using System; using Yavsc.Model.WorkFlow; using System.Configuration; using Yavsc.Model.WorkFlow.Configuration; using System.Collections.Specialized; using Yavsc.Model.FrontOffice; namespace Yavsc.Model.WorkFlow { /// /// Work flow manager. /// It takes orders store them and raise some events for modules /// It publishes estimates and invoices /// public class WorkFlowManager { /// /// Gets or sets the catalog. /// /// The catalog. public static Catalog Catalog { get; set; } /// /// Registers the command. /// /// The command. /// COM. public long RegisterCommand(Command com) { return ContentProvider.RegisterCommand (com); } /// /// Updates the estimate. /// /// Estim. public void UpdateEstimate (Estimate estim) { ContentProvider.UpdateEstimate (estim); } /// /// Gets the estimate. /// /// The estimate. /// Estid. public Estimate GetEstimate (long estid) { return ContentProvider.GetEstimate (estid); } /// /// Gets the estimates. /// /// The estimates. /// Client. public Estimate [] GetEstimates (string client) { return ContentProvider.GetEstimates (client); } /// /// Gets the stock for a given product reference. /// /// The stock status. /// Product reference. public StockStatus GetStock(string productReference) { return ContentProvider.GetStockStatus (productReference); } /// /// Updates the writting. /// /// Wr. public void UpdateWritting (Writting wr) { ContentProvider.UpdateWritting (wr); } /// /// Drops the writting. /// /// Wrid. public void DropWritting (long wrid) { ContentProvider.DropWritting (wrid); } /// /// Drops the estimate. /// /// Estid. public void DropEstimate (long estid) { ContentProvider.DropEstimate(estid); } IContentProvider contentProvider; /// /// Gets the content provider. /// /// The content provider. public IContentProvider ContentProvider { get { WorkflowConfiguration c = (WorkflowConfiguration) ConfigurationManager.GetSection ("system.web/workflow"); if (c == null) throw new Exception ("No system.web/workflow configuration section found"); WFProvider confprov = c.Providers.GetElement (c.DefaultProvider); if (confprov == null) throw new Exception ("Default workflow provider not found (system.web/workflow@defaultProvider)"); string clsName = confprov.Type; if (clsName == null) throw new Exception ("Provider type not specified (system.web/workflow@type)"); if (contentProvider != null) { if (contentProvider.GetType ().Name != clsName) contentProvider = null; } if (contentProvider == null) { Type cpt = Type.GetType (clsName); if (cpt == null) throw new Exception (string.Format("Type not found : {0} (wrong name, or missing assembly reference?)",clsName)); System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo ci =cpt.GetConstructor (System.Type.EmptyTypes); contentProvider = (IContentProvider)ci.Invoke (System.Type.EmptyTypes); } NameValueCollection config = new NameValueCollection (); config.Add ("name", confprov.Name); config.Add ("connectionStringName", confprov.ConnectionStringName); config.Add ("applicationName", confprov.ApplicationName); contentProvider.Initialize (confprov.Name, config); return contentProvider; } } /// /// Creates the estimate. /// /// The estimate. /// Responsible. /// Client. /// Title. /// Description. public Estimate CreateEstimate(string responsible, string client, string title, string description) { Estimate created = ContentProvider.CreateEstimate (responsible, client, title, description); return created; } /// /// Write the specified estid, desc, ucost, count and productid. /// /// Estid. /// Desc. /// Ucost. /// Count. /// Productid. public long Write(long estid, string desc, decimal ucost, int count, string productid) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(productid)) { if (Catalog == null) Catalog = CatalogManager.GetCatalog (); if (Catalog == null) throw new Exception ("No catalog"); Product p = Catalog.FindProduct (productid); if (p == null) throw new Exception ("Product not found"); // TODO new EstimateChange Event } return ContentProvider.Write(estid, desc, ucost, count, productid); } /// /// Sets the estimate status. /// /// Estid. /// Status. /// Username. public void SetEstimateStatus(long estid, int status, string username) { ContentProvider.SetEstimateStatus (estid, status, username); } /// /// Gets the commands. /// /// The commands. /// Username. public CommandSet GetCommands(string username) { return ContentProvider.GetCommands (username); } } }