comment modification

Paul Schneider 5 years ago
parent 8c52cc7a2e
commit be6172c8a4
1 changed files with 8 additions and 7 deletions

@ -490,9 +490,9 @@ namespace Yavsc.Controllers
_logger.LogWarning($"ForgotPassword: Email or User name {model.LoginOrEmail} not found");
return View("ForgotPasswordConfirmation");
// user != null
// We want him to have a confirmed e-mail, and prevent this script
// to be used to send e-mail to any arbitrary person
// We cannot require the email to be confimed,
// or a lot of non confirmed email never be able to finalyze
// registration.
if (!await _userManager.IsEmailConfirmedAsync(user))
_logger.LogWarning($"ForgotPassword: Email {model.LoginOrEmail} not confirmed");
@ -523,16 +523,17 @@ namespace Yavsc.Controllers
return View();
// GET: /Account/ResetPassword
public IActionResult ResetPassword(string UserId, string code = null)
public async Task<IActionResult> ResetPassword(string UserId, string code = null)
return code == null ? View("Error") : View();
var user = await _userManager.FindByIdAsync(UserId);
if (user==null) return new BadRequestResult();
// We just serve the form to reset here.
return View();
// POST: /Account/ResetPassword
