
71 lines
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10 years ago
using System;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
Refactoring: moving the Catalog manager and model into the Yavsc.Model.FrontOffice namespace * Web.config: * Catalog.xml: * MyClass.cs: * Note.cs: * Euro.cs: * Unit.cs: * Text.cs: * Link.cs: * Price.cs: * Label.cs: * Brand.cs: * Scalar.cs: * Option.cs: * Period.cs: * YavscModel.csproj: * Catalog.cs: * Service.cs: * Product.cs: * YavscClient.csproj: * CatalogManager.cs: * Currency.cs: * CheckBox.cs: * SaleForm.cs: * FormInput.cs: * CatalogProvider.cs: * TextInput.cs: * SelectItem.cs: * SalesCatalog.csproj: * FilesInput.cs: * FormElement.cs: * SelectInput.cs: * IValueProvider.cs: * StockStatus.cs: * RadioButton.cs: * Commande.cs: * ProductImage.cs: * WebCatalogExtensions.cs: * TemplateException.cs: * ProductCategory.cs: * PhysicalProduct.cs: * Note.cs: * Link.cs: * Text.cs: * Euro.cs: * Unit.cs: * WorkFlowManager.cs: * Brand.cs: * Label.cs: * Price.cs: * Scalar.cs: * FrontOfficeController.cs: * Period.cs: * Option.cs: * Product.cs: * Service.cs: * Catalog.cs: * SaleForm.cs: * Currency.cs: * CheckBox.cs: * TextInput.cs: * FrontOfficeApiController.cs: * FormInput.cs: * SelectItem.cs: * FilesInput.cs: * XmlCatalog.cs: * FormElement.cs: * SelectInput.cs: * RadioButton.cs: * StockStatus.cs: * ProductImage.cs: * CatalogHelper.cs: * CatalogManager.cs: * CatalogProvider.cs: * ProductCategory.cs: * PhysicalProduct.cs: * XmlCatalogProvider.cs: * CatalogProviderConfigurationElement.cs: * CatalogProvidersConfigurationSection.cs: * CatalogProvidersConfigurationCollection.cs: * CatalogProviderConfigurationElement.cs: * CatalogProvidersConfigurationSection.cs: * CatalogProvidersConfigurationCollection.cs: * CatalogHelper.cs:
10 years ago
using Yavsc.Model.FrontOffice.Configuration;
10 years ago
Refactoring: moving the Catalog manager and model into the Yavsc.Model.FrontOffice namespace * Web.config: * Catalog.xml: * MyClass.cs: * Note.cs: * Euro.cs: * Unit.cs: * Text.cs: * Link.cs: * Price.cs: * Label.cs: * Brand.cs: * Scalar.cs: * Option.cs: * Period.cs: * YavscModel.csproj: * Catalog.cs: * Service.cs: * Product.cs: * YavscClient.csproj: * CatalogManager.cs: * Currency.cs: * CheckBox.cs: * SaleForm.cs: * FormInput.cs: * CatalogProvider.cs: * TextInput.cs: * SelectItem.cs: * SalesCatalog.csproj: * FilesInput.cs: * FormElement.cs: * SelectInput.cs: * IValueProvider.cs: * StockStatus.cs: * RadioButton.cs: * Commande.cs: * ProductImage.cs: * WebCatalogExtensions.cs: * TemplateException.cs: * ProductCategory.cs: * PhysicalProduct.cs: * Note.cs: * Link.cs: * Text.cs: * Euro.cs: * Unit.cs: * WorkFlowManager.cs: * Brand.cs: * Label.cs: * Price.cs: * Scalar.cs: * FrontOfficeController.cs: * Period.cs: * Option.cs: * Product.cs: * Service.cs: * Catalog.cs: * SaleForm.cs: * Currency.cs: * CheckBox.cs: * TextInput.cs: * FrontOfficeApiController.cs: * FormInput.cs: * SelectItem.cs: * FilesInput.cs: * XmlCatalog.cs: * FormElement.cs: * SelectInput.cs: * RadioButton.cs: * StockStatus.cs: * ProductImage.cs: * CatalogHelper.cs: * CatalogManager.cs: * CatalogProvider.cs: * ProductCategory.cs: * PhysicalProduct.cs: * XmlCatalogProvider.cs: * CatalogProviderConfigurationElement.cs: * CatalogProvidersConfigurationSection.cs: * CatalogProvidersConfigurationCollection.cs: * CatalogProviderConfigurationElement.cs: * CatalogProvidersConfigurationSection.cs: * CatalogProvidersConfigurationCollection.cs: * CatalogHelper.cs:
10 years ago
namespace Yavsc.Model.FrontOffice
10 years ago
/// <summary>
/// Catalog helper.
/// Used by the catalog manager to get the catalog provider from the configuration.
/// </summary>
public static class CatalogHelper
* YavscModel.csproj: * NewProjectModel.cs: * ITContentProvider.csproj: refactoring * WebApiConfig.cs: Web Api Config * IModule.cs: * RssFeeds.cs: * IRenderer.cs: * Blog.cs: * ITagHandler.cs: * ViewRenderer.cs: * Comment.cs: * IViewRenderer.cs: * People.cs: * SignIn.cs: * BlogEntry.cs: * AuthToken.cs: * BlogHelper.cs: * DataAccess.cs: * Estimate.cs: * BlogManager.cs: * Writting.cs: * AskForADate.cs: * RestoreQuery.cs: * Basket.cs: * BlogProvider.cs: * CalendarList.cs: * Commande.cs: * StatusChange.cs: * WebFileInfo.cs: * WorkFlowManager.cs: * Euro.cs: * Unit.cs: * Text.cs: * Profile.cs: * Note.cs: * Link.cs: * BlogEditEntryModel.cs: * FindBlogEntryFlags.cs: * NewProjectModel.cs: * CalendarListEntry.cs: * CalendarEntryList.cs: * IContentProvider.cs: * CommandStatus.cs: * Label.cs: * Price.cs: * BlogEntryCollection.cs: * Period.cs: * Scalar.cs: * BlogEditCommentModel.cs: * Option.cs: * NpgsqlContentProvider.cs: * Product.cs: * LoginModel.cs: * Service.cs: * Catalog.cs: * Currency.cs: * NewEstimateEvenArgs.cs: * CheckBox.cs: * SaleForm.cs: * FileSystemManager.cs: * FormInput.cs: * TextInput.cs: * NewRoleModel.cs: * FileInfoCollection.cs: * FilesInput.cs: * NewAdminModel.cs: * SelectItem.cs: * SelectInput.cs: * RadioButton.cs: * StockStatus.cs: * Provider.cs: * DirNotFoundException.cs: * FormElement.cs: * ProductImage.cs: * WebFileInfoCollection.cs: * CatalogHelper.cs: * CatalogManager.cs: * RegisterViewModel.cs: * InvalidDirNameException.cs: * PhysicalProduct.cs: * CatalogProvider.cs: * ProductCategory.cs: * OrderStatusChangedEventArgs.cs: * ProviderCollection.cs: * WorkflowConfiguration.cs: * BlogProviderConfigurationElement.cs: * BlogProvidersConfigurationSection.cs: * BlogProvidersConfigurationCollection.cs: * CatalogProviderConfigurationElement.cs: * CatalogProvidersConfigurationSection.cs: * CatalogProvidersConfigurationCollection.cs: xml doc * SalesCatalog.csproj: * XmlCatalogProvider.cs: Maps the catalog using System.Web * BasketController.cs: * FrontOfficeController.cs: a Basket controller * Global.asax.cs: Session in Web Api * App.master: WebApi bas url as Javascript var 'apiBaseUrl' * Index.aspx: !!not sure of this change. * Web.csproj: compiles now includes WebApiConfig.cs * style.css: link background color * FileSystemController.cs: a file system controller
10 years ago
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the config.
/// </summary>
/// <value>The config.</value>
public static CatalogProvidersConfigurationSection Config {get; set; }
* YavscModel.csproj: * NewProjectModel.cs: * ITContentProvider.csproj: refactoring * WebApiConfig.cs: Web Api Config * IModule.cs: * RssFeeds.cs: * IRenderer.cs: * Blog.cs: * ITagHandler.cs: * ViewRenderer.cs: * Comment.cs: * IViewRenderer.cs: * People.cs: * SignIn.cs: * BlogEntry.cs: * AuthToken.cs: * BlogHelper.cs: * DataAccess.cs: * Estimate.cs: * BlogManager.cs: * Writting.cs: * AskForADate.cs: * RestoreQuery.cs: * Basket.cs: * BlogProvider.cs: * CalendarList.cs: * Commande.cs: * StatusChange.cs: * WebFileInfo.cs: * WorkFlowManager.cs: * Euro.cs: * Unit.cs: * Text.cs: * Profile.cs: * Note.cs: * Link.cs: * BlogEditEntryModel.cs: * FindBlogEntryFlags.cs: * NewProjectModel.cs: * CalendarListEntry.cs: * CalendarEntryList.cs: * IContentProvider.cs: * CommandStatus.cs: * Label.cs: * Price.cs: * BlogEntryCollection.cs: * Period.cs: * Scalar.cs: * BlogEditCommentModel.cs: * Option.cs: * NpgsqlContentProvider.cs: * Product.cs: * LoginModel.cs: * Service.cs: * Catalog.cs: * Currency.cs: * NewEstimateEvenArgs.cs: * CheckBox.cs: * SaleForm.cs: * FileSystemManager.cs: * FormInput.cs: * TextInput.cs: * NewRoleModel.cs: * FileInfoCollection.cs: * FilesInput.cs: * NewAdminModel.cs: * SelectItem.cs: * SelectInput.cs: * RadioButton.cs: * StockStatus.cs: * Provider.cs: * DirNotFoundException.cs: * FormElement.cs: * ProductImage.cs: * WebFileInfoCollection.cs: * CatalogHelper.cs: * CatalogManager.cs: * RegisterViewModel.cs: * InvalidDirNameException.cs: * PhysicalProduct.cs: * CatalogProvider.cs: * ProductCategory.cs: * OrderStatusChangedEventArgs.cs: * ProviderCollection.cs: * WorkflowConfiguration.cs: * BlogProviderConfigurationElement.cs: * BlogProvidersConfigurationSection.cs: * BlogProvidersConfigurationCollection.cs: * CatalogProviderConfigurationElement.cs: * CatalogProvidersConfigurationSection.cs: * CatalogProvidersConfigurationCollection.cs: xml doc * SalesCatalog.csproj: * XmlCatalogProvider.cs: Maps the catalog using System.Web * BasketController.cs: * FrontOfficeController.cs: a Basket controller * Global.asax.cs: Session in Web Api * App.master: WebApi bas url as Javascript var 'apiBaseUrl' * Index.aspx: !!not sure of this change. * Web.csproj: compiles now includes WebApiConfig.cs * style.css: link background color * FileSystemController.cs: a file system controller
10 years ago
/// <summary>
/// Loads the config.
/// </summary>
public static void LoadConfig () {
Config = ConfigurationManager.GetSection ("system.web/catalog") as CatalogProvidersConfigurationSection;
if (Config == null)
10 years ago
throw new ConfigurationErrorsException("The configuration bloc for the catalog provider was not found");
/* foreach (CatalogProviderConfigurationElement e in Config.Providers) {
Providers.Add(CreateProvider (e));
} */
private static CatalogProvider CreateProvider(CatalogProviderConfigurationElement celt) {
10 years ago
if (celt == null)
throw new ConfigurationErrorsException("The default catalog provider was not found");
Type catprtype = Type.GetType (celt.Type);
if (catprtype == null)
throw new Exception (
string.Format("The catalog provider type ({0}) could not be found",celt.Type));
ConstructorInfo ci = catprtype.GetConstructor (Type.EmptyTypes);
if (ci==null)
throw new Exception (
string.Format("The catalog provider type ({0}) doesn't contain public constructor with empty parameter list",celt.Type));
10 years ago
CatalogProvider cp = ci.Invoke (Type.EmptyTypes) as CatalogProvider;
NameValueCollection c = new NameValueCollection ();
c.Add ("name", celt.Name);
c.Add ("type", celt.Type);
c.Add ("connection", celt.Connection);
c.Add ("description", celt.Description);
c.Add ("applicationName", celt.ApplicationName);
cp.Initialize (celt.Name, c);
return cp;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the default provider.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The default provider.</returns>
public static CatalogProvider GetDefaultProvider ()
if (Config == null)
throw new Exception ("Configuration wanted, use a call to \"Load\".");
CatalogProviderConfigurationElement celt =
Config.Providers.GetElement (Config.DefaultProvider);
return CreateProvider (celt);
10 years ago