
361 lines
12 KiB

10 years ago
<%@ Page Title="Devis" Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<Estimate>" MasterPageFile="~/Models/App.master" %>
<%@ Register Assembly="Yavsc.WebControls" TagPrefix="yavsc" Namespace="Yavsc.WebControls" %>
<asp:Content ContentPlaceHolderID="head" ID="head1" runat="server" >
<script type="text/javascript" src="<%=Url.Content("~/Scripts/stupidtable.js")%>"></script>
<asp:Content ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent" ID="MainContentContent" runat="server">
10 years ago
<%= Html.ValidationSummary("Devis") %>
* AccountController.cs: Register and reset passord from Web API * GCMController.cs: initial creation, will host GCM calls and related procedures. * ResetPassword.aspx: Html view to reset the password * LocalizedText.resx: * LocalizedText.fr.resx: new String form circles * Web.config: * Web.csproj: * YavscModel.csproj: * LocalizedText.Designer.cs: * Profile.cs: * Profile.cs: * LocalizedText.fr.Designer.cs: * LoginModel.cs: * Publishing.cs: * CalendarController.cs: * LoginModel.cs: * GCMRegister.cs: * Publishing.cs: * GCMRegister.cs: * NewRoleModel.cs: * NewRoleModel.cs: * RegisterModel.cs: * NewAdminModel.cs: * RegisterModel.cs: * NewAdminModel.cs: * LostPasswordModel.cs: * RegisterViewModel.cs: * RegisterViewModel.cs: * ProviderPublicInfo.cs: * RegisterClientModel.cs: * ChangePasswordModel.cs: * ProviderPublicInfo.cs: * RegisterClientModel.cs: * ChangePasswordModel.cs: Fixes a typo (in the namespace :-/) * NpgsqlCircleProvider.cs: Fixes the Circle creation * Global.asax.cs: * AdminController.cs: * NpgsqlContentProvider.cs: code formatting * BlogsController.cs: * CircleController.cs: * WorkFlowController.cs: * PaypalApiController.cs: * FrontOfficeController.cs: refactoring * AccountController.cs: Adds the way to reset the password * FrontOfficeController.cs: xml doc * T.cs: Make this class an helper to translation * YavscHelpers.cs: Implements the e-mail sending * style.css: style uniformization * Circles.aspx: Implements the Html interface to Circle creation (modifications and deletions are still to implement) * Register.ascx: Allows the error display in case of lack of power of the user at registering another user. * Estimate.aspx: use the partial view to register from the Account folder. Cleans the useless reference to ~/Theme/dark/style.css, that was for using the "tablesorter.js", no used anymore. * Web.config: Trying to have all the Index pages to work...
9 years ago
10 years ago
<% using (Html.BeginForm("Estimate","FrontOffice")) { %>
<%= Html.LabelFor(model => model.Title) %>:<%= Html.TextBox( "Title" ) %>
10 years ago
<%= Html.ValidationMessage("Title", "*") %>
<%= Html.Hidden ("Responsible") %>
<%= Html.LabelFor(model => model.Client) %>:
<% Client.Value = Model.Client ; %>
emptyvalue="*nouvel utilisateur*"
runat="server" >
function onClientChange(newval)
if (newval=='')
<%= Html.ValidationMessage("Client", "*") %>
<%= Html.LabelFor(model => model.Description) %>:<%=Html.TextArea( "Description") %>
<%= Html.ValidationMessage("Description", "*") %>
10 years ago
<%= Html.Hidden( "Id" ) %>
<% if (Model.Id==0) { %>
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Create"/>
<% } else { %>
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Update"/>
<% } %>
<% if (Model.Id>0) { %>
<table id="tbwrts">
<th data-sort="string"><%=Yavsc.Model.LocalizedText.Description%></th>
<th data-sort="string"><%=Yavsc.Model.LocalizedText.Product_reference%></th>
<th data-sort="int"><%=Yavsc.Model.LocalizedText.Count%></th>
<th data-sort="float"><%=Yavsc.Model.LocalizedText.Unitary_cost%></th>
<tbody id="wrts">
<% int lc=0;
if (Model.Lines!=null)
foreach (Writting wr in Model.Lines) { lc++; %>
10 years ago
<tr class="<%= (wr.Id%2==0)?"even ":"odd " %>row" id="wr<%=wr.Id%>">
<input type="button" value="X" class="actionlink rowbtnrm"/>
10 years ago
<% } %>
10 years ago
<% } %>
<% } %>
10 years ago
<asp:Content ContentPlaceHolderID="MASContent" ID="MASContent1" runat="server">
<div id="dfnuser" class="hidden">
* AccountController.cs: Register and reset passord from Web API * GCMController.cs: initial creation, will host GCM calls and related procedures. * ResetPassword.aspx: Html view to reset the password * LocalizedText.resx: * LocalizedText.fr.resx: new String form circles * Web.config: * Web.csproj: * YavscModel.csproj: * LocalizedText.Designer.cs: * Profile.cs: * Profile.cs: * LocalizedText.fr.Designer.cs: * LoginModel.cs: * Publishing.cs: * CalendarController.cs: * LoginModel.cs: * GCMRegister.cs: * Publishing.cs: * GCMRegister.cs: * NewRoleModel.cs: * NewRoleModel.cs: * RegisterModel.cs: * NewAdminModel.cs: * RegisterModel.cs: * NewAdminModel.cs: * LostPasswordModel.cs: * RegisterViewModel.cs: * RegisterViewModel.cs: * ProviderPublicInfo.cs: * RegisterClientModel.cs: * ChangePasswordModel.cs: * ProviderPublicInfo.cs: * RegisterClientModel.cs: * ChangePasswordModel.cs: Fixes a typo (in the namespace :-/) * NpgsqlCircleProvider.cs: Fixes the Circle creation * Global.asax.cs: * AdminController.cs: * NpgsqlContentProvider.cs: code formatting * BlogsController.cs: * CircleController.cs: * WorkFlowController.cs: * PaypalApiController.cs: * FrontOfficeController.cs: refactoring * AccountController.cs: Adds the way to reset the password * FrontOfficeController.cs: xml doc * T.cs: Make this class an helper to translation * YavscHelpers.cs: Implements the e-mail sending * style.css: style uniformization * Circles.aspx: Implements the Html interface to Circle creation (modifications and deletions are still to implement) * Register.ascx: Allows the error display in case of lack of power of the user at registering another user. * Estimate.aspx: use the partial view to register from the Account folder. Cleans the useless reference to ~/Theme/dark/style.css, that was for using the "tablesorter.js", no used anymore. * Web.config: Trying to have all the Index pages to work...
9 years ago
<%= Html.Partial("~/Views/Account/Register.ascx",new RegisterClientModel(),new ViewDataDictionary(ViewData)
TemplateInfo = new System.Web.Mvc.TemplateInfo
HtmlFieldPrefix = ViewData.TemplateInfo.HtmlFieldPrefix==""?"ur":ViewData.TemplateInfo.HtmlFieldPrefix+"_ur"
}) %>
<%= Html.Partial("Writting",new Writting(),new ViewDataDictionary(ViewData)
TemplateInfo = new System.Web.Mvc.TemplateInfo
HtmlFieldPrefix = ViewData.TemplateInfo.HtmlFieldPrefix==""?"wr":ViewData.TemplateInfo.HtmlFieldPrefix+"_wr"
}) %>
10 years ago
10 years ago
<input type="button" id="btnnew" value="Nouvelle écriture" class="actionlink"/>
<input type="button" id="btncreate" value="Ecrire" class="actionlink"/>
<input type="button" id="btnmodify" value="Modifier" class="hidden actionlink"/>
</div> </form>
<tt id="msg" class="hidden message"></tt>
10 years ago
th { cursor:pointer; }
.row { cursor:pointer; }
table.tablesorter td:hover { background-color: rgba(0,64,0,0.5); }
.hidden { display:none; }
.selected td { background-color: rgba(0,64,0,0.5); }
jQuery.support.cors = true;
function message(msg) {
if (msg) {
} else { $("#msg").addClass("hidden"); } }
function GetWritting () {
return {
Id: Number($("#wr_Id").val()),
UnitaryCost: Number($("#wr_UnitaryCost").val()),
Count: parseInt($("#wr_Count").val()),
ProductReference: $("#wr_ProductReference").val(),
Description: $("#wr_Description").val()
function wredit(pwrid)
10 years ago
if (wr_Id.value>0) {
10 years ago
if (pwrid>0) {
} else {
function delRow(e) {
e.stopPropagation(); // do not edit this row on this click
// from <row id= ...><tr><td><input type="button" >
var hid=e.delegateTarget.parentNode.parentNode.id;
var vwrid = Number(hid.substr(2));
url: "<%=Url.Content("~/api/WorkFlow/DropWritting")%>",
type: "Get",
data: { wrid: vwrid },
contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
success: function () {
$("#wr"+vwrid).remove(); // removes clicked row
wredit(0); // set current form target id to none
message(false); // hides current message
// $("#tbwrts").update();// rebuilds the cache for the tablesorter js
// $("#tbwrts").tablesorter( {sortList: [[0,0], [1,0]]} ); // .update();
error: function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) {
if (xhr.status!=400)
message(xhr.status+" : "+xhr.responseText);
else message(false);
function setRow() {
var wrt = GetWritting();
url: "<%=Url.Content("~/api/WorkFlow/UpdateWritting")%>",
type: 'POST',
data: wrt,
success: function () {
var cells = document.getElementById("wr"+wrt.Id).getElementsByTagName("TD");
statusCode: {
400: function(data) {
$.each(data.responseJSON, function (key, value) {
var errspanid = "Err_" + value.key.replace(".","_");
var errspan = document.getElementById(errspanid);
if (errspan==null)
alert('enoent '+errspanid);
error: function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) {
if (xhr.status!=400)
message(xhr.status+" : "+xhr.responseText);
else message(false);
function addUser()
var user={
UserName: $("#ur_UserName").val(),
Name: $("#ur_Name").val(),
Password: $("#ur_Password").val(),
Email: $("#ur_Email").val(),
Address: $("#ur_Address").val(),
CityAndState: $("#ur_CityAndState").val(),
ZipCode: $("#ur_ZipCode").val(),
Phone: $("#ur_Phone").val(),
Mobile: $("#ur_Mobile").val(),
IsApprouved: true
url: "<%=Url.Content("~/api/FrontOffice/Register")%>",
type: "POST",
data: user,
success: function (data) {
$("#Client option:last").after($('<option>'+user.UserName+'</option>'));
Client.value = user.UserName;
statusCode: {
400: function(data) {
$.each(data.responseJSON, function (key, value) {
var errspanid = "Err_ur_" + value.key.replace("model.","");
var errspan = document.getElementById(errspanid);
if (errspan==null)
alert('enoent '+errspanid);
error: function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) {
if (xhr.status!=400)
message(xhr.status+" : "+xhr.responseText);
else message(false);
function clearWrittingValidation() {
function clearRegistrationValidation(){
* AccountController.cs: Register and reset passord from Web API * GCMController.cs: initial creation, will host GCM calls and related procedures. * ResetPassword.aspx: Html view to reset the password * LocalizedText.resx: * LocalizedText.fr.resx: new String form circles * Web.config: * Web.csproj: * YavscModel.csproj: * LocalizedText.Designer.cs: * Profile.cs: * Profile.cs: * LocalizedText.fr.Designer.cs: * LoginModel.cs: * Publishing.cs: * CalendarController.cs: * LoginModel.cs: * GCMRegister.cs: * Publishing.cs: * GCMRegister.cs: * NewRoleModel.cs: * NewRoleModel.cs: * RegisterModel.cs: * NewAdminModel.cs: * RegisterModel.cs: * NewAdminModel.cs: * LostPasswordModel.cs: * RegisterViewModel.cs: * RegisterViewModel.cs: * ProviderPublicInfo.cs: * RegisterClientModel.cs: * ChangePasswordModel.cs: * ProviderPublicInfo.cs: * RegisterClientModel.cs: * ChangePasswordModel.cs: Fixes a typo (in the namespace :-/) * NpgsqlCircleProvider.cs: Fixes the Circle creation * Global.asax.cs: * AdminController.cs: * NpgsqlContentProvider.cs: code formatting * BlogsController.cs: * CircleController.cs: * WorkFlowController.cs: * PaypalApiController.cs: * FrontOfficeController.cs: refactoring * AccountController.cs: Adds the way to reset the password * FrontOfficeController.cs: xml doc * T.cs: Make this class an helper to translation * YavscHelpers.cs: Implements the e-mail sending * style.css: style uniformization * Circles.aspx: Implements the Html interface to Circle creation (modifications and deletions are still to implement) * Register.ascx: Allows the error display in case of lack of power of the user at registering another user. * Estimate.aspx: use the partial view to register from the Account folder. Cleans the useless reference to ~/Theme/dark/style.css, that was for using the "tablesorter.js", no used anymore. * Web.config: Trying to have all the Index pages to work...
9 years ago
function addRow(){
var wrt = GetWritting(); // gets a writting object from input controls
var estid = parseInt($("#Id").val());
10 years ago
url: "<%=Url.Content("~/api/WorkFlow/Write?estid=")%>"+estid,
type: "POST",
data: wrt,
dataType: "json",
success: function (data) {
wrt.Id = Number(data);
10 years ago
var wridval = 'wr'+wrt.Id;
jQuery('<tr/>', {
id: wridval,
"class": 'selected row',
var btrm = $("<input type=\"button\" value=\"X\" class=\"actionlink rowbtnrm\"/>");
btrm.click(function (e) {delRow(e);});
statusCode: {
400: function(data) {
10 years ago
$.each(data.responseJSON, function (key, value) {
document.getElementById("Err_wr_" + value.key).innerHTML=value.errors.join("<br/>");
10 years ago
error: function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) {
if (xhr.status!=400)
message(xhr.status+" : "+xhr.responseText);
else message(false);
function onEditRow(e) {
var cells = e.delegateTarget.getElementsByTagName("TD");
var hid=e.delegateTarget.id;
var vwrid = Number(hid.substr(2));
$(document).ready(function () {
$(".row").click(function (e) {onEditRow(e);});
$(".rowbtnrm").click(function (e) {delRow(e);});
$("#btnnew").click(function () {
<a class="actionlink" href="<%=Url.Content(Yavsc.WebApiConfig.UrlPrefixRelative)%>/FrontOffice/EstimateToTex?id=<%=Model.Id%>"><%= LocalizedText.Tex_version %></a>
<a class="actionlink" href="<%=Url.Content(Yavsc.WebApiConfig.UrlPrefixRelative)%>/FrontOffice/EstimateToPdf?id=<%=Model.Id%>"><%= LocalizedText.Pdf_version %></a>