ErrCode - one of the following: empty - success, INVDEST - invalid destinations error. List of invalid phone numbers available at 'InvalidDestinations' array, LOWBALANCE - Insufficient balance, NOTAVAIL - Service not available, ERR - misc errors. More details available at ErrMsg Error description text Sending Id in case of successfull sending When ErrCode=INVDEST this field contains array of invalid phone numbers Account Id PIN code Sending Id Account Id PIN code Message to sent Send From phone number Phone number or list of phone numbers to send message to If this parameter set to 1 messages will be sent to all valid phone numbers in the list If this parameter set to 1 sending will start and go on till you have enough funds on your account ErrCode - one of the following: empty - success, ERR - misc errors. More details available at ErrMsg Error description text Number of messages in queue Number of sent messages Number of delivered messages (if available) Number of failed messages How much this sending costs Currency code for Cost input hash output hash input hash output hash Sending request Sending status request