# Common defs # assumes SOLUTIONDIR already defined # ifndef PRJNAME PRJNAME := $(shell basename `pwd -P`) endif FRAMEWORK=dnx451 ASPNET_ENV=Development ASPNET_LOG_LEVEL=Debug HOSTING=localhost HOSTADMIN=root FRAMEWORKALIAS=dnx451 # nuget package destination, at generation time BINTARGET=$(PRJNAME).dll BINTARGETPATH=bin/$(CONFIGURATION)/$(FRAMEWORKALIAS)/$(BINTARGET) PKGFILENAME=$(PRJNAME).$(VERSION).nupkg dnu=dnu dnx=dnx # OBS SUBDIRS=Yavsc.Server Yavsc.Abstract Yavsc cli # # Git commit hash, in order to not publish some uncrontrolled code in production environment # git_status := $(shell git status -s --porcelain |wc -l) all: $(BINTARGETPATH) rc-num.txt-check: ifndef rc_num @echo no rc num ... please, could you try and run 'make rc-num.txt' ?. else @echo 'Got rc num : $(rc_num)' endif restore: touch project.json $(dnu) restore project.lock.json: project.json $(dnu) restore watch: project.lock.json MONO_OPTIONS=--debug MONO_MANAGED_WATCHER=enabled ASPNET_ENV=$(ASPNET_ENV) ASPNET_LOG_LEVEL=$(ASPNET_LOG_LEVEL) dnx-watch web --configuration=$(CONFIGURATION) clean: rm -rf bin obj rm project.lock.json cleanoutput: rm -rf bin/$(CONFIGURATION) rm -rf bin/output $(BINTARGETPATH): project.lock.json rc-num.txt-check $(dnu) build --configuration=$(CONFIGURATION) # Default target, from one level sub dirs bin/output: @$(dnu) publish bin/output/wwwroot/version: bin/output @git log -1 --pretty=format:%h > bin/output/wwwroot/version pack: $(NUGETSOURCE)/$(PKGFILENAME) $(NUGETSOURCE)/$(PKGFILENAME): $(BINTARGETPATH) $(SOLUTIONDIR)/rc-num.txt ifeq ($(git_status),0) nuget pack $(PRJNAME).nuspec -Version $(VERSION) -Properties config=$(CONFIGURATION) -OutputDirectory bin else $(error Please, commit your changes before publishing your NuGet packages) endif deploy-pkg: pack @mv bin/$(PKGFILENAME) $(NUGETSOURCE) .PHONY: rc-num.txt-check # .DEFAULT_GOAL := $(BINTARGETPATH)