using System; using System.Web; using System.Configuration; using System.Web.Security; using System.IO; using System.Web.Configuration; using System.Net.Mail; using Yavsc.Model.RolesAndMembers; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.Specialized; using Yavsc.Model.Circles; using System.Web.UI; using System.Linq.Expressions; using System.Web.Profile; using System.Web.Script.Serialization; using System.Web.Mvc; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using Yavsc.Model.Messaging; namespace Yavsc.Helpers { /// /// Yavsc helpers. /// public static class YavscHelpers { private static string siteName = null; /// /// Gets the name of the site. /// /// The name of the site. public static string SiteName { get { if (siteName == null) siteName = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings ["Name"]; return siteName; } } // Administrator email private static string admail = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings ["AdminEmail"]; /// /// Gets the Administrator email. /// /// The admail. public static string Admail { get { return admail; } } /// /// Sends the activation message. /// /// Helper. /// User. public static void SendActivationMessage(this System.Web.Http.Routing.UrlHelper helper, MembershipUser user) { SendActivationMessage (helper.Route("Default", new { controller="Account", action = "Validate", key=user.ProviderUserKey.ToString() } ) , WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings ["RegistrationMessage"], user); } /// /// Sends the activation message. /// /// Helper. /// User. public static void SendActivationMessage(this System.Web.Mvc.UrlHelper helper, MembershipUser user) { SendActivationMessage (helper.Content("~/Account/Validate/"+user.UserName+"/?key="+user.ProviderUserKey.ToString()) , WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings ["RegistrationMessage"], user); } /// /// Sends the activation message. /// /// Validation URL. /// Registration message. /// User. public static void SendActivationMessage(string validationUrl, string registrationMessage, MembershipUser user) { FileInfo fi = new FileInfo ( HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath (registrationMessage)); if (!fi.Exists) { throw new Exception( string.Format ( "Erreur inattendue (pas de corps de message " + "à envoyer pour le message de confirmation ({0}))", registrationMessage)); } using (StreamReader sr = fi.OpenText ()) { string body = sr.ReadToEnd (); body = body.Replace ("<%SiteName%>", YavscHelpers.SiteName); body = body.Replace ("<%UserName%>", user.UserName); body = body.Replace ("<%UserActivatonUrl%>", validationUrl); using (MailMessage msg = new MailMessage ( Admail, user.Email, string.Format ("Validation de votre compte {0}", YavscHelpers.SiteName), body)) { using (SmtpClient sc = new SmtpClient ()) { sc.Send (msg); } } } } /// /// Validates the password reset. /// /// Model. /// Errors. /// User. public static void ValidatePasswordReset(LostPasswordModel model, out StringDictionary errors, out MembershipUser user) { MembershipUserCollection users = null; errors = new StringDictionary (); user = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (model.UserName)) { users = Membership.FindUsersByName (model.UserName); if (users.Count < 1) { errors.Add ("UserName", "User name not found"); return ; } if (users.Count != 1) { errors.Add ("UserName", "Found more than one user!(sic)"); return ; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (model.Email)) { users = Membership.FindUsersByEmail (model.Email); if (users.Count < 1) { errors.Add ( "Email", "Email not found"); return ; } if (users.Count != 1) { errors.Add ("Email", "Found more than one user!(sic)"); return ; } } if (users==null) return; // Assert users.Count == 1 foreach (MembershipUser u in users) user = u; } /// /// Avatars the URL. /// /// The URL. /// Helper. /// Username. public static string AvatarUrl (this System.Web.Mvc.UrlHelper helper, string username) { if (username == null) return null; ProfileBase pr = ProfileBase.Create (username); object avpath = null; if (pr != null) avpath = pr.GetPropertyValue("Avatar"); if (avpath == null || avpath is DBNull) return DefaultAvatar==null?"/bfiles/"+username+".png":DefaultAvatar; string avatarLocation = avpath as string; if (avatarLocation.StartsWith ("~/")) { avatarLocation = helper.RouteUrl("Default", avatarLocation); } return avatarLocation; } private static string avatarDir = "~/avatars"; private static string defaultAvatar = null; private static string defaultAvatarMimetype = null; public static string DefaultAvatar { get { if (defaultAvatar == null) GetAvatarConfig (); return defaultAvatar; } } public static string AvatarDir { get { return avatarDir; } } /// /// Initializes a new instance of the class. /// private static void GetAvatarConfig () { string[] defaultAvatarSpec = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get ("DefaultAvatar").Split (';'); if (defaultAvatarSpec.Length != 2) throw new ConfigurationErrorsException ("the DefaultAvatar spec should be found as ; "); defaultAvatar = defaultAvatarSpec [0]; defaultAvatarMimetype = defaultAvatarSpec [1]; } /// /// Javas the script. /// /// The script. /// Html. /// Object. public static string JavaScript(this System.Web.Mvc.HtmlHelper html, object obj) { return JavaScript (obj); } /// /// Javas the script. /// /// The script. /// Object. public static string JavaScript(object obj) { JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer(); return serializer.Serialize(obj); } /// /// Notify the specified helper and message. /// /// Helper. /// Message. public static void Notify (this HtmlHelper helper, string message) { Notify (helper.ViewData, message); } /// /// Notify the specified viewData and message. /// /// View data. /// Message. public static void Notify(ViewDataDictionary viewData, string message, string click_action=null) { if (viewData ["Notifications"] == null) viewData ["Notifications"] = new List (); (viewData ["Notifications"] as List).Add ( new Notification { body = message.Replace("\'","\\\'"), click_action = click_action } ) ; } /// /// Files the list. /// /// The list. /// Html. /// Path. /// Patterns. public static IHtmlString FileList(this System.Web.Mvc.HtmlHelper html, string path, string [] patterns = null) { StringWriter str = new StringWriter(); HtmlTextWriter writter = new HtmlTextWriter (str); DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo (HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(path)); if (!di.Exists) return new System.Web.Mvc.MvcHtmlString (""); var files = new List (); if (patterns == null) patterns = new string[] { "*" }; var url = new System.Web.Mvc.UrlHelper(html.ViewContext.RequestContext, html.RouteCollection); foreach (string pattern in patterns) files.AddRange( di.EnumerateFiles ( pattern, SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)); writter.RenderBeginTag ("table"); writter.RenderBeginTag ("tr"); writter.RenderBeginTag ("td"); writter.Write (html.Translate ("Name")); writter.RenderEndTag (); writter.RenderBeginTag ("td"); writter.Write (html.Translate ("Created")); writter.RenderEndTag (); writter.RenderBeginTag ("td"); writter.Write (html.Translate ("Modified")); writter.RenderEndTag (); writter.RenderEndTag (); foreach (FileInfo fi in files) { writter.RenderBeginTag ("tr"); writter.RenderBeginTag ("td"); writter.AddAttribute ("href", url.Content(path+"/"+fi.Name)); writter.RenderBeginTag ("a"); writter.Write (fi.Name); writter.RenderEndTag (); writter.RenderEndTag (); writter.RenderBeginTag ("td"); writter.Write (fi.LastWriteTime.ToString ("U")); writter.RenderEndTag (); writter.RenderBeginTag ("td"); writter.Write (fi.CreationTime.ToString("U")); writter.RenderEndTag (); writter.RenderEndTag (); } writter.RenderEndTag (); return new System.Web.Mvc.MvcHtmlString (str.ToString ()); } /// /// Renders the page links. /// /// The page links. /// Helper. /// Result count. /// Page size. /// Page index. public static IHtmlString RenderPageLinks ( this HtmlHelper helper, int PageIndex, int PageSize, int ResultCount, string args="?PageIndex={0}", string pagesLabel="Pages: ", string singlePage="", string none="néant" ) { StringWriter strwr = new StringWriter (); HtmlTextWriter writer = new HtmlTextWriter(strwr); if (ResultCount > 0 && ResultCount > PageSize ) { int pageCount = ((ResultCount-1) / PageSize) + 1; if ( pageCount > 1 ) { writer.WriteEncodedText (pagesLabel); for (int pi = (PageIndex < 5) ? 0 : PageIndex - 5; pi < pageCount && pi < PageIndex + 5; pi++) { if (PageIndex == pi) writer.RenderBeginTag ("b"); else { writer.AddAttribute (HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Href, string.Format (args, pi)); writer.RenderBeginTag ("a"); } writer.Write (pi + 1); writer.RenderEndTag (); writer.Write (" "); } } else { writer.Write (singlePage); } } if (ResultCount == 0) { writer.Write (none); } return new MvcHtmlString(strwr.ToString()); } } }