
113 lines
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8 years ago
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.AspNet.Builder;
using Microsoft.AspNet.Hosting;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Microsoft.AspNet.Authentication.OpenIdConnect;
using Microsoft.AspNet.Authentication;
using Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocols.OpenIdConnect;
using Microsoft.AspNet.Http;
using Microsoft.AspNet.Authentication.Cookies;
namespace testOauthClient
public class Startup
public Startup(IHostingEnvironment env)
// Set up configuration sources.
var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder()
Configuration = builder.Build();
public IConfigurationRoot Configuration { get; set; }
// This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to add services to the container.
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
8 years ago
services.Configure<SharedAuthenticationOptions>(options => {
8 years ago
options.SignInScheme = "ClientCookie";
8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
// This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to configure the HTTP request pipeline.
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)
if (env.IsDevelopment())
8 years ago
app.UseIISPlatformHandler(options => {
8 years ago
app.UseCookieAuthentication(new CookieAuthenticationOptions {
AutomaticAuthenticate = true,
AutomaticChallenge = true,
AuthenticationScheme = "ClientCookie",
CookieName = CookieAuthenticationDefaults.CookiePrefix + "ClientCookie",
ExpireTimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5),
LoginPath = new PathString("/signin"),
LogoutPath = new PathString("/signout")
8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
options => {
options.AuthenticationScheme = OpenIdConnectDefaults.AuthenticationScheme;
options.RequireHttpsMetadata = false;
8 years ago
// Note: these settings must match the application details
// inserted in the database at the server level.
8 years ago
options.ClientId = "016c5ae4-f4cd-40e3-b250-13701c871ecd";
options.ClientSecret = "blahblah";
options.PostLogoutRedirectUri = "http://dev.pschneider.fr/";
8 years ago
// Use the authorization code flow.
8 years ago
options.ResponseType = OpenIdConnectResponseTypes.Code;
8 years ago
// Note: setting the Authority allows the OIDC client middleware to automatically
// retrieve the identity provider's configuration and spare you from setting
// the different endpoints URIs or the token validation parameters explicitly.
8 years ago
options.Authority = "http://dev.pschneider.fr/";
// Note: the resource property represents the different endpoints the
// access token should be issued for (values must be space-delimited).
options.Resource = "http://dev.pschneider.fr/";
// options.Scope.Add("api-resource-controller");
8 years ago
app.UseMvc(routes =>
name: "default",
template: "{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}");
// Entry point for the application.
public static void Main(string[] args) => Microsoft.AspNet.Hosting.WebApplication.Run<Startup>(args);