diff --git a/ⵙ∣❁∣ⵙ✤ⵙ✻ⵙЭЄⵙᗩⵙߦⵙറⵙ◯ⵙ◯ⵙറⵙߦⵙᗩⵙЭЄⵙ✻ⵙ✤ⵙ∣❁∣ⵙ/ⵙᗱᗴᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᗝᗱᗴߦᗩᙏⵙᗱᗴᴥᑎ✤ᗩᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᗝᗱᗴᗯꖴᴥᗱᗴᗝⵙ옷✤∷ⵙᗝꖴⓄᙏᕤᕦꖴᔓᔕⵙᗱᗴᴥᑎ✤ᗩᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᴥᗩᗱᗴИNꖴᙁⵙ◯ⵙ◯ⵙᙁꖴИNᗱᗴᗩᴥⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗩ✤ᑎᴥᗱᗴⵙᔓᔕꖴᕤᕦᙏⓄꖴᗝⵙ∷✤옷ⵙᗝᗱᗴᴥꖴᗯᗱᗴᗝⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗩ✤ᑎᴥᗱᗴⵙᙏᗩߦᗱᗴᗝⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗱᗴⵙ/HG.XHG.⠀⠀⠀⠀ⵙᗝⵙꖴⵙⓄⵙᙏⵙᕤᕦⵙꖴⵙᔓᔕⵙ◯ⵙИNⵙⓄⵙꖴⵙ✤ⵙꖴⵙᔓᔕⵙИNⵙᗩⵙᴥⵙ✤ⵙ◯ⵙᙁⵙᗩⵙᗱᗴⵙᗝⵙꖴⵙ⠀⠀⠀⠀◯⠀⠀⠀⠀ⵙ⠀⠀⠀⠀◯⠀⠀⠀⠀ⵙꖴⵙᗝⵙᗱᗴⵙᗩⵙᙁⵙ◯ⵙ✤ⵙᴥⵙᗩⵙИNⵙᔓᔕⵙꖴⵙ✤ⵙꖴⵙⓄⵙИNⵙ◯ⵙᔓᔕⵙꖴⵙᕤᕦⵙᙏⵙⓄⵙꖴⵙᗝⵙ⠀⠀⠀⠀.GHX.GH b/ⵙ∣❁∣ⵙ✤ⵙ✻ⵙЭЄⵙᗩⵙߦⵙറⵙ◯ⵙ◯ⵙറⵙߦⵙᗩⵙЭЄⵙ✻ⵙ✤ⵙ∣❁∣ⵙ/ⵙᗱᗴᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᗝᗱᗴߦᗩᙏⵙᗱᗴᴥᑎ✤ᗩᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᗝᗱᗴᗯꖴᴥᗱᗴᗝⵙ옷✤∷ⵙᗝꖴⓄᙏᕤᕦꖴᔓᔕⵙᗱᗴᴥᑎ✤ᗩᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᴥᗩᗱᗴИNꖴᙁⵙ◯ⵙ◯ⵙᙁꖴИNᗱᗴᗩᴥⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗩ✤ᑎᴥᗱᗴⵙᔓᔕꖴᕤᕦᙏⓄꖴᗝⵙ∷✤옷ⵙᗝᗱᗴᴥꖴᗯᗱᗴᗝⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗩ✤ᑎᴥᗱᗴⵙᙏᗩߦᗱᗴᗝⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗱᗴⵙ/HG.XHG.⠀⠀⠀⠀ⵙᗝⵙꖴⵙⓄⵙᙏⵙᕤᕦⵙꖴⵙᔓᔕⵙ◯ⵙИNⵙⓄⵙꖴⵙ✤ⵙꖴⵙᔓᔕⵙИNⵙᗩⵙᴥⵙ✤ⵙ◯ⵙᙁⵙᗩⵙᗱᗴⵙᗝⵙꖴⵙ⠀⠀⠀⠀◯⠀⠀⠀⠀ⵙ⠀⠀⠀⠀◯⠀⠀⠀⠀ⵙꖴⵙᗝⵙᗱᗴⵙᗩⵙᙁⵙ◯ⵙ✤ⵙᴥⵙᗩⵙИNⵙᔓᔕⵙꖴⵙ✤ⵙꖴⵙⓄⵙИNⵙ◯ⵙᔓᔕⵙꖴⵙᕤᕦⵙᙏⵙⓄⵙꖴⵙᗝⵙ⠀⠀⠀⠀.GHX.GH new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c74236c8 Binary files /dev/null and b/ⵙ∣❁∣ⵙ✤ⵙ✻ⵙЭЄⵙᗩⵙߦⵙറⵙ◯ⵙ◯ⵙറⵙߦⵙᗩⵙЭЄⵙ✻ⵙ✤ⵙ∣❁∣ⵙ/ⵙᗱᗴᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᗝᗱᗴߦᗩᙏⵙᗱᗴᴥᑎ✤ᗩᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᗝᗱᗴᗯꖴᴥᗱᗴᗝⵙ옷✤∷ⵙᗝꖴⓄᙏᕤᕦꖴᔓᔕⵙᗱᗴᴥᑎ✤ᗩᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᴥᗩᗱᗴИNꖴᙁⵙ◯ⵙ◯ⵙᙁꖴИNᗱᗴᗩᴥⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗩ✤ᑎᴥᗱᗴⵙᔓᔕꖴᕤᕦᙏⓄꖴᗝⵙ∷✤옷ⵙᗝᗱᗴᴥꖴᗯᗱᗴᗝⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗩ✤ᑎᴥᗱᗴⵙᙏᗩߦᗱᗴᗝⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗱᗴⵙ/HG.XHG.⠀⠀⠀⠀ⵙᗝⵙꖴⵙⓄⵙᙏⵙᕤᕦⵙꖴⵙᔓᔕⵙ◯ⵙИNⵙⓄⵙꖴⵙ✤ⵙꖴⵙᔓᔕⵙИNⵙᗩⵙᴥⵙ✤ⵙ◯ⵙᙁⵙᗩⵙᗱᗴⵙᗝⵙꖴⵙ⠀⠀⠀⠀◯⠀⠀⠀⠀ⵙ⠀⠀⠀⠀◯⠀⠀⠀⠀ⵙꖴⵙᗝⵙᗱᗴⵙᗩⵙᙁⵙ◯ⵙ✤ⵙᴥⵙᗩⵙИNⵙᔓᔕⵙꖴⵙ✤ⵙꖴⵙⓄⵙИNⵙ◯ⵙᔓᔕⵙꖴⵙᕤᕦⵙᙏⵙⓄⵙꖴⵙᗝⵙ⠀⠀⠀⠀.GHX.GH differ diff --git a/ⵙ∣❁∣ⵙ✤ⵙ✻ⵙЭЄⵙᗩⵙߦⵙറⵙ◯ⵙ◯ⵙറⵙߦⵙᗩⵙЭЄⵙ✻ⵙ✤ⵙ∣❁∣ⵙ/ⵙᗱᗴᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᗝᗱᗴߦᗩᙏⵙᗱᗴᴥᑎ✤ᗩᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᗝᗱᗴᗯꖴᴥᗱᗴᗝⵙ옷✤∷ⵙᗝꖴⓄᙏᕤᕦꖴᔓᔕⵙᗱᗴᴥᑎ✤ᗩᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᴥᗩᗱᗴИNꖴᙁⵙ◯ⵙ◯ⵙᙁꖴИNᗱᗴᗩᴥⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗩ✤ᑎᴥᗱᗴⵙᔓᔕꖴᕤᕦᙏⓄꖴᗝⵙ∷✤옷ⵙᗝᗱᗴᴥꖴᗯᗱᗴᗝⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗩ✤ᑎᴥᗱᗴⵙᙏᗩߦᗱᗴᗝⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗱᗴⵙ/XHG.⠀⠀⠀⠀ⵙᗝⵙꖴⵙⓄⵙᙏⵙᕤᕦⵙꖴⵙᔓᔕⵙ◯ⵙИNⵙⓄⵙꖴⵙ✤ⵙꖴⵙᔓᔕⵙИNⵙᗩⵙᴥⵙ✤ⵙ◯ⵙᙁⵙᗩⵙᗱᗴⵙᗝⵙꖴⵙ⠀⠀⠀⠀◯⠀⠀⠀⠀ⵙ⠀⠀⠀⠀◯⠀⠀⠀⠀ⵙꖴⵙᗝⵙᗱᗴⵙᗩⵙᙁⵙ◯ⵙ✤ⵙᴥⵙᗩⵙИNⵙᔓᔕⵙꖴⵙ✤ⵙꖴⵙⓄⵙИNⵙ◯ⵙᔓᔕⵙꖴⵙᕤᕦⵙᙏⵙⓄⵙꖴⵙᗝⵙ⠀⠀⠀⠀.GHX b/ⵙ∣❁∣ⵙ✤ⵙ✻ⵙЭЄⵙᗩⵙߦⵙറⵙ◯ⵙ◯ⵙറⵙߦⵙᗩⵙЭЄⵙ✻ⵙ✤ⵙ∣❁∣ⵙ/ⵙᗱᗴᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᗝᗱᗴߦᗩᙏⵙᗱᗴᴥᑎ✤ᗩᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᗝᗱᗴᗯꖴᴥᗱᗴᗝⵙ옷✤∷ⵙᗝꖴⓄᙏᕤᕦꖴᔓᔕⵙᗱᗴᴥᑎ✤ᗩᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᴥᗩᗱᗴИNꖴᙁⵙ◯ⵙ◯ⵙᙁꖴИNᗱᗴᗩᴥⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗩ✤ᑎᴥᗱᗴⵙᔓᔕꖴᕤᕦᙏⓄꖴᗝⵙ∷✤옷ⵙᗝᗱᗴᴥꖴᗯᗱᗴᗝⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗩ✤ᑎᴥᗱᗴⵙᙏᗩߦᗱᗴᗝⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗱᗴⵙ/XHG.⠀⠀⠀⠀ⵙᗝⵙꖴⵙⓄⵙᙏⵙᕤᕦⵙꖴⵙᔓᔕⵙ◯ⵙИNⵙⓄⵙꖴⵙ✤ⵙꖴⵙᔓᔕⵙИNⵙᗩⵙᴥⵙ✤ⵙ◯ⵙᙁⵙᗩⵙᗱᗴⵙᗝⵙꖴⵙ⠀⠀⠀⠀◯⠀⠀⠀⠀ⵙ⠀⠀⠀⠀◯⠀⠀⠀⠀ⵙꖴⵙᗝⵙᗱᗴⵙᗩⵙᙁⵙ◯ⵙ✤ⵙᴥⵙᗩⵙИNⵙᔓᔕⵙꖴⵙ✤ⵙꖴⵙⓄⵙИNⵙ◯ⵙᔓᔕⵙꖴⵙᕤᕦⵙᙏⵙⓄⵙꖴⵙᗝⵙ⠀⠀⠀⠀.GHX new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6af30b5a --- /dev/null +++ b/ⵙ∣❁∣ⵙ✤ⵙ✻ⵙЭЄⵙᗩⵙߦⵙറⵙ◯ⵙ◯ⵙറⵙߦⵙᗩⵙЭЄⵙ✻ⵙ✤ⵙ∣❁∣ⵙ/ⵙᗱᗴᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᗝᗱᗴߦᗩᙏⵙᗱᗴᴥᑎ✤ᗩᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᗝᗱᗴᗯꖴᴥᗱᗴᗝⵙ옷✤∷ⵙᗝꖴⓄᙏᕤᕦꖴᔓᔕⵙᗱᗴᴥᑎ✤ᗩᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᴥᗩᗱᗴИNꖴᙁⵙ◯ⵙ◯ⵙᙁꖴИNᗱᗴᗩᴥⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗩ✤ᑎᴥᗱᗴⵙᔓᔕꖴᕤᕦᙏⓄꖴᗝⵙ∷✤옷ⵙᗝᗱᗴᴥꖴᗯᗱᗴᗝⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗩ✤ᑎᴥᗱᗴⵙᙏᗩߦᗱᗴᗝⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗱᗴⵙ/XHG.⠀⠀⠀⠀ⵙᗝⵙꖴⵙⓄⵙᙏⵙᕤᕦⵙꖴⵙᔓᔕⵙ◯ⵙИNⵙⓄⵙꖴⵙ✤ⵙꖴⵙᔓᔕⵙИNⵙᗩⵙᴥⵙ✤ⵙ◯ⵙᙁⵙᗩⵙᗱᗴⵙᗝⵙꖴⵙ⠀⠀⠀⠀◯⠀⠀⠀⠀ⵙ⠀⠀⠀⠀◯⠀⠀⠀⠀ⵙꖴⵙᗝⵙᗱᗴⵙᗩⵙᙁⵙ◯ⵙ✤ⵙᴥⵙᗩⵙИNⵙᔓᔕⵙꖴⵙ✤ⵙꖴⵙⓄⵙИNⵙ◯ⵙᔓᔕⵙꖴⵙᕤᕦⵙᙏⵙⓄⵙꖴⵙᗝⵙ⠀⠀⠀⠀.GHX @@ -0,0 +1,137737 @@ + + + + + + + + 0 + 2 + 2 + + + + + + + 1 + 0 + 7 + + + + + + bdf26cba-1122-46ad-8ab5-e5506f5cd680 + Shaded + 1 + + 255;240;240;240 + + + 255;207;207;207 + + + + + + 637914271567828886 + + XHG.⠀⠀⠀⠀ⵙᗝⵙꖴⵙⓄⵙᙏⵙᕤᕦⵙꖴⵙᔓᔕⵙ◯ⵙИNⵙⓄⵙꖴⵙ✤ⵙꖴⵙᔓᔕⵙИNⵙᗩⵙᴥⵙ✤ⵙ◯ⵙᙁⵙᗩⵙᗱᗴⵙᗝⵙꖴⵙ⠀⠀⠀⠀◯⠀⠀⠀⠀ⵙ⠀⠀⠀⠀◯⠀⠀⠀⠀ⵙꖴⵙᗝⵙᗱᗴⵙᗩⵙᙁⵙ◯ⵙ✤ⵙᴥⵙᗩⵙИNⵙᔓᔕⵙꖴⵙ✤ⵙꖴⵙⓄⵙИNⵙ◯ⵙᔓᔕⵙꖴⵙᕤᕦⵙᙏⵙⓄⵙꖴⵙᗝⵙ⠀⠀⠀⠀.GHX + + + + + 0 + + + + + + -970 + 1096 + + 0.05 + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + 0 + + + + + 195 + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 1 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + d364c9ab-7040-40a7-aad7-5aa197bbe651 + d25b1e82-2d57-4a7d-a27a-64d36a95592e + 7c055129-0820-428f-b812-5d4442bb6080 + 9259003a-51d6-4675-b745-01d6a59799dc + de69fb08-8b9e-4132-835a-0fca8c8d2b86 + 7344ab6f-6c09-4976-ace0-8f892f03cb62 + 29d900ac-6fac-4565-a619-c55815ca67c0 + 72ef4d80-7eb8-4bfd-9004-0b9fcacd38d1 + e29d09b5-de46-491f-9249-2a66fb1be9c3 + 05d04522-24bf-4f16-9f26-831cf1a27778 + 455f336f-a4da-47f7-b260-50c0f816d42a + 56275396-0e49-4faf-8b1e-99decc9782e6 + c0d05a7e-4c88-47a1-8d24-c31438520fc4 + 1cbee70c-76f4-4597-a499-be4c00568e44 + b4b3a125-0a0e-4999-bdeb-9b02c0074a44 + b921ec1a-bafd-4da8-bad1-c6c5616dd84e + 93930d60-3fc4-42c2-b7c3-b09476a26a54 + 5959a778-f5f1-4d9c-8ae1-b46f8977ed48 + d0c3fb84-0bfa-412c-8299-61d514697365 + ffb68924-9295-4f3a-b5af-bdd4a3e2b87f + de2683b2-be46-499f-adfa-0a60ba939cdc + 5e701664-312a-4b02-9301-8c2d8ab4c239 + 28ab531c-4d5d-4dff-b181-ccc804bfab48 + 5ee6def3-7ffd-45df-aba4-64e096a1857d + 15ec7258-3c2f-4aae-9648-7ab894f56c8b + dcb5ab2b-f998-4634-b98d-52c45ad64577 + 14945a86-6dfd-4854-a0d6-4ec95fbbc996 + 2ec5ee91-bc9f-497d-9314-37b6cdee9473 + 939c0cc7-8b28-4bdf-9d30-1a7e930d61a2 + 5caaeaa2-127c-430c-80d7-c3e914a52def + bd66cff6-b838-42ab-9461-ad7b0d9878e2 + ae7f8017-7560-476c-91df-f81b7f29860f + 6062d622-4fc3-428c-b41f-5513d3fdb16c + 99afe558-c12f-4942-93af-af3fc116eabf + da7b63c7-2c66-4c59-90e4-b125782f935e + 0875b550-1b7d-436f-8baa-7e5a17dff433 + 8634f6d5-6b63-4fdc-90d0-fe9fd70371c6 + b8d47739-095a-4e74-b2e4-115680879ec2 + db060c2d-70fb-45e8-80f1-69ee2b8e261c + e7632567-1dd6-425d-9046-7e5d28358f08 + 67886c50-05b5-4a9a-9a19-acd2cba0aa6e + b582f1f7-e704-4e3f-856f-702304820be2 + b711397f-a522-485f-bb79-6b751a4edcc9 + b1755aad-ca55-4bc5-9644-2b57e58bde9e + f7cf980a-1db0-456b-903f-36b088ead0b9 + 0fb7104c-359d-4512-beed-52e1e026a767 + 393518c9-1f74-424e-93f4-4aadd54714e3 + 2647ee79-c578-4a09-af8a-9f4bd395be6b + babdc92f-6320-47b5-9be6-7f5cffdc22f1 + a2b1d40c-18a9-4c27-a3c1-4922136c36b8 + 8cd7aa67-837e-4c58-b3b5-12f09a3d5d64 + 7d90e60c-31e5-4aef-9b1c-757d93bbbdf4 + 0bf627ab-a1f7-4f7d-9e87-614fad9670d1 + 615b3b66-0c14-4d74-9e15-68c1978ce5d2 + b8fd547b-483a-4771-820d-f13a034a421b + 8065f95f-065b-41bd-b52b-3d434688e7d7 + 3a622eb0-3d82-4d04-b120-c7d7ebc3d5d9 + aedb401b-2df8-4e52-aeb5-0d3545c5393a + 6dc16117-2eae-4050-9c9c-bcbdbe8d0c40 + 4059f1b9-ba7e-46be-a2fb-6107a9f069fa + 30f49702-0996-409e-b5c3-7ab845e9f957 + e9419141-903c-4b66-87b1-553e5b7cde98 + fd9eeadf-853e-4999-85b9-5760c8fca0a5 + 8287d0a0-e6e3-4edf-a359-d5cde6e8e04e + 68a4fb9d-1dfb-4dac-8c87-6b69cb387a4b + c50a9514-4f4b-4d8c-8542-4a1daaaf2cc5 + 054f5695-5323-4c1a-9829-841b8d82d434 + 055e5b5c-0774-47a3-bad4-c4bc33dac91d + 1a212d87-a906-49e3-b7ad-78a44fc0ed6d + be8c6c5a-4af3-45e4-8f8a-c07aff5a17aa + 0df56875-3f16-4b08-9a9a-867a4b4c3e3d + fa23823f-b73c-4564-885c-f99c060adb13 + fc1c830c-e3df-4904-9c93-618c2793cb57 + b91a4254-92ff-475f-812d-a473db03f64f + 0763c470-4749-4ef3-bd8c-de201865246c + 82084dd0-aa80-4487-a46c-0dca5e3983b4 + 76 + 44c08b8b-4a49-4132-b5a0-e27c28fcc73c + Group + + + + + + + + + + + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 + Create Material + + + + + Create an OpenGL material. + true + d364c9ab-7040-40a7-aad7-5aa197bbe651 + Create Material + Create Material + + + + + + 27124 + -9687 + 144 + 104 + + + 27208 + -9635 + + + + + + Colour of the diffuse channel + fe3bfb63-3691-4ead-a1cc-a9bce1c6e1fe + Diffuse + Diffuse + false + 9259003a-51d6-4675-b745-01d6a59799dc + 1 + + + + + + 27126 + -9685 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -9675 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;105;180 + + + + + + + + + + + + Colour of the specular highlight + 0c1d07b9-3a6f-4ae9-a1f4-e8f727d9d4fc + Specular + Specular + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -9665 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -9655 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;255;255 + + + + + + + + + + + + Emissive colour of the material + 3f48c702-5d1c-4560-b42d-6613e2909391 + Emission + Emission + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -9645 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -9635 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;0;0;0 + + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of transparency (0.0 = opaque, 1.0 = transparent + d3b643d7-e156-4ebb-841b-fa62071cdc7a + Transparency + Transparency + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -9625 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -9615 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of shinyness (0 = none, 1 = low shine, 100 = max shine + 31b49833-1772-40da-b04a-110cce5e1ce7 + Shine + Shine + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -9605 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -9595 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Resulting material + 5ef7bb6d-ebb5-4f32-b602-566800333d06 + Material + Material + false + 0 + + + + + + 27223 + -9685 + 43 + 100 + + + 27246 + -9635 + + + + + + + + + + + + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c + Custom Preview + + + + + Allows for customized geometry previews + true + d25b1e82-2d57-4a7d-a27a-64d36a95592e + Custom Preview + Custom Preview + + + + + + + 26854 + -9657 + 82 + 44 + + + 26922 + -9635 + + + + + + Geometry to preview + true + f443eac7-8112-4e31-bbe5-72383ab835fb + Geometry + Geometry + false + 62f0f607-cf9f-40e4-b869-db3387e7055d + 1 + + + + + + 26856 + -9655 + 51 + 20 + + + 26883 + -9645 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + -1 + + 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+ + 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Curve + + + + + + + + + + + The material override + 5f6b13ba-a8c1-4f0a-8829-0b0d09977558 + Material + Material + false + 5ef7bb6d-ebb5-4f32-b602-566800333d06 + 1 + + + + + + 26856 + -9635 + 51 + 20 + + + 26883 + -9625 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;221;160;221 + + + 255;66;48;66 + + 0.5 + + 255;255;255;255 + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + d364c9ab-7040-40a7-aad7-5aa197bbe651 + d25b1e82-2d57-4a7d-a27a-64d36a95592e + 9259003a-51d6-4675-b745-01d6a59799dc + 3 + 7c055129-0820-428f-b812-5d4442bb6080 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 + Colour Picker + + + + + Provides a colour picker object + 9259003a-51d6-4675-b745-01d6a59799dc + Colour Picker + Colour Picker + false + + 255;176;176;176 + + 0 + + + + + + 26943.87 + -9783.728 + 180 + 310 + + 2 + + + + + + + + + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 + Create Material + + + + + Create an OpenGL material. + true + de69fb08-8b9e-4132-835a-0fca8c8d2b86 + Create Material + Create Material + + + + + + 27124 + -10374 + 144 + 104 + + + 27208 + -10322 + + + + + + Colour of the diffuse channel + fd54f0bd-093e-4d0c-929d-3fe915ecf40c + Diffuse + Diffuse + false + 72ef4d80-7eb8-4bfd-9004-0b9fcacd38d1 + 1 + + + + + + 27126 + -10372 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -10362 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;105;180 + + + + + + + + + + + + Colour of the specular highlight + 796bbb5c-6123-47e8-bf60-67f9ab0f541c + Specular + Specular + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -10352 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -10342 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;255;255 + + + + + + + + + + + + Emissive colour of the material + cd6dfeaa-ecd1-4784-bf28-f9ea0e273742 + Emission + Emission + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -10332 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -10322 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;0;0;0 + + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of transparency (0.0 = opaque, 1.0 = transparent + e087e706-2145-46dd-b55e-1d1a975a9c11 + Transparency + Transparency + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -10312 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -10302 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of shinyness (0 = none, 1 = low shine, 100 = max shine + 0cccbd62-0b0b-452b-be6c-13e3c0712505 + Shine + Shine + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -10292 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -10282 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Resulting material + f832b365-aa9a-46af-880e-deae1bcf9e7b + Material + Material + false + 0 + + + + + + 27223 + -10372 + 43 + 100 + + + 27246 + -10322 + + + + + + + + + + + + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c + Custom Preview + + + + + Allows for customized geometry previews + true + 7344ab6f-6c09-4976-ace0-8f892f03cb62 + Custom Preview + Custom Preview + + + + + + + 26854 + -10344 + 82 + 44 + + + 26922 + -10322 + + + + + + Geometry to preview + true + 7079969f-ff80-40ff-9818-522c3d194877 + Geometry + Geometry + false + c32e68be-b323-413f-b3c8-30913299a9cf + 1 + + + + + + 26856 + -10342 + 51 + 20 + + + 26883 + -10332 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 513 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + + 8.31187957663209E-17 + 4.15593978831604E-17 + 0 + 8.31187957663209E-17 + -0.24997981727771 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.00292445614272489 + 1.24486214809962E-05 + 0 + 0.00505281143588085 + -0.249978491419991 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.00584870031606387 + 4.97944859232645E-05 + 0 + 0.0101051332752018 + -0.249903573637878 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.00877250451084335 + 0.000112033918736063 + 0 + 0.0151562810704255 + -0.249780776706985 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0116956836386425 + 0.000199161238698626 + 0 + 0.0202054545481003 + -0.249601804488715 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.014618015253965 + 0.000311167163250442 + 0 + 0.0252519413272185 + -0.249369294989863 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0175392878072519 + 0.000448039676748093 + 0 + 0.030294971455728 + -0.249082483371884 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0204592899870991 + 0.000609763850527089 + 0 + 0.0353338074583952 + -0.248741657273978 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0233778107735303 + 0.000796321845946776 + 0 + 0.0403676998919168 + -0.248346798817997 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.026294639491301 + 0.00100769291802362 + 0 + 0.0453959042227041 + -0.247897992424417 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0292095658631811 + 0.00124385341965053 + 0 + 0.0504176748733502 + -0.247395303724237 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0321223800632294 + 0.0015047768063984 + 0 + 0.0554322673534457 + -0.246838815109379 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0350328727700576 + 0.0017904336418979 + 0 + 0.0604389376287956 + -0.24622861533973 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0379408352200797 + 0.0021007916037986 + 0 + 0.0654369424017636 + -0.24556480247659 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0408460592607514 + 0.00243581549030104 + 0 + 0.0704255390956003 + -0.244847482993249 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0437483374037957 + 0.00279546722725891 + 0 + 0.0754039859329408 + -0.244076771994841 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0466474628784156 + 0.00317970587584762 + 0 + 0.0803715419689919 + -0.243252793016546 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0495432296844958 + 0.00358848764079191 + 0 + 0.0853274671553754 + -0.242375678101216 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0524354326457916 + 0.00402176587915228 + 0 + 0.0902710223713496 + -0.241445567634848 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0553238674631077 + 0.00447949110966094 + 0 + 0.0952014694690307 + -0.240462610318637 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0582083307674669 + 0.00496161102260295 + 0 + 0.100118071314989 + -0.239426963123297 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0610886201732717 + 0.0054680704902383 + 0 + 0.105020091817619 + -0.238338791174431 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0639645343314584 + 0.00599881157775604 + 0 + 0.109906795959606 + -0.237198267693515 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0668358729826491 + 0.00655377355475573 + 0 + 0.114777449829023 + -0.236005573942991 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0697024370103017 + 0.00713289290724931 + 0 + 0.119631320628044 + -0.234760899074159 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0725640284938623 + 0.00773610335017411 + 0 + 0.12446767670668 + -0.233464440124442 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0754204507619233 + 0.00836333584041236 + 0 + 0.129285787559404 + -0.232116401846016 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0782715084453908 + 0.00901451859030667 + 0 + 0.134084923844228 + -0.230716996666432 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.081117007530668 + 0.00968957708166522 + 0 + 0.138864357380061 + -0.229266444563939 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0839567554128551 + 0.010388434080247 + 0 + 0.143623361142059 + -0.22776497295809 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0867905609489775 + 0.0111110096507185 + 0 + 0.148361209260688 + -0.226212816633145 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0896182345112423 + 0.0118572211720739 + 0 + 0.1530771770022 + -0.224610217603708 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0924395880403341 + 0.012626983353508 + 0 + 0.157770540747889 + -0.222957424998726 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0952544350987552 + 0.0134202082507329 + 0 + 0.162440577983005 + -0.221254694996554 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0980625909242174 + 0.01423680528273 + 0 + 0.167086567247324 + -0.219502290638562 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.100863872483097 + 0.0150766812489258 + 0 + 0.171707788116381 + -0.217700481772828 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.103658098523958 + 0.0159397403467829 + 0 + 0.176303521155143 + -0.2158495449151 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.106445089631152 + 0.0168258841897958 + 0 + 0.180873047868089 + -0.213949763118371 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.109224668278513 + 0.017735011825882 + 0 + 0.185415650660935 + -0.212001425894372 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.111996658883146 + 0.0186670197561589 + 0 + 0.18993061277112 + -0.210004829051583 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.114760887859327 + 0.0196218019540959 + 0 + 0.194417218223146 + -0.207960274624954 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.117517183672526 + 0.020599249885034 + 0 + 0.19887475176363 + -0.205868070754474 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.120265376893559 + 0.0215992525260637 + 0 + 0.203302498791549 + -0.20372853156381 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.123005300252887 + 0.0226216963862521 + 0 + 0.207699745309768 + -0.20154197710697 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.125736788695072 + 0.0236664655272131 + 0 + 0.212065777842435 + -0.199308733228137 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.128459679433396 + 0.0247334415840135 + 0 + 0.216399883395306 + -0.197029131542538 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.131173812004662 + 0.0258225037864096 + 0 + 0.22070134938379 + -0.194703509332534 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.133879028324183 + 0.0269335289804104 + 0 + 0.224969463586572 + -0.192332209511274 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.136575172740977 + 0.0280663916501645 + 0 + 0.229203514104726 + -0.189915580594559 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.139262092093164 + 0.0292209639401702 + 0 + 0.233402789351951 + -0.187453976737174 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.141939635763587 + 0.0303971156778127 + 0 + 0.237566577977744 + -0.184947757603013 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.144607655735658 + 0.0315947143962264 + 0 + 0.241694169034953 + -0.182397288775142 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.147266006649426 + 0.0328136253574967 + 0 + 0.24578485152586 + -0.179802940766459 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.14991454585789 + 0.0340537115762061 + 0 + 0.249837916200283 + -0.177165092868907 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.152553133483531 + 0.0353148338433484 + 0 + 0.253852649331544 + -0.174484120001409 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.155181632475097 + 0.0365968507505772 + 0 + 0.257828355247728 + -0.171760439146225 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.157799908663963 + 0.0378996187161433 + 0 + 0.261764312428652 + -0.168994418542889 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.16040783082192 + 0.0392229920087448 + 0 + 0.265659816290546 + -0.166186466541384 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.163005270718555 + 0.0405668227731092 + 0 + 0.269514163013809 + -0.16333699697809 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.165592103178587 + 0.0419309610564548 + 0 + 0.273326648598434 + -0.160446427324766 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.168168206139429 + 0.0433152548353105 + 0 + 0.277096574642535 + -0.157515189335723 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.170733460708792 + 0.0447195500429877 + 0 + 0.280823235839501 + -0.154543705534803 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.17328775122295 + 0.0461436905965889 + 0 + 0.284505928505513 + -0.151532405653967 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.175830965304977 + 0.0475875184248349 + 0 + 0.288143970615145 + -0.148481760950847 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.178362993922011 + 0.0490508734982978 + 0 + 0.291736670102335 + -0.145392226350156 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.180883731443132 + 0.050533593859115 + 0 + 0.295283336048171 + -0.142264261129756 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.183393075697647 + 0.0520355156506204 + 0 + 0.298783279457979 + -0.13909833005098 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.185890928032966 + 0.0535564731482428 + 0 + 0.30223584796698 + -0.135894959108272 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.188377193371069 + 0.055096298793187 + 0 + 0.30564034605535 + -0.132654602969043 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.19085178026625 + 0.0566548232243833 + 0 + 0.308996159706717 + -0.129377846812039 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.193314600959924 + 0.0582318753154481 + 0 + 0.312302589898643 + -0.126065137977816 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.195765571438337 + 0.0598272822072086 + 0 + 0.31555904362427 + -0.122717088000899 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.19820461148627 + 0.0614408693466756 + 0 + 0.318764853109827 + -0.119334188154115 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.200631644743338 + 0.0630724605220188 + 0 + 0.321919409315338 + -0.115917016159572 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.20304659875725 + 0.0647218779021464 + 0 + 0.325022150034311 + -0.112466210969037 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.205449405034465 + 0.0663889420798745 + 0 + 0.328072446963469 + -0.108982306714414 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.207839999093782 + 0.0680734721104312 + 0 + 0.331069735861866 + -0.105465923954127 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.210218320516771 + 0.0697752855542262 + 0 + 0.334013477563477 + -0.101917708032122 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.212584312994891 + 0.0714941985237041 + 0 + 0.33690319277094 + -0.0983383737441425 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.214937924373371 + 0.0732300257337663 + 0 + 0.339738356156289 + -0.0947285573592283 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.217279106697004 + 0.0749825805485507 + 0 + 0.342518476723887 + -0.0910889288273574 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.219607816253798 + 0.0767516750301414 + 0 + 0.34524312666747 + -0.0874202258604661 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.221924013613371 + 0.0785371199930737 + 0 + 0.347911933958549 + -0.0837232381238189 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.224227663660227 + 0.0803387250638794 + 0 + 0.35052457346085 + -0.0799987910019015 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.226518735623765 + 0.0821562987428825 + 0 + 0.353080699521648 + -0.0762476581159674 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.228797203108513 + 0.0839896484636105 + 0 + 0.35558001346154 + -0.0724706475893973 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.231063044120359 + 0.0858385806551507 + 0 + 0.358022318210024 + -0.068668664467155 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.233316241083725 + 0.0877029008132079 + 0 + 0.360407534735811 + -0.0648427215363 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.235556780850847 + 0.0895824135777402 + 0 + 0.362735512173739 + -0.0609937063637705 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.237784654711433 + 0.0914769228067647 + 0 + 0.365006272270594 + -0.057122673911686 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.239999858395003 + 0.093386231655501 + 0 + 0.367219685413038 + -0.0532304613444493 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.242202392061141 + 0.0953101426657133 + 0 + 0.369376815799097 + -0.0493192237902158 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.244392260284237 + 0.0972484578572339 + 0 + 0.37147443716159 + -0.0453862151366283 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.246569472034901 + 0.0992009788177769 + 0 + 0.373525608297982 + -0.0414468124035279 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.248734040648758 + 0.101167506805488 + 0 + 0.375482996886379 + -0.0374498096604679 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.2508859837861 + 0.103147842843988 + 0 + 0.37752632710683 + -0.0335908612544884 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.253025323401059 + 0.105141787846907 + 0 + 0.378982551546035 + -0.029149921034712 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.255152105166407 + 0.107149122022994 + 0 + 0.381200568165358 + -0.0255671820422661 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.257266340048927 + 0.109169667110451 + 0 + 0.382974295510788 + -0.0215540667996627 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.259368062515277 + 0.111203224304109 + 0 + 0.384266264654825 + -0.017093148748792 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.261457331583299 + 0.113249574090382 + 0 + 0.386382058474896 + -0.013522861538894 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.263534169268267 + 0.115308539452314 + 0 + 0.387837348492784 + -0.0093214725604289 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.265598621880836 + 0.117379922817864 + 0 + 0.38957028170281 + -0.0054426752967489 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.267650739517766 + 0.119463527247702 + 0 + 0.390550296653757 + -0.000868316238730057 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.269690599695132 + 0.121559133408009 + 0 + 0.39254212798855 + 0.00267154562357481 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.271718236190007 + 0.12366656914796 + 0 + 0.393800588109107 + 0.00688405338963835 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.273733709903145 + 0.125785640024461 + 0 + 0.39527014475117 + 0.0108506170065529 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.275737085142425 + 0.127916152602726 + 0 + 0.396351947668133 + 0.0151390091203842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.277728443897596 + 0.130057901198111 + 0 + 0.397635931738395 + 0.0191924886453002 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.279707864882171 + 0.13221068772763 + 0 + 0.398624490251712 + 0.0234738177788118 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.281675429518646 + 0.13437431595706 + 0 + 0.400359996993737 + 0.0270354494403133 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.283631185427875 + 0.136548624342543 + 0 + 0.401366205599903 + 0.0312218599930515 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.285575212536526 + 0.138733425760462 + 0 + 0.402523673543713 + 0.0352312214810138 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.287507593600815 + 0.140928534535849 + 0 + 0.403566876169909 + 0.0393022232804431 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.289428414123699 + 0.143133766519362 + 0 + 0.404680184189365 + 0.0432733256485969 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.291337762266411 + 0.145348939144226 + 0 + 0.405396778765094 + 0.0475468111114971 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.29323574593106 + 0.147573856807236 + 0 + 0.406372889740866 + 0.0515562118443373 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.29512246338542 + 0.149808336235926 + 0 + 0.40722062855217 + 0.055636353215967 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.296998015146813 + 0.152052196108456 + 0 + 0.408118522015736 + 0.0596366370135177 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.298862503926119 + 0.154305257051757 + 0 + 0.408744538934148 + 0.0638240362952784 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.300716034565101 + 0.156567341615863 + 0 + 0.410215831933907 + 0.0672847766301491 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.302558673276938 + 0.158838307347014 + 0 + 0.410836953239225 + 0.0714092575642504 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.304390524470796 + 0.161117983734774 + 0 + 0.411645494704529 + 0.0753462688939853 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.306211694573251 + 0.163406202061743 + 0 + 0.412370557123163 + 0.0793164408859325 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.308022291973117 + 0.165702795438267 + 0 + 0.413059078150571 + 0.0832818504840883 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.309822426957383 + 0.168007598798916 + 0 + 0.413799875610476 + 0.0871739268325686 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.311612211657515 + 0.17032044891469 + 0 + 0.414193283860351 + 0.0913017873977647 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.313391775428242 + 0.172641172542184 + 0 + 0.41482497000644 + 0.0952118955668205 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.315161238135093 + 0.174969607102882 + 0 + 0.415361803775797 + 0.0991629156815334 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.316920721372087 + 0.177305591888909 + 0 + 0.415874337893516 + 0.103100746844823 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.318670348418261 + 0.179648968037676 + 0 + 0.416417889644948 + 0.106984922930129 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.320410244200186 + 0.181999578522721 + 0 + 0.416702642013615 + 0.111029989988461 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.322140535245867 + 0.184357268113331 + 0 + 0.4178388624125 + 0.114422616723464 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.323861308902354 + 0.186721913043251 + 0 + 0.418128882280266 + 0.118409683107865 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.325572690355336 + 0.189093364397235 + 0 + 0.41861450229437 + 0.122225965309306 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.32727480621604 + 0.191471474981973 + 0 + 0.419023421604319 + 0.126070386841096 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.328967784473138 + 0.193856099340835 + 0 + 0.419404393523014 + 0.129907759172552 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.330651754433885 + 0.196247093741609 + 0 + 0.419839909199811 + 0.133680727023175 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.332326846665573 + 0.198644316181888 + 0 + 0.419954557042135 + 0.137651645409323 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.333993207544338 + 0.201047616244972 + 0 + 0.420292998848579 + 0.141439783942684 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.33565097474738 + 0.203456852224799 + 0 + 0.420529111315186 + 0.145273481610602 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.33730028719605 + 0.205871884084036 + 0 + 0.420823918125079 + 0.149042331654805 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.338941285011708 + 0.208292573436521 + 0 + 0.420862935403118 + 0.152959977460762 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.340574109468143 + 0.210718783513199 + 0 + 0.421748723646478 + 0.156285578821146 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.342198862468151 + 0.213150406220012 + 0 + 0.421824543518433 + 0.160135161630735 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.343815681393732 + 0.215587311669196 + 0 + 0.422106899759148 + 0.163824431156243 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.345424704271977 + 0.218029371715809 + 0 + 0.422287815199568 + 0.167559463051387 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.347026069685224 + 0.22047645998238 + 0 + 0.422587537341116 + 0.171195992986398 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.348619916675919 + 0.222928451874444 + 0 + 0.422439172543912 + 0.175102828232862 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.350206405129814 + 0.22538521135563 + 0 + 0.422664194244705 + 0.178746082887197 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.35178568296237 + 0.227846612292966 + 0 + 0.422520660778429 + 0.182605700360548 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.353357898869409 + 0.230312530055337 + 0 + 0.423388833257581 + 0.185801919975747 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.35492315525007 + 0.232782871315383 + 0 + 0.423324103085056 + 0.189575773067459 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.356481591901353 + 0.235257520568377 + 0 + 0.423684134095667 + 0.193063539849029 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.35803334844613 + 0.237736364171875 + 0 + 0.423247636724282 + 0.197032204872326 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.359578590206025 + 0.240219274181335 + 0 + 0.423985580239909 + 0.200251295984901 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.361117430172329 + 0.242706156961214 + 0 + 0.423935216862865 + 0.203945679921827 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.362650006766672 + 0.245196904559402 + 0 + 0.424292537935707 + 0.207373063054103 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.364176457780912 + 0.247691410953882 + 0 + 0.423807599398616 + 0.211300189608549 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.365696949147524 + 0.250189554475893 + 0 + 0.424553338621355 + 0.214461659336666 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.367211588220618 + 0.252691250637165 + 0 + 0.424711584380487 + 0.217968736189678 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.368720510228683 + 0.25519639929594 + 0 + 0.424272800238797 + 0.221820185951501 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.37022387866987 + 0.257704884682589 + 0 + 0.425074768794263 + 0.224913476333359 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.371721797227058 + 0.260216628249153 + 0 + 0.425080035796339 + 0.22847275888762 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.373214397611963 + 0.262731535804504 + 0 + 0.425309336893909 + 0.231886327682731 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.374701810174431 + 0.265249515142549 + 0 + 0.425490124547929 + 0.235317358311381 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.376184163818192 + 0.267770476051715 + 0 + 0.425696663698029 + 0.238722243290101 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.377661585923586 + 0.270294330306461 + 0 + 0.425910194609667 + 0.242112566182375 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.379134202272927 + 0.272820991661764 + 0 + 0.426136667050456 + 0.245485308701981 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.380602136991273 + 0.275350375838473 + 0 + 0.426375386600829 + 0.248841349408158 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.382065512488504 + 0.277882400509162 + 0 + 0.426627409735036 + 0.252180532653636 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.383524449406268 + 0.280416985282126 + 0 + 0.426893136606397 + 0.25550307397315 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.384979066578796 + 0.28295405167852 + 0 + 0.427172994373061 + 0.258809160748719 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.386429481001678 + 0.28549352310617 + 0 + 0.427467468299632 + 0.262098935126379 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.387875807798169 + 0.288035324836079 + 0 + 0.427776922193071 + 0.26537259676957 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.389318160194501 + 0.290579383975066 + 0 + 0.428101593123663 + 0.268630404548215 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.390756649506261 + 0.293125629433474 + 0 + 0.428441669475888 + 0.271872631394407 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.392191385129141 + 0.295673991891788 + 0 + 0.428797385375458 + 0.27509951114762 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.393622474528102 + 0.298224403769543 + 0 + 0.429168925632004 + 0.278311292626093 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.395050023229929 + 0.300776799193675 + 0 + 0.429556410110395 + 0.281508248168206 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.396474134822045 + 0.303331113964703 + 0 + 0.429959879057662 + 0.284690681500401 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.397894910958167 + 0.305887285520447 + 0 + 0.430379332324438 + 0.287858905628881 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.399312451366444 + 0.308445252899746 + 0 + 0.430814850628325 + 0.291013175910728 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.400726853853975 + 0.311004956709475 + 0 + 0.431266436932094 + 0.29415377868398 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.402138214315432 + 0.313566339090577 + 0 + 0.431734066400558 + 0.297281003511616 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.403546626746144 + 0.316129343682881 + 0 + 0.432217622636058 + 0.300395178323979 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.404952183259676 + 0.318693915588672 + 0 + 0.432717100952827 + 0.303496557967422 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.406354974100388 + 0.321260001340242 + 0 + 0.433232432871394 + 0.306585421302362 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.407755087659643 + 0.323827548866567 + 0 + 0.433763461989551 + 0.309662084217805 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.409152610496597 + 0.326396507458622 + 0 + 0.434310160432736 + 0.312726781906953 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.410547627354505 + 0.328966827738223 + 0 + 0.43487233318307 + 0.315779830375063 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.411940221183373 + 0.331538461624473 + 0 + 0.435449932296029 + 0.31882145583243 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.41333047315759 + 0.334111362303937 + 0 + 0.436042779763713 + 0.321851945575536 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.414718462698286 + 0.336685484199244 + 0 + 0.436650776195709 + 0.324871535178356 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.416104267493389 + 0.339260782939859 + 0 + 0.437273765135895 + 0.327880482261637 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.417487963519989 + 0.341837215332525 + 0 + 0.437911590941246 + 0.330879035460085 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.418869625067382 + 0.344414739332202 + 0 + 0.438564100220645 + 0.333867434016558 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.420249324759401 + 0.346993314014241 + 0 + 0.439231162849527 + 0.336845896914839 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.421627133575567 + 0.349572899547972 + 0 + 0.439912613973347 + 0.339814654259639 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.423003120874004 + 0.352153457170133 + 0 + 0.44060828916949 + 0.342773928680885 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.424377354414441 + 0.354734949158977 + 0 + 0.441318040998014 + 0.345723926848982 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425749900380036 + 0.35731733880972 + 0 + 0.442041715659316 + 0.348664852241655 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.427120823399109 + 0.359900590410716 + 0 + 0.442779163822785 + 0.351596899653376 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.428490186566479 + 0.362484669220478 + 0 + 0.443530238949273 + 0.3545202563724 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.429858051464899 + 0.365069541445265 + 0 + 0.444294763637089 + 0.357435120234527 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.431224478187417 + 0.367655174216779 + 0 + 0.445072616881705 + 0.360341653688425 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.432589525356886 + 0.370241535571928 + 0 + 0.445863645087213 + 0.36324003117478 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.433953250146343 + 0.372828594432664 + 0 + 0.446667707740916 + 0.366130415172275 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.435315708298913 + 0.375416320586591 + 0 + 0.447484664667771 + 0.369012963168946 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.436676954147256 + 0.378004684668305 + 0 + 0.448314379887146 + 0.371887825845026 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.438037040632537 + 0.38059365814145 + 0 + 0.449156720703692 + 0.374755147763622 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.43939601932291 + 0.383183213281479 + 0 + 0.450011558193277 + 0.377615067316994 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.440753940431493 + 0.385773323159108 + 0 + 0.450878767132006 + 0.380467716957458 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442110852833844 + 0.388363961624439 + 0 + 0.451758226118562 + 0.383313223318301 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.443466804084913 + 0.390955103291743 + 0 + 0.452649817571778 + 0.386151707392144 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444821840435499 + 0.393546723524878 + 0 + 0.453553427712079 + 0.388983284709901 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446176006848181 + 0.396138798423329 + 0 + 0.454468946614715 + 0.391808065474744 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.447529347012751 + 0.398731304808847 + 0 + 0.455396268090296 + 0.394626154779202 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.448881903361138 + 0.401324220212672 + 0 + 0.456335289742989 + 0.397437652722557 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.450233717081838 + 0.403917522863327 + 0 + 0.457285912806562 + 0.400242654637702 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.451584828133851 + 0.406511191674947 + 0 + 0.458248042185546 + 0.40304125120472 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.452935275260135 + 0.409105206236149 + 0 + 0.459221586313494 + 0.405833528653948 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.454285096000586 + 0.411699546799409 + 0 + 0.460206457124472 + 0.408619568904371 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.455634326704549 + 0.414294194270934 + 0 + 0.461202569972239 + 0.411399449723982 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.456983002542872 + 0.416889130201011 + 0 + 0.462209843526438 + 0.414173244897019 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.458331157519508 + 0.41948433677482 + 0 + 0.463228199742103 + 0.416941024348318 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.459678824482678 + 0.422079796803696 + 0 + 0.46425756371662 + 0.419702854321658 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.461026035135603 + 0.424675493716813 + 0 + 0.465297863706411 + 0.422458797470884 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.462372820046811 + 0.427271411553296 + 0 + 0.4663490309315 + 0.425208913057164 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.463719208660032 + 0.429867534954724 + 0 + 0.467410999615349 + 0.427953257020341 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.46506522930368 + 0.432463849158029 + 0 + 0.468483706842781 + 0.430691882141141 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.466410909199949 + 0.435060339988769 + 0 + 0.469567092495174 + 0.433424838159935 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.467756274473505 + 0.437656993854758 + 0 + 0.470661099223736 + 0.436152171872625 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469101350159808 + 0.440253797740049 + 0 + 0.471765672334268 + 0.43887392726946 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470446160213048 + 0.442850739199259 + 0 + 0.472880759744686 + 0.441590145633372 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.471790727513726 + 0.445447806352213 + 0 + 0.474006311959737 + 0.444300865626826 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473135073875856 + 0.448044987878913 + 0 + 0.4751422819333 + 0.44700612343444 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474479220053829 + 0.4506422730148 + 0 + 0.476288625117965 + 0.449705952806386 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47582318574892 + 0.453239651546321 + 0 + 0.477445299326223 + 0.452400385197177 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477166989615446 + 0.455837113806782 + 0 + 0.478612264728881 + 0.455089449831455 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.478510649266597 + 0.458434650672469 + 0 + 0.479789483824687 + 0.45777317378284 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479854181279924 + 0.461032253559042 + 0 + 0.480976921345725 + 0.460451582084289 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481197601202504 + 0.463629914418188 + 0 + 0.482174544291552 + 0.463124697770276 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482540923555776 + 0.466227625734522 + 0 + 0.4833823218254 + 0.465792541988839 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.483884161840059 + 0.468825380522734 + 0 + 0.484600225323204 + 0.468455134033242 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485227328538748 + 0.471423172324968 + 0 + 0.485828228246378 + 0.471112491463529 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.486570435122199 + 0.474020995208433 + 0 + 0.48706630626398 + 0.473764630097986 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487913492051302 + 0.476618843763229 + 0 + 0.488314436946129 + 0.476411564225237 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489256508780741 + 0.479216713100396 + 0 + 0.489572600574956 + 0.47905330623765 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490599493761949 + 0.481814598850164 + 0 + 0.490840777270876 + 0.481689868168736 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491942454445753 + 0.484412497160412 + 0 + 0.492118957459613 + 0.484321256333316 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.493285397284722 + 0.487010404695318 + 0 + 0.493407102890904 + 0.486947491528719 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494628334119538 + 0.489608330984827 + 0 + 0.494705298255166 + 0.489568546360456 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.49597125504728 + 0.492206245933537 + 0 + 0.496013182072751 + 0.492184572962496 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497314171517212 + 0.494804163186585 + 0 + 0.497332014538722 + 0.494794939776113 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498657086006197 + 0.497402081463623 + 0 + 0.498657086006197 + 0.497402081463623 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.5 + 0.499999999996631 + 0 + 0.499994052316792 + 0.500003074467614 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501342913993803 + 0.502597918529639 + 0 + 0.501342913993773 + 0.502597918529654 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502685828482788 + 0.505195836806677 + 0 + 0.50266798546108 + 0.505205060217251 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.504028744952721 + 0.507793754059725 + 0 + 0.503986817927902 + 0.507815427030429 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505371665880462 + 0.510391669008435 + 0 + 0.505294701743287 + 0.510431453633606 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.506714602715279 + 0.512989595297946 + 0 + 0.506592897111541 + 0.51305250846328 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508057545554248 + 0.515587502832851 + 0 + 0.50788104253938 + 0.515678743660468 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509400506238052 + 0.518185401143099 + 0 + 0.509159222729221 + 0.518310131824477 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510743491219259 + 0.520783286892867 + 0 + 0.510427399424924 + 0.520946693755675 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512086507948698 + 0.523381156230034 + 0 + 0.511685563052681 + 0.523588435768642 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.513429564877801 + 0.52597900478483 + 0 + 0.512933693735872 + 0.526235369895354 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514772671461253 + 0.528576827668295 + 0 + 0.514171771754148 + 0.528887508529463 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.516115838159942 + 0.531174619470529 + 0 + 0.51539977467736 + 0.53154486595973 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517459076444225 + 0.533772374258741 + 0 + 0.516617678174368 + 0.534207458004544 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518802398797497 + 0.536370085575076 + 0 + 0.517825455709863 + 0.536875302222256 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520145818720077 + 0.538967746434221 + 0 + 0.519023078654923 + 0.539548417908639 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521489350733404 + 0.541565349320794 + 0 + 0.520210516173295 + 0.542226826211468 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522833010384555 + 0.54416288618648 + 0 + 0.521387735272052 + 0.544910550161326 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.524176814251081 + 0.546760348446942 + 0 + 0.522554700672585 + 0.547599614796703 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.525520779946171 + 0.549357726978464 + 0 + 0.523711374883052 + 0.550294047186352 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526864926124145 + 0.55195501211435 + 0 + 0.524857718066738 + 0.552993876558803 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.528209272486275 + 0.55455219364105 + 0 + 0.525993688038641 + 0.555699134367278 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529553839786952 + 0.557149260794004 + 0 + 0.527119240255159 + 0.558409854359971 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530898649840193 + 0.559746202253214 + 0 + 0.528234327667016 + 0.561126072723138 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.532243725526495 + 0.562343006138505 + 0 + 0.529338900774834 + 0.563847828121379 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.533589090800051 + 0.564939660004493 + 0 + 0.530432907506111 + 0.566575161832662 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.53493477069632 + 0.567536150835234 + 0 + 0.531516293156584 + 0.569308117852451 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.536280791339969 + 0.570132465038539 + 0 + 0.532589000384452 + 0.572046742973026 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.53762717995319 + 0.572728588439967 + 0 + 0.533650969070683 + 0.574791086934967 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.538973964864398 + 0.575324506276449 + 0 + 0.534702136293849 + 0.577541202522245 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.540321175517323 + 0.577920203189567 + 0 + 0.535742436282842 + 0.580297145671885 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.541668842480492 + 0.580515663218442 + 0 + 0.536771800258036 + 0.583058975644873 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.543016997457128 + 0.583110869792252 + 0 + 0.537790156473949 + 0.585826755096042 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.544365673295451 + 0.585705805722328 + 0 + 0.538797430028252 + 0.588600550269025 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.545714903999414 + 0.588300453193853 + 0 + 0.539793542875115 + 0.591380431089106 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.547064724739866 + 0.590894793757114 + 0 + 0.540778413688474 + 0.594166471338291 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.54841517186615 + 0.593488808318316 + 0 + 0.541751957814711 + 0.596958748788408 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549766282918163 + 0.596082477129936 + 0 + 0.542714087192233 + 0.599757345356189 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.551118096638862 + 0.59867577978059 + 0 + 0.543664710259254 + 0.602562347269537 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55247065298725 + 0.601268695184416 + 0 + 0.544603731908652 + 0.605373845214609 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55382399315182 + 0.603861201569933 + 0 + 0.54553105338511 + 0.60819193451861 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555178159564502 + 0.606453276468385 + 0 + 0.546446572287046 + 0.611016715283819 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.556533195915087 + 0.60904489670152 + 0 + 0.547350182427358 + 0.61384829260157 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557889147166157 + 0.611636038368824 + 0 + 0.548241773883797 + 0.616686776673727 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.559246059568507 + 0.614226676834155 + 0 + 0.549121232867313 + 0.619532283036161 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.56060398067709 + 0.616816786711784 + 0 + 0.549988441809411 + 0.622384932674859 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.561962959367463 + 0.619406341851813 + 0 + 0.5508432792958 + 0.625244852229907 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.563323045852744 + 0.621995315324957 + 0 + 0.551685620115348 + 0.628112174146925 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.564684291701087 + 0.624583679406672 + 0 + 0.552515335330401 + 0.630987036825279 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.566046749853657 + 0.627171405560598 + 0 + 0.553332292260061 + 0.633869584820473 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.567410474643114 + 0.629758464421334 + 0 + 0.554136354912082 + 0.636759968818854 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.568775521812583 + 0.632344825776483 + 0 + 0.554927383120572 + 0.639658346303635 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.570141948535101 + 0.634930458547998 + 0 + 0.55570523636149 + 0.642564879759486 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.571509813433521 + 0.637515330772785 + 0 + 0.556469761049581 + 0.645479743621469 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.572879176600891 + 0.640099409582545 + 0 + 0.557220836179503 + 0.648403100338673 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574250099619964 + 0.642682661183542 + 0 + 0.557958284341421 + 0.651335147751216 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.575622645585559 + 0.645265050834285 + 0 + 0.558681959004532 + 0.654276073142927 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.576996879125996 + 0.647846542823128 + 0 + 0.559391710830429 + 0.65722607131242 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.578372866424433 + 0.650427100445289 + 0 + 0.560087386026445 + 0.660185345733734 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.5797506752406 + 0.653006685979021 + 0 + 0.560768837151243 + 0.663154103078011 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.581130374932618 + 0.65558526066106 + 0 + 0.561435899778889 + 0.666132565976953 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.582512036480011 + 0.658162784660737 + 0 + 0.562088409059419 + 0.669120964532821 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.583895732506611 + 0.660739217053403 + 0 + 0.562726234864116 + 0.672119517731619 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.585281537301714 + 0.663314515794018 + 0 + 0.563349223802624 + 0.675128464815804 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.58666952684241 + 0.665888637689325 + 0 + 0.563957220238408 + 0.678148054416582 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.588059778816627 + 0.668461538368789 + 0 + 0.564550067702161 + 0.681178544161811 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.589452372645495 + 0.671033172255039 + 0 + 0.565127666817988 + 0.684220169617626 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.590847389503404 + 0.67360349253464 + 0 + 0.565689839569075 + 0.687273218085324 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.592244912340357 + 0.676172451126695 + 0 + 0.566236538010353 + 0.690337915775508 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.593645025899612 + 0.67873999865302 + 0 + 0.56676756712891 + 0.693414578690736 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.595047816740324 + 0.68130608440459 + 0 + 0.567282899049728 + 0.696503442024443 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.596453373253856 + 0.683870656310381 + 0 + 0.56778237736395 + 0.699604821669279 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.597861785684568 + 0.686433660902685 + 0 + 0.568265933601736 + 0.702718996480385 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.599273146146025 + 0.688995043283787 + 0 + 0.568733563068387 + 0.705846221309016 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.600687548633556 + 0.691554747093516 + 0 + 0.569185149372658 + 0.708986824081989 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.602105089041833 + 0.694112714472815 + 0 + 0.569620667675137 + 0.712141094364618 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.603525865177955 + 0.696668886028559 + 0 + 0.570040120943055 + 0.715309318492461 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.604949976770071 + 0.699223200799586 + 0 + 0.57044358988887 + 0.718491751825465 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.606377525471898 + 0.701775596223719 + 0 + 0.570831074366489 + 0.721688707368014 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.60780861487086 + 0.704326008101475 + 0 + 0.571202614625042 + 0.724900488845361 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.60924335049374 + 0.706874370559788 + 0 + 0.571558330524061 + 0.728127368598884 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.610681839805499 + 0.709420616018196 + 0 + 0.571898406876293 + 0.731369595445072 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.612124192201831 + 0.711964675157184 + 0 + 0.572223077806043 + 0.734627403224196 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.613570518998322 + 0.714506476887092 + 0 + 0.572532531701832 + 0.73790106486605 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.615020933421205 + 0.717045948314742 + 0 + 0.572827005625522 + 0.741190839245354 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.616475550593733 + 0.719583014711136 + 0 + 0.573106863393406 + 0.744496926020228 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.617934487511497 + 0.7221175994841 + 0 + 0.573372590266434 + 0.747819467338779 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.619397863008728 + 0.72464962415479 + 0 + 0.573624613399242 + 0.751158650585063 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.620865797727074 + 0.727179008331499 + 0 + 0.573863332947916 + 0.754514691292229 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.622338414076415 + 0.729705669686802 + 0 + 0.574089805390271 + 0.757887433810924 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.623815836181809 + 0.732229523941548 + 0 + 0.57430333630341 + 0.761277756702318 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.62529818982557 + 0.734750484850714 + 0 + 0.574509875453046 + 0.764682641681308 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.626785602388038 + 0.737268464188759 + 0 + 0.57469066310619 + 0.76811367231047 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.628278202772942 + 0.73978337174411 + 0 + 0.574919964203378 + 0.771527241105811 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.629776121330131 + 0.742295115310674 + 0 + 0.57492523120754 + 0.775086523658828 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.631279489771317 + 0.744803600697322 + 0 + 0.575727199761042 + 0.778179814041859 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.632788411779383 + 0.747308749356099 + 0 + 0.575288415620017 + 0.782031263803285 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.634303050852476 + 0.74981044551737 + 0 + 0.575446661379239 + 0.785538340656238 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.635823542219088 + 0.75230858903938 + 0 + 0.576192400600783 + 0.788699810385082 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.637349993233329 + 0.754803095433862 + 0 + 0.575707462065686 + 0.792626936938308 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.638882569827671 + 0.757293843032049 + 0 + 0.576064783136243 + 0.796054320071987 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.640421409793976 + 0.759780725811929 + 0 + 0.576014419760641 + 0.799748704008027 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.64196665155387 + 0.762263635821387 + 0 + 0.576752363276651 + 0.802967795120354 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.643518408098649 + 0.764742479424887 + 0 + 0.576315865903392 + 0.806936460144825 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.64507684474993 + 0.767217128677879 + 0 + 0.576675896914198 + 0.810424226926277 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.646642101130593 + 0.769687469937928 + 0 + 0.576611166742589 + 0.814198080017411 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.64821431703763 + 0.772153387700296 + 0 + 0.577479339221999 + 0.817394299632442 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.649793594870188 + 0.774614788637634 + 0 + 0.577335805757037 + 0.821253917104947 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.651380083324082 + 0.777071548118819 + 0 + 0.577560827455281 + 0.824897171760925 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.652973930314778 + 0.779523540010885 + 0 + 0.577412462657832 + 0.828804007007554 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.654575295728024 + 0.781970628277454 + 0 + 0.5777121848008 + 0.832440536941634 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.65618431860627 + 0.784412688324068 + 0 + 0.577893100240127 + 0.836175568837502 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.65780113753185 + 0.786849593773252 + 0 + 0.578175456482988 + 0.839864838361584 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.659425890531859 + 0.789281216480066 + 0 + 0.578251276353105 + 0.843714421172399 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.661058714988293 + 0.791707426556742 + 0 + 0.579137064595808 + 0.847040022533228 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.662699712803952 + 0.794128115909229 + 0 + 0.579176081875524 + 0.85095766833805 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.664349025252622 + 0.796543147768465 + 0 + 0.57947088868305 + 0.854726518383872 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.666006792455664 + 0.798952383748292 + 0 + 0.57970700115238 + 0.858560216049919 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.667673153334429 + 0.801355683811376 + 0 + 0.580045442957448 + 0.862348354584232 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.669348245566117 + 0.803752906251656 + 0 + 0.580160090801327 + 0.866319272969298 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.671032215526864 + 0.806143900652429 + 0 + 0.580595606477004 + 0.870092240820702 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.672725193783962 + 0.808528525011292 + 0 + 0.580976578396377 + 0.873929613151674 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.674427309644666 + 0.81090663559603 + 0 + 0.581385497705991 + 0.877774034683702 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.676138691097648 + 0.813278086950014 + 0 + 0.581871117720558 + 0.881590316884803 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.677859464754136 + 0.815642731879935 + 0 + 0.582161137587678 + 0.885577383269676 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.679589755799815 + 0.818000421470542 + 0 + 0.583297357986839 + 0.888970010004465 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.681329651581742 + 0.820351031955589 + 0 + 0.583582110354334 + 0.893015077063673 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.683079278627915 + 0.822694408104355 + 0 + 0.584125662107552 + 0.896899253147645 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.68483876186491 + 0.825030392890383 + 0 + 0.584638196223888 + 0.900837084311973 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.68660822457176 + 0.827358827451081 + 0 + 0.585175029994476 + 0.904788104425747 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.688387788342487 + 0.829679551078574 + 0 + 0.585806716138581 + 0.90869821259632 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.690177573042619 + 0.831992401194349 + 0 + 0.586200124388182 + 0.912826073161742 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.691977708026885 + 0.834297204554997 + 0 + 0.586940921848998 + 0.91671814950952 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.693788305426752 + 0.836593797931522 + 0 + 0.587629442878455 + 0.92068355910605 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.695609475529207 + 0.838882016258491 + 0 + 0.588354505294136 + 0.924653731100345 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.697441326723064 + 0.841161692646251 + 0 + 0.589163046762003 + 0.928590742428027 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.699283965434902 + 0.843432658377403 + 0 + 0.589784168064673 + 0.932715223364282 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.701137496073882 + 0.845694742941506 + 0 + 0.591255461067345 + 0.936175963696754 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.703001984853191 + 0.847947803884811 + 0 + 0.591881477981357 + 0.940363362982171 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.704877536614582 + 0.850191663757338 + 0 + 0.592779371448378 + 0.944363646776841 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.706764254068943 + 0.852426143186029 + 0 + 0.593627110258366 + 0.948443788149584 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.708662237733591 + 0.854651060849039 + 0 + 0.594603221236389 + 0.952453188880499 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.710571585876305 + 0.856866233473904 + 0 + 0.595319815810207 + 0.956726674345049 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.712492406399187 + 0.859071465457416 + 0 + 0.596433123829598 + 0.960697776713257 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.714424787463477 + 0.861266574232803 + 0 + 0.597476326455244 + 0.964768778513179 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.716368814572128 + 0.863451375650722 + 0 + 0.59863379440026 + 0.96877814000007 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.718324570481358 + 0.865625684036206 + 0 + 0.599640003006569 + 0.972964550552677 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.72029213511783 + 0.867789312265633 + 0 + 0.601375509747715 + 0.976526182214974 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.722271556102408 + 0.869942098795156 + 0 + 0.602364068261852 + 0.980807511347746 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.724262914857578 + 0.872083847390539 + 0 + 0.603648052332452 + 0.98486099087234 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.72626629009686 + 0.874214359968805 + 0 + 0.604729855248798 + 0.989149382986746 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.728281763809995 + 0.876333430845304 + 0 + 0.606199411889919 + 0.993115946604561 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.730309400304872 + 0.878440866585258 + 0 + 0.607457872011117 + 0.997328454370023 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.732349260482235 + 0.880536472745561 + 0 + 0.609449703346729 + 1.00086831623152 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.734401378119171 + 0.882620077175405 + 0 + 0.61042971829649 + 1.00544267529072 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.736465830731735 + 0.884691460540949 + 0 + 0.612162651507969 + 1.00932147255294 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.738542668416705 + 0.886750425902884 + 0 + 0.613617941524624 + 1.01352286153266 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.740631937484724 + 0.888796775689154 + 0 + 0.615733735344946 + 1.01709314874229 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.742733659951078 + 0.890830332882816 + 0 + 0.617025704489726 + 1.0215540667924 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.744847894833597 + 0.892850877970272 + 0 + 0.618799431834207 + 1.025567182036 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.746974676598942 + 0.894858212146356 + 0 + 0.621017448455773 + 1.02914992102605 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.749114016213906 + 0.896852157149279 + 0 + 0.622473672891555 + 1.03359086124951 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.751265959351244 + 0.898832493187776 + 0 + 0.624517003113724 + 1.03744980965363 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.753430527965103 + 0.900799021175489 + 0 + 0.626474391701832 + 1.041446812397 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.755607739715766 + 0.902751542136031 + 0 + 0.62852556283811 + 1.04538621513023 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.757797607938862 + 0.904689857327551 + 0 + 0.630623184200125 + 1.04931922378437 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.760000141605001 + 0.906613768337764 + 0 + 0.632780314587401 + 1.05323046133721 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.76221534528857 + 0.9085230771865 + 0 + 0.634993727728588 + 1.05712267390591 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.764443219149157 + 0.910417586415525 + 0 + 0.637264487826657 + 1.06099370635657 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.766683758916279 + 0.912297099180057 + 0 + 0.639592465263144 + 1.06484272153083 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.768936955879645 + 0.914161419338114 + 0 + 0.641977681790751 + 1.06866866445949 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.77120279689149 + 0.916010351529654 + 0 + 0.644419986538274 + 1.0724706475829 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.773481264376239 + 0.917843701250383 + 0 + 0.646919300479588 + 1.0762476581077 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.775772336339776 + 0.919661274929386 + 0 + 0.649475426538953 + 1.07999879099543 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.778075986386633 + 0.921462880000191 + 0 + 0.652088066040777 + 1.08372323811796 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.780392183746205 + 0.923248324963123 + 0 + 0.654756873333191 + 1.08742022585288 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.782720893303 + 0.925017419444714 + 0 + 0.657481523275243 + 1.09108892882178 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.785062075626632 + 0.926769974259498 + 0 + 0.660261643843737 + 1.09472855735246 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.787415687005112 + 0.928505801469561 + 0 + 0.663096807228555 + 1.09833837373811 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.789781679483232 + 0.930224714439038 + 0 + 0.665986522436363 + 1.10191770802562 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.792160000906222 + 0.931926527882833 + 0 + 0.668930264138414 + 1.105465923947 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.794550594965538 + 0.933611057913389 + 0 + 0.67192755303693 + 1.1089823067071 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.796953401242753 + 0.935278122091118 + 0 + 0.674977849964682 + 1.11246621096377 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.799368355256665 + 0.936927539471245 + 0 + 0.678080590686008 + 1.11591701615086 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.801795388513732 + 0.938559130646588 + 0 + 0.681235146889709 + 1.11933418814807 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.804234428561666 + 0.940172717786056 + 0 + 0.684440956375526 + 1.12271708799448 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.80668539904008 + 0.941768124677816 + 0 + 0.687697410102009 + 1.12606513797009 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.809148219733752 + 0.94334517676888 + 0 + 0.691003840292251 + 1.12937784680694 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.811622806628934 + 0.944903701200077 + 0 + 0.694359653945201 + 1.13265460296143 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.814109071967037 + 0.946443526845021 + 0 + 0.697764152031176 + 1.13589495910454 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.816606924302355 + 0.947964484342643 + 0 + 0.701216720542619 + 1.13909833004324 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.819116268556871 + 0.949466406134149 + 0 + 0.70471666395046 + 1.14226426112533 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.821637006077992 + 0.950949126494966 + 0 + 0.708263329898013 + 1.14539222634284 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.824169034695025 + 0.952412481568428 + 0 + 0.711856029383833 + 1.1484817609459 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.826712248777052 + 0.953856309396674 + 0 + 0.715494071493916 + 1.15153240564825 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.82926653929121 + 0.955280449950275 + 0 + 0.719176764160842 + 1.15454370552745 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.831831793860573 + 0.956684745157953 + 0 + 0.722903425356151 + 1.15751518933143 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.834407896821415 + 0.958069038936809 + 0 + 0.72667335140292 + 1.16044642731549 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.836994729281447 + 0.959433177220154 + 0 + 0.730485836985996 + 1.16333699697171 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.839592169178082 + 0.960777007984518 + 0 + 0.734340183709216 + 1.16618646653512 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.842200091336039 + 0.96210038127712 + 0 + 0.738235687571402 + 1.16899441853605 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.844818367524905 + 0.963403149242686 + 0 + 0.742171644752429 + 1.17176043913918 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.847446866516471 + 0.964685166149915 + 0 + 0.746147350668987 + 1.17448411999357 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.850085454142112 + 0.965946288417057 + 0 + 0.750162083799497 + 1.17716509286264 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.852733993350576 + 0.967186374635766 + 0 + 0.754215148473571 + 1.17980294076097 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.855392344264345 + 0.968405285597037 + 0 + 0.758305830965531 + 1.18239728876735 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.858060364236414 + 0.96960288431545 + 0 + 0.762433422021921 + 1.18494775759706 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.860737907906838 + 0.970779036053093 + 0 + 0.766597210649163 + 1.18745397672787 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.863424827259025 + 0.971933608343098 + 0 + 0.770796485894456 + 1.18991558058976 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.866120971675819 + 0.973066471012852 + 0 + 0.775030536413995 + 1.19233220950319 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.86882618799534 + 0.974177496206853 + 0 + 0.77929865061492 + 1.19470350932899 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.871540320566605 + 0.975266558409249 + 0 + 0.783600116605401 + 1.19702913153404 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.874263211304929 + 0.976333534466049 + 0 + 0.787934222157531 + 1.1993087332215 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.876994699747114 + 0.977378303607011 + 0 + 0.792300254690363 + 1.2015419770999 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.879734623106442 + 0.978400747467199 + 0 + 0.796697501208728 + 1.20372853155632 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.882482816327476 + 0.979400750108229 + 0 + 0.801125248235403 + 1.20586807075044 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.885239112140674 + 0.980378198039167 + 0 + 0.80558278177684 + 1.20796027461827 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.888003341116855 + 0.981332980237103 + 0 + 0.810069387228711 + 1.21000482904534 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.890775331721488 + 0.98226498816738 + 0 + 0.814584349338428 + 1.21200142588957 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.893554910368849 + 0.983174115803467 + 0 + 0.819126952132358 + 1.21394976311025 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.896341901476043 + 0.984060259646479 + 0 + 0.823696478844864 + 1.21584954490834 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.899136127516904 + 0.984923318744337 + 0 + 0.828292211883592 + 1.2177004817662 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.901937409075784 + 0.985763194710533 + 0 + 0.832913432752802 + 1.21950229063139 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.904745564901246 + 0.986579791742529 + 0 + 0.837559422016165 + 1.22125469499271 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.907560411959667 + 0.987373016639754 + 0 + 0.842229459252868 + 1.22295742498927 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.910381765488759 + 0.988142778821189 + 0 + 0.846922822997989 + 1.22461021759625 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.913209439051023 + 0.988888990342544 + 0 + 0.851638790739148 + 1.22621281662703 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.916043244587145 + 0.989611565913015 + 0 + 0.856376638857215 + 1.22776497295427 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.918882992469333 + 0.990310422911597 + 0 + 0.861135642620302 + 1.2292664445557 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.92172849155461 + 0.990985481402956 + 0 + 0.86591507615591 + 1.23071699665908 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.924579549238077 + 0.99163666415285 + 0 + 0.87071421244007 + 1.23211640184163 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.927435971506138 + 0.992263896643088 + 0 + 0.875532323293515 + 1.23346444011683 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.930297562989699 + 0.992867107086013 + 0 + 0.880368679371992 + 1.23476089906723 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.933164127017351 + 0.993446226438506 + 0 + 0.88522255017038 + 1.23600557393929 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.936035465668542 + 0.994001188415506 + 0 + 0.890093204040771 + 1.2371982676848 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.938911379826729 + 0.994531929503024 + 0 + 0.894979908182248 + 1.23833879116845 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.941791669232533 + 0.995038388970659 + 0 + 0.899881928685053 + 1.23942696311634 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.944676132536893 + 0.995520508883601 + 0 + 0.904798530530936 + 1.2404626103121 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.947564567354209 + 0.99597823411411 + 0 + 0.909728977628212 + 1.24144556763097 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.950456770315505 + 0.99641151235247 + 0 + 0.914672532844852 + 1.24237567809293 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.953352537121585 + 0.996820294117415 + 0 + 0.919628458030689 + 1.24325279301213 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.956251662596205 + 0.997204532766003 + 0 + 0.924596014067371 + 1.2440767719857 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.959153940739248 + 0.997564184502961 + 0 + 0.929574460904303 + 1.24484748298732 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.962059164779921 + 0.997899208389464 + 0 + 0.934563057598259 + 1.2455648024697 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.964967127229943 + 0.998209566351364 + 0 + 0.939561062370934 + 1.24622861533565 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.967877619936771 + 0.998495223186864 + 0 + 0.944567732646676 + 1.24683881510129 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.970790434136819 + 0.998756146573612 + 0 + 0.949582325126673 + 1.24739530371724 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.973705360508699 + 0.998992307075239 + 0 + 0.954604095777177 + 1.2478979924192 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.97662218922647 + 0.999203678147315 + 0 + 0.95963230010815 + 1.24834679881033 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.979540710012901 + 0.999390236142735 + 0 + 0.964666192541483 + 1.24874165726925 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.982460712192748 + 0.999551960316514 + 0 + 0.969705028544298 + 1.24908248336478 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.985381984746035 + 0.999688832830011 + 0 + 0.974748058672807 + 1.24936929498265 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.988304316361358 + 0.999800838754563 + 0 + 0.979794545451901 + 1.24960180448193 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.991227495489156 + 0.999887966074526 + 0 + 0.984843718929586 + 1.24978077669965 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.994151299683936 + 0.999950205507339 + 0 + 0.989894866724791 + 1.24990357363127 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.997075543857275 + 0.999987551371781 + 0 + 0.994947188564111 + 1.24997849141511 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 1 + 0.999999999993262 + 0 + 1 + 1.2499798172808 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + + + + + + The material override + 1b3210cb-cc81-4440-9683-ba8de978ed10 + Material + Material + false + f832b365-aa9a-46af-880e-deae1bcf9e7b + 1 + + + + + + 26856 + -10322 + 51 + 20 + + + 26883 + -10312 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;221;160;221 + + + 255;66;48;66 + + 0.5 + + 255;255;255;255 + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + de69fb08-8b9e-4132-835a-0fca8c8d2b86 + 7344ab6f-6c09-4976-ace0-8f892f03cb62 + 72ef4d80-7eb8-4bfd-9004-0b9fcacd38d1 + 3 + 29d900ac-6fac-4565-a619-c55815ca67c0 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 + Colour Picker + + + + + Provides a colour picker object + 72ef4d80-7eb8-4bfd-9004-0b9fcacd38d1 + Colour Picker + Colour Picker + false + + 255;247;247;247 + + 0 + + + + + + 26943.87 + -10467.61 + 180 + 310 + + 2 + + + + + + + + + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 + Create Material + + + + + Create an OpenGL material. + true + e29d09b5-de46-491f-9249-2a66fb1be9c3 + Create Material + Create Material + + + + + + 27124 + -10754 + 144 + 104 + + + 27208 + -10702 + + + + + + Colour of the diffuse channel + 5ae91600-21ea-42d7-b979-0f070cadac93 + Diffuse + Diffuse + false + 56275396-0e49-4faf-8b1e-99decc9782e6 + 1 + + + + + + 27126 + -10752 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -10742 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;105;180 + + + + + + + + + + + + Colour of the specular highlight + 6d53856b-b46c-4e0a-a6d3-f1d94a1c3025 + Specular + Specular + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -10732 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -10722 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;255;255 + + + + + + + + + + + + Emissive colour of the material + bc6073d0-22cf-455a-ae65-15473d27ab9d + Emission + Emission + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -10712 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -10702 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;0;0;0 + + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of transparency (0.0 = opaque, 1.0 = transparent + 89362f77-f6c6-4aae-9ba7-a51f60bfa05f + Transparency + Transparency + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -10692 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -10682 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of shinyness (0 = none, 1 = low shine, 100 = max shine + 906de343-4c63-4d1b-aedc-fafa85f763e9 + Shine + Shine + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -10672 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -10662 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Resulting material + 6d0988b0-7200-448b-bfaf-106ff1ad5269 + Material + Material + false + 0 + + + + + + 27223 + -10752 + 43 + 100 + + + 27246 + -10702 + + + + + + + + + + + + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c + Custom Preview + + + + + Allows for customized geometry previews + true + 05d04522-24bf-4f16-9f26-831cf1a27778 + Custom Preview + Custom Preview + + + + + + + 26854 + -10724 + 82 + 44 + + + 26922 + -10702 + + + + + + Geometry to preview + true + bc221a1f-c18b-42f1-a096-e11edc04a4a0 + Geometry + Geometry + false + d6a09425-7035-46f2-acce-996b6349cf94 + 1 + + + + + + 26856 + -10722 + 51 + 20 + + + 26883 + -10712 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + -1 + + 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+ + 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Curve + + + + + + + + + + + The material override + cc7d6628-d56e-4707-8522-5ae0a937444a + Material + Material + false + 6d0988b0-7200-448b-bfaf-106ff1ad5269 + 1 + + + + + + 26856 + -10702 + 51 + 20 + + + 26883 + -10692 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;221;160;221 + + + 255;66;48;66 + + 0.5 + + 255;255;255;255 + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + e29d09b5-de46-491f-9249-2a66fb1be9c3 + 05d04522-24bf-4f16-9f26-831cf1a27778 + 56275396-0e49-4faf-8b1e-99decc9782e6 + 3 + 455f336f-a4da-47f7-b260-50c0f816d42a + Group + + + + + + + + + + + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 + Colour Picker + + + + + Provides a colour picker object + 56275396-0e49-4faf-8b1e-99decc9782e6 + Colour Picker + Colour Picker + false + + 255;222;222;222 + + 0 + + + + + + 26943.87 + -10846.07 + 180 + 310 + + 2 + + + + + + + + + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 + Create Material + + + + + Create an OpenGL material. + true + c0d05a7e-4c88-47a1-8d24-c31438520fc4 + Create Material + Create Material + + + + + + 27124 + -11750 + 144 + 104 + + + 27208 + -11698 + + + + + + Colour of the diffuse channel + 9bcdd6d6-9910-4271-83ca-be806b49f67b + Diffuse + Diffuse + false + b921ec1a-bafd-4da8-bad1-c6c5616dd84e + 1 + + + + + + 27126 + -11748 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -11738 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;105;180 + + + + + + + + + + + + Colour of the specular highlight + eb9f9c92-c1b5-4b8f-8e83-3676690fef72 + Specular + Specular + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -11728 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -11718 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;255;255 + + + + + + + + + + + + Emissive colour of the material + 7a44d5bc-0ec6-4c41-a4f2-8b3b860a91d4 + Emission + Emission + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -11708 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -11698 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;0;0;0 + + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of transparency (0.0 = opaque, 1.0 = transparent + 52d122c1-c02d-4b88-a5f6-5ec17bec6191 + Transparency + Transparency + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -11688 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -11678 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of shinyness (0 = none, 1 = low shine, 100 = max shine + 7753d7b9-9a39-4c8b-a6b0-fbabe9b52b2d + Shine + Shine + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -11668 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -11658 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Resulting material + 071066ef-99c7-4e23-b113-b909954d0665 + Material + Material + false + 0 + + + + + + 27223 + -11748 + 43 + 100 + + + 27246 + -11698 + + + + + + + + + + + + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c + Custom Preview + + + + + Allows for customized geometry previews + true + 1cbee70c-76f4-4597-a499-be4c00568e44 + Custom Preview + Custom Preview + + + + + + + 26854 + -11720 + 82 + 44 + + + 26922 + -11698 + + + + + + Geometry to preview + true + 47976cf3-404f-4468-bee4-8214fbc1a1e6 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0803d284-9f9e-42fc-bb06-a3451029bb3e + 1 + + + + + + 26856 + -11718 + 51 + 20 + + + 26883 + -11708 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 513 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + + 8.31187957663209E-17 + -0.24997981727771 + 0 + 8.31187957663209E-17 + -0.24997981727771 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.00505281143588085 + -0.249978491419991 + 0 + 0.00505290599040027 + -0.249989597541828 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0101051332752018 + -0.249903573637878 + 0 + 0.0101058899609055 + -0.249948009000087 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0151562810704255 + -0.249780776706985 + 0 + 0.0151588361119955 + -0.249880793760095 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0202054545481003 + -0.249601804488715 + 0 + 0.0202115148753165 + -0.249779703001769 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0252519413272185 + -0.249369294989863 + 0 + 0.0252637875761175 + -0.24964744032203 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.030294971455728 + -0.249082483371884 + 0 + 0.0303154619783822 + -0.249483325143783 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0353338074583952 + -0.248741657273978 + 0 + 0.0353663833471248 + -0.249287748544824 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0403676998919168 + -0.248346798817997 + 0 + 0.0404163910641454 + -0.249060815873275 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0453959042227041 + -0.247897992424417 + 0 + 0.0454653366068403 + -0.248802755297525 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0504176748733502 + -0.247395303724237 + 0 + 0.0505130787496277 + -0.248513797568951 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0554322673534457 + -0.246838815109379 + 0 + 0.055559486908659 + -0.248194212538385 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0604389376287956 + -0.24622861533973 + 0 + 0.0606044417934283 + -0.247844299852185 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0654369424017636 + -0.24556480247659 + 0 + 0.0656478370465328 + -0.247464393103729 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0704255390956003 + -0.244847482993249 + 0 + 0.0706895806721914 + -0.247054860281856 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0754039859329408 + -0.244076771994841 + 0 + 0.0757295966519424 + -0.246616105448731 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0803715419689919 + -0.243252793016546 + 0 + 0.0807678266155926 + -0.246148570110183 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0853274671553754 + -0.242375678101216 + 0 + 0.0858042316502119 + -0.24565273497083 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0902710223713496 + -0.241445567634848 + 0 + 0.0908387941884258 + -0.245129121531933 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0952014694690307 + -0.240462610318637 + 0 + 0.0958715200246899 + -0.24457829388311 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.100118071314989 + -0.239426963123297 + 0 + 0.100902440440313 + -0.244000860495072 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.105020091817619 + -0.238338791174431 + 0 + 0.105931614419833 + -0.243397475909174 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.109906795959606 + -0.237198267693515 + 0 + 0.110959130963078 + -0.242768842371154 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.114777449829023 + -0.236005573942991 + 0 + 0.115985111461741 + -0.242115711258018 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.119631320628044 + -0.234760899074159 + 0 + 0.121009712080192 + -0.241438884060715 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.12446767670668 + -0.233464440124442 + 0 + 0.126033126131127 + -0.2407392129961 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.129285787559404 + -0.232116401846016 + 0 + 0.131055586306012 + -0.240017600717978 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.134084923844228 + -0.230716996666432 + 0 + 0.13607736670752 + -0.239274999133514 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.138864357380061 + -0.229266444563939 + 0 + 0.141098784495509 + -0.238512406769253 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.143623361142059 + -0.22776497295809 + 0 + 0.14612020099347 + -0.237730864434158 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.148361209260688 + -0.226212816633145 + 0 + 0.151142022054671 + -0.236931448814929 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.1530771770022 + -0.224610217603708 + 0 + 0.156164697454414 + -0.236115263619987 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.157770540747889 + -0.222957424998726 + 0 + 0.161188719143377 + -0.235283428241755 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.162440577983005 + -0.221254694996554 + 0 + 0.166214615480447 + -0.234437054431737 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.167086567247324 + -0.219502290638562 + 0 + 0.171242948710737 + -0.233577238175843 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.171707788116381 + -0.217700481772828 + 0 + 0.176274314500651 + -0.232705059753764 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.176303521155143 + -0.2158495449151 + 0 + 0.181309326974931 + -0.231821537521149 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.180873047868089 + -0.213949763118371 + 0 + 0.186348613000853 + -0.230927618185534 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.185415650660935 + -0.212001425894372 + 0 + 0.1913928070118 + -0.230024170382065 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.18993061277112 + -0.210004829051583 + 0 + 0.19644250082862 + -0.229111847328599 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.194417218223146 + -0.207960274624954 + 0 + 0.201498303286006 + -0.228191284962463 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.19887475176363 + -0.205868070754474 + 0 + 0.206560712960852 + -0.227262749574333 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.203302498791549 + -0.20372853156381 + 0 + 0.211630142715734 + -0.2263262506229 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.207699745309768 + -0.20154197710697 + 0 + 0.216706909737219 + -0.225381546094746 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.212065777842435 + -0.199308733228137 + 0 + 0.221791082646248 + -0.224427778325317 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.216399883395306 + -0.197029131542538 + 0 + 0.226882563693389 + -0.223463754745969 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.22070134938379 + -0.194703509332534 + 0 + 0.231980933918627 + -0.222487606604995 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.224969463586572 + -0.192332209511274 + 0 + 0.237085523758655 + -0.221497037559234 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.229203514104726 + -0.189915580594559 + 0 + 0.242195333636805 + -0.220489186933128 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.233402789351951 + -0.187453976737174 + 0 + 0.247309102297574 + -0.219460851768603 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.237566577977744 + -0.184947757603013 + 0 + 0.252425301921641 + -0.218408516158351 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.241694169034953 + -0.182397288775142 + 0 + 0.257542196076255 + -0.217328515962461 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.24578485152586 + -0.179802940766459 + 0 + 0.262657890212797 + -0.216217167406982 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.249837916200283 + -0.177165092868907 + 0 + 0.26777037936421 + -0.215070874241795 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.253852649331544 + -0.174484120001409 + 0 + 0.272877584504302 + -0.213886198706282 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.257828355247728 + -0.171760439146225 + 0 + 0.277977413545252 + -0.212659973660777 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.261764312428652 + -0.168994418542889 + 0 + 0.283067751286946 + -0.211389260558906 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.265659816290546 + -0.166186466541384 + 0 + 0.288146531569151 + -0.210071472504772 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.269514163013809 + -0.16333699697809 + 0 + 0.293211746430695 + -0.208704361837925 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.273326648598434 + -0.160446427324766 + 0 + 0.298261466853943 + -0.207286030895235 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.277096574642535 + -0.157515189335723 + 0 + 0.303293867064738 + -0.205814947658823 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.280823235839501 + -0.154543705534803 + 0 + 0.308307227784188 + -0.204289921336134 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.284505928505513 + -0.151532405653967 + 0 + 0.313299958229501 + -0.202710113563165 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.288143970615145 + -0.148481760950847 + 0 + 0.318270627976646 + -0.20107506466091 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.291736670102335 + -0.145392226350156 + 0 + 0.323217946044688 + -0.199384626417342 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.295283336048171 + -0.142264261129756 + 0 + 0.328140768218446 + -0.197638949396749 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.298783279457979 + -0.13909833005098 + 0 + 0.33303794258165 + -0.195838202957685 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.30223584796698 + -0.135894959108272 + 0 + 0.337908176278369 + -0.193982357289047 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.30564034605535 + -0.132654602969043 + 0 + 0.342749928939098 + -0.192071030814906 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.308996159706717 + -0.129377846812039 + 0 + 0.347561524617444 + -0.190103696312876 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.312302589898643 + -0.126065137977816 + 0 + 0.352340973372156 + -0.188079418217976 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.31555904362427 + -0.122717088000899 + 0 + 0.357086152268458 + -0.185997162913923 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.318764853109827 + -0.119334188154115 + 0 + 0.36179461748214 + -0.183855526398765 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.321919409315338 + -0.115917016159572 + 0 + 0.366463734583194 + -0.181652958255325 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.325022150034311 + -0.112466210969037 + 0 + 0.37109066888424 + -0.179387759809621 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.328072446963469 + -0.108982306714414 + 0 + 0.375672281207951 + -0.177057949289722 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.331069735861866 + -0.105465923954127 + 0 + 0.380205275222077 + -0.174661493542374 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.334013477563477 + -0.101917708032122 + 0 + 0.384686186236175 + -0.172196297701522 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.33690319277094 + -0.0983383737441425 + 0 + 0.389111456071108 + -0.169660313467837 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.339738356156289 + -0.0947285573592283 + 0 + 0.393477380749217 + -0.167051467612679 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.342518476723887 + -0.0910889288273574 + 0 + 0.397780258971842 + -0.164367863293018 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.34524312666747 + -0.0874202258604661 + 0 + 0.402016508969449 + -0.161607920878815 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.347911933958549 + -0.0837232381238189 + 0 + 0.406182774943936 + -0.158770492655498 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.35052457346085 + -0.0799987910019015 + 0 + 0.410275945708526 + -0.155854856069828 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.353080699521648 + -0.0762476581159674 + 0 + 0.414293243817352 + -0.152860796275396 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.35558001346154 + -0.0724706475893973 + 0 + 0.4182322126478 + -0.14978855532278 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.358022318210024 + -0.068668664467155 + 0 + 0.422090948123986 + -0.146639081183429 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.360407534735811 + -0.0648427215363 + 0 + 0.425867896115838 + -0.143413733593789 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.362735512173739 + -0.0609937063637705 + 0 + 0.429561860637951 + -0.140114264942493 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.365006272270594 + -0.057122673911686 + 0 + 0.433172008956164 + -0.136742798037064 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.367219685413038 + -0.0532304613444493 + 0 + 0.43669755532401 + -0.133301435828507 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.369376815799097 + -0.0493192237902158 + 0 + 0.440139190489143 + -0.129793875214046 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.37147443716159 + -0.0453862151366283 + 0 + 0.443493350973247 + -0.126218905237717 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.373525608297982 + -0.0414468124035279 + 0 + 0.446772957582219 + -0.122593562713376 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.375482996886379 + -0.0374498096604679 + 0 + 0.449930555033408 + -0.118868395139293 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.37752632710683 + -0.0335908612544884 + 0 + 0.453146095694916 + -0.115240585898506 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.378982551546035 + -0.029149921034712 + 0 + 0.455745832531496 + -0.110992561863805 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.381200568165358 + -0.0255671820422661 + 0 + 0.459079375831645 + -0.107565702869646 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.382974295510788 + -0.0215540667996627 + 0 + 0.461941693904744 + -0.10367228387907 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.384266264654825 + -0.017093148748792 + 0 + 0.46429387972617 + -0.0992981171298073 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.386382058474896 + -0.013522861538894 + 0 + 0.467442652757931 + -0.0957823887479003 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.387837348492784 + -0.0093214725604289 + 0 + 0.469904473549567 + -0.0916043783194546 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.38957028170281 + -0.0054426752967489 + 0 + 0.472617172136459 + -0.0877198252764127 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.390550296653757 + -0.000868316238730057 + 0 + 0.474549709446966 + -0.0831127476161364 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.39254212798855 + 0.00267154562357481 + 0 + 0.477467763659306 + -0.0795138704327978 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.393800588109107 + 0.00688405338963835 + 0 + 0.479627119016919 + -0.0752165781976819 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.39527014475117 + 0.0108506170065529 + 0 + 0.481971624757705 + -0.0711415577079562 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.396351947668133 + 0.0151390091203842 + 0 + 0.483902486298526 + -0.066722375540827 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.397635931738395 + 0.0191924886453002 + 0 + 0.48600965711696 + -0.0625170834535799 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.398624490251712 + 0.0234738177788118 + 0 + 0.487795715840255 + -0.0580639817497776 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.400359996993737 + 0.0270354494403133 + 0 + 0.490304212949848 + -0.0543105115035362 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.401366205599903 + 0.0312218599930515 + 0 + 0.492059239363978 + -0.0499129101157201 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.402523673543713 + 0.0352312214810138 + 0 + 0.49394055770262 + -0.0456749224504077 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.403566876169909 + 0.0393022232804431 + 0 + 0.495682987355041 + -0.041358456156073 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.404680184189365 + 0.0432733256485969 + 0 + 0.497471069703657 + -0.0371257756490784 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.405396778765094 + 0.0475468111114971 + 0 + 0.498837632947299 + -0.0325758715553404 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.406372889740866 + 0.0515562118443373 + 0 + 0.500438884314833 + -0.0282760604398986 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.40722062855217 + 0.055636353215967 + 0 + 0.501887379249106 + -0.0238917606110987 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.408118522015736 + 0.0596366370135177 + 0 + 0.503361691044068 + -0.0195742212136659 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.408744538934148 + 0.0638240362952784 + 0 + 0.504539572071594 + -0.0150573890446336 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.410215831933907 + 0.0672847766301491 + 0 + 0.506539318335215 + -0.011254253951887 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.410836953239225 + 0.0714092575642504 + 0 + 0.507665594356789 + -0.00677480749121008 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.411645494704529 + 0.0753462688939853 + 0 + 0.508954958680791 + -0.00247203246112433 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.412370557123163 + 0.0793164408859325 + 0 + 0.510136793251617 + 0.00187458394031738 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.413059078150571 + 0.0832818504840883 + 0 + 0.511257917051258 + 0.00622655023980946 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.413799875610476 + 0.0871739268325686 + 0 + 0.512407241668601 + 0.0105150398848651 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.414193283860351 + 0.0913017873977647 + 0 + 0.513184667393598 + 0.0150482792160728 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.41482497000644 + 0.0952118955668205 + 0 + 0.514175724147631 + 0.0193722545883546 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.415361803775797 + 0.0991629156815334 + 0 + 0.51504754102053 + 0.0237457174441685 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.415874337893516 + 0.103100746844823 + 0 + 0.515870481203595 + 0.028114115934534 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.416417889644948 + 0.106984922930129 + 0 + 0.516699855245877 + 0.0324368250398688 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.416702642013615 + 0.111029989988461 + 0 + 0.517245451270004 + 0.0369277559073271 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.4178388624125 + 0.114422616723464 + 0 + 0.518618404361799 + 0.0407747030960664 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.418128882280266 + 0.118409683107865 + 0 + 0.519120961585375 + 0.0452244520052697 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.41861450229437 + 0.122225965309306 + 0 + 0.519793808977618 + 0.0495103019056125 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.419023421604319 + 0.126070386841096 + 0 + 0.520364710918284 + 0.0538313610347245 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.419404393523014 + 0.129907759172552 + 0 + 0.520882119334975 + 0.0581521703915961 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.419839909199811 + 0.133680727023175 + 0 + 0.521428399116472 + 0.0624154033803756 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.419954557042135 + 0.137651645409323 + 0 + 0.521627555313092 + 0.0668828476928117 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.420292998848579 + 0.141439783942684 + 0 + 0.522023897677288 + 0.0711735843876379 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.420529111315186 + 0.145273481610602 + 0 + 0.52229124380531 + 0.0755162495531558 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.420823918125079 + 0.149042331654805 + 0 + 0.522590284155864 + 0.0798004061116842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.420862935403118 + 0.152959977460762 + 0 + 0.522605956024273 + 0.0842393715344206 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.421748723646478 + 0.156285578821146 + 0 + 0.523441317164878 + 0.0880936469630919 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.421824543518433 + 0.160135161630735 + 0 + 0.523439294521439 + 0.0924794655381532 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.422106899759148 + 0.163824431156243 + 0 + 0.523615136742176 + 0.0967114285521852 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.422287815199568 + 0.167559463051387 + 0 + 0.523660567726397 + 0.100996016694005 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.422587537341116 + 0.171195992986398 + 0 + 0.523795368886965 + 0.105189212586849 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.422439172543912 + 0.175102828232862 + 0 + 0.52345167578543 + 0.109659389304653 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.422664194244705 + 0.178746082887197 + 0 + 0.523450294776224 + 0.113872782888096 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.422520660778429 + 0.182605700360548 + 0 + 0.523048677859979 + 0.118309657469948 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.423388833257581 + 0.185801919975747 + 0 + 0.523627245469555 + 0.122091890687348 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.423324103085056 + 0.189575773067459 + 0 + 0.523240745851598 + 0.126461030695298 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.423684134095667 + 0.193063539849029 + 0 + 0.523245397630319 + 0.130552719621004 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.423247636724282 + 0.197032204872326 + 0 + 0.522418612500583 + 0.135133634751112 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.423985580239909 + 0.200251295984901 + 0 + 0.522730943085409 + 0.138974522964898 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.423935216862865 + 0.203945679921827 + 0 + 0.522219163519432 + 0.143301507969552 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.424292537935707 + 0.207373063054103 + 0 + 0.522077789151797 + 0.147372057686382 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.423807599398616 + 0.211300189608549 + 0 + 0.521055314040808 + 0.151952623674625 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.424553338621355 + 0.214461659336666 + 0 + 0.521224057311975 + 0.155779138521353 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.424711584380487 + 0.217968736189678 + 0 + 0.520765473252163 + 0.159964688070943 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.424272800238797 + 0.221820185951501 + 0 + 0.519667517078807 + 0.164506357473778 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425074768794263 + 0.224913476333359 + 0 + 0.519767582991567 + 0.168303442639473 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425080035796339 + 0.22847275888762 + 0 + 0.519027566419154 + 0.172581518492625 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425309336893909 + 0.231886327682731 + 0 + 0.518466448159186 + 0.176728369450954 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425490124547929 + 0.235317358311381 + 0 + 0.517810814075525 + 0.180908044047086 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425696663698029 + 0.238722243290101 + 0 + 0.517133893265759 + 0.185077407460631 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425910194609667 + 0.242112566182375 + 0 + 0.516416128215161 + 0.18924851596084 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.426136667050456 + 0.245485308701981 + 0 + 0.51566265614901 + 0.193418803972021 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.426375386600829 + 0.248841349408158 + 0 + 0.514872298574986 + 0.197589428285336 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.426627409735036 + 0.252180532653636 + 0 + 0.514045853327002 + 0.201760388445989 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.426893136606397 + 0.25550307397315 + 0 + 0.513183688061455 + 0.205931936718445 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.427172994373061 + 0.258809160748719 + 0 + 0.512286766465566 + 0.210103983221332 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.427467468299632 + 0.262098935126379 + 0 + 0.511356428967505 + 0.214276227432922 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.427776922193071 + 0.26537259676957 + 0 + 0.510394540246681 + 0.218448077496222 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.428101593123663 + 0.268630404548215 + 0 + 0.509403263420113 + 0.222618781699748 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.428441669475888 + 0.271872631394407 + 0 + 0.508385276965235 + 0.226787307449336 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.428797385375458 + 0.27509951114762 + 0 + 0.507343670971599 + 0.230952403306024 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.429168925632004 + 0.278311292626093 + 0 + 0.50628183277648 + 0.235112665396779 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.429556410110395 + 0.281508248168206 + 0 + 0.505203282290719 + 0.239266630070865 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.429959879057662 + 0.284690681500401 + 0 + 0.5041115378889 + 0.243412847600882 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.430379332324438 + 0.287858905628881 + 0 + 0.503010058533057 + 0.247549912307887 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.430814850628325 + 0.291013175910728 + 0 + 0.501902284134516 + 0.251676438301314 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.431266436932094 + 0.29415377868398 + 0 + 0.500791411752199 + 0.255791181365126 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.431734066400558 + 0.297281003511616 + 0 + 0.499680395056188 + 0.259893035754083 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.432217622636058 + 0.300395178323979 + 0 + 0.498571842964194 + 0.263981086573816 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.432717100952827 + 0.303496557967422 + 0 + 0.497468196136726 + 0.268054509813246 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.433232432871394 + 0.306585421302362 + 0 + 0.496371533402254 + 0.272112676235429 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.433763461989551 + 0.309662084217805 + 0 + 0.495283536395795 + 0.276155167248039 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.434310160432736 + 0.312726781906953 + 0 + 0.494205700414083 + 0.280181657465489 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.43487233318307 + 0.315779830375063 + 0 + 0.493139037184951 + 0.284192074393631 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.435449932296029 + 0.31882145583243 + 0 + 0.492084390212656 + 0.288186424806158 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.436042779763713 + 0.321851945575536 + 0 + 0.491042160043438 + 0.292164942210092 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.436650776195709 + 0.324871535178356 + 0 + 0.490012539879201 + 0.296127957539111 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.437273765135895 + 0.327880482261637 + 0 + 0.488995662455544 + 0.300075819482872 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.437911590941246 + 0.330879035460085 + 0 + 0.487991941242485 + 0.304008711430154 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.438564100220645 + 0.333867434016558 + 0 + 0.487002100300981 + 0.307926637333695 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.439231162849527 + 0.336845896914839 + 0 + 0.486027199207729 + 0.311829410246327 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.439912613973347 + 0.339814654259639 + 0 + 0.485068577732126 + 0.315716683574507 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.44060828916949 + 0.342773928680885 + 0 + 0.484127891016174 + 0.319587933607701 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.441318040998014 + 0.345723926848982 + 0 + 0.483207122089384 + 0.323442454229946 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442041715659316 + 0.348664852241655 + 0 + 0.482308548966914 + 0.327279375647427 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442779163822785 + 0.351596899653376 + 0 + 0.481434738877819 + 0.331097668405419 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.443530238949273 + 0.3545202563724 + 0 + 0.480588521175879 + 0.334896158558028 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444294763637089 + 0.357435120234527 + 0 + 0.479772917350217 + 0.338673565249241 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445072616881705 + 0.360341653688425 + 0 + 0.478991178777327 + 0.342428481081466 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445863645087213 + 0.36324003117478 + 0 + 0.478246633032295 + 0.346159453547302 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446667707740916 + 0.366130415172275 + 0 + 0.477542648537892 + 0.349865003409817 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.447484664667771 + 0.369012963168946 + 0 + 0.476882524051364 + 0.353543682546938 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.448314379887146 + 0.371887825845026 + 0 + 0.476269371497064 + 0.3571941349115 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.449156720703692 + 0.374755147763622 + 0 + 0.475705963119537 + 0.360815175896044 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.450011558193277 + 0.377615067316994 + 0 + 0.475194711179394 + 0.36440580178794 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.450878767132006 + 0.380467716957458 + 0 + 0.474737464376273 + 0.367965295354918 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.451758226118562 + 0.383313223318301 + 0 + 0.474335647530648 + 0.371493151282686 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.452649817571778 + 0.386151707392144 + 0 + 0.473990034454665 + 0.374989194082279 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453553427712079 + 0.388983284709901 + 0 + 0.473701079732101 + 0.378453403447027 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.454468946614715 + 0.391808065474744 + 0 + 0.473468660533748 + 0.381886048747349 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.455396268090296 + 0.394626154779202 + 0 + 0.473292426086782 + 0.38528750592209 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.456335289742989 + 0.397437652722557 + 0 + 0.473171796229143 + 0.388658258309897 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.457285912806562 + 0.400242654637702 + 0 + 0.473105859368773 + 0.391998949950274 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.458248042185546 + 0.40304125120472 + 0 + 0.473093704331136 + 0.395310212776923 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.459221586313494 + 0.405833528653948 + 0 + 0.47313423649573 + 0.398592762913298 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.460206457124472 + 0.408619568904371 + 0 + 0.473226306867791 + 0.401847333844363 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.461202569972239 + 0.411399449723982 + 0 + 0.47336871837739 + 0.405074673657251 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.462209843526438 + 0.414173244897019 + 0 + 0.473560234981433 + 0.408275540826032 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.463228199742103 + 0.416941024348318 + 0 + 0.473799624169259 + 0.411450682650351 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.46425756371662 + 0.419702854321658 + 0 + 0.474085656395509 + 0.414600836099549 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.465297863706411 + 0.422458797470884 + 0 + 0.47441711201981 + 0.417726724737405 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.4663490309315 + 0.425208913057164 + 0 + 0.474792801917384 + 0.420829048541646 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.467410999615349 + 0.427953257020341 + 0 + 0.475211577093681 + 0.423908479425143 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.468483706842781 + 0.430691882141141 + 0 + 0.475672335737063 + 0.426965658068694 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469567092495174 + 0.433424838159935 + 0 + 0.476174028109098 + 0.430001191853996 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470661099223736 + 0.436152171872625 + 0 + 0.476715659537 + 0.43301565375709 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.471765672334268 + 0.43887392726946 + 0 + 0.477296291758215 + 0.436009582071149 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.472880759744686 + 0.441590145633372 + 0 + 0.477915043120653 + 0.438983480697262 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474006311959737 + 0.444300865626826 + 0 + 0.47857108790496 + 0.441937819865572 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.4751422819333 + 0.44700612343444 + 0 + 0.4792636549155 + 0.444873037211644 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476288625117965 + 0.449705952806386 + 0 + 0.479992025837321 + 0.447789538951843 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477445299326223 + 0.452400385197177 + 0 + 0.480755533142571 + 0.450687701271258 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.478612264728881 + 0.455089449831455 + 0 + 0.481553557995399 + 0.453567871693282 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479789483824687 + 0.45777317378284 + 0 + 0.482385528078252 + 0.456430370472338 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480976921345725 + 0.460451582084289 + 0 + 0.483250915371915 + 0.459275491994529 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482174544291552 + 0.463124697770276 + 0 + 0.484149234127544 + 0.462103506064446 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.4833823218254 + 0.465792541988839 + 0 + 0.485080038796079 + 0.464914659200892 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484600225323204 + 0.468455134033242 + 0 + 0.486042922227744 + 0.467709175781104 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485828228246378 + 0.471112491463529 + 0 + 0.487037513828202 + 0.470487259196785 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.48706630626398 + 0.473764630097986 + 0 + 0.488063478102205 + 0.473249092800284 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488314436946129 + 0.476411564225237 + 0 + 0.489120512909474 + 0.475994840991135 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489572600574956 + 0.47905330623765 + 0 + 0.490208348976539 + 0.4787246496458 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490840777270876 + 0.481689868168736 + 0 + 0.491326745868434 + 0.481438648370933 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.492118957459613 + 0.484321256333316 + 0 + 0.492475501438458 + 0.484136945783516 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.493407102890904 + 0.486947491528719 + 0 + 0.493654411958244 + 0.48681965028095 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494705298255166 + 0.489568546360456 + 0 + 0.494863422974988 + 0.489486807865888 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.496013182072751 + 0.492184572962496 + 0 + 0.496102059573828 + 0.492138630292215 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497332014538722 + 0.494794939776113 + 0 + 0.497371493713584 + 0.494774532210353 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498657086006197 + 0.497402081463623 + 0 + 0.49866695231355 + 0.497396981379112 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499994052316792 + 0.500003074467614 + 0 + 0.499994052316792 + 0.500003074467614 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501342913993773 + 0.502597918529654 + 0 + 0.50133304768642 + 0.502603018614166 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50266798546108 + 0.505205060217251 + 0 + 0.502628506286219 + 0.505225467783011 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.503986817927902 + 0.507815427030429 + 0 + 0.503897940426825 + 0.507861369700709 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505294701743287 + 0.510431453633606 + 0 + 0.505136577023465 + 0.510513192128173 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.506592897111541 + 0.51305250846328 + 0 + 0.506345588044201 + 0.513180349711049 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50788104253938 + 0.515678743660468 + 0 + 0.507524498560535 + 0.515863054210268 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509159222729221 + 0.518310131824477 + 0 + 0.508673254131663 + 0.518561351622281 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510427399424924 + 0.520946693755675 + 0 + 0.509791651023341 + 0.521275350347525 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511685563052681 + 0.523588435768642 + 0 + 0.510879487089336 + 0.524005159002744 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512933693735872 + 0.526235369895354 + 0 + 0.511936521897648 + 0.526750907193055 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514171771754148 + 0.528887508529463 + 0 + 0.512962486172324 + 0.529512740796207 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51539977467736 + 0.53154486595973 + 0 + 0.513957077772821 + 0.532290824211867 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.516617678174368 + 0.534207458004544 + 0 + 0.514919961203689 + 0.535085340792492 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517825455709863 + 0.536875302222256 + 0 + 0.515850765873871 + 0.537896493928086 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.519023078654923 + 0.539548417908639 + 0 + 0.516749084628734 + 0.540724507998399 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520210516173295 + 0.542226826211468 + 0 + 0.51761447191973 + 0.54356962952197 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521387735272052 + 0.544910550161326 + 0 + 0.518446442005535 + 0.546432128299498 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522554700672585 + 0.547599614796703 + 0 + 0.519244466856237 + 0.549312298722622 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523711374883052 + 0.550294047186352 + 0 + 0.520007974163696 + 0.552210461040894 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.524857718066738 + 0.552993876558803 + 0 + 0.520736345084538 + 0.555126962781599 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.525993688038641 + 0.555699134367278 + 0 + 0.521428912093418 + 0.558062180128531 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.527119240255159 + 0.558409854359971 + 0 + 0.522084956879192 + 0.561016519296082 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.528234327667016 + 0.561126072723138 + 0 + 0.522703708243069 + 0.563990417921449 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529338900774834 + 0.563847828121379 + 0 + 0.52328434046157 + 0.566984346236914 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530432907506111 + 0.566575161832662 + 0 + 0.523825971892187 + 0.569998808138601 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.531516293156584 + 0.569308117852451 + 0 + 0.524327664262302 + 0.573034341924899 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.532589000384452 + 0.572046742973026 + 0 + 0.52478842290612 + 0.576091520568223 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.533650969070683 + 0.574791086934967 + 0 + 0.525207198084799 + 0.579170951450485 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.534702136293849 + 0.577541202522245 + 0 + 0.52558288798045 + 0.582273275255722 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.535742436282842 + 0.580297145671885 + 0 + 0.525914343603953 + 0.585399163893994 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.536771800258036 + 0.583058975644873 + 0 + 0.526200375830879 + 0.588549317342839 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.537790156473949 + 0.585826755096042 + 0 + 0.526439765018954 + 0.591724459167029 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.538797430028252 + 0.588600550269025 + 0 + 0.526631281623102 + 0.594925326335756 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.539793542875115 + 0.591380431089106 + 0 + 0.526773693131796 + 0.598152666149114 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.540778413688474 + 0.594166471338291 + 0 + 0.526865763506238 + 0.60140723707894 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.541751957814711 + 0.596958748788408 + 0 + 0.526906295669121 + 0.604689787216205 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.542714087192233 + 0.599757345356189 + 0 + 0.526894140630022 + 0.608001050043617 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.543664710259254 + 0.602562347269537 + 0 + 0.5268282037731 + 0.611341741682197 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.544603731908652 + 0.605373845214609 + 0 + 0.526707573912166 + 0.614712494071721 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.54553105338511 + 0.60819193451861 + 0 + 0.526531339466077 + 0.618113951246006 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.546446572287046 + 0.611016715283819 + 0 + 0.526298920267024 + 0.621546596546694 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.547350182427358 + 0.61384829260157 + 0 + 0.526009965544471 + 0.625010805911436 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.548241773883797 + 0.616686776673727 + 0 + 0.525664352471711 + 0.628506848709342 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549121232867313 + 0.619532283036161 + 0 + 0.525262535623046 + 0.632034704638701 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549988441809411 + 0.622384932674859 + 0 + 0.524805288823295 + 0.635594198203913 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.5508432792958 + 0.625244852229907 + 0 + 0.524294036879955 + 0.639184824097485 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.551685620115348 + 0.628112174146925 + 0 + 0.523730628505429 + 0.642805865080452 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.552515335330401 + 0.630987036825279 + 0 + 0.523117475946808 + 0.646456317447286 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553332292260061 + 0.633869584820473 + 0 + 0.522457351463085 + 0.650134996582931 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554136354912082 + 0.636759968818854 + 0 + 0.521753366967001 + 0.653840546446332 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554927383120572 + 0.639658346303635 + 0 + 0.521008821224949 + 0.657571518910595 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55570523636149 + 0.642564879759486 + 0 + 0.520227082648363 + 0.661326434744771 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.556469761049581 + 0.645479743621469 + 0 + 0.519411478822976 + 0.665103841435842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557220836179503 + 0.648403100338673 + 0 + 0.518565261124469 + 0.66890233158663 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557958284341421 + 0.651335147751216 + 0 + 0.517691451033823 + 0.672720624345443 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.558681959004532 + 0.654276073142927 + 0 + 0.516792877913162 + 0.676557545761962 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.559391710830429 + 0.65722607131242 + 0 + 0.515872108983745 + 0.680412066385605 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.560087386026445 + 0.660185345733734 + 0 + 0.514931422267667 + 0.684283316418867 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.560768837151243 + 0.663154103078011 + 0 + 0.51397280079304 + 0.688170589746522 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.561435899778889 + 0.666132565976953 + 0 + 0.512997899698554 + 0.692073362659816 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.562088409059419 + 0.669120964532821 + 0 + 0.512008058758181 + 0.695991288562752 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.562726234864116 + 0.672119517731619 + 0 + 0.511004337544466 + 0.699924180510383 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.563349223802624 + 0.675128464815804 + 0 + 0.509987460119132 + 0.703872042455049 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.563957220238408 + 0.678148054416582 + 0 + 0.508957839958684 + 0.707835057782027 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.564550067702161 + 0.681178544161811 + 0 + 0.507915609785534 + 0.711813575188082 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.565127666817988 + 0.684220169617626 + 0 + 0.506860962816107 + 0.715807925599057 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.565689839569075 + 0.687273218085324 + 0 + 0.505794299587729 + 0.719818342526788 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.566236538010353 + 0.690337915775508 + 0 + 0.50471646360411 + 0.723844832745273 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.56676756712891 + 0.693414578690736 + 0 + 0.503628466598051 + 0.727887323757671 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.567282899049728 + 0.696503442024443 + 0 + 0.502531803865829 + 0.731945490178619 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.56778237736395 + 0.699604821669279 + 0 + 0.501428157035814 + 0.736018913419442 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.568265933601736 + 0.702718996480385 + 0 + 0.500319604946107 + 0.740106964237919 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.568733563068387 + 0.705846221309016 + 0 + 0.499208588248282 + 0.744208818627871 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.569185149372658 + 0.708986824081989 + 0 + 0.498097715866466 + 0.748323561691401 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.569620667675137 + 0.712141094364618 + 0 + 0.496989941466518 + 0.752450087685613 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.570040120943055 + 0.715309318492461 + 0 + 0.495888462111817 + 0.756587152391981 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.57044358988887 + 0.718491751825465 + 0 + 0.494796717708545 + 0.760733369922805 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.570831074366489 + 0.721688707368014 + 0 + 0.493718167222013 + 0.764887334597329 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.571202614625042 + 0.724900488845361 + 0 + 0.4926563290289 + 0.769047596686956 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.571558330524061 + 0.728127368598884 + 0 + 0.491614723034713 + 0.773212692543954 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.571898406876293 + 0.731369595445072 + 0 + 0.490596736579843 + 0.777381218293539 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.572223077806043 + 0.734627403224196 + 0 + 0.489605459752433 + 0.781551922497543 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.572532531701832 + 0.73790106486605 + 0 + 0.488643571033959 + 0.785723772559507 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.572827005625522 + 0.741190839245354 + 0 + 0.487713233533018 + 0.789896016772742 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.573106863393406 + 0.744496926020228 + 0 + 0.48681631193835 + 0.794068063274935 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.573372590266434 + 0.747819467338779 + 0 + 0.485954146674468 + 0.798239611546427 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.573624613399242 + 0.751158650585063 + 0 + 0.485127701425083 + 0.802410571707882 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.573863332947916 + 0.754514691292229 + 0 + 0.484337343849363 + 0.806581196022189 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574089805390271 + 0.757887433810924 + 0 + 0.483583871784777 + 0.810751484032459 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.57430333630341 + 0.761277756702318 + 0 + 0.482866106735681 + 0.81492259253179 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574509875453046 + 0.764682641681308 + 0 + 0.482189185925451 + 0.819091955945604 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.57469066310619 + 0.76811367231047 + 0 + 0.481533551840911 + 0.823271630542244 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574919964203378 + 0.771527241105811 + 0 + 0.480972433580564 + 0.827418481500807 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.57492523120754 + 0.775086523658828 + 0 + 0.480232417010237 + 0.831696557352717 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.575727199761042 + 0.778179814041859 + 0 + 0.480332482921034 + 0.835493642519584 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.575288415620017 + 0.782031263803285 + 0 + 0.479234526748342 + 0.840035311922023 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.575446661379239 + 0.785538340656238 + 0 + 0.478775942688619 + 0.844220861471553 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.576192400600783 + 0.788699810385082 + 0 + 0.478944685958593 + 0.848047376319007 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.575707462065686 + 0.792626936938308 + 0 + 0.477922210849597 + 0.85262794230603 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.576064783136243 + 0.796054320071987 + 0 + 0.477780836479676 + 0.856698492024262 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.576014419760641 + 0.799748704008027 + 0 + 0.477269056915143 + 0.861025477028034 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.576752363276651 + 0.802967795120354 + 0 + 0.477581387500349 + 0.864866365241567 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.576315865903392 + 0.806936460144825 + 0 + 0.476754602368739 + 0.869447280372848 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.576675896914198 + 0.810424226926277 + 0 + 0.476759254147658 + 0.873538969298439 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.576611166742589 + 0.814198080017411 + 0 + 0.476372754530615 + 0.877908109305811 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.577479339221999 + 0.817394299632442 + 0 + 0.47695132214045 + 0.881690342523043 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.577335805757037 + 0.821253917104947 + 0 + 0.476549705225518 + 0.886127217104047 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.577560827455281 + 0.824897171760925 + 0 + 0.476548324213763 + 0.890340610689135 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.577412462657832 + 0.828804007007554 + 0 + 0.476204631111983 + 0.894810787407103 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.5777121848008 + 0.832440536941634 + 0 + 0.476339432273969 + 0.899003983299014 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.577893100240127 + 0.836175568837502 + 0 + 0.476384863257099 + 0.90328857144156 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.578175456482988 + 0.839864838361584 + 0 + 0.476560705479983 + 0.907520534454167 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.578251276353105 + 0.843714421172399 + 0 + 0.476558682834704 + 0.911906353030452 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.579137064595808 + 0.847040022533228 + 0 + 0.477394043974654 + 0.915760628459571 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.579176081875524 + 0.85095766833805 + 0 + 0.477409715844738 + 0.92019959388117 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.57947088868305 + 0.854726518383872 + 0 + 0.477708756192924 + 0.924483750441316 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.57970700115238 + 0.858560216049919 + 0 + 0.477976102323672 + 0.928826415604966 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.580045442957448 + 0.862348354584232 + 0 + 0.478372444686491 + 0.933117152300743 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.580160090801327 + 0.866319272969298 + 0 + 0.478571600884668 + 0.9375845966121 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.580595606477004 + 0.870092240820702 + 0 + 0.479117880665045 + 0.941847829601659 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.580976578396377 + 0.873929613151674 + 0 + 0.479635289082412 + 0.946168638958046 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.581385497705991 + 0.877774034683702 + 0 + 0.480206191022743 + 0.950489698087396 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.581871117720558 + 0.881590316884803 + 0 + 0.480879038415448 + 0.954775547987398 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.582161137587678 + 0.885577383269676 + 0 + 0.481381595638381 + 0.959225296897076 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.583297357986839 + 0.888970010004465 + 0 + 0.482754548730448 + 0.963072244085597 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.583582110354334 + 0.893015077063673 + 0 + 0.483300144753406 + 0.967563174953934 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.584125662107552 + 0.896899253147645 + 0 + 0.484129518797475 + 0.971885884057937 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.584638196223888 + 0.900837084311973 + 0 + 0.484952458979156 + 0.976254282549339 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.585175029994476 + 0.904788104425747 + 0 + 0.485824275853286 + 0.980627745404213 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.585806716138581 + 0.90869821259632 + 0 + 0.486815332605333 + 0.98495172077801 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.586200124388182 + 0.912826073161742 + 0 + 0.487592758330058 + 0.989484960109446 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.586940921848998 + 0.91671814950952 + 0 + 0.488742082948313 + 0.993773449753801 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.587629442878455 + 0.92068355910605 + 0 + 0.48986320675 + 0.998125416051663 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.588354505294136 + 0.924653731100345 + 0 + 0.491045041317873 + 1.00247203245545 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.589163046762003 + 0.928590742428027 + 0 + 0.49233440564444 + 1.00677480748349 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.589784168064673 + 0.932715223364282 + 0 + 0.493460681663366 + 1.01125425394632 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.591255461067345 + 0.936175963696754 + 0 + 0.495460427929898 + 1.01505738903666 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.591881477981357 + 0.940363362982171 + 0 + 0.496638308953025 + 1.01957422120936 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.592779371448378 + 0.944363646776841 + 0 + 0.498112620751443 + 1.02389176060391 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.593627110258366 + 0.948443788149584 + 0 + 0.499561115684399 + 1.02827606043382 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.594603221236389 + 0.952453188880499 + 0 + 0.501162367054184 + 1.03257587154734 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.595319815810207 + 0.956726674345049 + 0 + 0.502528930295918 + 1.03712577564273 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.596433123829598 + 0.960697776713257 + 0 + 0.504317012644467 + 1.04135845614977 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.597476326455244 + 0.964768778513179 + 0 + 0.506059442296338 + 1.0456749224446 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.59863379440026 + 0.96877814000007 + 0 + 0.507940760636186 + 1.04991291010884 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.599640003006569 + 0.972964550552677 + 0 + 0.509695787050457 + 1.05431051149653 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.601375509747715 + 0.976526182214974 + 0 + 0.512204284159172 + 1.05806398174356 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.602364068261852 + 0.980807511347746 + 0 + 0.51399034288329 + 1.06251708344663 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.603648052332452 + 0.98486099087234 + 0 + 0.51609751370206 + 1.06672237553355 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.604729855248798 + 0.989149382986746 + 0 + 0.518028375242262 + 1.07114155770125 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.606199411889919 + 0.993115946604561 + 0 + 0.520372880982108 + 1.07521657819188 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.607457872011117 + 0.997328454370023 + 0 + 0.522532236340364 + 1.0795138704264 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.609449703346729 + 1.00086831623152 + 0 + 0.52545029055352 + 1.08311274760893 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.61042971829649 + 1.00544267529072 + 0 + 0.527382827862839 + 1.08771982527038 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.612162651507969 + 1.00932147255294 + 0 + 0.530095526451185 + 1.09160437831197 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.613617941524624 + 1.01352286153266 + 0 + 0.532557347241592 + 1.09578238874167 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.615733735344946 + 1.01709314874229 + 0 + 0.535706120273601 + 1.09929811712331 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.617025704489726 + 1.0215540667924 + 0 + 0.53805830609577 + 1.10367228387181 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.618799431834207 + 1.025567182036 + 0 + 0.540920624167921 + 1.10756570286338 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.621017448455773 + 1.02914992102605 + 0 + 0.544254167470312 + 1.11099256185514 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.622473672891555 + 1.03359086124951 + 0 + 0.54685390430347 + 1.11524058589353 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.624517003113724 + 1.03744980965363 + 0 + 0.550069444966695 + 1.11886839513245 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.626474391701832 + 1.041446812397 + 0 + 0.553227042417595 + 1.12259356270685 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.62852556283811 + 1.04538621513023 + 0 + 0.556506649026452 + 1.12621890523132 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.630623184200125 + 1.04931922378437 + 0 + 0.55986080951008 + 1.12979387520821 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.632780314587401 + 1.05323046133721 + 0 + 0.56330244467643 + 1.13330143582127 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.634993727728588 + 1.05712267390591 + 0 + 0.566827991043019 + 1.13674279803129 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.637264487826657 + 1.06099370635657 + 0 + 0.570438139362445 + 1.14011426493529 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.639592465263144 + 1.06484272153083 + 0 + 0.574132103883118 + 1.14341373358832 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.641977681790751 + 1.06866866445949 + 0 + 0.577909051876789 + 1.14663908117576 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.644419986538274 + 1.0724706475829 + 0 + 0.581767787352015 + 1.14978855531628 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.646919300479588 + 1.0762476581077 + 0 + 0.585706756183887 + 1.15286079626713 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.649475426538953 + 1.07999879099543 + 0 + 0.589724054291279 + 1.15585485606336 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.652088066040777 + 1.08372323811796 + 0 + 0.593817225055392 + 1.15877049264964 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.654756873333191 + 1.08742022585288 + 0 + 0.597983491031212 + 1.16160792087123 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.657481523275243 + 1.09108892882178 + 0 + 0.602219741027288 + 1.16436786328744 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.660261643843737 + 1.09472855735246 + 0 + 0.606522619250809 + 1.16705146760592 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.663096807228555 + 1.09833837373811 + 0 + 0.610888543928388 + 1.1696603134618 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.665986522436363 + 1.10191770802562 + 0 + 0.615313813763666 + 1.17219629769502 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.668930264138414 + 1.105465923947 + 0 + 0.619794724778203 + 1.17466149353525 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.67192755303693 + 1.1089823067071 + 0 + 0.624327718792446 + 1.17705794928241 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.674977849964682 + 1.11246621096377 + 0 + 0.628909331114754 + 1.17938775980436 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.678080590686008 + 1.11591701615086 + 0 + 0.633536265418153 + 1.18165295824662 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.681235146889709 + 1.11933418814807 + 0 + 0.638205382517395 + 1.18385552639272 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.684440956375526 + 1.12271708799448 + 0 + 0.642913847731338 + 1.18599716290751 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.687697410102009 + 1.12606513797009 + 0 + 0.647659026628498 + 1.18807941821025 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.691003840292251 + 1.12937784680694 + 0 + 0.652438475381525 + 1.19010369630778 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.694359653945201 + 1.13265460296143 + 0 + 0.657250071061453 + 1.1920710308073 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.697764152031176 + 1.13589495910454 + 0 + 0.662091823719786 + 1.19398235728531 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.701216720542619 + 1.13909833004324 + 0 + 0.666962057418946 + 1.19583820294995 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.70471666395046 + 1.14226426112533 + 0 + 0.671859231780185 + 1.19763894939232 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.708263329898013 + 1.14539222634284 + 0 + 0.676782053955661 + 1.19938462641002 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.711856029383833 + 1.1484817609459 + 0 + 0.681729372022332 + 1.20107506465597 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.715494071493916 + 1.15153240564825 + 0 + 0.686700041769928 + 1.20271011355745 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.719176764160842 + 1.15454370552745 + 0 + 0.691692772216155 + 1.20428992132878 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.722903425356151 + 1.15751518933143 + 0 + 0.69670613293395 + 1.20581494765453 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.72667335140292 + 1.16044642731549 + 0 + 0.70173853314741 + 1.20728603088596 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.730485836985996 + 1.16333699697171 + 0 + 0.706788253569108 + 1.20870436183155 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.734340183709216 + 1.16618646653512 + 0 + 0.711853468430611 + 1.21007147249851 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.738235687571402 + 1.16899441853605 + 0 + 0.716932248713107 + 1.21138926055207 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.742171644752429 + 1.17176043913918 + 0 + 0.722022586454904 + 1.21265997365373 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.746147350668987 + 1.17448411999357 + 0 + 0.727122415496229 + 1.21388619869845 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.750162083799497 + 1.17716509286264 + 0 + 0.732229620635568 + 1.21507087423552 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.754215148473571 + 1.17980294076097 + 0 + 0.737342109786635 + 1.21621716740149 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.758305830965531 + 1.18239728876735 + 0 + 0.742457803924229 + 1.21732851595467 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.762433422021921 + 1.18494775759706 + 0 + 0.747574698078026 + 1.2184085161524 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.766597210649163 + 1.18745397672787 + 0 + 0.752690897703539 + 1.2194608517593 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.770796485894456 + 1.18991558058976 + 0 + 0.757804666362378 + 1.22048918692833 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.775030536413995 + 1.19233220950319 + 0 + 0.762914476241913 + 1.22149703755115 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.77929865061492 + 1.19470350932899 + 0 + 0.768019066080084 + 1.22248760660145 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.783600116605401 + 1.19702913153404 + 0 + 0.773117436307318 + 1.22346375473747 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.787934222157531 + 1.1993087332215 + 0 + 0.778208917353718 + 1.22442777831868 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.792300254690363 + 1.2015419770999 + 0 + 0.783293090262913 + 1.22538154608768 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.796697501208728 + 1.20372853155632 + 0 + 0.788369857284543 + 1.22632625061541 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.801125248235403 + 1.20586807075044 + 0 + 0.793439287038182 + 1.2272627495703 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.80558278177684 + 1.20796027461827 + 0 + 0.798501696713981 + 1.22819128495578 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.810069387228711 + 1.21000482904534 + 0 + 0.803557499171211 + 1.22911184732236 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.814584349338428 + 1.21200142588957 + 0 + 0.808607192987563 + 1.23002417037727 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.819126952132358 + 1.21394976311025 + 0 + 0.813651386999594 + 1.23092761817741 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.823696478844864 + 1.21584954490834 + 0 + 0.818690673025075 + 1.23182153751439 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.828292211883592 + 1.2177004817662 + 0 + 0.823725685499322 + 1.23270505974714 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.832913432752802 + 1.21950229063139 + 0 + 0.828757051289389 + 1.23357723816867 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.837559422016165 + 1.22125469499271 + 0 + 0.833785384518723 + 1.2344370544279 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.842229459252868 + 1.22295742498927 + 0 + 0.83881128085738 + 1.2352834282323 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.846922822997989 + 1.22461021759625 + 0 + 0.843835302545775 + 1.23611526361253 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.851638790739148 + 1.22621281662703 + 0 + 0.848857977945165 + 1.23693144880881 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.856376638857215 + 1.22776497295427 + 0 + 0.853879799005805 + 1.23773086443033 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.861135642620302 + 1.2292664445557 + 0 + 0.858901215504854 + 1.23851240676102 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.86591507615591 + 1.23071699665908 + 0 + 0.863922633292617 + 1.23927499912616 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.87071421244007 + 1.23211640184163 + 0 + 0.868944413693462 + 1.24001760071359 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.875532323293515 + 1.23346444011683 + 0 + 0.873966873869068 + 1.24073921298849 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.880368679371992 + 1.23476089906723 + 0 + 0.878990287919844 + 1.24143888405378 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.88522255017038 + 1.23600557393929 + 0 + 0.884014888537662 + 1.24211571125431 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.890093204040771 + 1.2371982676848 + 0 + 0.889040869037299 + 1.24276884236244 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.894979908182248 + 1.23833879116845 + 0 + 0.894068385580035 + 1.2433974759032 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.899881928685053 + 1.23942696311634 + 0 + 0.899097559559729 + 1.24400086048811 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.904798530530936 + 1.2404626103121 + 0 + 0.904128479975277 + 1.24457829387658 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.909728977628212 + 1.24144556763097 + 0 + 0.909161205811136 + 1.24512912152805 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.914672532844852 + 1.24237567809293 + 0 + 0.914195768350015 + 1.24565273496255 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.919628458030689 + 1.24325279301213 + 0 + 0.919232173384088 + 1.24614857010577 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.924596014067371 + 1.2440767719857 + 0 + 0.92427040334837 + 1.24661610543959 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.929574460904303 + 1.24484748298732 + 0 + 0.929310419327712 + 1.24705486027593 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.934563057598259 + 1.2455648024697 + 0 + 0.93435216295349 + 1.24746439309684 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.939561062370934 + 1.24622861533565 + 0 + 0.939395558206301 + 1.24784429984811 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.944567732646676 + 1.24683881510129 + 0 + 0.944440513091463 + 1.2481942125303 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.949582325126673 + 1.24739530371724 + 0 + 0.949486921250395 + 1.24851379756195 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.954604095777177 + 1.2478979924192 + 0 + 0.954534663393041 + 1.24880275529231 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.95963230010815 + 1.24834679881033 + 0 + 0.959583608935922 + 1.2490608158656 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.964666192541483 + 1.24874165726925 + 0 + 0.964633616652753 + 1.2492877485401 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.969705028544298 + 1.24908248336478 + 0 + 0.969684538021643 + 1.24948332513668 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.974748058672807 + 1.24936929498265 + 0 + 0.974736212423908 + 1.24964744031482 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.979794545451901 + 1.24960180448193 + 0 + 0.979788485124685 + 1.24977970299498 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.984843718929586 + 1.24978077669965 + 0 + 0.984841163888016 + 1.24988079375276 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.989894866724791 + 1.24990357363127 + 0 + 0.989894110039087 + 1.24994800899348 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.994947188564111 + 1.24997849141511 + 0 + 0.994947094009592 + 1.24998959753694 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 1 + 1.2499798172808 + 0 + 1 + 1.2499798172808 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + + + + + + The material override + 203e20e7-4730-4955-9a28-7295cea87ce6 + Material + Material + false + 071066ef-99c7-4e23-b113-b909954d0665 + 1 + + + + + + 26856 + -11698 + 51 + 20 + + + 26883 + -11688 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;221;160;221 + + + 255;66;48;66 + + 0.5 + + 255;255;255;255 + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + c0d05a7e-4c88-47a1-8d24-c31438520fc4 + 1cbee70c-76f4-4597-a499-be4c00568e44 + b921ec1a-bafd-4da8-bad1-c6c5616dd84e + 3 + b4b3a125-0a0e-4999-bdeb-9b02c0074a44 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 + Colour Picker + + + + + Provides a colour picker object + b921ec1a-bafd-4da8-bad1-c6c5616dd84e + Colour Picker + Colour Picker + false + + 255;240;240;240 + + 0 + + + + + + 26939.62 + -11849.12 + 180 + 310 + + 2 + + + + + + + + + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 + Create Material + + + + + Create an OpenGL material. + true + 93930d60-3fc4-42c2-b7c3-b09476a26a54 + Create Material + Create Material + + + + + + 27124 + -12134 + 144 + 104 + + + 27208 + -12082 + + + + + + Colour of the diffuse channel + 13be3d1b-83bb-4ed5-83db-e68a8499195d + Diffuse + Diffuse + false + ffb68924-9295-4f3a-b5af-bdd4a3e2b87f + 1 + + + + + + 27126 + -12132 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -12122 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;105;180 + + + + + + + + + + + + Colour of the specular highlight + a6dcd7d9-66ed-4467-80ed-c31b3a08f810 + Specular + Specular + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -12112 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -12102 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;255;255 + + + + + + + + + + + + Emissive colour of the material + bbbe9454-d902-4024-a579-b048eb8393e2 + Emission + Emission + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -12092 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -12082 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;0;0;0 + + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of transparency (0.0 = opaque, 1.0 = transparent + 6358b7ee-47bb-4f76-84ec-57e1995d3494 + Transparency + Transparency + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -12072 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -12062 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of shinyness (0 = none, 1 = low shine, 100 = max shine + ac68682a-6100-49fa-98d2-675adafd5596 + Shine + Shine + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -12052 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -12042 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Resulting material + be0e10df-6277-430e-963e-cab9262b5ec3 + Material + Material + false + 0 + + + + + + 27223 + -12132 + 43 + 100 + + + 27246 + -12082 + + + + + + + + + + + + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c + Custom Preview + + + + + Allows for customized geometry previews + true + 5959a778-f5f1-4d9c-8ae1-b46f8977ed48 + Custom Preview + Custom Preview + + + + + + + 26854 + -12104 + 82 + 44 + + + 26922 + -12082 + + + + + + Geometry to preview + true + 98f239a1-9c49-494a-95ae-d98464306e03 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 41f24b94-f334-4147-a389-f8afe6b87986 + 1 + + + + + + 26856 + -12102 + 51 + 20 + + + 26883 + -12092 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + -1 + + 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+ + 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Curve + + + + + + + + + + + The material override + 7c6e2938-eabe-465f-a7df-7cbc50eb563c + Material + Material + false + be0e10df-6277-430e-963e-cab9262b5ec3 + 1 + + + + + + 26856 + -12082 + 51 + 20 + + + 26883 + -12072 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;221;160;221 + + + 255;66;48;66 + + 0.5 + + 255;255;255;255 + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 93930d60-3fc4-42c2-b7c3-b09476a26a54 + 5959a778-f5f1-4d9c-8ae1-b46f8977ed48 + ffb68924-9295-4f3a-b5af-bdd4a3e2b87f + 3 + d0c3fb84-0bfa-412c-8299-61d514697365 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 + Colour Picker + + + + + Provides a colour picker object + ffb68924-9295-4f3a-b5af-bdd4a3e2b87f + Colour Picker + Colour Picker + false + + 255;214;214;214 + + 0 + + + + + + 26943.87 + -12227.59 + 180 + 310 + + 2 + + + + + + + + + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 + Create Material + + + + + Create an OpenGL material. + true + de2683b2-be46-499f-adfa-0a60ba939cdc + Create Material + Create Material + + + + + + 27124 + -12686 + 144 + 104 + + + 27208 + -12634 + + + + + + Colour of the diffuse channel + 1540b354-88f5-4356-9c61-c2a744f5a305 + Diffuse + Diffuse + false + 5ee6def3-7ffd-45df-aba4-64e096a1857d + 1 + + + + + + 27126 + -12684 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -12674 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;105;180 + + + + + + + + + + + + Colour of the specular highlight + db8a657c-cde8-464d-8479-b451814756a9 + Specular + Specular + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -12664 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -12654 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;255;255 + + + + + + + + + + + + Emissive colour of the material + e80d1636-042e-4405-a32f-07be89317453 + Emission + Emission + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -12644 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -12634 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;0;0;0 + + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of transparency (0.0 = opaque, 1.0 = transparent + c9b8a99f-6f45-4095-a814-f754db1c9cad + Transparency + Transparency + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -12624 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -12614 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of shinyness (0 = none, 1 = low shine, 100 = max shine + d6f18761-74dc-46ba-9d2a-8453b803db77 + Shine + Shine + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -12604 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -12594 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Resulting material + 866eb80f-125e-4484-97bc-f783135f10b7 + Material + Material + false + 0 + + + + + + 27223 + -12684 + 43 + 100 + + + 27246 + -12634 + + + + + + + + + + + + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c + Custom Preview + + + + + Allows for customized geometry previews + true + 5e701664-312a-4b02-9301-8c2d8ab4c239 + Custom Preview + Custom Preview + + + + + + + 26854 + -12656 + 82 + 44 + + + 26922 + -12634 + + + + + + Geometry to preview + true + e386946e-3a15-48d0-95f1-2bd00ddd6875 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 087a5d6e-85ad-437b-b2ef-1bf3ad1d917c + 1 + + + + + + 26856 + -12654 + 51 + 20 + + + 26883 + -12644 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 513 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + + 8.31187957663209E-17 + -0.24997981727771 + 0 + 8.31187957663209E-17 + -0.24997981727771 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.00505290599040027 + -0.249989597541828 + 0 + 0.0050530951663 + -0.250011817638801 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0101058899609055 + -0.249948009000087 + 0 + 0.0101074053285886 + -0.250036996953143 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0151588361119955 + -0.249880793760095 + 0 + 0.0151639610890107 + -0.250081410886769 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0202115148753165 + -0.249779703001769 + 0 + 0.0202236979794261 + -0.250137333213502 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0252637875761175 + -0.24964744032203 + 0 + 0.0252876708188029 + -0.250208209602382 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0303154619783822 + -0.249483325143783 + 0 + 0.0303569198132571 + -0.250294335788598 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0353663833471248 + -0.249287748544824 + 0 + 0.0354325731805973 + -0.250397332709298 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0404163910641454 + -0.249060815873275 + 0 + 0.0405158166980287 + -0.25051881318727 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0454653366068403 + -0.248802755297525 + 0 + 0.0456079262460018 + -0.25066081927168 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0505130787496277 + -0.248513797568951 + 0 + 0.050710279474559 + -0.250825735045865 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.055559486908659 + -0.248194212538385 + 0 + 0.055824377641812 + -0.251016359008567 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0606044417934283 + -0.247844299852185 + 0 + 0.0609518666598272 + -0.251235930371746 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0656478370465328 + -0.247464393103729 + 0 + 0.0660945603717932 + -0.251488162614414 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0706895806721914 + -0.247054860281856 + 0 + 0.0712544632619733 + -0.251777256714691 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0757295966519424 + -0.246616105448731 + 0 + 0.0764337898500242 + -0.252107882105759 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0807678266155926 + -0.246148570110183 + 0 + 0.0816349755515803 + -0.252485101305992 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0858042316502119 + -0.24565273497083 + 0 + 0.0868606698246323 + -0.25291419846969 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0908387941884258 + -0.245129121531933 + 0 + 0.0921137150270965 + -0.253400471892267 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0958715200246899 + -0.24457829388311 + 0 + 0.0973971007450821 + -0.253948941283018 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.100902440440313 + -0.244000860495072 + 0 + 0.102713874659216 + -0.254563889999269 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.105931614419833 + -0.243397475909174 + 0 + 0.108067007936918 + -0.255248287464826 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.110959130963078 + -0.242768842371154 + 0 + 0.113459147382148 + -0.256002772737251 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.115985111461741 + -0.242115711258018 + 0 + 0.118892261715591 + -0.256824373655822 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.121009712080192 + -0.241438884060715 + 0 + 0.12436732002128 + -0.257705711155725 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.126033126131127 + -0.2407392129961 + 0 + 0.129884166492715 + -0.258635315874054 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.131055586306012 + -0.240017600717978 + 0 + 0.135441674589243 + -0.25959912424556 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.13607736670752 + -0.239274999133514 + 0 + 0.141038098668422 + -0.260582489120846 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.141098784495509 + -0.238512406769253 + 0 + 0.146671435478557 + -0.261571794124714 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.14612020099347 + -0.237730864434158 + 0 + 0.152339720542513 + -0.262555466950824 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.151142022054671 + -0.236931448814929 + 0 + 0.158041257656008 + -0.263524525812492 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.156164697454414 + -0.236115263619987 + 0 + 0.163774791164998 + -0.264472801548418 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.161188719143377 + -0.235283428241755 + 0 + 0.169539635195464 + -0.265396958441391 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.166214615480447 + -0.234437054431737 + 0 + 0.175335711383715 + -0.266296187978016 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.171242948710737 + -0.233577238175843 + 0 + 0.181162916371653 + -0.267169685266647 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.176274314500651 + -0.232705059753764 + 0 + 0.187020366520242 + -0.268014168241682 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.181309326974931 + -0.231821537521149 + 0 + 0.192906201484751 + -0.268823610832084 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.186348613000853 + -0.230927618185534 + 0 + 0.198817485296664 + -0.269589327352784 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.1913928070118 + -0.230024170382065 + 0 + 0.204750175299078 + -0.270300251772304 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.19644250082862 + -0.229111847328599 + 0 + 0.210699164165947 + -0.270943390584599 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.201498303286006 + -0.228191284962463 + 0 + 0.216658614270101 + -0.271505043449532 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.206560712960852 + -0.227262749574333 + 0 + 0.222622357298185 + -0.271972020555336 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.211630142715734 + -0.2263262506229 + 0 + 0.228584655428591 + -0.2723336590276 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.216706909737219 + -0.225381546094746 + 0 + 0.234540829505308 + -0.272583189193221 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.221791082646248 + -0.224427778325317 + 0 + 0.240487374680324 + -0.272717576149431 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.226882563693389 + -0.223463754745969 + 0 + 0.24642190665102 + -0.272736951489556 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.231980933918627 + -0.222487606604995 + 0 + 0.252342649478215 + -0.272642989898993 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.237085523758655 + -0.221497037559234 + 0 + 0.25824819480824 + -0.272438156489859 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.242195333636805 + -0.220489186933128 + 0 + 0.264137240020776 + -0.272125003336282 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.247309102297574 + -0.219460851768603 + 0 + 0.270008497209413 + -0.271705950744382 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.252425301921641 + -0.218408516158351 + 0 + 0.275860576843751 + -0.271183039650915 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.257542196076255 + -0.217328515962461 + 0 + 0.281691957431942 + -0.270557905225649 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.262657890212797 + -0.216217167406982 + 0 + 0.287500954294866 + -0.269831752350115 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.26777037936421 + -0.215070874241795 + 0 + 0.293285719986599 + -0.269005401498071 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.272877584504302 + -0.213886198706282 + 0 + 0.299044254894231 + -0.268079350839847 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.277977413545252 + -0.212659973660777 + 0 + 0.304774456772862 + -0.267053910002221 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.283067751286946 + -0.211389260558906 + 0 + 0.31047410744546 + -0.265929194102196 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.288146531569151 + -0.210071472504772 + 0 + 0.316140945969225 + -0.264705287522553 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.293211746430695 + -0.208704361837925 + 0 + 0.321772680643194 + -0.263382271410464 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.298261466853943 + -0.207286030895235 + 0 + 0.327367012873468 + -0.261960270879134 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.303293867064738 + -0.205814947658823 + 0 + 0.332921664066306 + -0.260439502431847 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.308307227784188 + -0.204289921336134 + 0 + 0.33843438047094 + -0.258820276389761 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.313299958229501 + -0.202710113563165 + 0 + 0.343902955512875 + -0.25710303012009 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.318270627976646 + -0.20107506466091 + 0 + 0.34932526065984 + -0.255288371789993 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.323217946044688 + -0.199384626417342 + 0 + 0.354699221987147 + -0.25337702648471 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.328140768218446 + -0.197638949396749 + 0 + 0.360022821660194 + -0.251369830175849 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.33303794258165 + -0.195838202957685 + 0 + 0.365293931546597 + -0.249267445795179 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.337908176278369 + -0.193982357289047 + 0 + 0.370510177382904 + -0.247070156972829 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.342749928939098 + -0.192071030814906 + 0 + 0.375668823488236 + -0.244777716548122 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.347561524617444 + -0.190103696312876 + 0 + 0.380766872024581 + -0.242389547462904 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.352340973372156 + -0.188079418217976 + 0 + 0.385800869121962 + -0.239904471374973 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.357086152268458 + -0.185997162913923 + 0 + 0.390767067429048 + -0.237321006641231 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.36179461748214 + -0.183855526398765 + 0 + 0.395661216422581 + -0.234637079988636 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.366463734583194 + -0.181652958255325 + 0 + 0.400478667260664 + -0.231850231004017 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.37109066888424 + -0.179387759809621 + 0 + 0.405214334384559 + -0.228957587631486 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.375672281207951 + -0.177057949289722 + 0 + 0.409862559467649 + -0.225955707008855 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.380205275222077 + -0.174661493542374 + 0 + 0.414417225755814 + -0.222840783618997 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.384686186236175 + -0.172196297701522 + 0 + 0.418871716299084 + -0.219608620880065 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.389111456071108 + -0.169660313467837 + 0 + 0.423218967006952 + -0.216254735218764 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.393477380749217 + -0.167051467612679 + 0 + 0.42745141208627 + -0.212774307540461 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.397780258971842 + -0.164367863293018 + 0 + 0.4315611650795 + -0.209162451960945 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.402016508969449 + -0.161607920878815 + 0 + 0.43554023060087 + -0.205414499515317 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.406182774943936 + -0.158770492655498 + 0 + 0.439380734568756 + -0.20152628069228 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.410275945708526 + -0.155854856069828 + 0 + 0.443075128123467 + -0.197494350224531 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.414293243817352 + -0.152860796275396 + 0 + 0.446616577677252 + -0.193316426265532 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.4182322126478 + -0.14978855532278 + 0 + 0.449999347020584 + -0.188991781965901 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.422090948123986 + -0.146639081183429 + 0 + 0.453219729782702 + -0.184522271147994 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425867896115838 + -0.143413733593789 + 0 + 0.45627675887424 + -0.179912999287942 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.429561860637951 + -0.140114264942493 + 0 + 0.45917285555591 + -0.17517286849967 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.433172008956164 + -0.136742798037064 + 0 + 0.461913765703483 + -0.170314242447015 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.43669755532401 + -0.133301435828507 + 0 + 0.464507369789478 + -0.16535133815459 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.440139190489143 + -0.129793875214046 + 0 + 0.466963832862649 + -0.160300253130734 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.443493350973247 + -0.126218905237717 + 0 + 0.469288784401036 + -0.155171220205209 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446772957582219 + -0.122593562713376 + 0 + 0.471503331025005 + -0.149990997002004 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.449930555033408 + -0.118868395139293 + 0 + 0.473566716057105 + -0.144717769445143 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453146095694916 + -0.115240585898506 + 0 + 0.475663967631305 + -0.139554043576359 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.455745832531496 + -0.110992561863805 + 0 + 0.477124299413545 + -0.133785623390651 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.459079375831645 + -0.107565702869646 + 0 + 0.479298991585968 + -0.128854916626706 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.461941693904744 + -0.10367228387907 + 0 + 0.480984739965014 + -0.123475152177059 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.46429387972617 + -0.0992981171298073 + 0 + 0.482145577832612 + -0.11763551575251 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.467442652757931 + -0.0957823887479003 + 0 + 0.484093889205016 + -0.112679906582521 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469904473549567 + -0.0916043783194546 + 0 + 0.485353764890708 + -0.107094290785466 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.472617172136459 + -0.0877198252764127 + 0 + 0.486872406459753 + -0.101842931467246 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474549709446966 + -0.0831127476161364 + 0 + 0.487629757675362 + -0.0959195172489411 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477467763659306 + -0.0795138704327978 + 0 + 0.489403600567867 + -0.0910645843552011 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479627119016919 + -0.0752165781976819 + 0 + 0.490461479625434 + -0.0855805978008902 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481971624757705 + -0.0711415577079562 + 0 + 0.491756981724164 + -0.0803954100986792 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.483902486298526 + -0.066722375540827 + 0 + 0.492698209576068 + -0.0749465406671672 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.48600965711696 + -0.0625170834535799 + 0 + 0.49387876834431 + -0.0697927947402885 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487795715840255 + -0.0580639817497776 + 0 + 0.494802192329544 + -0.0644706748462879 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490304212949848 + -0.0543105115035362 + 0 + 0.49651125129946 + -0.0599241854212772 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.492059239363978 + -0.0499129101157201 + 0 + 0.497528101006354 + -0.0548054009024455 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.49394055770262 + -0.0456749224504077 + 0 + 0.498729861325473 + -0.0499135714899911 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.495682987355041 + -0.041358456156073 + 0 + 0.499848485158209 + -0.0450059384333006 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497471069703657 + -0.0371257756490784 + 0 + 0.501065550424622 + -0.0402402304578205 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498837632947299 + -0.0325758715553404 + 0 + 0.501910980694782 + -0.0352111735166889 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.500438884314833 + -0.0282760604398986 + 0 + 0.503038311588975 + -0.0304821518852956 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501887379249106 + -0.0238917606110987 + 0 + 0.504057717708117 + -0.0257150293167507 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.503361691044068 + -0.0195742212136659 + 0 + 0.505145678624113 + -0.0210579096369267 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.504539572071594 + -0.0150573890446336 + 0 + 0.505978148432095 + -0.0162419698110893 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.506539318335215 + -0.011254253951887 + 0 + 0.507671927378645 + -0.0121777464418577 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507665594356789 + -0.00677480749121008 + 0 + 0.508530423411653 + -0.00747311173576964 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508954958680791 + -0.00247203246112433 + 0 + 0.509589171540003 + -0.00297921198287661 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510136793251617 + 0.00187458394031738 + 0 + 0.510576765170623 + 0.00152607668708759 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511257917051258 + 0.00622655023980946 + 0 + 0.511539431880029 + 0.00600564936259942 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512407241668601 + 0.0105150398848651 + 0 + 0.512565678724253 + 0.0103918684746238 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.513184667393598 + 0.0150482792160728 + 0 + 0.51325517500338 + 0.0149939668869843 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514175724147631 + 0.0193722545883546 + 0 + 0.514193387024189 + 0.019358771588367 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51504754102053 + 0.0237457174441685 + 0 + 0.51504754102053 + 0.0237457174441685 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515870481203595 + 0.028114115934534 + 0 + 0.515888258819386 + 0.0281007845852477 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.516699855245877 + 0.0324368250398688 + 0 + 0.516771282085733 + 0.0323837274064342 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517245451270004 + 0.0369277559073271 + 0 + 0.517406998092542 + 0.0368086923905292 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518618404361799 + 0.0407747030960664 + 0 + 0.518907317507953 + 0.0405635704592016 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.519120961585375 + 0.0452244520052697 + 0 + 0.51957545058583 + 0.0448951006070141 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.519793808977618 + 0.0495103019056125 + 0 + 0.520453243474147 + 0.049036378744264 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520364710918284 + 0.0538313610347245 + 0 + 0.52126984487911 + 0.0531861551566769 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520882119334975 + 0.0581521703915961 + 0 + 0.52207533393149 + 0.0573084402505241 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521428399116472 + 0.0624154033803756 + 0 + 0.522953977168973 + 0.0613451953898541 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521627555313092 + 0.0668828476928117 + 0 + 0.523531979199779 + 0.0655572864219197 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522023897677288 + 0.0711735843876379 + 0 + 0.524356189433075 + 0.069562655163384 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52229124380531 + 0.0755162495531558 + 0 + 0.525103346774803 + 0.0735885725812592 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522590284155864 + 0.0798004061116842 + 0 + 0.525937464942551 + 0.0775229813410973 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522605956024273 + 0.0842393715344206 + 0 + 0.526547219480145 + 0.0815773116589682 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523441317164878 + 0.0880936469630919 + 0 + 0.528039864253433 + 0.0850100024334431 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523439294521439 + 0.0924794655381532 + 0 + 0.528762861383203 + 0.0889350035562764 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523615136742176 + 0.0967114285521852 + 0 + 0.529736163689691 + 0.0926644614322977 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523660567726397 + 0.100996016694005 + 0 + 0.530656287860828 + 0.0964024821367171 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523795368886965 + 0.105189212586849 + 0 + 0.531747601096153 + 0.100002842746682 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52345167578543 + 0.109659389304653 + 0 + 0.532446188803362 + 0.10383207244299 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523450294776224 + 0.113872782888096 + 0 + 0.533575722493352 + 0.1073553176181 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523048677859979 + 0.118309657469948 + 0 + 0.534394534149849 + 0.111053037038927 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523627245469555 + 0.122091890687348 + 0 + 0.536280898055095 + 0.114049419153329 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523240745851598 + 0.126461030695298 + 0 + 0.537283487399462 + 0.117590596396749 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523245397630319 + 0.130552719621004 + 0 + 0.538748674205826 + 0.120818787963742 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522418612500583 + 0.135133634751112 + 0 + 0.539441591812378 + 0.124508569601205 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522730943085409 + 0.138974522964898 + 0 + 0.541319944200426 + 0.127439054673838 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522219163519432 + 0.143301507969552 + 0 + 0.542408371965362 + 0.130844154859247 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522077789151797 + 0.147372057686382 + 0 + 0.543890669398396 + 0.133987679894384 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521055314040808 + 0.151952623674625 + 0 + 0.544506671776419 + 0.137640914606962 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521224057311975 + 0.155779138521353 + 0 + 0.546322602669711 + 0.140543440159546 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520765473252163 + 0.159964688070943 + 0 + 0.547516347573494 + 0.143810641425048 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.519667517078807 + 0.164506357473778 + 0 + 0.548073925314627 + 0.147439584142646 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.519767582991567 + 0.168303442639473 + 0 + 0.549831357544578 + 0.1503304707214 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.519027566419154 + 0.172581518492625 + 0 + 0.550746905603893 + 0.153711057504541 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518466448159186 + 0.176728369450954 + 0 + 0.551833072769117 + 0.156972122594725 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517810814075525 + 0.180908044047086 + 0 + 0.552807795043174 + 0.160282529381696 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517133893265759 + 0.185077407460631 + 0 + 0.553733351377721 + 0.163605060462087 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.516416128215161 + 0.18924851596084 + 0 + 0.554577522111294 + 0.166958642103039 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51566265614901 + 0.193418803972021 + 0 + 0.555331943326091 + 0.170347948802067 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514872298574986 + 0.197589428285336 + 0 + 0.555982527636227 + 0.17378093406575 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514045853327002 + 0.201760388445989 + 0 + 0.556519520192884 + 0.177262944652536 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.513183688061455 + 0.205931936718445 + 0 + 0.556936398720902 + 0.18079741632435 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512286766465566 + 0.210103983221332 + 0 + 0.557231163126015 + 0.184385174568022 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511356428967505 + 0.214276227432922 + 0 + 0.557405401903896 + 0.18802501923117 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510394540246681 + 0.218448077496222 + 0 + 0.557463302290639 + 0.191714324045825 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509403263420113 + 0.222618781699748 + 0 + 0.557410524088334 + 0.195449696934331 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508385276965235 + 0.226787307449336 + 0 + 0.557253905312904 + 0.199227155874996 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507343670971599 + 0.230952403306024 + 0 + 0.557000954267425 + 0.203042421005228 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50628183277648 + 0.235112665396779 + 0 + 0.556659477185052 + 0.20689112425556 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505203282290719 + 0.239266630070865 + 0 + 0.556237231152404 + 0.210769000021129 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.5041115378889 + 0.243412847600882 + 0 + 0.555741639378805 + 0.214672037386966 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.503010058533057 + 0.247549912307887 + 0 + 0.555179667496863 + 0.218596540518092 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501902284134516 + 0.251676438301314 + 0 + 0.554557847256557 + 0.22253910743921 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.500791411752199 + 0.255791181365126 + 0 + 0.553882065245949 + 0.226496739092468 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499680395056188 + 0.259893035754083 + 0 + 0.553157589171068 + 0.230466815840659 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498571842964194 + 0.263981086573816 + 0 + 0.552388998513543 + 0.234447127313717 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497468196136726 + 0.268054509813246 + 0 + 0.551580393148184 + 0.23843575067471 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.496371533402254 + 0.272112676235429 + 0 + 0.55073522924578 + 0.242431134814131 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.495283536395795 + 0.276155167248039 + 0 + 0.549856309374096 + 0.246432098954607 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494205700414083 + 0.280181657465489 + 0 + 0.548946014631394 + 0.250437700925118 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.493139037184951 + 0.284192074393631 + 0 + 0.548006024331286 + 0.254447385190705 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.492084390212656 + 0.288186424806158 + 0 + 0.547037644154874 + 0.258460800134464 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491042160043438 + 0.292164942210092 + 0 + 0.546041540323348 + 0.262477938844547 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490012539879201 + 0.296127957539111 + 0 + 0.545017977443474 + 0.266499006843495 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488995662455544 + 0.300075819482872 + 0 + 0.543966956794575 + 0.27052434552663 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487991941242485 + 0.304008711430154 + 0 + 0.542888564817689 + 0.274554243665012 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487002100300981 + 0.307926637333695 + 0 + 0.541782999426488 + 0.278588923886354 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.486027199207729 + 0.311829410246327 + 0 + 0.540650584700186 + 0.282628535529051 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485068577732126 + 0.315716683574507 + 0 + 0.539491701285624 + 0.286673192376059 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484127891016174 + 0.319587933607701 + 0 + 0.538306803032793 + 0.29072296394384 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.483207122089384 + 0.323442454229946 + 0 + 0.537096406499255 + 0.294777881416356 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482308548966914 + 0.327279375647427 + 0 + 0.535861030519624 + 0.298837969985856 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481434738877819 + 0.331097668405419 + 0 + 0.534601158737512 + 0.302903268664162 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480588521175879 + 0.334896158558028 + 0 + 0.533317177872327 + 0.306973862799573 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479772917350217 + 0.338673565249241 + 0 + 0.532009272790517 + 0.311049939094717 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.478991178777327 + 0.342428481081466 + 0 + 0.530677434307597 + 0.315131780838976 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.478246633032295 + 0.346159453547302 + 0 + 0.529321289790023 + 0.319219856712489 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477542648537892 + 0.349865003409817 + 0 + 0.527940081471455 + 0.323314831092869 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476882524051364 + 0.353543682546938 + 0 + 0.52653261939723 + 0.327417587861171 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476269371497064 + 0.3571941349115 + 0 + 0.525097314180754 + 0.331529212212702 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.475705963119537 + 0.360815175896044 + 0 + 0.523632207275461 + 0.335650974040946 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.475194711179394 + 0.36440580178794 + 0 + 0.522135211982436 + 0.339784201009199 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474737464376273 + 0.367965295354918 + 0 + 0.520604322046023 + 0.343930169450936 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474335647530648 + 0.371493151282686 + 0 + 0.519038275674791 + 0.348089757458349 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473990034454665 + 0.374989194082279 + 0 + 0.517437254548364 + 0.352263081445557 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473701079732101 + 0.378453403447027 + 0 + 0.515804391559244 + 0.356448711591469 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473468660533748 + 0.381886048747349 + 0 + 0.514146264186921 + 0.360643420274251 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473292426086782 + 0.38528750592209 + 0 + 0.51247299819346 + 0.364842134072063 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473171796229143 + 0.388658258309897 + 0 + 0.510796948493089 + 0.369038626895672 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473105859368773 + 0.391998949950274 + 0 + 0.509130797183951 + 0.373226513042008 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473093704331136 + 0.395310212776923 + 0 + 0.507486424927093 + 0.377399833168641 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47313423649573 + 0.398592762913298 + 0 + 0.50587379606636 + 0.381553631029881 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473226306867791 + 0.401847333844363 + 0 + 0.504300569309922 + 0.385684151186864 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47336871837739 + 0.405074673657251 + 0 + 0.502771872546368 + 0.389788951374296 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473560234981433 + 0.408275540826032 + 0 + 0.501290258178611 + 0.393866921409953 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473799624169259 + 0.411450682650351 + 0 + 0.499855979678528 + 0.397918135912176 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474085656395509 + 0.414600836099549 + 0 + 0.498469292377816 + 0.40194265722724 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47441711201981 + 0.417726724737405 + 0 + 0.497132763216147 + 0.40593933722966 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474792801917384 + 0.420829048541646 + 0 + 0.495851528048926 + 0.409905686517765 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.475211577093681 + 0.423908479425143 + 0 + 0.494633250218255 + 0.413837898300384 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.475672335737063 + 0.426965658068694 + 0 + 0.493487898679536 + 0.417730965267504 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476174028109098 + 0.430001191853996 + 0 + 0.4924272364966 + 0.42157894588292 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476715659537 + 0.43301565375709 + 0 + 0.49146389361516 + 0.425375445225852 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477296291758215 + 0.436009582071149 + 0 + 0.490609906455141 + 0.429114370991504 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477915043120653 + 0.438983480697262 + 0 + 0.489874914318176 + 0.432790866066189 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47857108790496 + 0.441937819865572 + 0 + 0.489264835856692 + 0.436401991585609 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.4792636549155 + 0.444873037211644 + 0 + 0.488781617578464 + 0.439946854817297 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479992025837321 + 0.447789538951843 + 0 + 0.488423981739183 + 0.443426220387162 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480755533142571 + 0.450687701271258 + 0 + 0.4881886003474 + 0.446841902023148 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481553557995399 + 0.453567871693282 + 0 + 0.488071020018195 + 0.450196284152812 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482385528078252 + 0.456430370472338 + 0 + 0.488066184726362 + 0.4534920520895 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.483250915371915 + 0.459275491994529 + 0 + 0.488168846607811 + 0.456731980392455 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484149234127544 + 0.462103506064446 + 0 + 0.488373826038303 + 0.459918799311438 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485080038796079 + 0.464914659200892 + 0 + 0.488676193507938 + 0.463055101701695 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.486042922227744 + 0.467709175781104 + 0 + 0.489071418703503 + 0.466143266870817 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487037513828202 + 0.470487259196785 + 0 + 0.489555432899871 + 0.469185429197055 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488063478102205 + 0.473249092800284 + 0 + 0.4901246418311 + 0.47218347227413 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489120512909474 + 0.475994840991135 + 0 + 0.490775908762287 + 0.475139038380869 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490208348976539 + 0.4787246496458 + 0 + 0.491506524496342 + 0.478053544628628 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491326745868434 + 0.481438648370933 + 0 + 0.492314168830619 + 0.480928203461214 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.492475501438458 + 0.484136945783516 + 0 + 0.49319688574134 + 0.483764036001356 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.493654411958244 + 0.48681965028095 + 0 + 0.494153012192287 + 0.486561909322467 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494863422974988 + 0.489486807865888 + 0 + 0.495181301837825 + 0.48932248858847 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.496102059573828 + 0.492138630292215 + 0 + 0.496280332661643 + 0.492046477142159 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497371493713584 + 0.494774532210353 + 0 + 0.497450556216611 + 0.494733663239932 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.49866695231355 + 0.497396981379112 + 0 + 0.498686691904864 + 0.497386777603745 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499994052316792 + 0.500003074467614 + 0 + 0.499994052316792 + 0.500003074467614 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50133304768642 + 0.502603018614166 + 0 + 0.501313308095106 + 0.502613222389533 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502628506286219 + 0.505225467783011 + 0 + 0.502549443783192 + 0.505266336753432 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.503897940426825 + 0.507861369700709 + 0 + 0.503719667339009 + 0.507953522850766 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505136577023465 + 0.510513192128173 + 0 + 0.504818698160628 + 0.510677511405592 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.506345588044201 + 0.513180349711049 + 0 + 0.505846987810158 + 0.513438090669533 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507524498560535 + 0.515863054210268 + 0 + 0.506803114257653 + 0.516235963992428 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508673254131663 + 0.518561351622281 + 0 + 0.507685831169478 + 0.519071796531999 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509791651023341 + 0.521275350347525 + 0 + 0.508493475503538 + 0.521946455364697 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510879487089336 + 0.524005159002744 + 0 + 0.509224091236523 + 0.52486096161301 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511936521897648 + 0.526750907193055 + 0 + 0.509875358168753 + 0.527816527719209 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512962486172324 + 0.529512740796207 + 0 + 0.510444567100654 + 0.530814570795937 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.513957077772821 + 0.532290824211867 + 0 + 0.510928581297061 + 0.533856733122155 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514919961203689 + 0.535085340792492 + 0 + 0.511323806491829 + 0.536944898291688 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515850765873871 + 0.537896493928086 + 0 + 0.511626173963112 + 0.540081200681094 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.516749084628734 + 0.540724507998399 + 0 + 0.511831153392837 + 0.543268019600474 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51761447191973 + 0.54356962952197 + 0 + 0.51193381527162 + 0.546507947904807 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518446442005535 + 0.546432128299498 + 0 + 0.511928979982738 + 0.549803715839969 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.519244466856237 + 0.549312298722622 + 0 + 0.511811399651408 + 0.553158097970733 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520007974163696 + 0.552210461040894 + 0 + 0.511576018261834 + 0.556573779605575 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520736345084538 + 0.555126962781599 + 0 + 0.511218382421574 + 0.560053145175947 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521428912093418 + 0.558062180128531 + 0 + 0.510735164141686 + 0.563598008408494 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522084956879192 + 0.561016519296082 + 0 + 0.510125085681669 + 0.567209133927154 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522703708243069 + 0.563990417921449 + 0 + 0.509390093546143 + 0.570885629001093 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52328434046157 + 0.566984346236914 + 0 + 0.508536106383411 + 0.574624554768151 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523825971892187 + 0.569998808138601 + 0 + 0.507572763504685 + 0.578421054109677 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.524327664262302 + 0.573034341924899 + 0 + 0.506512101319829 + 0.582269034726088 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52478842290612 + 0.576091520568223 + 0 + 0.505366749781547 + 0.586162101692983 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.525207198084799 + 0.579170951450485 + 0 + 0.504148471953258 + 0.590094313474367 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52558288798045 + 0.582273275255722 + 0 + 0.502867236784112 + 0.594060662763467 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.525914343603953 + 0.585399163893994 + 0 + 0.501530707621645 + 0.598057342766303 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526200375830879 + 0.588549317342839 + 0 + 0.50014402032161 + 0.602081864081015 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526439765018954 + 0.591724459167029 + 0 + 0.498709741821777 + 0.606133078583108 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526631281623102 + 0.594925326335756 + 0 + 0.497228127454124 + 0.610211048618711 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526773693131796 + 0.598152666149114 + 0 + 0.495699430689665 + 0.614315848806614 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526865763506238 + 0.60140723707894 + 0 + 0.494126203935608 + 0.618446368962357 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526906295669121 + 0.604689787216205 + 0 + 0.492513575073163 + 0.622600166824486 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526894140630022 + 0.608001050043617 + 0 + 0.490869202814845 + 0.626773486951884 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.5268282037731 + 0.611341741682197 + 0 + 0.489203051509154 + 0.630961373096422 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526707573912166 + 0.614712494071721 + 0 + 0.487527001805488 + 0.635157865921748 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526531339466077 + 0.618113951246006 + 0 + 0.485853735812904 + 0.639356579719104 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526298920267024 + 0.621546596546694 + 0 + 0.484195608439881 + 0.643551288402253 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526009965544471 + 0.625010805911436 + 0 + 0.482562745450773 + 0.647736918548159 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.525664352471711 + 0.628506848709342 + 0 + 0.480961724327569 + 0.651910242533679 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.525262535623046 + 0.632034704638701 + 0 + 0.479395677953296 + 0.656069830542682 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.524805288823295 + 0.635594198203913 + 0 + 0.477864788020253 + 0.660215798982654 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.524294036879955 + 0.639184824097485 + 0 + 0.47636779272403 + 0.664349025952583 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523730628505429 + 0.642805865080452 + 0 + 0.474902685821739 + 0.66847078777925 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523117475946808 + 0.646456317447286 + 0 + 0.473467380600942 + 0.672582412133053 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522457351463085 + 0.650134996582931 + 0 + 0.472059918529522 + 0.676685168899879 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521753366967001 + 0.653840546446332 + 0 + 0.470678710209273 + 0.680780143281146 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521008821224949 + 0.657571518910595 + 0 + 0.469322565694679 + 0.684868219153084 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520227082648363 + 0.661326434744771 + 0 + 0.467990727208062 + 0.688950060899293 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.519411478822976 + 0.665103841435842 + 0 + 0.466682822126528 + 0.693026137194298 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518565261124469 + 0.66890233158663 + 0 + 0.465398841264776 + 0.697096731327888 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517691451033823 + 0.672720624345443 + 0 + 0.464138969481113 + 0.701162030007015 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.516792877913162 + 0.676557545761962 + 0 + 0.46290359350329 + 0.705222118575552 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515872108983745 + 0.680412066385605 + 0 + 0.461693196967127 + 0.709277036049465 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514931422267667 + 0.684283316418867 + 0 + 0.46050829871417 + 0.713326807617315 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51397280079304 + 0.688170589746522 + 0 + 0.459349415300583 + 0.717371464463798 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512997899698554 + 0.692073362659816 + 0 + 0.458217000573047 + 0.721411076107158 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512008058758181 + 0.695991288562752 + 0 + 0.457111435182978 + 0.725445756327896 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511004337544466 + 0.699924180510383 + 0 + 0.456033043205435 + 0.729475654466623 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509987460119132 + 0.703872042455049 + 0 + 0.454982022554859 + 0.733500993150666 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508957839958684 + 0.707835057782027 + 0 + 0.453958459678774 + 0.737522061147572 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507915609785534 + 0.711813575188082 + 0 + 0.452962355843315 + 0.741539199859776 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.506860962816107 + 0.715807925599057 + 0 + 0.451993975669772 + 0.745552614801983 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505794299587729 + 0.719818342526788 + 0 + 0.451053985370417 + 0.749562299067159 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50471646360411 + 0.723844832745273 + 0 + 0.450143690625808 + 0.753567901038705 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.503628466598051 + 0.727887323757671 + 0 + 0.449264770754525 + 0.757568865178969 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502531803865829 + 0.731945490178619 + 0 + 0.44841960685437 + 0.761564249317155 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501428157035814 + 0.736018913419442 + 0 + 0.447611001486465 + 0.765552872679542 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.500319604946107 + 0.740106964237919 + 0 + 0.446842410831228 + 0.769533184151345 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499208588248282 + 0.744208818627871 + 0 + 0.446117934754533 + 0.773503260900529 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498097715866466 + 0.748323561691401 + 0 + 0.445442152744424 + 0.777460892553503 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.496989941466518 + 0.752450087685613 + 0 + 0.444820332502712 + 0.781403459475408 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.495888462111817 + 0.756587152391981 + 0 + 0.444258360621912 + 0.785327962605897 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494796717708545 + 0.760733369922805 + 0 + 0.44376276884686 + 0.78923099997254 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.493718167222013 + 0.764887334597329 + 0 + 0.443340522813441 + 0.793108875738548 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.4926563290289 + 0.769047596686956 + 0 + 0.442999045733074 + 0.796957578987751 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491614723034713 + 0.773212692543954 + 0 + 0.442746094687043 + 0.800772844118292 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490596736579843 + 0.777381218293539 + 0 + 0.442589475911622 + 0.804550303058957 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489605459752433 + 0.781551922497543 + 0 + 0.442536697708475 + 0.808285675947941 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488643571033959 + 0.785723772559507 + 0 + 0.442594598097569 + 0.811974980761259 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487713233533018 + 0.789896016772742 + 0 + 0.442768836872569 + 0.815614825426052 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.48681631193835 + 0.794068063274935 + 0 + 0.443063601278904 + 0.819202583669031 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485954146674468 + 0.798239611546427 + 0 + 0.443480479808586 + 0.82273705533988 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485127701425083 + 0.802410571707882 + 0 + 0.444017472363841 + 0.826219065927466 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484337343849363 + 0.806581196022189 + 0 + 0.444668056672282 + 0.829652051192143 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.483583871784777 + 0.810751484032459 + 0 + 0.445422477888644 + 0.833041357890259 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482866106735681 + 0.81492259253179 + 0 + 0.446266648623719 + 0.836394939530335 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482189185925451 + 0.819091955945604 + 0 + 0.447192204957802 + 0.839717470610995 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481533551840911 + 0.823271630542244 + 0 + 0.448166927230979 + 0.843027877398472 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480972433580564 + 0.827418481500807 + 0 + 0.449253094395825 + 0.846288942488891 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480232417010237 + 0.831696557352717 + 0 + 0.450168642457226 + 0.849669529270789 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480332482921034 + 0.835493642519584 + 0 + 0.451926074685214 + 0.852560415850717 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479234526748342 + 0.840035311922023 + 0 + 0.452483652427012 + 0.856189358567919 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.478775942688619 + 0.844220861471553 + 0 + 0.453677397330884 + 0.85945655983336 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.478944685958593 + 0.848047376319007 + 0 + 0.455493328222982 + 0.862359085386671 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477922210849597 + 0.85262794230603 + 0 + 0.456109330602999 + 0.866012320098029 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477780836479676 + 0.856698492024262 + 0 + 0.457591628033746 + 0.869155845134568 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477269056915143 + 0.861025477028034 + 0 + 0.458680055800127 + 0.872560945319095 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477581387500349 + 0.864866365241567 + 0 + 0.460558408188554 + 0.875491430391475 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476754602368739 + 0.869447280372848 + 0 + 0.461251325793232 + 0.879181212030109 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476759254147658 + 0.873538969298439 + 0 + 0.462716512599794 + 0.882409403596989 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476372754530615 + 0.877908109305811 + 0 + 0.463719101945075 + 0.885950580839829 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47695132214045 + 0.881690342523043 + 0 + 0.46560546585058 + 0.888946962954065 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476549705225518 + 0.886127217104047 + 0 + 0.46642427750839 + 0.892644682374043 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476548324213763 + 0.890340610689135 + 0 + 0.467553811195831 + 0.896167927550797 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476204631111983 + 0.894810787407103 + 0 + 0.468252398902795 + 0.89999715724727 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476339432273969 + 0.899003983299014 + 0 + 0.469343712139539 + 0.903597517856302 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476384863257099 + 0.90328857144156 + 0 + 0.470263836309584 + 0.907335538561447 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476560705479983 + 0.907520534454167 + 0 + 0.471237138618219 + 0.911064996436044 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476558682834704 + 0.911906353030452 + 0 + 0.471960135746149 + 0.9149899975601 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477394043974654 + 0.915760628459571 + 0 + 0.473452780518782 + 0.918422688335023 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477409715844738 + 0.92019959388117 + 0 + 0.474062535058052 + 0.922477018651757 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477708756192924 + 0.924483750441316 + 0 + 0.474896653223432 + 0.926411427413213 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477976102323672 + 0.928826415604966 + 0 + 0.475643810567884 + 0.93043734482922 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.478372444686491 + 0.933117152300743 + 0 + 0.476468020799804 + 0.934442713571635 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.478571600884668 + 0.9375845966121 + 0 + 0.477046022832167 + 0.938654804602622 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479117880665045 + 0.941847829601659 + 0 + 0.477924666068529 + 0.942691559742731 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479635289082412 + 0.946168638958046 + 0 + 0.478730155121587 + 0.946813844836093 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480206191022743 + 0.950489698087396 + 0 + 0.479546756526215 + 0.950963621248745 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480879038415448 + 0.954775547987398 + 0 + 0.480424549414993 + 0.955104899385653 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481381595638381 + 0.959225296897076 + 0 + 0.481092682492227 + 0.959436429533941 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482754548730448 + 0.963072244085597 + 0 + 0.48259300190791 + 0.963191307602395 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.483300144753406 + 0.967563174953934 + 0 + 0.48322871791355 + 0.967616272587369 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484129518797475 + 0.971885884057937 + 0 + 0.484111741181684 + 0.971899215407223 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484952458979156 + 0.976254282549339 + 0 + 0.484952458979156 + 0.976254282549339 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485824275853286 + 0.980627745404213 + 0 + 0.485806612976727 + 0.980641228404201 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.486815332605333 + 0.98495172077801 + 0 + 0.486744824995551 + 0.985006033107098 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487592758330058 + 0.989484960109446 + 0 + 0.487434321274406 + 0.989608131519687 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488742082948313 + 0.993773449753801 + 0 + 0.488460568119542 + 0.993994350631011 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.48986320675 + 0.998125416051663 + 0 + 0.489423234830994 + 0.998473923304893 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491045041317873 + 1.00247203245545 + 0 + 0.49041082845866 + 1.0029792119772 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.49233440564444 + 1.00677480748349 + 0 + 0.491469576589576 + 1.00747311172805 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.493460681663366 + 1.01125425394632 + 0 + 0.492328072619937 + 1.01217774643629 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.495460427929898 + 1.01505738903666 + 0 + 0.494021851569397 + 1.01624196980312 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.496638308953025 + 1.01957422120936 + 0 + 0.49485432137298 + 1.02105790963262 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498112620751443 + 1.02389176060391 + 0 + 0.495942282292432 + 1.02571502930956 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499561115684399 + 1.02827606043382 + 0 + 0.496961688410256 + 1.03048215187922 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501162367054184 + 1.03257587154734 + 0 + 0.498089019306701 + 1.03521117350869 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502528930295918 + 1.03712577564273 + 0 + 0.498934449574953 + 1.04024023045147 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.504317012644467 + 1.04135845614977 + 0 + 0.500151514841299 + 1.045005938427 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.506059442296338 + 1.0456749224446 + 0 + 0.501270138673485 + 1.04991357148418 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507940760636186 + 1.04991291010884 + 0 + 0.50247189899381 + 1.05480540089557 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509695787050457 + 1.05431051149653 + 0 + 0.503488748700846 + 1.05992418541427 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512204284159172 + 1.05806398174356 + 0 + 0.505197807669882 + 1.06447067484007 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51399034288329 + 1.06251708344663 + 0 + 0.506121231655939 + 1.06979279473334 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51609751370206 + 1.06672237553355 + 0 + 0.507301790424519 + 1.07494654065989 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518028375242262 + 1.07114155770125 + 0 + 0.508243018275804 + 1.08039541009198 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520372880982108 + 1.07521657819188 + 0 + 0.509538520373593 + 1.08558059779509 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522532236340364 + 1.0795138704264 + 0 + 0.510596399431803 + 1.0910645843488 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52545029055352 + 1.08311274760893 + 0 + 0.512370242325124 + 1.09591951724173 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.527382827862839 + 1.08771982527038 + 0 + 0.513127593539546 + 1.10184293146121 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530095526451185 + 1.09160437831197 + 0 + 0.514646235110045 + 1.10709429077798 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.532557347241592 + 1.09578238874167 + 0 + 0.515906110794508 + 1.11267990657629 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.535706120273601 + 1.09929811712331 + 0 + 0.517854422167159 + 1.11763551574601 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.53805830609577 + 1.10367228387181 + 0 + 0.519015260035501 + 1.1234751521698 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.540920624167921 + 1.10756570286338 + 0 + 0.520701008413597 + 1.12885491662044 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.544254167470312 + 1.11099256185514 + 0 + 0.522875700588264 + 1.13378562338199 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.54685390430347 + 1.11524058589353 + 0 + 0.524336032367081 + 1.13955404357138 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.550069444966695 + 1.11886839513245 + 0 + 0.526433283942999 + 1.1447177694383 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553227042417595 + 1.12259356270685 + 0 + 0.528496668974809 + 1.14999099699548 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.556506649026452 + 1.12621890523132 + 0 + 0.530711215598664 + 1.15517122019881 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55986080951008 + 1.12979387520821 + 0 + 0.533036167136575 + 1.16030025312489 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.56330244467643 + 1.13330143582127 + 0 + 0.535492630210962 + 1.16535133814735 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.566827991043019 + 1.13674279803129 + 0 + 0.538086234295701 + 1.17031424244124 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.570438139362445 + 1.14011426493529 + 0 + 0.540827144444486 + 1.17517286849247 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574132103883118 + 1.14341373358832 + 0 + 0.543723241124717 + 1.17991299928247 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.577909051876789 + 1.14663908117576 + 0 + 0.546780270218074 + 1.18452227114033 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.581767787352015 + 1.14978855531628 + 0 + 0.550000652979231 + 1.1889917819594 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.585706756183887 + 1.15286079626713 + 0 + 0.553383422323989 + 1.19331642625727 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.589724054291279 + 1.15585485606336 + 0 + 0.55692487187634 + 1.19749435021806 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.593817225055392 + 1.15877049264964 + 0 + 0.560619265430573 + 1.20152628068643 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.597983491031212 + 1.16160792087123 + 0 + 0.564459769399792 + 1.20541449950773 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.602219741027288 + 1.16436786328744 + 0 + 0.56843883491963 + 1.20916245195536 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.606522619250809 + 1.16705146760592 + 0 + 0.572548587913756 + 1.2127743075337 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.610888543928388 + 1.1696603134618 + 0 + 0.576781032992545 + 1.21625473521273 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.615313813763666 + 1.17219629769502 + 0 + 0.581128283700758 + 1.21960862087356 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.619794724778203 + 1.17466149353525 + 0 + 0.585582774244466 + 1.22284078361187 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.624327718792446 + 1.17705794928241 + 0 + 0.590137440532748 + 1.22595570700154 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.628909331114754 + 1.17938775980436 + 0 + 0.594785665614436 + 1.22895758762622 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.633536265418153 + 1.18165295824662 + 0 + 0.599521332740684 + 1.23185023099531 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.638205382517395 + 1.18385552639272 + 0 + 0.604338783576953 + 1.23463707998259 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.642913847731338 + 1.18599716290751 + 0 + 0.609232932570749 + 1.23732100663482 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.647659026628498 + 1.18807941821025 + 0 + 0.614199130878693 + 1.23990447136725 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.652438475381525 + 1.19010369630778 + 0 + 0.61923312797439 + 1.24238954745781 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.657250071061453 + 1.1920710308073 + 0 + 0.624331176512316 + 1.24477771654051 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.662091823719786 + 1.19398235728531 + 0 + 0.629489822615251 + 1.2470701569691 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.666962057418946 + 1.19583820294995 + 0 + 0.634706068453997 + 1.24926744578744 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.671859231780185 + 1.19763894939232 + 0 + 0.639977178338436 + 1.25136983017142 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.676782053955661 + 1.19938462641002 + 0 + 0.645300778013203 + 1.25337702647739 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.681729372022332 + 1.20107506465597 + 0 + 0.650674739339138 + 1.25528837178505 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.686700041769928 + 1.20271011355745 + 0 + 0.656097044486555 + 1.25710303011437 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.691692772216155 + 1.20428992132878 + 0 + 0.661565619529403 + 1.25882027638241 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.69670613293395 + 1.20581494765453 + 0 + 0.667078335932383 + 1.26043950242755 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.70173853314741 + 1.20728603088596 + 0 + 0.672632987127885 + 1.26196027086986 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.706788253569108 + 1.20870436183155 + 0 + 0.678227319356608 + 1.26338227140409 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.711853468430611 + 1.21007147249851 + 0 + 0.683859054030539 + 1.26470528751629 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.716932248713107 + 1.21138926055207 + 0 + 0.689525892554594 + 1.26592919409536 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.722022586454904 + 1.21265997365373 + 0 + 0.695225543227294 + 1.26705390999517 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.727122415496229 + 1.21388619869845 + 0 + 0.700955745106299 + 1.26807935083201 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.732229620635568 + 1.21507087423552 + 0 + 0.706714280013179 + 1.2690054014918 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.737342109786635 + 1.21621716740149 + 0 + 0.712499045704567 + 1.26983175234462 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.742457803924229 + 1.21732851595467 + 0 + 0.718308042568543 + 1.27055790521786 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.747574698078026 + 1.2184085161524 + 0 + 0.724139423155918 + 1.27118303964496 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.752690897703539 + 1.2194608517593 + 0 + 0.7299915027917 + 1.27170595073508 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.757804666362378 + 1.22048918692833 + 0 + 0.735862759978407 + 1.27212500333148 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.762914476241913 + 1.22149703755115 + 0 + 0.741751805192329 + 1.27243815648178 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.768019066080084 + 1.22248760660145 + 0 + 0.747657350520497 + 1.27264298989545 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.773117436307318 + 1.22346375473747 + 0 + 0.753578093349688 + 1.27273695148106 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.778208917353718 + 1.22442777831868 + 0 + 0.759512625319642 + 1.27271757614279 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.783293090262913 + 1.22538154608768 + 0 + 0.765459170494825 + 1.27258318918615 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.788369857284543 + 1.22632625061541 + 0 + 0.771415344571685 + 1.27233365902011 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.793439287038182 + 1.2272627495703 + 0 + 0.777377642700849 + 1.2719720205513 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.798501696713981 + 1.22819128495578 + 0 + 0.783341385729886 + 1.27150504344285 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.803557499171211 + 1.22911184732236 + 0 + 0.789300835833885 + 1.27094339057836 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.808607192987563 + 1.23002417037727 + 0 + 0.795249824700286 + 1.27030025176751 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.813651386999594 + 1.23092761817741 + 0 + 0.801182514703783 + 1.26958932734466 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.818690673025075 + 1.23182153751439 + 0 + 0.807093798515255 + 1.26882361082532 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.823725685499322 + 1.23270505974714 + 0 + 0.812979633479731 + 1.26801416823505 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.828757051289389 + 1.23357723816867 + 0 + 0.818837083628473 + 1.26716968525947 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.833785384518723 + 1.2344370544279 + 0 + 0.824664288615454 + 1.26629618797418 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.83881128085738 + 1.2352834282323 + 0 + 0.830460364805294 + 1.26539695843194 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.843835302545775 + 1.23611526361253 + 0 + 0.83622520883519 + 1.26447280154096 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.848857977945165 + 1.23693144880881 + 0 + 0.841958742343827 + 1.26352452580637 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.853879799005805 + 1.23773086443033 + 0 + 0.847660279456762 + 1.262555466947 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.858901215504854 + 1.23851240676102 + 0 + 0.853328564521806 + 1.26157179411648 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.863922633292617 + 1.23927499912616 + 0 + 0.858961901331715 + 1.26058248911349 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.868944413693462 + 1.24001760071359 + 0 + 0.864558325410231 + 1.25959912424117 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.873966873869068 + 1.24073921298849 + 0 + 0.87011583350748 + 1.25863531586645 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.878990287919844 + 1.24143888405378 + 0 + 0.875632679978756 + 1.25770571114879 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.884014888537662 + 1.24211571125431 + 0 + 0.881107738283812 + 1.25682437365212 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.889040869037299 + 1.24276884236244 + 0 + 0.88654085261823 + 1.25600277272853 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.894068385580035 + 1.2433974759032 + 0 + 0.89193299206295 + 1.25524828745885 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.899097559559729 + 1.24400086048811 + 0 + 0.897286125340826 + 1.25456388999231 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.904128479975277 + 1.24457829387658 + 0 + 0.902602899254885 + 1.25394894127649 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.909161205811136 + 1.24512912152805 + 0 + 0.907886284972465 + 1.25340047188839 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.914195768350015 + 1.24565273496255 + 0 + 0.913139330175595 + 1.25291419846141 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.919232173384088 + 1.24614857010577 + 0 + 0.9183650244481 + 1.25248510130158 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.92427040334837 + 1.24661610543959 + 0 + 0.923566210150288 + 1.25210788209662 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.929310419327712 + 1.24705486027593 + 0 + 0.92874553673793 + 1.25177725670877 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.93435216295349 + 1.24746439309684 + 0 + 0.93390543962823 + 1.25148816260752 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.939395558206301 + 1.24784429984811 + 0 + 0.939048133339902 + 1.25123593036767 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.944440513091463 + 1.2481942125303 + 0 + 0.94417562235831 + 1.25101635900048 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.949486921250395 + 1.24851379756195 + 0 + 0.949289720525464 + 1.25082573503887 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.954534663393041 + 1.24880275529231 + 0 + 0.954392073753879 + 1.25066081926647 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.959583608935922 + 1.2490608158656 + 0 + 0.959484183302039 + 1.2505188131796 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.964633616652753 + 1.2492877485401 + 0 + 0.964567426819281 + 1.25039733270457 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.969684538021643 + 1.24948332513668 + 0 + 0.969643080186768 + 1.25029433578149 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.974736212423908 + 1.24964744031482 + 0 + 0.974712329181223 + 1.25020820959517 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.979788485124685 + 1.24977970299498 + 0 + 0.979776302020575 + 1.25013733320672 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.984841163888016 + 1.24988079375276 + 0 + 0.984836038911001 + 1.25008141087943 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.989894110039087 + 1.24994800899348 + 0 + 0.989892594671404 + 1.25003699694654 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.994947094009592 + 1.24998959753694 + 0 + 0.994946904833692 + 1.25001181763392 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 1 + 1.2499798172808 + 0 + 1 + 1.2499798172808 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + + + + + + The material override + 3d5d3f91-57c3-4f81-beb3-705f8c53449c + Material + Material + false + 866eb80f-125e-4484-97bc-f783135f10b7 + 1 + + + + + + 26856 + -12634 + 51 + 20 + + + 26883 + -12624 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;221;160;221 + + + 255;66;48;66 + + 0.5 + + 255;255;255;255 + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + de2683b2-be46-499f-adfa-0a60ba939cdc + 5e701664-312a-4b02-9301-8c2d8ab4c239 + 5ee6def3-7ffd-45df-aba4-64e096a1857d + 3 + 28ab531c-4d5d-4dff-b181-ccc804bfab48 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 + Colour Picker + + + + + Provides a colour picker object + 5ee6def3-7ffd-45df-aba4-64e096a1857d + Colour Picker + Colour Picker + false + + 255;232;232;232 + + 0 + + + + + + 26943.87 + -12778.07 + 180 + 310 + + 2 + + + + + + + + + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 + Create Material + + + + + Create an OpenGL material. + true + 15ec7258-3c2f-4aae-9648-7ab894f56c8b + Create Material + Create Material + + + + + + 27124 + -13066 + 144 + 104 + + + 27208 + -13014 + + + + + + Colour of the diffuse channel + b6330d9f-a24e-4f42-b231-edbc7f780d18 + Diffuse + Diffuse + false + 2ec5ee91-bc9f-497d-9314-37b6cdee9473 + 1 + + + + + + 27126 + -13064 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -13054 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;105;180 + + + + + + + + + + + + Colour of the specular highlight + 22d0f7dd-0585-4250-a74e-3f1e43265c3b + Specular + Specular + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -13044 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -13034 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;255;255 + + + + + + + + + + + + Emissive colour of the material + d80234a8-171f-4722-afa1-bfa4f9795c44 + Emission + Emission + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -13024 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -13014 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;0;0;0 + + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of transparency (0.0 = opaque, 1.0 = transparent + 4cf41af8-ead6-4d5e-b5d2-7228c704251b + Transparency + Transparency + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -13004 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -12994 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of shinyness (0 = none, 1 = low shine, 100 = max shine + 645fc3dd-583f-498d-8958-3fae827293b5 + Shine + Shine + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -12984 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -12974 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Resulting material + 2e0a984e-beb7-485c-8e7e-ce62e639b920 + Material + Material + false + 0 + + + + + + 27223 + -13064 + 43 + 100 + + + 27246 + -13014 + + + + + + + + + + + + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c + Custom Preview + + + + + Allows for customized geometry previews + true + dcb5ab2b-f998-4634-b98d-52c45ad64577 + Custom Preview + Custom Preview + + + + + + + 26854 + -13036 + 82 + 44 + + + 26922 + -13014 + + + + + + Geometry to preview + true + e6e6f822-8146-44a1-9002-f6de03c6fbdb + Geometry + Geometry + false + fb250458-df02-4dec-adc1-75b2f9f99d08 + 1 + + + + + + 26856 + -13034 + 51 + 20 + + + 26883 + -13024 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + -1 + + 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+ + 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Curve + + + + + + + + + + + The material override + 3c1743f9-8dbd-4be5-9425-0ed47a45bc8e + Material + Material + false + 2e0a984e-beb7-485c-8e7e-ce62e639b920 + 1 + + + + + + 26856 + -13014 + 51 + 20 + + + 26883 + -13004 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;221;160;221 + + + 255;66;48;66 + + 0.5 + + 255;255;255;255 + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 15ec7258-3c2f-4aae-9648-7ab894f56c8b + dcb5ab2b-f998-4634-b98d-52c45ad64577 + 2ec5ee91-bc9f-497d-9314-37b6cdee9473 + 3 + 14945a86-6dfd-4854-a0d6-4ec95fbbc996 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 + Colour Picker + + + + + Provides a colour picker object + 2ec5ee91-bc9f-497d-9314-37b6cdee9473 + Colour Picker + Colour Picker + false + + 255;207;207;207 + + 0 + + + + + + 26943.87 + -13156.53 + 180 + 310 + + 2 + + + + + + + + + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 + Create Material + + + + + Create an OpenGL material. + true + 939c0cc7-8b28-4bdf-9d30-1a7e930d61a2 + Create Material + Create Material + + + + + + 27124 + -13873 + 144 + 104 + + + 27208 + -13821 + + + + + + Colour of the diffuse channel + 5e70c385-eb17-4f70-8ae7-231ee6c7eff9 + Diffuse + Diffuse + false + ae7f8017-7560-476c-91df-f81b7f29860f + 1 + + + + + + 27126 + -13871 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -13861 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;105;180 + + + + + + + + + + + + Colour of the specular highlight + e89be3bc-b79c-4a14-97b3-e0051e45fad0 + Specular + Specular + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -13851 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -13841 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;255;255 + + + + + + + + + + + + Emissive colour of the material + fc934d12-7075-44eb-96b5-4184e266018c + Emission + Emission + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -13831 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -13821 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;0;0;0 + + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of transparency (0.0 = opaque, 1.0 = transparent + 0ffda8cc-f0c9-4585-83ab-f418950dd7e5 + Transparency + Transparency + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -13811 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -13801 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of shinyness (0 = none, 1 = low shine, 100 = max shine + 179663ec-baea-4754-9ffc-0f2320d4bbb0 + Shine + Shine + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -13791 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -13781 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Resulting material + 7118940a-5f2f-4951-898d-9b0b4ced8e83 + Material + Material + false + 0 + + + + + + 27223 + -13871 + 43 + 100 + + + 27246 + -13821 + + + + + + + + + + + + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c + Custom Preview + + + + + Allows for customized geometry previews + true + 5caaeaa2-127c-430c-80d7-c3e914a52def + Custom Preview + Custom Preview + + + + + + + 26854 + -13843 + 82 + 44 + + + 26922 + -13821 + + + + + + Geometry to preview + true + d583858c-2959-46a6-8737-1048e29bcf70 + Geometry + Geometry + false + eed9ded1-725f-45c6-a65f-9fab802316e9 + 1 + + + + + + 26856 + -13841 + 51 + 20 + + + 26883 + -13831 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 513 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + + 8.31187957663209E-17 + -0.24997981727771 + 0 + 8.31187957663209E-17 + -0.24997981727771 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0050530951663 + -0.250011817638801 + 0 + 0.00505347401718018 + -0.250056316453437 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0101074053285886 + -0.250036996953143 + 0 + 0.0101104516793202 + -0.250215889850821 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0151639610890107 + -0.250081410886769 + 0 + 0.0151743302950294 + -0.250487313256909 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0202236979794261 + -0.250137333213502 + 0 + 0.0202485754426978 + -0.250867601327207 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0252876708188029 + -0.250208209602382 + 0 + 0.0253370377099089 + -0.251367325069379 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0303569198132571 + -0.250294335788598 + 0 + 0.0304439477304975 + -0.251996802101443 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0354325731805973 + -0.250397332709298 + 0 + 0.0355741777151249 + -0.252771143623856 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0405158166980287 + -0.25051881318727 + 0 + 0.0407333795871576 + -0.253709198760745 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0456079262460018 + -0.25066081927168 + 0 + 0.045928108574321 + -0.254833066658725 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.050710279474559 + -0.250825735045865 + 0 + 0.0511656978861204 + -0.256164959299387 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.055824377641812 + -0.251016359008567 + 0 + 0.05645367456718 + -0.257720889874877 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0609518666598272 + -0.251235930371746 + 0 + 0.0617981549101894 + -0.259497564284208 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0660945603717932 + -0.251488162614414 + 0 + 0.0672016737916246 + -0.261460261611015 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0712544632619733 + -0.251777256714691 + 0 + 0.0726632778514002 + -0.263554891770152 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0764337898500242 + -0.252107882105759 + 0 + 0.0781809030656052 + -0.265733057129669 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0816349755515803 + -0.252485101305992 + 0 + 0.0837534980893882 + -0.267965814702187 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0868606698246323 + -0.25291419846969 + 0 + 0.0893820535374261 + -0.270245014640846 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0921137150270965 + -0.253400471892267 + 0 + 0.0950673048202867 + -0.272562583969479 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0973971007450821 + -0.253948941283018 + 0 + 0.10080637136443 + -0.274889867212233 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.102713874659216 + -0.254563889999269 + 0 + 0.106592080589806 + -0.277178900382035 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.108067007936918 + -0.255248287464826 + 0 + 0.112414522895768 + -0.279375728192023 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.113459147382148 + -0.256002772737251 + 0 + 0.118265273051606 + -0.281444178623693 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.118892261715591 + -0.256824373655822 + 0 + 0.124140200269981 + -0.283376202677637 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.12436732002128 + -0.257705711155725 + 0 + 0.130037989855904 + -0.285178783453385 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.129884166492715 + -0.258635315874054 + 0 + 0.135958052107033 + -0.286861164376441 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.135441674589243 + -0.25959912424556 + 0 + 0.141899543519177 + -0.288430033297935 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.141038098668422 + -0.260582489120846 + 0 + 0.147861030622459 + -0.289888558354322 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.146671435478557 + -0.261571794124714 + 0 + 0.153840515485047 + -0.291237135333926 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.152339720542513 + -0.262555466950824 + 0 + 0.159835644728056 + -0.292474713435035 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.158041257656008 + -0.263524525812492 + 0 + 0.165843940031274 + -0.293599934913285 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.163774791164998 + -0.264472801548418 + 0 + 0.171862984425325 + -0.294611884702311 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.169539635195464 + -0.265396958441391 + 0 + 0.177890551247578 + -0.295510488641129 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.175335711383715 + -0.266296187978016 + 0 + 0.18392461408995 + -0.296296420541724 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.181162916371653 + -0.267169685266647 + 0 + 0.189962647976924 + -0.296968624987794 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.187020366520242 + -0.268014168241682 + 0 + 0.196000793528125 + -0.297521830303161 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.192906201484751 + -0.268823610832084 + 0 + 0.202033527737075 + -0.297946112316023 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.198817485296664 + -0.269589327352784 + 0 + 0.208053372145435 + -0.298226654191779 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.204750175299078 + -0.270300251772304 + 0 + 0.214050604867077 + -0.298343564660643 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.210699164165947 + -0.270943390584599 + 0 + 0.22001300205193 + -0.298271819627797 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.216658614270101 + -0.271505043449532 + 0 + 0.225925941907469 + -0.297982256979424 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.222622357298185 + -0.271972020555336 + 0 + 0.231772968670908 + -0.297443706698576 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.228584655428591 + -0.2723336590276 + 0 + 0.237537499672447 + -0.296627908498917 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.234540829505308 + -0.272583189193221 + 0 + 0.243205728307193 + -0.295516872087926 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.240487374680324 + -0.272717576149431 + 0 + 0.248771768802236 + -0.294114958930639 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.24642190665102 + -0.272736951489556 + 0 + 0.254242893436095 + -0.292459468332912 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.252342649478215 + -0.272642989898993 + 0 + 0.259635723622134 + -0.290607435380482 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.25824819480824 + -0.272438156489859 + 0 + 0.264967076032412 + -0.288611319448322 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.264137240020776 + -0.272125003336282 + 0 + 0.270248030400458 + -0.286505506315453 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.270008497209413 + -0.271705950744382 + 0 + 0.275482472946715 + -0.284304894694083 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.275860576843751 + -0.271183039650915 + 0 + 0.280674584283271 + -0.282023831984469 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.281691957431942 + -0.270557905225649 + 0 + 0.285837332474636 + -0.279694880889281 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.287500954294866 + -0.269831752350115 + 0 + 0.290992512042424 + -0.277366991112205 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.293285719986599 + -0.269005401498071 + 0 + 0.296165448407521 + -0.275092594034809 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.299044254894231 + -0.268079350839847 + 0 + 0.301374228411425 + -0.272904902100394 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.304774456772862 + -0.267053910002221 + 0 + 0.306623717152775 + -0.27080762829604 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.31047410744546 + -0.265929194102196 + 0 + 0.311909918368648 + -0.268786525148997 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.316140945969225 + -0.264705287522553 + 0 + 0.317225377724543 + -0.266821661277429 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.321772680643194 + -0.263382271410464 + 0 + 0.322561935800737 + -0.264893245169681 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.327367012873468 + -0.261960270879134 + 0 + 0.327912185121925 + -0.262984367053954 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.332921664066306 + -0.260439502431847 + 0 + 0.333270039234965 + -0.261081799207438 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.33843438047094 + -0.258820276389761 + 0 + 0.338630733701804 + -0.259175677097762 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.343902955512875 + -0.25710303012009 + 0 + 0.343990687686051 + -0.257258962845591 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.34932526065984 + -0.255288371789993 + 0 + 0.349347379634694 + -0.255326985763933 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.354699221987147 + -0.25337702648471 + 0 + 0.354699221987147 + -0.25337702648471 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.360022821660194 + -0.251369830175849 + 0 + 0.360045529973816 + -0.251408100536763 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.365293931546597 + -0.249267445795179 + 0 + 0.36538640248935 + -0.249420615876589 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.370510177382904 + -0.247070156972829 + 0 + 0.370722660398344 + -0.247416155849515 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.375668823488236 + -0.244777716548122 + 0 + 0.376055896662797 + -0.245397462273084 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.380766872024581 + -0.242389547462904 + 0 + 0.381388837126853 + -0.243368907032891 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.385800869121962 + -0.239904471374973 + 0 + 0.386725502577399 + -0.241336609070113 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.390767067429048 + -0.237321006641231 + 0 + 0.392071779627215 + -0.239309160604642 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.395661216422581 + -0.234637079988636 + 0 + 0.397435477561445 + -0.237297510617177 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.400478667260664 + -0.231850231004017 + 0 + 0.40282603322905 + -0.235314338102901 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.405214334384559 + -0.228957587631486 + 0 + 0.408252827083115 + -0.233371461630573 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.409862559467649 + -0.225955707008855 + 0 + 0.413721364156202 + -0.231474436494269 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.414417225755814 + -0.222840783618997 + 0 + 0.419225529616825 + -0.229612121203731 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.418871716299084 + -0.219608620880065 + 0 + 0.424739759508987 + -0.227747080648909 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.423218967006952 + -0.216254735218764 + 0 + 0.43022523477784 + -0.225826028651191 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.42745141208627 + -0.212774307540461 + 0 + 0.435644274669597 + -0.223800403935422 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.4315611650795 + -0.209162451960945 + 0 + 0.440969100399577 + -0.221637682540441 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.43554023060087 + -0.205414499515317 + 0 + 0.44618358952782 + -0.219322535887776 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.439380734568756 + -0.20152628069228 + 0 + 0.451271440941807 + -0.216840370083294 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.443075128123467 + -0.197494350224531 + 0 + 0.456203613189969 + -0.21416133509845 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446616577677252 + -0.193316426265532 + 0 + 0.460939162954667 + -0.211242461154035 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.449999347020584 + -0.188991781965901 + 0 + 0.465433923835189 + -0.20803930466351 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453219729782702 + -0.184522271147994 + 0 + 0.469657308285336 + -0.204526520456555 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.45627675887424 + -0.179912999287942 + 0 + 0.473601241943624 + -0.200707295858227 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.45917285555591 + -0.17517286849967 + 0 + 0.477273723794102 + -0.196603798644425 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.461913765703483 + -0.170314242447015 + 0 + 0.480690674196653 + -0.192246372247257 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.464507369789478 + -0.16535133815459 + 0 + 0.483870706576526 + -0.18766695099345 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.466963832862649 + -0.160300253130734 + 0 + 0.486833260974741 + -0.18289679978869 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469288784401036 + -0.155171220205209 + 0 + 0.489591094003175 + -0.177958155102587 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.471503331025005 + -0.149990997002004 + 0 + 0.49217039211644 + -0.172886908764178 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473566716057105 + -0.144717769445143 + 0 + 0.494533707109605 + -0.167648041380594 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.475663967631305 + -0.139554043576359 + 0 + 0.496867977902021 + -0.162448871638894 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477124299413545 + -0.133785623390651 + 0 + 0.498502766295665 + -0.156578684917574 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479298991585968 + -0.128854916626706 + 0 + 0.500788892510983 + -0.151481612404188 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480984739965014 + -0.123475152177059 + 0 + 0.502521450472051 + -0.14587118274869 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482145577832612 + -0.11763551575251 + 0 + 0.503660901409283 + -0.139736218025729 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484093889205016 + -0.112679906582521 + 0 + 0.505515300066612 + -0.134418152461549 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485353764890708 + -0.107094290785466 + 0 + 0.506602537126236 + -0.12839893283478 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.486872406459753 + -0.101842931467246 + 0 + 0.507861139216746 + -0.122637125011553 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487629757675362 + -0.0959195172489411 + 0 + 0.508259693824949 + -0.116118436640817 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489403600567867 + -0.0910645843552011 + 0 + 0.509562056080227 + -0.110572604992928 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490461479625434 + -0.0855805978008902 + 0 + 0.510019484470317 + -0.104289551004154 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491756981724164 + -0.0803954100986792 + 0 + 0.510568720296189 + -0.0981853642674538 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.492698209576068 + -0.0749465406671672 + 0 + 0.51060569979605 + -0.0916903776343334 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.49387876834431 + -0.0697927947402885 + 0 + 0.510726210835971 + -0.0853697924401946 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494802192329544 + -0.0644706748462879 + 0 + 0.510459819697791 + -0.0787879444926246 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.49651125129946 + -0.0599241854212772 + 0 + 0.510891003013666 + -0.0729292987450382 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497528101006354 + -0.0548054009024455 + 0 + 0.510580543644727 + -0.0664822286462081 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498729861325473 + -0.0499135714899911 + 0 + 0.510430559146041 + -0.0602689708309202 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499848485158209 + -0.0450059384333006 + 0 + 0.510183143716704 + -0.0540553931958588 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501065550424622 + -0.0402402304578205 + 0 + 0.510030168865181 + -0.0480076664737912 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501910980694782 + -0.0352111735166889 + 0 + 0.509527651557143 + -0.0417422364850628 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.503038311588975 + -0.0304821518852956 + 0 + 0.509370226695051 + -0.0358559447539967 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.504057717708117 + -0.0257150293167507 + 0 + 0.509213758098833 + -0.0300465413214522 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505145678624113 + -0.0210579096369267 + 0 + 0.509265647200457 + -0.0244843626847478 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505978148432095 + -0.0162419698110893 + 0 + 0.50920844434475 + -0.0189019234382706 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507671927378645 + -0.0121777464418577 + 0 + 0.510150299264422 + -0.0141985300804371 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508530423411653 + -0.00747311173576964 + 0 + 0.510380612622524 + -0.0089670427871408 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509589171540003 + -0.00297921198287661 + 0 + 0.510920505518028 + -0.00404387871181429 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510576765170623 + 0.00152607668708759 + 0 + 0.511486191336128 + 0.0008057088607229 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511539431880029 + 0.00600564936259942 + 0 + 0.512114275101439 + 0.00555457766445053 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512565678724253 + 0.0103918684746238 + 0 + 0.512886239473343 + 0.0101426596050763 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51325517500338 + 0.0149939668869843 + 0 + 0.513396916780657 + 0.0148847825581318 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514193387024189 + 0.019358771588367 + 0 + 0.514228759375215 + 0.0193317700177648 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51504754102053 + 0.0237457174441685 + 0 + 0.51504754102053 + 0.0237457174441685 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515888258819386 + 0.0281007845852477 + 0 + 0.515923860951578 + 0.0280740867161304 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.516771282085733 + 0.0323837274064342 + 0 + 0.516914871795521 + 0.0322769849859283 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517406998092542 + 0.0368086923905292 + 0 + 0.517733850735903 + 0.0365677948935579 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518907317507953 + 0.0405635704592016 + 0 + 0.519497267829107 + 0.0401324451588042 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51957545058583 + 0.0448951006070141 + 0 + 0.520514883697567 + 0.0442143281161323 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520453243474147 + 0.049036378744264 + 0 + 0.521837522488296 + 0.0480415234704993 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52126984487911 + 0.0531861551566769 + 0 + 0.523206261190857 + 0.0518058211500428 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52207533393149 + 0.0573084402505241 + 0 + 0.524686322716065 + 0.0554621923568258 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522953977168973 + 0.0613451953898541 + 0 + 0.526379633729681 + 0.0589420636601844 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523531979199779 + 0.0655572864219197 + 0 + 0.52793008524993 + 0.0624960146713863 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.524356189433075 + 0.069562655163384 + 0 + 0.52989697983185 + 0.0657355948667036 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.525103346774803 + 0.0735885725812592 + 0 + 0.531953316169789 + 0.0688929663377595 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.525937464942551 + 0.0775229813410973 + 0 + 0.534232775614727 + 0.0718788446157459 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526547219480145 + 0.0815773116589682 + 0 + 0.536376712471869 + 0.0749381465327901 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.528039864253433 + 0.0850100024334431 + 0 + 0.539448924171609 + 0.0773594370423272 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.528762861383203 + 0.0889350035562764 + 0 + 0.541768812160651 + 0.0802755653889961 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529736163689691 + 0.0926644614322977 + 0 + 0.544345118595643 + 0.0830056311955981 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530656287860828 + 0.0964024821367171 + 0 + 0.546863166718194 + 0.0857607102152399 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.531747601096153 + 0.100002842746682 + 0 + 0.549518743105631 + 0.0884126737829544 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.532446188803362 + 0.10383207244299 + 0 + 0.551703070099359 + 0.0913560274525083 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.533575722493352 + 0.1073553176181 + 0 + 0.55419039988783 + 0.0940862046755032 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.534394534149849 + 0.111053037038927 + 0 + 0.556206235361405 + 0.0971026367691441 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.536280898055095 + 0.114049419153329 + 0 + 0.559123058060268 + 0.0995312853279216 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.537283487399462 + 0.117590596396749 + 0 + 0.561000297785932 + 0.102609304632083 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.538748674205826 + 0.120818787963742 + 0 + 0.563200541681953 + 0.10546636838032 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.539441591812378 + 0.124508569601205 + 0 + 0.564505421378423 + 0.10886472623115 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.541319944200426 + 0.127439054673838 + 0 + 0.566887036053185 + 0.111573308282341 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.542408371965362 + 0.130844154859247 + 0 + 0.56838129778772 + 0.11481807294804 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.543890669398396 + 0.133987679894384 + 0 + 0.570180111100047 + 0.117856485127912 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.544506671776419 + 0.137640914606962 + 0 + 0.571028957179202 + 0.121455104097672 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.546322602669711 + 0.140543440159546 + 0 + 0.572997949009286 + 0.124350568232757 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.547516347573494 + 0.143810641425048 + 0 + 0.574267221894916 + 0.127656594779098 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.548073925314627 + 0.147439584142646 + 0 + 0.574822890478299 + 0.131368614469152 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549831357544578 + 0.1503304707214 + 0 + 0.576500108507367 + 0.134387139610429 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.550746905603893 + 0.153711057504541 + 0 + 0.577254613715441 + 0.137941098714128 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.551833072769117 + 0.156972122594725 + 0 + 0.578094292418925 + 0.141422957996492 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.552807795043174 + 0.160282529381696 + 0 + 0.578730600939134 + 0.14500489118572 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553733351377721 + 0.163605060462087 + 0 + 0.579216715695933 + 0.148654357103119 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554577522111294 + 0.166958642103039 + 0 + 0.579508252945147 + 0.152396730476281 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555331943326091 + 0.170347948802067 + 0 + 0.579581332523745 + 0.156244994452482 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555982527636227 + 0.17378093406575 + 0 + 0.579403774034308 + 0.160216801191338 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.556519520192884 + 0.177262944652536 + 0 + 0.57894777456715 + 0.164327049509464 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.556936398720902 + 0.18079741632435 + 0 + 0.578194361922611 + 0.168585402449619 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557231163126015 + 0.184385174568022 + 0 + 0.577146186641268 + 0.172989078120572 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557405401903896 + 0.18802501923117 + 0 + 0.57583736297765 + 0.177517483083033 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557463302290639 + 0.191714324045825 + 0 + 0.574322194678389 + 0.182138940012568 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557410524088334 + 0.195449696934331 + 0 + 0.572652224040665 + 0.186823855088536 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557253905312904 + 0.199227155874996 + 0 + 0.570863750271195 + 0.191551692031706 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557000954267425 + 0.203042421005228 + 0 + 0.56897584456725 + 0.196311908296125 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.556659477185052 + 0.20689112425556 + 0 + 0.567007909442596 + 0.201093935638823 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.556237231152404 + 0.210769000021129 + 0 + 0.564997353243279 + 0.205877300983438 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555741639378805 + 0.214672037386966 + 0 + 0.562997969768196 + 0.210632672587117 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555179667496863 + 0.218596540518092 + 0 + 0.561067666715249 + 0.215328786861241 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554557847256557 + 0.22253910743921 + 0 + 0.559246486115802 + 0.219944615734353 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553882065245949 + 0.226496739092468 + 0 + 0.557545844164233 + 0.22447513353747 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553157589171068 + 0.230466815840659 + 0 + 0.555959243612377 + 0.228925184850554 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.552388998513543 + 0.234447127313717 + 0 + 0.554473736976886 + 0.233303057542361 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.551580393148184 + 0.23843575067471 + 0 + 0.553075733960902 + 0.237617263497918 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55073522924578 + 0.242431134814131 + 0 + 0.551753508658147 + 0.241875173669701 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549856309374096 + 0.246432098954607 + 0 + 0.55049799727919 + 0.246082603549017 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.548946014631394 + 0.250437700925118 + 0 + 0.549302783744853 + 0.250243845168947 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.548006024331286 + 0.254447385190705 + 0 + 0.548163316114617 + 0.254362113601127 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.547037644154874 + 0.258460800134464 + 0 + 0.547076785163384 + 0.258439627758949 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.546041540323348 + 0.262477938844547 + 0 + 0.546041540323348 + 0.262477938844547 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.545017977443474 + 0.266499006843495 + 0 + 0.545057155620294 + 0.266477903324993 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.543966956794575 + 0.27052434552663 + 0 + 0.544124547604063 + 0.270439627843368 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.542888564817689 + 0.274554243665012 + 0 + 0.543246352674862 + 0.274362274647256 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.541782999426488 + 0.278588923886354 + 0 + 0.542427134559827 + 0.27824395963303 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.540650584700186 + 0.282628535529051 + 0 + 0.541673728326051 + 0.282081577690987 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.539491701285624 + 0.286673192376059 + 0 + 0.540995634267459 + 0.285870602199881 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.538306803032793 + 0.29072296394384 + 0 + 0.54040555501309 + 0.289604809112222 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.537096406499255 + 0.294777881416356 + 0 + 0.539919650229687 + 0.293276152893373 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.535861030519624 + 0.298837969985856 + 0 + 0.539556680130675 + 0.296875232373641 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.534601158737512 + 0.302903268664162 + 0 + 0.539335286099958 + 0.300392738904304 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.533317177872327 + 0.306973862799573 + 0 + 0.539268272687522 + 0.303822479094256 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.532009272790517 + 0.311049939094717 + 0 + 0.5393508088804 + 0.307167588447597 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530677434307597 + 0.315131780838976 + 0 + 0.539549526688543 + 0.310446224809394 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529321289790023 + 0.319219856712489 + 0 + 0.539812900339498 + 0.313686001444671 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.527940081471455 + 0.323314831092869 + 0 + 0.540093459399462 + 0.316912237559049 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52653261939723 + 0.327417587861171 + 0 + 0.540360101826533 + 0.320141506864806 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.525097314180754 + 0.331529212212702 + 0 + 0.540599570325251 + 0.323380922857509 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523632207275461 + 0.335650974040946 + 0 + 0.540798229020821 + 0.326637765435576 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522135211982436 + 0.339784201009199 + 0 + 0.540924023728126 + 0.32992894565412 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520604322046023 + 0.343930169450936 + 0 + 0.540928091346227 + 0.333280118874307 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.519038275674791 + 0.348089757458349 + 0 + 0.540757771673667 + 0.336718839469171 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517437254548364 + 0.352263081445557 + 0 + 0.54037959449733 + 0.340262539162168 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515804391559244 + 0.356448711591469 + 0 + 0.539791415299973 + 0.343912237783572 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514146264186921 + 0.360643420274251 + 0 + 0.53901202590859 + 0.34765804034731 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51247299819346 + 0.364842134072063 + 0 + 0.538069555273283 + 0.351485230396626 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510796948493089 + 0.369038626895672 + 0 + 0.536994480154273 + 0.355377926958853 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509130797183951 + 0.373226513042008 + 0 + 0.535815026639632 + 0.359321478244379 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507486424927093 + 0.377399833168641 + 0 + 0.534555233968571 + 0.363303459369879 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50587379606636 + 0.381553631029881 + 0 + 0.533234097734197 + 0.367314105678826 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.504300569309922 + 0.385684151186864 + 0 + 0.531865696402006 + 0.371346234559035 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502771872546368 + 0.389788951374296 + 0 + 0.530459426003982 + 0.375395112862437 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501290258178611 + 0.393866921409953 + 0 + 0.529020281375881 + 0.379458301993825 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499855979678528 + 0.397918135912176 + 0 + 0.527549310015006 + 0.383535415083056 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498469292377816 + 0.40194265722724 + 0 + 0.526045936765373 + 0.387626904744344 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497132763216147 + 0.40593933722966 + 0 + 0.524510247578134 + 0.391732876038091 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.495851528048926 + 0.409905686517765 + 0 + 0.522943067233968 + 0.395853046844602 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494633250218255 + 0.413837898300384 + 0 + 0.521345589285743 + 0.399986940358411 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.493487898679536 + 0.417730965267504 + 0 + 0.519718690894851 + 0.404134240380255 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.4924272364966 + 0.42157894588292 + 0 + 0.518061901247467 + 0.408295325395787 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.49146389361516 + 0.425375445225852 + 0 + 0.51637221155114 + 0.412471883878459 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490609906455141 + 0.429114370991504 + 0 + 0.514643418921091 + 0.416667252368169 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489874914318176 + 0.432790866066189 + 0 + 0.512867020900908 + 0.420885950597459 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489264835856692 + 0.436401991585609 + 0 + 0.511036574327541 + 0.425131424327536 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488781617578464 + 0.439946854817297 + 0 + 0.509159182969168 + 0.429400101544355 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488423981739183 + 0.443426220387162 + 0 + 0.507267179700194 + 0.433675353988172 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.4881886003474 + 0.446841902023148 + 0 + 0.505408674537394 + 0.43793239716501 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488071020018195 + 0.450196284152812 + 0 + 0.503626140034609 + 0.442149371312442 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488066184726362 + 0.4534920520895 + 0 + 0.501944537843247 + 0.4463134770386 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488168846607811 + 0.456731980392455 + 0 + 0.500370303081629 + 0.45042149238139 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488373826038303 + 0.459918799311438 + 0 + 0.498909938897703 + 0.454470150684394 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488676193507938 + 0.463055101701695 + 0 + 0.49758853570312 + 0.458446564502282 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489071418703503 + 0.466143266870817 + 0 + 0.496448498560407 + 0.462328887302509 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489555432899871 + 0.469185429197055 + 0 + 0.495537215317347 + 0.466092691272893 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.4901246418311 + 0.47218347227413 + 0 + 0.494884725302945 + 0.469722511709624 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490775908762287 + 0.475139038380869 + 0 + 0.494493068729593 + 0.473217349863049 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491506524496342 + 0.478053544628628 + 0 + 0.494347188474569 + 0.476585034539809 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.492314168830619 + 0.480928203461214 + 0 + 0.494426631751383 + 0.479836173008036 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.49319688574134 + 0.483764036001356 + 0 + 0.494711209236506 + 0.482981227112328 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494153012192287 + 0.486561909322467 + 0 + 0.495183623645832 + 0.486029156295643 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.495181301837825 + 0.48932248858847 + 0 + 0.495830399117459 + 0.488986954495352 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.496280332661643 + 0.492046477142159 + 0 + 0.496641027035429 + 0.49186002655021 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497450556216611 + 0.494733663239932 + 0 + 0.497609495935737 + 0.4946515041578 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498686691904864 + 0.497386777603745 + 0 + 0.498726223164156 + 0.497366343133581 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499994052316792 + 0.500003074467614 + 0 + 0.499994052316792 + 0.500003074467614 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501313308095106 + 0.502613222389533 + 0 + 0.501273776835815 + 0.502633656859697 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502549443783192 + 0.505266336753432 + 0 + 0.502390504064066 + 0.505348495835564 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.503719667339009 + 0.507953522850766 + 0 + 0.503358972965224 + 0.508139973442715 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.504818698160628 + 0.510677511405592 + 0 + 0.504169600880994 + 0.51101304549871 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505846987810158 + 0.513438090669533 + 0 + 0.504816376356613 + 0.513970843696357 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.506803114257653 + 0.516235963992428 + 0 + 0.505288790762487 + 0.517018772881456 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507685831169478 + 0.519071796531999 + 0 + 0.505573368248714 + 0.520163826985177 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508493475503538 + 0.521946455364697 + 0 + 0.505652811525311 + 0.523414965453516 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509224091236523 + 0.52486096161301 + 0 + 0.505506931269217 + 0.52678265013083 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509875358168753 + 0.527816527719209 + 0 + 0.505115274696908 + 0.530277488283716 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510444567100654 + 0.530814570795937 + 0 + 0.504462784683178 + 0.533907308720099 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510928581297061 + 0.533856733122155 + 0 + 0.503551501440158 + 0.537671112690462 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511323806491829 + 0.536944898291688 + 0 + 0.502411464296648 + 0.541553435491102 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511626173963112 + 0.540081200681094 + 0 + 0.501090061103712 + 0.545529849308138 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511831153392837 + 0.543268019600474 + 0 + 0.499629696919019 + 0.549578507611538 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51193381527162 + 0.546507947904807 + 0 + 0.498055462154735 + 0.553686522955707 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511928979982738 + 0.549803715839969 + 0 + 0.496373859966325 + 0.557850628680338 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511811399651408 + 0.553158097970733 + 0 + 0.494591325461415 + 0.562067602828871 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511576018261834 + 0.556573779605575 + 0 + 0.492732820300824 + 0.566324646004566 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511218382421574 + 0.560053145175947 + 0 + 0.490840817030871 + 0.570599898448888 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510735164141686 + 0.563598008408494 + 0 + 0.488963425670836 + 0.574868575666567 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510125085681669 + 0.567209133927154 + 0 + 0.487132979098937 + 0.579114049395885 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509390093546143 + 0.570885629001093 + 0 + 0.485356581080193 + 0.583332747624428 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508536106383411 + 0.574624554768151 + 0 + 0.483627788447431 + 0.587528116115544 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507572763504685 + 0.578421054109677 + 0 + 0.481938098753818 + 0.59170467459681 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.506512101319829 + 0.582269034726088 + 0 + 0.480281309104514 + 0.595865759613337 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505366749781547 + 0.586162101692983 + 0 + 0.47865441071406 + 0.600013059634958 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.504148471953258 + 0.590094313474367 + 0 + 0.477056932768216 + 0.60414695314753 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502867236784112 + 0.594060662763467 + 0 + 0.475489752422125 + 0.608267123955035 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501530707621645 + 0.598057342766303 + 0 + 0.473954063234088 + 0.612373095249199 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50014402032161 + 0.602081864081015 + 0 + 0.472450689985132 + 0.616464584910135 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498709741821777 + 0.606133078583108 + 0 + 0.470979718624506 + 0.620541697999236 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497228127454124 + 0.610211048618711 + 0 + 0.46954057399651 + 0.62460488713057 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.495699430689665 + 0.614315848806614 + 0 + 0.468134303597581 + 0.628653765434444 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494126203935608 + 0.618446368962357 + 0 + 0.46676590226777 + 0.632685894313411 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.492513575073163 + 0.622600166824486 + 0 + 0.465444766031685 + 0.636696540623247 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490869202814845 + 0.626773486951884 + 0 + 0.464184973359164 + 0.640678521749514 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489203051509154 + 0.630961373096422 + 0 + 0.46300551984797 + 0.644622073033242 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487527001805488 + 0.635157865921748 + 0 + 0.461930444725666 + 0.648514769597185 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485853735812904 + 0.639356579719104 + 0 + 0.460987974091236 + 0.652341959646045 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484195608439881 + 0.643551288402253 + 0 + 0.460208584699153 + 0.65608776221015 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482562745450773 + 0.647736918548159 + 0 + 0.459620405501807 + 0.659737460831548 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480961724327569 + 0.651910242533679 + 0 + 0.459242228328693 + 0.663281160522857 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479395677953296 + 0.656069830542682 + 0 + 0.459071908653092 + 0.66671988111931 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477864788020253 + 0.660215798982654 + 0 + 0.459075976274563 + 0.670071054337734 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47636779272403 + 0.664349025952583 + 0 + 0.459201770978671 + 0.673362234557953 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474902685821739 + 0.66847078777925 + 0 + 0.459400429677243 + 0.676619077134443 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473467380600942 + 0.672582412133053 + 0 + 0.459639898171639 + 0.679858493129418 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.472059918529522 + 0.676685168899879 + 0 + 0.459906540601516 + 0.683087762433699 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470678710209273 + 0.680780143281146 + 0 + 0.460187099659798 + 0.686313998548964 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469322565694679 + 0.684868219153084 + 0 + 0.460450473313733 + 0.689553775182666 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.467990727208062 + 0.688950060899293 + 0 + 0.460649191118179 + 0.692832411546414 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.466682822126528 + 0.693026137194298 + 0 + 0.460731727311334 + 0.696177520899615 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.465398841264776 + 0.697096731327888 + 0 + 0.46066471390233 + 0.699607261087745 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.464138969481113 + 0.701162030007015 + 0 + 0.460443319870062 + 0.70312476761923 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.46290359350329 + 0.705222118575552 + 0 + 0.460080349772859 + 0.706723847098535 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.461693196967127 + 0.709277036049465 + 0 + 0.45959444498683 + 0.710395190881084 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.46050829871417 + 0.713326807617315 + 0 + 0.459004365732334 + 0.714129397793494 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.459349415300583 + 0.717371464463798 + 0 + 0.458326271674718 + 0.717918422301861 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.458217000573047 + 0.721411076107158 + 0 + 0.457572865439708 + 0.721756040360482 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.457111435182978 + 0.725445756327896 + 0 + 0.456753647325805 + 0.725637725345652 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.456033043205435 + 0.729475654466623 + 0 + 0.455875452395947 + 0.729560372149885 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.454982022554859 + 0.733500993150666 + 0 + 0.45494284437804 + 0.733522096669167 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453958459678774 + 0.737522061147572 + 0 + 0.453958459678774 + 0.737522061147572 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.452962355843315 + 0.741539199859776 + 0 + 0.452923214834805 + 0.741560372235291 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.451993975669772 + 0.745552614801983 + 0 + 0.451836683886441 + 0.745637886391561 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.451053985370417 + 0.749562299067159 + 0 + 0.450697216256959 + 0.74975615482333 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.450143690625808 + 0.753567901038705 + 0 + 0.449502002720713 + 0.753917396444294 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.449264770754525 + 0.757568865178969 + 0 + 0.448246491342158 + 0.7581248263234 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.44841960685437 + 0.761564249317155 + 0 + 0.446924266041652 + 0.762382736493947 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.447611001486465 + 0.765552872679542 + 0 + 0.445526263023122 + 0.766696942450897 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446842410831228 + 0.769533184151345 + 0 + 0.444040756389919 + 0.771074815141451 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446117934754533 + 0.773503260900529 + 0 + 0.442454155836248 + 0.775524866455527 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445442152744424 + 0.777460892553503 + 0 + 0.440753513885179 + 0.78005538425836 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444820332502712 + 0.781403459475408 + 0 + 0.438932333284326 + 0.784671213132259 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444258360621912 + 0.785327962605897 + 0 + 0.437002030232522 + 0.789367327405745 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.44376276884686 + 0.78923099997254 + 0 + 0.435002646755985 + 0.794122699010231 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.443340522813441 + 0.793108875738548 + 0 + 0.432992090555897 + 0.798906064355285 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442999045733074 + 0.796957578987751 + 0 + 0.431024155433248 + 0.803688091696854 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442746094687043 + 0.800772844118292 + 0 + 0.429136249728753 + 0.808448307961583 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442589475911622 + 0.804550303058957 + 0 + 0.427347775959291 + 0.813176144904752 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442536697708475 + 0.808285675947941 + 0 + 0.425677805320726 + 0.817861059981198 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442594598097569 + 0.811974980761259 + 0 + 0.424162637023815 + 0.822482516909397 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442768836872569 + 0.815614825426052 + 0 + 0.422853813357316 + 0.827010921873502 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.443063601278904 + 0.819202583669031 + 0 + 0.421805638077196 + 0.831414597543763 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.443480479808586 + 0.82273705533988 + 0 + 0.421052225434321 + 0.835672950482952 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444017472363841 + 0.826219065927466 + 0 + 0.420596225965759 + 0.839783198801878 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444668056672282 + 0.829652051192143 + 0 + 0.420418667474627 + 0.843755005541727 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445422477888644 + 0.833041357890259 + 0 + 0.420491747054791 + 0.847603269517016 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446266648623719 + 0.836394939530335 + 0 + 0.420783284305508 + 0.851345642889303 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.447192204957802 + 0.839717470610995 + 0 + 0.421269399061843 + 0.854995108806971 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.448166927230979 + 0.843027877398472 + 0 + 0.42190570758117 + 0.858577041996703 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.449253094395825 + 0.846288942488891 + 0 + 0.422745386284277 + 0.862058901279305 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.450168642457226 + 0.849669529270789 + 0 + 0.423499891494438 + 0.865612860381762 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.451926074685214 + 0.852560415850717 + 0 + 0.425177109521543 + 0.868631385524211 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.452483652427012 + 0.856189358567919 + 0 + 0.425732778105591 + 0.87234340521387 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453677397330884 + 0.85945655983336 + 0 + 0.427002050991308 + 0.875649431760149 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.455493328222982 + 0.862359085386671 + 0 + 0.428971042820199 + 0.878544895895962 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.456109330602999 + 0.866012320098029 + 0 + 0.429819888901348 + 0.882143514864502 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.457591628033746 + 0.869155845134568 + 0 + 0.431618702211388 + 0.885181927045774 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.458680055800127 + 0.872560945319095 + 0 + 0.433112963947368 + 0.888426691710593 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.460558408188554 + 0.875491430391475 + 0 + 0.43549457862251 + 0.89113527376153 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.461251325793232 + 0.879181212030109 + 0 + 0.436799458317105 + 0.89453363161353 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.462716512599794 + 0.882409403596989 + 0 + 0.438999702213325 + 0.897390695361655 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.463719101945075 + 0.885950580839829 + 0 + 0.440876941939902 + 0.900468714665237 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.46560546585058 + 0.888946962954065 + 0 + 0.443793764639025 + 0.902897363223848 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.46642427750839 + 0.892644682374043 + 0 + 0.445809600113911 + 0.90591379531664 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.467553811195831 + 0.896167927550797 + 0 + 0.448296929899834 + 0.90864397254128 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.468252398902795 + 0.89999715724727 + 0 + 0.450481256893317 + 0.911587326210997 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469343712139539 + 0.903597517856302 + 0 + 0.453136833282173 + 0.914239289777779 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470263836309584 + 0.907335538561447 + 0 + 0.455654881403632 + 0.916994368798147 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.471237138618219 + 0.911064996436044 + 0 + 0.458231187840771 + 0.919724434603325 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.471960135746149 + 0.9149899975601 + 0 + 0.460551075827973 + 0.922640562951216 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473452780518782 + 0.918422688335023 + 0 + 0.463623287527058 + 0.925061853461201 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474062535058052 + 0.922477018651757 + 0 + 0.465767224385875 + 0.928121155377108 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474896653223432 + 0.926411427413213 + 0 + 0.468046683828445 + 0.931107033656712 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.475643810567884 + 0.93043734482922 + 0 + 0.470103020169109 + 0.9342644051259 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476468020799804 + 0.934442713571635 + 0 + 0.472069914749653 + 0.937503985322169 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477046022832167 + 0.938654804602622 + 0 + 0.473620366271459 + 0.941057936332292 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477924666068529 + 0.942691559742731 + 0 + 0.475313677283955 + 0.944537807636429 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.478730155121587 + 0.946813844836093 + 0 + 0.476793738809839 + 0.948194178842727 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479546756526215 + 0.950963621248745 + 0 + 0.478162477512065 + 0.95195847652251 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480424549414993 + 0.955104899385653 + 0 + 0.479485116303257 + 0.955785671876535 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481092682492227 + 0.959436429533941 + 0 + 0.480502732171073 + 0.959867554834338 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.48259300190791 + 0.963191307602395 + 0 + 0.482266149264549 + 0.963432205099366 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.48322871791355 + 0.967616272587369 + 0 + 0.483085128203762 + 0.967723015007875 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484111741181684 + 0.971899215407223 + 0 + 0.484076139049492 + 0.97192591327634 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484952458979156 + 0.976254282549339 + 0 + 0.484952458979156 + 0.976254282549339 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485806612976727 + 0.980641228404201 + 0 + 0.485771240625702 + 0.980668229974803 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.486744824995551 + 0.985006033107098 + 0 + 0.486603083218275 + 0.985115217435951 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487434321274406 + 0.989608131519687 + 0 + 0.487113760525315 + 0.989857340389235 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488460568119542 + 0.993994350631011 + 0 + 0.487885724898131 + 0.99444542232916 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489423234830994 + 0.998473923304893 + 0 + 0.488513808665488 + 0.999194291131257 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.49041082845866 + 1.0029792119772 + 0 + 0.489079494480635 + 1.00404387870614 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491469576589576 + 1.00747311172805 + 0 + 0.489619387378706 + 1.00896704277942 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.492328072619937 + 1.01217774643629 + 0 + 0.48984970073416 + 1.01419853007487 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494021851569397 + 1.01624196980312 + 0 + 0.490791555656742 + 1.0189019234303 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.49485432137298 + 1.02105790963262 + 0 + 0.490734352796636 + 1.02448436268044 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.495942282292432 + 1.02571502930956 + 0 + 0.490786241901715 + 1.03004654131426 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.496961688410256 + 1.03048215187922 + 0 + 0.490629773304181 + 1.03585594474792 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498089019306701 + 1.03521117350869 + 0 + 0.490472348444341 + 1.04174223647706 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498934449574953 + 1.04024023045147 + 0 + 0.489969831134394 + 1.04800766646744 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.500151514841299 + 1.045005938427 + 0 + 0.489816856282804 + 1.05405539318956 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501270138673485 + 1.04991357148418 + 0 + 0.489569440852917 + 1.06026897082511 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50247189899381 + 1.05480540089557 + 0 + 0.489419456355436 + 1.06648222863933 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.503488748700846 + 1.05992418541427 + 0 + 0.489108996986639 + 1.07292929873803 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505197807669882 + 1.06447067484007 + 0 + 0.489540180301635 + 1.07878794448641 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.506121231655939 + 1.06979279473334 + 0 + 0.48927378916428 + 1.08536979243324 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507301790424519 + 1.07494654065989 + 0 + 0.489394300204536 + 1.09169037762706 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508243018275804 + 1.08039541009198 + 0 + 0.489431279703778 + 1.09818536426075 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509538520373593 + 1.08558059779509 + 0 + 0.489980515528711 + 1.10428955099835 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510596399431803 + 1.0910645843488 + 0 + 0.490437943919443 + 1.11057260498653 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512370242325124 + 1.09591951724173 + 0 + 0.491740306175537 + 1.11611843663361 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.513127593539546 + 1.10184293146121 + 0 + 0.492138860782553 + 1.12263712500552 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514646235110045 + 1.10709429077798 + 0 + 0.493397462874516 + 1.12839893282729 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515906110794508 + 1.11267990657629 + 0 + 0.494484699932912 + 1.13441815245532 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517854422167159 + 1.11763551574601 + 0 + 0.496339098590488 + 1.13973621801923 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.519015260035501 + 1.1234751521698 + 0 + 0.497478549528464 + 1.14587118274143 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520701008413597 + 1.12885491662044 + 0 + 0.499211107488583 + 1.15148161239792 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522875700588264 + 1.13378562338199 + 0 + 0.501497233706143 + 1.15657868490891 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.524336032367081 + 1.13955404357138 + 0 + 0.503132022096365 + 1.16244887163391 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526433283942999 + 1.1447177694383 + 0 + 0.505466292890499 + 1.16764804137375 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.528496668974809 + 1.14999099699548 + 0 + 0.507829607883374 + 1.17288690875765 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530711215598664 + 1.15517122019881 + 0 + 0.510408905996524 + 1.17795815509619 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.533036167136575 + 1.16030025312489 + 0 + 0.513166739024484 + 1.18289679978285 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.535492630210962 + 1.16535133814735 + 0 + 0.516129293423914 + 1.18766695098621 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.538086234295701 + 1.17031424244124 + 0 + 0.519309325802531 + 1.19224637224149 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.540827144444486 + 1.17517286849247 + 0 + 0.522726276206294 + 1.19660379863723 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.543723241124717 + 1.17991299928247 + 0 + 0.526398758055333 + 1.20070729585276 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.546780270218074 + 1.18452227114033 + 0 + 0.53034269171544 + 1.20452652044889 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.550000652979231 + 1.1889917819594 + 0 + 0.534566076164627 + 1.20803930465701 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553383422323989 + 1.19331642625727 + 0 + 0.539060837046574 + 1.21124246114577 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55692487187634 + 1.19749435021806 + 0 + 0.543796386809838 + 1.21416133509198 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.560619265430573 + 1.20152628068643 + 0 + 0.548728559057522 + 1.21684037007744 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.564459769399792 + 1.20541449950773 + 0 + 0.553816410472842 + 1.21932253588019 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.56843883491963 + 1.20916245195536 + 0 + 0.559030899599552 + 1.22163768253486 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.572548587913756 + 1.2127743075337 + 0 + 0.564355725330429 + 1.22380040392866 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.576781032992545 + 1.21625473521273 + 0 + 0.569774765221657 + 1.22582602864516 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.581128283700758 + 1.21960862087356 + 0 + 0.575260240490855 + 1.2277470806424 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.585582774244466 + 1.22284078361187 + 0 + 0.580774470383456 + 1.22961212119661 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.590137440532748 + 1.22595570700154 + 0 + 0.586278635844194 + 1.23147443648696 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.594785665614436 + 1.22895758762622 + 0 + 0.59174717291588 + 1.23337146162531 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.599521332740684 + 1.23185023099531 + 0 + 0.597173966772298 + 1.23531433809419 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.604338783576953 + 1.23463707998259 + 0 + 0.602564522438089 + 1.23729751061113 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.609232932570749 + 1.23732100663482 + 0 + 0.607928220372582 + 1.23930916059823 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.614199130878693 + 1.23990447136725 + 0 + 0.613274497423257 + 1.24133660906239 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.61923312797439 + 1.24238954745781 + 0 + 0.618611162872118 + 1.2433689070278 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.624331176512316 + 1.24477771654051 + 0 + 0.623944103337755 + 1.24539746226548 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.629489822615251 + 1.2470701569691 + 0 + 0.62927733959981 + 1.24741615584578 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.634706068453997 + 1.24926744578744 + 0 + 0.634613597511245 + 1.24942061586885 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.639977178338436 + 1.25136983017142 + 0 + 0.639954470024814 + 1.25140810053233 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.645300778013203 + 1.25337702647739 + 0 + 0.645300778013203 + 1.25337702647739 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.650674739339138 + 1.25528837178505 + 0 + 0.650652620364284 + 1.25532698575899 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.656097044486555 + 1.25710303011437 + 0 + 0.656009312313379 + 1.25725896283987 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.661565619529403 + 1.25882027638241 + 0 + 0.661369266298539 + 1.25917567709041 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.667078335932383 + 1.26043950242755 + 0 + 0.666729960763724 + 1.26108179920314 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.672632987127885 + 1.26196027086986 + 0 + 0.672087814879429 + 1.26298436704468 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.678227319356608 + 1.26338227140409 + 0 + 0.677438064199064 + 1.2648932451633 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.683859054030539 + 1.26470528751629 + 0 + 0.682774622275221 + 1.26682166127117 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.689525892554594 + 1.26592919409536 + 0 + 0.688090081631406 + 1.26878652514216 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.695225543227294 + 1.26705390999517 + 0 + 0.693376282847381 + 1.27080762828899 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.700955745106299 + 1.26807935083201 + 0 + 0.698625771589106 + 1.27290490209256 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.706714280013179 + 1.2690054014918 + 0 + 0.703834551592257 + 1.27509259402854 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.712499045704567 + 1.26983175234462 + 0 + 0.709007487957009 + 1.27736699110671 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.718308042568543 + 1.27055790521786 + 0 + 0.714162667525849 + 1.27969488088149 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.724139423155918 + 1.27118303964496 + 0 + 0.719325415716398 + 1.28202383197852 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.7299915027917 + 1.27170595073508 + 0 + 0.724517527054398 + 1.28430489468478 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.735862759978407 + 1.27212500333148 + 0 + 0.729751969598726 + 1.28650550631065 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.741751805192329 + 1.27243815648178 + 0 + 0.735032923968158 + 1.28861131944024 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.747657350520497 + 1.27264298989545 + 0 + 0.740364276376578 + 1.29060743537694 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.753578093349688 + 1.27273695148106 + 0 + 0.745757106564614 + 1.29245946832441 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.759512625319642 + 1.27271757614279 + 0 + 0.751228231197731 + 1.294114958924 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.765459170494825 + 1.27258318918615 + 0 + 0.75679427169294 + 1.29551687208086 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.771415344571685 + 1.27233365902011 + 0 + 0.762462500327828 + 1.29662790849142 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.777377642700849 + 1.2719720205513 + 0 + 0.768227031328127 + 1.29744370669454 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.783341385729886 + 1.27150504344285 + 0 + 0.774074058092519 + 1.29798225697274 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.789300835833885 + 1.27094339057836 + 0 + 0.779986997947901 + 1.29827181962156 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.795249824700286 + 1.27030025176751 + 0 + 0.785949395132288 + 1.29834356465585 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.801182514703783 + 1.26958932734466 + 0 + 0.791946627855011 + 1.29822665418366 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.807093798515255 + 1.26882361082532 + 0 + 0.797966472262931 + 1.29794611230926 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.812979633479731 + 1.26801416823505 + 0 + 0.803999206471849 + 1.29752183029653 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.818837083628473 + 1.26716968525947 + 0 + 0.810037352023201 + 1.29696862498062 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.824664288615454 + 1.26629618797418 + 0 + 0.816075385909219 + 1.29629642053788 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.830460364805294 + 1.26539695843194 + 0 + 0.822109448753179 + 1.29551048863167 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.83622520883519 + 1.26447280154096 + 0 + 0.828137015574863 + 1.29461188469485 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.841958742343827 + 1.26352452580637 + 0 + 0.834156059968561 + 1.29359993490717 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.847660279456762 + 1.262555466947 + 0 + 0.840164355271219 + 1.29247471343121 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.853328564521806 + 1.26157179411648 + 0 + 0.846159484515316 + 1.29123713532569 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.858961901331715 + 1.26058248911349 + 0 + 0.852138969377676 + 1.28988855834697 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.864558325410231 + 1.25959912424117 + 0 + 0.858100456480297 + 1.28843003329355 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.87011583350748 + 1.25863531586645 + 0 + 0.864041947893163 + 1.28686116436883 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.875632679978756 + 1.25770571114879 + 0 + 0.869962010144132 + 1.28517878344645 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.881107738283812 + 1.25682437365212 + 0 + 0.875859799729422 + 1.28337620267393 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.88654085261823 + 1.25600277272853 + 0 + 0.881734726948772 + 1.28144417861498 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.89193299206295 + 1.25524828745885 + 0 + 0.8875854771041 + 1.27937572818605 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.897286125340826 + 1.25456388999231 + 0 + 0.893407919410236 + 1.27717890037508 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.902602899254885 + 1.25394894127649 + 0 + 0.899193628635538 + 1.2748898672057 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.907886284972465 + 1.25340047188839 + 0 + 0.904932695179275 + 1.2725625839656 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.913139330175595 + 1.25291419846141 + 0 + 0.910617946462801 + 1.27024501463256 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.9183650244481 + 1.25248510130158 + 0 + 0.916246501910292 + 1.26796581469777 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.923566210150288 + 1.25210788209662 + 0 + 0.921819096934707 + 1.26573305712053 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.92874553673793 + 1.25177725670877 + 0 + 0.927336722148503 + 1.26355489176423 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.93390543962823 + 1.25148816260752 + 0 + 0.932798326208398 + 1.26146026160413 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.939048133339902 + 1.25123593036767 + 0 + 0.93820184508954 + 1.25949756428013 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.94417562235831 + 1.25101635900048 + 0 + 0.943546325432942 + 1.25772088986679 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.949289720525464 + 1.25082573503887 + 0 + 0.948834302113903 + 1.25616495929239 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.954392073753879 + 1.25066081926647 + 0 + 0.95407189142556 + 1.25483306665351 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.959484183302039 + 1.2505188131796 + 0 + 0.95926662041291 + 1.25370919875307 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.964567426819281 + 1.25039733270457 + 0 + 0.964425822284753 + 1.25277114361913 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.969643080186768 + 1.25029433578149 + 0 + 0.969556052269528 + 1.25199680209434 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.974712329181223 + 1.25020820959517 + 0 + 0.974662962290117 + 1.25136732506217 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.979776302020575 + 1.25013733320672 + 0 + 0.979751424557303 + 1.25086760132042 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.984836038911001 + 1.25008141087943 + 0 + 0.984825669704982 + 1.25048731324957 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.989892594671404 + 1.25003699694654 + 0 + 0.989889548320672 + 1.25021588984422 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.994946904833692 + 1.25001181763392 + 0 + 0.994946525982812 + 1.25005631644855 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 1 + 1.2499798172808 + 0 + 1 + 1.2499798172808 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + + + + + + The material override + 014c7632-ca60-428d-ba19-47401bfe2b6e + Material + Material + false + 7118940a-5f2f-4951-898d-9b0b4ced8e83 + 1 + + + + + + 26856 + -13821 + 51 + 20 + + + 26883 + -13811 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;221;160;221 + + + 255;66;48;66 + + 0.5 + + 255;255;255;255 + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 939c0cc7-8b28-4bdf-9d30-1a7e930d61a2 + 5caaeaa2-127c-430c-80d7-c3e914a52def + ae7f8017-7560-476c-91df-f81b7f29860f + 3 + bd66cff6-b838-42ab-9461-ad7b0d9878e2 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 + Colour Picker + + + + + Provides a colour picker object + ae7f8017-7560-476c-91df-f81b7f29860f + Colour Picker + Colour Picker + false + + 255;224;224;224 + + 0 + + + + + + 26943.87 + -13963.07 + 180 + 310 + + 2 + + + + + + + + + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 + Create Material + + + + + Create an OpenGL material. + true + 6062d622-4fc3-428c-b41f-5513d3fdb16c + Create Material + Create Material + + + + + + 27124 + -14251 + 144 + 104 + + + 27208 + -14199 + + + + + + Colour of the diffuse channel + a53dc52e-3efb-4042-a927-84d913509e29 + Diffuse + Diffuse + false + 0875b550-1b7d-436f-8baa-7e5a17dff433 + 1 + + + + + + 27126 + -14249 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -14239 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;105;180 + + + + + + + + + + + + Colour of the specular highlight + 87b9f0a1-9543-4b59-9cf5-2aafb6ff2bf4 + Specular + Specular + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -14229 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -14219 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;255;255 + + + + + + + + + + + + Emissive colour of the material + 4bc438b4-8edd-42d9-86c9-ce0210f06fd1 + Emission + Emission + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -14209 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -14199 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;0;0;0 + + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of transparency (0.0 = opaque, 1.0 = transparent + e17e117b-d8f0-4906-befe-808e9c28f84e + Transparency + Transparency + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -14189 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -14179 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of shinyness (0 = none, 1 = low shine, 100 = max shine + f68e50da-c2f3-42ff-926a-421d2844caa4 + Shine + Shine + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -14169 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -14159 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Resulting material + aab20925-9373-405e-8dff-8b6596366c21 + Material + Material + false + 0 + + + + + + 27223 + -14249 + 43 + 100 + + + 27246 + -14199 + + + + + + + + + + + + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c + Custom Preview + + + + + Allows for customized geometry previews + true + 99afe558-c12f-4942-93af-af3fc116eabf + Custom Preview + Custom Preview + + + + + + + 26854 + -14221 + 82 + 44 + + + 26922 + -14199 + + + + + + Geometry to preview + true + 193b97de-a816-4271-915e-e812c093adfc + Geometry + Geometry + false + 75e9e85c-bcd9-4248-a8da-73660fffbba0 + 1 + + + + + + 26856 + -14219 + 51 + 20 + + + 26883 + -14209 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + -1 + + 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 + + 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Curve + + + + + + + + + + + The material override + f0ca3a22-9ce0-4bad-9cd3-1512ab03657b + Material + Material + false + aab20925-9373-405e-8dff-8b6596366c21 + 1 + + + + + + 26856 + -14199 + 51 + 20 + + + 26883 + -14189 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;221;160;221 + + + 255;66;48;66 + + 0.5 + + 255;255;255;255 + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 6062d622-4fc3-428c-b41f-5513d3fdb16c + 99afe558-c12f-4942-93af-af3fc116eabf + 0875b550-1b7d-436f-8baa-7e5a17dff433 + 3 + da7b63c7-2c66-4c59-90e4-b125782f935e + Group + + + + + + + + + + + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 + Colour Picker + + + + + Provides a colour picker object + 0875b550-1b7d-436f-8baa-7e5a17dff433 + Colour Picker + Colour Picker + false + + 255;199;199;199 + + 0 + + + + + + 26943.87 + -14341.54 + 180 + 310 + + 2 + + + + + + + + + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 + Create Material + + + + + Create an OpenGL material. + true + 8634f6d5-6b63-4fdc-90d0-fe9fd70371c6 + Create Material + Create Material + + + + + + 27124 + -15080 + 144 + 104 + + + 27208 + -15028 + + + + + + Colour of the diffuse channel + 2870c464-0d69-4d5b-961a-08ab8d733cff + Diffuse + Diffuse + false + e7632567-1dd6-425d-9046-7e5d28358f08 + 1 + + + + + + 27126 + -15078 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -15068 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;105;180 + + + + + + + + + + + + Colour of the specular highlight + dddf2fce-98e7-4e56-9888-eceda545fa3a + Specular + Specular + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -15058 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -15048 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;255;255 + + + + + + + + + + + + Emissive colour of the material + 98032d8c-541f-4070-948e-988f63ae7139 + Emission + Emission + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -15038 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -15028 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;0;0;0 + + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of transparency (0.0 = opaque, 1.0 = transparent + c3f572c9-a593-4d1e-b067-ace6872187d7 + Transparency + Transparency + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -15018 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -15008 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of shinyness (0 = none, 1 = low shine, 100 = max shine + da60117d-311f-4ff0-b0ad-4f049a667bcd + Shine + Shine + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -14998 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -14988 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Resulting material + a4ad84b1-89b7-4be0-90af-ac71b0ba6f84 + Material + Material + false + 0 + + + + + + 27223 + -15078 + 43 + 100 + + + 27246 + -15028 + + + + + + + + + + + + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c + Custom Preview + + + + + Allows for customized geometry previews + true + b8d47739-095a-4e74-b2e4-115680879ec2 + Custom Preview + Custom Preview + + + + + + + 26854 + -15050 + 82 + 44 + + + 26922 + -15028 + + + + + + Geometry to preview + true + a3f2fc6e-b881-43e3-8b50-40ded8540f57 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 7c0419c0-ce95-49d5-8e54-a63a98bce387 + 1 + + + + + + 26856 + -15048 + 51 + 20 + + + 26883 + -15038 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 513 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + + 8.31187957663209E-17 + -0.24997981727771 + 0 + 8.31187957663209E-17 + -0.24997981727771 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.00505347401718018 + -0.250056316453437 + 0 + 0.00505423562287416 + -0.250145772628349 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0101104516793202 + -0.250215889850821 + 0 + 0.0101166722186634 + -0.250581182755773 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0151743302950294 + -0.250487313256909 + 0 + 0.0151960972398294 + -0.251339379892392 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0202485754426978 + -0.250867601327207 + 0 + 0.0203030122370353 + -0.252465571935498 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0253370377099089 + -0.251367325069379 + 0 + 0.0254510463736146 + -0.254044204299816 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0304439477304975 + -0.251996802101443 + 0 + 0.030655938036711 + -0.25614382028161 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0355741777151249 + -0.252771143623856 + 0 + 0.0359273387751048 + -0.25869141716293 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0407333795871576 + -0.253709198760745 + 0 + 0.0412649052165872 + -0.261503596540872 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.045928108574321 + -0.254833066658725 + 0 + 0.0466698701239005 + -0.264498848974972 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0511656978861204 + -0.256164959299387 + 0 + 0.0521407299166446 + -0.267596018152469 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.05645367456718 + -0.257720889874877 + 0 + 0.0576634586644573 + -0.270609932383741 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0617981549101894 + -0.259497564284208 + 0 + 0.0632274525938167 + -0.273450652028253 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0672016737916246 + -0.261460261611015 + 0 + 0.0688317352254483 + -0.276142708501694 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0726632778514002 + -0.263554891770152 + 0 + 0.0744756835693676 + -0.278706532929218 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0781809030656052 + -0.265733057129669 + 0 + 0.080156798698473 + -0.281142432770991 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0837534980893882 + -0.267965814702187 + 0 + 0.0858720206272032 + -0.283446528098435 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0893820535374261 + -0.270245014640846 + 0 + 0.0916187039686472 + -0.285618706977297 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0950673048202867 + -0.272562583969479 + 0 + 0.0973919292382841 + -0.287644134473815 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.10080637136443 + -0.274889867212233 + 0 + 0.103180168402255 + -0.289470554253619 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.106592080589806 + -0.277178900382035 + 0 + 0.108962784267433 + -0.291003201938871 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.112414522895768 + -0.279375728192023 + 0 + 0.114710231709912 + -0.29211624291467 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.118265273051606 + -0.281444178623693 + 0 + 0.120394884590228 + -0.292717356909241 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.124140200269981 + -0.283376202677637 + 0 + 0.126019884959019 + -0.292886425779716 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.130037989855904 + -0.285178783453385 + 0 + 0.131617263509951 + -0.292829995839355 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.135958052107033 + -0.286861164376441 + 0 + 0.13720573239375 + -0.292659237799043 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.141899543519177 + -0.288430033297935 + 0 + 0.142807161928103 + -0.292482061000252 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.147861030622459 + -0.289888558354322 + 0 + 0.148468568781714 + -0.292498075124684 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.153840515485047 + -0.291237135333926 + 0 + 0.154216101474041 + -0.292791293818254 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.159835644728056 + -0.292474713435035 + 0 + 0.160042787701041 + -0.293301504303351 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.165843940031274 + -0.293599934913285 + 0 + 0.165935687007545 + -0.293953573279223 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.171862984425325 + -0.294611884702311 + 0 + 0.171886171525765 + -0.294698286934031 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.177890551247578 + -0.295510488641129 + 0 + 0.177890551247578 + -0.295510488641129 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.18392461408995 + -0.296296420541724 + 0 + 0.183949236616059 + -0.296382424718838 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.189962647976924 + -0.296968624987794 + 0 + 0.190066118646106 + -0.29731901251916 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.196000793528125 + -0.297521830303161 + 0 + 0.196248959371727 + -0.298337247414373 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.202033527737075 + -0.297946112316023 + 0 + 0.202511705669843 + -0.299471831587106 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.208053372145435 + -0.298226654191779 + 0 + 0.208875768401618 + -0.300776623757787 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.214050604867077 + -0.298343564660643 + 0 + 0.215357729737282 + -0.30228489999911 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.22001300205193 + -0.298271819627797 + 0 + 0.221926224108109 + -0.303885547700611 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.225925941907469 + -0.297982256979424 + 0 + 0.228506879752192 + -0.305356124085039 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.231772968670908 + -0.297443706698576 + 0 + 0.235050496392389 + -0.306567048740638 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.237537499672447 + -0.296627908498917 + 0 + 0.241504537098532 + -0.307392777658513 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.243205728307193 + -0.295516872087926 + 0 + 0.247781235175239 + -0.307627022015066 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.248771768802236 + -0.294114958930639 + 0 + 0.253835925776679 + -0.307194938426022 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.254242893436095 + -0.292459468332912 + 0 + 0.259688467383181 + -0.306191805037292 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.259635723622134 + -0.290607435380482 + 0 + 0.265375741506915 + -0.304746361753513 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.264967076032412 + -0.288611319448322 + 0 + 0.270927211537022 + -0.302958089327777 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.270248030400458 + -0.286505506315453 + 0 + 0.27635882078016 + -0.300886009294673 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.275482472946715 + -0.284304894694083 + 0 + 0.281673259357865 + -0.29855365551104 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.280674584283271 + -0.282023831984469 + 0 + 0.28686768781528 + -0.295970247758475 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.285837332474636 + -0.279694880889281 + 0 + 0.291940786614735 + -0.293147731685129 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.290992512042424 + -0.277366991112205 + 0 + 0.296889409935901 + -0.290093268835693 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.296165448407521 + -0.275092594034809 + 0 + 0.301701546722433 + -0.286794842101097 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.301374228411425 + -0.272904902100394 + 0 + 0.306362605586927 + -0.283236208267481 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.306623717152775 + -0.27080762829604 + 0 + 0.3109078706605 + -0.279503810602304 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.311909918368648 + -0.268786525148997 + 0 + 0.315417733087166 + -0.275767240882368 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.317225377724543 + -0.266821661277429 + 0 + 0.319929945551141 + -0.272099887720381 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.322561935800737 + -0.264893245169681 + 0 + 0.324484473393656 + -0.268573808833086 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.327912185121925 + -0.262984367053954 + 0 + 0.329171214364873 + -0.265349430637697 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.333270039234965 + -0.261081799207438 + 0 + 0.334032352787657 + -0.262487271184008 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.338630733701804 + -0.259175677097762 + 0 + 0.339042916652918 + -0.259921731094467 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.343990687686051 + -0.257258962845591 + 0 + 0.344169833648876 + -0.257577371899359 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.349347379634694 + -0.255326985763933 + 0 + 0.349391845513159 + -0.255404611616106 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.354699221987147 + -0.25337702648471 + 0 + 0.354699221987147 + -0.25337702648471 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.360045529973816 + -0.251408100536763 + 0 + 0.360091180602757 + -0.251485035622065 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.36538640248935 + -0.249420615876589 + 0 + 0.365575224850326 + -0.249733383709835 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.370722660398344 + -0.247416155849515 + 0 + 0.371168702849392 + -0.24814247360577 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.376055896662797 + -0.245397462273084 + 0 + 0.376902889081878 + -0.246753588104841 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.381388837126853 + -0.243368907032891 + 0 + 0.382825212977003 + -0.245630655207833 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.386725502577399 + -0.241336609070113 + 0 + 0.388977806614639 + -0.24482513686854 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.392071779627215 + -0.239309160604642 + 0 + 0.395325725868487 + -0.244267607475454 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.397435477561445 + -0.237297510617177 + 0 + 0.401770156478347 + -0.243797180988584 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.40282603322905 + -0.235314338102901 + 0 + 0.408264140407794 + -0.243339582541172 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.408252827083115 + -0.233371461630573 + 0 + 0.414758114595422 + -0.242821383764929 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.413721364156202 + -0.231474436494269 + 0 + 0.421139675542326 + -0.242083849792649 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.419225529616825 + -0.229612121203731 + 0 + 0.427346282289188 + -0.24104824491309 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.424739759508987 + -0.227747080648909 + 0 + 0.433379588777727 + -0.239729763870236 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.43022523477784 + -0.225826028651191 + 0 + 0.439238627927562 + -0.238139264953161 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.435644274669597 + -0.223800403935422 + 0 + 0.444909982956108 + -0.236270354663337 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.440969100399577 + -0.221637682540441 + 0 + 0.450377035719687 + -0.234112913119979 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.44618358952782 + -0.219322535887776 + 0 + 0.455625021711591 + -0.231659974014332 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.451271440941807 + -0.216840370083294 + 0 + 0.460630027718401 + -0.228893332285366 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.456203613189969 + -0.21416133509845 + 0 + 0.465344676614253 + -0.225766174884025 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.460939162954667 + -0.211242461154035 + 0 + 0.469694398287187 + -0.222200444715514 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.465433923835189 + -0.20803930466351 + 0 + 0.473584164690309 + -0.218097364534124 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469657308285336 + -0.204526520456555 + 0 + 0.476940858332451 + -0.213390475142492 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473601241943624 + -0.200707295858227 + 0 + 0.479806452853301 + -0.208155310059875 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477273723794102 + -0.196603798644425 + 0 + 0.482314790397806 + -0.202572282852884 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480690674196653 + -0.192246372247257 + 0 + 0.484547773269642 + -0.196751607896243 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.483870706576526 + -0.18766695099345 + 0 + 0.486592118410189 + -0.190803289193989 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.486833260974741 + -0.18289679978869 + 0 + 0.488602505613553 + -0.184908876774737 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489591094003175 + -0.177958155102587 + 0 + 0.490654726020656 + -0.17915195590713 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.49217039211644 + -0.172886908764178 + 0 + 0.492741507348046 + -0.173519616234827 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494533707109605 + -0.167648041380594 + 0 + 0.494780245151019 + -0.167917664442764 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.496867977902021 + -0.162448871638894 + 0 + 0.496928765212619 + -0.162514506158343 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498502766295665 + -0.156578684917574 + 0 + 0.498502766295665 + -0.156578684917574 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.500788892510983 + -0.151481612404188 + 0 + 0.500850499408243 + -0.151546478246379 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502521450472051 + -0.14587118274869 + 0 + 0.502774687496554 + -0.14613452399297 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.503660901409283 + -0.139736218025729 + 0 + 0.504255457594763 + -0.14034695061328 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505515300066612 + -0.134418152461549 + 0 + 0.506637561469306 + -0.135557012757443 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.506602537126236 + -0.12839893283478 + 0 + 0.508494603477969 + -0.130295974033697 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507861139216746 + -0.122637125011553 + 0 + 0.510810991627342 + -0.125559635992243 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508259693824949 + -0.116118436640817 + 0 + 0.512497436562383 + -0.120267641143258 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509562056080227 + -0.110572604992928 + 0 + 0.515176157875145 + -0.116005561580818 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510019484470317 + -0.104289551004154 + 0 + 0.51702468887087 + -0.110990645637718 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510568720296189 + -0.0981853642674538 + 0 + 0.518904269193531 + -0.106068156827404 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51060569979605 + -0.0916903776343334 + 0 + 0.520061764588541 + -0.100531974379127 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510726210835971 + -0.0853697924401946 + 0 + 0.521024862993285 + -0.0948918359815828 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510459819697791 + -0.0787879444926246 + 0 + 0.521361866973006 + -0.0887567313889643 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510891003013666 + -0.0729292987450382 + 0 + 0.522208594250152 + -0.0831649801050367 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510580543644727 + -0.0664822286462081 + 0 + 0.522159008004386 + -0.0768404227107852 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510430559146041 + -0.0602689708309202 + 0 + 0.522131256966648 + -0.0706243701718842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510183143716704 + -0.0540553931958588 + 0 + 0.521871113638058 + -0.0642898633983103 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510030168865181 + -0.0480076664737912 + 0 + 0.521562932539694 + -0.0580002840651655 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509527651557143 + -0.0417422364850628 + 0 + 0.520742077472739 + -0.0513582646858968 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509370226695051 + -0.0358559447539967 + 0 + 0.52006420902337 + -0.0449317527854089 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509213758098833 + -0.0300465413214522 + 0 + 0.51912592422925 + -0.0383736030457551 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509265647200457 + -0.0244843626847478 + 0 + 0.518086329950011 + -0.0318202572992374 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50920844434475 + -0.0189019234382706 + 0 + 0.516692021949889 + -0.0250641977107602 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510150299264422 + -0.0141985300804371 + 0 + 0.516205183816759 + -0.0191354855499001 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510380612622524 + -0.0089670427871408 + 0 + 0.514994976032946 + -0.0126928999809023 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510920505518028 + -0.00404387871181429 + 0 + 0.514163486697209 + -0.00663728819510931 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511486191336128 + 0.0008057088607229 + 0 + 0.513586434222514 + -0.000857919766084662 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512114275101439 + 0.00555457766445053 + 0 + 0.513372145402704 + 0.00456754385817189 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512886239473343 + 0.0101426596050763 + 0 + 0.513559157739012 + 0.00961952256861475 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.513396916780657 + 0.0148847825581318 + 0 + 0.513686348425213 + 0.014661832059932 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514228759375215 + 0.0193317700177648 + 0 + 0.514299868577701 + 0.0192774886342623 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51504754102053 + 0.0237457174441685 + 0 + 0.51504754102053 + 0.0237457174441685 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515923860951578 + 0.0280740867161304 + 0 + 0.515995432084217 + 0.0280204158651415 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.516914871795521 + 0.0322769849859283 + 0 + 0.517208076852237 + 0.0320590207773193 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517733850735903 + 0.0365677948935579 + 0 + 0.51841997688991 + 0.036062105016286 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.519497267829107 + 0.0401324451588042 + 0 + 0.52078819544304 + 0.0391890580033239 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520514883697567 + 0.0442143281161323 + 0 + 0.522684425090805 + 0.0426421415709762 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521837522488296 + 0.0480415234704993 + 0 + 0.525209471874189 + 0.0456181669107786 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523206261190857 + 0.0518058211500428 + 0 + 0.528035674595592 + 0.0483632744651133 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.524686322716065 + 0.0554621923568258 + 0 + 0.531065202233208 + 0.0509516433486273 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526379633729681 + 0.0589420636601844 + 0 + 0.534315800388649 + 0.0533747647870685 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52793008524993 + 0.0624960146713863 + 0 + 0.537346248856133 + 0.0559419581485611 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52989697983185 + 0.0657355948667036 + 0 + 0.540548803860489 + 0.0583783100944358 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.531953316169789 + 0.0688929663377595 + 0 + 0.543522241278913 + 0.0609625488657134 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.534232775614727 + 0.0718788446157459 + 0 + 0.546446398687204 + 0.0635686846642708 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.536376712471869 + 0.0749381465327901 + 0 + 0.549022116229484 + 0.0663970220104278 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.539448924171609 + 0.0773594370423272 + 0 + 0.552351987044929 + 0.0687070391264611 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.541768812160651 + 0.0802755653889961 + 0 + 0.554774762938143 + 0.0716161272216867 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.544345118595643 + 0.0830056311955981 + 0 + 0.557304322355187 + 0.0744375474468264 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.546863166718194 + 0.0857607102152399 + 0 + 0.559618799344709 + 0.0773850979631723 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549518743105631 + 0.0884126737829544 + 0 + 0.561892382212331 + 0.0803427046236091 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.551703070099359 + 0.0913560274525083 + 0 + 0.563474585105293 + 0.0837295614343228 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55419039988783 + 0.0940862046755032 + 0 + 0.56507599707224 + 0.0870794387813042 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.556206235361405 + 0.0971026367691441 + 0 + 0.565871078474497 + 0.0909211643262313 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.559123058060268 + 0.0995312853279216 + 0 + 0.567304567424617 + 0.0943312408567091 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.561000297785932 + 0.102609304632083 + 0 + 0.567605396459228 + 0.0984370357330786 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.563200541681953 + 0.10546636838032 + 0 + 0.568223374669041 + 0.102312718067496 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.564505421378423 + 0.10886472623115 + 0 + 0.568028006515896 + 0.106666068998698 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.566887036053185 + 0.111573308282341 + 0 + 0.569163620962188 + 0.110160565721984 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.56838129778772 + 0.11481807294804 + 0 + 0.569742011717993 + 0.113978471239191 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.570180111100047 + 0.117856485127912 + 0 + 0.570906595650503 + 0.117410714391841 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.571028957179202 + 0.121455104097672 + 0 + 0.571340816533778 + 0.121264785037981 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.572997949009286 + 0.124350568232757 + 0 + 0.573074421456835 + 0.124304146771783 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574267221894916 + 0.127656594779098 + 0 + 0.574267221894916 + 0.127656594779098 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574822890478299 + 0.131368614469152 + 0 + 0.574899573975092 + 0.131322542475568 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.576500108507367 + 0.134387139610429 + 0 + 0.576813690061004 + 0.134199671717879 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.577254613715441 + 0.137941098714128 + 0 + 0.577987129857456 + 0.137505310402129 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.578094292418925 + 0.141422957996492 + 0 + 0.579470109977865 + 0.140608341845134 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.578730600939134 + 0.14500489118572 + 0 + 0.581038859893325 + 0.143644515873484 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.579216715695933 + 0.148654357103119 + 0 + 0.582798264164558 + 0.146553116935159 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.579508252945147 + 0.152396730476281 + 0 + 0.584629452679553 + 0.149405464056841 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.579581332523745 + 0.156244994452482 + 0 + 0.586334753654483 + 0.152317341300726 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.579403774034308 + 0.160216801191338 + 0 + 0.587792698141627 + 0.15535845679194 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.57894777456715 + 0.164327049509464 + 0 + 0.588885814600127 + 0.158595107930374 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.578194361922611 + 0.168585402449619 + 0 + 0.589419646701347 + 0.162136838578988 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.577146186641268 + 0.172989078120572 + 0 + 0.589320016585478 + 0.166022772503467 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.57583736297765 + 0.177517483083033 + 0 + 0.588671115261759 + 0.170201326353865 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574322194678389 + 0.182138940012568 + 0 + 0.587590994900854 + 0.174602628915227 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.572652224040665 + 0.186823855088536 + 0 + 0.586172718600039 + 0.179172107047908 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.570863750271195 + 0.191551692031706 + 0 + 0.58447359522953 + 0.183876228188389 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.56897584456725 + 0.196311908296125 + 0 + 0.582518832644086 + 0.188700042877056 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.567007909442596 + 0.201093935638823 + 0 + 0.580320915949153 + 0.193635993425587 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.564997353243279 + 0.205877300983438 + 0 + 0.577895342663458 + 0.198674994693603 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.562997969768196 + 0.210632672587117 + 0 + 0.575253198660657 + 0.20381058241952 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.561067666715249 + 0.215328786861241 + 0 + 0.572386978048319 + 0.209046734226763 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.559246486115802 + 0.219944615734353 + 0 + 0.569284668480124 + 0.214389916031959 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557545844164233 + 0.22447513353747 + 0 + 0.566033665281687 + 0.219791710573479 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555959243612377 + 0.228925184850554 + 0 + 0.562803936410508 + 0.225158842228221 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554473736976886 + 0.233303057542361 + 0 + 0.559673065147775 + 0.230449752777153 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553075733960902 + 0.237617263497918 + 0 + 0.556718217509092 + 0.235623519964329 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.551753508658147 + 0.241875173669701 + 0 + 0.554105138920499 + 0.240591228383117 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55049799727919 + 0.246082603549017 + 0 + 0.551902136927073 + 0.245317838697063 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549302783744853 + 0.250243845168947 + 0 + 0.550051710286089 + 0.249836904894435 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.548163316114617 + 0.254362113601127 + 0 + 0.548484500315911 + 0.254187992062088 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.547076785163384 + 0.258439627758949 + 0 + 0.547155470515612 + 0.258397064833559 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.546041540323348 + 0.262477938844547 + 0 + 0.546041540323348 + 0.262477938844547 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.545057155620294 + 0.266477903324993 + 0 + 0.54513591569215 + 0.266435478823177 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.544124547604063 + 0.270439627843368 + 0 + 0.544446342406086 + 0.270266637361234 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.543246352674862 + 0.274362274647256 + 0 + 0.543997417753818 + 0.273959294997199 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.542427134559827 + 0.27824395963303 + 0 + 0.543836629225589 + 0.277489109835568 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.541673728326051 + 0.282081577690987 + 0 + 0.544036592078469 + 0.280818424779715 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.540995634267459 + 0.285870602199881 + 0 + 0.544659047381932 + 0.283915581987895 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.54040555501309 + 0.289604809112222 + 0 + 0.54563983283102 + 0.286816136087919 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.539919650229687 + 0.293276152893373 + 0 + 0.54681708759531 + 0.28960729557305 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.539556680130675 + 0.296875232373641 + 0 + 0.548118335599253 + 0.292328187880908 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.539335286099958 + 0.300392738904304 + 0 + 0.549470857472973 + 0.295017798262242 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.539268272687522 + 0.303822479094256 + 0 + 0.550708881370936 + 0.297764140434994 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.5393508088804 + 0.307167588447597 + 0 + 0.551749941827175 + 0.300610679752973 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.539549526688543 + 0.310446224809394 + 0 + 0.552612375867721 + 0.303547433734308 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.539812900339498 + 0.313686001444671 + 0 + 0.553310102237649 + 0.306566831182615 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.540093459399462 + 0.316912237559049 + 0 + 0.55383830784911 + 0.309671231944943 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.540360101826533 + 0.320141506864806 + 0 + 0.554187584255883 + 0.312865425868417 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.540599570325251 + 0.323380922857509 + 0 + 0.554351197146093 + 0.316152798551188 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.540798229020821 + 0.326637765435576 + 0 + 0.554308755567581 + 0.319543914807823 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.540924023728126 + 0.32992894565412 + 0 + 0.554006242960908 + 0.323066957099693 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.540928091346227 + 0.333280118874307 + 0 + 0.553351782992714 + 0.326769862709266 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.540757771673667 + 0.336718839469171 + 0 + 0.552226769221767 + 0.330714416965799 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.54037959449733 + 0.340262539162168 + 0 + 0.550545427694077 + 0.334945055793217 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.539791415299973 + 0.343912237783572 + 0 + 0.548382987170286 + 0.339421976011831 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.53901202590859 + 0.34765804034731 + 0 + 0.545937105929131 + 0.344041630116336 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.538069555273283 + 0.351485230396626 + 0 + 0.54332752713911 + 0.34874149327913 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.536994480154273 + 0.355377926958853 + 0 + 0.540676400964699 + 0.353457989766569 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.535815026639632 + 0.359321478244379 + 0 + 0.53819108545919 + 0.358083324426895 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.534555233968571 + 0.363303459369879 + 0 + 0.535973360897764 + 0.362564954500405 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.533234097734197 + 0.367314105678826 + 0 + 0.533990174515251 + 0.366920609487817 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.531865696402006 + 0.371346234559035 + 0 + 0.532189817895052 + 0.371177643754826 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530459426003982 + 0.375395112862437 + 0 + 0.530538800230377 + 0.375353848841097 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529020281375881 + 0.379458301993825 + 0 + 0.529020281375881 + 0.379458301993825 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.527549310015006 + 0.383535415083056 + 0 + 0.527628700802464 + 0.383494182933707 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526045936765373 + 0.387626904744344 + 0 + 0.526370193683262 + 0.387458574554778 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.524510247578134 + 0.391732876038091 + 0 + 0.525266799187143 + 0.39134029354473 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522943067233968 + 0.395853046844602 + 0 + 0.524362384988684 + 0.395116833193081 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521345589285743 + 0.399986940358411 + 0 + 0.52372415108524 + 0.398753601736735 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.519718690894851 + 0.404134240380255 + 0 + 0.52340528629554 + 0.402223294533774 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518061901247467 + 0.408295325395787 + 0 + 0.523327701082563 + 0.405566641902149 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51637221155114 + 0.412471883878459 + 0 + 0.523309143418118 + 0.408878260007979 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514643418921091 + 0.416667252368169 + 0 + 0.523251641928628 + 0.412208995462828 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512867020900908 + 0.420885950597459 + 0 + 0.523054905871745 + 0.415610839813393 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511036574327541 + 0.425131424327536 + 0 + 0.522533158555508 + 0.419179992109439 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509159182969168 + 0.429400101544355 + 0 + 0.521615759560877 + 0.422952989859552 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507267179700194 + 0.433675353988172 + 0 + 0.520387266808906 + 0.426886049072686 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505408674537394 + 0.43793239716501 + 0 + 0.51896174308946 + 0.430920166626684 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.503626140034609 + 0.442149371312442 + 0 + 0.517424660948293 + 0.43501117533573 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501944537843247 + 0.4463134770386 + 0 + 0.515822890960179 + 0.439134901987676 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.500370303081629 + 0.45042149238139 + 0 + 0.514169525906021 + 0.443284653399733 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498909938897703 + 0.454470150684394 + 0 + 0.512464391935626 + 0.447460596694136 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.49758853570312 + 0.458446564502282 + 0 + 0.510710646804995 + 0.451661172309808 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.496448498560407 + 0.462328887302509 + 0 + 0.508907661436521 + 0.455886775079962 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.495537215317347 + 0.466092691272893 + 0 + 0.507036819002528 + 0.460147095470864 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494884725302945 + 0.469722511709624 + 0 + 0.505075867635344 + 0.464453696669792 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494493068729593 + 0.473217349863049 + 0 + 0.503104556914647 + 0.468765403185449 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494347188474569 + 0.476585034539809 + 0 + 0.501287185066225 + 0.472997332830163 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494426631751383 + 0.479836173008036 + 0 + 0.499695104591987 + 0.477112654063808 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494711209236506 + 0.482981227112328 + 0 + 0.498399932483317 + 0.481074391911008 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.495183623645832 + 0.486029156295643 + 0 + 0.497563733715275 + 0.48479880819568 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.495830399117459 + 0.488986954495352 + 0 + 0.497250751937623 + 0.488252739747617 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.496641027035429 + 0.49186002655021 + 0 + 0.497398193448137 + 0.491468631130392 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497609495935737 + 0.4946515041578 + 0 + 0.497934045163041 + 0.494483738247752 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498726223164156 + 0.497366343133581 + 0 + 0.498805693039354 + 0.497325263622762 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499994052316792 + 0.500003074467614 + 0 + 0.499994052316792 + 0.500003074467614 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501273776835815 + 0.502633656859697 + 0 + 0.501194306960616 + 0.502674736370515 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502390504064066 + 0.505348495835564 + 0 + 0.502065954836761 + 0.505516261745612 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.503358972965224 + 0.508139973442715 + 0 + 0.502601806552515 + 0.508531368862533 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.504169600880994 + 0.51101304549871 + 0 + 0.50274924806083 + 0.511747260246445 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.504816376356613 + 0.513970843696357 + 0 + 0.50243626628717 + 0.515201191796319 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505288790762487 + 0.517018772881456 + 0 + 0.501600067515676 + 0.518925608082776 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505573368248714 + 0.520163826985177 + 0 + 0.50030489540811 + 0.522887345929405 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505652811525311 + 0.523414965453516 + 0 + 0.498712814933655 + 0.527002667163162 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505506931269217 + 0.52678265013083 + 0 + 0.496895443084163 + 0.53123459680843 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505115274696908 + 0.530277488283716 + 0 + 0.494924132364509 + 0.535546303323547 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.504462784683178 + 0.533907308720099 + 0 + 0.492963180997997 + 0.539852904522128 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.503551501440158 + 0.537671112690462 + 0 + 0.491092338564043 + 0.54411322491301 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502411464296648 + 0.541553435491102 + 0 + 0.489289353194773 + 0.548338827683575 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501090061103712 + 0.545529849308138 + 0 + 0.487535608065788 + 0.552539403298396 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499629696919019 + 0.549578507611538 + 0 + 0.485830474094627 + 0.556715346593195 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498055462154735 + 0.553686522955707 + 0 + 0.484177109037803 + 0.560865098006631 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.496373859966325 + 0.557850628680338 + 0 + 0.48257533905264 + 0.56498882465705 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494591325461415 + 0.562067602828871 + 0 + 0.481038256909349 + 0.569079833367197 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.492732820300824 + 0.566324646004566 + 0 + 0.479612733192112 + 0.573113950920052 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490840817030871 + 0.570599898448888 + 0 + 0.478384240439162 + 0.577047010133692 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488963425670836 + 0.574868575666567 + 0 + 0.47746684144287 + 0.580820007884664 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487132979098937 + 0.579114049395885 + 0 + 0.4769450941281 + 0.584389160179951 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485356581080193 + 0.583332747624428 + 0 + 0.476748358072655 + 0.587791004529769 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.483627788447431 + 0.587528116115544 + 0 + 0.476690856580452 + 0.591121739986025 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481938098753818 + 0.59170467459681 + 0 + 0.476672298918722 + 0.594433358090448 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480281309104514 + 0.595865759613337 + 0 + 0.476594713703826 + 0.597776705459818 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47865441071406 + 0.600013059634958 + 0 + 0.476275848914562 + 0.601246398256634 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477056932768216 + 0.60414695314753 + 0 + 0.475637615013499 + 0.604883166799051 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.475489752422125 + 0.608267123955035 + 0 + 0.474733200813116 + 0.608659706448397 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473954063234088 + 0.612373095249199 + 0 + 0.473629806316199 + 0.612541425438765 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.472450689985132 + 0.616464584910135 + 0 + 0.472371299197675 + 0.616505817059484 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470979718624506 + 0.620541697999236 + 0 + 0.470979718624506 + 0.620541697999236 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.46954057399651 + 0.62460488713057 + 0 + 0.469461199770114 + 0.624646151151911 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.468134303597581 + 0.628653765434444 + 0 + 0.467810182104536 + 0.628822356238653 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.46676590226777 + 0.632685894313411 + 0 + 0.466009825486716 + 0.633079390504421 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.465444766031685 + 0.636696540623247 + 0 + 0.464026639102491 + 0.637435045492721 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.464184973359164 + 0.640678521749514 + 0 + 0.461808914539606 + 0.641916675566998 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.46300551984797 + 0.644622073033242 + 0 + 0.459323599037545 + 0.646542010225527 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.461930444725666 + 0.648514769597185 + 0 + 0.456672472859839 + 0.65125850671468 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.460987974091236 + 0.652341959646045 + 0 + 0.454062894070695 + 0.655958369877019 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.460208584699153 + 0.65608776221015 + 0 + 0.45161701282884 + 0.660578023981891 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.459620405501807 + 0.659737460831548 + 0 + 0.449454572305059 + 0.6650549442005 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.459242228328693 + 0.663281160522857 + 0 + 0.447773230780592 + 0.669285583026229 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.459071908653092 + 0.66671988111931 + 0 + 0.446648217006605 + 0.673230137284351 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.459075976274563 + 0.670071054337734 + 0 + 0.445993757041781 + 0.67693304289216 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.459201770978671 + 0.673362234557953 + 0 + 0.44569124443191 + 0.680456085185706 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.459400429677243 + 0.676619077134443 + 0 + 0.445648802856401 + 0.683847201440764 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.459639898171639 + 0.679858493129418 + 0 + 0.445812415742289 + 0.687134574125807 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.459906540601516 + 0.683087762433699 + 0 + 0.446161692151867 + 0.690328768047806 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.460187099659798 + 0.686313998548964 + 0 + 0.446689897761646 + 0.693433168811019 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.460450473313733 + 0.689553775182666 + 0 + 0.447387624134555 + 0.696452566257752 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.460649191118179 + 0.692832411546414 + 0 + 0.448250058171403 + 0.699389320241037 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.460731727311334 + 0.696177520899615 + 0 + 0.449291118627919 + 0.702235859558878 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.46066471390233 + 0.699607261087745 + 0 + 0.450529142529315 + 0.704982201729808 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.460443319870062 + 0.70312476761923 + 0 + 0.451881664401484 + 0.707671812111963 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.460080349772859 + 0.706723847098535 + 0 + 0.453182912407235 + 0.710392704418858 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.45959444498683 + 0.710395190881084 + 0 + 0.454360167168899 + 0.713183863905387 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.459004365732334 + 0.714129397793494 + 0 + 0.455340952617862 + 0.716084418005479 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.458326271674718 + 0.717918422301861 + 0 + 0.4559634079223 + 0.719181575213134 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.457572865439708 + 0.721756040360482 + 0 + 0.456163370773946 + 0.722510890157944 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.456753647325805 + 0.725637725345652 + 0 + 0.456002582246848 + 0.726040704995709 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.455875452395947 + 0.729560372149885 + 0 + 0.455553657593923 + 0.729733362632019 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.45494284437804 + 0.733522096669167 + 0 + 0.454864084306183 + 0.733564521170983 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453958459678774 + 0.737522061147572 + 0 + 0.453958459678774 + 0.737522061147572 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.452923214834805 + 0.741560372235291 + 0 + 0.452844529482577 + 0.741602935160681 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.451836683886441 + 0.745637886391561 + 0 + 0.451515499685148 + 0.745812007930601 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.450697216256959 + 0.74975615482333 + 0 + 0.449948289715722 + 0.750163095097842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.449502002720713 + 0.753917396444294 + 0 + 0.448097863072831 + 0.754682161296249 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.448246491342158 + 0.7581248263234 + 0 + 0.445894861079807 + 0.759408771609983 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446924266041652 + 0.762382736493947 + 0 + 0.443281782493463 + 0.764376480027536 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445526263023122 + 0.766696942450897 + 0 + 0.440326934852234 + 0.769550247216105 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444040756389919 + 0.771074815141451 + 0 + 0.437196063591788 + 0.774841157763784 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442454155836248 + 0.775524866455527 + 0 + 0.433966334718795 + 0.780208289419518 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.440753513885179 + 0.78005538425836 + 0 + 0.430715331520857 + 0.785610083960754 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.438932333284326 + 0.784671213132259 + 0 + 0.427613021951256 + 0.790953265766738 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.437002030232522 + 0.789367327405745 + 0 + 0.42474680134006 + 0.796189417573343 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.435002646755985 + 0.794122699010231 + 0 + 0.422104657335806 + 0.801325005300066 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.432992090555897 + 0.798906064355285 + 0 + 0.41967908404934 + 0.806364006568522 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.431024155433248 + 0.803688091696854 + 0 + 0.417481167356412 + 0.811299957115922 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.429136249728753 + 0.808448307961583 + 0 + 0.415526404770417 + 0.816123771804899 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.427347775959291 + 0.813176144904752 + 0 + 0.413827281399917 + 0.82082789294538 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425677805320726 + 0.817861059981198 + 0 + 0.41240900509826 + 0.825397371078539 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.424162637023815 + 0.822482516909397 + 0 + 0.411328884739706 + 0.829798673638565 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.422853813357316 + 0.827010921873502 + 0 + 0.410679983413106 + 0.833977227490607 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.421805638077196 + 0.831414597543763 + 0 + 0.41058035329846 + 0.837863161414394 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.421052225434321 + 0.835672950482952 + 0 + 0.411114185401343 + 0.841404892062042 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.420596225965759 + 0.839783198801878 + 0 + 0.41220730185844 + 0.844641543201276 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.420418667474627 + 0.843755005541727 + 0 + 0.41366524634389 + 0.847682658693483 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.420491747054791 + 0.847603269517016 + 0 + 0.415370547320385 + 0.850594535936456 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.420783284305508 + 0.851345642889303 + 0 + 0.417201735836883 + 0.853446883057264 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.421269399061843 + 0.854995108806971 + 0 + 0.418961140107651 + 0.856355484119208 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.42190570758117 + 0.858577041996703 + 0 + 0.42052989002223 + 0.859391658148061 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.422745386284277 + 0.862058901279305 + 0 + 0.422012870142262 + 0.862494689591304 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.423499891494438 + 0.865612860381762 + 0 + 0.423186309940801 + 0.865800328274311 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425177109521543 + 0.868631385524211 + 0 + 0.42510042602475 + 0.868677457517796 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425732778105591 + 0.87234340521387 + 0 + 0.425732778105591 + 0.87234340521387 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.427002050991308 + 0.875649431760149 + 0 + 0.426925578543759 + 0.875695853221124 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.428971042820199 + 0.878544895895962 + 0 + 0.428659183465623 + 0.878735214955653 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.429819888901348 + 0.882143514864502 + 0 + 0.429093404350892 + 0.882589285600572 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.431618702211388 + 0.885181927045774 + 0 + 0.430257988281115 + 0.886021528754623 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.433112963947368 + 0.888426691710593 + 0 + 0.430836379038365 + 0.889839434270951 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.43549457862251 + 0.89113527376153 + 0 + 0.431971993485036 + 0.893333930993981 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.436799458317105 + 0.89453363161353 + 0 + 0.431776625330017 + 0.897687281926354 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.438999702213325 + 0.897390695361655 + 0 + 0.432394603540028 + 0.90156296426066 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.440876941939902 + 0.900468714665237 + 0 + 0.432695432575553 + 0.90566875913645 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.443793764639025 + 0.902897363223848 + 0 + 0.434128921525933 + 0.909078835666761 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445809600113911 + 0.90591379531664 + 0 + 0.434924002929502 + 0.912920561210839 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.448296929899834 + 0.90864397254128 + 0 + 0.436525414893901 + 0.916270438559465 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.450481256893317 + 0.911587326210997 + 0 + 0.438107617786617 + 0.919657295370342 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453136833282173 + 0.914239289777779 + 0 + 0.440381200655657 + 0.922614902029847 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.455654881403632 + 0.916994368798147 + 0 + 0.442695677644088 + 0.925562452546919 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.458231187840771 + 0.919724434603325 + 0 + 0.445225237063279 + 0.928383872770634 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.460551075827973 + 0.922640562951216 + 0 + 0.447648012954653 + 0.931292960867082 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.463623287527058 + 0.925061853461201 + 0 + 0.450977883769443 + 0.933602977983564 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.465767224385875 + 0.928121155377108 + 0 + 0.453553601313398 + 0.936431315328583 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.468046683828445 + 0.931107033656712 + 0 + 0.456477758719321 + 0.939037451128758 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470103020169109 + 0.9342644051259 + 0 + 0.459451196140471 + 0.941621689898168 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.472069914749653 + 0.937503985322169 + 0 + 0.46265375114345 + 0.944058041844994 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473620366271459 + 0.941057936332292 + 0 + 0.465684199612491 + 0.946625235205408 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.475313677283955 + 0.944537807636429 + 0 + 0.468934797766812 + 0.949048356644628 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476793738809839 + 0.948194178842727 + 0 + 0.471964325405104 + 0.951636725527657 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.478162477512065 + 0.95195847652251 + 0 + 0.474790528126173 + 0.95438183308223 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479485116303257 + 0.955785671876535 + 0 + 0.477315574910018 + 0.957357858421691 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480502732171073 + 0.959867554834338 + 0 + 0.47921180455714 + 0.960810941989819 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482266149264549 + 0.963432205099366 + 0 + 0.481580023110542 + 0.963937894976638 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.483085128203762 + 0.967723015007875 + 0 + 0.482791923147046 + 0.967940979216484 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484076139049492 + 0.97192591327634 + 0 + 0.484004567916852 + 0.971979584127329 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484952458979156 + 0.976254282549339 + 0 + 0.484952458979156 + 0.976254282549339 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485771240625702 + 0.980668229974803 + 0 + 0.485700131423216 + 0.980722511358305 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.486603083218275 + 0.985115217435951 + 0 + 0.486313651573718 + 0.98533816793415 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487113760525315 + 0.989857340389235 + 0 + 0.486440842259646 + 0.990380477425696 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487885724898131 + 0.99444542232916 + 0 + 0.486627854596867 + 0.995432456135439 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488513808665488 + 0.999194291131257 + 0 + 0.486413565779102 + 1.00085791975806 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489079494480635 + 1.00404387870614 + 0 + 0.485836513301455 + 1.00663728818944 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489619387378706 + 1.00896704277942 + 0 + 0.485005023968283 + 1.01269289997318 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.48984970073416 + 1.01419853007487 + 0 + 0.483794816181823 + 1.01913548554433 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490791555656742 + 1.0189019234303 + 0 + 0.483307978051604 + 1.02506419770279 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490734352796636 + 1.02448436268044 + 0 + 0.481913670047082 + 1.03182025729493 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490786241901715 + 1.03004654131426 + 0 + 0.480874075771299 + 1.03837360303856 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490629773304181 + 1.03585594474792 + 0 + 0.479935790975862 + 1.04493175277933 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490472348444341 + 1.04174223647706 + 0 + 0.479257922528744 + 1.05135826467789 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489969831134394 + 1.04800766646744 + 0 + 0.478437067459881 + 1.05800028405882 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489816856282804 + 1.05405539318956 + 0 + 0.47812888636145 + 1.06428986339201 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489569440852917 + 1.06026897082511 + 0 + 0.47786874303231 + 1.07062437016608 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489419456355436 + 1.06648222863933 + 0 + 0.477840991995778 + 1.07684042270391 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489108996986639 + 1.07292929873803 + 0 + 0.477791405750153 + 1.08316498009803 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489540180301635 + 1.07878794448641 + 0 + 0.478638133026421 + 1.08875673138275 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.48927378916428 + 1.08536979243324 + 0 + 0.478975137006965 + 1.09489183597463 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489394300204536 + 1.09169037762706 + 0 + 0.479938235412046 + 1.10053197437185 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489431279703778 + 1.09818536426075 + 0 + 0.481095730806437 + 1.1060681568207 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489980515528711 + 1.10428955099835 + 0 + 0.482975311128157 + 1.11099064563192 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490437943919443 + 1.11057260498653 + 0 + 0.484823842124525 + 1.11600556157442 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491740306175537 + 1.11611843663361 + 0 + 0.487502563438103 + 1.12026764113605 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.492138860782553 + 1.12263712500552 + 0 + 0.489189008371956 + 1.12555963598621 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.493397462874516 + 1.12839893282729 + 0 + 0.491505396522784 + 1.13029597402621 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494484699932912 + 1.13441815245532 + 0 + 0.493362438530218 + 1.13555701275121 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.496339098590488 + 1.13973621801923 + 0 + 0.495744542405009 + 1.14034695060678 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497478549528464 + 1.14587118274143 + 0 + 0.497225312503961 + 1.14613452398571 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499211107488583 + 1.15148161239792 + 0 + 0.499149500591323 + 1.15154647824011 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501497233706143 + 1.15657868490891 + 0 + 0.501497233706143 + 1.15657868490891 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.503132022096365 + 1.16244887163391 + 0 + 0.503071234785767 + 1.16251450615336 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505466292890499 + 1.16764804137375 + 0 + 0.505219754849085 + 1.16791766443592 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507829607883374 + 1.17288690875765 + 0 + 0.507258492651767 + 1.1735196162283 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510408905996524 + 1.17795815509619 + 0 + 0.509345273979043 + 1.17915195590073 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.513166739024484 + 1.18289679978285 + 0 + 0.511397494385672 + 1.1849088767689 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.516129293423914 + 1.18766695098621 + 0 + 0.513407881590251 + 1.19080328918675 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.519309325802531 + 1.19224637224149 + 0 + 0.515452226729542 + 1.19675160789047 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522726276206294 + 1.19660379863723 + 0 + 0.51768520960259 + 1.20257228284569 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526398758055333 + 1.20070729585276 + 0 + 0.520193547145657 + 1.2081553100544 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.53034269171544 + 1.20452652044889 + 0 + 0.523059141668325 + 1.21339047513482 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.534566076164627 + 1.20803930465701 + 0 + 0.526415835309506 + 1.21809736452763 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.539060837046574 + 1.21124246114577 + 0 + 0.530305601714054 + 1.22220044470725 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.543796386809838 + 1.21416133509198 + 0 + 0.534655323385555 + 1.22576617487756 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.548728559057522 + 1.21684037007744 + 0 + 0.539369972280929 + 1.22889333227951 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553816410472842 + 1.21932253588019 + 0 + 0.544374978289072 + 1.23165997400674 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.559030899599552 + 1.22163768253486 + 0 + 0.549622964279443 + 1.2341129131144 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.564355725330429 + 1.22380040392866 + 0 + 0.555090017043918 + 1.23627035465657 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.569774765221657 + 1.22582602864516 + 0 + 0.560761372071935 + 1.23813926494713 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.575260240490855 + 1.2277470806424 + 0 + 0.566620411222114 + 1.23972976386373 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.580774470383456 + 1.22961212119661 + 0 + 0.572653717711093 + 1.24104824490597 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.586278635844194 + 1.23147443648696 + 0 + 0.578860324458071 + 1.24208384978534 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.59174717291588 + 1.23337146162531 + 0 + 0.585241885403573 + 1.24282138375966 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.597173966772298 + 1.23531433809419 + 0 + 0.591735859593554 + 1.24333958253247 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.602564522438089 + 1.23729751061113 + 0 + 0.598229843521187 + 1.24379718098254 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.607928220372582 + 1.23930916059823 + 0 + 0.60467427413131 + 1.24426760746904 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.613274497423257 + 1.24133660906239 + 0 + 0.611022193386017 + 1.24482513686082 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.618611162872118 + 1.2433689070278 + 0 + 0.617174787021968 + 1.24563065520274 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.623944103337755 + 1.24539746226548 + 0 + 0.623097110918674 + 1.24675358809723 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.62927733959981 + 1.24741615584578 + 0 + 0.628831297148763 + 1.24814247360204 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.634613597511245 + 1.24942061586885 + 0 + 0.634424775150268 + 1.24973338370209 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.639954470024814 + 1.25140810053233 + 0 + 0.639908819395873 + 1.25148503561763 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.645300778013203 + 1.25337702647739 + 0 + 0.645300778013203 + 1.25337702647739 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.650652620364284 + 1.25532698575899 + 0 + 0.65060815448582 + 1.25540461161116 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.656009312313379 + 1.25725896283987 + 0 + 0.655830166350554 + 1.25757737189364 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.661369266298539 + 1.25917567709041 + 0 + 0.660957083347425 + 1.25992173108711 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.666729960763724 + 1.26108179920314 + 0 + 0.665967647211033 + 1.26248727117971 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.672087814879429 + 1.26298436704468 + 0 + 0.67082878563648 + 1.26534943062842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.677438064199064 + 1.2648932451633 + 0 + 0.675515526606145 + 1.26857380882671 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.682774622275221 + 1.26682166127117 + 0 + 0.680070054448623 + 1.27209988771412 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.688090081631406 + 1.26878652514216 + 0 + 0.684582266912888 + 1.27576724087553 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.693376282847381 + 1.27080762828899 + 0 + 0.689092129339657 + 1.27950381059526 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.698625771589106 + 1.27290490209256 + 0 + 0.693637394413603 + 1.28323620825965 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.703834551592257 + 1.27509259402854 + 0 + 0.698298453277344 + 1.28679484209483 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.709007487957009 + 1.27736699110671 + 0 + 0.703110590063532 + 1.2900932688302 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.714162667525849 + 1.27969488088149 + 0 + 0.70805921338575 + 1.29314773167734 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.719325415716398 + 1.28202383197852 + 0 + 0.71313231218439 + 1.29597024775252 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.724517527054398 + 1.28430489468478 + 0 + 0.718326740643248 + 1.29855365550174 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.729751969598726 + 1.28650550631065 + 0 + 0.723641179219024 + 1.30088600928987 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.735032923968158 + 1.28861131944024 + 0 + 0.729072788463548 + 1.3029580893197 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.740364276376578 + 1.29060743537694 + 0 + 0.734624258491797 + 1.30474636174997 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.745757106564614 + 1.29245946832441 + 0 + 0.740311532617528 + 1.30619180502879 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.751228231197731 + 1.294114958924 + 0 + 0.746164074223288 + 1.30719493841938 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.75679427169294 + 1.29551687208086 + 0 + 0.752218764824894 + 1.307627022008 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.762462500327828 + 1.29662790849142 + 0 + 0.758495462901744 + 1.30739277765102 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.768227031328127 + 1.29744370669454 + 0 + 0.764949503606646 + 1.30656704873661 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.774074058092519 + 1.29798225697274 + 0 + 0.771493120247795 + 1.30535612407835 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.779986997947901 + 1.29827181962156 + 0 + 0.778073775891722 + 1.30388554769437 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.785949395132288 + 1.29834356465585 + 0 + 0.784642270262083 + 1.30228489999431 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.791946627855011 + 1.29822665418366 + 0 + 0.791124231598829 + 1.30077662374967 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.797966472262931 + 1.29794611230926 + 0 + 0.797488294330163 + 1.29947183158035 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.803999206471849 + 1.29752183029653 + 0 + 0.803751040628247 + 1.29833724740775 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.810037352023201 + 1.29696862498062 + 0 + 0.80993388135402 + 1.29731901251199 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.816075385909219 + 1.29629642053788 + 0 + 0.816050763383111 + 1.296382424715 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.822109448753179 + 1.29551048863167 + 0 + 0.822109448753179 + 1.29551048863167 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.828137015574863 + 1.29461188469485 + 0 + 0.828113828474422 + 1.29469828692657 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.834156059968561 + 1.29359993490717 + 0 + 0.83406431299229 + 1.2939535732731 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.840164355271219 + 1.29247471343121 + 0 + 0.839957212298234 + 1.29330150429953 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.846159484515316 + 1.29123713532569 + 0 + 0.845783898526322 + 1.29279129381002 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.852138969377676 + 1.28988855834697 + 0 + 0.851531431218422 + 1.29249807511733 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.858100456480297 + 1.28843003329355 + 0 + 0.857192838071371 + 1.29248206099586 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.864041947893163 + 1.28686116436883 + 0 + 0.862794267606446 + 1.29265923779143 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.869962010144132 + 1.28517878344645 + 0 + 0.868382736490085 + 1.29282999583242 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.875859799729422 + 1.28337620267393 + 0 + 0.873980115040384 + 1.29288642577601 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.881734726948772 + 1.28144417861498 + 0 + 0.87960511541015 + 1.29271735690052 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.8875854771041 + 1.27937572818605 + 0 + 0.885289768289956 + 1.29211624290869 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.893407919410236 + 1.27717890037508 + 0 + 0.891037215732609 + 1.29100320193191 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.899193628635538 + 1.2748898672057 + 0 + 0.896819831597712 + 1.28947055424709 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.904932695179275 + 1.2725625839656 + 0 + 0.902608070761278 + 1.28764413446994 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.910617946462801 + 1.27024501463256 + 0 + 0.90838129603158 + 1.28561870696902 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.916246501910292 + 1.26796581469777 + 0 + 0.914127979372477 + 1.28344652809402 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.921819096934707 + 1.26573305712053 + 0 + 0.919843201301839 + 1.28114243276185 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.927336722148503 + 1.26355489176423 + 0 + 0.925524316430536 + 1.27870653292329 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.932798326208398 + 1.26146026160413 + 0 + 0.931168264774575 + 1.2761427084948 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.93820184508954 + 1.25949756428013 + 0 + 0.936772547405913 + 1.27345065202418 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.943546325432942 + 1.25772088986679 + 0 + 0.942336541335664 + 1.27060993237566 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.948834302113903 + 1.25616495929239 + 0 + 0.947859270083379 + 1.26759601814547 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.95407189142556 + 1.25483306665351 + 0 + 0.95333012987598 + 1.26449884896976 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.95926662041291 + 1.25370919875307 + 0 + 0.95873509478348 + 1.2615035965332 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.964425822284753 + 1.25277114361913 + 0 + 0.964072661224773 + 1.2586914171582 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.969556052269528 + 1.25199680209434 + 0 + 0.969344061963315 + 1.2561438202745 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.974662962290117 + 1.25136732506217 + 0 + 0.974548953626411 + 1.2540442042926 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.979751424557303 + 1.25086760132042 + 0 + 0.979696987762966 + 1.25246557192871 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.984825669704982 + 1.25048731324957 + 0 + 0.984803902760182 + 1.25133937988505 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.989889548320672 + 1.25021588984422 + 0 + 0.989883327781329 + 1.25058118274917 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.994946525982812 + 1.25005631644855 + 0 + 0.994945764377118 + 1.25014577262347 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 1 + 1.2499798172808 + 0 + 1 + 1.2499798172808 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + + + + + + The material override + b73d1b3a-2049-4ace-bb18-844c48038a7a + Material + Material + false + a4ad84b1-89b7-4be0-90af-ac71b0ba6f84 + 1 + + + + + + 26856 + -15028 + 51 + 20 + + + 26883 + -15018 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;221;160;221 + + + 255;66;48;66 + + 0.5 + + 255;255;255;255 + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 8634f6d5-6b63-4fdc-90d0-fe9fd70371c6 + b8d47739-095a-4e74-b2e4-115680879ec2 + e7632567-1dd6-425d-9046-7e5d28358f08 + 3 + db060c2d-70fb-45e8-80f1-69ee2b8e261c + Group + + + + + + + + + + + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 + Colour Picker + + + + + Provides a colour picker object + e7632567-1dd6-425d-9046-7e5d28358f08 + Colour Picker + Colour Picker + false + + 255;217;217;217 + + 0 + + + + + + 26943.87 + -15169.15 + 180 + 310 + + 2 + + + + + + + + + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 + Create Material + + + + + Create an OpenGL material. + true + 67886c50-05b5-4a9a-9a19-acd2cba0aa6e + Create Material + Create Material + + + + + + 27124 + -15458 + 144 + 104 + + + 27208 + -15406 + + + + + + Colour of the diffuse channel + df3dc8f6-e69a-4efd-920d-fce929dbd260 + Diffuse + Diffuse + false + b1755aad-ca55-4bc5-9644-2b57e58bde9e + 1 + + + + + + 27126 + -15456 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -15446 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;105;180 + + + + + + + + + + + + Colour of the specular highlight + 276e06d8-5c46-4306-a2cf-f848a24573b8 + Specular + Specular + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -15436 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -15426 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;255;255 + + + + + + + + + + + + Emissive colour of the material + 1ff0bca1-3a14-4670-b577-3ea41a952551 + Emission + Emission + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -15416 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -15406 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;0;0;0 + + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of transparency (0.0 = opaque, 1.0 = transparent + 4c263b1a-001c-43b1-bd2c-23f1fc256ab7 + Transparency + Transparency + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -15396 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -15386 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of shinyness (0 = none, 1 = low shine, 100 = max shine + e67cbaa1-6901-4158-bcac-10d92ab7b170 + Shine + Shine + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -15376 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -15366 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Resulting material + b23b0d3e-fc3a-4a10-bbcb-af3116c7c43a + Material + Material + false + 0 + + + + + + 27223 + -15456 + 43 + 100 + + + 27246 + -15406 + + + + + + + + + + + + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c + Custom Preview + + + + + Allows for customized geometry previews + true + b582f1f7-e704-4e3f-856f-702304820be2 + Custom Preview + Custom Preview + + + + + + + 26854 + -15428 + 82 + 44 + + + 26922 + -15406 + + + + + + Geometry to preview + true + cb2a8a4c-3211-45f2-86ea-165bddce90d3 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 656438e0-b24d-468a-bfb4-8fea23344430 + 1 + + + + + + 26856 + -15426 + 51 + 20 + + + 26883 + -15416 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + -1 + + 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+ + 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Curve + + + + + + + + + + + The material override + 9a1d3b89-5ba0-4ee7-b853-f70dba3e72e7 + Material + Material + false + b23b0d3e-fc3a-4a10-bbcb-af3116c7c43a + 1 + + + + + + 26856 + -15406 + 51 + 20 + + + 26883 + -15396 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;221;160;221 + + + 255;66;48;66 + + 0.5 + + 255;255;255;255 + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 67886c50-05b5-4a9a-9a19-acd2cba0aa6e + b582f1f7-e704-4e3f-856f-702304820be2 + b1755aad-ca55-4bc5-9644-2b57e58bde9e + 3 + b711397f-a522-485f-bb79-6b751a4edcc9 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 + Colour Picker + + + + + Provides a colour picker object + b1755aad-ca55-4bc5-9644-2b57e58bde9e + Colour Picker + Colour Picker + false + + 255;191;191;191 + + 0 + + + + + + 26943.87 + -15547.61 + 180 + 310 + + 2 + + + + + + + + + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 + Create Material + + + + + Create an OpenGL material. + true + f7cf980a-1db0-456b-903f-36b088ead0b9 + Create Material + Create Material + + + + + + 27124 + -16176 + 144 + 104 + + + 27208 + -16124 + + + + + + Colour of the diffuse channel + ec4fd4f9-5c7d-4e77-b727-101e8127dfe0 + Diffuse + Diffuse + false + 2647ee79-c578-4a09-af8a-9f4bd395be6b + 1 + + + + + + 27126 + -16174 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -16164 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;105;180 + + + + + + + + + + + + Colour of the specular highlight + 1a14f820-b9b5-4024-a817-76b80962dce8 + Specular + Specular + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -16154 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -16144 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;255;255 + + + + + + + + + + + + Emissive colour of the material + a8548e8a-f827-4d29-878e-140eb94c4c4e + Emission + Emission + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -16134 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -16124 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;0;0;0 + + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of transparency (0.0 = opaque, 1.0 = transparent + 97f2b024-1f80-4041-973d-7b471eae6d87 + Transparency + Transparency + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -16114 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -16104 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of shinyness (0 = none, 1 = low shine, 100 = max shine + fb2eae20-d5fa-4aa5-8eb7-e998d9c8a5e8 + Shine + Shine + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -16094 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -16084 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Resulting material + f97af30a-009e-443a-82a7-852740543d7c + Material + Material + false + 0 + + + + + + 27223 + -16174 + 43 + 100 + + + 27246 + -16124 + + + + + + + + + + + + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c + Custom Preview + + + + + Allows for customized geometry previews + true + 0fb7104c-359d-4512-beed-52e1e026a767 + Custom Preview + Custom Preview + + + + + + + 26854 + -16146 + 82 + 44 + + + 26922 + -16124 + + + + + + Geometry to preview + true + b2c4d07d-df78-4b3f-8e29-091315115f50 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 7ed462af-db4a-4941-b06f-73a8a5ab5192 + 1 + + + + + + 26856 + -16144 + 51 + 20 + + + 26883 + -16134 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 513 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + + 8.31187957663209E-17 + -0.24997981727771 + 0 + 8.31187957663209E-17 + -0.24997981727771 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.00505423562287416 + -0.250145772628349 + 0 + 0.00505579079448798 + -0.250328438941119 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0101166722186634 + -0.250581182755773 + 0 + 0.0101302839851524 + -0.251380515650879 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0151960972398294 + -0.251339379892392 + 0 + 0.0152491190912052 + -0.253414919244564 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0203030122370353 + -0.252465571935498 + 0 + 0.0204360062025512 + -0.256369557292481 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0254510463736146 + -0.254044204299816 + 0 + 0.0256951342190955 + -0.259775292295518 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.030655938036711 + -0.25614382028161 + 0 + 0.0310139688299929 + -0.263147726428641 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0359273387751048 + -0.25869141716293 + 0 + 0.0363816718926596 + -0.266307705136293 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0412649052165872 + -0.261503596540872 + 0 + 0.0417964308460186 + -0.269297994321025 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0466698701239005 + -0.264498848974972 + 0 + 0.0472536739461035 + -0.272106308089032 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0521407299166446 + -0.267596018152469 + 0 + 0.0527367560333432 + -0.274583695895008 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0576634586644573 + -0.270609932383741 + 0 + 0.0581995183412103 + -0.276321113392407 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0632274525938167 + -0.273450652028253 + 0 + 0.0636255100087909 + -0.277336567539015 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0688317352254483 + -0.276142708501694 + 0 + 0.0690608315079947 + -0.278206246679791 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0744756835693676 + -0.278706532929218 + 0 + 0.0745706349708621 + -0.279500322944738 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.080156798698473 + -0.281142432770991 + 0 + 0.0801800320483679 + -0.281323622207306 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0858720206272032 + -0.283446528098435 + 0 + 0.0858720206272032 + -0.283446528098435 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0916187039686472 + -0.285618706977297 + 0 + 0.0916450033749502 + -0.285799476835425 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0973919292382841 + -0.287644134473815 + 0 + 0.0975137156265353 + -0.288434252460588 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.103180168402255 + -0.289470554253619 + 0 + 0.10351379268512 + -0.2915197906375 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.108962784267433 + -0.291003201938871 + 0 + 0.10962302194108 + -0.294853250675795 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.114710231709912 + -0.29211624291467 + 0 + 0.115727468527291 + -0.297761610728034 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.120394884590228 + -0.292717356909241 + 0 + 0.121696692177779 + -0.299608524036104 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.126019884959019 + -0.292886425779716 + 0 + 0.127499291793491 + -0.300371451931509 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.131617263509951 + -0.292829995839355 + 0 + 0.133196537164003 + -0.300481208225351 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.13720573239375 + -0.292659237799043 + 0 + 0.138810842748806 + -0.300118318293514 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.142807161928103 + -0.292482061000252 + 0 + 0.14434004022216 + -0.299325537565637 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.148468568781714 + -0.292498075124684 + 0 + 0.149769282916235 + -0.298084942872452 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.154216101474041 + -0.292791293818254 + 0 + 0.155133691693607 + -0.296588242231303 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.160042787701041 + -0.293301504303351 + 0 + 0.16054736489495 + -0.29531547470396 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.165935687007545 + -0.293953573279223 + 0 + 0.166136447479939 + -0.294727403745222 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.171886171525765 + -0.294698286934031 + 0 + 0.171933518756356 + -0.294874717203926 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.177890551247578 + -0.295510488641129 + 0 + 0.177890551247578 + -0.295510488641129 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.183949236616059 + -0.296382424718838 + 0 + 0.183999514934573 + -0.29655804217545 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.190066118646106 + -0.29731901251916 + 0 + 0.190292532869964 + -0.298085729518202 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.196248959371727 + -0.298337247414373 + 0 + 0.196853463706027 + -0.300323512610402 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.202511705669843 + -0.299471831587106 + 0 + 0.20367993719918 + -0.303199300454348 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.208875768401618 + -0.300776623757787 + 0 + 0.210636484857528 + -0.306236003397698 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.215357729737282 + -0.30228489999911 + 0 + 0.217565335181875 + -0.308941428040542 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.221926224108109 + -0.303885547700611 + 0 + 0.224387537768817 + -0.311107472384414 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.228506879752192 + -0.305356124085039 + 0 + 0.231087817596925 + -0.312729991190678 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.235050496392389 + -0.306567048740638 + 0 + 0.237630076329177 + -0.313747579948328 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.241504537098532 + -0.307392777658513 + 0 + 0.243929542470506 + -0.313973221132266 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.247781235175239 + -0.307627022015066 + 0 + 0.249808658695011 + -0.312993072924465 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.253835925776679 + -0.307194938426022 + 0 + 0.255246286443573 + -0.310837694505103 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.259688467383181 + -0.306191805037292 + 0 + 0.260453813229492 + -0.308121810388237 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.265375741506915 + -0.304746361753513 + 0 + 0.265676459352462 + -0.305487095939814 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.270927211537022 + -0.302958089327777 + 0 + 0.270997293130045 + -0.303126784231964 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.27635882078016 + -0.300886009294673 + 0 + 0.27635882078016 + -0.300886009294673 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.281673259357865 + -0.29855365551104 + 0 + 0.28174605303402 + -0.298721197986524 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.28686768781528 + -0.295970247758475 + 0 + 0.287192142684371 + -0.296700896371221 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.291940786614735 + -0.293147731685129 + 0 + 0.292798593949585 + -0.295038456809365 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.296889409935901 + -0.290093268835693 + 0 + 0.298531687789377 + -0.293637519463736 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.301701546722433 + -0.286794842101097 + 0 + 0.304154611760934 + -0.291980150231544 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.306362605586927 + -0.283236208267481 + 0 + 0.309411944463461 + -0.28955161955903 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.3109078706605 + -0.279503810602304 + 0 + 0.314279715957862 + -0.286348145512692 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.315417733087166 + -0.275767240882368 + 0 + 0.318925547805695 + -0.282747956615763 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.319929945551141 + -0.272099887720381 + 0 + 0.323409306306166 + -0.278890197714137 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.324484473393656 + -0.268573808833086 + 0 + 0.327731450445587 + -0.274789919143368 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.329171214364873 + -0.265349430637697 + 0 + 0.331866744031829 + -0.270412934198015 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.334032352787657 + -0.262487271184008 + 0 + 0.335894753091952 + -0.265920965137895 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.339042916652918 + -0.259921731094467 + 0 + 0.340046948379671 + -0.26173903547481 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.344169833648876 + -0.257577371899359 + 0 + 0.344561840334936 + -0.258274113684721 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.349391845513159 + -0.255404611616106 + 0 + 0.349482643248151 + -0.255563120832556 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.354699221987147 + -0.25337702648471 + 0 + 0.354699221987147 + -0.25337702648471 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.360091180602757 + -0.251485035622065 + 0 + 0.360184397555891 + -0.251642134317248 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.365575224850326 + -0.249733383709835 + 0 + 0.365988405403285 + -0.250417781392503 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.371168702849392 + -0.24814247360577 + 0 + 0.372255212543982 + -0.249911702704192 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.376902889081878 + -0.246753588104841 + 0 + 0.378972167443079 + -0.250066725006067 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.382825212977003 + -0.245630655207833 + 0 + 0.385900434413408 + -0.250472964740263 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.388977806614639 + -0.24482513686854 + 0 + 0.392781726782351 + -0.25071691747571 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.395325725868487 + -0.244267607475454 + 0 + 0.399511848597411 + -0.250646528824184 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.401770156478347 + -0.243797180988584 + 0 + 0.406104835395263 + -0.250296851360014 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.408264140407794 + -0.243339582541172 + 0 + 0.41254420555582 + -0.249655855445628 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.414758114595422 + -0.242821383764929 + 0 + 0.418734723704237 + -0.248598014907822 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.421139675542326 + -0.242083849792649 + 0 + 0.424426755950018 + -0.246784918914046 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.427346282289188 + -0.24104824491309 + 0 + 0.429607900602458 + -0.244233189444393 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.433379588777727 + -0.239729763870236 + 0 + 0.434593869863233 + -0.241413864925554 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.439238627927562 + -0.238139264953161 + 0 + 0.439710836938658 + -0.238784351774624 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444909982956108 + -0.236270354663337 + 0 + 0.445018932760472 + -0.236416981197459 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.450377035719687 + -0.234112913119979 + 0 + 0.450377035719687 + -0.234112913119979 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.455625021711591 + -0.231659974014332 + 0 + 0.455736037745933 + -0.231805042413711 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.460630027718401 + -0.228893332285366 + 0 + 0.461120321321889 + -0.229524783423431 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.465344676614253 + -0.225766174884025 + 0 + 0.466629403438389 + -0.227397172096311 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469694398287187 + -0.222200444715514 + 0 + 0.472132719137963 + -0.225252227881316 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473584164690309 + -0.218097364534124 + 0 + 0.477195565673416 + -0.222554126972263 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476940858332451 + -0.213390475142492 + 0 + 0.48139321057777 + -0.218808910972966 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479806452853301 + -0.208155310059875 + 0 + 0.484690267400844 + -0.214017273599518 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482314790397806 + -0.202572282852884 + 0 + 0.487355857001527 + -0.208540767061362 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484547773269642 + -0.196751607896243 + 0 + 0.48950983745262 + -0.20254748402664 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.486592118410189 + -0.190803289193989 + 0 + 0.491188315543241 + -0.196100256182699 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488602505613553 + -0.184908876774737 + 0 + 0.492390385393733 + -0.189216650592116 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490654726020656 + -0.17915195590713 + 0 + 0.493253274329318 + -0.182068518224302 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.492741507348046 + -0.173519616234827 + 0 + 0.494132680395392 + -0.17506082111137 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494780245151019 + -0.167917664442764 + 0 + 0.49531971899167 + -0.16850765286014 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.496928765212619 + -0.162514506158343 + 0 + 0.49705289072884 + -0.162648529501842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498502766295665 + -0.156578684917574 + 0 + 0.498502766295665 + -0.156578684917574 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.500850499408243 + -0.151546478246379 + 0 + 0.500976298491143 + -0.151678931978381 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502774687496554 + -0.14613452399297 + 0 + 0.503328820032936 + -0.146710766554317 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.504255457594763 + -0.14034695061328 + 0 + 0.505703730192998 + -0.141834627123931 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.506637561469306 + -0.135557012757443 + 0 + 0.509379346618602 + -0.138339350489908 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508494603477969 + -0.130295974033697 + 0 + 0.512545439478408 + -0.134357460976719 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510810991627342 + -0.125559635992243 + 0 + 0.515793002444229 + -0.13049546982107 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512497436562383 + -0.120267641143258 + 0 + 0.517949189565399 + -0.125605491859512 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515176157875145 + -0.116005561580818 + 0 + 0.520790259670081 + -0.121438518168726 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51702468887087 + -0.110990645637718 + 0 + 0.522538138720994 + -0.11626474573395 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518904269193531 + -0.106068156827404 + 0 + 0.523999696506994 + -0.110886819282751 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520061764588541 + -0.100531974379127 + 0 + 0.524251780846339 + -0.104449717638987 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521024862993285 + -0.0948918359815828 + 0 + 0.52389302328097 + -0.0975437118509525 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521361866973006 + -0.0887567313889643 + 0 + 0.522894090514444 + -0.0901577902521821 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522208594250152 + -0.0831649801050367 + 0 + 0.522801519520025 + -0.0837012244352919 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522159008004386 + -0.0768404227107852 + 0 + 0.522295152094812 + -0.0769622183881371 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522131256966648 + -0.0706243701718842 + 0 + 0.522131256966648 + -0.0706243701718842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521871113638058 + -0.0642898633983103 + 0 + 0.522008545337499 + -0.0644102042823363 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521562932539694 + -0.0580002840651655 + 0 + 0.522167130630189 + -0.0585237943562072 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520742077472739 + -0.0513582646858968 + 0 + 0.522318204135725 + -0.052709745230102 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52006420902337 + -0.0449317527854089 + 0 + 0.523042468213288 + -0.0474593526865142 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51912592422925 + -0.0383736030457551 + 0 + 0.523518040627334 + -0.0420633539908021 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518086329950011 + -0.0318202572992374 + 0 + 0.523478314132337 + -0.0363046071900141 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.516692021949889 + -0.0250641977107602 + 0 + 0.522581975685168 + -0.0299142189551641 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.516205183816759 + -0.0191354855499001 + 0 + 0.522260068369116 + -0.0240724410193798 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514994976032946 + -0.0126928999809023 + 0 + 0.520931242375299 + -0.0174861246770284 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514163486697209 + -0.00663728819510931 + 0 + 0.519640563196221 + -0.011017301938162 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.513586434222514 + -0.000857919766084662 + 0 + 0.518082967595167 + -0.00441968002183039 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.513372145402704 + 0.00456754385817189 + 0 + 0.516445235240302 + 0.00215613184185236 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.513559157739012 + 0.00961952256861475 + 0 + 0.515198311630304 + 0.00834521905696476 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.513686348425213 + 0.014661832059932 + 0 + 0.514319681926198 + 0.0141739724142195 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514299868577701 + 0.0192774886342623 + 0 + 0.51444507102834 + 0.019166647988704 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51504754102053 + 0.0237457174441685 + 0 + 0.51504754102053 + 0.0237457174441685 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515995432084217 + 0.0280204158651415 + 0 + 0.516141577779725 + 0.027910821905161 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517208076852237 + 0.0320590207773193 + 0 + 0.517849667322971 + 0.0315820721163 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51841997688991 + 0.036062105016286 + 0 + 0.520091303725036 + 0.0348303008397511 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52078819544304 + 0.0391890580033239 + 0 + 0.523942047257066 + 0.0368842786651737 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522684425090805 + 0.0426421415709762 + 0 + 0.527329323707669 + 0.0392761550395343 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.525209471874189 + 0.0456181669107786 + 0 + 0.530904362999643 + 0.0415253558432384 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.528035674595592 + 0.0483632744651133 + 0 + 0.534248597527297 + 0.0439345218507081 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.531065202233208 + 0.0509516433486273 + 0 + 0.537444081750373 + 0.0464410943404135 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.534315800388649 + 0.0533747647870685 + 0 + 0.540561964579517 + 0.04899301924726 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.537346248856133 + 0.0559419581485611 + 0 + 0.543102243790358 + 0.0519355370919902 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.540548803860489 + 0.0583783100944358 + 0 + 0.545268665328723 + 0.0551182707984346 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.543522241278913 + 0.0609625488657134 + 0 + 0.54674417081516 + 0.0587539386407405 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.546446398687204 + 0.0635686846642708 + 0 + 0.548162957084493 + 0.0624007368110524 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549022116229484 + 0.0663970220104278 + 0 + 0.549684605206067 + 0.0659495550135535 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.552351987044929 + 0.0687070391264611 + 0 + 0.552503706280229 + 0.0686053008641433 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554774762938143 + 0.0716161272216867 + 0 + 0.554774762938143 + 0.0716161272216867 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557304322355187 + 0.0744375474468264 + 0 + 0.557456701716878 + 0.0743368005833014 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.559618799344709 + 0.0773850979631723 + 0 + 0.560287063179252 + 0.0769463021053665 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.561892382212331 + 0.0803427046236091 + 0 + 0.56363142999427 + 0.0792085142818788 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.563474585105293 + 0.0837295614343228 + 0 + 0.566752935645749 + 0.0816056012660787 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.56507599707224 + 0.0870794387813042 + 0 + 0.569899444265065 + 0.0839747156585742 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.565871078474497 + 0.0909211643262313 + 0 + 0.571779088395054 + 0.0871424997282605 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.567304567424617 + 0.0943312408567091 + 0 + 0.573743828722273 + 0.0902385430892928 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.567605396459228 + 0.0984370357330786 + 0 + 0.574210495132547 + 0.0942647668340597 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.568223374669041 + 0.102312718067496 + 0 + 0.574685127190994 + 0.0982556236121087 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.568028006515896 + 0.106666068998698 + 0 + 0.573977306621641 + 0.10295275301199 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.569163620962188 + 0.110160565721984 + 0 + 0.574037695330143 + 0.107135942184015 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.569742011717993 + 0.113978471239191 + 0 + 0.573066357754937 + 0.111927249045217 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.570906595650503 + 0.117410714391841 + 0 + 0.572676231041006 + 0.116324866564648 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.571340816533778 + 0.121264785037981 + 0 + 0.572023226286005 + 0.120848329413154 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.573074421456835 + 0.124304146771783 + 0 + 0.573230575462257 + 0.12420935580718 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574267221894916 + 0.127656594779098 + 0 + 0.574267221894916 + 0.127656594779098 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574899573975092 + 0.131322542475568 + 0 + 0.575056158935527 + 0.131228465110889 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.576813690061004 + 0.134199671717879 + 0 + 0.577499868324315 + 0.133789455008878 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.577987129857456 + 0.137505310402129 + 0 + 0.579771457532714 + 0.136443778647328 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.579470109977865 + 0.140608341845134 + 0 + 0.582831355532765 + 0.138618161606548 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.581038859893325 + 0.143644515873484 + 0 + 0.585980747085291 + 0.140732008453291 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.582798264164558 + 0.146553116935159 + 0 + 0.58884714754184 + 0.143004328796455 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.584629452679553 + 0.149405464056841 + 0 + 0.591217751630423 + 0.145557272532389 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.586334753654483 + 0.152317341300726 + 0 + 0.593088174785243 + 0.148389688148958 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.587792698141627 + 0.15535845679194 + 0 + 0.594395205323079 + 0.151534694247825 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.588885814600127 + 0.158595107930374 + 0 + 0.594960826725901 + 0.155091236494794 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.589419646701347 + 0.162136838578988 + 0 + 0.594393610686732 + 0.159279456776904 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.589320016585478 + 0.166022772503467 + 0 + 0.592710411276128 + 0.164082666087827 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.588671115261759 + 0.170201326353865 + 0 + 0.590474829452158 + 0.16917308025565 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.587590994900854 + 0.174602628915227 + 0 + 0.588286143434531 + 0.174207803797597 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.586172718600039 + 0.179172107047908 + 0 + 0.586331697837416 + 0.179082134816289 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.58447359522953 + 0.183876228188389 + 0 + 0.58447359522953 + 0.183876228188389 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.582518832644086 + 0.188700042877056 + 0 + 0.582678076368996 + 0.188610539600824 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.580320915949153 + 0.193635993425587 + 0 + 0.581018380437027 + 0.193245274030701 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.577895342663458 + 0.198674994693603 + 0 + 0.579708085034494 + 0.197662749656377 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.575253198660657 + 0.20381058241952 + 0 + 0.578666262845069 + 0.201910639805786 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.572386978048319 + 0.209046734226763 + 0 + 0.577402605537495 + 0.20626313415121 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.569284668480124 + 0.214389916031959 + 0 + 0.575420896487017 + 0.210994390562642 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.566033665281687 + 0.219791710573479 + 0 + 0.572714009407577 + 0.216105620038157 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.562803936410508 + 0.225158842228221 + 0 + 0.569648629208662 + 0.221392499605875 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.559673065147775 + 0.230449752777153 + 0 + 0.566361874432708 + 0.226779045566724 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.556718217509092 + 0.235623519964329 + 0 + 0.5628700142472 + 0.232256283076559 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554105138920499 + 0.240591228383117 + 0 + 0.559139882293919 + 0.23784235449467 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.551902136927073 + 0.245317838697063 + 0 + 0.555332575882613 + 0.243449449649057 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.550051710286089 + 0.249836904894435 + 0 + 0.551876011864736 + 0.248845643743533 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.548484500315911 + 0.254187992062088 + 0 + 0.549187314671191 + 0.253806979805858 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.547155470515612 + 0.258397064833559 + 0 + 0.547316143193319 + 0.258310152860747 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.546041540323348 + 0.262477938844547 + 0 + 0.546041540323348 + 0.262477938844547 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.54513591569215 + 0.266435478823177 + 0 + 0.545296740944667 + 0.26634884950636 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.544446342406086 + 0.270266637361234 + 0 + 0.545150492876145 + 0.269888100080505 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.543997417753818 + 0.273959294997199 + 0 + 0.545826928571989 + 0.272977681486015 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.543836629225589 + 0.277489109835568 + 0 + 0.547280150969561 + 0.275644944153969 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.544036592078469 + 0.280818424779715 + 0 + 0.549095385890676 + 0.278114066509003 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.544659047381932 + 0.283915581987895 + 0 + 0.550846192100584 + 0.280613744984677 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.54563983283102 + 0.286816136087919 + 0 + 0.552373603987172 + 0.283228576040828 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.54681708759531 + 0.28960729557305 + 0 + 0.553714524960958 + 0.285938438252715 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.548118335599253 + 0.292328187880908 + 0 + 0.554856791090474 + 0.28874943409394 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549470857472973 + 0.295017798262242 + 0 + 0.555666618285808 + 0.291732157485239 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.550708881370936 + 0.297764140434994 + 0 + 0.55577825615152 + 0.295079668825015 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.551749941827175 + 0.300610679752973 + 0 + 0.555203083090365 + 0.298784589810268 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.552612375867721 + 0.303547433734308 + 0 + 0.554448288382621 + 0.302577846112289 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553310102237649 + 0.306566831182615 + 0 + 0.554017216667811 + 0.306193859950425 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55383830784911 + 0.309671231944943 + 0 + 0.55399992512685 + 0.309586089382641 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554187584255883 + 0.312865425868417 + 0 + 0.554187584255883 + 0.312865425868417 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554351197146093 + 0.316152798551188 + 0 + 0.55451289412656 + 0.316067807452317 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554308755567581 + 0.319543914807823 + 0 + 0.555016568072157 + 0.319172270063812 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554006242960908 + 0.323066957099693 + 0 + 0.555844877831654 + 0.322102541872099 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553351782992714 + 0.326769862709266 + 0 + 0.556811763819582 + 0.324956765431098 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.552226769221767 + 0.330714416965799 + 0 + 0.557308723210212 + 0.32805383579806 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.550545427694077 + 0.334945055793217 + 0 + 0.556759687219487 + 0.331694538001199 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.548382987170286 + 0.339421976011831 + 0 + 0.555144988381408 + 0.335887913095628 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.545937105929131 + 0.344041630116336 + 0 + 0.552862185949695 + 0.34042521988535 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.54332752713911 + 0.34874149327913 + 0 + 0.550091780111826 + 0.345211742183656 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.540676400964699 + 0.353457989766569 + 0 + 0.546894803362922 + 0.350215404535748 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.53819108545919 + 0.358083324426895 + 0 + 0.543278129365771 + 0.355432488184628 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.535973360897764 + 0.362564954500405 + 0 + 0.539437972034657 + 0.360760720942211 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.533990174515251 + 0.366920609487817 + 0 + 0.535831893281123 + 0.365962096625841 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.532189817895052 + 0.371177643754826 + 0 + 0.532899059623785 + 0.370808733836813 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530538800230377 + 0.375353848841097 + 0 + 0.53070087956452 + 0.375269589183943 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529020281375881 + 0.379458301993825 + 0 + 0.529020281375881 + 0.379458301993825 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.527628700802464 + 0.383494182933707 + 0 + 0.527790813953703 + 0.383409988358021 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526370193683262 + 0.387458574554778 + 0 + 0.527079731748251 + 0.387090234912984 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.525266799187143 + 0.39134029354473 + 0 + 0.527109674580989 + 0.390384006348382 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.524362384988684 + 0.395116833193081 + 0 + 0.527829905419016 + 0.393318197285613 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52372415108524 + 0.398753601736735 + 0 + 0.528816553768611 + 0.396113074630039 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52340528629554 + 0.402223294533774 + 0 + 0.529631583617309 + 0.398995894802367 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523327701082563 + 0.405566641902149 + 0 + 0.53010202454743 + 0.402056256927783 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523309143418118 + 0.408878260007979 + 0 + 0.53024607528512 + 0.405284636137486 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523251641928628 + 0.412208995462828 + 0 + 0.530026748426161 + 0.408700121993751 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523054905871745 + 0.415610839813393 + 0 + 0.529282645398698 + 0.412386223906065 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522533158555508 + 0.419179992109439 + 0 + 0.52762733630084 + 0.416542891127346 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521615759560877 + 0.422952989859552 + 0 + 0.525084898799206 + 0.421157478231218 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520387266808906 + 0.426886049072686 + 0 + 0.522231223803974 + 0.425931849135839 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51896174308946 + 0.430920166626684 + 0 + 0.519671784357158 + 0.430552797935107 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517424660948293 + 0.43501117533573 + 0 + 0.517586909327756 + 0.43492724164916 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515822890960179 + 0.439134901987676 + 0 + 0.515822890960179 + 0.439134901987676 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514169525906021 + 0.443284653399733 + 0 + 0.514331782538823 + 0.443200735669239 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512464391935626 + 0.447460596694136 + 0 + 0.513174505736131 + 0.447093368226124 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510710646804995 + 0.451661172309808 + 0 + 0.512554888261311 + 0.450707522284933 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508907661436521 + 0.455886775079962 + 0 + 0.512377520951457 + 0.454092655794906 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507036819002528 + 0.460147095470864 + 0 + 0.512132334680192 + 0.457512580625684 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505075867635344 + 0.464453696669792 + 0 + 0.511305598350793 + 0.461232929280124 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.503104556914647 + 0.468765403185449 + 0 + 0.509882233271881 + 0.465261496184472 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501287185066225 + 0.472997332830163 + 0 + 0.508227181657904 + 0.469409631120504 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499695104591987 + 0.477112654063808 + 0 + 0.506472866813453 + 0.473608913156696 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498399932483317 + 0.481074391911008 + 0 + 0.504629823528068 + 0.477853934655292 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497563733715275 + 0.48479880819568 + 0 + 0.502659451180724 + 0.482164683672596 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497250751937623 + 0.488252739747617 + 0 + 0.500720801125574 + 0.486458987341179 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497398193448137 + 0.491468631130392 + 0 + 0.499242566435268 + 0.490515235512886 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497934045163041 + 0.494483738247752 + 0 + 0.498644222858663 + 0.494116633360796 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498805693039354 + 0.497325263622762 + 0 + 0.498967967684934 + 0.497241380729503 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499994052316792 + 0.500003074467614 + 0 + 0.499994052316792 + 0.500003074467614 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501194306960616 + 0.502674736370515 + 0 + 0.501032032315036 + 0.502758619263774 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502065954836761 + 0.505516261745612 + 0 + 0.50135577714114 + 0.505883366632568 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502601806552515 + 0.508531368862533 + 0 + 0.500757433565384 + 0.509484764480039 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50274924806083 + 0.511747260246445 + 0 + 0.499279198872879 + 0.513541012652882 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50243626628717 + 0.515201191796319 + 0 + 0.497340548821721 + 0.517835316319404 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501600067515676 + 0.518925608082776 + 0 + 0.495370176470924 + 0.522146065338492 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50030489540811 + 0.522887345929405 + 0 + 0.493527133186644 + 0.526391086836517 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498712814933655 + 0.527002667163162 + 0 + 0.491772818341976 + 0.53059036887282 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.496895443084163 + 0.53123459680843 + 0 + 0.490117766726929 + 0.534738503809407 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494924132364509 + 0.535546303323547 + 0 + 0.48869440164906 + 0.538767070713216 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.492963180997997 + 0.539852904522128 + 0 + 0.487867665320333 + 0.542487419367308 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491092338564043 + 0.54411322491301 + 0 + 0.487622479049108 + 0.545907344198066 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489289353194773 + 0.548338827683575 + 0 + 0.487445111738456 + 0.54929247770845 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487535608065788 + 0.552539403298396 + 0 + 0.486825494265284 + 0.552906631766408 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485830474094627 + 0.556715346593195 + 0 + 0.485668217461825 + 0.55679926432369 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484177109037803 + 0.560865098006631 + 0 + 0.484177109037803 + 0.560865098006631 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.48257533905264 + 0.56498882465705 + 0 + 0.482413090673178 + 0.565072758343621 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481038256909349 + 0.569079833367197 + 0 + 0.480328215641652 + 0.569447202058774 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479612733192112 + 0.573113950920052 + 0 + 0.477768776197043 + 0.574068150856899 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.478384240439162 + 0.577047010133692 + 0 + 0.474915101200832 + 0.578842521762026 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47746684144287 + 0.580820007884664 + 0 + 0.472372663697538 + 0.583457108866756 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.4769450941281 + 0.584389160179951 + 0 + 0.470717354601147 + 0.587613776087278 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476748358072655 + 0.587791004529769 + 0 + 0.469973251575123 + 0.591299877998846 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476690856580452 + 0.591121739986025 + 0 + 0.46975392471345 + 0.594715363856517 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476672298918722 + 0.594433358090448 + 0 + 0.469897975453855 + 0.597943743064814 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476594713703826 + 0.597776705459818 + 0 + 0.470368416382056 + 0.601004105191225 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476275848914562 + 0.601246398256634 + 0 + 0.471183446231192 + 0.60388692536333 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.475637615013499 + 0.604883166799051 + 0 + 0.472170094583168 + 0.606681802706519 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474733200813116 + 0.608659706448397 + 0 + 0.47289032541927 + 0.609615993644745 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473629806316199 + 0.612541425438765 + 0 + 0.47292026825121 + 0.612909765080559 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.472371299197675 + 0.616505817059484 + 0 + 0.472209186046435 + 0.616590011635169 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470979718624506 + 0.620541697999236 + 0 + 0.470979718624506 + 0.620541697999236 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469461199770114 + 0.624646151151911 + 0 + 0.469299120435972 + 0.624730410809064 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.467810182104536 + 0.628822356238653 + 0 + 0.467100940375802 + 0.629191266156666 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.466009825486716 + 0.633079390504421 + 0 + 0.464168106720844 + 0.634037903366397 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.464026639102491 + 0.637435045492721 + 0 + 0.460562027965599 + 0.639239279050915 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.461808914539606 + 0.641916675566998 + 0 + 0.456721870633026 + 0.644567511809264 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.459323599037545 + 0.646542010225527 + 0 + 0.453105196639322 + 0.649784595456348 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.456672472859839 + 0.65125850671468 + 0 + 0.449908219887122 + 0.654788257810154 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.454062894070695 + 0.655958369877019 + 0 + 0.44713781405013 + 0.659574780108005 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.45161701282884 + 0.660578023981891 + 0 + 0.444855011617718 + 0.664112086898095 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.449454572305059 + 0.6650549442005 + 0 + 0.44324031277965 + 0.668305461992518 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.447773230780592 + 0.669285583026229 + 0 + 0.442691276792148 + 0.671946164193968 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446648217006605 + 0.673230137284351 + 0 + 0.443188236179736 + 0.675043234562519 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445993757041781 + 0.67693304289216 + 0 + 0.444155122171035 + 0.677897458119755 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.44569124443191 + 0.680456085185706 + 0 + 0.444983431927334 + 0.680827729929717 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445648802856401 + 0.683847201440764 + 0 + 0.445487105875933 + 0.683932192539635 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445812415742289 + 0.687134574125807 + 0 + 0.445812415742289 + 0.687134574125807 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446161692151867 + 0.690328768047806 + 0 + 0.446000074874127 + 0.690413910610107 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446689897761646 + 0.693433168811019 + 0 + 0.445982783331484 + 0.69380614004321 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.447387624134555 + 0.696452566257752 + 0 + 0.445551711619655 + 0.697422153879771 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.448250058171403 + 0.699389320241037 + 0 + 0.444796916908213 + 0.701215410183743 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.449291118627919 + 0.702235859558878 + 0 + 0.444221743847336 + 0.704920331168856 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.450529142529315 + 0.704982201729808 + 0 + 0.444333381716481 + 0.708267842506811 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.451881664401484 + 0.707671812111963 + 0 + 0.445143208910263 + 0.711250565898931 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453182912407235 + 0.710392704418858 + 0 + 0.446285475041588 + 0.714061561739193 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.454360167168899 + 0.713183863905387 + 0 + 0.447626396012748 + 0.716771423952478 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.455340952617862 + 0.716084418005479 + 0 + 0.44915380789921 + 0.719386255008698 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.4559634079223 + 0.719181575213134 + 0 + 0.450904614110092 + 0.721885933483845 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.456163370773946 + 0.722510890157944 + 0 + 0.452719849029973 + 0.724355055839542 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.456002582246848 + 0.726040704995709 + 0 + 0.454173071428678 + 0.727022318506893 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.455553657593923 + 0.729733362632019 + 0 + 0.454849507123865 + 0.730111899912747 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.454864084306183 + 0.733564521170983 + 0 + 0.454703259053666 + 0.7336511504878 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453958459678774 + 0.737522061147572 + 0 + 0.453958459678774 + 0.737522061147572 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.452844529482577 + 0.741602935160681 + 0 + 0.45268385680487 + 0.741689847133492 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.451515499685148 + 0.745812007930601 + 0 + 0.450812685329868 + 0.746193020186831 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.449948289715722 + 0.750163095097842 + 0 + 0.448123988137076 + 0.751154356248744 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.448097863072831 + 0.754682161296249 + 0 + 0.444667424117291 + 0.756550550344255 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445894861079807 + 0.759408771609983 + 0 + 0.440860117706386 + 0.762157645498431 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.443281782493463 + 0.764376480027536 + 0 + 0.437129985755354 + 0.767743716915306 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.440326934852234 + 0.769550247216105 + 0 + 0.433638125567301 + 0.773220954426534 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.437196063591788 + 0.774841157763784 + 0 + 0.430351370793634 + 0.77860750038613 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.433966334718795 + 0.780208289419518 + 0 + 0.427285990592905 + 0.78389437995484 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.430715331520857 + 0.785610083960754 + 0 + 0.424579103513964 + 0.789005609430071 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.427613021951256 + 0.790953265766738 + 0 + 0.42259739446208 + 0.793736865842291 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.42474680134006 + 0.796189417573343 + 0 + 0.421333737155648 + 0.798089360187077 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.422104657335806 + 0.801325005300066 + 0 + 0.420291914964769 + 0.802337250337292 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.41967908404934 + 0.806364006568522 + 0 + 0.418981619561466 + 0.806754725963408 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.417481167356412 + 0.811299957115922 + 0 + 0.417321923631502 + 0.811389460392154 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.415526404770417 + 0.816123771804899 + 0 + 0.415526404770417 + 0.816123771804899 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.413827281399917 + 0.82082789294538 + 0 + 0.41366830216254 + 0.820917865176999 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.41240900509826 + 0.825397371078539 + 0 + 0.411713856564583 + 0.82579219619617 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.411328884739706 + 0.829798673638565 + 0 + 0.409525170549306 + 0.830826919736779 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.410679983413106 + 0.833977227490607 + 0 + 0.407289588722456 + 0.835917333906248 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.41058035329846 + 0.837863161414394 + 0 + 0.405606389313074 + 0.840720543216478 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.411114185401343 + 0.841404892062042 + 0 + 0.40503917327557 + 0.844908763497621 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.41220730185844 + 0.844641543201276 + 0 + 0.405604794676988 + 0.848465305745391 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.41366524634389 + 0.847682658693483 + 0 + 0.406911825213129 + 0.851610311845252 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.415370547320385 + 0.850594535936456 + 0 + 0.408782248369515 + 0.854442727460908 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.417201735836883 + 0.853446883057264 + 0 + 0.411152852459601 + 0.856995671195968 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.418961140107651 + 0.856355484119208 + 0 + 0.414019252915685 + 0.8592679915394 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.42052989002223 + 0.859391658148061 + 0 + 0.417168644467329 + 0.861381838386647 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.422012870142262 + 0.862494689591304 + 0 + 0.420228542467005 + 0.863556221346105 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.423186309940801 + 0.865800328274311 + 0 + 0.42250013167749 + 0.866210544983312 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.42510042602475 + 0.868677457517796 + 0 + 0.424943841064315 + 0.868771534882475 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425732778105591 + 0.87234340521387 + 0 + 0.425732778105591 + 0.87234340521387 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.426925578543759 + 0.875695853221124 + 0 + 0.426769424538338 + 0.875790644185726 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.428659183465623 + 0.878735214955653 + 0 + 0.427976773713396 + 0.879151670580479 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.429093404350892 + 0.882589285600572 + 0 + 0.427323768960389 + 0.883675133427765 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.430257988281115 + 0.886021528754623 + 0 + 0.426933642244171 + 0.888072750948597 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.430836379038365 + 0.889839434270951 + 0 + 0.42596230467041 + 0.89286405780892 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.431971993485036 + 0.893333930993981 + 0 + 0.426022693379291 + 0.89704724698069 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.431776625330017 + 0.897687281926354 + 0 + 0.425314872808064 + 0.901744376381742 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.432394603540028 + 0.90156296426066 + 0 + 0.425789504866709 + 0.905735233159679 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.432695432575553 + 0.90566875913645 + 0 + 0.426256171277898 + 0.909761456903866 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.434128921525933 + 0.909078835666761 + 0 + 0.428220911605376 + 0.912857500264732 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.434924002929502 + 0.912920561210839 + 0 + 0.430100555736676 + 0.916025284333569 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.436525414893901 + 0.916270438559465 + 0 + 0.433247064353445 + 0.918394398727709 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.438107617786617 + 0.919657295370342 + 0 + 0.436368570004678 + 0.920791485712072 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.440381200655657 + 0.922614902029847 + 0 + 0.439712936821115 + 0.923053697887652 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442695677644088 + 0.925562452546919 + 0 + 0.442543298282397 + 0.925663199410444 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445225237063279 + 0.928383872770634 + 0 + 0.445225237063279 + 0.928383872770634 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.447648012954653 + 0.931292960867082 + 0 + 0.447496293719353 + 0.9313946991294 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.450977883769443 + 0.933602977983564 + 0 + 0.45031539479286 + 0.934050444980438 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453553601313398 + 0.936431315328583 + 0 + 0.451837042916109 + 0.937599263181802 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.456477758719321 + 0.939037451128758 + 0 + 0.453255829183074 + 0.941246061353731 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.459451196140471 + 0.941621689898168 + 0 + 0.454731334672237 + 0.944881729194169 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.46265375114345 + 0.944058041844994 + 0 + 0.456897756209225 + 0.948064462901565 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.465684199612491 + 0.946625235205408 + 0 + 0.459438035421624 + 0.951006980745217 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.468934797766812 + 0.949048356644628 + 0 + 0.462555918249647 + 0.953558905652842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.471964325405104 + 0.951636725527657 + 0 + 0.4657514024734 + 0.956065478142062 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474790528126173 + 0.95438183308223 + 0 + 0.469095637000718 + 0.958474644149771 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477315574910018 + 0.957357858421691 + 0 + 0.472670676293154 + 0.960723844953133 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47921180455714 + 0.960810941989819 + 0 + 0.476057952743114 + 0.963115721327969 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481580023110542 + 0.963937894976638 + 0 + 0.479908696275416 + 0.965169699153173 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482791923147046 + 0.967940979216484 + 0 + 0.482150332676312 + 0.968417927877503 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484004567916852 + 0.971979584127329 + 0 + 0.483858422221345 + 0.97208917808731 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484952458979156 + 0.976254282549339 + 0 + 0.484952458979156 + 0.976254282549339 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485700131423216 + 0.980722511358305 + 0 + 0.485554928972576 + 0.980833352003864 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.486313651573718 + 0.98533816793415 + 0 + 0.485680318072733 + 0.985826027579863 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.486440842259646 + 0.990380477425696 + 0 + 0.484801688368355 + 0.991654780937346 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.486627854596867 + 0.995432456135439 + 0 + 0.483554764759269 + 0.997843868151758 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.486413565779102 + 1.00085791975806 + 0 + 0.481917032406449 + 1.00441968001381 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485836513301455 + 1.00663728818944 + 0 + 0.480359436802442 + 1.01101730193249 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485005023968283 + 1.01269289997318 + 0 + 0.479068757625931 + 1.01748612466931 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.483794816181823 + 1.01913548554433 + 0 + 0.477739931629466 + 1.02407244101381 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.483307978051604 + 1.02506419770279 + 0 + 0.477418024316324 + 1.0299142189472 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481913670047082 + 1.03182025729493 + 0 + 0.476521685864756 + 1.0363046071857 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480874075771299 + 1.03837360303856 + 0 + 0.476481959373215 + 1.04206335398361 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479935790975862 + 1.04493175277933 + 0 + 0.476957531785944 + 1.04745935268044 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479257922528744 + 1.05135826467789 + 0 + 0.477681795865758 + 1.0527097452221 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.478437067459881 + 1.05800028405882 + 0 + 0.477832869369386 + 1.05852379434986 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47812888636145 + 1.06428986339201 + 0 + 0.477991454662009 + 1.06441020427604 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47786874303231 + 1.07062437016608 + 0 + 0.47786874303231 + 1.07062437016608 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477840991995778 + 1.07684042270391 + 0 + 0.477704847905351 + 1.07696221838126 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477791405750153 + 1.08316498009803 + 0 + 0.47719848048028 + 1.08370122442828 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.478638133026421 + 1.08875673138275 + 0 + 0.477105909484982 + 1.09015779024597 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.478975137006965 + 1.09489183597463 + 0 + 0.476106976719281 + 1.097543711844 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479938235412046 + 1.10053197437185 + 0 + 0.475748219154248 + 1.10444971763171 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481095730806437 + 1.1060681568207 + 0 + 0.476000303492973 + 1.11088681927605 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482975311128157 + 1.11099064563192 + 0 + 0.477461861278033 + 1.11626474572815 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484823842124525 + 1.11600556157442 + 0 + 0.479209740329589 + 1.12143851816233 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487502563438103 + 1.12026764113605 + 0 + 0.482050810435087 + 1.1256054918523 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489189008371956 + 1.12555963598621 + 0 + 0.484206997555069 + 1.13049546981504 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491505396522784 + 1.13029597402621 + 0 + 0.487454560522344 + 1.13435746096923 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.493362438530218 + 1.13555701275121 + 0 + 0.490620653380922 + 1.13833935048368 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.495744542405009 + 1.14034695060678 + 0 + 0.494296269806773 + 1.14183462711743 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497225312503961 + 1.14613452398571 + 0 + 0.496671179967579 + 1.14671076654706 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499149500591323 + 1.15154647824011 + 0 + 0.499023701508423 + 1.15167893197211 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501497233706143 + 1.15657868490891 + 0 + 0.501497233706143 + 1.15657868490891 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.503071234785767 + 1.16251450615336 + 0 + 0.502947109269546 + 1.16264852949686 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505219754849085 + 1.16791766443592 + 0 + 0.504680281008434 + 1.1685076528533 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507258492651767 + 1.1735196162283 + 0 + 0.505867319604422 + 1.17506082110485 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509345273979043 + 1.17915195590073 + 0 + 0.506746725670381 + 1.1820685182179 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511397494385672 + 1.1849088767689 + 0 + 0.507609614605492 + 1.18921665058628 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.513407881590251 + 1.19080328918675 + 0 + 0.508811684457199 + 1.19610025617546 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515452226729542 + 1.19675160789047 + 0 + 0.510490162546564 + 1.20254748402087 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51768520960259 + 1.20257228284569 + 0 + 0.51264414299887 + 1.20854076705416 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520193547145657 + 1.2081553100544 + 0 + 0.515309732598113 + 1.21401727359405 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523059141668325 + 1.21339047513482 + 0 + 0.518606789423005 + 1.2188089109653 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526415835309506 + 1.21809736452763 + 0 + 0.522804434326399 + 1.22255412696577 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530305601714054 + 1.22220044470725 + 0 + 0.527867280863278 + 1.22525222787305 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.534655323385555 + 1.22576617487756 + 0 + 0.533370596561418 + 1.22739717208984 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.539369972280929 + 1.22889333227951 + 0 + 0.538879678677441 + 1.22952478341758 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.544374978289072 + 1.23165997400674 + 0 + 0.54426396225473 + 1.23180504240612 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549622964279443 + 1.2341129131144 + 0 + 0.549622964279443 + 1.2341129131144 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555090017043918 + 1.23627035465657 + 0 + 0.554981067239554 + 1.23641698119069 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.560761372071935 + 1.23813926494713 + 0 + 0.560289163060839 + 1.23878435176859 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.566620411222114 + 1.23972976386373 + 0 + 0.565406130136609 + 1.24141386491905 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.572653717711093 + 1.24104824490597 + 0 + 0.570392099397823 + 1.24423318943727 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.578860324458071 + 1.24208384978534 + 0 + 0.575573244050378 + 1.24678491890674 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.585241885403573 + 1.24282138375966 + 0 + 0.581265276294758 + 1.24859801490256 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.591735859593554 + 1.24333958253247 + 0 + 0.587455794445529 + 1.24965585543692 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.598229843521187 + 1.24379718098254 + 0 + 0.59389516460427 + 1.25029685135397 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.60467427413131 + 1.24426760746904 + 0 + 0.600488151402385 + 1.25064652881777 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.611022193386017 + 1.24482513686082 + 0 + 0.607218273218305 + 1.25071691746799 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.617174787021968 + 1.24563065520274 + 0 + 0.614099565585563 + 1.25047296473517 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.623097110918674 + 1.24675358809723 + 0 + 0.621027832557474 + 1.25006672499846 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.628831297148763 + 1.24814247360204 + 0 + 0.627744787454172 + 1.24991170270046 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.634424775150268 + 1.24973338370209 + 0 + 0.634011594597309 + 1.25041778138476 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.639908819395873 + 1.25148503561763 + 0 + 0.639815602442739 + 1.25164213431282 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.645300778013203 + 1.25337702647739 + 0 + 0.645300778013203 + 1.25337702647739 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.65060815448582 + 1.25540461161116 + 0 + 0.650517356750827 + 1.25556312082761 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.655830166350554 + 1.25757737189364 + 0 + 0.655438159664493 + 1.258274113679 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.660957083347425 + 1.25992173108711 + 0 + 0.659953051620673 + 1.26173903546746 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.665967647211033 + 1.26248727117971 + 0 + 0.664105246906738 + 1.2659209651336 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.67082878563648 + 1.26534943062842 + 0 + 0.668133255969524 + 1.27041293418874 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.675515526606145 + 1.26857380882671 + 0 + 0.672268549554214 + 1.27478991913699 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.680070054448623 + 1.27209988771412 + 0 + 0.676590693693598 + 1.27889019770788 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.684582266912888 + 1.27576724087553 + 0 + 0.681074452194359 + 1.28274795660892 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.689092129339657 + 1.27950381059526 + 0 + 0.685720284042295 + 1.28634814550564 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.693637394413603 + 1.28323620825965 + 0 + 0.690588055537069 + 1.28955161955119 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.698298453277344 + 1.28679484209483 + 0 + 0.695845388238844 + 1.29198015022527 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.703110590063532 + 1.2900932688302 + 0 + 0.701468312210057 + 1.29363751945825 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.70805921338575 + 1.29314773167734 + 0 + 0.707201406050901 + 1.29503845680157 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.71313231218439 + 1.29597024775252 + 0 + 0.712807857315299 + 1.29670089636527 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.718326740643248 + 1.29855365550174 + 0 + 0.718253946967093 + 1.29872119797722 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.723641179219024 + 1.30088600928987 + 0 + 0.723641179219024 + 1.30088600928987 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.729072788463548 + 1.3029580893197 + 0 + 0.729002706870525 + 1.30312678422388 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.734624258491797 + 1.30474636174997 + 0 + 0.734323540646251 + 1.30548709593627 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.740311532617528 + 1.30619180502879 + 0 + 0.739546186771217 + 1.30812181037974 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.746164074223288 + 1.30719493841938 + 0 + 0.744753713556394 + 1.31083769449846 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.752218764824894 + 1.307627022008 + 0 + 0.750191341305123 + 1.3129930729174 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.758495462901744 + 1.30739277765102 + 0 + 0.75607045752977 + 1.31397322112477 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.764949503606646 + 1.30656704873661 + 0 + 0.762369923669857 + 1.3137475799443 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.771493120247795 + 1.30535612407835 + 0 + 0.768912182403063 + 1.31272999118399 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.778073775891722 + 1.30388554769437 + 0 + 0.775612462231014 + 1.31110747237817 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.784642270262083 + 1.30228489999431 + 0 + 0.78243466481749 + 1.30894142803575 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.791124231598829 + 1.30077662374967 + 0 + 0.789363515142918 + 1.30623600338958 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.797488294330163 + 1.29947183158035 + 0 + 0.796320062800826 + 1.30319930044759 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.803751040628247 + 1.29833724740775 + 0 + 0.803146536293947 + 1.30032351260377 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.80993388135402 + 1.29731901251199 + 0 + 0.809707467130161 + 1.29808572951103 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.816050763383111 + 1.296382424715 + 0 + 0.816000485064596 + 1.29655804217161 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.822109448753179 + 1.29551048863167 + 0 + 0.822109448753179 + 1.29551048863167 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.828113828474422 + 1.29469828692657 + 0 + 0.828066481243831 + 1.29487471719647 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.83406431299229 + 1.2939535732731 + 0 + 0.833863552519896 + 1.2947274037391 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.839957212298234 + 1.29330150429953 + 0 + 0.839452635104325 + 1.29531547470014 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.845783898526322 + 1.29279129381002 + 0 + 0.844866308306755 + 1.29658824222307 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.851531431218422 + 1.29249807511733 + 0 + 0.850230717083901 + 1.2980849428651 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.857192838071371 + 1.29248206099586 + 0 + 0.855659959777314 + 1.29932553756125 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.862794267606446 + 1.29265923779143 + 0 + 0.86118915725139 + 1.30011831828591 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.868382736490085 + 1.29282999583242 + 0 + 0.866803462836032 + 1.30048120821842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.873980115040384 + 1.29288642577601 + 0 + 0.872500708205912 + 1.3003714519278 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.87960511541015 + 1.29271735690052 + 0 + 0.878303307822599 + 1.29960852402739 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.885289768289956 + 1.29211624290869 + 0 + 0.884272531472578 + 1.29776161072206 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.891037215732609 + 1.29100320193191 + 0 + 0.890376978058963 + 1.29485325066884 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.896819831597712 + 1.28947055424709 + 0 + 0.896486207314847 + 1.29151979063097 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.902608070761278 + 1.28764413446994 + 0 + 0.902486284373027 + 1.28843425245671 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.90838129603158 + 1.28561870696902 + 0 + 0.908354996625277 + 1.28579947682714 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.914127979372477 + 1.28344652809402 + 0 + 0.914127979372477 + 1.28344652809402 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.919843201301839 + 1.28114243276185 + 0 + 0.919819967951945 + 1.28132362219817 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.925524316430536 + 1.27870653292329 + 0 + 0.925429365029042 + 1.27950032293881 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.931168264774575 + 1.2761427084948 + 0 + 0.930939168492029 + 1.2782062466729 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.936772547405913 + 1.27345065202418 + 0 + 0.936374489990938 + 1.27733656753494 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.942336541335664 + 1.27060993237566 + 0 + 0.941800481658911 + 1.27632111338432 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.947859270083379 + 1.26759601814547 + 0 + 0.94726324396668 + 1.27458369588801 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.95333012987598 + 1.26449884896976 + 0 + 0.952746326053777 + 1.27210630808382 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.95873509478348 + 1.2615035965332 + 0 + 0.958203569154049 + 1.26929799431335 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.964072661224773 + 1.2586914171582 + 0 + 0.963618328107218 + 1.26630770513156 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.969344061963315 + 1.2561438202745 + 0 + 0.968986031170033 + 1.26314772642153 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.974548953626411 + 1.2540442042926 + 0 + 0.974304865780931 + 1.25977529228831 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.979696987762966 + 1.25246557192871 + 0 + 0.97956399379745 + 1.25636955728569 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.984803902760182 + 1.25133937988505 + 0 + 0.984750880908806 + 1.25341491923723 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.989883327781329 + 1.25058118274917 + 0 + 0.98986971601484 + 1.25138051564427 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.994945764377118 + 1.25014577262347 + 0 + 0.994944209205504 + 1.25032843893624 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 1 + 1.2499798172808 + 0 + 1 + 1.2499798172808 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + + + + + + The material override + 0824632a-4338-4df4-aa73-ffb4850fd443 + Material + Material + false + f97af30a-009e-443a-82a7-852740543d7c + 1 + + + + + + 26856 + -16124 + 51 + 20 + + + 26883 + -16114 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;221;160;221 + + + 255;66;48;66 + + 0.5 + + 255;255;255;255 + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + f7cf980a-1db0-456b-903f-36b088ead0b9 + 0fb7104c-359d-4512-beed-52e1e026a767 + 2647ee79-c578-4a09-af8a-9f4bd395be6b + 3 + 393518c9-1f74-424e-93f4-4aadd54714e3 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 + Colour Picker + + + + + Provides a colour picker object + 2647ee79-c578-4a09-af8a-9f4bd395be6b + Colour Picker + Colour Picker + false + + 255;209;209;209 + + 0 + + + + + + 26943.87 + -16263.53 + 180 + 310 + + 2 + + + + + + + + + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 + Create Material + + + + + Create an OpenGL material. + true + babdc92f-6320-47b5-9be6-7f5cffdc22f1 + Create Material + Create Material + + + + + + 27124 + -16555 + 144 + 104 + + + 27208 + -16503 + + + + + + Colour of the diffuse channel + f5456080-cb51-452c-96fd-665972c9e8f5 + Diffuse + Diffuse + false + 7d90e60c-31e5-4aef-9b1c-757d93bbbdf4 + 1 + + + + + + 27126 + -16553 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -16543 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;105;180 + + + + + + + + + + + + Colour of the specular highlight + 061b7f6b-7b6b-4734-b754-561a6ba98bb3 + Specular + Specular + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -16533 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -16523 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;255;255 + + + + + + + + + + + + Emissive colour of the material + 0bcbc791-5b75-4eb0-899f-6ead961318df + Emission + Emission + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -16513 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -16503 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;0;0;0 + + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of transparency (0.0 = opaque, 1.0 = transparent + df45a986-115b-4f6c-91ce-e62c818ab26f + Transparency + Transparency + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -16493 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -16483 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of shinyness (0 = none, 1 = low shine, 100 = max shine + dbe4ceb5-e693-48e6-aa19-ad674e2402d0 + Shine + Shine + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -16473 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -16463 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Resulting material + a9d74f42-88d3-4e5f-9521-9d93446002b6 + Material + Material + false + 0 + + + + + + 27223 + -16553 + 43 + 100 + + + 27246 + -16503 + + + + + + + + + + + + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c + Custom Preview + + + + + Allows for customized geometry previews + true + a2b1d40c-18a9-4c27-a3c1-4922136c36b8 + Custom Preview + Custom Preview + + + + + + + 26854 + -16525 + 82 + 44 + + + 26922 + -16503 + + + + + + Geometry to preview + true + e0406afe-d892-496a-9ca1-3ec6bdb8beed + Geometry + Geometry + false + fbf3ab2f-7d33-497f-846e-f757a124b34d + 1 + + + + + + 26856 + -16523 + 51 + 20 + + + 26883 + -16513 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + -1 + + 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+ + 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Curve + + + + + + + + + + + The material override + 341f2599-5473-4040-ba87-907556ad3efb + Material + Material + false + a9d74f42-88d3-4e5f-9521-9d93446002b6 + 1 + + + + + + 26856 + -16503 + 51 + 20 + + + 26883 + -16493 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;221;160;221 + + + 255;66;48;66 + + 0.5 + + 255;255;255;255 + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + babdc92f-6320-47b5-9be6-7f5cffdc22f1 + a2b1d40c-18a9-4c27-a3c1-4922136c36b8 + 7d90e60c-31e5-4aef-9b1c-757d93bbbdf4 + 3 + 8cd7aa67-837e-4c58-b3b5-12f09a3d5d64 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 + Colour Picker + + + + + Provides a colour picker object + 7d90e60c-31e5-4aef-9b1c-757d93bbbdf4 + Colour Picker + Colour Picker + false + + 255;184;184;184 + + 0 + + + + + + 26943.87 + -16642 + 180 + 310 + + 2 + + + + + + + + + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 + Create Material + + + + + Create an OpenGL material. + true + 0bf627ab-a1f7-4f7d-9e87-614fad9670d1 + Create Material + Create Material + + + + + + 27124 + -17485 + 144 + 104 + + + 27208 + -17433 + + + + + + Colour of the diffuse channel + 387fb942-e6ad-4287-8a74-d859b2930697 + Diffuse + Diffuse + false + 8065f95f-065b-41bd-b52b-3d434688e7d7 + 1 + + + + + + 27126 + -17483 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -17473 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;105;180 + + + + + + + + + + + + Colour of the specular highlight + ef9aff50-b140-42e6-b3c5-e1d59af266ba + Specular + Specular + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -17463 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -17453 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;255;255 + + + + + + + + + + + + Emissive colour of the material + 4c64a046-a661-4dc3-8569-2ca4c7b21032 + Emission + Emission + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -17443 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -17433 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;0;0;0 + + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of transparency (0.0 = opaque, 1.0 = transparent + 50800171-18b8-418e-9529-613a05107800 + Transparency + Transparency + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -17423 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -17413 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of shinyness (0 = none, 1 = low shine, 100 = max shine + 9944c999-954e-4784-9b87-93531558df2b + Shine + Shine + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -17403 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -17393 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Resulting material + 6909f6de-400c-4db0-866f-c5e160996837 + Material + Material + false + 0 + + + + + + 27223 + -17483 + 43 + 100 + + + 27246 + -17433 + + + + + + + + + + + + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c + Custom Preview + + + + + Allows for customized geometry previews + true + 615b3b66-0c14-4d74-9e15-68c1978ce5d2 + Custom Preview + Custom Preview + + + + + + + 26854 + -17455 + 82 + 44 + + + 26922 + -17433 + + + + + + Geometry to preview + true + 93bcc240-fb4a-481a-934f-a8033bcb1546 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0c34c6da-963b-41d0-9588-6f02da80132a + 1 + + + + + + 26856 + -17453 + 51 + 20 + + + 26883 + -17443 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 513 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + + 8.31187957663209E-17 + -0.24997981727771 + 0 + 8.31187957663209E-17 + -0.24997981727771 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.00505579079448798 + -0.250328438941119 + 0 + 0.00506259683868762 + -0.251127858752699 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0101302839851524 + -0.251380515650879 + 0 + 0.0101967935151527 + -0.255286199399574 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0152491190912052 + -0.253414919244564 + 0 + 0.0154282164834252 + -0.260425683217874 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0204360062025512 + -0.256369557292481 + 0 + 0.020701994133584 + -0.264177528006472 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0256951342190955 + -0.259775292295518 + 0 + 0.0259935505297823 + -0.266781991594823 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0310139688299929 + -0.263147726428641 + 0 + 0.0312133909849261 + -0.267048882650394 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0363816718926596 + -0.266307705136293 + 0 + 0.0364292766489561 + -0.267105735301489 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0417964308460186 + -0.269297994321025 + 0 + 0.0417964308460186 + -0.269297994321025 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0472536739461035 + -0.272106308089032 + 0 + 0.0473148445665297 + -0.272903413171553 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0527367560333432 + -0.274583695895008 + 0 + 0.0530687409207295 + -0.278475812940646 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0581995183412103 + -0.276321113392407 + 0 + 0.0588548928467679 + -0.283303474857043 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0636255100087909 + -0.277336567539015 + 0 + 0.0644216248387421 + -0.285108398560566 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0690608315079947 + -0.278206246679791 + 0 + 0.0698346737203401 + -0.285176473045968 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0745706349708621 + -0.279500322944738 + 0 + 0.0750345845318063 + -0.283378923190612 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0801800320483679 + -0.281323622207306 + 0 + 0.0802817103486181 + -0.282116578625177 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0858720206272032 + -0.283446528098435 + 0 + 0.0858720206272032 + -0.283446528098435 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0916450033749502 + -0.285799476835425 + 0 + 0.0917600999470148 + -0.286590597013706 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0975137156265353 + -0.288434252460588 + 0 + 0.0981087857410236 + -0.292294910516055 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.10351379268512 + -0.2915197906375 + 0 + 0.104640709937007 + -0.298441708353911 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.10962302194108 + -0.294853250675795 + 0 + 0.110943497288377 + -0.302553348149671 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.115727468527291 + -0.297761610728034 + 0 + 0.116971119383968 + -0.30466351046014 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.121696692177779 + -0.299608524036104 + 0 + 0.122421795379205 + -0.30344688493754 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.127499291793491 + -0.300371451931509 + 0 + 0.12765430316972 + -0.3011557285604 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.133196537164003 + -0.300481208225351 + 0 + 0.133196537164003 + -0.300481208225351 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.138810842748806 + -0.300118318293514 + 0 + 0.138979025265838 + -0.300899876351722 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.14434004022216 + -0.299325537565637 + 0 + 0.145193849163702 + -0.303137334957123 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.149769282916235 + -0.298084942872452 + 0 + 0.151359506765839 + -0.304915321739946 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.155133691693607 + -0.296588242231303 + 0 + 0.156968872132746 + -0.304182139057426 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.16054736489495 + -0.29531547470396 + 0 + 0.162251727478638 + -0.302118270860592 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.166136447479939 + -0.294727403745222 + 0 + 0.167117399119998 + -0.29850847805582 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.171933518756356 + -0.294874717203926 + 0 + 0.172140728906841 + -0.295646845632959 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.177890551247578 + -0.295510488641129 + 0 + 0.177890551247578 + -0.295510488641129 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.183999514934573 + -0.29655804217545 + 0 + 0.184219552681569 + -0.297326613413061 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.190292532869964 + -0.298085729518202 + 0 + 0.19139883333628 + -0.301832046154663 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.196853463706027 + -0.300323512610402 + 0 + 0.198895360528742 + -0.307032726031567 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.20367993719918 + -0.303199300454348 + 0 + 0.206016400257862 + -0.310654238188858 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.210636484857528 + -0.306236003397698 + 0 + 0.212789097200447 + -0.312910518171558 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.217565335181875 + -0.308941428040542 + 0 + 0.21879496526751 + -0.312649095624738 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.224387537768817 + -0.311107472384414 + 0 + 0.224645432763613 + -0.311864181396547 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.231087817596925 + -0.312729991190678 + 0 + 0.231087817596925 + -0.312729991190678 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.237630076329177 + -0.313747579948328 + 0 + 0.237900363194681 + -0.31449995177643 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.243929542470506 + -0.313973221132266 + 0 + 0.245280263710348 + -0.31763850982412 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.249808658695011 + -0.312993072924465 + 0 + 0.252287341096334 + -0.319553486091236 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.255246286443573 + -0.310837694505103 + 0 + 0.25806700777737 + -0.318123206663287 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.260453813229492 + -0.308121810388237 + 0 + 0.263039001065523 + -0.314640989110883 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.265676459352462 + -0.305487095939814 + 0 + 0.267145820627951 + -0.309106455897664 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.270997293130045 + -0.303126784231964 + 0 + 0.271303997814893 + -0.303865059650543 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.27635882078016 + -0.300886009294673 + 0 + 0.27635882078016 + -0.300886009294673 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.28174605303402 + -0.298721197986524 + 0 + 0.282064626864048 + -0.299454429922685 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.287192142684371 + -0.296700896371221 + 0 + 0.288777487310066 + -0.300270976409564 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.292798593949585 + -0.295038456809365 + 0 + 0.295696098520099 + -0.301424954646929 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.298531687789377 + -0.293637519463736 + 0 + 0.301816243496339 + -0.300726020719846 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.304154611760934 + -0.291980150231544 + 0 + 0.307153673910965 + -0.298319591341423 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.309411944463461 + -0.28955161955903 + 0 + 0.311110417726908 + -0.29306928606337 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.314279715957862 + -0.286348145512692 + 0 + 0.314633015920925 + -0.2870652908909 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.318925547805695 + -0.282747956615763 + 0 + 0.318925547805695 + -0.282747956615763 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.323409306306166 + -0.278890197714137 + 0 + 0.323773871675519 + -0.279601682393419 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.327731450445587 + -0.274789919143368 + 0 + 0.329540007622413 + -0.278252275277643 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.331866744031829 + -0.270412934198015 + 0 + 0.335162237983916 + -0.276603459779669 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.335894753091952 + -0.265920965137895 + 0 + 0.339619553700555 + -0.272788353045691 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.340046948379671 + -0.26173903547481 + 0 + 0.343438370204849 + -0.267877532470742 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.344561840334936 + -0.258274113684721 + 0 + 0.346477255242167 + -0.261678518889093 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.349482643248151 + -0.255563120832556 + 0 + 0.349880009938808 + -0.256256819665294 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.354699221987147 + -0.25337702648471 + 0 + 0.354699221987147 + -0.25337702648471 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.360184397555891 + -0.251642134317248 + 0 + 0.360592351699053 + -0.252329660152735 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.365988405403285 + -0.250417781392503 + 0 + 0.368007279618083 + -0.253761871099317 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.372255212543982 + -0.249911702704192 + 0 + 0.375925228733034 + -0.255887810847245 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.378972167443079 + -0.250066725006067 + 0 + 0.383110724165493 + -0.256692998808542 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.385900434413408 + -0.250472964740263 + 0 + 0.389660130984081 + -0.25639306347777 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.392781726782351 + -0.25071691747571 + 0 + 0.394900499723877 + -0.253998622868437 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.399511848597411 + -0.250646528824184 + 0 + 0.39995046806986 + -0.251314908443692 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.406104835395263 + -0.250296851360014 + 0 + 0.406104835395263 + -0.250296851360014 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.41254420555582 + -0.249655855445628 + 0 + 0.412992668259577 + -0.250317670798067 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.418734723704237 + -0.248598014907822 + 0 + 0.420949683905111 + -0.251815582369577 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.424426755950018 + -0.246784918914046 + 0 + 0.428445466534572 + -0.252532340301326 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.429607900602458 + -0.244233189444393 + 0 + 0.434131137229014 + -0.250603078507021 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.434593869863233 + -0.241413864925554 + 0 + 0.438695472696646 + -0.247102427271376 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.439710836938658 + -0.238784351774624 + 0 + 0.44201813477654 + -0.24193636156993 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445018932760472 + -0.236416981197459 + 0 + 0.445495740064216 + -0.237058676726882 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.450377035719687 + -0.234112913119979 + 0 + 0.450377035719687 + -0.234112913119979 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.455736037745933 + -0.231805042413711 + 0 + 0.456221887686792 + -0.232439918931116 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.461120321321889 + -0.229524783423431 + 0 + 0.463515983718567 + -0.232610166826436 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.466629403438389 + -0.227397172096311 + 0 + 0.470968958130414 + -0.232906360098212 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.472132719137963 + -0.225252227881316 + 0 + 0.477009360839531 + -0.231355794212939 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477195565673416 + -0.222554126972263 + 0 + 0.481610783299951 + -0.22800286450271 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.48139321057777 + -0.218808910972966 + 0 + 0.483873158380986 + -0.221826964643085 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484690267400844 + -0.214017273599518 + 0 + 0.485201990610864 + -0.214631486684459 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487355857001527 + -0.208540767061362 + 0 + 0.487355857001527 + -0.208540767061362 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.48950983745262 + -0.20254748402664 + 0 + 0.490029759613324 + -0.203154772511789 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491188315543241 + -0.196100256182699 + 0 + 0.493748384548393 + -0.199050652046182 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.492390385393733 + -0.189216650592116 + 0 + 0.497021362028804 + -0.19448323798537 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.493253274329318 + -0.182068518224302 + 0 + 0.498450370946659 + -0.187901642858666 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494132680395392 + -0.17506082111137 + 0 + 0.498831789506842 + -0.180266708252294 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.49531971899167 + -0.16850765286014 + 0 + 0.497955684839166 + -0.171390441980633 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.49705289072884 + -0.162648529501842 + 0 + 0.497596112931583 + -0.163235068499549 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498502766295665 + -0.156578684917574 + 0 + 0.498502766295665 + -0.156578684917574 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.500976298491143 + -0.151678931978381 + 0 + 0.501526844881575 + -0.152258601737267 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.503328820032936 + -0.146710766554317 + 0 + 0.506036410894295 + -0.14952639095929 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505703730192998 + -0.141834627123931 + 0 + 0.510595710364133 + -0.146859705966156 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509379346618602 + -0.138339350489908 + 0 + 0.514862916917211 + -0.143904025954857 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512545439478408 + -0.134357460976719 + 0 + 0.517497900474848 + -0.139322943576034 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515793002444229 + -0.13049546982107 + 0 + 0.518567968596991 + -0.133244715520061 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517949189565399 + -0.125605491859512 + 0 + 0.518520421032069 + -0.126164788711703 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520790259670081 + -0.121438518168726 + 0 + 0.520790259670081 + -0.121438518168726 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522538138720994 + -0.11626474573395 + 0 + 0.523115834746943 + -0.116817362833747 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523999696506994 + -0.110886819282751 + 0 + 0.526837835332545 + -0.113570800852974 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.524251780846339 + -0.104449717638987 + 0 + 0.529374400495454 + -0.109239462443866 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52389302328097 + -0.0975437118509525 + 0 + 0.529629343856359 + -0.10284746358971 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522894090514444 + -0.0901577902521821 + 0 + 0.528069640470716 + -0.0948902917065401 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522801519520025 + -0.0837012244352919 + 0 + 0.52569865862804 + -0.0863214103163329 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522295152094812 + -0.0769622183881371 + 0 + 0.522890972317305 + -0.0774952442973139 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522131256966648 + -0.0706243701718842 + 0 + 0.522131256966648 + -0.0706243701718842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522008545337499 + -0.0644102042823363 + 0 + 0.522610000644759 + -0.064936863442282 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522167130630189 + -0.0585237943562072 + 0 + 0.525119350759612 + -0.0610817594399859 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522318204135725 + -0.052709745230102 + 0 + 0.52764205020719 + -0.0572747808677184 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523042468213288 + -0.0474593526865142 + 0 + 0.528998986593143 + -0.052514552488742 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523518040627334 + -0.0420633539908021 + 0 + 0.52888774336301 + -0.0465743605188221 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523478314132337 + -0.0363046071900141 + 0 + 0.526481634308092 + -0.0388023775926536 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522581975685168 + -0.0299142189551641 + 0 + 0.523199121566311 + -0.0304224013227968 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522260068369116 + -0.0240724410193798 + 0 + 0.522260068369116 + -0.0240724410193798 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520931242375299 + -0.0174861246770284 + 0 + 0.521553240864117 + -0.0179883559358056 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.519640563196221 + -0.011017301938162 + 0 + 0.522691279555433 + -0.0134569573970397 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518082967595167 + -0.00441968002183039 + 0 + 0.523580328175758 + -0.00877420801144432 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.516445235240302 + 0.00215613184185236 + 0 + 0.522591414915518 + -0.00266669219080294 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515198311630304 + 0.00834521905696476 + 0 + 0.520735051290648 + 0.00404087226576249 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514319681926198 + 0.0141739724142195 + 0 + 0.517414262891711 + 0.011790202771346 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51444507102834 + 0.019166647988704 + 0 + 0.515080534206917 + 0.0186815656183194 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51504754102053 + 0.0237457174441685 + 0 + 0.51504754102053 + 0.0237457174441685 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.516141577779725 + 0.027910821905161 + 0 + 0.516781168969772 + 0.0274311955224432 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517849667322971 + 0.0315820721163 + 0 + 0.520984593322147 + 0.0292516154996504 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520091303725036 + 0.0348303008397511 + 0 + 0.525736717265888 + 0.0306695084490966 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523942047257066 + 0.0368842786651737 + 0 + 0.530249750885138 + 0.0322747199888579 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.527329323707669 + 0.0392761550395343 + 0 + 0.533008072299303 + 0.035160975602574 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530904362999643 + 0.0415253558432384 + 0 + 0.534076401499286 + 0.0392456714749148 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.534248597527297 + 0.0439345218507081 + 0 + 0.5348995839305 + 0.0434704797618524 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.537444081750373 + 0.0464410943404135 + 0 + 0.537444081750373 + 0.0464410943404135 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.540561964579517 + 0.04899301924726 + 0 + 0.541216433982264 + 0.0485339025319769 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.543102243790358 + 0.0519355370919902 + 0 + 0.546308316941345 + 0.0497039717192265 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.545268665328723 + 0.0551182707984346 + 0 + 0.551039061816631 + 0.0511326200689174 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.54674417081516 + 0.0587539386407405 + 0 + 0.553188029887676 + 0.0543367181907798 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.548162957084493 + 0.0624007368110524 + 0 + 0.553961153951827 + 0.0584556385292601 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549684605206067 + 0.0659495550135535 + 0 + 0.552921645049379 + 0.0637631510903945 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.552503706280229 + 0.0686053008641433 + 0 + 0.553167689478105 + 0.0681600541119671 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554774762938143 + 0.0716161272216867 + 0 + 0.554774762938143 + 0.0716161272216867 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557456701716878 + 0.0743368005833014 + 0 + 0.558123573888134 + 0.0738958925831598 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.560287063179252 + 0.0769463021053665 + 0 + 0.563552320013287 + 0.0748022669213771 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.56363142999427 + 0.0792085142818788 + 0 + 0.569505591582543 + 0.0753774422386748 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.566752935645749 + 0.0816056012660787 + 0 + 0.573309636726683 + 0.0773576809295762 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.569899444265065 + 0.0839747156585742 + 0 + 0.57579648233036 + 0.0801789509896524 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.571779088395054 + 0.0871424997282605 + 0 + 0.575069833470148 + 0.0850377940687568 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.573743828722273 + 0.0902385430892928 + 0 + 0.574418530726068 + 0.0898097126292509 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574210495132547 + 0.0942647668340597 + 0 + 0.574210495132547 + 0.0942647668340597 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574685127190994 + 0.0982556236121087 + 0 + 0.575362185812015 + 0.0978305236461184 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.573977306621641 + 0.10295275301199 + 0 + 0.577291050214913 + 0.100884446346998 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574037695330143 + 0.107135942184015 + 0 + 0.579996629041215 + 0.103438105466093 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.573066357754937 + 0.111927249045217 + 0 + 0.579715049828847 + 0.107824804657256 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.572676231041006 + 0.116324866564648 + 0 + 0.578653711558851 + 0.112657086033572 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.572023226286005 + 0.120848329413154 + 0 + 0.575357602608493 + 0.118813452610389 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.573230575462257 + 0.12420935580718 + 0 + 0.573913966962851 + 0.123794513169183 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574267221894916 + 0.127656594779098 + 0 + 0.574267221894916 + 0.127656594779098 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.575056158935527 + 0.131228465110889 + 0 + 0.575741436465193 + 0.130816745467539 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.577499868324315 + 0.133789455008878 + 0 + 0.580852658267195 + 0.131785062666715 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.579771457532714 + 0.136443778647328 + 0 + 0.585798565700612 + 0.132858133029338 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.582831355532765 + 0.138618161606548 + 0 + 0.589553846642589 + 0.134637801129362 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.585980747085291 + 0.140732008453291 + 0 + 0.592022587229983 + 0.137171242379627 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.58884714754184 + 0.143004328796455 + 0 + 0.592216358740071 + 0.141027663684679 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.591217751630423 + 0.145557272532389 + 0 + 0.591908069711687 + 0.145154061292386 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.593088174785243 + 0.148389688148958 + 0 + 0.593088174785243 + 0.148389688148958 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.594395205323079 + 0.151534694247825 + 0 + 0.595087012134369 + 0.151134042661984 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.594960826725901 + 0.155091236494794 + 0 + 0.598344591564287 + 0.15313958986159 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.594393610686732 + 0.159279456776904 + 0 + 0.600474667197695 + 0.15578608604424 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.592710411276128 + 0.164082666087827 + 0 + 0.599491200657451 + 0.160202453256533 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.590474829452158 + 0.16917308025565 + 0 + 0.596567421457683 + 0.165699867043137 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.588286143434531 + 0.174207803797597 + 0 + 0.591682763725695 + 0.172278617528712 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.586331697837416 + 0.179082134816289 + 0 + 0.587027453667062 + 0.178688380853897 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.58447359522953 + 0.183876228188389 + 0 + 0.58447359522953 + 0.183876228188389 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.582678076368996 + 0.188610539600824 + 0 + 0.583374989700377 + 0.18821883797212 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.581018380437027 + 0.193245274030701 + 0 + 0.584426316895367 + 0.191336149058805 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.579708085034494 + 0.197662749656377 + 0 + 0.585831172459676 + 0.194243584882788 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.578666262845069 + 0.201910639805786 + 0 + 0.585492391213915 + 0.198110754578305 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.577402605537495 + 0.20626313415121 + 0 + 0.583534598911238 + 0.202859967298154 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.575420896487017 + 0.210994390562642 + 0 + 0.578838758400734 + 0.20910309233096 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.572714009407577 + 0.216105620038157 + 0 + 0.573413971928032 + 0.215719393644261 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.569648629208662 + 0.221392499605875 + 0 + 0.569648629208662 + 0.221392499605875 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.566361874432708 + 0.226779045566724 + 0 + 0.567062723927539 + 0.226394431028544 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.5628700142472 + 0.232256283076559 + 0 + 0.566296547900853 + 0.23038074150603 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.559139882293919 + 0.23784235449467 + 0 + 0.56529524631785 + 0.234481643097024 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555332575882613 + 0.243449449649057 + 0 + 0.562193453793717 + 0.239712671553032 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.551876011864736 + 0.248845643743533 + 0 + 0.558038144021199 + 0.245497358413451 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549187314671191 + 0.253806979805858 + 0 + 0.552621391540257 + 0.251945285652744 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.547316143193319 + 0.258310152860747 + 0 + 0.548019310185587 + 0.257929791797585 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.546041540323348 + 0.262477938844547 + 0 + 0.546041540323348 + 0.262477938844547 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.545296740944667 + 0.26634884950636 + 0 + 0.546000575664466 + 0.26596972545728 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.545150492876145 + 0.269888100080505 + 0 + 0.548591098241422 + 0.268038499101154 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.545826928571989 + 0.272977681486015 + 0 + 0.55200665651566 + 0.269661983986608 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.547280150969561 + 0.275644944153969 + 0 + 0.55416719445753 + 0.27195661279076 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549095385890676 + 0.278114066509003 + 0 + 0.555280153440206 + 0.274807778904507 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.550846192100584 + 0.280613744984677 + 0 + 0.554292414480974 + 0.278774630967739 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.552373603987172 + 0.283228576040828 + 0 + 0.553079164560371 + 0.282852673613419 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553714524960958 + 0.285938438252715 + 0 + 0.553714524960958 + 0.285938438252715 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554856791090474 + 0.28874943409394 + 0 + 0.555562842485541 + 0.288374454381278 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555666618285808 + 0.291732157485239 + 0 + 0.559117639806666 + 0.289902064721205 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55577825615152 + 0.295079668825015 + 0 + 0.561975959755035 + 0.291797694204709 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555203083090365 + 0.298784589810268 + 0 + 0.562109365616769 + 0.295132409924844 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554448288382621 + 0.302577846112289 + 0 + 0.560649639999558 + 0.299302769702726 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554017216667811 + 0.306193859950425 + 0 + 0.557472304473231 + 0.304371455681544 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55399992512685 + 0.309586089382641 + 0 + 0.554707226061328 + 0.309213471957562 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554187584255883 + 0.312865425868417 + 0 + 0.554187584255883 + 0.312865425868417 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55451289412656 + 0.316067807452317 + 0 + 0.555220543871597 + 0.315695852890933 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555016568072157 + 0.319172270063812 + 0 + 0.558475066794245 + 0.317356347253857 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555844877831654 + 0.322102541872099 + 0 + 0.562055425031544 + 0.31884493679424 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.556811763819582 + 0.324956765431098 + 0 + 0.563731725473342 + 0.32133057087475 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557308723210212 + 0.32805383579806 + 0 + 0.563521805870369 + 0.324801069095173 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.556759687219487 + 0.331694538001199 + 0 + 0.56022101247174 + 0.329884008642004 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555144988381408 + 0.335887913095628 + 0 + 0.55585350688313 + 0.335517616066065 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.552862185949695 + 0.34042521988535 + 0 + 0.552862185949695 + 0.34042521988535 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.550091780111826 + 0.345211742183656 + 0 + 0.5508005345518 + 0.344841896944128 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.546894803362922 + 0.350215404535748 + 0 + 0.550358436183797 + 0.348409293591051 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.543278129365771 + 0.355432488184628 + 0 + 0.549497434845376 + 0.352191635408473 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.539437972034657 + 0.360760720942211 + 0 + 0.546367194308466 + 0.357152253825809 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.535831893281123 + 0.365962096625841 + 0 + 0.542052857272595 + 0.362724428578902 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.532899059623785 + 0.370808733836813 + 0 + 0.536364541791191 + 0.369006173876704 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.53070087956452 + 0.375269589183943 + 0 + 0.531410202640004 + 0.374900835699932 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529020281375881 + 0.379458301993825 + 0 + 0.529020281375881 + 0.379458301993825 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.527790813953703 + 0.383409988358021 + 0 + 0.528500285026138 + 0.383041519696175 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.527079731748251 + 0.387090234912984 + 0 + 0.5305466618677 + 0.385290461424665 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.527109674580989 + 0.390384006348382 + 0 + 0.533334545434413 + 0.387153856162469 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.527829905419016 + 0.393318197285613 + 0 + 0.534764946279702 + 0.389720925470666 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.528816553768611 + 0.396113074630039 + 0 + 0.535042410768208 + 0.392884825571194 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529631583617309 + 0.398995894802367 + 0 + 0.533099613888616 + 0.39719824213856 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.53010202454743 + 0.402056256927783 + 0 + 0.530811834167637 + 0.401688440859011 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.53024607528512 + 0.405284636137486 + 0 + 0.53024607528512 + 0.405284636137486 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530026748426161 + 0.408700121993751 + 0 + 0.530736640092069 + 0.408332464299612 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529282645398698 + 0.412386223906065 + 0 + 0.532751478974277 + 0.41059012182452 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52762733630084 + 0.416542891127346 + 0 + 0.533855363451273 + 0.413318830771393 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.525084898799206 + 0.421157478231218 + 0 + 0.532023177275888 + 0.417566454974539 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522231223803974 + 0.425931849135839 + 0 + 0.528459748093733 + 0.422708749302256 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.519671784357158 + 0.430552797935107 + 0 + 0.523141173215205 + 0.42875776868352 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517586909327756 + 0.43492724164916 + 0 + 0.518296972212218 + 0.434559914740951 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515822890960179 + 0.439134901987676 + 0 + 0.515822890960179 + 0.439134901987676 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514331782538823 + 0.443200735669239 + 0 + 0.515041881543152 + 0.44283347859111 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.513174505736131 + 0.447093368226124 + 0 + 0.516644249002465 + 0.445299024131998 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512554888261311 + 0.450707522284933 + 0 + 0.518784373405253 + 0.447486279945901 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512377520951457 + 0.454092655794906 + 0 + 0.519317239981351 + 0.450504417224782 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512132334680192 + 0.457512580625684 + 0 + 0.518361997556606 + 0.454291682022561 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511305598350793 + 0.461232929280124 + 0 + 0.51477554101282 + 0.459438970812198 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509882233271881 + 0.465261496184472 + 0 + 0.510592394206174 + 0.464894358873935 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508227181657904 + 0.469409631120504 + 0 + 0.508227181657904 + 0.469409631120504 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.506472866813453 + 0.473608913156696 + 0 + 0.50718303674455 + 0.473241793249375 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.504629823528068 + 0.477853934655292 + 0 + 0.50809985549307 + 0.476060148931115 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502659451180724 + 0.482164683672596 + 0 + 0.508889360758345 + 0.478944262268489 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.500720801125574 + 0.486458987341179 + 0 + 0.507660899501499 + 0.482871482528293 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499242566435268 + 0.490515235512886 + 0 + 0.505472495864452 + 0.487294852511944 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498644222858663 + 0.494116633360796 + 0 + 0.502114278327988 + 0.492322893105854 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498967967684934 + 0.497241380729503 + 0 + 0.499678145520282 + 0.496874276112854 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499994052316792 + 0.500003074467614 + 0 + 0.499994052316792 + 0.500003074467614 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501032032315036 + 0.502758619263774 + 0 + 0.500321854479689 + 0.503125723880424 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50135577714114 + 0.505883366632568 + 0 + 0.497885721671814 + 0.50767710688751 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.500757433565384 + 0.509484764480039 + 0 + 0.494527504136201 + 0.512705147480981 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499279198872879 + 0.513541012652882 + 0 + 0.492339100496955 + 0.517128517465769 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497340548821721 + 0.517835316319404 + 0 + 0.4911106392441 + 0.52105573772351 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.495370176470924 + 0.522146065338492 + 0 + 0.491900144505923 + 0.523939851062669 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.493527133186644 + 0.526391086836517 + 0 + 0.492816963255547 + 0.526758206743838 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491772818341976 + 0.53059036887282 + 0 + 0.491772818341976 + 0.53059036887282 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490117766726929 + 0.534738503809407 + 0 + 0.489407605792636 + 0.535105641119945 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.48869440164906 + 0.538767070713216 + 0 + 0.485224458987033 + 0.540561029181141 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487867665320333 + 0.542487419367308 + 0 + 0.481638002443919 + 0.54570831797043 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487622479049108 + 0.545907344198066 + 0 + 0.480682760019213 + 0.549495582768189 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487445111738456 + 0.54929247770845 + 0 + 0.481215626594514 + 0.552513720047482 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.486825494265284 + 0.552906631766408 + 0 + 0.48335575099895 + 0.554700975860534 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485668217461825 + 0.55679926432369 + 0 + 0.484958118457496 + 0.557166521401818 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484177109037803 + 0.560865098006631 + 0 + 0.484177109037803 + 0.560865098006631 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482413090673178 + 0.565072758343621 + 0 + 0.481703027788716 + 0.56544008525183 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480328215641652 + 0.569447202058774 + 0 + 0.476858826783604 + 0.571242231310361 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477768776197043 + 0.574068150856899 + 0 + 0.471540251907284 + 0.577291250690483 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474915101200832 + 0.578842521762026 + 0 + 0.467976822724151 + 0.582433545018705 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.472372663697538 + 0.583457108866756 + 0 + 0.466144636547105 + 0.58668116922271 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470717354601147 + 0.587613776087278 + 0 + 0.467248521025568 + 0.589409878168824 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469973251575123 + 0.591299877998846 + 0 + 0.469263359909215 + 0.591667535692985 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.46975392471345 + 0.594715363856517 + 0 + 0.46975392471345 + 0.594715363856517 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469897975453855 + 0.597943743064814 + 0 + 0.469188165833648 + 0.598311559133586 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470368416382056 + 0.601004105191225 + 0 + 0.466900386110748 + 0.602801757855032 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.471183446231192 + 0.60388692536333 + 0 + 0.464957589231595 + 0.607115174422175 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.472170094583168 + 0.606681802706519 + 0 + 0.465235053722482 + 0.610279074521466 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47289032541927 + 0.609615993644745 + 0 + 0.466665454565846 + 0.612846143830657 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47292026825121 + 0.612909765080559 + 0 + 0.469453338131762 + 0.614709538568878 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.472209186046435 + 0.616590011635169 + 0 + 0.471499714974001 + 0.616958480297016 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470979718624506 + 0.620541697999236 + 0 + 0.470979718624506 + 0.620541697999236 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469299120435972 + 0.624730410809064 + 0 + 0.468589797360488 + 0.625099164293076 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.467100940375802 + 0.629191266156666 + 0 + 0.463635458208396 + 0.630993826116774 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.464168106720844 + 0.634037903366397 + 0 + 0.457947142729372 + 0.637275571413336 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.460562027965599 + 0.639239279050915 + 0 + 0.453632805691789 + 0.642847746167316 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.456721870633026 + 0.644567511809264 + 0 + 0.45050256515342 + 0.647808364585419 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453105196639322 + 0.649784595456348 + 0 + 0.449641563818446 + 0.651590706401044 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.449908219887122 + 0.654788257810154 + 0 + 0.449199465447148 + 0.655158103049682 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.44713781405013 + 0.659574780108005 + 0 + 0.44713781405013 + 0.659574780108005 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444855011617718 + 0.664112086898095 + 0 + 0.444146493115996 + 0.664482383927657 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.44324031277965 + 0.668305461992518 + 0 + 0.439778987527396 + 0.670115991351713 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442691276792148 + 0.671946164193968 + 0 + 0.43647819413199 + 0.675198930896855 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.443188236179736 + 0.675043234562519 + 0 + 0.436268274525976 + 0.678669429118867 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444155122171035 + 0.677897458119755 + 0 + 0.437944574971145 + 0.681155063197614 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444983431927334 + 0.680827729929717 + 0 + 0.441524933205246 + 0.682643652739672 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445487105875933 + 0.683932192539635 + 0 + 0.444779456130897 + 0.684304147101019 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445812415742289 + 0.687134574125807 + 0 + 0.445812415742289 + 0.687134574125807 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446000074874127 + 0.690413910610107 + 0 + 0.44529277393965 + 0.690786528035187 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445982783331484 + 0.69380614004321 + 0 + 0.442527695526064 + 0.69562854431209 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445551711619655 + 0.697422153879771 + 0 + 0.439350360002718 + 0.700697230289334 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444796916908213 + 0.701215410183743 + 0 + 0.437890634381809 + 0.704867590069166 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444221743847336 + 0.704920331168856 + 0 + 0.438024040243821 + 0.708202305789162 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444333381716481 + 0.708267842506811 + 0 + 0.440882360195622 + 0.710097935270844 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445143208910263 + 0.711250565898931 + 0 + 0.444437157515196 + 0.711625545611594 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446285475041588 + 0.714061561739193 + 0 + 0.446285475041588 + 0.714061561739193 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.447626396012748 + 0.716771423952478 + 0 + 0.446920835439549 + 0.717147326379887 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.44915380789921 + 0.719386255008698 + 0 + 0.44570758551882 + 0.721225369025635 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.450904614110092 + 0.721885933483845 + 0 + 0.444719846560562 + 0.725192221088341 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.452719849029973 + 0.724355055839542 + 0 + 0.445832805542005 + 0.728043387202751 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.454173071428678 + 0.727022318506893 + 0 + 0.447993343485007 + 0.7303380160063 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.454849507123865 + 0.730111899912747 + 0 + 0.451408901758587 + 0.731961500892099 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.454703259053666 + 0.7336511504878 + 0 + 0.453999424333867 + 0.73403027453688 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453958459678774 + 0.737522061147572 + 0 + 0.453958459678774 + 0.737522061147572 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.45268385680487 + 0.741689847133492 + 0 + 0.451980689812602 + 0.742070208196654 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.450812685329868 + 0.746193020186831 + 0 + 0.447378608460801 + 0.748054714339945 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.448123988137076 + 0.751154356248744 + 0 + 0.441961855980612 + 0.754502641578826 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444667424117291 + 0.756550550344255 + 0 + 0.437806546206187 + 0.76028732844028 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.440860117706386 + 0.762157645498431 + 0 + 0.434704753682456 + 0.765518356896076 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.437129985755354 + 0.767743716915306 + 0 + 0.433703452101702 + 0.769619258485835 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.433638125567301 + 0.773220954426534 + 0 + 0.432937276072469 + 0.773605568964715 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.430351370793634 + 0.77860750038613 + 0 + 0.430351370793634 + 0.77860750038613 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.427285990592905 + 0.78389437995484 + 0 + 0.42658602807245 + 0.784280606348736 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.424579103513964 + 0.789005609430071 + 0 + 0.421161241600247 + 0.790896907661753 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.42259739446208 + 0.793736865842291 + 0 + 0.416465401088338 + 0.797140032695347 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.421333737155648 + 0.798089360187077 + 0 + 0.414507608786802 + 0.801889245414558 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.420291914964769 + 0.802337250337292 + 0 + 0.414168827539588 + 0.80575641511088 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.418981619561466 + 0.806754725963408 + 0 + 0.415573683103127 + 0.808663850935304 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.417321923631502 + 0.811389460392154 + 0 + 0.416625010300121 + 0.811781162020859 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.415526404770417 + 0.816123771804899 + 0 + 0.415526404770417 + 0.816123771804899 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.41366830216254 + 0.820917865176999 + 0 + 0.412972546332894 + 0.821311619139391 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.411713856564583 + 0.82579219619617 + 0 + 0.408317236273419 + 0.827721382465054 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.409525170549306 + 0.830826919736779 + 0 + 0.403432578543782 + 0.834300132949293 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.407289588722456 + 0.835917333906248 + 0 + 0.400508799341133 + 0.839797546737541 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.405606389313074 + 0.840720543216478 + 0 + 0.399525332802111 + 0.844213913949143 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.40503917327557 + 0.844908763497621 + 0 + 0.401655408437183 + 0.846860410130826 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.405604794676988 + 0.848465305745391 + 0 + 0.404912987865698 + 0.848865957331232 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.406911825213129 + 0.851610311845252 + 0 + 0.406911825213129 + 0.851610311845252 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.408782248369515 + 0.854442727460908 + 0 + 0.408091930288251 + 0.854845938700912 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.411152852459601 + 0.856995671195968 + 0 + 0.40778364126137 + 0.858972336307743 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.414019252915685 + 0.8592679915394 + 0 + 0.407977412770994 + 0.862828757613064 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.417168644467329 + 0.861381838386647 + 0 + 0.410446153357506 + 0.865362198863833 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.420228542467005 + 0.863556221346105 + 0 + 0.414201434299106 + 0.867141866964095 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.42250013167749 + 0.866210544983312 + 0 + 0.41914734173461 + 0.868214937325475 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.424943841064315 + 0.868771534882475 + 0 + 0.424258563534649 + 0.869183254525825 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425732778105591 + 0.87234340521387 + 0 + 0.425732778105591 + 0.87234340521387 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.426769424538338 + 0.875790644185726 + 0 + 0.426086033037743 + 0.876205486823723 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.427976773713396 + 0.879151670580479 + 0 + 0.424642397390908 + 0.881186547383245 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.427323768960389 + 0.883675133427765 + 0 + 0.421346288442543 + 0.887342913958841 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.426933642244171 + 0.888072750948597 + 0 + 0.42028495017026 + 0.892175195336559 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.42596230467041 + 0.89286405780892 + 0 + 0.420003370959338 + 0.896561894526842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.426022693379291 + 0.89704724698069 + 0 + 0.422708949786019 + 0.899115553645681 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425314872808064 + 0.901744376381742 + 0 + 0.424637814187042 + 0.902169476347732 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425789504866709 + 0.905735233159679 + 0 + 0.425789504866709 + 0.905735233159679 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.426256171277898 + 0.909761456903866 + 0 + 0.425581469274102 + 0.910190287363908 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.428220911605376 + 0.912857500264732 + 0 + 0.424930166530282 + 0.914962205924235 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.430100555736676 + 0.916025284333569 + 0 + 0.424203517671382 + 0.919821049002491 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.433247064353445 + 0.918394398727709 + 0 + 0.42669036327251 + 0.922642319064212 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.436368570004678 + 0.920791485712072 + 0 + 0.430494408416405 + 0.924622557755277 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.439712936821115 + 0.923053697887652 + 0 + 0.43644767998708 + 0.925197733071642 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442543298282397 + 0.925663199410444 + 0 + 0.441876426111141 + 0.926104107410585 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445225237063279 + 0.928383872770634 + 0 + 0.445225237063279 + 0.928383872770634 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.447496293719353 + 0.9313946991294 + 0 + 0.446832310521477 + 0.931839945881576 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.45031539479286 + 0.934050444980438 + 0 + 0.447078354949548 + 0.936236848903597 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.451837042916109 + 0.937599263181802 + 0 + 0.446038846048775 + 0.941544361463594 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453255829183074 + 0.941246061353731 + 0 + 0.446811970110558 + 0.945663281803692 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.454731334672237 + 0.944881729194169 + 0 + 0.448960938184329 + 0.948867379923686 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.456897756209225 + 0.948064462901565 + 0 + 0.453691683058238 + 0.950296028274328 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.459438035421624 + 0.951006980745217 + 0 + 0.458783566018876 + 0.9514660974605 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.462555918249647 + 0.953558905652842 + 0 + 0.462555918249647 + 0.953558905652842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.4657514024734 + 0.956065478142062 + 0 + 0.465100416070197 + 0.956529520230918 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469095637000718 + 0.958474644149771 + 0 + 0.465923598501075 + 0.960754328518094 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.472670676293154 + 0.960723844953133 + 0 + 0.46699192770152 + 0.964839024390094 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476057952743114 + 0.963115721327969 + 0 + 0.469750249115042 + 0.967725280004285 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479908696275416 + 0.965169699153173 + 0 + 0.474263282734564 + 0.969330491543827 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482150332676312 + 0.968417927877503 + 0 + 0.479015406677136 + 0.970748384494153 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.483858422221345 + 0.97208917808731 + 0 + 0.483218831031298 + 0.972568804470028 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484952458979156 + 0.976254282549339 + 0 + 0.484952458979156 + 0.976254282549339 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485554928972576 + 0.980833352003864 + 0 + 0.484919465793999 + 0.981318434374248 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485680318072733 + 0.985826027579863 + 0 + 0.48258573710722 + 0.988209797222736 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484801688368355 + 0.991654780937346 + 0 + 0.47926494870801 + 0.995959127728549 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.483554764759269 + 0.997843868151758 + 0 + 0.477408585084053 + 1.00266669218441 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481917032406449 + 1.00441968001381 + 0 + 0.476419671825858 + 1.00877420800342 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480359436802442 + 1.01101730193249 + 0 + 0.47730872044323 + 1.01345695739137 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479068757625931 + 1.01748612466931 + 0 + 0.478446759137112 + 1.01798835592808 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477739931629466 + 1.02407244101381 + 0 + 0.477739931629466 + 1.02407244101381 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477418024316324 + 1.0299142189472 + 0 + 0.476800878435181 + 1.03042240131483 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476521685864756 + 1.0363046071857 + 0 + 0.473518365689002 + 1.03880237758834 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476481959373215 + 1.04206335398361 + 0 + 0.471112256637539 + 1.04657436051163 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476957531785944 + 1.04745935268044 + 0 + 0.471001013406089 + 1.05251455248266 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477681795865758 + 1.0527097452221 + 0 + 0.472357949794293 + 1.05727478085971 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477832869369386 + 1.05852379434986 + 0 + 0.474880649239964 + 1.06108175943364 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477991454662009 + 1.06441020427604 + 0 + 0.47738999935475 + 1.06493686343598 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47786874303231 + 1.07062437016608 + 0 + 0.47786874303231 + 1.07062437016608 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477704847905351 + 1.07696221838126 + 0 + 0.477109027682859 + 1.07749524429044 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47719848048028 + 1.08370122442828 + 0 + 0.474301341372265 + 1.08632141030932 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477105909484982 + 1.09015779024597 + 0 + 0.471930359528711 + 1.09489029170032 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476106976719281 + 1.097543711844 + 0 + 0.470370656143892 + 1.10284746358276 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.475748219154248 + 1.10444971763171 + 0 + 0.470625599505133 + 1.10923946243659 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476000303492973 + 1.11088681927605 + 0 + 0.473162164667422 + 1.11357080084627 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477461861278033 + 1.11626474572815 + 0 + 0.476884165252084 + 1.11681736282795 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479209740329589 + 1.12143851816233 + 0 + 0.479209740329589 + 1.12143851816233 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482050810435087 + 1.1256054918523 + 0 + 0.481479578968417 + 1.12616478870449 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484206997555069 + 1.13049546981504 + 0 + 0.481432031402307 + 1.13324471551403 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487454560522344 + 1.13435746096923 + 0 + 0.482502099525904 + 1.13932294356855 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490620653380922 + 1.13833935048368 + 0 + 0.485137083082313 + 1.14390402594863 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494296269806773 + 1.14183462711743 + 0 + 0.489404289635638 + 1.14685970595966 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.496671179967579 + 1.14671076654706 + 0 + 0.49396358910622 + 1.14952639095203 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499023701508423 + 1.15167893197211 + 0 + 0.498473155117991 + 1.152258601731 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501497233706143 + 1.15657868490891 + 0 + 0.501497233706143 + 1.15657868490891 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502947109269546 + 1.16264852949686 + 0 + 0.502403887066803 + 1.16323506849457 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.504680281008434 + 1.1685076528533 + 0 + 0.502044315160939 + 1.17139044197379 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505867319604422 + 1.17506082110485 + 0 + 0.501168210492971 + 1.18026670824577 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.506746725670381 + 1.1820685182179 + 0 + 0.50154962905304 + 1.18790164285227 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507609614605492 + 1.18921665058628 + 0 + 0.50297863797042 + 1.19448323797953 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508811684457199 + 1.19610025617546 + 0 + 0.506251615452048 + 1.19905065203895 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510490162546564 + 1.20254748402087 + 0 + 0.50997024038586 + 1.20315477250602 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51264414299887 + 1.20854076705416 + 0 + 0.51264414299887 + 1.20854076705416 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515309732598113 + 1.21401727359405 + 0 + 0.514798009388094 + 1.21463148667899 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518606789423005 + 1.2188089109653 + 0 + 0.51612684161979 + 1.22182696463542 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522804434326399 + 1.22255412696577 + 0 + 0.518389216699865 + 1.22800286449621 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.527867280863278 + 1.22525222787305 + 0 + 0.522990639161711 + 1.23135579420468 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.533370596561418 + 1.22739717208984 + 0 + 0.529031041869394 + 1.23290636009174 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.538879678677441 + 1.22952478341758 + 0 + 0.536484016280763 + 1.23261016682058 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.54426396225473 + 1.23180504240612 + 0 + 0.543778112313871 + 1.23243991892353 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549622964279443 + 1.2341129131144 + 0 + 0.549622964279443 + 1.2341129131144 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554981067239554 + 1.23641698119069 + 0 + 0.55450425993581 + 1.23705867672012 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.560289163060839 + 1.23878435176859 + 0 + 0.557981865222957 + 1.2419363615639 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.565406130136609 + 1.24141386491905 + 0 + 0.561304527303196 + 1.24710242726487 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.570392099397823 + 1.24423318943727 + 0 + 0.565868862771267 + 1.2506030784999 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.575573244050378 + 1.24678491890674 + 0 + 0.571554533465824 + 1.25253234029402 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.581265276294758 + 1.24859801490256 + 0 + 0.579050316093883 + 1.25181558236431 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.587455794445529 + 1.24965585543692 + 0 + 0.587007331741772 + 1.25031767078936 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.59389516460427 + 1.25029685135397 + 0 + 0.59389516460427 + 1.25029685135397 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.600488151402385 + 1.25064652881777 + 0 + 0.600049531929937 + 1.25131490843728 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.607218273218305 + 1.25071691746799 + 0 + 0.605099500276779 + 1.25399862286071 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.614099565585563 + 1.25047296473517 + 0 + 0.610339869014891 + 1.25639306347268 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.621027832557474 + 1.25006672499846 + 0 + 0.616889275835059 + 1.25669299880093 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.627744787454172 + 1.24991170270046 + 0 + 0.62407477126512 + 1.25588781084351 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.634011594597309 + 1.25041778138476 + 0 + 0.631992720382511 + 1.25376187109158 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.639815602442739 + 1.25164213431282 + 0 + 0.639407648299577 + 1.2523296601483 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.645300778013203 + 1.25337702647739 + 0 + 0.645300778013203 + 1.25337702647739 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.650517356750827 + 1.25556312082761 + 0 + 0.650119990060171 + 1.25625681966035 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.655438159664493 + 1.258274113679 + 0 + 0.653522744757262 + 1.26167851888338 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.659953051620673 + 1.26173903546746 + 0 + 0.656561629795494 + 1.26787753246339 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.664105246906738 + 1.2659209651336 + 0 + 0.660380446298135 + 1.2727883530414 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.668133255969524 + 1.27041293418874 + 0 + 0.664837762017437 + 1.27660345977039 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.672268549554214 + 1.27478991913699 + 0 + 0.670459992377388 + 1.27825227527127 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.676590693693598 + 1.27889019770788 + 0 + 0.676226128324245 + 1.27960168238716 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.681074452194359 + 1.28274795660892 + 0 + 0.681074452194359 + 1.28274795660892 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.685720284042295 + 1.28634814550564 + 0 + 0.685366984079232 + 1.28706529088385 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.690588055537069 + 1.28955161955119 + 0 + 0.688889582273622 + 1.29306928605553 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.695845388238844 + 1.29198015022527 + 0 + 0.692846326088813 + 1.29831959133515 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.701468312210057 + 1.29363751945825 + 0 + 0.698183756503095 + 1.30072602071436 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.707201406050901 + 1.29503845680157 + 0 + 0.704303901480386 + 1.30142495463914 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.712807857315299 + 1.29670089636527 + 0 + 0.711222512689604 + 1.30027097640361 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.718253946967093 + 1.29872119797722 + 0 + 0.717935373137065 + 1.29945442991338 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.723641179219024 + 1.30088600928987 + 0 + 0.723641179219024 + 1.30088600928987 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.729002706870525 + 1.30312678422388 + 0 + 0.728696002185677 + 1.30386505964246 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.734323540646251 + 1.30548709593627 + 0 + 0.732854179370762 + 1.30910645589412 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.739546186771217 + 1.30812181037974 + 0 + 0.736960998935186 + 1.31464098910238 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.744753713556394 + 1.31083769449846 + 0 + 0.741932992222597 + 1.31812320665665 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.750191341305123 + 1.3129930729174 + 0 + 0.7477126589038 + 1.31955348608417 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.75607045752977 + 1.31397322112477 + 0 + 0.754719736289927 + 1.31763850981663 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.762369923669857 + 1.3137475799443 + 0 + 0.762099636804354 + 1.3144999517724 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.768912182403063 + 1.31272999118399 + 0 + 0.768912182403063 + 1.31272999118399 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.775612462231014 + 1.31110747237817 + 0 + 0.775354567236218 + 1.31186418139031 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.78243466481749 + 1.30894142803575 + 0 + 0.781205034731855 + 1.31264909561994 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.789363515142918 + 1.30623600338958 + 0 + 0.787210902799999 + 1.31291051816344 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.796320062800826 + 1.30319930044759 + 0 + 0.793983599742144 + 1.3106542381821 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.803146536293947 + 1.30032351260377 + 0 + 0.801104639471232 + 1.30703272602494 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.809707467130161 + 1.29808572951103 + 0 + 0.808601166663845 + 1.30183204614749 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.816000485064596 + 1.29655804217161 + 0 + 0.815780447317601 + 1.29732661340922 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.822109448753179 + 1.29551048863167 + 0 + 0.822109448753179 + 1.29551048863167 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.828066481243831 + 1.29487471719647 + 0 + 0.827859271093346 + 1.2956468456255 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.833863552519896 + 1.2947274037391 + 0 + 0.832882600879837 + 1.2985084780497 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.839452635104325 + 1.29531547470014 + 0 + 0.837748272520637 + 1.30211827085677 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.844866308306755 + 1.29658824222307 + 0 + 0.843031127867617 + 1.30418213904919 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.850230717083901 + 1.2980849428651 + 0 + 0.848640493234297 + 1.30491532173259 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.855659959777314 + 1.29932553756125 + 0 + 0.854806150835772 + 1.30313733495273 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.86118915725139 + 1.30011831828591 + 0 + 0.861020974734358 + 1.30089987634411 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.866803462836032 + 1.30048120821842 + 0 + 0.866803462836032 + 1.30048120821842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.872500708205912 + 1.3003714519278 + 0 + 0.872345696829683 + 1.3011557285567 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.878303307822599 + 1.29960852402739 + 0 + 0.877578204621173 + 1.30344688492882 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.884272531472578 + 1.29776161072206 + 0 + 0.8830288806159 + 1.30466351045416 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.890376978058963 + 1.29485325066884 + 0 + 0.889056502711666 + 1.30255334814271 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.896486207314847 + 1.29151979063097 + 0 + 0.895359290062961 + 1.29844170834738 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.902486284373027 + 1.28843425245671 + 0 + 0.901891214258538 + 1.29229491051217 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.908354996625277 + 1.28579947682714 + 0 + 0.908239900053212 + 1.28659059700542 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.914127979372477 + 1.28344652809402 + 0 + 0.914127979372477 + 1.28344652809402 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.919819967951945 + 1.28132362219817 + 0 + 0.919718289651694 + 1.28211657861604 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.925429365029042 + 1.27950032293881 + 0 + 0.924965415468098 + 1.28337892318469 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.930939168492029 + 1.2782062466729 + 0 + 0.930165326279683 + 1.28517647303908 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.936374489990938 + 1.27733656753494 + 0 + 0.935578375160987 + 1.28510839855649 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.941800481658911 + 1.27632111338432 + 0 + 0.941145107153354 + 1.28330347484896 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.94726324396668 + 1.27458369588801 + 0 + 0.946931259079294 + 1.27847581293365 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.952746326053777 + 1.27210630808382 + 0 + 0.952685155433351 + 1.27290341316634 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.958203569154049 + 1.26929799431335 + 0 + 0.958203569154049 + 1.26929799431335 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.963618328107218 + 1.26630770513156 + 0 + 0.963570723350922 + 1.26710573529676 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.968986031170033 + 1.26314772642153 + 0 + 0.9687866090151 + 1.26704888264329 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.974304865780931 + 1.25977529228831 + 0 + 0.974006449470244 + 1.26678199158761 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.97956399379745 + 1.25636955728569 + 0 + 0.979298005866417 + 1.26417752799968 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.984750880908806 + 1.25341491923723 + 0 + 0.984571783516586 + 1.26042568321054 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.98986971601484 + 1.25138051564427 + 0 + 0.98980320648484 + 1.25528619939297 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.994944209205504 + 1.25032843893624 + 0 + 0.994937403161304 + 1.25112785874782 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 1 + 1.2499798172808 + 0 + 1 + 1.2499798172808 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + + + + + + The material override + 3d7a0a20-435f-431d-b6eb-df0a21391552 + Material + Material + false + 6909f6de-400c-4db0-866f-c5e160996837 + 1 + + + + + + 26856 + -17433 + 51 + 20 + + + 26883 + -17423 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;221;160;221 + + + 255;66;48;66 + + 0.5 + + 255;255;255;255 + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 0bf627ab-a1f7-4f7d-9e87-614fad9670d1 + 615b3b66-0c14-4d74-9e15-68c1978ce5d2 + 8065f95f-065b-41bd-b52b-3d434688e7d7 + 3 + b8fd547b-483a-4771-820d-f13a034a421b + Group + + + + + + + + + + + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 + Colour Picker + + + + + Provides a colour picker object + 8065f95f-065b-41bd-b52b-3d434688e7d7 + Colour Picker + Colour Picker + false + + 255;201;201;201 + + 0 + + + + + + 26943.87 + -17573.55 + 180 + 310 + + 2 + + + + + + + + + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 + Create Material + + + + + Create an OpenGL material. + true + 3a622eb0-3d82-4d04-b120-c7d7ebc3d5d9 + Create Material + Create Material + + + + + + 27124 + -17864 + 144 + 104 + + + 27208 + -17812 + + + + + + Colour of the diffuse channel + fa16b021-1318-461c-90b3-c46f9069f7ba + Diffuse + Diffuse + false + 4059f1b9-ba7e-46be-a2fb-6107a9f069fa + 1 + + + + + + 27126 + -17862 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -17852 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;105;180 + + + + + + + + + + + + Colour of the specular highlight + 58bb8866-723b-45a7-b548-00207a36bb27 + Specular + Specular + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -17842 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -17832 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;255;255 + + + + + + + + + + + + Emissive colour of the material + 2ad8ea4c-4504-4084-9517-3c0baa692ccc + Emission + Emission + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -17822 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -17812 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;0;0;0 + + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of transparency (0.0 = opaque, 1.0 = transparent + 3eae983a-012a-4181-b473-22b0f3fc7abe + Transparency + Transparency + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -17802 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -17792 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of shinyness (0 = none, 1 = low shine, 100 = max shine + 1ce8d001-9187-4477-9d67-f930daaab629 + Shine + Shine + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -17782 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -17772 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Resulting material + c2342dc2-90bf-4c1d-b514-9942051dabcb + Material + Material + false + 0 + + + + + + 27223 + -17862 + 43 + 100 + + + 27246 + -17812 + + + + + + + + + + + + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c + Custom Preview + + + + + Allows for customized geometry previews + true + aedb401b-2df8-4e52-aeb5-0d3545c5393a + Custom Preview + Custom Preview + + + + + + + 26854 + -17834 + 82 + 44 + + + 26922 + -17812 + + + + + + Geometry to preview + true + 8c1aa883-843f-4f3f-a665-e7548e8d2297 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 467ca241-472f-437d-99fc-2833b43975dd + 1 + + + + + + 26856 + -17832 + 51 + 20 + + + 26883 + -17822 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + -1 + + 7dt3PJbR4zdwJHtvskf23vMc2pKMrGwlK6tQpIREkSQroiiZFVJRlB2yEjJv933be6ZCPPf3+f1+9+n1e/5+/vP5w+31vk/nus65znWG1ysSUhISkl1C/vP5n9CREX5Ymbl7+Pge8vX29vWREbR0vXTZw9dHV11OUVlOSVFZRYPwi4KCoozgocCLAYGXXHV9XAMDLjlflBE0CXS56HHupGvwGV8vVx9dVVUlJQ1FV031c+qqqqrKCvv/cxXu/1u53DFXX2/XgEvBcsaBl1wuHwq8FORKTviWMui/rkbjfOmcu0eQq/J5b2pfP1cfn/+UIj/vHOD8n0JUVFRk/7lRJnESEiXC58NtWjrqfYRfGP/zg1qfhIRsM4yM5C/8r0Zt7ZKRsP13A7mZXzuY0vYwf94hYYokFV425Anm3CZ83/jfZZn2/XfB/9zNPjKS/5Vl8L/lv/3z/5b9/8+/RfH2v5Pa518GrKVFS92e1oODX35Fx6Z0gA2ShX47/x7wKqmnM912AISq5pdwbY8AuqgK/zencOC2zsHVgOoxoDJunJlgOQmGYgV/flSeASQzboUjm3MgP5H+y13vRUD19liDyPllED6VY/Dz4Qr4GXLp93DNKnDkbfpm+2sNKN9efkdy9CcoTX7P7FGzAbI5cqXOHP4Ntg/NN73I+wOkhV/zby1uAs9T3L1sQtvglUtv3wvLvyBFY/VrecwOcMDHP06u2QX2lkxnqm+TQOUbF998lSKF4diYQ70NpJAqpf8jsyMZdNBlOB+yQwYvYgfslNL3wYCtC/6RquRQ2zb8RtkQOaS+WDmll7Yfmh/vtsLYUsC3qRWzcyyU8EqOw+GfnylhcsLq7c8OVPA6q/wbrm0qaD6hJKKeTQ2zNwztqE/RQNUStot+5LTwucZTkb9ltBBTP+xIbkoH9WXoNJKW6WBaJ91OWjo9lBLvt+EzYIB/lY+L/cUwQKfLNjrMoYzwSP3NJ7osTHCNJMaZxJ0J1h5/0+5QwQQTDK7rVVIww06fNJ8aG2ZYlDQxK/+aGU68O8vCscsMaR71XloyYoEi1xxvVGWwwLLDkJt/lgUuf2m4dU+DFTpflo8wvcMK48Mney9gWKGMqz3nGQU2aE9P8Y3+OhusnN7tOtrGBnNbSl8fEmOH6vu6wrbC2eHiUIQ0wwA7ZHZTkPstzQExnrqcZcEccIzRhk/4CwfsuuVwi4yLE85WrxTvXOSESTyYFeEWTvhxu/jRjhAX9Mi1ZrPy54Ky8RtzJJ+5YEre6zV9Rm449NHLOdKBGxaq3KDuLeKGg3l/vhdvccNQEUkPUXMeWJjz5HxSEQ/Usq4b9d/mgXrqerNvTxyAr1ssf9Q+PgAD7g18sFk/AH/UXcLlHeWF/ksjHYwpvNA3acHxMJ4XWpCCegp5Pmj38xADUyQf5KW33kod5oMKg2kxp3T5IfVD+rDuR/xwmtX6Ss0CP7y2m9jCqyEARw++n74SIQBXaGXzx9oEoG5AmYEFrSBcYjZpvqcgCM2/3ehushaEF9b8c4ciBaH3UYNLi/mCcGExera2XRDOe7E6Vq8IwpjZ1rh9HELwj5vg3IaeEFxelc9j9haCnvaUGdaZQlC94CImq0MICprZJyn8EYLcfeozGAFh+G05KzzNQBgGs9/SV3IVhnJi4oPqd4Thidl77a9KhOECQ4nbCEYYciRXrvgyikDGt5xHAzVEYKMIxYloJxFofJ/U73akCBS8vBw9+kIElpXWO4p1isCuy4bUw39EIKluHO2ohChcozxhEHtGFE5uNXVtXhWFg+/yy/IeicJar5Ea4ypRGOPxcdcOKwrJPzKFtO0Tgz73KwwOiopB9WlDMq8jYtA9IUOLzE0ManknPqGMFoOOi4/i8/PF4I7UkczCdjGYHTxamL8iBo28Xi4FMh+EizF+fBlKB6EbV4q1gfVB+IGbz1Mn5CDk0NN37X90ECaf21j3+XAQ2jP+XvPEHoSOHJMv9lGJQ8uHG+qxkuLQ/bK18cpxcWjNqOTac1EcegXGpdsliEO1ZZqFe2Xi0KbssfXEN3Gom2T+vXBZHJbcIH0wwSgBv+dov/yhKAH5Ke/SDllIwA/4M+LPb0rAxZdJSpG5EvDgmlOVa6MEzP8cUps9JgFb7jL43qeShCeCvX5tyUjChEwR77+nJGHtD3Ma/4uSkPXzg1r9OEkYOZkgofhSEq6r3zfX/SoJP0RfTGaZkYRXTJ55VFNJwbNKqzTJB6WgbOpWwv4TUtAsNOPwRX8pyBp4fa7hiRSMoj+2z6pdCt7u/7J9ZF0Kjg4e873LIQ1f7JiYTytLQ1LSp0EkptLQULLqz6SfNFTmX1d9lCwN/QbYOQbrpGHcIYp9aqvSUFr8Q3ogrwxsMrvBhTOQgc7MJWQ3z8lAbrFCqoZbMnDjxWJ8abEM1IlpN5v6IQOtW+N8xyhkIaOw+YKjsiy0Jd+M97GShQfHU2hLAmXhwIPMcamHsrDlVcmpvDJZWPxMutS1UxYWOFMwVM7JQrptRv9AOjloIJNHOiQrB6/Rt22lGsrBs1xnt6YuyEHV9vRfNbfloJltI2/1czkor3xU3LRODp6cYymzGZeD91e6/NZo5eFoItOgnJI89FEWiThmKg+nwxLlXbzl4e5E9diZOHlo6kZRpFYsD2nkvANAszw0Ulhh85uUh61+O5QHKRXgxq8G+XpeBairrfpQWkEBkvyt3KIxUID3u8N1z5sqQLN1ry0LZwW4n/qN9kqAAsxW2er0uasAC5/fHtnNVoCLDCOvgyoUoORHuPO9VQGah567qj2oAJUt9YDNtAI81ydwTOaXAvwVFb1Bt18R1hYsWoSwKsKNkPJFdjFF6NUgdMhAXRGaRJn6lR9VhGNfe94snFGEKtTCjWTnFOGnqXiXST9F+N1Dqv50hCJ802Rw6X6KIkzOL5K881IRhiif7W+tV4Qll+Q09PsUoZbIaPzOhCKMdbGzwK4pQsrHVwqpyZRgwqGTrapMSrBcizxNVVAJrr129wxVUYIj3AfU3p1Qgh1dbuJ/bZUgSYuph8BFJajTrKHMGKIE2XL8JhlilKCBCvtQSJoS3Dyh3BxUqARnWnrqHT4pwa9OlDfqu5Sg9kG7R/yjSvC1QemPoAUlWDc49mBoVwk2nom6V8+qDLlDnoV8FlOGSivHfKXVlKHs9zBh6cPK0LHrwjyPmTIkbTWR03VRhnExmQK3ApSh19zpueo7ypDcrryaPEsZTpp5x5K/Uobsf2GRQpUy/KNtR3K2VRl6hww0afcrw5/ad/n+TClD7QsO1303lSHrLp1MKZMKbOgOHCsUV4FuavGJs9oqULZBcs38lAqUyk5JULdVgaH4sWwjDxUYo+Q2EXVFBc7jU1h+31aBJFrkbqKPVKAoVevu50IVuCKk6ChbqQK/d6UxMHxRgbNGIRy4XhVYJWExsjOmAl2nr1hdWFOBEw+Hcuv3q0ImcqWrWryqkNm1OuqrsioUfryf58QJVcj+0ejsuJ0qfNKkxtV3URVGvN6xkQ9VhdxekXUM8arQ8M2a2JVsVXhO68MptveqMGcbnCT7qgoPMURk8AyqwtFAVRKBaVUokjMwxvhbFf69sKR7h1INNrDmJaWwq0Fd85JpYTE1WC5vkgk11OAB/teh9EZqMPQhex2zvRpU2bH4MuSlBgst5wYGQtSgXR6tddNdNUhT0m21mKYGsRITPUZ5arCvViFz970azIx522HfrAZPzAhfj+5Tg5Ru2FeT42owcsVj7Pm6Gjykv3DaZZ86rMvUZohkUYcWUoyOd0XVofWh1cxmLXX4eNS0+KiZOvxjpx+Pc1OHchnnTPuvqUOHFKczIXHqMDsquKXlsTp8GGsbs/taHSbdUT0j0KgOL318adg+rA51cj598F5Th71Jg/1N+zWgTKk7zwd2DbiqxCRzVFQDvq1h4/+ppAEDGs9YcR7WgAtS7D3xVhowbfvPqJUPodyMp/KtKA3ItKx17/0jDfglHXQtFWrAQIapp0OVGnDJi4y2tEUDbjOvFGX0E+pT96vNntKAZPVLAdy/NeCPivguUipNmPT94BNtTk1YMkZ2tkpcExa4K2atampCBf2tAA8jTfj+YMyVaFtNOHTcp+qqlyY8o8ZgMH1dE46krHUaPdSEsT94woxzNeEDnPq9Y+80YekPhvnxRk1457hnwbFeTagiqey4Nq4JQ5wvUdFtaMKFRAGRLkot+NU67lUttxZsOVxdGSCpBVkijkRoaGnBzfiqIXJjLdhkrztE5qwFl35zihj7E75nKBTkDdeCIonektyJWlDgNMmX+eda8OMUzj7srRY8jD1OcqFRC/rsslO6/tCCAXleDJMzWnDbZSnq3aYWpOj21Kik0YZx4g97bh3QhsJmdiriMtowSLuE64yONsyfGOylNdaG9SMnfrI4aUNt/fOhF/y14Xshi4WqcG3owJZUvv5QGypGr3a2FmjDUm9WU6NabVjW3Jeb16cNL52tedA6qw2tBt/zXdnWhuJRqqUb9DqwrL24bFdIB/q3DtlFqOnA+4XY7K/GOhCXu7KId9WBd5hy3bOCdeCn+A2V7Fgd+E5khm3xsQ4ULOXFGb7SgTYbd2hzagnlDSImZ/t04LcpFar4JR04niMYUUqpC0nOSWA/8evCVAHz+xrKuvAkVu6F7RFdOJ4Z4GRjpQsN/FJ56z104WTKboRRqC4slA+e73ugC3miE/zXcnVhko1j+f0KXchu+tKL9KsuNG67a/t4hFD+u7mI8jKh/B28eiuZHjwKfr5t5NSD750T1ybl9ODfFLwl2zE9+CpT3CzIXg8Wj0w/v3pJD9arVusWROnBdkFSl3dphPKTtvYJxXpwVptsSqRWD3Lj8KPUP/TgAo3kUNucHry5r3mEb1cPmhcm6FiwArhw1EfbXxLAIrkPgqcBgL/IbViPmANo+tz++qMLAHoXtfV7hAB4evkDT0g8gKc8cxLGswH8dubU6w9vATy+T//RylcAr8qEFm7iCfUs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 + + 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Curve + + + + + + + + + + + The material override + 9d335da2-a099-470a-810c-e88cd82d8757 + Material + Material + false + c2342dc2-90bf-4c1d-b514-9942051dabcb + 1 + + + + + + 26856 + -17812 + 51 + 20 + + + 26883 + -17802 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;221;160;221 + + + 255;66;48;66 + + 0.5 + + 255;255;255;255 + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 3a622eb0-3d82-4d04-b120-c7d7ebc3d5d9 + aedb401b-2df8-4e52-aeb5-0d3545c5393a + 4059f1b9-ba7e-46be-a2fb-6107a9f069fa + 3 + 6dc16117-2eae-4050-9c9c-bcbdbe8d0c40 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 + Colour Picker + + + + + Provides a colour picker object + 4059f1b9-ba7e-46be-a2fb-6107a9f069fa + Colour Picker + Colour Picker + false + + 255;176;176;176 + + 0 + + + + + + 26943.87 + -17952.02 + 180 + 310 + + 2 + + + + + + + + + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 + Create Material + + + + + Create an OpenGL material. + true + 30f49702-0996-409e-b5c3-7ab845e9f957 + Create Material + Create Material + + + + + + 27124 + -18659 + 144 + 104 + + + 27208 + -18607 + + + + + + Colour of the diffuse channel + e6932572-491f-4a4a-9ed6-8e12d4271c29 + Diffuse + Diffuse + false + 8287d0a0-e6e3-4edf-a359-d5cde6e8e04e + 1 + + + + + + 27126 + -18657 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -18647 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;105;180 + + + + + + + + + + + + Colour of the specular highlight + eff1ca42-84b2-487c-befe-3dccc3eb35c7 + Specular + Specular + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -18637 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -18627 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;255;255 + + + + + + + + + + + + Emissive colour of the material + 6d0cfde5-3972-4555-b8b4-6e58d54d91c8 + Emission + Emission + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -18617 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -18607 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;0;0;0 + + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of transparency (0.0 = opaque, 1.0 = transparent + 78cbefac-bad8-45f5-a377-4b19a750e77b + Transparency + Transparency + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -18597 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -18587 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of shinyness (0 = none, 1 = low shine, 100 = max shine + e6a25f13-0e53-4995-8c6e-db0f5fea9930 + Shine + Shine + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -18577 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -18567 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Resulting material + 73c222aa-609b-4105-b65f-c3fc0cac3897 + Material + Material + false + 0 + + + + + + 27223 + -18657 + 43 + 100 + + + 27246 + -18607 + + + + + + + + + + + + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c + Custom Preview + + + + + Allows for customized geometry previews + true + e9419141-903c-4b66-87b1-553e5b7cde98 + Custom Preview + Custom Preview + + + + + + + 26854 + -18629 + 82 + 44 + + + 26922 + -18607 + + + + + + Geometry to preview + true + cc00b040-f625-4ec4-aa08-7bf0e24ad3f9 + Geometry + Geometry + false + e60717c0-d9f6-43cb-a3b3-a6180077d6c0 + 1 + + + + + + 26856 + -18627 + 51 + 20 + + + 26883 + -18617 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 513 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + + 8.31187957663209E-17 + -0.24997981727771 + 0 + 8.31187957663209E-17 + -0.24997981727771 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.00506259683868762 + -0.251127858752699 + 0 + 0.00507922461441546 + -0.253080912971781 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0101967935151527 + -0.255286199399574 + 0 + 0.0102633030451533 + -0.259191883148281 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0154282164834252 + -0.260425683217874 + 0 + 0.015478094857813 + -0.262378171223821 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.020701994133584 + -0.264177528006472 + 0 + 0.020701994133584 + -0.264177528006472 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0259935505297823 + -0.266781991594823 + 0 + 0.0260766590568435 + -0.268733347594719 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0312133909849261 + -0.267048882650394 + 0 + 0.0314128131398599 + -0.270950038872159 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0364292766489561 + -0.267105735301489 + 0 + 0.0365455793334612 + -0.269055394489957 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0417964308460186 + -0.269297994321025 + 0 + 0.0417964308460186 + -0.269297994321025 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0473148445665297 + -0.272903413171553 + 0 + 0.0474642898724584 + -0.274850812300169 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0530687409207295 + -0.278475812940646 + 0 + 0.0534007258081168 + -0.282367929986296 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0588548928467679 + -0.283303474857043 + 0 + 0.0590374137341314 + -0.285248052803867 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0644216248387421 + -0.285108398560566 + 0 + 0.0644216248387421 + -0.285108398560566 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0698346737203401 + -0.285176473045968 + 0 + 0.0700501876991094 + -0.287117671384767 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0750345845318063 + -0.283378923190612 + 0 + 0.075498534092752 + -0.287257523436499 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0802817103486181 + -0.282116578625177 + 0 + 0.0805301195454081 + -0.284053842194377 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0858720206272032 + -0.283446528098435 + 0 + 0.0858720206272032 + -0.283446528098435 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0917600999470148 + -0.286590597013706 + 0 + 0.0920412911839797 + -0.288523374485081 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0981087857410236 + -0.292294910516055 + 0 + 0.0987038558555139 + -0.296155568571535 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.104640709937007 + -0.298441708353911 + 0 + 0.104954554822725 + -0.300369452801007 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.110943497288377 + -0.302553348149671 + 0 + 0.110943497288377 + -0.302553348149671 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.116971119383968 + -0.30466351046014 + 0 + 0.117317474416101 + -0.306585679926476 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.122421795379205 + -0.30344688493754 + 0 + 0.123146898580634 + -0.30728524583899 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.12765430316972 + -0.3011557285604 + 0 + 0.128033009849194 + -0.303071786627506 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.133196537164003 + -0.300481208225351 + 0 + 0.133196537164003 + -0.300481208225351 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.138979025265838 + -0.300899876351722 + 0 + 0.139389910222287 + -0.302809292707094 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.145193849163702 + -0.303137334957123 + 0 + 0.146047658105246 + -0.306949132348622 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.151359506765839 + -0.304915321739946 + 0 + 0.151802381893991 + -0.306817572745062 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.156968872132746 + -0.304182139057426 + 0 + 0.156968872132746 + -0.304182139057426 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.162251727478638 + -0.302118270860592 + 0 + 0.162726390085325 + -0.304012840119134 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.167117399119998 + -0.29850847805582 + 0 + 0.16809835076006 + -0.302289552366431 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.172140728906841 + -0.295646845632959 + 0 + 0.172646961868271 + -0.297533224559463 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.177890551247578 + -0.295510488641129 + 0 + 0.177890551247578 + -0.295510488641129 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.184219552681569 + -0.297326613413061 + 0 + 0.184757124610486 + -0.299204301802235 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.19139883333628 + -0.301832046154663 + 0 + 0.1925051338026 + -0.305578362791137 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.198895360528742 + -0.307032726031567 + 0 + 0.199464025951072 + -0.308901232628571 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.206016400257862 + -0.310654238188858 + 0 + 0.206016400257862 + -0.310654238188858 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.212789097200447 + -0.312910518171558 + 0 + 0.213388596741011 + -0.314769361243596 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.21879496526751 + -0.312649095624738 + 0 + 0.220024595353149 + -0.316356763208947 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.224645432763613 + -0.311864181396547 + 0 + 0.225275493340509 + -0.313712889306154 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.231087817596925 + -0.312729991190678 + 0 + 0.231087817596925 + -0.312729991190678 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.237900363194681 + -0.31449995177643 + 0 + 0.238560698221893 + -0.316338063556882 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.245280263710348 + -0.31763850982412 + 0 + 0.246630984950195 + -0.321303798515987 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.252287341096334 + -0.319553486091236 + 0 + 0.252977650694198 + -0.321380552024555 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.25806700777737 + -0.318123206663287 + 0 + 0.25806700777737 + -0.318123206663287 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.263039001065523 + -0.314640989110883 + 0 + 0.263758972278673 + -0.316456571308922 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.267145820627951 + -0.309106455897664 + 0 + 0.268615181903445 + -0.312725815855527 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.271303997814893 + -0.303865059650543 + 0 + 0.272053304837405 + -0.305668732639644 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.27635882078016 + -0.300886009294673 + 0 + 0.27635882078016 + -0.300886009294673 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.282064626864048 + -0.299454429922685 + 0 + 0.282842931271584 + -0.301245781232398 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.288777487310066 + -0.300270976409564 + 0 + 0.290362831935765 + -0.30384105644792 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.295696098520099 + -0.301424954646929 + 0 + 0.296503049508985 + -0.303203585403195 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.301816243496339 + -0.300726020719846 + 0 + 0.301816243496339 + -0.300726020719846 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.307153673910965 + -0.298319591341423 + 0 + 0.307988908544354 + -0.300085116864542 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.311110417726908 + -0.29306928606337 + 0 + 0.31280889099036 + -0.296586952567721 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.314633015920925 + -0.2870652908909 + 0 + 0.315496159382554 + -0.28881734129835 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.318925547805695 + -0.282747956615763 + 0 + 0.318925547805695 + -0.282747956615763 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.323773871675519 + -0.279601682393419 + 0 + 0.324664537533973 + -0.281339903206257 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.329540007622413 + -0.278252275277643 + 0 + 0.331348564799245 + -0.281714631411929 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.335162237983916 + -0.276603459779669 + 0 + 0.336080028461476 + -0.278327512535504 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.339619553700555 + -0.272788353045691 + 0 + 0.339619553700555 + -0.272788353045691 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.343438370204849 + -0.267877532470742 + 0 + 0.344382876461511 + -0.269587095337889 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.346477255242167 + -0.261678518889093 + 0 + 0.348392670149405 + -0.265082924093477 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.349880009938808 + -0.256256819665294 + 0 + 0.35085081236385 + -0.257951588061604 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.354699221987147 + -0.25337702648471 + 0 + 0.354699221987147 + -0.25337702648471 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.360592351699053 + -0.252329660152735 + 0 + 0.361589020219088 + -0.254009347363727 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.368007279618083 + -0.253761871099317 + 0 + 0.370026153832888 + -0.257105960806143 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.375925228733034 + -0.255887810847245 + 0 + 0.376947323132166 + -0.257552148644947 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.383110724165493 + -0.256692998808542 + 0 + 0.383110724165493 + -0.256692998808542 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.389660130984081 + -0.25639306347777 + 0 + 0.390707201244638 + -0.258041802734007 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.394900499723877 + -0.253998622868437 + 0 + 0.397019272665411 + -0.257280328261175 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.39995046806986 + -0.251314908443692 + 0 + 0.401022054736625 + -0.252947819733754 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.406104835395263 + -0.250296851360014 + 0 + 0.406104835395263 + -0.250296851360014 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.412992668259577 + -0.250317670798067 + 0 + 0.414088302822276 + -0.251934544995591 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.420949683905111 + -0.251815582369577 + 0 + 0.423164644105993 + -0.255033149831342 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.428445466534572 + -0.252532340301326 + 0 + 0.429564671837387 + -0.254132989155931 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.434131137229014 + -0.250603078507021 + 0 + 0.434131137229014 + -0.250603078507021 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.438695472696646 + -0.247102427271376 + 0 + 0.439837763375363 + -0.24868668396488 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.44201813477654 + -0.24193636156993 + 0 + 0.44432543261443 + -0.245088371365246 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445495740064216 + -0.237058676726882 + 0 + 0.446660623024052 + -0.238626396394259 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.450377035719687 + -0.234112913119979 + 0 + 0.450377035719687 + -0.234112913119979 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.456221887686792 + -0.232439918931116 + 0 + 0.457408862619225 + -0.233990979141222 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.463515983718567 + -0.232610166826436 + 0 + 0.465911646115253 + -0.235695550229452 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470968958130414 + -0.232906360098212 + 0 + 0.472177518070469 + -0.234440661286666 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477009360839531 + -0.231355794212939 + 0 + 0.477009360839531 + -0.231355794212939 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481610783299951 + -0.22800286450271 + 0 + 0.482840415261927 + -0.229520330319025 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.483873158380986 + -0.221826964643085 + 0 + 0.486353106184211 + -0.224845018313215 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485201990610864 + -0.214631486684459 + 0 + 0.486452176257821 + -0.216132064277835 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487355857001527 + -0.208540767061362 + 0 + 0.487355857001527 + -0.208540767061362 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490029759613324 + -0.203154772511789 + 0 + 0.491299976031341 + -0.204638432687503 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.493748384548393 + -0.199050652046182 + 0 + 0.496308453553553 + -0.202001047909675 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497021362028804 + -0.19448323798537 + 0 + 0.498311082574272 + -0.195949975242072 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498450370946659 + -0.187901642858666 + 0 + 0.498450370946659 + -0.187901642858666 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498831789506842 + -0.180266708252294 + 0 + 0.500140484852125 + -0.181716540573232 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497955684839166 + -0.171390441980633 + 0 + 0.50059165068667 + -0.174273231101137 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497596112931583 + -0.163235068499549 + 0 + 0.498923253439734 + -0.164668035818515 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498502766295665 + -0.156578684917574 + 0 + 0.498502766295665 + -0.156578684917574 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501526844881575 + -0.152258601737267 + 0 + 0.502871879036417 + -0.153674786890383 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.506036410894295 + -0.14952639095929 + 0 + 0.508744001755663 + -0.152342015364273 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510595710364133 + -0.146859705966156 + 0 + 0.511958120031016 + -0.148259183427633 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514862916917211 + -0.143904025954857 + 0 + 0.514862916917211 + -0.143904025954857 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517497900474848 + -0.139322943576034 + 0 + 0.518877153967375 + -0.140705823566833 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518567968596991 + -0.133244715520061 + 0 + 0.521342934749763 + -0.135993961219062 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518520421032069 + -0.126164788711703 + 0 + 0.51991599068132 + -0.12753120102857 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520790259670081 + -0.121438518168726 + 0 + 0.520790259670081 + -0.121438518168726 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523115834746943 + -0.116817362833747 + 0 + 0.524527197893668 + -0.118167455917081 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526837835332545 + -0.113570800852974 + 0 + 0.529675974158105 + -0.116254782423206 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529374400495454 + -0.109239462443866 + 0 + 0.530801042935851 + -0.110573399703582 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529629343856359 + -0.10284746358971 + 0 + 0.529629343856359 + -0.10284746358971 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.528069640470716 + -0.0948902917065401 + 0 + 0.529511023927964 + -0.0962082867728323 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52569865862804 + -0.0863214103163329 + 0 + 0.528595797736065 + -0.0889415961973827 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522890972317305 + -0.0774952442973139 + 0 + 0.524346614499919 + -0.078797474346804 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522131256966648 + -0.0706243701718842 + 0 + 0.522131256966648 + -0.0706243701718842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522610000644759 + -0.064936863442282 + 0 + 0.5240794098443 + -0.0662235389530084 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.525119350759612 + -0.0610817594399859 + 0 + 0.528071570889044 + -0.0636397245237732 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52764205020719 + -0.0572747808677184 + 0 + 0.529124733926057 + -0.0585461369371996 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.528998986593143 + -0.052514552488742 + 0 + 0.528998986593143 + -0.052514552488742 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52888774336301 + -0.0465743605188221 + 0 + 0.530383198099016 + -0.0478306695565018 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526481634308092 + -0.0388023775926536 + 0 + 0.529484954483856 + -0.0413001479953014 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523199121566311 + -0.0304224013227968 + 0 + 0.524706864243558 + -0.0316639363745814 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522260068369116 + -0.0240724410193798 + 0 + 0.522260068369116 + -0.0240724410193798 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521553240864117 + -0.0179883559358056 + 0 + 0.523072838896654 + -0.0192153518955009 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522691279555433 + -0.0134569573970397 + 0 + 0.525741995914656 + -0.0158966128559256 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523580328175758 + -0.00877420801144432 + 0 + 0.525111335443843 + -0.00998693799403258 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522591414915518 + -0.00266669219080294 + 0 + 0.522591414915518 + -0.00266669219080294 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520735051290648 + 0.00404087226576249 + 0 + 0.52227702557762 + 0.00284211767706795 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517414262891711 + 0.011790202771346 + 0 + 0.520508843857234 + 0.00940643312846436 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515080534206917 + 0.0186815656183194 + 0 + 0.516633027682826 + 0.0174964659293226 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51504754102053 + 0.0237457174441685 + 0 + 0.51504754102053 + 0.0237457174441685 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.516781168969772 + 0.0274311955224432 + 0 + 0.518343747547528 + 0.026259425300114 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520984593322147 + 0.0292516154996504 + 0 + 0.524119519321334 + 0.0269211588829929 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.525736717265888 + 0.0306695084490966 + 0 + 0.527308957077282 + 0.0295107335610934 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530249750885138 + 0.0322747199888579 + 0 + 0.530249750885138 + 0.0322747199888579 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.533008072299303 + 0.035160975602574 + 0 + 0.53458959587593 + 0.0340149038586707 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.534076401499286 + 0.0392456714749148 + 0 + 0.53724843999894 + 0.0369659871065836 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.5348995839305 + 0.0434704797618524 + 0 + 0.536490002034884 + 0.0423367833656127 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.537444081750373 + 0.0464410943404135 + 0 + 0.537444081750373 + 0.0464410943404135 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.541216433982264 + 0.0485339025319769 + 0 + 0.542815361366574 + 0.0474122392646357 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.546308316941345 + 0.0497039717192265 + 0 + 0.549514390092343 + 0.0474724063464552 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.551039061816631 + 0.0511326200689174 + 0 + 0.552646109204774 + 0.0500226218897029 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553188029887676 + 0.0543367181907798 + 0 + 0.553188029887676 + 0.0543367181907798 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553961153951827 + 0.0584556385292601 + 0 + 0.555575943706936 + 0.0573569341502785 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.552921645049379 + 0.0637631510903945 + 0 + 0.556158684892702 + 0.0615767471672281 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553167689478105 + 0.0681600541119671 + 0 + 0.554789859916247 + 0.067072276407095 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554774762938143 + 0.0716161272216867 + 0 + 0.554774762938143 + 0.0716161272216867 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.558123573888134 + 0.0738958925831598 + 0 + 0.559752802347065 + 0.0728187148382134 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.563552320013287 + 0.0748022669213771 + 0 + 0.566817576847333 + 0.0726582317373806 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.569505591582543 + 0.0753774422386748 + 0 + 0.571141537406673 + 0.0743104940083888 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.573309636726683 + 0.0773576809295762 + 0 + 0.573309636726683 + 0.0773576809295762 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.57579648233036 + 0.0801789509896524 + 0 + 0.577438799221491 + 0.0791218358139479 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.575069833470148 + 0.0850377940687568 + 0 + 0.578360578545252 + 0.082933088409246 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574418530726068 + 0.0898097126292509 + 0 + 0.57606688816736 + 0.0887620413967855 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574210495132547 + 0.0942647668340597 + 0 + 0.574210495132547 + 0.0942647668340597 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.575362185812015 + 0.0978305236461184 + 0 + 0.57701630068032 + 0.0967919663448332 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.577291050214913 + 0.100884446346998 + 0 + 0.580604793808196 + 0.0988161396819994 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.579996629041215 + 0.103438105466093 + 0 + 0.581656183783523 + 0.102408263088403 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.579715049828847 + 0.107824804657256 + 0 + 0.579715049828847 + 0.107824804657256 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.578653711558851 + 0.112657086033572 + 0 + 0.580318431561023 + 0.111635614262074 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.575357602608493 + 0.118813452610389 + 0 + 0.578691978930992 + 0.116778575807617 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.573913966962851 + 0.123794513169183 + 0 + 0.57558355362331 + 0.122781015439132 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574267221894916 + 0.127656594779098 + 0 + 0.574267221894916 + 0.127656594779098 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.575741436465193 + 0.130816745467539 + 0 + 0.577415630863639 + 0.129810877493195 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.580852658267195 + 0.131785062666715 + 0 + 0.584205448210086 + 0.129780670324545 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.585798565700612 + 0.132858133029338 + 0 + 0.587477106934231 + 0.131859535716783 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.589553846642589 + 0.134637801129362 + 0 + 0.589553846642589 + 0.134637801129362 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.592022587229983 + 0.137171242379627 + 0 + 0.593705231298628 + 0.136179573985529 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.592216358740071 + 0.141027663684679 + 0 + 0.595585569938314 + 0.139050998572897 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.591908069711687 + 0.145154061292386 + 0 + 0.593594578629267 + 0.14416898010968 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.593088174785243 + 0.148389688148958 + 0 + 0.593088174785243 + 0.148389688148958 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.595087012134369 + 0.151134042661984 + 0 + 0.596777158152779 + 0.150155214943714 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.598344591564287 + 0.15313958986159 + 0 + 0.601728356402685 + 0.151187943228379 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.600474667197695 + 0.15578608604424 + 0 + 0.602168232969749 + 0.15481318715878 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.599491200657451 + 0.160202453256533 + 0 + 0.599491200657451 + 0.160202453256533 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.596567421457683 + 0.165699867043137 + 0 + 0.598264199848912 + 0.164732581998975 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.591682763725695 + 0.172278617528712 + 0 + 0.59507938401687 + 0.170349431259821 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.587027453667062 + 0.178688380853897 + 0 + 0.588727247491103 + 0.177726404647668 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.58447359522953 + 0.183876228188389 + 0 + 0.58447359522953 + 0.183876228188389 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.583374989700377 + 0.18821883797212 + 0 + 0.585077611404854 + 0.187261875800955 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.584426316895367 + 0.191336149058805 + 0 + 0.587834253353718 + 0.189427024086903 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.585831172459676 + 0.194243584882788 + 0 + 0.587536443782822 + 0.193291352253619 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.585492391213915 + 0.198110754578305 + 0 + 0.585492391213915 + 0.198110754578305 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.583534598911238 + 0.202859967298154 + 0 + 0.585242350528659 + 0.20191219006758 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.578838758400734 + 0.20910309233096 + 0 + 0.582256620314461 + 0.207211794099271 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.573413971928032 + 0.215719393644261 + 0 + 0.575124043074596 + 0.214775807962253 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.569648629208662 + 0.221392499605875 + 0 + 0.569648629208662 + 0.221392499605875 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.567062723927539 + 0.226394431028544 + 0 + 0.568774962031965 + 0.225454783254455 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.566296547900853 + 0.23038074150603 + 0 + 0.569723081554517 + 0.228505199935495 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.56529524631785 + 0.234481643097024 + 0 + 0.567009506628811 + 0.233545689651675 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.562193453793717 + 0.239712671553032 + 0 + 0.562193453793717 + 0.239712671553032 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.558038144021199 + 0.245497358413451 + 0 + 0.559754289247648 + 0.244564865610618 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.552621391540257 + 0.251945285652744 + 0 + 0.556055468409335 + 0.250083591499623 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.548019310185587 + 0.257929791797585 + 0 + 0.549737210143874 + 0.257000535644032 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.546041540323348 + 0.262477938844547 + 0 + 0.546041540323348 + 0.262477938844547 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.546000575664466 + 0.26596972545728 + 0 + 0.547720106940932 + 0.265043491439953 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.548591098241422 + 0.268038499101154 + 0 + 0.552031703606712 + 0.266188898121796 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55200665651566 + 0.269661983986608 + 0 + 0.553727702144349 + 0.268738566849248 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55416719445753 + 0.27195661279076 + 0 + 0.55416719445753 + 0.27195661279076 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555280153440206 + 0.274807778904507 + 0 + 0.557002602592111 + 0.273886982409779 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554292414480974 + 0.278774630967739 + 0 + 0.557738636861375 + 0.276935516950796 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553079164560371 + 0.282852673613419 + 0 + 0.554802912251312 + 0.281934310306458 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553714524960958 + 0.285938438252715 + 0 + 0.553714524960958 + 0.285938438252715 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555562842485541 + 0.288374454381278 + 0 + 0.557287789298278 + 0.287458345349105 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.559117639806666 + 0.289902064721205 + 0 + 0.562568661327537 + 0.288071971957166 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.561975959755035 + 0.291797694204709 + 0 + 0.563702011579964 + 0.290883668842228 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.562109365616769 + 0.295132409924844 + 0 + 0.562109365616769 + 0.295132409924844 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.560649639999558 + 0.299302769702726 + 0 + 0.562376707791147 + 0.298390665482334 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557472304473231 + 0.304371455681544 + 0 + 0.560927392278663 + 0.302549051412657 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554707226061328 + 0.309213471957562 + 0 + 0.556435225610789 + 0.308303134205592 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554187584255883 + 0.312865425868417 + 0 + 0.554187584255883 + 0.312865425868417 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555220543871597 + 0.315695852890933 + 0 + 0.556949395596505 + 0.314787134574356 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.558475066794245 + 0.317356347253857 + 0 + 0.561933565516345 + 0.315540424443896 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.562055425031544 + 0.31884493679424 + 0 + 0.563785053780183 + 0.317937698315402 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.563731725473342 + 0.32133057087475 + 0 + 0.563731725473342 + 0.32133057087475 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.563521805870369 + 0.324801069095173 + 0 + 0.565252140741162 + 0.323895178097029 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.56022101247174 + 0.329884008642004 + 0 + 0.563682337724006 + 0.328073479282803 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55585350688313 + 0.335517616066065 + 0 + 0.55758448105845 + 0.334612947248224 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.552862185949695 + 0.34042521988535 + 0 + 0.552862185949695 + 0.34042521988535 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.5508005345518 + 0.344841896944128 + 0 + 0.55253208514541 + 0.343938331889818 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.550358436183797 + 0.348409293591051 + 0 + 0.553822069004684 + 0.346603182646348 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549497434845376 + 0.352191635408473 + 0 + 0.551229502762722 + 0.351289062422338 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.546367194308466 + 0.357152253825809 + 0 + 0.546367194308466 + 0.357152253825809 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.542052857272595 + 0.362724428578902 + 0 + 0.543785387083187 + 0.361822742535419 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.536364541791191 + 0.369006173876704 + 0 + 0.539830023958609 + 0.367203613916589 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.531410202640004 + 0.374900835699932 + 0 + 0.533143142461107 + 0.373999937902157 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529020281375881 + 0.379458301993825 + 0 + 0.529020281375881 + 0.379458301993825 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.528500285026138 + 0.383041519696175 + 0 + 0.53023358641705 + 0.382141317744466 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.5305466618677 + 0.385290461424665 + 0 + 0.53401359198716 + 0.38349068793634 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.533334545434413 + 0.387153856162469 + 0 + 0.535068163300618 + 0.386254263832816 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.534764946279702 + 0.389720925470666 + 0 + 0.534764946279702 + 0.389720925470666 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.535042410768208 + 0.392884825571194 + 0 + 0.536776303274749 + 0.391985762702782 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.533099613888616 + 0.39719824213856 + 0 + 0.536567644159936 + 0.395400589474748 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530811834167637 + 0.401688440859011 + 0 + 0.532545962661087 + 0.40078983325065 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.53024607528512 + 0.405284636137486 + 0 + 0.53024607528512 + 0.405284636137486 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530736640092069 + 0.408332464299612 + 0 + 0.532470969030517 + 0.407434243614669 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.532751478974277 + 0.41059012182452 + 0 + 0.536220312549868 + 0.408794019742968 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.533855363451273 + 0.413318830771393 + 0 + 0.535589860341801 + 0.412420934450904 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.532023177275888 + 0.417566454974539 + 0 + 0.532023177275888 + 0.417566454974539 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.528459748093733 + 0.422708749302256 + 0 + 0.530194383436872 + 0.42181112048591 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523141173215205 + 0.42875776868352 + 0 + 0.526610562073264 + 0.426962739431927 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518296972212218 + 0.434559914740951 + 0 + 0.520031719452933 + 0.433662502195668 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515822890960179 + 0.439134901987676 + 0 + 0.515822890960179 + 0.439134901987676 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515041881543152 + 0.44283347859111 + 0 + 0.516776717027939 + 0.44193623664697 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.516644249002465 + 0.445299024131998 + 0 + 0.520113992268811 + 0.443504680037866 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518784373405253 + 0.447486279945901 + 0 + 0.520519276344944 + 0.446589168439202 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.519317239981351 + 0.450504417224782 + 0 + 0.519317239981351 + 0.450504417224782 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518361997556606 + 0.454291682022561 + 0 + 0.520096949994542 + 0.453394666245834 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51477554101282 + 0.459438970812198 + 0 + 0.518245483674858 + 0.457645012344267 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510592394206174 + 0.464894358873935 + 0 + 0.512327380991411 + 0.463997409532749 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508227181657904 + 0.469409631120504 + 0 + 0.508227181657904 + 0.469409631120504 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50718303674455 + 0.473241793249375 + 0 + 0.508918045509783 + 0.472344886425808 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50809985549307 + 0.476060148931115 + 0 + 0.511569887458084 + 0.474266363206931 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508889360758345 + 0.478944262268489 + 0 + 0.510624381902224 + 0.478047379391024 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507660899501499 + 0.482871482528293 + 0 + 0.507660899501499 + 0.482871482528293 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505472495864452 + 0.487294852511944 + 0 + 0.507207522536964 + 0.486397980329706 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502114278327988 + 0.492322893105854 + 0 + 0.505584333797325 + 0.490529152850905 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499678145520282 + 0.496874276112854 + 0 + 0.501413173596309 + 0.495977406645765 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499994052316792 + 0.500003074467614 + 0 + 0.499994052316792 + 0.500003074467614 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.500321854479689 + 0.503125723880424 + 0 + 0.498586826403661 + 0.504022593347512 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497885721671814 + 0.50767710688751 + 0 + 0.494415666202477 + 0.509470847142459 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494527504136201 + 0.512705147480981 + 0 + 0.492792477463689 + 0.513602019663219 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.492339100496955 + 0.517128517465769 + 0 + 0.492339100496955 + 0.517128517465769 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.4911106392441 + 0.52105573772351 + 0 + 0.489375618100221 + 0.521952620600976 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491900144505923 + 0.523939851062669 + 0 + 0.488430112540909 + 0.525733636786853 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.492816963255547 + 0.526758206743838 + 0 + 0.491081954490313 + 0.527655113567405 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491772818341976 + 0.53059036887282 + 0 + 0.491772818341976 + 0.53059036887282 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489407605792636 + 0.535105641119945 + 0 + 0.487672619007399 + 0.536002590461131 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485224458987033 + 0.540561029181141 + 0 + 0.481754516324994 + 0.542354987649073 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481638002443919 + 0.54570831797043 + 0 + 0.479903050005983 + 0.546605333747157 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480682760019213 + 0.549495582768189 + 0 + 0.480682760019213 + 0.549495582768189 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481215626594514 + 0.552513720047482 + 0 + 0.479480723654823 + 0.553410831554181 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.48335575099895 + 0.554700975860534 + 0 + 0.479886007732604 + 0.556495319954666 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484958118457496 + 0.557166521401818 + 0 + 0.483223282972709 + 0.558063763345959 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484177109037803 + 0.560865098006631 + 0 + 0.484177109037803 + 0.560865098006631 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481703027788716 + 0.56544008525183 + 0 + 0.479968280548001 + 0.566337497797113 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476858826783604 + 0.571242231310361 + 0 + 0.473389437925545 + 0.573037260561954 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.471540251907284 + 0.577291250690483 + 0 + 0.469805616564146 + 0.578188879506828 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.467976822724151 + 0.582433545018705 + 0 + 0.467976822724151 + 0.582433545018705 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.466144636547105 + 0.58668116922271 + 0 + 0.464410139656576 + 0.587579065543199 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.467248521025568 + 0.589409878168824 + 0 + 0.463779687449978 + 0.591205980250376 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469263359909215 + 0.591667535692985 + 0 + 0.467529030970766 + 0.592565756377928 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.46975392471345 + 0.594715363856517 + 0 + 0.46975392471345 + 0.594715363856517 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469188165833648 + 0.598311559133586 + 0 + 0.467454037340198 + 0.599210166741947 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.466900386110748 + 0.602801757855032 + 0 + 0.463432355839429 + 0.604599410518845 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.464957589231595 + 0.607115174422175 + 0 + 0.463223696725053 + 0.608014237290587 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.465235053722482 + 0.610279074521466 + 0 + 0.465235053722482 + 0.610279074521466 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.466665454565846 + 0.612846143830657 + 0 + 0.464931836699641 + 0.613745736160311 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469453338131762 + 0.614709538568878 + 0 + 0.465986408012301 + 0.616509312057203 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.471499714974001 + 0.616958480297016 + 0 + 0.469766413583088 + 0.617858682248725 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470979718624506 + 0.620541697999236 + 0 + 0.470979718624506 + 0.620541697999236 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.468589797360488 + 0.625099164293076 + 0 + 0.466856857539385 + 0.62600006209085 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.463635458208396 + 0.630993826116774 + 0 + 0.460169976040978 + 0.632796386076889 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.457947142729372 + 0.637275571413336 + 0 + 0.45621461291878 + 0.638177257456819 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453632805691789 + 0.642847746167316 + 0 + 0.453632805691789 + 0.642847746167316 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.45050256515342 + 0.647808364585419 + 0 + 0.448770497236075 + 0.648710937571555 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.449641563818446 + 0.651590706401044 + 0 + 0.44617793099756 + 0.653396817345747 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.449199465447148 + 0.655158103049682 + 0 + 0.447467914853538 + 0.656061668103992 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.44713781405013 + 0.659574780108005 + 0 + 0.44713781405013 + 0.659574780108005 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444146493115996 + 0.664482383927657 + 0 + 0.442415518940676 + 0.665387052745498 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.439778987527396 + 0.670115991351713 + 0 + 0.436317662275131 + 0.671926520710914 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.43647819413199 + 0.675198930896855 + 0 + 0.434747859261198 + 0.676104821894999 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.436268274525976 + 0.678669429118867 + 0 + 0.436268274525976 + 0.678669429118867 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.437944574971145 + 0.681155063197614 + 0 + 0.436214946222506 + 0.682062301676452 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.441524933205246 + 0.682643652739672 + 0 + 0.438066434483147 + 0.684459575549633 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444779456130897 + 0.684304147101019 + 0 + 0.443050604405989 + 0.685212865417596 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445812415742289 + 0.687134574125807 + 0 + 0.445812415742289 + 0.687134574125807 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.44529277393965 + 0.690786528035187 + 0 + 0.443564774390189 + 0.691696865787157 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442527695526064 + 0.69562854431209 + 0 + 0.439072607720632 + 0.697450948580977 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.439350360002718 + 0.700697230289334 + 0 + 0.437623292211129 + 0.701609334509727 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.437890634381809 + 0.704867590069166 + 0 + 0.437890634381809 + 0.704867590069166 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.438024040243821 + 0.708202305789162 + 0 + 0.436297988418891 + 0.709116331151643 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.440882360195622 + 0.710097935270844 + 0 + 0.437431338674752 + 0.711928028034883 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444437157515196 + 0.711625545611594 + 0 + 0.442712210702459 + 0.712541654643766 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446285475041588 + 0.714061561739193 + 0 + 0.446285475041588 + 0.714061561739193 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446920835439549 + 0.717147326379887 + 0 + 0.445197087748607 + 0.718065689686848 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.44570758551882 + 0.721225369025635 + 0 + 0.442261363138418 + 0.723064483042579 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444719846560562 + 0.725192221088341 + 0 + 0.442997397408658 + 0.726113017583069 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445832805542005 + 0.728043387202751 + 0 + 0.445832805542005 + 0.728043387202751 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.447993343485007 + 0.7303380160063 + 0 + 0.446272297856318 + 0.73126143314366 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.451408901758587 + 0.731961500892099 + 0 + 0.447968296393298 + 0.733811101871457 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453999424333867 + 0.73403027453688 + 0 + 0.452279893057401 + 0.734956508554207 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453958459678774 + 0.737522061147572 + 0 + 0.453958459678774 + 0.737522061147572 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.451980689812602 + 0.742070208196654 + 0 + 0.450262789854315 + 0.742999464350207 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.447378608460801 + 0.748054714339945 + 0 + 0.443944531591723 + 0.749916408493066 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.441961855980612 + 0.754502641578826 + 0 + 0.440245710754163 + 0.755435134381659 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.437806546206187 + 0.76028732844028 + 0 + 0.437806546206187 + 0.76028732844028 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.434704753682456 + 0.765518356896076 + 0 + 0.432990493371494 + 0.766454310341426 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.433703452101702 + 0.769619258485835 + 0 + 0.430276918448037 + 0.77149480005637 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.432937276072469 + 0.773605568964715 + 0 + 0.431225037968043 + 0.774545216738804 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.430351370793634 + 0.77860750038613 + 0 + 0.430351370793634 + 0.77860750038613 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.42658602807245 + 0.784280606348736 + 0 + 0.424875956925886 + 0.785224192030744 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.421161241600247 + 0.790896907661753 + 0 + 0.417743379686519 + 0.792788205893442 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.416465401088338 + 0.797140032695347 + 0 + 0.414757649470916 + 0.79808780992592 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.414507608786802 + 0.801889245414558 + 0 + 0.414507608786802 + 0.801889245414558 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.414168827539588 + 0.80575641511088 + 0 + 0.412463556216442 + 0.806708647740049 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.415573683103127 + 0.808663850935304 + 0 + 0.412165746644776 + 0.810572975907206 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.416625010300121 + 0.811781162020859 + 0 + 0.414922388595644 + 0.812738124192024 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.415526404770417 + 0.816123771804899 + 0 + 0.415526404770417 + 0.816123771804899 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.412972546332894 + 0.821311619139391 + 0 + 0.411272752508854 + 0.82227359534562 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.408317236273419 + 0.827721382465054 + 0 + 0.404920615982244 + 0.829650568733945 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.403432578543782 + 0.834300132949293 + 0 + 0.401735800152553 + 0.835267417993455 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.400508799341133 + 0.839797546737541 + 0 + 0.400508799341133 + 0.839797546737541 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.399525332802111 + 0.844213913949143 + 0 + 0.397831767030058 + 0.845186812834602 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.401655408437183 + 0.846860410130826 + 0 + 0.398271643598785 + 0.848812056764036 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.404912987865698 + 0.848865957331232 + 0 + 0.403222841847288 + 0.849844785049502 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.406911825213129 + 0.851610311845252 + 0 + 0.406911825213129 + 0.851610311845252 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.408091930288251 + 0.854845938700912 + 0 + 0.406405421370671 + 0.855831019883618 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.40778364126137 + 0.858972336307743 + 0 + 0.404414430063127 + 0.860949001419525 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.407977412770994 + 0.862828757613064 + 0 + 0.406294768702349 + 0.863820426007162 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.410446153357506 + 0.865362198863833 + 0 + 0.410446153357506 + 0.865362198863833 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.414201434299106 + 0.867141866964095 + 0 + 0.412522893065487 + 0.86814046427665 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.41914734173461 + 0.868214937325475 + 0 + 0.415794551791719 + 0.870219329667645 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.424258563534649 + 0.869183254525825 + 0 + 0.422584369136203 + 0.870189122500169 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425732778105591 + 0.87234340521387 + 0 + 0.425732778105591 + 0.87234340521387 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.426086033037743 + 0.876205486823723 + 0 + 0.424416446377285 + 0.877218984553774 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.424642397390908 + 0.881186547383245 + 0 + 0.42130802106841 + 0.883221424186017 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.421346288442543 + 0.887342913958841 + 0 + 0.419681568440371 + 0.888364385730339 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.42028495017026 + 0.892175195336559 + 0 + 0.42028495017026 + 0.892175195336559 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.420003370959338 + 0.896561894526842 + 0 + 0.418343816217031 + 0.897591736904532 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.422708949786019 + 0.899115553645681 + 0 + 0.419395206192737 + 0.90118386031068 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.424637814187042 + 0.902169476347732 + 0 + 0.422983699318737 + 0.903208033649017 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425789504866709 + 0.905735233159679 + 0 + 0.425789504866709 + 0.905735233159679 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425581469274102 + 0.910190287363908 + 0 + 0.42393311183281 + 0.911237958596373 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.424930166530282 + 0.914962205924235 + 0 + 0.421639421455178 + 0.917066911583746 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.424203517671382 + 0.919821049002491 + 0 + 0.422561200780251 + 0.920878164178196 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.42669036327251 + 0.922642319064212 + 0 + 0.42669036327251 + 0.922642319064212 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.430494408416405 + 0.924622557755277 + 0 + 0.428858462592275 + 0.925689505985563 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.43644767998708 + 0.925197733071642 + 0 + 0.433182423153033 + 0.927341768255638 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.441876426111141 + 0.926104107410585 + 0 + 0.440247197652209 + 0.927181285155532 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445225237063279 + 0.928383872770634 + 0 + 0.445225237063279 + 0.928383872770634 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446832310521477 + 0.931839945881576 + 0 + 0.445210140083335 + 0.932927723586448 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.447078354949548 + 0.936236848903597 + 0 + 0.443841315106225 + 0.938423252826763 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446038846048775 + 0.941544361463594 + 0 + 0.444424056293666 + 0.942643065842575 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446811970110558 + 0.945663281803692 + 0 + 0.446811970110558 + 0.945663281803692 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.448960938184329 + 0.948867379923686 + 0 + 0.447353890796185 + 0.949977378102901 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453691683058238 + 0.950296028274328 + 0 + 0.45048560990724 + 0.9525275936471 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.458783566018876 + 0.9514660974605 + 0 + 0.457184638634566 + 0.952587760727841 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.462555918249647 + 0.953558905652842 + 0 + 0.462555918249647 + 0.953558905652842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.465100416070197 + 0.956529520230918 + 0 + 0.463509997965812 + 0.957663216627157 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.465923598501075 + 0.960754328518094 + 0 + 0.462751560001421 + 0.963034012886426 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.46699192770152 + 0.964839024390094 + 0 + 0.465410404124894 + 0.965985096133997 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469750249115042 + 0.967725280004285 + 0 + 0.469750249115042 + 0.967725280004285 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474263282734564 + 0.969330491543827 + 0 + 0.47269104292317 + 0.97048926643183 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479015406677136 + 0.970748384494153 + 0 + 0.475880480677949 + 0.97307884111081 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.483218831031298 + 0.972568804470028 + 0 + 0.481656252453542 + 0.973740574692357 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484952458979156 + 0.976254282549339 + 0 + 0.484952458979156 + 0.976254282549339 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484919465793999 + 0.981318434374248 + 0 + 0.48336697231809 + 0.982503534063245 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.48258573710722 + 0.988209797222736 + 0 + 0.479491156141698 + 0.990593566865618 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47926494870801 + 0.995959127728549 + 0 + 0.477722974421038 + 0.997157882317243 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477408585084053 + 1.00266669218441 + 0 + 0.477408585084053 + 1.00266669218441 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476419671825858 + 1.00877420800342 + 0 + 0.474888664557773 + 1.00998693798601 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47730872044323 + 1.01345695739137 + 0 + 0.474258004084007 + 1.01589661285025 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.478446759137112 + 1.01798835592808 + 0 + 0.476927161104575 + 1.01921535188778 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477739931629466 + 1.02407244101381 + 0 + 0.477739931629466 + 1.02407244101381 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476800878435181 + 1.03042240131483 + 0 + 0.475293135757935 + 1.03166393636661 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473518365689002 + 1.03880237758834 + 0 + 0.470515045513237 + 1.04130014799099 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.471112256637539 + 1.04657436051163 + 0 + 0.469616801901533 + 1.04783066954931 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.471001013406089 + 1.05251455248266 + 0 + 0.471001013406089 + 1.05251455248266 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.472357949794293 + 1.05727478085971 + 0 + 0.470875266075426 + 1.0585461369292 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474880649239964 + 1.06108175943364 + 0 + 0.471928429110532 + 1.06363972451742 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47738999935475 + 1.06493686343598 + 0 + 0.475920590155208 + 1.06622353894671 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47786874303231 + 1.07062437016608 + 0 + 0.47786874303231 + 1.07062437016608 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477109027682859 + 1.07749524429044 + 0 + 0.475653385500245 + 1.07879747433993 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474301341372265 + 1.08632141030932 + 0 + 0.47140420226424 + 1.08894159619037 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.471930359528711 + 1.09489029170032 + 0 + 0.470488976071462 + 1.09620828676662 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470370656143892 + 1.10284746358276 + 0 + 0.470370656143892 + 1.10284746358276 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470625599505133 + 1.10923946243659 + 0 + 0.469198957064736 + 1.11057339969631 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473162164667422 + 1.11357080084627 + 0 + 0.470324025841862 + 1.1162547824165 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476884165252084 + 1.11681736282795 + 0 + 0.47547280210536 + 1.11816745591128 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479209740329589 + 1.12143851816233 + 0 + 0.479209740329589 + 1.12143851816233 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481479578968417 + 1.12616478870449 + 0 + 0.480084009319166 + 1.12753120102136 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481432031402307 + 1.13324471551403 + 0 + 0.478657065249536 + 1.13599396121303 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482502099525904 + 1.13932294356855 + 0 + 0.481122846033377 + 1.14070582355934 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485137083082313 + 1.14390402594863 + 0 + 0.485137083082313 + 1.14390402594863 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489404289635638 + 1.14685970595966 + 0 + 0.488041879968755 + 1.14825918342113 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.49396358910622 + 1.14952639095203 + 0 + 0.491255998244852 + 1.15234201535701 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498473155117991 + 1.152258601731 + 0 + 0.497128120963149 + 1.15367478688411 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501497233706143 + 1.15657868490891 + 0 + 0.501497233706143 + 1.15657868490891 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502403887066803 + 1.16323506849457 + 0 + 0.501076746558652 + 1.16466803581353 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502044315160939 + 1.17139044197379 + 0 + 0.499408349313434 + 1.1742732310943 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501168210492971 + 1.18026670824577 + 0 + 0.499859515147689 + 1.18171654056671 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50154962905304 + 1.18790164285227 + 0 + 0.50154962905304 + 1.18790164285227 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50297863797042 + 1.19448323797953 + 0 + 0.501688917424953 + 1.19594997523623 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.506251615452048 + 1.19905065203895 + 0 + 0.503691546446887 + 1.20200104790244 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50997024038586 + 1.20315477250602 + 0 + 0.508700023967843 + 1.20463843268173 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51264414299887 + 1.20854076705416 + 0 + 0.51264414299887 + 1.20854076705416 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514798009388094 + 1.21463148667899 + 0 + 0.513547823741137 + 1.21613206427236 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51612684161979 + 1.22182696463542 + 0 + 0.513646893816565 + 1.22484501830555 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518389216699865 + 1.22800286449621 + 0 + 0.517159584737888 + 1.22952033031253 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522990639161711 + 1.23135579420468 + 0 + 0.522990639161711 + 1.23135579420468 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529031041869394 + 1.23290636009174 + 0 + 0.527822481929338 + 1.2344406612802 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.536484016280763 + 1.23261016682058 + 0 + 0.534088353884077 + 1.2356955502236 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.543778112313871 + 1.23243991892353 + 0 + 0.542591137381438 + 1.23399097913363 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549622964279443 + 1.2341129131144 + 0 + 0.549622964279443 + 1.2341129131144 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55450425993581 + 1.23705867672012 + 0 + 0.553339376975974 + 1.2386263963875 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557981865222957 + 1.2419363615639 + 0 + 0.555674567385068 + 1.24508837135921 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.561304527303196 + 1.24710242726487 + 0 + 0.560162236624479 + 1.24868668395838 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.565868862771267 + 1.2506030784999 + 0 + 0.565868862771267 + 1.2506030784999 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.571554533465824 + 1.25253234029402 + 0 + 0.570435328163009 + 1.25413298914862 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.579050316093883 + 1.25181558236431 + 0 + 0.576835355893002 + 1.25503314982608 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.587007331741772 + 1.25031767078936 + 0 + 0.585911697179073 + 1.25193454498689 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.59389516460427 + 1.25029685135397 + 0 + 0.59389516460427 + 1.25029685135397 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.600049531929937 + 1.25131490843728 + 0 + 0.598977945263171 + 1.25294781972734 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.605099500276779 + 1.25399862286071 + 0 + 0.602980727335245 + 1.25728032825345 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.610339869014891 + 1.25639306347268 + 0 + 0.609292798754333 + 1.25804180272891 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.616889275835059 + 1.25669299880093 + 0 + 0.616889275835059 + 1.25669299880093 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.62407477126512 + 1.25588781084351 + 0 + 0.623052676865988 + 1.25755214864121 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.631992720382511 + 1.25376187109158 + 0 + 0.629973846167706 + 1.2571059607984 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.639407648299577 + 1.2523296601483 + 0 + 0.638410979779542 + 1.2540093473593 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.645300778013203 + 1.25337702647739 + 0 + 0.645300778013203 + 1.25337702647739 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.650119990060171 + 1.25625681966035 + 0 + 0.649149187635128 + 1.25795158805666 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.653522744757262 + 1.26167851888338 + 0 + 0.651607329850025 + 1.26508292408776 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.656561629795494 + 1.26787753246339 + 0 + 0.655617123538832 + 1.26958709533054 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.660380446298135 + 1.2727883530414 + 0 + 0.660380446298135 + 1.2727883530414 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.664837762017437 + 1.27660345977039 + 0 + 0.663919971539877 + 1.27832751252623 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.670459992377388 + 1.27825227527127 + 0 + 0.668651435200556 + 1.28171463140555 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.676226128324245 + 1.27960168238716 + 0 + 0.675335462465791 + 1.2813399032 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.681074452194359 + 1.28274795660892 + 0 + 0.681074452194359 + 1.28274795660892 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.685366984079232 + 1.28706529088385 + 0 + 0.684503840617602 + 1.2888173412913 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.688889582273622 + 1.29306928605553 + 0 + 0.68719110901017 + 1.29658695255989 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.692846326088813 + 1.29831959133515 + 0 + 0.692011091455424 + 1.30008511685827 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.698183756503095 + 1.30072602071436 + 0 + 0.698183756503095 + 1.30072602071436 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.704303901480386 + 1.30142495463914 + 0 + 0.703496950491501 + 1.3032035853954 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.711222512689604 + 1.30027097640361 + 0 + 0.709637168063905 + 1.30384105644197 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.717935373137065 + 1.29945442991338 + 0 + 0.717157068729529 + 1.3012457812231 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.723641179219024 + 1.30088600928987 + 0 + 0.723641179219024 + 1.30088600928987 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.728696002185677 + 1.30386505964246 + 0 + 0.727946695163165 + 1.30566873263156 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.732854179370762 + 1.30910645589412 + 0 + 0.731384818095268 + 1.31272581585198 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.736960998935186 + 1.31464098910238 + 0 + 0.736241027722036 + 1.31645657130042 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.741932992222597 + 1.31812320665665 + 0 + 0.741932992222597 + 1.31812320665665 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.7477126589038 + 1.31955348608417 + 0 + 0.747022349305936 + 1.32138055201749 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.754719736289927 + 1.31763850981663 + 0 + 0.75336901505008 + 1.32130379850849 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.762099636804354 + 1.3144999517724 + 0 + 0.761439301777142 + 1.31633806355285 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.768912182403063 + 1.31272999118399 + 0 + 0.768912182403063 + 1.31272999118399 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.775354567236218 + 1.31186418139031 + 0 + 0.774724506659322 + 1.31371288929991 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.781205034731855 + 1.31264909561994 + 0 + 0.779975404646217 + 1.31635676320415 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.787210902799999 + 1.31291051816344 + 0 + 0.786611403259435 + 1.31476936123547 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.793983599742144 + 1.3106542381821 + 0 + 0.793983599742144 + 1.3106542381821 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.801104639471232 + 1.30703272602494 + 0 + 0.800535974048903 + 1.30890123262194 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.808601166663845 + 1.30183204614749 + 0 + 0.807494866197526 + 1.30557836278396 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.815780447317601 + 1.29732661340922 + 0 + 0.815242875388683 + 1.2992043017984 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.822109448753179 + 1.29551048863167 + 0 + 0.822109448753179 + 1.29551048863167 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.827859271093346 + 1.2956468456255 + 0 + 0.827353038131916 + 1.29753322455201 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.832882600879837 + 1.2985084780497 + 0 + 0.831901649239775 + 1.30228955236031 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.837748272520637 + 1.30211827085677 + 0 + 0.837273609913951 + 1.30401284011531 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.843031127867617 + 1.30418213904919 + 0 + 0.843031127867617 + 1.30418213904919 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.848640493234297 + 1.30491532173259 + 0 + 0.848197618106145 + 1.30681757273771 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.854806150835772 + 1.30313733495273 + 0 + 0.853952341894228 + 1.30694913234423 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.861020974734358 + 1.30089987634411 + 0 + 0.860610089777909 + 1.30280929269949 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.866803462836032 + 1.30048120821842 + 0 + 0.866803462836032 + 1.30048120821842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.872345696829683 + 1.3011557285567 + 0 + 0.871966990150209 + 1.3030717866238 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.877578204621173 + 1.30344688492882 + 0 + 0.876853101419744 + 1.30728524583027 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.8830288806159 + 1.30466351045416 + 0 + 0.882682525583768 + 1.3065856799205 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.889056502711666 + 1.30255334814271 + 0 + 0.889056502711666 + 1.30255334814271 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.895359290062961 + 1.29844170834738 + 0 + 0.895045445177242 + 1.30036945279447 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.901891214258538 + 1.29229491051217 + 0 + 0.901296144144048 + 1.29615556856765 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.908239900053212 + 1.28659059700542 + 0 + 0.907958708816248 + 1.2885233744768 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.914127979372477 + 1.28344652809402 + 0 + 0.914127979372477 + 1.28344652809402 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.919718289651694 + 1.28211657861604 + 0 + 0.919469880454904 + 1.28405384218524 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.924965415468098 + 1.28337892318469 + 0 + 0.924501465907152 + 1.28725752343057 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.930165326279683 + 1.28517647303908 + 0 + 0.929949812300914 + 1.28711767137788 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.935578375160987 + 1.28510839855649 + 0 + 0.935578375160987 + 1.28510839855649 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.941145107153354 + 1.28330347484896 + 0 + 0.94096258626599 + 1.28524805279578 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.946931259079294 + 1.27847581293365 + 0 + 0.946599274191906 + 1.2823679299793 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.952685155433351 + 1.27290341316634 + 0 + 0.952535710127422 + 1.27485081229495 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.958203569154049 + 1.26929799431335 + 0 + 0.958203569154049 + 1.26929799431335 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.963570723350922 + 1.26710573529676 + 0 + 0.963454420666417 + 1.26905539448523 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.9687866090151 + 1.26704888264329 + 0 + 0.968587186860166 + 1.27095003886505 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.974006449470244 + 1.26678199158761 + 0 + 0.973923340943183 + 1.26873334758751 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.979298005866417 + 1.26417752799968 + 0 + 0.979298005866417 + 1.26417752799968 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.984571783516586 + 1.26042568321054 + 0 + 0.984521905142198 + 1.26237817121648 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.98980320648484 + 1.25528619939297 + 0 + 0.989736696954839 + 1.25919188314168 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.994937403161304 + 1.25112785874782 + 0 + 0.994920775385577 + 1.2530809129669 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 1 + 1.2499798172808 + 0 + 1 + 1.2499798172808 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + + + + + + The material override + b5c9d95c-b0c8-44d8-8c93-b0fc437189cc + Material + Material + false + 73c222aa-609b-4105-b65f-c3fc0cac3897 + 1 + + + + + + 26856 + -18607 + 51 + 20 + + + 26883 + -18597 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;221;160;221 + + + 255;66;48;66 + + 0.5 + + 255;255;255;255 + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 30f49702-0996-409e-b5c3-7ab845e9f957 + e9419141-903c-4b66-87b1-553e5b7cde98 + 8287d0a0-e6e3-4edf-a359-d5cde6e8e04e + 3 + fd9eeadf-853e-4999-85b9-5760c8fca0a5 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 + Colour Picker + + + + + Provides a colour picker object + 8287d0a0-e6e3-4edf-a359-d5cde6e8e04e + Colour Picker + Colour Picker + false + + 255;194;194;194 + + 0 + + + + + + 26943.87 + -18748.18 + 180 + 310 + + 2 + + + + + + + + + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 + Create Material + + + + + Create an OpenGL material. + true + 68a4fb9d-1dfb-4dac-8c87-6b69cb387a4b + Create Material + Create Material + + + + + + 27124 + -19038 + 144 + 104 + + + 27208 + -18986 + + + + + + Colour of the diffuse channel + 29e03cc8-db9a-47f8-85aa-acf146b46aed + Diffuse + Diffuse + false + 055e5b5c-0774-47a3-bad4-c4bc33dac91d + 1 + + + + + + 27126 + -19036 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -19026 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;105;180 + + + + + + + + + + + + Colour of the specular highlight + d040db46-052f-4648-bc41-b1f3ec777a9e + Specular + Specular + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -19016 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -19006 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;255;255 + + + + + + + + + + + + Emissive colour of the material + 7d7d1593-6ae8-482f-b47e-ccffc415e0aa + Emission + Emission + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -18996 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -18986 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;0;0;0 + + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of transparency (0.0 = opaque, 1.0 = transparent + 5f0f168a-4019-484e-9dcc-835040ba4d7b + Transparency + Transparency + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -18976 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -18966 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of shinyness (0 = none, 1 = low shine, 100 = max shine + aff2d6a5-62bc-4dd8-9555-b1636febc712 + Shine + Shine + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -18956 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -18946 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Resulting material + 1e1889d1-df88-4838-a566-ebb5a174a8d9 + Material + Material + false + 0 + + + + + + 27223 + -19036 + 43 + 100 + + + 27246 + -18986 + + + + + + + + + + + + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c + Custom Preview + + + + + Allows for customized geometry previews + true + c50a9514-4f4b-4d8c-8542-4a1daaaf2cc5 + Custom Preview + Custom Preview + + + + + + + 26854 + -19008 + 82 + 44 + + + 26922 + -18986 + + + + + + Geometry to preview + true + f3c9de87-352e-46fe-903b-d420b4579a7a + Geometry + Geometry + false + 9eef5449-f1ee-44c0-9334-d8d8bb6e0625 + 1 + + + + + + 26856 + -19006 + 51 + 20 + + + 26883 + -18996 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + -1 + + 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 + + 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Curve + + + + + + + + + + + The material override + d224eb18-e8e7-4656-9d8c-e529046d25e2 + Material + Material + false + 1e1889d1-df88-4838-a566-ebb5a174a8d9 + 1 + + + + + + 26856 + -18986 + 51 + 20 + + + 26883 + -18976 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;221;160;221 + + + 255;66;48;66 + + 0.5 + + 255;255;255;255 + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 68a4fb9d-1dfb-4dac-8c87-6b69cb387a4b + c50a9514-4f4b-4d8c-8542-4a1daaaf2cc5 + 055e5b5c-0774-47a3-bad4-c4bc33dac91d + 3 + 054f5695-5323-4c1a-9829-841b8d82d434 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 + Colour Picker + + + + + Provides a colour picker object + 055e5b5c-0774-47a3-bad4-c4bc33dac91d + Colour Picker + Colour Picker + false + + 255;168;168;168 + + 0 + + + + + + 26943.87 + -19126.64 + 180 + 310 + + 2 + + + + + + + + + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 + Create Material + + + + + Create an OpenGL material. + true + 1a212d87-a906-49e3-b7ad-78a44fc0ed6d + Create Material + Create Material + + + + + + 27124 + -19875 + 144 + 104 + + + 27208 + -19823 + + + + + + Colour of the diffuse channel + e461a1ee-bb99-4103-977b-660124f51938 + Diffuse + Diffuse + false + fa23823f-b73c-4564-885c-f99c060adb13 + 1 + + + + + + 27126 + -19873 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -19863 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;105;180 + + + + + + + + + + + + Colour of the specular highlight + 5ed66892-7387-41e7-8b69-852417cdf4bc + Specular + Specular + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -19853 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -19843 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;255;255 + + + + + + + + + + + + Emissive colour of the material + 301a9cfb-a856-469b-a282-73b44e725c4f + Emission + Emission + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -19833 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -19823 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;0;0;0 + + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of transparency (0.0 = opaque, 1.0 = transparent + 23e3efa4-8b44-4493-bf66-ba41a480bda0 + Transparency + Transparency + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -19813 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -19803 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of shinyness (0 = none, 1 = low shine, 100 = max shine + 271f80af-77f3-4128-880e-fcac6857f547 + Shine + Shine + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -19793 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -19783 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Resulting material + 98b4c1ba-01e5-4550-b8fa-bbd880261579 + Material + Material + false + 0 + + + + + + 27223 + -19873 + 43 + 100 + + + 27246 + -19823 + + + + + + + + + + + + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c + Custom Preview + + + + + Allows for customized geometry previews + true + be8c6c5a-4af3-45e4-8f8a-c07aff5a17aa + Custom Preview + Custom Preview + + + + + + + 26854 + -19845 + 82 + 44 + + + 26922 + -19823 + + + + + + Geometry to preview + true + 95798212-f4d5-44b8-b931-213637b087c6 + Geometry + Geometry + false + f4525169-1baa-4743-8535-416ac1e54f07 + 1 + + + + + + 26856 + -19843 + 51 + 20 + + + 26883 + -19833 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 513 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + + 8.31187957663209E-17 + -0.24997981727771 + 0 + 8.31187957663209E-17 + -0.24997981727771 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.00507922461441546 + -0.253080912971781 + 0 + 0.00509585239014337 + -0.25503396719087 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0102633030451533 + -0.259191883148281 + 0 + 0.0102633030451533 + -0.259191883148281 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.015478094857813 + -0.262378171223821 + 0 + 0.0155279732322011 + -0.264330659229775 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.020701994133584 + -0.264177528006472 + 0 + 0.020701994133584 + -0.264177528006472 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0260766590568435 + -0.268733347594719 + 0 + 0.0261597675839049 + -0.270684703594621 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0314128131398599 + -0.270950038872159 + 0 + 0.0314128131398599 + -0.270950038872159 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0365455793334612 + -0.269055394489957 + 0 + 0.0366618820179666 + -0.271005053678431 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0417964308460186 + -0.269297994321025 + 0 + 0.0417964308460186 + -0.269297994321025 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0474642898724584 + -0.274850812300169 + 0 + 0.0476137351783876 + -0.276798211428792 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0534007258081168 + -0.282367929986296 + 0 + 0.0534007258081168 + -0.282367929986296 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0590374137341314 + -0.285248052803867 + 0 + 0.0592199346214956 + -0.287192630750698 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0644216248387421 + -0.285108398560566 + 0 + 0.0644216248387421 + -0.285108398560566 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0700501876991094 + -0.287117671384767 + 0 + 0.0702657016778793 + -0.289058869723572 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.075498534092752 + -0.287257523436499 + 0 + 0.075498534092752 + -0.287257523436499 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0805301195454081 + -0.284053842194377 + 0 + 0.0807785287421989 + -0.285991105763584 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0858720206272032 + -0.283446528098435 + 0 + 0.0858720206272032 + -0.283446528098435 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0920412911839797 + -0.288523374485081 + 0 + 0.0923224824209455 + -0.290456151956462 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0987038558555139 + -0.296155568571535 + 0 + 0.0987038558555139 + -0.296155568571535 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.104954554822725 + -0.300369452801007 + 0 + 0.105268399708445 + -0.302297197248109 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.110943497288377 + -0.302553348149671 + 0 + 0.110943497288377 + -0.302553348149671 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.117317474416101 + -0.306585679926476 + 0 + 0.117663829448234 + -0.308507849392819 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.123146898580634 + -0.30728524583899 + 0 + 0.123146898580634 + -0.30728524583899 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.128033009849194 + -0.303071786627506 + 0 + 0.128411716528669 + -0.304987844694618 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.133196537164003 + -0.300481208225351 + 0 + 0.133196537164003 + -0.300481208225351 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.139389910222287 + -0.302809292707094 + 0 + 0.139800795178737 + -0.304718709062473 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.146047658105246 + -0.306949132348622 + 0 + 0.146047658105246 + -0.306949132348622 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.151802381893991 + -0.306817572745062 + 0 + 0.152245257022144 + -0.308719823750184 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.156968872132746 + -0.304182139057426 + 0 + 0.156968872132746 + -0.304182139057426 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.162726390085325 + -0.304012840119134 + 0 + 0.163201052692013 + -0.305907409377682 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.16809835076006 + -0.302289552366431 + 0 + 0.16809835076006 + -0.302289552366431 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.172646961868271 + -0.297533224559463 + 0 + 0.173153194829703 + -0.299419603485974 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.177890551247578 + -0.295510488641129 + 0 + 0.177890551247578 + -0.295510488641129 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.184757124610486 + -0.299204301802235 + 0 + 0.185294696539405 + -0.301081990191415 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.1925051338026 + -0.305578362791137 + 0 + 0.1925051338026 + -0.305578362791137 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.199464025951072 + -0.308901232628571 + 0 + 0.200032691373403 + -0.310769739225581 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.206016400257862 + -0.310654238188858 + 0 + 0.206016400257862 + -0.310654238188858 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.213388596741011 + -0.314769361243596 + 0 + 0.213988096281577 + -0.31662820431564 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.220024595353149 + -0.316356763208947 + 0 + 0.220024595353149 + -0.316356763208947 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.225275493340509 + -0.313712889306154 + 0 + 0.225905553917407 + -0.315561597215766 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.231087817596925 + -0.312729991190678 + 0 + 0.231087817596925 + -0.312729991190678 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.238560698221893 + -0.316338063556882 + 0 + 0.239221033249108 + -0.31817617533734 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.246630984950195 + -0.321303798515987 + 0 + 0.246630984950195 + -0.321303798515987 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.252977650694198 + -0.321380552024555 + 0 + 0.253667960292064 + -0.323207617957881 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.25806700777737 + -0.318123206663287 + 0 + 0.25806700777737 + -0.318123206663287 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.263758972278673 + -0.316456571308922 + 0 + 0.264478943491825 + -0.318272153506966 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.268615181903445 + -0.312725815855527 + 0 + 0.268615181903445 + -0.312725815855527 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.272053304837405 + -0.305668732639644 + 0 + 0.27280261185992 + -0.307472405628751 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.27635882078016 + -0.300886009294673 + 0 + 0.27635882078016 + -0.300886009294673 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.282842931271584 + -0.301245781232398 + 0 + 0.283621235679122 + -0.303037132542116 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.290362831935765 + -0.30384105644792 + 0 + 0.290362831935765 + -0.30384105644792 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.296503049508985 + -0.303203585403195 + 0 + 0.297310000497873 + -0.304982216159467 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.301816243496339 + -0.300726020719846 + 0 + 0.301816243496339 + -0.300726020719846 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.307988908544354 + -0.300085116864542 + 0 + 0.308824143177746 + -0.301850642387668 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.31280889099036 + -0.296586952567721 + 0 + 0.31280889099036 + -0.296586952567721 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.315496159382554 + -0.28881734129835 + 0 + 0.316359302844186 + -0.290569391705806 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.318925547805695 + -0.282747956615763 + 0 + 0.318925547805695 + -0.282747956615763 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.324664537533973 + -0.281339903206257 + 0 + 0.32555520339243 + -0.283078124019101 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.331348564799245 + -0.281714631411929 + 0 + 0.331348564799245 + -0.281714631411929 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.336080028461476 + -0.278327512535504 + 0 + 0.336997818939039 + -0.280051565291344 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.339619553700555 + -0.272788353045691 + 0 + 0.339619553700555 + -0.272788353045691 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.344382876461511 + -0.269587095337889 + 0 + 0.345327382718176 + -0.271296658205041 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.348392670149405 + -0.265082924093477 + 0 + 0.348392670149405 + -0.265082924093477 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.35085081236385 + -0.257951588061604 + 0 + 0.351821614788896 + -0.25964635645792 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.354699221987147 + -0.25337702648471 + 0 + 0.354699221987147 + -0.25337702648471 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.361589020219088 + -0.254009347363727 + 0 + 0.362585688739126 + -0.255689034574725 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.370026153832888 + -0.257105960806143 + 0 + 0.370026153832888 + -0.257105960806143 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.376947323132166 + -0.257552148644947 + 0 + 0.377969417531301 + -0.259216486442656 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.383110724165493 + -0.256692998808542 + 0 + 0.383110724165493 + -0.256692998808542 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.390707201244638 + -0.258041802734007 + 0 + 0.391754271505199 + -0.259690541990249 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.397019272665411 + -0.257280328261175 + 0 + 0.397019272665411 + -0.257280328261175 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.401022054736625 + -0.252947819733754 + 0 + 0.402093641403394 + -0.254580731023821 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.406104835395263 + -0.250296851360014 + 0 + 0.406104835395263 + -0.250296851360014 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.414088302822276 + -0.251934544995591 + 0 + 0.415183937384979 + -0.25355141919312 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.423164644105993 + -0.255033149831342 + 0 + 0.423164644105993 + -0.255033149831342 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.429564671837387 + -0.254132989155931 + 0 + 0.430683877140206 + -0.255733638010542 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.434131137229014 + -0.250603078507021 + 0 + 0.434131137229014 + -0.250603078507021 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.439837763375363 + -0.24868668396488 + 0 + 0.440980054054084 + -0.250270940658391 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.44432543261443 + -0.245088371365246 + 0 + 0.44432543261443 + -0.245088371365246 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446660623024052 + -0.238626396394259 + 0 + 0.447825505983892 + -0.240194116061642 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.450377035719687 + -0.234112913119979 + 0 + 0.450377035719687 + -0.234112913119979 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.457408862619225 + -0.233990979141222 + 0 + 0.458595837551662 + -0.235542039351334 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.465911646115253 + -0.235695550229452 + 0 + 0.465911646115253 + -0.235695550229452 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.472177518070469 + -0.234440661286666 + 0 + 0.473386078010529 + -0.235974962475125 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477009360839531 + -0.231355794212939 + 0 + 0.477009360839531 + -0.231355794212939 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482840415261927 + -0.229520330319025 + 0 + 0.484070047223908 + -0.231037796135345 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.486353106184211 + -0.224845018313215 + 0 + 0.486353106184211 + -0.224845018313215 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.486452176257821 + -0.216132064277835 + 0 + 0.487702361904782 + -0.217632641871216 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487355857001527 + -0.208540767061362 + 0 + 0.487355857001527 + -0.208540767061362 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491299976031341 + -0.204638432687503 + 0 + 0.492570192449362 + -0.206122092863222 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.496308453553553 + -0.202001047909675 + 0 + 0.496308453553553 + -0.202001047909675 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498311082574272 + -0.195949975242072 + 0 + 0.499600803119743 + -0.19741671249878 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498450370946659 + -0.187901642858666 + 0 + 0.498450370946659 + -0.187901642858666 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.500140484852125 + -0.181716540573232 + 0 + 0.501449180197412 + -0.183166372894175 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50059165068667 + -0.174273231101137 + 0 + 0.50059165068667 + -0.174273231101137 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498923253439734 + -0.164668035818515 + 0 + 0.50025039394789 + -0.166101003137485 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498502766295665 + -0.156578684917574 + 0 + 0.498502766295665 + -0.156578684917574 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502871879036417 + -0.153674786890383 + 0 + 0.504216913191264 + -0.155090972043504 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508744001755663 + -0.152342015364273 + 0 + 0.508744001755663 + -0.152342015364273 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511958120031016 + -0.148259183427633 + 0 + 0.513320529697904 + -0.149658660889115 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514862916917211 + -0.143904025954857 + 0 + 0.514862916917211 + -0.143904025954857 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518877153967375 + -0.140705823566833 + 0 + 0.520256407459907 + -0.142088703557636 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521342934749763 + -0.135993961219062 + 0 + 0.521342934749763 + -0.135993961219062 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51991599068132 + -0.12753120102857 + 0 + 0.521311560330577 + -0.128897613345442 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520790259670081 + -0.121438518168726 + 0 + 0.520790259670081 + -0.121438518168726 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.524527197893668 + -0.118167455917081 + 0 + 0.525938561040397 + -0.119517549000419 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529675974158105 + -0.116254782423206 + 0 + 0.529675974158105 + -0.116254782423206 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530801042935851 + -0.110573399703582 + 0 + 0.532227685376252 + -0.111907336963303 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529629343856359 + -0.10284746358971 + 0 + 0.529629343856359 + -0.10284746358971 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529511023927964 + -0.0962082867728323 + 0 + 0.530952407385217 + -0.097526281839129 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.528595797736065 + -0.0889415961973827 + 0 + 0.528595797736065 + -0.0889415961973827 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.524346614499919 + -0.078797474346804 + 0 + 0.525802256682537 + -0.0800997043962984 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522131256966648 + -0.0706243701718842 + 0 + 0.522131256966648 + -0.0706243701718842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.5240794098443 + -0.0662235389530084 + 0 + 0.525548819043846 + -0.0675102144637392 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.528071570889044 + -0.0636397245237732 + 0 + 0.528071570889044 + -0.0636397245237732 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529124733926057 + -0.0585461369371996 + 0 + 0.530607417644929 + -0.059817493006685 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.528998986593143 + -0.052514552488742 + 0 + 0.528998986593143 + -0.052514552488742 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530383198099016 + -0.0478306695565018 + 0 + 0.531878652835027 + -0.0490869785941858 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529484954483856 + -0.0413001479953014 + 0 + 0.529484954483856 + -0.0413001479953014 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.524706864243558 + -0.0316639363745814 + 0 + 0.526214606920809 + -0.0329054714263701 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522260068369116 + -0.0240724410193798 + 0 + 0.522260068369116 + -0.0240724410193798 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523072838896654 + -0.0192153518955009 + 0 + 0.524592436929196 + -0.0204423478552003 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.525741995914656 + -0.0158966128559256 + 0 + 0.525741995914656 + -0.0158966128559256 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.525111335443843 + -0.00998693799403258 + 0 + 0.526642342711934 + -0.0111996679766249 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522591414915518 + -0.00266669219080294 + 0 + 0.522591414915518 + -0.00266669219080294 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52227702557762 + 0.00284211767706795 + 0 + 0.523818999864597 + 0.00164336308836937 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520508843857234 + 0.00940643312846436 + 0 + 0.520508843857234 + 0.00940643312846436 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.516633027682826 + 0.0174964659293226 + 0 + 0.51818552115874 + 0.0163113662403218 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51504754102053 + 0.0237457174441685 + 0 + 0.51504754102053 + 0.0237457174441685 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518343747547528 + 0.026259425300114 + 0 + 0.519906326125289 + 0.0250876550777809 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.524119519321334 + 0.0269211588829929 + 0 + 0.524119519321334 + 0.0269211588829929 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.527308957077282 + 0.0295107335610934 + 0 + 0.528881196888681 + 0.0283519586730863 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530249750885138 + 0.0322747199888579 + 0 + 0.530249750885138 + 0.0322747199888579 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.53458959587593 + 0.0340149038586707 + 0 + 0.536171119452562 + 0.0328688321147636 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.53724843999894 + 0.0369659871065836 + 0 + 0.53724843999894 + 0.0369659871065836 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.536490002034884 + 0.0423367833656127 + 0 + 0.538080420139273 + 0.0412030869693693 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.537444081750373 + 0.0464410943404135 + 0 + 0.537444081750373 + 0.0464410943404135 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.542815361366574 + 0.0474122392646357 + 0 + 0.544414288750889 + 0.0462905759972906 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549514390092343 + 0.0474724063464552 + 0 + 0.549514390092343 + 0.0474724063464552 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.552646109204774 + 0.0500226218897029 + 0 + 0.554253156592924 + 0.0489126237104846 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553188029887676 + 0.0543367181907798 + 0 + 0.553188029887676 + 0.0543367181907798 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555575943706936 + 0.0573569341502785 + 0 + 0.557190733462051 + 0.0562582297712931 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.556158684892702 + 0.0615767471672281 + 0 + 0.556158684892702 + 0.0615767471672281 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554789859916247 + 0.067072276407095 + 0 + 0.556412030354395 + 0.0659844987022192 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554774762938143 + 0.0716161272216867 + 0 + 0.554774762938143 + 0.0716161272216867 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.559752802347065 + 0.0728187148382134 + 0 + 0.561382030806002 + 0.0717415370932634 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.566817576847333 + 0.0726582317373806 + 0 + 0.566817576847333 + 0.0726582317373806 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.571141537406673 + 0.0743104940083888 + 0 + 0.572777483230809 + 0.0732435457780993 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.573309636726683 + 0.0773576809295762 + 0 + 0.573309636726683 + 0.0773576809295762 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.577438799221491 + 0.0791218358139479 + 0 + 0.579081116112627 + 0.0780647206382399 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.578360578545252 + 0.082933088409246 + 0 + 0.578360578545252 + 0.082933088409246 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.57606688816736 + 0.0887620413967855 + 0 + 0.577715245608658 + 0.0877143701643167 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574210495132547 + 0.0942647668340597 + 0 + 0.574210495132547 + 0.0942647668340597 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.57701630068032 + 0.0967919663448332 + 0 + 0.57867041554863 + 0.0957534090435444 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.580604793808196 + 0.0988161396819994 + 0 + 0.580604793808196 + 0.0988161396819994 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.581656183783523 + 0.102408263088403 + 0 + 0.583315738525835 + 0.10137842071071 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.579715049828847 + 0.107824804657256 + 0 + 0.579715049828847 + 0.107824804657256 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.580318431561023 + 0.111635614262074 + 0 + 0.581983151563201 + 0.110614142490573 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.578691978930992 + 0.116778575807617 + 0 + 0.578691978930992 + 0.116778575807617 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.57558355362331 + 0.122781015439132 + 0 + 0.577253140283774 + 0.121767517709078 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574267221894916 + 0.127656594779098 + 0 + 0.574267221894916 + 0.127656594779098 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.577415630863639 + 0.129810877493195 + 0 + 0.579089825262091 + 0.128805009518848 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.584205448210086 + 0.129780670324545 + 0 + 0.584205448210086 + 0.129780670324545 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.587477106934231 + 0.131859535716783 + 0 + 0.589155648167855 + 0.130860938404225 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.589553846642589 + 0.134637801129362 + 0 + 0.589553846642589 + 0.134637801129362 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.593705231298628 + 0.136179573985529 + 0 + 0.595387875367279 + 0.135187905591428 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.595585569938314 + 0.139050998572897 + 0 + 0.595585569938314 + 0.139050998572897 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.593594578629267 + 0.14416898010968 + 0 + 0.595281087546853 + 0.14318389892697 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.593088174785243 + 0.148389688148958 + 0 + 0.593088174785243 + 0.148389688148958 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.596777158152779 + 0.150155214943714 + 0 + 0.598467304171194 + 0.149176387225441 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.601728356402685 + 0.151187943228379 + 0 + 0.601728356402685 + 0.151187943228379 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.602168232969749 + 0.15481318715878 + 0 + 0.603861798741808 + 0.153840288273317 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.599491200657451 + 0.160202453256533 + 0 + 0.599491200657451 + 0.160202453256533 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.598264199848912 + 0.164732581998975 + 0 + 0.599960978240146 + 0.16376529695481 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.59507938401687 + 0.170349431259821 + 0 + 0.59507938401687 + 0.170349431259821 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.588727247491103 + 0.177726404647668 + 0 + 0.590427041315149 + 0.176764428441435 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.58447359522953 + 0.183876228188389 + 0 + 0.58447359522953 + 0.183876228188389 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.585077611404854 + 0.187261875800955 + 0 + 0.586780233109338 + 0.186304913629787 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.587834253353718 + 0.189427024086903 + 0 + 0.587834253353718 + 0.189427024086903 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.587536443782822 + 0.193291352253619 + 0 + 0.589241715105974 + 0.192339119624446 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.585492391213915 + 0.198110754578305 + 0 + 0.585492391213915 + 0.198110754578305 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.585242350528659 + 0.20191219006758 + 0 + 0.586950102146086 + 0.200964412837003 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.582256620314461 + 0.207211794099271 + 0 + 0.582256620314461 + 0.207211794099271 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.575124043074596 + 0.214775807962253 + 0 + 0.576834114221165 + 0.213832222280242 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.569648629208662 + 0.221392499605875 + 0 + 0.569648629208662 + 0.221392499605875 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.568774962031965 + 0.225454783254455 + 0 + 0.570487200136397 + 0.224515135480363 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.569723081554517 + 0.228505199935495 + 0 + 0.569723081554517 + 0.228505199935495 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.567009506628811 + 0.233545689651675 + 0 + 0.568723766939779 + 0.232609736206322 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.562193453793717 + 0.239712671553032 + 0 + 0.562193453793717 + 0.239712671553032 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.559754289247648 + 0.244564865610618 + 0 + 0.561470434474103 + 0.243632372807782 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.556055468409335 + 0.250083591499623 + 0 + 0.556055468409335 + 0.250083591499623 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549737210143874 + 0.257000535644032 + 0 + 0.551455110102167 + 0.256071279490476 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.546041540323348 + 0.262477938844547 + 0 + 0.546041540323348 + 0.262477938844547 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.547720106940932 + 0.265043491439953 + 0 + 0.549439638217404 + 0.264117257422622 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.552031703606712 + 0.266188898121796 + 0 + 0.552031703606712 + 0.266188898121796 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553727702144349 + 0.268738566849248 + 0 + 0.555448747773043 + 0.267815149711885 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55416719445753 + 0.27195661279076 + 0 + 0.55416719445753 + 0.27195661279076 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557002602592111 + 0.273886982409779 + 0 + 0.558725051744021 + 0.272966185915048 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557738636861375 + 0.276935516950796 + 0 + 0.557738636861375 + 0.276935516950796 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554802912251312 + 0.281934310306458 + 0 + 0.556526659942259 + 0.281015946999493 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553714524960958 + 0.285938438252715 + 0 + 0.553714524960958 + 0.285938438252715 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557287789298278 + 0.287458345349105 + 0 + 0.559012736111021 + 0.286542236316929 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.562568661327537 + 0.288071971957166 + 0 + 0.562568661327537 + 0.288071971957166 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.563702011579964 + 0.290883668842228 + 0 + 0.565428063404899 + 0.289969643479744 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.562109365616769 + 0.295132409924844 + 0 + 0.562109365616769 + 0.295132409924844 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.562376707791147 + 0.298390665482334 + 0 + 0.564103775582741 + 0.297478561261938 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.560927392278663 + 0.302549051412657 + 0 + 0.560927392278663 + 0.302549051412657 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.556435225610789 + 0.308303134205592 + 0 + 0.558163225160256 + 0.307392796453618 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554187584255883 + 0.312865425868417 + 0 + 0.554187584255883 + 0.312865425868417 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.556949395596505 + 0.314787134574356 + 0 + 0.558678247321418 + 0.313878416257776 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.561933565516345 + 0.315540424443896 + 0 + 0.561933565516345 + 0.315540424443896 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.563785053780183 + 0.317937698315402 + 0 + 0.565514682528827 + 0.317030459836562 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.563731725473342 + 0.32133057087475 + 0 + 0.563731725473342 + 0.32133057087475 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.565252140741162 + 0.323895178097029 + 0 + 0.566982475611961 + 0.322989287098882 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.563682337724006 + 0.328073479282803 + 0 + 0.563682337724006 + 0.328073479282803 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55758448105845 + 0.334612947248224 + 0 + 0.559315455233776 + 0.33370827843038 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.552862185949695 + 0.34042521988535 + 0 + 0.552862185949695 + 0.34042521988535 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55253208514541 + 0.343938331889818 + 0 + 0.554263635739025 + 0.343034766835505 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553822069004684 + 0.346603182646348 + 0 + 0.553822069004684 + 0.346603182646348 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.551229502762722 + 0.351289062422338 + 0 + 0.552961570680073 + 0.350386489436199 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.546367194308466 + 0.357152253825809 + 0 + 0.546367194308466 + 0.357152253825809 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.543785387083187 + 0.361822742535419 + 0 + 0.545517916893784 + 0.360921056491933 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.539830023958609 + 0.367203613916589 + 0 + 0.539830023958609 + 0.367203613916589 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.533143142461107 + 0.373999937902157 + 0 + 0.534876082282216 + 0.37309904010438 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529020281375881 + 0.379458301993825 + 0 + 0.529020281375881 + 0.379458301993825 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.53023358641705 + 0.382141317744466 + 0 + 0.531966887807968 + 0.381241115792754 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.53401359198716 + 0.38349068793634 + 0 + 0.53401359198716 + 0.38349068793634 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.535068163300618 + 0.386254263832816 + 0 + 0.53680178116683 + 0.385354671503159 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.534764946279702 + 0.389720925470666 + 0 + 0.534764946279702 + 0.389720925470666 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.536776303274749 + 0.391985762702782 + 0 + 0.538510195781297 + 0.391086699834367 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.536567644159936 + 0.395400589474748 + 0 + 0.536567644159936 + 0.395400589474748 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.532545962661087 + 0.40078983325065 + 0 + 0.534280091154543 + 0.399891225642286 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.53024607528512 + 0.405284636137486 + 0 + 0.53024607528512 + 0.405284636137486 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.532470969030517 + 0.407434243614669 + 0 + 0.534205297968972 + 0.406536022929723 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.536220312549868 + 0.408794019742968 + 0 + 0.536220312549868 + 0.408794019742968 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.535589860341801 + 0.412420934450904 + 0 + 0.537324357232335 + 0.411523038130412 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.532023177275888 + 0.417566454974539 + 0 + 0.532023177275888 + 0.417566454974539 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530194383436872 + 0.42181112048591 + 0 + 0.531929018780016 + 0.420913491669561 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526610562073264 + 0.426962739431927 + 0 + 0.526610562073264 + 0.426962739431927 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520031719452933 + 0.433662502195668 + 0 + 0.521766466693654 + 0.432765089650383 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515822890960179 + 0.439134901987676 + 0 + 0.515822890960179 + 0.439134901987676 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.516776717027939 + 0.44193623664697 + 0 + 0.518511552512731 + 0.441038994702826 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520113992268811 + 0.443504680037866 + 0 + 0.520113992268811 + 0.443504680037866 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520519276344944 + 0.446589168439202 + 0 + 0.52225417928464 + 0.4456920569325 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.519317239981351 + 0.450504417224782 + 0 + 0.519317239981351 + 0.450504417224782 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520096949994542 + 0.453394666245834 + 0 + 0.521831902432484 + 0.452497650469104 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518245483674858 + 0.457645012344267 + 0 + 0.518245483674858 + 0.457645012344267 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512327380991411 + 0.463997409532749 + 0 + 0.514062367776653 + 0.46310046019156 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508227181657904 + 0.469409631120504 + 0 + 0.508227181657904 + 0.469409631120504 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508918045509783 + 0.472344886425808 + 0 + 0.510653054275023 + 0.471447979602238 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511569887458084 + 0.474266363206931 + 0 + 0.511569887458084 + 0.474266363206931 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510624381902224 + 0.478047379391024 + 0 + 0.512359403046109 + 0.477150496513555 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507660899501499 + 0.482871482528293 + 0 + 0.507660899501499 + 0.482871482528293 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507207522536964 + 0.486397980329706 + 0 + 0.508942549209481 + 0.485501108147465 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505584333797325 + 0.490529152850905 + 0 + 0.505584333797325 + 0.490529152850905 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501413173596309 + 0.495977406645765 + 0 + 0.503148201672343 + 0.495080537178674 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499994052316792 + 0.500003074467614 + 0 + 0.499994052316792 + 0.500003074467614 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498586826403661 + 0.504022593347512 + 0 + 0.496851798327628 + 0.504919462814604 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494415666202477 + 0.509470847142459 + 0 + 0.494415666202477 + 0.509470847142459 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.492792477463689 + 0.513602019663219 + 0 + 0.491057450791171 + 0.51449889184546 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.492339100496955 + 0.517128517465769 + 0 + 0.492339100496955 + 0.517128517465769 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489375618100221 + 0.521952620600976 + 0 + 0.487640596956336 + 0.522849503478444 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488430112540909 + 0.525733636786853 + 0 + 0.488430112540909 + 0.525733636786853 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491081954490313 + 0.527655113567405 + 0 + 0.489346945725074 + 0.528552020390975 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491772818341976 + 0.53059036887282 + 0 + 0.491772818341976 + 0.53059036887282 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487672619007399 + 0.536002590461131 + 0 + 0.485937632222157 + 0.53689953980232 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481754516324994 + 0.542354987649073 + 0 + 0.481754516324994 + 0.542354987649073 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479903050005983 + 0.546605333747157 + 0 + 0.47816809756804 + 0.547502349523887 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480682760019213 + 0.549495582768189 + 0 + 0.480682760019213 + 0.549495582768189 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479480723654823 + 0.553410831554181 + 0 + 0.477745820715127 + 0.554307943060883 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479886007732604 + 0.556495319954666 + 0 + 0.479886007732604 + 0.556495319954666 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.483223282972709 + 0.558063763345959 + 0 + 0.481488447487917 + 0.558961005290102 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484177109037803 + 0.560865098006631 + 0 + 0.484177109037803 + 0.560865098006631 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479968280548001 + 0.566337497797113 + 0 + 0.47823353330728 + 0.567234910342398 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473389437925545 + 0.573037260561954 + 0 + 0.473389437925545 + 0.573037260561954 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469805616564146 + 0.578188879506828 + 0 + 0.468070981221002 + 0.579086508323177 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.467976822724151 + 0.582433545018705 + 0 + 0.467976822724151 + 0.582433545018705 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.464410139656576 + 0.587579065543199 + 0 + 0.462675642766042 + 0.58847696186369 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.463779687449978 + 0.591205980250376 + 0 + 0.463779687449978 + 0.591205980250376 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.467529030970766 + 0.592565756377928 + 0 + 0.465794702032312 + 0.593463977062873 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.46975392471345 + 0.594715363856517 + 0 + 0.46975392471345 + 0.594715363856517 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.467454037340198 + 0.599210166741947 + 0 + 0.465719908846742 + 0.600108774350311 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.463432355839429 + 0.604599410518845 + 0 + 0.463432355839429 + 0.604599410518845 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.463223696725053 + 0.608014237290587 + 0 + 0.461489804218506 + 0.608913300159002 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.465235053722482 + 0.610279074521466 + 0 + 0.465235053722482 + 0.610279074521466 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.464931836699641 + 0.613745736160311 + 0 + 0.463198218833429 + 0.614645328489968 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.465986408012301 + 0.616509312057203 + 0 + 0.465986408012301 + 0.616509312057203 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469766413583088 + 0.617858682248725 + 0 + 0.46803311219217 + 0.618758884200437 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470979718624506 + 0.620541697999236 + 0 + 0.470979718624506 + 0.620541697999236 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.466856857539385 + 0.62600006209085 + 0 + 0.465123917718276 + 0.626900959888628 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.460169976040978 + 0.632796386076889 + 0 + 0.460169976040978 + 0.632796386076889 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.45621461291878 + 0.638177257456819 + 0 + 0.454482083108183 + 0.639078943500304 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453632805691789 + 0.642847746167316 + 0 + 0.453632805691789 + 0.642847746167316 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.448770497236075 + 0.648710937571555 + 0 + 0.447038429318724 + 0.649613510557694 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.44617793099756 + 0.653396817345747 + 0 + 0.44617793099756 + 0.653396817345747 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.447467914853538 + 0.656061668103992 + 0 + 0.445736364259923 + 0.656965233158306 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.44713781405013 + 0.659574780108005 + 0 + 0.44713781405013 + 0.659574780108005 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442415518940676 + 0.665387052745498 + 0 + 0.44068454476535 + 0.666291721563342 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.436317662275131 + 0.671926520710914 + 0 + 0.436317662275131 + 0.671926520710914 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.434747859261198 + 0.676104821894999 + 0 + 0.433017524390399 + 0.677010712893146 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.436268274525976 + 0.678669429118867 + 0 + 0.436268274525976 + 0.678669429118867 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.436214946222506 + 0.682062301676452 + 0 + 0.434485317473862 + 0.682969540155292 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.438066434483147 + 0.684459575549633 + 0 + 0.438066434483147 + 0.684459575549633 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.443050604405989 + 0.685212865417596 + 0 + 0.441321752681075 + 0.686121583734176 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445812415742289 + 0.687134574125807 + 0 + 0.445812415742289 + 0.687134574125807 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.443564774390189 + 0.691696865787157 + 0 + 0.441836774840722 + 0.69260720353913 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.439072607720632 + 0.697450948580977 + 0 + 0.439072607720632 + 0.697450948580977 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.437623292211129 + 0.701609334509727 + 0 + 0.435896224419535 + 0.702521438730122 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.437890634381809 + 0.704867590069166 + 0 + 0.437890634381809 + 0.704867590069166 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.436297988418891 + 0.709116331151643 + 0 + 0.434571936593956 + 0.710030356514127 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.437431338674752 + 0.711928028034883 + 0 + 0.437431338674752 + 0.711928028034883 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442712210702459 + 0.712541654643766 + 0 + 0.440987263889716 + 0.713457763675942 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446285475041588 + 0.714061561739193 + 0 + 0.446285475041588 + 0.714061561739193 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445197087748607 + 0.718065689686848 + 0 + 0.44347334005766 + 0.718984052993813 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442261363138418 + 0.723064483042579 + 0 + 0.442261363138418 + 0.723064483042579 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442997397408658 + 0.726113017583069 + 0 + 0.441274948256748 + 0.7270338140778 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445832805542005 + 0.728043387202751 + 0 + 0.445832805542005 + 0.728043387202751 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446272297856318 + 0.73126143314366 + 0 + 0.444551252227624 + 0.732184850281024 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.447968296393298 + 0.733811101871457 + 0 + 0.447968296393298 + 0.733811101871457 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.452279893057401 + 0.734956508554207 + 0 + 0.450560361780929 + 0.735882742571538 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453958459678774 + 0.737522061147572 + 0 + 0.453958459678774 + 0.737522061147572 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.450262789854315 + 0.742999464350207 + 0 + 0.448544889896021 + 0.743928720503763 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.443944531591723 + 0.749916408493066 + 0 + 0.443944531591723 + 0.749916408493066 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.440245710754163 + 0.755435134381659 + 0 + 0.438529565527708 + 0.756367627184495 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.437806546206187 + 0.76028732844028 + 0 + 0.437806546206187 + 0.76028732844028 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.432990493371494 + 0.766454310341426 + 0 + 0.431276233060527 + 0.767390263786779 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.430276918448037 + 0.77149480005637 + 0 + 0.430276918448037 + 0.77149480005637 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.431225037968043 + 0.774545216738804 + 0 + 0.429512799863611 + 0.775484864512895 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.430351370793634 + 0.77860750038613 + 0 + 0.430351370793634 + 0.77860750038613 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.424875956925886 + 0.785224192030744 + 0 + 0.423165885779317 + 0.786167777712755 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.417743379686519 + 0.792788205893442 + 0 + 0.417743379686519 + 0.792788205893442 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.414757649470916 + 0.79808780992592 + 0 + 0.413049897853489 + 0.799035587156497 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.414507608786802 + 0.801889245414558 + 0 + 0.414507608786802 + 0.801889245414558 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.412463556216442 + 0.806708647740049 + 0 + 0.41075828489329 + 0.807660880369222 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.412165746644776 + 0.810572975907206 + 0 + 0.412165746644776 + 0.810572975907206 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.414922388595644 + 0.812738124192024 + 0 + 0.41321976689116 + 0.813695086363192 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.415526404770417 + 0.816123771804899 + 0 + 0.415526404770417 + 0.816123771804899 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.411272752508854 + 0.82227359534562 + 0 + 0.409572958684807 + 0.823235571551853 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.404920615982244 + 0.829650568733945 + 0 + 0.404920615982244 + 0.829650568733945 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.401735800152553 + 0.835267417993455 + 0 + 0.400039021761319 + 0.83623470303762 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.400508799341133 + 0.839797546737541 + 0 + 0.400508799341133 + 0.839797546737541 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.397831767030058 + 0.845186812834602 + 0 + 0.396138201257999 + 0.846159711720065 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.398271643598785 + 0.848812056764036 + 0 + 0.398271643598785 + 0.848812056764036 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.403222841847288 + 0.849844785049502 + 0 + 0.401532695828873 + 0.850823612767775 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.406911825213129 + 0.851610311845252 + 0 + 0.406911825213129 + 0.851610311845252 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.406405421370671 + 0.855831019883618 + 0 + 0.404718912453085 + 0.856816101066328 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.404414430063127 + 0.860949001419525 + 0 + 0.404414430063127 + 0.860949001419525 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.406294768702349 + 0.863820426007162 + 0 + 0.404612124633698 + 0.864812094401264 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.410446153357506 + 0.865362198863833 + 0 + 0.410446153357506 + 0.865362198863833 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.412522893065487 + 0.86814046427665 + 0 + 0.410844351831863 + 0.869139061589208 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.415794551791719 + 0.870219329667645 + 0 + 0.415794551791719 + 0.870219329667645 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.422584369136203 + 0.870189122500169 + 0 + 0.420910174737751 + 0.871194990474516 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425732778105591 + 0.87234340521387 + 0 + 0.425732778105591 + 0.87234340521387 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.424416446377285 + 0.877218984553774 + 0 + 0.422746859716821 + 0.878232482283828 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.42130802106841 + 0.883221424186017 + 0 + 0.42130802106841 + 0.883221424186017 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.419681568440371 + 0.888364385730339 + 0 + 0.418016848438193 + 0.88938585750184 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.42028495017026 + 0.892175195336559 + 0 + 0.42028495017026 + 0.892175195336559 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.418343816217031 + 0.897591736904532 + 0 + 0.416684261474718 + 0.898621579282225 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.419395206192737 + 0.90118386031068 + 0 + 0.419395206192737 + 0.90118386031068 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.422983699318737 + 0.903208033649017 + 0 + 0.421329584450427 + 0.904246590950306 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425789504866709 + 0.905735233159679 + 0 + 0.425789504866709 + 0.905735233159679 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.42393311183281 + 0.911237958596373 + 0 + 0.422284754391512 + 0.912285629828842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.421639421455178 + 0.917066911583746 + 0 + 0.421639421455178 + 0.917066911583746 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.422561200780251 + 0.920878164178196 + 0 + 0.420918883889114 + 0.921935279353904 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.42669036327251 + 0.922642319064212 + 0 + 0.42669036327251 + 0.922642319064212 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.428858462592275 + 0.925689505985563 + 0 + 0.427222516768139 + 0.926756454215852 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.433182423153033 + 0.927341768255638 + 0 + 0.433182423153033 + 0.927341768255638 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.440247197652209 + 0.927181285155532 + 0 + 0.438617969193273 + 0.928258462900482 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445225237063279 + 0.928383872770634 + 0 + 0.445225237063279 + 0.928383872770634 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445210140083335 + 0.932927723586448 + 0 + 0.443587969645187 + 0.934015501291324 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.443841315106225 + 0.938423252826763 + 0 + 0.443841315106225 + 0.938423252826763 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444424056293666 + 0.942643065842575 + 0 + 0.442809266538551 + 0.943741770221561 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446811970110558 + 0.945663281803692 + 0 + 0.446811970110558 + 0.945663281803692 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.447353890796185 + 0.949977378102901 + 0 + 0.445746843408036 + 0.951087376282119 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.45048560990724 + 0.9525275936471 + 0 + 0.45048560990724 + 0.9525275936471 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.457184638634566 + 0.952587760727841 + 0 + 0.455585711250251 + 0.953709423995186 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.462555918249647 + 0.953558905652842 + 0 + 0.462555918249647 + 0.953558905652842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.463509997965812 + 0.957663216627157 + 0 + 0.461919579861423 + 0.958796913023401 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.462751560001421 + 0.963034012886426 + 0 + 0.462751560001421 + 0.963034012886426 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.465410404124894 + 0.965985096133997 + 0 + 0.463828880548262 + 0.967131167877904 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469750249115042 + 0.967725280004285 + 0 + 0.469750249115042 + 0.967725280004285 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47269104292317 + 0.97048926643183 + 0 + 0.471118803111771 + 0.971648041319838 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.475880480677949 + 0.97307884111081 + 0 + 0.475880480677949 + 0.97307884111081 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481656252453542 + 0.973740574692357 + 0 + 0.480093673875781 + 0.97491234491469 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484952458979156 + 0.976254282549339 + 0 + 0.484952458979156 + 0.976254282549339 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.48336697231809 + 0.982503534063245 + 0 + 0.481814478842176 + 0.983688633752246 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479491156141698 + 0.990593566865618 + 0 + 0.479491156141698 + 0.990593566865618 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477722974421038 + 0.997157882317243 + 0 + 0.476181000134061 + 0.998356636905942 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477408585084053 + 1.00266669218441 + 0 + 0.477408585084053 + 1.00266669218441 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474888664557773 + 1.00998693798601 + 0 + 0.473357657289682 + 1.0111996679686 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474258004084007 + 1.01589661285025 + 0 + 0.474258004084007 + 1.01589661285025 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476927161104575 + 1.01921535188778 + 0 + 0.475407563072033 + 1.02044234784748 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477739931629466 + 1.02407244101381 + 0 + 0.477739931629466 + 1.02407244101381 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.475293135757935 + 1.03166393636661 + 0 + 0.473785393080683 + 1.0329054714184 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470515045513237 + 1.04130014799099 + 0 + 0.470515045513237 + 1.04130014799099 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469616801901533 + 1.04783066954931 + 0 + 0.468121347165522 + 1.049086978587 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.471001013406089 + 1.05251455248266 + 0 + 0.471001013406089 + 1.05251455248266 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470875266075426 + 1.0585461369292 + 0 + 0.469392582356554 + 1.05981749299868 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.471928429110532 + 1.06363972451742 + 0 + 0.471928429110532 + 1.06363972451742 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.475920590155208 + 1.06622353894671 + 0 + 0.474451180955662 + 1.06751021445744 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47786874303231 + 1.07062437016608 + 0 + 0.47786874303231 + 1.07062437016608 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.475653385500245 + 1.07879747433993 + 0 + 0.474197743317626 + 1.08009970438942 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47140420226424 + 1.08894159619037 + 0 + 0.47140420226424 + 1.08894159619037 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470488976071462 + 1.09620828676662 + 0 + 0.469047592614209 + 1.09752628183291 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470370656143892 + 1.10284746358276 + 0 + 0.470370656143892 + 1.10284746358276 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469198957064736 + 1.11057339969631 + 0 + 0.467772314624335 + 1.11190733695603 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470324025841862 + 1.1162547824165 + 0 + 0.470324025841862 + 1.1162547824165 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47547280210536 + 1.11816745591128 + 0 + 0.47406143895863 + 1.11951754899462 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479209740329589 + 1.12143851816233 + 0 + 0.479209740329589 + 1.12143851816233 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480084009319166 + 1.12753120102136 + 0 + 0.478688439669909 + 1.12889761333823 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.478657065249536 + 1.13599396121303 + 0 + 0.478657065249536 + 1.13599396121303 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481122846033377 + 1.14070582355934 + 0 + 0.479743592540846 + 1.14208870355015 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485137083082313 + 1.14390402594863 + 0 + 0.485137083082313 + 1.14390402594863 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488041879968755 + 1.14825918342113 + 0 + 0.486679470301867 + 1.14965866088261 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491255998244852 + 1.15234201535701 + 0 + 0.491255998244852 + 1.15234201535701 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497128120963149 + 1.15367478688411 + 0 + 0.495783086808302 + 1.15509097203724 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501497233706143 + 1.15657868490891 + 0 + 0.501497233706143 + 1.15657868490891 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501076746558652 + 1.16466803581353 + 0 + 0.499749606050496 + 1.1661010031325 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499408349313434 + 1.1742732310943 + 0 + 0.499408349313434 + 1.1742732310943 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499859515147689 + 1.18171654056671 + 0 + 0.498550819802402 + 1.18316637288765 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50154962905304 + 1.18790164285227 + 0 + 0.50154962905304 + 1.18790164285227 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501688917424953 + 1.19594997523623 + 0 + 0.500399196879482 + 1.19741671249294 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.503691546446887 + 1.20200104790244 + 0 + 0.503691546446887 + 1.20200104790244 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508700023967843 + 1.20463843268173 + 0 + 0.507429807549822 + 1.20612209285745 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51264414299887 + 1.20854076705416 + 0 + 0.51264414299887 + 1.20854076705416 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.513547823741137 + 1.21613206427236 + 0 + 0.512297638094176 + 1.21763264186574 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.513646893816565 + 1.22484501830555 + 0 + 0.513646893816565 + 1.22484501830555 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517159584737888 + 1.22952033031253 + 0 + 0.515929952775908 + 1.23103779612885 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522990639161711 + 1.23135579420468 + 0 + 0.522990639161711 + 1.23135579420468 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.527822481929338 + 1.2344406612802 + 0 + 0.526613921989278 + 1.23597496246866 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.534088353884077 + 1.2356955502236 + 0 + 0.534088353884077 + 1.2356955502236 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.542591137381438 + 1.23399097913363 + 0 + 0.541404162449001 + 1.23554203934375 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549622964279443 + 1.2341129131144 + 0 + 0.549622964279443 + 1.2341129131144 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553339376975974 + 1.2386263963875 + 0 + 0.552174494016134 + 1.24019411605488 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555674567385068 + 1.24508837135921 + 0 + 0.555674567385068 + 1.24508837135921 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.560162236624479 + 1.24868668395838 + 0 + 0.559019945945758 + 1.25027094065189 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.565868862771267 + 1.2506030784999 + 0 + 0.565868862771267 + 1.2506030784999 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.570435328163009 + 1.25413298914862 + 0 + 0.56931612286019 + 1.25573363800323 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.576835355893002 + 1.25503314982608 + 0 + 0.576835355893002 + 1.25503314982608 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.585911697179073 + 1.25193454498689 + 0 + 0.58481606261637 + 1.25355141918441 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.59389516460427 + 1.25029685135397 + 0 + 0.59389516460427 + 1.25029685135397 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.598977945263171 + 1.25294781972734 + 0 + 0.597906358596403 + 1.25458073101741 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.602980727335245 + 1.25728032825345 + 0 + 0.602980727335245 + 1.25728032825345 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.609292798754333 + 1.25804180272891 + 0 + 0.608245728493772 + 1.25969054198515 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.616889275835059 + 1.25669299880093 + 0 + 0.616889275835059 + 1.25669299880093 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.623052676865988 + 1.25755214864121 + 0 + 0.622030582466853 + 1.25921648643892 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.629973846167706 + 1.2571059607984 + 0 + 0.629973846167706 + 1.2571059607984 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.638410979779542 + 1.2540093473593 + 0 + 0.637414311259504 + 1.25568903457029 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.645300778013203 + 1.25337702647739 + 0 + 0.645300778013203 + 1.25337702647739 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.649149187635128 + 1.25795158805666 + 0 + 0.648178385210082 + 1.25964635645298 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.651607329850025 + 1.26508292408776 + 0 + 0.651607329850025 + 1.26508292408776 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.655617123538832 + 1.26958709533054 + 0 + 0.654672617282168 + 1.27129665819769 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.660380446298135 + 1.2727883530414 + 0 + 0.660380446298135 + 1.2727883530414 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.663919971539877 + 1.27832751252623 + 0 + 0.663002181062315 + 1.28005156528207 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.668651435200556 + 1.28171463140555 + 0 + 0.668651435200556 + 1.28171463140555 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.675335462465791 + 1.2813399032 + 0 + 0.674444796607334 + 1.28307812401284 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.681074452194359 + 1.28274795660892 + 0 + 0.681074452194359 + 1.28274795660892 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.684503840617602 + 1.2888173412913 + 0 + 0.68364069715597 + 1.29056939169876 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.68719110901017 + 1.29658695255989 + 0 + 0.68719110901017 + 1.29658695255989 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.692011091455424 + 1.30008511685827 + 0 + 0.691175856822032 + 1.3018506423814 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.698183756503095 + 1.30072602071436 + 0 + 0.698183756503095 + 1.30072602071436 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.703496950491501 + 1.3032035853954 + 0 + 0.702689999502612 + 1.30498221615168 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.709637168063905 + 1.30384105644197 + 0 + 0.709637168063905 + 1.30384105644197 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.717157068729529 + 1.3012457812231 + 0 + 0.71637876432199 + 1.30303713253282 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.723641179219024 + 1.30088600928987 + 0 + 0.723641179219024 + 1.30088600928987 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.727946695163165 + 1.30566873263156 + 0 + 0.72719738814065 + 1.30747240562067 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.731384818095268 + 1.31272581585198 + 0 + 0.731384818095268 + 1.31272581585198 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.736241027722036 + 1.31645657130042 + 0 + 0.735521056508884 + 1.31827215349847 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.741932992222597 + 1.31812320665665 + 0 + 0.741932992222597 + 1.31812320665665 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.747022349305936 + 1.32138055201749 + 0 + 0.74633203970807 + 1.32320761795081 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.75336901505008 + 1.32130379850849 + 0 + 0.75336901505008 + 1.32130379850849 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.761439301777142 + 1.31633806355285 + 0 + 0.760778966749927 + 1.31817617533331 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.768912182403063 + 1.31272999118399 + 0 + 0.768912182403063 + 1.31272999118399 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.774724506659322 + 1.31371288929991 + 0 + 0.774094446082425 + 1.31556159720953 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.779975404646217 + 1.31635676320415 + 0 + 0.779975404646217 + 1.31635676320415 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.786611403259435 + 1.31476936123547 + 0 + 0.786011903718869 + 1.31662820430752 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.793983599742144 + 1.3106542381821 + 0 + 0.793983599742144 + 1.3106542381821 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.800535974048903 + 1.30890123262194 + 0 + 0.799967308626571 + 1.31076973921895 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.807494866197526 + 1.30557836278396 + 0 + 0.807494866197526 + 1.30557836278396 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.815242875388683 + 1.2992043017984 + 0 + 0.814705303459764 + 1.30108199018758 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.822109448753179 + 1.29551048863167 + 0 + 0.822109448753179 + 1.29551048863167 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.827353038131916 + 1.29753322455201 + 0 + 0.826846805170484 + 1.29941960347852 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.831901649239775 + 1.30228955236031 + 0 + 0.831901649239775 + 1.30228955236031 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.837273609913951 + 1.30401284011531 + 0 + 0.836798947307262 + 1.30590740937386 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.843031127867617 + 1.30418213904919 + 0 + 0.843031127867617 + 1.30418213904919 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.848197618106145 + 1.30681757273771 + 0 + 0.847754742977991 + 1.30871982374283 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.853952341894228 + 1.30694913234423 + 0 + 0.853952341894228 + 1.30694913234423 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.860610089777909 + 1.30280929269949 + 0 + 0.860199204821459 + 1.30471870905486 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.866803462836032 + 1.30048120821842 + 0 + 0.866803462836032 + 1.30048120821842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.871966990150209 + 1.3030717866238 + 0 + 0.871588283470734 + 1.30498784469091 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.876853101419744 + 1.30728524583027 + 0 + 0.876853101419744 + 1.30728524583027 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.882682525583768 + 1.3065856799205 + 0 + 0.882336170551634 + 1.30850784938684 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.889056502711666 + 1.30255334814271 + 0 + 0.889056502711666 + 1.30255334814271 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.895045445177242 + 1.30036945279447 + 0 + 0.894731600291523 + 1.30229719724158 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.901296144144048 + 1.29615556856765 + 0 + 0.901296144144048 + 1.29615556856765 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.907958708816248 + 1.2885233744768 + 0 + 0.907677517579282 + 1.29045615194818 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.914127979372477 + 1.28344652809402 + 0 + 0.914127979372477 + 1.28344652809402 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.919469880454904 + 1.28405384218524 + 0 + 0.919221471258113 + 1.28599110575444 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.924501465907152 + 1.28725752343057 + 0 + 0.924501465907152 + 1.28725752343057 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.929949812300914 + 1.28711767137788 + 0 + 0.929734298322144 + 1.28905886971668 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.935578375160987 + 1.28510839855649 + 0 + 0.935578375160987 + 1.28510839855649 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.94096258626599 + 1.28524805279578 + 0 + 0.940780065378626 + 1.28719263074261 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.946599274191906 + 1.2823679299793 + 0 + 0.946599274191906 + 1.2823679299793 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.952535710127422 + 1.27485081229495 + 0 + 0.952386264821493 + 1.27679821142358 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.958203569154049 + 1.26929799431335 + 0 + 0.958203569154049 + 1.26929799431335 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.963454420666417 + 1.26905539448523 + 0 + 0.963338117981911 + 1.2710050536737 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.968587186860166 + 1.27095003886505 + 0 + 0.968587186860166 + 1.27095003886505 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.973923340943183 + 1.26873334758751 + 0 + 0.973840232416121 + 1.27068470358741 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.979298005866417 + 1.26417752799968 + 0 + 0.979298005866417 + 1.26417752799968 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.984521905142198 + 1.26237817121648 + 0 + 0.98447202676781 + 1.26433065922244 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.989736696954839 + 1.25919188314168 + 0 + 0.989736696954839 + 1.25919188314168 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.994920775385577 + 1.2530809129669 + 0 + 0.994904147609849 + 1.25503396718599 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 1 + 1.2499798172808 + 0 + 1 + 1.2499798172808 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + + + + + + The material override + 465b5922-9dbb-480c-95dc-9bc42b657e4e + Material + Material + false + 98b4c1ba-01e5-4550-b8fa-bbd880261579 + 1 + + + + + + 26856 + -19823 + 51 + 20 + + + 26883 + -19813 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;221;160;221 + + + 255;66;48;66 + + 0.5 + + 255;255;255;255 + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 1a212d87-a906-49e3-b7ad-78a44fc0ed6d + be8c6c5a-4af3-45e4-8f8a-c07aff5a17aa + fa23823f-b73c-4564-885c-f99c060adb13 + 3 + 0df56875-3f16-4b08-9a9a-867a4b4c3e3d + Group + + + + + + + + + + + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 + Colour Picker + + + + + Provides a colour picker object + fa23823f-b73c-4564-885c-f99c060adb13 + Colour Picker + Colour Picker + false + + 255;186;186;186 + + 0 + + + + + + 26943.87 + -19974.52 + 180 + 310 + + 2 + + + + + + + + + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 + Create Material + + + + + Create an OpenGL material. + true + fc1c830c-e3df-4904-9c93-618c2793cb57 + Create Material + Create Material + + + + + + 27124 + -20266 + 144 + 104 + + + 27208 + -20214 + + + + + + Colour of the diffuse channel + 4577d9e7-cb46-43e8-bd76-353bfe1ed886 + Diffuse + Diffuse + false + 82084dd0-aa80-4487-a46c-0dca5e3983b4 + 1 + + + + + + 27126 + -20264 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -20254 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;105;180 + + + + + + + + + + + + Colour of the specular highlight + 260689ee-bfb4-4854-bc20-0a8feb2993bc + Specular + Specular + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -20244 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -20234 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;255;255 + + + + + + + + + + + + Emissive colour of the material + c762fc39-8678-4b9c-a6d9-74b24d4100e1 + Emission + Emission + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -20224 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -20214 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;0;0;0 + + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of transparency (0.0 = opaque, 1.0 = transparent + 3c1d4e5e-aec0-48c4-9175-51fa9f3e8655 + Transparency + Transparency + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -20204 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -20194 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of shinyness (0 = none, 1 = low shine, 100 = max shine + 84b53635-f263-49cd-b624-4de582ee3b53 + Shine + Shine + false + 0 + + + + + + 27126 + -20184 + 67 + 20 + + + 27161 + -20174 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Resulting material + 7cca7d24-ea36-43d0-ab3c-3adf3340e13b + Material + Material + false + 0 + + + + + + 27223 + -20264 + 43 + 100 + + + 27246 + -20214 + + + + + + + + + + + + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c + Custom Preview + + + + + Allows for customized geometry previews + true + b91a4254-92ff-475f-812d-a473db03f64f + Custom Preview + Custom Preview + + + + + + + 26854 + -20236 + 82 + 44 + + + 26922 + -20214 + + + + + + Geometry to preview + true + 0ed2dab5-fb4d-447b-b160-785139440e69 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 7ab8b9f2-ae3f-4810-8d84-0aa09f0dfd60 + 1 + + + + + + 26856 + -20234 + 51 + 20 + + + 26883 + -20224 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + -1 + + 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+ + 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Curve + + + + + + + + + + + The material override + c7881038-26ad-4883-9d46-2f737709fbf2 + Material + Material + false + 7cca7d24-ea36-43d0-ab3c-3adf3340e13b + 1 + + + + + + 26856 + -20214 + 51 + 20 + + + 26883 + -20204 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;221;160;221 + + + 255;66;48;66 + + 0.5 + + 255;255;255;255 + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + fc1c830c-e3df-4904-9c93-618c2793cb57 + b91a4254-92ff-475f-812d-a473db03f64f + 82084dd0-aa80-4487-a46c-0dca5e3983b4 + 3 + 0763c470-4749-4ef3-bd8c-de201865246c + Group + + + + + + + + + + + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 + Colour Picker + + + + + Provides a colour picker object + 82084dd0-aa80-4487-a46c-0dca5e3983b4 + Colour Picker + Colour Picker + false + + 255;161;161;161 + + 0 + + + + + + 26943.87 + -20352.99 + 180 + 310 + + 2 + + + + + + + + + ac2bc2cb-70fb-4dd5-9c78-7e1ea97fe278 + Geometry + + + + + Contains a collection of generic geometry + true + 3106ca5a-8ea2-45e4-8db4-3664138a8492 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26473 + -9657 + 50 + 24 + + + 26498.88 + -9645 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + -1 + + 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+ + 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Curve + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 3106ca5a-8ea2-45e4-8db4-3664138a8492 + 0e637c8d-0568-4068-ae74-bbe58a091069 + 8522e58c-edad-4fd2-886b-16278b9efe80 + e77cffde-89ad-497d-9e13-2c28e3720419 + 4 + 9494dfbd-fc0b-40d8-a5d0-eb3466b47371 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + ac2bc2cb-70fb-4dd5-9c78-7e1ea97fe278 + Geometry + + + + + Contains a collection of generic geometry + true + 86917498-b5f0-40e4-a72b-9a2523a5cd86 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26473 + -10344 + 50 + 24 + + + 26498.88 + -10332 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 513 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + + 8.31187957663209E-17 + 4.15593978831604E-17 + 0 + 8.31187957663209E-17 + -0.24997981727771 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.00292445614272489 + 1.24486214809962E-05 + 0 + 0.00505281143588085 + -0.249978491419991 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.00584870031606387 + 4.97944859232645E-05 + 0 + 0.0101051332752018 + -0.249903573637878 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.00877250451084335 + 0.000112033918736063 + 0 + 0.0151562810704255 + -0.249780776706985 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0116956836386425 + 0.000199161238698626 + 0 + 0.0202054545481003 + -0.249601804488715 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.014618015253965 + 0.000311167163250442 + 0 + 0.0252519413272185 + -0.249369294989863 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0175392878072519 + 0.000448039676748093 + 0 + 0.030294971455728 + -0.249082483371884 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0204592899870991 + 0.000609763850527089 + 0 + 0.0353338074583952 + -0.248741657273978 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0233778107735303 + 0.000796321845946776 + 0 + 0.0403676998919168 + -0.248346798817997 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.026294639491301 + 0.00100769291802362 + 0 + 0.0453959042227041 + -0.247897992424417 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0292095658631811 + 0.00124385341965053 + 0 + 0.0504176748733502 + -0.247395303724237 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0321223800632294 + 0.0015047768063984 + 0 + 0.0554322673534457 + -0.246838815109379 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0350328727700576 + 0.0017904336418979 + 0 + 0.0604389376287956 + -0.24622861533973 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0379408352200797 + 0.0021007916037986 + 0 + 0.0654369424017636 + -0.24556480247659 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0408460592607514 + 0.00243581549030104 + 0 + 0.0704255390956003 + -0.244847482993249 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0437483374037957 + 0.00279546722725891 + 0 + 0.0754039859329408 + -0.244076771994841 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0466474628784156 + 0.00317970587584762 + 0 + 0.0803715419689919 + -0.243252793016546 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0495432296844958 + 0.00358848764079191 + 0 + 0.0853274671553754 + -0.242375678101216 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0524354326457916 + 0.00402176587915228 + 0 + 0.0902710223713496 + -0.241445567634848 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0553238674631077 + 0.00447949110966094 + 0 + 0.0952014694690307 + -0.240462610318637 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0582083307674669 + 0.00496161102260295 + 0 + 0.100118071314989 + -0.239426963123297 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0610886201732717 + 0.0054680704902383 + 0 + 0.105020091817619 + -0.238338791174431 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0639645343314584 + 0.00599881157775604 + 0 + 0.109906795959606 + -0.237198267693515 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0668358729826491 + 0.00655377355475573 + 0 + 0.114777449829023 + -0.236005573942991 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0697024370103017 + 0.00713289290724931 + 0 + 0.119631320628044 + -0.234760899074159 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0725640284938623 + 0.00773610335017411 + 0 + 0.12446767670668 + -0.233464440124442 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0754204507619233 + 0.00836333584041236 + 0 + 0.129285787559404 + -0.232116401846016 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0782715084453908 + 0.00901451859030667 + 0 + 0.134084923844228 + -0.230716996666432 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.081117007530668 + 0.00968957708166522 + 0 + 0.138864357380061 + -0.229266444563939 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0839567554128551 + 0.010388434080247 + 0 + 0.143623361142059 + -0.22776497295809 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0867905609489775 + 0.0111110096507185 + 0 + 0.148361209260688 + -0.226212816633145 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0896182345112423 + 0.0118572211720739 + 0 + 0.1530771770022 + -0.224610217603708 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0924395880403341 + 0.012626983353508 + 0 + 0.157770540747889 + -0.222957424998726 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0952544350987552 + 0.0134202082507329 + 0 + 0.162440577983005 + -0.221254694996554 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0980625909242174 + 0.01423680528273 + 0 + 0.167086567247324 + -0.219502290638562 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.100863872483097 + 0.0150766812489258 + 0 + 0.171707788116381 + -0.217700481772828 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.103658098523958 + 0.0159397403467829 + 0 + 0.176303521155143 + -0.2158495449151 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.106445089631152 + 0.0168258841897958 + 0 + 0.180873047868089 + -0.213949763118371 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.109224668278513 + 0.017735011825882 + 0 + 0.185415650660935 + -0.212001425894372 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.111996658883146 + 0.0186670197561589 + 0 + 0.18993061277112 + -0.210004829051583 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.114760887859327 + 0.0196218019540959 + 0 + 0.194417218223146 + -0.207960274624954 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.117517183672526 + 0.020599249885034 + 0 + 0.19887475176363 + -0.205868070754474 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.120265376893559 + 0.0215992525260637 + 0 + 0.203302498791549 + -0.20372853156381 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.123005300252887 + 0.0226216963862521 + 0 + 0.207699745309768 + -0.20154197710697 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.125736788695072 + 0.0236664655272131 + 0 + 0.212065777842435 + -0.199308733228137 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.128459679433396 + 0.0247334415840135 + 0 + 0.216399883395306 + -0.197029131542538 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.131173812004662 + 0.0258225037864096 + 0 + 0.22070134938379 + -0.194703509332534 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.133879028324183 + 0.0269335289804104 + 0 + 0.224969463586572 + -0.192332209511274 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.136575172740977 + 0.0280663916501645 + 0 + 0.229203514104726 + -0.189915580594559 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.139262092093164 + 0.0292209639401702 + 0 + 0.233402789351951 + -0.187453976737174 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.141939635763587 + 0.0303971156778127 + 0 + 0.237566577977744 + -0.184947757603013 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.144607655735658 + 0.0315947143962264 + 0 + 0.241694169034953 + -0.182397288775142 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.147266006649426 + 0.0328136253574967 + 0 + 0.24578485152586 + -0.179802940766459 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.14991454585789 + 0.0340537115762061 + 0 + 0.249837916200283 + -0.177165092868907 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.152553133483531 + 0.0353148338433484 + 0 + 0.253852649331544 + -0.174484120001409 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.155181632475097 + 0.0365968507505772 + 0 + 0.257828355247728 + -0.171760439146225 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.157799908663963 + 0.0378996187161433 + 0 + 0.261764312428652 + -0.168994418542889 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.16040783082192 + 0.0392229920087448 + 0 + 0.265659816290546 + -0.166186466541384 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.163005270718555 + 0.0405668227731092 + 0 + 0.269514163013809 + -0.16333699697809 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.165592103178587 + 0.0419309610564548 + 0 + 0.273326648598434 + -0.160446427324766 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.168168206139429 + 0.0433152548353105 + 0 + 0.277096574642535 + -0.157515189335723 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.170733460708792 + 0.0447195500429877 + 0 + 0.280823235839501 + -0.154543705534803 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.17328775122295 + 0.0461436905965889 + 0 + 0.284505928505513 + -0.151532405653967 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.175830965304977 + 0.0475875184248349 + 0 + 0.288143970615145 + -0.148481760950847 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.178362993922011 + 0.0490508734982978 + 0 + 0.291736670102335 + -0.145392226350156 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.180883731443132 + 0.050533593859115 + 0 + 0.295283336048171 + -0.142264261129756 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.183393075697647 + 0.0520355156506204 + 0 + 0.298783279457979 + -0.13909833005098 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.185890928032966 + 0.0535564731482428 + 0 + 0.30223584796698 + -0.135894959108272 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.188377193371069 + 0.055096298793187 + 0 + 0.30564034605535 + -0.132654602969043 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.19085178026625 + 0.0566548232243833 + 0 + 0.308996159706717 + -0.129377846812039 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.193314600959924 + 0.0582318753154481 + 0 + 0.312302589898643 + -0.126065137977816 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.195765571438337 + 0.0598272822072086 + 0 + 0.31555904362427 + -0.122717088000899 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.19820461148627 + 0.0614408693466756 + 0 + 0.318764853109827 + -0.119334188154115 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.200631644743338 + 0.0630724605220188 + 0 + 0.321919409315338 + -0.115917016159572 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.20304659875725 + 0.0647218779021464 + 0 + 0.325022150034311 + -0.112466210969037 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.205449405034465 + 0.0663889420798745 + 0 + 0.328072446963469 + -0.108982306714414 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.207839999093782 + 0.0680734721104312 + 0 + 0.331069735861866 + -0.105465923954127 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.210218320516771 + 0.0697752855542262 + 0 + 0.334013477563477 + -0.101917708032122 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.212584312994891 + 0.0714941985237041 + 0 + 0.33690319277094 + -0.0983383737441425 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.214937924373371 + 0.0732300257337663 + 0 + 0.339738356156289 + -0.0947285573592283 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.217279106697004 + 0.0749825805485507 + 0 + 0.342518476723887 + -0.0910889288273574 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.219607816253798 + 0.0767516750301414 + 0 + 0.34524312666747 + -0.0874202258604661 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.221924013613371 + 0.0785371199930737 + 0 + 0.347911933958549 + -0.0837232381238189 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.224227663660227 + 0.0803387250638794 + 0 + 0.35052457346085 + -0.0799987910019015 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.226518735623765 + 0.0821562987428825 + 0 + 0.353080699521648 + -0.0762476581159674 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.228797203108513 + 0.0839896484636105 + 0 + 0.35558001346154 + -0.0724706475893973 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.231063044120359 + 0.0858385806551507 + 0 + 0.358022318210024 + -0.068668664467155 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.233316241083725 + 0.0877029008132079 + 0 + 0.360407534735811 + -0.0648427215363 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.235556780850847 + 0.0895824135777402 + 0 + 0.362735512173739 + -0.0609937063637705 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.237784654711433 + 0.0914769228067647 + 0 + 0.365006272270594 + -0.057122673911686 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.239999858395003 + 0.093386231655501 + 0 + 0.367219685413038 + -0.0532304613444493 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.242202392061141 + 0.0953101426657133 + 0 + 0.369376815799097 + -0.0493192237902158 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.244392260284237 + 0.0972484578572339 + 0 + 0.37147443716159 + -0.0453862151366283 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.246569472034901 + 0.0992009788177769 + 0 + 0.373525608297982 + -0.0414468124035279 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.248734040648758 + 0.101167506805488 + 0 + 0.375482996886379 + -0.0374498096604679 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.2508859837861 + 0.103147842843988 + 0 + 0.37752632710683 + -0.0335908612544884 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.253025323401059 + 0.105141787846907 + 0 + 0.378982551546035 + -0.029149921034712 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.255152105166407 + 0.107149122022994 + 0 + 0.381200568165358 + -0.0255671820422661 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.257266340048927 + 0.109169667110451 + 0 + 0.382974295510788 + -0.0215540667996627 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.259368062515277 + 0.111203224304109 + 0 + 0.384266264654825 + -0.017093148748792 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.261457331583299 + 0.113249574090382 + 0 + 0.386382058474896 + -0.013522861538894 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.263534169268267 + 0.115308539452314 + 0 + 0.387837348492784 + -0.0093214725604289 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.265598621880836 + 0.117379922817864 + 0 + 0.38957028170281 + -0.0054426752967489 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.267650739517766 + 0.119463527247702 + 0 + 0.390550296653757 + -0.000868316238730057 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.269690599695132 + 0.121559133408009 + 0 + 0.39254212798855 + 0.00267154562357481 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.271718236190007 + 0.12366656914796 + 0 + 0.393800588109107 + 0.00688405338963835 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.273733709903145 + 0.125785640024461 + 0 + 0.39527014475117 + 0.0108506170065529 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.275737085142425 + 0.127916152602726 + 0 + 0.396351947668133 + 0.0151390091203842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.277728443897596 + 0.130057901198111 + 0 + 0.397635931738395 + 0.0191924886453002 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.279707864882171 + 0.13221068772763 + 0 + 0.398624490251712 + 0.0234738177788118 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.281675429518646 + 0.13437431595706 + 0 + 0.400359996993737 + 0.0270354494403133 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.283631185427875 + 0.136548624342543 + 0 + 0.401366205599903 + 0.0312218599930515 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.285575212536526 + 0.138733425760462 + 0 + 0.402523673543713 + 0.0352312214810138 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.287507593600815 + 0.140928534535849 + 0 + 0.403566876169909 + 0.0393022232804431 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.289428414123699 + 0.143133766519362 + 0 + 0.404680184189365 + 0.0432733256485969 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.291337762266411 + 0.145348939144226 + 0 + 0.405396778765094 + 0.0475468111114971 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.29323574593106 + 0.147573856807236 + 0 + 0.406372889740866 + 0.0515562118443373 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.29512246338542 + 0.149808336235926 + 0 + 0.40722062855217 + 0.055636353215967 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.296998015146813 + 0.152052196108456 + 0 + 0.408118522015736 + 0.0596366370135177 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.298862503926119 + 0.154305257051757 + 0 + 0.408744538934148 + 0.0638240362952784 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.300716034565101 + 0.156567341615863 + 0 + 0.410215831933907 + 0.0672847766301491 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.302558673276938 + 0.158838307347014 + 0 + 0.410836953239225 + 0.0714092575642504 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.304390524470796 + 0.161117983734774 + 0 + 0.411645494704529 + 0.0753462688939853 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.306211694573251 + 0.163406202061743 + 0 + 0.412370557123163 + 0.0793164408859325 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.308022291973117 + 0.165702795438267 + 0 + 0.413059078150571 + 0.0832818504840883 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.309822426957383 + 0.168007598798916 + 0 + 0.413799875610476 + 0.0871739268325686 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.311612211657515 + 0.17032044891469 + 0 + 0.414193283860351 + 0.0913017873977647 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.313391775428242 + 0.172641172542184 + 0 + 0.41482497000644 + 0.0952118955668205 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.315161238135093 + 0.174969607102882 + 0 + 0.415361803775797 + 0.0991629156815334 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.316920721372087 + 0.177305591888909 + 0 + 0.415874337893516 + 0.103100746844823 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.318670348418261 + 0.179648968037676 + 0 + 0.416417889644948 + 0.106984922930129 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.320410244200186 + 0.181999578522721 + 0 + 0.416702642013615 + 0.111029989988461 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.322140535245867 + 0.184357268113331 + 0 + 0.4178388624125 + 0.114422616723464 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.323861308902354 + 0.186721913043251 + 0 + 0.418128882280266 + 0.118409683107865 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.325572690355336 + 0.189093364397235 + 0 + 0.41861450229437 + 0.122225965309306 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.32727480621604 + 0.191471474981973 + 0 + 0.419023421604319 + 0.126070386841096 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.328967784473138 + 0.193856099340835 + 0 + 0.419404393523014 + 0.129907759172552 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.330651754433885 + 0.196247093741609 + 0 + 0.419839909199811 + 0.133680727023175 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.332326846665573 + 0.198644316181888 + 0 + 0.419954557042135 + 0.137651645409323 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.333993207544338 + 0.201047616244972 + 0 + 0.420292998848579 + 0.141439783942684 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.33565097474738 + 0.203456852224799 + 0 + 0.420529111315186 + 0.145273481610602 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.33730028719605 + 0.205871884084036 + 0 + 0.420823918125079 + 0.149042331654805 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.338941285011708 + 0.208292573436521 + 0 + 0.420862935403118 + 0.152959977460762 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.340574109468143 + 0.210718783513199 + 0 + 0.421748723646478 + 0.156285578821146 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.342198862468151 + 0.213150406220012 + 0 + 0.421824543518433 + 0.160135161630735 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.343815681393732 + 0.215587311669196 + 0 + 0.422106899759148 + 0.163824431156243 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.345424704271977 + 0.218029371715809 + 0 + 0.422287815199568 + 0.167559463051387 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.347026069685224 + 0.22047645998238 + 0 + 0.422587537341116 + 0.171195992986398 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.348619916675919 + 0.222928451874444 + 0 + 0.422439172543912 + 0.175102828232862 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.350206405129814 + 0.22538521135563 + 0 + 0.422664194244705 + 0.178746082887197 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.35178568296237 + 0.227846612292966 + 0 + 0.422520660778429 + 0.182605700360548 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.353357898869409 + 0.230312530055337 + 0 + 0.423388833257581 + 0.185801919975747 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.35492315525007 + 0.232782871315383 + 0 + 0.423324103085056 + 0.189575773067459 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.356481591901353 + 0.235257520568377 + 0 + 0.423684134095667 + 0.193063539849029 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.35803334844613 + 0.237736364171875 + 0 + 0.423247636724282 + 0.197032204872326 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.359578590206025 + 0.240219274181335 + 0 + 0.423985580239909 + 0.200251295984901 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.361117430172329 + 0.242706156961214 + 0 + 0.423935216862865 + 0.203945679921827 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.362650006766672 + 0.245196904559402 + 0 + 0.424292537935707 + 0.207373063054103 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.364176457780912 + 0.247691410953882 + 0 + 0.423807599398616 + 0.211300189608549 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.365696949147524 + 0.250189554475893 + 0 + 0.424553338621355 + 0.214461659336666 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.367211588220618 + 0.252691250637165 + 0 + 0.424711584380487 + 0.217968736189678 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.368720510228683 + 0.25519639929594 + 0 + 0.424272800238797 + 0.221820185951501 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.37022387866987 + 0.257704884682589 + 0 + 0.425074768794263 + 0.224913476333359 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.371721797227058 + 0.260216628249153 + 0 + 0.425080035796339 + 0.22847275888762 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.373214397611963 + 0.262731535804504 + 0 + 0.425309336893909 + 0.231886327682731 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.374701810174431 + 0.265249515142549 + 0 + 0.425490124547929 + 0.235317358311381 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.376184163818192 + 0.267770476051715 + 0 + 0.425696663698029 + 0.238722243290101 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.377661585923586 + 0.270294330306461 + 0 + 0.425910194609667 + 0.242112566182375 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.379134202272927 + 0.272820991661764 + 0 + 0.426136667050456 + 0.245485308701981 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.380602136991273 + 0.275350375838473 + 0 + 0.426375386600829 + 0.248841349408158 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.382065512488504 + 0.277882400509162 + 0 + 0.426627409735036 + 0.252180532653636 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.383524449406268 + 0.280416985282126 + 0 + 0.426893136606397 + 0.25550307397315 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.384979066578796 + 0.28295405167852 + 0 + 0.427172994373061 + 0.258809160748719 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.386429481001678 + 0.28549352310617 + 0 + 0.427467468299632 + 0.262098935126379 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.387875807798169 + 0.288035324836079 + 0 + 0.427776922193071 + 0.26537259676957 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.389318160194501 + 0.290579383975066 + 0 + 0.428101593123663 + 0.268630404548215 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.390756649506261 + 0.293125629433474 + 0 + 0.428441669475888 + 0.271872631394407 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.392191385129141 + 0.295673991891788 + 0 + 0.428797385375458 + 0.27509951114762 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.393622474528102 + 0.298224403769543 + 0 + 0.429168925632004 + 0.278311292626093 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.395050023229929 + 0.300776799193675 + 0 + 0.429556410110395 + 0.281508248168206 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.396474134822045 + 0.303331113964703 + 0 + 0.429959879057662 + 0.284690681500401 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.397894910958167 + 0.305887285520447 + 0 + 0.430379332324438 + 0.287858905628881 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.399312451366444 + 0.308445252899746 + 0 + 0.430814850628325 + 0.291013175910728 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.400726853853975 + 0.311004956709475 + 0 + 0.431266436932094 + 0.29415377868398 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.402138214315432 + 0.313566339090577 + 0 + 0.431734066400558 + 0.297281003511616 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.403546626746144 + 0.316129343682881 + 0 + 0.432217622636058 + 0.300395178323979 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.404952183259676 + 0.318693915588672 + 0 + 0.432717100952827 + 0.303496557967422 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.406354974100388 + 0.321260001340242 + 0 + 0.433232432871394 + 0.306585421302362 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.407755087659643 + 0.323827548866567 + 0 + 0.433763461989551 + 0.309662084217805 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.409152610496597 + 0.326396507458622 + 0 + 0.434310160432736 + 0.312726781906953 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.410547627354505 + 0.328966827738223 + 0 + 0.43487233318307 + 0.315779830375063 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.411940221183373 + 0.331538461624473 + 0 + 0.435449932296029 + 0.31882145583243 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.41333047315759 + 0.334111362303937 + 0 + 0.436042779763713 + 0.321851945575536 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.414718462698286 + 0.336685484199244 + 0 + 0.436650776195709 + 0.324871535178356 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.416104267493389 + 0.339260782939859 + 0 + 0.437273765135895 + 0.327880482261637 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.417487963519989 + 0.341837215332525 + 0 + 0.437911590941246 + 0.330879035460085 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.418869625067382 + 0.344414739332202 + 0 + 0.438564100220645 + 0.333867434016558 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.420249324759401 + 0.346993314014241 + 0 + 0.439231162849527 + 0.336845896914839 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.421627133575567 + 0.349572899547972 + 0 + 0.439912613973347 + 0.339814654259639 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.423003120874004 + 0.352153457170133 + 0 + 0.44060828916949 + 0.342773928680885 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.424377354414441 + 0.354734949158977 + 0 + 0.441318040998014 + 0.345723926848982 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425749900380036 + 0.35731733880972 + 0 + 0.442041715659316 + 0.348664852241655 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.427120823399109 + 0.359900590410716 + 0 + 0.442779163822785 + 0.351596899653376 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.428490186566479 + 0.362484669220478 + 0 + 0.443530238949273 + 0.3545202563724 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.429858051464899 + 0.365069541445265 + 0 + 0.444294763637089 + 0.357435120234527 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.431224478187417 + 0.367655174216779 + 0 + 0.445072616881705 + 0.360341653688425 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.432589525356886 + 0.370241535571928 + 0 + 0.445863645087213 + 0.36324003117478 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.433953250146343 + 0.372828594432664 + 0 + 0.446667707740916 + 0.366130415172275 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.435315708298913 + 0.375416320586591 + 0 + 0.447484664667771 + 0.369012963168946 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.436676954147256 + 0.378004684668305 + 0 + 0.448314379887146 + 0.371887825845026 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.438037040632537 + 0.38059365814145 + 0 + 0.449156720703692 + 0.374755147763622 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.43939601932291 + 0.383183213281479 + 0 + 0.450011558193277 + 0.377615067316994 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.440753940431493 + 0.385773323159108 + 0 + 0.450878767132006 + 0.380467716957458 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442110852833844 + 0.388363961624439 + 0 + 0.451758226118562 + 0.383313223318301 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.443466804084913 + 0.390955103291743 + 0 + 0.452649817571778 + 0.386151707392144 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444821840435499 + 0.393546723524878 + 0 + 0.453553427712079 + 0.388983284709901 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446176006848181 + 0.396138798423329 + 0 + 0.454468946614715 + 0.391808065474744 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.447529347012751 + 0.398731304808847 + 0 + 0.455396268090296 + 0.394626154779202 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.448881903361138 + 0.401324220212672 + 0 + 0.456335289742989 + 0.397437652722557 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.450233717081838 + 0.403917522863327 + 0 + 0.457285912806562 + 0.400242654637702 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.451584828133851 + 0.406511191674947 + 0 + 0.458248042185546 + 0.40304125120472 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.452935275260135 + 0.409105206236149 + 0 + 0.459221586313494 + 0.405833528653948 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.454285096000586 + 0.411699546799409 + 0 + 0.460206457124472 + 0.408619568904371 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.455634326704549 + 0.414294194270934 + 0 + 0.461202569972239 + 0.411399449723982 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.456983002542872 + 0.416889130201011 + 0 + 0.462209843526438 + 0.414173244897019 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.458331157519508 + 0.41948433677482 + 0 + 0.463228199742103 + 0.416941024348318 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.459678824482678 + 0.422079796803696 + 0 + 0.46425756371662 + 0.419702854321658 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.461026035135603 + 0.424675493716813 + 0 + 0.465297863706411 + 0.422458797470884 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.462372820046811 + 0.427271411553296 + 0 + 0.4663490309315 + 0.425208913057164 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.463719208660032 + 0.429867534954724 + 0 + 0.467410999615349 + 0.427953257020341 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.46506522930368 + 0.432463849158029 + 0 + 0.468483706842781 + 0.430691882141141 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.466410909199949 + 0.435060339988769 + 0 + 0.469567092495174 + 0.433424838159935 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.467756274473505 + 0.437656993854758 + 0 + 0.470661099223736 + 0.436152171872625 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469101350159808 + 0.440253797740049 + 0 + 0.471765672334268 + 0.43887392726946 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470446160213048 + 0.442850739199259 + 0 + 0.472880759744686 + 0.441590145633372 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.471790727513726 + 0.445447806352213 + 0 + 0.474006311959737 + 0.444300865626826 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473135073875856 + 0.448044987878913 + 0 + 0.4751422819333 + 0.44700612343444 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474479220053829 + 0.4506422730148 + 0 + 0.476288625117965 + 0.449705952806386 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47582318574892 + 0.453239651546321 + 0 + 0.477445299326223 + 0.452400385197177 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477166989615446 + 0.455837113806782 + 0 + 0.478612264728881 + 0.455089449831455 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.478510649266597 + 0.458434650672469 + 0 + 0.479789483824687 + 0.45777317378284 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479854181279924 + 0.461032253559042 + 0 + 0.480976921345725 + 0.460451582084289 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481197601202504 + 0.463629914418188 + 0 + 0.482174544291552 + 0.463124697770276 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482540923555776 + 0.466227625734522 + 0 + 0.4833823218254 + 0.465792541988839 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.483884161840059 + 0.468825380522734 + 0 + 0.484600225323204 + 0.468455134033242 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485227328538748 + 0.471423172324968 + 0 + 0.485828228246378 + 0.471112491463529 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.486570435122199 + 0.474020995208433 + 0 + 0.48706630626398 + 0.473764630097986 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487913492051302 + 0.476618843763229 + 0 + 0.488314436946129 + 0.476411564225237 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489256508780741 + 0.479216713100396 + 0 + 0.489572600574956 + 0.47905330623765 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490599493761949 + 0.481814598850164 + 0 + 0.490840777270876 + 0.481689868168736 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491942454445753 + 0.484412497160412 + 0 + 0.492118957459613 + 0.484321256333316 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.493285397284722 + 0.487010404695318 + 0 + 0.493407102890904 + 0.486947491528719 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494628334119538 + 0.489608330984827 + 0 + 0.494705298255166 + 0.489568546360456 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.49597125504728 + 0.492206245933537 + 0 + 0.496013182072751 + 0.492184572962496 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497314171517212 + 0.494804163186585 + 0 + 0.497332014538722 + 0.494794939776113 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498657086006197 + 0.497402081463623 + 0 + 0.498657086006197 + 0.497402081463623 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.5 + 0.499999999996631 + 0 + 0.499994052316792 + 0.500003074467614 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501342913993803 + 0.502597918529639 + 0 + 0.501342913993773 + 0.502597918529654 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502685828482788 + 0.505195836806677 + 0 + 0.50266798546108 + 0.505205060217251 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.504028744952721 + 0.507793754059725 + 0 + 0.503986817927902 + 0.507815427030429 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505371665880462 + 0.510391669008435 + 0 + 0.505294701743287 + 0.510431453633606 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.506714602715279 + 0.512989595297946 + 0 + 0.506592897111541 + 0.51305250846328 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508057545554248 + 0.515587502832851 + 0 + 0.50788104253938 + 0.515678743660468 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509400506238052 + 0.518185401143099 + 0 + 0.509159222729221 + 0.518310131824477 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510743491219259 + 0.520783286892867 + 0 + 0.510427399424924 + 0.520946693755675 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512086507948698 + 0.523381156230034 + 0 + 0.511685563052681 + 0.523588435768642 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.513429564877801 + 0.52597900478483 + 0 + 0.512933693735872 + 0.526235369895354 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514772671461253 + 0.528576827668295 + 0 + 0.514171771754148 + 0.528887508529463 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.516115838159942 + 0.531174619470529 + 0 + 0.51539977467736 + 0.53154486595973 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517459076444225 + 0.533772374258741 + 0 + 0.516617678174368 + 0.534207458004544 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518802398797497 + 0.536370085575076 + 0 + 0.517825455709863 + 0.536875302222256 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520145818720077 + 0.538967746434221 + 0 + 0.519023078654923 + 0.539548417908639 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521489350733404 + 0.541565349320794 + 0 + 0.520210516173295 + 0.542226826211468 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522833010384555 + 0.54416288618648 + 0 + 0.521387735272052 + 0.544910550161326 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.524176814251081 + 0.546760348446942 + 0 + 0.522554700672585 + 0.547599614796703 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.525520779946171 + 0.549357726978464 + 0 + 0.523711374883052 + 0.550294047186352 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526864926124145 + 0.55195501211435 + 0 + 0.524857718066738 + 0.552993876558803 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.528209272486275 + 0.55455219364105 + 0 + 0.525993688038641 + 0.555699134367278 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529553839786952 + 0.557149260794004 + 0 + 0.527119240255159 + 0.558409854359971 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530898649840193 + 0.559746202253214 + 0 + 0.528234327667016 + 0.561126072723138 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.532243725526495 + 0.562343006138505 + 0 + 0.529338900774834 + 0.563847828121379 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.533589090800051 + 0.564939660004493 + 0 + 0.530432907506111 + 0.566575161832662 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.53493477069632 + 0.567536150835234 + 0 + 0.531516293156584 + 0.569308117852451 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.536280791339969 + 0.570132465038539 + 0 + 0.532589000384452 + 0.572046742973026 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.53762717995319 + 0.572728588439967 + 0 + 0.533650969070683 + 0.574791086934967 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.538973964864398 + 0.575324506276449 + 0 + 0.534702136293849 + 0.577541202522245 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.540321175517323 + 0.577920203189567 + 0 + 0.535742436282842 + 0.580297145671885 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.541668842480492 + 0.580515663218442 + 0 + 0.536771800258036 + 0.583058975644873 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.543016997457128 + 0.583110869792252 + 0 + 0.537790156473949 + 0.585826755096042 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.544365673295451 + 0.585705805722328 + 0 + 0.538797430028252 + 0.588600550269025 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.545714903999414 + 0.588300453193853 + 0 + 0.539793542875115 + 0.591380431089106 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.547064724739866 + 0.590894793757114 + 0 + 0.540778413688474 + 0.594166471338291 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.54841517186615 + 0.593488808318316 + 0 + 0.541751957814711 + 0.596958748788408 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549766282918163 + 0.596082477129936 + 0 + 0.542714087192233 + 0.599757345356189 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.551118096638862 + 0.59867577978059 + 0 + 0.543664710259254 + 0.602562347269537 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55247065298725 + 0.601268695184416 + 0 + 0.544603731908652 + 0.605373845214609 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55382399315182 + 0.603861201569933 + 0 + 0.54553105338511 + 0.60819193451861 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555178159564502 + 0.606453276468385 + 0 + 0.546446572287046 + 0.611016715283819 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.556533195915087 + 0.60904489670152 + 0 + 0.547350182427358 + 0.61384829260157 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557889147166157 + 0.611636038368824 + 0 + 0.548241773883797 + 0.616686776673727 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.559246059568507 + 0.614226676834155 + 0 + 0.549121232867313 + 0.619532283036161 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.56060398067709 + 0.616816786711784 + 0 + 0.549988441809411 + 0.622384932674859 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.561962959367463 + 0.619406341851813 + 0 + 0.5508432792958 + 0.625244852229907 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.563323045852744 + 0.621995315324957 + 0 + 0.551685620115348 + 0.628112174146925 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.564684291701087 + 0.624583679406672 + 0 + 0.552515335330401 + 0.630987036825279 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.566046749853657 + 0.627171405560598 + 0 + 0.553332292260061 + 0.633869584820473 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.567410474643114 + 0.629758464421334 + 0 + 0.554136354912082 + 0.636759968818854 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.568775521812583 + 0.632344825776483 + 0 + 0.554927383120572 + 0.639658346303635 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.570141948535101 + 0.634930458547998 + 0 + 0.55570523636149 + 0.642564879759486 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.571509813433521 + 0.637515330772785 + 0 + 0.556469761049581 + 0.645479743621469 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.572879176600891 + 0.640099409582545 + 0 + 0.557220836179503 + 0.648403100338673 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574250099619964 + 0.642682661183542 + 0 + 0.557958284341421 + 0.651335147751216 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.575622645585559 + 0.645265050834285 + 0 + 0.558681959004532 + 0.654276073142927 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.576996879125996 + 0.647846542823128 + 0 + 0.559391710830429 + 0.65722607131242 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.578372866424433 + 0.650427100445289 + 0 + 0.560087386026445 + 0.660185345733734 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.5797506752406 + 0.653006685979021 + 0 + 0.560768837151243 + 0.663154103078011 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.581130374932618 + 0.65558526066106 + 0 + 0.561435899778889 + 0.666132565976953 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.582512036480011 + 0.658162784660737 + 0 + 0.562088409059419 + 0.669120964532821 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.583895732506611 + 0.660739217053403 + 0 + 0.562726234864116 + 0.672119517731619 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.585281537301714 + 0.663314515794018 + 0 + 0.563349223802624 + 0.675128464815804 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.58666952684241 + 0.665888637689325 + 0 + 0.563957220238408 + 0.678148054416582 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.588059778816627 + 0.668461538368789 + 0 + 0.564550067702161 + 0.681178544161811 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.589452372645495 + 0.671033172255039 + 0 + 0.565127666817988 + 0.684220169617626 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.590847389503404 + 0.67360349253464 + 0 + 0.565689839569075 + 0.687273218085324 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.592244912340357 + 0.676172451126695 + 0 + 0.566236538010353 + 0.690337915775508 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.593645025899612 + 0.67873999865302 + 0 + 0.56676756712891 + 0.693414578690736 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.595047816740324 + 0.68130608440459 + 0 + 0.567282899049728 + 0.696503442024443 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.596453373253856 + 0.683870656310381 + 0 + 0.56778237736395 + 0.699604821669279 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.597861785684568 + 0.686433660902685 + 0 + 0.568265933601736 + 0.702718996480385 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.599273146146025 + 0.688995043283787 + 0 + 0.568733563068387 + 0.705846221309016 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.600687548633556 + 0.691554747093516 + 0 + 0.569185149372658 + 0.708986824081989 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.602105089041833 + 0.694112714472815 + 0 + 0.569620667675137 + 0.712141094364618 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.603525865177955 + 0.696668886028559 + 0 + 0.570040120943055 + 0.715309318492461 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.604949976770071 + 0.699223200799586 + 0 + 0.57044358988887 + 0.718491751825465 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.606377525471898 + 0.701775596223719 + 0 + 0.570831074366489 + 0.721688707368014 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.60780861487086 + 0.704326008101475 + 0 + 0.571202614625042 + 0.724900488845361 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.60924335049374 + 0.706874370559788 + 0 + 0.571558330524061 + 0.728127368598884 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.610681839805499 + 0.709420616018196 + 0 + 0.571898406876293 + 0.731369595445072 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.612124192201831 + 0.711964675157184 + 0 + 0.572223077806043 + 0.734627403224196 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.613570518998322 + 0.714506476887092 + 0 + 0.572532531701832 + 0.73790106486605 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.615020933421205 + 0.717045948314742 + 0 + 0.572827005625522 + 0.741190839245354 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.616475550593733 + 0.719583014711136 + 0 + 0.573106863393406 + 0.744496926020228 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.617934487511497 + 0.7221175994841 + 0 + 0.573372590266434 + 0.747819467338779 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.619397863008728 + 0.72464962415479 + 0 + 0.573624613399242 + 0.751158650585063 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.620865797727074 + 0.727179008331499 + 0 + 0.573863332947916 + 0.754514691292229 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.622338414076415 + 0.729705669686802 + 0 + 0.574089805390271 + 0.757887433810924 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.623815836181809 + 0.732229523941548 + 0 + 0.57430333630341 + 0.761277756702318 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.62529818982557 + 0.734750484850714 + 0 + 0.574509875453046 + 0.764682641681308 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.626785602388038 + 0.737268464188759 + 0 + 0.57469066310619 + 0.76811367231047 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.628278202772942 + 0.73978337174411 + 0 + 0.574919964203378 + 0.771527241105811 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.629776121330131 + 0.742295115310674 + 0 + 0.57492523120754 + 0.775086523658828 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.631279489771317 + 0.744803600697322 + 0 + 0.575727199761042 + 0.778179814041859 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.632788411779383 + 0.747308749356099 + 0 + 0.575288415620017 + 0.782031263803285 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.634303050852476 + 0.74981044551737 + 0 + 0.575446661379239 + 0.785538340656238 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.635823542219088 + 0.75230858903938 + 0 + 0.576192400600783 + 0.788699810385082 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.637349993233329 + 0.754803095433862 + 0 + 0.575707462065686 + 0.792626936938308 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.638882569827671 + 0.757293843032049 + 0 + 0.576064783136243 + 0.796054320071987 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.640421409793976 + 0.759780725811929 + 0 + 0.576014419760641 + 0.799748704008027 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.64196665155387 + 0.762263635821387 + 0 + 0.576752363276651 + 0.802967795120354 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.643518408098649 + 0.764742479424887 + 0 + 0.576315865903392 + 0.806936460144825 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.64507684474993 + 0.767217128677879 + 0 + 0.576675896914198 + 0.810424226926277 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.646642101130593 + 0.769687469937928 + 0 + 0.576611166742589 + 0.814198080017411 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.64821431703763 + 0.772153387700296 + 0 + 0.577479339221999 + 0.817394299632442 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.649793594870188 + 0.774614788637634 + 0 + 0.577335805757037 + 0.821253917104947 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.651380083324082 + 0.777071548118819 + 0 + 0.577560827455281 + 0.824897171760925 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.652973930314778 + 0.779523540010885 + 0 + 0.577412462657832 + 0.828804007007554 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.654575295728024 + 0.781970628277454 + 0 + 0.5777121848008 + 0.832440536941634 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.65618431860627 + 0.784412688324068 + 0 + 0.577893100240127 + 0.836175568837502 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.65780113753185 + 0.786849593773252 + 0 + 0.578175456482988 + 0.839864838361584 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.659425890531859 + 0.789281216480066 + 0 + 0.578251276353105 + 0.843714421172399 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.661058714988293 + 0.791707426556742 + 0 + 0.579137064595808 + 0.847040022533228 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.662699712803952 + 0.794128115909229 + 0 + 0.579176081875524 + 0.85095766833805 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.664349025252622 + 0.796543147768465 + 0 + 0.57947088868305 + 0.854726518383872 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.666006792455664 + 0.798952383748292 + 0 + 0.57970700115238 + 0.858560216049919 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.667673153334429 + 0.801355683811376 + 0 + 0.580045442957448 + 0.862348354584232 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.669348245566117 + 0.803752906251656 + 0 + 0.580160090801327 + 0.866319272969298 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.671032215526864 + 0.806143900652429 + 0 + 0.580595606477004 + 0.870092240820702 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.672725193783962 + 0.808528525011292 + 0 + 0.580976578396377 + 0.873929613151674 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.674427309644666 + 0.81090663559603 + 0 + 0.581385497705991 + 0.877774034683702 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.676138691097648 + 0.813278086950014 + 0 + 0.581871117720558 + 0.881590316884803 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.677859464754136 + 0.815642731879935 + 0 + 0.582161137587678 + 0.885577383269676 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.679589755799815 + 0.818000421470542 + 0 + 0.583297357986839 + 0.888970010004465 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.681329651581742 + 0.820351031955589 + 0 + 0.583582110354334 + 0.893015077063673 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.683079278627915 + 0.822694408104355 + 0 + 0.584125662107552 + 0.896899253147645 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.68483876186491 + 0.825030392890383 + 0 + 0.584638196223888 + 0.900837084311973 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.68660822457176 + 0.827358827451081 + 0 + 0.585175029994476 + 0.904788104425747 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.688387788342487 + 0.829679551078574 + 0 + 0.585806716138581 + 0.90869821259632 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.690177573042619 + 0.831992401194349 + 0 + 0.586200124388182 + 0.912826073161742 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.691977708026885 + 0.834297204554997 + 0 + 0.586940921848998 + 0.91671814950952 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.693788305426752 + 0.836593797931522 + 0 + 0.587629442878455 + 0.92068355910605 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.695609475529207 + 0.838882016258491 + 0 + 0.588354505294136 + 0.924653731100345 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.697441326723064 + 0.841161692646251 + 0 + 0.589163046762003 + 0.928590742428027 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.699283965434902 + 0.843432658377403 + 0 + 0.589784168064673 + 0.932715223364282 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.701137496073882 + 0.845694742941506 + 0 + 0.591255461067345 + 0.936175963696754 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.703001984853191 + 0.847947803884811 + 0 + 0.591881477981357 + 0.940363362982171 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.704877536614582 + 0.850191663757338 + 0 + 0.592779371448378 + 0.944363646776841 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.706764254068943 + 0.852426143186029 + 0 + 0.593627110258366 + 0.948443788149584 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.708662237733591 + 0.854651060849039 + 0 + 0.594603221236389 + 0.952453188880499 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.710571585876305 + 0.856866233473904 + 0 + 0.595319815810207 + 0.956726674345049 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.712492406399187 + 0.859071465457416 + 0 + 0.596433123829598 + 0.960697776713257 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.714424787463477 + 0.861266574232803 + 0 + 0.597476326455244 + 0.964768778513179 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.716368814572128 + 0.863451375650722 + 0 + 0.59863379440026 + 0.96877814000007 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.718324570481358 + 0.865625684036206 + 0 + 0.599640003006569 + 0.972964550552677 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.72029213511783 + 0.867789312265633 + 0 + 0.601375509747715 + 0.976526182214974 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.722271556102408 + 0.869942098795156 + 0 + 0.602364068261852 + 0.980807511347746 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.724262914857578 + 0.872083847390539 + 0 + 0.603648052332452 + 0.98486099087234 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.72626629009686 + 0.874214359968805 + 0 + 0.604729855248798 + 0.989149382986746 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.728281763809995 + 0.876333430845304 + 0 + 0.606199411889919 + 0.993115946604561 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.730309400304872 + 0.878440866585258 + 0 + 0.607457872011117 + 0.997328454370023 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.732349260482235 + 0.880536472745561 + 0 + 0.609449703346729 + 1.00086831623152 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.734401378119171 + 0.882620077175405 + 0 + 0.61042971829649 + 1.00544267529072 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.736465830731735 + 0.884691460540949 + 0 + 0.612162651507969 + 1.00932147255294 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.738542668416705 + 0.886750425902884 + 0 + 0.613617941524624 + 1.01352286153266 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.740631937484724 + 0.888796775689154 + 0 + 0.615733735344946 + 1.01709314874229 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.742733659951078 + 0.890830332882816 + 0 + 0.617025704489726 + 1.0215540667924 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.744847894833597 + 0.892850877970272 + 0 + 0.618799431834207 + 1.025567182036 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.746974676598942 + 0.894858212146356 + 0 + 0.621017448455773 + 1.02914992102605 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.749114016213906 + 0.896852157149279 + 0 + 0.622473672891555 + 1.03359086124951 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.751265959351244 + 0.898832493187776 + 0 + 0.624517003113724 + 1.03744980965363 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.753430527965103 + 0.900799021175489 + 0 + 0.626474391701832 + 1.041446812397 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.755607739715766 + 0.902751542136031 + 0 + 0.62852556283811 + 1.04538621513023 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.757797607938862 + 0.904689857327551 + 0 + 0.630623184200125 + 1.04931922378437 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.760000141605001 + 0.906613768337764 + 0 + 0.632780314587401 + 1.05323046133721 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.76221534528857 + 0.9085230771865 + 0 + 0.634993727728588 + 1.05712267390591 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.764443219149157 + 0.910417586415525 + 0 + 0.637264487826657 + 1.06099370635657 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.766683758916279 + 0.912297099180057 + 0 + 0.639592465263144 + 1.06484272153083 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.768936955879645 + 0.914161419338114 + 0 + 0.641977681790751 + 1.06866866445949 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.77120279689149 + 0.916010351529654 + 0 + 0.644419986538274 + 1.0724706475829 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.773481264376239 + 0.917843701250383 + 0 + 0.646919300479588 + 1.0762476581077 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.775772336339776 + 0.919661274929386 + 0 + 0.649475426538953 + 1.07999879099543 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.778075986386633 + 0.921462880000191 + 0 + 0.652088066040777 + 1.08372323811796 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.780392183746205 + 0.923248324963123 + 0 + 0.654756873333191 + 1.08742022585288 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.782720893303 + 0.925017419444714 + 0 + 0.657481523275243 + 1.09108892882178 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.785062075626632 + 0.926769974259498 + 0 + 0.660261643843737 + 1.09472855735246 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.787415687005112 + 0.928505801469561 + 0 + 0.663096807228555 + 1.09833837373811 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.789781679483232 + 0.930224714439038 + 0 + 0.665986522436363 + 1.10191770802562 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.792160000906222 + 0.931926527882833 + 0 + 0.668930264138414 + 1.105465923947 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.794550594965538 + 0.933611057913389 + 0 + 0.67192755303693 + 1.1089823067071 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.796953401242753 + 0.935278122091118 + 0 + 0.674977849964682 + 1.11246621096377 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.799368355256665 + 0.936927539471245 + 0 + 0.678080590686008 + 1.11591701615086 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.801795388513732 + 0.938559130646588 + 0 + 0.681235146889709 + 1.11933418814807 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.804234428561666 + 0.940172717786056 + 0 + 0.684440956375526 + 1.12271708799448 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.80668539904008 + 0.941768124677816 + 0 + 0.687697410102009 + 1.12606513797009 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.809148219733752 + 0.94334517676888 + 0 + 0.691003840292251 + 1.12937784680694 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.811622806628934 + 0.944903701200077 + 0 + 0.694359653945201 + 1.13265460296143 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.814109071967037 + 0.946443526845021 + 0 + 0.697764152031176 + 1.13589495910454 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.816606924302355 + 0.947964484342643 + 0 + 0.701216720542619 + 1.13909833004324 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.819116268556871 + 0.949466406134149 + 0 + 0.70471666395046 + 1.14226426112533 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.821637006077992 + 0.950949126494966 + 0 + 0.708263329898013 + 1.14539222634284 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.824169034695025 + 0.952412481568428 + 0 + 0.711856029383833 + 1.1484817609459 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.826712248777052 + 0.953856309396674 + 0 + 0.715494071493916 + 1.15153240564825 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.82926653929121 + 0.955280449950275 + 0 + 0.719176764160842 + 1.15454370552745 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.831831793860573 + 0.956684745157953 + 0 + 0.722903425356151 + 1.15751518933143 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.834407896821415 + 0.958069038936809 + 0 + 0.72667335140292 + 1.16044642731549 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.836994729281447 + 0.959433177220154 + 0 + 0.730485836985996 + 1.16333699697171 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.839592169178082 + 0.960777007984518 + 0 + 0.734340183709216 + 1.16618646653512 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.842200091336039 + 0.96210038127712 + 0 + 0.738235687571402 + 1.16899441853605 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.844818367524905 + 0.963403149242686 + 0 + 0.742171644752429 + 1.17176043913918 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.847446866516471 + 0.964685166149915 + 0 + 0.746147350668987 + 1.17448411999357 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.850085454142112 + 0.965946288417057 + 0 + 0.750162083799497 + 1.17716509286264 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.852733993350576 + 0.967186374635766 + 0 + 0.754215148473571 + 1.17980294076097 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.855392344264345 + 0.968405285597037 + 0 + 0.758305830965531 + 1.18239728876735 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.858060364236414 + 0.96960288431545 + 0 + 0.762433422021921 + 1.18494775759706 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.860737907906838 + 0.970779036053093 + 0 + 0.766597210649163 + 1.18745397672787 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.863424827259025 + 0.971933608343098 + 0 + 0.770796485894456 + 1.18991558058976 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.866120971675819 + 0.973066471012852 + 0 + 0.775030536413995 + 1.19233220950319 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.86882618799534 + 0.974177496206853 + 0 + 0.77929865061492 + 1.19470350932899 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.871540320566605 + 0.975266558409249 + 0 + 0.783600116605401 + 1.19702913153404 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.874263211304929 + 0.976333534466049 + 0 + 0.787934222157531 + 1.1993087332215 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.876994699747114 + 0.977378303607011 + 0 + 0.792300254690363 + 1.2015419770999 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.879734623106442 + 0.978400747467199 + 0 + 0.796697501208728 + 1.20372853155632 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.882482816327476 + 0.979400750108229 + 0 + 0.801125248235403 + 1.20586807075044 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.885239112140674 + 0.980378198039167 + 0 + 0.80558278177684 + 1.20796027461827 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.888003341116855 + 0.981332980237103 + 0 + 0.810069387228711 + 1.21000482904534 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.890775331721488 + 0.98226498816738 + 0 + 0.814584349338428 + 1.21200142588957 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.893554910368849 + 0.983174115803467 + 0 + 0.819126952132358 + 1.21394976311025 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.896341901476043 + 0.984060259646479 + 0 + 0.823696478844864 + 1.21584954490834 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.899136127516904 + 0.984923318744337 + 0 + 0.828292211883592 + 1.2177004817662 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.901937409075784 + 0.985763194710533 + 0 + 0.832913432752802 + 1.21950229063139 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.904745564901246 + 0.986579791742529 + 0 + 0.837559422016165 + 1.22125469499271 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.907560411959667 + 0.987373016639754 + 0 + 0.842229459252868 + 1.22295742498927 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.910381765488759 + 0.988142778821189 + 0 + 0.846922822997989 + 1.22461021759625 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.913209439051023 + 0.988888990342544 + 0 + 0.851638790739148 + 1.22621281662703 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.916043244587145 + 0.989611565913015 + 0 + 0.856376638857215 + 1.22776497295427 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.918882992469333 + 0.990310422911597 + 0 + 0.861135642620302 + 1.2292664445557 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.92172849155461 + 0.990985481402956 + 0 + 0.86591507615591 + 1.23071699665908 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.924579549238077 + 0.99163666415285 + 0 + 0.87071421244007 + 1.23211640184163 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.927435971506138 + 0.992263896643088 + 0 + 0.875532323293515 + 1.23346444011683 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.930297562989699 + 0.992867107086013 + 0 + 0.880368679371992 + 1.23476089906723 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.933164127017351 + 0.993446226438506 + 0 + 0.88522255017038 + 1.23600557393929 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.936035465668542 + 0.994001188415506 + 0 + 0.890093204040771 + 1.2371982676848 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.938911379826729 + 0.994531929503024 + 0 + 0.894979908182248 + 1.23833879116845 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.941791669232533 + 0.995038388970659 + 0 + 0.899881928685053 + 1.23942696311634 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.944676132536893 + 0.995520508883601 + 0 + 0.904798530530936 + 1.2404626103121 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.947564567354209 + 0.99597823411411 + 0 + 0.909728977628212 + 1.24144556763097 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.950456770315505 + 0.99641151235247 + 0 + 0.914672532844852 + 1.24237567809293 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.953352537121585 + 0.996820294117415 + 0 + 0.919628458030689 + 1.24325279301213 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.956251662596205 + 0.997204532766003 + 0 + 0.924596014067371 + 1.2440767719857 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.959153940739248 + 0.997564184502961 + 0 + 0.929574460904303 + 1.24484748298732 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.962059164779921 + 0.997899208389464 + 0 + 0.934563057598259 + 1.2455648024697 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.964967127229943 + 0.998209566351364 + 0 + 0.939561062370934 + 1.24622861533565 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.967877619936771 + 0.998495223186864 + 0 + 0.944567732646676 + 1.24683881510129 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.970790434136819 + 0.998756146573612 + 0 + 0.949582325126673 + 1.24739530371724 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.973705360508699 + 0.998992307075239 + 0 + 0.954604095777177 + 1.2478979924192 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.97662218922647 + 0.999203678147315 + 0 + 0.95963230010815 + 1.24834679881033 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.979540710012901 + 0.999390236142735 + 0 + 0.964666192541483 + 1.24874165726925 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.982460712192748 + 0.999551960316514 + 0 + 0.969705028544298 + 1.24908248336478 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.985381984746035 + 0.999688832830011 + 0 + 0.974748058672807 + 1.24936929498265 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.988304316361358 + 0.999800838754563 + 0 + 0.979794545451901 + 1.24960180448193 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.991227495489156 + 0.999887966074526 + 0 + 0.984843718929586 + 1.24978077669965 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.994151299683936 + 0.999950205507339 + 0 + 0.989894866724791 + 1.24990357363127 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.997075543857275 + 0.999987551371781 + 0 + 0.994947188564111 + 1.24997849141511 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 1 + 0.999999999993262 + 0 + 1 + 1.2499798172808 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 86917498-b5f0-40e4-a72b-9a2523a5cd86 + bf42a9e3-c00e-4db2-8db0-e6ee28b00532 + 4a9ff1e4-232e-4b2e-86e8-762a98db8f4e + c86596e8-3ddf-4dea-b6c0-016669d920c1 + 4 + fca150cc-6456-4b9f-b5db-86af34db30d1 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + ac2bc2cb-70fb-4dd5-9c78-7e1ea97fe278 + Geometry + + + + + Contains a collection of generic geometry + true + 548cc119-a494-42c0-a532-e8329b9de982 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26473 + -10724 + 50 + 24 + + + 26498.88 + -10712 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + -1 + + 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+ + 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Curve + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 548cc119-a494-42c0-a532-e8329b9de982 + 42a0b386-21fb-452a-a5ce-5ec89672c1c3 + 7988b2a0-28f6-4288-b462-7e28d36efc2c + c176843a-4c0b-4732-8aaa-e9422013cc21 + 4 + 97e401af-5124-48c5-a7bb-0f984bdfe87a + Group + + + + + + + + + + + ac2bc2cb-70fb-4dd5-9c78-7e1ea97fe278 + Geometry + + + + + Contains a collection of generic geometry + true + 5f568e2c-f87b-4190-8d09-d008ac43c51c + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26473 + -11720 + 50 + 24 + + + 26498.88 + -11708 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 513 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + + 8.31187957663209E-17 + -0.24997981727771 + 0 + 8.31187957663209E-17 + -0.24997981727771 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.00505281143588085 + -0.249978491419991 + 0 + 0.00505290599040027 + -0.249989597541828 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0101051332752018 + -0.249903573637878 + 0 + 0.0101058899609055 + -0.249948009000087 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0151562810704255 + -0.249780776706985 + 0 + 0.0151588361119955 + -0.249880793760095 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0202054545481003 + -0.249601804488715 + 0 + 0.0202115148753165 + -0.249779703001769 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0252519413272185 + -0.249369294989863 + 0 + 0.0252637875761175 + -0.24964744032203 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.030294971455728 + -0.249082483371884 + 0 + 0.0303154619783822 + -0.249483325143783 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0353338074583952 + -0.248741657273978 + 0 + 0.0353663833471248 + -0.249287748544824 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0403676998919168 + -0.248346798817997 + 0 + 0.0404163910641454 + -0.249060815873275 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0453959042227041 + -0.247897992424417 + 0 + 0.0454653366068403 + -0.248802755297525 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0504176748733502 + -0.247395303724237 + 0 + 0.0505130787496277 + -0.248513797568951 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0554322673534457 + -0.246838815109379 + 0 + 0.055559486908659 + -0.248194212538385 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0604389376287956 + -0.24622861533973 + 0 + 0.0606044417934283 + -0.247844299852185 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0654369424017636 + -0.24556480247659 + 0 + 0.0656478370465328 + -0.247464393103729 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0704255390956003 + -0.244847482993249 + 0 + 0.0706895806721914 + -0.247054860281856 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0754039859329408 + -0.244076771994841 + 0 + 0.0757295966519424 + -0.246616105448731 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0803715419689919 + -0.243252793016546 + 0 + 0.0807678266155926 + -0.246148570110183 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0853274671553754 + -0.242375678101216 + 0 + 0.0858042316502119 + -0.24565273497083 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0902710223713496 + -0.241445567634848 + 0 + 0.0908387941884258 + -0.245129121531933 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0952014694690307 + -0.240462610318637 + 0 + 0.0958715200246899 + -0.24457829388311 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.100118071314989 + -0.239426963123297 + 0 + 0.100902440440313 + -0.244000860495072 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.105020091817619 + -0.238338791174431 + 0 + 0.105931614419833 + -0.243397475909174 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.109906795959606 + -0.237198267693515 + 0 + 0.110959130963078 + -0.242768842371154 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.114777449829023 + -0.236005573942991 + 0 + 0.115985111461741 + -0.242115711258018 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.119631320628044 + -0.234760899074159 + 0 + 0.121009712080192 + -0.241438884060715 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.12446767670668 + -0.233464440124442 + 0 + 0.126033126131127 + -0.2407392129961 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.129285787559404 + -0.232116401846016 + 0 + 0.131055586306012 + -0.240017600717978 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.134084923844228 + -0.230716996666432 + 0 + 0.13607736670752 + -0.239274999133514 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.138864357380061 + -0.229266444563939 + 0 + 0.141098784495509 + -0.238512406769253 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.143623361142059 + -0.22776497295809 + 0 + 0.14612020099347 + -0.237730864434158 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.148361209260688 + -0.226212816633145 + 0 + 0.151142022054671 + -0.236931448814929 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.1530771770022 + -0.224610217603708 + 0 + 0.156164697454414 + -0.236115263619987 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.157770540747889 + -0.222957424998726 + 0 + 0.161188719143377 + -0.235283428241755 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.162440577983005 + -0.221254694996554 + 0 + 0.166214615480447 + -0.234437054431737 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.167086567247324 + -0.219502290638562 + 0 + 0.171242948710737 + -0.233577238175843 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.171707788116381 + -0.217700481772828 + 0 + 0.176274314500651 + -0.232705059753764 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.176303521155143 + -0.2158495449151 + 0 + 0.181309326974931 + -0.231821537521149 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.180873047868089 + -0.213949763118371 + 0 + 0.186348613000853 + -0.230927618185534 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.185415650660935 + -0.212001425894372 + 0 + 0.1913928070118 + -0.230024170382065 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.18993061277112 + -0.210004829051583 + 0 + 0.19644250082862 + -0.229111847328599 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.194417218223146 + -0.207960274624954 + 0 + 0.201498303286006 + -0.228191284962463 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.19887475176363 + -0.205868070754474 + 0 + 0.206560712960852 + -0.227262749574333 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.203302498791549 + -0.20372853156381 + 0 + 0.211630142715734 + -0.2263262506229 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.207699745309768 + -0.20154197710697 + 0 + 0.216706909737219 + -0.225381546094746 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.212065777842435 + -0.199308733228137 + 0 + 0.221791082646248 + -0.224427778325317 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.216399883395306 + -0.197029131542538 + 0 + 0.226882563693389 + -0.223463754745969 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.22070134938379 + -0.194703509332534 + 0 + 0.231980933918627 + -0.222487606604995 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.224969463586572 + -0.192332209511274 + 0 + 0.237085523758655 + -0.221497037559234 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.229203514104726 + -0.189915580594559 + 0 + 0.242195333636805 + -0.220489186933128 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.233402789351951 + -0.187453976737174 + 0 + 0.247309102297574 + -0.219460851768603 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.237566577977744 + -0.184947757603013 + 0 + 0.252425301921641 + -0.218408516158351 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.241694169034953 + -0.182397288775142 + 0 + 0.257542196076255 + -0.217328515962461 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.24578485152586 + -0.179802940766459 + 0 + 0.262657890212797 + -0.216217167406982 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.249837916200283 + -0.177165092868907 + 0 + 0.26777037936421 + -0.215070874241795 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.253852649331544 + -0.174484120001409 + 0 + 0.272877584504302 + -0.213886198706282 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.257828355247728 + -0.171760439146225 + 0 + 0.277977413545252 + -0.212659973660777 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.261764312428652 + -0.168994418542889 + 0 + 0.283067751286946 + -0.211389260558906 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.265659816290546 + -0.166186466541384 + 0 + 0.288146531569151 + -0.210071472504772 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.269514163013809 + -0.16333699697809 + 0 + 0.293211746430695 + -0.208704361837925 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.273326648598434 + -0.160446427324766 + 0 + 0.298261466853943 + -0.207286030895235 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.277096574642535 + -0.157515189335723 + 0 + 0.303293867064738 + -0.205814947658823 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.280823235839501 + -0.154543705534803 + 0 + 0.308307227784188 + -0.204289921336134 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.284505928505513 + -0.151532405653967 + 0 + 0.313299958229501 + -0.202710113563165 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.288143970615145 + -0.148481760950847 + 0 + 0.318270627976646 + -0.20107506466091 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.291736670102335 + -0.145392226350156 + 0 + 0.323217946044688 + -0.199384626417342 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.295283336048171 + -0.142264261129756 + 0 + 0.328140768218446 + -0.197638949396749 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.298783279457979 + -0.13909833005098 + 0 + 0.33303794258165 + -0.195838202957685 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.30223584796698 + -0.135894959108272 + 0 + 0.337908176278369 + -0.193982357289047 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.30564034605535 + -0.132654602969043 + 0 + 0.342749928939098 + -0.192071030814906 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.308996159706717 + -0.129377846812039 + 0 + 0.347561524617444 + -0.190103696312876 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.312302589898643 + -0.126065137977816 + 0 + 0.352340973372156 + -0.188079418217976 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.31555904362427 + -0.122717088000899 + 0 + 0.357086152268458 + -0.185997162913923 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.318764853109827 + -0.119334188154115 + 0 + 0.36179461748214 + -0.183855526398765 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.321919409315338 + -0.115917016159572 + 0 + 0.366463734583194 + -0.181652958255325 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.325022150034311 + -0.112466210969037 + 0 + 0.37109066888424 + -0.179387759809621 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.328072446963469 + -0.108982306714414 + 0 + 0.375672281207951 + -0.177057949289722 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.331069735861866 + -0.105465923954127 + 0 + 0.380205275222077 + -0.174661493542374 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.334013477563477 + -0.101917708032122 + 0 + 0.384686186236175 + -0.172196297701522 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.33690319277094 + -0.0983383737441425 + 0 + 0.389111456071108 + -0.169660313467837 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.339738356156289 + -0.0947285573592283 + 0 + 0.393477380749217 + -0.167051467612679 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.342518476723887 + -0.0910889288273574 + 0 + 0.397780258971842 + -0.164367863293018 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.34524312666747 + -0.0874202258604661 + 0 + 0.402016508969449 + -0.161607920878815 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.347911933958549 + -0.0837232381238189 + 0 + 0.406182774943936 + -0.158770492655498 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.35052457346085 + -0.0799987910019015 + 0 + 0.410275945708526 + -0.155854856069828 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.353080699521648 + -0.0762476581159674 + 0 + 0.414293243817352 + -0.152860796275396 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.35558001346154 + -0.0724706475893973 + 0 + 0.4182322126478 + -0.14978855532278 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.358022318210024 + -0.068668664467155 + 0 + 0.422090948123986 + -0.146639081183429 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.360407534735811 + -0.0648427215363 + 0 + 0.425867896115838 + -0.143413733593789 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.362735512173739 + -0.0609937063637705 + 0 + 0.429561860637951 + -0.140114264942493 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.365006272270594 + -0.057122673911686 + 0 + 0.433172008956164 + -0.136742798037064 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.367219685413038 + -0.0532304613444493 + 0 + 0.43669755532401 + -0.133301435828507 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.369376815799097 + -0.0493192237902158 + 0 + 0.440139190489143 + -0.129793875214046 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.37147443716159 + -0.0453862151366283 + 0 + 0.443493350973247 + -0.126218905237717 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.373525608297982 + -0.0414468124035279 + 0 + 0.446772957582219 + -0.122593562713376 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.375482996886379 + -0.0374498096604679 + 0 + 0.449930555033408 + -0.118868395139293 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.37752632710683 + -0.0335908612544884 + 0 + 0.453146095694916 + -0.115240585898506 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.378982551546035 + -0.029149921034712 + 0 + 0.455745832531496 + -0.110992561863805 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.381200568165358 + -0.0255671820422661 + 0 + 0.459079375831645 + -0.107565702869646 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.382974295510788 + -0.0215540667996627 + 0 + 0.461941693904744 + -0.10367228387907 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.384266264654825 + -0.017093148748792 + 0 + 0.46429387972617 + -0.0992981171298073 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.386382058474896 + -0.013522861538894 + 0 + 0.467442652757931 + -0.0957823887479003 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.387837348492784 + -0.0093214725604289 + 0 + 0.469904473549567 + -0.0916043783194546 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.38957028170281 + -0.0054426752967489 + 0 + 0.472617172136459 + -0.0877198252764127 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.390550296653757 + -0.000868316238730057 + 0 + 0.474549709446966 + -0.0831127476161364 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.39254212798855 + 0.00267154562357481 + 0 + 0.477467763659306 + -0.0795138704327978 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.393800588109107 + 0.00688405338963835 + 0 + 0.479627119016919 + -0.0752165781976819 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.39527014475117 + 0.0108506170065529 + 0 + 0.481971624757705 + -0.0711415577079562 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.396351947668133 + 0.0151390091203842 + 0 + 0.483902486298526 + -0.066722375540827 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.397635931738395 + 0.0191924886453002 + 0 + 0.48600965711696 + -0.0625170834535799 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.398624490251712 + 0.0234738177788118 + 0 + 0.487795715840255 + -0.0580639817497776 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.400359996993737 + 0.0270354494403133 + 0 + 0.490304212949848 + -0.0543105115035362 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.401366205599903 + 0.0312218599930515 + 0 + 0.492059239363978 + -0.0499129101157201 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.402523673543713 + 0.0352312214810138 + 0 + 0.49394055770262 + -0.0456749224504077 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.403566876169909 + 0.0393022232804431 + 0 + 0.495682987355041 + -0.041358456156073 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.404680184189365 + 0.0432733256485969 + 0 + 0.497471069703657 + -0.0371257756490784 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.405396778765094 + 0.0475468111114971 + 0 + 0.498837632947299 + -0.0325758715553404 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.406372889740866 + 0.0515562118443373 + 0 + 0.500438884314833 + -0.0282760604398986 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.40722062855217 + 0.055636353215967 + 0 + 0.501887379249106 + -0.0238917606110987 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.408118522015736 + 0.0596366370135177 + 0 + 0.503361691044068 + -0.0195742212136659 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.408744538934148 + 0.0638240362952784 + 0 + 0.504539572071594 + -0.0150573890446336 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.410215831933907 + 0.0672847766301491 + 0 + 0.506539318335215 + -0.011254253951887 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.410836953239225 + 0.0714092575642504 + 0 + 0.507665594356789 + -0.00677480749121008 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.411645494704529 + 0.0753462688939853 + 0 + 0.508954958680791 + -0.00247203246112433 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.412370557123163 + 0.0793164408859325 + 0 + 0.510136793251617 + 0.00187458394031738 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.413059078150571 + 0.0832818504840883 + 0 + 0.511257917051258 + 0.00622655023980946 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.413799875610476 + 0.0871739268325686 + 0 + 0.512407241668601 + 0.0105150398848651 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.414193283860351 + 0.0913017873977647 + 0 + 0.513184667393598 + 0.0150482792160728 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.41482497000644 + 0.0952118955668205 + 0 + 0.514175724147631 + 0.0193722545883546 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.415361803775797 + 0.0991629156815334 + 0 + 0.51504754102053 + 0.0237457174441685 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.415874337893516 + 0.103100746844823 + 0 + 0.515870481203595 + 0.028114115934534 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.416417889644948 + 0.106984922930129 + 0 + 0.516699855245877 + 0.0324368250398688 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.416702642013615 + 0.111029989988461 + 0 + 0.517245451270004 + 0.0369277559073271 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.4178388624125 + 0.114422616723464 + 0 + 0.518618404361799 + 0.0407747030960664 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.418128882280266 + 0.118409683107865 + 0 + 0.519120961585375 + 0.0452244520052697 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.41861450229437 + 0.122225965309306 + 0 + 0.519793808977618 + 0.0495103019056125 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.419023421604319 + 0.126070386841096 + 0 + 0.520364710918284 + 0.0538313610347245 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.419404393523014 + 0.129907759172552 + 0 + 0.520882119334975 + 0.0581521703915961 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.419839909199811 + 0.133680727023175 + 0 + 0.521428399116472 + 0.0624154033803756 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.419954557042135 + 0.137651645409323 + 0 + 0.521627555313092 + 0.0668828476928117 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.420292998848579 + 0.141439783942684 + 0 + 0.522023897677288 + 0.0711735843876379 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.420529111315186 + 0.145273481610602 + 0 + 0.52229124380531 + 0.0755162495531558 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.420823918125079 + 0.149042331654805 + 0 + 0.522590284155864 + 0.0798004061116842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.420862935403118 + 0.152959977460762 + 0 + 0.522605956024273 + 0.0842393715344206 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.421748723646478 + 0.156285578821146 + 0 + 0.523441317164878 + 0.0880936469630919 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.421824543518433 + 0.160135161630735 + 0 + 0.523439294521439 + 0.0924794655381532 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.422106899759148 + 0.163824431156243 + 0 + 0.523615136742176 + 0.0967114285521852 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.422287815199568 + 0.167559463051387 + 0 + 0.523660567726397 + 0.100996016694005 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.422587537341116 + 0.171195992986398 + 0 + 0.523795368886965 + 0.105189212586849 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.422439172543912 + 0.175102828232862 + 0 + 0.52345167578543 + 0.109659389304653 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.422664194244705 + 0.178746082887197 + 0 + 0.523450294776224 + 0.113872782888096 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.422520660778429 + 0.182605700360548 + 0 + 0.523048677859979 + 0.118309657469948 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.423388833257581 + 0.185801919975747 + 0 + 0.523627245469555 + 0.122091890687348 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.423324103085056 + 0.189575773067459 + 0 + 0.523240745851598 + 0.126461030695298 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.423684134095667 + 0.193063539849029 + 0 + 0.523245397630319 + 0.130552719621004 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.423247636724282 + 0.197032204872326 + 0 + 0.522418612500583 + 0.135133634751112 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.423985580239909 + 0.200251295984901 + 0 + 0.522730943085409 + 0.138974522964898 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.423935216862865 + 0.203945679921827 + 0 + 0.522219163519432 + 0.143301507969552 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.424292537935707 + 0.207373063054103 + 0 + 0.522077789151797 + 0.147372057686382 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.423807599398616 + 0.211300189608549 + 0 + 0.521055314040808 + 0.151952623674625 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.424553338621355 + 0.214461659336666 + 0 + 0.521224057311975 + 0.155779138521353 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.424711584380487 + 0.217968736189678 + 0 + 0.520765473252163 + 0.159964688070943 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.424272800238797 + 0.221820185951501 + 0 + 0.519667517078807 + 0.164506357473778 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425074768794263 + 0.224913476333359 + 0 + 0.519767582991567 + 0.168303442639473 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425080035796339 + 0.22847275888762 + 0 + 0.519027566419154 + 0.172581518492625 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425309336893909 + 0.231886327682731 + 0 + 0.518466448159186 + 0.176728369450954 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425490124547929 + 0.235317358311381 + 0 + 0.517810814075525 + 0.180908044047086 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425696663698029 + 0.238722243290101 + 0 + 0.517133893265759 + 0.185077407460631 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425910194609667 + 0.242112566182375 + 0 + 0.516416128215161 + 0.18924851596084 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.426136667050456 + 0.245485308701981 + 0 + 0.51566265614901 + 0.193418803972021 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.426375386600829 + 0.248841349408158 + 0 + 0.514872298574986 + 0.197589428285336 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.426627409735036 + 0.252180532653636 + 0 + 0.514045853327002 + 0.201760388445989 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.426893136606397 + 0.25550307397315 + 0 + 0.513183688061455 + 0.205931936718445 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.427172994373061 + 0.258809160748719 + 0 + 0.512286766465566 + 0.210103983221332 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.427467468299632 + 0.262098935126379 + 0 + 0.511356428967505 + 0.214276227432922 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.427776922193071 + 0.26537259676957 + 0 + 0.510394540246681 + 0.218448077496222 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.428101593123663 + 0.268630404548215 + 0 + 0.509403263420113 + 0.222618781699748 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.428441669475888 + 0.271872631394407 + 0 + 0.508385276965235 + 0.226787307449336 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.428797385375458 + 0.27509951114762 + 0 + 0.507343670971599 + 0.230952403306024 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.429168925632004 + 0.278311292626093 + 0 + 0.50628183277648 + 0.235112665396779 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.429556410110395 + 0.281508248168206 + 0 + 0.505203282290719 + 0.239266630070865 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.429959879057662 + 0.284690681500401 + 0 + 0.5041115378889 + 0.243412847600882 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.430379332324438 + 0.287858905628881 + 0 + 0.503010058533057 + 0.247549912307887 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.430814850628325 + 0.291013175910728 + 0 + 0.501902284134516 + 0.251676438301314 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.431266436932094 + 0.29415377868398 + 0 + 0.500791411752199 + 0.255791181365126 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.431734066400558 + 0.297281003511616 + 0 + 0.499680395056188 + 0.259893035754083 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.432217622636058 + 0.300395178323979 + 0 + 0.498571842964194 + 0.263981086573816 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.432717100952827 + 0.303496557967422 + 0 + 0.497468196136726 + 0.268054509813246 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.433232432871394 + 0.306585421302362 + 0 + 0.496371533402254 + 0.272112676235429 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.433763461989551 + 0.309662084217805 + 0 + 0.495283536395795 + 0.276155167248039 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.434310160432736 + 0.312726781906953 + 0 + 0.494205700414083 + 0.280181657465489 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.43487233318307 + 0.315779830375063 + 0 + 0.493139037184951 + 0.284192074393631 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.435449932296029 + 0.31882145583243 + 0 + 0.492084390212656 + 0.288186424806158 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.436042779763713 + 0.321851945575536 + 0 + 0.491042160043438 + 0.292164942210092 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.436650776195709 + 0.324871535178356 + 0 + 0.490012539879201 + 0.296127957539111 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.437273765135895 + 0.327880482261637 + 0 + 0.488995662455544 + 0.300075819482872 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.437911590941246 + 0.330879035460085 + 0 + 0.487991941242485 + 0.304008711430154 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.438564100220645 + 0.333867434016558 + 0 + 0.487002100300981 + 0.307926637333695 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.439231162849527 + 0.336845896914839 + 0 + 0.486027199207729 + 0.311829410246327 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.439912613973347 + 0.339814654259639 + 0 + 0.485068577732126 + 0.315716683574507 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.44060828916949 + 0.342773928680885 + 0 + 0.484127891016174 + 0.319587933607701 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.441318040998014 + 0.345723926848982 + 0 + 0.483207122089384 + 0.323442454229946 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442041715659316 + 0.348664852241655 + 0 + 0.482308548966914 + 0.327279375647427 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442779163822785 + 0.351596899653376 + 0 + 0.481434738877819 + 0.331097668405419 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.443530238949273 + 0.3545202563724 + 0 + 0.480588521175879 + 0.334896158558028 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444294763637089 + 0.357435120234527 + 0 + 0.479772917350217 + 0.338673565249241 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445072616881705 + 0.360341653688425 + 0 + 0.478991178777327 + 0.342428481081466 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445863645087213 + 0.36324003117478 + 0 + 0.478246633032295 + 0.346159453547302 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446667707740916 + 0.366130415172275 + 0 + 0.477542648537892 + 0.349865003409817 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.447484664667771 + 0.369012963168946 + 0 + 0.476882524051364 + 0.353543682546938 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.448314379887146 + 0.371887825845026 + 0 + 0.476269371497064 + 0.3571941349115 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.449156720703692 + 0.374755147763622 + 0 + 0.475705963119537 + 0.360815175896044 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.450011558193277 + 0.377615067316994 + 0 + 0.475194711179394 + 0.36440580178794 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.450878767132006 + 0.380467716957458 + 0 + 0.474737464376273 + 0.367965295354918 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.451758226118562 + 0.383313223318301 + 0 + 0.474335647530648 + 0.371493151282686 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.452649817571778 + 0.386151707392144 + 0 + 0.473990034454665 + 0.374989194082279 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453553427712079 + 0.388983284709901 + 0 + 0.473701079732101 + 0.378453403447027 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.454468946614715 + 0.391808065474744 + 0 + 0.473468660533748 + 0.381886048747349 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.455396268090296 + 0.394626154779202 + 0 + 0.473292426086782 + 0.38528750592209 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.456335289742989 + 0.397437652722557 + 0 + 0.473171796229143 + 0.388658258309897 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.457285912806562 + 0.400242654637702 + 0 + 0.473105859368773 + 0.391998949950274 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.458248042185546 + 0.40304125120472 + 0 + 0.473093704331136 + 0.395310212776923 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.459221586313494 + 0.405833528653948 + 0 + 0.47313423649573 + 0.398592762913298 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.460206457124472 + 0.408619568904371 + 0 + 0.473226306867791 + 0.401847333844363 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.461202569972239 + 0.411399449723982 + 0 + 0.47336871837739 + 0.405074673657251 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.462209843526438 + 0.414173244897019 + 0 + 0.473560234981433 + 0.408275540826032 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.463228199742103 + 0.416941024348318 + 0 + 0.473799624169259 + 0.411450682650351 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.46425756371662 + 0.419702854321658 + 0 + 0.474085656395509 + 0.414600836099549 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.465297863706411 + 0.422458797470884 + 0 + 0.47441711201981 + 0.417726724737405 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.4663490309315 + 0.425208913057164 + 0 + 0.474792801917384 + 0.420829048541646 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.467410999615349 + 0.427953257020341 + 0 + 0.475211577093681 + 0.423908479425143 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.468483706842781 + 0.430691882141141 + 0 + 0.475672335737063 + 0.426965658068694 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469567092495174 + 0.433424838159935 + 0 + 0.476174028109098 + 0.430001191853996 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470661099223736 + 0.436152171872625 + 0 + 0.476715659537 + 0.43301565375709 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.471765672334268 + 0.43887392726946 + 0 + 0.477296291758215 + 0.436009582071149 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.472880759744686 + 0.441590145633372 + 0 + 0.477915043120653 + 0.438983480697262 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474006311959737 + 0.444300865626826 + 0 + 0.47857108790496 + 0.441937819865572 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.4751422819333 + 0.44700612343444 + 0 + 0.4792636549155 + 0.444873037211644 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476288625117965 + 0.449705952806386 + 0 + 0.479992025837321 + 0.447789538951843 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477445299326223 + 0.452400385197177 + 0 + 0.480755533142571 + 0.450687701271258 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.478612264728881 + 0.455089449831455 + 0 + 0.481553557995399 + 0.453567871693282 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479789483824687 + 0.45777317378284 + 0 + 0.482385528078252 + 0.456430370472338 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480976921345725 + 0.460451582084289 + 0 + 0.483250915371915 + 0.459275491994529 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482174544291552 + 0.463124697770276 + 0 + 0.484149234127544 + 0.462103506064446 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.4833823218254 + 0.465792541988839 + 0 + 0.485080038796079 + 0.464914659200892 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484600225323204 + 0.468455134033242 + 0 + 0.486042922227744 + 0.467709175781104 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485828228246378 + 0.471112491463529 + 0 + 0.487037513828202 + 0.470487259196785 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.48706630626398 + 0.473764630097986 + 0 + 0.488063478102205 + 0.473249092800284 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488314436946129 + 0.476411564225237 + 0 + 0.489120512909474 + 0.475994840991135 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489572600574956 + 0.47905330623765 + 0 + 0.490208348976539 + 0.4787246496458 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490840777270876 + 0.481689868168736 + 0 + 0.491326745868434 + 0.481438648370933 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.492118957459613 + 0.484321256333316 + 0 + 0.492475501438458 + 0.484136945783516 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.493407102890904 + 0.486947491528719 + 0 + 0.493654411958244 + 0.48681965028095 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494705298255166 + 0.489568546360456 + 0 + 0.494863422974988 + 0.489486807865888 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.496013182072751 + 0.492184572962496 + 0 + 0.496102059573828 + 0.492138630292215 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497332014538722 + 0.494794939776113 + 0 + 0.497371493713584 + 0.494774532210353 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498657086006197 + 0.497402081463623 + 0 + 0.49866695231355 + 0.497396981379112 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499994052316792 + 0.500003074467614 + 0 + 0.499994052316792 + 0.500003074467614 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501342913993773 + 0.502597918529654 + 0 + 0.50133304768642 + 0.502603018614166 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50266798546108 + 0.505205060217251 + 0 + 0.502628506286219 + 0.505225467783011 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.503986817927902 + 0.507815427030429 + 0 + 0.503897940426825 + 0.507861369700709 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505294701743287 + 0.510431453633606 + 0 + 0.505136577023465 + 0.510513192128173 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.506592897111541 + 0.51305250846328 + 0 + 0.506345588044201 + 0.513180349711049 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50788104253938 + 0.515678743660468 + 0 + 0.507524498560535 + 0.515863054210268 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509159222729221 + 0.518310131824477 + 0 + 0.508673254131663 + 0.518561351622281 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510427399424924 + 0.520946693755675 + 0 + 0.509791651023341 + 0.521275350347525 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511685563052681 + 0.523588435768642 + 0 + 0.510879487089336 + 0.524005159002744 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512933693735872 + 0.526235369895354 + 0 + 0.511936521897648 + 0.526750907193055 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514171771754148 + 0.528887508529463 + 0 + 0.512962486172324 + 0.529512740796207 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51539977467736 + 0.53154486595973 + 0 + 0.513957077772821 + 0.532290824211867 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.516617678174368 + 0.534207458004544 + 0 + 0.514919961203689 + 0.535085340792492 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517825455709863 + 0.536875302222256 + 0 + 0.515850765873871 + 0.537896493928086 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.519023078654923 + 0.539548417908639 + 0 + 0.516749084628734 + 0.540724507998399 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520210516173295 + 0.542226826211468 + 0 + 0.51761447191973 + 0.54356962952197 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521387735272052 + 0.544910550161326 + 0 + 0.518446442005535 + 0.546432128299498 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522554700672585 + 0.547599614796703 + 0 + 0.519244466856237 + 0.549312298722622 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523711374883052 + 0.550294047186352 + 0 + 0.520007974163696 + 0.552210461040894 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.524857718066738 + 0.552993876558803 + 0 + 0.520736345084538 + 0.555126962781599 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.525993688038641 + 0.555699134367278 + 0 + 0.521428912093418 + 0.558062180128531 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.527119240255159 + 0.558409854359971 + 0 + 0.522084956879192 + 0.561016519296082 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.528234327667016 + 0.561126072723138 + 0 + 0.522703708243069 + 0.563990417921449 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529338900774834 + 0.563847828121379 + 0 + 0.52328434046157 + 0.566984346236914 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530432907506111 + 0.566575161832662 + 0 + 0.523825971892187 + 0.569998808138601 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.531516293156584 + 0.569308117852451 + 0 + 0.524327664262302 + 0.573034341924899 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.532589000384452 + 0.572046742973026 + 0 + 0.52478842290612 + 0.576091520568223 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.533650969070683 + 0.574791086934967 + 0 + 0.525207198084799 + 0.579170951450485 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.534702136293849 + 0.577541202522245 + 0 + 0.52558288798045 + 0.582273275255722 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.535742436282842 + 0.580297145671885 + 0 + 0.525914343603953 + 0.585399163893994 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.536771800258036 + 0.583058975644873 + 0 + 0.526200375830879 + 0.588549317342839 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.537790156473949 + 0.585826755096042 + 0 + 0.526439765018954 + 0.591724459167029 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.538797430028252 + 0.588600550269025 + 0 + 0.526631281623102 + 0.594925326335756 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.539793542875115 + 0.591380431089106 + 0 + 0.526773693131796 + 0.598152666149114 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.540778413688474 + 0.594166471338291 + 0 + 0.526865763506238 + 0.60140723707894 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.541751957814711 + 0.596958748788408 + 0 + 0.526906295669121 + 0.604689787216205 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.542714087192233 + 0.599757345356189 + 0 + 0.526894140630022 + 0.608001050043617 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.543664710259254 + 0.602562347269537 + 0 + 0.5268282037731 + 0.611341741682197 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.544603731908652 + 0.605373845214609 + 0 + 0.526707573912166 + 0.614712494071721 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.54553105338511 + 0.60819193451861 + 0 + 0.526531339466077 + 0.618113951246006 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.546446572287046 + 0.611016715283819 + 0 + 0.526298920267024 + 0.621546596546694 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.547350182427358 + 0.61384829260157 + 0 + 0.526009965544471 + 0.625010805911436 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.548241773883797 + 0.616686776673727 + 0 + 0.525664352471711 + 0.628506848709342 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549121232867313 + 0.619532283036161 + 0 + 0.525262535623046 + 0.632034704638701 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549988441809411 + 0.622384932674859 + 0 + 0.524805288823295 + 0.635594198203913 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.5508432792958 + 0.625244852229907 + 0 + 0.524294036879955 + 0.639184824097485 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.551685620115348 + 0.628112174146925 + 0 + 0.523730628505429 + 0.642805865080452 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.552515335330401 + 0.630987036825279 + 0 + 0.523117475946808 + 0.646456317447286 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553332292260061 + 0.633869584820473 + 0 + 0.522457351463085 + 0.650134996582931 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554136354912082 + 0.636759968818854 + 0 + 0.521753366967001 + 0.653840546446332 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554927383120572 + 0.639658346303635 + 0 + 0.521008821224949 + 0.657571518910595 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55570523636149 + 0.642564879759486 + 0 + 0.520227082648363 + 0.661326434744771 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.556469761049581 + 0.645479743621469 + 0 + 0.519411478822976 + 0.665103841435842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557220836179503 + 0.648403100338673 + 0 + 0.518565261124469 + 0.66890233158663 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557958284341421 + 0.651335147751216 + 0 + 0.517691451033823 + 0.672720624345443 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.558681959004532 + 0.654276073142927 + 0 + 0.516792877913162 + 0.676557545761962 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.559391710830429 + 0.65722607131242 + 0 + 0.515872108983745 + 0.680412066385605 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.560087386026445 + 0.660185345733734 + 0 + 0.514931422267667 + 0.684283316418867 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.560768837151243 + 0.663154103078011 + 0 + 0.51397280079304 + 0.688170589746522 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.561435899778889 + 0.666132565976953 + 0 + 0.512997899698554 + 0.692073362659816 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.562088409059419 + 0.669120964532821 + 0 + 0.512008058758181 + 0.695991288562752 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.562726234864116 + 0.672119517731619 + 0 + 0.511004337544466 + 0.699924180510383 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.563349223802624 + 0.675128464815804 + 0 + 0.509987460119132 + 0.703872042455049 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.563957220238408 + 0.678148054416582 + 0 + 0.508957839958684 + 0.707835057782027 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.564550067702161 + 0.681178544161811 + 0 + 0.507915609785534 + 0.711813575188082 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.565127666817988 + 0.684220169617626 + 0 + 0.506860962816107 + 0.715807925599057 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.565689839569075 + 0.687273218085324 + 0 + 0.505794299587729 + 0.719818342526788 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.566236538010353 + 0.690337915775508 + 0 + 0.50471646360411 + 0.723844832745273 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.56676756712891 + 0.693414578690736 + 0 + 0.503628466598051 + 0.727887323757671 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.567282899049728 + 0.696503442024443 + 0 + 0.502531803865829 + 0.731945490178619 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.56778237736395 + 0.699604821669279 + 0 + 0.501428157035814 + 0.736018913419442 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.568265933601736 + 0.702718996480385 + 0 + 0.500319604946107 + 0.740106964237919 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.568733563068387 + 0.705846221309016 + 0 + 0.499208588248282 + 0.744208818627871 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.569185149372658 + 0.708986824081989 + 0 + 0.498097715866466 + 0.748323561691401 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.569620667675137 + 0.712141094364618 + 0 + 0.496989941466518 + 0.752450087685613 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.570040120943055 + 0.715309318492461 + 0 + 0.495888462111817 + 0.756587152391981 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.57044358988887 + 0.718491751825465 + 0 + 0.494796717708545 + 0.760733369922805 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.570831074366489 + 0.721688707368014 + 0 + 0.493718167222013 + 0.764887334597329 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.571202614625042 + 0.724900488845361 + 0 + 0.4926563290289 + 0.769047596686956 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.571558330524061 + 0.728127368598884 + 0 + 0.491614723034713 + 0.773212692543954 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.571898406876293 + 0.731369595445072 + 0 + 0.490596736579843 + 0.777381218293539 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.572223077806043 + 0.734627403224196 + 0 + 0.489605459752433 + 0.781551922497543 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.572532531701832 + 0.73790106486605 + 0 + 0.488643571033959 + 0.785723772559507 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.572827005625522 + 0.741190839245354 + 0 + 0.487713233533018 + 0.789896016772742 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.573106863393406 + 0.744496926020228 + 0 + 0.48681631193835 + 0.794068063274935 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.573372590266434 + 0.747819467338779 + 0 + 0.485954146674468 + 0.798239611546427 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.573624613399242 + 0.751158650585063 + 0 + 0.485127701425083 + 0.802410571707882 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.573863332947916 + 0.754514691292229 + 0 + 0.484337343849363 + 0.806581196022189 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574089805390271 + 0.757887433810924 + 0 + 0.483583871784777 + 0.810751484032459 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.57430333630341 + 0.761277756702318 + 0 + 0.482866106735681 + 0.81492259253179 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574509875453046 + 0.764682641681308 + 0 + 0.482189185925451 + 0.819091955945604 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.57469066310619 + 0.76811367231047 + 0 + 0.481533551840911 + 0.823271630542244 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574919964203378 + 0.771527241105811 + 0 + 0.480972433580564 + 0.827418481500807 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.57492523120754 + 0.775086523658828 + 0 + 0.480232417010237 + 0.831696557352717 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.575727199761042 + 0.778179814041859 + 0 + 0.480332482921034 + 0.835493642519584 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.575288415620017 + 0.782031263803285 + 0 + 0.479234526748342 + 0.840035311922023 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.575446661379239 + 0.785538340656238 + 0 + 0.478775942688619 + 0.844220861471553 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.576192400600783 + 0.788699810385082 + 0 + 0.478944685958593 + 0.848047376319007 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.575707462065686 + 0.792626936938308 + 0 + 0.477922210849597 + 0.85262794230603 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.576064783136243 + 0.796054320071987 + 0 + 0.477780836479676 + 0.856698492024262 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.576014419760641 + 0.799748704008027 + 0 + 0.477269056915143 + 0.861025477028034 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.576752363276651 + 0.802967795120354 + 0 + 0.477581387500349 + 0.864866365241567 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.576315865903392 + 0.806936460144825 + 0 + 0.476754602368739 + 0.869447280372848 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.576675896914198 + 0.810424226926277 + 0 + 0.476759254147658 + 0.873538969298439 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.576611166742589 + 0.814198080017411 + 0 + 0.476372754530615 + 0.877908109305811 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.577479339221999 + 0.817394299632442 + 0 + 0.47695132214045 + 0.881690342523043 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.577335805757037 + 0.821253917104947 + 0 + 0.476549705225518 + 0.886127217104047 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.577560827455281 + 0.824897171760925 + 0 + 0.476548324213763 + 0.890340610689135 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.577412462657832 + 0.828804007007554 + 0 + 0.476204631111983 + 0.894810787407103 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.5777121848008 + 0.832440536941634 + 0 + 0.476339432273969 + 0.899003983299014 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.577893100240127 + 0.836175568837502 + 0 + 0.476384863257099 + 0.90328857144156 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.578175456482988 + 0.839864838361584 + 0 + 0.476560705479983 + 0.907520534454167 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.578251276353105 + 0.843714421172399 + 0 + 0.476558682834704 + 0.911906353030452 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.579137064595808 + 0.847040022533228 + 0 + 0.477394043974654 + 0.915760628459571 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.579176081875524 + 0.85095766833805 + 0 + 0.477409715844738 + 0.92019959388117 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.57947088868305 + 0.854726518383872 + 0 + 0.477708756192924 + 0.924483750441316 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.57970700115238 + 0.858560216049919 + 0 + 0.477976102323672 + 0.928826415604966 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.580045442957448 + 0.862348354584232 + 0 + 0.478372444686491 + 0.933117152300743 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.580160090801327 + 0.866319272969298 + 0 + 0.478571600884668 + 0.9375845966121 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.580595606477004 + 0.870092240820702 + 0 + 0.479117880665045 + 0.941847829601659 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.580976578396377 + 0.873929613151674 + 0 + 0.479635289082412 + 0.946168638958046 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.581385497705991 + 0.877774034683702 + 0 + 0.480206191022743 + 0.950489698087396 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.581871117720558 + 0.881590316884803 + 0 + 0.480879038415448 + 0.954775547987398 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.582161137587678 + 0.885577383269676 + 0 + 0.481381595638381 + 0.959225296897076 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.583297357986839 + 0.888970010004465 + 0 + 0.482754548730448 + 0.963072244085597 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.583582110354334 + 0.893015077063673 + 0 + 0.483300144753406 + 0.967563174953934 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.584125662107552 + 0.896899253147645 + 0 + 0.484129518797475 + 0.971885884057937 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.584638196223888 + 0.900837084311973 + 0 + 0.484952458979156 + 0.976254282549339 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.585175029994476 + 0.904788104425747 + 0 + 0.485824275853286 + 0.980627745404213 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.585806716138581 + 0.90869821259632 + 0 + 0.486815332605333 + 0.98495172077801 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.586200124388182 + 0.912826073161742 + 0 + 0.487592758330058 + 0.989484960109446 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.586940921848998 + 0.91671814950952 + 0 + 0.488742082948313 + 0.993773449753801 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.587629442878455 + 0.92068355910605 + 0 + 0.48986320675 + 0.998125416051663 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.588354505294136 + 0.924653731100345 + 0 + 0.491045041317873 + 1.00247203245545 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.589163046762003 + 0.928590742428027 + 0 + 0.49233440564444 + 1.00677480748349 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.589784168064673 + 0.932715223364282 + 0 + 0.493460681663366 + 1.01125425394632 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.591255461067345 + 0.936175963696754 + 0 + 0.495460427929898 + 1.01505738903666 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.591881477981357 + 0.940363362982171 + 0 + 0.496638308953025 + 1.01957422120936 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.592779371448378 + 0.944363646776841 + 0 + 0.498112620751443 + 1.02389176060391 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.593627110258366 + 0.948443788149584 + 0 + 0.499561115684399 + 1.02827606043382 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.594603221236389 + 0.952453188880499 + 0 + 0.501162367054184 + 1.03257587154734 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.595319815810207 + 0.956726674345049 + 0 + 0.502528930295918 + 1.03712577564273 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.596433123829598 + 0.960697776713257 + 0 + 0.504317012644467 + 1.04135845614977 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.597476326455244 + 0.964768778513179 + 0 + 0.506059442296338 + 1.0456749224446 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.59863379440026 + 0.96877814000007 + 0 + 0.507940760636186 + 1.04991291010884 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.599640003006569 + 0.972964550552677 + 0 + 0.509695787050457 + 1.05431051149653 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.601375509747715 + 0.976526182214974 + 0 + 0.512204284159172 + 1.05806398174356 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.602364068261852 + 0.980807511347746 + 0 + 0.51399034288329 + 1.06251708344663 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.603648052332452 + 0.98486099087234 + 0 + 0.51609751370206 + 1.06672237553355 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.604729855248798 + 0.989149382986746 + 0 + 0.518028375242262 + 1.07114155770125 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.606199411889919 + 0.993115946604561 + 0 + 0.520372880982108 + 1.07521657819188 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.607457872011117 + 0.997328454370023 + 0 + 0.522532236340364 + 1.0795138704264 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.609449703346729 + 1.00086831623152 + 0 + 0.52545029055352 + 1.08311274760893 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.61042971829649 + 1.00544267529072 + 0 + 0.527382827862839 + 1.08771982527038 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.612162651507969 + 1.00932147255294 + 0 + 0.530095526451185 + 1.09160437831197 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.613617941524624 + 1.01352286153266 + 0 + 0.532557347241592 + 1.09578238874167 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.615733735344946 + 1.01709314874229 + 0 + 0.535706120273601 + 1.09929811712331 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.617025704489726 + 1.0215540667924 + 0 + 0.53805830609577 + 1.10367228387181 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.618799431834207 + 1.025567182036 + 0 + 0.540920624167921 + 1.10756570286338 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.621017448455773 + 1.02914992102605 + 0 + 0.544254167470312 + 1.11099256185514 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.622473672891555 + 1.03359086124951 + 0 + 0.54685390430347 + 1.11524058589353 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.624517003113724 + 1.03744980965363 + 0 + 0.550069444966695 + 1.11886839513245 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.626474391701832 + 1.041446812397 + 0 + 0.553227042417595 + 1.12259356270685 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.62852556283811 + 1.04538621513023 + 0 + 0.556506649026452 + 1.12621890523132 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.630623184200125 + 1.04931922378437 + 0 + 0.55986080951008 + 1.12979387520821 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.632780314587401 + 1.05323046133721 + 0 + 0.56330244467643 + 1.13330143582127 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.634993727728588 + 1.05712267390591 + 0 + 0.566827991043019 + 1.13674279803129 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.637264487826657 + 1.06099370635657 + 0 + 0.570438139362445 + 1.14011426493529 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.639592465263144 + 1.06484272153083 + 0 + 0.574132103883118 + 1.14341373358832 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.641977681790751 + 1.06866866445949 + 0 + 0.577909051876789 + 1.14663908117576 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.644419986538274 + 1.0724706475829 + 0 + 0.581767787352015 + 1.14978855531628 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.646919300479588 + 1.0762476581077 + 0 + 0.585706756183887 + 1.15286079626713 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.649475426538953 + 1.07999879099543 + 0 + 0.589724054291279 + 1.15585485606336 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.652088066040777 + 1.08372323811796 + 0 + 0.593817225055392 + 1.15877049264964 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.654756873333191 + 1.08742022585288 + 0 + 0.597983491031212 + 1.16160792087123 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.657481523275243 + 1.09108892882178 + 0 + 0.602219741027288 + 1.16436786328744 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.660261643843737 + 1.09472855735246 + 0 + 0.606522619250809 + 1.16705146760592 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.663096807228555 + 1.09833837373811 + 0 + 0.610888543928388 + 1.1696603134618 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.665986522436363 + 1.10191770802562 + 0 + 0.615313813763666 + 1.17219629769502 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.668930264138414 + 1.105465923947 + 0 + 0.619794724778203 + 1.17466149353525 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.67192755303693 + 1.1089823067071 + 0 + 0.624327718792446 + 1.17705794928241 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.674977849964682 + 1.11246621096377 + 0 + 0.628909331114754 + 1.17938775980436 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.678080590686008 + 1.11591701615086 + 0 + 0.633536265418153 + 1.18165295824662 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.681235146889709 + 1.11933418814807 + 0 + 0.638205382517395 + 1.18385552639272 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.684440956375526 + 1.12271708799448 + 0 + 0.642913847731338 + 1.18599716290751 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.687697410102009 + 1.12606513797009 + 0 + 0.647659026628498 + 1.18807941821025 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.691003840292251 + 1.12937784680694 + 0 + 0.652438475381525 + 1.19010369630778 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.694359653945201 + 1.13265460296143 + 0 + 0.657250071061453 + 1.1920710308073 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.697764152031176 + 1.13589495910454 + 0 + 0.662091823719786 + 1.19398235728531 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.701216720542619 + 1.13909833004324 + 0 + 0.666962057418946 + 1.19583820294995 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.70471666395046 + 1.14226426112533 + 0 + 0.671859231780185 + 1.19763894939232 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.708263329898013 + 1.14539222634284 + 0 + 0.676782053955661 + 1.19938462641002 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.711856029383833 + 1.1484817609459 + 0 + 0.681729372022332 + 1.20107506465597 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.715494071493916 + 1.15153240564825 + 0 + 0.686700041769928 + 1.20271011355745 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.719176764160842 + 1.15454370552745 + 0 + 0.691692772216155 + 1.20428992132878 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.722903425356151 + 1.15751518933143 + 0 + 0.69670613293395 + 1.20581494765453 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.72667335140292 + 1.16044642731549 + 0 + 0.70173853314741 + 1.20728603088596 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.730485836985996 + 1.16333699697171 + 0 + 0.706788253569108 + 1.20870436183155 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.734340183709216 + 1.16618646653512 + 0 + 0.711853468430611 + 1.21007147249851 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.738235687571402 + 1.16899441853605 + 0 + 0.716932248713107 + 1.21138926055207 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.742171644752429 + 1.17176043913918 + 0 + 0.722022586454904 + 1.21265997365373 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.746147350668987 + 1.17448411999357 + 0 + 0.727122415496229 + 1.21388619869845 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.750162083799497 + 1.17716509286264 + 0 + 0.732229620635568 + 1.21507087423552 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.754215148473571 + 1.17980294076097 + 0 + 0.737342109786635 + 1.21621716740149 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.758305830965531 + 1.18239728876735 + 0 + 0.742457803924229 + 1.21732851595467 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.762433422021921 + 1.18494775759706 + 0 + 0.747574698078026 + 1.2184085161524 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.766597210649163 + 1.18745397672787 + 0 + 0.752690897703539 + 1.2194608517593 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.770796485894456 + 1.18991558058976 + 0 + 0.757804666362378 + 1.22048918692833 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.775030536413995 + 1.19233220950319 + 0 + 0.762914476241913 + 1.22149703755115 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.77929865061492 + 1.19470350932899 + 0 + 0.768019066080084 + 1.22248760660145 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.783600116605401 + 1.19702913153404 + 0 + 0.773117436307318 + 1.22346375473747 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.787934222157531 + 1.1993087332215 + 0 + 0.778208917353718 + 1.22442777831868 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.792300254690363 + 1.2015419770999 + 0 + 0.783293090262913 + 1.22538154608768 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.796697501208728 + 1.20372853155632 + 0 + 0.788369857284543 + 1.22632625061541 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.801125248235403 + 1.20586807075044 + 0 + 0.793439287038182 + 1.2272627495703 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.80558278177684 + 1.20796027461827 + 0 + 0.798501696713981 + 1.22819128495578 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.810069387228711 + 1.21000482904534 + 0 + 0.803557499171211 + 1.22911184732236 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.814584349338428 + 1.21200142588957 + 0 + 0.808607192987563 + 1.23002417037727 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.819126952132358 + 1.21394976311025 + 0 + 0.813651386999594 + 1.23092761817741 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.823696478844864 + 1.21584954490834 + 0 + 0.818690673025075 + 1.23182153751439 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.828292211883592 + 1.2177004817662 + 0 + 0.823725685499322 + 1.23270505974714 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.832913432752802 + 1.21950229063139 + 0 + 0.828757051289389 + 1.23357723816867 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.837559422016165 + 1.22125469499271 + 0 + 0.833785384518723 + 1.2344370544279 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.842229459252868 + 1.22295742498927 + 0 + 0.83881128085738 + 1.2352834282323 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.846922822997989 + 1.22461021759625 + 0 + 0.843835302545775 + 1.23611526361253 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.851638790739148 + 1.22621281662703 + 0 + 0.848857977945165 + 1.23693144880881 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.856376638857215 + 1.22776497295427 + 0 + 0.853879799005805 + 1.23773086443033 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.861135642620302 + 1.2292664445557 + 0 + 0.858901215504854 + 1.23851240676102 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.86591507615591 + 1.23071699665908 + 0 + 0.863922633292617 + 1.23927499912616 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.87071421244007 + 1.23211640184163 + 0 + 0.868944413693462 + 1.24001760071359 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.875532323293515 + 1.23346444011683 + 0 + 0.873966873869068 + 1.24073921298849 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.880368679371992 + 1.23476089906723 + 0 + 0.878990287919844 + 1.24143888405378 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.88522255017038 + 1.23600557393929 + 0 + 0.884014888537662 + 1.24211571125431 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.890093204040771 + 1.2371982676848 + 0 + 0.889040869037299 + 1.24276884236244 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.894979908182248 + 1.23833879116845 + 0 + 0.894068385580035 + 1.2433974759032 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.899881928685053 + 1.23942696311634 + 0 + 0.899097559559729 + 1.24400086048811 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.904798530530936 + 1.2404626103121 + 0 + 0.904128479975277 + 1.24457829387658 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.909728977628212 + 1.24144556763097 + 0 + 0.909161205811136 + 1.24512912152805 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.914672532844852 + 1.24237567809293 + 0 + 0.914195768350015 + 1.24565273496255 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.919628458030689 + 1.24325279301213 + 0 + 0.919232173384088 + 1.24614857010577 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.924596014067371 + 1.2440767719857 + 0 + 0.92427040334837 + 1.24661610543959 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.929574460904303 + 1.24484748298732 + 0 + 0.929310419327712 + 1.24705486027593 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.934563057598259 + 1.2455648024697 + 0 + 0.93435216295349 + 1.24746439309684 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.939561062370934 + 1.24622861533565 + 0 + 0.939395558206301 + 1.24784429984811 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.944567732646676 + 1.24683881510129 + 0 + 0.944440513091463 + 1.2481942125303 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.949582325126673 + 1.24739530371724 + 0 + 0.949486921250395 + 1.24851379756195 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.954604095777177 + 1.2478979924192 + 0 + 0.954534663393041 + 1.24880275529231 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.95963230010815 + 1.24834679881033 + 0 + 0.959583608935922 + 1.2490608158656 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.964666192541483 + 1.24874165726925 + 0 + 0.964633616652753 + 1.2492877485401 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.969705028544298 + 1.24908248336478 + 0 + 0.969684538021643 + 1.24948332513668 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.974748058672807 + 1.24936929498265 + 0 + 0.974736212423908 + 1.24964744031482 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.979794545451901 + 1.24960180448193 + 0 + 0.979788485124685 + 1.24977970299498 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.984843718929586 + 1.24978077669965 + 0 + 0.984841163888016 + 1.24988079375276 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.989894866724791 + 1.24990357363127 + 0 + 0.989894110039087 + 1.24994800899348 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.994947188564111 + 1.24997849141511 + 0 + 0.994947094009592 + 1.24998959753694 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 1 + 1.2499798172808 + 0 + 1 + 1.2499798172808 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 5f568e2c-f87b-4190-8d09-d008ac43c51c + d2c53264-57e1-4d11-b625-5a5eefefe7c0 + dc33f043-a46c-4bbe-aa2b-e04d7f37a6de + b1dbb9a1-e34d-4d93-b860-212e9f8b0ced + 4 + ccfc9fc3-bb3e-48eb-ab9e-7fcc5aaada54 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + ac2bc2cb-70fb-4dd5-9c78-7e1ea97fe278 + Geometry + + + + + Contains a collection of generic geometry + true + 7fdcf6b5-4e77-4c94-8e4e-fe7af6430d4e + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26473 + -12104 + 50 + 24 + + + 26498.88 + -12092 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + -1 + + 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+ + 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Curve + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 7fdcf6b5-4e77-4c94-8e4e-fe7af6430d4e + d2c53264-57e1-4d11-b625-5a5eefefe7c0 + dc33f043-a46c-4bbe-aa2b-e04d7f37a6de + b1dbb9a1-e34d-4d93-b860-212e9f8b0ced + 4 + 11012e88-1276-4cc4-90b5-024f3ef1423f + Group + + + + + + + + + + + ac2bc2cb-70fb-4dd5-9c78-7e1ea97fe278 + Geometry + + + + + Contains a collection of generic geometry + true + 60e4b4b1-745b-4e7e-88b2-0e8296cb1111 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26473 + -12656 + 50 + 24 + + + 26498.88 + -12644 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 513 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + + 8.31187957663209E-17 + -0.24997981727771 + 0 + 8.31187957663209E-17 + -0.24997981727771 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.00505290599040027 + -0.249989597541828 + 0 + 0.0050530951663 + -0.250011817638801 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0101058899609055 + -0.249948009000087 + 0 + 0.0101074053285886 + -0.250036996953143 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0151588361119955 + -0.249880793760095 + 0 + 0.0151639610890107 + -0.250081410886769 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0202115148753165 + -0.249779703001769 + 0 + 0.0202236979794261 + -0.250137333213502 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0252637875761175 + -0.24964744032203 + 0 + 0.0252876708188029 + -0.250208209602382 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0303154619783822 + -0.249483325143783 + 0 + 0.0303569198132571 + -0.250294335788598 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0353663833471248 + -0.249287748544824 + 0 + 0.0354325731805973 + -0.250397332709298 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0404163910641454 + -0.249060815873275 + 0 + 0.0405158166980287 + -0.25051881318727 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0454653366068403 + -0.248802755297525 + 0 + 0.0456079262460018 + -0.25066081927168 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0505130787496277 + -0.248513797568951 + 0 + 0.050710279474559 + -0.250825735045865 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.055559486908659 + -0.248194212538385 + 0 + 0.055824377641812 + -0.251016359008567 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0606044417934283 + -0.247844299852185 + 0 + 0.0609518666598272 + -0.251235930371746 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0656478370465328 + -0.247464393103729 + 0 + 0.0660945603717932 + -0.251488162614414 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0706895806721914 + -0.247054860281856 + 0 + 0.0712544632619733 + -0.251777256714691 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0757295966519424 + -0.246616105448731 + 0 + 0.0764337898500242 + -0.252107882105759 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0807678266155926 + -0.246148570110183 + 0 + 0.0816349755515803 + -0.252485101305992 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0858042316502119 + -0.24565273497083 + 0 + 0.0868606698246323 + -0.25291419846969 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0908387941884258 + -0.245129121531933 + 0 + 0.0921137150270965 + -0.253400471892267 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0958715200246899 + -0.24457829388311 + 0 + 0.0973971007450821 + -0.253948941283018 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.100902440440313 + -0.244000860495072 + 0 + 0.102713874659216 + -0.254563889999269 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.105931614419833 + -0.243397475909174 + 0 + 0.108067007936918 + -0.255248287464826 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.110959130963078 + -0.242768842371154 + 0 + 0.113459147382148 + -0.256002772737251 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.115985111461741 + -0.242115711258018 + 0 + 0.118892261715591 + -0.256824373655822 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.121009712080192 + -0.241438884060715 + 0 + 0.12436732002128 + -0.257705711155725 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.126033126131127 + -0.2407392129961 + 0 + 0.129884166492715 + -0.258635315874054 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.131055586306012 + -0.240017600717978 + 0 + 0.135441674589243 + -0.25959912424556 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.13607736670752 + -0.239274999133514 + 0 + 0.141038098668422 + -0.260582489120846 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.141098784495509 + -0.238512406769253 + 0 + 0.146671435478557 + -0.261571794124714 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.14612020099347 + -0.237730864434158 + 0 + 0.152339720542513 + -0.262555466950824 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.151142022054671 + -0.236931448814929 + 0 + 0.158041257656008 + -0.263524525812492 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.156164697454414 + -0.236115263619987 + 0 + 0.163774791164998 + -0.264472801548418 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.161188719143377 + -0.235283428241755 + 0 + 0.169539635195464 + -0.265396958441391 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.166214615480447 + -0.234437054431737 + 0 + 0.175335711383715 + -0.266296187978016 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.171242948710737 + -0.233577238175843 + 0 + 0.181162916371653 + -0.267169685266647 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.176274314500651 + -0.232705059753764 + 0 + 0.187020366520242 + -0.268014168241682 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.181309326974931 + -0.231821537521149 + 0 + 0.192906201484751 + -0.268823610832084 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.186348613000853 + -0.230927618185534 + 0 + 0.198817485296664 + -0.269589327352784 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.1913928070118 + -0.230024170382065 + 0 + 0.204750175299078 + -0.270300251772304 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.19644250082862 + -0.229111847328599 + 0 + 0.210699164165947 + -0.270943390584599 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.201498303286006 + -0.228191284962463 + 0 + 0.216658614270101 + -0.271505043449532 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.206560712960852 + -0.227262749574333 + 0 + 0.222622357298185 + -0.271972020555336 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.211630142715734 + -0.2263262506229 + 0 + 0.228584655428591 + -0.2723336590276 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.216706909737219 + -0.225381546094746 + 0 + 0.234540829505308 + -0.272583189193221 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.221791082646248 + -0.224427778325317 + 0 + 0.240487374680324 + -0.272717576149431 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.226882563693389 + -0.223463754745969 + 0 + 0.24642190665102 + -0.272736951489556 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.231980933918627 + -0.222487606604995 + 0 + 0.252342649478215 + -0.272642989898993 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.237085523758655 + -0.221497037559234 + 0 + 0.25824819480824 + -0.272438156489859 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.242195333636805 + -0.220489186933128 + 0 + 0.264137240020776 + -0.272125003336282 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.247309102297574 + -0.219460851768603 + 0 + 0.270008497209413 + -0.271705950744382 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.252425301921641 + -0.218408516158351 + 0 + 0.275860576843751 + -0.271183039650915 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.257542196076255 + -0.217328515962461 + 0 + 0.281691957431942 + -0.270557905225649 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.262657890212797 + -0.216217167406982 + 0 + 0.287500954294866 + -0.269831752350115 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.26777037936421 + -0.215070874241795 + 0 + 0.293285719986599 + -0.269005401498071 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.272877584504302 + -0.213886198706282 + 0 + 0.299044254894231 + -0.268079350839847 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.277977413545252 + -0.212659973660777 + 0 + 0.304774456772862 + -0.267053910002221 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.283067751286946 + -0.211389260558906 + 0 + 0.31047410744546 + -0.265929194102196 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.288146531569151 + -0.210071472504772 + 0 + 0.316140945969225 + -0.264705287522553 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.293211746430695 + -0.208704361837925 + 0 + 0.321772680643194 + -0.263382271410464 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.298261466853943 + -0.207286030895235 + 0 + 0.327367012873468 + -0.261960270879134 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.303293867064738 + -0.205814947658823 + 0 + 0.332921664066306 + -0.260439502431847 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.308307227784188 + -0.204289921336134 + 0 + 0.33843438047094 + -0.258820276389761 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.313299958229501 + -0.202710113563165 + 0 + 0.343902955512875 + -0.25710303012009 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.318270627976646 + -0.20107506466091 + 0 + 0.34932526065984 + -0.255288371789993 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.323217946044688 + -0.199384626417342 + 0 + 0.354699221987147 + -0.25337702648471 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.328140768218446 + -0.197638949396749 + 0 + 0.360022821660194 + -0.251369830175849 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.33303794258165 + -0.195838202957685 + 0 + 0.365293931546597 + -0.249267445795179 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.337908176278369 + -0.193982357289047 + 0 + 0.370510177382904 + -0.247070156972829 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.342749928939098 + -0.192071030814906 + 0 + 0.375668823488236 + -0.244777716548122 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.347561524617444 + -0.190103696312876 + 0 + 0.380766872024581 + -0.242389547462904 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.352340973372156 + -0.188079418217976 + 0 + 0.385800869121962 + -0.239904471374973 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.357086152268458 + -0.185997162913923 + 0 + 0.390767067429048 + -0.237321006641231 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.36179461748214 + -0.183855526398765 + 0 + 0.395661216422581 + -0.234637079988636 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.366463734583194 + -0.181652958255325 + 0 + 0.400478667260664 + -0.231850231004017 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.37109066888424 + -0.179387759809621 + 0 + 0.405214334384559 + -0.228957587631486 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.375672281207951 + -0.177057949289722 + 0 + 0.409862559467649 + -0.225955707008855 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.380205275222077 + -0.174661493542374 + 0 + 0.414417225755814 + -0.222840783618997 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.384686186236175 + -0.172196297701522 + 0 + 0.418871716299084 + -0.219608620880065 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.389111456071108 + -0.169660313467837 + 0 + 0.423218967006952 + -0.216254735218764 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.393477380749217 + -0.167051467612679 + 0 + 0.42745141208627 + -0.212774307540461 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.397780258971842 + -0.164367863293018 + 0 + 0.4315611650795 + -0.209162451960945 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.402016508969449 + -0.161607920878815 + 0 + 0.43554023060087 + -0.205414499515317 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.406182774943936 + -0.158770492655498 + 0 + 0.439380734568756 + -0.20152628069228 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.410275945708526 + -0.155854856069828 + 0 + 0.443075128123467 + -0.197494350224531 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.414293243817352 + -0.152860796275396 + 0 + 0.446616577677252 + -0.193316426265532 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.4182322126478 + -0.14978855532278 + 0 + 0.449999347020584 + -0.188991781965901 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.422090948123986 + -0.146639081183429 + 0 + 0.453219729782702 + -0.184522271147994 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425867896115838 + -0.143413733593789 + 0 + 0.45627675887424 + -0.179912999287942 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.429561860637951 + -0.140114264942493 + 0 + 0.45917285555591 + -0.17517286849967 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.433172008956164 + -0.136742798037064 + 0 + 0.461913765703483 + -0.170314242447015 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.43669755532401 + -0.133301435828507 + 0 + 0.464507369789478 + -0.16535133815459 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.440139190489143 + -0.129793875214046 + 0 + 0.466963832862649 + -0.160300253130734 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.443493350973247 + -0.126218905237717 + 0 + 0.469288784401036 + -0.155171220205209 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446772957582219 + -0.122593562713376 + 0 + 0.471503331025005 + -0.149990997002004 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.449930555033408 + -0.118868395139293 + 0 + 0.473566716057105 + -0.144717769445143 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453146095694916 + -0.115240585898506 + 0 + 0.475663967631305 + -0.139554043576359 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.455745832531496 + -0.110992561863805 + 0 + 0.477124299413545 + -0.133785623390651 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.459079375831645 + -0.107565702869646 + 0 + 0.479298991585968 + -0.128854916626706 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.461941693904744 + -0.10367228387907 + 0 + 0.480984739965014 + -0.123475152177059 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.46429387972617 + -0.0992981171298073 + 0 + 0.482145577832612 + -0.11763551575251 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.467442652757931 + -0.0957823887479003 + 0 + 0.484093889205016 + -0.112679906582521 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469904473549567 + -0.0916043783194546 + 0 + 0.485353764890708 + -0.107094290785466 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.472617172136459 + -0.0877198252764127 + 0 + 0.486872406459753 + -0.101842931467246 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474549709446966 + -0.0831127476161364 + 0 + 0.487629757675362 + -0.0959195172489411 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477467763659306 + -0.0795138704327978 + 0 + 0.489403600567867 + -0.0910645843552011 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479627119016919 + -0.0752165781976819 + 0 + 0.490461479625434 + -0.0855805978008902 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481971624757705 + -0.0711415577079562 + 0 + 0.491756981724164 + -0.0803954100986792 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.483902486298526 + -0.066722375540827 + 0 + 0.492698209576068 + -0.0749465406671672 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.48600965711696 + -0.0625170834535799 + 0 + 0.49387876834431 + -0.0697927947402885 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487795715840255 + -0.0580639817497776 + 0 + 0.494802192329544 + -0.0644706748462879 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490304212949848 + -0.0543105115035362 + 0 + 0.49651125129946 + -0.0599241854212772 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.492059239363978 + -0.0499129101157201 + 0 + 0.497528101006354 + -0.0548054009024455 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.49394055770262 + -0.0456749224504077 + 0 + 0.498729861325473 + -0.0499135714899911 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.495682987355041 + -0.041358456156073 + 0 + 0.499848485158209 + -0.0450059384333006 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497471069703657 + -0.0371257756490784 + 0 + 0.501065550424622 + -0.0402402304578205 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498837632947299 + -0.0325758715553404 + 0 + 0.501910980694782 + -0.0352111735166889 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.500438884314833 + -0.0282760604398986 + 0 + 0.503038311588975 + -0.0304821518852956 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501887379249106 + -0.0238917606110987 + 0 + 0.504057717708117 + -0.0257150293167507 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.503361691044068 + -0.0195742212136659 + 0 + 0.505145678624113 + -0.0210579096369267 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.504539572071594 + -0.0150573890446336 + 0 + 0.505978148432095 + -0.0162419698110893 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.506539318335215 + -0.011254253951887 + 0 + 0.507671927378645 + -0.0121777464418577 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507665594356789 + -0.00677480749121008 + 0 + 0.508530423411653 + -0.00747311173576964 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508954958680791 + -0.00247203246112433 + 0 + 0.509589171540003 + -0.00297921198287661 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510136793251617 + 0.00187458394031738 + 0 + 0.510576765170623 + 0.00152607668708759 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511257917051258 + 0.00622655023980946 + 0 + 0.511539431880029 + 0.00600564936259942 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512407241668601 + 0.0105150398848651 + 0 + 0.512565678724253 + 0.0103918684746238 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.513184667393598 + 0.0150482792160728 + 0 + 0.51325517500338 + 0.0149939668869843 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514175724147631 + 0.0193722545883546 + 0 + 0.514193387024189 + 0.019358771588367 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51504754102053 + 0.0237457174441685 + 0 + 0.51504754102053 + 0.0237457174441685 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515870481203595 + 0.028114115934534 + 0 + 0.515888258819386 + 0.0281007845852477 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.516699855245877 + 0.0324368250398688 + 0 + 0.516771282085733 + 0.0323837274064342 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517245451270004 + 0.0369277559073271 + 0 + 0.517406998092542 + 0.0368086923905292 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518618404361799 + 0.0407747030960664 + 0 + 0.518907317507953 + 0.0405635704592016 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.519120961585375 + 0.0452244520052697 + 0 + 0.51957545058583 + 0.0448951006070141 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.519793808977618 + 0.0495103019056125 + 0 + 0.520453243474147 + 0.049036378744264 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520364710918284 + 0.0538313610347245 + 0 + 0.52126984487911 + 0.0531861551566769 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520882119334975 + 0.0581521703915961 + 0 + 0.52207533393149 + 0.0573084402505241 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521428399116472 + 0.0624154033803756 + 0 + 0.522953977168973 + 0.0613451953898541 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521627555313092 + 0.0668828476928117 + 0 + 0.523531979199779 + 0.0655572864219197 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522023897677288 + 0.0711735843876379 + 0 + 0.524356189433075 + 0.069562655163384 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52229124380531 + 0.0755162495531558 + 0 + 0.525103346774803 + 0.0735885725812592 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522590284155864 + 0.0798004061116842 + 0 + 0.525937464942551 + 0.0775229813410973 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522605956024273 + 0.0842393715344206 + 0 + 0.526547219480145 + 0.0815773116589682 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523441317164878 + 0.0880936469630919 + 0 + 0.528039864253433 + 0.0850100024334431 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523439294521439 + 0.0924794655381532 + 0 + 0.528762861383203 + 0.0889350035562764 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523615136742176 + 0.0967114285521852 + 0 + 0.529736163689691 + 0.0926644614322977 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523660567726397 + 0.100996016694005 + 0 + 0.530656287860828 + 0.0964024821367171 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523795368886965 + 0.105189212586849 + 0 + 0.531747601096153 + 0.100002842746682 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52345167578543 + 0.109659389304653 + 0 + 0.532446188803362 + 0.10383207244299 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523450294776224 + 0.113872782888096 + 0 + 0.533575722493352 + 0.1073553176181 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523048677859979 + 0.118309657469948 + 0 + 0.534394534149849 + 0.111053037038927 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523627245469555 + 0.122091890687348 + 0 + 0.536280898055095 + 0.114049419153329 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523240745851598 + 0.126461030695298 + 0 + 0.537283487399462 + 0.117590596396749 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523245397630319 + 0.130552719621004 + 0 + 0.538748674205826 + 0.120818787963742 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522418612500583 + 0.135133634751112 + 0 + 0.539441591812378 + 0.124508569601205 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522730943085409 + 0.138974522964898 + 0 + 0.541319944200426 + 0.127439054673838 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522219163519432 + 0.143301507969552 + 0 + 0.542408371965362 + 0.130844154859247 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522077789151797 + 0.147372057686382 + 0 + 0.543890669398396 + 0.133987679894384 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521055314040808 + 0.151952623674625 + 0 + 0.544506671776419 + 0.137640914606962 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521224057311975 + 0.155779138521353 + 0 + 0.546322602669711 + 0.140543440159546 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520765473252163 + 0.159964688070943 + 0 + 0.547516347573494 + 0.143810641425048 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.519667517078807 + 0.164506357473778 + 0 + 0.548073925314627 + 0.147439584142646 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.519767582991567 + 0.168303442639473 + 0 + 0.549831357544578 + 0.1503304707214 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.519027566419154 + 0.172581518492625 + 0 + 0.550746905603893 + 0.153711057504541 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518466448159186 + 0.176728369450954 + 0 + 0.551833072769117 + 0.156972122594725 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517810814075525 + 0.180908044047086 + 0 + 0.552807795043174 + 0.160282529381696 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517133893265759 + 0.185077407460631 + 0 + 0.553733351377721 + 0.163605060462087 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.516416128215161 + 0.18924851596084 + 0 + 0.554577522111294 + 0.166958642103039 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51566265614901 + 0.193418803972021 + 0 + 0.555331943326091 + 0.170347948802067 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514872298574986 + 0.197589428285336 + 0 + 0.555982527636227 + 0.17378093406575 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514045853327002 + 0.201760388445989 + 0 + 0.556519520192884 + 0.177262944652536 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.513183688061455 + 0.205931936718445 + 0 + 0.556936398720902 + 0.18079741632435 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512286766465566 + 0.210103983221332 + 0 + 0.557231163126015 + 0.184385174568022 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511356428967505 + 0.214276227432922 + 0 + 0.557405401903896 + 0.18802501923117 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510394540246681 + 0.218448077496222 + 0 + 0.557463302290639 + 0.191714324045825 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509403263420113 + 0.222618781699748 + 0 + 0.557410524088334 + 0.195449696934331 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508385276965235 + 0.226787307449336 + 0 + 0.557253905312904 + 0.199227155874996 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507343670971599 + 0.230952403306024 + 0 + 0.557000954267425 + 0.203042421005228 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50628183277648 + 0.235112665396779 + 0 + 0.556659477185052 + 0.20689112425556 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505203282290719 + 0.239266630070865 + 0 + 0.556237231152404 + 0.210769000021129 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.5041115378889 + 0.243412847600882 + 0 + 0.555741639378805 + 0.214672037386966 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.503010058533057 + 0.247549912307887 + 0 + 0.555179667496863 + 0.218596540518092 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501902284134516 + 0.251676438301314 + 0 + 0.554557847256557 + 0.22253910743921 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.500791411752199 + 0.255791181365126 + 0 + 0.553882065245949 + 0.226496739092468 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499680395056188 + 0.259893035754083 + 0 + 0.553157589171068 + 0.230466815840659 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498571842964194 + 0.263981086573816 + 0 + 0.552388998513543 + 0.234447127313717 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497468196136726 + 0.268054509813246 + 0 + 0.551580393148184 + 0.23843575067471 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.496371533402254 + 0.272112676235429 + 0 + 0.55073522924578 + 0.242431134814131 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.495283536395795 + 0.276155167248039 + 0 + 0.549856309374096 + 0.246432098954607 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494205700414083 + 0.280181657465489 + 0 + 0.548946014631394 + 0.250437700925118 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.493139037184951 + 0.284192074393631 + 0 + 0.548006024331286 + 0.254447385190705 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.492084390212656 + 0.288186424806158 + 0 + 0.547037644154874 + 0.258460800134464 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491042160043438 + 0.292164942210092 + 0 + 0.546041540323348 + 0.262477938844547 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490012539879201 + 0.296127957539111 + 0 + 0.545017977443474 + 0.266499006843495 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488995662455544 + 0.300075819482872 + 0 + 0.543966956794575 + 0.27052434552663 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487991941242485 + 0.304008711430154 + 0 + 0.542888564817689 + 0.274554243665012 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487002100300981 + 0.307926637333695 + 0 + 0.541782999426488 + 0.278588923886354 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.486027199207729 + 0.311829410246327 + 0 + 0.540650584700186 + 0.282628535529051 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485068577732126 + 0.315716683574507 + 0 + 0.539491701285624 + 0.286673192376059 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484127891016174 + 0.319587933607701 + 0 + 0.538306803032793 + 0.29072296394384 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.483207122089384 + 0.323442454229946 + 0 + 0.537096406499255 + 0.294777881416356 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482308548966914 + 0.327279375647427 + 0 + 0.535861030519624 + 0.298837969985856 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481434738877819 + 0.331097668405419 + 0 + 0.534601158737512 + 0.302903268664162 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480588521175879 + 0.334896158558028 + 0 + 0.533317177872327 + 0.306973862799573 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479772917350217 + 0.338673565249241 + 0 + 0.532009272790517 + 0.311049939094717 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.478991178777327 + 0.342428481081466 + 0 + 0.530677434307597 + 0.315131780838976 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.478246633032295 + 0.346159453547302 + 0 + 0.529321289790023 + 0.319219856712489 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477542648537892 + 0.349865003409817 + 0 + 0.527940081471455 + 0.323314831092869 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476882524051364 + 0.353543682546938 + 0 + 0.52653261939723 + 0.327417587861171 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476269371497064 + 0.3571941349115 + 0 + 0.525097314180754 + 0.331529212212702 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.475705963119537 + 0.360815175896044 + 0 + 0.523632207275461 + 0.335650974040946 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.475194711179394 + 0.36440580178794 + 0 + 0.522135211982436 + 0.339784201009199 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474737464376273 + 0.367965295354918 + 0 + 0.520604322046023 + 0.343930169450936 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474335647530648 + 0.371493151282686 + 0 + 0.519038275674791 + 0.348089757458349 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473990034454665 + 0.374989194082279 + 0 + 0.517437254548364 + 0.352263081445557 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473701079732101 + 0.378453403447027 + 0 + 0.515804391559244 + 0.356448711591469 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473468660533748 + 0.381886048747349 + 0 + 0.514146264186921 + 0.360643420274251 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473292426086782 + 0.38528750592209 + 0 + 0.51247299819346 + 0.364842134072063 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473171796229143 + 0.388658258309897 + 0 + 0.510796948493089 + 0.369038626895672 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473105859368773 + 0.391998949950274 + 0 + 0.509130797183951 + 0.373226513042008 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473093704331136 + 0.395310212776923 + 0 + 0.507486424927093 + 0.377399833168641 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47313423649573 + 0.398592762913298 + 0 + 0.50587379606636 + 0.381553631029881 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473226306867791 + 0.401847333844363 + 0 + 0.504300569309922 + 0.385684151186864 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47336871837739 + 0.405074673657251 + 0 + 0.502771872546368 + 0.389788951374296 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473560234981433 + 0.408275540826032 + 0 + 0.501290258178611 + 0.393866921409953 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473799624169259 + 0.411450682650351 + 0 + 0.499855979678528 + 0.397918135912176 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474085656395509 + 0.414600836099549 + 0 + 0.498469292377816 + 0.40194265722724 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47441711201981 + 0.417726724737405 + 0 + 0.497132763216147 + 0.40593933722966 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474792801917384 + 0.420829048541646 + 0 + 0.495851528048926 + 0.409905686517765 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.475211577093681 + 0.423908479425143 + 0 + 0.494633250218255 + 0.413837898300384 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.475672335737063 + 0.426965658068694 + 0 + 0.493487898679536 + 0.417730965267504 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476174028109098 + 0.430001191853996 + 0 + 0.4924272364966 + 0.42157894588292 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476715659537 + 0.43301565375709 + 0 + 0.49146389361516 + 0.425375445225852 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477296291758215 + 0.436009582071149 + 0 + 0.490609906455141 + 0.429114370991504 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477915043120653 + 0.438983480697262 + 0 + 0.489874914318176 + 0.432790866066189 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47857108790496 + 0.441937819865572 + 0 + 0.489264835856692 + 0.436401991585609 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.4792636549155 + 0.444873037211644 + 0 + 0.488781617578464 + 0.439946854817297 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479992025837321 + 0.447789538951843 + 0 + 0.488423981739183 + 0.443426220387162 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480755533142571 + 0.450687701271258 + 0 + 0.4881886003474 + 0.446841902023148 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481553557995399 + 0.453567871693282 + 0 + 0.488071020018195 + 0.450196284152812 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482385528078252 + 0.456430370472338 + 0 + 0.488066184726362 + 0.4534920520895 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.483250915371915 + 0.459275491994529 + 0 + 0.488168846607811 + 0.456731980392455 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484149234127544 + 0.462103506064446 + 0 + 0.488373826038303 + 0.459918799311438 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485080038796079 + 0.464914659200892 + 0 + 0.488676193507938 + 0.463055101701695 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.486042922227744 + 0.467709175781104 + 0 + 0.489071418703503 + 0.466143266870817 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487037513828202 + 0.470487259196785 + 0 + 0.489555432899871 + 0.469185429197055 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488063478102205 + 0.473249092800284 + 0 + 0.4901246418311 + 0.47218347227413 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489120512909474 + 0.475994840991135 + 0 + 0.490775908762287 + 0.475139038380869 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490208348976539 + 0.4787246496458 + 0 + 0.491506524496342 + 0.478053544628628 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491326745868434 + 0.481438648370933 + 0 + 0.492314168830619 + 0.480928203461214 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.492475501438458 + 0.484136945783516 + 0 + 0.49319688574134 + 0.483764036001356 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.493654411958244 + 0.48681965028095 + 0 + 0.494153012192287 + 0.486561909322467 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494863422974988 + 0.489486807865888 + 0 + 0.495181301837825 + 0.48932248858847 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.496102059573828 + 0.492138630292215 + 0 + 0.496280332661643 + 0.492046477142159 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497371493713584 + 0.494774532210353 + 0 + 0.497450556216611 + 0.494733663239932 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.49866695231355 + 0.497396981379112 + 0 + 0.498686691904864 + 0.497386777603745 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499994052316792 + 0.500003074467614 + 0 + 0.499994052316792 + 0.500003074467614 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50133304768642 + 0.502603018614166 + 0 + 0.501313308095106 + 0.502613222389533 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502628506286219 + 0.505225467783011 + 0 + 0.502549443783192 + 0.505266336753432 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.503897940426825 + 0.507861369700709 + 0 + 0.503719667339009 + 0.507953522850766 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505136577023465 + 0.510513192128173 + 0 + 0.504818698160628 + 0.510677511405592 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.506345588044201 + 0.513180349711049 + 0 + 0.505846987810158 + 0.513438090669533 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507524498560535 + 0.515863054210268 + 0 + 0.506803114257653 + 0.516235963992428 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508673254131663 + 0.518561351622281 + 0 + 0.507685831169478 + 0.519071796531999 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509791651023341 + 0.521275350347525 + 0 + 0.508493475503538 + 0.521946455364697 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510879487089336 + 0.524005159002744 + 0 + 0.509224091236523 + 0.52486096161301 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511936521897648 + 0.526750907193055 + 0 + 0.509875358168753 + 0.527816527719209 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512962486172324 + 0.529512740796207 + 0 + 0.510444567100654 + 0.530814570795937 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.513957077772821 + 0.532290824211867 + 0 + 0.510928581297061 + 0.533856733122155 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514919961203689 + 0.535085340792492 + 0 + 0.511323806491829 + 0.536944898291688 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515850765873871 + 0.537896493928086 + 0 + 0.511626173963112 + 0.540081200681094 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.516749084628734 + 0.540724507998399 + 0 + 0.511831153392837 + 0.543268019600474 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51761447191973 + 0.54356962952197 + 0 + 0.51193381527162 + 0.546507947904807 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518446442005535 + 0.546432128299498 + 0 + 0.511928979982738 + 0.549803715839969 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.519244466856237 + 0.549312298722622 + 0 + 0.511811399651408 + 0.553158097970733 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520007974163696 + 0.552210461040894 + 0 + 0.511576018261834 + 0.556573779605575 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520736345084538 + 0.555126962781599 + 0 + 0.511218382421574 + 0.560053145175947 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521428912093418 + 0.558062180128531 + 0 + 0.510735164141686 + 0.563598008408494 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522084956879192 + 0.561016519296082 + 0 + 0.510125085681669 + 0.567209133927154 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522703708243069 + 0.563990417921449 + 0 + 0.509390093546143 + 0.570885629001093 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52328434046157 + 0.566984346236914 + 0 + 0.508536106383411 + 0.574624554768151 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523825971892187 + 0.569998808138601 + 0 + 0.507572763504685 + 0.578421054109677 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.524327664262302 + 0.573034341924899 + 0 + 0.506512101319829 + 0.582269034726088 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52478842290612 + 0.576091520568223 + 0 + 0.505366749781547 + 0.586162101692983 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.525207198084799 + 0.579170951450485 + 0 + 0.504148471953258 + 0.590094313474367 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52558288798045 + 0.582273275255722 + 0 + 0.502867236784112 + 0.594060662763467 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.525914343603953 + 0.585399163893994 + 0 + 0.501530707621645 + 0.598057342766303 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526200375830879 + 0.588549317342839 + 0 + 0.50014402032161 + 0.602081864081015 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526439765018954 + 0.591724459167029 + 0 + 0.498709741821777 + 0.606133078583108 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526631281623102 + 0.594925326335756 + 0 + 0.497228127454124 + 0.610211048618711 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526773693131796 + 0.598152666149114 + 0 + 0.495699430689665 + 0.614315848806614 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526865763506238 + 0.60140723707894 + 0 + 0.494126203935608 + 0.618446368962357 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526906295669121 + 0.604689787216205 + 0 + 0.492513575073163 + 0.622600166824486 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526894140630022 + 0.608001050043617 + 0 + 0.490869202814845 + 0.626773486951884 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.5268282037731 + 0.611341741682197 + 0 + 0.489203051509154 + 0.630961373096422 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526707573912166 + 0.614712494071721 + 0 + 0.487527001805488 + 0.635157865921748 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526531339466077 + 0.618113951246006 + 0 + 0.485853735812904 + 0.639356579719104 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526298920267024 + 0.621546596546694 + 0 + 0.484195608439881 + 0.643551288402253 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526009965544471 + 0.625010805911436 + 0 + 0.482562745450773 + 0.647736918548159 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.525664352471711 + 0.628506848709342 + 0 + 0.480961724327569 + 0.651910242533679 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.525262535623046 + 0.632034704638701 + 0 + 0.479395677953296 + 0.656069830542682 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.524805288823295 + 0.635594198203913 + 0 + 0.477864788020253 + 0.660215798982654 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.524294036879955 + 0.639184824097485 + 0 + 0.47636779272403 + 0.664349025952583 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523730628505429 + 0.642805865080452 + 0 + 0.474902685821739 + 0.66847078777925 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523117475946808 + 0.646456317447286 + 0 + 0.473467380600942 + 0.672582412133053 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522457351463085 + 0.650134996582931 + 0 + 0.472059918529522 + 0.676685168899879 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521753366967001 + 0.653840546446332 + 0 + 0.470678710209273 + 0.680780143281146 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521008821224949 + 0.657571518910595 + 0 + 0.469322565694679 + 0.684868219153084 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520227082648363 + 0.661326434744771 + 0 + 0.467990727208062 + 0.688950060899293 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.519411478822976 + 0.665103841435842 + 0 + 0.466682822126528 + 0.693026137194298 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518565261124469 + 0.66890233158663 + 0 + 0.465398841264776 + 0.697096731327888 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517691451033823 + 0.672720624345443 + 0 + 0.464138969481113 + 0.701162030007015 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.516792877913162 + 0.676557545761962 + 0 + 0.46290359350329 + 0.705222118575552 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515872108983745 + 0.680412066385605 + 0 + 0.461693196967127 + 0.709277036049465 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514931422267667 + 0.684283316418867 + 0 + 0.46050829871417 + 0.713326807617315 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51397280079304 + 0.688170589746522 + 0 + 0.459349415300583 + 0.717371464463798 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512997899698554 + 0.692073362659816 + 0 + 0.458217000573047 + 0.721411076107158 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512008058758181 + 0.695991288562752 + 0 + 0.457111435182978 + 0.725445756327896 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511004337544466 + 0.699924180510383 + 0 + 0.456033043205435 + 0.729475654466623 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509987460119132 + 0.703872042455049 + 0 + 0.454982022554859 + 0.733500993150666 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508957839958684 + 0.707835057782027 + 0 + 0.453958459678774 + 0.737522061147572 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507915609785534 + 0.711813575188082 + 0 + 0.452962355843315 + 0.741539199859776 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.506860962816107 + 0.715807925599057 + 0 + 0.451993975669772 + 0.745552614801983 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505794299587729 + 0.719818342526788 + 0 + 0.451053985370417 + 0.749562299067159 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50471646360411 + 0.723844832745273 + 0 + 0.450143690625808 + 0.753567901038705 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.503628466598051 + 0.727887323757671 + 0 + 0.449264770754525 + 0.757568865178969 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502531803865829 + 0.731945490178619 + 0 + 0.44841960685437 + 0.761564249317155 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501428157035814 + 0.736018913419442 + 0 + 0.447611001486465 + 0.765552872679542 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.500319604946107 + 0.740106964237919 + 0 + 0.446842410831228 + 0.769533184151345 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499208588248282 + 0.744208818627871 + 0 + 0.446117934754533 + 0.773503260900529 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498097715866466 + 0.748323561691401 + 0 + 0.445442152744424 + 0.777460892553503 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.496989941466518 + 0.752450087685613 + 0 + 0.444820332502712 + 0.781403459475408 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.495888462111817 + 0.756587152391981 + 0 + 0.444258360621912 + 0.785327962605897 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494796717708545 + 0.760733369922805 + 0 + 0.44376276884686 + 0.78923099997254 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.493718167222013 + 0.764887334597329 + 0 + 0.443340522813441 + 0.793108875738548 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.4926563290289 + 0.769047596686956 + 0 + 0.442999045733074 + 0.796957578987751 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491614723034713 + 0.773212692543954 + 0 + 0.442746094687043 + 0.800772844118292 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490596736579843 + 0.777381218293539 + 0 + 0.442589475911622 + 0.804550303058957 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489605459752433 + 0.781551922497543 + 0 + 0.442536697708475 + 0.808285675947941 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488643571033959 + 0.785723772559507 + 0 + 0.442594598097569 + 0.811974980761259 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487713233533018 + 0.789896016772742 + 0 + 0.442768836872569 + 0.815614825426052 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.48681631193835 + 0.794068063274935 + 0 + 0.443063601278904 + 0.819202583669031 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485954146674468 + 0.798239611546427 + 0 + 0.443480479808586 + 0.82273705533988 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485127701425083 + 0.802410571707882 + 0 + 0.444017472363841 + 0.826219065927466 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484337343849363 + 0.806581196022189 + 0 + 0.444668056672282 + 0.829652051192143 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.483583871784777 + 0.810751484032459 + 0 + 0.445422477888644 + 0.833041357890259 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482866106735681 + 0.81492259253179 + 0 + 0.446266648623719 + 0.836394939530335 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482189185925451 + 0.819091955945604 + 0 + 0.447192204957802 + 0.839717470610995 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481533551840911 + 0.823271630542244 + 0 + 0.448166927230979 + 0.843027877398472 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480972433580564 + 0.827418481500807 + 0 + 0.449253094395825 + 0.846288942488891 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480232417010237 + 0.831696557352717 + 0 + 0.450168642457226 + 0.849669529270789 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480332482921034 + 0.835493642519584 + 0 + 0.451926074685214 + 0.852560415850717 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479234526748342 + 0.840035311922023 + 0 + 0.452483652427012 + 0.856189358567919 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.478775942688619 + 0.844220861471553 + 0 + 0.453677397330884 + 0.85945655983336 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.478944685958593 + 0.848047376319007 + 0 + 0.455493328222982 + 0.862359085386671 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477922210849597 + 0.85262794230603 + 0 + 0.456109330602999 + 0.866012320098029 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477780836479676 + 0.856698492024262 + 0 + 0.457591628033746 + 0.869155845134568 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477269056915143 + 0.861025477028034 + 0 + 0.458680055800127 + 0.872560945319095 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477581387500349 + 0.864866365241567 + 0 + 0.460558408188554 + 0.875491430391475 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476754602368739 + 0.869447280372848 + 0 + 0.461251325793232 + 0.879181212030109 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476759254147658 + 0.873538969298439 + 0 + 0.462716512599794 + 0.882409403596989 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476372754530615 + 0.877908109305811 + 0 + 0.463719101945075 + 0.885950580839829 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47695132214045 + 0.881690342523043 + 0 + 0.46560546585058 + 0.888946962954065 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476549705225518 + 0.886127217104047 + 0 + 0.46642427750839 + 0.892644682374043 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476548324213763 + 0.890340610689135 + 0 + 0.467553811195831 + 0.896167927550797 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476204631111983 + 0.894810787407103 + 0 + 0.468252398902795 + 0.89999715724727 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476339432273969 + 0.899003983299014 + 0 + 0.469343712139539 + 0.903597517856302 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476384863257099 + 0.90328857144156 + 0 + 0.470263836309584 + 0.907335538561447 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476560705479983 + 0.907520534454167 + 0 + 0.471237138618219 + 0.911064996436044 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476558682834704 + 0.911906353030452 + 0 + 0.471960135746149 + 0.9149899975601 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477394043974654 + 0.915760628459571 + 0 + 0.473452780518782 + 0.918422688335023 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477409715844738 + 0.92019959388117 + 0 + 0.474062535058052 + 0.922477018651757 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477708756192924 + 0.924483750441316 + 0 + 0.474896653223432 + 0.926411427413213 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477976102323672 + 0.928826415604966 + 0 + 0.475643810567884 + 0.93043734482922 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.478372444686491 + 0.933117152300743 + 0 + 0.476468020799804 + 0.934442713571635 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.478571600884668 + 0.9375845966121 + 0 + 0.477046022832167 + 0.938654804602622 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479117880665045 + 0.941847829601659 + 0 + 0.477924666068529 + 0.942691559742731 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479635289082412 + 0.946168638958046 + 0 + 0.478730155121587 + 0.946813844836093 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480206191022743 + 0.950489698087396 + 0 + 0.479546756526215 + 0.950963621248745 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480879038415448 + 0.954775547987398 + 0 + 0.480424549414993 + 0.955104899385653 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481381595638381 + 0.959225296897076 + 0 + 0.481092682492227 + 0.959436429533941 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482754548730448 + 0.963072244085597 + 0 + 0.48259300190791 + 0.963191307602395 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.483300144753406 + 0.967563174953934 + 0 + 0.48322871791355 + 0.967616272587369 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484129518797475 + 0.971885884057937 + 0 + 0.484111741181684 + 0.971899215407223 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484952458979156 + 0.976254282549339 + 0 + 0.484952458979156 + 0.976254282549339 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485824275853286 + 0.980627745404213 + 0 + 0.485806612976727 + 0.980641228404201 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.486815332605333 + 0.98495172077801 + 0 + 0.486744824995551 + 0.985006033107098 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487592758330058 + 0.989484960109446 + 0 + 0.487434321274406 + 0.989608131519687 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488742082948313 + 0.993773449753801 + 0 + 0.488460568119542 + 0.993994350631011 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.48986320675 + 0.998125416051663 + 0 + 0.489423234830994 + 0.998473923304893 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491045041317873 + 1.00247203245545 + 0 + 0.49041082845866 + 1.0029792119772 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.49233440564444 + 1.00677480748349 + 0 + 0.491469576589576 + 1.00747311172805 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.493460681663366 + 1.01125425394632 + 0 + 0.492328072619937 + 1.01217774643629 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.495460427929898 + 1.01505738903666 + 0 + 0.494021851569397 + 1.01624196980312 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.496638308953025 + 1.01957422120936 + 0 + 0.49485432137298 + 1.02105790963262 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498112620751443 + 1.02389176060391 + 0 + 0.495942282292432 + 1.02571502930956 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499561115684399 + 1.02827606043382 + 0 + 0.496961688410256 + 1.03048215187922 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501162367054184 + 1.03257587154734 + 0 + 0.498089019306701 + 1.03521117350869 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502528930295918 + 1.03712577564273 + 0 + 0.498934449574953 + 1.04024023045147 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.504317012644467 + 1.04135845614977 + 0 + 0.500151514841299 + 1.045005938427 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.506059442296338 + 1.0456749224446 + 0 + 0.501270138673485 + 1.04991357148418 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507940760636186 + 1.04991291010884 + 0 + 0.50247189899381 + 1.05480540089557 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509695787050457 + 1.05431051149653 + 0 + 0.503488748700846 + 1.05992418541427 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512204284159172 + 1.05806398174356 + 0 + 0.505197807669882 + 1.06447067484007 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51399034288329 + 1.06251708344663 + 0 + 0.506121231655939 + 1.06979279473334 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51609751370206 + 1.06672237553355 + 0 + 0.507301790424519 + 1.07494654065989 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518028375242262 + 1.07114155770125 + 0 + 0.508243018275804 + 1.08039541009198 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520372880982108 + 1.07521657819188 + 0 + 0.509538520373593 + 1.08558059779509 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522532236340364 + 1.0795138704264 + 0 + 0.510596399431803 + 1.0910645843488 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52545029055352 + 1.08311274760893 + 0 + 0.512370242325124 + 1.09591951724173 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.527382827862839 + 1.08771982527038 + 0 + 0.513127593539546 + 1.10184293146121 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530095526451185 + 1.09160437831197 + 0 + 0.514646235110045 + 1.10709429077798 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.532557347241592 + 1.09578238874167 + 0 + 0.515906110794508 + 1.11267990657629 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.535706120273601 + 1.09929811712331 + 0 + 0.517854422167159 + 1.11763551574601 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.53805830609577 + 1.10367228387181 + 0 + 0.519015260035501 + 1.1234751521698 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.540920624167921 + 1.10756570286338 + 0 + 0.520701008413597 + 1.12885491662044 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.544254167470312 + 1.11099256185514 + 0 + 0.522875700588264 + 1.13378562338199 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.54685390430347 + 1.11524058589353 + 0 + 0.524336032367081 + 1.13955404357138 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.550069444966695 + 1.11886839513245 + 0 + 0.526433283942999 + 1.1447177694383 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553227042417595 + 1.12259356270685 + 0 + 0.528496668974809 + 1.14999099699548 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.556506649026452 + 1.12621890523132 + 0 + 0.530711215598664 + 1.15517122019881 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55986080951008 + 1.12979387520821 + 0 + 0.533036167136575 + 1.16030025312489 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.56330244467643 + 1.13330143582127 + 0 + 0.535492630210962 + 1.16535133814735 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.566827991043019 + 1.13674279803129 + 0 + 0.538086234295701 + 1.17031424244124 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.570438139362445 + 1.14011426493529 + 0 + 0.540827144444486 + 1.17517286849247 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574132103883118 + 1.14341373358832 + 0 + 0.543723241124717 + 1.17991299928247 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.577909051876789 + 1.14663908117576 + 0 + 0.546780270218074 + 1.18452227114033 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.581767787352015 + 1.14978855531628 + 0 + 0.550000652979231 + 1.1889917819594 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.585706756183887 + 1.15286079626713 + 0 + 0.553383422323989 + 1.19331642625727 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.589724054291279 + 1.15585485606336 + 0 + 0.55692487187634 + 1.19749435021806 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.593817225055392 + 1.15877049264964 + 0 + 0.560619265430573 + 1.20152628068643 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.597983491031212 + 1.16160792087123 + 0 + 0.564459769399792 + 1.20541449950773 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.602219741027288 + 1.16436786328744 + 0 + 0.56843883491963 + 1.20916245195536 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.606522619250809 + 1.16705146760592 + 0 + 0.572548587913756 + 1.2127743075337 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.610888543928388 + 1.1696603134618 + 0 + 0.576781032992545 + 1.21625473521273 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.615313813763666 + 1.17219629769502 + 0 + 0.581128283700758 + 1.21960862087356 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.619794724778203 + 1.17466149353525 + 0 + 0.585582774244466 + 1.22284078361187 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.624327718792446 + 1.17705794928241 + 0 + 0.590137440532748 + 1.22595570700154 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.628909331114754 + 1.17938775980436 + 0 + 0.594785665614436 + 1.22895758762622 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.633536265418153 + 1.18165295824662 + 0 + 0.599521332740684 + 1.23185023099531 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.638205382517395 + 1.18385552639272 + 0 + 0.604338783576953 + 1.23463707998259 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.642913847731338 + 1.18599716290751 + 0 + 0.609232932570749 + 1.23732100663482 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.647659026628498 + 1.18807941821025 + 0 + 0.614199130878693 + 1.23990447136725 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.652438475381525 + 1.19010369630778 + 0 + 0.61923312797439 + 1.24238954745781 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.657250071061453 + 1.1920710308073 + 0 + 0.624331176512316 + 1.24477771654051 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.662091823719786 + 1.19398235728531 + 0 + 0.629489822615251 + 1.2470701569691 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.666962057418946 + 1.19583820294995 + 0 + 0.634706068453997 + 1.24926744578744 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.671859231780185 + 1.19763894939232 + 0 + 0.639977178338436 + 1.25136983017142 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.676782053955661 + 1.19938462641002 + 0 + 0.645300778013203 + 1.25337702647739 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.681729372022332 + 1.20107506465597 + 0 + 0.650674739339138 + 1.25528837178505 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.686700041769928 + 1.20271011355745 + 0 + 0.656097044486555 + 1.25710303011437 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.691692772216155 + 1.20428992132878 + 0 + 0.661565619529403 + 1.25882027638241 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.69670613293395 + 1.20581494765453 + 0 + 0.667078335932383 + 1.26043950242755 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.70173853314741 + 1.20728603088596 + 0 + 0.672632987127885 + 1.26196027086986 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.706788253569108 + 1.20870436183155 + 0 + 0.678227319356608 + 1.26338227140409 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.711853468430611 + 1.21007147249851 + 0 + 0.683859054030539 + 1.26470528751629 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.716932248713107 + 1.21138926055207 + 0 + 0.689525892554594 + 1.26592919409536 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.722022586454904 + 1.21265997365373 + 0 + 0.695225543227294 + 1.26705390999517 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.727122415496229 + 1.21388619869845 + 0 + 0.700955745106299 + 1.26807935083201 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.732229620635568 + 1.21507087423552 + 0 + 0.706714280013179 + 1.2690054014918 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.737342109786635 + 1.21621716740149 + 0 + 0.712499045704567 + 1.26983175234462 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.742457803924229 + 1.21732851595467 + 0 + 0.718308042568543 + 1.27055790521786 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.747574698078026 + 1.2184085161524 + 0 + 0.724139423155918 + 1.27118303964496 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.752690897703539 + 1.2194608517593 + 0 + 0.7299915027917 + 1.27170595073508 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.757804666362378 + 1.22048918692833 + 0 + 0.735862759978407 + 1.27212500333148 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.762914476241913 + 1.22149703755115 + 0 + 0.741751805192329 + 1.27243815648178 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.768019066080084 + 1.22248760660145 + 0 + 0.747657350520497 + 1.27264298989545 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.773117436307318 + 1.22346375473747 + 0 + 0.753578093349688 + 1.27273695148106 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.778208917353718 + 1.22442777831868 + 0 + 0.759512625319642 + 1.27271757614279 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.783293090262913 + 1.22538154608768 + 0 + 0.765459170494825 + 1.27258318918615 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.788369857284543 + 1.22632625061541 + 0 + 0.771415344571685 + 1.27233365902011 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.793439287038182 + 1.2272627495703 + 0 + 0.777377642700849 + 1.2719720205513 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.798501696713981 + 1.22819128495578 + 0 + 0.783341385729886 + 1.27150504344285 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.803557499171211 + 1.22911184732236 + 0 + 0.789300835833885 + 1.27094339057836 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.808607192987563 + 1.23002417037727 + 0 + 0.795249824700286 + 1.27030025176751 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.813651386999594 + 1.23092761817741 + 0 + 0.801182514703783 + 1.26958932734466 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.818690673025075 + 1.23182153751439 + 0 + 0.807093798515255 + 1.26882361082532 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.823725685499322 + 1.23270505974714 + 0 + 0.812979633479731 + 1.26801416823505 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.828757051289389 + 1.23357723816867 + 0 + 0.818837083628473 + 1.26716968525947 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.833785384518723 + 1.2344370544279 + 0 + 0.824664288615454 + 1.26629618797418 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.83881128085738 + 1.2352834282323 + 0 + 0.830460364805294 + 1.26539695843194 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.843835302545775 + 1.23611526361253 + 0 + 0.83622520883519 + 1.26447280154096 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.848857977945165 + 1.23693144880881 + 0 + 0.841958742343827 + 1.26352452580637 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.853879799005805 + 1.23773086443033 + 0 + 0.847660279456762 + 1.262555466947 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.858901215504854 + 1.23851240676102 + 0 + 0.853328564521806 + 1.26157179411648 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.863922633292617 + 1.23927499912616 + 0 + 0.858961901331715 + 1.26058248911349 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.868944413693462 + 1.24001760071359 + 0 + 0.864558325410231 + 1.25959912424117 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.873966873869068 + 1.24073921298849 + 0 + 0.87011583350748 + 1.25863531586645 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.878990287919844 + 1.24143888405378 + 0 + 0.875632679978756 + 1.25770571114879 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.884014888537662 + 1.24211571125431 + 0 + 0.881107738283812 + 1.25682437365212 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.889040869037299 + 1.24276884236244 + 0 + 0.88654085261823 + 1.25600277272853 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.894068385580035 + 1.2433974759032 + 0 + 0.89193299206295 + 1.25524828745885 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.899097559559729 + 1.24400086048811 + 0 + 0.897286125340826 + 1.25456388999231 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.904128479975277 + 1.24457829387658 + 0 + 0.902602899254885 + 1.25394894127649 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.909161205811136 + 1.24512912152805 + 0 + 0.907886284972465 + 1.25340047188839 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.914195768350015 + 1.24565273496255 + 0 + 0.913139330175595 + 1.25291419846141 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.919232173384088 + 1.24614857010577 + 0 + 0.9183650244481 + 1.25248510130158 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.92427040334837 + 1.24661610543959 + 0 + 0.923566210150288 + 1.25210788209662 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.929310419327712 + 1.24705486027593 + 0 + 0.92874553673793 + 1.25177725670877 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.93435216295349 + 1.24746439309684 + 0 + 0.93390543962823 + 1.25148816260752 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.939395558206301 + 1.24784429984811 + 0 + 0.939048133339902 + 1.25123593036767 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.944440513091463 + 1.2481942125303 + 0 + 0.94417562235831 + 1.25101635900048 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.949486921250395 + 1.24851379756195 + 0 + 0.949289720525464 + 1.25082573503887 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.954534663393041 + 1.24880275529231 + 0 + 0.954392073753879 + 1.25066081926647 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.959583608935922 + 1.2490608158656 + 0 + 0.959484183302039 + 1.2505188131796 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.964633616652753 + 1.2492877485401 + 0 + 0.964567426819281 + 1.25039733270457 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.969684538021643 + 1.24948332513668 + 0 + 0.969643080186768 + 1.25029433578149 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.974736212423908 + 1.24964744031482 + 0 + 0.974712329181223 + 1.25020820959517 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.979788485124685 + 1.24977970299498 + 0 + 0.979776302020575 + 1.25013733320672 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.984841163888016 + 1.24988079375276 + 0 + 0.984836038911001 + 1.25008141087943 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.989894110039087 + 1.24994800899348 + 0 + 0.989892594671404 + 1.25003699694654 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.994947094009592 + 1.24998959753694 + 0 + 0.994946904833692 + 1.25001181763392 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 1 + 1.2499798172808 + 0 + 1 + 1.2499798172808 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 60e4b4b1-745b-4e7e-88b2-0e8296cb1111 + d2c53264-57e1-4d11-b625-5a5eefefe7c0 + dc33f043-a46c-4bbe-aa2b-e04d7f37a6de + b1dbb9a1-e34d-4d93-b860-212e9f8b0ced + 4 + eb7e621f-e724-4ac7-9359-2d0e0cf484bf + Group + + + + + + + + + + + ac2bc2cb-70fb-4dd5-9c78-7e1ea97fe278 + Geometry + + + + + Contains a collection of generic geometry + true + f09f57f7-fcf5-4ad7-8e01-f5885d26ae74 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26473 + -13036 + 50 + 24 + + + 26498.88 + -13024 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + -1 + + 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+ + 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Curve + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + f09f57f7-fcf5-4ad7-8e01-f5885d26ae74 + d2c53264-57e1-4d11-b625-5a5eefefe7c0 + dc33f043-a46c-4bbe-aa2b-e04d7f37a6de + b1dbb9a1-e34d-4d93-b860-212e9f8b0ced + 4 + c51dfe97-5c0e-4119-ba1c-65950f678481 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + ac2bc2cb-70fb-4dd5-9c78-7e1ea97fe278 + Geometry + + + + + Contains a collection of generic geometry + true + e4e2e33f-723f-4e55-b694-e897184beef9 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26473 + -13843 + 50 + 24 + + + 26498.88 + -13831 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 513 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + + 8.31187957663209E-17 + -0.24997981727771 + 0 + 8.31187957663209E-17 + -0.24997981727771 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0050530951663 + -0.250011817638801 + 0 + 0.00505347401718018 + -0.250056316453437 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0101074053285886 + -0.250036996953143 + 0 + 0.0101104516793202 + -0.250215889850821 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0151639610890107 + -0.250081410886769 + 0 + 0.0151743302950294 + -0.250487313256909 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0202236979794261 + -0.250137333213502 + 0 + 0.0202485754426978 + -0.250867601327207 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0252876708188029 + -0.250208209602382 + 0 + 0.0253370377099089 + -0.251367325069379 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0303569198132571 + -0.250294335788598 + 0 + 0.0304439477304975 + -0.251996802101443 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0354325731805973 + -0.250397332709298 + 0 + 0.0355741777151249 + -0.252771143623856 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0405158166980287 + -0.25051881318727 + 0 + 0.0407333795871576 + -0.253709198760745 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0456079262460018 + -0.25066081927168 + 0 + 0.045928108574321 + -0.254833066658725 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.050710279474559 + -0.250825735045865 + 0 + 0.0511656978861204 + -0.256164959299387 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.055824377641812 + -0.251016359008567 + 0 + 0.05645367456718 + -0.257720889874877 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0609518666598272 + -0.251235930371746 + 0 + 0.0617981549101894 + -0.259497564284208 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0660945603717932 + -0.251488162614414 + 0 + 0.0672016737916246 + -0.261460261611015 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0712544632619733 + -0.251777256714691 + 0 + 0.0726632778514002 + -0.263554891770152 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0764337898500242 + -0.252107882105759 + 0 + 0.0781809030656052 + -0.265733057129669 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0816349755515803 + -0.252485101305992 + 0 + 0.0837534980893882 + -0.267965814702187 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0868606698246323 + -0.25291419846969 + 0 + 0.0893820535374261 + -0.270245014640846 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0921137150270965 + -0.253400471892267 + 0 + 0.0950673048202867 + -0.272562583969479 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0973971007450821 + -0.253948941283018 + 0 + 0.10080637136443 + -0.274889867212233 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.102713874659216 + -0.254563889999269 + 0 + 0.106592080589806 + -0.277178900382035 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.108067007936918 + -0.255248287464826 + 0 + 0.112414522895768 + -0.279375728192023 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.113459147382148 + -0.256002772737251 + 0 + 0.118265273051606 + -0.281444178623693 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.118892261715591 + -0.256824373655822 + 0 + 0.124140200269981 + -0.283376202677637 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.12436732002128 + -0.257705711155725 + 0 + 0.130037989855904 + -0.285178783453385 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.129884166492715 + -0.258635315874054 + 0 + 0.135958052107033 + -0.286861164376441 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.135441674589243 + -0.25959912424556 + 0 + 0.141899543519177 + -0.288430033297935 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.141038098668422 + -0.260582489120846 + 0 + 0.147861030622459 + -0.289888558354322 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.146671435478557 + -0.261571794124714 + 0 + 0.153840515485047 + -0.291237135333926 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.152339720542513 + -0.262555466950824 + 0 + 0.159835644728056 + -0.292474713435035 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.158041257656008 + -0.263524525812492 + 0 + 0.165843940031274 + -0.293599934913285 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.163774791164998 + -0.264472801548418 + 0 + 0.171862984425325 + -0.294611884702311 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.169539635195464 + -0.265396958441391 + 0 + 0.177890551247578 + -0.295510488641129 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.175335711383715 + -0.266296187978016 + 0 + 0.18392461408995 + -0.296296420541724 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.181162916371653 + -0.267169685266647 + 0 + 0.189962647976924 + -0.296968624987794 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.187020366520242 + -0.268014168241682 + 0 + 0.196000793528125 + -0.297521830303161 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.192906201484751 + -0.268823610832084 + 0 + 0.202033527737075 + -0.297946112316023 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.198817485296664 + -0.269589327352784 + 0 + 0.208053372145435 + -0.298226654191779 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.204750175299078 + -0.270300251772304 + 0 + 0.214050604867077 + -0.298343564660643 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.210699164165947 + -0.270943390584599 + 0 + 0.22001300205193 + -0.298271819627797 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.216658614270101 + -0.271505043449532 + 0 + 0.225925941907469 + -0.297982256979424 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.222622357298185 + -0.271972020555336 + 0 + 0.231772968670908 + -0.297443706698576 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.228584655428591 + -0.2723336590276 + 0 + 0.237537499672447 + -0.296627908498917 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.234540829505308 + -0.272583189193221 + 0 + 0.243205728307193 + -0.295516872087926 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.240487374680324 + -0.272717576149431 + 0 + 0.248771768802236 + -0.294114958930639 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.24642190665102 + -0.272736951489556 + 0 + 0.254242893436095 + -0.292459468332912 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.252342649478215 + -0.272642989898993 + 0 + 0.259635723622134 + -0.290607435380482 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.25824819480824 + -0.272438156489859 + 0 + 0.264967076032412 + -0.288611319448322 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.264137240020776 + -0.272125003336282 + 0 + 0.270248030400458 + -0.286505506315453 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.270008497209413 + -0.271705950744382 + 0 + 0.275482472946715 + -0.284304894694083 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.275860576843751 + -0.271183039650915 + 0 + 0.280674584283271 + -0.282023831984469 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.281691957431942 + -0.270557905225649 + 0 + 0.285837332474636 + -0.279694880889281 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.287500954294866 + -0.269831752350115 + 0 + 0.290992512042424 + -0.277366991112205 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.293285719986599 + -0.269005401498071 + 0 + 0.296165448407521 + -0.275092594034809 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.299044254894231 + -0.268079350839847 + 0 + 0.301374228411425 + -0.272904902100394 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.304774456772862 + -0.267053910002221 + 0 + 0.306623717152775 + -0.27080762829604 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.31047410744546 + -0.265929194102196 + 0 + 0.311909918368648 + -0.268786525148997 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.316140945969225 + -0.264705287522553 + 0 + 0.317225377724543 + -0.266821661277429 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.321772680643194 + -0.263382271410464 + 0 + 0.322561935800737 + -0.264893245169681 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.327367012873468 + -0.261960270879134 + 0 + 0.327912185121925 + -0.262984367053954 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.332921664066306 + -0.260439502431847 + 0 + 0.333270039234965 + -0.261081799207438 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.33843438047094 + -0.258820276389761 + 0 + 0.338630733701804 + -0.259175677097762 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.343902955512875 + -0.25710303012009 + 0 + 0.343990687686051 + -0.257258962845591 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.34932526065984 + -0.255288371789993 + 0 + 0.349347379634694 + -0.255326985763933 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.354699221987147 + -0.25337702648471 + 0 + 0.354699221987147 + -0.25337702648471 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.360022821660194 + -0.251369830175849 + 0 + 0.360045529973816 + -0.251408100536763 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.365293931546597 + -0.249267445795179 + 0 + 0.36538640248935 + -0.249420615876589 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.370510177382904 + -0.247070156972829 + 0 + 0.370722660398344 + -0.247416155849515 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.375668823488236 + -0.244777716548122 + 0 + 0.376055896662797 + -0.245397462273084 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.380766872024581 + -0.242389547462904 + 0 + 0.381388837126853 + -0.243368907032891 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.385800869121962 + -0.239904471374973 + 0 + 0.386725502577399 + -0.241336609070113 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.390767067429048 + -0.237321006641231 + 0 + 0.392071779627215 + -0.239309160604642 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.395661216422581 + -0.234637079988636 + 0 + 0.397435477561445 + -0.237297510617177 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.400478667260664 + -0.231850231004017 + 0 + 0.40282603322905 + -0.235314338102901 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.405214334384559 + -0.228957587631486 + 0 + 0.408252827083115 + -0.233371461630573 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.409862559467649 + -0.225955707008855 + 0 + 0.413721364156202 + -0.231474436494269 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.414417225755814 + -0.222840783618997 + 0 + 0.419225529616825 + -0.229612121203731 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.418871716299084 + -0.219608620880065 + 0 + 0.424739759508987 + -0.227747080648909 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.423218967006952 + -0.216254735218764 + 0 + 0.43022523477784 + -0.225826028651191 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.42745141208627 + -0.212774307540461 + 0 + 0.435644274669597 + -0.223800403935422 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.4315611650795 + -0.209162451960945 + 0 + 0.440969100399577 + -0.221637682540441 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.43554023060087 + -0.205414499515317 + 0 + 0.44618358952782 + -0.219322535887776 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.439380734568756 + -0.20152628069228 + 0 + 0.451271440941807 + -0.216840370083294 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.443075128123467 + -0.197494350224531 + 0 + 0.456203613189969 + -0.21416133509845 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446616577677252 + -0.193316426265532 + 0 + 0.460939162954667 + -0.211242461154035 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.449999347020584 + -0.188991781965901 + 0 + 0.465433923835189 + -0.20803930466351 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453219729782702 + -0.184522271147994 + 0 + 0.469657308285336 + -0.204526520456555 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.45627675887424 + -0.179912999287942 + 0 + 0.473601241943624 + -0.200707295858227 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.45917285555591 + -0.17517286849967 + 0 + 0.477273723794102 + -0.196603798644425 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.461913765703483 + -0.170314242447015 + 0 + 0.480690674196653 + -0.192246372247257 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.464507369789478 + -0.16535133815459 + 0 + 0.483870706576526 + -0.18766695099345 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.466963832862649 + -0.160300253130734 + 0 + 0.486833260974741 + -0.18289679978869 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469288784401036 + -0.155171220205209 + 0 + 0.489591094003175 + -0.177958155102587 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.471503331025005 + -0.149990997002004 + 0 + 0.49217039211644 + -0.172886908764178 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473566716057105 + -0.144717769445143 + 0 + 0.494533707109605 + -0.167648041380594 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.475663967631305 + -0.139554043576359 + 0 + 0.496867977902021 + -0.162448871638894 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477124299413545 + -0.133785623390651 + 0 + 0.498502766295665 + -0.156578684917574 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479298991585968 + -0.128854916626706 + 0 + 0.500788892510983 + -0.151481612404188 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480984739965014 + -0.123475152177059 + 0 + 0.502521450472051 + -0.14587118274869 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482145577832612 + -0.11763551575251 + 0 + 0.503660901409283 + -0.139736218025729 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484093889205016 + -0.112679906582521 + 0 + 0.505515300066612 + -0.134418152461549 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485353764890708 + -0.107094290785466 + 0 + 0.506602537126236 + -0.12839893283478 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.486872406459753 + -0.101842931467246 + 0 + 0.507861139216746 + -0.122637125011553 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487629757675362 + -0.0959195172489411 + 0 + 0.508259693824949 + -0.116118436640817 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489403600567867 + -0.0910645843552011 + 0 + 0.509562056080227 + -0.110572604992928 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490461479625434 + -0.0855805978008902 + 0 + 0.510019484470317 + -0.104289551004154 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491756981724164 + -0.0803954100986792 + 0 + 0.510568720296189 + -0.0981853642674538 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.492698209576068 + -0.0749465406671672 + 0 + 0.51060569979605 + -0.0916903776343334 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.49387876834431 + -0.0697927947402885 + 0 + 0.510726210835971 + -0.0853697924401946 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494802192329544 + -0.0644706748462879 + 0 + 0.510459819697791 + -0.0787879444926246 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.49651125129946 + -0.0599241854212772 + 0 + 0.510891003013666 + -0.0729292987450382 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497528101006354 + -0.0548054009024455 + 0 + 0.510580543644727 + -0.0664822286462081 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498729861325473 + -0.0499135714899911 + 0 + 0.510430559146041 + -0.0602689708309202 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499848485158209 + -0.0450059384333006 + 0 + 0.510183143716704 + -0.0540553931958588 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501065550424622 + -0.0402402304578205 + 0 + 0.510030168865181 + -0.0480076664737912 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501910980694782 + -0.0352111735166889 + 0 + 0.509527651557143 + -0.0417422364850628 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.503038311588975 + -0.0304821518852956 + 0 + 0.509370226695051 + -0.0358559447539967 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.504057717708117 + -0.0257150293167507 + 0 + 0.509213758098833 + -0.0300465413214522 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505145678624113 + -0.0210579096369267 + 0 + 0.509265647200457 + -0.0244843626847478 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505978148432095 + -0.0162419698110893 + 0 + 0.50920844434475 + -0.0189019234382706 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507671927378645 + -0.0121777464418577 + 0 + 0.510150299264422 + -0.0141985300804371 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508530423411653 + -0.00747311173576964 + 0 + 0.510380612622524 + -0.0089670427871408 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509589171540003 + -0.00297921198287661 + 0 + 0.510920505518028 + -0.00404387871181429 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510576765170623 + 0.00152607668708759 + 0 + 0.511486191336128 + 0.0008057088607229 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511539431880029 + 0.00600564936259942 + 0 + 0.512114275101439 + 0.00555457766445053 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512565678724253 + 0.0103918684746238 + 0 + 0.512886239473343 + 0.0101426596050763 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51325517500338 + 0.0149939668869843 + 0 + 0.513396916780657 + 0.0148847825581318 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514193387024189 + 0.019358771588367 + 0 + 0.514228759375215 + 0.0193317700177648 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51504754102053 + 0.0237457174441685 + 0 + 0.51504754102053 + 0.0237457174441685 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515888258819386 + 0.0281007845852477 + 0 + 0.515923860951578 + 0.0280740867161304 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.516771282085733 + 0.0323837274064342 + 0 + 0.516914871795521 + 0.0322769849859283 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517406998092542 + 0.0368086923905292 + 0 + 0.517733850735903 + 0.0365677948935579 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518907317507953 + 0.0405635704592016 + 0 + 0.519497267829107 + 0.0401324451588042 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51957545058583 + 0.0448951006070141 + 0 + 0.520514883697567 + 0.0442143281161323 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520453243474147 + 0.049036378744264 + 0 + 0.521837522488296 + 0.0480415234704993 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52126984487911 + 0.0531861551566769 + 0 + 0.523206261190857 + 0.0518058211500428 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52207533393149 + 0.0573084402505241 + 0 + 0.524686322716065 + 0.0554621923568258 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522953977168973 + 0.0613451953898541 + 0 + 0.526379633729681 + 0.0589420636601844 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523531979199779 + 0.0655572864219197 + 0 + 0.52793008524993 + 0.0624960146713863 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.524356189433075 + 0.069562655163384 + 0 + 0.52989697983185 + 0.0657355948667036 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.525103346774803 + 0.0735885725812592 + 0 + 0.531953316169789 + 0.0688929663377595 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.525937464942551 + 0.0775229813410973 + 0 + 0.534232775614727 + 0.0718788446157459 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526547219480145 + 0.0815773116589682 + 0 + 0.536376712471869 + 0.0749381465327901 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.528039864253433 + 0.0850100024334431 + 0 + 0.539448924171609 + 0.0773594370423272 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.528762861383203 + 0.0889350035562764 + 0 + 0.541768812160651 + 0.0802755653889961 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529736163689691 + 0.0926644614322977 + 0 + 0.544345118595643 + 0.0830056311955981 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530656287860828 + 0.0964024821367171 + 0 + 0.546863166718194 + 0.0857607102152399 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.531747601096153 + 0.100002842746682 + 0 + 0.549518743105631 + 0.0884126737829544 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.532446188803362 + 0.10383207244299 + 0 + 0.551703070099359 + 0.0913560274525083 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.533575722493352 + 0.1073553176181 + 0 + 0.55419039988783 + 0.0940862046755032 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.534394534149849 + 0.111053037038927 + 0 + 0.556206235361405 + 0.0971026367691441 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.536280898055095 + 0.114049419153329 + 0 + 0.559123058060268 + 0.0995312853279216 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.537283487399462 + 0.117590596396749 + 0 + 0.561000297785932 + 0.102609304632083 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.538748674205826 + 0.120818787963742 + 0 + 0.563200541681953 + 0.10546636838032 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.539441591812378 + 0.124508569601205 + 0 + 0.564505421378423 + 0.10886472623115 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.541319944200426 + 0.127439054673838 + 0 + 0.566887036053185 + 0.111573308282341 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.542408371965362 + 0.130844154859247 + 0 + 0.56838129778772 + 0.11481807294804 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.543890669398396 + 0.133987679894384 + 0 + 0.570180111100047 + 0.117856485127912 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.544506671776419 + 0.137640914606962 + 0 + 0.571028957179202 + 0.121455104097672 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.546322602669711 + 0.140543440159546 + 0 + 0.572997949009286 + 0.124350568232757 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.547516347573494 + 0.143810641425048 + 0 + 0.574267221894916 + 0.127656594779098 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.548073925314627 + 0.147439584142646 + 0 + 0.574822890478299 + 0.131368614469152 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549831357544578 + 0.1503304707214 + 0 + 0.576500108507367 + 0.134387139610429 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.550746905603893 + 0.153711057504541 + 0 + 0.577254613715441 + 0.137941098714128 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.551833072769117 + 0.156972122594725 + 0 + 0.578094292418925 + 0.141422957996492 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.552807795043174 + 0.160282529381696 + 0 + 0.578730600939134 + 0.14500489118572 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553733351377721 + 0.163605060462087 + 0 + 0.579216715695933 + 0.148654357103119 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554577522111294 + 0.166958642103039 + 0 + 0.579508252945147 + 0.152396730476281 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555331943326091 + 0.170347948802067 + 0 + 0.579581332523745 + 0.156244994452482 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555982527636227 + 0.17378093406575 + 0 + 0.579403774034308 + 0.160216801191338 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.556519520192884 + 0.177262944652536 + 0 + 0.57894777456715 + 0.164327049509464 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.556936398720902 + 0.18079741632435 + 0 + 0.578194361922611 + 0.168585402449619 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557231163126015 + 0.184385174568022 + 0 + 0.577146186641268 + 0.172989078120572 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557405401903896 + 0.18802501923117 + 0 + 0.57583736297765 + 0.177517483083033 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557463302290639 + 0.191714324045825 + 0 + 0.574322194678389 + 0.182138940012568 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557410524088334 + 0.195449696934331 + 0 + 0.572652224040665 + 0.186823855088536 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557253905312904 + 0.199227155874996 + 0 + 0.570863750271195 + 0.191551692031706 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557000954267425 + 0.203042421005228 + 0 + 0.56897584456725 + 0.196311908296125 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.556659477185052 + 0.20689112425556 + 0 + 0.567007909442596 + 0.201093935638823 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.556237231152404 + 0.210769000021129 + 0 + 0.564997353243279 + 0.205877300983438 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555741639378805 + 0.214672037386966 + 0 + 0.562997969768196 + 0.210632672587117 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555179667496863 + 0.218596540518092 + 0 + 0.561067666715249 + 0.215328786861241 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554557847256557 + 0.22253910743921 + 0 + 0.559246486115802 + 0.219944615734353 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553882065245949 + 0.226496739092468 + 0 + 0.557545844164233 + 0.22447513353747 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553157589171068 + 0.230466815840659 + 0 + 0.555959243612377 + 0.228925184850554 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.552388998513543 + 0.234447127313717 + 0 + 0.554473736976886 + 0.233303057542361 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.551580393148184 + 0.23843575067471 + 0 + 0.553075733960902 + 0.237617263497918 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55073522924578 + 0.242431134814131 + 0 + 0.551753508658147 + 0.241875173669701 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549856309374096 + 0.246432098954607 + 0 + 0.55049799727919 + 0.246082603549017 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.548946014631394 + 0.250437700925118 + 0 + 0.549302783744853 + 0.250243845168947 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.548006024331286 + 0.254447385190705 + 0 + 0.548163316114617 + 0.254362113601127 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.547037644154874 + 0.258460800134464 + 0 + 0.547076785163384 + 0.258439627758949 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.546041540323348 + 0.262477938844547 + 0 + 0.546041540323348 + 0.262477938844547 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.545017977443474 + 0.266499006843495 + 0 + 0.545057155620294 + 0.266477903324993 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.543966956794575 + 0.27052434552663 + 0 + 0.544124547604063 + 0.270439627843368 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.542888564817689 + 0.274554243665012 + 0 + 0.543246352674862 + 0.274362274647256 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.541782999426488 + 0.278588923886354 + 0 + 0.542427134559827 + 0.27824395963303 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.540650584700186 + 0.282628535529051 + 0 + 0.541673728326051 + 0.282081577690987 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.539491701285624 + 0.286673192376059 + 0 + 0.540995634267459 + 0.285870602199881 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.538306803032793 + 0.29072296394384 + 0 + 0.54040555501309 + 0.289604809112222 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.537096406499255 + 0.294777881416356 + 0 + 0.539919650229687 + 0.293276152893373 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.535861030519624 + 0.298837969985856 + 0 + 0.539556680130675 + 0.296875232373641 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.534601158737512 + 0.302903268664162 + 0 + 0.539335286099958 + 0.300392738904304 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.533317177872327 + 0.306973862799573 + 0 + 0.539268272687522 + 0.303822479094256 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.532009272790517 + 0.311049939094717 + 0 + 0.5393508088804 + 0.307167588447597 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530677434307597 + 0.315131780838976 + 0 + 0.539549526688543 + 0.310446224809394 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529321289790023 + 0.319219856712489 + 0 + 0.539812900339498 + 0.313686001444671 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.527940081471455 + 0.323314831092869 + 0 + 0.540093459399462 + 0.316912237559049 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52653261939723 + 0.327417587861171 + 0 + 0.540360101826533 + 0.320141506864806 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.525097314180754 + 0.331529212212702 + 0 + 0.540599570325251 + 0.323380922857509 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523632207275461 + 0.335650974040946 + 0 + 0.540798229020821 + 0.326637765435576 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522135211982436 + 0.339784201009199 + 0 + 0.540924023728126 + 0.32992894565412 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520604322046023 + 0.343930169450936 + 0 + 0.540928091346227 + 0.333280118874307 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.519038275674791 + 0.348089757458349 + 0 + 0.540757771673667 + 0.336718839469171 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517437254548364 + 0.352263081445557 + 0 + 0.54037959449733 + 0.340262539162168 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515804391559244 + 0.356448711591469 + 0 + 0.539791415299973 + 0.343912237783572 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514146264186921 + 0.360643420274251 + 0 + 0.53901202590859 + 0.34765804034731 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51247299819346 + 0.364842134072063 + 0 + 0.538069555273283 + 0.351485230396626 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510796948493089 + 0.369038626895672 + 0 + 0.536994480154273 + 0.355377926958853 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509130797183951 + 0.373226513042008 + 0 + 0.535815026639632 + 0.359321478244379 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507486424927093 + 0.377399833168641 + 0 + 0.534555233968571 + 0.363303459369879 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50587379606636 + 0.381553631029881 + 0 + 0.533234097734197 + 0.367314105678826 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.504300569309922 + 0.385684151186864 + 0 + 0.531865696402006 + 0.371346234559035 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502771872546368 + 0.389788951374296 + 0 + 0.530459426003982 + 0.375395112862437 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501290258178611 + 0.393866921409953 + 0 + 0.529020281375881 + 0.379458301993825 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499855979678528 + 0.397918135912176 + 0 + 0.527549310015006 + 0.383535415083056 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498469292377816 + 0.40194265722724 + 0 + 0.526045936765373 + 0.387626904744344 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497132763216147 + 0.40593933722966 + 0 + 0.524510247578134 + 0.391732876038091 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.495851528048926 + 0.409905686517765 + 0 + 0.522943067233968 + 0.395853046844602 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494633250218255 + 0.413837898300384 + 0 + 0.521345589285743 + 0.399986940358411 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.493487898679536 + 0.417730965267504 + 0 + 0.519718690894851 + 0.404134240380255 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.4924272364966 + 0.42157894588292 + 0 + 0.518061901247467 + 0.408295325395787 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.49146389361516 + 0.425375445225852 + 0 + 0.51637221155114 + 0.412471883878459 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490609906455141 + 0.429114370991504 + 0 + 0.514643418921091 + 0.416667252368169 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489874914318176 + 0.432790866066189 + 0 + 0.512867020900908 + 0.420885950597459 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489264835856692 + 0.436401991585609 + 0 + 0.511036574327541 + 0.425131424327536 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488781617578464 + 0.439946854817297 + 0 + 0.509159182969168 + 0.429400101544355 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488423981739183 + 0.443426220387162 + 0 + 0.507267179700194 + 0.433675353988172 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.4881886003474 + 0.446841902023148 + 0 + 0.505408674537394 + 0.43793239716501 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488071020018195 + 0.450196284152812 + 0 + 0.503626140034609 + 0.442149371312442 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488066184726362 + 0.4534920520895 + 0 + 0.501944537843247 + 0.4463134770386 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488168846607811 + 0.456731980392455 + 0 + 0.500370303081629 + 0.45042149238139 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488373826038303 + 0.459918799311438 + 0 + 0.498909938897703 + 0.454470150684394 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488676193507938 + 0.463055101701695 + 0 + 0.49758853570312 + 0.458446564502282 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489071418703503 + 0.466143266870817 + 0 + 0.496448498560407 + 0.462328887302509 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489555432899871 + 0.469185429197055 + 0 + 0.495537215317347 + 0.466092691272893 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.4901246418311 + 0.47218347227413 + 0 + 0.494884725302945 + 0.469722511709624 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490775908762287 + 0.475139038380869 + 0 + 0.494493068729593 + 0.473217349863049 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491506524496342 + 0.478053544628628 + 0 + 0.494347188474569 + 0.476585034539809 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.492314168830619 + 0.480928203461214 + 0 + 0.494426631751383 + 0.479836173008036 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.49319688574134 + 0.483764036001356 + 0 + 0.494711209236506 + 0.482981227112328 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494153012192287 + 0.486561909322467 + 0 + 0.495183623645832 + 0.486029156295643 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.495181301837825 + 0.48932248858847 + 0 + 0.495830399117459 + 0.488986954495352 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.496280332661643 + 0.492046477142159 + 0 + 0.496641027035429 + 0.49186002655021 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497450556216611 + 0.494733663239932 + 0 + 0.497609495935737 + 0.4946515041578 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498686691904864 + 0.497386777603745 + 0 + 0.498726223164156 + 0.497366343133581 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499994052316792 + 0.500003074467614 + 0 + 0.499994052316792 + 0.500003074467614 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501313308095106 + 0.502613222389533 + 0 + 0.501273776835815 + 0.502633656859697 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502549443783192 + 0.505266336753432 + 0 + 0.502390504064066 + 0.505348495835564 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.503719667339009 + 0.507953522850766 + 0 + 0.503358972965224 + 0.508139973442715 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.504818698160628 + 0.510677511405592 + 0 + 0.504169600880994 + 0.51101304549871 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505846987810158 + 0.513438090669533 + 0 + 0.504816376356613 + 0.513970843696357 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.506803114257653 + 0.516235963992428 + 0 + 0.505288790762487 + 0.517018772881456 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507685831169478 + 0.519071796531999 + 0 + 0.505573368248714 + 0.520163826985177 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508493475503538 + 0.521946455364697 + 0 + 0.505652811525311 + 0.523414965453516 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509224091236523 + 0.52486096161301 + 0 + 0.505506931269217 + 0.52678265013083 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509875358168753 + 0.527816527719209 + 0 + 0.505115274696908 + 0.530277488283716 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510444567100654 + 0.530814570795937 + 0 + 0.504462784683178 + 0.533907308720099 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510928581297061 + 0.533856733122155 + 0 + 0.503551501440158 + 0.537671112690462 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511323806491829 + 0.536944898291688 + 0 + 0.502411464296648 + 0.541553435491102 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511626173963112 + 0.540081200681094 + 0 + 0.501090061103712 + 0.545529849308138 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511831153392837 + 0.543268019600474 + 0 + 0.499629696919019 + 0.549578507611538 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51193381527162 + 0.546507947904807 + 0 + 0.498055462154735 + 0.553686522955707 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511928979982738 + 0.549803715839969 + 0 + 0.496373859966325 + 0.557850628680338 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511811399651408 + 0.553158097970733 + 0 + 0.494591325461415 + 0.562067602828871 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511576018261834 + 0.556573779605575 + 0 + 0.492732820300824 + 0.566324646004566 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511218382421574 + 0.560053145175947 + 0 + 0.490840817030871 + 0.570599898448888 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510735164141686 + 0.563598008408494 + 0 + 0.488963425670836 + 0.574868575666567 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510125085681669 + 0.567209133927154 + 0 + 0.487132979098937 + 0.579114049395885 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509390093546143 + 0.570885629001093 + 0 + 0.485356581080193 + 0.583332747624428 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508536106383411 + 0.574624554768151 + 0 + 0.483627788447431 + 0.587528116115544 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507572763504685 + 0.578421054109677 + 0 + 0.481938098753818 + 0.59170467459681 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.506512101319829 + 0.582269034726088 + 0 + 0.480281309104514 + 0.595865759613337 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505366749781547 + 0.586162101692983 + 0 + 0.47865441071406 + 0.600013059634958 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.504148471953258 + 0.590094313474367 + 0 + 0.477056932768216 + 0.60414695314753 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502867236784112 + 0.594060662763467 + 0 + 0.475489752422125 + 0.608267123955035 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501530707621645 + 0.598057342766303 + 0 + 0.473954063234088 + 0.612373095249199 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50014402032161 + 0.602081864081015 + 0 + 0.472450689985132 + 0.616464584910135 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498709741821777 + 0.606133078583108 + 0 + 0.470979718624506 + 0.620541697999236 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497228127454124 + 0.610211048618711 + 0 + 0.46954057399651 + 0.62460488713057 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.495699430689665 + 0.614315848806614 + 0 + 0.468134303597581 + 0.628653765434444 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494126203935608 + 0.618446368962357 + 0 + 0.46676590226777 + 0.632685894313411 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.492513575073163 + 0.622600166824486 + 0 + 0.465444766031685 + 0.636696540623247 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490869202814845 + 0.626773486951884 + 0 + 0.464184973359164 + 0.640678521749514 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489203051509154 + 0.630961373096422 + 0 + 0.46300551984797 + 0.644622073033242 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487527001805488 + 0.635157865921748 + 0 + 0.461930444725666 + 0.648514769597185 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485853735812904 + 0.639356579719104 + 0 + 0.460987974091236 + 0.652341959646045 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484195608439881 + 0.643551288402253 + 0 + 0.460208584699153 + 0.65608776221015 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482562745450773 + 0.647736918548159 + 0 + 0.459620405501807 + 0.659737460831548 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480961724327569 + 0.651910242533679 + 0 + 0.459242228328693 + 0.663281160522857 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479395677953296 + 0.656069830542682 + 0 + 0.459071908653092 + 0.66671988111931 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477864788020253 + 0.660215798982654 + 0 + 0.459075976274563 + 0.670071054337734 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47636779272403 + 0.664349025952583 + 0 + 0.459201770978671 + 0.673362234557953 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474902685821739 + 0.66847078777925 + 0 + 0.459400429677243 + 0.676619077134443 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473467380600942 + 0.672582412133053 + 0 + 0.459639898171639 + 0.679858493129418 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.472059918529522 + 0.676685168899879 + 0 + 0.459906540601516 + 0.683087762433699 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470678710209273 + 0.680780143281146 + 0 + 0.460187099659798 + 0.686313998548964 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469322565694679 + 0.684868219153084 + 0 + 0.460450473313733 + 0.689553775182666 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.467990727208062 + 0.688950060899293 + 0 + 0.460649191118179 + 0.692832411546414 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.466682822126528 + 0.693026137194298 + 0 + 0.460731727311334 + 0.696177520899615 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.465398841264776 + 0.697096731327888 + 0 + 0.46066471390233 + 0.699607261087745 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.464138969481113 + 0.701162030007015 + 0 + 0.460443319870062 + 0.70312476761923 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.46290359350329 + 0.705222118575552 + 0 + 0.460080349772859 + 0.706723847098535 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.461693196967127 + 0.709277036049465 + 0 + 0.45959444498683 + 0.710395190881084 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.46050829871417 + 0.713326807617315 + 0 + 0.459004365732334 + 0.714129397793494 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.459349415300583 + 0.717371464463798 + 0 + 0.458326271674718 + 0.717918422301861 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.458217000573047 + 0.721411076107158 + 0 + 0.457572865439708 + 0.721756040360482 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.457111435182978 + 0.725445756327896 + 0 + 0.456753647325805 + 0.725637725345652 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.456033043205435 + 0.729475654466623 + 0 + 0.455875452395947 + 0.729560372149885 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.454982022554859 + 0.733500993150666 + 0 + 0.45494284437804 + 0.733522096669167 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453958459678774 + 0.737522061147572 + 0 + 0.453958459678774 + 0.737522061147572 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.452962355843315 + 0.741539199859776 + 0 + 0.452923214834805 + 0.741560372235291 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.451993975669772 + 0.745552614801983 + 0 + 0.451836683886441 + 0.745637886391561 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.451053985370417 + 0.749562299067159 + 0 + 0.450697216256959 + 0.74975615482333 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.450143690625808 + 0.753567901038705 + 0 + 0.449502002720713 + 0.753917396444294 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.449264770754525 + 0.757568865178969 + 0 + 0.448246491342158 + 0.7581248263234 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.44841960685437 + 0.761564249317155 + 0 + 0.446924266041652 + 0.762382736493947 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.447611001486465 + 0.765552872679542 + 0 + 0.445526263023122 + 0.766696942450897 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446842410831228 + 0.769533184151345 + 0 + 0.444040756389919 + 0.771074815141451 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446117934754533 + 0.773503260900529 + 0 + 0.442454155836248 + 0.775524866455527 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445442152744424 + 0.777460892553503 + 0 + 0.440753513885179 + 0.78005538425836 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444820332502712 + 0.781403459475408 + 0 + 0.438932333284326 + 0.784671213132259 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444258360621912 + 0.785327962605897 + 0 + 0.437002030232522 + 0.789367327405745 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.44376276884686 + 0.78923099997254 + 0 + 0.435002646755985 + 0.794122699010231 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.443340522813441 + 0.793108875738548 + 0 + 0.432992090555897 + 0.798906064355285 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442999045733074 + 0.796957578987751 + 0 + 0.431024155433248 + 0.803688091696854 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442746094687043 + 0.800772844118292 + 0 + 0.429136249728753 + 0.808448307961583 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442589475911622 + 0.804550303058957 + 0 + 0.427347775959291 + 0.813176144904752 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442536697708475 + 0.808285675947941 + 0 + 0.425677805320726 + 0.817861059981198 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442594598097569 + 0.811974980761259 + 0 + 0.424162637023815 + 0.822482516909397 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442768836872569 + 0.815614825426052 + 0 + 0.422853813357316 + 0.827010921873502 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.443063601278904 + 0.819202583669031 + 0 + 0.421805638077196 + 0.831414597543763 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.443480479808586 + 0.82273705533988 + 0 + 0.421052225434321 + 0.835672950482952 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444017472363841 + 0.826219065927466 + 0 + 0.420596225965759 + 0.839783198801878 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444668056672282 + 0.829652051192143 + 0 + 0.420418667474627 + 0.843755005541727 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445422477888644 + 0.833041357890259 + 0 + 0.420491747054791 + 0.847603269517016 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446266648623719 + 0.836394939530335 + 0 + 0.420783284305508 + 0.851345642889303 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.447192204957802 + 0.839717470610995 + 0 + 0.421269399061843 + 0.854995108806971 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.448166927230979 + 0.843027877398472 + 0 + 0.42190570758117 + 0.858577041996703 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.449253094395825 + 0.846288942488891 + 0 + 0.422745386284277 + 0.862058901279305 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.450168642457226 + 0.849669529270789 + 0 + 0.423499891494438 + 0.865612860381762 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.451926074685214 + 0.852560415850717 + 0 + 0.425177109521543 + 0.868631385524211 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.452483652427012 + 0.856189358567919 + 0 + 0.425732778105591 + 0.87234340521387 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453677397330884 + 0.85945655983336 + 0 + 0.427002050991308 + 0.875649431760149 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.455493328222982 + 0.862359085386671 + 0 + 0.428971042820199 + 0.878544895895962 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.456109330602999 + 0.866012320098029 + 0 + 0.429819888901348 + 0.882143514864502 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.457591628033746 + 0.869155845134568 + 0 + 0.431618702211388 + 0.885181927045774 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.458680055800127 + 0.872560945319095 + 0 + 0.433112963947368 + 0.888426691710593 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.460558408188554 + 0.875491430391475 + 0 + 0.43549457862251 + 0.89113527376153 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.461251325793232 + 0.879181212030109 + 0 + 0.436799458317105 + 0.89453363161353 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.462716512599794 + 0.882409403596989 + 0 + 0.438999702213325 + 0.897390695361655 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.463719101945075 + 0.885950580839829 + 0 + 0.440876941939902 + 0.900468714665237 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.46560546585058 + 0.888946962954065 + 0 + 0.443793764639025 + 0.902897363223848 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.46642427750839 + 0.892644682374043 + 0 + 0.445809600113911 + 0.90591379531664 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.467553811195831 + 0.896167927550797 + 0 + 0.448296929899834 + 0.90864397254128 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.468252398902795 + 0.89999715724727 + 0 + 0.450481256893317 + 0.911587326210997 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469343712139539 + 0.903597517856302 + 0 + 0.453136833282173 + 0.914239289777779 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470263836309584 + 0.907335538561447 + 0 + 0.455654881403632 + 0.916994368798147 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.471237138618219 + 0.911064996436044 + 0 + 0.458231187840771 + 0.919724434603325 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.471960135746149 + 0.9149899975601 + 0 + 0.460551075827973 + 0.922640562951216 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473452780518782 + 0.918422688335023 + 0 + 0.463623287527058 + 0.925061853461201 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474062535058052 + 0.922477018651757 + 0 + 0.465767224385875 + 0.928121155377108 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474896653223432 + 0.926411427413213 + 0 + 0.468046683828445 + 0.931107033656712 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.475643810567884 + 0.93043734482922 + 0 + 0.470103020169109 + 0.9342644051259 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476468020799804 + 0.934442713571635 + 0 + 0.472069914749653 + 0.937503985322169 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477046022832167 + 0.938654804602622 + 0 + 0.473620366271459 + 0.941057936332292 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477924666068529 + 0.942691559742731 + 0 + 0.475313677283955 + 0.944537807636429 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.478730155121587 + 0.946813844836093 + 0 + 0.476793738809839 + 0.948194178842727 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479546756526215 + 0.950963621248745 + 0 + 0.478162477512065 + 0.95195847652251 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480424549414993 + 0.955104899385653 + 0 + 0.479485116303257 + 0.955785671876535 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481092682492227 + 0.959436429533941 + 0 + 0.480502732171073 + 0.959867554834338 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.48259300190791 + 0.963191307602395 + 0 + 0.482266149264549 + 0.963432205099366 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.48322871791355 + 0.967616272587369 + 0 + 0.483085128203762 + 0.967723015007875 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484111741181684 + 0.971899215407223 + 0 + 0.484076139049492 + 0.97192591327634 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484952458979156 + 0.976254282549339 + 0 + 0.484952458979156 + 0.976254282549339 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485806612976727 + 0.980641228404201 + 0 + 0.485771240625702 + 0.980668229974803 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.486744824995551 + 0.985006033107098 + 0 + 0.486603083218275 + 0.985115217435951 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487434321274406 + 0.989608131519687 + 0 + 0.487113760525315 + 0.989857340389235 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488460568119542 + 0.993994350631011 + 0 + 0.487885724898131 + 0.99444542232916 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489423234830994 + 0.998473923304893 + 0 + 0.488513808665488 + 0.999194291131257 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.49041082845866 + 1.0029792119772 + 0 + 0.489079494480635 + 1.00404387870614 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491469576589576 + 1.00747311172805 + 0 + 0.489619387378706 + 1.00896704277942 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.492328072619937 + 1.01217774643629 + 0 + 0.48984970073416 + 1.01419853007487 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494021851569397 + 1.01624196980312 + 0 + 0.490791555656742 + 1.0189019234303 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.49485432137298 + 1.02105790963262 + 0 + 0.490734352796636 + 1.02448436268044 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.495942282292432 + 1.02571502930956 + 0 + 0.490786241901715 + 1.03004654131426 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.496961688410256 + 1.03048215187922 + 0 + 0.490629773304181 + 1.03585594474792 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498089019306701 + 1.03521117350869 + 0 + 0.490472348444341 + 1.04174223647706 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498934449574953 + 1.04024023045147 + 0 + 0.489969831134394 + 1.04800766646744 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.500151514841299 + 1.045005938427 + 0 + 0.489816856282804 + 1.05405539318956 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501270138673485 + 1.04991357148418 + 0 + 0.489569440852917 + 1.06026897082511 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50247189899381 + 1.05480540089557 + 0 + 0.489419456355436 + 1.06648222863933 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.503488748700846 + 1.05992418541427 + 0 + 0.489108996986639 + 1.07292929873803 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505197807669882 + 1.06447067484007 + 0 + 0.489540180301635 + 1.07878794448641 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.506121231655939 + 1.06979279473334 + 0 + 0.48927378916428 + 1.08536979243324 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507301790424519 + 1.07494654065989 + 0 + 0.489394300204536 + 1.09169037762706 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508243018275804 + 1.08039541009198 + 0 + 0.489431279703778 + 1.09818536426075 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509538520373593 + 1.08558059779509 + 0 + 0.489980515528711 + 1.10428955099835 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510596399431803 + 1.0910645843488 + 0 + 0.490437943919443 + 1.11057260498653 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512370242325124 + 1.09591951724173 + 0 + 0.491740306175537 + 1.11611843663361 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.513127593539546 + 1.10184293146121 + 0 + 0.492138860782553 + 1.12263712500552 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514646235110045 + 1.10709429077798 + 0 + 0.493397462874516 + 1.12839893282729 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515906110794508 + 1.11267990657629 + 0 + 0.494484699932912 + 1.13441815245532 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517854422167159 + 1.11763551574601 + 0 + 0.496339098590488 + 1.13973621801923 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.519015260035501 + 1.1234751521698 + 0 + 0.497478549528464 + 1.14587118274143 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520701008413597 + 1.12885491662044 + 0 + 0.499211107488583 + 1.15148161239792 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522875700588264 + 1.13378562338199 + 0 + 0.501497233706143 + 1.15657868490891 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.524336032367081 + 1.13955404357138 + 0 + 0.503132022096365 + 1.16244887163391 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526433283942999 + 1.1447177694383 + 0 + 0.505466292890499 + 1.16764804137375 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.528496668974809 + 1.14999099699548 + 0 + 0.507829607883374 + 1.17288690875765 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530711215598664 + 1.15517122019881 + 0 + 0.510408905996524 + 1.17795815509619 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.533036167136575 + 1.16030025312489 + 0 + 0.513166739024484 + 1.18289679978285 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.535492630210962 + 1.16535133814735 + 0 + 0.516129293423914 + 1.18766695098621 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.538086234295701 + 1.17031424244124 + 0 + 0.519309325802531 + 1.19224637224149 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.540827144444486 + 1.17517286849247 + 0 + 0.522726276206294 + 1.19660379863723 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.543723241124717 + 1.17991299928247 + 0 + 0.526398758055333 + 1.20070729585276 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.546780270218074 + 1.18452227114033 + 0 + 0.53034269171544 + 1.20452652044889 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.550000652979231 + 1.1889917819594 + 0 + 0.534566076164627 + 1.20803930465701 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553383422323989 + 1.19331642625727 + 0 + 0.539060837046574 + 1.21124246114577 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55692487187634 + 1.19749435021806 + 0 + 0.543796386809838 + 1.21416133509198 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.560619265430573 + 1.20152628068643 + 0 + 0.548728559057522 + 1.21684037007744 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.564459769399792 + 1.20541449950773 + 0 + 0.553816410472842 + 1.21932253588019 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.56843883491963 + 1.20916245195536 + 0 + 0.559030899599552 + 1.22163768253486 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.572548587913756 + 1.2127743075337 + 0 + 0.564355725330429 + 1.22380040392866 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.576781032992545 + 1.21625473521273 + 0 + 0.569774765221657 + 1.22582602864516 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.581128283700758 + 1.21960862087356 + 0 + 0.575260240490855 + 1.2277470806424 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.585582774244466 + 1.22284078361187 + 0 + 0.580774470383456 + 1.22961212119661 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.590137440532748 + 1.22595570700154 + 0 + 0.586278635844194 + 1.23147443648696 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.594785665614436 + 1.22895758762622 + 0 + 0.59174717291588 + 1.23337146162531 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.599521332740684 + 1.23185023099531 + 0 + 0.597173966772298 + 1.23531433809419 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.604338783576953 + 1.23463707998259 + 0 + 0.602564522438089 + 1.23729751061113 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.609232932570749 + 1.23732100663482 + 0 + 0.607928220372582 + 1.23930916059823 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.614199130878693 + 1.23990447136725 + 0 + 0.613274497423257 + 1.24133660906239 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.61923312797439 + 1.24238954745781 + 0 + 0.618611162872118 + 1.2433689070278 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.624331176512316 + 1.24477771654051 + 0 + 0.623944103337755 + 1.24539746226548 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.629489822615251 + 1.2470701569691 + 0 + 0.62927733959981 + 1.24741615584578 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.634706068453997 + 1.24926744578744 + 0 + 0.634613597511245 + 1.24942061586885 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.639977178338436 + 1.25136983017142 + 0 + 0.639954470024814 + 1.25140810053233 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.645300778013203 + 1.25337702647739 + 0 + 0.645300778013203 + 1.25337702647739 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.650674739339138 + 1.25528837178505 + 0 + 0.650652620364284 + 1.25532698575899 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.656097044486555 + 1.25710303011437 + 0 + 0.656009312313379 + 1.25725896283987 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.661565619529403 + 1.25882027638241 + 0 + 0.661369266298539 + 1.25917567709041 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.667078335932383 + 1.26043950242755 + 0 + 0.666729960763724 + 1.26108179920314 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.672632987127885 + 1.26196027086986 + 0 + 0.672087814879429 + 1.26298436704468 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.678227319356608 + 1.26338227140409 + 0 + 0.677438064199064 + 1.2648932451633 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.683859054030539 + 1.26470528751629 + 0 + 0.682774622275221 + 1.26682166127117 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.689525892554594 + 1.26592919409536 + 0 + 0.688090081631406 + 1.26878652514216 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.695225543227294 + 1.26705390999517 + 0 + 0.693376282847381 + 1.27080762828899 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.700955745106299 + 1.26807935083201 + 0 + 0.698625771589106 + 1.27290490209256 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.706714280013179 + 1.2690054014918 + 0 + 0.703834551592257 + 1.27509259402854 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.712499045704567 + 1.26983175234462 + 0 + 0.709007487957009 + 1.27736699110671 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.718308042568543 + 1.27055790521786 + 0 + 0.714162667525849 + 1.27969488088149 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.724139423155918 + 1.27118303964496 + 0 + 0.719325415716398 + 1.28202383197852 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.7299915027917 + 1.27170595073508 + 0 + 0.724517527054398 + 1.28430489468478 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.735862759978407 + 1.27212500333148 + 0 + 0.729751969598726 + 1.28650550631065 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.741751805192329 + 1.27243815648178 + 0 + 0.735032923968158 + 1.28861131944024 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.747657350520497 + 1.27264298989545 + 0 + 0.740364276376578 + 1.29060743537694 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.753578093349688 + 1.27273695148106 + 0 + 0.745757106564614 + 1.29245946832441 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.759512625319642 + 1.27271757614279 + 0 + 0.751228231197731 + 1.294114958924 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.765459170494825 + 1.27258318918615 + 0 + 0.75679427169294 + 1.29551687208086 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.771415344571685 + 1.27233365902011 + 0 + 0.762462500327828 + 1.29662790849142 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.777377642700849 + 1.2719720205513 + 0 + 0.768227031328127 + 1.29744370669454 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.783341385729886 + 1.27150504344285 + 0 + 0.774074058092519 + 1.29798225697274 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.789300835833885 + 1.27094339057836 + 0 + 0.779986997947901 + 1.29827181962156 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.795249824700286 + 1.27030025176751 + 0 + 0.785949395132288 + 1.29834356465585 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.801182514703783 + 1.26958932734466 + 0 + 0.791946627855011 + 1.29822665418366 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.807093798515255 + 1.26882361082532 + 0 + 0.797966472262931 + 1.29794611230926 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.812979633479731 + 1.26801416823505 + 0 + 0.803999206471849 + 1.29752183029653 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.818837083628473 + 1.26716968525947 + 0 + 0.810037352023201 + 1.29696862498062 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.824664288615454 + 1.26629618797418 + 0 + 0.816075385909219 + 1.29629642053788 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.830460364805294 + 1.26539695843194 + 0 + 0.822109448753179 + 1.29551048863167 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.83622520883519 + 1.26447280154096 + 0 + 0.828137015574863 + 1.29461188469485 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.841958742343827 + 1.26352452580637 + 0 + 0.834156059968561 + 1.29359993490717 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.847660279456762 + 1.262555466947 + 0 + 0.840164355271219 + 1.29247471343121 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.853328564521806 + 1.26157179411648 + 0 + 0.846159484515316 + 1.29123713532569 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.858961901331715 + 1.26058248911349 + 0 + 0.852138969377676 + 1.28988855834697 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.864558325410231 + 1.25959912424117 + 0 + 0.858100456480297 + 1.28843003329355 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.87011583350748 + 1.25863531586645 + 0 + 0.864041947893163 + 1.28686116436883 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.875632679978756 + 1.25770571114879 + 0 + 0.869962010144132 + 1.28517878344645 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.881107738283812 + 1.25682437365212 + 0 + 0.875859799729422 + 1.28337620267393 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.88654085261823 + 1.25600277272853 + 0 + 0.881734726948772 + 1.28144417861498 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.89193299206295 + 1.25524828745885 + 0 + 0.8875854771041 + 1.27937572818605 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.897286125340826 + 1.25456388999231 + 0 + 0.893407919410236 + 1.27717890037508 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.902602899254885 + 1.25394894127649 + 0 + 0.899193628635538 + 1.2748898672057 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.907886284972465 + 1.25340047188839 + 0 + 0.904932695179275 + 1.2725625839656 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.913139330175595 + 1.25291419846141 + 0 + 0.910617946462801 + 1.27024501463256 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.9183650244481 + 1.25248510130158 + 0 + 0.916246501910292 + 1.26796581469777 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.923566210150288 + 1.25210788209662 + 0 + 0.921819096934707 + 1.26573305712053 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.92874553673793 + 1.25177725670877 + 0 + 0.927336722148503 + 1.26355489176423 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.93390543962823 + 1.25148816260752 + 0 + 0.932798326208398 + 1.26146026160413 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.939048133339902 + 1.25123593036767 + 0 + 0.93820184508954 + 1.25949756428013 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.94417562235831 + 1.25101635900048 + 0 + 0.943546325432942 + 1.25772088986679 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.949289720525464 + 1.25082573503887 + 0 + 0.948834302113903 + 1.25616495929239 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.954392073753879 + 1.25066081926647 + 0 + 0.95407189142556 + 1.25483306665351 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.959484183302039 + 1.2505188131796 + 0 + 0.95926662041291 + 1.25370919875307 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.964567426819281 + 1.25039733270457 + 0 + 0.964425822284753 + 1.25277114361913 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.969643080186768 + 1.25029433578149 + 0 + 0.969556052269528 + 1.25199680209434 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.974712329181223 + 1.25020820959517 + 0 + 0.974662962290117 + 1.25136732506217 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.979776302020575 + 1.25013733320672 + 0 + 0.979751424557303 + 1.25086760132042 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.984836038911001 + 1.25008141087943 + 0 + 0.984825669704982 + 1.25048731324957 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.989892594671404 + 1.25003699694654 + 0 + 0.989889548320672 + 1.25021588984422 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.994946904833692 + 1.25001181763392 + 0 + 0.994946525982812 + 1.25005631644855 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 1 + 1.2499798172808 + 0 + 1 + 1.2499798172808 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + e4e2e33f-723f-4e55-b694-e897184beef9 + d2c53264-57e1-4d11-b625-5a5eefefe7c0 + dc33f043-a46c-4bbe-aa2b-e04d7f37a6de + b1dbb9a1-e34d-4d93-b860-212e9f8b0ced + 4 + 00f305fb-47ea-4224-ae09-e91dc5e158b6 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + ac2bc2cb-70fb-4dd5-9c78-7e1ea97fe278 + Geometry + + + + + Contains a collection of generic geometry + true + 182bf597-c478-4eb5-8cca-2ea074f48457 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26473 + -14221 + 50 + 24 + + + 26498.88 + -14209 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + -1 + + 7dt3PNbRwzdwe2QmWSF7773PQcqOUFoko5CRkJVVJBXREJFZSbIlW7KSrbJdw5ZRRkLxXL/nvu/r9Lqfv5//fP5w8Xau8z3nXOd7vufoFQkpCQnJLiH/ef1P6MkIX06duOzq6aXv5eHh5SnFd9LZ55qrl6e2qoy8ooyCvKKSGuEbOTl5KT59vyu+fj7O2p7Ofr4+Dlek+Cz8Ll5xdTRxDrT2cnf21FZWVlBQk3dWV3VUVVZWVpSj/M9VOP9v5TLHnL08nH19AmXM/XwuXtP38/F3piD8ltr/v662z8HH8bKrv7Oikwetl7ezp+d/SlE4Ofg6/KcQDQ0N2X8ayixKQqJAeH34h46elpzwDdN/vtDqkpCQbYWRkfyF/9Wp7V0yEtb/7iDn/kI7S7ov++t3SJhvkgr8MOYKZP9D+H3zf5dlJv/vgv9pDTkZyf/KD/C/5b+9/n8L5f/zXpSoM1J3DyiWALbJM5HWSo3APfj5VqflZyBk7/EkU70PdGyOPpPo/AboiyLeezqNgMN0d0OMSLDAgepxbrglHijQsehVvZwEo7EkP1ZJZoDKp90zYg5zoC1w9OzP1u+AhLf8D4vyEiBz2czvsvoBeE1pvY7F/wTnrM3bsjtWgFNRh08/3RpgJi+62mS6Dkzj5Cu44n8BpuGY6wp9G8CWKZzO8uAm+A14vLdPbYGXIef7OVK2QfjKbFDjyB9QdbOslp1nByRQtsXL2O0Clo/eMTHHSeBb0h1l7DIJXJFcTed+QArPnxxO0ZQjg98dzdI0e8jgWFaAIbc3OTR6baMyzkQBZxLu3AsrpIACHM7ffptTQlKBmzNaS5TQjJIcqt+ngr277PPfJKlhpUYkx59P1NBK9VB5/CUaWCjv/DSUghZO5e2racyghVWVu0uXtfbBd4cKKRMH9sG4HOrWyz50sEva7h4jAz1cqqM5/+gVPZyMl9Yl0WOAahQ8l6xGGeCpB9nN9/0Z4eUbcnEFzEwwk6ymtTyPCa7rneuzFmCGo7fDAk29mKGhnA2tcQ0zPPhoZuQE7X6YnfJm9vLJ/XB/qXb+3ez9MFaj6Xzlj/2QdP30t2VtFvg7U51a+i4LrFY7Iuc1SHhtFd0qEz4A+edrb/z1OQCVx04eN2w4AFO9BK8/ZmCFttG03lNnWCHYlFRTz2WF553bkhLXWaGcUI/Fmt5B6Kh+JvPig4PQkmc3emLsINxQSfwaKskGV+oYgXYgGyyuP24g3MoGoyQifyoeZIfRyvnh1o7ssH5997VzMTt86SESb7jLDrnDrKfmTDmgsavkE70UDuhB5mtgPsMBH8or11EqcUJRx0fPncM54fjhInxABycczM1UsuPggjvW1zq1nbggr8d5ds0iLpi5dVHW8w8XFEj9ODlheAhK1fC/Sn98CGYzFFzKxh+CRgXeSVhZbhh9l2024gY3hP0PhrrbueHWN33xei4eGGG6K2V4iQcuvFlqqC/ngWb7Go9mU/HCCwlZN0KseKETzAhIzOaF1YuaYiorvJBV7uXOryOHIZM2TxlMPAzrqPlUb08chmc4M78OcvJB3FmsErc+H1RIP/+q150PYlg0i+0f88Ecd9eatBo+6Jf+gbVhig9O3vqhycPIDx/EN2rfUOGHGs9+/zpuxw/9dS3uzkTzwzcF3gHyBfyQ10brlvpXfuhCUcnqus0PjytJBeXxC8BeW7qzfAYC0NT1vK60mwAkf/cqWDmO8Jp+nONPMeH3k+st7l8F4DHpbxK2vwUgT+BVnbJDgpDNz++MkI4gPJck5u5zQRCO9pJWB0QKwqFewT6eHEHI+sSsfq1ZEJoppT3SmRaEmGTv2WvUQjA6p+M+jZgQZDYOnPAyFIJLWr2/ky4LQfpS9tGrMUIwmDf1sVWuEAwTzS8abBWC9p7z9kdnhODnbxtfXlEJw2PJffSrwsLQgEOt6reBMNS3jBhTdxaGXgOvzj29JQxbSkipsNnCEJppvtf+KAwTlqJYtPHCkHZ9f8EZUhG4cWYxRp5PBF77I5xeA0TgUrJSTZCdCBSqti1TvyECD23dw/OkisAFqyf3x6pE4OKH53HXh0Qg6D3ANbkhArVG11io2EWhotUk6wllUfj9PRlNu5Uo1DyTJiB2TRRizz/00kkQhXGXvKa5ikShWR23TH2XKHwZLzyXsSgKP37N3SimF4PMN/Q9mKXEYE+IIv8XEzG4GhZazn1FDJbw0GXR3heD1gvNtOUFYjA789Nr0V4xuM1F/cJ8TQz6U21dJecQh99MjWUPa4nDB8+v00RfEIdVWr4Z4lHiUCiKiW37tThkdeN+ONolDlfMV1KyVsVhxXs3VV4OCZiZMKsuqyUBh+wvi3XaS8C2oy+sdiIloHmQhGnXCwnIPvSFyahNAkbctfoTMC8BmTitZV3oJWGuqnoim4wkFMh2jYw7LgnNeF/96PGWhJt3ucYwCZKQUY37eE2JJJxjIj3i0i8JMwpZPUZXJWEQvxYrN6sUtDTet8inJAVrK8tnJ62k4NR5KYoL16TgibMYz5hEKfhJIzTPqlgKJtlP0FV2S8GrvunY8kUp+JVy+YsVnTQUOPu9542YNJT5E5YyaiANDS0koncvSsPxXd1EoXBpGOyS1nsiTRrepP+OS6iShrpPLrCsDUjDtR3TuqR1adjqJvE064AMfI2xM1VUkIEGBZLZ1pYy8ELTF1aSqzJQIonvr1CCDASfzT0LimXg6kPFl7f7ZGCU5YDp81UZKDT5MHmCVRZuq126YaoiCz+VyzztPSULhdT5DngFykIeHqyZ0DNZ+PvIxe2fNbKwS2MHDo7LwrZBhxPuJHIw+e59af/9crDwi9KVewJysEdt/mSBohw0+FhxZOyIHBT/QD9x6KQcjAs8POhxSQ42fZD88TVADvYrJx61jJWDwal3rPqeycHDlRkzR97KwS6PUJBUJwcT5WQY67vlYKBIJr4SKwd5+w+ci/opB4s+1meyk8nDMC+PixdY5KH70Zq35gLy8Ehm+rNheXnoNHWVglZXHiq+E/k9dVwebvpOmofZycPGPk1e/BVC+STeZs5geTjzsXpI9o483P595YFUkjy8Wto7z/ZCHn62ai1dL5GHJO8ybnc1yEO9GA2hV13ysEVMbjFqVB6O4B4d856Xh8uHju5c+S0Pe7QmWG5SKcBShpbKKlYFOOnCc4dHUAEWi4xg3skrQOm/8f0PoQLU07yo1XhcAS4lGEiY2yvAp5cf+Wl5KcAPnHoqUWEKkGF3MZj9gQIkKb6wjs9QgDcq+z+NFSvAxEs3n1J+VIDKkg4/Tn1RgAZqAbfapxTglxdeCSYbCjBF+NtMC40iDHLE78pwKcK6/etr4ZKKsFDA+GG9liLkS2GPWDIj/EzX6c5srwhrLX3zRLwV4cpqepR8hCIsqomskEtUhOK1FsOC2YrQuWN/8b4yRfiq5qr5VJMiTL8xT1f2VRFCPfNk/2lFaDWqSie5oQjN5Z8Ud1IrQUauWYrTHEpQ7tJwRrOYEuRLunp6n7oS7A5K6uQ2UoIn9l2JXrFVgvFX++RvXlaCTskLdz9fV4JP7Ed+90QrQfWbvV1Zj5Xg+kn6GascgnMreq2WKMG3eGxc7AclGFqwwMrTowTzMB9iC8aVoKPgveWji0owwS52cWVbCZKIlMx82KcMS3mZTzRwKsPkykayVTFlOM+bmGGrpgz13n7/unBMGfKQvHLMO6UMK4pDHO5dUoY/Oyc6464rw7dh1zMLbivDEivSd3NJyvBu+7UinVxlOHzbdy7/vTIMsy2wV/qkDIXJO598HVKGI4pTcQnzynCs+1SD67YyJGMdPH2BXgWS2bFbBPCowMznC8XlMipwUEy2gAeqwNe5nfrvLFWg0T0GzShHFRgcaVpz308FBhTGxH6+rQKn31yLk0lRgXWCW6bp+SqQv6qVmqZeBW7Tt/Sf7lWBveXn4P0JFVgxTnH42boKzD8SGuVHrQovsfKQ03KqQq0ZXis9CVUofeQPFYemKpR6pncjzkQVMohcbi05qwp5eC9kPnJXhVtu0qP6wapwisnLsSNWFRYFr0LtFFVoJ9buFP9aFR4QUcv4+14VPhQrbaFpU4XJ/iRfKgZUodrr+M7VaVXI5HS7i/OXKlzFb7TnUarBv24lzDhWNaiYobJfRkgNvjCrnr6vqAY3vL/+3dVTg5iImUD7E2rQq8czps5BjbBfvHvg1lU1KPv1d/hyuBqc7K8zD32gBl2FJrf/pqvB+jWSr/mFajAV+/a1Rb0azBDVndvtUoPujVNBGeNq8GvYU8vsJTVoi4taNNxRg0qP6HM3GdThj3dvwop41KF1jSLDNWl12LO0PueorQ6rJZNHLMzU4TVBg2mn8+pQ+vqhhKce6pAy+NME/oY6dJIrvX8jTh0O7ZwJyHquDq2ml5fuF6rDmfHwoAsN6tAo0iPLsVcdFjC05sXi1eEw66f3javq8HTNk0ZvSg2oMRq9Ns2mAa+sDX1+LqYBH/2W5orU0IDK+61Uo0014IJYSB69vQYke/s9pdVbA6pceGE2e1MDjmZNHCRJ0oBnQz8dupWnAetenmYRr9Mg7CujRn37NGD8PT51u2kNGPSYViNuSwPeIsnsrGHUhIGcnZtmgpqQzcRpd0FFE1bsnqAoM9GEsukJtYwXNKH1EXmPIl9N2P5FfV91jCbMubmVR5+mCUP1bDnsizRhwvCKGVOzJlytHVJ/P6gJcXLJ72sXNKGdpSXV2q4mfCfUMiPFqgXPkDZ2tItqwUtfixgWNbQgJjcNN2uuBRMU/5zXuqgFufKFS3L8tGCZNdvOaowWXHFTX1JK1YJrSz3jjoVacJ5L3DSiUQtGB0uwxH3VglvkL5zuz2pBO48h46htLVjUbZMeyqgNsfXnvG/ya0OVWN/Lz5S0IevXnKOfjmnD+zv+CvRntWF/Wb7dRU9tuKOpVtYeoQ01ByM89B9rw5ufvlW05mrDb2aZI8drtOHM7Nvo/m5teE5IJ8ZsQhuSmqcJ1P7S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+ + 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Curve + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 182bf597-c478-4eb5-8cca-2ea074f48457 + d2c53264-57e1-4d11-b625-5a5eefefe7c0 + dc33f043-a46c-4bbe-aa2b-e04d7f37a6de + b1dbb9a1-e34d-4d93-b860-212e9f8b0ced + 4 + 71f2850f-1766-4be5-be52-c23600dcd368 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + ac2bc2cb-70fb-4dd5-9c78-7e1ea97fe278 + Geometry + + + + + Contains a collection of generic geometry + true + 3855edb3-eb12-4197-85e1-d9226745144d + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26473 + -15050 + 50 + 24 + + + 26498.88 + -15038 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 513 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + + 8.31187957663209E-17 + -0.24997981727771 + 0 + 8.31187957663209E-17 + -0.24997981727771 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.00505347401718018 + -0.250056316453437 + 0 + 0.00505423562287416 + -0.250145772628349 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0101104516793202 + -0.250215889850821 + 0 + 0.0101166722186634 + -0.250581182755773 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0151743302950294 + -0.250487313256909 + 0 + 0.0151960972398294 + -0.251339379892392 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0202485754426978 + -0.250867601327207 + 0 + 0.0203030122370353 + -0.252465571935498 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0253370377099089 + -0.251367325069379 + 0 + 0.0254510463736146 + -0.254044204299816 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0304439477304975 + -0.251996802101443 + 0 + 0.030655938036711 + -0.25614382028161 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0355741777151249 + -0.252771143623856 + 0 + 0.0359273387751048 + -0.25869141716293 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0407333795871576 + -0.253709198760745 + 0 + 0.0412649052165872 + -0.261503596540872 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.045928108574321 + -0.254833066658725 + 0 + 0.0466698701239005 + -0.264498848974972 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0511656978861204 + -0.256164959299387 + 0 + 0.0521407299166446 + -0.267596018152469 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.05645367456718 + -0.257720889874877 + 0 + 0.0576634586644573 + -0.270609932383741 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0617981549101894 + -0.259497564284208 + 0 + 0.0632274525938167 + -0.273450652028253 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0672016737916246 + -0.261460261611015 + 0 + 0.0688317352254483 + -0.276142708501694 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0726632778514002 + -0.263554891770152 + 0 + 0.0744756835693676 + -0.278706532929218 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0781809030656052 + -0.265733057129669 + 0 + 0.080156798698473 + -0.281142432770991 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0837534980893882 + -0.267965814702187 + 0 + 0.0858720206272032 + -0.283446528098435 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0893820535374261 + -0.270245014640846 + 0 + 0.0916187039686472 + -0.285618706977297 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0950673048202867 + -0.272562583969479 + 0 + 0.0973919292382841 + -0.287644134473815 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.10080637136443 + -0.274889867212233 + 0 + 0.103180168402255 + -0.289470554253619 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.106592080589806 + -0.277178900382035 + 0 + 0.108962784267433 + -0.291003201938871 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.112414522895768 + -0.279375728192023 + 0 + 0.114710231709912 + -0.29211624291467 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.118265273051606 + -0.281444178623693 + 0 + 0.120394884590228 + -0.292717356909241 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.124140200269981 + -0.283376202677637 + 0 + 0.126019884959019 + -0.292886425779716 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.130037989855904 + -0.285178783453385 + 0 + 0.131617263509951 + -0.292829995839355 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.135958052107033 + -0.286861164376441 + 0 + 0.13720573239375 + -0.292659237799043 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.141899543519177 + -0.288430033297935 + 0 + 0.142807161928103 + -0.292482061000252 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.147861030622459 + -0.289888558354322 + 0 + 0.148468568781714 + -0.292498075124684 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.153840515485047 + -0.291237135333926 + 0 + 0.154216101474041 + -0.292791293818254 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.159835644728056 + -0.292474713435035 + 0 + 0.160042787701041 + -0.293301504303351 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.165843940031274 + -0.293599934913285 + 0 + 0.165935687007545 + -0.293953573279223 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.171862984425325 + -0.294611884702311 + 0 + 0.171886171525765 + -0.294698286934031 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.177890551247578 + -0.295510488641129 + 0 + 0.177890551247578 + -0.295510488641129 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.18392461408995 + -0.296296420541724 + 0 + 0.183949236616059 + -0.296382424718838 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.189962647976924 + -0.296968624987794 + 0 + 0.190066118646106 + -0.29731901251916 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.196000793528125 + -0.297521830303161 + 0 + 0.196248959371727 + -0.298337247414373 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.202033527737075 + -0.297946112316023 + 0 + 0.202511705669843 + -0.299471831587106 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.208053372145435 + -0.298226654191779 + 0 + 0.208875768401618 + -0.300776623757787 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.214050604867077 + -0.298343564660643 + 0 + 0.215357729737282 + -0.30228489999911 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.22001300205193 + -0.298271819627797 + 0 + 0.221926224108109 + -0.303885547700611 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.225925941907469 + -0.297982256979424 + 0 + 0.228506879752192 + -0.305356124085039 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.231772968670908 + -0.297443706698576 + 0 + 0.235050496392389 + -0.306567048740638 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.237537499672447 + -0.296627908498917 + 0 + 0.241504537098532 + -0.307392777658513 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.243205728307193 + -0.295516872087926 + 0 + 0.247781235175239 + -0.307627022015066 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.248771768802236 + -0.294114958930639 + 0 + 0.253835925776679 + -0.307194938426022 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.254242893436095 + -0.292459468332912 + 0 + 0.259688467383181 + -0.306191805037292 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.259635723622134 + -0.290607435380482 + 0 + 0.265375741506915 + -0.304746361753513 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.264967076032412 + -0.288611319448322 + 0 + 0.270927211537022 + -0.302958089327777 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.270248030400458 + -0.286505506315453 + 0 + 0.27635882078016 + -0.300886009294673 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.275482472946715 + -0.284304894694083 + 0 + 0.281673259357865 + -0.29855365551104 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.280674584283271 + -0.282023831984469 + 0 + 0.28686768781528 + -0.295970247758475 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.285837332474636 + -0.279694880889281 + 0 + 0.291940786614735 + -0.293147731685129 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.290992512042424 + -0.277366991112205 + 0 + 0.296889409935901 + -0.290093268835693 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.296165448407521 + -0.275092594034809 + 0 + 0.301701546722433 + -0.286794842101097 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.301374228411425 + -0.272904902100394 + 0 + 0.306362605586927 + -0.283236208267481 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.306623717152775 + -0.27080762829604 + 0 + 0.3109078706605 + -0.279503810602304 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.311909918368648 + -0.268786525148997 + 0 + 0.315417733087166 + -0.275767240882368 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.317225377724543 + -0.266821661277429 + 0 + 0.319929945551141 + -0.272099887720381 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.322561935800737 + -0.264893245169681 + 0 + 0.324484473393656 + -0.268573808833086 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.327912185121925 + -0.262984367053954 + 0 + 0.329171214364873 + -0.265349430637697 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.333270039234965 + -0.261081799207438 + 0 + 0.334032352787657 + -0.262487271184008 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.338630733701804 + -0.259175677097762 + 0 + 0.339042916652918 + -0.259921731094467 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.343990687686051 + -0.257258962845591 + 0 + 0.344169833648876 + -0.257577371899359 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.349347379634694 + -0.255326985763933 + 0 + 0.349391845513159 + -0.255404611616106 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.354699221987147 + -0.25337702648471 + 0 + 0.354699221987147 + -0.25337702648471 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.360045529973816 + -0.251408100536763 + 0 + 0.360091180602757 + -0.251485035622065 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.36538640248935 + -0.249420615876589 + 0 + 0.365575224850326 + -0.249733383709835 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.370722660398344 + -0.247416155849515 + 0 + 0.371168702849392 + -0.24814247360577 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.376055896662797 + -0.245397462273084 + 0 + 0.376902889081878 + -0.246753588104841 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.381388837126853 + -0.243368907032891 + 0 + 0.382825212977003 + -0.245630655207833 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.386725502577399 + -0.241336609070113 + 0 + 0.388977806614639 + -0.24482513686854 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.392071779627215 + -0.239309160604642 + 0 + 0.395325725868487 + -0.244267607475454 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.397435477561445 + -0.237297510617177 + 0 + 0.401770156478347 + -0.243797180988584 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.40282603322905 + -0.235314338102901 + 0 + 0.408264140407794 + -0.243339582541172 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.408252827083115 + -0.233371461630573 + 0 + 0.414758114595422 + -0.242821383764929 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.413721364156202 + -0.231474436494269 + 0 + 0.421139675542326 + -0.242083849792649 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.419225529616825 + -0.229612121203731 + 0 + 0.427346282289188 + -0.24104824491309 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.424739759508987 + -0.227747080648909 + 0 + 0.433379588777727 + -0.239729763870236 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.43022523477784 + -0.225826028651191 + 0 + 0.439238627927562 + -0.238139264953161 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.435644274669597 + -0.223800403935422 + 0 + 0.444909982956108 + -0.236270354663337 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.440969100399577 + -0.221637682540441 + 0 + 0.450377035719687 + -0.234112913119979 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.44618358952782 + -0.219322535887776 + 0 + 0.455625021711591 + -0.231659974014332 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.451271440941807 + -0.216840370083294 + 0 + 0.460630027718401 + -0.228893332285366 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.456203613189969 + -0.21416133509845 + 0 + 0.465344676614253 + -0.225766174884025 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.460939162954667 + -0.211242461154035 + 0 + 0.469694398287187 + -0.222200444715514 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.465433923835189 + -0.20803930466351 + 0 + 0.473584164690309 + -0.218097364534124 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469657308285336 + -0.204526520456555 + 0 + 0.476940858332451 + -0.213390475142492 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473601241943624 + -0.200707295858227 + 0 + 0.479806452853301 + -0.208155310059875 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477273723794102 + -0.196603798644425 + 0 + 0.482314790397806 + -0.202572282852884 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480690674196653 + -0.192246372247257 + 0 + 0.484547773269642 + -0.196751607896243 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.483870706576526 + -0.18766695099345 + 0 + 0.486592118410189 + -0.190803289193989 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.486833260974741 + -0.18289679978869 + 0 + 0.488602505613553 + -0.184908876774737 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489591094003175 + -0.177958155102587 + 0 + 0.490654726020656 + -0.17915195590713 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.49217039211644 + -0.172886908764178 + 0 + 0.492741507348046 + -0.173519616234827 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494533707109605 + -0.167648041380594 + 0 + 0.494780245151019 + -0.167917664442764 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.496867977902021 + -0.162448871638894 + 0 + 0.496928765212619 + -0.162514506158343 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498502766295665 + -0.156578684917574 + 0 + 0.498502766295665 + -0.156578684917574 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.500788892510983 + -0.151481612404188 + 0 + 0.500850499408243 + -0.151546478246379 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502521450472051 + -0.14587118274869 + 0 + 0.502774687496554 + -0.14613452399297 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.503660901409283 + -0.139736218025729 + 0 + 0.504255457594763 + -0.14034695061328 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505515300066612 + -0.134418152461549 + 0 + 0.506637561469306 + -0.135557012757443 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.506602537126236 + -0.12839893283478 + 0 + 0.508494603477969 + -0.130295974033697 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507861139216746 + -0.122637125011553 + 0 + 0.510810991627342 + -0.125559635992243 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508259693824949 + -0.116118436640817 + 0 + 0.512497436562383 + -0.120267641143258 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509562056080227 + -0.110572604992928 + 0 + 0.515176157875145 + -0.116005561580818 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510019484470317 + -0.104289551004154 + 0 + 0.51702468887087 + -0.110990645637718 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510568720296189 + -0.0981853642674538 + 0 + 0.518904269193531 + -0.106068156827404 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51060569979605 + -0.0916903776343334 + 0 + 0.520061764588541 + -0.100531974379127 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510726210835971 + -0.0853697924401946 + 0 + 0.521024862993285 + -0.0948918359815828 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510459819697791 + -0.0787879444926246 + 0 + 0.521361866973006 + -0.0887567313889643 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510891003013666 + -0.0729292987450382 + 0 + 0.522208594250152 + -0.0831649801050367 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510580543644727 + -0.0664822286462081 + 0 + 0.522159008004386 + -0.0768404227107852 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510430559146041 + -0.0602689708309202 + 0 + 0.522131256966648 + -0.0706243701718842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510183143716704 + -0.0540553931958588 + 0 + 0.521871113638058 + -0.0642898633983103 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510030168865181 + -0.0480076664737912 + 0 + 0.521562932539694 + -0.0580002840651655 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509527651557143 + -0.0417422364850628 + 0 + 0.520742077472739 + -0.0513582646858968 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509370226695051 + -0.0358559447539967 + 0 + 0.52006420902337 + -0.0449317527854089 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509213758098833 + -0.0300465413214522 + 0 + 0.51912592422925 + -0.0383736030457551 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509265647200457 + -0.0244843626847478 + 0 + 0.518086329950011 + -0.0318202572992374 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50920844434475 + -0.0189019234382706 + 0 + 0.516692021949889 + -0.0250641977107602 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510150299264422 + -0.0141985300804371 + 0 + 0.516205183816759 + -0.0191354855499001 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510380612622524 + -0.0089670427871408 + 0 + 0.514994976032946 + -0.0126928999809023 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510920505518028 + -0.00404387871181429 + 0 + 0.514163486697209 + -0.00663728819510931 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511486191336128 + 0.0008057088607229 + 0 + 0.513586434222514 + -0.000857919766084662 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512114275101439 + 0.00555457766445053 + 0 + 0.513372145402704 + 0.00456754385817189 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512886239473343 + 0.0101426596050763 + 0 + 0.513559157739012 + 0.00961952256861475 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.513396916780657 + 0.0148847825581318 + 0 + 0.513686348425213 + 0.014661832059932 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514228759375215 + 0.0193317700177648 + 0 + 0.514299868577701 + 0.0192774886342623 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51504754102053 + 0.0237457174441685 + 0 + 0.51504754102053 + 0.0237457174441685 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515923860951578 + 0.0280740867161304 + 0 + 0.515995432084217 + 0.0280204158651415 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.516914871795521 + 0.0322769849859283 + 0 + 0.517208076852237 + 0.0320590207773193 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517733850735903 + 0.0365677948935579 + 0 + 0.51841997688991 + 0.036062105016286 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.519497267829107 + 0.0401324451588042 + 0 + 0.52078819544304 + 0.0391890580033239 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520514883697567 + 0.0442143281161323 + 0 + 0.522684425090805 + 0.0426421415709762 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521837522488296 + 0.0480415234704993 + 0 + 0.525209471874189 + 0.0456181669107786 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523206261190857 + 0.0518058211500428 + 0 + 0.528035674595592 + 0.0483632744651133 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.524686322716065 + 0.0554621923568258 + 0 + 0.531065202233208 + 0.0509516433486273 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526379633729681 + 0.0589420636601844 + 0 + 0.534315800388649 + 0.0533747647870685 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52793008524993 + 0.0624960146713863 + 0 + 0.537346248856133 + 0.0559419581485611 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52989697983185 + 0.0657355948667036 + 0 + 0.540548803860489 + 0.0583783100944358 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.531953316169789 + 0.0688929663377595 + 0 + 0.543522241278913 + 0.0609625488657134 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.534232775614727 + 0.0718788446157459 + 0 + 0.546446398687204 + 0.0635686846642708 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.536376712471869 + 0.0749381465327901 + 0 + 0.549022116229484 + 0.0663970220104278 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.539448924171609 + 0.0773594370423272 + 0 + 0.552351987044929 + 0.0687070391264611 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.541768812160651 + 0.0802755653889961 + 0 + 0.554774762938143 + 0.0716161272216867 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.544345118595643 + 0.0830056311955981 + 0 + 0.557304322355187 + 0.0744375474468264 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.546863166718194 + 0.0857607102152399 + 0 + 0.559618799344709 + 0.0773850979631723 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549518743105631 + 0.0884126737829544 + 0 + 0.561892382212331 + 0.0803427046236091 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.551703070099359 + 0.0913560274525083 + 0 + 0.563474585105293 + 0.0837295614343228 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55419039988783 + 0.0940862046755032 + 0 + 0.56507599707224 + 0.0870794387813042 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.556206235361405 + 0.0971026367691441 + 0 + 0.565871078474497 + 0.0909211643262313 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.559123058060268 + 0.0995312853279216 + 0 + 0.567304567424617 + 0.0943312408567091 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.561000297785932 + 0.102609304632083 + 0 + 0.567605396459228 + 0.0984370357330786 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.563200541681953 + 0.10546636838032 + 0 + 0.568223374669041 + 0.102312718067496 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.564505421378423 + 0.10886472623115 + 0 + 0.568028006515896 + 0.106666068998698 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.566887036053185 + 0.111573308282341 + 0 + 0.569163620962188 + 0.110160565721984 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.56838129778772 + 0.11481807294804 + 0 + 0.569742011717993 + 0.113978471239191 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.570180111100047 + 0.117856485127912 + 0 + 0.570906595650503 + 0.117410714391841 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.571028957179202 + 0.121455104097672 + 0 + 0.571340816533778 + 0.121264785037981 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.572997949009286 + 0.124350568232757 + 0 + 0.573074421456835 + 0.124304146771783 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574267221894916 + 0.127656594779098 + 0 + 0.574267221894916 + 0.127656594779098 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574822890478299 + 0.131368614469152 + 0 + 0.574899573975092 + 0.131322542475568 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.576500108507367 + 0.134387139610429 + 0 + 0.576813690061004 + 0.134199671717879 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.577254613715441 + 0.137941098714128 + 0 + 0.577987129857456 + 0.137505310402129 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.578094292418925 + 0.141422957996492 + 0 + 0.579470109977865 + 0.140608341845134 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.578730600939134 + 0.14500489118572 + 0 + 0.581038859893325 + 0.143644515873484 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.579216715695933 + 0.148654357103119 + 0 + 0.582798264164558 + 0.146553116935159 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.579508252945147 + 0.152396730476281 + 0 + 0.584629452679553 + 0.149405464056841 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.579581332523745 + 0.156244994452482 + 0 + 0.586334753654483 + 0.152317341300726 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.579403774034308 + 0.160216801191338 + 0 + 0.587792698141627 + 0.15535845679194 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.57894777456715 + 0.164327049509464 + 0 + 0.588885814600127 + 0.158595107930374 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.578194361922611 + 0.168585402449619 + 0 + 0.589419646701347 + 0.162136838578988 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.577146186641268 + 0.172989078120572 + 0 + 0.589320016585478 + 0.166022772503467 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.57583736297765 + 0.177517483083033 + 0 + 0.588671115261759 + 0.170201326353865 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574322194678389 + 0.182138940012568 + 0 + 0.587590994900854 + 0.174602628915227 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.572652224040665 + 0.186823855088536 + 0 + 0.586172718600039 + 0.179172107047908 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.570863750271195 + 0.191551692031706 + 0 + 0.58447359522953 + 0.183876228188389 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.56897584456725 + 0.196311908296125 + 0 + 0.582518832644086 + 0.188700042877056 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.567007909442596 + 0.201093935638823 + 0 + 0.580320915949153 + 0.193635993425587 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.564997353243279 + 0.205877300983438 + 0 + 0.577895342663458 + 0.198674994693603 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.562997969768196 + 0.210632672587117 + 0 + 0.575253198660657 + 0.20381058241952 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.561067666715249 + 0.215328786861241 + 0 + 0.572386978048319 + 0.209046734226763 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.559246486115802 + 0.219944615734353 + 0 + 0.569284668480124 + 0.214389916031959 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557545844164233 + 0.22447513353747 + 0 + 0.566033665281687 + 0.219791710573479 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555959243612377 + 0.228925184850554 + 0 + 0.562803936410508 + 0.225158842228221 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554473736976886 + 0.233303057542361 + 0 + 0.559673065147775 + 0.230449752777153 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553075733960902 + 0.237617263497918 + 0 + 0.556718217509092 + 0.235623519964329 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.551753508658147 + 0.241875173669701 + 0 + 0.554105138920499 + 0.240591228383117 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55049799727919 + 0.246082603549017 + 0 + 0.551902136927073 + 0.245317838697063 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549302783744853 + 0.250243845168947 + 0 + 0.550051710286089 + 0.249836904894435 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.548163316114617 + 0.254362113601127 + 0 + 0.548484500315911 + 0.254187992062088 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.547076785163384 + 0.258439627758949 + 0 + 0.547155470515612 + 0.258397064833559 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.546041540323348 + 0.262477938844547 + 0 + 0.546041540323348 + 0.262477938844547 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.545057155620294 + 0.266477903324993 + 0 + 0.54513591569215 + 0.266435478823177 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.544124547604063 + 0.270439627843368 + 0 + 0.544446342406086 + 0.270266637361234 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.543246352674862 + 0.274362274647256 + 0 + 0.543997417753818 + 0.273959294997199 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.542427134559827 + 0.27824395963303 + 0 + 0.543836629225589 + 0.277489109835568 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.541673728326051 + 0.282081577690987 + 0 + 0.544036592078469 + 0.280818424779715 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.540995634267459 + 0.285870602199881 + 0 + 0.544659047381932 + 0.283915581987895 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.54040555501309 + 0.289604809112222 + 0 + 0.54563983283102 + 0.286816136087919 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.539919650229687 + 0.293276152893373 + 0 + 0.54681708759531 + 0.28960729557305 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.539556680130675 + 0.296875232373641 + 0 + 0.548118335599253 + 0.292328187880908 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.539335286099958 + 0.300392738904304 + 0 + 0.549470857472973 + 0.295017798262242 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.539268272687522 + 0.303822479094256 + 0 + 0.550708881370936 + 0.297764140434994 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.5393508088804 + 0.307167588447597 + 0 + 0.551749941827175 + 0.300610679752973 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.539549526688543 + 0.310446224809394 + 0 + 0.552612375867721 + 0.303547433734308 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.539812900339498 + 0.313686001444671 + 0 + 0.553310102237649 + 0.306566831182615 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.540093459399462 + 0.316912237559049 + 0 + 0.55383830784911 + 0.309671231944943 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.540360101826533 + 0.320141506864806 + 0 + 0.554187584255883 + 0.312865425868417 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.540599570325251 + 0.323380922857509 + 0 + 0.554351197146093 + 0.316152798551188 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.540798229020821 + 0.326637765435576 + 0 + 0.554308755567581 + 0.319543914807823 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.540924023728126 + 0.32992894565412 + 0 + 0.554006242960908 + 0.323066957099693 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.540928091346227 + 0.333280118874307 + 0 + 0.553351782992714 + 0.326769862709266 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.540757771673667 + 0.336718839469171 + 0 + 0.552226769221767 + 0.330714416965799 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.54037959449733 + 0.340262539162168 + 0 + 0.550545427694077 + 0.334945055793217 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.539791415299973 + 0.343912237783572 + 0 + 0.548382987170286 + 0.339421976011831 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.53901202590859 + 0.34765804034731 + 0 + 0.545937105929131 + 0.344041630116336 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.538069555273283 + 0.351485230396626 + 0 + 0.54332752713911 + 0.34874149327913 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.536994480154273 + 0.355377926958853 + 0 + 0.540676400964699 + 0.353457989766569 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.535815026639632 + 0.359321478244379 + 0 + 0.53819108545919 + 0.358083324426895 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.534555233968571 + 0.363303459369879 + 0 + 0.535973360897764 + 0.362564954500405 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.533234097734197 + 0.367314105678826 + 0 + 0.533990174515251 + 0.366920609487817 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.531865696402006 + 0.371346234559035 + 0 + 0.532189817895052 + 0.371177643754826 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530459426003982 + 0.375395112862437 + 0 + 0.530538800230377 + 0.375353848841097 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529020281375881 + 0.379458301993825 + 0 + 0.529020281375881 + 0.379458301993825 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.527549310015006 + 0.383535415083056 + 0 + 0.527628700802464 + 0.383494182933707 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526045936765373 + 0.387626904744344 + 0 + 0.526370193683262 + 0.387458574554778 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.524510247578134 + 0.391732876038091 + 0 + 0.525266799187143 + 0.39134029354473 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522943067233968 + 0.395853046844602 + 0 + 0.524362384988684 + 0.395116833193081 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521345589285743 + 0.399986940358411 + 0 + 0.52372415108524 + 0.398753601736735 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.519718690894851 + 0.404134240380255 + 0 + 0.52340528629554 + 0.402223294533774 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518061901247467 + 0.408295325395787 + 0 + 0.523327701082563 + 0.405566641902149 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51637221155114 + 0.412471883878459 + 0 + 0.523309143418118 + 0.408878260007979 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514643418921091 + 0.416667252368169 + 0 + 0.523251641928628 + 0.412208995462828 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512867020900908 + 0.420885950597459 + 0 + 0.523054905871745 + 0.415610839813393 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511036574327541 + 0.425131424327536 + 0 + 0.522533158555508 + 0.419179992109439 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509159182969168 + 0.429400101544355 + 0 + 0.521615759560877 + 0.422952989859552 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507267179700194 + 0.433675353988172 + 0 + 0.520387266808906 + 0.426886049072686 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505408674537394 + 0.43793239716501 + 0 + 0.51896174308946 + 0.430920166626684 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.503626140034609 + 0.442149371312442 + 0 + 0.517424660948293 + 0.43501117533573 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501944537843247 + 0.4463134770386 + 0 + 0.515822890960179 + 0.439134901987676 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.500370303081629 + 0.45042149238139 + 0 + 0.514169525906021 + 0.443284653399733 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498909938897703 + 0.454470150684394 + 0 + 0.512464391935626 + 0.447460596694136 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.49758853570312 + 0.458446564502282 + 0 + 0.510710646804995 + 0.451661172309808 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.496448498560407 + 0.462328887302509 + 0 + 0.508907661436521 + 0.455886775079962 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.495537215317347 + 0.466092691272893 + 0 + 0.507036819002528 + 0.460147095470864 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494884725302945 + 0.469722511709624 + 0 + 0.505075867635344 + 0.464453696669792 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494493068729593 + 0.473217349863049 + 0 + 0.503104556914647 + 0.468765403185449 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494347188474569 + 0.476585034539809 + 0 + 0.501287185066225 + 0.472997332830163 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494426631751383 + 0.479836173008036 + 0 + 0.499695104591987 + 0.477112654063808 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494711209236506 + 0.482981227112328 + 0 + 0.498399932483317 + 0.481074391911008 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.495183623645832 + 0.486029156295643 + 0 + 0.497563733715275 + 0.48479880819568 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.495830399117459 + 0.488986954495352 + 0 + 0.497250751937623 + 0.488252739747617 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.496641027035429 + 0.49186002655021 + 0 + 0.497398193448137 + 0.491468631130392 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497609495935737 + 0.4946515041578 + 0 + 0.497934045163041 + 0.494483738247752 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498726223164156 + 0.497366343133581 + 0 + 0.498805693039354 + 0.497325263622762 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499994052316792 + 0.500003074467614 + 0 + 0.499994052316792 + 0.500003074467614 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501273776835815 + 0.502633656859697 + 0 + 0.501194306960616 + 0.502674736370515 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502390504064066 + 0.505348495835564 + 0 + 0.502065954836761 + 0.505516261745612 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.503358972965224 + 0.508139973442715 + 0 + 0.502601806552515 + 0.508531368862533 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.504169600880994 + 0.51101304549871 + 0 + 0.50274924806083 + 0.511747260246445 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.504816376356613 + 0.513970843696357 + 0 + 0.50243626628717 + 0.515201191796319 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505288790762487 + 0.517018772881456 + 0 + 0.501600067515676 + 0.518925608082776 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505573368248714 + 0.520163826985177 + 0 + 0.50030489540811 + 0.522887345929405 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505652811525311 + 0.523414965453516 + 0 + 0.498712814933655 + 0.527002667163162 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505506931269217 + 0.52678265013083 + 0 + 0.496895443084163 + 0.53123459680843 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505115274696908 + 0.530277488283716 + 0 + 0.494924132364509 + 0.535546303323547 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.504462784683178 + 0.533907308720099 + 0 + 0.492963180997997 + 0.539852904522128 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.503551501440158 + 0.537671112690462 + 0 + 0.491092338564043 + 0.54411322491301 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502411464296648 + 0.541553435491102 + 0 + 0.489289353194773 + 0.548338827683575 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501090061103712 + 0.545529849308138 + 0 + 0.487535608065788 + 0.552539403298396 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499629696919019 + 0.549578507611538 + 0 + 0.485830474094627 + 0.556715346593195 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498055462154735 + 0.553686522955707 + 0 + 0.484177109037803 + 0.560865098006631 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.496373859966325 + 0.557850628680338 + 0 + 0.48257533905264 + 0.56498882465705 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494591325461415 + 0.562067602828871 + 0 + 0.481038256909349 + 0.569079833367197 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.492732820300824 + 0.566324646004566 + 0 + 0.479612733192112 + 0.573113950920052 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490840817030871 + 0.570599898448888 + 0 + 0.478384240439162 + 0.577047010133692 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488963425670836 + 0.574868575666567 + 0 + 0.47746684144287 + 0.580820007884664 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487132979098937 + 0.579114049395885 + 0 + 0.4769450941281 + 0.584389160179951 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485356581080193 + 0.583332747624428 + 0 + 0.476748358072655 + 0.587791004529769 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.483627788447431 + 0.587528116115544 + 0 + 0.476690856580452 + 0.591121739986025 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481938098753818 + 0.59170467459681 + 0 + 0.476672298918722 + 0.594433358090448 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480281309104514 + 0.595865759613337 + 0 + 0.476594713703826 + 0.597776705459818 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47865441071406 + 0.600013059634958 + 0 + 0.476275848914562 + 0.601246398256634 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477056932768216 + 0.60414695314753 + 0 + 0.475637615013499 + 0.604883166799051 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.475489752422125 + 0.608267123955035 + 0 + 0.474733200813116 + 0.608659706448397 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473954063234088 + 0.612373095249199 + 0 + 0.473629806316199 + 0.612541425438765 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.472450689985132 + 0.616464584910135 + 0 + 0.472371299197675 + 0.616505817059484 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470979718624506 + 0.620541697999236 + 0 + 0.470979718624506 + 0.620541697999236 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.46954057399651 + 0.62460488713057 + 0 + 0.469461199770114 + 0.624646151151911 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.468134303597581 + 0.628653765434444 + 0 + 0.467810182104536 + 0.628822356238653 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.46676590226777 + 0.632685894313411 + 0 + 0.466009825486716 + 0.633079390504421 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.465444766031685 + 0.636696540623247 + 0 + 0.464026639102491 + 0.637435045492721 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.464184973359164 + 0.640678521749514 + 0 + 0.461808914539606 + 0.641916675566998 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.46300551984797 + 0.644622073033242 + 0 + 0.459323599037545 + 0.646542010225527 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.461930444725666 + 0.648514769597185 + 0 + 0.456672472859839 + 0.65125850671468 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.460987974091236 + 0.652341959646045 + 0 + 0.454062894070695 + 0.655958369877019 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.460208584699153 + 0.65608776221015 + 0 + 0.45161701282884 + 0.660578023981891 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.459620405501807 + 0.659737460831548 + 0 + 0.449454572305059 + 0.6650549442005 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.459242228328693 + 0.663281160522857 + 0 + 0.447773230780592 + 0.669285583026229 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.459071908653092 + 0.66671988111931 + 0 + 0.446648217006605 + 0.673230137284351 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.459075976274563 + 0.670071054337734 + 0 + 0.445993757041781 + 0.67693304289216 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.459201770978671 + 0.673362234557953 + 0 + 0.44569124443191 + 0.680456085185706 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.459400429677243 + 0.676619077134443 + 0 + 0.445648802856401 + 0.683847201440764 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.459639898171639 + 0.679858493129418 + 0 + 0.445812415742289 + 0.687134574125807 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.459906540601516 + 0.683087762433699 + 0 + 0.446161692151867 + 0.690328768047806 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.460187099659798 + 0.686313998548964 + 0 + 0.446689897761646 + 0.693433168811019 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.460450473313733 + 0.689553775182666 + 0 + 0.447387624134555 + 0.696452566257752 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.460649191118179 + 0.692832411546414 + 0 + 0.448250058171403 + 0.699389320241037 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.460731727311334 + 0.696177520899615 + 0 + 0.449291118627919 + 0.702235859558878 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.46066471390233 + 0.699607261087745 + 0 + 0.450529142529315 + 0.704982201729808 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.460443319870062 + 0.70312476761923 + 0 + 0.451881664401484 + 0.707671812111963 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.460080349772859 + 0.706723847098535 + 0 + 0.453182912407235 + 0.710392704418858 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.45959444498683 + 0.710395190881084 + 0 + 0.454360167168899 + 0.713183863905387 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.459004365732334 + 0.714129397793494 + 0 + 0.455340952617862 + 0.716084418005479 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.458326271674718 + 0.717918422301861 + 0 + 0.4559634079223 + 0.719181575213134 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.457572865439708 + 0.721756040360482 + 0 + 0.456163370773946 + 0.722510890157944 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.456753647325805 + 0.725637725345652 + 0 + 0.456002582246848 + 0.726040704995709 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.455875452395947 + 0.729560372149885 + 0 + 0.455553657593923 + 0.729733362632019 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.45494284437804 + 0.733522096669167 + 0 + 0.454864084306183 + 0.733564521170983 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453958459678774 + 0.737522061147572 + 0 + 0.453958459678774 + 0.737522061147572 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.452923214834805 + 0.741560372235291 + 0 + 0.452844529482577 + 0.741602935160681 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.451836683886441 + 0.745637886391561 + 0 + 0.451515499685148 + 0.745812007930601 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.450697216256959 + 0.74975615482333 + 0 + 0.449948289715722 + 0.750163095097842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.449502002720713 + 0.753917396444294 + 0 + 0.448097863072831 + 0.754682161296249 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.448246491342158 + 0.7581248263234 + 0 + 0.445894861079807 + 0.759408771609983 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446924266041652 + 0.762382736493947 + 0 + 0.443281782493463 + 0.764376480027536 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445526263023122 + 0.766696942450897 + 0 + 0.440326934852234 + 0.769550247216105 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444040756389919 + 0.771074815141451 + 0 + 0.437196063591788 + 0.774841157763784 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442454155836248 + 0.775524866455527 + 0 + 0.433966334718795 + 0.780208289419518 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.440753513885179 + 0.78005538425836 + 0 + 0.430715331520857 + 0.785610083960754 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.438932333284326 + 0.784671213132259 + 0 + 0.427613021951256 + 0.790953265766738 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.437002030232522 + 0.789367327405745 + 0 + 0.42474680134006 + 0.796189417573343 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.435002646755985 + 0.794122699010231 + 0 + 0.422104657335806 + 0.801325005300066 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.432992090555897 + 0.798906064355285 + 0 + 0.41967908404934 + 0.806364006568522 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.431024155433248 + 0.803688091696854 + 0 + 0.417481167356412 + 0.811299957115922 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.429136249728753 + 0.808448307961583 + 0 + 0.415526404770417 + 0.816123771804899 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.427347775959291 + 0.813176144904752 + 0 + 0.413827281399917 + 0.82082789294538 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425677805320726 + 0.817861059981198 + 0 + 0.41240900509826 + 0.825397371078539 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.424162637023815 + 0.822482516909397 + 0 + 0.411328884739706 + 0.829798673638565 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.422853813357316 + 0.827010921873502 + 0 + 0.410679983413106 + 0.833977227490607 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.421805638077196 + 0.831414597543763 + 0 + 0.41058035329846 + 0.837863161414394 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.421052225434321 + 0.835672950482952 + 0 + 0.411114185401343 + 0.841404892062042 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.420596225965759 + 0.839783198801878 + 0 + 0.41220730185844 + 0.844641543201276 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.420418667474627 + 0.843755005541727 + 0 + 0.41366524634389 + 0.847682658693483 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.420491747054791 + 0.847603269517016 + 0 + 0.415370547320385 + 0.850594535936456 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.420783284305508 + 0.851345642889303 + 0 + 0.417201735836883 + 0.853446883057264 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.421269399061843 + 0.854995108806971 + 0 + 0.418961140107651 + 0.856355484119208 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.42190570758117 + 0.858577041996703 + 0 + 0.42052989002223 + 0.859391658148061 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.422745386284277 + 0.862058901279305 + 0 + 0.422012870142262 + 0.862494689591304 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.423499891494438 + 0.865612860381762 + 0 + 0.423186309940801 + 0.865800328274311 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425177109521543 + 0.868631385524211 + 0 + 0.42510042602475 + 0.868677457517796 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425732778105591 + 0.87234340521387 + 0 + 0.425732778105591 + 0.87234340521387 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.427002050991308 + 0.875649431760149 + 0 + 0.426925578543759 + 0.875695853221124 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.428971042820199 + 0.878544895895962 + 0 + 0.428659183465623 + 0.878735214955653 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.429819888901348 + 0.882143514864502 + 0 + 0.429093404350892 + 0.882589285600572 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.431618702211388 + 0.885181927045774 + 0 + 0.430257988281115 + 0.886021528754623 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.433112963947368 + 0.888426691710593 + 0 + 0.430836379038365 + 0.889839434270951 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.43549457862251 + 0.89113527376153 + 0 + 0.431971993485036 + 0.893333930993981 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.436799458317105 + 0.89453363161353 + 0 + 0.431776625330017 + 0.897687281926354 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.438999702213325 + 0.897390695361655 + 0 + 0.432394603540028 + 0.90156296426066 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.440876941939902 + 0.900468714665237 + 0 + 0.432695432575553 + 0.90566875913645 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.443793764639025 + 0.902897363223848 + 0 + 0.434128921525933 + 0.909078835666761 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445809600113911 + 0.90591379531664 + 0 + 0.434924002929502 + 0.912920561210839 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.448296929899834 + 0.90864397254128 + 0 + 0.436525414893901 + 0.916270438559465 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.450481256893317 + 0.911587326210997 + 0 + 0.438107617786617 + 0.919657295370342 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453136833282173 + 0.914239289777779 + 0 + 0.440381200655657 + 0.922614902029847 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.455654881403632 + 0.916994368798147 + 0 + 0.442695677644088 + 0.925562452546919 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.458231187840771 + 0.919724434603325 + 0 + 0.445225237063279 + 0.928383872770634 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.460551075827973 + 0.922640562951216 + 0 + 0.447648012954653 + 0.931292960867082 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.463623287527058 + 0.925061853461201 + 0 + 0.450977883769443 + 0.933602977983564 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.465767224385875 + 0.928121155377108 + 0 + 0.453553601313398 + 0.936431315328583 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.468046683828445 + 0.931107033656712 + 0 + 0.456477758719321 + 0.939037451128758 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470103020169109 + 0.9342644051259 + 0 + 0.459451196140471 + 0.941621689898168 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.472069914749653 + 0.937503985322169 + 0 + 0.46265375114345 + 0.944058041844994 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473620366271459 + 0.941057936332292 + 0 + 0.465684199612491 + 0.946625235205408 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.475313677283955 + 0.944537807636429 + 0 + 0.468934797766812 + 0.949048356644628 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476793738809839 + 0.948194178842727 + 0 + 0.471964325405104 + 0.951636725527657 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.478162477512065 + 0.95195847652251 + 0 + 0.474790528126173 + 0.95438183308223 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479485116303257 + 0.955785671876535 + 0 + 0.477315574910018 + 0.957357858421691 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480502732171073 + 0.959867554834338 + 0 + 0.47921180455714 + 0.960810941989819 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482266149264549 + 0.963432205099366 + 0 + 0.481580023110542 + 0.963937894976638 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.483085128203762 + 0.967723015007875 + 0 + 0.482791923147046 + 0.967940979216484 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484076139049492 + 0.97192591327634 + 0 + 0.484004567916852 + 0.971979584127329 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484952458979156 + 0.976254282549339 + 0 + 0.484952458979156 + 0.976254282549339 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485771240625702 + 0.980668229974803 + 0 + 0.485700131423216 + 0.980722511358305 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.486603083218275 + 0.985115217435951 + 0 + 0.486313651573718 + 0.98533816793415 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487113760525315 + 0.989857340389235 + 0 + 0.486440842259646 + 0.990380477425696 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487885724898131 + 0.99444542232916 + 0 + 0.486627854596867 + 0.995432456135439 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488513808665488 + 0.999194291131257 + 0 + 0.486413565779102 + 1.00085791975806 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489079494480635 + 1.00404387870614 + 0 + 0.485836513301455 + 1.00663728818944 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489619387378706 + 1.00896704277942 + 0 + 0.485005023968283 + 1.01269289997318 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.48984970073416 + 1.01419853007487 + 0 + 0.483794816181823 + 1.01913548554433 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490791555656742 + 1.0189019234303 + 0 + 0.483307978051604 + 1.02506419770279 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490734352796636 + 1.02448436268044 + 0 + 0.481913670047082 + 1.03182025729493 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490786241901715 + 1.03004654131426 + 0 + 0.480874075771299 + 1.03837360303856 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490629773304181 + 1.03585594474792 + 0 + 0.479935790975862 + 1.04493175277933 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490472348444341 + 1.04174223647706 + 0 + 0.479257922528744 + 1.05135826467789 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489969831134394 + 1.04800766646744 + 0 + 0.478437067459881 + 1.05800028405882 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489816856282804 + 1.05405539318956 + 0 + 0.47812888636145 + 1.06428986339201 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489569440852917 + 1.06026897082511 + 0 + 0.47786874303231 + 1.07062437016608 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489419456355436 + 1.06648222863933 + 0 + 0.477840991995778 + 1.07684042270391 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489108996986639 + 1.07292929873803 + 0 + 0.477791405750153 + 1.08316498009803 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489540180301635 + 1.07878794448641 + 0 + 0.478638133026421 + 1.08875673138275 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.48927378916428 + 1.08536979243324 + 0 + 0.478975137006965 + 1.09489183597463 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489394300204536 + 1.09169037762706 + 0 + 0.479938235412046 + 1.10053197437185 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489431279703778 + 1.09818536426075 + 0 + 0.481095730806437 + 1.1060681568207 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489980515528711 + 1.10428955099835 + 0 + 0.482975311128157 + 1.11099064563192 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490437943919443 + 1.11057260498653 + 0 + 0.484823842124525 + 1.11600556157442 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491740306175537 + 1.11611843663361 + 0 + 0.487502563438103 + 1.12026764113605 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.492138860782553 + 1.12263712500552 + 0 + 0.489189008371956 + 1.12555963598621 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.493397462874516 + 1.12839893282729 + 0 + 0.491505396522784 + 1.13029597402621 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494484699932912 + 1.13441815245532 + 0 + 0.493362438530218 + 1.13555701275121 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.496339098590488 + 1.13973621801923 + 0 + 0.495744542405009 + 1.14034695060678 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497478549528464 + 1.14587118274143 + 0 + 0.497225312503961 + 1.14613452398571 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499211107488583 + 1.15148161239792 + 0 + 0.499149500591323 + 1.15154647824011 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501497233706143 + 1.15657868490891 + 0 + 0.501497233706143 + 1.15657868490891 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.503132022096365 + 1.16244887163391 + 0 + 0.503071234785767 + 1.16251450615336 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505466292890499 + 1.16764804137375 + 0 + 0.505219754849085 + 1.16791766443592 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507829607883374 + 1.17288690875765 + 0 + 0.507258492651767 + 1.1735196162283 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510408905996524 + 1.17795815509619 + 0 + 0.509345273979043 + 1.17915195590073 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.513166739024484 + 1.18289679978285 + 0 + 0.511397494385672 + 1.1849088767689 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.516129293423914 + 1.18766695098621 + 0 + 0.513407881590251 + 1.19080328918675 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.519309325802531 + 1.19224637224149 + 0 + 0.515452226729542 + 1.19675160789047 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522726276206294 + 1.19660379863723 + 0 + 0.51768520960259 + 1.20257228284569 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526398758055333 + 1.20070729585276 + 0 + 0.520193547145657 + 1.2081553100544 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.53034269171544 + 1.20452652044889 + 0 + 0.523059141668325 + 1.21339047513482 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.534566076164627 + 1.20803930465701 + 0 + 0.526415835309506 + 1.21809736452763 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.539060837046574 + 1.21124246114577 + 0 + 0.530305601714054 + 1.22220044470725 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.543796386809838 + 1.21416133509198 + 0 + 0.534655323385555 + 1.22576617487756 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.548728559057522 + 1.21684037007744 + 0 + 0.539369972280929 + 1.22889333227951 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553816410472842 + 1.21932253588019 + 0 + 0.544374978289072 + 1.23165997400674 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.559030899599552 + 1.22163768253486 + 0 + 0.549622964279443 + 1.2341129131144 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.564355725330429 + 1.22380040392866 + 0 + 0.555090017043918 + 1.23627035465657 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.569774765221657 + 1.22582602864516 + 0 + 0.560761372071935 + 1.23813926494713 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.575260240490855 + 1.2277470806424 + 0 + 0.566620411222114 + 1.23972976386373 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.580774470383456 + 1.22961212119661 + 0 + 0.572653717711093 + 1.24104824490597 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.586278635844194 + 1.23147443648696 + 0 + 0.578860324458071 + 1.24208384978534 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.59174717291588 + 1.23337146162531 + 0 + 0.585241885403573 + 1.24282138375966 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.597173966772298 + 1.23531433809419 + 0 + 0.591735859593554 + 1.24333958253247 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.602564522438089 + 1.23729751061113 + 0 + 0.598229843521187 + 1.24379718098254 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.607928220372582 + 1.23930916059823 + 0 + 0.60467427413131 + 1.24426760746904 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.613274497423257 + 1.24133660906239 + 0 + 0.611022193386017 + 1.24482513686082 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.618611162872118 + 1.2433689070278 + 0 + 0.617174787021968 + 1.24563065520274 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.623944103337755 + 1.24539746226548 + 0 + 0.623097110918674 + 1.24675358809723 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.62927733959981 + 1.24741615584578 + 0 + 0.628831297148763 + 1.24814247360204 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.634613597511245 + 1.24942061586885 + 0 + 0.634424775150268 + 1.24973338370209 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.639954470024814 + 1.25140810053233 + 0 + 0.639908819395873 + 1.25148503561763 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.645300778013203 + 1.25337702647739 + 0 + 0.645300778013203 + 1.25337702647739 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.650652620364284 + 1.25532698575899 + 0 + 0.65060815448582 + 1.25540461161116 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.656009312313379 + 1.25725896283987 + 0 + 0.655830166350554 + 1.25757737189364 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.661369266298539 + 1.25917567709041 + 0 + 0.660957083347425 + 1.25992173108711 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.666729960763724 + 1.26108179920314 + 0 + 0.665967647211033 + 1.26248727117971 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.672087814879429 + 1.26298436704468 + 0 + 0.67082878563648 + 1.26534943062842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.677438064199064 + 1.2648932451633 + 0 + 0.675515526606145 + 1.26857380882671 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.682774622275221 + 1.26682166127117 + 0 + 0.680070054448623 + 1.27209988771412 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.688090081631406 + 1.26878652514216 + 0 + 0.684582266912888 + 1.27576724087553 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.693376282847381 + 1.27080762828899 + 0 + 0.689092129339657 + 1.27950381059526 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.698625771589106 + 1.27290490209256 + 0 + 0.693637394413603 + 1.28323620825965 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.703834551592257 + 1.27509259402854 + 0 + 0.698298453277344 + 1.28679484209483 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.709007487957009 + 1.27736699110671 + 0 + 0.703110590063532 + 1.2900932688302 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.714162667525849 + 1.27969488088149 + 0 + 0.70805921338575 + 1.29314773167734 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.719325415716398 + 1.28202383197852 + 0 + 0.71313231218439 + 1.29597024775252 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.724517527054398 + 1.28430489468478 + 0 + 0.718326740643248 + 1.29855365550174 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.729751969598726 + 1.28650550631065 + 0 + 0.723641179219024 + 1.30088600928987 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.735032923968158 + 1.28861131944024 + 0 + 0.729072788463548 + 1.3029580893197 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.740364276376578 + 1.29060743537694 + 0 + 0.734624258491797 + 1.30474636174997 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.745757106564614 + 1.29245946832441 + 0 + 0.740311532617528 + 1.30619180502879 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.751228231197731 + 1.294114958924 + 0 + 0.746164074223288 + 1.30719493841938 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.75679427169294 + 1.29551687208086 + 0 + 0.752218764824894 + 1.307627022008 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.762462500327828 + 1.29662790849142 + 0 + 0.758495462901744 + 1.30739277765102 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.768227031328127 + 1.29744370669454 + 0 + 0.764949503606646 + 1.30656704873661 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.774074058092519 + 1.29798225697274 + 0 + 0.771493120247795 + 1.30535612407835 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.779986997947901 + 1.29827181962156 + 0 + 0.778073775891722 + 1.30388554769437 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.785949395132288 + 1.29834356465585 + 0 + 0.784642270262083 + 1.30228489999431 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.791946627855011 + 1.29822665418366 + 0 + 0.791124231598829 + 1.30077662374967 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.797966472262931 + 1.29794611230926 + 0 + 0.797488294330163 + 1.29947183158035 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.803999206471849 + 1.29752183029653 + 0 + 0.803751040628247 + 1.29833724740775 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.810037352023201 + 1.29696862498062 + 0 + 0.80993388135402 + 1.29731901251199 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.816075385909219 + 1.29629642053788 + 0 + 0.816050763383111 + 1.296382424715 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.822109448753179 + 1.29551048863167 + 0 + 0.822109448753179 + 1.29551048863167 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.828137015574863 + 1.29461188469485 + 0 + 0.828113828474422 + 1.29469828692657 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.834156059968561 + 1.29359993490717 + 0 + 0.83406431299229 + 1.2939535732731 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.840164355271219 + 1.29247471343121 + 0 + 0.839957212298234 + 1.29330150429953 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.846159484515316 + 1.29123713532569 + 0 + 0.845783898526322 + 1.29279129381002 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.852138969377676 + 1.28988855834697 + 0 + 0.851531431218422 + 1.29249807511733 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.858100456480297 + 1.28843003329355 + 0 + 0.857192838071371 + 1.29248206099586 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.864041947893163 + 1.28686116436883 + 0 + 0.862794267606446 + 1.29265923779143 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.869962010144132 + 1.28517878344645 + 0 + 0.868382736490085 + 1.29282999583242 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.875859799729422 + 1.28337620267393 + 0 + 0.873980115040384 + 1.29288642577601 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.881734726948772 + 1.28144417861498 + 0 + 0.87960511541015 + 1.29271735690052 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.8875854771041 + 1.27937572818605 + 0 + 0.885289768289956 + 1.29211624290869 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.893407919410236 + 1.27717890037508 + 0 + 0.891037215732609 + 1.29100320193191 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.899193628635538 + 1.2748898672057 + 0 + 0.896819831597712 + 1.28947055424709 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.904932695179275 + 1.2725625839656 + 0 + 0.902608070761278 + 1.28764413446994 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.910617946462801 + 1.27024501463256 + 0 + 0.90838129603158 + 1.28561870696902 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.916246501910292 + 1.26796581469777 + 0 + 0.914127979372477 + 1.28344652809402 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.921819096934707 + 1.26573305712053 + 0 + 0.919843201301839 + 1.28114243276185 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.927336722148503 + 1.26355489176423 + 0 + 0.925524316430536 + 1.27870653292329 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.932798326208398 + 1.26146026160413 + 0 + 0.931168264774575 + 1.2761427084948 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.93820184508954 + 1.25949756428013 + 0 + 0.936772547405913 + 1.27345065202418 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.943546325432942 + 1.25772088986679 + 0 + 0.942336541335664 + 1.27060993237566 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.948834302113903 + 1.25616495929239 + 0 + 0.947859270083379 + 1.26759601814547 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.95407189142556 + 1.25483306665351 + 0 + 0.95333012987598 + 1.26449884896976 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.95926662041291 + 1.25370919875307 + 0 + 0.95873509478348 + 1.2615035965332 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.964425822284753 + 1.25277114361913 + 0 + 0.964072661224773 + 1.2586914171582 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.969556052269528 + 1.25199680209434 + 0 + 0.969344061963315 + 1.2561438202745 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.974662962290117 + 1.25136732506217 + 0 + 0.974548953626411 + 1.2540442042926 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.979751424557303 + 1.25086760132042 + 0 + 0.979696987762966 + 1.25246557192871 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.984825669704982 + 1.25048731324957 + 0 + 0.984803902760182 + 1.25133937988505 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.989889548320672 + 1.25021588984422 + 0 + 0.989883327781329 + 1.25058118274917 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.994946525982812 + 1.25005631644855 + 0 + 0.994945764377118 + 1.25014577262347 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 1 + 1.2499798172808 + 0 + 1 + 1.2499798172808 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 3855edb3-eb12-4197-85e1-d9226745144d + d2c53264-57e1-4d11-b625-5a5eefefe7c0 + dc33f043-a46c-4bbe-aa2b-e04d7f37a6de + b1dbb9a1-e34d-4d93-b860-212e9f8b0ced + 4 + 7e4b6235-6350-4f55-a9af-848387dacce2 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + ac2bc2cb-70fb-4dd5-9c78-7e1ea97fe278 + Geometry + + + + + Contains a collection of generic geometry + true + a39c5758-5244-4264-955c-254729a7ef7e + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26473 + -15428 + 50 + 24 + + + 26498.88 + -15416 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + -1 + + 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+ + 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Curve + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + a39c5758-5244-4264-955c-254729a7ef7e + d2c53264-57e1-4d11-b625-5a5eefefe7c0 + dc33f043-a46c-4bbe-aa2b-e04d7f37a6de + b1dbb9a1-e34d-4d93-b860-212e9f8b0ced + 4 + 256e8091-fe0c-4e39-b3cd-d15fd76b3d32 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + ac2bc2cb-70fb-4dd5-9c78-7e1ea97fe278 + Geometry + + + + + Contains a collection of generic geometry + true + 6eab838e-0ed2-4c54-81e0-d7d54d80f5ed + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26473 + -16146 + 50 + 24 + + + 26498.88 + -16134 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 513 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + + 8.31187957663209E-17 + -0.24997981727771 + 0 + 8.31187957663209E-17 + -0.24997981727771 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.00505423562287416 + -0.250145772628349 + 0 + 0.00505579079448798 + -0.250328438941119 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0101166722186634 + -0.250581182755773 + 0 + 0.0101302839851524 + -0.251380515650879 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0151960972398294 + -0.251339379892392 + 0 + 0.0152491190912052 + -0.253414919244564 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0203030122370353 + -0.252465571935498 + 0 + 0.0204360062025512 + -0.256369557292481 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0254510463736146 + -0.254044204299816 + 0 + 0.0256951342190955 + -0.259775292295518 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.030655938036711 + -0.25614382028161 + 0 + 0.0310139688299929 + -0.263147726428641 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0359273387751048 + -0.25869141716293 + 0 + 0.0363816718926596 + -0.266307705136293 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0412649052165872 + -0.261503596540872 + 0 + 0.0417964308460186 + -0.269297994321025 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0466698701239005 + -0.264498848974972 + 0 + 0.0472536739461035 + -0.272106308089032 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0521407299166446 + -0.267596018152469 + 0 + 0.0527367560333432 + -0.274583695895008 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0576634586644573 + -0.270609932383741 + 0 + 0.0581995183412103 + -0.276321113392407 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0632274525938167 + -0.273450652028253 + 0 + 0.0636255100087909 + -0.277336567539015 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0688317352254483 + -0.276142708501694 + 0 + 0.0690608315079947 + -0.278206246679791 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0744756835693676 + -0.278706532929218 + 0 + 0.0745706349708621 + -0.279500322944738 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.080156798698473 + -0.281142432770991 + 0 + 0.0801800320483679 + -0.281323622207306 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0858720206272032 + -0.283446528098435 + 0 + 0.0858720206272032 + -0.283446528098435 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0916187039686472 + -0.285618706977297 + 0 + 0.0916450033749502 + -0.285799476835425 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0973919292382841 + -0.287644134473815 + 0 + 0.0975137156265353 + -0.288434252460588 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.103180168402255 + -0.289470554253619 + 0 + 0.10351379268512 + -0.2915197906375 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.108962784267433 + -0.291003201938871 + 0 + 0.10962302194108 + -0.294853250675795 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.114710231709912 + -0.29211624291467 + 0 + 0.115727468527291 + -0.297761610728034 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.120394884590228 + -0.292717356909241 + 0 + 0.121696692177779 + -0.299608524036104 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.126019884959019 + -0.292886425779716 + 0 + 0.127499291793491 + -0.300371451931509 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.131617263509951 + -0.292829995839355 + 0 + 0.133196537164003 + -0.300481208225351 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.13720573239375 + -0.292659237799043 + 0 + 0.138810842748806 + -0.300118318293514 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.142807161928103 + -0.292482061000252 + 0 + 0.14434004022216 + -0.299325537565637 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.148468568781714 + -0.292498075124684 + 0 + 0.149769282916235 + -0.298084942872452 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.154216101474041 + -0.292791293818254 + 0 + 0.155133691693607 + -0.296588242231303 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.160042787701041 + -0.293301504303351 + 0 + 0.16054736489495 + -0.29531547470396 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.165935687007545 + -0.293953573279223 + 0 + 0.166136447479939 + -0.294727403745222 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.171886171525765 + -0.294698286934031 + 0 + 0.171933518756356 + -0.294874717203926 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.177890551247578 + -0.295510488641129 + 0 + 0.177890551247578 + -0.295510488641129 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.183949236616059 + -0.296382424718838 + 0 + 0.183999514934573 + -0.29655804217545 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.190066118646106 + -0.29731901251916 + 0 + 0.190292532869964 + -0.298085729518202 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.196248959371727 + -0.298337247414373 + 0 + 0.196853463706027 + -0.300323512610402 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.202511705669843 + -0.299471831587106 + 0 + 0.20367993719918 + -0.303199300454348 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.208875768401618 + -0.300776623757787 + 0 + 0.210636484857528 + -0.306236003397698 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.215357729737282 + -0.30228489999911 + 0 + 0.217565335181875 + -0.308941428040542 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.221926224108109 + -0.303885547700611 + 0 + 0.224387537768817 + -0.311107472384414 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.228506879752192 + -0.305356124085039 + 0 + 0.231087817596925 + -0.312729991190678 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.235050496392389 + -0.306567048740638 + 0 + 0.237630076329177 + -0.313747579948328 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.241504537098532 + -0.307392777658513 + 0 + 0.243929542470506 + -0.313973221132266 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.247781235175239 + -0.307627022015066 + 0 + 0.249808658695011 + -0.312993072924465 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.253835925776679 + -0.307194938426022 + 0 + 0.255246286443573 + -0.310837694505103 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.259688467383181 + -0.306191805037292 + 0 + 0.260453813229492 + -0.308121810388237 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.265375741506915 + -0.304746361753513 + 0 + 0.265676459352462 + -0.305487095939814 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.270927211537022 + -0.302958089327777 + 0 + 0.270997293130045 + -0.303126784231964 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.27635882078016 + -0.300886009294673 + 0 + 0.27635882078016 + -0.300886009294673 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.281673259357865 + -0.29855365551104 + 0 + 0.28174605303402 + -0.298721197986524 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.28686768781528 + -0.295970247758475 + 0 + 0.287192142684371 + -0.296700896371221 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.291940786614735 + -0.293147731685129 + 0 + 0.292798593949585 + -0.295038456809365 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.296889409935901 + -0.290093268835693 + 0 + 0.298531687789377 + -0.293637519463736 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.301701546722433 + -0.286794842101097 + 0 + 0.304154611760934 + -0.291980150231544 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.306362605586927 + -0.283236208267481 + 0 + 0.309411944463461 + -0.28955161955903 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.3109078706605 + -0.279503810602304 + 0 + 0.314279715957862 + -0.286348145512692 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.315417733087166 + -0.275767240882368 + 0 + 0.318925547805695 + -0.282747956615763 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.319929945551141 + -0.272099887720381 + 0 + 0.323409306306166 + -0.278890197714137 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.324484473393656 + -0.268573808833086 + 0 + 0.327731450445587 + -0.274789919143368 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.329171214364873 + -0.265349430637697 + 0 + 0.331866744031829 + -0.270412934198015 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.334032352787657 + -0.262487271184008 + 0 + 0.335894753091952 + -0.265920965137895 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.339042916652918 + -0.259921731094467 + 0 + 0.340046948379671 + -0.26173903547481 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.344169833648876 + -0.257577371899359 + 0 + 0.344561840334936 + -0.258274113684721 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.349391845513159 + -0.255404611616106 + 0 + 0.349482643248151 + -0.255563120832556 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.354699221987147 + -0.25337702648471 + 0 + 0.354699221987147 + -0.25337702648471 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.360091180602757 + -0.251485035622065 + 0 + 0.360184397555891 + -0.251642134317248 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.365575224850326 + -0.249733383709835 + 0 + 0.365988405403285 + -0.250417781392503 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.371168702849392 + -0.24814247360577 + 0 + 0.372255212543982 + -0.249911702704192 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.376902889081878 + -0.246753588104841 + 0 + 0.378972167443079 + -0.250066725006067 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.382825212977003 + -0.245630655207833 + 0 + 0.385900434413408 + -0.250472964740263 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.388977806614639 + -0.24482513686854 + 0 + 0.392781726782351 + -0.25071691747571 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.395325725868487 + -0.244267607475454 + 0 + 0.399511848597411 + -0.250646528824184 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.401770156478347 + -0.243797180988584 + 0 + 0.406104835395263 + -0.250296851360014 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.408264140407794 + -0.243339582541172 + 0 + 0.41254420555582 + -0.249655855445628 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.414758114595422 + -0.242821383764929 + 0 + 0.418734723704237 + -0.248598014907822 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.421139675542326 + -0.242083849792649 + 0 + 0.424426755950018 + -0.246784918914046 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.427346282289188 + -0.24104824491309 + 0 + 0.429607900602458 + -0.244233189444393 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.433379588777727 + -0.239729763870236 + 0 + 0.434593869863233 + -0.241413864925554 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.439238627927562 + -0.238139264953161 + 0 + 0.439710836938658 + -0.238784351774624 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444909982956108 + -0.236270354663337 + 0 + 0.445018932760472 + -0.236416981197459 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.450377035719687 + -0.234112913119979 + 0 + 0.450377035719687 + -0.234112913119979 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.455625021711591 + -0.231659974014332 + 0 + 0.455736037745933 + -0.231805042413711 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.460630027718401 + -0.228893332285366 + 0 + 0.461120321321889 + -0.229524783423431 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.465344676614253 + -0.225766174884025 + 0 + 0.466629403438389 + -0.227397172096311 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469694398287187 + -0.222200444715514 + 0 + 0.472132719137963 + -0.225252227881316 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473584164690309 + -0.218097364534124 + 0 + 0.477195565673416 + -0.222554126972263 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476940858332451 + -0.213390475142492 + 0 + 0.48139321057777 + -0.218808910972966 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479806452853301 + -0.208155310059875 + 0 + 0.484690267400844 + -0.214017273599518 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482314790397806 + -0.202572282852884 + 0 + 0.487355857001527 + -0.208540767061362 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484547773269642 + -0.196751607896243 + 0 + 0.48950983745262 + -0.20254748402664 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.486592118410189 + -0.190803289193989 + 0 + 0.491188315543241 + -0.196100256182699 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488602505613553 + -0.184908876774737 + 0 + 0.492390385393733 + -0.189216650592116 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490654726020656 + -0.17915195590713 + 0 + 0.493253274329318 + -0.182068518224302 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.492741507348046 + -0.173519616234827 + 0 + 0.494132680395392 + -0.17506082111137 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494780245151019 + -0.167917664442764 + 0 + 0.49531971899167 + -0.16850765286014 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.496928765212619 + -0.162514506158343 + 0 + 0.49705289072884 + -0.162648529501842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498502766295665 + -0.156578684917574 + 0 + 0.498502766295665 + -0.156578684917574 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.500850499408243 + -0.151546478246379 + 0 + 0.500976298491143 + -0.151678931978381 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502774687496554 + -0.14613452399297 + 0 + 0.503328820032936 + -0.146710766554317 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.504255457594763 + -0.14034695061328 + 0 + 0.505703730192998 + -0.141834627123931 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.506637561469306 + -0.135557012757443 + 0 + 0.509379346618602 + -0.138339350489908 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508494603477969 + -0.130295974033697 + 0 + 0.512545439478408 + -0.134357460976719 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510810991627342 + -0.125559635992243 + 0 + 0.515793002444229 + -0.13049546982107 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512497436562383 + -0.120267641143258 + 0 + 0.517949189565399 + -0.125605491859512 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515176157875145 + -0.116005561580818 + 0 + 0.520790259670081 + -0.121438518168726 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51702468887087 + -0.110990645637718 + 0 + 0.522538138720994 + -0.11626474573395 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518904269193531 + -0.106068156827404 + 0 + 0.523999696506994 + -0.110886819282751 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520061764588541 + -0.100531974379127 + 0 + 0.524251780846339 + -0.104449717638987 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521024862993285 + -0.0948918359815828 + 0 + 0.52389302328097 + -0.0975437118509525 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521361866973006 + -0.0887567313889643 + 0 + 0.522894090514444 + -0.0901577902521821 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522208594250152 + -0.0831649801050367 + 0 + 0.522801519520025 + -0.0837012244352919 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522159008004386 + -0.0768404227107852 + 0 + 0.522295152094812 + -0.0769622183881371 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522131256966648 + -0.0706243701718842 + 0 + 0.522131256966648 + -0.0706243701718842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521871113638058 + -0.0642898633983103 + 0 + 0.522008545337499 + -0.0644102042823363 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521562932539694 + -0.0580002840651655 + 0 + 0.522167130630189 + -0.0585237943562072 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520742077472739 + -0.0513582646858968 + 0 + 0.522318204135725 + -0.052709745230102 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52006420902337 + -0.0449317527854089 + 0 + 0.523042468213288 + -0.0474593526865142 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51912592422925 + -0.0383736030457551 + 0 + 0.523518040627334 + -0.0420633539908021 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518086329950011 + -0.0318202572992374 + 0 + 0.523478314132337 + -0.0363046071900141 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.516692021949889 + -0.0250641977107602 + 0 + 0.522581975685168 + -0.0299142189551641 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.516205183816759 + -0.0191354855499001 + 0 + 0.522260068369116 + -0.0240724410193798 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514994976032946 + -0.0126928999809023 + 0 + 0.520931242375299 + -0.0174861246770284 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514163486697209 + -0.00663728819510931 + 0 + 0.519640563196221 + -0.011017301938162 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.513586434222514 + -0.000857919766084662 + 0 + 0.518082967595167 + -0.00441968002183039 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.513372145402704 + 0.00456754385817189 + 0 + 0.516445235240302 + 0.00215613184185236 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.513559157739012 + 0.00961952256861475 + 0 + 0.515198311630304 + 0.00834521905696476 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.513686348425213 + 0.014661832059932 + 0 + 0.514319681926198 + 0.0141739724142195 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514299868577701 + 0.0192774886342623 + 0 + 0.51444507102834 + 0.019166647988704 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51504754102053 + 0.0237457174441685 + 0 + 0.51504754102053 + 0.0237457174441685 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515995432084217 + 0.0280204158651415 + 0 + 0.516141577779725 + 0.027910821905161 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517208076852237 + 0.0320590207773193 + 0 + 0.517849667322971 + 0.0315820721163 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51841997688991 + 0.036062105016286 + 0 + 0.520091303725036 + 0.0348303008397511 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52078819544304 + 0.0391890580033239 + 0 + 0.523942047257066 + 0.0368842786651737 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522684425090805 + 0.0426421415709762 + 0 + 0.527329323707669 + 0.0392761550395343 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.525209471874189 + 0.0456181669107786 + 0 + 0.530904362999643 + 0.0415253558432384 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.528035674595592 + 0.0483632744651133 + 0 + 0.534248597527297 + 0.0439345218507081 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.531065202233208 + 0.0509516433486273 + 0 + 0.537444081750373 + 0.0464410943404135 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.534315800388649 + 0.0533747647870685 + 0 + 0.540561964579517 + 0.04899301924726 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.537346248856133 + 0.0559419581485611 + 0 + 0.543102243790358 + 0.0519355370919902 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.540548803860489 + 0.0583783100944358 + 0 + 0.545268665328723 + 0.0551182707984346 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.543522241278913 + 0.0609625488657134 + 0 + 0.54674417081516 + 0.0587539386407405 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.546446398687204 + 0.0635686846642708 + 0 + 0.548162957084493 + 0.0624007368110524 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549022116229484 + 0.0663970220104278 + 0 + 0.549684605206067 + 0.0659495550135535 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.552351987044929 + 0.0687070391264611 + 0 + 0.552503706280229 + 0.0686053008641433 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554774762938143 + 0.0716161272216867 + 0 + 0.554774762938143 + 0.0716161272216867 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557304322355187 + 0.0744375474468264 + 0 + 0.557456701716878 + 0.0743368005833014 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.559618799344709 + 0.0773850979631723 + 0 + 0.560287063179252 + 0.0769463021053665 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.561892382212331 + 0.0803427046236091 + 0 + 0.56363142999427 + 0.0792085142818788 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.563474585105293 + 0.0837295614343228 + 0 + 0.566752935645749 + 0.0816056012660787 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.56507599707224 + 0.0870794387813042 + 0 + 0.569899444265065 + 0.0839747156585742 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.565871078474497 + 0.0909211643262313 + 0 + 0.571779088395054 + 0.0871424997282605 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.567304567424617 + 0.0943312408567091 + 0 + 0.573743828722273 + 0.0902385430892928 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.567605396459228 + 0.0984370357330786 + 0 + 0.574210495132547 + 0.0942647668340597 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.568223374669041 + 0.102312718067496 + 0 + 0.574685127190994 + 0.0982556236121087 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.568028006515896 + 0.106666068998698 + 0 + 0.573977306621641 + 0.10295275301199 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.569163620962188 + 0.110160565721984 + 0 + 0.574037695330143 + 0.107135942184015 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.569742011717993 + 0.113978471239191 + 0 + 0.573066357754937 + 0.111927249045217 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.570906595650503 + 0.117410714391841 + 0 + 0.572676231041006 + 0.116324866564648 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.571340816533778 + 0.121264785037981 + 0 + 0.572023226286005 + 0.120848329413154 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.573074421456835 + 0.124304146771783 + 0 + 0.573230575462257 + 0.12420935580718 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574267221894916 + 0.127656594779098 + 0 + 0.574267221894916 + 0.127656594779098 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574899573975092 + 0.131322542475568 + 0 + 0.575056158935527 + 0.131228465110889 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.576813690061004 + 0.134199671717879 + 0 + 0.577499868324315 + 0.133789455008878 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.577987129857456 + 0.137505310402129 + 0 + 0.579771457532714 + 0.136443778647328 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.579470109977865 + 0.140608341845134 + 0 + 0.582831355532765 + 0.138618161606548 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.581038859893325 + 0.143644515873484 + 0 + 0.585980747085291 + 0.140732008453291 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.582798264164558 + 0.146553116935159 + 0 + 0.58884714754184 + 0.143004328796455 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.584629452679553 + 0.149405464056841 + 0 + 0.591217751630423 + 0.145557272532389 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.586334753654483 + 0.152317341300726 + 0 + 0.593088174785243 + 0.148389688148958 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.587792698141627 + 0.15535845679194 + 0 + 0.594395205323079 + 0.151534694247825 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.588885814600127 + 0.158595107930374 + 0 + 0.594960826725901 + 0.155091236494794 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.589419646701347 + 0.162136838578988 + 0 + 0.594393610686732 + 0.159279456776904 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.589320016585478 + 0.166022772503467 + 0 + 0.592710411276128 + 0.164082666087827 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.588671115261759 + 0.170201326353865 + 0 + 0.590474829452158 + 0.16917308025565 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.587590994900854 + 0.174602628915227 + 0 + 0.588286143434531 + 0.174207803797597 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.586172718600039 + 0.179172107047908 + 0 + 0.586331697837416 + 0.179082134816289 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.58447359522953 + 0.183876228188389 + 0 + 0.58447359522953 + 0.183876228188389 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.582518832644086 + 0.188700042877056 + 0 + 0.582678076368996 + 0.188610539600824 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.580320915949153 + 0.193635993425587 + 0 + 0.581018380437027 + 0.193245274030701 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.577895342663458 + 0.198674994693603 + 0 + 0.579708085034494 + 0.197662749656377 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.575253198660657 + 0.20381058241952 + 0 + 0.578666262845069 + 0.201910639805786 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.572386978048319 + 0.209046734226763 + 0 + 0.577402605537495 + 0.20626313415121 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.569284668480124 + 0.214389916031959 + 0 + 0.575420896487017 + 0.210994390562642 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.566033665281687 + 0.219791710573479 + 0 + 0.572714009407577 + 0.216105620038157 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.562803936410508 + 0.225158842228221 + 0 + 0.569648629208662 + 0.221392499605875 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.559673065147775 + 0.230449752777153 + 0 + 0.566361874432708 + 0.226779045566724 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.556718217509092 + 0.235623519964329 + 0 + 0.5628700142472 + 0.232256283076559 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554105138920499 + 0.240591228383117 + 0 + 0.559139882293919 + 0.23784235449467 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.551902136927073 + 0.245317838697063 + 0 + 0.555332575882613 + 0.243449449649057 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.550051710286089 + 0.249836904894435 + 0 + 0.551876011864736 + 0.248845643743533 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.548484500315911 + 0.254187992062088 + 0 + 0.549187314671191 + 0.253806979805858 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.547155470515612 + 0.258397064833559 + 0 + 0.547316143193319 + 0.258310152860747 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.546041540323348 + 0.262477938844547 + 0 + 0.546041540323348 + 0.262477938844547 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.54513591569215 + 0.266435478823177 + 0 + 0.545296740944667 + 0.26634884950636 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.544446342406086 + 0.270266637361234 + 0 + 0.545150492876145 + 0.269888100080505 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.543997417753818 + 0.273959294997199 + 0 + 0.545826928571989 + 0.272977681486015 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.543836629225589 + 0.277489109835568 + 0 + 0.547280150969561 + 0.275644944153969 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.544036592078469 + 0.280818424779715 + 0 + 0.549095385890676 + 0.278114066509003 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.544659047381932 + 0.283915581987895 + 0 + 0.550846192100584 + 0.280613744984677 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.54563983283102 + 0.286816136087919 + 0 + 0.552373603987172 + 0.283228576040828 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.54681708759531 + 0.28960729557305 + 0 + 0.553714524960958 + 0.285938438252715 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.548118335599253 + 0.292328187880908 + 0 + 0.554856791090474 + 0.28874943409394 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549470857472973 + 0.295017798262242 + 0 + 0.555666618285808 + 0.291732157485239 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.550708881370936 + 0.297764140434994 + 0 + 0.55577825615152 + 0.295079668825015 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.551749941827175 + 0.300610679752973 + 0 + 0.555203083090365 + 0.298784589810268 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.552612375867721 + 0.303547433734308 + 0 + 0.554448288382621 + 0.302577846112289 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553310102237649 + 0.306566831182615 + 0 + 0.554017216667811 + 0.306193859950425 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55383830784911 + 0.309671231944943 + 0 + 0.55399992512685 + 0.309586089382641 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554187584255883 + 0.312865425868417 + 0 + 0.554187584255883 + 0.312865425868417 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554351197146093 + 0.316152798551188 + 0 + 0.55451289412656 + 0.316067807452317 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554308755567581 + 0.319543914807823 + 0 + 0.555016568072157 + 0.319172270063812 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554006242960908 + 0.323066957099693 + 0 + 0.555844877831654 + 0.322102541872099 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553351782992714 + 0.326769862709266 + 0 + 0.556811763819582 + 0.324956765431098 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.552226769221767 + 0.330714416965799 + 0 + 0.557308723210212 + 0.32805383579806 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.550545427694077 + 0.334945055793217 + 0 + 0.556759687219487 + 0.331694538001199 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.548382987170286 + 0.339421976011831 + 0 + 0.555144988381408 + 0.335887913095628 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.545937105929131 + 0.344041630116336 + 0 + 0.552862185949695 + 0.34042521988535 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.54332752713911 + 0.34874149327913 + 0 + 0.550091780111826 + 0.345211742183656 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.540676400964699 + 0.353457989766569 + 0 + 0.546894803362922 + 0.350215404535748 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.53819108545919 + 0.358083324426895 + 0 + 0.543278129365771 + 0.355432488184628 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.535973360897764 + 0.362564954500405 + 0 + 0.539437972034657 + 0.360760720942211 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.533990174515251 + 0.366920609487817 + 0 + 0.535831893281123 + 0.365962096625841 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.532189817895052 + 0.371177643754826 + 0 + 0.532899059623785 + 0.370808733836813 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530538800230377 + 0.375353848841097 + 0 + 0.53070087956452 + 0.375269589183943 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529020281375881 + 0.379458301993825 + 0 + 0.529020281375881 + 0.379458301993825 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.527628700802464 + 0.383494182933707 + 0 + 0.527790813953703 + 0.383409988358021 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526370193683262 + 0.387458574554778 + 0 + 0.527079731748251 + 0.387090234912984 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.525266799187143 + 0.39134029354473 + 0 + 0.527109674580989 + 0.390384006348382 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.524362384988684 + 0.395116833193081 + 0 + 0.527829905419016 + 0.393318197285613 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52372415108524 + 0.398753601736735 + 0 + 0.528816553768611 + 0.396113074630039 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52340528629554 + 0.402223294533774 + 0 + 0.529631583617309 + 0.398995894802367 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523327701082563 + 0.405566641902149 + 0 + 0.53010202454743 + 0.402056256927783 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523309143418118 + 0.408878260007979 + 0 + 0.53024607528512 + 0.405284636137486 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523251641928628 + 0.412208995462828 + 0 + 0.530026748426161 + 0.408700121993751 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523054905871745 + 0.415610839813393 + 0 + 0.529282645398698 + 0.412386223906065 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522533158555508 + 0.419179992109439 + 0 + 0.52762733630084 + 0.416542891127346 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521615759560877 + 0.422952989859552 + 0 + 0.525084898799206 + 0.421157478231218 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520387266808906 + 0.426886049072686 + 0 + 0.522231223803974 + 0.425931849135839 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51896174308946 + 0.430920166626684 + 0 + 0.519671784357158 + 0.430552797935107 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517424660948293 + 0.43501117533573 + 0 + 0.517586909327756 + 0.43492724164916 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515822890960179 + 0.439134901987676 + 0 + 0.515822890960179 + 0.439134901987676 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514169525906021 + 0.443284653399733 + 0 + 0.514331782538823 + 0.443200735669239 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512464391935626 + 0.447460596694136 + 0 + 0.513174505736131 + 0.447093368226124 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510710646804995 + 0.451661172309808 + 0 + 0.512554888261311 + 0.450707522284933 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508907661436521 + 0.455886775079962 + 0 + 0.512377520951457 + 0.454092655794906 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507036819002528 + 0.460147095470864 + 0 + 0.512132334680192 + 0.457512580625684 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505075867635344 + 0.464453696669792 + 0 + 0.511305598350793 + 0.461232929280124 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.503104556914647 + 0.468765403185449 + 0 + 0.509882233271881 + 0.465261496184472 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501287185066225 + 0.472997332830163 + 0 + 0.508227181657904 + 0.469409631120504 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499695104591987 + 0.477112654063808 + 0 + 0.506472866813453 + 0.473608913156696 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498399932483317 + 0.481074391911008 + 0 + 0.504629823528068 + 0.477853934655292 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497563733715275 + 0.48479880819568 + 0 + 0.502659451180724 + 0.482164683672596 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497250751937623 + 0.488252739747617 + 0 + 0.500720801125574 + 0.486458987341179 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497398193448137 + 0.491468631130392 + 0 + 0.499242566435268 + 0.490515235512886 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497934045163041 + 0.494483738247752 + 0 + 0.498644222858663 + 0.494116633360796 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498805693039354 + 0.497325263622762 + 0 + 0.498967967684934 + 0.497241380729503 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499994052316792 + 0.500003074467614 + 0 + 0.499994052316792 + 0.500003074467614 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501194306960616 + 0.502674736370515 + 0 + 0.501032032315036 + 0.502758619263774 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502065954836761 + 0.505516261745612 + 0 + 0.50135577714114 + 0.505883366632568 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502601806552515 + 0.508531368862533 + 0 + 0.500757433565384 + 0.509484764480039 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50274924806083 + 0.511747260246445 + 0 + 0.499279198872879 + 0.513541012652882 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50243626628717 + 0.515201191796319 + 0 + 0.497340548821721 + 0.517835316319404 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501600067515676 + 0.518925608082776 + 0 + 0.495370176470924 + 0.522146065338492 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50030489540811 + 0.522887345929405 + 0 + 0.493527133186644 + 0.526391086836517 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498712814933655 + 0.527002667163162 + 0 + 0.491772818341976 + 0.53059036887282 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.496895443084163 + 0.53123459680843 + 0 + 0.490117766726929 + 0.534738503809407 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494924132364509 + 0.535546303323547 + 0 + 0.48869440164906 + 0.538767070713216 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.492963180997997 + 0.539852904522128 + 0 + 0.487867665320333 + 0.542487419367308 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491092338564043 + 0.54411322491301 + 0 + 0.487622479049108 + 0.545907344198066 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489289353194773 + 0.548338827683575 + 0 + 0.487445111738456 + 0.54929247770845 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487535608065788 + 0.552539403298396 + 0 + 0.486825494265284 + 0.552906631766408 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485830474094627 + 0.556715346593195 + 0 + 0.485668217461825 + 0.55679926432369 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484177109037803 + 0.560865098006631 + 0 + 0.484177109037803 + 0.560865098006631 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.48257533905264 + 0.56498882465705 + 0 + 0.482413090673178 + 0.565072758343621 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481038256909349 + 0.569079833367197 + 0 + 0.480328215641652 + 0.569447202058774 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479612733192112 + 0.573113950920052 + 0 + 0.477768776197043 + 0.574068150856899 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.478384240439162 + 0.577047010133692 + 0 + 0.474915101200832 + 0.578842521762026 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47746684144287 + 0.580820007884664 + 0 + 0.472372663697538 + 0.583457108866756 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.4769450941281 + 0.584389160179951 + 0 + 0.470717354601147 + 0.587613776087278 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476748358072655 + 0.587791004529769 + 0 + 0.469973251575123 + 0.591299877998846 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476690856580452 + 0.591121739986025 + 0 + 0.46975392471345 + 0.594715363856517 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476672298918722 + 0.594433358090448 + 0 + 0.469897975453855 + 0.597943743064814 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476594713703826 + 0.597776705459818 + 0 + 0.470368416382056 + 0.601004105191225 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476275848914562 + 0.601246398256634 + 0 + 0.471183446231192 + 0.60388692536333 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.475637615013499 + 0.604883166799051 + 0 + 0.472170094583168 + 0.606681802706519 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474733200813116 + 0.608659706448397 + 0 + 0.47289032541927 + 0.609615993644745 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473629806316199 + 0.612541425438765 + 0 + 0.47292026825121 + 0.612909765080559 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.472371299197675 + 0.616505817059484 + 0 + 0.472209186046435 + 0.616590011635169 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470979718624506 + 0.620541697999236 + 0 + 0.470979718624506 + 0.620541697999236 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469461199770114 + 0.624646151151911 + 0 + 0.469299120435972 + 0.624730410809064 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.467810182104536 + 0.628822356238653 + 0 + 0.467100940375802 + 0.629191266156666 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.466009825486716 + 0.633079390504421 + 0 + 0.464168106720844 + 0.634037903366397 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.464026639102491 + 0.637435045492721 + 0 + 0.460562027965599 + 0.639239279050915 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.461808914539606 + 0.641916675566998 + 0 + 0.456721870633026 + 0.644567511809264 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.459323599037545 + 0.646542010225527 + 0 + 0.453105196639322 + 0.649784595456348 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.456672472859839 + 0.65125850671468 + 0 + 0.449908219887122 + 0.654788257810154 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.454062894070695 + 0.655958369877019 + 0 + 0.44713781405013 + 0.659574780108005 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.45161701282884 + 0.660578023981891 + 0 + 0.444855011617718 + 0.664112086898095 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.449454572305059 + 0.6650549442005 + 0 + 0.44324031277965 + 0.668305461992518 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.447773230780592 + 0.669285583026229 + 0 + 0.442691276792148 + 0.671946164193968 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446648217006605 + 0.673230137284351 + 0 + 0.443188236179736 + 0.675043234562519 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445993757041781 + 0.67693304289216 + 0 + 0.444155122171035 + 0.677897458119755 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.44569124443191 + 0.680456085185706 + 0 + 0.444983431927334 + 0.680827729929717 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445648802856401 + 0.683847201440764 + 0 + 0.445487105875933 + 0.683932192539635 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445812415742289 + 0.687134574125807 + 0 + 0.445812415742289 + 0.687134574125807 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446161692151867 + 0.690328768047806 + 0 + 0.446000074874127 + 0.690413910610107 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446689897761646 + 0.693433168811019 + 0 + 0.445982783331484 + 0.69380614004321 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.447387624134555 + 0.696452566257752 + 0 + 0.445551711619655 + 0.697422153879771 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.448250058171403 + 0.699389320241037 + 0 + 0.444796916908213 + 0.701215410183743 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.449291118627919 + 0.702235859558878 + 0 + 0.444221743847336 + 0.704920331168856 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.450529142529315 + 0.704982201729808 + 0 + 0.444333381716481 + 0.708267842506811 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.451881664401484 + 0.707671812111963 + 0 + 0.445143208910263 + 0.711250565898931 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453182912407235 + 0.710392704418858 + 0 + 0.446285475041588 + 0.714061561739193 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.454360167168899 + 0.713183863905387 + 0 + 0.447626396012748 + 0.716771423952478 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.455340952617862 + 0.716084418005479 + 0 + 0.44915380789921 + 0.719386255008698 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.4559634079223 + 0.719181575213134 + 0 + 0.450904614110092 + 0.721885933483845 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.456163370773946 + 0.722510890157944 + 0 + 0.452719849029973 + 0.724355055839542 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.456002582246848 + 0.726040704995709 + 0 + 0.454173071428678 + 0.727022318506893 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.455553657593923 + 0.729733362632019 + 0 + 0.454849507123865 + 0.730111899912747 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.454864084306183 + 0.733564521170983 + 0 + 0.454703259053666 + 0.7336511504878 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453958459678774 + 0.737522061147572 + 0 + 0.453958459678774 + 0.737522061147572 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.452844529482577 + 0.741602935160681 + 0 + 0.45268385680487 + 0.741689847133492 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.451515499685148 + 0.745812007930601 + 0 + 0.450812685329868 + 0.746193020186831 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.449948289715722 + 0.750163095097842 + 0 + 0.448123988137076 + 0.751154356248744 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.448097863072831 + 0.754682161296249 + 0 + 0.444667424117291 + 0.756550550344255 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445894861079807 + 0.759408771609983 + 0 + 0.440860117706386 + 0.762157645498431 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.443281782493463 + 0.764376480027536 + 0 + 0.437129985755354 + 0.767743716915306 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.440326934852234 + 0.769550247216105 + 0 + 0.433638125567301 + 0.773220954426534 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.437196063591788 + 0.774841157763784 + 0 + 0.430351370793634 + 0.77860750038613 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.433966334718795 + 0.780208289419518 + 0 + 0.427285990592905 + 0.78389437995484 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.430715331520857 + 0.785610083960754 + 0 + 0.424579103513964 + 0.789005609430071 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.427613021951256 + 0.790953265766738 + 0 + 0.42259739446208 + 0.793736865842291 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.42474680134006 + 0.796189417573343 + 0 + 0.421333737155648 + 0.798089360187077 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.422104657335806 + 0.801325005300066 + 0 + 0.420291914964769 + 0.802337250337292 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.41967908404934 + 0.806364006568522 + 0 + 0.418981619561466 + 0.806754725963408 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.417481167356412 + 0.811299957115922 + 0 + 0.417321923631502 + 0.811389460392154 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.415526404770417 + 0.816123771804899 + 0 + 0.415526404770417 + 0.816123771804899 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.413827281399917 + 0.82082789294538 + 0 + 0.41366830216254 + 0.820917865176999 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.41240900509826 + 0.825397371078539 + 0 + 0.411713856564583 + 0.82579219619617 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.411328884739706 + 0.829798673638565 + 0 + 0.409525170549306 + 0.830826919736779 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.410679983413106 + 0.833977227490607 + 0 + 0.407289588722456 + 0.835917333906248 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.41058035329846 + 0.837863161414394 + 0 + 0.405606389313074 + 0.840720543216478 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.411114185401343 + 0.841404892062042 + 0 + 0.40503917327557 + 0.844908763497621 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.41220730185844 + 0.844641543201276 + 0 + 0.405604794676988 + 0.848465305745391 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.41366524634389 + 0.847682658693483 + 0 + 0.406911825213129 + 0.851610311845252 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.415370547320385 + 0.850594535936456 + 0 + 0.408782248369515 + 0.854442727460908 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.417201735836883 + 0.853446883057264 + 0 + 0.411152852459601 + 0.856995671195968 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.418961140107651 + 0.856355484119208 + 0 + 0.414019252915685 + 0.8592679915394 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.42052989002223 + 0.859391658148061 + 0 + 0.417168644467329 + 0.861381838386647 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.422012870142262 + 0.862494689591304 + 0 + 0.420228542467005 + 0.863556221346105 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.423186309940801 + 0.865800328274311 + 0 + 0.42250013167749 + 0.866210544983312 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.42510042602475 + 0.868677457517796 + 0 + 0.424943841064315 + 0.868771534882475 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425732778105591 + 0.87234340521387 + 0 + 0.425732778105591 + 0.87234340521387 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.426925578543759 + 0.875695853221124 + 0 + 0.426769424538338 + 0.875790644185726 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.428659183465623 + 0.878735214955653 + 0 + 0.427976773713396 + 0.879151670580479 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.429093404350892 + 0.882589285600572 + 0 + 0.427323768960389 + 0.883675133427765 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.430257988281115 + 0.886021528754623 + 0 + 0.426933642244171 + 0.888072750948597 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.430836379038365 + 0.889839434270951 + 0 + 0.42596230467041 + 0.89286405780892 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.431971993485036 + 0.893333930993981 + 0 + 0.426022693379291 + 0.89704724698069 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.431776625330017 + 0.897687281926354 + 0 + 0.425314872808064 + 0.901744376381742 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.432394603540028 + 0.90156296426066 + 0 + 0.425789504866709 + 0.905735233159679 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.432695432575553 + 0.90566875913645 + 0 + 0.426256171277898 + 0.909761456903866 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.434128921525933 + 0.909078835666761 + 0 + 0.428220911605376 + 0.912857500264732 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.434924002929502 + 0.912920561210839 + 0 + 0.430100555736676 + 0.916025284333569 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.436525414893901 + 0.916270438559465 + 0 + 0.433247064353445 + 0.918394398727709 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.438107617786617 + 0.919657295370342 + 0 + 0.436368570004678 + 0.920791485712072 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.440381200655657 + 0.922614902029847 + 0 + 0.439712936821115 + 0.923053697887652 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442695677644088 + 0.925562452546919 + 0 + 0.442543298282397 + 0.925663199410444 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445225237063279 + 0.928383872770634 + 0 + 0.445225237063279 + 0.928383872770634 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.447648012954653 + 0.931292960867082 + 0 + 0.447496293719353 + 0.9313946991294 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.450977883769443 + 0.933602977983564 + 0 + 0.45031539479286 + 0.934050444980438 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453553601313398 + 0.936431315328583 + 0 + 0.451837042916109 + 0.937599263181802 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.456477758719321 + 0.939037451128758 + 0 + 0.453255829183074 + 0.941246061353731 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.459451196140471 + 0.941621689898168 + 0 + 0.454731334672237 + 0.944881729194169 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.46265375114345 + 0.944058041844994 + 0 + 0.456897756209225 + 0.948064462901565 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.465684199612491 + 0.946625235205408 + 0 + 0.459438035421624 + 0.951006980745217 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.468934797766812 + 0.949048356644628 + 0 + 0.462555918249647 + 0.953558905652842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.471964325405104 + 0.951636725527657 + 0 + 0.4657514024734 + 0.956065478142062 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474790528126173 + 0.95438183308223 + 0 + 0.469095637000718 + 0.958474644149771 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477315574910018 + 0.957357858421691 + 0 + 0.472670676293154 + 0.960723844953133 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47921180455714 + 0.960810941989819 + 0 + 0.476057952743114 + 0.963115721327969 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481580023110542 + 0.963937894976638 + 0 + 0.479908696275416 + 0.965169699153173 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482791923147046 + 0.967940979216484 + 0 + 0.482150332676312 + 0.968417927877503 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484004567916852 + 0.971979584127329 + 0 + 0.483858422221345 + 0.97208917808731 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484952458979156 + 0.976254282549339 + 0 + 0.484952458979156 + 0.976254282549339 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485700131423216 + 0.980722511358305 + 0 + 0.485554928972576 + 0.980833352003864 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.486313651573718 + 0.98533816793415 + 0 + 0.485680318072733 + 0.985826027579863 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.486440842259646 + 0.990380477425696 + 0 + 0.484801688368355 + 0.991654780937346 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.486627854596867 + 0.995432456135439 + 0 + 0.483554764759269 + 0.997843868151758 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.486413565779102 + 1.00085791975806 + 0 + 0.481917032406449 + 1.00441968001381 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485836513301455 + 1.00663728818944 + 0 + 0.480359436802442 + 1.01101730193249 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485005023968283 + 1.01269289997318 + 0 + 0.479068757625931 + 1.01748612466931 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.483794816181823 + 1.01913548554433 + 0 + 0.477739931629466 + 1.02407244101381 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.483307978051604 + 1.02506419770279 + 0 + 0.477418024316324 + 1.0299142189472 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481913670047082 + 1.03182025729493 + 0 + 0.476521685864756 + 1.0363046071857 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480874075771299 + 1.03837360303856 + 0 + 0.476481959373215 + 1.04206335398361 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479935790975862 + 1.04493175277933 + 0 + 0.476957531785944 + 1.04745935268044 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479257922528744 + 1.05135826467789 + 0 + 0.477681795865758 + 1.0527097452221 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.478437067459881 + 1.05800028405882 + 0 + 0.477832869369386 + 1.05852379434986 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47812888636145 + 1.06428986339201 + 0 + 0.477991454662009 + 1.06441020427604 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47786874303231 + 1.07062437016608 + 0 + 0.47786874303231 + 1.07062437016608 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477840991995778 + 1.07684042270391 + 0 + 0.477704847905351 + 1.07696221838126 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477791405750153 + 1.08316498009803 + 0 + 0.47719848048028 + 1.08370122442828 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.478638133026421 + 1.08875673138275 + 0 + 0.477105909484982 + 1.09015779024597 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.478975137006965 + 1.09489183597463 + 0 + 0.476106976719281 + 1.097543711844 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479938235412046 + 1.10053197437185 + 0 + 0.475748219154248 + 1.10444971763171 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481095730806437 + 1.1060681568207 + 0 + 0.476000303492973 + 1.11088681927605 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482975311128157 + 1.11099064563192 + 0 + 0.477461861278033 + 1.11626474572815 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484823842124525 + 1.11600556157442 + 0 + 0.479209740329589 + 1.12143851816233 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487502563438103 + 1.12026764113605 + 0 + 0.482050810435087 + 1.1256054918523 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489189008371956 + 1.12555963598621 + 0 + 0.484206997555069 + 1.13049546981504 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491505396522784 + 1.13029597402621 + 0 + 0.487454560522344 + 1.13435746096923 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.493362438530218 + 1.13555701275121 + 0 + 0.490620653380922 + 1.13833935048368 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.495744542405009 + 1.14034695060678 + 0 + 0.494296269806773 + 1.14183462711743 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497225312503961 + 1.14613452398571 + 0 + 0.496671179967579 + 1.14671076654706 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499149500591323 + 1.15154647824011 + 0 + 0.499023701508423 + 1.15167893197211 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501497233706143 + 1.15657868490891 + 0 + 0.501497233706143 + 1.15657868490891 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.503071234785767 + 1.16251450615336 + 0 + 0.502947109269546 + 1.16264852949686 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505219754849085 + 1.16791766443592 + 0 + 0.504680281008434 + 1.1685076528533 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507258492651767 + 1.1735196162283 + 0 + 0.505867319604422 + 1.17506082110485 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509345273979043 + 1.17915195590073 + 0 + 0.506746725670381 + 1.1820685182179 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511397494385672 + 1.1849088767689 + 0 + 0.507609614605492 + 1.18921665058628 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.513407881590251 + 1.19080328918675 + 0 + 0.508811684457199 + 1.19610025617546 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515452226729542 + 1.19675160789047 + 0 + 0.510490162546564 + 1.20254748402087 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51768520960259 + 1.20257228284569 + 0 + 0.51264414299887 + 1.20854076705416 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520193547145657 + 1.2081553100544 + 0 + 0.515309732598113 + 1.21401727359405 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523059141668325 + 1.21339047513482 + 0 + 0.518606789423005 + 1.2188089109653 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526415835309506 + 1.21809736452763 + 0 + 0.522804434326399 + 1.22255412696577 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530305601714054 + 1.22220044470725 + 0 + 0.527867280863278 + 1.22525222787305 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.534655323385555 + 1.22576617487756 + 0 + 0.533370596561418 + 1.22739717208984 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.539369972280929 + 1.22889333227951 + 0 + 0.538879678677441 + 1.22952478341758 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.544374978289072 + 1.23165997400674 + 0 + 0.54426396225473 + 1.23180504240612 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549622964279443 + 1.2341129131144 + 0 + 0.549622964279443 + 1.2341129131144 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555090017043918 + 1.23627035465657 + 0 + 0.554981067239554 + 1.23641698119069 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.560761372071935 + 1.23813926494713 + 0 + 0.560289163060839 + 1.23878435176859 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.566620411222114 + 1.23972976386373 + 0 + 0.565406130136609 + 1.24141386491905 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.572653717711093 + 1.24104824490597 + 0 + 0.570392099397823 + 1.24423318943727 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.578860324458071 + 1.24208384978534 + 0 + 0.575573244050378 + 1.24678491890674 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.585241885403573 + 1.24282138375966 + 0 + 0.581265276294758 + 1.24859801490256 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.591735859593554 + 1.24333958253247 + 0 + 0.587455794445529 + 1.24965585543692 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.598229843521187 + 1.24379718098254 + 0 + 0.59389516460427 + 1.25029685135397 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.60467427413131 + 1.24426760746904 + 0 + 0.600488151402385 + 1.25064652881777 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.611022193386017 + 1.24482513686082 + 0 + 0.607218273218305 + 1.25071691746799 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.617174787021968 + 1.24563065520274 + 0 + 0.614099565585563 + 1.25047296473517 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.623097110918674 + 1.24675358809723 + 0 + 0.621027832557474 + 1.25006672499846 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.628831297148763 + 1.24814247360204 + 0 + 0.627744787454172 + 1.24991170270046 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.634424775150268 + 1.24973338370209 + 0 + 0.634011594597309 + 1.25041778138476 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.639908819395873 + 1.25148503561763 + 0 + 0.639815602442739 + 1.25164213431282 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.645300778013203 + 1.25337702647739 + 0 + 0.645300778013203 + 1.25337702647739 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.65060815448582 + 1.25540461161116 + 0 + 0.650517356750827 + 1.25556312082761 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.655830166350554 + 1.25757737189364 + 0 + 0.655438159664493 + 1.258274113679 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.660957083347425 + 1.25992173108711 + 0 + 0.659953051620673 + 1.26173903546746 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.665967647211033 + 1.26248727117971 + 0 + 0.664105246906738 + 1.2659209651336 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.67082878563648 + 1.26534943062842 + 0 + 0.668133255969524 + 1.27041293418874 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.675515526606145 + 1.26857380882671 + 0 + 0.672268549554214 + 1.27478991913699 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.680070054448623 + 1.27209988771412 + 0 + 0.676590693693598 + 1.27889019770788 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.684582266912888 + 1.27576724087553 + 0 + 0.681074452194359 + 1.28274795660892 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.689092129339657 + 1.27950381059526 + 0 + 0.685720284042295 + 1.28634814550564 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.693637394413603 + 1.28323620825965 + 0 + 0.690588055537069 + 1.28955161955119 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.698298453277344 + 1.28679484209483 + 0 + 0.695845388238844 + 1.29198015022527 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.703110590063532 + 1.2900932688302 + 0 + 0.701468312210057 + 1.29363751945825 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.70805921338575 + 1.29314773167734 + 0 + 0.707201406050901 + 1.29503845680157 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.71313231218439 + 1.29597024775252 + 0 + 0.712807857315299 + 1.29670089636527 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.718326740643248 + 1.29855365550174 + 0 + 0.718253946967093 + 1.29872119797722 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.723641179219024 + 1.30088600928987 + 0 + 0.723641179219024 + 1.30088600928987 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.729072788463548 + 1.3029580893197 + 0 + 0.729002706870525 + 1.30312678422388 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.734624258491797 + 1.30474636174997 + 0 + 0.734323540646251 + 1.30548709593627 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.740311532617528 + 1.30619180502879 + 0 + 0.739546186771217 + 1.30812181037974 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.746164074223288 + 1.30719493841938 + 0 + 0.744753713556394 + 1.31083769449846 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.752218764824894 + 1.307627022008 + 0 + 0.750191341305123 + 1.3129930729174 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.758495462901744 + 1.30739277765102 + 0 + 0.75607045752977 + 1.31397322112477 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.764949503606646 + 1.30656704873661 + 0 + 0.762369923669857 + 1.3137475799443 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.771493120247795 + 1.30535612407835 + 0 + 0.768912182403063 + 1.31272999118399 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.778073775891722 + 1.30388554769437 + 0 + 0.775612462231014 + 1.31110747237817 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.784642270262083 + 1.30228489999431 + 0 + 0.78243466481749 + 1.30894142803575 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.791124231598829 + 1.30077662374967 + 0 + 0.789363515142918 + 1.30623600338958 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.797488294330163 + 1.29947183158035 + 0 + 0.796320062800826 + 1.30319930044759 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.803751040628247 + 1.29833724740775 + 0 + 0.803146536293947 + 1.30032351260377 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.80993388135402 + 1.29731901251199 + 0 + 0.809707467130161 + 1.29808572951103 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.816050763383111 + 1.296382424715 + 0 + 0.816000485064596 + 1.29655804217161 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.822109448753179 + 1.29551048863167 + 0 + 0.822109448753179 + 1.29551048863167 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.828113828474422 + 1.29469828692657 + 0 + 0.828066481243831 + 1.29487471719647 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.83406431299229 + 1.2939535732731 + 0 + 0.833863552519896 + 1.2947274037391 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.839957212298234 + 1.29330150429953 + 0 + 0.839452635104325 + 1.29531547470014 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.845783898526322 + 1.29279129381002 + 0 + 0.844866308306755 + 1.29658824222307 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.851531431218422 + 1.29249807511733 + 0 + 0.850230717083901 + 1.2980849428651 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.857192838071371 + 1.29248206099586 + 0 + 0.855659959777314 + 1.29932553756125 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.862794267606446 + 1.29265923779143 + 0 + 0.86118915725139 + 1.30011831828591 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.868382736490085 + 1.29282999583242 + 0 + 0.866803462836032 + 1.30048120821842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.873980115040384 + 1.29288642577601 + 0 + 0.872500708205912 + 1.3003714519278 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.87960511541015 + 1.29271735690052 + 0 + 0.878303307822599 + 1.29960852402739 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.885289768289956 + 1.29211624290869 + 0 + 0.884272531472578 + 1.29776161072206 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.891037215732609 + 1.29100320193191 + 0 + 0.890376978058963 + 1.29485325066884 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.896819831597712 + 1.28947055424709 + 0 + 0.896486207314847 + 1.29151979063097 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.902608070761278 + 1.28764413446994 + 0 + 0.902486284373027 + 1.28843425245671 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.90838129603158 + 1.28561870696902 + 0 + 0.908354996625277 + 1.28579947682714 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.914127979372477 + 1.28344652809402 + 0 + 0.914127979372477 + 1.28344652809402 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.919843201301839 + 1.28114243276185 + 0 + 0.919819967951945 + 1.28132362219817 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.925524316430536 + 1.27870653292329 + 0 + 0.925429365029042 + 1.27950032293881 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.931168264774575 + 1.2761427084948 + 0 + 0.930939168492029 + 1.2782062466729 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.936772547405913 + 1.27345065202418 + 0 + 0.936374489990938 + 1.27733656753494 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.942336541335664 + 1.27060993237566 + 0 + 0.941800481658911 + 1.27632111338432 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.947859270083379 + 1.26759601814547 + 0 + 0.94726324396668 + 1.27458369588801 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.95333012987598 + 1.26449884896976 + 0 + 0.952746326053777 + 1.27210630808382 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.95873509478348 + 1.2615035965332 + 0 + 0.958203569154049 + 1.26929799431335 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.964072661224773 + 1.2586914171582 + 0 + 0.963618328107218 + 1.26630770513156 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.969344061963315 + 1.2561438202745 + 0 + 0.968986031170033 + 1.26314772642153 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.974548953626411 + 1.2540442042926 + 0 + 0.974304865780931 + 1.25977529228831 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.979696987762966 + 1.25246557192871 + 0 + 0.97956399379745 + 1.25636955728569 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.984803902760182 + 1.25133937988505 + 0 + 0.984750880908806 + 1.25341491923723 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.989883327781329 + 1.25058118274917 + 0 + 0.98986971601484 + 1.25138051564427 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.994945764377118 + 1.25014577262347 + 0 + 0.994944209205504 + 1.25032843893624 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 1 + 1.2499798172808 + 0 + 1 + 1.2499798172808 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 6eab838e-0ed2-4c54-81e0-d7d54d80f5ed + d2c53264-57e1-4d11-b625-5a5eefefe7c0 + dc33f043-a46c-4bbe-aa2b-e04d7f37a6de + b1dbb9a1-e34d-4d93-b860-212e9f8b0ced + 4 + 32daf89b-ea53-41f6-8e7e-09e85606744b + Group + + + + + + + + + + + ac2bc2cb-70fb-4dd5-9c78-7e1ea97fe278 + Geometry + + + + + Contains a collection of generic geometry + true + c53aff52-a605-466b-8d3e-be1273a3f101 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26473 + -16525 + 50 + 24 + + + 26498.88 + -16513 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + -1 + + 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+ + 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Curve + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + c53aff52-a605-466b-8d3e-be1273a3f101 + d2c53264-57e1-4d11-b625-5a5eefefe7c0 + dc33f043-a46c-4bbe-aa2b-e04d7f37a6de + b1dbb9a1-e34d-4d93-b860-212e9f8b0ced + 4 + d719d106-5ba3-4f66-b363-65bdfefb9c17 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + ac2bc2cb-70fb-4dd5-9c78-7e1ea97fe278 + Geometry + + + + + Contains a collection of generic geometry + true + 696fd1f4-a205-4a74-acef-810ca31f41e9 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26473 + -17455 + 50 + 24 + + + 26498.88 + -17443 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 513 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + + 8.31187957663209E-17 + -0.24997981727771 + 0 + 8.31187957663209E-17 + -0.24997981727771 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.00505579079448798 + -0.250328438941119 + 0 + 0.00506259683868762 + -0.251127858752699 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0101302839851524 + -0.251380515650879 + 0 + 0.0101967935151527 + -0.255286199399574 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0152491190912052 + -0.253414919244564 + 0 + 0.0154282164834252 + -0.260425683217874 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0204360062025512 + -0.256369557292481 + 0 + 0.020701994133584 + -0.264177528006472 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0256951342190955 + -0.259775292295518 + 0 + 0.0259935505297823 + -0.266781991594823 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0310139688299929 + -0.263147726428641 + 0 + 0.0312133909849261 + -0.267048882650394 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0363816718926596 + -0.266307705136293 + 0 + 0.0364292766489561 + -0.267105735301489 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0417964308460186 + -0.269297994321025 + 0 + 0.0417964308460186 + -0.269297994321025 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0472536739461035 + -0.272106308089032 + 0 + 0.0473148445665297 + -0.272903413171553 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0527367560333432 + -0.274583695895008 + 0 + 0.0530687409207295 + -0.278475812940646 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0581995183412103 + -0.276321113392407 + 0 + 0.0588548928467679 + -0.283303474857043 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0636255100087909 + -0.277336567539015 + 0 + 0.0644216248387421 + -0.285108398560566 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0690608315079947 + -0.278206246679791 + 0 + 0.0698346737203401 + -0.285176473045968 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0745706349708621 + -0.279500322944738 + 0 + 0.0750345845318063 + -0.283378923190612 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0801800320483679 + -0.281323622207306 + 0 + 0.0802817103486181 + -0.282116578625177 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0858720206272032 + -0.283446528098435 + 0 + 0.0858720206272032 + -0.283446528098435 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0916450033749502 + -0.285799476835425 + 0 + 0.0917600999470148 + -0.286590597013706 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0975137156265353 + -0.288434252460588 + 0 + 0.0981087857410236 + -0.292294910516055 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.10351379268512 + -0.2915197906375 + 0 + 0.104640709937007 + -0.298441708353911 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.10962302194108 + -0.294853250675795 + 0 + 0.110943497288377 + -0.302553348149671 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.115727468527291 + -0.297761610728034 + 0 + 0.116971119383968 + -0.30466351046014 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.121696692177779 + -0.299608524036104 + 0 + 0.122421795379205 + -0.30344688493754 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.127499291793491 + -0.300371451931509 + 0 + 0.12765430316972 + -0.3011557285604 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.133196537164003 + -0.300481208225351 + 0 + 0.133196537164003 + -0.300481208225351 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.138810842748806 + -0.300118318293514 + 0 + 0.138979025265838 + -0.300899876351722 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.14434004022216 + -0.299325537565637 + 0 + 0.145193849163702 + -0.303137334957123 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.149769282916235 + -0.298084942872452 + 0 + 0.151359506765839 + -0.304915321739946 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.155133691693607 + -0.296588242231303 + 0 + 0.156968872132746 + -0.304182139057426 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.16054736489495 + -0.29531547470396 + 0 + 0.162251727478638 + -0.302118270860592 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.166136447479939 + -0.294727403745222 + 0 + 0.167117399119998 + -0.29850847805582 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.171933518756356 + -0.294874717203926 + 0 + 0.172140728906841 + -0.295646845632959 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.177890551247578 + -0.295510488641129 + 0 + 0.177890551247578 + -0.295510488641129 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.183999514934573 + -0.29655804217545 + 0 + 0.184219552681569 + -0.297326613413061 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.190292532869964 + -0.298085729518202 + 0 + 0.19139883333628 + -0.301832046154663 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.196853463706027 + -0.300323512610402 + 0 + 0.198895360528742 + -0.307032726031567 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.20367993719918 + -0.303199300454348 + 0 + 0.206016400257862 + -0.310654238188858 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.210636484857528 + -0.306236003397698 + 0 + 0.212789097200447 + -0.312910518171558 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.217565335181875 + -0.308941428040542 + 0 + 0.21879496526751 + -0.312649095624738 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.224387537768817 + -0.311107472384414 + 0 + 0.224645432763613 + -0.311864181396547 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.231087817596925 + -0.312729991190678 + 0 + 0.231087817596925 + -0.312729991190678 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.237630076329177 + -0.313747579948328 + 0 + 0.237900363194681 + -0.31449995177643 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.243929542470506 + -0.313973221132266 + 0 + 0.245280263710348 + -0.31763850982412 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.249808658695011 + -0.312993072924465 + 0 + 0.252287341096334 + -0.319553486091236 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.255246286443573 + -0.310837694505103 + 0 + 0.25806700777737 + -0.318123206663287 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.260453813229492 + -0.308121810388237 + 0 + 0.263039001065523 + -0.314640989110883 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.265676459352462 + -0.305487095939814 + 0 + 0.267145820627951 + -0.309106455897664 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.270997293130045 + -0.303126784231964 + 0 + 0.271303997814893 + -0.303865059650543 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.27635882078016 + -0.300886009294673 + 0 + 0.27635882078016 + -0.300886009294673 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.28174605303402 + -0.298721197986524 + 0 + 0.282064626864048 + -0.299454429922685 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.287192142684371 + -0.296700896371221 + 0 + 0.288777487310066 + -0.300270976409564 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.292798593949585 + -0.295038456809365 + 0 + 0.295696098520099 + -0.301424954646929 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.298531687789377 + -0.293637519463736 + 0 + 0.301816243496339 + -0.300726020719846 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.304154611760934 + -0.291980150231544 + 0 + 0.307153673910965 + -0.298319591341423 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.309411944463461 + -0.28955161955903 + 0 + 0.311110417726908 + -0.29306928606337 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.314279715957862 + -0.286348145512692 + 0 + 0.314633015920925 + -0.2870652908909 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.318925547805695 + -0.282747956615763 + 0 + 0.318925547805695 + -0.282747956615763 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.323409306306166 + -0.278890197714137 + 0 + 0.323773871675519 + -0.279601682393419 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.327731450445587 + -0.274789919143368 + 0 + 0.329540007622413 + -0.278252275277643 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.331866744031829 + -0.270412934198015 + 0 + 0.335162237983916 + -0.276603459779669 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.335894753091952 + -0.265920965137895 + 0 + 0.339619553700555 + -0.272788353045691 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.340046948379671 + -0.26173903547481 + 0 + 0.343438370204849 + -0.267877532470742 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.344561840334936 + -0.258274113684721 + 0 + 0.346477255242167 + -0.261678518889093 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.349482643248151 + -0.255563120832556 + 0 + 0.349880009938808 + -0.256256819665294 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.354699221987147 + -0.25337702648471 + 0 + 0.354699221987147 + -0.25337702648471 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.360184397555891 + -0.251642134317248 + 0 + 0.360592351699053 + -0.252329660152735 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.365988405403285 + -0.250417781392503 + 0 + 0.368007279618083 + -0.253761871099317 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.372255212543982 + -0.249911702704192 + 0 + 0.375925228733034 + -0.255887810847245 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.378972167443079 + -0.250066725006067 + 0 + 0.383110724165493 + -0.256692998808542 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.385900434413408 + -0.250472964740263 + 0 + 0.389660130984081 + -0.25639306347777 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.392781726782351 + -0.25071691747571 + 0 + 0.394900499723877 + -0.253998622868437 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.399511848597411 + -0.250646528824184 + 0 + 0.39995046806986 + -0.251314908443692 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.406104835395263 + -0.250296851360014 + 0 + 0.406104835395263 + -0.250296851360014 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.41254420555582 + -0.249655855445628 + 0 + 0.412992668259577 + -0.250317670798067 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.418734723704237 + -0.248598014907822 + 0 + 0.420949683905111 + -0.251815582369577 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.424426755950018 + -0.246784918914046 + 0 + 0.428445466534572 + -0.252532340301326 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.429607900602458 + -0.244233189444393 + 0 + 0.434131137229014 + -0.250603078507021 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.434593869863233 + -0.241413864925554 + 0 + 0.438695472696646 + -0.247102427271376 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.439710836938658 + -0.238784351774624 + 0 + 0.44201813477654 + -0.24193636156993 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445018932760472 + -0.236416981197459 + 0 + 0.445495740064216 + -0.237058676726882 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.450377035719687 + -0.234112913119979 + 0 + 0.450377035719687 + -0.234112913119979 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.455736037745933 + -0.231805042413711 + 0 + 0.456221887686792 + -0.232439918931116 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.461120321321889 + -0.229524783423431 + 0 + 0.463515983718567 + -0.232610166826436 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.466629403438389 + -0.227397172096311 + 0 + 0.470968958130414 + -0.232906360098212 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.472132719137963 + -0.225252227881316 + 0 + 0.477009360839531 + -0.231355794212939 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477195565673416 + -0.222554126972263 + 0 + 0.481610783299951 + -0.22800286450271 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.48139321057777 + -0.218808910972966 + 0 + 0.483873158380986 + -0.221826964643085 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484690267400844 + -0.214017273599518 + 0 + 0.485201990610864 + -0.214631486684459 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487355857001527 + -0.208540767061362 + 0 + 0.487355857001527 + -0.208540767061362 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.48950983745262 + -0.20254748402664 + 0 + 0.490029759613324 + -0.203154772511789 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491188315543241 + -0.196100256182699 + 0 + 0.493748384548393 + -0.199050652046182 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.492390385393733 + -0.189216650592116 + 0 + 0.497021362028804 + -0.19448323798537 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.493253274329318 + -0.182068518224302 + 0 + 0.498450370946659 + -0.187901642858666 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494132680395392 + -0.17506082111137 + 0 + 0.498831789506842 + -0.180266708252294 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.49531971899167 + -0.16850765286014 + 0 + 0.497955684839166 + -0.171390441980633 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.49705289072884 + -0.162648529501842 + 0 + 0.497596112931583 + -0.163235068499549 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498502766295665 + -0.156578684917574 + 0 + 0.498502766295665 + -0.156578684917574 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.500976298491143 + -0.151678931978381 + 0 + 0.501526844881575 + -0.152258601737267 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.503328820032936 + -0.146710766554317 + 0 + 0.506036410894295 + -0.14952639095929 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505703730192998 + -0.141834627123931 + 0 + 0.510595710364133 + -0.146859705966156 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509379346618602 + -0.138339350489908 + 0 + 0.514862916917211 + -0.143904025954857 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512545439478408 + -0.134357460976719 + 0 + 0.517497900474848 + -0.139322943576034 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515793002444229 + -0.13049546982107 + 0 + 0.518567968596991 + -0.133244715520061 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517949189565399 + -0.125605491859512 + 0 + 0.518520421032069 + -0.126164788711703 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520790259670081 + -0.121438518168726 + 0 + 0.520790259670081 + -0.121438518168726 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522538138720994 + -0.11626474573395 + 0 + 0.523115834746943 + -0.116817362833747 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523999696506994 + -0.110886819282751 + 0 + 0.526837835332545 + -0.113570800852974 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.524251780846339 + -0.104449717638987 + 0 + 0.529374400495454 + -0.109239462443866 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52389302328097 + -0.0975437118509525 + 0 + 0.529629343856359 + -0.10284746358971 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522894090514444 + -0.0901577902521821 + 0 + 0.528069640470716 + -0.0948902917065401 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522801519520025 + -0.0837012244352919 + 0 + 0.52569865862804 + -0.0863214103163329 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522295152094812 + -0.0769622183881371 + 0 + 0.522890972317305 + -0.0774952442973139 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522131256966648 + -0.0706243701718842 + 0 + 0.522131256966648 + -0.0706243701718842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522008545337499 + -0.0644102042823363 + 0 + 0.522610000644759 + -0.064936863442282 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522167130630189 + -0.0585237943562072 + 0 + 0.525119350759612 + -0.0610817594399859 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522318204135725 + -0.052709745230102 + 0 + 0.52764205020719 + -0.0572747808677184 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523042468213288 + -0.0474593526865142 + 0 + 0.528998986593143 + -0.052514552488742 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523518040627334 + -0.0420633539908021 + 0 + 0.52888774336301 + -0.0465743605188221 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523478314132337 + -0.0363046071900141 + 0 + 0.526481634308092 + -0.0388023775926536 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522581975685168 + -0.0299142189551641 + 0 + 0.523199121566311 + -0.0304224013227968 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522260068369116 + -0.0240724410193798 + 0 + 0.522260068369116 + -0.0240724410193798 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520931242375299 + -0.0174861246770284 + 0 + 0.521553240864117 + -0.0179883559358056 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.519640563196221 + -0.011017301938162 + 0 + 0.522691279555433 + -0.0134569573970397 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518082967595167 + -0.00441968002183039 + 0 + 0.523580328175758 + -0.00877420801144432 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.516445235240302 + 0.00215613184185236 + 0 + 0.522591414915518 + -0.00266669219080294 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515198311630304 + 0.00834521905696476 + 0 + 0.520735051290648 + 0.00404087226576249 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514319681926198 + 0.0141739724142195 + 0 + 0.517414262891711 + 0.011790202771346 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51444507102834 + 0.019166647988704 + 0 + 0.515080534206917 + 0.0186815656183194 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51504754102053 + 0.0237457174441685 + 0 + 0.51504754102053 + 0.0237457174441685 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.516141577779725 + 0.027910821905161 + 0 + 0.516781168969772 + 0.0274311955224432 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517849667322971 + 0.0315820721163 + 0 + 0.520984593322147 + 0.0292516154996504 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520091303725036 + 0.0348303008397511 + 0 + 0.525736717265888 + 0.0306695084490966 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523942047257066 + 0.0368842786651737 + 0 + 0.530249750885138 + 0.0322747199888579 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.527329323707669 + 0.0392761550395343 + 0 + 0.533008072299303 + 0.035160975602574 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530904362999643 + 0.0415253558432384 + 0 + 0.534076401499286 + 0.0392456714749148 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.534248597527297 + 0.0439345218507081 + 0 + 0.5348995839305 + 0.0434704797618524 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.537444081750373 + 0.0464410943404135 + 0 + 0.537444081750373 + 0.0464410943404135 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.540561964579517 + 0.04899301924726 + 0 + 0.541216433982264 + 0.0485339025319769 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.543102243790358 + 0.0519355370919902 + 0 + 0.546308316941345 + 0.0497039717192265 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.545268665328723 + 0.0551182707984346 + 0 + 0.551039061816631 + 0.0511326200689174 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.54674417081516 + 0.0587539386407405 + 0 + 0.553188029887676 + 0.0543367181907798 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.548162957084493 + 0.0624007368110524 + 0 + 0.553961153951827 + 0.0584556385292601 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549684605206067 + 0.0659495550135535 + 0 + 0.552921645049379 + 0.0637631510903945 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.552503706280229 + 0.0686053008641433 + 0 + 0.553167689478105 + 0.0681600541119671 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554774762938143 + 0.0716161272216867 + 0 + 0.554774762938143 + 0.0716161272216867 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557456701716878 + 0.0743368005833014 + 0 + 0.558123573888134 + 0.0738958925831598 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.560287063179252 + 0.0769463021053665 + 0 + 0.563552320013287 + 0.0748022669213771 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.56363142999427 + 0.0792085142818788 + 0 + 0.569505591582543 + 0.0753774422386748 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.566752935645749 + 0.0816056012660787 + 0 + 0.573309636726683 + 0.0773576809295762 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.569899444265065 + 0.0839747156585742 + 0 + 0.57579648233036 + 0.0801789509896524 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.571779088395054 + 0.0871424997282605 + 0 + 0.575069833470148 + 0.0850377940687568 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.573743828722273 + 0.0902385430892928 + 0 + 0.574418530726068 + 0.0898097126292509 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574210495132547 + 0.0942647668340597 + 0 + 0.574210495132547 + 0.0942647668340597 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574685127190994 + 0.0982556236121087 + 0 + 0.575362185812015 + 0.0978305236461184 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.573977306621641 + 0.10295275301199 + 0 + 0.577291050214913 + 0.100884446346998 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574037695330143 + 0.107135942184015 + 0 + 0.579996629041215 + 0.103438105466093 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.573066357754937 + 0.111927249045217 + 0 + 0.579715049828847 + 0.107824804657256 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.572676231041006 + 0.116324866564648 + 0 + 0.578653711558851 + 0.112657086033572 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.572023226286005 + 0.120848329413154 + 0 + 0.575357602608493 + 0.118813452610389 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.573230575462257 + 0.12420935580718 + 0 + 0.573913966962851 + 0.123794513169183 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574267221894916 + 0.127656594779098 + 0 + 0.574267221894916 + 0.127656594779098 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.575056158935527 + 0.131228465110889 + 0 + 0.575741436465193 + 0.130816745467539 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.577499868324315 + 0.133789455008878 + 0 + 0.580852658267195 + 0.131785062666715 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.579771457532714 + 0.136443778647328 + 0 + 0.585798565700612 + 0.132858133029338 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.582831355532765 + 0.138618161606548 + 0 + 0.589553846642589 + 0.134637801129362 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.585980747085291 + 0.140732008453291 + 0 + 0.592022587229983 + 0.137171242379627 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.58884714754184 + 0.143004328796455 + 0 + 0.592216358740071 + 0.141027663684679 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.591217751630423 + 0.145557272532389 + 0 + 0.591908069711687 + 0.145154061292386 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.593088174785243 + 0.148389688148958 + 0 + 0.593088174785243 + 0.148389688148958 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.594395205323079 + 0.151534694247825 + 0 + 0.595087012134369 + 0.151134042661984 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.594960826725901 + 0.155091236494794 + 0 + 0.598344591564287 + 0.15313958986159 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.594393610686732 + 0.159279456776904 + 0 + 0.600474667197695 + 0.15578608604424 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.592710411276128 + 0.164082666087827 + 0 + 0.599491200657451 + 0.160202453256533 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.590474829452158 + 0.16917308025565 + 0 + 0.596567421457683 + 0.165699867043137 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.588286143434531 + 0.174207803797597 + 0 + 0.591682763725695 + 0.172278617528712 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.586331697837416 + 0.179082134816289 + 0 + 0.587027453667062 + 0.178688380853897 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.58447359522953 + 0.183876228188389 + 0 + 0.58447359522953 + 0.183876228188389 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.582678076368996 + 0.188610539600824 + 0 + 0.583374989700377 + 0.18821883797212 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.581018380437027 + 0.193245274030701 + 0 + 0.584426316895367 + 0.191336149058805 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.579708085034494 + 0.197662749656377 + 0 + 0.585831172459676 + 0.194243584882788 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.578666262845069 + 0.201910639805786 + 0 + 0.585492391213915 + 0.198110754578305 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.577402605537495 + 0.20626313415121 + 0 + 0.583534598911238 + 0.202859967298154 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.575420896487017 + 0.210994390562642 + 0 + 0.578838758400734 + 0.20910309233096 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.572714009407577 + 0.216105620038157 + 0 + 0.573413971928032 + 0.215719393644261 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.569648629208662 + 0.221392499605875 + 0 + 0.569648629208662 + 0.221392499605875 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.566361874432708 + 0.226779045566724 + 0 + 0.567062723927539 + 0.226394431028544 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.5628700142472 + 0.232256283076559 + 0 + 0.566296547900853 + 0.23038074150603 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.559139882293919 + 0.23784235449467 + 0 + 0.56529524631785 + 0.234481643097024 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555332575882613 + 0.243449449649057 + 0 + 0.562193453793717 + 0.239712671553032 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.551876011864736 + 0.248845643743533 + 0 + 0.558038144021199 + 0.245497358413451 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549187314671191 + 0.253806979805858 + 0 + 0.552621391540257 + 0.251945285652744 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.547316143193319 + 0.258310152860747 + 0 + 0.548019310185587 + 0.257929791797585 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.546041540323348 + 0.262477938844547 + 0 + 0.546041540323348 + 0.262477938844547 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.545296740944667 + 0.26634884950636 + 0 + 0.546000575664466 + 0.26596972545728 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.545150492876145 + 0.269888100080505 + 0 + 0.548591098241422 + 0.268038499101154 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.545826928571989 + 0.272977681486015 + 0 + 0.55200665651566 + 0.269661983986608 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.547280150969561 + 0.275644944153969 + 0 + 0.55416719445753 + 0.27195661279076 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549095385890676 + 0.278114066509003 + 0 + 0.555280153440206 + 0.274807778904507 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.550846192100584 + 0.280613744984677 + 0 + 0.554292414480974 + 0.278774630967739 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.552373603987172 + 0.283228576040828 + 0 + 0.553079164560371 + 0.282852673613419 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553714524960958 + 0.285938438252715 + 0 + 0.553714524960958 + 0.285938438252715 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554856791090474 + 0.28874943409394 + 0 + 0.555562842485541 + 0.288374454381278 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555666618285808 + 0.291732157485239 + 0 + 0.559117639806666 + 0.289902064721205 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55577825615152 + 0.295079668825015 + 0 + 0.561975959755035 + 0.291797694204709 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555203083090365 + 0.298784589810268 + 0 + 0.562109365616769 + 0.295132409924844 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554448288382621 + 0.302577846112289 + 0 + 0.560649639999558 + 0.299302769702726 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554017216667811 + 0.306193859950425 + 0 + 0.557472304473231 + 0.304371455681544 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55399992512685 + 0.309586089382641 + 0 + 0.554707226061328 + 0.309213471957562 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554187584255883 + 0.312865425868417 + 0 + 0.554187584255883 + 0.312865425868417 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55451289412656 + 0.316067807452317 + 0 + 0.555220543871597 + 0.315695852890933 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555016568072157 + 0.319172270063812 + 0 + 0.558475066794245 + 0.317356347253857 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555844877831654 + 0.322102541872099 + 0 + 0.562055425031544 + 0.31884493679424 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.556811763819582 + 0.324956765431098 + 0 + 0.563731725473342 + 0.32133057087475 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557308723210212 + 0.32805383579806 + 0 + 0.563521805870369 + 0.324801069095173 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.556759687219487 + 0.331694538001199 + 0 + 0.56022101247174 + 0.329884008642004 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555144988381408 + 0.335887913095628 + 0 + 0.55585350688313 + 0.335517616066065 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.552862185949695 + 0.34042521988535 + 0 + 0.552862185949695 + 0.34042521988535 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.550091780111826 + 0.345211742183656 + 0 + 0.5508005345518 + 0.344841896944128 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.546894803362922 + 0.350215404535748 + 0 + 0.550358436183797 + 0.348409293591051 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.543278129365771 + 0.355432488184628 + 0 + 0.549497434845376 + 0.352191635408473 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.539437972034657 + 0.360760720942211 + 0 + 0.546367194308466 + 0.357152253825809 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.535831893281123 + 0.365962096625841 + 0 + 0.542052857272595 + 0.362724428578902 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.532899059623785 + 0.370808733836813 + 0 + 0.536364541791191 + 0.369006173876704 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.53070087956452 + 0.375269589183943 + 0 + 0.531410202640004 + 0.374900835699932 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529020281375881 + 0.379458301993825 + 0 + 0.529020281375881 + 0.379458301993825 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.527790813953703 + 0.383409988358021 + 0 + 0.528500285026138 + 0.383041519696175 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.527079731748251 + 0.387090234912984 + 0 + 0.5305466618677 + 0.385290461424665 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.527109674580989 + 0.390384006348382 + 0 + 0.533334545434413 + 0.387153856162469 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.527829905419016 + 0.393318197285613 + 0 + 0.534764946279702 + 0.389720925470666 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.528816553768611 + 0.396113074630039 + 0 + 0.535042410768208 + 0.392884825571194 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529631583617309 + 0.398995894802367 + 0 + 0.533099613888616 + 0.39719824213856 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.53010202454743 + 0.402056256927783 + 0 + 0.530811834167637 + 0.401688440859011 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.53024607528512 + 0.405284636137486 + 0 + 0.53024607528512 + 0.405284636137486 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530026748426161 + 0.408700121993751 + 0 + 0.530736640092069 + 0.408332464299612 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529282645398698 + 0.412386223906065 + 0 + 0.532751478974277 + 0.41059012182452 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52762733630084 + 0.416542891127346 + 0 + 0.533855363451273 + 0.413318830771393 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.525084898799206 + 0.421157478231218 + 0 + 0.532023177275888 + 0.417566454974539 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522231223803974 + 0.425931849135839 + 0 + 0.528459748093733 + 0.422708749302256 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.519671784357158 + 0.430552797935107 + 0 + 0.523141173215205 + 0.42875776868352 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517586909327756 + 0.43492724164916 + 0 + 0.518296972212218 + 0.434559914740951 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515822890960179 + 0.439134901987676 + 0 + 0.515822890960179 + 0.439134901987676 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514331782538823 + 0.443200735669239 + 0 + 0.515041881543152 + 0.44283347859111 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.513174505736131 + 0.447093368226124 + 0 + 0.516644249002465 + 0.445299024131998 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512554888261311 + 0.450707522284933 + 0 + 0.518784373405253 + 0.447486279945901 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512377520951457 + 0.454092655794906 + 0 + 0.519317239981351 + 0.450504417224782 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512132334680192 + 0.457512580625684 + 0 + 0.518361997556606 + 0.454291682022561 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511305598350793 + 0.461232929280124 + 0 + 0.51477554101282 + 0.459438970812198 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509882233271881 + 0.465261496184472 + 0 + 0.510592394206174 + 0.464894358873935 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508227181657904 + 0.469409631120504 + 0 + 0.508227181657904 + 0.469409631120504 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.506472866813453 + 0.473608913156696 + 0 + 0.50718303674455 + 0.473241793249375 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.504629823528068 + 0.477853934655292 + 0 + 0.50809985549307 + 0.476060148931115 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502659451180724 + 0.482164683672596 + 0 + 0.508889360758345 + 0.478944262268489 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.500720801125574 + 0.486458987341179 + 0 + 0.507660899501499 + 0.482871482528293 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499242566435268 + 0.490515235512886 + 0 + 0.505472495864452 + 0.487294852511944 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498644222858663 + 0.494116633360796 + 0 + 0.502114278327988 + 0.492322893105854 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498967967684934 + 0.497241380729503 + 0 + 0.499678145520282 + 0.496874276112854 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499994052316792 + 0.500003074467614 + 0 + 0.499994052316792 + 0.500003074467614 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501032032315036 + 0.502758619263774 + 0 + 0.500321854479689 + 0.503125723880424 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50135577714114 + 0.505883366632568 + 0 + 0.497885721671814 + 0.50767710688751 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.500757433565384 + 0.509484764480039 + 0 + 0.494527504136201 + 0.512705147480981 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499279198872879 + 0.513541012652882 + 0 + 0.492339100496955 + 0.517128517465769 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497340548821721 + 0.517835316319404 + 0 + 0.4911106392441 + 0.52105573772351 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.495370176470924 + 0.522146065338492 + 0 + 0.491900144505923 + 0.523939851062669 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.493527133186644 + 0.526391086836517 + 0 + 0.492816963255547 + 0.526758206743838 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491772818341976 + 0.53059036887282 + 0 + 0.491772818341976 + 0.53059036887282 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490117766726929 + 0.534738503809407 + 0 + 0.489407605792636 + 0.535105641119945 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.48869440164906 + 0.538767070713216 + 0 + 0.485224458987033 + 0.540561029181141 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487867665320333 + 0.542487419367308 + 0 + 0.481638002443919 + 0.54570831797043 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487622479049108 + 0.545907344198066 + 0 + 0.480682760019213 + 0.549495582768189 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487445111738456 + 0.54929247770845 + 0 + 0.481215626594514 + 0.552513720047482 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.486825494265284 + 0.552906631766408 + 0 + 0.48335575099895 + 0.554700975860534 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485668217461825 + 0.55679926432369 + 0 + 0.484958118457496 + 0.557166521401818 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484177109037803 + 0.560865098006631 + 0 + 0.484177109037803 + 0.560865098006631 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482413090673178 + 0.565072758343621 + 0 + 0.481703027788716 + 0.56544008525183 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480328215641652 + 0.569447202058774 + 0 + 0.476858826783604 + 0.571242231310361 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477768776197043 + 0.574068150856899 + 0 + 0.471540251907284 + 0.577291250690483 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474915101200832 + 0.578842521762026 + 0 + 0.467976822724151 + 0.582433545018705 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.472372663697538 + 0.583457108866756 + 0 + 0.466144636547105 + 0.58668116922271 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470717354601147 + 0.587613776087278 + 0 + 0.467248521025568 + 0.589409878168824 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469973251575123 + 0.591299877998846 + 0 + 0.469263359909215 + 0.591667535692985 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.46975392471345 + 0.594715363856517 + 0 + 0.46975392471345 + 0.594715363856517 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469897975453855 + 0.597943743064814 + 0 + 0.469188165833648 + 0.598311559133586 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470368416382056 + 0.601004105191225 + 0 + 0.466900386110748 + 0.602801757855032 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.471183446231192 + 0.60388692536333 + 0 + 0.464957589231595 + 0.607115174422175 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.472170094583168 + 0.606681802706519 + 0 + 0.465235053722482 + 0.610279074521466 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47289032541927 + 0.609615993644745 + 0 + 0.466665454565846 + 0.612846143830657 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47292026825121 + 0.612909765080559 + 0 + 0.469453338131762 + 0.614709538568878 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.472209186046435 + 0.616590011635169 + 0 + 0.471499714974001 + 0.616958480297016 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470979718624506 + 0.620541697999236 + 0 + 0.470979718624506 + 0.620541697999236 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469299120435972 + 0.624730410809064 + 0 + 0.468589797360488 + 0.625099164293076 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.467100940375802 + 0.629191266156666 + 0 + 0.463635458208396 + 0.630993826116774 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.464168106720844 + 0.634037903366397 + 0 + 0.457947142729372 + 0.637275571413336 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.460562027965599 + 0.639239279050915 + 0 + 0.453632805691789 + 0.642847746167316 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.456721870633026 + 0.644567511809264 + 0 + 0.45050256515342 + 0.647808364585419 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453105196639322 + 0.649784595456348 + 0 + 0.449641563818446 + 0.651590706401044 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.449908219887122 + 0.654788257810154 + 0 + 0.449199465447148 + 0.655158103049682 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.44713781405013 + 0.659574780108005 + 0 + 0.44713781405013 + 0.659574780108005 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444855011617718 + 0.664112086898095 + 0 + 0.444146493115996 + 0.664482383927657 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.44324031277965 + 0.668305461992518 + 0 + 0.439778987527396 + 0.670115991351713 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442691276792148 + 0.671946164193968 + 0 + 0.43647819413199 + 0.675198930896855 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.443188236179736 + 0.675043234562519 + 0 + 0.436268274525976 + 0.678669429118867 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444155122171035 + 0.677897458119755 + 0 + 0.437944574971145 + 0.681155063197614 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444983431927334 + 0.680827729929717 + 0 + 0.441524933205246 + 0.682643652739672 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445487105875933 + 0.683932192539635 + 0 + 0.444779456130897 + 0.684304147101019 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445812415742289 + 0.687134574125807 + 0 + 0.445812415742289 + 0.687134574125807 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446000074874127 + 0.690413910610107 + 0 + 0.44529277393965 + 0.690786528035187 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445982783331484 + 0.69380614004321 + 0 + 0.442527695526064 + 0.69562854431209 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445551711619655 + 0.697422153879771 + 0 + 0.439350360002718 + 0.700697230289334 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444796916908213 + 0.701215410183743 + 0 + 0.437890634381809 + 0.704867590069166 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444221743847336 + 0.704920331168856 + 0 + 0.438024040243821 + 0.708202305789162 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444333381716481 + 0.708267842506811 + 0 + 0.440882360195622 + 0.710097935270844 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445143208910263 + 0.711250565898931 + 0 + 0.444437157515196 + 0.711625545611594 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446285475041588 + 0.714061561739193 + 0 + 0.446285475041588 + 0.714061561739193 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.447626396012748 + 0.716771423952478 + 0 + 0.446920835439549 + 0.717147326379887 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.44915380789921 + 0.719386255008698 + 0 + 0.44570758551882 + 0.721225369025635 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.450904614110092 + 0.721885933483845 + 0 + 0.444719846560562 + 0.725192221088341 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.452719849029973 + 0.724355055839542 + 0 + 0.445832805542005 + 0.728043387202751 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.454173071428678 + 0.727022318506893 + 0 + 0.447993343485007 + 0.7303380160063 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.454849507123865 + 0.730111899912747 + 0 + 0.451408901758587 + 0.731961500892099 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.454703259053666 + 0.7336511504878 + 0 + 0.453999424333867 + 0.73403027453688 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453958459678774 + 0.737522061147572 + 0 + 0.453958459678774 + 0.737522061147572 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.45268385680487 + 0.741689847133492 + 0 + 0.451980689812602 + 0.742070208196654 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.450812685329868 + 0.746193020186831 + 0 + 0.447378608460801 + 0.748054714339945 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.448123988137076 + 0.751154356248744 + 0 + 0.441961855980612 + 0.754502641578826 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444667424117291 + 0.756550550344255 + 0 + 0.437806546206187 + 0.76028732844028 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.440860117706386 + 0.762157645498431 + 0 + 0.434704753682456 + 0.765518356896076 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.437129985755354 + 0.767743716915306 + 0 + 0.433703452101702 + 0.769619258485835 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.433638125567301 + 0.773220954426534 + 0 + 0.432937276072469 + 0.773605568964715 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.430351370793634 + 0.77860750038613 + 0 + 0.430351370793634 + 0.77860750038613 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.427285990592905 + 0.78389437995484 + 0 + 0.42658602807245 + 0.784280606348736 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.424579103513964 + 0.789005609430071 + 0 + 0.421161241600247 + 0.790896907661753 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.42259739446208 + 0.793736865842291 + 0 + 0.416465401088338 + 0.797140032695347 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.421333737155648 + 0.798089360187077 + 0 + 0.414507608786802 + 0.801889245414558 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.420291914964769 + 0.802337250337292 + 0 + 0.414168827539588 + 0.80575641511088 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.418981619561466 + 0.806754725963408 + 0 + 0.415573683103127 + 0.808663850935304 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.417321923631502 + 0.811389460392154 + 0 + 0.416625010300121 + 0.811781162020859 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.415526404770417 + 0.816123771804899 + 0 + 0.415526404770417 + 0.816123771804899 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.41366830216254 + 0.820917865176999 + 0 + 0.412972546332894 + 0.821311619139391 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.411713856564583 + 0.82579219619617 + 0 + 0.408317236273419 + 0.827721382465054 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.409525170549306 + 0.830826919736779 + 0 + 0.403432578543782 + 0.834300132949293 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.407289588722456 + 0.835917333906248 + 0 + 0.400508799341133 + 0.839797546737541 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.405606389313074 + 0.840720543216478 + 0 + 0.399525332802111 + 0.844213913949143 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.40503917327557 + 0.844908763497621 + 0 + 0.401655408437183 + 0.846860410130826 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.405604794676988 + 0.848465305745391 + 0 + 0.404912987865698 + 0.848865957331232 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.406911825213129 + 0.851610311845252 + 0 + 0.406911825213129 + 0.851610311845252 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.408782248369515 + 0.854442727460908 + 0 + 0.408091930288251 + 0.854845938700912 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.411152852459601 + 0.856995671195968 + 0 + 0.40778364126137 + 0.858972336307743 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.414019252915685 + 0.8592679915394 + 0 + 0.407977412770994 + 0.862828757613064 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.417168644467329 + 0.861381838386647 + 0 + 0.410446153357506 + 0.865362198863833 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.420228542467005 + 0.863556221346105 + 0 + 0.414201434299106 + 0.867141866964095 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.42250013167749 + 0.866210544983312 + 0 + 0.41914734173461 + 0.868214937325475 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.424943841064315 + 0.868771534882475 + 0 + 0.424258563534649 + 0.869183254525825 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425732778105591 + 0.87234340521387 + 0 + 0.425732778105591 + 0.87234340521387 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.426769424538338 + 0.875790644185726 + 0 + 0.426086033037743 + 0.876205486823723 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.427976773713396 + 0.879151670580479 + 0 + 0.424642397390908 + 0.881186547383245 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.427323768960389 + 0.883675133427765 + 0 + 0.421346288442543 + 0.887342913958841 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.426933642244171 + 0.888072750948597 + 0 + 0.42028495017026 + 0.892175195336559 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.42596230467041 + 0.89286405780892 + 0 + 0.420003370959338 + 0.896561894526842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.426022693379291 + 0.89704724698069 + 0 + 0.422708949786019 + 0.899115553645681 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425314872808064 + 0.901744376381742 + 0 + 0.424637814187042 + 0.902169476347732 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425789504866709 + 0.905735233159679 + 0 + 0.425789504866709 + 0.905735233159679 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.426256171277898 + 0.909761456903866 + 0 + 0.425581469274102 + 0.910190287363908 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.428220911605376 + 0.912857500264732 + 0 + 0.424930166530282 + 0.914962205924235 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.430100555736676 + 0.916025284333569 + 0 + 0.424203517671382 + 0.919821049002491 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.433247064353445 + 0.918394398727709 + 0 + 0.42669036327251 + 0.922642319064212 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.436368570004678 + 0.920791485712072 + 0 + 0.430494408416405 + 0.924622557755277 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.439712936821115 + 0.923053697887652 + 0 + 0.43644767998708 + 0.925197733071642 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442543298282397 + 0.925663199410444 + 0 + 0.441876426111141 + 0.926104107410585 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445225237063279 + 0.928383872770634 + 0 + 0.445225237063279 + 0.928383872770634 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.447496293719353 + 0.9313946991294 + 0 + 0.446832310521477 + 0.931839945881576 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.45031539479286 + 0.934050444980438 + 0 + 0.447078354949548 + 0.936236848903597 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.451837042916109 + 0.937599263181802 + 0 + 0.446038846048775 + 0.941544361463594 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453255829183074 + 0.941246061353731 + 0 + 0.446811970110558 + 0.945663281803692 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.454731334672237 + 0.944881729194169 + 0 + 0.448960938184329 + 0.948867379923686 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.456897756209225 + 0.948064462901565 + 0 + 0.453691683058238 + 0.950296028274328 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.459438035421624 + 0.951006980745217 + 0 + 0.458783566018876 + 0.9514660974605 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.462555918249647 + 0.953558905652842 + 0 + 0.462555918249647 + 0.953558905652842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.4657514024734 + 0.956065478142062 + 0 + 0.465100416070197 + 0.956529520230918 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469095637000718 + 0.958474644149771 + 0 + 0.465923598501075 + 0.960754328518094 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.472670676293154 + 0.960723844953133 + 0 + 0.46699192770152 + 0.964839024390094 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476057952743114 + 0.963115721327969 + 0 + 0.469750249115042 + 0.967725280004285 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479908696275416 + 0.965169699153173 + 0 + 0.474263282734564 + 0.969330491543827 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482150332676312 + 0.968417927877503 + 0 + 0.479015406677136 + 0.970748384494153 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.483858422221345 + 0.97208917808731 + 0 + 0.483218831031298 + 0.972568804470028 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484952458979156 + 0.976254282549339 + 0 + 0.484952458979156 + 0.976254282549339 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485554928972576 + 0.980833352003864 + 0 + 0.484919465793999 + 0.981318434374248 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485680318072733 + 0.985826027579863 + 0 + 0.48258573710722 + 0.988209797222736 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484801688368355 + 0.991654780937346 + 0 + 0.47926494870801 + 0.995959127728549 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.483554764759269 + 0.997843868151758 + 0 + 0.477408585084053 + 1.00266669218441 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481917032406449 + 1.00441968001381 + 0 + 0.476419671825858 + 1.00877420800342 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480359436802442 + 1.01101730193249 + 0 + 0.47730872044323 + 1.01345695739137 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479068757625931 + 1.01748612466931 + 0 + 0.478446759137112 + 1.01798835592808 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477739931629466 + 1.02407244101381 + 0 + 0.477739931629466 + 1.02407244101381 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477418024316324 + 1.0299142189472 + 0 + 0.476800878435181 + 1.03042240131483 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476521685864756 + 1.0363046071857 + 0 + 0.473518365689002 + 1.03880237758834 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476481959373215 + 1.04206335398361 + 0 + 0.471112256637539 + 1.04657436051163 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476957531785944 + 1.04745935268044 + 0 + 0.471001013406089 + 1.05251455248266 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477681795865758 + 1.0527097452221 + 0 + 0.472357949794293 + 1.05727478085971 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477832869369386 + 1.05852379434986 + 0 + 0.474880649239964 + 1.06108175943364 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477991454662009 + 1.06441020427604 + 0 + 0.47738999935475 + 1.06493686343598 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47786874303231 + 1.07062437016608 + 0 + 0.47786874303231 + 1.07062437016608 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477704847905351 + 1.07696221838126 + 0 + 0.477109027682859 + 1.07749524429044 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47719848048028 + 1.08370122442828 + 0 + 0.474301341372265 + 1.08632141030932 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477105909484982 + 1.09015779024597 + 0 + 0.471930359528711 + 1.09489029170032 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476106976719281 + 1.097543711844 + 0 + 0.470370656143892 + 1.10284746358276 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.475748219154248 + 1.10444971763171 + 0 + 0.470625599505133 + 1.10923946243659 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476000303492973 + 1.11088681927605 + 0 + 0.473162164667422 + 1.11357080084627 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477461861278033 + 1.11626474572815 + 0 + 0.476884165252084 + 1.11681736282795 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479209740329589 + 1.12143851816233 + 0 + 0.479209740329589 + 1.12143851816233 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482050810435087 + 1.1256054918523 + 0 + 0.481479578968417 + 1.12616478870449 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484206997555069 + 1.13049546981504 + 0 + 0.481432031402307 + 1.13324471551403 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487454560522344 + 1.13435746096923 + 0 + 0.482502099525904 + 1.13932294356855 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490620653380922 + 1.13833935048368 + 0 + 0.485137083082313 + 1.14390402594863 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494296269806773 + 1.14183462711743 + 0 + 0.489404289635638 + 1.14685970595966 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.496671179967579 + 1.14671076654706 + 0 + 0.49396358910622 + 1.14952639095203 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499023701508423 + 1.15167893197211 + 0 + 0.498473155117991 + 1.152258601731 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501497233706143 + 1.15657868490891 + 0 + 0.501497233706143 + 1.15657868490891 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502947109269546 + 1.16264852949686 + 0 + 0.502403887066803 + 1.16323506849457 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.504680281008434 + 1.1685076528533 + 0 + 0.502044315160939 + 1.17139044197379 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505867319604422 + 1.17506082110485 + 0 + 0.501168210492971 + 1.18026670824577 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.506746725670381 + 1.1820685182179 + 0 + 0.50154962905304 + 1.18790164285227 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507609614605492 + 1.18921665058628 + 0 + 0.50297863797042 + 1.19448323797953 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508811684457199 + 1.19610025617546 + 0 + 0.506251615452048 + 1.19905065203895 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510490162546564 + 1.20254748402087 + 0 + 0.50997024038586 + 1.20315477250602 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51264414299887 + 1.20854076705416 + 0 + 0.51264414299887 + 1.20854076705416 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515309732598113 + 1.21401727359405 + 0 + 0.514798009388094 + 1.21463148667899 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518606789423005 + 1.2188089109653 + 0 + 0.51612684161979 + 1.22182696463542 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522804434326399 + 1.22255412696577 + 0 + 0.518389216699865 + 1.22800286449621 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.527867280863278 + 1.22525222787305 + 0 + 0.522990639161711 + 1.23135579420468 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.533370596561418 + 1.22739717208984 + 0 + 0.529031041869394 + 1.23290636009174 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.538879678677441 + 1.22952478341758 + 0 + 0.536484016280763 + 1.23261016682058 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.54426396225473 + 1.23180504240612 + 0 + 0.543778112313871 + 1.23243991892353 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549622964279443 + 1.2341129131144 + 0 + 0.549622964279443 + 1.2341129131144 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554981067239554 + 1.23641698119069 + 0 + 0.55450425993581 + 1.23705867672012 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.560289163060839 + 1.23878435176859 + 0 + 0.557981865222957 + 1.2419363615639 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.565406130136609 + 1.24141386491905 + 0 + 0.561304527303196 + 1.24710242726487 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.570392099397823 + 1.24423318943727 + 0 + 0.565868862771267 + 1.2506030784999 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.575573244050378 + 1.24678491890674 + 0 + 0.571554533465824 + 1.25253234029402 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.581265276294758 + 1.24859801490256 + 0 + 0.579050316093883 + 1.25181558236431 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.587455794445529 + 1.24965585543692 + 0 + 0.587007331741772 + 1.25031767078936 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.59389516460427 + 1.25029685135397 + 0 + 0.59389516460427 + 1.25029685135397 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.600488151402385 + 1.25064652881777 + 0 + 0.600049531929937 + 1.25131490843728 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.607218273218305 + 1.25071691746799 + 0 + 0.605099500276779 + 1.25399862286071 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.614099565585563 + 1.25047296473517 + 0 + 0.610339869014891 + 1.25639306347268 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.621027832557474 + 1.25006672499846 + 0 + 0.616889275835059 + 1.25669299880093 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.627744787454172 + 1.24991170270046 + 0 + 0.62407477126512 + 1.25588781084351 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.634011594597309 + 1.25041778138476 + 0 + 0.631992720382511 + 1.25376187109158 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.639815602442739 + 1.25164213431282 + 0 + 0.639407648299577 + 1.2523296601483 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.645300778013203 + 1.25337702647739 + 0 + 0.645300778013203 + 1.25337702647739 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.650517356750827 + 1.25556312082761 + 0 + 0.650119990060171 + 1.25625681966035 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.655438159664493 + 1.258274113679 + 0 + 0.653522744757262 + 1.26167851888338 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.659953051620673 + 1.26173903546746 + 0 + 0.656561629795494 + 1.26787753246339 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.664105246906738 + 1.2659209651336 + 0 + 0.660380446298135 + 1.2727883530414 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.668133255969524 + 1.27041293418874 + 0 + 0.664837762017437 + 1.27660345977039 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.672268549554214 + 1.27478991913699 + 0 + 0.670459992377388 + 1.27825227527127 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.676590693693598 + 1.27889019770788 + 0 + 0.676226128324245 + 1.27960168238716 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.681074452194359 + 1.28274795660892 + 0 + 0.681074452194359 + 1.28274795660892 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.685720284042295 + 1.28634814550564 + 0 + 0.685366984079232 + 1.28706529088385 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.690588055537069 + 1.28955161955119 + 0 + 0.688889582273622 + 1.29306928605553 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.695845388238844 + 1.29198015022527 + 0 + 0.692846326088813 + 1.29831959133515 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.701468312210057 + 1.29363751945825 + 0 + 0.698183756503095 + 1.30072602071436 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.707201406050901 + 1.29503845680157 + 0 + 0.704303901480386 + 1.30142495463914 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.712807857315299 + 1.29670089636527 + 0 + 0.711222512689604 + 1.30027097640361 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.718253946967093 + 1.29872119797722 + 0 + 0.717935373137065 + 1.29945442991338 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.723641179219024 + 1.30088600928987 + 0 + 0.723641179219024 + 1.30088600928987 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.729002706870525 + 1.30312678422388 + 0 + 0.728696002185677 + 1.30386505964246 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.734323540646251 + 1.30548709593627 + 0 + 0.732854179370762 + 1.30910645589412 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.739546186771217 + 1.30812181037974 + 0 + 0.736960998935186 + 1.31464098910238 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.744753713556394 + 1.31083769449846 + 0 + 0.741932992222597 + 1.31812320665665 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.750191341305123 + 1.3129930729174 + 0 + 0.7477126589038 + 1.31955348608417 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.75607045752977 + 1.31397322112477 + 0 + 0.754719736289927 + 1.31763850981663 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.762369923669857 + 1.3137475799443 + 0 + 0.762099636804354 + 1.3144999517724 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.768912182403063 + 1.31272999118399 + 0 + 0.768912182403063 + 1.31272999118399 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.775612462231014 + 1.31110747237817 + 0 + 0.775354567236218 + 1.31186418139031 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.78243466481749 + 1.30894142803575 + 0 + 0.781205034731855 + 1.31264909561994 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.789363515142918 + 1.30623600338958 + 0 + 0.787210902799999 + 1.31291051816344 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.796320062800826 + 1.30319930044759 + 0 + 0.793983599742144 + 1.3106542381821 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.803146536293947 + 1.30032351260377 + 0 + 0.801104639471232 + 1.30703272602494 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.809707467130161 + 1.29808572951103 + 0 + 0.808601166663845 + 1.30183204614749 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.816000485064596 + 1.29655804217161 + 0 + 0.815780447317601 + 1.29732661340922 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.822109448753179 + 1.29551048863167 + 0 + 0.822109448753179 + 1.29551048863167 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.828066481243831 + 1.29487471719647 + 0 + 0.827859271093346 + 1.2956468456255 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.833863552519896 + 1.2947274037391 + 0 + 0.832882600879837 + 1.2985084780497 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.839452635104325 + 1.29531547470014 + 0 + 0.837748272520637 + 1.30211827085677 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.844866308306755 + 1.29658824222307 + 0 + 0.843031127867617 + 1.30418213904919 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.850230717083901 + 1.2980849428651 + 0 + 0.848640493234297 + 1.30491532173259 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.855659959777314 + 1.29932553756125 + 0 + 0.854806150835772 + 1.30313733495273 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.86118915725139 + 1.30011831828591 + 0 + 0.861020974734358 + 1.30089987634411 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.866803462836032 + 1.30048120821842 + 0 + 0.866803462836032 + 1.30048120821842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.872500708205912 + 1.3003714519278 + 0 + 0.872345696829683 + 1.3011557285567 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.878303307822599 + 1.29960852402739 + 0 + 0.877578204621173 + 1.30344688492882 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.884272531472578 + 1.29776161072206 + 0 + 0.8830288806159 + 1.30466351045416 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.890376978058963 + 1.29485325066884 + 0 + 0.889056502711666 + 1.30255334814271 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.896486207314847 + 1.29151979063097 + 0 + 0.895359290062961 + 1.29844170834738 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.902486284373027 + 1.28843425245671 + 0 + 0.901891214258538 + 1.29229491051217 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.908354996625277 + 1.28579947682714 + 0 + 0.908239900053212 + 1.28659059700542 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.914127979372477 + 1.28344652809402 + 0 + 0.914127979372477 + 1.28344652809402 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.919819967951945 + 1.28132362219817 + 0 + 0.919718289651694 + 1.28211657861604 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.925429365029042 + 1.27950032293881 + 0 + 0.924965415468098 + 1.28337892318469 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.930939168492029 + 1.2782062466729 + 0 + 0.930165326279683 + 1.28517647303908 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.936374489990938 + 1.27733656753494 + 0 + 0.935578375160987 + 1.28510839855649 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.941800481658911 + 1.27632111338432 + 0 + 0.941145107153354 + 1.28330347484896 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.94726324396668 + 1.27458369588801 + 0 + 0.946931259079294 + 1.27847581293365 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.952746326053777 + 1.27210630808382 + 0 + 0.952685155433351 + 1.27290341316634 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.958203569154049 + 1.26929799431335 + 0 + 0.958203569154049 + 1.26929799431335 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.963618328107218 + 1.26630770513156 + 0 + 0.963570723350922 + 1.26710573529676 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.968986031170033 + 1.26314772642153 + 0 + 0.9687866090151 + 1.26704888264329 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.974304865780931 + 1.25977529228831 + 0 + 0.974006449470244 + 1.26678199158761 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.97956399379745 + 1.25636955728569 + 0 + 0.979298005866417 + 1.26417752799968 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.984750880908806 + 1.25341491923723 + 0 + 0.984571783516586 + 1.26042568321054 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.98986971601484 + 1.25138051564427 + 0 + 0.98980320648484 + 1.25528619939297 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.994944209205504 + 1.25032843893624 + 0 + 0.994937403161304 + 1.25112785874782 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 1 + 1.2499798172808 + 0 + 1 + 1.2499798172808 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 696fd1f4-a205-4a74-acef-810ca31f41e9 + d2c53264-57e1-4d11-b625-5a5eefefe7c0 + dc33f043-a46c-4bbe-aa2b-e04d7f37a6de + b1dbb9a1-e34d-4d93-b860-212e9f8b0ced + 4 + c21600ce-44f4-4c06-b9f4-2a67d7dd3664 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + ac2bc2cb-70fb-4dd5-9c78-7e1ea97fe278 + Geometry + + + + + Contains a collection of generic geometry + true + 01a612a1-475a-4d35-ad2b-d8082e0b354c + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26473 + -17834 + 50 + 24 + + + 26498.88 + -17822 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + -1 + + 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 + + 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Curve + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 01a612a1-475a-4d35-ad2b-d8082e0b354c + d2c53264-57e1-4d11-b625-5a5eefefe7c0 + dc33f043-a46c-4bbe-aa2b-e04d7f37a6de + b1dbb9a1-e34d-4d93-b860-212e9f8b0ced + 4 + 220e27e6-7954-4694-b626-4487e6a99d02 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + ac2bc2cb-70fb-4dd5-9c78-7e1ea97fe278 + Geometry + + + + + Contains a collection of generic geometry + true + 9d9eefdd-434a-42ad-943f-25736c099f2d + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26473 + -18629 + 50 + 24 + + + 26498.88 + -18617 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 513 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + + 8.31187957663209E-17 + -0.24997981727771 + 0 + 8.31187957663209E-17 + -0.24997981727771 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.00506259683868762 + -0.251127858752699 + 0 + 0.00507922461441546 + -0.253080912971781 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0101967935151527 + -0.255286199399574 + 0 + 0.0102633030451533 + -0.259191883148281 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0154282164834252 + -0.260425683217874 + 0 + 0.015478094857813 + -0.262378171223821 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.020701994133584 + -0.264177528006472 + 0 + 0.020701994133584 + -0.264177528006472 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0259935505297823 + -0.266781991594823 + 0 + 0.0260766590568435 + -0.268733347594719 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0312133909849261 + -0.267048882650394 + 0 + 0.0314128131398599 + -0.270950038872159 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0364292766489561 + -0.267105735301489 + 0 + 0.0365455793334612 + -0.269055394489957 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0417964308460186 + -0.269297994321025 + 0 + 0.0417964308460186 + -0.269297994321025 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0473148445665297 + -0.272903413171553 + 0 + 0.0474642898724584 + -0.274850812300169 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0530687409207295 + -0.278475812940646 + 0 + 0.0534007258081168 + -0.282367929986296 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0588548928467679 + -0.283303474857043 + 0 + 0.0590374137341314 + -0.285248052803867 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0644216248387421 + -0.285108398560566 + 0 + 0.0644216248387421 + -0.285108398560566 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0698346737203401 + -0.285176473045968 + 0 + 0.0700501876991094 + -0.287117671384767 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0750345845318063 + -0.283378923190612 + 0 + 0.075498534092752 + -0.287257523436499 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0802817103486181 + -0.282116578625177 + 0 + 0.0805301195454081 + -0.284053842194377 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0858720206272032 + -0.283446528098435 + 0 + 0.0858720206272032 + -0.283446528098435 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0917600999470148 + -0.286590597013706 + 0 + 0.0920412911839797 + -0.288523374485081 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0981087857410236 + -0.292294910516055 + 0 + 0.0987038558555139 + -0.296155568571535 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.104640709937007 + -0.298441708353911 + 0 + 0.104954554822725 + -0.300369452801007 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.110943497288377 + -0.302553348149671 + 0 + 0.110943497288377 + -0.302553348149671 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.116971119383968 + -0.30466351046014 + 0 + 0.117317474416101 + -0.306585679926476 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.122421795379205 + -0.30344688493754 + 0 + 0.123146898580634 + -0.30728524583899 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.12765430316972 + -0.3011557285604 + 0 + 0.128033009849194 + -0.303071786627506 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.133196537164003 + -0.300481208225351 + 0 + 0.133196537164003 + -0.300481208225351 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.138979025265838 + -0.300899876351722 + 0 + 0.139389910222287 + -0.302809292707094 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.145193849163702 + -0.303137334957123 + 0 + 0.146047658105246 + -0.306949132348622 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.151359506765839 + -0.304915321739946 + 0 + 0.151802381893991 + -0.306817572745062 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.156968872132746 + -0.304182139057426 + 0 + 0.156968872132746 + -0.304182139057426 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.162251727478638 + -0.302118270860592 + 0 + 0.162726390085325 + -0.304012840119134 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.167117399119998 + -0.29850847805582 + 0 + 0.16809835076006 + -0.302289552366431 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.172140728906841 + -0.295646845632959 + 0 + 0.172646961868271 + -0.297533224559463 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.177890551247578 + -0.295510488641129 + 0 + 0.177890551247578 + -0.295510488641129 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.184219552681569 + -0.297326613413061 + 0 + 0.184757124610486 + -0.299204301802235 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.19139883333628 + -0.301832046154663 + 0 + 0.1925051338026 + -0.305578362791137 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.198895360528742 + -0.307032726031567 + 0 + 0.199464025951072 + -0.308901232628571 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.206016400257862 + -0.310654238188858 + 0 + 0.206016400257862 + -0.310654238188858 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.212789097200447 + -0.312910518171558 + 0 + 0.213388596741011 + -0.314769361243596 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.21879496526751 + -0.312649095624738 + 0 + 0.220024595353149 + -0.316356763208947 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.224645432763613 + -0.311864181396547 + 0 + 0.225275493340509 + -0.313712889306154 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.231087817596925 + -0.312729991190678 + 0 + 0.231087817596925 + -0.312729991190678 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.237900363194681 + -0.31449995177643 + 0 + 0.238560698221893 + -0.316338063556882 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.245280263710348 + -0.31763850982412 + 0 + 0.246630984950195 + -0.321303798515987 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.252287341096334 + -0.319553486091236 + 0 + 0.252977650694198 + -0.321380552024555 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.25806700777737 + -0.318123206663287 + 0 + 0.25806700777737 + -0.318123206663287 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.263039001065523 + -0.314640989110883 + 0 + 0.263758972278673 + -0.316456571308922 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.267145820627951 + -0.309106455897664 + 0 + 0.268615181903445 + -0.312725815855527 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.271303997814893 + -0.303865059650543 + 0 + 0.272053304837405 + -0.305668732639644 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.27635882078016 + -0.300886009294673 + 0 + 0.27635882078016 + -0.300886009294673 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.282064626864048 + -0.299454429922685 + 0 + 0.282842931271584 + -0.301245781232398 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.288777487310066 + -0.300270976409564 + 0 + 0.290362831935765 + -0.30384105644792 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.295696098520099 + -0.301424954646929 + 0 + 0.296503049508985 + -0.303203585403195 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.301816243496339 + -0.300726020719846 + 0 + 0.301816243496339 + -0.300726020719846 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.307153673910965 + -0.298319591341423 + 0 + 0.307988908544354 + -0.300085116864542 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.311110417726908 + -0.29306928606337 + 0 + 0.31280889099036 + -0.296586952567721 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.314633015920925 + -0.2870652908909 + 0 + 0.315496159382554 + -0.28881734129835 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.318925547805695 + -0.282747956615763 + 0 + 0.318925547805695 + -0.282747956615763 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.323773871675519 + -0.279601682393419 + 0 + 0.324664537533973 + -0.281339903206257 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.329540007622413 + -0.278252275277643 + 0 + 0.331348564799245 + -0.281714631411929 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.335162237983916 + -0.276603459779669 + 0 + 0.336080028461476 + -0.278327512535504 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.339619553700555 + -0.272788353045691 + 0 + 0.339619553700555 + -0.272788353045691 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.343438370204849 + -0.267877532470742 + 0 + 0.344382876461511 + -0.269587095337889 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.346477255242167 + -0.261678518889093 + 0 + 0.348392670149405 + -0.265082924093477 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.349880009938808 + -0.256256819665294 + 0 + 0.35085081236385 + -0.257951588061604 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.354699221987147 + -0.25337702648471 + 0 + 0.354699221987147 + -0.25337702648471 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.360592351699053 + -0.252329660152735 + 0 + 0.361589020219088 + -0.254009347363727 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.368007279618083 + -0.253761871099317 + 0 + 0.370026153832888 + -0.257105960806143 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.375925228733034 + -0.255887810847245 + 0 + 0.376947323132166 + -0.257552148644947 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.383110724165493 + -0.256692998808542 + 0 + 0.383110724165493 + -0.256692998808542 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.389660130984081 + -0.25639306347777 + 0 + 0.390707201244638 + -0.258041802734007 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.394900499723877 + -0.253998622868437 + 0 + 0.397019272665411 + -0.257280328261175 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.39995046806986 + -0.251314908443692 + 0 + 0.401022054736625 + -0.252947819733754 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.406104835395263 + -0.250296851360014 + 0 + 0.406104835395263 + -0.250296851360014 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.412992668259577 + -0.250317670798067 + 0 + 0.414088302822276 + -0.251934544995591 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.420949683905111 + -0.251815582369577 + 0 + 0.423164644105993 + -0.255033149831342 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.428445466534572 + -0.252532340301326 + 0 + 0.429564671837387 + -0.254132989155931 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.434131137229014 + -0.250603078507021 + 0 + 0.434131137229014 + -0.250603078507021 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.438695472696646 + -0.247102427271376 + 0 + 0.439837763375363 + -0.24868668396488 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.44201813477654 + -0.24193636156993 + 0 + 0.44432543261443 + -0.245088371365246 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445495740064216 + -0.237058676726882 + 0 + 0.446660623024052 + -0.238626396394259 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.450377035719687 + -0.234112913119979 + 0 + 0.450377035719687 + -0.234112913119979 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.456221887686792 + -0.232439918931116 + 0 + 0.457408862619225 + -0.233990979141222 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.463515983718567 + -0.232610166826436 + 0 + 0.465911646115253 + -0.235695550229452 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470968958130414 + -0.232906360098212 + 0 + 0.472177518070469 + -0.234440661286666 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477009360839531 + -0.231355794212939 + 0 + 0.477009360839531 + -0.231355794212939 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481610783299951 + -0.22800286450271 + 0 + 0.482840415261927 + -0.229520330319025 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.483873158380986 + -0.221826964643085 + 0 + 0.486353106184211 + -0.224845018313215 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485201990610864 + -0.214631486684459 + 0 + 0.486452176257821 + -0.216132064277835 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487355857001527 + -0.208540767061362 + 0 + 0.487355857001527 + -0.208540767061362 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490029759613324 + -0.203154772511789 + 0 + 0.491299976031341 + -0.204638432687503 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.493748384548393 + -0.199050652046182 + 0 + 0.496308453553553 + -0.202001047909675 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497021362028804 + -0.19448323798537 + 0 + 0.498311082574272 + -0.195949975242072 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498450370946659 + -0.187901642858666 + 0 + 0.498450370946659 + -0.187901642858666 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498831789506842 + -0.180266708252294 + 0 + 0.500140484852125 + -0.181716540573232 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497955684839166 + -0.171390441980633 + 0 + 0.50059165068667 + -0.174273231101137 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497596112931583 + -0.163235068499549 + 0 + 0.498923253439734 + -0.164668035818515 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498502766295665 + -0.156578684917574 + 0 + 0.498502766295665 + -0.156578684917574 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501526844881575 + -0.152258601737267 + 0 + 0.502871879036417 + -0.153674786890383 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.506036410894295 + -0.14952639095929 + 0 + 0.508744001755663 + -0.152342015364273 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510595710364133 + -0.146859705966156 + 0 + 0.511958120031016 + -0.148259183427633 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514862916917211 + -0.143904025954857 + 0 + 0.514862916917211 + -0.143904025954857 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517497900474848 + -0.139322943576034 + 0 + 0.518877153967375 + -0.140705823566833 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518567968596991 + -0.133244715520061 + 0 + 0.521342934749763 + -0.135993961219062 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518520421032069 + -0.126164788711703 + 0 + 0.51991599068132 + -0.12753120102857 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520790259670081 + -0.121438518168726 + 0 + 0.520790259670081 + -0.121438518168726 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523115834746943 + -0.116817362833747 + 0 + 0.524527197893668 + -0.118167455917081 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526837835332545 + -0.113570800852974 + 0 + 0.529675974158105 + -0.116254782423206 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529374400495454 + -0.109239462443866 + 0 + 0.530801042935851 + -0.110573399703582 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529629343856359 + -0.10284746358971 + 0 + 0.529629343856359 + -0.10284746358971 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.528069640470716 + -0.0948902917065401 + 0 + 0.529511023927964 + -0.0962082867728323 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52569865862804 + -0.0863214103163329 + 0 + 0.528595797736065 + -0.0889415961973827 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522890972317305 + -0.0774952442973139 + 0 + 0.524346614499919 + -0.078797474346804 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522131256966648 + -0.0706243701718842 + 0 + 0.522131256966648 + -0.0706243701718842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522610000644759 + -0.064936863442282 + 0 + 0.5240794098443 + -0.0662235389530084 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.525119350759612 + -0.0610817594399859 + 0 + 0.528071570889044 + -0.0636397245237732 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52764205020719 + -0.0572747808677184 + 0 + 0.529124733926057 + -0.0585461369371996 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.528998986593143 + -0.052514552488742 + 0 + 0.528998986593143 + -0.052514552488742 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52888774336301 + -0.0465743605188221 + 0 + 0.530383198099016 + -0.0478306695565018 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526481634308092 + -0.0388023775926536 + 0 + 0.529484954483856 + -0.0413001479953014 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523199121566311 + -0.0304224013227968 + 0 + 0.524706864243558 + -0.0316639363745814 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522260068369116 + -0.0240724410193798 + 0 + 0.522260068369116 + -0.0240724410193798 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521553240864117 + -0.0179883559358056 + 0 + 0.523072838896654 + -0.0192153518955009 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522691279555433 + -0.0134569573970397 + 0 + 0.525741995914656 + -0.0158966128559256 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523580328175758 + -0.00877420801144432 + 0 + 0.525111335443843 + -0.00998693799403258 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522591414915518 + -0.00266669219080294 + 0 + 0.522591414915518 + -0.00266669219080294 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520735051290648 + 0.00404087226576249 + 0 + 0.52227702557762 + 0.00284211767706795 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517414262891711 + 0.011790202771346 + 0 + 0.520508843857234 + 0.00940643312846436 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515080534206917 + 0.0186815656183194 + 0 + 0.516633027682826 + 0.0174964659293226 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51504754102053 + 0.0237457174441685 + 0 + 0.51504754102053 + 0.0237457174441685 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.516781168969772 + 0.0274311955224432 + 0 + 0.518343747547528 + 0.026259425300114 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520984593322147 + 0.0292516154996504 + 0 + 0.524119519321334 + 0.0269211588829929 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.525736717265888 + 0.0306695084490966 + 0 + 0.527308957077282 + 0.0295107335610934 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530249750885138 + 0.0322747199888579 + 0 + 0.530249750885138 + 0.0322747199888579 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.533008072299303 + 0.035160975602574 + 0 + 0.53458959587593 + 0.0340149038586707 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.534076401499286 + 0.0392456714749148 + 0 + 0.53724843999894 + 0.0369659871065836 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.5348995839305 + 0.0434704797618524 + 0 + 0.536490002034884 + 0.0423367833656127 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.537444081750373 + 0.0464410943404135 + 0 + 0.537444081750373 + 0.0464410943404135 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.541216433982264 + 0.0485339025319769 + 0 + 0.542815361366574 + 0.0474122392646357 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.546308316941345 + 0.0497039717192265 + 0 + 0.549514390092343 + 0.0474724063464552 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.551039061816631 + 0.0511326200689174 + 0 + 0.552646109204774 + 0.0500226218897029 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553188029887676 + 0.0543367181907798 + 0 + 0.553188029887676 + 0.0543367181907798 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553961153951827 + 0.0584556385292601 + 0 + 0.555575943706936 + 0.0573569341502785 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.552921645049379 + 0.0637631510903945 + 0 + 0.556158684892702 + 0.0615767471672281 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553167689478105 + 0.0681600541119671 + 0 + 0.554789859916247 + 0.067072276407095 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554774762938143 + 0.0716161272216867 + 0 + 0.554774762938143 + 0.0716161272216867 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.558123573888134 + 0.0738958925831598 + 0 + 0.559752802347065 + 0.0728187148382134 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.563552320013287 + 0.0748022669213771 + 0 + 0.566817576847333 + 0.0726582317373806 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.569505591582543 + 0.0753774422386748 + 0 + 0.571141537406673 + 0.0743104940083888 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.573309636726683 + 0.0773576809295762 + 0 + 0.573309636726683 + 0.0773576809295762 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.57579648233036 + 0.0801789509896524 + 0 + 0.577438799221491 + 0.0791218358139479 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.575069833470148 + 0.0850377940687568 + 0 + 0.578360578545252 + 0.082933088409246 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574418530726068 + 0.0898097126292509 + 0 + 0.57606688816736 + 0.0887620413967855 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574210495132547 + 0.0942647668340597 + 0 + 0.574210495132547 + 0.0942647668340597 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.575362185812015 + 0.0978305236461184 + 0 + 0.57701630068032 + 0.0967919663448332 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.577291050214913 + 0.100884446346998 + 0 + 0.580604793808196 + 0.0988161396819994 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.579996629041215 + 0.103438105466093 + 0 + 0.581656183783523 + 0.102408263088403 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.579715049828847 + 0.107824804657256 + 0 + 0.579715049828847 + 0.107824804657256 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.578653711558851 + 0.112657086033572 + 0 + 0.580318431561023 + 0.111635614262074 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.575357602608493 + 0.118813452610389 + 0 + 0.578691978930992 + 0.116778575807617 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.573913966962851 + 0.123794513169183 + 0 + 0.57558355362331 + 0.122781015439132 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574267221894916 + 0.127656594779098 + 0 + 0.574267221894916 + 0.127656594779098 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.575741436465193 + 0.130816745467539 + 0 + 0.577415630863639 + 0.129810877493195 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.580852658267195 + 0.131785062666715 + 0 + 0.584205448210086 + 0.129780670324545 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.585798565700612 + 0.132858133029338 + 0 + 0.587477106934231 + 0.131859535716783 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.589553846642589 + 0.134637801129362 + 0 + 0.589553846642589 + 0.134637801129362 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.592022587229983 + 0.137171242379627 + 0 + 0.593705231298628 + 0.136179573985529 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.592216358740071 + 0.141027663684679 + 0 + 0.595585569938314 + 0.139050998572897 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.591908069711687 + 0.145154061292386 + 0 + 0.593594578629267 + 0.14416898010968 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.593088174785243 + 0.148389688148958 + 0 + 0.593088174785243 + 0.148389688148958 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.595087012134369 + 0.151134042661984 + 0 + 0.596777158152779 + 0.150155214943714 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.598344591564287 + 0.15313958986159 + 0 + 0.601728356402685 + 0.151187943228379 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.600474667197695 + 0.15578608604424 + 0 + 0.602168232969749 + 0.15481318715878 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.599491200657451 + 0.160202453256533 + 0 + 0.599491200657451 + 0.160202453256533 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.596567421457683 + 0.165699867043137 + 0 + 0.598264199848912 + 0.164732581998975 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.591682763725695 + 0.172278617528712 + 0 + 0.59507938401687 + 0.170349431259821 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.587027453667062 + 0.178688380853897 + 0 + 0.588727247491103 + 0.177726404647668 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.58447359522953 + 0.183876228188389 + 0 + 0.58447359522953 + 0.183876228188389 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.583374989700377 + 0.18821883797212 + 0 + 0.585077611404854 + 0.187261875800955 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.584426316895367 + 0.191336149058805 + 0 + 0.587834253353718 + 0.189427024086903 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.585831172459676 + 0.194243584882788 + 0 + 0.587536443782822 + 0.193291352253619 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.585492391213915 + 0.198110754578305 + 0 + 0.585492391213915 + 0.198110754578305 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.583534598911238 + 0.202859967298154 + 0 + 0.585242350528659 + 0.20191219006758 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.578838758400734 + 0.20910309233096 + 0 + 0.582256620314461 + 0.207211794099271 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.573413971928032 + 0.215719393644261 + 0 + 0.575124043074596 + 0.214775807962253 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.569648629208662 + 0.221392499605875 + 0 + 0.569648629208662 + 0.221392499605875 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.567062723927539 + 0.226394431028544 + 0 + 0.568774962031965 + 0.225454783254455 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.566296547900853 + 0.23038074150603 + 0 + 0.569723081554517 + 0.228505199935495 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.56529524631785 + 0.234481643097024 + 0 + 0.567009506628811 + 0.233545689651675 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.562193453793717 + 0.239712671553032 + 0 + 0.562193453793717 + 0.239712671553032 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.558038144021199 + 0.245497358413451 + 0 + 0.559754289247648 + 0.244564865610618 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.552621391540257 + 0.251945285652744 + 0 + 0.556055468409335 + 0.250083591499623 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.548019310185587 + 0.257929791797585 + 0 + 0.549737210143874 + 0.257000535644032 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.546041540323348 + 0.262477938844547 + 0 + 0.546041540323348 + 0.262477938844547 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.546000575664466 + 0.26596972545728 + 0 + 0.547720106940932 + 0.265043491439953 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.548591098241422 + 0.268038499101154 + 0 + 0.552031703606712 + 0.266188898121796 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55200665651566 + 0.269661983986608 + 0 + 0.553727702144349 + 0.268738566849248 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55416719445753 + 0.27195661279076 + 0 + 0.55416719445753 + 0.27195661279076 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555280153440206 + 0.274807778904507 + 0 + 0.557002602592111 + 0.273886982409779 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554292414480974 + 0.278774630967739 + 0 + 0.557738636861375 + 0.276935516950796 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553079164560371 + 0.282852673613419 + 0 + 0.554802912251312 + 0.281934310306458 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553714524960958 + 0.285938438252715 + 0 + 0.553714524960958 + 0.285938438252715 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555562842485541 + 0.288374454381278 + 0 + 0.557287789298278 + 0.287458345349105 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.559117639806666 + 0.289902064721205 + 0 + 0.562568661327537 + 0.288071971957166 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.561975959755035 + 0.291797694204709 + 0 + 0.563702011579964 + 0.290883668842228 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.562109365616769 + 0.295132409924844 + 0 + 0.562109365616769 + 0.295132409924844 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.560649639999558 + 0.299302769702726 + 0 + 0.562376707791147 + 0.298390665482334 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557472304473231 + 0.304371455681544 + 0 + 0.560927392278663 + 0.302549051412657 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554707226061328 + 0.309213471957562 + 0 + 0.556435225610789 + 0.308303134205592 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554187584255883 + 0.312865425868417 + 0 + 0.554187584255883 + 0.312865425868417 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555220543871597 + 0.315695852890933 + 0 + 0.556949395596505 + 0.314787134574356 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.558475066794245 + 0.317356347253857 + 0 + 0.561933565516345 + 0.315540424443896 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.562055425031544 + 0.31884493679424 + 0 + 0.563785053780183 + 0.317937698315402 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.563731725473342 + 0.32133057087475 + 0 + 0.563731725473342 + 0.32133057087475 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.563521805870369 + 0.324801069095173 + 0 + 0.565252140741162 + 0.323895178097029 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.56022101247174 + 0.329884008642004 + 0 + 0.563682337724006 + 0.328073479282803 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55585350688313 + 0.335517616066065 + 0 + 0.55758448105845 + 0.334612947248224 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.552862185949695 + 0.34042521988535 + 0 + 0.552862185949695 + 0.34042521988535 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.5508005345518 + 0.344841896944128 + 0 + 0.55253208514541 + 0.343938331889818 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.550358436183797 + 0.348409293591051 + 0 + 0.553822069004684 + 0.346603182646348 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549497434845376 + 0.352191635408473 + 0 + 0.551229502762722 + 0.351289062422338 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.546367194308466 + 0.357152253825809 + 0 + 0.546367194308466 + 0.357152253825809 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.542052857272595 + 0.362724428578902 + 0 + 0.543785387083187 + 0.361822742535419 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.536364541791191 + 0.369006173876704 + 0 + 0.539830023958609 + 0.367203613916589 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.531410202640004 + 0.374900835699932 + 0 + 0.533143142461107 + 0.373999937902157 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529020281375881 + 0.379458301993825 + 0 + 0.529020281375881 + 0.379458301993825 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.528500285026138 + 0.383041519696175 + 0 + 0.53023358641705 + 0.382141317744466 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.5305466618677 + 0.385290461424665 + 0 + 0.53401359198716 + 0.38349068793634 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.533334545434413 + 0.387153856162469 + 0 + 0.535068163300618 + 0.386254263832816 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.534764946279702 + 0.389720925470666 + 0 + 0.534764946279702 + 0.389720925470666 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.535042410768208 + 0.392884825571194 + 0 + 0.536776303274749 + 0.391985762702782 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.533099613888616 + 0.39719824213856 + 0 + 0.536567644159936 + 0.395400589474748 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530811834167637 + 0.401688440859011 + 0 + 0.532545962661087 + 0.40078983325065 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.53024607528512 + 0.405284636137486 + 0 + 0.53024607528512 + 0.405284636137486 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530736640092069 + 0.408332464299612 + 0 + 0.532470969030517 + 0.407434243614669 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.532751478974277 + 0.41059012182452 + 0 + 0.536220312549868 + 0.408794019742968 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.533855363451273 + 0.413318830771393 + 0 + 0.535589860341801 + 0.412420934450904 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.532023177275888 + 0.417566454974539 + 0 + 0.532023177275888 + 0.417566454974539 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.528459748093733 + 0.422708749302256 + 0 + 0.530194383436872 + 0.42181112048591 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523141173215205 + 0.42875776868352 + 0 + 0.526610562073264 + 0.426962739431927 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518296972212218 + 0.434559914740951 + 0 + 0.520031719452933 + 0.433662502195668 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515822890960179 + 0.439134901987676 + 0 + 0.515822890960179 + 0.439134901987676 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515041881543152 + 0.44283347859111 + 0 + 0.516776717027939 + 0.44193623664697 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.516644249002465 + 0.445299024131998 + 0 + 0.520113992268811 + 0.443504680037866 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518784373405253 + 0.447486279945901 + 0 + 0.520519276344944 + 0.446589168439202 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.519317239981351 + 0.450504417224782 + 0 + 0.519317239981351 + 0.450504417224782 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518361997556606 + 0.454291682022561 + 0 + 0.520096949994542 + 0.453394666245834 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51477554101282 + 0.459438970812198 + 0 + 0.518245483674858 + 0.457645012344267 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510592394206174 + 0.464894358873935 + 0 + 0.512327380991411 + 0.463997409532749 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508227181657904 + 0.469409631120504 + 0 + 0.508227181657904 + 0.469409631120504 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50718303674455 + 0.473241793249375 + 0 + 0.508918045509783 + 0.472344886425808 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50809985549307 + 0.476060148931115 + 0 + 0.511569887458084 + 0.474266363206931 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508889360758345 + 0.478944262268489 + 0 + 0.510624381902224 + 0.478047379391024 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507660899501499 + 0.482871482528293 + 0 + 0.507660899501499 + 0.482871482528293 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505472495864452 + 0.487294852511944 + 0 + 0.507207522536964 + 0.486397980329706 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502114278327988 + 0.492322893105854 + 0 + 0.505584333797325 + 0.490529152850905 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499678145520282 + 0.496874276112854 + 0 + 0.501413173596309 + 0.495977406645765 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499994052316792 + 0.500003074467614 + 0 + 0.499994052316792 + 0.500003074467614 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.500321854479689 + 0.503125723880424 + 0 + 0.498586826403661 + 0.504022593347512 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497885721671814 + 0.50767710688751 + 0 + 0.494415666202477 + 0.509470847142459 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494527504136201 + 0.512705147480981 + 0 + 0.492792477463689 + 0.513602019663219 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.492339100496955 + 0.517128517465769 + 0 + 0.492339100496955 + 0.517128517465769 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.4911106392441 + 0.52105573772351 + 0 + 0.489375618100221 + 0.521952620600976 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491900144505923 + 0.523939851062669 + 0 + 0.488430112540909 + 0.525733636786853 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.492816963255547 + 0.526758206743838 + 0 + 0.491081954490313 + 0.527655113567405 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491772818341976 + 0.53059036887282 + 0 + 0.491772818341976 + 0.53059036887282 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489407605792636 + 0.535105641119945 + 0 + 0.487672619007399 + 0.536002590461131 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485224458987033 + 0.540561029181141 + 0 + 0.481754516324994 + 0.542354987649073 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481638002443919 + 0.54570831797043 + 0 + 0.479903050005983 + 0.546605333747157 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480682760019213 + 0.549495582768189 + 0 + 0.480682760019213 + 0.549495582768189 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481215626594514 + 0.552513720047482 + 0 + 0.479480723654823 + 0.553410831554181 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.48335575099895 + 0.554700975860534 + 0 + 0.479886007732604 + 0.556495319954666 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484958118457496 + 0.557166521401818 + 0 + 0.483223282972709 + 0.558063763345959 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484177109037803 + 0.560865098006631 + 0 + 0.484177109037803 + 0.560865098006631 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481703027788716 + 0.56544008525183 + 0 + 0.479968280548001 + 0.566337497797113 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476858826783604 + 0.571242231310361 + 0 + 0.473389437925545 + 0.573037260561954 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.471540251907284 + 0.577291250690483 + 0 + 0.469805616564146 + 0.578188879506828 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.467976822724151 + 0.582433545018705 + 0 + 0.467976822724151 + 0.582433545018705 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.466144636547105 + 0.58668116922271 + 0 + 0.464410139656576 + 0.587579065543199 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.467248521025568 + 0.589409878168824 + 0 + 0.463779687449978 + 0.591205980250376 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469263359909215 + 0.591667535692985 + 0 + 0.467529030970766 + 0.592565756377928 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.46975392471345 + 0.594715363856517 + 0 + 0.46975392471345 + 0.594715363856517 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469188165833648 + 0.598311559133586 + 0 + 0.467454037340198 + 0.599210166741947 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.466900386110748 + 0.602801757855032 + 0 + 0.463432355839429 + 0.604599410518845 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.464957589231595 + 0.607115174422175 + 0 + 0.463223696725053 + 0.608014237290587 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.465235053722482 + 0.610279074521466 + 0 + 0.465235053722482 + 0.610279074521466 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.466665454565846 + 0.612846143830657 + 0 + 0.464931836699641 + 0.613745736160311 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469453338131762 + 0.614709538568878 + 0 + 0.465986408012301 + 0.616509312057203 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.471499714974001 + 0.616958480297016 + 0 + 0.469766413583088 + 0.617858682248725 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470979718624506 + 0.620541697999236 + 0 + 0.470979718624506 + 0.620541697999236 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.468589797360488 + 0.625099164293076 + 0 + 0.466856857539385 + 0.62600006209085 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.463635458208396 + 0.630993826116774 + 0 + 0.460169976040978 + 0.632796386076889 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.457947142729372 + 0.637275571413336 + 0 + 0.45621461291878 + 0.638177257456819 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453632805691789 + 0.642847746167316 + 0 + 0.453632805691789 + 0.642847746167316 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.45050256515342 + 0.647808364585419 + 0 + 0.448770497236075 + 0.648710937571555 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.449641563818446 + 0.651590706401044 + 0 + 0.44617793099756 + 0.653396817345747 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.449199465447148 + 0.655158103049682 + 0 + 0.447467914853538 + 0.656061668103992 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.44713781405013 + 0.659574780108005 + 0 + 0.44713781405013 + 0.659574780108005 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444146493115996 + 0.664482383927657 + 0 + 0.442415518940676 + 0.665387052745498 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.439778987527396 + 0.670115991351713 + 0 + 0.436317662275131 + 0.671926520710914 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.43647819413199 + 0.675198930896855 + 0 + 0.434747859261198 + 0.676104821894999 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.436268274525976 + 0.678669429118867 + 0 + 0.436268274525976 + 0.678669429118867 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.437944574971145 + 0.681155063197614 + 0 + 0.436214946222506 + 0.682062301676452 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.441524933205246 + 0.682643652739672 + 0 + 0.438066434483147 + 0.684459575549633 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444779456130897 + 0.684304147101019 + 0 + 0.443050604405989 + 0.685212865417596 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445812415742289 + 0.687134574125807 + 0 + 0.445812415742289 + 0.687134574125807 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.44529277393965 + 0.690786528035187 + 0 + 0.443564774390189 + 0.691696865787157 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442527695526064 + 0.69562854431209 + 0 + 0.439072607720632 + 0.697450948580977 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.439350360002718 + 0.700697230289334 + 0 + 0.437623292211129 + 0.701609334509727 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.437890634381809 + 0.704867590069166 + 0 + 0.437890634381809 + 0.704867590069166 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.438024040243821 + 0.708202305789162 + 0 + 0.436297988418891 + 0.709116331151643 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.440882360195622 + 0.710097935270844 + 0 + 0.437431338674752 + 0.711928028034883 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444437157515196 + 0.711625545611594 + 0 + 0.442712210702459 + 0.712541654643766 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446285475041588 + 0.714061561739193 + 0 + 0.446285475041588 + 0.714061561739193 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446920835439549 + 0.717147326379887 + 0 + 0.445197087748607 + 0.718065689686848 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.44570758551882 + 0.721225369025635 + 0 + 0.442261363138418 + 0.723064483042579 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444719846560562 + 0.725192221088341 + 0 + 0.442997397408658 + 0.726113017583069 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445832805542005 + 0.728043387202751 + 0 + 0.445832805542005 + 0.728043387202751 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.447993343485007 + 0.7303380160063 + 0 + 0.446272297856318 + 0.73126143314366 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.451408901758587 + 0.731961500892099 + 0 + 0.447968296393298 + 0.733811101871457 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453999424333867 + 0.73403027453688 + 0 + 0.452279893057401 + 0.734956508554207 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453958459678774 + 0.737522061147572 + 0 + 0.453958459678774 + 0.737522061147572 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.451980689812602 + 0.742070208196654 + 0 + 0.450262789854315 + 0.742999464350207 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.447378608460801 + 0.748054714339945 + 0 + 0.443944531591723 + 0.749916408493066 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.441961855980612 + 0.754502641578826 + 0 + 0.440245710754163 + 0.755435134381659 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.437806546206187 + 0.76028732844028 + 0 + 0.437806546206187 + 0.76028732844028 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.434704753682456 + 0.765518356896076 + 0 + 0.432990493371494 + 0.766454310341426 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.433703452101702 + 0.769619258485835 + 0 + 0.430276918448037 + 0.77149480005637 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.432937276072469 + 0.773605568964715 + 0 + 0.431225037968043 + 0.774545216738804 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.430351370793634 + 0.77860750038613 + 0 + 0.430351370793634 + 0.77860750038613 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.42658602807245 + 0.784280606348736 + 0 + 0.424875956925886 + 0.785224192030744 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.421161241600247 + 0.790896907661753 + 0 + 0.417743379686519 + 0.792788205893442 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.416465401088338 + 0.797140032695347 + 0 + 0.414757649470916 + 0.79808780992592 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.414507608786802 + 0.801889245414558 + 0 + 0.414507608786802 + 0.801889245414558 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.414168827539588 + 0.80575641511088 + 0 + 0.412463556216442 + 0.806708647740049 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.415573683103127 + 0.808663850935304 + 0 + 0.412165746644776 + 0.810572975907206 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.416625010300121 + 0.811781162020859 + 0 + 0.414922388595644 + 0.812738124192024 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.415526404770417 + 0.816123771804899 + 0 + 0.415526404770417 + 0.816123771804899 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.412972546332894 + 0.821311619139391 + 0 + 0.411272752508854 + 0.82227359534562 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.408317236273419 + 0.827721382465054 + 0 + 0.404920615982244 + 0.829650568733945 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.403432578543782 + 0.834300132949293 + 0 + 0.401735800152553 + 0.835267417993455 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.400508799341133 + 0.839797546737541 + 0 + 0.400508799341133 + 0.839797546737541 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.399525332802111 + 0.844213913949143 + 0 + 0.397831767030058 + 0.845186812834602 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.401655408437183 + 0.846860410130826 + 0 + 0.398271643598785 + 0.848812056764036 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.404912987865698 + 0.848865957331232 + 0 + 0.403222841847288 + 0.849844785049502 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.406911825213129 + 0.851610311845252 + 0 + 0.406911825213129 + 0.851610311845252 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.408091930288251 + 0.854845938700912 + 0 + 0.406405421370671 + 0.855831019883618 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.40778364126137 + 0.858972336307743 + 0 + 0.404414430063127 + 0.860949001419525 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.407977412770994 + 0.862828757613064 + 0 + 0.406294768702349 + 0.863820426007162 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.410446153357506 + 0.865362198863833 + 0 + 0.410446153357506 + 0.865362198863833 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.414201434299106 + 0.867141866964095 + 0 + 0.412522893065487 + 0.86814046427665 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.41914734173461 + 0.868214937325475 + 0 + 0.415794551791719 + 0.870219329667645 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.424258563534649 + 0.869183254525825 + 0 + 0.422584369136203 + 0.870189122500169 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425732778105591 + 0.87234340521387 + 0 + 0.425732778105591 + 0.87234340521387 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.426086033037743 + 0.876205486823723 + 0 + 0.424416446377285 + 0.877218984553774 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.424642397390908 + 0.881186547383245 + 0 + 0.42130802106841 + 0.883221424186017 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.421346288442543 + 0.887342913958841 + 0 + 0.419681568440371 + 0.888364385730339 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.42028495017026 + 0.892175195336559 + 0 + 0.42028495017026 + 0.892175195336559 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.420003370959338 + 0.896561894526842 + 0 + 0.418343816217031 + 0.897591736904532 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.422708949786019 + 0.899115553645681 + 0 + 0.419395206192737 + 0.90118386031068 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.424637814187042 + 0.902169476347732 + 0 + 0.422983699318737 + 0.903208033649017 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425789504866709 + 0.905735233159679 + 0 + 0.425789504866709 + 0.905735233159679 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425581469274102 + 0.910190287363908 + 0 + 0.42393311183281 + 0.911237958596373 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.424930166530282 + 0.914962205924235 + 0 + 0.421639421455178 + 0.917066911583746 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.424203517671382 + 0.919821049002491 + 0 + 0.422561200780251 + 0.920878164178196 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.42669036327251 + 0.922642319064212 + 0 + 0.42669036327251 + 0.922642319064212 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.430494408416405 + 0.924622557755277 + 0 + 0.428858462592275 + 0.925689505985563 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.43644767998708 + 0.925197733071642 + 0 + 0.433182423153033 + 0.927341768255638 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.441876426111141 + 0.926104107410585 + 0 + 0.440247197652209 + 0.927181285155532 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445225237063279 + 0.928383872770634 + 0 + 0.445225237063279 + 0.928383872770634 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446832310521477 + 0.931839945881576 + 0 + 0.445210140083335 + 0.932927723586448 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.447078354949548 + 0.936236848903597 + 0 + 0.443841315106225 + 0.938423252826763 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446038846048775 + 0.941544361463594 + 0 + 0.444424056293666 + 0.942643065842575 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446811970110558 + 0.945663281803692 + 0 + 0.446811970110558 + 0.945663281803692 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.448960938184329 + 0.948867379923686 + 0 + 0.447353890796185 + 0.949977378102901 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453691683058238 + 0.950296028274328 + 0 + 0.45048560990724 + 0.9525275936471 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.458783566018876 + 0.9514660974605 + 0 + 0.457184638634566 + 0.952587760727841 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.462555918249647 + 0.953558905652842 + 0 + 0.462555918249647 + 0.953558905652842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.465100416070197 + 0.956529520230918 + 0 + 0.463509997965812 + 0.957663216627157 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.465923598501075 + 0.960754328518094 + 0 + 0.462751560001421 + 0.963034012886426 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.46699192770152 + 0.964839024390094 + 0 + 0.465410404124894 + 0.965985096133997 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469750249115042 + 0.967725280004285 + 0 + 0.469750249115042 + 0.967725280004285 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474263282734564 + 0.969330491543827 + 0 + 0.47269104292317 + 0.97048926643183 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479015406677136 + 0.970748384494153 + 0 + 0.475880480677949 + 0.97307884111081 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.483218831031298 + 0.972568804470028 + 0 + 0.481656252453542 + 0.973740574692357 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484952458979156 + 0.976254282549339 + 0 + 0.484952458979156 + 0.976254282549339 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484919465793999 + 0.981318434374248 + 0 + 0.48336697231809 + 0.982503534063245 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.48258573710722 + 0.988209797222736 + 0 + 0.479491156141698 + 0.990593566865618 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47926494870801 + 0.995959127728549 + 0 + 0.477722974421038 + 0.997157882317243 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477408585084053 + 1.00266669218441 + 0 + 0.477408585084053 + 1.00266669218441 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476419671825858 + 1.00877420800342 + 0 + 0.474888664557773 + 1.00998693798601 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47730872044323 + 1.01345695739137 + 0 + 0.474258004084007 + 1.01589661285025 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.478446759137112 + 1.01798835592808 + 0 + 0.476927161104575 + 1.01921535188778 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477739931629466 + 1.02407244101381 + 0 + 0.477739931629466 + 1.02407244101381 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476800878435181 + 1.03042240131483 + 0 + 0.475293135757935 + 1.03166393636661 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473518365689002 + 1.03880237758834 + 0 + 0.470515045513237 + 1.04130014799099 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.471112256637539 + 1.04657436051163 + 0 + 0.469616801901533 + 1.04783066954931 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.471001013406089 + 1.05251455248266 + 0 + 0.471001013406089 + 1.05251455248266 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.472357949794293 + 1.05727478085971 + 0 + 0.470875266075426 + 1.0585461369292 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474880649239964 + 1.06108175943364 + 0 + 0.471928429110532 + 1.06363972451742 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47738999935475 + 1.06493686343598 + 0 + 0.475920590155208 + 1.06622353894671 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47786874303231 + 1.07062437016608 + 0 + 0.47786874303231 + 1.07062437016608 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477109027682859 + 1.07749524429044 + 0 + 0.475653385500245 + 1.07879747433993 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474301341372265 + 1.08632141030932 + 0 + 0.47140420226424 + 1.08894159619037 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.471930359528711 + 1.09489029170032 + 0 + 0.470488976071462 + 1.09620828676662 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470370656143892 + 1.10284746358276 + 0 + 0.470370656143892 + 1.10284746358276 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470625599505133 + 1.10923946243659 + 0 + 0.469198957064736 + 1.11057339969631 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473162164667422 + 1.11357080084627 + 0 + 0.470324025841862 + 1.1162547824165 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476884165252084 + 1.11681736282795 + 0 + 0.47547280210536 + 1.11816745591128 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479209740329589 + 1.12143851816233 + 0 + 0.479209740329589 + 1.12143851816233 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481479578968417 + 1.12616478870449 + 0 + 0.480084009319166 + 1.12753120102136 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481432031402307 + 1.13324471551403 + 0 + 0.478657065249536 + 1.13599396121303 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482502099525904 + 1.13932294356855 + 0 + 0.481122846033377 + 1.14070582355934 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485137083082313 + 1.14390402594863 + 0 + 0.485137083082313 + 1.14390402594863 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489404289635638 + 1.14685970595966 + 0 + 0.488041879968755 + 1.14825918342113 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.49396358910622 + 1.14952639095203 + 0 + 0.491255998244852 + 1.15234201535701 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498473155117991 + 1.152258601731 + 0 + 0.497128120963149 + 1.15367478688411 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501497233706143 + 1.15657868490891 + 0 + 0.501497233706143 + 1.15657868490891 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502403887066803 + 1.16323506849457 + 0 + 0.501076746558652 + 1.16466803581353 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502044315160939 + 1.17139044197379 + 0 + 0.499408349313434 + 1.1742732310943 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501168210492971 + 1.18026670824577 + 0 + 0.499859515147689 + 1.18171654056671 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50154962905304 + 1.18790164285227 + 0 + 0.50154962905304 + 1.18790164285227 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50297863797042 + 1.19448323797953 + 0 + 0.501688917424953 + 1.19594997523623 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.506251615452048 + 1.19905065203895 + 0 + 0.503691546446887 + 1.20200104790244 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50997024038586 + 1.20315477250602 + 0 + 0.508700023967843 + 1.20463843268173 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51264414299887 + 1.20854076705416 + 0 + 0.51264414299887 + 1.20854076705416 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514798009388094 + 1.21463148667899 + 0 + 0.513547823741137 + 1.21613206427236 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51612684161979 + 1.22182696463542 + 0 + 0.513646893816565 + 1.22484501830555 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518389216699865 + 1.22800286449621 + 0 + 0.517159584737888 + 1.22952033031253 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522990639161711 + 1.23135579420468 + 0 + 0.522990639161711 + 1.23135579420468 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529031041869394 + 1.23290636009174 + 0 + 0.527822481929338 + 1.2344406612802 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.536484016280763 + 1.23261016682058 + 0 + 0.534088353884077 + 1.2356955502236 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.543778112313871 + 1.23243991892353 + 0 + 0.542591137381438 + 1.23399097913363 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549622964279443 + 1.2341129131144 + 0 + 0.549622964279443 + 1.2341129131144 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55450425993581 + 1.23705867672012 + 0 + 0.553339376975974 + 1.2386263963875 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557981865222957 + 1.2419363615639 + 0 + 0.555674567385068 + 1.24508837135921 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.561304527303196 + 1.24710242726487 + 0 + 0.560162236624479 + 1.24868668395838 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.565868862771267 + 1.2506030784999 + 0 + 0.565868862771267 + 1.2506030784999 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.571554533465824 + 1.25253234029402 + 0 + 0.570435328163009 + 1.25413298914862 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.579050316093883 + 1.25181558236431 + 0 + 0.576835355893002 + 1.25503314982608 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.587007331741772 + 1.25031767078936 + 0 + 0.585911697179073 + 1.25193454498689 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.59389516460427 + 1.25029685135397 + 0 + 0.59389516460427 + 1.25029685135397 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.600049531929937 + 1.25131490843728 + 0 + 0.598977945263171 + 1.25294781972734 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.605099500276779 + 1.25399862286071 + 0 + 0.602980727335245 + 1.25728032825345 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.610339869014891 + 1.25639306347268 + 0 + 0.609292798754333 + 1.25804180272891 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.616889275835059 + 1.25669299880093 + 0 + 0.616889275835059 + 1.25669299880093 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.62407477126512 + 1.25588781084351 + 0 + 0.623052676865988 + 1.25755214864121 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.631992720382511 + 1.25376187109158 + 0 + 0.629973846167706 + 1.2571059607984 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.639407648299577 + 1.2523296601483 + 0 + 0.638410979779542 + 1.2540093473593 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.645300778013203 + 1.25337702647739 + 0 + 0.645300778013203 + 1.25337702647739 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.650119990060171 + 1.25625681966035 + 0 + 0.649149187635128 + 1.25795158805666 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.653522744757262 + 1.26167851888338 + 0 + 0.651607329850025 + 1.26508292408776 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.656561629795494 + 1.26787753246339 + 0 + 0.655617123538832 + 1.26958709533054 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.660380446298135 + 1.2727883530414 + 0 + 0.660380446298135 + 1.2727883530414 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.664837762017437 + 1.27660345977039 + 0 + 0.663919971539877 + 1.27832751252623 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.670459992377388 + 1.27825227527127 + 0 + 0.668651435200556 + 1.28171463140555 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.676226128324245 + 1.27960168238716 + 0 + 0.675335462465791 + 1.2813399032 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.681074452194359 + 1.28274795660892 + 0 + 0.681074452194359 + 1.28274795660892 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.685366984079232 + 1.28706529088385 + 0 + 0.684503840617602 + 1.2888173412913 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.688889582273622 + 1.29306928605553 + 0 + 0.68719110901017 + 1.29658695255989 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.692846326088813 + 1.29831959133515 + 0 + 0.692011091455424 + 1.30008511685827 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.698183756503095 + 1.30072602071436 + 0 + 0.698183756503095 + 1.30072602071436 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.704303901480386 + 1.30142495463914 + 0 + 0.703496950491501 + 1.3032035853954 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.711222512689604 + 1.30027097640361 + 0 + 0.709637168063905 + 1.30384105644197 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.717935373137065 + 1.29945442991338 + 0 + 0.717157068729529 + 1.3012457812231 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.723641179219024 + 1.30088600928987 + 0 + 0.723641179219024 + 1.30088600928987 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.728696002185677 + 1.30386505964246 + 0 + 0.727946695163165 + 1.30566873263156 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.732854179370762 + 1.30910645589412 + 0 + 0.731384818095268 + 1.31272581585198 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.736960998935186 + 1.31464098910238 + 0 + 0.736241027722036 + 1.31645657130042 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.741932992222597 + 1.31812320665665 + 0 + 0.741932992222597 + 1.31812320665665 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.7477126589038 + 1.31955348608417 + 0 + 0.747022349305936 + 1.32138055201749 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.754719736289927 + 1.31763850981663 + 0 + 0.75336901505008 + 1.32130379850849 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.762099636804354 + 1.3144999517724 + 0 + 0.761439301777142 + 1.31633806355285 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.768912182403063 + 1.31272999118399 + 0 + 0.768912182403063 + 1.31272999118399 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.775354567236218 + 1.31186418139031 + 0 + 0.774724506659322 + 1.31371288929991 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.781205034731855 + 1.31264909561994 + 0 + 0.779975404646217 + 1.31635676320415 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.787210902799999 + 1.31291051816344 + 0 + 0.786611403259435 + 1.31476936123547 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.793983599742144 + 1.3106542381821 + 0 + 0.793983599742144 + 1.3106542381821 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.801104639471232 + 1.30703272602494 + 0 + 0.800535974048903 + 1.30890123262194 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.808601166663845 + 1.30183204614749 + 0 + 0.807494866197526 + 1.30557836278396 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.815780447317601 + 1.29732661340922 + 0 + 0.815242875388683 + 1.2992043017984 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.822109448753179 + 1.29551048863167 + 0 + 0.822109448753179 + 1.29551048863167 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.827859271093346 + 1.2956468456255 + 0 + 0.827353038131916 + 1.29753322455201 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.832882600879837 + 1.2985084780497 + 0 + 0.831901649239775 + 1.30228955236031 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.837748272520637 + 1.30211827085677 + 0 + 0.837273609913951 + 1.30401284011531 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.843031127867617 + 1.30418213904919 + 0 + 0.843031127867617 + 1.30418213904919 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.848640493234297 + 1.30491532173259 + 0 + 0.848197618106145 + 1.30681757273771 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.854806150835772 + 1.30313733495273 + 0 + 0.853952341894228 + 1.30694913234423 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.861020974734358 + 1.30089987634411 + 0 + 0.860610089777909 + 1.30280929269949 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.866803462836032 + 1.30048120821842 + 0 + 0.866803462836032 + 1.30048120821842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.872345696829683 + 1.3011557285567 + 0 + 0.871966990150209 + 1.3030717866238 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.877578204621173 + 1.30344688492882 + 0 + 0.876853101419744 + 1.30728524583027 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.8830288806159 + 1.30466351045416 + 0 + 0.882682525583768 + 1.3065856799205 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.889056502711666 + 1.30255334814271 + 0 + 0.889056502711666 + 1.30255334814271 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.895359290062961 + 1.29844170834738 + 0 + 0.895045445177242 + 1.30036945279447 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.901891214258538 + 1.29229491051217 + 0 + 0.901296144144048 + 1.29615556856765 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.908239900053212 + 1.28659059700542 + 0 + 0.907958708816248 + 1.2885233744768 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.914127979372477 + 1.28344652809402 + 0 + 0.914127979372477 + 1.28344652809402 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.919718289651694 + 1.28211657861604 + 0 + 0.919469880454904 + 1.28405384218524 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.924965415468098 + 1.28337892318469 + 0 + 0.924501465907152 + 1.28725752343057 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.930165326279683 + 1.28517647303908 + 0 + 0.929949812300914 + 1.28711767137788 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.935578375160987 + 1.28510839855649 + 0 + 0.935578375160987 + 1.28510839855649 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.941145107153354 + 1.28330347484896 + 0 + 0.94096258626599 + 1.28524805279578 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.946931259079294 + 1.27847581293365 + 0 + 0.946599274191906 + 1.2823679299793 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.952685155433351 + 1.27290341316634 + 0 + 0.952535710127422 + 1.27485081229495 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.958203569154049 + 1.26929799431335 + 0 + 0.958203569154049 + 1.26929799431335 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.963570723350922 + 1.26710573529676 + 0 + 0.963454420666417 + 1.26905539448523 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.9687866090151 + 1.26704888264329 + 0 + 0.968587186860166 + 1.27095003886505 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.974006449470244 + 1.26678199158761 + 0 + 0.973923340943183 + 1.26873334758751 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.979298005866417 + 1.26417752799968 + 0 + 0.979298005866417 + 1.26417752799968 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.984571783516586 + 1.26042568321054 + 0 + 0.984521905142198 + 1.26237817121648 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.98980320648484 + 1.25528619939297 + 0 + 0.989736696954839 + 1.25919188314168 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.994937403161304 + 1.25112785874782 + 0 + 0.994920775385577 + 1.2530809129669 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 1 + 1.2499798172808 + 0 + 1 + 1.2499798172808 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 9d9eefdd-434a-42ad-943f-25736c099f2d + d2c53264-57e1-4d11-b625-5a5eefefe7c0 + dc33f043-a46c-4bbe-aa2b-e04d7f37a6de + b1dbb9a1-e34d-4d93-b860-212e9f8b0ced + 4 + 9efd9454-7645-4b4a-a410-dd55ad387f85 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + ac2bc2cb-70fb-4dd5-9c78-7e1ea97fe278 + Geometry + + + + + Contains a collection of generic geometry + true + 2620b078-b1a3-423c-855b-6b478e2b47aa + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26473 + -19008 + 50 + 24 + + + 26498.88 + -18996 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + -1 + + 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+ + 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Curve + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 2620b078-b1a3-423c-855b-6b478e2b47aa + d2c53264-57e1-4d11-b625-5a5eefefe7c0 + dc33f043-a46c-4bbe-aa2b-e04d7f37a6de + b1dbb9a1-e34d-4d93-b860-212e9f8b0ced + 4 + 02345ad3-459c-467a-be4a-f9c4d508d03b + Group + + + + + + + + + + + ac2bc2cb-70fb-4dd5-9c78-7e1ea97fe278 + Geometry + + + + + Contains a collection of generic geometry + true + 559b742b-f4f7-47ca-95f0-4a0afed4b048 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26473 + -19845 + 50 + 24 + + + 26498.1 + -19833 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 513 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + + 8.31187957663209E-17 + -0.24997981727771 + 0 + 8.31187957663209E-17 + -0.24997981727771 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.00507922461441546 + -0.253080912971781 + 0 + 0.00509585239014337 + -0.25503396719087 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0102633030451533 + -0.259191883148281 + 0 + 0.0102633030451533 + -0.259191883148281 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.015478094857813 + -0.262378171223821 + 0 + 0.0155279732322011 + -0.264330659229775 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.020701994133584 + -0.264177528006472 + 0 + 0.020701994133584 + -0.264177528006472 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0260766590568435 + -0.268733347594719 + 0 + 0.0261597675839049 + -0.270684703594621 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0314128131398599 + -0.270950038872159 + 0 + 0.0314128131398599 + -0.270950038872159 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0365455793334612 + -0.269055394489957 + 0 + 0.0366618820179666 + -0.271005053678431 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0417964308460186 + -0.269297994321025 + 0 + 0.0417964308460186 + -0.269297994321025 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0474642898724584 + -0.274850812300169 + 0 + 0.0476137351783876 + -0.276798211428792 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0534007258081168 + -0.282367929986296 + 0 + 0.0534007258081168 + -0.282367929986296 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0590374137341314 + -0.285248052803867 + 0 + 0.0592199346214956 + -0.287192630750698 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0644216248387421 + -0.285108398560566 + 0 + 0.0644216248387421 + -0.285108398560566 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0700501876991094 + -0.287117671384767 + 0 + 0.0702657016778793 + -0.289058869723572 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.075498534092752 + -0.287257523436499 + 0 + 0.075498534092752 + -0.287257523436499 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0805301195454081 + -0.284053842194377 + 0 + 0.0807785287421989 + -0.285991105763584 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0858720206272032 + -0.283446528098435 + 0 + 0.0858720206272032 + -0.283446528098435 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0920412911839797 + -0.288523374485081 + 0 + 0.0923224824209455 + -0.290456151956462 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0987038558555139 + -0.296155568571535 + 0 + 0.0987038558555139 + -0.296155568571535 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.104954554822725 + -0.300369452801007 + 0 + 0.105268399708445 + -0.302297197248109 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.110943497288377 + -0.302553348149671 + 0 + 0.110943497288377 + -0.302553348149671 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.117317474416101 + -0.306585679926476 + 0 + 0.117663829448234 + -0.308507849392819 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.123146898580634 + -0.30728524583899 + 0 + 0.123146898580634 + -0.30728524583899 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.128033009849194 + -0.303071786627506 + 0 + 0.128411716528669 + -0.304987844694618 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.133196537164003 + -0.300481208225351 + 0 + 0.133196537164003 + -0.300481208225351 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.139389910222287 + -0.302809292707094 + 0 + 0.139800795178737 + -0.304718709062473 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.146047658105246 + -0.306949132348622 + 0 + 0.146047658105246 + -0.306949132348622 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.151802381893991 + -0.306817572745062 + 0 + 0.152245257022144 + -0.308719823750184 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.156968872132746 + -0.304182139057426 + 0 + 0.156968872132746 + -0.304182139057426 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.162726390085325 + -0.304012840119134 + 0 + 0.163201052692013 + -0.305907409377682 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.16809835076006 + -0.302289552366431 + 0 + 0.16809835076006 + -0.302289552366431 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.172646961868271 + -0.297533224559463 + 0 + 0.173153194829703 + -0.299419603485974 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.177890551247578 + -0.295510488641129 + 0 + 0.177890551247578 + -0.295510488641129 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.184757124610486 + -0.299204301802235 + 0 + 0.185294696539405 + -0.301081990191415 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.1925051338026 + -0.305578362791137 + 0 + 0.1925051338026 + -0.305578362791137 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.199464025951072 + -0.308901232628571 + 0 + 0.200032691373403 + -0.310769739225581 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.206016400257862 + -0.310654238188858 + 0 + 0.206016400257862 + -0.310654238188858 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.213388596741011 + -0.314769361243596 + 0 + 0.213988096281577 + -0.31662820431564 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.220024595353149 + -0.316356763208947 + 0 + 0.220024595353149 + -0.316356763208947 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.225275493340509 + -0.313712889306154 + 0 + 0.225905553917407 + -0.315561597215766 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.231087817596925 + -0.312729991190678 + 0 + 0.231087817596925 + -0.312729991190678 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.238560698221893 + -0.316338063556882 + 0 + 0.239221033249108 + -0.31817617533734 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.246630984950195 + -0.321303798515987 + 0 + 0.246630984950195 + -0.321303798515987 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.252977650694198 + -0.321380552024555 + 0 + 0.253667960292064 + -0.323207617957881 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.25806700777737 + -0.318123206663287 + 0 + 0.25806700777737 + -0.318123206663287 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.263758972278673 + -0.316456571308922 + 0 + 0.264478943491825 + -0.318272153506966 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.268615181903445 + -0.312725815855527 + 0 + 0.268615181903445 + -0.312725815855527 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.272053304837405 + -0.305668732639644 + 0 + 0.27280261185992 + -0.307472405628751 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.27635882078016 + -0.300886009294673 + 0 + 0.27635882078016 + -0.300886009294673 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.282842931271584 + -0.301245781232398 + 0 + 0.283621235679122 + -0.303037132542116 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.290362831935765 + -0.30384105644792 + 0 + 0.290362831935765 + -0.30384105644792 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.296503049508985 + -0.303203585403195 + 0 + 0.297310000497873 + -0.304982216159467 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.301816243496339 + -0.300726020719846 + 0 + 0.301816243496339 + -0.300726020719846 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.307988908544354 + -0.300085116864542 + 0 + 0.308824143177746 + -0.301850642387668 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.31280889099036 + -0.296586952567721 + 0 + 0.31280889099036 + -0.296586952567721 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.315496159382554 + -0.28881734129835 + 0 + 0.316359302844186 + -0.290569391705806 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.318925547805695 + -0.282747956615763 + 0 + 0.318925547805695 + -0.282747956615763 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.324664537533973 + -0.281339903206257 + 0 + 0.32555520339243 + -0.283078124019101 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.331348564799245 + -0.281714631411929 + 0 + 0.331348564799245 + -0.281714631411929 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.336080028461476 + -0.278327512535504 + 0 + 0.336997818939039 + -0.280051565291344 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.339619553700555 + -0.272788353045691 + 0 + 0.339619553700555 + -0.272788353045691 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.344382876461511 + -0.269587095337889 + 0 + 0.345327382718176 + -0.271296658205041 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.348392670149405 + -0.265082924093477 + 0 + 0.348392670149405 + -0.265082924093477 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.35085081236385 + -0.257951588061604 + 0 + 0.351821614788896 + -0.25964635645792 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.354699221987147 + -0.25337702648471 + 0 + 0.354699221987147 + -0.25337702648471 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.361589020219088 + -0.254009347363727 + 0 + 0.362585688739126 + -0.255689034574725 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.370026153832888 + -0.257105960806143 + 0 + 0.370026153832888 + -0.257105960806143 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.376947323132166 + -0.257552148644947 + 0 + 0.377969417531301 + -0.259216486442656 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.383110724165493 + -0.256692998808542 + 0 + 0.383110724165493 + -0.256692998808542 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.390707201244638 + -0.258041802734007 + 0 + 0.391754271505199 + -0.259690541990249 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.397019272665411 + -0.257280328261175 + 0 + 0.397019272665411 + -0.257280328261175 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.401022054736625 + -0.252947819733754 + 0 + 0.402093641403394 + -0.254580731023821 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.406104835395263 + -0.250296851360014 + 0 + 0.406104835395263 + -0.250296851360014 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.414088302822276 + -0.251934544995591 + 0 + 0.415183937384979 + -0.25355141919312 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.423164644105993 + -0.255033149831342 + 0 + 0.423164644105993 + -0.255033149831342 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.429564671837387 + -0.254132989155931 + 0 + 0.430683877140206 + -0.255733638010542 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.434131137229014 + -0.250603078507021 + 0 + 0.434131137229014 + -0.250603078507021 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.439837763375363 + -0.24868668396488 + 0 + 0.440980054054084 + -0.250270940658391 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.44432543261443 + -0.245088371365246 + 0 + 0.44432543261443 + -0.245088371365246 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446660623024052 + -0.238626396394259 + 0 + 0.447825505983892 + -0.240194116061642 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.450377035719687 + -0.234112913119979 + 0 + 0.450377035719687 + -0.234112913119979 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.457408862619225 + -0.233990979141222 + 0 + 0.458595837551662 + -0.235542039351334 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.465911646115253 + -0.235695550229452 + 0 + 0.465911646115253 + -0.235695550229452 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.472177518070469 + -0.234440661286666 + 0 + 0.473386078010529 + -0.235974962475125 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477009360839531 + -0.231355794212939 + 0 + 0.477009360839531 + -0.231355794212939 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482840415261927 + -0.229520330319025 + 0 + 0.484070047223908 + -0.231037796135345 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.486353106184211 + -0.224845018313215 + 0 + 0.486353106184211 + -0.224845018313215 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.486452176257821 + -0.216132064277835 + 0 + 0.487702361904782 + -0.217632641871216 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487355857001527 + -0.208540767061362 + 0 + 0.487355857001527 + -0.208540767061362 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491299976031341 + -0.204638432687503 + 0 + 0.492570192449362 + -0.206122092863222 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.496308453553553 + -0.202001047909675 + 0 + 0.496308453553553 + -0.202001047909675 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498311082574272 + -0.195949975242072 + 0 + 0.499600803119743 + -0.19741671249878 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498450370946659 + -0.187901642858666 + 0 + 0.498450370946659 + -0.187901642858666 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.500140484852125 + -0.181716540573232 + 0 + 0.501449180197412 + -0.183166372894175 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50059165068667 + -0.174273231101137 + 0 + 0.50059165068667 + -0.174273231101137 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498923253439734 + -0.164668035818515 + 0 + 0.50025039394789 + -0.166101003137485 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498502766295665 + -0.156578684917574 + 0 + 0.498502766295665 + -0.156578684917574 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502871879036417 + -0.153674786890383 + 0 + 0.504216913191264 + -0.155090972043504 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508744001755663 + -0.152342015364273 + 0 + 0.508744001755663 + -0.152342015364273 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511958120031016 + -0.148259183427633 + 0 + 0.513320529697904 + -0.149658660889115 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514862916917211 + -0.143904025954857 + 0 + 0.514862916917211 + -0.143904025954857 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518877153967375 + -0.140705823566833 + 0 + 0.520256407459907 + -0.142088703557636 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521342934749763 + -0.135993961219062 + 0 + 0.521342934749763 + -0.135993961219062 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51991599068132 + -0.12753120102857 + 0 + 0.521311560330577 + -0.128897613345442 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520790259670081 + -0.121438518168726 + 0 + 0.520790259670081 + -0.121438518168726 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.524527197893668 + -0.118167455917081 + 0 + 0.525938561040397 + -0.119517549000419 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529675974158105 + -0.116254782423206 + 0 + 0.529675974158105 + -0.116254782423206 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530801042935851 + -0.110573399703582 + 0 + 0.532227685376252 + -0.111907336963303 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529629343856359 + -0.10284746358971 + 0 + 0.529629343856359 + -0.10284746358971 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529511023927964 + -0.0962082867728323 + 0 + 0.530952407385217 + -0.097526281839129 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.528595797736065 + -0.0889415961973827 + 0 + 0.528595797736065 + -0.0889415961973827 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.524346614499919 + -0.078797474346804 + 0 + 0.525802256682537 + -0.0800997043962984 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522131256966648 + -0.0706243701718842 + 0 + 0.522131256966648 + -0.0706243701718842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.5240794098443 + -0.0662235389530084 + 0 + 0.525548819043846 + -0.0675102144637392 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.528071570889044 + -0.0636397245237732 + 0 + 0.528071570889044 + -0.0636397245237732 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529124733926057 + -0.0585461369371996 + 0 + 0.530607417644929 + -0.059817493006685 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.528998986593143 + -0.052514552488742 + 0 + 0.528998986593143 + -0.052514552488742 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530383198099016 + -0.0478306695565018 + 0 + 0.531878652835027 + -0.0490869785941858 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529484954483856 + -0.0413001479953014 + 0 + 0.529484954483856 + -0.0413001479953014 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.524706864243558 + -0.0316639363745814 + 0 + 0.526214606920809 + -0.0329054714263701 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522260068369116 + -0.0240724410193798 + 0 + 0.522260068369116 + -0.0240724410193798 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523072838896654 + -0.0192153518955009 + 0 + 0.524592436929196 + -0.0204423478552003 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.525741995914656 + -0.0158966128559256 + 0 + 0.525741995914656 + -0.0158966128559256 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.525111335443843 + -0.00998693799403258 + 0 + 0.526642342711934 + -0.0111996679766249 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522591414915518 + -0.00266669219080294 + 0 + 0.522591414915518 + -0.00266669219080294 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52227702557762 + 0.00284211767706795 + 0 + 0.523818999864597 + 0.00164336308836937 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520508843857234 + 0.00940643312846436 + 0 + 0.520508843857234 + 0.00940643312846436 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.516633027682826 + 0.0174964659293226 + 0 + 0.51818552115874 + 0.0163113662403218 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51504754102053 + 0.0237457174441685 + 0 + 0.51504754102053 + 0.0237457174441685 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518343747547528 + 0.026259425300114 + 0 + 0.519906326125289 + 0.0250876550777809 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.524119519321334 + 0.0269211588829929 + 0 + 0.524119519321334 + 0.0269211588829929 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.527308957077282 + 0.0295107335610934 + 0 + 0.528881196888681 + 0.0283519586730863 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530249750885138 + 0.0322747199888579 + 0 + 0.530249750885138 + 0.0322747199888579 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.53458959587593 + 0.0340149038586707 + 0 + 0.536171119452562 + 0.0328688321147636 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.53724843999894 + 0.0369659871065836 + 0 + 0.53724843999894 + 0.0369659871065836 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.536490002034884 + 0.0423367833656127 + 0 + 0.538080420139273 + 0.0412030869693693 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.537444081750373 + 0.0464410943404135 + 0 + 0.537444081750373 + 0.0464410943404135 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.542815361366574 + 0.0474122392646357 + 0 + 0.544414288750889 + 0.0462905759972906 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549514390092343 + 0.0474724063464552 + 0 + 0.549514390092343 + 0.0474724063464552 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.552646109204774 + 0.0500226218897029 + 0 + 0.554253156592924 + 0.0489126237104846 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553188029887676 + 0.0543367181907798 + 0 + 0.553188029887676 + 0.0543367181907798 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555575943706936 + 0.0573569341502785 + 0 + 0.557190733462051 + 0.0562582297712931 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.556158684892702 + 0.0615767471672281 + 0 + 0.556158684892702 + 0.0615767471672281 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554789859916247 + 0.067072276407095 + 0 + 0.556412030354395 + 0.0659844987022192 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554774762938143 + 0.0716161272216867 + 0 + 0.554774762938143 + 0.0716161272216867 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.559752802347065 + 0.0728187148382134 + 0 + 0.561382030806002 + 0.0717415370932634 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.566817576847333 + 0.0726582317373806 + 0 + 0.566817576847333 + 0.0726582317373806 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.571141537406673 + 0.0743104940083888 + 0 + 0.572777483230809 + 0.0732435457780993 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.573309636726683 + 0.0773576809295762 + 0 + 0.573309636726683 + 0.0773576809295762 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.577438799221491 + 0.0791218358139479 + 0 + 0.579081116112627 + 0.0780647206382399 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.578360578545252 + 0.082933088409246 + 0 + 0.578360578545252 + 0.082933088409246 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.57606688816736 + 0.0887620413967855 + 0 + 0.577715245608658 + 0.0877143701643167 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574210495132547 + 0.0942647668340597 + 0 + 0.574210495132547 + 0.0942647668340597 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.57701630068032 + 0.0967919663448332 + 0 + 0.57867041554863 + 0.0957534090435444 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.580604793808196 + 0.0988161396819994 + 0 + 0.580604793808196 + 0.0988161396819994 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.581656183783523 + 0.102408263088403 + 0 + 0.583315738525835 + 0.10137842071071 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.579715049828847 + 0.107824804657256 + 0 + 0.579715049828847 + 0.107824804657256 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.580318431561023 + 0.111635614262074 + 0 + 0.581983151563201 + 0.110614142490573 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.578691978930992 + 0.116778575807617 + 0 + 0.578691978930992 + 0.116778575807617 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.57558355362331 + 0.122781015439132 + 0 + 0.577253140283774 + 0.121767517709078 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574267221894916 + 0.127656594779098 + 0 + 0.574267221894916 + 0.127656594779098 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.577415630863639 + 0.129810877493195 + 0 + 0.579089825262091 + 0.128805009518848 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.584205448210086 + 0.129780670324545 + 0 + 0.584205448210086 + 0.129780670324545 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.587477106934231 + 0.131859535716783 + 0 + 0.589155648167855 + 0.130860938404225 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.589553846642589 + 0.134637801129362 + 0 + 0.589553846642589 + 0.134637801129362 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.593705231298628 + 0.136179573985529 + 0 + 0.595387875367279 + 0.135187905591428 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.595585569938314 + 0.139050998572897 + 0 + 0.595585569938314 + 0.139050998572897 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.593594578629267 + 0.14416898010968 + 0 + 0.595281087546853 + 0.14318389892697 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.593088174785243 + 0.148389688148958 + 0 + 0.593088174785243 + 0.148389688148958 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.596777158152779 + 0.150155214943714 + 0 + 0.598467304171194 + 0.149176387225441 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.601728356402685 + 0.151187943228379 + 0 + 0.601728356402685 + 0.151187943228379 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.602168232969749 + 0.15481318715878 + 0 + 0.603861798741808 + 0.153840288273317 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.599491200657451 + 0.160202453256533 + 0 + 0.599491200657451 + 0.160202453256533 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.598264199848912 + 0.164732581998975 + 0 + 0.599960978240146 + 0.16376529695481 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.59507938401687 + 0.170349431259821 + 0 + 0.59507938401687 + 0.170349431259821 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.588727247491103 + 0.177726404647668 + 0 + 0.590427041315149 + 0.176764428441435 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.58447359522953 + 0.183876228188389 + 0 + 0.58447359522953 + 0.183876228188389 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.585077611404854 + 0.187261875800955 + 0 + 0.586780233109338 + 0.186304913629787 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.587834253353718 + 0.189427024086903 + 0 + 0.587834253353718 + 0.189427024086903 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.587536443782822 + 0.193291352253619 + 0 + 0.589241715105974 + 0.192339119624446 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.585492391213915 + 0.198110754578305 + 0 + 0.585492391213915 + 0.198110754578305 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.585242350528659 + 0.20191219006758 + 0 + 0.586950102146086 + 0.200964412837003 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.582256620314461 + 0.207211794099271 + 0 + 0.582256620314461 + 0.207211794099271 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.575124043074596 + 0.214775807962253 + 0 + 0.576834114221165 + 0.213832222280242 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.569648629208662 + 0.221392499605875 + 0 + 0.569648629208662 + 0.221392499605875 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.568774962031965 + 0.225454783254455 + 0 + 0.570487200136397 + 0.224515135480363 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.569723081554517 + 0.228505199935495 + 0 + 0.569723081554517 + 0.228505199935495 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.567009506628811 + 0.233545689651675 + 0 + 0.568723766939779 + 0.232609736206322 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.562193453793717 + 0.239712671553032 + 0 + 0.562193453793717 + 0.239712671553032 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.559754289247648 + 0.244564865610618 + 0 + 0.561470434474103 + 0.243632372807782 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.556055468409335 + 0.250083591499623 + 0 + 0.556055468409335 + 0.250083591499623 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549737210143874 + 0.257000535644032 + 0 + 0.551455110102167 + 0.256071279490476 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.546041540323348 + 0.262477938844547 + 0 + 0.546041540323348 + 0.262477938844547 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.547720106940932 + 0.265043491439953 + 0 + 0.549439638217404 + 0.264117257422622 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.552031703606712 + 0.266188898121796 + 0 + 0.552031703606712 + 0.266188898121796 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553727702144349 + 0.268738566849248 + 0 + 0.555448747773043 + 0.267815149711885 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55416719445753 + 0.27195661279076 + 0 + 0.55416719445753 + 0.27195661279076 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557002602592111 + 0.273886982409779 + 0 + 0.558725051744021 + 0.272966185915048 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557738636861375 + 0.276935516950796 + 0 + 0.557738636861375 + 0.276935516950796 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554802912251312 + 0.281934310306458 + 0 + 0.556526659942259 + 0.281015946999493 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553714524960958 + 0.285938438252715 + 0 + 0.553714524960958 + 0.285938438252715 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557287789298278 + 0.287458345349105 + 0 + 0.559012736111021 + 0.286542236316929 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.562568661327537 + 0.288071971957166 + 0 + 0.562568661327537 + 0.288071971957166 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.563702011579964 + 0.290883668842228 + 0 + 0.565428063404899 + 0.289969643479744 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.562109365616769 + 0.295132409924844 + 0 + 0.562109365616769 + 0.295132409924844 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.562376707791147 + 0.298390665482334 + 0 + 0.564103775582741 + 0.297478561261938 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.560927392278663 + 0.302549051412657 + 0 + 0.560927392278663 + 0.302549051412657 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.556435225610789 + 0.308303134205592 + 0 + 0.558163225160256 + 0.307392796453618 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554187584255883 + 0.312865425868417 + 0 + 0.554187584255883 + 0.312865425868417 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.556949395596505 + 0.314787134574356 + 0 + 0.558678247321418 + 0.313878416257776 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.561933565516345 + 0.315540424443896 + 0 + 0.561933565516345 + 0.315540424443896 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.563785053780183 + 0.317937698315402 + 0 + 0.565514682528827 + 0.317030459836562 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.563731725473342 + 0.32133057087475 + 0 + 0.563731725473342 + 0.32133057087475 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.565252140741162 + 0.323895178097029 + 0 + 0.566982475611961 + 0.322989287098882 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.563682337724006 + 0.328073479282803 + 0 + 0.563682337724006 + 0.328073479282803 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55758448105845 + 0.334612947248224 + 0 + 0.559315455233776 + 0.33370827843038 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.552862185949695 + 0.34042521988535 + 0 + 0.552862185949695 + 0.34042521988535 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55253208514541 + 0.343938331889818 + 0 + 0.554263635739025 + 0.343034766835505 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553822069004684 + 0.346603182646348 + 0 + 0.553822069004684 + 0.346603182646348 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.551229502762722 + 0.351289062422338 + 0 + 0.552961570680073 + 0.350386489436199 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.546367194308466 + 0.357152253825809 + 0 + 0.546367194308466 + 0.357152253825809 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.543785387083187 + 0.361822742535419 + 0 + 0.545517916893784 + 0.360921056491933 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.539830023958609 + 0.367203613916589 + 0 + 0.539830023958609 + 0.367203613916589 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.533143142461107 + 0.373999937902157 + 0 + 0.534876082282216 + 0.37309904010438 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529020281375881 + 0.379458301993825 + 0 + 0.529020281375881 + 0.379458301993825 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.53023358641705 + 0.382141317744466 + 0 + 0.531966887807968 + 0.381241115792754 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.53401359198716 + 0.38349068793634 + 0 + 0.53401359198716 + 0.38349068793634 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.535068163300618 + 0.386254263832816 + 0 + 0.53680178116683 + 0.385354671503159 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.534764946279702 + 0.389720925470666 + 0 + 0.534764946279702 + 0.389720925470666 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.536776303274749 + 0.391985762702782 + 0 + 0.538510195781297 + 0.391086699834367 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.536567644159936 + 0.395400589474748 + 0 + 0.536567644159936 + 0.395400589474748 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.532545962661087 + 0.40078983325065 + 0 + 0.534280091154543 + 0.399891225642286 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.53024607528512 + 0.405284636137486 + 0 + 0.53024607528512 + 0.405284636137486 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.532470969030517 + 0.407434243614669 + 0 + 0.534205297968972 + 0.406536022929723 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.536220312549868 + 0.408794019742968 + 0 + 0.536220312549868 + 0.408794019742968 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.535589860341801 + 0.412420934450904 + 0 + 0.537324357232335 + 0.411523038130412 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.532023177275888 + 0.417566454974539 + 0 + 0.532023177275888 + 0.417566454974539 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530194383436872 + 0.42181112048591 + 0 + 0.531929018780016 + 0.420913491669561 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526610562073264 + 0.426962739431927 + 0 + 0.526610562073264 + 0.426962739431927 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520031719452933 + 0.433662502195668 + 0 + 0.521766466693654 + 0.432765089650383 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515822890960179 + 0.439134901987676 + 0 + 0.515822890960179 + 0.439134901987676 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.516776717027939 + 0.44193623664697 + 0 + 0.518511552512731 + 0.441038994702826 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520113992268811 + 0.443504680037866 + 0 + 0.520113992268811 + 0.443504680037866 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520519276344944 + 0.446589168439202 + 0 + 0.52225417928464 + 0.4456920569325 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.519317239981351 + 0.450504417224782 + 0 + 0.519317239981351 + 0.450504417224782 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520096949994542 + 0.453394666245834 + 0 + 0.521831902432484 + 0.452497650469104 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518245483674858 + 0.457645012344267 + 0 + 0.518245483674858 + 0.457645012344267 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512327380991411 + 0.463997409532749 + 0 + 0.514062367776653 + 0.46310046019156 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508227181657904 + 0.469409631120504 + 0 + 0.508227181657904 + 0.469409631120504 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508918045509783 + 0.472344886425808 + 0 + 0.510653054275023 + 0.471447979602238 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511569887458084 + 0.474266363206931 + 0 + 0.511569887458084 + 0.474266363206931 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510624381902224 + 0.478047379391024 + 0 + 0.512359403046109 + 0.477150496513555 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507660899501499 + 0.482871482528293 + 0 + 0.507660899501499 + 0.482871482528293 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507207522536964 + 0.486397980329706 + 0 + 0.508942549209481 + 0.485501108147465 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505584333797325 + 0.490529152850905 + 0 + 0.505584333797325 + 0.490529152850905 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501413173596309 + 0.495977406645765 + 0 + 0.503148201672343 + 0.495080537178674 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499994052316792 + 0.500003074467614 + 0 + 0.499994052316792 + 0.500003074467614 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498586826403661 + 0.504022593347512 + 0 + 0.496851798327628 + 0.504919462814604 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494415666202477 + 0.509470847142459 + 0 + 0.494415666202477 + 0.509470847142459 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.492792477463689 + 0.513602019663219 + 0 + 0.491057450791171 + 0.51449889184546 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.492339100496955 + 0.517128517465769 + 0 + 0.492339100496955 + 0.517128517465769 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489375618100221 + 0.521952620600976 + 0 + 0.487640596956336 + 0.522849503478444 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488430112540909 + 0.525733636786853 + 0 + 0.488430112540909 + 0.525733636786853 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491081954490313 + 0.527655113567405 + 0 + 0.489346945725074 + 0.528552020390975 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491772818341976 + 0.53059036887282 + 0 + 0.491772818341976 + 0.53059036887282 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487672619007399 + 0.536002590461131 + 0 + 0.485937632222157 + 0.53689953980232 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481754516324994 + 0.542354987649073 + 0 + 0.481754516324994 + 0.542354987649073 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479903050005983 + 0.546605333747157 + 0 + 0.47816809756804 + 0.547502349523887 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480682760019213 + 0.549495582768189 + 0 + 0.480682760019213 + 0.549495582768189 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479480723654823 + 0.553410831554181 + 0 + 0.477745820715127 + 0.554307943060883 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479886007732604 + 0.556495319954666 + 0 + 0.479886007732604 + 0.556495319954666 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.483223282972709 + 0.558063763345959 + 0 + 0.481488447487917 + 0.558961005290102 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484177109037803 + 0.560865098006631 + 0 + 0.484177109037803 + 0.560865098006631 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479968280548001 + 0.566337497797113 + 0 + 0.47823353330728 + 0.567234910342398 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473389437925545 + 0.573037260561954 + 0 + 0.473389437925545 + 0.573037260561954 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469805616564146 + 0.578188879506828 + 0 + 0.468070981221002 + 0.579086508323177 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.467976822724151 + 0.582433545018705 + 0 + 0.467976822724151 + 0.582433545018705 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.464410139656576 + 0.587579065543199 + 0 + 0.462675642766042 + 0.58847696186369 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.463779687449978 + 0.591205980250376 + 0 + 0.463779687449978 + 0.591205980250376 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.467529030970766 + 0.592565756377928 + 0 + 0.465794702032312 + 0.593463977062873 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.46975392471345 + 0.594715363856517 + 0 + 0.46975392471345 + 0.594715363856517 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.467454037340198 + 0.599210166741947 + 0 + 0.465719908846742 + 0.600108774350311 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.463432355839429 + 0.604599410518845 + 0 + 0.463432355839429 + 0.604599410518845 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.463223696725053 + 0.608014237290587 + 0 + 0.461489804218506 + 0.608913300159002 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.465235053722482 + 0.610279074521466 + 0 + 0.465235053722482 + 0.610279074521466 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.464931836699641 + 0.613745736160311 + 0 + 0.463198218833429 + 0.614645328489968 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.465986408012301 + 0.616509312057203 + 0 + 0.465986408012301 + 0.616509312057203 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469766413583088 + 0.617858682248725 + 0 + 0.46803311219217 + 0.618758884200437 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470979718624506 + 0.620541697999236 + 0 + 0.470979718624506 + 0.620541697999236 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.466856857539385 + 0.62600006209085 + 0 + 0.465123917718276 + 0.626900959888628 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.460169976040978 + 0.632796386076889 + 0 + 0.460169976040978 + 0.632796386076889 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.45621461291878 + 0.638177257456819 + 0 + 0.454482083108183 + 0.639078943500304 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453632805691789 + 0.642847746167316 + 0 + 0.453632805691789 + 0.642847746167316 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.448770497236075 + 0.648710937571555 + 0 + 0.447038429318724 + 0.649613510557694 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.44617793099756 + 0.653396817345747 + 0 + 0.44617793099756 + 0.653396817345747 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.447467914853538 + 0.656061668103992 + 0 + 0.445736364259923 + 0.656965233158306 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.44713781405013 + 0.659574780108005 + 0 + 0.44713781405013 + 0.659574780108005 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442415518940676 + 0.665387052745498 + 0 + 0.44068454476535 + 0.666291721563342 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.436317662275131 + 0.671926520710914 + 0 + 0.436317662275131 + 0.671926520710914 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.434747859261198 + 0.676104821894999 + 0 + 0.433017524390399 + 0.677010712893146 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.436268274525976 + 0.678669429118867 + 0 + 0.436268274525976 + 0.678669429118867 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.436214946222506 + 0.682062301676452 + 0 + 0.434485317473862 + 0.682969540155292 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.438066434483147 + 0.684459575549633 + 0 + 0.438066434483147 + 0.684459575549633 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.443050604405989 + 0.685212865417596 + 0 + 0.441321752681075 + 0.686121583734176 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445812415742289 + 0.687134574125807 + 0 + 0.445812415742289 + 0.687134574125807 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.443564774390189 + 0.691696865787157 + 0 + 0.441836774840722 + 0.69260720353913 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.439072607720632 + 0.697450948580977 + 0 + 0.439072607720632 + 0.697450948580977 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.437623292211129 + 0.701609334509727 + 0 + 0.435896224419535 + 0.702521438730122 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.437890634381809 + 0.704867590069166 + 0 + 0.437890634381809 + 0.704867590069166 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.436297988418891 + 0.709116331151643 + 0 + 0.434571936593956 + 0.710030356514127 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.437431338674752 + 0.711928028034883 + 0 + 0.437431338674752 + 0.711928028034883 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442712210702459 + 0.712541654643766 + 0 + 0.440987263889716 + 0.713457763675942 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446285475041588 + 0.714061561739193 + 0 + 0.446285475041588 + 0.714061561739193 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445197087748607 + 0.718065689686848 + 0 + 0.44347334005766 + 0.718984052993813 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442261363138418 + 0.723064483042579 + 0 + 0.442261363138418 + 0.723064483042579 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442997397408658 + 0.726113017583069 + 0 + 0.441274948256748 + 0.7270338140778 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445832805542005 + 0.728043387202751 + 0 + 0.445832805542005 + 0.728043387202751 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446272297856318 + 0.73126143314366 + 0 + 0.444551252227624 + 0.732184850281024 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.447968296393298 + 0.733811101871457 + 0 + 0.447968296393298 + 0.733811101871457 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.452279893057401 + 0.734956508554207 + 0 + 0.450560361780929 + 0.735882742571538 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453958459678774 + 0.737522061147572 + 0 + 0.453958459678774 + 0.737522061147572 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.450262789854315 + 0.742999464350207 + 0 + 0.448544889896021 + 0.743928720503763 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.443944531591723 + 0.749916408493066 + 0 + 0.443944531591723 + 0.749916408493066 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.440245710754163 + 0.755435134381659 + 0 + 0.438529565527708 + 0.756367627184495 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.437806546206187 + 0.76028732844028 + 0 + 0.437806546206187 + 0.76028732844028 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.432990493371494 + 0.766454310341426 + 0 + 0.431276233060527 + 0.767390263786779 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.430276918448037 + 0.77149480005637 + 0 + 0.430276918448037 + 0.77149480005637 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.431225037968043 + 0.774545216738804 + 0 + 0.429512799863611 + 0.775484864512895 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.430351370793634 + 0.77860750038613 + 0 + 0.430351370793634 + 0.77860750038613 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.424875956925886 + 0.785224192030744 + 0 + 0.423165885779317 + 0.786167777712755 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.417743379686519 + 0.792788205893442 + 0 + 0.417743379686519 + 0.792788205893442 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.414757649470916 + 0.79808780992592 + 0 + 0.413049897853489 + 0.799035587156497 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.414507608786802 + 0.801889245414558 + 0 + 0.414507608786802 + 0.801889245414558 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.412463556216442 + 0.806708647740049 + 0 + 0.41075828489329 + 0.807660880369222 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.412165746644776 + 0.810572975907206 + 0 + 0.412165746644776 + 0.810572975907206 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.414922388595644 + 0.812738124192024 + 0 + 0.41321976689116 + 0.813695086363192 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.415526404770417 + 0.816123771804899 + 0 + 0.415526404770417 + 0.816123771804899 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.411272752508854 + 0.82227359534562 + 0 + 0.409572958684807 + 0.823235571551853 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.404920615982244 + 0.829650568733945 + 0 + 0.404920615982244 + 0.829650568733945 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.401735800152553 + 0.835267417993455 + 0 + 0.400039021761319 + 0.83623470303762 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.400508799341133 + 0.839797546737541 + 0 + 0.400508799341133 + 0.839797546737541 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.397831767030058 + 0.845186812834602 + 0 + 0.396138201257999 + 0.846159711720065 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.398271643598785 + 0.848812056764036 + 0 + 0.398271643598785 + 0.848812056764036 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.403222841847288 + 0.849844785049502 + 0 + 0.401532695828873 + 0.850823612767775 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.406911825213129 + 0.851610311845252 + 0 + 0.406911825213129 + 0.851610311845252 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.406405421370671 + 0.855831019883618 + 0 + 0.404718912453085 + 0.856816101066328 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.404414430063127 + 0.860949001419525 + 0 + 0.404414430063127 + 0.860949001419525 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.406294768702349 + 0.863820426007162 + 0 + 0.404612124633698 + 0.864812094401264 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.410446153357506 + 0.865362198863833 + 0 + 0.410446153357506 + 0.865362198863833 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.412522893065487 + 0.86814046427665 + 0 + 0.410844351831863 + 0.869139061589208 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.415794551791719 + 0.870219329667645 + 0 + 0.415794551791719 + 0.870219329667645 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.422584369136203 + 0.870189122500169 + 0 + 0.420910174737751 + 0.871194990474516 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425732778105591 + 0.87234340521387 + 0 + 0.425732778105591 + 0.87234340521387 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.424416446377285 + 0.877218984553774 + 0 + 0.422746859716821 + 0.878232482283828 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.42130802106841 + 0.883221424186017 + 0 + 0.42130802106841 + 0.883221424186017 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.419681568440371 + 0.888364385730339 + 0 + 0.418016848438193 + 0.88938585750184 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.42028495017026 + 0.892175195336559 + 0 + 0.42028495017026 + 0.892175195336559 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.418343816217031 + 0.897591736904532 + 0 + 0.416684261474718 + 0.898621579282225 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.419395206192737 + 0.90118386031068 + 0 + 0.419395206192737 + 0.90118386031068 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.422983699318737 + 0.903208033649017 + 0 + 0.421329584450427 + 0.904246590950306 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425789504866709 + 0.905735233159679 + 0 + 0.425789504866709 + 0.905735233159679 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.42393311183281 + 0.911237958596373 + 0 + 0.422284754391512 + 0.912285629828842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.421639421455178 + 0.917066911583746 + 0 + 0.421639421455178 + 0.917066911583746 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.422561200780251 + 0.920878164178196 + 0 + 0.420918883889114 + 0.921935279353904 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.42669036327251 + 0.922642319064212 + 0 + 0.42669036327251 + 0.922642319064212 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.428858462592275 + 0.925689505985563 + 0 + 0.427222516768139 + 0.926756454215852 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.433182423153033 + 0.927341768255638 + 0 + 0.433182423153033 + 0.927341768255638 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.440247197652209 + 0.927181285155532 + 0 + 0.438617969193273 + 0.928258462900482 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445225237063279 + 0.928383872770634 + 0 + 0.445225237063279 + 0.928383872770634 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445210140083335 + 0.932927723586448 + 0 + 0.443587969645187 + 0.934015501291324 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.443841315106225 + 0.938423252826763 + 0 + 0.443841315106225 + 0.938423252826763 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444424056293666 + 0.942643065842575 + 0 + 0.442809266538551 + 0.943741770221561 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446811970110558 + 0.945663281803692 + 0 + 0.446811970110558 + 0.945663281803692 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.447353890796185 + 0.949977378102901 + 0 + 0.445746843408036 + 0.951087376282119 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.45048560990724 + 0.9525275936471 + 0 + 0.45048560990724 + 0.9525275936471 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.457184638634566 + 0.952587760727841 + 0 + 0.455585711250251 + 0.953709423995186 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.462555918249647 + 0.953558905652842 + 0 + 0.462555918249647 + 0.953558905652842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.463509997965812 + 0.957663216627157 + 0 + 0.461919579861423 + 0.958796913023401 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.462751560001421 + 0.963034012886426 + 0 + 0.462751560001421 + 0.963034012886426 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.465410404124894 + 0.965985096133997 + 0 + 0.463828880548262 + 0.967131167877904 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469750249115042 + 0.967725280004285 + 0 + 0.469750249115042 + 0.967725280004285 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47269104292317 + 0.97048926643183 + 0 + 0.471118803111771 + 0.971648041319838 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.475880480677949 + 0.97307884111081 + 0 + 0.475880480677949 + 0.97307884111081 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481656252453542 + 0.973740574692357 + 0 + 0.480093673875781 + 0.97491234491469 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484952458979156 + 0.976254282549339 + 0 + 0.484952458979156 + 0.976254282549339 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.48336697231809 + 0.982503534063245 + 0 + 0.481814478842176 + 0.983688633752246 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479491156141698 + 0.990593566865618 + 0 + 0.479491156141698 + 0.990593566865618 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477722974421038 + 0.997157882317243 + 0 + 0.476181000134061 + 0.998356636905942 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477408585084053 + 1.00266669218441 + 0 + 0.477408585084053 + 1.00266669218441 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474888664557773 + 1.00998693798601 + 0 + 0.473357657289682 + 1.0111996679686 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474258004084007 + 1.01589661285025 + 0 + 0.474258004084007 + 1.01589661285025 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476927161104575 + 1.01921535188778 + 0 + 0.475407563072033 + 1.02044234784748 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477739931629466 + 1.02407244101381 + 0 + 0.477739931629466 + 1.02407244101381 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.475293135757935 + 1.03166393636661 + 0 + 0.473785393080683 + 1.0329054714184 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470515045513237 + 1.04130014799099 + 0 + 0.470515045513237 + 1.04130014799099 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469616801901533 + 1.04783066954931 + 0 + 0.468121347165522 + 1.049086978587 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.471001013406089 + 1.05251455248266 + 0 + 0.471001013406089 + 1.05251455248266 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470875266075426 + 1.0585461369292 + 0 + 0.469392582356554 + 1.05981749299868 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.471928429110532 + 1.06363972451742 + 0 + 0.471928429110532 + 1.06363972451742 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.475920590155208 + 1.06622353894671 + 0 + 0.474451180955662 + 1.06751021445744 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47786874303231 + 1.07062437016608 + 0 + 0.47786874303231 + 1.07062437016608 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.475653385500245 + 1.07879747433993 + 0 + 0.474197743317626 + 1.08009970438942 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47140420226424 + 1.08894159619037 + 0 + 0.47140420226424 + 1.08894159619037 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470488976071462 + 1.09620828676662 + 0 + 0.469047592614209 + 1.09752628183291 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470370656143892 + 1.10284746358276 + 0 + 0.470370656143892 + 1.10284746358276 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469198957064736 + 1.11057339969631 + 0 + 0.467772314624335 + 1.11190733695603 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470324025841862 + 1.1162547824165 + 0 + 0.470324025841862 + 1.1162547824165 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47547280210536 + 1.11816745591128 + 0 + 0.47406143895863 + 1.11951754899462 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479209740329589 + 1.12143851816233 + 0 + 0.479209740329589 + 1.12143851816233 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480084009319166 + 1.12753120102136 + 0 + 0.478688439669909 + 1.12889761333823 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.478657065249536 + 1.13599396121303 + 0 + 0.478657065249536 + 1.13599396121303 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481122846033377 + 1.14070582355934 + 0 + 0.479743592540846 + 1.14208870355015 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485137083082313 + 1.14390402594863 + 0 + 0.485137083082313 + 1.14390402594863 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488041879968755 + 1.14825918342113 + 0 + 0.486679470301867 + 1.14965866088261 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491255998244852 + 1.15234201535701 + 0 + 0.491255998244852 + 1.15234201535701 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497128120963149 + 1.15367478688411 + 0 + 0.495783086808302 + 1.15509097203724 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501497233706143 + 1.15657868490891 + 0 + 0.501497233706143 + 1.15657868490891 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501076746558652 + 1.16466803581353 + 0 + 0.499749606050496 + 1.1661010031325 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499408349313434 + 1.1742732310943 + 0 + 0.499408349313434 + 1.1742732310943 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499859515147689 + 1.18171654056671 + 0 + 0.498550819802402 + 1.18316637288765 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50154962905304 + 1.18790164285227 + 0 + 0.50154962905304 + 1.18790164285227 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501688917424953 + 1.19594997523623 + 0 + 0.500399196879482 + 1.19741671249294 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.503691546446887 + 1.20200104790244 + 0 + 0.503691546446887 + 1.20200104790244 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508700023967843 + 1.20463843268173 + 0 + 0.507429807549822 + 1.20612209285745 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51264414299887 + 1.20854076705416 + 0 + 0.51264414299887 + 1.20854076705416 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.513547823741137 + 1.21613206427236 + 0 + 0.512297638094176 + 1.21763264186574 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.513646893816565 + 1.22484501830555 + 0 + 0.513646893816565 + 1.22484501830555 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517159584737888 + 1.22952033031253 + 0 + 0.515929952775908 + 1.23103779612885 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522990639161711 + 1.23135579420468 + 0 + 0.522990639161711 + 1.23135579420468 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.527822481929338 + 1.2344406612802 + 0 + 0.526613921989278 + 1.23597496246866 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.534088353884077 + 1.2356955502236 + 0 + 0.534088353884077 + 1.2356955502236 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.542591137381438 + 1.23399097913363 + 0 + 0.541404162449001 + 1.23554203934375 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549622964279443 + 1.2341129131144 + 0 + 0.549622964279443 + 1.2341129131144 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553339376975974 + 1.2386263963875 + 0 + 0.552174494016134 + 1.24019411605488 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555674567385068 + 1.24508837135921 + 0 + 0.555674567385068 + 1.24508837135921 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.560162236624479 + 1.24868668395838 + 0 + 0.559019945945758 + 1.25027094065189 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.565868862771267 + 1.2506030784999 + 0 + 0.565868862771267 + 1.2506030784999 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.570435328163009 + 1.25413298914862 + 0 + 0.56931612286019 + 1.25573363800323 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.576835355893002 + 1.25503314982608 + 0 + 0.576835355893002 + 1.25503314982608 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.585911697179073 + 1.25193454498689 + 0 + 0.58481606261637 + 1.25355141918441 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.59389516460427 + 1.25029685135397 + 0 + 0.59389516460427 + 1.25029685135397 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.598977945263171 + 1.25294781972734 + 0 + 0.597906358596403 + 1.25458073101741 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.602980727335245 + 1.25728032825345 + 0 + 0.602980727335245 + 1.25728032825345 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.609292798754333 + 1.25804180272891 + 0 + 0.608245728493772 + 1.25969054198515 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.616889275835059 + 1.25669299880093 + 0 + 0.616889275835059 + 1.25669299880093 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.623052676865988 + 1.25755214864121 + 0 + 0.622030582466853 + 1.25921648643892 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.629973846167706 + 1.2571059607984 + 0 + 0.629973846167706 + 1.2571059607984 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.638410979779542 + 1.2540093473593 + 0 + 0.637414311259504 + 1.25568903457029 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.645300778013203 + 1.25337702647739 + 0 + 0.645300778013203 + 1.25337702647739 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.649149187635128 + 1.25795158805666 + 0 + 0.648178385210082 + 1.25964635645298 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.651607329850025 + 1.26508292408776 + 0 + 0.651607329850025 + 1.26508292408776 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.655617123538832 + 1.26958709533054 + 0 + 0.654672617282168 + 1.27129665819769 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.660380446298135 + 1.2727883530414 + 0 + 0.660380446298135 + 1.2727883530414 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.663919971539877 + 1.27832751252623 + 0 + 0.663002181062315 + 1.28005156528207 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.668651435200556 + 1.28171463140555 + 0 + 0.668651435200556 + 1.28171463140555 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.675335462465791 + 1.2813399032 + 0 + 0.674444796607334 + 1.28307812401284 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.681074452194359 + 1.28274795660892 + 0 + 0.681074452194359 + 1.28274795660892 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.684503840617602 + 1.2888173412913 + 0 + 0.68364069715597 + 1.29056939169876 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.68719110901017 + 1.29658695255989 + 0 + 0.68719110901017 + 1.29658695255989 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.692011091455424 + 1.30008511685827 + 0 + 0.691175856822032 + 1.3018506423814 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.698183756503095 + 1.30072602071436 + 0 + 0.698183756503095 + 1.30072602071436 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.703496950491501 + 1.3032035853954 + 0 + 0.702689999502612 + 1.30498221615168 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.709637168063905 + 1.30384105644197 + 0 + 0.709637168063905 + 1.30384105644197 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.717157068729529 + 1.3012457812231 + 0 + 0.71637876432199 + 1.30303713253282 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.723641179219024 + 1.30088600928987 + 0 + 0.723641179219024 + 1.30088600928987 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.727946695163165 + 1.30566873263156 + 0 + 0.72719738814065 + 1.30747240562067 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.731384818095268 + 1.31272581585198 + 0 + 0.731384818095268 + 1.31272581585198 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.736241027722036 + 1.31645657130042 + 0 + 0.735521056508884 + 1.31827215349847 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.741932992222597 + 1.31812320665665 + 0 + 0.741932992222597 + 1.31812320665665 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.747022349305936 + 1.32138055201749 + 0 + 0.74633203970807 + 1.32320761795081 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.75336901505008 + 1.32130379850849 + 0 + 0.75336901505008 + 1.32130379850849 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.761439301777142 + 1.31633806355285 + 0 + 0.760778966749927 + 1.31817617533331 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.768912182403063 + 1.31272999118399 + 0 + 0.768912182403063 + 1.31272999118399 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.774724506659322 + 1.31371288929991 + 0 + 0.774094446082425 + 1.31556159720953 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.779975404646217 + 1.31635676320415 + 0 + 0.779975404646217 + 1.31635676320415 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.786611403259435 + 1.31476936123547 + 0 + 0.786011903718869 + 1.31662820430752 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.793983599742144 + 1.3106542381821 + 0 + 0.793983599742144 + 1.3106542381821 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.800535974048903 + 1.30890123262194 + 0 + 0.799967308626571 + 1.31076973921895 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.807494866197526 + 1.30557836278396 + 0 + 0.807494866197526 + 1.30557836278396 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.815242875388683 + 1.2992043017984 + 0 + 0.814705303459764 + 1.30108199018758 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.822109448753179 + 1.29551048863167 + 0 + 0.822109448753179 + 1.29551048863167 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.827353038131916 + 1.29753322455201 + 0 + 0.826846805170484 + 1.29941960347852 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.831901649239775 + 1.30228955236031 + 0 + 0.831901649239775 + 1.30228955236031 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.837273609913951 + 1.30401284011531 + 0 + 0.836798947307262 + 1.30590740937386 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.843031127867617 + 1.30418213904919 + 0 + 0.843031127867617 + 1.30418213904919 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.848197618106145 + 1.30681757273771 + 0 + 0.847754742977991 + 1.30871982374283 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.853952341894228 + 1.30694913234423 + 0 + 0.853952341894228 + 1.30694913234423 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.860610089777909 + 1.30280929269949 + 0 + 0.860199204821459 + 1.30471870905486 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.866803462836032 + 1.30048120821842 + 0 + 0.866803462836032 + 1.30048120821842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.871966990150209 + 1.3030717866238 + 0 + 0.871588283470734 + 1.30498784469091 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.876853101419744 + 1.30728524583027 + 0 + 0.876853101419744 + 1.30728524583027 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.882682525583768 + 1.3065856799205 + 0 + 0.882336170551634 + 1.30850784938684 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.889056502711666 + 1.30255334814271 + 0 + 0.889056502711666 + 1.30255334814271 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.895045445177242 + 1.30036945279447 + 0 + 0.894731600291523 + 1.30229719724158 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.901296144144048 + 1.29615556856765 + 0 + 0.901296144144048 + 1.29615556856765 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.907958708816248 + 1.2885233744768 + 0 + 0.907677517579282 + 1.29045615194818 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.914127979372477 + 1.28344652809402 + 0 + 0.914127979372477 + 1.28344652809402 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.919469880454904 + 1.28405384218524 + 0 + 0.919221471258113 + 1.28599110575444 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.924501465907152 + 1.28725752343057 + 0 + 0.924501465907152 + 1.28725752343057 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.929949812300914 + 1.28711767137788 + 0 + 0.929734298322144 + 1.28905886971668 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.935578375160987 + 1.28510839855649 + 0 + 0.935578375160987 + 1.28510839855649 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.94096258626599 + 1.28524805279578 + 0 + 0.940780065378626 + 1.28719263074261 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.946599274191906 + 1.2823679299793 + 0 + 0.946599274191906 + 1.2823679299793 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.952535710127422 + 1.27485081229495 + 0 + 0.952386264821493 + 1.27679821142358 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.958203569154049 + 1.26929799431335 + 0 + 0.958203569154049 + 1.26929799431335 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.963454420666417 + 1.26905539448523 + 0 + 0.963338117981911 + 1.2710050536737 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.968587186860166 + 1.27095003886505 + 0 + 0.968587186860166 + 1.27095003886505 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.973923340943183 + 1.26873334758751 + 0 + 0.973840232416121 + 1.27068470358741 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.979298005866417 + 1.26417752799968 + 0 + 0.979298005866417 + 1.26417752799968 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.984521905142198 + 1.26237817121648 + 0 + 0.98447202676781 + 1.26433065922244 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.989736696954839 + 1.25919188314168 + 0 + 0.989736696954839 + 1.25919188314168 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.994920775385577 + 1.2530809129669 + 0 + 0.994904147609849 + 1.25503396718599 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 1 + 1.2499798172808 + 0 + 1 + 1.2499798172808 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 559b742b-f4f7-47ca-95f0-4a0afed4b048 + d2c53264-57e1-4d11-b625-5a5eefefe7c0 + dc33f043-a46c-4bbe-aa2b-e04d7f37a6de + b1dbb9a1-e34d-4d93-b860-212e9f8b0ced + 4 + 2967660d-4f75-4680-9629-20313cb4462d + Group + + + + + + + + + + + ac2bc2cb-70fb-4dd5-9c78-7e1ea97fe278 + Geometry + + + + + Contains a collection of generic geometry + true + e1c698b4-3431-4302-952c-00c96fabaaef + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26473 + -20236 + 50 + 24 + + + 26498.1 + -20224 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + -1 + + 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+ + 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Curve + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + e1c698b4-3431-4302-952c-00c96fabaaef + d2c53264-57e1-4d11-b625-5a5eefefe7c0 + dc33f043-a46c-4bbe-aa2b-e04d7f37a6de + b1dbb9a1-e34d-4d93-b860-212e9f8b0ced + 4 + d2a27807-776a-441e-b684-26a601457857 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 + Evaluate Length + + + + + Evaluate a curve at a certain factor along its length. Length factors can be supplied both in curve units and normalized units. Change the [N] parameter to toggle between the two modes. + true + c54bce76-f863-4099-a14e-9321e0103951 + Evaluate Length + Evaluate Length + + + + + + 26604 + -9561 + 144 + 64 + + + 26678 + -9529 + + + + + + Curve to evaluate + 53013e2e-3536-4aa5-a0ad-fa24fda8a938 + Curve + Curve + false + f4e07da2-cd68-471b-9952-b84924d1e457 + 1 + + + + + + 26606 + -9559 + 57 + 20 + + + 26636 + -9549 + + + + + + + + Length factor for curve evaluation + 24722de4-75c3-4700-86d1-433734729999 + Length + Length + false + 0 + + + + + + 26606 + -9539 + 57 + 20 + + + 26636 + -9529 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + If True, the Length factor is normalized (0.0 ~ 1.0) + 2a506135-e19e-4154-91b3-783d073e2458 + Normalized + Normalized + false + 0 + + + + + + 26606 + -9519 + 57 + 20 + + + 26636 + -9509 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + true + + + + + + + + + + + Point at the specified length + 33b5db9e-0c26-4bb3-9731-0b0293114ad7 + Point + Point + false + 0 + + + + + + 26693 + -9559 + 53 + 20 + + + 26721 + -9549 + + + + + + + + Tangent vector at the specified length + e1398136-342f-4480-8e0b-f7d4baf97898 + Tangent + Tangent + false + 0 + + + + + + 26693 + -9539 + 53 + 20 + + + 26721 + -9529 + + + + + + + + Curve parameter at the specified length + 31673e7b-28b6-4152-89a1-46cd563618e6 + Parameter + Parameter + false + 0 + + + + + + 26693 + -9519 + 53 + 20 + + + 26721 + -9509 + + + + + + + + + + + + fad344bc-09b1-4855-a2e6-437ef5715fe3 + YZ Plane + + + + + World YZ plane. + true + 782a7773-bbee-43f2-a3c2-805d71683cad + YZ Plane + YZ Plane + + + + + + 26627 + -9589 + 98 + 28 + + + 26677 + -9575 + + + + + + Origin of plane + 3adc20d2-23dc-46e5-995f-0572660c75b7 + Origin + Origin + false + 33b5db9e-0c26-4bb3-9731-0b0293114ad7 + 1 + + + + + + 26629 + -9587 + 33 + 24 + + + 26647 + -9575 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + World YZ plane + ee8d0ae8-46cc-4d45-a67b-9f64a9065b70 + Plane + Plane + false + 0 + + + + + + 26692 + -9587 + 31 + 24 + + + 26709 + -9575 + + + + + + + + + + + + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca + Mirror + + + + + Mirror an object. + true + 0815ca30-0ad9-49ec-b8f1-099d23705080 + Mirror + Mirror + + + + + + 26607 + -9633 + 138 + 44 + + + 26675 + -9611 + + + + + + Base geometry + 9d26ea9f-dc83-48d6-bfd7-e2d6beaae6ac + Geometry + Geometry + true + f4e07da2-cd68-471b-9952-b84924d1e457 + 1 + + + + + + 26609 + -9631 + 51 + 20 + + + 26636 + -9621 + + + + + + + + Mirror plane + 5ef8153c-c7d5-4d8d-9aef-f21fb1876b2a + Plane + Plane + false + ee8d0ae8-46cc-4d45-a67b-9f64a9065b70 + 1 + + + + + + 26609 + -9611 + 51 + 20 + + + 26636 + -9601 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + Mirrored geometry + a27e9f50-90b0-488e-935f-39b710f73f08 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26690 + -9631 + 53 + 20 + + + 26718 + -9621 + + + + + + + + Transformation data + 21cd2aa9-44ac-45a3-b33f-5491301fb6b1 + Transform + Transform + false + 0 + + + + + + 26690 + -9611 + 53 + 20 + + + 26718 + -9601 + + + + + + + + + + + + ac2bc2cb-70fb-4dd5-9c78-7e1ea97fe278 + Geometry + + + + + Contains a collection of generic geometry + true + f4e07da2-cd68-471b-9952-b84924d1e457 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 3106ca5a-8ea2-45e4-8db4-3664138a8492 + 1 + + + + + + 26651 + -9497 + 50 + 24 + + + 26676.5 + -9485.817 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + -1 + + 7dp3PNXv//jxYxRJZSWKrAaFTlS0PGlRyUiDSlZCZnbKrKQkWlaDQklmQ5KkSEZ07M2xZ4iGEn7e357vc3X7fG6/f75/ff84zz+669Hpdb3O4VyubqGwUCiUqen5x3+Gm3X6l4N7La3s7Lfa29ra28mKHzB3dLKyt9usJL9aUV5hteIa5ekPqNTVsuJbXWycXRzNN9uZuzg7mtjIiuu4mNpYme02P7XP3trcbvPatQoKyqvN1yuZKa1du1aROuOfVYT+5+Ly6ub2tubOjqfkdextTm11cXQ1Z5/+Qw7XP4txmTiaWVq5mises51l72BuZ+fiaOrEfszE2eSfB3FycrL+c588yykUhWmv/57NPYtt+oN5//zydAuFwvrLm5XycMuf5zQ+xUoRwOdHr6zRUu+t4H3TSeE5yyI5nPBtRcDv6T+3x8fysFL+c4bhv9Kf/uY/CxvjIwfVP/qgAar/3NCE+H/fkDBvylHd2ZW8byb/3NCuhacW/HND7/GxPP9e9J+Xh+3fT9P/4uZmMP7uvzf3H/Kg4igVVUV1UGPUAfVBQ9BoNBXNQWkoHR3+d/2TuD4qjlJRVVQHNUYdUB80BI1GU9EclIbS0WGU4ojro+IoFVVFdVBj1AH1QUPQaDQVzUFpKB0dRilOuD4qjlJRVVQHNUYdUB80BI1GU9EclIbS0WGU4ozro+IoFVVFdVBj1AH1QUPQaDQVzUFpKB0dRikuuD4qjlJRVVQHNUYdUB80BI1GU9EclIbS0WGU4orro+IoFVVFdVBj1AH1QUPQaDQVzUFpKB0dRiluuD4qjlJRVVQHNUYdUB80BI1GU9EclIbS0WGU4o7ro+IoFVVFdVBj1AH1QUPQaDQVzUFpKB0dRimncH1UHKWiqqgOaow6oD5oCBqNpqI5KA2lo8MoxQPXR8VRKqqK6qDGqAPqg4ag0WgqmoPSUDo6jFJO4/qoOEpFVVEd1Bh1QH3QEDQaTUVzUBpKR4dRyhlcHxVHqagqqoMaow6oDxqCRqOpaA5KQ+noMErxxPVRcZSKqqI6qDHqgPqgIWg0mormoDSUjg6jFC9cHxVHqagqqoMaow6oDxqCRqOpaA5KQ+noMErxxvVRcZSKqqI6qDHqgPqgIWg0mormoDSUjg6jjEMK8Z9zBp8O9dH8b2Gb/nhhEwXHjr9/neMXbfjPnhIjILXomwW8FJdWcbVoVfm3T4j4WrR+dYNdM9o+2gxyMM4rrFpS7KY/fGFr1O8l4hoijK75W7FvYvQCvMrd03QvWIbRHawEBKSHg0BKSJuPRWwNow+cauZq+3YVitmkWo8t2Mzor6xnFB0avQHtl2pEjtZuZfTsmDxRh+EwaPDrUTH8tpPRl/y408b/ORIup72IVTupw+j5eyrHlXrvgMG5ypel2vsYXeGa8goLx2hoMRgxXB+qz+gn3vE7dAzdA1sPtW8m2wwZnW2BeCm3bQwUe2t18smZMDp3pJpGXW8sFNs8DkjpN2N06mLeni3HH8DV3JtOI03HGX1SRff1lraH4Dkq//g92wlGByOz5jLDR6DHPfGY19CW0VXuZVn21iaA9VTw82ZnB0Zvrj7k66eXCHPmlKys2efI6PZ26/eHliSBfUuV3DEtZ3K+NMgXXqyeAjXzJIZcTVwZ/aXbY/9ZxqnAbripbSrIndH1rEo3KomkgWR86MvBCg9Gl7OYUyVQmwbpy/UsFRQ9yevcqEmJuv4EtP2XSr187M3o3cmlDuVaT0HS+xY1Y7Evo/9IsWl5POsZXJt7yU7S2Y/RKxZWcEnnPQO2yLJdvNVnGX0jz6sXW72eQ1HYVQuPbecZPVF0adq4UjrwGAtz6b3xJ/dTfL1A80s6dFXaLwrZEcDoC5V2VCsmvAD+GS3Sy+ovMrpJuuPLJNMMmPv87LFZHoGMHnzFV//FwpfglUOPk1sWxOgzX6rf21P+Elaudj3h33yF0Z2y1C7aXsyER1Ny1md1Qxhd7HbpHAHVVyC02qGetv4qo7fST6xR+f4KVD7eyFoifY1c/3U/V+/jLJh/2VbMXeQ6o2dqZz7kNXkNFHajzlzBG4x+jWveiufzs+HB6fT3lAU3GX14o1wmrTAbQg1Z9iwXDWV09Xd3L5p4vgER+eNNq2TCGD3q2wsrBaEceDRzKplvYzij/8pZO2h9MgfiLqylfdgbwegJFx7/PFyUA1vUxJepO0Qy+pr4MGUWqbdw5lKrTcD1W4zu5/jkyKHTb2F5Hofy2azbjJ58m1v0eMVb6Jw5NCLff4fR71bLrZNa+Q5WblvS6icWxeixnoonQvzewY/OY/NeyUYz+lL7IZ/EunfQ/syL5v2RdB0WDg1Xai6oV4stmm1/j9E/cfJdH/DPhe3s9lv1Be6T+9+euXFuUy6wz0m6ZJpF+vD3Ool6hTwIlTspttQihlyf4/ZK7YA8WLStXvSWQCyjH7O7td2mKQ9+HSgIfpNHOusLVjOqwnuQqRa0DXKLY3Sp1Meekf7vIUGh5taU7APyuo2rhD6qfw+8UleGeTpJ/y6979kR+XxItrOTz4p6yOjxvVe7nvjmA6XlBsfvI/GMvketZMvjynyAOk3RYpFHZH9wlOnatvwDvB7VoSxpIb2YQ/mb16kPcJmfezVLbAKjO/4Wuq1f/AEyDBrEDK0fM7oQR8TcMpECKOcwlFNYm8joI157A7ptC+CaRUqCB0sSo1d+L9S8lV0ADg3FdVQa6QLpwQ/75xaCsVHuZ617yYy+L/zwQM3RQuC9v3j2J+cU8j5aJ+dmlFwI25N5Y/cvTSXvOyGrRN+JQjgjHVptd5V0bq/Rsc2aRaAieWFh6iTpN7m1y69HFoFzzZPjgrZpjC4sk5Hu11ME7P6nH99tJL1MAeS41hXDFUmuiu17njD65sct72XOFsOxMwFvOd+Qvk00Urj1UzFIRu3d37H6KaNrm1wuWiXyEUTzVlpUxZGu9HDmufmWH+FcoEdR7cJnjJ6VdOfX1acfQejdpT39IaSvjNkwEDv5EZr7y1/O4nzO6HymsuJaO0vgB+uaSqoP6XmH11kEXS+Bbx2bDA1/kj6gGHnLtKkE4tTdeS87pTO6stCieyXLSiF/T/6jl4Okv9WfYV5qXwp6tvENbSdekPfjFdnmYxmloCwfZcDeQ/oD0VHuq5RP8Mb6ZMXC4xmMLjI0Z3yvxiegUKe+S3aSnu2yMSsh+BMILeKyFzZ/yejprhbW4dWfgF/sRu+vTtLFdTwXXplLA6P6dax5FpmMfjV3asGt1TT4eWDqxsk+0h33HXBz2kcDxTy9wCnbV4xeO6defoEbDXTG8rdaj5Du7Zxr6h9BA80Na6zS3LIYPdq62OrtKxqULX/+uWSCdHt/MbWCJhqE5wduzz73mtHvXKCuvDVFg6DT8xu9uLMZ/aSC6e4NEmVwM+HLY+6bpL/8Zi3wYEsZTCxtCDRb/IbRy428ApvNymCFgAGfbzzpyTsLWDvOlUFhlXpTqnAO2d8skp+lx5XB6ltSSr5GpL+c8ZrtYH4ZPHZYVZgSR3q3QujG911lsD/p7K8NA6SbeWzLZ+EoBxnVmewSim8Z3eh2ZBb38nKQSMjNNPYgPdeI/1zXjnIYF1NwGHtL+hbRKofg4+VwW3XF3a5Z7xjd1WqslcO/HO6dc30qs5f0ZpcyOZ24cjjIo78uJ5L0cv/BCsu86esbXbGLbyd9Ib1/3d72cqjY6dtMl81l9G8/u95zs1bAdV3HcQtX0v1OHusNF68AH8WYPZtySFfy71v6Q6UClsoHKh3hymN080r92OWGFRAwUJWRv4903nlq3StOV8DeM23bPKJID0sUOcISUQHOC/afcukjPV9ezP1xegVEjB4bTF/7ntHHfmo+lamsgBhvBdjsS/oN6PU686UCvnsrCHGUkL5IeKdD7NxKoO+jfuMTzidfz6cVWe+vrAT251p+Ruakl6e6ZrhoVMKgkcex/jTSfbVOCombV0JrzLLtzydJn5EzP+aebyW8zntS/2r3B3JOuMH79dedSkic35I5EU46D1v/LtnMSjjSY8Dp0UW6gEu46rrqSjChjlmsWlPA6Ds4lfSFRyphm1tJrIgf6UU880Sq51TBzM8K51VppK+e5yRkK1MF0Q6e5RGLC8l5VaO1vHlbFahbzjVfbku6VfqGkZXGVXCEW2eg+xXp41zn2PefrgI1M1HVeq4icp5vz793KLQKynM/rZowID1IuvbQ5rQqcKN8jNB+RPqCXoGGieIqeNDJoUIbIz2e18jxdlcV/FRYdcRLo5icEw7syxdmqYa1axvz9MNJ5xBJNnddVA1KuttsjvaQvjluWe+TtdVwuoq++YryR3J+gIGGT9rVYDCmurE7gPSbmbpjJVbVYJOlImdZR7oZy+dPSWer4fAovyDPihJGnxKZscjhTjXwXP5U1ORB+t1ZbUvmv6gGD7cdKbRi0rVNym7doVXDzPrIxG6RUkbf8Pv71Ky+apAKmt8nYUe6z5WfSw+z1UB64GIZrzekB4atOnZVpAb6Og98HOf5RPbtoEvHktbWwOm5tmURpqTnuTyLTdGqAcEP7A4Hn5EeH188Hm5RA2HqzZnCbDRGNyhIzbLyqYFgTrsEQVnSrzibuUtG1IDKDv5FkvtJd7ZVnspNq4GS8fYzG71IH/q8+rZW0fT9g9FV04ekv7PpH3zXVgPF7E49oTTSgc3XS2K8BvjMuCVrf5LuU5dYfYK/FgY7zzculSoj55bVLd5RK2tB/PGhl96apAvsVmPJ2VoLW260He50Ib0nXZD+8XAtXP8VY3UgivSvZyqi8p1qAZqUL5UXkB4bxfouKbAWNDh0LQxGSD9sp5LvF1MLMb2PEvsWlZPnJSi9YserWrA/yMHpv51002BDq7HyWlgYICez0p70ugLHiYi+WuC/Ufe2Lpz00Z2DhitZ62CLUcb5q+9Ir+FXpyQJ14GOvOGKvQOkz1JuPSi2ug6kDq23WCRYQb4vZM6u9tOoA9MH178NAOm8cpS+GqM6mDPl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+ + 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Curve + + + + + + + + + + + + + ac2bc2cb-70fb-4dd5-9c78-7e1ea97fe278 + Geometry + + + + + Contains a collection of generic geometry + true + 62f0f607-cf9f-40e4-b869-db3387e7055d + Geometry + Geometry + false + f4e07da2-cd68-471b-9952-b84924d1e457 + a27e9f50-90b0-488e-935f-39b710f73f08 + 2 + + + + + + 26651 + -9657 + 50 + 24 + + + 26676.5 + -9645 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + -1 + + 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+ + 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Curve + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + c54bce76-f863-4099-a14e-9321e0103951 + 782a7773-bbee-43f2-a3c2-805d71683cad + 0815ca30-0ad9-49ec-b8f1-099d23705080 + f4e07da2-cd68-471b-9952-b84924d1e457 + 62f0f607-cf9f-40e4-b869-db3387e7055d + 5 + dc01851b-23ed-4226-b831-0717a3a6c1bd + Group + + + + + + + + + + + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca + Mirror + + + + + Mirror an object. + true + 028f3e7e-7311-4044-ae87-e418828bf9c5 + Mirror + Mirror + + + + + + 26607 + -10320 + 138 + 44 + + + 26675 + -10298 + + + + + + Base geometry + 8536f4f5-ea85-4b98-88a4-84713a34eb59 + Geometry + Geometry + true + 9d71cbf0-19b8-4a76-9f9d-60c7a4fd2931 + 1 + + + + + + 26609 + -10318 + 51 + 20 + + + 26636 + -10308 + + + + + + + + Mirror plane + 29149b9f-a68c-4b7b-9ba0-2a3f66ad4e78 + Plane + Plane + false + ee8d0ae8-46cc-4d45-a67b-9f64a9065b70 + 1 + + + + + + 26609 + -10298 + 51 + 20 + + + 26636 + -10288 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + Mirrored geometry + 60d0ced6-4251-4e50-b498-d91814374bf4 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26690 + -10318 + 53 + 20 + + + 26718 + -10308 + + + + + + + + Transformation data + 8792e2c8-5ecd-4d83-9644-9656b3eecedf + Transform + Transform + false + 0 + + + + + + 26690 + -10298 + 53 + 20 + + + 26718 + -10288 + + + + + + + + + + + + ac2bc2cb-70fb-4dd5-9c78-7e1ea97fe278 + Geometry + + + + + Contains a collection of generic geometry + true + 9d71cbf0-19b8-4a76-9f9d-60c7a4fd2931 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 86917498-b5f0-40e4-a72b-9a2523a5cd86 + 1 + + + + + + 26651 + -10276 + 50 + 24 + + + 26676.5 + -10264.77 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + -1 + + 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+ + 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Curve + + + + + + + + + + + + + ac2bc2cb-70fb-4dd5-9c78-7e1ea97fe278 + Geometry + + + + + Contains a collection of generic geometry + true + c32e68be-b323-413f-b3c8-30913299a9cf + Geometry + Geometry + false + 9d71cbf0-19b8-4a76-9f9d-60c7a4fd2931 + 60d0ced6-4251-4e50-b498-d91814374bf4 + 2 + + + + + + 26651 + -10344 + 50 + 24 + + + 26676.5 + -10332 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + -1 + + 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+ + 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Curve + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 18990c47-633b-47ee-8fda-40ce0abb9306 + 65c12bc3-6253-4a83-8a47-ae47ecfca9e7 + 028f3e7e-7311-4044-ae87-e418828bf9c5 + 9d71cbf0-19b8-4a76-9f9d-60c7a4fd2931 + c32e68be-b323-413f-b3c8-30913299a9cf + 5 + 6321be1c-1068-4cc1-a40c-3dda47768594 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 00dea708-ad47-41a6-b2a3-35ac62847f4a + 6a94f122-c0e8-4753-8c68-dd45f9cd4ed9 + 176a91f3-ad76-4d7c-8fb3-e4e812219ec5 + db73ff42-68ac-41a5-b854-b800b4d904fc + 058315ff-ce36-405c-b5a9-4018223688c3 + 5 + 8c5e2650-120a-4d55-814c-933b94652b54 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca + Mirror + + + + + Mirror an object. + true + ab2a2c90-cd09-49ce-a5a9-85e4856eabca + Mirror + Mirror + + + + + + 26607 + -10700 + 138 + 44 + + + 26675 + -10678 + + + + + + Base geometry + 741058bc-fe92-4d7a-9288-2836a6c0decf + Geometry + Geometry + true + 570da953-4945-4659-a733-50f2e8c8591a + 1 + + + + + + 26609 + -10698 + 51 + 20 + + + 26636 + -10688 + + + + + + + + Mirror plane + ceb1f748-0835-4bd3-878d-d7563f07206c + Plane + Plane + false + ee8d0ae8-46cc-4d45-a67b-9f64a9065b70 + 1 + + + + + + 26609 + -10678 + 51 + 20 + + + 26636 + -10668 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + Mirrored geometry + ff05be9f-011c-4033-b9b5-a0715df5c5bf + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26690 + -10698 + 53 + 20 + + + 26718 + -10688 + + + + + + + + Transformation data + d7eacae5-8220-4bcd-bee3-b8223076657a + Transform + Transform + false + 0 + + + + + + 26690 + -10678 + 53 + 20 + + + 26718 + -10668 + + + + + + + + + + + + ac2bc2cb-70fb-4dd5-9c78-7e1ea97fe278 + Geometry + + + + + Contains a collection of generic geometry + true + 570da953-4945-4659-a733-50f2e8c8591a + Geometry + Geometry + false + 548cc119-a494-42c0-a532-e8329b9de982 + 1 + + + + + + 26651 + -10656 + 50 + 24 + + + 26676.5 + -10644.77 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + -1 + + 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+ + 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Curve + + + + + + + + + + + + + ac2bc2cb-70fb-4dd5-9c78-7e1ea97fe278 + Geometry + + + + + Contains a collection of generic geometry + true + d6a09425-7035-46f2-acce-996b6349cf94 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 570da953-4945-4659-a733-50f2e8c8591a + ff05be9f-011c-4033-b9b5-a0715df5c5bf + 2 + + + + + + 26651 + -10724 + 50 + 24 + + + 26676.5 + -10712 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + -1 + + 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+ + 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Curve + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 18990c47-633b-47ee-8fda-40ce0abb9306 + 65c12bc3-6253-4a83-8a47-ae47ecfca9e7 + ab2a2c90-cd09-49ce-a5a9-85e4856eabca + 570da953-4945-4659-a733-50f2e8c8591a + d6a09425-7035-46f2-acce-996b6349cf94 + 5 + 6f7f11b8-3abc-4514-93bc-c594859562da + Group + + + + + + + + + + + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca + Mirror + + + + + Mirror an object. + true + f5f501bf-fdc6-45f2-91bc-5bf0edf05783 + Mirror + Mirror + + + + + + 26607 + -11696 + 138 + 44 + + + 26675 + -11674 + + + + + + Base geometry + 9f417ba7-e146-413a-98a6-8d2fd66096ac + Geometry + Geometry + true + e10a8436-aeb9-4b1a-8a03-7ec2baddafbc + 1 + + + + + + 26609 + -11694 + 51 + 20 + + + 26636 + -11684 + + + + + + + + Mirror plane + 51af1c6d-67d0-4082-a281-4fa6770564a8 + Plane + Plane + false + ee8d0ae8-46cc-4d45-a67b-9f64a9065b70 + 1 + + + + + + 26609 + -11674 + 51 + 20 + + + 26636 + -11664 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + Mirrored geometry + c76fad66-9024-4f1e-b85f-3b2429c8c0fa + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26690 + -11694 + 53 + 20 + + + 26718 + -11684 + + + + + + + + Transformation data + de571ece-43d9-44a4-90c7-14a5d42b0bcf + Transform + Transform + false + 0 + + + + + + 26690 + -11674 + 53 + 20 + + + 26718 + -11664 + + + + + + + + + + + + ac2bc2cb-70fb-4dd5-9c78-7e1ea97fe278 + Geometry + + + + + Contains a collection of generic geometry + true + e10a8436-aeb9-4b1a-8a03-7ec2baddafbc + Geometry + Geometry + false + 5f568e2c-f87b-4190-8d09-d008ac43c51c + 1 + + + + + + 26651 + -11652 + 50 + 24 + + + 26676.03 + -11640.77 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + -1 + + 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+ + 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Curve + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 18990c47-633b-47ee-8fda-40ce0abb9306 + 65c12bc3-6253-4a83-8a47-ae47ecfca9e7 + f5f501bf-fdc6-45f2-91bc-5bf0edf05783 + e10a8436-aeb9-4b1a-8a03-7ec2baddafbc + 0803d284-9f9e-42fc-bb06-a3451029bb3e + 5 + c025e9e6-e5b9-4ed7-bb97-3965dc72718b + Group + + + + + + + + + + + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca + Mirror + + + + + Mirror an object. + true + 497550e7-c3fa-4507-af41-9a8ec89f7bc2 + Mirror + Mirror + + + + + + 26607 + -12080 + 138 + 44 + + + 26675 + -12058 + + + + + + Base geometry + f9140a84-a7f8-4401-a24e-4af205e452dd + Geometry + Geometry + true + efd4ca59-f934-47d0-82e5-67a09696bac0 + 1 + + + + + + 26609 + -12078 + 51 + 20 + + + 26636 + -12068 + + + + + + + + Mirror plane + f2609a08-abf9-4170-8109-6b7288441dda + Plane + Plane + false + ee8d0ae8-46cc-4d45-a67b-9f64a9065b70 + 1 + + + + + + 26609 + -12058 + 51 + 20 + + + 26636 + -12048 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + Mirrored geometry + f8c3ff2f-2d66-462d-ae19-81281ad6aa00 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26690 + -12078 + 53 + 20 + + + 26718 + -12068 + + + + + + + + Transformation data + 0ec1c624-3bbd-4113-9388-7c34012c90d3 + Transform + Transform + false + 0 + + + + + + 26690 + -12058 + 53 + 20 + + + 26718 + -12048 + + + + + + + + + + + + ac2bc2cb-70fb-4dd5-9c78-7e1ea97fe278 + Geometry + + + + + Contains a collection of generic geometry + true + efd4ca59-f934-47d0-82e5-67a09696bac0 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 7fdcf6b5-4e77-4c94-8e4e-fe7af6430d4e + 1 + + + + + + 26651 + -12036 + 50 + 24 + + + 26676.03 + -12024.77 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + -1 + + 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+ + 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Curve + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 18990c47-633b-47ee-8fda-40ce0abb9306 + 65c12bc3-6253-4a83-8a47-ae47ecfca9e7 + 497550e7-c3fa-4507-af41-9a8ec89f7bc2 + efd4ca59-f934-47d0-82e5-67a09696bac0 + 41f24b94-f334-4147-a389-f8afe6b87986 + 5 + 68e10601-e290-4560-8007-35f17dfbbfb9 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca + Mirror + + + + + Mirror an object. + true + af0aa0d1-b54e-4932-a956-39547e74b52f + Mirror + Mirror + + + + + + 26607 + -12632 + 138 + 44 + + + 26675 + -12610 + + + + + + Base geometry + 48db059d-7133-46ab-941e-3d9e32e02e0b + Geometry + Geometry + true + 1be2f2aa-0df2-4593-a427-82186bb422a1 + 1 + + + + + + 26609 + -12630 + 51 + 20 + + + 26636 + -12620 + + + + + + + + Mirror plane + 2ac1e1f6-73e0-48d6-a03f-3b0745621ba5 + Plane + Plane + false + ee8d0ae8-46cc-4d45-a67b-9f64a9065b70 + 1 + + + + + + 26609 + -12610 + 51 + 20 + + + 26636 + -12600 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + Mirrored geometry + e4f6a531-06af-4e31-86db-bb25f62bd724 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26690 + -12630 + 53 + 20 + + + 26718 + -12620 + + + + + + + + Transformation data + 0836bdfd-70ec-468c-a353-727623d95de6 + Transform + Transform + false + 0 + + + + + + 26690 + -12610 + 53 + 20 + + + 26718 + -12600 + + + + + + + + + + + + ac2bc2cb-70fb-4dd5-9c78-7e1ea97fe278 + Geometry + + + + + Contains a collection of generic geometry + true + 1be2f2aa-0df2-4593-a427-82186bb422a1 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 60e4b4b1-745b-4e7e-88b2-0e8296cb1111 + 1 + + + + + + 26651 + -12588 + 50 + 24 + + + 26676.03 + -12576.77 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + -1 + + 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+ + 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Curve + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 18990c47-633b-47ee-8fda-40ce0abb9306 + 65c12bc3-6253-4a83-8a47-ae47ecfca9e7 + af0aa0d1-b54e-4932-a956-39547e74b52f + 1be2f2aa-0df2-4593-a427-82186bb422a1 + 087a5d6e-85ad-437b-b2ef-1bf3ad1d917c + 5 + f723dcfc-23ba-4639-8655-62162ead21b9 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca + Mirror + + + + + Mirror an object. + true + 607e50bf-2588-4970-852b-a170c861e656 + Mirror + Mirror + + + + + + 26607 + -13012 + 138 + 44 + + + 26675 + -12990 + + + + + + Base geometry + 2f53e0bc-0940-4e9d-808c-dcee56a3a3f6 + Geometry + Geometry + true + 8c40399d-931c-4fa3-8734-a232172c83f8 + 1 + + + + + + 26609 + -13010 + 51 + 20 + + + 26636 + -13000 + + + + + + + + Mirror plane + 65f1afcf-0a43-4c29-9f21-d5aceafdc94d + Plane + Plane + false + ee8d0ae8-46cc-4d45-a67b-9f64a9065b70 + 1 + + + + + + 26609 + -12990 + 51 + 20 + + + 26636 + -12980 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + Mirrored geometry + 604f1076-befb-41ff-862e-0a4435c3eacf + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26690 + -13010 + 53 + 20 + + + 26718 + -13000 + + + + + + + + Transformation data + 0dad36d3-2188-4bdf-8f79-0d78a1ddbed4 + Transform + Transform + false + 0 + + + + + + 26690 + -12990 + 53 + 20 + + + 26718 + -12980 + + + + + + + + + + + + ac2bc2cb-70fb-4dd5-9c78-7e1ea97fe278 + Geometry + + + + + Contains a collection of generic geometry + true + 8c40399d-931c-4fa3-8734-a232172c83f8 + Geometry + Geometry + false + f09f57f7-fcf5-4ad7-8e01-f5885d26ae74 + 1 + + + + + + 26651 + -12968 + 50 + 24 + + + 26676.5 + -12956.77 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + -1 + + 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+ + 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Curve + + + + + + + + + + + + + ac2bc2cb-70fb-4dd5-9c78-7e1ea97fe278 + Geometry + + + + + Contains a collection of generic geometry + true + fb250458-df02-4dec-adc1-75b2f9f99d08 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 8c40399d-931c-4fa3-8734-a232172c83f8 + 604f1076-befb-41ff-862e-0a4435c3eacf + 2 + + + + + + 26651 + -13036 + 50 + 24 + + + 26676.5 + -13024 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + -1 + + 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+ + 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Curve + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 18990c47-633b-47ee-8fda-40ce0abb9306 + 65c12bc3-6253-4a83-8a47-ae47ecfca9e7 + 607e50bf-2588-4970-852b-a170c861e656 + 8c40399d-931c-4fa3-8734-a232172c83f8 + fb250458-df02-4dec-adc1-75b2f9f99d08 + 5 + d53e761d-18dc-4e70-9f32-35e8721aaa78 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca + Mirror + + + + + Mirror an object. + true + 7da6933d-ede4-47b7-8ca0-1220b7b37dab + Mirror + Mirror + + + + + + 26607 + -13819 + 138 + 44 + + + 26675 + -13797 + + + + + + Base geometry + c4477e71-a9c4-4d9a-ac6c-2ba2c52a3732 + Geometry + Geometry + true + d674b214-4f07-445b-be44-0a414b6fb105 + 1 + + + + + + 26609 + -13817 + 51 + 20 + + + 26636 + -13807 + + + + + + + + Mirror plane + 0b521b12-5da5-4111-98d3-e61d12a3dc33 + Plane + Plane + false + 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+ + 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Curve + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 18990c47-633b-47ee-8fda-40ce0abb9306 + 65c12bc3-6253-4a83-8a47-ae47ecfca9e7 + 7da6933d-ede4-47b7-8ca0-1220b7b37dab + d674b214-4f07-445b-be44-0a414b6fb105 + eed9ded1-725f-45c6-a65f-9fab802316e9 + 5 + 35b939b0-bf89-411e-a06d-212fdfa2c8d7 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca + Mirror + + + + + Mirror an object. + true + 65e45dd6-9b64-4e22-baa7-67d3e0ab117a + Mirror + Mirror + + + + + + 26607 + -14197 + 138 + 44 + + + 26675 + -14175 + + + + + + Base geometry + 2458ff53-190a-4380-8841-722c9906fbd7 + Geometry + Geometry + true + 802ee2c6-a0d3-407b-9aa3-fbf00dca917b + 1 + + + + + + 26609 + -14195 + 51 + 20 + + + 26636 + -14185 + + + + + + + + Mirror plane + d1f4e712-2ada-438b-bc70-96e51c832543 + Plane + Plane + false + ee8d0ae8-46cc-4d45-a67b-9f64a9065b70 + 1 + + + + + + 26609 + -14175 + 51 + 20 + + + 26636 + -14165 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + Mirrored geometry + 9561be5d-abe9-4d5a-8fe5-38685c5e4799 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26690 + -14195 + 53 + 20 + + + 26718 + -14185 + + + + + + + + Transformation data + c1832629-767e-42da-b71d-0d8edb80e659 + Transform + Transform + false + 0 + + + + + + 26690 + -14175 + 53 + 20 + + + 26718 + -14165 + + + + + + + + + + + + ac2bc2cb-70fb-4dd5-9c78-7e1ea97fe278 + Geometry + + + + + Contains a collection of generic geometry + true + 802ee2c6-a0d3-407b-9aa3-fbf00dca917b + Geometry + Geometry + false + 182bf597-c478-4eb5-8cca-2ea074f48457 + 1 + + + + + + 26651 + -14153 + 50 + 24 + + + 26676.5 + -14141.77 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + -1 + + 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+ + 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Curve + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 18990c47-633b-47ee-8fda-40ce0abb9306 + 65c12bc3-6253-4a83-8a47-ae47ecfca9e7 + 65e45dd6-9b64-4e22-baa7-67d3e0ab117a + 802ee2c6-a0d3-407b-9aa3-fbf00dca917b + 75e9e85c-bcd9-4248-a8da-73660fffbba0 + 5 + 4e1ccdc0-68cc-43c3-8aae-c959b61d0744 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca + Mirror + + + + + Mirror an object. + true + 9782e966-e0ec-444e-9ca2-8afa02dd4779 + Mirror + Mirror + + + + + + 26607 + -15026 + 138 + 44 + + + 26675 + -15004 + + + + + + Base geometry + f8abc9aa-88d6-4d0b-b8bd-a01fa67ff7fb + Geometry + Geometry + true + 78a58da9-fcb6-49b1-a0a3-2158bb40a6aa + 1 + + + + + + 26609 + -15024 + 51 + 20 + + + 26636 + -15014 + + + + + + + + Mirror plane + 39157885-9fc0-45fe-9c1d-abae0d8ba044 + Plane + Plane + false + ee8d0ae8-46cc-4d45-a67b-9f64a9065b70 + 1 + + + + + + 26609 + -15004 + 51 + 20 + + + 26636 + -14994 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + Mirrored geometry + f6caacfd-7ada-4f5e-9f26-dcdee245ea32 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26690 + -15024 + 53 + 20 + + + 26718 + -15014 + + + + + + + + Transformation data + 9d19c143-e312-4ef0-bed6-2d4f9e88fd53 + Transform + Transform + false + 0 + + + + + + 26690 + -15004 + 53 + 20 + + + 26718 + -14994 + + + + + + + + + + + + ac2bc2cb-70fb-4dd5-9c78-7e1ea97fe278 + Geometry + + + + + Contains a collection of generic geometry + true + 78a58da9-fcb6-49b1-a0a3-2158bb40a6aa + Geometry + Geometry + false + 3855edb3-eb12-4197-85e1-d9226745144d + 1 + + + + + + 26651 + -14982 + 50 + 24 + + + 26676.81 + -14970.77 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + -1 + + 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+ + 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Curve + + + + + + + + + + + + + ac2bc2cb-70fb-4dd5-9c78-7e1ea97fe278 + Geometry + + + + + Contains a collection of generic geometry + true + 7c0419c0-ce95-49d5-8e54-a63a98bce387 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 78a58da9-fcb6-49b1-a0a3-2158bb40a6aa + f6caacfd-7ada-4f5e-9f26-dcdee245ea32 + 2 + + + + + + 26651 + -15050 + 50 + 24 + + + 26676.5 + -15038 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + -1 + + 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+ + 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Curve + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 18990c47-633b-47ee-8fda-40ce0abb9306 + 65c12bc3-6253-4a83-8a47-ae47ecfca9e7 + 9782e966-e0ec-444e-9ca2-8afa02dd4779 + 78a58da9-fcb6-49b1-a0a3-2158bb40a6aa + 7c0419c0-ce95-49d5-8e54-a63a98bce387 + 5 + 20f73b53-c724-43f3-a2bc-a89739c2fb84 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 18990c47-633b-47ee-8fda-40ce0abb9306 + 65c12bc3-6253-4a83-8a47-ae47ecfca9e7 + 8debb390-db6a-4b91-9c41-47c9488ec3e1 + 1298c360-fccb-4696-933e-af40bf6f67eb + 1e2f5dac-cabf-4a17-aec3-071d637d2a2f + 5 + 36f335c2-32af-43d3-bc2c-8192b7b883a8 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca + Mirror + + + + + Mirror an object. + true + c6b18bc1-6a92-4f6c-a3b7-4da1b3eb8729 + Mirror + Mirror + + + + + + 26607 + -15404 + 138 + 44 + + + 26675 + -15382 + + + + + + Base geometry + a56c729f-b096-4d8e-b844-a36442013fb7 + Geometry + Geometry + true + 5c15e9cc-5f40-4bb1-940a-0afa68c931cd + 1 + + + + + + 26609 + -15402 + 51 + 20 + + + 26636 + -15392 + + + + + + + + Mirror plane + 984e5b41-fe9d-41d5-a559-51055be53438 + Plane + Plane + false + ee8d0ae8-46cc-4d45-a67b-9f64a9065b70 + 1 + + + + + + 26609 + -15382 + 51 + 20 + + + 26636 + -15372 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + Mirrored geometry + 8afc6aaf-c9d2-465f-97b8-6e1540e173c6 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26690 + -15402 + 53 + 20 + + + 26718 + -15392 + + + + + + + + Transformation data + 1c940451-37ae-4374-af30-d49f1786c965 + Transform + Transform + false + 0 + + + + + + 26690 + -15382 + 53 + 20 + + + 26718 + -15372 + + + + + + + + + + + + ac2bc2cb-70fb-4dd5-9c78-7e1ea97fe278 + Geometry + + + + + Contains a collection of generic geometry + true + 5c15e9cc-5f40-4bb1-940a-0afa68c931cd + Geometry + Geometry + false + a39c5758-5244-4264-955c-254729a7ef7e + 1 + + + + + + 26651 + -15360 + 50 + 24 + + + 26676.12 + -15348.77 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + -1 + + 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+ + 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Curve + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 18990c47-633b-47ee-8fda-40ce0abb9306 + 65c12bc3-6253-4a83-8a47-ae47ecfca9e7 + c6b18bc1-6a92-4f6c-a3b7-4da1b3eb8729 + 5c15e9cc-5f40-4bb1-940a-0afa68c931cd + 656438e0-b24d-468a-bfb4-8fea23344430 + 5 + b4f88bce-87b7-4994-82b8-a7f038c942da + Group + + + + + + + + + + + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca + Mirror + + + + + Mirror an object. + true + e19eb67a-c69a-4a01-aeb9-918c844d2e2c + Mirror + Mirror + + + + + + 26607 + -16122 + 138 + 44 + + + 26675 + -16100 + + + + + + Base geometry + b6d6d34a-b5ca-422c-8be2-8b31c13d50bd + Geometry + Geometry + true + d135fed7-a20c-4c5f-b5f8-fa98c62b207e + 1 + + + + + + 26609 + -16120 + 51 + 20 + + + 26636 + -16110 + + + + + + + + Mirror plane + 55a3f26b-fed5-4b9b-ba71-4e13a63717b4 + Plane + Plane + false + ee8d0ae8-46cc-4d45-a67b-9f64a9065b70 + 1 + + + + + + 26609 + -16100 + 51 + 20 + + + 26636 + -16090 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + Mirrored geometry + 8206be0c-fa7d-4b49-a516-2fe5ee5bd007 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26690 + -16120 + 53 + 20 + + + 26718 + -16110 + + + + + + + + Transformation data + 72d8aa75-5e83-4dbb-bbae-9032e83cde9d + Transform + Transform + false + 0 + + + + + + 26690 + -16100 + 53 + 20 + + + 26718 + -16090 + + + + + + + + + + + + ac2bc2cb-70fb-4dd5-9c78-7e1ea97fe278 + Geometry + + + + + Contains a collection of generic geometry + true + d135fed7-a20c-4c5f-b5f8-fa98c62b207e + Geometry + Geometry + false + 6eab838e-0ed2-4c54-81e0-d7d54d80f5ed + 1 + + + + + + 26651 + -16078 + 50 + 24 + + + 26676.12 + -16066.77 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + -1 + + 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+ + 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Curve + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 18990c47-633b-47ee-8fda-40ce0abb9306 + 65c12bc3-6253-4a83-8a47-ae47ecfca9e7 + e19eb67a-c69a-4a01-aeb9-918c844d2e2c + d135fed7-a20c-4c5f-b5f8-fa98c62b207e + 7ed462af-db4a-4941-b06f-73a8a5ab5192 + 5 + 7daa0cda-ee67-4de6-aca3-e92d0fe8ae7c + Group + + + + + + + + + + + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca + Mirror + + + + + Mirror an object. + true + 0a621d01-0a38-44e8-ae72-015f5abbd5cf + Mirror + Mirror + + + + + + 26607 + -16501 + 138 + 44 + + + 26675 + -16479 + + + + + + Base geometry + 99682030-cf85-45e0-8460-7fa6500cf9a2 + Geometry + Geometry + true + 57c3e588-5677-49ee-b396-305cf5572614 + 1 + + + + + + 26609 + -16499 + 51 + 20 + + + 26636 + -16489 + + + + + + + + Mirror plane + 2ac5284a-08a6-46fb-ac81-4e107652fe92 + Plane + Plane + false + ee8d0ae8-46cc-4d45-a67b-9f64a9065b70 + 1 + + + + + + 26609 + -16479 + 51 + 20 + + + 26636 + -16469 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + Mirrored geometry + 6cb3bff7-5ebf-4d87-bef0-5bdfb1c9d781 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26690 + -16499 + 53 + 20 + + + 26718 + -16489 + + + + + + + + Transformation data + f4de83de-5d04-465b-a35f-9e18cc7ee8ee + Transform + Transform + false + 0 + + + + + + 26690 + -16479 + 53 + 20 + + + 26718 + -16469 + + + + + + + + + + + + ac2bc2cb-70fb-4dd5-9c78-7e1ea97fe278 + Geometry + + + + + Contains a collection of generic geometry + true + 57c3e588-5677-49ee-b396-305cf5572614 + Geometry + Geometry + false + c53aff52-a605-466b-8d3e-be1273a3f101 + 1 + + + + + + 26651 + -16457 + 50 + 24 + + + 26676.5 + -16445.77 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + -1 + + 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+ + 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Curve + + + + + + + + + + + + + ac2bc2cb-70fb-4dd5-9c78-7e1ea97fe278 + Geometry + + + + + Contains a collection of generic geometry + true + fbf3ab2f-7d33-497f-846e-f757a124b34d + Geometry + Geometry + false + 57c3e588-5677-49ee-b396-305cf5572614 + 6cb3bff7-5ebf-4d87-bef0-5bdfb1c9d781 + 2 + + + + + + 26651 + -16525 + 50 + 24 + + + 26676.5 + -16513 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + -1 + + 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+ + 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Curve + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 18990c47-633b-47ee-8fda-40ce0abb9306 + 65c12bc3-6253-4a83-8a47-ae47ecfca9e7 + 0a621d01-0a38-44e8-ae72-015f5abbd5cf + 57c3e588-5677-49ee-b396-305cf5572614 + fbf3ab2f-7d33-497f-846e-f757a124b34d + 5 + 4a0e9018-47e8-4926-9fa1-067ddb25060f + Group + + + + + + + + + + + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca + Mirror + + + + + Mirror an object. + true + 7a75ce5b-01e3-4830-ad79-e4fc04be70ca + Mirror + Mirror + + + + + + 26607 + -17431 + 138 + 44 + + + 26675 + -17409 + + + + + + Base geometry + 62c4b675-2031-4d56-9a96-913493f0b36e + Geometry + Geometry + true + 12634e10-0b56-42af-a7e5-da34a783c718 + 1 + + + + + + 26609 + -17429 + 51 + 20 + + + 26636 + -17419 + + + + + + + + Mirror plane + ec757cc2-2f43-428e-a434-c76d05e15e9f + Plane + Plane + false + ee8d0ae8-46cc-4d45-a67b-9f64a9065b70 + 1 + + + + + + 26609 + -17409 + 51 + 20 + + + 26636 + -17399 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + Mirrored geometry + 4016e88a-53cf-4557-af51-f42432ac323d + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26690 + -17429 + 53 + 20 + + + 26718 + -17419 + + + + + + + + Transformation data + a521b724-e82b-4112-ae19-0453f42802d6 + Transform + Transform + false + 0 + + + + + + 26690 + -17409 + 53 + 20 + + + 26718 + -17399 + + + + + + + + + + + + ac2bc2cb-70fb-4dd5-9c78-7e1ea97fe278 + Geometry + + + + + Contains a collection of generic geometry + true + 12634e10-0b56-42af-a7e5-da34a783c718 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 696fd1f4-a205-4a74-acef-810ca31f41e9 + 1 + + + + + + 26651 + -17387 + 50 + 24 + + + 26676.53 + -17375.77 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + -1 + + 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+ + 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Curve + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 18990c47-633b-47ee-8fda-40ce0abb9306 + 65c12bc3-6253-4a83-8a47-ae47ecfca9e7 + 7a75ce5b-01e3-4830-ad79-e4fc04be70ca + 12634e10-0b56-42af-a7e5-da34a783c718 + 0c34c6da-963b-41d0-9588-6f02da80132a + 5 + e397c447-2a9b-43ef-8054-ab21c17802a6 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca + Mirror + + + + + Mirror an object. + true + 2eeb4e9d-4917-4e43-a8a7-446f990be93c + Mirror + Mirror + + + + + + 26607 + -17810 + 138 + 44 + + + 26675 + -17788 + + + + + + Base geometry + 40233baf-4806-4d2c-8306-9c4b469626b2 + Geometry + Geometry + true + 76466816-6f45-44a4-b4d6-83b4f579dbed + 1 + + + + + + 26609 + -17808 + 51 + 20 + + + 26636 + -17798 + + + + + + + + Mirror plane + 0e385950-c3c5-4de1-b6ef-352e5565e7b8 + Plane + Plane + false + ee8d0ae8-46cc-4d45-a67b-9f64a9065b70 + 1 + + + + + + 26609 + -17788 + 51 + 20 + + + 26636 + -17778 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + Mirrored geometry + d057833f-9813-45a7-8c36-4b8c377e852a + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26690 + -17808 + 53 + 20 + + + 26718 + -17798 + + + + + + + + Transformation data + 574ab2f7-0b53-476d-8639-31c0d7f09480 + Transform + Transform + false + 0 + + + + + + 26690 + -17788 + 53 + 20 + + + 26718 + -17778 + + + + + + + + + + + + ac2bc2cb-70fb-4dd5-9c78-7e1ea97fe278 + Geometry + + + + + Contains a collection of generic geometry + true + 76466816-6f45-44a4-b4d6-83b4f579dbed + Geometry + Geometry + false + 01a612a1-475a-4d35-ad2b-d8082e0b354c + 1 + + + + + + 26651 + -17766 + 50 + 24 + + + 26676.53 + -17754.77 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + -1 + + 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+ + 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Curve + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 18990c47-633b-47ee-8fda-40ce0abb9306 + 65c12bc3-6253-4a83-8a47-ae47ecfca9e7 + 2eeb4e9d-4917-4e43-a8a7-446f990be93c + 76466816-6f45-44a4-b4d6-83b4f579dbed + 467ca241-472f-437d-99fc-2833b43975dd + 5 + e5c4488d-2d01-4dcc-bcf2-0ec58b1ae29b + Group + + + + + + + + + + + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca + Mirror + + + + + Mirror an object. + true + a37ded47-3bc6-4400-aa8b-bf2d4576f4b4 + Mirror + Mirror + + + + + + 26607 + -18605 + 138 + 44 + + + 26675 + -18583 + + + + + + Base geometry + aa5a0d61-8acc-4625-b595-395ad29dc7a2 + Geometry + Geometry + true + d12c3072-f754-4eba-b505-e1d854607037 + 1 + + + + + + 26609 + -18603 + 51 + 20 + + + 26636 + -18593 + + + + + + + + Mirror plane + 7996b0c4-9fd3-420e-8426-aef05889d22f + Plane + Plane + false + ee8d0ae8-46cc-4d45-a67b-9f64a9065b70 + 1 + + + + + + 26609 + -18583 + 51 + 20 + + + 26636 + -18573 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + Mirrored geometry + a7af85b4-596c-4e56-ab99-4498aed1ee75 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26690 + -18603 + 53 + 20 + + + 26718 + -18593 + + + + + + + + Transformation data + 1529ec2e-33fb-441e-8d15-295c6e2899d8 + Transform + Transform + false + 0 + + + + + + 26690 + -18583 + 53 + 20 + + + 26718 + -18573 + + + + + + + + + + + + ac2bc2cb-70fb-4dd5-9c78-7e1ea97fe278 + Geometry + + + + + Contains a collection of generic geometry + true + d12c3072-f754-4eba-b505-e1d854607037 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 9d9eefdd-434a-42ad-943f-25736c099f2d + 1 + + + + + + 26651 + -18561 + 50 + 24 + + + 26676.53 + -18549.77 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + -1 + + 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+ + 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Curve + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 18990c47-633b-47ee-8fda-40ce0abb9306 + 65c12bc3-6253-4a83-8a47-ae47ecfca9e7 + a37ded47-3bc6-4400-aa8b-bf2d4576f4b4 + d12c3072-f754-4eba-b505-e1d854607037 + e60717c0-d9f6-43cb-a3b3-a6180077d6c0 + 5 + 54b14fac-61a9-4fd5-84a1-6be5ade97938 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca + Mirror + + + + + Mirror an object. + true + 6c69011f-4cd1-4b32-a1aa-e5c31155bb8d + Mirror + Mirror + + + + + + 26607 + -18984 + 138 + 44 + + + 26675 + -18962 + + + + + + Base geometry + 028a3112-4aae-4387-9f3a-488c73794029 + Geometry + Geometry + true + 02903ce4-ce51-4935-ac35-1a100011e926 + 1 + + + + + + 26609 + -18982 + 51 + 20 + + + 26636 + -18972 + + + + + + + + Mirror plane + f42ee7be-07b2-4e1a-a88e-ad9d23e6c93b + Plane + Plane + false + ee8d0ae8-46cc-4d45-a67b-9f64a9065b70 + 1 + + + + + + 26609 + -18962 + 51 + 20 + + + 26636 + -18952 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + Mirrored geometry + e0987f75-1609-46a1-b67c-4dc11ec5cdda + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26690 + -18982 + 53 + 20 + + + 26718 + -18972 + + + + + + + + Transformation data + c0581396-4579-4392-95e3-1d7a17d958ac + Transform + Transform + false + 0 + + + + + + 26690 + -18962 + 53 + 20 + + + 26718 + -18952 + + + + + + + + + + + + ac2bc2cb-70fb-4dd5-9c78-7e1ea97fe278 + Geometry + + + + + Contains a collection of generic geometry + true + 02903ce4-ce51-4935-ac35-1a100011e926 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 2620b078-b1a3-423c-855b-6b478e2b47aa + 1 + + + + + + 26651 + -18940 + 50 + 24 + + + 26676.5 + -18928.77 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + -1 + + 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+ + 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Curve + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 18990c47-633b-47ee-8fda-40ce0abb9306 + 65c12bc3-6253-4a83-8a47-ae47ecfca9e7 + 6c69011f-4cd1-4b32-a1aa-e5c31155bb8d + 02903ce4-ce51-4935-ac35-1a100011e926 + 9eef5449-f1ee-44c0-9334-d8d8bb6e0625 + 5 + 520cee6c-5a72-472a-b4ae-56a5146099c0 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca + Mirror + + + + + Mirror an object. + true + 7824218e-a643-407e-a295-500684a3c919 + Mirror + Mirror + + + + + + 26607 + -19821 + 138 + 44 + + + 26675 + -19799 + + + + + + Base geometry + ed25e7a1-aa00-49ba-a41f-cfd64e3b2317 + Geometry + Geometry + true + 7d745b10-48a4-40ae-b529-63a7d9f68bec + 1 + + + + + + 26609 + -19819 + 51 + 20 + + + 26636 + -19809 + + + + + + + + Mirror plane + ff7697c7-bf12-4e68-af09-fa5fd26a9522 + Plane + Plane + false + 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7dp3PNXv//jxYxRJZSWKrAaFTlS0PGlRyUiDSlZCZnbKrKQkWlaDQklmQ5KkSEZ07M2xZ4iGEn7e357vc3X7fG6/f75/ff84zz+669Hpdb3O4VyubqGwUCiUqen5x3+Gm3X6l4N7La3s7Lfa29ra28mKHzB3dLKyt9usJL9aUV5hteIa5ekPqNTVsuJbXWycXRzNN9uZuzg7mtjIiuu4mNpYme02P7XP3trcbvPatQoKyqvN1yuZKa1du1aROuOfVYT+5+Ly6ub2tubOjqfkdextTm11cXQ1Z5/+Qw7XP4txmTiaWVq5mises51l72BuZ+fiaOrEfszE2eSfB3FycrL+c588yykUhWmv/57NPYtt+oN5//zydAuFwvrLm5XycMuf5zQ+xUoRwOdHr6zRUu+t4H3TSeE5yyI5nPBtRcDv6T+3x8fysFL+c4bhv9Kf/uY/CxvjIwfVP/qgAar/3NCE+H/fkDBvylHd2ZW8byb/3NCuhacW/HND7/GxPP9e9J+Xh+3fT9P/4uZmMP7uvzf3H/Kg4igVVUV1UGPUAfVBQ9BoNBXNQWkoHR3+d/2TuD4qjlJRVVQHNUYdUB80BI1GU9EclIbS0WGU4ojro+IoFVVFdVBj1AH1QUPQaDQVzUFpKB0dRilOuD4qjlJRVVQHNUYdUB80BI1GU9EclIbS0WGU4ozro+IoFVVFdVBj1AH1QUPQaDQVzUFpKB0dRikuuD4qjlJRVVQHNUYdUB80BI1GU9EclIbS0WGU4orro+IoFVVFdVBj1AH1QUPQaDQVzUFpKB0dRiluuD4qjlJRVVQHNUYdUB80BI1GU9EclIbS0WGU4o7ro+IoFVVFdVBj1AH1QUPQaDQVzUFpKB0dRimncH1UHKWiqqgOaow6oD5oCBqNpqI5KA2lo8MoxQPXR8VRKqqK6qDGqAPqg4ag0WgqmoPSUDo6jFJO4/qoOEpFVVEd1Bh1QH3QEDQaTUVzUBpKR4dRyhlcHxVHqagqqoMaow6oDxqCRqOpaA5KQ+noMErxxPVRcZSKqqI6qDHqgPqgIWg0mormoDSUjg6jFC9cHxVHqagqqoMaow6oDxqCRqOpaA5KQ+noMErxxvVRcZSKqqI6qDHqgPqgIWg0mormoDSUjg6jjEMK8Z9zBp8O9dH8b2Gb/nhhEwXHjr9/neMXbfjPnhIjILXomwW8FJdWcbVoVfm3T4j4WrR+dYNdM9o+2gxyMM4rrFpS7KY/fGFr1O8l4hoijK75W7FvYvQCvMrd03QvWIbRHawEBKSHg0BKSJuPRWwNow+cauZq+3YVitmkWo8t2Mzor6xnFB0avQHtl2pEjtZuZfTsmDxRh+EwaPDrUTH8tpPRl/y408b/ORIup72IVTupw+j5eyrHlXrvgMG5ypel2vsYXeGa8goLx2hoMRgxXB+qz+gn3vE7dAzdA1sPtW8m2wwZnW2BeCm3bQwUe2t18smZMDp3pJpGXW8sFNs8DkjpN2N06mLeni3HH8DV3JtOI03HGX1SRff1lraH4Dkq//g92wlGByOz5jLDR6DHPfGY19CW0VXuZVn21iaA9VTw82ZnB0Zvrj7k66eXCHPmlKys2efI6PZ26/eHliSBfUuV3DEtZ3K+NMgXXqyeAjXzJIZcTVwZ/aXbY/9ZxqnAbripbSrIndH1rEo3KomkgWR86MvBCg9Gl7OYUyVQmwbpy/UsFRQ9yevcqEmJuv4EtP2XSr187M3o3cmlDuVaT0HS+xY1Y7Evo/9IsWl5POsZXJt7yU7S2Y/RKxZWcEnnPQO2yLJdvNVnGX0jz6sXW72eQ1HYVQuPbecZPVF0adq4UjrwGAtz6b3xJ/dTfL1A80s6dFXaLwrZEcDoC5V2VCsmvAD+GS3Sy+ovMrpJuuPLJNMMmPv87LFZHoGMHnzFV//FwpfglUOPk1sWxOgzX6rf21P+Elaudj3h33yF0Z2y1C7aXsyER1Ny1md1Qxhd7HbpHAHVVyC02qGetv4qo7fST6xR+f4KVD7eyFoifY1c/3U/V+/jLJh/2VbMXeQ6o2dqZz7kNXkNFHajzlzBG4x+jWveiufzs+HB6fT3lAU3GX14o1wmrTAbQg1Z9iwXDWV09Xd3L5p4vgER+eNNq2TCGD3q2wsrBaEceDRzKplvYzij/8pZO2h9MgfiLqylfdgbwegJFx7/PFyUA1vUxJepO0Qy+pr4MGUWqbdw5lKrTcD1W4zu5/jkyKHTb2F5Hofy2azbjJ58m1v0eMVb6Jw5NCLff4fR71bLrZNa+Q5WblvS6icWxeixnoonQvzewY/OY/NeyUYz+lL7IZ/EunfQ/syL5v2RdB0WDg1Xai6oV4stmm1/j9E/cfJdH/DPhe3s9lv1Be6T+9+euXFuUy6wz0m6ZJpF+vD3Ool6hTwIlTspttQihlyf4/ZK7YA8WLStXvSWQCyjH7O7td2mKQ9+HSgIfpNHOusLVjOqwnuQqRa0DXKLY3Sp1Meekf7vIUGh5taU7APyuo2rhD6qfw+8UleGeTpJ/y6979kR+XxItrOTz4p6yOjxvVe7nvjmA6XlBsfvI/GMvketZMvjynyAOk3RYpFHZH9wlOnatvwDvB7VoSxpIb2YQ/mb16kPcJmfezVLbAKjO/4Wuq1f/AEyDBrEDK0fM7oQR8TcMpECKOcwlFNYm8joI157A7ptC+CaRUqCB0sSo1d+L9S8lV0ADg3FdVQa6QLpwQ/75xaCsVHuZ617yYy+L/zwQM3RQuC9v3j2J+cU8j5aJ+dmlFwI25N5Y/cvTSXvOyGrRN+JQjgjHVptd5V0bq/Rsc2aRaAieWFh6iTpN7m1y69HFoFzzZPjgrZpjC4sk5Hu11ME7P6nH99tJL1MAeS41hXDFUmuiu17njD65sct72XOFsOxMwFvOd+Qvk00Urj1UzFIRu3d37H6KaNrm1wuWiXyEUTzVlpUxZGu9HDmufmWH+FcoEdR7cJnjJ6VdOfX1acfQejdpT39IaSvjNkwEDv5EZr7y1/O4nzO6HymsuJaO0vgB+uaSqoP6XmH11kEXS+Bbx2bDA1/kj6gGHnLtKkE4tTdeS87pTO6stCieyXLSiF/T/6jl4Okv9WfYV5qXwp6tvENbSdekPfjFdnmYxmloCwfZcDeQ/oD0VHuq5RP8Mb6ZMXC4xmMLjI0Z3yvxiegUKe+S3aSnu2yMSsh+BMILeKyFzZ/yejprhbW4dWfgF/sRu+vTtLFdTwXXplLA6P6dax5FpmMfjV3asGt1TT4eWDqxsk+0h33HXBz2kcDxTy9wCnbV4xeO6defoEbDXTG8rdaj5Du7Zxr6h9BA80Na6zS3LIYPdq62OrtKxqULX/+uWSCdHt/MbWCJhqE5wduzz73mtHvXKCuvDVFg6DT8xu9uLMZ/aSC6e4NEmVwM+HLY+6bpL/8Zi3wYEsZTCxtCDRb/IbRy428ApvNymCFgAGfbzzpyTsLWDvOlUFhlXpTqnAO2d8skp+lx5XB6ltSSr5GpL+c8ZrtYH4ZPHZYVZgSR3q3QujG911lsD/p7K8NA6SbeWzLZ+EoBxnVmewSim8Z3eh2ZBb38nKQSMjNNPYgPdeI/1zXjnIYF1NwGHtL+hbRKofg4+VwW3XF3a5Z7xjd1WqslcO/HO6dc30qs5f0ZpcyOZ24cjjIo78uJ5L0cv/BCsu86esbXbGLbyd9Ib1/3d72cqjY6dtMl81l9G8/u95zs1bAdV3HcQtX0v1OHusNF68AH8WYPZtySFfy71v6Q6UClsoHKh3hymN080r92OWGFRAwUJWRv4903nlq3StOV8DeM23bPKJID0sUOcISUQHOC/afcukjPV9ezP1xegVEjB4bTF/7ntHHfmo+lamsgBhvBdjsS/oN6PU686UCvnsrCHGUkL5IeKdD7NxKoO+jfuMTzidfz6cVWe+vrAT251p+Ruakl6e6ZrhoVMKgkcex/jTSfbVOCombV0JrzLLtzydJn5EzP+aebyW8zntS/2r3B3JOuMH79dedSkic35I5EU46D1v/LtnMSjjSY8Dp0UW6gEu46rrqSjChjlmsWlPA6Ds4lfSFRyphm1tJrIgf6UU880Sq51TBzM8K51VppK+e5yRkK1MF0Q6e5RGLC8l5VaO1vHlbFahbzjVfbku6VfqGkZXGVXCEW2eg+xXp41zn2PefrgI1M1HVeq4icp5vz793KLQKynM/rZowID1IuvbQ5rQqcKN8jNB+RPqCXoGGieIqeNDJoUIbIz2e18jxdlcV/FRYdcRLo5icEw7syxdmqYa1axvz9MNJ5xBJNnddVA1KuttsjvaQvjluWe+TtdVwuoq++YryR3J+gIGGT9rVYDCmurE7gPSbmbpjJVbVYJOlImdZR7oZy+dPSWer4fAovyDPihJGnxKZscjhTjXwXP5U1ORB+t1ZbUvmv6gGD7cdKbRi0rVNym7doVXDzPrIxG6RUkbf8Pv71Ky+apAKmt8nYUe6z5WfSw+z1UB64GIZrzekB4atOnZVpAb6Og98HOf5RPbtoEvHktbWwOm5tmURpqTnuTyLTdGqAcEP7A4Hn5EeH188Hm5RA2HqzZnCbDRGNyhIzbLyqYFgTrsEQVnSrzibuUtG1IDKDv5FkvtJd7ZVnspNq4GS8fYzG71IH/q8+rZW0fT9g9FV04ekv7PpH3zXVgPF7E49oTTSgc3XS2K8BvjMuCVrf5LuU5dYfYK/FgY7zzculSoj55bVLd5RK2tB/PGhl96apAvsVmPJ2VoLW260He50Ib0nXZD+8XAtXP8VY3UgivSvZyqi8p1qAZqUL5UXkB4bxfouKbAWNDh0LQxGSD9sp5LvF1MLMb2PEvsWlZPnJSi9YserWrA/yMHpv51002BDq7HyWlgYICez0p70ugLHiYi+WuC/Ufe2Lpz00Z2DhitZ62CLUcb5q+9Ir+FXpyQJ14GOvOGKvQOkz1JuPSi2ug6kDq23WCRYQb4vZM6u9tOoA9MH178NAOm8cpS+GqM6mDPl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+ + 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Curve + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 18990c47-633b-47ee-8fda-40ce0abb9306 + 65c12bc3-6253-4a83-8a47-ae47ecfca9e7 + 7824218e-a643-407e-a295-500684a3c919 + 7d745b10-48a4-40ae-b529-63a7d9f68bec + f4525169-1baa-4743-8535-416ac1e54f07 + 5 + ec7aa62c-0adf-4aed-a347-72aaf20557ad + Group + + + + + + + + + + + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca + Mirror + + + + + Mirror an object. + true + 3d800d42-d4b8-4b52-9540-36b665f9cbd8 + Mirror + Mirror + + + + + + 26607 + -20212 + 138 + 44 + + + 26675 + -20190 + + + + + + Base geometry + 8ef34e5c-4e18-4d48-8ad1-c2bcf28c226c + Geometry + Geometry + true + 3a5b0886-12de-43bf-be44-2b6257058b84 + 1 + + + + + + 26609 + -20210 + 51 + 20 + + + 26636 + -20200 + + + + + + + + Mirror plane + f18ad4db-92e8-480e-a3f3-3e8ccf1bcee9 + Plane + Plane + false + ee8d0ae8-46cc-4d45-a67b-9f64a9065b70 + 1 + + + + + + 26609 + -20190 + 51 + 20 + + + 26636 + -20180 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + Mirrored geometry + 2f7213bf-0161-495c-a930-900cb5d45f36 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26690 + -20210 + 53 + 20 + + + 26718 + -20200 + + + + + + + + Transformation data + c0305e31-b31e-4416-8910-fa9aa0b4d04b + Transform + Transform + false + 0 + + + + + + 26690 + -20190 + 53 + 20 + + + 26718 + -20180 + + + + + + + + + + + + ac2bc2cb-70fb-4dd5-9c78-7e1ea97fe278 + Geometry + + + + + Contains a collection of generic geometry + true + 3a5b0886-12de-43bf-be44-2b6257058b84 + Geometry + Geometry + false + e1c698b4-3431-4302-952c-00c96fabaaef + 1 + + + + + + 26651 + -20168 + 50 + 24 + + + 26676.84 + -20156.77 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + -1 + + 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+ + 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Curve + + + + + + + + + + + + + ac2bc2cb-70fb-4dd5-9c78-7e1ea97fe278 + Geometry + + + + + Contains a collection of generic geometry + true + 7ab8b9f2-ae3f-4810-8d84-0aa09f0dfd60 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 3a5b0886-12de-43bf-be44-2b6257058b84 + 2f7213bf-0161-495c-a930-900cb5d45f36 + 2 + + + + + + 26651 + -20236 + 50 + 24 + + + 26676.5 + -20224 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + -1 + + 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 + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ⵙ∣❁∣ⵙ✤ⵙ✻ⵙЭЄⵙᗩⵙߦⵙറⵙ◯ⵙ◯ⵙറⵙߦⵙᗩⵙЭЄⵙ✻ⵙ✤ⵙ∣❁∣ⵙ/ⵙᗱᗴᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᗝᗱᗴߦᗩᙏⵙᗱᗴᴥᑎ✤ᗩᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᗝᗱᗴᗯꖴᴥᗱᗴᗝⵙ옷✤∷ⵙᗝꖴⓄᙏᕤᕦꖴᔓᔕⵙᗱᗴᴥᑎ✤ᗩᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᴥᗩᗱᗴИNꖴᙁⵙ◯ⵙ◯ⵙᙁꖴИNᗱᗴᗩᴥⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗩ✤ᑎᴥᗱᗴⵙᔓᔕꖴᕤᕦᙏⓄꖴᗝⵙ∷✤옷ⵙᗝᗱᗴᴥꖴᗯᗱᗴᗝⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗩ✤ᑎᴥᗱᗴⵙᙏᗩߦᗱᗴᗝⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗱᗴⵙ/XHG.⠀ⵙᔓᔕⵙᗱᗴⵙᴥⵙᑎⵙ✤ⵙᗩⵙᗯⵙᴥⵙᑎⵙᑐᑕⵙ◯ⵙᗝⵙᗱᗴⵙߦⵙᗩⵙᙏⵙ◯ⵙ∷ⵙ◯ⵙᔓᔕⵙᗝⵙꖴⵙⓄⵙᙏⵙᕤᕦⵙꖴⵙᔓᔕⵙ◯ⵙᗝⵙᗱᗴⵙᗯⵙꖴⵙᴥⵙᗱᗴⵙᗝⵙ◯ⵙᗱᗴⵙᴥⵙᑎⵙ✤ⵙᗩⵙᗯⵙᴥⵙᑎⵙᑐᑕⵙ◯ⵙᴥⵙᗩⵙᗱᗴⵙИNⵙꖴⵙᙁⵙ⠀◯⠀ⵙ⠀◯⠀ⵙᙁⵙꖴⵙИNⵙᗱᗴⵙᗩⵙᴥⵙ◯ⵙᑐᑕⵙᑎⵙᴥⵙᗯⵙᗩⵙ✤ⵙᑎⵙᴥⵙᗱᗴⵙ◯ⵙᗝⵙᗱᗴⵙᴥⵙꖴⵙᗯⵙᗱᗴⵙᗝⵙ◯ⵙᔓᔕⵙꖴⵙᕤᕦⵙᙏⵙⓄⵙꖴⵙᗝⵙᔓᔕⵙ◯ⵙ∷ⵙ◯ⵙᙏⵙᗩⵙߦⵙᗱᗴⵙᗝⵙ◯ⵙᑐᑕⵙᑎⵙᴥⵙᗯⵙᗩⵙ✤ⵙᑎⵙᴥⵙᗱᗴⵙᔓᔕⵙ⠀.GHX b/ⵙ∣❁∣ⵙ✤ⵙ✻ⵙЭЄⵙᗩⵙߦⵙറⵙ◯ⵙ◯ⵙറⵙߦⵙᗩⵙЭЄⵙ✻ⵙ✤ⵙ∣❁∣ⵙ/ⵙᗱᗴᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᗝᗱᗴߦᗩᙏⵙᗱᗴᴥᑎ✤ᗩᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᗝᗱᗴᗯꖴᴥᗱᗴᗝⵙ옷✤∷ⵙᗝꖴⓄᙏᕤᕦꖴᔓᔕⵙᗱᗴᴥᑎ✤ᗩᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᴥᗩᗱᗴИNꖴᙁⵙ◯ⵙ◯ⵙᙁꖴИNᗱᗴᗩᴥⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗩ✤ᑎᴥᗱᗴⵙᔓᔕꖴᕤᕦᙏⓄꖴᗝⵙ∷✤옷ⵙᗝᗱᗴᴥꖴᗯᗱᗴᗝⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗩ✤ᑎᴥᗱᗴⵙᙏᗩߦᗱᗴᗝⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗱᗴⵙ/XHG.⠀ⵙᔓᔕⵙᗱᗴⵙᴥⵙᑎⵙ✤ⵙᗩⵙᗯⵙᴥⵙᑎⵙᑐᑕⵙ◯ⵙᗝⵙᗱᗴⵙߦⵙᗩⵙᙏⵙ◯ⵙ∷ⵙ◯ⵙᔓᔕⵙᗝⵙꖴⵙⓄⵙᙏⵙᕤᕦⵙꖴⵙᔓᔕⵙ◯ⵙᗝⵙᗱᗴⵙᗯⵙꖴⵙᴥⵙᗱᗴⵙᗝⵙ◯ⵙᗱᗴⵙᴥⵙᑎⵙ✤ⵙᗩⵙᗯⵙᴥⵙᑎⵙᑐᑕⵙ◯ⵙᴥⵙᗩⵙᗱᗴⵙИNⵙꖴⵙᙁⵙ⠀◯⠀ⵙ⠀◯⠀ⵙᙁⵙꖴⵙИNⵙᗱᗴⵙᗩⵙᴥⵙ◯ⵙᑐᑕⵙᑎⵙᴥⵙᗯⵙᗩⵙ✤ⵙᑎⵙᴥⵙᗱᗴⵙ◯ⵙᗝⵙᗱᗴⵙᴥⵙꖴⵙᗯⵙᗱᗴⵙᗝⵙ◯ⵙᔓᔕⵙꖴⵙᕤᕦⵙᙏⵙⓄⵙꖴⵙᗝⵙᔓᔕⵙ◯ⵙ∷ⵙ◯ⵙᙏⵙᗩⵙߦⵙᗱᗴⵙᗝⵙ◯ⵙᑐᑕⵙᑎⵙᴥⵙᗯⵙᗩⵙ✤ⵙᑎⵙᴥⵙᗱᗴⵙᔓᔕⵙ⠀.GHX index b2a66ccc..f5dab566 100644 --- a/ⵙ∣❁∣ⵙ✤ⵙ✻ⵙЭЄⵙᗩⵙߦⵙറⵙ◯ⵙ◯ⵙറⵙߦⵙᗩⵙЭЄⵙ✻ⵙ✤ⵙ∣❁∣ⵙ/ⵙᗱᗴᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᗝᗱᗴߦᗩᙏⵙᗱᗴᴥᑎ✤ᗩᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᗝᗱᗴᗯꖴᴥᗱᗴᗝⵙ옷✤∷ⵙᗝꖴⓄᙏᕤᕦꖴᔓᔕⵙᗱᗴᴥᑎ✤ᗩᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᴥᗩᗱᗴИNꖴᙁⵙ◯ⵙ◯ⵙᙁꖴИNᗱᗴᗩᴥⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗩ✤ᑎᴥᗱᗴⵙᔓᔕꖴᕤᕦᙏⓄꖴᗝⵙ∷✤옷ⵙᗝᗱᗴᴥꖴᗯᗱᗴᗝⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗩ✤ᑎᴥᗱᗴⵙᙏᗩߦᗱᗴᗝⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗱᗴⵙ/XHG.⠀ⵙᔓᔕⵙᗱᗴⵙᴥⵙᑎⵙ✤ⵙᗩⵙᗯⵙᴥⵙᑎⵙᑐᑕⵙ◯ⵙᗝⵙᗱᗴⵙߦⵙᗩⵙᙏⵙ◯ⵙ∷ⵙ◯ⵙᔓᔕⵙᗝⵙꖴⵙⓄⵙᙏⵙᕤᕦⵙꖴⵙᔓᔕⵙ◯ⵙᗝⵙᗱᗴⵙᗯⵙꖴⵙᴥⵙᗱᗴⵙᗝⵙ◯ⵙᗱᗴⵙᴥⵙᑎⵙ✤ⵙᗩⵙᗯⵙᴥⵙᑎⵙᑐᑕⵙ◯ⵙᴥⵙᗩⵙᗱᗴⵙИNⵙꖴⵙᙁⵙ⠀◯⠀ⵙ⠀◯⠀ⵙᙁⵙꖴⵙИNⵙᗱᗴⵙᗩⵙᴥⵙ◯ⵙᑐᑕⵙᑎⵙᴥⵙᗯⵙᗩⵙ✤ⵙᑎⵙᴥⵙᗱᗴⵙ◯ⵙᗝⵙᗱᗴⵙᴥⵙꖴⵙᗯⵙᗱᗴⵙᗝⵙ◯ⵙᔓᔕⵙꖴⵙᕤᕦⵙᙏⵙⓄⵙꖴⵙᗝⵙᔓᔕⵙ◯ⵙ∷ⵙ◯ⵙᙏⵙᗩⵙߦⵙᗱᗴⵙᗝⵙ◯ⵙᑐᑕⵙᑎⵙᴥⵙᗯⵙᗩⵙ✤ⵙᑎⵙᴥⵙᗱᗴⵙᔓᔕⵙ⠀.GHX +++ b/ⵙ∣❁∣ⵙ✤ⵙ✻ⵙЭЄⵙᗩⵙߦⵙറⵙ◯ⵙ◯ⵙറⵙߦⵙᗩⵙЭЄⵙ✻ⵙ✤ⵙ∣❁∣ⵙ/ⵙᗱᗴᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᗝᗱᗴߦᗩᙏⵙᗱᗴᴥᑎ✤ᗩᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᗝᗱᗴᗯꖴᴥᗱᗴᗝⵙ옷✤∷ⵙᗝꖴⓄᙏᕤᕦꖴᔓᔕⵙᗱᗴᴥᑎ✤ᗩᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᴥᗩᗱᗴИNꖴᙁⵙ◯ⵙ◯ⵙᙁꖴИNᗱᗴᗩᴥⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗩ✤ᑎᴥᗱᗴⵙᔓᔕꖴᕤᕦᙏⓄꖴᗝⵙ∷✤옷ⵙᗝᗱᗴᴥꖴᗯᗱᗴᗝⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗩ✤ᑎᴥᗱᗴⵙᙏᗩߦᗱᗴᗝⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗱᗴⵙ/XHG.⠀ⵙᔓᔕⵙᗱᗴⵙᴥⵙᑎⵙ✤ⵙᗩⵙᗯⵙᴥⵙᑎⵙᑐᑕⵙ◯ⵙᗝⵙᗱᗴⵙߦⵙᗩⵙᙏⵙ◯ⵙ∷ⵙ◯ⵙᔓᔕⵙᗝⵙꖴⵙⓄⵙᙏⵙᕤᕦⵙꖴⵙᔓᔕⵙ◯ⵙᗝⵙᗱᗴⵙᗯⵙꖴⵙᴥⵙᗱᗴⵙᗝⵙ◯ⵙᗱᗴⵙᴥⵙᑎⵙ✤ⵙᗩⵙᗯⵙᴥⵙᑎⵙᑐᑕⵙ◯ⵙᴥⵙᗩⵙᗱᗴⵙИNⵙꖴⵙᙁⵙ⠀◯⠀ⵙ⠀◯⠀ⵙᙁⵙꖴⵙИNⵙᗱᗴⵙᗩⵙᴥⵙ◯ⵙᑐᑕⵙᑎⵙᴥⵙᗯⵙᗩⵙ✤ⵙᑎⵙᴥⵙᗱᗴⵙ◯ⵙᗝⵙᗱᗴⵙᴥⵙꖴⵙᗯⵙᗱᗴⵙᗝⵙ◯ⵙᔓᔕⵙꖴⵙᕤᕦⵙᙏⵙⓄⵙꖴⵙᗝⵙᔓᔕⵙ◯ⵙ∷ⵙ◯ⵙᙏⵙᗩⵙߦⵙᗱᗴⵙᗝⵙ◯ⵙᑐᑕⵙᑎⵙᴥⵙᗯⵙᗩⵙ✤ⵙᑎⵙᴥⵙᗱᗴⵙᔓᔕⵙ⠀.GHX @@ -48,10 +48,10 @@ - -783 - 1071 + -16127 + 12828 - 0.05 + 0.619853854 @@ -68,9 +68,9 @@ - 3 + 2 - + Pufferfish, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null @@ -91,23 +91,13 @@ - - - Bengesht, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null - - - 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 - - - - - 1395 + 1567 - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 @@ -1958,7 +1948,7 @@ 248 351 - 198 + 282 20 @@ -2003,7 +1993,7 @@ 243 256 - 198 + 277 20 @@ -4155,7 +4145,7 @@ 905 -936 - 198 + 282 20 @@ -4636,7 +4626,7 @@ 927 -279 - 198 + 282 20 @@ -11092,7 +11082,7 @@ -578 1293 - 198 + 282 20 @@ -11573,7 +11563,7 @@ -556 1543 - 198 + 282 20 @@ -16568,7 +16558,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4989 -623 - 198 + 282 20 @@ -17050,7 +17040,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4956 -381 - 198 + 282 20 @@ -23712,7 +23702,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 2810 -627 - 198 + 282 20 @@ -24194,7 +24184,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 2832 -377 - 198 + 282 20 @@ -33041,13 +33031,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4967 - -1826 + -1953 50 24 4992.259 - -1814.321 + -1941.566 @@ -33074,13 +33064,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4908 - -2026 + -2154 137 64 4978 - -1994 + -2122 @@ -33099,13 +33089,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4910 - -2024 + -2152 53 30 4938 - -2009 + -2137 @@ -33126,13 +33116,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4910 - -1994 + -2122 53 30 4938 - -1979 + -2107 @@ -33152,13 +33142,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4993 - -2024 + -2152 50 20 5019.5 - -2014 + -2142 @@ -33178,13 +33168,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4993 - -2004 + -2132 50 20 5019.5 - -1994 + -2122 @@ -33204,13 +33194,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4993 - -1984 + -2112 50 20 5019.5 - -1974 + -2102 @@ -33239,13 +33229,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4920 - -1936 + -2064 125 64 4970 - -1904 + -2032 @@ -33264,13 +33254,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4922 - -1934 + -2062 33 20 4940 - -1924 + -2052 @@ -33291,13 +33281,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4922 - -1914 + -2042 33 20 4940 - -1904 + -2032 @@ -33337,13 +33327,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4922 - -1894 + -2022 33 20 4940 - -1884 + -2012 @@ -33384,13 +33374,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4985 - -1934 + -2062 58 20 5015.5 - -1924 + -2052 @@ -33411,13 +33401,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4985 - -1914 + -2042 58 20 5015.5 - -1904 + -2032 @@ -33438,13 +33428,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4985 - -1894 + -2022 58 20 5015.5 - -1884 + -2012 @@ -33478,13 +33468,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4953 - -1799 + -1927 53 24 4989.309 - -1787.931 + -1915.176 @@ -33511,13 +33501,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4920 - -2110 + -2238 114 64 4960 - -2078 + -2206 @@ -33536,13 +33526,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4922 - -2108 + -2236 23 60 4935 - -2078 + -2206 @@ -33562,13 +33552,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4975 - -2108 + -2236 57 20 5005 - -2098 + -2226 @@ -33588,13 +33578,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4975 - -2088 + -2216 57 20 5005 - -2078 + -2206 @@ -33614,13 +33604,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4975 - -2068 + -2196 57 20 5005 - -2058 + -2186 @@ -33649,13 +33639,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4938 - -2238 + -2366 100 28 4987 - -2224 + -2352 @@ -33674,13 +33664,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4940 - -2236 + -2364 32 24 4957.5 - -2224 + -2352 @@ -33700,13 +33690,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5002 - -2236 + -2364 34 24 5020.5 - -2224 + -2352 @@ -33739,13 +33729,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4920 - -2486 + -2613 150 150 4920.264 - -2485.521 + -2612.766 -1 @@ -33774,13 +33764,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4875 - -1848 - 198 + -1975 + 282 20 4875.264 - -1847.2 + -1974.445 @@ -33818,13 +33808,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4921 - -2184 + -2312 114 44 4993 - -2162 + -2290 @@ -33843,13 +33833,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4923 - -2182 + -2310 55 20 4952 - -2172 + -2300 @@ -33870,13 +33860,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4923 - -2162 + -2290 55 20 4952 - -2152 + -2280 @@ -33896,13 +33886,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5008 - -2182 + -2310 25 40 5022 - -2162 + -2290 @@ -33931,13 +33921,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4956 - -2619 + -2747 82 44 4987 - -2597 + -2725 @@ -33965,13 +33955,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4958 - -2617 + -2745 14 20 4966.5 - -2607 + -2735 @@ -33992,13 +33982,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4958 - -2597 + -2725 14 20 4966.5 - -2587 + -2715 @@ -34018,13 +34008,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5002 - -2617 + -2745 34 40 5020.5 - -2597 + -2725 @@ -34056,13 +34046,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4897 - -2644 - 198 + -2772 + 279 20 4897.074 - -2643.812 + -2771.057 @@ -34100,13 +34090,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4925 - -2564 + -2692 122 64 5005 - -2532 + -2660 @@ -34125,13 +34115,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4927 - -2562 + -2690 63 20 4968 - -2552 + -2680 @@ -34152,13 +34142,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4927 - -2542 + -2670 63 20 4968 - -2532 + -2660 @@ -34204,13 +34194,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4927 - -2522 + -2650 63 20 4968 - -2512 + -2640 @@ -34250,13 +34240,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5020 - -2562 + -2690 25 60 5034 - -2532 + -2660 @@ -34285,13 +34275,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5269 - -2282 + -2410 128 28 5322 - -2268 + -2396 @@ -34311,13 +34301,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5271 - -2280 + -2408 36 24 5290.5 - -2268 + -2396 @@ -34338,13 +34328,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5337 - -2280 + -2408 58 24 5367.5 - -2268 + -2396 @@ -34377,13 +34367,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5278 - -2501 + -2628 150 150 5278.156 - -2500.522 + -2627.767 -1 @@ -34411,13 +34401,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5320 - -2647 + -2775 82 44 5351 - -2625 + -2753 @@ -34445,13 +34435,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5322 - -2645 + -2773 14 20 5330.5 - -2635 + -2763 @@ -34472,13 +34462,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5322 - -2625 + -2753 14 20 5330.5 - -2615 + -2743 @@ -34498,13 +34488,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5366 - -2645 + -2773 34 40 5384.5 - -2625 + -2753 @@ -34535,13 +34525,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5294 - -2585 + -2713 122 64 5374 - -2553 + -2681 @@ -34560,13 +34550,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5296 - -2583 + -2711 63 20 5337 - -2573 + -2701 @@ -34587,13 +34577,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5296 - -2563 + -2691 63 20 5337 - -2553 + -2681 @@ -34639,13 +34629,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5296 - -2543 + -2671 63 20 5337 - -2533 + -2661 @@ -34685,13 +34675,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5389 - -2583 + -2711 25 60 5403 - -2553 + -2681 @@ -34724,7 +34714,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4744 - -2544 + -2671 160 274 @@ -34733,7 +34723,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 0 4744.945 - -2543.238 + -2670.483 @@ -34773,13 +34763,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5307 - -2744 + -2872 144 64 5381 - -2712 + -2840 @@ -34798,13 +34788,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5309 - -2742 + -2870 57 20 5339 - -2732 + -2860 @@ -34824,13 +34814,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5309 - -2722 + -2850 57 20 5339 - -2712 + -2840 @@ -34870,13 +34860,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5309 - -2702 + -2830 57 20 5339 - -2692 + -2820 @@ -34916,13 +34906,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5396 - -2742 + -2870 53 20 5424 - -2732 + -2860 @@ -34942,13 +34932,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5396 - -2722 + -2850 53 20 5424 - -2712 + -2840 @@ -34968,13 +34958,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5396 - -2702 + -2830 53 20 5424 - -2692 + -2820 @@ -35003,13 +34993,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5313 - -2846 + -2974 125 84 5380 - -2804 + -2932 @@ -35029,13 +35019,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5315 - -2844 + -2972 50 20 5341.5 - -2834 + -2962 @@ -35055,13 +35045,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5315 - -2824 + -2952 50 20 5341.5 - -2814 + -2942 @@ -35101,13 +35091,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5315 - -2804 + -2932 50 20 5341.5 - -2794 + -2922 @@ -35147,13 +35137,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5315 - -2784 + -2912 50 20 5341.5 - -2774 + -2902 @@ -35193,13 +35183,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5395 - -2844 + -2972 41 26 5417 - -2830.667 + -2958.667 @@ -35219,13 +35209,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5395 - -2818 + -2946 41 27 5417 - -2804 + -2932 @@ -35245,13 +35235,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5395 - -2791 + -2919 41 27 5417 - -2777.333 + -2905.333 @@ -35280,13 +35270,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4921 - -2720 + -2848 144 64 4995 - -2688 + -2816 @@ -35305,13 +35295,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4923 - -2718 + -2846 57 20 4953 - -2708 + -2836 @@ -35331,13 +35321,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4923 - -2698 + -2826 57 20 4953 - -2688 + -2816 @@ -35377,13 +35367,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4923 - -2678 + -2806 57 20 4953 - -2668 + -2796 @@ -35423,13 +35413,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5010 - -2718 + -2846 53 20 5038 - -2708 + -2836 @@ -35449,13 +35439,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5010 - -2698 + -2826 53 20 5038 - -2688 + -2816 @@ -35475,13 +35465,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5010 - -2678 + -2806 53 20 5038 - -2668 + -2796 @@ -35510,13 +35500,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4933 - -2821 + -2949 125 84 5000 - -2779 + -2907 @@ -35536,13 +35526,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4935 - -2819 + -2947 50 20 4961.5 - -2809 + -2937 @@ -35562,13 +35552,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4935 - -2799 + -2927 50 20 4961.5 - -2789 + -2917 @@ -35608,13 +35598,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4935 - -2779 + -2907 50 20 4961.5 - -2769 + -2897 @@ -35654,13 +35644,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4935 - -2759 + -2887 50 20 4961.5 - -2749 + -2877 @@ -35700,13 +35690,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5015 - -2819 + -2947 41 26 5037 - -2805.667 + -2933.667 @@ -35726,13 +35716,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5015 - -2793 + -2921 41 27 5037 - -2779 + -2907 @@ -35752,13 +35742,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5015 - -2766 + -2894 41 27 5037 - -2752.333 + -2880.333 @@ -35791,7 +35781,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5457 - -2586 + -2713 160 274 @@ -35800,7 +35790,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 0 5457.166 - -2585.513 + -2712.758 @@ -35842,13 +35832,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5325 - -1822 + -1949 50 24 5350.15 - -1810.422 + -1937.667 @@ -35875,13 +35865,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5291 - -2044 + -2172 137 64 5361 - -2012 + -2140 @@ -35900,13 +35890,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5293 - -2042 + -2170 53 30 5321 - -2027 + -2155 @@ -35927,13 +35917,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5293 - -2012 + -2140 53 30 5321 - -1997 + -2125 @@ -35953,13 +35943,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5376 - -2042 + -2170 50 20 5402.5 - -2032 + -2160 @@ -35979,13 +35969,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5376 - -2022 + -2150 50 20 5402.5 - -2012 + -2140 @@ -36005,13 +35995,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5376 - -2002 + -2130 50 20 5402.5 - -1992 + -2120 @@ -36040,13 +36030,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5304 - -1964 + -2092 125 64 5354 - -1932 + -2060 @@ -36065,13 +36055,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5306 - -1962 + -2090 33 20 5324 - -1952 + -2080 @@ -36092,13 +36082,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5306 - -1942 + -2070 33 20 5324 - -1932 + -2060 @@ -36138,13 +36128,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5306 - -1922 + -2050 33 20 5324 - -1912 + -2040 @@ -36185,13 +36175,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5369 - -1962 + -2090 58 20 5399.5 - -1952 + -2080 @@ -36212,13 +36202,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5369 - -1942 + -2070 58 20 5399.5 - -1932 + -2060 @@ -36239,13 +36229,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5369 - -1922 + -2050 58 20 5399.5 - -1912 + -2040 @@ -36278,13 +36268,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5330 - -1794 + -1921 50 24 5355.924 - -1782.577 + -1909.822 @@ -36311,13 +36301,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5300 - -2122 + -2250 114 64 5340 - -2090 + -2218 @@ -36336,13 +36326,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5302 - -2120 + -2248 23 60 5315 - -2090 + -2218 @@ -36362,13 +36352,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5355 - -2120 + -2248 57 20 5385 - -2110 + -2238 @@ -36388,13 +36378,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5355 - -2100 + -2228 57 20 5385 - -2090 + -2218 @@ -36414,13 +36404,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5355 - -2080 + -2208 57 20 5385 - -2070 + -2198 @@ -36449,13 +36439,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5301 - -2243 + -2371 100 28 5350 - -2229 + -2357 @@ -36474,13 +36464,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5303 - -2241 + -2369 32 24 5320.5 - -2229 + -2357 @@ -36500,13 +36490,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5365 - -2241 + -2369 34 24 5383.5 - -2229 + -2357 @@ -36536,13 +36526,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5246 - -1846 - 198 + -1974 + 282 20 5246.149 - -1845.847 + -1973.092 @@ -36580,13 +36570,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5297 - -2192 + -2320 114 44 5369 - -2170 + -2298 @@ -36605,13 +36595,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5299 - -2190 + -2318 55 20 5328 - -2180 + -2308 @@ -36632,13 +36622,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5299 - -2170 + -2298 55 20 5328 - -2160 + -2288 @@ -36658,13 +36648,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5384 - -2190 + -2318 25 40 5398 - -2170 + -2298 @@ -36778,13 +36768,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5714 - -2272 + -2400 128 28 5767 - -2258 + -2386 @@ -36804,13 +36794,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5716 - -2270 + -2398 36 24 5735.5 - -2258 + -2386 @@ -36831,13 +36821,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5782 - -2270 + -2398 58 24 5812.5 - -2258 + -2386 @@ -36870,13 +36860,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5705 - -2532 + -2659 150 150 5705.544 - -2531.672 + -2658.917 -1 @@ -36904,13 +36894,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5737 - -2638 + -2766 82 44 5768 - -2616 + -2744 @@ -36938,13 +36928,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5739 - -2636 + -2764 14 20 5747.5 - -2626 + -2754 @@ -36965,13 +36955,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5739 - -2616 + -2744 14 20 5747.5 - -2606 + -2734 @@ -36991,13 +36981,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5783 - -2636 + -2764 34 40 5801.5 - -2616 + -2744 @@ -37029,13 +37019,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5671 - -2652 - 198 + -2780 + 277 20 5671.749 - -2651.812 + -2779.057 @@ -37073,13 +37063,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5718 - -2583 + -2711 122 64 5798 - -2551 + -2679 @@ -37098,13 +37088,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5720 - -2581 + -2709 63 20 5761 - -2571 + -2699 @@ -37125,13 +37115,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5720 - -2561 + -2689 63 20 5761 - -2551 + -2679 @@ -37177,13 +37167,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5720 - -2541 + -2669 63 20 5761 - -2531 + -2659 @@ -37223,13 +37213,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5813 - -2581 + -2709 25 60 5827 - -2551 + -2679 @@ -37258,13 +37248,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5731 - -2742 + -2870 144 64 5805 - -2710 + -2838 @@ -37283,13 +37273,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5733 - -2740 + -2868 57 20 5763 - -2730 + -2858 @@ -37309,13 +37299,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5733 - -2720 + -2848 57 20 5763 - -2710 + -2838 @@ -37355,13 +37345,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5733 - -2700 + -2828 57 20 5763 - -2690 + -2818 @@ -37401,13 +37391,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5820 - -2740 + -2868 53 20 5848 - -2730 + -2858 @@ -37427,13 +37417,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5820 - -2720 + -2848 53 20 5848 - -2710 + -2838 @@ -37453,13 +37443,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5820 - -2700 + -2828 53 20 5848 - -2690 + -2818 @@ -37488,13 +37478,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5737 - -2844 + -2972 125 84 5804 - -2802 + -2930 @@ -37514,13 +37504,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5739 - -2842 + -2970 50 20 5765.5 - -2832 + -2960 @@ -37540,13 +37530,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5739 - -2822 + -2950 50 20 5765.5 - -2812 + -2940 @@ -37586,13 +37576,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5739 - -2802 + -2930 50 20 5765.5 - -2792 + -2920 @@ -37632,13 +37622,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5739 - -2782 + -2910 50 20 5765.5 - -2772 + -2900 @@ -37678,13 +37668,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5819 - -2842 + -2970 41 26 5841 - -2828.667 + -2956.667 @@ -37704,13 +37694,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5819 - -2816 + -2944 41 27 5841 - -2802 + -2930 @@ -37730,13 +37720,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5819 - -2789 + -2917 41 27 5841 - -2775.333 + -2903.333 @@ -37769,7 +37759,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5915 - -2599 + -2727 160 274 @@ -37778,7 +37768,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 0 5915.299 - -2598.879 + -2726.124 @@ -37820,13 +37810,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5750 - -1819 + -1947 50 24 5775.657 - -1807.783 + -1935.028 @@ -37853,13 +37843,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5709 - -2010 + -2138 137 64 5779 - -1978 + -2106 @@ -37878,13 +37868,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5711 - -2008 + -2136 53 30 5739 - -1993 + -2121 @@ -37905,13 +37895,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5711 - -1978 + -2106 53 30 5739 - -1963 + -2091 @@ -37931,13 +37921,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5794 - -2008 + -2136 50 20 5820.5 - -1998 + -2126 @@ -37957,13 +37947,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5794 - -1988 + -2116 50 20 5820.5 - -1978 + -2106 @@ -37983,13 +37973,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5794 - -1968 + -2096 50 20 5820.5 - -1958 + -2086 @@ -38018,13 +38008,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5725 - -1933 + -2061 125 64 5775 - -1901 + -2029 @@ -38043,13 +38033,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5727 - -1931 + -2059 33 20 5745 - -1921 + -2049 @@ -38070,13 +38060,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5727 - -1911 + -2039 33 20 5745 - -1901 + -2029 @@ -38116,13 +38106,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5727 - -1891 + -2019 33 20 5745 - -1881 + -2009 @@ -38163,13 +38153,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5790 - -1931 + -2059 58 20 5820.5 - -1921 + -2049 @@ -38190,13 +38180,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5790 - -1911 + -2039 58 20 5820.5 - -1901 + -2029 @@ -38217,13 +38207,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5790 - -1891 + -2019 58 20 5820.5 - -1881 + -2009 @@ -38255,13 +38245,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5756 - -1791 + -1919 50 24 5781.431 - -1779.938 + -1907.183 @@ -38288,13 +38278,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5729 - -2081 + -2209 114 64 5769 - -2049 + -2177 @@ -38313,13 +38303,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5731 - -2079 + -2207 23 60 5744 - -2049 + -2177 @@ -38339,13 +38329,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5784 - -2079 + -2207 57 20 5814 - -2069 + -2197 @@ -38365,13 +38355,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5784 - -2059 + -2187 57 20 5814 - -2049 + -2177 @@ -38391,13 +38381,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5784 - -2039 + -2167 57 20 5814 - -2029 + -2157 @@ -38426,13 +38416,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5736 - -2205 + -2333 100 28 5785 - -2191 + -2319 @@ -38451,13 +38441,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5738 - -2203 + -2331 32 24 5755.5 - -2191 + -2319 @@ -38477,13 +38467,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5800 - -2203 + -2331 34 24 5818.5 - -2191 + -2319 @@ -38513,13 +38503,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5671 - -1844 - 198 + -1971 + 282 20 5671.656 - -1843.208 + -1970.453 @@ -38557,13 +38547,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5722 - -2155 + -2283 114 44 5794 - -2133 + -2261 @@ -38582,13 +38572,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5724 - -2153 + -2281 55 20 5753 - -2143 + -2271 @@ -38609,13 +38599,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5724 - -2133 + -2261 55 20 5753 - -2123 + -2251 @@ -38635,13 +38625,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5809 - -2153 + -2281 25 40 5823 - -2133 + -2261 @@ -38710,13 +38700,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5719 - -2237 + -2365 128 28 5772 - -2223 + -2351 @@ -38736,13 +38726,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5721 - -2235 + -2363 36 24 5740.5 - -2223 + -2351 @@ -38763,13 +38753,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5787 - -2235 + -2363 58 24 5817.5 - -2223 + -2351 @@ -38800,13 +38790,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5270 - -1697 + -1824 50 24 5295.486 - -1685.464 + -1812.709 @@ -38834,13 +38824,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5194 - -1729 - 198 + -1856 + 287 20 5194.07 - -1728.643 + -1855.888 @@ -38878,13 +38868,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6132 - -2267 + -2395 128 28 6185 - -2253 + -2381 @@ -38904,13 +38894,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6134 - -2265 + -2393 36 24 6153.5 - -2253 + -2381 @@ -38931,13 +38921,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6200 - -2265 + -2393 58 24 6230.5 - -2253 + -2381 @@ -38970,13 +38960,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6125 - -2520 + -2647 150 150 6125.447 - -2519.031 + -2646.276 -1 @@ -39004,13 +38994,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6152 - -2645 + -2773 82 44 6183 - -2623 + -2751 @@ -39038,13 +39028,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6154 - -2643 + -2771 14 20 6162.5 - -2633 + -2761 @@ -39065,13 +39055,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6154 - -2623 + -2751 14 20 6162.5 - -2613 + -2741 @@ -39091,13 +39081,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6198 - -2643 + -2771 34 40 6216.5 - -2623 + -2751 @@ -39129,13 +39119,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6089 - -2663 - 198 + -2791 + 277 20 6089.561 - -2662.811 + -2790.056 @@ -39173,13 +39163,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6134 - -2599 + -2727 122 64 6214 - -2567 + -2695 @@ -39198,13 +39188,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6136 - -2597 + -2725 63 20 6177 - -2587 + -2715 @@ -39225,13 +39215,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6136 - -2577 + -2705 63 20 6177 - -2567 + -2695 @@ -39277,13 +39267,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6136 - -2557 + -2685 63 20 6177 - -2547 + -2675 @@ -39323,13 +39313,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6229 - -2597 + -2725 25 60 6243 - -2567 + -2695 @@ -39358,13 +39348,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6147 - -2746 + -2874 144 64 6221 - -2714 + -2842 @@ -39383,13 +39373,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6149 - -2744 + -2872 57 20 6179 - -2734 + -2862 @@ -39409,13 +39399,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6149 - -2724 + -2852 57 20 6179 - -2714 + -2842 @@ -39455,13 +39445,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6149 - -2704 + -2832 57 20 6179 - -2694 + -2822 @@ -39501,13 +39491,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6236 - -2744 + -2872 53 20 6264 - -2734 + -2862 @@ -39527,13 +39517,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6236 - -2724 + -2852 53 20 6264 - -2714 + -2842 @@ -39553,13 +39543,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6236 - -2704 + -2832 53 20 6264 - -2694 + -2822 @@ -39588,13 +39578,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6153 - -2848 + -2976 125 84 6220 - -2806 + -2934 @@ -39614,13 +39604,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6155 - -2846 + -2974 50 20 6181.5 - -2836 + -2964 @@ -39640,13 +39630,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6155 - -2826 + -2954 50 20 6181.5 - -2816 + -2944 @@ -39686,13 +39676,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6155 - -2806 + -2934 50 20 6181.5 - -2796 + -2924 @@ -39732,13 +39722,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6155 - -2786 + -2914 50 20 6181.5 - -2776 + -2904 @@ -39778,13 +39768,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6235 - -2846 + -2974 41 26 6257 - -2832.667 + -2960.667 @@ -39804,13 +39794,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6235 - -2820 + -2948 41 27 6257 - -2806 + -2934 @@ -39830,13 +39820,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6235 - -2793 + -2921 41 27 6257 - -2779.333 + -2907.333 @@ -39869,7 +39859,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6323 - -2600 + -2727 160 274 @@ -39878,7 +39868,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 0 6323.747 - -2599.042 + -2726.287 @@ -39920,13 +39910,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6165 - -1823 + -1950 50 24 6190.883 - -1811.027 + -1938.272 @@ -39953,13 +39943,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6146 - -2004 + -2132 137 64 6216 - -1972 + -2100 @@ -39978,13 +39968,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6148 - -2002 + -2130 53 30 6176 - -1987 + -2115 @@ -40005,13 +39995,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6148 - -1972 + -2100 53 30 6176 - -1957 + -2085 @@ -40031,13 +40021,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6231 - -2002 + -2130 50 20 6257.5 - -1992 + -2120 @@ -40057,13 +40047,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6231 - -1982 + -2110 50 20 6257.5 - -1972 + -2100 @@ -40083,13 +40073,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6231 - -1962 + -2090 50 20 6257.5 - -1952 + -2080 @@ -40118,13 +40108,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6141 - -1937 + -2065 125 64 6191 - -1905 + -2033 @@ -40143,13 +40133,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6143 - -1935 + -2063 33 20 6161 - -1925 + -2053 @@ -40170,13 +40160,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6143 - -1915 + -2043 33 20 6161 - -1905 + -2033 @@ -40216,13 +40206,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6143 - -1895 + -2023 33 20 6161 - -1885 + -2013 @@ -40263,13 +40253,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6206 - -1935 + -2063 58 20 6236.5 - -1925 + -2053 @@ -40290,13 +40280,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6206 - -1915 + -2043 58 20 6236.5 - -1905 + -2033 @@ -40317,13 +40307,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6206 - -1895 + -2023 58 20 6236.5 - -1885 + -2013 @@ -40355,13 +40345,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6171 - -1795 + -1922 50 24 6196.657 - -1783.182 + -1910.427 @@ -40388,13 +40378,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6145 - -2085 + -2213 114 64 6185 - -2053 + -2181 @@ -40413,13 +40403,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6147 - -2083 + -2211 23 60 6160 - -2053 + -2181 @@ -40439,13 +40429,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6200 - -2083 + -2211 57 20 6230 - -2073 + -2201 @@ -40465,13 +40455,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6200 - -2063 + -2191 57 20 6230 - -2053 + -2181 @@ -40491,13 +40481,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6200 - -2043 + -2171 57 20 6230 - -2033 + -2161 @@ -40526,13 +40516,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6147 - -2189 + -2317 100 28 6196 - -2175 + -2303 @@ -40551,13 +40541,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6149 - -2187 + -2315 32 24 6166.5 - -2175 + -2303 @@ -40577,13 +40567,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6211 - -2187 + -2315 34 24 6229.5 - -2175 + -2303 @@ -40613,13 +40603,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6086 - -1847 - 198 + -1974 + 282 20 6086.882 - -1846.452 + -1973.697 @@ -40657,13 +40647,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6138 - -2159 + -2287 114 44 6210 - -2137 + -2265 @@ -40682,13 +40672,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6140 - -2157 + -2285 55 20 6169 - -2147 + -2275 @@ -40709,13 +40699,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6140 - -2137 + -2265 55 20 6169 - -2127 + -2255 @@ -40735,13 +40725,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6225 - -2157 + -2285 25 40 6239 - -2137 + -2265 @@ -40810,13 +40800,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6130 - -2241 + -2369 128 28 6183 - -2227 + -2355 @@ -40836,13 +40826,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6132 - -2239 + -2367 36 24 6151.5 - -2227 + -2355 @@ -40863,13 +40853,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6198 - -2239 + -2367 58 24 6228.5 - -2227 + -2355 @@ -40898,13 +40888,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6122 - -2215 + -2343 128 28 6175 - -2201 + -2329 @@ -40924,13 +40914,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6124 - -2213 + -2341 36 24 6143.5 - -2201 + -2329 @@ -40951,13 +40941,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6190 - -2213 + -2341 58 24 6220.5 - -2201 + -2329 @@ -40990,13 +40980,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5339 - -1659 + -1786 50 24 5364.038 - -1647.6 + -1774.845 @@ -41023,13 +41013,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6551 - -2292 + -2420 128 28 6604 - -2278 + -2406 @@ -41049,13 +41039,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6553 - -2290 + -2418 36 24 6572.5 - -2278 + -2406 @@ -41076,13 +41066,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6619 - -2290 + -2418 58 24 6649.5 - -2278 + -2406 @@ -41115,13 +41105,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6532 - -2490 + -2618 150 150 6532.76 - -2489.808 + -2617.053 -1 @@ -41149,13 +41139,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6566 - -2621 + -2749 82 44 6597 - -2599 + -2727 @@ -41183,13 +41173,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6568 - -2619 + -2747 14 20 6576.5 - -2609 + -2737 @@ -41210,13 +41200,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6568 - -2599 + -2727 14 20 6576.5 - -2589 + -2717 @@ -41236,13 +41226,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6612 - -2619 + -2747 34 40 6630.5 - -2599 + -2727 @@ -41274,13 +41264,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6502 - -2642 - 198 + -2769 + 277 20 6502.045 - -2641.342 + -2768.587 @@ -41318,13 +41308,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6548 - -2575 + -2703 122 64 6628 - -2543 + -2671 @@ -41343,13 +41333,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6550 - -2573 + -2701 63 20 6591 - -2563 + -2691 @@ -41370,13 +41360,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6550 - -2553 + -2681 63 20 6591 - -2543 + -2671 @@ -41422,13 +41412,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6550 - -2533 + -2661 63 20 6591 - -2523 + -2651 @@ -41468,13 +41458,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6643 - -2573 + -2701 25 60 6657 - -2543 + -2671 @@ -41503,13 +41493,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6561 - -2734 + -2862 144 64 6635 - -2702 + -2830 @@ -41528,13 +41518,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6563 - -2732 + -2860 57 20 6593 - -2722 + -2850 @@ -41554,13 +41544,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6563 - -2712 + -2840 57 20 6593 - -2702 + -2830 @@ -41600,13 +41590,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6563 - -2692 + -2820 57 20 6593 - -2682 + -2810 @@ -41646,13 +41636,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6650 - -2732 + -2860 53 20 6678 - -2722 + -2850 @@ -41672,13 +41662,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6650 - -2712 + -2840 53 20 6678 - -2702 + -2830 @@ -41698,13 +41688,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6650 - -2692 + -2820 53 20 6678 - -2682 + -2810 @@ -41733,13 +41723,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6567 - -2836 + -2964 125 84 6634 - -2794 + -2922 @@ -41759,13 +41749,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6569 - -2834 + -2962 50 20 6595.5 - -2824 + -2952 @@ -41785,13 +41775,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6569 - -2814 + -2942 50 20 6595.5 - -2804 + -2932 @@ -41831,13 +41821,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6569 - -2794 + -2922 50 20 6595.5 - -2784 + -2912 @@ -41877,13 +41867,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6569 - -2774 + -2902 50 20 6595.5 - -2764 + -2892 @@ -41923,13 +41913,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6649 - -2834 + -2962 41 26 6671 - -2820.667 + -2948.667 @@ -41949,13 +41939,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6649 - -2808 + -2936 41 27 6671 - -2794 + -2922 @@ -41975,13 +41965,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6649 - -2781 + -2909 41 27 6671 - -2767.333 + -2895.333 @@ -42014,7 +42004,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6712 - -2573 + -2700 160 274 @@ -42023,7 +42013,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 0 6712.967 - -2572.404 + -2699.649 @@ -42065,13 +42055,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6580 - -1809 + -1936 50 24 6605.951 - -1797.313 + -1924.558 @@ -42098,13 +42088,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6539 - -2002 + -2130 137 64 6609 - -1970 + -2098 @@ -42123,13 +42113,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6541 - -2000 + -2128 53 30 6569 - -1985 + -2113 @@ -42150,13 +42140,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6541 - -1970 + -2098 53 30 6569 - -1955 + -2083 @@ -42176,13 +42166,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6624 - -2000 + -2128 50 20 6650.5 - -1990 + -2118 @@ -42202,13 +42192,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6624 - -1980 + -2108 50 20 6650.5 - -1970 + -2098 @@ -42228,13 +42218,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6624 - -1960 + -2088 50 20 6650.5 - -1950 + -2078 @@ -42263,13 +42253,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6555 - -1925 + -2053 125 64 6605 - -1893 + -2021 @@ -42288,13 +42278,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6557 - -1923 + -2051 33 20 6575 - -1913 + -2041 @@ -42315,13 +42305,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6557 - -1903 + -2031 33 20 6575 - -1893 + -2021 @@ -42361,13 +42351,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6557 - -1883 + -2011 33 20 6575 - -1873 + -2001 @@ -42408,13 +42398,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6620 - -1923 + -2051 58 20 6650.5 - -1913 + -2041 @@ -42435,13 +42425,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6620 - -1903 + -2031 58 20 6650.5 - -1893 + -2021 @@ -42462,13 +42452,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6620 - -1883 + -2011 58 20 6650.5 - -1873 + -2001 @@ -42500,13 +42490,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6586 - -1781 + -1908 50 24 6611.726 - -1769.468 + -1896.713 @@ -42533,13 +42523,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6559 - -2073 + -2201 114 64 6599 - -2041 + -2169 @@ -42558,13 +42548,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6561 - -2071 + -2199 23 60 6574 - -2041 + -2169 @@ -42584,13 +42574,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6614 - -2071 + -2199 57 20 6644 - -2061 + -2189 @@ -42610,13 +42600,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6614 - -2051 + -2179 57 20 6644 - -2041 + -2169 @@ -42636,13 +42626,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6614 - -2031 + -2159 57 20 6644 - -2021 + -2149 @@ -42671,13 +42661,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6565 - -2164 + -2292 100 28 6614 - -2150 + -2278 @@ -42696,13 +42686,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6567 - -2162 + -2290 32 24 6584.5 - -2150 + -2278 @@ -42722,13 +42712,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6629 - -2162 + -2290 34 24 6647.5 - -2150 + -2278 @@ -42758,13 +42748,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6501 - -1833 - 198 + -1960 + 282 20 6501.95 - -1832.738 + -1959.983 @@ -42802,13 +42792,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6559 - -2130 + -2258 114 44 6631 - -2108 + -2236 @@ -42827,13 +42817,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6561 - -2128 + -2256 55 20 6590 - -2118 + -2246 @@ -42854,13 +42844,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6561 - -2108 + -2236 55 20 6590 - -2098 + -2226 @@ -42880,13 +42870,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6646 - -2128 + -2256 25 40 6660 - -2108 + -2236 @@ -42955,13 +42945,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6551 - -2268 + -2396 128 28 6604 - -2254 + -2382 @@ -42981,13 +42971,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6553 - -2266 + -2394 36 24 6572.5 - -2254 + -2382 @@ -43008,13 +42998,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6619 - -2266 + -2394 58 24 6649.5 - -2254 + -2382 @@ -43043,13 +43033,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6552 - -2236 + -2364 128 28 6605 - -2222 + -2350 @@ -43069,13 +43059,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6554 - -2234 + -2362 36 24 6573.5 - -2222 + -2350 @@ -43096,13 +43086,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6620 - -2234 + -2362 58 24 6650.5 - -2222 + -2350 @@ -43131,13 +43121,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6550 - -2209 + -2337 128 28 6603 - -2195 + -2323 @@ -43157,13 +43147,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6552 - -2207 + -2335 36 24 6571.5 - -2195 + -2323 @@ -43184,13 +43174,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6618 - -2207 + -2335 58 24 6648.5 - -2195 + -2323 @@ -43221,13 +43211,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4957 - -2922 + -3049 50 24 4982.072 - -2910.291 + -3037.536 @@ -43254,13 +43244,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4902 - -3122 + -3250 137 64 4972 - -3090 + -3218 @@ -43279,13 +43269,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4904 - -3120 + -3248 53 30 4932 - -3105 + -3233 @@ -43306,13 +43296,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4904 - -3090 + -3218 53 30 4932 - -3075 + -3203 @@ -43332,13 +43322,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4987 - -3120 + -3248 50 20 5013.5 - -3110 + -3238 @@ -43358,13 +43348,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4987 - -3100 + -3228 50 20 5013.5 - -3090 + -3218 @@ -43384,13 +43374,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4987 - -3080 + -3208 50 20 5013.5 - -3070 + -3198 @@ -43419,13 +43409,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4907 - -3034 + -3162 125 64 4957 - -3002 + -3130 @@ -43444,13 +43434,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4909 - -3032 + -3160 33 20 4927 - -3022 + -3150 @@ -43471,13 +43461,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4909 - -3012 + -3140 33 20 4927 - -3002 + -3130 @@ -43517,13 +43507,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4909 - -2992 + -3120 33 20 4927 - -2982 + -3110 @@ -43564,13 +43554,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4972 - -3032 + -3160 58 20 5002.5 - -3022 + -3150 @@ -43591,13 +43581,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4972 - -3012 + -3140 58 20 5002.5 - -3002 + -3130 @@ -43618,13 +43608,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4972 - -2992 + -3120 58 20 5002.5 - -2982 + -3110 @@ -43656,13 +43646,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4954 - -2895 + -3023 50 24 4979.123 - -2883.899 + -3011.144 @@ -43689,13 +43679,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4907 - -3208 + -3336 114 64 4947 - -3176 + -3304 @@ -43714,13 +43704,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4909 - -3206 + -3334 23 60 4922 - -3176 + -3304 @@ -43740,13 +43730,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4962 - -3206 + -3334 57 20 4992 - -3196 + -3324 @@ -43766,13 +43756,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4962 - -3186 + -3314 57 20 4992 - -3176 + -3304 @@ -43792,13 +43782,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4962 - -3166 + -3294 57 20 4992 - -3156 + -3284 @@ -43827,13 +43817,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4908 - -3335 + -3463 100 28 4957 - -3321 + -3449 @@ -43852,13 +43842,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4910 - -3333 + -3461 32 24 4927.5 - -3321 + -3449 @@ -43878,13 +43868,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4972 - -3333 + -3461 34 24 4990.5 - -3321 + -3449 @@ -43917,13 +43907,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4910 - -3501 + -3628 150 150 4910.077 - -3500.233 + -3627.478 -1 @@ -43952,13 +43942,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4865 - -2944 - 198 + -3071 + 282 20 4865.077 - -2943.169 + -3070.414 @@ -43996,13 +43986,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4913 - -3276 + -3404 114 44 4985 - -3254 + -3382 @@ -44021,13 +44011,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4915 - -3274 + -3402 55 20 4944 - -3264 + -3392 @@ -44048,13 +44038,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4915 - -3254 + -3382 55 20 4944 - -3244 + -3372 @@ -44074,13 +44064,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5000 - -3274 + -3402 25 40 5014 - -3254 + -3382 @@ -44109,13 +44099,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4939 - -3638 + -3766 82 44 4970 - -3616 + -3744 @@ -44143,13 +44133,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4941 - -3636 + -3764 14 20 4949.5 - -3626 + -3754 @@ -44170,13 +44160,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4941 - -3616 + -3744 14 20 4949.5 - -3606 + -3734 @@ -44196,13 +44186,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4985 - -3636 + -3764 34 40 5003.5 - -3616 + -3744 @@ -44233,13 +44223,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4927 - -3585 + -3713 122 64 5007 - -3553 + -3681 @@ -44258,13 +44248,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4929 - -3583 + -3711 63 20 4970 - -3573 + -3701 @@ -44285,13 +44275,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4929 - -3563 + -3691 63 20 4970 - -3553 + -3681 @@ -44337,13 +44327,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4929 - -3543 + -3671 63 20 4970 - -3533 + -3661 @@ -44383,13 +44373,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5022 - -3583 + -3711 25 60 5036 - -3553 + -3681 @@ -44422,7 +44412,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4730 - -3433 + -3560 160 274 @@ -44431,7 +44421,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 0 4730.968 - -3432.524 + -3559.769 @@ -44471,13 +44461,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4901 - -3745 + -3873 144 64 4975 - -3713 + -3841 @@ -44496,13 +44486,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4903 - -3743 + -3871 57 20 4933 - -3733 + -3861 @@ -44522,13 +44512,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4903 - -3723 + -3851 57 20 4933 - -3713 + -3841 @@ -44568,13 +44558,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4903 - -3703 + -3831 57 20 4933 - -3693 + -3821 @@ -44614,13 +44604,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4990 - -3743 + -3871 53 20 5018 - -3733 + -3861 @@ -44640,13 +44630,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4990 - -3723 + -3851 53 20 5018 - -3713 + -3841 @@ -44666,13 +44656,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4990 - -3703 + -3831 53 20 5018 - -3693 + -3821 @@ -44701,13 +44691,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4915 - -3848 + -3976 125 84 4982 - -3806 + -3934 @@ -44727,13 +44717,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4917 - -3846 + -3974 50 20 4943.5 - -3836 + -3964 @@ -44753,13 +44743,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4917 - -3826 + -3954 50 20 4943.5 - -3816 + -3944 @@ -44799,13 +44789,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4917 - -3806 + -3934 50 20 4943.5 - -3796 + -3924 @@ -44845,13 +44835,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4917 - -3786 + -3914 50 20 4943.5 - -3776 + -3904 @@ -44891,13 +44881,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4997 - -3846 + -3974 41 26 5019 - -3832.667 + -3960.667 @@ -44917,13 +44907,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4997 - -3820 + -3948 41 27 5019 - -3806 + -3934 @@ -44943,13 +44933,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4997 - -3793 + -3921 41 27 5019 - -3779.333 + -3907.333 @@ -45027,13 +45017,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5554 - -1937 + -2065 138 44 5622 - -1915 + -2043 @@ -45052,13 +45042,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5556 - -1935 + -2063 51 20 5583 - -1925 + -2053 @@ -45078,13 +45068,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5556 - -1915 + -2043 51 20 5583 - -1905 + -2033 @@ -45128,13 +45118,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5637 - -1935 + -2063 53 20 5665 - -1925 + -2053 @@ -45154,13 +45144,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5637 - -1915 + -2043 53 20 5665 - -1905 + -2033 @@ -45192,13 +45182,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5491 - -2143 + -2271 44 16 5513 - -2135 + -2263 @@ -45228,13 +45218,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5956 - -2066 + -2194 44 16 5978 - -2058 + -2186 @@ -45261,13 +45251,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5903 - -1987 + -2115 138 44 5971 - -1965 + -2093 @@ -45286,13 +45276,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5905 - -1985 + -2113 51 20 5932 - -1975 + -2103 @@ -45312,13 +45302,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5905 - -1965 + -2093 51 20 5932 - -1955 + -2083 @@ -45362,13 +45352,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5986 - -1985 + -2113 53 20 6014 - -1975 + -2103 @@ -45388,13 +45378,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5986 - -1965 + -2093 53 20 6014 - -1955 + -2083 @@ -45423,13 +45413,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5700 - -2399 + -2527 115 64 5755 - -2367 + -2495 @@ -45448,13 +45438,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5702 - -2397 + -2525 38 20 5722.5 - -2387 + -2515 @@ -45475,13 +45465,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5702 - -2377 + -2505 38 20 5722.5 - -2367 + -2495 @@ -45524,13 +45514,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5702 - -2357 + -2485 38 20 5722.5 - -2347 + -2475 @@ -45573,13 +45563,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5770 - -2397 + -2525 43 30 5793 - -2382 + -2510 @@ -45599,13 +45589,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5770 - -2367 + -2495 43 30 5793 - -2352 + -2480 @@ -45634,13 +45624,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5705 - -2313 + -2441 122 28 5769 - -2299 + -2427 @@ -45660,13 +45650,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5707 - -2311 + -2439 47 24 5732 - -2299 + -2427 @@ -45686,13 +45676,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5784 - -2311 + -2439 41 24 5806 - -2299 + -2427 @@ -45724,13 +45714,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5846 - -2354 + -2482 44 16 5868 - -2346 + -2474 @@ -45760,13 +45750,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5329 - -2308 + -2436 44 16 5351 - -2300 + -2428 @@ -45793,13 +45783,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5925 - -1898 + -2026 138 44 5993 - -1876 + -2004 @@ -45818,13 +45808,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5927 - -1896 + -2024 51 20 5954 - -1886 + -2014 @@ -45844,13 +45834,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5927 - -1876 + -2004 51 20 5954 - -1866 + -1994 @@ -45894,13 +45884,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6008 - -1896 + -2024 53 20 6036 - -1886 + -2014 @@ -45920,13 +45910,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6008 - -1876 + -2004 53 20 6036 - -1866 + -1994 @@ -45958,13 +45948,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6398 - -2062 + -2190 44 16 6420 - -2054 + -2182 @@ -45991,13 +45981,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6315 - -1998 + -2126 138 44 6383 - -1976 + -2104 @@ -46016,13 +46006,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6317 - -1996 + -2124 51 20 6344 - -1986 + -2114 @@ -46042,13 +46032,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6317 - -1976 + -2104 51 20 6344 - -1966 + -2094 @@ -46092,13 +46082,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6398 - -1996 + -2124 53 20 6426 - -1986 + -2114 @@ -46118,13 +46108,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6398 - -1976 + -2104 53 20 6426 - -1966 + -2094 @@ -46153,13 +46143,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6321 - -1917 + -2045 138 44 6389 - -1895 + -2023 @@ -46178,13 +46168,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6323 - -1915 + -2043 51 20 6350 - -1905 + -2033 @@ -46204,13 +46194,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6323 - -1895 + -2023 51 20 6350 - -1885 + -2013 @@ -46254,13 +46244,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6404 - -1915 + -2043 53 20 6432 - -1905 + -2033 @@ -46280,13 +46270,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6404 - -1895 + -2023 53 20 6432 - -1885 + -2013 @@ -46318,13 +46308,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6267 - -2300 + -2428 44 16 6289 - -2292 + -2420 @@ -46351,13 +46341,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6130 - -2371 + -2499 115 64 6185 - -2339 + -2467 @@ -46376,13 +46366,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6132 - -2369 + -2497 38 20 6152.5 - -2359 + -2487 @@ -46403,13 +46393,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6132 - -2349 + -2477 38 20 6152.5 - -2339 + -2467 @@ -46452,13 +46442,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6132 - -2329 + -2457 38 20 6152.5 - -2319 + -2447 @@ -46501,13 +46491,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6200 - -2369 + -2497 43 30 6223 - -2354 + -2482 @@ -46527,13 +46517,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6200 - -2339 + -2467 43 30 6223 - -2324 + -2452 @@ -46562,13 +46552,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6128 - -2297 + -2425 122 28 6192 - -2283 + -2411 @@ -46588,13 +46578,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6130 - -2295 + -2423 47 24 6155 - -2283 + -2411 @@ -46614,13 +46604,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6207 - -2295 + -2423 41 24 6229 - -2283 + -2411 @@ -46649,13 +46639,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4779 - -3846 + -3974 118 64 4839 - -3814 + -3942 @@ -46675,13 +46665,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4781 - -3844 + -3972 43 20 4804 - -3834 + -3962 @@ -46701,13 +46691,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4781 - -3824 + -3952 43 20 4804 - -3814 + -3942 @@ -46747,13 +46737,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4781 - -3804 + -3932 43 20 4804 - -3794 + -3922 @@ -46793,13 +46783,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4854 - -3844 + -3972 41 20 4876 - -3834 + -3962 @@ -46819,13 +46809,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4854 - -3824 + -3952 41 20 4876 - -3814 + -3942 @@ -46845,13 +46835,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4854 - -3804 + -3932 41 20 4876 - -3794 + -3922 @@ -46880,13 +46870,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4866 - -2829 + -2957 118 64 4926 - -2797 + -2925 @@ -46906,13 +46896,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4868 - -2827 + -2955 43 20 4891 - -2817 + -2945 @@ -46932,13 +46922,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4868 - -2807 + -2935 43 20 4891 - -2797 + -2925 @@ -46978,13 +46968,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4868 - -2787 + -2915 43 20 4891 - -2777 + -2905 @@ -47024,13 +47014,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4941 - -2827 + -2955 41 20 4963 - -2817 + -2945 @@ -47050,13 +47040,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4941 - -2807 + -2935 41 20 4963 - -2797 + -2925 @@ -47076,13 +47066,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4941 - -2787 + -2915 41 20 4963 - -2777 + -2905 @@ -47111,13 +47101,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5462 - -2845 + -2973 118 64 5522 - -2813 + -2941 @@ -47137,13 +47127,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5464 - -2843 + -2971 43 20 5487 - -2833 + -2961 @@ -47163,13 +47153,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5464 - -2823 + -2951 43 20 5487 - -2813 + -2941 @@ -47209,13 +47199,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5464 - -2803 + -2931 43 20 5487 - -2793 + -2921 @@ -47255,13 +47245,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5537 - -2843 + -2971 41 20 5559 - -2833 + -2961 @@ -47281,13 +47271,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5537 - -2823 + -2951 41 20 5559 - -2813 + -2941 @@ -47307,13 +47297,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5537 - -2803 + -2931 41 20 5559 - -2793 + -2921 @@ -47342,13 +47332,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5895 - -2838 + -2966 118 64 5955 - -2806 + -2934 @@ -47368,13 +47358,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5897 - -2836 + -2964 43 20 5920 - -2826 + -2954 @@ -47394,13 +47384,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5897 - -2816 + -2944 43 20 5920 - -2806 + -2934 @@ -47440,13 +47430,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5897 - -2796 + -2924 43 20 5920 - -2786 + -2914 @@ -47486,13 +47476,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5970 - -2836 + -2964 41 20 5992 - -2826 + -2954 @@ -47512,13 +47502,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5970 - -2816 + -2944 41 20 5992 - -2806 + -2934 @@ -47538,13 +47528,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5970 - -2796 + -2924 41 20 5992 - -2786 + -2914 @@ -47573,13 +47563,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6319 - -2842 + -2970 118 64 6379 - -2810 + -2938 @@ -47599,13 +47589,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6321 - -2840 + -2968 43 20 6344 - -2830 + -2958 @@ -47625,13 +47615,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6321 - -2820 + -2948 43 20 6344 - -2810 + -2938 @@ -47671,13 +47661,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6321 - -2800 + -2928 43 20 6344 - -2790 + -2918 @@ -47717,13 +47707,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6394 - -2840 + -2968 41 20 6416 - -2830 + -2958 @@ -47743,13 +47733,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6394 - -2820 + -2948 41 20 6416 - -2810 + -2938 @@ -47769,13 +47759,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6394 - -2800 + -2928 41 20 6416 - -2790 + -2918 @@ -47804,13 +47794,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6757 - -2830 + -2958 118 64 6817 - -2798 + -2926 @@ -47830,13 +47820,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6759 - -2828 + -2956 43 20 6782 - -2818 + -2946 @@ -47856,13 +47846,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6759 - -2808 + -2936 43 20 6782 - -2798 + -2926 @@ -47902,13 +47892,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6759 - -2788 + -2916 43 20 6782 - -2778 + -2906 @@ -47948,13 +47938,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6832 - -2828 + -2956 41 20 6854 - -2818 + -2946 @@ -47974,13 +47964,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6832 - -2808 + -2936 41 20 6854 - -2798 + -2926 @@ -48000,13 +47990,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 6832 - -2788 + -2916 41 20 6854 - -2778 + -2906 @@ -48035,13 +48025,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5538 - -2089 + -2217 138 44 5606 - -2067 + -2195 @@ -48061,13 +48051,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5540 - -2087 + -2215 51 20 5567 - -2077 + -2205 @@ -48088,13 +48078,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5540 - -2067 + -2195 51 20 5567 - -2057 + -2185 @@ -48144,13 +48134,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5621 - -2087 + -2215 53 20 5649 - -2077 + -2205 @@ -48170,13 +48160,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5621 - -2067 + -2195 53 20 5649 - -2057 + -2185 @@ -48208,13 +48198,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5463 - -2040 + -2168 50 24 5488.48 - -2028.825 + -2156.07 @@ -48241,13 +48231,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5568 - -2004 + -2132 98 28 5618 - -1990 + -2118 @@ -48265,13 +48255,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5570 - -2002 + -2130 33 24 5588 - -1990 + -2118 @@ -48316,13 +48306,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5633 - -2002 + -2130 31 24 5650 - -1990 + -2118 @@ -48351,13 +48341,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5528 - -1861 + -1989 138 44 5596 - -1839 + -1967 @@ -48376,13 +48366,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5530 - -1859 + -1987 51 20 5557 - -1849 + -1977 @@ -48402,13 +48392,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5530 - -1839 + -1967 51 20 5557 - -1829 + -1957 @@ -48452,13 +48442,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5611 - -1859 + -1987 53 20 5639 - -1849 + -1977 @@ -48478,13 +48468,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5611 - -1839 + -1967 53 20 5639 - -1829 + -1957 @@ -48513,13 +48503,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5506 - -1816 + -1944 138 44 5574 - -1794 + -1922 @@ -48538,13 +48528,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5508 - -1814 + -1942 51 20 5535 - -1804 + -1932 @@ -48565,13 +48555,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5508 - -1794 + -1922 51 20 5535 - -1784 + -1912 @@ -48621,13 +48611,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5589 - -1814 + -1942 53 20 5617 - -1804 + -1932 @@ -48647,13 +48637,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5589 - -1794 + -1922 53 20 5617 - -1784 + -1912 @@ -48684,13 +48674,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1669 - -2441 + -2568 50 24 1694.56 - -2429.054 + -2556.299 @@ -48717,13 +48707,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1610 - -2642 + -2770 137 64 1680 - -2610 + -2738 @@ -48742,13 +48732,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1612 - -2640 + -2768 53 30 1640 - -2625 + -2753 @@ -48769,13 +48759,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1612 - -2610 + -2738 53 30 1640 - -2595 + -2723 @@ -48795,13 +48785,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1695 - -2640 + -2768 50 20 1721.5 - -2630 + -2758 @@ -48821,13 +48811,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1695 - -2620 + -2748 50 20 1721.5 - -2610 + -2738 @@ -48847,13 +48837,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1695 - -2600 + -2728 50 20 1721.5 - -2590 + -2718 @@ -48882,13 +48872,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1622 - -2552 + -2680 125 64 1672 - -2520 + -2648 @@ -48907,13 +48897,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1624 - -2550 + -2678 33 20 1642 - -2540 + -2668 @@ -48934,13 +48924,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1624 - -2530 + -2658 33 20 1642 - -2520 + -2648 @@ -48980,13 +48970,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1624 - -2510 + -2638 33 20 1642 - -2500 + -2628 @@ -49027,13 +49017,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1687 - -2550 + -2678 58 20 1717.5 - -2540 + -2668 @@ -49054,13 +49044,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1687 - -2530 + -2658 58 20 1717.5 - -2520 + -2648 @@ -49081,13 +49071,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1687 - -2510 + -2638 58 20 1717.5 - -2500 + -2628 @@ -49119,13 +49109,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1666 - -2414 + -2541 50 24 1691.611 - -2402.664 + -2529.909 @@ -49152,13 +49142,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1622 - -2726 + -2854 114 64 1662 - -2694 + -2822 @@ -49177,13 +49167,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1624 - -2724 + -2852 23 60 1637 - -2694 + -2822 @@ -49203,13 +49193,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1677 - -2724 + -2852 57 20 1707 - -2714 + -2842 @@ -49229,13 +49219,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1677 - -2704 + -2832 57 20 1707 - -2694 + -2822 @@ -49255,13 +49245,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1677 - -2684 + -2812 57 20 1707 - -2674 + -2802 @@ -49290,13 +49280,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1623 - -2853 + -2981 100 28 1672 - -2839 + -2967 @@ -49315,13 +49305,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1625 - -2851 + -2979 32 24 1642.5 - -2839 + -2967 @@ -49341,13 +49331,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1687 - -2851 + -2979 34 24 1705.5 - -2839 + -2967 @@ -49380,13 +49370,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1622 - -3101 + -3228 150 150 1622.566 - -3100.254 + -3227.499 -1 @@ -49415,13 +49405,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1577 - -2462 - 198 + -2590 + 282 20 1577.566 - -2461.933 + -2589.178 @@ -49459,13 +49449,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1623 - -2800 + -2928 114 44 1695 - -2778 + -2906 @@ -49484,13 +49474,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1625 - -2798 + -2926 55 20 1654 - -2788 + -2916 @@ -49511,13 +49501,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1625 - -2778 + -2906 55 20 1654 - -2768 + -2896 @@ -49537,13 +49527,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1710 - -2798 + -2926 25 40 1724 - -2778 + -2906 @@ -49572,13 +49562,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1658 - -3235 + -3363 82 44 1689 - -3213 + -3341 @@ -49606,13 +49596,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1660 - -3233 + -3361 14 20 1668.5 - -3223 + -3351 @@ -49633,13 +49623,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1660 - -3213 + -3341 14 20 1668.5 - -3203 + -3331 @@ -49659,13 +49649,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1704 - -3233 + -3361 34 40 1722.5 - -3213 + -3341 @@ -49697,13 +49687,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1599 - -3259 - 198 + -3386 + 279 20 1599.375 - -3258.545 + -3385.79 @@ -49741,13 +49731,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1634 - -3189 + -3317 122 64 1714 - -3157 + -3285 @@ -49766,13 +49756,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1636 - -3187 + -3315 63 20 1677 - -3177 + -3305 @@ -49793,13 +49783,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1636 - -3167 + -3295 63 20 1677 - -3157 + -3285 @@ -49845,13 +49835,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1636 - -3147 + -3275 63 20 1677 - -3137 + -3265 @@ -49891,13 +49881,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1729 - -3187 + -3315 25 60 1743 - -3157 + -3285 @@ -49926,13 +49916,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1909 - -2878 + -3006 128 28 1962 - -2864 + -2992 @@ -49952,13 +49942,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1911 - -2876 + -3004 36 24 1930.5 - -2864 + -2992 @@ -49979,13 +49969,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1977 - -2876 + -3004 58 24 2007.5 - -2864 + -2992 @@ -50018,13 +50008,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1911 - -3099 + -3227 150 150 1911.729 - -3098.977 + -3226.222 0 @@ -50052,13 +50042,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1951 - -3243 + -3371 82 44 1982 - -3221 + -3349 @@ -50086,13 +50076,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1953 - -3241 + -3369 14 20 1961.5 - -3231 + -3359 @@ -50113,13 +50103,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1953 - -3221 + -3349 14 20 1961.5 - -3211 + -3339 @@ -50139,13 +50129,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1997 - -3241 + -3369 34 40 2015.5 - -3221 + -3349 @@ -50176,13 +50166,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1927 - -3185 + -3313 122 64 2007 - -3153 + -3281 @@ -50201,13 +50191,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1929 - -3183 + -3311 63 20 1970 - -3173 + -3301 @@ -50228,13 +50218,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1929 - -3163 + -3291 63 20 1970 - -3153 + -3281 @@ -50280,13 +50270,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1929 - -3143 + -3271 63 20 1970 - -3133 + -3261 @@ -50326,13 +50316,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 2022 - -3183 + -3311 25 60 2036 - -3153 + -3281 @@ -50365,7 +50355,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1385 - -3158 + -3286 160 274 @@ -50374,7 +50364,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 0 1385.775 - -3157.972 + -3285.217 @@ -50414,13 +50404,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1940 - -3344 + -3472 144 64 2014 - -3312 + -3440 @@ -50439,13 +50429,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1942 - -3342 + -3470 57 20 1972 - -3332 + -3460 @@ -50465,13 +50455,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1942 - -3322 + -3450 57 20 1972 - -3312 + -3440 @@ -50511,13 +50501,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1942 - -3302 + -3430 57 20 1972 - -3292 + -3420 @@ -50557,13 +50547,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 2029 - -3342 + -3470 53 20 2057 - -3332 + -3460 @@ -50583,13 +50573,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 2029 - -3322 + -3450 53 20 2057 - -3312 + -3440 @@ -50609,13 +50599,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 2029 - -3302 + -3430 53 20 2057 - -3292 + -3420 @@ -50644,13 +50634,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1946 - -3446 + -3574 125 84 2013 - -3404 + -3532 @@ -50670,13 +50660,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1948 - -3444 + -3572 50 20 1974.5 - -3434 + -3562 @@ -50696,13 +50686,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1948 - -3424 + -3552 50 20 1974.5 - -3414 + -3542 @@ -50742,13 +50732,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1948 - -3404 + -3532 50 20 1974.5 - -3394 + -3522 @@ -50788,13 +50778,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1948 - -3384 + -3512 50 20 1974.5 - -3374 + -3502 @@ -50834,13 +50824,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 2028 - -3444 + -3572 41 26 2050 - -3430.667 + -3558.667 @@ -50860,13 +50850,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 2028 - -3418 + -3546 41 27 2050 - -3404 + -3532 @@ -50886,13 +50876,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 2028 - -3391 + -3519 41 27 2050 - -3377.333 + -3505.333 @@ -50921,13 +50911,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1622 - -3346 + -3474 144 64 1696 - -3314 + -3442 @@ -50946,13 +50936,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1624 - -3344 + -3472 57 20 1654 - -3334 + -3462 @@ -50972,13 +50962,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1624 - -3324 + -3452 57 20 1654 - -3314 + -3442 @@ -51018,13 +51008,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1624 - -3304 + -3432 57 20 1654 - -3294 + -3422 @@ -51064,13 +51054,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1711 - -3344 + -3472 53 20 1739 - -3334 + -3462 @@ -51090,13 +51080,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1711 - -3324 + -3452 53 20 1739 - -3314 + -3442 @@ -51116,13 +51106,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1711 - -3304 + -3432 53 20 1739 - -3294 + -3422 @@ -51151,13 +51141,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1635 - -3437 + -3565 125 84 1702 - -3395 + -3523 @@ -51177,13 +51167,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1637 - -3435 + -3563 50 20 1663.5 - -3425 + -3553 @@ -51203,13 +51193,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1637 - -3415 + -3543 50 20 1663.5 - -3405 + -3533 @@ -51249,13 +51239,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1637 - -3395 + -3523 50 20 1663.5 - -3385 + -3513 @@ -51295,13 +51285,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1637 - -3375 + -3503 50 20 1663.5 - -3365 + -3493 @@ -51341,13 +51331,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1717 - -3435 + -3563 41 26 1739 - -3421.667 + -3549.667 @@ -51367,13 +51357,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1717 - -3409 + -3537 41 27 1739 - -3395 + -3523 @@ -51393,13 +51383,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1717 - -3382 + -3510 41 27 1739 - -3368.333 + -3496.333 @@ -51432,7 +51422,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 2090 - -3184 + -3312 160 274 @@ -51441,7 +51431,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 0 2090.738 - -3183.968 + -3311.213 @@ -51483,13 +51473,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1958 - -2420 + -2548 50 24 1983.723 - -2408.877 + -2536.122 @@ -51516,13 +51506,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1924 - -2644 + -2772 137 64 1994 - -2612 + -2740 @@ -51541,13 +51531,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1926 - -2642 + -2770 53 30 1954 - -2627 + -2755 @@ -51568,13 +51558,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1926 - -2612 + -2740 53 30 1954 - -2597 + -2725 @@ -51594,13 +51584,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 2009 - -2642 + -2770 50 20 2035.5 - -2632 + -2760 @@ -51620,13 +51610,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 2009 - -2622 + -2750 50 20 2035.5 - -2612 + -2740 @@ -51646,13 +51636,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 2009 - -2602 + -2730 50 20 2035.5 - -2592 + -2720 @@ -51681,13 +51671,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1937 - -2564 + -2692 125 64 1987 - -2532 + -2660 @@ -51706,13 +51696,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1939 - -2562 + -2690 33 20 1957 - -2552 + -2680 @@ -51733,13 +51723,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1939 - -2542 + -2670 33 20 1957 - -2532 + -2660 @@ -51779,13 +51769,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1939 - -2522 + -2650 33 20 1957 - -2512 + -2640 @@ -51826,13 +51816,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 2002 - -2562 + -2690 58 20 2032.5 - -2552 + -2680 @@ -51853,13 +51843,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 2002 - -2542 + -2670 58 20 2032.5 - -2532 + -2660 @@ -51880,13 +51870,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 2002 - -2522 + -2650 58 20 2032.5 - -2512 + -2640 @@ -51918,13 +51908,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1964 - -2393 + -2520 50 24 1989.496 - -2381.032 + -2508.277 @@ -51951,13 +51941,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1933 - -2722 + -2850 114 64 1973 - -2690 + -2818 @@ -51976,13 +51966,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1935 - -2720 + -2848 23 60 1948 - -2690 + -2818 @@ -52002,13 +51992,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1988 - -2720 + -2848 57 20 2018 - -2710 + -2838 @@ -52028,13 +52018,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1988 - -2700 + -2828 57 20 2018 - -2690 + -2818 @@ -52054,13 +52044,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1988 - -2680 + -2808 57 20 2018 - -2670 + -2798 @@ -52089,13 +52079,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1934 - -2843 + -2971 100 28 1983 - -2829 + -2957 @@ -52114,13 +52104,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1936 - -2841 + -2969 32 24 1953.5 - -2829 + -2957 @@ -52140,13 +52130,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1998 - -2841 + -2969 34 24 2016.5 - -2829 + -2957 @@ -52176,13 +52166,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1879 - -2445 - 198 + -2572 + 282 20 1879.721 - -2444.302 + -2571.547 @@ -52220,13 +52210,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1930 - -2792 + -2920 114 44 2002 - -2770 + -2898 @@ -52245,13 +52235,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1932 - -2790 + -2918 55 20 1961 - -2780 + -2908 @@ -52272,13 +52262,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1932 - -2770 + -2898 55 20 1961 - -2760 + -2888 @@ -52298,13 +52288,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 2017 - -2790 + -2918 25 40 2031 - -2770 + -2898 @@ -52413,13 +52403,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 2187 - -2537 + -2665 138 44 2255 - -2515 + -2643 @@ -52438,13 +52428,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 2189 - -2535 + -2663 51 20 2216 - -2525 + -2653 @@ -52464,13 +52454,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 2189 - -2515 + -2643 51 20 2216 - -2505 + -2633 @@ -52514,13 +52504,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 2270 - -2535 + -2663 53 20 2298 - -2525 + -2653 @@ -52540,13 +52530,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 2270 - -2515 + -2643 53 20 2298 - -2505 + -2633 @@ -52578,13 +52568,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 2124 - -2743 + -2871 44 16 2146 - -2735 + -2863 @@ -52614,13 +52604,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1962 - -2908 + -3036 44 16 1984 - -2900 + -3028 @@ -52647,13 +52637,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1499 - -3429 + -3557 118 64 1559 - -3397 + -3525 @@ -52673,13 +52663,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1501 - -3427 + -3555 43 20 1524 - -3417 + -3545 @@ -52699,13 +52689,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1501 - -3407 + -3535 43 20 1524 - -3397 + -3525 @@ -52745,13 +52735,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1501 - -3387 + -3515 43 20 1524 - -3377 + -3505 @@ -52791,13 +52781,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1574 - -3427 + -3555 41 20 1596 - -3417 + -3545 @@ -52817,13 +52807,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1574 - -3407 + -3535 41 20 1596 - -3397 + -3525 @@ -52843,13 +52833,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1574 - -3387 + -3515 41 20 1596 - -3377 + -3505 @@ -52878,13 +52868,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 2095 - -3445 + -3573 118 64 2155 - -3413 + -3541 @@ -52904,13 +52894,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 2097 - -3443 + -3571 43 20 2120 - -3433 + -3561 @@ -52930,13 +52920,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 2097 - -3423 + -3551 43 20 2120 - -3413 + -3541 @@ -52976,13 +52966,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 2097 - -3403 + -3531 43 20 2120 - -3393 + -3521 @@ -53022,13 +53012,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 2170 - -3443 + -3571 41 20 2192 - -3433 + -3561 @@ -53048,13 +53038,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 2170 - -3423 + -3551 41 20 2192 - -3413 + -3541 @@ -53074,13 +53064,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 2170 - -3403 + -3531 41 20 2192 - -3393 + -3521 @@ -53109,13 +53099,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 2171 - -2689 + -2817 138 44 2239 - -2667 + -2795 @@ -53135,13 +53125,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 2173 - -2687 + -2815 51 20 2200 - -2677 + -2805 @@ -53162,13 +53152,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 2173 - -2667 + -2795 51 20 2200 - -2657 + -2785 @@ -53218,13 +53208,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 2254 - -2687 + -2815 53 20 2282 - -2677 + -2805 @@ -53244,13 +53234,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 2254 - -2667 + -2795 53 20 2282 - -2657 + -2785 @@ -53282,13 +53272,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 2097 - -2639 + -2766 50 24 2122.052 - -2627.28 + -2754.525 @@ -53315,13 +53305,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 2156 - -2577 + -2705 98 28 2206 - -2563 + -2691 @@ -53339,13 +53329,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 2158 - -2575 + -2703 33 24 2176 - -2563 + -2691 @@ -53390,13 +53380,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 2221 - -2575 + -2703 31 24 2238 - -2563 + -2691 @@ -53425,13 +53415,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5046 - -1671 + -1799 138 44 5114 - -1649 + -1777 @@ -53450,13 +53440,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5048 - -1669 + -1797 51 20 5075 - -1659 + -1787 @@ -53476,13 +53466,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5048 - -1649 + -1777 51 20 5075 - -1639 + -1767 @@ -53526,13 +53516,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5129 - -1669 + -1797 53 20 5157 - -1659 + -1787 @@ -53552,13 +53542,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5129 - -1649 + -1777 53 20 5157 - -1639 + -1767 @@ -53587,13 +53577,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4873 - -1702 + -1830 138 44 4941 - -1680 + -1808 @@ -53612,13 +53602,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4875 - -1700 + -1828 51 20 4902 - -1690 + -1818 @@ -53639,13 +53629,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4875 - -1680 + -1808 51 20 4902 - -1670 + -1798 @@ -53695,13 +53685,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4956 - -1700 + -1828 53 20 4984 - -1690 + -1818 @@ -53721,13 +53711,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4956 - -1680 + -1808 53 20 4984 - -1670 + -1798 @@ -53761,13 +53751,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1610 - -3540 + -3668 100 44 1669 - -3518 + -3646 @@ -53787,13 +53777,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1612 - -3538 + -3666 42 20 1634.5 - -3528 + -3656 @@ -53814,13 +53804,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1612 - -3518 + -3646 42 20 1634.5 - -3508 + -3636 @@ -53870,13 +53860,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1684 - -3538 + -3666 24 20 1697.5 - -3528 + -3656 @@ -53897,13 +53887,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1684 - -3518 + -3646 24 20 1697.5 - -3508 + -3636 @@ -53932,13 +53922,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1718 - -3559 + -3687 89 84 1759 - -3517 + -3645 @@ -53957,13 +53947,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1720 - -3557 + -3685 24 80 1733.5 - -3517 + -3645 @@ -53983,13 +53973,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1774 - -3557 + -3685 31 20 1791 - -3547 + -3675 @@ -54009,13 +53999,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1774 - -3537 + -3665 31 20 1791 - -3527 + -3655 @@ -54035,13 +54025,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1774 - -3517 + -3645 31 20 1791 - -3507 + -3635 @@ -54061,13 +54051,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1774 - -3497 + -3625 31 20 1791 - -3487 + -3615 @@ -54096,13 +54086,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1878 - -3513 + -3641 128 28 1931 - -3499 + -3627 @@ -54123,13 +54113,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1880 - -3511 + -3639 36 24 1899.5 - -3499 + -3627 @@ -54150,13 +54140,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1946 - -3511 + -3639 58 24 1976.5 - -3499 + -3627 @@ -54185,13 +54175,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1808 - -3563 + -3691 104 44 1866 - -3541 + -3669 @@ -54210,13 +54200,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1810 - -3561 + -3689 41 40 1832 - -3541 + -3669 @@ -54236,13 +54226,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1881 - -3561 + -3689 29 20 1897 - -3551 + -3679 @@ -54262,13 +54252,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1881 - -3541 + -3669 29 20 1897 - -3531 + -3659 @@ -54298,13 +54288,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1965 - -3596 + -3724 74 64 2013 - -3564 + -3692 @@ -54334,13 +54324,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1967 - -3594 + -3722 31 20 1984 - -3584 + -3712 @@ -54360,13 +54350,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1967 - -3574 + -3702 31 20 1984 - -3564 + -3692 @@ -54406,13 +54396,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1967 - -3554 + -3682 31 20 1984 - -3544 + -3672 @@ -54453,13 +54443,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 2028 - -3594 + -3722 9 60 2034 - -3564 + -3692 @@ -54494,7 +54484,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 2082 - -3556 + -3683 152 40 @@ -54503,7 +54493,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 0 2082.04 - -3555.666 + -3682.911 @@ -54548,13 +54538,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1812 - -3716 + -3844 100 44 1871 - -3694 + -3822 @@ -54574,13 +54564,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1814 - -3714 + -3842 42 20 1836.5 - -3704 + -3832 @@ -54601,13 +54591,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1814 - -3694 + -3822 42 20 1836.5 - -3684 + -3812 @@ -54657,13 +54647,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1886 - -3714 + -3842 24 20 1899.5 - -3704 + -3832 @@ -54684,13 +54674,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1886 - -3694 + -3822 24 20 1899.5 - -3684 + -3812 @@ -54719,13 +54709,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1920 - -3735 + -3863 89 84 1961 - -3693 + -3821 @@ -54744,13 +54734,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1922 - -3733 + -3861 24 80 1935.5 - -3693 + -3821 @@ -54770,13 +54760,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1976 - -3733 + -3861 31 20 1993 - -3723 + -3851 @@ -54796,13 +54786,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1976 - -3713 + -3841 31 20 1993 - -3703 + -3831 @@ -54822,13 +54812,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1976 - -3693 + -3821 31 20 1993 - -3683 + -3811 @@ -54848,13 +54838,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1976 - -3673 + -3801 31 20 1993 - -3663 + -3791 @@ -54883,13 +54873,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 2073 - -3681 + -3809 128 28 2126 - -3667 + -3795 @@ -54910,13 +54900,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 2075 - -3679 + -3807 36 24 2094.5 - -3667 + -3795 @@ -54937,13 +54927,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 2141 - -3679 + -3807 58 24 2171.5 - -3667 + -3795 @@ -54972,13 +54962,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 2010 - -3739 + -3867 104 44 2068 - -3717 + -3845 @@ -54997,13 +54987,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 2012 - -3737 + -3865 41 40 2034 - -3717 + -3845 @@ -55023,13 +55013,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 2083 - -3737 + -3865 29 20 2099 - -3727 + -3855 @@ -55049,13 +55039,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 2083 - -3717 + -3845 29 20 2099 - -3707 + -3835 @@ -55085,13 +55075,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 2119 - -3774 + -3902 74 64 2167 - -3742 + -3870 @@ -55121,13 +55111,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 2121 - -3772 + -3900 31 20 2138 - -3762 + -3890 @@ -55147,13 +55137,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 2121 - -3752 + -3880 31 20 2138 - -3742 + -3870 @@ -55193,13 +55183,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 2121 - -3732 + -3860 31 20 2138 - -3722 + -3850 @@ -55240,13 +55230,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 2182 - -3772 + -3900 9 60 2188 - -3742 + -3870 @@ -55281,7 +55271,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 2038 - -3844 + -3971 152 40 @@ -55290,7 +55280,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 0 2038.009 - -3843.181 + -3970.426 @@ -55330,13 +55320,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 2061 - -3619 + -3747 82 44 2092 - -3597 + -3725 @@ -55355,13 +55345,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 2063 - -3617 + -3745 14 20 2071.5 - -3607 + -3735 @@ -55382,13 +55372,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 2063 - -3597 + -3725 14 20 2071.5 - -3587 + -3715 @@ -55408,13 +55398,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 2107 - -3617 + -3745 34 40 2125.5 - -3597 + -3725 @@ -55447,7 +55437,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 2069 - -3643 + -3771 152 40 @@ -55456,7 +55446,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 0 2069.083 - -3642.787 + -3770.032 @@ -55506,13 +55496,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 1867 - -3259 + -3386 250 20 1867.362 - -3258.023 + -3385.268 @@ -55539,13 +55529,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5345 - -3063 + -3191 146 44 5410 - -3041 + -3169 @@ -55575,13 +55565,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5347 - -3061 + -3189 48 20 5372.5 - -3051 + -3179 @@ -55603,13 +55593,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5347 - -3041 + -3169 48 20 5372.5 - -3031 + -3159 @@ -55631,13 +55621,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5425 - -3061 + -3189 64 20 5450.5 - -3051 + -3179 @@ -55659,13 +55649,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5425 - -3041 + -3169 64 20 5450.5 - -3031 + -3159 @@ -55696,13 +55686,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5242 - -3054 + -3182 104 28 5292 - -3040 + -3168 @@ -55721,13 +55711,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5244 - -3052 + -3180 33 24 5262 - -3040 + -3168 @@ -55747,13 +55737,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5307 - -3052 + -3180 37 24 5327 - -3040 + -3168 @@ -55786,7 +55776,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5327 - -3402 + -3529 160 274 @@ -55795,7 +55785,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 0 5327.913 - -3401.514 + -3528.759 @@ -55838,13 +55828,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5290 - -2967 + -3095 44 16 5312 - -2959 + -3087 @@ -55871,13 +55861,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5346 - -2936 + -3064 146 44 5411 - -2914 + -3042 @@ -55907,13 +55897,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5348 - -2934 + -3062 48 20 5373.5 - -2924 + -3052 @@ -55935,13 +55925,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5348 - -2914 + -3042 48 20 5373.5 - -2904 + -3032 @@ -55963,13 +55953,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5426 - -2934 + -3062 64 20 5451.5 - -2924 + -3052 @@ -55991,13 +55981,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5426 - -2914 + -3042 64 20 5451.5 - -2904 + -3032 @@ -56028,13 +56018,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5234 - -2938 + -3066 104 28 5284 - -2924 + -3052 @@ -56053,13 +56043,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5236 - -2936 + -3064 33 24 5254 - -2924 + -3052 @@ -56079,13 +56069,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5299 - -2936 + -3064 37 24 5319 - -2924 + -3052 @@ -56117,13 +56107,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5277 - -2876 + -3004 44 16 5299 - -2868 + -2996 @@ -56154,7 +56144,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5541 - -3145 + -3272 140 274 @@ -56163,7 +56153,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 0 5541.143 - -3144.638 + -3271.883 @@ -56203,13 +56193,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5538 - -3016 + -3144 82 44 5569 - -2994 + -3122 @@ -56228,13 +56218,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5540 - -3014 + -3142 14 20 5548.5 - -3004 + -3132 @@ -56255,13 +56245,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5540 - -2994 + -3122 14 20 5548.5 - -2984 + -3112 @@ -56281,13 +56271,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5584 - -3014 + -3142 34 40 5602.5 - -2994 + -3122 @@ -56320,7 +56310,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5518 - -3431 + -3558 160 274 @@ -56329,7 +56319,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 0 5518.396 - -3430.462 + -3557.707 @@ -56370,13 +56360,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5507 - -3138 + -3266 74 64 5555 - -3106 + -3234 @@ -56406,13 +56396,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5509 - -3136 + -3264 31 20 5526 - -3126 + -3254 @@ -56432,13 +56422,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5509 - -3116 + -3244 31 20 5526 - -3106 + -3234 @@ -56478,13 +56468,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5509 - -3096 + -3224 31 20 5526 - -3086 + -3214 @@ -56525,13 +56515,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5570 - -3136 + -3264 9 60 5576 - -3106 + -3234 @@ -56563,13 +56553,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5482 - -2916 + -3044 74 64 5530 - -2884 + -3012 @@ -56599,13 +56589,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5484 - -2914 + -3042 31 20 5501 - -2904 + -3032 @@ -56625,13 +56615,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5484 - -2894 + -3022 31 20 5501 - -2884 + -3012 @@ -56671,13 +56661,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5484 - -2874 + -3002 31 20 5501 - -2864 + -2992 @@ -56718,13 +56708,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5545 - -2914 + -3042 9 60 5551 - -2884 + -3012 @@ -56765,13 +56755,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5248 - -2665 + -2793 250 20 5248.734 - -2664.783 + -2792.028 @@ -57135,13 +57125,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4954 - -5382 + -5509 50 24 4979.272 - -5370.618 + -5497.863 @@ -57168,13 +57158,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4900 - -5582 + -5710 137 64 4970 - -5550 + -5678 @@ -57193,13 +57183,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4902 - -5580 + -5708 53 30 4930 - -5565 + -5693 @@ -57220,13 +57210,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4902 - -5550 + -5678 53 30 4930 - -5535 + -5663 @@ -57246,13 +57236,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4985 - -5580 + -5708 50 20 5011.5 - -5570 + -5698 @@ -57272,13 +57262,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4985 - -5560 + -5688 50 20 5011.5 - -5550 + -5678 @@ -57298,13 +57288,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4985 - -5540 + -5668 50 20 5011.5 - -5530 + -5658 @@ -57333,13 +57323,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4905 - -5494 + -5622 125 64 4955 - -5462 + -5590 @@ -57358,13 +57348,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4907 - -5492 + -5620 33 20 4925 - -5482 + -5610 @@ -57385,13 +57375,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4907 - -5472 + -5600 33 20 4925 - -5462 + -5590 @@ -57431,13 +57421,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4907 - -5452 + -5580 33 20 4925 - -5442 + -5570 @@ -57478,13 +57468,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4970 - -5492 + -5620 58 20 5000.5 - -5482 + -5610 @@ -57505,13 +57495,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4970 - -5472 + -5600 58 20 5000.5 - -5462 + -5590 @@ -57532,13 +57522,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4970 - -5452 + -5580 58 20 5000.5 - -5442 + -5570 @@ -57570,13 +57560,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4951 - -5356 + -5483 50 24 4976.323 - -5344.227 + -5471.472 @@ -57603,13 +57593,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4905 - -5668 + -5796 114 64 4945 - -5636 + -5764 @@ -57628,13 +57618,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4907 - -5666 + -5794 23 60 4920 - -5636 + -5764 @@ -57654,13 +57644,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4960 - -5666 + -5794 57 20 4990 - -5656 + -5784 @@ -57680,13 +57670,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4960 - -5646 + -5774 57 20 4990 - -5636 + -5764 @@ -57706,13 +57696,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4960 - -5626 + -5754 57 20 4990 - -5616 + -5744 @@ -57741,13 +57731,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4906 - -5795 + -5923 100 28 4955 - -5781 + -5909 @@ -57766,13 +57756,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4908 - -5793 + -5921 32 24 4925.5 - -5781 + -5909 @@ -57792,13 +57782,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4970 - -5793 + -5921 34 24 4988.5 - -5781 + -5909 @@ -57831,13 +57821,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4907 - -5961 + -6088 150 150 4907.277 - -5960.561 + -6087.806 -1 @@ -57866,13 +57856,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4862 - -5404 - 198 + -5531 + 282 20 4862.277 - -5403.497 + -5530.742 @@ -57910,13 +57900,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4911 - -5736 + -5864 114 44 4983 - -5714 + -5842 @@ -57935,13 +57925,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4913 - -5734 + -5862 55 20 4942 - -5724 + -5852 @@ -57962,13 +57952,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4913 - -5714 + -5842 55 20 4942 - -5704 + -5832 @@ -57988,13 +57978,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4998 - -5734 + -5862 25 40 5012 - -5714 + -5842 @@ -58023,13 +58013,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4937 - -6098 + -6226 82 44 4968 - -6076 + -6204 @@ -58057,13 +58047,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4939 - -6096 + -6224 14 20 4947.5 - -6086 + -6214 @@ -58084,13 +58074,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4939 - -6076 + -6204 14 20 4947.5 - -6066 + -6194 @@ -58110,13 +58100,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4983 - -6096 + -6224 34 40 5001.5 - -6076 + -6204 @@ -58148,13 +58138,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4884 - -6119 - 198 + -6247 + 279 20 4884.088 - -6118.852 + -6246.097 @@ -58192,13 +58182,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4919 - -6045 + -6173 122 64 4999 - -6013 + -6141 @@ -58217,13 +58207,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4921 - -6043 + -6171 63 20 4962 - -6033 + -6161 @@ -58244,13 +58234,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4921 - -6023 + -6151 63 20 4962 - -6013 + -6141 @@ -58296,13 +58286,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4921 - -6003 + -6131 63 20 4962 - -5993 + -6121 @@ -58342,13 +58332,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5014 - -6043 + -6171 25 60 5028 - -6013 + -6141 @@ -58381,7 +58371,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4738 - -6024 + -6151 160 274 @@ -58390,7 +58380,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 0 4738.788 - -6023.743 + -6150.988 @@ -58430,13 +58420,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4899 - -6205 + -6333 144 64 4973 - -6173 + -6301 @@ -58455,13 +58445,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4901 - -6203 + -6331 57 20 4931 - -6193 + -6321 @@ -58481,13 +58471,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4901 - -6183 + -6311 57 20 4931 - -6173 + -6301 @@ -58527,13 +58517,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4901 - -6163 + -6291 57 20 4931 - -6153 + -6281 @@ -58573,13 +58563,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4988 - -6203 + -6331 53 20 5016 - -6193 + -6321 @@ -58599,13 +58589,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4988 - -6183 + -6311 53 20 5016 - -6173 + -6301 @@ -58625,13 +58615,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4988 - -6163 + -6291 53 20 5016 - -6153 + -6281 @@ -58660,13 +58650,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4910 - -6308 + -6436 125 84 4977 - -6266 + -6394 @@ -58686,13 +58676,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4912 - -6306 + -6434 50 20 4938.5 - -6296 + -6424 @@ -58712,13 +58702,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4912 - -6286 + -6414 50 20 4938.5 - -6276 + -6404 @@ -58758,13 +58748,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4912 - -6266 + -6394 50 20 4938.5 - -6256 + -6384 @@ -58804,13 +58794,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4912 - -6246 + -6374 50 20 4938.5 - -6236 + -6364 @@ -58850,13 +58840,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4992 - -6306 + -6434 41 26 5014 - -6292.667 + -6420.667 @@ -58876,13 +58866,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4992 - -6280 + -6408 41 27 5014 - -6266 + -6394 @@ -58902,13 +58892,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4992 - -6253 + -6381 41 27 5014 - -6239.333 + -6367.333 @@ -58976,13 +58966,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4827 - -5376 + -5504 118 64 4887 - -5344 + -5472 @@ -59002,13 +58992,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4829 - -5374 + -5502 43 20 4852 - -5364 + -5492 @@ -59028,13 +59018,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4829 - -5354 + -5482 43 20 4852 - -5344 + -5472 @@ -59074,13 +59064,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4829 - -5334 + -5462 43 20 4852 - -5324 + -5452 @@ -59120,13 +59110,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4902 - -5374 + -5502 41 20 4924 - -5364 + -5492 @@ -59146,13 +59136,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4902 - -5354 + -5482 41 20 4924 - -5344 + -5472 @@ -59172,13 +59162,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4902 - -5334 + -5462 41 20 4924 - -5324 + -5452 @@ -59207,13 +59197,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4857 - -3649 + -3777 128 28 4910 - -3635 + -3763 @@ -59233,13 +59223,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4859 - -3647 + -3775 36 24 4878.5 - -3635 + -3763 @@ -59260,13 +59250,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4925 - -3647 + -3775 58 24 4955.5 - -3635 + -3763 @@ -59298,13 +59288,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5115 - -2256 + -2384 44 16 5137 - -2248 + -2376 @@ -59331,13 +59321,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4722 - -3575 + -3703 117 144 4792 - -3503 + -3631 @@ -59371,13 +59361,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4724 - -3573 + -3701 53 70 4752 - -3538 + -3666 @@ -59398,13 +59388,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4724 - -3503 + -3631 53 70 4752 - -3468 + -3596 @@ -59424,13 +59414,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4807 - -3573 + -3701 30 20 4823.5 - -3563 + -3691 @@ -59451,13 +59441,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4807 - -3553 + -3681 30 20 4823.5 - -3543 + -3671 @@ -59478,13 +59468,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4807 - -3533 + -3661 30 20 4823.5 - -3523 + -3651 @@ -59505,13 +59495,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4807 - -3513 + -3641 30 20 4823.5 - -3503 + -3631 @@ -59532,13 +59522,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4807 - -3493 + -3621 30 20 4823.5 - -3483 + -3611 @@ -59559,13 +59549,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4807 - -3473 + -3601 30 20 4823.5 - -3463 + -3591 @@ -59586,13 +59576,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4807 - -3453 + -3581 30 20 4823.5 - -3443 + -3571 @@ -59626,13 +59616,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4845 - -3542 + -3670 44 16 4867 - -3534 + -3662 @@ -59662,13 +59652,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4841 - -3516 + -3644 44 16 4863 - -3508 + -3636 @@ -59705,13 +59695,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4905 - -3669 + -3796 250 20 4905.163 - -3668.574 + -3795.819 @@ -59738,13 +59728,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5079 - -2494 + -2622 144 104 5163 - -2442 + -2570 @@ -59762,13 +59752,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5081 - -2492 + -2620 67 20 5116 - -2482 + -2610 @@ -59810,13 +59800,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5081 - -2472 + -2600 67 20 5116 - -2462 + -2590 @@ -59858,13 +59848,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5081 - -2452 + -2580 67 20 5116 - -2442 + -2570 @@ -59906,13 +59896,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5081 - -2432 + -2560 67 20 5116 - -2422 + -2550 @@ -59952,13 +59942,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5081 - -2412 + -2540 67 20 5116 - -2402 + -2530 @@ -59998,13 +59988,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5178 - -2492 + -2620 43 100 5201 - -2442 + -2570 @@ -60035,13 +60025,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5106 - -2563 + -2691 82 44 5174 - -2541 + -2669 @@ -60061,13 +60051,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5108 - -2561 + -2689 51 20 5135 - -2551 + -2679 @@ -60088,13 +60078,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5108 - -2541 + -2669 51 20 5135 - -2531 + -2659 @@ -60153,13 +60143,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5082 - -1947 + -2075 144 104 5166 - -1895 + -2023 @@ -60177,13 +60167,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5084 - -1945 + -2073 67 20 5119 - -1935 + -2063 @@ -60225,13 +60215,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5084 - -1925 + -2053 67 20 5119 - -1915 + -2043 @@ -60273,13 +60263,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5084 - -1905 + -2033 67 20 5119 - -1895 + -2023 @@ -60321,13 +60311,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5084 - -1885 + -2013 67 20 5119 - -1875 + -2003 @@ -60367,13 +60357,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5084 - -1865 + -1993 67 20 5119 - -1855 + -1983 @@ -60413,13 +60403,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5181 - -1945 + -2073 43 100 5204 - -1895 + -2023 @@ -60450,13 +60440,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5102 - -1994 + -2122 82 44 5170 - -1972 + -2100 @@ -60476,13 +60466,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5104 - -1992 + -2120 51 20 5131 - -1982 + -2110 @@ -60503,13 +60493,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5104 - -1972 + -2100 51 20 5131 - -1962 + -2090 @@ -60568,13 +60558,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5080 - -2789 + -2917 144 104 5164 - -2737 + -2865 @@ -60592,13 +60582,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5082 - -2787 + -2915 67 20 5117 - -2777 + -2905 @@ -60640,13 +60630,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5082 - -2767 + -2895 67 20 5117 - -2757 + -2885 @@ -60688,13 +60678,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5082 - -2747 + -2875 67 20 5117 - -2737 + -2865 @@ -60736,13 +60726,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5082 - -2727 + -2855 67 20 5117 - -2717 + -2845 @@ -60782,13 +60772,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5082 - -2707 + -2835 67 20 5117 - -2697 + -2825 @@ -60828,13 +60818,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5179 - -2787 + -2915 43 100 5202 - -2737 + -2865 @@ -60865,13 +60855,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5111 - -2841 + -2969 82 44 5179 - -2819 + -2947 @@ -60891,13 +60881,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5113 - -2839 + -2967 51 20 5140 - -2829 + -2957 @@ -60918,13 +60908,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5113 - -2819 + -2947 51 20 5140 - -2809 + -2937 @@ -60983,13 +60973,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5077 - -3533 + -3661 144 104 5161 - -3481 + -3609 @@ -61007,13 +60997,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5079 - -3531 + -3659 67 20 5114 - -3521 + -3649 @@ -61055,13 +61045,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5079 - -3511 + -3639 67 20 5114 - -3501 + -3629 @@ -61103,13 +61093,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5079 - -3491 + -3619 67 20 5114 - -3481 + -3609 @@ -61151,13 +61141,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5079 - -3471 + -3599 67 20 5114 - -3461 + -3589 @@ -61197,13 +61187,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5079 - -3451 + -3579 67 20 5114 - -3441 + -3569 @@ -61243,13 +61233,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5176 - -3531 + -3659 43 100 5199 - -3481 + -3609 @@ -61280,13 +61270,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5116 - -3600 + -3728 82 44 5184 - -3578 + -3706 @@ -61306,13 +61296,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5118 - -3598 + -3726 51 20 5145 - -3588 + -3716 @@ -61333,13 +61323,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5118 - -3578 + -3706 51 20 5145 - -3568 + -3696 @@ -61398,13 +61388,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5071 - -3778 + -3906 144 104 5155 - -3726 + -3854 @@ -61422,13 +61412,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5073 - -3776 + -3904 67 20 5108 - -3766 + -3894 @@ -61470,13 +61460,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5073 - -3756 + -3884 67 20 5108 - -3746 + -3874 @@ -61518,13 +61508,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5073 - -3736 + -3864 67 20 5108 - -3726 + -3854 @@ -61566,13 +61556,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5073 - -3716 + -3844 67 20 5108 - -3706 + -3834 @@ -61612,13 +61602,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5073 - -3696 + -3824 67 20 5108 - -3686 + -3814 @@ -61658,13 +61648,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5170 - -3776 + -3904 43 100 5193 - -3726 + -3854 @@ -61695,13 +61685,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5110 - -3845 + -3973 82 44 5178 - -3823 + -3951 @@ -61721,13 +61711,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5112 - -3843 + -3971 51 20 5139 - -3833 + -3961 @@ -61748,13 +61738,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5112 - -3823 + -3951 51 20 5139 - -3813 + -3941 @@ -61813,13 +61803,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4637 - -3844 + -3972 122 64 4717 - -3812 + -3940 @@ -61838,13 +61828,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4639 - -3842 + -3970 63 20 4680 - -3832 + -3960 @@ -61865,13 +61855,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4639 - -3822 + -3950 63 20 4680 - -3812 + -3940 @@ -61917,13 +61907,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4639 - -3802 + -3930 63 20 4680 - -3792 + -3920 @@ -61963,13 +61953,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4732 - -3842 + -3970 25 60 4746 - -3812 + -3940 @@ -61998,13 +61988,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4937 - -4372 + -4500 118 44 4997 - -4350 + -4478 @@ -62024,13 +62014,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4939 - -4370 + -4498 43 20 4962 - -4360 + -4488 @@ -62050,13 +62040,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4939 - -4350 + -4478 43 20 4962 - -4340 + -4468 @@ -62096,13 +62086,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5012 - -4370 + -4498 41 40 5034 - -4350 + -4478 @@ -62131,13 +62121,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4915 - -4320 + -4448 136 44 4982 - -4298 + -4426 @@ -62156,13 +62146,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4917 - -4318 + -4446 50 20 4943.5 - -4308 + -4436 @@ -62182,13 +62172,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4917 - -4298 + -4426 50 20 4943.5 - -4288 + -4416 @@ -62229,13 +62219,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4997 - -4318 + -4446 52 20 5024.5 - -4308 + -4436 @@ -62256,13 +62246,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4997 - -4298 + -4426 52 20 5024.5 - -4288 + -4416 @@ -62295,13 +62285,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4939 - -4231 + -4358 53 24 4975.156 - -4219.531 + -4346.776 @@ -62332,7 +62322,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4835 - -4132 + -4259 226 100 @@ -62341,7 +62331,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 0 4835.156 - -4131.531 + -4258.776 @@ -62381,13 +62371,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4955 - -4186 + -4314 130 44 5020 - -4164 + -4292 @@ -62417,13 +62407,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4957 - -4184 + -4312 48 20 4982.5 - -4174 + -4302 @@ -62445,13 +62435,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4957 - -4164 + -4292 48 20 4982.5 - -4154 + -4282 @@ -62472,13 +62462,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5035 - -4184 + -4312 48 20 5060.5 - -4174 + -4302 @@ -62499,13 +62489,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5035 - -4164 + -4292 48 20 5060.5 - -4154 + -4282 @@ -62536,13 +62526,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4845 - -4201 + -4329 104 28 4895 - -4187 + -4315 @@ -62561,13 +62551,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4847 - -4199 + -4327 33 24 4865 - -4187 + -4315 @@ -62587,13 +62577,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4910 - -4199 + -4327 37 24 4930 - -4187 + -4315 @@ -62623,13 +62613,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4959 - -4027 + -4155 74 64 5007 - -3995 + -4123 @@ -62659,13 +62649,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4961 - -4025 + -4153 31 20 4978 - -4015 + -4143 @@ -62685,13 +62675,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4961 - -4005 + -4133 31 20 4978 - -3995 + -4123 @@ -62731,13 +62721,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4961 - -3985 + -4113 31 20 4978 - -3975 + -4103 @@ -62778,13 +62768,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5022 - -4025 + -4153 9 60 5028 - -3995 + -4123 @@ -62847,13 +62837,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5036 - -3940 + -4068 83 64 5105 - -3908 + -4036 @@ -62873,13 +62863,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5038 - -3938 + -4066 52 20 5073.5 - -3928 + -4056 @@ -62899,13 +62889,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5038 - -3918 + -4046 52 20 5073.5 - -3908 + -4036 @@ -62949,13 +62939,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 5038 - -3898 + -4026 52 20 5073.5 - -3888 + -4016 @@ -63004,13 +62994,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4725 - -3690 + -3818 144 104 4809 - -3638 + -3766 @@ -63028,13 +63018,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4727 - -3688 + -3816 67 20 4762 - -3678 + -3806 @@ -63076,13 +63066,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4727 - -3668 + -3796 67 20 4762 - -3658 + -3786 @@ -63124,13 +63114,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4727 - -3648 + -3776 67 20 4762 - -3638 + -3766 @@ -63172,13 +63162,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4727 - -3628 + -3756 67 20 4762 - -3618 + -3746 @@ -63218,13 +63208,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4727 - -3608 + -3736 67 20 4762 - -3598 + -3726 @@ -63264,13 +63254,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4824 - -3688 + -3816 43 100 4847 - -3638 + -3766 @@ -63301,13 +63291,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4749 - -3758 + -3886 82 44 4817 - -3736 + -3864 @@ -63327,13 +63317,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4751 - -3756 + -3884 51 20 4778 - -3746 + -3874 @@ -63354,13 +63344,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4751 - -3736 + -3864 51 20 4778 - -3726 + -3854 @@ -63421,13 +63411,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3875 - -1834 + -1961 50 24 3900.728 - -1822.495 + -1949.74 @@ -63454,13 +63444,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3815 - -2036 + -2164 137 64 3885 - -2004 + -2132 @@ -63479,13 +63469,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3817 - -2034 + -2162 53 30 3845 - -2019 + -2147 @@ -63506,13 +63496,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3817 - -2004 + -2132 53 30 3845 - -1989 + -2117 @@ -63532,13 +63522,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3900 - -2034 + -2162 50 20 3926.5 - -2024 + -2152 @@ -63558,13 +63548,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3900 - -2014 + -2142 50 20 3926.5 - -2004 + -2132 @@ -63584,13 +63574,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3900 - -1994 + -2122 50 20 3926.5 - -1984 + -2112 @@ -63619,13 +63609,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3827 - -1946 + -2074 125 64 3877 - -1914 + -2042 @@ -63644,13 +63634,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3829 - -1944 + -2072 33 20 3847 - -1934 + -2062 @@ -63671,13 +63661,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3829 - -1924 + -2052 33 20 3847 - -1914 + -2042 @@ -63717,13 +63707,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3829 - -1904 + -2032 33 20 3847 - -1894 + -2022 @@ -63764,13 +63754,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3892 - -1944 + -2072 58 20 3922.5 - -1934 + -2062 @@ -63791,13 +63781,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3892 - -1924 + -2052 58 20 3922.5 - -1914 + -2042 @@ -63818,13 +63808,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3892 - -1904 + -2032 58 20 3922.5 - -1894 + -2022 @@ -63859,13 +63849,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3870 - -1797 + -1924 53 24 3906.872 - -1785.495 + -1912.74 @@ -63892,13 +63882,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3827 - -2120 + -2248 114 64 3867 - -2088 + -2216 @@ -63917,13 +63907,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3829 - -2118 + -2246 23 60 3842 - -2088 + -2216 @@ -63943,13 +63933,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3882 - -2118 + -2246 57 20 3912 - -2108 + -2236 @@ -63969,13 +63959,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3882 - -2098 + -2226 57 20 3912 - -2088 + -2216 @@ -63995,13 +63985,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3882 - -2078 + -2206 57 20 3912 - -2068 + -2196 @@ -64030,13 +64020,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3845 - -2248 + -2376 100 28 3894 - -2234 + -2362 @@ -64055,13 +64045,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3847 - -2246 + -2374 32 24 3864.5 - -2234 + -2362 @@ -64081,13 +64071,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3909 - -2246 + -2374 34 24 3927.5 - -2234 + -2362 @@ -64120,13 +64110,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3828 - -2494 + -2621 150 150 3828.733 - -2493.696 + -2620.941 -1 @@ -64155,13 +64145,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3783 - -1856 - 198 + -1983 + 282 20 3783.733 - -1855.375 + -1982.62 @@ -64199,13 +64189,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3828 - -2194 + -2322 114 44 3900 - -2172 + -2300 @@ -64224,13 +64214,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3830 - -2192 + -2320 55 20 3859 - -2182 + -2310 @@ -64251,13 +64241,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3830 - -2172 + -2300 55 20 3859 - -2162 + -2290 @@ -64277,13 +64267,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3915 - -2192 + -2320 25 40 3929 - -2172 + -2300 @@ -64312,13 +64302,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3863 - -2629 + -2757 82 44 3894 - -2607 + -2735 @@ -64346,13 +64336,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3865 - -2627 + -2755 14 20 3873.5 - -2617 + -2745 @@ -64373,13 +64363,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3865 - -2607 + -2735 14 20 3873.5 - -2597 + -2725 @@ -64399,13 +64389,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3909 - -2627 + -2755 34 40 3927.5 - -2607 + -2735 @@ -64437,13 +64427,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3805 - -2652 - 198 + -2780 + 279 20 3805.543 - -2651.987 + -2779.232 @@ -64481,13 +64471,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3832 - -2574 + -2702 122 64 3912 - -2542 + -2670 @@ -64506,13 +64496,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3834 - -2572 + -2700 63 20 3875 - -2562 + -2690 @@ -64533,13 +64523,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3834 - -2552 + -2680 63 20 3875 - -2542 + -2670 @@ -64585,13 +64575,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3834 - -2532 + -2660 63 20 3875 - -2522 + -2650 @@ -64631,13 +64621,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3927 - -2572 + -2700 25 60 3941 - -2542 + -2670 @@ -64670,7 +64660,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3653 - -2552 + -2679 160 274 @@ -64679,7 +64669,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 0 3653.414 - -2551.413 + -2678.658 @@ -64719,13 +64709,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3827 - -2740 + -2868 144 64 3901 - -2708 + -2836 @@ -64744,13 +64734,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3829 - -2738 + -2866 57 20 3859 - -2728 + -2856 @@ -64770,13 +64760,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3829 - -2718 + -2846 57 20 3859 - -2708 + -2836 @@ -64816,13 +64806,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3829 - -2698 + -2826 57 20 3859 - -2688 + -2816 @@ -64862,13 +64852,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3916 - -2738 + -2866 53 20 3944 - -2728 + -2856 @@ -64888,13 +64878,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3916 - -2718 + -2846 53 20 3944 - -2708 + -2836 @@ -64914,13 +64904,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3916 - -2698 + -2826 53 20 3944 - -2688 + -2816 @@ -64949,13 +64939,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3840 - -2831 + -2959 125 84 3907 - -2789 + -2917 @@ -64975,13 +64965,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3842 - -2829 + -2957 50 20 3868.5 - -2819 + -2947 @@ -65001,13 +64991,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3842 - -2809 + -2937 50 20 3868.5 - -2799 + -2927 @@ -65047,13 +65037,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3842 - -2789 + -2917 50 20 3868.5 - -2779 + -2907 @@ -65093,13 +65083,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3842 - -2769 + -2897 50 20 3868.5 - -2759 + -2887 @@ -65139,13 +65129,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3922 - -2829 + -2957 41 26 3944 - -2815.667 + -2943.667 @@ -65165,13 +65155,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3922 - -2803 + -2931 41 27 3944 - -2789 + -2917 @@ -65191,13 +65181,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3922 - -2776 + -2904 41 27 3944 - -2762.333 + -2890.333 @@ -65273,13 +65263,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3865 - -2930 + -3057 50 24 3890.542 - -2918.466 + -3045.711 @@ -65306,13 +65296,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3809 - -3132 + -3260 137 64 3879 - -3100 + -3228 @@ -65331,13 +65321,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3811 - -3130 + -3258 53 30 3839 - -3115 + -3243 @@ -65358,13 +65348,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3811 - -3100 + -3228 53 30 3839 - -3085 + -3213 @@ -65384,13 +65374,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3894 - -3130 + -3258 50 20 3920.5 - -3120 + -3248 @@ -65410,13 +65400,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3894 - -3110 + -3238 50 20 3920.5 - -3100 + -3228 @@ -65436,13 +65426,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3894 - -3090 + -3218 50 20 3920.5 - -3080 + -3208 @@ -65471,13 +65461,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3814 - -3044 + -3172 125 64 3864 - -3012 + -3140 @@ -65496,13 +65486,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3816 - -3042 + -3170 33 20 3834 - -3032 + -3160 @@ -65523,13 +65513,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3816 - -3022 + -3150 33 20 3834 - -3012 + -3140 @@ -65569,13 +65559,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3816 - -3002 + -3130 33 20 3834 - -2992 + -3120 @@ -65616,13 +65606,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3879 - -3042 + -3170 58 20 3909.5 - -3032 + -3160 @@ -65643,13 +65633,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3879 - -3022 + -3150 58 20 3909.5 - -3012 + -3140 @@ -65670,13 +65660,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3879 - -3002 + -3130 58 20 3909.5 - -2992 + -3120 @@ -65708,13 +65698,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3862 - -2904 + -3031 50 24 3887.592 - -2892.073 + -3019.318 @@ -65741,13 +65731,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3814 - -3218 + -3346 114 64 3854 - -3186 + -3314 @@ -65766,13 +65756,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3816 - -3216 + -3344 23 60 3829 - -3186 + -3314 @@ -65792,13 +65782,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3869 - -3216 + -3344 57 20 3899 - -3206 + -3334 @@ -65818,13 +65808,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3869 - -3196 + -3324 57 20 3899 - -3186 + -3314 @@ -65844,13 +65834,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3869 - -3176 + -3304 57 20 3899 - -3166 + -3294 @@ -65879,13 +65869,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3815 - -3345 + -3473 100 28 3864 - -3331 + -3459 @@ -65904,13 +65894,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3817 - -3343 + -3471 32 24 3834.5 - -3331 + -3459 @@ -65930,13 +65920,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3879 - -3343 + -3471 34 24 3897.5 - -3331 + -3459 @@ -65969,13 +65959,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3818 - -3509 + -3636 150 150 3818.546 - -3508.407 + -3635.652 -1 @@ -66004,13 +65994,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3773 - -2952 - 198 + -3079 + 282 20 3773.546 - -2951.344 + -3078.589 @@ -66048,13 +66038,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3820 - -3286 + -3414 114 44 3892 - -3264 + -3392 @@ -66073,13 +66063,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3822 - -3284 + -3412 55 20 3851 - -3274 + -3402 @@ -66100,13 +66090,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3822 - -3264 + -3392 55 20 3851 - -3254 + -3382 @@ -66126,13 +66116,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3907 - -3284 + -3412 25 40 3921 - -3264 + -3392 @@ -66161,13 +66151,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3846 - -3648 + -3776 82 44 3877 - -3626 + -3754 @@ -66195,13 +66185,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3848 - -3646 + -3774 14 20 3856.5 - -3636 + -3764 @@ -66222,13 +66212,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3848 - -3626 + -3754 14 20 3856.5 - -3616 + -3744 @@ -66248,13 +66238,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3892 - -3646 + -3774 34 40 3910.5 - -3626 + -3754 @@ -66285,13 +66275,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3834 - -3595 + -3723 122 64 3914 - -3563 + -3691 @@ -66310,13 +66300,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3836 - -3593 + -3721 63 20 3877 - -3583 + -3711 @@ -66337,13 +66327,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3836 - -3573 + -3701 63 20 3877 - -3563 + -3691 @@ -66389,13 +66379,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3836 - -3553 + -3681 63 20 3877 - -3543 + -3671 @@ -66435,13 +66425,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3929 - -3593 + -3721 25 60 3943 - -3563 + -3691 @@ -66474,7 +66464,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3643 - -3410 + -3538 160 274 @@ -66483,7 +66473,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 0 3643.65 - -3409.801 + -3537.046 @@ -66523,13 +66513,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3808 - -3755 + -3883 144 64 3882 - -3723 + -3851 @@ -66548,13 +66538,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3810 - -3753 + -3881 57 20 3840 - -3743 + -3871 @@ -66574,13 +66564,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3810 - -3733 + -3861 57 20 3840 - -3723 + -3851 @@ -66620,13 +66610,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3810 - -3713 + -3841 57 20 3840 - -3703 + -3831 @@ -66666,13 +66656,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3897 - -3753 + -3881 53 20 3925 - -3743 + -3871 @@ -66692,13 +66682,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3897 - -3733 + -3861 53 20 3925 - -3723 + -3851 @@ -66718,13 +66708,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3897 - -3713 + -3841 53 20 3925 - -3703 + -3831 @@ -66753,13 +66743,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3819 - -3858 + -3986 125 84 3886 - -3816 + -3944 @@ -66779,13 +66769,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3821 - -3856 + -3984 50 20 3847.5 - -3846 + -3974 @@ -66805,13 +66795,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3821 - -3836 + -3964 50 20 3847.5 - -3826 + -3954 @@ -66851,13 +66841,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3821 - -3816 + -3944 50 20 3847.5 - -3806 + -3934 @@ -66897,13 +66887,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3821 - -3796 + -3924 50 20 3847.5 - -3786 + -3914 @@ -66943,13 +66933,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3901 - -3856 + -3984 41 26 3923 - -3842.667 + -3970.667 @@ -66969,13 +66959,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3901 - -3830 + -3958 41 27 3923 - -3816 + -3944 @@ -66995,13 +66985,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3901 - -3803 + -3931 41 27 3923 - -3789.333 + -3917.333 @@ -67079,13 +67069,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3768 - -3852 + -3980 118 64 3828 - -3820 + -3948 @@ -67105,13 +67095,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3770 - -3850 + -3978 43 20 3793 - -3840 + -3968 @@ -67131,13 +67121,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3770 - -3830 + -3958 43 20 3793 - -3820 + -3948 @@ -67177,13 +67167,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3770 - -3810 + -3938 43 20 3793 - -3800 + -3928 @@ -67223,13 +67213,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3843 - -3850 + -3978 41 20 3865 - -3840 + -3968 @@ -67249,13 +67239,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3843 - -3830 + -3958 41 20 3865 - -3820 + -3948 @@ -67275,13 +67265,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3843 - -3810 + -3938 41 20 3865 - -3800 + -3928 @@ -67310,13 +67300,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3773 - -2839 + -2967 118 64 3833 - -2807 + -2935 @@ -67336,13 +67326,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3775 - -2837 + -2965 43 20 3798 - -2827 + -2955 @@ -67362,13 +67352,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3775 - -2817 + -2945 43 20 3798 - -2807 + -2935 @@ -67408,13 +67398,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3775 - -2797 + -2925 43 20 3798 - -2787 + -2915 @@ -67454,13 +67444,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3848 - -2837 + -2965 41 20 3870 - -2827 + -2955 @@ -67480,13 +67470,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3848 - -2817 + -2945 41 20 3870 - -2807 + -2935 @@ -67506,13 +67496,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3848 - -2797 + -2925 41 20 3870 - -2787 + -2915 @@ -67541,13 +67531,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3764 - -3659 + -3787 128 28 3817 - -3645 + -3773 @@ -67567,13 +67557,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3766 - -3657 + -3785 36 24 3785.5 - -3645 + -3773 @@ -67594,13 +67584,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3832 - -3657 + -3785 58 24 3862.5 - -3645 + -3773 @@ -67632,13 +67622,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4022 - -2266 + -2394 44 16 4044 - -2258 + -2386 @@ -67665,13 +67655,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3587 - -3590 + -3718 117 144 3657 - -3518 + -3646 @@ -67705,13 +67695,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3589 - -3588 + -3716 53 70 3617 - -3553 + -3681 @@ -67732,13 +67722,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3589 - -3518 + -3646 53 70 3617 - -3483 + -3611 @@ -67758,13 +67748,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3672 - -3588 + -3716 30 20 3688.5 - -3578 + -3706 @@ -67785,13 +67775,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3672 - -3568 + -3696 30 20 3688.5 - -3558 + -3686 @@ -67812,13 +67802,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3672 - -3548 + -3676 30 20 3688.5 - -3538 + -3666 @@ -67839,13 +67829,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3672 - -3528 + -3656 30 20 3688.5 - -3518 + -3646 @@ -67866,13 +67856,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3672 - -3508 + -3636 30 20 3688.5 - -3498 + -3626 @@ -67893,13 +67883,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3672 - -3488 + -3616 30 20 3688.5 - -3478 + -3606 @@ -67920,13 +67910,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3672 - -3468 + -3596 30 20 3688.5 - -3458 + -3586 @@ -67960,13 +67950,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3778 - -3546 + -3674 44 16 3800 - -3538 + -3666 @@ -67996,13 +67986,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3776 - -3505 + -3633 44 16 3798 - -3497 + -3625 @@ -68039,13 +68029,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3813 - -3677 + -3804 250 20 3813.632 - -3676.749 + -3803.994 @@ -68072,13 +68062,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3986 - -2504 + -2632 144 104 4070 - -2452 + -2580 @@ -68096,13 +68086,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3988 - -2502 + -2630 67 20 4023 - -2492 + -2620 @@ -68144,13 +68134,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3988 - -2482 + -2610 67 20 4023 - -2472 + -2600 @@ -68192,13 +68182,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3988 - -2462 + -2590 67 20 4023 - -2452 + -2580 @@ -68240,13 +68230,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3988 - -2442 + -2570 67 20 4023 - -2432 + -2560 @@ -68286,13 +68276,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3988 - -2422 + -2550 67 20 4023 - -2412 + -2540 @@ -68332,13 +68322,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4085 - -2502 + -2630 43 100 4108 - -2452 + -2580 @@ -68369,13 +68359,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4013 - -2573 + -2701 82 44 4081 - -2551 + -2679 @@ -68395,13 +68385,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4015 - -2571 + -2699 51 20 4042 - -2561 + -2689 @@ -68422,13 +68412,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4015 - -2551 + -2679 51 20 4042 - -2541 + -2669 @@ -68487,13 +68477,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4001 - -1838 + -1966 144 104 4085 - -1786 + -1914 @@ -68511,13 +68501,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4003 - -1836 + -1964 67 20 4038 - -1826 + -1954 @@ -68559,13 +68549,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4003 - -1816 + -1944 67 20 4038 - -1806 + -1934 @@ -68607,13 +68597,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4003 - -1796 + -1924 67 20 4038 - -1786 + -1914 @@ -68655,13 +68645,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4003 - -1776 + -1904 67 20 4038 - -1766 + -1894 @@ -68701,13 +68691,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4003 - -1756 + -1884 67 20 4038 - -1746 + -1874 @@ -68747,13 +68737,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4100 - -1836 + -1964 43 100 4123 - -1786 + -1914 @@ -68784,13 +68774,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4045 - -1729 + -1857 82 44 4113 - -1707 + -1835 @@ -68811,13 +68801,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4047 - -1727 + -1855 51 20 4074 - -1717 + -1845 @@ -68838,13 +68828,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4047 - -1707 + -1835 51 20 4074 - -1697 + -1825 @@ -68903,13 +68893,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3987 - -2799 + -2927 144 104 4071 - -2747 + -2875 @@ -68927,13 +68917,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3989 - -2797 + -2925 67 20 4024 - -2787 + -2915 @@ -68975,13 +68965,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3989 - -2777 + -2905 67 20 4024 - -2767 + -2895 @@ -69023,13 +69013,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3989 - -2757 + -2885 67 20 4024 - -2747 + -2875 @@ -69071,13 +69061,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3989 - -2737 + -2865 67 20 4024 - -2727 + -2855 @@ -69117,13 +69107,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3989 - -2717 + -2845 67 20 4024 - -2707 + -2835 @@ -69163,13 +69153,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4086 - -2797 + -2925 43 100 4109 - -2747 + -2875 @@ -69200,13 +69190,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4018 - -2851 + -2979 82 44 4086 - -2829 + -2957 @@ -69226,13 +69216,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4020 - -2849 + -2977 51 20 4047 - -2839 + -2967 @@ -69253,13 +69243,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4020 - -2829 + -2957 51 20 4047 - -2819 + -2947 @@ -69318,13 +69308,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3984 - -3543 + -3671 144 104 4068 - -3491 + -3619 @@ -69342,13 +69332,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3986 - -3541 + -3669 67 20 4021 - -3531 + -3659 @@ -69390,13 +69380,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3986 - -3521 + -3649 67 20 4021 - -3511 + -3639 @@ -69438,13 +69428,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3986 - -3501 + -3629 67 20 4021 - -3491 + -3619 @@ -69486,13 +69476,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3986 - -3481 + -3609 67 20 4021 - -3471 + -3599 @@ -69532,13 +69522,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3986 - -3461 + -3589 67 20 4021 - -3451 + -3579 @@ -69578,13 +69568,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4083 - -3541 + -3669 43 100 4106 - -3491 + -3619 @@ -69615,13 +69605,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4023 - -3610 + -3738 82 44 4091 - -3588 + -3716 @@ -69641,13 +69631,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4025 - -3608 + -3736 51 20 4052 - -3598 + -3726 @@ -69668,13 +69658,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4025 - -3588 + -3716 51 20 4052 - -3578 + -3706 @@ -69733,13 +69723,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3978 - -3788 + -3916 144 104 4062 - -3736 + -3864 @@ -69757,13 +69747,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3980 - -3786 + -3914 67 20 4015 - -3776 + -3904 @@ -69805,13 +69795,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3980 - -3766 + -3894 67 20 4015 - -3756 + -3884 @@ -69853,13 +69843,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3980 - -3746 + -3874 67 20 4015 - -3736 + -3864 @@ -69901,13 +69891,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3980 - -3726 + -3854 67 20 4015 - -3716 + -3844 @@ -69947,13 +69937,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3980 - -3706 + -3834 67 20 4015 - -3696 + -3824 @@ -69993,13 +69983,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4077 - -3786 + -3914 43 100 4100 - -3736 + -3864 @@ -70030,13 +70020,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4017 - -3855 + -3983 82 44 4085 - -3833 + -3961 @@ -70056,13 +70046,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4019 - -3853 + -3981 51 20 4046 - -3843 + -3971 @@ -70083,13 +70073,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4019 - -3833 + -3961 51 20 4046 - -3823 + -3951 @@ -70148,13 +70138,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3631 - -3866 + -3994 122 64 3711 - -3834 + -3962 @@ -70173,13 +70163,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3633 - -3864 + -3992 63 20 3674 - -3854 + -3982 @@ -70200,13 +70190,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3633 - -3844 + -3972 63 20 3674 - -3834 + -3962 @@ -70252,13 +70242,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3633 - -3824 + -3952 63 20 3674 - -3814 + -3942 @@ -70298,13 +70288,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3726 - -3864 + -3992 25 60 3740 - -3834 + -3962 @@ -70333,13 +70323,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3844 - -4382 + -4510 118 44 3904 - -4360 + -4488 @@ -70359,13 +70349,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3846 - -4380 + -4508 43 20 3869 - -4370 + -4498 @@ -70385,13 +70375,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3846 - -4360 + -4488 43 20 3869 - -4350 + -4478 @@ -70431,13 +70421,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3919 - -4380 + -4508 41 40 3941 - -4360 + -4488 @@ -70466,13 +70456,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3822 - -4330 + -4458 136 44 3889 - -4308 + -4436 @@ -70491,13 +70481,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3824 - -4328 + -4456 50 20 3850.5 - -4318 + -4446 @@ -70517,13 +70507,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3824 - -4308 + -4436 50 20 3850.5 - -4298 + -4426 @@ -70564,13 +70554,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3904 - -4328 + -4456 52 20 3931.5 - -4318 + -4446 @@ -70591,13 +70581,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3904 - -4308 + -4436 52 20 3931.5 - -4298 + -4426 @@ -70630,13 +70620,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3847 - -4239 + -4366 53 24 3883.625 - -4227.706 + -4354.951 @@ -70667,7 +70657,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3743 - -4140 + -4267 226 100 @@ -70676,7 +70666,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 0 3743.625 - -4139.706 + -4266.951 @@ -70716,13 +70706,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3862 - -4196 + -4324 130 44 3927 - -4174 + -4302 @@ -70752,13 +70742,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3864 - -4194 + -4322 48 20 3889.5 - -4184 + -4312 @@ -70780,13 +70770,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3864 - -4174 + -4302 48 20 3889.5 - -4164 + -4292 @@ -70807,13 +70797,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3942 - -4194 + -4322 48 20 3967.5 - -4184 + -4312 @@ -70834,13 +70824,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3942 - -4174 + -4302 48 20 3967.5 - -4164 + -4292 @@ -70871,13 +70861,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3752 - -4211 + -4339 104 28 3802 - -4197 + -4325 @@ -70896,13 +70886,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3754 - -4209 + -4337 33 24 3772 - -4197 + -4325 @@ -70922,13 +70912,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3817 - -4209 + -4337 37 24 3837 - -4197 + -4325 @@ -70958,13 +70948,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3866 - -4037 + -4165 74 64 3914 - -4005 + -4133 @@ -70994,13 +70984,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3868 - -4035 + -4163 31 20 3885 - -4025 + -4153 @@ -71020,13 +71010,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3868 - -4015 + -4143 31 20 3885 - -4005 + -4133 @@ -71066,13 +71056,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3868 - -3995 + -4123 31 20 3885 - -3985 + -4113 @@ -71113,13 +71103,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3929 - -4035 + -4163 9 60 3935 - -4005 + -4133 @@ -71182,13 +71172,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3902 - -3948 + -4076 83 64 3971 - -3916 + -4044 @@ -71208,13 +71198,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3904 - -3946 + -4074 52 20 3939.5 - -3936 + -4064 @@ -71234,13 +71224,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3904 - -3926 + -4054 52 20 3939.5 - -3916 + -4044 @@ -71284,13 +71274,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3904 - -3906 + -4034 52 20 3939.5 - -3896 + -4024 @@ -71339,13 +71329,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3632 - -3700 + -3828 144 104 3716 - -3648 + -3776 @@ -71363,13 +71353,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3634 - -3698 + -3826 67 20 3669 - -3688 + -3816 @@ -71411,13 +71401,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3634 - -3678 + -3806 67 20 3669 - -3668 + -3796 @@ -71459,13 +71449,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3634 - -3658 + -3786 67 20 3669 - -3648 + -3776 @@ -71507,13 +71497,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3634 - -3638 + -3766 67 20 3669 - -3628 + -3756 @@ -71553,13 +71543,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3634 - -3618 + -3746 67 20 3669 - -3608 + -3736 @@ -71599,13 +71589,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3731 - -3698 + -3826 43 100 3754 - -3648 + -3776 @@ -71636,13 +71626,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3656 - -3768 + -3896 82 44 3724 - -3746 + -3874 @@ -71662,13 +71652,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3658 - -3766 + -3894 51 20 3685 - -3756 + -3884 @@ -71689,13 +71679,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3658 - -3746 + -3874 51 20 3685 - -3736 + -3864 @@ -71757,13 +71747,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3655 - -1683 + -1811 44 16 3677 - -1675 + -1803 @@ -71795,13 +71785,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15757 - -3081 + -3209 116 44 15832 - -3059 + -3187 @@ -71822,13 +71812,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15759 - -3079 + -3207 58 20 15797.5 - -3069 + -3197 @@ -71849,13 +71839,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15759 - -3059 + -3187 58 20 15797.5 - -3049 + -3177 @@ -71905,13 +71895,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15847 - -3079 + -3207 24 20 15860.5 - -3069 + -3197 @@ -71932,13 +71922,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15847 - -3059 + -3187 24 20 15860.5 - -3049 + -3177 @@ -71970,13 +71960,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4862 - -3934 + -4062 44 16 4884 - -3926 + -4054 @@ -72006,13 +71996,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4862 - -3911 + -4039 44 16 4884 - -3903 + -4031 @@ -72042,13 +72032,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4867 - -3889 + -4017 44 16 4889 - -3881 + -4009 @@ -72075,13 +72065,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4928 - -3938 + -4066 87 84 4964 - -3896 + -4024 @@ -72113,13 +72103,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4930 - -3936 + -4064 19 20 4941 - -3926 + -4054 @@ -72141,13 +72131,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4930 - -3916 + -4044 19 20 4941 - -3906 + -4034 @@ -72169,13 +72159,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4930 - -3896 + -4024 19 20 4941 - -3886 + -4014 @@ -72197,13 +72187,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4930 - -3876 + -4004 19 20 4941 - -3866 + -3994 @@ -72224,13 +72214,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4979 - -3936 + -4064 34 80 4997.5 - -3896 + -4024 @@ -79532,7 +79522,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11591 13 - 198 + 282 20 @@ -79814,7 +79804,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11613 -783 - 198 + 279 20 @@ -81345,13 +81335,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11642 - -1651 + -1778 150 150 11642.51 - -1650.179 + -1777.424 -1 @@ -81381,7 +81371,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11581 -1083 - 198 + 282 20 @@ -81537,13 +81527,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11653 - -1779 + -1907 82 44 11684 - -1757 + -1885 @@ -81571,13 +81561,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11655 - -1777 + -1905 14 20 11663.5 - -1767 + -1895 @@ -81598,13 +81588,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11655 - -1757 + -1885 14 20 11663.5 - -1747 + -1875 @@ -81624,13 +81614,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11699 - -1777 + -1905 34 40 11717.5 - -1757 + -1885 @@ -81661,13 +81651,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11641 - -1728 + -1856 122 64 11721 - -1696 + -1824 @@ -81686,13 +81676,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11643 - -1726 + -1854 63 20 11684 - -1716 + -1844 @@ -81713,13 +81703,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11643 - -1706 + -1834 63 20 11684 - -1696 + -1824 @@ -81765,13 +81755,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11643 - -1686 + -1814 63 20 11684 - -1676 + -1804 @@ -81811,13 +81801,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11736 - -1726 + -1854 25 60 11750 - -1696 + -1824 @@ -81899,13 +81889,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11615 - -1886 + -2014 144 64 11689 - -1854 + -1982 @@ -81924,13 +81914,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11617 - -1884 + -2012 57 20 11647 - -1874 + -2002 @@ -81950,13 +81940,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11617 - -1864 + -1992 57 20 11647 - -1854 + -1982 @@ -81996,13 +81986,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11617 - -1844 + -1972 57 20 11647 - -1834 + -1962 @@ -82042,13 +82032,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11704 - -1884 + -2012 53 20 11732 - -1874 + -2002 @@ -82068,13 +82058,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11704 - -1864 + -1992 53 20 11732 - -1854 + -1982 @@ -82094,13 +82084,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11704 - -1844 + -1972 53 20 11732 - -1834 + -1962 @@ -82129,13 +82119,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11629 - -1989 + -2117 125 84 11696 - -1947 + -2075 @@ -82155,13 +82145,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11631 - -1987 + -2115 50 20 11657.5 - -1977 + -2105 @@ -82181,13 +82171,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11631 - -1967 + -2095 50 20 11657.5 - -1957 + -2085 @@ -82227,13 +82217,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11631 - -1947 + -2075 50 20 11657.5 - -1937 + -2065 @@ -82273,13 +82263,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11631 - -1927 + -2055 50 20 11657.5 - -1917 + -2045 @@ -82319,13 +82309,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11711 - -1987 + -2115 41 26 11733 - -1973.667 + -2101.667 @@ -82345,13 +82335,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11711 - -1961 + -2089 41 27 11733 - -1947 + -2075 @@ -82371,13 +82361,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11711 - -1934 + -2062 41 - 27 + 26 11733 - -1920.333 + -2048.333 @@ -82455,13 +82445,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11510 - -1989 + -2117 118 64 11570 - -1957 + -2085 @@ -82481,13 +82471,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11512 - -1987 + -2115 43 20 11535 - -1977 + -2105 @@ -82507,13 +82497,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11512 - -1967 + -2095 43 20 11535 - -1957 + -2085 @@ -82553,13 +82543,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11512 - -1947 + -2075 43 20 11535 - -1937 + -2065 @@ -82599,13 +82589,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11585 - -1987 + -2115 41 20 11607 - -1977 + -2105 @@ -82625,13 +82615,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11585 - -1967 + -2095 41 20 11607 - -1957 + -2085 @@ -82651,13 +82641,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11585 - -1947 + -2075 41 20 11607 - -1937 + -2065 @@ -82917,13 +82907,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11501 - -1781 + -1909 128 28 11554 - -1767 + -1895 @@ -82943,13 +82933,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11503 - -1779 + -1907 36 24 11522.5 - -1767 + -1895 @@ -82970,13 +82960,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11569 - -1779 + -1907 58 24 11599.5 - -1767 + -1895 @@ -83041,13 +83031,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11420 - -1715 + -1843 117 144 11490 - -1643 + -1771 @@ -83081,13 +83071,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11422 - -1713 + -1841 53 70 11450 - -1678 + -1806 @@ -83108,13 +83098,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11422 - -1643 + -1771 53 70 11450 - -1608 + -1736 @@ -83134,13 +83124,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11505 - -1713 + -1841 30 20 11521.5 - -1703 + -1831 @@ -83161,13 +83151,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11505 - -1693 + -1821 30 20 11521.5 - -1683 + -1811 @@ -83188,13 +83178,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11505 - -1673 + -1801 30 20 11521.5 - -1663 + -1791 @@ -83215,13 +83205,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11505 - -1653 + -1781 30 20 11521.5 - -1643 + -1771 @@ -83242,13 +83232,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11505 - -1633 + -1761 30 20 11521.5 - -1623 + -1751 @@ -83269,13 +83259,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11505 - -1613 + -1741 30 20 11521.5 - -1603 + -1731 @@ -83296,13 +83286,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11505 - -1593 + -1721 30 20 11521.5 - -1583 + -1711 @@ -83336,13 +83326,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11562 - -1677 + -1805 44 16 11584 - -1669 + -1797 @@ -83415,13 +83405,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11621 - -1808 + -1935 250 20 11621.78 - -1807.445 + -1934.69 @@ -84990,13 +84980,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11830 - -1741 + -1869 82 44 11898 - -1719 + -1847 @@ -85016,13 +85006,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11832 - -1739 + -1867 51 20 11859 - -1729 + -1857 @@ -85043,13 +85033,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11832 - -1719 + -1847 51 20 11859 - -1709 + -1837 @@ -85108,13 +85098,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11785 - -1919 + -2047 144 104 11869 - -1867 + -1995 @@ -85132,13 +85122,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11787 - -1917 + -2045 67 20 11822 - -1907 + -2035 @@ -85180,13 +85170,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11787 - -1897 + -2025 67 20 11822 - -1887 + -2015 @@ -85228,13 +85218,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11787 - -1877 + -2005 67 20 11822 - -1867 + -1995 @@ -85276,13 +85266,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11787 - -1857 + -1985 67 20 11822 - -1847 + -1975 @@ -85322,13 +85312,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11787 - -1837 + -1965 67 20 11822 - -1827 + -1955 @@ -85368,13 +85358,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11884 - -1917 + -2045 43 100 11907 - -1867 + -1995 @@ -85405,13 +85395,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11824 - -1986 + -2114 82 44 11892 - -1964 + -2092 @@ -85431,13 +85421,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11826 - -1984 + -2112 51 20 11853 - -1974 + -2102 @@ -85458,13 +85448,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11826 - -1964 + -2092 51 20 11853 - -1954 + -2082 @@ -85523,13 +85513,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11337 - -2016 + -2144 122 64 11417 - -1984 + -2112 @@ -85548,13 +85538,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11339 - -2014 + -2142 63 20 11380 - -2004 + -2132 @@ -85575,13 +85565,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11339 - -1994 + -2122 63 20 11380 - -1984 + -2112 @@ -85627,13 +85617,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11339 - -1974 + -2102 63 20 11380 - -1964 + -2092 @@ -85673,13 +85663,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11432 - -2014 + -2142 25 60 11446 - -1984 + -2112 @@ -85708,13 +85698,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11651 - -2513 + -2641 118 44 11711 - -2491 + -2619 @@ -85734,13 +85724,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11653 - -2511 + -2639 43 20 11676 - -2501 + -2629 @@ -85760,13 +85750,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11653 - -2491 + -2619 43 20 11676 - -2481 + -2609 @@ -85806,13 +85796,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11726 - -2511 + -2639 41 40 11748 - -2491 + -2619 @@ -85841,13 +85831,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11629 - -2461 + -2589 136 44 11696 - -2439 + -2567 @@ -85866,13 +85856,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11631 - -2459 + -2587 50 20 11657.5 - -2449 + -2577 @@ -85892,13 +85882,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11631 - -2439 + -2567 50 20 11657.5 - -2429 + -2557 @@ -85939,13 +85929,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11711 - -2459 + -2587 52 20 11738.5 - -2449 + -2577 @@ -85966,13 +85956,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11711 - -2439 + -2567 52 20 11738.5 - -2429 + -2557 @@ -86005,13 +85995,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11655 - -2370 + -2497 53 24 11691.77 - -2358.402 + -2485.647 @@ -86042,7 +86032,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11551 - -2271 + -2398 226 100 @@ -86051,7 +86041,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 0 11551.77 - -2270.402 + -2397.647 @@ -86091,13 +86081,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11669 - -2327 + -2455 130 44 11734 - -2305 + -2433 @@ -86127,13 +86117,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11671 - -2325 + -2453 48 20 11696.5 - -2315 + -2443 @@ -86155,13 +86145,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11671 - -2305 + -2433 48 20 11696.5 - -2295 + -2423 @@ -86182,13 +86172,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11749 - -2325 + -2453 48 20 11774.5 - -2315 + -2443 @@ -86209,13 +86199,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11749 - -2305 + -2433 48 20 11774.5 - -2295 + -2423 @@ -86246,13 +86236,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11559 - -2342 + -2470 104 28 11609 - -2328 + -2456 @@ -86271,13 +86261,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11561 - -2340 + -2468 33 24 11579 - -2328 + -2456 @@ -86297,13 +86287,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11624 - -2340 + -2468 37 24 11644 - -2328 + -2456 @@ -86333,13 +86323,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11673 - -2168 + -2296 74 64 11721 - -2136 + -2264 @@ -86369,13 +86359,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11675 - -2166 + -2294 31 20 11692 - -2156 + -2284 @@ -86395,13 +86385,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11675 - -2146 + -2274 31 20 11692 - -2136 + -2264 @@ -86441,13 +86431,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11675 - -2126 + -2254 31 20 11692 - -2116 + -2244 @@ -86488,13 +86478,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11736 - -2166 + -2294 9 60 11742 - -2136 + -2264 @@ -86557,13 +86547,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11750 - -2081 + -2209 83 64 11819 - -2049 + -2177 @@ -86583,13 +86573,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11752 - -2079 + -2207 52 20 11787.5 - -2069 + -2197 @@ -86609,13 +86599,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11752 - -2059 + -2187 52 20 11787.5 - -2049 + -2177 @@ -86659,13 +86649,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11752 - -2039 + -2167 52 20 11787.5 - -2029 + -2157 @@ -86714,13 +86704,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11382 - -1841 + -1969 144 104 11466 - -1789 + -1917 @@ -86738,13 +86728,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11384 - -1839 + -1967 67 20 11419 - -1829 + -1957 @@ -86786,13 +86776,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11384 - -1819 + -1947 67 20 11419 - -1809 + -1937 @@ -86834,13 +86824,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11384 - -1799 + -1927 67 20 11419 - -1789 + -1917 @@ -86882,13 +86872,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11384 - -1779 + -1907 67 20 11419 - -1769 + -1897 @@ -86928,13 +86918,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11384 - -1759 + -1887 67 20 11419 - -1749 + -1877 @@ -86974,13 +86964,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11481 - -1839 + -1967 43 100 11504 - -1789 + -1917 @@ -87011,13 +87001,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11408 - -1898 + -2026 82 44 11476 - -1876 + -2004 @@ -87037,13 +87027,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11410 - -1896 + -2024 51 20 11437 - -1886 + -2014 @@ -87064,13 +87054,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11410 - -1876 + -2004 51 20 11437 - -1866 + -1994 @@ -87132,13 +87122,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11576 - -2075 + -2203 44 16 11598 - -2067 + -2195 @@ -87168,13 +87158,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11576 - -2052 + -2180 44 16 11598 - -2044 + -2172 @@ -87204,13 +87194,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11581 - -2030 + -2158 44 16 11603 - -2022 + -2150 @@ -87237,13 +87227,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11642 - -2079 + -2207 87 84 11678 - -2037 + -2165 @@ -87275,13 +87265,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11644 - -2077 + -2205 19 20 11655 - -2067 + -2195 @@ -87303,13 +87293,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11644 - -2057 + -2185 19 20 11655 - -2047 + -2175 @@ -87331,13 +87321,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11644 - -2037 + -2165 19 20 11655 - -2027 + -2155 @@ -87359,13 +87349,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11644 - -2017 + -2145 19 20 11655 - -2007 + -2135 @@ -87386,13 +87376,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11693 - -2077 + -2205 34 80 11711.5 - -2037 + -2165 @@ -89115,7 +89105,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 12308 -37 - 198 + 282 20 @@ -92201,13 +92191,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11352 - -2161 + -2289 144 64 11426 - -2129 + -2257 @@ -92226,13 +92216,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11354 - -2159 + -2287 57 20 11384 - -2149 + -2277 @@ -92252,13 +92242,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11354 - -2139 + -2267 57 20 11384 - -2129 + -2257 @@ -92298,13 +92288,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11354 - -2119 + -2247 57 20 11384 - -2109 + -2237 @@ -92344,13 +92334,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11441 - -2159 + -2287 53 20 11469 - -2149 + -2277 @@ -92370,13 +92360,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11441 - -2139 + -2267 53 20 11469 - -2129 + -2257 @@ -92396,13 +92386,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11441 - -2119 + -2247 53 20 11469 - -2109 + -2237 @@ -92431,13 +92421,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11361 - -2245 + -2373 125 84 11428 - -2203 + -2331 @@ -92457,13 +92447,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11363 - -2243 + -2371 50 20 11389.5 - -2233 + -2361 @@ -92483,13 +92473,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11363 - -2223 + -2351 50 20 11389.5 - -2213 + -2341 @@ -92529,13 +92519,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11363 - -2203 + -2331 50 20 11389.5 - -2193 + -2321 @@ -92575,13 +92565,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11363 - -2183 + -2311 50 20 11389.5 - -2173 + -2301 @@ -92621,13 +92611,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11443 - -2243 + -2371 41 26 11465 - -2229.667 + -2357.667 @@ -92647,13 +92637,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11443 - -2217 + -2345 41 27 11465 - -2203 + -2331 @@ -92673,13 +92663,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11443 - -2190 + -2318 41 27 11465 - -2176.333 + -2304.333 @@ -92708,13 +92698,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11365 - -2309 + -2437 118 64 11425 - -2277 + -2405 @@ -92734,13 +92724,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11367 - -2307 + -2435 43 20 11390 - -2297 + -2425 @@ -92760,13 +92750,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11367 - -2287 + -2415 43 20 11390 - -2277 + -2405 @@ -92806,13 +92796,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11367 - -2267 + -2395 43 20 11390 - -2257 + -2385 @@ -92852,13 +92842,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11440 - -2307 + -2435 41 20 11462 - -2297 + -2425 @@ -92878,13 +92868,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11440 - -2287 + -2415 41 20 11462 - -2277 + -2405 @@ -92904,13 +92894,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 11440 - -2267 + -2395 41 20 11462 - -2257 + -2385 @@ -92939,13 +92929,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4666 - -4020 + -4148 144 64 4740 - -3988 + -4116 @@ -92964,13 +92954,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4668 - -4018 + -4146 57 20 4698 - -4008 + -4136 @@ -92990,13 +92980,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4668 - -3998 + -4126 57 20 4698 - -3988 + -4116 @@ -93036,13 +93026,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4668 - -3978 + -4106 57 20 4698 - -3968 + -4096 @@ -93082,13 +93072,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4755 - -4018 + -4146 53 20 4783 - -4008 + -4136 @@ -93108,13 +93098,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4755 - -3998 + -4126 53 20 4783 - -3988 + -4116 @@ -93134,13 +93124,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4755 - -3978 + -4106 53 20 4783 - -3968 + -4096 @@ -93169,13 +93159,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4660 - -4213 + -4341 125 84 4727 - -4171 + -4299 @@ -93195,13 +93185,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4662 - -4211 + -4339 50 20 4688.5 - -4201 + -4329 @@ -93221,13 +93211,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4662 - -4191 + -4319 50 20 4688.5 - -4181 + -4309 @@ -93267,13 +93257,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4662 - -4171 + -4299 50 20 4688.5 - -4161 + -4289 @@ -93313,13 +93303,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4662 - -4151 + -4279 50 20 4688.5 - -4141 + -4269 @@ -93359,13 +93349,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4742 - -4211 + -4339 41 26 4764 - -4197.667 + -4325.667 @@ -93385,13 +93375,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4742 - -4185 + -4313 41 27 4764 - -4171 + -4299 @@ -93411,13 +93401,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4742 - -4158 + -4286 41 27 4764 - -4144.333 + -4272.333 @@ -93446,13 +93436,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4678 - -4104 + -4232 118 64 4738 - -4072 + -4200 @@ -93472,13 +93462,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4680 - -4102 + -4230 43 20 4703 - -4092 + -4220 @@ -93498,13 +93488,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4680 - -4082 + -4210 43 20 4703 - -4072 + -4200 @@ -93544,13 +93534,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4680 - -4062 + -4190 43 20 4703 - -4052 + -4180 @@ -93590,13 +93580,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4753 - -4102 + -4230 41 20 4775 - -4092 + -4220 @@ -93616,13 +93606,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4753 - -4082 + -4210 41 20 4775 - -4072 + -4200 @@ -93642,13 +93632,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 4753 - -4062 + -4190 41 20 4775 - -4052 + -4180 @@ -94319,13 +94309,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 3857 - -1667 + -1795 44 16 3879 - -1659 + -1787 @@ -94352,13 +94342,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15771 - -3165 + -3293 87 84 15807 - -3123 + -3251 @@ -94390,13 +94380,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15773 - -3163 + -3291 19 20 15784 - -3153 + -3281 @@ -94419,13 +94409,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15773 - -3143 + -3271 19 20 15784 - -3133 + -3261 @@ -94448,13 +94438,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15773 - -3123 + -3251 19 20 15784 - -3113 + -3241 @@ -94476,13 +94466,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15773 - -3103 + -3231 19 20 15784 - -3093 + -3221 @@ -94503,13 +94493,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15822 - -3163 + -3291 34 80 15840.5 - -3123 + -3251 @@ -102455,14 +102445,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 15624 - -164 + 15636 + -166 114 64 - 15664 - -132 + 15676 + -134 @@ -102480,14 +102470,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 15626 - -162 + 15638 + -164 23 60 - 15639 - -132 + 15651 + -134 @@ -102506,14 +102496,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 15679 - -162 + 15691 + -164 57 20 - 15709 - -152 + 15721 + -154 @@ -102532,14 +102522,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 15679 - -142 + 15691 + -144 57 20 - 15709 - -132 + 15721 + -134 @@ -102558,14 +102548,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 15679 - -122 + 15691 + -124 57 20 - 15709 - -112 + 15721 + -114 @@ -102593,14 +102583,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 15642 - -292 + 15628 + -266 100 28 - 15691 - -278 + 15677 + -252 @@ -102611,21 +102601,21 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve Value Value false - 00e63471-b5d2-4d79-ba35-10577da6e2ae + 1f25ee0f-5e22-4b0c-9e55-c8031ce472c4 1 - 15644 - -290 + 15630 + -264 32 24 - 15661.5 - -278 + 15647.5 + -252 @@ -102644,14 +102634,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 15706 - -290 + 15692 + -264 34 24 - 15724.5 - -278 + 15710.5 + -252 @@ -102720,7 +102710,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15583 102 - 198 + 282 20 @@ -103002,7 +102992,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15605 -695 - 198 + 279 20 @@ -104442,14 +104432,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 15612 - -1389 + 15634 + -1386 100 28 - 15661 - -1375 + 15683 + -1372 @@ -104467,14 +104457,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 15614 - -1387 + 15636 + -1384 32 24 - 15631.5 - -1375 + 15653.5 + -1372 @@ -104493,14 +104483,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 15676 - -1387 + 15698 + -1384 34 24 - 15694.5 - -1375 + 15716.5 + -1372 @@ -104525,7 +104515,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve Quick Graph false 0 - 3665d975-851a-4aeb-81e4-a4135dc35dcc + 9c929d1c-e68c-4d96-9997-7d7c9eba66f6 1 @@ -104549,51 +104539,6 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - - 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc - Number Slider - - - - - Numeric slider for single values - 48df80c3-e691-4d17-bcb3-dce64e5d0d60 - Number Slider - Number Slider - false - 0 - - - - - - 15573 - -994 - 198 - 20 - - - 15573.41 - -993.4083 - - - - - - 0 - 1 - 0 - 256 - 0 - 0 - 42 - - - - - - - 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line @@ -104706,7 +104651,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + ce46b74e-00c9-43c4-805a-193b69ea4a11 Multiplication @@ -104724,14 +104669,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 15643 - -1692 + 15680 + -1822 82 44 - 15674 - -1670 + 15711 + -1800 @@ -104751,21 +104696,21 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve A A true - 3665d975-851a-4aeb-81e4-a4135dc35dcc + 39e266ee-2cd9-4cdf-bf26-4926643a1d82 1 - 15645 - -1690 + 15682 + -1820 14 20 - 15653.5 - -1680 + 15690.5 + -1810 @@ -104785,14 +104730,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 15645 - -1670 + 15682 + -1800 14 20 - 15653.5 - -1660 + 15690.5 + -1790 @@ -104811,14 +104756,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 15689 - -1690 + 15726 + -1820 34 40 - 15707.5 - -1670 + 15744.5 + -1800 @@ -104830,7 +104775,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -105015,7 +104960,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -105029,7 +104974,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve false 0 - 3665d975-851a-4aeb-81e4-a4135dc35dcc + 72c6ef13-fc8b-4d16-9ab1-9190c1232a20 1 Double click to edit panel content… @@ -105068,7 +105013,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -105087,13 +105032,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15605 - -1799 + -1927 144 64 15679 - -1767 + -1895 @@ -105112,13 +105057,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15607 - -1797 + -1925 57 20 15637 - -1787 + -1915 @@ -105138,13 +105083,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15607 - -1777 + -1905 57 20 15637 - -1767 + -1895 @@ -105184,13 +105129,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15607 - -1757 + -1885 57 20 15637 - -1747 + -1875 @@ -105230,13 +105175,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15694 - -1797 + -1925 53 20 15722 - -1787 + -1915 @@ -105256,13 +105201,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15694 - -1777 + -1905 53 20 15722 - -1767 + -1895 @@ -105282,13 +105227,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15694 - -1757 + -1885 53 20 15722 - -1747 + -1875 @@ -105298,7 +105243,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b2a4145-3dff-41d4-a8de-1ea9d29eef33 Interpolate @@ -105317,13 +105262,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15619 - -1902 + -2030 125 84 15686 - -1860 + -1988 @@ -105343,13 +105288,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15621 - -1900 + -2028 50 20 15647.5 - -1890 + -2018 @@ -105369,13 +105314,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15621 - -1880 + -2008 50 20 15647.5 - -1870 + -1998 @@ -105415,13 +105360,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15621 - -1860 + -1988 50 20 15647.5 - -1850 + -1978 @@ -105461,13 +105406,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15621 - -1840 + -1968 50 20 15647.5 - -1830 + -1958 @@ -105507,13 +105452,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15701 - -1900 + -2028 41 26 15723 - -1886.667 + -2014.667 @@ -105533,13 +105478,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15701 - -1874 + -2002 41 27 15723 - -1860 + -1988 @@ -105559,13 +105504,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15701 - -1847 + -1975 41 27 15723 - -1833.333 + -1961.333 @@ -105575,14 +105520,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group - + 1 255;255;255;255 @@ -105613,7 +105558,8 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 8afbb8a2-d83a-44bd-b9f0-ab4eb78d691e 9f485cf3-c8dd-478d-a344-e1bce21a4a83 ed3513de-e58a-41f0-9874-9d3ad0427be1 - 25 + cdc65b1c-1f11-4f91-aa07-77035bc5edee + 26 7b17ef0c-4e70-4186-b855-b4c45e60123a Group @@ -105624,7 +105570,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + dde71aef-d6ed-40a6-af98-6b0673983c82 Nurbs Curve @@ -105643,13 +105589,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15500 - -1902 + -2030 118 64 15560 - -1870 + -1998 @@ -105669,13 +105615,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15502 - -1900 + -2028 43 20 15525 - -1890 + -2018 @@ -105695,13 +105641,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15502 - -1880 + -2008 43 20 15525 - -1870 + -1998 @@ -105741,13 +105687,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15502 - -1860 + -1988 43 20 15525 - -1850 + -1978 @@ -105787,13 +105733,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15575 - -1900 + -2028 41 20 15597 - -1890 + -2018 @@ -105813,13 +105759,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15575 - -1880 + -2008 41 20 15597 - -1870 + -1998 @@ -105839,13 +105785,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15575 - -1860 + -1988 41 20 15597 - -1850 + -1978 @@ -105855,7 +105801,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + dde71aef-d6ed-40a6-af98-6b0673983c82 Nurbs Curve @@ -106086,7 +106032,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + dd17d442-3776-40b3-ad5b-5e188b56bd4c Relative Differences @@ -106104,14 +106050,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 15495 - -1694 + 15404 + -1721 128 28 - 15548 - -1680 + 15457 + -1707 @@ -106130,14 +106076,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 15497 - -1692 + 15406 + -1719 36 24 - 15516.5 - -1680 + 15425.5 + -1707 @@ -106157,14 +106103,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 15563 - -1692 + 15472 + -1719 58 24 - 15593.5 - -1680 + 15502.5 + -1707 @@ -106174,7 +106120,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -106195,14 +106141,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 15795 - -321 + 15783 + -354 44 16 - 15817 - -313 + 15805 + -346 @@ -106210,7 +106156,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + ab14760f-87a6-462e-b481-4a2c26a9a0d7 Derivatives @@ -106502,7 +106448,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -106538,7 +106484,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -106574,7 +106520,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -106603,13 +106549,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15613 - -1719 + -1847 250 20 15613.5 - -1718.813 + -1846.058 @@ -106617,7 +106563,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -106912,7 +106858,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview @@ -107032,7 +106978,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -107327,7 +107273,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview @@ -107347,14 +107293,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 15806 - -48 + 15802 + -45 82 44 - 15874 - -26 + 15870 + -23 @@ -107373,14 +107319,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 15808 - -46 + 15804 + -43 51 20 - 15835 - -36 + 15831 + -33 @@ -107400,14 +107346,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 15808 - -26 + 15804 + -23 51 20 - 15835 - -16 + 15831 + -13 @@ -107447,7 +107393,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -107742,7 +107688,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview @@ -107862,7 +107808,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -108157,7 +108103,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview @@ -108277,7 +108223,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -108296,13 +108242,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15775 - -1832 + -1960 144 104 15859 - -1780 + -1908 @@ -108320,13 +108266,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15777 - -1830 + -1958 67 20 15812 - -1820 + -1948 @@ -108368,13 +108314,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15777 - -1810 + -1938 67 20 15812 - -1800 + -1928 @@ -108416,13 +108362,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15777 - -1790 + -1918 67 20 15812 - -1780 + -1908 @@ -108464,13 +108410,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15777 - -1770 + -1898 67 20 15812 - -1760 + -1888 @@ -108510,13 +108456,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15777 - -1750 + -1878 67 20 15812 - -1740 + -1868 @@ -108556,13 +108502,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15874 - -1830 + -1958 43 100 15897 - -1780 + -1908 @@ -108572,7 +108518,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview @@ -108593,13 +108539,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15814 - -1899 + -2027 82 44 15882 - -1877 + -2005 @@ -108619,13 +108565,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15816 - -1897 + -2025 51 20 15843 - -1887 + -2015 @@ -108646,13 +108592,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15816 - -1877 + -2005 51 20 15843 - -1867 + -1995 @@ -108692,7 +108638,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -108711,13 +108657,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15327 - -1929 + -2057 122 64 15407 - -1897 + -2025 @@ -108736,13 +108682,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15329 - -1927 + -2055 63 20 15370 - -1917 + -2045 @@ -108763,13 +108709,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15329 - -1907 + -2035 63 20 15370 - -1897 + -2025 @@ -108815,13 +108761,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15329 - -1887 + -2015 63 20 15370 - -1877 + -2005 @@ -108861,13 +108807,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15422 - -1927 + -2055 25 60 15436 - -1897 + -2025 @@ -108877,7 +108823,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 71b5b089-500a-4ea6-81c5-2f960441a0e8 PolyLine @@ -108896,13 +108842,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15641 - -2426 + -2554 118 44 15701 - -2404 + -2532 @@ -108922,13 +108868,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15643 - -2424 + -2552 43 20 15666 - -2414 + -2542 @@ -108948,13 +108894,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15643 - -2404 + -2532 43 20 15666 - -2394 + -2522 @@ -108994,13 +108940,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15716 - -2424 + -2552 41 40 15738 - -2404 + -2532 @@ -109010,7 +108956,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + afb96615-c59a-45c9-9cac-e27acb1c7ca0 Explode @@ -109029,13 +108975,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15619 - -2374 + -2502 136 44 15686 - -2352 + -2480 @@ -109054,13 +109000,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15621 - -2372 + -2500 50 20 15647.5 - -2362 + -2490 @@ -109080,13 +109026,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15621 - -2352 + -2480 50 20 15647.5 - -2342 + -2470 @@ -109127,13 +109073,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15701 - -2372 + -2500 52 20 15728.5 - -2362 + -2490 @@ -109154,13 +109100,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15701 - -2352 + -2480 52 20 15728.5 - -2342 + -2470 @@ -109170,7 +109116,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -109193,13 +109139,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15647 - -2281 + -2409 53 24 15683.49 - -2269.77 + -2397.015 @@ -109207,7 +109153,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -109230,7 +109176,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15543 - -2182 + -2310 226 100 @@ -109239,7 +109185,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 0 15543.49 - -2181.77 + -2309.015 @@ -109260,7 +109206,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6f93d366-919f-4dda-a35e-ba03dd62799b Sort List @@ -109279,13 +109225,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15659 - -2240 + -2368 130 44 15724 - -2218 + -2346 @@ -109315,13 +109261,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15661 - -2238 + -2366 48 20 15686.5 - -2228 + -2356 @@ -109343,13 +109289,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15661 - -2218 + -2346 48 20 15686.5 - -2208 + -2336 @@ -109370,13 +109316,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15739 - -2238 + -2366 48 20 15764.5 - -2228 + -2356 @@ -109397,13 +109343,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15739 - -2218 + -2346 48 20 15764.5 - -2208 + -2336 @@ -109415,7 +109361,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c75b62fa-0a33-4da7-a5bd-03fd0068fd93 Length @@ -109434,13 +109380,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15549 - -2255 + -2383 104 28 15599 - -2241 + -2369 @@ -109459,13 +109405,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15551 - -2253 + -2381 33 24 15569 - -2241 + -2369 @@ -109485,13 +109431,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15614 - -2253 + -2381 37 24 15634 - -2241 + -2369 @@ -109501,7 +109447,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -109521,13 +109467,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15663 - -2081 + -2209 74 64 15711 - -2049 + -2177 @@ -109557,13 +109503,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15665 - -2079 + -2207 31 20 15682 - -2069 + -2197 @@ -109583,13 +109529,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15665 - -2059 + -2187 31 20 15682 - -2049 + -2177 @@ -109629,13 +109575,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15665 - -2039 + -2167 31 20 15682 - -2029 + -2157 @@ -109676,13 +109622,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15726 - -2079 + -2207 9 60 15732 - -2049 + -2177 @@ -109694,7 +109640,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -109725,7 +109671,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b1bd8b2-47a4-4aa6-a471-3fd91c62a486 Dot Display @@ -109745,13 +109691,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15740 - -1994 + -2122 83 64 15809 - -1962 + -2090 @@ -109771,13 +109717,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15742 - -1992 + -2120 52 20 15777.5 - -1982 + -2110 @@ -109797,13 +109743,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15742 - -1972 + -2100 52 20 15777.5 - -1962 + -2090 @@ -109847,13 +109793,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15742 - -1952 + -2080 52 20 15777.5 - -1942 + -2070 @@ -109883,7 +109829,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -109902,13 +109848,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15372 - -1754 + -1882 144 104 15456 - -1702 + -1830 @@ -109926,13 +109872,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15374 - -1752 + -1880 67 20 15409 - -1742 + -1870 @@ -109974,13 +109920,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15374 - -1732 + -1860 67 20 15409 - -1722 + -1850 @@ -110022,13 +109968,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15374 - -1712 + -1840 67 20 15409 - -1702 + -1830 @@ -110070,13 +110016,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15374 - -1692 + -1820 67 20 15409 - -1682 + -1810 @@ -110116,13 +110062,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15374 - -1672 + -1800 67 20 15409 - -1662 + -1790 @@ -110162,13 +110108,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15471 - -1752 + -1880 43 100 15494 - -1702 + -1830 @@ -110178,7 +110124,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview @@ -110199,13 +110145,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15398 - -1811 + -1939 82 44 15466 - -1789 + -1917 @@ -110225,13 +110171,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15400 - -1809 + -1937 51 20 15427 - -1799 + -1927 @@ -110252,13 +110198,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15400 - -1789 + -1917 51 20 15427 - -1779 + -1907 @@ -110298,7 +110244,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -110320,13 +110266,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15566 - -1988 + -2116 44 16 15588 - -1980 + -2108 @@ -110334,7 +110280,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -110356,13 +110302,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15566 - -1965 + -2093 44 16 15588 - -1957 + -2085 @@ -110370,7 +110316,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -110392,13 +110338,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15571 - -1943 + -2071 44 16 15593 - -1935 + -2063 @@ -110406,7 +110352,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 3cadddef-1e2b-4c09-9390-0e8f78f7609f Merge @@ -110425,13 +110371,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15632 - -1992 + -2120 87 84 15668 - -1950 + -2078 @@ -110463,13 +110409,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15634 - -1990 + -2118 19 20 15645 - -1980 + -2108 @@ -110491,13 +110437,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15634 - -1970 + -2098 19 20 15645 - -1960 + -2088 @@ -110519,13 +110465,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15634 - -1950 + -2078 19 20 15645 - -1940 + -2068 @@ -110547,13 +110493,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15634 - -1930 + -2058 19 20 15645 - -1920 + -2048 @@ -110574,13 +110520,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15683 - -1990 + -2118 34 80 15701.5 - -1950 + -2078 @@ -110592,7 +110538,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -110611,13 +110557,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15342 - -2074 + -2202 144 64 15416 - -2042 + -2170 @@ -110636,13 +110582,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15344 - -2072 + -2200 57 20 15374 - -2062 + -2190 @@ -110662,13 +110608,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15344 - -2052 + -2180 57 20 15374 - -2042 + -2170 @@ -110708,13 +110654,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15344 - -2032 + -2160 57 20 15374 - -2022 + -2150 @@ -110754,13 +110700,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15431 - -2072 + -2200 53 20 15459 - -2062 + -2190 @@ -110780,13 +110726,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15431 - -2052 + -2180 53 20 15459 - -2042 + -2170 @@ -110806,13 +110752,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15431 - -2032 + -2160 53 20 15459 - -2022 + -2150 @@ -110822,7 +110768,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b2a4145-3dff-41d4-a8de-1ea9d29eef33 Interpolate @@ -110841,13 +110787,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15351 - -2158 + -2286 125 84 15418 - -2116 + -2244 @@ -110867,13 +110813,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15353 - -2156 + -2284 50 20 15379.5 - -2146 + -2274 @@ -110893,13 +110839,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15353 - -2136 + -2264 50 20 15379.5 - -2126 + -2254 @@ -110939,13 +110885,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15353 - -2116 + -2244 50 20 15379.5 - -2106 + -2234 @@ -110985,13 +110931,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15353 - -2096 + -2224 50 20 15379.5 - -2086 + -2214 @@ -111031,13 +110977,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15433 - -2156 + -2284 41 26 15455 - -2142.667 + -2270.667 @@ -111057,13 +111003,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15433 - -2130 + -2258 41 27 15455 - -2116 + -2244 @@ -111083,13 +111029,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15433 - -2103 + -2231 41 27 15455 - -2089.333 + -2217.333 @@ -111099,7 +111045,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + dde71aef-d6ed-40a6-af98-6b0673983c82 Nurbs Curve @@ -111118,13 +111064,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15355 - -2222 + -2350 118 64 15415 - -2190 + -2318 @@ -111144,13 +111090,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15357 - -2220 + -2348 43 20 15380 - -2210 + -2338 @@ -111170,13 +111116,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15357 - -2200 + -2328 43 20 15380 - -2190 + -2318 @@ -111216,13 +111162,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15357 - -2180 + -2308 43 20 15380 - -2170 + -2298 @@ -111262,13 +111208,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15430 - -2220 + -2348 41 20 15452 - -2210 + -2338 @@ -111288,13 +111234,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15430 - -2200 + -2328 41 20 15452 - -2190 + -2318 @@ -111314,13 +111260,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 15430 - -2180 + -2308 41 20 15452 - -2170 + -2298 @@ -111330,7 +111276,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -111406,7 +111352,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + cae9fe53-6d63-44ed-9d6d-13180fbf6f89 1c9de8a1-315f-4c56-af06-8f69fee80a7a @@ -112016,7 +111962,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + fb6aba99-fead-4e42-b5d8-c6de5ff90ea6 DotNET VB Script (LEGACY) @@ -112219,7 +112165,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + fbac3e32-f100-4292-8692-77240a42fd1a Point @@ -112255,7 +112201,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b2a4145-3dff-41d4-a8de-1ea9d29eef33 Interpolate @@ -112532,7 +112478,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + e64c5fb1-845c-4ab1-8911-5f338516ba67 Series @@ -112712,7 +112658,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + a4cd2751-414d-42ec-8916-476ebf62d7fe Radians @@ -112798,7 +112744,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -112841,7 +112787,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -112871,7 +112817,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -113101,7 +113047,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -113284,7 +113230,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror @@ -113453,7 +113399,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 8073a420-6bec-49e3-9b18-367f6fd76ac3 Join Curves @@ -113588,7 +113534,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 11bbd48b-bb0a-4f1b-8167-fa297590390d End Points @@ -113700,7 +113646,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line @@ -113813,7 +113759,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b464fccb-50e7-41bd-9789-8438db9bea9f Angle @@ -114001,7 +113947,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b7798b74-037e-4f0c-8ac7-dc1043d093e0 Rotate @@ -114219,7 +114165,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + e9eb1dcf-92f6-4d4d-84ae-96222d60f56b Move @@ -114382,7 +114328,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 934ede4a-924a-4973-bb05-0dc4b36fae75 Vector 2Pt @@ -114591,7 +114537,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + ccfd6ba8-ecb1-44df-a47e-08126a653c51 Curve Domain @@ -114729,7 +114675,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 429cbba9-55ee-4e84-98ea-876c44db879a Sub Curve @@ -114842,7 +114788,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 825ea536-aebb-41e9-af32-8baeb2ecb590 Deconstruct Domain @@ -114954,7 +114900,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + d1a28e95-cf96-4936-bf34-8bf142d731bf Construct Domain @@ -115108,7 +115054,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -115338,7 +115284,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b7798b74-037e-4f0c-8ac7-dc1043d093e0 Rotate @@ -115554,7 +115500,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 8073a420-6bec-49e3-9b18-367f6fd76ac3 Join Curves @@ -115689,7 +115635,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -115725,7 +115671,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 0bb3d234-9097-45db-9998-621639c87d3b Bounding Box @@ -115901,7 +115847,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + db7d83b1-2898-4ef9-9be5-4e94b4e2048d Deconstruct Box @@ -116065,7 +116011,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -116178,7 +116124,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 825ea536-aebb-41e9-af32-8baeb2ecb590 Deconstruct Domain @@ -116290,7 +116236,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 825ea536-aebb-41e9-af32-8baeb2ecb590 Deconstruct Domain @@ -116402,7 +116348,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -116455,7 +116401,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -116507,7 +116453,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -116559,7 +116505,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -116611,7 +116557,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4d2a06bd-4b0f-4c65-9ee0-4220e4c01703 Scale @@ -116822,7 +116768,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -116858,7 +116804,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -116915,7 +116861,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -117068,7 +117014,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -117120,7 +117066,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -117156,7 +117102,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -117451,7 +117397,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview @@ -117571,7 +117517,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -117607,7 +117553,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -117837,7 +117783,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + fad344bc-09b1-4855-a2e6-437ef5715fe3 YZ Plane @@ -117948,7 +117894,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -117984,7 +117930,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + e9eb1dcf-92f6-4d4d-84ae-96222d60f56b Move @@ -118147,7 +118093,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 934ede4a-924a-4973-bb05-0dc4b36fae75 Vector 2Pt @@ -118356,7 +118302,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -118381,7 +118327,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror @@ -118550,7 +118496,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 3e8ca6be-fda8-4aaf-b5c0-3c54c8bb7312 Number @@ -118585,7 +118531,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + aaa665bd-fd6e-4ccb-8d2c-c5b33072125d Curvature @@ -118750,7 +118696,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -118984,7 +118930,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -119021,7 +118967,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 23862862-049a-40be-b558-2418aacbd916 Deconstruct Arc @@ -119159,7 +119105,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 797d922f-3a1d-46fe-9155-358b009b5997 One Over X @@ -119245,7 +119191,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b69bf71-4e69-43aa-b7be-4f6ce7e45bef Quick Graph @@ -119283,7 +119229,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -119304,7 +119250,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 29327 11638 - 198 + 282 20 @@ -119328,7 +119274,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line @@ -119441,7 +119387,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + ce46b74e-00c9-43c4-805a-193b69ea4a11 Multiplication @@ -119565,7 +119511,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -119586,7 +119532,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 29349 10841 - 198 + 279 20 @@ -119610,7 +119556,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -119795,7 +119741,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -119848,7 +119794,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -120078,7 +120024,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b2a4145-3dff-41d4-a8de-1ea9d29eef33 Interpolate @@ -120355,7 +120301,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -120400,7 +120346,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 3e8ca6be-fda8-4aaf-b5c0-3c54c8bb7312 Number @@ -120435,7 +120381,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + aaa665bd-fd6e-4ccb-8d2c-c5b33072125d Curvature @@ -120600,7 +120546,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -120834,7 +120780,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -120870,7 +120816,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 23862862-049a-40be-b558-2418aacbd916 Deconstruct Arc @@ -121008,7 +120954,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 797d922f-3a1d-46fe-9155-358b009b5997 One Over X @@ -121094,7 +121040,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b69bf71-4e69-43aa-b7be-4f6ce7e45bef Quick Graph @@ -121132,7 +121078,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 57da07bd-ecab-415d-9d86-af36d7073abc Number Slider @@ -121153,7 +121099,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 29317 10542 - 198 + 282 20 @@ -121177,7 +121123,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line @@ -121290,7 +121236,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + ce46b74e-00c9-43c4-805a-193b69ea4a11 Multiplication @@ -121414,7 +121360,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -121599,7 +121545,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -121652,7 +121598,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -121882,7 +121828,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b2a4145-3dff-41d4-a8de-1ea9d29eef33 Interpolate @@ -122159,7 +122105,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -122208,7 +122154,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + dde71aef-d6ed-40a6-af98-6b0673983c82 Nurbs Curve @@ -122439,7 +122385,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + dde71aef-d6ed-40a6-af98-6b0673983c82 Nurbs Curve @@ -122670,7 +122616,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + dd17d442-3776-40b3-ad5b-5e188b56bd4c Relative Differences @@ -122758,7 +122704,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -122794,7 +122740,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + ab14760f-87a6-462e-b481-4a2c26a9a0d7 Derivatives @@ -123086,7 +123032,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -123122,7 +123068,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -123158,7 +123104,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -123201,7 +123147,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -123496,7 +123442,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview @@ -123616,7 +123562,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -123911,7 +123857,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview @@ -124031,7 +123977,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -124326,7 +124272,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview @@ -124446,7 +124392,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -124741,7 +124687,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview @@ -124861,7 +124807,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -125156,7 +125102,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview @@ -125276,7 +125222,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -125461,7 +125407,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 71b5b089-500a-4ea6-81c5-2f960441a0e8 PolyLine @@ -125594,7 +125540,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + afb96615-c59a-45c9-9cac-e27acb1c7ca0 Explode @@ -125754,7 +125700,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -125791,7 +125737,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -125844,7 +125790,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6f93d366-919f-4dda-a35e-ba03dd62799b Sort List @@ -125999,7 +125945,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c75b62fa-0a33-4da7-a5bd-03fd0068fd93 Length @@ -126085,7 +126031,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59daf374-bc21-4a5e-8282-5504fb7ae9ae List Item @@ -126278,7 +126224,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -126309,7 +126255,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b1bd8b2-47a4-4aa6-a471-3fd91c62a486 Dot Display @@ -126467,7 +126413,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -126762,7 +126708,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview @@ -126882,7 +126828,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -126918,7 +126864,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -126954,7 +126900,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -126990,7 +126936,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 3cadddef-1e2b-4c09-9390-0e8f78f7609f Merge @@ -127176,7 +127122,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -127406,7 +127352,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b2a4145-3dff-41d4-a8de-1ea9d29eef33 Interpolate @@ -127683,7 +127629,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + dde71aef-d6ed-40a6-af98-6b0673983c82 Nurbs Curve @@ -127914,7 +127860,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -127945,7 +127891,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -127975,7 +127921,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -128009,7 +127955,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror @@ -128178,7 +128124,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 290f418a-65ee-406a-a9d0-35699815b512 Scale NU @@ -128486,7 +128432,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + e9eb1dcf-92f6-4d4d-84ae-96222d60f56b Move @@ -128648,7 +128594,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -128684,7 +128630,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -128717,7 +128663,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -128947,7 +128893,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -128983,7 +128929,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -129019,7 +128965,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 Curve @@ -129055,7 +129001,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -129091,7 +129037,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 361790d6-9d66-4808-8c5a-8de9c218c227 Quad Sphere @@ -129109,14 +129055,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 13392 - 3536 + 13387 + 2694 109 44 - 13445 - 3558 + 13440 + 2716 @@ -129134,14 +129080,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 13394 - 3538 + 13389 + 2696 36 20 - 13413.5 - 3548 + 13408.5 + 2706 @@ -129190,14 +129136,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 13394 - 3558 + 13389 + 2716 36 20 - 13413.5 - 3568 + 13408.5 + 2726 @@ -129236,14 +129182,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 13460 - 3538 + 13455 + 2696 39 40 - 13481 - 3558 + 13476 + 2716 @@ -129253,7 +129199,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + fbac3e32-f100-4292-8692-77240a42fd1a Point @@ -129273,14 +129219,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 13352 - 3643 + 13348 + 2801 50 24 - 13377.79 - 3655.435 + 13373.33 + 2813.953 @@ -129313,7 +129259,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview @@ -129333,14 +129279,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 13775 - 3538 + 13770 + 2696 82 44 - 13843 - 3560 + 13838 + 2718 @@ -129359,14 +129305,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 13777 - 3540 + 13772 + 2698 51 20 - 13804 - 3550 + 13799 + 2708 @@ -129385,14 +129331,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 13777 - 3560 + 13772 + 2718 51 20 - 13804 - 3570 + 13799 + 2728 @@ -129455,7 +129401,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 14df22af-d119-4f69-a536-34a30ddb175e 6a051e83-3727-465e-b5ef-74d027a6f73b @@ -129474,14 +129420,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 13861 - 3264 + 13856 + 2422 126 64 - 13945 - 3296 + 13940 + 2454 @@ -129499,14 +129445,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 13863 - 3266 + 13858 + 2424 67 20 - 13898 - 3276 + 13893 + 2434 @@ -129547,14 +129493,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 13863 - 3286 + 13858 + 2444 67 20 - 13898 - 3296 + 13893 + 2454 @@ -129595,14 +129541,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 13863 - 3306 + 13858 + 2464 67 20 - 13898 - 3316 + 13893 + 2474 @@ -129645,14 +129591,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 13960 - 3266 + 13955 + 2424 25 60 - 13974 - 3296 + 13969 + 2454 @@ -129662,7 +129608,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 5576ff9f-99f7-4611-aa42-dcc4b6c621ac 6a051e83-3727-465e-b5ef-74d027a6f73b @@ -129681,14 +129627,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 13216 - 3292 + 13211 + 2450 112 44 - 13272 - 3314 + 13267 + 2472 @@ -129705,14 +129651,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 13218 - 3294 + 13213 + 2452 39 20 - 13239 - 3304 + 13234 + 2462 @@ -129752,14 +129698,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 13218 - 3314 + 13213 + 2472 39 20 - 13239 - 3324 + 13234 + 2482 @@ -129802,14 +129748,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 13287 - 3294 + 13282 + 2452 39 20 - 13308 - 3304 + 13303 + 2462 @@ -129828,14 +129774,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 13287 - 3314 + 13282 + 2472 39 20 - 13308 - 3324 + 13303 + 2482 @@ -129845,7 +129791,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c2b99ede-3050-483d-ab90-35a1548d2d22 6a051e83-3727-465e-b5ef-74d027a6f73b @@ -129865,14 +129811,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 13220 - 3248 + 13215 + 2406 103 44 - 13274 - 3270 + 13269 + 2428 @@ -129889,14 +129835,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 13222 - 3250 + 13217 + 2408 37 20 - 13242 - 3260 + 13237 + 2418 @@ -129936,14 +129882,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 13222 - 3270 + 13217 + 2428 37 20 - 13242 - 3280 + 13237 + 2438 @@ -129982,14 +129928,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 13289 - 3250 + 13284 + 2408 32 40 - 13306.5 - 3270 + 13301.5 + 2428 @@ -129999,7 +129945,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 1268d35e-8912-45c1-9642-0b29ec4f1ff9 6a051e83-3727-465e-b5ef-74d027a6f73b @@ -130018,14 +129964,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 13225 - 3336 + 13220 + 2494 94 164 - 13239 - 3418 + 13234 + 2576 @@ -130042,14 +129988,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 13254 - 3338 + 13249 + 2496 63 20 - 13287 - 3348 + 13282 + 2506 @@ -130068,14 +130014,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 13254 - 3358 + 13249 + 2516 63 20 - 13287 - 3368 + 13282 + 2526 @@ -130094,14 +130040,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 13254 - 3378 + 13249 + 2536 63 20 - 13287 - 3388 + 13282 + 2546 @@ -130120,14 +130066,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 13254 - 3398 + 13249 + 2556 63 20 - 13287 - 3408 + 13282 + 2566 @@ -130146,14 +130092,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 13254 - 3418 + 13249 + 2576 63 20 - 13287 - 3428 + 13282 + 2586 @@ -130172,14 +130118,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 13254 - 3438 + 13249 + 2596 63 20 - 13287 - 3448 + 13282 + 2606 @@ -130198,14 +130144,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 13254 - 3458 + 13249 + 2616 63 20 - 13287 - 3468 + 13282 + 2626 @@ -130224,14 +130170,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 13254 - 3478 + 13249 + 2636 63 20 - 13287 - 3488 + 13282 + 2646 @@ -130241,7 +130187,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -130263,8 +130209,8 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 13484 - 3408 + 13479 + 2567 160 100 @@ -130272,8 +130218,8 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 0 0 - 13484.25 - 3408.977 + 13479.79 + 2567.495 @@ -130294,7 +130240,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + dc8abb5a-5a92-4148-8118-b397929d7bb3 6a051e83-3727-465e-b5ef-74d027a6f73b @@ -130314,14 +130260,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 13599 - 3295 + 13594 + 2453 139 64 - 13688 - 3327 + 13683 + 2485 @@ -130339,14 +130285,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 13601 - 3297 + 13596 + 2455 72 20 - 13638.5 - 3307 + 13633.5 + 2465 @@ -130386,14 +130332,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 13601 - 3317 + 13596 + 2475 72 20 - 13638.5 - 3327 + 13633.5 + 2485 @@ -130442,14 +130388,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 13601 - 3337 + 13596 + 2495 72 20 - 13638.5 - 3347 + 13633.5 + 2505 @@ -130493,14 +130439,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 13703 - 3297 + 13698 + 2455 33 30 - 13721 - 3312 + 13716 + 2470 @@ -130519,14 +130465,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 13703 - 3327 + 13698 + 2485 33 30 - 13721 - 3342 + 13716 + 2500 @@ -130536,7 +130482,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + aa365407-8e36-4400-b1a7-46cde5b21de6 6a051e83-3727-465e-b5ef-74d027a6f73b @@ -130555,14 +130501,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 13738 - 3410 + 13733 + 2568 126 44 - 13800 - 3432 + 13795 + 2590 @@ -130580,14 +130526,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 13740 - 3412 + 13735 + 2570 45 20 - 13764 - 3422 + 13759 + 2580 @@ -130628,14 +130574,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 13740 - 3432 + 13735 + 2590 45 20 - 13764 - 3442 + 13759 + 2600 @@ -130674,14 +130620,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 13815 - 3412 + 13810 + 2570 47 40 - 13840 - 3432 + 13835 + 2590 @@ -130691,7 +130637,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 60e7defa-8b21-4ee1-99aa-a9223d6134ff Mesh Brep @@ -130709,14 +130655,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 13560 - 3508 + 13555 + 2666 108 44 - 13620 - 3530 + 13615 + 2688 @@ -130734,14 +130680,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 13562 - 3510 + 13557 + 2668 43 20 - 13585 - 3520 + 13580 + 2678 @@ -130760,14 +130706,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 13562 - 3530 + 13557 + 2688 43 20 - 13585 - 3540 + 13580 + 2698 @@ -130816,14 +130762,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 13635 - 3510 + 13630 + 2668 31 40 - 13652 - 3530 + 13647 + 2688 @@ -130833,7 +130779,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2e74876b-33f9-4262-9791-cf53466a63e3 6a051e83-3727-465e-b5ef-74d027a6f73b @@ -130853,14 +130799,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 13220 - 3202 + 13215 + 2360 103 44 - 13274 - 3224 + 13269 + 2382 @@ -130878,14 +130824,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 13222 - 3204 + 13217 + 2362 37 20 - 13242 - 3214 + 13237 + 2372 @@ -130924,14 +130870,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 13222 - 3224 + 13217 + 2382 37 20 - 13242 - 3234 + 13237 + 2392 @@ -130970,14 +130916,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 13289 - 3204 + 13284 + 2362 32 40 - 13306.5 - 3224 + 13301.5 + 2382 @@ -130987,7 +130933,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c2b99ede-3050-483d-ab90-35a1548d2d22 6a051e83-3727-465e-b5ef-74d027a6f73b @@ -131007,14 +130953,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 13220 - 3158 + 13215 + 2316 103 44 - 13274 - 3180 + 13269 + 2338 @@ -131031,14 +130977,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 13222 - 3160 + 13217 + 2318 37 20 - 13242 - 3170 + 13237 + 2328 @@ -131078,14 +131024,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 13222 - 3180 + 13217 + 2338 37 20 - 13242 - 3190 + 13237 + 2348 @@ -131124,14 +131070,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 13289 - 3160 + 13284 + 2318 32 40 - 13306.5 - 3180 + 13301.5 + 2338 @@ -131141,7 +131087,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2e74876b-33f9-4262-9791-cf53466a63e3 6a051e83-3727-465e-b5ef-74d027a6f73b @@ -131161,14 +131107,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 13220 - 3114 + 13215 + 2272 103 44 - 13274 - 3136 + 13269 + 2294 @@ -131186,14 +131132,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 13222 - 3116 + 13217 + 2274 37 20 - 13242 - 3126 + 13237 + 2284 @@ -131232,14 +131178,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 13222 - 3136 + 13217 + 2294 37 20 - 13242 - 3146 + 13237 + 2304 @@ -131278,14 +131224,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 13289 - 3116 + 13284 + 2274 32 40 - 13306.5 - 3136 + 13301.5 + 2294 @@ -131295,7 +131241,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c2b99ede-3050-483d-ab90-35a1548d2d22 6a051e83-3727-465e-b5ef-74d027a6f73b @@ -131315,14 +131261,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 13220 - 3070 + 13215 + 2228 103 44 - 13274 - 3092 + 13269 + 2250 @@ -131339,14 +131285,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 13222 - 3072 + 13217 + 2230 37 20 - 13242 - 3082 + 13237 + 2240 @@ -131386,14 +131332,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 13222 - 3092 + 13217 + 2250 37 20 - 13242 - 3102 + 13237 + 2260 @@ -131432,14 +131378,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 13289 - 3072 + 13284 + 2230 32 40 - 13306.5 - 3092 + 13301.5 + 2250 @@ -131449,7 +131395,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -131470,14 +131416,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 13706 - 3184 + 13701 + 2342 44 16 - 13728 - 3192 + 13723 + 2350 @@ -131485,7 +131431,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 439a55a5-2f9e-4f66-9de2-32f24fec2ef5 Plane Surface @@ -131503,14 +131449,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 13581 - 3195 + 13576 + 2353 101 64 - 13634 - 3227 + 13629 + 2385 @@ -131527,14 +131473,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 13583 - 3197 + 13578 + 2355 36 20 - 13602.5 - 3207 + 13597.5 + 2365 @@ -131583,14 +131529,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 13583 - 3217 + 13578 + 2375 36 20 - 13602.5 - 3227 + 13597.5 + 2385 @@ -131632,14 +131578,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 13583 - 3237 + 13578 + 2395 36 20 - 13602.5 - 3247 + 13597.5 + 2405 @@ -131681,14 +131627,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 13649 - 3197 + 13644 + 2355 31 60 - 13666 - 3227 + 13661 + 2385 @@ -131698,97 +131644,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - - - de131812-96cf-4cef-b9ee-7c7031802751 - 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 - InfoGlasses - - - - - To show the components' advances information.Right click to have advanced options - true - 310bac64-d049-4af5-8c21-df9b8120721b - 0 - InfoGlasses - InfoGlasses - 0 - 0 - - - - - false - false - false - - - - - - 13571 - 3128 - 172 - 28 - - - 13672 - 3142 - - - - - - Run - c4e348ed-ee5b-4aad-b3ad-7c8737931bc2 - Run - Run - false - 0 - - - - - - 13573 - 3130 - 24 - 24 - - - 13646.5 - 3142 - - - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 - {0} - - - - - true - - - - - - - - - - - - - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -131806,14 +131662,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 15931 - 3636 + 14628 + 4535 125 64 - 15981 - 3668 + 14678 + 4567 @@ -131831,14 +131687,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 15933 - 3638 + 14630 + 4537 33 20 - 15951 - 3648 + 14648 + 4547 @@ -131858,14 +131714,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 15933 - 3658 + 14630 + 4557 33 20 - 15951 - 3668 + 14648 + 4567 @@ -131904,14 +131760,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 15933 - 3678 + 14630 + 4577 33 20 - 15951 - 3688 + 14648 + 4587 @@ -131951,14 +131807,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 15996 - 3638 + 14693 + 4537 58 20 - 16026.5 - 3648 + 14723.5 + 4547 @@ -131978,14 +131834,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 15996 - 3658 + 14693 + 4557 58 20 - 16026.5 - 3668 + 14723.5 + 4567 @@ -132005,14 +131861,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 15996 - 3678 + 14693 + 4577 58 20 - 16026.5 - 3688 + 14723.5 + 4587 @@ -132022,7 +131878,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -132040,14 +131896,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 15941 - 3700 + 14638 + 4599 106 64 - 16005 - 3732 + 14702 + 4631 @@ -132064,14 +131920,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 15943 - 3702 + 14640 + 4601 47 20 - 15968 - 3712 + 14665 + 4611 @@ -132115,14 +131971,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 15943 - 3722 + 14640 + 4621 47 20 - 15968 - 3732 + 14665 + 4631 @@ -132165,14 +132021,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 15943 - 3742 + 14640 + 4641 47 20 - 15968 - 3752 + 14665 + 4651 @@ -132211,14 +132067,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 16020 - 3702 + 14717 + 4601 25 60 - 16034 - 3732 + 14731 + 4631 @@ -132228,7 +132084,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -132246,14 +132102,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 15941 - 3572 + 14638 + 4471 106 64 - 16005 - 3604 + 14702 + 4503 @@ -132271,14 +132127,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 15943 - 3574 + 14640 + 4473 47 20 - 15968 - 3584 + 14665 + 4483 @@ -132322,14 +132178,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 15943 - 3594 + 14640 + 4493 47 20 - 15968 - 3604 + 14665 + 4503 @@ -132372,14 +132228,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 15943 - 3614 + 14640 + 4513 47 20 - 15968 - 3624 + 14665 + 4523 @@ -132418,14 +132274,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 16020 - 3574 + 14717 + 4473 25 60 - 16034 - 3604 + 14731 + 4503 @@ -132435,7 +132291,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 84627490-0fb2-4498-8138-ad134ee4cb36 Curve | Curve @@ -132453,14 +132309,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 15921 - 3508 + 14618 + 4383 146 64 - 15982 - 3540 + 14679 + 4415 @@ -132471,21 +132327,21 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve Curve A Curve A false - 04621127-ea48-4cb6-a6ef-c515077fa2b9 + 6c63d7ac-ace2-4fcc-beff-cfba8e16b088 1 - 15923 - 3510 + 14620 + 4385 44 30 - 15946.5 - 3525 + 14643.5 + 4400 @@ -132505,14 +132361,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 15923 - 3540 + 14620 + 4415 44 30 - 15946.5 - 3555 + 14643.5 + 4430 @@ -132533,14 +132389,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 15997 - 3510 + 14694 + 4385 68 20 - 16024.5 - 3520 + 14721.5 + 4395 @@ -132560,14 +132416,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 15997 - 3530 + 14694 + 4405 68 20 - 16024.5 - 3540 + 14721.5 + 4415 @@ -132587,14 +132443,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 15997 - 3550 + 14694 + 4425 68 20 - 16024.5 - 3560 + 14721.5 + 4435 @@ -132604,7 +132460,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -132626,8 +132482,8 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 15914 - 3152 + 14691 + 4028 160 292 @@ -132635,8 +132491,8 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 0 0 - 15914.48 - 3152.376 + 14691.58 + 4028.335 @@ -132658,7 +132514,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 9abae6b7-fa1d-448c-9209-4a8155345841 Deconstruct @@ -132676,14 +132532,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 15928 - 3444 - 132 + 14617 + 4319 + 148 64 - 15975 - 3476 + 14664 + 4351 @@ -132701,23 +132557,24 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 15930 - 3446 + 14619 + 4321 30 60 - 15946.5 - 3476 + 14635.5 + 4351 - + Point {x} component a68eab43-c6b7-4fbd-8fed-b283f8bb24f0 + 2 X component X component false @@ -132727,23 +132584,24 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 15990 - 3446 - 68 + 14679 + 4321 + 84 20 - 16025.5 - 3456 + 14714.5 + 4331 - + Point {y} component 692ae5e3-a190-448e-b91e-4cc391e89da2 + 2 Y component Y component false @@ -132753,14 +132611,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 15990 - 3466 - 68 + 14679 + 4341 + 84 20 - 16025.5 - 3476 + 14714.5 + 4351 @@ -132779,14 +132637,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 15990 - 3486 - 68 + 14679 + 4361 + 84 20 - 16025.5 - 3496 + 14714.5 + 4371 @@ -132796,14 +132654,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group - + 3 255;255;255;255 @@ -132818,7 +132676,8 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve a8dcab90-44b2-46d0-b7b6-032e7d9921b5 c4c2a40a-cf04-4338-a3ad-045fd3895116 f2c4ffe7-dd22-47fa-b6c1-421b76a1630b - 9 + 5b51b93f-ba16-4a40-9582-bf6a21ed42ff + 10 25b287bc-bda9-46f4-a673-4bb2a987adca Group @@ -132829,7 +132688,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 079bd9bd-54a0-41d4-98af-db999015f63d VB Script @@ -132876,14 +132735,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 15944 - 3048 + 14641 + 3899 99 104 - 16004 - 3100 + 14701 + 3951 @@ -132918,14 +132777,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 15946 - 3050 + 14643 + 3901 43 20 - 15969 - 3060 + 14666 + 3911 @@ -132950,14 +132809,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 15946 - 3070 + 14643 + 3921 43 20 - 15969 - 3080 + 14666 + 3931 @@ -132980,14 +132839,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 15946 - 3090 + 14643 + 3941 43 20 - 15969 - 3100 + 14666 + 3951 @@ -133011,14 +132870,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 15946 - 3110 + 14643 + 3961 43 20 - 15969 - 3120 + 14666 + 3971 @@ -133041,14 +132900,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 15946 - 3130 + 14643 + 3981 43 20 - 15969 - 3140 + 14666 + 3991 @@ -133067,14 +132926,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 16019 - 3050 + 14716 + 3901 22 50 - 16031.5 - 3075 + 14728.5 + 3926 @@ -133093,14 +132952,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 16019 - 3100 + 14716 + 3951 22 50 - 16031.5 - 3125 + 14728.5 + 3976 @@ -133112,7 +132971,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 06953bda-1d37-4d58-9b38-4b3c74e54c8f File Path @@ -133133,14 +132992,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 15969 - 3024 + 14666 + 4003 50 24 - 15994.12 - 3036.235 + 14691.58 + 4015.959 @@ -133158,7 +133017,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve false - C:\TXT.TXT + C:\IICSA.O____TNEIDARG_PUKOOL_ROLOC_EKUN____O____NUKE_COLOR_LOOKUP_GRADIENT____O.ASCII @@ -133169,7 +133028,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + a8b97322-2d53-47cd-905e-b932c3ccd74e Button @@ -133190,8 +133049,8 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 15961 - 3002 + 14658 + 3877 66 22 @@ -133201,7 +133060,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -133219,14 +133078,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 16432 - -1699 + 16409 + -2240 125 64 - 16482 - -1667 + 16459 + -2208 @@ -133244,14 +133103,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 16434 - -1697 + 16411 + -2238 33 20 - 16452 - -1687 + 16429 + -2228 @@ -133271,14 +133130,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 16434 - -1677 + 16411 + -2218 33 20 - 16452 - -1667 + 16429 + -2208 @@ -133317,14 +133176,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 16434 - -1657 + 16411 + -2198 33 20 - 16452 - -1647 + 16429 + -2188 @@ -133364,14 +133223,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 16497 - -1697 + 16474 + -2238 58 20 - 16527.5 - -1687 + 16504.5 + -2228 @@ -133391,14 +133250,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 16497 - -1677 + 16474 + -2218 58 20 - 16527.5 - -1667 + 16504.5 + -2208 @@ -133418,14 +133277,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 16497 - -1657 + 16474 + -2198 58 20 - 16527.5 - -1647 + 16504.5 + -2188 @@ -133435,7 +133294,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -133453,14 +133312,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 16442 - -1635 + 16419 + -2176 106 64 - 16506 - -1603 + 16483 + -2144 @@ -133477,14 +133336,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 16444 - -1633 + 16421 + -2174 47 20 - 16469 - -1623 + 16446 + -2164 @@ -133528,14 +133387,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 16444 - -1613 + 16421 + -2154 47 20 - 16469 - -1603 + 16446 + -2144 @@ -133578,14 +133437,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 16444 - -1593 + 16421 + -2134 47 20 - 16469 - -1583 + 16446 + -2124 @@ -133624,14 +133483,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 16521 - -1633 + 16498 + -2174 25 60 - 16535 - -1603 + 16512 + -2144 @@ -133641,7 +133500,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -133659,14 +133518,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 16442 - -2036 + 16419 + -2577 106 64 - 16506 - -2004 + 16483 + -2545 @@ -133684,14 +133543,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 16444 - -2034 + 16421 + -2575 47 20 - 16469 - -2024 + 16446 + -2565 @@ -133735,14 +133594,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 16444 - -2014 + 16421 + -2555 47 20 - 16469 - -2004 + 16446 + -2545 @@ -133786,14 +133645,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 16444 - -1994 + 16421 + -2535 47 20 - 16469 - -1984 + 16446 + -2525 @@ -133832,14 +133691,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 16521 - -2034 + 16498 + -2575 25 60 - 16535 - -2004 + 16512 + -2545 @@ -133849,7 +133708,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -134083,7 +133942,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -134289,7 +134148,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -134497,7 +134356,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -134550,7 +134409,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -134564,7 +134423,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve false 0 - 3665d975-851a-4aeb-81e4-a4135dc35dcc + f8efd37e-d073-40fe-a52b-26c91ddf4347 1 Double click to edit panel content… @@ -134572,8 +134431,8 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 16415 - -1971 + 16393 + -2511 160 273 @@ -134581,8 +134440,8 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 0 0 - 16415.66 - -1970.683 + 16393.47 + -2510.167 @@ -134603,7 +134462,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -134621,14 +134480,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 16423 - -2100 + 16400 + -2641 144 64 - 16497 - -2068 + 16474 + -2609 @@ -134646,14 +134505,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 16425 - -2098 + 16402 + -2639 57 20 - 16455 - -2088 + 16432 + -2629 @@ -134672,14 +134531,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 16425 - -2078 + 16402 + -2619 57 20 - 16455 - -2068 + 16432 + -2609 @@ -134718,14 +134577,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 16425 - -2058 + 16402 + -2599 57 20 - 16455 - -2048 + 16432 + -2589 @@ -134764,14 +134623,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 16512 - -2098 + 16489 + -2639 53 20 - 16540 - -2088 + 16517 + -2629 @@ -134790,14 +134649,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 16512 - -2078 + 16489 + -2619 53 20 - 16540 - -2068 + 16517 + -2609 @@ -134816,14 +134675,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 16512 - -2058 + 16489 + -2599 53 20 - 16540 - -2048 + 16517 + -2589 @@ -134833,7 +134692,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b2a4145-3dff-41d4-a8de-1ea9d29eef33 Interpolate @@ -134851,14 +134710,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 16432 - -2184 + 16409 + -2725 125 84 - 16499 - -2142 + 16476 + -2683 @@ -134877,14 +134736,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 16434 - -2182 + 16411 + -2723 50 20 - 16460.5 - -2172 + 16437.5 + -2713 @@ -134903,14 +134762,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 16434 - -2162 + 16411 + -2703 50 20 - 16460.5 - -2152 + 16437.5 + -2693 @@ -134949,14 +134808,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 16434 - -2142 + 16411 + -2683 50 20 - 16460.5 - -2132 + 16437.5 + -2673 @@ -134995,14 +134854,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 16434 - -2122 + 16411 + -2663 50 20 - 16460.5 - -2112 + 16437.5 + -2653 @@ -135041,14 +134900,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 16514 - -2182 + 16491 + -2723 41 26 - 16536 - -2168.667 + 16513 + -2709.667 @@ -135067,14 +134926,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 16514 - -2156 + 16491 + -2697 41 27 - 16536 - -2142 + 16513 + -2683 @@ -135093,14 +134952,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 16514 - -2129 + 16491 + -2670 41 27 - 16536 - -2115.333 + 16513 + -2656.333 @@ -135110,7 +134969,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + aaa665bd-fd6e-4ccb-8d2c-c5b33072125d Curvature @@ -135128,14 +134987,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 16426 - -2312 + 16403 + -2853 137 64 - 16496 - -2280 + 16473 + -2821 @@ -135153,14 +135012,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 16428 - -2310 + 16405 + -2851 53 30 - 16456 - -2295 + 16433 + -2836 @@ -135180,14 +135039,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 16428 - -2280 + 16405 + -2821 53 30 - 16456 - -2265 + 16433 + -2806 @@ -135206,14 +135065,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 16511 - -2310 + 16488 + -2851 50 20 - 16537.5 - -2300 + 16514.5 + -2841 @@ -135232,14 +135091,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 16511 - -2290 + 16488 + -2831 50 20 - 16537.5 - -2280 + 16514.5 + -2821 @@ -135258,14 +135117,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 16511 - -2270 + 16488 + -2811 50 20 - 16537.5 - -2260 + 16514.5 + -2801 @@ -135275,7 +135134,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 23862862-049a-40be-b558-2418aacbd916 Deconstruct Arc @@ -135293,14 +135152,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 16438 - -2376 + 16415 + -2917 114 64 - 16478 - -2344 + 16455 + -2885 @@ -135318,14 +135177,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 16440 - -2374 + 16417 + -2915 23 60 - 16453 - -2344 + 16430 + -2885 @@ -135344,14 +135203,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 16493 - -2374 + 16470 + -2915 57 20 - 16523 - -2364 + 16500 + -2905 @@ -135370,14 +135229,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 16493 - -2354 + 16470 + -2895 57 20 - 16523 - -2344 + 16500 + -2885 @@ -135396,14 +135255,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 16493 - -2334 + 16470 + -2875 57 20 - 16523 - -2324 + 16500 + -2865 @@ -135413,7 +135272,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 797d922f-3a1d-46fe-9155-358b009b5997 One Over X @@ -135431,14 +135290,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 16445 - -2404 + 16422 + -2945 100 28 - 16494 - -2390 + 16471 + -2931 @@ -135456,14 +135315,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 16447 - -2402 + 16424 + -2943 32 24 - 16464.5 - -2390 + 16441.5 + -2931 @@ -135482,14 +135341,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 16509 - -2402 + 16486 + -2943 34 24 - 16527.5 - -2390 + 16504.5 + -2931 @@ -135499,7 +135358,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -135517,14 +135376,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 16432 - -2248 + 16409 + -2789 125 64 - 16482 - -2216 + 16459 + -2757 @@ -135542,14 +135401,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 16434 - -2246 + 16411 + -2787 33 20 - 16452 - -2236 + 16429 + -2777 @@ -135569,14 +135428,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 16434 - -2226 + 16411 + -2767 33 20 - 16452 - -2216 + 16429 + -2757 @@ -135615,14 +135474,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 16434 - -2206 + 16411 + -2747 33 20 - 16452 - -2196 + 16429 + -2737 @@ -135662,14 +135521,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 16497 - -2246 + 16474 + -2787 58 20 - 16527.5 - -2236 + 16504.5 + -2777 @@ -135689,14 +135548,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 16497 - -2226 + 16474 + -2767 58 20 - 16527.5 - -2216 + 16504.5 + -2757 @@ -135716,14 +135575,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 16497 - -2206 + 16474 + -2747 58 20 - 16527.5 - -2196 + 16504.5 + -2737 @@ -135733,7 +135592,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -135767,7 +135626,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -135785,14 +135644,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 17244 - -1891 + 17323 + -2273 125 64 - 17294 - -1859 + 17373 + -2241 @@ -135810,14 +135669,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 17246 - -1889 + 17325 + -2271 33 20 - 17264 - -1879 + 17343 + -2261 @@ -135837,14 +135696,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 17246 - -1869 + 17325 + -2251 33 20 - 17264 - -1859 + 17343 + -2241 @@ -135883,14 +135742,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 17246 - -1849 + 17325 + -2231 33 20 - 17264 - -1839 + 17343 + -2221 @@ -135930,14 +135789,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 17309 - -1889 + 17388 + -2271 58 20 - 17339.5 - -1879 + 17418.5 + -2261 @@ -135957,14 +135816,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 17309 - -1869 + 17388 + -2251 58 20 - 17339.5 - -1859 + 17418.5 + -2241 @@ -135984,14 +135843,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 17309 - -1849 + 17388 + -2231 58 20 - 17339.5 - -1839 + 17418.5 + -2221 @@ -136001,7 +135860,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -136019,14 +135878,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 17254 - -1827 + 17333 + -2209 106 64 - 17318 - -1795 + 17397 + -2177 @@ -136043,14 +135902,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 17256 - -1825 + 17335 + -2207 47 20 - 17281 - -1815 + 17360 + -2197 @@ -136094,14 +135953,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 17256 - -1805 + 17335 + -2187 47 20 - 17281 - -1795 + 17360 + -2177 @@ -136144,14 +136003,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 17256 - -1785 + 17335 + -2167 47 20 - 17281 - -1775 + 17360 + -2157 @@ -136190,14 +136049,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 17333 - -1825 + 17412 + -2207 25 60 - 17347 - -1795 + 17426 + -2177 @@ -136207,7 +136066,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -136225,14 +136084,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 17254 - -2228 + 17333 + -2610 106 64 - 17318 - -2196 + 17397 + -2578 @@ -136250,14 +136109,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 17256 - -2226 + 17335 + -2608 47 20 - 17281 - -2216 + 17360 + -2598 @@ -136301,14 +136160,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 17256 - -2206 + 17335 + -2588 47 20 - 17281 - -2196 + 17360 + -2578 @@ -136352,14 +136211,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 17256 - -2186 + 17335 + -2568 47 20 - 17281 - -2176 + 17360 + -2558 @@ -136398,14 +136257,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 17333 - -2226 + 17412 + -2608 25 60 - 17347 - -2196 + 17426 + -2578 @@ -136415,7 +136274,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -136429,7 +136288,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve false 0 - 3665d975-851a-4aeb-81e4-a4135dc35dcc + d41aa121-c1da-4ebb-a049-b9e515f63154 1 Double click to edit panel content… @@ -136437,8 +136296,8 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 17228 - -2162 + 17308 + -2543 160 273 @@ -136446,8 +136305,8 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 0 0 - 17228.38 - -2161.659 + 17308.27 + -2542.859 @@ -136468,7 +136327,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -136486,14 +136345,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 17249 - -2700 + 17328 + -3082 122 64 - 17329 - -2668 + 17408 + -3050 @@ -136511,14 +136370,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 17251 - -2698 + 17330 + -3080 63 20 - 17292 - -2688 + 17371 + -3070 @@ -136563,14 +136422,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 17251 - -2678 + 17330 + -3060 63 20 - 17292 - -2668 + 17371 + -3050 @@ -136615,14 +136474,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 17251 - -2658 + 17330 + -3040 63 20 - 17292 - -2648 + 17371 + -3030 @@ -136661,14 +136520,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 17344 - -2698 + 17423 + -3080 25 60 - 17358 - -2668 + 17437 + -3050 @@ -136678,7 +136537,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -136706,14 +136565,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 17187 - -2763 + 17267 + -3144 250 20 - 17187.38 - -2762.055 + 17267.27 + -3143.255 @@ -136721,7 +136580,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + ce46b74e-00c9-43c4-805a-193b69ea4a11 Multiplication @@ -136739,14 +136598,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 17275 - -2744 + 17354 + -3126 82 44 - 17306 - -2722 + 17385 + -3104 @@ -136773,14 +136632,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 17277 - -2742 + 17356 + -3124 14 20 - 17285.5 - -2732 + 17364.5 + -3114 @@ -136800,14 +136659,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 17277 - -2722 + 17356 + -3104 14 20 - 17285.5 - -2712 + 17364.5 + -3094 @@ -136826,14 +136685,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 17321 - -2742 + 17400 + -3124 34 40 - 17339.5 - -2722 + 17418.5 + -3104 @@ -136845,7 +136704,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + ae4835db-ae71-4361-8536-1a5e50386819 1c9de8a1-315f-4c56-af06-8f69fee80a7a @@ -136865,14 +136724,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 17222 - -2352 + 17301 + -2734 183 124 - 17335 - -2290 + 17414 + -2672 @@ -136891,14 +136750,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 17224 - -2350 + 17303 + -2732 96 20 - 17273.5 - -2340 + 17352.5 + -2722 @@ -136919,14 +136778,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 17224 - -2330 + 17303 + -2712 96 20 - 17273.5 - -2320 + 17352.5 + -2702 @@ -136970,14 +136829,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 17224 - -2310 + 17303 + -2692 96 20 - 17273.5 - -2300 + 17352.5 + -2682 @@ -137021,14 +136880,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 17224 - -2290 + 17303 + -2672 96 20 - 17273.5 - -2280 + 17352.5 + -2662 @@ -137069,14 +136928,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 17224 - -2270 + 17303 + -2652 96 20 - 17273.5 - -2260 + 17352.5 + -2642 @@ -137117,14 +136976,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 17224 - -2250 + 17303 + -2632 96 20 - 17273.5 - -2240 + 17352.5 + -2622 @@ -137164,14 +137023,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 17350 - -2350 + 17429 + -2732 53 120 - 17378 - -2290 + 17457 + -2672 @@ -137181,7 +137040,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -137209,14 +137068,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 16972 - -2249 + 17052 + -2630 250 20 - 16972.81 - -2248.466 + 17052.7 + -2629.667 @@ -137224,7 +137083,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -137252,14 +137111,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 16973 - -2269 + 17053 + -2650 250 20 - 16973.22 - -2268.413 + 17053.11 + -2649.614 @@ -137267,7 +137126,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -137295,14 +137154,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 16972 - -2329 + 17052 + -2710 250 20 - 16972.68 - -2328.442 + 17052.57 + -2709.642 @@ -137310,7 +137169,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + aaa665bd-fd6e-4ccb-8d2c-c5b33072125d Curvature @@ -137328,14 +137187,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 17249 - -2480 + 17328 + -2862 137 64 - 17319 - -2448 + 17398 + -2830 @@ -137353,14 +137212,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 17251 - -2478 + 17330 + -2860 53 30 - 17279 - -2463 + 17358 + -2845 @@ -137380,14 +137239,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 17251 - -2448 + 17330 + -2830 53 30 - 17279 - -2433 + 17358 + -2815 @@ -137406,14 +137265,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 17334 - -2478 + 17413 + -2860 50 20 - 17360.5 - -2468 + 17439.5 + -2850 @@ -137432,14 +137291,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 17334 - -2458 + 17413 + -2840 50 20 - 17360.5 - -2448 + 17439.5 + -2830 @@ -137458,14 +137317,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 17334 - -2438 + 17413 + -2820 50 20 - 17360.5 - -2428 + 17439.5 + -2810 @@ -137475,7 +137334,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 23862862-049a-40be-b558-2418aacbd916 Deconstruct Arc @@ -137493,14 +137352,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 17261 - -2544 + 17340 + -2926 114 64 - 17301 - -2512 + 17380 + -2894 @@ -137518,14 +137377,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 17263 - -2542 + 17342 + -2924 23 60 - 17276 - -2512 + 17355 + -2894 @@ -137544,14 +137403,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 17316 - -2542 + 17395 + -2924 57 20 - 17346 - -2532 + 17425 + -2914 @@ -137570,14 +137429,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 17316 - -2522 + 17395 + -2904 57 20 - 17346 - -2512 + 17425 + -2894 @@ -137596,14 +137455,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 17316 - -2502 + 17395 + -2884 57 20 - 17346 - -2492 + 17425 + -2874 @@ -137613,7 +137472,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 797d922f-3a1d-46fe-9155-358b009b5997 One Over X @@ -137631,14 +137490,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 17271 - -2572 + 17350 + -2954 100 28 - 17320 - -2558 + 17399 + -2940 @@ -137656,14 +137515,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 17273 - -2570 + 17352 + -2952 32 24 - 17290.5 - -2558 + 17369.5 + -2940 @@ -137682,14 +137541,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 17335 - -2570 + 17414 + -2952 34 24 - 17353.5 - -2558 + 17432.5 + -2940 @@ -137699,7 +137558,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -137717,14 +137576,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 17255 - -2416 + 17334 + -2798 125 64 - 17305 - -2384 + 17384 + -2766 @@ -137742,14 +137601,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 17257 - -2414 + 17336 + -2796 33 20 - 17275 - -2404 + 17354 + -2786 @@ -137769,14 +137628,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 17257 - -2394 + 17336 + -2776 33 20 - 17275 - -2384 + 17354 + -2766 @@ -137815,14 +137674,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 17257 - -2374 + 17336 + -2756 33 20 - 17275 - -2364 + 17354 + -2746 @@ -137862,14 +137721,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 17320 - -2414 + 17399 + -2796 58 20 - 17350.5 - -2404 + 17429.5 + -2786 @@ -137889,14 +137748,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 17320 - -2394 + 17399 + -2776 58 20 - 17350.5 - -2384 + 17429.5 + -2766 @@ -137916,14 +137775,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 17320 - -2374 + 17399 + -2756 58 20 - 17350.5 - -2364 + 17429.5 + -2746 @@ -137933,7 +137792,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + dd17d442-3776-40b3-ad5b-5e188b56bd4c Relative Differences @@ -137951,14 +137810,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 17252 - -2600 + 17331 + -2982 128 28 - 17305 - -2586 + 17384 + -2968 @@ -137977,14 +137836,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 17254 - -2598 + 17333 + -2980 36 24 - 17273.5 - -2586 + 17352.5 + -2968 @@ -138004,14 +137863,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 17320 - -2598 + 17399 + -2980 58 24 - 17350.5 - -2586 + 17429.5 + -2968 @@ -138021,7 +137880,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -138255,7 +138114,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -138461,7 +138320,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -138669,7 +138528,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -138683,7 +138542,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve false 0 - 3665d975-851a-4aeb-81e4-a4135dc35dcc + 1ad01192-f99c-4eeb-8d64-8ac4ca1fe68f 1 Double click to edit panel content… @@ -138722,7 +138581,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -138952,7 +138811,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b2a4145-3dff-41d4-a8de-1ea9d29eef33 Interpolate @@ -139229,7 +139088,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + aaa665bd-fd6e-4ccb-8d2c-c5b33072125d Curvature @@ -139394,7 +139253,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 23862862-049a-40be-b558-2418aacbd916 Deconstruct Arc @@ -139532,7 +139391,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 797d922f-3a1d-46fe-9155-358b009b5997 One Over X @@ -139618,7 +139477,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -139852,7 +139711,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -139886,7 +139745,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -140120,7 +139979,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -140326,7 +140185,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -140534,7 +140393,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c Panel @@ -140548,7 +140407,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve false 0 - 3665d975-851a-4aeb-81e4-a4135dc35dcc + 493dd7fe-4849-422f-8fb9-322423d271af 1 Double click to edit panel content… @@ -140587,7 +140446,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -140797,7 +140656,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -140840,7 +140699,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + ce46b74e-00c9-43c4-805a-193b69ea4a11 Multiplication @@ -140964,7 +140823,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + ae4835db-ae71-4361-8536-1a5e50386819 1c9de8a1-315f-4c56-af06-8f69fee80a7a @@ -141300,7 +141159,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -141343,7 +141202,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -141386,7 +141245,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -141429,7 +141288,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + aaa665bd-fd6e-4ccb-8d2c-c5b33072125d Curvature @@ -141594,7 +141453,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 23862862-049a-40be-b558-2418aacbd916 Deconstruct Arc @@ -141732,7 +141591,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 797d922f-3a1d-46fe-9155-358b009b5997 One Over X @@ -141818,7 +141677,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -142052,7 +141911,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + dd17d442-3776-40b3-ad5b-5e188b56bd4c Relative Differences @@ -142140,7 +141999,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4d2a06bd-4b0f-4c65-9ee0-4220e4c01703 Scale @@ -142159,13 +142018,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23532 - -9535 + -9663 154 64 23616 - -9503 + -9631 @@ -142184,13 +142043,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23534 - -9533 + -9661 67 20 23577 - -9523 + -9651 @@ -142210,13 +142069,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23534 - -9513 + -9641 67 20 23577 - -9503 + -9631 @@ -142263,13 +142122,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23534 - -9493 + -9621 67 20 23577 - -9483 + -9611 @@ -142309,13 +142168,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23631 - -9533 + -9661 53 30 23659 - -9518 + -9646 @@ -142335,13 +142194,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23631 - -9503 + -9631 53 30 23659 - -9488 + -9616 @@ -142351,7 +142210,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror @@ -142370,13 +142229,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23540 - -9579 + -9707 138 44 23608 - -9557 + -9685 @@ -142395,13 +142254,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23542 - -9577 + -9705 51 20 23569 - -9567 + -9695 @@ -142422,13 +142281,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23542 - -9557 + -9685 51 20 23569 - -9547 + -9675 @@ -142478,13 +142337,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23623 - -9577 + -9705 53 20 23651 - -9567 + -9695 @@ -142504,13 +142363,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23623 - -9557 + -9685 53 20 23651 - -9547 + -9675 @@ -142520,7 +142379,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 8073a420-6bec-49e3-9b18-367f6fd76ac3 Join Curves @@ -142539,13 +142398,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23550 - -9623 + -9751 118 44 23613 - -9601 + -9729 @@ -142566,13 +142425,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23552 - -9621 + -9749 46 20 23576.5 - -9611 + -9739 @@ -142592,13 +142451,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23552 - -9601 + -9729 46 20 23576.5 - -9591 + -9719 @@ -142639,13 +142498,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23628 - -9621 + -9749 38 40 23648.5 - -9601 + -9729 @@ -142655,7 +142514,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -142683,7 +142542,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -142716,7 +142575,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -142745,13 +142604,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23484 - -9843 + -9971 250 20 23484.87 - -9842.834 + -9970.079 @@ -142759,7 +142618,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -142777,14 +142636,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23546 - -11188 + 23540 + -11320 125 64 - 23596 - -11156 + 23590 + -11288 @@ -142802,14 +142661,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23548 - -11186 + 23542 + -11318 33 20 - 23566 - -11176 + 23560 + -11308 @@ -142829,14 +142688,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23548 - -11166 + 23542 + -11298 33 20 - 23566 - -11156 + 23560 + -11288 @@ -142875,14 +142734,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23548 - -11146 + 23542 + -11278 33 20 - 23566 - -11136 + 23560 + -11268 @@ -142922,14 +142781,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23611 - -11186 + 23605 + -11318 58 20 - 23641.5 - -11176 + 23635.5 + -11308 @@ -142949,14 +142808,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23611 - -11166 + 23605 + -11298 58 20 - 23641.5 - -11156 + 23635.5 + -11288 @@ -142976,14 +142835,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23611 - -11146 + 23605 + -11278 58 20 - 23641.5 - -11136 + 23635.5 + -11268 @@ -142993,7 +142852,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -143012,13 +142871,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23556 - -11064 + -11192 106 64 23620 - -11032 + -11160 @@ -143036,13 +142895,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23558 - -11062 + -11190 47 20 23583 - -11052 + -11180 @@ -143087,13 +142946,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23558 - -11042 + -11170 47 20 23583 - -11032 + -11160 @@ -143138,13 +142997,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23558 - -11022 + -11150 47 20 23583 - -11012 + -11140 @@ -143184,13 +143043,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23635 - -11062 + -11190 25 60 23649 - -11032 + -11160 @@ -143200,7 +143059,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -143219,13 +143078,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23556 - -11256 + -11384 106 64 23620 - -11224 + -11352 @@ -143244,13 +143103,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23558 - -11254 + -11382 47 20 23583 - -11244 + -11372 @@ -143295,13 +143154,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23558 - -11234 + -11362 47 20 23583 - -11224 + -11352 @@ -143345,13 +143204,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23558 - -11214 + -11342 47 20 23583 - -11204 + -11332 @@ -143391,13 +143250,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23635 - -11254 + -11382 25 60 23649 - -11224 + -11352 @@ -143407,7 +143266,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 84627490-0fb2-4498-8138-ad134ee4cb36 Curve | Curve @@ -143426,13 +143285,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23536 - -11320 + -11448 146 64 23597 - -11288 + -11416 @@ -143451,13 +143310,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23538 - -11318 + -11446 44 30 23561.5 - -11303 + -11431 @@ -143478,13 +143337,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23538 - -11288 + -11416 44 30 23561.5 - -11273 + -11401 @@ -143506,13 +143365,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23612 - -11318 + -11446 68 20 23639.5 - -11308 + -11436 @@ -143533,13 +143392,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23612 - -11298 + -11426 68 20 23639.5 - -11288 + -11416 @@ -143560,13 +143419,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23612 - -11278 + -11406 68 20 23639.5 - -11268 + -11396 @@ -143576,7 +143435,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 9abae6b7-fa1d-448c-9209-4a8155345841 Deconstruct @@ -143595,13 +143454,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23543 - -11384 + -11512 132 64 23590 - -11352 + -11480 @@ -143620,13 +143479,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23545 - -11382 + -11510 30 60 23561.5 - -11352 + -11480 @@ -143646,13 +143505,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23605 - -11382 + -11510 68 20 23640.5 - -11372 + -11500 @@ -143672,13 +143531,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23605 - -11362 + -11490 68 20 23640.5 - -11352 + -11480 @@ -143698,13 +143557,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23605 - -11342 + -11470 68 20 23640.5 - -11332 + -11460 @@ -143714,7 +143573,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -143746,7 +143605,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -143765,13 +143624,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23538 - -9990 + -10118 141 64 23604 - -9958 + -10086 @@ -143790,13 +143649,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23540 - -9988 + -10116 49 20 23574 - -9978 + -10106 @@ -143818,13 +143677,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23540 - -9968 + -10096 49 20 23574 - -9958 + -10086 @@ -143864,13 +143723,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23540 - -9948 + -10076 49 20 23574 - -9938 + -10066 @@ -143911,13 +143770,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23619 - -9988 + -10116 58 20 23649.5 - -9978 + -10106 @@ -143938,13 +143797,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23619 - -9968 + -10096 58 20 23649.5 - -9958 + -10086 @@ -143965,13 +143824,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23619 - -9948 + -10076 58 20 23649.5 - -9938 + -10066 @@ -143981,7 +143840,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -143999,14 +143858,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23556 - -10406 + 23553 + -10534 106 64 - 23620 - -10374 + 23617 + -10502 @@ -144024,14 +143883,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23558 - -10404 + 23555 + -10532 47 20 - 23583 - -10394 + 23580 + -10522 @@ -144076,14 +143935,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23558 - -10384 + 23555 + -10512 47 20 - 23583 - -10374 + 23580 + -10502 @@ -144127,14 +143986,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23558 - -10364 + 23555 + -10492 47 20 - 23583 - -10354 + 23580 + -10482 @@ -144173,14 +144032,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23635 - -10404 + 23632 + -10532 25 60 - 23649 - -10374 + 23646 + -10502 @@ -144190,7 +144049,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + aaa665bd-fd6e-4ccb-8d2c-c5b33072125d Curvature @@ -144209,13 +144068,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23540 - -10054 + -10182 137 64 23610 - -10022 + -10150 @@ -144234,13 +144093,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23542 - -10052 + -10180 53 30 23570 - -10037 + -10165 @@ -144261,13 +144120,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23542 - -10022 + -10150 53 30 23570 - -10007 + -10135 @@ -144287,13 +144146,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23625 - -10052 + -10180 50 20 23651.5 - -10042 + -10170 @@ -144313,13 +144172,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23625 - -10032 + -10160 50 20 23651.5 - -10022 + -10150 @@ -144339,13 +144198,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23625 - -10012 + -10140 50 20 23651.5 - -10002 + -10130 @@ -144355,7 +144214,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 23862862-049a-40be-b558-2418aacbd916 Deconstruct Arc @@ -144374,13 +144233,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23552 - -10118 + -10246 114 64 23592 - -10086 + -10214 @@ -144399,13 +144258,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23554 - -10116 + -10244 23 60 23567 - -10086 + -10214 @@ -144425,13 +144284,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23607 - -10116 + -10244 57 20 23637 - -10106 + -10234 @@ -144451,13 +144310,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23607 - -10096 + -10224 57 20 23637 - -10086 + -10214 @@ -144477,13 +144336,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23607 - -10076 + -10204 57 20 23637 - -10066 + -10194 @@ -144493,7 +144352,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 797d922f-3a1d-46fe-9155-358b009b5997 One Over X @@ -144512,13 +144371,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23559 - -10146 + -10274 100 28 23608 - -10132 + -10260 @@ -144537,13 +144396,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23561 - -10144 + -10272 32 24 23578.5 - -10132 + -10260 @@ -144563,13 +144422,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23623 - -10144 + -10272 34 24 23641.5 - -10132 + -10260 @@ -144579,7 +144438,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -144621,7 +144480,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c4e56eb-2f04-43f9-95a3-cc46a14f495a Line @@ -144640,13 +144499,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23552 - -10326 + -10454 114 44 23624 - -10304 + -10432 @@ -144665,13 +144524,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23554 - -10324 + -10452 55 20 23583 - -10314 + -10442 @@ -144692,13 +144551,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23554 - -10304 + -10432 55 20 23583 - -10294 + -10422 @@ -144718,13 +144577,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23639 - -10324 + -10452 25 40 23653 - -10304 + -10432 @@ -144734,7 +144593,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -144753,13 +144612,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23537 - -10470 + -10598 144 64 23611 - -10438 + -10566 @@ -144778,13 +144637,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23539 - -10468 + -10596 57 20 23569 - -10458 + -10586 @@ -144804,13 +144663,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23539 - -10448 + -10576 57 20 23569 - -10438 + -10566 @@ -144850,13 +144709,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23539 - -10428 + -10556 57 20 23569 - -10418 + -10546 @@ -144896,13 +144755,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23626 - -10468 + -10596 53 20 23654 - -10458 + -10586 @@ -144922,13 +144781,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23626 - -10448 + -10576 53 20 23654 - -10438 + -10566 @@ -144948,13 +144807,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23626 - -10428 + -10556 53 20 23654 - -10418 + -10546 @@ -144964,7 +144823,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b2a4145-3dff-41d4-a8de-1ea9d29eef33 Interpolate @@ -144983,13 +144842,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23546 - -10554 + -10682 125 84 23613 - -10512 + -10640 @@ -145009,13 +144868,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -10552 + -10680 50 20 23574.5 - -10542 + -10670 @@ -145035,13 +144894,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -10532 + -10660 50 20 23574.5 - -10522 + -10650 @@ -145081,13 +144940,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -10512 + -10640 50 20 23574.5 - -10502 + -10630 @@ -145127,13 +144986,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -10492 + -10620 50 20 23574.5 - -10482 + -10610 @@ -145173,13 +145032,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23628 - -10552 + -10680 41 26 23650 - -10538.67 + -10666.67 @@ -145199,13 +145058,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23628 - -10526 + -10654 41 27 23650 - -10512 + -10640 @@ -145225,13 +145084,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23628 - -10499 + -10627 41 27 23650 - -10485.33 + -10613.33 @@ -145241,7 +145100,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -145259,14 +145118,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23546 - -11634 + 23556 + -11762 125 64 - 23596 - -11602 + 23606 + -11730 @@ -145284,14 +145143,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23548 - -11632 + 23558 + -11760 33 20 - 23566 - -11622 + 23576 + -11750 @@ -145311,14 +145170,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23548 - -11612 + 23558 + -11740 33 20 - 23566 - -11602 + 23576 + -11730 @@ -145357,14 +145216,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23548 - -11592 + 23558 + -11720 33 20 - 23566 - -11582 + 23576 + -11710 @@ -145404,14 +145263,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23611 - -11632 + 23621 + -11760 58 20 - 23641.5 - -11622 + 23651.5 + -11750 @@ -145431,14 +145290,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23611 - -11612 + 23621 + -11740 58 20 - 23641.5 - -11602 + 23651.5 + -11730 @@ -145458,14 +145317,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23611 - -11592 + 23621 + -11720 58 20 - 23641.5 - -11582 + 23651.5 + -11710 @@ -145475,7 +145334,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + aaa665bd-fd6e-4ccb-8d2c-c5b33072125d Curvature @@ -145493,14 +145352,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23540 - -11698 + 23539 + -11826 137 64 - 23610 - -11666 + 23609 + -11794 @@ -145518,14 +145377,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23542 - -11696 + 23541 + -11824 53 30 - 23570 - -11681 + 23569 + -11809 @@ -145545,14 +145404,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23542 - -11666 + 23541 + -11794 53 30 - 23570 - -11651 + 23569 + -11779 @@ -145571,14 +145430,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23625 - -11696 + 23624 + -11824 50 20 - 23651.5 - -11686 + 23650.5 + -11814 @@ -145597,14 +145456,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23625 - -11676 + 23624 + -11804 50 20 - 23651.5 - -11666 + 23650.5 + -11794 @@ -145623,14 +145482,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23625 - -11656 + 23624 + -11784 50 20 - 23651.5 - -11646 + 23650.5 + -11774 @@ -145640,7 +145499,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 23862862-049a-40be-b558-2418aacbd916 Deconstruct Arc @@ -145658,14 +145517,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23552 - -11762 + 23556 + -11890 114 64 - 23592 - -11730 + 23596 + -11858 @@ -145683,14 +145542,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23554 - -11760 + 23558 + -11888 23 60 - 23567 - -11730 + 23571 + -11858 @@ -145709,14 +145568,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23607 - -11760 + 23611 + -11888 57 20 - 23637 - -11750 + 23641 + -11878 @@ -145735,14 +145594,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23607 - -11740 + 23611 + -11868 57 20 - 23637 - -11730 + 23641 + -11858 @@ -145761,14 +145620,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23607 - -11720 + 23611 + -11848 57 20 - 23637 - -11710 + 23641 + -11838 @@ -145778,7 +145637,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -145797,13 +145656,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -11826 + -11954 122 64 23628 - -11794 + -11922 @@ -145822,13 +145681,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23550 - -11824 + -11952 63 20 23591 - -11814 + -11942 @@ -145849,13 +145708,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23550 - -11804 + -11932 63 20 23591 - -11794 + -11922 @@ -145901,13 +145760,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23550 - -11784 + -11912 63 20 23591 - -11774 + -11902 @@ -145947,13 +145806,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23643 - -11824 + -11952 25 60 23657 - -11794 + -11922 @@ -145963,7 +145822,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2fcc2743-8339-4cdf-a046-a1f17439191d Remap Numbers @@ -145982,13 +145841,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23551 - -11492 + -11620 115 64 23606 - -11460 + -11588 @@ -146007,13 +145866,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23553 - -11490 + -11618 38 20 23573.5 - -11480 + -11608 @@ -146034,13 +145893,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23553 - -11470 + -11598 38 20 23573.5 - -11460 + -11588 @@ -146083,13 +145942,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23553 - -11450 + -11578 38 20 23573.5 - -11440 + -11568 @@ -146132,13 +145991,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23621 - -11490 + -11618 43 30 23644 - -11475 + -11603 @@ -146158,13 +146017,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23621 - -11460 + -11588 43 30 23644 - -11445 + -11573 @@ -146174,7 +146033,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + f44b92b0-3b5b-493a-86f4-fd7408c3daf3 Bounds @@ -146193,13 +146052,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -11428 + -11556 122 28 23612 - -11414 + -11542 @@ -146219,13 +146078,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23550 - -11426 + -11554 47 24 23575 - -11414 + -11542 @@ -146245,13 +146104,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23627 - -11426 + -11554 41 24 23649 - -11414 + -11542 @@ -146261,7 +146120,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2fcc2743-8339-4cdf-a046-a1f17439191d Remap Numbers @@ -146280,13 +146139,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23551 - -10282 + -10410 115 64 23606 - -10250 + -10378 @@ -146305,13 +146164,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23553 - -10280 + -10408 38 20 23573.5 - -10270 + -10398 @@ -146332,13 +146191,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23553 - -10260 + -10388 38 20 23573.5 - -10250 + -10378 @@ -146381,13 +146240,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23553 - -10240 + -10368 38 20 23573.5 - -10230 + -10358 @@ -146430,13 +146289,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23621 - -10280 + -10408 43 30 23644 - -10265 + -10393 @@ -146456,13 +146315,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23621 - -10250 + -10378 43 30 23644 - -10235 + -10363 @@ -146472,7 +146331,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + f44b92b0-3b5b-493a-86f4-fd7408c3daf3 Bounds @@ -146491,13 +146350,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -10218 + -10346 122 28 23612 - -10204 + -10332 @@ -146517,13 +146376,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23550 - -10216 + -10344 47 24 23575 - -10204 + -10332 @@ -146543,13 +146402,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23627 - -10216 + -10344 41 24 23649 - -10204 + -10332 @@ -146559,7 +146418,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -146577,14 +146436,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23568 - -10190 + 23573 + -10318 82 44 - 23599 - -10168 + 23604 + -10296 @@ -146602,14 +146461,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23570 - -10188 + 23575 + -10316 14 20 - 23578.5 - -10178 + 23583.5 + -10306 @@ -146629,14 +146488,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23570 - -10168 + 23575 + -10296 14 20 - 23578.5 - -10158 + 23583.5 + -10286 @@ -146655,14 +146514,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23614 - -10188 + 23619 + -10316 34 40 - 23632.5 - -10168 + 23637.5 + -10296 @@ -146672,7 +146531,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -146691,13 +146550,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23568 - -11536 + -11664 82 44 23599 - -11514 + -11642 @@ -146716,13 +146575,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23570 - -11534 + -11662 14 20 23578.5 - -11524 + -11652 @@ -146743,13 +146602,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23570 - -11514 + -11642 14 20 23578.5 - -11504 + -11632 @@ -146769,13 +146628,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23614 - -11534 + -11662 34 40 23632.5 - -11514 + -11642 @@ -146785,7 +146644,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -146819,7 +146678,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -146849,7 +146708,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -146868,13 +146727,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23537 - -11890 + -12018 144 64 23611 - -11858 + -11986 @@ -146893,13 +146752,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23539 - -11888 + -12016 57 20 23569 - -11878 + -12006 @@ -146919,13 +146778,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23539 - -11868 + -11996 57 20 23569 - -11858 + -11986 @@ -146965,13 +146824,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23539 - -11848 + -11976 57 20 23569 - -11838 + -11966 @@ -147011,13 +146870,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23626 - -11888 + -12016 53 20 23654 - -11878 + -12006 @@ -147037,13 +146896,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23626 - -11868 + -11996 53 20 23654 - -11858 + -11986 @@ -147063,13 +146922,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23626 - -11848 + -11976 53 20 23654 - -11838 + -11966 @@ -147079,7 +146938,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b2a4145-3dff-41d4-a8de-1ea9d29eef33 Interpolate @@ -147098,13 +146957,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23546 - -11974 + -12102 125 84 23613 - -11932 + -12060 @@ -147124,13 +146983,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -11972 + -12100 50 20 23574.5 - -11962 + -12090 @@ -147150,13 +147009,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -11952 + -12080 50 20 23574.5 - -11942 + -12070 @@ -147196,13 +147055,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -11932 + -12060 50 20 23574.5 - -11922 + -12050 @@ -147242,13 +147101,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -11912 + -12040 50 20 23574.5 - -11902 + -12030 @@ -147288,13 +147147,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23628 - -11972 + -12100 41 26 23650 - -11958.67 + -12086.67 @@ -147314,13 +147173,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23628 - -11946 + -12074 41 27 23650 - -11932 + -12060 @@ -147340,13 +147199,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23628 - -11919 + -12047 41 27 23650 - -11905.33 + -12033.33 @@ -147356,7 +147215,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -147368,7 +147227,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve A wire relay object 8564a323-85b4-48f9-a4b8-130860cb8306 Relay - + Relay false b52263dc-d073-4865-b181-9e1f37d5704c 1 @@ -147377,14 +147236,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23589 - -11080 - 40 + 23587 + -11208 + 44 16 23609 - -11072 + -11200 @@ -147392,7 +147251,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -147411,13 +147270,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23568 - -11124 + -11252 82 44 23599 - -11102 + -11230 @@ -147436,13 +147295,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23570 - -11122 + -11250 14 20 23578.5 - -11112 + -11240 @@ -147462,13 +147321,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23570 - -11102 + -11230 14 20 23578.5 - -11092 + -11220 @@ -147509,13 +147368,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23614 - -11122 + -11250 34 40 23632.5 - -11102 + -11230 @@ -147525,7 +147384,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -147537,7 +147396,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve A wire relay object 5e4fbc47-ac24-4565-afb2-029535d953ec Relay - + Relay false 8512342c-9aaa-45a1-a05e-205ea7150d06 1 @@ -147546,14 +147405,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23589 - -10342 - 40 + 23587 + -10470 + 44 16 23609 - -10334 + -10462 @@ -147561,7 +147420,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -147580,13 +147439,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -12753 + -12881 122 64 23628 - -12721 + -12849 @@ -147605,13 +147464,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23550 - -12751 + -12879 63 20 23591 - -12741 + -12869 @@ -147632,13 +147491,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23550 - -12731 + -12859 63 20 23591 - -12721 + -12849 @@ -147684,13 +147543,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23550 - -12711 + -12839 63 20 23591 - -12701 + -12829 @@ -147730,13 +147589,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23643 - -12751 + -12879 25 60 23657 - -12721 + -12849 @@ -147746,7 +147605,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + e87db220-a0a0-4d67-a405-f97fd14b2d7a Linear Array @@ -147765,13 +147624,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23540 - -9687 + -9815 138 64 23608 - -9655 + -9783 @@ -147790,13 +147649,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23542 - -9685 + -9813 51 20 23569 - -9675 + -9803 @@ -147816,13 +147675,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23542 - -9665 + -9793 51 20 23569 - -9655 + -9783 @@ -147866,13 +147725,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23542 - -9645 + -9773 51 20 23569 - -9635 + -9763 @@ -147913,13 +147772,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23623 - -9685 + -9813 53 30 23651 - -9670 + -9798 @@ -147940,13 +147799,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23623 - -9655 + -9783 53 30 23651 - -9640 + -9768 @@ -147956,7 +147815,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 8073a420-6bec-49e3-9b18-367f6fd76ac3 Join Curves @@ -147975,13 +147834,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23550 - -9731 + -9859 118 44 23613 - -9709 + -9837 @@ -148001,13 +147860,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23552 - -9729 + -9857 46 20 23576.5 - -9719 + -9847 @@ -148027,13 +147886,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23552 - -9709 + -9837 46 20 23576.5 - -9699 + -9827 @@ -148074,13 +147933,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23628 - -9729 + -9857 38 40 23648.5 - -9709 + -9837 @@ -148090,7 +147949,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -148116,7 +147975,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -148134,14 +147993,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24741 - -9567 + 25194 + -9681 144 104 - 24825 - -9515 + 25278 + -9629 @@ -148159,14 +148018,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24743 - -9565 + 25196 + -9679 67 20 - 24778 - -9555 + 25231 + -9669 @@ -148207,14 +148066,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24743 - -9545 + 25196 + -9659 67 20 - 24778 - -9535 + 25231 + -9649 @@ -148255,14 +148114,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24743 - -9525 + 25196 + -9639 67 20 - 24778 - -9515 + 25231 + -9629 @@ -148303,14 +148162,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24743 - -9505 + 25196 + -9619 67 20 - 24778 - -9495 + 25231 + -9609 @@ -148349,14 +148208,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24743 - -9485 + 25196 + -9599 67 20 - 24778 - -9475 + 25231 + -9589 @@ -148395,14 +148254,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24840 - -9565 + 25293 + -9679 43 100 - 24863 - -9515 + 25316 + -9629 @@ -148412,15 +148271,16 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview - + Allows for customized geometry previews + true true 5f513605-0735-49e6-b18d-ffa4cb8767f2 Custom Preview @@ -148429,22 +148289,21 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + - 24480 - -9537 + 24933 + -9651 82 44 - 24548 - -9515 + 25001 + -9629 - true - + Geometry to preview true 280b0b94-e4c9-49d3-be51-fb9f416cb25d @@ -148452,23 +148311,21 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve Geometry false d5feaf5c-6bbf-42cc-9171-b7e67a719cda - b38f56f5-e7c4-4ce1-9aab-625b61060e09 - 2 + 1 - + - 24482 - -9535 + 24935 + -9649 51 20 - 24509 - -9525 + 24962 + -9639 - true @@ -148485,18 +148342,17 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + - 24482 - -9515 + 24935 + -9629 51 20 - 24509 - -9505 + 24962 + -9619 - true @@ -148535,7 +148391,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -148562,7 +148418,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 Colour Picker @@ -148584,8 +148440,8 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24566.77 - -9665.137 + 25020.13 + -9778.147 180 310 @@ -148596,7 +148452,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -148614,14 +148470,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24711 - -10254 + 25164 + -10368 144 104 - 24795 - -10202 + 25248 + -10316 @@ -148639,14 +148495,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24713 - -10252 + 25166 + -10366 67 20 - 24748 - -10242 + 25201 + -10356 @@ -148687,14 +148543,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24713 - -10232 + 25166 + -10346 67 20 - 24748 - -10222 + 25201 + -10336 @@ -148735,14 +148591,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24713 - -10212 + 25166 + -10326 67 20 - 24748 - -10202 + 25201 + -10316 @@ -148783,14 +148639,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24713 - -10192 + 25166 + -10306 67 20 - 24748 - -10182 + 25201 + -10296 @@ -148829,14 +148685,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24713 - -10172 + 25166 + -10286 67 20 - 24748 - -10162 + 25201 + -10276 @@ -148875,14 +148731,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24810 - -10252 + 25263 + -10366 43 100 - 24833 - -10202 + 25286 + -10316 @@ -148892,15 +148748,16 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview - + Allows for customized geometry previews + true true 9aa05b78-9b1b-481e-b891-1520ce53cb48 Custom Preview @@ -148911,19 +148768,19 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24480 - -10224 + 24933 + -10338 82 44 - 24548 - -10202 + 25001 + -10316 - + Geometry to preview true b5ee1e43-5eea-45be-bf24-ba8eb86a9451 @@ -148931,21 +148788,20 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve Geometry false d8675c5d-9431-4928-92b4-25cec3601397 - aa34f11b-05c5-453d-b5ba-61b80e7f53b3 - 2 + 1 - 24482 - -10222 + 24935 + -10336 51 20 - 24509 - -10212 + 24962 + -10326 @@ -148965,14 +148821,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24482 - -10202 + 24935 + -10316 51 20 - 24509 - -10192 + 24962 + -10306 @@ -149012,7 +148868,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -149039,7 +148895,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 Colour Picker @@ -149061,8 +148917,8 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24566.71 - -10349.02 + 25020.07 + -10462.03 180 310 @@ -149073,7 +148929,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -149091,14 +148947,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24711 - -10634 + 25164 + -10748 144 104 - 24795 - -10582 + 25248 + -10696 @@ -149116,14 +148972,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24713 - -10632 + 25166 + -10746 67 20 - 24748 - -10622 + 25201 + -10736 @@ -149164,14 +149020,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24713 - -10612 + 25166 + -10726 67 20 - 24748 - -10602 + 25201 + -10716 @@ -149212,14 +149068,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24713 - -10592 + 25166 + -10706 67 20 - 24748 - -10582 + 25201 + -10696 @@ -149260,14 +149116,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24713 - -10572 + 25166 + -10686 67 20 - 24748 - -10562 + 25201 + -10676 @@ -149306,14 +149162,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24713 - -10552 + 25166 + -10666 67 20 - 24748 - -10542 + 25201 + -10656 @@ -149352,14 +149208,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24810 - -10632 + 25263 + -10746 43 100 - 24833 - -10582 + 25286 + -10696 @@ -149369,15 +149225,16 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview - + Allows for customized geometry previews + true true 48b21847-e3f3-4b64-8b26-95f35cbf51c7 Custom Preview @@ -149388,19 +149245,19 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24480 - -10604 + 24933 + -10718 82 44 - 24548 - -10582 + 25001 + -10696 - + Geometry to preview true 30e316a4-87d5-405c-84be-3be2aac0078f @@ -149408,21 +149265,20 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve Geometry false f524abc3-9d5c-49b0-880c-87d212d1cf59 - 6fc5e698-7232-4859-8b5f-a9a2963ed883 - 2 + 1 - 24482 - -10602 + 24935 + -10716 51 20 - 24509 - -10592 + 24962 + -10706 @@ -149442,14 +149298,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24482 - -10582 + 24935 + -10696 51 20 - 24509 - -10572 + 24962 + -10686 @@ -149489,7 +149345,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -149516,7 +149372,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 Colour Picker @@ -149538,8 +149394,8 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24568.05 - -10727.48 + 25021.41 + -10840.49 180 310 @@ -149550,7 +149406,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -149562,7 +149418,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve A wire relay object cc9ca83f-0f22-45b5-afcf-55655280a6e5 Relay - + Relay false 81420342-8bbe-42be-b022-3627776d40b6 1 @@ -149571,14 +149427,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23589 - -11400 - 40 + 23587 + -11528 + 44 16 23609 - -11392 + -11520 @@ -149586,7 +149442,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -149615,13 +149471,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23484 - -11000 + -11127 250 20 23484.93 - -10999.37 + -11126.62 @@ -149629,7 +149485,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -149659,7 +149515,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -149678,13 +149534,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23546 - -12345 + -12473 125 64 23596 - -12313 + -12441 @@ -149703,13 +149559,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -12343 + -12471 33 20 23566 - -12333 + -12461 @@ -149730,13 +149586,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -12323 + -12451 33 20 23566 - -12313 + -12441 @@ -149776,13 +149632,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -12303 + -12431 33 20 23566 - -12293 + -12421 @@ -149823,13 +149679,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23611 - -12343 + -12471 58 20 23641.5 - -12333 + -12461 @@ -149850,13 +149706,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23611 - -12323 + -12451 58 20 23641.5 - -12313 + -12441 @@ -149877,13 +149733,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23611 - -12303 + -12431 58 20 23641.5 - -12293 + -12421 @@ -149893,7 +149749,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -149912,13 +149768,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23556 - -12210 + -12349 106 64 23620 - -12178 + -12317 @@ -149936,13 +149792,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23558 - -12208 + -12347 47 20 23583 - -12198 + -12337 @@ -149987,13 +149843,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23558 - -12188 + -12327 47 20 23583 - -12178 + -12317 @@ -150038,13 +149894,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23558 - -12168 + -12307 47 20 23583 - -12158 + -12297 @@ -150084,13 +149940,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23635 - -12208 + -12347 25 60 23649 - -12178 + -12317 @@ -150100,7 +149956,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -150119,13 +149975,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23556 - -12409 + -12537 106 64 23620 - -12377 + -12505 @@ -150144,13 +150000,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23558 - -12407 + -12535 47 20 23583 - -12397 + -12525 @@ -150195,13 +150051,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23558 - -12387 + -12515 47 20 23583 - -12377 + -12505 @@ -150245,13 +150101,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23558 - -12367 + -12495 47 20 23583 - -12357 + -12485 @@ -150291,13 +150147,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23635 - -12407 + -12535 25 60 23649 - -12377 + -12505 @@ -150307,7 +150163,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 84627490-0fb2-4498-8138-ad134ee4cb36 Curve | Curve @@ -150326,13 +150182,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23536 - -12473 + -12601 146 64 23597 - -12441 + -12569 @@ -150351,13 +150207,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23538 - -12471 + -12599 44 30 23561.5 - -12456 + -12584 @@ -150378,13 +150234,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23538 - -12441 + -12569 44 30 23561.5 - -12426 + -12554 @@ -150406,13 +150262,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23612 - -12471 + -12599 68 20 23639.5 - -12461 + -12589 @@ -150433,13 +150289,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23612 - -12451 + -12579 68 20 23639.5 - -12441 + -12569 @@ -150460,13 +150316,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23612 - -12431 + -12559 68 20 23639.5 - -12421 + -12549 @@ -150476,7 +150332,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 9abae6b7-fa1d-448c-9209-4a8155345841 Deconstruct @@ -150495,13 +150351,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23543 - -12537 + -12665 132 64 23590 - -12505 + -12633 @@ -150520,13 +150376,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23545 - -12535 + -12663 30 60 23561.5 - -12505 + -12633 @@ -150546,13 +150402,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23605 - -12535 + -12663 68 20 23640.5 - -12525 + -12653 @@ -150572,13 +150428,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23605 - -12515 + -12643 68 20 23640.5 - -12505 + -12633 @@ -150598,13 +150454,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23605 - -12495 + -12623 68 20 23640.5 - -12485 + -12613 @@ -150614,7 +150470,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -150648,7 +150504,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2fcc2743-8339-4cdf-a046-a1f17439191d Remap Numbers @@ -150667,13 +150523,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23551 - -12645 + -12773 115 64 23606 - -12613 + -12741 @@ -150692,13 +150548,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23553 - -12643 + -12771 38 20 23573.5 - -12633 + -12761 @@ -150719,13 +150575,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23553 - -12623 + -12751 38 20 23573.5 - -12613 + -12741 @@ -150768,13 +150624,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23553 - -12603 + -12731 38 20 23573.5 - -12593 + -12721 @@ -150817,13 +150673,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23621 - -12643 + -12771 43 30 23644 - -12628 + -12756 @@ -150843,13 +150699,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23621 - -12613 + -12741 43 30 23644 - -12598 + -12726 @@ -150859,7 +150715,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + f44b92b0-3b5b-493a-86f4-fd7408c3daf3 Bounds @@ -150878,13 +150734,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -12581 + -12709 122 28 23612 - -12567 + -12695 @@ -150904,13 +150760,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23550 - -12579 + -12707 47 24 23575 - -12567 + -12695 @@ -150930,13 +150786,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23627 - -12579 + -12707 41 24 23649 - -12567 + -12695 @@ -150946,7 +150802,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -150965,13 +150821,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23568 - -12689 + -12817 82 44 23599 - -12667 + -12795 @@ -150990,13 +150846,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23570 - -12687 + -12815 14 20 23578.5 - -12677 + -12805 @@ -151017,13 +150873,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23570 - -12667 + -12795 14 20 23578.5 - -12657 + -12785 @@ -151043,13 +150899,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23614 - -12687 + -12815 34 40 23632.5 - -12667 + -12795 @@ -151059,7 +150915,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -151093,7 +150949,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -151105,7 +150961,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve A wire relay object db9ef16e-2399-4cb1-84cf-de8e3f7424f7 Relay - + Relay false b52263dc-d073-4865-b181-9e1f37d5704c 1 @@ -151114,14 +150970,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23589 - -12226 - 40 + 23584 + -12365 + 44 16 - 23609 - -12218 + 23606 + -12357 @@ -151129,7 +150985,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -151148,13 +151004,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23568 - -12270 + -12409 82 44 23599 - -12248 + -12387 @@ -151173,13 +151029,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23570 - -12268 + -12407 14 20 23578.5 - -12258 + -12397 @@ -151199,13 +151055,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23570 - -12248 + -12387 14 20 23578.5 - -12238 + -12377 @@ -151246,13 +151102,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23614 - -12268 + -12407 34 40 23632.5 - -12248 + -12387 @@ -151262,7 +151118,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -151274,7 +151130,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve A wire relay object f324e675-79b4-4236-96db-6f18fc686151 Relay - + Relay false e3ca37c8-d6f1-41eb-86b7-70a90b2389b9 1 @@ -151283,14 +151139,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23589 - -12553 - 40 + 23587 + -12681 + 44 16 23609 - -12545 + -12673 @@ -151298,7 +151154,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -151327,13 +151183,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23484 - -12146 + -12285 250 20 23484.63 - -12145.09 + -12284.33 @@ -151341,7 +151197,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -151359,14 +151215,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24711 - -11630 + 25164 + -11744 144 104 - 24795 - -11578 + 25248 + -11692 @@ -151384,14 +151240,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24713 - -11628 + 25166 + -11742 67 20 - 24748 - -11618 + 25201 + -11732 @@ -151432,14 +151288,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24713 - -11608 + 25166 + -11722 67 20 - 24748 - -11598 + 25201 + -11712 @@ -151480,14 +151336,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24713 - -11588 + 25166 + -11702 67 20 - 24748 - -11578 + 25201 + -11692 @@ -151528,14 +151384,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24713 - -11568 + 25166 + -11682 67 20 - 24748 - -11558 + 25201 + -11672 @@ -151574,14 +151430,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24713 - -11548 + 25166 + -11662 67 20 - 24748 - -11538 + 25201 + -11652 @@ -151620,14 +151476,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24810 - -11628 + 25263 + -11742 43 100 - 24833 - -11578 + 25286 + -11692 @@ -151637,15 +151493,16 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview - + Allows for customized geometry previews + true true dc4d2198-eeba-4a67-a01c-4d0452f29e7b Custom Preview @@ -151656,19 +151513,19 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24480 - -11600 + 24933 + -11714 82 44 - 24548 - -11578 + 25001 + -11692 - + Geometry to preview true b3656a59-def9-48cc-9b5a-207081b13ceb @@ -151676,21 +151533,20 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve Geometry false 3ac9f2bf-372e-46a2-ba9f-e78c0092fb7f - d710bde3-b8c8-4492-a48b-bfecb0b2a210 - 2 + 1 - 24482 - -11598 + 24935 + -11712 51 20 - 24509 - -11588 + 24962 + -11702 @@ -151710,14 +151566,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24482 - -11578 + 24935 + -11692 51 20 - 24509 - -11568 + 24962 + -11682 @@ -151757,7 +151613,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -151784,7 +151640,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 Colour Picker @@ -151806,8 +151662,8 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24566.26 - -11730.53 + 25019.62 + -11843.54 180 310 @@ -151818,7 +151674,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -151836,14 +151692,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24710 - -12014 + 25163 + -12128 144 104 - 24794 - -11962 + 25247 + -12076 @@ -151861,14 +151717,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24712 - -12012 + 25165 + -12126 67 20 - 24747 - -12002 + 25200 + -12116 @@ -151909,14 +151765,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24712 - -11992 + 25165 + -12106 67 20 - 24747 - -11982 + 25200 + -12096 @@ -151957,14 +151813,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24712 - -11972 + 25165 + -12086 67 20 - 24747 - -11962 + 25200 + -12076 @@ -152005,14 +151861,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24712 - -11952 + 25165 + -12066 67 20 - 24747 - -11942 + 25200 + -12056 @@ -152051,14 +151907,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24712 - -11932 + 25165 + -12046 67 20 - 24747 - -11922 + 25200 + -12036 @@ -152097,14 +151953,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24809 - -12012 + 25262 + -12126 43 100 - 24832 - -11962 + 25285 + -12076 @@ -152114,15 +151970,16 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview - + Allows for customized geometry previews + true true a1b83d2d-ec13-49c2-a123-f4dbb1ed8b0c Custom Preview @@ -152133,19 +151990,19 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24479 - -11984 + 24932 + -12098 82 44 - 24547 - -11962 + 25000 + -12076 - + Geometry to preview true 169c9904-1127-4c21-adb8-dbbe172cef5b @@ -152153,21 +152010,20 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve Geometry false 000adaa0-8d51-4d6b-b031-fa3a0c9fd404 - aee25dc5-f36c-4a32-86e8-d8e4f4c209ed - 2 + 1 - 24481 - -11982 + 24934 + -12096 51 20 - 24508 - -11972 + 24961 + -12086 @@ -152187,14 +152043,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24481 - -11962 + 24934 + -12076 51 20 - 24508 - -11952 + 24961 + -12066 @@ -152234,7 +152090,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -152261,7 +152117,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 Colour Picker @@ -152283,8 +152139,8 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24566.93 - -12109 + 25020.29 + -12222.01 180 310 @@ -152295,7 +152151,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -152313,14 +152169,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24710 - -12566 + 25163 + -12680 144 104 - 24794 - -12514 + 25247 + -12628 @@ -152338,14 +152194,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24712 - -12564 + 25165 + -12678 67 20 - 24747 - -12554 + 25200 + -12668 @@ -152386,14 +152242,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24712 - -12544 + 25165 + -12658 67 20 - 24747 - -12534 + 25200 + -12648 @@ -152434,14 +152290,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24712 - -12524 + 25165 + -12638 67 20 - 24747 - -12514 + 25200 + -12628 @@ -152482,14 +152338,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24712 - -12504 + 25165 + -12618 67 20 - 24747 - -12494 + 25200 + -12608 @@ -152528,14 +152384,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24712 - -12484 + 25165 + -12598 67 20 - 24747 - -12474 + 25200 + -12588 @@ -152574,14 +152430,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24809 - -12564 + 25262 + -12678 43 100 - 24832 - -12514 + 25285 + -12628 @@ -152591,15 +152447,16 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview - + Allows for customized geometry previews + true true 396d4a2e-5744-4940-b523-f4f8b3503cbb Custom Preview @@ -152610,19 +152467,19 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24479 - -12536 + 24932 + -12650 82 44 - 24547 - -12514 + 25000 + -12628 - + Geometry to preview true c8d52c6d-7a5f-4007-912a-4075bc65c023 @@ -152630,21 +152487,20 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve Geometry false 3fb1ee0e-a726-4301-9605-9b352e0c8c70 - d72811e7-588f-4d7b-a419-ae2922a0dbf5 - 2 + 1 - 24481 - -12534 + 24934 + -12648 51 20 - 24508 - -12524 + 24961 + -12638 @@ -152664,14 +152520,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24481 - -12514 + 24934 + -12628 51 20 - 24508 - -12504 + 24961 + -12618 @@ -152711,7 +152567,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -152738,7 +152594,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 Colour Picker @@ -152760,8 +152616,8 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24569.15 - -12659.48 + 25022.51 + -12772.49 180 310 @@ -152772,7 +152628,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -152791,13 +152647,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23537 - -12817 + -12945 144 64 23611 - -12785 + -12913 @@ -152816,13 +152672,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23539 - -12815 + -12943 57 20 23569 - -12805 + -12933 @@ -152842,13 +152698,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23539 - -12795 + -12923 57 20 23569 - -12785 + -12913 @@ -152888,13 +152744,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23539 - -12775 + -12903 57 20 23569 - -12765 + -12893 @@ -152934,13 +152790,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23626 - -12815 + -12943 53 20 23654 - -12805 + -12933 @@ -152960,13 +152816,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23626 - -12795 + -12923 53 20 23654 - -12785 + -12913 @@ -152986,13 +152842,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23626 - -12775 + -12903 53 20 23654 - -12765 + -12893 @@ -153002,7 +152858,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b2a4145-3dff-41d4-a8de-1ea9d29eef33 Interpolate @@ -153021,13 +152877,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23546 - -12901 + -13029 125 84 23613 - -12859 + -12987 @@ -153047,13 +152903,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -12899 + -13027 50 20 23574.5 - -12889 + -13017 @@ -153073,13 +152929,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -12879 + -13007 50 20 23574.5 - -12869 + -12997 @@ -153119,13 +152975,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -12859 + -12987 50 20 23574.5 - -12849 + -12977 @@ -153165,13 +153021,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -12839 + -12967 50 20 23574.5 - -12829 + -12957 @@ -153211,13 +153067,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23628 - -12899 + -13027 41 26 23650 - -12885.67 + -13013.67 @@ -153237,13 +153093,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23628 - -12873 + -13001 41 27 23650 - -12859 + -12987 @@ -153263,13 +153119,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23628 - -12846 + -12974 41 27 23650 - -12832.33 + -12960.33 @@ -153279,7 +153135,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -153297,14 +153153,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24710 - -12946 + 25163 + -13060 144 104 - 24794 - -12894 + 25247 + -13008 @@ -153322,14 +153178,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24712 - -12944 + 25165 + -13058 67 20 - 24747 - -12934 + 25200 + -13048 @@ -153370,14 +153226,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24712 - -12924 + 25165 + -13038 67 20 - 24747 - -12914 + 25200 + -13028 @@ -153418,14 +153274,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24712 - -12904 + 25165 + -13018 67 20 - 24747 - -12894 + 25200 + -13008 @@ -153466,14 +153322,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24712 - -12884 + 25165 + -12998 67 20 - 24747 - -12874 + 25200 + -12988 @@ -153512,14 +153368,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24712 - -12864 + 25165 + -12978 67 20 - 24747 - -12854 + 25200 + -12968 @@ -153558,14 +153414,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24809 - -12944 + 25262 + -13058 43 100 - 24832 - -12894 + 25285 + -13008 @@ -153575,15 +153431,16 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview - + Allows for customized geometry previews + true true 1941a7b8-b001-4272-95f8-d302fb35e8e4 Custom Preview @@ -153594,19 +153451,19 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24479 - -12916 + 24932 + -13030 82 44 - 24547 - -12894 + 25000 + -13008 - + Geometry to preview true e68fbf64-426b-41ac-a5f4-21b9c00f12c2 @@ -153614,21 +153471,20 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve Geometry false de32db1a-5de2-4844-8793-726fa0046670 - 43359767-6567-4a74-87e0-e26e4d8b7a10 - 2 + 1 - 24481 - -12914 + 24934 + -13028 51 20 - 24508 - -12904 + 24961 + -13018 @@ -153648,14 +153504,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24481 - -12894 + 24934 + -13008 51 20 - 24508 - -12884 + 24961 + -12998 @@ -153695,7 +153551,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -153722,7 +153578,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 Colour Picker @@ -153744,8 +153600,8 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24569.27 - -13037.94 + 25022.63 + -13150.95 180 310 @@ -153756,7 +153612,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -153775,13 +153631,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23546 - -13744 + -13872 125 64 23596 - -13712 + -13840 @@ -153800,13 +153656,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -13742 + -13870 33 20 23566 - -13732 + -13860 @@ -153827,13 +153683,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -13722 + -13850 33 20 23566 - -13712 + -13840 @@ -153873,13 +153729,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -13702 + -13830 33 20 23566 - -13692 + -13820 @@ -153920,13 +153776,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23611 - -13742 + -13870 58 20 23641.5 - -13732 + -13860 @@ -153947,13 +153803,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23611 - -13722 + -13850 58 20 23641.5 - -13712 + -13840 @@ -153974,13 +153830,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23611 - -13702 + -13830 58 20 23641.5 - -13692 + -13820 @@ -153990,7 +153846,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + aaa665bd-fd6e-4ccb-8d2c-c5b33072125d Curvature @@ -154009,13 +153865,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23540 - -13808 + -13936 137 64 23610 - -13776 + -13904 @@ -154034,13 +153890,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23542 - -13806 + -13934 53 30 23570 - -13791 + -13919 @@ -154061,13 +153917,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23542 - -13776 + -13904 53 30 23570 - -13761 + -13889 @@ -154087,13 +153943,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23625 - -13806 + -13934 50 20 23651.5 - -13796 + -13924 @@ -154113,13 +153969,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23625 - -13786 + -13914 50 20 23651.5 - -13776 + -13904 @@ -154139,13 +153995,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23625 - -13766 + -13894 50 20 23651.5 - -13756 + -13884 @@ -154155,7 +154011,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 23862862-049a-40be-b558-2418aacbd916 Deconstruct Arc @@ -154174,13 +154030,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23552 - -13872 + -14000 114 64 23592 - -13840 + -13968 @@ -154199,13 +154055,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23554 - -13870 + -13998 23 60 23567 - -13840 + -13968 @@ -154225,13 +154081,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23607 - -13870 + -13998 57 20 23637 - -13860 + -13988 @@ -154251,13 +154107,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23607 - -13850 + -13978 57 20 23637 - -13840 + -13968 @@ -154277,13 +154133,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23607 - -13830 + -13958 57 20 23637 - -13820 + -13948 @@ -154293,7 +154149,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -154312,13 +154168,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -13936 + -14064 122 64 23628 - -13904 + -14032 @@ -154337,13 +154193,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23550 - -13934 + -14062 63 20 23591 - -13924 + -14052 @@ -154364,13 +154220,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23550 - -13914 + -14042 63 20 23591 - -13904 + -14032 @@ -154416,13 +154272,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23550 - -13894 + -14022 63 20 23591 - -13884 + -14012 @@ -154462,13 +154318,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23643 - -13934 + -14062 25 60 23657 - -13904 + -14032 @@ -154478,7 +154334,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -154510,7 +154366,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -154529,13 +154385,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23537 - -14000 + -14128 144 64 23611 - -13968 + -14096 @@ -154554,13 +154410,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23539 - -13998 + -14126 57 20 23569 - -13988 + -14116 @@ -154580,13 +154436,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23539 - -13978 + -14106 57 20 23569 - -13968 + -14096 @@ -154626,13 +154482,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23539 - -13958 + -14086 57 20 23569 - -13948 + -14076 @@ -154672,13 +154528,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23626 - -13998 + -14126 53 20 23654 - -13988 + -14116 @@ -154698,13 +154554,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23626 - -13978 + -14106 53 20 23654 - -13968 + -14096 @@ -154724,13 +154580,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23626 - -13958 + -14086 53 20 23654 - -13948 + -14076 @@ -154740,7 +154596,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b2a4145-3dff-41d4-a8de-1ea9d29eef33 Interpolate @@ -154759,13 +154615,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23546 - -14084 + -14212 125 84 23613 - -14042 + -14170 @@ -154785,13 +154641,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -14082 + -14210 50 20 23574.5 - -14072 + -14200 @@ -154811,13 +154667,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -14062 + -14190 50 20 23574.5 - -14052 + -14180 @@ -154857,13 +154713,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -14042 + -14170 50 20 23574.5 - -14032 + -14160 @@ -154903,13 +154759,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -14022 + -14150 50 20 23574.5 - -14012 + -14140 @@ -154949,13 +154805,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23628 - -14082 + -14210 41 26 23650 - -14068.67 + -14196.67 @@ -154975,13 +154831,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23628 - -14056 + -14184 41 27 23650 - -14042 + -14170 @@ -155001,13 +154857,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23628 - -14029 + -14157 41 27 23650 - -14015.33 + -14143.33 @@ -155017,7 +154873,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -155036,13 +154892,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23546 - -13336 + -13464 125 64 23596 - -13304 + -13432 @@ -155061,13 +154917,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -13334 + -13462 33 20 23566 - -13324 + -13452 @@ -155088,13 +154944,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -13314 + -13442 33 20 23566 - -13304 + -13432 @@ -155134,13 +154990,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -13294 + -13422 33 20 23566 - -13284 + -13412 @@ -155181,13 +155037,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23611 - -13334 + -13462 58 20 23641.5 - -13324 + -13452 @@ -155208,13 +155064,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23611 - -13314 + -13442 58 20 23641.5 - -13304 + -13432 @@ -155235,13 +155091,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23611 - -13294 + -13422 58 20 23641.5 - -13284 + -13412 @@ -155251,7 +155107,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -155270,13 +155126,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23556 - -13212 + -13340 106 64 23620 - -13180 + -13308 @@ -155294,13 +155150,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23558 - -13210 + -13338 47 20 23583 - -13200 + -13328 @@ -155345,13 +155201,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23558 - -13190 + -13318 47 20 23583 - -13180 + -13308 @@ -155396,13 +155252,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23558 - -13170 + -13298 47 20 23583 - -13160 + -13288 @@ -155442,13 +155298,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23635 - -13210 + -13338 25 60 23649 - -13180 + -13308 @@ -155458,7 +155314,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -155477,13 +155333,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23556 - -13400 + -13528 106 64 23620 - -13368 + -13496 @@ -155502,13 +155358,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23558 - -13398 + -13526 47 20 23583 - -13388 + -13516 @@ -155553,13 +155409,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23558 - -13378 + -13506 47 20 23583 - -13368 + -13496 @@ -155603,13 +155459,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23558 - -13358 + -13486 47 20 23583 - -13348 + -13476 @@ -155649,13 +155505,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23635 - -13398 + -13526 25 60 23649 - -13368 + -13496 @@ -155665,7 +155521,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 84627490-0fb2-4498-8138-ad134ee4cb36 Curve | Curve @@ -155684,13 +155540,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23536 - -13464 + -13592 146 64 23597 - -13432 + -13560 @@ -155709,13 +155565,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23538 - -13462 + -13590 44 30 23561.5 - -13447 + -13575 @@ -155736,13 +155592,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23538 - -13432 + -13560 44 30 23561.5 - -13417 + -13545 @@ -155764,13 +155620,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23612 - -13462 + -13590 68 20 23639.5 - -13452 + -13580 @@ -155791,13 +155647,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23612 - -13442 + -13570 68 20 23639.5 - -13432 + -13560 @@ -155818,13 +155674,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23612 - -13422 + -13550 68 20 23639.5 - -13412 + -13540 @@ -155834,7 +155690,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 9abae6b7-fa1d-448c-9209-4a8155345841 Deconstruct @@ -155853,13 +155709,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23543 - -13528 + -13656 132 64 23590 - -13496 + -13624 @@ -155878,13 +155734,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23545 - -13526 + -13654 30 60 23561.5 - -13496 + -13624 @@ -155904,13 +155760,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23605 - -13526 + -13654 68 20 23640.5 - -13516 + -13644 @@ -155930,13 +155786,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23605 - -13506 + -13634 68 20 23640.5 - -13496 + -13624 @@ -155956,13 +155812,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23605 - -13486 + -13614 68 20 23640.5 - -13476 + -13604 @@ -155972,7 +155828,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -156006,7 +155862,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -156018,7 +155874,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve A wire relay object 0bc6d36c-56c3-47c8-916e-34fe39ec970f Relay - + Relay false b52263dc-d073-4865-b181-9e1f37d5704c 1 @@ -156027,14 +155883,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23589 - -13228 - 40 + 23587 + -13356 + 44 16 23609 - -13220 + -13348 @@ -156042,7 +155898,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -156061,13 +155917,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23568 - -13272 + -13400 82 44 23599 - -13250 + -13378 @@ -156086,13 +155942,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23570 - -13270 + -13398 14 20 23578.5 - -13260 + -13388 @@ -156112,13 +155968,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23570 - -13250 + -13378 14 20 23578.5 - -13240 + -13368 @@ -156159,13 +156015,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23614 - -13270 + -13398 34 40 23632.5 - -13250 + -13378 @@ -156175,7 +156031,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -156187,7 +156043,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve A wire relay object 37e25283-4d82-4df5-862f-fd9ab1873400 Relay - + Relay false a58605d8-511b-46a9-8d00-59b8c0ed4d50 1 @@ -156196,14 +156052,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23589 - -13544 - 40 + 23587 + -13672 + 44 16 23609 - -13536 + -13664 @@ -156211,7 +156067,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -156240,13 +156096,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23484 - -13148 + -13276 250 20 23484.54 - -13147.87 + -13275.12 @@ -156254,7 +156110,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2fcc2743-8339-4cdf-a046-a1f17439191d Remap Numbers @@ -156273,13 +156129,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23551 - -13636 + -13764 115 64 23606 - -13604 + -13732 @@ -156298,13 +156154,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23553 - -13634 + -13762 38 20 23573.5 - -13624 + -13752 @@ -156325,13 +156181,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23553 - -13614 + -13742 38 20 23573.5 - -13604 + -13732 @@ -156374,13 +156230,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23553 - -13594 + -13722 38 20 23573.5 - -13584 + -13712 @@ -156423,13 +156279,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23621 - -13634 + -13762 43 30 23644 - -13619 + -13747 @@ -156449,13 +156305,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23621 - -13604 + -13732 43 30 23644 - -13589 + -13717 @@ -156465,7 +156321,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + f44b92b0-3b5b-493a-86f4-fd7408c3daf3 Bounds @@ -156484,13 +156340,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -13572 + -13700 122 28 23612 - -13558 + -13686 @@ -156510,13 +156366,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23550 - -13570 + -13698 47 24 23575 - -13558 + -13686 @@ -156536,13 +156392,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23627 - -13570 + -13698 41 24 23649 - -13558 + -13686 @@ -156552,7 +156408,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -156571,13 +156427,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23568 - -13680 + -13808 82 44 23599 - -13658 + -13786 @@ -156596,13 +156452,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23570 - -13678 + -13806 14 20 23578.5 - -13668 + -13796 @@ -156623,13 +156479,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23570 - -13658 + -13786 14 20 23578.5 - -13648 + -13776 @@ -156649,13 +156505,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23614 - -13678 + -13806 34 40 23632.5 - -13658 + -13786 @@ -156665,7 +156521,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -156699,7 +156555,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -156729,7 +156585,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -156747,14 +156603,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24710 - -13753 + 25163 + -13867 144 104 - 24794 - -13701 + 25247 + -13815 @@ -156772,14 +156628,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24712 - -13751 + 25165 + -13865 67 20 - 24747 - -13741 + 25200 + -13855 @@ -156820,14 +156676,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24712 - -13731 + 25165 + -13845 67 20 - 24747 - -13721 + 25200 + -13835 @@ -156868,14 +156724,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24712 - -13711 + 25165 + -13825 67 20 - 24747 - -13701 + 25200 + -13815 @@ -156916,14 +156772,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24712 - -13691 + 25165 + -13805 67 20 - 24747 - -13681 + 25200 + -13795 @@ -156962,14 +156818,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24712 - -13671 + 25165 + -13785 67 20 - 24747 - -13661 + 25200 + -13775 @@ -157008,14 +156864,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24809 - -13751 + 25262 + -13865 43 100 - 24832 - -13701 + 25285 + -13815 @@ -157025,15 +156881,16 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview - + Allows for customized geometry previews + true true 13408244-80f0-4090-9640-fed1006b1281 Custom Preview @@ -157044,19 +156901,19 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24479 - -13723 + 24932 + -13837 82 44 - 24547 - -13701 + 25000 + -13815 - + Geometry to preview true e08ca326-7fc8-4dcf-a4d1-98e844b2d26e @@ -157064,21 +156921,20 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve Geometry false 04430615-b956-4e98-bb65-283369083f24 - 8a0e203d-b0a7-4288-a9d5-46cb0065af21 - 2 + 1 - 24481 - -13721 + 24934 + -13835 51 20 - 24508 - -13711 + 24961 + -13825 @@ -157098,14 +156954,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24481 - -13701 + 24934 + -13815 51 20 - 24508 - -13691 + 24961 + -13805 @@ -157145,7 +157001,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -157172,7 +157028,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 Colour Picker @@ -157194,8 +157050,8 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24569.62 - -13844.48 + 25022.98 + -13957.49 180 310 @@ -157206,7 +157062,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -157224,14 +157080,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24710 - -14131 + 25163 + -14245 144 104 - 24794 - -14079 + 25247 + -14193 @@ -157249,14 +157105,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24712 - -14129 + 25165 + -14243 67 20 - 24747 - -14119 + 25200 + -14233 @@ -157297,14 +157153,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24712 - -14109 + 25165 + -14223 67 20 - 24747 - -14099 + 25200 + -14213 @@ -157345,14 +157201,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24712 - -14089 + 25165 + -14203 67 20 - 24747 - -14079 + 25200 + -14193 @@ -157393,14 +157249,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24712 - -14069 + 25165 + -14183 67 20 - 24747 - -14059 + 25200 + -14173 @@ -157439,14 +157295,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24712 - -14049 + 25165 + -14163 67 20 - 24747 - -14039 + 25200 + -14153 @@ -157485,14 +157341,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24809 - -14129 + 25262 + -14243 43 100 - 24832 - -14079 + 25285 + -14193 @@ -157502,15 +157358,16 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview - + Allows for customized geometry previews + true true 0653ad4b-4064-4ce5-810d-eb8eda78c244 Custom Preview @@ -157521,19 +157378,19 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24479 - -14101 + 24932 + -14215 82 44 - 24547 - -14079 + 25000 + -14193 - + Geometry to preview true 2ec09d8f-f780-453d-9814-4d74d56b9e78 @@ -157541,21 +157398,20 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve Geometry false e1c5e7b9-ed46-456f-a0d2-4364b09e4e28 - 0e4f7a23-b1fa-4180-abed-86db13df360c - 2 + 1 - 24481 - -14099 + 24934 + -14213 51 20 - 24508 - -14089 + 24961 + -14203 @@ -157575,14 +157431,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24481 - -14079 + 24934 + -14193 51 20 - 24508 - -14069 + 24961 + -14183 @@ -157622,7 +157478,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -157649,7 +157505,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 Colour Picker @@ -157671,8 +157527,8 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24570.04 - -14222.95 + 25023.4 + -14335.96 180 310 @@ -157683,7 +157539,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -157702,13 +157558,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23546 - -14937 + -15065 125 64 23596 - -14905 + -15033 @@ -157727,13 +157583,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -14935 + -15063 33 20 23566 - -14925 + -15053 @@ -157754,13 +157610,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -14915 + -15043 33 20 23566 - -14905 + -15033 @@ -157800,13 +157656,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -14895 + -15023 33 20 23566 - -14885 + -15013 @@ -157847,13 +157703,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23611 - -14935 + -15063 58 20 23641.5 - -14925 + -15053 @@ -157874,13 +157730,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23611 - -14915 + -15043 58 20 23641.5 - -14905 + -15033 @@ -157901,13 +157757,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23611 - -14895 + -15023 58 20 23641.5 - -14885 + -15013 @@ -157917,7 +157773,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + aaa665bd-fd6e-4ccb-8d2c-c5b33072125d Curvature @@ -157936,13 +157792,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23540 - -15001 + -15129 137 64 23610 - -14969 + -15097 @@ -157961,13 +157817,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23542 - -14999 + -15127 53 30 23570 - -14984 + -15112 @@ -157988,13 +157844,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23542 - -14969 + -15097 53 30 23570 - -14954 + -15082 @@ -158014,13 +157870,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23625 - -14999 + -15127 50 20 23651.5 - -14989 + -15117 @@ -158040,13 +157896,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23625 - -14979 + -15107 50 20 23651.5 - -14969 + -15097 @@ -158066,13 +157922,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23625 - -14959 + -15087 50 20 23651.5 - -14949 + -15077 @@ -158082,7 +157938,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 23862862-049a-40be-b558-2418aacbd916 Deconstruct Arc @@ -158101,13 +157957,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23552 - -15065 + -15193 114 64 23592 - -15033 + -15161 @@ -158126,13 +157982,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23554 - -15063 + -15191 23 60 23567 - -15033 + -15161 @@ -158152,13 +158008,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23607 - -15063 + -15191 57 20 23637 - -15053 + -15181 @@ -158178,13 +158034,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23607 - -15043 + -15171 57 20 23637 - -15033 + -15161 @@ -158204,13 +158060,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23607 - -15023 + -15151 57 20 23637 - -15013 + -15141 @@ -158220,7 +158076,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -158239,13 +158095,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -15123 + -15251 122 64 23628 - -15091 + -15219 @@ -158264,13 +158120,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23550 - -15121 + -15249 63 20 23591 - -15111 + -15239 @@ -158291,13 +158147,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23550 - -15101 + -15229 63 20 23591 - -15091 + -15219 @@ -158343,13 +158199,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23550 - -15081 + -15209 63 20 23591 - -15071 + -15199 @@ -158389,13 +158245,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23643 - -15121 + -15249 25 60 23657 - -15091 + -15219 @@ -158405,7 +158261,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -158437,7 +158293,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -158456,13 +158312,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23537 - -15187 + -15315 144 64 23611 - -15155 + -15283 @@ -158481,13 +158337,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23539 - -15185 + -15313 57 20 23569 - -15175 + -15303 @@ -158507,13 +158363,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23539 - -15165 + -15293 57 20 23569 - -15155 + -15283 @@ -158553,13 +158409,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23539 - -15145 + -15273 57 20 23569 - -15135 + -15263 @@ -158599,13 +158455,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23626 - -15185 + -15313 53 20 23654 - -15175 + -15303 @@ -158625,13 +158481,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23626 - -15165 + -15293 53 20 23654 - -15155 + -15283 @@ -158651,13 +158507,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23626 - -15145 + -15273 53 20 23654 - -15135 + -15263 @@ -158667,7 +158523,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b2a4145-3dff-41d4-a8de-1ea9d29eef33 Interpolate @@ -158686,13 +158542,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23546 - -15271 + -15399 125 84 23613 - -15229 + -15357 @@ -158712,13 +158568,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -15269 + -15397 50 20 23574.5 - -15259 + -15387 @@ -158738,13 +158594,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -15249 + -15377 50 20 23574.5 - -15239 + -15367 @@ -158784,13 +158640,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -15229 + -15357 50 20 23574.5 - -15219 + -15347 @@ -158830,13 +158686,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -15209 + -15337 50 20 23574.5 - -15199 + -15327 @@ -158876,13 +158732,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23628 - -15269 + -15397 41 26 23650 - -15255.67 + -15383.67 @@ -158902,13 +158758,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23628 - -15243 + -15371 41 27 23650 - -15229 + -15357 @@ -158928,13 +158784,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23628 - -15216 + -15344 41 27 23650 - -15202.33 + -15330.33 @@ -158944,7 +158800,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -158963,13 +158819,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23546 - -14529 + -14657 125 64 23596 - -14497 + -14625 @@ -158988,13 +158844,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -14527 + -14655 33 20 23566 - -14517 + -14645 @@ -159015,13 +158871,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -14507 + -14635 33 20 23566 - -14497 + -14625 @@ -159061,13 +158917,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -14487 + -14615 33 20 23566 - -14477 + -14605 @@ -159108,13 +158964,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23611 - -14527 + -14655 58 20 23641.5 - -14517 + -14645 @@ -159135,13 +158991,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23611 - -14507 + -14635 58 20 23641.5 - -14497 + -14625 @@ -159162,13 +159018,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23611 - -14487 + -14615 58 20 23641.5 - -14477 + -14605 @@ -159178,7 +159034,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -159197,13 +159053,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23556 - -14405 + -14533 106 64 23620 - -14373 + -14501 @@ -159221,13 +159077,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23558 - -14403 + -14531 47 20 23583 - -14393 + -14521 @@ -159272,13 +159128,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23558 - -14383 + -14511 47 20 23583 - -14373 + -14501 @@ -159323,13 +159179,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23558 - -14363 + -14491 47 20 23583 - -14353 + -14481 @@ -159369,13 +159225,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23635 - -14403 + -14531 25 60 23649 - -14373 + -14501 @@ -159385,7 +159241,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -159404,13 +159260,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23556 - -14593 + -14721 106 64 23620 - -14561 + -14689 @@ -159429,13 +159285,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23558 - -14591 + -14719 47 20 23583 - -14581 + -14709 @@ -159480,13 +159336,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23558 - -14571 + -14699 47 20 23583 - -14561 + -14689 @@ -159530,13 +159386,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23558 - -14551 + -14679 47 20 23583 - -14541 + -14669 @@ -159576,13 +159432,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23635 - -14591 + -14719 25 60 23649 - -14561 + -14689 @@ -159592,7 +159448,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 84627490-0fb2-4498-8138-ad134ee4cb36 Curve | Curve @@ -159611,13 +159467,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23536 - -14657 + -14785 146 64 23597 - -14625 + -14753 @@ -159636,13 +159492,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23538 - -14655 + -14783 44 30 23561.5 - -14640 + -14768 @@ -159663,13 +159519,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23538 - -14625 + -14753 44 30 23561.5 - -14610 + -14738 @@ -159691,13 +159547,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23612 - -14655 + -14783 68 20 23639.5 - -14645 + -14773 @@ -159718,13 +159574,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23612 - -14635 + -14763 68 20 23639.5 - -14625 + -14753 @@ -159745,13 +159601,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23612 - -14615 + -14743 68 20 23639.5 - -14605 + -14733 @@ -159761,7 +159617,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 9abae6b7-fa1d-448c-9209-4a8155345841 Deconstruct @@ -159780,13 +159636,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23543 - -14721 + -14849 132 64 23590 - -14689 + -14817 @@ -159805,13 +159661,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23545 - -14719 + -14847 30 60 23561.5 - -14689 + -14817 @@ -159831,13 +159687,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23605 - -14719 + -14847 68 20 23640.5 - -14709 + -14837 @@ -159857,13 +159713,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23605 - -14699 + -14827 68 20 23640.5 - -14689 + -14817 @@ -159883,13 +159739,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23605 - -14679 + -14807 68 20 23640.5 - -14669 + -14797 @@ -159899,7 +159755,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -159933,7 +159789,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -159945,7 +159801,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve A wire relay object 6a4fe0b7-f6f7-4b5f-be44-e74734249d07 Relay - + Relay false b52263dc-d073-4865-b181-9e1f37d5704c 1 @@ -159954,14 +159810,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23589 - -14421 - 40 + 23587 + -14549 + 44 16 23609 - -14413 + -14541 @@ -159969,7 +159825,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -159988,13 +159844,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23568 - -14465 + -14593 82 44 23599 - -14443 + -14571 @@ -160013,13 +159869,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23570 - -14463 + -14591 14 20 23578.5 - -14453 + -14581 @@ -160039,13 +159895,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23570 - -14443 + -14571 14 20 23578.5 - -14433 + -14561 @@ -160086,13 +159942,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23614 - -14463 + -14591 34 40 23632.5 - -14443 + -14571 @@ -160102,7 +159958,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -160114,7 +159970,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve A wire relay object 81ab0fc8-6d92-407b-90e3-0abaf4a235fe Relay - + Relay false 78274f9d-1457-4d43-a593-071d2f2c9a9e 1 @@ -160123,14 +159979,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23589 - -14737 - 40 + 23587 + -14865 + 44 16 23609 - -14729 + -14857 @@ -160138,7 +159994,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -160167,13 +160023,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23484 - -14341 + -14468 250 20 23484.25 - -14340.38 + -14467.63 @@ -160181,7 +160037,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2fcc2743-8339-4cdf-a046-a1f17439191d Remap Numbers @@ -160200,13 +160056,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23551 - -14829 + -14957 115 64 23606 - -14797 + -14925 @@ -160225,13 +160081,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23553 - -14827 + -14955 38 20 23573.5 - -14817 + -14945 @@ -160252,13 +160108,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23553 - -14807 + -14935 38 20 23573.5 - -14797 + -14925 @@ -160301,13 +160157,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23553 - -14787 + -14915 38 20 23573.5 - -14777 + -14905 @@ -160350,13 +160206,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23621 - -14827 + -14955 43 30 23644 - -14812 + -14940 @@ -160376,13 +160232,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23621 - -14797 + -14925 43 30 23644 - -14782 + -14910 @@ -160392,7 +160248,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + f44b92b0-3b5b-493a-86f4-fd7408c3daf3 Bounds @@ -160411,13 +160267,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -14765 + -14893 122 28 23612 - -14751 + -14879 @@ -160437,13 +160293,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23550 - -14763 + -14891 47 24 23575 - -14751 + -14879 @@ -160463,13 +160319,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23627 - -14763 + -14891 41 24 23649 - -14751 + -14879 @@ -160479,7 +160335,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -160498,13 +160354,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23568 - -14873 + -15001 82 44 23599 - -14851 + -14979 @@ -160523,13 +160379,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23570 - -14871 + -14999 14 20 23578.5 - -14861 + -14989 @@ -160550,13 +160406,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23570 - -14851 + -14979 14 20 23578.5 - -14841 + -14969 @@ -160576,13 +160432,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23614 - -14871 + -14999 34 40 23632.5 - -14851 + -14979 @@ -160592,7 +160448,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -160626,7 +160482,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -160656,7 +160512,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -160674,14 +160530,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24710 - -14960 + 25163 + -15074 144 104 - 24794 - -14908 + 25247 + -15022 @@ -160699,14 +160555,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24712 - -14958 + 25165 + -15072 67 20 - 24747 - -14948 + 25200 + -15062 @@ -160747,14 +160603,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24712 - -14938 + 25165 + -15052 67 20 - 24747 - -14928 + 25200 + -15042 @@ -160795,14 +160651,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24712 - -14918 + 25165 + -15032 67 20 - 24747 - -14908 + 25200 + -15022 @@ -160843,14 +160699,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24712 - -14898 + 25165 + -15012 67 20 - 24747 - -14888 + 25200 + -15002 @@ -160889,14 +160745,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24712 - -14878 + 25165 + -14992 67 20 - 24747 - -14868 + 25200 + -14982 @@ -160935,14 +160791,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24809 - -14958 + 25262 + -15072 43 100 - 24832 - -14908 + 25285 + -15022 @@ -160952,15 +160808,16 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview - + Allows for customized geometry previews + true true c2597d02-e4d0-4075-a746-1dd75007c681 Custom Preview @@ -160971,19 +160828,19 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24479 - -14930 + 24932 + -15044 82 44 - 24547 - -14908 + 25000 + -15022 - + Geometry to preview true b36f51a2-dac2-492b-8278-d33a5f5a6060 @@ -160991,21 +160848,20 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve Geometry false 68c7ab26-331a-45c1-98fe-0115121f5acd - b37776d3-4b04-4316-bc1f-0f5c51cb3bea - 2 + 1 - 24481 - -14928 + 24934 + -15042 51 20 - 24508 - -14918 + 24961 + -15032 @@ -161025,14 +160881,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24481 - -14908 + 24934 + -15022 51 20 - 24508 - -14898 + 24961 + -15012 @@ -161072,7 +160928,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -161099,7 +160955,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 Colour Picker @@ -161121,8 +160977,8 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24569.89 - -15050.56 + 25023.25 + -15163.57 180 310 @@ -161133,7 +160989,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -161151,14 +161007,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24710 - -15338 + 25163 + -15452 144 104 - 24794 - -15286 + 25247 + -15400 @@ -161176,14 +161032,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24712 - -15336 + 25165 + -15450 67 20 - 24747 - -15326 + 25200 + -15440 @@ -161224,14 +161080,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24712 - -15316 + 25165 + -15430 67 20 - 24747 - -15306 + 25200 + -15420 @@ -161272,14 +161128,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24712 - -15296 + 25165 + -15410 67 20 - 24747 - -15286 + 25200 + -15400 @@ -161320,14 +161176,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24712 - -15276 + 25165 + -15390 67 20 - 24747 - -15266 + 25200 + -15380 @@ -161366,14 +161222,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24712 - -15256 + 25165 + -15370 67 20 - 24747 - -15246 + 25200 + -15360 @@ -161412,14 +161268,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24809 - -15336 + 25262 + -15450 43 100 - 24832 - -15286 + 25285 + -15400 @@ -161429,15 +161285,16 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview - + Allows for customized geometry previews + true true b4348960-9117-489d-bfc8-2ba3b33e231d Custom Preview @@ -161448,19 +161305,19 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24479 - -15308 + 24932 + -15422 82 44 - 24547 - -15286 + 25000 + -15400 - + Geometry to preview true df8ff83d-d19e-4d70-abd2-78ca528c02d4 @@ -161468,21 +161325,20 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve Geometry false 1634d270-58aa-4c8f-80f1-433a00dddc24 - bfafbb16-47e4-4b01-96d1-11755d92422a - 2 + 1 - 24481 - -15306 + 24934 + -15420 51 20 - 24508 - -15296 + 24961 + -15410 @@ -161502,14 +161358,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24481 - -15286 + 24934 + -15400 51 20 - 24508 - -15276 + 24961 + -15390 @@ -161549,7 +161405,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -161576,7 +161432,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 Colour Picker @@ -161598,8 +161454,8 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24570.5 - -15429.02 + 25023.86 + -15542.03 180 310 @@ -161610,7 +161466,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -161629,13 +161485,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23546 - -16053 + -16181 125 64 23596 - -16021 + -16149 @@ -161654,13 +161510,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -16051 + -16179 33 20 23566 - -16041 + -16169 @@ -161681,13 +161537,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -16031 + -16159 33 20 23566 - -16021 + -16149 @@ -161727,13 +161583,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -16011 + -16139 33 20 23566 - -16001 + -16129 @@ -161774,13 +161630,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23611 - -16051 + -16179 58 20 23641.5 - -16041 + -16169 @@ -161801,13 +161657,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23611 - -16031 + -16159 58 20 23641.5 - -16021 + -16149 @@ -161828,13 +161684,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23611 - -16011 + -16139 58 20 23641.5 - -16001 + -16129 @@ -161844,7 +161700,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + aaa665bd-fd6e-4ccb-8d2c-c5b33072125d Curvature @@ -161863,13 +161719,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23540 - -16117 + -16245 137 64 23610 - -16085 + -16213 @@ -161888,13 +161744,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23542 - -16115 + -16243 53 30 23570 - -16100 + -16228 @@ -161915,13 +161771,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23542 - -16085 + -16213 53 30 23570 - -16070 + -16198 @@ -161941,13 +161797,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23625 - -16115 + -16243 50 20 23651.5 - -16105 + -16233 @@ -161967,13 +161823,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23625 - -16095 + -16223 50 20 23651.5 - -16085 + -16213 @@ -161993,13 +161849,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23625 - -16075 + -16203 50 20 23651.5 - -16065 + -16193 @@ -162009,7 +161865,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 23862862-049a-40be-b558-2418aacbd916 Deconstruct Arc @@ -162028,13 +161884,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23552 - -16181 + -16309 114 64 23592 - -16149 + -16277 @@ -162053,13 +161909,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23554 - -16179 + -16307 23 60 23567 - -16149 + -16277 @@ -162079,13 +161935,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23607 - -16179 + -16307 57 20 23637 - -16169 + -16297 @@ -162105,13 +161961,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23607 - -16159 + -16287 57 20 23637 - -16149 + -16277 @@ -162131,13 +161987,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23607 - -16139 + -16267 57 20 23637 - -16129 + -16257 @@ -162147,7 +162003,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -162166,13 +162022,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -16245 + -16373 122 64 23628 - -16213 + -16341 @@ -162191,13 +162047,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23550 - -16243 + -16371 63 20 23591 - -16233 + -16361 @@ -162218,13 +162074,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23550 - -16223 + -16351 63 20 23591 - -16213 + -16341 @@ -162270,13 +162126,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23550 - -16203 + -16331 63 20 23591 - -16193 + -16321 @@ -162316,13 +162172,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23643 - -16243 + -16371 25 60 23657 - -16213 + -16341 @@ -162332,7 +162188,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -162364,7 +162220,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -162383,13 +162239,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23537 - -16309 + -16437 144 64 23611 - -16277 + -16405 @@ -162408,13 +162264,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23539 - -16307 + -16435 57 20 23569 - -16297 + -16425 @@ -162434,13 +162290,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23539 - -16287 + -16415 57 20 23569 - -16277 + -16405 @@ -162480,13 +162336,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23539 - -16267 + -16395 57 20 23569 - -16257 + -16385 @@ -162526,13 +162382,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23626 - -16307 + -16435 53 20 23654 - -16297 + -16425 @@ -162552,13 +162408,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23626 - -16287 + -16415 53 20 23654 - -16277 + -16405 @@ -162578,13 +162434,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23626 - -16267 + -16395 53 20 23654 - -16257 + -16385 @@ -162594,7 +162450,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b2a4145-3dff-41d4-a8de-1ea9d29eef33 Interpolate @@ -162613,13 +162469,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23546 - -16393 + -16521 125 84 23613 - -16351 + -16479 @@ -162639,13 +162495,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -16391 + -16519 50 20 23574.5 - -16381 + -16509 @@ -162665,13 +162521,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -16371 + -16499 50 20 23574.5 - -16361 + -16489 @@ -162711,13 +162567,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -16351 + -16479 50 20 23574.5 - -16341 + -16469 @@ -162757,13 +162613,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -16331 + -16459 50 20 23574.5 - -16321 + -16449 @@ -162803,13 +162659,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23628 - -16391 + -16519 41 26 23650 - -16377.67 + -16505.67 @@ -162829,13 +162685,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23628 - -16365 + -16493 41 27 23650 - -16351 + -16479 @@ -162855,13 +162711,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23628 - -16338 + -16466 41 27 23650 - -16324.33 + -16452.33 @@ -162871,7 +162727,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -162890,13 +162746,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23546 - -15645 + -15773 125 64 23596 - -15613 + -15741 @@ -162915,13 +162771,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -15643 + -15771 33 20 23566 - -15633 + -15761 @@ -162942,13 +162798,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -15623 + -15751 33 20 23566 - -15613 + -15741 @@ -162988,13 +162844,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -15603 + -15731 33 20 23566 - -15593 + -15721 @@ -163035,13 +162891,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23611 - -15643 + -15771 58 20 23641.5 - -15633 + -15761 @@ -163062,13 +162918,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23611 - -15623 + -15751 58 20 23641.5 - -15613 + -15741 @@ -163089,13 +162945,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23611 - -15603 + -15731 58 20 23641.5 - -15593 + -15721 @@ -163105,7 +162961,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -163124,13 +162980,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23556 - -15521 + -15649 106 64 23620 - -15489 + -15617 @@ -163148,13 +163004,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23558 - -15519 + -15647 47 20 23583 - -15509 + -15637 @@ -163199,13 +163055,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23558 - -15499 + -15627 47 20 23583 - -15489 + -15617 @@ -163250,13 +163106,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23558 - -15479 + -15607 47 20 23583 - -15469 + -15597 @@ -163296,13 +163152,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23635 - -15519 + -15647 25 60 23649 - -15489 + -15617 @@ -163312,7 +163168,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -163331,13 +163187,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23556 - -15709 + -15837 106 64 23620 - -15677 + -15805 @@ -163356,13 +163212,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23558 - -15707 + -15835 47 20 23583 - -15697 + -15825 @@ -163407,13 +163263,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23558 - -15687 + -15815 47 20 23583 - -15677 + -15805 @@ -163457,13 +163313,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23558 - -15667 + -15795 47 20 23583 - -15657 + -15785 @@ -163503,13 +163359,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23635 - -15707 + -15835 25 60 23649 - -15677 + -15805 @@ -163519,7 +163375,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 84627490-0fb2-4498-8138-ad134ee4cb36 Curve | Curve @@ -163538,13 +163394,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23536 - -15773 + -15901 146 64 23597 - -15741 + -15869 @@ -163563,13 +163419,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23538 - -15771 + -15899 44 30 23561.5 - -15756 + -15884 @@ -163590,13 +163446,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23538 - -15741 + -15869 44 30 23561.5 - -15726 + -15854 @@ -163618,13 +163474,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23612 - -15771 + -15899 68 20 23639.5 - -15761 + -15889 @@ -163645,13 +163501,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23612 - -15751 + -15879 68 20 23639.5 - -15741 + -15869 @@ -163672,13 +163528,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23612 - -15731 + -15859 68 20 23639.5 - -15721 + -15849 @@ -163688,7 +163544,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 9abae6b7-fa1d-448c-9209-4a8155345841 Deconstruct @@ -163707,13 +163563,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23543 - -15837 + -15965 132 64 23590 - -15805 + -15933 @@ -163732,13 +163588,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23545 - -15835 + -15963 30 60 23561.5 - -15805 + -15933 @@ -163758,13 +163614,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23605 - -15835 + -15963 68 20 23640.5 - -15825 + -15953 @@ -163784,13 +163640,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23605 - -15815 + -15943 68 20 23640.5 - -15805 + -15933 @@ -163810,13 +163666,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23605 - -15795 + -15923 68 20 23640.5 - -15785 + -15913 @@ -163826,7 +163682,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -163860,7 +163716,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -163872,7 +163728,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve A wire relay object 2fddab23-9c2e-411b-afb9-3b6d80911d11 Relay - + Relay false b52263dc-d073-4865-b181-9e1f37d5704c 1 @@ -163881,14 +163737,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23589 - -15537 - 40 + 23587 + -15665 + 44 16 23609 - -15529 + -15657 @@ -163896,7 +163752,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -163915,13 +163771,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23568 - -15581 + -15709 82 44 23599 - -15559 + -15687 @@ -163940,13 +163796,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23570 - -15579 + -15707 14 20 23578.5 - -15569 + -15697 @@ -163966,13 +163822,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23570 - -15559 + -15687 14 20 23578.5 - -15549 + -15677 @@ -164013,13 +163869,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23614 - -15579 + -15707 34 40 23632.5 - -15559 + -15687 @@ -164029,7 +163885,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -164041,7 +163897,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve A wire relay object 6852a2ca-ba53-4192-87f7-e8943a186e0f Relay - + Relay false 99095105-d88f-43ad-9563-bf86389d06b3 1 @@ -164050,14 +163906,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23589 - -15853 - 40 + 23587 + -15981 + 44 16 23609 - -15845 + -15973 @@ -164065,7 +163921,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -164094,13 +163950,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23484 - -15456 + -15583 250 20 23484.71 - -15455.19 + -15582.44 @@ -164108,7 +163964,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2fcc2743-8339-4cdf-a046-a1f17439191d Remap Numbers @@ -164127,13 +163983,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23551 - -15945 + -16073 115 64 23606 - -15913 + -16041 @@ -164152,13 +164008,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23553 - -15943 + -16071 38 20 23573.5 - -15933 + -16061 @@ -164179,13 +164035,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23553 - -15923 + -16051 38 20 23573.5 - -15913 + -16041 @@ -164228,13 +164084,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23553 - -15903 + -16031 38 20 23573.5 - -15893 + -16021 @@ -164277,13 +164133,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23621 - -15943 + -16071 43 30 23644 - -15928 + -16056 @@ -164303,13 +164159,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23621 - -15913 + -16041 43 30 23644 - -15898 + -16026 @@ -164319,7 +164175,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + f44b92b0-3b5b-493a-86f4-fd7408c3daf3 Bounds @@ -164338,13 +164194,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -15881 + -16009 122 28 23612 - -15867 + -15995 @@ -164364,13 +164220,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23550 - -15879 + -16007 47 24 23575 - -15867 + -15995 @@ -164390,13 +164246,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23627 - -15879 + -16007 41 24 23649 - -15867 + -15995 @@ -164406,7 +164262,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -164425,13 +164281,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23568 - -15989 + -16117 82 44 23599 - -15967 + -16095 @@ -164450,13 +164306,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23570 - -15987 + -16115 14 20 23578.5 - -15977 + -16105 @@ -164477,13 +164333,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23570 - -15967 + -16095 14 20 23578.5 - -15957 + -16085 @@ -164503,13 +164359,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23614 - -15987 + -16115 34 40 23632.5 - -15967 + -16095 @@ -164519,7 +164375,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -164553,7 +164409,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -164583,7 +164439,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -164601,14 +164457,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24710 - -16056 + 25163 + -16170 144 104 - 24794 - -16004 + 25247 + -16118 @@ -164626,14 +164482,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24712 - -16054 + 25165 + -16168 67 20 - 24747 - -16044 + 25200 + -16158 @@ -164674,14 +164530,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24712 - -16034 + 25165 + -16148 67 20 - 24747 - -16024 + 25200 + -16138 @@ -164722,14 +164578,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24712 - -16014 + 25165 + -16128 67 20 - 24747 - -16004 + 25200 + -16118 @@ -164770,14 +164626,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24712 - -15994 + 25165 + -16108 67 20 - 24747 - -15984 + 25200 + -16098 @@ -164816,14 +164672,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24712 - -15974 + 25165 + -16088 67 20 - 24747 - -15964 + 25200 + -16078 @@ -164862,14 +164718,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24809 - -16054 + 25262 + -16168 43 100 - 24832 - -16004 + 25285 + -16118 @@ -164879,15 +164735,16 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview - + Allows for customized geometry previews + true true 8dddddbc-e6db-46bc-8464-f36e94a06852 Custom Preview @@ -164898,19 +164755,19 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24479 - -16026 + 24932 + -16140 82 44 - 24547 - -16004 + 25000 + -16118 - + Geometry to preview true 596bcaf5-4aff-4b94-a25f-c81ecdd3eb6f @@ -164918,21 +164775,20 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve Geometry false 3e317622-96ff-4099-ac1f-360d296edb51 - a8ffd9b7-8910-4111-92a4-abbd0a5c9b2c - 2 + 1 - 24481 - -16024 + 24934 + -16138 51 20 - 24508 - -16014 + 24961 + -16128 @@ -164952,14 +164808,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24481 - -16004 + 24934 + -16118 51 20 - 24508 - -15994 + 24961 + -16108 @@ -164999,7 +164855,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -165026,7 +164882,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 Colour Picker @@ -165048,8 +164904,8 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24570.48 - -16144.94 + 25023.84 + -16257.95 180 310 @@ -165060,7 +164916,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -165078,14 +164934,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24710 - -16435 + 25163 + -16549 144 104 - 24794 - -16383 + 25247 + -16497 @@ -165103,14 +164959,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24712 - -16433 + 25165 + -16547 67 20 - 24747 - -16423 + 25200 + -16537 @@ -165151,14 +165007,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24712 - -16413 + 25165 + -16527 67 20 - 24747 - -16403 + 25200 + -16517 @@ -165199,14 +165055,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24712 - -16393 + 25165 + -16507 67 20 - 24747 - -16383 + 25200 + -16497 @@ -165247,14 +165103,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24712 - -16373 + 25165 + -16487 67 20 - 24747 - -16363 + 25200 + -16477 @@ -165293,14 +165149,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24712 - -16353 + 25165 + -16467 67 20 - 24747 - -16343 + 25200 + -16457 @@ -165339,14 +165195,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24809 - -16433 + 25262 + -16547 43 100 - 24832 - -16383 + 25285 + -16497 @@ -165356,15 +165212,16 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview - + Allows for customized geometry previews + true true 5702cab5-e3e0-4167-9e9d-78d518317827 Custom Preview @@ -165375,19 +165232,19 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24479 - -16405 + 24932 + -16519 82 44 - 24547 - -16383 + 25000 + -16497 - + Geometry to preview true 35a0c2c4-d668-4a81-89dc-d528e2f4aa29 @@ -165395,21 +165252,20 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve Geometry false 2682b4d1-39cb-4403-8836-18e04a723c06 - b2c4db74-2639-43c8-98ad-3d398b26149d - 2 + 1 - 24481 - -16403 + 24934 + -16517 51 20 - 24508 - -16393 + 24961 + -16507 @@ -165429,14 +165285,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24481 - -16383 + 24934 + -16497 51 20 - 24508 - -16373 + 24961 + -16487 @@ -165476,7 +165332,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -165503,7 +165359,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 Colour Picker @@ -165525,8 +165381,8 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24570.59 - -16523.41 + 25023.95 + -16636.42 180 310 @@ -165537,7 +165393,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -165556,13 +165412,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23546 - -17388 + -17516 125 64 23596 - -17356 + -17484 @@ -165581,13 +165437,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -17386 + -17514 33 20 23566 - -17376 + -17504 @@ -165608,13 +165464,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -17366 + -17494 33 20 23566 - -17356 + -17484 @@ -165654,13 +165510,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -17346 + -17474 33 20 23566 - -17336 + -17464 @@ -165701,13 +165557,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23611 - -17386 + -17514 58 20 23641.5 - -17376 + -17504 @@ -165728,13 +165584,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23611 - -17366 + -17494 58 20 23641.5 - -17356 + -17484 @@ -165755,13 +165611,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23611 - -17346 + -17474 58 20 23641.5 - -17336 + -17464 @@ -165771,7 +165627,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + aaa665bd-fd6e-4ccb-8d2c-c5b33072125d Curvature @@ -165790,13 +165646,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23540 - -17452 + -17580 137 64 23610 - -17420 + -17548 @@ -165815,13 +165671,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23542 - -17450 + -17578 53 30 23570 - -17435 + -17563 @@ -165842,13 +165698,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23542 - -17420 + -17548 53 30 23570 - -17405 + -17533 @@ -165868,13 +165724,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23625 - -17450 + -17578 50 20 23651.5 - -17440 + -17568 @@ -165894,13 +165750,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23625 - -17430 + -17558 50 20 23651.5 - -17420 + -17548 @@ -165920,13 +165776,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23625 - -17410 + -17538 50 20 23651.5 - -17400 + -17528 @@ -165936,7 +165792,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 23862862-049a-40be-b558-2418aacbd916 Deconstruct Arc @@ -165955,13 +165811,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23552 - -17516 + -17644 114 64 23592 - -17484 + -17612 @@ -165980,13 +165836,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23554 - -17514 + -17642 23 60 23567 - -17484 + -17612 @@ -166006,13 +165862,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23607 - -17514 + -17642 57 20 23637 - -17504 + -17632 @@ -166032,13 +165888,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23607 - -17494 + -17622 57 20 23637 - -17484 + -17612 @@ -166058,13 +165914,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23607 - -17474 + -17602 57 20 23637 - -17464 + -17592 @@ -166074,7 +165930,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -166093,13 +165949,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -17580 + -17708 122 64 23628 - -17548 + -17676 @@ -166118,13 +165974,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23550 - -17578 + -17706 63 20 23591 - -17568 + -17696 @@ -166145,13 +166001,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23550 - -17558 + -17686 63 20 23591 - -17548 + -17676 @@ -166197,13 +166053,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23550 - -17538 + -17666 63 20 23591 - -17528 + -17656 @@ -166243,13 +166099,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23643 - -17578 + -17706 25 60 23657 - -17548 + -17676 @@ -166259,7 +166115,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -166291,7 +166147,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -166310,13 +166166,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23537 - -17644 + -17772 144 64 23611 - -17612 + -17740 @@ -166335,13 +166191,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23539 - -17642 + -17770 57 20 23569 - -17632 + -17760 @@ -166361,13 +166217,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23539 - -17622 + -17750 57 20 23569 - -17612 + -17740 @@ -166407,13 +166263,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23539 - -17602 + -17730 57 20 23569 - -17592 + -17720 @@ -166453,13 +166309,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23626 - -17642 + -17770 53 20 23654 - -17632 + -17760 @@ -166479,13 +166335,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23626 - -17622 + -17750 53 20 23654 - -17612 + -17740 @@ -166505,13 +166361,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23626 - -17602 + -17730 53 20 23654 - -17592 + -17720 @@ -166521,7 +166377,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b2a4145-3dff-41d4-a8de-1ea9d29eef33 Interpolate @@ -166540,13 +166396,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23546 - -17728 + -17856 125 84 23613 - -17686 + -17814 @@ -166566,13 +166422,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -17726 + -17854 50 20 23574.5 - -17716 + -17844 @@ -166592,13 +166448,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -17706 + -17834 50 20 23574.5 - -17696 + -17824 @@ -166638,13 +166494,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -17686 + -17814 50 20 23574.5 - -17676 + -17804 @@ -166684,13 +166540,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -17666 + -17794 50 20 23574.5 - -17656 + -17784 @@ -166730,13 +166586,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23628 - -17726 + -17854 41 26 23650 - -17712.67 + -17840.67 @@ -166756,13 +166612,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23628 - -17700 + -17828 41 27 23650 - -17686 + -17814 @@ -166782,13 +166638,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23628 - -17673 + -17801 41 27 23650 - -17659.33 + -17787.33 @@ -166798,7 +166654,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -166817,13 +166673,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23546 - -16980 + -17108 125 64 23596 - -16948 + -17076 @@ -166842,13 +166698,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -16978 + -17106 33 20 23566 - -16968 + -17096 @@ -166869,13 +166725,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -16958 + -17086 33 20 23566 - -16948 + -17076 @@ -166915,13 +166771,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -16938 + -17066 33 20 23566 - -16928 + -17056 @@ -166962,13 +166818,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23611 - -16978 + -17106 58 20 23641.5 - -16968 + -17096 @@ -166989,13 +166845,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23611 - -16958 + -17086 58 20 23641.5 - -16948 + -17076 @@ -167016,13 +166872,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23611 - -16938 + -17066 58 20 23641.5 - -16928 + -17056 @@ -167032,7 +166888,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -167051,13 +166907,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23556 - -16856 + -16984 106 64 23620 - -16824 + -16952 @@ -167075,13 +166931,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23558 - -16854 + -16982 47 20 23583 - -16844 + -16972 @@ -167126,13 +166982,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23558 - -16834 + -16962 47 20 23583 - -16824 + -16952 @@ -167177,13 +167033,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23558 - -16814 + -16942 47 20 23583 - -16804 + -16932 @@ -167223,13 +167079,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23635 - -16854 + -16982 25 60 23649 - -16824 + -16952 @@ -167239,7 +167095,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -167258,13 +167114,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23556 - -17044 + -17172 106 64 23620 - -17012 + -17140 @@ -167283,13 +167139,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23558 - -17042 + -17170 47 20 23583 - -17032 + -17160 @@ -167334,13 +167190,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23558 - -17022 + -17150 47 20 23583 - -17012 + -17140 @@ -167384,13 +167240,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23558 - -17002 + -17130 47 20 23583 - -16992 + -17120 @@ -167430,13 +167286,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23635 - -17042 + -17170 25 60 23649 - -17012 + -17140 @@ -167446,7 +167302,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 84627490-0fb2-4498-8138-ad134ee4cb36 Curve | Curve @@ -167465,13 +167321,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23536 - -17108 + -17236 146 64 23597 - -17076 + -17204 @@ -167490,13 +167346,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23538 - -17106 + -17234 44 30 23561.5 - -17091 + -17219 @@ -167517,13 +167373,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23538 - -17076 + -17204 44 30 23561.5 - -17061 + -17189 @@ -167545,13 +167401,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23612 - -17106 + -17234 68 20 23639.5 - -17096 + -17224 @@ -167572,13 +167428,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23612 - -17086 + -17214 68 20 23639.5 - -17076 + -17204 @@ -167599,13 +167455,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23612 - -17066 + -17194 68 20 23639.5 - -17056 + -17184 @@ -167615,7 +167471,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 9abae6b7-fa1d-448c-9209-4a8155345841 Deconstruct @@ -167634,13 +167490,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23543 - -17172 + -17300 132 64 23590 - -17140 + -17268 @@ -167659,13 +167515,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23545 - -17170 + -17298 30 60 23561.5 - -17140 + -17268 @@ -167685,13 +167541,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23605 - -17170 + -17298 68 20 23640.5 - -17160 + -17288 @@ -167711,13 +167567,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23605 - -17150 + -17278 68 20 23640.5 - -17140 + -17268 @@ -167737,13 +167593,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23605 - -17130 + -17258 68 20 23640.5 - -17120 + -17248 @@ -167753,7 +167609,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -167787,7 +167643,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -167799,7 +167655,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve A wire relay object 82caba0c-9d0f-430e-8d2d-2a0bdc97f08a Relay - + Relay false b52263dc-d073-4865-b181-9e1f37d5704c 1 @@ -167808,14 +167664,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23589 - -16872 - 40 + 23587 + -17000 + 44 16 23609 - -16864 + -16992 @@ -167823,7 +167679,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -167842,13 +167698,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23568 - -16916 + -17044 82 44 23599 - -16894 + -17022 @@ -167867,13 +167723,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23570 - -16914 + -17042 14 20 23578.5 - -16904 + -17032 @@ -167893,13 +167749,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23570 - -16894 + -17022 14 20 23578.5 - -16884 + -17012 @@ -167940,13 +167796,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23614 - -16914 + -17042 34 40 23632.5 - -16894 + -17022 @@ -167956,7 +167812,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -167968,7 +167824,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve A wire relay object aac0387b-eba1-4aa7-997c-df54df866608 Relay - + Relay false 25c47ea5-4328-482d-bde8-3e8fade0b26e 1 @@ -167977,14 +167833,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23589 - -17188 - 40 + 23587 + -17316 + 44 16 23609 - -17180 + -17308 @@ -167992,7 +167848,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -168021,13 +167877,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23484 - -16792 + -16919 250 20 23484.18 - -16791.48 + -16918.73 @@ -168035,7 +167891,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2fcc2743-8339-4cdf-a046-a1f17439191d Remap Numbers @@ -168054,13 +167910,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23551 - -17280 + -17408 115 64 23606 - -17248 + -17376 @@ -168079,13 +167935,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23553 - -17278 + -17406 38 20 23573.5 - -17268 + -17396 @@ -168106,13 +167962,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23553 - -17258 + -17386 38 20 23573.5 - -17248 + -17376 @@ -168155,13 +168011,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23553 - -17238 + -17366 38 20 23573.5 - -17228 + -17356 @@ -168204,13 +168060,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23621 - -17278 + -17406 43 30 23644 - -17263 + -17391 @@ -168230,13 +168086,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23621 - -17248 + -17376 43 30 23644 - -17233 + -17361 @@ -168246,7 +168102,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + f44b92b0-3b5b-493a-86f4-fd7408c3daf3 Bounds @@ -168265,13 +168121,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -17216 + -17344 122 28 23612 - -17202 + -17330 @@ -168291,13 +168147,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23550 - -17214 + -17342 47 24 23575 - -17202 + -17330 @@ -168317,13 +168173,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23627 - -17214 + -17342 41 24 23649 - -17202 + -17330 @@ -168333,7 +168189,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -168352,13 +168208,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23568 - -17324 + -17452 82 44 23599 - -17302 + -17430 @@ -168377,13 +168233,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23570 - -17322 + -17450 14 20 23578.5 - -17312 + -17440 @@ -168404,13 +168260,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23570 - -17302 + -17430 14 20 23578.5 - -17292 + -17420 @@ -168430,13 +168286,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23614 - -17322 + -17450 34 40 23632.5 - -17302 + -17430 @@ -168446,7 +168302,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -168480,7 +168336,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -168510,7 +168366,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -168528,14 +168384,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24711 - -17365 + 25164 + -17479 144 104 - 24795 - -17313 + 25248 + -17427 @@ -168553,14 +168409,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24713 - -17363 + 25166 + -17477 67 20 - 24748 - -17353 + 25201 + -17467 @@ -168601,14 +168457,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24713 - -17343 + 25166 + -17457 67 20 - 24748 - -17333 + 25201 + -17447 @@ -168649,14 +168505,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24713 - -17323 + 25166 + -17437 67 20 - 24748 - -17313 + 25201 + -17427 @@ -168697,14 +168553,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24713 - -17303 + 25166 + -17417 67 20 - 24748 - -17293 + 25201 + -17407 @@ -168743,14 +168599,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24713 - -17283 + 25166 + -17397 67 20 - 24748 - -17273 + 25201 + -17387 @@ -168789,14 +168645,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24810 - -17363 + 25263 + -17477 43 100 - 24833 - -17313 + 25286 + -17427 @@ -168806,15 +168662,16 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview - + Allows for customized geometry previews + true true b9e30768-5cfc-448c-bddf-a40122cc1cf1 Custom Preview @@ -168825,19 +168682,19 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24480 - -17335 + 24933 + -17449 82 44 - 24548 - -17313 + 25001 + -17427 - + Geometry to preview true 5e7d91e7-0875-4e29-a81d-ff51d4a2109a @@ -168845,21 +168702,20 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve Geometry false 156eaebb-3a77-446f-b3e7-4b9d8a138c5f - 6144c471-681e-4649-b38f-1075f826d7db - 2 + 1 - 24482 - -17333 + 24935 + -17447 51 20 - 24509 - -17323 + 24962 + -17437 @@ -168879,14 +168735,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24482 - -17313 + 24935 + -17427 51 20 - 24509 - -17303 + 24962 + -17417 @@ -168926,7 +168782,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -168953,7 +168809,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 Colour Picker @@ -168975,8 +168831,8 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24571.76 - -17454.96 + 25025.12 + -17567.97 180 310 @@ -168987,7 +168843,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -169005,14 +168861,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24710 - -17744 + 25163 + -17858 144 104 - 24794 - -17692 + 25247 + -17806 @@ -169030,14 +168886,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24712 - -17742 + 25165 + -17856 67 20 - 24747 - -17732 + 25200 + -17846 @@ -169078,14 +168934,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24712 - -17722 + 25165 + -17836 67 20 - 24747 - -17712 + 25200 + -17826 @@ -169126,14 +168982,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24712 - -17702 + 25165 + -17816 67 20 - 24747 - -17692 + 25200 + -17806 @@ -169174,14 +169030,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24712 - -17682 + 25165 + -17796 67 20 - 24747 - -17672 + 25200 + -17786 @@ -169220,14 +169076,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24712 - -17662 + 25165 + -17776 67 20 - 24747 - -17652 + 25200 + -17766 @@ -169266,14 +169122,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24809 - -17742 + 25262 + -17856 43 100 - 24832 - -17692 + 25285 + -17806 @@ -169283,15 +169139,16 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview - + Allows for customized geometry previews + true true 772ffbba-1684-46e6-b635-c1bbc5a95b78 Custom Preview @@ -169302,19 +169159,19 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24479 - -17714 + 24932 + -17828 82 44 - 24547 - -17692 + 25000 + -17806 - + Geometry to preview true a25e4838-e7f8-484b-8fa3-dffc3f211c78 @@ -169322,21 +169179,20 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve Geometry false 8b3a15ce-66e5-4090-b688-91cde2beef9a - fe152257-1eb4-455d-bf5e-39819d34071b - 2 + 1 - 24481 - -17712 + 24934 + -17826 51 20 - 24508 - -17702 + 24961 + -17816 @@ -169356,14 +169212,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24481 - -17692 + 24934 + -17806 51 20 - 24508 - -17682 + 24961 + -17796 @@ -169403,7 +169259,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -169430,7 +169286,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 Colour Picker @@ -169452,8 +169308,8 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24571.87 - -17833.43 + 25025.23 + -17946.44 180 310 @@ -169464,7 +169320,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -169483,13 +169339,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23546 - -18543 + -18671 125 64 23596 - -18511 + -18639 @@ -169508,13 +169364,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -18541 + -18669 33 20 23566 - -18531 + -18659 @@ -169535,13 +169391,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -18521 + -18649 33 20 23566 - -18511 + -18639 @@ -169581,13 +169437,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -18501 + -18629 33 20 23566 - -18491 + -18619 @@ -169628,13 +169484,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23611 - -18541 + -18669 58 20 23641.5 - -18531 + -18659 @@ -169655,13 +169511,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23611 - -18521 + -18649 58 20 23641.5 - -18511 + -18639 @@ -169682,13 +169538,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23611 - -18501 + -18629 58 20 23641.5 - -18491 + -18619 @@ -169698,7 +169554,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + aaa665bd-fd6e-4ccb-8d2c-c5b33072125d Curvature @@ -169717,13 +169573,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23540 - -18607 + -18735 137 64 23610 - -18575 + -18703 @@ -169742,13 +169598,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23542 - -18605 + -18733 53 30 23570 - -18590 + -18718 @@ -169769,13 +169625,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23542 - -18575 + -18703 53 30 23570 - -18560 + -18688 @@ -169795,13 +169651,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23625 - -18605 + -18733 50 20 23651.5 - -18595 + -18723 @@ -169821,13 +169677,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23625 - -18585 + -18713 50 20 23651.5 - -18575 + -18703 @@ -169847,13 +169703,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23625 - -18565 + -18693 50 20 23651.5 - -18555 + -18683 @@ -169863,7 +169719,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 23862862-049a-40be-b558-2418aacbd916 Deconstruct Arc @@ -169882,13 +169738,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23552 - -18671 + -18799 114 64 23592 - -18639 + -18767 @@ -169907,13 +169763,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23554 - -18669 + -18797 23 60 23567 - -18639 + -18767 @@ -169933,13 +169789,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23607 - -18669 + -18797 57 20 23637 - -18659 + -18787 @@ -169959,13 +169815,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23607 - -18649 + -18777 57 20 23637 - -18639 + -18767 @@ -169985,13 +169841,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23607 - -18629 + -18757 57 20 23637 - -18619 + -18747 @@ -170001,7 +169857,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -170020,13 +169876,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -18735 + -18863 122 64 23628 - -18703 + -18831 @@ -170045,13 +169901,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23550 - -18733 + -18861 63 20 23591 - -18723 + -18851 @@ -170072,13 +169928,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23550 - -18713 + -18841 63 20 23591 - -18703 + -18831 @@ -170124,13 +169980,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23550 - -18693 + -18821 63 20 23591 - -18683 + -18811 @@ -170170,13 +170026,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23643 - -18733 + -18861 25 60 23657 - -18703 + -18831 @@ -170186,7 +170042,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -170218,7 +170074,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -170237,13 +170093,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23537 - -18799 + -18927 144 64 23611 - -18767 + -18895 @@ -170262,13 +170118,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23539 - -18797 + -18925 57 20 23569 - -18787 + -18915 @@ -170288,13 +170144,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23539 - -18777 + -18905 57 20 23569 - -18767 + -18895 @@ -170334,13 +170190,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23539 - -18757 + -18885 57 20 23569 - -18747 + -18875 @@ -170380,13 +170236,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23626 - -18797 + -18925 53 20 23654 - -18787 + -18915 @@ -170406,13 +170262,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23626 - -18777 + -18905 53 20 23654 - -18767 + -18895 @@ -170432,13 +170288,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23626 - -18757 + -18885 53 20 23654 - -18747 + -18875 @@ -170448,7 +170304,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b2a4145-3dff-41d4-a8de-1ea9d29eef33 Interpolate @@ -170467,13 +170323,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23546 - -18883 + -19011 125 84 23613 - -18841 + -18969 @@ -170493,13 +170349,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -18881 + -19009 50 20 23574.5 - -18871 + -18999 @@ -170519,13 +170375,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -18861 + -18989 50 20 23574.5 - -18851 + -18979 @@ -170565,13 +170421,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -18841 + -18969 50 20 23574.5 - -18831 + -18959 @@ -170611,13 +170467,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -18821 + -18949 50 20 23574.5 - -18811 + -18939 @@ -170657,13 +170513,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23628 - -18881 + -19009 41 26 23650 - -18867.67 + -18995.67 @@ -170683,13 +170539,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23628 - -18855 + -18983 41 27 23650 - -18841 + -18969 @@ -170709,13 +170565,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23628 - -18828 + -18956 41 27 23650 - -18814.33 + -18942.33 @@ -170725,7 +170581,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -170744,13 +170600,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23546 - -18135 + -18263 125 64 23596 - -18103 + -18231 @@ -170769,13 +170625,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -18133 + -18261 33 20 23566 - -18123 + -18251 @@ -170796,13 +170652,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -18113 + -18241 33 20 23566 - -18103 + -18231 @@ -170842,13 +170698,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -18093 + -18221 33 20 23566 - -18083 + -18211 @@ -170889,13 +170745,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23611 - -18133 + -18261 58 20 23641.5 - -18123 + -18251 @@ -170916,13 +170772,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23611 - -18113 + -18241 58 20 23641.5 - -18103 + -18231 @@ -170943,13 +170799,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23611 - -18093 + -18221 58 20 23641.5 - -18083 + -18211 @@ -170959,7 +170815,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -170978,13 +170834,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23556 - -18011 + -18139 106 64 23620 - -17979 + -18107 @@ -171002,13 +170858,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23558 - -18009 + -18137 47 20 23583 - -17999 + -18127 @@ -171053,13 +170909,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23558 - -17989 + -18117 47 20 23583 - -17979 + -18107 @@ -171104,13 +170960,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23558 - -17969 + -18097 47 20 23583 - -17959 + -18087 @@ -171150,13 +171006,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23635 - -18009 + -18137 25 60 23649 - -17979 + -18107 @@ -171166,7 +171022,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -171185,13 +171041,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23556 - -18199 + -18327 106 64 23620 - -18167 + -18295 @@ -171210,13 +171066,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23558 - -18197 + -18325 47 20 23583 - -18187 + -18315 @@ -171261,13 +171117,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23558 - -18177 + -18305 47 20 23583 - -18167 + -18295 @@ -171311,13 +171167,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23558 - -18157 + -18285 47 20 23583 - -18147 + -18275 @@ -171357,13 +171213,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23635 - -18197 + -18325 25 60 23649 - -18167 + -18295 @@ -171373,7 +171229,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 84627490-0fb2-4498-8138-ad134ee4cb36 Curve | Curve @@ -171392,13 +171248,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23536 - -18263 + -18391 146 64 23597 - -18231 + -18359 @@ -171417,13 +171273,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23538 - -18261 + -18389 44 30 23561.5 - -18246 + -18374 @@ -171444,13 +171300,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23538 - -18231 + -18359 44 30 23561.5 - -18216 + -18344 @@ -171472,13 +171328,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23612 - -18261 + -18389 68 20 23639.5 - -18251 + -18379 @@ -171499,13 +171355,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23612 - -18241 + -18369 68 20 23639.5 - -18231 + -18359 @@ -171526,13 +171382,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23612 - -18221 + -18349 68 20 23639.5 - -18211 + -18339 @@ -171542,7 +171398,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 9abae6b7-fa1d-448c-9209-4a8155345841 Deconstruct @@ -171561,13 +171417,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23543 - -18327 + -18455 132 64 23590 - -18295 + -18423 @@ -171586,13 +171442,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23545 - -18325 + -18453 30 60 23561.5 - -18295 + -18423 @@ -171612,13 +171468,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23605 - -18325 + -18453 68 20 23640.5 - -18315 + -18443 @@ -171638,13 +171494,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23605 - -18305 + -18433 68 20 23640.5 - -18295 + -18423 @@ -171664,13 +171520,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23605 - -18285 + -18413 68 20 23640.5 - -18275 + -18403 @@ -171680,7 +171536,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -171714,7 +171570,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -171726,7 +171582,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve A wire relay object 99edefd0-a759-41c1-90ec-bdc3557b4ae6 Relay - + Relay false b52263dc-d073-4865-b181-9e1f37d5704c 1 @@ -171735,14 +171591,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23589 - -18027 - 40 + 23587 + -18155 + 44 16 23609 - -18019 + -18147 @@ -171750,7 +171606,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -171769,13 +171625,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23568 - -18071 + -18199 82 44 23599 - -18049 + -18177 @@ -171794,13 +171650,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23570 - -18069 + -18197 14 20 23578.5 - -18059 + -18187 @@ -171820,13 +171676,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23570 - -18049 + -18177 14 20 23578.5 - -18039 + -18167 @@ -171867,13 +171723,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23614 - -18069 + -18197 34 40 23632.5 - -18049 + -18177 @@ -171883,7 +171739,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -171895,7 +171751,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve A wire relay object fc5de84b-43cf-42ef-8cce-b5c9aed701fc Relay - + Relay false 1de48674-ec9e-4cac-96cf-a905fb2df891 1 @@ -171904,14 +171760,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23589 - -18343 - 40 + 23587 + -18471 + 44 16 23609 - -18335 + -18463 @@ -171919,7 +171775,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -171948,13 +171804,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23484 - -17946 + -18073 250 20 23484.05 - -17945 + -18072.25 @@ -171962,7 +171818,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2fcc2743-8339-4cdf-a046-a1f17439191d Remap Numbers @@ -171981,13 +171837,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23551 - -18435 + -18563 115 64 23606 - -18403 + -18531 @@ -172006,13 +171862,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23553 - -18433 + -18561 38 20 23573.5 - -18423 + -18551 @@ -172033,13 +171889,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23553 - -18413 + -18541 38 20 23573.5 - -18403 + -18531 @@ -172082,13 +171938,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23553 - -18393 + -18521 38 20 23573.5 - -18383 + -18511 @@ -172131,13 +171987,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23621 - -18433 + -18561 43 30 23644 - -18418 + -18546 @@ -172157,13 +172013,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23621 - -18403 + -18531 43 30 23644 - -18388 + -18516 @@ -172173,7 +172029,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + f44b92b0-3b5b-493a-86f4-fd7408c3daf3 Bounds @@ -172192,13 +172048,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -18371 + -18499 122 28 23612 - -18357 + -18485 @@ -172218,13 +172074,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23550 - -18369 + -18497 47 24 23575 - -18357 + -18485 @@ -172244,13 +172100,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23627 - -18369 + -18497 41 24 23649 - -18357 + -18485 @@ -172260,7 +172116,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -172279,13 +172135,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23568 - -18479 + -18607 82 44 23599 - -18457 + -18585 @@ -172304,13 +172160,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23570 - -18477 + -18605 14 20 23578.5 - -18467 + -18595 @@ -172331,13 +172187,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23570 - -18457 + -18585 14 20 23578.5 - -18447 + -18575 @@ -172357,13 +172213,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23614 - -18477 + -18605 34 40 23632.5 - -18457 + -18585 @@ -172373,7 +172229,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -172407,7 +172263,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -172437,7 +172293,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -172455,14 +172311,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24711 - -18539 + 25164 + -18653 144 104 - 24795 - -18487 + 25248 + -18601 @@ -172480,14 +172336,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24713 - -18537 + 25166 + -18651 67 20 - 24748 - -18527 + 25201 + -18641 @@ -172528,14 +172384,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24713 - -18517 + 25166 + -18631 67 20 - 24748 - -18507 + 25201 + -18621 @@ -172576,14 +172432,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24713 - -18497 + 25166 + -18611 67 20 - 24748 - -18487 + 25201 + -18601 @@ -172624,14 +172480,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24713 - -18477 + 25166 + -18591 67 20 - 24748 - -18467 + 25201 + -18581 @@ -172670,14 +172526,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24713 - -18457 + 25166 + -18571 67 20 - 24748 - -18447 + 25201 + -18561 @@ -172716,14 +172572,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24810 - -18537 + 25263 + -18651 43 100 - 24833 - -18487 + 25286 + -18601 @@ -172733,15 +172589,16 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview - + Allows for customized geometry previews + true true 6ca7c051-330e-4b2e-9f0a-b10a6085efd3 Custom Preview @@ -172752,19 +172609,19 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24480 - -18509 + 24933 + -18623 82 44 - 24548 - -18487 + 25001 + -18601 - + Geometry to preview true b2dc262d-3347-4d8d-99f4-047a23cd5bf9 @@ -172772,21 +172629,20 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve Geometry false 4f40aa16-1508-4f55-a29e-95d6f2d32958 - 506865d2-d19f-4318-8cab-2037ebbfcb66 - 2 + 1 - 24482 - -18507 + 24935 + -18621 51 20 - 24509 - -18497 + 24962 + -18611 @@ -172806,14 +172662,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24482 - -18487 + 24935 + -18601 51 20 - 24509 - -18477 + 24962 + -18591 @@ -172853,7 +172709,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -172880,7 +172736,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 Colour Picker @@ -172902,8 +172758,8 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24573.04 - -18629.59 + 25026.4 + -18742.6 180 310 @@ -172914,7 +172770,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -172932,14 +172788,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24710 - -18918 + 25163 + -19032 144 104 - 24794 - -18866 + 25247 + -18980 @@ -172957,14 +172813,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24712 - -18916 + 25165 + -19030 67 20 - 24747 - -18906 + 25200 + -19020 @@ -173005,14 +172861,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24712 - -18896 + 25165 + -19010 67 20 - 24747 - -18886 + 25200 + -19000 @@ -173053,14 +172909,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24712 - -18876 + 25165 + -18990 67 20 - 24747 - -18866 + 25200 + -18980 @@ -173101,14 +172957,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24712 - -18856 + 25165 + -18970 67 20 - 24747 - -18846 + 25200 + -18960 @@ -173147,14 +173003,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24712 - -18836 + 25165 + -18950 67 20 - 24747 - -18826 + 25200 + -18940 @@ -173193,14 +173049,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24809 - -18916 + 25262 + -19030 43 100 - 24832 - -18866 + 25285 + -18980 @@ -173210,15 +173066,16 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview - + Allows for customized geometry previews + true true 8154f650-7946-4948-84c8-a52136b90863 Custom Preview @@ -173229,19 +173086,19 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24479 - -18888 + 24932 + -19002 82 44 - 24547 - -18866 + 25000 + -18980 - + Geometry to preview true b16c6628-112f-4475-99fa-b712ff8f092e @@ -173249,21 +173106,20 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve Geometry false 6f353ce2-6891-4d8b-9288-ea4ae0e7f62d - a9865bd6-3c7b-4a76-9457-7da9febc0a7c - 2 + 1 - 24481 - -18886 + 24934 + -19000 51 20 - 24508 - -18876 + 24961 + -18990 @@ -173283,14 +173139,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24481 - -18866 + 24934 + -18980 51 20 - 24508 - -18856 + 24961 + -18970 @@ -173330,7 +173186,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -173357,7 +173213,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 Colour Picker @@ -173379,8 +173235,8 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24574.13 - -19008.05 + 25027.49 + -19121.06 180 310 @@ -173391,7 +173247,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -173410,13 +173266,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23546 - -19788 + -19916 125 64 23596 - -19756 + -19884 @@ -173435,13 +173291,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -19786 + -19914 33 20 23566 - -19776 + -19904 @@ -173462,13 +173318,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -19766 + -19894 33 20 23566 - -19756 + -19884 @@ -173508,13 +173364,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -19746 + -19874 33 20 23566 - -19736 + -19864 @@ -173555,13 +173411,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23611 - -19786 + -19914 58 20 23641.5 - -19776 + -19904 @@ -173582,13 +173438,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23611 - -19766 + -19894 58 20 23641.5 - -19756 + -19884 @@ -173609,13 +173465,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23611 - -19746 + -19874 58 20 23641.5 - -19736 + -19864 @@ -173625,7 +173481,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + aaa665bd-fd6e-4ccb-8d2c-c5b33072125d Curvature @@ -173644,13 +173500,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23540 - -19852 + -19980 137 64 23610 - -19820 + -19948 @@ -173669,13 +173525,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23542 - -19850 + -19978 53 30 23570 - -19835 + -19963 @@ -173696,13 +173552,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23542 - -19820 + -19948 53 30 23570 - -19805 + -19933 @@ -173722,13 +173578,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23625 - -19850 + -19978 50 20 23651.5 - -19840 + -19968 @@ -173748,13 +173604,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23625 - -19830 + -19958 50 20 23651.5 - -19820 + -19948 @@ -173774,13 +173630,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23625 - -19810 + -19938 50 20 23651.5 - -19800 + -19928 @@ -173790,7 +173646,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 23862862-049a-40be-b558-2418aacbd916 Deconstruct Arc @@ -173809,13 +173665,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23552 - -19916 + -20044 114 64 23592 - -19884 + -20012 @@ -173834,13 +173690,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23554 - -19914 + -20042 23 60 23567 - -19884 + -20012 @@ -173860,13 +173716,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23607 - -19914 + -20042 57 20 23637 - -19904 + -20032 @@ -173886,13 +173742,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23607 - -19894 + -20022 57 20 23637 - -19884 + -20012 @@ -173912,13 +173768,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23607 - -19874 + -20002 57 20 23637 - -19864 + -19992 @@ -173928,7 +173784,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -173947,13 +173803,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -19980 + -20108 122 64 23628 - -19948 + -20076 @@ -173972,13 +173828,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23550 - -19978 + -20106 63 20 23591 - -19968 + -20096 @@ -173999,13 +173855,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23550 - -19958 + -20086 63 20 23591 - -19948 + -20076 @@ -174051,13 +173907,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23550 - -19938 + -20066 63 20 23591 - -19928 + -20056 @@ -174097,13 +173953,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23643 - -19978 + -20106 25 60 23657 - -19948 + -20076 @@ -174113,7 +173969,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -174145,7 +174001,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 Evaluate Length @@ -174164,13 +174020,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23537 - -20044 + -20172 144 64 23611 - -20012 + -20140 @@ -174189,13 +174045,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23539 - -20042 + -20170 57 20 23569 - -20032 + -20160 @@ -174215,13 +174071,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23539 - -20022 + -20150 57 20 23569 - -20012 + -20140 @@ -174261,13 +174117,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23539 - -20002 + -20130 57 20 23569 - -19992 + -20120 @@ -174307,13 +174163,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23626 - -20042 + -20170 53 20 23654 - -20032 + -20160 @@ -174333,13 +174189,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23626 - -20022 + -20150 53 20 23654 - -20012 + -20140 @@ -174359,13 +174215,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23626 - -20002 + -20130 53 20 23654 - -19992 + -20120 @@ -174375,7 +174231,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2b2a4145-3dff-41d4-a8de-1ea9d29eef33 Interpolate @@ -174394,13 +174250,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23546 - -20128 + -20256 125 84 23613 - -20086 + -20214 @@ -174420,13 +174276,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -20126 + -20254 50 20 23574.5 - -20116 + -20244 @@ -174446,13 +174302,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -20106 + -20234 50 20 23574.5 - -20096 + -20224 @@ -174492,13 +174348,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -20086 + -20214 50 20 23574.5 - -20076 + -20204 @@ -174538,13 +174394,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -20066 + -20194 50 20 23574.5 - -20056 + -20184 @@ -174584,13 +174440,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23628 - -20126 + -20254 41 26 23650 - -20112.67 + -20240.67 @@ -174610,13 +174466,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23628 - -20100 + -20228 41 27 23650 - -20086 + -20214 @@ -174636,13 +174492,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23628 - -20073 + -20201 41 27 23650 - -20059.33 + -20187.33 @@ -174652,7 +174508,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 Divide Curve @@ -174671,13 +174527,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23546 - -19380 + -19508 125 64 23596 - -19348 + -19476 @@ -174696,13 +174552,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -19378 + -19506 33 20 23566 - -19368 + -19496 @@ -174723,13 +174579,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -19358 + -19486 33 20 23566 - -19348 + -19476 @@ -174769,13 +174625,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -19338 + -19466 33 20 23566 - -19328 + -19456 @@ -174816,13 +174672,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23611 - -19378 + -19506 58 20 23641.5 - -19368 + -19496 @@ -174843,13 +174699,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23611 - -19358 + -19486 58 20 23641.5 - -19348 + -19476 @@ -174870,13 +174726,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23611 - -19338 + -19466 58 20 23641.5 - -19328 + -19456 @@ -174886,7 +174742,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -174905,13 +174761,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23556 - -19256 + -19384 106 64 23620 - -19224 + -19352 @@ -174929,13 +174785,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23558 - -19254 + -19382 47 20 23583 - -19244 + -19372 @@ -174980,13 +174836,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23558 - -19234 + -19362 47 20 23583 - -19224 + -19352 @@ -175031,13 +174887,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23558 - -19214 + -19342 47 20 23583 - -19204 + -19332 @@ -175077,13 +174933,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23635 - -19254 + -19382 25 60 23649 - -19224 + -19352 @@ -175093,7 +174949,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 4c619bc9-39fd-4717-82a6-1e07ea237bbe Line SDL @@ -175112,13 +174968,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23556 - -19444 + -19572 106 64 23620 - -19412 + -19540 @@ -175137,13 +174993,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23558 - -19442 + -19570 47 20 23583 - -19432 + -19560 @@ -175188,13 +175044,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23558 - -19422 + -19550 47 20 23583 - -19412 + -19540 @@ -175238,13 +175094,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23558 - -19402 + -19530 47 20 23583 - -19392 + -19520 @@ -175284,13 +175140,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23635 - -19442 + -19570 25 60 23649 - -19412 + -19540 @@ -175300,7 +175156,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 84627490-0fb2-4498-8138-ad134ee4cb36 Curve | Curve @@ -175319,13 +175175,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23536 - -19508 + -19636 146 64 23597 - -19476 + -19604 @@ -175344,13 +175200,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23538 - -19506 + -19634 44 30 23561.5 - -19491 + -19619 @@ -175371,13 +175227,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23538 - -19476 + -19604 44 30 23561.5 - -19461 + -19589 @@ -175399,13 +175255,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23612 - -19506 + -19634 68 20 23639.5 - -19496 + -19624 @@ -175426,13 +175282,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23612 - -19486 + -19614 68 20 23639.5 - -19476 + -19604 @@ -175453,13 +175309,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23612 - -19466 + -19594 68 20 23639.5 - -19456 + -19584 @@ -175469,7 +175325,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 9abae6b7-fa1d-448c-9209-4a8155345841 Deconstruct @@ -175488,13 +175344,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23543 - -19572 + -19700 132 64 23590 - -19540 + -19668 @@ -175513,13 +175369,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23545 - -19570 + -19698 30 60 23561.5 - -19540 + -19668 @@ -175539,13 +175395,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23605 - -19570 + -19698 68 20 23640.5 - -19560 + -19688 @@ -175565,13 +175421,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23605 - -19550 + -19678 68 20 23640.5 - -19540 + -19668 @@ -175591,13 +175447,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23605 - -19530 + -19658 68 20 23640.5 - -19520 + -19648 @@ -175607,7 +175463,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -175641,7 +175497,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -175653,7 +175509,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve A wire relay object 401ed152-ce80-4b0b-a1f4-f574bcbd3e76 Relay - + Relay false b52263dc-d073-4865-b181-9e1f37d5704c 1 @@ -175662,14 +175518,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23589 - -19272 - 40 + 23587 + -19400 + 44 16 23609 - -19264 + -19392 @@ -175677,7 +175533,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -175696,13 +175552,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23568 - -19316 + -19444 82 44 23599 - -19294 + -19422 @@ -175721,13 +175577,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23570 - -19314 + -19442 14 20 23578.5 - -19304 + -19432 @@ -175747,13 +175603,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23570 - -19294 + -19422 14 20 23578.5 - -19284 + -19412 @@ -175794,13 +175650,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23614 - -19314 + -19442 34 40 23632.5 - -19294 + -19422 @@ -175810,7 +175666,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b Relay @@ -175822,7 +175678,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve A wire relay object cc152e03-ae89-4a44-afc5-1741d654b1b0 Relay - + Relay false faad3508-4d83-4f4f-a9ae-9b40c0240a4f 1 @@ -175831,14 +175687,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 23589 - -19588 - 40 + 23587 + -19716 + 44 16 23609 - -19580 + -19708 @@ -175846,7 +175702,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 33bcf975-a0b2-4b54-99fd-585c893b9e88 Digit Scroller @@ -175875,13 +175731,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23484 - -19192 + -19319 250 20 23484.1 - -19191.42 + -19318.66 @@ -175889,7 +175745,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 2fcc2743-8339-4cdf-a046-a1f17439191d Remap Numbers @@ -175908,13 +175764,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23551 - -19680 + -19808 115 64 23606 - -19648 + -19776 @@ -175933,13 +175789,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23553 - -19678 + -19806 38 20 23573.5 - -19668 + -19796 @@ -175960,13 +175816,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23553 - -19658 + -19786 38 20 23573.5 - -19648 + -19776 @@ -176009,13 +175865,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23553 - -19638 + -19766 38 20 23573.5 - -19628 + -19756 @@ -176058,13 +175914,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23621 - -19678 + -19806 43 30 23644 - -19663 + -19791 @@ -176084,13 +175940,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23621 - -19648 + -19776 43 30 23644 - -19633 + -19761 @@ -176100,7 +175956,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + f44b92b0-3b5b-493a-86f4-fd7408c3daf3 Bounds @@ -176119,13 +175975,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23548 - -19616 + -19744 122 28 23612 - -19602 + -19730 @@ -176145,13 +176001,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23550 - -19614 + -19742 47 24 23575 - -19602 + -19730 @@ -176171,13 +176027,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23627 - -19614 + -19742 41 24 23649 - -19602 + -19730 @@ -176187,7 +176043,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 9c85271f-89fa-4e9f-9f4a-d75802120ccc Division @@ -176206,13 +176062,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23568 - -19724 + -19852 82 44 23599 - -19702 + -19830 @@ -176231,13 +176087,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23570 - -19722 + -19850 14 20 23578.5 - -19712 + -19840 @@ -176258,13 +176114,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23570 - -19702 + -19830 14 20 23578.5 - -19692 + -19820 @@ -176284,13 +176140,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 23614 - -19722 + -19850 34 40 23632.5 - -19702 + -19830 @@ -176300,7 +176156,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -176334,7 +176190,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -176364,7 +176220,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -176382,14 +176238,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24711 - -19755 + 25164 + -19869 144 104 - 24795 - -19703 + 25248 + -19817 @@ -176407,14 +176263,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24713 - -19753 + 25166 + -19867 67 20 - 24748 - -19743 + 25201 + -19857 @@ -176455,14 +176311,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24713 - -19733 + 25166 + -19847 67 20 - 24748 - -19723 + 25201 + -19837 @@ -176503,14 +176359,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24713 - -19713 + 25166 + -19827 67 20 - 24748 - -19703 + 25201 + -19817 @@ -176551,14 +176407,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24713 - -19693 + 25166 + -19807 67 20 - 24748 - -19683 + 25201 + -19797 @@ -176597,14 +176453,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24713 - -19673 + 25166 + -19787 67 20 - 24748 - -19663 + 25201 + -19777 @@ -176643,14 +176499,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24810 - -19753 + 25263 + -19867 43 100 - 24833 - -19703 + 25286 + -19817 @@ -176660,15 +176516,16 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview - + Allows for customized geometry previews + true true cd20794f-d63a-4cc1-824e-7264389bbd2b Custom Preview @@ -176679,19 +176536,19 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24480 - -19725 + 24933 + -19839 82 44 - 24548 - -19703 + 25001 + -19817 - + Geometry to preview true 909baf88-3706-45fd-92d4-d09fbb40f985 @@ -176699,21 +176556,20 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve Geometry false be649440-dd08-4c97-9039-0b42120ae5ef - 29046ab8-5928-4d09-90bd-ee478786e8c3 - 2 + 1 - 24482 - -19723 + 24935 + -19837 51 20 - 24509 - -19713 + 24962 + -19827 @@ -176733,14 +176589,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24482 - -19703 + 24935 + -19817 51 20 - 24509 - -19693 + 24962 + -19807 @@ -176780,7 +176636,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -176807,7 +176663,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 Colour Picker @@ -176829,8 +176685,8 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24574.3 - -19855.93 + 25027.66 + -19968.94 180 310 @@ -176841,7 +176697,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 Create Material @@ -176859,14 +176715,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24711 - -20146 + 25164 + -20260 144 104 - 24795 - -20094 + 25248 + -20208 @@ -176884,14 +176740,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24713 - -20144 + 25166 + -20258 67 20 - 24748 - -20134 + 25201 + -20248 @@ -176932,14 +176788,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24713 - -20124 + 25166 + -20238 67 20 - 24748 - -20114 + 25201 + -20228 @@ -176980,14 +176836,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24713 - -20104 + 25166 + -20218 67 20 - 24748 - -20094 + 25201 + -20208 @@ -177028,14 +176884,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24713 - -20084 + 25166 + -20198 67 20 - 24748 - -20074 + 25201 + -20188 @@ -177074,14 +176930,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24713 - -20064 + 25166 + -20178 67 20 - 24748 - -20054 + 25201 + -20168 @@ -177120,14 +176976,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24810 - -20144 + 25263 + -20258 43 100 - 24833 - -20094 + 25286 + -20208 @@ -177137,15 +176993,16 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c Custom Preview - + Allows for customized geometry previews + true true a438a5b8-7570-41ab-88da-a2a18d04caac Custom Preview @@ -177156,19 +177013,19 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24480 - -20108 + 24933 + -20230 82 44 - 24548 - -20086 + 25001 + -20208 - + Geometry to preview true f28661f9-f603-4f3f-89b9-b236c274bac9 @@ -177176,21 +177033,20 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve Geometry false 54b68e1e-09c5-4df3-bbbb-9fda4dfd9d9f - 5830bfdb-ce1d-41d4-bfe2-0ec25638bf18 - 2 + 1 - 24482 - -20106 + 24935 + -20228 51 20 - 24509 - -20096 + 24962 + -20218 @@ -177210,14 +177066,14 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24482 - -20086 + 24935 + -20208 51 20 - 24509 - -20076 + 24962 + -20198 @@ -177257,7 +177113,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -177284,7 +177140,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 Colour Picker @@ -177306,8 +177162,8 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 24574.19 - -20234.4 + 25027.55 + -20347.41 180 310 @@ -177318,7 +177174,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 Group @@ -177344,7 +177200,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror @@ -177363,13 +177219,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24065 - -10194 + -10322 138 44 24133 - -10172 + -10300 @@ -177388,13 +177244,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24067 - -10192 + -10320 51 20 24094 - -10182 + -10310 @@ -177415,13 +177271,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24067 - -10172 + -10300 51 20 24094 - -10162 + -10290 @@ -177471,13 +177327,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24148 - -10192 + -10320 53 20 24176 - -10182 + -10310 @@ -177497,13 +177353,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24148 - -10172 + -10300 53 20 24176 - -10162 + -10290 @@ -177513,7 +177369,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror @@ -177532,13 +177388,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24065 - -10470 + -10598 138 44 24133 - -10448 + -10576 @@ -177557,13 +177413,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24067 - -10468 + -10596 51 20 24094 - -10458 + -10586 @@ -177584,13 +177440,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24067 - -10448 + -10576 51 20 24094 - -10438 + -10566 @@ -177640,13 +177496,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24148 - -10468 + -10596 53 20 24176 - -10458 + -10586 @@ -177666,13 +177522,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24148 - -10448 + -10576 53 20 24176 - -10438 + -10566 @@ -177682,7 +177538,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror @@ -177701,13 +177557,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24065 - -11526 + -11654 138 44 24133 - -11504 + -11632 @@ -177726,13 +177582,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24067 - -11524 + -11652 51 20 24094 - -11514 + -11642 @@ -177753,13 +177609,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24067 - -11504 + -11632 51 20 24094 - -11494 + -11622 @@ -177809,13 +177665,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24148 - -11524 + -11652 53 20 24176 - -11514 + -11642 @@ -177835,13 +177691,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24148 - -11504 + -11632 53 20 24176 - -11494 + -11622 @@ -177851,7 +177707,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror @@ -177870,13 +177726,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24065 - -11870 + -11998 138 44 24133 - -11848 + -11976 @@ -177895,13 +177751,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24067 - -11868 + -11996 51 20 24094 - -11858 + -11986 @@ -177922,13 +177778,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24067 - -11848 + -11976 51 20 24094 - -11838 + -11966 @@ -177978,13 +177834,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24148 - -11868 + -11996 53 20 24176 - -11858 + -11986 @@ -178004,13 +177860,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24148 - -11848 + -11976 53 20 24176 - -11838 + -11966 @@ -178020,7 +177876,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror @@ -178039,13 +177895,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24065 - -12703 + -12831 138 44 24133 - -12681 + -12809 @@ -178064,13 +177920,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24067 - -12701 + -12829 51 20 24094 - -12691 + -12819 @@ -178091,13 +177947,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24067 - -12681 + -12809 51 20 24094 - -12671 + -12799 @@ -178147,13 +178003,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24148 - -12701 + -12829 53 20 24176 - -12691 + -12819 @@ -178173,13 +178029,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24148 - -12681 + -12809 53 20 24176 - -12671 + -12799 @@ -178189,7 +178045,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror @@ -178208,13 +178064,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24065 - -12872 + -13000 138 44 24133 - -12850 + -12978 @@ -178233,13 +178089,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24067 - -12870 + -12998 51 20 24094 - -12860 + -12988 @@ -178260,13 +178116,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24067 - -12850 + -12978 51 20 24094 - -12840 + -12968 @@ -178316,13 +178172,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24148 - -12870 + -12998 53 20 24176 - -12860 + -12988 @@ -178342,13 +178198,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24148 - -12850 + -12978 53 20 24176 - -12840 + -12968 @@ -178358,7 +178214,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror @@ -178377,13 +178233,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24065 - -13723 + -13851 138 44 24133 - -13701 + -13829 @@ -178402,13 +178258,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24067 - -13721 + -13849 51 20 24094 - -13711 + -13839 @@ -178429,13 +178285,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24067 - -13701 + -13829 51 20 24094 - -13691 + -13819 @@ -178485,13 +178341,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24148 - -13721 + -13849 53 20 24176 - -13711 + -13839 @@ -178511,13 +178367,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24148 - -13701 + -13829 53 20 24176 - -13691 + -13819 @@ -178527,7 +178383,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror @@ -178546,13 +178402,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24065 - -14057 + -14185 138 44 24133 - -14035 + -14163 @@ -178571,13 +178427,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24067 - -14055 + -14183 51 20 24094 - -14045 + -14173 @@ -178598,13 +178454,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24067 - -14035 + -14163 51 20 24094 - -14025 + -14153 @@ -178654,13 +178510,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24148 - -14055 + -14183 53 20 24176 - -14045 + -14173 @@ -178680,13 +178536,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24148 - -14035 + -14163 53 20 24176 - -14025 + -14153 @@ -178696,7 +178552,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror @@ -178715,13 +178571,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24065 - -14900 + -15028 138 44 24133 - -14878 + -15006 @@ -178740,13 +178596,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24067 - -14898 + -15026 51 20 24094 - -14888 + -15016 @@ -178767,13 +178623,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24067 - -14878 + -15006 51 20 24094 - -14868 + -14996 @@ -178823,13 +178679,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24148 - -14898 + -15026 53 20 24176 - -14888 + -15016 @@ -178849,13 +178705,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24148 - -14878 + -15006 53 20 24176 - -14868 + -14996 @@ -178865,7 +178721,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror @@ -178884,13 +178740,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24065 - -15251 + -15379 138 44 24133 - -15229 + -15357 @@ -178909,13 +178765,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24067 - -15249 + -15377 51 20 24094 - -15239 + -15367 @@ -178936,13 +178792,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24067 - -15229 + -15357 51 20 24094 - -15219 + -15347 @@ -178992,13 +178848,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24148 - -15249 + -15377 53 20 24176 - -15239 + -15367 @@ -179018,13 +178874,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24148 - -15229 + -15357 53 20 24176 - -15219 + -15347 @@ -179034,7 +178890,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror @@ -179053,13 +178909,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24065 - -16033 + -16161 138 44 24133 - -16011 + -16139 @@ -179078,13 +178934,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24067 - -16031 + -16159 51 20 24094 - -16021 + -16149 @@ -179105,13 +178961,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24067 - -16011 + -16139 51 20 24094 - -16001 + -16129 @@ -179161,13 +179017,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24148 - -16031 + -16159 53 20 24176 - -16021 + -16149 @@ -179187,13 +179043,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24148 - -16011 + -16139 53 20 24176 - -16001 + -16129 @@ -179203,7 +179059,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror @@ -179222,13 +179078,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24065 - -16377 + -16505 138 44 24133 - -16355 + -16483 @@ -179247,13 +179103,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24067 - -16375 + -16503 51 20 24094 - -16365 + -16493 @@ -179274,13 +179130,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24067 - -16355 + -16483 51 20 24094 - -16345 + -16473 @@ -179330,13 +179186,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24148 - -16375 + -16503 53 20 24176 - -16365 + -16493 @@ -179356,13 +179212,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24148 - -16355 + -16483 53 20 24176 - -16345 + -16473 @@ -179372,7 +179228,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror @@ -179391,13 +179247,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24065 - -17335 + -17463 138 44 24133 - -17313 + -17441 @@ -179416,13 +179272,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24067 - -17333 + -17461 51 20 24094 - -17323 + -17451 @@ -179443,13 +179299,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24067 - -17313 + -17441 51 20 24094 - -17303 + -17431 @@ -179499,13 +179355,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24148 - -17333 + -17461 53 20 24176 - -17323 + -17451 @@ -179525,13 +179381,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24148 - -17313 + -17441 53 20 24176 - -17303 + -17431 @@ -179541,7 +179397,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror @@ -179560,13 +179416,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24065 - -17684 + -17812 138 44 24133 - -17662 + -17790 @@ -179585,13 +179441,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24067 - -17682 + -17810 51 20 24094 - -17672 + -17800 @@ -179612,13 +179468,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24067 - -17662 + -17790 51 20 24094 - -17652 + -17780 @@ -179668,13 +179524,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24148 - -17682 + -17810 53 20 24176 - -17672 + -17800 @@ -179694,13 +179550,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24148 - -17662 + -17790 53 20 24176 - -17652 + -17780 @@ -179710,7 +179566,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror @@ -179729,13 +179585,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24065 - -18674 + -18802 138 44 24133 - -18652 + -18780 @@ -179754,13 +179610,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24067 - -18672 + -18800 51 20 24094 - -18662 + -18790 @@ -179781,13 +179637,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24067 - -18652 + -18780 51 20 24094 - -18642 + -18770 @@ -179837,13 +179693,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24148 - -18672 + -18800 53 20 24176 - -18662 + -18790 @@ -179863,13 +179719,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24148 - -18652 + -18780 53 20 24176 - -18642 + -18770 @@ -179879,7 +179735,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror @@ -179898,13 +179754,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24065 - -18863 + -18991 138 44 24133 - -18841 + -18969 @@ -179923,13 +179779,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24067 - -18861 + -18989 51 20 24094 - -18851 + -18979 @@ -179950,13 +179806,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24067 - -18841 + -18969 51 20 24094 - -18831 + -18959 @@ -180006,13 +179862,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24148 - -18861 + -18989 53 20 24176 - -18851 + -18979 @@ -180032,13 +179888,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24148 - -18841 + -18969 53 20 24176 - -18831 + -18959 @@ -180048,7 +179904,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror @@ -180067,13 +179923,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24065 - -19896 + -20024 138 44 24133 - -19874 + -20002 @@ -180092,13 +179948,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24067 - -19894 + -20022 51 20 24094 - -19884 + -20012 @@ -180119,13 +179975,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24067 - -19874 + -20002 51 20 24094 - -19864 + -19992 @@ -180175,13 +180031,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24148 - -19894 + -20022 53 20 24176 - -19884 + -20012 @@ -180201,13 +180057,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24148 - -19874 + -20002 53 20 24176 - -19864 + -19992 @@ -180217,7 +180073,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca Mirror @@ -180236,13 +180092,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24065 - -20088 + -20216 138 44 24133 - -20066 + -20194 @@ -180261,13 +180117,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24067 - -20086 + -20214 51 20 24094 - -20076 + -20204 @@ -180288,13 +180144,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24067 - -20066 + -20194 51 20 24094 - -20056 + -20184 @@ -180344,13 +180200,13 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24148 - -20086 + -20214 53 20 24176 - -20076 + -20204 @@ -180370,18 +180226,137032 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve 24148 - -20066 + -20194 53 20 24176 - -20056 + -20184 + + + + + + + + + + + + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b + Relay + + + + + 2 + A wire relay object + 6c63d7ac-ace2-4fcc-beff-cfba8e16b088 + Relay + + false + 04621127-ea48-4cb6-a6ef-c515077fa2b9 + 1 + + + + + + 14049 + 5368 + 40 + 16 + + + 14069 + 5376 + + + + + + + + + + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 + Curve + + + + + Contains a collection of generic curves + true + cb5ce0d8-506d-4f12-ba2b-deb7a89f3446 + Curve + Curve + false + 6c63d7ac-ace2-4fcc-beff-cfba8e16b088 + 1 + + + + + + 15960 + 4634 + 50 + 24 + + + 15985.35 + 4646.452 + + + + + + + + + + 6b021f56-b194-4210-b9a1-6cef3b7d0848 + Evaluate Length + + + + + Evaluate a curve at a certain factor along its length. Length factors can be supplied both in curve units and normalized units. Change the [N] parameter to toggle between the two modes. + true + 38a6cbfa-7f5c-4428-a9a0-809ec940ffa6 + Evaluate Length + Evaluate Length + + + + + + 15904 + 4567 + 160 + 64 + + + 15994 + 4599 + + + + + + Curve to evaluate + 8979d829-1654-4298-8d06-c0aaa940d6ad + Curve + Curve + false + cb5ce0d8-506d-4f12-ba2b-deb7a89f3446 + 1 + + + + + + 15906 + 4569 + 73 + 20 + + + 15952 + 4579 + + + + + + + + Length factor for curve evaluation + 62e89ecc-0dde-4008-ba77-d8f96bc48921 + 1 + Length + Length + false + 0 + + + + + + 15906 + 4589 + 73 + 20 + + + 15952 + 4599 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + If True, the Length factor is normalized (0.0 ~ 1.0) + 97d06dc9-0125-4eed-918e-21b09c1ca1f8 + Normalized + Normalized + false + 0 + + + + + + 15906 + 4609 + 73 + 20 + + + 15952 + 4619 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + true + + + + + + + + + + + Point at the specified length + 456889fb-a590-4bd4-bc65-51f28941bb52 + Point + Point + false + 0 + + + + + + 16009 + 4569 + 53 + 20 + + + 16037 + 4579 + + + + + + + + Tangent vector at the specified length + 9cdbdfb4-3472-48c0-9f31-1db36d089909 + Tangent + Tangent + false + 0 + + + + + + 16009 + 4589 + 53 + 20 + + + 16037 + 4599 + + + + + + + + Curve parameter at the specified length + 3c8fadb4-63f3-4385-b737-c14931cdc93a + Parameter + Parameter + false + 0 + + + + + + 16009 + 4609 + 53 + 20 + + + 16037 + 4619 + + + + + + + + + + + + fad344bc-09b1-4855-a2e6-437ef5715fe3 + YZ Plane + + + + + World YZ plane. + true + 70783657-b319-4bf0-8a92-f03c33fa3fa6 + YZ Plane + YZ Plane + + + + + + 15935 + 4539 + 98 + 28 + + + 15985 + 4553 + + + + + + Origin of plane + 91effe57-f954-43ed-ba94-82480470c691 + Origin + Origin + false + 456889fb-a590-4bd4-bc65-51f28941bb52 + 1 + + + + + + 15937 + 4541 + 33 + 24 + + + 15955 + 4553 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + World YZ plane + 063d00bb-810a-4ddc-a956-68585bf11d9f + Plane + Plane + false + 0 + + + + + + 16000 + 4541 + 31 + 24 + + + 16017 + 4553 + + + + + + + + + + + + f12daa2f-4fd5-48c1-8ac3-5dea476912ca + Mirror + + + + + Mirror an object. + true + 2ecc27d8-cc4a-4e6a-9a24-930c088b1ca5 + Mirror + Mirror + + + + + + 15915 + 4495 + 138 + 44 + + + 15983 + 4517 + + + + + + Base geometry + 7876d351-2b94-4d5d-93a6-db43b0cec79c + Geometry + Geometry + true + cb5ce0d8-506d-4f12-ba2b-deb7a89f3446 + 1 + + + + + + 15917 + 4497 + 51 + 20 + + + 15944 + 4507 + + + + + + + + Mirror plane + 72124df2-53d5-45d1-b49d-5eaf3f28cccc + Plane + Plane + false + 063d00bb-810a-4ddc-a956-68585bf11d9f + 1 + + + + + + 15917 + 4517 + 51 + 20 + + + 15944 + 4527 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + Mirrored geometry + 4e247986-d92a-48e5-b0e6-ec63507616d7 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 15998 + 4497 + 53 + 20 + + + 16026 + 4507 + + + + + + + + Transformation data + 6029d3bf-85ba-4e8d-9d52-c2aacfb02554 + Transform + Transform + false + 0 + + + + + + 15998 + 4517 + 53 + 20 + + + 16026 + 4527 + + + + + + + + + + + + 8073a420-6bec-49e3-9b18-367f6fd76ac3 + Join Curves + + + + + Join as many curves as possible + true + f8cf2c52-6396-40fc-bc0c-5f2e1f8e451f + Join Curves + Join Curves + + + + + + 15925 + 4451 + 118 + 44 + + + 15988 + 4473 + + + + + + 1 + Curves to join + 3672afab-12d1-4f0b-9e37-e3219f563840 + Curves + Curves + false + cb5ce0d8-506d-4f12-ba2b-deb7a89f3446 + 4e247986-d92a-48e5-b0e6-ec63507616d7 + 2 + + + + + + 15927 + 4453 + 46 + 20 + + + 15951.5 + 4463 + + + + + + + + Preserve direction of input curves + 1ff53b1d-297b-498a-ac59-4feec82564b7 + Preserve + Preserve + false + 0 + + + + + + 15927 + 4473 + 46 + 20 + + + 15951.5 + 4483 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + false + + + + + + + + + + + 1 + Joined curves and individual curves that could not be joined. + 8a167bf9-0a6f-4c3d-b2f8-3c8242c59cb1 + Curves + Curves + false + 0 + + + + + + 16003 + 4453 + 38 + 40 + + + 16023.5 + 4473 + + + + + + + + + + + + e87db220-a0a0-4d67-a405-f97fd14b2d7a + Linear Array + + + + + Create a linear array of geometry. + true + a80d4329-ea38-4fae-8dcf-fa659f06c089 + Linear Array + Linear Array + + + + + + 15915 + 4387 + 138 + 64 + + + 15983 + 4419 + + + + + + Base geometry + 89887dc0-e5d7-4e2a-aeee-c7e7cd91b635 + Geometry + Geometry + true + 8a167bf9-0a6f-4c3d-b2f8-3c8242c59cb1 + 1 + + + + + + 15917 + 4389 + 51 + 20 + + + 15944 + 4399 + + + + + + + + Linear array direction and interval + e63bcc98-f26e-4c6d-a01f-f5ee26dd7394 + Direction + Direction + false + 0 + + + + + + 15917 + 4409 + 51 + 20 + + + 15944 + 4419 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 2 + 0 + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + Number of elements in array. + 633d1fa6-2f20-443d-bca5-587cd390b508 + Count + Count + false + 0 + + + + + + 15917 + 4429 + 51 + 20 + + + 15944 + 4439 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 2 + + + + + + + + + + + 1 + Arrayed geometry + 201eeffe-0e74-4f89-84ed-3b23c336966d + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 15998 + 4389 + 53 + 30 + + + 16026 + 4404 + + + + + + + + 1 + Transformation data + aa937682-e166-49fa-9bbb-fb61983f2e26 + Transform + Transform + false + 0 + + + + + + 15998 + 4419 + 53 + 30 + + + 16026 + 4434 + + + + + + + + + + + + 8073a420-6bec-49e3-9b18-367f6fd76ac3 + Join Curves + + + + + Join as many curves as possible + true + 122b43ef-b235-4202-8103-a763902b1666 + Join Curves + Join Curves + + + + + + 15925 + 4343 + 118 + 44 + + + 15988 + 4365 + + + + + + 1 + Curves to join + fa2be068-0e00-4337-8a28-1b9ae2e74efe + Curves + Curves + false + 201eeffe-0e74-4f89-84ed-3b23c336966d + 1 + + + + + + 15927 + 4345 + 46 + 20 + + + 15951.5 + 4355 + + + + + + + + Preserve direction of input curves + 0a91ca35-43a3-4146-9055-9a111f90af68 + Preserve + Preserve + false + 0 + + + + + + 15927 + 4365 + 46 + 20 + + + 15951.5 + 4375 + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + false + + + + + + + + + 1 + Joined curves and individual curves that could not be joined. + 942a046e-d6ee-45fd-ac04-d9aa3807b30b + Curves + Curves + false + 0 + + + + + + 16003 + 4345 + 38 + 40 + + + 16023.5 + 4365 + + + + + + + + + + + + ccfd6ba8-ecb1-44df-a47e-08126a653c51 + Curve Domain + + + + + Measure and set the curve domain + true + c3d5c659-5c5d-4450-9c03-ca011884b403 + Curve Domain + Curve Domain + + + + + + 15926 + 4299 + 116 + 44 + + + 15984 + 4321 + + + + + + Curve to measure/modify + f4a8a3cb-8235-452b-8511-a045593d8adf + Curve + Curve + false + 942a046e-d6ee-45fd-ac04-d9aa3807b30b + 1 + + + + + + 15928 + 4301 + 41 + 20 + + + 15950 + 4311 + + + + + + + + Optional domain, if omitted the curve will not be modified. + ecc27fb7-a682-4cea-bfa4-d4dddd9938db + Domain + Domain + true + 0 + + + + + + 15928 + 4321 + 41 + 20 + + + 15950 + 4331 + + + + + + + + Curve with new domain. + 6f786009-2475-4b72-a166-3867936a9056 + Curve + Curve + false + 0 + + + + + + 15999 + 4301 + 41 + 20 + + + 16021 + 4311 + + + + + + + + Domain of original curve. + 5ceefeee-23e8-4da7-a08c-1442c7e18887 + Domain + Domain + false + 0 + + + + + + 15999 + 4321 + 41 + 20 + + + 16021 + 4331 + + + + + + + + + + + + 429cbba9-55ee-4e84-98ea-876c44db879a + Sub Curve + + + + + Construct a curve from the sub-domain of a base curve. + true + 34a8f433-81f4-4177-9f4e-485ea3659f00 + Sub Curve + Sub Curve + + + + + + 15922 + 4167 + 124 + 44 + + + 15996 + 4189 + + + + + + Base curve + 081ff413-9081-4a74-b605-206cd559ac47 + Base curve + Base curve + false + 6f786009-2475-4b72-a166-3867936a9056 + 1 + + + + + + 15924 + 4169 + 57 + 20 + + + 15954 + 4179 + + + + + + + + Sub-domain to extract + 9510869c-f3b0-4fdd-bf3c-9c603f9f4756 + Domain + Domain + false + c505bbdc-827a-41cd-9177-af5d4793ce40 + 1 + + + + + + 15924 + 4189 + 57 + 20 + + + 15954 + 4199 + + + + + + + + Resulting sub curve + 2b24855a-5847-4611-9f13-b8e04ec02121 + Curve + Curve + false + 0 + + + + + + 16011 + 4169 + 33 + 40 + + + 16029 + 4189 + + + + + + + + + + + + 825ea536-aebb-41e9-af32-8baeb2ecb590 + Deconstruct Domain + + + + + Deconstruct a numeric domain into its component parts. + true + 691f17d1-bbdb-448a-b54e-1e865409e7e8 + Deconstruct Domain + Deconstruct Domain + + + + + + 15932 + 4255 + 104 + 44 + + + 15990 + 4277 + + + + + + Base domain + 5b0684ec-6667-4bd3-aeca-b5667acd8e32 + Domain + Domain + false + 5ceefeee-23e8-4da7-a08c-1442c7e18887 + 1 + + + + + + 15934 + 4257 + 41 + 40 + + + 15956 + 4277 + + + + + + + + Start of domain + 2bff9a01-8293-43a1-b4b7-c9738d5df058 + Start + Start + false + 0 + + + + + + 16005 + 4257 + 29 + 20 + + + 16021 + 4267 + + + + + + + + End of domain + 6030e5ac-f796-460e-9439-24a407b26d4d + End + End + false + 0 + + + + + + 16005 + 4277 + 29 + 20 + + + 16021 + 4287 + + + + + + + + + + + + d1a28e95-cf96-4936-bf34-8bf142d731bf + Construct Domain + + + + + Create a numeric domain from two numeric extremes. + true + bd55903f-c50b-419c-a633-6b37cbf47883 + Construct Domain + Construct Domain + + + + + + 15906 + 4211 + 156 + 44 + + + 16004 + 4233 + + + + + + Start value of numeric domain + 4f85dbfb-96b0-4535-b5e0-aa078b12a721 + X*2 + Domain start + Domain start + false + 2bff9a01-8293-43a1-b4b7-c9738d5df058 + 1 + + + + + + 15908 + 4213 + 81 + 20 + + + 15958 + 4223 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + End value of numeric domain + 24a749f5-0427-422d-894b-d34ca3f2e69a + X*6 + Domain end + Domain end + false + 2bff9a01-8293-43a1-b4b7-c9738d5df058 + 1 + + + + + + 15908 + 4233 + 81 + 20 + + + 15958 + 4243 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + Numeric domain between {A} and {B} + c505bbdc-827a-41cd-9177-af5d4793ce40 + Domain + Domain + false + 0 + + + + + + 16019 + 4213 + 41 + 40 + + + 16041 + 4233 + + + + + + + + + + + + e9eb1dcf-92f6-4d4d-84ae-96222d60f56b + Move + + + + + Translate (move) an object along a vector. + true + 211a5e1d-6099-4bf3-a8ed-4f50b4cf4b67 + Move + Move + + + + + + 15915 + 4123 + 138 + 44 + + + 15983 + 4145 + + + + + + Base geometry + 0f1cd786-1a13-4b85-ac22-acba197163e8 + Geometry + Geometry + true + 2b24855a-5847-4611-9f13-b8e04ec02121 + 1 + + + + + + 15917 + 4125 + 51 + 20 + + + 15944 + 4135 + + + + + + + + Translation vector + 8f5fc7fb-6492-4138-baa0-29144cd4d56a + Motion + Motion + false + 0 + + + + + + 15917 + 4145 + 51 + 20 + + + 15944 + 4155 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + -0.5 + -0.5 + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + Translated geometry + d59a732e-f36f-4d6b-9769-5136d271fe0c + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 15998 + 4125 + 53 + 20 + + + 16026 + 4135 + + + + + + + + Transformation data + 70d47dd4-3fb4-41e2-9eb9-b0dcd3c4bf6d + Transform + Transform + false + 0 + + + + + + 15998 + 4145 + 53 + 20 + + + 16026 + 4155 + + + + + + + + + + + + 4d2a06bd-4b0f-4c65-9ee0-4220e4c01703 + Scale + + + + + Scale an object uniformly in all directions. + true + 916b8e47-c5fe-4644-a220-5fd356657d04 + Scale + Scale + + + + + + 15915 + 4059 + 138 + 64 + + + 15983 + 4091 + + + + + + Base geometry + 6827c3c3-099b-4d84-8c98-150294d5b730 + Geometry + Geometry + true + d59a732e-f36f-4d6b-9769-5136d271fe0c + 1 + + + + + + 15917 + 4061 + 51 + 20 + + + 15944 + 4071 + + + + + + + + Center of scaling + a8a7b906-71b3-4f62-b242-f0a45c2a09cd + Center + Center + false + 0 + + + + + + 15917 + 4081 + 51 + 20 + + + 15944 + 4091 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + Scaling factor + ea312742-ff34-45f8-96e1-ce8f0233d28e + Factor + Factor + false + 0 + + + + + + 15917 + 4101 + 51 + 20 + + + 15944 + 4111 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0.5 + + + + + + + + + + + Scaled geometry + cf1853d4-df2a-4276-a8c6-96af9352d595 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 15998 + 4061 + 53 + 30 + + + 16026 + 4076 + + + + + + + + Transformation data + 3d856259-62af-4141-b439-4ea842287e6d + Transform + Transform + false + 0 + + + + + + 15998 + 4091 + 53 + 30 + + + 16026 + 4106 + + + + + + + + + + + + 9abae6b7-fa1d-448c-9209-4a8155345841 + Deconstruct + + + + + Deconstruct a point into its component parts. + true + 34c53d28-e256-457b-9db2-172110443906 + Deconstruct + Deconstruct + + + + + + 15900 + 3931 + 168 + 64 + + + 15947 + 3963 + + + + + + Input point + 2ac59ce4-dd47-467c-b9f1-05f72a1cdcd1 + Point + Point + false + e71121c6-c540-459d-8a10-fca83420a3e7 + 1 + + + + + + 15902 + 3933 + 30 + 60 + + + 15918.5 + 3963 + + + + + + + + Point {x} component + 1e21c222-5d3f-434c-b988-5da75cea8a08 + 2 + X component + X component + false + true + 0 + + + + + + 15962 + 3933 + 104 + 20 + + + 15997.5 + 3943 + + + + + + + + Point {y} component + 384fe443-0728-467e-9223-3329f1c76f51 + 2 + Y component + Y component + false + true + 0 + + + + + + 15962 + 3953 + 104 + 20 + + + 15997.5 + 3963 + + + + + + + + Point {z} component + 319f8b1d-f3b3-4a9e-bdf4-466e59d94e80 + Z component + Z component + false + 0 + + + + + + 15962 + 3973 + 104 + 20 + + + 15997.5 + 3983 + + + + + + + + + + + + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 + Divide Curve + + + + + Divide a curve into equal length segments + true + 52f0e77a-0334-47a9-9412-f1a40304bda6 + Divide Curve + Divide Curve + + + + + + 15922 + 3995 + 125 + 64 + + + 15972 + 4027 + + + + + + Curve to divide + 7ea5995c-84b3-4d6b-ad55-71cfae512522 + Curve + Curve + false + cf1853d4-df2a-4276-a8c6-96af9352d595 + 1 + + + + + + 15924 + 3997 + 33 + 20 + + + 15942 + 4007 + + + + + + + + Number of segments + 71948523-3c11-462e-99b8-9a6724cff12a + Count + Count + false + b52263dc-d073-4865-b181-9e1f37d5704c + 1 + + + + + + 15924 + 4017 + 33 + 20 + + + 15942 + 4027 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 10 + + + + + + + + + + + Split segments at kinks + 8be9e36d-c2fe-4bcd-b625-eba8ead8f267 + Kinks + Kinks + false + 0 + + + + + + 15924 + 4037 + 33 + 20 + + + 15942 + 4047 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + false + + + + + + + + + + + 1 + Division points + e71121c6-c540-459d-8a10-fca83420a3e7 + Points + Points + false + 0 + + + + + + 15987 + 3997 + 58 + 20 + + + 16017.5 + 4007 + + + + + + + + 1 + Tangent vectors at division points + 73d09a00-909b-4922-a8bc-e3afbb6765cd + Tangents + Tangents + false + 0 + + + + + + 15987 + 4017 + 58 + 20 + + + 16017.5 + 4027 + + + + + + + + 1 + Parameter values at division points + a227b50a-3ebe-4075-9ad6-edeecbdba4ed + Parameters + Parameters + false + 0 + + + + + + 15987 + 4037 + 58 + 20 + + + 16017.5 + 4047 + + + + + + + + + + + + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c + Panel + + + + + A panel for custom notes and text values + 6d5a2729-da6e-454f-9e43-324e0f261f09 + Panel + + false + 0 + f00d8ec8-5afd-453d-abd4-e42435959ada + 1 + Double click to edit panel content… + + + + + + 16069 + 3491 + 160 + 292 + + 0 + 0 + 0 + + 16069.73 + 3491.944 + + + + + + + 255;255;255;255 + + true + true + true + false + false + C:\TXT.⠀⠀ⵙꖴꖴᑐᑕᔓᔕᗩⵙߦᑎⵙ✻ⓄⓄᙁⵙᴥⓄᙁⓄᑐᑕⵙᗱᗴ✻ᑎИNⵙᴥⓄꗳⵙᔓᔕ✤ИNꖴⓄߦⵙᗱᗴᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᗝᗱᗴߦᗩᙏⵙᗱᗴᴥᑎ✤ᗩᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᗝᗱᗴᗯꖴᴥᗱᗴᗝⵙ옷✤∷ⵙᗝꖴⓄᙏᕤᕦꖴᔓᔕⵙᗱᗴᴥᑎ✤ᗩᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᴥᗩᗱᗴИNꖴᙁⵙ⠀⠀◯⠀⠀ⵙ⠀⠀◯⠀⠀ⵙᙁꖴИNᗱᗴᗩᴥⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗩ✤ᑎᴥᗱᗴⵙᔓᔕꖴᕤᕦᙏⓄꖴᗝⵙ∷✤옷ⵙᗝᗱᗴᴥꖴᗯᗱᗴᗝⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗩ✤ᑎᴥᗱᗴⵙᙏᗩߦᗱᗴᗝⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗱᗴⵙߦⓄꖴИN✤ᔓᔕⵙꗳⓄᴥⵙИNᑎ✻ᗱᗴⵙᑐᑕⓄᙁⓄᴥⵙᙁⓄⓄ✻ⵙᑎߦⵙᗩᔓᔕᑐᑕꖴꖴⵙ⠀⠀.TXT + true + + + + + + + + + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c + Panel + + + + + A panel for custom notes and text values + e53fdaa6-3fea-4950-8e98-f27ad5daaa72 + Panel + + false + 0 + faca124d-6b25-42c7-96f1-df372520cb87 + 1 + Double click to edit panel content… + + + + + + 15733 + 3491 + 168 + 292 + + 0 + 0 + 0 + + 15733.24 + 3491.944 + + + + + + + 255;255;255;255 + + true + true + true + false + false + C:\TXT.⠀⠀ⵙꖴꖴᑐᑕᔓᔕᗩⵙߦᑎⵙ✻ⓄⓄᙁⵙᴥⓄᙁⓄᑐᑕⵙᗱᗴ✻ᑎИNⵙᴥⓄꗳⵙᔓᔕ✤ИNꖴⓄߦⵙᗱᗴᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᗝᗱᗴߦᗩᙏⵙᗱᗴᴥᑎ✤ᗩᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᗝᗱᗴᗯꖴᴥᗱᗴᗝⵙ옷✤∷ⵙᗝꖴⓄᙏᕤᕦꖴᔓᔕⵙᗱᗴᴥᑎ✤ᗩᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᴥᗩᗱᗴИNꖴᙁⵙ⠀⠀◯⠀⠀ⵙ⠀⠀◯⠀⠀ⵙᙁꖴИNᗱᗴᗩᴥⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗩ✤ᑎᴥᗱᗴⵙᔓᔕꖴᕤᕦᙏⓄꖴᗝⵙ∷✤옷ⵙᗝᗱᗴᴥꖴᗯᗱᗴᗝⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗩ✤ᑎᴥᗱᗴⵙᙏᗩߦᗱᗴᗝⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗱᗴⵙߦⓄꖴИN✤ᔓᔕⵙꗳⓄᴥⵙИNᑎ✻ᗱᗴⵙᑐᑕⓄᙁⓄᴥⵙᙁⓄⓄ✻ⵙᑎߦⵙᗩᔓᔕᑐᑕꖴꖴⵙ⠀⠀.TXT + true + + + + + + + + + 2013e425-8713-42e2-a661-b57e78840337 + Concatenate + + + + + Concatenate some fragments of text + true + bd5c6482-5899-4117-b64a-0e4e974eff04 + Concatenate + Concatenate + + + + + + 15938 + 3427 + 93 + 64 + + + 15964 + 3459 + + + + + + 3 + 3ede854e-c753-40eb-84cb-b48008f14fd4 + 3ede854e-c753-40eb-84cb-b48008f14fd4 + 3ede854e-c753-40eb-84cb-b48008f14fd4 + 1 + 3ede854e-c753-40eb-84cb-b48008f14fd4 + + + + + First text fragment + c1de2554-4f5d-4dda-9ff5-e2e3ab23d1bc + Fragment A + + true + e53fdaa6-3fea-4950-8e98-f27ad5daaa72 + 1 + + + + + + 15940 + 3429 + 9 + 20 + + + 15946 + 3439 + + + + + + + + Second text fragment + a82e8042-13b8-4411-839d-4c249b747226 + Fragment B + + true + c7bceded-cad0-41df-9c20-3eb211da8803 + 1 + + + + + + 15940 + 3449 + 9 + 20 + + + 15946 + 3459 + + + + + + + + Third text fragment + 2245212f-77de-4e0c-b4ba-86087dba11d9 + Fragment A + + true + 6d5a2729-da6e-454f-9e43-324e0f261f09 + 1 + + + + + + 15940 + 3469 + 9 + 20 + + + 15946 + 3479 + + + + + + + + Resulting text consisting of all the fragments + 85b3fbb1-d1c7-4362-86c5-5d34adfd2071 + 1 + Result + Result + false + 0 + + + + + + 15979 + 3429 + 50 + 60 + + + 15997.5 + 3459 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c + Panel + + + + + A panel for custom notes and text values + a4d431df-b07d-49d7-a745-7abcf76d08fc + Panel + + false + 0 + 85b3fbb1-d1c7-4362-86c5-5d34adfd2071 + 1 + Double click to edit panel content… + + + + + + 15891 + 3136 + 187 + 292 + + 0 + 0 + 0 + + 15891.85 + 3136.563 + + + + + + + 255;255;255;255 + + true + true + true + false + false + C:\TXT.⠀⠀ⵙꖴꖴᑐᑕᔓᔕᗩⵙߦᑎⵙ✻ⓄⓄᙁⵙᴥⓄᙁⓄᑐᑕⵙᗱᗴ✻ᑎИNⵙᴥⓄꗳⵙᔓᔕ✤ИNꖴⓄߦⵙᗱᗴᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᗝᗱᗴߦᗩᙏⵙᗱᗴᴥᑎ✤ᗩᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᗝᗱᗴᗯꖴᴥᗱᗴᗝⵙ옷✤∷ⵙᗝꖴⓄᙏᕤᕦꖴᔓᔕⵙᗱᗴᴥᑎ✤ᗩᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᴥᗩᗱᗴИNꖴᙁⵙ⠀⠀◯⠀⠀ⵙ⠀⠀◯⠀⠀ⵙᙁꖴИNᗱᗴᗩᴥⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗩ✤ᑎᴥᗱᗴⵙᔓᔕꖴᕤᕦᙏⓄꖴᗝⵙ∷✤옷ⵙᗝᗱᗴᴥꖴᗯᗱᗴᗝⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗩ✤ᑎᴥᗱᗴⵙᙏᗩߦᗱᗴᗝⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗱᗴⵙߦⓄꖴИN✤ᔓᔕⵙꗳⓄᴥⵙИNᑎ✻ᗱᗴⵙᑐᑕⓄᙁⓄᴥⵙᙁⓄⓄ✻ⵙᑎߦⵙᗩᔓᔕᑐᑕꖴꖴⵙ⠀⠀.TXT + true + + + + + + + + + 1817fd29-20ae-4503-b542-f0fb651e67d7 + List Length + + + + + Measure the length of a list. + true + 673355c1-9bcd-4bb3-b59a-e9c7cdcfb2b9 + List Length + List Length + + + + + + 15938 + 3875 + 93 + 28 + + + 15977 + 3889 + + + + + + 1 + Base list + 2405392e-a355-4296-ad90-27273137561a + List + List + false + e71121c6-c540-459d-8a10-fca83420a3e7 + 1 + + + + + + 15940 + 3877 + 22 + 24 + + + 15952.5 + 3889 + + + + + + + + Number of items in L + 0d5c77f6-ca0c-49e9-a02b-8a8b3a42ba49 + Length + Length + false + 0 + + + + + + 15992 + 3877 + 37 + 24 + + + 16012 + 3889 + + + + + + + + + + + + dd8134c0-109b-4012-92be-51d843edfff7 + Duplicate Data + + + + + Duplicate data a predefined number of times. + true + fb017495-ac3b-4546-93d3-f3360049d05f + Duplicate Data + Duplicate Data + + + + + + 15914 + 3811 + 140 + 64 + + + 15973 + 3843 + + + + + + 1 + Data to duplicate + a983fc13-01d6-4c48-ae75-7c955370abcb + Data + Data + false + 0 + + + + + + 15916 + 3813 + 42 + 20 + + + 15938.5 + 3823 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_String + false + ; + + + + + + + + + + + Number of duplicates + b0766502-7683-4376-946d-93844563c61f + Number + Number + false + 0d5c77f6-ca0c-49e9-a02b-8a8b3a42ba49 + 1 + + + + + + 15916 + 3833 + 42 + 20 + + + 15938.5 + 3843 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 2 + + + + + + + + + + + Retain list order + c7b8084f-384a-4992-a5c9-8f6145f08c7d + Order + Order + false + 0 + + + + + + 15916 + 3853 + 42 + 20 + + + 15938.5 + 3863 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + true + + + + + + + + + + + 1 + Duplicated data + 29ab2c45-7ee5-4ed2-8006-4bca69f55b8d + 2 + Data + Data + false + true + 0 + + + + + + 15988 + 3813 + 64 + 60 + + + 16003.5 + 3843 + + + + + + + + + + + + 9df5e896-552d-4c8c-b9ca-4fc147ffa022 + Expression + + + + + Evaluate an expression + FORMAT("{0:0.00000000}",X) + true + 6f0cbb5d-bfce-4857-b6b6-ca6fcb5cf6f6 + Expression + Expression + + + + + + 15844 + 3903 + 293 + 28 + + + 15981 + 3917 + + + + + + 1 + ba80fd98-91a1-4958-b6a7-a94e40e52bdb + 1 + 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 + + + + + Expression variable + d98f224a-a727-44b0-9be0-459d9c66d485 + Variable X + X + true + 1e21c222-5d3f-434c-b988-5da75cea8a08 + 1 + + + + + + 15846 + 3905 + 14 + 24 + + + 15854.5 + 3917 + + + + + + + + Result of expression + faca124d-6b25-42c7-96f1-df372520cb87 + Result + Result + false + 0 + + + + + + 16101 + 3905 + 34 + 24 + + + 16119.5 + 3917 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 9df5e896-552d-4c8c-b9ca-4fc147ffa022 + Expression + + + + + Evaluate an expression + FORMAT("{0:0.00000000}",Y) + true + f04de142-718c-488e-a35c-3a7d75c6d140 + Expression + Expression + + + + + + 15844 + 3783 + 292 + 28 + + + 15980 + 3797 + + + + + + 1 + ba80fd98-91a1-4958-b6a7-a94e40e52bdb + 1 + 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 + + + + + Expression variable + 2ceefe4d-516e-4ca0-80ba-b820d2a1fb67 + Variable Y + Y + true + 384fe443-0728-467e-9223-3329f1c76f51 + 1 + + + + + + 15846 + 3785 + 13 + 24 + + + 15854 + 3797 + + + + + + + + Result of expression + f00d8ec8-5afd-453d-abd4-e42435959ada + Result + Result + false + 0 + + + + + + 16100 + 3785 + 34 + 24 + + + 16118.5 + 3797 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c + Panel + + + + + A panel for custom notes and text values + c7bceded-cad0-41df-9c20-3eb211da8803 + Panel + + false + 0 + 29ab2c45-7ee5-4ed2-8006-4bca69f55b8d + 1 + Double click to edit panel content… + + + + + + 15901 + 3491 + 168 + 292 + + 0 + 0 + 0 + + 15901.93 + 3491.944 + + + + + + + 255;255;255;255 + + true + true + true + false + false + C:\TXT.⠀⠀ⵙꖴꖴᑐᑕᔓᔕᗩⵙߦᑎⵙ✻ⓄⓄᙁⵙᴥⓄᙁⓄᑐᑕⵙᗱᗴ✻ᑎИNⵙᴥⓄꗳⵙᔓᔕ✤ИNꖴⓄߦⵙᗱᗴᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᗝᗱᗴߦᗩᙏⵙᗱᗴᴥᑎ✤ᗩᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᗝᗱᗴᗯꖴᴥᗱᗴᗝⵙ옷✤∷ⵙᗝꖴⓄᙏᕤᕦꖴᔓᔕⵙᗱᗴᴥᑎ✤ᗩᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᴥᗩᗱᗴИNꖴᙁⵙ⠀⠀◯⠀⠀ⵙ⠀⠀◯⠀⠀ⵙᙁꖴИNᗱᗴᗩᴥⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗩ✤ᑎᴥᗱᗴⵙᔓᔕꖴᕤᕦᙏⓄꖴᗝⵙ∷✤옷ⵙᗝᗱᗴᴥꖴᗯᗱᗴᗝⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗩ✤ᑎᴥᗱᗴⵙᙏᗩߦᗱᗴᗝⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗱᗴⵙߦⓄꖴИN✤ᔓᔕⵙꗳⓄᴥⵙИNᑎ✻ᗱᗴⵙᑐᑕⓄᙁⓄᴥⵙᙁⓄⓄ✻ⵙᑎߦⵙᗩᔓᔕᑐᑕꖴꖴⵙ⠀⠀.TXT + true + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + cb5ce0d8-506d-4f12-ba2b-deb7a89f3446 + 38a6cbfa-7f5c-4428-a9a0-809ec940ffa6 + 70783657-b319-4bf0-8a92-f03c33fa3fa6 + 2ecc27d8-cc4a-4e6a-9a24-930c088b1ca5 + f8cf2c52-6396-40fc-bc0c-5f2e1f8e451f + a80d4329-ea38-4fae-8dcf-fa659f06c089 + 122b43ef-b235-4202-8103-a763902b1666 + c3d5c659-5c5d-4450-9c03-ca011884b403 + 34a8f433-81f4-4177-9f4e-485ea3659f00 + 691f17d1-bbdb-448a-b54e-1e865409e7e8 + bd55903f-c50b-419c-a633-6b37cbf47883 + 211a5e1d-6099-4bf3-a8ed-4f50b4cf4b67 + 916b8e47-c5fe-4644-a220-5fd356657d04 + 34c53d28-e256-457b-9db2-172110443906 + 52f0e77a-0334-47a9-9412-f1a40304bda6 + 6d5a2729-da6e-454f-9e43-324e0f261f09 + e53fdaa6-3fea-4950-8e98-f27ad5daaa72 + bd5c6482-5899-4117-b64a-0e4e974eff04 + a4d431df-b07d-49d7-a745-7abcf76d08fc + 673355c1-9bcd-4bb3-b59a-e9c7cdcfb2b9 + fb017495-ac3b-4546-93d3-f3360049d05f + 6f0cbb5d-bfce-4857-b6b6-ca6fcb5cf6f6 + f04de142-718c-488e-a35c-3a7d75c6d140 + c7bceded-cad0-41df-9c20-3eb211da8803 + b532cbaa-02c1-4f9c-b5ec-3152dc435067 + 2f424534-8a45-407c-be68-a219fdc10b1c + 5f21908e-daba-4927-8647-804c8d2f1ac0 + 27 + bf854141-cc04-4302-a8b7-2f57029652f7 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + 9df5e896-552d-4c8c-b9ca-4fc147ffa022 + Expression + + + + + Evaluate an expression + FORMAT("{0:R}",X) + true + 383ca917-663a-4b8b-97f8-8439445de4ac + Expression + Expression + + + + + + 15575 + -194 + 219 + 28 + + + 15675 + -180 + + + + + + 1 + ba80fd98-91a1-4958-b6a7-a94e40e52bdb + 1 + 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 + + + + + Expression variable + c4c9ad4c-c4f8-41d3-92fc-ea498513f011 + Variable X + X + true + 00e63471-b5d2-4d79-ba35-10577da6e2ae + 1 + + + + + + 15577 + -192 + 14 + 24 + + + 15585.5 + -180 + + + + + + + + Result of expression + 1f25ee0f-5e22-4b0c-9e55-c8031ce472c4 + Result + Result + false + 0 + + + + + + 15758 + -192 + 34 + 24 + + + 15776.5 + -180 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c + Panel + + + + + A panel for custom notes and text values + 74b79b55-4bac-410f-bd8a-411d280f80c7 + Panel + + false + 0.0086979866027832031 + 9431cffd-4415-457b-9f3d-019088ff41a2 + 1 + Double click to edit panel content… + + + + + + 15927 + -354 + 202 + 274 + + 0 + 0 + 0 + + 15927.84 + -353.6943 + + + + + + + 255;255;255;255 + + true + true + true + false + false + true + + + + + + + + + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b + Relay + + + + + 2 + A wire relay object + 39e266ee-2cd9-4cdf-bf26-4926643a1d82 + Relay + + false + 7e758a92-714b-45ab-90f2-f3da5fe6ae40 + 1 + + + + + + 15572 + -1763 + 40 + 16 + + + 15592 + -1755 + + + + + + + + + + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b + Relay + + + + + 2 + A wire relay object + 9c929d1c-e68c-4d96-9997-7d7c9eba66f6 + Relay + + false + 7e758a92-714b-45ab-90f2-f3da5fe6ae40 + 1 + + + + + + 15572 + -1747 + 40 + 16 + + + 15592 + -1739 + + + + + + + + + + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b + Relay + + + + + 2 + A wire relay object + 7e758a92-714b-45ab-90f2-f3da5fe6ae40 + Relay + + false + 3665d975-851a-4aeb-81e4-a4135dc35dcc + 1 + + + + + + 15532 + -1715 + 40 + 16 + + + 15552 + -1707 + + + + + + + + + + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b + Relay + + + + + 2 + A wire relay object + f8efd37e-d073-40fe-a52b-26c91ddf4347 + Relay + + false + 7e758a92-714b-45ab-90f2-f3da5fe6ae40 + 1 + + + + + + 15572 + -1731 + 40 + 16 + + + 15592 + -1723 + + + + + + + + + + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b + Relay + + + + + 2 + A wire relay object + d41aa121-c1da-4ebb-a049-b9e515f63154 + Relay + + false + 7e758a92-714b-45ab-90f2-f3da5fe6ae40 + 1 + + + + + + 15572 + -1715 + 40 + 16 + + + 15592 + -1707 + + + + + + + + + + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b + Relay + + + + + 2 + A wire relay object + 493dd7fe-4849-422f-8fb9-322423d271af + Relay + + false + 7e758a92-714b-45ab-90f2-f3da5fe6ae40 + 1 + + + + + + 15572 + -1699 + 40 + 16 + + + 15592 + -1691 + + + + + + + + + + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b + Relay + + + + + 2 + A wire relay object + 1ad01192-f99c-4eeb-8d64-8ac4ca1fe68f + Relay + + false + 7e758a92-714b-45ab-90f2-f3da5fe6ae40 + 1 + + + + + + 15572 + -1683 + 40 + 16 + + + 15592 + -1675 + + + + + + + + + + b6236720-8d88-4289-93c3-ac4c99f9b97b + Relay + + + + + 2 + A wire relay object + 72c6ef13-fc8b-4d16-9ab1-9190c1232a20 + Relay + + false + 7e758a92-714b-45ab-90f2-f3da5fe6ae40 + 1 + + + + + + 15572 + -1667 + 40 + 16 + + + 15592 + -1659 + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 6a95962d-3de5-43a2-8f95-eff7b3c69cac + 39e266ee-2cd9-4cdf-bf26-4926643a1d82 + 9c929d1c-e68c-4d96-9997-7d7c9eba66f6 + 7e758a92-714b-45ab-90f2-f3da5fe6ae40 + f8efd37e-d073-40fe-a52b-26c91ddf4347 + d41aa121-c1da-4ebb-a049-b9e515f63154 + 493dd7fe-4849-422f-8fb9-322423d271af + 1ad01192-f99c-4eeb-8d64-8ac4ca1fe68f + 72c6ef13-fc8b-4d16-9ab1-9190c1232a20 + 9 + cdc65b1c-1f11-4f91-aa07-77035bc5edee + Group + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 28cfcc75-e45f-41cc-8666-160749919fbe + 24282f2a-6b6f-425a-8858-2efb0444c505 + f9facd1c-8059-4591-8517-d91c016c6c6e + 28ce8f8a-074e-4ccc-8e1b-4893d97df2d0 + 7bd4d59a-cfa6-4941-bf30-3603f4655b7d + 238c2824-8c83-4b01-86cb-a6626558bb46 + 051b7fac-1f2b-4f6d-881a-a8560a046458 + 681eb226-74dc-4d40-a2f1-00d9f92dab2f + 15a3e01d-6c81-4c40-9f44-fef06e169d8e + fb8a2e64-6343-4dfd-8dd7-82de599fffd9 + da4ff730-7aef-47d7-9556-f6c15f0c7b9c + 0ce2b452-72f0-4dca-af2b-d58752900458 + 08a5e0c5-e998-4403-beed-496c970d983c + 79ea9cf1-da5f-4ad3-9d3a-1214a62e2cf5 + 0acbcfea-2599-4fe2-8bd0-71a3de84eee9 + cef8760d-1396-4dc5-9148-7b60f7e14cba + 16 + cc21efb7-30e1-410d-9eb7-22147e03af71 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + d5967b9f-e8ee-436b-a8ad-29fdcecf32d5 + Curve + + + + + Contains a collection of generic curves + true + c1951d0a-03f1-4e04-8468-9ab895209f96 + Curve + Curve + false + 6c63d7ac-ace2-4fcc-beff-cfba8e16b088 + 1 + + + + + + 15270 + 4628 + 50 + 24 + + + 15295.54 + 4640.764 + + + + + + + + + + 9abae6b7-fa1d-448c-9209-4a8155345841 + Deconstruct + + + + + Deconstruct a point into its component parts. + true + caad3f4f-c519-4c2c-9357-81211b59630d + Deconstruct + Deconstruct + + + + + + 15220 + 4499 + 148 + 64 + + + 15267 + 4531 + + + + + + Input point + df053207-8ed0-49ec-9509-f56cb6e20159 + Point + Point + false + 55a9ad02-4d90-4e6c-a5aa-b241119a458c + 1 + + + + + + 15222 + 4501 + 30 + 60 + + + 15238.5 + 4531 + + + + + + + + Point {x} component + f23280e4-3aa6-4674-a017-5baa2d8ffcec + 2 + X component + X component + false + 0 + + + + + + 15282 + 4501 + 84 + 20 + + + 15317.5 + 4511 + + + + + + + + Point {y} component + 31b71790-2609-44bf-9eae-0cc4af23b8eb + 2 + Y component + Y component + false + 0 + + + + + + 15282 + 4521 + 84 + 20 + + + 15317.5 + 4531 + + + + + + + + Point {z} component + 495d09b3-213a-44a6-82bc-414ad2f6e175 + Z component + Z component + false + 0 + + + + + + 15282 + 4541 + 84 + 20 + + + 15317.5 + 4551 + + + + + + + + + + + + 2162e72e-72fc-4bf8-9459-d4d82fa8aa14 + Divide Curve + + + + + Divide a curve into equal length segments + true + 7432e921-6641-496d-8312-20059fb1349e + Divide Curve + Divide Curve + + + + + + 15232 + 4563 + 125 + 64 + + + 15282 + 4595 + + + + + + Curve to divide + 722051cd-4c3b-4d9d-8f87-7a946dca585d + Curve + Curve + false + c1951d0a-03f1-4e04-8468-9ab895209f96 + 1 + + + + + + 15234 + 4565 + 33 + 20 + + + 15252 + 4575 + + + + + + + + Number of segments + a24e39bb-7661-44ab-a814-93b50f49d88c + Count + Count + false + b52263dc-d073-4865-b181-9e1f37d5704c + 1 + + + + + + 15234 + 4585 + 33 + 20 + + + 15252 + 4595 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 10 + + + + + + + + + + + Split segments at kinks + 8e07b0f4-5201-42f8-9a93-1b1db40f9a43 + Kinks + Kinks + false + 0 + + + + + + 15234 + 4605 + 33 + 20 + + + 15252 + 4615 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + false + + + + + + + + + + + 1 + Division points + 55a9ad02-4d90-4e6c-a5aa-b241119a458c + Points + Points + false + 0 + + + + + + 15297 + 4565 + 58 + 20 + + + 15327.5 + 4575 + + + + + + + + 1 + Tangent vectors at division points + 08fb9dab-2f47-4944-a4b1-9b0eadeb6911 + Tangents + Tangents + false + 0 + + + + + + 15297 + 4585 + 58 + 20 + + + 15327.5 + 4595 + + + + + + + + 1 + Parameter values at division points + 6db8ebcb-65a8-463f-bbc2-ab1ce9f94631 + Parameters + Parameters + false + 0 + + + + + + 15297 + 4605 + 58 + 20 + + + 15327.5 + 4615 + + + + + + + + + + + + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c + Panel + + + + + A panel for custom notes and text values + dbcd7d35-84a6-45f3-b7f3-6f8fac71a4e6 + Panel + + false + 0 + db0b0e93-cdaa-4261-8694-ca97f8f01381 + 1 + Double click to edit panel content… + + + + + + 15380 + 4062 + 160 + 292 + + 0 + 0 + 0 + + 15380.64 + 4062.462 + + + + + + + 255;255;255;255 + + true + true + true + false + false + C:\TXT.⠀⠀ⵙꖴꖴᑐᑕᔓᔕᗩⵙߦᑎⵙ✻ⓄⓄᙁⵙᴥⓄᙁⓄᑐᑕⵙᗱᗴ✻ᑎИNⵙᴥⓄꗳⵙᔓᔕ✤ИNꖴⓄߦⵙᗱᗴᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᗝᗱᗴߦᗩᙏⵙᗱᗴᴥᑎ✤ᗩᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᗝᗱᗴᗯꖴᴥᗱᗴᗝⵙ옷✤∷ⵙᗝꖴⓄᙏᕤᕦꖴᔓᔕⵙᗱᗴᴥᑎ✤ᗩᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᴥᗩᗱᗴИNꖴᙁⵙ⠀⠀◯⠀⠀ⵙ⠀⠀◯⠀⠀ⵙᙁꖴИNᗱᗴᗩᴥⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗩ✤ᑎᴥᗱᗴⵙᔓᔕꖴᕤᕦᙏⓄꖴᗝⵙ∷✤옷ⵙᗝᗱᗴᴥꖴᗯᗱᗴᗝⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗩ✤ᑎᴥᗱᗴⵙᙏᗩߦᗱᗴᗝⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗱᗴⵙߦⓄꖴИN✤ᔓᔕⵙꗳⓄᴥⵙИNᑎ✻ᗱᗴⵙᑐᑕⓄᙁⓄᴥⵙᙁⓄⓄ✻ⵙᑎߦⵙᗩᔓᔕᑐᑕꖴꖴⵙ⠀⠀.TXT + true + + + + + + + + + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c + Panel + + + + + A panel for custom notes and text values + b27da582-6220-4bec-adf5-e6f87e6caff1 + Panel + + false + 0 + 71e58e80-d6fd-496d-97e6-6681441234d2 + 1 + Double click to edit panel content… + + + + + + 15044 + 4062 + 168 + 292 + + 0 + 0 + 0 + + 15044.58 + 4062.462 + + + + + + + 255;255;255;255 + + true + true + true + false + false + C:\TXT.⠀⠀ⵙꖴꖴᑐᑕᔓᔕᗩⵙߦᑎⵙ✻ⓄⓄᙁⵙᴥⓄᙁⓄᑐᑕⵙᗱᗴ✻ᑎИNⵙᴥⓄꗳⵙᔓᔕ✤ИNꖴⓄߦⵙᗱᗴᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᗝᗱᗴߦᗩᙏⵙᗱᗴᴥᑎ✤ᗩᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᗝᗱᗴᗯꖴᴥᗱᗴᗝⵙ옷✤∷ⵙᗝꖴⓄᙏᕤᕦꖴᔓᔕⵙᗱᗴᴥᑎ✤ᗩᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᴥᗩᗱᗴИNꖴᙁⵙ⠀⠀◯⠀⠀ⵙ⠀⠀◯⠀⠀ⵙᙁꖴИNᗱᗴᗩᴥⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗩ✤ᑎᴥᗱᗴⵙᔓᔕꖴᕤᕦᙏⓄꖴᗝⵙ∷✤옷ⵙᗝᗱᗴᴥꖴᗯᗱᗴᗝⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗩ✤ᑎᴥᗱᗴⵙᙏᗩߦᗱᗴᗝⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗱᗴⵙߦⓄꖴИN✤ᔓᔕⵙꗳⓄᴥⵙИNᑎ✻ᗱᗴⵙᑐᑕⓄᙁⓄᴥⵙᙁⓄⓄ✻ⵙᑎߦⵙᗩᔓᔕᑐᑕꖴꖴⵙ⠀⠀.TXT + true + + + + + + + + + 2013e425-8713-42e2-a661-b57e78840337 + Concatenate + + + + + Concatenate some fragments of text + true + 85e9915d-92d4-4cd7-8c73-276255a49d8d + Concatenate + Concatenate + + + + + + 15248 + 3995 + 93 + 64 + + + 15274 + 4027 + + + + + + 3 + 3ede854e-c753-40eb-84cb-b48008f14fd4 + 3ede854e-c753-40eb-84cb-b48008f14fd4 + 3ede854e-c753-40eb-84cb-b48008f14fd4 + 1 + 3ede854e-c753-40eb-84cb-b48008f14fd4 + + + + + First text fragment + b3ffbfd7-13af-4b9f-b18c-e91a54067af1 + Fragment A + + true + b27da582-6220-4bec-adf5-e6f87e6caff1 + 1 + + + + + + 15250 + 3997 + 9 + 20 + + + 15256 + 4007 + + + + + + + + Second text fragment + 64fb3e82-0e85-462c-a64b-1a31f9dfa25b + Fragment B + + true + f6750a93-7e05-4ed9-912c-566e70e9073c + 1 + + + + + + 15250 + 4017 + 9 + 20 + + + 15256 + 4027 + + + + + + + + Third text fragment + f93b130d-f7d7-4493-969d-554f4737f091 + Fragment A + + true + dbcd7d35-84a6-45f3-b7f3-6f8fac71a4e6 + 1 + + + + + + 15250 + 4037 + 9 + 20 + + + 15256 + 4047 + + + + + + + + Resulting text consisting of all the fragments + f606fb51-06a1-4f8f-b481-ccff0d2aded4 + 1 + Result + Result + false + 0 + + + + + + 15289 + 3997 + 50 + 60 + + + 15307.5 + 4027 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c + Panel + + + + + A panel for custom notes and text values + edfd48e5-2dde-49d4-9454-2de66711d109 + Panel + + false + 0 + f606fb51-06a1-4f8f-b481-ccff0d2aded4 + 1 + Double click to edit panel content… + + + + + + 15201 + 3705 + 187 + 292 + + 0 + 0 + 0 + + 15201.99 + 3705.93 + + + + + + + 255;255;255;255 + + true + true + true + false + false + C:\TXT.⠀⠀ⵙꖴꖴᑐᑕᔓᔕᗩⵙߦᑎⵙ✻ⓄⓄᙁⵙᴥⓄᙁⓄᑐᑕⵙᗱᗴ✻ᑎИNⵙᴥⓄꗳⵙᔓᔕ✤ИNꖴⓄߦⵙᗱᗴᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᗝᗱᗴߦᗩᙏⵙᗱᗴᴥᑎ✤ᗩᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᗝᗱᗴᗯꖴᴥᗱᗴᗝⵙ옷✤∷ⵙᗝꖴⓄᙏᕤᕦꖴᔓᔕⵙᗱᗴᴥᑎ✤ᗩᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᴥᗩᗱᗴИNꖴᙁⵙ⠀⠀◯⠀⠀ⵙ⠀⠀◯⠀⠀ⵙᙁꖴИNᗱᗴᗩᴥⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗩ✤ᑎᴥᗱᗴⵙᔓᔕꖴᕤᕦᙏⓄꖴᗝⵙ∷✤옷ⵙᗝᗱᗴᴥꖴᗯᗱᗴᗝⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗩ✤ᑎᴥᗱᗴⵙᙏᗩߦᗱᗴᗝⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗱᗴⵙߦⓄꖴИN✤ᔓᔕⵙꗳⓄᴥⵙИNᑎ✻ᗱᗴⵙᑐᑕⓄᙁⓄᴥⵙᙁⓄⓄ✻ⵙᑎߦⵙᗩᔓᔕᑐᑕꖴꖴⵙ⠀⠀.TXT + true + + + + + + + + + 1817fd29-20ae-4503-b542-f0fb651e67d7 + List Length + + + + + Measure the length of a list. + true + 04373698-2c95-41fb-8f21-34ef68f2b817 + List Length + List Length + + + + + + 15248 + 4443 + 93 + 28 + + + 15287 + 4457 + + + + + + 1 + Base list + 8b63128e-c677-44da-a9ff-836fc35639bd + List + List + false + 55a9ad02-4d90-4e6c-a5aa-b241119a458c + 1 + + + + + + 15250 + 4445 + 22 + 24 + + + 15262.5 + 4457 + + + + + + + + Number of items in L + a3ab15e9-2bde-4f2c-a9be-ccb093cef095 + Length + Length + false + 0 + + + + + + 15302 + 4445 + 37 + 24 + + + 15322 + 4457 + + + + + + + + + + + + dd8134c0-109b-4012-92be-51d843edfff7 + Duplicate Data + + + + + Duplicate data a predefined number of times. + true + 00c379f4-3703-4218-9fe6-bdee991b3429 + Duplicate Data + Duplicate Data + + + + + + 15224 + 4379 + 140 + 64 + + + 15283 + 4411 + + + + + + 1 + Data to duplicate + 8b4a2bb0-b4e6-4b22-9ce0-f41cd62f405d + Data + Data + false + 0 + + + + + + 15226 + 4381 + 42 + 20 + + + 15248.5 + 4391 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_String + false + ; + + + + + + + + + + + Number of duplicates + d772be82-0788-4133-8ecd-84f8ab792c68 + Number + Number + false + a3ab15e9-2bde-4f2c-a9be-ccb093cef095 + 1 + + + + + + 15226 + 4401 + 42 + 20 + + + 15248.5 + 4411 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 2 + + + + + + + + + + + Retain list order + 4da3bf93-be0d-4047-9aaf-57f4a78b5afd + Order + Order + false + 0 + + + + + + 15226 + 4421 + 42 + 20 + + + 15248.5 + 4431 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + true + + + + + + + + + + + 1 + Duplicated data + 1f9a2e19-2903-412d-b2df-c1235ff7a16d + 2 + Data + Data + false + true + 0 + + + + + + 15298 + 4381 + 64 + 60 + + + 15313.5 + 4411 + + + + + + + + + + + + 9df5e896-552d-4c8c-b9ca-4fc147ffa022 + Expression + + + + + Evaluate an expression + FORMAT("{0:0.00000000}",X) + true + a72647a9-a856-4368-8c7f-2a0247c79dc0 + Expression + Expression + + + + + + 15140 + 4471 + 309 + 28 + + + 15277 + 4485 + + + + + + 1 + ba80fd98-91a1-4958-b6a7-a94e40e52bdb + 1 + 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 + + + + + Expression variable + 86464136-3460-4e4a-916f-22c0628beec1 + Variable X + X + true + f23280e4-3aa6-4674-a017-5baa2d8ffcec + 1 + + + + + + 15142 + 4473 + 14 + 24 + + + 15150.5 + 4485 + + + + + + + + Result of expression + 71e58e80-d6fd-496d-97e6-6681441234d2 + Result + Result + false + true + 0 + + + + + + 15397 + 4473 + 50 + 24 + + + 15415.5 + 4485 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 9df5e896-552d-4c8c-b9ca-4fc147ffa022 + Expression + + + + + Evaluate an expression + FORMAT("{0:0.00000000}",Y) + true + a00ad3f2-ef17-47f4-a4fe-1f105d80cce0 + Expression + Expression + + + + + + 15140 + 4351 + 308 + 28 + + + 15276 + 4365 + + + + + + 1 + ba80fd98-91a1-4958-b6a7-a94e40e52bdb + 1 + 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 + + + + + Expression variable + aeaa5002-98f6-4e9a-bb9c-e32da483fa1a + Variable Y + Y + true + 31b71790-2609-44bf-9eae-0cc4af23b8eb + 1 + + + + + + 15142 + 4353 + 13 + 24 + + + 15150 + 4365 + + + + + + + + Result of expression + db0b0e93-cdaa-4261-8694-ca97f8f01381 + Result + Result + false + true + 0 + + + + + + 15396 + 4353 + 50 + 24 + + + 15414.5 + 4365 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c + Panel + + + + + A panel for custom notes and text values + f6750a93-7e05-4ed9-912c-566e70e9073c + Panel + + false + 0 + 1f9a2e19-2903-412d-b2df-c1235ff7a16d + 1 + Double click to edit panel content… + + + + + + 15211 + 4062 + 168 + 292 + + 0 + 0 + 0 + + 15211.31 + 4062.462 + + + + + + + 255;255;255;255 + + true + true + true + false + false + C:\TXT.⠀⠀ⵙꖴꖴᑐᑕᔓᔕᗩⵙߦᑎⵙ✻ⓄⓄᙁⵙᴥⓄᙁⓄᑐᑕⵙᗱᗴ✻ᑎИNⵙᴥⓄꗳⵙᔓᔕ✤ИNꖴⓄߦⵙᗱᗴᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᗝᗱᗴߦᗩᙏⵙᗱᗴᴥᑎ✤ᗩᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᗝᗱᗴᗯꖴᴥᗱᗴᗝⵙ옷✤∷ⵙᗝꖴⓄᙏᕤᕦꖴᔓᔕⵙᗱᗴᴥᑎ✤ᗩᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᴥᗩᗱᗴИNꖴᙁⵙ⠀⠀◯⠀⠀ⵙ⠀⠀◯⠀⠀ⵙᙁꖴИNᗱᗴᗩᴥⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗩ✤ᑎᴥᗱᗴⵙᔓᔕꖴᕤᕦᙏⓄꖴᗝⵙ∷✤옷ⵙᗝᗱᗴᴥꖴᗯᗱᗴᗝⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗩ✤ᑎᴥᗱᗴⵙᙏᗩߦᗱᗴᗝⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗱᗴⵙߦⓄꖴИN✤ᔓᔕⵙꗳⓄᴥⵙИNᑎ✻ᗱᗴⵙᑐᑕⓄᙁⓄᴥⵙᙁⓄⓄ✻ⵙᑎߦⵙᗩᔓᔕᑐᑕꖴꖴⵙ⠀⠀.TXT + true + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + c1951d0a-03f1-4e04-8468-9ab895209f96 + d8eea3ec-5157-4ac0-92dd-492058fad237 + 59c8374e-36a2-40df-af0f-1946fb9c4c2e + 6a58cb78-3aa0-4c67-9585-8364f6f684f5 + 2aafa1cf-f50a-4433-9467-6e2ba9b0a462 + 2ac06252-6a62-48fb-9825-5298bdbe9536 + 30aa3e57-dd88-4f54-ad69-4b2473594537 + 3662d19c-7316-4361-b4a3-db2bbd218382 + b60eeacc-25e7-4f56-826d-40476555687d + 71a4b562-3bee-43d5-9fb6-1c99bc3cd4cb + ee5295ed-8446-4093-9cff-155530db048a + 10338e33-43fc-4848-9f86-5e4608e349ae + 5c73a0f5-f091-4315-897f-65bd97a0d6aa + caad3f4f-c519-4c2c-9357-81211b59630d + 7432e921-6641-496d-8312-20059fb1349e + dbcd7d35-84a6-45f3-b7f3-6f8fac71a4e6 + b27da582-6220-4bec-adf5-e6f87e6caff1 + 85e9915d-92d4-4cd7-8c73-276255a49d8d + edfd48e5-2dde-49d4-9454-2de66711d109 + 04373698-2c95-41fb-8f21-34ef68f2b817 + 00c379f4-3703-4218-9fe6-bdee991b3429 + a72647a9-a856-4368-8c7f-2a0247c79dc0 + a00ad3f2-ef17-47f4-a4fe-1f105d80cce0 + f6750a93-7e05-4ed9-912c-566e70e9073c + cfd933fe-bb56-467c-87d1-da847d35cd78 + 4e373c6c-d207-4c9d-9f66-546653171f6b + 4864a643-b22f-4bcd-b943-29f744057c3f + 27 + 316bf690-7cf4-4754-adf5-7f3c2be2a928 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + 079bd9bd-54a0-41d4-98af-db999015f63d + VB Script + + + + + A VB.NET scriptable component + true + cfd933fe-bb56-467c-87d1-da847d35cd78 + VB Script + TxtWriter + true + 0 + If activate Then + + Dim i As Integer + Dim aryText(4) As String + + aryText(0) = "Mary WriteLine" + aryText(1) = "Had" + aryText(2) = "Another" + aryText(3) = "Little" + aryText(4) = "One" + + ' the data is appended to the file. If file doesnt exist, a new file is created + Dim objWriter As New System.IO.StreamWriter(filePath, append) + + For i = 0 To data.Count - 1 + objWriter.WriteLine(data(i)) + Next + + objWriter.Close() + + End If + + If clearFile Then + Dim objWriter As New System.IO.StreamWriter(filePath, False) + objWriter.Close() + End If + + + + + + + 15245 + 3575 + 99 + 104 + + + 15305 + 3627 + + + + + + 5 + 84fa917c-1ed8-4db3-8be1-7bdc4a6495a2 + 84fa917c-1ed8-4db3-8be1-7bdc4a6495a2 + 84fa917c-1ed8-4db3-8be1-7bdc4a6495a2 + 84fa917c-1ed8-4db3-8be1-7bdc4a6495a2 + 84fa917c-1ed8-4db3-8be1-7bdc4a6495a2 + 2 + 3ede854e-c753-40eb-84cb-b48008f14fd4 + 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 + + + + + true + Script Variable filePath + 8cfbd65a-5401-4c2b-a8f6-0fbba1241680 + filePath + filePath + true + 0 + true + 4e373c6c-d207-4c9d-9f66-546653171f6b + 1 + abf1fd1b-dbe5-4be6-9832-d8dc105e207f + + + + + + 15247 + 3577 + 43 + 20 + + + 15270 + 3587 + + + + + + + + 1 + true + Script Variable data + 873fbd4e-aabe-4bf0-99ea-914f18e397c6 + data + data + true + 1 + true + edfd48e5-2dde-49d4-9454-2de66711d109 + 1 + abf1fd1b-dbe5-4be6-9832-d8dc105e207f + + + + + + 15247 + 3597 + 43 + 20 + + + 15270 + 3607 + + + + + + + + true + Script Variable append + 68d096ec-a50f-4e4c-b0d4-503e50ad16d1 + append + append + true + 0 + true + 0 + 3cda2745-22ac-4244-9b04-97a5255fa60f + + + + + + 15247 + 3617 + 43 + 20 + + + 15270 + 3627 + + + + + + + + true + Script Variable activate + cc6ee556-a1d2-4c35-af1f-d3405c5c9da5 + activate + activate + true + 0 + true + 4864a643-b22f-4bcd-b943-29f744057c3f + 1 + 3cda2745-22ac-4244-9b04-97a5255fa60f + + + + + + 15247 + 3637 + 43 + 20 + + + 15270 + 3647 + + + + + + + + true + Script Variable clearFile + cda11541-92c1-4a62-a383-58a447dff85c + clearFile + clearFile + true + 0 + true + 0 + 3cda2745-22ac-4244-9b04-97a5255fa60f + + + + + + 15247 + 3657 + 43 + 20 + + + 15270 + 3667 + + + + + + + + Print, Reflect and Error streams + 12e31d45-e546-45bf-a5da-f66712678818 + out + out + false + 0 + + + + + + 15320 + 3577 + 22 + 50 + + + 15332.5 + 3602 + + + + + + + + Output parameter A + 0ef8c6c0-5042-4398-adf3-fe71a57e2aa6 + A + A + false + 0 + + + + + + 15320 + 3627 + 22 + 50 + + + 15332.5 + 3652 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 06953bda-1d37-4d58-9b38-4b3c74e54c8f + File Path + + + + + Contains a collection of file paths + false + All files|*.* + 4e373c6c-d207-4c9d-9f66-546653171f6b + File Path + File Path + false + 0 + + + + + + 15270 + 3681 + 50 + 24 + + + 15295.72 + 3693.651 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + false + C:\VSC.O____EWRUC_ERUTAWRUC_RAENIL_MORF_NOITAWIRED_DR3____O____3RD_DERIWATION_FROM_LINEAR_CURWATURE_CURWE____O.CSV + + + + + + + + + + + + + a8b97322-2d53-47cd-905e-b932c3ccd74e + Button + + + + + Button object with two values + False + True + 4864a643-b22f-4bcd-b943-29f744057c3f + Button + + false + 0 + + + + + + 15261 + 3553 + 66 + 22 + + + + + + + + + + 079bd9bd-54a0-41d4-98af-db999015f63d + VB Script + + + + + A VB.NET scriptable component + true + b532cbaa-02c1-4f9c-b5ec-3152dc435067 + VB Script + TxtWriter + true + 0 + If activate Then + + Dim i As Integer + Dim aryText(4) As String + + aryText(0) = "Mary WriteLine" + aryText(1) = "Had" + aryText(2) = "Another" + aryText(3) = "Little" + aryText(4) = "One" + + ' the data is appended to the file. If file doesnt exist, a new file is created + Dim objWriter As New System.IO.StreamWriter(filePath, append) + + For i = 0 To data.Count - 1 + objWriter.WriteLine(data(i)) + Next + + objWriter.Close() + + End If + + If clearFile Then + Dim objWriter As New System.IO.StreamWriter(filePath, False) + objWriter.Close() + End If + + + + + + + 15935 + 3007 + 99 + 104 + + + 15995 + 3059 + + + + + + 5 + 84fa917c-1ed8-4db3-8be1-7bdc4a6495a2 + 84fa917c-1ed8-4db3-8be1-7bdc4a6495a2 + 84fa917c-1ed8-4db3-8be1-7bdc4a6495a2 + 84fa917c-1ed8-4db3-8be1-7bdc4a6495a2 + 84fa917c-1ed8-4db3-8be1-7bdc4a6495a2 + 2 + 3ede854e-c753-40eb-84cb-b48008f14fd4 + 8ec86459-bf01-4409-baee-174d0d2b13d0 + + + + + true + Script Variable filePath + 5ff65a37-aa4e-465e-805b-86b7270f60eb + filePath + filePath + true + 0 + true + 2f424534-8a45-407c-be68-a219fdc10b1c + 1 + abf1fd1b-dbe5-4be6-9832-d8dc105e207f + + + + + + 15937 + 3009 + 43 + 20 + + + 15960 + 3019 + + + + + + + + 1 + true + Script Variable data + 2673150c-c755-4d21-a42f-f3de5ee0bdf2 + data + data + true + 1 + true + a4d431df-b07d-49d7-a745-7abcf76d08fc + 1 + abf1fd1b-dbe5-4be6-9832-d8dc105e207f + + + + + + 15937 + 3029 + 43 + 20 + + + 15960 + 3039 + + + + + + + + true + Script Variable append + abd634da-3001-4f9f-b5f6-1bc0805a6b30 + append + append + true + 0 + true + 0 + 3cda2745-22ac-4244-9b04-97a5255fa60f + + + + + + 15937 + 3049 + 43 + 20 + + + 15960 + 3059 + + + + + + + + true + Script Variable activate + 30296842-1c42-4c10-921b-2b5d98f6c15a + activate + activate + true + 0 + true + 5f21908e-daba-4927-8647-804c8d2f1ac0 + 1 + 3cda2745-22ac-4244-9b04-97a5255fa60f + + + + + + 15937 + 3069 + 43 + 20 + + + 15960 + 3079 + + + + + + + + true + Script Variable clearFile + 161cbcaf-6d25-46b5-8ec5-8ebb542f172c + clearFile + clearFile + true + 0 + true + 0 + 3cda2745-22ac-4244-9b04-97a5255fa60f + + + + + + 15937 + 3089 + 43 + 20 + + + 15960 + 3099 + + + + + + + + Print, Reflect and Error streams + 3b64408b-5cd1-4d9e-8dbf-8ea8304812f4 + out + out + false + 0 + + + + + + 16010 + 3009 + 22 + 50 + + + 16022.5 + 3034 + + + + + + + + Output parameter A + 5a47e4e9-e84b-432f-a828-86deae3cc377 + A + A + false + 0 + + + + + + 16010 + 3059 + 22 + 50 + + + 16022.5 + 3084 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 06953bda-1d37-4d58-9b38-4b3c74e54c8f + File Path + + + + + Contains a collection of file paths + false + All files|*.* + 2f424534-8a45-407c-be68-a219fdc10b1c + File Path + File Path + false + 0 + + + + + + 15960 + 3112 + 50 + 24 + + + 15985.64 + 3124.016 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + false + C:\VSC.O____EPAHS_LANGIS____O____SIGNAL_SHAPE____O.CSV + + + + + + + + + + + + + a8b97322-2d53-47cd-905e-b932c3ccd74e + Button + + + + + Button object with two values + False + True + 5f21908e-daba-4927-8647-804c8d2f1ac0 + Button + + false + 0 + + + + + + 15951 + 2985 + 66 + 22 + + + + + + + + + + 59e0b89a-e487-49f8-bab8-b5bab16be14c + Panel + + + + + A panel for custom notes and text values + 5b51b93f-ba16-4a40-9582-bf6a21ed42ff + Panel + + false + 0 + a68eab43-c6b7-4fbd-8fed-b283f8bb24f0 + 1 + Double click to edit panel content… + + + + + + 14531 + 4028 + 160 + 292 + + 0 + 0 + 0 + + 14531.94 + 4028.335 + + + + + + + 255;255;255;255 + + true + true + true + false + false + C:\TXT.⠀⠀ⵙꖴꖴᑐᑕᔓᔕᗩⵙߦᑎⵙ✻ⓄⓄᙁⵙᴥⓄᙁⓄᑐᑕⵙᗱᗴ✻ᑎИNⵙᴥⓄꗳⵙᔓᔕ✤ИNꖴⓄߦⵙᗱᗴᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᗝᗱᗴߦᗩᙏⵙᗱᗴᴥᑎ✤ᗩᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᗝᗱᗴᗯꖴᴥᗱᗴᗝⵙ옷✤∷ⵙᗝꖴⓄᙏᕤᕦꖴᔓᔕⵙᗱᗴᴥᑎ✤ᗩᗯᴥᑎᑐᑕⵙᴥᗩᗱᗴИNꖴᙁⵙ⠀⠀◯⠀⠀ⵙ⠀⠀◯⠀⠀ⵙᙁꖴИNᗱᗴᗩᴥⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗩ✤ᑎᴥᗱᗴⵙᔓᔕꖴᕤᕦᙏⓄꖴᗝⵙ∷✤옷ⵙᗝᗱᗴᴥꖴᗯᗱᗴᗝⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗩ✤ᑎᴥᗱᗴⵙᙏᗩߦᗱᗴᗝⵙᑐᑕᑎᴥᗯᗱᗴⵙߦⓄꖴИN✤ᔓᔕⵙꗳⓄᴥⵙИNᑎ✻ᗱᗴⵙᑐᑕⓄᙁⓄᴥⵙᙁⓄⓄ✻ⵙᑎߦⵙᗩᔓᔕᑐᑕꖴꖴⵙ⠀⠀.TXT + true + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + ebac092d-00ef-4e2f-8304-352a7cdbcd31 + e1a7a853-8800-4a65-8758-ce6c78b3c4ff + cb2eb71b-0143-466d-9c9b-ffd4f214f862 + 30e27055-da04-4d50-99ff-fca4aff755ac + 501fa1c3-600b-468e-987a-d05e96628343 + 843da028-8118-49c4-b2dc-ecc57f301465 + 8357cd3e-6d2a-4658-8777-49c3008672fa + cc39f501-22ff-4c39-ae3b-dda8eaa0acd5 + ab6ff8b7-f33d-4ea3-9767-8397c87e001a + a5d00dcf-ed87-4b46-8895-a9fb9a153c1c + 96b595c2-dff3-4614-bb66-ec4b0251714c + 66faf2b7-09c0-4799-9dfb-95933852540d + 0fd0fb98-730b-4c76-8e72-4c097a6df019 + f215e809-1d6e-4094-bdd8-d8a443ad7bb1 + 44d3e408-0998-4007-ac04-fd154134c525 + 70599747-a342-4412-aa26-a61638b0555e + 8cccf63c-655f-4aec-a562-0085a726bc14 + 17 + d7bcee0a-ca38-4740-8b09-e3fd496a9607 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 1 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 9b418137-2890-4b06-932f-1c7fee40b633 + 5d3407b0-1274-4a85-80ff-4e8472474e65 + 1c7734c6-7750-4eff-a77b-e9ae573405dd + 46255e5e-9bcd-4feb-abe7-021b9e7d1c8a + af074fe2-84d9-401c-8cef-be256c61ded4 + 57edb658-54a0-4b69-abc3-8acfb6c4fe7e + b8e05fd7-d0f6-4577-92ab-b5b0b03e5275 + 726ddbce-8d49-48c7-9b39-a0cc0f7603f4 + b842f0a9-ac1e-4bbe-9685-270a2c592b54 + 1f8eb17b-9d6a-4621-b3c2-88a78df316e5 + 2a9f42fb-8a28-481c-ac56-bd1b9721083c + bb7e7aa7-0a4c-4d35-982b-f5961f92790d + 4b89bede-4e0d-4e3a-bc2f-963fdc4a7df2 + efd51c5e-6e6c-438d-be9d-b57f666fa0d3 + b68d4a24-10c2-4f38-92c9-63e5e38ebb51 + a66423a5-cd58-4dda-9aaf-de2b609770c2 + 4e9bae3b-db50-4eee-90fb-739b648bc1a6 + 9218ac6c-ccd7-4dc8-9bc0-4806214f98c6 + 8e730241-bf57-437d-a331-4d0b5fa6ead5 + 97420157-9b41-495b-8572-c62bab7b800c + 95dea891-6c0a-4a73-8fd7-5a68d8e679ea + 5c3335dc-c41e-41ad-86d9-0a5cd523ec79 + 6573a1d7-42ba-4816-a3eb-2801e12aaf9d + 50c6ab7b-8542-4f27-b167-b8c0a307365f + f061ff65-b80b-45de-b78f-cad89e5d3499 + a6490b82-5160-43bb-8c9f-96a1661adc40 + 8b168c7f-47b8-4521-927b-982e3926ee57 + 4833b414-f2dc-4db0-a255-f2feafc894a9 + 65a5e034-e81f-401b-b8c3-728dbfe15429 + 2435a601-0728-4053-bfea-c405d7925ec6 + 51db57d2-56b9-4940-90f4-d1f2f65a83d8 + ce9f3920-c1b5-45b4-a4dc-52cf5c3c3dfc + 18f45ac5-7c2d-4276-aa32-6622785b20d3 + c072be68-768f-4299-b1bc-a4fd1c6a9cd7 + ac921e7e-e8e0-444f-9db4-954179b165b0 + 6dd86a58-fd03-4fa8-a483-c9ce6010f76c + b8bb620a-a93d-4afa-9fd8-c28198275d72 + c2fe09e7-aee1-47c2-b670-954244cbc4af + ba524ec1-a6bc-4d28-82bc-14b37eb9baae + d880ec8c-56e0-4b40-9188-2bae9f9f8bda + d6204af5-b3a0-494c-9e99-4798155e4bbd + 776b13ec-4551-46ee-a093-96f60f3d6a28 + 604d83b6-ab88-43de-9a01-a90533b3cbcb + 14ee00c5-e1df-42d2-b87c-064de938a1c4 + a273df53-74f5-464e-8949-2dfe5d002315 + c9d2c302-bf4e-49ea-b47a-bdb51212e890 + d4421e77-fb08-49c8-a0c2-517da4e16177 + ed9972a4-18f9-46b4-aa10-779de29b96f3 + 0f78c2cf-1d94-4e5f-a153-a0c374595b0c + c93bd11d-e137-4ee3-915e-47c38dd1f4e9 + ec3c6869-9d63-4c05-a1e6-c655bdbdbeb6 + 404976b3-b9f2-4e16-a1e4-4c0f151d85da + 7f512dd3-f59f-4f4c-946e-b259cfd8694e + bb1102d8-39c6-421f-acc0-83b0f96adaf2 + 6c02c54c-f748-4acb-8578-10726023a8ca + 58ec701d-7c94-4c02-bf2e-f4bd2d0755fd + 09d3f598-820d-4981-825d-a0052a2511da + f7f27653-3d4d-4726-be7b-e451982b3c35 + f9d04cd9-580d-42d7-ac36-4732673c2878 + 827313b7-26e3-4a4f-98bc-7d2bc18b3c08 + c5969fcf-74a5-4b6a-b579-648861fc6768 + 47d7cdc1-0e13-49d4-825a-161a3885b635 + 7cb7e53e-8e85-4a6f-b7af-c2b4cd26373f + 7f102235-ecbc-4c49-837f-1804fc7af1ad + 0d6e2cf6-d3e4-4ed3-a7b2-b25967c25bf5 + 8245b267-d06a-4568-a752-95a9f1bcb056 + 1fbeb0f3-bd2c-46fe-bc1f-fbc1d77cda84 + 0fcb11a5-8688-42cf-bb05-d0ed7bb63e5a + 17702c89-0688-445e-8bd0-6d30b6f29992 + 16f52fd8-334d-4da5-972e-275e3b513961 + 1faf0a74-4745-41ec-a933-e4db0a5edf9b + 6af74f77-1f74-411d-a4ca-bf730b64bd96 + 1d4936c4-4c33-4120-93df-bd95a23f5651 + b16fd3b8-b5c9-458f-a32c-730e3c03479f + 1d243df9-ec9f-433a-bf1f-448f7cf5a54f + 824dea2f-00c3-4871-97c4-1390e0684f26 + 76 + 573124ad-c291-4b42-b4ab-7b58d3ab4931 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 + Create Material + + + + + Create an OpenGL material. + 9b418137-2890-4b06-932f-1c7fee40b633 + Create Material + Create Material + + + + + + 27104 + -9697 + 144 + 104 + + + 27188 + -9645 + + + + + + Colour of the diffuse channel + e4f604c1-4f6b-4d2a-9a2a-211a54b085b1 + Diffuse + Diffuse + false + 46255e5e-9bcd-4feb-abe7-021b9e7d1c8a + 1 + + + + + + 27106 + -9695 + 67 + 20 + + + 27141 + -9685 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;105;180 + + + + + + + + + + + + Colour of the specular highlight + d7e55d1c-5a56-45d6-86f9-64417e13cf3b + Specular + Specular + false + 0 + + + + + + 27106 + -9675 + 67 + 20 + + + 27141 + -9665 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;255;255 + + + + + + + + + + + + Emissive colour of the material + 116343aa-5a93-4aec-97fa-6be54f92978a + Emission + Emission + false + 0 + + + + + + 27106 + -9655 + 67 + 20 + + + 27141 + -9645 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;0;0;0 + + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of transparency (0.0 = opaque, 1.0 = transparent + dad6f2c1-1b9e-4e92-8294-4484ed123d34 + Transparency + Transparency + false + 0 + + + + + + 27106 + -9635 + 67 + 20 + + + 27141 + -9625 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of shinyness (0 = none, 1 = low shine, 100 = max shine + 81bf638f-ffc5-47fe-8605-89b1178e96ec + Shine + Shine + false + 0 + + + + + + 27106 + -9615 + 67 + 20 + + + 27141 + -9605 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Resulting material + 68293621-ebe4-4aae-bc9f-8d766e366279 + Material + Material + false + 0 + + + + + + 27203 + -9695 + 43 + 100 + + + 27226 + -9645 + + + + + + + + + + + + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c + Custom Preview + + + + + Allows for customized geometry previews + true + 5d3407b0-1274-4a85-80ff-4e8472474e65 + Custom Preview + Custom Preview + + + + + + + 26843 + -9667 + 82 + 44 + + + 26911 + -9645 + + + + + + Geometry to preview + true + 66306ba5-763d-4fb2-bf8a-e22cf8a71195 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26845 + -9665 + 51 + 20 + + + 26872 + -9655 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + -1 + + 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+ + 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Curve + + + + + + + + + + + The material override + 122cf993-093f-4ea8-becd-39b6e3b0f4b8 + Material + Material + false + 68293621-ebe4-4aae-bc9f-8d766e366279 + 1 + + + + + + 26845 + -9645 + 51 + 20 + + + 26872 + -9635 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;221;160;221 + + + 255;66;48;66 + + 0.5 + + 255;255;255;255 + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 9b418137-2890-4b06-932f-1c7fee40b633 + 5d3407b0-1274-4a85-80ff-4e8472474e65 + 46255e5e-9bcd-4feb-abe7-021b9e7d1c8a + 3 + 1c7734c6-7750-4eff-a77b-e9ae573405dd + Group + + + + + + + + + + + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 + Colour Picker + + + + + Provides a colour picker object + 46255e5e-9bcd-4feb-abe7-021b9e7d1c8a + Colour Picker + Colour Picker + false + + 255;176;176;176 + + 0 + + + + + + 26930.13 + -9793.728 + 180 + 310 + + 2 + + + + + + + + + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 + Create Material + + + + + Create an OpenGL material. + af074fe2-84d9-401c-8cef-be256c61ded4 + Create Material + Create Material + + + + + + 27074 + -10384 + 144 + 104 + + + 27158 + -10332 + + + + + + Colour of the diffuse channel + b7d77687-ad79-48c4-a1ef-94d246315007 + Diffuse + Diffuse + false + 726ddbce-8d49-48c7-9b39-a0cc0f7603f4 + 1 + + + + + + 27076 + -10382 + 67 + 20 + + + 27111 + -10372 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;105;180 + + + + + + + + + + + + Colour of the specular highlight + f0a0491f-3bf1-4af0-b6e0-1bf9ed73abea + Specular + Specular + false + 0 + + + + + + 27076 + -10362 + 67 + 20 + + + 27111 + -10352 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;255;255 + + + + + + + + + + + + Emissive colour of the material + d33bf5ed-ef92-4b62-80a8-44bf533c4605 + Emission + Emission + false + 0 + + + + + + 27076 + -10342 + 67 + 20 + + + 27111 + -10332 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;0;0;0 + + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of transparency (0.0 = opaque, 1.0 = transparent + 504b6af4-1966-49e4-a7b9-fcec1e0003f3 + Transparency + Transparency + false + 0 + + + + + + 27076 + -10322 + 67 + 20 + + + 27111 + -10312 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of shinyness (0 = none, 1 = low shine, 100 = max shine + 407fb020-2eda-473b-836d-dec55946262d + Shine + Shine + false + 0 + + + + + + 27076 + -10302 + 67 + 20 + + + 27111 + -10292 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Resulting material + 23aab72e-a432-46e6-8ee8-5e5d2196886a + Material + Material + false + 0 + + + + + + 27173 + -10382 + 43 + 100 + + + 27196 + -10332 + + + + + + + + + + + + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c + Custom Preview + + + + + Allows for customized geometry previews + true + 57edb658-54a0-4b69-abc3-8acfb6c4fe7e + Custom Preview + Custom Preview + + + + + + + 26843 + -10354 + 82 + 44 + + + 26911 + -10332 + + + + + + Geometry to preview + true + 08fcbe8e-e5d0-481a-8423-5e78aaf55d0e + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26845 + -10352 + 51 + 20 + + + 26872 + -10342 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 513 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + + 8.31187957663209E-17 + 4.15593978831604E-17 + 0 + 8.31187957663209E-17 + -0.24997981727771 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.00292445614272489 + 1.24486214809962E-05 + 0 + 0.00505281143588085 + -0.249978491419991 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.00584870031606387 + 4.97944859232645E-05 + 0 + 0.0101051332752018 + -0.249903573637878 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.00877250451084335 + 0.000112033918736063 + 0 + 0.0151562810704255 + -0.249780776706985 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0116956836386425 + 0.000199161238698626 + 0 + 0.0202054545481003 + -0.249601804488715 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.014618015253965 + 0.000311167163250442 + 0 + 0.0252519413272185 + -0.249369294989863 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0175392878072519 + 0.000448039676748093 + 0 + 0.030294971455728 + -0.249082483371884 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0204592899870991 + 0.000609763850527089 + 0 + 0.0353338074583952 + -0.248741657273978 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0233778107735303 + 0.000796321845946776 + 0 + 0.0403676998919168 + -0.248346798817997 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.026294639491301 + 0.00100769291802362 + 0 + 0.0453959042227041 + -0.247897992424417 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0292095658631811 + 0.00124385341965053 + 0 + 0.0504176748733502 + -0.247395303724237 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0321223800632294 + 0.0015047768063984 + 0 + 0.0554322673534457 + -0.246838815109379 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0350328727700576 + 0.0017904336418979 + 0 + 0.0604389376287956 + -0.24622861533973 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0379408352200797 + 0.0021007916037986 + 0 + 0.0654369424017636 + -0.24556480247659 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0408460592607514 + 0.00243581549030104 + 0 + 0.0704255390956003 + -0.244847482993249 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0437483374037957 + 0.00279546722725891 + 0 + 0.0754039859329408 + -0.244076771994841 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0466474628784156 + 0.00317970587584762 + 0 + 0.0803715419689919 + -0.243252793016546 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0495432296844958 + 0.00358848764079191 + 0 + 0.0853274671553754 + -0.242375678101216 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0524354326457916 + 0.00402176587915228 + 0 + 0.0902710223713496 + -0.241445567634848 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0553238674631077 + 0.00447949110966094 + 0 + 0.0952014694690307 + -0.240462610318637 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0582083307674669 + 0.00496161102260295 + 0 + 0.100118071314989 + -0.239426963123297 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0610886201732717 + 0.0054680704902383 + 0 + 0.105020091817619 + -0.238338791174431 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0639645343314584 + 0.00599881157775604 + 0 + 0.109906795959606 + -0.237198267693515 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0668358729826491 + 0.00655377355475573 + 0 + 0.114777449829023 + -0.236005573942991 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0697024370103017 + 0.00713289290724931 + 0 + 0.119631320628044 + -0.234760899074159 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0725640284938623 + 0.00773610335017411 + 0 + 0.12446767670668 + -0.233464440124442 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0754204507619233 + 0.00836333584041236 + 0 + 0.129285787559404 + -0.232116401846016 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0782715084453908 + 0.00901451859030667 + 0 + 0.134084923844228 + -0.230716996666432 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.081117007530668 + 0.00968957708166522 + 0 + 0.138864357380061 + -0.229266444563939 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0839567554128551 + 0.010388434080247 + 0 + 0.143623361142059 + -0.22776497295809 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0867905609489775 + 0.0111110096507185 + 0 + 0.148361209260688 + -0.226212816633145 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0896182345112423 + 0.0118572211720739 + 0 + 0.1530771770022 + -0.224610217603708 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0924395880403341 + 0.012626983353508 + 0 + 0.157770540747889 + -0.222957424998726 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0952544350987552 + 0.0134202082507329 + 0 + 0.162440577983005 + -0.221254694996554 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0980625909242174 + 0.01423680528273 + 0 + 0.167086567247324 + -0.219502290638562 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.100863872483097 + 0.0150766812489258 + 0 + 0.171707788116381 + -0.217700481772828 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.103658098523958 + 0.0159397403467829 + 0 + 0.176303521155143 + -0.2158495449151 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.106445089631152 + 0.0168258841897958 + 0 + 0.180873047868089 + -0.213949763118371 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.109224668278513 + 0.017735011825882 + 0 + 0.185415650660935 + -0.212001425894372 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.111996658883146 + 0.0186670197561589 + 0 + 0.18993061277112 + -0.210004829051583 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.114760887859327 + 0.0196218019540959 + 0 + 0.194417218223146 + -0.207960274624954 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.117517183672526 + 0.020599249885034 + 0 + 0.19887475176363 + -0.205868070754474 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.120265376893559 + 0.0215992525260637 + 0 + 0.203302498791549 + -0.20372853156381 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.123005300252887 + 0.0226216963862521 + 0 + 0.207699745309768 + -0.20154197710697 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.125736788695072 + 0.0236664655272131 + 0 + 0.212065777842435 + -0.199308733228137 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.128459679433396 + 0.0247334415840135 + 0 + 0.216399883395306 + -0.197029131542538 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.131173812004662 + 0.0258225037864096 + 0 + 0.22070134938379 + -0.194703509332534 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.133879028324183 + 0.0269335289804104 + 0 + 0.224969463586572 + -0.192332209511274 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.136575172740977 + 0.0280663916501645 + 0 + 0.229203514104726 + -0.189915580594559 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.139262092093164 + 0.0292209639401702 + 0 + 0.233402789351951 + -0.187453976737174 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.141939635763587 + 0.0303971156778127 + 0 + 0.237566577977744 + -0.184947757603013 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.144607655735658 + 0.0315947143962264 + 0 + 0.241694169034953 + -0.182397288775142 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.147266006649426 + 0.0328136253574967 + 0 + 0.24578485152586 + -0.179802940766459 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.14991454585789 + 0.0340537115762061 + 0 + 0.249837916200283 + -0.177165092868907 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.152553133483531 + 0.0353148338433484 + 0 + 0.253852649331544 + -0.174484120001409 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.155181632475097 + 0.0365968507505772 + 0 + 0.257828355247728 + -0.171760439146225 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.157799908663963 + 0.0378996187161433 + 0 + 0.261764312428652 + -0.168994418542889 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.16040783082192 + 0.0392229920087448 + 0 + 0.265659816290546 + -0.166186466541384 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.163005270718555 + 0.0405668227731092 + 0 + 0.269514163013809 + -0.16333699697809 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.165592103178587 + 0.0419309610564548 + 0 + 0.273326648598434 + -0.160446427324766 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.168168206139429 + 0.0433152548353105 + 0 + 0.277096574642535 + -0.157515189335723 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.170733460708792 + 0.0447195500429877 + 0 + 0.280823235839501 + -0.154543705534803 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.17328775122295 + 0.0461436905965889 + 0 + 0.284505928505513 + -0.151532405653967 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.175830965304977 + 0.0475875184248349 + 0 + 0.288143970615145 + -0.148481760950847 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.178362993922011 + 0.0490508734982978 + 0 + 0.291736670102335 + -0.145392226350156 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.180883731443132 + 0.050533593859115 + 0 + 0.295283336048171 + -0.142264261129756 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.183393075697647 + 0.0520355156506204 + 0 + 0.298783279457979 + -0.13909833005098 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.185890928032966 + 0.0535564731482428 + 0 + 0.30223584796698 + -0.135894959108272 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.188377193371069 + 0.055096298793187 + 0 + 0.30564034605535 + -0.132654602969043 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.19085178026625 + 0.0566548232243833 + 0 + 0.308996159706717 + -0.129377846812039 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.193314600959924 + 0.0582318753154481 + 0 + 0.312302589898643 + -0.126065137977816 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.195765571438337 + 0.0598272822072086 + 0 + 0.31555904362427 + -0.122717088000899 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.19820461148627 + 0.0614408693466756 + 0 + 0.318764853109827 + -0.119334188154115 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.200631644743338 + 0.0630724605220188 + 0 + 0.321919409315338 + -0.115917016159572 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.20304659875725 + 0.0647218779021464 + 0 + 0.325022150034311 + -0.112466210969037 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.205449405034465 + 0.0663889420798745 + 0 + 0.328072446963469 + -0.108982306714414 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.207839999093782 + 0.0680734721104312 + 0 + 0.331069735861866 + -0.105465923954127 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.210218320516771 + 0.0697752855542262 + 0 + 0.334013477563477 + -0.101917708032122 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.212584312994891 + 0.0714941985237041 + 0 + 0.33690319277094 + -0.0983383737441425 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.214937924373371 + 0.0732300257337663 + 0 + 0.339738356156289 + -0.0947285573592283 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.217279106697004 + 0.0749825805485507 + 0 + 0.342518476723887 + -0.0910889288273574 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.219607816253798 + 0.0767516750301414 + 0 + 0.34524312666747 + -0.0874202258604661 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.221924013613371 + 0.0785371199930737 + 0 + 0.347911933958549 + -0.0837232381238189 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.224227663660227 + 0.0803387250638794 + 0 + 0.35052457346085 + -0.0799987910019015 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.226518735623765 + 0.0821562987428825 + 0 + 0.353080699521648 + -0.0762476581159674 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.228797203108513 + 0.0839896484636105 + 0 + 0.35558001346154 + -0.0724706475893973 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.231063044120359 + 0.0858385806551507 + 0 + 0.358022318210024 + -0.068668664467155 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.233316241083725 + 0.0877029008132079 + 0 + 0.360407534735811 + -0.0648427215363 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.235556780850847 + 0.0895824135777402 + 0 + 0.362735512173739 + -0.0609937063637705 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.237784654711433 + 0.0914769228067647 + 0 + 0.365006272270594 + -0.057122673911686 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.239999858395003 + 0.093386231655501 + 0 + 0.367219685413038 + -0.0532304613444493 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.242202392061141 + 0.0953101426657133 + 0 + 0.369376815799097 + -0.0493192237902158 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.244392260284237 + 0.0972484578572339 + 0 + 0.37147443716159 + -0.0453862151366283 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.246569472034901 + 0.0992009788177769 + 0 + 0.373525608297982 + -0.0414468124035279 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.248734040648758 + 0.101167506805488 + 0 + 0.375482996886379 + -0.0374498096604679 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.2508859837861 + 0.103147842843988 + 0 + 0.37752632710683 + -0.0335908612544884 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.253025323401059 + 0.105141787846907 + 0 + 0.378982551546035 + -0.029149921034712 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.255152105166407 + 0.107149122022994 + 0 + 0.381200568165358 + -0.0255671820422661 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.257266340048927 + 0.109169667110451 + 0 + 0.382974295510788 + -0.0215540667996627 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.259368062515277 + 0.111203224304109 + 0 + 0.384266264654825 + -0.017093148748792 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.261457331583299 + 0.113249574090382 + 0 + 0.386382058474896 + -0.013522861538894 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.263534169268267 + 0.115308539452314 + 0 + 0.387837348492784 + -0.0093214725604289 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.265598621880836 + 0.117379922817864 + 0 + 0.38957028170281 + -0.0054426752967489 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.267650739517766 + 0.119463527247702 + 0 + 0.390550296653757 + -0.000868316238730057 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.269690599695132 + 0.121559133408009 + 0 + 0.39254212798855 + 0.00267154562357481 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.271718236190007 + 0.12366656914796 + 0 + 0.393800588109107 + 0.00688405338963835 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.273733709903145 + 0.125785640024461 + 0 + 0.39527014475117 + 0.0108506170065529 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.275737085142425 + 0.127916152602726 + 0 + 0.396351947668133 + 0.0151390091203842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.277728443897596 + 0.130057901198111 + 0 + 0.397635931738395 + 0.0191924886453002 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.279707864882171 + 0.13221068772763 + 0 + 0.398624490251712 + 0.0234738177788118 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.281675429518646 + 0.13437431595706 + 0 + 0.400359996993737 + 0.0270354494403133 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.283631185427875 + 0.136548624342543 + 0 + 0.401366205599903 + 0.0312218599930515 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.285575212536526 + 0.138733425760462 + 0 + 0.402523673543713 + 0.0352312214810138 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.287507593600815 + 0.140928534535849 + 0 + 0.403566876169909 + 0.0393022232804431 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.289428414123699 + 0.143133766519362 + 0 + 0.404680184189365 + 0.0432733256485969 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.291337762266411 + 0.145348939144226 + 0 + 0.405396778765094 + 0.0475468111114971 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.29323574593106 + 0.147573856807236 + 0 + 0.406372889740866 + 0.0515562118443373 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.29512246338542 + 0.149808336235926 + 0 + 0.40722062855217 + 0.055636353215967 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.296998015146813 + 0.152052196108456 + 0 + 0.408118522015736 + 0.0596366370135177 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.298862503926119 + 0.154305257051757 + 0 + 0.408744538934148 + 0.0638240362952784 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.300716034565101 + 0.156567341615863 + 0 + 0.410215831933907 + 0.0672847766301491 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.302558673276938 + 0.158838307347014 + 0 + 0.410836953239225 + 0.0714092575642504 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.304390524470796 + 0.161117983734774 + 0 + 0.411645494704529 + 0.0753462688939853 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.306211694573251 + 0.163406202061743 + 0 + 0.412370557123163 + 0.0793164408859325 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.308022291973117 + 0.165702795438267 + 0 + 0.413059078150571 + 0.0832818504840883 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.309822426957383 + 0.168007598798916 + 0 + 0.413799875610476 + 0.0871739268325686 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.311612211657515 + 0.17032044891469 + 0 + 0.414193283860351 + 0.0913017873977647 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.313391775428242 + 0.172641172542184 + 0 + 0.41482497000644 + 0.0952118955668205 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.315161238135093 + 0.174969607102882 + 0 + 0.415361803775797 + 0.0991629156815334 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.316920721372087 + 0.177305591888909 + 0 + 0.415874337893516 + 0.103100746844823 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.318670348418261 + 0.179648968037676 + 0 + 0.416417889644948 + 0.106984922930129 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.320410244200186 + 0.181999578522721 + 0 + 0.416702642013615 + 0.111029989988461 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.322140535245867 + 0.184357268113331 + 0 + 0.4178388624125 + 0.114422616723464 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.323861308902354 + 0.186721913043251 + 0 + 0.418128882280266 + 0.118409683107865 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.325572690355336 + 0.189093364397235 + 0 + 0.41861450229437 + 0.122225965309306 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.32727480621604 + 0.191471474981973 + 0 + 0.419023421604319 + 0.126070386841096 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.328967784473138 + 0.193856099340835 + 0 + 0.419404393523014 + 0.129907759172552 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.330651754433885 + 0.196247093741609 + 0 + 0.419839909199811 + 0.133680727023175 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.332326846665573 + 0.198644316181888 + 0 + 0.419954557042135 + 0.137651645409323 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.333993207544338 + 0.201047616244972 + 0 + 0.420292998848579 + 0.141439783942684 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.33565097474738 + 0.203456852224799 + 0 + 0.420529111315186 + 0.145273481610602 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.33730028719605 + 0.205871884084036 + 0 + 0.420823918125079 + 0.149042331654805 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.338941285011708 + 0.208292573436521 + 0 + 0.420862935403118 + 0.152959977460762 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.340574109468143 + 0.210718783513199 + 0 + 0.421748723646478 + 0.156285578821146 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.342198862468151 + 0.213150406220012 + 0 + 0.421824543518433 + 0.160135161630735 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.343815681393732 + 0.215587311669196 + 0 + 0.422106899759148 + 0.163824431156243 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.345424704271977 + 0.218029371715809 + 0 + 0.422287815199568 + 0.167559463051387 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.347026069685224 + 0.22047645998238 + 0 + 0.422587537341116 + 0.171195992986398 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.348619916675919 + 0.222928451874444 + 0 + 0.422439172543912 + 0.175102828232862 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.350206405129814 + 0.22538521135563 + 0 + 0.422664194244705 + 0.178746082887197 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.35178568296237 + 0.227846612292966 + 0 + 0.422520660778429 + 0.182605700360548 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.353357898869409 + 0.230312530055337 + 0 + 0.423388833257581 + 0.185801919975747 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.35492315525007 + 0.232782871315383 + 0 + 0.423324103085056 + 0.189575773067459 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.356481591901353 + 0.235257520568377 + 0 + 0.423684134095667 + 0.193063539849029 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.35803334844613 + 0.237736364171875 + 0 + 0.423247636724282 + 0.197032204872326 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.359578590206025 + 0.240219274181335 + 0 + 0.423985580239909 + 0.200251295984901 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.361117430172329 + 0.242706156961214 + 0 + 0.423935216862865 + 0.203945679921827 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.362650006766672 + 0.245196904559402 + 0 + 0.424292537935707 + 0.207373063054103 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.364176457780912 + 0.247691410953882 + 0 + 0.423807599398616 + 0.211300189608549 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.365696949147524 + 0.250189554475893 + 0 + 0.424553338621355 + 0.214461659336666 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.367211588220618 + 0.252691250637165 + 0 + 0.424711584380487 + 0.217968736189678 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.368720510228683 + 0.25519639929594 + 0 + 0.424272800238797 + 0.221820185951501 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.37022387866987 + 0.257704884682589 + 0 + 0.425074768794263 + 0.224913476333359 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.371721797227058 + 0.260216628249153 + 0 + 0.425080035796339 + 0.22847275888762 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.373214397611963 + 0.262731535804504 + 0 + 0.425309336893909 + 0.231886327682731 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.374701810174431 + 0.265249515142549 + 0 + 0.425490124547929 + 0.235317358311381 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.376184163818192 + 0.267770476051715 + 0 + 0.425696663698029 + 0.238722243290101 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.377661585923586 + 0.270294330306461 + 0 + 0.425910194609667 + 0.242112566182375 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.379134202272927 + 0.272820991661764 + 0 + 0.426136667050456 + 0.245485308701981 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.380602136991273 + 0.275350375838473 + 0 + 0.426375386600829 + 0.248841349408158 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.382065512488504 + 0.277882400509162 + 0 + 0.426627409735036 + 0.252180532653636 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.383524449406268 + 0.280416985282126 + 0 + 0.426893136606397 + 0.25550307397315 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.384979066578796 + 0.28295405167852 + 0 + 0.427172994373061 + 0.258809160748719 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.386429481001678 + 0.28549352310617 + 0 + 0.427467468299632 + 0.262098935126379 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.387875807798169 + 0.288035324836079 + 0 + 0.427776922193071 + 0.26537259676957 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.389318160194501 + 0.290579383975066 + 0 + 0.428101593123663 + 0.268630404548215 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.390756649506261 + 0.293125629433474 + 0 + 0.428441669475888 + 0.271872631394407 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.392191385129141 + 0.295673991891788 + 0 + 0.428797385375458 + 0.27509951114762 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.393622474528102 + 0.298224403769543 + 0 + 0.429168925632004 + 0.278311292626093 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.395050023229929 + 0.300776799193675 + 0 + 0.429556410110395 + 0.281508248168206 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.396474134822045 + 0.303331113964703 + 0 + 0.429959879057662 + 0.284690681500401 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.397894910958167 + 0.305887285520447 + 0 + 0.430379332324438 + 0.287858905628881 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.399312451366444 + 0.308445252899746 + 0 + 0.430814850628325 + 0.291013175910728 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.400726853853975 + 0.311004956709475 + 0 + 0.431266436932094 + 0.29415377868398 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.402138214315432 + 0.313566339090577 + 0 + 0.431734066400558 + 0.297281003511616 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.403546626746144 + 0.316129343682881 + 0 + 0.432217622636058 + 0.300395178323979 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.404952183259676 + 0.318693915588672 + 0 + 0.432717100952827 + 0.303496557967422 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.406354974100388 + 0.321260001340242 + 0 + 0.433232432871394 + 0.306585421302362 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.407755087659643 + 0.323827548866567 + 0 + 0.433763461989551 + 0.309662084217805 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.409152610496597 + 0.326396507458622 + 0 + 0.434310160432736 + 0.312726781906953 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.410547627354505 + 0.328966827738223 + 0 + 0.43487233318307 + 0.315779830375063 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.411940221183373 + 0.331538461624473 + 0 + 0.435449932296029 + 0.31882145583243 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.41333047315759 + 0.334111362303937 + 0 + 0.436042779763713 + 0.321851945575536 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.414718462698286 + 0.336685484199244 + 0 + 0.436650776195709 + 0.324871535178356 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.416104267493389 + 0.339260782939859 + 0 + 0.437273765135895 + 0.327880482261637 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.417487963519989 + 0.341837215332525 + 0 + 0.437911590941246 + 0.330879035460085 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.418869625067382 + 0.344414739332202 + 0 + 0.438564100220645 + 0.333867434016558 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.420249324759401 + 0.346993314014241 + 0 + 0.439231162849527 + 0.336845896914839 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.421627133575567 + 0.349572899547972 + 0 + 0.439912613973347 + 0.339814654259639 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.423003120874004 + 0.352153457170133 + 0 + 0.44060828916949 + 0.342773928680885 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.424377354414441 + 0.354734949158977 + 0 + 0.441318040998014 + 0.345723926848982 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425749900380036 + 0.35731733880972 + 0 + 0.442041715659316 + 0.348664852241655 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.427120823399109 + 0.359900590410716 + 0 + 0.442779163822785 + 0.351596899653376 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.428490186566479 + 0.362484669220478 + 0 + 0.443530238949273 + 0.3545202563724 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.429858051464899 + 0.365069541445265 + 0 + 0.444294763637089 + 0.357435120234527 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.431224478187417 + 0.367655174216779 + 0 + 0.445072616881705 + 0.360341653688425 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.432589525356886 + 0.370241535571928 + 0 + 0.445863645087213 + 0.36324003117478 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.433953250146343 + 0.372828594432664 + 0 + 0.446667707740916 + 0.366130415172275 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.435315708298913 + 0.375416320586591 + 0 + 0.447484664667771 + 0.369012963168946 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.436676954147256 + 0.378004684668305 + 0 + 0.448314379887146 + 0.371887825845026 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.438037040632537 + 0.38059365814145 + 0 + 0.449156720703692 + 0.374755147763622 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.43939601932291 + 0.383183213281479 + 0 + 0.450011558193277 + 0.377615067316994 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.440753940431493 + 0.385773323159108 + 0 + 0.450878767132006 + 0.380467716957458 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442110852833844 + 0.388363961624439 + 0 + 0.451758226118562 + 0.383313223318301 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.443466804084913 + 0.390955103291743 + 0 + 0.452649817571778 + 0.386151707392144 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444821840435499 + 0.393546723524878 + 0 + 0.453553427712079 + 0.388983284709901 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446176006848181 + 0.396138798423329 + 0 + 0.454468946614715 + 0.391808065474744 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.447529347012751 + 0.398731304808847 + 0 + 0.455396268090296 + 0.394626154779202 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.448881903361138 + 0.401324220212672 + 0 + 0.456335289742989 + 0.397437652722557 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.450233717081838 + 0.403917522863327 + 0 + 0.457285912806562 + 0.400242654637702 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.451584828133851 + 0.406511191674947 + 0 + 0.458248042185546 + 0.40304125120472 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.452935275260135 + 0.409105206236149 + 0 + 0.459221586313494 + 0.405833528653948 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.454285096000586 + 0.411699546799409 + 0 + 0.460206457124472 + 0.408619568904371 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.455634326704549 + 0.414294194270934 + 0 + 0.461202569972239 + 0.411399449723982 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.456983002542872 + 0.416889130201011 + 0 + 0.462209843526438 + 0.414173244897019 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.458331157519508 + 0.41948433677482 + 0 + 0.463228199742103 + 0.416941024348318 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.459678824482678 + 0.422079796803696 + 0 + 0.46425756371662 + 0.419702854321658 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.461026035135603 + 0.424675493716813 + 0 + 0.465297863706411 + 0.422458797470884 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.462372820046811 + 0.427271411553296 + 0 + 0.4663490309315 + 0.425208913057164 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.463719208660032 + 0.429867534954724 + 0 + 0.467410999615349 + 0.427953257020341 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.46506522930368 + 0.432463849158029 + 0 + 0.468483706842781 + 0.430691882141141 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.466410909199949 + 0.435060339988769 + 0 + 0.469567092495174 + 0.433424838159935 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.467756274473505 + 0.437656993854758 + 0 + 0.470661099223736 + 0.436152171872625 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469101350159808 + 0.440253797740049 + 0 + 0.471765672334268 + 0.43887392726946 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470446160213048 + 0.442850739199259 + 0 + 0.472880759744686 + 0.441590145633372 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.471790727513726 + 0.445447806352213 + 0 + 0.474006311959737 + 0.444300865626826 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473135073875856 + 0.448044987878913 + 0 + 0.4751422819333 + 0.44700612343444 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474479220053829 + 0.4506422730148 + 0 + 0.476288625117965 + 0.449705952806386 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47582318574892 + 0.453239651546321 + 0 + 0.477445299326223 + 0.452400385197177 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477166989615446 + 0.455837113806782 + 0 + 0.478612264728881 + 0.455089449831455 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.478510649266597 + 0.458434650672469 + 0 + 0.479789483824687 + 0.45777317378284 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479854181279924 + 0.461032253559042 + 0 + 0.480976921345725 + 0.460451582084289 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481197601202504 + 0.463629914418188 + 0 + 0.482174544291552 + 0.463124697770276 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482540923555776 + 0.466227625734522 + 0 + 0.4833823218254 + 0.465792541988839 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.483884161840059 + 0.468825380522734 + 0 + 0.484600225323204 + 0.468455134033242 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485227328538748 + 0.471423172324968 + 0 + 0.485828228246378 + 0.471112491463529 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.486570435122199 + 0.474020995208433 + 0 + 0.48706630626398 + 0.473764630097986 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487913492051302 + 0.476618843763229 + 0 + 0.488314436946129 + 0.476411564225237 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489256508780741 + 0.479216713100396 + 0 + 0.489572600574956 + 0.47905330623765 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490599493761949 + 0.481814598850164 + 0 + 0.490840777270876 + 0.481689868168736 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491942454445753 + 0.484412497160412 + 0 + 0.492118957459613 + 0.484321256333316 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.493285397284722 + 0.487010404695318 + 0 + 0.493407102890904 + 0.486947491528719 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494628334119538 + 0.489608330984827 + 0 + 0.494705298255166 + 0.489568546360456 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.49597125504728 + 0.492206245933537 + 0 + 0.496013182072751 + 0.492184572962496 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497314171517212 + 0.494804163186585 + 0 + 0.497332014538722 + 0.494794939776113 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498657086006197 + 0.497402081463623 + 0 + 0.498657086006197 + 0.497402081463623 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.5 + 0.499999999996631 + 0 + 0.499994052316792 + 0.500003074467614 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501342913993803 + 0.502597918529639 + 0 + 0.501342913993773 + 0.502597918529654 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502685828482788 + 0.505195836806677 + 0 + 0.50266798546108 + 0.505205060217251 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.504028744952721 + 0.507793754059725 + 0 + 0.503986817927902 + 0.507815427030429 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505371665880462 + 0.510391669008435 + 0 + 0.505294701743287 + 0.510431453633606 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.506714602715279 + 0.512989595297946 + 0 + 0.506592897111541 + 0.51305250846328 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508057545554248 + 0.515587502832851 + 0 + 0.50788104253938 + 0.515678743660468 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509400506238052 + 0.518185401143099 + 0 + 0.509159222729221 + 0.518310131824477 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510743491219259 + 0.520783286892867 + 0 + 0.510427399424924 + 0.520946693755675 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512086507948698 + 0.523381156230034 + 0 + 0.511685563052681 + 0.523588435768642 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.513429564877801 + 0.52597900478483 + 0 + 0.512933693735872 + 0.526235369895354 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514772671461253 + 0.528576827668295 + 0 + 0.514171771754148 + 0.528887508529463 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.516115838159942 + 0.531174619470529 + 0 + 0.51539977467736 + 0.53154486595973 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517459076444225 + 0.533772374258741 + 0 + 0.516617678174368 + 0.534207458004544 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518802398797497 + 0.536370085575076 + 0 + 0.517825455709863 + 0.536875302222256 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520145818720077 + 0.538967746434221 + 0 + 0.519023078654923 + 0.539548417908639 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521489350733404 + 0.541565349320794 + 0 + 0.520210516173295 + 0.542226826211468 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522833010384555 + 0.54416288618648 + 0 + 0.521387735272052 + 0.544910550161326 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.524176814251081 + 0.546760348446942 + 0 + 0.522554700672585 + 0.547599614796703 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.525520779946171 + 0.549357726978464 + 0 + 0.523711374883052 + 0.550294047186352 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526864926124145 + 0.55195501211435 + 0 + 0.524857718066738 + 0.552993876558803 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.528209272486275 + 0.55455219364105 + 0 + 0.525993688038641 + 0.555699134367278 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529553839786952 + 0.557149260794004 + 0 + 0.527119240255159 + 0.558409854359971 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530898649840193 + 0.559746202253214 + 0 + 0.528234327667016 + 0.561126072723138 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.532243725526495 + 0.562343006138505 + 0 + 0.529338900774834 + 0.563847828121379 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.533589090800051 + 0.564939660004493 + 0 + 0.530432907506111 + 0.566575161832662 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.53493477069632 + 0.567536150835234 + 0 + 0.531516293156584 + 0.569308117852451 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.536280791339969 + 0.570132465038539 + 0 + 0.532589000384452 + 0.572046742973026 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.53762717995319 + 0.572728588439967 + 0 + 0.533650969070683 + 0.574791086934967 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.538973964864398 + 0.575324506276449 + 0 + 0.534702136293849 + 0.577541202522245 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.540321175517323 + 0.577920203189567 + 0 + 0.535742436282842 + 0.580297145671885 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.541668842480492 + 0.580515663218442 + 0 + 0.536771800258036 + 0.583058975644873 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.543016997457128 + 0.583110869792252 + 0 + 0.537790156473949 + 0.585826755096042 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.544365673295451 + 0.585705805722328 + 0 + 0.538797430028252 + 0.588600550269025 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.545714903999414 + 0.588300453193853 + 0 + 0.539793542875115 + 0.591380431089106 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.547064724739866 + 0.590894793757114 + 0 + 0.540778413688474 + 0.594166471338291 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.54841517186615 + 0.593488808318316 + 0 + 0.541751957814711 + 0.596958748788408 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549766282918163 + 0.596082477129936 + 0 + 0.542714087192233 + 0.599757345356189 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.551118096638862 + 0.59867577978059 + 0 + 0.543664710259254 + 0.602562347269537 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55247065298725 + 0.601268695184416 + 0 + 0.544603731908652 + 0.605373845214609 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55382399315182 + 0.603861201569933 + 0 + 0.54553105338511 + 0.60819193451861 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555178159564502 + 0.606453276468385 + 0 + 0.546446572287046 + 0.611016715283819 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.556533195915087 + 0.60904489670152 + 0 + 0.547350182427358 + 0.61384829260157 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557889147166157 + 0.611636038368824 + 0 + 0.548241773883797 + 0.616686776673727 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.559246059568507 + 0.614226676834155 + 0 + 0.549121232867313 + 0.619532283036161 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.56060398067709 + 0.616816786711784 + 0 + 0.549988441809411 + 0.622384932674859 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.561962959367463 + 0.619406341851813 + 0 + 0.5508432792958 + 0.625244852229907 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.563323045852744 + 0.621995315324957 + 0 + 0.551685620115348 + 0.628112174146925 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.564684291701087 + 0.624583679406672 + 0 + 0.552515335330401 + 0.630987036825279 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.566046749853657 + 0.627171405560598 + 0 + 0.553332292260061 + 0.633869584820473 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.567410474643114 + 0.629758464421334 + 0 + 0.554136354912082 + 0.636759968818854 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.568775521812583 + 0.632344825776483 + 0 + 0.554927383120572 + 0.639658346303635 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.570141948535101 + 0.634930458547998 + 0 + 0.55570523636149 + 0.642564879759486 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.571509813433521 + 0.637515330772785 + 0 + 0.556469761049581 + 0.645479743621469 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.572879176600891 + 0.640099409582545 + 0 + 0.557220836179503 + 0.648403100338673 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574250099619964 + 0.642682661183542 + 0 + 0.557958284341421 + 0.651335147751216 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.575622645585559 + 0.645265050834285 + 0 + 0.558681959004532 + 0.654276073142927 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.576996879125996 + 0.647846542823128 + 0 + 0.559391710830429 + 0.65722607131242 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.578372866424433 + 0.650427100445289 + 0 + 0.560087386026445 + 0.660185345733734 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.5797506752406 + 0.653006685979021 + 0 + 0.560768837151243 + 0.663154103078011 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.581130374932618 + 0.65558526066106 + 0 + 0.561435899778889 + 0.666132565976953 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.582512036480011 + 0.658162784660737 + 0 + 0.562088409059419 + 0.669120964532821 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.583895732506611 + 0.660739217053403 + 0 + 0.562726234864116 + 0.672119517731619 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.585281537301714 + 0.663314515794018 + 0 + 0.563349223802624 + 0.675128464815804 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.58666952684241 + 0.665888637689325 + 0 + 0.563957220238408 + 0.678148054416582 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.588059778816627 + 0.668461538368789 + 0 + 0.564550067702161 + 0.681178544161811 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.589452372645495 + 0.671033172255039 + 0 + 0.565127666817988 + 0.684220169617626 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.590847389503404 + 0.67360349253464 + 0 + 0.565689839569075 + 0.687273218085324 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.592244912340357 + 0.676172451126695 + 0 + 0.566236538010353 + 0.690337915775508 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.593645025899612 + 0.67873999865302 + 0 + 0.56676756712891 + 0.693414578690736 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.595047816740324 + 0.68130608440459 + 0 + 0.567282899049728 + 0.696503442024443 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.596453373253856 + 0.683870656310381 + 0 + 0.56778237736395 + 0.699604821669279 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.597861785684568 + 0.686433660902685 + 0 + 0.568265933601736 + 0.702718996480385 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.599273146146025 + 0.688995043283787 + 0 + 0.568733563068387 + 0.705846221309016 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.600687548633556 + 0.691554747093516 + 0 + 0.569185149372658 + 0.708986824081989 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.602105089041833 + 0.694112714472815 + 0 + 0.569620667675137 + 0.712141094364618 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.603525865177955 + 0.696668886028559 + 0 + 0.570040120943055 + 0.715309318492461 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.604949976770071 + 0.699223200799586 + 0 + 0.57044358988887 + 0.718491751825465 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.606377525471898 + 0.701775596223719 + 0 + 0.570831074366489 + 0.721688707368014 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.60780861487086 + 0.704326008101475 + 0 + 0.571202614625042 + 0.724900488845361 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.60924335049374 + 0.706874370559788 + 0 + 0.571558330524061 + 0.728127368598884 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.610681839805499 + 0.709420616018196 + 0 + 0.571898406876293 + 0.731369595445072 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.612124192201831 + 0.711964675157184 + 0 + 0.572223077806043 + 0.734627403224196 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.613570518998322 + 0.714506476887092 + 0 + 0.572532531701832 + 0.73790106486605 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.615020933421205 + 0.717045948314742 + 0 + 0.572827005625522 + 0.741190839245354 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.616475550593733 + 0.719583014711136 + 0 + 0.573106863393406 + 0.744496926020228 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.617934487511497 + 0.7221175994841 + 0 + 0.573372590266434 + 0.747819467338779 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.619397863008728 + 0.72464962415479 + 0 + 0.573624613399242 + 0.751158650585063 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.620865797727074 + 0.727179008331499 + 0 + 0.573863332947916 + 0.754514691292229 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.622338414076415 + 0.729705669686802 + 0 + 0.574089805390271 + 0.757887433810924 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.623815836181809 + 0.732229523941548 + 0 + 0.57430333630341 + 0.761277756702318 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.62529818982557 + 0.734750484850714 + 0 + 0.574509875453046 + 0.764682641681308 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.626785602388038 + 0.737268464188759 + 0 + 0.57469066310619 + 0.76811367231047 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.628278202772942 + 0.73978337174411 + 0 + 0.574919964203378 + 0.771527241105811 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.629776121330131 + 0.742295115310674 + 0 + 0.57492523120754 + 0.775086523658828 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.631279489771317 + 0.744803600697322 + 0 + 0.575727199761042 + 0.778179814041859 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.632788411779383 + 0.747308749356099 + 0 + 0.575288415620017 + 0.782031263803285 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.634303050852476 + 0.74981044551737 + 0 + 0.575446661379239 + 0.785538340656238 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.635823542219088 + 0.75230858903938 + 0 + 0.576192400600783 + 0.788699810385082 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.637349993233329 + 0.754803095433862 + 0 + 0.575707462065686 + 0.792626936938308 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.638882569827671 + 0.757293843032049 + 0 + 0.576064783136243 + 0.796054320071987 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.640421409793976 + 0.759780725811929 + 0 + 0.576014419760641 + 0.799748704008027 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.64196665155387 + 0.762263635821387 + 0 + 0.576752363276651 + 0.802967795120354 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.643518408098649 + 0.764742479424887 + 0 + 0.576315865903392 + 0.806936460144825 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.64507684474993 + 0.767217128677879 + 0 + 0.576675896914198 + 0.810424226926277 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.646642101130593 + 0.769687469937928 + 0 + 0.576611166742589 + 0.814198080017411 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.64821431703763 + 0.772153387700296 + 0 + 0.577479339221999 + 0.817394299632442 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.649793594870188 + 0.774614788637634 + 0 + 0.577335805757037 + 0.821253917104947 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.651380083324082 + 0.777071548118819 + 0 + 0.577560827455281 + 0.824897171760925 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.652973930314778 + 0.779523540010885 + 0 + 0.577412462657832 + 0.828804007007554 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.654575295728024 + 0.781970628277454 + 0 + 0.5777121848008 + 0.832440536941634 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.65618431860627 + 0.784412688324068 + 0 + 0.577893100240127 + 0.836175568837502 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.65780113753185 + 0.786849593773252 + 0 + 0.578175456482988 + 0.839864838361584 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.659425890531859 + 0.789281216480066 + 0 + 0.578251276353105 + 0.843714421172399 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.661058714988293 + 0.791707426556742 + 0 + 0.579137064595808 + 0.847040022533228 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.662699712803952 + 0.794128115909229 + 0 + 0.579176081875524 + 0.85095766833805 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.664349025252622 + 0.796543147768465 + 0 + 0.57947088868305 + 0.854726518383872 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.666006792455664 + 0.798952383748292 + 0 + 0.57970700115238 + 0.858560216049919 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.667673153334429 + 0.801355683811376 + 0 + 0.580045442957448 + 0.862348354584232 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.669348245566117 + 0.803752906251656 + 0 + 0.580160090801327 + 0.866319272969298 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.671032215526864 + 0.806143900652429 + 0 + 0.580595606477004 + 0.870092240820702 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.672725193783962 + 0.808528525011292 + 0 + 0.580976578396377 + 0.873929613151674 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.674427309644666 + 0.81090663559603 + 0 + 0.581385497705991 + 0.877774034683702 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.676138691097648 + 0.813278086950014 + 0 + 0.581871117720558 + 0.881590316884803 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.677859464754136 + 0.815642731879935 + 0 + 0.582161137587678 + 0.885577383269676 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.679589755799815 + 0.818000421470542 + 0 + 0.583297357986839 + 0.888970010004465 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.681329651581742 + 0.820351031955589 + 0 + 0.583582110354334 + 0.893015077063673 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.683079278627915 + 0.822694408104355 + 0 + 0.584125662107552 + 0.896899253147645 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.68483876186491 + 0.825030392890383 + 0 + 0.584638196223888 + 0.900837084311973 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.68660822457176 + 0.827358827451081 + 0 + 0.585175029994476 + 0.904788104425747 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.688387788342487 + 0.829679551078574 + 0 + 0.585806716138581 + 0.90869821259632 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.690177573042619 + 0.831992401194349 + 0 + 0.586200124388182 + 0.912826073161742 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.691977708026885 + 0.834297204554997 + 0 + 0.586940921848998 + 0.91671814950952 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.693788305426752 + 0.836593797931522 + 0 + 0.587629442878455 + 0.92068355910605 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.695609475529207 + 0.838882016258491 + 0 + 0.588354505294136 + 0.924653731100345 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.697441326723064 + 0.841161692646251 + 0 + 0.589163046762003 + 0.928590742428027 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.699283965434902 + 0.843432658377403 + 0 + 0.589784168064673 + 0.932715223364282 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.701137496073882 + 0.845694742941506 + 0 + 0.591255461067345 + 0.936175963696754 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.703001984853191 + 0.847947803884811 + 0 + 0.591881477981357 + 0.940363362982171 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.704877536614582 + 0.850191663757338 + 0 + 0.592779371448378 + 0.944363646776841 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.706764254068943 + 0.852426143186029 + 0 + 0.593627110258366 + 0.948443788149584 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.708662237733591 + 0.854651060849039 + 0 + 0.594603221236389 + 0.952453188880499 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.710571585876305 + 0.856866233473904 + 0 + 0.595319815810207 + 0.956726674345049 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.712492406399187 + 0.859071465457416 + 0 + 0.596433123829598 + 0.960697776713257 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.714424787463477 + 0.861266574232803 + 0 + 0.597476326455244 + 0.964768778513179 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.716368814572128 + 0.863451375650722 + 0 + 0.59863379440026 + 0.96877814000007 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.718324570481358 + 0.865625684036206 + 0 + 0.599640003006569 + 0.972964550552677 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.72029213511783 + 0.867789312265633 + 0 + 0.601375509747715 + 0.976526182214974 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.722271556102408 + 0.869942098795156 + 0 + 0.602364068261852 + 0.980807511347746 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.724262914857578 + 0.872083847390539 + 0 + 0.603648052332452 + 0.98486099087234 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.72626629009686 + 0.874214359968805 + 0 + 0.604729855248798 + 0.989149382986746 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.728281763809995 + 0.876333430845304 + 0 + 0.606199411889919 + 0.993115946604561 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.730309400304872 + 0.878440866585258 + 0 + 0.607457872011117 + 0.997328454370023 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.732349260482235 + 0.880536472745561 + 0 + 0.609449703346729 + 1.00086831623152 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.734401378119171 + 0.882620077175405 + 0 + 0.61042971829649 + 1.00544267529072 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.736465830731735 + 0.884691460540949 + 0 + 0.612162651507969 + 1.00932147255294 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.738542668416705 + 0.886750425902884 + 0 + 0.613617941524624 + 1.01352286153266 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.740631937484724 + 0.888796775689154 + 0 + 0.615733735344946 + 1.01709314874229 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.742733659951078 + 0.890830332882816 + 0 + 0.617025704489726 + 1.0215540667924 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.744847894833597 + 0.892850877970272 + 0 + 0.618799431834207 + 1.025567182036 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.746974676598942 + 0.894858212146356 + 0 + 0.621017448455773 + 1.02914992102605 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.749114016213906 + 0.896852157149279 + 0 + 0.622473672891555 + 1.03359086124951 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.751265959351244 + 0.898832493187776 + 0 + 0.624517003113724 + 1.03744980965363 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.753430527965103 + 0.900799021175489 + 0 + 0.626474391701832 + 1.041446812397 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.755607739715766 + 0.902751542136031 + 0 + 0.62852556283811 + 1.04538621513023 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.757797607938862 + 0.904689857327551 + 0 + 0.630623184200125 + 1.04931922378437 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.760000141605001 + 0.906613768337764 + 0 + 0.632780314587401 + 1.05323046133721 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.76221534528857 + 0.9085230771865 + 0 + 0.634993727728588 + 1.05712267390591 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.764443219149157 + 0.910417586415525 + 0 + 0.637264487826657 + 1.06099370635657 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.766683758916279 + 0.912297099180057 + 0 + 0.639592465263144 + 1.06484272153083 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.768936955879645 + 0.914161419338114 + 0 + 0.641977681790751 + 1.06866866445949 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.77120279689149 + 0.916010351529654 + 0 + 0.644419986538274 + 1.0724706475829 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.773481264376239 + 0.917843701250383 + 0 + 0.646919300479588 + 1.0762476581077 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.775772336339776 + 0.919661274929386 + 0 + 0.649475426538953 + 1.07999879099543 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.778075986386633 + 0.921462880000191 + 0 + 0.652088066040777 + 1.08372323811796 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.780392183746205 + 0.923248324963123 + 0 + 0.654756873333191 + 1.08742022585288 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.782720893303 + 0.925017419444714 + 0 + 0.657481523275243 + 1.09108892882178 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.785062075626632 + 0.926769974259498 + 0 + 0.660261643843737 + 1.09472855735246 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.787415687005112 + 0.928505801469561 + 0 + 0.663096807228555 + 1.09833837373811 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.789781679483232 + 0.930224714439038 + 0 + 0.665986522436363 + 1.10191770802562 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.792160000906222 + 0.931926527882833 + 0 + 0.668930264138414 + 1.105465923947 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.794550594965538 + 0.933611057913389 + 0 + 0.67192755303693 + 1.1089823067071 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.796953401242753 + 0.935278122091118 + 0 + 0.674977849964682 + 1.11246621096377 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.799368355256665 + 0.936927539471245 + 0 + 0.678080590686008 + 1.11591701615086 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.801795388513732 + 0.938559130646588 + 0 + 0.681235146889709 + 1.11933418814807 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.804234428561666 + 0.940172717786056 + 0 + 0.684440956375526 + 1.12271708799448 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.80668539904008 + 0.941768124677816 + 0 + 0.687697410102009 + 1.12606513797009 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.809148219733752 + 0.94334517676888 + 0 + 0.691003840292251 + 1.12937784680694 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.811622806628934 + 0.944903701200077 + 0 + 0.694359653945201 + 1.13265460296143 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.814109071967037 + 0.946443526845021 + 0 + 0.697764152031176 + 1.13589495910454 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.816606924302355 + 0.947964484342643 + 0 + 0.701216720542619 + 1.13909833004324 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.819116268556871 + 0.949466406134149 + 0 + 0.70471666395046 + 1.14226426112533 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.821637006077992 + 0.950949126494966 + 0 + 0.708263329898013 + 1.14539222634284 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.824169034695025 + 0.952412481568428 + 0 + 0.711856029383833 + 1.1484817609459 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.826712248777052 + 0.953856309396674 + 0 + 0.715494071493916 + 1.15153240564825 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.82926653929121 + 0.955280449950275 + 0 + 0.719176764160842 + 1.15454370552745 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.831831793860573 + 0.956684745157953 + 0 + 0.722903425356151 + 1.15751518933143 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.834407896821415 + 0.958069038936809 + 0 + 0.72667335140292 + 1.16044642731549 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.836994729281447 + 0.959433177220154 + 0 + 0.730485836985996 + 1.16333699697171 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.839592169178082 + 0.960777007984518 + 0 + 0.734340183709216 + 1.16618646653512 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.842200091336039 + 0.96210038127712 + 0 + 0.738235687571402 + 1.16899441853605 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.844818367524905 + 0.963403149242686 + 0 + 0.742171644752429 + 1.17176043913918 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.847446866516471 + 0.964685166149915 + 0 + 0.746147350668987 + 1.17448411999357 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.850085454142112 + 0.965946288417057 + 0 + 0.750162083799497 + 1.17716509286264 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.852733993350576 + 0.967186374635766 + 0 + 0.754215148473571 + 1.17980294076097 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.855392344264345 + 0.968405285597037 + 0 + 0.758305830965531 + 1.18239728876735 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.858060364236414 + 0.96960288431545 + 0 + 0.762433422021921 + 1.18494775759706 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.860737907906838 + 0.970779036053093 + 0 + 0.766597210649163 + 1.18745397672787 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.863424827259025 + 0.971933608343098 + 0 + 0.770796485894456 + 1.18991558058976 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.866120971675819 + 0.973066471012852 + 0 + 0.775030536413995 + 1.19233220950319 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.86882618799534 + 0.974177496206853 + 0 + 0.77929865061492 + 1.19470350932899 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.871540320566605 + 0.975266558409249 + 0 + 0.783600116605401 + 1.19702913153404 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.874263211304929 + 0.976333534466049 + 0 + 0.787934222157531 + 1.1993087332215 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.876994699747114 + 0.977378303607011 + 0 + 0.792300254690363 + 1.2015419770999 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.879734623106442 + 0.978400747467199 + 0 + 0.796697501208728 + 1.20372853155632 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.882482816327476 + 0.979400750108229 + 0 + 0.801125248235403 + 1.20586807075044 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.885239112140674 + 0.980378198039167 + 0 + 0.80558278177684 + 1.20796027461827 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.888003341116855 + 0.981332980237103 + 0 + 0.810069387228711 + 1.21000482904534 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.890775331721488 + 0.98226498816738 + 0 + 0.814584349338428 + 1.21200142588957 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.893554910368849 + 0.983174115803467 + 0 + 0.819126952132358 + 1.21394976311025 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.896341901476043 + 0.984060259646479 + 0 + 0.823696478844864 + 1.21584954490834 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.899136127516904 + 0.984923318744337 + 0 + 0.828292211883592 + 1.2177004817662 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.901937409075784 + 0.985763194710533 + 0 + 0.832913432752802 + 1.21950229063139 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.904745564901246 + 0.986579791742529 + 0 + 0.837559422016165 + 1.22125469499271 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.907560411959667 + 0.987373016639754 + 0 + 0.842229459252868 + 1.22295742498927 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.910381765488759 + 0.988142778821189 + 0 + 0.846922822997989 + 1.22461021759625 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.913209439051023 + 0.988888990342544 + 0 + 0.851638790739148 + 1.22621281662703 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.916043244587145 + 0.989611565913015 + 0 + 0.856376638857215 + 1.22776497295427 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.918882992469333 + 0.990310422911597 + 0 + 0.861135642620302 + 1.2292664445557 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.92172849155461 + 0.990985481402956 + 0 + 0.86591507615591 + 1.23071699665908 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.924579549238077 + 0.99163666415285 + 0 + 0.87071421244007 + 1.23211640184163 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.927435971506138 + 0.992263896643088 + 0 + 0.875532323293515 + 1.23346444011683 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.930297562989699 + 0.992867107086013 + 0 + 0.880368679371992 + 1.23476089906723 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.933164127017351 + 0.993446226438506 + 0 + 0.88522255017038 + 1.23600557393929 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.936035465668542 + 0.994001188415506 + 0 + 0.890093204040771 + 1.2371982676848 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.938911379826729 + 0.994531929503024 + 0 + 0.894979908182248 + 1.23833879116845 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.941791669232533 + 0.995038388970659 + 0 + 0.899881928685053 + 1.23942696311634 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.944676132536893 + 0.995520508883601 + 0 + 0.904798530530936 + 1.2404626103121 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.947564567354209 + 0.99597823411411 + 0 + 0.909728977628212 + 1.24144556763097 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.950456770315505 + 0.99641151235247 + 0 + 0.914672532844852 + 1.24237567809293 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.953352537121585 + 0.996820294117415 + 0 + 0.919628458030689 + 1.24325279301213 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.956251662596205 + 0.997204532766003 + 0 + 0.924596014067371 + 1.2440767719857 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.959153940739248 + 0.997564184502961 + 0 + 0.929574460904303 + 1.24484748298732 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.962059164779921 + 0.997899208389464 + 0 + 0.934563057598259 + 1.2455648024697 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.964967127229943 + 0.998209566351364 + 0 + 0.939561062370934 + 1.24622861533565 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.967877619936771 + 0.998495223186864 + 0 + 0.944567732646676 + 1.24683881510129 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.970790434136819 + 0.998756146573612 + 0 + 0.949582325126673 + 1.24739530371724 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.973705360508699 + 0.998992307075239 + 0 + 0.954604095777177 + 1.2478979924192 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.97662218922647 + 0.999203678147315 + 0 + 0.95963230010815 + 1.24834679881033 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.979540710012901 + 0.999390236142735 + 0 + 0.964666192541483 + 1.24874165726925 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.982460712192748 + 0.999551960316514 + 0 + 0.969705028544298 + 1.24908248336478 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.985381984746035 + 0.999688832830011 + 0 + 0.974748058672807 + 1.24936929498265 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.988304316361358 + 0.999800838754563 + 0 + 0.979794545451901 + 1.24960180448193 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.991227495489156 + 0.999887966074526 + 0 + 0.984843718929586 + 1.24978077669965 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.994151299683936 + 0.999950205507339 + 0 + 0.989894866724791 + 1.24990357363127 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.997075543857275 + 0.999987551371781 + 0 + 0.994947188564111 + 1.24997849141511 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 1 + 0.999999999993262 + 0 + 1 + 1.2499798172808 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + + + + + + The material override + 3402a6db-4543-4e95-bdde-38096310e943 + Material + Material + false + 23aab72e-a432-46e6-8ee8-5e5d2196886a + 1 + + + + + + 26845 + -10332 + 51 + 20 + + + 26872 + -10322 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;221;160;221 + + + 255;66;48;66 + + 0.5 + + 255;255;255;255 + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + af074fe2-84d9-401c-8cef-be256c61ded4 + 57edb658-54a0-4b69-abc3-8acfb6c4fe7e + 726ddbce-8d49-48c7-9b39-a0cc0f7603f4 + 3 + b8e05fd7-d0f6-4577-92ab-b5b0b03e5275 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 + Colour Picker + + + + + Provides a colour picker object + 726ddbce-8d49-48c7-9b39-a0cc0f7603f4 + Colour Picker + Colour Picker + false + + 255;247;247;247 + + 0 + + + + + + 26930.07 + -10477.61 + 180 + 310 + + 2 + + + + + + + + + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 + Create Material + + + + + Create an OpenGL material. + b842f0a9-ac1e-4bbe-9685-270a2c592b54 + Create Material + Create Material + + + + + + 27074 + -10764 + 144 + 104 + + + 27158 + -10712 + + + + + + Colour of the diffuse channel + f76b4593-2c28-4919-b3f8-b3edfb34d854 + Diffuse + Diffuse + false + bb7e7aa7-0a4c-4d35-982b-f5961f92790d + 1 + + + + + + 27076 + -10762 + 67 + 20 + + + 27111 + -10752 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;105;180 + + + + + + + + + + + + Colour of the specular highlight + 9fce1ec2-c5e9-4fe8-8f10-c8918926607e + Specular + Specular + false + 0 + + + + + + 27076 + -10742 + 67 + 20 + + + 27111 + -10732 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;255;255 + + + + + + + + + + + + Emissive colour of the material + 42d5c297-3c0c-4d45-8c29-35f5de89a313 + Emission + Emission + false + 0 + + + + + + 27076 + -10722 + 67 + 20 + + + 27111 + -10712 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;0;0;0 + + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of transparency (0.0 = opaque, 1.0 = transparent + a0f6d212-cbd8-4be0-8a76-50a96605bf1d + Transparency + Transparency + false + 0 + + + + + + 27076 + -10702 + 67 + 20 + + + 27111 + -10692 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of shinyness (0 = none, 1 = low shine, 100 = max shine + 11af39e8-a7fa-4400-8228-65d6a3bd6dd3 + Shine + Shine + false + 0 + + + + + + 27076 + -10682 + 67 + 20 + + + 27111 + -10672 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Resulting material + 28ad1085-904e-4c21-9528-e90b63011163 + Material + Material + false + 0 + + + + + + 27173 + -10762 + 43 + 100 + + + 27196 + -10712 + + + + + + + + + + + + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c + Custom Preview + + + + + Allows for customized geometry previews + true + 1f8eb17b-9d6a-4621-b3c2-88a78df316e5 + Custom Preview + Custom Preview + + + + + + + 26843 + -10734 + 82 + 44 + + + 26911 + -10712 + + + + + + Geometry to preview + true + cd70a530-a9e4-4e44-a664-a9207d524669 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26845 + -10732 + 51 + 20 + + + 26872 + -10722 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + -1 + + 7dt3PJbf4z9we8uWmb1H9uYcUaREiqyy9ypUNFARKaNCGVkpKqQoJLMyItnrtu7blpURmb/7/ft8fvd5P77fv3//ef1xX/f1vM99rnOd61znOo/bAxExERHRHj7/bP8JHQn+5ZyZu4evn56fj4+frzS/hYt/gIefr7aqrLyirIK8opIa/o2cnLw0v95l78DL/i7avi6XA/0dvKX5TS87ens4nXAJPuvn5eKrraysoKAm76Ku6qSqrKysKEf+z1E4/2/lsgYufj4ugf7Bsqcu+zsG6F32v+JChv+U8sp/jkbj4O/k7nHFRdHZh9rvoouv7z+lyJwdAh3+KURFRUXyT0MZxYiIFPDbx9u0dNSk+DcM/7xQ6xIRkWyGkhDtwP+c1NYeCRHrf0+Qk+nthdO0XUzVu0SMd4gFl4y4gg9u4z//9t+yjKT/LfhPa0hJiP5HlsD/lP969f8U8v/1XZS8PyP0txTeg9fSKfPhCnVAIOjOuYoTzSDCyVH0okIHeDP7tWalqgeQrK5inE5gwLtPe8EVvSNAoU51ZFMeBzr0AkYpgsbBU4ETp/YqJ4EFiPqAJZ0BRRLr2W+O/wLKwQLPrePmgYyxw5G5rkXAn+pNcZj+N/CX1GroObwMHN9el/A2WwFEzIvL84GrYLrmyIz1kzXw9yV9x7vyP8Ceudv/N2YdlMgxPuTY3QB9xtLLIvybQIs1wYbjyBZQ1yp5tOC0DbSvkZ/PjdgBh1hZw3Rzd8EUw/3aisY9QCSQGUBzmQie8MrEvCAnhnmZS9cPJxHDVYGp0peiJHCShmGFppQEli0pPrQxIIXzJ7z/POklhW6vRCOr3cgg3YpqXvs6GTxGPFv1I5IcmgTSyxcfpIB0LLQut3IpIIZuo1ZVlRJepM9/211PCdViepOsLajgjYBD2G8TVJCuQP4v+2VqOOA7b2RMRgOt9q7quT+mgTHdjqfdBGlhu1vL+PF3tDCNM9qPAdJBaQ09l9JWOrjSUqWpe54eWvLc88z/RQ8PidL4bAQfgCQqnRXCVAzQsa5sQC6JAfK3x4ocYGaEYmIjhiuWjHCMJDu1IYMRXm22GIueZISZUdPTWjJM0POI5dWhACZYTRVn6f2JCToJStrMEDHDHZ5npmcNmKGtzxH6ghhmuHLVwXGlkxkepOOXEeNigc9sA4ChPQuMESYJs3jJArlDYr+dnmOBYUR5m+oKrHCu8BwpQxArvHSbtqatkhVuiTUIh5KyQVDicYjrOBtstTBKzYplgxdcpcLZuthgBZVx52VOdmh6aPt23QV2GHwxNHLrOTv8lsbczj/DDufTxU8pyB6E+gmSW4cDDsJ6zbIOzrKDkC25s2Zx+yA8P8OY8U6XAxqdYnGyu8sBv65jsRvfOeCAprFACAMnBHdeEy+c4YRzNzrqTjzlhKEPqliiBzlhh+EpywF+LshoKv8t3JkLRha0zES85oLsXoKxu3NcUILMvLJDjhtabVHeSr3CDStCWZUel3FDX9J0bsw2N6w0yHRLBjxQRVja6HkED/yWt6g3Wc8Dj/SwrDbT8EJ9M7MgF2Ne6N2TShz6kBd+b54u0O/ihTLDkhdFOA5B7jMRo8mWh+AdNyOm5tRDMO56mN/voUOwsHzx4hl+Plh2iMGc3ZEPvtHPdwl5wQfnbwVsHZ3ig6XB4seKWPnhxcncpiBlfriuORLUZMEPDfknFQ5f4YdxMf068Ak/HKZbavtQyg/h2GSSVh8/rOM5Pl26wQ9vas1zLXMIwD0OA/NZdQFIGjlhIWQtAK/yyc9evSYAQ1ylEipSBGDpcWWulk8CMF7vaLErRgCOP1Ktp9gUgLk/1EhcuQShfVlhsZiGIHx00ypsx0oQRpyeHWsMFoSJNeqpFsmCUNatDpNaLgiJ7P9yH+4XhI1efrazG4LQSJ/JwIVDCI6lrHpdUhOCb3FpZdcshKBslc8IuCIEF8joPjsnCkEb9p/Y4hIhGHGRzTmrUwjWwoXVnBUheCfDdfYxszBke2371kVBGOqzrU8PmghDyRTpa6f9hCHJ/Fx9doww5Ls63LFdIAyVunuMPJqFIYO8l3vUrDC8Kn4lO4lKBLaXX8pqFheBPk2nBv4eFYGfSzrWTJxFoN6TX3Fy4SLQfPzTukCWCCxUXi4qqBaB3HUVJzKHRGDkhrvE8y0ReHd5yCuaUxSmdqz3OKiKQu4rgoGi5qJQ//or1X5/UfiC2IDxWrwobBAUM6YuFIUUMsfUIptFIX9CAPPqtCjkKHkhbUohBnvuNUylConBV5pGr3qhGPSIO99KekEM/vr6o4z/uhg0DCpok30qBhO1iyNkP4jBDvrK4/wdYvBlVeUtskUxGCSSkoyhFYcnd1/svBAXh1sRIwLOR8UhLz+1J7ujOIT1LjqVIeIwmQlHb5UqDrH61CqzpeJQmiha6FIXfvtAQW5hSRx2D0TWONBLwCuPxmRaJCSgwNaNLpljEpDFK4A+0lECshnXyfaFSMADHV73BFIl4MexNV+nUgkY1s4lm94pAWlfXmTqWJSAi5FJDnu0krBJ2NxZVFwSXpvE2BroS8II/5uxjvaS0Nu8VTnohiQ0Pd0RF/VUErq7BPQ8LpGEvkWPdVPaJKHwr16KtDlJWOvwwyqZSgr6x655PRKWgvcvY7wjoRS0lBKJDrKVgiWUuYsuQVKQLeZKg0mCFDQs3FJXKZKCH6TJfDlbpOC78s6ov1NSkPGLSmEPqTT0rXxI9I5PGmI9lzOjNKXhNVK+t+fPScMzUS+OywVIQ/XW2RiiOGnII6j2tPW1NHT93HQnpV4azs8OeDrjpCE1W4mr9C7++40f4pY5ZaD8UZedj8oyMLn+an3waRkYxzdEpOkjA+eqvtduRsnAzHffeMtzZOCwSr74lRoZ6DhavSY/KAN5twqezK3LwEbWZP6XLLLQFghkXzgsCzPOeMuwn5CFZeaynS2usvDMeNHz27dloYQaplA1XRZySamTzZXLwqxpkuKMblnY5yD03ey3LMw/Ai3J6Q9DftIqr1Lxw/BnbSuzh/5h6GFzwYbL/jCEz3zONF8/DKnuX6C78eQwzMD9uC9dfBhW2xWODLYehtuv1gRiZg/D3KjUvEOkcvD4ca2aP4xy0GvBDtt6SA6OS5vS5krLQYp+yhOhGnJQ2CQs95yhHJxYihSSs5CD9pU/G6ic5WATj2Uq9pIc9Nxhf/EpVA46+4jMPY6Rg+9efbjqkyoH/aK4TAxeyUHL203BAqVy0PDNhb2tr3KQZSVjqqdDDq6shWm8H5WDv26KEsUuyMGhhFnouS0HcXz25AY08pBD9pyFMIc8tCPDapGIysOEo2frRhXl4bXK00vVuvKQIr6xLcNEHoarb/mEnZeHPjfCOxy85CGjhi21frA8JGca4hWLlIexeU3ctInycAKaMSxl4+ul5ybvKZKHBR91aSqr5GGwlbP0ixZ5ePxZbnDsgDxsmagkCp6Wh2Zgoc35jzzcqeLePE2mAPO0fzyAzAqQkUY5RY5fAb4yUFcSlFWAT/uv+7BpKUC9NCcrGiMFuHZHmI7YUgEKujSl/HVRgFGntbhXAxRgl69pztItBegt1Gy8GKcAC4185JaeKcAUjx2XlTcK8P26MfXfcgV4fMFEhbhRATJ5bFDT9ShAF9mmbM5xBShyl45PclkB1vV5ZWoTKcK3X0MMzx5QhA4fJTR8eRThC5nPyfclFeFjxVsP8tUUYfPfbvX2Y4rQ1O3m979nFaF51oarqJMiZLE5qnHukiK8Irly8UGoIvw9zKteH6MIxbn9q8nSFKHEFQUVw9eK8AH7se/xZYqwRYPs/XC9IoyJUOBR6FaEIrYG8P6YIjxy0Nls9rciLKDxDDchUoJsWpaMFQeU8POypbQMrxJMu3n+wEspJXjMdXRaREMJAr221XxDJehpTuWpeU4JFhA/utHuogQfWp857xeoBJWOj2uw3VGCD07tGHx5qARPM7B+CM5Ugj9in79We6sEw56wHCeqwruD44e2FiXIPSdy8DVGCeqqVLg8mFWCs4cMuYP+KkHZ9NufvaiUYZ22lZTPQWWII68KchVVhnzPrczzlZXhlIkutYi+MiSrNLZgO6sMJd8zOEMnZSiqExLWe0kZ8mxu7f2+pQxfhxHz/o1Xhq4vm99EZSrD5c6GKZ23ynApp2beq1oZBv7gT0hoVYbJ0RWDp4aVoWF1VDDNvDLM+0xqu7KtDCP/Vvd40qlAaSfpDG8eFYiNMrEfk1KBzw7Kr0RrqsCMw2EOvCdU4FTu9OqetQrUbdVKJfNUgRV+hQU011RgnfueYOM9FZhgp/HlRbIKtBozd/J7pQKTZVJIH5WrwOlZ3RHLJhWofJrmoU6/Ckz6YHdVYkYFBudxmdL8VYH3j3MvqFOrQuGLCev3OFThVACPfq+4KjxoKxA5oqYKKSIP2RIfV4VPT359IWWlCudiHosaeqhC7M0ava/BqlDxHvN57D1VyJP6hZwvRRWWsFW7O75WhY6G3+WffVKFLfRfS0WaVaHDlYaEvgF8eQ2nubBf+HqGBWUntlThySPWHV50alCCoqV0iEcNplivVJTK4PeVtgLFddRgAsW5tZpTarAgYvyBkZ0a3G1i62e/qAa5PaXXFMPU4JHZzyLSD9XgkEhb/FCWGtSPFlwZe68Gc2QUzkZ/UYN1ypo1d7rUoAFrfkjXuBp8yWyybvFHDYY/M4mmoFSHE2QK4Rwc6pBPZO1ikrg6fD+MzaLSUIcn7xUW7BipQ//fX3pSbdSh4+AsH4+POlR4IlRBEaIOkyINWrji1OHf+7ftJTPVYcKDljbdd+pQrX+s8XydOnzytoojtFMdTp/1D3oxrg4FVv1n2tbUYTskcSCm1IB/uO8NqnBoQMUwb7NLEhrwAGlBZZGGBrwWscyzdkIDBp4456dzXgMWiQQVPfDVgENTToMjoRrwkpn0kupDDSiQ6DybkK0BFT6nNf0p1oCVF8ijzn/TgIzGSgJNPRpwS90hXn1aAwZLxXQU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+ + 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Curve + + + + + + + + + + + The material override + 49c6ec59-f702-4b5e-bc67-a0fe9a418c5c + Material + Material + false + 28ad1085-904e-4c21-9528-e90b63011163 + 1 + + + + + + 26845 + -10712 + 51 + 20 + + + 26872 + -10702 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;221;160;221 + + + 255;66;48;66 + + 0.5 + + 255;255;255;255 + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + b842f0a9-ac1e-4bbe-9685-270a2c592b54 + 1f8eb17b-9d6a-4621-b3c2-88a78df316e5 + bb7e7aa7-0a4c-4d35-982b-f5961f92790d + 3 + 2a9f42fb-8a28-481c-ac56-bd1b9721083c + Group + + + + + + + + + + + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 + Colour Picker + + + + + Provides a colour picker object + bb7e7aa7-0a4c-4d35-982b-f5961f92790d + Colour Picker + Colour Picker + false + + 255;222;222;222 + + 0 + + + + + + 26931.41 + -10856.07 + 180 + 310 + + 2 + + + + + + + + + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 + Create Material + + + + + Create an OpenGL material. + 4b89bede-4e0d-4e3a-bc2f-963fdc4a7df2 + Create Material + Create Material + + + + + + 27074 + -11760 + 144 + 104 + + + 27158 + -11708 + + + + + + Colour of the diffuse channel + 21427474-f6fd-4696-9785-ccb8c1f05ff1 + Diffuse + Diffuse + false + a66423a5-cd58-4dda-9aaf-de2b609770c2 + 1 + + + + + + 27076 + -11758 + 67 + 20 + + + 27111 + -11748 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;105;180 + + + + + + + + + + + + Colour of the specular highlight + f50bd59e-167e-4a12-a16b-078e9b25e5ee + Specular + Specular + false + 0 + + + + + + 27076 + -11738 + 67 + 20 + + + 27111 + -11728 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;255;255 + + + + + + + + + + + + Emissive colour of the material + 6f9c9fa3-ac5d-4aa5-851e-9f4130d7189d + Emission + Emission + false + 0 + + + + + + 27076 + -11718 + 67 + 20 + + + 27111 + -11708 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;0;0;0 + + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of transparency (0.0 = opaque, 1.0 = transparent + 2fdf5602-1850-4fe8-b7c3-45689ee2f0c2 + Transparency + Transparency + false + 0 + + + + + + 27076 + -11698 + 67 + 20 + + + 27111 + -11688 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of shinyness (0 = none, 1 = low shine, 100 = max shine + 1f01b61b-a8a7-4269-b927-98a32a2220c8 + Shine + Shine + false + 0 + + + + + + 27076 + -11678 + 67 + 20 + + + 27111 + -11668 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Resulting material + 7bafaad0-a97e-4881-a44e-806f35c4d02f + Material + Material + false + 0 + + + + + + 27173 + -11758 + 43 + 100 + + + 27196 + -11708 + + + + + + + + + + + + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c + Custom Preview + + + + + Allows for customized geometry previews + true + efd51c5e-6e6c-438d-be9d-b57f666fa0d3 + Custom Preview + Custom Preview + + + + + + + 26843 + -11730 + 82 + 44 + + + 26911 + -11708 + + + + + + Geometry to preview + true + c0d3f167-dec2-46b7-b5a6-bca42d4caf34 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26845 + -11728 + 51 + 20 + + + 26872 + -11718 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 513 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + + 8.31187957663209E-17 + -0.24997981727771 + 0 + 8.31187957663209E-17 + -0.24997981727771 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.00505281143588085 + -0.249978491419991 + 0 + 0.00505290599040027 + -0.249989597541828 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0101051332752018 + -0.249903573637878 + 0 + 0.0101058899609055 + -0.249948009000087 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0151562810704255 + -0.249780776706985 + 0 + 0.0151588361119955 + -0.249880793760095 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0202054545481003 + -0.249601804488715 + 0 + 0.0202115148753165 + -0.249779703001769 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0252519413272185 + -0.249369294989863 + 0 + 0.0252637875761175 + -0.24964744032203 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.030294971455728 + -0.249082483371884 + 0 + 0.0303154619783822 + -0.249483325143783 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0353338074583952 + -0.248741657273978 + 0 + 0.0353663833471248 + -0.249287748544824 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0403676998919168 + -0.248346798817997 + 0 + 0.0404163910641454 + -0.249060815873275 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0453959042227041 + -0.247897992424417 + 0 + 0.0454653366068403 + -0.248802755297525 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0504176748733502 + -0.247395303724237 + 0 + 0.0505130787496277 + -0.248513797568951 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0554322673534457 + -0.246838815109379 + 0 + 0.055559486908659 + -0.248194212538385 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0604389376287956 + -0.24622861533973 + 0 + 0.0606044417934283 + -0.247844299852185 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0654369424017636 + -0.24556480247659 + 0 + 0.0656478370465328 + -0.247464393103729 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0704255390956003 + -0.244847482993249 + 0 + 0.0706895806721914 + -0.247054860281856 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0754039859329408 + -0.244076771994841 + 0 + 0.0757295966519424 + -0.246616105448731 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0803715419689919 + -0.243252793016546 + 0 + 0.0807678266155926 + -0.246148570110183 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0853274671553754 + -0.242375678101216 + 0 + 0.0858042316502119 + -0.24565273497083 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0902710223713496 + -0.241445567634848 + 0 + 0.0908387941884258 + -0.245129121531933 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0952014694690307 + -0.240462610318637 + 0 + 0.0958715200246899 + -0.24457829388311 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.100118071314989 + -0.239426963123297 + 0 + 0.100902440440313 + -0.244000860495072 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.105020091817619 + -0.238338791174431 + 0 + 0.105931614419833 + -0.243397475909174 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.109906795959606 + -0.237198267693515 + 0 + 0.110959130963078 + -0.242768842371154 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.114777449829023 + -0.236005573942991 + 0 + 0.115985111461741 + -0.242115711258018 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.119631320628044 + -0.234760899074159 + 0 + 0.121009712080192 + -0.241438884060715 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.12446767670668 + -0.233464440124442 + 0 + 0.126033126131127 + -0.2407392129961 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.129285787559404 + -0.232116401846016 + 0 + 0.131055586306012 + -0.240017600717978 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.134084923844228 + -0.230716996666432 + 0 + 0.13607736670752 + -0.239274999133514 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.138864357380061 + -0.229266444563939 + 0 + 0.141098784495509 + -0.238512406769253 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.143623361142059 + -0.22776497295809 + 0 + 0.14612020099347 + -0.237730864434158 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.148361209260688 + -0.226212816633145 + 0 + 0.151142022054671 + -0.236931448814929 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.1530771770022 + -0.224610217603708 + 0 + 0.156164697454414 + -0.236115263619987 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.157770540747889 + -0.222957424998726 + 0 + 0.161188719143377 + -0.235283428241755 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.162440577983005 + -0.221254694996554 + 0 + 0.166214615480447 + -0.234437054431737 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.167086567247324 + -0.219502290638562 + 0 + 0.171242948710737 + -0.233577238175843 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.171707788116381 + -0.217700481772828 + 0 + 0.176274314500651 + -0.232705059753764 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.176303521155143 + -0.2158495449151 + 0 + 0.181309326974931 + -0.231821537521149 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.180873047868089 + -0.213949763118371 + 0 + 0.186348613000853 + -0.230927618185534 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.185415650660935 + -0.212001425894372 + 0 + 0.1913928070118 + -0.230024170382065 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.18993061277112 + -0.210004829051583 + 0 + 0.19644250082862 + -0.229111847328599 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.194417218223146 + -0.207960274624954 + 0 + 0.201498303286006 + -0.228191284962463 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.19887475176363 + -0.205868070754474 + 0 + 0.206560712960852 + -0.227262749574333 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.203302498791549 + -0.20372853156381 + 0 + 0.211630142715734 + -0.2263262506229 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.207699745309768 + -0.20154197710697 + 0 + 0.216706909737219 + -0.225381546094746 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.212065777842435 + -0.199308733228137 + 0 + 0.221791082646248 + -0.224427778325317 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.216399883395306 + -0.197029131542538 + 0 + 0.226882563693389 + -0.223463754745969 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.22070134938379 + -0.194703509332534 + 0 + 0.231980933918627 + -0.222487606604995 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.224969463586572 + -0.192332209511274 + 0 + 0.237085523758655 + -0.221497037559234 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.229203514104726 + -0.189915580594559 + 0 + 0.242195333636805 + -0.220489186933128 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.233402789351951 + -0.187453976737174 + 0 + 0.247309102297574 + -0.219460851768603 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.237566577977744 + -0.184947757603013 + 0 + 0.252425301921641 + -0.218408516158351 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.241694169034953 + -0.182397288775142 + 0 + 0.257542196076255 + -0.217328515962461 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.24578485152586 + -0.179802940766459 + 0 + 0.262657890212797 + -0.216217167406982 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.249837916200283 + -0.177165092868907 + 0 + 0.26777037936421 + -0.215070874241795 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.253852649331544 + -0.174484120001409 + 0 + 0.272877584504302 + -0.213886198706282 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.257828355247728 + -0.171760439146225 + 0 + 0.277977413545252 + -0.212659973660777 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.261764312428652 + -0.168994418542889 + 0 + 0.283067751286946 + -0.211389260558906 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.265659816290546 + -0.166186466541384 + 0 + 0.288146531569151 + -0.210071472504772 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.269514163013809 + -0.16333699697809 + 0 + 0.293211746430695 + -0.208704361837925 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.273326648598434 + -0.160446427324766 + 0 + 0.298261466853943 + -0.207286030895235 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.277096574642535 + -0.157515189335723 + 0 + 0.303293867064738 + -0.205814947658823 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.280823235839501 + -0.154543705534803 + 0 + 0.308307227784188 + -0.204289921336134 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.284505928505513 + -0.151532405653967 + 0 + 0.313299958229501 + -0.202710113563165 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.288143970615145 + -0.148481760950847 + 0 + 0.318270627976646 + -0.20107506466091 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.291736670102335 + -0.145392226350156 + 0 + 0.323217946044688 + -0.199384626417342 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.295283336048171 + -0.142264261129756 + 0 + 0.328140768218446 + -0.197638949396749 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.298783279457979 + -0.13909833005098 + 0 + 0.33303794258165 + -0.195838202957685 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.30223584796698 + -0.135894959108272 + 0 + 0.337908176278369 + -0.193982357289047 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.30564034605535 + -0.132654602969043 + 0 + 0.342749928939098 + -0.192071030814906 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.308996159706717 + -0.129377846812039 + 0 + 0.347561524617444 + -0.190103696312876 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.312302589898643 + -0.126065137977816 + 0 + 0.352340973372156 + -0.188079418217976 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.31555904362427 + -0.122717088000899 + 0 + 0.357086152268458 + -0.185997162913923 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.318764853109827 + -0.119334188154115 + 0 + 0.36179461748214 + -0.183855526398765 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.321919409315338 + -0.115917016159572 + 0 + 0.366463734583194 + -0.181652958255325 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.325022150034311 + -0.112466210969037 + 0 + 0.37109066888424 + -0.179387759809621 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.328072446963469 + -0.108982306714414 + 0 + 0.375672281207951 + -0.177057949289722 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.331069735861866 + -0.105465923954127 + 0 + 0.380205275222077 + -0.174661493542374 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.334013477563477 + -0.101917708032122 + 0 + 0.384686186236175 + -0.172196297701522 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.33690319277094 + -0.0983383737441425 + 0 + 0.389111456071108 + -0.169660313467837 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.339738356156289 + -0.0947285573592283 + 0 + 0.393477380749217 + -0.167051467612679 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.342518476723887 + -0.0910889288273574 + 0 + 0.397780258971842 + -0.164367863293018 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.34524312666747 + -0.0874202258604661 + 0 + 0.402016508969449 + -0.161607920878815 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.347911933958549 + -0.0837232381238189 + 0 + 0.406182774943936 + -0.158770492655498 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.35052457346085 + -0.0799987910019015 + 0 + 0.410275945708526 + -0.155854856069828 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.353080699521648 + -0.0762476581159674 + 0 + 0.414293243817352 + -0.152860796275396 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.35558001346154 + -0.0724706475893973 + 0 + 0.4182322126478 + -0.14978855532278 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.358022318210024 + -0.068668664467155 + 0 + 0.422090948123986 + -0.146639081183429 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.360407534735811 + -0.0648427215363 + 0 + 0.425867896115838 + -0.143413733593789 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.362735512173739 + -0.0609937063637705 + 0 + 0.429561860637951 + -0.140114264942493 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.365006272270594 + -0.057122673911686 + 0 + 0.433172008956164 + -0.136742798037064 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.367219685413038 + -0.0532304613444493 + 0 + 0.43669755532401 + -0.133301435828507 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.369376815799097 + -0.0493192237902158 + 0 + 0.440139190489143 + -0.129793875214046 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.37147443716159 + -0.0453862151366283 + 0 + 0.443493350973247 + -0.126218905237717 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.373525608297982 + -0.0414468124035279 + 0 + 0.446772957582219 + -0.122593562713376 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.375482996886379 + -0.0374498096604679 + 0 + 0.449930555033408 + -0.118868395139293 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.37752632710683 + -0.0335908612544884 + 0 + 0.453146095694916 + -0.115240585898506 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.378982551546035 + -0.029149921034712 + 0 + 0.455745832531496 + -0.110992561863805 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.381200568165358 + -0.0255671820422661 + 0 + 0.459079375831645 + -0.107565702869646 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.382974295510788 + -0.0215540667996627 + 0 + 0.461941693904744 + -0.10367228387907 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.384266264654825 + -0.017093148748792 + 0 + 0.46429387972617 + -0.0992981171298073 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.386382058474896 + -0.013522861538894 + 0 + 0.467442652757931 + -0.0957823887479003 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.387837348492784 + -0.0093214725604289 + 0 + 0.469904473549567 + -0.0916043783194546 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.38957028170281 + -0.0054426752967489 + 0 + 0.472617172136459 + -0.0877198252764127 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.390550296653757 + -0.000868316238730057 + 0 + 0.474549709446966 + -0.0831127476161364 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.39254212798855 + 0.00267154562357481 + 0 + 0.477467763659306 + -0.0795138704327978 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.393800588109107 + 0.00688405338963835 + 0 + 0.479627119016919 + -0.0752165781976819 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.39527014475117 + 0.0108506170065529 + 0 + 0.481971624757705 + -0.0711415577079562 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.396351947668133 + 0.0151390091203842 + 0 + 0.483902486298526 + -0.066722375540827 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.397635931738395 + 0.0191924886453002 + 0 + 0.48600965711696 + -0.0625170834535799 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.398624490251712 + 0.0234738177788118 + 0 + 0.487795715840255 + -0.0580639817497776 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.400359996993737 + 0.0270354494403133 + 0 + 0.490304212949848 + -0.0543105115035362 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.401366205599903 + 0.0312218599930515 + 0 + 0.492059239363978 + -0.0499129101157201 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.402523673543713 + 0.0352312214810138 + 0 + 0.49394055770262 + -0.0456749224504077 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.403566876169909 + 0.0393022232804431 + 0 + 0.495682987355041 + -0.041358456156073 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.404680184189365 + 0.0432733256485969 + 0 + 0.497471069703657 + -0.0371257756490784 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.405396778765094 + 0.0475468111114971 + 0 + 0.498837632947299 + -0.0325758715553404 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.406372889740866 + 0.0515562118443373 + 0 + 0.500438884314833 + -0.0282760604398986 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.40722062855217 + 0.055636353215967 + 0 + 0.501887379249106 + -0.0238917606110987 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.408118522015736 + 0.0596366370135177 + 0 + 0.503361691044068 + -0.0195742212136659 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.408744538934148 + 0.0638240362952784 + 0 + 0.504539572071594 + -0.0150573890446336 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.410215831933907 + 0.0672847766301491 + 0 + 0.506539318335215 + -0.011254253951887 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.410836953239225 + 0.0714092575642504 + 0 + 0.507665594356789 + -0.00677480749121008 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.411645494704529 + 0.0753462688939853 + 0 + 0.508954958680791 + -0.00247203246112433 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.412370557123163 + 0.0793164408859325 + 0 + 0.510136793251617 + 0.00187458394031738 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.413059078150571 + 0.0832818504840883 + 0 + 0.511257917051258 + 0.00622655023980946 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.413799875610476 + 0.0871739268325686 + 0 + 0.512407241668601 + 0.0105150398848651 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.414193283860351 + 0.0913017873977647 + 0 + 0.513184667393598 + 0.0150482792160728 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.41482497000644 + 0.0952118955668205 + 0 + 0.514175724147631 + 0.0193722545883546 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.415361803775797 + 0.0991629156815334 + 0 + 0.51504754102053 + 0.0237457174441685 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.415874337893516 + 0.103100746844823 + 0 + 0.515870481203595 + 0.028114115934534 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.416417889644948 + 0.106984922930129 + 0 + 0.516699855245877 + 0.0324368250398688 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.416702642013615 + 0.111029989988461 + 0 + 0.517245451270004 + 0.0369277559073271 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.4178388624125 + 0.114422616723464 + 0 + 0.518618404361799 + 0.0407747030960664 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.418128882280266 + 0.118409683107865 + 0 + 0.519120961585375 + 0.0452244520052697 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.41861450229437 + 0.122225965309306 + 0 + 0.519793808977618 + 0.0495103019056125 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.419023421604319 + 0.126070386841096 + 0 + 0.520364710918284 + 0.0538313610347245 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.419404393523014 + 0.129907759172552 + 0 + 0.520882119334975 + 0.0581521703915961 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.419839909199811 + 0.133680727023175 + 0 + 0.521428399116472 + 0.0624154033803756 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.419954557042135 + 0.137651645409323 + 0 + 0.521627555313092 + 0.0668828476928117 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.420292998848579 + 0.141439783942684 + 0 + 0.522023897677288 + 0.0711735843876379 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.420529111315186 + 0.145273481610602 + 0 + 0.52229124380531 + 0.0755162495531558 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.420823918125079 + 0.149042331654805 + 0 + 0.522590284155864 + 0.0798004061116842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.420862935403118 + 0.152959977460762 + 0 + 0.522605956024273 + 0.0842393715344206 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.421748723646478 + 0.156285578821146 + 0 + 0.523441317164878 + 0.0880936469630919 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.421824543518433 + 0.160135161630735 + 0 + 0.523439294521439 + 0.0924794655381532 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.422106899759148 + 0.163824431156243 + 0 + 0.523615136742176 + 0.0967114285521852 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.422287815199568 + 0.167559463051387 + 0 + 0.523660567726397 + 0.100996016694005 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.422587537341116 + 0.171195992986398 + 0 + 0.523795368886965 + 0.105189212586849 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.422439172543912 + 0.175102828232862 + 0 + 0.52345167578543 + 0.109659389304653 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.422664194244705 + 0.178746082887197 + 0 + 0.523450294776224 + 0.113872782888096 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.422520660778429 + 0.182605700360548 + 0 + 0.523048677859979 + 0.118309657469948 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.423388833257581 + 0.185801919975747 + 0 + 0.523627245469555 + 0.122091890687348 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.423324103085056 + 0.189575773067459 + 0 + 0.523240745851598 + 0.126461030695298 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.423684134095667 + 0.193063539849029 + 0 + 0.523245397630319 + 0.130552719621004 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.423247636724282 + 0.197032204872326 + 0 + 0.522418612500583 + 0.135133634751112 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.423985580239909 + 0.200251295984901 + 0 + 0.522730943085409 + 0.138974522964898 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.423935216862865 + 0.203945679921827 + 0 + 0.522219163519432 + 0.143301507969552 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.424292537935707 + 0.207373063054103 + 0 + 0.522077789151797 + 0.147372057686382 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.423807599398616 + 0.211300189608549 + 0 + 0.521055314040808 + 0.151952623674625 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.424553338621355 + 0.214461659336666 + 0 + 0.521224057311975 + 0.155779138521353 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.424711584380487 + 0.217968736189678 + 0 + 0.520765473252163 + 0.159964688070943 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.424272800238797 + 0.221820185951501 + 0 + 0.519667517078807 + 0.164506357473778 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425074768794263 + 0.224913476333359 + 0 + 0.519767582991567 + 0.168303442639473 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425080035796339 + 0.22847275888762 + 0 + 0.519027566419154 + 0.172581518492625 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425309336893909 + 0.231886327682731 + 0 + 0.518466448159186 + 0.176728369450954 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425490124547929 + 0.235317358311381 + 0 + 0.517810814075525 + 0.180908044047086 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425696663698029 + 0.238722243290101 + 0 + 0.517133893265759 + 0.185077407460631 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425910194609667 + 0.242112566182375 + 0 + 0.516416128215161 + 0.18924851596084 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.426136667050456 + 0.245485308701981 + 0 + 0.51566265614901 + 0.193418803972021 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.426375386600829 + 0.248841349408158 + 0 + 0.514872298574986 + 0.197589428285336 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.426627409735036 + 0.252180532653636 + 0 + 0.514045853327002 + 0.201760388445989 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.426893136606397 + 0.25550307397315 + 0 + 0.513183688061455 + 0.205931936718445 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.427172994373061 + 0.258809160748719 + 0 + 0.512286766465566 + 0.210103983221332 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.427467468299632 + 0.262098935126379 + 0 + 0.511356428967505 + 0.214276227432922 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.427776922193071 + 0.26537259676957 + 0 + 0.510394540246681 + 0.218448077496222 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.428101593123663 + 0.268630404548215 + 0 + 0.509403263420113 + 0.222618781699748 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.428441669475888 + 0.271872631394407 + 0 + 0.508385276965235 + 0.226787307449336 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.428797385375458 + 0.27509951114762 + 0 + 0.507343670971599 + 0.230952403306024 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.429168925632004 + 0.278311292626093 + 0 + 0.50628183277648 + 0.235112665396779 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.429556410110395 + 0.281508248168206 + 0 + 0.505203282290719 + 0.239266630070865 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.429959879057662 + 0.284690681500401 + 0 + 0.5041115378889 + 0.243412847600882 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.430379332324438 + 0.287858905628881 + 0 + 0.503010058533057 + 0.247549912307887 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.430814850628325 + 0.291013175910728 + 0 + 0.501902284134516 + 0.251676438301314 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.431266436932094 + 0.29415377868398 + 0 + 0.500791411752199 + 0.255791181365126 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.431734066400558 + 0.297281003511616 + 0 + 0.499680395056188 + 0.259893035754083 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.432217622636058 + 0.300395178323979 + 0 + 0.498571842964194 + 0.263981086573816 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.432717100952827 + 0.303496557967422 + 0 + 0.497468196136726 + 0.268054509813246 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.433232432871394 + 0.306585421302362 + 0 + 0.496371533402254 + 0.272112676235429 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.433763461989551 + 0.309662084217805 + 0 + 0.495283536395795 + 0.276155167248039 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.434310160432736 + 0.312726781906953 + 0 + 0.494205700414083 + 0.280181657465489 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.43487233318307 + 0.315779830375063 + 0 + 0.493139037184951 + 0.284192074393631 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.435449932296029 + 0.31882145583243 + 0 + 0.492084390212656 + 0.288186424806158 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.436042779763713 + 0.321851945575536 + 0 + 0.491042160043438 + 0.292164942210092 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.436650776195709 + 0.324871535178356 + 0 + 0.490012539879201 + 0.296127957539111 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.437273765135895 + 0.327880482261637 + 0 + 0.488995662455544 + 0.300075819482872 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.437911590941246 + 0.330879035460085 + 0 + 0.487991941242485 + 0.304008711430154 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.438564100220645 + 0.333867434016558 + 0 + 0.487002100300981 + 0.307926637333695 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.439231162849527 + 0.336845896914839 + 0 + 0.486027199207729 + 0.311829410246327 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.439912613973347 + 0.339814654259639 + 0 + 0.485068577732126 + 0.315716683574507 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.44060828916949 + 0.342773928680885 + 0 + 0.484127891016174 + 0.319587933607701 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.441318040998014 + 0.345723926848982 + 0 + 0.483207122089384 + 0.323442454229946 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442041715659316 + 0.348664852241655 + 0 + 0.482308548966914 + 0.327279375647427 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442779163822785 + 0.351596899653376 + 0 + 0.481434738877819 + 0.331097668405419 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.443530238949273 + 0.3545202563724 + 0 + 0.480588521175879 + 0.334896158558028 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444294763637089 + 0.357435120234527 + 0 + 0.479772917350217 + 0.338673565249241 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445072616881705 + 0.360341653688425 + 0 + 0.478991178777327 + 0.342428481081466 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445863645087213 + 0.36324003117478 + 0 + 0.478246633032295 + 0.346159453547302 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446667707740916 + 0.366130415172275 + 0 + 0.477542648537892 + 0.349865003409817 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.447484664667771 + 0.369012963168946 + 0 + 0.476882524051364 + 0.353543682546938 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.448314379887146 + 0.371887825845026 + 0 + 0.476269371497064 + 0.3571941349115 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.449156720703692 + 0.374755147763622 + 0 + 0.475705963119537 + 0.360815175896044 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.450011558193277 + 0.377615067316994 + 0 + 0.475194711179394 + 0.36440580178794 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.450878767132006 + 0.380467716957458 + 0 + 0.474737464376273 + 0.367965295354918 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.451758226118562 + 0.383313223318301 + 0 + 0.474335647530648 + 0.371493151282686 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.452649817571778 + 0.386151707392144 + 0 + 0.473990034454665 + 0.374989194082279 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453553427712079 + 0.388983284709901 + 0 + 0.473701079732101 + 0.378453403447027 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.454468946614715 + 0.391808065474744 + 0 + 0.473468660533748 + 0.381886048747349 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.455396268090296 + 0.394626154779202 + 0 + 0.473292426086782 + 0.38528750592209 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.456335289742989 + 0.397437652722557 + 0 + 0.473171796229143 + 0.388658258309897 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.457285912806562 + 0.400242654637702 + 0 + 0.473105859368773 + 0.391998949950274 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.458248042185546 + 0.40304125120472 + 0 + 0.473093704331136 + 0.395310212776923 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.459221586313494 + 0.405833528653948 + 0 + 0.47313423649573 + 0.398592762913298 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.460206457124472 + 0.408619568904371 + 0 + 0.473226306867791 + 0.401847333844363 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.461202569972239 + 0.411399449723982 + 0 + 0.47336871837739 + 0.405074673657251 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.462209843526438 + 0.414173244897019 + 0 + 0.473560234981433 + 0.408275540826032 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.463228199742103 + 0.416941024348318 + 0 + 0.473799624169259 + 0.411450682650351 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.46425756371662 + 0.419702854321658 + 0 + 0.474085656395509 + 0.414600836099549 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.465297863706411 + 0.422458797470884 + 0 + 0.47441711201981 + 0.417726724737405 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.4663490309315 + 0.425208913057164 + 0 + 0.474792801917384 + 0.420829048541646 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.467410999615349 + 0.427953257020341 + 0 + 0.475211577093681 + 0.423908479425143 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.468483706842781 + 0.430691882141141 + 0 + 0.475672335737063 + 0.426965658068694 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469567092495174 + 0.433424838159935 + 0 + 0.476174028109098 + 0.430001191853996 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470661099223736 + 0.436152171872625 + 0 + 0.476715659537 + 0.43301565375709 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.471765672334268 + 0.43887392726946 + 0 + 0.477296291758215 + 0.436009582071149 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.472880759744686 + 0.441590145633372 + 0 + 0.477915043120653 + 0.438983480697262 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474006311959737 + 0.444300865626826 + 0 + 0.47857108790496 + 0.441937819865572 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.4751422819333 + 0.44700612343444 + 0 + 0.4792636549155 + 0.444873037211644 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476288625117965 + 0.449705952806386 + 0 + 0.479992025837321 + 0.447789538951843 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477445299326223 + 0.452400385197177 + 0 + 0.480755533142571 + 0.450687701271258 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.478612264728881 + 0.455089449831455 + 0 + 0.481553557995399 + 0.453567871693282 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479789483824687 + 0.45777317378284 + 0 + 0.482385528078252 + 0.456430370472338 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480976921345725 + 0.460451582084289 + 0 + 0.483250915371915 + 0.459275491994529 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482174544291552 + 0.463124697770276 + 0 + 0.484149234127544 + 0.462103506064446 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.4833823218254 + 0.465792541988839 + 0 + 0.485080038796079 + 0.464914659200892 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484600225323204 + 0.468455134033242 + 0 + 0.486042922227744 + 0.467709175781104 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485828228246378 + 0.471112491463529 + 0 + 0.487037513828202 + 0.470487259196785 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.48706630626398 + 0.473764630097986 + 0 + 0.488063478102205 + 0.473249092800284 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488314436946129 + 0.476411564225237 + 0 + 0.489120512909474 + 0.475994840991135 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489572600574956 + 0.47905330623765 + 0 + 0.490208348976539 + 0.4787246496458 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490840777270876 + 0.481689868168736 + 0 + 0.491326745868434 + 0.481438648370933 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.492118957459613 + 0.484321256333316 + 0 + 0.492475501438458 + 0.484136945783516 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.493407102890904 + 0.486947491528719 + 0 + 0.493654411958244 + 0.48681965028095 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494705298255166 + 0.489568546360456 + 0 + 0.494863422974988 + 0.489486807865888 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.496013182072751 + 0.492184572962496 + 0 + 0.496102059573828 + 0.492138630292215 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497332014538722 + 0.494794939776113 + 0 + 0.497371493713584 + 0.494774532210353 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498657086006197 + 0.497402081463623 + 0 + 0.49866695231355 + 0.497396981379112 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499994052316792 + 0.500003074467614 + 0 + 0.499994052316792 + 0.500003074467614 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501342913993773 + 0.502597918529654 + 0 + 0.50133304768642 + 0.502603018614166 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50266798546108 + 0.505205060217251 + 0 + 0.502628506286219 + 0.505225467783011 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.503986817927902 + 0.507815427030429 + 0 + 0.503897940426825 + 0.507861369700709 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505294701743287 + 0.510431453633606 + 0 + 0.505136577023465 + 0.510513192128173 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.506592897111541 + 0.51305250846328 + 0 + 0.506345588044201 + 0.513180349711049 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50788104253938 + 0.515678743660468 + 0 + 0.507524498560535 + 0.515863054210268 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509159222729221 + 0.518310131824477 + 0 + 0.508673254131663 + 0.518561351622281 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510427399424924 + 0.520946693755675 + 0 + 0.509791651023341 + 0.521275350347525 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511685563052681 + 0.523588435768642 + 0 + 0.510879487089336 + 0.524005159002744 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512933693735872 + 0.526235369895354 + 0 + 0.511936521897648 + 0.526750907193055 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514171771754148 + 0.528887508529463 + 0 + 0.512962486172324 + 0.529512740796207 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51539977467736 + 0.53154486595973 + 0 + 0.513957077772821 + 0.532290824211867 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.516617678174368 + 0.534207458004544 + 0 + 0.514919961203689 + 0.535085340792492 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517825455709863 + 0.536875302222256 + 0 + 0.515850765873871 + 0.537896493928086 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.519023078654923 + 0.539548417908639 + 0 + 0.516749084628734 + 0.540724507998399 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520210516173295 + 0.542226826211468 + 0 + 0.51761447191973 + 0.54356962952197 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521387735272052 + 0.544910550161326 + 0 + 0.518446442005535 + 0.546432128299498 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522554700672585 + 0.547599614796703 + 0 + 0.519244466856237 + 0.549312298722622 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523711374883052 + 0.550294047186352 + 0 + 0.520007974163696 + 0.552210461040894 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.524857718066738 + 0.552993876558803 + 0 + 0.520736345084538 + 0.555126962781599 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.525993688038641 + 0.555699134367278 + 0 + 0.521428912093418 + 0.558062180128531 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.527119240255159 + 0.558409854359971 + 0 + 0.522084956879192 + 0.561016519296082 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.528234327667016 + 0.561126072723138 + 0 + 0.522703708243069 + 0.563990417921449 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529338900774834 + 0.563847828121379 + 0 + 0.52328434046157 + 0.566984346236914 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530432907506111 + 0.566575161832662 + 0 + 0.523825971892187 + 0.569998808138601 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.531516293156584 + 0.569308117852451 + 0 + 0.524327664262302 + 0.573034341924899 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.532589000384452 + 0.572046742973026 + 0 + 0.52478842290612 + 0.576091520568223 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.533650969070683 + 0.574791086934967 + 0 + 0.525207198084799 + 0.579170951450485 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.534702136293849 + 0.577541202522245 + 0 + 0.52558288798045 + 0.582273275255722 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.535742436282842 + 0.580297145671885 + 0 + 0.525914343603953 + 0.585399163893994 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.536771800258036 + 0.583058975644873 + 0 + 0.526200375830879 + 0.588549317342839 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.537790156473949 + 0.585826755096042 + 0 + 0.526439765018954 + 0.591724459167029 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.538797430028252 + 0.588600550269025 + 0 + 0.526631281623102 + 0.594925326335756 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.539793542875115 + 0.591380431089106 + 0 + 0.526773693131796 + 0.598152666149114 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.540778413688474 + 0.594166471338291 + 0 + 0.526865763506238 + 0.60140723707894 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.541751957814711 + 0.596958748788408 + 0 + 0.526906295669121 + 0.604689787216205 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.542714087192233 + 0.599757345356189 + 0 + 0.526894140630022 + 0.608001050043617 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.543664710259254 + 0.602562347269537 + 0 + 0.5268282037731 + 0.611341741682197 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.544603731908652 + 0.605373845214609 + 0 + 0.526707573912166 + 0.614712494071721 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.54553105338511 + 0.60819193451861 + 0 + 0.526531339466077 + 0.618113951246006 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.546446572287046 + 0.611016715283819 + 0 + 0.526298920267024 + 0.621546596546694 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.547350182427358 + 0.61384829260157 + 0 + 0.526009965544471 + 0.625010805911436 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.548241773883797 + 0.616686776673727 + 0 + 0.525664352471711 + 0.628506848709342 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549121232867313 + 0.619532283036161 + 0 + 0.525262535623046 + 0.632034704638701 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549988441809411 + 0.622384932674859 + 0 + 0.524805288823295 + 0.635594198203913 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.5508432792958 + 0.625244852229907 + 0 + 0.524294036879955 + 0.639184824097485 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.551685620115348 + 0.628112174146925 + 0 + 0.523730628505429 + 0.642805865080452 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.552515335330401 + 0.630987036825279 + 0 + 0.523117475946808 + 0.646456317447286 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553332292260061 + 0.633869584820473 + 0 + 0.522457351463085 + 0.650134996582931 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554136354912082 + 0.636759968818854 + 0 + 0.521753366967001 + 0.653840546446332 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554927383120572 + 0.639658346303635 + 0 + 0.521008821224949 + 0.657571518910595 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55570523636149 + 0.642564879759486 + 0 + 0.520227082648363 + 0.661326434744771 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.556469761049581 + 0.645479743621469 + 0 + 0.519411478822976 + 0.665103841435842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557220836179503 + 0.648403100338673 + 0 + 0.518565261124469 + 0.66890233158663 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557958284341421 + 0.651335147751216 + 0 + 0.517691451033823 + 0.672720624345443 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.558681959004532 + 0.654276073142927 + 0 + 0.516792877913162 + 0.676557545761962 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.559391710830429 + 0.65722607131242 + 0 + 0.515872108983745 + 0.680412066385605 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.560087386026445 + 0.660185345733734 + 0 + 0.514931422267667 + 0.684283316418867 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.560768837151243 + 0.663154103078011 + 0 + 0.51397280079304 + 0.688170589746522 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.561435899778889 + 0.666132565976953 + 0 + 0.512997899698554 + 0.692073362659816 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.562088409059419 + 0.669120964532821 + 0 + 0.512008058758181 + 0.695991288562752 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.562726234864116 + 0.672119517731619 + 0 + 0.511004337544466 + 0.699924180510383 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.563349223802624 + 0.675128464815804 + 0 + 0.509987460119132 + 0.703872042455049 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.563957220238408 + 0.678148054416582 + 0 + 0.508957839958684 + 0.707835057782027 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.564550067702161 + 0.681178544161811 + 0 + 0.507915609785534 + 0.711813575188082 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.565127666817988 + 0.684220169617626 + 0 + 0.506860962816107 + 0.715807925599057 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.565689839569075 + 0.687273218085324 + 0 + 0.505794299587729 + 0.719818342526788 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.566236538010353 + 0.690337915775508 + 0 + 0.50471646360411 + 0.723844832745273 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.56676756712891 + 0.693414578690736 + 0 + 0.503628466598051 + 0.727887323757671 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.567282899049728 + 0.696503442024443 + 0 + 0.502531803865829 + 0.731945490178619 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.56778237736395 + 0.699604821669279 + 0 + 0.501428157035814 + 0.736018913419442 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.568265933601736 + 0.702718996480385 + 0 + 0.500319604946107 + 0.740106964237919 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.568733563068387 + 0.705846221309016 + 0 + 0.499208588248282 + 0.744208818627871 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.569185149372658 + 0.708986824081989 + 0 + 0.498097715866466 + 0.748323561691401 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.569620667675137 + 0.712141094364618 + 0 + 0.496989941466518 + 0.752450087685613 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.570040120943055 + 0.715309318492461 + 0 + 0.495888462111817 + 0.756587152391981 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.57044358988887 + 0.718491751825465 + 0 + 0.494796717708545 + 0.760733369922805 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.570831074366489 + 0.721688707368014 + 0 + 0.493718167222013 + 0.764887334597329 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.571202614625042 + 0.724900488845361 + 0 + 0.4926563290289 + 0.769047596686956 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.571558330524061 + 0.728127368598884 + 0 + 0.491614723034713 + 0.773212692543954 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.571898406876293 + 0.731369595445072 + 0 + 0.490596736579843 + 0.777381218293539 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.572223077806043 + 0.734627403224196 + 0 + 0.489605459752433 + 0.781551922497543 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.572532531701832 + 0.73790106486605 + 0 + 0.488643571033959 + 0.785723772559507 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.572827005625522 + 0.741190839245354 + 0 + 0.487713233533018 + 0.789896016772742 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.573106863393406 + 0.744496926020228 + 0 + 0.48681631193835 + 0.794068063274935 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.573372590266434 + 0.747819467338779 + 0 + 0.485954146674468 + 0.798239611546427 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.573624613399242 + 0.751158650585063 + 0 + 0.485127701425083 + 0.802410571707882 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.573863332947916 + 0.754514691292229 + 0 + 0.484337343849363 + 0.806581196022189 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574089805390271 + 0.757887433810924 + 0 + 0.483583871784777 + 0.810751484032459 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.57430333630341 + 0.761277756702318 + 0 + 0.482866106735681 + 0.81492259253179 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574509875453046 + 0.764682641681308 + 0 + 0.482189185925451 + 0.819091955945604 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.57469066310619 + 0.76811367231047 + 0 + 0.481533551840911 + 0.823271630542244 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574919964203378 + 0.771527241105811 + 0 + 0.480972433580564 + 0.827418481500807 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.57492523120754 + 0.775086523658828 + 0 + 0.480232417010237 + 0.831696557352717 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.575727199761042 + 0.778179814041859 + 0 + 0.480332482921034 + 0.835493642519584 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.575288415620017 + 0.782031263803285 + 0 + 0.479234526748342 + 0.840035311922023 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.575446661379239 + 0.785538340656238 + 0 + 0.478775942688619 + 0.844220861471553 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.576192400600783 + 0.788699810385082 + 0 + 0.478944685958593 + 0.848047376319007 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.575707462065686 + 0.792626936938308 + 0 + 0.477922210849597 + 0.85262794230603 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.576064783136243 + 0.796054320071987 + 0 + 0.477780836479676 + 0.856698492024262 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.576014419760641 + 0.799748704008027 + 0 + 0.477269056915143 + 0.861025477028034 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.576752363276651 + 0.802967795120354 + 0 + 0.477581387500349 + 0.864866365241567 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.576315865903392 + 0.806936460144825 + 0 + 0.476754602368739 + 0.869447280372848 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.576675896914198 + 0.810424226926277 + 0 + 0.476759254147658 + 0.873538969298439 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.576611166742589 + 0.814198080017411 + 0 + 0.476372754530615 + 0.877908109305811 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.577479339221999 + 0.817394299632442 + 0 + 0.47695132214045 + 0.881690342523043 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.577335805757037 + 0.821253917104947 + 0 + 0.476549705225518 + 0.886127217104047 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.577560827455281 + 0.824897171760925 + 0 + 0.476548324213763 + 0.890340610689135 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.577412462657832 + 0.828804007007554 + 0 + 0.476204631111983 + 0.894810787407103 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.5777121848008 + 0.832440536941634 + 0 + 0.476339432273969 + 0.899003983299014 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.577893100240127 + 0.836175568837502 + 0 + 0.476384863257099 + 0.90328857144156 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.578175456482988 + 0.839864838361584 + 0 + 0.476560705479983 + 0.907520534454167 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.578251276353105 + 0.843714421172399 + 0 + 0.476558682834704 + 0.911906353030452 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.579137064595808 + 0.847040022533228 + 0 + 0.477394043974654 + 0.915760628459571 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.579176081875524 + 0.85095766833805 + 0 + 0.477409715844738 + 0.92019959388117 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.57947088868305 + 0.854726518383872 + 0 + 0.477708756192924 + 0.924483750441316 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.57970700115238 + 0.858560216049919 + 0 + 0.477976102323672 + 0.928826415604966 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.580045442957448 + 0.862348354584232 + 0 + 0.478372444686491 + 0.933117152300743 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.580160090801327 + 0.866319272969298 + 0 + 0.478571600884668 + 0.9375845966121 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.580595606477004 + 0.870092240820702 + 0 + 0.479117880665045 + 0.941847829601659 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.580976578396377 + 0.873929613151674 + 0 + 0.479635289082412 + 0.946168638958046 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.581385497705991 + 0.877774034683702 + 0 + 0.480206191022743 + 0.950489698087396 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.581871117720558 + 0.881590316884803 + 0 + 0.480879038415448 + 0.954775547987398 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.582161137587678 + 0.885577383269676 + 0 + 0.481381595638381 + 0.959225296897076 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.583297357986839 + 0.888970010004465 + 0 + 0.482754548730448 + 0.963072244085597 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.583582110354334 + 0.893015077063673 + 0 + 0.483300144753406 + 0.967563174953934 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.584125662107552 + 0.896899253147645 + 0 + 0.484129518797475 + 0.971885884057937 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.584638196223888 + 0.900837084311973 + 0 + 0.484952458979156 + 0.976254282549339 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.585175029994476 + 0.904788104425747 + 0 + 0.485824275853286 + 0.980627745404213 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.585806716138581 + 0.90869821259632 + 0 + 0.486815332605333 + 0.98495172077801 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.586200124388182 + 0.912826073161742 + 0 + 0.487592758330058 + 0.989484960109446 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.586940921848998 + 0.91671814950952 + 0 + 0.488742082948313 + 0.993773449753801 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.587629442878455 + 0.92068355910605 + 0 + 0.48986320675 + 0.998125416051663 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.588354505294136 + 0.924653731100345 + 0 + 0.491045041317873 + 1.00247203245545 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.589163046762003 + 0.928590742428027 + 0 + 0.49233440564444 + 1.00677480748349 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.589784168064673 + 0.932715223364282 + 0 + 0.493460681663366 + 1.01125425394632 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.591255461067345 + 0.936175963696754 + 0 + 0.495460427929898 + 1.01505738903666 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.591881477981357 + 0.940363362982171 + 0 + 0.496638308953025 + 1.01957422120936 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.592779371448378 + 0.944363646776841 + 0 + 0.498112620751443 + 1.02389176060391 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.593627110258366 + 0.948443788149584 + 0 + 0.499561115684399 + 1.02827606043382 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.594603221236389 + 0.952453188880499 + 0 + 0.501162367054184 + 1.03257587154734 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.595319815810207 + 0.956726674345049 + 0 + 0.502528930295918 + 1.03712577564273 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.596433123829598 + 0.960697776713257 + 0 + 0.504317012644467 + 1.04135845614977 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.597476326455244 + 0.964768778513179 + 0 + 0.506059442296338 + 1.0456749224446 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.59863379440026 + 0.96877814000007 + 0 + 0.507940760636186 + 1.04991291010884 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.599640003006569 + 0.972964550552677 + 0 + 0.509695787050457 + 1.05431051149653 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.601375509747715 + 0.976526182214974 + 0 + 0.512204284159172 + 1.05806398174356 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.602364068261852 + 0.980807511347746 + 0 + 0.51399034288329 + 1.06251708344663 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.603648052332452 + 0.98486099087234 + 0 + 0.51609751370206 + 1.06672237553355 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.604729855248798 + 0.989149382986746 + 0 + 0.518028375242262 + 1.07114155770125 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.606199411889919 + 0.993115946604561 + 0 + 0.520372880982108 + 1.07521657819188 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.607457872011117 + 0.997328454370023 + 0 + 0.522532236340364 + 1.0795138704264 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.609449703346729 + 1.00086831623152 + 0 + 0.52545029055352 + 1.08311274760893 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.61042971829649 + 1.00544267529072 + 0 + 0.527382827862839 + 1.08771982527038 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.612162651507969 + 1.00932147255294 + 0 + 0.530095526451185 + 1.09160437831197 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.613617941524624 + 1.01352286153266 + 0 + 0.532557347241592 + 1.09578238874167 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.615733735344946 + 1.01709314874229 + 0 + 0.535706120273601 + 1.09929811712331 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.617025704489726 + 1.0215540667924 + 0 + 0.53805830609577 + 1.10367228387181 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.618799431834207 + 1.025567182036 + 0 + 0.540920624167921 + 1.10756570286338 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.621017448455773 + 1.02914992102605 + 0 + 0.544254167470312 + 1.11099256185514 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.622473672891555 + 1.03359086124951 + 0 + 0.54685390430347 + 1.11524058589353 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.624517003113724 + 1.03744980965363 + 0 + 0.550069444966695 + 1.11886839513245 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.626474391701832 + 1.041446812397 + 0 + 0.553227042417595 + 1.12259356270685 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.62852556283811 + 1.04538621513023 + 0 + 0.556506649026452 + 1.12621890523132 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.630623184200125 + 1.04931922378437 + 0 + 0.55986080951008 + 1.12979387520821 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.632780314587401 + 1.05323046133721 + 0 + 0.56330244467643 + 1.13330143582127 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.634993727728588 + 1.05712267390591 + 0 + 0.566827991043019 + 1.13674279803129 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.637264487826657 + 1.06099370635657 + 0 + 0.570438139362445 + 1.14011426493529 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.639592465263144 + 1.06484272153083 + 0 + 0.574132103883118 + 1.14341373358832 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.641977681790751 + 1.06866866445949 + 0 + 0.577909051876789 + 1.14663908117576 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.644419986538274 + 1.0724706475829 + 0 + 0.581767787352015 + 1.14978855531628 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.646919300479588 + 1.0762476581077 + 0 + 0.585706756183887 + 1.15286079626713 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.649475426538953 + 1.07999879099543 + 0 + 0.589724054291279 + 1.15585485606336 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.652088066040777 + 1.08372323811796 + 0 + 0.593817225055392 + 1.15877049264964 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.654756873333191 + 1.08742022585288 + 0 + 0.597983491031212 + 1.16160792087123 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.657481523275243 + 1.09108892882178 + 0 + 0.602219741027288 + 1.16436786328744 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.660261643843737 + 1.09472855735246 + 0 + 0.606522619250809 + 1.16705146760592 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.663096807228555 + 1.09833837373811 + 0 + 0.610888543928388 + 1.1696603134618 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.665986522436363 + 1.10191770802562 + 0 + 0.615313813763666 + 1.17219629769502 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.668930264138414 + 1.105465923947 + 0 + 0.619794724778203 + 1.17466149353525 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.67192755303693 + 1.1089823067071 + 0 + 0.624327718792446 + 1.17705794928241 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.674977849964682 + 1.11246621096377 + 0 + 0.628909331114754 + 1.17938775980436 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.678080590686008 + 1.11591701615086 + 0 + 0.633536265418153 + 1.18165295824662 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.681235146889709 + 1.11933418814807 + 0 + 0.638205382517395 + 1.18385552639272 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.684440956375526 + 1.12271708799448 + 0 + 0.642913847731338 + 1.18599716290751 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.687697410102009 + 1.12606513797009 + 0 + 0.647659026628498 + 1.18807941821025 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.691003840292251 + 1.12937784680694 + 0 + 0.652438475381525 + 1.19010369630778 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.694359653945201 + 1.13265460296143 + 0 + 0.657250071061453 + 1.1920710308073 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.697764152031176 + 1.13589495910454 + 0 + 0.662091823719786 + 1.19398235728531 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.701216720542619 + 1.13909833004324 + 0 + 0.666962057418946 + 1.19583820294995 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.70471666395046 + 1.14226426112533 + 0 + 0.671859231780185 + 1.19763894939232 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.708263329898013 + 1.14539222634284 + 0 + 0.676782053955661 + 1.19938462641002 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.711856029383833 + 1.1484817609459 + 0 + 0.681729372022332 + 1.20107506465597 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.715494071493916 + 1.15153240564825 + 0 + 0.686700041769928 + 1.20271011355745 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.719176764160842 + 1.15454370552745 + 0 + 0.691692772216155 + 1.20428992132878 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.722903425356151 + 1.15751518933143 + 0 + 0.69670613293395 + 1.20581494765453 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.72667335140292 + 1.16044642731549 + 0 + 0.70173853314741 + 1.20728603088596 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.730485836985996 + 1.16333699697171 + 0 + 0.706788253569108 + 1.20870436183155 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.734340183709216 + 1.16618646653512 + 0 + 0.711853468430611 + 1.21007147249851 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.738235687571402 + 1.16899441853605 + 0 + 0.716932248713107 + 1.21138926055207 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.742171644752429 + 1.17176043913918 + 0 + 0.722022586454904 + 1.21265997365373 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.746147350668987 + 1.17448411999357 + 0 + 0.727122415496229 + 1.21388619869845 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.750162083799497 + 1.17716509286264 + 0 + 0.732229620635568 + 1.21507087423552 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.754215148473571 + 1.17980294076097 + 0 + 0.737342109786635 + 1.21621716740149 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.758305830965531 + 1.18239728876735 + 0 + 0.742457803924229 + 1.21732851595467 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.762433422021921 + 1.18494775759706 + 0 + 0.747574698078026 + 1.2184085161524 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.766597210649163 + 1.18745397672787 + 0 + 0.752690897703539 + 1.2194608517593 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.770796485894456 + 1.18991558058976 + 0 + 0.757804666362378 + 1.22048918692833 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.775030536413995 + 1.19233220950319 + 0 + 0.762914476241913 + 1.22149703755115 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.77929865061492 + 1.19470350932899 + 0 + 0.768019066080084 + 1.22248760660145 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.783600116605401 + 1.19702913153404 + 0 + 0.773117436307318 + 1.22346375473747 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.787934222157531 + 1.1993087332215 + 0 + 0.778208917353718 + 1.22442777831868 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.792300254690363 + 1.2015419770999 + 0 + 0.783293090262913 + 1.22538154608768 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.796697501208728 + 1.20372853155632 + 0 + 0.788369857284543 + 1.22632625061541 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.801125248235403 + 1.20586807075044 + 0 + 0.793439287038182 + 1.2272627495703 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.80558278177684 + 1.20796027461827 + 0 + 0.798501696713981 + 1.22819128495578 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.810069387228711 + 1.21000482904534 + 0 + 0.803557499171211 + 1.22911184732236 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.814584349338428 + 1.21200142588957 + 0 + 0.808607192987563 + 1.23002417037727 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.819126952132358 + 1.21394976311025 + 0 + 0.813651386999594 + 1.23092761817741 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.823696478844864 + 1.21584954490834 + 0 + 0.818690673025075 + 1.23182153751439 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.828292211883592 + 1.2177004817662 + 0 + 0.823725685499322 + 1.23270505974714 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.832913432752802 + 1.21950229063139 + 0 + 0.828757051289389 + 1.23357723816867 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.837559422016165 + 1.22125469499271 + 0 + 0.833785384518723 + 1.2344370544279 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.842229459252868 + 1.22295742498927 + 0 + 0.83881128085738 + 1.2352834282323 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.846922822997989 + 1.22461021759625 + 0 + 0.843835302545775 + 1.23611526361253 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.851638790739148 + 1.22621281662703 + 0 + 0.848857977945165 + 1.23693144880881 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.856376638857215 + 1.22776497295427 + 0 + 0.853879799005805 + 1.23773086443033 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.861135642620302 + 1.2292664445557 + 0 + 0.858901215504854 + 1.23851240676102 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.86591507615591 + 1.23071699665908 + 0 + 0.863922633292617 + 1.23927499912616 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.87071421244007 + 1.23211640184163 + 0 + 0.868944413693462 + 1.24001760071359 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.875532323293515 + 1.23346444011683 + 0 + 0.873966873869068 + 1.24073921298849 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.880368679371992 + 1.23476089906723 + 0 + 0.878990287919844 + 1.24143888405378 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.88522255017038 + 1.23600557393929 + 0 + 0.884014888537662 + 1.24211571125431 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.890093204040771 + 1.2371982676848 + 0 + 0.889040869037299 + 1.24276884236244 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.894979908182248 + 1.23833879116845 + 0 + 0.894068385580035 + 1.2433974759032 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.899881928685053 + 1.23942696311634 + 0 + 0.899097559559729 + 1.24400086048811 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.904798530530936 + 1.2404626103121 + 0 + 0.904128479975277 + 1.24457829387658 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.909728977628212 + 1.24144556763097 + 0 + 0.909161205811136 + 1.24512912152805 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.914672532844852 + 1.24237567809293 + 0 + 0.914195768350015 + 1.24565273496255 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.919628458030689 + 1.24325279301213 + 0 + 0.919232173384088 + 1.24614857010577 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.924596014067371 + 1.2440767719857 + 0 + 0.92427040334837 + 1.24661610543959 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.929574460904303 + 1.24484748298732 + 0 + 0.929310419327712 + 1.24705486027593 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.934563057598259 + 1.2455648024697 + 0 + 0.93435216295349 + 1.24746439309684 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.939561062370934 + 1.24622861533565 + 0 + 0.939395558206301 + 1.24784429984811 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.944567732646676 + 1.24683881510129 + 0 + 0.944440513091463 + 1.2481942125303 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.949582325126673 + 1.24739530371724 + 0 + 0.949486921250395 + 1.24851379756195 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.954604095777177 + 1.2478979924192 + 0 + 0.954534663393041 + 1.24880275529231 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.95963230010815 + 1.24834679881033 + 0 + 0.959583608935922 + 1.2490608158656 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.964666192541483 + 1.24874165726925 + 0 + 0.964633616652753 + 1.2492877485401 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.969705028544298 + 1.24908248336478 + 0 + 0.969684538021643 + 1.24948332513668 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.974748058672807 + 1.24936929498265 + 0 + 0.974736212423908 + 1.24964744031482 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.979794545451901 + 1.24960180448193 + 0 + 0.979788485124685 + 1.24977970299498 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.984843718929586 + 1.24978077669965 + 0 + 0.984841163888016 + 1.24988079375276 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.989894866724791 + 1.24990357363127 + 0 + 0.989894110039087 + 1.24994800899348 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.994947188564111 + 1.24997849141511 + 0 + 0.994947094009592 + 1.24998959753694 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 1 + 1.2499798172808 + 0 + 1 + 1.2499798172808 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + + + + + + The material override + 76016035-0e30-4e0a-86b3-26b8623deed8 + Material + Material + false + 7bafaad0-a97e-4881-a44e-806f35c4d02f + 1 + + + + + + 26845 + -11708 + 51 + 20 + + + 26872 + -11698 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;221;160;221 + + + 255;66;48;66 + + 0.5 + + 255;255;255;255 + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 4b89bede-4e0d-4e3a-bc2f-963fdc4a7df2 + efd51c5e-6e6c-438d-be9d-b57f666fa0d3 + a66423a5-cd58-4dda-9aaf-de2b609770c2 + 3 + b68d4a24-10c2-4f38-92c9-63e5e38ebb51 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 + Colour Picker + + + + + Provides a colour picker object + a66423a5-cd58-4dda-9aaf-de2b609770c2 + Colour Picker + Colour Picker + false + + 255;240;240;240 + + 0 + + + + + + 26929.62 + -11859.12 + 180 + 310 + + 2 + + + + + + + + + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 + Create Material + + + + + Create an OpenGL material. + 4e9bae3b-db50-4eee-90fb-739b648bc1a6 + Create Material + Create Material + + + + + + 27073 + -12144 + 144 + 104 + + + 27157 + -12092 + + + + + + Colour of the diffuse channel + 620d4422-0d69-4a4b-9a84-1aaae0f57866 + Diffuse + Diffuse + false + 97420157-9b41-495b-8572-c62bab7b800c + 1 + + + + + + 27075 + -12142 + 67 + 20 + + + 27110 + -12132 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;105;180 + + + + + + + + + + + + Colour of the specular highlight + b707b2db-2696-44a4-93d5-59073870abb2 + Specular + Specular + false + 0 + + + + + + 27075 + -12122 + 67 + 20 + + + 27110 + -12112 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;255;255 + + + + + + + + + + + + Emissive colour of the material + 9f3373f5-542f-4ec5-8cd8-2f5e18173532 + Emission + Emission + false + 0 + + + + + + 27075 + -12102 + 67 + 20 + + + 27110 + -12092 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;0;0;0 + + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of transparency (0.0 = opaque, 1.0 = transparent + 02cc7952-014e-49d0-bd8a-6b972bb854ad + Transparency + Transparency + false + 0 + + + + + + 27075 + -12082 + 67 + 20 + + + 27110 + -12072 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of shinyness (0 = none, 1 = low shine, 100 = max shine + 763acebb-7cd8-445b-bde1-50ac8d3c36f5 + Shine + Shine + false + 0 + + + + + + 27075 + -12062 + 67 + 20 + + + 27110 + -12052 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Resulting material + 3ac216b1-1c81-4d9d-9747-adab16097bda + Material + Material + false + 0 + + + + + + 27172 + -12142 + 43 + 100 + + + 27195 + -12092 + + + + + + + + + + + + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c + Custom Preview + + + + + Allows for customized geometry previews + true + 9218ac6c-ccd7-4dc8-9bc0-4806214f98c6 + Custom Preview + Custom Preview + + + + + + + 26842 + -12114 + 82 + 44 + + + 26910 + -12092 + + + + + + Geometry to preview + true + 2a5a6780-def0-4d31-8a19-564bbb873106 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26844 + -12112 + 51 + 20 + + + 26871 + -12102 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + -1 + + 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+ + 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Curve + + + + + + + + + + + The material override + 1e85f97d-b919-4a7f-9b6e-c6055be84b12 + Material + Material + false + 3ac216b1-1c81-4d9d-9747-adab16097bda + 1 + + + + + + 26844 + -12092 + 51 + 20 + + + 26871 + -12082 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;221;160;221 + + + 255;66;48;66 + + 0.5 + + 255;255;255;255 + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 4e9bae3b-db50-4eee-90fb-739b648bc1a6 + 9218ac6c-ccd7-4dc8-9bc0-4806214f98c6 + 97420157-9b41-495b-8572-c62bab7b800c + 3 + 8e730241-bf57-437d-a331-4d0b5fa6ead5 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 + Colour Picker + + + + + Provides a colour picker object + 97420157-9b41-495b-8572-c62bab7b800c + Colour Picker + Colour Picker + false + + 255;214;214;214 + + 0 + + + + + + 26930.29 + -12237.59 + 180 + 310 + + 2 + + + + + + + + + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 + Create Material + + + + + Create an OpenGL material. + 95dea891-6c0a-4a73-8fd7-5a68d8e679ea + Create Material + Create Material + + + + + + 27073 + -12696 + 144 + 104 + + + 27157 + -12644 + + + + + + Colour of the diffuse channel + 0006d025-619d-487b-9d9c-048ea814f3c3 + Diffuse + Diffuse + false + 50c6ab7b-8542-4f27-b167-b8c0a307365f + 1 + + + + + + 27075 + -12694 + 67 + 20 + + + 27110 + -12684 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;105;180 + + + + + + + + + + + + Colour of the specular highlight + ba470f75-0af4-4fab-bfbe-b35a005788b2 + Specular + Specular + false + 0 + + + + + + 27075 + -12674 + 67 + 20 + + + 27110 + -12664 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;255;255 + + + + + + + + + + + + Emissive colour of the material + 48a8f801-2b69-4a11-bebe-14366a6c43e6 + Emission + Emission + false + 0 + + + + + + 27075 + -12654 + 67 + 20 + + + 27110 + -12644 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;0;0;0 + + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of transparency (0.0 = opaque, 1.0 = transparent + 73454bd9-d177-4faa-bd93-bf3f0ffd9732 + Transparency + Transparency + false + 0 + + + + + + 27075 + -12634 + 67 + 20 + + + 27110 + -12624 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of shinyness (0 = none, 1 = low shine, 100 = max shine + e20414d1-9929-41f2-81c0-f97d0050f9f3 + Shine + Shine + false + 0 + + + + + + 27075 + -12614 + 67 + 20 + + + 27110 + -12604 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Resulting material + ecf7e5c0-000d-4463-8bb2-d548677df998 + Material + Material + false + 0 + + + + + + 27172 + -12694 + 43 + 100 + + + 27195 + -12644 + + + + + + + + + + + + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c + Custom Preview + + + + + Allows for customized geometry previews + true + 5c3335dc-c41e-41ad-86d9-0a5cd523ec79 + Custom Preview + Custom Preview + + + + + + + 26842 + -12666 + 82 + 44 + + + 26910 + -12644 + + + + + + Geometry to preview + true + 1b9d1db9-c10d-4197-b4b0-9be43a72d8e0 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26844 + -12664 + 51 + 20 + + + 26871 + -12654 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 513 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + + 8.31187957663209E-17 + -0.24997981727771 + 0 + 8.31187957663209E-17 + -0.24997981727771 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.00505290599040027 + -0.249989597541828 + 0 + 0.0050530951663 + -0.250011817638801 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0101058899609055 + -0.249948009000087 + 0 + 0.0101074053285886 + -0.250036996953143 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0151588361119955 + -0.249880793760095 + 0 + 0.0151639610890107 + -0.250081410886769 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0202115148753165 + -0.249779703001769 + 0 + 0.0202236979794261 + -0.250137333213502 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0252637875761175 + -0.24964744032203 + 0 + 0.0252876708188029 + -0.250208209602382 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0303154619783822 + -0.249483325143783 + 0 + 0.0303569198132571 + -0.250294335788598 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0353663833471248 + -0.249287748544824 + 0 + 0.0354325731805973 + -0.250397332709298 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0404163910641454 + -0.249060815873275 + 0 + 0.0405158166980287 + -0.25051881318727 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0454653366068403 + -0.248802755297525 + 0 + 0.0456079262460018 + -0.25066081927168 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0505130787496277 + -0.248513797568951 + 0 + 0.050710279474559 + -0.250825735045865 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.055559486908659 + -0.248194212538385 + 0 + 0.055824377641812 + -0.251016359008567 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0606044417934283 + -0.247844299852185 + 0 + 0.0609518666598272 + -0.251235930371746 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0656478370465328 + -0.247464393103729 + 0 + 0.0660945603717932 + -0.251488162614414 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0706895806721914 + -0.247054860281856 + 0 + 0.0712544632619733 + -0.251777256714691 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0757295966519424 + -0.246616105448731 + 0 + 0.0764337898500242 + -0.252107882105759 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0807678266155926 + -0.246148570110183 + 0 + 0.0816349755515803 + -0.252485101305992 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0858042316502119 + -0.24565273497083 + 0 + 0.0868606698246323 + -0.25291419846969 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0908387941884258 + -0.245129121531933 + 0 + 0.0921137150270965 + -0.253400471892267 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0958715200246899 + -0.24457829388311 + 0 + 0.0973971007450821 + -0.253948941283018 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.100902440440313 + -0.244000860495072 + 0 + 0.102713874659216 + -0.254563889999269 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.105931614419833 + -0.243397475909174 + 0 + 0.108067007936918 + -0.255248287464826 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.110959130963078 + -0.242768842371154 + 0 + 0.113459147382148 + -0.256002772737251 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.115985111461741 + -0.242115711258018 + 0 + 0.118892261715591 + -0.256824373655822 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.121009712080192 + -0.241438884060715 + 0 + 0.12436732002128 + -0.257705711155725 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.126033126131127 + -0.2407392129961 + 0 + 0.129884166492715 + -0.258635315874054 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.131055586306012 + -0.240017600717978 + 0 + 0.135441674589243 + -0.25959912424556 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.13607736670752 + -0.239274999133514 + 0 + 0.141038098668422 + -0.260582489120846 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.141098784495509 + -0.238512406769253 + 0 + 0.146671435478557 + -0.261571794124714 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.14612020099347 + -0.237730864434158 + 0 + 0.152339720542513 + -0.262555466950824 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.151142022054671 + -0.236931448814929 + 0 + 0.158041257656008 + -0.263524525812492 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.156164697454414 + -0.236115263619987 + 0 + 0.163774791164998 + -0.264472801548418 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.161188719143377 + -0.235283428241755 + 0 + 0.169539635195464 + -0.265396958441391 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.166214615480447 + -0.234437054431737 + 0 + 0.175335711383715 + -0.266296187978016 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.171242948710737 + -0.233577238175843 + 0 + 0.181162916371653 + -0.267169685266647 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.176274314500651 + -0.232705059753764 + 0 + 0.187020366520242 + -0.268014168241682 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.181309326974931 + -0.231821537521149 + 0 + 0.192906201484751 + -0.268823610832084 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.186348613000853 + -0.230927618185534 + 0 + 0.198817485296664 + -0.269589327352784 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.1913928070118 + -0.230024170382065 + 0 + 0.204750175299078 + -0.270300251772304 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.19644250082862 + -0.229111847328599 + 0 + 0.210699164165947 + -0.270943390584599 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.201498303286006 + -0.228191284962463 + 0 + 0.216658614270101 + -0.271505043449532 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.206560712960852 + -0.227262749574333 + 0 + 0.222622357298185 + -0.271972020555336 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.211630142715734 + -0.2263262506229 + 0 + 0.228584655428591 + -0.2723336590276 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.216706909737219 + -0.225381546094746 + 0 + 0.234540829505308 + -0.272583189193221 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.221791082646248 + -0.224427778325317 + 0 + 0.240487374680324 + -0.272717576149431 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.226882563693389 + -0.223463754745969 + 0 + 0.24642190665102 + -0.272736951489556 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.231980933918627 + -0.222487606604995 + 0 + 0.252342649478215 + -0.272642989898993 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.237085523758655 + -0.221497037559234 + 0 + 0.25824819480824 + -0.272438156489859 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.242195333636805 + -0.220489186933128 + 0 + 0.264137240020776 + -0.272125003336282 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.247309102297574 + -0.219460851768603 + 0 + 0.270008497209413 + -0.271705950744382 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.252425301921641 + -0.218408516158351 + 0 + 0.275860576843751 + -0.271183039650915 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.257542196076255 + -0.217328515962461 + 0 + 0.281691957431942 + -0.270557905225649 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.262657890212797 + -0.216217167406982 + 0 + 0.287500954294866 + -0.269831752350115 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.26777037936421 + -0.215070874241795 + 0 + 0.293285719986599 + -0.269005401498071 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.272877584504302 + -0.213886198706282 + 0 + 0.299044254894231 + -0.268079350839847 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.277977413545252 + -0.212659973660777 + 0 + 0.304774456772862 + -0.267053910002221 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.283067751286946 + -0.211389260558906 + 0 + 0.31047410744546 + -0.265929194102196 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.288146531569151 + -0.210071472504772 + 0 + 0.316140945969225 + -0.264705287522553 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.293211746430695 + -0.208704361837925 + 0 + 0.321772680643194 + -0.263382271410464 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.298261466853943 + -0.207286030895235 + 0 + 0.327367012873468 + -0.261960270879134 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.303293867064738 + -0.205814947658823 + 0 + 0.332921664066306 + -0.260439502431847 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.308307227784188 + -0.204289921336134 + 0 + 0.33843438047094 + -0.258820276389761 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.313299958229501 + -0.202710113563165 + 0 + 0.343902955512875 + -0.25710303012009 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.318270627976646 + -0.20107506466091 + 0 + 0.34932526065984 + -0.255288371789993 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.323217946044688 + -0.199384626417342 + 0 + 0.354699221987147 + -0.25337702648471 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.328140768218446 + -0.197638949396749 + 0 + 0.360022821660194 + -0.251369830175849 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.33303794258165 + -0.195838202957685 + 0 + 0.365293931546597 + -0.249267445795179 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.337908176278369 + -0.193982357289047 + 0 + 0.370510177382904 + -0.247070156972829 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.342749928939098 + -0.192071030814906 + 0 + 0.375668823488236 + -0.244777716548122 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.347561524617444 + -0.190103696312876 + 0 + 0.380766872024581 + -0.242389547462904 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.352340973372156 + -0.188079418217976 + 0 + 0.385800869121962 + -0.239904471374973 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.357086152268458 + -0.185997162913923 + 0 + 0.390767067429048 + -0.237321006641231 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.36179461748214 + -0.183855526398765 + 0 + 0.395661216422581 + -0.234637079988636 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.366463734583194 + -0.181652958255325 + 0 + 0.400478667260664 + -0.231850231004017 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.37109066888424 + -0.179387759809621 + 0 + 0.405214334384559 + -0.228957587631486 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.375672281207951 + -0.177057949289722 + 0 + 0.409862559467649 + -0.225955707008855 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.380205275222077 + -0.174661493542374 + 0 + 0.414417225755814 + -0.222840783618997 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.384686186236175 + -0.172196297701522 + 0 + 0.418871716299084 + -0.219608620880065 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.389111456071108 + -0.169660313467837 + 0 + 0.423218967006952 + -0.216254735218764 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.393477380749217 + -0.167051467612679 + 0 + 0.42745141208627 + -0.212774307540461 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.397780258971842 + -0.164367863293018 + 0 + 0.4315611650795 + -0.209162451960945 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.402016508969449 + -0.161607920878815 + 0 + 0.43554023060087 + -0.205414499515317 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.406182774943936 + -0.158770492655498 + 0 + 0.439380734568756 + -0.20152628069228 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.410275945708526 + -0.155854856069828 + 0 + 0.443075128123467 + -0.197494350224531 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.414293243817352 + -0.152860796275396 + 0 + 0.446616577677252 + -0.193316426265532 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.4182322126478 + -0.14978855532278 + 0 + 0.449999347020584 + -0.188991781965901 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.422090948123986 + -0.146639081183429 + 0 + 0.453219729782702 + -0.184522271147994 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425867896115838 + -0.143413733593789 + 0 + 0.45627675887424 + -0.179912999287942 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.429561860637951 + -0.140114264942493 + 0 + 0.45917285555591 + -0.17517286849967 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.433172008956164 + -0.136742798037064 + 0 + 0.461913765703483 + -0.170314242447015 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.43669755532401 + -0.133301435828507 + 0 + 0.464507369789478 + -0.16535133815459 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.440139190489143 + -0.129793875214046 + 0 + 0.466963832862649 + -0.160300253130734 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.443493350973247 + -0.126218905237717 + 0 + 0.469288784401036 + -0.155171220205209 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446772957582219 + -0.122593562713376 + 0 + 0.471503331025005 + -0.149990997002004 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.449930555033408 + -0.118868395139293 + 0 + 0.473566716057105 + -0.144717769445143 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453146095694916 + -0.115240585898506 + 0 + 0.475663967631305 + -0.139554043576359 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.455745832531496 + -0.110992561863805 + 0 + 0.477124299413545 + -0.133785623390651 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.459079375831645 + -0.107565702869646 + 0 + 0.479298991585968 + -0.128854916626706 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.461941693904744 + -0.10367228387907 + 0 + 0.480984739965014 + -0.123475152177059 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.46429387972617 + -0.0992981171298073 + 0 + 0.482145577832612 + -0.11763551575251 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.467442652757931 + -0.0957823887479003 + 0 + 0.484093889205016 + -0.112679906582521 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469904473549567 + -0.0916043783194546 + 0 + 0.485353764890708 + -0.107094290785466 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.472617172136459 + -0.0877198252764127 + 0 + 0.486872406459753 + -0.101842931467246 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474549709446966 + -0.0831127476161364 + 0 + 0.487629757675362 + -0.0959195172489411 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477467763659306 + -0.0795138704327978 + 0 + 0.489403600567867 + -0.0910645843552011 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479627119016919 + -0.0752165781976819 + 0 + 0.490461479625434 + -0.0855805978008902 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481971624757705 + -0.0711415577079562 + 0 + 0.491756981724164 + -0.0803954100986792 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.483902486298526 + -0.066722375540827 + 0 + 0.492698209576068 + -0.0749465406671672 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.48600965711696 + -0.0625170834535799 + 0 + 0.49387876834431 + -0.0697927947402885 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487795715840255 + -0.0580639817497776 + 0 + 0.494802192329544 + -0.0644706748462879 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490304212949848 + -0.0543105115035362 + 0 + 0.49651125129946 + -0.0599241854212772 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.492059239363978 + -0.0499129101157201 + 0 + 0.497528101006354 + -0.0548054009024455 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.49394055770262 + -0.0456749224504077 + 0 + 0.498729861325473 + -0.0499135714899911 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.495682987355041 + -0.041358456156073 + 0 + 0.499848485158209 + -0.0450059384333006 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497471069703657 + -0.0371257756490784 + 0 + 0.501065550424622 + -0.0402402304578205 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498837632947299 + -0.0325758715553404 + 0 + 0.501910980694782 + -0.0352111735166889 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.500438884314833 + -0.0282760604398986 + 0 + 0.503038311588975 + -0.0304821518852956 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501887379249106 + -0.0238917606110987 + 0 + 0.504057717708117 + -0.0257150293167507 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.503361691044068 + -0.0195742212136659 + 0 + 0.505145678624113 + -0.0210579096369267 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.504539572071594 + -0.0150573890446336 + 0 + 0.505978148432095 + -0.0162419698110893 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.506539318335215 + -0.011254253951887 + 0 + 0.507671927378645 + -0.0121777464418577 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507665594356789 + -0.00677480749121008 + 0 + 0.508530423411653 + -0.00747311173576964 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508954958680791 + -0.00247203246112433 + 0 + 0.509589171540003 + -0.00297921198287661 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510136793251617 + 0.00187458394031738 + 0 + 0.510576765170623 + 0.00152607668708759 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511257917051258 + 0.00622655023980946 + 0 + 0.511539431880029 + 0.00600564936259942 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512407241668601 + 0.0105150398848651 + 0 + 0.512565678724253 + 0.0103918684746238 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.513184667393598 + 0.0150482792160728 + 0 + 0.51325517500338 + 0.0149939668869843 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514175724147631 + 0.0193722545883546 + 0 + 0.514193387024189 + 0.019358771588367 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51504754102053 + 0.0237457174441685 + 0 + 0.51504754102053 + 0.0237457174441685 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515870481203595 + 0.028114115934534 + 0 + 0.515888258819386 + 0.0281007845852477 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.516699855245877 + 0.0324368250398688 + 0 + 0.516771282085733 + 0.0323837274064342 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517245451270004 + 0.0369277559073271 + 0 + 0.517406998092542 + 0.0368086923905292 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518618404361799 + 0.0407747030960664 + 0 + 0.518907317507953 + 0.0405635704592016 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.519120961585375 + 0.0452244520052697 + 0 + 0.51957545058583 + 0.0448951006070141 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.519793808977618 + 0.0495103019056125 + 0 + 0.520453243474147 + 0.049036378744264 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520364710918284 + 0.0538313610347245 + 0 + 0.52126984487911 + 0.0531861551566769 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520882119334975 + 0.0581521703915961 + 0 + 0.52207533393149 + 0.0573084402505241 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521428399116472 + 0.0624154033803756 + 0 + 0.522953977168973 + 0.0613451953898541 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521627555313092 + 0.0668828476928117 + 0 + 0.523531979199779 + 0.0655572864219197 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522023897677288 + 0.0711735843876379 + 0 + 0.524356189433075 + 0.069562655163384 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52229124380531 + 0.0755162495531558 + 0 + 0.525103346774803 + 0.0735885725812592 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522590284155864 + 0.0798004061116842 + 0 + 0.525937464942551 + 0.0775229813410973 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522605956024273 + 0.0842393715344206 + 0 + 0.526547219480145 + 0.0815773116589682 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523441317164878 + 0.0880936469630919 + 0 + 0.528039864253433 + 0.0850100024334431 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523439294521439 + 0.0924794655381532 + 0 + 0.528762861383203 + 0.0889350035562764 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523615136742176 + 0.0967114285521852 + 0 + 0.529736163689691 + 0.0926644614322977 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523660567726397 + 0.100996016694005 + 0 + 0.530656287860828 + 0.0964024821367171 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523795368886965 + 0.105189212586849 + 0 + 0.531747601096153 + 0.100002842746682 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52345167578543 + 0.109659389304653 + 0 + 0.532446188803362 + 0.10383207244299 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523450294776224 + 0.113872782888096 + 0 + 0.533575722493352 + 0.1073553176181 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523048677859979 + 0.118309657469948 + 0 + 0.534394534149849 + 0.111053037038927 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523627245469555 + 0.122091890687348 + 0 + 0.536280898055095 + 0.114049419153329 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523240745851598 + 0.126461030695298 + 0 + 0.537283487399462 + 0.117590596396749 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523245397630319 + 0.130552719621004 + 0 + 0.538748674205826 + 0.120818787963742 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522418612500583 + 0.135133634751112 + 0 + 0.539441591812378 + 0.124508569601205 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522730943085409 + 0.138974522964898 + 0 + 0.541319944200426 + 0.127439054673838 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522219163519432 + 0.143301507969552 + 0 + 0.542408371965362 + 0.130844154859247 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522077789151797 + 0.147372057686382 + 0 + 0.543890669398396 + 0.133987679894384 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521055314040808 + 0.151952623674625 + 0 + 0.544506671776419 + 0.137640914606962 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521224057311975 + 0.155779138521353 + 0 + 0.546322602669711 + 0.140543440159546 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520765473252163 + 0.159964688070943 + 0 + 0.547516347573494 + 0.143810641425048 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.519667517078807 + 0.164506357473778 + 0 + 0.548073925314627 + 0.147439584142646 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.519767582991567 + 0.168303442639473 + 0 + 0.549831357544578 + 0.1503304707214 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.519027566419154 + 0.172581518492625 + 0 + 0.550746905603893 + 0.153711057504541 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518466448159186 + 0.176728369450954 + 0 + 0.551833072769117 + 0.156972122594725 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517810814075525 + 0.180908044047086 + 0 + 0.552807795043174 + 0.160282529381696 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517133893265759 + 0.185077407460631 + 0 + 0.553733351377721 + 0.163605060462087 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.516416128215161 + 0.18924851596084 + 0 + 0.554577522111294 + 0.166958642103039 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51566265614901 + 0.193418803972021 + 0 + 0.555331943326091 + 0.170347948802067 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514872298574986 + 0.197589428285336 + 0 + 0.555982527636227 + 0.17378093406575 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514045853327002 + 0.201760388445989 + 0 + 0.556519520192884 + 0.177262944652536 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.513183688061455 + 0.205931936718445 + 0 + 0.556936398720902 + 0.18079741632435 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512286766465566 + 0.210103983221332 + 0 + 0.557231163126015 + 0.184385174568022 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511356428967505 + 0.214276227432922 + 0 + 0.557405401903896 + 0.18802501923117 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510394540246681 + 0.218448077496222 + 0 + 0.557463302290639 + 0.191714324045825 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509403263420113 + 0.222618781699748 + 0 + 0.557410524088334 + 0.195449696934331 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508385276965235 + 0.226787307449336 + 0 + 0.557253905312904 + 0.199227155874996 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507343670971599 + 0.230952403306024 + 0 + 0.557000954267425 + 0.203042421005228 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50628183277648 + 0.235112665396779 + 0 + 0.556659477185052 + 0.20689112425556 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505203282290719 + 0.239266630070865 + 0 + 0.556237231152404 + 0.210769000021129 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.5041115378889 + 0.243412847600882 + 0 + 0.555741639378805 + 0.214672037386966 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.503010058533057 + 0.247549912307887 + 0 + 0.555179667496863 + 0.218596540518092 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501902284134516 + 0.251676438301314 + 0 + 0.554557847256557 + 0.22253910743921 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.500791411752199 + 0.255791181365126 + 0 + 0.553882065245949 + 0.226496739092468 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499680395056188 + 0.259893035754083 + 0 + 0.553157589171068 + 0.230466815840659 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498571842964194 + 0.263981086573816 + 0 + 0.552388998513543 + 0.234447127313717 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497468196136726 + 0.268054509813246 + 0 + 0.551580393148184 + 0.23843575067471 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.496371533402254 + 0.272112676235429 + 0 + 0.55073522924578 + 0.242431134814131 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.495283536395795 + 0.276155167248039 + 0 + 0.549856309374096 + 0.246432098954607 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494205700414083 + 0.280181657465489 + 0 + 0.548946014631394 + 0.250437700925118 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.493139037184951 + 0.284192074393631 + 0 + 0.548006024331286 + 0.254447385190705 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.492084390212656 + 0.288186424806158 + 0 + 0.547037644154874 + 0.258460800134464 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491042160043438 + 0.292164942210092 + 0 + 0.546041540323348 + 0.262477938844547 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490012539879201 + 0.296127957539111 + 0 + 0.545017977443474 + 0.266499006843495 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488995662455544 + 0.300075819482872 + 0 + 0.543966956794575 + 0.27052434552663 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487991941242485 + 0.304008711430154 + 0 + 0.542888564817689 + 0.274554243665012 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487002100300981 + 0.307926637333695 + 0 + 0.541782999426488 + 0.278588923886354 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.486027199207729 + 0.311829410246327 + 0 + 0.540650584700186 + 0.282628535529051 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485068577732126 + 0.315716683574507 + 0 + 0.539491701285624 + 0.286673192376059 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484127891016174 + 0.319587933607701 + 0 + 0.538306803032793 + 0.29072296394384 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.483207122089384 + 0.323442454229946 + 0 + 0.537096406499255 + 0.294777881416356 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482308548966914 + 0.327279375647427 + 0 + 0.535861030519624 + 0.298837969985856 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481434738877819 + 0.331097668405419 + 0 + 0.534601158737512 + 0.302903268664162 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480588521175879 + 0.334896158558028 + 0 + 0.533317177872327 + 0.306973862799573 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479772917350217 + 0.338673565249241 + 0 + 0.532009272790517 + 0.311049939094717 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.478991178777327 + 0.342428481081466 + 0 + 0.530677434307597 + 0.315131780838976 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.478246633032295 + 0.346159453547302 + 0 + 0.529321289790023 + 0.319219856712489 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477542648537892 + 0.349865003409817 + 0 + 0.527940081471455 + 0.323314831092869 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476882524051364 + 0.353543682546938 + 0 + 0.52653261939723 + 0.327417587861171 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476269371497064 + 0.3571941349115 + 0 + 0.525097314180754 + 0.331529212212702 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.475705963119537 + 0.360815175896044 + 0 + 0.523632207275461 + 0.335650974040946 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.475194711179394 + 0.36440580178794 + 0 + 0.522135211982436 + 0.339784201009199 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474737464376273 + 0.367965295354918 + 0 + 0.520604322046023 + 0.343930169450936 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474335647530648 + 0.371493151282686 + 0 + 0.519038275674791 + 0.348089757458349 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473990034454665 + 0.374989194082279 + 0 + 0.517437254548364 + 0.352263081445557 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473701079732101 + 0.378453403447027 + 0 + 0.515804391559244 + 0.356448711591469 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473468660533748 + 0.381886048747349 + 0 + 0.514146264186921 + 0.360643420274251 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473292426086782 + 0.38528750592209 + 0 + 0.51247299819346 + 0.364842134072063 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473171796229143 + 0.388658258309897 + 0 + 0.510796948493089 + 0.369038626895672 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473105859368773 + 0.391998949950274 + 0 + 0.509130797183951 + 0.373226513042008 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473093704331136 + 0.395310212776923 + 0 + 0.507486424927093 + 0.377399833168641 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47313423649573 + 0.398592762913298 + 0 + 0.50587379606636 + 0.381553631029881 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473226306867791 + 0.401847333844363 + 0 + 0.504300569309922 + 0.385684151186864 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47336871837739 + 0.405074673657251 + 0 + 0.502771872546368 + 0.389788951374296 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473560234981433 + 0.408275540826032 + 0 + 0.501290258178611 + 0.393866921409953 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473799624169259 + 0.411450682650351 + 0 + 0.499855979678528 + 0.397918135912176 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474085656395509 + 0.414600836099549 + 0 + 0.498469292377816 + 0.40194265722724 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47441711201981 + 0.417726724737405 + 0 + 0.497132763216147 + 0.40593933722966 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474792801917384 + 0.420829048541646 + 0 + 0.495851528048926 + 0.409905686517765 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.475211577093681 + 0.423908479425143 + 0 + 0.494633250218255 + 0.413837898300384 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.475672335737063 + 0.426965658068694 + 0 + 0.493487898679536 + 0.417730965267504 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476174028109098 + 0.430001191853996 + 0 + 0.4924272364966 + 0.42157894588292 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476715659537 + 0.43301565375709 + 0 + 0.49146389361516 + 0.425375445225852 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477296291758215 + 0.436009582071149 + 0 + 0.490609906455141 + 0.429114370991504 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477915043120653 + 0.438983480697262 + 0 + 0.489874914318176 + 0.432790866066189 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47857108790496 + 0.441937819865572 + 0 + 0.489264835856692 + 0.436401991585609 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.4792636549155 + 0.444873037211644 + 0 + 0.488781617578464 + 0.439946854817297 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479992025837321 + 0.447789538951843 + 0 + 0.488423981739183 + 0.443426220387162 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480755533142571 + 0.450687701271258 + 0 + 0.4881886003474 + 0.446841902023148 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481553557995399 + 0.453567871693282 + 0 + 0.488071020018195 + 0.450196284152812 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482385528078252 + 0.456430370472338 + 0 + 0.488066184726362 + 0.4534920520895 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.483250915371915 + 0.459275491994529 + 0 + 0.488168846607811 + 0.456731980392455 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484149234127544 + 0.462103506064446 + 0 + 0.488373826038303 + 0.459918799311438 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485080038796079 + 0.464914659200892 + 0 + 0.488676193507938 + 0.463055101701695 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.486042922227744 + 0.467709175781104 + 0 + 0.489071418703503 + 0.466143266870817 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487037513828202 + 0.470487259196785 + 0 + 0.489555432899871 + 0.469185429197055 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488063478102205 + 0.473249092800284 + 0 + 0.4901246418311 + 0.47218347227413 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489120512909474 + 0.475994840991135 + 0 + 0.490775908762287 + 0.475139038380869 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490208348976539 + 0.4787246496458 + 0 + 0.491506524496342 + 0.478053544628628 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491326745868434 + 0.481438648370933 + 0 + 0.492314168830619 + 0.480928203461214 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.492475501438458 + 0.484136945783516 + 0 + 0.49319688574134 + 0.483764036001356 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.493654411958244 + 0.48681965028095 + 0 + 0.494153012192287 + 0.486561909322467 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494863422974988 + 0.489486807865888 + 0 + 0.495181301837825 + 0.48932248858847 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.496102059573828 + 0.492138630292215 + 0 + 0.496280332661643 + 0.492046477142159 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497371493713584 + 0.494774532210353 + 0 + 0.497450556216611 + 0.494733663239932 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.49866695231355 + 0.497396981379112 + 0 + 0.498686691904864 + 0.497386777603745 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499994052316792 + 0.500003074467614 + 0 + 0.499994052316792 + 0.500003074467614 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50133304768642 + 0.502603018614166 + 0 + 0.501313308095106 + 0.502613222389533 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502628506286219 + 0.505225467783011 + 0 + 0.502549443783192 + 0.505266336753432 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.503897940426825 + 0.507861369700709 + 0 + 0.503719667339009 + 0.507953522850766 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505136577023465 + 0.510513192128173 + 0 + 0.504818698160628 + 0.510677511405592 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.506345588044201 + 0.513180349711049 + 0 + 0.505846987810158 + 0.513438090669533 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507524498560535 + 0.515863054210268 + 0 + 0.506803114257653 + 0.516235963992428 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508673254131663 + 0.518561351622281 + 0 + 0.507685831169478 + 0.519071796531999 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509791651023341 + 0.521275350347525 + 0 + 0.508493475503538 + 0.521946455364697 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510879487089336 + 0.524005159002744 + 0 + 0.509224091236523 + 0.52486096161301 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511936521897648 + 0.526750907193055 + 0 + 0.509875358168753 + 0.527816527719209 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512962486172324 + 0.529512740796207 + 0 + 0.510444567100654 + 0.530814570795937 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.513957077772821 + 0.532290824211867 + 0 + 0.510928581297061 + 0.533856733122155 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514919961203689 + 0.535085340792492 + 0 + 0.511323806491829 + 0.536944898291688 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515850765873871 + 0.537896493928086 + 0 + 0.511626173963112 + 0.540081200681094 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.516749084628734 + 0.540724507998399 + 0 + 0.511831153392837 + 0.543268019600474 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51761447191973 + 0.54356962952197 + 0 + 0.51193381527162 + 0.546507947904807 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518446442005535 + 0.546432128299498 + 0 + 0.511928979982738 + 0.549803715839969 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.519244466856237 + 0.549312298722622 + 0 + 0.511811399651408 + 0.553158097970733 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520007974163696 + 0.552210461040894 + 0 + 0.511576018261834 + 0.556573779605575 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520736345084538 + 0.555126962781599 + 0 + 0.511218382421574 + 0.560053145175947 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521428912093418 + 0.558062180128531 + 0 + 0.510735164141686 + 0.563598008408494 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522084956879192 + 0.561016519296082 + 0 + 0.510125085681669 + 0.567209133927154 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522703708243069 + 0.563990417921449 + 0 + 0.509390093546143 + 0.570885629001093 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52328434046157 + 0.566984346236914 + 0 + 0.508536106383411 + 0.574624554768151 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523825971892187 + 0.569998808138601 + 0 + 0.507572763504685 + 0.578421054109677 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.524327664262302 + 0.573034341924899 + 0 + 0.506512101319829 + 0.582269034726088 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52478842290612 + 0.576091520568223 + 0 + 0.505366749781547 + 0.586162101692983 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.525207198084799 + 0.579170951450485 + 0 + 0.504148471953258 + 0.590094313474367 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52558288798045 + 0.582273275255722 + 0 + 0.502867236784112 + 0.594060662763467 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.525914343603953 + 0.585399163893994 + 0 + 0.501530707621645 + 0.598057342766303 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526200375830879 + 0.588549317342839 + 0 + 0.50014402032161 + 0.602081864081015 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526439765018954 + 0.591724459167029 + 0 + 0.498709741821777 + 0.606133078583108 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526631281623102 + 0.594925326335756 + 0 + 0.497228127454124 + 0.610211048618711 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526773693131796 + 0.598152666149114 + 0 + 0.495699430689665 + 0.614315848806614 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526865763506238 + 0.60140723707894 + 0 + 0.494126203935608 + 0.618446368962357 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526906295669121 + 0.604689787216205 + 0 + 0.492513575073163 + 0.622600166824486 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526894140630022 + 0.608001050043617 + 0 + 0.490869202814845 + 0.626773486951884 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.5268282037731 + 0.611341741682197 + 0 + 0.489203051509154 + 0.630961373096422 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526707573912166 + 0.614712494071721 + 0 + 0.487527001805488 + 0.635157865921748 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526531339466077 + 0.618113951246006 + 0 + 0.485853735812904 + 0.639356579719104 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526298920267024 + 0.621546596546694 + 0 + 0.484195608439881 + 0.643551288402253 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526009965544471 + 0.625010805911436 + 0 + 0.482562745450773 + 0.647736918548159 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.525664352471711 + 0.628506848709342 + 0 + 0.480961724327569 + 0.651910242533679 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.525262535623046 + 0.632034704638701 + 0 + 0.479395677953296 + 0.656069830542682 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.524805288823295 + 0.635594198203913 + 0 + 0.477864788020253 + 0.660215798982654 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.524294036879955 + 0.639184824097485 + 0 + 0.47636779272403 + 0.664349025952583 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523730628505429 + 0.642805865080452 + 0 + 0.474902685821739 + 0.66847078777925 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523117475946808 + 0.646456317447286 + 0 + 0.473467380600942 + 0.672582412133053 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522457351463085 + 0.650134996582931 + 0 + 0.472059918529522 + 0.676685168899879 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521753366967001 + 0.653840546446332 + 0 + 0.470678710209273 + 0.680780143281146 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521008821224949 + 0.657571518910595 + 0 + 0.469322565694679 + 0.684868219153084 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520227082648363 + 0.661326434744771 + 0 + 0.467990727208062 + 0.688950060899293 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.519411478822976 + 0.665103841435842 + 0 + 0.466682822126528 + 0.693026137194298 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518565261124469 + 0.66890233158663 + 0 + 0.465398841264776 + 0.697096731327888 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517691451033823 + 0.672720624345443 + 0 + 0.464138969481113 + 0.701162030007015 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.516792877913162 + 0.676557545761962 + 0 + 0.46290359350329 + 0.705222118575552 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515872108983745 + 0.680412066385605 + 0 + 0.461693196967127 + 0.709277036049465 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514931422267667 + 0.684283316418867 + 0 + 0.46050829871417 + 0.713326807617315 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51397280079304 + 0.688170589746522 + 0 + 0.459349415300583 + 0.717371464463798 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512997899698554 + 0.692073362659816 + 0 + 0.458217000573047 + 0.721411076107158 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512008058758181 + 0.695991288562752 + 0 + 0.457111435182978 + 0.725445756327896 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511004337544466 + 0.699924180510383 + 0 + 0.456033043205435 + 0.729475654466623 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509987460119132 + 0.703872042455049 + 0 + 0.454982022554859 + 0.733500993150666 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508957839958684 + 0.707835057782027 + 0 + 0.453958459678774 + 0.737522061147572 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507915609785534 + 0.711813575188082 + 0 + 0.452962355843315 + 0.741539199859776 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.506860962816107 + 0.715807925599057 + 0 + 0.451993975669772 + 0.745552614801983 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505794299587729 + 0.719818342526788 + 0 + 0.451053985370417 + 0.749562299067159 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50471646360411 + 0.723844832745273 + 0 + 0.450143690625808 + 0.753567901038705 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.503628466598051 + 0.727887323757671 + 0 + 0.449264770754525 + 0.757568865178969 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502531803865829 + 0.731945490178619 + 0 + 0.44841960685437 + 0.761564249317155 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501428157035814 + 0.736018913419442 + 0 + 0.447611001486465 + 0.765552872679542 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.500319604946107 + 0.740106964237919 + 0 + 0.446842410831228 + 0.769533184151345 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499208588248282 + 0.744208818627871 + 0 + 0.446117934754533 + 0.773503260900529 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498097715866466 + 0.748323561691401 + 0 + 0.445442152744424 + 0.777460892553503 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.496989941466518 + 0.752450087685613 + 0 + 0.444820332502712 + 0.781403459475408 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.495888462111817 + 0.756587152391981 + 0 + 0.444258360621912 + 0.785327962605897 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494796717708545 + 0.760733369922805 + 0 + 0.44376276884686 + 0.78923099997254 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.493718167222013 + 0.764887334597329 + 0 + 0.443340522813441 + 0.793108875738548 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.4926563290289 + 0.769047596686956 + 0 + 0.442999045733074 + 0.796957578987751 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491614723034713 + 0.773212692543954 + 0 + 0.442746094687043 + 0.800772844118292 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490596736579843 + 0.777381218293539 + 0 + 0.442589475911622 + 0.804550303058957 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489605459752433 + 0.781551922497543 + 0 + 0.442536697708475 + 0.808285675947941 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488643571033959 + 0.785723772559507 + 0 + 0.442594598097569 + 0.811974980761259 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487713233533018 + 0.789896016772742 + 0 + 0.442768836872569 + 0.815614825426052 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.48681631193835 + 0.794068063274935 + 0 + 0.443063601278904 + 0.819202583669031 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485954146674468 + 0.798239611546427 + 0 + 0.443480479808586 + 0.82273705533988 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485127701425083 + 0.802410571707882 + 0 + 0.444017472363841 + 0.826219065927466 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484337343849363 + 0.806581196022189 + 0 + 0.444668056672282 + 0.829652051192143 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.483583871784777 + 0.810751484032459 + 0 + 0.445422477888644 + 0.833041357890259 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482866106735681 + 0.81492259253179 + 0 + 0.446266648623719 + 0.836394939530335 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482189185925451 + 0.819091955945604 + 0 + 0.447192204957802 + 0.839717470610995 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481533551840911 + 0.823271630542244 + 0 + 0.448166927230979 + 0.843027877398472 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480972433580564 + 0.827418481500807 + 0 + 0.449253094395825 + 0.846288942488891 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480232417010237 + 0.831696557352717 + 0 + 0.450168642457226 + 0.849669529270789 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480332482921034 + 0.835493642519584 + 0 + 0.451926074685214 + 0.852560415850717 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479234526748342 + 0.840035311922023 + 0 + 0.452483652427012 + 0.856189358567919 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.478775942688619 + 0.844220861471553 + 0 + 0.453677397330884 + 0.85945655983336 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.478944685958593 + 0.848047376319007 + 0 + 0.455493328222982 + 0.862359085386671 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477922210849597 + 0.85262794230603 + 0 + 0.456109330602999 + 0.866012320098029 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477780836479676 + 0.856698492024262 + 0 + 0.457591628033746 + 0.869155845134568 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477269056915143 + 0.861025477028034 + 0 + 0.458680055800127 + 0.872560945319095 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477581387500349 + 0.864866365241567 + 0 + 0.460558408188554 + 0.875491430391475 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476754602368739 + 0.869447280372848 + 0 + 0.461251325793232 + 0.879181212030109 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476759254147658 + 0.873538969298439 + 0 + 0.462716512599794 + 0.882409403596989 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476372754530615 + 0.877908109305811 + 0 + 0.463719101945075 + 0.885950580839829 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47695132214045 + 0.881690342523043 + 0 + 0.46560546585058 + 0.888946962954065 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476549705225518 + 0.886127217104047 + 0 + 0.46642427750839 + 0.892644682374043 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476548324213763 + 0.890340610689135 + 0 + 0.467553811195831 + 0.896167927550797 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476204631111983 + 0.894810787407103 + 0 + 0.468252398902795 + 0.89999715724727 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476339432273969 + 0.899003983299014 + 0 + 0.469343712139539 + 0.903597517856302 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476384863257099 + 0.90328857144156 + 0 + 0.470263836309584 + 0.907335538561447 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476560705479983 + 0.907520534454167 + 0 + 0.471237138618219 + 0.911064996436044 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476558682834704 + 0.911906353030452 + 0 + 0.471960135746149 + 0.9149899975601 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477394043974654 + 0.915760628459571 + 0 + 0.473452780518782 + 0.918422688335023 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477409715844738 + 0.92019959388117 + 0 + 0.474062535058052 + 0.922477018651757 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477708756192924 + 0.924483750441316 + 0 + 0.474896653223432 + 0.926411427413213 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477976102323672 + 0.928826415604966 + 0 + 0.475643810567884 + 0.93043734482922 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.478372444686491 + 0.933117152300743 + 0 + 0.476468020799804 + 0.934442713571635 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.478571600884668 + 0.9375845966121 + 0 + 0.477046022832167 + 0.938654804602622 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479117880665045 + 0.941847829601659 + 0 + 0.477924666068529 + 0.942691559742731 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479635289082412 + 0.946168638958046 + 0 + 0.478730155121587 + 0.946813844836093 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480206191022743 + 0.950489698087396 + 0 + 0.479546756526215 + 0.950963621248745 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480879038415448 + 0.954775547987398 + 0 + 0.480424549414993 + 0.955104899385653 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481381595638381 + 0.959225296897076 + 0 + 0.481092682492227 + 0.959436429533941 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482754548730448 + 0.963072244085597 + 0 + 0.48259300190791 + 0.963191307602395 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.483300144753406 + 0.967563174953934 + 0 + 0.48322871791355 + 0.967616272587369 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484129518797475 + 0.971885884057937 + 0 + 0.484111741181684 + 0.971899215407223 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484952458979156 + 0.976254282549339 + 0 + 0.484952458979156 + 0.976254282549339 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485824275853286 + 0.980627745404213 + 0 + 0.485806612976727 + 0.980641228404201 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.486815332605333 + 0.98495172077801 + 0 + 0.486744824995551 + 0.985006033107098 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487592758330058 + 0.989484960109446 + 0 + 0.487434321274406 + 0.989608131519687 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488742082948313 + 0.993773449753801 + 0 + 0.488460568119542 + 0.993994350631011 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.48986320675 + 0.998125416051663 + 0 + 0.489423234830994 + 0.998473923304893 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491045041317873 + 1.00247203245545 + 0 + 0.49041082845866 + 1.0029792119772 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.49233440564444 + 1.00677480748349 + 0 + 0.491469576589576 + 1.00747311172805 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.493460681663366 + 1.01125425394632 + 0 + 0.492328072619937 + 1.01217774643629 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.495460427929898 + 1.01505738903666 + 0 + 0.494021851569397 + 1.01624196980312 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.496638308953025 + 1.01957422120936 + 0 + 0.49485432137298 + 1.02105790963262 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498112620751443 + 1.02389176060391 + 0 + 0.495942282292432 + 1.02571502930956 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499561115684399 + 1.02827606043382 + 0 + 0.496961688410256 + 1.03048215187922 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501162367054184 + 1.03257587154734 + 0 + 0.498089019306701 + 1.03521117350869 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502528930295918 + 1.03712577564273 + 0 + 0.498934449574953 + 1.04024023045147 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.504317012644467 + 1.04135845614977 + 0 + 0.500151514841299 + 1.045005938427 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.506059442296338 + 1.0456749224446 + 0 + 0.501270138673485 + 1.04991357148418 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507940760636186 + 1.04991291010884 + 0 + 0.50247189899381 + 1.05480540089557 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509695787050457 + 1.05431051149653 + 0 + 0.503488748700846 + 1.05992418541427 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512204284159172 + 1.05806398174356 + 0 + 0.505197807669882 + 1.06447067484007 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51399034288329 + 1.06251708344663 + 0 + 0.506121231655939 + 1.06979279473334 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51609751370206 + 1.06672237553355 + 0 + 0.507301790424519 + 1.07494654065989 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518028375242262 + 1.07114155770125 + 0 + 0.508243018275804 + 1.08039541009198 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520372880982108 + 1.07521657819188 + 0 + 0.509538520373593 + 1.08558059779509 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522532236340364 + 1.0795138704264 + 0 + 0.510596399431803 + 1.0910645843488 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52545029055352 + 1.08311274760893 + 0 + 0.512370242325124 + 1.09591951724173 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.527382827862839 + 1.08771982527038 + 0 + 0.513127593539546 + 1.10184293146121 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530095526451185 + 1.09160437831197 + 0 + 0.514646235110045 + 1.10709429077798 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.532557347241592 + 1.09578238874167 + 0 + 0.515906110794508 + 1.11267990657629 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.535706120273601 + 1.09929811712331 + 0 + 0.517854422167159 + 1.11763551574601 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.53805830609577 + 1.10367228387181 + 0 + 0.519015260035501 + 1.1234751521698 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.540920624167921 + 1.10756570286338 + 0 + 0.520701008413597 + 1.12885491662044 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.544254167470312 + 1.11099256185514 + 0 + 0.522875700588264 + 1.13378562338199 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.54685390430347 + 1.11524058589353 + 0 + 0.524336032367081 + 1.13955404357138 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.550069444966695 + 1.11886839513245 + 0 + 0.526433283942999 + 1.1447177694383 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553227042417595 + 1.12259356270685 + 0 + 0.528496668974809 + 1.14999099699548 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.556506649026452 + 1.12621890523132 + 0 + 0.530711215598664 + 1.15517122019881 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55986080951008 + 1.12979387520821 + 0 + 0.533036167136575 + 1.16030025312489 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.56330244467643 + 1.13330143582127 + 0 + 0.535492630210962 + 1.16535133814735 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.566827991043019 + 1.13674279803129 + 0 + 0.538086234295701 + 1.17031424244124 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.570438139362445 + 1.14011426493529 + 0 + 0.540827144444486 + 1.17517286849247 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574132103883118 + 1.14341373358832 + 0 + 0.543723241124717 + 1.17991299928247 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.577909051876789 + 1.14663908117576 + 0 + 0.546780270218074 + 1.18452227114033 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.581767787352015 + 1.14978855531628 + 0 + 0.550000652979231 + 1.1889917819594 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.585706756183887 + 1.15286079626713 + 0 + 0.553383422323989 + 1.19331642625727 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.589724054291279 + 1.15585485606336 + 0 + 0.55692487187634 + 1.19749435021806 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.593817225055392 + 1.15877049264964 + 0 + 0.560619265430573 + 1.20152628068643 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.597983491031212 + 1.16160792087123 + 0 + 0.564459769399792 + 1.20541449950773 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.602219741027288 + 1.16436786328744 + 0 + 0.56843883491963 + 1.20916245195536 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.606522619250809 + 1.16705146760592 + 0 + 0.572548587913756 + 1.2127743075337 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.610888543928388 + 1.1696603134618 + 0 + 0.576781032992545 + 1.21625473521273 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.615313813763666 + 1.17219629769502 + 0 + 0.581128283700758 + 1.21960862087356 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.619794724778203 + 1.17466149353525 + 0 + 0.585582774244466 + 1.22284078361187 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.624327718792446 + 1.17705794928241 + 0 + 0.590137440532748 + 1.22595570700154 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.628909331114754 + 1.17938775980436 + 0 + 0.594785665614436 + 1.22895758762622 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.633536265418153 + 1.18165295824662 + 0 + 0.599521332740684 + 1.23185023099531 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.638205382517395 + 1.18385552639272 + 0 + 0.604338783576953 + 1.23463707998259 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.642913847731338 + 1.18599716290751 + 0 + 0.609232932570749 + 1.23732100663482 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.647659026628498 + 1.18807941821025 + 0 + 0.614199130878693 + 1.23990447136725 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.652438475381525 + 1.19010369630778 + 0 + 0.61923312797439 + 1.24238954745781 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.657250071061453 + 1.1920710308073 + 0 + 0.624331176512316 + 1.24477771654051 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.662091823719786 + 1.19398235728531 + 0 + 0.629489822615251 + 1.2470701569691 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.666962057418946 + 1.19583820294995 + 0 + 0.634706068453997 + 1.24926744578744 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.671859231780185 + 1.19763894939232 + 0 + 0.639977178338436 + 1.25136983017142 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.676782053955661 + 1.19938462641002 + 0 + 0.645300778013203 + 1.25337702647739 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.681729372022332 + 1.20107506465597 + 0 + 0.650674739339138 + 1.25528837178505 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.686700041769928 + 1.20271011355745 + 0 + 0.656097044486555 + 1.25710303011437 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.691692772216155 + 1.20428992132878 + 0 + 0.661565619529403 + 1.25882027638241 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.69670613293395 + 1.20581494765453 + 0 + 0.667078335932383 + 1.26043950242755 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.70173853314741 + 1.20728603088596 + 0 + 0.672632987127885 + 1.26196027086986 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.706788253569108 + 1.20870436183155 + 0 + 0.678227319356608 + 1.26338227140409 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.711853468430611 + 1.21007147249851 + 0 + 0.683859054030539 + 1.26470528751629 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.716932248713107 + 1.21138926055207 + 0 + 0.689525892554594 + 1.26592919409536 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.722022586454904 + 1.21265997365373 + 0 + 0.695225543227294 + 1.26705390999517 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.727122415496229 + 1.21388619869845 + 0 + 0.700955745106299 + 1.26807935083201 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.732229620635568 + 1.21507087423552 + 0 + 0.706714280013179 + 1.2690054014918 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.737342109786635 + 1.21621716740149 + 0 + 0.712499045704567 + 1.26983175234462 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.742457803924229 + 1.21732851595467 + 0 + 0.718308042568543 + 1.27055790521786 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.747574698078026 + 1.2184085161524 + 0 + 0.724139423155918 + 1.27118303964496 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.752690897703539 + 1.2194608517593 + 0 + 0.7299915027917 + 1.27170595073508 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.757804666362378 + 1.22048918692833 + 0 + 0.735862759978407 + 1.27212500333148 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.762914476241913 + 1.22149703755115 + 0 + 0.741751805192329 + 1.27243815648178 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.768019066080084 + 1.22248760660145 + 0 + 0.747657350520497 + 1.27264298989545 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.773117436307318 + 1.22346375473747 + 0 + 0.753578093349688 + 1.27273695148106 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.778208917353718 + 1.22442777831868 + 0 + 0.759512625319642 + 1.27271757614279 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.783293090262913 + 1.22538154608768 + 0 + 0.765459170494825 + 1.27258318918615 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.788369857284543 + 1.22632625061541 + 0 + 0.771415344571685 + 1.27233365902011 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.793439287038182 + 1.2272627495703 + 0 + 0.777377642700849 + 1.2719720205513 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.798501696713981 + 1.22819128495578 + 0 + 0.783341385729886 + 1.27150504344285 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.803557499171211 + 1.22911184732236 + 0 + 0.789300835833885 + 1.27094339057836 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.808607192987563 + 1.23002417037727 + 0 + 0.795249824700286 + 1.27030025176751 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.813651386999594 + 1.23092761817741 + 0 + 0.801182514703783 + 1.26958932734466 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.818690673025075 + 1.23182153751439 + 0 + 0.807093798515255 + 1.26882361082532 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.823725685499322 + 1.23270505974714 + 0 + 0.812979633479731 + 1.26801416823505 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.828757051289389 + 1.23357723816867 + 0 + 0.818837083628473 + 1.26716968525947 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.833785384518723 + 1.2344370544279 + 0 + 0.824664288615454 + 1.26629618797418 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.83881128085738 + 1.2352834282323 + 0 + 0.830460364805294 + 1.26539695843194 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.843835302545775 + 1.23611526361253 + 0 + 0.83622520883519 + 1.26447280154096 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.848857977945165 + 1.23693144880881 + 0 + 0.841958742343827 + 1.26352452580637 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.853879799005805 + 1.23773086443033 + 0 + 0.847660279456762 + 1.262555466947 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.858901215504854 + 1.23851240676102 + 0 + 0.853328564521806 + 1.26157179411648 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.863922633292617 + 1.23927499912616 + 0 + 0.858961901331715 + 1.26058248911349 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.868944413693462 + 1.24001760071359 + 0 + 0.864558325410231 + 1.25959912424117 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.873966873869068 + 1.24073921298849 + 0 + 0.87011583350748 + 1.25863531586645 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.878990287919844 + 1.24143888405378 + 0 + 0.875632679978756 + 1.25770571114879 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.884014888537662 + 1.24211571125431 + 0 + 0.881107738283812 + 1.25682437365212 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.889040869037299 + 1.24276884236244 + 0 + 0.88654085261823 + 1.25600277272853 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.894068385580035 + 1.2433974759032 + 0 + 0.89193299206295 + 1.25524828745885 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.899097559559729 + 1.24400086048811 + 0 + 0.897286125340826 + 1.25456388999231 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.904128479975277 + 1.24457829387658 + 0 + 0.902602899254885 + 1.25394894127649 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.909161205811136 + 1.24512912152805 + 0 + 0.907886284972465 + 1.25340047188839 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.914195768350015 + 1.24565273496255 + 0 + 0.913139330175595 + 1.25291419846141 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.919232173384088 + 1.24614857010577 + 0 + 0.9183650244481 + 1.25248510130158 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.92427040334837 + 1.24661610543959 + 0 + 0.923566210150288 + 1.25210788209662 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.929310419327712 + 1.24705486027593 + 0 + 0.92874553673793 + 1.25177725670877 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.93435216295349 + 1.24746439309684 + 0 + 0.93390543962823 + 1.25148816260752 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.939395558206301 + 1.24784429984811 + 0 + 0.939048133339902 + 1.25123593036767 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.944440513091463 + 1.2481942125303 + 0 + 0.94417562235831 + 1.25101635900048 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.949486921250395 + 1.24851379756195 + 0 + 0.949289720525464 + 1.25082573503887 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.954534663393041 + 1.24880275529231 + 0 + 0.954392073753879 + 1.25066081926647 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.959583608935922 + 1.2490608158656 + 0 + 0.959484183302039 + 1.2505188131796 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.964633616652753 + 1.2492877485401 + 0 + 0.964567426819281 + 1.25039733270457 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.969684538021643 + 1.24948332513668 + 0 + 0.969643080186768 + 1.25029433578149 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.974736212423908 + 1.24964744031482 + 0 + 0.974712329181223 + 1.25020820959517 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.979788485124685 + 1.24977970299498 + 0 + 0.979776302020575 + 1.25013733320672 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.984841163888016 + 1.24988079375276 + 0 + 0.984836038911001 + 1.25008141087943 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.989894110039087 + 1.24994800899348 + 0 + 0.989892594671404 + 1.25003699694654 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.994947094009592 + 1.24998959753694 + 0 + 0.994946904833692 + 1.25001181763392 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 1 + 1.2499798172808 + 0 + 1 + 1.2499798172808 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + + + + + + The material override + 4464f416-5946-4669-bf6d-eef015024a29 + Material + Material + false + ecf7e5c0-000d-4463-8bb2-d548677df998 + 1 + + + + + + 26844 + -12644 + 51 + 20 + + + 26871 + -12634 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;221;160;221 + + + 255;66;48;66 + + 0.5 + + 255;255;255;255 + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 95dea891-6c0a-4a73-8fd7-5a68d8e679ea + 5c3335dc-c41e-41ad-86d9-0a5cd523ec79 + 50c6ab7b-8542-4f27-b167-b8c0a307365f + 3 + 6573a1d7-42ba-4816-a3eb-2801e12aaf9d + Group + + + + + + + + + + + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 + Colour Picker + + + + + Provides a colour picker object + 50c6ab7b-8542-4f27-b167-b8c0a307365f + Colour Picker + Colour Picker + false + + 255;232;232;232 + + 0 + + + + + + 26932.51 + -12788.07 + 180 + 310 + + 2 + + + + + + + + + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 + Create Material + + + + + Create an OpenGL material. + f061ff65-b80b-45de-b78f-cad89e5d3499 + Create Material + Create Material + + + + + + 27073 + -13076 + 144 + 104 + + + 27157 + -13024 + + + + + + Colour of the diffuse channel + 36aeaa59-703c-45c8-805e-ae4263a64b65 + Diffuse + Diffuse + false + 4833b414-f2dc-4db0-a255-f2feafc894a9 + 1 + + + + + + 27075 + -13074 + 67 + 20 + + + 27110 + -13064 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;105;180 + + + + + + + + + + + + Colour of the specular highlight + 9a616dd2-7193-4611-b879-74fda6af4ca5 + Specular + Specular + false + 0 + + + + + + 27075 + -13054 + 67 + 20 + + + 27110 + -13044 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;255;255 + + + + + + + + + + + + Emissive colour of the material + 217dbb5e-e2f5-4322-a7f9-1b8aa9fb0f19 + Emission + Emission + false + 0 + + + + + + 27075 + -13034 + 67 + 20 + + + 27110 + -13024 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;0;0;0 + + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of transparency (0.0 = opaque, 1.0 = transparent + 319a4395-774a-4841-b491-4b658eab612f + Transparency + Transparency + false + 0 + + + + + + 27075 + -13014 + 67 + 20 + + + 27110 + -13004 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of shinyness (0 = none, 1 = low shine, 100 = max shine + b241e46d-7a53-488c-91a5-d0873c958521 + Shine + Shine + false + 0 + + + + + + 27075 + -12994 + 67 + 20 + + + 27110 + -12984 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Resulting material + 2eb571e8-ab21-4f30-a6c0-b8260b595061 + Material + Material + false + 0 + + + + + + 27172 + -13074 + 43 + 100 + + + 27195 + -13024 + + + + + + + + + + + + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c + Custom Preview + + + + + Allows for customized geometry previews + true + a6490b82-5160-43bb-8c9f-96a1661adc40 + Custom Preview + Custom Preview + + + + + + + 26842 + -13046 + 82 + 44 + + + 26910 + -13024 + + + + + + Geometry to preview + true + af62fe76-147a-43ea-b31f-52a43a93011f + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26844 + -13044 + 51 + 20 + + + 26871 + -13034 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + -1 + + 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+ + 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Curve + + + + + + + + + + + The material override + 0f256f7a-4749-4453-ac58-02e08f7fdec5 + Material + Material + false + 2eb571e8-ab21-4f30-a6c0-b8260b595061 + 1 + + + + + + 26844 + -13024 + 51 + 20 + + + 26871 + -13014 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;221;160;221 + + + 255;66;48;66 + + 0.5 + + 255;255;255;255 + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + f061ff65-b80b-45de-b78f-cad89e5d3499 + a6490b82-5160-43bb-8c9f-96a1661adc40 + 4833b414-f2dc-4db0-a255-f2feafc894a9 + 3 + 8b168c7f-47b8-4521-927b-982e3926ee57 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 + Colour Picker + + + + + Provides a colour picker object + 4833b414-f2dc-4db0-a255-f2feafc894a9 + Colour Picker + Colour Picker + false + + 255;207;207;207 + + 0 + + + + + + 26932.63 + -13166.53 + 180 + 310 + + 2 + + + + + + + + + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 + Create Material + + + + + Create an OpenGL material. + 65a5e034-e81f-401b-b8c3-728dbfe15429 + Create Material + Create Material + + + + + + 27073 + -13883 + 144 + 104 + + + 27157 + -13831 + + + + + + Colour of the diffuse channel + 378272fa-3828-4dc1-a0fc-0a0e20040dd8 + Diffuse + Diffuse + false + ce9f3920-c1b5-45b4-a4dc-52cf5c3c3dfc + 1 + + + + + + 27075 + -13881 + 67 + 20 + + + 27110 + -13871 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;105;180 + + + + + + + + + + + + Colour of the specular highlight + a77a7eb3-be4b-42cd-af42-177d5898707d + Specular + Specular + false + 0 + + + + + + 27075 + -13861 + 67 + 20 + + + 27110 + -13851 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;255;255 + + + + + + + + + + + + Emissive colour of the material + 91056727-0c8d-4347-a0b2-118012478433 + Emission + Emission + false + 0 + + + + + + 27075 + -13841 + 67 + 20 + + + 27110 + -13831 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;0;0;0 + + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of transparency (0.0 = opaque, 1.0 = transparent + d78dad82-bef3-44b6-a623-3207900fd451 + Transparency + Transparency + false + 0 + + + + + + 27075 + -13821 + 67 + 20 + + + 27110 + -13811 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of shinyness (0 = none, 1 = low shine, 100 = max shine + ca7ff50b-fb39-4734-b69d-1415a897873a + Shine + Shine + false + 0 + + + + + + 27075 + -13801 + 67 + 20 + + + 27110 + -13791 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Resulting material + e0c611f2-35bb-4827-aa94-677d1ae1ba9b + Material + Material + false + 0 + + + + + + 27172 + -13881 + 43 + 100 + + + 27195 + -13831 + + + + + + + + + + + + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c + Custom Preview + + + + + Allows for customized geometry previews + true + 2435a601-0728-4053-bfea-c405d7925ec6 + Custom Preview + Custom Preview + + + + + + + 26842 + -13853 + 82 + 44 + + + 26910 + -13831 + + + + + + Geometry to preview + true + 62b070dd-6730-4a0e-bb05-5d688f4577d6 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26844 + -13851 + 51 + 20 + + + 26871 + -13841 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 513 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + + 8.31187957663209E-17 + -0.24997981727771 + 0 + 8.31187957663209E-17 + -0.24997981727771 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0050530951663 + -0.250011817638801 + 0 + 0.00505347401718018 + -0.250056316453437 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0101074053285886 + -0.250036996953143 + 0 + 0.0101104516793202 + -0.250215889850821 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0151639610890107 + -0.250081410886769 + 0 + 0.0151743302950294 + -0.250487313256909 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0202236979794261 + -0.250137333213502 + 0 + 0.0202485754426978 + -0.250867601327207 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0252876708188029 + -0.250208209602382 + 0 + 0.0253370377099089 + -0.251367325069379 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0303569198132571 + -0.250294335788598 + 0 + 0.0304439477304975 + -0.251996802101443 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0354325731805973 + -0.250397332709298 + 0 + 0.0355741777151249 + -0.252771143623856 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0405158166980287 + -0.25051881318727 + 0 + 0.0407333795871576 + -0.253709198760745 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0456079262460018 + -0.25066081927168 + 0 + 0.045928108574321 + -0.254833066658725 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.050710279474559 + -0.250825735045865 + 0 + 0.0511656978861204 + -0.256164959299387 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.055824377641812 + -0.251016359008567 + 0 + 0.05645367456718 + -0.257720889874877 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0609518666598272 + -0.251235930371746 + 0 + 0.0617981549101894 + -0.259497564284208 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0660945603717932 + -0.251488162614414 + 0 + 0.0672016737916246 + -0.261460261611015 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0712544632619733 + -0.251777256714691 + 0 + 0.0726632778514002 + -0.263554891770152 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0764337898500242 + -0.252107882105759 + 0 + 0.0781809030656052 + -0.265733057129669 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0816349755515803 + -0.252485101305992 + 0 + 0.0837534980893882 + -0.267965814702187 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0868606698246323 + -0.25291419846969 + 0 + 0.0893820535374261 + -0.270245014640846 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0921137150270965 + -0.253400471892267 + 0 + 0.0950673048202867 + -0.272562583969479 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0973971007450821 + -0.253948941283018 + 0 + 0.10080637136443 + -0.274889867212233 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.102713874659216 + -0.254563889999269 + 0 + 0.106592080589806 + -0.277178900382035 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.108067007936918 + -0.255248287464826 + 0 + 0.112414522895768 + -0.279375728192023 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.113459147382148 + -0.256002772737251 + 0 + 0.118265273051606 + -0.281444178623693 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.118892261715591 + -0.256824373655822 + 0 + 0.124140200269981 + -0.283376202677637 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.12436732002128 + -0.257705711155725 + 0 + 0.130037989855904 + -0.285178783453385 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.129884166492715 + -0.258635315874054 + 0 + 0.135958052107033 + -0.286861164376441 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.135441674589243 + -0.25959912424556 + 0 + 0.141899543519177 + -0.288430033297935 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.141038098668422 + -0.260582489120846 + 0 + 0.147861030622459 + -0.289888558354322 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.146671435478557 + -0.261571794124714 + 0 + 0.153840515485047 + -0.291237135333926 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.152339720542513 + -0.262555466950824 + 0 + 0.159835644728056 + -0.292474713435035 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.158041257656008 + -0.263524525812492 + 0 + 0.165843940031274 + -0.293599934913285 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.163774791164998 + -0.264472801548418 + 0 + 0.171862984425325 + -0.294611884702311 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.169539635195464 + -0.265396958441391 + 0 + 0.177890551247578 + -0.295510488641129 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.175335711383715 + -0.266296187978016 + 0 + 0.18392461408995 + -0.296296420541724 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.181162916371653 + -0.267169685266647 + 0 + 0.189962647976924 + -0.296968624987794 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.187020366520242 + -0.268014168241682 + 0 + 0.196000793528125 + -0.297521830303161 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.192906201484751 + -0.268823610832084 + 0 + 0.202033527737075 + -0.297946112316023 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.198817485296664 + -0.269589327352784 + 0 + 0.208053372145435 + -0.298226654191779 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.204750175299078 + -0.270300251772304 + 0 + 0.214050604867077 + -0.298343564660643 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.210699164165947 + -0.270943390584599 + 0 + 0.22001300205193 + -0.298271819627797 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.216658614270101 + -0.271505043449532 + 0 + 0.225925941907469 + -0.297982256979424 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.222622357298185 + -0.271972020555336 + 0 + 0.231772968670908 + -0.297443706698576 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.228584655428591 + -0.2723336590276 + 0 + 0.237537499672447 + -0.296627908498917 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.234540829505308 + -0.272583189193221 + 0 + 0.243205728307193 + -0.295516872087926 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.240487374680324 + -0.272717576149431 + 0 + 0.248771768802236 + -0.294114958930639 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.24642190665102 + -0.272736951489556 + 0 + 0.254242893436095 + -0.292459468332912 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.252342649478215 + -0.272642989898993 + 0 + 0.259635723622134 + -0.290607435380482 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.25824819480824 + -0.272438156489859 + 0 + 0.264967076032412 + -0.288611319448322 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.264137240020776 + -0.272125003336282 + 0 + 0.270248030400458 + -0.286505506315453 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.270008497209413 + -0.271705950744382 + 0 + 0.275482472946715 + -0.284304894694083 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.275860576843751 + -0.271183039650915 + 0 + 0.280674584283271 + -0.282023831984469 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.281691957431942 + -0.270557905225649 + 0 + 0.285837332474636 + -0.279694880889281 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.287500954294866 + -0.269831752350115 + 0 + 0.290992512042424 + -0.277366991112205 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.293285719986599 + -0.269005401498071 + 0 + 0.296165448407521 + -0.275092594034809 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.299044254894231 + -0.268079350839847 + 0 + 0.301374228411425 + -0.272904902100394 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.304774456772862 + -0.267053910002221 + 0 + 0.306623717152775 + -0.27080762829604 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.31047410744546 + -0.265929194102196 + 0 + 0.311909918368648 + -0.268786525148997 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.316140945969225 + -0.264705287522553 + 0 + 0.317225377724543 + -0.266821661277429 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.321772680643194 + -0.263382271410464 + 0 + 0.322561935800737 + -0.264893245169681 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.327367012873468 + -0.261960270879134 + 0 + 0.327912185121925 + -0.262984367053954 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.332921664066306 + -0.260439502431847 + 0 + 0.333270039234965 + -0.261081799207438 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.33843438047094 + -0.258820276389761 + 0 + 0.338630733701804 + -0.259175677097762 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.343902955512875 + -0.25710303012009 + 0 + 0.343990687686051 + -0.257258962845591 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.34932526065984 + -0.255288371789993 + 0 + 0.349347379634694 + -0.255326985763933 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.354699221987147 + -0.25337702648471 + 0 + 0.354699221987147 + -0.25337702648471 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.360022821660194 + -0.251369830175849 + 0 + 0.360045529973816 + -0.251408100536763 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.365293931546597 + -0.249267445795179 + 0 + 0.36538640248935 + -0.249420615876589 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.370510177382904 + -0.247070156972829 + 0 + 0.370722660398344 + -0.247416155849515 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.375668823488236 + -0.244777716548122 + 0 + 0.376055896662797 + -0.245397462273084 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.380766872024581 + -0.242389547462904 + 0 + 0.381388837126853 + -0.243368907032891 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.385800869121962 + -0.239904471374973 + 0 + 0.386725502577399 + -0.241336609070113 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.390767067429048 + -0.237321006641231 + 0 + 0.392071779627215 + -0.239309160604642 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.395661216422581 + -0.234637079988636 + 0 + 0.397435477561445 + -0.237297510617177 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.400478667260664 + -0.231850231004017 + 0 + 0.40282603322905 + -0.235314338102901 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.405214334384559 + -0.228957587631486 + 0 + 0.408252827083115 + -0.233371461630573 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.409862559467649 + -0.225955707008855 + 0 + 0.413721364156202 + -0.231474436494269 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.414417225755814 + -0.222840783618997 + 0 + 0.419225529616825 + -0.229612121203731 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.418871716299084 + -0.219608620880065 + 0 + 0.424739759508987 + -0.227747080648909 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.423218967006952 + -0.216254735218764 + 0 + 0.43022523477784 + -0.225826028651191 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.42745141208627 + -0.212774307540461 + 0 + 0.435644274669597 + -0.223800403935422 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.4315611650795 + -0.209162451960945 + 0 + 0.440969100399577 + -0.221637682540441 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.43554023060087 + -0.205414499515317 + 0 + 0.44618358952782 + -0.219322535887776 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.439380734568756 + -0.20152628069228 + 0 + 0.451271440941807 + -0.216840370083294 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.443075128123467 + -0.197494350224531 + 0 + 0.456203613189969 + -0.21416133509845 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446616577677252 + -0.193316426265532 + 0 + 0.460939162954667 + -0.211242461154035 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.449999347020584 + -0.188991781965901 + 0 + 0.465433923835189 + -0.20803930466351 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453219729782702 + -0.184522271147994 + 0 + 0.469657308285336 + -0.204526520456555 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.45627675887424 + -0.179912999287942 + 0 + 0.473601241943624 + -0.200707295858227 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.45917285555591 + -0.17517286849967 + 0 + 0.477273723794102 + -0.196603798644425 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.461913765703483 + -0.170314242447015 + 0 + 0.480690674196653 + -0.192246372247257 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.464507369789478 + -0.16535133815459 + 0 + 0.483870706576526 + -0.18766695099345 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.466963832862649 + -0.160300253130734 + 0 + 0.486833260974741 + -0.18289679978869 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469288784401036 + -0.155171220205209 + 0 + 0.489591094003175 + -0.177958155102587 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.471503331025005 + -0.149990997002004 + 0 + 0.49217039211644 + -0.172886908764178 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473566716057105 + -0.144717769445143 + 0 + 0.494533707109605 + -0.167648041380594 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.475663967631305 + -0.139554043576359 + 0 + 0.496867977902021 + -0.162448871638894 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477124299413545 + -0.133785623390651 + 0 + 0.498502766295665 + -0.156578684917574 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479298991585968 + -0.128854916626706 + 0 + 0.500788892510983 + -0.151481612404188 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480984739965014 + -0.123475152177059 + 0 + 0.502521450472051 + -0.14587118274869 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482145577832612 + -0.11763551575251 + 0 + 0.503660901409283 + -0.139736218025729 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484093889205016 + -0.112679906582521 + 0 + 0.505515300066612 + -0.134418152461549 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485353764890708 + -0.107094290785466 + 0 + 0.506602537126236 + -0.12839893283478 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.486872406459753 + -0.101842931467246 + 0 + 0.507861139216746 + -0.122637125011553 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487629757675362 + -0.0959195172489411 + 0 + 0.508259693824949 + -0.116118436640817 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489403600567867 + -0.0910645843552011 + 0 + 0.509562056080227 + -0.110572604992928 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490461479625434 + -0.0855805978008902 + 0 + 0.510019484470317 + -0.104289551004154 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491756981724164 + -0.0803954100986792 + 0 + 0.510568720296189 + -0.0981853642674538 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.492698209576068 + -0.0749465406671672 + 0 + 0.51060569979605 + -0.0916903776343334 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.49387876834431 + -0.0697927947402885 + 0 + 0.510726210835971 + -0.0853697924401946 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494802192329544 + -0.0644706748462879 + 0 + 0.510459819697791 + -0.0787879444926246 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.49651125129946 + -0.0599241854212772 + 0 + 0.510891003013666 + -0.0729292987450382 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497528101006354 + -0.0548054009024455 + 0 + 0.510580543644727 + -0.0664822286462081 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498729861325473 + -0.0499135714899911 + 0 + 0.510430559146041 + -0.0602689708309202 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499848485158209 + -0.0450059384333006 + 0 + 0.510183143716704 + -0.0540553931958588 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501065550424622 + -0.0402402304578205 + 0 + 0.510030168865181 + -0.0480076664737912 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501910980694782 + -0.0352111735166889 + 0 + 0.509527651557143 + -0.0417422364850628 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.503038311588975 + -0.0304821518852956 + 0 + 0.509370226695051 + -0.0358559447539967 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.504057717708117 + -0.0257150293167507 + 0 + 0.509213758098833 + -0.0300465413214522 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505145678624113 + -0.0210579096369267 + 0 + 0.509265647200457 + -0.0244843626847478 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505978148432095 + -0.0162419698110893 + 0 + 0.50920844434475 + -0.0189019234382706 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507671927378645 + -0.0121777464418577 + 0 + 0.510150299264422 + -0.0141985300804371 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508530423411653 + -0.00747311173576964 + 0 + 0.510380612622524 + -0.0089670427871408 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509589171540003 + -0.00297921198287661 + 0 + 0.510920505518028 + -0.00404387871181429 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510576765170623 + 0.00152607668708759 + 0 + 0.511486191336128 + 0.0008057088607229 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511539431880029 + 0.00600564936259942 + 0 + 0.512114275101439 + 0.00555457766445053 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512565678724253 + 0.0103918684746238 + 0 + 0.512886239473343 + 0.0101426596050763 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51325517500338 + 0.0149939668869843 + 0 + 0.513396916780657 + 0.0148847825581318 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514193387024189 + 0.019358771588367 + 0 + 0.514228759375215 + 0.0193317700177648 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51504754102053 + 0.0237457174441685 + 0 + 0.51504754102053 + 0.0237457174441685 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515888258819386 + 0.0281007845852477 + 0 + 0.515923860951578 + 0.0280740867161304 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.516771282085733 + 0.0323837274064342 + 0 + 0.516914871795521 + 0.0322769849859283 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517406998092542 + 0.0368086923905292 + 0 + 0.517733850735903 + 0.0365677948935579 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518907317507953 + 0.0405635704592016 + 0 + 0.519497267829107 + 0.0401324451588042 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51957545058583 + 0.0448951006070141 + 0 + 0.520514883697567 + 0.0442143281161323 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520453243474147 + 0.049036378744264 + 0 + 0.521837522488296 + 0.0480415234704993 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52126984487911 + 0.0531861551566769 + 0 + 0.523206261190857 + 0.0518058211500428 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52207533393149 + 0.0573084402505241 + 0 + 0.524686322716065 + 0.0554621923568258 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522953977168973 + 0.0613451953898541 + 0 + 0.526379633729681 + 0.0589420636601844 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523531979199779 + 0.0655572864219197 + 0 + 0.52793008524993 + 0.0624960146713863 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.524356189433075 + 0.069562655163384 + 0 + 0.52989697983185 + 0.0657355948667036 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.525103346774803 + 0.0735885725812592 + 0 + 0.531953316169789 + 0.0688929663377595 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.525937464942551 + 0.0775229813410973 + 0 + 0.534232775614727 + 0.0718788446157459 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526547219480145 + 0.0815773116589682 + 0 + 0.536376712471869 + 0.0749381465327901 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.528039864253433 + 0.0850100024334431 + 0 + 0.539448924171609 + 0.0773594370423272 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.528762861383203 + 0.0889350035562764 + 0 + 0.541768812160651 + 0.0802755653889961 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529736163689691 + 0.0926644614322977 + 0 + 0.544345118595643 + 0.0830056311955981 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530656287860828 + 0.0964024821367171 + 0 + 0.546863166718194 + 0.0857607102152399 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.531747601096153 + 0.100002842746682 + 0 + 0.549518743105631 + 0.0884126737829544 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.532446188803362 + 0.10383207244299 + 0 + 0.551703070099359 + 0.0913560274525083 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.533575722493352 + 0.1073553176181 + 0 + 0.55419039988783 + 0.0940862046755032 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.534394534149849 + 0.111053037038927 + 0 + 0.556206235361405 + 0.0971026367691441 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.536280898055095 + 0.114049419153329 + 0 + 0.559123058060268 + 0.0995312853279216 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.537283487399462 + 0.117590596396749 + 0 + 0.561000297785932 + 0.102609304632083 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.538748674205826 + 0.120818787963742 + 0 + 0.563200541681953 + 0.10546636838032 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.539441591812378 + 0.124508569601205 + 0 + 0.564505421378423 + 0.10886472623115 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.541319944200426 + 0.127439054673838 + 0 + 0.566887036053185 + 0.111573308282341 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.542408371965362 + 0.130844154859247 + 0 + 0.56838129778772 + 0.11481807294804 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.543890669398396 + 0.133987679894384 + 0 + 0.570180111100047 + 0.117856485127912 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.544506671776419 + 0.137640914606962 + 0 + 0.571028957179202 + 0.121455104097672 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.546322602669711 + 0.140543440159546 + 0 + 0.572997949009286 + 0.124350568232757 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.547516347573494 + 0.143810641425048 + 0 + 0.574267221894916 + 0.127656594779098 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.548073925314627 + 0.147439584142646 + 0 + 0.574822890478299 + 0.131368614469152 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549831357544578 + 0.1503304707214 + 0 + 0.576500108507367 + 0.134387139610429 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.550746905603893 + 0.153711057504541 + 0 + 0.577254613715441 + 0.137941098714128 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.551833072769117 + 0.156972122594725 + 0 + 0.578094292418925 + 0.141422957996492 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.552807795043174 + 0.160282529381696 + 0 + 0.578730600939134 + 0.14500489118572 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553733351377721 + 0.163605060462087 + 0 + 0.579216715695933 + 0.148654357103119 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554577522111294 + 0.166958642103039 + 0 + 0.579508252945147 + 0.152396730476281 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555331943326091 + 0.170347948802067 + 0 + 0.579581332523745 + 0.156244994452482 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555982527636227 + 0.17378093406575 + 0 + 0.579403774034308 + 0.160216801191338 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.556519520192884 + 0.177262944652536 + 0 + 0.57894777456715 + 0.164327049509464 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.556936398720902 + 0.18079741632435 + 0 + 0.578194361922611 + 0.168585402449619 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557231163126015 + 0.184385174568022 + 0 + 0.577146186641268 + 0.172989078120572 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557405401903896 + 0.18802501923117 + 0 + 0.57583736297765 + 0.177517483083033 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557463302290639 + 0.191714324045825 + 0 + 0.574322194678389 + 0.182138940012568 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557410524088334 + 0.195449696934331 + 0 + 0.572652224040665 + 0.186823855088536 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557253905312904 + 0.199227155874996 + 0 + 0.570863750271195 + 0.191551692031706 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557000954267425 + 0.203042421005228 + 0 + 0.56897584456725 + 0.196311908296125 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.556659477185052 + 0.20689112425556 + 0 + 0.567007909442596 + 0.201093935638823 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.556237231152404 + 0.210769000021129 + 0 + 0.564997353243279 + 0.205877300983438 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555741639378805 + 0.214672037386966 + 0 + 0.562997969768196 + 0.210632672587117 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555179667496863 + 0.218596540518092 + 0 + 0.561067666715249 + 0.215328786861241 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554557847256557 + 0.22253910743921 + 0 + 0.559246486115802 + 0.219944615734353 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553882065245949 + 0.226496739092468 + 0 + 0.557545844164233 + 0.22447513353747 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553157589171068 + 0.230466815840659 + 0 + 0.555959243612377 + 0.228925184850554 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.552388998513543 + 0.234447127313717 + 0 + 0.554473736976886 + 0.233303057542361 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.551580393148184 + 0.23843575067471 + 0 + 0.553075733960902 + 0.237617263497918 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55073522924578 + 0.242431134814131 + 0 + 0.551753508658147 + 0.241875173669701 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549856309374096 + 0.246432098954607 + 0 + 0.55049799727919 + 0.246082603549017 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.548946014631394 + 0.250437700925118 + 0 + 0.549302783744853 + 0.250243845168947 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.548006024331286 + 0.254447385190705 + 0 + 0.548163316114617 + 0.254362113601127 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.547037644154874 + 0.258460800134464 + 0 + 0.547076785163384 + 0.258439627758949 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.546041540323348 + 0.262477938844547 + 0 + 0.546041540323348 + 0.262477938844547 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.545017977443474 + 0.266499006843495 + 0 + 0.545057155620294 + 0.266477903324993 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.543966956794575 + 0.27052434552663 + 0 + 0.544124547604063 + 0.270439627843368 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.542888564817689 + 0.274554243665012 + 0 + 0.543246352674862 + 0.274362274647256 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.541782999426488 + 0.278588923886354 + 0 + 0.542427134559827 + 0.27824395963303 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.540650584700186 + 0.282628535529051 + 0 + 0.541673728326051 + 0.282081577690987 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.539491701285624 + 0.286673192376059 + 0 + 0.540995634267459 + 0.285870602199881 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.538306803032793 + 0.29072296394384 + 0 + 0.54040555501309 + 0.289604809112222 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.537096406499255 + 0.294777881416356 + 0 + 0.539919650229687 + 0.293276152893373 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.535861030519624 + 0.298837969985856 + 0 + 0.539556680130675 + 0.296875232373641 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.534601158737512 + 0.302903268664162 + 0 + 0.539335286099958 + 0.300392738904304 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.533317177872327 + 0.306973862799573 + 0 + 0.539268272687522 + 0.303822479094256 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.532009272790517 + 0.311049939094717 + 0 + 0.5393508088804 + 0.307167588447597 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530677434307597 + 0.315131780838976 + 0 + 0.539549526688543 + 0.310446224809394 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529321289790023 + 0.319219856712489 + 0 + 0.539812900339498 + 0.313686001444671 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.527940081471455 + 0.323314831092869 + 0 + 0.540093459399462 + 0.316912237559049 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52653261939723 + 0.327417587861171 + 0 + 0.540360101826533 + 0.320141506864806 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.525097314180754 + 0.331529212212702 + 0 + 0.540599570325251 + 0.323380922857509 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523632207275461 + 0.335650974040946 + 0 + 0.540798229020821 + 0.326637765435576 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522135211982436 + 0.339784201009199 + 0 + 0.540924023728126 + 0.32992894565412 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520604322046023 + 0.343930169450936 + 0 + 0.540928091346227 + 0.333280118874307 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.519038275674791 + 0.348089757458349 + 0 + 0.540757771673667 + 0.336718839469171 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517437254548364 + 0.352263081445557 + 0 + 0.54037959449733 + 0.340262539162168 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515804391559244 + 0.356448711591469 + 0 + 0.539791415299973 + 0.343912237783572 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514146264186921 + 0.360643420274251 + 0 + 0.53901202590859 + 0.34765804034731 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51247299819346 + 0.364842134072063 + 0 + 0.538069555273283 + 0.351485230396626 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510796948493089 + 0.369038626895672 + 0 + 0.536994480154273 + 0.355377926958853 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509130797183951 + 0.373226513042008 + 0 + 0.535815026639632 + 0.359321478244379 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507486424927093 + 0.377399833168641 + 0 + 0.534555233968571 + 0.363303459369879 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50587379606636 + 0.381553631029881 + 0 + 0.533234097734197 + 0.367314105678826 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.504300569309922 + 0.385684151186864 + 0 + 0.531865696402006 + 0.371346234559035 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502771872546368 + 0.389788951374296 + 0 + 0.530459426003982 + 0.375395112862437 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501290258178611 + 0.393866921409953 + 0 + 0.529020281375881 + 0.379458301993825 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499855979678528 + 0.397918135912176 + 0 + 0.527549310015006 + 0.383535415083056 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498469292377816 + 0.40194265722724 + 0 + 0.526045936765373 + 0.387626904744344 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497132763216147 + 0.40593933722966 + 0 + 0.524510247578134 + 0.391732876038091 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.495851528048926 + 0.409905686517765 + 0 + 0.522943067233968 + 0.395853046844602 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494633250218255 + 0.413837898300384 + 0 + 0.521345589285743 + 0.399986940358411 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.493487898679536 + 0.417730965267504 + 0 + 0.519718690894851 + 0.404134240380255 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.4924272364966 + 0.42157894588292 + 0 + 0.518061901247467 + 0.408295325395787 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.49146389361516 + 0.425375445225852 + 0 + 0.51637221155114 + 0.412471883878459 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490609906455141 + 0.429114370991504 + 0 + 0.514643418921091 + 0.416667252368169 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489874914318176 + 0.432790866066189 + 0 + 0.512867020900908 + 0.420885950597459 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489264835856692 + 0.436401991585609 + 0 + 0.511036574327541 + 0.425131424327536 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488781617578464 + 0.439946854817297 + 0 + 0.509159182969168 + 0.429400101544355 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488423981739183 + 0.443426220387162 + 0 + 0.507267179700194 + 0.433675353988172 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.4881886003474 + 0.446841902023148 + 0 + 0.505408674537394 + 0.43793239716501 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488071020018195 + 0.450196284152812 + 0 + 0.503626140034609 + 0.442149371312442 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488066184726362 + 0.4534920520895 + 0 + 0.501944537843247 + 0.4463134770386 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488168846607811 + 0.456731980392455 + 0 + 0.500370303081629 + 0.45042149238139 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488373826038303 + 0.459918799311438 + 0 + 0.498909938897703 + 0.454470150684394 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488676193507938 + 0.463055101701695 + 0 + 0.49758853570312 + 0.458446564502282 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489071418703503 + 0.466143266870817 + 0 + 0.496448498560407 + 0.462328887302509 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489555432899871 + 0.469185429197055 + 0 + 0.495537215317347 + 0.466092691272893 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.4901246418311 + 0.47218347227413 + 0 + 0.494884725302945 + 0.469722511709624 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490775908762287 + 0.475139038380869 + 0 + 0.494493068729593 + 0.473217349863049 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491506524496342 + 0.478053544628628 + 0 + 0.494347188474569 + 0.476585034539809 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.492314168830619 + 0.480928203461214 + 0 + 0.494426631751383 + 0.479836173008036 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.49319688574134 + 0.483764036001356 + 0 + 0.494711209236506 + 0.482981227112328 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494153012192287 + 0.486561909322467 + 0 + 0.495183623645832 + 0.486029156295643 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.495181301837825 + 0.48932248858847 + 0 + 0.495830399117459 + 0.488986954495352 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.496280332661643 + 0.492046477142159 + 0 + 0.496641027035429 + 0.49186002655021 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497450556216611 + 0.494733663239932 + 0 + 0.497609495935737 + 0.4946515041578 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498686691904864 + 0.497386777603745 + 0 + 0.498726223164156 + 0.497366343133581 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499994052316792 + 0.500003074467614 + 0 + 0.499994052316792 + 0.500003074467614 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501313308095106 + 0.502613222389533 + 0 + 0.501273776835815 + 0.502633656859697 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502549443783192 + 0.505266336753432 + 0 + 0.502390504064066 + 0.505348495835564 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.503719667339009 + 0.507953522850766 + 0 + 0.503358972965224 + 0.508139973442715 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.504818698160628 + 0.510677511405592 + 0 + 0.504169600880994 + 0.51101304549871 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505846987810158 + 0.513438090669533 + 0 + 0.504816376356613 + 0.513970843696357 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.506803114257653 + 0.516235963992428 + 0 + 0.505288790762487 + 0.517018772881456 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507685831169478 + 0.519071796531999 + 0 + 0.505573368248714 + 0.520163826985177 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508493475503538 + 0.521946455364697 + 0 + 0.505652811525311 + 0.523414965453516 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509224091236523 + 0.52486096161301 + 0 + 0.505506931269217 + 0.52678265013083 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509875358168753 + 0.527816527719209 + 0 + 0.505115274696908 + 0.530277488283716 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510444567100654 + 0.530814570795937 + 0 + 0.504462784683178 + 0.533907308720099 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510928581297061 + 0.533856733122155 + 0 + 0.503551501440158 + 0.537671112690462 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511323806491829 + 0.536944898291688 + 0 + 0.502411464296648 + 0.541553435491102 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511626173963112 + 0.540081200681094 + 0 + 0.501090061103712 + 0.545529849308138 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511831153392837 + 0.543268019600474 + 0 + 0.499629696919019 + 0.549578507611538 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51193381527162 + 0.546507947904807 + 0 + 0.498055462154735 + 0.553686522955707 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511928979982738 + 0.549803715839969 + 0 + 0.496373859966325 + 0.557850628680338 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511811399651408 + 0.553158097970733 + 0 + 0.494591325461415 + 0.562067602828871 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511576018261834 + 0.556573779605575 + 0 + 0.492732820300824 + 0.566324646004566 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511218382421574 + 0.560053145175947 + 0 + 0.490840817030871 + 0.570599898448888 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510735164141686 + 0.563598008408494 + 0 + 0.488963425670836 + 0.574868575666567 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510125085681669 + 0.567209133927154 + 0 + 0.487132979098937 + 0.579114049395885 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509390093546143 + 0.570885629001093 + 0 + 0.485356581080193 + 0.583332747624428 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508536106383411 + 0.574624554768151 + 0 + 0.483627788447431 + 0.587528116115544 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507572763504685 + 0.578421054109677 + 0 + 0.481938098753818 + 0.59170467459681 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.506512101319829 + 0.582269034726088 + 0 + 0.480281309104514 + 0.595865759613337 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505366749781547 + 0.586162101692983 + 0 + 0.47865441071406 + 0.600013059634958 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.504148471953258 + 0.590094313474367 + 0 + 0.477056932768216 + 0.60414695314753 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502867236784112 + 0.594060662763467 + 0 + 0.475489752422125 + 0.608267123955035 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501530707621645 + 0.598057342766303 + 0 + 0.473954063234088 + 0.612373095249199 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50014402032161 + 0.602081864081015 + 0 + 0.472450689985132 + 0.616464584910135 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498709741821777 + 0.606133078583108 + 0 + 0.470979718624506 + 0.620541697999236 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497228127454124 + 0.610211048618711 + 0 + 0.46954057399651 + 0.62460488713057 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.495699430689665 + 0.614315848806614 + 0 + 0.468134303597581 + 0.628653765434444 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494126203935608 + 0.618446368962357 + 0 + 0.46676590226777 + 0.632685894313411 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.492513575073163 + 0.622600166824486 + 0 + 0.465444766031685 + 0.636696540623247 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490869202814845 + 0.626773486951884 + 0 + 0.464184973359164 + 0.640678521749514 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489203051509154 + 0.630961373096422 + 0 + 0.46300551984797 + 0.644622073033242 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487527001805488 + 0.635157865921748 + 0 + 0.461930444725666 + 0.648514769597185 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485853735812904 + 0.639356579719104 + 0 + 0.460987974091236 + 0.652341959646045 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484195608439881 + 0.643551288402253 + 0 + 0.460208584699153 + 0.65608776221015 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482562745450773 + 0.647736918548159 + 0 + 0.459620405501807 + 0.659737460831548 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480961724327569 + 0.651910242533679 + 0 + 0.459242228328693 + 0.663281160522857 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479395677953296 + 0.656069830542682 + 0 + 0.459071908653092 + 0.66671988111931 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477864788020253 + 0.660215798982654 + 0 + 0.459075976274563 + 0.670071054337734 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47636779272403 + 0.664349025952583 + 0 + 0.459201770978671 + 0.673362234557953 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474902685821739 + 0.66847078777925 + 0 + 0.459400429677243 + 0.676619077134443 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473467380600942 + 0.672582412133053 + 0 + 0.459639898171639 + 0.679858493129418 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.472059918529522 + 0.676685168899879 + 0 + 0.459906540601516 + 0.683087762433699 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470678710209273 + 0.680780143281146 + 0 + 0.460187099659798 + 0.686313998548964 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469322565694679 + 0.684868219153084 + 0 + 0.460450473313733 + 0.689553775182666 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.467990727208062 + 0.688950060899293 + 0 + 0.460649191118179 + 0.692832411546414 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.466682822126528 + 0.693026137194298 + 0 + 0.460731727311334 + 0.696177520899615 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.465398841264776 + 0.697096731327888 + 0 + 0.46066471390233 + 0.699607261087745 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.464138969481113 + 0.701162030007015 + 0 + 0.460443319870062 + 0.70312476761923 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.46290359350329 + 0.705222118575552 + 0 + 0.460080349772859 + 0.706723847098535 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.461693196967127 + 0.709277036049465 + 0 + 0.45959444498683 + 0.710395190881084 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.46050829871417 + 0.713326807617315 + 0 + 0.459004365732334 + 0.714129397793494 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.459349415300583 + 0.717371464463798 + 0 + 0.458326271674718 + 0.717918422301861 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.458217000573047 + 0.721411076107158 + 0 + 0.457572865439708 + 0.721756040360482 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.457111435182978 + 0.725445756327896 + 0 + 0.456753647325805 + 0.725637725345652 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.456033043205435 + 0.729475654466623 + 0 + 0.455875452395947 + 0.729560372149885 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.454982022554859 + 0.733500993150666 + 0 + 0.45494284437804 + 0.733522096669167 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453958459678774 + 0.737522061147572 + 0 + 0.453958459678774 + 0.737522061147572 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.452962355843315 + 0.741539199859776 + 0 + 0.452923214834805 + 0.741560372235291 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.451993975669772 + 0.745552614801983 + 0 + 0.451836683886441 + 0.745637886391561 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.451053985370417 + 0.749562299067159 + 0 + 0.450697216256959 + 0.74975615482333 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.450143690625808 + 0.753567901038705 + 0 + 0.449502002720713 + 0.753917396444294 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.449264770754525 + 0.757568865178969 + 0 + 0.448246491342158 + 0.7581248263234 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.44841960685437 + 0.761564249317155 + 0 + 0.446924266041652 + 0.762382736493947 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.447611001486465 + 0.765552872679542 + 0 + 0.445526263023122 + 0.766696942450897 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446842410831228 + 0.769533184151345 + 0 + 0.444040756389919 + 0.771074815141451 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446117934754533 + 0.773503260900529 + 0 + 0.442454155836248 + 0.775524866455527 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445442152744424 + 0.777460892553503 + 0 + 0.440753513885179 + 0.78005538425836 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444820332502712 + 0.781403459475408 + 0 + 0.438932333284326 + 0.784671213132259 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444258360621912 + 0.785327962605897 + 0 + 0.437002030232522 + 0.789367327405745 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.44376276884686 + 0.78923099997254 + 0 + 0.435002646755985 + 0.794122699010231 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.443340522813441 + 0.793108875738548 + 0 + 0.432992090555897 + 0.798906064355285 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442999045733074 + 0.796957578987751 + 0 + 0.431024155433248 + 0.803688091696854 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442746094687043 + 0.800772844118292 + 0 + 0.429136249728753 + 0.808448307961583 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442589475911622 + 0.804550303058957 + 0 + 0.427347775959291 + 0.813176144904752 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442536697708475 + 0.808285675947941 + 0 + 0.425677805320726 + 0.817861059981198 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442594598097569 + 0.811974980761259 + 0 + 0.424162637023815 + 0.822482516909397 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442768836872569 + 0.815614825426052 + 0 + 0.422853813357316 + 0.827010921873502 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.443063601278904 + 0.819202583669031 + 0 + 0.421805638077196 + 0.831414597543763 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.443480479808586 + 0.82273705533988 + 0 + 0.421052225434321 + 0.835672950482952 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444017472363841 + 0.826219065927466 + 0 + 0.420596225965759 + 0.839783198801878 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444668056672282 + 0.829652051192143 + 0 + 0.420418667474627 + 0.843755005541727 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445422477888644 + 0.833041357890259 + 0 + 0.420491747054791 + 0.847603269517016 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446266648623719 + 0.836394939530335 + 0 + 0.420783284305508 + 0.851345642889303 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.447192204957802 + 0.839717470610995 + 0 + 0.421269399061843 + 0.854995108806971 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.448166927230979 + 0.843027877398472 + 0 + 0.42190570758117 + 0.858577041996703 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.449253094395825 + 0.846288942488891 + 0 + 0.422745386284277 + 0.862058901279305 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.450168642457226 + 0.849669529270789 + 0 + 0.423499891494438 + 0.865612860381762 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.451926074685214 + 0.852560415850717 + 0 + 0.425177109521543 + 0.868631385524211 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.452483652427012 + 0.856189358567919 + 0 + 0.425732778105591 + 0.87234340521387 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453677397330884 + 0.85945655983336 + 0 + 0.427002050991308 + 0.875649431760149 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.455493328222982 + 0.862359085386671 + 0 + 0.428971042820199 + 0.878544895895962 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.456109330602999 + 0.866012320098029 + 0 + 0.429819888901348 + 0.882143514864502 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.457591628033746 + 0.869155845134568 + 0 + 0.431618702211388 + 0.885181927045774 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.458680055800127 + 0.872560945319095 + 0 + 0.433112963947368 + 0.888426691710593 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.460558408188554 + 0.875491430391475 + 0 + 0.43549457862251 + 0.89113527376153 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.461251325793232 + 0.879181212030109 + 0 + 0.436799458317105 + 0.89453363161353 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.462716512599794 + 0.882409403596989 + 0 + 0.438999702213325 + 0.897390695361655 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.463719101945075 + 0.885950580839829 + 0 + 0.440876941939902 + 0.900468714665237 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.46560546585058 + 0.888946962954065 + 0 + 0.443793764639025 + 0.902897363223848 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.46642427750839 + 0.892644682374043 + 0 + 0.445809600113911 + 0.90591379531664 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.467553811195831 + 0.896167927550797 + 0 + 0.448296929899834 + 0.90864397254128 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.468252398902795 + 0.89999715724727 + 0 + 0.450481256893317 + 0.911587326210997 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469343712139539 + 0.903597517856302 + 0 + 0.453136833282173 + 0.914239289777779 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470263836309584 + 0.907335538561447 + 0 + 0.455654881403632 + 0.916994368798147 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.471237138618219 + 0.911064996436044 + 0 + 0.458231187840771 + 0.919724434603325 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.471960135746149 + 0.9149899975601 + 0 + 0.460551075827973 + 0.922640562951216 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473452780518782 + 0.918422688335023 + 0 + 0.463623287527058 + 0.925061853461201 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474062535058052 + 0.922477018651757 + 0 + 0.465767224385875 + 0.928121155377108 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474896653223432 + 0.926411427413213 + 0 + 0.468046683828445 + 0.931107033656712 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.475643810567884 + 0.93043734482922 + 0 + 0.470103020169109 + 0.9342644051259 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476468020799804 + 0.934442713571635 + 0 + 0.472069914749653 + 0.937503985322169 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477046022832167 + 0.938654804602622 + 0 + 0.473620366271459 + 0.941057936332292 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477924666068529 + 0.942691559742731 + 0 + 0.475313677283955 + 0.944537807636429 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.478730155121587 + 0.946813844836093 + 0 + 0.476793738809839 + 0.948194178842727 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479546756526215 + 0.950963621248745 + 0 + 0.478162477512065 + 0.95195847652251 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480424549414993 + 0.955104899385653 + 0 + 0.479485116303257 + 0.955785671876535 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481092682492227 + 0.959436429533941 + 0 + 0.480502732171073 + 0.959867554834338 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.48259300190791 + 0.963191307602395 + 0 + 0.482266149264549 + 0.963432205099366 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.48322871791355 + 0.967616272587369 + 0 + 0.483085128203762 + 0.967723015007875 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484111741181684 + 0.971899215407223 + 0 + 0.484076139049492 + 0.97192591327634 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484952458979156 + 0.976254282549339 + 0 + 0.484952458979156 + 0.976254282549339 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485806612976727 + 0.980641228404201 + 0 + 0.485771240625702 + 0.980668229974803 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.486744824995551 + 0.985006033107098 + 0 + 0.486603083218275 + 0.985115217435951 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487434321274406 + 0.989608131519687 + 0 + 0.487113760525315 + 0.989857340389235 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488460568119542 + 0.993994350631011 + 0 + 0.487885724898131 + 0.99444542232916 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489423234830994 + 0.998473923304893 + 0 + 0.488513808665488 + 0.999194291131257 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.49041082845866 + 1.0029792119772 + 0 + 0.489079494480635 + 1.00404387870614 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491469576589576 + 1.00747311172805 + 0 + 0.489619387378706 + 1.00896704277942 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.492328072619937 + 1.01217774643629 + 0 + 0.48984970073416 + 1.01419853007487 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494021851569397 + 1.01624196980312 + 0 + 0.490791555656742 + 1.0189019234303 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.49485432137298 + 1.02105790963262 + 0 + 0.490734352796636 + 1.02448436268044 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.495942282292432 + 1.02571502930956 + 0 + 0.490786241901715 + 1.03004654131426 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.496961688410256 + 1.03048215187922 + 0 + 0.490629773304181 + 1.03585594474792 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498089019306701 + 1.03521117350869 + 0 + 0.490472348444341 + 1.04174223647706 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498934449574953 + 1.04024023045147 + 0 + 0.489969831134394 + 1.04800766646744 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.500151514841299 + 1.045005938427 + 0 + 0.489816856282804 + 1.05405539318956 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501270138673485 + 1.04991357148418 + 0 + 0.489569440852917 + 1.06026897082511 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50247189899381 + 1.05480540089557 + 0 + 0.489419456355436 + 1.06648222863933 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.503488748700846 + 1.05992418541427 + 0 + 0.489108996986639 + 1.07292929873803 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505197807669882 + 1.06447067484007 + 0 + 0.489540180301635 + 1.07878794448641 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.506121231655939 + 1.06979279473334 + 0 + 0.48927378916428 + 1.08536979243324 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507301790424519 + 1.07494654065989 + 0 + 0.489394300204536 + 1.09169037762706 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508243018275804 + 1.08039541009198 + 0 + 0.489431279703778 + 1.09818536426075 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509538520373593 + 1.08558059779509 + 0 + 0.489980515528711 + 1.10428955099835 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510596399431803 + 1.0910645843488 + 0 + 0.490437943919443 + 1.11057260498653 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512370242325124 + 1.09591951724173 + 0 + 0.491740306175537 + 1.11611843663361 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.513127593539546 + 1.10184293146121 + 0 + 0.492138860782553 + 1.12263712500552 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514646235110045 + 1.10709429077798 + 0 + 0.493397462874516 + 1.12839893282729 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515906110794508 + 1.11267990657629 + 0 + 0.494484699932912 + 1.13441815245532 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517854422167159 + 1.11763551574601 + 0 + 0.496339098590488 + 1.13973621801923 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.519015260035501 + 1.1234751521698 + 0 + 0.497478549528464 + 1.14587118274143 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520701008413597 + 1.12885491662044 + 0 + 0.499211107488583 + 1.15148161239792 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522875700588264 + 1.13378562338199 + 0 + 0.501497233706143 + 1.15657868490891 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.524336032367081 + 1.13955404357138 + 0 + 0.503132022096365 + 1.16244887163391 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526433283942999 + 1.1447177694383 + 0 + 0.505466292890499 + 1.16764804137375 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.528496668974809 + 1.14999099699548 + 0 + 0.507829607883374 + 1.17288690875765 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530711215598664 + 1.15517122019881 + 0 + 0.510408905996524 + 1.17795815509619 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.533036167136575 + 1.16030025312489 + 0 + 0.513166739024484 + 1.18289679978285 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.535492630210962 + 1.16535133814735 + 0 + 0.516129293423914 + 1.18766695098621 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.538086234295701 + 1.17031424244124 + 0 + 0.519309325802531 + 1.19224637224149 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.540827144444486 + 1.17517286849247 + 0 + 0.522726276206294 + 1.19660379863723 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.543723241124717 + 1.17991299928247 + 0 + 0.526398758055333 + 1.20070729585276 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.546780270218074 + 1.18452227114033 + 0 + 0.53034269171544 + 1.20452652044889 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.550000652979231 + 1.1889917819594 + 0 + 0.534566076164627 + 1.20803930465701 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553383422323989 + 1.19331642625727 + 0 + 0.539060837046574 + 1.21124246114577 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55692487187634 + 1.19749435021806 + 0 + 0.543796386809838 + 1.21416133509198 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.560619265430573 + 1.20152628068643 + 0 + 0.548728559057522 + 1.21684037007744 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.564459769399792 + 1.20541449950773 + 0 + 0.553816410472842 + 1.21932253588019 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.56843883491963 + 1.20916245195536 + 0 + 0.559030899599552 + 1.22163768253486 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.572548587913756 + 1.2127743075337 + 0 + 0.564355725330429 + 1.22380040392866 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.576781032992545 + 1.21625473521273 + 0 + 0.569774765221657 + 1.22582602864516 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.581128283700758 + 1.21960862087356 + 0 + 0.575260240490855 + 1.2277470806424 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.585582774244466 + 1.22284078361187 + 0 + 0.580774470383456 + 1.22961212119661 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.590137440532748 + 1.22595570700154 + 0 + 0.586278635844194 + 1.23147443648696 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.594785665614436 + 1.22895758762622 + 0 + 0.59174717291588 + 1.23337146162531 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.599521332740684 + 1.23185023099531 + 0 + 0.597173966772298 + 1.23531433809419 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.604338783576953 + 1.23463707998259 + 0 + 0.602564522438089 + 1.23729751061113 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.609232932570749 + 1.23732100663482 + 0 + 0.607928220372582 + 1.23930916059823 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.614199130878693 + 1.23990447136725 + 0 + 0.613274497423257 + 1.24133660906239 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.61923312797439 + 1.24238954745781 + 0 + 0.618611162872118 + 1.2433689070278 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.624331176512316 + 1.24477771654051 + 0 + 0.623944103337755 + 1.24539746226548 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.629489822615251 + 1.2470701569691 + 0 + 0.62927733959981 + 1.24741615584578 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.634706068453997 + 1.24926744578744 + 0 + 0.634613597511245 + 1.24942061586885 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.639977178338436 + 1.25136983017142 + 0 + 0.639954470024814 + 1.25140810053233 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.645300778013203 + 1.25337702647739 + 0 + 0.645300778013203 + 1.25337702647739 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.650674739339138 + 1.25528837178505 + 0 + 0.650652620364284 + 1.25532698575899 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.656097044486555 + 1.25710303011437 + 0 + 0.656009312313379 + 1.25725896283987 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.661565619529403 + 1.25882027638241 + 0 + 0.661369266298539 + 1.25917567709041 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.667078335932383 + 1.26043950242755 + 0 + 0.666729960763724 + 1.26108179920314 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.672632987127885 + 1.26196027086986 + 0 + 0.672087814879429 + 1.26298436704468 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.678227319356608 + 1.26338227140409 + 0 + 0.677438064199064 + 1.2648932451633 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.683859054030539 + 1.26470528751629 + 0 + 0.682774622275221 + 1.26682166127117 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.689525892554594 + 1.26592919409536 + 0 + 0.688090081631406 + 1.26878652514216 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.695225543227294 + 1.26705390999517 + 0 + 0.693376282847381 + 1.27080762828899 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.700955745106299 + 1.26807935083201 + 0 + 0.698625771589106 + 1.27290490209256 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.706714280013179 + 1.2690054014918 + 0 + 0.703834551592257 + 1.27509259402854 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.712499045704567 + 1.26983175234462 + 0 + 0.709007487957009 + 1.27736699110671 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.718308042568543 + 1.27055790521786 + 0 + 0.714162667525849 + 1.27969488088149 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.724139423155918 + 1.27118303964496 + 0 + 0.719325415716398 + 1.28202383197852 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.7299915027917 + 1.27170595073508 + 0 + 0.724517527054398 + 1.28430489468478 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.735862759978407 + 1.27212500333148 + 0 + 0.729751969598726 + 1.28650550631065 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.741751805192329 + 1.27243815648178 + 0 + 0.735032923968158 + 1.28861131944024 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.747657350520497 + 1.27264298989545 + 0 + 0.740364276376578 + 1.29060743537694 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.753578093349688 + 1.27273695148106 + 0 + 0.745757106564614 + 1.29245946832441 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.759512625319642 + 1.27271757614279 + 0 + 0.751228231197731 + 1.294114958924 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.765459170494825 + 1.27258318918615 + 0 + 0.75679427169294 + 1.29551687208086 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.771415344571685 + 1.27233365902011 + 0 + 0.762462500327828 + 1.29662790849142 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.777377642700849 + 1.2719720205513 + 0 + 0.768227031328127 + 1.29744370669454 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.783341385729886 + 1.27150504344285 + 0 + 0.774074058092519 + 1.29798225697274 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.789300835833885 + 1.27094339057836 + 0 + 0.779986997947901 + 1.29827181962156 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.795249824700286 + 1.27030025176751 + 0 + 0.785949395132288 + 1.29834356465585 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.801182514703783 + 1.26958932734466 + 0 + 0.791946627855011 + 1.29822665418366 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.807093798515255 + 1.26882361082532 + 0 + 0.797966472262931 + 1.29794611230926 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.812979633479731 + 1.26801416823505 + 0 + 0.803999206471849 + 1.29752183029653 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.818837083628473 + 1.26716968525947 + 0 + 0.810037352023201 + 1.29696862498062 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.824664288615454 + 1.26629618797418 + 0 + 0.816075385909219 + 1.29629642053788 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.830460364805294 + 1.26539695843194 + 0 + 0.822109448753179 + 1.29551048863167 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.83622520883519 + 1.26447280154096 + 0 + 0.828137015574863 + 1.29461188469485 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.841958742343827 + 1.26352452580637 + 0 + 0.834156059968561 + 1.29359993490717 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.847660279456762 + 1.262555466947 + 0 + 0.840164355271219 + 1.29247471343121 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.853328564521806 + 1.26157179411648 + 0 + 0.846159484515316 + 1.29123713532569 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.858961901331715 + 1.26058248911349 + 0 + 0.852138969377676 + 1.28988855834697 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.864558325410231 + 1.25959912424117 + 0 + 0.858100456480297 + 1.28843003329355 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.87011583350748 + 1.25863531586645 + 0 + 0.864041947893163 + 1.28686116436883 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.875632679978756 + 1.25770571114879 + 0 + 0.869962010144132 + 1.28517878344645 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.881107738283812 + 1.25682437365212 + 0 + 0.875859799729422 + 1.28337620267393 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.88654085261823 + 1.25600277272853 + 0 + 0.881734726948772 + 1.28144417861498 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.89193299206295 + 1.25524828745885 + 0 + 0.8875854771041 + 1.27937572818605 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.897286125340826 + 1.25456388999231 + 0 + 0.893407919410236 + 1.27717890037508 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.902602899254885 + 1.25394894127649 + 0 + 0.899193628635538 + 1.2748898672057 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.907886284972465 + 1.25340047188839 + 0 + 0.904932695179275 + 1.2725625839656 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.913139330175595 + 1.25291419846141 + 0 + 0.910617946462801 + 1.27024501463256 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.9183650244481 + 1.25248510130158 + 0 + 0.916246501910292 + 1.26796581469777 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.923566210150288 + 1.25210788209662 + 0 + 0.921819096934707 + 1.26573305712053 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.92874553673793 + 1.25177725670877 + 0 + 0.927336722148503 + 1.26355489176423 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.93390543962823 + 1.25148816260752 + 0 + 0.932798326208398 + 1.26146026160413 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.939048133339902 + 1.25123593036767 + 0 + 0.93820184508954 + 1.25949756428013 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.94417562235831 + 1.25101635900048 + 0 + 0.943546325432942 + 1.25772088986679 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.949289720525464 + 1.25082573503887 + 0 + 0.948834302113903 + 1.25616495929239 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.954392073753879 + 1.25066081926647 + 0 + 0.95407189142556 + 1.25483306665351 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.959484183302039 + 1.2505188131796 + 0 + 0.95926662041291 + 1.25370919875307 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.964567426819281 + 1.25039733270457 + 0 + 0.964425822284753 + 1.25277114361913 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.969643080186768 + 1.25029433578149 + 0 + 0.969556052269528 + 1.25199680209434 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.974712329181223 + 1.25020820959517 + 0 + 0.974662962290117 + 1.25136732506217 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.979776302020575 + 1.25013733320672 + 0 + 0.979751424557303 + 1.25086760132042 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.984836038911001 + 1.25008141087943 + 0 + 0.984825669704982 + 1.25048731324957 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.989892594671404 + 1.25003699694654 + 0 + 0.989889548320672 + 1.25021588984422 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.994946904833692 + 1.25001181763392 + 0 + 0.994946525982812 + 1.25005631644855 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 1 + 1.2499798172808 + 0 + 1 + 1.2499798172808 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + + + + + + The material override + e409d914-736f-4d24-b977-daadc2807d9a + Material + Material + false + e0c611f2-35bb-4827-aa94-677d1ae1ba9b + 1 + + + + + + 26844 + -13831 + 51 + 20 + + + 26871 + -13821 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;221;160;221 + + + 255;66;48;66 + + 0.5 + + 255;255;255;255 + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 65a5e034-e81f-401b-b8c3-728dbfe15429 + 2435a601-0728-4053-bfea-c405d7925ec6 + ce9f3920-c1b5-45b4-a4dc-52cf5c3c3dfc + 3 + 51db57d2-56b9-4940-90f4-d1f2f65a83d8 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 + Colour Picker + + + + + Provides a colour picker object + ce9f3920-c1b5-45b4-a4dc-52cf5c3c3dfc + Colour Picker + Colour Picker + false + + 255;224;224;224 + + 0 + + + + + + 26932.98 + -13973.07 + 180 + 310 + + 2 + + + + + + + + + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 + Create Material + + + + + Create an OpenGL material. + 18f45ac5-7c2d-4276-aa32-6622785b20d3 + Create Material + Create Material + + + + + + 27073 + -14261 + 144 + 104 + + + 27157 + -14209 + + + + + + Colour of the diffuse channel + dd49453b-560b-48be-ae78-a0277510e37f + Diffuse + Diffuse + false + 6dd86a58-fd03-4fa8-a483-c9ce6010f76c + 1 + + + + + + 27075 + -14259 + 67 + 20 + + + 27110 + -14249 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;105;180 + + + + + + + + + + + + Colour of the specular highlight + 7a7cc2e2-bef5-465a-b4ed-3865464d3432 + Specular + Specular + false + 0 + + + + + + 27075 + -14239 + 67 + 20 + + + 27110 + -14229 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;255;255 + + + + + + + + + + + + Emissive colour of the material + 18e72765-5f7a-4286-9617-5aac272e9cb9 + Emission + Emission + false + 0 + + + + + + 27075 + -14219 + 67 + 20 + + + 27110 + -14209 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;0;0;0 + + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of transparency (0.0 = opaque, 1.0 = transparent + 0344e80e-1385-49c9-ad7a-88b95bb8dfcc + Transparency + Transparency + false + 0 + + + + + + 27075 + -14199 + 67 + 20 + + + 27110 + -14189 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of shinyness (0 = none, 1 = low shine, 100 = max shine + e0000be3-1a15-4a86-a8ea-62e2f7ffe483 + Shine + Shine + false + 0 + + + + + + 27075 + -14179 + 67 + 20 + + + 27110 + -14169 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Resulting material + 1184bf13-2e86-43c2-a100-008110dd22e0 + Material + Material + false + 0 + + + + + + 27172 + -14259 + 43 + 100 + + + 27195 + -14209 + + + + + + + + + + + + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c + Custom Preview + + + + + Allows for customized geometry previews + true + c072be68-768f-4299-b1bc-a4fd1c6a9cd7 + Custom Preview + Custom Preview + + + + + + + 26842 + -14231 + 82 + 44 + + + 26910 + -14209 + + + + + + Geometry to preview + true + c8bf30df-0a58-4474-ab27-a7813933734f + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26844 + -14229 + 51 + 20 + + + 26871 + -14219 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + -1 + + 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 + + 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Curve + + + + + + + + + + + The material override + 55d3bc8f-dbeb-4252-853a-863fe9522822 + Material + Material + false + 1184bf13-2e86-43c2-a100-008110dd22e0 + 1 + + + + + + 26844 + -14209 + 51 + 20 + + + 26871 + -14199 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;221;160;221 + + + 255;66;48;66 + + 0.5 + + 255;255;255;255 + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 18f45ac5-7c2d-4276-aa32-6622785b20d3 + c072be68-768f-4299-b1bc-a4fd1c6a9cd7 + 6dd86a58-fd03-4fa8-a483-c9ce6010f76c + 3 + ac921e7e-e8e0-444f-9db4-954179b165b0 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 + Colour Picker + + + + + Provides a colour picker object + 6dd86a58-fd03-4fa8-a483-c9ce6010f76c + Colour Picker + Colour Picker + false + + 255;199;199;199 + + 0 + + + + + + 26933.4 + -14351.54 + 180 + 310 + + 2 + + + + + + + + + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 + Create Material + + + + + Create an OpenGL material. + b8bb620a-a93d-4afa-9fd8-c28198275d72 + Create Material + Create Material + + + + + + 27073 + -15090 + 144 + 104 + + + 27157 + -15038 + + + + + + Colour of the diffuse channel + 18561b1d-1b9c-4b1d-8225-30159c9d9ca2 + Diffuse + Diffuse + false + d880ec8c-56e0-4b40-9188-2bae9f9f8bda + 1 + + + + + + 27075 + -15088 + 67 + 20 + + + 27110 + -15078 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;105;180 + + + + + + + + + + + + Colour of the specular highlight + 175ca5b6-10da-41aa-8477-dc79187d9716 + Specular + Specular + false + 0 + + + + + + 27075 + -15068 + 67 + 20 + + + 27110 + -15058 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;255;255 + + + + + + + + + + + + Emissive colour of the material + d6b1a1a4-991c-4e34-b990-b2aa10744132 + Emission + Emission + false + 0 + + + + + + 27075 + -15048 + 67 + 20 + + + 27110 + -15038 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;0;0;0 + + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of transparency (0.0 = opaque, 1.0 = transparent + 22e9d6cd-d834-41a3-83d6-088377ba6ba8 + Transparency + Transparency + false + 0 + + + + + + 27075 + -15028 + 67 + 20 + + + 27110 + -15018 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of shinyness (0 = none, 1 = low shine, 100 = max shine + 8fa5bac0-9150-4311-8472-9be54005866c + Shine + Shine + false + 0 + + + + + + 27075 + -15008 + 67 + 20 + + + 27110 + -14998 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Resulting material + a6627b4d-dca5-4bb4-845e-3f9b0b0b8092 + Material + Material + false + 0 + + + + + + 27172 + -15088 + 43 + 100 + + + 27195 + -15038 + + + + + + + + + + + + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c + Custom Preview + + + + + Allows for customized geometry previews + true + c2fe09e7-aee1-47c2-b670-954244cbc4af + Custom Preview + Custom Preview + + + + + + + 26842 + -15060 + 82 + 44 + + + 26910 + -15038 + + + + + + Geometry to preview + true + b96adfbe-a4ea-48d1-a0bd-885f9d8291f2 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26844 + -15058 + 51 + 20 + + + 26871 + -15048 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 513 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + + 8.31187957663209E-17 + -0.24997981727771 + 0 + 8.31187957663209E-17 + -0.24997981727771 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.00505347401718018 + -0.250056316453437 + 0 + 0.00505423562287416 + -0.250145772628349 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0101104516793202 + -0.250215889850821 + 0 + 0.0101166722186634 + -0.250581182755773 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0151743302950294 + -0.250487313256909 + 0 + 0.0151960972398294 + -0.251339379892392 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0202485754426978 + -0.250867601327207 + 0 + 0.0203030122370353 + -0.252465571935498 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0253370377099089 + -0.251367325069379 + 0 + 0.0254510463736146 + -0.254044204299816 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0304439477304975 + -0.251996802101443 + 0 + 0.030655938036711 + -0.25614382028161 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0355741777151249 + -0.252771143623856 + 0 + 0.0359273387751048 + -0.25869141716293 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0407333795871576 + -0.253709198760745 + 0 + 0.0412649052165872 + -0.261503596540872 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.045928108574321 + -0.254833066658725 + 0 + 0.0466698701239005 + -0.264498848974972 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0511656978861204 + -0.256164959299387 + 0 + 0.0521407299166446 + -0.267596018152469 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.05645367456718 + -0.257720889874877 + 0 + 0.0576634586644573 + -0.270609932383741 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0617981549101894 + -0.259497564284208 + 0 + 0.0632274525938167 + -0.273450652028253 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0672016737916246 + -0.261460261611015 + 0 + 0.0688317352254483 + -0.276142708501694 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0726632778514002 + -0.263554891770152 + 0 + 0.0744756835693676 + -0.278706532929218 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0781809030656052 + -0.265733057129669 + 0 + 0.080156798698473 + -0.281142432770991 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0837534980893882 + -0.267965814702187 + 0 + 0.0858720206272032 + -0.283446528098435 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0893820535374261 + -0.270245014640846 + 0 + 0.0916187039686472 + -0.285618706977297 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0950673048202867 + -0.272562583969479 + 0 + 0.0973919292382841 + -0.287644134473815 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.10080637136443 + -0.274889867212233 + 0 + 0.103180168402255 + -0.289470554253619 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.106592080589806 + -0.277178900382035 + 0 + 0.108962784267433 + -0.291003201938871 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.112414522895768 + -0.279375728192023 + 0 + 0.114710231709912 + -0.29211624291467 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.118265273051606 + -0.281444178623693 + 0 + 0.120394884590228 + -0.292717356909241 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.124140200269981 + -0.283376202677637 + 0 + 0.126019884959019 + -0.292886425779716 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.130037989855904 + -0.285178783453385 + 0 + 0.131617263509951 + -0.292829995839355 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.135958052107033 + -0.286861164376441 + 0 + 0.13720573239375 + -0.292659237799043 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.141899543519177 + -0.288430033297935 + 0 + 0.142807161928103 + -0.292482061000252 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.147861030622459 + -0.289888558354322 + 0 + 0.148468568781714 + -0.292498075124684 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.153840515485047 + -0.291237135333926 + 0 + 0.154216101474041 + -0.292791293818254 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.159835644728056 + -0.292474713435035 + 0 + 0.160042787701041 + -0.293301504303351 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.165843940031274 + -0.293599934913285 + 0 + 0.165935687007545 + -0.293953573279223 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.171862984425325 + -0.294611884702311 + 0 + 0.171886171525765 + -0.294698286934031 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.177890551247578 + -0.295510488641129 + 0 + 0.177890551247578 + -0.295510488641129 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.18392461408995 + -0.296296420541724 + 0 + 0.183949236616059 + -0.296382424718838 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.189962647976924 + -0.296968624987794 + 0 + 0.190066118646106 + -0.29731901251916 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.196000793528125 + -0.297521830303161 + 0 + 0.196248959371727 + -0.298337247414373 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.202033527737075 + -0.297946112316023 + 0 + 0.202511705669843 + -0.299471831587106 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.208053372145435 + -0.298226654191779 + 0 + 0.208875768401618 + -0.300776623757787 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.214050604867077 + -0.298343564660643 + 0 + 0.215357729737282 + -0.30228489999911 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.22001300205193 + -0.298271819627797 + 0 + 0.221926224108109 + -0.303885547700611 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.225925941907469 + -0.297982256979424 + 0 + 0.228506879752192 + -0.305356124085039 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.231772968670908 + -0.297443706698576 + 0 + 0.235050496392389 + -0.306567048740638 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.237537499672447 + -0.296627908498917 + 0 + 0.241504537098532 + -0.307392777658513 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.243205728307193 + -0.295516872087926 + 0 + 0.247781235175239 + -0.307627022015066 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.248771768802236 + -0.294114958930639 + 0 + 0.253835925776679 + -0.307194938426022 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.254242893436095 + -0.292459468332912 + 0 + 0.259688467383181 + -0.306191805037292 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.259635723622134 + -0.290607435380482 + 0 + 0.265375741506915 + -0.304746361753513 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.264967076032412 + -0.288611319448322 + 0 + 0.270927211537022 + -0.302958089327777 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.270248030400458 + -0.286505506315453 + 0 + 0.27635882078016 + -0.300886009294673 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.275482472946715 + -0.284304894694083 + 0 + 0.281673259357865 + -0.29855365551104 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.280674584283271 + -0.282023831984469 + 0 + 0.28686768781528 + -0.295970247758475 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.285837332474636 + -0.279694880889281 + 0 + 0.291940786614735 + -0.293147731685129 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.290992512042424 + -0.277366991112205 + 0 + 0.296889409935901 + -0.290093268835693 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.296165448407521 + -0.275092594034809 + 0 + 0.301701546722433 + -0.286794842101097 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.301374228411425 + -0.272904902100394 + 0 + 0.306362605586927 + -0.283236208267481 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.306623717152775 + -0.27080762829604 + 0 + 0.3109078706605 + -0.279503810602304 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.311909918368648 + -0.268786525148997 + 0 + 0.315417733087166 + -0.275767240882368 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.317225377724543 + -0.266821661277429 + 0 + 0.319929945551141 + -0.272099887720381 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.322561935800737 + -0.264893245169681 + 0 + 0.324484473393656 + -0.268573808833086 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.327912185121925 + -0.262984367053954 + 0 + 0.329171214364873 + -0.265349430637697 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.333270039234965 + -0.261081799207438 + 0 + 0.334032352787657 + -0.262487271184008 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.338630733701804 + -0.259175677097762 + 0 + 0.339042916652918 + -0.259921731094467 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.343990687686051 + -0.257258962845591 + 0 + 0.344169833648876 + -0.257577371899359 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.349347379634694 + -0.255326985763933 + 0 + 0.349391845513159 + -0.255404611616106 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.354699221987147 + -0.25337702648471 + 0 + 0.354699221987147 + -0.25337702648471 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.360045529973816 + -0.251408100536763 + 0 + 0.360091180602757 + -0.251485035622065 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.36538640248935 + -0.249420615876589 + 0 + 0.365575224850326 + -0.249733383709835 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.370722660398344 + -0.247416155849515 + 0 + 0.371168702849392 + -0.24814247360577 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.376055896662797 + -0.245397462273084 + 0 + 0.376902889081878 + -0.246753588104841 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.381388837126853 + -0.243368907032891 + 0 + 0.382825212977003 + -0.245630655207833 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.386725502577399 + -0.241336609070113 + 0 + 0.388977806614639 + -0.24482513686854 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.392071779627215 + -0.239309160604642 + 0 + 0.395325725868487 + -0.244267607475454 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.397435477561445 + -0.237297510617177 + 0 + 0.401770156478347 + -0.243797180988584 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.40282603322905 + -0.235314338102901 + 0 + 0.408264140407794 + -0.243339582541172 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.408252827083115 + -0.233371461630573 + 0 + 0.414758114595422 + -0.242821383764929 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.413721364156202 + -0.231474436494269 + 0 + 0.421139675542326 + -0.242083849792649 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.419225529616825 + -0.229612121203731 + 0 + 0.427346282289188 + -0.24104824491309 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.424739759508987 + -0.227747080648909 + 0 + 0.433379588777727 + -0.239729763870236 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.43022523477784 + -0.225826028651191 + 0 + 0.439238627927562 + -0.238139264953161 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.435644274669597 + -0.223800403935422 + 0 + 0.444909982956108 + -0.236270354663337 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.440969100399577 + -0.221637682540441 + 0 + 0.450377035719687 + -0.234112913119979 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.44618358952782 + -0.219322535887776 + 0 + 0.455625021711591 + -0.231659974014332 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.451271440941807 + -0.216840370083294 + 0 + 0.460630027718401 + -0.228893332285366 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.456203613189969 + -0.21416133509845 + 0 + 0.465344676614253 + -0.225766174884025 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.460939162954667 + -0.211242461154035 + 0 + 0.469694398287187 + -0.222200444715514 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.465433923835189 + -0.20803930466351 + 0 + 0.473584164690309 + -0.218097364534124 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469657308285336 + -0.204526520456555 + 0 + 0.476940858332451 + -0.213390475142492 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473601241943624 + -0.200707295858227 + 0 + 0.479806452853301 + -0.208155310059875 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477273723794102 + -0.196603798644425 + 0 + 0.482314790397806 + -0.202572282852884 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480690674196653 + -0.192246372247257 + 0 + 0.484547773269642 + -0.196751607896243 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.483870706576526 + -0.18766695099345 + 0 + 0.486592118410189 + -0.190803289193989 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.486833260974741 + -0.18289679978869 + 0 + 0.488602505613553 + -0.184908876774737 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489591094003175 + -0.177958155102587 + 0 + 0.490654726020656 + -0.17915195590713 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.49217039211644 + -0.172886908764178 + 0 + 0.492741507348046 + -0.173519616234827 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494533707109605 + -0.167648041380594 + 0 + 0.494780245151019 + -0.167917664442764 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.496867977902021 + -0.162448871638894 + 0 + 0.496928765212619 + -0.162514506158343 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498502766295665 + -0.156578684917574 + 0 + 0.498502766295665 + -0.156578684917574 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.500788892510983 + -0.151481612404188 + 0 + 0.500850499408243 + -0.151546478246379 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502521450472051 + -0.14587118274869 + 0 + 0.502774687496554 + -0.14613452399297 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.503660901409283 + -0.139736218025729 + 0 + 0.504255457594763 + -0.14034695061328 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505515300066612 + -0.134418152461549 + 0 + 0.506637561469306 + -0.135557012757443 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.506602537126236 + -0.12839893283478 + 0 + 0.508494603477969 + -0.130295974033697 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507861139216746 + -0.122637125011553 + 0 + 0.510810991627342 + -0.125559635992243 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508259693824949 + -0.116118436640817 + 0 + 0.512497436562383 + -0.120267641143258 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509562056080227 + -0.110572604992928 + 0 + 0.515176157875145 + -0.116005561580818 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510019484470317 + -0.104289551004154 + 0 + 0.51702468887087 + -0.110990645637718 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510568720296189 + -0.0981853642674538 + 0 + 0.518904269193531 + -0.106068156827404 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51060569979605 + -0.0916903776343334 + 0 + 0.520061764588541 + -0.100531974379127 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510726210835971 + -0.0853697924401946 + 0 + 0.521024862993285 + -0.0948918359815828 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510459819697791 + -0.0787879444926246 + 0 + 0.521361866973006 + -0.0887567313889643 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510891003013666 + -0.0729292987450382 + 0 + 0.522208594250152 + -0.0831649801050367 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510580543644727 + -0.0664822286462081 + 0 + 0.522159008004386 + -0.0768404227107852 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510430559146041 + -0.0602689708309202 + 0 + 0.522131256966648 + -0.0706243701718842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510183143716704 + -0.0540553931958588 + 0 + 0.521871113638058 + -0.0642898633983103 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510030168865181 + -0.0480076664737912 + 0 + 0.521562932539694 + -0.0580002840651655 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509527651557143 + -0.0417422364850628 + 0 + 0.520742077472739 + -0.0513582646858968 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509370226695051 + -0.0358559447539967 + 0 + 0.52006420902337 + -0.0449317527854089 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509213758098833 + -0.0300465413214522 + 0 + 0.51912592422925 + -0.0383736030457551 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509265647200457 + -0.0244843626847478 + 0 + 0.518086329950011 + -0.0318202572992374 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50920844434475 + -0.0189019234382706 + 0 + 0.516692021949889 + -0.0250641977107602 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510150299264422 + -0.0141985300804371 + 0 + 0.516205183816759 + -0.0191354855499001 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510380612622524 + -0.0089670427871408 + 0 + 0.514994976032946 + -0.0126928999809023 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510920505518028 + -0.00404387871181429 + 0 + 0.514163486697209 + -0.00663728819510931 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511486191336128 + 0.0008057088607229 + 0 + 0.513586434222514 + -0.000857919766084662 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512114275101439 + 0.00555457766445053 + 0 + 0.513372145402704 + 0.00456754385817189 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512886239473343 + 0.0101426596050763 + 0 + 0.513559157739012 + 0.00961952256861475 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.513396916780657 + 0.0148847825581318 + 0 + 0.513686348425213 + 0.014661832059932 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514228759375215 + 0.0193317700177648 + 0 + 0.514299868577701 + 0.0192774886342623 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51504754102053 + 0.0237457174441685 + 0 + 0.51504754102053 + 0.0237457174441685 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515923860951578 + 0.0280740867161304 + 0 + 0.515995432084217 + 0.0280204158651415 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.516914871795521 + 0.0322769849859283 + 0 + 0.517208076852237 + 0.0320590207773193 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517733850735903 + 0.0365677948935579 + 0 + 0.51841997688991 + 0.036062105016286 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.519497267829107 + 0.0401324451588042 + 0 + 0.52078819544304 + 0.0391890580033239 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520514883697567 + 0.0442143281161323 + 0 + 0.522684425090805 + 0.0426421415709762 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521837522488296 + 0.0480415234704993 + 0 + 0.525209471874189 + 0.0456181669107786 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523206261190857 + 0.0518058211500428 + 0 + 0.528035674595592 + 0.0483632744651133 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.524686322716065 + 0.0554621923568258 + 0 + 0.531065202233208 + 0.0509516433486273 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526379633729681 + 0.0589420636601844 + 0 + 0.534315800388649 + 0.0533747647870685 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52793008524993 + 0.0624960146713863 + 0 + 0.537346248856133 + 0.0559419581485611 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52989697983185 + 0.0657355948667036 + 0 + 0.540548803860489 + 0.0583783100944358 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.531953316169789 + 0.0688929663377595 + 0 + 0.543522241278913 + 0.0609625488657134 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.534232775614727 + 0.0718788446157459 + 0 + 0.546446398687204 + 0.0635686846642708 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.536376712471869 + 0.0749381465327901 + 0 + 0.549022116229484 + 0.0663970220104278 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.539448924171609 + 0.0773594370423272 + 0 + 0.552351987044929 + 0.0687070391264611 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.541768812160651 + 0.0802755653889961 + 0 + 0.554774762938143 + 0.0716161272216867 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.544345118595643 + 0.0830056311955981 + 0 + 0.557304322355187 + 0.0744375474468264 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.546863166718194 + 0.0857607102152399 + 0 + 0.559618799344709 + 0.0773850979631723 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549518743105631 + 0.0884126737829544 + 0 + 0.561892382212331 + 0.0803427046236091 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.551703070099359 + 0.0913560274525083 + 0 + 0.563474585105293 + 0.0837295614343228 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55419039988783 + 0.0940862046755032 + 0 + 0.56507599707224 + 0.0870794387813042 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.556206235361405 + 0.0971026367691441 + 0 + 0.565871078474497 + 0.0909211643262313 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.559123058060268 + 0.0995312853279216 + 0 + 0.567304567424617 + 0.0943312408567091 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.561000297785932 + 0.102609304632083 + 0 + 0.567605396459228 + 0.0984370357330786 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.563200541681953 + 0.10546636838032 + 0 + 0.568223374669041 + 0.102312718067496 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.564505421378423 + 0.10886472623115 + 0 + 0.568028006515896 + 0.106666068998698 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.566887036053185 + 0.111573308282341 + 0 + 0.569163620962188 + 0.110160565721984 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.56838129778772 + 0.11481807294804 + 0 + 0.569742011717993 + 0.113978471239191 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.570180111100047 + 0.117856485127912 + 0 + 0.570906595650503 + 0.117410714391841 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.571028957179202 + 0.121455104097672 + 0 + 0.571340816533778 + 0.121264785037981 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.572997949009286 + 0.124350568232757 + 0 + 0.573074421456835 + 0.124304146771783 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574267221894916 + 0.127656594779098 + 0 + 0.574267221894916 + 0.127656594779098 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574822890478299 + 0.131368614469152 + 0 + 0.574899573975092 + 0.131322542475568 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.576500108507367 + 0.134387139610429 + 0 + 0.576813690061004 + 0.134199671717879 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.577254613715441 + 0.137941098714128 + 0 + 0.577987129857456 + 0.137505310402129 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.578094292418925 + 0.141422957996492 + 0 + 0.579470109977865 + 0.140608341845134 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.578730600939134 + 0.14500489118572 + 0 + 0.581038859893325 + 0.143644515873484 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.579216715695933 + 0.148654357103119 + 0 + 0.582798264164558 + 0.146553116935159 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.579508252945147 + 0.152396730476281 + 0 + 0.584629452679553 + 0.149405464056841 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.579581332523745 + 0.156244994452482 + 0 + 0.586334753654483 + 0.152317341300726 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.579403774034308 + 0.160216801191338 + 0 + 0.587792698141627 + 0.15535845679194 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.57894777456715 + 0.164327049509464 + 0 + 0.588885814600127 + 0.158595107930374 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.578194361922611 + 0.168585402449619 + 0 + 0.589419646701347 + 0.162136838578988 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.577146186641268 + 0.172989078120572 + 0 + 0.589320016585478 + 0.166022772503467 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.57583736297765 + 0.177517483083033 + 0 + 0.588671115261759 + 0.170201326353865 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574322194678389 + 0.182138940012568 + 0 + 0.587590994900854 + 0.174602628915227 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.572652224040665 + 0.186823855088536 + 0 + 0.586172718600039 + 0.179172107047908 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.570863750271195 + 0.191551692031706 + 0 + 0.58447359522953 + 0.183876228188389 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.56897584456725 + 0.196311908296125 + 0 + 0.582518832644086 + 0.188700042877056 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.567007909442596 + 0.201093935638823 + 0 + 0.580320915949153 + 0.193635993425587 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.564997353243279 + 0.205877300983438 + 0 + 0.577895342663458 + 0.198674994693603 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.562997969768196 + 0.210632672587117 + 0 + 0.575253198660657 + 0.20381058241952 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.561067666715249 + 0.215328786861241 + 0 + 0.572386978048319 + 0.209046734226763 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.559246486115802 + 0.219944615734353 + 0 + 0.569284668480124 + 0.214389916031959 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557545844164233 + 0.22447513353747 + 0 + 0.566033665281687 + 0.219791710573479 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555959243612377 + 0.228925184850554 + 0 + 0.562803936410508 + 0.225158842228221 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554473736976886 + 0.233303057542361 + 0 + 0.559673065147775 + 0.230449752777153 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553075733960902 + 0.237617263497918 + 0 + 0.556718217509092 + 0.235623519964329 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.551753508658147 + 0.241875173669701 + 0 + 0.554105138920499 + 0.240591228383117 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55049799727919 + 0.246082603549017 + 0 + 0.551902136927073 + 0.245317838697063 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549302783744853 + 0.250243845168947 + 0 + 0.550051710286089 + 0.249836904894435 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.548163316114617 + 0.254362113601127 + 0 + 0.548484500315911 + 0.254187992062088 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.547076785163384 + 0.258439627758949 + 0 + 0.547155470515612 + 0.258397064833559 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.546041540323348 + 0.262477938844547 + 0 + 0.546041540323348 + 0.262477938844547 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.545057155620294 + 0.266477903324993 + 0 + 0.54513591569215 + 0.266435478823177 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.544124547604063 + 0.270439627843368 + 0 + 0.544446342406086 + 0.270266637361234 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.543246352674862 + 0.274362274647256 + 0 + 0.543997417753818 + 0.273959294997199 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.542427134559827 + 0.27824395963303 + 0 + 0.543836629225589 + 0.277489109835568 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.541673728326051 + 0.282081577690987 + 0 + 0.544036592078469 + 0.280818424779715 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.540995634267459 + 0.285870602199881 + 0 + 0.544659047381932 + 0.283915581987895 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.54040555501309 + 0.289604809112222 + 0 + 0.54563983283102 + 0.286816136087919 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.539919650229687 + 0.293276152893373 + 0 + 0.54681708759531 + 0.28960729557305 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.539556680130675 + 0.296875232373641 + 0 + 0.548118335599253 + 0.292328187880908 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.539335286099958 + 0.300392738904304 + 0 + 0.549470857472973 + 0.295017798262242 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.539268272687522 + 0.303822479094256 + 0 + 0.550708881370936 + 0.297764140434994 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.5393508088804 + 0.307167588447597 + 0 + 0.551749941827175 + 0.300610679752973 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.539549526688543 + 0.310446224809394 + 0 + 0.552612375867721 + 0.303547433734308 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.539812900339498 + 0.313686001444671 + 0 + 0.553310102237649 + 0.306566831182615 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.540093459399462 + 0.316912237559049 + 0 + 0.55383830784911 + 0.309671231944943 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.540360101826533 + 0.320141506864806 + 0 + 0.554187584255883 + 0.312865425868417 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.540599570325251 + 0.323380922857509 + 0 + 0.554351197146093 + 0.316152798551188 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.540798229020821 + 0.326637765435576 + 0 + 0.554308755567581 + 0.319543914807823 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.540924023728126 + 0.32992894565412 + 0 + 0.554006242960908 + 0.323066957099693 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.540928091346227 + 0.333280118874307 + 0 + 0.553351782992714 + 0.326769862709266 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.540757771673667 + 0.336718839469171 + 0 + 0.552226769221767 + 0.330714416965799 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.54037959449733 + 0.340262539162168 + 0 + 0.550545427694077 + 0.334945055793217 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.539791415299973 + 0.343912237783572 + 0 + 0.548382987170286 + 0.339421976011831 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.53901202590859 + 0.34765804034731 + 0 + 0.545937105929131 + 0.344041630116336 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.538069555273283 + 0.351485230396626 + 0 + 0.54332752713911 + 0.34874149327913 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.536994480154273 + 0.355377926958853 + 0 + 0.540676400964699 + 0.353457989766569 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.535815026639632 + 0.359321478244379 + 0 + 0.53819108545919 + 0.358083324426895 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.534555233968571 + 0.363303459369879 + 0 + 0.535973360897764 + 0.362564954500405 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.533234097734197 + 0.367314105678826 + 0 + 0.533990174515251 + 0.366920609487817 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.531865696402006 + 0.371346234559035 + 0 + 0.532189817895052 + 0.371177643754826 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530459426003982 + 0.375395112862437 + 0 + 0.530538800230377 + 0.375353848841097 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529020281375881 + 0.379458301993825 + 0 + 0.529020281375881 + 0.379458301993825 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.527549310015006 + 0.383535415083056 + 0 + 0.527628700802464 + 0.383494182933707 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526045936765373 + 0.387626904744344 + 0 + 0.526370193683262 + 0.387458574554778 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.524510247578134 + 0.391732876038091 + 0 + 0.525266799187143 + 0.39134029354473 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522943067233968 + 0.395853046844602 + 0 + 0.524362384988684 + 0.395116833193081 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521345589285743 + 0.399986940358411 + 0 + 0.52372415108524 + 0.398753601736735 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.519718690894851 + 0.404134240380255 + 0 + 0.52340528629554 + 0.402223294533774 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518061901247467 + 0.408295325395787 + 0 + 0.523327701082563 + 0.405566641902149 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51637221155114 + 0.412471883878459 + 0 + 0.523309143418118 + 0.408878260007979 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514643418921091 + 0.416667252368169 + 0 + 0.523251641928628 + 0.412208995462828 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512867020900908 + 0.420885950597459 + 0 + 0.523054905871745 + 0.415610839813393 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511036574327541 + 0.425131424327536 + 0 + 0.522533158555508 + 0.419179992109439 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509159182969168 + 0.429400101544355 + 0 + 0.521615759560877 + 0.422952989859552 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507267179700194 + 0.433675353988172 + 0 + 0.520387266808906 + 0.426886049072686 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505408674537394 + 0.43793239716501 + 0 + 0.51896174308946 + 0.430920166626684 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.503626140034609 + 0.442149371312442 + 0 + 0.517424660948293 + 0.43501117533573 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501944537843247 + 0.4463134770386 + 0 + 0.515822890960179 + 0.439134901987676 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.500370303081629 + 0.45042149238139 + 0 + 0.514169525906021 + 0.443284653399733 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498909938897703 + 0.454470150684394 + 0 + 0.512464391935626 + 0.447460596694136 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.49758853570312 + 0.458446564502282 + 0 + 0.510710646804995 + 0.451661172309808 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.496448498560407 + 0.462328887302509 + 0 + 0.508907661436521 + 0.455886775079962 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.495537215317347 + 0.466092691272893 + 0 + 0.507036819002528 + 0.460147095470864 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494884725302945 + 0.469722511709624 + 0 + 0.505075867635344 + 0.464453696669792 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494493068729593 + 0.473217349863049 + 0 + 0.503104556914647 + 0.468765403185449 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494347188474569 + 0.476585034539809 + 0 + 0.501287185066225 + 0.472997332830163 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494426631751383 + 0.479836173008036 + 0 + 0.499695104591987 + 0.477112654063808 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494711209236506 + 0.482981227112328 + 0 + 0.498399932483317 + 0.481074391911008 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.495183623645832 + 0.486029156295643 + 0 + 0.497563733715275 + 0.48479880819568 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.495830399117459 + 0.488986954495352 + 0 + 0.497250751937623 + 0.488252739747617 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.496641027035429 + 0.49186002655021 + 0 + 0.497398193448137 + 0.491468631130392 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497609495935737 + 0.4946515041578 + 0 + 0.497934045163041 + 0.494483738247752 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498726223164156 + 0.497366343133581 + 0 + 0.498805693039354 + 0.497325263622762 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499994052316792 + 0.500003074467614 + 0 + 0.499994052316792 + 0.500003074467614 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501273776835815 + 0.502633656859697 + 0 + 0.501194306960616 + 0.502674736370515 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502390504064066 + 0.505348495835564 + 0 + 0.502065954836761 + 0.505516261745612 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.503358972965224 + 0.508139973442715 + 0 + 0.502601806552515 + 0.508531368862533 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.504169600880994 + 0.51101304549871 + 0 + 0.50274924806083 + 0.511747260246445 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.504816376356613 + 0.513970843696357 + 0 + 0.50243626628717 + 0.515201191796319 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505288790762487 + 0.517018772881456 + 0 + 0.501600067515676 + 0.518925608082776 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505573368248714 + 0.520163826985177 + 0 + 0.50030489540811 + 0.522887345929405 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505652811525311 + 0.523414965453516 + 0 + 0.498712814933655 + 0.527002667163162 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505506931269217 + 0.52678265013083 + 0 + 0.496895443084163 + 0.53123459680843 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505115274696908 + 0.530277488283716 + 0 + 0.494924132364509 + 0.535546303323547 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.504462784683178 + 0.533907308720099 + 0 + 0.492963180997997 + 0.539852904522128 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.503551501440158 + 0.537671112690462 + 0 + 0.491092338564043 + 0.54411322491301 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502411464296648 + 0.541553435491102 + 0 + 0.489289353194773 + 0.548338827683575 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501090061103712 + 0.545529849308138 + 0 + 0.487535608065788 + 0.552539403298396 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499629696919019 + 0.549578507611538 + 0 + 0.485830474094627 + 0.556715346593195 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498055462154735 + 0.553686522955707 + 0 + 0.484177109037803 + 0.560865098006631 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.496373859966325 + 0.557850628680338 + 0 + 0.48257533905264 + 0.56498882465705 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494591325461415 + 0.562067602828871 + 0 + 0.481038256909349 + 0.569079833367197 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.492732820300824 + 0.566324646004566 + 0 + 0.479612733192112 + 0.573113950920052 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490840817030871 + 0.570599898448888 + 0 + 0.478384240439162 + 0.577047010133692 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488963425670836 + 0.574868575666567 + 0 + 0.47746684144287 + 0.580820007884664 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487132979098937 + 0.579114049395885 + 0 + 0.4769450941281 + 0.584389160179951 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485356581080193 + 0.583332747624428 + 0 + 0.476748358072655 + 0.587791004529769 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.483627788447431 + 0.587528116115544 + 0 + 0.476690856580452 + 0.591121739986025 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481938098753818 + 0.59170467459681 + 0 + 0.476672298918722 + 0.594433358090448 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480281309104514 + 0.595865759613337 + 0 + 0.476594713703826 + 0.597776705459818 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47865441071406 + 0.600013059634958 + 0 + 0.476275848914562 + 0.601246398256634 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477056932768216 + 0.60414695314753 + 0 + 0.475637615013499 + 0.604883166799051 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.475489752422125 + 0.608267123955035 + 0 + 0.474733200813116 + 0.608659706448397 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473954063234088 + 0.612373095249199 + 0 + 0.473629806316199 + 0.612541425438765 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.472450689985132 + 0.616464584910135 + 0 + 0.472371299197675 + 0.616505817059484 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470979718624506 + 0.620541697999236 + 0 + 0.470979718624506 + 0.620541697999236 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.46954057399651 + 0.62460488713057 + 0 + 0.469461199770114 + 0.624646151151911 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.468134303597581 + 0.628653765434444 + 0 + 0.467810182104536 + 0.628822356238653 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.46676590226777 + 0.632685894313411 + 0 + 0.466009825486716 + 0.633079390504421 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.465444766031685 + 0.636696540623247 + 0 + 0.464026639102491 + 0.637435045492721 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.464184973359164 + 0.640678521749514 + 0 + 0.461808914539606 + 0.641916675566998 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.46300551984797 + 0.644622073033242 + 0 + 0.459323599037545 + 0.646542010225527 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.461930444725666 + 0.648514769597185 + 0 + 0.456672472859839 + 0.65125850671468 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.460987974091236 + 0.652341959646045 + 0 + 0.454062894070695 + 0.655958369877019 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.460208584699153 + 0.65608776221015 + 0 + 0.45161701282884 + 0.660578023981891 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.459620405501807 + 0.659737460831548 + 0 + 0.449454572305059 + 0.6650549442005 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.459242228328693 + 0.663281160522857 + 0 + 0.447773230780592 + 0.669285583026229 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.459071908653092 + 0.66671988111931 + 0 + 0.446648217006605 + 0.673230137284351 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.459075976274563 + 0.670071054337734 + 0 + 0.445993757041781 + 0.67693304289216 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.459201770978671 + 0.673362234557953 + 0 + 0.44569124443191 + 0.680456085185706 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.459400429677243 + 0.676619077134443 + 0 + 0.445648802856401 + 0.683847201440764 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.459639898171639 + 0.679858493129418 + 0 + 0.445812415742289 + 0.687134574125807 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.459906540601516 + 0.683087762433699 + 0 + 0.446161692151867 + 0.690328768047806 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.460187099659798 + 0.686313998548964 + 0 + 0.446689897761646 + 0.693433168811019 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.460450473313733 + 0.689553775182666 + 0 + 0.447387624134555 + 0.696452566257752 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.460649191118179 + 0.692832411546414 + 0 + 0.448250058171403 + 0.699389320241037 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.460731727311334 + 0.696177520899615 + 0 + 0.449291118627919 + 0.702235859558878 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.46066471390233 + 0.699607261087745 + 0 + 0.450529142529315 + 0.704982201729808 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.460443319870062 + 0.70312476761923 + 0 + 0.451881664401484 + 0.707671812111963 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.460080349772859 + 0.706723847098535 + 0 + 0.453182912407235 + 0.710392704418858 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.45959444498683 + 0.710395190881084 + 0 + 0.454360167168899 + 0.713183863905387 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.459004365732334 + 0.714129397793494 + 0 + 0.455340952617862 + 0.716084418005479 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.458326271674718 + 0.717918422301861 + 0 + 0.4559634079223 + 0.719181575213134 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.457572865439708 + 0.721756040360482 + 0 + 0.456163370773946 + 0.722510890157944 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.456753647325805 + 0.725637725345652 + 0 + 0.456002582246848 + 0.726040704995709 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.455875452395947 + 0.729560372149885 + 0 + 0.455553657593923 + 0.729733362632019 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.45494284437804 + 0.733522096669167 + 0 + 0.454864084306183 + 0.733564521170983 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453958459678774 + 0.737522061147572 + 0 + 0.453958459678774 + 0.737522061147572 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.452923214834805 + 0.741560372235291 + 0 + 0.452844529482577 + 0.741602935160681 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.451836683886441 + 0.745637886391561 + 0 + 0.451515499685148 + 0.745812007930601 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.450697216256959 + 0.74975615482333 + 0 + 0.449948289715722 + 0.750163095097842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.449502002720713 + 0.753917396444294 + 0 + 0.448097863072831 + 0.754682161296249 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.448246491342158 + 0.7581248263234 + 0 + 0.445894861079807 + 0.759408771609983 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446924266041652 + 0.762382736493947 + 0 + 0.443281782493463 + 0.764376480027536 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445526263023122 + 0.766696942450897 + 0 + 0.440326934852234 + 0.769550247216105 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444040756389919 + 0.771074815141451 + 0 + 0.437196063591788 + 0.774841157763784 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442454155836248 + 0.775524866455527 + 0 + 0.433966334718795 + 0.780208289419518 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.440753513885179 + 0.78005538425836 + 0 + 0.430715331520857 + 0.785610083960754 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.438932333284326 + 0.784671213132259 + 0 + 0.427613021951256 + 0.790953265766738 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.437002030232522 + 0.789367327405745 + 0 + 0.42474680134006 + 0.796189417573343 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.435002646755985 + 0.794122699010231 + 0 + 0.422104657335806 + 0.801325005300066 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.432992090555897 + 0.798906064355285 + 0 + 0.41967908404934 + 0.806364006568522 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.431024155433248 + 0.803688091696854 + 0 + 0.417481167356412 + 0.811299957115922 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.429136249728753 + 0.808448307961583 + 0 + 0.415526404770417 + 0.816123771804899 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.427347775959291 + 0.813176144904752 + 0 + 0.413827281399917 + 0.82082789294538 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425677805320726 + 0.817861059981198 + 0 + 0.41240900509826 + 0.825397371078539 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.424162637023815 + 0.822482516909397 + 0 + 0.411328884739706 + 0.829798673638565 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.422853813357316 + 0.827010921873502 + 0 + 0.410679983413106 + 0.833977227490607 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.421805638077196 + 0.831414597543763 + 0 + 0.41058035329846 + 0.837863161414394 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.421052225434321 + 0.835672950482952 + 0 + 0.411114185401343 + 0.841404892062042 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.420596225965759 + 0.839783198801878 + 0 + 0.41220730185844 + 0.844641543201276 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.420418667474627 + 0.843755005541727 + 0 + 0.41366524634389 + 0.847682658693483 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.420491747054791 + 0.847603269517016 + 0 + 0.415370547320385 + 0.850594535936456 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.420783284305508 + 0.851345642889303 + 0 + 0.417201735836883 + 0.853446883057264 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.421269399061843 + 0.854995108806971 + 0 + 0.418961140107651 + 0.856355484119208 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.42190570758117 + 0.858577041996703 + 0 + 0.42052989002223 + 0.859391658148061 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.422745386284277 + 0.862058901279305 + 0 + 0.422012870142262 + 0.862494689591304 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.423499891494438 + 0.865612860381762 + 0 + 0.423186309940801 + 0.865800328274311 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425177109521543 + 0.868631385524211 + 0 + 0.42510042602475 + 0.868677457517796 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425732778105591 + 0.87234340521387 + 0 + 0.425732778105591 + 0.87234340521387 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.427002050991308 + 0.875649431760149 + 0 + 0.426925578543759 + 0.875695853221124 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.428971042820199 + 0.878544895895962 + 0 + 0.428659183465623 + 0.878735214955653 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.429819888901348 + 0.882143514864502 + 0 + 0.429093404350892 + 0.882589285600572 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.431618702211388 + 0.885181927045774 + 0 + 0.430257988281115 + 0.886021528754623 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.433112963947368 + 0.888426691710593 + 0 + 0.430836379038365 + 0.889839434270951 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.43549457862251 + 0.89113527376153 + 0 + 0.431971993485036 + 0.893333930993981 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.436799458317105 + 0.89453363161353 + 0 + 0.431776625330017 + 0.897687281926354 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.438999702213325 + 0.897390695361655 + 0 + 0.432394603540028 + 0.90156296426066 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.440876941939902 + 0.900468714665237 + 0 + 0.432695432575553 + 0.90566875913645 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.443793764639025 + 0.902897363223848 + 0 + 0.434128921525933 + 0.909078835666761 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445809600113911 + 0.90591379531664 + 0 + 0.434924002929502 + 0.912920561210839 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.448296929899834 + 0.90864397254128 + 0 + 0.436525414893901 + 0.916270438559465 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.450481256893317 + 0.911587326210997 + 0 + 0.438107617786617 + 0.919657295370342 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453136833282173 + 0.914239289777779 + 0 + 0.440381200655657 + 0.922614902029847 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.455654881403632 + 0.916994368798147 + 0 + 0.442695677644088 + 0.925562452546919 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.458231187840771 + 0.919724434603325 + 0 + 0.445225237063279 + 0.928383872770634 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.460551075827973 + 0.922640562951216 + 0 + 0.447648012954653 + 0.931292960867082 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.463623287527058 + 0.925061853461201 + 0 + 0.450977883769443 + 0.933602977983564 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.465767224385875 + 0.928121155377108 + 0 + 0.453553601313398 + 0.936431315328583 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.468046683828445 + 0.931107033656712 + 0 + 0.456477758719321 + 0.939037451128758 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470103020169109 + 0.9342644051259 + 0 + 0.459451196140471 + 0.941621689898168 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.472069914749653 + 0.937503985322169 + 0 + 0.46265375114345 + 0.944058041844994 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473620366271459 + 0.941057936332292 + 0 + 0.465684199612491 + 0.946625235205408 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.475313677283955 + 0.944537807636429 + 0 + 0.468934797766812 + 0.949048356644628 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476793738809839 + 0.948194178842727 + 0 + 0.471964325405104 + 0.951636725527657 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.478162477512065 + 0.95195847652251 + 0 + 0.474790528126173 + 0.95438183308223 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479485116303257 + 0.955785671876535 + 0 + 0.477315574910018 + 0.957357858421691 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480502732171073 + 0.959867554834338 + 0 + 0.47921180455714 + 0.960810941989819 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482266149264549 + 0.963432205099366 + 0 + 0.481580023110542 + 0.963937894976638 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.483085128203762 + 0.967723015007875 + 0 + 0.482791923147046 + 0.967940979216484 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484076139049492 + 0.97192591327634 + 0 + 0.484004567916852 + 0.971979584127329 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484952458979156 + 0.976254282549339 + 0 + 0.484952458979156 + 0.976254282549339 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485771240625702 + 0.980668229974803 + 0 + 0.485700131423216 + 0.980722511358305 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.486603083218275 + 0.985115217435951 + 0 + 0.486313651573718 + 0.98533816793415 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487113760525315 + 0.989857340389235 + 0 + 0.486440842259646 + 0.990380477425696 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487885724898131 + 0.99444542232916 + 0 + 0.486627854596867 + 0.995432456135439 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488513808665488 + 0.999194291131257 + 0 + 0.486413565779102 + 1.00085791975806 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489079494480635 + 1.00404387870614 + 0 + 0.485836513301455 + 1.00663728818944 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489619387378706 + 1.00896704277942 + 0 + 0.485005023968283 + 1.01269289997318 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.48984970073416 + 1.01419853007487 + 0 + 0.483794816181823 + 1.01913548554433 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490791555656742 + 1.0189019234303 + 0 + 0.483307978051604 + 1.02506419770279 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490734352796636 + 1.02448436268044 + 0 + 0.481913670047082 + 1.03182025729493 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490786241901715 + 1.03004654131426 + 0 + 0.480874075771299 + 1.03837360303856 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490629773304181 + 1.03585594474792 + 0 + 0.479935790975862 + 1.04493175277933 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490472348444341 + 1.04174223647706 + 0 + 0.479257922528744 + 1.05135826467789 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489969831134394 + 1.04800766646744 + 0 + 0.478437067459881 + 1.05800028405882 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489816856282804 + 1.05405539318956 + 0 + 0.47812888636145 + 1.06428986339201 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489569440852917 + 1.06026897082511 + 0 + 0.47786874303231 + 1.07062437016608 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489419456355436 + 1.06648222863933 + 0 + 0.477840991995778 + 1.07684042270391 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489108996986639 + 1.07292929873803 + 0 + 0.477791405750153 + 1.08316498009803 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489540180301635 + 1.07878794448641 + 0 + 0.478638133026421 + 1.08875673138275 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.48927378916428 + 1.08536979243324 + 0 + 0.478975137006965 + 1.09489183597463 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489394300204536 + 1.09169037762706 + 0 + 0.479938235412046 + 1.10053197437185 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489431279703778 + 1.09818536426075 + 0 + 0.481095730806437 + 1.1060681568207 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489980515528711 + 1.10428955099835 + 0 + 0.482975311128157 + 1.11099064563192 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490437943919443 + 1.11057260498653 + 0 + 0.484823842124525 + 1.11600556157442 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491740306175537 + 1.11611843663361 + 0 + 0.487502563438103 + 1.12026764113605 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.492138860782553 + 1.12263712500552 + 0 + 0.489189008371956 + 1.12555963598621 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.493397462874516 + 1.12839893282729 + 0 + 0.491505396522784 + 1.13029597402621 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494484699932912 + 1.13441815245532 + 0 + 0.493362438530218 + 1.13555701275121 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.496339098590488 + 1.13973621801923 + 0 + 0.495744542405009 + 1.14034695060678 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497478549528464 + 1.14587118274143 + 0 + 0.497225312503961 + 1.14613452398571 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499211107488583 + 1.15148161239792 + 0 + 0.499149500591323 + 1.15154647824011 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501497233706143 + 1.15657868490891 + 0 + 0.501497233706143 + 1.15657868490891 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.503132022096365 + 1.16244887163391 + 0 + 0.503071234785767 + 1.16251450615336 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505466292890499 + 1.16764804137375 + 0 + 0.505219754849085 + 1.16791766443592 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507829607883374 + 1.17288690875765 + 0 + 0.507258492651767 + 1.1735196162283 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510408905996524 + 1.17795815509619 + 0 + 0.509345273979043 + 1.17915195590073 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.513166739024484 + 1.18289679978285 + 0 + 0.511397494385672 + 1.1849088767689 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.516129293423914 + 1.18766695098621 + 0 + 0.513407881590251 + 1.19080328918675 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.519309325802531 + 1.19224637224149 + 0 + 0.515452226729542 + 1.19675160789047 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522726276206294 + 1.19660379863723 + 0 + 0.51768520960259 + 1.20257228284569 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526398758055333 + 1.20070729585276 + 0 + 0.520193547145657 + 1.2081553100544 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.53034269171544 + 1.20452652044889 + 0 + 0.523059141668325 + 1.21339047513482 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.534566076164627 + 1.20803930465701 + 0 + 0.526415835309506 + 1.21809736452763 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.539060837046574 + 1.21124246114577 + 0 + 0.530305601714054 + 1.22220044470725 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.543796386809838 + 1.21416133509198 + 0 + 0.534655323385555 + 1.22576617487756 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.548728559057522 + 1.21684037007744 + 0 + 0.539369972280929 + 1.22889333227951 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553816410472842 + 1.21932253588019 + 0 + 0.544374978289072 + 1.23165997400674 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.559030899599552 + 1.22163768253486 + 0 + 0.549622964279443 + 1.2341129131144 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.564355725330429 + 1.22380040392866 + 0 + 0.555090017043918 + 1.23627035465657 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.569774765221657 + 1.22582602864516 + 0 + 0.560761372071935 + 1.23813926494713 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.575260240490855 + 1.2277470806424 + 0 + 0.566620411222114 + 1.23972976386373 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.580774470383456 + 1.22961212119661 + 0 + 0.572653717711093 + 1.24104824490597 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.586278635844194 + 1.23147443648696 + 0 + 0.578860324458071 + 1.24208384978534 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.59174717291588 + 1.23337146162531 + 0 + 0.585241885403573 + 1.24282138375966 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.597173966772298 + 1.23531433809419 + 0 + 0.591735859593554 + 1.24333958253247 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.602564522438089 + 1.23729751061113 + 0 + 0.598229843521187 + 1.24379718098254 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.607928220372582 + 1.23930916059823 + 0 + 0.60467427413131 + 1.24426760746904 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.613274497423257 + 1.24133660906239 + 0 + 0.611022193386017 + 1.24482513686082 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.618611162872118 + 1.2433689070278 + 0 + 0.617174787021968 + 1.24563065520274 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.623944103337755 + 1.24539746226548 + 0 + 0.623097110918674 + 1.24675358809723 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.62927733959981 + 1.24741615584578 + 0 + 0.628831297148763 + 1.24814247360204 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.634613597511245 + 1.24942061586885 + 0 + 0.634424775150268 + 1.24973338370209 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.639954470024814 + 1.25140810053233 + 0 + 0.639908819395873 + 1.25148503561763 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.645300778013203 + 1.25337702647739 + 0 + 0.645300778013203 + 1.25337702647739 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.650652620364284 + 1.25532698575899 + 0 + 0.65060815448582 + 1.25540461161116 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.656009312313379 + 1.25725896283987 + 0 + 0.655830166350554 + 1.25757737189364 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.661369266298539 + 1.25917567709041 + 0 + 0.660957083347425 + 1.25992173108711 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.666729960763724 + 1.26108179920314 + 0 + 0.665967647211033 + 1.26248727117971 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.672087814879429 + 1.26298436704468 + 0 + 0.67082878563648 + 1.26534943062842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.677438064199064 + 1.2648932451633 + 0 + 0.675515526606145 + 1.26857380882671 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.682774622275221 + 1.26682166127117 + 0 + 0.680070054448623 + 1.27209988771412 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.688090081631406 + 1.26878652514216 + 0 + 0.684582266912888 + 1.27576724087553 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.693376282847381 + 1.27080762828899 + 0 + 0.689092129339657 + 1.27950381059526 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.698625771589106 + 1.27290490209256 + 0 + 0.693637394413603 + 1.28323620825965 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.703834551592257 + 1.27509259402854 + 0 + 0.698298453277344 + 1.28679484209483 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.709007487957009 + 1.27736699110671 + 0 + 0.703110590063532 + 1.2900932688302 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.714162667525849 + 1.27969488088149 + 0 + 0.70805921338575 + 1.29314773167734 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.719325415716398 + 1.28202383197852 + 0 + 0.71313231218439 + 1.29597024775252 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.724517527054398 + 1.28430489468478 + 0 + 0.718326740643248 + 1.29855365550174 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.729751969598726 + 1.28650550631065 + 0 + 0.723641179219024 + 1.30088600928987 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.735032923968158 + 1.28861131944024 + 0 + 0.729072788463548 + 1.3029580893197 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.740364276376578 + 1.29060743537694 + 0 + 0.734624258491797 + 1.30474636174997 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.745757106564614 + 1.29245946832441 + 0 + 0.740311532617528 + 1.30619180502879 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.751228231197731 + 1.294114958924 + 0 + 0.746164074223288 + 1.30719493841938 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.75679427169294 + 1.29551687208086 + 0 + 0.752218764824894 + 1.307627022008 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.762462500327828 + 1.29662790849142 + 0 + 0.758495462901744 + 1.30739277765102 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.768227031328127 + 1.29744370669454 + 0 + 0.764949503606646 + 1.30656704873661 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.774074058092519 + 1.29798225697274 + 0 + 0.771493120247795 + 1.30535612407835 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.779986997947901 + 1.29827181962156 + 0 + 0.778073775891722 + 1.30388554769437 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.785949395132288 + 1.29834356465585 + 0 + 0.784642270262083 + 1.30228489999431 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.791946627855011 + 1.29822665418366 + 0 + 0.791124231598829 + 1.30077662374967 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.797966472262931 + 1.29794611230926 + 0 + 0.797488294330163 + 1.29947183158035 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.803999206471849 + 1.29752183029653 + 0 + 0.803751040628247 + 1.29833724740775 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.810037352023201 + 1.29696862498062 + 0 + 0.80993388135402 + 1.29731901251199 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.816075385909219 + 1.29629642053788 + 0 + 0.816050763383111 + 1.296382424715 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.822109448753179 + 1.29551048863167 + 0 + 0.822109448753179 + 1.29551048863167 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.828137015574863 + 1.29461188469485 + 0 + 0.828113828474422 + 1.29469828692657 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.834156059968561 + 1.29359993490717 + 0 + 0.83406431299229 + 1.2939535732731 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.840164355271219 + 1.29247471343121 + 0 + 0.839957212298234 + 1.29330150429953 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.846159484515316 + 1.29123713532569 + 0 + 0.845783898526322 + 1.29279129381002 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.852138969377676 + 1.28988855834697 + 0 + 0.851531431218422 + 1.29249807511733 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.858100456480297 + 1.28843003329355 + 0 + 0.857192838071371 + 1.29248206099586 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.864041947893163 + 1.28686116436883 + 0 + 0.862794267606446 + 1.29265923779143 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.869962010144132 + 1.28517878344645 + 0 + 0.868382736490085 + 1.29282999583242 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.875859799729422 + 1.28337620267393 + 0 + 0.873980115040384 + 1.29288642577601 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.881734726948772 + 1.28144417861498 + 0 + 0.87960511541015 + 1.29271735690052 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.8875854771041 + 1.27937572818605 + 0 + 0.885289768289956 + 1.29211624290869 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.893407919410236 + 1.27717890037508 + 0 + 0.891037215732609 + 1.29100320193191 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.899193628635538 + 1.2748898672057 + 0 + 0.896819831597712 + 1.28947055424709 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.904932695179275 + 1.2725625839656 + 0 + 0.902608070761278 + 1.28764413446994 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.910617946462801 + 1.27024501463256 + 0 + 0.90838129603158 + 1.28561870696902 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.916246501910292 + 1.26796581469777 + 0 + 0.914127979372477 + 1.28344652809402 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.921819096934707 + 1.26573305712053 + 0 + 0.919843201301839 + 1.28114243276185 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.927336722148503 + 1.26355489176423 + 0 + 0.925524316430536 + 1.27870653292329 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.932798326208398 + 1.26146026160413 + 0 + 0.931168264774575 + 1.2761427084948 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.93820184508954 + 1.25949756428013 + 0 + 0.936772547405913 + 1.27345065202418 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.943546325432942 + 1.25772088986679 + 0 + 0.942336541335664 + 1.27060993237566 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.948834302113903 + 1.25616495929239 + 0 + 0.947859270083379 + 1.26759601814547 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.95407189142556 + 1.25483306665351 + 0 + 0.95333012987598 + 1.26449884896976 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.95926662041291 + 1.25370919875307 + 0 + 0.95873509478348 + 1.2615035965332 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.964425822284753 + 1.25277114361913 + 0 + 0.964072661224773 + 1.2586914171582 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.969556052269528 + 1.25199680209434 + 0 + 0.969344061963315 + 1.2561438202745 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.974662962290117 + 1.25136732506217 + 0 + 0.974548953626411 + 1.2540442042926 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.979751424557303 + 1.25086760132042 + 0 + 0.979696987762966 + 1.25246557192871 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.984825669704982 + 1.25048731324957 + 0 + 0.984803902760182 + 1.25133937988505 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.989889548320672 + 1.25021588984422 + 0 + 0.989883327781329 + 1.25058118274917 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.994946525982812 + 1.25005631644855 + 0 + 0.994945764377118 + 1.25014577262347 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 1 + 1.2499798172808 + 0 + 1 + 1.2499798172808 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + + + + + + The material override + 00dcb483-1e14-4eba-b84d-5f32bd064c5c + Material + Material + false + a6627b4d-dca5-4bb4-845e-3f9b0b0b8092 + 1 + + + + + + 26844 + -15038 + 51 + 20 + + + 26871 + -15028 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;221;160;221 + + + 255;66;48;66 + + 0.5 + + 255;255;255;255 + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + b8bb620a-a93d-4afa-9fd8-c28198275d72 + c2fe09e7-aee1-47c2-b670-954244cbc4af + d880ec8c-56e0-4b40-9188-2bae9f9f8bda + 3 + ba524ec1-a6bc-4d28-82bc-14b37eb9baae + Group + + + + + + + + + + + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 + Colour Picker + + + + + Provides a colour picker object + d880ec8c-56e0-4b40-9188-2bae9f9f8bda + Colour Picker + Colour Picker + false + + 255;217;217;217 + + 0 + + + + + + 26933.25 + -15179.15 + 180 + 310 + + 2 + + + + + + + + + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 + Create Material + + + + + Create an OpenGL material. + d6204af5-b3a0-494c-9e99-4798155e4bbd + Create Material + Create Material + + + + + + 27073 + -15468 + 144 + 104 + + + 27157 + -15416 + + + + + + Colour of the diffuse channel + 4f465d70-e7cd-4e24-bfbc-d09240d4195e + Diffuse + Diffuse + false + 14ee00c5-e1df-42d2-b87c-064de938a1c4 + 1 + + + + + + 27075 + -15466 + 67 + 20 + + + 27110 + -15456 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;105;180 + + + + + + + + + + + + Colour of the specular highlight + e6b5cda9-d4ce-4bdb-82bc-3dd22f2548ca + Specular + Specular + false + 0 + + + + + + 27075 + -15446 + 67 + 20 + + + 27110 + -15436 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;255;255 + + + + + + + + + + + + Emissive colour of the material + 17e7f22d-74e9-4308-831a-693a6a91da77 + Emission + Emission + false + 0 + + + + + + 27075 + -15426 + 67 + 20 + + + 27110 + -15416 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;0;0;0 + + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of transparency (0.0 = opaque, 1.0 = transparent + 2cbb9c19-7c1e-4f51-8214-3a2763dbb19e + Transparency + Transparency + false + 0 + + + + + + 27075 + -15406 + 67 + 20 + + + 27110 + -15396 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of shinyness (0 = none, 1 = low shine, 100 = max shine + c131b555-0b90-44aa-9eef-b37678b5c04f + Shine + Shine + false + 0 + + + + + + 27075 + -15386 + 67 + 20 + + + 27110 + -15376 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Resulting material + 2532bd4a-fb52-4a42-a619-16086f9df93a + Material + Material + false + 0 + + + + + + 27172 + -15466 + 43 + 100 + + + 27195 + -15416 + + + + + + + + + + + + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c + Custom Preview + + + + + Allows for customized geometry previews + true + 776b13ec-4551-46ee-a093-96f60f3d6a28 + Custom Preview + Custom Preview + + + + + + + 26842 + -15438 + 82 + 44 + + + 26910 + -15416 + + + + + + Geometry to preview + true + e271404a-e78a-4067-a004-4bc262c32863 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26844 + -15436 + 51 + 20 + + + 26871 + -15426 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + -1 + + 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+ + 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Curve + + + + + + + + + + + The material override + 674ef996-54ec-4f39-ab60-dd774961855b + Material + Material + false + 2532bd4a-fb52-4a42-a619-16086f9df93a + 1 + + + + + + 26844 + -15416 + 51 + 20 + + + 26871 + -15406 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;221;160;221 + + + 255;66;48;66 + + 0.5 + + 255;255;255;255 + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + d6204af5-b3a0-494c-9e99-4798155e4bbd + 776b13ec-4551-46ee-a093-96f60f3d6a28 + 14ee00c5-e1df-42d2-b87c-064de938a1c4 + 3 + 604d83b6-ab88-43de-9a01-a90533b3cbcb + Group + + + + + + + + + + + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 + Colour Picker + + + + + Provides a colour picker object + 14ee00c5-e1df-42d2-b87c-064de938a1c4 + Colour Picker + Colour Picker + false + + 255;191;191;191 + + 0 + + + + + + 26933.86 + -15557.61 + 180 + 310 + + 2 + + + + + + + + + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 + Create Material + + + + + Create an OpenGL material. + a273df53-74f5-464e-8949-2dfe5d002315 + Create Material + Create Material + + + + + + 27073 + -16186 + 144 + 104 + + + 27157 + -16134 + + + + + + Colour of the diffuse channel + d03e59fd-da67-471b-9b25-59870c8f6fc4 + Diffuse + Diffuse + false + ed9972a4-18f9-46b4-aa10-779de29b96f3 + 1 + + + + + + 27075 + -16184 + 67 + 20 + + + 27110 + -16174 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;105;180 + + + + + + + + + + + + Colour of the specular highlight + e95e385a-9e15-4ce9-a8d8-9437800e3749 + Specular + Specular + false + 0 + + + + + + 27075 + -16164 + 67 + 20 + + + 27110 + -16154 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;255;255 + + + + + + + + + + + + Emissive colour of the material + 14a69a6e-b7ac-4c45-b29c-7f67823a12c0 + Emission + Emission + false + 0 + + + + + + 27075 + -16144 + 67 + 20 + + + 27110 + -16134 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;0;0;0 + + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of transparency (0.0 = opaque, 1.0 = transparent + 6e9ad11c-ca52-4852-a8a5-19a124ec9be2 + Transparency + Transparency + false + 0 + + + + + + 27075 + -16124 + 67 + 20 + + + 27110 + -16114 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of shinyness (0 = none, 1 = low shine, 100 = max shine + 601825cc-fcc3-4f8b-bb27-fb0daa5e14f6 + Shine + Shine + false + 0 + + + + + + 27075 + -16104 + 67 + 20 + + + 27110 + -16094 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Resulting material + ca1cd53b-d14f-40dd-89cb-72ae32aeb7eb + Material + Material + false + 0 + + + + + + 27172 + -16184 + 43 + 100 + + + 27195 + -16134 + + + + + + + + + + + + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c + Custom Preview + + + + + Allows for customized geometry previews + true + c9d2c302-bf4e-49ea-b47a-bdb51212e890 + Custom Preview + Custom Preview + + + + + + + 26842 + -16156 + 82 + 44 + + + 26910 + -16134 + + + + + + Geometry to preview + true + d62d3a7d-4464-4dea-97b5-ce45ee1943fe + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26844 + -16154 + 51 + 20 + + + 26871 + -16144 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 513 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + + 8.31187957663209E-17 + -0.24997981727771 + 0 + 8.31187957663209E-17 + -0.24997981727771 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.00505423562287416 + -0.250145772628349 + 0 + 0.00505579079448798 + -0.250328438941119 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0101166722186634 + -0.250581182755773 + 0 + 0.0101302839851524 + -0.251380515650879 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0151960972398294 + -0.251339379892392 + 0 + 0.0152491190912052 + -0.253414919244564 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0203030122370353 + -0.252465571935498 + 0 + 0.0204360062025512 + -0.256369557292481 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0254510463736146 + -0.254044204299816 + 0 + 0.0256951342190955 + -0.259775292295518 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.030655938036711 + -0.25614382028161 + 0 + 0.0310139688299929 + -0.263147726428641 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0359273387751048 + -0.25869141716293 + 0 + 0.0363816718926596 + -0.266307705136293 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0412649052165872 + -0.261503596540872 + 0 + 0.0417964308460186 + -0.269297994321025 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0466698701239005 + -0.264498848974972 + 0 + 0.0472536739461035 + -0.272106308089032 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0521407299166446 + -0.267596018152469 + 0 + 0.0527367560333432 + -0.274583695895008 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0576634586644573 + -0.270609932383741 + 0 + 0.0581995183412103 + -0.276321113392407 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0632274525938167 + -0.273450652028253 + 0 + 0.0636255100087909 + -0.277336567539015 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0688317352254483 + -0.276142708501694 + 0 + 0.0690608315079947 + -0.278206246679791 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0744756835693676 + -0.278706532929218 + 0 + 0.0745706349708621 + -0.279500322944738 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.080156798698473 + -0.281142432770991 + 0 + 0.0801800320483679 + -0.281323622207306 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0858720206272032 + -0.283446528098435 + 0 + 0.0858720206272032 + -0.283446528098435 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0916187039686472 + -0.285618706977297 + 0 + 0.0916450033749502 + -0.285799476835425 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0973919292382841 + -0.287644134473815 + 0 + 0.0975137156265353 + -0.288434252460588 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.103180168402255 + -0.289470554253619 + 0 + 0.10351379268512 + -0.2915197906375 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.108962784267433 + -0.291003201938871 + 0 + 0.10962302194108 + -0.294853250675795 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.114710231709912 + -0.29211624291467 + 0 + 0.115727468527291 + -0.297761610728034 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.120394884590228 + -0.292717356909241 + 0 + 0.121696692177779 + -0.299608524036104 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.126019884959019 + -0.292886425779716 + 0 + 0.127499291793491 + -0.300371451931509 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.131617263509951 + -0.292829995839355 + 0 + 0.133196537164003 + -0.300481208225351 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.13720573239375 + -0.292659237799043 + 0 + 0.138810842748806 + -0.300118318293514 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.142807161928103 + -0.292482061000252 + 0 + 0.14434004022216 + -0.299325537565637 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.148468568781714 + -0.292498075124684 + 0 + 0.149769282916235 + -0.298084942872452 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.154216101474041 + -0.292791293818254 + 0 + 0.155133691693607 + -0.296588242231303 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.160042787701041 + -0.293301504303351 + 0 + 0.16054736489495 + -0.29531547470396 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.165935687007545 + -0.293953573279223 + 0 + 0.166136447479939 + -0.294727403745222 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.171886171525765 + -0.294698286934031 + 0 + 0.171933518756356 + -0.294874717203926 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.177890551247578 + -0.295510488641129 + 0 + 0.177890551247578 + -0.295510488641129 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.183949236616059 + -0.296382424718838 + 0 + 0.183999514934573 + -0.29655804217545 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.190066118646106 + -0.29731901251916 + 0 + 0.190292532869964 + -0.298085729518202 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.196248959371727 + -0.298337247414373 + 0 + 0.196853463706027 + -0.300323512610402 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.202511705669843 + -0.299471831587106 + 0 + 0.20367993719918 + -0.303199300454348 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.208875768401618 + -0.300776623757787 + 0 + 0.210636484857528 + -0.306236003397698 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.215357729737282 + -0.30228489999911 + 0 + 0.217565335181875 + -0.308941428040542 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.221926224108109 + -0.303885547700611 + 0 + 0.224387537768817 + -0.311107472384414 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.228506879752192 + -0.305356124085039 + 0 + 0.231087817596925 + -0.312729991190678 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.235050496392389 + -0.306567048740638 + 0 + 0.237630076329177 + -0.313747579948328 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.241504537098532 + -0.307392777658513 + 0 + 0.243929542470506 + -0.313973221132266 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.247781235175239 + -0.307627022015066 + 0 + 0.249808658695011 + -0.312993072924465 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.253835925776679 + -0.307194938426022 + 0 + 0.255246286443573 + -0.310837694505103 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.259688467383181 + -0.306191805037292 + 0 + 0.260453813229492 + -0.308121810388237 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.265375741506915 + -0.304746361753513 + 0 + 0.265676459352462 + -0.305487095939814 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.270927211537022 + -0.302958089327777 + 0 + 0.270997293130045 + -0.303126784231964 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.27635882078016 + -0.300886009294673 + 0 + 0.27635882078016 + -0.300886009294673 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.281673259357865 + -0.29855365551104 + 0 + 0.28174605303402 + -0.298721197986524 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.28686768781528 + -0.295970247758475 + 0 + 0.287192142684371 + -0.296700896371221 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.291940786614735 + -0.293147731685129 + 0 + 0.292798593949585 + -0.295038456809365 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.296889409935901 + -0.290093268835693 + 0 + 0.298531687789377 + -0.293637519463736 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.301701546722433 + -0.286794842101097 + 0 + 0.304154611760934 + -0.291980150231544 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.306362605586927 + -0.283236208267481 + 0 + 0.309411944463461 + -0.28955161955903 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.3109078706605 + -0.279503810602304 + 0 + 0.314279715957862 + -0.286348145512692 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.315417733087166 + -0.275767240882368 + 0 + 0.318925547805695 + -0.282747956615763 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.319929945551141 + -0.272099887720381 + 0 + 0.323409306306166 + -0.278890197714137 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.324484473393656 + -0.268573808833086 + 0 + 0.327731450445587 + -0.274789919143368 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.329171214364873 + -0.265349430637697 + 0 + 0.331866744031829 + -0.270412934198015 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.334032352787657 + -0.262487271184008 + 0 + 0.335894753091952 + -0.265920965137895 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.339042916652918 + -0.259921731094467 + 0 + 0.340046948379671 + -0.26173903547481 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.344169833648876 + -0.257577371899359 + 0 + 0.344561840334936 + -0.258274113684721 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.349391845513159 + -0.255404611616106 + 0 + 0.349482643248151 + -0.255563120832556 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.354699221987147 + -0.25337702648471 + 0 + 0.354699221987147 + -0.25337702648471 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.360091180602757 + -0.251485035622065 + 0 + 0.360184397555891 + -0.251642134317248 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.365575224850326 + -0.249733383709835 + 0 + 0.365988405403285 + -0.250417781392503 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.371168702849392 + -0.24814247360577 + 0 + 0.372255212543982 + -0.249911702704192 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.376902889081878 + -0.246753588104841 + 0 + 0.378972167443079 + -0.250066725006067 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.382825212977003 + -0.245630655207833 + 0 + 0.385900434413408 + -0.250472964740263 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.388977806614639 + -0.24482513686854 + 0 + 0.392781726782351 + -0.25071691747571 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.395325725868487 + -0.244267607475454 + 0 + 0.399511848597411 + -0.250646528824184 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.401770156478347 + -0.243797180988584 + 0 + 0.406104835395263 + -0.250296851360014 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.408264140407794 + -0.243339582541172 + 0 + 0.41254420555582 + -0.249655855445628 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.414758114595422 + -0.242821383764929 + 0 + 0.418734723704237 + -0.248598014907822 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.421139675542326 + -0.242083849792649 + 0 + 0.424426755950018 + -0.246784918914046 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.427346282289188 + -0.24104824491309 + 0 + 0.429607900602458 + -0.244233189444393 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.433379588777727 + -0.239729763870236 + 0 + 0.434593869863233 + -0.241413864925554 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.439238627927562 + -0.238139264953161 + 0 + 0.439710836938658 + -0.238784351774624 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444909982956108 + -0.236270354663337 + 0 + 0.445018932760472 + -0.236416981197459 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.450377035719687 + -0.234112913119979 + 0 + 0.450377035719687 + -0.234112913119979 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.455625021711591 + -0.231659974014332 + 0 + 0.455736037745933 + -0.231805042413711 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.460630027718401 + -0.228893332285366 + 0 + 0.461120321321889 + -0.229524783423431 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.465344676614253 + -0.225766174884025 + 0 + 0.466629403438389 + -0.227397172096311 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469694398287187 + -0.222200444715514 + 0 + 0.472132719137963 + -0.225252227881316 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473584164690309 + -0.218097364534124 + 0 + 0.477195565673416 + -0.222554126972263 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476940858332451 + -0.213390475142492 + 0 + 0.48139321057777 + -0.218808910972966 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479806452853301 + -0.208155310059875 + 0 + 0.484690267400844 + -0.214017273599518 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482314790397806 + -0.202572282852884 + 0 + 0.487355857001527 + -0.208540767061362 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484547773269642 + -0.196751607896243 + 0 + 0.48950983745262 + -0.20254748402664 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.486592118410189 + -0.190803289193989 + 0 + 0.491188315543241 + -0.196100256182699 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488602505613553 + -0.184908876774737 + 0 + 0.492390385393733 + -0.189216650592116 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490654726020656 + -0.17915195590713 + 0 + 0.493253274329318 + -0.182068518224302 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.492741507348046 + -0.173519616234827 + 0 + 0.494132680395392 + -0.17506082111137 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494780245151019 + -0.167917664442764 + 0 + 0.49531971899167 + -0.16850765286014 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.496928765212619 + -0.162514506158343 + 0 + 0.49705289072884 + -0.162648529501842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498502766295665 + -0.156578684917574 + 0 + 0.498502766295665 + -0.156578684917574 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.500850499408243 + -0.151546478246379 + 0 + 0.500976298491143 + -0.151678931978381 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502774687496554 + -0.14613452399297 + 0 + 0.503328820032936 + -0.146710766554317 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.504255457594763 + -0.14034695061328 + 0 + 0.505703730192998 + -0.141834627123931 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.506637561469306 + -0.135557012757443 + 0 + 0.509379346618602 + -0.138339350489908 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508494603477969 + -0.130295974033697 + 0 + 0.512545439478408 + -0.134357460976719 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510810991627342 + -0.125559635992243 + 0 + 0.515793002444229 + -0.13049546982107 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512497436562383 + -0.120267641143258 + 0 + 0.517949189565399 + -0.125605491859512 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515176157875145 + -0.116005561580818 + 0 + 0.520790259670081 + -0.121438518168726 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51702468887087 + -0.110990645637718 + 0 + 0.522538138720994 + -0.11626474573395 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518904269193531 + -0.106068156827404 + 0 + 0.523999696506994 + -0.110886819282751 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520061764588541 + -0.100531974379127 + 0 + 0.524251780846339 + -0.104449717638987 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521024862993285 + -0.0948918359815828 + 0 + 0.52389302328097 + -0.0975437118509525 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521361866973006 + -0.0887567313889643 + 0 + 0.522894090514444 + -0.0901577902521821 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522208594250152 + -0.0831649801050367 + 0 + 0.522801519520025 + -0.0837012244352919 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522159008004386 + -0.0768404227107852 + 0 + 0.522295152094812 + -0.0769622183881371 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522131256966648 + -0.0706243701718842 + 0 + 0.522131256966648 + -0.0706243701718842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521871113638058 + -0.0642898633983103 + 0 + 0.522008545337499 + -0.0644102042823363 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521562932539694 + -0.0580002840651655 + 0 + 0.522167130630189 + -0.0585237943562072 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520742077472739 + -0.0513582646858968 + 0 + 0.522318204135725 + -0.052709745230102 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52006420902337 + -0.0449317527854089 + 0 + 0.523042468213288 + -0.0474593526865142 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51912592422925 + -0.0383736030457551 + 0 + 0.523518040627334 + -0.0420633539908021 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518086329950011 + -0.0318202572992374 + 0 + 0.523478314132337 + -0.0363046071900141 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.516692021949889 + -0.0250641977107602 + 0 + 0.522581975685168 + -0.0299142189551641 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.516205183816759 + -0.0191354855499001 + 0 + 0.522260068369116 + -0.0240724410193798 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514994976032946 + -0.0126928999809023 + 0 + 0.520931242375299 + -0.0174861246770284 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514163486697209 + -0.00663728819510931 + 0 + 0.519640563196221 + -0.011017301938162 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.513586434222514 + -0.000857919766084662 + 0 + 0.518082967595167 + -0.00441968002183039 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.513372145402704 + 0.00456754385817189 + 0 + 0.516445235240302 + 0.00215613184185236 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.513559157739012 + 0.00961952256861475 + 0 + 0.515198311630304 + 0.00834521905696476 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.513686348425213 + 0.014661832059932 + 0 + 0.514319681926198 + 0.0141739724142195 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514299868577701 + 0.0192774886342623 + 0 + 0.51444507102834 + 0.019166647988704 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51504754102053 + 0.0237457174441685 + 0 + 0.51504754102053 + 0.0237457174441685 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515995432084217 + 0.0280204158651415 + 0 + 0.516141577779725 + 0.027910821905161 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517208076852237 + 0.0320590207773193 + 0 + 0.517849667322971 + 0.0315820721163 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51841997688991 + 0.036062105016286 + 0 + 0.520091303725036 + 0.0348303008397511 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52078819544304 + 0.0391890580033239 + 0 + 0.523942047257066 + 0.0368842786651737 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522684425090805 + 0.0426421415709762 + 0 + 0.527329323707669 + 0.0392761550395343 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.525209471874189 + 0.0456181669107786 + 0 + 0.530904362999643 + 0.0415253558432384 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.528035674595592 + 0.0483632744651133 + 0 + 0.534248597527297 + 0.0439345218507081 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.531065202233208 + 0.0509516433486273 + 0 + 0.537444081750373 + 0.0464410943404135 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.534315800388649 + 0.0533747647870685 + 0 + 0.540561964579517 + 0.04899301924726 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.537346248856133 + 0.0559419581485611 + 0 + 0.543102243790358 + 0.0519355370919902 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.540548803860489 + 0.0583783100944358 + 0 + 0.545268665328723 + 0.0551182707984346 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.543522241278913 + 0.0609625488657134 + 0 + 0.54674417081516 + 0.0587539386407405 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.546446398687204 + 0.0635686846642708 + 0 + 0.548162957084493 + 0.0624007368110524 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549022116229484 + 0.0663970220104278 + 0 + 0.549684605206067 + 0.0659495550135535 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.552351987044929 + 0.0687070391264611 + 0 + 0.552503706280229 + 0.0686053008641433 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554774762938143 + 0.0716161272216867 + 0 + 0.554774762938143 + 0.0716161272216867 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557304322355187 + 0.0744375474468264 + 0 + 0.557456701716878 + 0.0743368005833014 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.559618799344709 + 0.0773850979631723 + 0 + 0.560287063179252 + 0.0769463021053665 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.561892382212331 + 0.0803427046236091 + 0 + 0.56363142999427 + 0.0792085142818788 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.563474585105293 + 0.0837295614343228 + 0 + 0.566752935645749 + 0.0816056012660787 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.56507599707224 + 0.0870794387813042 + 0 + 0.569899444265065 + 0.0839747156585742 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.565871078474497 + 0.0909211643262313 + 0 + 0.571779088395054 + 0.0871424997282605 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.567304567424617 + 0.0943312408567091 + 0 + 0.573743828722273 + 0.0902385430892928 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.567605396459228 + 0.0984370357330786 + 0 + 0.574210495132547 + 0.0942647668340597 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.568223374669041 + 0.102312718067496 + 0 + 0.574685127190994 + 0.0982556236121087 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.568028006515896 + 0.106666068998698 + 0 + 0.573977306621641 + 0.10295275301199 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.569163620962188 + 0.110160565721984 + 0 + 0.574037695330143 + 0.107135942184015 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.569742011717993 + 0.113978471239191 + 0 + 0.573066357754937 + 0.111927249045217 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.570906595650503 + 0.117410714391841 + 0 + 0.572676231041006 + 0.116324866564648 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.571340816533778 + 0.121264785037981 + 0 + 0.572023226286005 + 0.120848329413154 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.573074421456835 + 0.124304146771783 + 0 + 0.573230575462257 + 0.12420935580718 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574267221894916 + 0.127656594779098 + 0 + 0.574267221894916 + 0.127656594779098 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574899573975092 + 0.131322542475568 + 0 + 0.575056158935527 + 0.131228465110889 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.576813690061004 + 0.134199671717879 + 0 + 0.577499868324315 + 0.133789455008878 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.577987129857456 + 0.137505310402129 + 0 + 0.579771457532714 + 0.136443778647328 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.579470109977865 + 0.140608341845134 + 0 + 0.582831355532765 + 0.138618161606548 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.581038859893325 + 0.143644515873484 + 0 + 0.585980747085291 + 0.140732008453291 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.582798264164558 + 0.146553116935159 + 0 + 0.58884714754184 + 0.143004328796455 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.584629452679553 + 0.149405464056841 + 0 + 0.591217751630423 + 0.145557272532389 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.586334753654483 + 0.152317341300726 + 0 + 0.593088174785243 + 0.148389688148958 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.587792698141627 + 0.15535845679194 + 0 + 0.594395205323079 + 0.151534694247825 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.588885814600127 + 0.158595107930374 + 0 + 0.594960826725901 + 0.155091236494794 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.589419646701347 + 0.162136838578988 + 0 + 0.594393610686732 + 0.159279456776904 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.589320016585478 + 0.166022772503467 + 0 + 0.592710411276128 + 0.164082666087827 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.588671115261759 + 0.170201326353865 + 0 + 0.590474829452158 + 0.16917308025565 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.587590994900854 + 0.174602628915227 + 0 + 0.588286143434531 + 0.174207803797597 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.586172718600039 + 0.179172107047908 + 0 + 0.586331697837416 + 0.179082134816289 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.58447359522953 + 0.183876228188389 + 0 + 0.58447359522953 + 0.183876228188389 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.582518832644086 + 0.188700042877056 + 0 + 0.582678076368996 + 0.188610539600824 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.580320915949153 + 0.193635993425587 + 0 + 0.581018380437027 + 0.193245274030701 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.577895342663458 + 0.198674994693603 + 0 + 0.579708085034494 + 0.197662749656377 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.575253198660657 + 0.20381058241952 + 0 + 0.578666262845069 + 0.201910639805786 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.572386978048319 + 0.209046734226763 + 0 + 0.577402605537495 + 0.20626313415121 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.569284668480124 + 0.214389916031959 + 0 + 0.575420896487017 + 0.210994390562642 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.566033665281687 + 0.219791710573479 + 0 + 0.572714009407577 + 0.216105620038157 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.562803936410508 + 0.225158842228221 + 0 + 0.569648629208662 + 0.221392499605875 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.559673065147775 + 0.230449752777153 + 0 + 0.566361874432708 + 0.226779045566724 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.556718217509092 + 0.235623519964329 + 0 + 0.5628700142472 + 0.232256283076559 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554105138920499 + 0.240591228383117 + 0 + 0.559139882293919 + 0.23784235449467 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.551902136927073 + 0.245317838697063 + 0 + 0.555332575882613 + 0.243449449649057 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.550051710286089 + 0.249836904894435 + 0 + 0.551876011864736 + 0.248845643743533 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.548484500315911 + 0.254187992062088 + 0 + 0.549187314671191 + 0.253806979805858 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.547155470515612 + 0.258397064833559 + 0 + 0.547316143193319 + 0.258310152860747 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.546041540323348 + 0.262477938844547 + 0 + 0.546041540323348 + 0.262477938844547 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.54513591569215 + 0.266435478823177 + 0 + 0.545296740944667 + 0.26634884950636 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.544446342406086 + 0.270266637361234 + 0 + 0.545150492876145 + 0.269888100080505 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.543997417753818 + 0.273959294997199 + 0 + 0.545826928571989 + 0.272977681486015 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.543836629225589 + 0.277489109835568 + 0 + 0.547280150969561 + 0.275644944153969 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.544036592078469 + 0.280818424779715 + 0 + 0.549095385890676 + 0.278114066509003 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.544659047381932 + 0.283915581987895 + 0 + 0.550846192100584 + 0.280613744984677 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.54563983283102 + 0.286816136087919 + 0 + 0.552373603987172 + 0.283228576040828 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.54681708759531 + 0.28960729557305 + 0 + 0.553714524960958 + 0.285938438252715 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.548118335599253 + 0.292328187880908 + 0 + 0.554856791090474 + 0.28874943409394 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549470857472973 + 0.295017798262242 + 0 + 0.555666618285808 + 0.291732157485239 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.550708881370936 + 0.297764140434994 + 0 + 0.55577825615152 + 0.295079668825015 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.551749941827175 + 0.300610679752973 + 0 + 0.555203083090365 + 0.298784589810268 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.552612375867721 + 0.303547433734308 + 0 + 0.554448288382621 + 0.302577846112289 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553310102237649 + 0.306566831182615 + 0 + 0.554017216667811 + 0.306193859950425 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55383830784911 + 0.309671231944943 + 0 + 0.55399992512685 + 0.309586089382641 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554187584255883 + 0.312865425868417 + 0 + 0.554187584255883 + 0.312865425868417 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554351197146093 + 0.316152798551188 + 0 + 0.55451289412656 + 0.316067807452317 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554308755567581 + 0.319543914807823 + 0 + 0.555016568072157 + 0.319172270063812 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554006242960908 + 0.323066957099693 + 0 + 0.555844877831654 + 0.322102541872099 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553351782992714 + 0.326769862709266 + 0 + 0.556811763819582 + 0.324956765431098 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.552226769221767 + 0.330714416965799 + 0 + 0.557308723210212 + 0.32805383579806 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.550545427694077 + 0.334945055793217 + 0 + 0.556759687219487 + 0.331694538001199 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.548382987170286 + 0.339421976011831 + 0 + 0.555144988381408 + 0.335887913095628 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.545937105929131 + 0.344041630116336 + 0 + 0.552862185949695 + 0.34042521988535 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.54332752713911 + 0.34874149327913 + 0 + 0.550091780111826 + 0.345211742183656 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.540676400964699 + 0.353457989766569 + 0 + 0.546894803362922 + 0.350215404535748 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.53819108545919 + 0.358083324426895 + 0 + 0.543278129365771 + 0.355432488184628 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.535973360897764 + 0.362564954500405 + 0 + 0.539437972034657 + 0.360760720942211 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.533990174515251 + 0.366920609487817 + 0 + 0.535831893281123 + 0.365962096625841 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.532189817895052 + 0.371177643754826 + 0 + 0.532899059623785 + 0.370808733836813 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530538800230377 + 0.375353848841097 + 0 + 0.53070087956452 + 0.375269589183943 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529020281375881 + 0.379458301993825 + 0 + 0.529020281375881 + 0.379458301993825 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.527628700802464 + 0.383494182933707 + 0 + 0.527790813953703 + 0.383409988358021 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526370193683262 + 0.387458574554778 + 0 + 0.527079731748251 + 0.387090234912984 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.525266799187143 + 0.39134029354473 + 0 + 0.527109674580989 + 0.390384006348382 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.524362384988684 + 0.395116833193081 + 0 + 0.527829905419016 + 0.393318197285613 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52372415108524 + 0.398753601736735 + 0 + 0.528816553768611 + 0.396113074630039 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52340528629554 + 0.402223294533774 + 0 + 0.529631583617309 + 0.398995894802367 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523327701082563 + 0.405566641902149 + 0 + 0.53010202454743 + 0.402056256927783 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523309143418118 + 0.408878260007979 + 0 + 0.53024607528512 + 0.405284636137486 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523251641928628 + 0.412208995462828 + 0 + 0.530026748426161 + 0.408700121993751 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523054905871745 + 0.415610839813393 + 0 + 0.529282645398698 + 0.412386223906065 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522533158555508 + 0.419179992109439 + 0 + 0.52762733630084 + 0.416542891127346 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521615759560877 + 0.422952989859552 + 0 + 0.525084898799206 + 0.421157478231218 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520387266808906 + 0.426886049072686 + 0 + 0.522231223803974 + 0.425931849135839 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51896174308946 + 0.430920166626684 + 0 + 0.519671784357158 + 0.430552797935107 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517424660948293 + 0.43501117533573 + 0 + 0.517586909327756 + 0.43492724164916 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515822890960179 + 0.439134901987676 + 0 + 0.515822890960179 + 0.439134901987676 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514169525906021 + 0.443284653399733 + 0 + 0.514331782538823 + 0.443200735669239 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512464391935626 + 0.447460596694136 + 0 + 0.513174505736131 + 0.447093368226124 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510710646804995 + 0.451661172309808 + 0 + 0.512554888261311 + 0.450707522284933 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508907661436521 + 0.455886775079962 + 0 + 0.512377520951457 + 0.454092655794906 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507036819002528 + 0.460147095470864 + 0 + 0.512132334680192 + 0.457512580625684 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505075867635344 + 0.464453696669792 + 0 + 0.511305598350793 + 0.461232929280124 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.503104556914647 + 0.468765403185449 + 0 + 0.509882233271881 + 0.465261496184472 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501287185066225 + 0.472997332830163 + 0 + 0.508227181657904 + 0.469409631120504 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499695104591987 + 0.477112654063808 + 0 + 0.506472866813453 + 0.473608913156696 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498399932483317 + 0.481074391911008 + 0 + 0.504629823528068 + 0.477853934655292 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497563733715275 + 0.48479880819568 + 0 + 0.502659451180724 + 0.482164683672596 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497250751937623 + 0.488252739747617 + 0 + 0.500720801125574 + 0.486458987341179 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497398193448137 + 0.491468631130392 + 0 + 0.499242566435268 + 0.490515235512886 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497934045163041 + 0.494483738247752 + 0 + 0.498644222858663 + 0.494116633360796 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498805693039354 + 0.497325263622762 + 0 + 0.498967967684934 + 0.497241380729503 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499994052316792 + 0.500003074467614 + 0 + 0.499994052316792 + 0.500003074467614 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501194306960616 + 0.502674736370515 + 0 + 0.501032032315036 + 0.502758619263774 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502065954836761 + 0.505516261745612 + 0 + 0.50135577714114 + 0.505883366632568 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502601806552515 + 0.508531368862533 + 0 + 0.500757433565384 + 0.509484764480039 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50274924806083 + 0.511747260246445 + 0 + 0.499279198872879 + 0.513541012652882 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50243626628717 + 0.515201191796319 + 0 + 0.497340548821721 + 0.517835316319404 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501600067515676 + 0.518925608082776 + 0 + 0.495370176470924 + 0.522146065338492 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50030489540811 + 0.522887345929405 + 0 + 0.493527133186644 + 0.526391086836517 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498712814933655 + 0.527002667163162 + 0 + 0.491772818341976 + 0.53059036887282 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.496895443084163 + 0.53123459680843 + 0 + 0.490117766726929 + 0.534738503809407 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494924132364509 + 0.535546303323547 + 0 + 0.48869440164906 + 0.538767070713216 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.492963180997997 + 0.539852904522128 + 0 + 0.487867665320333 + 0.542487419367308 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491092338564043 + 0.54411322491301 + 0 + 0.487622479049108 + 0.545907344198066 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489289353194773 + 0.548338827683575 + 0 + 0.487445111738456 + 0.54929247770845 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487535608065788 + 0.552539403298396 + 0 + 0.486825494265284 + 0.552906631766408 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485830474094627 + 0.556715346593195 + 0 + 0.485668217461825 + 0.55679926432369 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484177109037803 + 0.560865098006631 + 0 + 0.484177109037803 + 0.560865098006631 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.48257533905264 + 0.56498882465705 + 0 + 0.482413090673178 + 0.565072758343621 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481038256909349 + 0.569079833367197 + 0 + 0.480328215641652 + 0.569447202058774 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479612733192112 + 0.573113950920052 + 0 + 0.477768776197043 + 0.574068150856899 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.478384240439162 + 0.577047010133692 + 0 + 0.474915101200832 + 0.578842521762026 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47746684144287 + 0.580820007884664 + 0 + 0.472372663697538 + 0.583457108866756 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.4769450941281 + 0.584389160179951 + 0 + 0.470717354601147 + 0.587613776087278 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476748358072655 + 0.587791004529769 + 0 + 0.469973251575123 + 0.591299877998846 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476690856580452 + 0.591121739986025 + 0 + 0.46975392471345 + 0.594715363856517 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476672298918722 + 0.594433358090448 + 0 + 0.469897975453855 + 0.597943743064814 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476594713703826 + 0.597776705459818 + 0 + 0.470368416382056 + 0.601004105191225 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476275848914562 + 0.601246398256634 + 0 + 0.471183446231192 + 0.60388692536333 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.475637615013499 + 0.604883166799051 + 0 + 0.472170094583168 + 0.606681802706519 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474733200813116 + 0.608659706448397 + 0 + 0.47289032541927 + 0.609615993644745 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473629806316199 + 0.612541425438765 + 0 + 0.47292026825121 + 0.612909765080559 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.472371299197675 + 0.616505817059484 + 0 + 0.472209186046435 + 0.616590011635169 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470979718624506 + 0.620541697999236 + 0 + 0.470979718624506 + 0.620541697999236 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469461199770114 + 0.624646151151911 + 0 + 0.469299120435972 + 0.624730410809064 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.467810182104536 + 0.628822356238653 + 0 + 0.467100940375802 + 0.629191266156666 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.466009825486716 + 0.633079390504421 + 0 + 0.464168106720844 + 0.634037903366397 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.464026639102491 + 0.637435045492721 + 0 + 0.460562027965599 + 0.639239279050915 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.461808914539606 + 0.641916675566998 + 0 + 0.456721870633026 + 0.644567511809264 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.459323599037545 + 0.646542010225527 + 0 + 0.453105196639322 + 0.649784595456348 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.456672472859839 + 0.65125850671468 + 0 + 0.449908219887122 + 0.654788257810154 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.454062894070695 + 0.655958369877019 + 0 + 0.44713781405013 + 0.659574780108005 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.45161701282884 + 0.660578023981891 + 0 + 0.444855011617718 + 0.664112086898095 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.449454572305059 + 0.6650549442005 + 0 + 0.44324031277965 + 0.668305461992518 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.447773230780592 + 0.669285583026229 + 0 + 0.442691276792148 + 0.671946164193968 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446648217006605 + 0.673230137284351 + 0 + 0.443188236179736 + 0.675043234562519 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445993757041781 + 0.67693304289216 + 0 + 0.444155122171035 + 0.677897458119755 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.44569124443191 + 0.680456085185706 + 0 + 0.444983431927334 + 0.680827729929717 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445648802856401 + 0.683847201440764 + 0 + 0.445487105875933 + 0.683932192539635 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445812415742289 + 0.687134574125807 + 0 + 0.445812415742289 + 0.687134574125807 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446161692151867 + 0.690328768047806 + 0 + 0.446000074874127 + 0.690413910610107 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446689897761646 + 0.693433168811019 + 0 + 0.445982783331484 + 0.69380614004321 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.447387624134555 + 0.696452566257752 + 0 + 0.445551711619655 + 0.697422153879771 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.448250058171403 + 0.699389320241037 + 0 + 0.444796916908213 + 0.701215410183743 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.449291118627919 + 0.702235859558878 + 0 + 0.444221743847336 + 0.704920331168856 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.450529142529315 + 0.704982201729808 + 0 + 0.444333381716481 + 0.708267842506811 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.451881664401484 + 0.707671812111963 + 0 + 0.445143208910263 + 0.711250565898931 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453182912407235 + 0.710392704418858 + 0 + 0.446285475041588 + 0.714061561739193 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.454360167168899 + 0.713183863905387 + 0 + 0.447626396012748 + 0.716771423952478 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.455340952617862 + 0.716084418005479 + 0 + 0.44915380789921 + 0.719386255008698 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.4559634079223 + 0.719181575213134 + 0 + 0.450904614110092 + 0.721885933483845 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.456163370773946 + 0.722510890157944 + 0 + 0.452719849029973 + 0.724355055839542 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.456002582246848 + 0.726040704995709 + 0 + 0.454173071428678 + 0.727022318506893 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.455553657593923 + 0.729733362632019 + 0 + 0.454849507123865 + 0.730111899912747 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.454864084306183 + 0.733564521170983 + 0 + 0.454703259053666 + 0.7336511504878 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453958459678774 + 0.737522061147572 + 0 + 0.453958459678774 + 0.737522061147572 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.452844529482577 + 0.741602935160681 + 0 + 0.45268385680487 + 0.741689847133492 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.451515499685148 + 0.745812007930601 + 0 + 0.450812685329868 + 0.746193020186831 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.449948289715722 + 0.750163095097842 + 0 + 0.448123988137076 + 0.751154356248744 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.448097863072831 + 0.754682161296249 + 0 + 0.444667424117291 + 0.756550550344255 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445894861079807 + 0.759408771609983 + 0 + 0.440860117706386 + 0.762157645498431 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.443281782493463 + 0.764376480027536 + 0 + 0.437129985755354 + 0.767743716915306 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.440326934852234 + 0.769550247216105 + 0 + 0.433638125567301 + 0.773220954426534 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.437196063591788 + 0.774841157763784 + 0 + 0.430351370793634 + 0.77860750038613 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.433966334718795 + 0.780208289419518 + 0 + 0.427285990592905 + 0.78389437995484 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.430715331520857 + 0.785610083960754 + 0 + 0.424579103513964 + 0.789005609430071 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.427613021951256 + 0.790953265766738 + 0 + 0.42259739446208 + 0.793736865842291 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.42474680134006 + 0.796189417573343 + 0 + 0.421333737155648 + 0.798089360187077 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.422104657335806 + 0.801325005300066 + 0 + 0.420291914964769 + 0.802337250337292 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.41967908404934 + 0.806364006568522 + 0 + 0.418981619561466 + 0.806754725963408 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.417481167356412 + 0.811299957115922 + 0 + 0.417321923631502 + 0.811389460392154 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.415526404770417 + 0.816123771804899 + 0 + 0.415526404770417 + 0.816123771804899 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.413827281399917 + 0.82082789294538 + 0 + 0.41366830216254 + 0.820917865176999 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.41240900509826 + 0.825397371078539 + 0 + 0.411713856564583 + 0.82579219619617 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.411328884739706 + 0.829798673638565 + 0 + 0.409525170549306 + 0.830826919736779 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.410679983413106 + 0.833977227490607 + 0 + 0.407289588722456 + 0.835917333906248 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.41058035329846 + 0.837863161414394 + 0 + 0.405606389313074 + 0.840720543216478 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.411114185401343 + 0.841404892062042 + 0 + 0.40503917327557 + 0.844908763497621 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.41220730185844 + 0.844641543201276 + 0 + 0.405604794676988 + 0.848465305745391 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.41366524634389 + 0.847682658693483 + 0 + 0.406911825213129 + 0.851610311845252 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.415370547320385 + 0.850594535936456 + 0 + 0.408782248369515 + 0.854442727460908 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.417201735836883 + 0.853446883057264 + 0 + 0.411152852459601 + 0.856995671195968 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.418961140107651 + 0.856355484119208 + 0 + 0.414019252915685 + 0.8592679915394 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.42052989002223 + 0.859391658148061 + 0 + 0.417168644467329 + 0.861381838386647 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.422012870142262 + 0.862494689591304 + 0 + 0.420228542467005 + 0.863556221346105 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.423186309940801 + 0.865800328274311 + 0 + 0.42250013167749 + 0.866210544983312 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.42510042602475 + 0.868677457517796 + 0 + 0.424943841064315 + 0.868771534882475 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425732778105591 + 0.87234340521387 + 0 + 0.425732778105591 + 0.87234340521387 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.426925578543759 + 0.875695853221124 + 0 + 0.426769424538338 + 0.875790644185726 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.428659183465623 + 0.878735214955653 + 0 + 0.427976773713396 + 0.879151670580479 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.429093404350892 + 0.882589285600572 + 0 + 0.427323768960389 + 0.883675133427765 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.430257988281115 + 0.886021528754623 + 0 + 0.426933642244171 + 0.888072750948597 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.430836379038365 + 0.889839434270951 + 0 + 0.42596230467041 + 0.89286405780892 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.431971993485036 + 0.893333930993981 + 0 + 0.426022693379291 + 0.89704724698069 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.431776625330017 + 0.897687281926354 + 0 + 0.425314872808064 + 0.901744376381742 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.432394603540028 + 0.90156296426066 + 0 + 0.425789504866709 + 0.905735233159679 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.432695432575553 + 0.90566875913645 + 0 + 0.426256171277898 + 0.909761456903866 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.434128921525933 + 0.909078835666761 + 0 + 0.428220911605376 + 0.912857500264732 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.434924002929502 + 0.912920561210839 + 0 + 0.430100555736676 + 0.916025284333569 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.436525414893901 + 0.916270438559465 + 0 + 0.433247064353445 + 0.918394398727709 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.438107617786617 + 0.919657295370342 + 0 + 0.436368570004678 + 0.920791485712072 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.440381200655657 + 0.922614902029847 + 0 + 0.439712936821115 + 0.923053697887652 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442695677644088 + 0.925562452546919 + 0 + 0.442543298282397 + 0.925663199410444 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445225237063279 + 0.928383872770634 + 0 + 0.445225237063279 + 0.928383872770634 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.447648012954653 + 0.931292960867082 + 0 + 0.447496293719353 + 0.9313946991294 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.450977883769443 + 0.933602977983564 + 0 + 0.45031539479286 + 0.934050444980438 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453553601313398 + 0.936431315328583 + 0 + 0.451837042916109 + 0.937599263181802 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.456477758719321 + 0.939037451128758 + 0 + 0.453255829183074 + 0.941246061353731 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.459451196140471 + 0.941621689898168 + 0 + 0.454731334672237 + 0.944881729194169 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.46265375114345 + 0.944058041844994 + 0 + 0.456897756209225 + 0.948064462901565 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.465684199612491 + 0.946625235205408 + 0 + 0.459438035421624 + 0.951006980745217 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.468934797766812 + 0.949048356644628 + 0 + 0.462555918249647 + 0.953558905652842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.471964325405104 + 0.951636725527657 + 0 + 0.4657514024734 + 0.956065478142062 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474790528126173 + 0.95438183308223 + 0 + 0.469095637000718 + 0.958474644149771 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477315574910018 + 0.957357858421691 + 0 + 0.472670676293154 + 0.960723844953133 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47921180455714 + 0.960810941989819 + 0 + 0.476057952743114 + 0.963115721327969 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481580023110542 + 0.963937894976638 + 0 + 0.479908696275416 + 0.965169699153173 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482791923147046 + 0.967940979216484 + 0 + 0.482150332676312 + 0.968417927877503 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484004567916852 + 0.971979584127329 + 0 + 0.483858422221345 + 0.97208917808731 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484952458979156 + 0.976254282549339 + 0 + 0.484952458979156 + 0.976254282549339 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485700131423216 + 0.980722511358305 + 0 + 0.485554928972576 + 0.980833352003864 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.486313651573718 + 0.98533816793415 + 0 + 0.485680318072733 + 0.985826027579863 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.486440842259646 + 0.990380477425696 + 0 + 0.484801688368355 + 0.991654780937346 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.486627854596867 + 0.995432456135439 + 0 + 0.483554764759269 + 0.997843868151758 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.486413565779102 + 1.00085791975806 + 0 + 0.481917032406449 + 1.00441968001381 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485836513301455 + 1.00663728818944 + 0 + 0.480359436802442 + 1.01101730193249 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485005023968283 + 1.01269289997318 + 0 + 0.479068757625931 + 1.01748612466931 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.483794816181823 + 1.01913548554433 + 0 + 0.477739931629466 + 1.02407244101381 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.483307978051604 + 1.02506419770279 + 0 + 0.477418024316324 + 1.0299142189472 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481913670047082 + 1.03182025729493 + 0 + 0.476521685864756 + 1.0363046071857 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480874075771299 + 1.03837360303856 + 0 + 0.476481959373215 + 1.04206335398361 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479935790975862 + 1.04493175277933 + 0 + 0.476957531785944 + 1.04745935268044 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479257922528744 + 1.05135826467789 + 0 + 0.477681795865758 + 1.0527097452221 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.478437067459881 + 1.05800028405882 + 0 + 0.477832869369386 + 1.05852379434986 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47812888636145 + 1.06428986339201 + 0 + 0.477991454662009 + 1.06441020427604 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47786874303231 + 1.07062437016608 + 0 + 0.47786874303231 + 1.07062437016608 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477840991995778 + 1.07684042270391 + 0 + 0.477704847905351 + 1.07696221838126 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477791405750153 + 1.08316498009803 + 0 + 0.47719848048028 + 1.08370122442828 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.478638133026421 + 1.08875673138275 + 0 + 0.477105909484982 + 1.09015779024597 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.478975137006965 + 1.09489183597463 + 0 + 0.476106976719281 + 1.097543711844 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479938235412046 + 1.10053197437185 + 0 + 0.475748219154248 + 1.10444971763171 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481095730806437 + 1.1060681568207 + 0 + 0.476000303492973 + 1.11088681927605 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482975311128157 + 1.11099064563192 + 0 + 0.477461861278033 + 1.11626474572815 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484823842124525 + 1.11600556157442 + 0 + 0.479209740329589 + 1.12143851816233 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487502563438103 + 1.12026764113605 + 0 + 0.482050810435087 + 1.1256054918523 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489189008371956 + 1.12555963598621 + 0 + 0.484206997555069 + 1.13049546981504 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491505396522784 + 1.13029597402621 + 0 + 0.487454560522344 + 1.13435746096923 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.493362438530218 + 1.13555701275121 + 0 + 0.490620653380922 + 1.13833935048368 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.495744542405009 + 1.14034695060678 + 0 + 0.494296269806773 + 1.14183462711743 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497225312503961 + 1.14613452398571 + 0 + 0.496671179967579 + 1.14671076654706 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499149500591323 + 1.15154647824011 + 0 + 0.499023701508423 + 1.15167893197211 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501497233706143 + 1.15657868490891 + 0 + 0.501497233706143 + 1.15657868490891 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.503071234785767 + 1.16251450615336 + 0 + 0.502947109269546 + 1.16264852949686 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505219754849085 + 1.16791766443592 + 0 + 0.504680281008434 + 1.1685076528533 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507258492651767 + 1.1735196162283 + 0 + 0.505867319604422 + 1.17506082110485 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509345273979043 + 1.17915195590073 + 0 + 0.506746725670381 + 1.1820685182179 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511397494385672 + 1.1849088767689 + 0 + 0.507609614605492 + 1.18921665058628 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.513407881590251 + 1.19080328918675 + 0 + 0.508811684457199 + 1.19610025617546 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515452226729542 + 1.19675160789047 + 0 + 0.510490162546564 + 1.20254748402087 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51768520960259 + 1.20257228284569 + 0 + 0.51264414299887 + 1.20854076705416 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520193547145657 + 1.2081553100544 + 0 + 0.515309732598113 + 1.21401727359405 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523059141668325 + 1.21339047513482 + 0 + 0.518606789423005 + 1.2188089109653 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526415835309506 + 1.21809736452763 + 0 + 0.522804434326399 + 1.22255412696577 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530305601714054 + 1.22220044470725 + 0 + 0.527867280863278 + 1.22525222787305 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.534655323385555 + 1.22576617487756 + 0 + 0.533370596561418 + 1.22739717208984 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.539369972280929 + 1.22889333227951 + 0 + 0.538879678677441 + 1.22952478341758 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.544374978289072 + 1.23165997400674 + 0 + 0.54426396225473 + 1.23180504240612 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549622964279443 + 1.2341129131144 + 0 + 0.549622964279443 + 1.2341129131144 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555090017043918 + 1.23627035465657 + 0 + 0.554981067239554 + 1.23641698119069 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.560761372071935 + 1.23813926494713 + 0 + 0.560289163060839 + 1.23878435176859 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.566620411222114 + 1.23972976386373 + 0 + 0.565406130136609 + 1.24141386491905 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.572653717711093 + 1.24104824490597 + 0 + 0.570392099397823 + 1.24423318943727 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.578860324458071 + 1.24208384978534 + 0 + 0.575573244050378 + 1.24678491890674 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.585241885403573 + 1.24282138375966 + 0 + 0.581265276294758 + 1.24859801490256 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.591735859593554 + 1.24333958253247 + 0 + 0.587455794445529 + 1.24965585543692 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.598229843521187 + 1.24379718098254 + 0 + 0.59389516460427 + 1.25029685135397 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.60467427413131 + 1.24426760746904 + 0 + 0.600488151402385 + 1.25064652881777 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.611022193386017 + 1.24482513686082 + 0 + 0.607218273218305 + 1.25071691746799 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.617174787021968 + 1.24563065520274 + 0 + 0.614099565585563 + 1.25047296473517 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.623097110918674 + 1.24675358809723 + 0 + 0.621027832557474 + 1.25006672499846 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.628831297148763 + 1.24814247360204 + 0 + 0.627744787454172 + 1.24991170270046 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.634424775150268 + 1.24973338370209 + 0 + 0.634011594597309 + 1.25041778138476 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.639908819395873 + 1.25148503561763 + 0 + 0.639815602442739 + 1.25164213431282 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.645300778013203 + 1.25337702647739 + 0 + 0.645300778013203 + 1.25337702647739 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.65060815448582 + 1.25540461161116 + 0 + 0.650517356750827 + 1.25556312082761 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.655830166350554 + 1.25757737189364 + 0 + 0.655438159664493 + 1.258274113679 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.660957083347425 + 1.25992173108711 + 0 + 0.659953051620673 + 1.26173903546746 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.665967647211033 + 1.26248727117971 + 0 + 0.664105246906738 + 1.2659209651336 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.67082878563648 + 1.26534943062842 + 0 + 0.668133255969524 + 1.27041293418874 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.675515526606145 + 1.26857380882671 + 0 + 0.672268549554214 + 1.27478991913699 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.680070054448623 + 1.27209988771412 + 0 + 0.676590693693598 + 1.27889019770788 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.684582266912888 + 1.27576724087553 + 0 + 0.681074452194359 + 1.28274795660892 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.689092129339657 + 1.27950381059526 + 0 + 0.685720284042295 + 1.28634814550564 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.693637394413603 + 1.28323620825965 + 0 + 0.690588055537069 + 1.28955161955119 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.698298453277344 + 1.28679484209483 + 0 + 0.695845388238844 + 1.29198015022527 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.703110590063532 + 1.2900932688302 + 0 + 0.701468312210057 + 1.29363751945825 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.70805921338575 + 1.29314773167734 + 0 + 0.707201406050901 + 1.29503845680157 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.71313231218439 + 1.29597024775252 + 0 + 0.712807857315299 + 1.29670089636527 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.718326740643248 + 1.29855365550174 + 0 + 0.718253946967093 + 1.29872119797722 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.723641179219024 + 1.30088600928987 + 0 + 0.723641179219024 + 1.30088600928987 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.729072788463548 + 1.3029580893197 + 0 + 0.729002706870525 + 1.30312678422388 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.734624258491797 + 1.30474636174997 + 0 + 0.734323540646251 + 1.30548709593627 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.740311532617528 + 1.30619180502879 + 0 + 0.739546186771217 + 1.30812181037974 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.746164074223288 + 1.30719493841938 + 0 + 0.744753713556394 + 1.31083769449846 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.752218764824894 + 1.307627022008 + 0 + 0.750191341305123 + 1.3129930729174 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.758495462901744 + 1.30739277765102 + 0 + 0.75607045752977 + 1.31397322112477 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.764949503606646 + 1.30656704873661 + 0 + 0.762369923669857 + 1.3137475799443 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.771493120247795 + 1.30535612407835 + 0 + 0.768912182403063 + 1.31272999118399 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.778073775891722 + 1.30388554769437 + 0 + 0.775612462231014 + 1.31110747237817 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.784642270262083 + 1.30228489999431 + 0 + 0.78243466481749 + 1.30894142803575 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.791124231598829 + 1.30077662374967 + 0 + 0.789363515142918 + 1.30623600338958 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.797488294330163 + 1.29947183158035 + 0 + 0.796320062800826 + 1.30319930044759 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.803751040628247 + 1.29833724740775 + 0 + 0.803146536293947 + 1.30032351260377 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.80993388135402 + 1.29731901251199 + 0 + 0.809707467130161 + 1.29808572951103 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.816050763383111 + 1.296382424715 + 0 + 0.816000485064596 + 1.29655804217161 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.822109448753179 + 1.29551048863167 + 0 + 0.822109448753179 + 1.29551048863167 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.828113828474422 + 1.29469828692657 + 0 + 0.828066481243831 + 1.29487471719647 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.83406431299229 + 1.2939535732731 + 0 + 0.833863552519896 + 1.2947274037391 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.839957212298234 + 1.29330150429953 + 0 + 0.839452635104325 + 1.29531547470014 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.845783898526322 + 1.29279129381002 + 0 + 0.844866308306755 + 1.29658824222307 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.851531431218422 + 1.29249807511733 + 0 + 0.850230717083901 + 1.2980849428651 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.857192838071371 + 1.29248206099586 + 0 + 0.855659959777314 + 1.29932553756125 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.862794267606446 + 1.29265923779143 + 0 + 0.86118915725139 + 1.30011831828591 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.868382736490085 + 1.29282999583242 + 0 + 0.866803462836032 + 1.30048120821842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.873980115040384 + 1.29288642577601 + 0 + 0.872500708205912 + 1.3003714519278 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.87960511541015 + 1.29271735690052 + 0 + 0.878303307822599 + 1.29960852402739 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.885289768289956 + 1.29211624290869 + 0 + 0.884272531472578 + 1.29776161072206 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.891037215732609 + 1.29100320193191 + 0 + 0.890376978058963 + 1.29485325066884 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.896819831597712 + 1.28947055424709 + 0 + 0.896486207314847 + 1.29151979063097 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.902608070761278 + 1.28764413446994 + 0 + 0.902486284373027 + 1.28843425245671 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.90838129603158 + 1.28561870696902 + 0 + 0.908354996625277 + 1.28579947682714 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.914127979372477 + 1.28344652809402 + 0 + 0.914127979372477 + 1.28344652809402 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.919843201301839 + 1.28114243276185 + 0 + 0.919819967951945 + 1.28132362219817 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.925524316430536 + 1.27870653292329 + 0 + 0.925429365029042 + 1.27950032293881 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.931168264774575 + 1.2761427084948 + 0 + 0.930939168492029 + 1.2782062466729 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.936772547405913 + 1.27345065202418 + 0 + 0.936374489990938 + 1.27733656753494 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.942336541335664 + 1.27060993237566 + 0 + 0.941800481658911 + 1.27632111338432 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.947859270083379 + 1.26759601814547 + 0 + 0.94726324396668 + 1.27458369588801 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.95333012987598 + 1.26449884896976 + 0 + 0.952746326053777 + 1.27210630808382 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.95873509478348 + 1.2615035965332 + 0 + 0.958203569154049 + 1.26929799431335 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.964072661224773 + 1.2586914171582 + 0 + 0.963618328107218 + 1.26630770513156 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.969344061963315 + 1.2561438202745 + 0 + 0.968986031170033 + 1.26314772642153 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.974548953626411 + 1.2540442042926 + 0 + 0.974304865780931 + 1.25977529228831 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.979696987762966 + 1.25246557192871 + 0 + 0.97956399379745 + 1.25636955728569 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.984803902760182 + 1.25133937988505 + 0 + 0.984750880908806 + 1.25341491923723 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.989883327781329 + 1.25058118274917 + 0 + 0.98986971601484 + 1.25138051564427 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.994945764377118 + 1.25014577262347 + 0 + 0.994944209205504 + 1.25032843893624 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 1 + 1.2499798172808 + 0 + 1 + 1.2499798172808 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + + + + + + The material override + 6564beee-7fb2-49b8-be00-e41e47b17b75 + Material + Material + false + ca1cd53b-d14f-40dd-89cb-72ae32aeb7eb + 1 + + + + + + 26844 + -16134 + 51 + 20 + + + 26871 + -16124 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;221;160;221 + + + 255;66;48;66 + + 0.5 + + 255;255;255;255 + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + a273df53-74f5-464e-8949-2dfe5d002315 + c9d2c302-bf4e-49ea-b47a-bdb51212e890 + ed9972a4-18f9-46b4-aa10-779de29b96f3 + 3 + d4421e77-fb08-49c8-a0c2-517da4e16177 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 + Colour Picker + + + + + Provides a colour picker object + ed9972a4-18f9-46b4-aa10-779de29b96f3 + Colour Picker + Colour Picker + false + + 255;209;209;209 + + 0 + + + + + + 26933.84 + -16273.53 + 180 + 310 + + 2 + + + + + + + + + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 + Create Material + + + + + Create an OpenGL material. + 0f78c2cf-1d94-4e5f-a153-a0c374595b0c + Create Material + Create Material + + + + + + 27073 + -16565 + 144 + 104 + + + 27157 + -16513 + + + + + + Colour of the diffuse channel + c55483aa-eb79-4b55-8ea4-2926c4092116 + Diffuse + Diffuse + false + 404976b3-b9f2-4e16-a1e4-4c0f151d85da + 1 + + + + + + 27075 + -16563 + 67 + 20 + + + 27110 + -16553 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;105;180 + + + + + + + + + + + + Colour of the specular highlight + 5b150481-cb44-4e55-b0de-e75b9d4813a9 + Specular + Specular + false + 0 + + + + + + 27075 + -16543 + 67 + 20 + + + 27110 + -16533 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;255;255 + + + + + + + + + + + + Emissive colour of the material + d6e0ee89-d6e3-44c1-a2c9-76b32a0074a5 + Emission + Emission + false + 0 + + + + + + 27075 + -16523 + 67 + 20 + + + 27110 + -16513 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;0;0;0 + + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of transparency (0.0 = opaque, 1.0 = transparent + cc464bb8-817c-4fef-9f95-4312898f30a2 + Transparency + Transparency + false + 0 + + + + + + 27075 + -16503 + 67 + 20 + + + 27110 + -16493 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of shinyness (0 = none, 1 = low shine, 100 = max shine + 5da8bb1f-fc62-4cca-ab05-c76b7127ef4f + Shine + Shine + false + 0 + + + + + + 27075 + -16483 + 67 + 20 + + + 27110 + -16473 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Resulting material + ab07cf10-ae9d-4052-b373-080f9e800564 + Material + Material + false + 0 + + + + + + 27172 + -16563 + 43 + 100 + + + 27195 + -16513 + + + + + + + + + + + + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c + Custom Preview + + + + + Allows for customized geometry previews + true + c93bd11d-e137-4ee3-915e-47c38dd1f4e9 + Custom Preview + Custom Preview + + + + + + + 26842 + -16535 + 82 + 44 + + + 26910 + -16513 + + + + + + Geometry to preview + true + 9d8b00fc-664e-467a-8806-2a9e87de2c76 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26844 + -16533 + 51 + 20 + + + 26871 + -16523 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + -1 + + 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+ + 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Curve + + + + + + + + + + + The material override + 45e6ac17-eb6e-46d5-9f2e-6e330b553f5d + Material + Material + false + ab07cf10-ae9d-4052-b373-080f9e800564 + 1 + + + + + + 26844 + -16513 + 51 + 20 + + + 26871 + -16503 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;221;160;221 + + + 255;66;48;66 + + 0.5 + + 255;255;255;255 + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 0f78c2cf-1d94-4e5f-a153-a0c374595b0c + c93bd11d-e137-4ee3-915e-47c38dd1f4e9 + 404976b3-b9f2-4e16-a1e4-4c0f151d85da + 3 + ec3c6869-9d63-4c05-a1e6-c655bdbdbeb6 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 + Colour Picker + + + + + Provides a colour picker object + 404976b3-b9f2-4e16-a1e4-4c0f151d85da + Colour Picker + Colour Picker + false + + 255;184;184;184 + + 0 + + + + + + 26933.95 + -16652 + 180 + 310 + + 2 + + + + + + + + + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 + Create Material + + + + + Create an OpenGL material. + 7f512dd3-f59f-4f4c-946e-b259cfd8694e + Create Material + Create Material + + + + + + 27074 + -17495 + 144 + 104 + + + 27158 + -17443 + + + + + + Colour of the diffuse channel + f7e01d62-0ff5-48a8-8a0c-dfb7aab6b526 + Diffuse + Diffuse + false + 58ec701d-7c94-4c02-bf2e-f4bd2d0755fd + 1 + + + + + + 27076 + -17493 + 67 + 20 + + + 27111 + -17483 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;105;180 + + + + + + + + + + + + Colour of the specular highlight + a93f3adf-a890-4df5-854d-a6143d1d05d9 + Specular + Specular + false + 0 + + + + + + 27076 + -17473 + 67 + 20 + + + 27111 + -17463 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;255;255 + + + + + + + + + + + + Emissive colour of the material + ff1061dc-70f0-4164-8544-24dfebcb371b + Emission + Emission + false + 0 + + + + + + 27076 + -17453 + 67 + 20 + + + 27111 + -17443 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;0;0;0 + + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of transparency (0.0 = opaque, 1.0 = transparent + 8d70e3c9-a973-43af-9d76-61fbc3e06dcb + Transparency + Transparency + false + 0 + + + + + + 27076 + -17433 + 67 + 20 + + + 27111 + -17423 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of shinyness (0 = none, 1 = low shine, 100 = max shine + 50622a2f-f8da-433c-9151-b1742f0cb0e3 + Shine + Shine + false + 0 + + + + + + 27076 + -17413 + 67 + 20 + + + 27111 + -17403 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Resulting material + 16fa463a-9b78-4d40-a043-f6f750adbf81 + Material + Material + false + 0 + + + + + + 27173 + -17493 + 43 + 100 + + + 27196 + -17443 + + + + + + + + + + + + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c + Custom Preview + + + + + Allows for customized geometry previews + true + bb1102d8-39c6-421f-acc0-83b0f96adaf2 + Custom Preview + Custom Preview + + + + + + + 26843 + -17465 + 82 + 44 + + + 26911 + -17443 + + + + + + Geometry to preview + true + b172a303-169b-4554-82a0-ac5d5e485fd4 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26845 + -17463 + 51 + 20 + + + 26872 + -17453 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 513 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + + 8.31187957663209E-17 + -0.24997981727771 + 0 + 8.31187957663209E-17 + -0.24997981727771 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.00505579079448798 + -0.250328438941119 + 0 + 0.00506259683868762 + -0.251127858752699 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0101302839851524 + -0.251380515650879 + 0 + 0.0101967935151527 + -0.255286199399574 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0152491190912052 + -0.253414919244564 + 0 + 0.0154282164834252 + -0.260425683217874 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0204360062025512 + -0.256369557292481 + 0 + 0.020701994133584 + -0.264177528006472 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0256951342190955 + -0.259775292295518 + 0 + 0.0259935505297823 + -0.266781991594823 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0310139688299929 + -0.263147726428641 + 0 + 0.0312133909849261 + -0.267048882650394 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0363816718926596 + -0.266307705136293 + 0 + 0.0364292766489561 + -0.267105735301489 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0417964308460186 + -0.269297994321025 + 0 + 0.0417964308460186 + -0.269297994321025 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0472536739461035 + -0.272106308089032 + 0 + 0.0473148445665297 + -0.272903413171553 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0527367560333432 + -0.274583695895008 + 0 + 0.0530687409207295 + -0.278475812940646 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0581995183412103 + -0.276321113392407 + 0 + 0.0588548928467679 + -0.283303474857043 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0636255100087909 + -0.277336567539015 + 0 + 0.0644216248387421 + -0.285108398560566 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0690608315079947 + -0.278206246679791 + 0 + 0.0698346737203401 + -0.285176473045968 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0745706349708621 + -0.279500322944738 + 0 + 0.0750345845318063 + -0.283378923190612 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0801800320483679 + -0.281323622207306 + 0 + 0.0802817103486181 + -0.282116578625177 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0858720206272032 + -0.283446528098435 + 0 + 0.0858720206272032 + -0.283446528098435 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0916450033749502 + -0.285799476835425 + 0 + 0.0917600999470148 + -0.286590597013706 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0975137156265353 + -0.288434252460588 + 0 + 0.0981087857410236 + -0.292294910516055 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.10351379268512 + -0.2915197906375 + 0 + 0.104640709937007 + -0.298441708353911 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.10962302194108 + -0.294853250675795 + 0 + 0.110943497288377 + -0.302553348149671 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.115727468527291 + -0.297761610728034 + 0 + 0.116971119383968 + -0.30466351046014 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.121696692177779 + -0.299608524036104 + 0 + 0.122421795379205 + -0.30344688493754 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.127499291793491 + -0.300371451931509 + 0 + 0.12765430316972 + -0.3011557285604 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.133196537164003 + -0.300481208225351 + 0 + 0.133196537164003 + -0.300481208225351 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.138810842748806 + -0.300118318293514 + 0 + 0.138979025265838 + -0.300899876351722 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.14434004022216 + -0.299325537565637 + 0 + 0.145193849163702 + -0.303137334957123 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.149769282916235 + -0.298084942872452 + 0 + 0.151359506765839 + -0.304915321739946 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.155133691693607 + -0.296588242231303 + 0 + 0.156968872132746 + -0.304182139057426 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.16054736489495 + -0.29531547470396 + 0 + 0.162251727478638 + -0.302118270860592 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.166136447479939 + -0.294727403745222 + 0 + 0.167117399119998 + -0.29850847805582 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.171933518756356 + -0.294874717203926 + 0 + 0.172140728906841 + -0.295646845632959 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.177890551247578 + -0.295510488641129 + 0 + 0.177890551247578 + -0.295510488641129 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.183999514934573 + -0.29655804217545 + 0 + 0.184219552681569 + -0.297326613413061 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.190292532869964 + -0.298085729518202 + 0 + 0.19139883333628 + -0.301832046154663 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.196853463706027 + -0.300323512610402 + 0 + 0.198895360528742 + -0.307032726031567 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.20367993719918 + -0.303199300454348 + 0 + 0.206016400257862 + -0.310654238188858 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.210636484857528 + -0.306236003397698 + 0 + 0.212789097200447 + -0.312910518171558 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.217565335181875 + -0.308941428040542 + 0 + 0.21879496526751 + -0.312649095624738 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.224387537768817 + -0.311107472384414 + 0 + 0.224645432763613 + -0.311864181396547 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.231087817596925 + -0.312729991190678 + 0 + 0.231087817596925 + -0.312729991190678 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.237630076329177 + -0.313747579948328 + 0 + 0.237900363194681 + -0.31449995177643 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.243929542470506 + -0.313973221132266 + 0 + 0.245280263710348 + -0.31763850982412 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.249808658695011 + -0.312993072924465 + 0 + 0.252287341096334 + -0.319553486091236 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.255246286443573 + -0.310837694505103 + 0 + 0.25806700777737 + -0.318123206663287 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.260453813229492 + -0.308121810388237 + 0 + 0.263039001065523 + -0.314640989110883 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.265676459352462 + -0.305487095939814 + 0 + 0.267145820627951 + -0.309106455897664 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.270997293130045 + -0.303126784231964 + 0 + 0.271303997814893 + -0.303865059650543 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.27635882078016 + -0.300886009294673 + 0 + 0.27635882078016 + -0.300886009294673 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.28174605303402 + -0.298721197986524 + 0 + 0.282064626864048 + -0.299454429922685 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.287192142684371 + -0.296700896371221 + 0 + 0.288777487310066 + -0.300270976409564 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.292798593949585 + -0.295038456809365 + 0 + 0.295696098520099 + -0.301424954646929 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.298531687789377 + -0.293637519463736 + 0 + 0.301816243496339 + -0.300726020719846 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.304154611760934 + -0.291980150231544 + 0 + 0.307153673910965 + -0.298319591341423 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.309411944463461 + -0.28955161955903 + 0 + 0.311110417726908 + -0.29306928606337 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.314279715957862 + -0.286348145512692 + 0 + 0.314633015920925 + -0.2870652908909 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.318925547805695 + -0.282747956615763 + 0 + 0.318925547805695 + -0.282747956615763 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.323409306306166 + -0.278890197714137 + 0 + 0.323773871675519 + -0.279601682393419 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.327731450445587 + -0.274789919143368 + 0 + 0.329540007622413 + -0.278252275277643 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.331866744031829 + -0.270412934198015 + 0 + 0.335162237983916 + -0.276603459779669 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.335894753091952 + -0.265920965137895 + 0 + 0.339619553700555 + -0.272788353045691 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.340046948379671 + -0.26173903547481 + 0 + 0.343438370204849 + -0.267877532470742 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.344561840334936 + -0.258274113684721 + 0 + 0.346477255242167 + -0.261678518889093 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.349482643248151 + -0.255563120832556 + 0 + 0.349880009938808 + -0.256256819665294 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.354699221987147 + -0.25337702648471 + 0 + 0.354699221987147 + -0.25337702648471 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.360184397555891 + -0.251642134317248 + 0 + 0.360592351699053 + -0.252329660152735 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.365988405403285 + -0.250417781392503 + 0 + 0.368007279618083 + -0.253761871099317 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.372255212543982 + -0.249911702704192 + 0 + 0.375925228733034 + -0.255887810847245 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.378972167443079 + -0.250066725006067 + 0 + 0.383110724165493 + -0.256692998808542 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.385900434413408 + -0.250472964740263 + 0 + 0.389660130984081 + -0.25639306347777 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.392781726782351 + -0.25071691747571 + 0 + 0.394900499723877 + -0.253998622868437 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.399511848597411 + -0.250646528824184 + 0 + 0.39995046806986 + -0.251314908443692 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.406104835395263 + -0.250296851360014 + 0 + 0.406104835395263 + -0.250296851360014 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.41254420555582 + -0.249655855445628 + 0 + 0.412992668259577 + -0.250317670798067 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.418734723704237 + -0.248598014907822 + 0 + 0.420949683905111 + -0.251815582369577 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.424426755950018 + -0.246784918914046 + 0 + 0.428445466534572 + -0.252532340301326 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.429607900602458 + -0.244233189444393 + 0 + 0.434131137229014 + -0.250603078507021 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.434593869863233 + -0.241413864925554 + 0 + 0.438695472696646 + -0.247102427271376 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.439710836938658 + -0.238784351774624 + 0 + 0.44201813477654 + -0.24193636156993 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445018932760472 + -0.236416981197459 + 0 + 0.445495740064216 + -0.237058676726882 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.450377035719687 + -0.234112913119979 + 0 + 0.450377035719687 + -0.234112913119979 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.455736037745933 + -0.231805042413711 + 0 + 0.456221887686792 + -0.232439918931116 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.461120321321889 + -0.229524783423431 + 0 + 0.463515983718567 + -0.232610166826436 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.466629403438389 + -0.227397172096311 + 0 + 0.470968958130414 + -0.232906360098212 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.472132719137963 + -0.225252227881316 + 0 + 0.477009360839531 + -0.231355794212939 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477195565673416 + -0.222554126972263 + 0 + 0.481610783299951 + -0.22800286450271 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.48139321057777 + -0.218808910972966 + 0 + 0.483873158380986 + -0.221826964643085 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484690267400844 + -0.214017273599518 + 0 + 0.485201990610864 + -0.214631486684459 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487355857001527 + -0.208540767061362 + 0 + 0.487355857001527 + -0.208540767061362 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.48950983745262 + -0.20254748402664 + 0 + 0.490029759613324 + -0.203154772511789 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491188315543241 + -0.196100256182699 + 0 + 0.493748384548393 + -0.199050652046182 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.492390385393733 + -0.189216650592116 + 0 + 0.497021362028804 + -0.19448323798537 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.493253274329318 + -0.182068518224302 + 0 + 0.498450370946659 + -0.187901642858666 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494132680395392 + -0.17506082111137 + 0 + 0.498831789506842 + -0.180266708252294 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.49531971899167 + -0.16850765286014 + 0 + 0.497955684839166 + -0.171390441980633 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.49705289072884 + -0.162648529501842 + 0 + 0.497596112931583 + -0.163235068499549 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498502766295665 + -0.156578684917574 + 0 + 0.498502766295665 + -0.156578684917574 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.500976298491143 + -0.151678931978381 + 0 + 0.501526844881575 + -0.152258601737267 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.503328820032936 + -0.146710766554317 + 0 + 0.506036410894295 + -0.14952639095929 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505703730192998 + -0.141834627123931 + 0 + 0.510595710364133 + -0.146859705966156 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509379346618602 + -0.138339350489908 + 0 + 0.514862916917211 + -0.143904025954857 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512545439478408 + -0.134357460976719 + 0 + 0.517497900474848 + -0.139322943576034 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515793002444229 + -0.13049546982107 + 0 + 0.518567968596991 + -0.133244715520061 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517949189565399 + -0.125605491859512 + 0 + 0.518520421032069 + -0.126164788711703 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520790259670081 + -0.121438518168726 + 0 + 0.520790259670081 + -0.121438518168726 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522538138720994 + -0.11626474573395 + 0 + 0.523115834746943 + -0.116817362833747 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523999696506994 + -0.110886819282751 + 0 + 0.526837835332545 + -0.113570800852974 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.524251780846339 + -0.104449717638987 + 0 + 0.529374400495454 + -0.109239462443866 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52389302328097 + -0.0975437118509525 + 0 + 0.529629343856359 + -0.10284746358971 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522894090514444 + -0.0901577902521821 + 0 + 0.528069640470716 + -0.0948902917065401 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522801519520025 + -0.0837012244352919 + 0 + 0.52569865862804 + -0.0863214103163329 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522295152094812 + -0.0769622183881371 + 0 + 0.522890972317305 + -0.0774952442973139 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522131256966648 + -0.0706243701718842 + 0 + 0.522131256966648 + -0.0706243701718842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522008545337499 + -0.0644102042823363 + 0 + 0.522610000644759 + -0.064936863442282 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522167130630189 + -0.0585237943562072 + 0 + 0.525119350759612 + -0.0610817594399859 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522318204135725 + -0.052709745230102 + 0 + 0.52764205020719 + -0.0572747808677184 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523042468213288 + -0.0474593526865142 + 0 + 0.528998986593143 + -0.052514552488742 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523518040627334 + -0.0420633539908021 + 0 + 0.52888774336301 + -0.0465743605188221 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523478314132337 + -0.0363046071900141 + 0 + 0.526481634308092 + -0.0388023775926536 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522581975685168 + -0.0299142189551641 + 0 + 0.523199121566311 + -0.0304224013227968 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522260068369116 + -0.0240724410193798 + 0 + 0.522260068369116 + -0.0240724410193798 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520931242375299 + -0.0174861246770284 + 0 + 0.521553240864117 + -0.0179883559358056 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.519640563196221 + -0.011017301938162 + 0 + 0.522691279555433 + -0.0134569573970397 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518082967595167 + -0.00441968002183039 + 0 + 0.523580328175758 + -0.00877420801144432 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.516445235240302 + 0.00215613184185236 + 0 + 0.522591414915518 + -0.00266669219080294 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515198311630304 + 0.00834521905696476 + 0 + 0.520735051290648 + 0.00404087226576249 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514319681926198 + 0.0141739724142195 + 0 + 0.517414262891711 + 0.011790202771346 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51444507102834 + 0.019166647988704 + 0 + 0.515080534206917 + 0.0186815656183194 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51504754102053 + 0.0237457174441685 + 0 + 0.51504754102053 + 0.0237457174441685 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.516141577779725 + 0.027910821905161 + 0 + 0.516781168969772 + 0.0274311955224432 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517849667322971 + 0.0315820721163 + 0 + 0.520984593322147 + 0.0292516154996504 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520091303725036 + 0.0348303008397511 + 0 + 0.525736717265888 + 0.0306695084490966 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523942047257066 + 0.0368842786651737 + 0 + 0.530249750885138 + 0.0322747199888579 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.527329323707669 + 0.0392761550395343 + 0 + 0.533008072299303 + 0.035160975602574 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530904362999643 + 0.0415253558432384 + 0 + 0.534076401499286 + 0.0392456714749148 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.534248597527297 + 0.0439345218507081 + 0 + 0.5348995839305 + 0.0434704797618524 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.537444081750373 + 0.0464410943404135 + 0 + 0.537444081750373 + 0.0464410943404135 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.540561964579517 + 0.04899301924726 + 0 + 0.541216433982264 + 0.0485339025319769 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.543102243790358 + 0.0519355370919902 + 0 + 0.546308316941345 + 0.0497039717192265 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.545268665328723 + 0.0551182707984346 + 0 + 0.551039061816631 + 0.0511326200689174 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.54674417081516 + 0.0587539386407405 + 0 + 0.553188029887676 + 0.0543367181907798 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.548162957084493 + 0.0624007368110524 + 0 + 0.553961153951827 + 0.0584556385292601 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549684605206067 + 0.0659495550135535 + 0 + 0.552921645049379 + 0.0637631510903945 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.552503706280229 + 0.0686053008641433 + 0 + 0.553167689478105 + 0.0681600541119671 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554774762938143 + 0.0716161272216867 + 0 + 0.554774762938143 + 0.0716161272216867 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557456701716878 + 0.0743368005833014 + 0 + 0.558123573888134 + 0.0738958925831598 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.560287063179252 + 0.0769463021053665 + 0 + 0.563552320013287 + 0.0748022669213771 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.56363142999427 + 0.0792085142818788 + 0 + 0.569505591582543 + 0.0753774422386748 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.566752935645749 + 0.0816056012660787 + 0 + 0.573309636726683 + 0.0773576809295762 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.569899444265065 + 0.0839747156585742 + 0 + 0.57579648233036 + 0.0801789509896524 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.571779088395054 + 0.0871424997282605 + 0 + 0.575069833470148 + 0.0850377940687568 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.573743828722273 + 0.0902385430892928 + 0 + 0.574418530726068 + 0.0898097126292509 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574210495132547 + 0.0942647668340597 + 0 + 0.574210495132547 + 0.0942647668340597 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574685127190994 + 0.0982556236121087 + 0 + 0.575362185812015 + 0.0978305236461184 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.573977306621641 + 0.10295275301199 + 0 + 0.577291050214913 + 0.100884446346998 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574037695330143 + 0.107135942184015 + 0 + 0.579996629041215 + 0.103438105466093 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.573066357754937 + 0.111927249045217 + 0 + 0.579715049828847 + 0.107824804657256 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.572676231041006 + 0.116324866564648 + 0 + 0.578653711558851 + 0.112657086033572 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.572023226286005 + 0.120848329413154 + 0 + 0.575357602608493 + 0.118813452610389 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.573230575462257 + 0.12420935580718 + 0 + 0.573913966962851 + 0.123794513169183 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574267221894916 + 0.127656594779098 + 0 + 0.574267221894916 + 0.127656594779098 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.575056158935527 + 0.131228465110889 + 0 + 0.575741436465193 + 0.130816745467539 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.577499868324315 + 0.133789455008878 + 0 + 0.580852658267195 + 0.131785062666715 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.579771457532714 + 0.136443778647328 + 0 + 0.585798565700612 + 0.132858133029338 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.582831355532765 + 0.138618161606548 + 0 + 0.589553846642589 + 0.134637801129362 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.585980747085291 + 0.140732008453291 + 0 + 0.592022587229983 + 0.137171242379627 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.58884714754184 + 0.143004328796455 + 0 + 0.592216358740071 + 0.141027663684679 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.591217751630423 + 0.145557272532389 + 0 + 0.591908069711687 + 0.145154061292386 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.593088174785243 + 0.148389688148958 + 0 + 0.593088174785243 + 0.148389688148958 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.594395205323079 + 0.151534694247825 + 0 + 0.595087012134369 + 0.151134042661984 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.594960826725901 + 0.155091236494794 + 0 + 0.598344591564287 + 0.15313958986159 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.594393610686732 + 0.159279456776904 + 0 + 0.600474667197695 + 0.15578608604424 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.592710411276128 + 0.164082666087827 + 0 + 0.599491200657451 + 0.160202453256533 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.590474829452158 + 0.16917308025565 + 0 + 0.596567421457683 + 0.165699867043137 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.588286143434531 + 0.174207803797597 + 0 + 0.591682763725695 + 0.172278617528712 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.586331697837416 + 0.179082134816289 + 0 + 0.587027453667062 + 0.178688380853897 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.58447359522953 + 0.183876228188389 + 0 + 0.58447359522953 + 0.183876228188389 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.582678076368996 + 0.188610539600824 + 0 + 0.583374989700377 + 0.18821883797212 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.581018380437027 + 0.193245274030701 + 0 + 0.584426316895367 + 0.191336149058805 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.579708085034494 + 0.197662749656377 + 0 + 0.585831172459676 + 0.194243584882788 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.578666262845069 + 0.201910639805786 + 0 + 0.585492391213915 + 0.198110754578305 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.577402605537495 + 0.20626313415121 + 0 + 0.583534598911238 + 0.202859967298154 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.575420896487017 + 0.210994390562642 + 0 + 0.578838758400734 + 0.20910309233096 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.572714009407577 + 0.216105620038157 + 0 + 0.573413971928032 + 0.215719393644261 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.569648629208662 + 0.221392499605875 + 0 + 0.569648629208662 + 0.221392499605875 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.566361874432708 + 0.226779045566724 + 0 + 0.567062723927539 + 0.226394431028544 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.5628700142472 + 0.232256283076559 + 0 + 0.566296547900853 + 0.23038074150603 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.559139882293919 + 0.23784235449467 + 0 + 0.56529524631785 + 0.234481643097024 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555332575882613 + 0.243449449649057 + 0 + 0.562193453793717 + 0.239712671553032 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.551876011864736 + 0.248845643743533 + 0 + 0.558038144021199 + 0.245497358413451 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549187314671191 + 0.253806979805858 + 0 + 0.552621391540257 + 0.251945285652744 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.547316143193319 + 0.258310152860747 + 0 + 0.548019310185587 + 0.257929791797585 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.546041540323348 + 0.262477938844547 + 0 + 0.546041540323348 + 0.262477938844547 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.545296740944667 + 0.26634884950636 + 0 + 0.546000575664466 + 0.26596972545728 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.545150492876145 + 0.269888100080505 + 0 + 0.548591098241422 + 0.268038499101154 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.545826928571989 + 0.272977681486015 + 0 + 0.55200665651566 + 0.269661983986608 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.547280150969561 + 0.275644944153969 + 0 + 0.55416719445753 + 0.27195661279076 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549095385890676 + 0.278114066509003 + 0 + 0.555280153440206 + 0.274807778904507 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.550846192100584 + 0.280613744984677 + 0 + 0.554292414480974 + 0.278774630967739 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.552373603987172 + 0.283228576040828 + 0 + 0.553079164560371 + 0.282852673613419 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553714524960958 + 0.285938438252715 + 0 + 0.553714524960958 + 0.285938438252715 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554856791090474 + 0.28874943409394 + 0 + 0.555562842485541 + 0.288374454381278 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555666618285808 + 0.291732157485239 + 0 + 0.559117639806666 + 0.289902064721205 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55577825615152 + 0.295079668825015 + 0 + 0.561975959755035 + 0.291797694204709 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555203083090365 + 0.298784589810268 + 0 + 0.562109365616769 + 0.295132409924844 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554448288382621 + 0.302577846112289 + 0 + 0.560649639999558 + 0.299302769702726 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554017216667811 + 0.306193859950425 + 0 + 0.557472304473231 + 0.304371455681544 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55399992512685 + 0.309586089382641 + 0 + 0.554707226061328 + 0.309213471957562 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554187584255883 + 0.312865425868417 + 0 + 0.554187584255883 + 0.312865425868417 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55451289412656 + 0.316067807452317 + 0 + 0.555220543871597 + 0.315695852890933 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555016568072157 + 0.319172270063812 + 0 + 0.558475066794245 + 0.317356347253857 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555844877831654 + 0.322102541872099 + 0 + 0.562055425031544 + 0.31884493679424 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.556811763819582 + 0.324956765431098 + 0 + 0.563731725473342 + 0.32133057087475 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557308723210212 + 0.32805383579806 + 0 + 0.563521805870369 + 0.324801069095173 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.556759687219487 + 0.331694538001199 + 0 + 0.56022101247174 + 0.329884008642004 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555144988381408 + 0.335887913095628 + 0 + 0.55585350688313 + 0.335517616066065 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.552862185949695 + 0.34042521988535 + 0 + 0.552862185949695 + 0.34042521988535 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.550091780111826 + 0.345211742183656 + 0 + 0.5508005345518 + 0.344841896944128 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.546894803362922 + 0.350215404535748 + 0 + 0.550358436183797 + 0.348409293591051 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.543278129365771 + 0.355432488184628 + 0 + 0.549497434845376 + 0.352191635408473 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.539437972034657 + 0.360760720942211 + 0 + 0.546367194308466 + 0.357152253825809 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.535831893281123 + 0.365962096625841 + 0 + 0.542052857272595 + 0.362724428578902 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.532899059623785 + 0.370808733836813 + 0 + 0.536364541791191 + 0.369006173876704 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.53070087956452 + 0.375269589183943 + 0 + 0.531410202640004 + 0.374900835699932 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529020281375881 + 0.379458301993825 + 0 + 0.529020281375881 + 0.379458301993825 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.527790813953703 + 0.383409988358021 + 0 + 0.528500285026138 + 0.383041519696175 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.527079731748251 + 0.387090234912984 + 0 + 0.5305466618677 + 0.385290461424665 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.527109674580989 + 0.390384006348382 + 0 + 0.533334545434413 + 0.387153856162469 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.527829905419016 + 0.393318197285613 + 0 + 0.534764946279702 + 0.389720925470666 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.528816553768611 + 0.396113074630039 + 0 + 0.535042410768208 + 0.392884825571194 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529631583617309 + 0.398995894802367 + 0 + 0.533099613888616 + 0.39719824213856 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.53010202454743 + 0.402056256927783 + 0 + 0.530811834167637 + 0.401688440859011 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.53024607528512 + 0.405284636137486 + 0 + 0.53024607528512 + 0.405284636137486 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530026748426161 + 0.408700121993751 + 0 + 0.530736640092069 + 0.408332464299612 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529282645398698 + 0.412386223906065 + 0 + 0.532751478974277 + 0.41059012182452 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52762733630084 + 0.416542891127346 + 0 + 0.533855363451273 + 0.413318830771393 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.525084898799206 + 0.421157478231218 + 0 + 0.532023177275888 + 0.417566454974539 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522231223803974 + 0.425931849135839 + 0 + 0.528459748093733 + 0.422708749302256 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.519671784357158 + 0.430552797935107 + 0 + 0.523141173215205 + 0.42875776868352 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517586909327756 + 0.43492724164916 + 0 + 0.518296972212218 + 0.434559914740951 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515822890960179 + 0.439134901987676 + 0 + 0.515822890960179 + 0.439134901987676 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514331782538823 + 0.443200735669239 + 0 + 0.515041881543152 + 0.44283347859111 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.513174505736131 + 0.447093368226124 + 0 + 0.516644249002465 + 0.445299024131998 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512554888261311 + 0.450707522284933 + 0 + 0.518784373405253 + 0.447486279945901 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512377520951457 + 0.454092655794906 + 0 + 0.519317239981351 + 0.450504417224782 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512132334680192 + 0.457512580625684 + 0 + 0.518361997556606 + 0.454291682022561 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511305598350793 + 0.461232929280124 + 0 + 0.51477554101282 + 0.459438970812198 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509882233271881 + 0.465261496184472 + 0 + 0.510592394206174 + 0.464894358873935 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508227181657904 + 0.469409631120504 + 0 + 0.508227181657904 + 0.469409631120504 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.506472866813453 + 0.473608913156696 + 0 + 0.50718303674455 + 0.473241793249375 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.504629823528068 + 0.477853934655292 + 0 + 0.50809985549307 + 0.476060148931115 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502659451180724 + 0.482164683672596 + 0 + 0.508889360758345 + 0.478944262268489 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.500720801125574 + 0.486458987341179 + 0 + 0.507660899501499 + 0.482871482528293 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499242566435268 + 0.490515235512886 + 0 + 0.505472495864452 + 0.487294852511944 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498644222858663 + 0.494116633360796 + 0 + 0.502114278327988 + 0.492322893105854 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498967967684934 + 0.497241380729503 + 0 + 0.499678145520282 + 0.496874276112854 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499994052316792 + 0.500003074467614 + 0 + 0.499994052316792 + 0.500003074467614 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501032032315036 + 0.502758619263774 + 0 + 0.500321854479689 + 0.503125723880424 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50135577714114 + 0.505883366632568 + 0 + 0.497885721671814 + 0.50767710688751 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.500757433565384 + 0.509484764480039 + 0 + 0.494527504136201 + 0.512705147480981 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499279198872879 + 0.513541012652882 + 0 + 0.492339100496955 + 0.517128517465769 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497340548821721 + 0.517835316319404 + 0 + 0.4911106392441 + 0.52105573772351 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.495370176470924 + 0.522146065338492 + 0 + 0.491900144505923 + 0.523939851062669 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.493527133186644 + 0.526391086836517 + 0 + 0.492816963255547 + 0.526758206743838 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491772818341976 + 0.53059036887282 + 0 + 0.491772818341976 + 0.53059036887282 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490117766726929 + 0.534738503809407 + 0 + 0.489407605792636 + 0.535105641119945 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.48869440164906 + 0.538767070713216 + 0 + 0.485224458987033 + 0.540561029181141 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487867665320333 + 0.542487419367308 + 0 + 0.481638002443919 + 0.54570831797043 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487622479049108 + 0.545907344198066 + 0 + 0.480682760019213 + 0.549495582768189 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487445111738456 + 0.54929247770845 + 0 + 0.481215626594514 + 0.552513720047482 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.486825494265284 + 0.552906631766408 + 0 + 0.48335575099895 + 0.554700975860534 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485668217461825 + 0.55679926432369 + 0 + 0.484958118457496 + 0.557166521401818 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484177109037803 + 0.560865098006631 + 0 + 0.484177109037803 + 0.560865098006631 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482413090673178 + 0.565072758343621 + 0 + 0.481703027788716 + 0.56544008525183 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480328215641652 + 0.569447202058774 + 0 + 0.476858826783604 + 0.571242231310361 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477768776197043 + 0.574068150856899 + 0 + 0.471540251907284 + 0.577291250690483 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474915101200832 + 0.578842521762026 + 0 + 0.467976822724151 + 0.582433545018705 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.472372663697538 + 0.583457108866756 + 0 + 0.466144636547105 + 0.58668116922271 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470717354601147 + 0.587613776087278 + 0 + 0.467248521025568 + 0.589409878168824 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469973251575123 + 0.591299877998846 + 0 + 0.469263359909215 + 0.591667535692985 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.46975392471345 + 0.594715363856517 + 0 + 0.46975392471345 + 0.594715363856517 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469897975453855 + 0.597943743064814 + 0 + 0.469188165833648 + 0.598311559133586 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470368416382056 + 0.601004105191225 + 0 + 0.466900386110748 + 0.602801757855032 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.471183446231192 + 0.60388692536333 + 0 + 0.464957589231595 + 0.607115174422175 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.472170094583168 + 0.606681802706519 + 0 + 0.465235053722482 + 0.610279074521466 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47289032541927 + 0.609615993644745 + 0 + 0.466665454565846 + 0.612846143830657 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47292026825121 + 0.612909765080559 + 0 + 0.469453338131762 + 0.614709538568878 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.472209186046435 + 0.616590011635169 + 0 + 0.471499714974001 + 0.616958480297016 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470979718624506 + 0.620541697999236 + 0 + 0.470979718624506 + 0.620541697999236 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469299120435972 + 0.624730410809064 + 0 + 0.468589797360488 + 0.625099164293076 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.467100940375802 + 0.629191266156666 + 0 + 0.463635458208396 + 0.630993826116774 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.464168106720844 + 0.634037903366397 + 0 + 0.457947142729372 + 0.637275571413336 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.460562027965599 + 0.639239279050915 + 0 + 0.453632805691789 + 0.642847746167316 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.456721870633026 + 0.644567511809264 + 0 + 0.45050256515342 + 0.647808364585419 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453105196639322 + 0.649784595456348 + 0 + 0.449641563818446 + 0.651590706401044 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.449908219887122 + 0.654788257810154 + 0 + 0.449199465447148 + 0.655158103049682 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.44713781405013 + 0.659574780108005 + 0 + 0.44713781405013 + 0.659574780108005 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444855011617718 + 0.664112086898095 + 0 + 0.444146493115996 + 0.664482383927657 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.44324031277965 + 0.668305461992518 + 0 + 0.439778987527396 + 0.670115991351713 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442691276792148 + 0.671946164193968 + 0 + 0.43647819413199 + 0.675198930896855 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.443188236179736 + 0.675043234562519 + 0 + 0.436268274525976 + 0.678669429118867 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444155122171035 + 0.677897458119755 + 0 + 0.437944574971145 + 0.681155063197614 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444983431927334 + 0.680827729929717 + 0 + 0.441524933205246 + 0.682643652739672 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445487105875933 + 0.683932192539635 + 0 + 0.444779456130897 + 0.684304147101019 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445812415742289 + 0.687134574125807 + 0 + 0.445812415742289 + 0.687134574125807 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446000074874127 + 0.690413910610107 + 0 + 0.44529277393965 + 0.690786528035187 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445982783331484 + 0.69380614004321 + 0 + 0.442527695526064 + 0.69562854431209 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445551711619655 + 0.697422153879771 + 0 + 0.439350360002718 + 0.700697230289334 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444796916908213 + 0.701215410183743 + 0 + 0.437890634381809 + 0.704867590069166 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444221743847336 + 0.704920331168856 + 0 + 0.438024040243821 + 0.708202305789162 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444333381716481 + 0.708267842506811 + 0 + 0.440882360195622 + 0.710097935270844 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445143208910263 + 0.711250565898931 + 0 + 0.444437157515196 + 0.711625545611594 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446285475041588 + 0.714061561739193 + 0 + 0.446285475041588 + 0.714061561739193 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.447626396012748 + 0.716771423952478 + 0 + 0.446920835439549 + 0.717147326379887 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.44915380789921 + 0.719386255008698 + 0 + 0.44570758551882 + 0.721225369025635 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.450904614110092 + 0.721885933483845 + 0 + 0.444719846560562 + 0.725192221088341 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.452719849029973 + 0.724355055839542 + 0 + 0.445832805542005 + 0.728043387202751 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.454173071428678 + 0.727022318506893 + 0 + 0.447993343485007 + 0.7303380160063 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.454849507123865 + 0.730111899912747 + 0 + 0.451408901758587 + 0.731961500892099 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.454703259053666 + 0.7336511504878 + 0 + 0.453999424333867 + 0.73403027453688 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453958459678774 + 0.737522061147572 + 0 + 0.453958459678774 + 0.737522061147572 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.45268385680487 + 0.741689847133492 + 0 + 0.451980689812602 + 0.742070208196654 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.450812685329868 + 0.746193020186831 + 0 + 0.447378608460801 + 0.748054714339945 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.448123988137076 + 0.751154356248744 + 0 + 0.441961855980612 + 0.754502641578826 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444667424117291 + 0.756550550344255 + 0 + 0.437806546206187 + 0.76028732844028 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.440860117706386 + 0.762157645498431 + 0 + 0.434704753682456 + 0.765518356896076 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.437129985755354 + 0.767743716915306 + 0 + 0.433703452101702 + 0.769619258485835 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.433638125567301 + 0.773220954426534 + 0 + 0.432937276072469 + 0.773605568964715 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.430351370793634 + 0.77860750038613 + 0 + 0.430351370793634 + 0.77860750038613 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.427285990592905 + 0.78389437995484 + 0 + 0.42658602807245 + 0.784280606348736 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.424579103513964 + 0.789005609430071 + 0 + 0.421161241600247 + 0.790896907661753 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.42259739446208 + 0.793736865842291 + 0 + 0.416465401088338 + 0.797140032695347 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.421333737155648 + 0.798089360187077 + 0 + 0.414507608786802 + 0.801889245414558 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.420291914964769 + 0.802337250337292 + 0 + 0.414168827539588 + 0.80575641511088 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.418981619561466 + 0.806754725963408 + 0 + 0.415573683103127 + 0.808663850935304 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.417321923631502 + 0.811389460392154 + 0 + 0.416625010300121 + 0.811781162020859 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.415526404770417 + 0.816123771804899 + 0 + 0.415526404770417 + 0.816123771804899 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.41366830216254 + 0.820917865176999 + 0 + 0.412972546332894 + 0.821311619139391 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.411713856564583 + 0.82579219619617 + 0 + 0.408317236273419 + 0.827721382465054 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.409525170549306 + 0.830826919736779 + 0 + 0.403432578543782 + 0.834300132949293 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.407289588722456 + 0.835917333906248 + 0 + 0.400508799341133 + 0.839797546737541 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.405606389313074 + 0.840720543216478 + 0 + 0.399525332802111 + 0.844213913949143 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.40503917327557 + 0.844908763497621 + 0 + 0.401655408437183 + 0.846860410130826 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.405604794676988 + 0.848465305745391 + 0 + 0.404912987865698 + 0.848865957331232 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.406911825213129 + 0.851610311845252 + 0 + 0.406911825213129 + 0.851610311845252 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.408782248369515 + 0.854442727460908 + 0 + 0.408091930288251 + 0.854845938700912 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.411152852459601 + 0.856995671195968 + 0 + 0.40778364126137 + 0.858972336307743 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.414019252915685 + 0.8592679915394 + 0 + 0.407977412770994 + 0.862828757613064 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.417168644467329 + 0.861381838386647 + 0 + 0.410446153357506 + 0.865362198863833 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.420228542467005 + 0.863556221346105 + 0 + 0.414201434299106 + 0.867141866964095 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.42250013167749 + 0.866210544983312 + 0 + 0.41914734173461 + 0.868214937325475 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.424943841064315 + 0.868771534882475 + 0 + 0.424258563534649 + 0.869183254525825 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425732778105591 + 0.87234340521387 + 0 + 0.425732778105591 + 0.87234340521387 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.426769424538338 + 0.875790644185726 + 0 + 0.426086033037743 + 0.876205486823723 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.427976773713396 + 0.879151670580479 + 0 + 0.424642397390908 + 0.881186547383245 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.427323768960389 + 0.883675133427765 + 0 + 0.421346288442543 + 0.887342913958841 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.426933642244171 + 0.888072750948597 + 0 + 0.42028495017026 + 0.892175195336559 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.42596230467041 + 0.89286405780892 + 0 + 0.420003370959338 + 0.896561894526842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.426022693379291 + 0.89704724698069 + 0 + 0.422708949786019 + 0.899115553645681 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425314872808064 + 0.901744376381742 + 0 + 0.424637814187042 + 0.902169476347732 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425789504866709 + 0.905735233159679 + 0 + 0.425789504866709 + 0.905735233159679 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.426256171277898 + 0.909761456903866 + 0 + 0.425581469274102 + 0.910190287363908 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.428220911605376 + 0.912857500264732 + 0 + 0.424930166530282 + 0.914962205924235 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.430100555736676 + 0.916025284333569 + 0 + 0.424203517671382 + 0.919821049002491 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.433247064353445 + 0.918394398727709 + 0 + 0.42669036327251 + 0.922642319064212 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.436368570004678 + 0.920791485712072 + 0 + 0.430494408416405 + 0.924622557755277 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.439712936821115 + 0.923053697887652 + 0 + 0.43644767998708 + 0.925197733071642 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442543298282397 + 0.925663199410444 + 0 + 0.441876426111141 + 0.926104107410585 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445225237063279 + 0.928383872770634 + 0 + 0.445225237063279 + 0.928383872770634 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.447496293719353 + 0.9313946991294 + 0 + 0.446832310521477 + 0.931839945881576 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.45031539479286 + 0.934050444980438 + 0 + 0.447078354949548 + 0.936236848903597 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.451837042916109 + 0.937599263181802 + 0 + 0.446038846048775 + 0.941544361463594 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453255829183074 + 0.941246061353731 + 0 + 0.446811970110558 + 0.945663281803692 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.454731334672237 + 0.944881729194169 + 0 + 0.448960938184329 + 0.948867379923686 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.456897756209225 + 0.948064462901565 + 0 + 0.453691683058238 + 0.950296028274328 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.459438035421624 + 0.951006980745217 + 0 + 0.458783566018876 + 0.9514660974605 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.462555918249647 + 0.953558905652842 + 0 + 0.462555918249647 + 0.953558905652842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.4657514024734 + 0.956065478142062 + 0 + 0.465100416070197 + 0.956529520230918 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469095637000718 + 0.958474644149771 + 0 + 0.465923598501075 + 0.960754328518094 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.472670676293154 + 0.960723844953133 + 0 + 0.46699192770152 + 0.964839024390094 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476057952743114 + 0.963115721327969 + 0 + 0.469750249115042 + 0.967725280004285 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479908696275416 + 0.965169699153173 + 0 + 0.474263282734564 + 0.969330491543827 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482150332676312 + 0.968417927877503 + 0 + 0.479015406677136 + 0.970748384494153 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.483858422221345 + 0.97208917808731 + 0 + 0.483218831031298 + 0.972568804470028 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484952458979156 + 0.976254282549339 + 0 + 0.484952458979156 + 0.976254282549339 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485554928972576 + 0.980833352003864 + 0 + 0.484919465793999 + 0.981318434374248 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485680318072733 + 0.985826027579863 + 0 + 0.48258573710722 + 0.988209797222736 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484801688368355 + 0.991654780937346 + 0 + 0.47926494870801 + 0.995959127728549 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.483554764759269 + 0.997843868151758 + 0 + 0.477408585084053 + 1.00266669218441 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481917032406449 + 1.00441968001381 + 0 + 0.476419671825858 + 1.00877420800342 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480359436802442 + 1.01101730193249 + 0 + 0.47730872044323 + 1.01345695739137 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479068757625931 + 1.01748612466931 + 0 + 0.478446759137112 + 1.01798835592808 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477739931629466 + 1.02407244101381 + 0 + 0.477739931629466 + 1.02407244101381 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477418024316324 + 1.0299142189472 + 0 + 0.476800878435181 + 1.03042240131483 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476521685864756 + 1.0363046071857 + 0 + 0.473518365689002 + 1.03880237758834 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476481959373215 + 1.04206335398361 + 0 + 0.471112256637539 + 1.04657436051163 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476957531785944 + 1.04745935268044 + 0 + 0.471001013406089 + 1.05251455248266 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477681795865758 + 1.0527097452221 + 0 + 0.472357949794293 + 1.05727478085971 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477832869369386 + 1.05852379434986 + 0 + 0.474880649239964 + 1.06108175943364 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477991454662009 + 1.06441020427604 + 0 + 0.47738999935475 + 1.06493686343598 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47786874303231 + 1.07062437016608 + 0 + 0.47786874303231 + 1.07062437016608 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477704847905351 + 1.07696221838126 + 0 + 0.477109027682859 + 1.07749524429044 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47719848048028 + 1.08370122442828 + 0 + 0.474301341372265 + 1.08632141030932 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477105909484982 + 1.09015779024597 + 0 + 0.471930359528711 + 1.09489029170032 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476106976719281 + 1.097543711844 + 0 + 0.470370656143892 + 1.10284746358276 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.475748219154248 + 1.10444971763171 + 0 + 0.470625599505133 + 1.10923946243659 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476000303492973 + 1.11088681927605 + 0 + 0.473162164667422 + 1.11357080084627 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477461861278033 + 1.11626474572815 + 0 + 0.476884165252084 + 1.11681736282795 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479209740329589 + 1.12143851816233 + 0 + 0.479209740329589 + 1.12143851816233 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482050810435087 + 1.1256054918523 + 0 + 0.481479578968417 + 1.12616478870449 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484206997555069 + 1.13049546981504 + 0 + 0.481432031402307 + 1.13324471551403 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487454560522344 + 1.13435746096923 + 0 + 0.482502099525904 + 1.13932294356855 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490620653380922 + 1.13833935048368 + 0 + 0.485137083082313 + 1.14390402594863 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494296269806773 + 1.14183462711743 + 0 + 0.489404289635638 + 1.14685970595966 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.496671179967579 + 1.14671076654706 + 0 + 0.49396358910622 + 1.14952639095203 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499023701508423 + 1.15167893197211 + 0 + 0.498473155117991 + 1.152258601731 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501497233706143 + 1.15657868490891 + 0 + 0.501497233706143 + 1.15657868490891 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502947109269546 + 1.16264852949686 + 0 + 0.502403887066803 + 1.16323506849457 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.504680281008434 + 1.1685076528533 + 0 + 0.502044315160939 + 1.17139044197379 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505867319604422 + 1.17506082110485 + 0 + 0.501168210492971 + 1.18026670824577 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.506746725670381 + 1.1820685182179 + 0 + 0.50154962905304 + 1.18790164285227 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507609614605492 + 1.18921665058628 + 0 + 0.50297863797042 + 1.19448323797953 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508811684457199 + 1.19610025617546 + 0 + 0.506251615452048 + 1.19905065203895 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510490162546564 + 1.20254748402087 + 0 + 0.50997024038586 + 1.20315477250602 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51264414299887 + 1.20854076705416 + 0 + 0.51264414299887 + 1.20854076705416 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515309732598113 + 1.21401727359405 + 0 + 0.514798009388094 + 1.21463148667899 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518606789423005 + 1.2188089109653 + 0 + 0.51612684161979 + 1.22182696463542 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522804434326399 + 1.22255412696577 + 0 + 0.518389216699865 + 1.22800286449621 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.527867280863278 + 1.22525222787305 + 0 + 0.522990639161711 + 1.23135579420468 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.533370596561418 + 1.22739717208984 + 0 + 0.529031041869394 + 1.23290636009174 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.538879678677441 + 1.22952478341758 + 0 + 0.536484016280763 + 1.23261016682058 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.54426396225473 + 1.23180504240612 + 0 + 0.543778112313871 + 1.23243991892353 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549622964279443 + 1.2341129131144 + 0 + 0.549622964279443 + 1.2341129131144 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554981067239554 + 1.23641698119069 + 0 + 0.55450425993581 + 1.23705867672012 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.560289163060839 + 1.23878435176859 + 0 + 0.557981865222957 + 1.2419363615639 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.565406130136609 + 1.24141386491905 + 0 + 0.561304527303196 + 1.24710242726487 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.570392099397823 + 1.24423318943727 + 0 + 0.565868862771267 + 1.2506030784999 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.575573244050378 + 1.24678491890674 + 0 + 0.571554533465824 + 1.25253234029402 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.581265276294758 + 1.24859801490256 + 0 + 0.579050316093883 + 1.25181558236431 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.587455794445529 + 1.24965585543692 + 0 + 0.587007331741772 + 1.25031767078936 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.59389516460427 + 1.25029685135397 + 0 + 0.59389516460427 + 1.25029685135397 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.600488151402385 + 1.25064652881777 + 0 + 0.600049531929937 + 1.25131490843728 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.607218273218305 + 1.25071691746799 + 0 + 0.605099500276779 + 1.25399862286071 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.614099565585563 + 1.25047296473517 + 0 + 0.610339869014891 + 1.25639306347268 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.621027832557474 + 1.25006672499846 + 0 + 0.616889275835059 + 1.25669299880093 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.627744787454172 + 1.24991170270046 + 0 + 0.62407477126512 + 1.25588781084351 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.634011594597309 + 1.25041778138476 + 0 + 0.631992720382511 + 1.25376187109158 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.639815602442739 + 1.25164213431282 + 0 + 0.639407648299577 + 1.2523296601483 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.645300778013203 + 1.25337702647739 + 0 + 0.645300778013203 + 1.25337702647739 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.650517356750827 + 1.25556312082761 + 0 + 0.650119990060171 + 1.25625681966035 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.655438159664493 + 1.258274113679 + 0 + 0.653522744757262 + 1.26167851888338 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.659953051620673 + 1.26173903546746 + 0 + 0.656561629795494 + 1.26787753246339 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.664105246906738 + 1.2659209651336 + 0 + 0.660380446298135 + 1.2727883530414 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.668133255969524 + 1.27041293418874 + 0 + 0.664837762017437 + 1.27660345977039 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.672268549554214 + 1.27478991913699 + 0 + 0.670459992377388 + 1.27825227527127 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.676590693693598 + 1.27889019770788 + 0 + 0.676226128324245 + 1.27960168238716 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.681074452194359 + 1.28274795660892 + 0 + 0.681074452194359 + 1.28274795660892 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.685720284042295 + 1.28634814550564 + 0 + 0.685366984079232 + 1.28706529088385 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.690588055537069 + 1.28955161955119 + 0 + 0.688889582273622 + 1.29306928605553 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.695845388238844 + 1.29198015022527 + 0 + 0.692846326088813 + 1.29831959133515 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.701468312210057 + 1.29363751945825 + 0 + 0.698183756503095 + 1.30072602071436 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.707201406050901 + 1.29503845680157 + 0 + 0.704303901480386 + 1.30142495463914 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.712807857315299 + 1.29670089636527 + 0 + 0.711222512689604 + 1.30027097640361 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.718253946967093 + 1.29872119797722 + 0 + 0.717935373137065 + 1.29945442991338 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.723641179219024 + 1.30088600928987 + 0 + 0.723641179219024 + 1.30088600928987 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.729002706870525 + 1.30312678422388 + 0 + 0.728696002185677 + 1.30386505964246 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.734323540646251 + 1.30548709593627 + 0 + 0.732854179370762 + 1.30910645589412 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.739546186771217 + 1.30812181037974 + 0 + 0.736960998935186 + 1.31464098910238 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.744753713556394 + 1.31083769449846 + 0 + 0.741932992222597 + 1.31812320665665 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.750191341305123 + 1.3129930729174 + 0 + 0.7477126589038 + 1.31955348608417 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.75607045752977 + 1.31397322112477 + 0 + 0.754719736289927 + 1.31763850981663 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.762369923669857 + 1.3137475799443 + 0 + 0.762099636804354 + 1.3144999517724 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.768912182403063 + 1.31272999118399 + 0 + 0.768912182403063 + 1.31272999118399 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.775612462231014 + 1.31110747237817 + 0 + 0.775354567236218 + 1.31186418139031 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.78243466481749 + 1.30894142803575 + 0 + 0.781205034731855 + 1.31264909561994 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.789363515142918 + 1.30623600338958 + 0 + 0.787210902799999 + 1.31291051816344 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.796320062800826 + 1.30319930044759 + 0 + 0.793983599742144 + 1.3106542381821 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.803146536293947 + 1.30032351260377 + 0 + 0.801104639471232 + 1.30703272602494 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.809707467130161 + 1.29808572951103 + 0 + 0.808601166663845 + 1.30183204614749 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.816000485064596 + 1.29655804217161 + 0 + 0.815780447317601 + 1.29732661340922 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.822109448753179 + 1.29551048863167 + 0 + 0.822109448753179 + 1.29551048863167 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.828066481243831 + 1.29487471719647 + 0 + 0.827859271093346 + 1.2956468456255 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.833863552519896 + 1.2947274037391 + 0 + 0.832882600879837 + 1.2985084780497 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.839452635104325 + 1.29531547470014 + 0 + 0.837748272520637 + 1.30211827085677 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.844866308306755 + 1.29658824222307 + 0 + 0.843031127867617 + 1.30418213904919 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.850230717083901 + 1.2980849428651 + 0 + 0.848640493234297 + 1.30491532173259 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.855659959777314 + 1.29932553756125 + 0 + 0.854806150835772 + 1.30313733495273 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.86118915725139 + 1.30011831828591 + 0 + 0.861020974734358 + 1.30089987634411 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.866803462836032 + 1.30048120821842 + 0 + 0.866803462836032 + 1.30048120821842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.872500708205912 + 1.3003714519278 + 0 + 0.872345696829683 + 1.3011557285567 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.878303307822599 + 1.29960852402739 + 0 + 0.877578204621173 + 1.30344688492882 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.884272531472578 + 1.29776161072206 + 0 + 0.8830288806159 + 1.30466351045416 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.890376978058963 + 1.29485325066884 + 0 + 0.889056502711666 + 1.30255334814271 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.896486207314847 + 1.29151979063097 + 0 + 0.895359290062961 + 1.29844170834738 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.902486284373027 + 1.28843425245671 + 0 + 0.901891214258538 + 1.29229491051217 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.908354996625277 + 1.28579947682714 + 0 + 0.908239900053212 + 1.28659059700542 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.914127979372477 + 1.28344652809402 + 0 + 0.914127979372477 + 1.28344652809402 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.919819967951945 + 1.28132362219817 + 0 + 0.919718289651694 + 1.28211657861604 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.925429365029042 + 1.27950032293881 + 0 + 0.924965415468098 + 1.28337892318469 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.930939168492029 + 1.2782062466729 + 0 + 0.930165326279683 + 1.28517647303908 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.936374489990938 + 1.27733656753494 + 0 + 0.935578375160987 + 1.28510839855649 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.941800481658911 + 1.27632111338432 + 0 + 0.941145107153354 + 1.28330347484896 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.94726324396668 + 1.27458369588801 + 0 + 0.946931259079294 + 1.27847581293365 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.952746326053777 + 1.27210630808382 + 0 + 0.952685155433351 + 1.27290341316634 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.958203569154049 + 1.26929799431335 + 0 + 0.958203569154049 + 1.26929799431335 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.963618328107218 + 1.26630770513156 + 0 + 0.963570723350922 + 1.26710573529676 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.968986031170033 + 1.26314772642153 + 0 + 0.9687866090151 + 1.26704888264329 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.974304865780931 + 1.25977529228831 + 0 + 0.974006449470244 + 1.26678199158761 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.97956399379745 + 1.25636955728569 + 0 + 0.979298005866417 + 1.26417752799968 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.984750880908806 + 1.25341491923723 + 0 + 0.984571783516586 + 1.26042568321054 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.98986971601484 + 1.25138051564427 + 0 + 0.98980320648484 + 1.25528619939297 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.994944209205504 + 1.25032843893624 + 0 + 0.994937403161304 + 1.25112785874782 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 1 + 1.2499798172808 + 0 + 1 + 1.2499798172808 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + + + + + + The material override + 2e6b0bb1-78c1-427f-ad29-f9b68fd1508b + Material + Material + false + 16fa463a-9b78-4d40-a043-f6f750adbf81 + 1 + + + + + + 26845 + -17443 + 51 + 20 + + + 26872 + -17433 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;221;160;221 + + + 255;66;48;66 + + 0.5 + + 255;255;255;255 + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 7f512dd3-f59f-4f4c-946e-b259cfd8694e + bb1102d8-39c6-421f-acc0-83b0f96adaf2 + 58ec701d-7c94-4c02-bf2e-f4bd2d0755fd + 3 + 6c02c54c-f748-4acb-8578-10726023a8ca + Group + + + + + + + + + + + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 + Colour Picker + + + + + Provides a colour picker object + 58ec701d-7c94-4c02-bf2e-f4bd2d0755fd + Colour Picker + Colour Picker + false + + 255;201;201;201 + + 0 + + + + + + 26935.12 + -17583.55 + 180 + 310 + + 2 + + + + + + + + + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 + Create Material + + + + + Create an OpenGL material. + 09d3f598-820d-4981-825d-a0052a2511da + Create Material + Create Material + + + + + + 27073 + -17874 + 144 + 104 + + + 27157 + -17822 + + + + + + Colour of the diffuse channel + 303c6e06-c949-4828-af8c-0b26f849cd82 + Diffuse + Diffuse + false + 827313b7-26e3-4a4f-98bc-7d2bc18b3c08 + 1 + + + + + + 27075 + -17872 + 67 + 20 + + + 27110 + -17862 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;105;180 + + + + + + + + + + + + Colour of the specular highlight + 61b76c7f-5de4-4d50-a0a5-b230bbfbccb0 + Specular + Specular + false + 0 + + + + + + 27075 + -17852 + 67 + 20 + + + 27110 + -17842 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;255;255 + + + + + + + + + + + + Emissive colour of the material + b21ef575-1940-4cb9-8b8d-4dcdcd81350b + Emission + Emission + false + 0 + + + + + + 27075 + -17832 + 67 + 20 + + + 27110 + -17822 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;0;0;0 + + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of transparency (0.0 = opaque, 1.0 = transparent + d5368eac-9f46-445c-bb63-e9700d0dee18 + Transparency + Transparency + false + 0 + + + + + + 27075 + -17812 + 67 + 20 + + + 27110 + -17802 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of shinyness (0 = none, 1 = low shine, 100 = max shine + b7bf1a3f-5837-44e0-b4f0-949b59e9f497 + Shine + Shine + false + 0 + + + + + + 27075 + -17792 + 67 + 20 + + + 27110 + -17782 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Resulting material + 55329af1-8c2e-45a1-bdff-f0c78b169ed7 + Material + Material + false + 0 + + + + + + 27172 + -17872 + 43 + 100 + + + 27195 + -17822 + + + + + + + + + + + + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c + Custom Preview + + + + + Allows for customized geometry previews + true + f7f27653-3d4d-4726-be7b-e451982b3c35 + Custom Preview + Custom Preview + + + + + + + 26842 + -17844 + 82 + 44 + + + 26910 + -17822 + + + + + + Geometry to preview + true + 1fbed14b-04bf-42c7-be55-164bca8d5469 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26844 + -17842 + 51 + 20 + + + 26871 + -17832 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + -1 + + 7dt3PJbR4zdwJHtvskf23vMc2pKMrGwlK6tQpIREkSQroiiZFVJRlB2yEjJv933be6ZCPPf3+f1+9+n1e/5+/vP5w+31vk/nus65znWG1ysSUhISkl1C/vP5n9CREX5Ymbl7+Pge8vX29vWREbR0vXTZw9dHV11OUVlOSVFZRYPwi4KCoozgocCLAYGXXHV9XAMDLjlflBE0CXS56HHupGvwGV8vVx9dVVUlJQ1FV031c+qqqqrKCvv/cxXu/1u53DFXX2/XgEvBcsaBl1wuHwq8FORKTviWMui/rkbjfOmcu0eQq/J5b2pfP1cfn/+UIj/vHOD8n0JUVFRk/7lRJnESEiXC58NtWjrqfYRfGP/zg1qfhIRsM4yM5C/8r0Zt7ZKRsP13A7mZXzuY0vYwf94hYYokFV425Anm3CZ83/jfZZn2/XfB/9zNPjKS/5Vl8L/lv/3z/5b9/8+/RfH2v5Pa518GrKVFS92e1oODX35Fx6Z0gA2ShX47/x7wKqmnM912AISq5pdwbY8AuqgK/zencOC2zsHVgOoxoDJunJlgOQmGYgV/flSeASQzboUjm3MgP5H+y13vRUD19liDyPllED6VY/Dz4Qr4GXLp93DNKnDkbfpm+2sNKN9efkdy9CcoTX7P7FGzAbI5cqXOHP4Ntg/NN73I+wOkhV/zby1uAs9T3L1sQtvglUtv3wvLvyBFY/VrecwOcMDHP06u2QX2lkxnqm+TQOUbF998lSKF4diYQ70NpJAqpf8jsyMZdNBlOB+yQwYvYgfslNL3wYCtC/6RquRQ2zb8RtkQOaS+WDmll7Yfmh/vtsLYUsC3qRWzcyyU8EqOw+GfnylhcsLq7c8OVPA6q/wbrm0qaD6hJKKeTQ2zNwztqE/RQNUStot+5LTwucZTkb9ltBBTP+xIbkoH9WXoNJKW6WBaJ91OWjo9lBLvt+EzYIB/lY+L/cUwQKfLNjrMoYzwSP3NJ7osTHCNJMaZxJ0J1h5/0+5QwQQTDK7rVVIww06fNJ8aG2ZYlDQxK/+aGU68O8vCscsMaR71XloyYoEi1xxvVGWwwLLDkJt/lgUuf2m4dU+DFTpflo8wvcMK48Mney9gWKGMqz3nGQU2aE9P8Y3+OhusnN7tOtrGBnNbSl8fEmOH6vu6wrbC2eHiUIQ0wwA7ZHZTkPstzQExnrqcZcEccIzRhk/4CwfsuuVwi4yLE85WrxTvXOSESTyYFeEWTvhxu/jRjhAX9Mi1ZrPy54Ky8RtzJJ+5YEre6zV9Rm449NHLOdKBGxaq3KDuLeKGg3l/vhdvccNQEUkPUXMeWJjz5HxSEQ/Usq4b9d/mgXrqerNvTxyAr1ssf9Q+PgAD7g18sFk/AH/UXcLlHeWF/ksjHYwpvNA3acHxMJ4XWpCCegp5Pmj38xADUyQf5KW33kod5oMKg2kxp3T5IfVD+rDuR/xwmtX6Ss0CP7y2m9jCqyEARw++n74SIQBXaGXzx9oEoG5AmYEFrSBcYjZpvqcgCM2/3ehushaEF9b8c4ciBaH3UYNLi/mCcGExera2XRDOe7E6Vq8IwpjZ1rh9HELwj5vg3IaeEFxelc9j9haCnvaUGdaZQlC94CImq0MICprZJyn8EYLcfeozGAFh+G05KzzNQBgGs9/SV3IVhnJi4oPqd4Thidl77a9KhOECQ4nbCEYYciRXrvgyikDGt5xHAzVEYKMIxYloJxFofJ/U73akCBS8vBw9+kIElpXWO4p1isCuy4bUw39EIKluHO2ohChcozxhEHtGFE5uNXVtXhWFg+/yy/IeicJar5Ea4ypRGOPxcdcOKwrJPzKFtO0Tgz73KwwOiopB9WlDMq8jYtA9IUOLzE0ManknPqGMFoOOi4/i8/PF4I7UkczCdjGYHTxamL8iBo28Xi4FMh+EizF+fBlKB6EbV4q1gfVB+IGbz1Mn5CDk0NN37X90ECaf21j3+XAQ2jP+XvPEHoSOHJMv9lGJQ8uHG+qxkuLQ/bK18cpxcWjNqOTac1EcegXGpdsliEO1ZZqFe2Xi0KbssfXEN3Gom2T+vXBZHJbcIH0wwSgBv+dov/yhKAH5Ke/SDllIwA/4M+LPb0rAxZdJSpG5EvDgmlOVa6MEzP8cUps9JgFb7jL43qeShCeCvX5tyUjChEwR77+nJGHtD3Ma/4uSkPXzg1r9OEkYOZkgofhSEq6r3zfX/SoJP0RfTGaZkYRXTJ55VFNJwbNKqzTJB6WgbOpWwv4TUtAsNOPwRX8pyBp4fa7hiRSMoj+2z6pdCt7u/7J9ZF0Kjg4e873LIQ1f7JiYTytLQ1LSp0EkptLQULLqz6SfNFTmX1d9lCwN/QbYOQbrpGHcIYp9aqvSUFr8Q3ogrwxsMrvBhTOQgc7MJWQ3z8lAbrFCqoZbMnDjxWJ8abEM1IlpN5v6IQOtW+N8xyhkIaOw+YKjsiy0Jd+M97GShQfHU2hLAmXhwIPMcamHsrDlVcmpvDJZWPxMutS1UxYWOFMwVM7JQrptRv9AOjloIJNHOiQrB6/Rt22lGsrBs1xnt6YuyEHV9vRfNbfloJltI2/1czkor3xU3LRODp6cYymzGZeD91e6/NZo5eFoItOgnJI89FEWiThmKg+nwxLlXbzl4e5E9diZOHlo6kZRpFYsD2nkvANAszw0Ulhh85uUh61+O5QHKRXgxq8G+XpeBairrfpQWkEBkvyt3KIxUID3u8N1z5sqQLN1ry0LZwW4n/qN9kqAAsxW2er0uasAC5/fHtnNVoCLDCOvgyoUoORHuPO9VQGah567qj2oAJUt9YDNtAI81ydwTOaXAvwVFb1Bt18R1hYsWoSwKsKNkPJFdjFF6NUgdMhAXRGaRJn6lR9VhGNfe94snFGEKtTCjWTnFOGnqXiXST9F+N1Dqv50hCJ802Rw6X6KIkzOL5K881IRhiif7W+tV4Qll+Q09PsUoZbIaPzOhCKMdbGzwK4pQsrHVwqpyZRgwqGTrapMSrBcizxNVVAJrr129wxVUYIj3AfU3p1Qgh1dbuJ/bZUgSYuph8BFJajTrKHMGKIE2XL8JhlilKCBCvtQSJoS3Dyh3BxUqARnWnrqHT4pwa9OlDfqu5Sg9kG7R/yjSvC1QemPoAUlWDc49mBoVwk2nom6V8+qDLlDnoV8FlOGSivHfKXVlKHs9zBh6cPK0LHrwjyPmTIkbTWR03VRhnExmQK3ApSh19zpueo7ypDcrryaPEsZTpp5x5K/Uobsf2GRQpUy/KNtR3K2VRl6hww0afcrw5/ad/n+TClD7QsO1303lSHrLp1MKZMKbOgOHCsUV4FuavGJs9oqULZBcs38lAqUyk5JULdVgaH4sWwjDxUYo+Q2EXVFBc7jU1h+31aBJFrkbqKPVKAoVevu50IVuCKk6ChbqQK/d6UxMHxRgbNGIRy4XhVYJWExsjOmAl2nr1hdWFOBEw+Hcuv3q0ImcqWrWryqkNm1OuqrsioUfryf58QJVcj+0ejsuJ0qfNKkxtV3URVGvN6xkQ9VhdxekXUM8arQ8M2a2JVsVXhO68MptveqMGcbnCT7qgoPMURk8AyqwtFAVRKBaVUokjMwxvhbFf69sKR7h1INNrDmJaWwq0Fd85JpYTE1WC5vkgk11OAB/teh9EZqMPQhex2zvRpU2bH4MuSlBgst5wYGQtSgXR6tddNdNUhT0m21mKYGsRITPUZ5arCvViFz970azIx522HfrAZPzAhfj+5Tg5Ru2FeT42owcsVj7Pm6Gjykv3DaZZ86rMvUZohkUYcWUoyOd0XVofWh1cxmLXX4eNS0+KiZOvxjpx+Pc1OHchnnTPuvqUOHFKczIXHqMDsquKXlsTp8GGsbs/taHSbdUT0j0KgOL318adg+rA51cj598F5Th71Jg/1N+zWgTKk7zwd2DbiqxCRzVFQDvq1h4/+ppAEDGs9YcR7WgAtS7D3xVhowbfvPqJUPodyMp/KtKA3ItKx17/0jDfglHXQtFWrAQIapp0OVGnDJi4y2tEUDbjOvFGX0E+pT96vNntKAZPVLAdy/NeCPivguUipNmPT94BNtTk1YMkZ2tkpcExa4K2atampCBf2tAA8jTfj+YMyVaFtNOHTcp+qqlyY8o8ZgMH1dE46krHUaPdSEsT94woxzNeEDnPq9Y+80YekPhvnxRk1457hnwbFeTagiqey4Nq4JQ5wvUdFtaMKFRAGRLkot+NU67lUttxZsOVxdGSCpBVkijkRoaGnBzfiqIXJjLdhkrztE5qwFl35zihj7E75nKBTkDdeCIonektyJWlDgNMmX+eda8OMUzj7srRY8jD1OcqFRC/rsslO6/tCCAXleDJMzWnDbZSnq3aYWpOj21Kik0YZx4g97bh3QhsJmdiriMtowSLuE64yONsyfGOylNdaG9SMnfrI4aUNt/fOhF/y14Xshi4WqcG3owJZUvv5QGypGr3a2FmjDUm9WU6NabVjW3Jeb16cNL52tedA6qw2tBt/zXdnWhuJRqqUb9DqwrL24bFdIB/q3DtlFqOnA+4XY7K/GOhCXu7KId9WBd5hy3bOCdeCn+A2V7Fgd+E5khm3xsQ4ULOXFGb7SgTYbd2hzagnlDSImZ/t04LcpFar4JR04niMYUUqpC0nOSWA/8evCVAHz+xrKuvAkVu6F7RFdOJ4Z4GRjpQsN/FJ56z104WTKboRRqC4slA+e73ugC3miE/zXcnVhko1j+f0KXchu+tKL9KsuNG67a/t4hFD+u7mI8jKh/B28eiuZHjwKfr5t5NSD750T1ybl9ODfFLwl2zE9+CpT3CzIXg8Wj0w/v3pJD9arVusWROnBdkFSl3dphPKTtvYJxXpwVptsSqRWD3Lj8KPUP/TgAo3kUNucHry5r3mEb1cPmhcm6FiwArhw1EfbXxLAIrkPgqcBgL/IbViPmANo+tz++qMLAHoXtfV7hAB4evkDT0g8gKc8cxLGswH8dubU6w9vATy+T//RylcAr8qEFm7iCfUs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neyRP2Q1rOYinEszZqQ6mHyR31pwJHcPmADnLiUqbV9GfoktZEsgdwLQNYt/s72CnDX7gYtY2wQ4cFJKdi0KuRGnqpHfygSwLYk7uJCCPEDeYgXSTALLne3XN0qQX9SU7t4UnwT5Rgyz5M3Ii/Mf2URaTYJOiSTn513IO1n5aETvTgK9tCbGMz3Ir0pX7TIQzoeqKuvfP7Yjd+zIVZf8MwkYHLEyvv/UX7av1P2RxBS4EPqlsrYTeVOOq/TDM1PAwtXITWoIOebT0VXc5SlAGlaYyLqK/FccffzhxCmw/klRZpX6Jxo/KzfkqqqmQFb8BiMlF/IntVn2+xengH36quawAPI5JgP3AfFpMPnnyFwwO/Jg7Z8l+12mQbsFmQE1JfKq3OvBKunTgNFjR2GZBHmWWCTlw85psDyrqPJ4659xZeZdeHN3GlReFqNgIkXlu60XuOcVZ0DEX7w5fh9yvVWs0j2PGfC4cdg59Deq56/hTozI8xmQllLaHDmLXAmnE+s8OgO+p23TnfjnuVjoncTFcM0CXq5DYmdrkCeN8zckn5oFDCwe2U8q/xk/IZJUMGwW3JESqgyrQH7KgX6mI28W2FbebnRoQh48i/cVbJ8FL2uj2Xv6kG/TNle1/pkFNpSrp50wyA2if/ZVScyBjtLTyWAMOT6oNXqLcF7qwBfOYweQR4/QMQfEzYFr+nxnezuQ7zxRNk6tmgNnL9Py3vzHZwelBewI5xmVtTH15n/GVXEQj5Um2zw4rPQpuOyfcUXR4sISYzAPpo1b+ifwyNOEtKS3AubBLN1VsfAfyL1TqXlH8ueB+7C7jeGXf96LwH7T2aF5wLD4af+xl8izRMkE39MvAGYv0kONScj9g2yzeMAC2Mj8spkUg5zWZixO1WcBZImEaYmFIzfZlz5Y8WgBnE3gLrb6p7zRAHmafP0CMDzxXm38AfLzD/7ILi4vgARld/nbCf/0s8mSdQ3hnBCWUNGiffef8rxqiazGi8DZskTlYwDyk710ojohi+C53UkOvB1yhXrjJb/8RRDi56Pw0/iffit/sJneswjoFf1JaA8j/1D8MFifZAkU+wU93n8U+X5vnunzMkvg7EnXP/3/+Jy4t4KZ1RLQvaf9m1QL+XutXbZDkUvgpJKFa4T0P/PneIpRWNESiG92rChg/2fe5pLV//p9CcRNhXulkiFnVzg41buyBG57SL5T/Gf9+q8sg3Euvb7Zf9a7tLf0L3bDyG4SnxPJXvayl73sZS972cte9rKXvexlL3vZy172spe97GUve9nLXvayl73sZS972cte9rKXvexlL3vZy172spe97GUve9nLXvayl73sZS972cte9rKXvexlL3vZy17+P+f/AA== + + 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Curve + + + + + + + + + + + The material override + 13dc19d6-ce9f-44c4-b8b1-b7f0e5c6918c + Material + Material + false + 55329af1-8c2e-45a1-bdff-f0c78b169ed7 + 1 + + + + + + 26844 + -17822 + 51 + 20 + + + 26871 + -17812 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;221;160;221 + + + 255;66;48;66 + + 0.5 + + 255;255;255;255 + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 09d3f598-820d-4981-825d-a0052a2511da + f7f27653-3d4d-4726-be7b-e451982b3c35 + 827313b7-26e3-4a4f-98bc-7d2bc18b3c08 + 3 + f9d04cd9-580d-42d7-ac36-4732673c2878 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 + Colour Picker + + + + + Provides a colour picker object + 827313b7-26e3-4a4f-98bc-7d2bc18b3c08 + Colour Picker + Colour Picker + false + + 255;176;176;176 + + 0 + + + + + + 26935.23 + -17962.02 + 180 + 310 + + 2 + + + + + + + + + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 + Create Material + + + + + Create an OpenGL material. + c5969fcf-74a5-4b6a-b579-648861fc6768 + Create Material + Create Material + + + + + + 27074 + -18669 + 144 + 104 + + + 27158 + -18617 + + + + + + Colour of the diffuse channel + f3673412-04a9-4a60-bb51-6aa25e910ac2 + Diffuse + Diffuse + false + 7f102235-ecbc-4c49-837f-1804fc7af1ad + 1 + + + + + + 27076 + -18667 + 67 + 20 + + + 27111 + -18657 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;105;180 + + + + + + + + + + + + Colour of the specular highlight + 94e2bcd6-39d3-4607-81b9-bb02477ff319 + Specular + Specular + false + 0 + + + + + + 27076 + -18647 + 67 + 20 + + + 27111 + -18637 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;255;255 + + + + + + + + + + + + Emissive colour of the material + 63d63443-2a5a-4b13-ab49-44508c533710 + Emission + Emission + false + 0 + + + + + + 27076 + -18627 + 67 + 20 + + + 27111 + -18617 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;0;0;0 + + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of transparency (0.0 = opaque, 1.0 = transparent + c5993305-fe8e-49b5-bbae-9538f9aaae76 + Transparency + Transparency + false + 0 + + + + + + 27076 + -18607 + 67 + 20 + + + 27111 + -18597 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of shinyness (0 = none, 1 = low shine, 100 = max shine + 44cf9e68-801b-4a8e-88a7-1b34c67a2c4b + Shine + Shine + false + 0 + + + + + + 27076 + -18587 + 67 + 20 + + + 27111 + -18577 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Resulting material + 4f1702cf-ac38-4cc0-82c6-d4c89759505d + Material + Material + false + 0 + + + + + + 27173 + -18667 + 43 + 100 + + + 27196 + -18617 + + + + + + + + + + + + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c + Custom Preview + + + + + Allows for customized geometry previews + true + 47d7cdc1-0e13-49d4-825a-161a3885b635 + Custom Preview + Custom Preview + + + + + + + 26843 + -18639 + 82 + 44 + + + 26911 + -18617 + + + + + + Geometry to preview + true + dcadafb9-2aa2-420d-a374-3c505428919e + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26845 + -18637 + 51 + 20 + + + 26872 + -18627 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 513 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + + 8.31187957663209E-17 + -0.24997981727771 + 0 + 8.31187957663209E-17 + -0.24997981727771 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.00506259683868762 + -0.251127858752699 + 0 + 0.00507922461441546 + -0.253080912971781 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0101967935151527 + -0.255286199399574 + 0 + 0.0102633030451533 + -0.259191883148281 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0154282164834252 + -0.260425683217874 + 0 + 0.015478094857813 + -0.262378171223821 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.020701994133584 + -0.264177528006472 + 0 + 0.020701994133584 + -0.264177528006472 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0259935505297823 + -0.266781991594823 + 0 + 0.0260766590568435 + -0.268733347594719 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0312133909849261 + -0.267048882650394 + 0 + 0.0314128131398599 + -0.270950038872159 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0364292766489561 + -0.267105735301489 + 0 + 0.0365455793334612 + -0.269055394489957 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0417964308460186 + -0.269297994321025 + 0 + 0.0417964308460186 + -0.269297994321025 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0473148445665297 + -0.272903413171553 + 0 + 0.0474642898724584 + -0.274850812300169 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0530687409207295 + -0.278475812940646 + 0 + 0.0534007258081168 + -0.282367929986296 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0588548928467679 + -0.283303474857043 + 0 + 0.0590374137341314 + -0.285248052803867 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0644216248387421 + -0.285108398560566 + 0 + 0.0644216248387421 + -0.285108398560566 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0698346737203401 + -0.285176473045968 + 0 + 0.0700501876991094 + -0.287117671384767 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0750345845318063 + -0.283378923190612 + 0 + 0.075498534092752 + -0.287257523436499 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0802817103486181 + -0.282116578625177 + 0 + 0.0805301195454081 + -0.284053842194377 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0858720206272032 + -0.283446528098435 + 0 + 0.0858720206272032 + -0.283446528098435 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0917600999470148 + -0.286590597013706 + 0 + 0.0920412911839797 + -0.288523374485081 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0981087857410236 + -0.292294910516055 + 0 + 0.0987038558555139 + -0.296155568571535 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.104640709937007 + -0.298441708353911 + 0 + 0.104954554822725 + -0.300369452801007 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.110943497288377 + -0.302553348149671 + 0 + 0.110943497288377 + -0.302553348149671 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.116971119383968 + -0.30466351046014 + 0 + 0.117317474416101 + -0.306585679926476 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.122421795379205 + -0.30344688493754 + 0 + 0.123146898580634 + -0.30728524583899 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.12765430316972 + -0.3011557285604 + 0 + 0.128033009849194 + -0.303071786627506 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.133196537164003 + -0.300481208225351 + 0 + 0.133196537164003 + -0.300481208225351 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.138979025265838 + -0.300899876351722 + 0 + 0.139389910222287 + -0.302809292707094 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.145193849163702 + -0.303137334957123 + 0 + 0.146047658105246 + -0.306949132348622 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.151359506765839 + -0.304915321739946 + 0 + 0.151802381893991 + -0.306817572745062 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.156968872132746 + -0.304182139057426 + 0 + 0.156968872132746 + -0.304182139057426 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.162251727478638 + -0.302118270860592 + 0 + 0.162726390085325 + -0.304012840119134 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.167117399119998 + -0.29850847805582 + 0 + 0.16809835076006 + -0.302289552366431 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.172140728906841 + -0.295646845632959 + 0 + 0.172646961868271 + -0.297533224559463 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.177890551247578 + -0.295510488641129 + 0 + 0.177890551247578 + -0.295510488641129 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.184219552681569 + -0.297326613413061 + 0 + 0.184757124610486 + -0.299204301802235 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.19139883333628 + -0.301832046154663 + 0 + 0.1925051338026 + -0.305578362791137 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.198895360528742 + -0.307032726031567 + 0 + 0.199464025951072 + -0.308901232628571 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.206016400257862 + -0.310654238188858 + 0 + 0.206016400257862 + -0.310654238188858 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.212789097200447 + -0.312910518171558 + 0 + 0.213388596741011 + -0.314769361243596 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.21879496526751 + -0.312649095624738 + 0 + 0.220024595353149 + -0.316356763208947 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.224645432763613 + -0.311864181396547 + 0 + 0.225275493340509 + -0.313712889306154 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.231087817596925 + -0.312729991190678 + 0 + 0.231087817596925 + -0.312729991190678 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.237900363194681 + -0.31449995177643 + 0 + 0.238560698221893 + -0.316338063556882 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.245280263710348 + -0.31763850982412 + 0 + 0.246630984950195 + -0.321303798515987 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.252287341096334 + -0.319553486091236 + 0 + 0.252977650694198 + -0.321380552024555 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.25806700777737 + -0.318123206663287 + 0 + 0.25806700777737 + -0.318123206663287 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.263039001065523 + -0.314640989110883 + 0 + 0.263758972278673 + -0.316456571308922 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.267145820627951 + -0.309106455897664 + 0 + 0.268615181903445 + -0.312725815855527 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.271303997814893 + -0.303865059650543 + 0 + 0.272053304837405 + -0.305668732639644 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.27635882078016 + -0.300886009294673 + 0 + 0.27635882078016 + -0.300886009294673 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.282064626864048 + -0.299454429922685 + 0 + 0.282842931271584 + -0.301245781232398 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.288777487310066 + -0.300270976409564 + 0 + 0.290362831935765 + -0.30384105644792 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.295696098520099 + -0.301424954646929 + 0 + 0.296503049508985 + -0.303203585403195 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.301816243496339 + -0.300726020719846 + 0 + 0.301816243496339 + -0.300726020719846 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.307153673910965 + -0.298319591341423 + 0 + 0.307988908544354 + -0.300085116864542 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.311110417726908 + -0.29306928606337 + 0 + 0.31280889099036 + -0.296586952567721 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.314633015920925 + -0.2870652908909 + 0 + 0.315496159382554 + -0.28881734129835 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.318925547805695 + -0.282747956615763 + 0 + 0.318925547805695 + -0.282747956615763 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.323773871675519 + -0.279601682393419 + 0 + 0.324664537533973 + -0.281339903206257 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.329540007622413 + -0.278252275277643 + 0 + 0.331348564799245 + -0.281714631411929 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.335162237983916 + -0.276603459779669 + 0 + 0.336080028461476 + -0.278327512535504 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.339619553700555 + -0.272788353045691 + 0 + 0.339619553700555 + -0.272788353045691 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.343438370204849 + -0.267877532470742 + 0 + 0.344382876461511 + -0.269587095337889 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.346477255242167 + -0.261678518889093 + 0 + 0.348392670149405 + -0.265082924093477 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.349880009938808 + -0.256256819665294 + 0 + 0.35085081236385 + -0.257951588061604 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.354699221987147 + -0.25337702648471 + 0 + 0.354699221987147 + -0.25337702648471 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.360592351699053 + -0.252329660152735 + 0 + 0.361589020219088 + -0.254009347363727 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.368007279618083 + -0.253761871099317 + 0 + 0.370026153832888 + -0.257105960806143 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.375925228733034 + -0.255887810847245 + 0 + 0.376947323132166 + -0.257552148644947 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.383110724165493 + -0.256692998808542 + 0 + 0.383110724165493 + -0.256692998808542 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.389660130984081 + -0.25639306347777 + 0 + 0.390707201244638 + -0.258041802734007 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.394900499723877 + -0.253998622868437 + 0 + 0.397019272665411 + -0.257280328261175 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.39995046806986 + -0.251314908443692 + 0 + 0.401022054736625 + -0.252947819733754 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.406104835395263 + -0.250296851360014 + 0 + 0.406104835395263 + -0.250296851360014 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.412992668259577 + -0.250317670798067 + 0 + 0.414088302822276 + -0.251934544995591 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.420949683905111 + -0.251815582369577 + 0 + 0.423164644105993 + -0.255033149831342 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.428445466534572 + -0.252532340301326 + 0 + 0.429564671837387 + -0.254132989155931 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.434131137229014 + -0.250603078507021 + 0 + 0.434131137229014 + -0.250603078507021 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.438695472696646 + -0.247102427271376 + 0 + 0.439837763375363 + -0.24868668396488 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.44201813477654 + -0.24193636156993 + 0 + 0.44432543261443 + -0.245088371365246 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445495740064216 + -0.237058676726882 + 0 + 0.446660623024052 + -0.238626396394259 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.450377035719687 + -0.234112913119979 + 0 + 0.450377035719687 + -0.234112913119979 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.456221887686792 + -0.232439918931116 + 0 + 0.457408862619225 + -0.233990979141222 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.463515983718567 + -0.232610166826436 + 0 + 0.465911646115253 + -0.235695550229452 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470968958130414 + -0.232906360098212 + 0 + 0.472177518070469 + -0.234440661286666 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477009360839531 + -0.231355794212939 + 0 + 0.477009360839531 + -0.231355794212939 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481610783299951 + -0.22800286450271 + 0 + 0.482840415261927 + -0.229520330319025 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.483873158380986 + -0.221826964643085 + 0 + 0.486353106184211 + -0.224845018313215 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485201990610864 + -0.214631486684459 + 0 + 0.486452176257821 + -0.216132064277835 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487355857001527 + -0.208540767061362 + 0 + 0.487355857001527 + -0.208540767061362 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490029759613324 + -0.203154772511789 + 0 + 0.491299976031341 + -0.204638432687503 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.493748384548393 + -0.199050652046182 + 0 + 0.496308453553553 + -0.202001047909675 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497021362028804 + -0.19448323798537 + 0 + 0.498311082574272 + -0.195949975242072 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498450370946659 + -0.187901642858666 + 0 + 0.498450370946659 + -0.187901642858666 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498831789506842 + -0.180266708252294 + 0 + 0.500140484852125 + -0.181716540573232 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497955684839166 + -0.171390441980633 + 0 + 0.50059165068667 + -0.174273231101137 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497596112931583 + -0.163235068499549 + 0 + 0.498923253439734 + -0.164668035818515 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498502766295665 + -0.156578684917574 + 0 + 0.498502766295665 + -0.156578684917574 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501526844881575 + -0.152258601737267 + 0 + 0.502871879036417 + -0.153674786890383 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.506036410894295 + -0.14952639095929 + 0 + 0.508744001755663 + -0.152342015364273 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510595710364133 + -0.146859705966156 + 0 + 0.511958120031016 + -0.148259183427633 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514862916917211 + -0.143904025954857 + 0 + 0.514862916917211 + -0.143904025954857 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517497900474848 + -0.139322943576034 + 0 + 0.518877153967375 + -0.140705823566833 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518567968596991 + -0.133244715520061 + 0 + 0.521342934749763 + -0.135993961219062 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518520421032069 + -0.126164788711703 + 0 + 0.51991599068132 + -0.12753120102857 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520790259670081 + -0.121438518168726 + 0 + 0.520790259670081 + -0.121438518168726 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523115834746943 + -0.116817362833747 + 0 + 0.524527197893668 + -0.118167455917081 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526837835332545 + -0.113570800852974 + 0 + 0.529675974158105 + -0.116254782423206 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529374400495454 + -0.109239462443866 + 0 + 0.530801042935851 + -0.110573399703582 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529629343856359 + -0.10284746358971 + 0 + 0.529629343856359 + -0.10284746358971 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.528069640470716 + -0.0948902917065401 + 0 + 0.529511023927964 + -0.0962082867728323 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52569865862804 + -0.0863214103163329 + 0 + 0.528595797736065 + -0.0889415961973827 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522890972317305 + -0.0774952442973139 + 0 + 0.524346614499919 + -0.078797474346804 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522131256966648 + -0.0706243701718842 + 0 + 0.522131256966648 + -0.0706243701718842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522610000644759 + -0.064936863442282 + 0 + 0.5240794098443 + -0.0662235389530084 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.525119350759612 + -0.0610817594399859 + 0 + 0.528071570889044 + -0.0636397245237732 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52764205020719 + -0.0572747808677184 + 0 + 0.529124733926057 + -0.0585461369371996 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.528998986593143 + -0.052514552488742 + 0 + 0.528998986593143 + -0.052514552488742 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52888774336301 + -0.0465743605188221 + 0 + 0.530383198099016 + -0.0478306695565018 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526481634308092 + -0.0388023775926536 + 0 + 0.529484954483856 + -0.0413001479953014 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523199121566311 + -0.0304224013227968 + 0 + 0.524706864243558 + -0.0316639363745814 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522260068369116 + -0.0240724410193798 + 0 + 0.522260068369116 + -0.0240724410193798 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521553240864117 + -0.0179883559358056 + 0 + 0.523072838896654 + -0.0192153518955009 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522691279555433 + -0.0134569573970397 + 0 + 0.525741995914656 + -0.0158966128559256 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523580328175758 + -0.00877420801144432 + 0 + 0.525111335443843 + -0.00998693799403258 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522591414915518 + -0.00266669219080294 + 0 + 0.522591414915518 + -0.00266669219080294 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520735051290648 + 0.00404087226576249 + 0 + 0.52227702557762 + 0.00284211767706795 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517414262891711 + 0.011790202771346 + 0 + 0.520508843857234 + 0.00940643312846436 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515080534206917 + 0.0186815656183194 + 0 + 0.516633027682826 + 0.0174964659293226 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51504754102053 + 0.0237457174441685 + 0 + 0.51504754102053 + 0.0237457174441685 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.516781168969772 + 0.0274311955224432 + 0 + 0.518343747547528 + 0.026259425300114 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520984593322147 + 0.0292516154996504 + 0 + 0.524119519321334 + 0.0269211588829929 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.525736717265888 + 0.0306695084490966 + 0 + 0.527308957077282 + 0.0295107335610934 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530249750885138 + 0.0322747199888579 + 0 + 0.530249750885138 + 0.0322747199888579 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.533008072299303 + 0.035160975602574 + 0 + 0.53458959587593 + 0.0340149038586707 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.534076401499286 + 0.0392456714749148 + 0 + 0.53724843999894 + 0.0369659871065836 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.5348995839305 + 0.0434704797618524 + 0 + 0.536490002034884 + 0.0423367833656127 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.537444081750373 + 0.0464410943404135 + 0 + 0.537444081750373 + 0.0464410943404135 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.541216433982264 + 0.0485339025319769 + 0 + 0.542815361366574 + 0.0474122392646357 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.546308316941345 + 0.0497039717192265 + 0 + 0.549514390092343 + 0.0474724063464552 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.551039061816631 + 0.0511326200689174 + 0 + 0.552646109204774 + 0.0500226218897029 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553188029887676 + 0.0543367181907798 + 0 + 0.553188029887676 + 0.0543367181907798 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553961153951827 + 0.0584556385292601 + 0 + 0.555575943706936 + 0.0573569341502785 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.552921645049379 + 0.0637631510903945 + 0 + 0.556158684892702 + 0.0615767471672281 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553167689478105 + 0.0681600541119671 + 0 + 0.554789859916247 + 0.067072276407095 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554774762938143 + 0.0716161272216867 + 0 + 0.554774762938143 + 0.0716161272216867 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.558123573888134 + 0.0738958925831598 + 0 + 0.559752802347065 + 0.0728187148382134 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.563552320013287 + 0.0748022669213771 + 0 + 0.566817576847333 + 0.0726582317373806 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.569505591582543 + 0.0753774422386748 + 0 + 0.571141537406673 + 0.0743104940083888 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.573309636726683 + 0.0773576809295762 + 0 + 0.573309636726683 + 0.0773576809295762 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.57579648233036 + 0.0801789509896524 + 0 + 0.577438799221491 + 0.0791218358139479 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.575069833470148 + 0.0850377940687568 + 0 + 0.578360578545252 + 0.082933088409246 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574418530726068 + 0.0898097126292509 + 0 + 0.57606688816736 + 0.0887620413967855 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574210495132547 + 0.0942647668340597 + 0 + 0.574210495132547 + 0.0942647668340597 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.575362185812015 + 0.0978305236461184 + 0 + 0.57701630068032 + 0.0967919663448332 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.577291050214913 + 0.100884446346998 + 0 + 0.580604793808196 + 0.0988161396819994 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.579996629041215 + 0.103438105466093 + 0 + 0.581656183783523 + 0.102408263088403 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.579715049828847 + 0.107824804657256 + 0 + 0.579715049828847 + 0.107824804657256 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.578653711558851 + 0.112657086033572 + 0 + 0.580318431561023 + 0.111635614262074 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.575357602608493 + 0.118813452610389 + 0 + 0.578691978930992 + 0.116778575807617 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.573913966962851 + 0.123794513169183 + 0 + 0.57558355362331 + 0.122781015439132 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574267221894916 + 0.127656594779098 + 0 + 0.574267221894916 + 0.127656594779098 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.575741436465193 + 0.130816745467539 + 0 + 0.577415630863639 + 0.129810877493195 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.580852658267195 + 0.131785062666715 + 0 + 0.584205448210086 + 0.129780670324545 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.585798565700612 + 0.132858133029338 + 0 + 0.587477106934231 + 0.131859535716783 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.589553846642589 + 0.134637801129362 + 0 + 0.589553846642589 + 0.134637801129362 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.592022587229983 + 0.137171242379627 + 0 + 0.593705231298628 + 0.136179573985529 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.592216358740071 + 0.141027663684679 + 0 + 0.595585569938314 + 0.139050998572897 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.591908069711687 + 0.145154061292386 + 0 + 0.593594578629267 + 0.14416898010968 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.593088174785243 + 0.148389688148958 + 0 + 0.593088174785243 + 0.148389688148958 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.595087012134369 + 0.151134042661984 + 0 + 0.596777158152779 + 0.150155214943714 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.598344591564287 + 0.15313958986159 + 0 + 0.601728356402685 + 0.151187943228379 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.600474667197695 + 0.15578608604424 + 0 + 0.602168232969749 + 0.15481318715878 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.599491200657451 + 0.160202453256533 + 0 + 0.599491200657451 + 0.160202453256533 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.596567421457683 + 0.165699867043137 + 0 + 0.598264199848912 + 0.164732581998975 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.591682763725695 + 0.172278617528712 + 0 + 0.59507938401687 + 0.170349431259821 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.587027453667062 + 0.178688380853897 + 0 + 0.588727247491103 + 0.177726404647668 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.58447359522953 + 0.183876228188389 + 0 + 0.58447359522953 + 0.183876228188389 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.583374989700377 + 0.18821883797212 + 0 + 0.585077611404854 + 0.187261875800955 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.584426316895367 + 0.191336149058805 + 0 + 0.587834253353718 + 0.189427024086903 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.585831172459676 + 0.194243584882788 + 0 + 0.587536443782822 + 0.193291352253619 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.585492391213915 + 0.198110754578305 + 0 + 0.585492391213915 + 0.198110754578305 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.583534598911238 + 0.202859967298154 + 0 + 0.585242350528659 + 0.20191219006758 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.578838758400734 + 0.20910309233096 + 0 + 0.582256620314461 + 0.207211794099271 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.573413971928032 + 0.215719393644261 + 0 + 0.575124043074596 + 0.214775807962253 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.569648629208662 + 0.221392499605875 + 0 + 0.569648629208662 + 0.221392499605875 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.567062723927539 + 0.226394431028544 + 0 + 0.568774962031965 + 0.225454783254455 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.566296547900853 + 0.23038074150603 + 0 + 0.569723081554517 + 0.228505199935495 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.56529524631785 + 0.234481643097024 + 0 + 0.567009506628811 + 0.233545689651675 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.562193453793717 + 0.239712671553032 + 0 + 0.562193453793717 + 0.239712671553032 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.558038144021199 + 0.245497358413451 + 0 + 0.559754289247648 + 0.244564865610618 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.552621391540257 + 0.251945285652744 + 0 + 0.556055468409335 + 0.250083591499623 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.548019310185587 + 0.257929791797585 + 0 + 0.549737210143874 + 0.257000535644032 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.546041540323348 + 0.262477938844547 + 0 + 0.546041540323348 + 0.262477938844547 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.546000575664466 + 0.26596972545728 + 0 + 0.547720106940932 + 0.265043491439953 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.548591098241422 + 0.268038499101154 + 0 + 0.552031703606712 + 0.266188898121796 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55200665651566 + 0.269661983986608 + 0 + 0.553727702144349 + 0.268738566849248 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55416719445753 + 0.27195661279076 + 0 + 0.55416719445753 + 0.27195661279076 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555280153440206 + 0.274807778904507 + 0 + 0.557002602592111 + 0.273886982409779 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554292414480974 + 0.278774630967739 + 0 + 0.557738636861375 + 0.276935516950796 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553079164560371 + 0.282852673613419 + 0 + 0.554802912251312 + 0.281934310306458 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553714524960958 + 0.285938438252715 + 0 + 0.553714524960958 + 0.285938438252715 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555562842485541 + 0.288374454381278 + 0 + 0.557287789298278 + 0.287458345349105 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.559117639806666 + 0.289902064721205 + 0 + 0.562568661327537 + 0.288071971957166 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.561975959755035 + 0.291797694204709 + 0 + 0.563702011579964 + 0.290883668842228 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.562109365616769 + 0.295132409924844 + 0 + 0.562109365616769 + 0.295132409924844 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.560649639999558 + 0.299302769702726 + 0 + 0.562376707791147 + 0.298390665482334 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557472304473231 + 0.304371455681544 + 0 + 0.560927392278663 + 0.302549051412657 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554707226061328 + 0.309213471957562 + 0 + 0.556435225610789 + 0.308303134205592 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554187584255883 + 0.312865425868417 + 0 + 0.554187584255883 + 0.312865425868417 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555220543871597 + 0.315695852890933 + 0 + 0.556949395596505 + 0.314787134574356 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.558475066794245 + 0.317356347253857 + 0 + 0.561933565516345 + 0.315540424443896 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.562055425031544 + 0.31884493679424 + 0 + 0.563785053780183 + 0.317937698315402 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.563731725473342 + 0.32133057087475 + 0 + 0.563731725473342 + 0.32133057087475 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.563521805870369 + 0.324801069095173 + 0 + 0.565252140741162 + 0.323895178097029 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.56022101247174 + 0.329884008642004 + 0 + 0.563682337724006 + 0.328073479282803 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55585350688313 + 0.335517616066065 + 0 + 0.55758448105845 + 0.334612947248224 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.552862185949695 + 0.34042521988535 + 0 + 0.552862185949695 + 0.34042521988535 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.5508005345518 + 0.344841896944128 + 0 + 0.55253208514541 + 0.343938331889818 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.550358436183797 + 0.348409293591051 + 0 + 0.553822069004684 + 0.346603182646348 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549497434845376 + 0.352191635408473 + 0 + 0.551229502762722 + 0.351289062422338 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.546367194308466 + 0.357152253825809 + 0 + 0.546367194308466 + 0.357152253825809 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.542052857272595 + 0.362724428578902 + 0 + 0.543785387083187 + 0.361822742535419 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.536364541791191 + 0.369006173876704 + 0 + 0.539830023958609 + 0.367203613916589 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.531410202640004 + 0.374900835699932 + 0 + 0.533143142461107 + 0.373999937902157 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529020281375881 + 0.379458301993825 + 0 + 0.529020281375881 + 0.379458301993825 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.528500285026138 + 0.383041519696175 + 0 + 0.53023358641705 + 0.382141317744466 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.5305466618677 + 0.385290461424665 + 0 + 0.53401359198716 + 0.38349068793634 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.533334545434413 + 0.387153856162469 + 0 + 0.535068163300618 + 0.386254263832816 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.534764946279702 + 0.389720925470666 + 0 + 0.534764946279702 + 0.389720925470666 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.535042410768208 + 0.392884825571194 + 0 + 0.536776303274749 + 0.391985762702782 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.533099613888616 + 0.39719824213856 + 0 + 0.536567644159936 + 0.395400589474748 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530811834167637 + 0.401688440859011 + 0 + 0.532545962661087 + 0.40078983325065 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.53024607528512 + 0.405284636137486 + 0 + 0.53024607528512 + 0.405284636137486 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530736640092069 + 0.408332464299612 + 0 + 0.532470969030517 + 0.407434243614669 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.532751478974277 + 0.41059012182452 + 0 + 0.536220312549868 + 0.408794019742968 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.533855363451273 + 0.413318830771393 + 0 + 0.535589860341801 + 0.412420934450904 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.532023177275888 + 0.417566454974539 + 0 + 0.532023177275888 + 0.417566454974539 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.528459748093733 + 0.422708749302256 + 0 + 0.530194383436872 + 0.42181112048591 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523141173215205 + 0.42875776868352 + 0 + 0.526610562073264 + 0.426962739431927 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518296972212218 + 0.434559914740951 + 0 + 0.520031719452933 + 0.433662502195668 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515822890960179 + 0.439134901987676 + 0 + 0.515822890960179 + 0.439134901987676 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515041881543152 + 0.44283347859111 + 0 + 0.516776717027939 + 0.44193623664697 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.516644249002465 + 0.445299024131998 + 0 + 0.520113992268811 + 0.443504680037866 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518784373405253 + 0.447486279945901 + 0 + 0.520519276344944 + 0.446589168439202 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.519317239981351 + 0.450504417224782 + 0 + 0.519317239981351 + 0.450504417224782 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518361997556606 + 0.454291682022561 + 0 + 0.520096949994542 + 0.453394666245834 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51477554101282 + 0.459438970812198 + 0 + 0.518245483674858 + 0.457645012344267 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510592394206174 + 0.464894358873935 + 0 + 0.512327380991411 + 0.463997409532749 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508227181657904 + 0.469409631120504 + 0 + 0.508227181657904 + 0.469409631120504 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50718303674455 + 0.473241793249375 + 0 + 0.508918045509783 + 0.472344886425808 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50809985549307 + 0.476060148931115 + 0 + 0.511569887458084 + 0.474266363206931 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508889360758345 + 0.478944262268489 + 0 + 0.510624381902224 + 0.478047379391024 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507660899501499 + 0.482871482528293 + 0 + 0.507660899501499 + 0.482871482528293 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505472495864452 + 0.487294852511944 + 0 + 0.507207522536964 + 0.486397980329706 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502114278327988 + 0.492322893105854 + 0 + 0.505584333797325 + 0.490529152850905 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499678145520282 + 0.496874276112854 + 0 + 0.501413173596309 + 0.495977406645765 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499994052316792 + 0.500003074467614 + 0 + 0.499994052316792 + 0.500003074467614 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.500321854479689 + 0.503125723880424 + 0 + 0.498586826403661 + 0.504022593347512 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497885721671814 + 0.50767710688751 + 0 + 0.494415666202477 + 0.509470847142459 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494527504136201 + 0.512705147480981 + 0 + 0.492792477463689 + 0.513602019663219 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.492339100496955 + 0.517128517465769 + 0 + 0.492339100496955 + 0.517128517465769 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.4911106392441 + 0.52105573772351 + 0 + 0.489375618100221 + 0.521952620600976 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491900144505923 + 0.523939851062669 + 0 + 0.488430112540909 + 0.525733636786853 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.492816963255547 + 0.526758206743838 + 0 + 0.491081954490313 + 0.527655113567405 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491772818341976 + 0.53059036887282 + 0 + 0.491772818341976 + 0.53059036887282 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489407605792636 + 0.535105641119945 + 0 + 0.487672619007399 + 0.536002590461131 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485224458987033 + 0.540561029181141 + 0 + 0.481754516324994 + 0.542354987649073 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481638002443919 + 0.54570831797043 + 0 + 0.479903050005983 + 0.546605333747157 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480682760019213 + 0.549495582768189 + 0 + 0.480682760019213 + 0.549495582768189 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481215626594514 + 0.552513720047482 + 0 + 0.479480723654823 + 0.553410831554181 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.48335575099895 + 0.554700975860534 + 0 + 0.479886007732604 + 0.556495319954666 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484958118457496 + 0.557166521401818 + 0 + 0.483223282972709 + 0.558063763345959 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484177109037803 + 0.560865098006631 + 0 + 0.484177109037803 + 0.560865098006631 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481703027788716 + 0.56544008525183 + 0 + 0.479968280548001 + 0.566337497797113 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476858826783604 + 0.571242231310361 + 0 + 0.473389437925545 + 0.573037260561954 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.471540251907284 + 0.577291250690483 + 0 + 0.469805616564146 + 0.578188879506828 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.467976822724151 + 0.582433545018705 + 0 + 0.467976822724151 + 0.582433545018705 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.466144636547105 + 0.58668116922271 + 0 + 0.464410139656576 + 0.587579065543199 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.467248521025568 + 0.589409878168824 + 0 + 0.463779687449978 + 0.591205980250376 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469263359909215 + 0.591667535692985 + 0 + 0.467529030970766 + 0.592565756377928 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.46975392471345 + 0.594715363856517 + 0 + 0.46975392471345 + 0.594715363856517 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469188165833648 + 0.598311559133586 + 0 + 0.467454037340198 + 0.599210166741947 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.466900386110748 + 0.602801757855032 + 0 + 0.463432355839429 + 0.604599410518845 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.464957589231595 + 0.607115174422175 + 0 + 0.463223696725053 + 0.608014237290587 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.465235053722482 + 0.610279074521466 + 0 + 0.465235053722482 + 0.610279074521466 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.466665454565846 + 0.612846143830657 + 0 + 0.464931836699641 + 0.613745736160311 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469453338131762 + 0.614709538568878 + 0 + 0.465986408012301 + 0.616509312057203 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.471499714974001 + 0.616958480297016 + 0 + 0.469766413583088 + 0.617858682248725 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470979718624506 + 0.620541697999236 + 0 + 0.470979718624506 + 0.620541697999236 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.468589797360488 + 0.625099164293076 + 0 + 0.466856857539385 + 0.62600006209085 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.463635458208396 + 0.630993826116774 + 0 + 0.460169976040978 + 0.632796386076889 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.457947142729372 + 0.637275571413336 + 0 + 0.45621461291878 + 0.638177257456819 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453632805691789 + 0.642847746167316 + 0 + 0.453632805691789 + 0.642847746167316 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.45050256515342 + 0.647808364585419 + 0 + 0.448770497236075 + 0.648710937571555 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.449641563818446 + 0.651590706401044 + 0 + 0.44617793099756 + 0.653396817345747 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.449199465447148 + 0.655158103049682 + 0 + 0.447467914853538 + 0.656061668103992 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.44713781405013 + 0.659574780108005 + 0 + 0.44713781405013 + 0.659574780108005 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444146493115996 + 0.664482383927657 + 0 + 0.442415518940676 + 0.665387052745498 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.439778987527396 + 0.670115991351713 + 0 + 0.436317662275131 + 0.671926520710914 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.43647819413199 + 0.675198930896855 + 0 + 0.434747859261198 + 0.676104821894999 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.436268274525976 + 0.678669429118867 + 0 + 0.436268274525976 + 0.678669429118867 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.437944574971145 + 0.681155063197614 + 0 + 0.436214946222506 + 0.682062301676452 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.441524933205246 + 0.682643652739672 + 0 + 0.438066434483147 + 0.684459575549633 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444779456130897 + 0.684304147101019 + 0 + 0.443050604405989 + 0.685212865417596 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445812415742289 + 0.687134574125807 + 0 + 0.445812415742289 + 0.687134574125807 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.44529277393965 + 0.690786528035187 + 0 + 0.443564774390189 + 0.691696865787157 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442527695526064 + 0.69562854431209 + 0 + 0.439072607720632 + 0.697450948580977 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.439350360002718 + 0.700697230289334 + 0 + 0.437623292211129 + 0.701609334509727 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.437890634381809 + 0.704867590069166 + 0 + 0.437890634381809 + 0.704867590069166 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.438024040243821 + 0.708202305789162 + 0 + 0.436297988418891 + 0.709116331151643 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.440882360195622 + 0.710097935270844 + 0 + 0.437431338674752 + 0.711928028034883 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444437157515196 + 0.711625545611594 + 0 + 0.442712210702459 + 0.712541654643766 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446285475041588 + 0.714061561739193 + 0 + 0.446285475041588 + 0.714061561739193 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446920835439549 + 0.717147326379887 + 0 + 0.445197087748607 + 0.718065689686848 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.44570758551882 + 0.721225369025635 + 0 + 0.442261363138418 + 0.723064483042579 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444719846560562 + 0.725192221088341 + 0 + 0.442997397408658 + 0.726113017583069 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445832805542005 + 0.728043387202751 + 0 + 0.445832805542005 + 0.728043387202751 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.447993343485007 + 0.7303380160063 + 0 + 0.446272297856318 + 0.73126143314366 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.451408901758587 + 0.731961500892099 + 0 + 0.447968296393298 + 0.733811101871457 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453999424333867 + 0.73403027453688 + 0 + 0.452279893057401 + 0.734956508554207 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453958459678774 + 0.737522061147572 + 0 + 0.453958459678774 + 0.737522061147572 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.451980689812602 + 0.742070208196654 + 0 + 0.450262789854315 + 0.742999464350207 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.447378608460801 + 0.748054714339945 + 0 + 0.443944531591723 + 0.749916408493066 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.441961855980612 + 0.754502641578826 + 0 + 0.440245710754163 + 0.755435134381659 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.437806546206187 + 0.76028732844028 + 0 + 0.437806546206187 + 0.76028732844028 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.434704753682456 + 0.765518356896076 + 0 + 0.432990493371494 + 0.766454310341426 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.433703452101702 + 0.769619258485835 + 0 + 0.430276918448037 + 0.77149480005637 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.432937276072469 + 0.773605568964715 + 0 + 0.431225037968043 + 0.774545216738804 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.430351370793634 + 0.77860750038613 + 0 + 0.430351370793634 + 0.77860750038613 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.42658602807245 + 0.784280606348736 + 0 + 0.424875956925886 + 0.785224192030744 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.421161241600247 + 0.790896907661753 + 0 + 0.417743379686519 + 0.792788205893442 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.416465401088338 + 0.797140032695347 + 0 + 0.414757649470916 + 0.79808780992592 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.414507608786802 + 0.801889245414558 + 0 + 0.414507608786802 + 0.801889245414558 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.414168827539588 + 0.80575641511088 + 0 + 0.412463556216442 + 0.806708647740049 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.415573683103127 + 0.808663850935304 + 0 + 0.412165746644776 + 0.810572975907206 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.416625010300121 + 0.811781162020859 + 0 + 0.414922388595644 + 0.812738124192024 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.415526404770417 + 0.816123771804899 + 0 + 0.415526404770417 + 0.816123771804899 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.412972546332894 + 0.821311619139391 + 0 + 0.411272752508854 + 0.82227359534562 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.408317236273419 + 0.827721382465054 + 0 + 0.404920615982244 + 0.829650568733945 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.403432578543782 + 0.834300132949293 + 0 + 0.401735800152553 + 0.835267417993455 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.400508799341133 + 0.839797546737541 + 0 + 0.400508799341133 + 0.839797546737541 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.399525332802111 + 0.844213913949143 + 0 + 0.397831767030058 + 0.845186812834602 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.401655408437183 + 0.846860410130826 + 0 + 0.398271643598785 + 0.848812056764036 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.404912987865698 + 0.848865957331232 + 0 + 0.403222841847288 + 0.849844785049502 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.406911825213129 + 0.851610311845252 + 0 + 0.406911825213129 + 0.851610311845252 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.408091930288251 + 0.854845938700912 + 0 + 0.406405421370671 + 0.855831019883618 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.40778364126137 + 0.858972336307743 + 0 + 0.404414430063127 + 0.860949001419525 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.407977412770994 + 0.862828757613064 + 0 + 0.406294768702349 + 0.863820426007162 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.410446153357506 + 0.865362198863833 + 0 + 0.410446153357506 + 0.865362198863833 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.414201434299106 + 0.867141866964095 + 0 + 0.412522893065487 + 0.86814046427665 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.41914734173461 + 0.868214937325475 + 0 + 0.415794551791719 + 0.870219329667645 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.424258563534649 + 0.869183254525825 + 0 + 0.422584369136203 + 0.870189122500169 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425732778105591 + 0.87234340521387 + 0 + 0.425732778105591 + 0.87234340521387 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.426086033037743 + 0.876205486823723 + 0 + 0.424416446377285 + 0.877218984553774 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.424642397390908 + 0.881186547383245 + 0 + 0.42130802106841 + 0.883221424186017 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.421346288442543 + 0.887342913958841 + 0 + 0.419681568440371 + 0.888364385730339 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.42028495017026 + 0.892175195336559 + 0 + 0.42028495017026 + 0.892175195336559 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.420003370959338 + 0.896561894526842 + 0 + 0.418343816217031 + 0.897591736904532 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.422708949786019 + 0.899115553645681 + 0 + 0.419395206192737 + 0.90118386031068 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.424637814187042 + 0.902169476347732 + 0 + 0.422983699318737 + 0.903208033649017 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425789504866709 + 0.905735233159679 + 0 + 0.425789504866709 + 0.905735233159679 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425581469274102 + 0.910190287363908 + 0 + 0.42393311183281 + 0.911237958596373 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.424930166530282 + 0.914962205924235 + 0 + 0.421639421455178 + 0.917066911583746 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.424203517671382 + 0.919821049002491 + 0 + 0.422561200780251 + 0.920878164178196 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.42669036327251 + 0.922642319064212 + 0 + 0.42669036327251 + 0.922642319064212 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.430494408416405 + 0.924622557755277 + 0 + 0.428858462592275 + 0.925689505985563 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.43644767998708 + 0.925197733071642 + 0 + 0.433182423153033 + 0.927341768255638 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.441876426111141 + 0.926104107410585 + 0 + 0.440247197652209 + 0.927181285155532 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445225237063279 + 0.928383872770634 + 0 + 0.445225237063279 + 0.928383872770634 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446832310521477 + 0.931839945881576 + 0 + 0.445210140083335 + 0.932927723586448 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.447078354949548 + 0.936236848903597 + 0 + 0.443841315106225 + 0.938423252826763 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446038846048775 + 0.941544361463594 + 0 + 0.444424056293666 + 0.942643065842575 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446811970110558 + 0.945663281803692 + 0 + 0.446811970110558 + 0.945663281803692 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.448960938184329 + 0.948867379923686 + 0 + 0.447353890796185 + 0.949977378102901 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453691683058238 + 0.950296028274328 + 0 + 0.45048560990724 + 0.9525275936471 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.458783566018876 + 0.9514660974605 + 0 + 0.457184638634566 + 0.952587760727841 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.462555918249647 + 0.953558905652842 + 0 + 0.462555918249647 + 0.953558905652842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.465100416070197 + 0.956529520230918 + 0 + 0.463509997965812 + 0.957663216627157 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.465923598501075 + 0.960754328518094 + 0 + 0.462751560001421 + 0.963034012886426 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.46699192770152 + 0.964839024390094 + 0 + 0.465410404124894 + 0.965985096133997 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469750249115042 + 0.967725280004285 + 0 + 0.469750249115042 + 0.967725280004285 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474263282734564 + 0.969330491543827 + 0 + 0.47269104292317 + 0.97048926643183 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479015406677136 + 0.970748384494153 + 0 + 0.475880480677949 + 0.97307884111081 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.483218831031298 + 0.972568804470028 + 0 + 0.481656252453542 + 0.973740574692357 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484952458979156 + 0.976254282549339 + 0 + 0.484952458979156 + 0.976254282549339 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484919465793999 + 0.981318434374248 + 0 + 0.48336697231809 + 0.982503534063245 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.48258573710722 + 0.988209797222736 + 0 + 0.479491156141698 + 0.990593566865618 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47926494870801 + 0.995959127728549 + 0 + 0.477722974421038 + 0.997157882317243 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477408585084053 + 1.00266669218441 + 0 + 0.477408585084053 + 1.00266669218441 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476419671825858 + 1.00877420800342 + 0 + 0.474888664557773 + 1.00998693798601 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47730872044323 + 1.01345695739137 + 0 + 0.474258004084007 + 1.01589661285025 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.478446759137112 + 1.01798835592808 + 0 + 0.476927161104575 + 1.01921535188778 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477739931629466 + 1.02407244101381 + 0 + 0.477739931629466 + 1.02407244101381 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476800878435181 + 1.03042240131483 + 0 + 0.475293135757935 + 1.03166393636661 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473518365689002 + 1.03880237758834 + 0 + 0.470515045513237 + 1.04130014799099 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.471112256637539 + 1.04657436051163 + 0 + 0.469616801901533 + 1.04783066954931 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.471001013406089 + 1.05251455248266 + 0 + 0.471001013406089 + 1.05251455248266 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.472357949794293 + 1.05727478085971 + 0 + 0.470875266075426 + 1.0585461369292 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474880649239964 + 1.06108175943364 + 0 + 0.471928429110532 + 1.06363972451742 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47738999935475 + 1.06493686343598 + 0 + 0.475920590155208 + 1.06622353894671 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47786874303231 + 1.07062437016608 + 0 + 0.47786874303231 + 1.07062437016608 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477109027682859 + 1.07749524429044 + 0 + 0.475653385500245 + 1.07879747433993 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474301341372265 + 1.08632141030932 + 0 + 0.47140420226424 + 1.08894159619037 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.471930359528711 + 1.09489029170032 + 0 + 0.470488976071462 + 1.09620828676662 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470370656143892 + 1.10284746358276 + 0 + 0.470370656143892 + 1.10284746358276 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470625599505133 + 1.10923946243659 + 0 + 0.469198957064736 + 1.11057339969631 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473162164667422 + 1.11357080084627 + 0 + 0.470324025841862 + 1.1162547824165 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476884165252084 + 1.11681736282795 + 0 + 0.47547280210536 + 1.11816745591128 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479209740329589 + 1.12143851816233 + 0 + 0.479209740329589 + 1.12143851816233 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481479578968417 + 1.12616478870449 + 0 + 0.480084009319166 + 1.12753120102136 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481432031402307 + 1.13324471551403 + 0 + 0.478657065249536 + 1.13599396121303 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482502099525904 + 1.13932294356855 + 0 + 0.481122846033377 + 1.14070582355934 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485137083082313 + 1.14390402594863 + 0 + 0.485137083082313 + 1.14390402594863 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489404289635638 + 1.14685970595966 + 0 + 0.488041879968755 + 1.14825918342113 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.49396358910622 + 1.14952639095203 + 0 + 0.491255998244852 + 1.15234201535701 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498473155117991 + 1.152258601731 + 0 + 0.497128120963149 + 1.15367478688411 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501497233706143 + 1.15657868490891 + 0 + 0.501497233706143 + 1.15657868490891 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502403887066803 + 1.16323506849457 + 0 + 0.501076746558652 + 1.16466803581353 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502044315160939 + 1.17139044197379 + 0 + 0.499408349313434 + 1.1742732310943 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501168210492971 + 1.18026670824577 + 0 + 0.499859515147689 + 1.18171654056671 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50154962905304 + 1.18790164285227 + 0 + 0.50154962905304 + 1.18790164285227 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50297863797042 + 1.19448323797953 + 0 + 0.501688917424953 + 1.19594997523623 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.506251615452048 + 1.19905065203895 + 0 + 0.503691546446887 + 1.20200104790244 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50997024038586 + 1.20315477250602 + 0 + 0.508700023967843 + 1.20463843268173 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51264414299887 + 1.20854076705416 + 0 + 0.51264414299887 + 1.20854076705416 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514798009388094 + 1.21463148667899 + 0 + 0.513547823741137 + 1.21613206427236 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51612684161979 + 1.22182696463542 + 0 + 0.513646893816565 + 1.22484501830555 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518389216699865 + 1.22800286449621 + 0 + 0.517159584737888 + 1.22952033031253 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522990639161711 + 1.23135579420468 + 0 + 0.522990639161711 + 1.23135579420468 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529031041869394 + 1.23290636009174 + 0 + 0.527822481929338 + 1.2344406612802 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.536484016280763 + 1.23261016682058 + 0 + 0.534088353884077 + 1.2356955502236 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.543778112313871 + 1.23243991892353 + 0 + 0.542591137381438 + 1.23399097913363 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549622964279443 + 1.2341129131144 + 0 + 0.549622964279443 + 1.2341129131144 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55450425993581 + 1.23705867672012 + 0 + 0.553339376975974 + 1.2386263963875 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557981865222957 + 1.2419363615639 + 0 + 0.555674567385068 + 1.24508837135921 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.561304527303196 + 1.24710242726487 + 0 + 0.560162236624479 + 1.24868668395838 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.565868862771267 + 1.2506030784999 + 0 + 0.565868862771267 + 1.2506030784999 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.571554533465824 + 1.25253234029402 + 0 + 0.570435328163009 + 1.25413298914862 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.579050316093883 + 1.25181558236431 + 0 + 0.576835355893002 + 1.25503314982608 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.587007331741772 + 1.25031767078936 + 0 + 0.585911697179073 + 1.25193454498689 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.59389516460427 + 1.25029685135397 + 0 + 0.59389516460427 + 1.25029685135397 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.600049531929937 + 1.25131490843728 + 0 + 0.598977945263171 + 1.25294781972734 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.605099500276779 + 1.25399862286071 + 0 + 0.602980727335245 + 1.25728032825345 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.610339869014891 + 1.25639306347268 + 0 + 0.609292798754333 + 1.25804180272891 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.616889275835059 + 1.25669299880093 + 0 + 0.616889275835059 + 1.25669299880093 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.62407477126512 + 1.25588781084351 + 0 + 0.623052676865988 + 1.25755214864121 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.631992720382511 + 1.25376187109158 + 0 + 0.629973846167706 + 1.2571059607984 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.639407648299577 + 1.2523296601483 + 0 + 0.638410979779542 + 1.2540093473593 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.645300778013203 + 1.25337702647739 + 0 + 0.645300778013203 + 1.25337702647739 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.650119990060171 + 1.25625681966035 + 0 + 0.649149187635128 + 1.25795158805666 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.653522744757262 + 1.26167851888338 + 0 + 0.651607329850025 + 1.26508292408776 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.656561629795494 + 1.26787753246339 + 0 + 0.655617123538832 + 1.26958709533054 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.660380446298135 + 1.2727883530414 + 0 + 0.660380446298135 + 1.2727883530414 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.664837762017437 + 1.27660345977039 + 0 + 0.663919971539877 + 1.27832751252623 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.670459992377388 + 1.27825227527127 + 0 + 0.668651435200556 + 1.28171463140555 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.676226128324245 + 1.27960168238716 + 0 + 0.675335462465791 + 1.2813399032 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.681074452194359 + 1.28274795660892 + 0 + 0.681074452194359 + 1.28274795660892 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.685366984079232 + 1.28706529088385 + 0 + 0.684503840617602 + 1.2888173412913 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.688889582273622 + 1.29306928605553 + 0 + 0.68719110901017 + 1.29658695255989 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.692846326088813 + 1.29831959133515 + 0 + 0.692011091455424 + 1.30008511685827 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.698183756503095 + 1.30072602071436 + 0 + 0.698183756503095 + 1.30072602071436 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.704303901480386 + 1.30142495463914 + 0 + 0.703496950491501 + 1.3032035853954 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.711222512689604 + 1.30027097640361 + 0 + 0.709637168063905 + 1.30384105644197 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.717935373137065 + 1.29945442991338 + 0 + 0.717157068729529 + 1.3012457812231 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.723641179219024 + 1.30088600928987 + 0 + 0.723641179219024 + 1.30088600928987 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.728696002185677 + 1.30386505964246 + 0 + 0.727946695163165 + 1.30566873263156 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.732854179370762 + 1.30910645589412 + 0 + 0.731384818095268 + 1.31272581585198 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.736960998935186 + 1.31464098910238 + 0 + 0.736241027722036 + 1.31645657130042 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.741932992222597 + 1.31812320665665 + 0 + 0.741932992222597 + 1.31812320665665 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.7477126589038 + 1.31955348608417 + 0 + 0.747022349305936 + 1.32138055201749 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.754719736289927 + 1.31763850981663 + 0 + 0.75336901505008 + 1.32130379850849 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.762099636804354 + 1.3144999517724 + 0 + 0.761439301777142 + 1.31633806355285 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.768912182403063 + 1.31272999118399 + 0 + 0.768912182403063 + 1.31272999118399 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.775354567236218 + 1.31186418139031 + 0 + 0.774724506659322 + 1.31371288929991 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.781205034731855 + 1.31264909561994 + 0 + 0.779975404646217 + 1.31635676320415 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.787210902799999 + 1.31291051816344 + 0 + 0.786611403259435 + 1.31476936123547 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.793983599742144 + 1.3106542381821 + 0 + 0.793983599742144 + 1.3106542381821 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.801104639471232 + 1.30703272602494 + 0 + 0.800535974048903 + 1.30890123262194 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.808601166663845 + 1.30183204614749 + 0 + 0.807494866197526 + 1.30557836278396 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.815780447317601 + 1.29732661340922 + 0 + 0.815242875388683 + 1.2992043017984 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.822109448753179 + 1.29551048863167 + 0 + 0.822109448753179 + 1.29551048863167 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.827859271093346 + 1.2956468456255 + 0 + 0.827353038131916 + 1.29753322455201 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.832882600879837 + 1.2985084780497 + 0 + 0.831901649239775 + 1.30228955236031 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.837748272520637 + 1.30211827085677 + 0 + 0.837273609913951 + 1.30401284011531 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.843031127867617 + 1.30418213904919 + 0 + 0.843031127867617 + 1.30418213904919 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.848640493234297 + 1.30491532173259 + 0 + 0.848197618106145 + 1.30681757273771 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.854806150835772 + 1.30313733495273 + 0 + 0.853952341894228 + 1.30694913234423 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.861020974734358 + 1.30089987634411 + 0 + 0.860610089777909 + 1.30280929269949 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.866803462836032 + 1.30048120821842 + 0 + 0.866803462836032 + 1.30048120821842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.872345696829683 + 1.3011557285567 + 0 + 0.871966990150209 + 1.3030717866238 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.877578204621173 + 1.30344688492882 + 0 + 0.876853101419744 + 1.30728524583027 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.8830288806159 + 1.30466351045416 + 0 + 0.882682525583768 + 1.3065856799205 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.889056502711666 + 1.30255334814271 + 0 + 0.889056502711666 + 1.30255334814271 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.895359290062961 + 1.29844170834738 + 0 + 0.895045445177242 + 1.30036945279447 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.901891214258538 + 1.29229491051217 + 0 + 0.901296144144048 + 1.29615556856765 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.908239900053212 + 1.28659059700542 + 0 + 0.907958708816248 + 1.2885233744768 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.914127979372477 + 1.28344652809402 + 0 + 0.914127979372477 + 1.28344652809402 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.919718289651694 + 1.28211657861604 + 0 + 0.919469880454904 + 1.28405384218524 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.924965415468098 + 1.28337892318469 + 0 + 0.924501465907152 + 1.28725752343057 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.930165326279683 + 1.28517647303908 + 0 + 0.929949812300914 + 1.28711767137788 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.935578375160987 + 1.28510839855649 + 0 + 0.935578375160987 + 1.28510839855649 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.941145107153354 + 1.28330347484896 + 0 + 0.94096258626599 + 1.28524805279578 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.946931259079294 + 1.27847581293365 + 0 + 0.946599274191906 + 1.2823679299793 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.952685155433351 + 1.27290341316634 + 0 + 0.952535710127422 + 1.27485081229495 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.958203569154049 + 1.26929799431335 + 0 + 0.958203569154049 + 1.26929799431335 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.963570723350922 + 1.26710573529676 + 0 + 0.963454420666417 + 1.26905539448523 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.9687866090151 + 1.26704888264329 + 0 + 0.968587186860166 + 1.27095003886505 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.974006449470244 + 1.26678199158761 + 0 + 0.973923340943183 + 1.26873334758751 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.979298005866417 + 1.26417752799968 + 0 + 0.979298005866417 + 1.26417752799968 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.984571783516586 + 1.26042568321054 + 0 + 0.984521905142198 + 1.26237817121648 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.98980320648484 + 1.25528619939297 + 0 + 0.989736696954839 + 1.25919188314168 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.994937403161304 + 1.25112785874782 + 0 + 0.994920775385577 + 1.2530809129669 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 1 + 1.2499798172808 + 0 + 1 + 1.2499798172808 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + + + + + + The material override + 3db6f3d0-1764-43a4-82d4-20e83dd33cbf + Material + Material + false + 4f1702cf-ac38-4cc0-82c6-d4c89759505d + 1 + + + + + + 26845 + -18617 + 51 + 20 + + + 26872 + -18607 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;221;160;221 + + + 255;66;48;66 + + 0.5 + + 255;255;255;255 + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + c5969fcf-74a5-4b6a-b579-648861fc6768 + 47d7cdc1-0e13-49d4-825a-161a3885b635 + 7f102235-ecbc-4c49-837f-1804fc7af1ad + 3 + 7cb7e53e-8e85-4a6f-b7af-c2b4cd26373f + Group + + + + + + + + + + + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 + Colour Picker + + + + + Provides a colour picker object + 7f102235-ecbc-4c49-837f-1804fc7af1ad + Colour Picker + Colour Picker + false + + 255;194;194;194 + + 0 + + + + + + 26936.4 + -18758.18 + 180 + 310 + + 2 + + + + + + + + + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 + Create Material + + + + + Create an OpenGL material. + 0d6e2cf6-d3e4-4ed3-a7b2-b25967c25bf5 + Create Material + Create Material + + + + + + 27073 + -19048 + 144 + 104 + + + 27157 + -18996 + + + + + + Colour of the diffuse channel + eef9b906-6118-4abf-90fe-52f1551b9e66 + Diffuse + Diffuse + false + 0fcb11a5-8688-42cf-bb05-d0ed7bb63e5a + 1 + + + + + + 27075 + -19046 + 67 + 20 + + + 27110 + -19036 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;105;180 + + + + + + + + + + + + Colour of the specular highlight + bc96c6dc-296c-4a4b-bbfe-3e5fa9c8ab3c + Specular + Specular + false + 0 + + + + + + 27075 + -19026 + 67 + 20 + + + 27110 + -19016 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;255;255 + + + + + + + + + + + + Emissive colour of the material + 80b6c3d5-368d-40d8-82bb-5b6bbb81626b + Emission + Emission + false + 0 + + + + + + 27075 + -19006 + 67 + 20 + + + 27110 + -18996 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;0;0;0 + + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of transparency (0.0 = opaque, 1.0 = transparent + 46ca9366-c89b-41d0-94dd-5aace2282d72 + Transparency + Transparency + false + 0 + + + + + + 27075 + -18986 + 67 + 20 + + + 27110 + -18976 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of shinyness (0 = none, 1 = low shine, 100 = max shine + 19fed796-4caf-4f0e-bc34-ccb13cebbd3e + Shine + Shine + false + 0 + + + + + + 27075 + -18966 + 67 + 20 + + + 27110 + -18956 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Resulting material + 8dfac7d6-6f7c-40fb-af23-2c390173abb2 + Material + Material + false + 0 + + + + + + 27172 + -19046 + 43 + 100 + + + 27195 + -18996 + + + + + + + + + + + + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c + Custom Preview + + + + + Allows for customized geometry previews + true + 8245b267-d06a-4568-a752-95a9f1bcb056 + Custom Preview + Custom Preview + + + + + + + 26842 + -19018 + 82 + 44 + + + 26910 + -18996 + + + + + + Geometry to preview + true + 5b49940a-b608-424f-8a92-f04aff04927b + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26844 + -19016 + 51 + 20 + + + 26871 + -19006 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + -1 + + 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 + + 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Curve + + + + + + + + + + + The material override + fe492c7d-2d27-431b-ae18-7e1651c5256b + Material + Material + false + 8dfac7d6-6f7c-40fb-af23-2c390173abb2 + 1 + + + + + + 26844 + -18996 + 51 + 20 + + + 26871 + -18986 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;221;160;221 + + + 255;66;48;66 + + 0.5 + + 255;255;255;255 + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 0d6e2cf6-d3e4-4ed3-a7b2-b25967c25bf5 + 8245b267-d06a-4568-a752-95a9f1bcb056 + 0fcb11a5-8688-42cf-bb05-d0ed7bb63e5a + 3 + 1fbeb0f3-bd2c-46fe-bc1f-fbc1d77cda84 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 + Colour Picker + + + + + Provides a colour picker object + 0fcb11a5-8688-42cf-bb05-d0ed7bb63e5a + Colour Picker + Colour Picker + false + + 255;168;168;168 + + 0 + + + + + + 26937.49 + -19136.64 + 180 + 310 + + 2 + + + + + + + + + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 + Create Material + + + + + Create an OpenGL material. + 17702c89-0688-445e-8bd0-6d30b6f29992 + Create Material + Create Material + + + + + + 27074 + -19885 + 144 + 104 + + + 27158 + -19833 + + + + + + Colour of the diffuse channel + d58f2557-a06b-4993-bd65-522f662eb268 + Diffuse + Diffuse + false + 6af74f77-1f74-411d-a4ca-bf730b64bd96 + 1 + + + + + + 27076 + -19883 + 67 + 20 + + + 27111 + -19873 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;105;180 + + + + + + + + + + + + Colour of the specular highlight + 0db501fa-24a0-4424-bdf7-63ed61837c1e + Specular + Specular + false + 0 + + + + + + 27076 + -19863 + 67 + 20 + + + 27111 + -19853 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;255;255 + + + + + + + + + + + + Emissive colour of the material + 9d3c0403-b9c6-4c6d-9021-51855290fa6b + Emission + Emission + false + 0 + + + + + + 27076 + -19843 + 67 + 20 + + + 27111 + -19833 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;0;0;0 + + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of transparency (0.0 = opaque, 1.0 = transparent + f1c2904c-c814-453e-96c7-4ee00359bea5 + Transparency + Transparency + false + 0 + + + + + + 27076 + -19823 + 67 + 20 + + + 27111 + -19813 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of shinyness (0 = none, 1 = low shine, 100 = max shine + dd9a6511-b559-4e7e-87c6-3a3280ecec3d + Shine + Shine + false + 0 + + + + + + 27076 + -19803 + 67 + 20 + + + 27111 + -19793 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Resulting material + 56e17743-67f7-4630-b554-ae7ce9e5df34 + Material + Material + false + 0 + + + + + + 27173 + -19883 + 43 + 100 + + + 27196 + -19833 + + + + + + + + + + + + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c + Custom Preview + + + + + Allows for customized geometry previews + true + 16f52fd8-334d-4da5-972e-275e3b513961 + Custom Preview + Custom Preview + + + + + + + 26843 + -19855 + 82 + 44 + + + 26911 + -19833 + + + + + + Geometry to preview + true + 23fcbcdf-d319-4ccc-b59e-2f0f297dfc26 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26845 + -19853 + 51 + 20 + + + 26872 + -19843 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 513 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + + 8.31187957663209E-17 + -0.24997981727771 + 0 + 8.31187957663209E-17 + -0.24997981727771 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.00507922461441546 + -0.253080912971781 + 0 + 0.00509585239014337 + -0.25503396719087 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0102633030451533 + -0.259191883148281 + 0 + 0.0102633030451533 + -0.259191883148281 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.015478094857813 + -0.262378171223821 + 0 + 0.0155279732322011 + -0.264330659229775 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.020701994133584 + -0.264177528006472 + 0 + 0.020701994133584 + -0.264177528006472 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0260766590568435 + -0.268733347594719 + 0 + 0.0261597675839049 + -0.270684703594621 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0314128131398599 + -0.270950038872159 + 0 + 0.0314128131398599 + -0.270950038872159 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0365455793334612 + -0.269055394489957 + 0 + 0.0366618820179666 + -0.271005053678431 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0417964308460186 + -0.269297994321025 + 0 + 0.0417964308460186 + -0.269297994321025 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0474642898724584 + -0.274850812300169 + 0 + 0.0476137351783876 + -0.276798211428792 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0534007258081168 + -0.282367929986296 + 0 + 0.0534007258081168 + -0.282367929986296 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0590374137341314 + -0.285248052803867 + 0 + 0.0592199346214956 + -0.287192630750698 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0644216248387421 + -0.285108398560566 + 0 + 0.0644216248387421 + -0.285108398560566 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0700501876991094 + -0.287117671384767 + 0 + 0.0702657016778793 + -0.289058869723572 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.075498534092752 + -0.287257523436499 + 0 + 0.075498534092752 + -0.287257523436499 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0805301195454081 + -0.284053842194377 + 0 + 0.0807785287421989 + -0.285991105763584 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0858720206272032 + -0.283446528098435 + 0 + 0.0858720206272032 + -0.283446528098435 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0920412911839797 + -0.288523374485081 + 0 + 0.0923224824209455 + -0.290456151956462 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0987038558555139 + -0.296155568571535 + 0 + 0.0987038558555139 + -0.296155568571535 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.104954554822725 + -0.300369452801007 + 0 + 0.105268399708445 + -0.302297197248109 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.110943497288377 + -0.302553348149671 + 0 + 0.110943497288377 + -0.302553348149671 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.117317474416101 + -0.306585679926476 + 0 + 0.117663829448234 + -0.308507849392819 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.123146898580634 + -0.30728524583899 + 0 + 0.123146898580634 + -0.30728524583899 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.128033009849194 + -0.303071786627506 + 0 + 0.128411716528669 + -0.304987844694618 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.133196537164003 + -0.300481208225351 + 0 + 0.133196537164003 + -0.300481208225351 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.139389910222287 + -0.302809292707094 + 0 + 0.139800795178737 + -0.304718709062473 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.146047658105246 + -0.306949132348622 + 0 + 0.146047658105246 + -0.306949132348622 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.151802381893991 + -0.306817572745062 + 0 + 0.152245257022144 + -0.308719823750184 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.156968872132746 + -0.304182139057426 + 0 + 0.156968872132746 + -0.304182139057426 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.162726390085325 + -0.304012840119134 + 0 + 0.163201052692013 + -0.305907409377682 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.16809835076006 + -0.302289552366431 + 0 + 0.16809835076006 + -0.302289552366431 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.172646961868271 + -0.297533224559463 + 0 + 0.173153194829703 + -0.299419603485974 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.177890551247578 + -0.295510488641129 + 0 + 0.177890551247578 + -0.295510488641129 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.184757124610486 + -0.299204301802235 + 0 + 0.185294696539405 + -0.301081990191415 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.1925051338026 + -0.305578362791137 + 0 + 0.1925051338026 + -0.305578362791137 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.199464025951072 + -0.308901232628571 + 0 + 0.200032691373403 + -0.310769739225581 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.206016400257862 + -0.310654238188858 + 0 + 0.206016400257862 + -0.310654238188858 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.213388596741011 + -0.314769361243596 + 0 + 0.213988096281577 + -0.31662820431564 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.220024595353149 + -0.316356763208947 + 0 + 0.220024595353149 + -0.316356763208947 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.225275493340509 + -0.313712889306154 + 0 + 0.225905553917407 + -0.315561597215766 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.231087817596925 + -0.312729991190678 + 0 + 0.231087817596925 + -0.312729991190678 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.238560698221893 + -0.316338063556882 + 0 + 0.239221033249108 + -0.31817617533734 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.246630984950195 + -0.321303798515987 + 0 + 0.246630984950195 + -0.321303798515987 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.252977650694198 + -0.321380552024555 + 0 + 0.253667960292064 + -0.323207617957881 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.25806700777737 + -0.318123206663287 + 0 + 0.25806700777737 + -0.318123206663287 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.263758972278673 + -0.316456571308922 + 0 + 0.264478943491825 + -0.318272153506966 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.268615181903445 + -0.312725815855527 + 0 + 0.268615181903445 + -0.312725815855527 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.272053304837405 + -0.305668732639644 + 0 + 0.27280261185992 + -0.307472405628751 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.27635882078016 + -0.300886009294673 + 0 + 0.27635882078016 + -0.300886009294673 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.282842931271584 + -0.301245781232398 + 0 + 0.283621235679122 + -0.303037132542116 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.290362831935765 + -0.30384105644792 + 0 + 0.290362831935765 + -0.30384105644792 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.296503049508985 + -0.303203585403195 + 0 + 0.297310000497873 + -0.304982216159467 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.301816243496339 + -0.300726020719846 + 0 + 0.301816243496339 + -0.300726020719846 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.307988908544354 + -0.300085116864542 + 0 + 0.308824143177746 + -0.301850642387668 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.31280889099036 + -0.296586952567721 + 0 + 0.31280889099036 + -0.296586952567721 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.315496159382554 + -0.28881734129835 + 0 + 0.316359302844186 + -0.290569391705806 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.318925547805695 + -0.282747956615763 + 0 + 0.318925547805695 + -0.282747956615763 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.324664537533973 + -0.281339903206257 + 0 + 0.32555520339243 + -0.283078124019101 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.331348564799245 + -0.281714631411929 + 0 + 0.331348564799245 + -0.281714631411929 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.336080028461476 + -0.278327512535504 + 0 + 0.336997818939039 + -0.280051565291344 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.339619553700555 + -0.272788353045691 + 0 + 0.339619553700555 + -0.272788353045691 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.344382876461511 + -0.269587095337889 + 0 + 0.345327382718176 + -0.271296658205041 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.348392670149405 + -0.265082924093477 + 0 + 0.348392670149405 + -0.265082924093477 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.35085081236385 + -0.257951588061604 + 0 + 0.351821614788896 + -0.25964635645792 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.354699221987147 + -0.25337702648471 + 0 + 0.354699221987147 + -0.25337702648471 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.361589020219088 + -0.254009347363727 + 0 + 0.362585688739126 + -0.255689034574725 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.370026153832888 + -0.257105960806143 + 0 + 0.370026153832888 + -0.257105960806143 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.376947323132166 + -0.257552148644947 + 0 + 0.377969417531301 + -0.259216486442656 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.383110724165493 + -0.256692998808542 + 0 + 0.383110724165493 + -0.256692998808542 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.390707201244638 + -0.258041802734007 + 0 + 0.391754271505199 + -0.259690541990249 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.397019272665411 + -0.257280328261175 + 0 + 0.397019272665411 + -0.257280328261175 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.401022054736625 + -0.252947819733754 + 0 + 0.402093641403394 + -0.254580731023821 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.406104835395263 + -0.250296851360014 + 0 + 0.406104835395263 + -0.250296851360014 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.414088302822276 + -0.251934544995591 + 0 + 0.415183937384979 + -0.25355141919312 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.423164644105993 + -0.255033149831342 + 0 + 0.423164644105993 + -0.255033149831342 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.429564671837387 + -0.254132989155931 + 0 + 0.430683877140206 + -0.255733638010542 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.434131137229014 + -0.250603078507021 + 0 + 0.434131137229014 + -0.250603078507021 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.439837763375363 + -0.24868668396488 + 0 + 0.440980054054084 + -0.250270940658391 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.44432543261443 + -0.245088371365246 + 0 + 0.44432543261443 + -0.245088371365246 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446660623024052 + -0.238626396394259 + 0 + 0.447825505983892 + -0.240194116061642 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.450377035719687 + -0.234112913119979 + 0 + 0.450377035719687 + -0.234112913119979 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.457408862619225 + -0.233990979141222 + 0 + 0.458595837551662 + -0.235542039351334 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.465911646115253 + -0.235695550229452 + 0 + 0.465911646115253 + -0.235695550229452 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.472177518070469 + -0.234440661286666 + 0 + 0.473386078010529 + -0.235974962475125 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477009360839531 + -0.231355794212939 + 0 + 0.477009360839531 + -0.231355794212939 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482840415261927 + -0.229520330319025 + 0 + 0.484070047223908 + -0.231037796135345 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.486353106184211 + -0.224845018313215 + 0 + 0.486353106184211 + -0.224845018313215 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.486452176257821 + -0.216132064277835 + 0 + 0.487702361904782 + -0.217632641871216 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487355857001527 + -0.208540767061362 + 0 + 0.487355857001527 + -0.208540767061362 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491299976031341 + -0.204638432687503 + 0 + 0.492570192449362 + -0.206122092863222 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.496308453553553 + -0.202001047909675 + 0 + 0.496308453553553 + -0.202001047909675 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498311082574272 + -0.195949975242072 + 0 + 0.499600803119743 + -0.19741671249878 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498450370946659 + -0.187901642858666 + 0 + 0.498450370946659 + -0.187901642858666 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.500140484852125 + -0.181716540573232 + 0 + 0.501449180197412 + -0.183166372894175 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50059165068667 + -0.174273231101137 + 0 + 0.50059165068667 + -0.174273231101137 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498923253439734 + -0.164668035818515 + 0 + 0.50025039394789 + -0.166101003137485 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498502766295665 + -0.156578684917574 + 0 + 0.498502766295665 + -0.156578684917574 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502871879036417 + -0.153674786890383 + 0 + 0.504216913191264 + -0.155090972043504 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508744001755663 + -0.152342015364273 + 0 + 0.508744001755663 + -0.152342015364273 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511958120031016 + -0.148259183427633 + 0 + 0.513320529697904 + -0.149658660889115 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514862916917211 + -0.143904025954857 + 0 + 0.514862916917211 + -0.143904025954857 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518877153967375 + -0.140705823566833 + 0 + 0.520256407459907 + -0.142088703557636 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521342934749763 + -0.135993961219062 + 0 + 0.521342934749763 + -0.135993961219062 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51991599068132 + -0.12753120102857 + 0 + 0.521311560330577 + -0.128897613345442 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520790259670081 + -0.121438518168726 + 0 + 0.520790259670081 + -0.121438518168726 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.524527197893668 + -0.118167455917081 + 0 + 0.525938561040397 + -0.119517549000419 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529675974158105 + -0.116254782423206 + 0 + 0.529675974158105 + -0.116254782423206 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530801042935851 + -0.110573399703582 + 0 + 0.532227685376252 + -0.111907336963303 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529629343856359 + -0.10284746358971 + 0 + 0.529629343856359 + -0.10284746358971 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529511023927964 + -0.0962082867728323 + 0 + 0.530952407385217 + -0.097526281839129 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.528595797736065 + -0.0889415961973827 + 0 + 0.528595797736065 + -0.0889415961973827 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.524346614499919 + -0.078797474346804 + 0 + 0.525802256682537 + -0.0800997043962984 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522131256966648 + -0.0706243701718842 + 0 + 0.522131256966648 + -0.0706243701718842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.5240794098443 + -0.0662235389530084 + 0 + 0.525548819043846 + -0.0675102144637392 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.528071570889044 + -0.0636397245237732 + 0 + 0.528071570889044 + -0.0636397245237732 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529124733926057 + -0.0585461369371996 + 0 + 0.530607417644929 + -0.059817493006685 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.528998986593143 + -0.052514552488742 + 0 + 0.528998986593143 + -0.052514552488742 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530383198099016 + -0.0478306695565018 + 0 + 0.531878652835027 + -0.0490869785941858 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529484954483856 + -0.0413001479953014 + 0 + 0.529484954483856 + -0.0413001479953014 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.524706864243558 + -0.0316639363745814 + 0 + 0.526214606920809 + -0.0329054714263701 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522260068369116 + -0.0240724410193798 + 0 + 0.522260068369116 + -0.0240724410193798 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523072838896654 + -0.0192153518955009 + 0 + 0.524592436929196 + -0.0204423478552003 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.525741995914656 + -0.0158966128559256 + 0 + 0.525741995914656 + -0.0158966128559256 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.525111335443843 + -0.00998693799403258 + 0 + 0.526642342711934 + -0.0111996679766249 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522591414915518 + -0.00266669219080294 + 0 + 0.522591414915518 + -0.00266669219080294 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52227702557762 + 0.00284211767706795 + 0 + 0.523818999864597 + 0.00164336308836937 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520508843857234 + 0.00940643312846436 + 0 + 0.520508843857234 + 0.00940643312846436 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.516633027682826 + 0.0174964659293226 + 0 + 0.51818552115874 + 0.0163113662403218 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51504754102053 + 0.0237457174441685 + 0 + 0.51504754102053 + 0.0237457174441685 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518343747547528 + 0.026259425300114 + 0 + 0.519906326125289 + 0.0250876550777809 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.524119519321334 + 0.0269211588829929 + 0 + 0.524119519321334 + 0.0269211588829929 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.527308957077282 + 0.0295107335610934 + 0 + 0.528881196888681 + 0.0283519586730863 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530249750885138 + 0.0322747199888579 + 0 + 0.530249750885138 + 0.0322747199888579 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.53458959587593 + 0.0340149038586707 + 0 + 0.536171119452562 + 0.0328688321147636 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.53724843999894 + 0.0369659871065836 + 0 + 0.53724843999894 + 0.0369659871065836 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.536490002034884 + 0.0423367833656127 + 0 + 0.538080420139273 + 0.0412030869693693 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.537444081750373 + 0.0464410943404135 + 0 + 0.537444081750373 + 0.0464410943404135 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.542815361366574 + 0.0474122392646357 + 0 + 0.544414288750889 + 0.0462905759972906 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549514390092343 + 0.0474724063464552 + 0 + 0.549514390092343 + 0.0474724063464552 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.552646109204774 + 0.0500226218897029 + 0 + 0.554253156592924 + 0.0489126237104846 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553188029887676 + 0.0543367181907798 + 0 + 0.553188029887676 + 0.0543367181907798 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555575943706936 + 0.0573569341502785 + 0 + 0.557190733462051 + 0.0562582297712931 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.556158684892702 + 0.0615767471672281 + 0 + 0.556158684892702 + 0.0615767471672281 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554789859916247 + 0.067072276407095 + 0 + 0.556412030354395 + 0.0659844987022192 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554774762938143 + 0.0716161272216867 + 0 + 0.554774762938143 + 0.0716161272216867 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.559752802347065 + 0.0728187148382134 + 0 + 0.561382030806002 + 0.0717415370932634 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.566817576847333 + 0.0726582317373806 + 0 + 0.566817576847333 + 0.0726582317373806 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.571141537406673 + 0.0743104940083888 + 0 + 0.572777483230809 + 0.0732435457780993 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.573309636726683 + 0.0773576809295762 + 0 + 0.573309636726683 + 0.0773576809295762 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.577438799221491 + 0.0791218358139479 + 0 + 0.579081116112627 + 0.0780647206382399 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.578360578545252 + 0.082933088409246 + 0 + 0.578360578545252 + 0.082933088409246 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.57606688816736 + 0.0887620413967855 + 0 + 0.577715245608658 + 0.0877143701643167 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574210495132547 + 0.0942647668340597 + 0 + 0.574210495132547 + 0.0942647668340597 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.57701630068032 + 0.0967919663448332 + 0 + 0.57867041554863 + 0.0957534090435444 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.580604793808196 + 0.0988161396819994 + 0 + 0.580604793808196 + 0.0988161396819994 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.581656183783523 + 0.102408263088403 + 0 + 0.583315738525835 + 0.10137842071071 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.579715049828847 + 0.107824804657256 + 0 + 0.579715049828847 + 0.107824804657256 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.580318431561023 + 0.111635614262074 + 0 + 0.581983151563201 + 0.110614142490573 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.578691978930992 + 0.116778575807617 + 0 + 0.578691978930992 + 0.116778575807617 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.57558355362331 + 0.122781015439132 + 0 + 0.577253140283774 + 0.121767517709078 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574267221894916 + 0.127656594779098 + 0 + 0.574267221894916 + 0.127656594779098 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.577415630863639 + 0.129810877493195 + 0 + 0.579089825262091 + 0.128805009518848 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.584205448210086 + 0.129780670324545 + 0 + 0.584205448210086 + 0.129780670324545 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.587477106934231 + 0.131859535716783 + 0 + 0.589155648167855 + 0.130860938404225 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.589553846642589 + 0.134637801129362 + 0 + 0.589553846642589 + 0.134637801129362 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.593705231298628 + 0.136179573985529 + 0 + 0.595387875367279 + 0.135187905591428 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.595585569938314 + 0.139050998572897 + 0 + 0.595585569938314 + 0.139050998572897 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.593594578629267 + 0.14416898010968 + 0 + 0.595281087546853 + 0.14318389892697 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.593088174785243 + 0.148389688148958 + 0 + 0.593088174785243 + 0.148389688148958 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.596777158152779 + 0.150155214943714 + 0 + 0.598467304171194 + 0.149176387225441 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.601728356402685 + 0.151187943228379 + 0 + 0.601728356402685 + 0.151187943228379 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.602168232969749 + 0.15481318715878 + 0 + 0.603861798741808 + 0.153840288273317 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.599491200657451 + 0.160202453256533 + 0 + 0.599491200657451 + 0.160202453256533 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.598264199848912 + 0.164732581998975 + 0 + 0.599960978240146 + 0.16376529695481 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.59507938401687 + 0.170349431259821 + 0 + 0.59507938401687 + 0.170349431259821 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.588727247491103 + 0.177726404647668 + 0 + 0.590427041315149 + 0.176764428441435 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.58447359522953 + 0.183876228188389 + 0 + 0.58447359522953 + 0.183876228188389 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.585077611404854 + 0.187261875800955 + 0 + 0.586780233109338 + 0.186304913629787 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.587834253353718 + 0.189427024086903 + 0 + 0.587834253353718 + 0.189427024086903 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.587536443782822 + 0.193291352253619 + 0 + 0.589241715105974 + 0.192339119624446 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.585492391213915 + 0.198110754578305 + 0 + 0.585492391213915 + 0.198110754578305 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.585242350528659 + 0.20191219006758 + 0 + 0.586950102146086 + 0.200964412837003 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.582256620314461 + 0.207211794099271 + 0 + 0.582256620314461 + 0.207211794099271 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.575124043074596 + 0.214775807962253 + 0 + 0.576834114221165 + 0.213832222280242 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.569648629208662 + 0.221392499605875 + 0 + 0.569648629208662 + 0.221392499605875 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.568774962031965 + 0.225454783254455 + 0 + 0.570487200136397 + 0.224515135480363 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.569723081554517 + 0.228505199935495 + 0 + 0.569723081554517 + 0.228505199935495 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.567009506628811 + 0.233545689651675 + 0 + 0.568723766939779 + 0.232609736206322 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.562193453793717 + 0.239712671553032 + 0 + 0.562193453793717 + 0.239712671553032 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.559754289247648 + 0.244564865610618 + 0 + 0.561470434474103 + 0.243632372807782 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.556055468409335 + 0.250083591499623 + 0 + 0.556055468409335 + 0.250083591499623 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549737210143874 + 0.257000535644032 + 0 + 0.551455110102167 + 0.256071279490476 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.546041540323348 + 0.262477938844547 + 0 + 0.546041540323348 + 0.262477938844547 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.547720106940932 + 0.265043491439953 + 0 + 0.549439638217404 + 0.264117257422622 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.552031703606712 + 0.266188898121796 + 0 + 0.552031703606712 + 0.266188898121796 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553727702144349 + 0.268738566849248 + 0 + 0.555448747773043 + 0.267815149711885 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55416719445753 + 0.27195661279076 + 0 + 0.55416719445753 + 0.27195661279076 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557002602592111 + 0.273886982409779 + 0 + 0.558725051744021 + 0.272966185915048 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557738636861375 + 0.276935516950796 + 0 + 0.557738636861375 + 0.276935516950796 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554802912251312 + 0.281934310306458 + 0 + 0.556526659942259 + 0.281015946999493 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553714524960958 + 0.285938438252715 + 0 + 0.553714524960958 + 0.285938438252715 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557287789298278 + 0.287458345349105 + 0 + 0.559012736111021 + 0.286542236316929 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.562568661327537 + 0.288071971957166 + 0 + 0.562568661327537 + 0.288071971957166 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.563702011579964 + 0.290883668842228 + 0 + 0.565428063404899 + 0.289969643479744 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.562109365616769 + 0.295132409924844 + 0 + 0.562109365616769 + 0.295132409924844 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.562376707791147 + 0.298390665482334 + 0 + 0.564103775582741 + 0.297478561261938 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.560927392278663 + 0.302549051412657 + 0 + 0.560927392278663 + 0.302549051412657 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.556435225610789 + 0.308303134205592 + 0 + 0.558163225160256 + 0.307392796453618 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554187584255883 + 0.312865425868417 + 0 + 0.554187584255883 + 0.312865425868417 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.556949395596505 + 0.314787134574356 + 0 + 0.558678247321418 + 0.313878416257776 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.561933565516345 + 0.315540424443896 + 0 + 0.561933565516345 + 0.315540424443896 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.563785053780183 + 0.317937698315402 + 0 + 0.565514682528827 + 0.317030459836562 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.563731725473342 + 0.32133057087475 + 0 + 0.563731725473342 + 0.32133057087475 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.565252140741162 + 0.323895178097029 + 0 + 0.566982475611961 + 0.322989287098882 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.563682337724006 + 0.328073479282803 + 0 + 0.563682337724006 + 0.328073479282803 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55758448105845 + 0.334612947248224 + 0 + 0.559315455233776 + 0.33370827843038 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.552862185949695 + 0.34042521988535 + 0 + 0.552862185949695 + 0.34042521988535 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55253208514541 + 0.343938331889818 + 0 + 0.554263635739025 + 0.343034766835505 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553822069004684 + 0.346603182646348 + 0 + 0.553822069004684 + 0.346603182646348 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.551229502762722 + 0.351289062422338 + 0 + 0.552961570680073 + 0.350386489436199 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.546367194308466 + 0.357152253825809 + 0 + 0.546367194308466 + 0.357152253825809 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.543785387083187 + 0.361822742535419 + 0 + 0.545517916893784 + 0.360921056491933 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.539830023958609 + 0.367203613916589 + 0 + 0.539830023958609 + 0.367203613916589 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.533143142461107 + 0.373999937902157 + 0 + 0.534876082282216 + 0.37309904010438 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529020281375881 + 0.379458301993825 + 0 + 0.529020281375881 + 0.379458301993825 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.53023358641705 + 0.382141317744466 + 0 + 0.531966887807968 + 0.381241115792754 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.53401359198716 + 0.38349068793634 + 0 + 0.53401359198716 + 0.38349068793634 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.535068163300618 + 0.386254263832816 + 0 + 0.53680178116683 + 0.385354671503159 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.534764946279702 + 0.389720925470666 + 0 + 0.534764946279702 + 0.389720925470666 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.536776303274749 + 0.391985762702782 + 0 + 0.538510195781297 + 0.391086699834367 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.536567644159936 + 0.395400589474748 + 0 + 0.536567644159936 + 0.395400589474748 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.532545962661087 + 0.40078983325065 + 0 + 0.534280091154543 + 0.399891225642286 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.53024607528512 + 0.405284636137486 + 0 + 0.53024607528512 + 0.405284636137486 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.532470969030517 + 0.407434243614669 + 0 + 0.534205297968972 + 0.406536022929723 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.536220312549868 + 0.408794019742968 + 0 + 0.536220312549868 + 0.408794019742968 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.535589860341801 + 0.412420934450904 + 0 + 0.537324357232335 + 0.411523038130412 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.532023177275888 + 0.417566454974539 + 0 + 0.532023177275888 + 0.417566454974539 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530194383436872 + 0.42181112048591 + 0 + 0.531929018780016 + 0.420913491669561 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526610562073264 + 0.426962739431927 + 0 + 0.526610562073264 + 0.426962739431927 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520031719452933 + 0.433662502195668 + 0 + 0.521766466693654 + 0.432765089650383 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515822890960179 + 0.439134901987676 + 0 + 0.515822890960179 + 0.439134901987676 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.516776717027939 + 0.44193623664697 + 0 + 0.518511552512731 + 0.441038994702826 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520113992268811 + 0.443504680037866 + 0 + 0.520113992268811 + 0.443504680037866 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520519276344944 + 0.446589168439202 + 0 + 0.52225417928464 + 0.4456920569325 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.519317239981351 + 0.450504417224782 + 0 + 0.519317239981351 + 0.450504417224782 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520096949994542 + 0.453394666245834 + 0 + 0.521831902432484 + 0.452497650469104 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518245483674858 + 0.457645012344267 + 0 + 0.518245483674858 + 0.457645012344267 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512327380991411 + 0.463997409532749 + 0 + 0.514062367776653 + 0.46310046019156 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508227181657904 + 0.469409631120504 + 0 + 0.508227181657904 + 0.469409631120504 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508918045509783 + 0.472344886425808 + 0 + 0.510653054275023 + 0.471447979602238 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511569887458084 + 0.474266363206931 + 0 + 0.511569887458084 + 0.474266363206931 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510624381902224 + 0.478047379391024 + 0 + 0.512359403046109 + 0.477150496513555 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507660899501499 + 0.482871482528293 + 0 + 0.507660899501499 + 0.482871482528293 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507207522536964 + 0.486397980329706 + 0 + 0.508942549209481 + 0.485501108147465 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505584333797325 + 0.490529152850905 + 0 + 0.505584333797325 + 0.490529152850905 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501413173596309 + 0.495977406645765 + 0 + 0.503148201672343 + 0.495080537178674 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499994052316792 + 0.500003074467614 + 0 + 0.499994052316792 + 0.500003074467614 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498586826403661 + 0.504022593347512 + 0 + 0.496851798327628 + 0.504919462814604 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494415666202477 + 0.509470847142459 + 0 + 0.494415666202477 + 0.509470847142459 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.492792477463689 + 0.513602019663219 + 0 + 0.491057450791171 + 0.51449889184546 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.492339100496955 + 0.517128517465769 + 0 + 0.492339100496955 + 0.517128517465769 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489375618100221 + 0.521952620600976 + 0 + 0.487640596956336 + 0.522849503478444 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488430112540909 + 0.525733636786853 + 0 + 0.488430112540909 + 0.525733636786853 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491081954490313 + 0.527655113567405 + 0 + 0.489346945725074 + 0.528552020390975 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491772818341976 + 0.53059036887282 + 0 + 0.491772818341976 + 0.53059036887282 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487672619007399 + 0.536002590461131 + 0 + 0.485937632222157 + 0.53689953980232 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481754516324994 + 0.542354987649073 + 0 + 0.481754516324994 + 0.542354987649073 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479903050005983 + 0.546605333747157 + 0 + 0.47816809756804 + 0.547502349523887 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480682760019213 + 0.549495582768189 + 0 + 0.480682760019213 + 0.549495582768189 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479480723654823 + 0.553410831554181 + 0 + 0.477745820715127 + 0.554307943060883 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479886007732604 + 0.556495319954666 + 0 + 0.479886007732604 + 0.556495319954666 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.483223282972709 + 0.558063763345959 + 0 + 0.481488447487917 + 0.558961005290102 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484177109037803 + 0.560865098006631 + 0 + 0.484177109037803 + 0.560865098006631 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479968280548001 + 0.566337497797113 + 0 + 0.47823353330728 + 0.567234910342398 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473389437925545 + 0.573037260561954 + 0 + 0.473389437925545 + 0.573037260561954 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469805616564146 + 0.578188879506828 + 0 + 0.468070981221002 + 0.579086508323177 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.467976822724151 + 0.582433545018705 + 0 + 0.467976822724151 + 0.582433545018705 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.464410139656576 + 0.587579065543199 + 0 + 0.462675642766042 + 0.58847696186369 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.463779687449978 + 0.591205980250376 + 0 + 0.463779687449978 + 0.591205980250376 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.467529030970766 + 0.592565756377928 + 0 + 0.465794702032312 + 0.593463977062873 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.46975392471345 + 0.594715363856517 + 0 + 0.46975392471345 + 0.594715363856517 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.467454037340198 + 0.599210166741947 + 0 + 0.465719908846742 + 0.600108774350311 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.463432355839429 + 0.604599410518845 + 0 + 0.463432355839429 + 0.604599410518845 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.463223696725053 + 0.608014237290587 + 0 + 0.461489804218506 + 0.608913300159002 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.465235053722482 + 0.610279074521466 + 0 + 0.465235053722482 + 0.610279074521466 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.464931836699641 + 0.613745736160311 + 0 + 0.463198218833429 + 0.614645328489968 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.465986408012301 + 0.616509312057203 + 0 + 0.465986408012301 + 0.616509312057203 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469766413583088 + 0.617858682248725 + 0 + 0.46803311219217 + 0.618758884200437 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470979718624506 + 0.620541697999236 + 0 + 0.470979718624506 + 0.620541697999236 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.466856857539385 + 0.62600006209085 + 0 + 0.465123917718276 + 0.626900959888628 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.460169976040978 + 0.632796386076889 + 0 + 0.460169976040978 + 0.632796386076889 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.45621461291878 + 0.638177257456819 + 0 + 0.454482083108183 + 0.639078943500304 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453632805691789 + 0.642847746167316 + 0 + 0.453632805691789 + 0.642847746167316 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.448770497236075 + 0.648710937571555 + 0 + 0.447038429318724 + 0.649613510557694 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.44617793099756 + 0.653396817345747 + 0 + 0.44617793099756 + 0.653396817345747 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.447467914853538 + 0.656061668103992 + 0 + 0.445736364259923 + 0.656965233158306 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.44713781405013 + 0.659574780108005 + 0 + 0.44713781405013 + 0.659574780108005 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442415518940676 + 0.665387052745498 + 0 + 0.44068454476535 + 0.666291721563342 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.436317662275131 + 0.671926520710914 + 0 + 0.436317662275131 + 0.671926520710914 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.434747859261198 + 0.676104821894999 + 0 + 0.433017524390399 + 0.677010712893146 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.436268274525976 + 0.678669429118867 + 0 + 0.436268274525976 + 0.678669429118867 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.436214946222506 + 0.682062301676452 + 0 + 0.434485317473862 + 0.682969540155292 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.438066434483147 + 0.684459575549633 + 0 + 0.438066434483147 + 0.684459575549633 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.443050604405989 + 0.685212865417596 + 0 + 0.441321752681075 + 0.686121583734176 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445812415742289 + 0.687134574125807 + 0 + 0.445812415742289 + 0.687134574125807 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.443564774390189 + 0.691696865787157 + 0 + 0.441836774840722 + 0.69260720353913 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.439072607720632 + 0.697450948580977 + 0 + 0.439072607720632 + 0.697450948580977 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.437623292211129 + 0.701609334509727 + 0 + 0.435896224419535 + 0.702521438730122 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.437890634381809 + 0.704867590069166 + 0 + 0.437890634381809 + 0.704867590069166 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.436297988418891 + 0.709116331151643 + 0 + 0.434571936593956 + 0.710030356514127 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.437431338674752 + 0.711928028034883 + 0 + 0.437431338674752 + 0.711928028034883 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442712210702459 + 0.712541654643766 + 0 + 0.440987263889716 + 0.713457763675942 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446285475041588 + 0.714061561739193 + 0 + 0.446285475041588 + 0.714061561739193 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445197087748607 + 0.718065689686848 + 0 + 0.44347334005766 + 0.718984052993813 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442261363138418 + 0.723064483042579 + 0 + 0.442261363138418 + 0.723064483042579 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442997397408658 + 0.726113017583069 + 0 + 0.441274948256748 + 0.7270338140778 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445832805542005 + 0.728043387202751 + 0 + 0.445832805542005 + 0.728043387202751 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446272297856318 + 0.73126143314366 + 0 + 0.444551252227624 + 0.732184850281024 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.447968296393298 + 0.733811101871457 + 0 + 0.447968296393298 + 0.733811101871457 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.452279893057401 + 0.734956508554207 + 0 + 0.450560361780929 + 0.735882742571538 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453958459678774 + 0.737522061147572 + 0 + 0.453958459678774 + 0.737522061147572 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.450262789854315 + 0.742999464350207 + 0 + 0.448544889896021 + 0.743928720503763 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.443944531591723 + 0.749916408493066 + 0 + 0.443944531591723 + 0.749916408493066 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.440245710754163 + 0.755435134381659 + 0 + 0.438529565527708 + 0.756367627184495 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.437806546206187 + 0.76028732844028 + 0 + 0.437806546206187 + 0.76028732844028 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.432990493371494 + 0.766454310341426 + 0 + 0.431276233060527 + 0.767390263786779 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.430276918448037 + 0.77149480005637 + 0 + 0.430276918448037 + 0.77149480005637 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.431225037968043 + 0.774545216738804 + 0 + 0.429512799863611 + 0.775484864512895 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.430351370793634 + 0.77860750038613 + 0 + 0.430351370793634 + 0.77860750038613 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.424875956925886 + 0.785224192030744 + 0 + 0.423165885779317 + 0.786167777712755 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.417743379686519 + 0.792788205893442 + 0 + 0.417743379686519 + 0.792788205893442 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.414757649470916 + 0.79808780992592 + 0 + 0.413049897853489 + 0.799035587156497 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.414507608786802 + 0.801889245414558 + 0 + 0.414507608786802 + 0.801889245414558 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.412463556216442 + 0.806708647740049 + 0 + 0.41075828489329 + 0.807660880369222 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.412165746644776 + 0.810572975907206 + 0 + 0.412165746644776 + 0.810572975907206 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.414922388595644 + 0.812738124192024 + 0 + 0.41321976689116 + 0.813695086363192 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.415526404770417 + 0.816123771804899 + 0 + 0.415526404770417 + 0.816123771804899 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.411272752508854 + 0.82227359534562 + 0 + 0.409572958684807 + 0.823235571551853 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.404920615982244 + 0.829650568733945 + 0 + 0.404920615982244 + 0.829650568733945 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.401735800152553 + 0.835267417993455 + 0 + 0.400039021761319 + 0.83623470303762 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.400508799341133 + 0.839797546737541 + 0 + 0.400508799341133 + 0.839797546737541 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.397831767030058 + 0.845186812834602 + 0 + 0.396138201257999 + 0.846159711720065 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.398271643598785 + 0.848812056764036 + 0 + 0.398271643598785 + 0.848812056764036 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.403222841847288 + 0.849844785049502 + 0 + 0.401532695828873 + 0.850823612767775 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.406911825213129 + 0.851610311845252 + 0 + 0.406911825213129 + 0.851610311845252 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.406405421370671 + 0.855831019883618 + 0 + 0.404718912453085 + 0.856816101066328 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.404414430063127 + 0.860949001419525 + 0 + 0.404414430063127 + 0.860949001419525 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.406294768702349 + 0.863820426007162 + 0 + 0.404612124633698 + 0.864812094401264 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.410446153357506 + 0.865362198863833 + 0 + 0.410446153357506 + 0.865362198863833 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.412522893065487 + 0.86814046427665 + 0 + 0.410844351831863 + 0.869139061589208 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.415794551791719 + 0.870219329667645 + 0 + 0.415794551791719 + 0.870219329667645 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.422584369136203 + 0.870189122500169 + 0 + 0.420910174737751 + 0.871194990474516 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425732778105591 + 0.87234340521387 + 0 + 0.425732778105591 + 0.87234340521387 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.424416446377285 + 0.877218984553774 + 0 + 0.422746859716821 + 0.878232482283828 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.42130802106841 + 0.883221424186017 + 0 + 0.42130802106841 + 0.883221424186017 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.419681568440371 + 0.888364385730339 + 0 + 0.418016848438193 + 0.88938585750184 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.42028495017026 + 0.892175195336559 + 0 + 0.42028495017026 + 0.892175195336559 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.418343816217031 + 0.897591736904532 + 0 + 0.416684261474718 + 0.898621579282225 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.419395206192737 + 0.90118386031068 + 0 + 0.419395206192737 + 0.90118386031068 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.422983699318737 + 0.903208033649017 + 0 + 0.421329584450427 + 0.904246590950306 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425789504866709 + 0.905735233159679 + 0 + 0.425789504866709 + 0.905735233159679 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.42393311183281 + 0.911237958596373 + 0 + 0.422284754391512 + 0.912285629828842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.421639421455178 + 0.917066911583746 + 0 + 0.421639421455178 + 0.917066911583746 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.422561200780251 + 0.920878164178196 + 0 + 0.420918883889114 + 0.921935279353904 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.42669036327251 + 0.922642319064212 + 0 + 0.42669036327251 + 0.922642319064212 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.428858462592275 + 0.925689505985563 + 0 + 0.427222516768139 + 0.926756454215852 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.433182423153033 + 0.927341768255638 + 0 + 0.433182423153033 + 0.927341768255638 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.440247197652209 + 0.927181285155532 + 0 + 0.438617969193273 + 0.928258462900482 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445225237063279 + 0.928383872770634 + 0 + 0.445225237063279 + 0.928383872770634 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445210140083335 + 0.932927723586448 + 0 + 0.443587969645187 + 0.934015501291324 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.443841315106225 + 0.938423252826763 + 0 + 0.443841315106225 + 0.938423252826763 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444424056293666 + 0.942643065842575 + 0 + 0.442809266538551 + 0.943741770221561 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446811970110558 + 0.945663281803692 + 0 + 0.446811970110558 + 0.945663281803692 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.447353890796185 + 0.949977378102901 + 0 + 0.445746843408036 + 0.951087376282119 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.45048560990724 + 0.9525275936471 + 0 + 0.45048560990724 + 0.9525275936471 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.457184638634566 + 0.952587760727841 + 0 + 0.455585711250251 + 0.953709423995186 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.462555918249647 + 0.953558905652842 + 0 + 0.462555918249647 + 0.953558905652842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.463509997965812 + 0.957663216627157 + 0 + 0.461919579861423 + 0.958796913023401 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.462751560001421 + 0.963034012886426 + 0 + 0.462751560001421 + 0.963034012886426 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.465410404124894 + 0.965985096133997 + 0 + 0.463828880548262 + 0.967131167877904 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469750249115042 + 0.967725280004285 + 0 + 0.469750249115042 + 0.967725280004285 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47269104292317 + 0.97048926643183 + 0 + 0.471118803111771 + 0.971648041319838 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.475880480677949 + 0.97307884111081 + 0 + 0.475880480677949 + 0.97307884111081 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481656252453542 + 0.973740574692357 + 0 + 0.480093673875781 + 0.97491234491469 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484952458979156 + 0.976254282549339 + 0 + 0.484952458979156 + 0.976254282549339 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.48336697231809 + 0.982503534063245 + 0 + 0.481814478842176 + 0.983688633752246 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479491156141698 + 0.990593566865618 + 0 + 0.479491156141698 + 0.990593566865618 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477722974421038 + 0.997157882317243 + 0 + 0.476181000134061 + 0.998356636905942 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477408585084053 + 1.00266669218441 + 0 + 0.477408585084053 + 1.00266669218441 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474888664557773 + 1.00998693798601 + 0 + 0.473357657289682 + 1.0111996679686 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474258004084007 + 1.01589661285025 + 0 + 0.474258004084007 + 1.01589661285025 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476927161104575 + 1.01921535188778 + 0 + 0.475407563072033 + 1.02044234784748 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477739931629466 + 1.02407244101381 + 0 + 0.477739931629466 + 1.02407244101381 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.475293135757935 + 1.03166393636661 + 0 + 0.473785393080683 + 1.0329054714184 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470515045513237 + 1.04130014799099 + 0 + 0.470515045513237 + 1.04130014799099 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469616801901533 + 1.04783066954931 + 0 + 0.468121347165522 + 1.049086978587 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.471001013406089 + 1.05251455248266 + 0 + 0.471001013406089 + 1.05251455248266 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470875266075426 + 1.0585461369292 + 0 + 0.469392582356554 + 1.05981749299868 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.471928429110532 + 1.06363972451742 + 0 + 0.471928429110532 + 1.06363972451742 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.475920590155208 + 1.06622353894671 + 0 + 0.474451180955662 + 1.06751021445744 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47786874303231 + 1.07062437016608 + 0 + 0.47786874303231 + 1.07062437016608 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.475653385500245 + 1.07879747433993 + 0 + 0.474197743317626 + 1.08009970438942 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47140420226424 + 1.08894159619037 + 0 + 0.47140420226424 + 1.08894159619037 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470488976071462 + 1.09620828676662 + 0 + 0.469047592614209 + 1.09752628183291 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470370656143892 + 1.10284746358276 + 0 + 0.470370656143892 + 1.10284746358276 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469198957064736 + 1.11057339969631 + 0 + 0.467772314624335 + 1.11190733695603 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470324025841862 + 1.1162547824165 + 0 + 0.470324025841862 + 1.1162547824165 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47547280210536 + 1.11816745591128 + 0 + 0.47406143895863 + 1.11951754899462 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479209740329589 + 1.12143851816233 + 0 + 0.479209740329589 + 1.12143851816233 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480084009319166 + 1.12753120102136 + 0 + 0.478688439669909 + 1.12889761333823 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.478657065249536 + 1.13599396121303 + 0 + 0.478657065249536 + 1.13599396121303 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481122846033377 + 1.14070582355934 + 0 + 0.479743592540846 + 1.14208870355015 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485137083082313 + 1.14390402594863 + 0 + 0.485137083082313 + 1.14390402594863 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488041879968755 + 1.14825918342113 + 0 + 0.486679470301867 + 1.14965866088261 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491255998244852 + 1.15234201535701 + 0 + 0.491255998244852 + 1.15234201535701 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497128120963149 + 1.15367478688411 + 0 + 0.495783086808302 + 1.15509097203724 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501497233706143 + 1.15657868490891 + 0 + 0.501497233706143 + 1.15657868490891 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501076746558652 + 1.16466803581353 + 0 + 0.499749606050496 + 1.1661010031325 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499408349313434 + 1.1742732310943 + 0 + 0.499408349313434 + 1.1742732310943 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499859515147689 + 1.18171654056671 + 0 + 0.498550819802402 + 1.18316637288765 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50154962905304 + 1.18790164285227 + 0 + 0.50154962905304 + 1.18790164285227 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501688917424953 + 1.19594997523623 + 0 + 0.500399196879482 + 1.19741671249294 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.503691546446887 + 1.20200104790244 + 0 + 0.503691546446887 + 1.20200104790244 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508700023967843 + 1.20463843268173 + 0 + 0.507429807549822 + 1.20612209285745 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51264414299887 + 1.20854076705416 + 0 + 0.51264414299887 + 1.20854076705416 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.513547823741137 + 1.21613206427236 + 0 + 0.512297638094176 + 1.21763264186574 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.513646893816565 + 1.22484501830555 + 0 + 0.513646893816565 + 1.22484501830555 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517159584737888 + 1.22952033031253 + 0 + 0.515929952775908 + 1.23103779612885 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522990639161711 + 1.23135579420468 + 0 + 0.522990639161711 + 1.23135579420468 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.527822481929338 + 1.2344406612802 + 0 + 0.526613921989278 + 1.23597496246866 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.534088353884077 + 1.2356955502236 + 0 + 0.534088353884077 + 1.2356955502236 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.542591137381438 + 1.23399097913363 + 0 + 0.541404162449001 + 1.23554203934375 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549622964279443 + 1.2341129131144 + 0 + 0.549622964279443 + 1.2341129131144 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553339376975974 + 1.2386263963875 + 0 + 0.552174494016134 + 1.24019411605488 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555674567385068 + 1.24508837135921 + 0 + 0.555674567385068 + 1.24508837135921 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.560162236624479 + 1.24868668395838 + 0 + 0.559019945945758 + 1.25027094065189 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.565868862771267 + 1.2506030784999 + 0 + 0.565868862771267 + 1.2506030784999 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.570435328163009 + 1.25413298914862 + 0 + 0.56931612286019 + 1.25573363800323 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.576835355893002 + 1.25503314982608 + 0 + 0.576835355893002 + 1.25503314982608 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.585911697179073 + 1.25193454498689 + 0 + 0.58481606261637 + 1.25355141918441 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.59389516460427 + 1.25029685135397 + 0 + 0.59389516460427 + 1.25029685135397 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.598977945263171 + 1.25294781972734 + 0 + 0.597906358596403 + 1.25458073101741 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.602980727335245 + 1.25728032825345 + 0 + 0.602980727335245 + 1.25728032825345 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.609292798754333 + 1.25804180272891 + 0 + 0.608245728493772 + 1.25969054198515 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.616889275835059 + 1.25669299880093 + 0 + 0.616889275835059 + 1.25669299880093 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.623052676865988 + 1.25755214864121 + 0 + 0.622030582466853 + 1.25921648643892 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.629973846167706 + 1.2571059607984 + 0 + 0.629973846167706 + 1.2571059607984 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.638410979779542 + 1.2540093473593 + 0 + 0.637414311259504 + 1.25568903457029 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.645300778013203 + 1.25337702647739 + 0 + 0.645300778013203 + 1.25337702647739 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.649149187635128 + 1.25795158805666 + 0 + 0.648178385210082 + 1.25964635645298 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.651607329850025 + 1.26508292408776 + 0 + 0.651607329850025 + 1.26508292408776 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.655617123538832 + 1.26958709533054 + 0 + 0.654672617282168 + 1.27129665819769 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.660380446298135 + 1.2727883530414 + 0 + 0.660380446298135 + 1.2727883530414 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.663919971539877 + 1.27832751252623 + 0 + 0.663002181062315 + 1.28005156528207 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.668651435200556 + 1.28171463140555 + 0 + 0.668651435200556 + 1.28171463140555 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.675335462465791 + 1.2813399032 + 0 + 0.674444796607334 + 1.28307812401284 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.681074452194359 + 1.28274795660892 + 0 + 0.681074452194359 + 1.28274795660892 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.684503840617602 + 1.2888173412913 + 0 + 0.68364069715597 + 1.29056939169876 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.68719110901017 + 1.29658695255989 + 0 + 0.68719110901017 + 1.29658695255989 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.692011091455424 + 1.30008511685827 + 0 + 0.691175856822032 + 1.3018506423814 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.698183756503095 + 1.30072602071436 + 0 + 0.698183756503095 + 1.30072602071436 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.703496950491501 + 1.3032035853954 + 0 + 0.702689999502612 + 1.30498221615168 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.709637168063905 + 1.30384105644197 + 0 + 0.709637168063905 + 1.30384105644197 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.717157068729529 + 1.3012457812231 + 0 + 0.71637876432199 + 1.30303713253282 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.723641179219024 + 1.30088600928987 + 0 + 0.723641179219024 + 1.30088600928987 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.727946695163165 + 1.30566873263156 + 0 + 0.72719738814065 + 1.30747240562067 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.731384818095268 + 1.31272581585198 + 0 + 0.731384818095268 + 1.31272581585198 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.736241027722036 + 1.31645657130042 + 0 + 0.735521056508884 + 1.31827215349847 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.741932992222597 + 1.31812320665665 + 0 + 0.741932992222597 + 1.31812320665665 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.747022349305936 + 1.32138055201749 + 0 + 0.74633203970807 + 1.32320761795081 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.75336901505008 + 1.32130379850849 + 0 + 0.75336901505008 + 1.32130379850849 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.761439301777142 + 1.31633806355285 + 0 + 0.760778966749927 + 1.31817617533331 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.768912182403063 + 1.31272999118399 + 0 + 0.768912182403063 + 1.31272999118399 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.774724506659322 + 1.31371288929991 + 0 + 0.774094446082425 + 1.31556159720953 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.779975404646217 + 1.31635676320415 + 0 + 0.779975404646217 + 1.31635676320415 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.786611403259435 + 1.31476936123547 + 0 + 0.786011903718869 + 1.31662820430752 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.793983599742144 + 1.3106542381821 + 0 + 0.793983599742144 + 1.3106542381821 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.800535974048903 + 1.30890123262194 + 0 + 0.799967308626571 + 1.31076973921895 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.807494866197526 + 1.30557836278396 + 0 + 0.807494866197526 + 1.30557836278396 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.815242875388683 + 1.2992043017984 + 0 + 0.814705303459764 + 1.30108199018758 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.822109448753179 + 1.29551048863167 + 0 + 0.822109448753179 + 1.29551048863167 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.827353038131916 + 1.29753322455201 + 0 + 0.826846805170484 + 1.29941960347852 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.831901649239775 + 1.30228955236031 + 0 + 0.831901649239775 + 1.30228955236031 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.837273609913951 + 1.30401284011531 + 0 + 0.836798947307262 + 1.30590740937386 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.843031127867617 + 1.30418213904919 + 0 + 0.843031127867617 + 1.30418213904919 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.848197618106145 + 1.30681757273771 + 0 + 0.847754742977991 + 1.30871982374283 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.853952341894228 + 1.30694913234423 + 0 + 0.853952341894228 + 1.30694913234423 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.860610089777909 + 1.30280929269949 + 0 + 0.860199204821459 + 1.30471870905486 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.866803462836032 + 1.30048120821842 + 0 + 0.866803462836032 + 1.30048120821842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.871966990150209 + 1.3030717866238 + 0 + 0.871588283470734 + 1.30498784469091 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.876853101419744 + 1.30728524583027 + 0 + 0.876853101419744 + 1.30728524583027 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.882682525583768 + 1.3065856799205 + 0 + 0.882336170551634 + 1.30850784938684 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.889056502711666 + 1.30255334814271 + 0 + 0.889056502711666 + 1.30255334814271 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.895045445177242 + 1.30036945279447 + 0 + 0.894731600291523 + 1.30229719724158 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.901296144144048 + 1.29615556856765 + 0 + 0.901296144144048 + 1.29615556856765 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.907958708816248 + 1.2885233744768 + 0 + 0.907677517579282 + 1.29045615194818 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.914127979372477 + 1.28344652809402 + 0 + 0.914127979372477 + 1.28344652809402 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.919469880454904 + 1.28405384218524 + 0 + 0.919221471258113 + 1.28599110575444 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.924501465907152 + 1.28725752343057 + 0 + 0.924501465907152 + 1.28725752343057 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.929949812300914 + 1.28711767137788 + 0 + 0.929734298322144 + 1.28905886971668 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.935578375160987 + 1.28510839855649 + 0 + 0.935578375160987 + 1.28510839855649 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.94096258626599 + 1.28524805279578 + 0 + 0.940780065378626 + 1.28719263074261 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.946599274191906 + 1.2823679299793 + 0 + 0.946599274191906 + 1.2823679299793 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.952535710127422 + 1.27485081229495 + 0 + 0.952386264821493 + 1.27679821142358 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.958203569154049 + 1.26929799431335 + 0 + 0.958203569154049 + 1.26929799431335 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.963454420666417 + 1.26905539448523 + 0 + 0.963338117981911 + 1.2710050536737 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.968587186860166 + 1.27095003886505 + 0 + 0.968587186860166 + 1.27095003886505 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.973923340943183 + 1.26873334758751 + 0 + 0.973840232416121 + 1.27068470358741 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.979298005866417 + 1.26417752799968 + 0 + 0.979298005866417 + 1.26417752799968 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.984521905142198 + 1.26237817121648 + 0 + 0.98447202676781 + 1.26433065922244 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.989736696954839 + 1.25919188314168 + 0 + 0.989736696954839 + 1.25919188314168 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.994920775385577 + 1.2530809129669 + 0 + 0.994904147609849 + 1.25503396718599 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 1 + 1.2499798172808 + 0 + 1 + 1.2499798172808 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + + + + + + The material override + 86ee7fab-3df9-4a86-9afd-9031845dc38a + Material + Material + false + 56e17743-67f7-4630-b554-ae7ce9e5df34 + 1 + + + + + + 26845 + -19833 + 51 + 20 + + + 26872 + -19823 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;221;160;221 + + + 255;66;48;66 + + 0.5 + + 255;255;255;255 + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 17702c89-0688-445e-8bd0-6d30b6f29992 + 16f52fd8-334d-4da5-972e-275e3b513961 + 6af74f77-1f74-411d-a4ca-bf730b64bd96 + 3 + 1faf0a74-4745-41ec-a933-e4db0a5edf9b + Group + + + + + + + + + + + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 + Colour Picker + + + + + Provides a colour picker object + 6af74f77-1f74-411d-a4ca-bf730b64bd96 + Colour Picker + Colour Picker + false + + 255;186;186;186 + + 0 + + + + + + 26937.66 + -19984.52 + 180 + 310 + + 2 + + + + + + + + + 76975309-75a6-446a-afed-f8653720a9f2 + Create Material + + + + + Create an OpenGL material. + 1d4936c4-4c33-4120-93df-bd95a23f5651 + Create Material + Create Material + + + + + + 27074 + -20276 + 144 + 104 + + + 27158 + -20224 + + + + + + Colour of the diffuse channel + d22f27d4-de61-411d-add2-e8bdbbd835ca + Diffuse + Diffuse + false + 824dea2f-00c3-4871-97c4-1390e0684f26 + 1 + + + + + + 27076 + -20274 + 67 + 20 + + + 27111 + -20264 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;105;180 + + + + + + + + + + + + Colour of the specular highlight + 09e5238e-3094-452c-bad5-3d5abf366b4d + Specular + Specular + false + 0 + + + + + + 27076 + -20254 + 67 + 20 + + + 27111 + -20244 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;255;255;255 + + + + + + + + + + + + Emissive colour of the material + 7414ab62-ebd7-48a9-ae95-51e236af515c + Emission + Emission + false + 0 + + + + + + 27076 + -20234 + 67 + 20 + + + 27111 + -20224 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;0;0;0 + + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of transparency (0.0 = opaque, 1.0 = transparent + 17e969b3-0bcd-4919-b59a-0067c50f1c42 + Transparency + Transparency + false + 0 + + + + + + 27076 + -20214 + 67 + 20 + + + 27111 + -20204 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Amount of shinyness (0 = none, 1 = low shine, 100 = max shine + 2a8ecdb7-7ec8-4e69-8026-11255d9485eb + Shine + Shine + false + 0 + + + + + + 27076 + -20194 + 67 + 20 + + + 27111 + -20184 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + Resulting material + 84198999-9bb7-4900-825f-80b668136723 + Material + Material + false + 0 + + + + + + 27173 + -20274 + 43 + 100 + + + 27196 + -20224 + + + + + + + + + + + + 537b0419-bbc2-4ff4-bf08-afe526367b2c + Custom Preview + + + + + Allows for customized geometry previews + true + b16fd3b8-b5c9-458f-a32c-730e3c03479f + Custom Preview + Custom Preview + + + + + + + 26843 + -20246 + 82 + 44 + + + 26911 + -20224 + + + + + + Geometry to preview + true + 7ad181b8-9aef-4437-88b2-41596f56fefd + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26845 + -20244 + 51 + 20 + + + 26872 + -20234 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + -1 + + 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+ + 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Curve + + + + + + + + + + + The material override + 66396a53-00e0-45f9-b45b-06019b6ae04b + Material + Material + false + 84198999-9bb7-4900-825f-80b668136723 + 1 + + + + + + 26845 + -20224 + 51 + 20 + + + 26872 + -20214 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0} + + + + + + 255;221;160;221 + + + 255;66;48;66 + + 0.5 + + 255;255;255;255 + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 1d4936c4-4c33-4120-93df-bd95a23f5651 + b16fd3b8-b5c9-458f-a32c-730e3c03479f + 824dea2f-00c3-4871-97c4-1390e0684f26 + 3 + 1d243df9-ec9f-433a-bf1f-448f7cf5a54f + Group + + + + + + + + + + + 339c0ee1-cf11-444f-8e10-65c9150ea755 + Colour Picker + + + + + Provides a colour picker object + 824dea2f-00c3-4871-97c4-1390e0684f26 + Colour Picker + Colour Picker + false + + 255;161;161;161 + + 0 + + + + + + 26937.55 + -20362.99 + 180 + 310 + + 2 + + + + + + + + + ac2bc2cb-70fb-4dd5-9c78-7e1ea97fe278 + Geometry + + + + + Contains a collection of generic geometry + true + b73c0291-591f-41a7-9fff-80f1f8788aef + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26461 + -9667 + 50 + 24 + + + 26486.88 + -9655 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + -1 + + 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+ + 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Curve + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + b73c0291-591f-41a7-9fff-80f1f8788aef + 0e637c8d-0568-4068-ae74-bbe58a091069 + 8522e58c-edad-4fd2-886b-16278b9efe80 + e77cffde-89ad-497d-9e13-2c28e3720419 + 4 + 61ed7d6b-59e5-44a2-ae7a-c4dd42014cff + Group + + + + + + + + + + + ac2bc2cb-70fb-4dd5-9c78-7e1ea97fe278 + Geometry + + + + + Contains a collection of generic geometry + true + 8a3f760d-4f3f-4896-8667-618c6713df1a + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26461 + -10354 + 50 + 24 + + + 26486.88 + -10342 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 513 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + + 8.31187957663209E-17 + 4.15593978831604E-17 + 0 + 8.31187957663209E-17 + -0.24997981727771 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.00292445614272489 + 1.24486214809962E-05 + 0 + 0.00505281143588085 + -0.249978491419991 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.00584870031606387 + 4.97944859232645E-05 + 0 + 0.0101051332752018 + -0.249903573637878 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.00877250451084335 + 0.000112033918736063 + 0 + 0.0151562810704255 + -0.249780776706985 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0116956836386425 + 0.000199161238698626 + 0 + 0.0202054545481003 + -0.249601804488715 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.014618015253965 + 0.000311167163250442 + 0 + 0.0252519413272185 + -0.249369294989863 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0175392878072519 + 0.000448039676748093 + 0 + 0.030294971455728 + -0.249082483371884 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0204592899870991 + 0.000609763850527089 + 0 + 0.0353338074583952 + -0.248741657273978 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0233778107735303 + 0.000796321845946776 + 0 + 0.0403676998919168 + -0.248346798817997 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.026294639491301 + 0.00100769291802362 + 0 + 0.0453959042227041 + -0.247897992424417 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0292095658631811 + 0.00124385341965053 + 0 + 0.0504176748733502 + -0.247395303724237 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0321223800632294 + 0.0015047768063984 + 0 + 0.0554322673534457 + -0.246838815109379 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0350328727700576 + 0.0017904336418979 + 0 + 0.0604389376287956 + -0.24622861533973 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0379408352200797 + 0.0021007916037986 + 0 + 0.0654369424017636 + -0.24556480247659 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0408460592607514 + 0.00243581549030104 + 0 + 0.0704255390956003 + -0.244847482993249 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0437483374037957 + 0.00279546722725891 + 0 + 0.0754039859329408 + -0.244076771994841 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0466474628784156 + 0.00317970587584762 + 0 + 0.0803715419689919 + -0.243252793016546 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0495432296844958 + 0.00358848764079191 + 0 + 0.0853274671553754 + -0.242375678101216 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0524354326457916 + 0.00402176587915228 + 0 + 0.0902710223713496 + -0.241445567634848 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0553238674631077 + 0.00447949110966094 + 0 + 0.0952014694690307 + -0.240462610318637 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0582083307674669 + 0.00496161102260295 + 0 + 0.100118071314989 + -0.239426963123297 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0610886201732717 + 0.0054680704902383 + 0 + 0.105020091817619 + -0.238338791174431 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0639645343314584 + 0.00599881157775604 + 0 + 0.109906795959606 + -0.237198267693515 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0668358729826491 + 0.00655377355475573 + 0 + 0.114777449829023 + -0.236005573942991 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0697024370103017 + 0.00713289290724931 + 0 + 0.119631320628044 + -0.234760899074159 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0725640284938623 + 0.00773610335017411 + 0 + 0.12446767670668 + -0.233464440124442 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0754204507619233 + 0.00836333584041236 + 0 + 0.129285787559404 + -0.232116401846016 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0782715084453908 + 0.00901451859030667 + 0 + 0.134084923844228 + -0.230716996666432 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.081117007530668 + 0.00968957708166522 + 0 + 0.138864357380061 + -0.229266444563939 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0839567554128551 + 0.010388434080247 + 0 + 0.143623361142059 + -0.22776497295809 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0867905609489775 + 0.0111110096507185 + 0 + 0.148361209260688 + -0.226212816633145 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0896182345112423 + 0.0118572211720739 + 0 + 0.1530771770022 + -0.224610217603708 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0924395880403341 + 0.012626983353508 + 0 + 0.157770540747889 + -0.222957424998726 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0952544350987552 + 0.0134202082507329 + 0 + 0.162440577983005 + -0.221254694996554 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0980625909242174 + 0.01423680528273 + 0 + 0.167086567247324 + -0.219502290638562 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.100863872483097 + 0.0150766812489258 + 0 + 0.171707788116381 + -0.217700481772828 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.103658098523958 + 0.0159397403467829 + 0 + 0.176303521155143 + -0.2158495449151 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.106445089631152 + 0.0168258841897958 + 0 + 0.180873047868089 + -0.213949763118371 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.109224668278513 + 0.017735011825882 + 0 + 0.185415650660935 + -0.212001425894372 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.111996658883146 + 0.0186670197561589 + 0 + 0.18993061277112 + -0.210004829051583 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.114760887859327 + 0.0196218019540959 + 0 + 0.194417218223146 + -0.207960274624954 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.117517183672526 + 0.020599249885034 + 0 + 0.19887475176363 + -0.205868070754474 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.120265376893559 + 0.0215992525260637 + 0 + 0.203302498791549 + -0.20372853156381 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.123005300252887 + 0.0226216963862521 + 0 + 0.207699745309768 + -0.20154197710697 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.125736788695072 + 0.0236664655272131 + 0 + 0.212065777842435 + -0.199308733228137 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.128459679433396 + 0.0247334415840135 + 0 + 0.216399883395306 + -0.197029131542538 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.131173812004662 + 0.0258225037864096 + 0 + 0.22070134938379 + -0.194703509332534 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.133879028324183 + 0.0269335289804104 + 0 + 0.224969463586572 + -0.192332209511274 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.136575172740977 + 0.0280663916501645 + 0 + 0.229203514104726 + -0.189915580594559 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.139262092093164 + 0.0292209639401702 + 0 + 0.233402789351951 + -0.187453976737174 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.141939635763587 + 0.0303971156778127 + 0 + 0.237566577977744 + -0.184947757603013 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.144607655735658 + 0.0315947143962264 + 0 + 0.241694169034953 + -0.182397288775142 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.147266006649426 + 0.0328136253574967 + 0 + 0.24578485152586 + -0.179802940766459 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.14991454585789 + 0.0340537115762061 + 0 + 0.249837916200283 + -0.177165092868907 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.152553133483531 + 0.0353148338433484 + 0 + 0.253852649331544 + -0.174484120001409 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.155181632475097 + 0.0365968507505772 + 0 + 0.257828355247728 + -0.171760439146225 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.157799908663963 + 0.0378996187161433 + 0 + 0.261764312428652 + -0.168994418542889 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.16040783082192 + 0.0392229920087448 + 0 + 0.265659816290546 + -0.166186466541384 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.163005270718555 + 0.0405668227731092 + 0 + 0.269514163013809 + -0.16333699697809 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.165592103178587 + 0.0419309610564548 + 0 + 0.273326648598434 + -0.160446427324766 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.168168206139429 + 0.0433152548353105 + 0 + 0.277096574642535 + -0.157515189335723 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.170733460708792 + 0.0447195500429877 + 0 + 0.280823235839501 + -0.154543705534803 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.17328775122295 + 0.0461436905965889 + 0 + 0.284505928505513 + -0.151532405653967 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.175830965304977 + 0.0475875184248349 + 0 + 0.288143970615145 + -0.148481760950847 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.178362993922011 + 0.0490508734982978 + 0 + 0.291736670102335 + -0.145392226350156 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.180883731443132 + 0.050533593859115 + 0 + 0.295283336048171 + -0.142264261129756 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.183393075697647 + 0.0520355156506204 + 0 + 0.298783279457979 + -0.13909833005098 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.185890928032966 + 0.0535564731482428 + 0 + 0.30223584796698 + -0.135894959108272 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.188377193371069 + 0.055096298793187 + 0 + 0.30564034605535 + -0.132654602969043 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.19085178026625 + 0.0566548232243833 + 0 + 0.308996159706717 + -0.129377846812039 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.193314600959924 + 0.0582318753154481 + 0 + 0.312302589898643 + -0.126065137977816 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.195765571438337 + 0.0598272822072086 + 0 + 0.31555904362427 + -0.122717088000899 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.19820461148627 + 0.0614408693466756 + 0 + 0.318764853109827 + -0.119334188154115 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.200631644743338 + 0.0630724605220188 + 0 + 0.321919409315338 + -0.115917016159572 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.20304659875725 + 0.0647218779021464 + 0 + 0.325022150034311 + -0.112466210969037 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.205449405034465 + 0.0663889420798745 + 0 + 0.328072446963469 + -0.108982306714414 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.207839999093782 + 0.0680734721104312 + 0 + 0.331069735861866 + -0.105465923954127 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.210218320516771 + 0.0697752855542262 + 0 + 0.334013477563477 + -0.101917708032122 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.212584312994891 + 0.0714941985237041 + 0 + 0.33690319277094 + -0.0983383737441425 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.214937924373371 + 0.0732300257337663 + 0 + 0.339738356156289 + -0.0947285573592283 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.217279106697004 + 0.0749825805485507 + 0 + 0.342518476723887 + -0.0910889288273574 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.219607816253798 + 0.0767516750301414 + 0 + 0.34524312666747 + -0.0874202258604661 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.221924013613371 + 0.0785371199930737 + 0 + 0.347911933958549 + -0.0837232381238189 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.224227663660227 + 0.0803387250638794 + 0 + 0.35052457346085 + -0.0799987910019015 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.226518735623765 + 0.0821562987428825 + 0 + 0.353080699521648 + -0.0762476581159674 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.228797203108513 + 0.0839896484636105 + 0 + 0.35558001346154 + -0.0724706475893973 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.231063044120359 + 0.0858385806551507 + 0 + 0.358022318210024 + -0.068668664467155 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.233316241083725 + 0.0877029008132079 + 0 + 0.360407534735811 + -0.0648427215363 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.235556780850847 + 0.0895824135777402 + 0 + 0.362735512173739 + -0.0609937063637705 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.237784654711433 + 0.0914769228067647 + 0 + 0.365006272270594 + -0.057122673911686 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.239999858395003 + 0.093386231655501 + 0 + 0.367219685413038 + -0.0532304613444493 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.242202392061141 + 0.0953101426657133 + 0 + 0.369376815799097 + -0.0493192237902158 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.244392260284237 + 0.0972484578572339 + 0 + 0.37147443716159 + -0.0453862151366283 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.246569472034901 + 0.0992009788177769 + 0 + 0.373525608297982 + -0.0414468124035279 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.248734040648758 + 0.101167506805488 + 0 + 0.375482996886379 + -0.0374498096604679 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.2508859837861 + 0.103147842843988 + 0 + 0.37752632710683 + -0.0335908612544884 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.253025323401059 + 0.105141787846907 + 0 + 0.378982551546035 + -0.029149921034712 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.255152105166407 + 0.107149122022994 + 0 + 0.381200568165358 + -0.0255671820422661 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.257266340048927 + 0.109169667110451 + 0 + 0.382974295510788 + -0.0215540667996627 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.259368062515277 + 0.111203224304109 + 0 + 0.384266264654825 + -0.017093148748792 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.261457331583299 + 0.113249574090382 + 0 + 0.386382058474896 + -0.013522861538894 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.263534169268267 + 0.115308539452314 + 0 + 0.387837348492784 + -0.0093214725604289 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.265598621880836 + 0.117379922817864 + 0 + 0.38957028170281 + -0.0054426752967489 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.267650739517766 + 0.119463527247702 + 0 + 0.390550296653757 + -0.000868316238730057 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.269690599695132 + 0.121559133408009 + 0 + 0.39254212798855 + 0.00267154562357481 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.271718236190007 + 0.12366656914796 + 0 + 0.393800588109107 + 0.00688405338963835 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.273733709903145 + 0.125785640024461 + 0 + 0.39527014475117 + 0.0108506170065529 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.275737085142425 + 0.127916152602726 + 0 + 0.396351947668133 + 0.0151390091203842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.277728443897596 + 0.130057901198111 + 0 + 0.397635931738395 + 0.0191924886453002 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.279707864882171 + 0.13221068772763 + 0 + 0.398624490251712 + 0.0234738177788118 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.281675429518646 + 0.13437431595706 + 0 + 0.400359996993737 + 0.0270354494403133 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.283631185427875 + 0.136548624342543 + 0 + 0.401366205599903 + 0.0312218599930515 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.285575212536526 + 0.138733425760462 + 0 + 0.402523673543713 + 0.0352312214810138 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.287507593600815 + 0.140928534535849 + 0 + 0.403566876169909 + 0.0393022232804431 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.289428414123699 + 0.143133766519362 + 0 + 0.404680184189365 + 0.0432733256485969 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.291337762266411 + 0.145348939144226 + 0 + 0.405396778765094 + 0.0475468111114971 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.29323574593106 + 0.147573856807236 + 0 + 0.406372889740866 + 0.0515562118443373 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.29512246338542 + 0.149808336235926 + 0 + 0.40722062855217 + 0.055636353215967 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.296998015146813 + 0.152052196108456 + 0 + 0.408118522015736 + 0.0596366370135177 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.298862503926119 + 0.154305257051757 + 0 + 0.408744538934148 + 0.0638240362952784 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.300716034565101 + 0.156567341615863 + 0 + 0.410215831933907 + 0.0672847766301491 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.302558673276938 + 0.158838307347014 + 0 + 0.410836953239225 + 0.0714092575642504 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.304390524470796 + 0.161117983734774 + 0 + 0.411645494704529 + 0.0753462688939853 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.306211694573251 + 0.163406202061743 + 0 + 0.412370557123163 + 0.0793164408859325 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.308022291973117 + 0.165702795438267 + 0 + 0.413059078150571 + 0.0832818504840883 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.309822426957383 + 0.168007598798916 + 0 + 0.413799875610476 + 0.0871739268325686 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.311612211657515 + 0.17032044891469 + 0 + 0.414193283860351 + 0.0913017873977647 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.313391775428242 + 0.172641172542184 + 0 + 0.41482497000644 + 0.0952118955668205 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.315161238135093 + 0.174969607102882 + 0 + 0.415361803775797 + 0.0991629156815334 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.316920721372087 + 0.177305591888909 + 0 + 0.415874337893516 + 0.103100746844823 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.318670348418261 + 0.179648968037676 + 0 + 0.416417889644948 + 0.106984922930129 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.320410244200186 + 0.181999578522721 + 0 + 0.416702642013615 + 0.111029989988461 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.322140535245867 + 0.184357268113331 + 0 + 0.4178388624125 + 0.114422616723464 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.323861308902354 + 0.186721913043251 + 0 + 0.418128882280266 + 0.118409683107865 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.325572690355336 + 0.189093364397235 + 0 + 0.41861450229437 + 0.122225965309306 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.32727480621604 + 0.191471474981973 + 0 + 0.419023421604319 + 0.126070386841096 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.328967784473138 + 0.193856099340835 + 0 + 0.419404393523014 + 0.129907759172552 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.330651754433885 + 0.196247093741609 + 0 + 0.419839909199811 + 0.133680727023175 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.332326846665573 + 0.198644316181888 + 0 + 0.419954557042135 + 0.137651645409323 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.333993207544338 + 0.201047616244972 + 0 + 0.420292998848579 + 0.141439783942684 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.33565097474738 + 0.203456852224799 + 0 + 0.420529111315186 + 0.145273481610602 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.33730028719605 + 0.205871884084036 + 0 + 0.420823918125079 + 0.149042331654805 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.338941285011708 + 0.208292573436521 + 0 + 0.420862935403118 + 0.152959977460762 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.340574109468143 + 0.210718783513199 + 0 + 0.421748723646478 + 0.156285578821146 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.342198862468151 + 0.213150406220012 + 0 + 0.421824543518433 + 0.160135161630735 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.343815681393732 + 0.215587311669196 + 0 + 0.422106899759148 + 0.163824431156243 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.345424704271977 + 0.218029371715809 + 0 + 0.422287815199568 + 0.167559463051387 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.347026069685224 + 0.22047645998238 + 0 + 0.422587537341116 + 0.171195992986398 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.348619916675919 + 0.222928451874444 + 0 + 0.422439172543912 + 0.175102828232862 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.350206405129814 + 0.22538521135563 + 0 + 0.422664194244705 + 0.178746082887197 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.35178568296237 + 0.227846612292966 + 0 + 0.422520660778429 + 0.182605700360548 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.353357898869409 + 0.230312530055337 + 0 + 0.423388833257581 + 0.185801919975747 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.35492315525007 + 0.232782871315383 + 0 + 0.423324103085056 + 0.189575773067459 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.356481591901353 + 0.235257520568377 + 0 + 0.423684134095667 + 0.193063539849029 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.35803334844613 + 0.237736364171875 + 0 + 0.423247636724282 + 0.197032204872326 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.359578590206025 + 0.240219274181335 + 0 + 0.423985580239909 + 0.200251295984901 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.361117430172329 + 0.242706156961214 + 0 + 0.423935216862865 + 0.203945679921827 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.362650006766672 + 0.245196904559402 + 0 + 0.424292537935707 + 0.207373063054103 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.364176457780912 + 0.247691410953882 + 0 + 0.423807599398616 + 0.211300189608549 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.365696949147524 + 0.250189554475893 + 0 + 0.424553338621355 + 0.214461659336666 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.367211588220618 + 0.252691250637165 + 0 + 0.424711584380487 + 0.217968736189678 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.368720510228683 + 0.25519639929594 + 0 + 0.424272800238797 + 0.221820185951501 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.37022387866987 + 0.257704884682589 + 0 + 0.425074768794263 + 0.224913476333359 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.371721797227058 + 0.260216628249153 + 0 + 0.425080035796339 + 0.22847275888762 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.373214397611963 + 0.262731535804504 + 0 + 0.425309336893909 + 0.231886327682731 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.374701810174431 + 0.265249515142549 + 0 + 0.425490124547929 + 0.235317358311381 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.376184163818192 + 0.267770476051715 + 0 + 0.425696663698029 + 0.238722243290101 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.377661585923586 + 0.270294330306461 + 0 + 0.425910194609667 + 0.242112566182375 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.379134202272927 + 0.272820991661764 + 0 + 0.426136667050456 + 0.245485308701981 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.380602136991273 + 0.275350375838473 + 0 + 0.426375386600829 + 0.248841349408158 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.382065512488504 + 0.277882400509162 + 0 + 0.426627409735036 + 0.252180532653636 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.383524449406268 + 0.280416985282126 + 0 + 0.426893136606397 + 0.25550307397315 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.384979066578796 + 0.28295405167852 + 0 + 0.427172994373061 + 0.258809160748719 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.386429481001678 + 0.28549352310617 + 0 + 0.427467468299632 + 0.262098935126379 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.387875807798169 + 0.288035324836079 + 0 + 0.427776922193071 + 0.26537259676957 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.389318160194501 + 0.290579383975066 + 0 + 0.428101593123663 + 0.268630404548215 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.390756649506261 + 0.293125629433474 + 0 + 0.428441669475888 + 0.271872631394407 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.392191385129141 + 0.295673991891788 + 0 + 0.428797385375458 + 0.27509951114762 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.393622474528102 + 0.298224403769543 + 0 + 0.429168925632004 + 0.278311292626093 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.395050023229929 + 0.300776799193675 + 0 + 0.429556410110395 + 0.281508248168206 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.396474134822045 + 0.303331113964703 + 0 + 0.429959879057662 + 0.284690681500401 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.397894910958167 + 0.305887285520447 + 0 + 0.430379332324438 + 0.287858905628881 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.399312451366444 + 0.308445252899746 + 0 + 0.430814850628325 + 0.291013175910728 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.400726853853975 + 0.311004956709475 + 0 + 0.431266436932094 + 0.29415377868398 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.402138214315432 + 0.313566339090577 + 0 + 0.431734066400558 + 0.297281003511616 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.403546626746144 + 0.316129343682881 + 0 + 0.432217622636058 + 0.300395178323979 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.404952183259676 + 0.318693915588672 + 0 + 0.432717100952827 + 0.303496557967422 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.406354974100388 + 0.321260001340242 + 0 + 0.433232432871394 + 0.306585421302362 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.407755087659643 + 0.323827548866567 + 0 + 0.433763461989551 + 0.309662084217805 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.409152610496597 + 0.326396507458622 + 0 + 0.434310160432736 + 0.312726781906953 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.410547627354505 + 0.328966827738223 + 0 + 0.43487233318307 + 0.315779830375063 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.411940221183373 + 0.331538461624473 + 0 + 0.435449932296029 + 0.31882145583243 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.41333047315759 + 0.334111362303937 + 0 + 0.436042779763713 + 0.321851945575536 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.414718462698286 + 0.336685484199244 + 0 + 0.436650776195709 + 0.324871535178356 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.416104267493389 + 0.339260782939859 + 0 + 0.437273765135895 + 0.327880482261637 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.417487963519989 + 0.341837215332525 + 0 + 0.437911590941246 + 0.330879035460085 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.418869625067382 + 0.344414739332202 + 0 + 0.438564100220645 + 0.333867434016558 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.420249324759401 + 0.346993314014241 + 0 + 0.439231162849527 + 0.336845896914839 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.421627133575567 + 0.349572899547972 + 0 + 0.439912613973347 + 0.339814654259639 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.423003120874004 + 0.352153457170133 + 0 + 0.44060828916949 + 0.342773928680885 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.424377354414441 + 0.354734949158977 + 0 + 0.441318040998014 + 0.345723926848982 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425749900380036 + 0.35731733880972 + 0 + 0.442041715659316 + 0.348664852241655 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.427120823399109 + 0.359900590410716 + 0 + 0.442779163822785 + 0.351596899653376 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.428490186566479 + 0.362484669220478 + 0 + 0.443530238949273 + 0.3545202563724 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.429858051464899 + 0.365069541445265 + 0 + 0.444294763637089 + 0.357435120234527 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.431224478187417 + 0.367655174216779 + 0 + 0.445072616881705 + 0.360341653688425 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.432589525356886 + 0.370241535571928 + 0 + 0.445863645087213 + 0.36324003117478 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.433953250146343 + 0.372828594432664 + 0 + 0.446667707740916 + 0.366130415172275 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.435315708298913 + 0.375416320586591 + 0 + 0.447484664667771 + 0.369012963168946 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.436676954147256 + 0.378004684668305 + 0 + 0.448314379887146 + 0.371887825845026 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.438037040632537 + 0.38059365814145 + 0 + 0.449156720703692 + 0.374755147763622 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.43939601932291 + 0.383183213281479 + 0 + 0.450011558193277 + 0.377615067316994 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.440753940431493 + 0.385773323159108 + 0 + 0.450878767132006 + 0.380467716957458 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442110852833844 + 0.388363961624439 + 0 + 0.451758226118562 + 0.383313223318301 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.443466804084913 + 0.390955103291743 + 0 + 0.452649817571778 + 0.386151707392144 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444821840435499 + 0.393546723524878 + 0 + 0.453553427712079 + 0.388983284709901 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446176006848181 + 0.396138798423329 + 0 + 0.454468946614715 + 0.391808065474744 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.447529347012751 + 0.398731304808847 + 0 + 0.455396268090296 + 0.394626154779202 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.448881903361138 + 0.401324220212672 + 0 + 0.456335289742989 + 0.397437652722557 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.450233717081838 + 0.403917522863327 + 0 + 0.457285912806562 + 0.400242654637702 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.451584828133851 + 0.406511191674947 + 0 + 0.458248042185546 + 0.40304125120472 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.452935275260135 + 0.409105206236149 + 0 + 0.459221586313494 + 0.405833528653948 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.454285096000586 + 0.411699546799409 + 0 + 0.460206457124472 + 0.408619568904371 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.455634326704549 + 0.414294194270934 + 0 + 0.461202569972239 + 0.411399449723982 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.456983002542872 + 0.416889130201011 + 0 + 0.462209843526438 + 0.414173244897019 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.458331157519508 + 0.41948433677482 + 0 + 0.463228199742103 + 0.416941024348318 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.459678824482678 + 0.422079796803696 + 0 + 0.46425756371662 + 0.419702854321658 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.461026035135603 + 0.424675493716813 + 0 + 0.465297863706411 + 0.422458797470884 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.462372820046811 + 0.427271411553296 + 0 + 0.4663490309315 + 0.425208913057164 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.463719208660032 + 0.429867534954724 + 0 + 0.467410999615349 + 0.427953257020341 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.46506522930368 + 0.432463849158029 + 0 + 0.468483706842781 + 0.430691882141141 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.466410909199949 + 0.435060339988769 + 0 + 0.469567092495174 + 0.433424838159935 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.467756274473505 + 0.437656993854758 + 0 + 0.470661099223736 + 0.436152171872625 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469101350159808 + 0.440253797740049 + 0 + 0.471765672334268 + 0.43887392726946 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470446160213048 + 0.442850739199259 + 0 + 0.472880759744686 + 0.441590145633372 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.471790727513726 + 0.445447806352213 + 0 + 0.474006311959737 + 0.444300865626826 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473135073875856 + 0.448044987878913 + 0 + 0.4751422819333 + 0.44700612343444 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474479220053829 + 0.4506422730148 + 0 + 0.476288625117965 + 0.449705952806386 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47582318574892 + 0.453239651546321 + 0 + 0.477445299326223 + 0.452400385197177 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477166989615446 + 0.455837113806782 + 0 + 0.478612264728881 + 0.455089449831455 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.478510649266597 + 0.458434650672469 + 0 + 0.479789483824687 + 0.45777317378284 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479854181279924 + 0.461032253559042 + 0 + 0.480976921345725 + 0.460451582084289 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481197601202504 + 0.463629914418188 + 0 + 0.482174544291552 + 0.463124697770276 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482540923555776 + 0.466227625734522 + 0 + 0.4833823218254 + 0.465792541988839 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.483884161840059 + 0.468825380522734 + 0 + 0.484600225323204 + 0.468455134033242 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485227328538748 + 0.471423172324968 + 0 + 0.485828228246378 + 0.471112491463529 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.486570435122199 + 0.474020995208433 + 0 + 0.48706630626398 + 0.473764630097986 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487913492051302 + 0.476618843763229 + 0 + 0.488314436946129 + 0.476411564225237 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489256508780741 + 0.479216713100396 + 0 + 0.489572600574956 + 0.47905330623765 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490599493761949 + 0.481814598850164 + 0 + 0.490840777270876 + 0.481689868168736 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491942454445753 + 0.484412497160412 + 0 + 0.492118957459613 + 0.484321256333316 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.493285397284722 + 0.487010404695318 + 0 + 0.493407102890904 + 0.486947491528719 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494628334119538 + 0.489608330984827 + 0 + 0.494705298255166 + 0.489568546360456 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.49597125504728 + 0.492206245933537 + 0 + 0.496013182072751 + 0.492184572962496 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497314171517212 + 0.494804163186585 + 0 + 0.497332014538722 + 0.494794939776113 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498657086006197 + 0.497402081463623 + 0 + 0.498657086006197 + 0.497402081463623 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.5 + 0.499999999996631 + 0 + 0.499994052316792 + 0.500003074467614 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501342913993803 + 0.502597918529639 + 0 + 0.501342913993773 + 0.502597918529654 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502685828482788 + 0.505195836806677 + 0 + 0.50266798546108 + 0.505205060217251 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.504028744952721 + 0.507793754059725 + 0 + 0.503986817927902 + 0.507815427030429 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505371665880462 + 0.510391669008435 + 0 + 0.505294701743287 + 0.510431453633606 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.506714602715279 + 0.512989595297946 + 0 + 0.506592897111541 + 0.51305250846328 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508057545554248 + 0.515587502832851 + 0 + 0.50788104253938 + 0.515678743660468 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509400506238052 + 0.518185401143099 + 0 + 0.509159222729221 + 0.518310131824477 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510743491219259 + 0.520783286892867 + 0 + 0.510427399424924 + 0.520946693755675 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512086507948698 + 0.523381156230034 + 0 + 0.511685563052681 + 0.523588435768642 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.513429564877801 + 0.52597900478483 + 0 + 0.512933693735872 + 0.526235369895354 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514772671461253 + 0.528576827668295 + 0 + 0.514171771754148 + 0.528887508529463 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.516115838159942 + 0.531174619470529 + 0 + 0.51539977467736 + 0.53154486595973 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517459076444225 + 0.533772374258741 + 0 + 0.516617678174368 + 0.534207458004544 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518802398797497 + 0.536370085575076 + 0 + 0.517825455709863 + 0.536875302222256 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520145818720077 + 0.538967746434221 + 0 + 0.519023078654923 + 0.539548417908639 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521489350733404 + 0.541565349320794 + 0 + 0.520210516173295 + 0.542226826211468 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522833010384555 + 0.54416288618648 + 0 + 0.521387735272052 + 0.544910550161326 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.524176814251081 + 0.546760348446942 + 0 + 0.522554700672585 + 0.547599614796703 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.525520779946171 + 0.549357726978464 + 0 + 0.523711374883052 + 0.550294047186352 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526864926124145 + 0.55195501211435 + 0 + 0.524857718066738 + 0.552993876558803 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.528209272486275 + 0.55455219364105 + 0 + 0.525993688038641 + 0.555699134367278 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529553839786952 + 0.557149260794004 + 0 + 0.527119240255159 + 0.558409854359971 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530898649840193 + 0.559746202253214 + 0 + 0.528234327667016 + 0.561126072723138 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.532243725526495 + 0.562343006138505 + 0 + 0.529338900774834 + 0.563847828121379 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.533589090800051 + 0.564939660004493 + 0 + 0.530432907506111 + 0.566575161832662 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.53493477069632 + 0.567536150835234 + 0 + 0.531516293156584 + 0.569308117852451 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.536280791339969 + 0.570132465038539 + 0 + 0.532589000384452 + 0.572046742973026 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.53762717995319 + 0.572728588439967 + 0 + 0.533650969070683 + 0.574791086934967 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.538973964864398 + 0.575324506276449 + 0 + 0.534702136293849 + 0.577541202522245 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.540321175517323 + 0.577920203189567 + 0 + 0.535742436282842 + 0.580297145671885 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.541668842480492 + 0.580515663218442 + 0 + 0.536771800258036 + 0.583058975644873 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.543016997457128 + 0.583110869792252 + 0 + 0.537790156473949 + 0.585826755096042 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.544365673295451 + 0.585705805722328 + 0 + 0.538797430028252 + 0.588600550269025 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.545714903999414 + 0.588300453193853 + 0 + 0.539793542875115 + 0.591380431089106 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.547064724739866 + 0.590894793757114 + 0 + 0.540778413688474 + 0.594166471338291 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.54841517186615 + 0.593488808318316 + 0 + 0.541751957814711 + 0.596958748788408 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549766282918163 + 0.596082477129936 + 0 + 0.542714087192233 + 0.599757345356189 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.551118096638862 + 0.59867577978059 + 0 + 0.543664710259254 + 0.602562347269537 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55247065298725 + 0.601268695184416 + 0 + 0.544603731908652 + 0.605373845214609 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55382399315182 + 0.603861201569933 + 0 + 0.54553105338511 + 0.60819193451861 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555178159564502 + 0.606453276468385 + 0 + 0.546446572287046 + 0.611016715283819 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.556533195915087 + 0.60904489670152 + 0 + 0.547350182427358 + 0.61384829260157 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557889147166157 + 0.611636038368824 + 0 + 0.548241773883797 + 0.616686776673727 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.559246059568507 + 0.614226676834155 + 0 + 0.549121232867313 + 0.619532283036161 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.56060398067709 + 0.616816786711784 + 0 + 0.549988441809411 + 0.622384932674859 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.561962959367463 + 0.619406341851813 + 0 + 0.5508432792958 + 0.625244852229907 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.563323045852744 + 0.621995315324957 + 0 + 0.551685620115348 + 0.628112174146925 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.564684291701087 + 0.624583679406672 + 0 + 0.552515335330401 + 0.630987036825279 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.566046749853657 + 0.627171405560598 + 0 + 0.553332292260061 + 0.633869584820473 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.567410474643114 + 0.629758464421334 + 0 + 0.554136354912082 + 0.636759968818854 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.568775521812583 + 0.632344825776483 + 0 + 0.554927383120572 + 0.639658346303635 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.570141948535101 + 0.634930458547998 + 0 + 0.55570523636149 + 0.642564879759486 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.571509813433521 + 0.637515330772785 + 0 + 0.556469761049581 + 0.645479743621469 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.572879176600891 + 0.640099409582545 + 0 + 0.557220836179503 + 0.648403100338673 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574250099619964 + 0.642682661183542 + 0 + 0.557958284341421 + 0.651335147751216 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.575622645585559 + 0.645265050834285 + 0 + 0.558681959004532 + 0.654276073142927 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.576996879125996 + 0.647846542823128 + 0 + 0.559391710830429 + 0.65722607131242 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.578372866424433 + 0.650427100445289 + 0 + 0.560087386026445 + 0.660185345733734 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.5797506752406 + 0.653006685979021 + 0 + 0.560768837151243 + 0.663154103078011 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.581130374932618 + 0.65558526066106 + 0 + 0.561435899778889 + 0.666132565976953 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.582512036480011 + 0.658162784660737 + 0 + 0.562088409059419 + 0.669120964532821 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.583895732506611 + 0.660739217053403 + 0 + 0.562726234864116 + 0.672119517731619 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.585281537301714 + 0.663314515794018 + 0 + 0.563349223802624 + 0.675128464815804 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.58666952684241 + 0.665888637689325 + 0 + 0.563957220238408 + 0.678148054416582 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.588059778816627 + 0.668461538368789 + 0 + 0.564550067702161 + 0.681178544161811 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.589452372645495 + 0.671033172255039 + 0 + 0.565127666817988 + 0.684220169617626 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.590847389503404 + 0.67360349253464 + 0 + 0.565689839569075 + 0.687273218085324 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.592244912340357 + 0.676172451126695 + 0 + 0.566236538010353 + 0.690337915775508 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.593645025899612 + 0.67873999865302 + 0 + 0.56676756712891 + 0.693414578690736 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.595047816740324 + 0.68130608440459 + 0 + 0.567282899049728 + 0.696503442024443 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.596453373253856 + 0.683870656310381 + 0 + 0.56778237736395 + 0.699604821669279 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.597861785684568 + 0.686433660902685 + 0 + 0.568265933601736 + 0.702718996480385 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.599273146146025 + 0.688995043283787 + 0 + 0.568733563068387 + 0.705846221309016 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.600687548633556 + 0.691554747093516 + 0 + 0.569185149372658 + 0.708986824081989 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.602105089041833 + 0.694112714472815 + 0 + 0.569620667675137 + 0.712141094364618 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.603525865177955 + 0.696668886028559 + 0 + 0.570040120943055 + 0.715309318492461 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.604949976770071 + 0.699223200799586 + 0 + 0.57044358988887 + 0.718491751825465 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.606377525471898 + 0.701775596223719 + 0 + 0.570831074366489 + 0.721688707368014 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.60780861487086 + 0.704326008101475 + 0 + 0.571202614625042 + 0.724900488845361 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.60924335049374 + 0.706874370559788 + 0 + 0.571558330524061 + 0.728127368598884 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.610681839805499 + 0.709420616018196 + 0 + 0.571898406876293 + 0.731369595445072 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.612124192201831 + 0.711964675157184 + 0 + 0.572223077806043 + 0.734627403224196 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.613570518998322 + 0.714506476887092 + 0 + 0.572532531701832 + 0.73790106486605 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.615020933421205 + 0.717045948314742 + 0 + 0.572827005625522 + 0.741190839245354 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.616475550593733 + 0.719583014711136 + 0 + 0.573106863393406 + 0.744496926020228 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.617934487511497 + 0.7221175994841 + 0 + 0.573372590266434 + 0.747819467338779 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.619397863008728 + 0.72464962415479 + 0 + 0.573624613399242 + 0.751158650585063 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.620865797727074 + 0.727179008331499 + 0 + 0.573863332947916 + 0.754514691292229 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.622338414076415 + 0.729705669686802 + 0 + 0.574089805390271 + 0.757887433810924 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.623815836181809 + 0.732229523941548 + 0 + 0.57430333630341 + 0.761277756702318 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.62529818982557 + 0.734750484850714 + 0 + 0.574509875453046 + 0.764682641681308 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.626785602388038 + 0.737268464188759 + 0 + 0.57469066310619 + 0.76811367231047 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.628278202772942 + 0.73978337174411 + 0 + 0.574919964203378 + 0.771527241105811 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.629776121330131 + 0.742295115310674 + 0 + 0.57492523120754 + 0.775086523658828 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.631279489771317 + 0.744803600697322 + 0 + 0.575727199761042 + 0.778179814041859 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.632788411779383 + 0.747308749356099 + 0 + 0.575288415620017 + 0.782031263803285 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.634303050852476 + 0.74981044551737 + 0 + 0.575446661379239 + 0.785538340656238 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.635823542219088 + 0.75230858903938 + 0 + 0.576192400600783 + 0.788699810385082 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.637349993233329 + 0.754803095433862 + 0 + 0.575707462065686 + 0.792626936938308 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.638882569827671 + 0.757293843032049 + 0 + 0.576064783136243 + 0.796054320071987 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.640421409793976 + 0.759780725811929 + 0 + 0.576014419760641 + 0.799748704008027 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.64196665155387 + 0.762263635821387 + 0 + 0.576752363276651 + 0.802967795120354 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.643518408098649 + 0.764742479424887 + 0 + 0.576315865903392 + 0.806936460144825 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.64507684474993 + 0.767217128677879 + 0 + 0.576675896914198 + 0.810424226926277 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.646642101130593 + 0.769687469937928 + 0 + 0.576611166742589 + 0.814198080017411 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.64821431703763 + 0.772153387700296 + 0 + 0.577479339221999 + 0.817394299632442 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.649793594870188 + 0.774614788637634 + 0 + 0.577335805757037 + 0.821253917104947 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.651380083324082 + 0.777071548118819 + 0 + 0.577560827455281 + 0.824897171760925 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.652973930314778 + 0.779523540010885 + 0 + 0.577412462657832 + 0.828804007007554 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.654575295728024 + 0.781970628277454 + 0 + 0.5777121848008 + 0.832440536941634 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.65618431860627 + 0.784412688324068 + 0 + 0.577893100240127 + 0.836175568837502 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.65780113753185 + 0.786849593773252 + 0 + 0.578175456482988 + 0.839864838361584 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.659425890531859 + 0.789281216480066 + 0 + 0.578251276353105 + 0.843714421172399 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.661058714988293 + 0.791707426556742 + 0 + 0.579137064595808 + 0.847040022533228 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.662699712803952 + 0.794128115909229 + 0 + 0.579176081875524 + 0.85095766833805 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.664349025252622 + 0.796543147768465 + 0 + 0.57947088868305 + 0.854726518383872 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.666006792455664 + 0.798952383748292 + 0 + 0.57970700115238 + 0.858560216049919 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.667673153334429 + 0.801355683811376 + 0 + 0.580045442957448 + 0.862348354584232 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.669348245566117 + 0.803752906251656 + 0 + 0.580160090801327 + 0.866319272969298 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.671032215526864 + 0.806143900652429 + 0 + 0.580595606477004 + 0.870092240820702 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.672725193783962 + 0.808528525011292 + 0 + 0.580976578396377 + 0.873929613151674 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.674427309644666 + 0.81090663559603 + 0 + 0.581385497705991 + 0.877774034683702 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.676138691097648 + 0.813278086950014 + 0 + 0.581871117720558 + 0.881590316884803 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.677859464754136 + 0.815642731879935 + 0 + 0.582161137587678 + 0.885577383269676 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.679589755799815 + 0.818000421470542 + 0 + 0.583297357986839 + 0.888970010004465 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.681329651581742 + 0.820351031955589 + 0 + 0.583582110354334 + 0.893015077063673 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.683079278627915 + 0.822694408104355 + 0 + 0.584125662107552 + 0.896899253147645 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.68483876186491 + 0.825030392890383 + 0 + 0.584638196223888 + 0.900837084311973 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.68660822457176 + 0.827358827451081 + 0 + 0.585175029994476 + 0.904788104425747 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.688387788342487 + 0.829679551078574 + 0 + 0.585806716138581 + 0.90869821259632 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.690177573042619 + 0.831992401194349 + 0 + 0.586200124388182 + 0.912826073161742 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.691977708026885 + 0.834297204554997 + 0 + 0.586940921848998 + 0.91671814950952 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.693788305426752 + 0.836593797931522 + 0 + 0.587629442878455 + 0.92068355910605 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.695609475529207 + 0.838882016258491 + 0 + 0.588354505294136 + 0.924653731100345 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.697441326723064 + 0.841161692646251 + 0 + 0.589163046762003 + 0.928590742428027 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.699283965434902 + 0.843432658377403 + 0 + 0.589784168064673 + 0.932715223364282 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.701137496073882 + 0.845694742941506 + 0 + 0.591255461067345 + 0.936175963696754 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.703001984853191 + 0.847947803884811 + 0 + 0.591881477981357 + 0.940363362982171 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.704877536614582 + 0.850191663757338 + 0 + 0.592779371448378 + 0.944363646776841 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.706764254068943 + 0.852426143186029 + 0 + 0.593627110258366 + 0.948443788149584 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.708662237733591 + 0.854651060849039 + 0 + 0.594603221236389 + 0.952453188880499 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.710571585876305 + 0.856866233473904 + 0 + 0.595319815810207 + 0.956726674345049 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.712492406399187 + 0.859071465457416 + 0 + 0.596433123829598 + 0.960697776713257 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.714424787463477 + 0.861266574232803 + 0 + 0.597476326455244 + 0.964768778513179 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.716368814572128 + 0.863451375650722 + 0 + 0.59863379440026 + 0.96877814000007 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.718324570481358 + 0.865625684036206 + 0 + 0.599640003006569 + 0.972964550552677 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.72029213511783 + 0.867789312265633 + 0 + 0.601375509747715 + 0.976526182214974 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.722271556102408 + 0.869942098795156 + 0 + 0.602364068261852 + 0.980807511347746 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.724262914857578 + 0.872083847390539 + 0 + 0.603648052332452 + 0.98486099087234 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.72626629009686 + 0.874214359968805 + 0 + 0.604729855248798 + 0.989149382986746 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.728281763809995 + 0.876333430845304 + 0 + 0.606199411889919 + 0.993115946604561 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.730309400304872 + 0.878440866585258 + 0 + 0.607457872011117 + 0.997328454370023 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.732349260482235 + 0.880536472745561 + 0 + 0.609449703346729 + 1.00086831623152 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.734401378119171 + 0.882620077175405 + 0 + 0.61042971829649 + 1.00544267529072 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.736465830731735 + 0.884691460540949 + 0 + 0.612162651507969 + 1.00932147255294 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.738542668416705 + 0.886750425902884 + 0 + 0.613617941524624 + 1.01352286153266 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.740631937484724 + 0.888796775689154 + 0 + 0.615733735344946 + 1.01709314874229 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.742733659951078 + 0.890830332882816 + 0 + 0.617025704489726 + 1.0215540667924 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.744847894833597 + 0.892850877970272 + 0 + 0.618799431834207 + 1.025567182036 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.746974676598942 + 0.894858212146356 + 0 + 0.621017448455773 + 1.02914992102605 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.749114016213906 + 0.896852157149279 + 0 + 0.622473672891555 + 1.03359086124951 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.751265959351244 + 0.898832493187776 + 0 + 0.624517003113724 + 1.03744980965363 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.753430527965103 + 0.900799021175489 + 0 + 0.626474391701832 + 1.041446812397 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.755607739715766 + 0.902751542136031 + 0 + 0.62852556283811 + 1.04538621513023 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.757797607938862 + 0.904689857327551 + 0 + 0.630623184200125 + 1.04931922378437 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.760000141605001 + 0.906613768337764 + 0 + 0.632780314587401 + 1.05323046133721 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.76221534528857 + 0.9085230771865 + 0 + 0.634993727728588 + 1.05712267390591 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.764443219149157 + 0.910417586415525 + 0 + 0.637264487826657 + 1.06099370635657 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.766683758916279 + 0.912297099180057 + 0 + 0.639592465263144 + 1.06484272153083 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.768936955879645 + 0.914161419338114 + 0 + 0.641977681790751 + 1.06866866445949 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.77120279689149 + 0.916010351529654 + 0 + 0.644419986538274 + 1.0724706475829 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.773481264376239 + 0.917843701250383 + 0 + 0.646919300479588 + 1.0762476581077 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.775772336339776 + 0.919661274929386 + 0 + 0.649475426538953 + 1.07999879099543 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.778075986386633 + 0.921462880000191 + 0 + 0.652088066040777 + 1.08372323811796 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.780392183746205 + 0.923248324963123 + 0 + 0.654756873333191 + 1.08742022585288 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.782720893303 + 0.925017419444714 + 0 + 0.657481523275243 + 1.09108892882178 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.785062075626632 + 0.926769974259498 + 0 + 0.660261643843737 + 1.09472855735246 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.787415687005112 + 0.928505801469561 + 0 + 0.663096807228555 + 1.09833837373811 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.789781679483232 + 0.930224714439038 + 0 + 0.665986522436363 + 1.10191770802562 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.792160000906222 + 0.931926527882833 + 0 + 0.668930264138414 + 1.105465923947 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.794550594965538 + 0.933611057913389 + 0 + 0.67192755303693 + 1.1089823067071 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.796953401242753 + 0.935278122091118 + 0 + 0.674977849964682 + 1.11246621096377 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.799368355256665 + 0.936927539471245 + 0 + 0.678080590686008 + 1.11591701615086 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.801795388513732 + 0.938559130646588 + 0 + 0.681235146889709 + 1.11933418814807 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.804234428561666 + 0.940172717786056 + 0 + 0.684440956375526 + 1.12271708799448 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.80668539904008 + 0.941768124677816 + 0 + 0.687697410102009 + 1.12606513797009 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.809148219733752 + 0.94334517676888 + 0 + 0.691003840292251 + 1.12937784680694 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.811622806628934 + 0.944903701200077 + 0 + 0.694359653945201 + 1.13265460296143 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.814109071967037 + 0.946443526845021 + 0 + 0.697764152031176 + 1.13589495910454 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.816606924302355 + 0.947964484342643 + 0 + 0.701216720542619 + 1.13909833004324 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.819116268556871 + 0.949466406134149 + 0 + 0.70471666395046 + 1.14226426112533 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.821637006077992 + 0.950949126494966 + 0 + 0.708263329898013 + 1.14539222634284 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.824169034695025 + 0.952412481568428 + 0 + 0.711856029383833 + 1.1484817609459 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.826712248777052 + 0.953856309396674 + 0 + 0.715494071493916 + 1.15153240564825 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.82926653929121 + 0.955280449950275 + 0 + 0.719176764160842 + 1.15454370552745 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.831831793860573 + 0.956684745157953 + 0 + 0.722903425356151 + 1.15751518933143 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.834407896821415 + 0.958069038936809 + 0 + 0.72667335140292 + 1.16044642731549 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.836994729281447 + 0.959433177220154 + 0 + 0.730485836985996 + 1.16333699697171 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.839592169178082 + 0.960777007984518 + 0 + 0.734340183709216 + 1.16618646653512 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.842200091336039 + 0.96210038127712 + 0 + 0.738235687571402 + 1.16899441853605 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.844818367524905 + 0.963403149242686 + 0 + 0.742171644752429 + 1.17176043913918 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.847446866516471 + 0.964685166149915 + 0 + 0.746147350668987 + 1.17448411999357 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.850085454142112 + 0.965946288417057 + 0 + 0.750162083799497 + 1.17716509286264 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.852733993350576 + 0.967186374635766 + 0 + 0.754215148473571 + 1.17980294076097 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.855392344264345 + 0.968405285597037 + 0 + 0.758305830965531 + 1.18239728876735 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.858060364236414 + 0.96960288431545 + 0 + 0.762433422021921 + 1.18494775759706 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.860737907906838 + 0.970779036053093 + 0 + 0.766597210649163 + 1.18745397672787 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.863424827259025 + 0.971933608343098 + 0 + 0.770796485894456 + 1.18991558058976 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.866120971675819 + 0.973066471012852 + 0 + 0.775030536413995 + 1.19233220950319 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.86882618799534 + 0.974177496206853 + 0 + 0.77929865061492 + 1.19470350932899 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.871540320566605 + 0.975266558409249 + 0 + 0.783600116605401 + 1.19702913153404 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.874263211304929 + 0.976333534466049 + 0 + 0.787934222157531 + 1.1993087332215 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.876994699747114 + 0.977378303607011 + 0 + 0.792300254690363 + 1.2015419770999 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.879734623106442 + 0.978400747467199 + 0 + 0.796697501208728 + 1.20372853155632 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.882482816327476 + 0.979400750108229 + 0 + 0.801125248235403 + 1.20586807075044 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.885239112140674 + 0.980378198039167 + 0 + 0.80558278177684 + 1.20796027461827 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.888003341116855 + 0.981332980237103 + 0 + 0.810069387228711 + 1.21000482904534 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.890775331721488 + 0.98226498816738 + 0 + 0.814584349338428 + 1.21200142588957 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.893554910368849 + 0.983174115803467 + 0 + 0.819126952132358 + 1.21394976311025 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.896341901476043 + 0.984060259646479 + 0 + 0.823696478844864 + 1.21584954490834 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.899136127516904 + 0.984923318744337 + 0 + 0.828292211883592 + 1.2177004817662 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.901937409075784 + 0.985763194710533 + 0 + 0.832913432752802 + 1.21950229063139 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.904745564901246 + 0.986579791742529 + 0 + 0.837559422016165 + 1.22125469499271 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.907560411959667 + 0.987373016639754 + 0 + 0.842229459252868 + 1.22295742498927 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.910381765488759 + 0.988142778821189 + 0 + 0.846922822997989 + 1.22461021759625 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.913209439051023 + 0.988888990342544 + 0 + 0.851638790739148 + 1.22621281662703 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.916043244587145 + 0.989611565913015 + 0 + 0.856376638857215 + 1.22776497295427 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.918882992469333 + 0.990310422911597 + 0 + 0.861135642620302 + 1.2292664445557 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.92172849155461 + 0.990985481402956 + 0 + 0.86591507615591 + 1.23071699665908 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.924579549238077 + 0.99163666415285 + 0 + 0.87071421244007 + 1.23211640184163 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.927435971506138 + 0.992263896643088 + 0 + 0.875532323293515 + 1.23346444011683 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.930297562989699 + 0.992867107086013 + 0 + 0.880368679371992 + 1.23476089906723 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.933164127017351 + 0.993446226438506 + 0 + 0.88522255017038 + 1.23600557393929 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.936035465668542 + 0.994001188415506 + 0 + 0.890093204040771 + 1.2371982676848 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.938911379826729 + 0.994531929503024 + 0 + 0.894979908182248 + 1.23833879116845 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.941791669232533 + 0.995038388970659 + 0 + 0.899881928685053 + 1.23942696311634 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.944676132536893 + 0.995520508883601 + 0 + 0.904798530530936 + 1.2404626103121 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.947564567354209 + 0.99597823411411 + 0 + 0.909728977628212 + 1.24144556763097 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.950456770315505 + 0.99641151235247 + 0 + 0.914672532844852 + 1.24237567809293 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.953352537121585 + 0.996820294117415 + 0 + 0.919628458030689 + 1.24325279301213 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.956251662596205 + 0.997204532766003 + 0 + 0.924596014067371 + 1.2440767719857 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.959153940739248 + 0.997564184502961 + 0 + 0.929574460904303 + 1.24484748298732 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.962059164779921 + 0.997899208389464 + 0 + 0.934563057598259 + 1.2455648024697 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.964967127229943 + 0.998209566351364 + 0 + 0.939561062370934 + 1.24622861533565 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.967877619936771 + 0.998495223186864 + 0 + 0.944567732646676 + 1.24683881510129 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.970790434136819 + 0.998756146573612 + 0 + 0.949582325126673 + 1.24739530371724 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.973705360508699 + 0.998992307075239 + 0 + 0.954604095777177 + 1.2478979924192 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.97662218922647 + 0.999203678147315 + 0 + 0.95963230010815 + 1.24834679881033 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.979540710012901 + 0.999390236142735 + 0 + 0.964666192541483 + 1.24874165726925 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.982460712192748 + 0.999551960316514 + 0 + 0.969705028544298 + 1.24908248336478 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.985381984746035 + 0.999688832830011 + 0 + 0.974748058672807 + 1.24936929498265 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.988304316361358 + 0.999800838754563 + 0 + 0.979794545451901 + 1.24960180448193 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.991227495489156 + 0.999887966074526 + 0 + 0.984843718929586 + 1.24978077669965 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.994151299683936 + 0.999950205507339 + 0 + 0.989894866724791 + 1.24990357363127 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.997075543857275 + 0.999987551371781 + 0 + 0.994947188564111 + 1.24997849141511 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 1 + 0.999999999993262 + 0 + 1 + 1.2499798172808 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 8a3f760d-4f3f-4896-8667-618c6713df1a + bf42a9e3-c00e-4db2-8db0-e6ee28b00532 + 4a9ff1e4-232e-4b2e-86e8-762a98db8f4e + c86596e8-3ddf-4dea-b6c0-016669d920c1 + 4 + 14dc516e-255f-45de-a21f-85e10437ae84 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + ac2bc2cb-70fb-4dd5-9c78-7e1ea97fe278 + Geometry + + + + + Contains a collection of generic geometry + true + 81cd78e7-545f-427a-8e75-f185c696f23a + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26461 + -10734 + 50 + 24 + + + 26486.88 + -10722 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + -1 + + 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+ + 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Curve + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 81cd78e7-545f-427a-8e75-f185c696f23a + 42a0b386-21fb-452a-a5ce-5ec89672c1c3 + 7988b2a0-28f6-4288-b462-7e28d36efc2c + c176843a-4c0b-4732-8aaa-e9422013cc21 + 4 + bcac0f99-d82c-48b6-8797-c89cb832592b + Group + + + + + + + + + + + ac2bc2cb-70fb-4dd5-9c78-7e1ea97fe278 + Geometry + + + + + Contains a collection of generic geometry + true + db86ea0a-9f82-4235-8171-82f79a2b7ce6 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26461 + -11730 + 50 + 24 + + + 26486.88 + -11718 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 513 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + + 8.31187957663209E-17 + -0.24997981727771 + 0 + 8.31187957663209E-17 + -0.24997981727771 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.00505281143588085 + -0.249978491419991 + 0 + 0.00505290599040027 + -0.249989597541828 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0101051332752018 + -0.249903573637878 + 0 + 0.0101058899609055 + -0.249948009000087 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0151562810704255 + -0.249780776706985 + 0 + 0.0151588361119955 + -0.249880793760095 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0202054545481003 + -0.249601804488715 + 0 + 0.0202115148753165 + -0.249779703001769 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0252519413272185 + -0.249369294989863 + 0 + 0.0252637875761175 + -0.24964744032203 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.030294971455728 + -0.249082483371884 + 0 + 0.0303154619783822 + -0.249483325143783 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0353338074583952 + -0.248741657273978 + 0 + 0.0353663833471248 + -0.249287748544824 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0403676998919168 + -0.248346798817997 + 0 + 0.0404163910641454 + -0.249060815873275 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0453959042227041 + -0.247897992424417 + 0 + 0.0454653366068403 + -0.248802755297525 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0504176748733502 + -0.247395303724237 + 0 + 0.0505130787496277 + -0.248513797568951 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0554322673534457 + -0.246838815109379 + 0 + 0.055559486908659 + -0.248194212538385 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0604389376287956 + -0.24622861533973 + 0 + 0.0606044417934283 + -0.247844299852185 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0654369424017636 + -0.24556480247659 + 0 + 0.0656478370465328 + -0.247464393103729 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0704255390956003 + -0.244847482993249 + 0 + 0.0706895806721914 + -0.247054860281856 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0754039859329408 + -0.244076771994841 + 0 + 0.0757295966519424 + -0.246616105448731 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0803715419689919 + -0.243252793016546 + 0 + 0.0807678266155926 + -0.246148570110183 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0853274671553754 + -0.242375678101216 + 0 + 0.0858042316502119 + -0.24565273497083 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0902710223713496 + -0.241445567634848 + 0 + 0.0908387941884258 + -0.245129121531933 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0952014694690307 + -0.240462610318637 + 0 + 0.0958715200246899 + -0.24457829388311 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.100118071314989 + -0.239426963123297 + 0 + 0.100902440440313 + -0.244000860495072 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.105020091817619 + -0.238338791174431 + 0 + 0.105931614419833 + -0.243397475909174 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.109906795959606 + -0.237198267693515 + 0 + 0.110959130963078 + -0.242768842371154 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.114777449829023 + -0.236005573942991 + 0 + 0.115985111461741 + -0.242115711258018 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.119631320628044 + -0.234760899074159 + 0 + 0.121009712080192 + -0.241438884060715 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.12446767670668 + -0.233464440124442 + 0 + 0.126033126131127 + -0.2407392129961 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.129285787559404 + -0.232116401846016 + 0 + 0.131055586306012 + -0.240017600717978 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.134084923844228 + -0.230716996666432 + 0 + 0.13607736670752 + -0.239274999133514 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.138864357380061 + -0.229266444563939 + 0 + 0.141098784495509 + -0.238512406769253 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.143623361142059 + -0.22776497295809 + 0 + 0.14612020099347 + -0.237730864434158 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.148361209260688 + -0.226212816633145 + 0 + 0.151142022054671 + -0.236931448814929 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.1530771770022 + -0.224610217603708 + 0 + 0.156164697454414 + -0.236115263619987 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.157770540747889 + -0.222957424998726 + 0 + 0.161188719143377 + -0.235283428241755 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.162440577983005 + -0.221254694996554 + 0 + 0.166214615480447 + -0.234437054431737 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.167086567247324 + -0.219502290638562 + 0 + 0.171242948710737 + -0.233577238175843 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.171707788116381 + -0.217700481772828 + 0 + 0.176274314500651 + -0.232705059753764 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.176303521155143 + -0.2158495449151 + 0 + 0.181309326974931 + -0.231821537521149 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.180873047868089 + -0.213949763118371 + 0 + 0.186348613000853 + -0.230927618185534 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.185415650660935 + -0.212001425894372 + 0 + 0.1913928070118 + -0.230024170382065 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.18993061277112 + -0.210004829051583 + 0 + 0.19644250082862 + -0.229111847328599 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.194417218223146 + -0.207960274624954 + 0 + 0.201498303286006 + -0.228191284962463 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.19887475176363 + -0.205868070754474 + 0 + 0.206560712960852 + -0.227262749574333 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.203302498791549 + -0.20372853156381 + 0 + 0.211630142715734 + -0.2263262506229 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.207699745309768 + -0.20154197710697 + 0 + 0.216706909737219 + -0.225381546094746 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.212065777842435 + -0.199308733228137 + 0 + 0.221791082646248 + -0.224427778325317 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.216399883395306 + -0.197029131542538 + 0 + 0.226882563693389 + -0.223463754745969 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.22070134938379 + -0.194703509332534 + 0 + 0.231980933918627 + -0.222487606604995 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.224969463586572 + -0.192332209511274 + 0 + 0.237085523758655 + -0.221497037559234 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.229203514104726 + -0.189915580594559 + 0 + 0.242195333636805 + -0.220489186933128 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.233402789351951 + -0.187453976737174 + 0 + 0.247309102297574 + -0.219460851768603 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.237566577977744 + -0.184947757603013 + 0 + 0.252425301921641 + -0.218408516158351 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.241694169034953 + -0.182397288775142 + 0 + 0.257542196076255 + -0.217328515962461 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.24578485152586 + -0.179802940766459 + 0 + 0.262657890212797 + -0.216217167406982 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.249837916200283 + -0.177165092868907 + 0 + 0.26777037936421 + -0.215070874241795 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.253852649331544 + -0.174484120001409 + 0 + 0.272877584504302 + -0.213886198706282 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.257828355247728 + -0.171760439146225 + 0 + 0.277977413545252 + -0.212659973660777 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.261764312428652 + -0.168994418542889 + 0 + 0.283067751286946 + -0.211389260558906 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.265659816290546 + -0.166186466541384 + 0 + 0.288146531569151 + -0.210071472504772 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.269514163013809 + -0.16333699697809 + 0 + 0.293211746430695 + -0.208704361837925 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.273326648598434 + -0.160446427324766 + 0 + 0.298261466853943 + -0.207286030895235 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.277096574642535 + -0.157515189335723 + 0 + 0.303293867064738 + -0.205814947658823 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.280823235839501 + -0.154543705534803 + 0 + 0.308307227784188 + -0.204289921336134 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.284505928505513 + -0.151532405653967 + 0 + 0.313299958229501 + -0.202710113563165 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.288143970615145 + -0.148481760950847 + 0 + 0.318270627976646 + -0.20107506466091 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.291736670102335 + -0.145392226350156 + 0 + 0.323217946044688 + -0.199384626417342 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.295283336048171 + -0.142264261129756 + 0 + 0.328140768218446 + -0.197638949396749 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.298783279457979 + -0.13909833005098 + 0 + 0.33303794258165 + -0.195838202957685 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.30223584796698 + -0.135894959108272 + 0 + 0.337908176278369 + -0.193982357289047 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.30564034605535 + -0.132654602969043 + 0 + 0.342749928939098 + -0.192071030814906 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.308996159706717 + -0.129377846812039 + 0 + 0.347561524617444 + -0.190103696312876 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.312302589898643 + -0.126065137977816 + 0 + 0.352340973372156 + -0.188079418217976 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.31555904362427 + -0.122717088000899 + 0 + 0.357086152268458 + -0.185997162913923 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.318764853109827 + -0.119334188154115 + 0 + 0.36179461748214 + -0.183855526398765 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.321919409315338 + -0.115917016159572 + 0 + 0.366463734583194 + -0.181652958255325 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.325022150034311 + -0.112466210969037 + 0 + 0.37109066888424 + -0.179387759809621 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.328072446963469 + -0.108982306714414 + 0 + 0.375672281207951 + -0.177057949289722 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.331069735861866 + -0.105465923954127 + 0 + 0.380205275222077 + -0.174661493542374 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.334013477563477 + -0.101917708032122 + 0 + 0.384686186236175 + -0.172196297701522 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.33690319277094 + -0.0983383737441425 + 0 + 0.389111456071108 + -0.169660313467837 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.339738356156289 + -0.0947285573592283 + 0 + 0.393477380749217 + -0.167051467612679 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.342518476723887 + -0.0910889288273574 + 0 + 0.397780258971842 + -0.164367863293018 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.34524312666747 + -0.0874202258604661 + 0 + 0.402016508969449 + -0.161607920878815 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.347911933958549 + -0.0837232381238189 + 0 + 0.406182774943936 + -0.158770492655498 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.35052457346085 + -0.0799987910019015 + 0 + 0.410275945708526 + -0.155854856069828 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.353080699521648 + -0.0762476581159674 + 0 + 0.414293243817352 + -0.152860796275396 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.35558001346154 + -0.0724706475893973 + 0 + 0.4182322126478 + -0.14978855532278 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.358022318210024 + -0.068668664467155 + 0 + 0.422090948123986 + -0.146639081183429 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.360407534735811 + -0.0648427215363 + 0 + 0.425867896115838 + -0.143413733593789 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.362735512173739 + -0.0609937063637705 + 0 + 0.429561860637951 + -0.140114264942493 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.365006272270594 + -0.057122673911686 + 0 + 0.433172008956164 + -0.136742798037064 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.367219685413038 + -0.0532304613444493 + 0 + 0.43669755532401 + -0.133301435828507 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.369376815799097 + -0.0493192237902158 + 0 + 0.440139190489143 + -0.129793875214046 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.37147443716159 + -0.0453862151366283 + 0 + 0.443493350973247 + -0.126218905237717 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.373525608297982 + -0.0414468124035279 + 0 + 0.446772957582219 + -0.122593562713376 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.375482996886379 + -0.0374498096604679 + 0 + 0.449930555033408 + -0.118868395139293 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.37752632710683 + -0.0335908612544884 + 0 + 0.453146095694916 + -0.115240585898506 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.378982551546035 + -0.029149921034712 + 0 + 0.455745832531496 + -0.110992561863805 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.381200568165358 + -0.0255671820422661 + 0 + 0.459079375831645 + -0.107565702869646 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.382974295510788 + -0.0215540667996627 + 0 + 0.461941693904744 + -0.10367228387907 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.384266264654825 + -0.017093148748792 + 0 + 0.46429387972617 + -0.0992981171298073 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.386382058474896 + -0.013522861538894 + 0 + 0.467442652757931 + -0.0957823887479003 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.387837348492784 + -0.0093214725604289 + 0 + 0.469904473549567 + -0.0916043783194546 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.38957028170281 + -0.0054426752967489 + 0 + 0.472617172136459 + -0.0877198252764127 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.390550296653757 + -0.000868316238730057 + 0 + 0.474549709446966 + -0.0831127476161364 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.39254212798855 + 0.00267154562357481 + 0 + 0.477467763659306 + -0.0795138704327978 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.393800588109107 + 0.00688405338963835 + 0 + 0.479627119016919 + -0.0752165781976819 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.39527014475117 + 0.0108506170065529 + 0 + 0.481971624757705 + -0.0711415577079562 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.396351947668133 + 0.0151390091203842 + 0 + 0.483902486298526 + -0.066722375540827 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.397635931738395 + 0.0191924886453002 + 0 + 0.48600965711696 + -0.0625170834535799 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.398624490251712 + 0.0234738177788118 + 0 + 0.487795715840255 + -0.0580639817497776 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.400359996993737 + 0.0270354494403133 + 0 + 0.490304212949848 + -0.0543105115035362 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.401366205599903 + 0.0312218599930515 + 0 + 0.492059239363978 + -0.0499129101157201 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.402523673543713 + 0.0352312214810138 + 0 + 0.49394055770262 + -0.0456749224504077 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.403566876169909 + 0.0393022232804431 + 0 + 0.495682987355041 + -0.041358456156073 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.404680184189365 + 0.0432733256485969 + 0 + 0.497471069703657 + -0.0371257756490784 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.405396778765094 + 0.0475468111114971 + 0 + 0.498837632947299 + -0.0325758715553404 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.406372889740866 + 0.0515562118443373 + 0 + 0.500438884314833 + -0.0282760604398986 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.40722062855217 + 0.055636353215967 + 0 + 0.501887379249106 + -0.0238917606110987 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.408118522015736 + 0.0596366370135177 + 0 + 0.503361691044068 + -0.0195742212136659 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.408744538934148 + 0.0638240362952784 + 0 + 0.504539572071594 + -0.0150573890446336 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.410215831933907 + 0.0672847766301491 + 0 + 0.506539318335215 + -0.011254253951887 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.410836953239225 + 0.0714092575642504 + 0 + 0.507665594356789 + -0.00677480749121008 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.411645494704529 + 0.0753462688939853 + 0 + 0.508954958680791 + -0.00247203246112433 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.412370557123163 + 0.0793164408859325 + 0 + 0.510136793251617 + 0.00187458394031738 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.413059078150571 + 0.0832818504840883 + 0 + 0.511257917051258 + 0.00622655023980946 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.413799875610476 + 0.0871739268325686 + 0 + 0.512407241668601 + 0.0105150398848651 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.414193283860351 + 0.0913017873977647 + 0 + 0.513184667393598 + 0.0150482792160728 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.41482497000644 + 0.0952118955668205 + 0 + 0.514175724147631 + 0.0193722545883546 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.415361803775797 + 0.0991629156815334 + 0 + 0.51504754102053 + 0.0237457174441685 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.415874337893516 + 0.103100746844823 + 0 + 0.515870481203595 + 0.028114115934534 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.416417889644948 + 0.106984922930129 + 0 + 0.516699855245877 + 0.0324368250398688 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.416702642013615 + 0.111029989988461 + 0 + 0.517245451270004 + 0.0369277559073271 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.4178388624125 + 0.114422616723464 + 0 + 0.518618404361799 + 0.0407747030960664 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.418128882280266 + 0.118409683107865 + 0 + 0.519120961585375 + 0.0452244520052697 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.41861450229437 + 0.122225965309306 + 0 + 0.519793808977618 + 0.0495103019056125 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.419023421604319 + 0.126070386841096 + 0 + 0.520364710918284 + 0.0538313610347245 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.419404393523014 + 0.129907759172552 + 0 + 0.520882119334975 + 0.0581521703915961 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.419839909199811 + 0.133680727023175 + 0 + 0.521428399116472 + 0.0624154033803756 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.419954557042135 + 0.137651645409323 + 0 + 0.521627555313092 + 0.0668828476928117 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.420292998848579 + 0.141439783942684 + 0 + 0.522023897677288 + 0.0711735843876379 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.420529111315186 + 0.145273481610602 + 0 + 0.52229124380531 + 0.0755162495531558 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.420823918125079 + 0.149042331654805 + 0 + 0.522590284155864 + 0.0798004061116842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.420862935403118 + 0.152959977460762 + 0 + 0.522605956024273 + 0.0842393715344206 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.421748723646478 + 0.156285578821146 + 0 + 0.523441317164878 + 0.0880936469630919 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.421824543518433 + 0.160135161630735 + 0 + 0.523439294521439 + 0.0924794655381532 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.422106899759148 + 0.163824431156243 + 0 + 0.523615136742176 + 0.0967114285521852 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.422287815199568 + 0.167559463051387 + 0 + 0.523660567726397 + 0.100996016694005 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.422587537341116 + 0.171195992986398 + 0 + 0.523795368886965 + 0.105189212586849 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.422439172543912 + 0.175102828232862 + 0 + 0.52345167578543 + 0.109659389304653 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.422664194244705 + 0.178746082887197 + 0 + 0.523450294776224 + 0.113872782888096 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.422520660778429 + 0.182605700360548 + 0 + 0.523048677859979 + 0.118309657469948 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.423388833257581 + 0.185801919975747 + 0 + 0.523627245469555 + 0.122091890687348 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.423324103085056 + 0.189575773067459 + 0 + 0.523240745851598 + 0.126461030695298 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.423684134095667 + 0.193063539849029 + 0 + 0.523245397630319 + 0.130552719621004 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.423247636724282 + 0.197032204872326 + 0 + 0.522418612500583 + 0.135133634751112 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.423985580239909 + 0.200251295984901 + 0 + 0.522730943085409 + 0.138974522964898 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.423935216862865 + 0.203945679921827 + 0 + 0.522219163519432 + 0.143301507969552 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.424292537935707 + 0.207373063054103 + 0 + 0.522077789151797 + 0.147372057686382 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.423807599398616 + 0.211300189608549 + 0 + 0.521055314040808 + 0.151952623674625 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.424553338621355 + 0.214461659336666 + 0 + 0.521224057311975 + 0.155779138521353 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.424711584380487 + 0.217968736189678 + 0 + 0.520765473252163 + 0.159964688070943 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.424272800238797 + 0.221820185951501 + 0 + 0.519667517078807 + 0.164506357473778 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425074768794263 + 0.224913476333359 + 0 + 0.519767582991567 + 0.168303442639473 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425080035796339 + 0.22847275888762 + 0 + 0.519027566419154 + 0.172581518492625 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425309336893909 + 0.231886327682731 + 0 + 0.518466448159186 + 0.176728369450954 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425490124547929 + 0.235317358311381 + 0 + 0.517810814075525 + 0.180908044047086 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425696663698029 + 0.238722243290101 + 0 + 0.517133893265759 + 0.185077407460631 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425910194609667 + 0.242112566182375 + 0 + 0.516416128215161 + 0.18924851596084 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.426136667050456 + 0.245485308701981 + 0 + 0.51566265614901 + 0.193418803972021 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.426375386600829 + 0.248841349408158 + 0 + 0.514872298574986 + 0.197589428285336 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.426627409735036 + 0.252180532653636 + 0 + 0.514045853327002 + 0.201760388445989 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.426893136606397 + 0.25550307397315 + 0 + 0.513183688061455 + 0.205931936718445 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.427172994373061 + 0.258809160748719 + 0 + 0.512286766465566 + 0.210103983221332 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.427467468299632 + 0.262098935126379 + 0 + 0.511356428967505 + 0.214276227432922 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.427776922193071 + 0.26537259676957 + 0 + 0.510394540246681 + 0.218448077496222 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.428101593123663 + 0.268630404548215 + 0 + 0.509403263420113 + 0.222618781699748 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.428441669475888 + 0.271872631394407 + 0 + 0.508385276965235 + 0.226787307449336 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.428797385375458 + 0.27509951114762 + 0 + 0.507343670971599 + 0.230952403306024 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.429168925632004 + 0.278311292626093 + 0 + 0.50628183277648 + 0.235112665396779 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.429556410110395 + 0.281508248168206 + 0 + 0.505203282290719 + 0.239266630070865 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.429959879057662 + 0.284690681500401 + 0 + 0.5041115378889 + 0.243412847600882 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.430379332324438 + 0.287858905628881 + 0 + 0.503010058533057 + 0.247549912307887 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.430814850628325 + 0.291013175910728 + 0 + 0.501902284134516 + 0.251676438301314 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.431266436932094 + 0.29415377868398 + 0 + 0.500791411752199 + 0.255791181365126 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.431734066400558 + 0.297281003511616 + 0 + 0.499680395056188 + 0.259893035754083 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.432217622636058 + 0.300395178323979 + 0 + 0.498571842964194 + 0.263981086573816 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.432717100952827 + 0.303496557967422 + 0 + 0.497468196136726 + 0.268054509813246 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.433232432871394 + 0.306585421302362 + 0 + 0.496371533402254 + 0.272112676235429 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.433763461989551 + 0.309662084217805 + 0 + 0.495283536395795 + 0.276155167248039 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.434310160432736 + 0.312726781906953 + 0 + 0.494205700414083 + 0.280181657465489 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.43487233318307 + 0.315779830375063 + 0 + 0.493139037184951 + 0.284192074393631 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.435449932296029 + 0.31882145583243 + 0 + 0.492084390212656 + 0.288186424806158 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.436042779763713 + 0.321851945575536 + 0 + 0.491042160043438 + 0.292164942210092 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.436650776195709 + 0.324871535178356 + 0 + 0.490012539879201 + 0.296127957539111 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.437273765135895 + 0.327880482261637 + 0 + 0.488995662455544 + 0.300075819482872 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.437911590941246 + 0.330879035460085 + 0 + 0.487991941242485 + 0.304008711430154 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.438564100220645 + 0.333867434016558 + 0 + 0.487002100300981 + 0.307926637333695 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.439231162849527 + 0.336845896914839 + 0 + 0.486027199207729 + 0.311829410246327 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.439912613973347 + 0.339814654259639 + 0 + 0.485068577732126 + 0.315716683574507 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.44060828916949 + 0.342773928680885 + 0 + 0.484127891016174 + 0.319587933607701 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.441318040998014 + 0.345723926848982 + 0 + 0.483207122089384 + 0.323442454229946 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442041715659316 + 0.348664852241655 + 0 + 0.482308548966914 + 0.327279375647427 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442779163822785 + 0.351596899653376 + 0 + 0.481434738877819 + 0.331097668405419 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.443530238949273 + 0.3545202563724 + 0 + 0.480588521175879 + 0.334896158558028 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444294763637089 + 0.357435120234527 + 0 + 0.479772917350217 + 0.338673565249241 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445072616881705 + 0.360341653688425 + 0 + 0.478991178777327 + 0.342428481081466 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445863645087213 + 0.36324003117478 + 0 + 0.478246633032295 + 0.346159453547302 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446667707740916 + 0.366130415172275 + 0 + 0.477542648537892 + 0.349865003409817 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.447484664667771 + 0.369012963168946 + 0 + 0.476882524051364 + 0.353543682546938 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.448314379887146 + 0.371887825845026 + 0 + 0.476269371497064 + 0.3571941349115 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.449156720703692 + 0.374755147763622 + 0 + 0.475705963119537 + 0.360815175896044 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.450011558193277 + 0.377615067316994 + 0 + 0.475194711179394 + 0.36440580178794 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.450878767132006 + 0.380467716957458 + 0 + 0.474737464376273 + 0.367965295354918 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.451758226118562 + 0.383313223318301 + 0 + 0.474335647530648 + 0.371493151282686 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.452649817571778 + 0.386151707392144 + 0 + 0.473990034454665 + 0.374989194082279 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453553427712079 + 0.388983284709901 + 0 + 0.473701079732101 + 0.378453403447027 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.454468946614715 + 0.391808065474744 + 0 + 0.473468660533748 + 0.381886048747349 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.455396268090296 + 0.394626154779202 + 0 + 0.473292426086782 + 0.38528750592209 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.456335289742989 + 0.397437652722557 + 0 + 0.473171796229143 + 0.388658258309897 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.457285912806562 + 0.400242654637702 + 0 + 0.473105859368773 + 0.391998949950274 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.458248042185546 + 0.40304125120472 + 0 + 0.473093704331136 + 0.395310212776923 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.459221586313494 + 0.405833528653948 + 0 + 0.47313423649573 + 0.398592762913298 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.460206457124472 + 0.408619568904371 + 0 + 0.473226306867791 + 0.401847333844363 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.461202569972239 + 0.411399449723982 + 0 + 0.47336871837739 + 0.405074673657251 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.462209843526438 + 0.414173244897019 + 0 + 0.473560234981433 + 0.408275540826032 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.463228199742103 + 0.416941024348318 + 0 + 0.473799624169259 + 0.411450682650351 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.46425756371662 + 0.419702854321658 + 0 + 0.474085656395509 + 0.414600836099549 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.465297863706411 + 0.422458797470884 + 0 + 0.47441711201981 + 0.417726724737405 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.4663490309315 + 0.425208913057164 + 0 + 0.474792801917384 + 0.420829048541646 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.467410999615349 + 0.427953257020341 + 0 + 0.475211577093681 + 0.423908479425143 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.468483706842781 + 0.430691882141141 + 0 + 0.475672335737063 + 0.426965658068694 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469567092495174 + 0.433424838159935 + 0 + 0.476174028109098 + 0.430001191853996 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470661099223736 + 0.436152171872625 + 0 + 0.476715659537 + 0.43301565375709 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.471765672334268 + 0.43887392726946 + 0 + 0.477296291758215 + 0.436009582071149 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.472880759744686 + 0.441590145633372 + 0 + 0.477915043120653 + 0.438983480697262 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474006311959737 + 0.444300865626826 + 0 + 0.47857108790496 + 0.441937819865572 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.4751422819333 + 0.44700612343444 + 0 + 0.4792636549155 + 0.444873037211644 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476288625117965 + 0.449705952806386 + 0 + 0.479992025837321 + 0.447789538951843 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477445299326223 + 0.452400385197177 + 0 + 0.480755533142571 + 0.450687701271258 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.478612264728881 + 0.455089449831455 + 0 + 0.481553557995399 + 0.453567871693282 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479789483824687 + 0.45777317378284 + 0 + 0.482385528078252 + 0.456430370472338 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480976921345725 + 0.460451582084289 + 0 + 0.483250915371915 + 0.459275491994529 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482174544291552 + 0.463124697770276 + 0 + 0.484149234127544 + 0.462103506064446 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.4833823218254 + 0.465792541988839 + 0 + 0.485080038796079 + 0.464914659200892 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484600225323204 + 0.468455134033242 + 0 + 0.486042922227744 + 0.467709175781104 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485828228246378 + 0.471112491463529 + 0 + 0.487037513828202 + 0.470487259196785 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.48706630626398 + 0.473764630097986 + 0 + 0.488063478102205 + 0.473249092800284 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488314436946129 + 0.476411564225237 + 0 + 0.489120512909474 + 0.475994840991135 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489572600574956 + 0.47905330623765 + 0 + 0.490208348976539 + 0.4787246496458 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490840777270876 + 0.481689868168736 + 0 + 0.491326745868434 + 0.481438648370933 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.492118957459613 + 0.484321256333316 + 0 + 0.492475501438458 + 0.484136945783516 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.493407102890904 + 0.486947491528719 + 0 + 0.493654411958244 + 0.48681965028095 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494705298255166 + 0.489568546360456 + 0 + 0.494863422974988 + 0.489486807865888 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.496013182072751 + 0.492184572962496 + 0 + 0.496102059573828 + 0.492138630292215 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497332014538722 + 0.494794939776113 + 0 + 0.497371493713584 + 0.494774532210353 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498657086006197 + 0.497402081463623 + 0 + 0.49866695231355 + 0.497396981379112 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499994052316792 + 0.500003074467614 + 0 + 0.499994052316792 + 0.500003074467614 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501342913993773 + 0.502597918529654 + 0 + 0.50133304768642 + 0.502603018614166 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50266798546108 + 0.505205060217251 + 0 + 0.502628506286219 + 0.505225467783011 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.503986817927902 + 0.507815427030429 + 0 + 0.503897940426825 + 0.507861369700709 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505294701743287 + 0.510431453633606 + 0 + 0.505136577023465 + 0.510513192128173 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.506592897111541 + 0.51305250846328 + 0 + 0.506345588044201 + 0.513180349711049 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50788104253938 + 0.515678743660468 + 0 + 0.507524498560535 + 0.515863054210268 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509159222729221 + 0.518310131824477 + 0 + 0.508673254131663 + 0.518561351622281 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510427399424924 + 0.520946693755675 + 0 + 0.509791651023341 + 0.521275350347525 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511685563052681 + 0.523588435768642 + 0 + 0.510879487089336 + 0.524005159002744 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512933693735872 + 0.526235369895354 + 0 + 0.511936521897648 + 0.526750907193055 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514171771754148 + 0.528887508529463 + 0 + 0.512962486172324 + 0.529512740796207 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51539977467736 + 0.53154486595973 + 0 + 0.513957077772821 + 0.532290824211867 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.516617678174368 + 0.534207458004544 + 0 + 0.514919961203689 + 0.535085340792492 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517825455709863 + 0.536875302222256 + 0 + 0.515850765873871 + 0.537896493928086 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.519023078654923 + 0.539548417908639 + 0 + 0.516749084628734 + 0.540724507998399 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520210516173295 + 0.542226826211468 + 0 + 0.51761447191973 + 0.54356962952197 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521387735272052 + 0.544910550161326 + 0 + 0.518446442005535 + 0.546432128299498 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522554700672585 + 0.547599614796703 + 0 + 0.519244466856237 + 0.549312298722622 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523711374883052 + 0.550294047186352 + 0 + 0.520007974163696 + 0.552210461040894 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.524857718066738 + 0.552993876558803 + 0 + 0.520736345084538 + 0.555126962781599 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.525993688038641 + 0.555699134367278 + 0 + 0.521428912093418 + 0.558062180128531 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.527119240255159 + 0.558409854359971 + 0 + 0.522084956879192 + 0.561016519296082 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.528234327667016 + 0.561126072723138 + 0 + 0.522703708243069 + 0.563990417921449 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529338900774834 + 0.563847828121379 + 0 + 0.52328434046157 + 0.566984346236914 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530432907506111 + 0.566575161832662 + 0 + 0.523825971892187 + 0.569998808138601 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.531516293156584 + 0.569308117852451 + 0 + 0.524327664262302 + 0.573034341924899 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.532589000384452 + 0.572046742973026 + 0 + 0.52478842290612 + 0.576091520568223 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.533650969070683 + 0.574791086934967 + 0 + 0.525207198084799 + 0.579170951450485 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.534702136293849 + 0.577541202522245 + 0 + 0.52558288798045 + 0.582273275255722 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.535742436282842 + 0.580297145671885 + 0 + 0.525914343603953 + 0.585399163893994 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.536771800258036 + 0.583058975644873 + 0 + 0.526200375830879 + 0.588549317342839 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.537790156473949 + 0.585826755096042 + 0 + 0.526439765018954 + 0.591724459167029 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.538797430028252 + 0.588600550269025 + 0 + 0.526631281623102 + 0.594925326335756 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.539793542875115 + 0.591380431089106 + 0 + 0.526773693131796 + 0.598152666149114 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.540778413688474 + 0.594166471338291 + 0 + 0.526865763506238 + 0.60140723707894 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.541751957814711 + 0.596958748788408 + 0 + 0.526906295669121 + 0.604689787216205 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.542714087192233 + 0.599757345356189 + 0 + 0.526894140630022 + 0.608001050043617 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.543664710259254 + 0.602562347269537 + 0 + 0.5268282037731 + 0.611341741682197 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.544603731908652 + 0.605373845214609 + 0 + 0.526707573912166 + 0.614712494071721 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.54553105338511 + 0.60819193451861 + 0 + 0.526531339466077 + 0.618113951246006 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.546446572287046 + 0.611016715283819 + 0 + 0.526298920267024 + 0.621546596546694 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.547350182427358 + 0.61384829260157 + 0 + 0.526009965544471 + 0.625010805911436 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.548241773883797 + 0.616686776673727 + 0 + 0.525664352471711 + 0.628506848709342 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549121232867313 + 0.619532283036161 + 0 + 0.525262535623046 + 0.632034704638701 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549988441809411 + 0.622384932674859 + 0 + 0.524805288823295 + 0.635594198203913 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.5508432792958 + 0.625244852229907 + 0 + 0.524294036879955 + 0.639184824097485 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.551685620115348 + 0.628112174146925 + 0 + 0.523730628505429 + 0.642805865080452 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.552515335330401 + 0.630987036825279 + 0 + 0.523117475946808 + 0.646456317447286 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553332292260061 + 0.633869584820473 + 0 + 0.522457351463085 + 0.650134996582931 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554136354912082 + 0.636759968818854 + 0 + 0.521753366967001 + 0.653840546446332 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554927383120572 + 0.639658346303635 + 0 + 0.521008821224949 + 0.657571518910595 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55570523636149 + 0.642564879759486 + 0 + 0.520227082648363 + 0.661326434744771 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.556469761049581 + 0.645479743621469 + 0 + 0.519411478822976 + 0.665103841435842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557220836179503 + 0.648403100338673 + 0 + 0.518565261124469 + 0.66890233158663 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557958284341421 + 0.651335147751216 + 0 + 0.517691451033823 + 0.672720624345443 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.558681959004532 + 0.654276073142927 + 0 + 0.516792877913162 + 0.676557545761962 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.559391710830429 + 0.65722607131242 + 0 + 0.515872108983745 + 0.680412066385605 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.560087386026445 + 0.660185345733734 + 0 + 0.514931422267667 + 0.684283316418867 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.560768837151243 + 0.663154103078011 + 0 + 0.51397280079304 + 0.688170589746522 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.561435899778889 + 0.666132565976953 + 0 + 0.512997899698554 + 0.692073362659816 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.562088409059419 + 0.669120964532821 + 0 + 0.512008058758181 + 0.695991288562752 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.562726234864116 + 0.672119517731619 + 0 + 0.511004337544466 + 0.699924180510383 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.563349223802624 + 0.675128464815804 + 0 + 0.509987460119132 + 0.703872042455049 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.563957220238408 + 0.678148054416582 + 0 + 0.508957839958684 + 0.707835057782027 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.564550067702161 + 0.681178544161811 + 0 + 0.507915609785534 + 0.711813575188082 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.565127666817988 + 0.684220169617626 + 0 + 0.506860962816107 + 0.715807925599057 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.565689839569075 + 0.687273218085324 + 0 + 0.505794299587729 + 0.719818342526788 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.566236538010353 + 0.690337915775508 + 0 + 0.50471646360411 + 0.723844832745273 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.56676756712891 + 0.693414578690736 + 0 + 0.503628466598051 + 0.727887323757671 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.567282899049728 + 0.696503442024443 + 0 + 0.502531803865829 + 0.731945490178619 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.56778237736395 + 0.699604821669279 + 0 + 0.501428157035814 + 0.736018913419442 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.568265933601736 + 0.702718996480385 + 0 + 0.500319604946107 + 0.740106964237919 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.568733563068387 + 0.705846221309016 + 0 + 0.499208588248282 + 0.744208818627871 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.569185149372658 + 0.708986824081989 + 0 + 0.498097715866466 + 0.748323561691401 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.569620667675137 + 0.712141094364618 + 0 + 0.496989941466518 + 0.752450087685613 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.570040120943055 + 0.715309318492461 + 0 + 0.495888462111817 + 0.756587152391981 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.57044358988887 + 0.718491751825465 + 0 + 0.494796717708545 + 0.760733369922805 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.570831074366489 + 0.721688707368014 + 0 + 0.493718167222013 + 0.764887334597329 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.571202614625042 + 0.724900488845361 + 0 + 0.4926563290289 + 0.769047596686956 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.571558330524061 + 0.728127368598884 + 0 + 0.491614723034713 + 0.773212692543954 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.571898406876293 + 0.731369595445072 + 0 + 0.490596736579843 + 0.777381218293539 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.572223077806043 + 0.734627403224196 + 0 + 0.489605459752433 + 0.781551922497543 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.572532531701832 + 0.73790106486605 + 0 + 0.488643571033959 + 0.785723772559507 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.572827005625522 + 0.741190839245354 + 0 + 0.487713233533018 + 0.789896016772742 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.573106863393406 + 0.744496926020228 + 0 + 0.48681631193835 + 0.794068063274935 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.573372590266434 + 0.747819467338779 + 0 + 0.485954146674468 + 0.798239611546427 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.573624613399242 + 0.751158650585063 + 0 + 0.485127701425083 + 0.802410571707882 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.573863332947916 + 0.754514691292229 + 0 + 0.484337343849363 + 0.806581196022189 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574089805390271 + 0.757887433810924 + 0 + 0.483583871784777 + 0.810751484032459 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.57430333630341 + 0.761277756702318 + 0 + 0.482866106735681 + 0.81492259253179 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574509875453046 + 0.764682641681308 + 0 + 0.482189185925451 + 0.819091955945604 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.57469066310619 + 0.76811367231047 + 0 + 0.481533551840911 + 0.823271630542244 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574919964203378 + 0.771527241105811 + 0 + 0.480972433580564 + 0.827418481500807 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.57492523120754 + 0.775086523658828 + 0 + 0.480232417010237 + 0.831696557352717 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.575727199761042 + 0.778179814041859 + 0 + 0.480332482921034 + 0.835493642519584 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.575288415620017 + 0.782031263803285 + 0 + 0.479234526748342 + 0.840035311922023 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.575446661379239 + 0.785538340656238 + 0 + 0.478775942688619 + 0.844220861471553 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.576192400600783 + 0.788699810385082 + 0 + 0.478944685958593 + 0.848047376319007 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.575707462065686 + 0.792626936938308 + 0 + 0.477922210849597 + 0.85262794230603 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.576064783136243 + 0.796054320071987 + 0 + 0.477780836479676 + 0.856698492024262 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.576014419760641 + 0.799748704008027 + 0 + 0.477269056915143 + 0.861025477028034 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.576752363276651 + 0.802967795120354 + 0 + 0.477581387500349 + 0.864866365241567 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.576315865903392 + 0.806936460144825 + 0 + 0.476754602368739 + 0.869447280372848 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.576675896914198 + 0.810424226926277 + 0 + 0.476759254147658 + 0.873538969298439 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.576611166742589 + 0.814198080017411 + 0 + 0.476372754530615 + 0.877908109305811 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.577479339221999 + 0.817394299632442 + 0 + 0.47695132214045 + 0.881690342523043 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.577335805757037 + 0.821253917104947 + 0 + 0.476549705225518 + 0.886127217104047 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.577560827455281 + 0.824897171760925 + 0 + 0.476548324213763 + 0.890340610689135 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.577412462657832 + 0.828804007007554 + 0 + 0.476204631111983 + 0.894810787407103 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.5777121848008 + 0.832440536941634 + 0 + 0.476339432273969 + 0.899003983299014 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.577893100240127 + 0.836175568837502 + 0 + 0.476384863257099 + 0.90328857144156 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.578175456482988 + 0.839864838361584 + 0 + 0.476560705479983 + 0.907520534454167 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.578251276353105 + 0.843714421172399 + 0 + 0.476558682834704 + 0.911906353030452 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.579137064595808 + 0.847040022533228 + 0 + 0.477394043974654 + 0.915760628459571 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.579176081875524 + 0.85095766833805 + 0 + 0.477409715844738 + 0.92019959388117 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.57947088868305 + 0.854726518383872 + 0 + 0.477708756192924 + 0.924483750441316 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.57970700115238 + 0.858560216049919 + 0 + 0.477976102323672 + 0.928826415604966 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.580045442957448 + 0.862348354584232 + 0 + 0.478372444686491 + 0.933117152300743 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.580160090801327 + 0.866319272969298 + 0 + 0.478571600884668 + 0.9375845966121 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.580595606477004 + 0.870092240820702 + 0 + 0.479117880665045 + 0.941847829601659 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.580976578396377 + 0.873929613151674 + 0 + 0.479635289082412 + 0.946168638958046 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.581385497705991 + 0.877774034683702 + 0 + 0.480206191022743 + 0.950489698087396 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.581871117720558 + 0.881590316884803 + 0 + 0.480879038415448 + 0.954775547987398 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.582161137587678 + 0.885577383269676 + 0 + 0.481381595638381 + 0.959225296897076 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.583297357986839 + 0.888970010004465 + 0 + 0.482754548730448 + 0.963072244085597 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.583582110354334 + 0.893015077063673 + 0 + 0.483300144753406 + 0.967563174953934 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.584125662107552 + 0.896899253147645 + 0 + 0.484129518797475 + 0.971885884057937 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.584638196223888 + 0.900837084311973 + 0 + 0.484952458979156 + 0.976254282549339 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.585175029994476 + 0.904788104425747 + 0 + 0.485824275853286 + 0.980627745404213 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.585806716138581 + 0.90869821259632 + 0 + 0.486815332605333 + 0.98495172077801 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.586200124388182 + 0.912826073161742 + 0 + 0.487592758330058 + 0.989484960109446 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.586940921848998 + 0.91671814950952 + 0 + 0.488742082948313 + 0.993773449753801 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.587629442878455 + 0.92068355910605 + 0 + 0.48986320675 + 0.998125416051663 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.588354505294136 + 0.924653731100345 + 0 + 0.491045041317873 + 1.00247203245545 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.589163046762003 + 0.928590742428027 + 0 + 0.49233440564444 + 1.00677480748349 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.589784168064673 + 0.932715223364282 + 0 + 0.493460681663366 + 1.01125425394632 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.591255461067345 + 0.936175963696754 + 0 + 0.495460427929898 + 1.01505738903666 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.591881477981357 + 0.940363362982171 + 0 + 0.496638308953025 + 1.01957422120936 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.592779371448378 + 0.944363646776841 + 0 + 0.498112620751443 + 1.02389176060391 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.593627110258366 + 0.948443788149584 + 0 + 0.499561115684399 + 1.02827606043382 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.594603221236389 + 0.952453188880499 + 0 + 0.501162367054184 + 1.03257587154734 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.595319815810207 + 0.956726674345049 + 0 + 0.502528930295918 + 1.03712577564273 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.596433123829598 + 0.960697776713257 + 0 + 0.504317012644467 + 1.04135845614977 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.597476326455244 + 0.964768778513179 + 0 + 0.506059442296338 + 1.0456749224446 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.59863379440026 + 0.96877814000007 + 0 + 0.507940760636186 + 1.04991291010884 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.599640003006569 + 0.972964550552677 + 0 + 0.509695787050457 + 1.05431051149653 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.601375509747715 + 0.976526182214974 + 0 + 0.512204284159172 + 1.05806398174356 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.602364068261852 + 0.980807511347746 + 0 + 0.51399034288329 + 1.06251708344663 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.603648052332452 + 0.98486099087234 + 0 + 0.51609751370206 + 1.06672237553355 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.604729855248798 + 0.989149382986746 + 0 + 0.518028375242262 + 1.07114155770125 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.606199411889919 + 0.993115946604561 + 0 + 0.520372880982108 + 1.07521657819188 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.607457872011117 + 0.997328454370023 + 0 + 0.522532236340364 + 1.0795138704264 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.609449703346729 + 1.00086831623152 + 0 + 0.52545029055352 + 1.08311274760893 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.61042971829649 + 1.00544267529072 + 0 + 0.527382827862839 + 1.08771982527038 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.612162651507969 + 1.00932147255294 + 0 + 0.530095526451185 + 1.09160437831197 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.613617941524624 + 1.01352286153266 + 0 + 0.532557347241592 + 1.09578238874167 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.615733735344946 + 1.01709314874229 + 0 + 0.535706120273601 + 1.09929811712331 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.617025704489726 + 1.0215540667924 + 0 + 0.53805830609577 + 1.10367228387181 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.618799431834207 + 1.025567182036 + 0 + 0.540920624167921 + 1.10756570286338 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.621017448455773 + 1.02914992102605 + 0 + 0.544254167470312 + 1.11099256185514 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.622473672891555 + 1.03359086124951 + 0 + 0.54685390430347 + 1.11524058589353 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.624517003113724 + 1.03744980965363 + 0 + 0.550069444966695 + 1.11886839513245 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.626474391701832 + 1.041446812397 + 0 + 0.553227042417595 + 1.12259356270685 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.62852556283811 + 1.04538621513023 + 0 + 0.556506649026452 + 1.12621890523132 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.630623184200125 + 1.04931922378437 + 0 + 0.55986080951008 + 1.12979387520821 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.632780314587401 + 1.05323046133721 + 0 + 0.56330244467643 + 1.13330143582127 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.634993727728588 + 1.05712267390591 + 0 + 0.566827991043019 + 1.13674279803129 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.637264487826657 + 1.06099370635657 + 0 + 0.570438139362445 + 1.14011426493529 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.639592465263144 + 1.06484272153083 + 0 + 0.574132103883118 + 1.14341373358832 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.641977681790751 + 1.06866866445949 + 0 + 0.577909051876789 + 1.14663908117576 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.644419986538274 + 1.0724706475829 + 0 + 0.581767787352015 + 1.14978855531628 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.646919300479588 + 1.0762476581077 + 0 + 0.585706756183887 + 1.15286079626713 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.649475426538953 + 1.07999879099543 + 0 + 0.589724054291279 + 1.15585485606336 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.652088066040777 + 1.08372323811796 + 0 + 0.593817225055392 + 1.15877049264964 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.654756873333191 + 1.08742022585288 + 0 + 0.597983491031212 + 1.16160792087123 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.657481523275243 + 1.09108892882178 + 0 + 0.602219741027288 + 1.16436786328744 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.660261643843737 + 1.09472855735246 + 0 + 0.606522619250809 + 1.16705146760592 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.663096807228555 + 1.09833837373811 + 0 + 0.610888543928388 + 1.1696603134618 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.665986522436363 + 1.10191770802562 + 0 + 0.615313813763666 + 1.17219629769502 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.668930264138414 + 1.105465923947 + 0 + 0.619794724778203 + 1.17466149353525 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.67192755303693 + 1.1089823067071 + 0 + 0.624327718792446 + 1.17705794928241 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.674977849964682 + 1.11246621096377 + 0 + 0.628909331114754 + 1.17938775980436 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.678080590686008 + 1.11591701615086 + 0 + 0.633536265418153 + 1.18165295824662 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.681235146889709 + 1.11933418814807 + 0 + 0.638205382517395 + 1.18385552639272 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.684440956375526 + 1.12271708799448 + 0 + 0.642913847731338 + 1.18599716290751 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.687697410102009 + 1.12606513797009 + 0 + 0.647659026628498 + 1.18807941821025 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.691003840292251 + 1.12937784680694 + 0 + 0.652438475381525 + 1.19010369630778 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.694359653945201 + 1.13265460296143 + 0 + 0.657250071061453 + 1.1920710308073 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.697764152031176 + 1.13589495910454 + 0 + 0.662091823719786 + 1.19398235728531 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.701216720542619 + 1.13909833004324 + 0 + 0.666962057418946 + 1.19583820294995 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.70471666395046 + 1.14226426112533 + 0 + 0.671859231780185 + 1.19763894939232 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.708263329898013 + 1.14539222634284 + 0 + 0.676782053955661 + 1.19938462641002 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.711856029383833 + 1.1484817609459 + 0 + 0.681729372022332 + 1.20107506465597 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.715494071493916 + 1.15153240564825 + 0 + 0.686700041769928 + 1.20271011355745 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.719176764160842 + 1.15454370552745 + 0 + 0.691692772216155 + 1.20428992132878 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.722903425356151 + 1.15751518933143 + 0 + 0.69670613293395 + 1.20581494765453 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.72667335140292 + 1.16044642731549 + 0 + 0.70173853314741 + 1.20728603088596 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.730485836985996 + 1.16333699697171 + 0 + 0.706788253569108 + 1.20870436183155 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.734340183709216 + 1.16618646653512 + 0 + 0.711853468430611 + 1.21007147249851 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.738235687571402 + 1.16899441853605 + 0 + 0.716932248713107 + 1.21138926055207 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.742171644752429 + 1.17176043913918 + 0 + 0.722022586454904 + 1.21265997365373 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.746147350668987 + 1.17448411999357 + 0 + 0.727122415496229 + 1.21388619869845 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.750162083799497 + 1.17716509286264 + 0 + 0.732229620635568 + 1.21507087423552 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.754215148473571 + 1.17980294076097 + 0 + 0.737342109786635 + 1.21621716740149 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.758305830965531 + 1.18239728876735 + 0 + 0.742457803924229 + 1.21732851595467 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.762433422021921 + 1.18494775759706 + 0 + 0.747574698078026 + 1.2184085161524 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.766597210649163 + 1.18745397672787 + 0 + 0.752690897703539 + 1.2194608517593 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.770796485894456 + 1.18991558058976 + 0 + 0.757804666362378 + 1.22048918692833 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.775030536413995 + 1.19233220950319 + 0 + 0.762914476241913 + 1.22149703755115 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.77929865061492 + 1.19470350932899 + 0 + 0.768019066080084 + 1.22248760660145 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.783600116605401 + 1.19702913153404 + 0 + 0.773117436307318 + 1.22346375473747 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.787934222157531 + 1.1993087332215 + 0 + 0.778208917353718 + 1.22442777831868 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.792300254690363 + 1.2015419770999 + 0 + 0.783293090262913 + 1.22538154608768 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.796697501208728 + 1.20372853155632 + 0 + 0.788369857284543 + 1.22632625061541 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.801125248235403 + 1.20586807075044 + 0 + 0.793439287038182 + 1.2272627495703 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.80558278177684 + 1.20796027461827 + 0 + 0.798501696713981 + 1.22819128495578 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.810069387228711 + 1.21000482904534 + 0 + 0.803557499171211 + 1.22911184732236 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.814584349338428 + 1.21200142588957 + 0 + 0.808607192987563 + 1.23002417037727 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.819126952132358 + 1.21394976311025 + 0 + 0.813651386999594 + 1.23092761817741 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.823696478844864 + 1.21584954490834 + 0 + 0.818690673025075 + 1.23182153751439 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.828292211883592 + 1.2177004817662 + 0 + 0.823725685499322 + 1.23270505974714 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.832913432752802 + 1.21950229063139 + 0 + 0.828757051289389 + 1.23357723816867 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.837559422016165 + 1.22125469499271 + 0 + 0.833785384518723 + 1.2344370544279 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.842229459252868 + 1.22295742498927 + 0 + 0.83881128085738 + 1.2352834282323 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.846922822997989 + 1.22461021759625 + 0 + 0.843835302545775 + 1.23611526361253 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.851638790739148 + 1.22621281662703 + 0 + 0.848857977945165 + 1.23693144880881 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.856376638857215 + 1.22776497295427 + 0 + 0.853879799005805 + 1.23773086443033 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.861135642620302 + 1.2292664445557 + 0 + 0.858901215504854 + 1.23851240676102 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.86591507615591 + 1.23071699665908 + 0 + 0.863922633292617 + 1.23927499912616 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.87071421244007 + 1.23211640184163 + 0 + 0.868944413693462 + 1.24001760071359 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.875532323293515 + 1.23346444011683 + 0 + 0.873966873869068 + 1.24073921298849 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.880368679371992 + 1.23476089906723 + 0 + 0.878990287919844 + 1.24143888405378 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.88522255017038 + 1.23600557393929 + 0 + 0.884014888537662 + 1.24211571125431 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.890093204040771 + 1.2371982676848 + 0 + 0.889040869037299 + 1.24276884236244 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.894979908182248 + 1.23833879116845 + 0 + 0.894068385580035 + 1.2433974759032 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.899881928685053 + 1.23942696311634 + 0 + 0.899097559559729 + 1.24400086048811 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.904798530530936 + 1.2404626103121 + 0 + 0.904128479975277 + 1.24457829387658 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.909728977628212 + 1.24144556763097 + 0 + 0.909161205811136 + 1.24512912152805 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.914672532844852 + 1.24237567809293 + 0 + 0.914195768350015 + 1.24565273496255 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.919628458030689 + 1.24325279301213 + 0 + 0.919232173384088 + 1.24614857010577 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.924596014067371 + 1.2440767719857 + 0 + 0.92427040334837 + 1.24661610543959 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.929574460904303 + 1.24484748298732 + 0 + 0.929310419327712 + 1.24705486027593 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.934563057598259 + 1.2455648024697 + 0 + 0.93435216295349 + 1.24746439309684 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.939561062370934 + 1.24622861533565 + 0 + 0.939395558206301 + 1.24784429984811 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.944567732646676 + 1.24683881510129 + 0 + 0.944440513091463 + 1.2481942125303 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.949582325126673 + 1.24739530371724 + 0 + 0.949486921250395 + 1.24851379756195 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.954604095777177 + 1.2478979924192 + 0 + 0.954534663393041 + 1.24880275529231 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.95963230010815 + 1.24834679881033 + 0 + 0.959583608935922 + 1.2490608158656 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.964666192541483 + 1.24874165726925 + 0 + 0.964633616652753 + 1.2492877485401 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.969705028544298 + 1.24908248336478 + 0 + 0.969684538021643 + 1.24948332513668 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.974748058672807 + 1.24936929498265 + 0 + 0.974736212423908 + 1.24964744031482 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.979794545451901 + 1.24960180448193 + 0 + 0.979788485124685 + 1.24977970299498 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.984843718929586 + 1.24978077669965 + 0 + 0.984841163888016 + 1.24988079375276 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.989894866724791 + 1.24990357363127 + 0 + 0.989894110039087 + 1.24994800899348 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.994947188564111 + 1.24997849141511 + 0 + 0.994947094009592 + 1.24998959753694 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 1 + 1.2499798172808 + 0 + 1 + 1.2499798172808 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + db86ea0a-9f82-4235-8171-82f79a2b7ce6 + d2c53264-57e1-4d11-b625-5a5eefefe7c0 + dc33f043-a46c-4bbe-aa2b-e04d7f37a6de + b1dbb9a1-e34d-4d93-b860-212e9f8b0ced + 4 + 8c747589-93de-4f25-96c2-1c4008eaeccd + Group + + + + + + + + + + + ac2bc2cb-70fb-4dd5-9c78-7e1ea97fe278 + Geometry + + + + + Contains a collection of generic geometry + true + cc76685f-551b-4acf-8014-faf1a0d1eb14 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26461 + -12114 + 50 + 24 + + + 26486.88 + -12102 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + -1 + + 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+ + 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Curve + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + cc76685f-551b-4acf-8014-faf1a0d1eb14 + d2c53264-57e1-4d11-b625-5a5eefefe7c0 + dc33f043-a46c-4bbe-aa2b-e04d7f37a6de + b1dbb9a1-e34d-4d93-b860-212e9f8b0ced + 4 + 7882eca5-ef97-4e7b-8d97-2a0202b2d58b + Group + + + + + + + + + + + ac2bc2cb-70fb-4dd5-9c78-7e1ea97fe278 + Geometry + + + + + Contains a collection of generic geometry + true + 7ff801c7-78b8-4e78-bd45-99a1ffa33ad5 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26461 + -12666 + 50 + 24 + + + 26486.88 + -12654 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 513 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + + 8.31187957663209E-17 + -0.24997981727771 + 0 + 8.31187957663209E-17 + -0.24997981727771 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.00505290599040027 + -0.249989597541828 + 0 + 0.0050530951663 + -0.250011817638801 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0101058899609055 + -0.249948009000087 + 0 + 0.0101074053285886 + -0.250036996953143 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0151588361119955 + -0.249880793760095 + 0 + 0.0151639610890107 + -0.250081410886769 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0202115148753165 + -0.249779703001769 + 0 + 0.0202236979794261 + -0.250137333213502 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0252637875761175 + -0.24964744032203 + 0 + 0.0252876708188029 + -0.250208209602382 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0303154619783822 + -0.249483325143783 + 0 + 0.0303569198132571 + -0.250294335788598 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0353663833471248 + -0.249287748544824 + 0 + 0.0354325731805973 + -0.250397332709298 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0404163910641454 + -0.249060815873275 + 0 + 0.0405158166980287 + -0.25051881318727 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0454653366068403 + -0.248802755297525 + 0 + 0.0456079262460018 + -0.25066081927168 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0505130787496277 + -0.248513797568951 + 0 + 0.050710279474559 + -0.250825735045865 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.055559486908659 + -0.248194212538385 + 0 + 0.055824377641812 + -0.251016359008567 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0606044417934283 + -0.247844299852185 + 0 + 0.0609518666598272 + -0.251235930371746 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0656478370465328 + -0.247464393103729 + 0 + 0.0660945603717932 + -0.251488162614414 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0706895806721914 + -0.247054860281856 + 0 + 0.0712544632619733 + -0.251777256714691 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0757295966519424 + -0.246616105448731 + 0 + 0.0764337898500242 + -0.252107882105759 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0807678266155926 + -0.246148570110183 + 0 + 0.0816349755515803 + -0.252485101305992 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0858042316502119 + -0.24565273497083 + 0 + 0.0868606698246323 + -0.25291419846969 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0908387941884258 + -0.245129121531933 + 0 + 0.0921137150270965 + -0.253400471892267 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0958715200246899 + -0.24457829388311 + 0 + 0.0973971007450821 + -0.253948941283018 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.100902440440313 + -0.244000860495072 + 0 + 0.102713874659216 + -0.254563889999269 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.105931614419833 + -0.243397475909174 + 0 + 0.108067007936918 + -0.255248287464826 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.110959130963078 + -0.242768842371154 + 0 + 0.113459147382148 + -0.256002772737251 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.115985111461741 + -0.242115711258018 + 0 + 0.118892261715591 + -0.256824373655822 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.121009712080192 + -0.241438884060715 + 0 + 0.12436732002128 + -0.257705711155725 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.126033126131127 + -0.2407392129961 + 0 + 0.129884166492715 + -0.258635315874054 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.131055586306012 + -0.240017600717978 + 0 + 0.135441674589243 + -0.25959912424556 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.13607736670752 + -0.239274999133514 + 0 + 0.141038098668422 + -0.260582489120846 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.141098784495509 + -0.238512406769253 + 0 + 0.146671435478557 + -0.261571794124714 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.14612020099347 + -0.237730864434158 + 0 + 0.152339720542513 + -0.262555466950824 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.151142022054671 + -0.236931448814929 + 0 + 0.158041257656008 + -0.263524525812492 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.156164697454414 + -0.236115263619987 + 0 + 0.163774791164998 + -0.264472801548418 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.161188719143377 + -0.235283428241755 + 0 + 0.169539635195464 + -0.265396958441391 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.166214615480447 + -0.234437054431737 + 0 + 0.175335711383715 + -0.266296187978016 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.171242948710737 + -0.233577238175843 + 0 + 0.181162916371653 + -0.267169685266647 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.176274314500651 + -0.232705059753764 + 0 + 0.187020366520242 + -0.268014168241682 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.181309326974931 + -0.231821537521149 + 0 + 0.192906201484751 + -0.268823610832084 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.186348613000853 + -0.230927618185534 + 0 + 0.198817485296664 + -0.269589327352784 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.1913928070118 + -0.230024170382065 + 0 + 0.204750175299078 + -0.270300251772304 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.19644250082862 + -0.229111847328599 + 0 + 0.210699164165947 + -0.270943390584599 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.201498303286006 + -0.228191284962463 + 0 + 0.216658614270101 + -0.271505043449532 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.206560712960852 + -0.227262749574333 + 0 + 0.222622357298185 + -0.271972020555336 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.211630142715734 + -0.2263262506229 + 0 + 0.228584655428591 + -0.2723336590276 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.216706909737219 + -0.225381546094746 + 0 + 0.234540829505308 + -0.272583189193221 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.221791082646248 + -0.224427778325317 + 0 + 0.240487374680324 + -0.272717576149431 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.226882563693389 + -0.223463754745969 + 0 + 0.24642190665102 + -0.272736951489556 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.231980933918627 + -0.222487606604995 + 0 + 0.252342649478215 + -0.272642989898993 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.237085523758655 + -0.221497037559234 + 0 + 0.25824819480824 + -0.272438156489859 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.242195333636805 + -0.220489186933128 + 0 + 0.264137240020776 + -0.272125003336282 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.247309102297574 + -0.219460851768603 + 0 + 0.270008497209413 + -0.271705950744382 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.252425301921641 + -0.218408516158351 + 0 + 0.275860576843751 + -0.271183039650915 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.257542196076255 + -0.217328515962461 + 0 + 0.281691957431942 + -0.270557905225649 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.262657890212797 + -0.216217167406982 + 0 + 0.287500954294866 + -0.269831752350115 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.26777037936421 + -0.215070874241795 + 0 + 0.293285719986599 + -0.269005401498071 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.272877584504302 + -0.213886198706282 + 0 + 0.299044254894231 + -0.268079350839847 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.277977413545252 + -0.212659973660777 + 0 + 0.304774456772862 + -0.267053910002221 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.283067751286946 + -0.211389260558906 + 0 + 0.31047410744546 + -0.265929194102196 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.288146531569151 + -0.210071472504772 + 0 + 0.316140945969225 + -0.264705287522553 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.293211746430695 + -0.208704361837925 + 0 + 0.321772680643194 + -0.263382271410464 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.298261466853943 + -0.207286030895235 + 0 + 0.327367012873468 + -0.261960270879134 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.303293867064738 + -0.205814947658823 + 0 + 0.332921664066306 + -0.260439502431847 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.308307227784188 + -0.204289921336134 + 0 + 0.33843438047094 + -0.258820276389761 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.313299958229501 + -0.202710113563165 + 0 + 0.343902955512875 + -0.25710303012009 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.318270627976646 + -0.20107506466091 + 0 + 0.34932526065984 + -0.255288371789993 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.323217946044688 + -0.199384626417342 + 0 + 0.354699221987147 + -0.25337702648471 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.328140768218446 + -0.197638949396749 + 0 + 0.360022821660194 + -0.251369830175849 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.33303794258165 + -0.195838202957685 + 0 + 0.365293931546597 + -0.249267445795179 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.337908176278369 + -0.193982357289047 + 0 + 0.370510177382904 + -0.247070156972829 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.342749928939098 + -0.192071030814906 + 0 + 0.375668823488236 + -0.244777716548122 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.347561524617444 + -0.190103696312876 + 0 + 0.380766872024581 + -0.242389547462904 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.352340973372156 + -0.188079418217976 + 0 + 0.385800869121962 + -0.239904471374973 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.357086152268458 + -0.185997162913923 + 0 + 0.390767067429048 + -0.237321006641231 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.36179461748214 + -0.183855526398765 + 0 + 0.395661216422581 + -0.234637079988636 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.366463734583194 + -0.181652958255325 + 0 + 0.400478667260664 + -0.231850231004017 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.37109066888424 + -0.179387759809621 + 0 + 0.405214334384559 + -0.228957587631486 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.375672281207951 + -0.177057949289722 + 0 + 0.409862559467649 + -0.225955707008855 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.380205275222077 + -0.174661493542374 + 0 + 0.414417225755814 + -0.222840783618997 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.384686186236175 + -0.172196297701522 + 0 + 0.418871716299084 + -0.219608620880065 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.389111456071108 + -0.169660313467837 + 0 + 0.423218967006952 + -0.216254735218764 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.393477380749217 + -0.167051467612679 + 0 + 0.42745141208627 + -0.212774307540461 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.397780258971842 + -0.164367863293018 + 0 + 0.4315611650795 + -0.209162451960945 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.402016508969449 + -0.161607920878815 + 0 + 0.43554023060087 + -0.205414499515317 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.406182774943936 + -0.158770492655498 + 0 + 0.439380734568756 + -0.20152628069228 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.410275945708526 + -0.155854856069828 + 0 + 0.443075128123467 + -0.197494350224531 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.414293243817352 + -0.152860796275396 + 0 + 0.446616577677252 + -0.193316426265532 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.4182322126478 + -0.14978855532278 + 0 + 0.449999347020584 + -0.188991781965901 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.422090948123986 + -0.146639081183429 + 0 + 0.453219729782702 + -0.184522271147994 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425867896115838 + -0.143413733593789 + 0 + 0.45627675887424 + -0.179912999287942 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.429561860637951 + -0.140114264942493 + 0 + 0.45917285555591 + -0.17517286849967 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.433172008956164 + -0.136742798037064 + 0 + 0.461913765703483 + -0.170314242447015 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.43669755532401 + -0.133301435828507 + 0 + 0.464507369789478 + -0.16535133815459 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.440139190489143 + -0.129793875214046 + 0 + 0.466963832862649 + -0.160300253130734 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.443493350973247 + -0.126218905237717 + 0 + 0.469288784401036 + -0.155171220205209 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446772957582219 + -0.122593562713376 + 0 + 0.471503331025005 + -0.149990997002004 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.449930555033408 + -0.118868395139293 + 0 + 0.473566716057105 + -0.144717769445143 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453146095694916 + -0.115240585898506 + 0 + 0.475663967631305 + -0.139554043576359 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.455745832531496 + -0.110992561863805 + 0 + 0.477124299413545 + -0.133785623390651 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.459079375831645 + -0.107565702869646 + 0 + 0.479298991585968 + -0.128854916626706 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.461941693904744 + -0.10367228387907 + 0 + 0.480984739965014 + -0.123475152177059 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.46429387972617 + -0.0992981171298073 + 0 + 0.482145577832612 + -0.11763551575251 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.467442652757931 + -0.0957823887479003 + 0 + 0.484093889205016 + -0.112679906582521 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469904473549567 + -0.0916043783194546 + 0 + 0.485353764890708 + -0.107094290785466 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.472617172136459 + -0.0877198252764127 + 0 + 0.486872406459753 + -0.101842931467246 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474549709446966 + -0.0831127476161364 + 0 + 0.487629757675362 + -0.0959195172489411 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477467763659306 + -0.0795138704327978 + 0 + 0.489403600567867 + -0.0910645843552011 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479627119016919 + -0.0752165781976819 + 0 + 0.490461479625434 + -0.0855805978008902 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481971624757705 + -0.0711415577079562 + 0 + 0.491756981724164 + -0.0803954100986792 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.483902486298526 + -0.066722375540827 + 0 + 0.492698209576068 + -0.0749465406671672 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.48600965711696 + -0.0625170834535799 + 0 + 0.49387876834431 + -0.0697927947402885 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487795715840255 + -0.0580639817497776 + 0 + 0.494802192329544 + -0.0644706748462879 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490304212949848 + -0.0543105115035362 + 0 + 0.49651125129946 + -0.0599241854212772 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.492059239363978 + -0.0499129101157201 + 0 + 0.497528101006354 + -0.0548054009024455 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.49394055770262 + -0.0456749224504077 + 0 + 0.498729861325473 + -0.0499135714899911 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.495682987355041 + -0.041358456156073 + 0 + 0.499848485158209 + -0.0450059384333006 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497471069703657 + -0.0371257756490784 + 0 + 0.501065550424622 + -0.0402402304578205 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498837632947299 + -0.0325758715553404 + 0 + 0.501910980694782 + -0.0352111735166889 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.500438884314833 + -0.0282760604398986 + 0 + 0.503038311588975 + -0.0304821518852956 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501887379249106 + -0.0238917606110987 + 0 + 0.504057717708117 + -0.0257150293167507 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.503361691044068 + -0.0195742212136659 + 0 + 0.505145678624113 + -0.0210579096369267 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.504539572071594 + -0.0150573890446336 + 0 + 0.505978148432095 + -0.0162419698110893 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.506539318335215 + -0.011254253951887 + 0 + 0.507671927378645 + -0.0121777464418577 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507665594356789 + -0.00677480749121008 + 0 + 0.508530423411653 + -0.00747311173576964 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508954958680791 + -0.00247203246112433 + 0 + 0.509589171540003 + -0.00297921198287661 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510136793251617 + 0.00187458394031738 + 0 + 0.510576765170623 + 0.00152607668708759 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511257917051258 + 0.00622655023980946 + 0 + 0.511539431880029 + 0.00600564936259942 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512407241668601 + 0.0105150398848651 + 0 + 0.512565678724253 + 0.0103918684746238 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.513184667393598 + 0.0150482792160728 + 0 + 0.51325517500338 + 0.0149939668869843 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514175724147631 + 0.0193722545883546 + 0 + 0.514193387024189 + 0.019358771588367 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51504754102053 + 0.0237457174441685 + 0 + 0.51504754102053 + 0.0237457174441685 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515870481203595 + 0.028114115934534 + 0 + 0.515888258819386 + 0.0281007845852477 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.516699855245877 + 0.0324368250398688 + 0 + 0.516771282085733 + 0.0323837274064342 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517245451270004 + 0.0369277559073271 + 0 + 0.517406998092542 + 0.0368086923905292 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518618404361799 + 0.0407747030960664 + 0 + 0.518907317507953 + 0.0405635704592016 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.519120961585375 + 0.0452244520052697 + 0 + 0.51957545058583 + 0.0448951006070141 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.519793808977618 + 0.0495103019056125 + 0 + 0.520453243474147 + 0.049036378744264 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520364710918284 + 0.0538313610347245 + 0 + 0.52126984487911 + 0.0531861551566769 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520882119334975 + 0.0581521703915961 + 0 + 0.52207533393149 + 0.0573084402505241 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521428399116472 + 0.0624154033803756 + 0 + 0.522953977168973 + 0.0613451953898541 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521627555313092 + 0.0668828476928117 + 0 + 0.523531979199779 + 0.0655572864219197 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522023897677288 + 0.0711735843876379 + 0 + 0.524356189433075 + 0.069562655163384 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52229124380531 + 0.0755162495531558 + 0 + 0.525103346774803 + 0.0735885725812592 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522590284155864 + 0.0798004061116842 + 0 + 0.525937464942551 + 0.0775229813410973 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522605956024273 + 0.0842393715344206 + 0 + 0.526547219480145 + 0.0815773116589682 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523441317164878 + 0.0880936469630919 + 0 + 0.528039864253433 + 0.0850100024334431 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523439294521439 + 0.0924794655381532 + 0 + 0.528762861383203 + 0.0889350035562764 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523615136742176 + 0.0967114285521852 + 0 + 0.529736163689691 + 0.0926644614322977 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523660567726397 + 0.100996016694005 + 0 + 0.530656287860828 + 0.0964024821367171 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523795368886965 + 0.105189212586849 + 0 + 0.531747601096153 + 0.100002842746682 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52345167578543 + 0.109659389304653 + 0 + 0.532446188803362 + 0.10383207244299 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523450294776224 + 0.113872782888096 + 0 + 0.533575722493352 + 0.1073553176181 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523048677859979 + 0.118309657469948 + 0 + 0.534394534149849 + 0.111053037038927 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523627245469555 + 0.122091890687348 + 0 + 0.536280898055095 + 0.114049419153329 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523240745851598 + 0.126461030695298 + 0 + 0.537283487399462 + 0.117590596396749 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523245397630319 + 0.130552719621004 + 0 + 0.538748674205826 + 0.120818787963742 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522418612500583 + 0.135133634751112 + 0 + 0.539441591812378 + 0.124508569601205 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522730943085409 + 0.138974522964898 + 0 + 0.541319944200426 + 0.127439054673838 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522219163519432 + 0.143301507969552 + 0 + 0.542408371965362 + 0.130844154859247 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522077789151797 + 0.147372057686382 + 0 + 0.543890669398396 + 0.133987679894384 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521055314040808 + 0.151952623674625 + 0 + 0.544506671776419 + 0.137640914606962 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521224057311975 + 0.155779138521353 + 0 + 0.546322602669711 + 0.140543440159546 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520765473252163 + 0.159964688070943 + 0 + 0.547516347573494 + 0.143810641425048 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.519667517078807 + 0.164506357473778 + 0 + 0.548073925314627 + 0.147439584142646 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.519767582991567 + 0.168303442639473 + 0 + 0.549831357544578 + 0.1503304707214 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.519027566419154 + 0.172581518492625 + 0 + 0.550746905603893 + 0.153711057504541 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518466448159186 + 0.176728369450954 + 0 + 0.551833072769117 + 0.156972122594725 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517810814075525 + 0.180908044047086 + 0 + 0.552807795043174 + 0.160282529381696 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517133893265759 + 0.185077407460631 + 0 + 0.553733351377721 + 0.163605060462087 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.516416128215161 + 0.18924851596084 + 0 + 0.554577522111294 + 0.166958642103039 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51566265614901 + 0.193418803972021 + 0 + 0.555331943326091 + 0.170347948802067 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514872298574986 + 0.197589428285336 + 0 + 0.555982527636227 + 0.17378093406575 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514045853327002 + 0.201760388445989 + 0 + 0.556519520192884 + 0.177262944652536 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.513183688061455 + 0.205931936718445 + 0 + 0.556936398720902 + 0.18079741632435 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512286766465566 + 0.210103983221332 + 0 + 0.557231163126015 + 0.184385174568022 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511356428967505 + 0.214276227432922 + 0 + 0.557405401903896 + 0.18802501923117 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510394540246681 + 0.218448077496222 + 0 + 0.557463302290639 + 0.191714324045825 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509403263420113 + 0.222618781699748 + 0 + 0.557410524088334 + 0.195449696934331 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508385276965235 + 0.226787307449336 + 0 + 0.557253905312904 + 0.199227155874996 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507343670971599 + 0.230952403306024 + 0 + 0.557000954267425 + 0.203042421005228 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50628183277648 + 0.235112665396779 + 0 + 0.556659477185052 + 0.20689112425556 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505203282290719 + 0.239266630070865 + 0 + 0.556237231152404 + 0.210769000021129 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.5041115378889 + 0.243412847600882 + 0 + 0.555741639378805 + 0.214672037386966 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.503010058533057 + 0.247549912307887 + 0 + 0.555179667496863 + 0.218596540518092 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501902284134516 + 0.251676438301314 + 0 + 0.554557847256557 + 0.22253910743921 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.500791411752199 + 0.255791181365126 + 0 + 0.553882065245949 + 0.226496739092468 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499680395056188 + 0.259893035754083 + 0 + 0.553157589171068 + 0.230466815840659 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498571842964194 + 0.263981086573816 + 0 + 0.552388998513543 + 0.234447127313717 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497468196136726 + 0.268054509813246 + 0 + 0.551580393148184 + 0.23843575067471 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.496371533402254 + 0.272112676235429 + 0 + 0.55073522924578 + 0.242431134814131 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.495283536395795 + 0.276155167248039 + 0 + 0.549856309374096 + 0.246432098954607 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494205700414083 + 0.280181657465489 + 0 + 0.548946014631394 + 0.250437700925118 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.493139037184951 + 0.284192074393631 + 0 + 0.548006024331286 + 0.254447385190705 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.492084390212656 + 0.288186424806158 + 0 + 0.547037644154874 + 0.258460800134464 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491042160043438 + 0.292164942210092 + 0 + 0.546041540323348 + 0.262477938844547 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490012539879201 + 0.296127957539111 + 0 + 0.545017977443474 + 0.266499006843495 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488995662455544 + 0.300075819482872 + 0 + 0.543966956794575 + 0.27052434552663 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487991941242485 + 0.304008711430154 + 0 + 0.542888564817689 + 0.274554243665012 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487002100300981 + 0.307926637333695 + 0 + 0.541782999426488 + 0.278588923886354 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.486027199207729 + 0.311829410246327 + 0 + 0.540650584700186 + 0.282628535529051 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485068577732126 + 0.315716683574507 + 0 + 0.539491701285624 + 0.286673192376059 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484127891016174 + 0.319587933607701 + 0 + 0.538306803032793 + 0.29072296394384 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.483207122089384 + 0.323442454229946 + 0 + 0.537096406499255 + 0.294777881416356 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482308548966914 + 0.327279375647427 + 0 + 0.535861030519624 + 0.298837969985856 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481434738877819 + 0.331097668405419 + 0 + 0.534601158737512 + 0.302903268664162 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480588521175879 + 0.334896158558028 + 0 + 0.533317177872327 + 0.306973862799573 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479772917350217 + 0.338673565249241 + 0 + 0.532009272790517 + 0.311049939094717 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.478991178777327 + 0.342428481081466 + 0 + 0.530677434307597 + 0.315131780838976 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.478246633032295 + 0.346159453547302 + 0 + 0.529321289790023 + 0.319219856712489 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477542648537892 + 0.349865003409817 + 0 + 0.527940081471455 + 0.323314831092869 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476882524051364 + 0.353543682546938 + 0 + 0.52653261939723 + 0.327417587861171 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476269371497064 + 0.3571941349115 + 0 + 0.525097314180754 + 0.331529212212702 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.475705963119537 + 0.360815175896044 + 0 + 0.523632207275461 + 0.335650974040946 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.475194711179394 + 0.36440580178794 + 0 + 0.522135211982436 + 0.339784201009199 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474737464376273 + 0.367965295354918 + 0 + 0.520604322046023 + 0.343930169450936 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474335647530648 + 0.371493151282686 + 0 + 0.519038275674791 + 0.348089757458349 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473990034454665 + 0.374989194082279 + 0 + 0.517437254548364 + 0.352263081445557 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473701079732101 + 0.378453403447027 + 0 + 0.515804391559244 + 0.356448711591469 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473468660533748 + 0.381886048747349 + 0 + 0.514146264186921 + 0.360643420274251 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473292426086782 + 0.38528750592209 + 0 + 0.51247299819346 + 0.364842134072063 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473171796229143 + 0.388658258309897 + 0 + 0.510796948493089 + 0.369038626895672 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473105859368773 + 0.391998949950274 + 0 + 0.509130797183951 + 0.373226513042008 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473093704331136 + 0.395310212776923 + 0 + 0.507486424927093 + 0.377399833168641 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47313423649573 + 0.398592762913298 + 0 + 0.50587379606636 + 0.381553631029881 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473226306867791 + 0.401847333844363 + 0 + 0.504300569309922 + 0.385684151186864 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47336871837739 + 0.405074673657251 + 0 + 0.502771872546368 + 0.389788951374296 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473560234981433 + 0.408275540826032 + 0 + 0.501290258178611 + 0.393866921409953 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473799624169259 + 0.411450682650351 + 0 + 0.499855979678528 + 0.397918135912176 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474085656395509 + 0.414600836099549 + 0 + 0.498469292377816 + 0.40194265722724 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47441711201981 + 0.417726724737405 + 0 + 0.497132763216147 + 0.40593933722966 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474792801917384 + 0.420829048541646 + 0 + 0.495851528048926 + 0.409905686517765 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.475211577093681 + 0.423908479425143 + 0 + 0.494633250218255 + 0.413837898300384 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.475672335737063 + 0.426965658068694 + 0 + 0.493487898679536 + 0.417730965267504 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476174028109098 + 0.430001191853996 + 0 + 0.4924272364966 + 0.42157894588292 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476715659537 + 0.43301565375709 + 0 + 0.49146389361516 + 0.425375445225852 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477296291758215 + 0.436009582071149 + 0 + 0.490609906455141 + 0.429114370991504 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477915043120653 + 0.438983480697262 + 0 + 0.489874914318176 + 0.432790866066189 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47857108790496 + 0.441937819865572 + 0 + 0.489264835856692 + 0.436401991585609 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.4792636549155 + 0.444873037211644 + 0 + 0.488781617578464 + 0.439946854817297 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479992025837321 + 0.447789538951843 + 0 + 0.488423981739183 + 0.443426220387162 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480755533142571 + 0.450687701271258 + 0 + 0.4881886003474 + 0.446841902023148 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481553557995399 + 0.453567871693282 + 0 + 0.488071020018195 + 0.450196284152812 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482385528078252 + 0.456430370472338 + 0 + 0.488066184726362 + 0.4534920520895 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.483250915371915 + 0.459275491994529 + 0 + 0.488168846607811 + 0.456731980392455 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484149234127544 + 0.462103506064446 + 0 + 0.488373826038303 + 0.459918799311438 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485080038796079 + 0.464914659200892 + 0 + 0.488676193507938 + 0.463055101701695 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.486042922227744 + 0.467709175781104 + 0 + 0.489071418703503 + 0.466143266870817 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487037513828202 + 0.470487259196785 + 0 + 0.489555432899871 + 0.469185429197055 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488063478102205 + 0.473249092800284 + 0 + 0.4901246418311 + 0.47218347227413 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489120512909474 + 0.475994840991135 + 0 + 0.490775908762287 + 0.475139038380869 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490208348976539 + 0.4787246496458 + 0 + 0.491506524496342 + 0.478053544628628 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491326745868434 + 0.481438648370933 + 0 + 0.492314168830619 + 0.480928203461214 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.492475501438458 + 0.484136945783516 + 0 + 0.49319688574134 + 0.483764036001356 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.493654411958244 + 0.48681965028095 + 0 + 0.494153012192287 + 0.486561909322467 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494863422974988 + 0.489486807865888 + 0 + 0.495181301837825 + 0.48932248858847 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.496102059573828 + 0.492138630292215 + 0 + 0.496280332661643 + 0.492046477142159 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497371493713584 + 0.494774532210353 + 0 + 0.497450556216611 + 0.494733663239932 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.49866695231355 + 0.497396981379112 + 0 + 0.498686691904864 + 0.497386777603745 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499994052316792 + 0.500003074467614 + 0 + 0.499994052316792 + 0.500003074467614 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50133304768642 + 0.502603018614166 + 0 + 0.501313308095106 + 0.502613222389533 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502628506286219 + 0.505225467783011 + 0 + 0.502549443783192 + 0.505266336753432 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.503897940426825 + 0.507861369700709 + 0 + 0.503719667339009 + 0.507953522850766 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505136577023465 + 0.510513192128173 + 0 + 0.504818698160628 + 0.510677511405592 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.506345588044201 + 0.513180349711049 + 0 + 0.505846987810158 + 0.513438090669533 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507524498560535 + 0.515863054210268 + 0 + 0.506803114257653 + 0.516235963992428 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508673254131663 + 0.518561351622281 + 0 + 0.507685831169478 + 0.519071796531999 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509791651023341 + 0.521275350347525 + 0 + 0.508493475503538 + 0.521946455364697 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510879487089336 + 0.524005159002744 + 0 + 0.509224091236523 + 0.52486096161301 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511936521897648 + 0.526750907193055 + 0 + 0.509875358168753 + 0.527816527719209 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512962486172324 + 0.529512740796207 + 0 + 0.510444567100654 + 0.530814570795937 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.513957077772821 + 0.532290824211867 + 0 + 0.510928581297061 + 0.533856733122155 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514919961203689 + 0.535085340792492 + 0 + 0.511323806491829 + 0.536944898291688 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515850765873871 + 0.537896493928086 + 0 + 0.511626173963112 + 0.540081200681094 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.516749084628734 + 0.540724507998399 + 0 + 0.511831153392837 + 0.543268019600474 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51761447191973 + 0.54356962952197 + 0 + 0.51193381527162 + 0.546507947904807 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518446442005535 + 0.546432128299498 + 0 + 0.511928979982738 + 0.549803715839969 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.519244466856237 + 0.549312298722622 + 0 + 0.511811399651408 + 0.553158097970733 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520007974163696 + 0.552210461040894 + 0 + 0.511576018261834 + 0.556573779605575 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520736345084538 + 0.555126962781599 + 0 + 0.511218382421574 + 0.560053145175947 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521428912093418 + 0.558062180128531 + 0 + 0.510735164141686 + 0.563598008408494 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522084956879192 + 0.561016519296082 + 0 + 0.510125085681669 + 0.567209133927154 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522703708243069 + 0.563990417921449 + 0 + 0.509390093546143 + 0.570885629001093 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52328434046157 + 0.566984346236914 + 0 + 0.508536106383411 + 0.574624554768151 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523825971892187 + 0.569998808138601 + 0 + 0.507572763504685 + 0.578421054109677 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.524327664262302 + 0.573034341924899 + 0 + 0.506512101319829 + 0.582269034726088 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52478842290612 + 0.576091520568223 + 0 + 0.505366749781547 + 0.586162101692983 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.525207198084799 + 0.579170951450485 + 0 + 0.504148471953258 + 0.590094313474367 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52558288798045 + 0.582273275255722 + 0 + 0.502867236784112 + 0.594060662763467 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.525914343603953 + 0.585399163893994 + 0 + 0.501530707621645 + 0.598057342766303 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526200375830879 + 0.588549317342839 + 0 + 0.50014402032161 + 0.602081864081015 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526439765018954 + 0.591724459167029 + 0 + 0.498709741821777 + 0.606133078583108 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526631281623102 + 0.594925326335756 + 0 + 0.497228127454124 + 0.610211048618711 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526773693131796 + 0.598152666149114 + 0 + 0.495699430689665 + 0.614315848806614 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526865763506238 + 0.60140723707894 + 0 + 0.494126203935608 + 0.618446368962357 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526906295669121 + 0.604689787216205 + 0 + 0.492513575073163 + 0.622600166824486 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526894140630022 + 0.608001050043617 + 0 + 0.490869202814845 + 0.626773486951884 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.5268282037731 + 0.611341741682197 + 0 + 0.489203051509154 + 0.630961373096422 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526707573912166 + 0.614712494071721 + 0 + 0.487527001805488 + 0.635157865921748 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526531339466077 + 0.618113951246006 + 0 + 0.485853735812904 + 0.639356579719104 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526298920267024 + 0.621546596546694 + 0 + 0.484195608439881 + 0.643551288402253 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526009965544471 + 0.625010805911436 + 0 + 0.482562745450773 + 0.647736918548159 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.525664352471711 + 0.628506848709342 + 0 + 0.480961724327569 + 0.651910242533679 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.525262535623046 + 0.632034704638701 + 0 + 0.479395677953296 + 0.656069830542682 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.524805288823295 + 0.635594198203913 + 0 + 0.477864788020253 + 0.660215798982654 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.524294036879955 + 0.639184824097485 + 0 + 0.47636779272403 + 0.664349025952583 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523730628505429 + 0.642805865080452 + 0 + 0.474902685821739 + 0.66847078777925 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523117475946808 + 0.646456317447286 + 0 + 0.473467380600942 + 0.672582412133053 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522457351463085 + 0.650134996582931 + 0 + 0.472059918529522 + 0.676685168899879 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521753366967001 + 0.653840546446332 + 0 + 0.470678710209273 + 0.680780143281146 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521008821224949 + 0.657571518910595 + 0 + 0.469322565694679 + 0.684868219153084 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520227082648363 + 0.661326434744771 + 0 + 0.467990727208062 + 0.688950060899293 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.519411478822976 + 0.665103841435842 + 0 + 0.466682822126528 + 0.693026137194298 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518565261124469 + 0.66890233158663 + 0 + 0.465398841264776 + 0.697096731327888 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517691451033823 + 0.672720624345443 + 0 + 0.464138969481113 + 0.701162030007015 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.516792877913162 + 0.676557545761962 + 0 + 0.46290359350329 + 0.705222118575552 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515872108983745 + 0.680412066385605 + 0 + 0.461693196967127 + 0.709277036049465 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514931422267667 + 0.684283316418867 + 0 + 0.46050829871417 + 0.713326807617315 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51397280079304 + 0.688170589746522 + 0 + 0.459349415300583 + 0.717371464463798 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512997899698554 + 0.692073362659816 + 0 + 0.458217000573047 + 0.721411076107158 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512008058758181 + 0.695991288562752 + 0 + 0.457111435182978 + 0.725445756327896 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511004337544466 + 0.699924180510383 + 0 + 0.456033043205435 + 0.729475654466623 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509987460119132 + 0.703872042455049 + 0 + 0.454982022554859 + 0.733500993150666 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508957839958684 + 0.707835057782027 + 0 + 0.453958459678774 + 0.737522061147572 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507915609785534 + 0.711813575188082 + 0 + 0.452962355843315 + 0.741539199859776 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.506860962816107 + 0.715807925599057 + 0 + 0.451993975669772 + 0.745552614801983 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505794299587729 + 0.719818342526788 + 0 + 0.451053985370417 + 0.749562299067159 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50471646360411 + 0.723844832745273 + 0 + 0.450143690625808 + 0.753567901038705 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.503628466598051 + 0.727887323757671 + 0 + 0.449264770754525 + 0.757568865178969 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502531803865829 + 0.731945490178619 + 0 + 0.44841960685437 + 0.761564249317155 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501428157035814 + 0.736018913419442 + 0 + 0.447611001486465 + 0.765552872679542 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.500319604946107 + 0.740106964237919 + 0 + 0.446842410831228 + 0.769533184151345 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499208588248282 + 0.744208818627871 + 0 + 0.446117934754533 + 0.773503260900529 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498097715866466 + 0.748323561691401 + 0 + 0.445442152744424 + 0.777460892553503 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.496989941466518 + 0.752450087685613 + 0 + 0.444820332502712 + 0.781403459475408 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.495888462111817 + 0.756587152391981 + 0 + 0.444258360621912 + 0.785327962605897 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494796717708545 + 0.760733369922805 + 0 + 0.44376276884686 + 0.78923099997254 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.493718167222013 + 0.764887334597329 + 0 + 0.443340522813441 + 0.793108875738548 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.4926563290289 + 0.769047596686956 + 0 + 0.442999045733074 + 0.796957578987751 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491614723034713 + 0.773212692543954 + 0 + 0.442746094687043 + 0.800772844118292 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490596736579843 + 0.777381218293539 + 0 + 0.442589475911622 + 0.804550303058957 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489605459752433 + 0.781551922497543 + 0 + 0.442536697708475 + 0.808285675947941 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488643571033959 + 0.785723772559507 + 0 + 0.442594598097569 + 0.811974980761259 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487713233533018 + 0.789896016772742 + 0 + 0.442768836872569 + 0.815614825426052 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.48681631193835 + 0.794068063274935 + 0 + 0.443063601278904 + 0.819202583669031 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485954146674468 + 0.798239611546427 + 0 + 0.443480479808586 + 0.82273705533988 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485127701425083 + 0.802410571707882 + 0 + 0.444017472363841 + 0.826219065927466 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484337343849363 + 0.806581196022189 + 0 + 0.444668056672282 + 0.829652051192143 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.483583871784777 + 0.810751484032459 + 0 + 0.445422477888644 + 0.833041357890259 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482866106735681 + 0.81492259253179 + 0 + 0.446266648623719 + 0.836394939530335 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482189185925451 + 0.819091955945604 + 0 + 0.447192204957802 + 0.839717470610995 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481533551840911 + 0.823271630542244 + 0 + 0.448166927230979 + 0.843027877398472 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480972433580564 + 0.827418481500807 + 0 + 0.449253094395825 + 0.846288942488891 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480232417010237 + 0.831696557352717 + 0 + 0.450168642457226 + 0.849669529270789 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480332482921034 + 0.835493642519584 + 0 + 0.451926074685214 + 0.852560415850717 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479234526748342 + 0.840035311922023 + 0 + 0.452483652427012 + 0.856189358567919 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.478775942688619 + 0.844220861471553 + 0 + 0.453677397330884 + 0.85945655983336 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.478944685958593 + 0.848047376319007 + 0 + 0.455493328222982 + 0.862359085386671 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477922210849597 + 0.85262794230603 + 0 + 0.456109330602999 + 0.866012320098029 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477780836479676 + 0.856698492024262 + 0 + 0.457591628033746 + 0.869155845134568 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477269056915143 + 0.861025477028034 + 0 + 0.458680055800127 + 0.872560945319095 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477581387500349 + 0.864866365241567 + 0 + 0.460558408188554 + 0.875491430391475 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476754602368739 + 0.869447280372848 + 0 + 0.461251325793232 + 0.879181212030109 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476759254147658 + 0.873538969298439 + 0 + 0.462716512599794 + 0.882409403596989 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476372754530615 + 0.877908109305811 + 0 + 0.463719101945075 + 0.885950580839829 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47695132214045 + 0.881690342523043 + 0 + 0.46560546585058 + 0.888946962954065 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476549705225518 + 0.886127217104047 + 0 + 0.46642427750839 + 0.892644682374043 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476548324213763 + 0.890340610689135 + 0 + 0.467553811195831 + 0.896167927550797 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476204631111983 + 0.894810787407103 + 0 + 0.468252398902795 + 0.89999715724727 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476339432273969 + 0.899003983299014 + 0 + 0.469343712139539 + 0.903597517856302 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476384863257099 + 0.90328857144156 + 0 + 0.470263836309584 + 0.907335538561447 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476560705479983 + 0.907520534454167 + 0 + 0.471237138618219 + 0.911064996436044 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476558682834704 + 0.911906353030452 + 0 + 0.471960135746149 + 0.9149899975601 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477394043974654 + 0.915760628459571 + 0 + 0.473452780518782 + 0.918422688335023 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477409715844738 + 0.92019959388117 + 0 + 0.474062535058052 + 0.922477018651757 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477708756192924 + 0.924483750441316 + 0 + 0.474896653223432 + 0.926411427413213 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477976102323672 + 0.928826415604966 + 0 + 0.475643810567884 + 0.93043734482922 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.478372444686491 + 0.933117152300743 + 0 + 0.476468020799804 + 0.934442713571635 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.478571600884668 + 0.9375845966121 + 0 + 0.477046022832167 + 0.938654804602622 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479117880665045 + 0.941847829601659 + 0 + 0.477924666068529 + 0.942691559742731 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479635289082412 + 0.946168638958046 + 0 + 0.478730155121587 + 0.946813844836093 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480206191022743 + 0.950489698087396 + 0 + 0.479546756526215 + 0.950963621248745 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480879038415448 + 0.954775547987398 + 0 + 0.480424549414993 + 0.955104899385653 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481381595638381 + 0.959225296897076 + 0 + 0.481092682492227 + 0.959436429533941 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482754548730448 + 0.963072244085597 + 0 + 0.48259300190791 + 0.963191307602395 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.483300144753406 + 0.967563174953934 + 0 + 0.48322871791355 + 0.967616272587369 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484129518797475 + 0.971885884057937 + 0 + 0.484111741181684 + 0.971899215407223 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484952458979156 + 0.976254282549339 + 0 + 0.484952458979156 + 0.976254282549339 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485824275853286 + 0.980627745404213 + 0 + 0.485806612976727 + 0.980641228404201 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.486815332605333 + 0.98495172077801 + 0 + 0.486744824995551 + 0.985006033107098 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487592758330058 + 0.989484960109446 + 0 + 0.487434321274406 + 0.989608131519687 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488742082948313 + 0.993773449753801 + 0 + 0.488460568119542 + 0.993994350631011 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.48986320675 + 0.998125416051663 + 0 + 0.489423234830994 + 0.998473923304893 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491045041317873 + 1.00247203245545 + 0 + 0.49041082845866 + 1.0029792119772 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.49233440564444 + 1.00677480748349 + 0 + 0.491469576589576 + 1.00747311172805 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.493460681663366 + 1.01125425394632 + 0 + 0.492328072619937 + 1.01217774643629 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.495460427929898 + 1.01505738903666 + 0 + 0.494021851569397 + 1.01624196980312 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.496638308953025 + 1.01957422120936 + 0 + 0.49485432137298 + 1.02105790963262 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498112620751443 + 1.02389176060391 + 0 + 0.495942282292432 + 1.02571502930956 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499561115684399 + 1.02827606043382 + 0 + 0.496961688410256 + 1.03048215187922 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501162367054184 + 1.03257587154734 + 0 + 0.498089019306701 + 1.03521117350869 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502528930295918 + 1.03712577564273 + 0 + 0.498934449574953 + 1.04024023045147 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.504317012644467 + 1.04135845614977 + 0 + 0.500151514841299 + 1.045005938427 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.506059442296338 + 1.0456749224446 + 0 + 0.501270138673485 + 1.04991357148418 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507940760636186 + 1.04991291010884 + 0 + 0.50247189899381 + 1.05480540089557 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509695787050457 + 1.05431051149653 + 0 + 0.503488748700846 + 1.05992418541427 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512204284159172 + 1.05806398174356 + 0 + 0.505197807669882 + 1.06447067484007 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51399034288329 + 1.06251708344663 + 0 + 0.506121231655939 + 1.06979279473334 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51609751370206 + 1.06672237553355 + 0 + 0.507301790424519 + 1.07494654065989 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518028375242262 + 1.07114155770125 + 0 + 0.508243018275804 + 1.08039541009198 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520372880982108 + 1.07521657819188 + 0 + 0.509538520373593 + 1.08558059779509 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522532236340364 + 1.0795138704264 + 0 + 0.510596399431803 + 1.0910645843488 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52545029055352 + 1.08311274760893 + 0 + 0.512370242325124 + 1.09591951724173 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.527382827862839 + 1.08771982527038 + 0 + 0.513127593539546 + 1.10184293146121 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530095526451185 + 1.09160437831197 + 0 + 0.514646235110045 + 1.10709429077798 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.532557347241592 + 1.09578238874167 + 0 + 0.515906110794508 + 1.11267990657629 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.535706120273601 + 1.09929811712331 + 0 + 0.517854422167159 + 1.11763551574601 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.53805830609577 + 1.10367228387181 + 0 + 0.519015260035501 + 1.1234751521698 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.540920624167921 + 1.10756570286338 + 0 + 0.520701008413597 + 1.12885491662044 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.544254167470312 + 1.11099256185514 + 0 + 0.522875700588264 + 1.13378562338199 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.54685390430347 + 1.11524058589353 + 0 + 0.524336032367081 + 1.13955404357138 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.550069444966695 + 1.11886839513245 + 0 + 0.526433283942999 + 1.1447177694383 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553227042417595 + 1.12259356270685 + 0 + 0.528496668974809 + 1.14999099699548 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.556506649026452 + 1.12621890523132 + 0 + 0.530711215598664 + 1.15517122019881 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55986080951008 + 1.12979387520821 + 0 + 0.533036167136575 + 1.16030025312489 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.56330244467643 + 1.13330143582127 + 0 + 0.535492630210962 + 1.16535133814735 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.566827991043019 + 1.13674279803129 + 0 + 0.538086234295701 + 1.17031424244124 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.570438139362445 + 1.14011426493529 + 0 + 0.540827144444486 + 1.17517286849247 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574132103883118 + 1.14341373358832 + 0 + 0.543723241124717 + 1.17991299928247 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.577909051876789 + 1.14663908117576 + 0 + 0.546780270218074 + 1.18452227114033 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.581767787352015 + 1.14978855531628 + 0 + 0.550000652979231 + 1.1889917819594 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.585706756183887 + 1.15286079626713 + 0 + 0.553383422323989 + 1.19331642625727 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.589724054291279 + 1.15585485606336 + 0 + 0.55692487187634 + 1.19749435021806 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.593817225055392 + 1.15877049264964 + 0 + 0.560619265430573 + 1.20152628068643 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.597983491031212 + 1.16160792087123 + 0 + 0.564459769399792 + 1.20541449950773 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.602219741027288 + 1.16436786328744 + 0 + 0.56843883491963 + 1.20916245195536 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.606522619250809 + 1.16705146760592 + 0 + 0.572548587913756 + 1.2127743075337 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.610888543928388 + 1.1696603134618 + 0 + 0.576781032992545 + 1.21625473521273 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.615313813763666 + 1.17219629769502 + 0 + 0.581128283700758 + 1.21960862087356 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.619794724778203 + 1.17466149353525 + 0 + 0.585582774244466 + 1.22284078361187 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.624327718792446 + 1.17705794928241 + 0 + 0.590137440532748 + 1.22595570700154 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.628909331114754 + 1.17938775980436 + 0 + 0.594785665614436 + 1.22895758762622 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.633536265418153 + 1.18165295824662 + 0 + 0.599521332740684 + 1.23185023099531 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.638205382517395 + 1.18385552639272 + 0 + 0.604338783576953 + 1.23463707998259 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.642913847731338 + 1.18599716290751 + 0 + 0.609232932570749 + 1.23732100663482 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.647659026628498 + 1.18807941821025 + 0 + 0.614199130878693 + 1.23990447136725 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.652438475381525 + 1.19010369630778 + 0 + 0.61923312797439 + 1.24238954745781 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.657250071061453 + 1.1920710308073 + 0 + 0.624331176512316 + 1.24477771654051 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.662091823719786 + 1.19398235728531 + 0 + 0.629489822615251 + 1.2470701569691 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.666962057418946 + 1.19583820294995 + 0 + 0.634706068453997 + 1.24926744578744 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.671859231780185 + 1.19763894939232 + 0 + 0.639977178338436 + 1.25136983017142 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.676782053955661 + 1.19938462641002 + 0 + 0.645300778013203 + 1.25337702647739 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.681729372022332 + 1.20107506465597 + 0 + 0.650674739339138 + 1.25528837178505 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.686700041769928 + 1.20271011355745 + 0 + 0.656097044486555 + 1.25710303011437 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.691692772216155 + 1.20428992132878 + 0 + 0.661565619529403 + 1.25882027638241 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.69670613293395 + 1.20581494765453 + 0 + 0.667078335932383 + 1.26043950242755 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.70173853314741 + 1.20728603088596 + 0 + 0.672632987127885 + 1.26196027086986 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.706788253569108 + 1.20870436183155 + 0 + 0.678227319356608 + 1.26338227140409 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.711853468430611 + 1.21007147249851 + 0 + 0.683859054030539 + 1.26470528751629 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.716932248713107 + 1.21138926055207 + 0 + 0.689525892554594 + 1.26592919409536 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.722022586454904 + 1.21265997365373 + 0 + 0.695225543227294 + 1.26705390999517 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.727122415496229 + 1.21388619869845 + 0 + 0.700955745106299 + 1.26807935083201 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.732229620635568 + 1.21507087423552 + 0 + 0.706714280013179 + 1.2690054014918 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.737342109786635 + 1.21621716740149 + 0 + 0.712499045704567 + 1.26983175234462 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.742457803924229 + 1.21732851595467 + 0 + 0.718308042568543 + 1.27055790521786 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.747574698078026 + 1.2184085161524 + 0 + 0.724139423155918 + 1.27118303964496 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.752690897703539 + 1.2194608517593 + 0 + 0.7299915027917 + 1.27170595073508 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.757804666362378 + 1.22048918692833 + 0 + 0.735862759978407 + 1.27212500333148 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.762914476241913 + 1.22149703755115 + 0 + 0.741751805192329 + 1.27243815648178 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.768019066080084 + 1.22248760660145 + 0 + 0.747657350520497 + 1.27264298989545 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.773117436307318 + 1.22346375473747 + 0 + 0.753578093349688 + 1.27273695148106 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.778208917353718 + 1.22442777831868 + 0 + 0.759512625319642 + 1.27271757614279 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.783293090262913 + 1.22538154608768 + 0 + 0.765459170494825 + 1.27258318918615 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.788369857284543 + 1.22632625061541 + 0 + 0.771415344571685 + 1.27233365902011 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.793439287038182 + 1.2272627495703 + 0 + 0.777377642700849 + 1.2719720205513 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.798501696713981 + 1.22819128495578 + 0 + 0.783341385729886 + 1.27150504344285 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.803557499171211 + 1.22911184732236 + 0 + 0.789300835833885 + 1.27094339057836 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.808607192987563 + 1.23002417037727 + 0 + 0.795249824700286 + 1.27030025176751 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.813651386999594 + 1.23092761817741 + 0 + 0.801182514703783 + 1.26958932734466 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.818690673025075 + 1.23182153751439 + 0 + 0.807093798515255 + 1.26882361082532 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.823725685499322 + 1.23270505974714 + 0 + 0.812979633479731 + 1.26801416823505 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.828757051289389 + 1.23357723816867 + 0 + 0.818837083628473 + 1.26716968525947 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.833785384518723 + 1.2344370544279 + 0 + 0.824664288615454 + 1.26629618797418 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.83881128085738 + 1.2352834282323 + 0 + 0.830460364805294 + 1.26539695843194 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.843835302545775 + 1.23611526361253 + 0 + 0.83622520883519 + 1.26447280154096 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.848857977945165 + 1.23693144880881 + 0 + 0.841958742343827 + 1.26352452580637 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.853879799005805 + 1.23773086443033 + 0 + 0.847660279456762 + 1.262555466947 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.858901215504854 + 1.23851240676102 + 0 + 0.853328564521806 + 1.26157179411648 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.863922633292617 + 1.23927499912616 + 0 + 0.858961901331715 + 1.26058248911349 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.868944413693462 + 1.24001760071359 + 0 + 0.864558325410231 + 1.25959912424117 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.873966873869068 + 1.24073921298849 + 0 + 0.87011583350748 + 1.25863531586645 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.878990287919844 + 1.24143888405378 + 0 + 0.875632679978756 + 1.25770571114879 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.884014888537662 + 1.24211571125431 + 0 + 0.881107738283812 + 1.25682437365212 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.889040869037299 + 1.24276884236244 + 0 + 0.88654085261823 + 1.25600277272853 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.894068385580035 + 1.2433974759032 + 0 + 0.89193299206295 + 1.25524828745885 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.899097559559729 + 1.24400086048811 + 0 + 0.897286125340826 + 1.25456388999231 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.904128479975277 + 1.24457829387658 + 0 + 0.902602899254885 + 1.25394894127649 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.909161205811136 + 1.24512912152805 + 0 + 0.907886284972465 + 1.25340047188839 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.914195768350015 + 1.24565273496255 + 0 + 0.913139330175595 + 1.25291419846141 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.919232173384088 + 1.24614857010577 + 0 + 0.9183650244481 + 1.25248510130158 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.92427040334837 + 1.24661610543959 + 0 + 0.923566210150288 + 1.25210788209662 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.929310419327712 + 1.24705486027593 + 0 + 0.92874553673793 + 1.25177725670877 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.93435216295349 + 1.24746439309684 + 0 + 0.93390543962823 + 1.25148816260752 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.939395558206301 + 1.24784429984811 + 0 + 0.939048133339902 + 1.25123593036767 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.944440513091463 + 1.2481942125303 + 0 + 0.94417562235831 + 1.25101635900048 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.949486921250395 + 1.24851379756195 + 0 + 0.949289720525464 + 1.25082573503887 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.954534663393041 + 1.24880275529231 + 0 + 0.954392073753879 + 1.25066081926647 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.959583608935922 + 1.2490608158656 + 0 + 0.959484183302039 + 1.2505188131796 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.964633616652753 + 1.2492877485401 + 0 + 0.964567426819281 + 1.25039733270457 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.969684538021643 + 1.24948332513668 + 0 + 0.969643080186768 + 1.25029433578149 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.974736212423908 + 1.24964744031482 + 0 + 0.974712329181223 + 1.25020820959517 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.979788485124685 + 1.24977970299498 + 0 + 0.979776302020575 + 1.25013733320672 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.984841163888016 + 1.24988079375276 + 0 + 0.984836038911001 + 1.25008141087943 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.989894110039087 + 1.24994800899348 + 0 + 0.989892594671404 + 1.25003699694654 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.994947094009592 + 1.24998959753694 + 0 + 0.994946904833692 + 1.25001181763392 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 1 + 1.2499798172808 + 0 + 1 + 1.2499798172808 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 7ff801c7-78b8-4e78-bd45-99a1ffa33ad5 + d2c53264-57e1-4d11-b625-5a5eefefe7c0 + dc33f043-a46c-4bbe-aa2b-e04d7f37a6de + b1dbb9a1-e34d-4d93-b860-212e9f8b0ced + 4 + 344d3811-073a-48c8-a6f1-f275f380c638 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + ac2bc2cb-70fb-4dd5-9c78-7e1ea97fe278 + Geometry + + + + + Contains a collection of generic geometry + true + 10ff6674-159f-4459-b194-6846a1c229b0 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26461 + -13046 + 50 + 24 + + + 26486.88 + -13034 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + -1 + + 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+ + 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Curve + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 10ff6674-159f-4459-b194-6846a1c229b0 + d2c53264-57e1-4d11-b625-5a5eefefe7c0 + dc33f043-a46c-4bbe-aa2b-e04d7f37a6de + b1dbb9a1-e34d-4d93-b860-212e9f8b0ced + 4 + f0eaeb1a-2f50-42d4-88f3-0f15db300c75 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + ac2bc2cb-70fb-4dd5-9c78-7e1ea97fe278 + Geometry + + + + + Contains a collection of generic geometry + true + 62023da2-c685-418a-a661-caf3dd6f5527 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26461 + -13853 + 50 + 24 + + + 26486.88 + -13841 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 513 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + + 8.31187957663209E-17 + -0.24997981727771 + 0 + 8.31187957663209E-17 + -0.24997981727771 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0050530951663 + -0.250011817638801 + 0 + 0.00505347401718018 + -0.250056316453437 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0101074053285886 + -0.250036996953143 + 0 + 0.0101104516793202 + -0.250215889850821 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0151639610890107 + -0.250081410886769 + 0 + 0.0151743302950294 + -0.250487313256909 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0202236979794261 + -0.250137333213502 + 0 + 0.0202485754426978 + -0.250867601327207 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0252876708188029 + -0.250208209602382 + 0 + 0.0253370377099089 + -0.251367325069379 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0303569198132571 + -0.250294335788598 + 0 + 0.0304439477304975 + -0.251996802101443 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0354325731805973 + -0.250397332709298 + 0 + 0.0355741777151249 + -0.252771143623856 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0405158166980287 + -0.25051881318727 + 0 + 0.0407333795871576 + -0.253709198760745 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0456079262460018 + -0.25066081927168 + 0 + 0.045928108574321 + -0.254833066658725 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.050710279474559 + -0.250825735045865 + 0 + 0.0511656978861204 + -0.256164959299387 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.055824377641812 + -0.251016359008567 + 0 + 0.05645367456718 + -0.257720889874877 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0609518666598272 + -0.251235930371746 + 0 + 0.0617981549101894 + -0.259497564284208 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0660945603717932 + -0.251488162614414 + 0 + 0.0672016737916246 + -0.261460261611015 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0712544632619733 + -0.251777256714691 + 0 + 0.0726632778514002 + -0.263554891770152 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0764337898500242 + -0.252107882105759 + 0 + 0.0781809030656052 + -0.265733057129669 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0816349755515803 + -0.252485101305992 + 0 + 0.0837534980893882 + -0.267965814702187 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0868606698246323 + -0.25291419846969 + 0 + 0.0893820535374261 + -0.270245014640846 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0921137150270965 + -0.253400471892267 + 0 + 0.0950673048202867 + -0.272562583969479 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0973971007450821 + -0.253948941283018 + 0 + 0.10080637136443 + -0.274889867212233 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.102713874659216 + -0.254563889999269 + 0 + 0.106592080589806 + -0.277178900382035 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.108067007936918 + -0.255248287464826 + 0 + 0.112414522895768 + -0.279375728192023 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.113459147382148 + -0.256002772737251 + 0 + 0.118265273051606 + -0.281444178623693 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.118892261715591 + -0.256824373655822 + 0 + 0.124140200269981 + -0.283376202677637 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.12436732002128 + -0.257705711155725 + 0 + 0.130037989855904 + -0.285178783453385 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.129884166492715 + -0.258635315874054 + 0 + 0.135958052107033 + -0.286861164376441 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.135441674589243 + -0.25959912424556 + 0 + 0.141899543519177 + -0.288430033297935 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.141038098668422 + -0.260582489120846 + 0 + 0.147861030622459 + -0.289888558354322 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.146671435478557 + -0.261571794124714 + 0 + 0.153840515485047 + -0.291237135333926 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.152339720542513 + -0.262555466950824 + 0 + 0.159835644728056 + -0.292474713435035 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.158041257656008 + -0.263524525812492 + 0 + 0.165843940031274 + -0.293599934913285 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.163774791164998 + -0.264472801548418 + 0 + 0.171862984425325 + -0.294611884702311 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.169539635195464 + -0.265396958441391 + 0 + 0.177890551247578 + -0.295510488641129 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.175335711383715 + -0.266296187978016 + 0 + 0.18392461408995 + -0.296296420541724 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.181162916371653 + -0.267169685266647 + 0 + 0.189962647976924 + -0.296968624987794 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.187020366520242 + -0.268014168241682 + 0 + 0.196000793528125 + -0.297521830303161 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.192906201484751 + -0.268823610832084 + 0 + 0.202033527737075 + -0.297946112316023 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.198817485296664 + -0.269589327352784 + 0 + 0.208053372145435 + -0.298226654191779 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.204750175299078 + -0.270300251772304 + 0 + 0.214050604867077 + -0.298343564660643 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.210699164165947 + -0.270943390584599 + 0 + 0.22001300205193 + -0.298271819627797 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.216658614270101 + -0.271505043449532 + 0 + 0.225925941907469 + -0.297982256979424 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.222622357298185 + -0.271972020555336 + 0 + 0.231772968670908 + -0.297443706698576 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.228584655428591 + -0.2723336590276 + 0 + 0.237537499672447 + -0.296627908498917 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.234540829505308 + -0.272583189193221 + 0 + 0.243205728307193 + -0.295516872087926 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.240487374680324 + -0.272717576149431 + 0 + 0.248771768802236 + -0.294114958930639 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.24642190665102 + -0.272736951489556 + 0 + 0.254242893436095 + -0.292459468332912 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.252342649478215 + -0.272642989898993 + 0 + 0.259635723622134 + -0.290607435380482 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.25824819480824 + -0.272438156489859 + 0 + 0.264967076032412 + -0.288611319448322 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.264137240020776 + -0.272125003336282 + 0 + 0.270248030400458 + -0.286505506315453 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.270008497209413 + -0.271705950744382 + 0 + 0.275482472946715 + -0.284304894694083 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.275860576843751 + -0.271183039650915 + 0 + 0.280674584283271 + -0.282023831984469 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.281691957431942 + -0.270557905225649 + 0 + 0.285837332474636 + -0.279694880889281 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.287500954294866 + -0.269831752350115 + 0 + 0.290992512042424 + -0.277366991112205 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.293285719986599 + -0.269005401498071 + 0 + 0.296165448407521 + -0.275092594034809 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.299044254894231 + -0.268079350839847 + 0 + 0.301374228411425 + -0.272904902100394 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.304774456772862 + -0.267053910002221 + 0 + 0.306623717152775 + -0.27080762829604 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.31047410744546 + -0.265929194102196 + 0 + 0.311909918368648 + -0.268786525148997 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.316140945969225 + -0.264705287522553 + 0 + 0.317225377724543 + -0.266821661277429 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.321772680643194 + -0.263382271410464 + 0 + 0.322561935800737 + -0.264893245169681 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.327367012873468 + -0.261960270879134 + 0 + 0.327912185121925 + -0.262984367053954 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.332921664066306 + -0.260439502431847 + 0 + 0.333270039234965 + -0.261081799207438 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.33843438047094 + -0.258820276389761 + 0 + 0.338630733701804 + -0.259175677097762 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.343902955512875 + -0.25710303012009 + 0 + 0.343990687686051 + -0.257258962845591 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.34932526065984 + -0.255288371789993 + 0 + 0.349347379634694 + -0.255326985763933 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.354699221987147 + -0.25337702648471 + 0 + 0.354699221987147 + -0.25337702648471 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.360022821660194 + -0.251369830175849 + 0 + 0.360045529973816 + -0.251408100536763 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.365293931546597 + -0.249267445795179 + 0 + 0.36538640248935 + -0.249420615876589 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.370510177382904 + -0.247070156972829 + 0 + 0.370722660398344 + -0.247416155849515 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.375668823488236 + -0.244777716548122 + 0 + 0.376055896662797 + -0.245397462273084 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.380766872024581 + -0.242389547462904 + 0 + 0.381388837126853 + -0.243368907032891 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.385800869121962 + -0.239904471374973 + 0 + 0.386725502577399 + -0.241336609070113 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.390767067429048 + -0.237321006641231 + 0 + 0.392071779627215 + -0.239309160604642 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.395661216422581 + -0.234637079988636 + 0 + 0.397435477561445 + -0.237297510617177 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.400478667260664 + -0.231850231004017 + 0 + 0.40282603322905 + -0.235314338102901 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.405214334384559 + -0.228957587631486 + 0 + 0.408252827083115 + -0.233371461630573 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.409862559467649 + -0.225955707008855 + 0 + 0.413721364156202 + -0.231474436494269 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.414417225755814 + -0.222840783618997 + 0 + 0.419225529616825 + -0.229612121203731 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.418871716299084 + -0.219608620880065 + 0 + 0.424739759508987 + -0.227747080648909 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.423218967006952 + -0.216254735218764 + 0 + 0.43022523477784 + -0.225826028651191 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.42745141208627 + -0.212774307540461 + 0 + 0.435644274669597 + -0.223800403935422 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.4315611650795 + -0.209162451960945 + 0 + 0.440969100399577 + -0.221637682540441 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.43554023060087 + -0.205414499515317 + 0 + 0.44618358952782 + -0.219322535887776 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.439380734568756 + -0.20152628069228 + 0 + 0.451271440941807 + -0.216840370083294 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.443075128123467 + -0.197494350224531 + 0 + 0.456203613189969 + -0.21416133509845 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446616577677252 + -0.193316426265532 + 0 + 0.460939162954667 + -0.211242461154035 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.449999347020584 + -0.188991781965901 + 0 + 0.465433923835189 + -0.20803930466351 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453219729782702 + -0.184522271147994 + 0 + 0.469657308285336 + -0.204526520456555 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.45627675887424 + -0.179912999287942 + 0 + 0.473601241943624 + -0.200707295858227 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.45917285555591 + -0.17517286849967 + 0 + 0.477273723794102 + -0.196603798644425 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.461913765703483 + -0.170314242447015 + 0 + 0.480690674196653 + -0.192246372247257 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.464507369789478 + -0.16535133815459 + 0 + 0.483870706576526 + -0.18766695099345 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.466963832862649 + -0.160300253130734 + 0 + 0.486833260974741 + -0.18289679978869 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469288784401036 + -0.155171220205209 + 0 + 0.489591094003175 + -0.177958155102587 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.471503331025005 + -0.149990997002004 + 0 + 0.49217039211644 + -0.172886908764178 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473566716057105 + -0.144717769445143 + 0 + 0.494533707109605 + -0.167648041380594 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.475663967631305 + -0.139554043576359 + 0 + 0.496867977902021 + -0.162448871638894 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477124299413545 + -0.133785623390651 + 0 + 0.498502766295665 + -0.156578684917574 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479298991585968 + -0.128854916626706 + 0 + 0.500788892510983 + -0.151481612404188 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480984739965014 + -0.123475152177059 + 0 + 0.502521450472051 + -0.14587118274869 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482145577832612 + -0.11763551575251 + 0 + 0.503660901409283 + -0.139736218025729 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484093889205016 + -0.112679906582521 + 0 + 0.505515300066612 + -0.134418152461549 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485353764890708 + -0.107094290785466 + 0 + 0.506602537126236 + -0.12839893283478 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.486872406459753 + -0.101842931467246 + 0 + 0.507861139216746 + -0.122637125011553 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487629757675362 + -0.0959195172489411 + 0 + 0.508259693824949 + -0.116118436640817 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489403600567867 + -0.0910645843552011 + 0 + 0.509562056080227 + -0.110572604992928 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490461479625434 + -0.0855805978008902 + 0 + 0.510019484470317 + -0.104289551004154 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491756981724164 + -0.0803954100986792 + 0 + 0.510568720296189 + -0.0981853642674538 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.492698209576068 + -0.0749465406671672 + 0 + 0.51060569979605 + -0.0916903776343334 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.49387876834431 + -0.0697927947402885 + 0 + 0.510726210835971 + -0.0853697924401946 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494802192329544 + -0.0644706748462879 + 0 + 0.510459819697791 + -0.0787879444926246 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.49651125129946 + -0.0599241854212772 + 0 + 0.510891003013666 + -0.0729292987450382 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497528101006354 + -0.0548054009024455 + 0 + 0.510580543644727 + -0.0664822286462081 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498729861325473 + -0.0499135714899911 + 0 + 0.510430559146041 + -0.0602689708309202 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499848485158209 + -0.0450059384333006 + 0 + 0.510183143716704 + -0.0540553931958588 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501065550424622 + -0.0402402304578205 + 0 + 0.510030168865181 + -0.0480076664737912 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501910980694782 + -0.0352111735166889 + 0 + 0.509527651557143 + -0.0417422364850628 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.503038311588975 + -0.0304821518852956 + 0 + 0.509370226695051 + -0.0358559447539967 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.504057717708117 + -0.0257150293167507 + 0 + 0.509213758098833 + -0.0300465413214522 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505145678624113 + -0.0210579096369267 + 0 + 0.509265647200457 + -0.0244843626847478 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505978148432095 + -0.0162419698110893 + 0 + 0.50920844434475 + -0.0189019234382706 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507671927378645 + -0.0121777464418577 + 0 + 0.510150299264422 + -0.0141985300804371 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508530423411653 + -0.00747311173576964 + 0 + 0.510380612622524 + -0.0089670427871408 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509589171540003 + -0.00297921198287661 + 0 + 0.510920505518028 + -0.00404387871181429 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510576765170623 + 0.00152607668708759 + 0 + 0.511486191336128 + 0.0008057088607229 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511539431880029 + 0.00600564936259942 + 0 + 0.512114275101439 + 0.00555457766445053 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512565678724253 + 0.0103918684746238 + 0 + 0.512886239473343 + 0.0101426596050763 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51325517500338 + 0.0149939668869843 + 0 + 0.513396916780657 + 0.0148847825581318 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514193387024189 + 0.019358771588367 + 0 + 0.514228759375215 + 0.0193317700177648 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51504754102053 + 0.0237457174441685 + 0 + 0.51504754102053 + 0.0237457174441685 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515888258819386 + 0.0281007845852477 + 0 + 0.515923860951578 + 0.0280740867161304 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.516771282085733 + 0.0323837274064342 + 0 + 0.516914871795521 + 0.0322769849859283 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517406998092542 + 0.0368086923905292 + 0 + 0.517733850735903 + 0.0365677948935579 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518907317507953 + 0.0405635704592016 + 0 + 0.519497267829107 + 0.0401324451588042 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51957545058583 + 0.0448951006070141 + 0 + 0.520514883697567 + 0.0442143281161323 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520453243474147 + 0.049036378744264 + 0 + 0.521837522488296 + 0.0480415234704993 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52126984487911 + 0.0531861551566769 + 0 + 0.523206261190857 + 0.0518058211500428 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52207533393149 + 0.0573084402505241 + 0 + 0.524686322716065 + 0.0554621923568258 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522953977168973 + 0.0613451953898541 + 0 + 0.526379633729681 + 0.0589420636601844 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523531979199779 + 0.0655572864219197 + 0 + 0.52793008524993 + 0.0624960146713863 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.524356189433075 + 0.069562655163384 + 0 + 0.52989697983185 + 0.0657355948667036 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.525103346774803 + 0.0735885725812592 + 0 + 0.531953316169789 + 0.0688929663377595 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.525937464942551 + 0.0775229813410973 + 0 + 0.534232775614727 + 0.0718788446157459 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526547219480145 + 0.0815773116589682 + 0 + 0.536376712471869 + 0.0749381465327901 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.528039864253433 + 0.0850100024334431 + 0 + 0.539448924171609 + 0.0773594370423272 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.528762861383203 + 0.0889350035562764 + 0 + 0.541768812160651 + 0.0802755653889961 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529736163689691 + 0.0926644614322977 + 0 + 0.544345118595643 + 0.0830056311955981 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530656287860828 + 0.0964024821367171 + 0 + 0.546863166718194 + 0.0857607102152399 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.531747601096153 + 0.100002842746682 + 0 + 0.549518743105631 + 0.0884126737829544 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.532446188803362 + 0.10383207244299 + 0 + 0.551703070099359 + 0.0913560274525083 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.533575722493352 + 0.1073553176181 + 0 + 0.55419039988783 + 0.0940862046755032 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.534394534149849 + 0.111053037038927 + 0 + 0.556206235361405 + 0.0971026367691441 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.536280898055095 + 0.114049419153329 + 0 + 0.559123058060268 + 0.0995312853279216 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.537283487399462 + 0.117590596396749 + 0 + 0.561000297785932 + 0.102609304632083 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.538748674205826 + 0.120818787963742 + 0 + 0.563200541681953 + 0.10546636838032 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.539441591812378 + 0.124508569601205 + 0 + 0.564505421378423 + 0.10886472623115 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.541319944200426 + 0.127439054673838 + 0 + 0.566887036053185 + 0.111573308282341 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.542408371965362 + 0.130844154859247 + 0 + 0.56838129778772 + 0.11481807294804 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.543890669398396 + 0.133987679894384 + 0 + 0.570180111100047 + 0.117856485127912 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.544506671776419 + 0.137640914606962 + 0 + 0.571028957179202 + 0.121455104097672 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.546322602669711 + 0.140543440159546 + 0 + 0.572997949009286 + 0.124350568232757 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.547516347573494 + 0.143810641425048 + 0 + 0.574267221894916 + 0.127656594779098 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.548073925314627 + 0.147439584142646 + 0 + 0.574822890478299 + 0.131368614469152 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549831357544578 + 0.1503304707214 + 0 + 0.576500108507367 + 0.134387139610429 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.550746905603893 + 0.153711057504541 + 0 + 0.577254613715441 + 0.137941098714128 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.551833072769117 + 0.156972122594725 + 0 + 0.578094292418925 + 0.141422957996492 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.552807795043174 + 0.160282529381696 + 0 + 0.578730600939134 + 0.14500489118572 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553733351377721 + 0.163605060462087 + 0 + 0.579216715695933 + 0.148654357103119 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554577522111294 + 0.166958642103039 + 0 + 0.579508252945147 + 0.152396730476281 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555331943326091 + 0.170347948802067 + 0 + 0.579581332523745 + 0.156244994452482 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555982527636227 + 0.17378093406575 + 0 + 0.579403774034308 + 0.160216801191338 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.556519520192884 + 0.177262944652536 + 0 + 0.57894777456715 + 0.164327049509464 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.556936398720902 + 0.18079741632435 + 0 + 0.578194361922611 + 0.168585402449619 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557231163126015 + 0.184385174568022 + 0 + 0.577146186641268 + 0.172989078120572 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557405401903896 + 0.18802501923117 + 0 + 0.57583736297765 + 0.177517483083033 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557463302290639 + 0.191714324045825 + 0 + 0.574322194678389 + 0.182138940012568 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557410524088334 + 0.195449696934331 + 0 + 0.572652224040665 + 0.186823855088536 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557253905312904 + 0.199227155874996 + 0 + 0.570863750271195 + 0.191551692031706 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557000954267425 + 0.203042421005228 + 0 + 0.56897584456725 + 0.196311908296125 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.556659477185052 + 0.20689112425556 + 0 + 0.567007909442596 + 0.201093935638823 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.556237231152404 + 0.210769000021129 + 0 + 0.564997353243279 + 0.205877300983438 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555741639378805 + 0.214672037386966 + 0 + 0.562997969768196 + 0.210632672587117 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555179667496863 + 0.218596540518092 + 0 + 0.561067666715249 + 0.215328786861241 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554557847256557 + 0.22253910743921 + 0 + 0.559246486115802 + 0.219944615734353 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553882065245949 + 0.226496739092468 + 0 + 0.557545844164233 + 0.22447513353747 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553157589171068 + 0.230466815840659 + 0 + 0.555959243612377 + 0.228925184850554 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.552388998513543 + 0.234447127313717 + 0 + 0.554473736976886 + 0.233303057542361 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.551580393148184 + 0.23843575067471 + 0 + 0.553075733960902 + 0.237617263497918 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55073522924578 + 0.242431134814131 + 0 + 0.551753508658147 + 0.241875173669701 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549856309374096 + 0.246432098954607 + 0 + 0.55049799727919 + 0.246082603549017 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.548946014631394 + 0.250437700925118 + 0 + 0.549302783744853 + 0.250243845168947 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.548006024331286 + 0.254447385190705 + 0 + 0.548163316114617 + 0.254362113601127 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.547037644154874 + 0.258460800134464 + 0 + 0.547076785163384 + 0.258439627758949 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.546041540323348 + 0.262477938844547 + 0 + 0.546041540323348 + 0.262477938844547 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.545017977443474 + 0.266499006843495 + 0 + 0.545057155620294 + 0.266477903324993 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.543966956794575 + 0.27052434552663 + 0 + 0.544124547604063 + 0.270439627843368 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.542888564817689 + 0.274554243665012 + 0 + 0.543246352674862 + 0.274362274647256 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.541782999426488 + 0.278588923886354 + 0 + 0.542427134559827 + 0.27824395963303 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.540650584700186 + 0.282628535529051 + 0 + 0.541673728326051 + 0.282081577690987 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.539491701285624 + 0.286673192376059 + 0 + 0.540995634267459 + 0.285870602199881 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.538306803032793 + 0.29072296394384 + 0 + 0.54040555501309 + 0.289604809112222 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.537096406499255 + 0.294777881416356 + 0 + 0.539919650229687 + 0.293276152893373 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.535861030519624 + 0.298837969985856 + 0 + 0.539556680130675 + 0.296875232373641 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.534601158737512 + 0.302903268664162 + 0 + 0.539335286099958 + 0.300392738904304 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.533317177872327 + 0.306973862799573 + 0 + 0.539268272687522 + 0.303822479094256 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.532009272790517 + 0.311049939094717 + 0 + 0.5393508088804 + 0.307167588447597 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530677434307597 + 0.315131780838976 + 0 + 0.539549526688543 + 0.310446224809394 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529321289790023 + 0.319219856712489 + 0 + 0.539812900339498 + 0.313686001444671 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.527940081471455 + 0.323314831092869 + 0 + 0.540093459399462 + 0.316912237559049 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52653261939723 + 0.327417587861171 + 0 + 0.540360101826533 + 0.320141506864806 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.525097314180754 + 0.331529212212702 + 0 + 0.540599570325251 + 0.323380922857509 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523632207275461 + 0.335650974040946 + 0 + 0.540798229020821 + 0.326637765435576 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522135211982436 + 0.339784201009199 + 0 + 0.540924023728126 + 0.32992894565412 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520604322046023 + 0.343930169450936 + 0 + 0.540928091346227 + 0.333280118874307 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.519038275674791 + 0.348089757458349 + 0 + 0.540757771673667 + 0.336718839469171 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517437254548364 + 0.352263081445557 + 0 + 0.54037959449733 + 0.340262539162168 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515804391559244 + 0.356448711591469 + 0 + 0.539791415299973 + 0.343912237783572 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514146264186921 + 0.360643420274251 + 0 + 0.53901202590859 + 0.34765804034731 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51247299819346 + 0.364842134072063 + 0 + 0.538069555273283 + 0.351485230396626 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510796948493089 + 0.369038626895672 + 0 + 0.536994480154273 + 0.355377926958853 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509130797183951 + 0.373226513042008 + 0 + 0.535815026639632 + 0.359321478244379 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507486424927093 + 0.377399833168641 + 0 + 0.534555233968571 + 0.363303459369879 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50587379606636 + 0.381553631029881 + 0 + 0.533234097734197 + 0.367314105678826 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.504300569309922 + 0.385684151186864 + 0 + 0.531865696402006 + 0.371346234559035 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502771872546368 + 0.389788951374296 + 0 + 0.530459426003982 + 0.375395112862437 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501290258178611 + 0.393866921409953 + 0 + 0.529020281375881 + 0.379458301993825 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499855979678528 + 0.397918135912176 + 0 + 0.527549310015006 + 0.383535415083056 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498469292377816 + 0.40194265722724 + 0 + 0.526045936765373 + 0.387626904744344 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497132763216147 + 0.40593933722966 + 0 + 0.524510247578134 + 0.391732876038091 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.495851528048926 + 0.409905686517765 + 0 + 0.522943067233968 + 0.395853046844602 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494633250218255 + 0.413837898300384 + 0 + 0.521345589285743 + 0.399986940358411 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.493487898679536 + 0.417730965267504 + 0 + 0.519718690894851 + 0.404134240380255 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.4924272364966 + 0.42157894588292 + 0 + 0.518061901247467 + 0.408295325395787 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.49146389361516 + 0.425375445225852 + 0 + 0.51637221155114 + 0.412471883878459 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490609906455141 + 0.429114370991504 + 0 + 0.514643418921091 + 0.416667252368169 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489874914318176 + 0.432790866066189 + 0 + 0.512867020900908 + 0.420885950597459 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489264835856692 + 0.436401991585609 + 0 + 0.511036574327541 + 0.425131424327536 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488781617578464 + 0.439946854817297 + 0 + 0.509159182969168 + 0.429400101544355 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488423981739183 + 0.443426220387162 + 0 + 0.507267179700194 + 0.433675353988172 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.4881886003474 + 0.446841902023148 + 0 + 0.505408674537394 + 0.43793239716501 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488071020018195 + 0.450196284152812 + 0 + 0.503626140034609 + 0.442149371312442 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488066184726362 + 0.4534920520895 + 0 + 0.501944537843247 + 0.4463134770386 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488168846607811 + 0.456731980392455 + 0 + 0.500370303081629 + 0.45042149238139 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488373826038303 + 0.459918799311438 + 0 + 0.498909938897703 + 0.454470150684394 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488676193507938 + 0.463055101701695 + 0 + 0.49758853570312 + 0.458446564502282 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489071418703503 + 0.466143266870817 + 0 + 0.496448498560407 + 0.462328887302509 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489555432899871 + 0.469185429197055 + 0 + 0.495537215317347 + 0.466092691272893 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.4901246418311 + 0.47218347227413 + 0 + 0.494884725302945 + 0.469722511709624 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490775908762287 + 0.475139038380869 + 0 + 0.494493068729593 + 0.473217349863049 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491506524496342 + 0.478053544628628 + 0 + 0.494347188474569 + 0.476585034539809 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.492314168830619 + 0.480928203461214 + 0 + 0.494426631751383 + 0.479836173008036 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.49319688574134 + 0.483764036001356 + 0 + 0.494711209236506 + 0.482981227112328 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494153012192287 + 0.486561909322467 + 0 + 0.495183623645832 + 0.486029156295643 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.495181301837825 + 0.48932248858847 + 0 + 0.495830399117459 + 0.488986954495352 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.496280332661643 + 0.492046477142159 + 0 + 0.496641027035429 + 0.49186002655021 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497450556216611 + 0.494733663239932 + 0 + 0.497609495935737 + 0.4946515041578 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498686691904864 + 0.497386777603745 + 0 + 0.498726223164156 + 0.497366343133581 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499994052316792 + 0.500003074467614 + 0 + 0.499994052316792 + 0.500003074467614 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501313308095106 + 0.502613222389533 + 0 + 0.501273776835815 + 0.502633656859697 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502549443783192 + 0.505266336753432 + 0 + 0.502390504064066 + 0.505348495835564 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.503719667339009 + 0.507953522850766 + 0 + 0.503358972965224 + 0.508139973442715 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.504818698160628 + 0.510677511405592 + 0 + 0.504169600880994 + 0.51101304549871 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505846987810158 + 0.513438090669533 + 0 + 0.504816376356613 + 0.513970843696357 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.506803114257653 + 0.516235963992428 + 0 + 0.505288790762487 + 0.517018772881456 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507685831169478 + 0.519071796531999 + 0 + 0.505573368248714 + 0.520163826985177 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508493475503538 + 0.521946455364697 + 0 + 0.505652811525311 + 0.523414965453516 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509224091236523 + 0.52486096161301 + 0 + 0.505506931269217 + 0.52678265013083 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509875358168753 + 0.527816527719209 + 0 + 0.505115274696908 + 0.530277488283716 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510444567100654 + 0.530814570795937 + 0 + 0.504462784683178 + 0.533907308720099 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510928581297061 + 0.533856733122155 + 0 + 0.503551501440158 + 0.537671112690462 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511323806491829 + 0.536944898291688 + 0 + 0.502411464296648 + 0.541553435491102 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511626173963112 + 0.540081200681094 + 0 + 0.501090061103712 + 0.545529849308138 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511831153392837 + 0.543268019600474 + 0 + 0.499629696919019 + 0.549578507611538 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51193381527162 + 0.546507947904807 + 0 + 0.498055462154735 + 0.553686522955707 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511928979982738 + 0.549803715839969 + 0 + 0.496373859966325 + 0.557850628680338 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511811399651408 + 0.553158097970733 + 0 + 0.494591325461415 + 0.562067602828871 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511576018261834 + 0.556573779605575 + 0 + 0.492732820300824 + 0.566324646004566 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511218382421574 + 0.560053145175947 + 0 + 0.490840817030871 + 0.570599898448888 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510735164141686 + 0.563598008408494 + 0 + 0.488963425670836 + 0.574868575666567 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510125085681669 + 0.567209133927154 + 0 + 0.487132979098937 + 0.579114049395885 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509390093546143 + 0.570885629001093 + 0 + 0.485356581080193 + 0.583332747624428 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508536106383411 + 0.574624554768151 + 0 + 0.483627788447431 + 0.587528116115544 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507572763504685 + 0.578421054109677 + 0 + 0.481938098753818 + 0.59170467459681 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.506512101319829 + 0.582269034726088 + 0 + 0.480281309104514 + 0.595865759613337 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505366749781547 + 0.586162101692983 + 0 + 0.47865441071406 + 0.600013059634958 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.504148471953258 + 0.590094313474367 + 0 + 0.477056932768216 + 0.60414695314753 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502867236784112 + 0.594060662763467 + 0 + 0.475489752422125 + 0.608267123955035 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501530707621645 + 0.598057342766303 + 0 + 0.473954063234088 + 0.612373095249199 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50014402032161 + 0.602081864081015 + 0 + 0.472450689985132 + 0.616464584910135 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498709741821777 + 0.606133078583108 + 0 + 0.470979718624506 + 0.620541697999236 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497228127454124 + 0.610211048618711 + 0 + 0.46954057399651 + 0.62460488713057 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.495699430689665 + 0.614315848806614 + 0 + 0.468134303597581 + 0.628653765434444 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494126203935608 + 0.618446368962357 + 0 + 0.46676590226777 + 0.632685894313411 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.492513575073163 + 0.622600166824486 + 0 + 0.465444766031685 + 0.636696540623247 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490869202814845 + 0.626773486951884 + 0 + 0.464184973359164 + 0.640678521749514 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489203051509154 + 0.630961373096422 + 0 + 0.46300551984797 + 0.644622073033242 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487527001805488 + 0.635157865921748 + 0 + 0.461930444725666 + 0.648514769597185 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485853735812904 + 0.639356579719104 + 0 + 0.460987974091236 + 0.652341959646045 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484195608439881 + 0.643551288402253 + 0 + 0.460208584699153 + 0.65608776221015 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482562745450773 + 0.647736918548159 + 0 + 0.459620405501807 + 0.659737460831548 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480961724327569 + 0.651910242533679 + 0 + 0.459242228328693 + 0.663281160522857 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479395677953296 + 0.656069830542682 + 0 + 0.459071908653092 + 0.66671988111931 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477864788020253 + 0.660215798982654 + 0 + 0.459075976274563 + 0.670071054337734 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47636779272403 + 0.664349025952583 + 0 + 0.459201770978671 + 0.673362234557953 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474902685821739 + 0.66847078777925 + 0 + 0.459400429677243 + 0.676619077134443 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473467380600942 + 0.672582412133053 + 0 + 0.459639898171639 + 0.679858493129418 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.472059918529522 + 0.676685168899879 + 0 + 0.459906540601516 + 0.683087762433699 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470678710209273 + 0.680780143281146 + 0 + 0.460187099659798 + 0.686313998548964 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469322565694679 + 0.684868219153084 + 0 + 0.460450473313733 + 0.689553775182666 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.467990727208062 + 0.688950060899293 + 0 + 0.460649191118179 + 0.692832411546414 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.466682822126528 + 0.693026137194298 + 0 + 0.460731727311334 + 0.696177520899615 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.465398841264776 + 0.697096731327888 + 0 + 0.46066471390233 + 0.699607261087745 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.464138969481113 + 0.701162030007015 + 0 + 0.460443319870062 + 0.70312476761923 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.46290359350329 + 0.705222118575552 + 0 + 0.460080349772859 + 0.706723847098535 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.461693196967127 + 0.709277036049465 + 0 + 0.45959444498683 + 0.710395190881084 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.46050829871417 + 0.713326807617315 + 0 + 0.459004365732334 + 0.714129397793494 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.459349415300583 + 0.717371464463798 + 0 + 0.458326271674718 + 0.717918422301861 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.458217000573047 + 0.721411076107158 + 0 + 0.457572865439708 + 0.721756040360482 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.457111435182978 + 0.725445756327896 + 0 + 0.456753647325805 + 0.725637725345652 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.456033043205435 + 0.729475654466623 + 0 + 0.455875452395947 + 0.729560372149885 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.454982022554859 + 0.733500993150666 + 0 + 0.45494284437804 + 0.733522096669167 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453958459678774 + 0.737522061147572 + 0 + 0.453958459678774 + 0.737522061147572 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.452962355843315 + 0.741539199859776 + 0 + 0.452923214834805 + 0.741560372235291 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.451993975669772 + 0.745552614801983 + 0 + 0.451836683886441 + 0.745637886391561 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.451053985370417 + 0.749562299067159 + 0 + 0.450697216256959 + 0.74975615482333 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.450143690625808 + 0.753567901038705 + 0 + 0.449502002720713 + 0.753917396444294 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.449264770754525 + 0.757568865178969 + 0 + 0.448246491342158 + 0.7581248263234 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.44841960685437 + 0.761564249317155 + 0 + 0.446924266041652 + 0.762382736493947 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.447611001486465 + 0.765552872679542 + 0 + 0.445526263023122 + 0.766696942450897 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446842410831228 + 0.769533184151345 + 0 + 0.444040756389919 + 0.771074815141451 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446117934754533 + 0.773503260900529 + 0 + 0.442454155836248 + 0.775524866455527 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445442152744424 + 0.777460892553503 + 0 + 0.440753513885179 + 0.78005538425836 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444820332502712 + 0.781403459475408 + 0 + 0.438932333284326 + 0.784671213132259 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444258360621912 + 0.785327962605897 + 0 + 0.437002030232522 + 0.789367327405745 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.44376276884686 + 0.78923099997254 + 0 + 0.435002646755985 + 0.794122699010231 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.443340522813441 + 0.793108875738548 + 0 + 0.432992090555897 + 0.798906064355285 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442999045733074 + 0.796957578987751 + 0 + 0.431024155433248 + 0.803688091696854 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442746094687043 + 0.800772844118292 + 0 + 0.429136249728753 + 0.808448307961583 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442589475911622 + 0.804550303058957 + 0 + 0.427347775959291 + 0.813176144904752 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442536697708475 + 0.808285675947941 + 0 + 0.425677805320726 + 0.817861059981198 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442594598097569 + 0.811974980761259 + 0 + 0.424162637023815 + 0.822482516909397 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442768836872569 + 0.815614825426052 + 0 + 0.422853813357316 + 0.827010921873502 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.443063601278904 + 0.819202583669031 + 0 + 0.421805638077196 + 0.831414597543763 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.443480479808586 + 0.82273705533988 + 0 + 0.421052225434321 + 0.835672950482952 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444017472363841 + 0.826219065927466 + 0 + 0.420596225965759 + 0.839783198801878 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444668056672282 + 0.829652051192143 + 0 + 0.420418667474627 + 0.843755005541727 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445422477888644 + 0.833041357890259 + 0 + 0.420491747054791 + 0.847603269517016 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446266648623719 + 0.836394939530335 + 0 + 0.420783284305508 + 0.851345642889303 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.447192204957802 + 0.839717470610995 + 0 + 0.421269399061843 + 0.854995108806971 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.448166927230979 + 0.843027877398472 + 0 + 0.42190570758117 + 0.858577041996703 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.449253094395825 + 0.846288942488891 + 0 + 0.422745386284277 + 0.862058901279305 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.450168642457226 + 0.849669529270789 + 0 + 0.423499891494438 + 0.865612860381762 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.451926074685214 + 0.852560415850717 + 0 + 0.425177109521543 + 0.868631385524211 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.452483652427012 + 0.856189358567919 + 0 + 0.425732778105591 + 0.87234340521387 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453677397330884 + 0.85945655983336 + 0 + 0.427002050991308 + 0.875649431760149 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.455493328222982 + 0.862359085386671 + 0 + 0.428971042820199 + 0.878544895895962 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.456109330602999 + 0.866012320098029 + 0 + 0.429819888901348 + 0.882143514864502 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.457591628033746 + 0.869155845134568 + 0 + 0.431618702211388 + 0.885181927045774 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.458680055800127 + 0.872560945319095 + 0 + 0.433112963947368 + 0.888426691710593 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.460558408188554 + 0.875491430391475 + 0 + 0.43549457862251 + 0.89113527376153 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.461251325793232 + 0.879181212030109 + 0 + 0.436799458317105 + 0.89453363161353 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.462716512599794 + 0.882409403596989 + 0 + 0.438999702213325 + 0.897390695361655 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.463719101945075 + 0.885950580839829 + 0 + 0.440876941939902 + 0.900468714665237 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.46560546585058 + 0.888946962954065 + 0 + 0.443793764639025 + 0.902897363223848 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.46642427750839 + 0.892644682374043 + 0 + 0.445809600113911 + 0.90591379531664 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.467553811195831 + 0.896167927550797 + 0 + 0.448296929899834 + 0.90864397254128 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.468252398902795 + 0.89999715724727 + 0 + 0.450481256893317 + 0.911587326210997 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469343712139539 + 0.903597517856302 + 0 + 0.453136833282173 + 0.914239289777779 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470263836309584 + 0.907335538561447 + 0 + 0.455654881403632 + 0.916994368798147 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.471237138618219 + 0.911064996436044 + 0 + 0.458231187840771 + 0.919724434603325 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.471960135746149 + 0.9149899975601 + 0 + 0.460551075827973 + 0.922640562951216 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473452780518782 + 0.918422688335023 + 0 + 0.463623287527058 + 0.925061853461201 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474062535058052 + 0.922477018651757 + 0 + 0.465767224385875 + 0.928121155377108 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474896653223432 + 0.926411427413213 + 0 + 0.468046683828445 + 0.931107033656712 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.475643810567884 + 0.93043734482922 + 0 + 0.470103020169109 + 0.9342644051259 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476468020799804 + 0.934442713571635 + 0 + 0.472069914749653 + 0.937503985322169 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477046022832167 + 0.938654804602622 + 0 + 0.473620366271459 + 0.941057936332292 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477924666068529 + 0.942691559742731 + 0 + 0.475313677283955 + 0.944537807636429 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.478730155121587 + 0.946813844836093 + 0 + 0.476793738809839 + 0.948194178842727 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479546756526215 + 0.950963621248745 + 0 + 0.478162477512065 + 0.95195847652251 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480424549414993 + 0.955104899385653 + 0 + 0.479485116303257 + 0.955785671876535 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481092682492227 + 0.959436429533941 + 0 + 0.480502732171073 + 0.959867554834338 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.48259300190791 + 0.963191307602395 + 0 + 0.482266149264549 + 0.963432205099366 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.48322871791355 + 0.967616272587369 + 0 + 0.483085128203762 + 0.967723015007875 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484111741181684 + 0.971899215407223 + 0 + 0.484076139049492 + 0.97192591327634 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484952458979156 + 0.976254282549339 + 0 + 0.484952458979156 + 0.976254282549339 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485806612976727 + 0.980641228404201 + 0 + 0.485771240625702 + 0.980668229974803 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.486744824995551 + 0.985006033107098 + 0 + 0.486603083218275 + 0.985115217435951 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487434321274406 + 0.989608131519687 + 0 + 0.487113760525315 + 0.989857340389235 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488460568119542 + 0.993994350631011 + 0 + 0.487885724898131 + 0.99444542232916 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489423234830994 + 0.998473923304893 + 0 + 0.488513808665488 + 0.999194291131257 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.49041082845866 + 1.0029792119772 + 0 + 0.489079494480635 + 1.00404387870614 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491469576589576 + 1.00747311172805 + 0 + 0.489619387378706 + 1.00896704277942 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.492328072619937 + 1.01217774643629 + 0 + 0.48984970073416 + 1.01419853007487 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494021851569397 + 1.01624196980312 + 0 + 0.490791555656742 + 1.0189019234303 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.49485432137298 + 1.02105790963262 + 0 + 0.490734352796636 + 1.02448436268044 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.495942282292432 + 1.02571502930956 + 0 + 0.490786241901715 + 1.03004654131426 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.496961688410256 + 1.03048215187922 + 0 + 0.490629773304181 + 1.03585594474792 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498089019306701 + 1.03521117350869 + 0 + 0.490472348444341 + 1.04174223647706 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498934449574953 + 1.04024023045147 + 0 + 0.489969831134394 + 1.04800766646744 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.500151514841299 + 1.045005938427 + 0 + 0.489816856282804 + 1.05405539318956 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501270138673485 + 1.04991357148418 + 0 + 0.489569440852917 + 1.06026897082511 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50247189899381 + 1.05480540089557 + 0 + 0.489419456355436 + 1.06648222863933 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.503488748700846 + 1.05992418541427 + 0 + 0.489108996986639 + 1.07292929873803 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505197807669882 + 1.06447067484007 + 0 + 0.489540180301635 + 1.07878794448641 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.506121231655939 + 1.06979279473334 + 0 + 0.48927378916428 + 1.08536979243324 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507301790424519 + 1.07494654065989 + 0 + 0.489394300204536 + 1.09169037762706 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508243018275804 + 1.08039541009198 + 0 + 0.489431279703778 + 1.09818536426075 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509538520373593 + 1.08558059779509 + 0 + 0.489980515528711 + 1.10428955099835 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510596399431803 + 1.0910645843488 + 0 + 0.490437943919443 + 1.11057260498653 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512370242325124 + 1.09591951724173 + 0 + 0.491740306175537 + 1.11611843663361 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.513127593539546 + 1.10184293146121 + 0 + 0.492138860782553 + 1.12263712500552 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514646235110045 + 1.10709429077798 + 0 + 0.493397462874516 + 1.12839893282729 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515906110794508 + 1.11267990657629 + 0 + 0.494484699932912 + 1.13441815245532 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517854422167159 + 1.11763551574601 + 0 + 0.496339098590488 + 1.13973621801923 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.519015260035501 + 1.1234751521698 + 0 + 0.497478549528464 + 1.14587118274143 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520701008413597 + 1.12885491662044 + 0 + 0.499211107488583 + 1.15148161239792 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522875700588264 + 1.13378562338199 + 0 + 0.501497233706143 + 1.15657868490891 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.524336032367081 + 1.13955404357138 + 0 + 0.503132022096365 + 1.16244887163391 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526433283942999 + 1.1447177694383 + 0 + 0.505466292890499 + 1.16764804137375 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.528496668974809 + 1.14999099699548 + 0 + 0.507829607883374 + 1.17288690875765 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530711215598664 + 1.15517122019881 + 0 + 0.510408905996524 + 1.17795815509619 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.533036167136575 + 1.16030025312489 + 0 + 0.513166739024484 + 1.18289679978285 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.535492630210962 + 1.16535133814735 + 0 + 0.516129293423914 + 1.18766695098621 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.538086234295701 + 1.17031424244124 + 0 + 0.519309325802531 + 1.19224637224149 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.540827144444486 + 1.17517286849247 + 0 + 0.522726276206294 + 1.19660379863723 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.543723241124717 + 1.17991299928247 + 0 + 0.526398758055333 + 1.20070729585276 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.546780270218074 + 1.18452227114033 + 0 + 0.53034269171544 + 1.20452652044889 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.550000652979231 + 1.1889917819594 + 0 + 0.534566076164627 + 1.20803930465701 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553383422323989 + 1.19331642625727 + 0 + 0.539060837046574 + 1.21124246114577 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55692487187634 + 1.19749435021806 + 0 + 0.543796386809838 + 1.21416133509198 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.560619265430573 + 1.20152628068643 + 0 + 0.548728559057522 + 1.21684037007744 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.564459769399792 + 1.20541449950773 + 0 + 0.553816410472842 + 1.21932253588019 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.56843883491963 + 1.20916245195536 + 0 + 0.559030899599552 + 1.22163768253486 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.572548587913756 + 1.2127743075337 + 0 + 0.564355725330429 + 1.22380040392866 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.576781032992545 + 1.21625473521273 + 0 + 0.569774765221657 + 1.22582602864516 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.581128283700758 + 1.21960862087356 + 0 + 0.575260240490855 + 1.2277470806424 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.585582774244466 + 1.22284078361187 + 0 + 0.580774470383456 + 1.22961212119661 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.590137440532748 + 1.22595570700154 + 0 + 0.586278635844194 + 1.23147443648696 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.594785665614436 + 1.22895758762622 + 0 + 0.59174717291588 + 1.23337146162531 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.599521332740684 + 1.23185023099531 + 0 + 0.597173966772298 + 1.23531433809419 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.604338783576953 + 1.23463707998259 + 0 + 0.602564522438089 + 1.23729751061113 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.609232932570749 + 1.23732100663482 + 0 + 0.607928220372582 + 1.23930916059823 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.614199130878693 + 1.23990447136725 + 0 + 0.613274497423257 + 1.24133660906239 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.61923312797439 + 1.24238954745781 + 0 + 0.618611162872118 + 1.2433689070278 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.624331176512316 + 1.24477771654051 + 0 + 0.623944103337755 + 1.24539746226548 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.629489822615251 + 1.2470701569691 + 0 + 0.62927733959981 + 1.24741615584578 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.634706068453997 + 1.24926744578744 + 0 + 0.634613597511245 + 1.24942061586885 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.639977178338436 + 1.25136983017142 + 0 + 0.639954470024814 + 1.25140810053233 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.645300778013203 + 1.25337702647739 + 0 + 0.645300778013203 + 1.25337702647739 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.650674739339138 + 1.25528837178505 + 0 + 0.650652620364284 + 1.25532698575899 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.656097044486555 + 1.25710303011437 + 0 + 0.656009312313379 + 1.25725896283987 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.661565619529403 + 1.25882027638241 + 0 + 0.661369266298539 + 1.25917567709041 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.667078335932383 + 1.26043950242755 + 0 + 0.666729960763724 + 1.26108179920314 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.672632987127885 + 1.26196027086986 + 0 + 0.672087814879429 + 1.26298436704468 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.678227319356608 + 1.26338227140409 + 0 + 0.677438064199064 + 1.2648932451633 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.683859054030539 + 1.26470528751629 + 0 + 0.682774622275221 + 1.26682166127117 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.689525892554594 + 1.26592919409536 + 0 + 0.688090081631406 + 1.26878652514216 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.695225543227294 + 1.26705390999517 + 0 + 0.693376282847381 + 1.27080762828899 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.700955745106299 + 1.26807935083201 + 0 + 0.698625771589106 + 1.27290490209256 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.706714280013179 + 1.2690054014918 + 0 + 0.703834551592257 + 1.27509259402854 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.712499045704567 + 1.26983175234462 + 0 + 0.709007487957009 + 1.27736699110671 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.718308042568543 + 1.27055790521786 + 0 + 0.714162667525849 + 1.27969488088149 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.724139423155918 + 1.27118303964496 + 0 + 0.719325415716398 + 1.28202383197852 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.7299915027917 + 1.27170595073508 + 0 + 0.724517527054398 + 1.28430489468478 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.735862759978407 + 1.27212500333148 + 0 + 0.729751969598726 + 1.28650550631065 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.741751805192329 + 1.27243815648178 + 0 + 0.735032923968158 + 1.28861131944024 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.747657350520497 + 1.27264298989545 + 0 + 0.740364276376578 + 1.29060743537694 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.753578093349688 + 1.27273695148106 + 0 + 0.745757106564614 + 1.29245946832441 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.759512625319642 + 1.27271757614279 + 0 + 0.751228231197731 + 1.294114958924 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.765459170494825 + 1.27258318918615 + 0 + 0.75679427169294 + 1.29551687208086 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.771415344571685 + 1.27233365902011 + 0 + 0.762462500327828 + 1.29662790849142 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.777377642700849 + 1.2719720205513 + 0 + 0.768227031328127 + 1.29744370669454 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.783341385729886 + 1.27150504344285 + 0 + 0.774074058092519 + 1.29798225697274 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.789300835833885 + 1.27094339057836 + 0 + 0.779986997947901 + 1.29827181962156 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.795249824700286 + 1.27030025176751 + 0 + 0.785949395132288 + 1.29834356465585 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.801182514703783 + 1.26958932734466 + 0 + 0.791946627855011 + 1.29822665418366 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.807093798515255 + 1.26882361082532 + 0 + 0.797966472262931 + 1.29794611230926 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.812979633479731 + 1.26801416823505 + 0 + 0.803999206471849 + 1.29752183029653 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.818837083628473 + 1.26716968525947 + 0 + 0.810037352023201 + 1.29696862498062 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.824664288615454 + 1.26629618797418 + 0 + 0.816075385909219 + 1.29629642053788 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.830460364805294 + 1.26539695843194 + 0 + 0.822109448753179 + 1.29551048863167 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.83622520883519 + 1.26447280154096 + 0 + 0.828137015574863 + 1.29461188469485 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.841958742343827 + 1.26352452580637 + 0 + 0.834156059968561 + 1.29359993490717 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.847660279456762 + 1.262555466947 + 0 + 0.840164355271219 + 1.29247471343121 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.853328564521806 + 1.26157179411648 + 0 + 0.846159484515316 + 1.29123713532569 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.858961901331715 + 1.26058248911349 + 0 + 0.852138969377676 + 1.28988855834697 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.864558325410231 + 1.25959912424117 + 0 + 0.858100456480297 + 1.28843003329355 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.87011583350748 + 1.25863531586645 + 0 + 0.864041947893163 + 1.28686116436883 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.875632679978756 + 1.25770571114879 + 0 + 0.869962010144132 + 1.28517878344645 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.881107738283812 + 1.25682437365212 + 0 + 0.875859799729422 + 1.28337620267393 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.88654085261823 + 1.25600277272853 + 0 + 0.881734726948772 + 1.28144417861498 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.89193299206295 + 1.25524828745885 + 0 + 0.8875854771041 + 1.27937572818605 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.897286125340826 + 1.25456388999231 + 0 + 0.893407919410236 + 1.27717890037508 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.902602899254885 + 1.25394894127649 + 0 + 0.899193628635538 + 1.2748898672057 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.907886284972465 + 1.25340047188839 + 0 + 0.904932695179275 + 1.2725625839656 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.913139330175595 + 1.25291419846141 + 0 + 0.910617946462801 + 1.27024501463256 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.9183650244481 + 1.25248510130158 + 0 + 0.916246501910292 + 1.26796581469777 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.923566210150288 + 1.25210788209662 + 0 + 0.921819096934707 + 1.26573305712053 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.92874553673793 + 1.25177725670877 + 0 + 0.927336722148503 + 1.26355489176423 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.93390543962823 + 1.25148816260752 + 0 + 0.932798326208398 + 1.26146026160413 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.939048133339902 + 1.25123593036767 + 0 + 0.93820184508954 + 1.25949756428013 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.94417562235831 + 1.25101635900048 + 0 + 0.943546325432942 + 1.25772088986679 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.949289720525464 + 1.25082573503887 + 0 + 0.948834302113903 + 1.25616495929239 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.954392073753879 + 1.25066081926647 + 0 + 0.95407189142556 + 1.25483306665351 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.959484183302039 + 1.2505188131796 + 0 + 0.95926662041291 + 1.25370919875307 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.964567426819281 + 1.25039733270457 + 0 + 0.964425822284753 + 1.25277114361913 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.969643080186768 + 1.25029433578149 + 0 + 0.969556052269528 + 1.25199680209434 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.974712329181223 + 1.25020820959517 + 0 + 0.974662962290117 + 1.25136732506217 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.979776302020575 + 1.25013733320672 + 0 + 0.979751424557303 + 1.25086760132042 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.984836038911001 + 1.25008141087943 + 0 + 0.984825669704982 + 1.25048731324957 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.989892594671404 + 1.25003699694654 + 0 + 0.989889548320672 + 1.25021588984422 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.994946904833692 + 1.25001181763392 + 0 + 0.994946525982812 + 1.25005631644855 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 1 + 1.2499798172808 + 0 + 1 + 1.2499798172808 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 62023da2-c685-418a-a661-caf3dd6f5527 + d2c53264-57e1-4d11-b625-5a5eefefe7c0 + dc33f043-a46c-4bbe-aa2b-e04d7f37a6de + b1dbb9a1-e34d-4d93-b860-212e9f8b0ced + 4 + 96a3dff6-2e94-4a60-9aa4-fcf7cd739203 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + ac2bc2cb-70fb-4dd5-9c78-7e1ea97fe278 + Geometry + + + + + Contains a collection of generic geometry + true + da7faf57-9dbd-4409-a12d-a1028a2c5c22 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26461 + -14231 + 50 + 24 + + + 26486.88 + -14219 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + -1 + + 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+ + 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Curve + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + da7faf57-9dbd-4409-a12d-a1028a2c5c22 + d2c53264-57e1-4d11-b625-5a5eefefe7c0 + dc33f043-a46c-4bbe-aa2b-e04d7f37a6de + b1dbb9a1-e34d-4d93-b860-212e9f8b0ced + 4 + 937df449-5eda-48f8-955a-a0fd2640f31a + Group + + + + + + + + + + + ac2bc2cb-70fb-4dd5-9c78-7e1ea97fe278 + Geometry + + + + + Contains a collection of generic geometry + true + 4a8d3dce-1af8-4a3f-8ae9-5b65d5513452 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26461 + -15060 + 50 + 24 + + + 26486.88 + -15048 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 513 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + + 8.31187957663209E-17 + -0.24997981727771 + 0 + 8.31187957663209E-17 + -0.24997981727771 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.00505347401718018 + -0.250056316453437 + 0 + 0.00505423562287416 + -0.250145772628349 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0101104516793202 + -0.250215889850821 + 0 + 0.0101166722186634 + -0.250581182755773 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0151743302950294 + -0.250487313256909 + 0 + 0.0151960972398294 + -0.251339379892392 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0202485754426978 + -0.250867601327207 + 0 + 0.0203030122370353 + -0.252465571935498 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0253370377099089 + -0.251367325069379 + 0 + 0.0254510463736146 + -0.254044204299816 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0304439477304975 + -0.251996802101443 + 0 + 0.030655938036711 + -0.25614382028161 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0355741777151249 + -0.252771143623856 + 0 + 0.0359273387751048 + -0.25869141716293 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0407333795871576 + -0.253709198760745 + 0 + 0.0412649052165872 + -0.261503596540872 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.045928108574321 + -0.254833066658725 + 0 + 0.0466698701239005 + -0.264498848974972 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0511656978861204 + -0.256164959299387 + 0 + 0.0521407299166446 + -0.267596018152469 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.05645367456718 + -0.257720889874877 + 0 + 0.0576634586644573 + -0.270609932383741 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0617981549101894 + -0.259497564284208 + 0 + 0.0632274525938167 + -0.273450652028253 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0672016737916246 + -0.261460261611015 + 0 + 0.0688317352254483 + -0.276142708501694 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0726632778514002 + -0.263554891770152 + 0 + 0.0744756835693676 + -0.278706532929218 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0781809030656052 + -0.265733057129669 + 0 + 0.080156798698473 + -0.281142432770991 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0837534980893882 + -0.267965814702187 + 0 + 0.0858720206272032 + -0.283446528098435 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0893820535374261 + -0.270245014640846 + 0 + 0.0916187039686472 + -0.285618706977297 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0950673048202867 + -0.272562583969479 + 0 + 0.0973919292382841 + -0.287644134473815 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.10080637136443 + -0.274889867212233 + 0 + 0.103180168402255 + -0.289470554253619 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.106592080589806 + -0.277178900382035 + 0 + 0.108962784267433 + -0.291003201938871 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.112414522895768 + -0.279375728192023 + 0 + 0.114710231709912 + -0.29211624291467 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.118265273051606 + -0.281444178623693 + 0 + 0.120394884590228 + -0.292717356909241 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.124140200269981 + -0.283376202677637 + 0 + 0.126019884959019 + -0.292886425779716 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.130037989855904 + -0.285178783453385 + 0 + 0.131617263509951 + -0.292829995839355 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.135958052107033 + -0.286861164376441 + 0 + 0.13720573239375 + -0.292659237799043 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.141899543519177 + -0.288430033297935 + 0 + 0.142807161928103 + -0.292482061000252 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.147861030622459 + -0.289888558354322 + 0 + 0.148468568781714 + -0.292498075124684 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.153840515485047 + -0.291237135333926 + 0 + 0.154216101474041 + -0.292791293818254 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.159835644728056 + -0.292474713435035 + 0 + 0.160042787701041 + -0.293301504303351 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.165843940031274 + -0.293599934913285 + 0 + 0.165935687007545 + -0.293953573279223 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.171862984425325 + -0.294611884702311 + 0 + 0.171886171525765 + -0.294698286934031 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.177890551247578 + -0.295510488641129 + 0 + 0.177890551247578 + -0.295510488641129 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.18392461408995 + -0.296296420541724 + 0 + 0.183949236616059 + -0.296382424718838 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.189962647976924 + -0.296968624987794 + 0 + 0.190066118646106 + -0.29731901251916 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.196000793528125 + -0.297521830303161 + 0 + 0.196248959371727 + -0.298337247414373 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.202033527737075 + -0.297946112316023 + 0 + 0.202511705669843 + -0.299471831587106 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.208053372145435 + -0.298226654191779 + 0 + 0.208875768401618 + -0.300776623757787 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.214050604867077 + -0.298343564660643 + 0 + 0.215357729737282 + -0.30228489999911 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.22001300205193 + -0.298271819627797 + 0 + 0.221926224108109 + -0.303885547700611 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.225925941907469 + -0.297982256979424 + 0 + 0.228506879752192 + -0.305356124085039 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.231772968670908 + -0.297443706698576 + 0 + 0.235050496392389 + -0.306567048740638 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.237537499672447 + -0.296627908498917 + 0 + 0.241504537098532 + -0.307392777658513 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.243205728307193 + -0.295516872087926 + 0 + 0.247781235175239 + -0.307627022015066 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.248771768802236 + -0.294114958930639 + 0 + 0.253835925776679 + -0.307194938426022 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.254242893436095 + -0.292459468332912 + 0 + 0.259688467383181 + -0.306191805037292 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.259635723622134 + -0.290607435380482 + 0 + 0.265375741506915 + -0.304746361753513 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.264967076032412 + -0.288611319448322 + 0 + 0.270927211537022 + -0.302958089327777 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.270248030400458 + -0.286505506315453 + 0 + 0.27635882078016 + -0.300886009294673 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.275482472946715 + -0.284304894694083 + 0 + 0.281673259357865 + -0.29855365551104 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.280674584283271 + -0.282023831984469 + 0 + 0.28686768781528 + -0.295970247758475 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.285837332474636 + -0.279694880889281 + 0 + 0.291940786614735 + -0.293147731685129 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.290992512042424 + -0.277366991112205 + 0 + 0.296889409935901 + -0.290093268835693 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.296165448407521 + -0.275092594034809 + 0 + 0.301701546722433 + -0.286794842101097 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.301374228411425 + -0.272904902100394 + 0 + 0.306362605586927 + -0.283236208267481 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.306623717152775 + -0.27080762829604 + 0 + 0.3109078706605 + -0.279503810602304 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.311909918368648 + -0.268786525148997 + 0 + 0.315417733087166 + -0.275767240882368 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.317225377724543 + -0.266821661277429 + 0 + 0.319929945551141 + -0.272099887720381 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.322561935800737 + -0.264893245169681 + 0 + 0.324484473393656 + -0.268573808833086 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.327912185121925 + -0.262984367053954 + 0 + 0.329171214364873 + -0.265349430637697 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.333270039234965 + -0.261081799207438 + 0 + 0.334032352787657 + -0.262487271184008 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.338630733701804 + -0.259175677097762 + 0 + 0.339042916652918 + -0.259921731094467 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.343990687686051 + -0.257258962845591 + 0 + 0.344169833648876 + -0.257577371899359 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.349347379634694 + -0.255326985763933 + 0 + 0.349391845513159 + -0.255404611616106 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.354699221987147 + -0.25337702648471 + 0 + 0.354699221987147 + -0.25337702648471 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.360045529973816 + -0.251408100536763 + 0 + 0.360091180602757 + -0.251485035622065 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.36538640248935 + -0.249420615876589 + 0 + 0.365575224850326 + -0.249733383709835 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.370722660398344 + -0.247416155849515 + 0 + 0.371168702849392 + -0.24814247360577 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.376055896662797 + -0.245397462273084 + 0 + 0.376902889081878 + -0.246753588104841 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.381388837126853 + -0.243368907032891 + 0 + 0.382825212977003 + -0.245630655207833 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.386725502577399 + -0.241336609070113 + 0 + 0.388977806614639 + -0.24482513686854 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.392071779627215 + -0.239309160604642 + 0 + 0.395325725868487 + -0.244267607475454 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.397435477561445 + -0.237297510617177 + 0 + 0.401770156478347 + -0.243797180988584 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.40282603322905 + -0.235314338102901 + 0 + 0.408264140407794 + -0.243339582541172 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.408252827083115 + -0.233371461630573 + 0 + 0.414758114595422 + -0.242821383764929 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.413721364156202 + -0.231474436494269 + 0 + 0.421139675542326 + -0.242083849792649 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.419225529616825 + -0.229612121203731 + 0 + 0.427346282289188 + -0.24104824491309 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.424739759508987 + -0.227747080648909 + 0 + 0.433379588777727 + -0.239729763870236 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.43022523477784 + -0.225826028651191 + 0 + 0.439238627927562 + -0.238139264953161 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.435644274669597 + -0.223800403935422 + 0 + 0.444909982956108 + -0.236270354663337 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.440969100399577 + -0.221637682540441 + 0 + 0.450377035719687 + -0.234112913119979 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.44618358952782 + -0.219322535887776 + 0 + 0.455625021711591 + -0.231659974014332 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.451271440941807 + -0.216840370083294 + 0 + 0.460630027718401 + -0.228893332285366 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.456203613189969 + -0.21416133509845 + 0 + 0.465344676614253 + -0.225766174884025 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.460939162954667 + -0.211242461154035 + 0 + 0.469694398287187 + -0.222200444715514 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.465433923835189 + -0.20803930466351 + 0 + 0.473584164690309 + -0.218097364534124 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469657308285336 + -0.204526520456555 + 0 + 0.476940858332451 + -0.213390475142492 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473601241943624 + -0.200707295858227 + 0 + 0.479806452853301 + -0.208155310059875 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477273723794102 + -0.196603798644425 + 0 + 0.482314790397806 + -0.202572282852884 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480690674196653 + -0.192246372247257 + 0 + 0.484547773269642 + -0.196751607896243 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.483870706576526 + -0.18766695099345 + 0 + 0.486592118410189 + -0.190803289193989 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.486833260974741 + -0.18289679978869 + 0 + 0.488602505613553 + -0.184908876774737 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489591094003175 + -0.177958155102587 + 0 + 0.490654726020656 + -0.17915195590713 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.49217039211644 + -0.172886908764178 + 0 + 0.492741507348046 + -0.173519616234827 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494533707109605 + -0.167648041380594 + 0 + 0.494780245151019 + -0.167917664442764 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.496867977902021 + -0.162448871638894 + 0 + 0.496928765212619 + -0.162514506158343 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498502766295665 + -0.156578684917574 + 0 + 0.498502766295665 + -0.156578684917574 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.500788892510983 + -0.151481612404188 + 0 + 0.500850499408243 + -0.151546478246379 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502521450472051 + -0.14587118274869 + 0 + 0.502774687496554 + -0.14613452399297 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.503660901409283 + -0.139736218025729 + 0 + 0.504255457594763 + -0.14034695061328 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505515300066612 + -0.134418152461549 + 0 + 0.506637561469306 + -0.135557012757443 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.506602537126236 + -0.12839893283478 + 0 + 0.508494603477969 + -0.130295974033697 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507861139216746 + -0.122637125011553 + 0 + 0.510810991627342 + -0.125559635992243 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508259693824949 + -0.116118436640817 + 0 + 0.512497436562383 + -0.120267641143258 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509562056080227 + -0.110572604992928 + 0 + 0.515176157875145 + -0.116005561580818 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510019484470317 + -0.104289551004154 + 0 + 0.51702468887087 + -0.110990645637718 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510568720296189 + -0.0981853642674538 + 0 + 0.518904269193531 + -0.106068156827404 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51060569979605 + -0.0916903776343334 + 0 + 0.520061764588541 + -0.100531974379127 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510726210835971 + -0.0853697924401946 + 0 + 0.521024862993285 + -0.0948918359815828 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510459819697791 + -0.0787879444926246 + 0 + 0.521361866973006 + -0.0887567313889643 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510891003013666 + -0.0729292987450382 + 0 + 0.522208594250152 + -0.0831649801050367 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510580543644727 + -0.0664822286462081 + 0 + 0.522159008004386 + -0.0768404227107852 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510430559146041 + -0.0602689708309202 + 0 + 0.522131256966648 + -0.0706243701718842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510183143716704 + -0.0540553931958588 + 0 + 0.521871113638058 + -0.0642898633983103 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510030168865181 + -0.0480076664737912 + 0 + 0.521562932539694 + -0.0580002840651655 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509527651557143 + -0.0417422364850628 + 0 + 0.520742077472739 + -0.0513582646858968 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509370226695051 + -0.0358559447539967 + 0 + 0.52006420902337 + -0.0449317527854089 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509213758098833 + -0.0300465413214522 + 0 + 0.51912592422925 + -0.0383736030457551 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509265647200457 + -0.0244843626847478 + 0 + 0.518086329950011 + -0.0318202572992374 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50920844434475 + -0.0189019234382706 + 0 + 0.516692021949889 + -0.0250641977107602 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510150299264422 + -0.0141985300804371 + 0 + 0.516205183816759 + -0.0191354855499001 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510380612622524 + -0.0089670427871408 + 0 + 0.514994976032946 + -0.0126928999809023 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510920505518028 + -0.00404387871181429 + 0 + 0.514163486697209 + -0.00663728819510931 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511486191336128 + 0.0008057088607229 + 0 + 0.513586434222514 + -0.000857919766084662 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512114275101439 + 0.00555457766445053 + 0 + 0.513372145402704 + 0.00456754385817189 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512886239473343 + 0.0101426596050763 + 0 + 0.513559157739012 + 0.00961952256861475 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.513396916780657 + 0.0148847825581318 + 0 + 0.513686348425213 + 0.014661832059932 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514228759375215 + 0.0193317700177648 + 0 + 0.514299868577701 + 0.0192774886342623 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51504754102053 + 0.0237457174441685 + 0 + 0.51504754102053 + 0.0237457174441685 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515923860951578 + 0.0280740867161304 + 0 + 0.515995432084217 + 0.0280204158651415 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.516914871795521 + 0.0322769849859283 + 0 + 0.517208076852237 + 0.0320590207773193 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517733850735903 + 0.0365677948935579 + 0 + 0.51841997688991 + 0.036062105016286 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.519497267829107 + 0.0401324451588042 + 0 + 0.52078819544304 + 0.0391890580033239 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520514883697567 + 0.0442143281161323 + 0 + 0.522684425090805 + 0.0426421415709762 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521837522488296 + 0.0480415234704993 + 0 + 0.525209471874189 + 0.0456181669107786 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523206261190857 + 0.0518058211500428 + 0 + 0.528035674595592 + 0.0483632744651133 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.524686322716065 + 0.0554621923568258 + 0 + 0.531065202233208 + 0.0509516433486273 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526379633729681 + 0.0589420636601844 + 0 + 0.534315800388649 + 0.0533747647870685 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52793008524993 + 0.0624960146713863 + 0 + 0.537346248856133 + 0.0559419581485611 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52989697983185 + 0.0657355948667036 + 0 + 0.540548803860489 + 0.0583783100944358 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.531953316169789 + 0.0688929663377595 + 0 + 0.543522241278913 + 0.0609625488657134 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.534232775614727 + 0.0718788446157459 + 0 + 0.546446398687204 + 0.0635686846642708 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.536376712471869 + 0.0749381465327901 + 0 + 0.549022116229484 + 0.0663970220104278 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.539448924171609 + 0.0773594370423272 + 0 + 0.552351987044929 + 0.0687070391264611 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.541768812160651 + 0.0802755653889961 + 0 + 0.554774762938143 + 0.0716161272216867 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.544345118595643 + 0.0830056311955981 + 0 + 0.557304322355187 + 0.0744375474468264 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.546863166718194 + 0.0857607102152399 + 0 + 0.559618799344709 + 0.0773850979631723 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549518743105631 + 0.0884126737829544 + 0 + 0.561892382212331 + 0.0803427046236091 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.551703070099359 + 0.0913560274525083 + 0 + 0.563474585105293 + 0.0837295614343228 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55419039988783 + 0.0940862046755032 + 0 + 0.56507599707224 + 0.0870794387813042 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.556206235361405 + 0.0971026367691441 + 0 + 0.565871078474497 + 0.0909211643262313 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.559123058060268 + 0.0995312853279216 + 0 + 0.567304567424617 + 0.0943312408567091 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.561000297785932 + 0.102609304632083 + 0 + 0.567605396459228 + 0.0984370357330786 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.563200541681953 + 0.10546636838032 + 0 + 0.568223374669041 + 0.102312718067496 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.564505421378423 + 0.10886472623115 + 0 + 0.568028006515896 + 0.106666068998698 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.566887036053185 + 0.111573308282341 + 0 + 0.569163620962188 + 0.110160565721984 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.56838129778772 + 0.11481807294804 + 0 + 0.569742011717993 + 0.113978471239191 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.570180111100047 + 0.117856485127912 + 0 + 0.570906595650503 + 0.117410714391841 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.571028957179202 + 0.121455104097672 + 0 + 0.571340816533778 + 0.121264785037981 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.572997949009286 + 0.124350568232757 + 0 + 0.573074421456835 + 0.124304146771783 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574267221894916 + 0.127656594779098 + 0 + 0.574267221894916 + 0.127656594779098 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574822890478299 + 0.131368614469152 + 0 + 0.574899573975092 + 0.131322542475568 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.576500108507367 + 0.134387139610429 + 0 + 0.576813690061004 + 0.134199671717879 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.577254613715441 + 0.137941098714128 + 0 + 0.577987129857456 + 0.137505310402129 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.578094292418925 + 0.141422957996492 + 0 + 0.579470109977865 + 0.140608341845134 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.578730600939134 + 0.14500489118572 + 0 + 0.581038859893325 + 0.143644515873484 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.579216715695933 + 0.148654357103119 + 0 + 0.582798264164558 + 0.146553116935159 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.579508252945147 + 0.152396730476281 + 0 + 0.584629452679553 + 0.149405464056841 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.579581332523745 + 0.156244994452482 + 0 + 0.586334753654483 + 0.152317341300726 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.579403774034308 + 0.160216801191338 + 0 + 0.587792698141627 + 0.15535845679194 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.57894777456715 + 0.164327049509464 + 0 + 0.588885814600127 + 0.158595107930374 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.578194361922611 + 0.168585402449619 + 0 + 0.589419646701347 + 0.162136838578988 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.577146186641268 + 0.172989078120572 + 0 + 0.589320016585478 + 0.166022772503467 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.57583736297765 + 0.177517483083033 + 0 + 0.588671115261759 + 0.170201326353865 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574322194678389 + 0.182138940012568 + 0 + 0.587590994900854 + 0.174602628915227 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.572652224040665 + 0.186823855088536 + 0 + 0.586172718600039 + 0.179172107047908 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.570863750271195 + 0.191551692031706 + 0 + 0.58447359522953 + 0.183876228188389 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.56897584456725 + 0.196311908296125 + 0 + 0.582518832644086 + 0.188700042877056 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.567007909442596 + 0.201093935638823 + 0 + 0.580320915949153 + 0.193635993425587 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.564997353243279 + 0.205877300983438 + 0 + 0.577895342663458 + 0.198674994693603 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.562997969768196 + 0.210632672587117 + 0 + 0.575253198660657 + 0.20381058241952 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.561067666715249 + 0.215328786861241 + 0 + 0.572386978048319 + 0.209046734226763 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.559246486115802 + 0.219944615734353 + 0 + 0.569284668480124 + 0.214389916031959 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557545844164233 + 0.22447513353747 + 0 + 0.566033665281687 + 0.219791710573479 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555959243612377 + 0.228925184850554 + 0 + 0.562803936410508 + 0.225158842228221 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554473736976886 + 0.233303057542361 + 0 + 0.559673065147775 + 0.230449752777153 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553075733960902 + 0.237617263497918 + 0 + 0.556718217509092 + 0.235623519964329 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.551753508658147 + 0.241875173669701 + 0 + 0.554105138920499 + 0.240591228383117 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55049799727919 + 0.246082603549017 + 0 + 0.551902136927073 + 0.245317838697063 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549302783744853 + 0.250243845168947 + 0 + 0.550051710286089 + 0.249836904894435 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.548163316114617 + 0.254362113601127 + 0 + 0.548484500315911 + 0.254187992062088 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.547076785163384 + 0.258439627758949 + 0 + 0.547155470515612 + 0.258397064833559 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.546041540323348 + 0.262477938844547 + 0 + 0.546041540323348 + 0.262477938844547 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.545057155620294 + 0.266477903324993 + 0 + 0.54513591569215 + 0.266435478823177 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.544124547604063 + 0.270439627843368 + 0 + 0.544446342406086 + 0.270266637361234 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.543246352674862 + 0.274362274647256 + 0 + 0.543997417753818 + 0.273959294997199 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.542427134559827 + 0.27824395963303 + 0 + 0.543836629225589 + 0.277489109835568 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.541673728326051 + 0.282081577690987 + 0 + 0.544036592078469 + 0.280818424779715 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.540995634267459 + 0.285870602199881 + 0 + 0.544659047381932 + 0.283915581987895 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.54040555501309 + 0.289604809112222 + 0 + 0.54563983283102 + 0.286816136087919 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.539919650229687 + 0.293276152893373 + 0 + 0.54681708759531 + 0.28960729557305 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.539556680130675 + 0.296875232373641 + 0 + 0.548118335599253 + 0.292328187880908 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.539335286099958 + 0.300392738904304 + 0 + 0.549470857472973 + 0.295017798262242 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.539268272687522 + 0.303822479094256 + 0 + 0.550708881370936 + 0.297764140434994 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.5393508088804 + 0.307167588447597 + 0 + 0.551749941827175 + 0.300610679752973 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.539549526688543 + 0.310446224809394 + 0 + 0.552612375867721 + 0.303547433734308 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.539812900339498 + 0.313686001444671 + 0 + 0.553310102237649 + 0.306566831182615 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.540093459399462 + 0.316912237559049 + 0 + 0.55383830784911 + 0.309671231944943 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.540360101826533 + 0.320141506864806 + 0 + 0.554187584255883 + 0.312865425868417 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.540599570325251 + 0.323380922857509 + 0 + 0.554351197146093 + 0.316152798551188 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.540798229020821 + 0.326637765435576 + 0 + 0.554308755567581 + 0.319543914807823 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.540924023728126 + 0.32992894565412 + 0 + 0.554006242960908 + 0.323066957099693 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.540928091346227 + 0.333280118874307 + 0 + 0.553351782992714 + 0.326769862709266 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.540757771673667 + 0.336718839469171 + 0 + 0.552226769221767 + 0.330714416965799 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.54037959449733 + 0.340262539162168 + 0 + 0.550545427694077 + 0.334945055793217 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.539791415299973 + 0.343912237783572 + 0 + 0.548382987170286 + 0.339421976011831 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.53901202590859 + 0.34765804034731 + 0 + 0.545937105929131 + 0.344041630116336 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.538069555273283 + 0.351485230396626 + 0 + 0.54332752713911 + 0.34874149327913 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.536994480154273 + 0.355377926958853 + 0 + 0.540676400964699 + 0.353457989766569 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.535815026639632 + 0.359321478244379 + 0 + 0.53819108545919 + 0.358083324426895 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.534555233968571 + 0.363303459369879 + 0 + 0.535973360897764 + 0.362564954500405 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.533234097734197 + 0.367314105678826 + 0 + 0.533990174515251 + 0.366920609487817 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.531865696402006 + 0.371346234559035 + 0 + 0.532189817895052 + 0.371177643754826 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530459426003982 + 0.375395112862437 + 0 + 0.530538800230377 + 0.375353848841097 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529020281375881 + 0.379458301993825 + 0 + 0.529020281375881 + 0.379458301993825 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.527549310015006 + 0.383535415083056 + 0 + 0.527628700802464 + 0.383494182933707 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526045936765373 + 0.387626904744344 + 0 + 0.526370193683262 + 0.387458574554778 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.524510247578134 + 0.391732876038091 + 0 + 0.525266799187143 + 0.39134029354473 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522943067233968 + 0.395853046844602 + 0 + 0.524362384988684 + 0.395116833193081 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521345589285743 + 0.399986940358411 + 0 + 0.52372415108524 + 0.398753601736735 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.519718690894851 + 0.404134240380255 + 0 + 0.52340528629554 + 0.402223294533774 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518061901247467 + 0.408295325395787 + 0 + 0.523327701082563 + 0.405566641902149 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51637221155114 + 0.412471883878459 + 0 + 0.523309143418118 + 0.408878260007979 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514643418921091 + 0.416667252368169 + 0 + 0.523251641928628 + 0.412208995462828 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512867020900908 + 0.420885950597459 + 0 + 0.523054905871745 + 0.415610839813393 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511036574327541 + 0.425131424327536 + 0 + 0.522533158555508 + 0.419179992109439 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509159182969168 + 0.429400101544355 + 0 + 0.521615759560877 + 0.422952989859552 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507267179700194 + 0.433675353988172 + 0 + 0.520387266808906 + 0.426886049072686 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505408674537394 + 0.43793239716501 + 0 + 0.51896174308946 + 0.430920166626684 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.503626140034609 + 0.442149371312442 + 0 + 0.517424660948293 + 0.43501117533573 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501944537843247 + 0.4463134770386 + 0 + 0.515822890960179 + 0.439134901987676 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.500370303081629 + 0.45042149238139 + 0 + 0.514169525906021 + 0.443284653399733 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498909938897703 + 0.454470150684394 + 0 + 0.512464391935626 + 0.447460596694136 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.49758853570312 + 0.458446564502282 + 0 + 0.510710646804995 + 0.451661172309808 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.496448498560407 + 0.462328887302509 + 0 + 0.508907661436521 + 0.455886775079962 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.495537215317347 + 0.466092691272893 + 0 + 0.507036819002528 + 0.460147095470864 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494884725302945 + 0.469722511709624 + 0 + 0.505075867635344 + 0.464453696669792 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494493068729593 + 0.473217349863049 + 0 + 0.503104556914647 + 0.468765403185449 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494347188474569 + 0.476585034539809 + 0 + 0.501287185066225 + 0.472997332830163 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494426631751383 + 0.479836173008036 + 0 + 0.499695104591987 + 0.477112654063808 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494711209236506 + 0.482981227112328 + 0 + 0.498399932483317 + 0.481074391911008 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.495183623645832 + 0.486029156295643 + 0 + 0.497563733715275 + 0.48479880819568 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.495830399117459 + 0.488986954495352 + 0 + 0.497250751937623 + 0.488252739747617 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.496641027035429 + 0.49186002655021 + 0 + 0.497398193448137 + 0.491468631130392 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497609495935737 + 0.4946515041578 + 0 + 0.497934045163041 + 0.494483738247752 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498726223164156 + 0.497366343133581 + 0 + 0.498805693039354 + 0.497325263622762 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499994052316792 + 0.500003074467614 + 0 + 0.499994052316792 + 0.500003074467614 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501273776835815 + 0.502633656859697 + 0 + 0.501194306960616 + 0.502674736370515 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502390504064066 + 0.505348495835564 + 0 + 0.502065954836761 + 0.505516261745612 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.503358972965224 + 0.508139973442715 + 0 + 0.502601806552515 + 0.508531368862533 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.504169600880994 + 0.51101304549871 + 0 + 0.50274924806083 + 0.511747260246445 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.504816376356613 + 0.513970843696357 + 0 + 0.50243626628717 + 0.515201191796319 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505288790762487 + 0.517018772881456 + 0 + 0.501600067515676 + 0.518925608082776 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505573368248714 + 0.520163826985177 + 0 + 0.50030489540811 + 0.522887345929405 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505652811525311 + 0.523414965453516 + 0 + 0.498712814933655 + 0.527002667163162 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505506931269217 + 0.52678265013083 + 0 + 0.496895443084163 + 0.53123459680843 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505115274696908 + 0.530277488283716 + 0 + 0.494924132364509 + 0.535546303323547 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.504462784683178 + 0.533907308720099 + 0 + 0.492963180997997 + 0.539852904522128 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.503551501440158 + 0.537671112690462 + 0 + 0.491092338564043 + 0.54411322491301 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502411464296648 + 0.541553435491102 + 0 + 0.489289353194773 + 0.548338827683575 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501090061103712 + 0.545529849308138 + 0 + 0.487535608065788 + 0.552539403298396 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499629696919019 + 0.549578507611538 + 0 + 0.485830474094627 + 0.556715346593195 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498055462154735 + 0.553686522955707 + 0 + 0.484177109037803 + 0.560865098006631 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.496373859966325 + 0.557850628680338 + 0 + 0.48257533905264 + 0.56498882465705 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494591325461415 + 0.562067602828871 + 0 + 0.481038256909349 + 0.569079833367197 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.492732820300824 + 0.566324646004566 + 0 + 0.479612733192112 + 0.573113950920052 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490840817030871 + 0.570599898448888 + 0 + 0.478384240439162 + 0.577047010133692 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488963425670836 + 0.574868575666567 + 0 + 0.47746684144287 + 0.580820007884664 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487132979098937 + 0.579114049395885 + 0 + 0.4769450941281 + 0.584389160179951 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485356581080193 + 0.583332747624428 + 0 + 0.476748358072655 + 0.587791004529769 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.483627788447431 + 0.587528116115544 + 0 + 0.476690856580452 + 0.591121739986025 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481938098753818 + 0.59170467459681 + 0 + 0.476672298918722 + 0.594433358090448 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480281309104514 + 0.595865759613337 + 0 + 0.476594713703826 + 0.597776705459818 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47865441071406 + 0.600013059634958 + 0 + 0.476275848914562 + 0.601246398256634 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477056932768216 + 0.60414695314753 + 0 + 0.475637615013499 + 0.604883166799051 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.475489752422125 + 0.608267123955035 + 0 + 0.474733200813116 + 0.608659706448397 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473954063234088 + 0.612373095249199 + 0 + 0.473629806316199 + 0.612541425438765 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.472450689985132 + 0.616464584910135 + 0 + 0.472371299197675 + 0.616505817059484 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470979718624506 + 0.620541697999236 + 0 + 0.470979718624506 + 0.620541697999236 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.46954057399651 + 0.62460488713057 + 0 + 0.469461199770114 + 0.624646151151911 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.468134303597581 + 0.628653765434444 + 0 + 0.467810182104536 + 0.628822356238653 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.46676590226777 + 0.632685894313411 + 0 + 0.466009825486716 + 0.633079390504421 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.465444766031685 + 0.636696540623247 + 0 + 0.464026639102491 + 0.637435045492721 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.464184973359164 + 0.640678521749514 + 0 + 0.461808914539606 + 0.641916675566998 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.46300551984797 + 0.644622073033242 + 0 + 0.459323599037545 + 0.646542010225527 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.461930444725666 + 0.648514769597185 + 0 + 0.456672472859839 + 0.65125850671468 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.460987974091236 + 0.652341959646045 + 0 + 0.454062894070695 + 0.655958369877019 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.460208584699153 + 0.65608776221015 + 0 + 0.45161701282884 + 0.660578023981891 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.459620405501807 + 0.659737460831548 + 0 + 0.449454572305059 + 0.6650549442005 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.459242228328693 + 0.663281160522857 + 0 + 0.447773230780592 + 0.669285583026229 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.459071908653092 + 0.66671988111931 + 0 + 0.446648217006605 + 0.673230137284351 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.459075976274563 + 0.670071054337734 + 0 + 0.445993757041781 + 0.67693304289216 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.459201770978671 + 0.673362234557953 + 0 + 0.44569124443191 + 0.680456085185706 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.459400429677243 + 0.676619077134443 + 0 + 0.445648802856401 + 0.683847201440764 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.459639898171639 + 0.679858493129418 + 0 + 0.445812415742289 + 0.687134574125807 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.459906540601516 + 0.683087762433699 + 0 + 0.446161692151867 + 0.690328768047806 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.460187099659798 + 0.686313998548964 + 0 + 0.446689897761646 + 0.693433168811019 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.460450473313733 + 0.689553775182666 + 0 + 0.447387624134555 + 0.696452566257752 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.460649191118179 + 0.692832411546414 + 0 + 0.448250058171403 + 0.699389320241037 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.460731727311334 + 0.696177520899615 + 0 + 0.449291118627919 + 0.702235859558878 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.46066471390233 + 0.699607261087745 + 0 + 0.450529142529315 + 0.704982201729808 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.460443319870062 + 0.70312476761923 + 0 + 0.451881664401484 + 0.707671812111963 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.460080349772859 + 0.706723847098535 + 0 + 0.453182912407235 + 0.710392704418858 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.45959444498683 + 0.710395190881084 + 0 + 0.454360167168899 + 0.713183863905387 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.459004365732334 + 0.714129397793494 + 0 + 0.455340952617862 + 0.716084418005479 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.458326271674718 + 0.717918422301861 + 0 + 0.4559634079223 + 0.719181575213134 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.457572865439708 + 0.721756040360482 + 0 + 0.456163370773946 + 0.722510890157944 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.456753647325805 + 0.725637725345652 + 0 + 0.456002582246848 + 0.726040704995709 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.455875452395947 + 0.729560372149885 + 0 + 0.455553657593923 + 0.729733362632019 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.45494284437804 + 0.733522096669167 + 0 + 0.454864084306183 + 0.733564521170983 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453958459678774 + 0.737522061147572 + 0 + 0.453958459678774 + 0.737522061147572 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.452923214834805 + 0.741560372235291 + 0 + 0.452844529482577 + 0.741602935160681 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.451836683886441 + 0.745637886391561 + 0 + 0.451515499685148 + 0.745812007930601 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.450697216256959 + 0.74975615482333 + 0 + 0.449948289715722 + 0.750163095097842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.449502002720713 + 0.753917396444294 + 0 + 0.448097863072831 + 0.754682161296249 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.448246491342158 + 0.7581248263234 + 0 + 0.445894861079807 + 0.759408771609983 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446924266041652 + 0.762382736493947 + 0 + 0.443281782493463 + 0.764376480027536 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445526263023122 + 0.766696942450897 + 0 + 0.440326934852234 + 0.769550247216105 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444040756389919 + 0.771074815141451 + 0 + 0.437196063591788 + 0.774841157763784 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442454155836248 + 0.775524866455527 + 0 + 0.433966334718795 + 0.780208289419518 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.440753513885179 + 0.78005538425836 + 0 + 0.430715331520857 + 0.785610083960754 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.438932333284326 + 0.784671213132259 + 0 + 0.427613021951256 + 0.790953265766738 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.437002030232522 + 0.789367327405745 + 0 + 0.42474680134006 + 0.796189417573343 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.435002646755985 + 0.794122699010231 + 0 + 0.422104657335806 + 0.801325005300066 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.432992090555897 + 0.798906064355285 + 0 + 0.41967908404934 + 0.806364006568522 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.431024155433248 + 0.803688091696854 + 0 + 0.417481167356412 + 0.811299957115922 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.429136249728753 + 0.808448307961583 + 0 + 0.415526404770417 + 0.816123771804899 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.427347775959291 + 0.813176144904752 + 0 + 0.413827281399917 + 0.82082789294538 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425677805320726 + 0.817861059981198 + 0 + 0.41240900509826 + 0.825397371078539 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.424162637023815 + 0.822482516909397 + 0 + 0.411328884739706 + 0.829798673638565 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.422853813357316 + 0.827010921873502 + 0 + 0.410679983413106 + 0.833977227490607 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.421805638077196 + 0.831414597543763 + 0 + 0.41058035329846 + 0.837863161414394 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.421052225434321 + 0.835672950482952 + 0 + 0.411114185401343 + 0.841404892062042 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.420596225965759 + 0.839783198801878 + 0 + 0.41220730185844 + 0.844641543201276 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.420418667474627 + 0.843755005541727 + 0 + 0.41366524634389 + 0.847682658693483 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.420491747054791 + 0.847603269517016 + 0 + 0.415370547320385 + 0.850594535936456 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.420783284305508 + 0.851345642889303 + 0 + 0.417201735836883 + 0.853446883057264 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.421269399061843 + 0.854995108806971 + 0 + 0.418961140107651 + 0.856355484119208 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.42190570758117 + 0.858577041996703 + 0 + 0.42052989002223 + 0.859391658148061 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.422745386284277 + 0.862058901279305 + 0 + 0.422012870142262 + 0.862494689591304 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.423499891494438 + 0.865612860381762 + 0 + 0.423186309940801 + 0.865800328274311 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425177109521543 + 0.868631385524211 + 0 + 0.42510042602475 + 0.868677457517796 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425732778105591 + 0.87234340521387 + 0 + 0.425732778105591 + 0.87234340521387 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.427002050991308 + 0.875649431760149 + 0 + 0.426925578543759 + 0.875695853221124 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.428971042820199 + 0.878544895895962 + 0 + 0.428659183465623 + 0.878735214955653 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.429819888901348 + 0.882143514864502 + 0 + 0.429093404350892 + 0.882589285600572 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.431618702211388 + 0.885181927045774 + 0 + 0.430257988281115 + 0.886021528754623 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.433112963947368 + 0.888426691710593 + 0 + 0.430836379038365 + 0.889839434270951 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.43549457862251 + 0.89113527376153 + 0 + 0.431971993485036 + 0.893333930993981 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.436799458317105 + 0.89453363161353 + 0 + 0.431776625330017 + 0.897687281926354 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.438999702213325 + 0.897390695361655 + 0 + 0.432394603540028 + 0.90156296426066 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.440876941939902 + 0.900468714665237 + 0 + 0.432695432575553 + 0.90566875913645 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.443793764639025 + 0.902897363223848 + 0 + 0.434128921525933 + 0.909078835666761 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445809600113911 + 0.90591379531664 + 0 + 0.434924002929502 + 0.912920561210839 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.448296929899834 + 0.90864397254128 + 0 + 0.436525414893901 + 0.916270438559465 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.450481256893317 + 0.911587326210997 + 0 + 0.438107617786617 + 0.919657295370342 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453136833282173 + 0.914239289777779 + 0 + 0.440381200655657 + 0.922614902029847 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.455654881403632 + 0.916994368798147 + 0 + 0.442695677644088 + 0.925562452546919 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.458231187840771 + 0.919724434603325 + 0 + 0.445225237063279 + 0.928383872770634 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.460551075827973 + 0.922640562951216 + 0 + 0.447648012954653 + 0.931292960867082 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.463623287527058 + 0.925061853461201 + 0 + 0.450977883769443 + 0.933602977983564 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.465767224385875 + 0.928121155377108 + 0 + 0.453553601313398 + 0.936431315328583 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.468046683828445 + 0.931107033656712 + 0 + 0.456477758719321 + 0.939037451128758 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470103020169109 + 0.9342644051259 + 0 + 0.459451196140471 + 0.941621689898168 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.472069914749653 + 0.937503985322169 + 0 + 0.46265375114345 + 0.944058041844994 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473620366271459 + 0.941057936332292 + 0 + 0.465684199612491 + 0.946625235205408 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.475313677283955 + 0.944537807636429 + 0 + 0.468934797766812 + 0.949048356644628 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476793738809839 + 0.948194178842727 + 0 + 0.471964325405104 + 0.951636725527657 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.478162477512065 + 0.95195847652251 + 0 + 0.474790528126173 + 0.95438183308223 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479485116303257 + 0.955785671876535 + 0 + 0.477315574910018 + 0.957357858421691 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480502732171073 + 0.959867554834338 + 0 + 0.47921180455714 + 0.960810941989819 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482266149264549 + 0.963432205099366 + 0 + 0.481580023110542 + 0.963937894976638 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.483085128203762 + 0.967723015007875 + 0 + 0.482791923147046 + 0.967940979216484 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484076139049492 + 0.97192591327634 + 0 + 0.484004567916852 + 0.971979584127329 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484952458979156 + 0.976254282549339 + 0 + 0.484952458979156 + 0.976254282549339 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485771240625702 + 0.980668229974803 + 0 + 0.485700131423216 + 0.980722511358305 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.486603083218275 + 0.985115217435951 + 0 + 0.486313651573718 + 0.98533816793415 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487113760525315 + 0.989857340389235 + 0 + 0.486440842259646 + 0.990380477425696 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487885724898131 + 0.99444542232916 + 0 + 0.486627854596867 + 0.995432456135439 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488513808665488 + 0.999194291131257 + 0 + 0.486413565779102 + 1.00085791975806 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489079494480635 + 1.00404387870614 + 0 + 0.485836513301455 + 1.00663728818944 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489619387378706 + 1.00896704277942 + 0 + 0.485005023968283 + 1.01269289997318 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.48984970073416 + 1.01419853007487 + 0 + 0.483794816181823 + 1.01913548554433 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490791555656742 + 1.0189019234303 + 0 + 0.483307978051604 + 1.02506419770279 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490734352796636 + 1.02448436268044 + 0 + 0.481913670047082 + 1.03182025729493 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490786241901715 + 1.03004654131426 + 0 + 0.480874075771299 + 1.03837360303856 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490629773304181 + 1.03585594474792 + 0 + 0.479935790975862 + 1.04493175277933 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490472348444341 + 1.04174223647706 + 0 + 0.479257922528744 + 1.05135826467789 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489969831134394 + 1.04800766646744 + 0 + 0.478437067459881 + 1.05800028405882 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489816856282804 + 1.05405539318956 + 0 + 0.47812888636145 + 1.06428986339201 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489569440852917 + 1.06026897082511 + 0 + 0.47786874303231 + 1.07062437016608 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489419456355436 + 1.06648222863933 + 0 + 0.477840991995778 + 1.07684042270391 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489108996986639 + 1.07292929873803 + 0 + 0.477791405750153 + 1.08316498009803 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489540180301635 + 1.07878794448641 + 0 + 0.478638133026421 + 1.08875673138275 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.48927378916428 + 1.08536979243324 + 0 + 0.478975137006965 + 1.09489183597463 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489394300204536 + 1.09169037762706 + 0 + 0.479938235412046 + 1.10053197437185 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489431279703778 + 1.09818536426075 + 0 + 0.481095730806437 + 1.1060681568207 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489980515528711 + 1.10428955099835 + 0 + 0.482975311128157 + 1.11099064563192 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490437943919443 + 1.11057260498653 + 0 + 0.484823842124525 + 1.11600556157442 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491740306175537 + 1.11611843663361 + 0 + 0.487502563438103 + 1.12026764113605 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.492138860782553 + 1.12263712500552 + 0 + 0.489189008371956 + 1.12555963598621 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.493397462874516 + 1.12839893282729 + 0 + 0.491505396522784 + 1.13029597402621 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494484699932912 + 1.13441815245532 + 0 + 0.493362438530218 + 1.13555701275121 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.496339098590488 + 1.13973621801923 + 0 + 0.495744542405009 + 1.14034695060678 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497478549528464 + 1.14587118274143 + 0 + 0.497225312503961 + 1.14613452398571 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499211107488583 + 1.15148161239792 + 0 + 0.499149500591323 + 1.15154647824011 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501497233706143 + 1.15657868490891 + 0 + 0.501497233706143 + 1.15657868490891 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.503132022096365 + 1.16244887163391 + 0 + 0.503071234785767 + 1.16251450615336 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505466292890499 + 1.16764804137375 + 0 + 0.505219754849085 + 1.16791766443592 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507829607883374 + 1.17288690875765 + 0 + 0.507258492651767 + 1.1735196162283 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510408905996524 + 1.17795815509619 + 0 + 0.509345273979043 + 1.17915195590073 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.513166739024484 + 1.18289679978285 + 0 + 0.511397494385672 + 1.1849088767689 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.516129293423914 + 1.18766695098621 + 0 + 0.513407881590251 + 1.19080328918675 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.519309325802531 + 1.19224637224149 + 0 + 0.515452226729542 + 1.19675160789047 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522726276206294 + 1.19660379863723 + 0 + 0.51768520960259 + 1.20257228284569 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526398758055333 + 1.20070729585276 + 0 + 0.520193547145657 + 1.2081553100544 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.53034269171544 + 1.20452652044889 + 0 + 0.523059141668325 + 1.21339047513482 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.534566076164627 + 1.20803930465701 + 0 + 0.526415835309506 + 1.21809736452763 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.539060837046574 + 1.21124246114577 + 0 + 0.530305601714054 + 1.22220044470725 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.543796386809838 + 1.21416133509198 + 0 + 0.534655323385555 + 1.22576617487756 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.548728559057522 + 1.21684037007744 + 0 + 0.539369972280929 + 1.22889333227951 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553816410472842 + 1.21932253588019 + 0 + 0.544374978289072 + 1.23165997400674 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.559030899599552 + 1.22163768253486 + 0 + 0.549622964279443 + 1.2341129131144 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.564355725330429 + 1.22380040392866 + 0 + 0.555090017043918 + 1.23627035465657 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.569774765221657 + 1.22582602864516 + 0 + 0.560761372071935 + 1.23813926494713 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.575260240490855 + 1.2277470806424 + 0 + 0.566620411222114 + 1.23972976386373 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.580774470383456 + 1.22961212119661 + 0 + 0.572653717711093 + 1.24104824490597 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.586278635844194 + 1.23147443648696 + 0 + 0.578860324458071 + 1.24208384978534 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.59174717291588 + 1.23337146162531 + 0 + 0.585241885403573 + 1.24282138375966 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.597173966772298 + 1.23531433809419 + 0 + 0.591735859593554 + 1.24333958253247 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.602564522438089 + 1.23729751061113 + 0 + 0.598229843521187 + 1.24379718098254 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.607928220372582 + 1.23930916059823 + 0 + 0.60467427413131 + 1.24426760746904 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.613274497423257 + 1.24133660906239 + 0 + 0.611022193386017 + 1.24482513686082 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.618611162872118 + 1.2433689070278 + 0 + 0.617174787021968 + 1.24563065520274 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.623944103337755 + 1.24539746226548 + 0 + 0.623097110918674 + 1.24675358809723 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.62927733959981 + 1.24741615584578 + 0 + 0.628831297148763 + 1.24814247360204 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.634613597511245 + 1.24942061586885 + 0 + 0.634424775150268 + 1.24973338370209 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.639954470024814 + 1.25140810053233 + 0 + 0.639908819395873 + 1.25148503561763 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.645300778013203 + 1.25337702647739 + 0 + 0.645300778013203 + 1.25337702647739 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.650652620364284 + 1.25532698575899 + 0 + 0.65060815448582 + 1.25540461161116 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.656009312313379 + 1.25725896283987 + 0 + 0.655830166350554 + 1.25757737189364 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.661369266298539 + 1.25917567709041 + 0 + 0.660957083347425 + 1.25992173108711 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.666729960763724 + 1.26108179920314 + 0 + 0.665967647211033 + 1.26248727117971 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.672087814879429 + 1.26298436704468 + 0 + 0.67082878563648 + 1.26534943062842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.677438064199064 + 1.2648932451633 + 0 + 0.675515526606145 + 1.26857380882671 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.682774622275221 + 1.26682166127117 + 0 + 0.680070054448623 + 1.27209988771412 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.688090081631406 + 1.26878652514216 + 0 + 0.684582266912888 + 1.27576724087553 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.693376282847381 + 1.27080762828899 + 0 + 0.689092129339657 + 1.27950381059526 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.698625771589106 + 1.27290490209256 + 0 + 0.693637394413603 + 1.28323620825965 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.703834551592257 + 1.27509259402854 + 0 + 0.698298453277344 + 1.28679484209483 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.709007487957009 + 1.27736699110671 + 0 + 0.703110590063532 + 1.2900932688302 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.714162667525849 + 1.27969488088149 + 0 + 0.70805921338575 + 1.29314773167734 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.719325415716398 + 1.28202383197852 + 0 + 0.71313231218439 + 1.29597024775252 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.724517527054398 + 1.28430489468478 + 0 + 0.718326740643248 + 1.29855365550174 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.729751969598726 + 1.28650550631065 + 0 + 0.723641179219024 + 1.30088600928987 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.735032923968158 + 1.28861131944024 + 0 + 0.729072788463548 + 1.3029580893197 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.740364276376578 + 1.29060743537694 + 0 + 0.734624258491797 + 1.30474636174997 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.745757106564614 + 1.29245946832441 + 0 + 0.740311532617528 + 1.30619180502879 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.751228231197731 + 1.294114958924 + 0 + 0.746164074223288 + 1.30719493841938 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.75679427169294 + 1.29551687208086 + 0 + 0.752218764824894 + 1.307627022008 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.762462500327828 + 1.29662790849142 + 0 + 0.758495462901744 + 1.30739277765102 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.768227031328127 + 1.29744370669454 + 0 + 0.764949503606646 + 1.30656704873661 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.774074058092519 + 1.29798225697274 + 0 + 0.771493120247795 + 1.30535612407835 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.779986997947901 + 1.29827181962156 + 0 + 0.778073775891722 + 1.30388554769437 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.785949395132288 + 1.29834356465585 + 0 + 0.784642270262083 + 1.30228489999431 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.791946627855011 + 1.29822665418366 + 0 + 0.791124231598829 + 1.30077662374967 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.797966472262931 + 1.29794611230926 + 0 + 0.797488294330163 + 1.29947183158035 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.803999206471849 + 1.29752183029653 + 0 + 0.803751040628247 + 1.29833724740775 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.810037352023201 + 1.29696862498062 + 0 + 0.80993388135402 + 1.29731901251199 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.816075385909219 + 1.29629642053788 + 0 + 0.816050763383111 + 1.296382424715 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.822109448753179 + 1.29551048863167 + 0 + 0.822109448753179 + 1.29551048863167 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.828137015574863 + 1.29461188469485 + 0 + 0.828113828474422 + 1.29469828692657 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.834156059968561 + 1.29359993490717 + 0 + 0.83406431299229 + 1.2939535732731 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.840164355271219 + 1.29247471343121 + 0 + 0.839957212298234 + 1.29330150429953 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.846159484515316 + 1.29123713532569 + 0 + 0.845783898526322 + 1.29279129381002 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.852138969377676 + 1.28988855834697 + 0 + 0.851531431218422 + 1.29249807511733 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.858100456480297 + 1.28843003329355 + 0 + 0.857192838071371 + 1.29248206099586 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.864041947893163 + 1.28686116436883 + 0 + 0.862794267606446 + 1.29265923779143 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.869962010144132 + 1.28517878344645 + 0 + 0.868382736490085 + 1.29282999583242 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.875859799729422 + 1.28337620267393 + 0 + 0.873980115040384 + 1.29288642577601 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.881734726948772 + 1.28144417861498 + 0 + 0.87960511541015 + 1.29271735690052 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.8875854771041 + 1.27937572818605 + 0 + 0.885289768289956 + 1.29211624290869 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.893407919410236 + 1.27717890037508 + 0 + 0.891037215732609 + 1.29100320193191 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.899193628635538 + 1.2748898672057 + 0 + 0.896819831597712 + 1.28947055424709 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.904932695179275 + 1.2725625839656 + 0 + 0.902608070761278 + 1.28764413446994 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.910617946462801 + 1.27024501463256 + 0 + 0.90838129603158 + 1.28561870696902 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.916246501910292 + 1.26796581469777 + 0 + 0.914127979372477 + 1.28344652809402 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.921819096934707 + 1.26573305712053 + 0 + 0.919843201301839 + 1.28114243276185 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.927336722148503 + 1.26355489176423 + 0 + 0.925524316430536 + 1.27870653292329 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.932798326208398 + 1.26146026160413 + 0 + 0.931168264774575 + 1.2761427084948 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.93820184508954 + 1.25949756428013 + 0 + 0.936772547405913 + 1.27345065202418 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.943546325432942 + 1.25772088986679 + 0 + 0.942336541335664 + 1.27060993237566 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.948834302113903 + 1.25616495929239 + 0 + 0.947859270083379 + 1.26759601814547 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.95407189142556 + 1.25483306665351 + 0 + 0.95333012987598 + 1.26449884896976 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.95926662041291 + 1.25370919875307 + 0 + 0.95873509478348 + 1.2615035965332 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.964425822284753 + 1.25277114361913 + 0 + 0.964072661224773 + 1.2586914171582 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.969556052269528 + 1.25199680209434 + 0 + 0.969344061963315 + 1.2561438202745 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.974662962290117 + 1.25136732506217 + 0 + 0.974548953626411 + 1.2540442042926 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.979751424557303 + 1.25086760132042 + 0 + 0.979696987762966 + 1.25246557192871 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.984825669704982 + 1.25048731324957 + 0 + 0.984803902760182 + 1.25133937988505 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.989889548320672 + 1.25021588984422 + 0 + 0.989883327781329 + 1.25058118274917 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.994946525982812 + 1.25005631644855 + 0 + 0.994945764377118 + 1.25014577262347 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 1 + 1.2499798172808 + 0 + 1 + 1.2499798172808 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 4a8d3dce-1af8-4a3f-8ae9-5b65d5513452 + d2c53264-57e1-4d11-b625-5a5eefefe7c0 + dc33f043-a46c-4bbe-aa2b-e04d7f37a6de + b1dbb9a1-e34d-4d93-b860-212e9f8b0ced + 4 + 34ed4d72-a66c-466f-9dea-f2b8b0e09fd3 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + ac2bc2cb-70fb-4dd5-9c78-7e1ea97fe278 + Geometry + + + + + Contains a collection of generic geometry + true + 877d2e21-2c71-45e9-a01b-cba8e05bea92 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26461 + -15438 + 50 + 24 + + + 26486.88 + -15426 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + -1 + + 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+ + 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Curve + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 877d2e21-2c71-45e9-a01b-cba8e05bea92 + d2c53264-57e1-4d11-b625-5a5eefefe7c0 + dc33f043-a46c-4bbe-aa2b-e04d7f37a6de + b1dbb9a1-e34d-4d93-b860-212e9f8b0ced + 4 + dc763cb7-1ae7-443e-a17a-e23649751552 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + ac2bc2cb-70fb-4dd5-9c78-7e1ea97fe278 + Geometry + + + + + Contains a collection of generic geometry + true + d46478aa-3074-4190-939c-d3342e8b01c0 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26461 + -16156 + 50 + 24 + + + 26486.88 + -16144 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 513 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + + 8.31187957663209E-17 + -0.24997981727771 + 0 + 8.31187957663209E-17 + -0.24997981727771 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.00505423562287416 + -0.250145772628349 + 0 + 0.00505579079448798 + -0.250328438941119 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0101166722186634 + -0.250581182755773 + 0 + 0.0101302839851524 + -0.251380515650879 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0151960972398294 + -0.251339379892392 + 0 + 0.0152491190912052 + -0.253414919244564 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0203030122370353 + -0.252465571935498 + 0 + 0.0204360062025512 + -0.256369557292481 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0254510463736146 + -0.254044204299816 + 0 + 0.0256951342190955 + -0.259775292295518 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.030655938036711 + -0.25614382028161 + 0 + 0.0310139688299929 + -0.263147726428641 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0359273387751048 + -0.25869141716293 + 0 + 0.0363816718926596 + -0.266307705136293 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0412649052165872 + -0.261503596540872 + 0 + 0.0417964308460186 + -0.269297994321025 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0466698701239005 + -0.264498848974972 + 0 + 0.0472536739461035 + -0.272106308089032 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0521407299166446 + -0.267596018152469 + 0 + 0.0527367560333432 + -0.274583695895008 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0576634586644573 + -0.270609932383741 + 0 + 0.0581995183412103 + -0.276321113392407 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0632274525938167 + -0.273450652028253 + 0 + 0.0636255100087909 + -0.277336567539015 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0688317352254483 + -0.276142708501694 + 0 + 0.0690608315079947 + -0.278206246679791 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0744756835693676 + -0.278706532929218 + 0 + 0.0745706349708621 + -0.279500322944738 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.080156798698473 + -0.281142432770991 + 0 + 0.0801800320483679 + -0.281323622207306 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0858720206272032 + -0.283446528098435 + 0 + 0.0858720206272032 + -0.283446528098435 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0916187039686472 + -0.285618706977297 + 0 + 0.0916450033749502 + -0.285799476835425 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0973919292382841 + -0.287644134473815 + 0 + 0.0975137156265353 + -0.288434252460588 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.103180168402255 + -0.289470554253619 + 0 + 0.10351379268512 + -0.2915197906375 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.108962784267433 + -0.291003201938871 + 0 + 0.10962302194108 + -0.294853250675795 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.114710231709912 + -0.29211624291467 + 0 + 0.115727468527291 + -0.297761610728034 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.120394884590228 + -0.292717356909241 + 0 + 0.121696692177779 + -0.299608524036104 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.126019884959019 + -0.292886425779716 + 0 + 0.127499291793491 + -0.300371451931509 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.131617263509951 + -0.292829995839355 + 0 + 0.133196537164003 + -0.300481208225351 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.13720573239375 + -0.292659237799043 + 0 + 0.138810842748806 + -0.300118318293514 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.142807161928103 + -0.292482061000252 + 0 + 0.14434004022216 + -0.299325537565637 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.148468568781714 + -0.292498075124684 + 0 + 0.149769282916235 + -0.298084942872452 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.154216101474041 + -0.292791293818254 + 0 + 0.155133691693607 + -0.296588242231303 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.160042787701041 + -0.293301504303351 + 0 + 0.16054736489495 + -0.29531547470396 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.165935687007545 + -0.293953573279223 + 0 + 0.166136447479939 + -0.294727403745222 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.171886171525765 + -0.294698286934031 + 0 + 0.171933518756356 + -0.294874717203926 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.177890551247578 + -0.295510488641129 + 0 + 0.177890551247578 + -0.295510488641129 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.183949236616059 + -0.296382424718838 + 0 + 0.183999514934573 + -0.29655804217545 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.190066118646106 + -0.29731901251916 + 0 + 0.190292532869964 + -0.298085729518202 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.196248959371727 + -0.298337247414373 + 0 + 0.196853463706027 + -0.300323512610402 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.202511705669843 + -0.299471831587106 + 0 + 0.20367993719918 + -0.303199300454348 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.208875768401618 + -0.300776623757787 + 0 + 0.210636484857528 + -0.306236003397698 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.215357729737282 + -0.30228489999911 + 0 + 0.217565335181875 + -0.308941428040542 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.221926224108109 + -0.303885547700611 + 0 + 0.224387537768817 + -0.311107472384414 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.228506879752192 + -0.305356124085039 + 0 + 0.231087817596925 + -0.312729991190678 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.235050496392389 + -0.306567048740638 + 0 + 0.237630076329177 + -0.313747579948328 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.241504537098532 + -0.307392777658513 + 0 + 0.243929542470506 + -0.313973221132266 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.247781235175239 + -0.307627022015066 + 0 + 0.249808658695011 + -0.312993072924465 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.253835925776679 + -0.307194938426022 + 0 + 0.255246286443573 + -0.310837694505103 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.259688467383181 + -0.306191805037292 + 0 + 0.260453813229492 + -0.308121810388237 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.265375741506915 + -0.304746361753513 + 0 + 0.265676459352462 + -0.305487095939814 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.270927211537022 + -0.302958089327777 + 0 + 0.270997293130045 + -0.303126784231964 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.27635882078016 + -0.300886009294673 + 0 + 0.27635882078016 + -0.300886009294673 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.281673259357865 + -0.29855365551104 + 0 + 0.28174605303402 + -0.298721197986524 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.28686768781528 + -0.295970247758475 + 0 + 0.287192142684371 + -0.296700896371221 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.291940786614735 + -0.293147731685129 + 0 + 0.292798593949585 + -0.295038456809365 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.296889409935901 + -0.290093268835693 + 0 + 0.298531687789377 + -0.293637519463736 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.301701546722433 + -0.286794842101097 + 0 + 0.304154611760934 + -0.291980150231544 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.306362605586927 + -0.283236208267481 + 0 + 0.309411944463461 + -0.28955161955903 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.3109078706605 + -0.279503810602304 + 0 + 0.314279715957862 + -0.286348145512692 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.315417733087166 + -0.275767240882368 + 0 + 0.318925547805695 + -0.282747956615763 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.319929945551141 + -0.272099887720381 + 0 + 0.323409306306166 + -0.278890197714137 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.324484473393656 + -0.268573808833086 + 0 + 0.327731450445587 + -0.274789919143368 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.329171214364873 + -0.265349430637697 + 0 + 0.331866744031829 + -0.270412934198015 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.334032352787657 + -0.262487271184008 + 0 + 0.335894753091952 + -0.265920965137895 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.339042916652918 + -0.259921731094467 + 0 + 0.340046948379671 + -0.26173903547481 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.344169833648876 + -0.257577371899359 + 0 + 0.344561840334936 + -0.258274113684721 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.349391845513159 + -0.255404611616106 + 0 + 0.349482643248151 + -0.255563120832556 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.354699221987147 + -0.25337702648471 + 0 + 0.354699221987147 + -0.25337702648471 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.360091180602757 + -0.251485035622065 + 0 + 0.360184397555891 + -0.251642134317248 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.365575224850326 + -0.249733383709835 + 0 + 0.365988405403285 + -0.250417781392503 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.371168702849392 + -0.24814247360577 + 0 + 0.372255212543982 + -0.249911702704192 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.376902889081878 + -0.246753588104841 + 0 + 0.378972167443079 + -0.250066725006067 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.382825212977003 + -0.245630655207833 + 0 + 0.385900434413408 + -0.250472964740263 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.388977806614639 + -0.24482513686854 + 0 + 0.392781726782351 + -0.25071691747571 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.395325725868487 + -0.244267607475454 + 0 + 0.399511848597411 + -0.250646528824184 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.401770156478347 + -0.243797180988584 + 0 + 0.406104835395263 + -0.250296851360014 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.408264140407794 + -0.243339582541172 + 0 + 0.41254420555582 + -0.249655855445628 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.414758114595422 + -0.242821383764929 + 0 + 0.418734723704237 + -0.248598014907822 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.421139675542326 + -0.242083849792649 + 0 + 0.424426755950018 + -0.246784918914046 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.427346282289188 + -0.24104824491309 + 0 + 0.429607900602458 + -0.244233189444393 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.433379588777727 + -0.239729763870236 + 0 + 0.434593869863233 + -0.241413864925554 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.439238627927562 + -0.238139264953161 + 0 + 0.439710836938658 + -0.238784351774624 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444909982956108 + -0.236270354663337 + 0 + 0.445018932760472 + -0.236416981197459 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.450377035719687 + -0.234112913119979 + 0 + 0.450377035719687 + -0.234112913119979 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.455625021711591 + -0.231659974014332 + 0 + 0.455736037745933 + -0.231805042413711 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.460630027718401 + -0.228893332285366 + 0 + 0.461120321321889 + -0.229524783423431 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.465344676614253 + -0.225766174884025 + 0 + 0.466629403438389 + -0.227397172096311 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469694398287187 + -0.222200444715514 + 0 + 0.472132719137963 + -0.225252227881316 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473584164690309 + -0.218097364534124 + 0 + 0.477195565673416 + -0.222554126972263 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476940858332451 + -0.213390475142492 + 0 + 0.48139321057777 + -0.218808910972966 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479806452853301 + -0.208155310059875 + 0 + 0.484690267400844 + -0.214017273599518 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482314790397806 + -0.202572282852884 + 0 + 0.487355857001527 + -0.208540767061362 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484547773269642 + -0.196751607896243 + 0 + 0.48950983745262 + -0.20254748402664 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.486592118410189 + -0.190803289193989 + 0 + 0.491188315543241 + -0.196100256182699 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488602505613553 + -0.184908876774737 + 0 + 0.492390385393733 + -0.189216650592116 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490654726020656 + -0.17915195590713 + 0 + 0.493253274329318 + -0.182068518224302 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.492741507348046 + -0.173519616234827 + 0 + 0.494132680395392 + -0.17506082111137 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494780245151019 + -0.167917664442764 + 0 + 0.49531971899167 + -0.16850765286014 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.496928765212619 + -0.162514506158343 + 0 + 0.49705289072884 + -0.162648529501842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498502766295665 + -0.156578684917574 + 0 + 0.498502766295665 + -0.156578684917574 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.500850499408243 + -0.151546478246379 + 0 + 0.500976298491143 + -0.151678931978381 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502774687496554 + -0.14613452399297 + 0 + 0.503328820032936 + -0.146710766554317 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.504255457594763 + -0.14034695061328 + 0 + 0.505703730192998 + -0.141834627123931 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.506637561469306 + -0.135557012757443 + 0 + 0.509379346618602 + -0.138339350489908 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508494603477969 + -0.130295974033697 + 0 + 0.512545439478408 + -0.134357460976719 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510810991627342 + -0.125559635992243 + 0 + 0.515793002444229 + -0.13049546982107 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512497436562383 + -0.120267641143258 + 0 + 0.517949189565399 + -0.125605491859512 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515176157875145 + -0.116005561580818 + 0 + 0.520790259670081 + -0.121438518168726 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51702468887087 + -0.110990645637718 + 0 + 0.522538138720994 + -0.11626474573395 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518904269193531 + -0.106068156827404 + 0 + 0.523999696506994 + -0.110886819282751 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520061764588541 + -0.100531974379127 + 0 + 0.524251780846339 + -0.104449717638987 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521024862993285 + -0.0948918359815828 + 0 + 0.52389302328097 + -0.0975437118509525 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521361866973006 + -0.0887567313889643 + 0 + 0.522894090514444 + -0.0901577902521821 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522208594250152 + -0.0831649801050367 + 0 + 0.522801519520025 + -0.0837012244352919 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522159008004386 + -0.0768404227107852 + 0 + 0.522295152094812 + -0.0769622183881371 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522131256966648 + -0.0706243701718842 + 0 + 0.522131256966648 + -0.0706243701718842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521871113638058 + -0.0642898633983103 + 0 + 0.522008545337499 + -0.0644102042823363 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521562932539694 + -0.0580002840651655 + 0 + 0.522167130630189 + -0.0585237943562072 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520742077472739 + -0.0513582646858968 + 0 + 0.522318204135725 + -0.052709745230102 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52006420902337 + -0.0449317527854089 + 0 + 0.523042468213288 + -0.0474593526865142 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51912592422925 + -0.0383736030457551 + 0 + 0.523518040627334 + -0.0420633539908021 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518086329950011 + -0.0318202572992374 + 0 + 0.523478314132337 + -0.0363046071900141 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.516692021949889 + -0.0250641977107602 + 0 + 0.522581975685168 + -0.0299142189551641 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.516205183816759 + -0.0191354855499001 + 0 + 0.522260068369116 + -0.0240724410193798 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514994976032946 + -0.0126928999809023 + 0 + 0.520931242375299 + -0.0174861246770284 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514163486697209 + -0.00663728819510931 + 0 + 0.519640563196221 + -0.011017301938162 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.513586434222514 + -0.000857919766084662 + 0 + 0.518082967595167 + -0.00441968002183039 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.513372145402704 + 0.00456754385817189 + 0 + 0.516445235240302 + 0.00215613184185236 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.513559157739012 + 0.00961952256861475 + 0 + 0.515198311630304 + 0.00834521905696476 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.513686348425213 + 0.014661832059932 + 0 + 0.514319681926198 + 0.0141739724142195 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514299868577701 + 0.0192774886342623 + 0 + 0.51444507102834 + 0.019166647988704 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51504754102053 + 0.0237457174441685 + 0 + 0.51504754102053 + 0.0237457174441685 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515995432084217 + 0.0280204158651415 + 0 + 0.516141577779725 + 0.027910821905161 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517208076852237 + 0.0320590207773193 + 0 + 0.517849667322971 + 0.0315820721163 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51841997688991 + 0.036062105016286 + 0 + 0.520091303725036 + 0.0348303008397511 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52078819544304 + 0.0391890580033239 + 0 + 0.523942047257066 + 0.0368842786651737 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522684425090805 + 0.0426421415709762 + 0 + 0.527329323707669 + 0.0392761550395343 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.525209471874189 + 0.0456181669107786 + 0 + 0.530904362999643 + 0.0415253558432384 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.528035674595592 + 0.0483632744651133 + 0 + 0.534248597527297 + 0.0439345218507081 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.531065202233208 + 0.0509516433486273 + 0 + 0.537444081750373 + 0.0464410943404135 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.534315800388649 + 0.0533747647870685 + 0 + 0.540561964579517 + 0.04899301924726 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.537346248856133 + 0.0559419581485611 + 0 + 0.543102243790358 + 0.0519355370919902 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.540548803860489 + 0.0583783100944358 + 0 + 0.545268665328723 + 0.0551182707984346 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.543522241278913 + 0.0609625488657134 + 0 + 0.54674417081516 + 0.0587539386407405 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.546446398687204 + 0.0635686846642708 + 0 + 0.548162957084493 + 0.0624007368110524 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549022116229484 + 0.0663970220104278 + 0 + 0.549684605206067 + 0.0659495550135535 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.552351987044929 + 0.0687070391264611 + 0 + 0.552503706280229 + 0.0686053008641433 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554774762938143 + 0.0716161272216867 + 0 + 0.554774762938143 + 0.0716161272216867 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557304322355187 + 0.0744375474468264 + 0 + 0.557456701716878 + 0.0743368005833014 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.559618799344709 + 0.0773850979631723 + 0 + 0.560287063179252 + 0.0769463021053665 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.561892382212331 + 0.0803427046236091 + 0 + 0.56363142999427 + 0.0792085142818788 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.563474585105293 + 0.0837295614343228 + 0 + 0.566752935645749 + 0.0816056012660787 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.56507599707224 + 0.0870794387813042 + 0 + 0.569899444265065 + 0.0839747156585742 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.565871078474497 + 0.0909211643262313 + 0 + 0.571779088395054 + 0.0871424997282605 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.567304567424617 + 0.0943312408567091 + 0 + 0.573743828722273 + 0.0902385430892928 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.567605396459228 + 0.0984370357330786 + 0 + 0.574210495132547 + 0.0942647668340597 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.568223374669041 + 0.102312718067496 + 0 + 0.574685127190994 + 0.0982556236121087 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.568028006515896 + 0.106666068998698 + 0 + 0.573977306621641 + 0.10295275301199 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.569163620962188 + 0.110160565721984 + 0 + 0.574037695330143 + 0.107135942184015 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.569742011717993 + 0.113978471239191 + 0 + 0.573066357754937 + 0.111927249045217 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.570906595650503 + 0.117410714391841 + 0 + 0.572676231041006 + 0.116324866564648 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.571340816533778 + 0.121264785037981 + 0 + 0.572023226286005 + 0.120848329413154 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.573074421456835 + 0.124304146771783 + 0 + 0.573230575462257 + 0.12420935580718 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574267221894916 + 0.127656594779098 + 0 + 0.574267221894916 + 0.127656594779098 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574899573975092 + 0.131322542475568 + 0 + 0.575056158935527 + 0.131228465110889 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.576813690061004 + 0.134199671717879 + 0 + 0.577499868324315 + 0.133789455008878 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.577987129857456 + 0.137505310402129 + 0 + 0.579771457532714 + 0.136443778647328 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.579470109977865 + 0.140608341845134 + 0 + 0.582831355532765 + 0.138618161606548 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.581038859893325 + 0.143644515873484 + 0 + 0.585980747085291 + 0.140732008453291 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.582798264164558 + 0.146553116935159 + 0 + 0.58884714754184 + 0.143004328796455 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.584629452679553 + 0.149405464056841 + 0 + 0.591217751630423 + 0.145557272532389 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.586334753654483 + 0.152317341300726 + 0 + 0.593088174785243 + 0.148389688148958 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.587792698141627 + 0.15535845679194 + 0 + 0.594395205323079 + 0.151534694247825 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.588885814600127 + 0.158595107930374 + 0 + 0.594960826725901 + 0.155091236494794 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.589419646701347 + 0.162136838578988 + 0 + 0.594393610686732 + 0.159279456776904 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.589320016585478 + 0.166022772503467 + 0 + 0.592710411276128 + 0.164082666087827 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.588671115261759 + 0.170201326353865 + 0 + 0.590474829452158 + 0.16917308025565 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.587590994900854 + 0.174602628915227 + 0 + 0.588286143434531 + 0.174207803797597 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.586172718600039 + 0.179172107047908 + 0 + 0.586331697837416 + 0.179082134816289 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.58447359522953 + 0.183876228188389 + 0 + 0.58447359522953 + 0.183876228188389 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.582518832644086 + 0.188700042877056 + 0 + 0.582678076368996 + 0.188610539600824 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.580320915949153 + 0.193635993425587 + 0 + 0.581018380437027 + 0.193245274030701 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.577895342663458 + 0.198674994693603 + 0 + 0.579708085034494 + 0.197662749656377 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.575253198660657 + 0.20381058241952 + 0 + 0.578666262845069 + 0.201910639805786 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.572386978048319 + 0.209046734226763 + 0 + 0.577402605537495 + 0.20626313415121 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.569284668480124 + 0.214389916031959 + 0 + 0.575420896487017 + 0.210994390562642 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.566033665281687 + 0.219791710573479 + 0 + 0.572714009407577 + 0.216105620038157 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.562803936410508 + 0.225158842228221 + 0 + 0.569648629208662 + 0.221392499605875 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.559673065147775 + 0.230449752777153 + 0 + 0.566361874432708 + 0.226779045566724 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.556718217509092 + 0.235623519964329 + 0 + 0.5628700142472 + 0.232256283076559 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554105138920499 + 0.240591228383117 + 0 + 0.559139882293919 + 0.23784235449467 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.551902136927073 + 0.245317838697063 + 0 + 0.555332575882613 + 0.243449449649057 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.550051710286089 + 0.249836904894435 + 0 + 0.551876011864736 + 0.248845643743533 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.548484500315911 + 0.254187992062088 + 0 + 0.549187314671191 + 0.253806979805858 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.547155470515612 + 0.258397064833559 + 0 + 0.547316143193319 + 0.258310152860747 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.546041540323348 + 0.262477938844547 + 0 + 0.546041540323348 + 0.262477938844547 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.54513591569215 + 0.266435478823177 + 0 + 0.545296740944667 + 0.26634884950636 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.544446342406086 + 0.270266637361234 + 0 + 0.545150492876145 + 0.269888100080505 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.543997417753818 + 0.273959294997199 + 0 + 0.545826928571989 + 0.272977681486015 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.543836629225589 + 0.277489109835568 + 0 + 0.547280150969561 + 0.275644944153969 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.544036592078469 + 0.280818424779715 + 0 + 0.549095385890676 + 0.278114066509003 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.544659047381932 + 0.283915581987895 + 0 + 0.550846192100584 + 0.280613744984677 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.54563983283102 + 0.286816136087919 + 0 + 0.552373603987172 + 0.283228576040828 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.54681708759531 + 0.28960729557305 + 0 + 0.553714524960958 + 0.285938438252715 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.548118335599253 + 0.292328187880908 + 0 + 0.554856791090474 + 0.28874943409394 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549470857472973 + 0.295017798262242 + 0 + 0.555666618285808 + 0.291732157485239 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.550708881370936 + 0.297764140434994 + 0 + 0.55577825615152 + 0.295079668825015 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.551749941827175 + 0.300610679752973 + 0 + 0.555203083090365 + 0.298784589810268 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.552612375867721 + 0.303547433734308 + 0 + 0.554448288382621 + 0.302577846112289 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553310102237649 + 0.306566831182615 + 0 + 0.554017216667811 + 0.306193859950425 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55383830784911 + 0.309671231944943 + 0 + 0.55399992512685 + 0.309586089382641 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554187584255883 + 0.312865425868417 + 0 + 0.554187584255883 + 0.312865425868417 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554351197146093 + 0.316152798551188 + 0 + 0.55451289412656 + 0.316067807452317 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554308755567581 + 0.319543914807823 + 0 + 0.555016568072157 + 0.319172270063812 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554006242960908 + 0.323066957099693 + 0 + 0.555844877831654 + 0.322102541872099 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553351782992714 + 0.326769862709266 + 0 + 0.556811763819582 + 0.324956765431098 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.552226769221767 + 0.330714416965799 + 0 + 0.557308723210212 + 0.32805383579806 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.550545427694077 + 0.334945055793217 + 0 + 0.556759687219487 + 0.331694538001199 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.548382987170286 + 0.339421976011831 + 0 + 0.555144988381408 + 0.335887913095628 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.545937105929131 + 0.344041630116336 + 0 + 0.552862185949695 + 0.34042521988535 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.54332752713911 + 0.34874149327913 + 0 + 0.550091780111826 + 0.345211742183656 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.540676400964699 + 0.353457989766569 + 0 + 0.546894803362922 + 0.350215404535748 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.53819108545919 + 0.358083324426895 + 0 + 0.543278129365771 + 0.355432488184628 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.535973360897764 + 0.362564954500405 + 0 + 0.539437972034657 + 0.360760720942211 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.533990174515251 + 0.366920609487817 + 0 + 0.535831893281123 + 0.365962096625841 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.532189817895052 + 0.371177643754826 + 0 + 0.532899059623785 + 0.370808733836813 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530538800230377 + 0.375353848841097 + 0 + 0.53070087956452 + 0.375269589183943 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529020281375881 + 0.379458301993825 + 0 + 0.529020281375881 + 0.379458301993825 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.527628700802464 + 0.383494182933707 + 0 + 0.527790813953703 + 0.383409988358021 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526370193683262 + 0.387458574554778 + 0 + 0.527079731748251 + 0.387090234912984 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.525266799187143 + 0.39134029354473 + 0 + 0.527109674580989 + 0.390384006348382 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.524362384988684 + 0.395116833193081 + 0 + 0.527829905419016 + 0.393318197285613 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52372415108524 + 0.398753601736735 + 0 + 0.528816553768611 + 0.396113074630039 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52340528629554 + 0.402223294533774 + 0 + 0.529631583617309 + 0.398995894802367 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523327701082563 + 0.405566641902149 + 0 + 0.53010202454743 + 0.402056256927783 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523309143418118 + 0.408878260007979 + 0 + 0.53024607528512 + 0.405284636137486 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523251641928628 + 0.412208995462828 + 0 + 0.530026748426161 + 0.408700121993751 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523054905871745 + 0.415610839813393 + 0 + 0.529282645398698 + 0.412386223906065 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522533158555508 + 0.419179992109439 + 0 + 0.52762733630084 + 0.416542891127346 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521615759560877 + 0.422952989859552 + 0 + 0.525084898799206 + 0.421157478231218 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520387266808906 + 0.426886049072686 + 0 + 0.522231223803974 + 0.425931849135839 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51896174308946 + 0.430920166626684 + 0 + 0.519671784357158 + 0.430552797935107 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517424660948293 + 0.43501117533573 + 0 + 0.517586909327756 + 0.43492724164916 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515822890960179 + 0.439134901987676 + 0 + 0.515822890960179 + 0.439134901987676 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514169525906021 + 0.443284653399733 + 0 + 0.514331782538823 + 0.443200735669239 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512464391935626 + 0.447460596694136 + 0 + 0.513174505736131 + 0.447093368226124 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510710646804995 + 0.451661172309808 + 0 + 0.512554888261311 + 0.450707522284933 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508907661436521 + 0.455886775079962 + 0 + 0.512377520951457 + 0.454092655794906 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507036819002528 + 0.460147095470864 + 0 + 0.512132334680192 + 0.457512580625684 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505075867635344 + 0.464453696669792 + 0 + 0.511305598350793 + 0.461232929280124 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.503104556914647 + 0.468765403185449 + 0 + 0.509882233271881 + 0.465261496184472 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501287185066225 + 0.472997332830163 + 0 + 0.508227181657904 + 0.469409631120504 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499695104591987 + 0.477112654063808 + 0 + 0.506472866813453 + 0.473608913156696 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498399932483317 + 0.481074391911008 + 0 + 0.504629823528068 + 0.477853934655292 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497563733715275 + 0.48479880819568 + 0 + 0.502659451180724 + 0.482164683672596 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497250751937623 + 0.488252739747617 + 0 + 0.500720801125574 + 0.486458987341179 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497398193448137 + 0.491468631130392 + 0 + 0.499242566435268 + 0.490515235512886 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497934045163041 + 0.494483738247752 + 0 + 0.498644222858663 + 0.494116633360796 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498805693039354 + 0.497325263622762 + 0 + 0.498967967684934 + 0.497241380729503 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499994052316792 + 0.500003074467614 + 0 + 0.499994052316792 + 0.500003074467614 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501194306960616 + 0.502674736370515 + 0 + 0.501032032315036 + 0.502758619263774 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502065954836761 + 0.505516261745612 + 0 + 0.50135577714114 + 0.505883366632568 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502601806552515 + 0.508531368862533 + 0 + 0.500757433565384 + 0.509484764480039 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50274924806083 + 0.511747260246445 + 0 + 0.499279198872879 + 0.513541012652882 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50243626628717 + 0.515201191796319 + 0 + 0.497340548821721 + 0.517835316319404 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501600067515676 + 0.518925608082776 + 0 + 0.495370176470924 + 0.522146065338492 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50030489540811 + 0.522887345929405 + 0 + 0.493527133186644 + 0.526391086836517 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498712814933655 + 0.527002667163162 + 0 + 0.491772818341976 + 0.53059036887282 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.496895443084163 + 0.53123459680843 + 0 + 0.490117766726929 + 0.534738503809407 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494924132364509 + 0.535546303323547 + 0 + 0.48869440164906 + 0.538767070713216 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.492963180997997 + 0.539852904522128 + 0 + 0.487867665320333 + 0.542487419367308 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491092338564043 + 0.54411322491301 + 0 + 0.487622479049108 + 0.545907344198066 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489289353194773 + 0.548338827683575 + 0 + 0.487445111738456 + 0.54929247770845 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487535608065788 + 0.552539403298396 + 0 + 0.486825494265284 + 0.552906631766408 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485830474094627 + 0.556715346593195 + 0 + 0.485668217461825 + 0.55679926432369 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484177109037803 + 0.560865098006631 + 0 + 0.484177109037803 + 0.560865098006631 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.48257533905264 + 0.56498882465705 + 0 + 0.482413090673178 + 0.565072758343621 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481038256909349 + 0.569079833367197 + 0 + 0.480328215641652 + 0.569447202058774 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479612733192112 + 0.573113950920052 + 0 + 0.477768776197043 + 0.574068150856899 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.478384240439162 + 0.577047010133692 + 0 + 0.474915101200832 + 0.578842521762026 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47746684144287 + 0.580820007884664 + 0 + 0.472372663697538 + 0.583457108866756 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.4769450941281 + 0.584389160179951 + 0 + 0.470717354601147 + 0.587613776087278 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476748358072655 + 0.587791004529769 + 0 + 0.469973251575123 + 0.591299877998846 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476690856580452 + 0.591121739986025 + 0 + 0.46975392471345 + 0.594715363856517 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476672298918722 + 0.594433358090448 + 0 + 0.469897975453855 + 0.597943743064814 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476594713703826 + 0.597776705459818 + 0 + 0.470368416382056 + 0.601004105191225 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476275848914562 + 0.601246398256634 + 0 + 0.471183446231192 + 0.60388692536333 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.475637615013499 + 0.604883166799051 + 0 + 0.472170094583168 + 0.606681802706519 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474733200813116 + 0.608659706448397 + 0 + 0.47289032541927 + 0.609615993644745 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473629806316199 + 0.612541425438765 + 0 + 0.47292026825121 + 0.612909765080559 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.472371299197675 + 0.616505817059484 + 0 + 0.472209186046435 + 0.616590011635169 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470979718624506 + 0.620541697999236 + 0 + 0.470979718624506 + 0.620541697999236 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469461199770114 + 0.624646151151911 + 0 + 0.469299120435972 + 0.624730410809064 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.467810182104536 + 0.628822356238653 + 0 + 0.467100940375802 + 0.629191266156666 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.466009825486716 + 0.633079390504421 + 0 + 0.464168106720844 + 0.634037903366397 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.464026639102491 + 0.637435045492721 + 0 + 0.460562027965599 + 0.639239279050915 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.461808914539606 + 0.641916675566998 + 0 + 0.456721870633026 + 0.644567511809264 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.459323599037545 + 0.646542010225527 + 0 + 0.453105196639322 + 0.649784595456348 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.456672472859839 + 0.65125850671468 + 0 + 0.449908219887122 + 0.654788257810154 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.454062894070695 + 0.655958369877019 + 0 + 0.44713781405013 + 0.659574780108005 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.45161701282884 + 0.660578023981891 + 0 + 0.444855011617718 + 0.664112086898095 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.449454572305059 + 0.6650549442005 + 0 + 0.44324031277965 + 0.668305461992518 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.447773230780592 + 0.669285583026229 + 0 + 0.442691276792148 + 0.671946164193968 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446648217006605 + 0.673230137284351 + 0 + 0.443188236179736 + 0.675043234562519 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445993757041781 + 0.67693304289216 + 0 + 0.444155122171035 + 0.677897458119755 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.44569124443191 + 0.680456085185706 + 0 + 0.444983431927334 + 0.680827729929717 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445648802856401 + 0.683847201440764 + 0 + 0.445487105875933 + 0.683932192539635 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445812415742289 + 0.687134574125807 + 0 + 0.445812415742289 + 0.687134574125807 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446161692151867 + 0.690328768047806 + 0 + 0.446000074874127 + 0.690413910610107 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446689897761646 + 0.693433168811019 + 0 + 0.445982783331484 + 0.69380614004321 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.447387624134555 + 0.696452566257752 + 0 + 0.445551711619655 + 0.697422153879771 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.448250058171403 + 0.699389320241037 + 0 + 0.444796916908213 + 0.701215410183743 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.449291118627919 + 0.702235859558878 + 0 + 0.444221743847336 + 0.704920331168856 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.450529142529315 + 0.704982201729808 + 0 + 0.444333381716481 + 0.708267842506811 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.451881664401484 + 0.707671812111963 + 0 + 0.445143208910263 + 0.711250565898931 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453182912407235 + 0.710392704418858 + 0 + 0.446285475041588 + 0.714061561739193 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.454360167168899 + 0.713183863905387 + 0 + 0.447626396012748 + 0.716771423952478 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.455340952617862 + 0.716084418005479 + 0 + 0.44915380789921 + 0.719386255008698 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.4559634079223 + 0.719181575213134 + 0 + 0.450904614110092 + 0.721885933483845 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.456163370773946 + 0.722510890157944 + 0 + 0.452719849029973 + 0.724355055839542 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.456002582246848 + 0.726040704995709 + 0 + 0.454173071428678 + 0.727022318506893 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.455553657593923 + 0.729733362632019 + 0 + 0.454849507123865 + 0.730111899912747 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.454864084306183 + 0.733564521170983 + 0 + 0.454703259053666 + 0.7336511504878 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453958459678774 + 0.737522061147572 + 0 + 0.453958459678774 + 0.737522061147572 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.452844529482577 + 0.741602935160681 + 0 + 0.45268385680487 + 0.741689847133492 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.451515499685148 + 0.745812007930601 + 0 + 0.450812685329868 + 0.746193020186831 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.449948289715722 + 0.750163095097842 + 0 + 0.448123988137076 + 0.751154356248744 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.448097863072831 + 0.754682161296249 + 0 + 0.444667424117291 + 0.756550550344255 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445894861079807 + 0.759408771609983 + 0 + 0.440860117706386 + 0.762157645498431 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.443281782493463 + 0.764376480027536 + 0 + 0.437129985755354 + 0.767743716915306 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.440326934852234 + 0.769550247216105 + 0 + 0.433638125567301 + 0.773220954426534 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.437196063591788 + 0.774841157763784 + 0 + 0.430351370793634 + 0.77860750038613 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.433966334718795 + 0.780208289419518 + 0 + 0.427285990592905 + 0.78389437995484 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.430715331520857 + 0.785610083960754 + 0 + 0.424579103513964 + 0.789005609430071 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.427613021951256 + 0.790953265766738 + 0 + 0.42259739446208 + 0.793736865842291 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.42474680134006 + 0.796189417573343 + 0 + 0.421333737155648 + 0.798089360187077 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.422104657335806 + 0.801325005300066 + 0 + 0.420291914964769 + 0.802337250337292 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.41967908404934 + 0.806364006568522 + 0 + 0.418981619561466 + 0.806754725963408 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.417481167356412 + 0.811299957115922 + 0 + 0.417321923631502 + 0.811389460392154 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.415526404770417 + 0.816123771804899 + 0 + 0.415526404770417 + 0.816123771804899 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.413827281399917 + 0.82082789294538 + 0 + 0.41366830216254 + 0.820917865176999 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.41240900509826 + 0.825397371078539 + 0 + 0.411713856564583 + 0.82579219619617 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.411328884739706 + 0.829798673638565 + 0 + 0.409525170549306 + 0.830826919736779 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.410679983413106 + 0.833977227490607 + 0 + 0.407289588722456 + 0.835917333906248 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.41058035329846 + 0.837863161414394 + 0 + 0.405606389313074 + 0.840720543216478 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.411114185401343 + 0.841404892062042 + 0 + 0.40503917327557 + 0.844908763497621 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.41220730185844 + 0.844641543201276 + 0 + 0.405604794676988 + 0.848465305745391 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.41366524634389 + 0.847682658693483 + 0 + 0.406911825213129 + 0.851610311845252 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.415370547320385 + 0.850594535936456 + 0 + 0.408782248369515 + 0.854442727460908 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.417201735836883 + 0.853446883057264 + 0 + 0.411152852459601 + 0.856995671195968 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.418961140107651 + 0.856355484119208 + 0 + 0.414019252915685 + 0.8592679915394 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.42052989002223 + 0.859391658148061 + 0 + 0.417168644467329 + 0.861381838386647 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.422012870142262 + 0.862494689591304 + 0 + 0.420228542467005 + 0.863556221346105 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.423186309940801 + 0.865800328274311 + 0 + 0.42250013167749 + 0.866210544983312 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.42510042602475 + 0.868677457517796 + 0 + 0.424943841064315 + 0.868771534882475 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425732778105591 + 0.87234340521387 + 0 + 0.425732778105591 + 0.87234340521387 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.426925578543759 + 0.875695853221124 + 0 + 0.426769424538338 + 0.875790644185726 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.428659183465623 + 0.878735214955653 + 0 + 0.427976773713396 + 0.879151670580479 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.429093404350892 + 0.882589285600572 + 0 + 0.427323768960389 + 0.883675133427765 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.430257988281115 + 0.886021528754623 + 0 + 0.426933642244171 + 0.888072750948597 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.430836379038365 + 0.889839434270951 + 0 + 0.42596230467041 + 0.89286405780892 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.431971993485036 + 0.893333930993981 + 0 + 0.426022693379291 + 0.89704724698069 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.431776625330017 + 0.897687281926354 + 0 + 0.425314872808064 + 0.901744376381742 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.432394603540028 + 0.90156296426066 + 0 + 0.425789504866709 + 0.905735233159679 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.432695432575553 + 0.90566875913645 + 0 + 0.426256171277898 + 0.909761456903866 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.434128921525933 + 0.909078835666761 + 0 + 0.428220911605376 + 0.912857500264732 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.434924002929502 + 0.912920561210839 + 0 + 0.430100555736676 + 0.916025284333569 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.436525414893901 + 0.916270438559465 + 0 + 0.433247064353445 + 0.918394398727709 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.438107617786617 + 0.919657295370342 + 0 + 0.436368570004678 + 0.920791485712072 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.440381200655657 + 0.922614902029847 + 0 + 0.439712936821115 + 0.923053697887652 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442695677644088 + 0.925562452546919 + 0 + 0.442543298282397 + 0.925663199410444 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445225237063279 + 0.928383872770634 + 0 + 0.445225237063279 + 0.928383872770634 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.447648012954653 + 0.931292960867082 + 0 + 0.447496293719353 + 0.9313946991294 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.450977883769443 + 0.933602977983564 + 0 + 0.45031539479286 + 0.934050444980438 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453553601313398 + 0.936431315328583 + 0 + 0.451837042916109 + 0.937599263181802 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.456477758719321 + 0.939037451128758 + 0 + 0.453255829183074 + 0.941246061353731 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.459451196140471 + 0.941621689898168 + 0 + 0.454731334672237 + 0.944881729194169 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.46265375114345 + 0.944058041844994 + 0 + 0.456897756209225 + 0.948064462901565 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.465684199612491 + 0.946625235205408 + 0 + 0.459438035421624 + 0.951006980745217 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.468934797766812 + 0.949048356644628 + 0 + 0.462555918249647 + 0.953558905652842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.471964325405104 + 0.951636725527657 + 0 + 0.4657514024734 + 0.956065478142062 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474790528126173 + 0.95438183308223 + 0 + 0.469095637000718 + 0.958474644149771 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477315574910018 + 0.957357858421691 + 0 + 0.472670676293154 + 0.960723844953133 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47921180455714 + 0.960810941989819 + 0 + 0.476057952743114 + 0.963115721327969 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481580023110542 + 0.963937894976638 + 0 + 0.479908696275416 + 0.965169699153173 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482791923147046 + 0.967940979216484 + 0 + 0.482150332676312 + 0.968417927877503 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484004567916852 + 0.971979584127329 + 0 + 0.483858422221345 + 0.97208917808731 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484952458979156 + 0.976254282549339 + 0 + 0.484952458979156 + 0.976254282549339 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485700131423216 + 0.980722511358305 + 0 + 0.485554928972576 + 0.980833352003864 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.486313651573718 + 0.98533816793415 + 0 + 0.485680318072733 + 0.985826027579863 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.486440842259646 + 0.990380477425696 + 0 + 0.484801688368355 + 0.991654780937346 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.486627854596867 + 0.995432456135439 + 0 + 0.483554764759269 + 0.997843868151758 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.486413565779102 + 1.00085791975806 + 0 + 0.481917032406449 + 1.00441968001381 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485836513301455 + 1.00663728818944 + 0 + 0.480359436802442 + 1.01101730193249 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485005023968283 + 1.01269289997318 + 0 + 0.479068757625931 + 1.01748612466931 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.483794816181823 + 1.01913548554433 + 0 + 0.477739931629466 + 1.02407244101381 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.483307978051604 + 1.02506419770279 + 0 + 0.477418024316324 + 1.0299142189472 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481913670047082 + 1.03182025729493 + 0 + 0.476521685864756 + 1.0363046071857 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480874075771299 + 1.03837360303856 + 0 + 0.476481959373215 + 1.04206335398361 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479935790975862 + 1.04493175277933 + 0 + 0.476957531785944 + 1.04745935268044 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479257922528744 + 1.05135826467789 + 0 + 0.477681795865758 + 1.0527097452221 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.478437067459881 + 1.05800028405882 + 0 + 0.477832869369386 + 1.05852379434986 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47812888636145 + 1.06428986339201 + 0 + 0.477991454662009 + 1.06441020427604 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47786874303231 + 1.07062437016608 + 0 + 0.47786874303231 + 1.07062437016608 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477840991995778 + 1.07684042270391 + 0 + 0.477704847905351 + 1.07696221838126 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477791405750153 + 1.08316498009803 + 0 + 0.47719848048028 + 1.08370122442828 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.478638133026421 + 1.08875673138275 + 0 + 0.477105909484982 + 1.09015779024597 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.478975137006965 + 1.09489183597463 + 0 + 0.476106976719281 + 1.097543711844 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479938235412046 + 1.10053197437185 + 0 + 0.475748219154248 + 1.10444971763171 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481095730806437 + 1.1060681568207 + 0 + 0.476000303492973 + 1.11088681927605 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482975311128157 + 1.11099064563192 + 0 + 0.477461861278033 + 1.11626474572815 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484823842124525 + 1.11600556157442 + 0 + 0.479209740329589 + 1.12143851816233 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487502563438103 + 1.12026764113605 + 0 + 0.482050810435087 + 1.1256054918523 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489189008371956 + 1.12555963598621 + 0 + 0.484206997555069 + 1.13049546981504 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491505396522784 + 1.13029597402621 + 0 + 0.487454560522344 + 1.13435746096923 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.493362438530218 + 1.13555701275121 + 0 + 0.490620653380922 + 1.13833935048368 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.495744542405009 + 1.14034695060678 + 0 + 0.494296269806773 + 1.14183462711743 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497225312503961 + 1.14613452398571 + 0 + 0.496671179967579 + 1.14671076654706 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499149500591323 + 1.15154647824011 + 0 + 0.499023701508423 + 1.15167893197211 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501497233706143 + 1.15657868490891 + 0 + 0.501497233706143 + 1.15657868490891 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.503071234785767 + 1.16251450615336 + 0 + 0.502947109269546 + 1.16264852949686 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505219754849085 + 1.16791766443592 + 0 + 0.504680281008434 + 1.1685076528533 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507258492651767 + 1.1735196162283 + 0 + 0.505867319604422 + 1.17506082110485 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509345273979043 + 1.17915195590073 + 0 + 0.506746725670381 + 1.1820685182179 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511397494385672 + 1.1849088767689 + 0 + 0.507609614605492 + 1.18921665058628 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.513407881590251 + 1.19080328918675 + 0 + 0.508811684457199 + 1.19610025617546 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515452226729542 + 1.19675160789047 + 0 + 0.510490162546564 + 1.20254748402087 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51768520960259 + 1.20257228284569 + 0 + 0.51264414299887 + 1.20854076705416 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520193547145657 + 1.2081553100544 + 0 + 0.515309732598113 + 1.21401727359405 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523059141668325 + 1.21339047513482 + 0 + 0.518606789423005 + 1.2188089109653 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526415835309506 + 1.21809736452763 + 0 + 0.522804434326399 + 1.22255412696577 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530305601714054 + 1.22220044470725 + 0 + 0.527867280863278 + 1.22525222787305 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.534655323385555 + 1.22576617487756 + 0 + 0.533370596561418 + 1.22739717208984 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.539369972280929 + 1.22889333227951 + 0 + 0.538879678677441 + 1.22952478341758 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.544374978289072 + 1.23165997400674 + 0 + 0.54426396225473 + 1.23180504240612 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549622964279443 + 1.2341129131144 + 0 + 0.549622964279443 + 1.2341129131144 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555090017043918 + 1.23627035465657 + 0 + 0.554981067239554 + 1.23641698119069 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.560761372071935 + 1.23813926494713 + 0 + 0.560289163060839 + 1.23878435176859 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.566620411222114 + 1.23972976386373 + 0 + 0.565406130136609 + 1.24141386491905 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.572653717711093 + 1.24104824490597 + 0 + 0.570392099397823 + 1.24423318943727 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.578860324458071 + 1.24208384978534 + 0 + 0.575573244050378 + 1.24678491890674 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.585241885403573 + 1.24282138375966 + 0 + 0.581265276294758 + 1.24859801490256 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.591735859593554 + 1.24333958253247 + 0 + 0.587455794445529 + 1.24965585543692 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.598229843521187 + 1.24379718098254 + 0 + 0.59389516460427 + 1.25029685135397 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.60467427413131 + 1.24426760746904 + 0 + 0.600488151402385 + 1.25064652881777 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.611022193386017 + 1.24482513686082 + 0 + 0.607218273218305 + 1.25071691746799 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.617174787021968 + 1.24563065520274 + 0 + 0.614099565585563 + 1.25047296473517 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.623097110918674 + 1.24675358809723 + 0 + 0.621027832557474 + 1.25006672499846 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.628831297148763 + 1.24814247360204 + 0 + 0.627744787454172 + 1.24991170270046 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.634424775150268 + 1.24973338370209 + 0 + 0.634011594597309 + 1.25041778138476 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.639908819395873 + 1.25148503561763 + 0 + 0.639815602442739 + 1.25164213431282 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.645300778013203 + 1.25337702647739 + 0 + 0.645300778013203 + 1.25337702647739 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.65060815448582 + 1.25540461161116 + 0 + 0.650517356750827 + 1.25556312082761 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.655830166350554 + 1.25757737189364 + 0 + 0.655438159664493 + 1.258274113679 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.660957083347425 + 1.25992173108711 + 0 + 0.659953051620673 + 1.26173903546746 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.665967647211033 + 1.26248727117971 + 0 + 0.664105246906738 + 1.2659209651336 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.67082878563648 + 1.26534943062842 + 0 + 0.668133255969524 + 1.27041293418874 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.675515526606145 + 1.26857380882671 + 0 + 0.672268549554214 + 1.27478991913699 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.680070054448623 + 1.27209988771412 + 0 + 0.676590693693598 + 1.27889019770788 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.684582266912888 + 1.27576724087553 + 0 + 0.681074452194359 + 1.28274795660892 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.689092129339657 + 1.27950381059526 + 0 + 0.685720284042295 + 1.28634814550564 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.693637394413603 + 1.28323620825965 + 0 + 0.690588055537069 + 1.28955161955119 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.698298453277344 + 1.28679484209483 + 0 + 0.695845388238844 + 1.29198015022527 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.703110590063532 + 1.2900932688302 + 0 + 0.701468312210057 + 1.29363751945825 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.70805921338575 + 1.29314773167734 + 0 + 0.707201406050901 + 1.29503845680157 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.71313231218439 + 1.29597024775252 + 0 + 0.712807857315299 + 1.29670089636527 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.718326740643248 + 1.29855365550174 + 0 + 0.718253946967093 + 1.29872119797722 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.723641179219024 + 1.30088600928987 + 0 + 0.723641179219024 + 1.30088600928987 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.729072788463548 + 1.3029580893197 + 0 + 0.729002706870525 + 1.30312678422388 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.734624258491797 + 1.30474636174997 + 0 + 0.734323540646251 + 1.30548709593627 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.740311532617528 + 1.30619180502879 + 0 + 0.739546186771217 + 1.30812181037974 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.746164074223288 + 1.30719493841938 + 0 + 0.744753713556394 + 1.31083769449846 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.752218764824894 + 1.307627022008 + 0 + 0.750191341305123 + 1.3129930729174 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.758495462901744 + 1.30739277765102 + 0 + 0.75607045752977 + 1.31397322112477 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.764949503606646 + 1.30656704873661 + 0 + 0.762369923669857 + 1.3137475799443 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.771493120247795 + 1.30535612407835 + 0 + 0.768912182403063 + 1.31272999118399 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.778073775891722 + 1.30388554769437 + 0 + 0.775612462231014 + 1.31110747237817 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.784642270262083 + 1.30228489999431 + 0 + 0.78243466481749 + 1.30894142803575 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.791124231598829 + 1.30077662374967 + 0 + 0.789363515142918 + 1.30623600338958 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.797488294330163 + 1.29947183158035 + 0 + 0.796320062800826 + 1.30319930044759 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.803751040628247 + 1.29833724740775 + 0 + 0.803146536293947 + 1.30032351260377 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.80993388135402 + 1.29731901251199 + 0 + 0.809707467130161 + 1.29808572951103 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.816050763383111 + 1.296382424715 + 0 + 0.816000485064596 + 1.29655804217161 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.822109448753179 + 1.29551048863167 + 0 + 0.822109448753179 + 1.29551048863167 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.828113828474422 + 1.29469828692657 + 0 + 0.828066481243831 + 1.29487471719647 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.83406431299229 + 1.2939535732731 + 0 + 0.833863552519896 + 1.2947274037391 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.839957212298234 + 1.29330150429953 + 0 + 0.839452635104325 + 1.29531547470014 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.845783898526322 + 1.29279129381002 + 0 + 0.844866308306755 + 1.29658824222307 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.851531431218422 + 1.29249807511733 + 0 + 0.850230717083901 + 1.2980849428651 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.857192838071371 + 1.29248206099586 + 0 + 0.855659959777314 + 1.29932553756125 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.862794267606446 + 1.29265923779143 + 0 + 0.86118915725139 + 1.30011831828591 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.868382736490085 + 1.29282999583242 + 0 + 0.866803462836032 + 1.30048120821842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.873980115040384 + 1.29288642577601 + 0 + 0.872500708205912 + 1.3003714519278 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.87960511541015 + 1.29271735690052 + 0 + 0.878303307822599 + 1.29960852402739 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.885289768289956 + 1.29211624290869 + 0 + 0.884272531472578 + 1.29776161072206 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.891037215732609 + 1.29100320193191 + 0 + 0.890376978058963 + 1.29485325066884 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.896819831597712 + 1.28947055424709 + 0 + 0.896486207314847 + 1.29151979063097 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.902608070761278 + 1.28764413446994 + 0 + 0.902486284373027 + 1.28843425245671 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.90838129603158 + 1.28561870696902 + 0 + 0.908354996625277 + 1.28579947682714 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.914127979372477 + 1.28344652809402 + 0 + 0.914127979372477 + 1.28344652809402 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.919843201301839 + 1.28114243276185 + 0 + 0.919819967951945 + 1.28132362219817 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.925524316430536 + 1.27870653292329 + 0 + 0.925429365029042 + 1.27950032293881 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.931168264774575 + 1.2761427084948 + 0 + 0.930939168492029 + 1.2782062466729 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.936772547405913 + 1.27345065202418 + 0 + 0.936374489990938 + 1.27733656753494 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.942336541335664 + 1.27060993237566 + 0 + 0.941800481658911 + 1.27632111338432 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.947859270083379 + 1.26759601814547 + 0 + 0.94726324396668 + 1.27458369588801 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.95333012987598 + 1.26449884896976 + 0 + 0.952746326053777 + 1.27210630808382 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.95873509478348 + 1.2615035965332 + 0 + 0.958203569154049 + 1.26929799431335 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.964072661224773 + 1.2586914171582 + 0 + 0.963618328107218 + 1.26630770513156 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.969344061963315 + 1.2561438202745 + 0 + 0.968986031170033 + 1.26314772642153 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.974548953626411 + 1.2540442042926 + 0 + 0.974304865780931 + 1.25977529228831 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.979696987762966 + 1.25246557192871 + 0 + 0.97956399379745 + 1.25636955728569 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.984803902760182 + 1.25133937988505 + 0 + 0.984750880908806 + 1.25341491923723 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.989883327781329 + 1.25058118274917 + 0 + 0.98986971601484 + 1.25138051564427 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.994945764377118 + 1.25014577262347 + 0 + 0.994944209205504 + 1.25032843893624 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 1 + 1.2499798172808 + 0 + 1 + 1.2499798172808 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + d46478aa-3074-4190-939c-d3342e8b01c0 + d2c53264-57e1-4d11-b625-5a5eefefe7c0 + dc33f043-a46c-4bbe-aa2b-e04d7f37a6de + b1dbb9a1-e34d-4d93-b860-212e9f8b0ced + 4 + 6e567101-0437-4d4e-aa74-96cd5de84c1e + Group + + + + + + + + + + + ac2bc2cb-70fb-4dd5-9c78-7e1ea97fe278 + Geometry + + + + + Contains a collection of generic geometry + true + 12785e65-5687-43f8-a381-f035b5da7148 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26461 + -16535 + 50 + 24 + + + 26486.88 + -16523 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + -1 + + 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+ + 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Curve + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 12785e65-5687-43f8-a381-f035b5da7148 + d2c53264-57e1-4d11-b625-5a5eefefe7c0 + dc33f043-a46c-4bbe-aa2b-e04d7f37a6de + b1dbb9a1-e34d-4d93-b860-212e9f8b0ced + 4 + 5d605dc1-f28e-4442-85d1-959436d3fafa + Group + + + + + + + + + + + ac2bc2cb-70fb-4dd5-9c78-7e1ea97fe278 + Geometry + + + + + Contains a collection of generic geometry + true + 9305b9b7-f13b-4006-824e-6a14c10eacb8 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26461 + -17465 + 50 + 24 + + + 26486.88 + -17453 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 513 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + + 8.31187957663209E-17 + -0.24997981727771 + 0 + 8.31187957663209E-17 + -0.24997981727771 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.00505579079448798 + -0.250328438941119 + 0 + 0.00506259683868762 + -0.251127858752699 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0101302839851524 + -0.251380515650879 + 0 + 0.0101967935151527 + -0.255286199399574 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0152491190912052 + -0.253414919244564 + 0 + 0.0154282164834252 + -0.260425683217874 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0204360062025512 + -0.256369557292481 + 0 + 0.020701994133584 + -0.264177528006472 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0256951342190955 + -0.259775292295518 + 0 + 0.0259935505297823 + -0.266781991594823 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0310139688299929 + -0.263147726428641 + 0 + 0.0312133909849261 + -0.267048882650394 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0363816718926596 + -0.266307705136293 + 0 + 0.0364292766489561 + -0.267105735301489 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0417964308460186 + -0.269297994321025 + 0 + 0.0417964308460186 + -0.269297994321025 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0472536739461035 + -0.272106308089032 + 0 + 0.0473148445665297 + -0.272903413171553 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0527367560333432 + -0.274583695895008 + 0 + 0.0530687409207295 + -0.278475812940646 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0581995183412103 + -0.276321113392407 + 0 + 0.0588548928467679 + -0.283303474857043 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0636255100087909 + -0.277336567539015 + 0 + 0.0644216248387421 + -0.285108398560566 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0690608315079947 + -0.278206246679791 + 0 + 0.0698346737203401 + -0.285176473045968 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0745706349708621 + -0.279500322944738 + 0 + 0.0750345845318063 + -0.283378923190612 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0801800320483679 + -0.281323622207306 + 0 + 0.0802817103486181 + -0.282116578625177 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0858720206272032 + -0.283446528098435 + 0 + 0.0858720206272032 + -0.283446528098435 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0916450033749502 + -0.285799476835425 + 0 + 0.0917600999470148 + -0.286590597013706 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0975137156265353 + -0.288434252460588 + 0 + 0.0981087857410236 + -0.292294910516055 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.10351379268512 + -0.2915197906375 + 0 + 0.104640709937007 + -0.298441708353911 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.10962302194108 + -0.294853250675795 + 0 + 0.110943497288377 + -0.302553348149671 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.115727468527291 + -0.297761610728034 + 0 + 0.116971119383968 + -0.30466351046014 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.121696692177779 + -0.299608524036104 + 0 + 0.122421795379205 + -0.30344688493754 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.127499291793491 + -0.300371451931509 + 0 + 0.12765430316972 + -0.3011557285604 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.133196537164003 + -0.300481208225351 + 0 + 0.133196537164003 + -0.300481208225351 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.138810842748806 + -0.300118318293514 + 0 + 0.138979025265838 + -0.300899876351722 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.14434004022216 + -0.299325537565637 + 0 + 0.145193849163702 + -0.303137334957123 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.149769282916235 + -0.298084942872452 + 0 + 0.151359506765839 + -0.304915321739946 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.155133691693607 + -0.296588242231303 + 0 + 0.156968872132746 + -0.304182139057426 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.16054736489495 + -0.29531547470396 + 0 + 0.162251727478638 + -0.302118270860592 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.166136447479939 + -0.294727403745222 + 0 + 0.167117399119998 + -0.29850847805582 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.171933518756356 + -0.294874717203926 + 0 + 0.172140728906841 + -0.295646845632959 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.177890551247578 + -0.295510488641129 + 0 + 0.177890551247578 + -0.295510488641129 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.183999514934573 + -0.29655804217545 + 0 + 0.184219552681569 + -0.297326613413061 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.190292532869964 + -0.298085729518202 + 0 + 0.19139883333628 + -0.301832046154663 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.196853463706027 + -0.300323512610402 + 0 + 0.198895360528742 + -0.307032726031567 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.20367993719918 + -0.303199300454348 + 0 + 0.206016400257862 + -0.310654238188858 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.210636484857528 + -0.306236003397698 + 0 + 0.212789097200447 + -0.312910518171558 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.217565335181875 + -0.308941428040542 + 0 + 0.21879496526751 + -0.312649095624738 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.224387537768817 + -0.311107472384414 + 0 + 0.224645432763613 + -0.311864181396547 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.231087817596925 + -0.312729991190678 + 0 + 0.231087817596925 + -0.312729991190678 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.237630076329177 + -0.313747579948328 + 0 + 0.237900363194681 + -0.31449995177643 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.243929542470506 + -0.313973221132266 + 0 + 0.245280263710348 + -0.31763850982412 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.249808658695011 + -0.312993072924465 + 0 + 0.252287341096334 + -0.319553486091236 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.255246286443573 + -0.310837694505103 + 0 + 0.25806700777737 + -0.318123206663287 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.260453813229492 + -0.308121810388237 + 0 + 0.263039001065523 + -0.314640989110883 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.265676459352462 + -0.305487095939814 + 0 + 0.267145820627951 + -0.309106455897664 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.270997293130045 + -0.303126784231964 + 0 + 0.271303997814893 + -0.303865059650543 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.27635882078016 + -0.300886009294673 + 0 + 0.27635882078016 + -0.300886009294673 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.28174605303402 + -0.298721197986524 + 0 + 0.282064626864048 + -0.299454429922685 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.287192142684371 + -0.296700896371221 + 0 + 0.288777487310066 + -0.300270976409564 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.292798593949585 + -0.295038456809365 + 0 + 0.295696098520099 + -0.301424954646929 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.298531687789377 + -0.293637519463736 + 0 + 0.301816243496339 + -0.300726020719846 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.304154611760934 + -0.291980150231544 + 0 + 0.307153673910965 + -0.298319591341423 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.309411944463461 + -0.28955161955903 + 0 + 0.311110417726908 + -0.29306928606337 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.314279715957862 + -0.286348145512692 + 0 + 0.314633015920925 + -0.2870652908909 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.318925547805695 + -0.282747956615763 + 0 + 0.318925547805695 + -0.282747956615763 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.323409306306166 + -0.278890197714137 + 0 + 0.323773871675519 + -0.279601682393419 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.327731450445587 + -0.274789919143368 + 0 + 0.329540007622413 + -0.278252275277643 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.331866744031829 + -0.270412934198015 + 0 + 0.335162237983916 + -0.276603459779669 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.335894753091952 + -0.265920965137895 + 0 + 0.339619553700555 + -0.272788353045691 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.340046948379671 + -0.26173903547481 + 0 + 0.343438370204849 + -0.267877532470742 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.344561840334936 + -0.258274113684721 + 0 + 0.346477255242167 + -0.261678518889093 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.349482643248151 + -0.255563120832556 + 0 + 0.349880009938808 + -0.256256819665294 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.354699221987147 + -0.25337702648471 + 0 + 0.354699221987147 + -0.25337702648471 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.360184397555891 + -0.251642134317248 + 0 + 0.360592351699053 + -0.252329660152735 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.365988405403285 + -0.250417781392503 + 0 + 0.368007279618083 + -0.253761871099317 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.372255212543982 + -0.249911702704192 + 0 + 0.375925228733034 + -0.255887810847245 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.378972167443079 + -0.250066725006067 + 0 + 0.383110724165493 + -0.256692998808542 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.385900434413408 + -0.250472964740263 + 0 + 0.389660130984081 + -0.25639306347777 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.392781726782351 + -0.25071691747571 + 0 + 0.394900499723877 + -0.253998622868437 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.399511848597411 + -0.250646528824184 + 0 + 0.39995046806986 + -0.251314908443692 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.406104835395263 + -0.250296851360014 + 0 + 0.406104835395263 + -0.250296851360014 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.41254420555582 + -0.249655855445628 + 0 + 0.412992668259577 + -0.250317670798067 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.418734723704237 + -0.248598014907822 + 0 + 0.420949683905111 + -0.251815582369577 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.424426755950018 + -0.246784918914046 + 0 + 0.428445466534572 + -0.252532340301326 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.429607900602458 + -0.244233189444393 + 0 + 0.434131137229014 + -0.250603078507021 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.434593869863233 + -0.241413864925554 + 0 + 0.438695472696646 + -0.247102427271376 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.439710836938658 + -0.238784351774624 + 0 + 0.44201813477654 + -0.24193636156993 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445018932760472 + -0.236416981197459 + 0 + 0.445495740064216 + -0.237058676726882 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.450377035719687 + -0.234112913119979 + 0 + 0.450377035719687 + -0.234112913119979 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.455736037745933 + -0.231805042413711 + 0 + 0.456221887686792 + -0.232439918931116 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.461120321321889 + -0.229524783423431 + 0 + 0.463515983718567 + -0.232610166826436 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.466629403438389 + -0.227397172096311 + 0 + 0.470968958130414 + -0.232906360098212 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.472132719137963 + -0.225252227881316 + 0 + 0.477009360839531 + -0.231355794212939 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477195565673416 + -0.222554126972263 + 0 + 0.481610783299951 + -0.22800286450271 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.48139321057777 + -0.218808910972966 + 0 + 0.483873158380986 + -0.221826964643085 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484690267400844 + -0.214017273599518 + 0 + 0.485201990610864 + -0.214631486684459 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487355857001527 + -0.208540767061362 + 0 + 0.487355857001527 + -0.208540767061362 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.48950983745262 + -0.20254748402664 + 0 + 0.490029759613324 + -0.203154772511789 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491188315543241 + -0.196100256182699 + 0 + 0.493748384548393 + -0.199050652046182 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.492390385393733 + -0.189216650592116 + 0 + 0.497021362028804 + -0.19448323798537 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.493253274329318 + -0.182068518224302 + 0 + 0.498450370946659 + -0.187901642858666 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494132680395392 + -0.17506082111137 + 0 + 0.498831789506842 + -0.180266708252294 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.49531971899167 + -0.16850765286014 + 0 + 0.497955684839166 + -0.171390441980633 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.49705289072884 + -0.162648529501842 + 0 + 0.497596112931583 + -0.163235068499549 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498502766295665 + -0.156578684917574 + 0 + 0.498502766295665 + -0.156578684917574 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.500976298491143 + -0.151678931978381 + 0 + 0.501526844881575 + -0.152258601737267 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.503328820032936 + -0.146710766554317 + 0 + 0.506036410894295 + -0.14952639095929 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505703730192998 + -0.141834627123931 + 0 + 0.510595710364133 + -0.146859705966156 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509379346618602 + -0.138339350489908 + 0 + 0.514862916917211 + -0.143904025954857 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512545439478408 + -0.134357460976719 + 0 + 0.517497900474848 + -0.139322943576034 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515793002444229 + -0.13049546982107 + 0 + 0.518567968596991 + -0.133244715520061 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517949189565399 + -0.125605491859512 + 0 + 0.518520421032069 + -0.126164788711703 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520790259670081 + -0.121438518168726 + 0 + 0.520790259670081 + -0.121438518168726 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522538138720994 + -0.11626474573395 + 0 + 0.523115834746943 + -0.116817362833747 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523999696506994 + -0.110886819282751 + 0 + 0.526837835332545 + -0.113570800852974 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.524251780846339 + -0.104449717638987 + 0 + 0.529374400495454 + -0.109239462443866 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52389302328097 + -0.0975437118509525 + 0 + 0.529629343856359 + -0.10284746358971 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522894090514444 + -0.0901577902521821 + 0 + 0.528069640470716 + -0.0948902917065401 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522801519520025 + -0.0837012244352919 + 0 + 0.52569865862804 + -0.0863214103163329 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522295152094812 + -0.0769622183881371 + 0 + 0.522890972317305 + -0.0774952442973139 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522131256966648 + -0.0706243701718842 + 0 + 0.522131256966648 + -0.0706243701718842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522008545337499 + -0.0644102042823363 + 0 + 0.522610000644759 + -0.064936863442282 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522167130630189 + -0.0585237943562072 + 0 + 0.525119350759612 + -0.0610817594399859 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522318204135725 + -0.052709745230102 + 0 + 0.52764205020719 + -0.0572747808677184 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523042468213288 + -0.0474593526865142 + 0 + 0.528998986593143 + -0.052514552488742 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523518040627334 + -0.0420633539908021 + 0 + 0.52888774336301 + -0.0465743605188221 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523478314132337 + -0.0363046071900141 + 0 + 0.526481634308092 + -0.0388023775926536 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522581975685168 + -0.0299142189551641 + 0 + 0.523199121566311 + -0.0304224013227968 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522260068369116 + -0.0240724410193798 + 0 + 0.522260068369116 + -0.0240724410193798 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520931242375299 + -0.0174861246770284 + 0 + 0.521553240864117 + -0.0179883559358056 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.519640563196221 + -0.011017301938162 + 0 + 0.522691279555433 + -0.0134569573970397 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518082967595167 + -0.00441968002183039 + 0 + 0.523580328175758 + -0.00877420801144432 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.516445235240302 + 0.00215613184185236 + 0 + 0.522591414915518 + -0.00266669219080294 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515198311630304 + 0.00834521905696476 + 0 + 0.520735051290648 + 0.00404087226576249 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514319681926198 + 0.0141739724142195 + 0 + 0.517414262891711 + 0.011790202771346 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51444507102834 + 0.019166647988704 + 0 + 0.515080534206917 + 0.0186815656183194 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51504754102053 + 0.0237457174441685 + 0 + 0.51504754102053 + 0.0237457174441685 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.516141577779725 + 0.027910821905161 + 0 + 0.516781168969772 + 0.0274311955224432 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517849667322971 + 0.0315820721163 + 0 + 0.520984593322147 + 0.0292516154996504 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520091303725036 + 0.0348303008397511 + 0 + 0.525736717265888 + 0.0306695084490966 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523942047257066 + 0.0368842786651737 + 0 + 0.530249750885138 + 0.0322747199888579 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.527329323707669 + 0.0392761550395343 + 0 + 0.533008072299303 + 0.035160975602574 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530904362999643 + 0.0415253558432384 + 0 + 0.534076401499286 + 0.0392456714749148 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.534248597527297 + 0.0439345218507081 + 0 + 0.5348995839305 + 0.0434704797618524 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.537444081750373 + 0.0464410943404135 + 0 + 0.537444081750373 + 0.0464410943404135 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.540561964579517 + 0.04899301924726 + 0 + 0.541216433982264 + 0.0485339025319769 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.543102243790358 + 0.0519355370919902 + 0 + 0.546308316941345 + 0.0497039717192265 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.545268665328723 + 0.0551182707984346 + 0 + 0.551039061816631 + 0.0511326200689174 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.54674417081516 + 0.0587539386407405 + 0 + 0.553188029887676 + 0.0543367181907798 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.548162957084493 + 0.0624007368110524 + 0 + 0.553961153951827 + 0.0584556385292601 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549684605206067 + 0.0659495550135535 + 0 + 0.552921645049379 + 0.0637631510903945 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.552503706280229 + 0.0686053008641433 + 0 + 0.553167689478105 + 0.0681600541119671 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554774762938143 + 0.0716161272216867 + 0 + 0.554774762938143 + 0.0716161272216867 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557456701716878 + 0.0743368005833014 + 0 + 0.558123573888134 + 0.0738958925831598 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.560287063179252 + 0.0769463021053665 + 0 + 0.563552320013287 + 0.0748022669213771 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.56363142999427 + 0.0792085142818788 + 0 + 0.569505591582543 + 0.0753774422386748 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.566752935645749 + 0.0816056012660787 + 0 + 0.573309636726683 + 0.0773576809295762 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.569899444265065 + 0.0839747156585742 + 0 + 0.57579648233036 + 0.0801789509896524 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.571779088395054 + 0.0871424997282605 + 0 + 0.575069833470148 + 0.0850377940687568 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.573743828722273 + 0.0902385430892928 + 0 + 0.574418530726068 + 0.0898097126292509 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574210495132547 + 0.0942647668340597 + 0 + 0.574210495132547 + 0.0942647668340597 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574685127190994 + 0.0982556236121087 + 0 + 0.575362185812015 + 0.0978305236461184 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.573977306621641 + 0.10295275301199 + 0 + 0.577291050214913 + 0.100884446346998 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574037695330143 + 0.107135942184015 + 0 + 0.579996629041215 + 0.103438105466093 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.573066357754937 + 0.111927249045217 + 0 + 0.579715049828847 + 0.107824804657256 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.572676231041006 + 0.116324866564648 + 0 + 0.578653711558851 + 0.112657086033572 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.572023226286005 + 0.120848329413154 + 0 + 0.575357602608493 + 0.118813452610389 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.573230575462257 + 0.12420935580718 + 0 + 0.573913966962851 + 0.123794513169183 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574267221894916 + 0.127656594779098 + 0 + 0.574267221894916 + 0.127656594779098 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.575056158935527 + 0.131228465110889 + 0 + 0.575741436465193 + 0.130816745467539 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.577499868324315 + 0.133789455008878 + 0 + 0.580852658267195 + 0.131785062666715 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.579771457532714 + 0.136443778647328 + 0 + 0.585798565700612 + 0.132858133029338 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.582831355532765 + 0.138618161606548 + 0 + 0.589553846642589 + 0.134637801129362 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.585980747085291 + 0.140732008453291 + 0 + 0.592022587229983 + 0.137171242379627 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.58884714754184 + 0.143004328796455 + 0 + 0.592216358740071 + 0.141027663684679 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.591217751630423 + 0.145557272532389 + 0 + 0.591908069711687 + 0.145154061292386 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.593088174785243 + 0.148389688148958 + 0 + 0.593088174785243 + 0.148389688148958 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.594395205323079 + 0.151534694247825 + 0 + 0.595087012134369 + 0.151134042661984 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.594960826725901 + 0.155091236494794 + 0 + 0.598344591564287 + 0.15313958986159 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.594393610686732 + 0.159279456776904 + 0 + 0.600474667197695 + 0.15578608604424 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.592710411276128 + 0.164082666087827 + 0 + 0.599491200657451 + 0.160202453256533 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.590474829452158 + 0.16917308025565 + 0 + 0.596567421457683 + 0.165699867043137 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.588286143434531 + 0.174207803797597 + 0 + 0.591682763725695 + 0.172278617528712 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.586331697837416 + 0.179082134816289 + 0 + 0.587027453667062 + 0.178688380853897 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.58447359522953 + 0.183876228188389 + 0 + 0.58447359522953 + 0.183876228188389 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.582678076368996 + 0.188610539600824 + 0 + 0.583374989700377 + 0.18821883797212 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.581018380437027 + 0.193245274030701 + 0 + 0.584426316895367 + 0.191336149058805 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.579708085034494 + 0.197662749656377 + 0 + 0.585831172459676 + 0.194243584882788 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.578666262845069 + 0.201910639805786 + 0 + 0.585492391213915 + 0.198110754578305 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.577402605537495 + 0.20626313415121 + 0 + 0.583534598911238 + 0.202859967298154 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.575420896487017 + 0.210994390562642 + 0 + 0.578838758400734 + 0.20910309233096 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.572714009407577 + 0.216105620038157 + 0 + 0.573413971928032 + 0.215719393644261 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.569648629208662 + 0.221392499605875 + 0 + 0.569648629208662 + 0.221392499605875 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.566361874432708 + 0.226779045566724 + 0 + 0.567062723927539 + 0.226394431028544 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.5628700142472 + 0.232256283076559 + 0 + 0.566296547900853 + 0.23038074150603 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.559139882293919 + 0.23784235449467 + 0 + 0.56529524631785 + 0.234481643097024 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555332575882613 + 0.243449449649057 + 0 + 0.562193453793717 + 0.239712671553032 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.551876011864736 + 0.248845643743533 + 0 + 0.558038144021199 + 0.245497358413451 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549187314671191 + 0.253806979805858 + 0 + 0.552621391540257 + 0.251945285652744 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.547316143193319 + 0.258310152860747 + 0 + 0.548019310185587 + 0.257929791797585 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.546041540323348 + 0.262477938844547 + 0 + 0.546041540323348 + 0.262477938844547 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.545296740944667 + 0.26634884950636 + 0 + 0.546000575664466 + 0.26596972545728 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.545150492876145 + 0.269888100080505 + 0 + 0.548591098241422 + 0.268038499101154 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.545826928571989 + 0.272977681486015 + 0 + 0.55200665651566 + 0.269661983986608 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.547280150969561 + 0.275644944153969 + 0 + 0.55416719445753 + 0.27195661279076 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549095385890676 + 0.278114066509003 + 0 + 0.555280153440206 + 0.274807778904507 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.550846192100584 + 0.280613744984677 + 0 + 0.554292414480974 + 0.278774630967739 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.552373603987172 + 0.283228576040828 + 0 + 0.553079164560371 + 0.282852673613419 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553714524960958 + 0.285938438252715 + 0 + 0.553714524960958 + 0.285938438252715 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554856791090474 + 0.28874943409394 + 0 + 0.555562842485541 + 0.288374454381278 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555666618285808 + 0.291732157485239 + 0 + 0.559117639806666 + 0.289902064721205 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55577825615152 + 0.295079668825015 + 0 + 0.561975959755035 + 0.291797694204709 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555203083090365 + 0.298784589810268 + 0 + 0.562109365616769 + 0.295132409924844 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554448288382621 + 0.302577846112289 + 0 + 0.560649639999558 + 0.299302769702726 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554017216667811 + 0.306193859950425 + 0 + 0.557472304473231 + 0.304371455681544 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55399992512685 + 0.309586089382641 + 0 + 0.554707226061328 + 0.309213471957562 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554187584255883 + 0.312865425868417 + 0 + 0.554187584255883 + 0.312865425868417 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55451289412656 + 0.316067807452317 + 0 + 0.555220543871597 + 0.315695852890933 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555016568072157 + 0.319172270063812 + 0 + 0.558475066794245 + 0.317356347253857 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555844877831654 + 0.322102541872099 + 0 + 0.562055425031544 + 0.31884493679424 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.556811763819582 + 0.324956765431098 + 0 + 0.563731725473342 + 0.32133057087475 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557308723210212 + 0.32805383579806 + 0 + 0.563521805870369 + 0.324801069095173 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.556759687219487 + 0.331694538001199 + 0 + 0.56022101247174 + 0.329884008642004 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555144988381408 + 0.335887913095628 + 0 + 0.55585350688313 + 0.335517616066065 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.552862185949695 + 0.34042521988535 + 0 + 0.552862185949695 + 0.34042521988535 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.550091780111826 + 0.345211742183656 + 0 + 0.5508005345518 + 0.344841896944128 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.546894803362922 + 0.350215404535748 + 0 + 0.550358436183797 + 0.348409293591051 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.543278129365771 + 0.355432488184628 + 0 + 0.549497434845376 + 0.352191635408473 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.539437972034657 + 0.360760720942211 + 0 + 0.546367194308466 + 0.357152253825809 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.535831893281123 + 0.365962096625841 + 0 + 0.542052857272595 + 0.362724428578902 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.532899059623785 + 0.370808733836813 + 0 + 0.536364541791191 + 0.369006173876704 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.53070087956452 + 0.375269589183943 + 0 + 0.531410202640004 + 0.374900835699932 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529020281375881 + 0.379458301993825 + 0 + 0.529020281375881 + 0.379458301993825 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.527790813953703 + 0.383409988358021 + 0 + 0.528500285026138 + 0.383041519696175 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.527079731748251 + 0.387090234912984 + 0 + 0.5305466618677 + 0.385290461424665 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.527109674580989 + 0.390384006348382 + 0 + 0.533334545434413 + 0.387153856162469 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.527829905419016 + 0.393318197285613 + 0 + 0.534764946279702 + 0.389720925470666 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.528816553768611 + 0.396113074630039 + 0 + 0.535042410768208 + 0.392884825571194 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529631583617309 + 0.398995894802367 + 0 + 0.533099613888616 + 0.39719824213856 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.53010202454743 + 0.402056256927783 + 0 + 0.530811834167637 + 0.401688440859011 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.53024607528512 + 0.405284636137486 + 0 + 0.53024607528512 + 0.405284636137486 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530026748426161 + 0.408700121993751 + 0 + 0.530736640092069 + 0.408332464299612 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529282645398698 + 0.412386223906065 + 0 + 0.532751478974277 + 0.41059012182452 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52762733630084 + 0.416542891127346 + 0 + 0.533855363451273 + 0.413318830771393 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.525084898799206 + 0.421157478231218 + 0 + 0.532023177275888 + 0.417566454974539 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522231223803974 + 0.425931849135839 + 0 + 0.528459748093733 + 0.422708749302256 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.519671784357158 + 0.430552797935107 + 0 + 0.523141173215205 + 0.42875776868352 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517586909327756 + 0.43492724164916 + 0 + 0.518296972212218 + 0.434559914740951 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515822890960179 + 0.439134901987676 + 0 + 0.515822890960179 + 0.439134901987676 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514331782538823 + 0.443200735669239 + 0 + 0.515041881543152 + 0.44283347859111 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.513174505736131 + 0.447093368226124 + 0 + 0.516644249002465 + 0.445299024131998 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512554888261311 + 0.450707522284933 + 0 + 0.518784373405253 + 0.447486279945901 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512377520951457 + 0.454092655794906 + 0 + 0.519317239981351 + 0.450504417224782 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512132334680192 + 0.457512580625684 + 0 + 0.518361997556606 + 0.454291682022561 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511305598350793 + 0.461232929280124 + 0 + 0.51477554101282 + 0.459438970812198 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.509882233271881 + 0.465261496184472 + 0 + 0.510592394206174 + 0.464894358873935 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508227181657904 + 0.469409631120504 + 0 + 0.508227181657904 + 0.469409631120504 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.506472866813453 + 0.473608913156696 + 0 + 0.50718303674455 + 0.473241793249375 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.504629823528068 + 0.477853934655292 + 0 + 0.50809985549307 + 0.476060148931115 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502659451180724 + 0.482164683672596 + 0 + 0.508889360758345 + 0.478944262268489 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.500720801125574 + 0.486458987341179 + 0 + 0.507660899501499 + 0.482871482528293 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499242566435268 + 0.490515235512886 + 0 + 0.505472495864452 + 0.487294852511944 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498644222858663 + 0.494116633360796 + 0 + 0.502114278327988 + 0.492322893105854 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498967967684934 + 0.497241380729503 + 0 + 0.499678145520282 + 0.496874276112854 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499994052316792 + 0.500003074467614 + 0 + 0.499994052316792 + 0.500003074467614 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501032032315036 + 0.502758619263774 + 0 + 0.500321854479689 + 0.503125723880424 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50135577714114 + 0.505883366632568 + 0 + 0.497885721671814 + 0.50767710688751 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.500757433565384 + 0.509484764480039 + 0 + 0.494527504136201 + 0.512705147480981 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499279198872879 + 0.513541012652882 + 0 + 0.492339100496955 + 0.517128517465769 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497340548821721 + 0.517835316319404 + 0 + 0.4911106392441 + 0.52105573772351 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.495370176470924 + 0.522146065338492 + 0 + 0.491900144505923 + 0.523939851062669 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.493527133186644 + 0.526391086836517 + 0 + 0.492816963255547 + 0.526758206743838 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491772818341976 + 0.53059036887282 + 0 + 0.491772818341976 + 0.53059036887282 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490117766726929 + 0.534738503809407 + 0 + 0.489407605792636 + 0.535105641119945 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.48869440164906 + 0.538767070713216 + 0 + 0.485224458987033 + 0.540561029181141 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487867665320333 + 0.542487419367308 + 0 + 0.481638002443919 + 0.54570831797043 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487622479049108 + 0.545907344198066 + 0 + 0.480682760019213 + 0.549495582768189 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487445111738456 + 0.54929247770845 + 0 + 0.481215626594514 + 0.552513720047482 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.486825494265284 + 0.552906631766408 + 0 + 0.48335575099895 + 0.554700975860534 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485668217461825 + 0.55679926432369 + 0 + 0.484958118457496 + 0.557166521401818 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484177109037803 + 0.560865098006631 + 0 + 0.484177109037803 + 0.560865098006631 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482413090673178 + 0.565072758343621 + 0 + 0.481703027788716 + 0.56544008525183 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480328215641652 + 0.569447202058774 + 0 + 0.476858826783604 + 0.571242231310361 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477768776197043 + 0.574068150856899 + 0 + 0.471540251907284 + 0.577291250690483 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474915101200832 + 0.578842521762026 + 0 + 0.467976822724151 + 0.582433545018705 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.472372663697538 + 0.583457108866756 + 0 + 0.466144636547105 + 0.58668116922271 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470717354601147 + 0.587613776087278 + 0 + 0.467248521025568 + 0.589409878168824 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469973251575123 + 0.591299877998846 + 0 + 0.469263359909215 + 0.591667535692985 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.46975392471345 + 0.594715363856517 + 0 + 0.46975392471345 + 0.594715363856517 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469897975453855 + 0.597943743064814 + 0 + 0.469188165833648 + 0.598311559133586 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470368416382056 + 0.601004105191225 + 0 + 0.466900386110748 + 0.602801757855032 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.471183446231192 + 0.60388692536333 + 0 + 0.464957589231595 + 0.607115174422175 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.472170094583168 + 0.606681802706519 + 0 + 0.465235053722482 + 0.610279074521466 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47289032541927 + 0.609615993644745 + 0 + 0.466665454565846 + 0.612846143830657 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47292026825121 + 0.612909765080559 + 0 + 0.469453338131762 + 0.614709538568878 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.472209186046435 + 0.616590011635169 + 0 + 0.471499714974001 + 0.616958480297016 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470979718624506 + 0.620541697999236 + 0 + 0.470979718624506 + 0.620541697999236 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469299120435972 + 0.624730410809064 + 0 + 0.468589797360488 + 0.625099164293076 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.467100940375802 + 0.629191266156666 + 0 + 0.463635458208396 + 0.630993826116774 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.464168106720844 + 0.634037903366397 + 0 + 0.457947142729372 + 0.637275571413336 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.460562027965599 + 0.639239279050915 + 0 + 0.453632805691789 + 0.642847746167316 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.456721870633026 + 0.644567511809264 + 0 + 0.45050256515342 + 0.647808364585419 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453105196639322 + 0.649784595456348 + 0 + 0.449641563818446 + 0.651590706401044 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.449908219887122 + 0.654788257810154 + 0 + 0.449199465447148 + 0.655158103049682 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.44713781405013 + 0.659574780108005 + 0 + 0.44713781405013 + 0.659574780108005 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444855011617718 + 0.664112086898095 + 0 + 0.444146493115996 + 0.664482383927657 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.44324031277965 + 0.668305461992518 + 0 + 0.439778987527396 + 0.670115991351713 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442691276792148 + 0.671946164193968 + 0 + 0.43647819413199 + 0.675198930896855 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.443188236179736 + 0.675043234562519 + 0 + 0.436268274525976 + 0.678669429118867 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444155122171035 + 0.677897458119755 + 0 + 0.437944574971145 + 0.681155063197614 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444983431927334 + 0.680827729929717 + 0 + 0.441524933205246 + 0.682643652739672 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445487105875933 + 0.683932192539635 + 0 + 0.444779456130897 + 0.684304147101019 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445812415742289 + 0.687134574125807 + 0 + 0.445812415742289 + 0.687134574125807 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446000074874127 + 0.690413910610107 + 0 + 0.44529277393965 + 0.690786528035187 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445982783331484 + 0.69380614004321 + 0 + 0.442527695526064 + 0.69562854431209 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445551711619655 + 0.697422153879771 + 0 + 0.439350360002718 + 0.700697230289334 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444796916908213 + 0.701215410183743 + 0 + 0.437890634381809 + 0.704867590069166 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444221743847336 + 0.704920331168856 + 0 + 0.438024040243821 + 0.708202305789162 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444333381716481 + 0.708267842506811 + 0 + 0.440882360195622 + 0.710097935270844 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445143208910263 + 0.711250565898931 + 0 + 0.444437157515196 + 0.711625545611594 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446285475041588 + 0.714061561739193 + 0 + 0.446285475041588 + 0.714061561739193 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.447626396012748 + 0.716771423952478 + 0 + 0.446920835439549 + 0.717147326379887 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.44915380789921 + 0.719386255008698 + 0 + 0.44570758551882 + 0.721225369025635 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.450904614110092 + 0.721885933483845 + 0 + 0.444719846560562 + 0.725192221088341 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.452719849029973 + 0.724355055839542 + 0 + 0.445832805542005 + 0.728043387202751 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.454173071428678 + 0.727022318506893 + 0 + 0.447993343485007 + 0.7303380160063 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.454849507123865 + 0.730111899912747 + 0 + 0.451408901758587 + 0.731961500892099 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.454703259053666 + 0.7336511504878 + 0 + 0.453999424333867 + 0.73403027453688 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453958459678774 + 0.737522061147572 + 0 + 0.453958459678774 + 0.737522061147572 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.45268385680487 + 0.741689847133492 + 0 + 0.451980689812602 + 0.742070208196654 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.450812685329868 + 0.746193020186831 + 0 + 0.447378608460801 + 0.748054714339945 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.448123988137076 + 0.751154356248744 + 0 + 0.441961855980612 + 0.754502641578826 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444667424117291 + 0.756550550344255 + 0 + 0.437806546206187 + 0.76028732844028 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.440860117706386 + 0.762157645498431 + 0 + 0.434704753682456 + 0.765518356896076 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.437129985755354 + 0.767743716915306 + 0 + 0.433703452101702 + 0.769619258485835 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.433638125567301 + 0.773220954426534 + 0 + 0.432937276072469 + 0.773605568964715 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.430351370793634 + 0.77860750038613 + 0 + 0.430351370793634 + 0.77860750038613 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.427285990592905 + 0.78389437995484 + 0 + 0.42658602807245 + 0.784280606348736 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.424579103513964 + 0.789005609430071 + 0 + 0.421161241600247 + 0.790896907661753 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.42259739446208 + 0.793736865842291 + 0 + 0.416465401088338 + 0.797140032695347 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.421333737155648 + 0.798089360187077 + 0 + 0.414507608786802 + 0.801889245414558 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.420291914964769 + 0.802337250337292 + 0 + 0.414168827539588 + 0.80575641511088 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.418981619561466 + 0.806754725963408 + 0 + 0.415573683103127 + 0.808663850935304 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.417321923631502 + 0.811389460392154 + 0 + 0.416625010300121 + 0.811781162020859 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.415526404770417 + 0.816123771804899 + 0 + 0.415526404770417 + 0.816123771804899 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.41366830216254 + 0.820917865176999 + 0 + 0.412972546332894 + 0.821311619139391 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.411713856564583 + 0.82579219619617 + 0 + 0.408317236273419 + 0.827721382465054 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.409525170549306 + 0.830826919736779 + 0 + 0.403432578543782 + 0.834300132949293 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.407289588722456 + 0.835917333906248 + 0 + 0.400508799341133 + 0.839797546737541 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.405606389313074 + 0.840720543216478 + 0 + 0.399525332802111 + 0.844213913949143 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.40503917327557 + 0.844908763497621 + 0 + 0.401655408437183 + 0.846860410130826 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.405604794676988 + 0.848465305745391 + 0 + 0.404912987865698 + 0.848865957331232 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.406911825213129 + 0.851610311845252 + 0 + 0.406911825213129 + 0.851610311845252 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.408782248369515 + 0.854442727460908 + 0 + 0.408091930288251 + 0.854845938700912 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.411152852459601 + 0.856995671195968 + 0 + 0.40778364126137 + 0.858972336307743 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.414019252915685 + 0.8592679915394 + 0 + 0.407977412770994 + 0.862828757613064 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.417168644467329 + 0.861381838386647 + 0 + 0.410446153357506 + 0.865362198863833 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.420228542467005 + 0.863556221346105 + 0 + 0.414201434299106 + 0.867141866964095 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.42250013167749 + 0.866210544983312 + 0 + 0.41914734173461 + 0.868214937325475 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.424943841064315 + 0.868771534882475 + 0 + 0.424258563534649 + 0.869183254525825 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425732778105591 + 0.87234340521387 + 0 + 0.425732778105591 + 0.87234340521387 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.426769424538338 + 0.875790644185726 + 0 + 0.426086033037743 + 0.876205486823723 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.427976773713396 + 0.879151670580479 + 0 + 0.424642397390908 + 0.881186547383245 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.427323768960389 + 0.883675133427765 + 0 + 0.421346288442543 + 0.887342913958841 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.426933642244171 + 0.888072750948597 + 0 + 0.42028495017026 + 0.892175195336559 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.42596230467041 + 0.89286405780892 + 0 + 0.420003370959338 + 0.896561894526842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.426022693379291 + 0.89704724698069 + 0 + 0.422708949786019 + 0.899115553645681 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425314872808064 + 0.901744376381742 + 0 + 0.424637814187042 + 0.902169476347732 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425789504866709 + 0.905735233159679 + 0 + 0.425789504866709 + 0.905735233159679 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.426256171277898 + 0.909761456903866 + 0 + 0.425581469274102 + 0.910190287363908 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.428220911605376 + 0.912857500264732 + 0 + 0.424930166530282 + 0.914962205924235 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.430100555736676 + 0.916025284333569 + 0 + 0.424203517671382 + 0.919821049002491 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.433247064353445 + 0.918394398727709 + 0 + 0.42669036327251 + 0.922642319064212 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.436368570004678 + 0.920791485712072 + 0 + 0.430494408416405 + 0.924622557755277 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.439712936821115 + 0.923053697887652 + 0 + 0.43644767998708 + 0.925197733071642 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442543298282397 + 0.925663199410444 + 0 + 0.441876426111141 + 0.926104107410585 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445225237063279 + 0.928383872770634 + 0 + 0.445225237063279 + 0.928383872770634 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.447496293719353 + 0.9313946991294 + 0 + 0.446832310521477 + 0.931839945881576 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.45031539479286 + 0.934050444980438 + 0 + 0.447078354949548 + 0.936236848903597 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.451837042916109 + 0.937599263181802 + 0 + 0.446038846048775 + 0.941544361463594 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453255829183074 + 0.941246061353731 + 0 + 0.446811970110558 + 0.945663281803692 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.454731334672237 + 0.944881729194169 + 0 + 0.448960938184329 + 0.948867379923686 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.456897756209225 + 0.948064462901565 + 0 + 0.453691683058238 + 0.950296028274328 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.459438035421624 + 0.951006980745217 + 0 + 0.458783566018876 + 0.9514660974605 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.462555918249647 + 0.953558905652842 + 0 + 0.462555918249647 + 0.953558905652842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.4657514024734 + 0.956065478142062 + 0 + 0.465100416070197 + 0.956529520230918 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469095637000718 + 0.958474644149771 + 0 + 0.465923598501075 + 0.960754328518094 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.472670676293154 + 0.960723844953133 + 0 + 0.46699192770152 + 0.964839024390094 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476057952743114 + 0.963115721327969 + 0 + 0.469750249115042 + 0.967725280004285 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479908696275416 + 0.965169699153173 + 0 + 0.474263282734564 + 0.969330491543827 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482150332676312 + 0.968417927877503 + 0 + 0.479015406677136 + 0.970748384494153 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.483858422221345 + 0.97208917808731 + 0 + 0.483218831031298 + 0.972568804470028 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484952458979156 + 0.976254282549339 + 0 + 0.484952458979156 + 0.976254282549339 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485554928972576 + 0.980833352003864 + 0 + 0.484919465793999 + 0.981318434374248 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485680318072733 + 0.985826027579863 + 0 + 0.48258573710722 + 0.988209797222736 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484801688368355 + 0.991654780937346 + 0 + 0.47926494870801 + 0.995959127728549 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.483554764759269 + 0.997843868151758 + 0 + 0.477408585084053 + 1.00266669218441 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481917032406449 + 1.00441968001381 + 0 + 0.476419671825858 + 1.00877420800342 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480359436802442 + 1.01101730193249 + 0 + 0.47730872044323 + 1.01345695739137 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479068757625931 + 1.01748612466931 + 0 + 0.478446759137112 + 1.01798835592808 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477739931629466 + 1.02407244101381 + 0 + 0.477739931629466 + 1.02407244101381 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477418024316324 + 1.0299142189472 + 0 + 0.476800878435181 + 1.03042240131483 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476521685864756 + 1.0363046071857 + 0 + 0.473518365689002 + 1.03880237758834 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476481959373215 + 1.04206335398361 + 0 + 0.471112256637539 + 1.04657436051163 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476957531785944 + 1.04745935268044 + 0 + 0.471001013406089 + 1.05251455248266 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477681795865758 + 1.0527097452221 + 0 + 0.472357949794293 + 1.05727478085971 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477832869369386 + 1.05852379434986 + 0 + 0.474880649239964 + 1.06108175943364 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477991454662009 + 1.06441020427604 + 0 + 0.47738999935475 + 1.06493686343598 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47786874303231 + 1.07062437016608 + 0 + 0.47786874303231 + 1.07062437016608 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477704847905351 + 1.07696221838126 + 0 + 0.477109027682859 + 1.07749524429044 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47719848048028 + 1.08370122442828 + 0 + 0.474301341372265 + 1.08632141030932 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477105909484982 + 1.09015779024597 + 0 + 0.471930359528711 + 1.09489029170032 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476106976719281 + 1.097543711844 + 0 + 0.470370656143892 + 1.10284746358276 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.475748219154248 + 1.10444971763171 + 0 + 0.470625599505133 + 1.10923946243659 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476000303492973 + 1.11088681927605 + 0 + 0.473162164667422 + 1.11357080084627 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477461861278033 + 1.11626474572815 + 0 + 0.476884165252084 + 1.11681736282795 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479209740329589 + 1.12143851816233 + 0 + 0.479209740329589 + 1.12143851816233 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482050810435087 + 1.1256054918523 + 0 + 0.481479578968417 + 1.12616478870449 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484206997555069 + 1.13049546981504 + 0 + 0.481432031402307 + 1.13324471551403 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487454560522344 + 1.13435746096923 + 0 + 0.482502099525904 + 1.13932294356855 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490620653380922 + 1.13833935048368 + 0 + 0.485137083082313 + 1.14390402594863 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494296269806773 + 1.14183462711743 + 0 + 0.489404289635638 + 1.14685970595966 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.496671179967579 + 1.14671076654706 + 0 + 0.49396358910622 + 1.14952639095203 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499023701508423 + 1.15167893197211 + 0 + 0.498473155117991 + 1.152258601731 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501497233706143 + 1.15657868490891 + 0 + 0.501497233706143 + 1.15657868490891 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502947109269546 + 1.16264852949686 + 0 + 0.502403887066803 + 1.16323506849457 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.504680281008434 + 1.1685076528533 + 0 + 0.502044315160939 + 1.17139044197379 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505867319604422 + 1.17506082110485 + 0 + 0.501168210492971 + 1.18026670824577 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.506746725670381 + 1.1820685182179 + 0 + 0.50154962905304 + 1.18790164285227 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507609614605492 + 1.18921665058628 + 0 + 0.50297863797042 + 1.19448323797953 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508811684457199 + 1.19610025617546 + 0 + 0.506251615452048 + 1.19905065203895 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510490162546564 + 1.20254748402087 + 0 + 0.50997024038586 + 1.20315477250602 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51264414299887 + 1.20854076705416 + 0 + 0.51264414299887 + 1.20854076705416 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515309732598113 + 1.21401727359405 + 0 + 0.514798009388094 + 1.21463148667899 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518606789423005 + 1.2188089109653 + 0 + 0.51612684161979 + 1.22182696463542 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522804434326399 + 1.22255412696577 + 0 + 0.518389216699865 + 1.22800286449621 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.527867280863278 + 1.22525222787305 + 0 + 0.522990639161711 + 1.23135579420468 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.533370596561418 + 1.22739717208984 + 0 + 0.529031041869394 + 1.23290636009174 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.538879678677441 + 1.22952478341758 + 0 + 0.536484016280763 + 1.23261016682058 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.54426396225473 + 1.23180504240612 + 0 + 0.543778112313871 + 1.23243991892353 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549622964279443 + 1.2341129131144 + 0 + 0.549622964279443 + 1.2341129131144 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554981067239554 + 1.23641698119069 + 0 + 0.55450425993581 + 1.23705867672012 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.560289163060839 + 1.23878435176859 + 0 + 0.557981865222957 + 1.2419363615639 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.565406130136609 + 1.24141386491905 + 0 + 0.561304527303196 + 1.24710242726487 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.570392099397823 + 1.24423318943727 + 0 + 0.565868862771267 + 1.2506030784999 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.575573244050378 + 1.24678491890674 + 0 + 0.571554533465824 + 1.25253234029402 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.581265276294758 + 1.24859801490256 + 0 + 0.579050316093883 + 1.25181558236431 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.587455794445529 + 1.24965585543692 + 0 + 0.587007331741772 + 1.25031767078936 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.59389516460427 + 1.25029685135397 + 0 + 0.59389516460427 + 1.25029685135397 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.600488151402385 + 1.25064652881777 + 0 + 0.600049531929937 + 1.25131490843728 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.607218273218305 + 1.25071691746799 + 0 + 0.605099500276779 + 1.25399862286071 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.614099565585563 + 1.25047296473517 + 0 + 0.610339869014891 + 1.25639306347268 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.621027832557474 + 1.25006672499846 + 0 + 0.616889275835059 + 1.25669299880093 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.627744787454172 + 1.24991170270046 + 0 + 0.62407477126512 + 1.25588781084351 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.634011594597309 + 1.25041778138476 + 0 + 0.631992720382511 + 1.25376187109158 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.639815602442739 + 1.25164213431282 + 0 + 0.639407648299577 + 1.2523296601483 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.645300778013203 + 1.25337702647739 + 0 + 0.645300778013203 + 1.25337702647739 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.650517356750827 + 1.25556312082761 + 0 + 0.650119990060171 + 1.25625681966035 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.655438159664493 + 1.258274113679 + 0 + 0.653522744757262 + 1.26167851888338 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.659953051620673 + 1.26173903546746 + 0 + 0.656561629795494 + 1.26787753246339 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.664105246906738 + 1.2659209651336 + 0 + 0.660380446298135 + 1.2727883530414 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.668133255969524 + 1.27041293418874 + 0 + 0.664837762017437 + 1.27660345977039 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.672268549554214 + 1.27478991913699 + 0 + 0.670459992377388 + 1.27825227527127 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.676590693693598 + 1.27889019770788 + 0 + 0.676226128324245 + 1.27960168238716 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.681074452194359 + 1.28274795660892 + 0 + 0.681074452194359 + 1.28274795660892 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.685720284042295 + 1.28634814550564 + 0 + 0.685366984079232 + 1.28706529088385 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.690588055537069 + 1.28955161955119 + 0 + 0.688889582273622 + 1.29306928605553 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.695845388238844 + 1.29198015022527 + 0 + 0.692846326088813 + 1.29831959133515 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.701468312210057 + 1.29363751945825 + 0 + 0.698183756503095 + 1.30072602071436 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.707201406050901 + 1.29503845680157 + 0 + 0.704303901480386 + 1.30142495463914 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.712807857315299 + 1.29670089636527 + 0 + 0.711222512689604 + 1.30027097640361 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.718253946967093 + 1.29872119797722 + 0 + 0.717935373137065 + 1.29945442991338 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.723641179219024 + 1.30088600928987 + 0 + 0.723641179219024 + 1.30088600928987 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.729002706870525 + 1.30312678422388 + 0 + 0.728696002185677 + 1.30386505964246 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.734323540646251 + 1.30548709593627 + 0 + 0.732854179370762 + 1.30910645589412 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.739546186771217 + 1.30812181037974 + 0 + 0.736960998935186 + 1.31464098910238 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.744753713556394 + 1.31083769449846 + 0 + 0.741932992222597 + 1.31812320665665 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.750191341305123 + 1.3129930729174 + 0 + 0.7477126589038 + 1.31955348608417 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.75607045752977 + 1.31397322112477 + 0 + 0.754719736289927 + 1.31763850981663 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.762369923669857 + 1.3137475799443 + 0 + 0.762099636804354 + 1.3144999517724 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.768912182403063 + 1.31272999118399 + 0 + 0.768912182403063 + 1.31272999118399 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.775612462231014 + 1.31110747237817 + 0 + 0.775354567236218 + 1.31186418139031 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.78243466481749 + 1.30894142803575 + 0 + 0.781205034731855 + 1.31264909561994 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.789363515142918 + 1.30623600338958 + 0 + 0.787210902799999 + 1.31291051816344 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.796320062800826 + 1.30319930044759 + 0 + 0.793983599742144 + 1.3106542381821 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.803146536293947 + 1.30032351260377 + 0 + 0.801104639471232 + 1.30703272602494 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.809707467130161 + 1.29808572951103 + 0 + 0.808601166663845 + 1.30183204614749 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.816000485064596 + 1.29655804217161 + 0 + 0.815780447317601 + 1.29732661340922 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.822109448753179 + 1.29551048863167 + 0 + 0.822109448753179 + 1.29551048863167 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.828066481243831 + 1.29487471719647 + 0 + 0.827859271093346 + 1.2956468456255 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.833863552519896 + 1.2947274037391 + 0 + 0.832882600879837 + 1.2985084780497 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.839452635104325 + 1.29531547470014 + 0 + 0.837748272520637 + 1.30211827085677 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.844866308306755 + 1.29658824222307 + 0 + 0.843031127867617 + 1.30418213904919 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.850230717083901 + 1.2980849428651 + 0 + 0.848640493234297 + 1.30491532173259 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.855659959777314 + 1.29932553756125 + 0 + 0.854806150835772 + 1.30313733495273 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.86118915725139 + 1.30011831828591 + 0 + 0.861020974734358 + 1.30089987634411 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.866803462836032 + 1.30048120821842 + 0 + 0.866803462836032 + 1.30048120821842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.872500708205912 + 1.3003714519278 + 0 + 0.872345696829683 + 1.3011557285567 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.878303307822599 + 1.29960852402739 + 0 + 0.877578204621173 + 1.30344688492882 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.884272531472578 + 1.29776161072206 + 0 + 0.8830288806159 + 1.30466351045416 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.890376978058963 + 1.29485325066884 + 0 + 0.889056502711666 + 1.30255334814271 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.896486207314847 + 1.29151979063097 + 0 + 0.895359290062961 + 1.29844170834738 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.902486284373027 + 1.28843425245671 + 0 + 0.901891214258538 + 1.29229491051217 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.908354996625277 + 1.28579947682714 + 0 + 0.908239900053212 + 1.28659059700542 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.914127979372477 + 1.28344652809402 + 0 + 0.914127979372477 + 1.28344652809402 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.919819967951945 + 1.28132362219817 + 0 + 0.919718289651694 + 1.28211657861604 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.925429365029042 + 1.27950032293881 + 0 + 0.924965415468098 + 1.28337892318469 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.930939168492029 + 1.2782062466729 + 0 + 0.930165326279683 + 1.28517647303908 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.936374489990938 + 1.27733656753494 + 0 + 0.935578375160987 + 1.28510839855649 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.941800481658911 + 1.27632111338432 + 0 + 0.941145107153354 + 1.28330347484896 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.94726324396668 + 1.27458369588801 + 0 + 0.946931259079294 + 1.27847581293365 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.952746326053777 + 1.27210630808382 + 0 + 0.952685155433351 + 1.27290341316634 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.958203569154049 + 1.26929799431335 + 0 + 0.958203569154049 + 1.26929799431335 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.963618328107218 + 1.26630770513156 + 0 + 0.963570723350922 + 1.26710573529676 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.968986031170033 + 1.26314772642153 + 0 + 0.9687866090151 + 1.26704888264329 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.974304865780931 + 1.25977529228831 + 0 + 0.974006449470244 + 1.26678199158761 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.97956399379745 + 1.25636955728569 + 0 + 0.979298005866417 + 1.26417752799968 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.984750880908806 + 1.25341491923723 + 0 + 0.984571783516586 + 1.26042568321054 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.98986971601484 + 1.25138051564427 + 0 + 0.98980320648484 + 1.25528619939297 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.994944209205504 + 1.25032843893624 + 0 + 0.994937403161304 + 1.25112785874782 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 1 + 1.2499798172808 + 0 + 1 + 1.2499798172808 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 9305b9b7-f13b-4006-824e-6a14c10eacb8 + d2c53264-57e1-4d11-b625-5a5eefefe7c0 + dc33f043-a46c-4bbe-aa2b-e04d7f37a6de + b1dbb9a1-e34d-4d93-b860-212e9f8b0ced + 4 + e656094a-cb6b-4ff0-b036-49a8d09811f9 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + ac2bc2cb-70fb-4dd5-9c78-7e1ea97fe278 + Geometry + + + + + Contains a collection of generic geometry + true + 1697bc2c-534d-4786-a2ef-d80ea183ae8d + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26461 + -17844 + 50 + 24 + + + 26486.88 + -17832 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + -1 + + 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 + + 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Curve + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 1697bc2c-534d-4786-a2ef-d80ea183ae8d + d2c53264-57e1-4d11-b625-5a5eefefe7c0 + dc33f043-a46c-4bbe-aa2b-e04d7f37a6de + b1dbb9a1-e34d-4d93-b860-212e9f8b0ced + 4 + 35ba470b-6e9c-4934-b00b-98a9c4e505a0 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + ac2bc2cb-70fb-4dd5-9c78-7e1ea97fe278 + Geometry + + + + + Contains a collection of generic geometry + true + 4848e772-982e-4c21-b4b4-c776e0b041dc + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26461 + -18639 + 50 + 24 + + + 26486.88 + -18627 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 513 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + + 8.31187957663209E-17 + -0.24997981727771 + 0 + 8.31187957663209E-17 + -0.24997981727771 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.00506259683868762 + -0.251127858752699 + 0 + 0.00507922461441546 + -0.253080912971781 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0101967935151527 + -0.255286199399574 + 0 + 0.0102633030451533 + -0.259191883148281 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0154282164834252 + -0.260425683217874 + 0 + 0.015478094857813 + -0.262378171223821 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.020701994133584 + -0.264177528006472 + 0 + 0.020701994133584 + -0.264177528006472 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0259935505297823 + -0.266781991594823 + 0 + 0.0260766590568435 + -0.268733347594719 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0312133909849261 + -0.267048882650394 + 0 + 0.0314128131398599 + -0.270950038872159 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0364292766489561 + -0.267105735301489 + 0 + 0.0365455793334612 + -0.269055394489957 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0417964308460186 + -0.269297994321025 + 0 + 0.0417964308460186 + -0.269297994321025 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0473148445665297 + -0.272903413171553 + 0 + 0.0474642898724584 + -0.274850812300169 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0530687409207295 + -0.278475812940646 + 0 + 0.0534007258081168 + -0.282367929986296 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0588548928467679 + -0.283303474857043 + 0 + 0.0590374137341314 + -0.285248052803867 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0644216248387421 + -0.285108398560566 + 0 + 0.0644216248387421 + -0.285108398560566 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0698346737203401 + -0.285176473045968 + 0 + 0.0700501876991094 + -0.287117671384767 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0750345845318063 + -0.283378923190612 + 0 + 0.075498534092752 + -0.287257523436499 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0802817103486181 + -0.282116578625177 + 0 + 0.0805301195454081 + -0.284053842194377 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0858720206272032 + -0.283446528098435 + 0 + 0.0858720206272032 + -0.283446528098435 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0917600999470148 + -0.286590597013706 + 0 + 0.0920412911839797 + -0.288523374485081 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0981087857410236 + -0.292294910516055 + 0 + 0.0987038558555139 + -0.296155568571535 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.104640709937007 + -0.298441708353911 + 0 + 0.104954554822725 + -0.300369452801007 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.110943497288377 + -0.302553348149671 + 0 + 0.110943497288377 + -0.302553348149671 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.116971119383968 + -0.30466351046014 + 0 + 0.117317474416101 + -0.306585679926476 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.122421795379205 + -0.30344688493754 + 0 + 0.123146898580634 + -0.30728524583899 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.12765430316972 + -0.3011557285604 + 0 + 0.128033009849194 + -0.303071786627506 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.133196537164003 + -0.300481208225351 + 0 + 0.133196537164003 + -0.300481208225351 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.138979025265838 + -0.300899876351722 + 0 + 0.139389910222287 + -0.302809292707094 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.145193849163702 + -0.303137334957123 + 0 + 0.146047658105246 + -0.306949132348622 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.151359506765839 + -0.304915321739946 + 0 + 0.151802381893991 + -0.306817572745062 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.156968872132746 + -0.304182139057426 + 0 + 0.156968872132746 + -0.304182139057426 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.162251727478638 + -0.302118270860592 + 0 + 0.162726390085325 + -0.304012840119134 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.167117399119998 + -0.29850847805582 + 0 + 0.16809835076006 + -0.302289552366431 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.172140728906841 + -0.295646845632959 + 0 + 0.172646961868271 + -0.297533224559463 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.177890551247578 + -0.295510488641129 + 0 + 0.177890551247578 + -0.295510488641129 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.184219552681569 + -0.297326613413061 + 0 + 0.184757124610486 + -0.299204301802235 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.19139883333628 + -0.301832046154663 + 0 + 0.1925051338026 + -0.305578362791137 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.198895360528742 + -0.307032726031567 + 0 + 0.199464025951072 + -0.308901232628571 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.206016400257862 + -0.310654238188858 + 0 + 0.206016400257862 + -0.310654238188858 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.212789097200447 + -0.312910518171558 + 0 + 0.213388596741011 + -0.314769361243596 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.21879496526751 + -0.312649095624738 + 0 + 0.220024595353149 + -0.316356763208947 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.224645432763613 + -0.311864181396547 + 0 + 0.225275493340509 + -0.313712889306154 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.231087817596925 + -0.312729991190678 + 0 + 0.231087817596925 + -0.312729991190678 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.237900363194681 + -0.31449995177643 + 0 + 0.238560698221893 + -0.316338063556882 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.245280263710348 + -0.31763850982412 + 0 + 0.246630984950195 + -0.321303798515987 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.252287341096334 + -0.319553486091236 + 0 + 0.252977650694198 + -0.321380552024555 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.25806700777737 + -0.318123206663287 + 0 + 0.25806700777737 + -0.318123206663287 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.263039001065523 + -0.314640989110883 + 0 + 0.263758972278673 + -0.316456571308922 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.267145820627951 + -0.309106455897664 + 0 + 0.268615181903445 + -0.312725815855527 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.271303997814893 + -0.303865059650543 + 0 + 0.272053304837405 + -0.305668732639644 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.27635882078016 + -0.300886009294673 + 0 + 0.27635882078016 + -0.300886009294673 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.282064626864048 + -0.299454429922685 + 0 + 0.282842931271584 + -0.301245781232398 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.288777487310066 + -0.300270976409564 + 0 + 0.290362831935765 + -0.30384105644792 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.295696098520099 + -0.301424954646929 + 0 + 0.296503049508985 + -0.303203585403195 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.301816243496339 + -0.300726020719846 + 0 + 0.301816243496339 + -0.300726020719846 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.307153673910965 + -0.298319591341423 + 0 + 0.307988908544354 + -0.300085116864542 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.311110417726908 + -0.29306928606337 + 0 + 0.31280889099036 + -0.296586952567721 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.314633015920925 + -0.2870652908909 + 0 + 0.315496159382554 + -0.28881734129835 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.318925547805695 + -0.282747956615763 + 0 + 0.318925547805695 + -0.282747956615763 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.323773871675519 + -0.279601682393419 + 0 + 0.324664537533973 + -0.281339903206257 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.329540007622413 + -0.278252275277643 + 0 + 0.331348564799245 + -0.281714631411929 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.335162237983916 + -0.276603459779669 + 0 + 0.336080028461476 + -0.278327512535504 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.339619553700555 + -0.272788353045691 + 0 + 0.339619553700555 + -0.272788353045691 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.343438370204849 + -0.267877532470742 + 0 + 0.344382876461511 + -0.269587095337889 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.346477255242167 + -0.261678518889093 + 0 + 0.348392670149405 + -0.265082924093477 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.349880009938808 + -0.256256819665294 + 0 + 0.35085081236385 + -0.257951588061604 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.354699221987147 + -0.25337702648471 + 0 + 0.354699221987147 + -0.25337702648471 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.360592351699053 + -0.252329660152735 + 0 + 0.361589020219088 + -0.254009347363727 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.368007279618083 + -0.253761871099317 + 0 + 0.370026153832888 + -0.257105960806143 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.375925228733034 + -0.255887810847245 + 0 + 0.376947323132166 + -0.257552148644947 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.383110724165493 + -0.256692998808542 + 0 + 0.383110724165493 + -0.256692998808542 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.389660130984081 + -0.25639306347777 + 0 + 0.390707201244638 + -0.258041802734007 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.394900499723877 + -0.253998622868437 + 0 + 0.397019272665411 + -0.257280328261175 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.39995046806986 + -0.251314908443692 + 0 + 0.401022054736625 + -0.252947819733754 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.406104835395263 + -0.250296851360014 + 0 + 0.406104835395263 + -0.250296851360014 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.412992668259577 + -0.250317670798067 + 0 + 0.414088302822276 + -0.251934544995591 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.420949683905111 + -0.251815582369577 + 0 + 0.423164644105993 + -0.255033149831342 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.428445466534572 + -0.252532340301326 + 0 + 0.429564671837387 + -0.254132989155931 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.434131137229014 + -0.250603078507021 + 0 + 0.434131137229014 + -0.250603078507021 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.438695472696646 + -0.247102427271376 + 0 + 0.439837763375363 + -0.24868668396488 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.44201813477654 + -0.24193636156993 + 0 + 0.44432543261443 + -0.245088371365246 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445495740064216 + -0.237058676726882 + 0 + 0.446660623024052 + -0.238626396394259 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.450377035719687 + -0.234112913119979 + 0 + 0.450377035719687 + -0.234112913119979 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.456221887686792 + -0.232439918931116 + 0 + 0.457408862619225 + -0.233990979141222 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.463515983718567 + -0.232610166826436 + 0 + 0.465911646115253 + -0.235695550229452 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470968958130414 + -0.232906360098212 + 0 + 0.472177518070469 + -0.234440661286666 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477009360839531 + -0.231355794212939 + 0 + 0.477009360839531 + -0.231355794212939 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481610783299951 + -0.22800286450271 + 0 + 0.482840415261927 + -0.229520330319025 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.483873158380986 + -0.221826964643085 + 0 + 0.486353106184211 + -0.224845018313215 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485201990610864 + -0.214631486684459 + 0 + 0.486452176257821 + -0.216132064277835 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487355857001527 + -0.208540767061362 + 0 + 0.487355857001527 + -0.208540767061362 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.490029759613324 + -0.203154772511789 + 0 + 0.491299976031341 + -0.204638432687503 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.493748384548393 + -0.199050652046182 + 0 + 0.496308453553553 + -0.202001047909675 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497021362028804 + -0.19448323798537 + 0 + 0.498311082574272 + -0.195949975242072 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498450370946659 + -0.187901642858666 + 0 + 0.498450370946659 + -0.187901642858666 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498831789506842 + -0.180266708252294 + 0 + 0.500140484852125 + -0.181716540573232 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497955684839166 + -0.171390441980633 + 0 + 0.50059165068667 + -0.174273231101137 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497596112931583 + -0.163235068499549 + 0 + 0.498923253439734 + -0.164668035818515 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498502766295665 + -0.156578684917574 + 0 + 0.498502766295665 + -0.156578684917574 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501526844881575 + -0.152258601737267 + 0 + 0.502871879036417 + -0.153674786890383 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.506036410894295 + -0.14952639095929 + 0 + 0.508744001755663 + -0.152342015364273 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510595710364133 + -0.146859705966156 + 0 + 0.511958120031016 + -0.148259183427633 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514862916917211 + -0.143904025954857 + 0 + 0.514862916917211 + -0.143904025954857 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517497900474848 + -0.139322943576034 + 0 + 0.518877153967375 + -0.140705823566833 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518567968596991 + -0.133244715520061 + 0 + 0.521342934749763 + -0.135993961219062 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518520421032069 + -0.126164788711703 + 0 + 0.51991599068132 + -0.12753120102857 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520790259670081 + -0.121438518168726 + 0 + 0.520790259670081 + -0.121438518168726 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523115834746943 + -0.116817362833747 + 0 + 0.524527197893668 + -0.118167455917081 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526837835332545 + -0.113570800852974 + 0 + 0.529675974158105 + -0.116254782423206 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529374400495454 + -0.109239462443866 + 0 + 0.530801042935851 + -0.110573399703582 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529629343856359 + -0.10284746358971 + 0 + 0.529629343856359 + -0.10284746358971 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.528069640470716 + -0.0948902917065401 + 0 + 0.529511023927964 + -0.0962082867728323 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52569865862804 + -0.0863214103163329 + 0 + 0.528595797736065 + -0.0889415961973827 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522890972317305 + -0.0774952442973139 + 0 + 0.524346614499919 + -0.078797474346804 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522131256966648 + -0.0706243701718842 + 0 + 0.522131256966648 + -0.0706243701718842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522610000644759 + -0.064936863442282 + 0 + 0.5240794098443 + -0.0662235389530084 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.525119350759612 + -0.0610817594399859 + 0 + 0.528071570889044 + -0.0636397245237732 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52764205020719 + -0.0572747808677184 + 0 + 0.529124733926057 + -0.0585461369371996 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.528998986593143 + -0.052514552488742 + 0 + 0.528998986593143 + -0.052514552488742 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52888774336301 + -0.0465743605188221 + 0 + 0.530383198099016 + -0.0478306695565018 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526481634308092 + -0.0388023775926536 + 0 + 0.529484954483856 + -0.0413001479953014 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523199121566311 + -0.0304224013227968 + 0 + 0.524706864243558 + -0.0316639363745814 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522260068369116 + -0.0240724410193798 + 0 + 0.522260068369116 + -0.0240724410193798 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521553240864117 + -0.0179883559358056 + 0 + 0.523072838896654 + -0.0192153518955009 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522691279555433 + -0.0134569573970397 + 0 + 0.525741995914656 + -0.0158966128559256 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523580328175758 + -0.00877420801144432 + 0 + 0.525111335443843 + -0.00998693799403258 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522591414915518 + -0.00266669219080294 + 0 + 0.522591414915518 + -0.00266669219080294 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520735051290648 + 0.00404087226576249 + 0 + 0.52227702557762 + 0.00284211767706795 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517414262891711 + 0.011790202771346 + 0 + 0.520508843857234 + 0.00940643312846436 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515080534206917 + 0.0186815656183194 + 0 + 0.516633027682826 + 0.0174964659293226 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51504754102053 + 0.0237457174441685 + 0 + 0.51504754102053 + 0.0237457174441685 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.516781168969772 + 0.0274311955224432 + 0 + 0.518343747547528 + 0.026259425300114 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520984593322147 + 0.0292516154996504 + 0 + 0.524119519321334 + 0.0269211588829929 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.525736717265888 + 0.0306695084490966 + 0 + 0.527308957077282 + 0.0295107335610934 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530249750885138 + 0.0322747199888579 + 0 + 0.530249750885138 + 0.0322747199888579 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.533008072299303 + 0.035160975602574 + 0 + 0.53458959587593 + 0.0340149038586707 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.534076401499286 + 0.0392456714749148 + 0 + 0.53724843999894 + 0.0369659871065836 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.5348995839305 + 0.0434704797618524 + 0 + 0.536490002034884 + 0.0423367833656127 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.537444081750373 + 0.0464410943404135 + 0 + 0.537444081750373 + 0.0464410943404135 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.541216433982264 + 0.0485339025319769 + 0 + 0.542815361366574 + 0.0474122392646357 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.546308316941345 + 0.0497039717192265 + 0 + 0.549514390092343 + 0.0474724063464552 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.551039061816631 + 0.0511326200689174 + 0 + 0.552646109204774 + 0.0500226218897029 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553188029887676 + 0.0543367181907798 + 0 + 0.553188029887676 + 0.0543367181907798 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553961153951827 + 0.0584556385292601 + 0 + 0.555575943706936 + 0.0573569341502785 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.552921645049379 + 0.0637631510903945 + 0 + 0.556158684892702 + 0.0615767471672281 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553167689478105 + 0.0681600541119671 + 0 + 0.554789859916247 + 0.067072276407095 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554774762938143 + 0.0716161272216867 + 0 + 0.554774762938143 + 0.0716161272216867 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.558123573888134 + 0.0738958925831598 + 0 + 0.559752802347065 + 0.0728187148382134 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.563552320013287 + 0.0748022669213771 + 0 + 0.566817576847333 + 0.0726582317373806 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.569505591582543 + 0.0753774422386748 + 0 + 0.571141537406673 + 0.0743104940083888 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.573309636726683 + 0.0773576809295762 + 0 + 0.573309636726683 + 0.0773576809295762 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.57579648233036 + 0.0801789509896524 + 0 + 0.577438799221491 + 0.0791218358139479 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.575069833470148 + 0.0850377940687568 + 0 + 0.578360578545252 + 0.082933088409246 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574418530726068 + 0.0898097126292509 + 0 + 0.57606688816736 + 0.0887620413967855 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574210495132547 + 0.0942647668340597 + 0 + 0.574210495132547 + 0.0942647668340597 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.575362185812015 + 0.0978305236461184 + 0 + 0.57701630068032 + 0.0967919663448332 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.577291050214913 + 0.100884446346998 + 0 + 0.580604793808196 + 0.0988161396819994 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.579996629041215 + 0.103438105466093 + 0 + 0.581656183783523 + 0.102408263088403 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.579715049828847 + 0.107824804657256 + 0 + 0.579715049828847 + 0.107824804657256 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.578653711558851 + 0.112657086033572 + 0 + 0.580318431561023 + 0.111635614262074 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.575357602608493 + 0.118813452610389 + 0 + 0.578691978930992 + 0.116778575807617 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.573913966962851 + 0.123794513169183 + 0 + 0.57558355362331 + 0.122781015439132 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574267221894916 + 0.127656594779098 + 0 + 0.574267221894916 + 0.127656594779098 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.575741436465193 + 0.130816745467539 + 0 + 0.577415630863639 + 0.129810877493195 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.580852658267195 + 0.131785062666715 + 0 + 0.584205448210086 + 0.129780670324545 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.585798565700612 + 0.132858133029338 + 0 + 0.587477106934231 + 0.131859535716783 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.589553846642589 + 0.134637801129362 + 0 + 0.589553846642589 + 0.134637801129362 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.592022587229983 + 0.137171242379627 + 0 + 0.593705231298628 + 0.136179573985529 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.592216358740071 + 0.141027663684679 + 0 + 0.595585569938314 + 0.139050998572897 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.591908069711687 + 0.145154061292386 + 0 + 0.593594578629267 + 0.14416898010968 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.593088174785243 + 0.148389688148958 + 0 + 0.593088174785243 + 0.148389688148958 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.595087012134369 + 0.151134042661984 + 0 + 0.596777158152779 + 0.150155214943714 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.598344591564287 + 0.15313958986159 + 0 + 0.601728356402685 + 0.151187943228379 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.600474667197695 + 0.15578608604424 + 0 + 0.602168232969749 + 0.15481318715878 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.599491200657451 + 0.160202453256533 + 0 + 0.599491200657451 + 0.160202453256533 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.596567421457683 + 0.165699867043137 + 0 + 0.598264199848912 + 0.164732581998975 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.591682763725695 + 0.172278617528712 + 0 + 0.59507938401687 + 0.170349431259821 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.587027453667062 + 0.178688380853897 + 0 + 0.588727247491103 + 0.177726404647668 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.58447359522953 + 0.183876228188389 + 0 + 0.58447359522953 + 0.183876228188389 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.583374989700377 + 0.18821883797212 + 0 + 0.585077611404854 + 0.187261875800955 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.584426316895367 + 0.191336149058805 + 0 + 0.587834253353718 + 0.189427024086903 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.585831172459676 + 0.194243584882788 + 0 + 0.587536443782822 + 0.193291352253619 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.585492391213915 + 0.198110754578305 + 0 + 0.585492391213915 + 0.198110754578305 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.583534598911238 + 0.202859967298154 + 0 + 0.585242350528659 + 0.20191219006758 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.578838758400734 + 0.20910309233096 + 0 + 0.582256620314461 + 0.207211794099271 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.573413971928032 + 0.215719393644261 + 0 + 0.575124043074596 + 0.214775807962253 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.569648629208662 + 0.221392499605875 + 0 + 0.569648629208662 + 0.221392499605875 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.567062723927539 + 0.226394431028544 + 0 + 0.568774962031965 + 0.225454783254455 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.566296547900853 + 0.23038074150603 + 0 + 0.569723081554517 + 0.228505199935495 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.56529524631785 + 0.234481643097024 + 0 + 0.567009506628811 + 0.233545689651675 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.562193453793717 + 0.239712671553032 + 0 + 0.562193453793717 + 0.239712671553032 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.558038144021199 + 0.245497358413451 + 0 + 0.559754289247648 + 0.244564865610618 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.552621391540257 + 0.251945285652744 + 0 + 0.556055468409335 + 0.250083591499623 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.548019310185587 + 0.257929791797585 + 0 + 0.549737210143874 + 0.257000535644032 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.546041540323348 + 0.262477938844547 + 0 + 0.546041540323348 + 0.262477938844547 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.546000575664466 + 0.26596972545728 + 0 + 0.547720106940932 + 0.265043491439953 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.548591098241422 + 0.268038499101154 + 0 + 0.552031703606712 + 0.266188898121796 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55200665651566 + 0.269661983986608 + 0 + 0.553727702144349 + 0.268738566849248 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55416719445753 + 0.27195661279076 + 0 + 0.55416719445753 + 0.27195661279076 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555280153440206 + 0.274807778904507 + 0 + 0.557002602592111 + 0.273886982409779 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554292414480974 + 0.278774630967739 + 0 + 0.557738636861375 + 0.276935516950796 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553079164560371 + 0.282852673613419 + 0 + 0.554802912251312 + 0.281934310306458 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553714524960958 + 0.285938438252715 + 0 + 0.553714524960958 + 0.285938438252715 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555562842485541 + 0.288374454381278 + 0 + 0.557287789298278 + 0.287458345349105 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.559117639806666 + 0.289902064721205 + 0 + 0.562568661327537 + 0.288071971957166 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.561975959755035 + 0.291797694204709 + 0 + 0.563702011579964 + 0.290883668842228 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.562109365616769 + 0.295132409924844 + 0 + 0.562109365616769 + 0.295132409924844 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.560649639999558 + 0.299302769702726 + 0 + 0.562376707791147 + 0.298390665482334 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557472304473231 + 0.304371455681544 + 0 + 0.560927392278663 + 0.302549051412657 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554707226061328 + 0.309213471957562 + 0 + 0.556435225610789 + 0.308303134205592 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554187584255883 + 0.312865425868417 + 0 + 0.554187584255883 + 0.312865425868417 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555220543871597 + 0.315695852890933 + 0 + 0.556949395596505 + 0.314787134574356 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.558475066794245 + 0.317356347253857 + 0 + 0.561933565516345 + 0.315540424443896 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.562055425031544 + 0.31884493679424 + 0 + 0.563785053780183 + 0.317937698315402 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.563731725473342 + 0.32133057087475 + 0 + 0.563731725473342 + 0.32133057087475 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.563521805870369 + 0.324801069095173 + 0 + 0.565252140741162 + 0.323895178097029 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.56022101247174 + 0.329884008642004 + 0 + 0.563682337724006 + 0.328073479282803 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55585350688313 + 0.335517616066065 + 0 + 0.55758448105845 + 0.334612947248224 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.552862185949695 + 0.34042521988535 + 0 + 0.552862185949695 + 0.34042521988535 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.5508005345518 + 0.344841896944128 + 0 + 0.55253208514541 + 0.343938331889818 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.550358436183797 + 0.348409293591051 + 0 + 0.553822069004684 + 0.346603182646348 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549497434845376 + 0.352191635408473 + 0 + 0.551229502762722 + 0.351289062422338 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.546367194308466 + 0.357152253825809 + 0 + 0.546367194308466 + 0.357152253825809 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.542052857272595 + 0.362724428578902 + 0 + 0.543785387083187 + 0.361822742535419 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.536364541791191 + 0.369006173876704 + 0 + 0.539830023958609 + 0.367203613916589 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.531410202640004 + 0.374900835699932 + 0 + 0.533143142461107 + 0.373999937902157 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529020281375881 + 0.379458301993825 + 0 + 0.529020281375881 + 0.379458301993825 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.528500285026138 + 0.383041519696175 + 0 + 0.53023358641705 + 0.382141317744466 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.5305466618677 + 0.385290461424665 + 0 + 0.53401359198716 + 0.38349068793634 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.533334545434413 + 0.387153856162469 + 0 + 0.535068163300618 + 0.386254263832816 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.534764946279702 + 0.389720925470666 + 0 + 0.534764946279702 + 0.389720925470666 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.535042410768208 + 0.392884825571194 + 0 + 0.536776303274749 + 0.391985762702782 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.533099613888616 + 0.39719824213856 + 0 + 0.536567644159936 + 0.395400589474748 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530811834167637 + 0.401688440859011 + 0 + 0.532545962661087 + 0.40078983325065 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.53024607528512 + 0.405284636137486 + 0 + 0.53024607528512 + 0.405284636137486 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530736640092069 + 0.408332464299612 + 0 + 0.532470969030517 + 0.407434243614669 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.532751478974277 + 0.41059012182452 + 0 + 0.536220312549868 + 0.408794019742968 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.533855363451273 + 0.413318830771393 + 0 + 0.535589860341801 + 0.412420934450904 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.532023177275888 + 0.417566454974539 + 0 + 0.532023177275888 + 0.417566454974539 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.528459748093733 + 0.422708749302256 + 0 + 0.530194383436872 + 0.42181112048591 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523141173215205 + 0.42875776868352 + 0 + 0.526610562073264 + 0.426962739431927 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518296972212218 + 0.434559914740951 + 0 + 0.520031719452933 + 0.433662502195668 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515822890960179 + 0.439134901987676 + 0 + 0.515822890960179 + 0.439134901987676 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515041881543152 + 0.44283347859111 + 0 + 0.516776717027939 + 0.44193623664697 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.516644249002465 + 0.445299024131998 + 0 + 0.520113992268811 + 0.443504680037866 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518784373405253 + 0.447486279945901 + 0 + 0.520519276344944 + 0.446589168439202 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.519317239981351 + 0.450504417224782 + 0 + 0.519317239981351 + 0.450504417224782 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518361997556606 + 0.454291682022561 + 0 + 0.520096949994542 + 0.453394666245834 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51477554101282 + 0.459438970812198 + 0 + 0.518245483674858 + 0.457645012344267 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510592394206174 + 0.464894358873935 + 0 + 0.512327380991411 + 0.463997409532749 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508227181657904 + 0.469409631120504 + 0 + 0.508227181657904 + 0.469409631120504 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50718303674455 + 0.473241793249375 + 0 + 0.508918045509783 + 0.472344886425808 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50809985549307 + 0.476060148931115 + 0 + 0.511569887458084 + 0.474266363206931 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508889360758345 + 0.478944262268489 + 0 + 0.510624381902224 + 0.478047379391024 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507660899501499 + 0.482871482528293 + 0 + 0.507660899501499 + 0.482871482528293 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505472495864452 + 0.487294852511944 + 0 + 0.507207522536964 + 0.486397980329706 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502114278327988 + 0.492322893105854 + 0 + 0.505584333797325 + 0.490529152850905 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499678145520282 + 0.496874276112854 + 0 + 0.501413173596309 + 0.495977406645765 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499994052316792 + 0.500003074467614 + 0 + 0.499994052316792 + 0.500003074467614 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.500321854479689 + 0.503125723880424 + 0 + 0.498586826403661 + 0.504022593347512 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497885721671814 + 0.50767710688751 + 0 + 0.494415666202477 + 0.509470847142459 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494527504136201 + 0.512705147480981 + 0 + 0.492792477463689 + 0.513602019663219 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.492339100496955 + 0.517128517465769 + 0 + 0.492339100496955 + 0.517128517465769 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.4911106392441 + 0.52105573772351 + 0 + 0.489375618100221 + 0.521952620600976 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491900144505923 + 0.523939851062669 + 0 + 0.488430112540909 + 0.525733636786853 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.492816963255547 + 0.526758206743838 + 0 + 0.491081954490313 + 0.527655113567405 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491772818341976 + 0.53059036887282 + 0 + 0.491772818341976 + 0.53059036887282 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489407605792636 + 0.535105641119945 + 0 + 0.487672619007399 + 0.536002590461131 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485224458987033 + 0.540561029181141 + 0 + 0.481754516324994 + 0.542354987649073 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481638002443919 + 0.54570831797043 + 0 + 0.479903050005983 + 0.546605333747157 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480682760019213 + 0.549495582768189 + 0 + 0.480682760019213 + 0.549495582768189 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481215626594514 + 0.552513720047482 + 0 + 0.479480723654823 + 0.553410831554181 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.48335575099895 + 0.554700975860534 + 0 + 0.479886007732604 + 0.556495319954666 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484958118457496 + 0.557166521401818 + 0 + 0.483223282972709 + 0.558063763345959 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484177109037803 + 0.560865098006631 + 0 + 0.484177109037803 + 0.560865098006631 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481703027788716 + 0.56544008525183 + 0 + 0.479968280548001 + 0.566337497797113 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476858826783604 + 0.571242231310361 + 0 + 0.473389437925545 + 0.573037260561954 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.471540251907284 + 0.577291250690483 + 0 + 0.469805616564146 + 0.578188879506828 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.467976822724151 + 0.582433545018705 + 0 + 0.467976822724151 + 0.582433545018705 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.466144636547105 + 0.58668116922271 + 0 + 0.464410139656576 + 0.587579065543199 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.467248521025568 + 0.589409878168824 + 0 + 0.463779687449978 + 0.591205980250376 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469263359909215 + 0.591667535692985 + 0 + 0.467529030970766 + 0.592565756377928 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.46975392471345 + 0.594715363856517 + 0 + 0.46975392471345 + 0.594715363856517 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469188165833648 + 0.598311559133586 + 0 + 0.467454037340198 + 0.599210166741947 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.466900386110748 + 0.602801757855032 + 0 + 0.463432355839429 + 0.604599410518845 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.464957589231595 + 0.607115174422175 + 0 + 0.463223696725053 + 0.608014237290587 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.465235053722482 + 0.610279074521466 + 0 + 0.465235053722482 + 0.610279074521466 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.466665454565846 + 0.612846143830657 + 0 + 0.464931836699641 + 0.613745736160311 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469453338131762 + 0.614709538568878 + 0 + 0.465986408012301 + 0.616509312057203 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.471499714974001 + 0.616958480297016 + 0 + 0.469766413583088 + 0.617858682248725 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470979718624506 + 0.620541697999236 + 0 + 0.470979718624506 + 0.620541697999236 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.468589797360488 + 0.625099164293076 + 0 + 0.466856857539385 + 0.62600006209085 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.463635458208396 + 0.630993826116774 + 0 + 0.460169976040978 + 0.632796386076889 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.457947142729372 + 0.637275571413336 + 0 + 0.45621461291878 + 0.638177257456819 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453632805691789 + 0.642847746167316 + 0 + 0.453632805691789 + 0.642847746167316 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.45050256515342 + 0.647808364585419 + 0 + 0.448770497236075 + 0.648710937571555 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.449641563818446 + 0.651590706401044 + 0 + 0.44617793099756 + 0.653396817345747 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.449199465447148 + 0.655158103049682 + 0 + 0.447467914853538 + 0.656061668103992 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.44713781405013 + 0.659574780108005 + 0 + 0.44713781405013 + 0.659574780108005 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444146493115996 + 0.664482383927657 + 0 + 0.442415518940676 + 0.665387052745498 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.439778987527396 + 0.670115991351713 + 0 + 0.436317662275131 + 0.671926520710914 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.43647819413199 + 0.675198930896855 + 0 + 0.434747859261198 + 0.676104821894999 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.436268274525976 + 0.678669429118867 + 0 + 0.436268274525976 + 0.678669429118867 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.437944574971145 + 0.681155063197614 + 0 + 0.436214946222506 + 0.682062301676452 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.441524933205246 + 0.682643652739672 + 0 + 0.438066434483147 + 0.684459575549633 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444779456130897 + 0.684304147101019 + 0 + 0.443050604405989 + 0.685212865417596 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445812415742289 + 0.687134574125807 + 0 + 0.445812415742289 + 0.687134574125807 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.44529277393965 + 0.690786528035187 + 0 + 0.443564774390189 + 0.691696865787157 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442527695526064 + 0.69562854431209 + 0 + 0.439072607720632 + 0.697450948580977 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.439350360002718 + 0.700697230289334 + 0 + 0.437623292211129 + 0.701609334509727 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.437890634381809 + 0.704867590069166 + 0 + 0.437890634381809 + 0.704867590069166 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.438024040243821 + 0.708202305789162 + 0 + 0.436297988418891 + 0.709116331151643 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.440882360195622 + 0.710097935270844 + 0 + 0.437431338674752 + 0.711928028034883 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444437157515196 + 0.711625545611594 + 0 + 0.442712210702459 + 0.712541654643766 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446285475041588 + 0.714061561739193 + 0 + 0.446285475041588 + 0.714061561739193 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446920835439549 + 0.717147326379887 + 0 + 0.445197087748607 + 0.718065689686848 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.44570758551882 + 0.721225369025635 + 0 + 0.442261363138418 + 0.723064483042579 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444719846560562 + 0.725192221088341 + 0 + 0.442997397408658 + 0.726113017583069 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445832805542005 + 0.728043387202751 + 0 + 0.445832805542005 + 0.728043387202751 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.447993343485007 + 0.7303380160063 + 0 + 0.446272297856318 + 0.73126143314366 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.451408901758587 + 0.731961500892099 + 0 + 0.447968296393298 + 0.733811101871457 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453999424333867 + 0.73403027453688 + 0 + 0.452279893057401 + 0.734956508554207 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453958459678774 + 0.737522061147572 + 0 + 0.453958459678774 + 0.737522061147572 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.451980689812602 + 0.742070208196654 + 0 + 0.450262789854315 + 0.742999464350207 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.447378608460801 + 0.748054714339945 + 0 + 0.443944531591723 + 0.749916408493066 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.441961855980612 + 0.754502641578826 + 0 + 0.440245710754163 + 0.755435134381659 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.437806546206187 + 0.76028732844028 + 0 + 0.437806546206187 + 0.76028732844028 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.434704753682456 + 0.765518356896076 + 0 + 0.432990493371494 + 0.766454310341426 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.433703452101702 + 0.769619258485835 + 0 + 0.430276918448037 + 0.77149480005637 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.432937276072469 + 0.773605568964715 + 0 + 0.431225037968043 + 0.774545216738804 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.430351370793634 + 0.77860750038613 + 0 + 0.430351370793634 + 0.77860750038613 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.42658602807245 + 0.784280606348736 + 0 + 0.424875956925886 + 0.785224192030744 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.421161241600247 + 0.790896907661753 + 0 + 0.417743379686519 + 0.792788205893442 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.416465401088338 + 0.797140032695347 + 0 + 0.414757649470916 + 0.79808780992592 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.414507608786802 + 0.801889245414558 + 0 + 0.414507608786802 + 0.801889245414558 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.414168827539588 + 0.80575641511088 + 0 + 0.412463556216442 + 0.806708647740049 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.415573683103127 + 0.808663850935304 + 0 + 0.412165746644776 + 0.810572975907206 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.416625010300121 + 0.811781162020859 + 0 + 0.414922388595644 + 0.812738124192024 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.415526404770417 + 0.816123771804899 + 0 + 0.415526404770417 + 0.816123771804899 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.412972546332894 + 0.821311619139391 + 0 + 0.411272752508854 + 0.82227359534562 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.408317236273419 + 0.827721382465054 + 0 + 0.404920615982244 + 0.829650568733945 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.403432578543782 + 0.834300132949293 + 0 + 0.401735800152553 + 0.835267417993455 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.400508799341133 + 0.839797546737541 + 0 + 0.400508799341133 + 0.839797546737541 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.399525332802111 + 0.844213913949143 + 0 + 0.397831767030058 + 0.845186812834602 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.401655408437183 + 0.846860410130826 + 0 + 0.398271643598785 + 0.848812056764036 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.404912987865698 + 0.848865957331232 + 0 + 0.403222841847288 + 0.849844785049502 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.406911825213129 + 0.851610311845252 + 0 + 0.406911825213129 + 0.851610311845252 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.408091930288251 + 0.854845938700912 + 0 + 0.406405421370671 + 0.855831019883618 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.40778364126137 + 0.858972336307743 + 0 + 0.404414430063127 + 0.860949001419525 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.407977412770994 + 0.862828757613064 + 0 + 0.406294768702349 + 0.863820426007162 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.410446153357506 + 0.865362198863833 + 0 + 0.410446153357506 + 0.865362198863833 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.414201434299106 + 0.867141866964095 + 0 + 0.412522893065487 + 0.86814046427665 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.41914734173461 + 0.868214937325475 + 0 + 0.415794551791719 + 0.870219329667645 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.424258563534649 + 0.869183254525825 + 0 + 0.422584369136203 + 0.870189122500169 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425732778105591 + 0.87234340521387 + 0 + 0.425732778105591 + 0.87234340521387 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.426086033037743 + 0.876205486823723 + 0 + 0.424416446377285 + 0.877218984553774 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.424642397390908 + 0.881186547383245 + 0 + 0.42130802106841 + 0.883221424186017 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.421346288442543 + 0.887342913958841 + 0 + 0.419681568440371 + 0.888364385730339 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.42028495017026 + 0.892175195336559 + 0 + 0.42028495017026 + 0.892175195336559 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.420003370959338 + 0.896561894526842 + 0 + 0.418343816217031 + 0.897591736904532 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.422708949786019 + 0.899115553645681 + 0 + 0.419395206192737 + 0.90118386031068 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.424637814187042 + 0.902169476347732 + 0 + 0.422983699318737 + 0.903208033649017 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425789504866709 + 0.905735233159679 + 0 + 0.425789504866709 + 0.905735233159679 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425581469274102 + 0.910190287363908 + 0 + 0.42393311183281 + 0.911237958596373 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.424930166530282 + 0.914962205924235 + 0 + 0.421639421455178 + 0.917066911583746 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.424203517671382 + 0.919821049002491 + 0 + 0.422561200780251 + 0.920878164178196 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.42669036327251 + 0.922642319064212 + 0 + 0.42669036327251 + 0.922642319064212 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.430494408416405 + 0.924622557755277 + 0 + 0.428858462592275 + 0.925689505985563 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.43644767998708 + 0.925197733071642 + 0 + 0.433182423153033 + 0.927341768255638 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.441876426111141 + 0.926104107410585 + 0 + 0.440247197652209 + 0.927181285155532 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445225237063279 + 0.928383872770634 + 0 + 0.445225237063279 + 0.928383872770634 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446832310521477 + 0.931839945881576 + 0 + 0.445210140083335 + 0.932927723586448 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.447078354949548 + 0.936236848903597 + 0 + 0.443841315106225 + 0.938423252826763 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446038846048775 + 0.941544361463594 + 0 + 0.444424056293666 + 0.942643065842575 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446811970110558 + 0.945663281803692 + 0 + 0.446811970110558 + 0.945663281803692 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.448960938184329 + 0.948867379923686 + 0 + 0.447353890796185 + 0.949977378102901 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453691683058238 + 0.950296028274328 + 0 + 0.45048560990724 + 0.9525275936471 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.458783566018876 + 0.9514660974605 + 0 + 0.457184638634566 + 0.952587760727841 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.462555918249647 + 0.953558905652842 + 0 + 0.462555918249647 + 0.953558905652842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.465100416070197 + 0.956529520230918 + 0 + 0.463509997965812 + 0.957663216627157 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.465923598501075 + 0.960754328518094 + 0 + 0.462751560001421 + 0.963034012886426 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.46699192770152 + 0.964839024390094 + 0 + 0.465410404124894 + 0.965985096133997 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469750249115042 + 0.967725280004285 + 0 + 0.469750249115042 + 0.967725280004285 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474263282734564 + 0.969330491543827 + 0 + 0.47269104292317 + 0.97048926643183 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479015406677136 + 0.970748384494153 + 0 + 0.475880480677949 + 0.97307884111081 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.483218831031298 + 0.972568804470028 + 0 + 0.481656252453542 + 0.973740574692357 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484952458979156 + 0.976254282549339 + 0 + 0.484952458979156 + 0.976254282549339 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484919465793999 + 0.981318434374248 + 0 + 0.48336697231809 + 0.982503534063245 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.48258573710722 + 0.988209797222736 + 0 + 0.479491156141698 + 0.990593566865618 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47926494870801 + 0.995959127728549 + 0 + 0.477722974421038 + 0.997157882317243 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477408585084053 + 1.00266669218441 + 0 + 0.477408585084053 + 1.00266669218441 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476419671825858 + 1.00877420800342 + 0 + 0.474888664557773 + 1.00998693798601 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47730872044323 + 1.01345695739137 + 0 + 0.474258004084007 + 1.01589661285025 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.478446759137112 + 1.01798835592808 + 0 + 0.476927161104575 + 1.01921535188778 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477739931629466 + 1.02407244101381 + 0 + 0.477739931629466 + 1.02407244101381 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476800878435181 + 1.03042240131483 + 0 + 0.475293135757935 + 1.03166393636661 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473518365689002 + 1.03880237758834 + 0 + 0.470515045513237 + 1.04130014799099 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.471112256637539 + 1.04657436051163 + 0 + 0.469616801901533 + 1.04783066954931 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.471001013406089 + 1.05251455248266 + 0 + 0.471001013406089 + 1.05251455248266 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.472357949794293 + 1.05727478085971 + 0 + 0.470875266075426 + 1.0585461369292 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474880649239964 + 1.06108175943364 + 0 + 0.471928429110532 + 1.06363972451742 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47738999935475 + 1.06493686343598 + 0 + 0.475920590155208 + 1.06622353894671 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47786874303231 + 1.07062437016608 + 0 + 0.47786874303231 + 1.07062437016608 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477109027682859 + 1.07749524429044 + 0 + 0.475653385500245 + 1.07879747433993 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474301341372265 + 1.08632141030932 + 0 + 0.47140420226424 + 1.08894159619037 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.471930359528711 + 1.09489029170032 + 0 + 0.470488976071462 + 1.09620828676662 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470370656143892 + 1.10284746358276 + 0 + 0.470370656143892 + 1.10284746358276 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470625599505133 + 1.10923946243659 + 0 + 0.469198957064736 + 1.11057339969631 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473162164667422 + 1.11357080084627 + 0 + 0.470324025841862 + 1.1162547824165 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476884165252084 + 1.11681736282795 + 0 + 0.47547280210536 + 1.11816745591128 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479209740329589 + 1.12143851816233 + 0 + 0.479209740329589 + 1.12143851816233 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481479578968417 + 1.12616478870449 + 0 + 0.480084009319166 + 1.12753120102136 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481432031402307 + 1.13324471551403 + 0 + 0.478657065249536 + 1.13599396121303 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482502099525904 + 1.13932294356855 + 0 + 0.481122846033377 + 1.14070582355934 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485137083082313 + 1.14390402594863 + 0 + 0.485137083082313 + 1.14390402594863 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489404289635638 + 1.14685970595966 + 0 + 0.488041879968755 + 1.14825918342113 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.49396358910622 + 1.14952639095203 + 0 + 0.491255998244852 + 1.15234201535701 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498473155117991 + 1.152258601731 + 0 + 0.497128120963149 + 1.15367478688411 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501497233706143 + 1.15657868490891 + 0 + 0.501497233706143 + 1.15657868490891 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502403887066803 + 1.16323506849457 + 0 + 0.501076746558652 + 1.16466803581353 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502044315160939 + 1.17139044197379 + 0 + 0.499408349313434 + 1.1742732310943 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501168210492971 + 1.18026670824577 + 0 + 0.499859515147689 + 1.18171654056671 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50154962905304 + 1.18790164285227 + 0 + 0.50154962905304 + 1.18790164285227 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50297863797042 + 1.19448323797953 + 0 + 0.501688917424953 + 1.19594997523623 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.506251615452048 + 1.19905065203895 + 0 + 0.503691546446887 + 1.20200104790244 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50997024038586 + 1.20315477250602 + 0 + 0.508700023967843 + 1.20463843268173 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51264414299887 + 1.20854076705416 + 0 + 0.51264414299887 + 1.20854076705416 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514798009388094 + 1.21463148667899 + 0 + 0.513547823741137 + 1.21613206427236 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51612684161979 + 1.22182696463542 + 0 + 0.513646893816565 + 1.22484501830555 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518389216699865 + 1.22800286449621 + 0 + 0.517159584737888 + 1.22952033031253 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522990639161711 + 1.23135579420468 + 0 + 0.522990639161711 + 1.23135579420468 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529031041869394 + 1.23290636009174 + 0 + 0.527822481929338 + 1.2344406612802 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.536484016280763 + 1.23261016682058 + 0 + 0.534088353884077 + 1.2356955502236 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.543778112313871 + 1.23243991892353 + 0 + 0.542591137381438 + 1.23399097913363 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549622964279443 + 1.2341129131144 + 0 + 0.549622964279443 + 1.2341129131144 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55450425993581 + 1.23705867672012 + 0 + 0.553339376975974 + 1.2386263963875 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557981865222957 + 1.2419363615639 + 0 + 0.555674567385068 + 1.24508837135921 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.561304527303196 + 1.24710242726487 + 0 + 0.560162236624479 + 1.24868668395838 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.565868862771267 + 1.2506030784999 + 0 + 0.565868862771267 + 1.2506030784999 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.571554533465824 + 1.25253234029402 + 0 + 0.570435328163009 + 1.25413298914862 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.579050316093883 + 1.25181558236431 + 0 + 0.576835355893002 + 1.25503314982608 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.587007331741772 + 1.25031767078936 + 0 + 0.585911697179073 + 1.25193454498689 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.59389516460427 + 1.25029685135397 + 0 + 0.59389516460427 + 1.25029685135397 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.600049531929937 + 1.25131490843728 + 0 + 0.598977945263171 + 1.25294781972734 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.605099500276779 + 1.25399862286071 + 0 + 0.602980727335245 + 1.25728032825345 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.610339869014891 + 1.25639306347268 + 0 + 0.609292798754333 + 1.25804180272891 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.616889275835059 + 1.25669299880093 + 0 + 0.616889275835059 + 1.25669299880093 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.62407477126512 + 1.25588781084351 + 0 + 0.623052676865988 + 1.25755214864121 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.631992720382511 + 1.25376187109158 + 0 + 0.629973846167706 + 1.2571059607984 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.639407648299577 + 1.2523296601483 + 0 + 0.638410979779542 + 1.2540093473593 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.645300778013203 + 1.25337702647739 + 0 + 0.645300778013203 + 1.25337702647739 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.650119990060171 + 1.25625681966035 + 0 + 0.649149187635128 + 1.25795158805666 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.653522744757262 + 1.26167851888338 + 0 + 0.651607329850025 + 1.26508292408776 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.656561629795494 + 1.26787753246339 + 0 + 0.655617123538832 + 1.26958709533054 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.660380446298135 + 1.2727883530414 + 0 + 0.660380446298135 + 1.2727883530414 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.664837762017437 + 1.27660345977039 + 0 + 0.663919971539877 + 1.27832751252623 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.670459992377388 + 1.27825227527127 + 0 + 0.668651435200556 + 1.28171463140555 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.676226128324245 + 1.27960168238716 + 0 + 0.675335462465791 + 1.2813399032 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.681074452194359 + 1.28274795660892 + 0 + 0.681074452194359 + 1.28274795660892 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.685366984079232 + 1.28706529088385 + 0 + 0.684503840617602 + 1.2888173412913 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.688889582273622 + 1.29306928605553 + 0 + 0.68719110901017 + 1.29658695255989 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.692846326088813 + 1.29831959133515 + 0 + 0.692011091455424 + 1.30008511685827 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.698183756503095 + 1.30072602071436 + 0 + 0.698183756503095 + 1.30072602071436 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.704303901480386 + 1.30142495463914 + 0 + 0.703496950491501 + 1.3032035853954 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.711222512689604 + 1.30027097640361 + 0 + 0.709637168063905 + 1.30384105644197 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.717935373137065 + 1.29945442991338 + 0 + 0.717157068729529 + 1.3012457812231 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.723641179219024 + 1.30088600928987 + 0 + 0.723641179219024 + 1.30088600928987 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.728696002185677 + 1.30386505964246 + 0 + 0.727946695163165 + 1.30566873263156 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.732854179370762 + 1.30910645589412 + 0 + 0.731384818095268 + 1.31272581585198 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.736960998935186 + 1.31464098910238 + 0 + 0.736241027722036 + 1.31645657130042 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.741932992222597 + 1.31812320665665 + 0 + 0.741932992222597 + 1.31812320665665 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.7477126589038 + 1.31955348608417 + 0 + 0.747022349305936 + 1.32138055201749 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.754719736289927 + 1.31763850981663 + 0 + 0.75336901505008 + 1.32130379850849 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.762099636804354 + 1.3144999517724 + 0 + 0.761439301777142 + 1.31633806355285 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.768912182403063 + 1.31272999118399 + 0 + 0.768912182403063 + 1.31272999118399 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.775354567236218 + 1.31186418139031 + 0 + 0.774724506659322 + 1.31371288929991 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.781205034731855 + 1.31264909561994 + 0 + 0.779975404646217 + 1.31635676320415 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.787210902799999 + 1.31291051816344 + 0 + 0.786611403259435 + 1.31476936123547 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.793983599742144 + 1.3106542381821 + 0 + 0.793983599742144 + 1.3106542381821 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.801104639471232 + 1.30703272602494 + 0 + 0.800535974048903 + 1.30890123262194 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.808601166663845 + 1.30183204614749 + 0 + 0.807494866197526 + 1.30557836278396 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.815780447317601 + 1.29732661340922 + 0 + 0.815242875388683 + 1.2992043017984 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.822109448753179 + 1.29551048863167 + 0 + 0.822109448753179 + 1.29551048863167 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.827859271093346 + 1.2956468456255 + 0 + 0.827353038131916 + 1.29753322455201 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.832882600879837 + 1.2985084780497 + 0 + 0.831901649239775 + 1.30228955236031 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.837748272520637 + 1.30211827085677 + 0 + 0.837273609913951 + 1.30401284011531 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.843031127867617 + 1.30418213904919 + 0 + 0.843031127867617 + 1.30418213904919 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.848640493234297 + 1.30491532173259 + 0 + 0.848197618106145 + 1.30681757273771 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.854806150835772 + 1.30313733495273 + 0 + 0.853952341894228 + 1.30694913234423 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.861020974734358 + 1.30089987634411 + 0 + 0.860610089777909 + 1.30280929269949 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.866803462836032 + 1.30048120821842 + 0 + 0.866803462836032 + 1.30048120821842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.872345696829683 + 1.3011557285567 + 0 + 0.871966990150209 + 1.3030717866238 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.877578204621173 + 1.30344688492882 + 0 + 0.876853101419744 + 1.30728524583027 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.8830288806159 + 1.30466351045416 + 0 + 0.882682525583768 + 1.3065856799205 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.889056502711666 + 1.30255334814271 + 0 + 0.889056502711666 + 1.30255334814271 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.895359290062961 + 1.29844170834738 + 0 + 0.895045445177242 + 1.30036945279447 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.901891214258538 + 1.29229491051217 + 0 + 0.901296144144048 + 1.29615556856765 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.908239900053212 + 1.28659059700542 + 0 + 0.907958708816248 + 1.2885233744768 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.914127979372477 + 1.28344652809402 + 0 + 0.914127979372477 + 1.28344652809402 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.919718289651694 + 1.28211657861604 + 0 + 0.919469880454904 + 1.28405384218524 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.924965415468098 + 1.28337892318469 + 0 + 0.924501465907152 + 1.28725752343057 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.930165326279683 + 1.28517647303908 + 0 + 0.929949812300914 + 1.28711767137788 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.935578375160987 + 1.28510839855649 + 0 + 0.935578375160987 + 1.28510839855649 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.941145107153354 + 1.28330347484896 + 0 + 0.94096258626599 + 1.28524805279578 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.946931259079294 + 1.27847581293365 + 0 + 0.946599274191906 + 1.2823679299793 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.952685155433351 + 1.27290341316634 + 0 + 0.952535710127422 + 1.27485081229495 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.958203569154049 + 1.26929799431335 + 0 + 0.958203569154049 + 1.26929799431335 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.963570723350922 + 1.26710573529676 + 0 + 0.963454420666417 + 1.26905539448523 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.9687866090151 + 1.26704888264329 + 0 + 0.968587186860166 + 1.27095003886505 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.974006449470244 + 1.26678199158761 + 0 + 0.973923340943183 + 1.26873334758751 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.979298005866417 + 1.26417752799968 + 0 + 0.979298005866417 + 1.26417752799968 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.984571783516586 + 1.26042568321054 + 0 + 0.984521905142198 + 1.26237817121648 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.98980320648484 + 1.25528619939297 + 0 + 0.989736696954839 + 1.25919188314168 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.994937403161304 + 1.25112785874782 + 0 + 0.994920775385577 + 1.2530809129669 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 1 + 1.2499798172808 + 0 + 1 + 1.2499798172808 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 4848e772-982e-4c21-b4b4-c776e0b041dc + d2c53264-57e1-4d11-b625-5a5eefefe7c0 + dc33f043-a46c-4bbe-aa2b-e04d7f37a6de + b1dbb9a1-e34d-4d93-b860-212e9f8b0ced + 4 + a0377aab-f65e-493d-bf05-fc65c0869462 + Group + + + + + + + + + + + ac2bc2cb-70fb-4dd5-9c78-7e1ea97fe278 + Geometry + + + + + Contains a collection of generic geometry + true + 2ec03e7e-376b-4c39-b986-222817a5caaf + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26461 + -19018 + 50 + 24 + + + 26486.88 + -19006 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + -1 + + 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+ + 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Curve + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 2ec03e7e-376b-4c39-b986-222817a5caaf + d2c53264-57e1-4d11-b625-5a5eefefe7c0 + dc33f043-a46c-4bbe-aa2b-e04d7f37a6de + b1dbb9a1-e34d-4d93-b860-212e9f8b0ced + 4 + 71f7fa3c-f3d4-496d-899d-ae34ebb67f0d + Group + + + + + + + + + + + ac2bc2cb-70fb-4dd5-9c78-7e1ea97fe278 + Geometry + + + + + Contains a collection of generic geometry + true + fc27f150-6c66-477d-9ea7-d423bcc10875 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26465 + -19855 + 50 + 24 + + + 26490.1 + -19843 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 513 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + + 8.31187957663209E-17 + -0.24997981727771 + 0 + 8.31187957663209E-17 + -0.24997981727771 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.00507922461441546 + -0.253080912971781 + 0 + 0.00509585239014337 + -0.25503396719087 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0102633030451533 + -0.259191883148281 + 0 + 0.0102633030451533 + -0.259191883148281 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.015478094857813 + -0.262378171223821 + 0 + 0.0155279732322011 + -0.264330659229775 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.020701994133584 + -0.264177528006472 + 0 + 0.020701994133584 + -0.264177528006472 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0260766590568435 + -0.268733347594719 + 0 + 0.0261597675839049 + -0.270684703594621 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0314128131398599 + -0.270950038872159 + 0 + 0.0314128131398599 + -0.270950038872159 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0365455793334612 + -0.269055394489957 + 0 + 0.0366618820179666 + -0.271005053678431 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0417964308460186 + -0.269297994321025 + 0 + 0.0417964308460186 + -0.269297994321025 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0474642898724584 + -0.274850812300169 + 0 + 0.0476137351783876 + -0.276798211428792 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0534007258081168 + -0.282367929986296 + 0 + 0.0534007258081168 + -0.282367929986296 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0590374137341314 + -0.285248052803867 + 0 + 0.0592199346214956 + -0.287192630750698 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0644216248387421 + -0.285108398560566 + 0 + 0.0644216248387421 + -0.285108398560566 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0700501876991094 + -0.287117671384767 + 0 + 0.0702657016778793 + -0.289058869723572 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.075498534092752 + -0.287257523436499 + 0 + 0.075498534092752 + -0.287257523436499 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0805301195454081 + -0.284053842194377 + 0 + 0.0807785287421989 + -0.285991105763584 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0858720206272032 + -0.283446528098435 + 0 + 0.0858720206272032 + -0.283446528098435 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0920412911839797 + -0.288523374485081 + 0 + 0.0923224824209455 + -0.290456151956462 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.0987038558555139 + -0.296155568571535 + 0 + 0.0987038558555139 + -0.296155568571535 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.104954554822725 + -0.300369452801007 + 0 + 0.105268399708445 + -0.302297197248109 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.110943497288377 + -0.302553348149671 + 0 + 0.110943497288377 + -0.302553348149671 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.117317474416101 + -0.306585679926476 + 0 + 0.117663829448234 + -0.308507849392819 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.123146898580634 + -0.30728524583899 + 0 + 0.123146898580634 + -0.30728524583899 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.128033009849194 + -0.303071786627506 + 0 + 0.128411716528669 + -0.304987844694618 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.133196537164003 + -0.300481208225351 + 0 + 0.133196537164003 + -0.300481208225351 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.139389910222287 + -0.302809292707094 + 0 + 0.139800795178737 + -0.304718709062473 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.146047658105246 + -0.306949132348622 + 0 + 0.146047658105246 + -0.306949132348622 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.151802381893991 + -0.306817572745062 + 0 + 0.152245257022144 + -0.308719823750184 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.156968872132746 + -0.304182139057426 + 0 + 0.156968872132746 + -0.304182139057426 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.162726390085325 + -0.304012840119134 + 0 + 0.163201052692013 + -0.305907409377682 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.16809835076006 + -0.302289552366431 + 0 + 0.16809835076006 + -0.302289552366431 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.172646961868271 + -0.297533224559463 + 0 + 0.173153194829703 + -0.299419603485974 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.177890551247578 + -0.295510488641129 + 0 + 0.177890551247578 + -0.295510488641129 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.184757124610486 + -0.299204301802235 + 0 + 0.185294696539405 + -0.301081990191415 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.1925051338026 + -0.305578362791137 + 0 + 0.1925051338026 + -0.305578362791137 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.199464025951072 + -0.308901232628571 + 0 + 0.200032691373403 + -0.310769739225581 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.206016400257862 + -0.310654238188858 + 0 + 0.206016400257862 + -0.310654238188858 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.213388596741011 + -0.314769361243596 + 0 + 0.213988096281577 + -0.31662820431564 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.220024595353149 + -0.316356763208947 + 0 + 0.220024595353149 + -0.316356763208947 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.225275493340509 + -0.313712889306154 + 0 + 0.225905553917407 + -0.315561597215766 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.231087817596925 + -0.312729991190678 + 0 + 0.231087817596925 + -0.312729991190678 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.238560698221893 + -0.316338063556882 + 0 + 0.239221033249108 + -0.31817617533734 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.246630984950195 + -0.321303798515987 + 0 + 0.246630984950195 + -0.321303798515987 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.252977650694198 + -0.321380552024555 + 0 + 0.253667960292064 + -0.323207617957881 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.25806700777737 + -0.318123206663287 + 0 + 0.25806700777737 + -0.318123206663287 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.263758972278673 + -0.316456571308922 + 0 + 0.264478943491825 + -0.318272153506966 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.268615181903445 + -0.312725815855527 + 0 + 0.268615181903445 + -0.312725815855527 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.272053304837405 + -0.305668732639644 + 0 + 0.27280261185992 + -0.307472405628751 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.27635882078016 + -0.300886009294673 + 0 + 0.27635882078016 + -0.300886009294673 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.282842931271584 + -0.301245781232398 + 0 + 0.283621235679122 + -0.303037132542116 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.290362831935765 + -0.30384105644792 + 0 + 0.290362831935765 + -0.30384105644792 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.296503049508985 + -0.303203585403195 + 0 + 0.297310000497873 + -0.304982216159467 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.301816243496339 + -0.300726020719846 + 0 + 0.301816243496339 + -0.300726020719846 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.307988908544354 + -0.300085116864542 + 0 + 0.308824143177746 + -0.301850642387668 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.31280889099036 + -0.296586952567721 + 0 + 0.31280889099036 + -0.296586952567721 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.315496159382554 + -0.28881734129835 + 0 + 0.316359302844186 + -0.290569391705806 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.318925547805695 + -0.282747956615763 + 0 + 0.318925547805695 + -0.282747956615763 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.324664537533973 + -0.281339903206257 + 0 + 0.32555520339243 + -0.283078124019101 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.331348564799245 + -0.281714631411929 + 0 + 0.331348564799245 + -0.281714631411929 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.336080028461476 + -0.278327512535504 + 0 + 0.336997818939039 + -0.280051565291344 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.339619553700555 + -0.272788353045691 + 0 + 0.339619553700555 + -0.272788353045691 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.344382876461511 + -0.269587095337889 + 0 + 0.345327382718176 + -0.271296658205041 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.348392670149405 + -0.265082924093477 + 0 + 0.348392670149405 + -0.265082924093477 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.35085081236385 + -0.257951588061604 + 0 + 0.351821614788896 + -0.25964635645792 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.354699221987147 + -0.25337702648471 + 0 + 0.354699221987147 + -0.25337702648471 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.361589020219088 + -0.254009347363727 + 0 + 0.362585688739126 + -0.255689034574725 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.370026153832888 + -0.257105960806143 + 0 + 0.370026153832888 + -0.257105960806143 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.376947323132166 + -0.257552148644947 + 0 + 0.377969417531301 + -0.259216486442656 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.383110724165493 + -0.256692998808542 + 0 + 0.383110724165493 + -0.256692998808542 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.390707201244638 + -0.258041802734007 + 0 + 0.391754271505199 + -0.259690541990249 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.397019272665411 + -0.257280328261175 + 0 + 0.397019272665411 + -0.257280328261175 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.401022054736625 + -0.252947819733754 + 0 + 0.402093641403394 + -0.254580731023821 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.406104835395263 + -0.250296851360014 + 0 + 0.406104835395263 + -0.250296851360014 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.414088302822276 + -0.251934544995591 + 0 + 0.415183937384979 + -0.25355141919312 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.423164644105993 + -0.255033149831342 + 0 + 0.423164644105993 + -0.255033149831342 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.429564671837387 + -0.254132989155931 + 0 + 0.430683877140206 + -0.255733638010542 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.434131137229014 + -0.250603078507021 + 0 + 0.434131137229014 + -0.250603078507021 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.439837763375363 + -0.24868668396488 + 0 + 0.440980054054084 + -0.250270940658391 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.44432543261443 + -0.245088371365246 + 0 + 0.44432543261443 + -0.245088371365246 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446660623024052 + -0.238626396394259 + 0 + 0.447825505983892 + -0.240194116061642 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.450377035719687 + -0.234112913119979 + 0 + 0.450377035719687 + -0.234112913119979 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.457408862619225 + -0.233990979141222 + 0 + 0.458595837551662 + -0.235542039351334 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.465911646115253 + -0.235695550229452 + 0 + 0.465911646115253 + -0.235695550229452 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.472177518070469 + -0.234440661286666 + 0 + 0.473386078010529 + -0.235974962475125 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477009360839531 + -0.231355794212939 + 0 + 0.477009360839531 + -0.231355794212939 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.482840415261927 + -0.229520330319025 + 0 + 0.484070047223908 + -0.231037796135345 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.486353106184211 + -0.224845018313215 + 0 + 0.486353106184211 + -0.224845018313215 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.486452176257821 + -0.216132064277835 + 0 + 0.487702361904782 + -0.217632641871216 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487355857001527 + -0.208540767061362 + 0 + 0.487355857001527 + -0.208540767061362 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491299976031341 + -0.204638432687503 + 0 + 0.492570192449362 + -0.206122092863222 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.496308453553553 + -0.202001047909675 + 0 + 0.496308453553553 + -0.202001047909675 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498311082574272 + -0.195949975242072 + 0 + 0.499600803119743 + -0.19741671249878 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498450370946659 + -0.187901642858666 + 0 + 0.498450370946659 + -0.187901642858666 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.500140484852125 + -0.181716540573232 + 0 + 0.501449180197412 + -0.183166372894175 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50059165068667 + -0.174273231101137 + 0 + 0.50059165068667 + -0.174273231101137 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498923253439734 + -0.164668035818515 + 0 + 0.50025039394789 + -0.166101003137485 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498502766295665 + -0.156578684917574 + 0 + 0.498502766295665 + -0.156578684917574 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.502871879036417 + -0.153674786890383 + 0 + 0.504216913191264 + -0.155090972043504 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508744001755663 + -0.152342015364273 + 0 + 0.508744001755663 + -0.152342015364273 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511958120031016 + -0.148259183427633 + 0 + 0.513320529697904 + -0.149658660889115 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.514862916917211 + -0.143904025954857 + 0 + 0.514862916917211 + -0.143904025954857 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518877153967375 + -0.140705823566833 + 0 + 0.520256407459907 + -0.142088703557636 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.521342934749763 + -0.135993961219062 + 0 + 0.521342934749763 + -0.135993961219062 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51991599068132 + -0.12753120102857 + 0 + 0.521311560330577 + -0.128897613345442 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520790259670081 + -0.121438518168726 + 0 + 0.520790259670081 + -0.121438518168726 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.524527197893668 + -0.118167455917081 + 0 + 0.525938561040397 + -0.119517549000419 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529675974158105 + -0.116254782423206 + 0 + 0.529675974158105 + -0.116254782423206 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530801042935851 + -0.110573399703582 + 0 + 0.532227685376252 + -0.111907336963303 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529629343856359 + -0.10284746358971 + 0 + 0.529629343856359 + -0.10284746358971 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529511023927964 + -0.0962082867728323 + 0 + 0.530952407385217 + -0.097526281839129 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.528595797736065 + -0.0889415961973827 + 0 + 0.528595797736065 + -0.0889415961973827 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.524346614499919 + -0.078797474346804 + 0 + 0.525802256682537 + -0.0800997043962984 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522131256966648 + -0.0706243701718842 + 0 + 0.522131256966648 + -0.0706243701718842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.5240794098443 + -0.0662235389530084 + 0 + 0.525548819043846 + -0.0675102144637392 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.528071570889044 + -0.0636397245237732 + 0 + 0.528071570889044 + -0.0636397245237732 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529124733926057 + -0.0585461369371996 + 0 + 0.530607417644929 + -0.059817493006685 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.528998986593143 + -0.052514552488742 + 0 + 0.528998986593143 + -0.052514552488742 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530383198099016 + -0.0478306695565018 + 0 + 0.531878652835027 + -0.0490869785941858 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529484954483856 + -0.0413001479953014 + 0 + 0.529484954483856 + -0.0413001479953014 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.524706864243558 + -0.0316639363745814 + 0 + 0.526214606920809 + -0.0329054714263701 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522260068369116 + -0.0240724410193798 + 0 + 0.522260068369116 + -0.0240724410193798 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.523072838896654 + -0.0192153518955009 + 0 + 0.524592436929196 + -0.0204423478552003 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.525741995914656 + -0.0158966128559256 + 0 + 0.525741995914656 + -0.0158966128559256 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.525111335443843 + -0.00998693799403258 + 0 + 0.526642342711934 + -0.0111996679766249 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522591414915518 + -0.00266669219080294 + 0 + 0.522591414915518 + -0.00266669219080294 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.52227702557762 + 0.00284211767706795 + 0 + 0.523818999864597 + 0.00164336308836937 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520508843857234 + 0.00940643312846436 + 0 + 0.520508843857234 + 0.00940643312846436 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.516633027682826 + 0.0174964659293226 + 0 + 0.51818552115874 + 0.0163113662403218 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51504754102053 + 0.0237457174441685 + 0 + 0.51504754102053 + 0.0237457174441685 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518343747547528 + 0.026259425300114 + 0 + 0.519906326125289 + 0.0250876550777809 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.524119519321334 + 0.0269211588829929 + 0 + 0.524119519321334 + 0.0269211588829929 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.527308957077282 + 0.0295107335610934 + 0 + 0.528881196888681 + 0.0283519586730863 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530249750885138 + 0.0322747199888579 + 0 + 0.530249750885138 + 0.0322747199888579 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.53458959587593 + 0.0340149038586707 + 0 + 0.536171119452562 + 0.0328688321147636 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.53724843999894 + 0.0369659871065836 + 0 + 0.53724843999894 + 0.0369659871065836 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.536490002034884 + 0.0423367833656127 + 0 + 0.538080420139273 + 0.0412030869693693 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.537444081750373 + 0.0464410943404135 + 0 + 0.537444081750373 + 0.0464410943404135 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.542815361366574 + 0.0474122392646357 + 0 + 0.544414288750889 + 0.0462905759972906 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549514390092343 + 0.0474724063464552 + 0 + 0.549514390092343 + 0.0474724063464552 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.552646109204774 + 0.0500226218897029 + 0 + 0.554253156592924 + 0.0489126237104846 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553188029887676 + 0.0543367181907798 + 0 + 0.553188029887676 + 0.0543367181907798 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555575943706936 + 0.0573569341502785 + 0 + 0.557190733462051 + 0.0562582297712931 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.556158684892702 + 0.0615767471672281 + 0 + 0.556158684892702 + 0.0615767471672281 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554789859916247 + 0.067072276407095 + 0 + 0.556412030354395 + 0.0659844987022192 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554774762938143 + 0.0716161272216867 + 0 + 0.554774762938143 + 0.0716161272216867 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.559752802347065 + 0.0728187148382134 + 0 + 0.561382030806002 + 0.0717415370932634 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.566817576847333 + 0.0726582317373806 + 0 + 0.566817576847333 + 0.0726582317373806 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.571141537406673 + 0.0743104940083888 + 0 + 0.572777483230809 + 0.0732435457780993 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.573309636726683 + 0.0773576809295762 + 0 + 0.573309636726683 + 0.0773576809295762 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.577438799221491 + 0.0791218358139479 + 0 + 0.579081116112627 + 0.0780647206382399 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.578360578545252 + 0.082933088409246 + 0 + 0.578360578545252 + 0.082933088409246 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.57606688816736 + 0.0887620413967855 + 0 + 0.577715245608658 + 0.0877143701643167 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574210495132547 + 0.0942647668340597 + 0 + 0.574210495132547 + 0.0942647668340597 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.57701630068032 + 0.0967919663448332 + 0 + 0.57867041554863 + 0.0957534090435444 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.580604793808196 + 0.0988161396819994 + 0 + 0.580604793808196 + 0.0988161396819994 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.581656183783523 + 0.102408263088403 + 0 + 0.583315738525835 + 0.10137842071071 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.579715049828847 + 0.107824804657256 + 0 + 0.579715049828847 + 0.107824804657256 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.580318431561023 + 0.111635614262074 + 0 + 0.581983151563201 + 0.110614142490573 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.578691978930992 + 0.116778575807617 + 0 + 0.578691978930992 + 0.116778575807617 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.57558355362331 + 0.122781015439132 + 0 + 0.577253140283774 + 0.121767517709078 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.574267221894916 + 0.127656594779098 + 0 + 0.574267221894916 + 0.127656594779098 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.577415630863639 + 0.129810877493195 + 0 + 0.579089825262091 + 0.128805009518848 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.584205448210086 + 0.129780670324545 + 0 + 0.584205448210086 + 0.129780670324545 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.587477106934231 + 0.131859535716783 + 0 + 0.589155648167855 + 0.130860938404225 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.589553846642589 + 0.134637801129362 + 0 + 0.589553846642589 + 0.134637801129362 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.593705231298628 + 0.136179573985529 + 0 + 0.595387875367279 + 0.135187905591428 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.595585569938314 + 0.139050998572897 + 0 + 0.595585569938314 + 0.139050998572897 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.593594578629267 + 0.14416898010968 + 0 + 0.595281087546853 + 0.14318389892697 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.593088174785243 + 0.148389688148958 + 0 + 0.593088174785243 + 0.148389688148958 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.596777158152779 + 0.150155214943714 + 0 + 0.598467304171194 + 0.149176387225441 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.601728356402685 + 0.151187943228379 + 0 + 0.601728356402685 + 0.151187943228379 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.602168232969749 + 0.15481318715878 + 0 + 0.603861798741808 + 0.153840288273317 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.599491200657451 + 0.160202453256533 + 0 + 0.599491200657451 + 0.160202453256533 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.598264199848912 + 0.164732581998975 + 0 + 0.599960978240146 + 0.16376529695481 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.59507938401687 + 0.170349431259821 + 0 + 0.59507938401687 + 0.170349431259821 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.588727247491103 + 0.177726404647668 + 0 + 0.590427041315149 + 0.176764428441435 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.58447359522953 + 0.183876228188389 + 0 + 0.58447359522953 + 0.183876228188389 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.585077611404854 + 0.187261875800955 + 0 + 0.586780233109338 + 0.186304913629787 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.587834253353718 + 0.189427024086903 + 0 + 0.587834253353718 + 0.189427024086903 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.587536443782822 + 0.193291352253619 + 0 + 0.589241715105974 + 0.192339119624446 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.585492391213915 + 0.198110754578305 + 0 + 0.585492391213915 + 0.198110754578305 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.585242350528659 + 0.20191219006758 + 0 + 0.586950102146086 + 0.200964412837003 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.582256620314461 + 0.207211794099271 + 0 + 0.582256620314461 + 0.207211794099271 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.575124043074596 + 0.214775807962253 + 0 + 0.576834114221165 + 0.213832222280242 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.569648629208662 + 0.221392499605875 + 0 + 0.569648629208662 + 0.221392499605875 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.568774962031965 + 0.225454783254455 + 0 + 0.570487200136397 + 0.224515135480363 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.569723081554517 + 0.228505199935495 + 0 + 0.569723081554517 + 0.228505199935495 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.567009506628811 + 0.233545689651675 + 0 + 0.568723766939779 + 0.232609736206322 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.562193453793717 + 0.239712671553032 + 0 + 0.562193453793717 + 0.239712671553032 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.559754289247648 + 0.244564865610618 + 0 + 0.561470434474103 + 0.243632372807782 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.556055468409335 + 0.250083591499623 + 0 + 0.556055468409335 + 0.250083591499623 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549737210143874 + 0.257000535644032 + 0 + 0.551455110102167 + 0.256071279490476 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.546041540323348 + 0.262477938844547 + 0 + 0.546041540323348 + 0.262477938844547 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.547720106940932 + 0.265043491439953 + 0 + 0.549439638217404 + 0.264117257422622 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.552031703606712 + 0.266188898121796 + 0 + 0.552031703606712 + 0.266188898121796 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553727702144349 + 0.268738566849248 + 0 + 0.555448747773043 + 0.267815149711885 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55416719445753 + 0.27195661279076 + 0 + 0.55416719445753 + 0.27195661279076 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557002602592111 + 0.273886982409779 + 0 + 0.558725051744021 + 0.272966185915048 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557738636861375 + 0.276935516950796 + 0 + 0.557738636861375 + 0.276935516950796 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554802912251312 + 0.281934310306458 + 0 + 0.556526659942259 + 0.281015946999493 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553714524960958 + 0.285938438252715 + 0 + 0.553714524960958 + 0.285938438252715 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.557287789298278 + 0.287458345349105 + 0 + 0.559012736111021 + 0.286542236316929 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.562568661327537 + 0.288071971957166 + 0 + 0.562568661327537 + 0.288071971957166 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.563702011579964 + 0.290883668842228 + 0 + 0.565428063404899 + 0.289969643479744 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.562109365616769 + 0.295132409924844 + 0 + 0.562109365616769 + 0.295132409924844 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.562376707791147 + 0.298390665482334 + 0 + 0.564103775582741 + 0.297478561261938 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.560927392278663 + 0.302549051412657 + 0 + 0.560927392278663 + 0.302549051412657 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.556435225610789 + 0.308303134205592 + 0 + 0.558163225160256 + 0.307392796453618 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.554187584255883 + 0.312865425868417 + 0 + 0.554187584255883 + 0.312865425868417 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.556949395596505 + 0.314787134574356 + 0 + 0.558678247321418 + 0.313878416257776 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.561933565516345 + 0.315540424443896 + 0 + 0.561933565516345 + 0.315540424443896 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.563785053780183 + 0.317937698315402 + 0 + 0.565514682528827 + 0.317030459836562 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.563731725473342 + 0.32133057087475 + 0 + 0.563731725473342 + 0.32133057087475 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.565252140741162 + 0.323895178097029 + 0 + 0.566982475611961 + 0.322989287098882 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.563682337724006 + 0.328073479282803 + 0 + 0.563682337724006 + 0.328073479282803 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55758448105845 + 0.334612947248224 + 0 + 0.559315455233776 + 0.33370827843038 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.552862185949695 + 0.34042521988535 + 0 + 0.552862185949695 + 0.34042521988535 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.55253208514541 + 0.343938331889818 + 0 + 0.554263635739025 + 0.343034766835505 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553822069004684 + 0.346603182646348 + 0 + 0.553822069004684 + 0.346603182646348 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.551229502762722 + 0.351289062422338 + 0 + 0.552961570680073 + 0.350386489436199 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.546367194308466 + 0.357152253825809 + 0 + 0.546367194308466 + 0.357152253825809 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.543785387083187 + 0.361822742535419 + 0 + 0.545517916893784 + 0.360921056491933 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.539830023958609 + 0.367203613916589 + 0 + 0.539830023958609 + 0.367203613916589 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.533143142461107 + 0.373999937902157 + 0 + 0.534876082282216 + 0.37309904010438 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.529020281375881 + 0.379458301993825 + 0 + 0.529020281375881 + 0.379458301993825 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.53023358641705 + 0.382141317744466 + 0 + 0.531966887807968 + 0.381241115792754 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.53401359198716 + 0.38349068793634 + 0 + 0.53401359198716 + 0.38349068793634 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.535068163300618 + 0.386254263832816 + 0 + 0.53680178116683 + 0.385354671503159 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.534764946279702 + 0.389720925470666 + 0 + 0.534764946279702 + 0.389720925470666 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.536776303274749 + 0.391985762702782 + 0 + 0.538510195781297 + 0.391086699834367 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.536567644159936 + 0.395400589474748 + 0 + 0.536567644159936 + 0.395400589474748 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.532545962661087 + 0.40078983325065 + 0 + 0.534280091154543 + 0.399891225642286 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.53024607528512 + 0.405284636137486 + 0 + 0.53024607528512 + 0.405284636137486 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.532470969030517 + 0.407434243614669 + 0 + 0.534205297968972 + 0.406536022929723 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.536220312549868 + 0.408794019742968 + 0 + 0.536220312549868 + 0.408794019742968 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.535589860341801 + 0.412420934450904 + 0 + 0.537324357232335 + 0.411523038130412 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.532023177275888 + 0.417566454974539 + 0 + 0.532023177275888 + 0.417566454974539 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.530194383436872 + 0.42181112048591 + 0 + 0.531929018780016 + 0.420913491669561 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.526610562073264 + 0.426962739431927 + 0 + 0.526610562073264 + 0.426962739431927 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520031719452933 + 0.433662502195668 + 0 + 0.521766466693654 + 0.432765089650383 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.515822890960179 + 0.439134901987676 + 0 + 0.515822890960179 + 0.439134901987676 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.516776717027939 + 0.44193623664697 + 0 + 0.518511552512731 + 0.441038994702826 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520113992268811 + 0.443504680037866 + 0 + 0.520113992268811 + 0.443504680037866 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520519276344944 + 0.446589168439202 + 0 + 0.52225417928464 + 0.4456920569325 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.519317239981351 + 0.450504417224782 + 0 + 0.519317239981351 + 0.450504417224782 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.520096949994542 + 0.453394666245834 + 0 + 0.521831902432484 + 0.452497650469104 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.518245483674858 + 0.457645012344267 + 0 + 0.518245483674858 + 0.457645012344267 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.512327380991411 + 0.463997409532749 + 0 + 0.514062367776653 + 0.46310046019156 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508227181657904 + 0.469409631120504 + 0 + 0.508227181657904 + 0.469409631120504 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508918045509783 + 0.472344886425808 + 0 + 0.510653054275023 + 0.471447979602238 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.511569887458084 + 0.474266363206931 + 0 + 0.511569887458084 + 0.474266363206931 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.510624381902224 + 0.478047379391024 + 0 + 0.512359403046109 + 0.477150496513555 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507660899501499 + 0.482871482528293 + 0 + 0.507660899501499 + 0.482871482528293 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.507207522536964 + 0.486397980329706 + 0 + 0.508942549209481 + 0.485501108147465 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.505584333797325 + 0.490529152850905 + 0 + 0.505584333797325 + 0.490529152850905 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501413173596309 + 0.495977406645765 + 0 + 0.503148201672343 + 0.495080537178674 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499994052316792 + 0.500003074467614 + 0 + 0.499994052316792 + 0.500003074467614 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.498586826403661 + 0.504022593347512 + 0 + 0.496851798327628 + 0.504919462814604 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.494415666202477 + 0.509470847142459 + 0 + 0.494415666202477 + 0.509470847142459 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.492792477463689 + 0.513602019663219 + 0 + 0.491057450791171 + 0.51449889184546 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.492339100496955 + 0.517128517465769 + 0 + 0.492339100496955 + 0.517128517465769 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.489375618100221 + 0.521952620600976 + 0 + 0.487640596956336 + 0.522849503478444 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488430112540909 + 0.525733636786853 + 0 + 0.488430112540909 + 0.525733636786853 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491081954490313 + 0.527655113567405 + 0 + 0.489346945725074 + 0.528552020390975 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491772818341976 + 0.53059036887282 + 0 + 0.491772818341976 + 0.53059036887282 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.487672619007399 + 0.536002590461131 + 0 + 0.485937632222157 + 0.53689953980232 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481754516324994 + 0.542354987649073 + 0 + 0.481754516324994 + 0.542354987649073 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479903050005983 + 0.546605333747157 + 0 + 0.47816809756804 + 0.547502349523887 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480682760019213 + 0.549495582768189 + 0 + 0.480682760019213 + 0.549495582768189 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479480723654823 + 0.553410831554181 + 0 + 0.477745820715127 + 0.554307943060883 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479886007732604 + 0.556495319954666 + 0 + 0.479886007732604 + 0.556495319954666 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.483223282972709 + 0.558063763345959 + 0 + 0.481488447487917 + 0.558961005290102 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484177109037803 + 0.560865098006631 + 0 + 0.484177109037803 + 0.560865098006631 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479968280548001 + 0.566337497797113 + 0 + 0.47823353330728 + 0.567234910342398 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.473389437925545 + 0.573037260561954 + 0 + 0.473389437925545 + 0.573037260561954 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469805616564146 + 0.578188879506828 + 0 + 0.468070981221002 + 0.579086508323177 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.467976822724151 + 0.582433545018705 + 0 + 0.467976822724151 + 0.582433545018705 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.464410139656576 + 0.587579065543199 + 0 + 0.462675642766042 + 0.58847696186369 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.463779687449978 + 0.591205980250376 + 0 + 0.463779687449978 + 0.591205980250376 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.467529030970766 + 0.592565756377928 + 0 + 0.465794702032312 + 0.593463977062873 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.46975392471345 + 0.594715363856517 + 0 + 0.46975392471345 + 0.594715363856517 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.467454037340198 + 0.599210166741947 + 0 + 0.465719908846742 + 0.600108774350311 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.463432355839429 + 0.604599410518845 + 0 + 0.463432355839429 + 0.604599410518845 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.463223696725053 + 0.608014237290587 + 0 + 0.461489804218506 + 0.608913300159002 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.465235053722482 + 0.610279074521466 + 0 + 0.465235053722482 + 0.610279074521466 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.464931836699641 + 0.613745736160311 + 0 + 0.463198218833429 + 0.614645328489968 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.465986408012301 + 0.616509312057203 + 0 + 0.465986408012301 + 0.616509312057203 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469766413583088 + 0.617858682248725 + 0 + 0.46803311219217 + 0.618758884200437 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470979718624506 + 0.620541697999236 + 0 + 0.470979718624506 + 0.620541697999236 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.466856857539385 + 0.62600006209085 + 0 + 0.465123917718276 + 0.626900959888628 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.460169976040978 + 0.632796386076889 + 0 + 0.460169976040978 + 0.632796386076889 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.45621461291878 + 0.638177257456819 + 0 + 0.454482083108183 + 0.639078943500304 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453632805691789 + 0.642847746167316 + 0 + 0.453632805691789 + 0.642847746167316 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.448770497236075 + 0.648710937571555 + 0 + 0.447038429318724 + 0.649613510557694 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.44617793099756 + 0.653396817345747 + 0 + 0.44617793099756 + 0.653396817345747 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.447467914853538 + 0.656061668103992 + 0 + 0.445736364259923 + 0.656965233158306 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.44713781405013 + 0.659574780108005 + 0 + 0.44713781405013 + 0.659574780108005 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442415518940676 + 0.665387052745498 + 0 + 0.44068454476535 + 0.666291721563342 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.436317662275131 + 0.671926520710914 + 0 + 0.436317662275131 + 0.671926520710914 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.434747859261198 + 0.676104821894999 + 0 + 0.433017524390399 + 0.677010712893146 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.436268274525976 + 0.678669429118867 + 0 + 0.436268274525976 + 0.678669429118867 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.436214946222506 + 0.682062301676452 + 0 + 0.434485317473862 + 0.682969540155292 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.438066434483147 + 0.684459575549633 + 0 + 0.438066434483147 + 0.684459575549633 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.443050604405989 + 0.685212865417596 + 0 + 0.441321752681075 + 0.686121583734176 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445812415742289 + 0.687134574125807 + 0 + 0.445812415742289 + 0.687134574125807 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.443564774390189 + 0.691696865787157 + 0 + 0.441836774840722 + 0.69260720353913 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.439072607720632 + 0.697450948580977 + 0 + 0.439072607720632 + 0.697450948580977 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.437623292211129 + 0.701609334509727 + 0 + 0.435896224419535 + 0.702521438730122 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.437890634381809 + 0.704867590069166 + 0 + 0.437890634381809 + 0.704867590069166 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.436297988418891 + 0.709116331151643 + 0 + 0.434571936593956 + 0.710030356514127 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.437431338674752 + 0.711928028034883 + 0 + 0.437431338674752 + 0.711928028034883 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442712210702459 + 0.712541654643766 + 0 + 0.440987263889716 + 0.713457763675942 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446285475041588 + 0.714061561739193 + 0 + 0.446285475041588 + 0.714061561739193 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445197087748607 + 0.718065689686848 + 0 + 0.44347334005766 + 0.718984052993813 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442261363138418 + 0.723064483042579 + 0 + 0.442261363138418 + 0.723064483042579 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.442997397408658 + 0.726113017583069 + 0 + 0.441274948256748 + 0.7270338140778 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445832805542005 + 0.728043387202751 + 0 + 0.445832805542005 + 0.728043387202751 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446272297856318 + 0.73126143314366 + 0 + 0.444551252227624 + 0.732184850281024 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.447968296393298 + 0.733811101871457 + 0 + 0.447968296393298 + 0.733811101871457 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.452279893057401 + 0.734956508554207 + 0 + 0.450560361780929 + 0.735882742571538 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.453958459678774 + 0.737522061147572 + 0 + 0.453958459678774 + 0.737522061147572 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.450262789854315 + 0.742999464350207 + 0 + 0.448544889896021 + 0.743928720503763 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.443944531591723 + 0.749916408493066 + 0 + 0.443944531591723 + 0.749916408493066 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.440245710754163 + 0.755435134381659 + 0 + 0.438529565527708 + 0.756367627184495 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.437806546206187 + 0.76028732844028 + 0 + 0.437806546206187 + 0.76028732844028 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.432990493371494 + 0.766454310341426 + 0 + 0.431276233060527 + 0.767390263786779 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.430276918448037 + 0.77149480005637 + 0 + 0.430276918448037 + 0.77149480005637 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.431225037968043 + 0.774545216738804 + 0 + 0.429512799863611 + 0.775484864512895 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.430351370793634 + 0.77860750038613 + 0 + 0.430351370793634 + 0.77860750038613 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.424875956925886 + 0.785224192030744 + 0 + 0.423165885779317 + 0.786167777712755 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.417743379686519 + 0.792788205893442 + 0 + 0.417743379686519 + 0.792788205893442 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.414757649470916 + 0.79808780992592 + 0 + 0.413049897853489 + 0.799035587156497 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.414507608786802 + 0.801889245414558 + 0 + 0.414507608786802 + 0.801889245414558 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.412463556216442 + 0.806708647740049 + 0 + 0.41075828489329 + 0.807660880369222 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.412165746644776 + 0.810572975907206 + 0 + 0.412165746644776 + 0.810572975907206 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.414922388595644 + 0.812738124192024 + 0 + 0.41321976689116 + 0.813695086363192 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.415526404770417 + 0.816123771804899 + 0 + 0.415526404770417 + 0.816123771804899 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.411272752508854 + 0.82227359534562 + 0 + 0.409572958684807 + 0.823235571551853 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.404920615982244 + 0.829650568733945 + 0 + 0.404920615982244 + 0.829650568733945 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.401735800152553 + 0.835267417993455 + 0 + 0.400039021761319 + 0.83623470303762 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.400508799341133 + 0.839797546737541 + 0 + 0.400508799341133 + 0.839797546737541 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.397831767030058 + 0.845186812834602 + 0 + 0.396138201257999 + 0.846159711720065 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.398271643598785 + 0.848812056764036 + 0 + 0.398271643598785 + 0.848812056764036 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.403222841847288 + 0.849844785049502 + 0 + 0.401532695828873 + 0.850823612767775 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.406911825213129 + 0.851610311845252 + 0 + 0.406911825213129 + 0.851610311845252 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.406405421370671 + 0.855831019883618 + 0 + 0.404718912453085 + 0.856816101066328 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.404414430063127 + 0.860949001419525 + 0 + 0.404414430063127 + 0.860949001419525 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.406294768702349 + 0.863820426007162 + 0 + 0.404612124633698 + 0.864812094401264 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.410446153357506 + 0.865362198863833 + 0 + 0.410446153357506 + 0.865362198863833 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.412522893065487 + 0.86814046427665 + 0 + 0.410844351831863 + 0.869139061589208 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.415794551791719 + 0.870219329667645 + 0 + 0.415794551791719 + 0.870219329667645 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.422584369136203 + 0.870189122500169 + 0 + 0.420910174737751 + 0.871194990474516 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425732778105591 + 0.87234340521387 + 0 + 0.425732778105591 + 0.87234340521387 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.424416446377285 + 0.877218984553774 + 0 + 0.422746859716821 + 0.878232482283828 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.42130802106841 + 0.883221424186017 + 0 + 0.42130802106841 + 0.883221424186017 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.419681568440371 + 0.888364385730339 + 0 + 0.418016848438193 + 0.88938585750184 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.42028495017026 + 0.892175195336559 + 0 + 0.42028495017026 + 0.892175195336559 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.418343816217031 + 0.897591736904532 + 0 + 0.416684261474718 + 0.898621579282225 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.419395206192737 + 0.90118386031068 + 0 + 0.419395206192737 + 0.90118386031068 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.422983699318737 + 0.903208033649017 + 0 + 0.421329584450427 + 0.904246590950306 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.425789504866709 + 0.905735233159679 + 0 + 0.425789504866709 + 0.905735233159679 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.42393311183281 + 0.911237958596373 + 0 + 0.422284754391512 + 0.912285629828842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.421639421455178 + 0.917066911583746 + 0 + 0.421639421455178 + 0.917066911583746 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.422561200780251 + 0.920878164178196 + 0 + 0.420918883889114 + 0.921935279353904 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.42669036327251 + 0.922642319064212 + 0 + 0.42669036327251 + 0.922642319064212 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.428858462592275 + 0.925689505985563 + 0 + 0.427222516768139 + 0.926756454215852 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.433182423153033 + 0.927341768255638 + 0 + 0.433182423153033 + 0.927341768255638 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.440247197652209 + 0.927181285155532 + 0 + 0.438617969193273 + 0.928258462900482 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445225237063279 + 0.928383872770634 + 0 + 0.445225237063279 + 0.928383872770634 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.445210140083335 + 0.932927723586448 + 0 + 0.443587969645187 + 0.934015501291324 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.443841315106225 + 0.938423252826763 + 0 + 0.443841315106225 + 0.938423252826763 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.444424056293666 + 0.942643065842575 + 0 + 0.442809266538551 + 0.943741770221561 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.446811970110558 + 0.945663281803692 + 0 + 0.446811970110558 + 0.945663281803692 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.447353890796185 + 0.949977378102901 + 0 + 0.445746843408036 + 0.951087376282119 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.45048560990724 + 0.9525275936471 + 0 + 0.45048560990724 + 0.9525275936471 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.457184638634566 + 0.952587760727841 + 0 + 0.455585711250251 + 0.953709423995186 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.462555918249647 + 0.953558905652842 + 0 + 0.462555918249647 + 0.953558905652842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.463509997965812 + 0.957663216627157 + 0 + 0.461919579861423 + 0.958796913023401 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.462751560001421 + 0.963034012886426 + 0 + 0.462751560001421 + 0.963034012886426 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.465410404124894 + 0.965985096133997 + 0 + 0.463828880548262 + 0.967131167877904 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469750249115042 + 0.967725280004285 + 0 + 0.469750249115042 + 0.967725280004285 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47269104292317 + 0.97048926643183 + 0 + 0.471118803111771 + 0.971648041319838 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.475880480677949 + 0.97307884111081 + 0 + 0.475880480677949 + 0.97307884111081 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481656252453542 + 0.973740574692357 + 0 + 0.480093673875781 + 0.97491234491469 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.484952458979156 + 0.976254282549339 + 0 + 0.484952458979156 + 0.976254282549339 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.48336697231809 + 0.982503534063245 + 0 + 0.481814478842176 + 0.983688633752246 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479491156141698 + 0.990593566865618 + 0 + 0.479491156141698 + 0.990593566865618 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477722974421038 + 0.997157882317243 + 0 + 0.476181000134061 + 0.998356636905942 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477408585084053 + 1.00266669218441 + 0 + 0.477408585084053 + 1.00266669218441 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474888664557773 + 1.00998693798601 + 0 + 0.473357657289682 + 1.0111996679686 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.474258004084007 + 1.01589661285025 + 0 + 0.474258004084007 + 1.01589661285025 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.476927161104575 + 1.01921535188778 + 0 + 0.475407563072033 + 1.02044234784748 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.477739931629466 + 1.02407244101381 + 0 + 0.477739931629466 + 1.02407244101381 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.475293135757935 + 1.03166393636661 + 0 + 0.473785393080683 + 1.0329054714184 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470515045513237 + 1.04130014799099 + 0 + 0.470515045513237 + 1.04130014799099 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469616801901533 + 1.04783066954931 + 0 + 0.468121347165522 + 1.049086978587 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.471001013406089 + 1.05251455248266 + 0 + 0.471001013406089 + 1.05251455248266 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470875266075426 + 1.0585461369292 + 0 + 0.469392582356554 + 1.05981749299868 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.471928429110532 + 1.06363972451742 + 0 + 0.471928429110532 + 1.06363972451742 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.475920590155208 + 1.06622353894671 + 0 + 0.474451180955662 + 1.06751021445744 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47786874303231 + 1.07062437016608 + 0 + 0.47786874303231 + 1.07062437016608 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.475653385500245 + 1.07879747433993 + 0 + 0.474197743317626 + 1.08009970438942 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47140420226424 + 1.08894159619037 + 0 + 0.47140420226424 + 1.08894159619037 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470488976071462 + 1.09620828676662 + 0 + 0.469047592614209 + 1.09752628183291 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470370656143892 + 1.10284746358276 + 0 + 0.470370656143892 + 1.10284746358276 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.469198957064736 + 1.11057339969631 + 0 + 0.467772314624335 + 1.11190733695603 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.470324025841862 + 1.1162547824165 + 0 + 0.470324025841862 + 1.1162547824165 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.47547280210536 + 1.11816745591128 + 0 + 0.47406143895863 + 1.11951754899462 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.479209740329589 + 1.12143851816233 + 0 + 0.479209740329589 + 1.12143851816233 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.480084009319166 + 1.12753120102136 + 0 + 0.478688439669909 + 1.12889761333823 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.478657065249536 + 1.13599396121303 + 0 + 0.478657065249536 + 1.13599396121303 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.481122846033377 + 1.14070582355934 + 0 + 0.479743592540846 + 1.14208870355015 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.485137083082313 + 1.14390402594863 + 0 + 0.485137083082313 + 1.14390402594863 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.488041879968755 + 1.14825918342113 + 0 + 0.486679470301867 + 1.14965866088261 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.491255998244852 + 1.15234201535701 + 0 + 0.491255998244852 + 1.15234201535701 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.497128120963149 + 1.15367478688411 + 0 + 0.495783086808302 + 1.15509097203724 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501497233706143 + 1.15657868490891 + 0 + 0.501497233706143 + 1.15657868490891 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501076746558652 + 1.16466803581353 + 0 + 0.499749606050496 + 1.1661010031325 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499408349313434 + 1.1742732310943 + 0 + 0.499408349313434 + 1.1742732310943 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.499859515147689 + 1.18171654056671 + 0 + 0.498550819802402 + 1.18316637288765 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.50154962905304 + 1.18790164285227 + 0 + 0.50154962905304 + 1.18790164285227 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.501688917424953 + 1.19594997523623 + 0 + 0.500399196879482 + 1.19741671249294 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.503691546446887 + 1.20200104790244 + 0 + 0.503691546446887 + 1.20200104790244 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.508700023967843 + 1.20463843268173 + 0 + 0.507429807549822 + 1.20612209285745 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.51264414299887 + 1.20854076705416 + 0 + 0.51264414299887 + 1.20854076705416 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.513547823741137 + 1.21613206427236 + 0 + 0.512297638094176 + 1.21763264186574 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.513646893816565 + 1.22484501830555 + 0 + 0.513646893816565 + 1.22484501830555 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.517159584737888 + 1.22952033031253 + 0 + 0.515929952775908 + 1.23103779612885 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.522990639161711 + 1.23135579420468 + 0 + 0.522990639161711 + 1.23135579420468 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.527822481929338 + 1.2344406612802 + 0 + 0.526613921989278 + 1.23597496246866 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.534088353884077 + 1.2356955502236 + 0 + 0.534088353884077 + 1.2356955502236 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.542591137381438 + 1.23399097913363 + 0 + 0.541404162449001 + 1.23554203934375 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.549622964279443 + 1.2341129131144 + 0 + 0.549622964279443 + 1.2341129131144 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.553339376975974 + 1.2386263963875 + 0 + 0.552174494016134 + 1.24019411605488 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.555674567385068 + 1.24508837135921 + 0 + 0.555674567385068 + 1.24508837135921 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.560162236624479 + 1.24868668395838 + 0 + 0.559019945945758 + 1.25027094065189 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.565868862771267 + 1.2506030784999 + 0 + 0.565868862771267 + 1.2506030784999 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.570435328163009 + 1.25413298914862 + 0 + 0.56931612286019 + 1.25573363800323 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.576835355893002 + 1.25503314982608 + 0 + 0.576835355893002 + 1.25503314982608 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.585911697179073 + 1.25193454498689 + 0 + 0.58481606261637 + 1.25355141918441 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.59389516460427 + 1.25029685135397 + 0 + 0.59389516460427 + 1.25029685135397 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.598977945263171 + 1.25294781972734 + 0 + 0.597906358596403 + 1.25458073101741 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.602980727335245 + 1.25728032825345 + 0 + 0.602980727335245 + 1.25728032825345 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.609292798754333 + 1.25804180272891 + 0 + 0.608245728493772 + 1.25969054198515 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.616889275835059 + 1.25669299880093 + 0 + 0.616889275835059 + 1.25669299880093 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.623052676865988 + 1.25755214864121 + 0 + 0.622030582466853 + 1.25921648643892 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.629973846167706 + 1.2571059607984 + 0 + 0.629973846167706 + 1.2571059607984 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.638410979779542 + 1.2540093473593 + 0 + 0.637414311259504 + 1.25568903457029 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.645300778013203 + 1.25337702647739 + 0 + 0.645300778013203 + 1.25337702647739 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.649149187635128 + 1.25795158805666 + 0 + 0.648178385210082 + 1.25964635645298 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.651607329850025 + 1.26508292408776 + 0 + 0.651607329850025 + 1.26508292408776 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.655617123538832 + 1.26958709533054 + 0 + 0.654672617282168 + 1.27129665819769 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.660380446298135 + 1.2727883530414 + 0 + 0.660380446298135 + 1.2727883530414 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.663919971539877 + 1.27832751252623 + 0 + 0.663002181062315 + 1.28005156528207 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.668651435200556 + 1.28171463140555 + 0 + 0.668651435200556 + 1.28171463140555 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.675335462465791 + 1.2813399032 + 0 + 0.674444796607334 + 1.28307812401284 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.681074452194359 + 1.28274795660892 + 0 + 0.681074452194359 + 1.28274795660892 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.684503840617602 + 1.2888173412913 + 0 + 0.68364069715597 + 1.29056939169876 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.68719110901017 + 1.29658695255989 + 0 + 0.68719110901017 + 1.29658695255989 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.692011091455424 + 1.30008511685827 + 0 + 0.691175856822032 + 1.3018506423814 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.698183756503095 + 1.30072602071436 + 0 + 0.698183756503095 + 1.30072602071436 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.703496950491501 + 1.3032035853954 + 0 + 0.702689999502612 + 1.30498221615168 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.709637168063905 + 1.30384105644197 + 0 + 0.709637168063905 + 1.30384105644197 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.717157068729529 + 1.3012457812231 + 0 + 0.71637876432199 + 1.30303713253282 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.723641179219024 + 1.30088600928987 + 0 + 0.723641179219024 + 1.30088600928987 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.727946695163165 + 1.30566873263156 + 0 + 0.72719738814065 + 1.30747240562067 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.731384818095268 + 1.31272581585198 + 0 + 0.731384818095268 + 1.31272581585198 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.736241027722036 + 1.31645657130042 + 0 + 0.735521056508884 + 1.31827215349847 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.741932992222597 + 1.31812320665665 + 0 + 0.741932992222597 + 1.31812320665665 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.747022349305936 + 1.32138055201749 + 0 + 0.74633203970807 + 1.32320761795081 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.75336901505008 + 1.32130379850849 + 0 + 0.75336901505008 + 1.32130379850849 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.761439301777142 + 1.31633806355285 + 0 + 0.760778966749927 + 1.31817617533331 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.768912182403063 + 1.31272999118399 + 0 + 0.768912182403063 + 1.31272999118399 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.774724506659322 + 1.31371288929991 + 0 + 0.774094446082425 + 1.31556159720953 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.779975404646217 + 1.31635676320415 + 0 + 0.779975404646217 + 1.31635676320415 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.786611403259435 + 1.31476936123547 + 0 + 0.786011903718869 + 1.31662820430752 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.793983599742144 + 1.3106542381821 + 0 + 0.793983599742144 + 1.3106542381821 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.800535974048903 + 1.30890123262194 + 0 + 0.799967308626571 + 1.31076973921895 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.807494866197526 + 1.30557836278396 + 0 + 0.807494866197526 + 1.30557836278396 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.815242875388683 + 1.2992043017984 + 0 + 0.814705303459764 + 1.30108199018758 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.822109448753179 + 1.29551048863167 + 0 + 0.822109448753179 + 1.29551048863167 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.827353038131916 + 1.29753322455201 + 0 + 0.826846805170484 + 1.29941960347852 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.831901649239775 + 1.30228955236031 + 0 + 0.831901649239775 + 1.30228955236031 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.837273609913951 + 1.30401284011531 + 0 + 0.836798947307262 + 1.30590740937386 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.843031127867617 + 1.30418213904919 + 0 + 0.843031127867617 + 1.30418213904919 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.848197618106145 + 1.30681757273771 + 0 + 0.847754742977991 + 1.30871982374283 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.853952341894228 + 1.30694913234423 + 0 + 0.853952341894228 + 1.30694913234423 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.860610089777909 + 1.30280929269949 + 0 + 0.860199204821459 + 1.30471870905486 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.866803462836032 + 1.30048120821842 + 0 + 0.866803462836032 + 1.30048120821842 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.871966990150209 + 1.3030717866238 + 0 + 0.871588283470734 + 1.30498784469091 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.876853101419744 + 1.30728524583027 + 0 + 0.876853101419744 + 1.30728524583027 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.882682525583768 + 1.3065856799205 + 0 + 0.882336170551634 + 1.30850784938684 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.889056502711666 + 1.30255334814271 + 0 + 0.889056502711666 + 1.30255334814271 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.895045445177242 + 1.30036945279447 + 0 + 0.894731600291523 + 1.30229719724158 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.901296144144048 + 1.29615556856765 + 0 + 0.901296144144048 + 1.29615556856765 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.907958708816248 + 1.2885233744768 + 0 + 0.907677517579282 + 1.29045615194818 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.914127979372477 + 1.28344652809402 + 0 + 0.914127979372477 + 1.28344652809402 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.919469880454904 + 1.28405384218524 + 0 + 0.919221471258113 + 1.28599110575444 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.924501465907152 + 1.28725752343057 + 0 + 0.924501465907152 + 1.28725752343057 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.929949812300914 + 1.28711767137788 + 0 + 0.929734298322144 + 1.28905886971668 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.935578375160987 + 1.28510839855649 + 0 + 0.935578375160987 + 1.28510839855649 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.94096258626599 + 1.28524805279578 + 0 + 0.940780065378626 + 1.28719263074261 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.946599274191906 + 1.2823679299793 + 0 + 0.946599274191906 + 1.2823679299793 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.952535710127422 + 1.27485081229495 + 0 + 0.952386264821493 + 1.27679821142358 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.958203569154049 + 1.26929799431335 + 0 + 0.958203569154049 + 1.26929799431335 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.963454420666417 + 1.26905539448523 + 0 + 0.963338117981911 + 1.2710050536737 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.968587186860166 + 1.27095003886505 + 0 + 0.968587186860166 + 1.27095003886505 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.973923340943183 + 1.26873334758751 + 0 + 0.973840232416121 + 1.27068470358741 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.979298005866417 + 1.26417752799968 + 0 + 0.979298005866417 + 1.26417752799968 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.984521905142198 + 1.26237817121648 + 0 + 0.98447202676781 + 1.26433065922244 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.989736696954839 + 1.25919188314168 + 0 + 0.989736696954839 + 1.25919188314168 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 0.994920775385577 + 1.2530809129669 + 0 + 0.994904147609849 + 1.25503396718599 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + 1 + 1.2499798172808 + 0 + 1 + 1.2499798172808 + 0 + + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Line + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + fc27f150-6c66-477d-9ea7-d423bcc10875 + d2c53264-57e1-4d11-b625-5a5eefefe7c0 + dc33f043-a46c-4bbe-aa2b-e04d7f37a6de + b1dbb9a1-e34d-4d93-b860-212e9f8b0ced + 4 + 66c2df02-38ee-44a6-8b34-c4c075eef7ce + Group + + + + + + + + + + + ac2bc2cb-70fb-4dd5-9c78-7e1ea97fe278 + Geometry + + + + + Contains a collection of generic geometry + true + 54c486bd-d336-4338-be69-916fd4cdb5e2 + Geometry + Geometry + false + 0 + + + + + + 26465 + -20246 + 50 + 24 + + + 26490.1 + -20234 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + 1 + {0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0} + + + + + -1 + + 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+ + 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 + Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Curve + + + + + + + + + + + + + c552a431-af5b-46a9-a8a4-0fcbc27ef596 + Group + + + + + 3 + + 255;255;255;255 + + A group of Grasshopper objects + 54c486bd-d336-4338-be69-916fd4cdb5e2 + d2c53264-57e1-4d11-b625-5a5eefefe7c0 + dc33f043-a46c-4bbe-aa2b-e04d7f37a6de + b1dbb9a1-e34d-4d93-b860-212e9f8b0ced + 4 + b3ece02c-6ce0-43d8-9b4f-0308b56840ae + Group + + + + @@ -180393,7 +317263,7 @@ False for input values on the X Axis which do not intersect a graph curve - 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