/* * Globalize Culture sq-AL * * http://github.com/jquery/globalize * * Copyright Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc. * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses. * http://jquery.org/license * * This file was generated by the Globalize Culture Generator * Translation: bugs found in this file need to be fixed in the generator */ (function( window, undefined ) { var Globalize; if ( typeof require !== "undefined" && typeof exports !== "undefined" && typeof module !== "undefined" ) { // Assume CommonJS Globalize = require( "globalize" ); } else { // Global variable Globalize = window.Globalize; } Globalize.addCultureInfo( "sq-AL", "default", { name: "sq-AL", englishName: "Albanian (Albania)", nativeName: "shqipe (Shqipëria)", language: "sq", numberFormat: { ",": ".", ".": ",", negativeInfinity: "-infinit", positiveInfinity: "infinit", percent: { ",": ".", ".": "," }, currency: { pattern: ["-n$","n$"], ",": ".", ".": ",", symbol: "Lek" } }, calendars: { standard: { "/": "-", firstDay: 1, days: { names: ["e diel","e hënë","e martë","e mërkurë","e enjte","e premte","e shtunë"], namesAbbr: ["Die","Hën","Mar","Mër","Enj","Pre","Sht"], namesShort: ["Di","Hë","Ma","Më","En","Pr","Sh"] }, months: { names: ["janar","shkurt","mars","prill","maj","qershor","korrik","gusht","shtator","tetor","nëntor","dhjetor",""], namesAbbr: ["Jan","Shk","Mar","Pri","Maj","Qer","Kor","Gsh","Sht","Tet","Nën","Dhj",""] }, AM: ["PD","pd","PD"], PM: ["MD","md","MD"], patterns: { d: "yyyy-MM-dd", D: "yyyy-MM-dd", t: "h:mm.tt", T: "h:mm:ss.tt", f: "yyyy-MM-dd h:mm.tt", F: "yyyy-MM-dd h:mm:ss.tt", Y: "yyyy-MM" } } } }); }( this ));