ALTER TABLE estimate DROP CONSTRAINT estimate_username_fkey; ALTER TABLE estimate DROP CONSTRAINT estimate_client_fkey; ALTER TABLE estimate RENAME TO old_estimate; ALTER TABLE blog DROP CONSTRAINT bloguser; ALTER TABLE blog RENAME TO old_blog; ALTER TABLE activity RENAME TO old_activity; ALTER TABLE tag RENAME TO old_tag; ALTER TABLE tagged RENAME TO old_tagged; ALTER TABLE writtings RENAME TO old_writtings; drop table blfiles; drop table blog_access; drop table circle; drop table circle_members; drop table commandes; drop table comment; drop table histoestim; drop table histowritting; drop table hr; drop table comment; drop table product; drop table profiledata; drop table satisfaction; drop table stocksymbols; drop table taskdeps; drop table tasks; drop table userskills; drop table wrfiles ; drop table wrtags ; drop table passwrecovery; drop table projet; drop table skill; drop table usersroles; drop table roles; drop table users; drop table profiles; drop TABLE postheader;