using System; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using Microsoft.AspNet.Http; using Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc; using Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc.Rendering; using Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc.ViewEngines; namespace Yavsc.Helpers { public class TeXString { public class Replacement { string target; string replacement; public Replacement(string target, string replacement){; this.replacement=replacement; } public string Execute(string source) { return source.Replace(target,replacement); } } public readonly static Replacement[] SpecialCharsRendering = { new Replacement("<","\\textless"), new Replacement(">","\\textgreater"), new Replacement("©","\\copyright"), new Replacement("®","\\textregistered"), new Replacement("\\","\\textbackslash"), new Replacement("™","\\texttrademark"), new Replacement("¶","\\P"), new Replacement("|","\\textbar"), new Replacement("%","\\%"), new Replacement("{","\\{"), new Replacement("}","\\}"), new Replacement("_","\\_"), new Replacement("#","\\#"), new Replacement("$","\\$"), new Replacement("_","\\_"), new Replacement("¿","\\textquestiondown"), new Replacement("§","\\S"), new Replacement("£","\\pounds"), new Replacement("&","\\&"), new Replacement("¡","\\textexclamdown"), new Replacement("†","\\dag"), new Replacement("–","\\textendash") }; string data; public TeXString(string str) { data = str; foreach (var r in SpecialCharsRendering) { data = r.Execute(data); } } override public string ToString() { return data; } } public static class TeXHelpers { public static string NewLinesWith(this string target, string separator) { var items = target.Split(new char[] {'\n'}).Where( s=> !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s) ) ; return string.Join(separator, items); } public static TeXString ToTeX(string target, string lineSeparator="\n\\\\") { if (target==null) return null; return new TeXString(target.NewLinesWith(lineSeparator)); } public static string RenderViewToString( this Controller controller, IViewEngine engine, IHttpContextAccessor httpContextAccessor, string viewName, object model) { using (var sw = new StringWriter()) { if (engine == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("no engine"); // try to find the specified view controller.TryValidateModel(model); ViewEngineResult viewResult = engine.FindPartialView(controller.ActionContext, viewName); // create the associated context ViewContext viewContext = new ViewContext(); viewContext.ActionDescriptor = controller.ActionContext.ActionDescriptor; viewContext.HttpContext = controller.ActionContext.HttpContext; viewContext.TempData = controller.TempData; viewContext.View = viewResult.View; viewContext.Writer = sw; // write the render view with the given context to the stringwriter viewResult.View.RenderAsync(viewContext); viewResult.EnsureSuccessful(); return sw.GetStringBuilder().ToString(); } } } }