using System; using Android.App; using Android.OS; using Android.Content; using Android.Util; using Android.Widget; using ZicMoove.Settings; namespace ZicMoove.Droid { [Service] public class MyGcmIntentService : IntentService { static PowerManager.WakeLock sWakeLock; static object LOCK = new object(); public static void RunIntentInService(Context context, Intent intent) { lock (LOCK) { if (sWakeLock == null) { // This is called from BroadcastReceiver, there is no init. var pm = PowerManager.FromContext(context); sWakeLock = pm.NewWakeLock( WakeLockFlags.Partial, "My WakeLock Tag"); } } sWakeLock.Acquire(); intent.SetClass(context, typeof(MyGcmIntentService)); context.StartService(intent); } static object locker = new object(); protected override void OnHandleIntent(Intent intent) { try { Log.Info ("MyIntentService", "Calling InstanceID.GetToken"); lock (locker) { string action = intent.Action; if (action!=null) if (action.Equals("")) { HandleRegistration(intent); } else if (action.Equals("")) { HandleMessage(intent); } } } finally { lock (LOCK) { //Sanity check for null as this is a public method if (sWakeLock != null) sWakeLock.Release(); } } } private void HandleMessage(Intent intent) { // get the notification type id: string ntft = intent.GetStringExtra("type"); string msg = intent.GetStringExtra("Description"); var position = intent.GetSerializableExtra ("Location"); SendNotification (msg); } void SendNotification (string message) { /* Bundle valuesForActivity = new Bundle(); valuesForActivity.PutInt("count", count); */ var intent = new Intent (this, typeof(MainActivity)); intent.AddFlags (ActivityFlags.ClearTop); var pendingIntent = PendingIntent.GetActivity (this, 0, intent, PendingIntentFlags.OneShot); // Construct a back stack for cross-task navigation: TaskStackBuilder stackBuilder = TaskStackBuilder.Create(this); stackBuilder.AddParentStack(Java.Lang.Class.FromType(typeof(MainActivity))); stackBuilder.AddNextIntent(intent); // Create the PendingIntent with the back stack: PendingIntent resultPendingIntent = stackBuilder.GetPendingIntent(0, PendingIntentFlags.UpdateCurrent); var notificationBuilder = new Notification.Builder(this) .SetAutoCancel(true) .SetSmallIcon (Resource.Drawable.icon) .SetContentTitle ("GCM Message") .SetContentText (message) .SetContentIntent(resultPendingIntent) // Start 2nd activity when the intent is clicked. ; var notificationManager = (NotificationManager) GetSystemService(Context.NotificationService); notificationManager.Notify (0, notificationBuilder.Build()); } private void HandleRegistration(Intent intent) { string registrationId = intent.GetStringExtra("registration_id"); string error = intent.GetStringExtra("error"); string unregistration = intent.GetStringExtra("unregistered"); } void SubscribeGCM () { Context context = this.ApplicationContext; string senders = Constants.GoogleSenderId; Intent intent = new Intent (""); intent.SetPackage (""); intent.PutExtra ("app", PendingIntent.GetBroadcast (context, 0, new Intent (), 0)); intent.PutExtra ("sender", senders); context.StartService (intent); } void UnsubscribeGCM () { Context context = this.ApplicationContext; Intent intent = new Intent(""); intent.PutExtra("app", PendingIntent.GetBroadcast(context, 0, new Intent(), 0)); context.StartService (intent); } } }