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ViewState["orgtitle"] = T.GetString(Page.Title);
Page.Title = ViewState["orgtitle"] + " - " + YavscHelpers.SiteName;
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* bg.gif: * asc.gif: * desc.gif: * style.css: moved to App_Themes * style.css: * bg.gif: * asc.gif: * bg.png: * rect.png: * asc.png: * desc.gif: * jquery-ui.css: * mdd_styles.css: * croix.png: * desc.png: * style.css: * jquery-ui.min.css: * mdd_gripper.png: * mdd_toolbar.png: * jquery.timepicker.css: * mdd_ajax_loader.gif: * mdd_modal_background.png: moved to /App_Themes * NpgsqlBlogProvider.cs: * Remove post by id * Manage collections of entries on a couple (user,title), not a single post * NpgsqlCircleProvider.cs: Fixes the "Match" method. * IDbModule.cs: * Edit.aspx: * Estimates.aspx: * WorkFlowManager.cs: * NpgsqlContentProvider.cs: refactoring * NpgsqlMRPProviders.csproj: new NpgsqlUserName provider * NpgsqlRoleProvider.cs: simpler init method * NpgsqlUserNameProvider.cs: impements a UserNameProvider * MyClass.cs: refactoring from Yavsc.Model * BlogsController.cs: access control simplified * FrontOfficeController.cs: Pdf generation made public ni case of formatting exception * mdd_styles.css: Theme -> App_Themes * style.css: yet another style impact * AccountController.cs: Fixes the user name modification * BlogsController.cs: * Fixes the removal process * On a title and user name, we get collection of posts, not only one. * Implements an Access on circle * FrontOfficeController.cs: * implements a new Get method. * ensure a membership existence before delivering an estimate. * GoogleController.cs: Fixes the user name modification on a Google account * ErrorHtmlFormatter.cs: nice error message in html (using Markdown helper) * FormatterException.cs: formatter exception exposes error and standard output of the process * TexToPdfFormatter.cs: * generates temporary files in the folder returned by Path.GetTempPath() * throws FormatterException * Global.asax.cs: new route map: Blogs/{action}/{user}/{title} Blog/{user}/{title} B/{id} {controller}/{action}/{id} * App.master: * refactoring: Theme moved to App_Themes * a link to the logged user's blog * * NoLogin.master: refactoring: Theme moved to App_Themes * Circles.aspx: refactoring : circles now are given as select items * Login.aspx: fixes the html presentation * Register.aspx: Fixes a Typo * Index.aspx: Implements a blog index, due to M&C changes with this commit * RemovePost.aspx: links to the new route to the "RemovePost" action, giving it a post id * RemoveTitle.aspx: fixes a not yet linked page to remove a post collection under a given title * EventPub.aspx: code refactoring * Writting.ascx: cleans the code * Web.config: fills the config with new names in the space * Web.config: configures the new NpgsqlUserNameProvider * Web.csproj: refactoring and others * BlogEntryCollection.cs: implement the BlogEntryCollection * BlogManager.cs: the manager helps to filter on access * BlogProvider.cs: The title is not unique anymore, and one can modify it, post a lot under it, drop all posts under it. A Post is deleted by id. * UUBlogEntryCollection.cs: implements a collection of post under a given user name. * UUTBlogEntryCollection.cs: implements a collection of post under a given couple (user name, title). * ListItem.cs: ListItem is declared obsolete in this model, helpers can build MVC SelectListItem on data returned by the manager. * LocalizedText.Designer.cs: * LocalizedText.fr.Designer.cs: autogenerated from xml * LocalizedText.resx: * LocalizedText.fr.resx: new labels * ChangeUserNameProvider.cs: xml doc * Profile.cs: the UserName property is read only, and comes from authentication, to change it, we set a Name and validate it agains the "Profile" method * UserManager.cs: simpler code a init time * IContentProvider.cs: implements the new IDataProvider interface * IDataProvider.cs: defines the new IDataProvider interface * YavscModel.csproj: includes new classes * UserPosts.aspx: adds a link to remove a post * UserPost.aspx: now uses the new BlogEntryCollection object
9 years ago
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/App_Themes/style.css" />
* cldr.js: * Web.config: * ListItem.cs: * styles.json: * globalize.js: * event.js: * Auth.aspx: * Book.aspx: * Login.aspx: * jquery-2.1.4.js: * map-load.gif: * Book.aspx: * Circle.cs: * Auth.aspx: * mapstyle.css: * date.js: * Login.aspx: * mdd_help.htm: * BlogHelper.cs: * fit-bounds.png: * unresolved.js: * jquery-2.1.4.min.js: * mapstyle-ie.css: * FreeDate.cs: * BookEdit.cs: * number.js: * BlogManager.cs: * plural.js: * jquery-2.1.4.min.map: * jquery.googlemaps.js: * supplemental.js: * BlogProvider.cs: * mapstyle.min.css: * pin-pink.png: * message.js: * ChooseADate.aspx: * pin-azure.png: * currency.js: * jquery-2.1.4-vsdoc.js: * pin-green.png: * MarkdownDeepLib.min.js: * flag-azure.png: * flag-green.png: * needle-pink.png: * ChooseADate.aspx: * niddle-green.png: * ChooseCalendar.aspx: * current-location.png: * jquery.googlemaps.min.js: * ErrorMessage.aspx: * ChooseCalendar.aspx: * relative-time.js: * GoogleErrorMessage.aspx: * popup-template-marker.html: * popup-template-circle.html: * popup-template-polygon.html: * popup-template-polyline.html: * popup-template-rectangle.html: * Web.csproj: * YavscModel.csproj: * YavscClient.csproj: * fortune.csproj: * WebControls.csproj: * SalesCatalog.csproj: * ITContentProvider.csproj: * NpgsqlMRPProviders.csproj: * NpgsqlBlogProvider.csproj: * NpgsqlContentProvider.csproj: Moves to Mono framework * NpgsqlCircleProvider.cs: Makes Circles private, or not * OAuth2.cs: * CircleController.cs: * AccountController.cs: * NpgsqlContentProvider.cs: Impacts htmldoc * NpgsqlMembershipProvider.cs: Makes possible to change the UserName * NpgsqlRoleProvider.cs: Drops this SQL code, which is actually maintained in Web/instdbws.sql * PeopleApi.cs: * GoogleController.cs: * PaypalController.cs: Refactoring * Global.asax.cs: Dropped an useless url mapping * MarkdownHelper.cs: Package update * App.master: * NoLogin.master: Site's favicon update * Circles.aspx: TO BE FIXED :-D * UserPost.aspx: Comment only when logged in * instdbws.sql: Circle public * packages.config: package update
9 years ago
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="/favicon.png?v=3" />
* bg.gif: * asc.gif: * desc.gif: * style.css: moved to App_Themes * style.css: * bg.gif: * asc.gif: * bg.png: * rect.png: * asc.png: * desc.gif: * jquery-ui.css: * mdd_styles.css: * croix.png: * desc.png: * style.css: * jquery-ui.min.css: * mdd_gripper.png: * mdd_toolbar.png: * jquery.timepicker.css: * mdd_ajax_loader.gif: * mdd_modal_background.png: moved to /App_Themes * NpgsqlBlogProvider.cs: * Remove post by id * Manage collections of entries on a couple (user,title), not a single post * NpgsqlCircleProvider.cs: Fixes the "Match" method. * IDbModule.cs: * Edit.aspx: * Estimates.aspx: * WorkFlowManager.cs: * NpgsqlContentProvider.cs: refactoring * NpgsqlMRPProviders.csproj: new NpgsqlUserName provider * NpgsqlRoleProvider.cs: simpler init method * NpgsqlUserNameProvider.cs: impements a UserNameProvider * MyClass.cs: refactoring from Yavsc.Model * BlogsController.cs: access control simplified * FrontOfficeController.cs: Pdf generation made public ni case of formatting exception * mdd_styles.css: Theme -> App_Themes * style.css: yet another style impact * AccountController.cs: Fixes the user name modification * BlogsController.cs: * Fixes the removal process * On a title and user name, we get collection of posts, not only one. * Implements an Access on circle * FrontOfficeController.cs: * implements a new Get method. * ensure a membership existence before delivering an estimate. * GoogleController.cs: Fixes the user name modification on a Google account * ErrorHtmlFormatter.cs: nice error message in html (using Markdown helper) * FormatterException.cs: formatter exception exposes error and standard output of the process * TexToPdfFormatter.cs: * generates temporary files in the folder returned by Path.GetTempPath() * throws FormatterException * Global.asax.cs: new route map: Blogs/{action}/{user}/{title} Blog/{user}/{title} B/{id} {controller}/{action}/{id} * App.master: * refactoring: Theme moved to App_Themes * a link to the logged user's blog * * NoLogin.master: refactoring: Theme moved to App_Themes * Circles.aspx: refactoring : circles now are given as select items * Login.aspx: fixes the html presentation * Register.aspx: Fixes a Typo * Index.aspx: Implements a blog index, due to M&C changes with this commit * RemovePost.aspx: links to the new route to the "RemovePost" action, giving it a post id * RemoveTitle.aspx: fixes a not yet linked page to remove a post collection under a given title * EventPub.aspx: code refactoring * Writting.ascx: cleans the code * Web.config: fills the config with new names in the space * Web.config: configures the new NpgsqlUserNameProvider * Web.csproj: refactoring and others * BlogEntryCollection.cs: implement the BlogEntryCollection * BlogManager.cs: the manager helps to filter on access * BlogProvider.cs: The title is not unique anymore, and one can modify it, post a lot under it, drop all posts under it. A Post is deleted by id. * UUBlogEntryCollection.cs: implements a collection of post under a given user name. * UUTBlogEntryCollection.cs: implements a collection of post under a given couple (user name, title). * ListItem.cs: ListItem is declared obsolete in this model, helpers can build MVC SelectListItem on data returned by the manager. * LocalizedText.Designer.cs: * LocalizedText.fr.Designer.cs: autogenerated from xml * LocalizedText.resx: * LocalizedText.fr.resx: new labels * ChangeUserNameProvider.cs: xml doc * Profile.cs: the UserName property is read only, and comes from authentication, to change it, we set a Name and validate it agains the "Profile" method * UserManager.cs: simpler code a init time * IContentProvider.cs: implements the new IDataProvider interface * IDataProvider.cs: defines the new IDataProvider interface * YavscModel.csproj: includes new classes * UserPosts.aspx: adds a link to remove a post * UserPost.aspx: now uses the new BlogEntryCollection object
9 years ago
<script type="text/javascript" src="<%=Url.Content("~/Scripts/jquery-2.1.4.min.js")%>"></script>
<asp:ContentPlaceHolder id="head" runat="server">
<link href='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Dancing+Script:400,700' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/>
<asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="overHeaderOne" runat="server">
<h1><a href="<%= Html.Encode(Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.ToString()) %>"> <%=ViewState["orgtitle"]%> </a> -
<a href="<%=Request.Url.Scheme + "://" + Request.Url.Authority%>"><%= YavscHelpers.SiteName %></a>
</asp:ContentPlaceHolder><asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="header" runat="server"></asp:ContentPlaceHolder><%
if (ViewData["Error"]!=null) {
%><div class="error"><%= Html.Encode(ViewData["Error"]) %>
</div><% }
if (ViewData["Message"]!=null) {
%><div class="message"><%= Html.Encode(ViewData["Message"]) %></div><% }
<asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="MainContent" runat="server">
<asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="MASContent" runat="server">
9 years ago
<script src="https://apis.google.com/js/platform.js" async defer>
{lang: 'fr'}
<%= Html.ActionLink("Contact","Contact","Home",null, new { @class="thanks" }) %>
<% foreach ( Link link in Html.Thanks()) { %>
<a class="thanks" href="<%=link.Url%>"><% if (link.Image !=null) {
%><img src="<%= link.Image %>" alt="<%= link.Text %>"/></a><%
} else { %><a class="thanks" href="<%=link.Url%>"><%= link.Text %></a><% }} %>
<div class="g-plusone" data-annotation="inline" data-width="230"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var apiBaseUrl = '<%=Url.Content(Yavsc.WebApiConfig.UrlPrefixRelative)%>';
</script> <script>
$( ".bshd" ).on("click",function(e) {
if (e.target == "[object HTMLElement]") {
var panel = $(this).children(".bshpanel");
if (panel.hasClass("hidden")) panel.css("cursor","zoom-out");
else panel.css("cursor","zoom-in");
} });