Fixes the latest merge

Paul Schneider 9 years ago
parent d8a5ebd526
commit 777f4fb4c2
32 changed files with 108 additions and 110 deletions

@ -39,6 +39,11 @@ body.loading .modal {
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@ -48,7 +53,7 @@ header {
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@ -60,7 +65,7 @@ nav {
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@ -69,11 +74,11 @@ main {
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margin-top: 2em;
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@ -314,8 +319,8 @@ input, select, textarea {
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@ -325,15 +330,14 @@ header h1, header a , .actionlink, .menuitem, a { padding:.5em;}
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margin: 1em;
padding: 1em;
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background: url("/images/drummer-652345_1280.s.jpg") 50% 90% repeat fixed ;
background: url("/images/helix-nebula-1400x1400.s.jpg") 50% 90% repeat fixed ;
footer a {
@ -365,22 +369,22 @@ header h1, header a , .actionlink, .menuitem, a { padding:.5em;}
header {
padding-top: 101px;
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background: url("/images/star-939235_1280.xxs.jpg") 0 0 no-repeat fixed;
header h1, header a { padding:.2em;}
nav {
margin: .5em;
padding: .5em;
background: url("/images/live-concert-388160_1280.xxs.jpg") 50% 10% repeat fixed ;
background: url("/images/helix-nebula-1400x1400.xxs.jpg") 50% 10% repeat fixed ;
main {
margin: .5em;
padding: .5em;
background: url("/images/musician-923526_1.nbb.xxs.jpg") 50% 20em repeat fixed ;
background: url("/images/p8-av4.xxs.jpg") 50% 20em repeat fixed ;
footer {
background: url("/images/drummer-652345_1280.xxs.jpg") 50% 90% repeat fixed ;
background: url("/images/helix-nebula-1400x1400.xxs.jpg") 50% 10% repeat fixed ;
footer a {

@ -1,3 +1,36 @@
2015-10-20 Paul Schneider <>
* Web.config:
* Web.csproj:
* totem.jpg:
* App.master:
* twiter.png:
* facebook.png:
* totemprod.png:
* style.css:
* p8-av4.xxs.png:
* totem-banner.png:
* YavscHelpers.cs:
* concert.clear.jpg:
* totem-banner.xs.jpg:
* totem-banner.xxs.jpg:
* drummer-652345_1280.jpg:
* musician-923526_1.nb.jpg:
* musician-923526_1280.jpg:
* drummer-652345_1280.s.jpg:
* an-pierle-876094_1280.jpg:
* musician-923526_1.nbb.jpg:
* musician-923526_1280.s.jpg:
* drummer-652345_1280.xxs.jpg:
* musician-923526_1.nb.xs.jpg:
* live-concert-388160_1280.jpg:
* musician-923526_1280.xxs.jpg:
* musician-923526_1.nb.xxs.jpg:
* musician-923526_1.nbb.xs.jpg:
* musician-923526_1.nbb.xxs.jpg:
* live-concert-388160_1280.s.jpg:
* live-concert-388160_1280.xxs.jpg:
2015-10-19 Paul Schneider <>
* Web.csproj:

@ -158,15 +158,15 @@ namespace Yavsc.Helpers
/// <param name="helper">Helper.</param>
/// <param name="username">Username.</param>
public static string AvatarUrl (this System.Web.Mvc.UrlHelper helper, string username) {
if (username == null)
return null;
if (username == null) return null;
ProfileBase pr = ProfileBase.Create (username);
object avpath = null;
if (pr != null) avpath = pr.GetPropertyValue("Avatar");
if (avpath == null) return DefaultAvatar==null?"/bfiles/"+username+".png":DefaultAvatar;
if (avpath == null || avpath is DBNull)
return DefaultAvatar==null?"/bfiles/"+username+".png":DefaultAvatar;
string avatarLocation = avpath as string;
if (avatarLocation.StartsWith ("~/")) {
avatarLocation = helper.RequestContext.HttpContext.Server.MapPath(avatarLocation);
avatarLocation = helper.RouteUrl("Default", avatarLocation);
return avatarLocation;

@ -79,22 +79,21 @@ Yavsc.notice('<%=note%>');
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@ -2,75 +2,64 @@
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@ -85,7 +85,6 @@
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@ -373,18 +373,7 @@
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