diff --git a/◯ᗩIᗝI⚭◯⚪◯⚭IᗝIᗩ◯ⵙ◯ᗩIᗝI⚭◯⚪◯⚭IᗝIᗩ◯/◯✤ᴥᗩ◯ⵙ◯ᗩᴥ✤◯/◯ᗱᗴᴥᗩᗯ✤⏀Ⓞᔓᔕ◯ⵙ◯ᔓᔕⓄ⏀✤ᗯᗩᴥᗱᗴ◯/◯ᗝⵈ◯ⵙ◯ⵈᗝ◯/◯ᔓᔕⓄᴥᗱᗴᑐᑕⓄИNꖴ옷ᴥ◯⚪◯ᴥ옷ꖴИNⓄᑐᑕᗱᗴᴥⓄᔓᔕ◯ⵙ◯ᔓᔕⓄᴥᗱᗴᑐᑕⓄИNꖴ옷ᴥ◯⚪◯ᴥ옷ꖴИNⓄᑐᑕᗱᗴᴥⓄᔓᔕ◯/◯ᴥᗱᗴߦⓄ옷ᔓᔕᗩᴥᕤᕦ◯⚪◯ᕤᕦᴥᗩᔓᔕ옷Ⓞߦᗱᗴᴥ◯ⵙ◯ᴥᗱᗴߦⓄ옷ᔓᔕᗩᴥᕤᕦ◯⚪◯ᕤᕦᴥᗩᔓᔕ옷Ⓞߦᗱᗴᴥ◯/XHG..⠀⠀⠀⠀ⵙИNⵙᗩⵙᗱᗴⵙᙁⵙᑐᑕⵙ⊚ⵙᗱᗴⵙᴥⵙᗱᗴⵙ옷ⵙߦⵙᔓᔕⵙ◯ⵙ✤ⵙᴥⵙᗩⵙ옷ⵙᑐᑕⵙ◯ⵙ人ⵙᑐᑕⵙИNⵙᗱᗴⵙᑎⵙ¤ⵙᗱᗴⵙᴥⵙꗳⵙ◯ⵙᴥⵙᗩⵙᙁⵙᗩⵙᑐᑕⵙᔓᔕⵙ⠀⠀⠀⠀◯⠀⠀⠀⠀ⵙ⠀⠀⠀⠀◯⠀⠀⠀⠀ⵙᔓᔕⵙᑐᑕⵙᗩⵙᙁⵙᗩⵙᴥⵙ◯ⵙꗳⵙᴥⵙᗱᗴⵙ¤ⵙᑎⵙᗱᗴⵙИNⵙᑐᑕⵙ人ⵙ◯ⵙᑐᑕⵙ옷ⵙᗩⵙᴥⵙ✤ⵙ◯ⵙᔓᔕⵙߦⵙ옷ⵙᗱᗴⵙᴥⵙᗱᗴⵙ⊚ⵙᑐᑕⵙᙁⵙᗱᗴⵙᗩⵙИNⵙ⠀⠀⠀⠀..GHX b/◯ᗩIᗝI⚭◯⚪◯⚭IᗝIᗩ◯ⵙ◯ᗩIᗝI⚭◯⚪◯⚭IᗝIᗩ◯/◯✤ᴥᗩ◯ⵙ◯ᗩᴥ✤◯/◯ᗱᗴᴥᗩᗯ✤⏀Ⓞᔓᔕ◯ⵙ◯ᔓᔕⓄ⏀✤ᗯᗩᴥᗱᗴ◯/◯ᗝⵈ◯ⵙ◯ⵈᗝ◯/◯ᔓᔕⓄᴥᗱᗴᑐᑕⓄИNꖴ옷ᴥ◯⚪◯ᴥ옷ꖴИNⓄᑐᑕᗱᗴᴥⓄᔓᔕ◯ⵙ◯ᔓᔕⓄᴥᗱᗴᑐᑕⓄИNꖴ옷ᴥ◯⚪◯ᴥ옷ꖴИNⓄᑐᑕᗱᗴᴥⓄᔓᔕ◯/◯ᴥᗱᗴߦⓄ옷ᔓᔕᗩᴥᕤᕦ◯⚪◯ᕤᕦᴥᗩᔓᔕ옷Ⓞߦᗱᗴᴥ◯ⵙ◯ᴥᗱᗴߦⓄ옷ᔓᔕᗩᴥᕤᕦ◯⚪◯ᕤᕦᴥᗩᔓᔕ옷Ⓞߦᗱᗴᴥ◯/XHG..⠀⠀⠀⠀ⵙИNⵙᗩⵙᗱᗴⵙᙁⵙᑐᑕⵙ⊚ⵙᗱᗴⵙᴥⵙᗱᗴⵙ옷ⵙߦⵙᔓᔕⵙ◯ⵙ✤ⵙᴥⵙᗩⵙ옷ⵙᑐᑕⵙ◯ⵙ人ⵙᑐᑕⵙИNⵙᗱᗴⵙᑎⵙ¤ⵙᗱᗴⵙᴥⵙꗳⵙ◯ⵙᴥⵙᗩⵙᙁⵙᗩⵙᑐᑕⵙᔓᔕⵙ⠀⠀⠀⠀◯⠀⠀⠀⠀ⵙ⠀⠀⠀⠀◯⠀⠀⠀⠀ⵙᔓᔕⵙᑐᑕⵙᗩⵙᙁⵙᗩⵙᴥⵙ◯ⵙꗳⵙᴥⵙᗱᗴⵙ¤ⵙᑎⵙᗱᗴⵙИNⵙᑐᑕⵙ人ⵙ◯ⵙᑐᑕⵙ옷ⵙᗩⵙᴥⵙ✤ⵙ◯ⵙᔓᔕⵙߦⵙ옷ⵙᗱᗴⵙᴥⵙᗱᗴⵙ⊚ⵙᑐᑕⵙᙁⵙᗱᗴⵙᗩⵙИNⵙ⠀⠀⠀⠀..GHX index 8df085c7..acd4415d 100644 --- a/◯ᗩIᗝI⚭◯⚪◯⚭IᗝIᗩ◯ⵙ◯ᗩIᗝI⚭◯⚪◯⚭IᗝIᗩ◯/◯✤ᴥᗩ◯ⵙ◯ᗩᴥ✤◯/◯ᗱᗴᴥᗩᗯ✤⏀Ⓞᔓᔕ◯ⵙ◯ᔓᔕⓄ⏀✤ᗯᗩᴥᗱᗴ◯/◯ᗝⵈ◯ⵙ◯ⵈᗝ◯/◯ᔓᔕⓄᴥᗱᗴᑐᑕⓄИNꖴ옷ᴥ◯⚪◯ᴥ옷ꖴИNⓄᑐᑕᗱᗴᴥⓄᔓᔕ◯ⵙ◯ᔓᔕⓄᴥᗱᗴᑐᑕⓄИNꖴ옷ᴥ◯⚪◯ᴥ옷ꖴИNⓄᑐᑕᗱᗴᴥⓄᔓᔕ◯/◯ᴥᗱᗴߦⓄ옷ᔓᔕᗩᴥᕤᕦ◯⚪◯ᕤᕦᴥᗩᔓᔕ옷Ⓞߦᗱᗴᴥ◯ⵙ◯ᴥᗱᗴߦⓄ옷ᔓᔕᗩᴥᕤᕦ◯⚪◯ᕤᕦᴥᗩᔓᔕ옷Ⓞߦᗱᗴᴥ◯/XHG..⠀⠀⠀⠀ⵙИNⵙᗩⵙᗱᗴⵙᙁⵙᑐᑕⵙ⊚ⵙᗱᗴⵙᴥⵙᗱᗴⵙ옷ⵙߦⵙᔓᔕⵙ◯ⵙ✤ⵙᴥⵙᗩⵙ옷ⵙᑐᑕⵙ◯ⵙ人ⵙᑐᑕⵙИNⵙᗱᗴⵙᑎⵙ¤ⵙᗱᗴⵙᴥⵙꗳⵙ◯ⵙᴥⵙᗩⵙᙁⵙᗩⵙᑐᑕⵙᔓᔕⵙ⠀⠀⠀⠀◯⠀⠀⠀⠀ⵙ⠀⠀⠀⠀◯⠀⠀⠀⠀ⵙᔓᔕⵙᑐᑕⵙᗩⵙᙁⵙᗩⵙᴥⵙ◯ⵙꗳⵙᴥⵙᗱᗴⵙ¤ⵙᑎⵙᗱᗴⵙИNⵙᑐᑕⵙ人ⵙ◯ⵙᑐᑕⵙ옷ⵙᗩⵙᴥⵙ✤ⵙ◯ⵙᔓᔕⵙߦⵙ옷ⵙᗱᗴⵙᴥⵙᗱᗴⵙ⊚ⵙᑐᑕⵙᙁⵙᗱᗴⵙᗩⵙИNⵙ⠀⠀⠀⠀..GHX +++ b/◯ᗩIᗝI⚭◯⚪◯⚭IᗝIᗩ◯ⵙ◯ᗩIᗝI⚭◯⚪◯⚭IᗝIᗩ◯/◯✤ᴥᗩ◯ⵙ◯ᗩᴥ✤◯/◯ᗱᗴᴥᗩᗯ✤⏀Ⓞᔓᔕ◯ⵙ◯ᔓᔕⓄ⏀✤ᗯᗩᴥᗱᗴ◯/◯ᗝⵈ◯ⵙ◯ⵈᗝ◯/◯ᔓᔕⓄᴥᗱᗴᑐᑕⓄИNꖴ옷ᴥ◯⚪◯ᴥ옷ꖴИNⓄᑐᑕᗱᗴᴥⓄᔓᔕ◯ⵙ◯ᔓᔕⓄᴥᗱᗴᑐᑕⓄИNꖴ옷ᴥ◯⚪◯ᴥ옷ꖴИNⓄᑐᑕᗱᗴᴥⓄᔓᔕ◯/◯ᴥᗱᗴߦⓄ옷ᔓᔕᗩᴥᕤᕦ◯⚪◯ᕤᕦᴥᗩᔓᔕ옷Ⓞߦᗱᗴᴥ◯ⵙ◯ᴥᗱᗴߦⓄ옷ᔓᔕᗩᴥᕤᕦ◯⚪◯ᕤᕦᴥᗩᔓᔕ옷Ⓞߦᗱᗴᴥ◯/XHG..⠀⠀⠀⠀ⵙИNⵙᗩⵙᗱᗴⵙᙁⵙᑐᑕⵙ⊚ⵙᗱᗴⵙᴥⵙᗱᗴⵙ옷ⵙߦⵙᔓᔕⵙ◯ⵙ✤ⵙᴥⵙᗩⵙ옷ⵙᑐᑕⵙ◯ⵙ人ⵙᑐᑕⵙИNⵙᗱᗴⵙᑎⵙ¤ⵙᗱᗴⵙᴥⵙꗳⵙ◯ⵙᴥⵙᗩⵙᙁⵙᗩⵙᑐᑕⵙᔓᔕⵙ⠀⠀⠀⠀◯⠀⠀⠀⠀ⵙ⠀⠀⠀⠀◯⠀⠀⠀⠀ⵙᔓᔕⵙᑐᑕⵙᗩⵙᙁⵙᗩⵙᴥⵙ◯ⵙꗳⵙᴥⵙᗱᗴⵙ¤ⵙᑎⵙᗱᗴⵙИNⵙᑐᑕⵙ人ⵙ◯ⵙᑐᑕⵙ옷ⵙᗩⵙᴥⵙ✤ⵙ◯ⵙᔓᔕⵙߦⵙ옷ⵙᗱᗴⵙᴥⵙᗱᗴⵙ⊚ⵙᑐᑕⵙᙁⵙᗱᗴⵙᗩⵙИNⵙ⠀⠀⠀⠀..GHX @@ -48,10 +48,10 @@ - -20345 - -743 + -27391 + -5065 - 0.9460577 + 1.60213959 @@ -159,10 +159,735 @@ - 766 + 934 - + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 2cd6b4ea-5ed9-47d6-8be1-6bbdd5603dc1 + 1 + 7b70881b-db1e-4830-b959-c83899390816 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 7d3278d5-57ca-4485-83f8-bd4f1f808cb1 + 1 + 2cd6b4ea-5ed9-47d6-8be1-6bbdd5603dc1 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 8c0cdf79-9e33-452a-a152-471fa31e9f86 + 1 + 7d3278d5-57ca-4485-83f8-bd4f1f808cb1 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 1 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 449c8f7b-a84f-4557-9a31-a738ce2264dd + 1 + cddd6047-0965-4383-b674-f04e1fd13615 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 1 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + f449af04-b6bb-49a6-9b80-7321096890b4 + 1 + d055337f-dc57-4afa-a590-5a65d648bad1 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 1 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 6e8dc88b-9502-4d43-8527-93e4622e3684 + 1 + f449af04-b6bb-49a6-9b80-7321096890b4 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 1 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 60dde22b-fce8-4cf8-a373-3c2c0060b0c8 + 1 + 6e8dc88b-9502-4d43-8527-93e4622e3684 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 1 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + e87dbb83-da82-4c47-bd70-8b77643e07af + 1 + 4fba0ce1-fb53-40c8-9675-934831948ce3 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 1 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + c708f443-525f-4b30-b112-af986a367d2d + 1 + e87dbb83-da82-4c47-bd70-8b77643e07af + Group + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 1 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + f26f1595-74d7-4796-bbdb-824855e314fe + 1 + c708f443-525f-4b30-b112-af986a367d2d + Group + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 1 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + fa64c57e-7cc3-4b61-8b9c-4a7f74dc7ea4 + 1 + 9da00ee9-b424-4223-933b-3828646b3055 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 1 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 6ea6fae3-90b7-49da-8e50-159227cc873c + 1 + fa64c57e-7cc3-4b61-8b9c-4a7f74dc7ea4 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 1 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + fd1a16b2-49b6-4a18-ac0d-c8d9751f7a31 + 1 + 64e1d56a-ba9b-4c03-b1c4-46d7aba754bd + Group + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 1 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 0dfe777b-735f-4354-a35d-50f36404b426 + 1 + fd1a16b2-49b6-4a18-ac0d-c8d9751f7a31 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 1 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + bd9c267d-5158-4aa6-948e-a70d5ca3fe16 + 1 + 0dfe777b-735f-4354-a35d-50f36404b426 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 1 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 97087514-986f-421a-9023-4ba036e75a14 + 1 + bd9c267d-5158-4aa6-948e-a70d5ca3fe16 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 1 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + f9065253-58ca-4cf4-8f27-bbfff6bb2646 + 1 + 84d8f10a-d47f-4e19-b0d0-a2c6893e0ce0 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 1 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + fa4d2555-678c-4539-b199-22fdd6182445 + 1 + f9065253-58ca-4cf4-8f27-bbfff6bb2646 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 1 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + eb73f373-3413-471d-b382-877fef41d3b9 + 1 + fa4d2555-678c-4539-b199-22fdd6182445 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 1 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 0de91de0-44ba-4c4d-b804-ae428780a113 + 1 + eb73f373-3413-471d-b382-877fef41d3b9 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 1 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + b9e492f5-cc0b-4dc4-9138-cf60a46ad3be + 1 + d2793651-f681-4cbc-a661-18094e17719f + Group + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 1 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 0eae9836-c7fb-403b-8a1a-e44c2bece3b6 + 1 + b9e492f5-cc0b-4dc4-9138-cf60a46ad3be + Group + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 1 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + f86d1aa2-a289-4819-9f11-0e6d23d1822d + 1 + 0eae9836-c7fb-403b-8a1a-e44c2bece3b6 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 1 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 65bef583-2485-4570-b6d0-f13a608d09b9 + 1 + 49a7d92d-0da3-43bb-8884-3d330c20ddd3 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 1 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 86a14528-c125-4303-9e3f-070ce609c58d + 1 + ae64c225-5a6a-4b5f-9854-316e9ffa13be + Group + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 1 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 94e11e5a-f464-4655-8900-4f3453dcd216 + 1 + 79715eeb-846e-4c3e-9eb8-24c89a65ff35 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 1 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 077fa0f4-a573-42a5-95e2-7edac1b41824 + 1 + 94e11e5a-f464-4655-8900-4f3453dcd216 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 1 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + d7ec0c02-4ace-4967-a0ab-31f65f4a3fbe + 1 + 46556a64-2015-4cce-8c23-f76763f67695 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 1 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 7ce5bc7f-3fda-4b66-bed0-fe83a3841791 + 1 + d7ec0c02-4ace-4967-a0ab-31f65f4a3fbe + Group + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -189,7 +914,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -214,7 +939,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -239,7 +964,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -264,7 +989,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -289,7 +1014,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -314,7 +1039,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -339,7 +1064,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -370,7 +1095,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -397,7 +1122,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -423,7 +1148,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -453,7 +1178,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -479,7 +1204,7 @@ - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -498,14 +1223,14 @@ - 21466 - 822 + 21961 + 870 198 20 - 21466.54 - 822.8655 + 21961.86 + 870.8655 @@ -524,7 +1249,7 @@ - + 7580cce1-bebc-42be-8cfc-fdc7cfaaaaf7 1d3c103c-08ab-48f3-c5fd-624ad09a387e @@ -727,7 +1452,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -780,7 +1505,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -833,7 +1558,7 @@ - + 2e78987b-9dfb-42a2-8b76-3923ac8bd91a Boolean Toggle @@ -864,7 +1589,7 @@ - + e64c5fb1-845c-4ab1-8911-5f338516ba67 Series @@ -1065,7 +1790,7 @@ - + 78fed580-851b-46fe-af2f-6519a9d378e0 Power @@ -1199,7 +1924,7 @@ - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -1312,7 +2037,7 @@ - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -1425,7 +2150,7 @@ - + ce46b74e-00c9-43c4-805a-193b69ea4a11 Multiplication @@ -1549,7 +2274,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -1604,7 +2329,7 @@ - + 3b220754-4114-4170-b6c3-b286b86ed524 Text Tag @@ -1741,7 +2466,7 @@ - + 87e1d9ef-088b-4d30-9dda-8a7448a17329 Graft Tree @@ -1831,7 +2556,7 @@ - + 797d922f-3a1d-46fe-9155-358b009b5997 One Over X @@ -1917,7 +2642,7 @@ - + 87e1d9ef-088b-4d30-9dda-8a7448a17329 Graft Tree @@ -2007,7 +2732,7 @@ - + 87e1d9ef-088b-4d30-9dda-8a7448a17329 Graft Tree @@ -2097,7 +2822,7 @@ - + 78fed580-851b-46fe-af2f-6519a9d378e0 Power @@ -2231,7 +2956,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -2284,7 +3009,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -2337,7 +3062,7 @@ - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -2450,7 +3175,7 @@ - + d25e638d-0677-4306-89e7-caadf0786013 ab81fea9-8d16-4caf-af89-2736c660f36d @@ -2770,7 +3495,7 @@ - + 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line @@ -2907,7 +3632,7 @@ - + 3581f42a-9592-4549-bd6b-1c0fc39d067b Construct Point @@ -3105,7 +3830,7 @@ - + b7798b74-037e-4f0c-8ac7-dc1043d093e0 Rotate @@ -3321,7 +4046,7 @@ - + 8cc3a196-f6a0-49ea-9ed9-0cb343a3ae64 XZ Plane @@ -3431,7 +4156,7 @@ - + 0ae07da9-951b-4b9b-98ca-d312c252374d Numbers to Points @@ -3595,7 +4320,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -3648,7 +4373,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -3701,7 +4426,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -3754,7 +4479,7 @@ - + 78fed580-851b-46fe-af2f-6519a9d378e0 Power @@ -3887,7 +4612,7 @@ - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -3932,7 +4657,7 @@ - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -3977,7 +4702,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -4030,7 +4755,7 @@ - + 797d922f-3a1d-46fe-9155-358b009b5997 One Over X @@ -4116,7 +4841,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -4312,7 +5037,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -4364,7 +5089,7 @@ - + 04887d01-504c-480e-b2a2-01ea19cc5922 Text Split @@ -4478,7 +5203,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -4532,7 +5257,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -4728,7 +5453,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -4780,7 +5505,7 @@ - + 04887d01-504c-480e-b2a2-01ea19cc5922 Text Split @@ -4894,7 +5619,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -4948,7 +5673,7 @@ - + 78fed580-851b-46fe-af2f-6519a9d378e0 Power @@ -5081,7 +5806,7 @@ - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -5214,7 +5939,7 @@ - + 3e8ca6be-fda8-4aaf-b5c0-3c54c8bb7312 Number @@ -5249,7 +5974,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -5302,7 +6027,7 @@ - + 9df5e896-552d-4c8c-b9ca-4fc147ffa022 Expression @@ -5399,7 +6124,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -5453,7 +6178,7 @@ - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -5496,7 +6221,7 @@ - + 9df5e896-552d-4c8c-b9ca-4fc147ffa022 Expression @@ -5593,7 +6318,7 @@ - + e64c5fb1-845c-4ab1-8911-5f338516ba67 Series @@ -5791,7 +6516,7 @@ - + cc2b626f-6eff-4d08-9829-2877560693f4 Evaluate @@ -5915,7 +6640,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -5967,7 +6692,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -6020,7 +6745,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -6072,7 +6797,7 @@ - + 3e8ca6be-fda8-4aaf-b5c0-3c54c8bb7312 Number @@ -6107,7 +6832,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -6160,7 +6885,7 @@ - + cc2b626f-6eff-4d08-9829-2877560693f4 Evaluate @@ -6284,7 +7009,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -6336,7 +7061,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -6389,7 +7114,7 @@ - + 06953bda-1d37-4d58-9b38-4b3c74e54c8f File Path @@ -6446,7 +7171,7 @@ - + 3ede854e-c753-40eb-84cb-b48008f14fd4 Worksheet Name @@ -6501,7 +7226,7 @@ - + 25f5b853-1e28-4de9-a4aa-d178b8496d93 d8a90a2f-1424-4a76-a2a8-3a109b807d92 @@ -6779,7 +7504,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -6832,7 +7557,7 @@ - + 74cad441-2264-45fe-a57d-85034751208a Explode Tree @@ -7076,7 +7801,7 @@ - + 501aecbb-c191-4d13-83d6-7ee32445ac50 Cull Index @@ -7277,7 +8002,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -7330,7 +8055,7 @@ - + 501aecbb-c191-4d13-83d6-7ee32445ac50 Cull Index @@ -7531,7 +8256,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -7584,7 +8309,7 @@ - + cc2b626f-6eff-4d08-9829-2877560693f4 Evaluate @@ -7708,7 +8433,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -7760,7 +8485,7 @@ - + 3e8ca6be-fda8-4aaf-b5c0-3c54c8bb7312 Number @@ -8120,7 +8845,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -8173,7 +8898,7 @@ - + cc2b626f-6eff-4d08-9829-2877560693f4 Evaluate @@ -8297,7 +9022,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -8350,7 +9075,7 @@ - + 3e8ca6be-fda8-4aaf-b5c0-3c54c8bb7312 Number @@ -8710,7 +9435,7 @@ - + 9445ca40-cc73-4861-a455-146308676855 Range @@ -8867,7 +9592,7 @@ - + d1a28e95-cf96-4936-bf34-8bf142d731bf Construct Domain @@ -9020,7 +9745,7 @@ - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -9214,7 +9939,7 @@ - + 1817fd29-20ae-4503-b542-f0fb651e67d7 List Length @@ -9301,7 +10026,7 @@ - + 9c007a04-d0d9-48e4-9da3-9ba142bc4d46 Subtraction @@ -9445,7 +10170,7 @@ - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -9638,7 +10363,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -9691,7 +10416,7 @@ - + 3581f42a-9592-4549-bd6b-1c0fc39d067b Construct Point @@ -9889,7 +10614,7 @@ - + ce46b74e-00c9-43c4-805a-193b69ea4a11 Multiplication @@ -10033,7 +10758,7 @@ - + 27d6f724-a701-4585-992f-3897488abf08 Logarithm @@ -10119,7 +10844,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -10172,7 +10897,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -10225,7 +10950,7 @@ - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -10418,7 +11143,7 @@ - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -10611,7 +11336,7 @@ - + 9c007a04-d0d9-48e4-9da3-9ba142bc4d46 Subtraction @@ -10735,7 +11460,7 @@ - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -10868,7 +11593,7 @@ - + 06953bda-1d37-4d58-9b38-4b3c74e54c8f File Path @@ -10925,7 +11650,7 @@ - + 3ede854e-c753-40eb-84cb-b48008f14fd4 Worksheet Name @@ -10980,7 +11705,7 @@ - + 25f5b853-1e28-4de9-a4aa-d178b8496d93 d8a90a2f-1424-4a76-a2a8-3a109b807d92 @@ -11258,7 +11983,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -11311,7 +12036,7 @@ - + eeafc956-268e-461d-8e73-ee05c6f72c01 Stream Filter @@ -11518,7 +12243,7 @@ - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -11563,7 +12288,7 @@ - + eeafc956-268e-461d-8e73-ee05c6f72c01 Stream Filter @@ -11770,7 +12495,7 @@ - + 74cad441-2264-45fe-a57d-85034751208a Explode Tree @@ -12014,7 +12739,7 @@ - + 501aecbb-c191-4d13-83d6-7ee32445ac50 Cull Index @@ -12210,7 +12935,7 @@ - + 501aecbb-c191-4d13-83d6-7ee32445ac50 Cull Index @@ -12406,7 +13131,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -12459,7 +13184,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -12512,7 +13237,7 @@ - + 71fcc052-6add-4d70-8d97-cfb37ea9d169 Stream Gate @@ -12717,7 +13442,7 @@ - + eeafc956-268e-461d-8e73-ee05c6f72c01 Stream Filter @@ -12925,7 +13650,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -13008,7 +13733,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -13162,7 +13887,7 @@ - + 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 Data @@ -29381,7 +30106,7 @@ - + 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 Data @@ -34725,7 +35450,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -34778,7 +35503,7 @@ - + dabc854d-f50e-408a-b001-d043c7de151d Sphere @@ -34941,7 +35666,7 @@ - + 439a55a5-2f9e-4f66-9de2-32f24fec2ef5 Plane Surface @@ -35158,7 +35883,7 @@ - + 8cc3a196-f6a0-49ea-9ed9-0cb343a3ae64 XZ Plane @@ -35268,7 +35993,7 @@ - + fad344bc-09b1-4855-a2e6-437ef5715fe3 YZ Plane @@ -35378,7 +36103,7 @@ - + 5edaea74-32cb-4586-bd72-66694eb73160 Rotate Direction @@ -35641,7 +36366,7 @@ - + 5edaea74-32cb-4586-bd72-66694eb73160 Rotate Direction @@ -35904,7 +36629,7 @@ - + 439a55a5-2f9e-4f66-9de2-32f24fec2ef5 Plane Surface @@ -36118,7 +36843,7 @@ - + fad344bc-09b1-4855-a2e6-437ef5715fe3 YZ Plane @@ -36228,7 +36953,7 @@ - + 17b7152b-d30d-4d50-b9ef-c9fe25576fc2 XY Plane @@ -36338,7 +37063,7 @@ - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -36532,7 +37257,7 @@ - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -36577,7 +37302,7 @@ - + 7db14002-c09c-4d7b-9f80-e4e2b00dfa1d Surface Split @@ -36692,7 +37417,7 @@ - + 9445ca40-cc73-4861-a455-146308676855 Range @@ -36849,7 +37574,7 @@ - + b7798b74-037e-4f0c-8ac7-dc1043d093e0 Rotate @@ -37065,7 +37790,7 @@ - + b7798b74-037e-4f0c-8ac7-dc1043d093e0 Rotate @@ -37280,7 +38005,7 @@ - + a4cd2751-414d-42ec-8916-476ebf62d7fe Radians @@ -37385,7 +38110,7 @@ - + d1a28e95-cf96-4936-bf34-8bf142d731bf Construct Domain @@ -37537,7 +38262,7 @@ - + b7798b74-037e-4f0c-8ac7-dc1043d093e0 Rotate @@ -37754,7 +38479,7 @@ - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -37799,7 +38524,7 @@ - + 9c007a04-d0d9-48e4-9da3-9ba142bc4d46 Subtraction @@ -37943,7 +38668,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -37979,7 +38704,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -38015,7 +38740,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -38051,7 +38776,7 @@ - + a3371040-e552-4bc8-b0ff-10a840258e88 Negative @@ -38137,7 +38862,7 @@ - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -38182,7 +38907,7 @@ - + ce46b74e-00c9-43c4-805a-193b69ea4a11 Multiplication @@ -38307,7 +39032,7 @@ - + 0148a65d-6f42-414a-9db7-9a9b2eb78437 Brep Edges @@ -38325,14 +39050,14 @@ - 8635 - 1181 + 8551 + 1192 119 64 - 8674 - 1213 + 8590 + 1224 @@ -38350,14 +39075,14 @@ - 8637 - 1183 + 8553 + 1194 25 60 - 8649.5 - 1213 + 8565.5 + 1224 @@ -38377,14 +39102,14 @@ - 8686 - 1183 + 8602 + 1194 66 20 - 8719 - 1193 + 8635 + 1204 @@ -38404,14 +39129,14 @@ - 8686 - 1203 + 8602 + 1214 66 20 - 8719 - 1213 + 8635 + 1224 @@ -38431,14 +39156,14 @@ - 8686 - 1223 + 8602 + 1234 66 20 - 8719 - 1233 + 8635 + 1244 @@ -38448,7 +39173,7 @@ - + 11bbd48b-bb0a-4f1b-8167-fa297590390d End Points @@ -38466,14 +39191,14 @@ - 8685 - 1065 + 8690 + 1212 84 44 - 8729 - 1087 + 8734 + 1234 @@ -38491,14 +39216,14 @@ - 8687 - 1067 + 8692 + 1214 30 40 - 8702 - 1087 + 8707 + 1234 @@ -38517,14 +39242,14 @@ - 8741 - 1067 + 8746 + 1214 26 20 - 8754 - 1077 + 8759 + 1224 @@ -38543,14 +39268,14 @@ - 8741 - 1087 + 8746 + 1234 26 20 - 8754 - 1097 + 8759 + 1244 @@ -38560,7 +39285,7 @@ - + fbac3e32-f100-4292-8692-77240a42fd1a Point @@ -38620,7 +39345,7 @@ - + 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 Data @@ -38642,14 +39367,14 @@ - 8795 - 1292 + 8848 + 1283 50 24 - 8820.052 - 1304.337 + 8873.866 + 1295.368 @@ -38657,7 +39382,7 @@ - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -38850,7 +39575,7 @@ - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -38869,14 +39594,14 @@ - 9168 - 1155 + 8740 + 1342 62 64 - 9210 - 1187 + 8782 + 1374 @@ -38905,14 +39630,14 @@ - 9170 - 1157 + 8742 + 1344 28 20 - 9184 - 1167 + 8756 + 1354 @@ -38931,14 +39656,14 @@ - 9170 - 1177 + 8742 + 1364 28 20 - 9184 - 1187 + 8756 + 1374 @@ -38977,14 +39702,14 @@ - 9170 - 1197 + 8742 + 1384 28 20 - 9184 - 1207 + 8756 + 1394 @@ -39024,14 +39749,14 @@ - 9222 - 1157 + 8794 + 1344 6 60 - 9225 - 1187 + 8797 + 1374 @@ -39043,7 +39768,7 @@ - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -39236,7 +39961,7 @@ - + c77a8b3b-c569-4d81-9b59-1c27299a1c45 4Point Surface @@ -39402,7 +40127,7 @@ - + ce46b74e-00c9-43c4-805a-193b69ea4a11 Multiplication @@ -39528,7 +40253,7 @@ - + c75b62fa-0a33-4da7-a5bd-03fd0068fd93 Length @@ -39614,7 +40339,7 @@ - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -39808,7 +40533,7 @@ - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -39853,7 +40578,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -39906,7 +40631,7 @@ - + 1817fd29-20ae-4503-b542-f0fb651e67d7 List Length @@ -39993,7 +40718,7 @@ - + 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 Data @@ -40049,7 +40774,7 @@ - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -40244,7 +40969,7 @@ - + 9c007a04-d0d9-48e4-9da3-9ba142bc4d46 Subtraction @@ -40388,7 +41113,7 @@ - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -40583,7 +41308,7 @@ - + 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line @@ -40696,7 +41421,7 @@ - + c75b62fa-0a33-4da7-a5bd-03fd0068fd93 Length @@ -40782,7 +41507,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -40814,7 +41539,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -40842,7 +41567,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -40895,7 +41620,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -40931,7 +41656,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -40967,7 +41692,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -41003,7 +41728,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -41039,7 +41764,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -41066,7 +41791,7 @@ - + 904e4b56-484a-4814-b35f-aa4baf362117 Brep | Brep @@ -41208,7 +41933,7 @@ - + 439a55a5-2f9e-4f66-9de2-32f24fec2ef5 Plane Surface @@ -41422,7 +42147,7 @@ - + 439a55a5-2f9e-4f66-9de2-32f24fec2ef5 Plane Surface @@ -41636,7 +42361,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -41661,7 +42386,7 @@ - + 03e331ed-c4d1-4a23-afa2-f57b87d2043c Cone @@ -41679,14 +42404,14 @@ - 9077 - 1510 + 9047 + 1466 89 64 - 9125 - 1542 + 9095 + 1498 @@ -41704,14 +42429,14 @@ - 9079 - 1512 + 9049 + 1468 34 20 - 9096 - 1522 + 9066 + 1478 @@ -41761,14 +42486,14 @@ - 9079 - 1532 + 9049 + 1488 34 20 - 9096 - 1542 + 9066 + 1498 @@ -41808,14 +42533,14 @@ - 9079 - 1552 + 9049 + 1508 34 20 - 9096 - 1562 + 9066 + 1518 @@ -41854,14 +42579,14 @@ - 9137 - 1512 + 9107 + 1468 27 30 - 9150.5 - 1527 + 9120.5 + 1483 @@ -41881,14 +42606,14 @@ - 9137 - 1542 + 9107 + 1498 27 30 - 9150.5 - 1557 + 9120.5 + 1513 @@ -41898,7 +42623,7 @@ - + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror @@ -42067,7 +42792,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -42103,7 +42828,7 @@ - + 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line @@ -42121,14 +42846,14 @@ - 8488 - 1459 + 8480 + 1406 102 44 - 8554 - 1481 + 8546 + 1428 @@ -42146,14 +42871,14 @@ - 8490 - 1461 + 8482 + 1408 52 20 - 8516 - 1471 + 8508 + 1418 @@ -42173,14 +42898,14 @@ - 8490 - 1481 + 8482 + 1428 52 20 - 8516 - 1491 + 8508 + 1438 @@ -42199,14 +42924,14 @@ - 8566 - 1461 + 8558 + 1408 22 40 - 8577 - 1481 + 8569 + 1428 @@ -42216,7 +42941,7 @@ - + c75b62fa-0a33-4da7-a5bd-03fd0068fd93 Length @@ -42302,7 +43027,7 @@ - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -42435,7 +43160,7 @@ - + ccc7b468-e743-4049-891f-299432545898 Curve Middle @@ -42521,7 +43246,7 @@ - + 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line @@ -42539,14 +43264,14 @@ - 8707 - 1605 + 8682 + 1639 102 44 - 8773 - 1627 + 8748 + 1661 @@ -42563,14 +43288,14 @@ - 8709 - 1607 + 8684 + 1641 52 20 - 8735 - 1617 + 8710 + 1651 @@ -42615,14 +43340,14 @@ - 8709 - 1627 + 8684 + 1661 52 20 - 8735 - 1637 + 8710 + 1671 @@ -42666,14 +43391,14 @@ - 8785 - 1607 + 8760 + 1641 22 40 - 8796 - 1627 + 8771 + 1661 @@ -42683,7 +43408,7 @@ - + c75b62fa-0a33-4da7-a5bd-03fd0068fd93 Length @@ -42769,7 +43494,7 @@ - + a3371040-e552-4bc8-b0ff-10a840258e88 Negative @@ -42855,7 +43580,7 @@ - + 4d2a06bd-4b0f-4c65-9ee0-4220e4c01703 Scale @@ -43064,7 +43789,7 @@ - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -43257,7 +43982,7 @@ - + 7db14002-c09c-4d7b-9f80-e4e2b00dfa1d Surface Split @@ -43372,7 +44097,7 @@ - + 9445ca40-cc73-4861-a455-146308676855 Range @@ -43528,7 +44253,7 @@ - + b7798b74-037e-4f0c-8ac7-dc1043d093e0 Rotate @@ -43745,7 +44470,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -43781,7 +44506,7 @@ - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -43826,7 +44551,7 @@ - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -44019,7 +44744,7 @@ - + 7db14002-c09c-4d7b-9f80-e4e2b00dfa1d Surface Split @@ -44134,7 +44859,7 @@ - + 9445ca40-cc73-4861-a455-146308676855 Range @@ -44291,7 +45016,7 @@ - + b7798b74-037e-4f0c-8ac7-dc1043d093e0 Rotate @@ -44508,7 +45233,7 @@ - + 9c007a04-d0d9-48e4-9da3-9ba142bc4d46 Subtraction @@ -44652,7 +45377,7 @@ - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -44697,7 +45422,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -44733,7 +45458,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -44753,13 +45478,13 @@ - 12004 + 12489 1401 40 16 - 12024 + 12509 1409 @@ -44768,7 +45493,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -44789,13 +45514,13 @@ - 12032 + 12517 1545 40 16 - 12052 + 12537 1553 @@ -44804,7 +45529,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -44825,13 +45550,13 @@ - 12030 + 12515 1498 40 16 - 12050 + 12535 1506 @@ -44840,7 +45565,7 @@ - + 11bbd48b-bb0a-4f1b-8167-fa297590390d End Points @@ -44858,14 +45583,14 @@ - 12075 - 1337 + 11022 + 1321 84 44 - 12119 - 1359 + 11066 + 1343 @@ -44883,14 +45608,14 @@ - 12077 - 1339 + 11024 + 1323 30 40 - 12092 - 1359 + 11039 + 1343 @@ -44909,14 +45634,14 @@ - 12131 - 1339 + 11078 + 1323 26 20 - 12144 - 1349 + 11091 + 1333 @@ -44935,14 +45660,14 @@ - 12131 - 1359 + 11078 + 1343 26 20 - 12144 - 1369 + 11091 + 1353 @@ -44952,7 +45677,7 @@ - + fbac3e32-f100-4292-8692-77240a42fd1a Point @@ -44973,14 +45698,14 @@ - 12246 - 1414 + 11174 + 1398 50 24 - 12271.61 - 1426.589 + 11199.8 + 1410.145 @@ -44988,7 +45713,7 @@ - + ce46b74e-00c9-43c4-805a-193b69ea4a11 Multiplication @@ -45006,13 +45731,13 @@ - 11866 + 12351 2238 122 44 - 11907 + 12392 2260 @@ -45041,13 +45766,13 @@ - 11868 + 12353 2240 27 20 - 11889.5 + 12374.5 2250 @@ -45067,13 +45792,13 @@ - 11868 + 12353 2260 27 20 - 11889.5 + 12374.5 2270 @@ -45116,13 +45841,13 @@ - 11919 + 12404 2240 67 40 - 11934.5 + 12419.5 2260 @@ -45135,7 +45860,7 @@ - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -45156,13 +45881,13 @@ - 11697 + 12183 2164 50 24 - 11722.38 + 12208.7 2176.836 @@ -45171,7 +45896,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -45196,7 +45921,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -45221,7 +45946,7 @@ - + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror @@ -45239,13 +45964,13 @@ - 12997 + 13482 2029 126 44 - 13059 + 13544 2051 @@ -45264,13 +45989,13 @@ - 12999 + 13484 2031 48 20 - 13023 + 13508 2041 @@ -45291,13 +46016,13 @@ - 12999 + 13484 2051 48 20 - 13023 + 13508 2061 @@ -45347,13 +46072,13 @@ - 13071 + 13556 2031 50 20 - 13096 + 13581 2041 @@ -45373,13 +46098,13 @@ - 13071 + 13556 2051 50 20 - 13096 + 13581 2061 @@ -45390,7 +46115,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -45411,13 +46136,13 @@ - 12765 + 13250 1823 40 16 - 12785 + 13270 1831 @@ -45426,7 +46151,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -45447,13 +46172,13 @@ - 12672 + 13157 1847 40 16 - 12692 + 13177 1855 @@ -45462,7 +46187,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -45498,7 +46223,7 @@ - + a0d62394-a118-422d-abb3-6af115c75b25 Addition @@ -45642,7 +46367,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -45664,7 +46389,7 @@ - 11366 + 11852 2050 160 100 @@ -45673,7 +46398,7 @@ 0 0 - 11366.3 + 11852.62 2050.958 @@ -45695,7 +46420,7 @@ - + f80cfe18-9510-4b89-8301-8e58faf423bb Flatten Tree @@ -45713,13 +46438,13 @@ - 11074 + 11126 2101 76 44 - 11112 + 11164 2123 @@ -45739,13 +46464,13 @@ - 11076 + 11128 2103 24 20 - 11088 + 11140 2113 @@ -45765,13 +46490,13 @@ - 11076 + 11128 2123 24 20 - 11088 + 11140 2133 @@ -45812,13 +46537,13 @@ - 11124 + 11176 2103 24 40 - 11136 + 11188 2123 @@ -45829,7 +46554,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -45854,7 +46579,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -45875,13 +46600,13 @@ - 11249 + 11301 1892 40 16 - 11269 + 11321 1900 @@ -45890,7 +46615,7 @@ - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -45908,13 +46633,13 @@ - 11080 + 11132 2927 70 44 - 11105 + 11157 2949 @@ -45933,13 +46658,13 @@ - 11082 + 11134 2929 11 20 - 11087.5 + 11139.5 2939 @@ -45960,13 +46685,13 @@ - 11082 + 11134 2949 11 20 - 11087.5 + 11139.5 2959 @@ -45986,13 +46711,13 @@ - 11117 + 11169 2929 31 40 - 11132.5 + 11184.5 2949 @@ -46003,7 +46728,7 @@ - + ce46b74e-00c9-43c4-805a-193b69ea4a11 Multiplication @@ -46021,13 +46746,13 @@ - 11204 + 11256 2910 70 44 - 11229 + 11281 2932 @@ -46055,13 +46780,13 @@ - 11206 + 11258 2912 11 20 - 11211.5 + 11263.5 2922 @@ -46082,13 +46807,13 @@ - 11206 + 11258 2932 11 20 - 11211.5 + 11263.5 2942 @@ -46108,13 +46833,13 @@ - 11241 + 11293 2912 31 40 - 11256.5 + 11308.5 2932 @@ -46127,7 +46852,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -46163,7 +46888,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -46199,7 +46924,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -46224,7 +46949,7 @@ - + 0148a65d-6f42-414a-9db7-9a9b2eb78437 Brep Edges @@ -46366,7 +47091,7 @@ - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -46559,7 +47284,7 @@ - + c75b62fa-0a33-4da7-a5bd-03fd0068fd93 Length @@ -46577,13 +47302,13 @@ - 11065 + 11117 2811 92 28 - 11109 + 11161 2825 @@ -46602,13 +47327,13 @@ - 11067 + 11119 2813 30 24 - 11082 + 11134 2825 @@ -46628,13 +47353,13 @@ - 11121 + 11173 2813 34 24 - 11138 + 11190 2825 @@ -46645,7 +47370,7 @@ - + fbac3e32-f100-4292-8692-77240a42fd1a Point @@ -46667,13 +47392,13 @@ - 11812 + 12298 2869 50 24 - 11845.14 + 12331.46 2881.795 @@ -46682,7 +47407,7 @@ - + ea0f0996-af7a-481d-8099-09c041e6c2d5 Tangent Lines @@ -46700,14 +47425,14 @@ - 12218 - 2902 + 12703 + 2881 139 44 - 12277 - 2924 + 12762 + 2903 @@ -46725,14 +47450,14 @@ - 12220 - 2904 + 12705 + 2883 45 20 - 12250.5 - 2914 + 12735.5 + 2893 @@ -46753,14 +47478,14 @@ - 12220 - 2924 + 12705 + 2903 45 20 - 12250.5 - 2934 + 12735.5 + 2913 @@ -46780,14 +47505,14 @@ - 12289 - 2904 + 12774 + 2883 66 20 - 12314 - 2914 + 12799 + 2893 @@ -46807,14 +47532,14 @@ - 12289 - 2924 + 12774 + 2903 66 20 - 12314 - 2934 + 12799 + 2913 @@ -46824,7 +47549,7 @@ - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -46843,13 +47568,13 @@ - 11184 + 11236 2722 62 64 - 11226 + 11278 2754 @@ -46879,13 +47604,13 @@ - 11186 + 11238 2724 28 20 - 11200 + 11252 2734 @@ -46905,13 +47630,13 @@ - 11186 + 11238 2744 28 20 - 11200 + 11252 2754 @@ -46951,13 +47676,13 @@ - 11186 + 11238 2764 28 20 - 11200 + 11252 2774 @@ -46998,13 +47723,13 @@ - 11238 + 11290 2724 6 60 - 11241 + 11293 2754 @@ -47017,7 +47742,7 @@ - + fbac3e32-f100-4292-8692-77240a42fd1a Point @@ -47038,13 +47763,13 @@ - 11899 + 12385 2816 50 24 - 11924.06 + 12410.38 2828.092 @@ -47053,7 +47778,7 @@ - + 11bbd48b-bb0a-4f1b-8167-fa297590390d End Points @@ -47071,13 +47796,13 @@ - 11778 + 12263 2732 84 44 - 11822 + 12307 2754 @@ -47096,13 +47821,13 @@ - 11780 + 12265 2734 30 40 - 11795 + 12280 2754 @@ -47122,13 +47847,13 @@ - 11834 + 12319 2734 26 20 - 11847 + 12332 2744 @@ -47148,13 +47873,13 @@ - 11834 + 12319 2754 26 20 - 11847 + 12332 2764 @@ -47165,7 +47890,7 @@ - + d114323a-e6ee-4164-946b-e4ca0ce15efa Circle CNR @@ -47183,14 +47908,14 @@ - 11954 - 3005 + 12446 + 3003 109 64 - 12004 - 3037 + 12496 + 3035 @@ -47208,14 +47933,14 @@ - 11956 - 3007 + 12448 + 3005 36 20 - 11974 - 3017 + 12466 + 3015 @@ -47235,14 +47960,14 @@ - 11956 - 3027 + 12448 + 3025 36 20 - 11974 - 3037 + 12466 + 3035 @@ -47262,14 +47987,14 @@ - 11956 - 3047 + 12448 + 3045 36 20 - 11974 - 3057 + 12466 + 3055 @@ -47309,14 +48034,14 @@ - 12016 - 3007 + 12508 + 3005 45 60 - 12030.5 - 3037 + 12522.5 + 3035 @@ -47326,7 +48051,7 @@ - + 50b204ef-d3de-41bb-a006-02fba2d3f709 Circle TanTan @@ -47344,13 +48069,13 @@ - 12516 + 13001 2872 114 64 - 12587 + 13072 2904 @@ -47370,13 +48095,13 @@ - 12518 + 13003 2874 57 20 - 12554.5 + 13039.5 2884 @@ -47398,13 +48123,13 @@ - 12518 + 13003 2894 57 20 - 12554.5 + 13039.5 2904 @@ -47419,20 +48144,20 @@ Point Point false - 960a14fc-599d-4469-8aae-8277c88b451e + 0116d1e2-1728-4730-9d58-66cd172f6bb4 1 - 12518 + 13003 2914 57 20 - 12554.5 + 13039.5 2924 @@ -47452,13 +48177,13 @@ - 12599 + 13084 2874 29 60 - 12613.5 + 13098.5 2904 @@ -47469,7 +48194,7 @@ - + fbac3e32-f100-4292-8692-77240a42fd1a Point @@ -47491,13 +48216,13 @@ - 12324 + 12810 3116 50 24 - 12357.46 + 12843.78 3128.979 @@ -47506,7 +48231,7 @@ - + 11bbd48b-bb0a-4f1b-8167-fa297590390d End Points @@ -47524,13 +48249,13 @@ - 12014 + 12499 2717 84 44 - 12058 + 12543 2739 @@ -47549,13 +48274,13 @@ - 12016 + 12501 2719 30 40 - 12031 + 12516 2739 @@ -47575,13 +48300,13 @@ - 12070 + 12555 2719 26 20 - 12083 + 12568 2729 @@ -47601,13 +48326,13 @@ - 12070 + 12555 2739 26 20 - 12083 + 12568 2749 @@ -47618,70 +48343,18 @@ - - - 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c - Panel - - - - - A panel for custom notes and text values - 248627c6-b577-49f3-981d-e08c8063135b - Panel - - false - 0.7555367574095726 - 0c9e2dd7-6113-4358-82a5-483c01d886b8 - 1 - Double click to edit panel content… - - - - - - 12647 - 2960 - 160 - 100 - - 0 - 0 - 0 - - 12647.33 - 2960.633 - - - - - - - 255;255;255;255 - - true - true - true - false - false - true - - - - - - - + 888f9c3c-f1e1-4344-94b0-5ee6a45aee11 Pipe Variable - + Create a pipe surface with variable radii around a rail curve. true 56433a78-c443-4e5a-8a96-3fda037b1ea2 + true Pipe Variable Pipe Variable @@ -47689,21 +48362,22 @@ - 22357 + 22842 1781 122 84 - 22442 + 22927 1823 - + Base curve 775a6100-8c34-4d8e-9b8e-a46cd41714d9 + true Curve Curve false @@ -47714,13 +48388,13 @@ - 22359 + 22844 1783 71 20 - 22402.5 + 22887.5 1793 @@ -47728,10 +48402,11 @@ - + 1 Curve parameters for radii 2ebebc8c-d3d0-483e-a234-4af5ff2cacbf + true Parameters Parameters false @@ -47743,13 +48418,13 @@ - 22359 + 22844 1803 71 20 - 22402.5 + 22887.5 1813 @@ -47757,10 +48432,11 @@ - + 1 A list of radii for every defined parameter 8b33e58c-577a-4bd5-a76b-eeb084dfdabc + true Radii Radii false @@ -47771,13 +48447,13 @@ - 22359 + 22844 1823 71 20 - 22402.5 + 22887.5 1833 @@ -47785,9 +48461,10 @@ - + Specifies the type of caps (0=None, 1=Flat, 2=Round) ff75b406-ff24-4f9c-9b45-2cb4889f2303 + true Caps Caps false @@ -47797,13 +48474,13 @@ - 22359 + 22844 1843 71 20 - 22402.5 + 22887.5 1853 @@ -47831,10 +48508,11 @@ - + 1 Resulting Pipe 52e959e1-5baa-4e29-ba20-990dd533cd64 + true Pipe Pipe false @@ -47844,13 +48522,13 @@ - 22454 + 22939 1783 23 80 - 22465.5 + 22950.5 1823 @@ -47861,7 +48539,7 @@ - + c75b62fa-0a33-4da7-a5bd-03fd0068fd93 Length @@ -47879,13 +48557,13 @@ - 14939 + 15424 3469 92 28 - 14983 + 15468 3483 @@ -47904,13 +48582,13 @@ - 14941 + 15426 3471 30 24 - 14956 + 15441 3483 @@ -47930,13 +48608,13 @@ - 14995 + 15480 3471 34 24 - 15012 + 15497 3483 @@ -47947,7 +48625,7 @@ - + 0d2ccfb3-9d41-4759-9452-da6a522c3eaa Pi @@ -47965,13 +48643,13 @@ - 14922 + 15407 3527 95 28 - 14968 + 15453 3541 @@ -47989,13 +48667,13 @@ - 14924 + 15409 3529 32 24 - 14940 + 15425 3541 @@ -48035,13 +48713,13 @@ - 14980 + 15465 3529 35 24 - 14997.5 + 15482.5 3541 @@ -48052,7 +48730,7 @@ - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -48070,13 +48748,13 @@ - 15078 + 15563 3511 70 44 - 15103 + 15588 3533 @@ -48095,13 +48773,13 @@ - 15080 + 15565 3513 11 20 - 15085.5 + 15570.5 3523 @@ -48122,13 +48800,13 @@ - 15080 + 15565 3533 11 20 - 15085.5 + 15570.5 3543 @@ -48148,13 +48826,13 @@ - 15115 + 15600 3513 31 40 - 15130.5 + 15615.5 3533 @@ -48165,7 +48843,7 @@ - + c75b62fa-0a33-4da7-a5bd-03fd0068fd93 Length @@ -48183,13 +48861,13 @@ - 15156 + 15641 3416 92 28 - 15200 + 15685 3430 @@ -48208,13 +48886,13 @@ - 15158 + 15643 3418 30 24 - 15173 + 15658 3430 @@ -48234,13 +48912,13 @@ - 15212 + 15697 3418 34 24 - 15229 + 15714 3430 @@ -48251,7 +48929,7 @@ - + 0d2ccfb3-9d41-4759-9452-da6a522c3eaa Pi @@ -48269,13 +48947,13 @@ - 15171 + 15656 3472 95 28 - 15217 + 15702 3486 @@ -48293,13 +48971,13 @@ - 15173 + 15658 3474 32 24 - 15189 + 15674 3486 @@ -48339,13 +49017,13 @@ - 15229 + 15714 3474 35 24 - 15246.5 + 15731.5 3486 @@ -48356,7 +49034,7 @@ - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -48374,13 +49052,13 @@ - 15303 + 15788 3482 70 44 - 15328 + 15813 3504 @@ -48399,13 +49077,13 @@ - 15305 + 15790 3484 11 20 - 15310.5 + 15795.5 3494 @@ -48426,13 +49104,13 @@ - 15305 + 15790 3504 11 20 - 15310.5 + 15795.5 3514 @@ -48452,13 +49130,13 @@ - 15340 + 15825 3484 31 40 - 15355.5 + 15840.5 3504 @@ -48469,7 +49147,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -48490,13 +49168,13 @@ - 15326 + 15811 2714 40 16 - 15346 + 15831 2722 @@ -48505,7 +49183,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -48526,13 +49204,13 @@ - 15335 + 15820 2769 40 16 - 15355 + 15840 2777 @@ -48541,7 +49219,7 @@ - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -48562,13 +49240,13 @@ - 14874 + 15360 2692 50 24 - 14899.29 + 15385.61 2704.412 @@ -48577,7 +49255,7 @@ - + c277f778-6fdf-4890-8f78-347efb23c406 Pipe @@ -48596,13 +49274,13 @@ - 21918 + 22403 1603 84 64 - 21965 + 22450 1635 @@ -48622,13 +49300,13 @@ - 21920 + 22405 1605 33 20 - 21936.5 + 22421.5 1615 @@ -48650,13 +49328,13 @@ - 21920 + 22405 1625 33 20 - 21936.5 + 22421.5 1635 @@ -48697,13 +49375,13 @@ - 21920 + 22405 1645 33 20 - 21936.5 + 22421.5 1655 @@ -48745,13 +49423,13 @@ - 21977 + 22462 1605 23 60 - 21988.5 + 22473.5 1635 @@ -48762,7 +49440,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -48783,13 +49461,13 @@ - 15356 + 15841 2682 40 16 - 15376 + 15861 2690 @@ -48798,7 +49476,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -48819,13 +49497,13 @@ - 12604 + 13089 1869 40 16 - 12624 + 13109 1877 @@ -48834,7 +49512,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -48855,13 +49533,13 @@ - 12366 + 12851 2581 40 16 - 12386 + 12871 2589 @@ -48870,7 +49548,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -48891,13 +49569,13 @@ - 12124 + 12609 2570 40 16 - 12144 + 12629 2578 @@ -48906,7 +49584,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -48927,13 +49605,13 @@ - 21792 + 22277 1905 40 16 - 21812 + 22297 1913 @@ -48942,7 +49620,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -48963,13 +49641,13 @@ - 21803 + 22288 1948 40 16 - 21823 + 22308 1956 @@ -48978,7 +49656,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -48999,13 +49677,13 @@ - 15503 + 15988 2580 40 16 - 15523 + 16008 2588 @@ -49014,7 +49692,7 @@ - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -49036,13 +49714,13 @@ - 21677 + 22163 1757 50 24 - 21710.13 + 22196.45 1769.02 @@ -49051,7 +49729,7 @@ - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -49069,13 +49747,13 @@ - 22229 + 22714 1646 148 64 - 22313 + 22798 1678 @@ -49095,13 +49773,13 @@ - 22231 + 22716 1648 70 20 - 22274 + 22759 1658 @@ -49121,13 +49799,13 @@ - 22231 + 22716 1668 70 20 - 22274 + 22759 1678 @@ -49172,13 +49850,13 @@ - 22231 + 22716 1688 70 20 - 22274 + 22759 1698 @@ -49218,13 +49896,13 @@ - 22325 + 22810 1648 50 20 - 22350 + 22835 1658 @@ -49244,13 +49922,13 @@ - 22325 + 22810 1668 50 20 - 22350 + 22835 1678 @@ -49270,13 +49948,13 @@ - 22325 + 22810 1688 50 20 - 22350 + 22835 1698 @@ -49287,7 +49965,7 @@ - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -49306,13 +49984,13 @@ - 21882 + 22367 1730 114 64 - 21960 + 22445 1762 @@ -49344,13 +50022,13 @@ - 21884 + 22369 1732 64 20 - 21934 + 22419 1742 @@ -49372,13 +50050,13 @@ - 21884 + 22369 1752 64 20 - 21934 + 22419 1762 @@ -49418,13 +50096,13 @@ - 21884 + 22369 1772 64 20 - 21934 + 22419 1782 @@ -49466,13 +50144,13 @@ - 21972 + 22457 1732 22 60 - 21975 + 22460 1762 @@ -49485,7 +50163,7 @@ - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -49504,14 +50182,14 @@ - 21867 - 1872 + 22357 + 1877 114 64 - 21945 - 1904 + 22435 + 1909 @@ -49542,14 +50220,14 @@ - 21869 - 1874 + 22359 + 1879 64 20 - 21919 - 1884 + 22409 + 1889 @@ -49570,14 +50248,14 @@ - 21869 - 1894 + 22359 + 1899 64 20 - 21919 - 1904 + 22409 + 1909 @@ -49616,14 +50294,14 @@ - 21869 - 1914 + 22359 + 1919 64 20 - 21919 - 1924 + 22409 + 1929 @@ -49664,14 +50342,14 @@ - 21957 - 1874 + 22447 + 1879 22 60 - 21960 - 1904 + 22450 + 1909 @@ -49683,7 +50361,7 @@ - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -49702,13 +50380,13 @@ - 21880 + 22365 1977 114 64 - 21958 + 22443 2009 @@ -49740,13 +50418,13 @@ - 21882 + 22367 1979 64 20 - 21932 + 22417 1989 @@ -49768,13 +50446,13 @@ - 21882 + 22367 1999 64 20 - 21932 + 22417 2009 @@ -49814,13 +50492,13 @@ - 21882 + 22367 2019 64 20 - 21932 + 22417 2029 @@ -49862,13 +50540,13 @@ - 21970 + 22455 1979 22 60 - 21973 + 22458 2009 @@ -49881,7 +50559,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -49902,13 +50580,13 @@ - 12081 + 12566 1451 40 16 - 12101 + 12586 1459 @@ -49917,373 +50595,7 @@ - - - c75b62fa-0a33-4da7-a5bd-03fd0068fd93 - Length - - - - - Measure the length of a curve. - true - 8ca00dad-fe76-4bfe-8aee-0b0a7fe7b29c - Length - Length - - - - - - 12673 - 1130 - 92 - 28 - - - 12717 - 1144 - - - - - - Curve to measure - 572461bc-bc62-4c20-add6-a1c69fb7b270 - Curve - Curve - false - b2186896-dcd0-4fff-b646-8dc853a763d9 - 1 - - - - - - 12675 - 1132 - 30 - 24 - - - 12690 - 1144 - - - - - - - - Curve length - 0b9aacaa-d098-4e50-b76d-582bbee2cace - Length - Length - false - 0 - - - - - - 12729 - 1132 - 34 - 24 - - - 12746 - 1144 - - - - - - - - - - - - b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b - Relay - - - - - 2 - A wire relay object - b2186896-dcd0-4fff-b646-8dc853a763d9 - Relay - - false - 0 - - - - - - 12654 - 1216 - 40 - 16 - - - 12674 - 1224 - - - - - - - - - - 6f93d366-919f-4dda-a35e-ba03dd62799b - Sort List - - - - - Sort a list of numeric keys. - true - f2369cf3-bfc7-4585-bb22-4adacbaaa5aa - Sort List - Sort List - - - - - - 12809 - 1339 - 150 - 44 - - - 12884 - 1361 - - - - - - 2 - 3e8ca6be-fda8-4aaf-b5c0-3c54c8bb7312 - 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 - 2 - 3e8ca6be-fda8-4aaf-b5c0-3c54c8bb7312 - 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 - - - - - 1 - List of sortable keys - 14f6b6bc-1655-4c97-8ed9-cc6924c91a4b - 1 - Keys - Keys - false - 5b284589-f581-47c6-a5ac-d7da0b041005 - 1 - - - - - - 12811 - 1341 - 61 - 20 - - - 12849.5 - 1351 - - - - - - - - 1 - Optional list of values to sort synchronously - e377c94f-5452-4b0a-8509-0981b9fc6745 - 1 - Values Values A - Values A - true - 265df668-e79f-4124-8b46-a9bceefc34f2 - 1 - - - - - - 12811 - 1361 - 61 - 20 - - - 12849.5 - 1371 - - - - - - - - 1 - Sorted keys - 680ca1cd-52ef-4770-9e23-96676c448513 - 1 - Keys - Keys - false - 0 - - - - - - 12896 - 1341 - 61 - 20 - - - 12918.5 - 1351 - - - - - - - - 1 - Synchronous values in Values A - c8f28a30-425b-4e05-b158-26f1f55a0c54 - 1 - Values Values A - Values A - false - 0 - - - - - - 12896 - 1361 - 61 - 20 - - - 12918.5 - 1371 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - c75b62fa-0a33-4da7-a5bd-03fd0068fd93 - Length - - - - - Measure the length of a curve. - true - dd3ec897-3807-4a92-847b-98294bd6a7ef - Length - Length - - - - - - 12658 - 1282 - 92 - 28 - - - 12702 - 1296 - - - - - - Curve to measure - 7ace8807-8e93-4ae0-be6e-bbf2bfdfb4e0 - Curve - Curve - false - 265df668-e79f-4124-8b46-a9bceefc34f2 - 1 - - - - - - 12660 - 1284 - 30 - 24 - - - 12675 - 1296 - - - - - - - - Curve length - 5b284589-f581-47c6-a5ac-d7da0b041005 - Length - Length - false - 0 - - - - - - 12714 - 1284 - 34 - 24 - - - 12731 - 1296 - - - - - - - - - - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -50304,14 +50616,14 @@ - 12639 - 1368 + 12519 + 1446 40 16 - 12659 - 1376 + 12539 + 1454 @@ -50319,7 +50631,7 @@ - + 9445ca40-cc73-4861-a455-146308676855 Range @@ -50337,13 +50649,13 @@ - 21824 + 22309 834 114 44 - 21892 + 22377 856 @@ -50363,13 +50675,13 @@ - 21826 + 22311 836 54 20 - 21861 + 22346 846 @@ -50414,13 +50726,13 @@ - 21826 + 22311 856 54 20 - 21861 + 22346 866 @@ -50461,13 +50773,13 @@ - 21904 + 22389 836 32 40 - 21920 + 22405 856 @@ -50478,7 +50790,7 @@ - + 1817fd29-20ae-4503-b542-f0fb651e67d7 List Length @@ -50496,13 +50808,13 @@ - 21707 + 22192 1415 81 28 - 21740 + 22225 1429 @@ -50522,13 +50834,13 @@ - 21709 + 22194 1417 19 24 - 21718.5 + 22203.5 1429 @@ -50548,13 +50860,13 @@ - 21752 + 22237 1417 34 24 - 21769 + 22254 1429 @@ -50565,7 +50877,7 @@ - + d1a28e95-cf96-4936-bf34-8bf142d731bf Construct Domain @@ -50583,14 +50895,14 @@ - 21779 - 718 + 22377 + 723 128 44 - 21855 - 740 + 22453 + 745 @@ -50601,21 +50913,21 @@ Domain start Domain start false - 79e90c93-c2b0-46da-b7cc-d03bd3b57fff + 0a59c33f-81dd-4c45-924e-9bb758127410 1 - 21781 - 720 + 22379 + 725 62 20 - 21812 - 730 + 22410 + 735 @@ -50648,21 +50960,21 @@ Domain end Domain end false - d6866ee2-fea4-45ac-a2be-a58ee3792073 + e5cbc397-90e9-45e7-9876-7a08efd0811b 1 - 21781 - 740 + 22379 + 745 62 20 - 21812 - 750 + 22410 + 755 @@ -50701,14 +51013,14 @@ - 21867 - 720 + 22465 + 725 38 40 - 21886 - 740 + 22484 + 745 @@ -50718,7 +51030,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -50739,13 +51051,13 @@ - 21941 + 22426 1700 40 16 - 21961 + 22446 1708 @@ -50754,7 +51066,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -50775,13 +51087,13 @@ - 21648 + 22133 1917 40 16 - 21668 + 22153 1925 @@ -50790,7 +51102,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -50811,13 +51123,13 @@ - 21654 + 22139 1970 40 16 - 21674 + 22159 1978 @@ -50826,7 +51138,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -50848,7 +51160,7 @@ - 22015 + 22501 696 141 196 @@ -50857,7 +51169,7 @@ 0 0 - 22015.36 + 22501.68 696.7927 @@ -50879,7 +51191,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -50901,7 +51213,7 @@ - 22728 + 23214 1396 239 196 @@ -50910,7 +51222,7 @@ 0 0 - 22728.23 + 23214.55 1396.528 @@ -50932,7 +51244,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -50954,7 +51266,7 @@ - 22325 + 22812 1992 102 86 @@ -50963,7 +51275,7 @@ 0 0 - 22325.78 + 22812.1 1992.058 @@ -50985,7 +51297,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -51007,7 +51319,7 @@ - 21953 + 22439 1395 128 88 @@ -51016,7 +51328,7 @@ 0 0 - 21953.25 + 22439.57 1395.418 @@ -51038,7 +51350,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -51060,7 +51372,7 @@ - 22505 + 22991 1798 165 91 @@ -51069,7 +51381,7 @@ 0 0 - 22505.3 + 22991.62 1798.259 @@ -51091,7 +51403,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -51113,7 +51425,7 @@ - 22152 + 22638 1136 165 91 @@ -51122,7 +51434,7 @@ 0 0 - 22152.53 + 22638.85 1136.636 @@ -51144,7 +51456,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -51157,7 +51469,7 @@ Panel false - 0.90272697806358337 + 0.8851667121052742 a68cfa58-601a-4b8f-8038-422816beff46 1 Double click to edit panel content… @@ -51166,8 +51478,8 @@ - 21767 - 2000 + 22512 + 2095 109 100 @@ -51175,8 +51487,8 @@ 0 0 - 21767.11 - 2000.713 + 22512.02 + 2095.005 @@ -51197,7 +51509,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -51219,7 +51531,7 @@ - 22520 + 23006 1972 108 79 @@ -51228,7 +51540,7 @@ 0 0 - 22520.19 + 23006.51 1972.709 @@ -51250,7 +51562,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -51275,7 +51587,7 @@ - + 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line @@ -51293,13 +51605,13 @@ - 11372 + 11857 2983 102 44 - 11438 + 11923 3005 @@ -51317,13 +51629,13 @@ - 11374 + 11859 2985 52 20 - 11400 + 11885 2995 @@ -51369,13 +51681,13 @@ - 11374 + 11859 3005 52 20 - 11400 + 11885 3015 @@ -51420,13 +51732,13 @@ - 11450 + 11935 2985 22 40 - 11461 + 11946 3005 @@ -51437,7 +51749,7 @@ - + 62cc9684-6a39-422e-aefa-ed44643557b9 Extend Curve @@ -51455,13 +51767,13 @@ - 11523 + 12008 2960 88 84 - 11567 + 12052 3002 @@ -51480,13 +51792,13 @@ - 11525 + 12010 2962 30 20 - 11540 + 12025 2972 @@ -51506,13 +51818,13 @@ - 11525 + 12010 2982 30 20 - 11540 + 12025 2992 @@ -51552,13 +51864,13 @@ - 11525 + 12010 3002 30 20 - 11540 + 12025 3012 @@ -51599,13 +51911,13 @@ - 11525 + 12010 3022 30 20 - 11540 + 12025 3032 @@ -51625,13 +51937,13 @@ - 11579 + 12064 2962 30 80 - 11594 + 12079 3002 @@ -51642,7 +51954,7 @@ - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -51661,13 +51973,13 @@ - 11314 + 11800 3070 198 20 - 11314.29 + 11800.61 3070.255 @@ -51687,7 +51999,7 @@ - + 11bbd48b-bb0a-4f1b-8167-fa297590390d End Points @@ -51705,13 +52017,13 @@ - 11646 + 12131 3054 84 44 - 11690 + 12175 3076 @@ -51730,13 +52042,13 @@ - 11648 + 12133 3056 30 40 - 11663 + 12148 3076 @@ -51756,13 +52068,13 @@ - 11702 + 12187 3056 26 20 - 11715 + 12200 3066 @@ -51782,13 +52094,13 @@ - 11702 + 12187 3076 26 20 - 11715 + 12200 3086 @@ -51799,7 +52111,7 @@ - + fbac3e32-f100-4292-8692-77240a42fd1a Point @@ -51820,13 +52132,13 @@ - 11785 + 12272 3115 50 24 - 11810.75 + 12297.07 3127.2 @@ -51835,7 +52147,7 @@ - + fbac3e32-f100-4292-8692-77240a42fd1a Point @@ -51856,13 +52168,13 @@ - 11789 + 12275 2823 50 24 - 11814.32 + 12300.64 2835.061 @@ -51871,7 +52183,7 @@ - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -51889,13 +52201,13 @@ - 11616 + 12101 2872 94 64 - 11674 + 12159 2904 @@ -51914,13 +52226,13 @@ - 11618 + 12103 2874 44 20 - 11640 + 12125 2884 @@ -51940,13 +52252,13 @@ - 11618 + 12103 2894 44 20 - 11640 + 12125 2904 @@ -51990,13 +52302,13 @@ - 11618 + 12103 2914 44 20 - 11640 + 12125 2924 @@ -52036,13 +52348,13 @@ - 11686 + 12171 2874 22 60 - 11697 + 12182 2904 @@ -52053,7 +52365,7 @@ - + 84627490-0fb2-4498-8138-ad134ee4cb36 Curve | Curve @@ -52071,13 +52383,13 @@ - 11617 + 12102 3149 118 64 - 11672 + 12157 3181 @@ -52096,13 +52408,13 @@ - 11619 + 12104 3151 41 30 - 11639.5 + 12124.5 3166 @@ -52123,13 +52435,13 @@ - 11619 + 12104 3181 41 30 - 11639.5 + 12124.5 3196 @@ -52150,13 +52462,13 @@ - 11684 + 12169 3151 49 20 - 11708.5 + 12193.5 3161 @@ -52177,13 +52489,13 @@ - 11684 + 12169 3171 49 20 - 11708.5 + 12193.5 3181 @@ -52204,13 +52516,13 @@ - 11684 + 12169 3191 49 20 - 11708.5 + 12193.5 3201 @@ -52221,7 +52533,7 @@ - + 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line @@ -52239,13 +52551,13 @@ - 11643 + 12128 3248 102 44 - 11709 + 12194 3270 @@ -52263,13 +52575,13 @@ - 11645 + 12130 3250 52 20 - 11671 + 12156 3260 @@ -52315,13 +52627,13 @@ - 11645 + 12130 3270 52 20 - 11671 + 12156 3280 @@ -52341,13 +52653,13 @@ - 11721 + 12206 3250 22 40 - 11732 + 12217 3270 @@ -52358,7 +52670,7 @@ - + 5edaea74-32cb-4586-bd72-66694eb73160 Rotate Direction @@ -52376,13 +52688,13 @@ - 11799 + 12284 3251 126 84 - 11861 + 12346 3293 @@ -52401,13 +52713,13 @@ - 11801 + 12286 3253 48 20 - 11825 + 12310 3263 @@ -52428,13 +52740,13 @@ - 11801 + 12286 3273 48 20 - 11825 + 12310 3283 @@ -52479,13 +52791,13 @@ - 11801 + 12286 3293 48 20 - 11825 + 12310 3303 @@ -52529,13 +52841,13 @@ - 11801 + 12286 3313 48 20 - 11825 + 12310 3323 @@ -52579,13 +52891,13 @@ - 11873 + 12358 3253 50 40 - 11898 + 12383 3273 @@ -52605,13 +52917,13 @@ - 11873 + 12358 3293 50 40 - 11898 + 12383 3313 @@ -52622,7 +52934,7 @@ - + 11bbd48b-bb0a-4f1b-8167-fa297590390d End Points @@ -52640,13 +52952,13 @@ - 11955 + 12440 3315 84 44 - 11999 + 12484 3337 @@ -52665,13 +52977,13 @@ - 11957 + 12442 3317 30 40 - 11972 + 12457 3337 @@ -52691,13 +53003,13 @@ - 12011 + 12496 3317 26 20 - 12024 + 12509 3327 @@ -52717,13 +53029,13 @@ - 12011 + 12496 3337 26 20 - 12024 + 12509 3347 @@ -52734,7 +53046,7 @@ - + fbac3e32-f100-4292-8692-77240a42fd1a Point @@ -52755,13 +53067,13 @@ - 12131 + 12618 3170 50 24 - 12156.92 + 12643.24 3182.761 @@ -52770,7 +53082,7 @@ - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -52788,13 +53100,13 @@ - 12461 + 12946 3044 94 64 - 12519 + 13004 3076 @@ -52813,13 +53125,13 @@ - 12463 + 12948 3046 44 20 - 12485 + 12970 3056 @@ -52839,13 +53151,13 @@ - 12463 + 12948 3066 44 20 - 12485 + 12970 3076 @@ -52889,13 +53201,13 @@ - 12463 + 12948 3086 44 20 - 12485 + 12970 3096 @@ -52935,13 +53247,13 @@ - 12531 + 13016 3046 22 60 - 12542 + 13027 3076 @@ -52952,7 +53264,7 @@ - + 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line @@ -52970,13 +53282,13 @@ - 11514 + 11999 1892 118 44 - 11580 + 12065 1914 @@ -52995,13 +53307,13 @@ - 11516 + 12001 1894 52 20 - 11542 + 12027 1904 @@ -53022,13 +53334,13 @@ - 11516 + 12001 1914 52 20 - 11542 + 12027 1924 @@ -53049,13 +53361,13 @@ - 11592 + 12077 1894 38 40 - 11603 + 12088 1914 @@ -53066,7 +53378,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -53088,7 +53400,7 @@ - 12058 + 12544 2173 219 100 @@ -53097,7 +53409,7 @@ 0 0 - 12058.67 + 12544.99 2173.124 @@ -53119,7 +53431,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -53141,8 +53453,8 @@ - 11817 - 1488 + 12323 + 1720 219 100 @@ -53150,8 +53462,8 @@ 0 0 - 11817.63 - 1488.803 + 12323.62 + 1720.141 @@ -53172,7 +53484,7 @@ - + 11bbd48b-bb0a-4f1b-8167-fa297590390d End Points @@ -53190,13 +53502,13 @@ - 11017 + 11069 1524 84 44 - 11061 + 11113 1546 @@ -53215,13 +53527,13 @@ - 11019 + 11071 1526 30 40 - 11034 + 11086 1546 @@ -53241,13 +53553,13 @@ - 11073 + 11125 1526 26 20 - 11086 + 11138 1536 @@ -53267,13 +53579,13 @@ - 11073 + 11125 1546 26 20 - 11086 + 11138 1556 @@ -53284,7 +53596,7 @@ - + fbac3e32-f100-4292-8692-77240a42fd1a Point @@ -53305,13 +53617,13 @@ - 11088 + 11141 1814 50 24 - 11113.84 + 11166.16 1826.645 @@ -53320,7 +53632,7 @@ - + c75b62fa-0a33-4da7-a5bd-03fd0068fd93 Length @@ -53338,13 +53650,13 @@ - 11750 + 12235 1973 92 28 - 11794 + 12279 1987 @@ -53363,13 +53675,13 @@ - 11752 + 12237 1975 30 24 - 11767 + 12252 1987 @@ -53389,13 +53701,13 @@ - 11806 + 12291 1975 34 24 - 11823 + 12308 1987 @@ -53406,7 +53718,7 @@ - + 11bbd48b-bb0a-4f1b-8167-fa297590390d End Points @@ -53424,14 +53736,14 @@ - 11918 - 2935 + 12420 + 2942 84 44 - 11962 - 2957 + 12464 + 2964 @@ -53449,14 +53761,14 @@ - 11920 - 2937 + 12422 + 2944 30 40 - 11935 - 2957 + 12437 + 2964 @@ -53475,14 +53787,14 @@ - 11974 - 2937 + 12476 + 2944 26 20 - 11987 - 2947 + 12489 + 2954 @@ -53501,14 +53813,14 @@ - 11974 - 2957 + 12476 + 2964 26 20 - 11987 - 2967 + 12489 + 2974 @@ -53518,7 +53830,7 @@ - + fbac3e32-f100-4292-8692-77240a42fd1a Point @@ -53539,13 +53851,13 @@ - 12053 + 12539 2954 50 24 - 12078.36 + 12564.68 2966.962 @@ -53554,7 +53866,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -53580,7 +53892,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -53593,8 +53905,8 @@ Panel false - 0.6944202184677124 - 9cc5156d-e500-4c64-b65a-8bc325e80a22 + 0.1190476194024086 + dbba62fd-d21b-45ae-b548-d1475629082a 1 Double click to edit panel content… @@ -53602,8 +53914,8 @@ - 12594 - 3066 + 11865 + 500 160 100 @@ -53611,8 +53923,8 @@ 0 0 - 12594.45 - 3066.893 + 11865.39 + 500.6727 @@ -53633,7 +53945,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -53655,7 +53967,7 @@ - 15419 + 15905 3550 160 100 @@ -53664,7 +53976,7 @@ 0 0 - 15419.29 + 15905.61 3550.105 @@ -53686,7 +53998,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -53708,7 +54020,7 @@ - 15222 + 15708 3562 160 100 @@ -53717,7 +54029,7 @@ 0 0 - 15222.2 + 15708.52 3562.605 @@ -53739,7 +54051,7 @@ - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -53758,13 +54070,13 @@ - 22124 + 22610 1540 198 20 - 22124.63 + 22610.95 1540.701 @@ -53784,7 +54096,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -53805,13 +54117,13 @@ - 22389 + 22874 1854 40 16 - 22409 + 22894 1862 @@ -53820,7 +54132,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -53841,13 +54153,13 @@ - 22635 + 23120 1513 40 16 - 22655 + 23140 1521 @@ -53856,7 +54168,7 @@ - + a3371040-e552-4bc8-b0ff-10a840258e88 Negative @@ -53874,13 +54186,13 @@ - 22561 + 23046 1422 88 28 - 22604 + 23089 1436 @@ -53899,13 +54211,13 @@ - 22563 + 23048 1424 29 24 - 22577.5 + 23062.5 1436 @@ -53925,13 +54237,13 @@ - 22616 + 23101 1424 31 24 - 22631.5 + 23116.5 1436 @@ -53942,7 +54254,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -53963,13 +54275,13 @@ - 22501 + 22986 1504 40 16 - 22521 + 23006 1512 @@ -53978,7 +54290,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -54000,13 +54312,13 @@ - 22195 + 22680 1959 40 16 - 22215 + 22700 1967 @@ -54015,7 +54327,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -54036,13 +54348,13 @@ - 22279 + 22764 1888 40 16 - 22299 + 22784 1896 @@ -54051,7 +54363,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -54073,7 +54385,7 @@ - 22365 + 22851 1908 104 76 @@ -54082,7 +54394,7 @@ 0 0 - 22365.19 + 22851.51 1908.127 @@ -54104,7 +54416,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -54125,13 +54437,13 @@ - 21988 + 22473 1163 40 16 - 22008 + 22493 1171 @@ -54140,7 +54452,7 @@ - + 9c007a04-d0d9-48e4-9da3-9ba142bc4d46 Subtraction @@ -54158,13 +54470,13 @@ - 21652 + 22137 1178 70 44 - 21677 + 22162 1200 @@ -54192,13 +54504,13 @@ - 21654 + 22139 1180 11 20 - 21659.5 + 22144.5 1190 @@ -54218,13 +54530,13 @@ - 21654 + 22139 1200 11 20 - 21659.5 + 22144.5 1210 @@ -54265,13 +54577,13 @@ - 21689 + 22174 1180 31 40 - 21704.5 + 22189.5 1200 @@ -54284,7 +54596,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -54306,7 +54618,7 @@ - 22457 + 22943 1618 165 91 @@ -54315,7 +54627,7 @@ 0 0 - 22457.31 + 22943.63 1618.356 @@ -54337,7 +54649,7 @@ - + a0d62394-a118-422d-abb3-6af115c75b25 Addition @@ -54355,13 +54667,13 @@ - 21665 + 22150 1114 70 44 - 21690 + 22175 1136 @@ -54389,13 +54701,13 @@ - 21667 + 22152 1116 11 20 - 21672.5 + 22157.5 1126 @@ -54416,13 +54728,13 @@ - 21667 + 22152 1136 11 20 - 21672.5 + 22157.5 1146 @@ -54463,13 +54775,13 @@ - 21702 + 22187 1116 31 40 - 21717.5 + 22202.5 1136 @@ -54482,7 +54794,7 @@ - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -54501,13 +54813,13 @@ - 21473 + 21959 1094 198 20 - 21473.47 + 21959.79 1094.209 @@ -54527,7 +54839,7 @@ - + 8d372bdc-9800-45e9-8a26-6e33c5253e21 Deconstruct Brep @@ -54546,13 +54858,13 @@ - 22409 + 22894 1157 93 64 - 22448 + 22933 1189 @@ -54572,13 +54884,13 @@ - 22411 + 22896 1159 25 60 - 22423.5 + 22908.5 1189 @@ -54600,13 +54912,13 @@ - 22460 + 22945 1159 40 20 - 22480 + 22965 1169 @@ -54628,13 +54940,13 @@ - 22460 + 22945 1179 40 20 - 22480 + 22965 1189 @@ -54656,13 +54968,13 @@ - 22460 + 22945 1199 40 20 - 22480 + 22965 1209 @@ -54673,7 +54985,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -54695,7 +55007,7 @@ - 22459 + 22946 852 240 84 @@ -54704,7 +55016,7 @@ 0 0 - 22459.78 + 22946.1 852.2 @@ -54726,7 +55038,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -54748,7 +55060,7 @@ - 22508 + 22994 905 239 84 @@ -54757,7 +55069,7 @@ 0 0 - 22508.21 + 22994.53 905.3649 @@ -54779,7 +55091,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -54801,7 +55113,7 @@ - 22509 + 22995 1002 239 125 @@ -54810,7 +55122,7 @@ 0 0 - 22509.16 + 22995.48 1002.689 @@ -54832,7 +55144,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -54853,13 +55165,13 @@ - 15675 + 16160 2836 40 16 - 15695 + 16180 2844 @@ -54868,7 +55180,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -54889,13 +55201,13 @@ - 15681 + 16166 2793 40 16 - 15701 + 16186 2801 @@ -54904,7 +55216,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -54925,13 +55237,13 @@ - 15665 + 16150 2750 40 16 - 15685 + 16170 2758 @@ -54940,7 +55252,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -54961,13 +55273,13 @@ - 21769 + 22254 1757 40 16 - 21789 + 22274 1765 @@ -54976,7 +55288,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -55001,7 +55313,7 @@ - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -55023,13 +55335,13 @@ - 21913 + 22400 2349 50 24 - 21946.68 + 22433 2361.722 @@ -55038,7 +55350,7 @@ - + c277f778-6fdf-4890-8f78-347efb23c406 Pipe @@ -55056,13 +55368,13 @@ - 22370 + 22855 2329 84 64 - 22417 + 22902 2361 @@ -55081,13 +55393,13 @@ - 22372 + 22857 2331 33 20 - 22388.5 + 22873.5 2341 @@ -55108,13 +55420,13 @@ - 22372 + 22857 2351 33 20 - 22388.5 + 22873.5 2361 @@ -55154,13 +55466,13 @@ - 22372 + 22857 2371 33 20 - 22388.5 + 22873.5 2381 @@ -55201,13 +55513,13 @@ - 22429 + 22914 2331 23 60 - 22440.5 + 22925.5 2361 @@ -55218,7 +55530,7 @@ - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -55237,13 +55549,13 @@ - 22094 + 22579 2346 114 64 - 22172 + 22657 2378 @@ -55275,13 +55587,13 @@ - 22096 + 22581 2348 64 20 - 22146 + 22631 2358 @@ -55303,13 +55615,13 @@ - 22096 + 22581 2368 64 20 - 22146 + 22631 2378 @@ -55349,13 +55661,13 @@ - 22096 + 22581 2388 64 20 - 22146 + 22631 2398 @@ -55397,13 +55709,13 @@ - 22184 + 22669 2348 22 60 - 22187 + 22672 2378 @@ -55416,7 +55728,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -55437,13 +55749,13 @@ - 14885 + 15370 2229 40 16 - 14905 + 15390 2237 @@ -55452,7 +55764,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -55473,13 +55785,13 @@ - 14866 + 15351 2485 40 16 - 14886 + 15371 2493 @@ -55488,7 +55800,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -55509,13 +55821,13 @@ - 14849 + 15334 2381 40 16 - 14869 + 15354 2389 @@ -55524,7 +55836,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -55549,7 +55861,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -55570,13 +55882,13 @@ - 22030 + 22515 1863 40 16 - 22050 + 22535 1871 @@ -55585,7 +55897,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -55606,13 +55918,13 @@ - 22011 + 22496 2077 40 16 - 22031 + 22516 2085 @@ -55621,7 +55933,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -55642,13 +55954,13 @@ - 22260 + 22745 2300 40 16 - 22280 + 22765 2308 @@ -55657,7 +55969,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -55682,7 +55994,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -55709,7 +56021,7 @@ - + 3e8ca6be-fda8-4aaf-b5c0-3c54c8bb7312 Number @@ -55728,13 +56040,13 @@ - 21852 + 22338 1398 50 24 - 21877.38 + 22363.7 1410.469 @@ -55768,7 +56080,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -55793,7 +56105,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -55815,7 +56127,7 @@ - 11376 + 11863 2253 160 100 @@ -55824,7 +56136,7 @@ 0 0 - 11376.92 + 11863.24 2253.113 @@ -55846,7 +56158,7 @@ - + e2039b07-d3f3-40f8-af88-d74fed238727 Insert Items @@ -55864,13 +56176,13 @@ - 11233 + 11718 2167 114 84 - 11298 + 11783 2209 @@ -55891,13 +56203,13 @@ - 11235 + 11720 2169 51 20 - 11268.5 + 11753.5 2179 @@ -55920,13 +56232,13 @@ - 11235 + 11720 2189 51 20 - 11268.5 + 11753.5 2199 @@ -55949,13 +56261,13 @@ - 11235 + 11720 2209 51 20 - 11268.5 + 11753.5 2219 @@ -56000,13 +56312,13 @@ - 11235 + 11720 2229 51 20 - 11268.5 + 11753.5 2239 @@ -56048,13 +56360,13 @@ - 11310 + 11795 2169 35 80 - 11319.5 + 11804.5 2209 @@ -56065,7 +56377,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -56091,7 +56403,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -56112,13 +56424,13 @@ - 11091 + 11143 2201 40 16 - 11111 + 11163 2209 @@ -56127,7 +56439,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -56152,7 +56464,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -56180,7 +56492,7 @@ - + a0d62394-a118-422d-abb3-6af115c75b25 Addition @@ -56198,13 +56510,13 @@ - 11091 + 11143 2455 70 44 - 11116 + 11168 2477 @@ -56232,13 +56544,13 @@ - 11093 + 11145 2457 11 20 - 11098.5 + 11150.5 2467 @@ -56258,13 +56570,13 @@ - 11093 + 11145 2477 11 20 - 11098.5 + 11150.5 2487 @@ -56305,13 +56617,13 @@ - 11128 + 11180 2457 31 40 - 11143.5 + 11195.5 2477 @@ -56324,7 +56636,7 @@ - + 3e8ca6be-fda8-4aaf-b5c0-3c54c8bb7312 Number @@ -56343,13 +56655,13 @@ - 11121 + 11173 2171 50 24 - 11146.23 + 11198.55 2183.301 @@ -56378,7 +56690,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -56399,13 +56711,13 @@ - 11676 + 12161 2233 40 16 - 11696 + 12181 2241 @@ -56414,7 +56726,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -56436,7 +56748,7 @@ - 11903 + 12389 2284 160 100 @@ -56445,7 +56757,7 @@ 0 0 - 11903.23 + 12389.55 2284.755 @@ -56467,7 +56779,7 @@ - + 7a218bfb-b93d-4c1f-83d3-5a0b909dd60b Replace Items @@ -56485,13 +56797,13 @@ - 11667 + 12152 2472 114 84 - 11732 + 12217 2514 @@ -56512,13 +56824,13 @@ - 11669 + 12154 2474 51 20 - 11702.5 + 12187.5 2484 @@ -56541,13 +56853,13 @@ - 11669 + 12154 2494 51 20 - 11702.5 + 12187.5 2504 @@ -56570,13 +56882,13 @@ - 11669 + 12154 2514 51 20 - 11702.5 + 12187.5 2524 @@ -56596,13 +56908,13 @@ - 11669 + 12154 2534 51 20 - 11702.5 + 12187.5 2544 @@ -56644,13 +56956,13 @@ - 11744 + 12229 2474 35 80 - 11753.5 + 12238.5 2514 @@ -56661,7 +56973,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -56683,13 +56995,13 @@ - 11155 + 11207 2313 40 16 - 11175 + 11227 2321 @@ -56698,7 +57010,7 @@ - + 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line @@ -56716,13 +57028,13 @@ - 11579 + 12064 2612 102 44 - 11645 + 12130 2634 @@ -56740,13 +57052,13 @@ - 11581 + 12066 2614 52 20 - 11607 + 12092 2624 @@ -56791,13 +57103,13 @@ - 11581 + 12066 2634 52 20 - 11607 + 12092 2644 @@ -56842,13 +57154,13 @@ - 11657 + 12142 2614 22 40 - 11668 + 12153 2634 @@ -56859,7 +57171,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -56880,13 +57192,13 @@ - 11121 + 11173 1451 40 16 - 11141 + 11193 1459 @@ -56895,7 +57207,7 @@ - + f80cfe18-9510-4b89-8301-8e58faf423bb Flatten Tree @@ -56913,13 +57225,13 @@ - 11485 + 11970 1967 76 44 - 11523 + 12008 1989 @@ -56939,13 +57251,13 @@ - 11487 + 11972 1969 24 20 - 11499 + 11984 1979 @@ -56965,13 +57277,13 @@ - 11487 + 11972 1989 24 20 - 11499 + 11984 1999 @@ -57012,13 +57324,13 @@ - 11535 + 12020 1969 24 40 - 11547 + 12032 1989 @@ -57029,7 +57341,7 @@ - + c75b62fa-0a33-4da7-a5bd-03fd0068fd93 Length @@ -57047,13 +57359,13 @@ - 11585 + 12070 1980 92 28 - 11629 + 12114 1994 @@ -57072,13 +57384,13 @@ - 11587 + 12072 1982 30 24 - 11602 + 12087 1994 @@ -57098,13 +57410,13 @@ - 11641 + 12126 1982 34 24 - 11658 + 12143 1994 @@ -57115,7 +57427,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -57137,13 +57449,13 @@ - 11565 + 12050 2501 40 16 - 11585 + 12070 2509 @@ -57152,7 +57464,7 @@ - + a0d62394-a118-422d-abb3-6af115c75b25 Addition @@ -57170,13 +57482,13 @@ - 11452 + 11937 2604 70 44 - 11477 + 11962 2626 @@ -57204,13 +57516,13 @@ - 11454 + 11939 2606 11 20 - 11459.5 + 11944.5 2616 @@ -57230,13 +57542,13 @@ - 11454 + 11939 2626 11 20 - 11459.5 + 11944.5 2636 @@ -57277,13 +57589,13 @@ - 11489 + 11974 2606 31 40 - 11504.5 + 11989.5 2626 @@ -57296,7 +57608,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -57318,7 +57630,7 @@ - 11876 + 12362 2111 160 100 @@ -57327,7 +57639,7 @@ 0 0 - 11876.19 + 12362.51 2111.163 @@ -57349,7 +57661,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -57370,13 +57682,13 @@ - 11777 + 12262 1865 40 16 - 11797 + 12282 1873 @@ -57385,7 +57697,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -57410,7 +57722,7 @@ - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -57432,7 +57744,7 @@ - 21755 + 22242 1466 128 69 @@ -57441,7 +57753,7 @@ 0 0 - 21755.97 + 22242.29 1466.394 @@ -57463,7 +57775,7 @@ - + f80cfe18-9510-4b89-8301-8e58faf423bb Flatten Tree @@ -57481,13 +57793,13 @@ - 21562 + 22047 703 76 44 - 21600 + 22085 725 @@ -57507,13 +57819,13 @@ - 21564 + 22049 705 24 20 - 21576 + 22061 715 @@ -57533,13 +57845,13 @@ - 21564 + 22049 725 24 20 - 21576 + 22061 735 @@ -57580,13 +57892,13 @@ - 21612 + 22097 705 24 40 - 21624 + 22109 725 @@ -57597,7 +57909,7 @@ - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -57616,14 +57928,14 @@ - 21644 - 753 + 22102 + 802 62 64 - 21686 - 785 + 22144 + 834 @@ -57652,14 +57964,14 @@ - 21646 - 755 + 22104 + 804 28 20 - 21660 - 765 + 22118 + 814 @@ -57678,14 +57990,14 @@ - 21646 - 775 + 22104 + 824 28 20 - 21660 - 785 + 22118 + 834 @@ -57724,14 +58036,14 @@ - 21646 - 795 + 22104 + 844 28 20 - 21660 - 805 + 22118 + 854 @@ -57771,14 +58083,14 @@ - 21698 - 755 + 22156 + 804 6 60 - 21701 - 785 + 22159 + 834 @@ -57790,7 +58102,7 @@ - + 3e8ca6be-fda8-4aaf-b5c0-3c54c8bb7312 Number @@ -57809,14 +58121,14 @@ - 21701 - 678 + 22115 + 653 50 24 - 21726.1 - 690.8748 + 22140.42 + 665.8748 @@ -57844,7 +58156,7 @@ - + 9c007a04-d0d9-48e4-9da3-9ba142bc4d46 Subtraction @@ -57862,14 +58174,14 @@ - 21872 - 643 + 22329 + 655 70 44 - 21897 - 665 + 22354 + 677 @@ -57896,14 +58208,14 @@ - 21874 - 645 + 22331 + 657 11 20 - 21879.5 - 655 + 22336.5 + 667 @@ -57922,14 +58234,14 @@ - 21874 - 665 + 22331 + 677 11 20 - 21879.5 - 675 + 22336.5 + 687 @@ -57969,14 +58281,14 @@ - 21909 - 645 + 22366 + 657 31 40 - 21924.5 - 665 + 22381.5 + 677 @@ -57988,7 +58300,7 @@ - + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror @@ -58006,13 +58318,13 @@ - 22617 + 23102 2363 126 44 - 22679 + 23164 2385 @@ -58031,13 +58343,13 @@ - 22619 + 23104 2365 48 20 - 22643 + 23128 2375 @@ -58058,13 +58370,13 @@ - 22619 + 23104 2385 48 20 - 22643 + 23128 2395 @@ -58114,13 +58426,13 @@ - 22691 + 23176 2365 50 20 - 22716 + 23201 2375 @@ -58140,13 +58452,13 @@ - 22691 + 23176 2385 50 20 - 22716 + 23201 2395 @@ -58157,7 +58469,7 @@ - + fca5ad7e-ecac-401d-a357-edda0a251cbc Polar Array @@ -58176,14 +58488,14 @@ - 23045 - 2056 + 23549 + 2547 158 84 - 23123 - 2098 + 23627 + 2589 @@ -58203,14 +58515,14 @@ - 23047 - 2058 + 23551 + 2549 64 20 - 23087 - 2068 + 23591 + 2559 @@ -58231,14 +58543,14 @@ - 23047 - 2078 + 23551 + 2569 64 20 - 23087 - 2088 + 23591 + 2579 @@ -58288,14 +58600,14 @@ - 23047 - 2098 + 23551 + 2589 64 20 - 23087 - 2108 + 23591 + 2599 @@ -58336,14 +58648,14 @@ - 23047 - 2118 + 23551 + 2609 64 20 - 23087 - 2128 + 23591 + 2619 @@ -58385,14 +58697,14 @@ - 23135 - 2058 + 23639 + 2549 66 40 - 23160 - 2078 + 23664 + 2569 @@ -58413,14 +58725,14 @@ - 23135 - 2098 + 23639 + 2589 66 40 - 23160 - 2118 + 23664 + 2609 @@ -58430,7 +58742,7 @@ - + 87e1d9ef-088b-4d30-9dda-8a7448a17329 Graft Tree @@ -58450,13 +58762,13 @@ - 22302 + 22787 2221 76 28 - 22340 + 22825 2235 @@ -58476,13 +58788,13 @@ - 22304 + 22789 2223 24 24 - 22316 + 22801 2235 @@ -58503,13 +58815,13 @@ - 22352 + 22837 2223 24 24 - 22364 + 22849 2235 @@ -58520,7 +58832,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -58545,7 +58857,7 @@ - + 1addcc85-b04e-46e6-bd4a-6f6c93bf7efd Brep Join @@ -58563,13 +58875,13 @@ - 22881 + 23366 2219 124 44 - 22941 + 23426 2241 @@ -58590,13 +58902,13 @@ - 22883 + 23368 2221 46 40 - 22914 + 23399 2241 @@ -58618,13 +58930,13 @@ - 22953 + 23438 2221 50 20 - 22970 + 23455 2231 @@ -58645,13 +58957,13 @@ - 22953 + 23438 2241 50 20 - 22970 + 23455 2251 @@ -58662,7 +58974,7 @@ - + a0d62394-a118-422d-abb3-6af115c75b25 Addition @@ -58680,13 +58992,13 @@ - 21724 + 22209 591 70 44 - 21749 + 22234 613 @@ -58714,13 +59026,13 @@ - 21726 + 22211 593 11 20 - 21731.5 + 22216.5 603 @@ -58741,13 +59053,13 @@ - 21726 + 22211 613 11 20 - 21731.5 + 22216.5 623 @@ -58767,13 +59079,13 @@ - 21761 + 22246 593 31 40 - 21776.5 + 22261.5 613 @@ -58786,7 +59098,7 @@ - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -58804,13 +59116,13 @@ - 21832 + 22317 572 70 44 - 21857 + 22342 594 @@ -58829,13 +59141,13 @@ - 21834 + 22319 574 11 20 - 21839.5 + 22324.5 584 @@ -58855,13 +59167,13 @@ - 21834 + 22319 594 11 20 - 21839.5 + 22324.5 604 @@ -58902,13 +59214,13 @@ - 21869 + 22354 574 31 40 - 21884.5 + 22369.5 594 @@ -58919,7 +59231,7 @@ - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -58938,14 +59250,14 @@ - 21831 - 1292 + 22333 + 1311 94 64 - 21889 - 1324 + 22391 + 1343 @@ -58975,14 +59287,14 @@ - 21833 - 1294 + 22335 + 1313 44 20 - 21863 - 1304 + 22365 + 1323 @@ -59002,14 +59314,14 @@ - 21833 - 1314 + 22335 + 1333 44 20 - 21863 - 1324 + 22365 + 1343 @@ -59048,14 +59360,14 @@ - 21833 - 1334 + 22335 + 1353 44 20 - 21863 - 1344 + 22365 + 1363 @@ -59096,14 +59408,14 @@ - 21901 - 1294 + 22403 + 1313 22 60 - 21904 - 1324 + 22406 + 1343 @@ -59115,7 +59427,7 @@ - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -59136,13 +59448,13 @@ - 12550 + 13035 1850 40 16 - 12570 + 13055 1858 @@ -59151,7 +59463,7 @@ - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -59172,13 +59484,13 @@ - 12605 + 13091 1921 50 24 - 12630.43 + 13116.75 1933.242 @@ -59187,7 +59499,7 @@ - + 87e1d9ef-088b-4d30-9dda-8a7448a17329 Graft Tree @@ -59207,13 +59519,13 @@ - 13036 + 13521 1866 76 28 - 13074 + 13559 1880 @@ -59233,13 +59545,13 @@ - 13038 + 13523 1868 24 24 - 13050 + 13535 1880 @@ -59260,13 +59572,13 @@ - 13086 + 13571 1868 24 24 - 13098 + 13583 1880 @@ -59277,7 +59589,7 @@ - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -59298,13 +59610,13 @@ - 14759 + 15245 2258 50 24 - 14784.01 + 15270.33 2270.444 @@ -59313,7 +59625,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -59340,7 +59652,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -59367,7 +59679,7 @@ - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -59397,7 +59709,7 @@ - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -59416,13 +59728,13 @@ - 14824 + 15311 1773 198 20 - 14824.71 + 15311.03 1773.114 @@ -59442,7 +59754,7 @@ - + 75f4b0fd-9721-47b1-99e7-9c098b342e67 BiArc @@ -59460,13 +59772,13 @@ - 13671 + 14156 2076 149 104 - 13751 + 14236 2128 @@ -59485,13 +59797,13 @@ - 13673 + 14158 2078 66 20 - 13706 + 14191 2088 @@ -59512,13 +59824,13 @@ - 13673 + 14158 2098 66 20 - 13706 + 14191 2108 @@ -59539,13 +59851,13 @@ - 13673 + 14158 2118 66 20 - 13706 + 14191 2128 @@ -59566,13 +59878,13 @@ - 13673 + 14158 2138 66 20 - 13706 + 14191 2148 @@ -59592,13 +59904,13 @@ - 13673 + 14158 2158 66 20 - 13706 + 14191 2168 @@ -59639,13 +59951,13 @@ - 13763 + 14248 2078 55 33 - 13790.5 + 14275.5 2094.667 @@ -59666,13 +59978,13 @@ - 13763 + 14248 2111 55 33 - 13790.5 + 14275.5 2128 @@ -59692,13 +60004,13 @@ - 13763 + 14248 2144 55 34 - 13790.5 + 14275.5 2161.333 @@ -59709,7 +60021,7 @@ - + 11bbd48b-bb0a-4f1b-8167-fa297590390d End Points @@ -59727,13 +60039,13 @@ - 12818 + 13303 2173 84 44 - 12862 + 13347 2195 @@ -59752,13 +60064,13 @@ - 12820 + 13305 2175 30 40 - 12835 + 13320 2195 @@ -59778,13 +60090,13 @@ - 12874 + 13359 2175 26 20 - 12887 + 13372 2185 @@ -59804,13 +60116,13 @@ - 12874 + 13359 2195 26 20 - 12887 + 13372 2205 @@ -59821,7 +60133,7 @@ - + fbac3e32-f100-4292-8692-77240a42fd1a Point @@ -59842,13 +60154,13 @@ - 13280 + 13766 2130 50 24 - 13305.14 + 13791.46 2142.925 @@ -59857,7 +60169,7 @@ - + 934ede4a-924a-4973-bb05-0dc4b36fae75 Vector 2Pt @@ -59875,13 +60187,13 @@ - 13930 + 14415 1891 100 64 - 13982 + 14467 1923 @@ -59900,13 +60212,13 @@ - 13932 + 14417 1893 38 20 - 13951 + 14436 1903 @@ -59927,13 +60239,13 @@ - 13932 + 14417 1913 38 20 - 13951 + 14436 1923 @@ -59953,13 +60265,13 @@ - 13932 + 14417 1933 38 20 - 13951 + 14436 1943 @@ -59999,13 +60311,13 @@ - 13994 + 14479 1893 34 30 - 14011 + 14496 1908 @@ -60025,13 +60337,13 @@ - 13994 + 14479 1923 34 30 - 14011 + 14496 1938 @@ -60042,7 +60354,7 @@ - + 934ede4a-924a-4973-bb05-0dc4b36fae75 Vector 2Pt @@ -60060,13 +60372,13 @@ - 13719 + 14204 1978 100 64 - 13771 + 14256 2010 @@ -60085,13 +60397,13 @@ - 13721 + 14206 1980 38 20 - 13740 + 14225 1990 @@ -60112,13 +60424,13 @@ - 13721 + 14206 2000 38 20 - 13740 + 14225 2010 @@ -60138,13 +60450,13 @@ - 13721 + 14206 2020 38 20 - 13740 + 14225 2030 @@ -60184,13 +60496,13 @@ - 13783 + 14268 1980 34 30 - 13800 + 14285 1995 @@ -60210,13 +60522,13 @@ - 13783 + 14268 2010 34 30 - 13800 + 14285 2025 @@ -60227,7 +60539,7 @@ - + 04042ba4-51b9-42d6-a264-2eb6e701c115 c6c19589-ab63-4b60-8d7c-2c1b6d60fac7 @@ -60254,13 +60566,13 @@ However, not all geometry and attributes are supported. - 23127 + 23598 2312 130 144 - 23223 + 23694 2384 @@ -60280,13 +60592,13 @@ However, not all geometry and attributes are supported. - 23129 + 23600 2314 82 20 - 23170 + 23641 2324 @@ -60307,13 +60619,13 @@ However, not all geometry and attributes are supported. - 23129 + 23600 2334 82 20 - 23170 + 23641 2344 @@ -60357,13 +60669,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 23129 + 23600 2354 82 20 - 23170 + 23641 2364 @@ -60383,13 +60695,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 23129 + 23600 2374 82 20 - 23170 + 23641 2384 @@ -60431,13 +60743,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 23129 + 23600 2394 82 20 - 23170 + 23641 2404 @@ -60477,13 +60789,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 23129 + 23600 2414 82 20 - 23170 + 23641 2424 @@ -60524,13 +60836,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 23129 + 23600 2434 82 20 - 23170 + 23641 2444 @@ -60570,13 +60882,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 23235 + 23706 2314 20 70 - 23245 + 23716 2349 @@ -60596,13 +60908,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 23235 + 23706 2384 20 70 - 23245 + 23716 2419 @@ -60613,7 +60925,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 2e78987b-9dfb-42a2-8b76-3923ac8bd91a Boolean Toggle @@ -60633,7 +60945,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 22927 + 23412 2427 140 22 @@ -60644,7 +60956,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 2e78987b-9dfb-42a2-8b76-3923ac8bd91a Boolean Toggle @@ -60664,7 +60976,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 22921 + 23406 2393 140 22 @@ -60675,7 +60987,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -60694,13 +61006,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 23053 + 23538 2266 62 64 - 23095 + 23580 2298 @@ -60730,13 +61042,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 23055 + 23540 2268 28 20 - 23069 + 23554 2278 @@ -60757,13 +61069,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 23055 + 23540 2288 28 20 - 23069 + 23554 2298 @@ -60803,13 +61115,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 23055 + 23540 2308 28 20 - 23069 + 23554 2318 @@ -60850,13 +61162,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 23107 + 23592 2268 6 60 - 23110 + 23595 2298 @@ -60869,7 +61181,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -60888,13 +61200,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 22860 + 23347 2186 198 20 - 22860.92 + 23347.24 2186.167 @@ -60914,7 +61226,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -60936,7 +61248,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 23277 + 23764 2181 160 100 @@ -60945,7 +61257,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. 0 0 - 23277.92 + 23764.24 2181.216 @@ -60967,7 +61279,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -60988,13 +61300,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 21777 + 22262 1253 40 16 - 21797 + 22282 1261 @@ -61003,7 +61315,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -61024,14 +61336,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 21775 - 1163 + 22261 + 1143 40 16 - 21795 - 1171 + 22281 + 1151 @@ -61039,7 +61351,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -61060,14 +61372,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 21776 - 1183 + 22261 + 1165 40 16 - 21796 - 1191 + 22281 + 1173 @@ -61075,7 +61387,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -61096,14 +61408,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 21774 - 1209 + 22261 + 1186 40 16 - 21794 - 1217 + 22281 + 1194 @@ -61111,36 +61423,37 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay - + 2 A wire relay object 7dbaaabe-aa24-446d-905e-6e555d2ff2c2 Relay false - fc1eee3a-8c43-4eee-bc62-d172ba2cc502 - 32effb26-dc69-43dc-abd8-a711de8692f6 - 7c77adca-8ee3-41fb-8814-06cc2015fd5c - 3 + 32effb26-dc69-43dc-abd8-a711de8692f6 + d5b95ce6-bfb3-49dd-ae26-fc57b326b898 + fc1eee3a-8c43-4eee-bc62-d172ba2cc502 + 7c77adca-8ee3-41fb-8814-06cc2015fd5c + 4 - 21884 + 22369 1194 40 16 - 21904 + 22389 1202 @@ -61149,7 +61462,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -61170,13 +61483,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 21936 + 22421 985 40 16 - 21956 + 22441 993 @@ -61185,7 +61498,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -61214,7 +61527,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -61240,7 +61553,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 04042ba4-51b9-42d6-a264-2eb6e701c115 c6c19589-ab63-4b60-8d7c-2c1b6d60fac7 @@ -61267,13 +61580,13 @@ However, not all geometry and attributes are supported. - 23317 + 23802 1836 130 144 - 23413 + 23898 1908 @@ -61293,13 +61606,13 @@ However, not all geometry and attributes are supported. - 23319 + 23804 1838 82 20 - 23360 + 23845 1848 @@ -61320,13 +61633,13 @@ However, not all geometry and attributes are supported. - 23319 + 23804 1858 82 20 - 23360 + 23845 1868 @@ -61370,13 +61683,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 23319 + 23804 1878 82 20 - 23360 + 23845 1888 @@ -61396,13 +61709,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 23319 + 23804 1898 82 20 - 23360 + 23845 1908 @@ -61444,13 +61757,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 23319 + 23804 1918 82 20 - 23360 + 23845 1928 @@ -61490,13 +61803,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 23319 + 23804 1938 82 20 - 23360 + 23845 1948 @@ -61537,13 +61850,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 23319 + 23804 1958 82 20 - 23360 + 23845 1968 @@ -61583,13 +61896,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 23425 + 23910 1838 20 70 - 23435 + 23920 1873 @@ -61609,13 +61922,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 23425 + 23910 1908 20 70 - 23435 + 23920 1943 @@ -61626,7 +61939,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 2e78987b-9dfb-42a2-8b76-3923ac8bd91a Boolean Toggle @@ -61646,7 +61959,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 23138 + 23623 1957 140 22 @@ -61657,7 +61970,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 2e78987b-9dfb-42a2-8b76-3923ac8bd91a Boolean Toggle @@ -61677,7 +61990,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 23137 + 23622 1917 140 22 @@ -61688,7 +62001,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -61710,7 +62023,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 23280 + 23766 2068 160 100 @@ -61719,7 +62032,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. 0 0 - 23280.09 + 23766.41 2068.468 @@ -61741,7 +62054,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 1addcc85-b04e-46e6-bd4a-6f6c93bf7efd Brep Join @@ -61759,13 +62072,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 23106 + 23591 1996 124 44 - 23166 + 23651 2018 @@ -61786,13 +62099,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 23108 + 23593 1998 46 40 - 23139 + 23624 2018 @@ -61814,13 +62127,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 23178 + 23663 1998 50 20 - 23195 + 23680 2008 @@ -61841,13 +62154,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 23178 + 23663 2018 50 20 - 23195 + 23680 2028 @@ -61858,7 +62171,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 0bb3d234-9097-45db-9998-621639c87d3b Bounding Box @@ -61881,13 +62194,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 22906 + 23391 1892 88 44 - 22959 + 23444 1914 @@ -61907,13 +62220,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 22908 + 23393 1894 39 20 - 22927.5 + 23412.5 1904 @@ -61934,13 +62247,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 22908 + 23393 1914 39 20 - 22927.5 + 23412.5 1924 @@ -61990,13 +62303,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 22971 + 23456 1894 21 20 - 22981.5 + 23466.5 1904 @@ -62017,13 +62330,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 22971 + 23456 1914 21 20 - 22981.5 + 23466.5 1924 @@ -62034,7 +62347,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + db7d83b1-2898-4ef9-9be5-4e94b4e2048d Deconstruct Box @@ -62052,13 +62365,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 22941 + 23426 1781 77 84 - 22976 + 23461 1823 @@ -62077,13 +62390,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 22943 + 23428 1783 21 80 - 22953.5 + 23438.5 1823 @@ -62103,13 +62416,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 22988 + 23473 1783 28 20 - 23002 + 23487 1793 @@ -62129,13 +62442,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 22988 + 23473 1803 28 20 - 23002 + 23487 1813 @@ -62155,13 +62468,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 22988 + 23473 1823 28 20 - 23002 + 23487 1833 @@ -62181,13 +62494,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 22988 + 23473 1843 28 20 - 23002 + 23487 1853 @@ -62198,7 +62511,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -62219,7 +62532,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 23161 + 23647 1784 160 100 @@ -62228,7 +62541,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. 0 0 - 23161.1 + 23647.42 1784.519 @@ -62250,7 +62563,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -62275,7 +62588,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -62300,7 +62613,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -62325,7 +62638,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -62350,7 +62663,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -62376,7 +62689,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -62402,7 +62715,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -62428,7 +62741,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -62450,13 +62763,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 15765 + 16251 2839 50 24 - 15798.51 + 16284.83 2851.653 @@ -62465,7 +62778,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -62487,13 +62800,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 15769 + 16255 2800 50 24 - 15802.62 + 16288.94 2812.061 @@ -62502,7 +62815,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -62524,13 +62837,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 15769 + 16256 2754 50 24 - 15802.86 + 16289.18 2766.237 @@ -62539,7 +62852,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -62566,7 +62879,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -62589,13 +62902,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 15727 + 16213 2915 50 24 - 15752.06 + 16238.38 2927.022 @@ -62604,7 +62917,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -62630,7 +62943,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 4d2a06bd-4b0f-4c65-9ee0-4220e4c01703 Scale @@ -62648,13 +62961,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 16155 + 16640 2682 126 64 - 16217 + 16702 2714 @@ -62673,13 +62986,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 16157 + 16642 2684 48 20 - 16181 + 16666 2694 @@ -62699,13 +63012,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 16157 + 16642 2704 48 20 - 16181 + 16666 2714 @@ -62751,13 +63064,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 16157 + 16642 2724 48 20 - 16181 + 16666 2734 @@ -62797,13 +63110,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 16229 + 16714 2684 50 30 - 16254 + 16739 2699 @@ -62823,13 +63136,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 16229 + 16714 2714 50 30 - 16254 + 16739 2729 @@ -62840,7 +63153,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -62861,13 +63174,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 15713 + 16198 3037 40 16 - 15733 + 16218 3045 @@ -62876,7 +63189,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -62889,7 +63202,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. Panel false - 1 + 0.029901385307312012 2ca6ad5c-f5aa-4c91-a5df-d0bacd73234b 1 Double click to edit panel content… @@ -62898,8 +63211,8 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 16258 - 3218 + 17353 + 2914 160 100 @@ -62907,8 +63220,8 @@ See manual for supported attributes. 0 0 - 16258.26 - 3218.764 + 17353.97 + 2914.068 @@ -62929,7 +63242,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + e2039b07-d3f3-40f8-af88-d74fed238727 Insert Items @@ -62947,13 +63260,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20503 + 20988 1933 98 84 - 20568 + 21053 1975 @@ -62974,13 +63287,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20505 + 20990 1935 51 20 - 20538.5 + 21023.5 1945 @@ -63003,13 +63316,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20505 + 20990 1955 51 20 - 20538.5 + 21023.5 1965 @@ -63032,13 +63345,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20505 + 20990 1975 51 20 - 20538.5 + 21023.5 1985 @@ -63083,13 +63396,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20505 + 20990 1995 51 20 - 20538.5 + 21023.5 2005 @@ -63130,13 +63443,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20580 + 21065 1935 19 80 - 20589.5 + 21074.5 1975 @@ -63147,7 +63460,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + e2039b07-d3f3-40f8-af88-d74fed238727 Insert Items @@ -63165,13 +63478,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20505 + 20990 2036 98 84 - 20570 + 21055 2078 @@ -63192,13 +63505,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20507 + 20992 2038 51 20 - 20540.5 + 21025.5 2048 @@ -63221,13 +63534,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20507 + 20992 2058 51 20 - 20540.5 + 21025.5 2068 @@ -63250,13 +63563,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20507 + 20992 2078 51 20 - 20540.5 + 21025.5 2088 @@ -63301,13 +63614,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20507 + 20992 2098 51 20 - 20540.5 + 21025.5 2108 @@ -63348,13 +63661,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20582 + 21067 2038 19 80 - 20591.5 + 21076.5 2078 @@ -63365,7 +63678,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + e2039b07-d3f3-40f8-af88-d74fed238727 Insert Items @@ -63383,13 +63696,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20504 + 20989 2143 98 84 - 20569 + 21054 2185 @@ -63410,13 +63723,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20506 + 20991 2145 51 20 - 20539.5 + 21024.5 2155 @@ -63439,13 +63752,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20506 + 20991 2165 51 20 - 20539.5 + 21024.5 2175 @@ -63468,13 +63781,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20506 + 20991 2185 51 20 - 20539.5 + 21024.5 2195 @@ -63519,13 +63832,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20506 + 20991 2205 51 20 - 20539.5 + 21024.5 2215 @@ -63566,13 +63879,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20581 + 21066 2145 19 80 - 20590.5 + 21075.5 2185 @@ -63583,7 +63896,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -63609,7 +63922,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -63645,7 +63958,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -63671,7 +63984,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -63692,13 +64005,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10974 + 11026 1816 40 16 - 10994 + 11046 1824 @@ -63707,7 +64020,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -63728,13 +64041,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10988 + 11040 1785 40 16 - 11008 + 11060 1793 @@ -63743,7 +64056,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -63779,7 +64092,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -63815,7 +64128,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 4fe828e8-fa95-4cc5-9a8c-c33856ecc783 Brep | Plane @@ -63986,7 +64299,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -64007,14 +64320,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 11015 - 1414 + 10947 + 1421 40 16 - 11035 - 1422 + 10967 + 1429 @@ -64022,7 +64335,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -64043,14 +64356,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 11023 - 1451 + 10976 + 1456 40 16 - 11043 - 1459 + 10996 + 1464 @@ -64058,7 +64371,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -64079,14 +64392,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 11038 - 1496 + 10969 + 1497 40 16 - 11058 - 1504 + 10989 + 1505 @@ -64094,7 +64407,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -64115,14 +64428,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10872 - 1505 + 10929 + 1515 40 16 - 10892 - 1513 + 10949 + 1523 @@ -64130,7 +64443,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -64151,14 +64464,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10831 - 1446 + 10888 + 1456 40 16 - 10851 - 1454 + 10908 + 1464 @@ -64166,7 +64479,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 9445ca40-cc73-4861-a455-146308676855 Range @@ -64184,13 +64497,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 15703 + 16188 2650 114 44 - 15771 + 16256 2672 @@ -64210,13 +64523,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 15705 + 16190 2652 54 20 - 15740 + 16225 2662 @@ -64261,13 +64574,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 15705 + 16190 2672 54 20 - 15740 + 16225 2682 @@ -64308,13 +64621,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 15783 + 16268 2652 32 40 - 15799 + 16284 2672 @@ -64325,7 +64638,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 7a218bfb-b93d-4c1f-83d3-5a0b909dd60b Replace Items @@ -64343,13 +64656,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 16036 + 16521 2465 114 84 - 16101 + 16586 2507 @@ -64370,13 +64683,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 16038 + 16523 2467 51 20 - 16071.5 + 16556.5 2477 @@ -64399,13 +64712,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 16038 + 16523 2487 51 20 - 16071.5 + 16556.5 2497 @@ -64428,13 +64741,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 16038 + 16523 2507 51 20 - 16071.5 + 16556.5 2517 @@ -64454,13 +64767,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 16038 + 16523 2527 51 20 - 16071.5 + 16556.5 2537 @@ -64502,13 +64815,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 16113 + 16598 2467 35 80 - 16122.5 + 16607.5 2507 @@ -64519,7 +64832,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -64538,13 +64851,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 15981 + 16466 2681 94 64 - 16039 + 16524 2713 @@ -64575,13 +64888,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 15983 + 16468 2683 44 20 - 16013 + 16498 2693 @@ -64603,13 +64916,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 15983 + 16468 2703 44 20 - 16013 + 16498 2713 @@ -64649,13 +64962,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 15983 + 16468 2723 44 20 - 16013 + 16498 2733 @@ -64697,13 +65010,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 16051 + 16536 2683 22 60 - 16054 + 16539 2713 @@ -64716,7 +65029,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -64735,13 +65048,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 15983 + 16468 2770 94 64 - 16041 + 16526 2802 @@ -64772,13 +65085,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 15985 + 16470 2772 44 20 - 16015 + 16500 2782 @@ -64800,13 +65113,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 15985 + 16470 2792 44 20 - 16015 + 16500 2802 @@ -64846,13 +65159,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 15985 + 16470 2812 44 20 - 16015 + 16500 2822 @@ -64894,13 +65207,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 16053 + 16538 2772 22 60 - 16056 + 16541 2802 @@ -64913,7 +65226,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -64932,13 +65245,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 15984 + 16469 2849 94 64 - 16042 + 16527 2881 @@ -64969,13 +65282,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 15986 + 16471 2851 44 20 - 16016 + 16501 2861 @@ -64997,13 +65310,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 15986 + 16471 2871 44 20 - 16016 + 16501 2881 @@ -65043,13 +65356,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 15986 + 16471 2891 44 20 - 16016 + 16501 2901 @@ -65091,13 +65404,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 16054 + 16539 2851 22 60 - 16057 + 16542 2881 @@ -65110,7 +65423,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 9445ca40-cc73-4861-a455-146308676855 Range @@ -65128,13 +65441,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 15793 + 16278 3215 114 44 - 15861 + 16346 3237 @@ -65153,13 +65466,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 15795 + 16280 3217 54 20 - 15830 + 16315 3227 @@ -65204,13 +65517,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 15795 + 16280 3237 54 20 - 15830 + 16315 3247 @@ -65251,13 +65564,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 15873 + 16358 3217 32 40 - 15889 + 16374 3237 @@ -65268,7 +65581,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -65293,7 +65606,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + d25e638d-0677-4306-89e7-caadf0786013 ab81fea9-8d16-4caf-af89-2736c660f36d @@ -65312,13 +65625,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20063 + 20548 2579 121 124 - 20141 + 20626 2641 @@ -65337,13 +65650,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20065 + 20550 2581 64 20 - 20097 + 20582 2591 @@ -65364,13 +65677,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20065 + 20550 2601 64 20 - 20097 + 20582 2611 @@ -65411,13 +65724,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20065 + 20550 2621 64 20 - 20097 + 20582 2631 @@ -65458,13 +65771,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20065 + 20550 2641 64 20 - 20097 + 20582 2651 @@ -65505,13 +65818,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20065 + 20550 2661 64 20 - 20097 + 20582 2671 @@ -65552,13 +65865,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20065 + 20550 2681 64 20 - 20097 + 20582 2691 @@ -65598,13 +65911,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20153 + 20638 2581 29 120 - 20167.5 + 20652.5 2641 @@ -65615,7 +65928,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -65637,7 +65950,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19282 + 19769 2672 111 76 @@ -65646,7 +65959,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. 0 0 - 19282.91 + 19769.23 2672.041 @@ -65668,7 +65981,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -65690,7 +66003,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19401 + 19888 2565 131 83 @@ -65699,7 +66012,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. 0 0 - 19401.94 + 19888.26 2565.956 @@ -65721,7 +66034,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -65740,13 +66053,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19568 + 20055 2571 198 20 - 19568.92 + 20055.24 2571.987 @@ -65766,7 +66079,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + a4cd2751-414d-42ec-8916-476ebf62d7fe Radians @@ -65784,13 +66097,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19416 + 19901 2657 108 28 - 19471 + 19956 2671 @@ -65809,13 +66122,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19418 + 19903 2659 41 24 - 19438.5 + 19923.5 2671 @@ -65855,13 +66168,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19483 + 19968 2659 39 24 - 19502.5 + 19987.5 2671 @@ -65872,7 +66185,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -65893,13 +66206,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 17088 + 17573 2637 40 16 - 17108 + 17593 2645 @@ -65908,7 +66221,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + e64c5fb1-845c-4ab1-8911-5f338516ba67 Series @@ -65926,13 +66239,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19405 + 19890 2728 105 64 - 19449 + 19934 2760 @@ -65950,13 +66263,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19407 + 19892 2730 30 20 - 19422 + 19907 2740 @@ -65996,13 +66309,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19407 + 19892 2750 30 20 - 19422 + 19907 2760 @@ -66043,13 +66356,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19407 + 19892 2770 30 20 - 19422 + 19907 2780 @@ -66091,13 +66404,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19461 + 19946 2730 47 60 - 19476.5 + 19961.5 2760 @@ -66108,7 +66421,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 1817fd29-20ae-4503-b542-f0fb651e67d7 List Length @@ -66126,13 +66439,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 15931 + 16416 2597 81 28 - 15964 + 16449 2611 @@ -66152,13 +66465,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 15933 + 16418 2599 19 24 - 15942.5 + 16427.5 2611 @@ -66178,13 +66491,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 15976 + 16461 2599 34 24 - 15993 + 16478 2611 @@ -66195,7 +66508,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -66230,7 +66543,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -66251,13 +66564,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 22062 + 22547 2060 40 16 - 22082 + 22567 2068 @@ -66266,7 +66579,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -66288,7 +66601,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 22342 + 22828 2075 98 79 @@ -66297,7 +66610,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. 0 0 - 22342.33 + 22828.65 2075.038 @@ -66319,7 +66632,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -66340,13 +66653,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 22256 + 22741 1984 40 16 - 22276 + 22761 1992 @@ -66355,7 +66668,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -66373,13 +66686,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 22019 + 22504 1897 70 44 - 22044 + 22529 1919 @@ -66398,13 +66711,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 22021 + 22506 1899 11 20 - 22026.5 + 22511.5 1909 @@ -66424,13 +66737,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 22021 + 22506 1919 11 20 - 22026.5 + 22511.5 1929 @@ -66471,13 +66784,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 22056 + 22541 1899 31 40 - 22071.5 + 22556.5 1919 @@ -66488,7 +66801,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -66513,7 +66826,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -66534,13 +66847,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19292 + 19777 2634 40 16 - 19312 + 19797 2642 @@ -66549,7 +66862,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -66568,13 +66881,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19549 + 20035 2773 198 20 - 19549.64 + 20035.96 2773.717 @@ -66594,7 +66907,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -66621,7 +66934,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -66657,7 +66970,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -66676,13 +66989,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 17036 + 17521 3013 78 64 - 17094 + 17579 3045 @@ -66713,13 +67026,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 17038 + 17523 3015 44 20 - 17068 + 17553 3025 @@ -66739,13 +67052,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 17038 + 17523 3035 44 20 - 17068 + 17553 3045 @@ -66785,13 +67098,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 17038 + 17523 3055 44 20 - 17068 + 17553 3065 @@ -66832,13 +67145,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 17106 + 17591 3015 6 60 - 17109 + 17594 3045 @@ -66851,7 +67164,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -66872,13 +67185,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 17024 + 17509 2891 40 16 - 17044 + 17529 2899 @@ -66887,7 +67200,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + ce46b74e-00c9-43c4-805a-193b69ea4a11 Multiplication @@ -66905,13 +67218,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 17107 + 17592 3130 70 44 - 17132 + 17617 3152 @@ -66939,13 +67252,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 17109 + 17594 3132 11 20 - 17114.5 + 17599.5 3142 @@ -66965,13 +67278,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 17109 + 17594 3152 11 20 - 17114.5 + 17599.5 3162 @@ -67012,13 +67325,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 17144 + 17629 3132 31 40 - 17159.5 + 17644.5 3152 @@ -67031,7 +67344,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -67083,7 +67396,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -67119,7 +67432,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -67140,13 +67453,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 17212 + 17697 3135 40 16 - 17232 + 17717 3143 @@ -67155,7 +67468,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + a0d62394-a118-422d-abb3-6af115c75b25 Addition @@ -67173,13 +67486,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 17230 + 17715 3275 70 44 - 17255 + 17740 3297 @@ -67207,13 +67520,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 17232 + 17717 3277 11 20 - 17237.5 + 17722.5 3287 @@ -67234,13 +67547,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 17232 + 17717 3297 11 20 - 17237.5 + 17722.5 3307 @@ -67260,13 +67573,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 17267 + 17752 3277 31 40 - 17282.5 + 17767.5 3297 @@ -67279,7 +67592,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -67297,13 +67610,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 17113 + 17598 3383 86 44 - 17138 + 17623 3405 @@ -67322,13 +67635,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 17115 + 17600 3385 11 20 - 17120.5 + 17605.5 3395 @@ -67349,13 +67662,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 17115 + 17600 3405 11 20 - 17120.5 + 17605.5 3415 @@ -67376,13 +67689,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 17150 + 17635 3385 47 40 - 17165.5 + 17650.5 3405 @@ -67393,7 +67706,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -67414,14 +67727,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10334 - 1398 + 10324 + 1389 50 24 - 10359.65 - 1410.624 + 10349.19 + 1401.655 @@ -67453,7 +67766,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 429cbba9-55ee-4e84-98ea-876c44db879a Sub Curve @@ -67471,14 +67784,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 11041 - 1151 + 11111 + 1154 112 44 - 11109 - 1173 + 11179 + 1176 @@ -67496,14 +67809,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 11043 - 1153 + 11113 + 1156 54 20 - 11070 - 1163 + 11140 + 1166 @@ -67523,14 +67836,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 11043 - 1173 + 11113 + 1176 54 20 - 11070 - 1183 + 11140 + 1186 @@ -67549,14 +67862,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 11121 - 1153 + 11191 + 1156 30 40 - 11136 - 1173 + 11206 + 1176 @@ -67566,7 +67879,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + d1a28e95-cf96-4936-bf34-8bf142d731bf Construct Domain @@ -67584,14 +67897,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10781 - 1204 + 10952 + 1036 128 44 - 10857 - 1226 + 11028 + 1058 @@ -67602,21 +67915,21 @@ See manual for supported attributes. Domain start Domain start false - 27b327d4-313b-446c-8134-8c0f5d63834e + 5f5db305-2c2c-46ab-b52e-e3c6c4327986 1 - 10783 - 1206 + 10954 + 1038 62 20 - 10814 - 1216 + 10985 + 1048 @@ -67649,21 +67962,21 @@ See manual for supported attributes. Domain end Domain end false - 5979046f-dc2c-4df3-9152-2fd1ae07b906 + eb010ab1-8cd0-4ab4-8e25-08be35e47344 1 - 10783 - 1226 + 10954 + 1058 62 20 - 10814 - 1236 + 10985 + 1068 @@ -67702,14 +68015,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10869 - 1206 + 11040 + 1038 38 40 - 10888 - 1226 + 11059 + 1058 @@ -67719,7 +68032,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + ce46b74e-00c9-43c4-805a-193b69ea4a11 Multiplication @@ -67737,14 +68050,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10578 - 1125 + 10661 + 1123 70 44 - 10603 - 1147 + 10686 + 1145 @@ -67771,14 +68084,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10580 - 1127 + 10663 + 1125 11 20 - 10585.5 - 1137 + 10668.5 + 1135 @@ -67798,14 +68111,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10580 - 1147 + 10663 + 1145 11 20 - 10585.5 - 1157 + 10668.5 + 1155 @@ -67824,14 +68137,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10615 - 1127 + 10698 + 1125 31 40 - 10630.5 - 1147 + 10713.5 + 1145 @@ -67843,7 +68156,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + ccfd6ba8-ecb1-44df-a47e-08126a653c51 Curve Domain @@ -67861,14 +68174,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10397 - 1299 + 10383 + 1310 104 44 - 10449 - 1321 + 10435 + 1332 @@ -67886,14 +68199,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10399 - 1301 + 10385 + 1312 38 20 - 10418 - 1311 + 10404 + 1322 @@ -67912,14 +68225,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10399 - 1321 + 10385 + 1332 38 20 - 10418 - 1331 + 10404 + 1342 @@ -67938,14 +68251,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10461 - 1301 + 10447 + 1312 38 20 - 10480 - 1311 + 10466 + 1322 @@ -67964,14 +68277,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10461 - 1321 + 10447 + 1332 38 20 - 10480 - 1331 + 10466 + 1342 @@ -67981,7 +68294,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 825ea536-aebb-41e9-af32-8baeb2ecb590 Deconstruct Domain @@ -67999,14 +68312,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10456 - 1200 + 10533 + 1240 92 44 - 10508 - 1222 + 10585 + 1262 @@ -68024,14 +68337,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10458 - 1202 + 10535 + 1242 38 40 - 10477 - 1222 + 10554 + 1262 @@ -68050,14 +68363,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10520 - 1202 + 10597 + 1242 26 20 - 10533 - 1212 + 10610 + 1252 @@ -68076,14 +68389,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10520 - 1222 + 10597 + 1262 26 20 - 10533 - 1232 + 10610 + 1272 @@ -68093,7 +68406,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 9c007a04-d0d9-48e4-9da3-9ba142bc4d46 Subtraction @@ -68111,14 +68424,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10691 - 1127 + 10814 + 1105 70 44 - 10716 - 1149 + 10839 + 1127 @@ -68145,14 +68458,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10693 - 1129 + 10816 + 1107 11 20 - 10698.5 - 1139 + 10821.5 + 1117 @@ -68172,14 +68485,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10693 - 1149 + 10816 + 1127 11 20 - 10698.5 - 1159 + 10821.5 + 1137 @@ -68198,14 +68511,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10728 - 1129 + 10851 + 1107 31 40 - 10743.5 - 1149 + 10866.5 + 1127 @@ -68217,7 +68530,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -68238,13 +68551,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 12015 + 12500 1808 40 16 - 12035 + 12520 1816 @@ -68253,7 +68566,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -68289,7 +68602,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -68325,7 +68638,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + a3371040-e552-4bc8-b0ff-10a840258e88 Negative @@ -68411,7 +68724,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 78fed580-851b-46fe-af2f-6519a9d378e0 Power @@ -68544,7 +68857,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -68677,7 +68990,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -68703,7 +69016,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -68730,7 +69043,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 9c007a04-d0d9-48e4-9da3-9ba142bc4d46 Subtraction @@ -68748,14 +69061,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10475 - 1115 + 10534 + 1062 70 44 - 10500 - 1137 + 10559 + 1084 @@ -68781,14 +69094,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10477 - 1117 + 10536 + 1064 11 20 - 10482.5 - 1127 + 10541.5 + 1074 @@ -68829,14 +69142,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10477 - 1137 + 10536 + 1084 11 20 - 10482.5 - 1147 + 10541.5 + 1094 @@ -68855,14 +69168,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10512 - 1117 + 10571 + 1064 31 40 - 10527.5 - 1137 + 10586.5 + 1084 @@ -68874,7 +69187,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -68909,7 +69222,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -68937,7 +69250,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -68959,7 +69272,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 11631 + 12118 2031 219 100 @@ -68968,7 +69281,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. 0 0 - 11631.7 + 12118.02 2031.633 @@ -68990,7 +69303,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 2fcc2743-8339-4cdf-a046-a1f17439191d Remap Numbers @@ -69201,7 +69514,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + f44b92b0-3b5b-493a-86f4-fd7408c3daf3 Bounds @@ -69289,7 +69602,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + eeafc956-268e-461d-8e73-ee05c6f72c01 Stream Filter @@ -69307,14 +69620,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10342 - 1115 + 10343 + 1120 77 64 - 10381 - 1147 + 10382 + 1152 @@ -69341,14 +69654,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10344 - 1117 + 10345 + 1122 25 20 - 10356.5 - 1127 + 10357.5 + 1132 @@ -69390,14 +69703,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10344 - 1137 + 10345 + 1142 25 20 - 10356.5 - 1147 + 10357.5 + 1152 @@ -69419,14 +69732,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10344 - 1157 + 10345 + 1162 25 20 - 10356.5 - 1167 + 10357.5 + 1172 @@ -69447,14 +69760,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10393 - 1117 + 10394 + 1122 24 60 - 10405 - 1147 + 10406 + 1152 @@ -69466,7 +69779,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -69491,7 +69804,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -69512,13 +69825,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 12409 + 12894 1980 40 16 - 12429 + 12914 1988 @@ -69527,7 +69840,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -69548,13 +69861,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 12577 + 13062 1996 40 16 - 12597 + 13082 2004 @@ -69563,7 +69876,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -69584,13 +69897,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 12398 + 12884 1910 50 24 - 12423.53 + 12909.85 1922.926 @@ -69599,7 +69912,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -69625,7 +69938,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -69650,7 +69963,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -69675,7 +69988,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -69693,13 +70006,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13680 + 14165 1879 94 64 - 13738 + 14223 1911 @@ -69718,13 +70031,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13682 + 14167 1881 44 20 - 13704 + 14189 1891 @@ -69745,13 +70058,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13682 + 14167 1901 44 20 - 13704 + 14189 1911 @@ -69796,13 +70109,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13682 + 14167 1921 44 20 - 13704 + 14189 1931 @@ -69842,13 +70155,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13750 + 14235 1881 22 60 - 13761 + 14246 1911 @@ -69859,7 +70172,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -69878,13 +70191,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13609 + 14095 1857 198 20 - 13609.13 + 14095.45 1857.267 @@ -69904,7 +70217,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 11bbd48b-bb0a-4f1b-8167-fa297590390d End Points @@ -69922,13 +70235,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13821 + 14306 1894 84 44 - 13865 + 14350 1916 @@ -69947,13 +70260,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13823 + 14308 1896 30 40 - 13838 + 14323 1916 @@ -69973,13 +70286,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13877 + 14362 1896 26 20 - 13890 + 14375 1906 @@ -69999,13 +70312,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13877 + 14362 1916 26 20 - 13890 + 14375 1926 @@ -70016,7 +70329,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror @@ -70034,13 +70347,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13505 + 13990 1785 126 44 - 13567 + 14052 1807 @@ -70059,13 +70372,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13507 + 13992 1787 48 20 - 13531 + 14016 1797 @@ -70086,13 +70399,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13507 + 13992 1807 48 20 - 13531 + 14016 1817 @@ -70142,13 +70455,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13579 + 14064 1787 50 20 - 13604 + 14089 1797 @@ -70168,13 +70481,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13579 + 14064 1807 50 20 - 13604 + 14089 1817 @@ -70185,7 +70498,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 11bbd48b-bb0a-4f1b-8167-fa297590390d End Points @@ -70203,13 +70516,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13594 + 14079 1989 84 44 - 13638 + 14123 2011 @@ -70228,13 +70541,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13596 + 14081 1991 30 40 - 13611 + 14096 2011 @@ -70254,13 +70567,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13650 + 14135 1991 26 20 - 13663 + 14148 2001 @@ -70280,13 +70593,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13650 + 14135 2011 26 20 - 13663 + 14148 2021 @@ -70297,7 +70610,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 3e8ca6be-fda8-4aaf-b5c0-3c54c8bb7312 Number @@ -70316,13 +70629,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 16830 + 17317 3289 50 24 - 16855.76 + 17342.08 3301.898 @@ -72241,7 +72554,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -72262,13 +72575,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 16964 + 17449 3080 40 16 - 16984 + 17469 3088 @@ -72277,7 +72590,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + ce46b74e-00c9-43c4-805a-193b69ea4a11 Multiplication @@ -72295,13 +72608,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 17064 + 17549 3268 70 44 - 17089 + 17574 3290 @@ -72329,13 +72642,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 17066 + 17551 3270 11 20 - 17071.5 + 17556.5 3280 @@ -72356,13 +72669,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 17066 + 17551 3290 11 20 - 17071.5 + 17556.5 3300 @@ -72382,13 +72695,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 17101 + 17586 3270 31 40 - 17116.5 + 17601.5 3290 @@ -72401,7 +72714,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -72422,13 +72735,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 16755 + 17240 2979 40 16 - 16775 + 17260 2987 @@ -72437,7 +72750,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + f44b92b0-3b5b-493a-86f4-fd7408c3daf3 Bounds @@ -72455,13 +72768,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 17014 + 17499 3494 126 28 - 17088 + 17573 3508 @@ -72482,13 +72795,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 17016 + 17501 3496 60 24 - 17054 + 17539 3508 @@ -72508,13 +72821,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 17100 + 17585 3496 38 24 - 17119 + 17604 3508 @@ -72525,7 +72838,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 825ea536-aebb-41e9-af32-8baeb2ecb590 Deconstruct Domain @@ -72543,13 +72856,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 17134 + 17619 3529 92 44 - 17186 + 17671 3551 @@ -72568,13 +72881,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 17136 + 17621 3531 38 40 - 17155 + 17640 3551 @@ -72594,13 +72907,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 17198 + 17683 3531 26 20 - 17211 + 17696 3541 @@ -72620,13 +72933,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 17198 + 17683 3551 26 20 - 17211 + 17696 3561 @@ -72637,7 +72950,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 797d922f-3a1d-46fe-9155-358b009b5997 One Over X @@ -72655,13 +72968,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 17242 + 17727 3470 88 28 - 17285 + 17770 3484 @@ -72680,13 +72993,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 17244 + 17729 3472 29 24 - 17258.5 + 17743.5 3484 @@ -72706,13 +73019,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 17297 + 17782 3472 31 24 - 17312.5 + 17797.5 3484 @@ -72723,7 +73036,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + ce46b74e-00c9-43c4-805a-193b69ea4a11 Multiplication @@ -72741,13 +73054,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 16901 + 17386 3139 70 44 - 16926 + 17411 3161 @@ -72775,13 +73088,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 16903 + 17388 3141 11 20 - 16908.5 + 17393.5 3151 @@ -72802,13 +73115,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 16903 + 17388 3161 11 20 - 16908.5 + 17393.5 3171 @@ -72828,13 +73141,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 16938 + 17423 3141 31 40 - 16953.5 + 17438.5 3161 @@ -72847,7 +73160,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + ce46b74e-00c9-43c4-805a-193b69ea4a11 Multiplication @@ -72865,13 +73178,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 16916 + 17401 3278 70 44 - 16941 + 17426 3300 @@ -72899,13 +73212,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 16918 + 17403 3280 11 20 - 16923.5 + 17408.5 3290 @@ -72926,13 +73239,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 16918 + 17403 3300 11 20 - 16923.5 + 17408.5 3310 @@ -72952,13 +73265,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 16953 + 17438 3280 31 40 - 16968.5 + 17453.5 3300 @@ -72971,7 +73284,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -72990,20 +73303,20 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 16737 + 17224 3368 198 20 - 16737.84 + 17224.16 3368.119 - 0 + 6 1 0 243 @@ -73016,7 +73329,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + fca5ad7e-ecac-401d-a357-edda0a251cbc Polar Array @@ -73035,13 +73348,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 21212 + 21697 2172 158 84 - 21290 + 21775 2214 @@ -73062,13 +73375,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 21214 + 21699 2174 64 20 - 21254 + 21739 2184 @@ -73090,13 +73403,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 21214 + 21699 2194 64 20 - 21254 + 21739 2204 @@ -73147,13 +73460,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 21214 + 21699 2214 64 20 - 21254 + 21739 2224 @@ -73195,13 +73508,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 21214 + 21699 2234 64 20 - 21254 + 21739 2244 @@ -73244,13 +73557,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 21302 + 21787 2174 66 40 - 21327 + 21812 2194 @@ -73272,13 +73585,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 21302 + 21787 2214 66 40 - 21327 + 21812 2234 @@ -73289,7 +73602,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror @@ -73307,13 +73620,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 21394 + 21879 2165 126 44 - 21456 + 21941 2187 @@ -73332,13 +73645,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 21396 + 21881 2167 48 20 - 21420 + 21905 2177 @@ -73358,13 +73671,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 21396 + 21881 2187 48 20 - 21420 + 21905 2197 @@ -73414,13 +73727,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 21468 + 21953 2167 50 20 - 21493 + 21978 2177 @@ -73440,13 +73753,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 21468 + 21953 2187 50 20 - 21493 + 21978 2197 @@ -73457,7 +73770,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 8cc3a196-f6a0-49ea-9ed9-0cb343a3ae64 XZ Plane @@ -73475,13 +73788,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 21328 + 21813 2273 86 28 - 21372 + 21857 2287 @@ -73499,13 +73812,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 21330 + 21815 2275 30 24 - 21345 + 21830 2287 @@ -73550,13 +73863,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 21384 + 21869 2275 28 24 - 21398 + 21883 2287 @@ -73567,7 +73880,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror @@ -73585,13 +73898,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 21397 + 21882 2215 126 44 - 21459 + 21944 2237 @@ -73611,13 +73924,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 21399 + 21884 2217 48 20 - 21423 + 21908 2227 @@ -73638,13 +73951,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 21399 + 21884 2237 48 20 - 21423 + 21908 2247 @@ -73694,13 +74007,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 21471 + 21956 2217 50 20 - 21496 + 21981 2227 @@ -73720,13 +74033,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 21471 + 21956 2237 50 20 - 21496 + 21981 2247 @@ -73737,7 +74050,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 17b7152b-d30d-4d50-b9ef-c9fe25576fc2 XY Plane @@ -73755,13 +74068,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 21522 + 22007 2269 86 28 - 21566 + 22051 2283 @@ -73779,13 +74092,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 21524 + 22009 2271 30 24 - 21539 + 22024 2283 @@ -73830,13 +74143,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 21578 + 22063 2271 28 24 - 21592 + 22077 2283 @@ -73847,7 +74160,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror @@ -73865,13 +74178,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 21570 + 22055 2215 126 44 - 21632 + 22117 2237 @@ -73892,13 +74205,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 21572 + 22057 2217 48 20 - 21596 + 22081 2227 @@ -73919,13 +74232,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 21572 + 22057 2237 48 20 - 21596 + 22081 2247 @@ -73975,13 +74288,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 21644 + 22129 2217 50 20 - 21669 + 22154 2227 @@ -74001,13 +74314,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 21644 + 22129 2237 50 20 - 21669 + 22154 2247 @@ -74018,7 +74331,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -74037,13 +74350,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 16252 + 16737 2457 94 64 - 16310 + 16795 2489 @@ -74074,13 +74387,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 16254 + 16739 2459 44 20 - 16284 + 16769 2469 @@ -74102,13 +74415,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 16254 + 16739 2479 44 20 - 16284 + 16769 2489 @@ -74148,13 +74461,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 16254 + 16739 2499 44 20 - 16284 + 16769 2509 @@ -74196,13 +74509,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 16322 + 16807 2459 22 60 - 16325 + 16810 2489 @@ -74215,7 +74528,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -74234,13 +74547,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 15993 + 16479 2561 198 20 - 15993.43 + 16479.75 2561.729 @@ -74260,7 +74573,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 86720a45-ee9e-49d6-b65e-494c06f66e59 Jump @@ -74293,7 +74606,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 86720a45-ee9e-49d6-b65e-494c06f66e59 Jump @@ -74311,13 +74624,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 16156 + 16641 2625 48 48 - 16180 + 16665 2649 @@ -74326,7 +74639,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 86720a45-ee9e-49d6-b65e-494c06f66e59 Jump @@ -74344,13 +74657,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 16130 + 16615 2628 48 48 - 16154 + 16639 2652 @@ -74359,7 +74672,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 86720a45-ee9e-49d6-b65e-494c06f66e59 Jump @@ -74377,13 +74690,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 11079 + 11131 1104 48 48 - 11103 + 11155 1128 @@ -74392,7 +74705,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 86720a45-ee9e-49d6-b65e-494c06f66e59 Jump @@ -74410,13 +74723,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 16190 + 16675 2627 48 48 - 16214 + 16699 2651 @@ -74425,7 +74738,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -74446,13 +74759,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 16295 + 16780 2598 40 16 - 16315 + 16800 2606 @@ -74461,7 +74774,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -74486,7 +74799,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -74507,13 +74820,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 16259 + 16744 2547 40 16 - 16279 + 16764 2555 @@ -74522,7 +74835,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 86720a45-ee9e-49d6-b65e-494c06f66e59 Jump @@ -74540,13 +74853,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 16226 + 16711 2626 48 48 - 16250 + 16735 2650 @@ -74555,7 +74868,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 86720a45-ee9e-49d6-b65e-494c06f66e59 Jump @@ -74573,13 +74886,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 22332 + 22817 1796 48 48 - 22356 + 22841 1820 @@ -74588,7 +74901,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -74607,13 +74920,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 16974 + 17460 1776 198 20 - 16974.64 + 17460.96 1776.822 @@ -74633,7 +74946,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 888f9c3c-f1e1-4344-94b0-5ee6a45aee11 Pipe Variable @@ -74651,13 +74964,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 17247 + 17732 1621 106 84 - 17316 + 17801 1663 @@ -74676,13 +74989,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 17249 + 17734 1623 55 20 - 17276.5 + 17761.5 1633 @@ -74704,13 +75017,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 17249 + 17734 1643 55 20 - 17276.5 + 17761.5 1653 @@ -74732,13 +75045,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 17249 + 17734 1663 55 20 - 17276.5 + 17761.5 1673 @@ -74758,13 +75071,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 17249 + 17734 1683 55 20 - 17276.5 + 17761.5 1693 @@ -74805,13 +75118,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 17328 + 17813 1623 23 80 - 17339.5 + 17824.5 1663 @@ -74822,7 +75135,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -74840,13 +75153,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 17038 + 17523 1535 164 64 - 17122 + 17607 1567 @@ -74866,13 +75179,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 17040 + 17525 1537 70 20 - 17083 + 17568 1547 @@ -74892,13 +75205,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 17040 + 17525 1557 70 20 - 17083 + 17568 1567 @@ -74943,13 +75256,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 17040 + 17525 1577 70 20 - 17083 + 17568 1587 @@ -74989,13 +75302,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 17134 + 17619 1537 66 20 - 17159 + 17644 1547 @@ -75015,13 +75328,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 17134 + 17619 1557 66 20 - 17159 + 17644 1567 @@ -75042,13 +75355,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 17134 + 17619 1577 66 20 - 17159 + 17644 1587 @@ -75059,7 +75372,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -75080,13 +75393,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 11847 + 12332 2956 40 16 - 11867 + 12352 2964 @@ -75095,7 +75408,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -75116,14 +75429,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 11791 - 2977 + 12262 + 2952 50 24 - 11816.84 - 2989.369 + 12287.95 + 2964.808 @@ -75131,7 +75444,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -75152,13 +75465,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 11735 + 12220 3003 40 16 - 11755 + 12240 3011 @@ -75167,7 +75480,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 86720a45-ee9e-49d6-b65e-494c06f66e59 Jump @@ -75185,13 +75498,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 11794 + 12279 2890 48 48 - 11818 + 12303 2914 @@ -75200,7 +75513,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 86720a45-ee9e-49d6-b65e-494c06f66e59 Jump @@ -75218,13 +75531,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 15729 + 16214 2695 48 48 - 15753 + 16238 2719 @@ -75233,7 +75546,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -75247,21 +75560,21 @@ See manual for supported attributes. Relay false - 90d7ad1c-657d-4410-a8d6-8e8b31ec2f25 + ac75f347-08a9-4594-b461-4a0a05abe48c 1 - 11175 - 1165 + 11742 + 1129 40 16 - 11195 - 1173 + 11762 + 1137 @@ -75269,7 +75582,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -75291,7 +75604,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 11873 + 12359 3093 160 100 @@ -75300,7 +75613,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. 0 0 - 11873.33 + 12359.65 3093.806 @@ -75322,7 +75635,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 22990b1f-9be6-477c-ad89-f775cd347105 Flip Curve @@ -75340,13 +75653,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19395 + 19880 2823 88 44 - 19439 + 19924 2845 @@ -75365,13 +75678,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19397 + 19882 2825 30 20 - 19412 + 19897 2835 @@ -75391,13 +75704,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19397 + 19882 2845 30 20 - 19412 + 19897 2855 @@ -75417,13 +75730,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19451 + 19936 2825 30 20 - 19466 + 19951 2835 @@ -75443,13 +75756,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19451 + 19936 2845 30 20 - 19466 + 19951 2855 @@ -75460,7 +75773,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c75b62fa-0a33-4da7-a5bd-03fd0068fd93 Length @@ -75478,13 +75791,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19456 + 19941 2895 92 28 - 19500 + 19985 2909 @@ -75503,13 +75816,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19458 + 19943 2897 30 24 - 19473 + 19958 2909 @@ -75529,13 +75842,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19512 + 19997 2897 34 24 - 19529 + 20014 2909 @@ -75546,7 +75859,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -75564,13 +75877,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19478 + 19963 2938 70 44 - 19503 + 19988 2960 @@ -75589,13 +75902,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19480 + 19965 2940 11 20 - 19485.5 + 19970.5 2950 @@ -75615,13 +75928,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19480 + 19965 2960 11 20 - 19485.5 + 19970.5 2970 @@ -75662,13 +75975,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19515 + 20000 2940 31 40 - 19530.5 + 20015.5 2960 @@ -75679,7 +75992,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -75697,13 +76010,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19511 + 19996 2993 70 44 - 19536 + 20021 3015 @@ -75722,13 +76035,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19513 + 19998 2995 11 20 - 19518.5 + 20003.5 3005 @@ -75748,13 +76061,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19513 + 19998 3015 11 20 - 19518.5 + 20003.5 3025 @@ -75795,13 +76108,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19548 + 20033 2995 31 40 - 19563.5 + 20048.5 3015 @@ -75812,7 +76125,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -75830,13 +76143,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19526 + 20011 3058 70 44 - 19551 + 20036 3080 @@ -75855,13 +76168,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19528 + 20013 3060 11 20 - 19533.5 + 20018.5 3070 @@ -75882,13 +76195,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19528 + 20013 3080 11 20 - 19533.5 + 20018.5 3090 @@ -75908,13 +76221,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19563 + 20048 3060 31 40 - 19578.5 + 20063.5 3080 @@ -75925,7 +76238,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -75946,13 +76259,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19321 + 19806 2851 40 16 - 19341 + 19826 2859 @@ -75961,7 +76274,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -75982,13 +76295,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19390 + 19875 3141 40 16 - 19410 + 19895 3149 @@ -75997,7 +76310,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + f80cfe18-9510-4b89-8301-8e58faf423bb Flatten Tree @@ -76015,13 +76328,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19468 + 19953 3208 76 44 - 19506 + 19991 3230 @@ -76041,13 +76354,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19470 + 19955 3210 24 20 - 19482 + 19967 3220 @@ -76067,13 +76380,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19470 + 19955 3230 24 20 - 19482 + 19967 3240 @@ -76114,13 +76427,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19518 + 20003 3210 24 40 - 19530 + 20015 3230 @@ -76131,7 +76444,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -76152,13 +76465,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 12425 + 12910 2098 40 16 - 12445 + 12930 2106 @@ -76167,7 +76480,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -76193,7 +76506,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + e2039b07-d3f3-40f8-af88-d74fed238727 Insert Items @@ -76211,13 +76524,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 12684 + 13169 2107 114 84 - 12749 + 13234 2149 @@ -76238,13 +76551,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 12686 + 13171 2109 51 20 - 12719.5 + 13204.5 2119 @@ -76267,13 +76580,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 12686 + 13171 2129 51 20 - 12719.5 + 13204.5 2139 @@ -76296,13 +76609,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 12686 + 13171 2149 51 20 - 12719.5 + 13204.5 2159 @@ -76347,13 +76660,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 12686 + 13171 2169 51 20 - 12719.5 + 13204.5 2179 @@ -76395,13 +76708,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 12761 + 13246 2109 35 80 - 12770.5 + 13255.5 2149 @@ -76412,7 +76725,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 22990b1f-9be6-477c-ad89-f775cd347105 Flip Curve @@ -76430,13 +76743,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 12738 + 13223 1971 88 44 - 12782 + 13267 1993 @@ -76455,13 +76768,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 12740 + 13225 1973 30 20 - 12755 + 13240 1983 @@ -76481,13 +76794,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 12740 + 13225 1993 30 20 - 12755 + 13240 2003 @@ -76507,13 +76820,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 12794 + 13279 1973 30 20 - 12809 + 13294 1983 @@ -76533,13 +76846,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 12794 + 13279 1993 30 20 - 12809 + 13294 2003 @@ -76550,7 +76863,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 11bbd48b-bb0a-4f1b-8167-fa297590390d End Points @@ -76568,13 +76881,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 12849 + 13334 1922 84 44 - 12893 + 13378 1944 @@ -76593,13 +76906,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 12851 + 13336 1924 30 40 - 12866 + 13351 1944 @@ -76619,13 +76932,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 12905 + 13390 1924 26 20 - 12918 + 13403 1934 @@ -76645,13 +76958,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 12905 + 13390 1944 26 20 - 12918 + 13403 1954 @@ -76662,7 +76975,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -76680,13 +76993,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13487 + 13972 1884 132 64 - 13555 + 14040 1916 @@ -76705,13 +77018,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13489 + 13974 1886 54 20 - 13516 + 14001 1896 @@ -76731,13 +77044,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13489 + 13974 1906 54 20 - 13516 + 14001 1916 @@ -76777,13 +77090,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13489 + 13974 1926 54 20 - 13516 + 14001 1936 @@ -76823,13 +77136,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13567 + 14052 1886 50 20 - 13592 + 14077 1896 @@ -76849,13 +77162,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13567 + 14052 1906 50 20 - 13592 + 14077 1916 @@ -76875,13 +77188,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13567 + 14052 1926 50 20 - 13592 + 14077 1936 @@ -76892,7 +77205,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + fbac3e32-f100-4292-8692-77240a42fd1a Point @@ -76913,13 +77226,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13274 + 13761 2076 50 24 - 13299.85 + 13786.17 2088.581 @@ -76928,7 +77241,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -76949,13 +77262,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 16370 + 16855 2788 40 16 - 16390 + 16875 2796 @@ -76964,7 +77277,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -76985,13 +77298,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 12387 + 12872 2180 40 16 - 12407 + 12892 2188 @@ -77000,7 +77313,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -77021,13 +77334,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 16270 + 16755 2780 40 16 - 16290 + 16775 2788 @@ -77036,7 +77349,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -77057,13 +77370,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 16270 + 16755 2846 40 16 - 16290 + 16775 2854 @@ -77072,7 +77385,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -77093,13 +77406,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 16272 + 16757 2878 40 16 - 16292 + 16777 2886 @@ -77108,7 +77421,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -77129,13 +77442,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 16174 + 16659 2878 40 16 - 16194 + 16679 2886 @@ -77144,7 +77457,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -77163,13 +77476,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19362 + 19849 2545 198 20 - 19362.96 + 19849.28 2545.831 @@ -77189,7 +77502,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -77210,13 +77523,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19592 + 20077 2626 40 16 - 19612 + 20097 2634 @@ -77225,7 +77538,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + de131812-96cf-4cef-b9ee-7c7031802751 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 @@ -77254,13 +77567,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19964 + 20449 2539 166 28 - 20059 + 20544 2553 @@ -77278,13 +77591,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19966 + 20451 2541 21 24 - 20036.5 + 20521.5 2553 @@ -77315,7 +77628,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + a9a8ebd2-fff5-4c44-a8f5-739736d129ba C# Script @@ -77354,13 +77667,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20086 + 20571 2718 101 164 - 20154 + 20639 2800 @@ -77399,13 +77712,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20088 + 20573 2720 54 20 - 20115 + 20600 2730 @@ -77429,13 +77742,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20088 + 20573 2740 54 20 - 20115 + 20600 2750 @@ -77459,13 +77772,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20088 + 20573 2760 54 20 - 20115 + 20600 2770 @@ -77490,13 +77803,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20088 + 20573 2780 54 20 - 20115 + 20600 2790 @@ -77520,13 +77833,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20088 + 20573 2800 54 20 - 20115 + 20600 2810 @@ -77551,13 +77864,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20088 + 20573 2820 54 20 - 20115 + 20600 2830 @@ -77582,13 +77895,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20088 + 20573 2840 54 20 - 20115 + 20600 2850 @@ -77613,13 +77926,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20088 + 20573 2860 54 20 - 20115 + 20600 2870 @@ -77640,13 +77953,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20166 + 20651 2720 19 80 - 20175.5 + 20660.5 2760 @@ -77666,13 +77979,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20166 + 20651 2800 19 80 - 20175.5 + 20660.5 2840 @@ -77685,7 +77998,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -77706,7 +78019,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19835 + 20321 3110 30 20 @@ -77715,7 +78028,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. 0 0 - 19835.17 + 20321.49 3110.043 @@ -77745,7 +78058,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -77765,13 +78078,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19820 + 20307 3034 50 24 - 19845.76 + 20332.08 3046.44 @@ -77804,7 +78117,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + fbac3e32-f100-4292-8692-77240a42fd1a Point @@ -77825,13 +78138,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19955 + 20441 2957 50 24 - 19980.48 + 20466.8 2969.126 @@ -77865,7 +78178,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -77884,13 +78197,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19796 + 20283 3190 158 20 - 19796.9 + 20283.22 3190.257 @@ -77910,7 +78223,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -77929,13 +78242,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19797 + 20284 3209 158 20 - 19797.69 + 20284.01 3209.898 @@ -77955,7 +78268,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -77974,13 +78287,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19792 + 20278 3169 158 20 - 19792.6 + 20278.92 3169.567 @@ -78000,7 +78313,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -78018,13 +78331,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20026 + 20511 2966 49 64 - 20051 + 20536 2998 @@ -78043,13 +78356,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20028 + 20513 2968 11 20 - 20033.5 + 20518.5 2978 @@ -78070,13 +78383,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20028 + 20513 2988 11 20 - 20033.5 + 20518.5 2998 @@ -78097,13 +78410,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20028 + 20513 3008 11 20 - 20033.5 + 20518.5 3018 @@ -78143,13 +78456,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20063 + 20548 2968 10 20 - 20068 + 20553 2978 @@ -78169,13 +78482,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20063 + 20548 2988 10 20 - 20068 + 20553 2998 @@ -78195,13 +78508,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20063 + 20548 3008 10 20 - 20068 + 20553 3018 @@ -78212,7 +78525,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -78233,7 +78546,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19899 + 20386 3020 30 20 @@ -78242,7 +78555,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. 0 0 - 19899.96 + 20386.28 3020.565 @@ -78272,7 +78585,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -78293,7 +78606,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19897 + 20383 3046 49 20 @@ -78302,7 +78615,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. 0 0 - 19897.07 + 20383.39 3046.397 @@ -78332,7 +78645,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -78351,13 +78664,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19742 + 20228 3137 198 20 - 19742.39 + 20228.71 3137.332 @@ -78377,7 +78690,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -78398,13 +78711,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19730 + 20215 2604 40 16 - 19750 + 20235 2612 @@ -78413,7 +78726,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -78434,13 +78747,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20216 + 20701 2674 40 16 - 20236 + 20721 2682 @@ -78449,7 +78762,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -78470,13 +78783,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19740 + 20225 2633 40 16 - 19760 + 20245 2641 @@ -78485,7 +78798,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -78506,13 +78819,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19776 + 20261 2664 40 16 - 19796 + 20281 2672 @@ -78521,7 +78834,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -78542,13 +78855,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19801 + 20286 2689 40 16 - 19821 + 20306 2697 @@ -78557,7 +78870,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -78578,13 +78891,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19793 + 20278 2715 40 16 - 19813 + 20298 2723 @@ -78593,7 +78906,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -78614,13 +78927,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19767 + 20254 2834 50 24 - 19792.84 + 20279.16 2846.391 @@ -78629,7 +78942,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -78647,13 +78960,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19663 + 20148 2882 132 64 - 19731 + 20216 2914 @@ -78672,13 +78985,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19665 + 20150 2884 54 20 - 19692 + 20177 2894 @@ -78698,13 +79011,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19665 + 20150 2904 54 20 - 19692 + 20177 2914 @@ -78744,13 +79057,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19665 + 20150 2924 54 20 - 19692 + 20177 2934 @@ -78790,13 +79103,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19743 + 20228 2884 50 20 - 19768 + 20253 2894 @@ -78816,13 +79129,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19743 + 20228 2904 50 20 - 19768 + 20253 2914 @@ -78842,13 +79155,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19743 + 20228 2924 50 20 - 19768 + 20253 2934 @@ -78859,7 +79172,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + d114323a-e6ee-4164-946b-e4ca0ce15efa Circle CNR @@ -78877,13 +79190,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19833 + 20318 2888 93 64 - 19883 + 20368 2920 @@ -78902,13 +79215,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19835 + 20320 2890 36 20 - 19853 + 20338 2900 @@ -78929,13 +79242,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19835 + 20320 2910 36 20 - 19853 + 20338 2920 @@ -78980,13 +79293,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19835 + 20320 2930 36 20 - 19853 + 20338 2940 @@ -79026,13 +79339,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19895 + 20380 2890 29 60 - 19909.5 + 20394.5 2920 @@ -79043,7 +79356,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -79065,7 +79378,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20520 + 21006 2924 143 100 @@ -79074,7 +79387,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. 0 0 - 20520.21 + 21006.53 2924.042 @@ -79096,7 +79409,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -79115,13 +79428,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19761 + 20247 3006 198 20 - 19761.53 + 20247.85 3006.475 @@ -79141,7 +79454,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -79159,13 +79472,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20024 + 20509 3049 49 64 - 20049 + 20534 3081 @@ -79184,13 +79497,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20026 + 20511 3051 11 20 - 20031.5 + 20516.5 3061 @@ -79211,13 +79524,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20026 + 20511 3071 11 20 - 20031.5 + 20516.5 3081 @@ -79238,13 +79551,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20026 + 20511 3091 11 20 - 20031.5 + 20516.5 3101 @@ -79284,13 +79597,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20061 + 20546 3051 10 20 - 20066 + 20551 3061 @@ -79310,13 +79623,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20061 + 20546 3071 10 20 - 20066 + 20551 3081 @@ -79336,13 +79649,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20061 + 20546 3091 10 20 - 20066 + 20551 3101 @@ -79353,7 +79666,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -79372,13 +79685,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19753 + 20239 3105 198 20 - 19753.5 + 20239.82 3105.376 @@ -79398,7 +79711,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 20ef81e8-df15-4a0c-acf1-993a7607cafb Brep | Curve @@ -79416,13 +79729,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20101 + 20586 2902 93 44 - 20145 + 20630 2924 @@ -79441,13 +79754,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20103 + 20588 2904 30 20 - 20118 + 20603 2914 @@ -79468,13 +79781,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20103 + 20588 2924 30 20 - 20118 + 20603 2934 @@ -79495,13 +79808,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20157 + 20642 2904 35 20 - 20174.5 + 20659.5 2914 @@ -79522,13 +79835,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20157 + 20642 2924 35 20 - 20174.5 + 20659.5 2934 @@ -79539,7 +79852,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -79558,13 +79871,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19883 + 20368 2800 94 64 - 19941 + 20426 2832 @@ -79595,13 +79908,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19885 + 20370 2802 44 20 - 19915 + 20400 2812 @@ -79623,13 +79936,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19885 + 20370 2822 44 20 - 19915 + 20400 2832 @@ -79669,13 +79982,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19885 + 20370 2842 44 20 - 19915 + 20400 2852 @@ -79717,13 +80030,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19953 + 20438 2802 22 60 - 19956 + 20441 2832 @@ -79736,7 +80049,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -79757,13 +80070,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19821 + 20306 2813 40 16 - 19841 + 20326 2821 @@ -79772,7 +80085,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 5909dbcb-4950-4ce4-9433-7cf9e62ee011 Blend Curve @@ -79790,13 +80103,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13904 + 14389 2073 106 104 - 13967 + 14452 2125 @@ -79815,13 +80128,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13906 + 14391 2075 49 20 - 13930.5 + 14415.5 2085 @@ -79842,13 +80155,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13906 + 14391 2095 49 20 - 13930.5 + 14415.5 2105 @@ -79869,13 +80182,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13906 + 14391 2115 49 20 - 13930.5 + 14415.5 2125 @@ -79916,13 +80229,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13906 + 14391 2135 49 20 - 13930.5 + 14415.5 2145 @@ -79962,13 +80275,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13906 + 14391 2155 49 20 - 13930.5 + 14415.5 2165 @@ -80008,13 +80321,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13979 + 14464 2075 29 100 - 13993.5 + 14478.5 2125 @@ -80025,7 +80338,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -80044,13 +80357,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13880 + 14367 2208 150 20 - 13880.89 + 14367.21 2208.686 @@ -80070,7 +80383,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -80101,7 +80414,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line @@ -80119,13 +80432,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19707 + 20192 2957 102 44 - 19773 + 20258 2979 @@ -80143,13 +80456,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19709 + 20194 2959 52 20 - 19735 + 20220 2969 @@ -80195,13 +80508,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19709 + 20194 2979 52 20 - 19735 + 20220 2989 @@ -80221,13 +80534,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19785 + 20270 2959 22 40 - 19796 + 20281 2979 @@ -80238,7 +80551,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 11bbd48b-bb0a-4f1b-8167-fa297590390d End Points @@ -80256,13 +80569,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19835 + 20320 2942 84 44 - 19879 + 20364 2964 @@ -80281,13 +80594,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19837 + 20322 2944 30 40 - 19852 + 20337 2964 @@ -80307,13 +80620,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19891 + 20376 2944 26 20 - 19904 + 20389 2954 @@ -80333,13 +80646,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19891 + 20376 2964 26 20 - 19904 + 20389 2974 @@ -80350,7 +80663,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 62cc9684-6a39-422e-aefa-ed44643557b9 Extend Curve @@ -80368,13 +80681,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19691 + 20176 3022 88 84 - 19735 + 20220 3064 @@ -80393,13 +80706,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19693 + 20178 3024 30 20 - 19708 + 20193 3034 @@ -80419,13 +80732,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19693 + 20178 3044 30 20 - 19708 + 20193 3054 @@ -80465,13 +80778,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19693 + 20178 3064 30 20 - 19708 + 20193 3074 @@ -80512,13 +80825,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19693 + 20178 3084 30 20 - 19708 + 20193 3094 @@ -80538,13 +80851,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19747 + 20232 3024 30 80 - 19762 + 20247 3064 @@ -80555,7 +80868,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -80576,13 +80889,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19636 + 20121 3125 40 16 - 19656 + 20141 3133 @@ -80591,7 +80904,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -80785,7 +81098,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + d114323a-e6ee-4164-946b-e4ca0ce15efa Circle CNR @@ -80803,13 +81116,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10676 + 10728 1634 93 64 - 10726 + 10778 1666 @@ -80828,13 +81141,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10678 + 10730 1636 36 20 - 10696 + 10748 1646 @@ -80855,13 +81168,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10678 + 10730 1656 36 20 - 10696 + 10748 1666 @@ -80906,13 +81219,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10678 + 10730 1676 36 20 - 10696 + 10748 1686 @@ -80952,13 +81265,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10738 + 10790 1636 29 60 - 10752.5 + 10804.5 1666 @@ -80969,7 +81282,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -80987,13 +81300,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10510 + 10562 1634 132 64 - 10578 + 10630 1666 @@ -81012,13 +81325,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10512 + 10564 1636 54 20 - 10539 + 10591 1646 @@ -81038,13 +81351,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10512 + 10564 1656 54 20 - 10539 + 10591 1666 @@ -81084,13 +81397,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10512 + 10564 1676 54 20 - 10539 + 10591 1686 @@ -81130,13 +81443,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10590 + 10642 1636 50 20 - 10615 + 10667 1646 @@ -81156,13 +81469,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10590 + 10642 1656 50 20 - 10615 + 10667 1666 @@ -81182,13 +81495,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10590 + 10642 1676 50 20 - 10615 + 10667 1686 @@ -81199,7 +81512,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -81218,13 +81531,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10545 + 10597 1697 78 64 - 10603 + 10655 1729 @@ -81255,13 +81568,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10547 + 10599 1699 44 20 - 10577 + 10629 1709 @@ -81281,13 +81594,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10547 + 10599 1719 44 20 - 10577 + 10629 1729 @@ -81327,13 +81640,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10547 + 10599 1739 44 20 - 10577 + 10629 1749 @@ -81374,13 +81687,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10615 + 10667 1699 6 60 - 10618 + 10670 1729 @@ -81393,7 +81706,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -81429,7 +81742,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + ea0f0996-af7a-481d-8099-09c041e6c2d5 Tangent Lines @@ -81447,13 +81760,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10804 + 10856 1644 107 44 - 10847 + 10899 1666 @@ -81471,13 +81784,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10806 + 10858 1646 29 20 - 10820.5 + 10872.5 1656 @@ -81523,13 +81836,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10806 + 10858 1666 29 20 - 10820.5 + 10872.5 1676 @@ -81549,13 +81862,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10859 + 10911 1646 50 20 - 10884 + 10936 1656 @@ -81575,13 +81888,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10859 + 10911 1666 50 20 - 10884 + 10936 1676 @@ -81592,7 +81905,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -81610,13 +81923,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10942 + 10994 1639 132 64 - 11010 + 11062 1671 @@ -81635,13 +81948,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10944 + 10996 1641 54 20 - 10971 + 11023 1651 @@ -81661,13 +81974,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10944 + 10996 1661 54 20 - 10971 + 11023 1671 @@ -81707,13 +82020,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10944 + 10996 1681 54 20 - 10971 + 11023 1691 @@ -81753,13 +82066,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 11022 + 11074 1641 50 20 - 11047 + 11099 1651 @@ -81779,13 +82092,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 11022 + 11074 1661 50 20 - 11047 + 11099 1671 @@ -81805,13 +82118,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 11022 + 11074 1681 50 20 - 11047 + 11099 1691 @@ -81822,7 +82135,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -81840,13 +82153,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10958 + 11010 1718 132 64 - 11026 + 11078 1750 @@ -81865,13 +82178,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10960 + 11012 1720 54 20 - 10987 + 11039 1730 @@ -81891,13 +82204,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10960 + 11012 1740 54 20 - 10987 + 11039 1750 @@ -81937,13 +82250,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 10960 + 11012 1760 54 20 - 10987 + 11039 1770 @@ -81983,13 +82296,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 11038 + 11090 1720 50 20 - 11063 + 11115 1730 @@ -82009,13 +82322,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 11038 + 11090 1740 50 20 - 11063 + 11115 1750 @@ -82035,13 +82348,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 11038 + 11090 1760 50 20 - 11063 + 11115 1770 @@ -82052,7 +82365,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b7798b74-037e-4f0c-8ac7-dc1043d093e0 Rotate @@ -82070,13 +82383,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 11120 + 11172 1718 126 64 - 11182 + 11234 1750 @@ -82095,13 +82408,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 11122 + 11174 1720 48 20 - 11146 + 11198 1730 @@ -82123,13 +82436,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 11122 + 11174 1740 48 20 - 11146 + 11198 1750 @@ -82170,13 +82483,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 11122 + 11174 1760 48 20 - 11146 + 11198 1770 @@ -82226,13 +82539,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 11194 + 11246 1720 50 30 - 11219 + 11271 1735 @@ -82252,13 +82565,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 11194 + 11246 1750 50 30 - 11219 + 11271 1765 @@ -82269,7 +82582,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b7798b74-037e-4f0c-8ac7-dc1043d093e0 Rotate @@ -82287,13 +82600,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 11102 + 11154 1644 126 64 - 11164 + 11216 1676 @@ -82312,13 +82625,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 11104 + 11156 1646 48 20 - 11128 + 11180 1656 @@ -82340,13 +82653,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 11104 + 11156 1666 48 20 - 11128 + 11180 1676 @@ -82387,13 +82700,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 11104 + 11156 1686 48 20 - 11128 + 11180 1696 @@ -82443,13 +82756,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 11176 + 11228 1646 50 30 - 11201 + 11253 1661 @@ -82469,13 +82782,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 11176 + 11228 1676 50 30 - 11201 + 11253 1691 @@ -82486,7 +82799,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -82519,7 +82832,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + fbac3e32-f100-4292-8692-77240a42fd1a Point @@ -82540,13 +82853,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20098 + 20584 2985 50 24 - 20123.24 + 20609.56 2997.651 @@ -82555,7 +82868,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + fbac3e32-f100-4292-8692-77240a42fd1a Point @@ -82576,13 +82889,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20103 + 20589 3039 50 24 - 20128.1 + 20614.42 3051.708 @@ -82591,7 +82904,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -82619,7 +82932,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -82638,13 +82951,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20175 + 20660 2975 94 64 - 20233 + 20718 3007 @@ -82675,13 +82988,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20177 + 20662 2977 44 20 - 20207 + 20692 2987 @@ -82703,13 +83016,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20177 + 20662 2997 44 20 - 20207 + 20692 3007 @@ -82749,13 +83062,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20177 + 20662 3017 44 20 - 20207 + 20692 3027 @@ -82797,13 +83110,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20245 + 20730 2977 22 60 - 20248 + 20733 3007 @@ -82816,7 +83129,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -82835,13 +83148,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20169 + 20654 3049 94 64 - 20227 + 20712 3081 @@ -82872,13 +83185,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20171 + 20656 3051 44 20 - 20201 + 20686 3061 @@ -82900,13 +83213,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20171 + 20656 3071 44 20 - 20201 + 20686 3081 @@ -82946,13 +83259,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20171 + 20656 3091 44 20 - 20201 + 20686 3101 @@ -82994,13 +83307,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20239 + 20724 3051 22 60 - 20242 + 20727 3081 @@ -83013,7 +83326,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 4d2a06bd-4b0f-4c65-9ee0-4220e4c01703 Scale @@ -83031,13 +83344,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20313 + 20798 2937 126 64 - 20375 + 20860 2969 @@ -83056,13 +83369,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20315 + 20800 2939 48 20 - 20339 + 20824 2949 @@ -83082,13 +83395,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20315 + 20800 2959 48 20 - 20339 + 20824 2969 @@ -83134,13 +83447,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20315 + 20800 2979 48 20 - 20339 + 20824 2989 @@ -83180,13 +83493,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20387 + 20872 2939 50 30 - 20412 + 20897 2954 @@ -83206,13 +83519,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20387 + 20872 2969 50 30 - 20412 + 20897 2984 @@ -83223,7 +83536,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 4d2a06bd-4b0f-4c65-9ee0-4220e4c01703 Scale @@ -83241,13 +83554,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20301 + 20786 3042 126 64 - 20363 + 20848 3074 @@ -83266,13 +83579,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20303 + 20788 3044 48 20 - 20327 + 20812 3054 @@ -83292,13 +83605,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20303 + 20788 3064 48 20 - 20327 + 20812 3074 @@ -83344,13 +83657,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20303 + 20788 3084 48 20 - 20327 + 20812 3094 @@ -83390,13 +83703,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20375 + 20860 3044 50 30 - 20400 + 20885 3059 @@ -83416,13 +83729,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20375 + 20860 3074 50 30 - 20400 + 20885 3089 @@ -83433,7 +83746,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -83454,13 +83767,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 14592 + 15077 2251 40 16 - 14612 + 15097 2259 @@ -83469,7 +83782,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -83499,7 +83812,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 Data @@ -115893,7 +116206,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 Data @@ -121236,7 +121549,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line @@ -121254,13 +121567,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13263 + 13748 2226 40 44 - 13283 + 13768 2248 @@ -121279,13 +121592,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13265 + 13750 2228 6 20 - 13268 + 13753 2238 @@ -121306,13 +121619,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13265 + 13750 2248 6 20 - 13268 + 13753 2258 @@ -121332,13 +121645,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13295 + 13780 2228 6 40 - 13298 + 13783 2248 @@ -121349,7 +121662,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line @@ -121367,13 +121680,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13505 + 13990 2220 40 44 - 13525 + 14010 2242 @@ -121391,13 +121704,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13507 + 13992 2222 6 20 - 13510 + 13995 2232 @@ -121443,13 +121756,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13507 + 13992 2242 6 20 - 13510 + 13995 2252 @@ -121469,13 +121782,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13537 + 14022 2222 6 40 - 13540 + 14025 2242 @@ -121486,7 +121799,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 62cc9684-6a39-422e-aefa-ed44643557b9 Extend Curve @@ -121504,13 +121817,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13704 + 14189 2289 104 84 - 13764 + 14249 2331 @@ -121530,13 +121843,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13706 + 14191 2291 46 20 - 13737 + 14222 2301 @@ -121556,13 +121869,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13706 + 14191 2311 46 20 - 13737 + 14222 2321 @@ -121602,13 +121915,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13706 + 14191 2331 46 20 - 13737 + 14222 2341 @@ -121650,13 +121963,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13706 + 14191 2351 46 20 - 13737 + 14222 2361 @@ -121696,13 +122009,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13776 + 14261 2291 30 80 - 13791 + 14276 2331 @@ -121713,7 +122026,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -121749,7 +122062,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -121771,7 +122084,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13416 + 13902 2312 160 100 @@ -121780,7 +122093,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. 0 0 - 13416.32 + 13902.64 2312.137 @@ -121802,7 +122115,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -121820,13 +122133,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13829 + 14314 2319 132 64 - 13897 + 14382 2351 @@ -121845,13 +122158,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13831 + 14316 2321 54 20 - 13858 + 14343 2331 @@ -121871,13 +122184,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13831 + 14316 2341 54 20 - 13858 + 14343 2351 @@ -121917,13 +122230,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13831 + 14316 2361 54 20 - 13858 + 14343 2371 @@ -121963,13 +122276,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13909 + 14394 2321 50 20 - 13934 + 14419 2331 @@ -121989,13 +122302,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13909 + 14394 2341 50 20 - 13934 + 14419 2351 @@ -122015,13 +122328,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13909 + 14394 2361 50 20 - 13934 + 14419 2371 @@ -122032,7 +122345,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -122053,13 +122366,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13405 + 13890 2023 40 16 - 13425 + 13910 2031 @@ -122068,7 +122381,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -122089,13 +122402,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13409 + 13894 2072 40 16 - 13429 + 13914 2080 @@ -122104,7 +122417,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 14cf43b6-5eb9-460f-899c-bdece732213a Blend Curve Pt @@ -122122,13 +122435,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13999 + 14484 2315 122 84 - 14078 + 14563 2357 @@ -122148,13 +122461,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 14001 + 14486 2317 65 20 - 14041.5 + 14526.5 2327 @@ -122176,13 +122489,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 14001 + 14486 2337 65 20 - 14041.5 + 14526.5 2347 @@ -122204,13 +122517,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 14001 + 14486 2357 65 20 - 14041.5 + 14526.5 2367 @@ -122230,13 +122543,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 14001 + 14486 2377 65 20 - 14041.5 + 14526.5 2387 @@ -122276,13 +122589,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 14090 + 14575 2317 29 80 - 14104.5 + 14589.5 2357 @@ -122293,7 +122606,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -122324,7 +122637,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -122356,7 +122669,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -122382,7 +122695,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -122410,13 +122723,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20710 + 21196 1827 250 20 - 20710.42 + 21196.74 1827.352 @@ -122425,7 +122738,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -122444,13 +122757,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20978 + 21463 1813 62 64 - 21020 + 21505 1845 @@ -122480,13 +122793,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20980 + 21465 1815 28 20 - 20994 + 21479 1825 @@ -122507,13 +122820,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20980 + 21465 1835 28 20 - 20994 + 21479 1845 @@ -122553,13 +122866,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20980 + 21465 1855 28 20 - 20994 + 21479 1865 @@ -122600,13 +122913,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 21032 + 21517 1815 6 60 - 21035 + 21520 1845 @@ -122619,7 +122932,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 8073a420-6bec-49e3-9b18-367f6fd76ac3 Join Curves @@ -122637,13 +122950,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20822 + 21307 2200 106 44 - 20879 + 21364 2222 @@ -122663,13 +122976,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20824 + 21309 2202 43 20 - 20845.5 + 21330.5 2212 @@ -122689,13 +123002,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20824 + 21309 2222 43 20 - 20845.5 + 21330.5 2232 @@ -122736,13 +123049,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20891 + 21376 2202 35 40 - 20908.5 + 21393.5 2222 @@ -122753,7 +123066,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 7376fe41-74ec-497e-b367-1ffe5072608b Curvature Graph @@ -122771,13 +123084,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 21111 + 21596 1759 65 64 - 21162 + 21647 1791 @@ -122797,13 +123110,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 21113 + 21598 1761 37 20 - 21131.5 + 21616.5 1771 @@ -122824,13 +123137,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 21113 + 21598 1781 37 20 - 21131.5 + 21616.5 1791 @@ -122871,13 +123184,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 21113 + 21598 1801 37 20 - 21131.5 + 21616.5 1811 @@ -122908,7 +123221,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -122936,13 +123249,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20714 + 21200 1786 250 20 - 20714.27 + 21200.59 1786.799 @@ -122951,7 +123264,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -122970,13 +123283,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20802 + 21288 1751 198 20 - 20802.38 + 21288.7 1751.943 @@ -122996,7 +123309,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + ce46b74e-00c9-43c4-805a-193b69ea4a11 Multiplication @@ -123014,13 +123327,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13606 + 14091 2398 70 44 - 13631 + 14116 2420 @@ -123048,13 +123361,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13608 + 14093 2400 11 20 - 13613.5 + 14098.5 2410 @@ -123075,13 +123388,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13608 + 14093 2420 11 20 - 13613.5 + 14098.5 2430 @@ -123122,13 +123435,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13643 + 14128 2400 31 40 - 13658.5 + 14143.5 2420 @@ -123141,7 +123454,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + fbac3e32-f100-4292-8692-77240a42fd1a Point @@ -123161,13 +123474,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13701 + 14187 2475 50 24 - 13726.08 + 14212.4 2487.965 @@ -123481,7 +123794,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -123499,13 +123812,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13679 + 14164 2506 132 64 - 13747 + 14232 2538 @@ -123524,13 +123837,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13681 + 14166 2508 54 20 - 13708 + 14193 2518 @@ -123550,13 +123863,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13681 + 14166 2528 54 20 - 13708 + 14193 2538 @@ -123596,13 +123909,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13681 + 14166 2548 54 20 - 13708 + 14193 2558 @@ -123642,13 +123955,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13759 + 14244 2508 50 20 - 13784 + 14269 2518 @@ -123668,13 +123981,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13759 + 14244 2528 50 20 - 13784 + 14269 2538 @@ -123694,13 +124007,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13759 + 14244 2548 50 20 - 13784 + 14269 2558 @@ -123711,7 +124024,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line @@ -123729,13 +124042,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13665 + 14150 2647 102 44 - 13731 + 14216 2669 @@ -123754,13 +124067,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13667 + 14152 2649 52 20 - 13693 + 14178 2659 @@ -123781,13 +124094,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13667 + 14152 2669 52 20 - 13693 + 14178 2679 @@ -123807,13 +124120,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13743 + 14228 2649 22 40 - 13754 + 14239 2669 @@ -123824,7 +124137,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c75b62fa-0a33-4da7-a5bd-03fd0068fd93 Length @@ -123842,13 +124155,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13859 + 14344 2585 92 28 - 13903 + 14388 2599 @@ -123867,13 +124180,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13861 + 14346 2587 30 24 - 13876 + 14361 2599 @@ -123893,13 +124206,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13915 + 14400 2587 34 24 - 13932 + 14417 2599 @@ -123910,7 +124223,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -123932,7 +124245,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13980 + 14466 2610 163 73 @@ -123941,7 +124254,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. 0 0 - 13980.44 + 14466.76 2610.566 @@ -123963,7 +124276,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 Data @@ -123983,13 +124296,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13913 + 14400 2653 50 24 - 13938.85 + 14425.17 2665.475 @@ -124187,7 +124500,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -124209,7 +124522,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13979 + 14465 2528 163 73 @@ -124218,7 +124531,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. 0 0 - 13979.5 + 14465.82 2528.869 @@ -124240,7 +124553,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -124260,13 +124573,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13642 + 14129 2593 50 24 - 13667.72 + 14154.04 2605.9 @@ -124551,7 +124864,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b464fccb-50e7-41bd-9789-8438db9bea9f Angle @@ -124569,13 +124882,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13791 + 14276 2616 103 64 - 13849 + 14334 2648 @@ -124594,13 +124907,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13793 + 14278 2618 44 20 - 13815 + 14300 2628 @@ -124621,13 +124934,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13793 + 14278 2638 44 20 - 13815 + 14300 2648 @@ -124647,13 +124960,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13793 + 14278 2658 44 20 - 13815 + 14300 2668 @@ -124673,13 +124986,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13861 + 14346 2618 31 30 - 13876.5 + 14361.5 2633 @@ -124699,13 +125012,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13861 + 14346 2648 31 30 - 13876.5 + 14361.5 2663 @@ -124716,7 +125029,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -124738,7 +125051,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13478 + 13964 2615 163 73 @@ -124747,7 +125060,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. 0 0 - 13478.59 + 13964.91 2615.702 @@ -124769,7 +125082,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -124797,13 +125110,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13366 + 13852 2537 250 20 - 13366.43 + 13852.75 2537.541 @@ -124812,7 +125125,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -124833,7 +125146,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13456 + 13943 2566 163 20 @@ -124842,7 +125155,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. 0 0 - 13456.97 + 13943.29 2566.016 @@ -124864,7 +125177,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -124899,7 +125212,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line @@ -124917,13 +125230,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 12897 + 13382 2264 40 44 - 12917 + 13402 2286 @@ -124941,13 +125254,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 12899 + 13384 2266 6 20 - 12902 + 13387 2276 @@ -124993,13 +125306,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 12899 + 13384 2286 6 20 - 12902 + 13387 2296 @@ -125019,13 +125332,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 12929 + 13414 2266 6 40 - 12932 + 13417 2286 @@ -125036,7 +125349,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 904e4b56-484a-4814-b35f-aa4baf362117 Brep | Brep @@ -125054,13 +125367,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 12756 + 13241 2315 99 44 - 12806 + 13291 2337 @@ -125079,13 +125392,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 12758 + 13243 2317 36 20 - 12776 + 13261 2327 @@ -125106,13 +125419,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 12758 + 13243 2337 36 20 - 12776 + 13261 2347 @@ -125133,13 +125446,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 12818 + 13303 2317 35 20 - 12835.5 + 13320.5 2327 @@ -125160,13 +125473,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 12818 + 13303 2337 35 20 - 12835.5 + 13320.5 2347 @@ -125177,7 +125490,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -125202,7 +125515,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -125220,13 +125533,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13328 + 13813 2218 132 64 - 13396 + 13881 2250 @@ -125245,13 +125558,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13330 + 13815 2220 54 20 - 13357 + 13842 2230 @@ -125271,13 +125584,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13330 + 13815 2240 54 20 - 13357 + 13842 2250 @@ -125317,13 +125630,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13330 + 13815 2260 54 20 - 13357 + 13842 2270 @@ -125363,13 +125676,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13408 + 13893 2220 50 20 - 13433 + 13918 2230 @@ -125389,13 +125702,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13408 + 13893 2240 50 20 - 13433 + 13918 2250 @@ -125415,13 +125728,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13408 + 13893 2260 50 20 - 13433 + 13918 2270 @@ -125432,7 +125745,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + d114323a-e6ee-4164-946b-e4ca0ce15efa Circle CNR @@ -125450,13 +125763,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 12772 + 13257 2450 109 64 - 12838 + 13323 2482 @@ -125476,13 +125789,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 12774 + 13259 2452 52 20 - 12808 + 13293 2462 @@ -125504,13 +125817,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 12774 + 13259 2472 52 20 - 12808 + 13293 2482 @@ -125556,13 +125869,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 12774 + 13259 2492 52 20 - 12808 + 13293 2502 @@ -125602,13 +125915,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 12850 + 13335 2452 29 60 - 12864.5 + 13349.5 2482 @@ -125619,7 +125932,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + ea0f0996-af7a-481d-8099-09c041e6c2d5 Tangent Lines @@ -125637,13 +125950,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 12935 + 13420 2391 107 44 - 12978 + 13463 2413 @@ -125661,13 +125974,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 12937 + 13422 2393 29 20 - 12951.5 + 13436.5 2403 @@ -125713,13 +126026,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 12937 + 13422 2413 29 20 - 12951.5 + 13436.5 2423 @@ -125739,13 +126052,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 12990 + 13475 2393 50 20 - 13015 + 13500 2403 @@ -125765,13 +126078,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 12990 + 13475 2413 50 20 - 13015 + 13500 2423 @@ -125782,7 +126095,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -125800,13 +126113,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 12847 + 13332 2553 164 64 - 12931 + 13416 2585 @@ -125826,13 +126139,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 12849 + 13334 2555 70 20 - 12892 + 13377 2565 @@ -125852,13 +126165,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 12849 + 13334 2575 70 20 - 12892 + 13377 2585 @@ -125898,13 +126211,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 12849 + 13334 2595 70 20 - 12892 + 13377 2605 @@ -125945,13 +126258,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 12943 + 13428 2555 66 20 - 12968 + 13453 2565 @@ -125971,13 +126284,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 12943 + 13428 2575 66 20 - 12968 + 13453 2585 @@ -125997,13 +126310,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 12943 + 13428 2595 66 20 - 12968 + 13453 2605 @@ -126014,7 +126327,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line @@ -126032,13 +126345,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13043 + 13528 2475 102 44 - 13109 + 13594 2497 @@ -126057,13 +126370,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13045 + 13530 2477 52 20 - 13071 + 13556 2487 @@ -126084,13 +126397,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13045 + 13530 2497 52 20 - 13071 + 13556 2507 @@ -126110,13 +126423,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13121 + 13606 2477 22 40 - 13132 + 13617 2497 @@ -126127,7 +126440,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -126152,7 +126465,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + cdee962f-4202-456b-a1b4-f3ed9aa0dc29 Revolution @@ -126170,13 +126483,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 12984 + 13469 2286 104 64 - 13036 + 13521 2318 @@ -126195,13 +126508,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 12986 + 13471 2288 38 20 - 13005 + 13490 2298 @@ -126222,13 +126535,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 12986 + 13471 2308 38 20 - 13005 + 13490 2318 @@ -126248,13 +126561,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 12986 + 13471 2328 38 20 - 13005 + 13490 2338 @@ -126297,13 +126610,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13048 + 13533 2288 38 60 - 13067 + 13552 2318 @@ -126314,7 +126627,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 934ede4a-924a-4973-bb05-0dc4b36fae75 Vector 2Pt @@ -126332,13 +126645,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13218 + 13703 2440 116 64 - 13270 + 13755 2472 @@ -126357,13 +126670,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13220 + 13705 2442 38 20 - 13239 + 13724 2452 @@ -126384,13 +126697,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13220 + 13705 2462 38 20 - 13239 + 13724 2472 @@ -126410,13 +126723,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13220 + 13705 2482 38 20 - 13239 + 13724 2492 @@ -126457,13 +126770,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13282 + 13767 2442 50 30 - 13299 + 13784 2457 @@ -126483,13 +126796,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13282 + 13767 2472 50 30 - 13299 + 13784 2487 @@ -126500,7 +126813,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 4d2a06bd-4b0f-4c65-9ee0-4220e4c01703 Scale @@ -126518,13 +126831,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13963 + 14448 2442 142 64 - 14025 + 14510 2474 @@ -126543,13 +126856,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13965 + 14450 2444 48 20 - 13989 + 14474 2454 @@ -126569,13 +126882,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13965 + 14450 2464 48 20 - 13989 + 14474 2474 @@ -126621,13 +126934,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13965 + 14450 2484 48 20 - 13989 + 14474 2494 @@ -126668,13 +126981,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 14037 + 14522 2444 66 30 - 14062 + 14547 2459 @@ -126694,13 +127007,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 14037 + 14522 2474 66 30 - 14062 + 14547 2489 @@ -126711,7 +127024,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -126733,7 +127046,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13256 + 13742 2513 160 100 @@ -126742,7 +127055,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. 0 0 - 13256.27 + 13742.59 2513.72 @@ -126764,7 +127077,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -126785,13 +127098,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 13267 + 13752 2559 40 16 - 13287 + 13772 2567 @@ -126800,7 +127113,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 797d922f-3a1d-46fe-9155-358b009b5997 One Over X @@ -126818,13 +127131,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 12931 + 13416 2657 88 28 - 12974 + 13459 2671 @@ -126843,13 +127156,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 12933 + 13418 2659 29 24 - 12947.5 + 13432.5 2671 @@ -126869,13 +127182,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 12986 + 13471 2659 31 24 - 13001.5 + 13486.5 2671 @@ -126886,7 +127199,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -126912,7 +127225,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 6b5812f5-bb36-4d74-97fc-5a1f2f77452d Pull Curve @@ -126930,13 +127243,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 14327 + 14812 2324 128 44 - 14395 + 14880 2346 @@ -126956,13 +127269,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 14329 + 14814 2326 54 20 - 14364 + 14849 2336 @@ -126984,13 +127297,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 14329 + 14814 2346 54 20 - 14364 + 14849 2356 @@ -127011,13 +127324,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 14407 + 14892 2326 46 40 - 14422 + 14907 2346 @@ -127028,7 +127341,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -127049,13 +127362,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 14234 + 14721 2271 50 24 - 14259.96 + 14746.28 2283.907 @@ -127064,7 +127377,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + eeafc956-268e-461d-8e73-ee05c6f72c01 Stream Filter @@ -127082,13 +127395,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 14472 + 14957 2219 61 64 - 14495 + 14980 2251 @@ -127117,13 +127430,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 14474 + 14959 2221 9 20 - 14478.5 + 14963.5 2231 @@ -127166,13 +127479,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 14474 + 14959 2241 9 20 - 14478.5 + 14963.5 2251 @@ -127195,13 +127508,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 14474 + 14959 2261 9 20 - 14478.5 + 14963.5 2271 @@ -127223,13 +127536,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 14507 + 14992 2221 24 60 - 14519 + 15004 2251 @@ -127242,7 +127555,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -127261,13 +127574,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 14433 + 14919 2201 150 20 - 14433.66 + 14919.98 2201.819 @@ -127287,7 +127600,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -127313,7 +127626,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -127339,7 +127652,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + eeafc956-268e-461d-8e73-ee05c6f72c01 Stream Filter @@ -127357,13 +127670,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 14085 + 14570 2192 61 84 - 14108 + 14593 2234 @@ -127393,13 +127706,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 14087 + 14572 2194 9 20 - 14091.5 + 14576.5 2204 @@ -127442,13 +127755,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 14087 + 14572 2214 9 20 - 14091.5 + 14576.5 2224 @@ -127471,13 +127784,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 14087 + 14572 2234 9 20 - 14091.5 + 14576.5 2244 @@ -127500,13 +127813,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 14087 + 14572 2254 9 20 - 14091.5 + 14576.5 2264 @@ -127528,13 +127841,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 14120 + 14605 2194 24 80 - 14132 + 14617 2234 @@ -127547,7 +127860,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -127566,13 +127879,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 14074 + 14560 2179 150 20 - 14074.46 + 14560.78 2179.823 @@ -127592,7 +127905,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -127618,7 +127931,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -127640,7 +127953,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 19826 + 20312 2382 160 100 @@ -127649,7 +127962,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. 0 0 - 19826.17 + 20312.49 2382.406 @@ -127671,7 +127984,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -127692,13 +128005,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20322 + 20808 2154 50 24 - 20347.31 + 20833.63 2166.797 @@ -127707,7 +128020,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -127728,13 +128041,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20232 + 20717 2770 40 16 - 20252 + 20737 2778 @@ -127743,7 +128056,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror @@ -127761,13 +128074,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20280 + 20765 1933 126 44 - 20342 + 20827 1955 @@ -127786,13 +128099,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20282 + 20767 1935 48 20 - 20306 + 20791 1945 @@ -127813,13 +128126,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20282 + 20767 1955 48 20 - 20306 + 20791 1965 @@ -127869,13 +128182,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20354 + 20839 1935 50 20 - 20379 + 20864 1945 @@ -127895,13 +128208,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20354 + 20839 1955 50 20 - 20379 + 20864 1965 @@ -127912,7 +128225,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -127936,13 +128249,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20688 + 21175 2133 50 24 - 20721.78 + 21208.1 2145.475 @@ -127951,7 +128264,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 269eaa85-9997-4d77-a9ba-4c58cb45c9d3 Discontinuity @@ -127969,13 +128282,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 21145 + 21630 1997 113 44 - 21189 + 21674 2019 @@ -127994,13 +128307,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 21147 + 21632 1999 30 20 - 21162 + 21647 2009 @@ -128020,13 +128333,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 21147 + 21632 2019 30 20 - 21162 + 21647 2029 @@ -128067,13 +128380,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 21201 + 21686 1999 55 20 - 21228.5 + 21713.5 2009 @@ -128094,13 +128407,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 21201 + 21686 2019 55 20 - 21228.5 + 21713.5 2029 @@ -128111,7 +128424,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + d6d9b934-83b2-452d-ab0c-87fc73a03ac5 ab81fea9-8d16-4caf-af89-2736c660f36d @@ -128130,13 +128443,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 21310 + 21795 1983 161 64 - 21374 + 21859 2015 @@ -128154,13 +128467,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 21312 + 21797 1985 50 20 - 21337 + 21822 1995 @@ -128180,13 +128493,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 21312 + 21797 2005 50 20 - 21337 + 21822 2015 @@ -128226,13 +128539,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 21312 + 21797 2025 50 20 - 21337 + 21822 2035 @@ -128272,13 +128585,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 21386 + 21871 1985 83 60 - 21427.5 + 21912.5 2015 @@ -128289,7 +128602,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -128318,7 +128631,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 31de0644-5f01-4706-ab19-dc148215029c 1c9de8a1-315f-4c56-af06-8f69fee80a7a @@ -128338,13 +128651,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20984 + 21469 1602 154 84 - 21053 + 21538 1644 @@ -128364,13 +128677,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20986 + 21471 1604 55 20 - 21013.5 + 21498.5 1614 @@ -128392,13 +128705,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20986 + 21471 1624 55 20 - 21013.5 + 21498.5 1634 @@ -128442,13 +128755,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20986 + 21471 1644 55 20 - 21013.5 + 21498.5 1654 @@ -128489,13 +128802,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20986 + 21471 1664 55 20 - 21013.5 + 21498.5 1674 @@ -128536,13 +128849,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 21065 + 21550 1604 71 40 - 21100.5 + 21585.5 1624 @@ -128563,13 +128876,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 21065 + 21550 1644 71 40 - 21100.5 + 21585.5 1664 @@ -128580,7 +128893,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -128599,13 +128912,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20904 + 21391 1905 198 20 - 20904.87 + 21391.19 1905.619 @@ -128625,7 +128938,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -128638,7 +128951,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. Panel false - 0.31939366459846497 + 0.52523472905159 0d6c0903-4d43-4554-a7b9-9309756bfe14 1 Double click to edit panel content… @@ -128647,7 +128960,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 21661 + 22147 1796 109 100 @@ -128656,7 +128969,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. 0 0 - 21661.44 + 22147.76 1796.846 @@ -128678,7 +128991,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -128699,13 +129012,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 11521 + 12006 2440 40 16 - 11541 + 12026 2448 @@ -128714,7 +129027,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -128736,7 +129049,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 11631 + 12117 2288 160 100 @@ -128745,7 +129058,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. 0 0 - 11631.23 + 12117.55 2288.755 @@ -128767,7 +129080,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -128789,7 +129102,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 22814 + 23300 2058 165 91 @@ -128798,7 +129111,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. 0 0 - 22814.4 + 23300.72 2058.155 @@ -128820,7 +129133,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -128841,13 +129154,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 21986 + 22471 613 40 16 - 22006 + 22491 621 @@ -128856,151 +129169,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - - - a0d62394-a118-422d-abb3-6af115c75b25 - Addition - - - - - Mathematical addition - true - 84be7528-4260-4815-a036-80bdd0ee2418 - Addition - Addition - - - - - - 21956 - 524 - 70 - 44 - - - 21981 - 546 - - - - - - 2 - 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 - 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 - 1 - 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 - - - - - First item for addition - 10bce3e1-0caa-4aa4-90f0-31bbd294c074 - A - A - true - 5f76c61f-cc4d-4e52-8bef-68ed79d8d872 - 1 - - - - - - 21958 - 526 - 11 - 20 - - - 21963.5 - 536 - - - - - - - - Second item for addition - 87093772-6251-4a88-b835-09037729aa4d - B - B - true - 0 - - - - - - 21958 - 546 - 11 - 20 - - - 21963.5 - 556 - - - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 - {0} - - - - - Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Integer - -27 - - - - - - - - - - - Result of addition - e487d0c0-56a8-4791-9a6e-2c25bd8ef8e1 - Result - Result - false - 0 - - - - - - 21993 - 526 - 31 - 40 - - - 22008.5 - 546 - - - - - - - - - - - - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -129021,13 +129190,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 21530 + 22015 1627 40 16 - 21550 + 22035 1635 @@ -129036,7 +129205,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -129057,13 +129226,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 21526 + 22011 1582 40 16 - 21546 + 22031 1590 @@ -129072,7 +129241,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -129091,14 +129260,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 21708 - 1557 + 22197 + 1560 114 64 - 21786 - 1589 + 22275 + 1592 @@ -129129,14 +129298,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 21710 - 1559 + 22199 + 1562 64 20 - 21760 - 1569 + 22249 + 1572 @@ -129157,14 +129326,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 21710 - 1579 + 22199 + 1582 64 20 - 21760 - 1589 + 22249 + 1592 @@ -129203,14 +129372,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 21710 - 1599 + 22199 + 1602 64 20 - 21760 - 1609 + 22249 + 1612 @@ -129251,14 +129420,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 21798 - 1559 + 22287 + 1562 22 60 - 21801 - 1589 + 22290 + 1592 @@ -129270,7 +129439,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -129290,13 +129459,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 21730 + 22215 1632 40 16 - 21750 + 22235 1640 @@ -129305,7 +129474,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -129358,7 +129527,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -129384,7 +129553,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -129410,7 +129579,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -129436,7 +129605,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -129462,7 +129631,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -129487,7 +129656,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -129509,19 +129678,19 @@ See manual for supported attributes. Digit Scroller 11 - 344.0 + 327.0 - 21407 + 21893 1666 250 20 - 21407.47 + 21893.79 1666.233 @@ -129530,7 +129699,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -129558,13 +129727,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 21468 + 21955 1290 250 20 - 21468.98 + 21955.3 1290.038 @@ -129573,7 +129742,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -129587,21 +129756,21 @@ See manual for supported attributes. Relay false - 09cfae50-8dbb-476f-9c93-e6ed93638de2 + bca8eb88-5c01-46f9-99c3-c26607efca77 1 - 21777 - 1232 + 22258 + 1208 40 16 - 21797 - 1240 + 22278 + 1216 @@ -129609,7 +129778,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -129637,13 +129806,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 21470 + 21957 1336 250 20 - 21470.89 + 21957.21 1336.779 @@ -129652,7 +129821,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -129670,13 +129839,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 22161 + 22646 1837 70 44 - 22186 + 22671 1859 @@ -129695,13 +129864,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 22163 + 22648 1839 11 20 - 22168.5 + 22653.5 1849 @@ -129721,13 +129890,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 22163 + 22648 1859 11 20 - 22168.5 + 22653.5 1869 @@ -129768,13 +129937,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 22198 + 22683 1839 31 40 - 22213.5 + 22698.5 1859 @@ -129785,7 +129954,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -129803,13 +129972,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 22140 + 22625 2237 70 44 - 22165 + 22650 2259 @@ -129828,13 +129997,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 22142 + 22627 2239 11 20 - 22147.5 + 22632.5 2249 @@ -129854,13 +130023,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 22142 + 22627 2259 11 20 - 22147.5 + 22632.5 2269 @@ -129901,13 +130070,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 22177 + 22662 2239 31 40 - 22192.5 + 22677.5 2259 @@ -129918,7 +130087,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -129939,13 +130108,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 22062 + 22547 2265 40 16 - 22082 + 22567 2273 @@ -129954,7 +130123,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -129980,7 +130149,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 8d372bdc-9800-45e9-8a26-6e33c5253e21 Deconstruct Brep @@ -129998,13 +130167,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 22421 + 22906 2247 93 64 - 22460 + 22945 2279 @@ -130023,13 +130192,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 22423 + 22908 2249 25 60 - 22435.5 + 22920.5 2279 @@ -130050,13 +130219,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 22472 + 22957 2249 40 20 - 22492 + 22977 2259 @@ -130077,13 +130246,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 22472 + 22957 2269 40 20 - 22492 + 22977 2279 @@ -130104,13 +130273,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 22472 + 22957 2289 40 20 - 22492 + 22977 2299 @@ -130121,7 +130290,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -130140,13 +130309,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 22515 + 23000 2222 62 64 - 22557 + 23042 2254 @@ -130176,13 +130345,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 22517 + 23002 2224 28 20 - 22531 + 23016 2234 @@ -130202,13 +130371,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 22517 + 23002 2244 28 20 - 22531 + 23016 2254 @@ -130253,13 +130422,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 22517 + 23002 2264 28 20 - 22531 + 23016 2274 @@ -130300,13 +130469,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 22569 + 23054 2224 6 60 - 22572 + 23057 2254 @@ -130319,7 +130488,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 919e146f-30ae-4aae-be34-4d72f555e7da Brep @@ -130343,14 +130512,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 22738 - 2189 + 23274 + 2249 50 24 - 22771.96 - 2201.26 + 23307.53 + 2261.586 @@ -130358,7 +130527,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -130380,7 +130549,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 21878 + 22364 2180 109 100 @@ -130389,7 +130558,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. 0 0 - 21878.6 + 22364.92 2180.005 @@ -130411,7 +130580,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -130432,13 +130601,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 22648 + 23133 2210 40 16 - 22668 + 23153 2218 @@ -130447,7 +130616,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 1addcc85-b04e-46e6-bd4a-6f6c93bf7efd Brep Join @@ -130465,13 +130634,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 22401 + 22886 2134 92 44 - 22445 + 22930 2156 @@ -130491,13 +130660,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 22403 + 22888 2136 30 40 - 22418 + 22903 2156 @@ -130518,13 +130687,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 22457 + 22942 2136 34 20 - 22474 + 22959 2146 @@ -130545,13 +130714,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 22457 + 22942 2156 34 20 - 22474 + 22959 2166 @@ -130562,7 +130731,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 6ec97ea8-c559-47a2-8d0f-ce80c794d1f4 Reverse List @@ -130580,13 +130749,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 21604 + 22089 1519 82 28 - 21653 + 22138 1533 @@ -130607,13 +130776,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 21606 + 22091 1521 35 24 - 21631.5 + 22116.5 1533 @@ -130634,13 +130803,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 21665 + 22150 1521 19 24 - 21674.5 + 22159.5 1533 @@ -130651,7 +130820,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -130676,7 +130845,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -130689,8 +130858,8 @@ See manual for supported attributes. Panel false - 0.280703604221344 - 48403d1c-f599-4beb-b844-015bef423cd0 + 0.057486746460199356 + a68cfa58-601a-4b8f-8038-422816beff46 1 Double click to edit panel content… @@ -130698,17 +130867,17 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 22021 - 2095 + 22231 + 2167 109 - 100 + 480 0 0 0 - 22021.5 - 2095.689 + 22231.39 + 2167.758 @@ -130729,7 +130898,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -130751,7 +130920,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 22186 + 22672 2059 109 100 @@ -130760,7 +130929,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. 0 0 - 22186.54 + 22672.86 2059.337 @@ -130782,7 +130951,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -130803,13 +130972,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 22117 + 22602 1950 40 16 - 22137 + 22622 1958 @@ -130818,7 +130987,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -130839,13 +131008,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 22115 + 22600 1973 40 16 - 22135 + 22620 1981 @@ -130854,7 +131023,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -130872,13 +131041,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 22034 + 22519 2013 70 44 - 22059 + 22544 2035 @@ -130897,13 +131066,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 22036 + 22521 2015 11 20 - 22041.5 + 22526.5 2025 @@ -130923,13 +131092,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 22036 + 22521 2035 11 20 - 22041.5 + 22526.5 2045 @@ -130970,13 +131139,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 22071 + 22556 2015 31 40 - 22086.5 + 22571.5 2035 @@ -130987,7 +131156,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 0bb3d234-9097-45db-9998-621639c87d3b Bounding Box @@ -131010,13 +131179,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20771 + 21256 2063 88 44 - 20824 + 21309 2085 @@ -131036,13 +131205,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20773 + 21258 2065 39 20 - 20792.5 + 21277.5 2075 @@ -131063,13 +131232,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20773 + 21258 2085 39 20 - 20792.5 + 21277.5 2095 @@ -131119,13 +131288,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20836 + 21321 2065 21 20 - 20846.5 + 21331.5 2075 @@ -131146,13 +131315,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20836 + 21321 2085 21 20 - 20846.5 + 21331.5 2095 @@ -131163,7 +131332,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + db7d83b1-2898-4ef9-9be5-4e94b4e2048d Deconstruct Box @@ -131181,13 +131350,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20868 + 21353 2049 77 84 - 20903 + 21388 2091 @@ -131206,13 +131375,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20870 + 21355 2051 21 80 - 20880.5 + 21365.5 2091 @@ -131232,13 +131401,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20915 + 21400 2051 28 20 - 20929 + 21414 2061 @@ -131258,13 +131427,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20915 + 21400 2071 28 20 - 20929 + 21414 2081 @@ -131284,13 +131453,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20915 + 21400 2091 28 20 - 20929 + 21414 2101 @@ -131310,13 +131479,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 20915 + 21400 2111 28 20 - 20929 + 21414 2121 @@ -131327,7 +131496,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -131348,13 +131517,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 21777 + 22262 1277 40 16 - 21797 + 22282 1285 @@ -131363,7 +131532,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -131391,13 +131560,13 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 21470 + 21957 1361 250 20 - 21470.91 + 21957.23 1361.039 @@ -131406,7 +131575,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - + f31d8d7a-7536-4ac8-9c96-fde6ecda4d0a Bake @@ -131420,7 +131589,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. true - 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 + 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 c07fc543-7288-4178-88ef-27d838854944 @@ -131456,14 +131625,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 22924 - 2501 + 23335 + 2576 89 84 - 22986 - 2543 + 23397 + 2618 @@ -131491,14 +131660,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 22926 - 2503 + 23337 + 2578 48 20 - 22950 - 2513 + 23361 + 2588 @@ -131515,7 +131684,7 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - true + false @@ -131538,14 +131707,14 @@ See manual for supported attributes. - 22926 - 2523 + 23337 + 2598 48 20 - 22950 - 2533 + 23361 + 2608 @@ -131565,14 +131734,14 @@ Leave it empty to bake in the default layer. - 22926 - 2543 + 23337 + 2618 48 20 - 22950 - 2553 + 23361 + 2628 @@ -131591,14 +131760,14 @@ Leave it empty to bake in the default layer. - 22926 - 2563 + 23337 + 2638 48 20 - 22950 - 2573 + 23361 + 2648 @@ -131640,14 +131809,14 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - 22998 - 2503 + 23409 + 2578 13 80 - 23004.5 - 2543 + 23415.5 + 2618 @@ -131659,7 +131828,7 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -131684,7 +131853,7 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - + 22990b1f-9be6-477c-ad89-f775cd347105 Flip Curve @@ -131702,13 +131871,13 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - 12443 + 12928 2166 88 44 - 12487 + 12972 2188 @@ -131727,13 +131896,13 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - 12445 + 12930 2168 30 20 - 12460 + 12945 2178 @@ -131753,13 +131922,13 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - 12445 + 12930 2188 30 20 - 12460 + 12945 2198 @@ -131779,13 +131948,13 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - 12499 + 12984 2168 30 20 - 12514 + 12999 2178 @@ -131805,13 +131974,13 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - 12499 + 12984 2188 30 20 - 12514 + 12999 2198 @@ -131822,7 +131991,7 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -131841,13 +132010,13 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - 12313 + 12799 2014 - 140 + 150 20 - 12313.26 + 12799.58 2014.101 @@ -131860,14 +132029,14 @@ Only available while bake input is true. 1 0 0 - -0 + 0 - + eeafc956-268e-461d-8e73-ee05c6f72c01 Stream Filter @@ -131885,13 +132054,13 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - 12540 + 13046 2054 - 98 + 77 64 - 12600 + 13085 2086 @@ -131920,13 +132089,13 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - 12542 + 13048 2056 - 46 + 25 20 - 12565 + 13060.5 2066 @@ -131960,7 +132129,7 @@ Only available while bake input is true. 74b34562-8c1b-439b-8b12-595618b7adb5 false Stream 0 - Stream 0 + 0 true c84dd715-e081-4b64-911f-9cb492311ad2 1 @@ -131969,13 +132138,13 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - 12542 + 13048 2076 - 46 + 25 20 - 12565 + 13060.5 2086 @@ -131989,7 +132158,7 @@ Only available while bake input is true. c06f2af9-ae4e-481c-a0be-0b2c1ce1b315 false Stream 1 - Stream 1 + 1 true fdf77c67-4739-4940-a07f-3c04326ce022 1 @@ -131998,13 +132167,13 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - 12542 + 13048 2096 - 46 + 25 20 - 12565 + 13060.5 2106 @@ -132026,13 +132195,13 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - 12612 + 13097 2056 24 60 - 12624 + 13109 2086 @@ -132045,7 +132214,7 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -132071,7 +132240,7 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - + eeafc956-268e-461d-8e73-ee05c6f72c01 Stream Filter @@ -132089,13 +132258,13 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - 14195 + 14680 2396 61 64 - 14218 + 14703 2428 @@ -132124,13 +132293,13 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - 14197 + 14682 2398 9 20 - 14201.5 + 14686.5 2408 @@ -132173,13 +132342,13 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - 14197 + 14682 2418 9 20 - 14201.5 + 14686.5 2428 @@ -132202,13 +132371,13 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - 14197 + 14682 2438 9 20 - 14201.5 + 14686.5 2448 @@ -132230,13 +132399,13 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - 14230 + 14715 2398 24 60 - 14242 + 14727 2428 @@ -132249,7 +132418,7 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -132268,13 +132437,13 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - 14141 + 14627 2355 150 20 - 14141.27 + 14627.59 2355.229 @@ -132287,14 +132456,14 @@ Only available while bake input is true. 1 0 0 - -0 + 0 - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -132330,7 +132499,7 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - + eeafc956-268e-461d-8e73-ee05c6f72c01 Stream Filter @@ -132348,14 +132517,14 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - 14698 - 2400 + 15189 + 2391 61 64 - 14721 - 2432 + 15212 + 2423 @@ -132383,14 +132552,14 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - 14700 - 2402 + 15191 + 2393 9 20 - 14704.5 - 2412 + 15195.5 + 2403 @@ -132432,14 +132601,14 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - 14700 - 2422 + 15191 + 2413 9 20 - 14704.5 - 2432 + 15195.5 + 2423 @@ -132461,14 +132630,14 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - 14700 - 2442 + 15191 + 2433 9 20 - 14704.5 - 2452 + 15195.5 + 2443 @@ -132489,14 +132658,14 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - 14733 - 2402 + 15224 + 2393 24 60 - 14745 - 2432 + 15236 + 2423 @@ -132508,7 +132677,7 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -132527,13 +132696,13 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - 14522 + 15008 2354 150 20 - 14522.16 + 15008.48 2354.804 @@ -132553,7 +132722,7 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - + 4d2a06bd-4b0f-4c65-9ee0-4220e4c01703 Scale @@ -132571,13 +132740,13 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - 14566 + 15051 2482 126 64 - 14628 + 15113 2514 @@ -132596,13 +132765,13 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - 14568 + 15053 2484 48 20 - 14592 + 15077 2494 @@ -132622,13 +132791,13 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - 14568 + 15053 2504 48 20 - 14592 + 15077 2514 @@ -132674,13 +132843,13 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - 14568 + 15053 2524 48 20 - 14592 + 15077 2534 @@ -132720,13 +132889,13 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - 14640 + 15125 2484 50 30 - 14665 + 15150 2499 @@ -132746,13 +132915,13 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - 14640 + 15125 2514 50 30 - 14665 + 15150 2529 @@ -132763,7 +132932,7 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -132782,13 +132951,13 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - 14444 + 14929 2473 94 64 - 14502 + 14987 2505 @@ -132819,13 +132988,13 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - 14446 + 14931 2475 44 20 - 14476 + 14961 2485 @@ -132847,13 +133016,13 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - 14446 + 14931 2495 44 20 - 14476 + 14961 2505 @@ -132893,13 +133062,13 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - 14446 + 14931 2515 44 20 - 14476 + 14961 2525 @@ -132941,13 +133110,13 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - 14514 + 14999 2475 22 60 - 14517 + 15002 2505 @@ -132960,7 +133129,7 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - + e2039b07-d3f3-40f8-af88-d74fed238727 Insert Items @@ -132978,13 +133147,13 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - 14713 + 15198 2487 98 84 - 14778 + 15263 2529 @@ -133005,13 +133174,13 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - 14715 + 15200 2489 51 20 - 14748.5 + 15233.5 2499 @@ -133034,13 +133203,13 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - 14715 + 15200 2509 51 20 - 14748.5 + 15233.5 2519 @@ -133063,13 +133232,13 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - 14715 + 15200 2529 51 20 - 14748.5 + 15233.5 2539 @@ -133114,13 +133283,13 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - 14715 + 15200 2549 51 20 - 14748.5 + 15233.5 2559 @@ -133161,13 +133330,13 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - 14790 + 15275 2489 19 80 - 14799.5 + 15284.5 2529 @@ -133178,7 +133347,7 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -133205,7 +133374,7 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -133226,13 +133395,13 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - 14563 + 15048 2634 40 16 - 14583 + 15068 2642 @@ -133241,7 +133410,7 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -133252,7 +133421,7 @@ Only available while bake input is true. A panel for custom notes and text values d9a777ab-bb23-478f-9c63-276417d13be3 Panel - Panel + false 1 5eae3cd7-c622-4180-8f44-d0e41a649f5a @@ -133263,7 +133432,7 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - 14695 + 15182 2641 160 100 @@ -133272,7 +133441,7 @@ Only available while bake input is true. 0 0 - 14695.81 + 15182.13 2641.089 @@ -133294,7 +133463,7 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - + 9c007a04-d0d9-48e4-9da3-9ba142bc4d46 Subtraction @@ -133312,13 +133481,13 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - 14307 + 14792 2407 70 44 - 14332 + 14817 2429 @@ -133345,13 +133514,13 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - 14309 + 14794 2409 11 20 - 14314.5 + 14799.5 2419 @@ -133393,13 +133562,13 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - 14309 + 14794 2429 11 20 - 14314.5 + 14799.5 2439 @@ -133440,13 +133609,13 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - 14344 + 14829 2409 31 40 - 14359.5 + 14844.5 2429 @@ -133459,7 +133628,7 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -133480,13 +133649,13 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - 20309 + 20794 2540 40 16 - 20329 + 20814 2548 @@ -133495,7 +133664,7 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - + eeafc956-268e-461d-8e73-ee05c6f72c01 Stream Filter @@ -133513,13 +133682,13 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - 20180 + 20686 2124 - 98 + 77 64 - 20240 + 20725 2156 @@ -133548,13 +133717,13 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - 20182 + 20688 2126 - 46 + 25 20 - 20205 + 20700.5 2136 @@ -133588,7 +133757,7 @@ Only available while bake input is true. 864e45e8-1a07-4b55-ad0f-5338b7aa2942 false Stream 0 - Stream 0 + 0 true 3b95dd5d-bd0e-48a2-ae7c-90fbc3cdf70c 1 @@ -133597,13 +133766,13 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - 20182 + 20688 2146 - 46 + 25 20 - 20205 + 20700.5 2156 @@ -133617,7 +133786,7 @@ Only available while bake input is true. 468166bf-f177-46df-8ac4-64036bc7a885 false Stream 1 - Stream 1 + 1 true 0cef601d-f7b0-422f-86c3-d1837f0a31c5 1 @@ -133626,13 +133795,13 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - 20182 + 20688 2166 - 46 + 25 20 - 20205 + 20700.5 2176 @@ -133654,13 +133823,13 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - 20252 + 20737 2126 24 60 - 20264 + 20749 2156 @@ -133673,7 +133842,7 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -133698,7 +133867,7 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -133709,7 +133878,7 @@ Only available while bake input is true. A panel for custom notes and text values 43d8fbf7-da51-4f0a-ac7f-abc5890e8083 Panel - Panel + false 0 0c798e79-7598-4233-b9ed-e30e5be050bf @@ -133720,8 +133889,8 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - 22173 - 2010 + 22649 + 2008 160 169 @@ -133729,8 +133898,8 @@ Only available while bake input is true. 0 0 - 22173.26 - 2010.534 + 22649.59 + 2008.709 @@ -133751,7 +133920,7 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -133772,13 +133941,13 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - 22649 + 23134 2281 40 16 - 22669 + 23154 2289 @@ -133787,7 +133956,7 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -133812,7 +133981,7 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -133837,7 +134006,7 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -133862,6 +134031,14915 @@ Only available while bake input is true. + + + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 + Digit Scroller + + + + + Numeric scroller for single numbers + bca8eb88-5c01-46f9-99c3-c26607efca77 + Digit Scroller + Digit Scroller + false + 0 + + + + + 12 + Digit Scroller + 11 + + 327.0 + + + + + + 21950 + 1240 + 250 + 20 + + + 21950.61 + 1240.385 + + + + + + + + + + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b + Relay + + + + + 2 + A wire relay object + d5b95ce6-bfb3-49dd-ae26-fc57b326b898 + Relay + + false + 09cfae50-8dbb-476f-9c93-e6ed93638de2 + 1 + + + + + + 22260 + 1230 + 40 + 16 + + + 22280 + 1238 + + + + + + + + + + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae + List Item + + + + + 0 + Retrieve a specific item from a list. + true + 12736a21-f078-4cdc-847b-1659d75201e8 + List Item + List Item + + + + + + 13151 + 2959 + 80 + 64 + + + 13193 + 2991 + + + + + + 3 + 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 + 2e3ab970-8545-46bb-836c-1c11e5610bce + cb95db89-6165-43b6-9c41-5702bc5bf137 + 1 + 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 + + + + + 1 + Base list + 21f18c13-9f75-4a5c-bc83-931c922d32a3 + List + List + false + 0c9e2dd7-6113-4358-82a5-483c01d886b8 + 1 + + + + + + 13153 + 2961 + 28 + 20 + + + 13167 + 2971 + + + + + + + + Item index + df6071d7-8f57-4f84-8ba7-6e516fc400a8 + Index + Index + false + 51550723-cccf-4259-ab3d-50fec3911dc7 + 1 + + + + + + 13153 + 2981 + 28 + 20 + + + 13167 + 2991 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Wrap index to list bounds + 750cbf67-a9c5-4745-9b10-502b6aa1f4b3 + Wrap + Wrap + false + 0 + + + + + + 13153 + 3001 + 28 + 20 + + + 13167 + 3011 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + false + + + + + + + + + + + Item at {i'} + 62d51b3b-c42b-4fda-a669-1722bb90312e + false + Item + Item + false + 0 + + + + + + 13205 + 2961 + 24 + 60 + + + 13217 + 2991 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 + Digit Scroller + + + + + Numeric scroller for single numbers + 51550723-cccf-4259-ab3d-50fec3911dc7 + Digit Scroller + Digit Scroller + false + 0 + + + + + 12 + Digit Scroller + 11 + + 53.0 + + + + + + 12852 + 2986 + 250 + 20 + + + 12852.27 + 2986.954 + + + + + + + + + + a0d62394-a118-422d-abb3-6af115c75b25 + Addition + + + + + Mathematical addition + true + c2e0098b-f9f6-4063-a991-b88c0268e66f + Addition + Addition + + + + + + 22153 + 737 + 70 + 44 + + + 22178 + 759 + + + + + + 2 + 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 + 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 + 1 + 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 + + + + + First item for addition + 0a13e83c-0728-4eaf-a3d4-b5838c9df7e8 + A + A + true + d6866ee2-fea4-45ac-a2be-a58ee3792073 + 1 + + + + + + 22155 + 739 + 11 + 20 + + + 22160.5 + 749 + + + + + + + + Second item for addition + 78f28a61-c6fb-4fed-b490-1c2c12c1e9e4 + B + B + true + 0 + + + + + + 22155 + 759 + 11 + 20 + + + 22160.5 + 769 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Integer + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + Result of addition + 6a6c81bb-b862-433e-b7b8-4608ea086b7c + Result + Result + false + 0 + + + + + + 22190 + 739 + 31 + 40 + + + 22205.5 + 759 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 9c007a04-d0d9-48e4-9da3-9ba142bc4d46 + Subtraction + + + + + Mathematical subtraction + true + 50813128-7f3b-49db-95ef-1bf70d56b9a4 + Subtraction + Subtraction + + + + + + 22147 + 681 + 70 + 44 + + + 22172 + 703 + + + + + + 2 + 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 + 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 + 1 + 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 + + + + + First operand for subtraction + 2b579221-ab51-4876-a3be-2cde26f4bf39 + A + A + true + 79e90c93-c2b0-46da-b7cc-d03bd3b57fff + 1 + + + + + + 22149 + 683 + 11 + 20 + + + 22154.5 + 693 + + + + + + + + Second operand for subtraction + f7b9fe66-3b48-4609-9e81-9167e9e0e673 + B + B + true + 0 + + + + + + 22149 + 703 + 11 + 20 + + + 22154.5 + 713 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Integer + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + Result of subtraction + b25d64f8-0827-4e44-a86b-53f576caea63 + Result + Result + false + 0 + + + + + + 22184 + 683 + 31 + 40 + + + 22199.5 + 703 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b + Relay + + + + + 2 + A wire relay object + 0a59c33f-81dd-4c45-924e-9bb758127410 + Relay + + false + 79e90c93-c2b0-46da-b7cc-d03bd3b57fff + 1 + + + + + + 22304 + 719 + 40 + 16 + + + 22324 + 727 + + + + + + + + + + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b + Relay + + + + + 2 + A wire relay object + e5cbc397-90e9-45e7-9876-7a08efd0811b + Relay + + false + d6866ee2-fea4-45ac-a2be-a58ee3792073 + 1 + + + + + + 22298 + 752 + 40 + 16 + + + 22318 + 760 + + + + + + + + + + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c + Panel + + + + + A panel for custom notes and text values + b8c41472-aa94-4beb-9d90-87a791f2531b + Panel + + false + 0.49827136099338531 + ae71fca5-a37c-4c18-8ff6-33aa0bb434d3 + 1 + Double click to edit panel content… + + + + + + 12748 + 2981 + 160 + 103 + + 0 + 0 + 0 + + 12748.68 + 2981.052 + + + + + + + 255;255;255;255 + + true + true + true + false + false + true + + + + + + + + + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae + List Item + + + + + 0 + Retrieve a specific item from a list. + true + bfdfe6c7-e676-4890-b724-1f73f8be907b + List Item + List Item + + + + + + 12611 + 3049 + 78 + 64 + + + 12669 + 3081 + + + + + + 3 + 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 + 2e3ab970-8545-46bb-836c-1c11e5610bce + cb95db89-6165-43b6-9c41-5702bc5bf137 + 1 + 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 + + + + + 1 + Base list + 8bf65f82-74ee-4a5d-ae81-79f0f171ed43 + 1 + List + List + false + 960a14fc-599d-4469-8aae-8277c88b451e + 1 + + + + + + 12613 + 3051 + 44 + 20 + + + 12643 + 3061 + + + + + + + + Item index + 8de87b03-f2e8-4f07-a9f3-fce013dbb834 + Index + Index + false + 51550723-cccf-4259-ab3d-50fec3911dc7 + 1 + + + + + + 12613 + 3071 + 44 + 20 + + + 12643 + 3081 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Wrap index to list bounds + 458f9897-34f7-4c13-82d8-4117ba9e1e4f + Wrap + Wrap + false + 0 + + + + + + 12613 + 3091 + 44 + 20 + + + 12643 + 3101 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + false + + + + + + + + + + + Item at {i'} + ae71fca5-a37c-4c18-8ff6-33aa0bb434d3 + false + Item + i + false + 0 + + + + + + 12681 + 3051 + 6 + 60 + + + 12684 + 3081 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 1 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 7ebcb801-6b89-4a93-ab72-c7569df376cf + 1 + 7ce5bc7f-3fda-4b66-bed0-fe83a3841791 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + 429cbba9-55ee-4e84-98ea-876c44db879a + Sub Curve + + + + + Construct a curve from the sub-domain of a base curve. + true + 28737d54-81da-4b9a-8334-fa09074bb797 + Sub Curve + Sub Curve + + + + + + 11105 + 1026 + 112 + 44 + + + 11173 + 1048 + + + + + + Base curve + 9207449a-9ead-4e34-8f0d-4a904e20204c + Base curve + Base curve + false + ab43b361-332a-4f30-9bd2-4d53bf1dd641 + 1 + + + + + + 11107 + 1028 + 54 + 20 + + + 11134 + 1038 + + + + + + + + Sub-domain to extract + e33aeeb6-0713-4fc9-b571-6bf7a82e671b + Domain + Domain + false + fa27ec75-dc3d-439d-81d7-f7c0fb082bc8 + 1 + + + + + + 11107 + 1048 + 54 + 20 + + + 11134 + 1058 + + + + + + + + Resulting sub curve + 846618aa-76ab-4723-92b1-dbed5900ca7f + Curve + Curve + false + 0 + + + + + + 11185 + 1028 + 30 + 40 + + + 11200 + 1048 + + + + + + + + + + + + 5edaea74-32cb-4586-bd72-66694eb73160 + Rotate Direction + + + + + Rotate an object from one direction to another. + true + 6862cf5f-0c36-438d-be9c-30f259c32529 + Rotate Direction + Rotate Direction + + + + + + 8857 + 1678 + 126 + 84 + + + 8919 + 1720 + + + + + + Base geometry + d74d8795-0d0d-480a-8066-412ab8546988 + Geometry + Geometry + true + 92aa9acd-c27d-41d7-8c22-741b5cf5dd8f + 1 + + + + + + 8859 + 1680 + 48 + 20 + + + 8883 + 1690 + + + + + + + + Rotation center point + 487442ae-5abe-4ffe-b760-b2589466cd40 + Center + Center + false + 8eed77e9-c2fa-47a7-b3d8-c81e84ad37fc + 1 + + + + + + 8859 + 1700 + 48 + 20 + + + 8883 + 1710 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + Initial direction + 7b6ec52b-2432-4b7f-888e-77031ed0ec6d + From + From + false + 0 + + + + + + 8859 + 1720 + 48 + 20 + + + 8883 + 1730 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 0 + 0 + -9683.3125 + + + + + + + + + + + + Final direction + 581fbaa4-ed2f-465b-8ad1-00a6a7b9ebd1 + To + To + false + 0 + + + + + + 8859 + 1740 + 48 + 20 + + + 8883 + 1750 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 0 + 0 + 21424.6875 + + + + + + + + + + + + Rotated geometry + 71b0eba0-a52a-4cbd-ba2b-4b3447c5514e + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 8931 + 1680 + 50 + 40 + + + 8956 + 1700 + + + + + + + + Transformation data + 4745c36e-ea5a-4e52-bb70-80133be661a5 + Transform + Transform + false + 0 + + + + + + 8931 + 1720 + 50 + 40 + + + 8956 + 1740 + + + + + + + + + + + + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 + Evaluate Length + + + + + Evaluate a curve at a certain factor along its length. Length factors can be supplied both in curve units and normalized units. Change the [N] parameter to toggle between the two modes. + true + b1e43e28-4475-4b6c-9d58-17c2be9e0585 + Evaluate Length + Evaluate Length + + + + + + 8684 + 1720 + 132 + 64 + + + 8752 + 1752 + + + + + + Curve to evaluate + 2c2bb7e1-d9ed-4350-b489-f2cf30022ad4 + Curve + Curve + false + 92aa9acd-c27d-41d7-8c22-741b5cf5dd8f + 1 + + + + + + 8686 + 1722 + 54 + 20 + + + 8713 + 1732 + + + + + + + + Length factor for curve evaluation + 01184c01-05ac-4240-a4ae-bd6b305b9f00 + Length + Length + false + 0 + + + + + + 8686 + 1742 + 54 + 20 + + + 8713 + 1752 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + If True, the Length factor is normalized (0.0 ~ 1.0) + 3dfcb630-f22c-42b3-a4ed-aa5191e65637 + Normalized + Normalized + false + 0 + + + + + + 8686 + 1762 + 54 + 20 + + + 8713 + 1772 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + true + + + + + + + + + + + Point at the specified length + 8eed77e9-c2fa-47a7-b3d8-c81e84ad37fc + Point + Point + false + 0 + + + + + + 8764 + 1722 + 50 + 20 + + + 8789 + 1732 + + + + + + + + Tangent vector at the specified length + e3edeab5-6993-4684-9140-ef8c156f882b + Tangent + Tangent + false + 0 + + + + + + 8764 + 1742 + 50 + 20 + + + 8789 + 1752 + + + + + + + + Curve parameter at the specified length + 72bacdad-427a-4aea-a774-3f0f02197fbd + Parameter + Parameter + false + 0 + + + + + + 8764 + 1762 + 50 + 20 + + + 8789 + 1772 + + + + + + + + + + + + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 + Evaluate Length + + + + + Evaluate a curve at a certain factor along its length. Length factors can be supplied both in curve units and normalized units. Change the [N] parameter to toggle between the two modes. + true + 2495ac72-3f7d-434e-aa78-523480bafd1a + Evaluate Length + Evaluate Length + + + + + + 11214 + 1500 + 132 + 64 + + + 11282 + 1532 + + + + + + Curve to evaluate + e076403c-e49e-4fa2-a3b5-76e5a0e5d0fe + Curve + Curve + false + 71b0eba0-a52a-4cbd-ba2b-4b3447c5514e + 1 + + + + + + 11216 + 1502 + 54 + 20 + + + 11243 + 1512 + + + + + + + + Length factor for curve evaluation + c4ca87ca-9719-4446-9f3d-7abf0ee83958 + Length + Length + false + 0 + + + + + + 11216 + 1522 + 54 + 20 + + + 11243 + 1532 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + If True, the Length factor is normalized (0.0 ~ 1.0) + 4073ef86-4614-4b13-b083-00253447f1a0 + Normalized + Normalized + false + 0 + + + + + + 11216 + 1542 + 54 + 20 + + + 11243 + 1552 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + true + + + + + + + + + + + Point at the specified length + bf38ba60-5531-48f0-b2da-ba2cf4befe80 + Point + Point + false + 0 + + + + + + 11294 + 1502 + 50 + 20 + + + 11319 + 1512 + + + + + + + + Tangent vector at the specified length + 2ede64bc-40a2-4e66-a948-4f7a43829fe6 + Tangent + Tangent + false + 0 + + + + + + 11294 + 1522 + 50 + 20 + + + 11319 + 1532 + + + + + + + + Curve parameter at the specified length + 9a45f8c9-0c7b-45aa-b561-4ff1ea06d95a + Parameter + Parameter + false + 0 + + + + + + 11294 + 1542 + 50 + 20 + + + 11319 + 1552 + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 1 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 2495ac72-3f7d-434e-aa78-523480bafd1a + 1 + 077fa0f4-a573-42a5-95e2-7edac1b41824 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 1 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 8924e93d-b138-471b-83b8-98c68130da09 + 1 + 86a14528-c125-4303-9e3f-070ce609c58d + Group + + + + + + + + + + + 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a + Line + + + + + Create a line between two points. + true + f740d081-6bd7-4b76-9672-68f1b3edafa9 + Line + Line + + + + + + 10487 + 721 + 118 + 44 + + + 10553 + 743 + + + + + + Line start point + 715a10ec-ee30-4108-ba79-c038b2cb8932 + Start Point + Start Point + false + 678a817f-1fab-44c3-aad4-6da088b83cf5 + 1 + + + + + + 10489 + 723 + 52 + 20 + + + 10515 + 733 + + + + + + + + Line end point + 89f650d3-0106-4929-baef-f3be7317991d + End Point + End Point + false + 410e7083-b509-4aeb-8026-763043b995bd + 1 + + + + + + 10489 + 743 + 52 + 20 + + + 10515 + 753 + + + + + + + + Line segment + ab43b361-332a-4f30-9bd2-4d53bf1dd641 + Line + Line + false + true + 0 + + + + + + 10565 + 723 + 38 + 40 + + + 10576 + 743 + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 1 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + f740d081-6bd7-4b76-9672-68f1b3edafa9 + 1 + 65bef583-2485-4570-b6d0-f13a608d09b9 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c + Panel + + + + + A panel for custom notes and text values + 153f056a-cf65-4e46-a990-28580c972eff + Panel + + false + 1 + ab43b361-332a-4f30-9bd2-4d53bf1dd641 + 1 + Double click to edit panel content… + + + + + + 10906 + 633 + 163 + 103 + + 0 + 0 + 0 + + 10906.55 + 633.0435 + + + + + + + 255;255;255;255 + + true + true + true + false + false + true + + + + + + + + + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b + Relay + + + + + 2 + A wire relay object + 45a98b5a-ef30-4285-a379-5dd20c2c3198 + Relay + + false + 84744644-0bf0-41fd-a754-817065d77c2c + 1 + + + + + + 11066 + 995 + 40 + 16 + + + 11086 + 1003 + + + + + + + + + + ccfd6ba8-ecb1-44df-a47e-08126a653c51 + Curve Domain + + + + + Measure and set the curve domain + true + 884221e4-f830-460b-a9bb-ed03a50bf1b7 + Curve Domain + Curve Domain + + + + + + 10360 + 830 + 104 + 44 + + + 10412 + 852 + + + + + + Curve to measure/modify + 7b103801-8c40-468c-807c-e7b7f4aff328 + Curve + Curve + false + ab43b361-332a-4f30-9bd2-4d53bf1dd641 + 1 + + + + + + 10362 + 832 + 38 + 20 + + + 10381 + 842 + + + + + + + + Optional domain, if omitted the curve will not be modified. + e1afb8ba-7463-4e91-b09a-01b17a299b1c + Domain + Domain + true + 0 + + + + + + 10362 + 852 + 38 + 20 + + + 10381 + 862 + + + + + + + + Curve with new domain. + 64f01464-1ea5-4d25-9c04-dd843ec725f2 + Curve + Curve + false + 0 + + + + + + 10424 + 832 + 38 + 20 + + + 10443 + 842 + + + + + + + + Domain of original curve. + 33760b68-c21b-44ff-b714-9b65fb1b2525 + Domain + Domain + false + 0 + + + + + + 10424 + 852 + 38 + 20 + + + 10443 + 862 + + + + + + + + + + + + 825ea536-aebb-41e9-af32-8baeb2ecb590 + Deconstruct Domain + + + + + Deconstruct a numeric domain into its component parts. + true + 01d2d4ae-dfcf-476c-9230-911f49318fbb + Deconstruct Domain + Deconstruct Domain + + + + + + 10514 + 836 + 92 + 44 + + + 10566 + 858 + + + + + + Base domain + 704a4c66-e60c-456d-bfed-5c460e96533a + Domain + Domain + false + 33760b68-c21b-44ff-b714-9b65fb1b2525 + 1 + + + + + + 10516 + 838 + 38 + 40 + + + 10535 + 858 + + + + + + + + Start of domain + 89099afc-2dee-49bc-b3c1-0eddfb0a36ac + Start + Start + false + 0 + + + + + + 10578 + 838 + 26 + 20 + + + 10591 + 848 + + + + + + + + End of domain + 3a6fd44e-2441-4585-8c74-43fdab6d2b6c + End + End + false + 0 + + + + + + 10578 + 858 + 26 + 20 + + + 10591 + 868 + + + + + + + + + + + + ce46b74e-00c9-43c4-805a-193b69ea4a11 + Multiplication + + + + + Mathematical multiplication + true + 604efcdf-e7cc-4c0e-8b3e-637bdad23411 + Multiplication + Multiplication + + + + + + 10696 + 1031 + 70 + 44 + + + 10721 + 1053 + + + + + + 2 + 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 + 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 + 1 + 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 + + + + + First item for multiplication + 28fe7512-954c-499b-92dd-d991ad029981 + A + A + true + c451ca51-5990-42ab-a5a5-ab2f8e7deecf + 1 + + + + + + 10698 + 1033 + 11 + 20 + + + 10703.5 + 1043 + + + + + + + + Second item for multiplication + 0d3832e5-0006-43b9-8148-8b9c267e5475 + B + B + true + a03a6364-11a5-4289-bb1e-29fda7793c05 + 1 + + + + + + 10698 + 1053 + 11 + 20 + + + 10703.5 + 1063 + + + + + + + + Result of multiplication + 3557cd6b-e21e-4b77-8a9d-149b6c7e29a4 + Result + Result + false + 0 + + + + + + 10733 + 1033 + 31 + 40 + + + 10748.5 + 1053 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 9c007a04-d0d9-48e4-9da3-9ba142bc4d46 + Subtraction + + + + + Mathematical subtraction + true + d1643eec-497e-4a14-8166-13dbd382c49e + Subtraction + Subtraction + + + + + + 10806 + 927 + 70 + 44 + + + 10831 + 949 + + + + + + 2 + 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 + 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 + 1 + 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 + + + + + First operand for subtraction + 8f6280c0-7c56-42f1-a1f7-888281d1a5de + A + A + true + 7d5a96b4-9065-413f-831e-3aa442fae01b + 1 + + + + + + 10808 + 929 + 11 + 20 + + + 10813.5 + 939 + + + + + + + + Second operand for subtraction + f64c652a-20f3-49dd-b2ee-6f1b8e9adc77 + B + B + true + 3557cd6b-e21e-4b77-8a9d-149b6c7e29a4 + 1 + + + + + + 10808 + 949 + 11 + 20 + + + 10813.5 + 959 + + + + + + + + Result of subtraction + 23b75935-7361-4f58-8701-ad4e278bd360 + Result + Result + false + 0 + + + + + + 10843 + 929 + 31 + 40 + + + 10858.5 + 949 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + d1a28e95-cf96-4936-bf34-8bf142d731bf + Construct Domain + + + + + Create a numeric domain from two numeric extremes. + true + ce26c351-89c5-409c-bf76-fadf533c11fb + Construct Domain + Construct Domain + + + + + + 10945 + 848 + 128 + 44 + + + 11021 + 870 + + + + + + Start value of numeric domain + ad8edf76-814a-4f42-900e-f81b5be36974 + Domain start + Domain start + false + cdc73a99-364e-4e3e-9008-22b102c5ed56 + 1 + + + + + + 10947 + 850 + 62 + 20 + + + 10978 + 860 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + End value of numeric domain + b591df71-8986-487e-8b3a-5602ec78c4c3 + Domain end + Domain end + false + 311c9887-9df0-40a5-ae82-161ffb31f6b4 + 1 + + + + + + 10947 + 870 + 62 + 20 + + + 10978 + 880 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Numeric domain between {A} and {B} + fa27ec75-dc3d-439d-81d7-f7c0fb082bc8 + Domain + Domain + false + 0 + + + + + + 11033 + 850 + 38 + 40 + + + 11052 + 870 + + + + + + + + + + + + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b + Relay + + + + + 2 + A wire relay object + c075c335-7b7d-4613-a0a6-e4d21f0bcd01 + Relay + + false + bf38ba60-5531-48f0-b2da-ba2cf4befe80 + 1 + + + + + + 10315 + 802 + 40 + 16 + + + 10335 + 810 + + + + + + + + + + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b + Relay + + + + + 2 + A wire relay object + 8c4e9fea-153d-4767-bdd7-0da2fd4dcb01 + Relay + + false + 8924e93d-b138-471b-83b8-98c68130da09 + 1 + + + + + + 10300 + 722 + 40 + 16 + + + 10320 + 730 + + + + + + + + + + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b + Relay + + + + + 2 + A wire relay object + 5f5db305-2c2c-46ab-b52e-e3c6c4327986 + Relay + + false + 27b327d4-313b-446c-8134-8c0f5d63834e + 1 + + + + + + 10863 + 1029 + 40 + 16 + + + 10883 + 1037 + + + + + + + + + + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b + Relay + + + + + 2 + A wire relay object + eb010ab1-8cd0-4ab4-8e25-08be35e47344 + Relay + + false + 5979046f-dc2c-4df3-9152-2fd1ae07b906 + 1 + + + + + + 10880 + 1086 + 40 + 16 + + + 10900 + 1094 + + + + + + + + + + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b + Relay + + + + + 2 + A wire relay object + cdc73a99-364e-4e3e-9008-22b102c5ed56 + Relay + + false + dc82c66f-f69f-4686-94be-42f3751cc0d3 + 1 + + + + + + 10863 + 866 + 40 + 16 + + + 10883 + 874 + + + + + + + + + + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b + Relay + + + + + 2 + A wire relay object + 311c9887-9df0-40a5-ae82-161ffb31f6b4 + Relay + + false + 23b75935-7361-4f58-8701-ad4e278bd360 + 1 + + + + + + 10857 + 897 + 40 + 16 + + + 10877 + 905 + + + + + + + + + + fbac3e32-f100-4292-8692-77240a42fd1a + Point + + + + + Contains a collection of three-dimensional points + true + 410e7083-b509-4aeb-8026-763043b995bd + Point + Point + false + 8c4e9fea-153d-4767-bdd7-0da2fd4dcb01 + 1 + + + + + + 10371 + 705 + 50 + 24 + + + 10396.68 + 717.5278 + + + + + + + + + + fbac3e32-f100-4292-8692-77240a42fd1a + Point + + + + + Contains a collection of three-dimensional points + true + 678a817f-1fab-44c3-aad4-6da088b83cf5 + Point + Point + false + c075c335-7b7d-4613-a0a6-e4d21f0bcd01 + 1 + + + + + + 10375 + 769 + 50 + 24 + + + 10400.7 + 781.8476 + + + + + + + + + + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b + Relay + + + + + 2 + A wire relay object + a03a6364-11a5-4289-bb1e-29fda7793c05 + Relay + + false + e63ba4f8-2af8-4180-9e6d-fe1e98e116aa + 1 + + + + + + 10713 + 917 + 40 + 16 + + + 10733 + 925 + + + + + + + + + + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b + Relay + + + + + 2 + A wire relay object + 7d5a96b4-9065-413f-831e-3aa442fae01b + Relay + + false + e63ba4f8-2af8-4180-9e6d-fe1e98e116aa + 1 + + + + + + 10714 + 888 + 40 + 16 + + + 10734 + 896 + + + + + + + + + + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b + Relay + + + + + 2 + A wire relay object + dc82c66f-f69f-4686-94be-42f3751cc0d3 + Relay + + false + e63ba4f8-2af8-4180-9e6d-fe1e98e116aa + 1 + + + + + + 10726 + 861 + 40 + 16 + + + 10746 + 869 + + + + + + + + + + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b + Relay + + + + + 2 + A wire relay object + e63ba4f8-2af8-4180-9e6d-fe1e98e116aa + Relay + + false + 3a6fd44e-2441-4585-8c74-43fdab6d2b6c + 1 + + + + + + 10658 + 844 + 40 + 16 + + + 10678 + 852 + + + + + + + + + + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 + Evaluate Length + + + + + Evaluate a curve at a certain factor along its length. Length factors can be supplied both in curve units and normalized units. Change the [N] parameter to toggle between the two modes. + true + 9006a0dc-bb29-4e8a-b752-16473643271e + Evaluate Length + Evaluate Length + + + + + + 12804 + 2797 + 132 + 64 + + + 12872 + 2829 + + + + + + Curve to evaluate + 05e85b8f-1012-4152-8376-810ea6434cdc + Curve + Curve + false + 846618aa-76ab-4723-92b1-dbed5900ca7f + 1 + + + + + + 12806 + 2799 + 54 + 20 + + + 12833 + 2809 + + + + + + + + Length factor for curve evaluation + 7d1e1421-c32e-4e64-900d-33c65339aaa2 + Length + Length + false + 0 + + + + + + 12806 + 2819 + 54 + 20 + + + 12833 + 2829 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + If True, the Length factor is normalized (0.0 ~ 1.0) + 8b64a6f0-f2ed-48bb-82d6-5288c0286758 + Normalized + Normalized + false + 0 + + + + + + 12806 + 2839 + 54 + 20 + + + 12833 + 2849 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + true + + + + + + + + + + + Point at the specified length + d44f24a1-ae80-408d-b029-eb26d682a5cf + Point + Point + false + 0 + + + + + + 12884 + 2799 + 50 + 20 + + + 12909 + 2809 + + + + + + + + Tangent vector at the specified length + e4e97f00-fe4b-464b-bc2e-4dcfa5871464 + Tangent + Tangent + false + 0 + + + + + + 12884 + 2819 + 50 + 20 + + + 12909 + 2829 + + + + + + + + Curve parameter at the specified length + d7d43097-e6e0-483f-b620-e2c4a2898fd9 + Parameter + Parameter + false + 0 + + + + + + 12884 + 2839 + 50 + 20 + + + 12909 + 2849 + + + + + + + + + + + + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b + Relay + + + + + 2 + A wire relay object + 0116d1e2-1728-4730-9d58-66cd172f6bb4 + Relay + + false + d44f24a1-ae80-408d-b029-eb26d682a5cf + 1 + + + + + + 12937 + 2916 + 40 + 16 + + + 12957 + 2924 + + + + + + + + + + 2fcc2743-8339-4cdf-a046-a1f17439191d + Remap Numbers + + + + + Remap numbers into a new numeric domain + true + 80c8c167-dc4c-4e51-a50e-094bf032d276 + Remap Numbers + Remap Numbers + + + + + + 11065 + 922 + 103 + 64 + + + 11114 + 954 + + + + + + Value to remap + 25761e75-cfcf-49b9-ac9a-84d6023afa1f + Value + Value + false + 27b327d4-313b-446c-8134-8c0f5d63834e + 1 + + + + + + 11067 + 924 + 35 + 20 + + + 11084.5 + 934 + + + + + + + + Source domain + e48348ab-9497-476a-9b13-0ebaf92e6952 + Source + Source + false + 0 + + + + + + 11067 + 944 + 35 + 20 + + + 11084.5 + 954 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 0 + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + Target domain + 4e9936bc-65bc-479b-9ed8-8e0e7608df19 + Target + Target + false + 0 + + + + + + 11067 + 964 + 35 + 20 + + + 11084.5 + 974 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 0 + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + Remapped number + 4512e0ea-da05-49c8-9ffd-c08019ef14ea + Mapped + Mapped + false + 0 + + + + + + 11126 + 924 + 40 + 30 + + + 11146 + 939 + + + + + + + + Remapped and clipped number + 56949790-b029-47e6-9659-c5d156e113fc + Clipped + Clipped + false + 0 + + + + + + 11126 + 954 + 40 + 30 + + + 11146 + 969 + + + + + + + + + + + + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 + Curve + + + + + Contains a collection of generic curves + true + ac75f347-08a9-4594-b461-4a0a05abe48c + Curve + Curve + false + e3311e9e-c980-433b-ac72-5fc1f26de555 + 1 + + + + + + 11633 + 1101 + 50 + 24 + + + 11658.11 + 1113.761 + + + + + + + + + + 429cbba9-55ee-4e84-98ea-876c44db879a + Sub Curve + + + + + Construct a curve from the sub-domain of a base curve. + true + db32a463-7efc-4a3f-bfc4-e705d3e85210 + Sub Curve + Sub Curve + + + + + + 12065 + 793 + 112 + 44 + + + 12133 + 815 + + + + + + Base curve + 28b53647-aa8b-44ad-8a65-cb61cd801c66 + Base curve + Base curve + false + ff8b0155-69e8-4aa5-b201-b54b27ddf1bc + 1 + + + + + + 12067 + 795 + 54 + 20 + + + 12094 + 805 + + + + + + + + Sub-domain to extract + 17038688-0b8c-435b-ad7c-df53d6ba398c + Domain + Domain + false + 747899a8-fb8d-4c31-b510-490e316e7c73 + 1 + + + + + + 12067 + 815 + 54 + 20 + + + 12094 + 825 + + + + + + + + Resulting sub curve + a259576a-f93e-428c-9c63-e6522a7f8e9c + Curve + Curve + false + 0 + + + + + + 12145 + 795 + 30 + 40 + + + 12160 + 815 + + + + + + + + + + + + ccfd6ba8-ecb1-44df-a47e-08126a653c51 + Curve Domain + + + + + Measure and set the curve domain + true + 1c248416-aca4-4b50-9764-8596ebcb28c6 + Curve Domain + Curve Domain + + + + + + 11798 + 800 + 104 + 44 + + + 11850 + 822 + + + + + + Curve to measure/modify + 4d266b15-2458-4435-b301-253c753408a0 + Curve + Curve + false + 0c9e2dd7-6113-4358-82a5-483c01d886b8 + 1 + + + + + + 11800 + 802 + 38 + 20 + + + 11819 + 812 + + + + + + + + Optional domain, if omitted the curve will not be modified. + dd225f79-2326-4e79-a0ad-b9272f55fe73 + Domain + Domain + true + 0 + + + + + + 11800 + 822 + 38 + 20 + + + 11819 + 832 + + + + + + + + Curve with new domain. + ff8b0155-69e8-4aa5-b201-b54b27ddf1bc + Curve + Curve + false + 0 + + + + + + 11862 + 802 + 38 + 20 + + + 11881 + 812 + + + + + + + + Domain of original curve. + 3de4962b-ef2a-4856-b6bc-fc569d25edb4 + Domain + Domain + false + 0 + + + + + + 11862 + 822 + 38 + 20 + + + 11881 + 832 + + + + + + + + + + + + 825ea536-aebb-41e9-af32-8baeb2ecb590 + Deconstruct Domain + + + + + Deconstruct a numeric domain into its component parts. + true + 7ab036ac-3180-4469-a5a2-2f024deb9d72 + Deconstruct Domain + Deconstruct Domain + + + + + + 11878 + 866 + 92 + 44 + + + 11930 + 888 + + + + + + Base domain + 25ac9922-f959-40c6-83a4-080548cedd72 + Domain + Domain + false + 3de4962b-ef2a-4856-b6bc-fc569d25edb4 + 1 + + + + + + 11880 + 868 + 38 + 40 + + + 11899 + 888 + + + + + + + + Start of domain + 2654d967-f82d-45e3-a08b-dc2cfa155bde + Start + Start + false + 0 + + + + + + 11942 + 868 + 26 + 20 + + + 11955 + 878 + + + + + + + + End of domain + b9da0c66-c596-4ef1-b4e5-9421f5c61728 + End + End + false + 0 + + + + + + 11942 + 888 + 26 + 20 + + + 11955 + 898 + + + + + + + + + + + + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c + Panel + + + + + A panel for custom notes and text values + 0ee7d11d-260b-4482-b830-0bfd42d1d44b + Panel + + false + 0.130952388048172 + b9da0c66-c596-4ef1-b4e5-9421f5c61728 + 1 + Double click to edit panel content… + + + + + + 12122 + 849 + 160 + 100 + + 0 + 0 + 0 + + 12122.72 + 849.6561 + + + + + + + 255;255;255;255 + + true + true + true + false + false + true + + + + + + + + + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc + Division + + + + + Mathematical division + true + ffe14956-e97f-41bb-a0b8-44b823740c6f + Division + Division + + + + + + 11990 + 849 + 70 + 44 + + + 12015 + 871 + + + + + + Item to divide (dividend) + 3ccea05f-329c-444f-8f15-27876667ec76 + A + A + false + b9da0c66-c596-4ef1-b4e5-9421f5c61728 + 1 + + + + + + 11992 + 851 + 11 + 20 + + + 11997.5 + 861 + + + + + + + + Item to divide with (divisor) + f012063a-d445-4f2f-9f1c-a103240fd68d + B + B + false + 0 + + + + + + 11992 + 871 + 11 + 20 + + + 11997.5 + 881 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Integer + 4 + + + + + + + + + + + The result of the Division + 747899a8-fb8d-4c31-b510-490e316e7c73 + Result + Result + false + 0 + + + + + + 12027 + 851 + 31 + 40 + + + 12042.5 + 871 + + + + + + + + + + + + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 + Evaluate Length + + + + + Evaluate a curve at a certain factor along its length. Length factors can be supplied both in curve units and normalized units. Change the [N] parameter to toggle between the two modes. + true + 1dd95f5c-47d8-4227-953d-8ed77932fe9e + Evaluate Length + Evaluate Length + + + + + + 11695 + 945 + 132 + 64 + + + 11763 + 977 + + + + + + Curve to evaluate + 0671f2d2-2ffa-44e5-ba59-cc9c0ff5d984 + Curve + Curve + false + ac75f347-08a9-4594-b461-4a0a05abe48c + 1 + + + + + + 11697 + 947 + 54 + 20 + + + 11724 + 957 + + + + + + + + Length factor for curve evaluation + 73ccf78f-19b2-4d21-94f8-5c6c8d31b18c + Length + Length + false + 0 + + + + + + 11697 + 967 + 54 + 20 + + + 11724 + 977 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + If True, the Length factor is normalized (0.0 ~ 1.0) + a9e2c065-9597-4055-9eb6-c582877d978c + Normalized + Normalized + false + 0 + + + + + + 11697 + 987 + 54 + 20 + + + 11724 + 997 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + true + + + + + + + + + + + Point at the specified length + 7227ece2-157b-40e8-8f42-922b0fc20c1a + Point + Point + false + 0 + + + + + + 11775 + 947 + 50 + 20 + + + 11800 + 957 + + + + + + + + Tangent vector at the specified length + d5028d5b-63dc-4cdd-9bdc-650f5c6c4063 + Tangent + Tangent + false + 0 + + + + + + 11775 + 967 + 50 + 20 + + + 11800 + 977 + + + + + + + + Curve parameter at the specified length + 1fc11943-f1c0-4f03-8b32-ee98d4aa3739 + Parameter + Parameter + false + 0 + + + + + + 11775 + 987 + 50 + 20 + + + 11800 + 997 + + + + + + + + + + + + d114323a-e6ee-4164-946b-e4ca0ce15efa + Circle CNR + + + + + Create a circle defined by center, normal and radius. + true + f2032ded-d6d6-4f87-b3c0-8a10aa04c544 + Circle CNR + Circle CNR + + + + + + 11863 + 925 + 93 + 64 + + + 11913 + 957 + + + + + + Center point + 7530dd18-d9cf-4567-9041-6a6b2532d4f5 + Center + Center + false + 7227ece2-157b-40e8-8f42-922b0fc20c1a + 1 + + + + + + 11865 + 927 + 36 + 20 + + + 11883 + 937 + + + + + + + + Normal vector of circle plane + 9cd89c45-2a54-41bd-83bb-e2d04050a01f + Normal + Normal + false + d5028d5b-63dc-4cdd-9bdc-650f5c6c4063 + 1 + + + + + + 11865 + 947 + 36 + 20 + + + 11883 + 957 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 0 + 0 + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + Radius of circle + 55242601-540d-4cfa-b44a-ce0fedca8b0a + Radius + Radius + false + dbba62fd-d21b-45ae-b548-d1475629082a + 1 + + + + + + 11865 + 967 + 36 + 20 + + + 11883 + 977 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + Resulting circle + 26157462-a4ec-46b3-868f-53e7e5564833 + Circle + Circle + false + 0 + + + + + + 11925 + 927 + 29 + 60 + + + 11939.5 + 957 + + + + + + + + + + + + 23862862-049a-40be-b558-2418aacbd916 + Deconstruct Arc + + + + + Retrieve the base plane, radius and angle domain of an arc. + true + 506fd985-d945-44b3-a297-39dd0366e1df + Deconstruct Arc + Deconstruct Arc + + + + + + 11252 + 699 + 118 + 64 + + + 11286 + 731 + + + + + + Arc or Circle to deconstruct + 81f865f7-6775-4a59-b027-85d19a30d667 + Arc + Arc + false + 0c9e2dd7-6113-4358-82a5-483c01d886b8 + 1 + + + + + + 11254 + 701 + 20 + 60 + + + 11264 + 731 + + + + + + + + Base plane of arc or circle + 93c69171-97d2-40c1-afbc-e1a50643ba74 + Base Plane + Base Plane + false + 0 + + + + + + 11298 + 701 + 70 + 20 + + + 11325 + 711 + + + + + + + + Radius of arc or circle + dbba62fd-d21b-45ae-b548-d1475629082a + 2 + Radius + Radius + false + 0 + + + + + + 11298 + 721 + 70 + 20 + + + 11325 + 731 + + + + + + + + Angle domain (in radians) of arc + 93bb8197-3849-4058-bc29-f0bd0d0f462f + Angle + Angle + false + 0 + + + + + + 11298 + 741 + 70 + 20 + + + 11325 + 751 + + + + + + + + + + + + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c + Panel + + + + + A panel for custom notes and text values + 99c044d8-5f36-4db7-ad62-4015ed28f199 + Panel + + false + 0.1336030513048172 + 0c9e2dd7-6113-4358-82a5-483c01d886b8 + 1 + Double click to edit panel content… + + + + + + 12985 + 3171 + 160 + 100 + + 0 + 0 + 0 + + 12985.93 + 3171.867 + + + + + + + 255;255;255;255 + + true + true + true + false + false + true + + + + + + + + + 62cc9684-6a39-422e-aefa-ed44643557b9 + Extend Curve + + + + + Extend a curve by a specified distance. + true + 5be8bdf0-4023-47f3-adb0-8dcf8b60be7e + Extend Curve + Extend Curve + + + + + + 11939 + 1049 + 88 + 84 + + + 11983 + 1091 + + + + + + Curve to extend + 11ca7667-d874-4e9f-8127-b318be0c8e2b + Curve + Curve + false + ac75f347-08a9-4594-b461-4a0a05abe48c + 1 + + + + + + 11941 + 1051 + 30 + 20 + + + 11956 + 1061 + + + + + + + + Type of extension (0=Line, 1=Arc, 2=Smooth) + cceed0be-5a58-45e0-b309-1c4efc1c2fb1 + Type + Type + false + 0 + + + + + + 11941 + 1071 + 30 + 20 + + + 11956 + 1081 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Extension length at start of curve + 93f0bb85-261c-4cee-abe8-836fce60141f + Start + Start + false + dbba62fd-d21b-45ae-b548-d1475629082a + 1 + + + + + + 11941 + 1091 + 30 + 20 + + + 11956 + 1101 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Extension length at end of curve + 754c08fc-7752-4ada-bbec-faef232854c8 + End + End + false + 0 + + + + + + 11941 + 1111 + 30 + 20 + + + 11956 + 1121 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Extended curve + d3377e71-96bc-41a0-82a8-f249d808cd5b + Curve + Curve + false + 0 + + + + + + 11995 + 1051 + 30 + 80 + + + 12010 + 1091 + + + + + + + + + + + + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 + Evaluate Length + + + + + Evaluate a curve at a certain factor along its length. Length factors can be supplied both in curve units and normalized units. Change the [N] parameter to toggle between the two modes. + true + 30d0131b-2257-49a7-ad45-be5601836f28 + Evaluate Length + Evaluate Length + + + + + + 12015 + 938 + 132 + 64 + + + 12083 + 970 + + + + + + Curve to evaluate + d52bcafa-dc93-4a88-b004-7c89265a57f2 + Curve + Curve + false + 26157462-a4ec-46b3-868f-53e7e5564833 + 1 + + + + + + 12017 + 940 + 54 + 20 + + + 12044 + 950 + + + + + + + + Length factor for curve evaluation + 886f221f-0273-4f0d-a1b1-93b7efd7110d + Length + Length + false + 0 + + + + + + 12017 + 960 + 54 + 20 + + + 12044 + 970 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + If True, the Length factor is normalized (0.0 ~ 1.0) + e0f13200-b72c-434e-823e-f04f82bda288 + Normalized + Normalized + false + 0 + + + + + + 12017 + 980 + 54 + 20 + + + 12044 + 990 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + true + + + + + + + + + + + Point at the specified length + 7cfe9eda-2b01-47a0-acb1-4f1732f103a1 + Point + Point + false + 0 + + + + + + 12095 + 940 + 50 + 20 + + + 12120 + 950 + + + + + + + + Tangent vector at the specified length + 47530a0a-40bb-47e8-a26f-7a305e94b3e3 + Tangent + Tangent + false + 0 + + + + + + 12095 + 960 + 50 + 20 + + + 12120 + 970 + + + + + + + + Curve parameter at the specified length + 7ea69a6a-a3a2-41e1-853a-e011e9bbe6b1 + Parameter + Parameter + false + 0 + + + + + + 12095 + 980 + 50 + 20 + + + 12120 + 990 + + + + + + + + + + + + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 + Evaluate Length + + + + + Evaluate a curve at a certain factor along its length. Length factors can be supplied both in curve units and normalized units. Change the [N] parameter to toggle between the two modes. + true + 31f94e37-3d69-4383-b7f8-c5c8069db159 + Evaluate Length + Evaluate Length + + + + + + 12067 + 1079 + 132 + 64 + + + 12135 + 1111 + + + + + + Curve to evaluate + 374e8153-cc5e-4100-ace4-0be7a412877e + Curve + Curve + false + d3377e71-96bc-41a0-82a8-f249d808cd5b + 1 + + + + + + 12069 + 1081 + 54 + 20 + + + 12096 + 1091 + + + + + + + + Length factor for curve evaluation + 866bb991-568c-417f-a678-11c81cd93e0a + Length + Length + false + 0 + + + + + + 12069 + 1101 + 54 + 20 + + + 12096 + 1111 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + If True, the Length factor is normalized (0.0 ~ 1.0) + 61a05b5e-aba1-42e9-afea-65ecbc5e78eb + Normalized + Normalized + false + 0 + + + + + + 12069 + 1121 + 54 + 20 + + + 12096 + 1131 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + true + + + + + + + + + + + Point at the specified length + 02821e98-6363-40d6-86c4-2b8f4a298edc + Point + Point + false + 0 + + + + + + 12147 + 1081 + 50 + 20 + + + 12172 + 1091 + + + + + + + + Tangent vector at the specified length + bb659331-2f31-4b97-a83b-b2e816a1b7fc + Tangent + Tangent + false + 0 + + + + + + 12147 + 1101 + 50 + 20 + + + 12172 + 1111 + + + + + + + + Curve parameter at the specified length + de414124-bf85-4d96-b705-f0ab13a7cc48 + Parameter + Parameter + false + 0 + + + + + + 12147 + 1121 + 50 + 20 + + + 12172 + 1131 + + + + + + + + + + + + 934ede4a-924a-4973-bb05-0dc4b36fae75 + Vector 2Pt + + + + + Create a vector between two points. + true + 2782ef58-64f8-4062-b3d5-f0aecaffb20f + Vector 2Pt + Vector 2Pt + + + + + + 12212 + 976 + 100 + 64 + + + 12264 + 1008 + + + + + + Base point + 1eaa308a-4ac7-48e0-9b29-c6c764d1fc17 + Point A + Point A + false + 7227ece2-157b-40e8-8f42-922b0fc20c1a + 1 + + + + + + 12214 + 978 + 38 + 20 + + + 12233 + 988 + + + + + + + + Tip point + 5a4f623f-9c6b-4eda-a16d-d50ee055bde4 + Point B + Point B + false + 7cfe9eda-2b01-47a0-acb1-4f1732f103a1 + 1 + + + + + + 12214 + 998 + 38 + 20 + + + 12233 + 1008 + + + + + + + + Unitize output + 3cc0e48c-6446-439e-8ed1-951066926ddc + Unitize + Unitize + false + 0 + + + + + + 12214 + 1018 + 38 + 20 + + + 12233 + 1028 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + false + + + + + + + + + + + Vector + a9648c83-9b5f-4cf2-b460-ca9af07018c5 + Vector + Vector + false + 0 + + + + + + 12276 + 978 + 34 + 30 + + + 12293 + 993 + + + + + + + + Vector length + 450d17b7-1b3f-4478-aa1f-96483797397b + Length + Length + false + 0 + + + + + + 12276 + 1008 + 34 + 30 + + + 12293 + 1023 + + + + + + + + + + + + 934ede4a-924a-4973-bb05-0dc4b36fae75 + Vector 2Pt + + + + + Create a vector between two points. + true + 1c7005bc-e1a2-4c49-b3dd-df22e907b076 + Vector 2Pt + Vector 2Pt + + + + + + 12282 + 1059 + 100 + 64 + + + 12334 + 1091 + + + + + + Base point + 84c0205a-0122-4c4f-abe8-87353ca2757b + Point A + Point A + false + 6e755877-b2bf-469c-8a4a-7fbdbb50815b + 1 + + + + + + 12284 + 1061 + 38 + 20 + + + 12303 + 1071 + + + + + + + + Tip point + 4011fc28-f20a-4e02-99f1-1b886d95af1a + Point B + Point B + false + beca6b3b-495d-48f5-bdc1-f0b33c85e306 + 1 + + + + + + 12284 + 1081 + 38 + 20 + + + 12303 + 1091 + + + + + + + + Unitize output + 3d609753-b94c-41c9-a114-c38d2e28dee6 + Unitize + Unitize + false + 0 + + + + + + 12284 + 1101 + 38 + 20 + + + 12303 + 1111 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + false + + + + + + + + + + + Vector + 68155d54-11af-4007-8b48-0a266c8c07e5 + Vector + Vector + false + 0 + + + + + + 12346 + 1061 + 34 + 30 + + + 12363 + 1076 + + + + + + + + Vector length + f9cfaae7-b503-4df4-86a3-87de6711ac51 + Length + Length + false + 0 + + + + + + 12346 + 1091 + 34 + 30 + + + 12363 + 1106 + + + + + + + + + + + + 5edaea74-32cb-4586-bd72-66694eb73160 + Rotate Direction + + + + + Rotate an object from one direction to another. + true + e1791369-1f86-465d-ab2d-d5b4778f5ba3 + Rotate Direction + Rotate Direction + + + + + + 12399 + 926 + 126 + 84 + + + 12461 + 968 + + + + + + Base geometry + e40e4029-8c36-4ccd-982a-335ef2e857fd + Geometry + Geometry + true + 26157462-a4ec-46b3-868f-53e7e5564833 + 1 + + + + + + 12401 + 928 + 48 + 20 + + + 12425 + 938 + + + + + + + + Rotation center point + b5c21e1d-deef-4cea-90fc-8a05b91c4fd7 + Center + Center + false + 7227ece2-157b-40e8-8f42-922b0fc20c1a + 1 + + + + + + 12401 + 948 + 48 + 20 + + + 12425 + 958 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + Initial direction + 5e7834d2-6e07-43b0-bb85-e014ff5392f1 + From + From + false + a9648c83-9b5f-4cf2-b460-ca9af07018c5 + 1 + + + + + + 12401 + 968 + 48 + 20 + + + 12425 + 978 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 1 + 0 + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + Final direction + 440e5d4b-1e2f-4cec-83c0-0a65b1158adb + To + To + false + 68155d54-11af-4007-8b48-0a266c8c07e5 + 1 + + + + + + 12401 + 988 + 48 + 20 + + + 12425 + 998 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 0 + 1 + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + Rotated geometry + 0062194c-11fa-4672-a78f-5fbd2d992531 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 12473 + 928 + 50 + 40 + + + 12498 + 948 + + + + + + + + Transformation data + fb7b606c-4b4a-4d35-8568-2bf30acc7ae3 + Transform + Transform + false + 0 + + + + + + 12473 + 968 + 50 + 40 + + + 12498 + 988 + + + + + + + + + + + + ccfd6ba8-ecb1-44df-a47e-08126a653c51 + Curve Domain + + + + + Measure and set the curve domain + true + 5ef184dc-4001-4bb7-bd77-dfb618cf6cb2 + Curve Domain + Curve Domain + + + + + + 12562 + 955 + 104 + 44 + + + 12614 + 977 + + + + + + Curve to measure/modify + cad3a8cb-1588-4362-949f-c67887d6e6bf + Curve + Curve + false + 0062194c-11fa-4672-a78f-5fbd2d992531 + 1 + + + + + + 12564 + 957 + 38 + 20 + + + 12583 + 967 + + + + + + + + Optional domain, if omitted the curve will not be modified. + 69bb7cf5-65b9-49ec-8e3d-5f0b974879c4 + Domain + Domain + true + 0 + + + + + + 12564 + 977 + 38 + 20 + + + 12583 + 987 + + + + + + + + Curve with new domain. + b9670d8f-7f99-4c7a-bf72-725b0fa61281 + Curve + Curve + false + 0 + + + + + + 12626 + 957 + 38 + 20 + + + 12645 + 967 + + + + + + + + Domain of original curve. + dee82e2d-6483-4927-939e-a5d493a3f94a + Domain + Domain + false + 0 + + + + + + 12626 + 977 + 38 + 20 + + + 12645 + 987 + + + + + + + + + + + + 825ea536-aebb-41e9-af32-8baeb2ecb590 + Deconstruct Domain + + + + + Deconstruct a numeric domain into its component parts. + true + 67c76109-4f29-4a55-bc7f-788791ad3830 + Deconstruct Domain + Deconstruct Domain + + + + + + 12710 + 989 + 92 + 44 + + + 12762 + 1011 + + + + + + Base domain + e3ac17f1-6469-42b3-b284-b85c29b9f6ed + Domain + Domain + false + dee82e2d-6483-4927-939e-a5d493a3f94a + 1 + + + + + + 12712 + 991 + 38 + 40 + + + 12731 + 1011 + + + + + + + + Start of domain + 32f85755-0c69-4061-97cc-354a78f904e2 + Start + Start + false + 0 + + + + + + 12774 + 991 + 26 + 20 + + + 12787 + 1001 + + + + + + + + End of domain + b5f75642-f168-4e61-9ff6-d6abee3d6bfb + End + End + false + 0 + + + + + + 12774 + 1011 + 26 + 20 + + + 12787 + 1021 + + + + + + + + + + + + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c + Panel + + + + + A panel for custom notes and text values + 48f79122-a5c3-4ea6-86a5-bc319702d687 + Panel + Panel + false + 0.10900473594665527 + dee82e2d-6483-4927-939e-a5d493a3f94a + 1 + Double click to edit panel content… + + + + + + 13047 + 802 + 160 + 247 + + 0 + 0 + 0 + + 13047.67 + 802.8608 + + + + + + + 255;255;255;255 + + true + true + true + false + false + true + + + + + + + + + 429cbba9-55ee-4e84-98ea-876c44db879a + Sub Curve + + + + + Construct a curve from the sub-domain of a base curve. + true + f985085d-582b-414b-a3ad-9635f9ce8387 + Sub Curve + Sub Curve + + + + + + 12913 + 1081 + 112 + 44 + + + 12981 + 1103 + + + + + + Base curve + 71998725-315b-4c35-ac70-75baa6427a71 + Base curve + Base curve + false + 0062194c-11fa-4672-a78f-5fbd2d992531 + 1 + + + + + + 12915 + 1083 + 54 + 20 + + + 12942 + 1093 + + + + + + + + Sub-domain to extract + 73f3853d-e5f4-4a57-a34f-321f528e1299 + Domain + Domain + false + 17d6ba76-dac5-4921-8f26-bb158ad46a55 + 1 + + + + + + 12915 + 1103 + 54 + 20 + + + 12942 + 1113 + + + + + + + + Resulting sub curve + acae0804-583b-4d45-8ead-a87bb09578a0 + Curve + Curve + false + 0 + + + + + + 12993 + 1083 + 30 + 40 + + + 13008 + 1103 + + + + + + + + + + + + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc + Division + + + + + Mathematical division + true + c9706c84-9202-417b-ad60-30ca3a0f3014 + Division + Division + + + + + + 12811 + 1037 + 70 + 44 + + + 12836 + 1059 + + + + + + Item to divide (dividend) + 7400e028-4319-493a-99dd-1b6f97594367 + A + A + false + b5f75642-f168-4e61-9ff6-d6abee3d6bfb + 1 + + + + + + 12813 + 1039 + 11 + 20 + + + 12818.5 + 1049 + + + + + + + + Item to divide with (divisor) + cb833a0d-7b04-42a3-ba51-bfb4f4c48596 + B + B + false + 0 + + + + + + 12813 + 1059 + 11 + 20 + + + 12818.5 + 1069 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Integer + 4 + + + + + + + + + + + The result of the Division + 17d6ba76-dac5-4921-8f26-bb158ad46a55 + Result + Result + false + 0 + + + + + + 12848 + 1039 + 31 + 40 + + + 12863.5 + 1059 + + + + + + + + + + + + cdee962f-4202-456b-a1b4-f3ed9aa0dc29 + Revolution + + + + + Create a surface of revolution. + true + f92377e8-cfd5-40ba-a81d-7c059cb522ad + Revolution + Revolution + + + + + + 13217 + 1110 + 104 + 64 + + + 13269 + 1142 + + + + + + Profile curve + 3f460ab8-a2eb-42d7-82e5-381b526cb729 + Curve + Curve + false + acae0804-583b-4d45-8ead-a87bb09578a0 + 1 + + + + + + 13219 + 1112 + 38 + 20 + + + 13238 + 1122 + + + + + + + + Revolution axis + 47c87c77-e57a-4959-ae51-d751194ae662 + Axis + Axis + false + 050cec08-f5c8-49ab-8e42-59838e0491a4 + 1 + + + + + + 13219 + 1132 + 38 + 20 + + + 13238 + 1142 + + + + + + + + Angle domain (in radians) + c4528168-603f-4b61-9fd7-1e66850856b3 + Domain + Domain + false + 0 + + + + + + 13219 + 1152 + 38 + 20 + + + 13238 + 1162 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 0 + 6.28318530717959 + + + + + + + + + + + + Brep representing the revolution result. + 89ff9212-2532-4834-af63-4e7e83b1407d + Surface + Surface + false + 0 + + + + + + 13281 + 1112 + 38 + 60 + + + 13300 + 1142 + + + + + + + + + + + + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b + Relay + + + + + 2 + A wire relay object + 6e755877-b2bf-469c-8a4a-7fbdbb50815b + Relay + + false + 7227ece2-157b-40e8-8f42-922b0fc20c1a + 1 + + + + + + 12205 + 1060 + 40 + 16 + + + 12225 + 1068 + + + + + + + + + + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b + Relay + + + + + 2 + A wire relay object + beca6b3b-495d-48f5-bdc1-f0b33c85e306 + Relay + + false + 02821e98-6363-40d6-86c4-2b8f4a298edc + 1 + + + + + + 12211 + 1083 + 40 + 16 + + + 12231 + 1091 + + + + + + + + + + 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a + Line + + + + + Create a line between two points. + true + 85ecb277-7feb-4e48-9491-eabcb1e74482 + Line + Line + + + + + + 12639 + 1078 + 102 + 44 + + + 12705 + 1100 + + + + + + Line start point + 177cdaac-c57a-4861-966c-21c7a4895fe7 + Start Point + Start Point + false + 6e755877-b2bf-469c-8a4a-7fbdbb50815b + 1 + + + + + + 12641 + 1080 + 52 + 20 + + + 12667 + 1090 + + + + + + + + Line end point + 69ed4361-2070-46f6-8152-9a63c8daa4c2 + End Point + End Point + false + beca6b3b-495d-48f5-bdc1-f0b33c85e306 + 1 + + + + + + 12641 + 1100 + 52 + 20 + + + 12667 + 1110 + + + + + + + + Line segment + 050cec08-f5c8-49ab-8e42-59838e0491a4 + Line + Line + false + 0 + + + + + + 12717 + 1080 + 22 + 40 + + + 12728 + 1100 + + + + + + + + + + + + fdc466a9-d3b8-4056-852a-09dba0f74aca + Divide Length + + + + + Divide a curve into segments with a preset length + true + b0d8b05d-1309-4b88-b7a7-2c4e471cae5a + true + Divide Length + Divide Length + + + + + + 12434 + 1242 + 117 + 64 + + + 12482 + 1274 + + + + + + Curve to divide + dba5072b-631c-440b-a3af-17463aae225f + true + Curve + Curve + false + 7cf79029-c66c-4389-a617-b02ea82b730f + 1 + + + + + + 12436 + 1244 + 34 + 30 + + + 12453 + 1259 + + + + + + + + Length of segments + d1c8afa2-2175-4309-b0b0-138d7677a13f + true + Length + Length + false + e308ae49-ae1a-4bf1-ba66-c950a93bde76 + 1 + + + + + + 12436 + 1274 + 34 + 30 + + + 12453 + 1289 + + + + + + + + 1 + Division points + 80205616-70ab-4c58-8dbb-05a32f8130aa + true + Points + Points + false + 0 + + + + + + 12494 + 1244 + 55 + 20 + + + 12521.5 + 1254 + + + + + + + + 1 + Tangent vectors at division points + 69396856-8330-4416-8101-919dad59675e + true + Tangents + Tangents + false + 0 + + + + + + 12494 + 1264 + 55 + 20 + + + 12521.5 + 1274 + + + + + + + + 1 + Parameter values at division points + 66faa971-fe97-4299-ae7c-208927da08e7 + true + Parameters + Parameters + false + 0 + + + + + + 12494 + 1284 + 55 + 20 + + + 12521.5 + 1294 + + + + + + + + + + + + 6f93d366-919f-4dda-a35e-ba03dd62799b + Sort List + + + + + Sort a list of numeric keys. + true + e68a1b96-eb98-423d-bd01-d7491d145919 + Sort List + Sort List + + + + + + 11793 + 1268 + 150 + 44 + + + 11868 + 1290 + + + + + + 2 + 3e8ca6be-fda8-4aaf-b5c0-3c54c8bb7312 + 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 + 2 + 3e8ca6be-fda8-4aaf-b5c0-3c54c8bb7312 + 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 + + + + + 1 + List of sortable keys + 92c3f7bf-b29b-4e22-8821-37178a25d400 + 1 + Keys + Keys + false + fa63a025-1758-4413-ae16-3aa874a92eb6 + 1 + + + + + + 11795 + 1270 + 61 + 20 + + + 11833.5 + 1280 + + + + + + + + 1 + Optional list of values to sort synchronously + e6bdec1e-fa19-4746-be32-0d6e725bf793 + 1 + Values A + Values A + true + ac75f347-08a9-4594-b461-4a0a05abe48c + 1 + + + + + + 11795 + 1290 + 61 + 20 + + + 11833.5 + 1300 + + + + + + + + 1 + Sorted keys + 5fe8d116-b819-42db-8ef8-a37c1a5506c9 + Keys + Keys + false + 0 + + + + + + 11880 + 1270 + 61 + 20 + + + 11902.5 + 1280 + + + + + + + + 1 + Synchronous values in A + b5be062d-ea1b-4c6f-a605-293dd5025053 + 2 + Values A + Values A + false + 0 + + + + + + 11880 + 1290 + 61 + 20 + + + 11902.5 + 1300 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + c75b62fa-0a33-4da7-a5bd-03fd0068fd93 + Length + + + + + Measure the length of a curve. + true + b8145a04-5331-4491-a78a-59df0521e999 + Length + Length + + + + + + 11805 + 1241 + 92 + 28 + + + 11849 + 1255 + + + + + + Curve to measure + 37872810-a8c7-400d-85d7-ed0bfb5d6675 + Curve + Curve + false + ac75f347-08a9-4594-b461-4a0a05abe48c + 1 + + + + + + 11807 + 1243 + 30 + 24 + + + 11822 + 1255 + + + + + + + + Curve length + fa63a025-1758-4413-ae16-3aa874a92eb6 + Length + Length + false + 0 + + + + + + 11861 + 1243 + 34 + 24 + + + 11878 + 1255 + + + + + + + + + + + + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c + Panel + + + + + A panel for custom notes and text values + ae153b28-8417-447a-b903-be13d8a69730 + Panel + + false + 0 + 2d71c0dc-5617-4c73-940b-437849f36d1d + 1 + Double click to edit panel content… + + + + + + 12204 + 1119 + 160 + 100 + + 0 + 0 + 0 + + 12204.17 + 1119.485 + + + + + + + 255;255;255;255 + + true + true + true + false + false + true + + + + + + + + + c75b62fa-0a33-4da7-a5bd-03fd0068fd93 + Length + + + + + Measure the length of a curve. + true + c8bc8b59-4df9-4b51-b57e-9812ae792b8b + Length + Length + + + + + + 11962 + 1286 + 92 + 28 + + + 12006 + 1300 + + + + + + Curve to measure + d0b424d3-722a-4031-9267-300d4ae8a803 + Curve + Curve + false + b5be062d-ea1b-4c6f-a605-293dd5025053 + 1 + + + + + + 11964 + 1288 + 30 + 24 + + + 11979 + 1300 + + + + + + + + Curve length + 02438351-d268-4d25-94be-b4b7377f3584 + Length + Length + false + 0 + + + + + + 12018 + 1288 + 34 + 24 + + + 12035 + 1300 + + + + + + + + + + + + 6ec97ea8-c559-47a2-8d0f-ce80c794d1f4 + Reverse List + + + + + Reverse the order of a list. + true + 87953320-426f-4df6-b6c4-153967860423 + Reverse List + Reverse List + + + + + + 11958 + 1255 + 98 + 28 + + + 12007 + 1269 + + + + + + 1 + Base list + d9cb24e5-ce10-4aa0-8521-9a0f4cac0abd + 1 + List + List + false + 02438351-d268-4d25-94be-b4b7377f3584 + 1 + + + + + + 11960 + 1257 + 35 + 24 + + + 11985.5 + 1269 + + + + + + + + 1 + Reversed list + f23c8e5e-7495-42e1-a8c6-b0dd87348532 + 2 + List + List + false + 0 + + + + + + 12019 + 1257 + 35 + 24 + + + 12028.5 + 1269 + + + + + + + + + + + + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae + List Item + + + + + 0 + Retrieve a specific item from a list. + true + 8cf6c99a-68d1-454c-b67d-4a9155d66ae6 + List Item + List Item + + + + + + 12091 + 1257 + 96 + 64 + + + 12149 + 1289 + + + + + + 3 + 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 + 2e3ab970-8545-46bb-836c-1c11e5610bce + cb95db89-6165-43b6-9c41-5702bc5bf137 + 1 + 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 + + + + + 1 + Base list + 98bd1981-a22e-454a-89c8-4226225bc451 + 1 + List + List + false + f23c8e5e-7495-42e1-a8c6-b0dd87348532 + 1 + + + + + + 12093 + 1259 + 44 + 20 + + + 12123 + 1269 + + + + + + + + Item index + 70fd5456-8638-4134-bec1-88ee3896f184 + Index + Index + false + 0 + + + + + + 12093 + 1279 + 44 + 20 + + + 12123 + 1289 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Wrap index to list bounds + bd21cc5a-e89a-411f-b60e-def30334d878 + Wrap + Wrap + false + 0 + + + + + + 12093 + 1299 + 44 + 20 + + + 12123 + 1309 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + true + + + + + + + + + + + Item at {i'} + 2d71c0dc-5617-4c73-940b-437849f36d1d + false + Item + Item + false + 0 + + + + + + 12161 + 1259 + 24 + 60 + + + 12173 + 1289 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc + Division + + + + + Mathematical division + true + bd969bbc-32d3-44c4-8ea7-d01bec007d4c + Division + Division + + + + + + 12318 + 1286 + 70 + 44 + + + 12343 + 1308 + + + + + + Item to divide (dividend) + 5b4a35b8-2f3e-4da0-9181-e9d613edb212 + A + A + false + 2d71c0dc-5617-4c73-940b-437849f36d1d + 1 + + + + + + 12320 + 1288 + 11 + 20 + + + 12325.5 + 1298 + + + + + + + + Item to divide with (divisor) + b1fda9af-2357-4661-97d3-92c022cec66b + B + B + false + 27336753-4243-483e-8f63-f5aa3cb942e5 + 1 + + + + + + 12320 + 1308 + 11 + 20 + + + 12325.5 + 1318 + + + + + + + + The result of the Division + e308ae49-ae1a-4bf1-ba66-c950a93bde76 + Result + Result + false + 0 + + + + + + 12355 + 1288 + 31 + 40 + + + 12370.5 + 1308 + + + + + + + + + + + + 78fed580-851b-46fe-af2f-6519a9d378e0 + Power + + + + + Raise a value to a power. + true + e8720688-c326-4530-9012-6ee1ea773274 + Power + Power + + + + + + 12232 + 1290 + 70 + 44 + + + 12257 + 1312 + + + + + + The item to be raised + c4d72a3a-fb4f-40c9-b8ed-073887d61d6d + A + A + false + 0 + + + + + + 12234 + 1292 + 11 + 20 + + + 12239.5 + 1302 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Integer + 3 + + + + + + + + + + + The exponent + afb1f603-4fad-4aca-a838-a2a3833356ab + B + B + false + ebd680c6-189f-47cf-baf4-7b366bcce7cc + 1 + + + + + + 12234 + 1312 + 11 + 20 + + + 12239.5 + 1322 + + + + + + + + A raised to the B power + 27336753-4243-483e-8f63-f5aa3cb942e5 + Result + Result + false + 0 + + + + + + 12269 + 1292 + 31 + 40 + + + 12284.5 + 1312 + + + + + + + + + + + + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c + Panel + + + + + A panel for custom notes and text values + fcdb9b39-5505-4dc8-a5be-f974054682cf + Panel + + false + 0.21337890625 + 89d3a529-fb6c-4ec2-9edf-a6eb3ec47818 + 1 + Double click to edit panel content… + + + + + + 12754 + 1270 + 146 + 148 + + 0 + 0 + 0 + + 12754.86 + 1270.345 + + + + + + + 255;255;255;255 + + true + true + true + false + false + true + + + + + + + + + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 + Evaluate Length + + + + + Evaluate a curve at a certain factor along its length. Length factors can be supplied both in curve units and normalized units. Change the [N] parameter to toggle between the two modes. + true + 12bb0929-46df-4d3f-b762-b5d02b597d8c + Evaluate Length + Evaluate Length + + + + + + 12428 + 1167 + 132 + 64 + + + 12496 + 1199 + + + + + + Curve to evaluate + 7e25e69e-32c5-4324-bdf4-3151f95b2d53 + Curve + Curve + false + ac75f347-08a9-4594-b461-4a0a05abe48c + 1 + + + + + + 12430 + 1169 + 54 + 20 + + + 12457 + 1179 + + + + + + + + Length factor for curve evaluation + 35eecdb6-2b40-4793-b188-456f82dae475 + Length + Length + false + 0 + + + + + + 12430 + 1189 + 54 + 20 + + + 12457 + 1199 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + If True, the Length factor is normalized (0.0 ~ 1.0) + 6ec928fe-5445-43f4-8249-47b5ebe312d6 + Normalized + Normalized + false + 0 + + + + + + 12430 + 1209 + 54 + 20 + + + 12457 + 1219 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + true + + + + + + + + + + + Point at the specified length + 1650843e-4826-40b0-9c61-b4bbf9ac03a0 + Point + Point + false + 0 + + + + + + 12508 + 1169 + 50 + 20 + + + 12533 + 1179 + + + + + + + + Tangent vector at the specified length + 3cb290b0-ba46-49d8-9ff5-39051cdc862b + Tangent + Tangent + false + 0 + + + + + + 12508 + 1189 + 50 + 20 + + + 12533 + 1199 + + + + + + + + Curve parameter at the specified length + 3b9f24a3-5137-4e49-b200-fe81d70128a6 + Parameter + Parameter + false + 0 + + + + + + 12508 + 1209 + 50 + 20 + + + 12533 + 1219 + + + + + + + + + + + + d114323a-e6ee-4164-946b-e4ca0ce15efa + Circle CNR + + + + + Create a circle defined by center, normal and radius. + true + ba4b0ea7-62d6-4bed-82c8-7e613600ecf7 + Circle CNR + Circle CNR + + + + + + 12753 + 1154 + 93 + 64 + + + 12803 + 1186 + + + + + + Center point + 291ab45c-d22a-48ea-98e8-ac30a5526532 + Center + Center + false + 1650843e-4826-40b0-9c61-b4bbf9ac03a0 + 1 + + + + + + 12755 + 1156 + 36 + 20 + + + 12773 + 1166 + + + + + + + + Normal vector of circle plane + 04cee8e8-09f8-4ef1-a16f-f400a5aa80bf + Normal + Normal + false + 3cb290b0-ba46-49d8-9ff5-39051cdc862b + 1 + + + + + + 12755 + 1176 + 36 + 20 + + + 12773 + 1186 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 0 + 0 + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + Radius of circle + f8941e73-01f0-4a32-b04c-8746b163837a + Radius + Radius + false + 7c5e7de4-62ea-4a9e-aace-4386b05bfd61 + 1 + + + + + + 12755 + 1196 + 36 + 20 + + + 12773 + 1206 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + Resulting circle + 1ebe8a65-5f1b-4f59-88ac-73a9b142d95e + Circle + Circle + false + 0 + + + + + + 12815 + 1156 + 29 + 60 + + + 12829.5 + 1186 + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 1 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + ba4b0ea7-62d6-4bed-82c8-7e613600ecf7 + 1 + 0de91de0-44ba-4c4d-b804-ae428780a113 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 1 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + ecc113aa-67f4-49d3-bf7a-001f49a30488 + 1 + 97087514-986f-421a-9023-4ba036e75a14 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b + Relay + + + + + 2 + A wire relay object + 7c5e7de4-62ea-4a9e-aace-4386b05bfd61 + Relay + + false + db45f1a0-c9bb-42f6-880f-2854e19d3c72 + 1 + + + + + + 12629 + 1308 + 40 + 16 + + + 12649 + 1316 + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 7c5e7de4-62ea-4a9e-aace-4386b05bfd61 + 1 + 4778e6d7-3506-4c78-a269-ac037a77c461 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b + Relay + + + + + 2 + A wire relay object + d201251d-00cf-4c57-80bf-a39a069c4ad3 + Relay + + false + 41301039-d9de-441d-b15d-00df69ee40a9 + 1 + + + + + + 12750 + 1500 + 40 + 16 + + + 12770 + 1508 + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + d201251d-00cf-4c57-80bf-a39a069c4ad3 + 8b1d8ff8-1ec3-4b7b-8832-353c5c1f6f9e + 2 + 0240b46c-6153-4af2-ae1a-6ce2d9385189 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + 23862862-049a-40be-b558-2418aacbd916 + Deconstruct Arc + + + + + Retrieve the base plane, radius and angle domain of an arc. + true + 8b1d8ff8-1ec3-4b7b-8832-353c5c1f6f9e + Deconstruct Arc + Deconstruct Arc + + + + + + 12630 + 1476 + 102 + 64 + + + 12664 + 1508 + + + + + + Arc or Circle to deconstruct + f7ec3d33-e28a-4bb0-93f8-58e7e0a80ac7 + Arc + Arc + false + 0c9e2dd7-6113-4358-82a5-483c01d886b8 + 1 + + + + + + 12632 + 1478 + 20 + 60 + + + 12642 + 1508 + + + + + + + + Base plane of arc or circle + 550b36f3-f357-4f64-9f06-4b8c2d01ecbc + Base Plane + Base Plane + false + 0 + + + + + + 12676 + 1478 + 54 + 20 + + + 12703 + 1488 + + + + + + + + Radius of arc or circle + 41301039-d9de-441d-b15d-00df69ee40a9 + Radius + Radius + false + 0 + + + + + + 12676 + 1498 + 54 + 20 + + + 12703 + 1508 + + + + + + + + Angle domain (in radians) of arc + b6e8e016-7e67-4c21-bacf-399145f14c5e + Angle + Angle + false + 0 + + + + + + 12676 + 1518 + 54 + 20 + + + 12703 + 1528 + + + + + + + + + + + + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c + Panel + + + + + A panel for custom notes and text values + a17c27ef-fe36-4344-a916-a2c10d198c09 + Panel + + false + 0.13360306620597839 + cc241587-9494-4912-ba28-0f6a5eb11c5a + 1 + Double click to edit panel content… + + + + + + 12952 + 1381 + 160 + 153 + + 0 + 0 + 0 + + 12952.73 + 1381.698 + + + + + + + 255;255;255;255 + + true + true + true + false + false + true + + + + + + + + + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c + Panel + + + + + A panel for custom notes and text values + 7fa059fc-2168-4848-938b-6012d6f347d3 + Panel + + false + 0.13924939651042223 + f329b51c-8136-4e7e-9f27-91a8ee7eac7f + 1 + Double click to edit panel content… + + + + + + 12916 + 1227 + 160 + 156 + + 0 + 0 + 0 + + 12916.72 + 1227.312 + + + + + + + 255;255;255;255 + + true + true + true + false + false + true + + + + + + + + + 87e1d9ef-088b-4d30-9dda-8a7448a17329 + Graft Tree + + + + + Graft a data tree by adding an extra branch for every item. + true + true + true + 185d33ca-4a5e-4a77-9154-79251c8942c0 + Graft Tree + Graft Tree + + + + + + 12782 + 1322 + 76 + 28 + + + 12820 + 1336 + + + + + + 2 + Data tree to graft + 0960eb2b-9632-4089-9da7-afd8cc25ab4f + Tree + Tree + false + 7c5e7de4-62ea-4a9e-aace-4386b05bfd61 + 1 + + + + + + 12784 + 1324 + 24 + 24 + + + 12796 + 1336 + + + + + + + + 2 + Grafted data tree + f329b51c-8136-4e7e-9f27-91a8ee7eac7f + Tree + Tree + false + 0 + + + + + + 12832 + 1324 + 24 + 24 + + + 12844 + 1336 + + + + + + + + + + + + 87e1d9ef-088b-4d30-9dda-8a7448a17329 + Graft Tree + + + + + Graft a data tree by adding an extra branch for every item. + true + true + true + a727d30a-c880-4737-b4dd-760ac7612084 + Graft Tree + Graft Tree + + + + + + 12817 + 1522 + 76 + 28 + + + 12855 + 1536 + + + + + + 2 + Data tree to graft + a17bee76-3498-453d-b511-8612ea67c081 + Tree + Tree + false + d201251d-00cf-4c57-80bf-a39a069c4ad3 + 1 + + + + + + 12819 + 1524 + 24 + 24 + + + 12831 + 1536 + + + + + + + + 2 + Grafted data tree + cc241587-9494-4912-ba28-0f6a5eb11c5a + Tree + Tree + false + 0 + + + + + + 12867 + 1524 + 24 + 24 + + + 12879 + 1536 + + + + + + + + + + + + 9445ca40-cc73-4861-a455-146308676855 + Range + + + + + Create a range of numbers. + true + 3945859a-7c08-4c40-b04a-cbeeb8adf23e + Range + Range + + + + + + 13281 + 1277 + 98 + 44 + + + 13333 + 1299 + + + + + + Domain of numeric range + 15afa2e8-95e6-48f4-89b4-dd4d8b009580 + Domain + Domain + false + ba34ddce-90aa-4413-ac1d-39078ceef3c0 + 1 + + + + + + 13283 + 1279 + 38 + 20 + + + 13302 + 1289 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 0 + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + Number of steps + 04ff5b90-c5f8-4956-a4e5-8016995e25b7 + Steps + Steps + false + fcdb9b39-5505-4dc8-a5be-f974054682cf + 1 + + + + + + 13283 + 1299 + 38 + 20 + + + 13302 + 1309 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 10 + + + + + + + + + + + 1 + Range of numbers + 563dfa12-3f84-4419-9d21-f97f57b01556 + Range + Range + false + 0 + + + + + + 13345 + 1279 + 32 + 40 + + + 13361 + 1299 + + + + + + + + + + + + d1a28e95-cf96-4936-bf34-8bf142d731bf + Construct Domain + + + + + Create a numeric domain from two numeric extremes. + true + d138ac34-b1da-45b2-aae9-0a1be3136032 + Construct Domain + Construct Domain + + + + + + 13089 + 1364 + 128 + 44 + + + 13165 + 1386 + + + + + + Start value of numeric domain + 8541e8b5-d342-4b9b-8cd6-4d31ed94b420 + Domain start + Domain start + false + 7fa059fc-2168-4848-938b-6012d6f347d3 + 1 + + + + + + 13091 + 1366 + 62 + 20 + + + 13122 + 1376 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + End value of numeric domain + 436c020b-a7fc-4b5c-877d-3ace56bc4479 + Domain end + Domain end + false + a17c27ef-fe36-4344-a916-a2c10d198c09 + 1 + + + + + + 13091 + 1386 + 62 + 20 + + + 13122 + 1396 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + Numeric domain between {A} and {B} + ba34ddce-90aa-4413-ac1d-39078ceef3c0 + Domain + Domain + false + 0 + + + + + + 13177 + 1366 + 38 + 40 + + + 13196 + 1386 + + + + + + + + + + + + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c + Panel + + + + + A panel for custom notes and text values + 75057176-6eb2-43b8-9c51-d7f664f629ce + Panel + + false + 0.13924939651042223 + ba34ddce-90aa-4413-ac1d-39078ceef3c0 + 1 + Double click to edit panel content… + + + + + + 13255 + 1374 + 160 + 156 + + 0 + 0 + 0 + + 13255.43 + 1374.456 + + + + + + + 255;255;255;255 + + true + true + true + false + false + true + + + + + + + + + 1817fd29-20ae-4503-b542-f0fb651e67d7 + List Length + + + + + Measure the length of a list. + true + 8c8eea26-b99d-4d22-b5ab-12a032e2286e + List Length + List Length + + + + + + 12648 + 1374 + 81 + 28 + + + 12681 + 1388 + + + + + + 1 + Base list + caec07ce-aea3-4cca-a685-00b8fe630b10 + List + List + false + 80205616-70ab-4c58-8dbb-05a32f8130aa + 1 + + + + + + 12650 + 1376 + 19 + 24 + + + 12659.5 + 1388 + + + + + + + + Number of items in L + 89d3a529-fb6c-4ec2-9edf-a6eb3ec47818 + Length + Length + false + 0 + + + + + + 12693 + 1376 + 34 + 24 + + + 12710 + 1388 + + + + + + + + + + + + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c + Panel + + + + + A panel for custom notes and text values + 77954ed7-b1a5-4503-be0b-9eda6e8b2cae + Panel + + false + 0.31038309447467327 + 563dfa12-3f84-4419-9d21-f97f57b01556 + 1 + Double click to edit panel content… + + + + + + 13517 + 1275 + 146 + 322 + + 0 + 0 + 0 + + 13517.2 + 1275.274 + + + + + + + 255;255;255;255 + + true + true + true + false + false + true + + + + + + + + + d114323a-e6ee-4164-946b-e4ca0ce15efa + Circle CNR + + + + + Create a circle defined by center, normal and radius. + true + d5caa989-52ff-4da3-b1e3-d1b7bfb05a8b + Circle CNR + Circle CNR + + + + + + 13215 + 1211 + 129 + 64 + + + 13301 + 1243 + + + + + + Center point + 8591ca80-8cde-483d-b4e4-e504f20a4385 + 2 + Center + Center + false + 80205616-70ab-4c58-8dbb-05a32f8130aa + 1 + + + + + + 13217 + 1213 + 72 + 20 + + + 13271 + 1223 + + + + + + + + Normal vector of circle plane + a0fca34e-77eb-4869-9253-0b9f6ffdaa19 + 2 + Normal + Normal + false + 69396856-8330-4416-8101-919dad59675e + 1 + + + + + + 13217 + 1233 + 72 + 20 + + + 13271 + 1243 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 0 + 0 + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + Radius of circle + 36d09029-dd0b-4f9c-b891-991f13f4219c + 2 + Radius + Radius + false + true + 563dfa12-3f84-4419-9d21-f97f57b01556 + 1 + + + + + + 13217 + 1253 + 72 + 20 + + + 13271 + 1263 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + Resulting circle + 03279026-2ad5-4b0e-a5c6-9cbbbabc0aa7 + Circle + Circle + false + 0 + + + + + + 13313 + 1213 + 29 + 60 + + + 13327.5 + 1243 + + + + + + + + + + + + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c + Panel + + + + + A panel for custom notes and text values + f7afad63-b825-41ca-9d6c-8159bfd880f5 + Panel + + false + 0 + 03279026-2ad5-4b0e-a5c6-9cbbbabc0aa7 + 1 + Double click to edit panel content… + + + + + + 13523 + 996 + 146 + 322 + + 0 + 0 + 0 + + 13523.01 + 996.2388 + + + + + + + 255;255;255;255 + + true + true + true + false + false + true + + + + + + + + + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b + Relay + + + + + 2 + A wire relay object + 7cf79029-c66c-4389-a617-b02ea82b730f + Relay + + false + ac75f347-08a9-4594-b461-4a0a05abe48c + 1 + + + + + + 12329 + 1239 + 40 + 16 + + + 12349 + 1247 + + + + + + + + + + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c + Panel + + + + + A panel for custom notes and text values + db420f8f-c46e-49dd-9ce5-9fb8b8e81967 + Panel + + false + 0.22780481167137623 + ba34ddce-90aa-4413-ac1d-39078ceef3c0 + 1 + Double click to edit panel content… + + + + + + 13109 + 1384 + 160 + 153 + + 0 + 0 + 0 + + 13109.87 + 1384.742 + + + + + + + 255;255;255;255 + + true + true + true + false + false + true + + + + + + + + + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 + Divide Curve + + + + + Divide a curve into equal length segments + true + 1bfeb83b-ae0a-4f5b-8dcc-1534f63d788d + Divide Curve + Divide Curve + + + + + + 13020 + 1583 + 113 + 64 + + + 13064 + 1615 + + + + + + Curve to divide + b53114c8-76b7-48cc-ae4a-6d54061b33d3 + Curve + Curve + false + ac75f347-08a9-4594-b461-4a0a05abe48c + 1 + + + + + + 13022 + 1585 + 30 + 20 + + + 13037 + 1595 + + + + + + + + Number of segments + 7a75d7f1-f564-4423-8fee-82694961e1be + Count + Count + false + 27336753-4243-483e-8f63-f5aa3cb942e5 + 1 + + + + + + 13022 + 1605 + 30 + 20 + + + 13037 + 1615 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 10 + + + + + + + + + + + Split segments at kinks + 6cc13e8f-1f63-423a-b03d-ea23770f3cab + Kinks + Kinks + false + 0 + + + + + + 13022 + 1625 + 30 + 20 + + + 13037 + 1635 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + false + + + + + + + + + + + 1 + Division points + 5ddf4a76-4478-40c2-9aa5-0a3c5c8c9475 + Points + Points + false + 0 + + + + + + 13076 + 1585 + 55 + 20 + + + 13103.5 + 1595 + + + + + + + + 1 + Tangent vectors at division points + ac508871-0637-4aff-bd89-62a18d60580e + Tangents + Tangents + false + 0 + + + + + + 13076 + 1605 + 55 + 20 + + + 13103.5 + 1615 + + + + + + + + 1 + Parameter values at division points + 4c23d33b-0f19-4220-b283-3d516c4a7461 + Parameters + Parameters + false + 0 + + + + + + 13076 + 1625 + 55 + 20 + + + 13103.5 + 1635 + + + + + + + + + + + + 9445ca40-cc73-4861-a455-146308676855 + Range + + + + + Create a range of numbers. + true + 47430b88-adf1-4ac7-8fa9-2d808b04093f + Range + Range + + + + + + 13295 + 1338 + 98 + 44 + + + 13347 + 1360 + + + + + + Domain of numeric range + bb0d0d39-4008-40b0-bfa2-64660e79a283 + Domain + Domain + false + ba34ddce-90aa-4413-ac1d-39078ceef3c0 + 1 + + + + + + 13297 + 1340 + 38 + 20 + + + 13316 + 1350 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 0 + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + Number of steps + 22675d51-009c-4e85-8d31-3f36b5e71487 + Steps + Steps + false + 27336753-4243-483e-8f63-f5aa3cb942e5 + 1 + + + + + + 13297 + 1360 + 38 + 20 + + + 13316 + 1370 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 10 + + + + + + + + + + + 1 + Range of numbers + b34753b1-8449-4a92-a8e3-04787f8e1864 + Range + Range + false + 0 + + + + + + 13359 + 1340 + 32 + 40 + + + 13375 + 1360 + + + + + + + + + + + + d114323a-e6ee-4164-946b-e4ca0ce15efa + Circle CNR + + + + + Create a circle defined by center, normal and radius. + true + e598639e-cb7f-4c41-bb1c-01f552f83d9e + Circle CNR + Circle CNR + + + + + + 13197 + 1583 + 125 + 64 + + + 13263 + 1615 + + + + + + Center point + fe1dd6e6-80a7-4c52-8006-41995f1cd717 + Center + Center + false + 5ddf4a76-4478-40c2-9aa5-0a3c5c8c9475 + 1 + + + + + + 13199 + 1585 + 52 + 20 + + + 13233 + 1595 + + + + + + + + Normal vector of circle plane + b9ff2170-479b-4903-b96a-a71a59d53b8e + Normal + Normal + false + ac508871-0637-4aff-bd89-62a18d60580e + 1 + + + + + + 13199 + 1605 + 52 + 20 + + + 13233 + 1615 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 0 + 0 + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + Radius of circle + b2982c08-9006-4c16-99ed-9e072082fd85 + Radius + Radius + false + true + b34753b1-8449-4a92-a8e3-04787f8e1864 + 1 + + + + + + 13199 + 1625 + 52 + 20 + + + 13233 + 1635 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + Resulting circle + 32708b7f-b16f-4eff-804e-25e9098a34c5 + Circle + Circle + false + true + 0 + + + + + + 13275 + 1585 + 45 + 60 + + + 13289.5 + 1615 + + + + + + + + + + + + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c + Panel + + + + + A panel for custom notes and text values + 628cc45b-3140-4b6b-adc8-091938197a9f + Panel + + false + 0.31038310192525387 + 32708b7f-b16f-4eff-804e-25e9098a34c5 + 1 + Double click to edit panel content… + + + + + + 13523 + 1152 + 146 + 322 + + 0 + 0 + 0 + + 13523.63 + 1152.083 + + + + + + + 255;255;255;255 + + true + true + true + false + false + true + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 1 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 907c3a78-8035-49b3-8b80-1c3d9468e7fc + 1 + 6ea6fae3-90b7-49da-8e50-159227cc873c + Group + + + + + + + + + + + a7a41d0a-2188-4f7a-82cc-1a2c4e4ec850 + Loft + + + + + Create a lofted surface through a set of section curves. + true + f0c47b10-ad11-484a-a799-4eab5f186820 + Loft + Loft + + + + + + 13404 + 1611 + 88 + 44 + + + 13457 + 1633 + + + + + + 1 + Section curves + 259a8c8d-0ee1-447d-8d4c-cc3fa250619d + Curves + Curves + false + 32708b7f-b16f-4eff-804e-25e9098a34c5 + 1 + + + + + + 13406 + 1613 + 39 + 20 + + + 13425.5 + 1623 + + + + + + + + Loft options + afa28507-2ed1-4b0d-b04c-d2b28d0faca1 + Options + Options + false + 2ca5980f-cc80-4e9f-b4c6-5536dbd78783 + 1 + + + + + + 13406 + 1633 + 39 + 20 + + + 13425.5 + 1643 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + false + false + 0 + 0 + 0 + 10 + 0.01 + + + + + + + + + + + Resulting Loft surfaces + 8b8a4eab-2918-4305-81c7-91ae10c8552b + Loft + Loft + false + 0 + + + + + + 13469 + 1613 + 21 + 40 + + + 13479.5 + 1633 + + + + + + + + + + + + 45f19d16-1c9f-4b0f-a9a6-45a77f3d206c + Loft Options + + + + + Create loft options from atomic inputs + true + 9f7da4dd-ea35-47de-a05b-3acfdef93a7e + Loft Options + Loft Options + + + + + + 12149 + 1483 + 104 + 104 + + + 12200 + 1535 + + + + + + Closed loft + 69134cc0-f378-4f00-9be5-77d63c490d28 + Closed + Closed + false + 0 + + + + + + 12151 + 1485 + 37 + 20 + + + 12169.5 + 1495 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + false + + + + + + + + + + + Adjust seams + 50329999-66e6-44af-964a-ff23ecd9887b + Adjust + Adjust + false + 0 + + + + + + 12151 + 1505 + 37 + 20 + + + 12169.5 + 1515 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + true + + + + + + + + + + + Rebuild count (zero = no rebuild) + ea388b9e-0d59-4857-86aa-b09c15e6bda8 + Rebuild + Rebuild + false + 0 + + + + + + 12151 + 1525 + 37 + 20 + + + 12169.5 + 1535 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Refit tolerance (zero = no refit) + 0bef3178-3f03-4e54-9e91-ac582f088079 + Refit + Refit + false + 0 + + + + + + 12151 + 1545 + 37 + 20 + + + 12169.5 + 1555 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Loft type (0=Normal, 1=Loose, 2=Tight, 3=Straight, 5=Uniform) + d1ab6435-a45f-4659-a7c9-cd7534a67ec5 + Type + Type + false + 0 + + + + + + 12151 + 1565 + 37 + 20 + + + 12169.5 + 1575 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 5 + + + + + + + + + + + Loft options + 2ca5980f-cc80-4e9f-b4c6-5536dbd78783 + Options + Options + false + 0 + + + + + + 12212 + 1485 + 39 + 100 + + + 12231.5 + 1535 + + + + + + + + + + + + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b + Relay + + + + + 2 + A wire relay object + ebd680c6-189f-47cf-baf4-7b366bcce7cc + Relay + + false + dd3dbc86-20b0-4d1c-8d15-d82034fd055f + 1 + + + + + + 12242 + 1357 + 40 + 16 + + + 12262 + 1365 + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 1 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + f6708453-ac1b-4679-a687-e22a9d2c8a4a + 1 + f26f1595-74d7-4796-bbdb-824855e314fe + Group + + + + + + + + + + + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc + Number Slider + + + + + Numeric slider for single values + dd3dbc86-20b0-4d1c-8d15-d82034fd055f + Number Slider + + false + 0 + + + + + + 12134 + 1424 + 140 + 20 + + + 12134.99 + 1424.386 + + + + + + 0 + 1 + 0 + 7 + 0 + 0 + 5 + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 1 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + dd3dbc86-20b0-4d1c-8d15-d82034fd055f + 1 + 60dde22b-fce8-4cf8-a373-3c2c0060b0c8 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + 1addcc85-b04e-46e6-bd4a-6f6c93bf7efd + Brep Join + + + + + Join a number of Breps together + 4256244a-c932-4f95-b31d-a3237c0aee38 + Brep Join + Brep Join + + + + + + 13554 + 1633 + 92 + 44 + + + 13598 + 1655 + + + + + + 1 + Breps to join + 6020648c-6a52-4dd9-86f4-04feadfe18b8 + Breps + Breps + false + 8b8a4eab-2918-4305-81c7-91ae10c8552b + 89ff9212-2532-4834-af63-4e7e83b1407d + 2 + + + + + + 13556 + 1635 + 30 + 40 + + + 13571 + 1655 + + + + + + + + 1 + Joined Breps + 35d81fe3-6017-48a8-a907-04fd4660910b + Breps + Breps + false + 0 + + + + + + 13610 + 1635 + 34 + 20 + + + 13627 + 1645 + + + + + + + + 1 + Closed flag for each resulting Brep + ad3658fb-5eaf-409f-b692-d6cb1d8a2fda + Closed + Closed + false + 0 + + + + + + 13610 + 1655 + 34 + 20 + + + 13627 + 1665 + + + + + + + + + + + + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c + Panel + + + + + A panel for custom notes and text values + 1ebdb57e-c73a-4bc6-9b0e-875456818e67 + Panel + + false + 1 + 35d81fe3-6017-48a8-a907-04fd4660910b + 1 + Double click to edit panel content… + + + + + + 13743 + 1597 + 146 + 322 + + 0 + 0 + 0 + + 13743.43 + 1597.521 + + + + + + + 255;255;255;255 + + true + true + true + false + false + true + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 5 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 0a83fb78-bea6-4156-82b9-9b0f1faf7dbf + 449c8f7b-a84f-4557-9a31-a738ce2264dd + 39521ff4-8518-420b-90d4-48a466132963 + 8c0cdf79-9e33-452a-a152-471fa31e9f86 + 4 + 93b49b0e-7c76-4777-9980-905a3493129c + Group + + + + + + + + + + + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca + Mirror + + + + + Mirror an object. + 5e1b4bcf-4f61-4bd6-b242-a36ef8d82d0b + Mirror + Mirror + + + + + + 13952 + 1494 + 126 + 44 + + + 14014 + 1516 + + + + + + Base geometry + 5cc32425-5cbf-428f-b75d-f9cca461e8ba + Geometry + Geometry + true + e457d9b6-0e18-4e00-b011-1384c22472b0 + 1 + + + + + + 13954 + 1496 + 48 + 20 + + + 13978 + 1506 + + + + + + + + Mirror plane + 9ed72012-515b-4845-82ca-9191fe3a742e + Plane + Plane + false + 1f14f2ab-899a-48f1-a87f-57ff8dd7c59f + 1 + + + + + + 13954 + 1516 + 48 + 20 + + + 13978 + 1526 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + Mirrored geometry + 959a1f96-a29c-42a3-aac0-6ab9e491e542 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 14026 + 1496 + 50 + 20 + + + 14051 + 1506 + + + + + + + + Transformation data + c7f060ca-0197-49c4-866a-4b0ca9915a27 + Transform + Transform + false + 0 + + + + + + 14026 + 1516 + 50 + 20 + + + 14051 + 1526 + + + + + + + + + + + + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b + Relay + + + + + 2 + A wire relay object + e457d9b6-0e18-4e00-b011-1384c22472b0 + Relay + + false + 35d81fe3-6017-48a8-a907-04fd4660910b + 1 + + + + + + 13990 + 1338 + 40 + 16 + + + 14010 + 1346 + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 8cbf22ba-3b09-4a9b-97c7-c6741366ad30 + 1 + 39eefed7-64f1-46da-ba9b-da72e295e5c4 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b + Relay + + + + + 2 + A wire relay object + df6f3273-f1bf-43c9-b5a6-dff2e9176f60 + Relay + + false + 70f7d432-ea70-48db-b81f-d3517c17e998 + 1 + + + + + + 13991 + 1402 + 40 + 16 + + + 14011 + 1410 + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + e457d9b6-0e18-4e00-b011-1384c22472b0 + 1 + 0a83fb78-bea6-4156-82b9-9b0f1faf7dbf + Group + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 5e1b4bcf-4f61-4bd6-b242-a36ef8d82d0b + 1 + 39521ff4-8518-420b-90d4-48a466132963 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + df6f3273-f1bf-43c9-b5a6-dff2e9176f60 + 1 + 8c0cdf79-9e33-452a-a152-471fa31e9f86 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + 919e146f-30ae-4aae-be34-4d72f555e7da + Brep + + + + + Contains a collection of Breps (Boundary REPresentations) + a4e789b6-968b-4eaf-9e7f-90277e71686e + Brep + Brep + false + e457d9b6-0e18-4e00-b011-1384c22472b0 + df6f3273-f1bf-43c9-b5a6-dff2e9176f60 + 959a1f96-a29c-42a3-aac0-6ab9e491e542 + 3 + + + + + + 14115 + 1390 + 50 + 24 + + + 14140.16 + 1402.399 + + + + + + + + + + 1addcc85-b04e-46e6-bd4a-6f6c93bf7efd + Brep Join + + + + + Join a number of Breps together + a8b2fd1d-d715-4b1a-b1cb-bb46d9639d0a + Brep Join + Brep Join + + + + + + 14211 + 1395 + 108 + 44 + + + 14271 + 1417 + + + + + + 1 + Breps to join + 547cf332-b1f5-463d-832d-9aafe703bb72 + 1 + Breps + Breps + false + a4e789b6-968b-4eaf-9e7f-90277e71686e + 1 + + + + + + 14213 + 1397 + 46 + 40 + + + 14244 + 1417 + + + + + + + + 1 + Joined Breps + 79ff7278-adbc-4b95-ac00-b57a76a2bdc6 + Breps + Breps + false + 0 + + + + + + 14283 + 1397 + 34 + 20 + + + 14300 + 1407 + + + + + + + + 1 + Closed flag for each resulting Brep + 3f4d82fe-67e2-4b56-ab00-5e4a753a1ec3 + Closed + Closed + false + 0 + + + + + + 14283 + 1417 + 34 + 20 + + + 14300 + 1427 + + + + + + + + + + + + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c + Panel + + + + + A panel for custom notes and text values + 6e0d45f1-4abd-45e6-8239-3c872d827f43 + Panel + + false + 1 + 3f4d82fe-67e2-4b56-ab00-5e4a753a1ec3 + 1 + Double click to edit panel content… + + + + + + 14101 + 1031 + 129 + 322 + + 0 + 0 + 0 + + 14101.85 + 1031.178 + + + + + + + 255;255;255;255 + + true + true + true + false + false + true + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 16528007-b401-4c39-a983-13081e52ca95 + 1 + 75ebf358-f4cf-4e7c-85e9-079b2a3583fb + Group + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 879671f9-5fb2-4e85-b5b2-b98d761d0a15 + 1 + 16528007-b401-4c39-a983-13081e52ca95 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + fca5ad7e-ecac-401d-a357-edda0a251cbc + Polar Array + + + + + Create a polar array of geometry. + true + 9c4ef584-40c7-4f4e-b6d2-10a305a0ad74 + true + Polar Array + Polar Array + + + + + + 14368 + 1290 + 158 + 84 + + + 14446 + 1332 + + + + + + Base geometry + 0d560f51-fa6d-4495-8e6f-0a07c420e9d7 + true + 1 + Geometry + Geometry + true + 79ff7278-adbc-4b95-ac00-b57a76a2bdc6 + 1 + + + + + + 14370 + 1292 + 64 + 20 + + + 14410 + 1302 + + + + + + + + Polar array plane + 0b4ffba1-52e4-4eeb-b76a-f25dc33be4bf + true + Plane + Plane + false + 4cfe7ba0-f8e2-4689-ab95-8d5e3c59e49d + 1 + + + + + + 14370 + 1312 + 64 + 20 + + + 14410 + 1322 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + Number of elements in array. + 8c1f3486-1447-40d0-bf7a-270bfaeec529 + true + Count + Count + false + 0 + + + + + + 14370 + 1332 + 64 + 20 + + + 14410 + 1342 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 3 + + + + + + + + + + + Sweep angle in radians (counter-clockwise, starting from plane x-axis) + e6dcdb9e-2e06-4279-b2b8-dc416f6276cf + true + Angle + Angle + false + 0 + false + + + + + + 14370 + 1352 + 64 + 20 + + + 14410 + 1362 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 6.2831853071795862 + + + + + + + + + + + 1 + Arrayed geometry + 11274fef-d4d9-44a8-80b0-25aff903a2f4 + true + 1 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 14458 + 1292 + 66 + 40 + + + 14483 + 1312 + + + + + + + + 1 + Transformation data + 32df4814-9750-409f-8fc2-a09f18586843 + true + Transform + Transform + false + 0 + + + + + + 14458 + 1332 + 66 + 40 + + + 14483 + 1352 + + + + + + + + + + + + 04042ba4-51b9-42d6-a264-2eb6e701c115 + c6c19589-ab63-4b60-8d7c-2c1b6d60fac7 + Export 3DM + + + + + This component exports geometries from GH to 3DM file directly +This component doesn't rely on user interface operation in Rhino, therefore is faster and more reliable. +However, not all geometry and attributes are supported. + true + 6d115e58-0069-4042-a6c5-5c26090d5884 + + Export 3DM + Export 3DM + + + + + neutral,N + + + + + + 14263 + 835 + 130 + 144 + + + 14359 + 907 + + + + + + 1 + The geometry you want to export + 6169d952-b891-449a-a257-d13464a89722 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 79ff7278-adbc-4b95-ac00-b57a76a2bdc6 + 1 + + + + + + 14265 + 837 + 82 + 20 + + + 14306 + 847 + + + + + + + + 1 + Layer to put the geometries. By default, this input will override ObjAttr. + 5068a5cb-02ac-470e-b5bb-f563fda9c658 + Layer + Layer + true + 0 + + + + + + 14265 + 857 + 82 + 20 + + + 14306 + 867 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + false + + + + + + + + + + + + 1 + Object attributes. Layer in this structure isn't used by default, right click the component to change the behavior. +You may use Object attributes from Elefront, or Human. +See manual for supported attributes. + 959079fe-dc50-4244-8283-17e3c7f218ae + Object Attributes + Object Attributes + true + 0 + + + + + + 14265 + 877 + 82 + 20 + + + 14306 + 887 + + + + + + + + Where to store the file. Filename and extension should be included. + 7832a82b-3063-4c8b-acde-7e17637e900d + File Location + File Location + false + 0 + + + + + + 14265 + 897 + 82 + 20 + + + 14306 + 907 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + false + C:\MDԐ.XHG..⠀⠀⠀⠀ⵙ⠀ᗱᗴ⠀ⵙ⠀ᴥ⠀ⵙ⠀ᗱᗴ⠀ⵙ⠀옷⠀ⵙ⠀ߦ⠀ⵙ⠀ᔓᔕ⠀ⵙ⠀◯⠀ⵙ⠀✤⠀ⵙ⠀ᴥ⠀ⵙ⠀ᗩ⠀ⵙ⠀옷⠀ⵙ⠀ᑐᑕ⠀ⵙ⠀◯⠀ⵙ⠀⁂⠀ⵙ⠀△⠀ⵙ⠀ⵈ⠀ⵙ⠀⠀⠀⠀◯⠀⠀⠀⠀ⵙ⠀⠀⠀⠀◯⠀⠀⠀⠀ⵙ⠀ⵈ⠀ⵙ⠀△⠀ⵙ⠀⁂⠀ⵙ⠀◯⠀ⵙ⠀ᑐᑕ⠀ⵙ⠀옷⠀ⵙ⠀ᗩ⠀ⵙ⠀ᴥ⠀ⵙ⠀✤⠀ⵙ⠀◯⠀ⵙ⠀ᔓᔕ⠀ⵙ⠀ߦ⠀ⵙ⠀옷⠀ⵙ⠀ᗱᗴ⠀ⵙ⠀ᴥ⠀ⵙ⠀ᗱᗴ⠀ⵙ⠀⠀⠀⠀..GHX.3DM + + + + + + + + + + + Default false. Control if Pancake should overwrite the destination file. + 5b3a4522-fbb0-4bbb-8393-9412896c1ae2 + Overwrite + Overwrite + false + 648a23b3-3172-4c05-8597-996b07176a36 + 1 + + + + + + 14265 + 917 + 82 + 20 + + + 14306 + 927 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + false + + + + + + + + + + + The version of 3dm file. Can be 2 to the current version, or 0 as the latest version. 0 by default. + 7cf9a331-e2bf-4621-a00a-e8d3b4de8cf4 + Version + Version + false + 0 + + + + + + 14265 + 937 + 82 + 20 + + + 14306 + 947 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Set to True to conduct the export. Use True - only button or Toggle button. Do not use the vanilla button. + 25e20832-caae-485b-b003-366fbf379492 + Export + Export + false + f451c287-1999-4cf4-87ba-01f54d5c63bc + 1 + + + + + + 14265 + 957 + 82 + 20 + + + 14306 + 967 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + false + + + + + + + + + + + Returns if the action is successful + 1a7d4db5-296a-46d3-b757-a1b42fe54146 + OK + OK + false + 0 + + + + + + 14371 + 837 + 20 + 70 + + + 14381 + 872 + + + + + + + + Log, if available + f052b668-aa44-45df-9275-aa172cad1095 + Log + Log + false + 0 + + + + + + 14371 + 907 + 20 + 70 + + + 14381 + 942 + + + + + + + + + + + + 2e78987b-9dfb-42a2-8b76-3923ac8bd91a + Boolean Toggle + + + + + Boolean (true/false) toggle + f451c287-1999-4cf4-87ba-01f54d5c63bc + Boolean Toggle + Boolean Toggle + false + 0 + false + + + + + + 14077 + 950 + 140 + 22 + + + + + + + + + + 2e78987b-9dfb-42a2-8b76-3923ac8bd91a + Boolean Toggle + + + + + Boolean (true/false) toggle + 648a23b3-3172-4c05-8597-996b07176a36 + Boolean Toggle + Boolean Toggle + false + 0 + false + + + + + + 14071 + 916 + 140 + 22 + + + + + + + + + + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae + List Item + + + + + 0 + Retrieve a specific item from a list. + true + 3967e5ac-0ac0-4c41-a3e3-aead9387fb9a + List Item + List Item + + + + + + 14321 + 1210 + 62 + 64 + + + 14363 + 1242 + + + + + + 3 + 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 + 2e3ab970-8545-46bb-836c-1c11e5610bce + cb95db89-6165-43b6-9c41-5702bc5bf137 + 1 + 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 + + + + + 1 + Base list + 689ee563-8c58-4ec7-841e-effa8cb1759b + List + List + false + 79ff7278-adbc-4b95-ac00-b57a76a2bdc6 + 1 + + + + + + 14323 + 1212 + 28 + 20 + + + 14337 + 1222 + + + + + + + + Item index + ee3b61ce-45ca-498d-86b2-16de0068e158 + Index + Index + false + e17b2a8c-7f7f-4eb5-8b70-3d2bf3cbdf9a + 1 + + + + + + 14323 + 1232 + 28 + 20 + + + 14337 + 1242 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Wrap index to list bounds + 173c40b0-f4ae-441c-a219-7f2d94d994d1 + Wrap + Wrap + false + 0 + + + + + + 14323 + 1252 + 28 + 20 + + + 14337 + 1262 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + false + + + + + + + + + + + Item at {i'} + a20da94f-e7c1-4441-acac-baa32ab88878 + false + Item + i + false + 0 + + + + + + 14375 + 1212 + 6 + 60 + + + 14378 + 1242 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc + Number Slider + + + + + Numeric slider for single values + e17b2a8c-7f7f-4eb5-8b70-3d2bf3cbdf9a + Number Slider + Number Slider + false + 0 + + + + + + 14200 + 1167 + 198 + 20 + + + 14200.79 + 1167.451 + + + + + + 0 + 1 + 0 + 5 + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + + + + + + + 04042ba4-51b9-42d6-a264-2eb6e701c115 + c6c19589-ab63-4b60-8d7c-2c1b6d60fac7 + Export 3DM + + + + + This component exports geometries from GH to 3DM file directly +This component doesn't rely on user interface operation in Rhino, therefore is faster and more reliable. +However, not all geometry and attributes are supported. + true + 120bfe9a-4a5c-47a1-a2f7-69475301cb2d + + Export 3DM + Export 3DM + + + + + neutral,N + + + + + + 14908 + 1017 + 130 + 144 + + + 15004 + 1089 + + + + + + 1 + The geometry you want to export + 8cc3b4be-0b60-478e-807e-a9914c4a3f18 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 02a942dd-7266-4bdd-bf6c-6097ac148c74 + 1 + + + + + + 14910 + 1019 + 82 + 20 + + + 14951 + 1029 + + + + + + + + 1 + Layer to put the geometries. By default, this input will override ObjAttr. + 479f91e5-ad73-4bcd-9eb1-235d764f4349 + Layer + Layer + true + 0 + + + + + + 14910 + 1039 + 82 + 20 + + + 14951 + 1049 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + false + + + + + + + + + + + + 1 + Object attributes. Layer in this structure isn't used by default, right click the component to change the behavior. +You may use Object attributes from Elefront, or Human. +See manual for supported attributes. + 3500a257-d1cf-496a-acc7-cc8b4596c771 + Object Attributes + Object Attributes + true + 0 + + + + + + 14910 + 1059 + 82 + 20 + + + 14951 + 1069 + + + + + + + + Where to store the file. Filename and extension should be included. + 826559fa-ad89-404a-9362-28ef930bf10a + File Location + File Location + false + 0 + + + + + + 14910 + 1079 + 82 + 20 + + + 14951 + 1089 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + false + C:\MDԐ.Ԑ.XHG..⠀⠀⠀⠀ⵙ⠀ᗱᗴ⠀ⵙ⠀ᴥ⠀ⵙ⠀ᗱᗴ⠀ⵙ⠀옷⠀ⵙ⠀ߦ⠀ⵙ⠀ᔓᔕ⠀ⵙ⠀◯⠀ⵙ⠀✤⠀ⵙ⠀ᴥ⠀ⵙ⠀ᗩ⠀ⵙ⠀옷⠀ⵙ⠀ᑐᑕ⠀ⵙ⠀◯⠀ⵙ⠀⁂⠀ⵙ⠀△⠀ⵙ⠀ⵈ⠀ⵙ⠀⠀⠀⠀◯⠀⠀⠀⠀ⵙ⠀⠀⠀⠀◯⠀⠀⠀⠀ⵙ⠀ⵈ⠀ⵙ⠀△⠀ⵙ⠀⁂⠀ⵙ⠀◯⠀ⵙ⠀ᑐᑕ⠀ⵙ⠀옷⠀ⵙ⠀ᗩ⠀ⵙ⠀ᴥ⠀ⵙ⠀✤⠀ⵙ⠀◯⠀ⵙ⠀ᔓᔕ⠀ⵙ⠀ߦ⠀ⵙ⠀옷⠀ⵙ⠀ᗱᗴ⠀ⵙ⠀ᴥ⠀ⵙ⠀ᗱᗴ⠀ⵙ⠀⠀⠀⠀..GHX.3.3DM + + + + + + + + + + + Default false. Control if Pancake should overwrite the destination file. + 0c8ca18d-826c-4d7c-848f-41a3e1bd8fcf + Overwrite + Overwrite + false + 63201574-ec14-4e26-bac0-dbc3d6bcbf8d + 1 + + + + + + 14910 + 1099 + 82 + 20 + + + 14951 + 1109 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + false + + + + + + + + + + + The version of 3dm file. Can be 2 to the current version, or 0 as the latest version. 0 by default. + d77c54b6-b59e-49ba-afba-8ce58477083d + Version + Version + false + 0 + + + + + + 14910 + 1119 + 82 + 20 + + + 14951 + 1129 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Set to True to conduct the export. Use True - only button or Toggle button. Do not use the vanilla button. + 7f17f695-87f9-4623-a329-64da0929f5aa + Export + Export + false + cae642b0-4337-4a7c-9910-253d0f945af6 + 1 + + + + + + 14910 + 1139 + 82 + 20 + + + 14951 + 1149 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + false + + + + + + + + + + + Returns if the action is successful + 2ba671b3-fb39-4eae-8d04-421af39977f5 + OK + OK + false + 0 + + + + + + 15016 + 1019 + 20 + 70 + + + 15026 + 1054 + + + + + + + + Log, if available + 03f06ac7-c7de-4c09-a826-19f9944b685e + Log + Log + false + 0 + + + + + + 15016 + 1089 + 20 + 70 + + + 15026 + 1124 + + + + + + + + + + + + 2e78987b-9dfb-42a2-8b76-3923ac8bd91a + Boolean Toggle + + + + + Boolean (true/false) toggle + cae642b0-4337-4a7c-9910-253d0f945af6 + Boolean Toggle + Boolean Toggle + false + 0 + false + + + + + + 14729 + 1138 + 140 + 22 + + + + + + + + + + 2e78987b-9dfb-42a2-8b76-3923ac8bd91a + Boolean Toggle + + + + + Boolean (true/false) toggle + 63201574-ec14-4e26-bac0-dbc3d6bcbf8d + Boolean Toggle + Boolean Toggle + false + 0 + false + + + + + + 14728 + 1098 + 140 + 22 + + + + + + + + + + 1addcc85-b04e-46e6-bd4a-6f6c93bf7efd + Brep Join + + + + + Join a number of Breps together + true + 36fdee22-0d49-41e8-8579-fa51d3d6587d + Brep Join + Brep Join + + + + + + 14697 + 1177 + 124 + 44 + + + 14757 + 1199 + + + + + + 1 + Breps to join + d3b0d3af-ba48-4147-8079-c7f8d92e704f + 1 + Breps + Breps + false + 11274fef-d4d9-44a8-80b0-25aff903a2f4 + 1 + + + + + + 14699 + 1179 + 46 + 40 + + + 14730 + 1199 + + + + + + + + 1 + Joined Breps + 02a942dd-7266-4bdd-bf6c-6097ac148c74 + 1 + Breps + Breps + false + 0 + + + + + + 14769 + 1179 + 50 + 20 + + + 14786 + 1189 + + + + + + + + 1 + Closed flag for each resulting Brep + 2e3b073f-d317-43f1-9e6c-f5e86c6a648a + Closed + Closed + false + 0 + + + + + + 14769 + 1199 + 50 + 20 + + + 14786 + 1209 + + + + + + + + + + + + 0bb3d234-9097-45db-9998-621639c87d3b + Bounding Box + + + + + Solve oriented geometry bounding boxes. + true + 0795dd6f-a383-414c-854d-cc83f4849f2f + Bounding Box + Bounding Box + + + + + true + + + + + + 14497 + 1073 + 88 + 44 + + + 14550 + 1095 + + + + + + 1 + Geometry to contain + fdc42815-b45c-4e1e-8afb-e1bbc82ff0c3 + Content + Content + false + 02a942dd-7266-4bdd-bf6c-6097ac148c74 + 1 + + + + + + 14499 + 1075 + 39 + 20 + + + 14518.5 + 1085 + + + + + + + + BoundingBox orientation plane + true + 95ee8b63-cbf7-4c49-8d2b-2cd69bfecd04 + Plane + Plane + false + 0 + + + + + + 14499 + 1095 + 39 + 20 + + + 14518.5 + 1105 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + Aligned bounding box in world coordinates + 20942404-e876-4d2f-a3fb-baa6a6734220 + Box + Box + false + 0 + + + + + + 14562 + 1075 + 21 + 20 + + + 14572.5 + 1085 + + + + + + + + Bounding box in orientation plane coordinates + true + d333ca61-7b3c-45bb-bb53-ccf6ddcc537e + Box + Box + false + 0 + + + + + + 14562 + 1095 + 21 + 20 + + + 14572.5 + 1105 + + + + + + + + + + + + db7d83b1-2898-4ef9-9be5-4e94b4e2048d + Deconstruct Box + + + + + Deconstruct a box into its constituent parts. + true + d64a9837-b889-46dc-aa84-678acc2cddaa + Deconstruct Box + Deconstruct Box + + + + + + 14532 + 962 + 77 + 84 + + + 14567 + 1004 + + + + + + Base box + bd94ef8d-adfc-4441-ae49-167945e3955a + Box + Box + false + 20942404-e876-4d2f-a3fb-baa6a6734220 + 1 + + + + + + 14534 + 964 + 21 + 80 + + + 14544.5 + 1004 + + + + + + + + Box plane + 3e61d938-afb2-41b4-b459-9f1d0c80afce + Plane + Plane + false + 0 + + + + + + 14579 + 964 + 28 + 20 + + + 14593 + 974 + + + + + + + + {x} dimension of box + eb63e440-452d-448d-8504-686bdca5a917 + X + X + false + 0 + + + + + + 14579 + 984 + 28 + 20 + + + 14593 + 994 + + + + + + + + {y} dimension of box + 9179cdbd-c3e5-4517-baf0-3ab52aa20277 + Y + Y + false + 0 + + + + + + 14579 + 1004 + 28 + 20 + + + 14593 + 1014 + + + + + + + + {z} dimension of box + 83ce4106-7123-4946-b46e-61cf60a9fcb7 + Z + Z + false + 0 + + + + + + 14579 + 1024 + 28 + 20 + + + 14593 + 1034 + + + + + + + + + + + + f31d8d7a-7536-4ac8-9c96-fde6ecda4d0a + Bake + + + + + Bake geometry to the Rhino document + + 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 + + true + + 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 + + cfddda8d-4aee-40a3-9a99-878238c81bda + + T4fUA/K0cC3QWjo0THlaTA== + + Bake + Bake + false + + + + + dga_3@hotmail.com + Daniel Abalde + https://www.facebook.com/DanielAbaldeDesigner + + + + + 5 + 08c54ce4-52b2-4630-a376-f3467cbbee85 + 2bdeff4f-acff-479e-afbc-0d1ba2ce87fb + 4816a1de-3e0f-426a-89d4-e690bdcb17a6 + 65030044-7927-4b36-8618-6861a71857bb + 8873abfa-3729-45e9-b645-284a35578971 + 7482a5e0-9baf-4029-9226-befbbb33cbe8 + 7669cb5a-a488-4cd3-8b8c-9c51ad6b925e + b00a5692-37e3-4065-9784-9ba2cf401ea1 + b6f3ec08-08a0-4501-9023-c8f5b7520e52 + f0342fda-8157-4344-9c59-55f8b946d174 + + + + + + 14592 + 1450 + 89 + 84 + + + 14654 + 1492 + + + + + + 4 + cb95db89-6165-43b6-9c41-5702bc5bf137 + ac2bc2cb-70fb-4dd5-9c78-7e1ea97fe278 + 3ede854e-c753-40eb-84cb-b48008f14fd4 + 203a91c3-287a-43b6-a9c5-ebb96240a650 + 1 + faf6e3bb-4c84-4cbf-bd88-6d6a0db5667a + + + + + Set true to bake Grasshopper geometry to Rhino document + 8873abfa-3729-45e9-b645-284a35578971 + Bake + Bake + true + 0 + + + + + + 14594 + 1452 + 48 + 20 + + + 14618 + 1462 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + false + + + + + + + + + + + Geometry to bake + 65030044-7927-4b36-8618-6861a71857bb + Geometry + Geometry + true + 79ff7278-adbc-4b95-ac00-b57a76a2bdc6 + 1 + + + + + + 14594 + 1472 + 48 + 20 + + + 14618 + 1482 + + + + + + + + Name of the layer. +Leave it empty to bake in the default layer. + 08c54ce4-52b2-4630-a376-f3467cbbee85 + Layer + Layer + true + 0 + + + + + + 14594 + 1492 + 48 + 20 + + + 14618 + 1502 + + + + + + + + Color of the layer + 2bdeff4f-acff-479e-afbc-0d1ba2ce87fb + Color + Color + true + 0 + + + + + + 14594 + 1512 + 48 + 20 + + + 14618 + 1522 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;0;0;0 + + + + + + + + + + + + Object ID. +Only available while bake input is true. + 4816a1de-3e0f-426a-89d4-e690bdcb17a6 + ID + ID + false + 0 + + + + + + 14666 + 1452 + 13 + 80 + + + 14672.5 + 1492 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + cfddda8d-4aee-40a3-9a99-878238c81bda + 1 + 879671f9-5fb2-4e85-b5b2-b98d761d0a15 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 1 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 6d115e58-0069-4042-a6c5-5c26090d5884 + f451c287-1999-4cf4-87ba-01f54d5c63bc + 648a23b3-3172-4c05-8597-996b07176a36 + 3 + 4bf2b4ec-0b86-4224-aacd-d65d6237a902 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 1 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 120bfe9a-4a5c-47a1-a2f7-69475301cb2d + cae642b0-4337-4a7c-9910-253d0f945af6 + 63201574-ec14-4e26-bac0-dbc3d6bcbf8d + 36fdee22-0d49-41e8-8579-fa51d3d6587d + 0795dd6f-a383-414c-854d-cc83f4849f2f + d64a9837-b889-46dc-aa84-678acc2cddaa + 6 + d58c9980-fd06-478d-a4c2-b60dfec15299 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 1 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 9f7da4dd-ea35-47de-a05b-3acfdef93a7e + dd3dbc86-20b0-4d1c-8d15-d82034fd055f + 2 + f629a33e-34e6-4d82-a723-9e04ce73b9b0 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + 4d2a06bd-4b0f-4c65-9ee0-4220e4c01703 + Scale + + + + + Scale an object uniformly in all directions. + true + e52ca5b3-ed47-4101-b229-1992617eaa7d + Scale + Scale + + + + + + 11386 + 979 + 126 + 64 + + + 11448 + 1011 + + + + + + Base geometry + 94e0ce49-c88c-41be-9dd4-9a0829b078cf + Geometry + Geometry + true + 96b06d9e-c3f9-4fb2-897a-e22b60d3fa7e + 1 + + + + + + 11388 + 981 + 48 + 20 + + + 11412 + 991 + + + + + + + + Center of scaling + de5018ab-3539-4d13-9e2d-b12c2058aa18 + Center + Center + false + 0 + + + + + + 11388 + 1001 + 48 + 20 + + + 11412 + 1011 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + Scaling factor + b074f15c-8cc2-4a37-8a9b-47fa02de5e8b + Factor + Factor + false + 5eae3cd7-c622-4180-8f44-d0e41a649f5a + 1 + + + + + + 11388 + 1021 + 48 + 20 + + + 11412 + 1031 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0.5 + + + + + + + + + + + Scaled geometry + 15f84f9d-92c8-4359-a47a-60084685a0dd + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 11460 + 981 + 50 + 30 + + + 11485 + 996 + + + + + + + + Transformation data + 4e4f3996-4a32-4343-b984-a2137f2a0eff + Transform + Transform + false + 0 + + + + + + 11460 + 1011 + 50 + 30 + + + 11485 + 1026 + + + + + + + + + + + + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae + List Item + + + + + 0 + Retrieve a specific item from a list. + true + 64890c05-c3e9-4cc1-ba23-3129d8c3c913 + List Item + List Item + + + + + + 11279 + 986 + 94 + 64 + + + 11337 + 1018 + + + + + + 3 + 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 + 2e3ab970-8545-46bb-836c-1c11e5610bce + cb95db89-6165-43b6-9c41-5702bc5bf137 + 1 + 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 + + + + + 1 + Base list + 642abafb-90db-4a59-9194-c4a1193fdd77 + 1 + List + List + false + bf6eda1d-d5fd-4b9b-965f-6fb7c5f21ef2 + 1 + + + + + + 11281 + 988 + 44 + 20 + + + 11311 + 998 + + + + + + + + Item index + 9be3a442-1db5-4cef-8028-528c860bedf5 + 1 + Index + Index + false + 3b2fc047-9eae-45ec-969b-59321460499b + 1 + + + + + + 11281 + 1008 + 44 + 20 + + + 11311 + 1018 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Wrap index to list bounds + bbed78e3-a40d-4adb-90ce-3220e4da6f8d + Wrap + Wrap + false + 0 + + + + + + 11281 + 1028 + 44 + 20 + + + 11311 + 1038 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + false + + + + + + + + + + + Item at {i'} + 96b06d9e-c3f9-4fb2-897a-e22b60d3fa7e + 2 + false + Item + i + false + 0 + + + + + + 11349 + 988 + 22 + 60 + + + 11352 + 1018 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + e2039b07-d3f3-40f8-af88-d74fed238727 + Insert Items + + + + + Insert a collection of items into a list. + true + 50bf2921-86a0-48db-8b2a-f0f6b2a3f433 + Insert Items + Insert Items + + + + + + 11525 + 984 + 114 + 84 + + + 11590 + 1026 + + + + + + 1 + List to modify + 546385d9-bcae-44f5-9bdc-5686594adafd + 1 + List + List + false + 15f84f9d-92c8-4359-a47a-60084685a0dd + 1 + + + + + + 11527 + 986 + 51 + 20 + + + 11560.5 + 996 + + + + + + + + 1 + Items to insert. If no items are supplied, nulls will be inserted. + 21f92931-07e1-4ebb-96ce-8d3e6dd812fd + 1 + Item + Item + true + e606dca8-aca3-45df-85e6-434e26711ab9 + 1 + + + + + + 11527 + 1006 + 51 + 20 + + + 11560.5 + 1016 + + + + + + + + 1 + Insertion index for each item + 769457cd-d7fe-44c8-ab61-0c4194dcf069 + 1 + Indices + Indices + false + 8ed422a3-f5a9-4308-b12b-e705b5b6f7f7 + 1 + + + + + + 11527 + 1026 + 51 + 20 + + + 11560.5 + 1036 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 2 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + 145 + + + + + + + + + + + If true, indices will be wrapped + 3d8b0ce1-13d7-4f26-8d64-4d131c8efbf6 + Wrap + Wrap + false + 0 + + + + + + 11527 + 1046 + 51 + 20 + + + 11560.5 + 1056 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + false + + + + + + + + + + + 1 + List with inserted values + e3311e9e-c980-433b-ac72-5fc1f26de555 + 2 + List + List + false + 0 + + + + + + 11602 + 986 + 35 + 80 + + + 11611.5 + 1026 + + + + + + + + + + + + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 + Curve + + + + + Contains a collection of generic curves + true + bf6eda1d-d5fd-4b9b-965f-6fb7c5f21ef2 + Curve + Curve + false + 90d7ad1c-657d-4410-a8d6-8e8b31ec2f25 + 1 + + + + + + 11257 + 1130 + 50 + 24 + + + 11282.59 + 1142.394 + + + + + + + @@ -133869,7 +148947,7 @@ Only available while bake input is true. - 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