using System; using Npgsql; using NpgsqlTypes; using System.Configuration; using System.Collections.Specialized; using Yavsc.Model.WorkFlow; using System.Configuration.Provider; using System.Collections.Generic; using Yavsc.Model.FrontOffice; using System.Web.Security; using System.Runtime.Serialization.Json; using System.IO; using System.Text; using Newtonsoft.Json; namespace Yavsc { /// /// Npgsql content provider. /// public class NpgsqlContentProvider: ProviderBase, IContentProvider { /// /// Registers the command. /// /// The command id in db. /// COM. public long RegisterCommand (Command com) { long id; using (NpgsqlConnection cnx = CreateConnection ()) { using (NpgsqlCommand cmd = cnx.CreateCommand ()) { cmd.CommandText = "insert into commandes (prdref,creation,params,clientname,applicationname) values (@pref,@creat,@prms,@cli,@app) returning id"; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@pref", com.ProductRef); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@creat", com.CreationDate); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@prms", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(com.Parameters)); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@cli", Membership.GetUser().UserName); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@app", ApplicationName); cnx.Open (); com.Id = id = (long)cmd.ExecuteScalar (); } } return id; } /// /// Gets the commands. /// /// The commands. /// Username. public CommandSet GetCommands (string username ) { // Check the user's authorisations MembershipUser user = Membership.GetUser (); if (user.UserName != username) if (!Roles.IsUserInRole ("Admin")) if (!Roles.IsUserInRole ("FrontOffice")) throw new Exception ("Not allowed"); CommandSet cmds = new CommandSet (); using (NpgsqlConnection cnx = CreateConnection ()) { using (NpgsqlCommand cmd = cnx.CreateCommand ()) { cmd.CommandText = "select id,creation,prdref,params from commandes where @user = clientname and applicationname = @app"; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@user", username); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@app", this.ApplicationName); cnx.Open (); using (NpgsqlDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader ()) { while (rdr.Read ()) { Command ycmd = new Command(); ycmd.Id = rdr.GetInt64(0); ycmd.CreationDate = rdr.GetDateTime(1); ycmd.ProductRef = rdr.GetString(2); object prms = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject>(rdr.GetString (3)); ycmd.Parameters = prms as Dictionary ; cmds.Add (ycmd); } } } cnx.Close (); } return cmds; } /// /// Gets the stock status. /// /// The stock status. /// Product reference. public virtual StockStatus GetStockStatus (string productReference) { return StockStatus.NonExistent; } /// /// Gets the writting status changes. /// /// The writting statuses. /// Wrid. public StatusChange[] GetWrittingStatuses (long wrid) { throw new NotImplementedException (); } /// /// Gets the estimate status changes. /// /// The estimate statuses. /// Estid. public StatusChange[] GetEstimateStatuses (long estid) { throw new NotImplementedException (); } /// /// Tags the writting. /// /// Wrid. /// Tag. public void TagWritting (long wrid, string tag) { throw new NotImplementedException (); } /// /// Drops the writting tag . /// /// Wrid. /// Tag. public void DropWrittingTag (long wrid, string tag) { throw new NotImplementedException (); } /// /// Sets the writting status. /// /// Wrtid. /// Status. /// Username. public void SetWrittingStatus (long wrtid, int status, string username) { throw new NotImplementedException (); } /// /// Sets the estimate status. /// /// Estid. /// Status. /// Username. public void SetEstimateStatus (long estid, int status, string username) { throw new NotImplementedException (); } /// /// Releases all resource used by the object. /// /// Call when you are finished using the . The /// method leaves the in an unusable state. After /// calling , you must release all references to the so /// the garbage collector can reclaim the memory that the was occupying. public void Dispose () { throw new NotImplementedException (); } /// /// Install the model in database using the specified cnx. /// /// Cnx. public void Install (System.Data.IDbConnection cnx) { throw new NotImplementedException (); } /// /// Uninstall the module data and data model from /// database, using the specified connection. /// /// Cnx. /// If set to true remove config. public void Uninstall (System.Data.IDbConnection cnx, bool removeConfig) { throw new NotImplementedException (); } /// /// Defaults the config. /// /// The config. /// App name. /// Cnx string. public ConfigurationSection DefaultConfig (string appName, string cnxStr) { throw new NotImplementedException (); } /// /// Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is active. /// /// true if active; otherwise, false. public bool Active { get { throw new NotImplementedException (); } set { throw new NotImplementedException (); } } /// /// Gets the different status labels. /// 0 is the starting status. Each status is an integer and the 0-based index /// of a string in this array. /// /// The status labels. public string[] Statuses { get { return new string[] { "Created", "Validated", "Success", "Error" }; } } /// /// Gets the final statuses. /// /// The final statuses. public bool[] FinalStatuses { get { return new bool[] { false, false, true, true }; } } /// /// Gets the estimates created by /// or for the given user by user name. /// /// The estimates. /// user name. public Estimate[] GetEstimates (string username) { if (username == null) throw new InvalidOperationException ( "username cannot be" + " null at searching for estimates"); List ids = new List (); List ests = new List (); using (NpgsqlConnection cnx = CreateConnection ()) { using (NpgsqlCommand cmd = cnx.CreateCommand ()) { cmd.CommandText = "select _id from estimate where client = @uname or username = @uname"; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@uname", username); cnx.Open (); using (NpgsqlDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader ()) { while (rdr.Read ()) { ids.Add (rdr.GetInt64 (0)); } rdr.Close (); } cnx.Close (); } foreach (long id in ids) ests.Add(GetEstimate(id)); return ests.ToArray(); } } /// /// Gets the estimates. /// /// The estimates. /// Client. /// Responsible. public Estimate[] GetEstimates (string client, string responsible) { if (client == null && responsible == null) throw new InvalidOperationException ( "client and responsible cannot be" + " both null at searching for estimates"); List ids = new List (); List ests = new List (); using (NpgsqlConnection cnx = CreateConnection ()) { using (NpgsqlCommand cmd = cnx.CreateCommand ()) { cmd.CommandText = "select _id from estimate where "; if (client != null) { cmd.CommandText += "client = @clid"; if (responsible != null) cmd.CommandText += " and "; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@clid", client); } if (responsible != null) { cmd.CommandText += "username = @resp"; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@resp", responsible); } cnx.Open (); using (NpgsqlDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader ()) { while (rdr.Read ()) { ids.Add (rdr.GetInt64 (0)); } rdr.Close (); } foreach (long id in ids) ests.Add(GetEstimate(id)); return ests.ToArray(); } } } /// /// Drops the writting. /// /// Wrid. public void DropWritting (long wrid) { using (NpgsqlConnection cnx = CreateConnection ()) { using (NpgsqlCommand cmd = cnx.CreateCommand ()) { cmd.CommandText = "delete from writtings where _id = @wrid"; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@wrid", wrid); cnx.Open (); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery (); } } } /// /// Drops the estimate. /// /// Estid. public void DropEstimate (long estid) { using (NpgsqlConnection cnx = CreateConnection ()) { using (NpgsqlCommand cmd = cnx.CreateCommand ()) { cmd.CommandText = "delete from estimate where _id = @estid"; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@estid", estid); cnx.Open (); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery (); } } } /// /// Gets the estimate by identifier. /// /// The estimate. /// Estimid. public Estimate GetEstimate (long estimid) { Estimate est = null; using (NpgsqlConnection cnx = CreateConnection ()) { using (NpgsqlCommand cmd = cnx.CreateCommand ()) { cmd.CommandText = "select title,username,client,description from estimate where _id = @estid"; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@estid", estimid); cnx.Open (); using (NpgsqlDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader ()) { if (!rdr.Read ()) { return null; } est = new Estimate (); est.Title = rdr.GetString( rdr.GetOrdinal("title")); est.Responsible = rdr.GetString( rdr.GetOrdinal("username")); int clientidx = rdr.GetOrdinal ("client"); if (!rdr.IsDBNull (clientidx)) est.Client = rdr.GetString (clientidx); int index = rdr.GetOrdinal ("description"); if (!rdr.IsDBNull (index)) est.Description = rdr.GetString (index); est.Id = estimid; rdr.Close (); } } // assert est != null using (NpgsqlCommand cmdw = new NpgsqlCommand ("select _id, productid, ucost, count, description from writtings where estimid = @estid", cnx)) { cmdw.Parameters.AddWithValue("@estid", estimid); using (NpgsqlDataReader rdrw = cmdw.ExecuteReader ()) { List lw = null; if (rdrw.HasRows) { lw = new List (); while (rdrw.Read ()) { Writting w = new Writting (); int dei = rdrw.GetOrdinal ("description"); if (!rdrw.IsDBNull (dei)) w.Description = rdrw.GetString (dei); int opi = rdrw.GetOrdinal ("productid"); if (!rdrw.IsDBNull (opi)) w.ProductReference = rdrw.GetString(opi); int oco = rdrw.GetOrdinal ("count"); if (!rdrw.IsDBNull (oco)) w.Count = rdrw.GetInt32 (oco); int ouc = rdrw.GetOrdinal ("ucost"); if (!rdrw.IsDBNull (ouc)) w.UnitaryCost = rdrw.GetDecimal (ouc); w.Id = rdrw.GetInt64 (rdrw.GetOrdinal ("_id")); lw.Add (w); } est.Lines = lw.ToArray (); } } } return est; } } /// /// Updates the writting. /// /// Wr. public void UpdateWritting (Writting wr) { using (NpgsqlConnection cnx = CreateConnection ()) { using (NpgsqlCommand cmd = cnx.CreateCommand ()) { cmd.CommandText = "update writtings set " + "description = @desc, " + "ucost = @ucost, " + "count = @count, " + "productid = @prdid " + "where _id = @wrid"; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@wrid", wr.Id); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@desc", wr.Description); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@ucost", wr.UnitaryCost); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@prdid", wr.ProductReference); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@count", wr.Count); cnx.Open (); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery (); cnx.Close (); } } } /// /// Saves the given Estimate object in database. /// /// the Estimate object. public void UpdateEstimate (Estimate estim) { using (NpgsqlConnection cnx = CreateConnection ()) { using (NpgsqlCommand cmd = cnx.CreateCommand ()) { cmd.CommandText = "update estimate set title = @tit, username = @un, " + "description = @descr, client = @cli where _id = @estid"; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@tit", estim.Title); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@un", estim.Responsible); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@descr", estim.Description); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@cli", estim.Client); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@estid", estim.Id); cnx.Open (); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery (); cnx.Close (); } } } /// /// Add a line to the specified estimate by id, /// using the specified desc, ucost, count and productid. /// /// Estimate identifier. /// Textual description for this line. /// Unitary cost. /// Cost multiplier. /// Product identifier. public long Write (long estid, string desc, decimal ucost, int count, string productid) { using (NpgsqlConnection cnx = CreateConnection ()) { using (NpgsqlCommand cmd = cnx.CreateCommand ()) { cmd.CommandText = "insert into writtings (description, estimid, ucost, count, productid) VALUES (@dscr,@estid,@ucost,@count,@prdid) returning _id"; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@dscr", desc); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@estid", estid); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ucost", ucost); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@count", count); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@prdid", productid); cnx.Open (); long res = (long) cmd.ExecuteScalar (); cnx.Close (); return res; } } } /// /// Sets the desc. /// /// Writid. /// New desc. public void SetDesc (long writid, string newDesc) { using (NpgsqlConnection cnx = CreateConnection ()) { using (NpgsqlCommand cmd = cnx.CreateCommand ()) { cmd.CommandText = "update writtings set description = @dscr where _id = @writid"; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@tit", newDesc); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@writid", writid); cnx.Open (); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery (); cnx.Close (); } } } /// /// Creates the estimate. /// /// The estimate. /// Client. /// Title. /// Responsible. /// Description. public Estimate CreateEstimate (string responsible, string client, string title, string description) { using (NpgsqlConnection cnx = CreateConnection ()) { using (NpgsqlCommand cmd = cnx.CreateCommand ()) { cmd.CommandText = "insert into estimate (title,description,username,client,applicationname) " + "values (@tit,@descr,@resp,@un,@app) returning _id"; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@tit", title); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@un", client); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@resp", responsible); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@descr", description); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@app", ApplicationName); cnx.Open (); Estimate created = new Estimate (); created.Id = (long) cmd.ExecuteScalar (); cnx.Close (); created.Title = title; created.Description = description; created.Client = client; created.Responsible = responsible; return created; } } } string applicationName=null; /// /// Gets or sets the name of the application. /// /// The name of the application. public string ApplicationName { get { return applicationName; } set { applicationName = value; } } string cnxstr = null; /// /// Initialize this object using the specified name and config. /// /// Name. /// Config. public override void Initialize (string name, NameValueCollection config) { if ( string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(config ["connectionStringName"])) throw new ConfigurationErrorsException ("No name for Npgsql connection string found"); cnxstr = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings [config ["connectionStringName"]].ConnectionString; applicationName = config["applicationName"] ?? "/"; } /// /// Creates the connection. /// /// The connection. protected NpgsqlConnection CreateConnection () { return new NpgsqlConnection (cnxstr); } } }