DESTDIR=/srv/www/yavscpre PRODDESTDIR=/srv/www/yavsc ASPNET_ENV=Development git_status := $(shell git status -s --porcelain |wc -l) status: ifeq ($(git_status),0) @echo Nothing to be done. else @git status endif default: pushInPre watch: @ASPNET_ENV=$(ASPNET_ENV) dnx-watch web --configuration=Debug run: @ASPNET_ENV=$(ASPNET_ENV) dnx web --configuration=Debug clean: @rm -rf bin/Release @rm -rf bin/output bin/Release: @dnu build --configuration=Release bin/output: bin/Release @dnu publish bin/output/wwwroot/version: bin/output @git log -1 --pretty=format:%h > bin/output/wwwroot/version pushInPre: bin/output/wwwroot/version ssh root@localhost systemctl stop kestrel-pre ssh root@localhost rm -rf $(DESTDIR)/approot (cd bin/output && rsync -ravu ./ root@localhost:$(DESTDIR) >/dev/null) ssh root@localhost sync ssh root@localhost systemctl start kestrel-pre pushInProd: bin/output/wwwroot/version ifeq ($(git_status),0) ssh root@localhost systemctl stop kestrel ssh root@localhost rm -rf $(PRODDESTDIR)/approot (cd bin/output && rsync -ravu ./ root@localhost:$(PRODDESTDIR) >/dev/null) ssh root@localhost sync ssh root@localhost systemctl start kestrel else @echo Err! Refus de pousser en production: des changements doivent être validés auprès du contrôle de versions. git status endif