)",
numberFormat: {
currency: {
pattern: ["-$n","$n"],
symbol: "£"
calendars: {
standard: {
firstDay: 1,
patterns: {
d: "dd/MM/yyyy",
D: "dd MMMM yyyy",
t: "HH:mm",
T: "HH:mm:ss",
f: "dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm",
F: "dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss",
M: "dd MMMM",
Y: "MMMM yyyy"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
* Globalize Culture en-IE
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "en-IE", "default", {
name: "en-IE",
englishName: "English (Ireland)",
nativeName: "English (Ireland)",
numberFormat: {
currency: {
pattern: ["-$n","$n"],
symbol: "€"
calendars: {
standard: {
firstDay: 1,
AM: null,
PM: null,
patterns: {
d: "dd/MM/yyyy",
D: "dd MMMM yyyy",
t: "HH:mm",
T: "HH:mm:ss",
f: "dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm",
F: "dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss",
M: "dd MMMM",
Y: "MMMM yyyy"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
* Globalize Culture en-IN
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "en-IN", "default", {
name: "en-IN",
englishName: "English (India)",
nativeName: "English (India)",
numberFormat: {
groupSizes: [3,2],
percent: {
groupSizes: [3,2]
currency: {
pattern: ["$ -n","$ n"],
groupSizes: [3,2],
symbol: "Rs."
calendars: {
standard: {
"/": "-",
firstDay: 1,
patterns: {
d: "dd-MM-yyyy",
D: "dd MMMM yyyy",
t: "HH:mm",
T: "HH:mm:ss",
f: "dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm",
F: "dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss",
M: "dd MMMM"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
* Globalize Culture en-JM
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "en-JM", "default", {
name: "en-JM",
englishName: "English (Jamaica)",
nativeName: "English (Jamaica)",
numberFormat: {
currency: {
pattern: ["-$n","$n"],
symbol: "J$"
calendars: {
standard: {
patterns: {
d: "dd/MM/yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss tt"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
* Globalize Culture en-MY
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "en-MY", "default", {
name: "en-MY",
englishName: "English (Malaysia)",
nativeName: "English (Malaysia)",
numberFormat: {
percent: {
pattern: ["-n%","n%"]
currency: {
symbol: "RM"
calendars: {
standard: {
days: {
namesShort: ["S","M","T","W","T","F","S"]
patterns: {
d: "d/M/yyyy",
D: "dddd, d MMMM, yyyy",
f: "dddd, d MMMM, yyyy h:mm tt",
F: "dddd, d MMMM, yyyy h:mm:ss tt",
M: "d MMMM"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
* Globalize Culture en-NZ
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "en-NZ", "default", {
name: "en-NZ",
englishName: "English (New Zealand)",
nativeName: "English (New Zealand)",
numberFormat: {
currency: {
pattern: ["-$n","$n"]
calendars: {
standard: {
firstDay: 1,
AM: ["a.m.","a.m.","A.M."],
PM: ["p.m.","p.m.","P.M."],
patterns: {
d: "d/MM/yyyy",
D: "dddd, d MMMM yyyy",
f: "dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm tt",
F: "dddd, d MMMM yyyy h:mm:ss tt",
M: "dd MMMM",
Y: "MMMM yyyy"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
* Globalize Culture en-PH
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "en-PH", "default", {
name: "en-PH",
englishName: "English (Republic of the Philippines)",
nativeName: "English (Philippines)",
numberFormat: {
currency: {
symbol: "Php"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
* Globalize Culture en-SG
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "en-SG", "default", {
name: "en-SG",
englishName: "English (Singapore)",
nativeName: "English (Singapore)",
numberFormat: {
percent: {
pattern: ["-n%","n%"]
calendars: {
standard: {
days: {
namesShort: ["S","M","T","W","T","F","S"]
patterns: {
d: "d/M/yyyy",
D: "dddd, d MMMM, yyyy",
f: "dddd, d MMMM, yyyy h:mm tt",
F: "dddd, d MMMM, yyyy h:mm:ss tt",
M: "d MMMM"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
* Globalize Culture en-TT
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "en-TT", "default", {
name: "en-TT",
englishName: "English (Trinidad and Tobago)",
nativeName: "English (Trinidad y Tobago)",
numberFormat: {
currency: {
groupSizes: [3,0],
symbol: "TT$"
calendars: {
standard: {
patterns: {
d: "dd/MM/yyyy",
D: "dddd, dd MMMM yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dddd, dd MMMM yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dddd, dd MMMM yyyy hh:mm:ss tt",
M: "dd MMMM",
Y: "MMMM yyyy"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
* Globalize Culture en-US
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "en-US", "default", {
name: "en-US",
englishName: "English (United States)"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
* Globalize Culture en-ZA
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "en-ZA", "default", {
name: "en-ZA",
englishName: "English (South Africa)",
nativeName: "English (South Africa)",
numberFormat: {
",": " ",
percent: {
pattern: ["-n%","n%"],
",": " "
currency: {
pattern: ["$-n","$ n"],
",": " ",
".": ",",
symbol: "R"
calendars: {
standard: {
patterns: {
d: "yyyy/MM/dd",
D: "dd MMMM yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dd MMMM yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dd MMMM yyyy hh:mm:ss tt",
M: "dd MMMM",
Y: "MMMM yyyy"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
* Globalize Culture en-ZW
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "en-ZW", "default", {
name: "en-ZW",
englishName: "English (Zimbabwe)",
nativeName: "English (Zimbabwe)",
numberFormat: {
currency: {
symbol: "Z$"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
* Globalize Culture es-AR
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "es-AR", "default", {
name: "es-AR",
englishName: "Spanish (Argentina)",
nativeName: "Español (Argentina)",
language: "es",
numberFormat: {
",": ".",
".": ",",
"NaN": "NeuN",
negativeInfinity: "-Infinito",
positiveInfinity: "Infinito",
percent: {
",": ".",
".": ","
currency: {
pattern: ["$-n","$ n"],
",": ".",
".": ","
calendars: {
standard: {
days: {
names: ["domingo","lunes","martes","miércoles","jueves","viernes","sábado"],
namesAbbr: ["dom","lun","mar","mié","jue","vie","sáb"],
namesShort: ["do","lu","ma","mi","ju","vi","sá"]
months: {
names: ["enero","febrero","marzo","abril","mayo","junio","julio","agosto","septiembre","octubre","noviembre","diciembre",""],
namesAbbr: ["ene","feb","mar","abr","may","jun","jul","ago","sep","oct","nov","dic",""]
AM: ["a.m.","a.m.","A.M."],
PM: ["p.m.","p.m.","P.M."],
eras: [{"name":"d.C.","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "dd/MM/yyyy",
D: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy hh:mm:ss tt",
M: "dd MMMM",
Y: "MMMM' de 'yyyy"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
* Globalize Culture es-BO
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "es-BO", "default", {
name: "es-BO",
englishName: "Spanish (Bolivia)",
nativeName: "Español (Bolivia)",
language: "es",
numberFormat: {
",": ".",
".": ",",
"NaN": "NeuN",
negativeInfinity: "-Infinito",
positiveInfinity: "Infinito",
percent: {
",": ".",
".": ","
currency: {
pattern: ["($ n)","$ n"],
",": ".",
".": ",",
symbol: "$b"
calendars: {
standard: {
days: {
names: ["domingo","lunes","martes","miércoles","jueves","viernes","sábado"],
namesAbbr: ["dom","lun","mar","mié","jue","vie","sáb"],
namesShort: ["do","lu","ma","mi","ju","vi","sá"]
months: {
names: ["enero","febrero","marzo","abril","mayo","junio","julio","agosto","septiembre","octubre","noviembre","diciembre",""],
namesAbbr: ["ene","feb","mar","abr","may","jun","jul","ago","sep","oct","nov","dic",""]
AM: ["a.m.","a.m.","A.M."],
PM: ["p.m.","p.m.","P.M."],
eras: [{"name":"d.C.","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "dd/MM/yyyy",
D: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy hh:mm:ss tt",
M: "dd MMMM",
Y: "MMMM' de 'yyyy"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
* Globalize Culture es-CL
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "es-CL", "default", {
name: "es-CL",
englishName: "Spanish (Chile)",
nativeName: "Español (Chile)",
language: "es",
numberFormat: {
",": ".",
".": ",",
"NaN": "NeuN",
negativeInfinity: "-Infinito",
positiveInfinity: "Infinito",
percent: {
",": ".",
".": ","
currency: {
pattern: ["-$ n","$ n"],
",": ".",
".": ","
calendars: {
standard: {
"/": "-",
days: {
names: ["domingo","lunes","martes","miércoles","jueves","viernes","sábado"],
namesAbbr: ["dom","lun","mar","mié","jue","vie","sáb"],
namesShort: ["do","lu","ma","mi","ju","vi","sá"]
months: {
names: ["enero","febrero","marzo","abril","mayo","junio","julio","agosto","septiembre","octubre","noviembre","diciembre",""],
namesAbbr: ["ene","feb","mar","abr","may","jun","jul","ago","sep","oct","nov","dic",""]
AM: null,
PM: null,
eras: [{"name":"d.C.","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "dd-MM-yyyy",
D: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy",
t: "H:mm",
T: "H:mm:ss",
f: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy H:mm",
F: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy H:mm:ss",
M: "dd MMMM",
Y: "MMMM' de 'yyyy"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
* Globalize Culture es-CO
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "es-CO", "default", {
name: "es-CO",
englishName: "Spanish (Colombia)",
nativeName: "Español (Colombia)",
language: "es",
numberFormat: {
",": ".",
".": ",",
"NaN": "NeuN",
negativeInfinity: "-Infinito",
positiveInfinity: "Infinito",
percent: {
",": ".",
".": ","
currency: {
pattern: ["($ n)","$ n"],
",": ".",
".": ","
calendars: {
standard: {
days: {
names: ["domingo","lunes","martes","miércoles","jueves","viernes","sábado"],
namesAbbr: ["dom","lun","mar","mié","jue","vie","sáb"],
namesShort: ["do","lu","ma","mi","ju","vi","sá"]
months: {
names: ["enero","febrero","marzo","abril","mayo","junio","julio","agosto","septiembre","octubre","noviembre","diciembre",""],
namesAbbr: ["ene","feb","mar","abr","may","jun","jul","ago","sep","oct","nov","dic",""]
AM: ["a.m.","a.m.","A.M."],
PM: ["p.m.","p.m.","P.M."],
eras: [{"name":"d.C.","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "dd/MM/yyyy",
D: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy hh:mm:ss tt",
M: "dd MMMM",
Y: "MMMM' de 'yyyy"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
* Globalize Culture es-CR
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "es-CR", "default", {
name: "es-CR",
englishName: "Spanish (Costa Rica)",
nativeName: "Español (Costa Rica)",
language: "es",
numberFormat: {
",": ".",
".": ",",
"NaN": "NeuN",
negativeInfinity: "-Infinito",
positiveInfinity: "Infinito",
percent: {
",": ".",
".": ","
currency: {
",": ".",
".": ",",
symbol: "₡"
calendars: {
standard: {
days: {
names: ["domingo","lunes","martes","miércoles","jueves","viernes","sábado"],
namesAbbr: ["dom","lun","mar","mié","jue","vie","sáb"],
namesShort: ["do","lu","ma","mi","ju","vi","sá"]
months: {
names: ["enero","febrero","marzo","abril","mayo","junio","julio","agosto","septiembre","octubre","noviembre","diciembre",""],
namesAbbr: ["ene","feb","mar","abr","may","jun","jul","ago","sep","oct","nov","dic",""]
AM: ["a.m.","a.m.","A.M."],
PM: ["p.m.","p.m.","P.M."],
eras: [{"name":"d.C.","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "dd/MM/yyyy",
D: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy hh:mm:ss tt",
M: "dd MMMM",
Y: "MMMM' de 'yyyy"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
* Globalize Culture es-DO
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "es-DO", "default", {
name: "es-DO",
englishName: "Spanish (Dominican Republic)",
nativeName: "Español (República Dominicana)",
language: "es",
numberFormat: {
"NaN": "NeuN",
negativeInfinity: "-Infinito",
positiveInfinity: "Infinito",
currency: {
symbol: "RD$"
calendars: {
standard: {
days: {
names: ["domingo","lunes","martes","miércoles","jueves","viernes","sábado"],
namesAbbr: ["dom","lun","mar","mié","jue","vie","sáb"],
namesShort: ["do","lu","ma","mi","ju","vi","sá"]
months: {
names: ["enero","febrero","marzo","abril","mayo","junio","julio","agosto","septiembre","octubre","noviembre","diciembre",""],
namesAbbr: ["ene","feb","mar","abr","may","jun","jul","ago","sep","oct","nov","dic",""]
AM: ["a.m.","a.m.","A.M."],
PM: ["p.m.","p.m.","P.M."],
eras: [{"name":"d.C.","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "dd/MM/yyyy",
D: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy hh:mm:ss tt",
M: "dd MMMM",
Y: "MMMM' de 'yyyy"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
* Globalize Culture es-EC
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "es-EC", "default", {
name: "es-EC",
englishName: "Spanish (Ecuador)",
nativeName: "Español (Ecuador)",
language: "es",
numberFormat: {
",": ".",
".": ",",
"NaN": "NeuN",
negativeInfinity: "-Infinito",
positiveInfinity: "Infinito",
percent: {
",": ".",
".": ","
currency: {
pattern: ["($ n)","$ n"],
",": ".",
".": ","
calendars: {
standard: {
days: {
names: ["domingo","lunes","martes","miércoles","jueves","viernes","sábado"],
namesAbbr: ["dom","lun","mar","mié","jue","vie","sáb"],
namesShort: ["do","lu","ma","mi","ju","vi","sá"]
months: {
names: ["enero","febrero","marzo","abril","mayo","junio","julio","agosto","septiembre","octubre","noviembre","diciembre",""],
namesAbbr: ["ene","feb","mar","abr","may","jun","jul","ago","sep","oct","nov","dic",""]
AM: null,
PM: null,
eras: [{"name":"d.C.","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "dd/MM/yyyy",
D: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy",
t: "H:mm",
T: "H:mm:ss",
f: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy H:mm",
F: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy H:mm:ss",
M: "dd MMMM",
Y: "MMMM' de 'yyyy"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
* Globalize Culture es-ES
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "es-ES", "default", {
name: "es-ES",
englishName: "Spanish (Spain, International Sort)",
nativeName: "Español (España, alfabetización internacional)",
language: "es",
numberFormat: {
",": ".",
".": ",",
"NaN": "NeuN",
negativeInfinity: "-Infinito",
positiveInfinity: "Infinito",
percent: {
",": ".",
".": ","
currency: {
pattern: ["-n $","n $"],
",": ".",
".": ",",
symbol: "€"
calendars: {
standard: {
firstDay: 1,
days: {
names: ["domingo","lunes","martes","miércoles","jueves","viernes","sábado"],
namesAbbr: ["dom","lun","mar","mié","jue","vie","sáb"],
namesShort: ["do","lu","ma","mi","ju","vi","sá"]
months: {
names: ["enero","febrero","marzo","abril","mayo","junio","julio","agosto","septiembre","octubre","noviembre","diciembre",""],
namesAbbr: ["ene","feb","mar","abr","may","jun","jul","ago","sep","oct","nov","dic",""]
AM: null,
PM: null,
eras: [{"name":"d.C.","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "dd/MM/yyyy",
D: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy",
t: "H:mm",
T: "H:mm:ss",
f: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy H:mm",
F: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy H:mm:ss",
M: "dd MMMM",
Y: "MMMM' de 'yyyy"
}( this ));

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
* Globalize Culture es-GT
* http://github.com/jquery/globalize
* Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator
* Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator
(function( window, undefined ) {
var Globalize;
if ( typeof require !== "undefined" &&
typeof exports !== "undefined" &&
typeof module !== "undefined" ) {
// Assume CommonJS
Globalize = require( "globalize" );
} else {
// Global variable
Globalize = window.Globalize;
Globalize.addCultureInfo( "es-GT", "default", {
name: "es-GT",
englishName: "Spanish (Guatemala)",
nativeName: "Español (Guatemala)",
language: "es",
numberFormat: {
"NaN": "NeuN",
negativeInfinity: "-Infinito",
positiveInfinity: "Infinito",
currency: {
symbol: "Q"
calendars: {
standard: {
days: {
names: ["domingo","lunes","martes","miércoles","jueves","viernes","sábado"],
namesAbbr: ["dom","lun","mar","mié","jue","vie","sáb"],
namesShort: ["do","lu","ma","mi","ju","vi","sá"]
months: {
names: ["enero","febrero","marzo","abril","mayo","junio","julio","agosto","septiembre","octubre","noviembre","diciembre",""],
namesAbbr: ["ene","feb","mar","abr","may","jun","jul","ago","sep","oct","nov","dic",""]
AM: ["a.m.","a.m.","A.M."],
PM: ["p.m.","p.m.","P.M."],
eras: [{"name":"d.C.","start":null,"offset":0}],
patterns: {
d: "dd/MM/yyyy",
D: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy",
t: "hh:mm tt",
T: "hh:mm:ss tt",
f: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy hh:mm tt",
F: "dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy hh:mm:ss tt",
M: "dd MMMM",
Y: "MMMM' de 'yyyy"
}( this ));

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
