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7 years ago
Copyright 2016 Google Inc
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0(the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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using System;
using System.Reflection;
namespace Google.Apis.Util
/// <summary>
/// Workarounds for some unfortunate behaviors in the .NET Framework's
/// implementation of System.Uri
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// UriPatcher lets us work around some unfortunate behaviors in the .NET Framework's
/// implementation of System.Uri.
/// == Problem 1: Slashes and dots
/// Prior to .NET 4.5, System.Uri would always unescape "%2f" ("/") and "%5c" ("\\").
/// Relative path components were also compressed.
/// As a result, this: "http://www.example.com/.%2f.%5c./"
/// ... turned into this: "http://www.example.com/"
/// This breaks API requests where slashes or dots appear in path parameters. Such requests
/// arise, for example, when these characters appear in the name of a GCS object.
/// == Problem 2: Fewer unreserved characters
/// Unless IDN/IRI parsing is enabled -- which it is not, by default, prior to .NET 4.5 --
/// Uri.EscapeDataString uses the set of "unreserved" characters from RFC 2396 instead of the
/// newer, *smaller* list from RFC 3986. We build requests using URI templating as described
/// by RFC 6570, which specifies that the latter definition (RFC 3986) should be used.
/// This breaks API requests with parameters including any of: !*'()
/// == Solutions
/// Though the default behaviors changed in .NET 4.5, these "quirks" remain for compatibility
/// unless the application explicitly targets the new runtime. Usually, that means adding a
/// TargetFrameworkAttribute to the entry assembly.
/// Applications running on .NET 4.0 or later can also set "DontUnescapePathDotsAndSlashes"
/// and enable IDN/IRI parsing using app.config or web.config.
/// As a class library, we can't control app.config or the entry assembly, so we can't take
/// either approach. Instead, we resort to reflection trickery to try to solve these problems
/// if we detect they exist. Sorry.
/// </remarks>
public static class UriPatcher
/// <summary>
/// Patch URI quirks in System.Uri. See class summary for details.
/// </summary>
public static void PatchUriQuirks()
var uriParser = typeof(System.Uri).GetTypeInfo().Assembly.GetType("System.UriParser");
if (uriParser == null) { return; }
// Is "%2f" unescaped for http: or https: URIs?
if (new Uri("http://example.com/%2f").AbsolutePath == "//" ||
new Uri("https://example.com/%2f").AbsolutePath == "//")
// Call System.UriParser.Http[s]Uri.SetUpdatableFlags(UriSyntaxFlags.None)
// https://github.com/Microsoft/referencesource/blob/d925d870f3cb3f6a/System/net/System/_UriSyntax.cs#L87
// https://github.com/Microsoft/referencesource/blob/d925d870f3cb3f6a/System/net/System/_UriSyntax.cs#L77
// https://github.com/Microsoft/referencesource/blob/d925d870f3cb3f6a/System/net/System/_UriSyntax.cs#L352
var setUpdatableFlagsMethod = uriParser.GetMethod("SetUpdatableFlags",
BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
if (setUpdatableFlagsMethod != null)
Action<string> setUriParserUpdatableFlags = (fieldName) =>
var parserField = uriParser.GetField(fieldName,
BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
if (parserField == null) { return; }
var parserInstance = parserField.GetValue(null);
if (parserInstance == null) { return; }
setUpdatableFlagsMethod.Invoke(parserInstance, new object[] { 0 });
// Make the change for the http: and https: URI parsers.
// Is "*" considered "unreserved"?
if (Uri.EscapeDataString("*") == "*")
// Set UriParser.s_QuirksVersion to at least UriQuirksVersion.V3
// https://github.com/Microsoft/referencesource/blob/d925d870f3cb3f6a/System/net/System/_UriSyntax.cs#L114
// https://github.com/Microsoft/referencesource/blob/d925d870f3cb3f6a/System/net/System/UriHelper.cs#L701
var quirksField = uriParser.GetField("s_QuirksVersion",
BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
if (quirksField != null)
int quirksVersion = (int)quirksField.GetValue(null);
if (quirksVersion <= 2)
quirksField.SetValue(null, 3);